Cis Deal

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HE MEMBER STATES Foster creativity and innovation that leads to
PROUDLY UNITED UNDER more advancement and better quality of life
THE BANNER OF THE for Commonwealth citizens.
COMMONWEALTH OF Protect and nurture common worker rights
INDEPENDENT STATES, and regulations that ensure Commonwealth
RECOGNISING THEIR COMMON workers live and work in conditions
FRIENDSHIP AND acceptable to the objective bona fide
WHOLEHEARTEDLY WILLING TO individual, and consistent with the objectives
of human dignity set by the CIS Charter.
MUTUAL AMITY, HAVE RESOLVED TO Promote sustainable development
Undertake each of the following in means
respectful to the environment of the
Reaffirm and strengthen the pre-existing
bonds of friendship between our Peoples,
and reassure each other that our faith in the Establish and enforce meaningful
greatness of the Commonwealth of environmental regulations to keep the
Independent States has not faltered, but Commonwealth as pristine as is enjoyable to
rather that it has indeed rooted itself deeper the citizens of the Commonwealth.
in our cultures.
Have hereby convened at its General
Play its role in a harmonious normalization Membership and unanimously agreed to the
of world trade that inevitably serves as a following provisions.
catalyst for lighter international relations and

Craft and entertain an enlargened, more

powerful and secure market for the goods
and services produced in their terriotries

Weaken trade barriers that restrain goods,

services and individuals from circulating
freely in the Commonwealth of Independent

Establish and enforce clear, unequivocal and

mutually advantageous regulations governing
their trade.
Offer to project makers throughout the The General Membership of the
Commonwealth a predictable and Commonwealth of Independent States.
understandable commercial and business
Enhance the competitiveness of their firms,
unions and production units in Janusite

Member states may request for some
CHAPTER I strategic sectors to be exempted. Such
decisions shall be made by the IDEATA.

Article I Article VI

The provisions of this agreement shall apply Member states enjoying a minimal rate of
within CIS territory insofar as all nations Gross Domestic Product growth of 1.75%
concerned are CIS member states or annual shall benefit from and apply a
otherwise part of the CIS. reduction of tariffs of 2% per year.

CIS member states have no obligation to Article VII

comply to these rules when dealing with non
It shall be the prerogative of individual
CIS member states and their nationals.
member states, the General Membership or
Article II the International Development, Economics
And Trade Agency (IDEATA) to agree upon
Defines a tariff as a fiscal barrier to trade in tariff reductions exceeding those delineating
the form of a tax or other compulsory in the present accord for goods and services.
monetary levy applied only to foreign goods
and services, to which domestic goods and Article VIII
services are exempt.
Within the sovereign territory of each
Article III Member State, goods and services produced
in the CIS shall face the same regulations,
Defines a quota as a quantitative barrier to tax, administrative requirements and other
trade in the form of a maximum quantity of such legal requirements faced by
foreign goods or services that can enter a domestically produced goods.
given economy, which does not affect goods
or services produced within the given
Article IV
Insofar as it does not constitute illegal
import, no import quota shall be set by CIS Article IX
border agencies and their hierarchy towards
Defines “dumping” as a predatory pricing
goods or services produced in the CIS.
technique that involves pricing a good or
service lower than:
Article V
a) The normal price of this good or
Member states shall strive to reduce tariffs
service on the markets of the
between themselves on any good or service
concerned economy or;
not exempted in any part of this treaty by an
b) In absence of such price, the highest
annual reduction of 0.5%

i) The highest price of a like Unremunerated consensual activity shall be
good or service exported designated as volunteering and shall be
internationally under permitted insofar as there is explicit
comparable conditions or; uncoerced consent given with knowledge
ii) The cost of production of that the activity will not be remunerated.
this good or service. Failure to meet this criterion will classify
such activities as slavery.
Article X
Article XIV
It shall be lawful for member states to levy on
a dumped good or service a tax equal to the Slavery is illegal and unrecognized in all parts
lowest sum that, when levied, would erase ny of the Commonwealth. Member states shall
unfair advantage the good or service, or its actively combat slavery within their borders
provider, obtained through dumping. and the CIS.

- Article XV

Article XI New conditions unknown to the worker

before them giving consent are not covered
It is understood that levies superior to the with the previous uninformed consent.
margin between the dumped price and the Rather, the worker must actively re-iterate
lowest lawful price of a product are unlawful consent for work with the new conditions in
and categorized as unlawful tariffing when any such way member states define as legal.
masked as dumping penalties.
Article XVI

It shall be unlawful for a single employer to

CHAPTER III remunerate persons working for that same
employer differently for identical work
OF LABOR RIGHTS performed with the same quality.

