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Communication Revolution Years to achieve 30 % penetration in the US

The communication revolution throughout the whole 50

world has taken giant leap during the last couple of 45

years. However it is still a long way to go before the
full potential of today’s technology is utilized. For 40

those who own and operate networks the two main 35

challenges are to get the network up and running as
soon as possible and to be prepared for increased de- 30

mand in the future. In addition, if trends continue, the 25

opportunities offered by broadband will continue to
grow at an extraordinarily rapid rate. To illustrate this, 20
the figure compares how long it took various innova-
tions to achieve 30 % uptake. For example, whereas it
took the telephone some 40 years to do so, broad- 10
band has needed just five years, so you can imagine
the phenomenal growth potential that broadband and
blown fibre have to offer. 0
Electricity Telephone Television Internet Broadband

CATflow is a new technology

Catway introduces a new technology that meets the demands of utilisation, flexibility and more robust, these demands
are a vital part of the development. Catway introduce the unique concept CATflow.

The fundamentals of the revolutionary system CATflow:

• a protective standardized canalisation
• individual microducts that are deployed into the protective canalisation
• branch-outs and joints create continuous routes throughout the canalisation
• deployment of fibre optic cables that withstand outdoor condition
• the blow-technology is a combination of blowing and pushing the cable
• support with planning and documentation of the network

The concept of CATflow enables the owner of the networks to give a quick and easy access to the networks for
end-users. This easy and quick access has not been possible with existing technologies. At the same time, CATflow
increases the lifetime of the investment for network owners, this is a very important factor that earlier technologies
have not been able to accommodate. The networks can be upgraded, built out and more robust in a way that is easier
and more cost efficient than ever before. Some important features that can be highlighted are;

• Reduced long term costs

• Much less splicing
• Less manpower
• Eliminates dead fibre
• Simpler network planning
• Easy quick upgrades in future

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The revolution of the fibre networks

CATflow is a concept based on single microducts that are deployed in a protecting canalization of HDPE-pipes. Branch
outs from the canalization is easily done with Y-joints. An empty microduct is branched out at the point and a connec-
tion to the customer is done with an easy manageable joint. With the well known blow-technology a small but robust
outdoor micro-cable is then deployed into the premises of the customer. Because of this each customer will have his
own dedicated micro-cable that has not been spliced on the way.

30 % or more in cost savings

It is not the fibre cable that is the most expensive part of the new infrastructure. The most expensive parts are the
work that needs to be done to put the infrastructure in place and the active components. The active equipment will
have to be replaced gradually as new technologies are deployed into the market – this equipment is most crucial for
the distribution of new services through the network. The prices of this equipment are decreasing as the demand
grows. To lower the costs for the contractors that are used to build the infrastructure is therefore crucial. CATflow is
not only a technologically advanced and superior system for the design and installation networks – it is also a unsur-
passed tool to reduce the costs of contractors when building future proof infrastructures.

Comparisons can be done between an installation of a 288

fibre cable and installation of CATflow. Traditionally a 288 fibre
cable is deployed into an existing canalisation, the alternative
is CATflow, with this system there is a possibility to deploy
5 pcs of 10 mm microducts followed by 5 separate cables
of 72 fibres each. The graph to the right shows the direct
advantages when using CATflow and that the initial costs are
reduced up to 60 %. Future upgrades are only done when
needed, this means that the owner does not need to invest
more than necessary. CATflow is also ready to accommodate
future technologies i.e. when new fibre technologies are in-
troduced. The unused microducts are ready to accommodate
upgrades with the latest technologies.

Flexibility with Micro-canalization

The CATflow concept enables so many different configurations that it is difficult
to find a network with demands that can not be accommodated with this concept.
Example show 6 pcs 10 mm Microducts in a 40 mm Optopipe.

Grow with your needs

The strengths of the concept is its ability to enable the network to grow with its need. The initial investment will be
lower as the exact amount of fibres can be deployed and installed to accommodate the needs of the customers in
each area. The fibre cable is deployed only when to existing customers and customers that want to connect. New
customers can be connected with short lead-times and existing customers will not get their connection disrupted or
disconnected during the connection of new customers.

What if the need for fibre is greater than existing canalization?

Many owners of networks can recognize the problem of fully utilized canalization but a growing need for fibre deploy-
ment. The alternative to dig a new canalization alongside existing routes is never attractive neither from an economic
perspective nor a time perspective, however there are alternatives! It is now possible to deploy more capacity on
routes where existing canalization is filled with fibre-cable.

To install one more fibre-cable or one more micro-duct into an existing canalization saves time, digging, paper work
involved in obtaining permissions and in the long term also money. Adding to this is the possibility of disruption dis-
connection of existing traffic in the network that can occur when digging and installing.

The currently used method that has been on the market for a long time is to install a second cable. The alternative

is to use the CATflow concept and increase the capacity and flexibility of the network dramatically. Another advantage
when applying CATflow is that it is very easy to add drop-off-points to customers along the planned route.

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Second cable in existing canalization

It is possible to install a second cable in an already used canalization. The best result is accomplished when the di-
ameter of the second cable is slightly wider than the first, in this case it is possible to accomplish relatively long blow-
ing distances. In practice, blowing distances of approximately 1000 m have been accomplished using this method.
The result depends on the weight of the second cable and the diameter of both of the cables.

