Bjornsson, Effects of Support Material On The Pattern of Volatile Fatty Acid Accumulation at Overload in Anaerobic Digestion of Semi-Solid Waste

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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1997) 47: 640±644 Ó Springer-Verlag 1997


L. BjoÈrnsson á B. Mattiasson á T. Henrysson

Effects of support material on the pattern

of volatile fatty acid accumulation at overload
in anaerobic digestion of semi-solid waste

Received: 3 December 1996 / Received revision: 7 February 1997 / Accepted: 14 February 1997

Abstract Anaerobic degradation of a semi-solid waste However, there are problems with instability at start-up
with a total solids content of 4% particulate matter, and in the operation of the anaerobic process (Gijzen
much of it insoluble, was investigated in four laboratory- et al. 1988; Huysman et al. 1983). This depends mainly on
scale reactors. Two of the reactors were equipped with the low growth rates and the sensitivity to pH variations
di€erent textile materials for immobilisation of micro- of anaerobic bacteria (Rozzi 1991). Much research has
organisms, while the other two were used as continu- been carried out on increasing the stability of the process
ously-stirred-tank reactor references. A constant organic through improved process design. It has been shown
loading rate and hydraulic retention time were used in that this can be done by using a support material to
the start-up period; the hydraulic retention time was retain the slow-growing microorganisms within the
then decreased and the e€ects of this change were process. This approach has been successfully applied to
monitored. Volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration and the anaerobic treatment of waste water containing high
pH were chosen as indicators of the microbial status in amounts of soluble organic matter (Anderson et al.
the reactors. The reactors with support material showed 1994; Defour et al. 1994; van den Berg and Kennedy
a greater resistance to overload than did the continu- 1981; Yee et al. 1992). However, the use of support
ously-stirred-tank reactors. This is in agreement with material for anaerobic digestion of wastes with high
many studies undertaken on the anaerobic treatment of amounts of particulate matter has not previously been
wastewater. However, no problems with clogging oc- studied extensively. The combination of support mate-
curred, showing that a support material is also appli- rial and particulate matter leads to a potential risk of
cable in systems treating waste containing large amounts clogging, and, thus, the continuously-stirred-tank reac-
of insoluble, particulate matter. The pH was compara- tor (CSTR) is still the most commonly used process
ble to VFA for indicating an approaching process fail- con®guration for treatment of this kind of waste.
ure. However, the pattern of VFA accumulation was Another important factor for ecient operation of
qualitatively di€erent between the reactors with and the anaerobic digestion processes, extensively studied in
without support material. Obviously the metabolic pat- recent years, is the identification of parameters that
tern of mixed cultures changes when the microorganisms could be used for monitoring the process (Cobb and Hill
are immobilised. 1991). The parameter monitored should re¯ect the cur-
rent metabolic status of the active organisms in the
system. There are several suggestions in the literature
regarding the choice of parameter to measure to indicate
Introduction instability before the total failure of the process.
One frequently investigated indicator is the amount
Anaerobic digestion is recognised as a process that can of volatile fatty acids (VFA). VFA are intermediates in
be used to treat a broad range of highly concentrated the anaerobic degradation process. If the substrate is
organic wastes e€ectively and, simultaneously, recover easily hydrolysed, further acidogenic fermentation is a
energy in the form of biogas (Ghosh et al. 1975). rapid process (Bryant 1979). However, methanogens
grow more slowly than the acidogens upstream in the
food chain and, therefore, an organic overload will in-
L. BjoÈrnsson (&) á B. Mattiasson á T. Henrysson duce a build-up of VFA (Rozzi 1991). It is commonly
Department of Biotechnology,
Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, agreed that VFA build-up is the result of unbalanced
Lund University, P.O. Box 124, S-221 00 digestion conditions. The concentration of individual
Lund, Sweden VFA, especially acetic, propionic and butyric acid, can

