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Word Meaning
4 Dismantle take to pieces, pull down
5 Connotation Imply the same meaning, exact representation
6 Burgeoning growing rapidly
7 Crimp Make waves
8 Augurs well forecast well
9 Intricacies very complicated
11 Intrinsic inherent
12 Palates Sense of taste
13 Quirks Peculiar feature, unusual
14 At the outset At the beginning
15 Endure long last
16 Transcend Surpass, excel
17 Pre-requisite Required as pre condition
Treatment of the religious or sacred thing in irreverent
18 Blasphemy
19 Evasdropping Listen to a private conversation
20 Gaping Open mouthed stare
21 Peered at Look closely or with difficulty
22 Plump Man Full or rounded in the shape or fleshy
One infalliable law of
23 Sure to succeed
24 Beginning in earnest Beginning very seriously
25 Chauffeur Person employed as a driver
28 Duckweed Plants growing on the surface of the still water
29 Spatial Of space
30 Spastic person Stupid or incompetant person
31 Spearhead peson or group heading for attack
33 Faeces, Excrement waste material from bowel
34 Lump Shapeless mass, Tumour
35 Subtle Mysterious and hard to grasp
36 Nubile Marriageable or sexually attractive age of a woman
37 Belch emit wind noisly through the nose
Isolations imposed on persons or animals to prevent
38 infections or contagion
40 Rancid Smell like old pickles
42 In jest In fun
46 Spaghetti Pasta in long thin strands
47 Hypocrisy Pretense, False claim to virtue
48 Ichthyology Study of fish
49 Imbroglio Confused or complicated situation
51 Hypochondriac Abnormal Behaviour
52 Squabble Petty or noisy quarrel
53 Meagre, meager Scant in amount and quality / quantity
55 Rabble - Rousing person who stirs up the crowed for some social cause
Planned effort - A concerted fight against terrorism in all
Concerted effort its forms and against all operators of terror should be on
57 top of the agenda.
Unpleassant consequences - The aftermath of the bomb
58 blast in Pune is painfully familiar.
Heavy material stabilizing the ship, heavy support. - The
attack provides a strong ballast to those who think that
Strong Ballast
holding talks with pak at this stage is a stretagic and
60 diplomatic mistake
62 Tombstone Memorial stone over a grave
64 Blood and gore bloody history
65 Underdog suppressed person, loser in a fight
67 Epitomise be a perfect example of quality etc
68 Revoked withdraw or cancel
69 Herculean struggle Requiring great strength or struggle
72 Jamboree large rally - like - A political Jamboree
73 Toddler Child who is just learning to walk
74 Arse Asshole, buttocks
75 To Ham to ham to their heart contents
77 Pacify Appease a person, Bring to a state of peace
Strengthen, reinforce - To take on the maoist menace,
80 Beef up
India needs to beef up its security forces
81 A jarring clue
82 Blatant Warning unashamed, loudly obtrusive - unpleasantly noticeable
85 Earmarked Identifying mark
86 Percolate Penetrate throughout gradually, pervade gradually
90 Foxed deceive, baffle
Obscure or confuse about the topic - Why it is obfuscating
91 obfuscate
the matter and not explaining clearly
92 Thwart Frustrate or foil a person or plan -
94 Nuances Mysterious and hard to grasp shade of meaning
moving and dancing, revolving - the actors gyrating on
95 Gyrate
the screen
98 Provocative Tending to arouse anger or sexual desire
100 Endorse Approve, sign the document
102 Reconcile Settle, harmonize, make compatible
103 Shriller Piercing and high pitch in sound, sharp
104 Exhorting Urge stronglly and earnestly
105 Avowal Declare, confess - as an avowal of failure to exploit
106 Fissures Crack or split usu. Long and narrow
110 Discursive Moving from topic to topic without order
111 Dollop A large amount
112 Egregious Outstandingly bad
113 Enjoin to prescribe, command or order
114 Enervate Deprive of vigour or vitality
115 Factoid Speculation reported as fact
116 Flog To criticise harshly
117 Gale A very strong wind
118 Garble To mix up
119 Garnish to enhance
120 Give out to Produce
121 Hoi Polloi The common people
122 Impregnable In vulnerable, harmless
123 Infer to make a hint
124 Moot debatable
125 Nauseous Inclined to vomit
126 Revulsion Sudden violent change of feeling, nauseous
127 Peep into to look quitely
128 Peer group Group of people of same age, status etc.
129 Peerless Unequalled, superb
130 Peeve Irritate, annoy
134 Twain two
135 Ravel Involve in difficulties, complicate
138 Secrete produce or discharge a substance
139 Strand in difficulties - esp. without money or transport
140 The toast of the town Known and loving personality
141 Aural Heard
142 Raze Tear down
Study of Human race its culture, society and physical
143 Anthropology
144 Banger The old car in bad condition
147 Rankles Cause persistent annoyance and resentment
148 Zero Tolerance no tolerance
149 Repraoch Express disapproval to
150 Impending Be threatening or imminent
151 Déjà vu Something familiar tediously
152 Hapless Unlucky
153 Intutive Perceived by intution
154 Paranoia Mental disorder with delusions of self imortance
155 Delusions False beliefs
Rescue of property from sea or fire, saving and use of
156 Salvage
waste material
Valve controlling the flow of fuel or steam etc. In an
157 Throttles
158 Sanity being sound mind, sensible
159 Per se by itself
160 Envisage Imagine as possible or desirable
161 Fomenting Stir up or instigate - trouble, discontent etc.
162 Vaunted Baosting
163 Intractable Hard to control or deal with, Difficult, stubborn
164 Gambit Opening move or negotiations, trick
165 Germane relevant to a subject
166 Banal Common palace