More microducts in existing optopipes with cable

CATflow is a concept that has many cost saving features. One of those is installation of microcanalisation into
existing canalisation where a cable already has been deployed. Another feature of CATflow are microducts that come
in diameters of 5 mm, 7 mm and 10 mm. In these microducts special designed cables are installed with a fiber-count
up to 72 fibres. The best result is accomplished when the 10 mmducts are deployed into the optopipes.

The results show that it is possible to blow micro-canalization into existing canalization where a cable previously has
been deployed, in these cases the microducts have been blown in with using air. In some specific cases the blowing
procedure can be done using water. After installation of micro-canalisation the branch-outs can be done using different
connections from the CATflow concept.

Spin-Off on the Backbone

Do you today know how your backbone should look like in the future? Do you know what capacity it needs? Do you
want to have a future proof network? CATflow gives you the opportunity to quickly start the building of a backbone or
a trunk/access. At the same time you will still be able to accommodate deployment of new cables or nodes on the
route. The network owner can therefore look at future development of technology with confidence when using CATflow.
There is one thing that we can be certain about – new fibre-technologies will emerge before long.

International standard
The benefits of blown fibre are becoming more widely accepted across the world. A new International Standard for
blown fibre has been written and is now nearing finalisation. It is called, ”IEC 60794-5: Microduct Cabling for
Installation by Blowing” and includes sections for indoor and outdoor products, using tube bundle products, fibre
units, and fibre mini-cables. The test methods referenced are from IEC 60794-1-2 and are internationally recognised.
Catway support these test methods fully.

Components used in the system

Wall ODF Well


Optopipes & Cable

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CATflow Optopipes

Typical use Amount of Microducts in Optopipes

CATflow Optopipes are used to build an infrastructure Diameter 32/27 40/33 50/42
based on fibre. By using the CATflow system you get a
flexible and economical infrastructure. Widely used to 5/3.5 mm 18 pcs 27 pcs 44 pcs
build a backbone and access in city networks. 7/5.5 mm 9 pcs 14 pcs 23 pcs
CATflow Optopipes has three different dimensions 10/8 mm 5 pcs 6 pcs 11 pcs
32/27, 40/33 and 50/42 (outer-/innerdimension). The
Optopipes are normally pre-installed with Microducts Other configurations are available. A mixture of different
directly at the factory. dimensions on Microducts can be pre-installed
in the Optopipes.
Outer 32 mm, inner 27 mm Blowing distance of microducts
Outer 40 mm, inner 33 mm in Optopipes with existing cable.
Outer 50 mm, inner 42 mm In a Optopipe 40/33.
Above dimensions are considered to be standard dimen- Amount of ducts, 10 mm 1 2 3 4
sions in all European countries.
Dim. of cable (mm)
Material 12 1200 m 1050 m 940 m 815 m
The Microducts are made in HDPE plastic material. 15.5 590 m 570 m 515 m
16.6 385 m 390 m
Silicon coating
18.5 215 m 220 m
The inside of the Microducts are coated with silicone
to minimize the friction when blowing fibre cables. The
silicone coating influences the blowing distance appar- Packing
ent. The silicon coating minimize the chance to damage Optopipes are delivered on drums made in wood. Impor-
the fibre cable during installation. tant that the Optopipes are kept free from moisture
and any kind of dirt.
Blowing distance of microducts in Optopipes
The blowing distance depends on the circumstances of 32/27 mm 2500 m/drum
the Optopipe. Normally you are able to blow up to 1 000 40/33 mm 2000 m/drum
meter. Normally you reach longer with water. 50/42 mm 1250-2000 m/drum

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CATflow Microducts

Typical use Amount of Microducts in Optopipes
CATflow Microducts has three different dimensions Diameter 32/27 40/33 50/42
5/3.5, 7/5.5 and 10/8 (outer-/innerdimension).
They are typically installed, in various configurations, 5/3.5 mm 18 pcs 27 pcs 44 pcs
in 40 or 50 mm CATflow Optopipes. The Microducts 7/5.5 mm 9 pcs 14 pcs 23 pcs
can be pre-installed in Optopipes directly at the factory. 10/8 mm 5 pcs 6 pcs 11 pcs
They can also be installed in existing Optopipes by air
(blowing) or water. Other configurations are available. A mixture of different
dimensions on Microducts can be pre-installed
Dimensions in the Optopipes.
Outer 5 mm, inner 3.5 mm
Outer 7 mm, inner 5.5 mm Blowing distance of microducts
Outer 10 mm, inner 8 mm in Optopipes with existing cable.
In a Optopipe 40/33.
Above dimensions are considered to be standard dimen-
sions in all European countries. Amount of ducts, 10 mm 1 2 3 4

Material Dim. of cable (mm)

