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Bibliography Editors. "Vietnam War." Last modified October 29, 2009. Accessed
December 19, 2018.
This web page and article discusses more of an overview of the Vietnam war and more factual
information. It is useful in the sense of referencing moments in history or using important
historic dates.

Lyndon B. Johnson, "The President's News Conference: Why Are We in Vietnam?" July 28,
1965, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1965, Book II, pp. 794-803
This speech is good because it gives the presidents justification of the United States reason for
combat in the Vietnam War. It is useful because it is a primary source from a high
ranking figure in the history of the Vietnam War.

Michigan in the World. "Resistance and Revolution: The Anti-Vietnam War Movement at the
University of Michigan." Michigan in the World. Accessed December 13, 2018.
Web page presenting information about the outrage on the Vietnam war. It is a good source
because it gives us an inside look at the real reactions during and after the Vietnam war.

Mr. Rich. Interview by the author. Hamden Hall, CT. November 30, 2018.
First Interview: about the draft into the Vietnam War and experience with the draft into the war.
This source is useful because it gives a personal primary source's experience with the war
and his interactions with an international event and others that were also part of the event.

Wikipedia. "Communism." In ​Wikipedia​, 1. Wikipedia. Last modified December 13, 2018.
This source is more of a basic overview of the Vietnam war and contains any factual information
you could possibly need about the Vietnam War. It is useful for finding important dates
and numerical evidence.

** Pictures were also used from these sources

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