167 Proximate Nearest or next before or after
168 Millennial Vision Vision of millenium
169 Manifest clear or obvious, be evidence of or prove
170 Expedite Assist the progress of, accomplish quickly
Expedient Advantegous, advisable on practical ground,
171 bete noire Person or thing one hates or fears
172 In limbo intermediate state or condition of awaitng a decision
173 Demonic Evil sprit or devil behaviour, cruel person.
174 Zero In on Focuss attention, Take aim at
175 Zest Stimulating flavour or quality
176 Zing Vigour, energy, move swiftly
177 Zonked Exhausted, intoxicated
178 Zippy Lively, speedy
179 Imperil Endanger
180 Gamester Gambler
181 Gamut Entire range or scope
passage -esp between row of seats, bridge from ship to
182 Gangway
Subject to hostility or ill treatment esp on grounds of
183 Persecute
political or religious beliefs
184 Persona non grata Unacceptable person
185 Cognisance Knowledge or awareness
186 Morgue Mortuary
187 Juggernaut Large heavy lorry, heavy force
188 Juggle deal with several activities at once, jugglar
189 Jukebox Coin operated record playing machine
190 Prodigious Marvellous, extraordinary person
191 Prudent Cautious and Judicious - Prudent economic measures
192 Ramifications Consequence - Political ramifications
193 slump Fall heavily of the prices - Global economic slump
fixed - This is the time to think big and go for stalled
194 Stall
economic reforms
Concealing the real thing - Half the subsidy last year went
195 Ostensibly off
to fertilisers that are ostensibly off price controls
Unstoppable - Till the fertiliser industry significantly
196 Inexorable switches to natural gas, the cost pressure will remain
197 Fessed up
198 Kip Down Sleep, nap
199 Redemption Make a single payment to cancel
200 Cringeworthy Shrink in fear or distress
Purify, idealise, conversion of solid into vapour directly
201 Sublime
thru heating without converting into liquid.
202 Specatcular Striking, impressive show
203 Carnatic music
204 Serene Calm n clear
205 Genuflection Bend the knee esp in worship
206 Coterie Politics Exclusive group of people sharing interests
Attach to a fixed object, ship tied to - Gadkari's success
207 Moorings will depend on how he provides new direction to the
party, which has lost its moorings.
208 Vanquished conquer, overcome
209 Simpering Smile in a silly way
210 Nip in the bud Destroy in the early stage
211 Reckon Consider or record with
212 Plethora of Over abundance
213 Dwelt upon Live, reside
214 Sanctimonious pious
215 Hoity toity Arrogant
216 Trotted out Run at a moderate pace
217 Joie de vivre High spirits, exuberance
218 Marmish Marmish media
219 Prudish Sexually modest person - Prudish motion
220 Nunnery Regilious house of nuns
Doorkeeper, Person who shows seats and doors at
221 Ushered
cinema or church
222 Trounce Defeat heavily
223 Moratoriam Suspension, to postpone for payment
224 Innuendoes Remark with a double meaning
225 Catastrophic Sudden and big disaster
226 Pummeled Strike repeatedly
227 Ferocity Fierce, savage
228 Bizzare Strange, eccentric
229 Ghetto dogs Segregated group or area esp by minority group
230 Vicious Violent, Bad tempered
231 Vicious circle Harmful sequence of cause and effect
232 Reed Plant with straight and firm stem - Fragile reed walls
Echoing of sound,light or heat, be returned, producing a
233 Reverberations
continuing effect
234 Growled murmur angrily esp. by animals
235 Agony Extreme mental or physical suffering
236 Darting dart game - Small darting missile
Strong intense (of light or colour), clear or lively (of
237 Vivid
memory etc.)
238 viz. That is to say, In other words
239 Quagmire Hazardous situation, muddy area
240 Nebulous Cloudlike, vague
241 Flambuyoant Showy
242 Ostentatious Showing off wealth etc.
243 Out and out Thorough, completely
244 Adumbrate Outline, sketch, intimate
245 Rend To tear or be torn violently
defame, belittle, to attack on the character or reputation
246 Denigrate
of somebody
247 Gainsay to oppose esp. by contradiction
248 Bats Crazy, stab in the back
Thick jellied Hydrocarbon used in bombs - attack with
249 Napalm
napalm bombs
250 Nuisance causing trouble
251 Outgrown Grow faster, leave behind
252 Anonymity unknown name or authorship
253 Fillip Stimulous, incentive - Given fillip to this argument
254 Brazen shameless - A brazen overtone
255 Asunders apart, separate, not together
256 Profuse Lavish, extravagant
257 Chronic Long lasting
258 Siphoned Off Flow, divert
259 Redundant On longer needed, unemployed
260 In the dog house in disgrace
261 Pugilists professional boxer
262 Pugnacious Quarrelsome, disposed to fight
263 Crevices Narrow opening
264 Effusive Demonstrative
268 Exoneration Free or declare free from blame
269 Rage Be full of anger
270 Denounce Accuse publically, condemn
271 De novo Starting again
272 Panache Confidence or style
273 Expatriate Exile, Expel from his native country, living abroad
Deprive of Membership of school etc., order or force to
274 Expelled
leave the building etc.,
Introduced from foreign country, Srange or rare object,
275 Exotic
276 Exorcize Expel from the prayer etc.
277 Spectre Ghost like appearance
278 Succour give aid
279 Replete Filled
280 Arson Deliberatly putting fire to property - crime
281 Tweak Jerk, pinch & twist
282 Implicate Show a person to be involved in crime
283 Nub of issue gist
284 Theology Study of Christianity
285 Last bastion of Piller
286 Solidarity Unity
1 Innocuous
2 Entrenchment
3 Discreet
4 Impetus
5 An Excursion
6 Ubiqitous
7 Turbid
8 Spurned
9 Distraught
10 Jilted
11 Serenity
12 Spadework
13 Impeach
14 Gnawing
15 Rhetoric
16 Outcry