be considered the best control parameters in the liquid but was cut to 100 mm for this application. Both materials are
phase. This is because they indicate the metabolic state commercially available and were supplied by Anox AB (Ideon
Science Park, Lund, Sweden).
of the most delicate microbial groups in the anaerobic
system: the obligate hydrogen-producing acetogens and
the acetoclastic methanogens (Rozzi 1991). Earlier in- Reactor design
vestigations have, however, given contradictory infor-
Two of the four reactors were used as CSTR references with vol-
mation on the pattern of VFA build-up at overload. It umes of 550 ml and 600 ml respectively. The third had 85 cm of
has been shown, by several researchers, that build-up of the band support material and a volume of 600 ml. The fourth had
propionic acid is the ®rst sign of reactor overload in the a volume of 500 ml and 35 cm of the fringed support material.
CSTR process (Renard 1991; Marchaim and Krause The experimental set-up (Fig. 1) consisted of glass reactors
1993; Hill et al. 1987), whereas others report that acetic maintained at a temperature of 35 ‹ 2 °C and sealed with rubber
stoppers, each with in- and outlets for liquid and an outlet for gas.
acid accumulates ®rst at the overload of both CSTR and The gas outlet of each reactor was connected to a gas meter, where
reactors with attached growth (Cobb and Hill 1991). the biogas was collected using the water-displacement principle,
Another important indicator is alkalinity (Jenkins and was where gas samples were taken. The liquid in- and outlets
et al. 1991; Ripley et al. 1986). If the amounts of VFA had two ports each, one connected to a peristaltic pump with a
timer for automatic feeding or withdrawal, and the other used for
are low, the bu€er capacity in the pH range optimal for manual sampling and feeding.
anaerobic digestion is almost totally dependent on the
carbonate weak acid/base bu€ering subsystem (Pre-
torius 1994). Wastewater containing carbohydrates, Experimental procedure
VFA, and lipids would not generate bicarbonate alka- The potato waste was dispersed in order to get a pumpable slurry,
linity at all when anaerobically degraded (Anderson and and then diluted to obtain a constant organic loading rate at de-
Yang 1992). If the substrate is dominated by these creased hydraulic retention time (tHR). Volatile solids were used to
compounds, the alkalinity needed to maintain the pH is provide a rough approximation of the amount of organic material
dependent on the prevailing partial pressure of carbon in the substrate, and the organic loading rate was reported as g
volatile solids l)1 day)1. Substrate was added in a semi-continuous
dioxide in the reactor (Pretorius 1994). At low initial way once a day, either manually or automatically. Over a start-up
alkalinity in the process, the decrease in pH will be period of 120 days, an organic loading rate of 1.7 ‹ 0.3 g volatile
larger at the increased VFA concentrations caused by solids l)1 day)1 and a tHR of 20 ‹ 2 days was applied to the sys-
overload. Therefore, pH is more suited to monitoring tem. This is the normal operating conditions for the CSTR process
(Ghosh 1984). At day 120, tHR was decreased from 20 to 15 days
digesters fed on wastes which produce low bicarbonate with the organic loading rate remaining constant.
alkalinities during treatment (Rozzi 1991).
In this investigation, VFA concentration and
pH were chosen as indicators of reactor status. The Analytical methods
purpose was to compare the response of these parame- Volatile fatty acids were monitored with HPLC, with a BioRad
ters in systems with and without support material to the 125-0115 column for fermentation monitoring. The column tem-
e€ect of a sudden change in hydraulic retention time. perature was 65 °C. Sulphuric acid (5 mM) was used as a mobile
phase and the liquid ¯ow was 0.8 ml/min. The UV absorbance at
208 nm was used for peak detection.
Total solids and volatile solids were determined according to
Materials and methods standard methods (APHA, AWWA, WPCF 1985).
Measurement of pH was made o€-line with a pH electrode
Substrate and inoculum (Schott-GeraÈte). Analysis of the substrate starch content was car-
ried out using a modi®ed version of an analysis developed by
A semi-solid waste from a potato-processing plant was used as a Lyckeby StaÈrkelsen (Kristianstad, Sweden). The method includes
substrate. The waste had a total solids content of about 4%, of the enzymatic degradation of starch to glucose with thermostable
which 85% were volatile solids (APHA, AWWA, WPCF 1985). a-amylase and amyloglucosidase. The amount of glucose was then
The substrate contained a large amount of insoluble, particulate analysed on HPLC, with the same conditions as above, but with a
matter. Approximately half of the volatile solids was starch. In refractive-index detector.
addition, the substrate contained on average 5 g/l lactic acid, 1 g/l
acetic acid, 0.5 g/l propionic acid, 0.5 g/l n-butyric acid and 2 g/l
ethanol. Long-term storage was at )20 °C and the substrate was
kept at 4 °C just before use. The inoculum used was taken from a
large-scale biogas plant operating on this potato waste.

