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B MACQUARIE SEAT NUMBER: Pp University This question paper must be returned. Candidates are not permitted to remove any irt of it from the \inatior 1 Z Sener ar STUDENT NUMBER: FORMAL EXAMINATION PERIOD: SESSION 1, JUNE 2015 _EXAMINATION DETAILS STAT 830 (irtusing reading Total No. of Questions: ‘Total No. of Pages (including tis cover shoot): GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: + Candidates are required to obey all instuctions grove by the Final Examination Supervisor and must retrain from communicating In any way with another student once te have entered te frat examination venue. + Candidates may not wit or mark the exam materials n any way Guring reading time, + Candidates may only access authorised materials during ths exemination. A list of autorsed mater s avaiable on this cover sheet + Ris lege you rave breached hese sa ny me cua te examinaton, the mater maybe repo tothe Unversity sce Commitee EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt all questions. The value of each question is shown in brackets next to the question number, and in the table below. All questions are to be answered directly on the spaces provided. If there is insufficient space for your answer you may use the reverse of the page. Statistical tables will be made available to students and are to be collected in the end of the examination. Materials Permitted/Not Permitted: Students are permitted to take into the examination ONE A4 sheet of printed or handwritten notes, written ‘on both sides. Calculators: Non-programmable calculators (no text retrieval capacity) permitted, No dictionaries permitted. Qi Q2 Q3 a4 Q5 a6 Total 12 20 20 9 12 17 90 Question 1 [12 marks] Let L; be a nucleotide at position é, Let P(L, = A) = pa, Ply =T) = pr PL 2,3,4, Suppose, that the nucleotide occurrences are independent. ©)=po Pli= G)=pe and Pa =pr= 0.24, po= po= 0.21. Let R={A or G}, ¥={C or T} and N={AorCorT or}. @) Let E = {YN} be the 2-word with the first letter to be ¥ (pYrimidine ) and F ={ N{C or T or G}} be the 2-word with the second letter C or T or G. Find the following probabilities. @ P(E) = wo P(F)= ii) P(EN F)= @) P(EUF)= ® Let @ ={CA or CC}. Find the following probabilities. oO P(GIE)= @ PIF UGIE) Question 2 [20 marks} Hattori and Asano (1978) examined the polymorphism of red cell acid phosphatase types among 573 unrelated residents of Aichi Prefecture (Japan). They also confirmed that in the Japanese population C gene is almost missing and only three phenotypes 4, B and AB can be found. Blood samples were collected from the Blood Centre of Nagoya Red Cross. The data of red cell acid phosphatase type counts are given in the table below, Phenotypes: 4 AB B ‘Observed 30 180 363 Ref.: Hattori, H. and M. Asano., The distribution Nagoya J. Med. Sci. (1978), 40, pp. 39-60, (a) Obtain A and B allele frequencies. of red cell acid phosphatase types in Aichi prefecture. () In terms of allele frequencies found in (a) formulate the Hardy-Weinberg distribution for genotypes, Continued aver the page ..

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