The Microducts are made in HDPE plastic material. 12 1200 m 1050 m 940 m 815 m
15.5 590 m 570 m 515 m
Silicon coating 16.6 385 m 390 m
The inside of the Microducts are coated with silicone to
minimize the friction when blowing fibre cables. The sili- 18.5 215 m 220 m
cone coating influences the blowing distance apparent.
The silicon coating also minimize the chance to damage Friktion co-efficient Pull force (N)
the fibre cable during installation.
5/3.5 mm max 0.1 min 150
7/5.5 mm max 0.1 min 150
Blowing distance of microcables in microducts
10/8 mm max 0.1 min 150
The blowing distance depends on the circumstances
12/10 mm max 0.1 min 150
of the Optopipe. In new microducts you can normally
blow up to 3 000 meter. Normally you reach longer with
Permanent inner
water. In existing microducts the blowing distance is
Kompression pressure (bar)
shorter, depending on the circumstances of the optopi-
test (N/m) (2 hours, 23 C +-2 C)
5/3.5 mm min 4500 17
Blowing distance of microducts in Optopipes 7/5.5 mm min 2800 12
The blowing distance depends on the circumstances of 10/8 mm min 3300 11
the Optopipe. Normally you are able to blow up to 1 000 12/10 mm min 2600 9
meter. Normally you reach longer with water.
Destruction pressure (bar) Heat (%)
5/3.5 mm min 55 max 3
7/5.5 mm min 35 max 3
10/8 mm min 35 max 3

Microducts are delivered on drums made in wood. It’s im-

portant that the Microducts are kept free from moisture

and any kind of dirt.

5/3.5 mm Drum diameter 600 mm 2500 m/drum

7/5.5 mm Drum diameter 900 mm 2500 m/drum
10/8 mm Drum diameter 900 mm 2500 m/drum
12/10 mm Drum diameter 900 mm 2500 m/drum

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CATflow Microduct for direct bury

Typical use Friction co-efficient Pull force (N)

CATflow Microduct for directbury has two different
10/8 mm max 0.1 min 150
dimensions 10 and 12 mm (outerdimension).
12/10 mm max 0.1 min 150
Permanent inner
Outer 10 mm, inner 7 mm
Kompression pressure (bar)
Outer 12 mm, inner 8 mm
test (N/m) (2 hours, 23 C +-2 C)
Above dimensions are considered to be standard dimen- 10/8 mm min 3300 11
sions in all European countries. 12/10 mm min 2600 9

Material Destruction pressure (bar) Heat (%)

The Microducts are made in HDPE plastic material.
10/8 mm min 35 max 3
Silicon coating
Microducts are delivered on drums made in wood. It’s im-
The inside of the Microducts are coated with silicone to
portant that the Microducts are kept free from moisture
minimize the friction when blowing fibre cables. The sili-
and any kind of dirt.
cone coating influences the blowing distance apparent.
The silicon coating also minimize the chance to damage
10/8 mm Drum diameter 900 mm 2500 m/drum
the fibre cable during installation.
12/10 mm Drum diameter 900 mm 2500 m/drum
Blowing distance of microcables
The blowing distance depends on the circumstances
of the Optopipe. In new microducts you can normally
blow up to 3 000 meter. Normally you reach longer with

Catflow.indd 6 05-09-15 15.29.50

Y-joint for Optopipes

Used to access buildings from the 40 or 50 mm Optopipe. Normally
you access the building with a 12 mm Optopipe for direct bury.

Item no:
CF-Y323232 32/32/32 mm, divisible
CF-Y404016 40/40/16, divisible
CF-Y4040216 40/40/2x16, divisible
CF-Y404025 40/40/25, divisible
CF-Y404032 40/40/32, divisible
CF-Y403232 40/32/32, divisible
CF-Y404040 40/40/40, divisible
CF-Y505016 50/50/16, divisible
CF-Y505025 50/50/25, divisible
CF-Y505032 50/50/32, divisible
CF-Y505040 50/50/40, divisible
CF-Y505050 50/50/50, divisible

Reducers to Y-joints
CF-R2512 25x12 mm
CF-R2510 25 x 10 mm
CF-R2516 25 x 16 mm
CF-R40216 40 x 2 x 16 mm
CF4032 40 x 32 mm
CF5032 50 x 32 mm
CF5040 50 x 40 mm

Joint boxes for Optopipes

Used to access buildings from the 40 or 50 mm optopipe. Normally
you access the building with a 12 mm optopipe for direct bury.

• 40 or 50 mm entry for optopipe

• 15 holes for 12 mm optopipes

Item no: CF-BOX

Straight joint for Optopipes

Used to access buildings from the 40 or 50 mm Optopipe. Normally
you access the building with a 12 mm Optopipe for direct bury

Item no: CF-S4040


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Accesories to Optopipes and Micoducts

Straight joints Waterproof end plug

Item no: Item no:
CF-55 5 - 5 mm CF-WEP7 7 mm
CF-77 7 - 7 mm CF-WEP10 10 mm
CF-1010 10 - 10 mm
CF-1212 12 - 12 mm

Straight reduction joints Waterproof straight joints

Item no: Item no:
CF-75 7 - 5 mm CF-W55 5 - 5 mm
CF-105 10 - 5 mm CF-W77 7 - 7 mm
CF-107 10 - 7 mm CF-W1010 10 - 10 mm
CF-1210 12 - 10 mm

End plug End plug with valve

Item no: Item no:
CF-EP5 5 mm CF-EPV7 7 mm
CF-EP7 7 mm CF-EPV10 10 mm
CF-EP10 10 mm
CF-EP12 12 mm

Locking clips End plug to Optopipes

Item no: PN16 max 100 degree
CF-L5 5 mm Item no:
CF-L7 7 mm CF-EP32 32 mm
CF-L10 10 mm CF-EP40 40 mm
CF-L12 12 mm CF-EP50 50 mm

Cable well (without heavy load)

Cable well, with or without equipement for hanging cables inside. To be digged down without heavy load on top.