Support material

The most common process for anaerobic treatment of semi-solid

waste is the CSTR. The support material used in this investigation
was chosen to be suitable for upgrading to such a process, that is,
the material had to have an open structure to prevent clogging. The
material also needed to be both available at low cost and suitable
for the immobilisation of slow-growing microorganisms. Two
synthetic-®bre materials were chosen: a band with a width of
15 mm and a 5-mm-thick surface of small loops, and a 10-mm-
wide band with a bushy fringe; this was originally 200 mm long Fig. 1 Schematic outline of the experimental set-up


During the start up-period, that is, days 1±120, the pH in

the CSTR references was 7.1 ‹ 0.3. In the reactors with
support material, the pH was higher: 7.2 ‹ 0.2 for the
reactor with the band support and 7.3 ‹ 0.2 for the
reactor with the fringe. At day 120, the tHR was decreased
from 20 days to 15 days with the organic loading rate
kept constant. For the CSTR references, this resulted in
an immediate drop in pH. In the reactors with the sup-
port materials, the pH drop was delayed about 15 days
after the tHR change (Fig. 2).
The two CSTR references showed similar behaviour
in the accumulation of VFA after the tHR was decreased
(Fig. 3). The ®rst response to overload was an increased
concentration of propionic acid.

Fig. 4 Accumulation of volatile fatty acids for the reactors with the
band support material (A) and the fringe support material (B)

The two reactors with support material had higher

concentrations of acetic acid and propionic acid during
start-up. The pH in the reactor with the band carrier
dropped earlier than in the one with the fringed material,
and the accumulation of VFA also started more rapidly.
The ®rst indication of overload was an increase of acetic
Fig. 2 Changes in pH in the four reactors after decreased hydraulic acid concentration in both the reactors with support
retention time material (Fig. 4).


The reactors with support material showed a greater

resistance to overload than did the CSTR. This was
expected and is consistent with many studies on the
anaerobic treatment of waste water (Hickey et al. 1991).
The new ®nding in this study is that a solid support can
be applicable in a process for anaerobic digestion of
wastes with a high content of particulate matter without
causing clogging problems. The reason behind the in-
creased stability is the improved retention of slow-
growing microorganisms in the process.
There was a small di€erence in the resistance to
failure between the two reactors with carrier materials,
which can be explained by their di€ering ability to retain
the microorganisms in the system. Observation under a
microscope showed that the biomass was not growing
attached to the surface, but was entrapped in voids of
the material. The fringed material, which gave the best
resistance to failure, had long porous ®bres to enclose
cell colonies, whereas the band had a smaller surface
area for cell immobilisation.
Fig. 3 Accumulation of volatile fatty acids for the continuously- The reactors with support material had higher
stirred-tank reactor references 1 (A) and 2 (B) VFA concentrations during the start-up period. High

concentrations of propionic acid at low organic load and mentation towards the formation of acetic acid. The
long retention time have been reported previously limiting step instead becomes the acetoclastic meth-
(Mosey and Fernandes 1989). However, after a start-up anogens causing a build up of acetic acid at overload.
period of 120 days, the VFA level would have been ex- It should be stressed that these results are only valid
pected to stabilise at a lower level. In spite of the higher for digestion of easily hydrolysable semi-solid wastes
concentration of VFA at the start-up level, the pH was since the digestion of poorly hydrolysable wastes is
higher in the reactors with growth-support material than limited by the hydrolysis and not by methanogenesis
in the CSTR. This indicates that, apart from a higher (Kaspar and Wuhrmann 1978).
concentration of microorganisms, the bu€ering capacity
is greater in the reactors with support material. Acknowledgements The support from Swedish International
The rise in the VFA concentration at overload gave a Development Corporation Agency (Sida) and valuable technical
corresponding drop in pH because the system had a low advice from Lyckeby StaÈrkelsen is gratefully acknowledged.
bu€ering capacity. In this system, pH is as good as VFA
for indicating an approaching process failure, but the
use of pH for monitoring can only be recommended in References
systems where the bu€ering capacity is low. However, it
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