Ground Supported Circular Steel Tank (Absorber)

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Ground Supported Circular steel tank (Absorber)

(As per Guidelines for seismic design of storage tanks IIT-K worked out example 4)

Weights Considered:

Weight of Mist eliminator = 262 kip (1165.43 kN)

Weight of Spray header = 298 kip (1325.57 kN)

Weight of Inlet duct = 100 kip (444.82 kN)

Weight of turret = 250 kip (1112.06 kN)

Weight of Shell = 692 kip (3078.17 kN)

Weight of Miscellaneous items = 300 kip (1334.5 kN)

(RF pad, Platforms, etc.)


(Ah)i – Design horizontal seismic coefficient for impulsive mode

(Ah)c – Design horizontal seismic coefficient for convective mode

D – Inner diameter of circular tank

E – Modulus of elasticity of tank wall

g – Acceleration due to gravity

h – Maximum depth of liquid

hw – Height of centre of gravity of wall mass

h*i –Height of impulsive mass

h*c – Height of convective mass

m – Total mass of liquid in tank

mb – Mass of base slab (or) plate

mi – Impulsive mass of water

mw – Mass of tank wall

mt – Mass of roof slab

M* - Total Overturning moment at base

M*c – Overturning moment in convective mode at the base

M*i - Overturning moment in impulsive mode at the base

Impulsive mode:

Time Period:

h/D = 10.5/20 = 0.53

With the calculated h/D value, from Fig:5 IS1893, P2, the corresponding Ci = 4.2

Ci x hxℓ0.5

Ti = ---------------------------

(t/D) 0.5 x E0.5

4.2 x 10.5 x (1200 x 9.81)0.5

= --------------------------------------------------

(0.016/20)0.5 x (205E9)0.5

Ti = 0.338 sec

(Ah)i = 0.056 x 4.430

(Ah)i = 0.248

Base shear:

Vi = (Ah) I x (mi + mw + mt) x g mi/m = 0.55 (Fig: 2(a) IS1893, P-2)

= 0.248 x (2178000 + 313885.92) x 9.81 mi = 0.55 x 3960000

= 6062459.42 kg-m/sec2 mi = 2178000 kg

Vi = 6062.5 kN

Overturning Moment:

h*I /h = 0.77 (fig: 2a)

h*I = 0.77 x 10.5 = 8.085

M*I = (Ah)I x [mi(h*i + tb) + mw(hw+ tb) + mt(ht + tb) + mbtb/2] x g

= 0.248 x [(2178000)x(8.085+0.025) + (313885.92)x(17.5+0.025)] x 9.81

M*I = 56356280.3 kg-m2/sec2

M*I = 56356.280 kN-m

Convective Mode:

Time Period:

Tc = Cc (D/g) 0.5

= 3.2 (20/9.81)0.5

Tc = 5.2 sec

(Ah)c = 0.056 x 0.385

(Ah)c = 0.022

Base Shear:

Vc = (Ah)c x (mc) x g

= 0.022 x 1782000 x 9.81

= 384591.24 kg-m/sec2

Vc = 385 kN

Overturning Moment:

M*c = (Ah)c x mc x (h*c + tb) x g

= 0.022 x 1782000 x (7.88 + 0.025) x 9.81

= 3040193.75 kg-m2/sec2

M*c = 3040.2 kN-m

Total Base Shear:
V = (Vi2 + Vc2)0.5

= (6062.52 + 3852)0.5

V = 6075 kN

Total Overturning Moment:

M = (Mi2 + Mc2)0.5

= (56356.2802 + 3040.22)0.5

M = 56438.22 kN

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