Dimensions outside:
H 830 mm, W 400 mm, L 800 mm
Dimensions inside:
H 760 mm, W 350 mm, L 750 mm

Thickness of plastic about 10 mm

Item no: CF-B0

Cable well (for heavy load up to 40 ton)

Cable well, with or without equipement for hanging cables inside. To be digged down, heavy load up to 40 ton.

Dimensions outside:
H 750 mm, W 550 mm, L 950 mm
Dimension inside:
H 750 mm,WB 400 mm, L 800 mm

Thickness of plastic about 10 mm

Item no: CF-B40

Catflow.indd 8 05-09-15 15.30.08

Optical fiber cable for outdoor applications

Outer diameter 11,6-21,8 mm Fiber count 2-288 Fiber
Applications: Blowing or Pulling in ducts

Outdoor Loose Tube cable with Polyethylene-jacket and arid core water blocking, which
protects the fiber from moisture and reduces termination effort. Standard color cod-
ing on fibers and tubes makes the installation more easy. Flexible 3mm buffer tubes
improve kink-resistance, reduce bend sensitivity and route management in closures.

Standard Code: O-XXX-LN-YY-M12NS

XXX = Fiber Count

YY = Fiber type
8W = SM Mode G652-D
6F = MM 62,5 Micro Picture shows a 12-60 fiber
5H = MM 50 Micro 5 buffer tubes cable

Fx midia optical fiber cable outdoor microduct applications

Outer diameter 6,3 mm Fiber count 2-72 Fiber
Applications: Air-Blown in microducts min 7 mm inner diameter.

Outdoor Small Size Loose Tube cable with Polyethylene-jacket and dry core technology
for cleaner termination. Small buffer tubes for reduced outer diameter. Color coded
buffer tubes and fiber for easy installations. This cable is optimized in terms of size
and pulling strength which gives a very good air blow performance.

Standard Fiber count: 4-8-12-24-48-72 Fiber

Standard Code: AT-YYY-46CT-XXX

XXX = Fiber Count

YYY = Fiber type Picture shows a 72 fiber
3BE = SM Mode G652-D 6 buffer tubes cable
RU9 = MM 62,6 Micro
RK2 = MM 50 Micro

Ct midia optical fiber cable outdoor microduct applications

Outer diameter 3,9 mm Fiber count 2-24 Fiber Weight 14 Kg/Km
Applications: Air-Blown in microducts 5,5/7 mm, inner diameter.

Outdoor Micro Size Mono Tube cable with Polyethylene-jacket and a water blocked
buffer tube with a armid yarn strength element. The very light weight and small
diameter makes the cable optimized for air blowing installations and easy access
for FTTH applications.

Standard Fiber count: 4-8-12-24 Fiber

Standard Code: AT-YYY-700X-XXX

XXX = Fiber Count

YYY = Fiber type
3BE = SM Mode G652-D
RU9 = Not available at the moment
RK2 = Not available at the moment

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Accu breeze optical fiber micro cable

Outer diameter: 1 mm Fiber count 2-4 Fiber Weight 0,85 Kg/Km

Applications: Air-Blown in microducts 1,5-3,5 mm, inner diameter.

The Accu Breeze FX unit is a small cost effective acrylate fiber unit designed for air
blown installations using a micro duct system in access networks. 2-4 color coded
optical fibers are gathered to form a small fiber bundle. The bundle is then placed in
a soft acrylate inner layer that cushions the fibers. This layer is next encased in a pro-
tective hard acrylate outer layer in which glass spheres are embedded. This enhanced
outer surface deliver a low friction and increased aerodynamic drag for exceptional
performance during air blown installations and easy access for FTTH applications.

Standard Fiber count: 2-4 Fiber

Standard Code: AT-YYY-ACBR-XXX

XXX = Fiber Count

YYY = Fiber type
3BE = SM Mode G652-D
RU9 = MM 62,5 Micro
RK2 = MM 50 Micro

Lightmate series from 48 to 192-port

A very popular series of ODF becuase it´s flxibility and easyness to use.

ODF 48-port
• ODF for loose tube or ribbon cable. Cable diameter 5-18 mm
• For SC, LC or MTRJ adapters
• Height 1u, depth 310 mm, for 19” rack/cabinet.
• Cable entrance placed in corner, optional left or right - gives larger cable space.
• Complete with installation kit: splice holder for single and ribbon splices, fibre holder
and holder for fan-out sleeves.
• Guiding of fibres inside ODF guarantee min bending radius 30 mm
• The outlet front can be pulled out 130 mm. Pulled out, the inner contacts, as well as the adapters, are accessible
from above and under - service friendly.
• The outlet front is setback 30 mm from ODF mounting point. This gives larger space for a safe bending radius of the
patch cord
• Accessories: Radius limiter, part number 5238