17 Imperative

18 Spawned
19 To hedge
20 Gruesome
21 Rampant Jihadis
22 Snub
23 Gloating over

24 Perils

25 Go into a huddle
26 Surge
27 Intercepts
28 Impunity
29 Flout
31 Cognoscenti
33 Overtures
34 Outmanoeuvred
35 Astuteness
36 Ape
37 Contingent
38 Peevish
39 Pejorative
40 Efficacy
41 Rummage
42 Sanguine
43 Depredations
44 Resentment
45 Vexed
46 Unprecedented
47 Parsimonious
48 Relinquish
49 Impeding

Establish firmly, not easily to be modified
Judicious, prudent
driving force or impulse
A day trip made for pleasure
Present everywhere simultaneously
Not clear, muddy
Reject scornfully
Extremely agitated
Clear n calm
Hard preparatoy work
Charge with the crime against the state
Bite persistently - To have US - Pak major ally in countering the
jehadi menace gnawing away at Pak from inside the country.
Art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
Strong public protest -There is the post mortem outcry about
intelligence failure and the need to teach the Pak.
Urgent and obligatory - Thus PUNE not only make it imperative for N
Delhi to talk to Islamabad, but it also gives the moral and diplomatic
right to talk to the Pak firmly and specifically
Produce or generate in Large numbers - like eggs of fish etc.
Protection against possible loss - To hedge their bets
Horrible, disgusting
Violent, unchecked, flourishing
Humiliate with sharp words, Thackeray snubbing Pawar
Talk about something with malice, ill will
serious and immediate danger, The cops were compelled to stand full
force against such a trivial matter as raised by Thackrey and ignore
perils from other quarters.
close or secret conference
Sudden increase in activity - Anti Maoist surge
Seize, catch or stop from going one place to another
Without punishment - the drivers of politicians and bureaucrats think
that they have special licence to flout traffic rules with impunity.
disobey purposefully
Loud and powerful statements
Expert judge in matters of taste
person with many talents or pursuits
Opening negotiations, formal proposal or offer
Secure an advantage over by skill
Shrewdness - clever and judicious
Imitator, Copy - I cannot ape anyone.
Producing the desired effect
Search usystematically
Optimistic, confident
Devastation, destructive effect
Indignation, aggrieved by, bitter feelings
Much discussed, problematic
No previous clue or case
Carefullness in the use of money
Surrender or reign
Distruct / hinder

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