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The Engineer’s aesthetics and architecture

Three reminders to architects – mass, surface, plan.

Regulating lines

Eyes which do not see – liners, airplanes, automobiles.


The lesson of rome

The illusions of plans

Pure creations of the mind

Mass production houses

Architecture or revolution


The engineers achieve aesthetics inspired by economy, mathematical calculations in

accordance with the universal law.


Arrangement of forms realizes an order – pure creation of his / her sprit.

Forms & shapes affect the sense and evokes emotions.

Determines the various movements of heart and understanding.\

Three reminders to architects –, plan.


Eyes are constructed to see forms in light.

Primary forms are beautiful forms – can be clearly appreciated.

Architects no longer use these primary forms and but engineers do


mass is enveloped by surface, surface divided up according to the generating lines of mass
By using generating lines one can create a limpid and moving plastic forms.


plan is a generator.

without plan – no order, no wilfulness.

modern life demands new plan for city and home.


Eyes which do not see – liners, airplanes, automobiles.


great epoch begun with the new spirit.

architecture stifled by custom

style is a lie

what is style? – unity of principle


Lessons from aeroplane – the statement is clear and the realization is clear.

The problem of the house is not stated.


One must aim at fixing of standards to face the problem of perfection.

Architecture operates in accordance with the standards.

Standards – logic, analysis

Standard established by experiment.


The lesson of Rome

Establish emotional relationship, goes beyond utilitarian needs,

Architecture is spirit of order, plastic thing, and unity of intentions

Passions can create drama out of inert stone.

The illusions of plans

Plan – from within to without

Exterior is the result of interior.

Elements of architecture – light, shade, walls and space.

One must deals with the things – which eyes can appreciate.

Pure creations of the mind

Two touchstone of architect - contour (Any spatial attributes (especially as defined by

outline) and profile

Here there should not be any question of custom, traditions, constructions, adaptation to
utilitarian needs.

Mass production houses

economic law determine our action and thoughts.

mass housing need of the hour.

duty of architecture – revision of values, revision of constituent element of house.

create spirit for

mass production spirit

create spirit to conceive, construct, and live in mass production house.

dead concepts regarding the house must be removed from the heart and mind.

must be viewed from the critical point of view.

Architecture or revolution

new tools to solve the new problem.

when the new fact set against the past revolution born

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