Item no: PFF-48 SC duplex, 48-port

PFF-LC96 LC quad, 96-port

ODF 96-port
• ODF for loose tube or ribbon cable. Cable diameter 5-18 mm
• Height 2u, depth 310 mm, for 19” rack/cabinet.
• Cable entrance placed in corner, optional left or right
- gives larger cable space.
• Complete with installation kit: splice holder for single and
ribbon splices, fibre holder and holder for fan-out sleeves.
• Guiding of fibres inside ODF guarantee min bending radius 30 mm
• The outlet front can be pulled out 130 mm. Pulled out, the inner contacts,
as well as the adapters, are accessible from above and under - service friendly.
• The outlet front is setback 30 mm from ODF mounting point. This gives larger space
for a safe bending radius of the patch cord
• Accessories: Radius limiter, part number 5239

Item no: PFF-96 SC duplex, 96-port

PFF-LC192 LC quad, 192 port


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Lightmate series from 48 to 192-port

ODF 192-port
• ODF loose tube or ribbon type. Cable diameter 5-20 mm.
• Height 4u, Depth 310 mm, for 19” rack/cabinet.
• Cable entrance placed in corner, optional left or right
- gives larger cable bending radius.
• Complete with installation kit: splice holder for single and
ribbon splices, fibre holder and holder for fan-out sleeves.
• Guiding of fibres inside ODF guarantees min bending radius 30 mm
• The adapters are devided in two outlet fronts. The front can be
separately pulled out - easy installation and service.
• The outlet front can be pulled out 130 mm. Pulled out, the inner contacts,
as well as the adapters, are accessible from above and under - service friendly.
• The outlet front is setback 30 mm from ODF mounting point. This gives larger space
for a safe bending radius of the patch cord
• Accessory: Bending radius limiter, part number 5239, 2 pcs.

Item no: PFF-192 SC duplex, 192-port

PFF-LC384 LC quad, 384 port

ODF 48-port for microducts (blowing fibre)

All service is made from the front side. No free space between
additional ODF:s is needed. This gives high packing density. More
than 720 systems in one rack. With front outlet pulled out, the inner
contacts as well as adaptors are accessible both from above and
under - service friendly.

• ODF designed specific for blown fibre, 5 mm micro duct

• Height 1 u, depth 280 mm for 19” rack/cabinet
• The front outlet is extensible 200 mm. Blowing and splicing of fibre
is made with ODF mounted in rack. All service is made from the front side.
No free space between additional ODF:s is needed. This gives high packing density.
More than 720 systems in one rack. With front outlet pulled out, the inner contacts
as well as adaptors are accessible both from above and under - service friendly
• Complete with installation kit: splice holder (48 splices) and fibre holder
• Guiding of fibres inside the ODF guarantee min bending radius 30 mm
• The outlet front is setback 30 mm from ODF mounting point. This gives larger space for a safe
bending radius of the patch cord
• The ODF is delivered in left mode, micro duct entrance from left. If a right mode is requested the
extensible box can be moved rightwards after reassembling of the holder plate for microducts.
• Accessories: Radius limiter, part no. 5238/01

Item no: PFF-48MD

Power supply
Wall ODF 16-port + 2-port
This is an ODF customized for carriers which access apart-
ment buildings with blow fibre. You enter the ODF with
microducts directly or the fibre cable itself. In this ODF
Space for active
you have room for one or two gateways/ converters. The components
powersupply for the active parts are placed inside the ODF
to avoid power failure due to external damage. The inside
tray can be tipped-down 90 degree for easy access to the
fibre splice. Fibre cable entrance Copper cable
On the bottom of the ODF there are space for 8 pcs RJ45
female connectors and 2 pcs SC duplex adapters.

• Handles fibre, copper and power in one box

• Easy acess for fibre splice

Space for
• Space for switches/gateways inside splice box
• Power supply connectors inside ODF
• Lockable door
• Dimensions 450x350x130 mm
• Equipped upon customer request
4 Sc duplex
Item no: 9441 adapters


Catflow.indd 11 05-09-15 15.30.23

SC - SC adapter, duplex SM

SC-SC adaptor, singlemode, plastic housing, zirconia sleeve,

duplex, flanged type, blue color

Item no: G02006

SC - SC adapter, duplex MM
SC-SC adaptor, multimode, plastic housing, bronze sleeve,
duplex, flanged type, beige color.

Item no: G020007

LC - LC adapter, duplex SM
LC-LC adaptor, singlemode, plastic housing, zirconia sleeve,
duplex, flanged type, blue colour.

Item no: G020029

LC - LC adapter, duplex MM
Go4Fiber LC-LC adaptor, multimode, plastic housing, bronze
sleeve, duplex, flanged type

Item No: G020030

LC - LC adapter, duplex SM (SC footprint)

LC-LC adaptor, singlemode, plastic housing, zirconia sleeve,
duplex, SC footprint type.

Item No: G020067

LC - LC adapter, duplex MM (SC footprint)

LC-LC adaptor, multimode, plastic housing, bronze sleeve, duplex,
SC footprint type.

Item No: G020068

Patchcords SC/UPC - SC/UPC duplex SM

SC type UPC to SC type UPC, Singlemode LSZH series,
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2.

Item No: S2-C2 C2-16-0010 1 meter

S2-C2 C2-16-0020 2 meter
S2-C2 C2-16-0030 3 meter
S2-C2 C2-16-0050 5 meter
S2-C2 C2-16-0070 7 meter
S2-C2 C2-16-0100 10 meter Configure your own patchcords at

Patchcords SC/UPC – LC/UPC duplex SM

SC type UPC to LC type UPC, Singlemode LSZH series,

Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2.

Item No: S2-C2 L2-16-0010 1 meter

S2-C2 L2-16-0020 2 meter
S2-C2 L2-16-0030 3 meter
S2-C2 L2-16-0050 5 meter
S2-C2 L2-16-0070 7 meter
S2-C2 L2-16-0100 10 meter
Configure your own patchcords at

Catflow.indd 12 05-09-15 15.30.36

Patchcords LC/UPC – LC/UPC duplex SM

LC type UPC to LC type UPC, Singlemode LSZH series,
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2.

Item No: S2-L2 L2-16-0010 1 meter

S2-L2 L2-16-0020 2 meter
S2-L2 L2-16-0030 3 meter
S2-L2 L2-16-0050 5 meter
S2-L2 L2-16-0070 7 meter
S2-L2 L2-16-0100 10 meter Configure your own patchcords at

Patchcords SC/APC – SC/APC duplex SM

SC type APC to SC type APC, Singlemode LSZH series,
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2

Item No: S2-C6 C6-16-0010 1 meter

S2-C6 C6-16-0020 2 meter
S2-C6 C6-16-0030 3 meter
S2-C6 C6-16-0050 5 meter
S2-C6 C6-16-0070 7 meter
S2-C6 C6-16-0100 10 meter
Configure your own patchcords at

Patchcords SC – SC duplex MM
SC to SC, Multimode LSZH series, 62.5/125
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2

Item No: M2-C8 C8-19-0010 1 meter

M2-C8 C8-19-0020 2 meter
M2-C8 C8-19-0030 3 meter
M2-C8 C8-19-0050 5 meter
M2-C8 C8-19-0070 7 meter
M2-C8 C8-19-0100 10 meter
Configure your own patchcords at

Patchcords SC – LC duplex MM
SC to LC, Multimode LSZH series, 62.5/125
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2

Item No: M2-C8 L8-19-0010 1 meter

M2-C8 L8-19-0020 2 meter
M2-C8 L8-19-0030 3 meter
M2-C8 L8-19-0050 5 meter
M2-C8 L8-19-0070 7 meter
M2-C8 L8-19-0100 10 meter
Configure your own patchcords at

Patchcords LC – LC duplex MM
LC to LC, Multimode LSZH series, 62.5/125
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2

Item No: M2-L8 L8-19-0010 1 meter

M2-L8 L8-19-0020 2 meter
M2-L8 L8-19-0030 3 meter
M2-L8 L8-19-0050 5 meter

M2-L8 L8-19-0070 7 meter

M2-L8 L8-19-0100 10 meter

Configure your own patchcords at


Catflow.indd 13 05-09-15 15.30.51

Patchcords SC – SC duplex MM 50/125

SC to SC, Multimode LSZH series, 50/125

Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2

Item No: M2-C8 C8-22-0010 1 meter

M2-C8 C8-22-0020 2 meter
M2-C8 C8-22-0030 3 meter
M2-C8 22-19-0050 5 meter
M2-C8 22-19-0070 7 meter
M2-C8 22-19-0100 10 meter
Configure your own patchcords at

Patchcords SC – LC duplex MM 50/125

SC to LC, Multimode LSZH series, 50/125
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2

Item No: M2-C8 L8-22-0010 1 meter

M2-C8 L8-22-0020 2 meter
M2-C8 L8-22-0030 3 meter
M2-C8 L8-22-0050 5 meter
M2-C8 L8-22-0070 7 meter
M2-C8 L8-22-0100 10 meter
Configure your own patchcords at

Patchcords LC – LC duplex MM 50/125

LC to LC, Multimode LSZH series, 50/125
Jacket duplex 2.0 mm x 2

Item No: M2-L8 L8-22-0010 1 meter

M2-L8 L8-22-0020 2 meter
M2-L8 L8-22-0030 3 meter
M2-L8 L8-22-0050 5 meter
M2-L8 L8-22-0070 7 meter
M2-L8 L8-22-0100 10 meter
Configure your own patchcords at

Pigtail SC/UPC SM
SC type UPC, Singlemode LSZH series, 900um fiber, 1 meter

Item No: S2-C2 3-0010

Pigtail SC/APC SM
SC type APC, Singlemode LSZH series, 900um fiber, 1 meter

Item No: S2-C6 3-0010

Pigtail LC SM
LC, Singlemode LSZH series, 900um fiber, 1 meter

Item No: S2-L2 3-0010

Pigtail SC MM 62.5/125
SC, Multimode LSZH series, 62.5/125 900um fiber, 1 meter

Item No: M2-C8 6-0010


Catflow.indd 14 05-09-15 15.31.03

Pigtail LC MM 62.5/125

LC, Multimode LSZH series, 62.5/125 900um fiber, 1 meter

Item No: M2-L8 6-0010

Pigtail SC MM 50/125
SC, Multimode LSZH series, 50/125 900um fiber, 1 meter

Item No: M2-C8 20-0010

Mode Conditioning Patchcord

Mode Conditioning Patchcord (MCP), also known as Gigabit Launch Patchcord, is used in longwave/long haul (LX/LH)
Gigabit Interface Converter (GBICs) with multimode fiber. Without using MCP, multiple signals are generated when
a singlemode laser launch into the center of a multimode fiber. This would result in pulse broadening or Differential
Model Delay (DMD) effects which degrade the modal bandwidth of fiber cable and limit the link span (the distance be-
tween the transmitter and receiver) for operating Gigabit Application. MCP provides an offset singlemode to multimode
fiber connector point that eliminates the effect of DMD by launching the singlemode laser into multimode core at a
specified offset.

• Long Haul to Short Haul LX Gigibit System
• Recommended for multimode cable runs greater than 50 feets
• Gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-LX (1300nm long wavelength)

• Eliminates issues related to Differential Mode Delay (DMD)
• Compliant with IEEE 802.3z
• Rugged Offset Closure with Consistent Offset
• Low Insertion Loss (<0.4dB)
• Available with 50um and 62.5um multimode cable

Item No: For configuration, please contact us

Singlemode Couplers
Catway offers both tree and star type inline couplers/splitters. They provide a reliable solution to split/combine
signals. The splitting ratio ranges from 1x2 to 1x16 ports for tree couplers, and from 2x2 up to 8x8 for star couplers.
Available in single and dual wavelength windows.

• Different combinations of coupling ratio
• Low crosstalk & excess loss
• High optical return loss
• Available in dual wavelength operation
• Available in 250um & 900um fiber, 2 mm or 3 mm jacket optical cable.
• Optional connectors termination upon request

Item No: For configuration, please contact us

WDM – Wavelength Division Multiplexing, a technology which simultaneously trans-
mits multiple optical channels (wavelength) through a single optical fiber. Three
different kinds of wavelength coupling combination are available for CATV
systems, EDFA as well as Hi speed optical transmission systems.

Item No: For configuration, please contact us


Catflow.indd 15 05-09-15 15.31.08

Small Form Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver

• Singlemode or multimdoe
• 850, 1310, 1550nm wavelength available
• Support 1.2Gbps transmission
• Low power conumption
• Complce with IEEE-802.3z and GR-468-CORE standard
• AC coupled signal interface
• TTL Signaect
• 0 °C ~70°C or 40~85°C Range

Item No: For configuration, please contact us

Small Form Factor (SFF) Transceiver

• Singlemode or multimode
• 850, 1310, 1550nm wavelength available
• Up to 2.5 Gbps (NRZ)
• Low power consumption
• 2x5 or 2x10 package for LC type
• PECL or TTL logic interface

Item No: For configuration, please contact us

FTTH-1310/1490/1550 Filter WDMs

WDM is one of the core component in the FTTH architecture. The FTTH WDM utilizes high performance thin film inter-
ference filters to provide exceptional bandpass performance. With the bidirectional feature, it can be applied at ONT
and OLT equipment unit.

Central Wavelength: 1310, 1490, 1550nm
Passband Wavelength: 1490 ± 10 nm
Reflection Wavelength: 1310 ± 50nm & 1550 ± 10nm
1490nm Band Insertion Loss (Max): 0.8dB (typical 0.6dB)
1310nm Band Insertion Loss (Max): 0.5dB (typical 0.3dB)
1550nm Band Insertion Loss (Max): 1.0dB (typical 0.3dB)
1490nm Band Isolation (Max): 35dB
1310nm Band Isolation (Max): 25dB
1550nm Band Isolation (Max): 20dB
Directivity: = 55dB
Return Loss: = 50dB
PDL: = 0.10dB
Wavelength Thermal Stability: = 0.003 nm/°C
Insertion Loss Thermal Stability: = 0.005 dB/°C
Power Handling: = 500 mW
Operating Temperature: -40 ~ +85 °
Storage Temperature: -40 ~ +85 °C
Dimensions: 5.5 tube x L150 mm

Item No: 660-P32N-1C000


Catflow.indd 16 05-09-15 15.31.11

Infrastructure planning for fibre optic networks

Firstly the nodes have to be planned, then which existing canalisation could be utilized and where new canalization
should be added, cable-paths, placement of splice-closures, points for future splicing, distribution-points to customers
(korskopplingspunkter) etc. The cable paths that are chosen are decisive to which type of infrastructure solution is to
be used, and the chosen infrastructure solution is in turn decisive for which type of cables are to be used.

For future expansion of the network it is recommended to lay down additional capacity in the infrastructure. This
makes future expansions of the network relatively more cost-effective as the only occurring costs are those for fibre-
optic cables. The easiest and most safe way to get a functional infrastructure is to bury new canalisation in location
where there may be an uncertainty about the condition of the existing canalisation. Existing canalisation always need
to be washed out to guarantee that it is clean inside and to eliminate friction when blowing in new cables or micro-
ducts. As damages are found in this canalisation, these must be found, dug up and taken care of.

Important planning issues

- network structure - comply to standards
- cable paths - prioritise functionality
- canalisation - the ability to measure the
- documentation functionality of the network
- operational organisation - high level of security
- keep the number of different - acquire guarantee-package and
systems as low as possible maintenance agreements

The network-structure of the metropolitan network is highly dependant on the overall strategy of the project, the struc-
ture of the network should be based on the overall strategy and goals of the project. Ultimately the network should be
designed in a “ring-structure”.

Other important issues

- Strive for “rings-structure” and redundancy in the backbone-net and access-net.
- Use alternative and double routes.
- Strategy for how and for what the network will be used.
- The strategy should give an opportunity to create flexible network solutions.

Future proof solution for fibre-optic networks

CATflow Microducts
Do you know how your network should look like? Do you know what capacity you will need? CATWAY gives you the
opportunity to quickly create and build a Backbone-net, Access-net, and make it operational. At the same time your
network will have spare capacity for fibre-cables and will be able to accommodate more users without more digging.

A single-mode fibre-cable does not need to be thicker than 5mm, and can be blown approximately 3000 m!
This means that a prefabricated opto-pipe 40/32 mm can be upgraded 6 times with a total amount of 432
single-mode fibres.

You can also “float” or “blow” microducts into an existing pipe with the thickness of 40/32 mm. In each of those
microducts you can install up to 72 fibres single-mode cables. Beside that it is very simple to branch out one of the
pipes if that is necessary.

Other advantages with this new technology:

- Less trenches – meaning lower cost of installation.
- Blowing-technology for microducts enables cheaper
and easier placement of infrastructure
- Colour coded canalisation makes the identification
and documentation easier
- More upgrade opportunities
- Different types of networks such as Backbone or
Access can share the same canalisation.
- Y-joints instead of splice-closures at branch-outs.
- Placement of several cable-paths at the same time

- Investment and “blowing” of fibre-cables is done

only when needed
- It is easy put the infrastructure in place with other projects such as sewer renovation, upgrade of
electricity infrastructure, upgrade of telephone infrastructure etc.


Catflow.indd 17 05-09-15 15.31.14

Some details and important notices when planning a fibre-optic-network

Joints and branch-outs

Joints and branch-outs can be done in different ways, in splice-boxes or in simpler Y-joints, cable joints can also be
placed indoor.

Drop of points in buildings should be placed indoors in an appropriate environment.
For safety reasons the equipment should be placed in a locked space or in a lock-
able CATWAY customer box, where the access-duct is installed in and the fibres
are terminated. Possible active equipment can also be placed here and if neces-
sary a joint can be made on the micro-duct to access the next building with the
microducts and fibres – all the way to the home of clients.

Pipe seals
As water and dirt enters the canalisation it increases friction and
shortens the possible blowing-distance, to avoid this it is crucial to
seal the canalisation during the placement, it is also important to
do this on the possible extra-canalisation that is installed, the seals
should be water and dustproof.

Cable seals
To avoid wear damage and cable breakage and to relieve the cable from stress the cable seals that fixes the cable to

the middle of the opto-pipe should be in place at the entry-and exit-point in the pipe. The seals should be air and wa-
terproof, to avoid moisture to enter the buildings, enclosures etc. The seals are available for all dimensions of pipes
and cables.


Catflow.indd 18 05-09-15 15.31.19

At entry points where canalisation is

lead into buildings, through rock or
concrete foundations, wall-sealing
should be used. The main function
of these seals is to prevent moisture
from entering the building. In indoor
environments walls should be fitted
with approved fire-seal.

Joint closures/loop-wells
The choice of joint closures
- closures must be approved, quality tested, certified, tested and designed especially for the environment in which
they are installed.
- Well oversized loops are to be recommended in joint closures and loop-wells to meet future demands.

- these wells should have an internal diameter that exceeds the bending radius of the installed fibre cable with a
good margin.
- the cable-manufacturers provide recommendations when it comes to the bending radius of each cable-type.
- Depending on the design of the network and the environment in which the wells are to be put in, wells made of
concrete or PVC should be chosen. These can be closed with PVC, concrete or cast-iron lids.
- Optional lockable inner-lids are available.

Joint wells
- Possible future expansion of the network should be taken into consideration when planning. The future expansion
way require new joint wells, new loops or other applications to optimize the network.
- For this purpose larger types of joint wells are recommended, where these is more space for measurements and
service. For security reasons lockable lids should be used.


Catflow.indd 19 05-09-15 15.31.24


Burial of canalisation
The picture above shows the recommended burial of canalisation it metropolitan area networks. For areas with lower
demand of cables it is suitable to use 1 or 2 canalisations, there are several possibilities to bury these. These can be
dug down, buried using a plough, or milled into the ground. City councils are familiar with which technique is optimal
for their individual case since they have already installed other canalisation such as water, sewer and telecommunica-
tion networks.

The depth of the canalisation is also decided in each individual case but usually the recommended depth is between
60 and 80 centimetres. All City Councils have their own regulations regarding this.

A good idea is to have an extra canalisation that is left empty for the time being but can accommodate future increase
in demand and the extra cables needed. In residential areas extra canalisations are not necessary, it should be
enough with a single canalisation into each building. Redundancy is not necessary in this case.

In enterprise-dense areas and in larger ring-structures it is a good idea to be foreseeing and put in place more
canalisations. There should always be a warning-tape in the ground above the canalisation. Since neither optopipes
or fibre-cables have any form of metal in them it can be difficult to trace the exact position of the canalisation with a
metal detector. In order to find the exact location with a metal detector it is recommended to use warning-tape with a
metal stripe in it.

CATWAY will help you with the planning of the network.

We have the knowledge and the competence to help you with the planning of your fibre-optic-network. We also provide
assistance with the choice of materials and

Contact us for a consultation regarding the expansion of your network!


Catflow.indd 20 05-09-15 15.31.26

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