The burden of proof to determine whether

there is a difference in the quality of an
Article XII
identical work rests with the employer.
Any person enjoying the ability to sign
Article XVII
contracts shall be permitted to engage in any
contractual, consensual and legal activity It shall be lawful for workers to form and join
that is remunerated – known as work. any number of peaceful associations whose
objectives are to collateralize and converge
Any person engaging in work is a worker. perceived problems and act as leverage in
numbers to obtain negotiating power with
Article XIII
Having a person work by force, coercion,
blackmail or any other setup that does not Such a group is defined as a trade union.
rely on the worker’s consent shall be defined
Article XVIII
as slavery, even when such non-consensual
work is remunerated. Trade unions may be registered across
several countries in the Commonwealth.

Article XIX the possible weaknesses of a minor
A trade union shall be treated like any other d) The minor can unilaterally retract
non governmental organisation with respect from the deal at any time and
to its relation with local legislation. e) The minor is not aged below 14 years
Trade unions shall not be immune from
lawful retribution as a result of breaking local Article XXIII
laws, insofar as such local laws do not
prohibit the very existence of such unions as Failure to meet all of Article XXII’s provisions
defined in this present agreement. concurrently will result in classification of
such activities as child labour.
Article XX
Child labour shall be treated like slavery and
It shall be lawful for employers to form and actively fought against by member states.
join any number of peaceful associations
whose objectives are to collateralize and Article XXIV
converge perceived problems and act as
leverage in numbers to obtain negotiating No worker shall be expected to work for
power with trade unions. more than 12 hours a day, nor shall they be
expected to work for more than 4
Such a group is defined as an employer’s consecutive hours not separated by at least
organization, and shall be submitted to the 45 minutes of break, nor shall they be denied
same rights and rules as a trade unions. the right to be paid but not work for one day
a week, nor shall they be denied the right to
Article XXI be paid but not work for at least 168
consecutive hours per annum not including
Workers are entitled to collectively bargain
those hours they should not be working at
with employers, whether they are members
of trade unions or not.
Article XXV
Employer’s organizations may collectively
bargain with trade unions, but not with Workers are entitled to work in a place
individual workers. where their life, health, dignity and humanity
are not placed in danger
Article XXII
Article XXVI
It shall be unlawful for minors to perform
work unless It shall be unlawful for an employer to retain
the passport of a worker working for them.
a) An acceptable consent has been
awarded and Article XXVII
b) A governmental authority has
delivered a permit for such work Migrant workers and workers from other CIS
with the belief it is safe for the minor countries shall not be more mistreated than
to perform and that the minor has domestic workers on the basis of such origin.
consented to perform this work and
c) Specific provisions have been
establish to take into consideration

make anthropogenic causes for deterioration
in such index as rare and limited as possible.

The CICER shall publish a list of gases that

may be released in the atmosphere and
corresponding allowances in weight per


OF ENVIRONMENTAL The release of toxic or otherwise dangerous

REGULATIONS liquids into the water or ground by a
company, union, governmental institution or
other good and service creator shall be
limited and, when necessary, well
Article XXVIII
documented and ordered with reference to
Resolves that CIS Member States should the day’s meteorological and fluvial
value and take care of the environmental conditions, and knowledge of academic
heritage, and think of future generations research relevant to the topic.
when taking decisions.
Article XXXIII
Article XXIX
The CICER shall devise and use one water
Establishes the Commonwealth Institute for quality index computed equally in all
Control of Environmental Regulations, member states. Member states shall aim to
hereinafter CICER, as a Commonwealth make anthropogenic causes for deterioration
agency based in Coldwater, Iqaltut, in charge in such index as rare and limited as possible.
of observing trends in the environment and
The CICER shall publish a list of liquids that
the respect of the environmental regulations
may be released in the atmosphere and
delineated in this chapter.
corresponding allowances in weight per
Article XXX capita.

The release of toxic or otherwise dangerous

gases into the atmosphere by a company, Article XXXIV
union, governmental institution or other
The generation of waste through the creation
good and service creator shall be limited and,
of unnecessary packaging or other means
when necessary, well documented and
shall be limited.
ordered with reference to the day’s
atmospheric conditions and knowledge of Member states shall devise initiatives to
academic research relevant to the topic. better sort and recycle waste that can be re-
Article XXXI
Waste that cannot be re-used shall be stored
The CICER shall devise and use one air
or destroyed in means that are respectful of
quality index computed equally in all
the environment.
member states. Member states shall aim to

Article XXXV
The CICER shall assist member states, who
shall be declared responsible for such ON VISAS AND OTHER STAY
operations, of de-contaminating zones of PERMITS.
environment which have been accidently
Article XLI
contaminated by pollutants or other
dangerous products. Defines a visa as a permit issued by an
immigration office that allows the holder to
travel to, reside in and perform certain
Article XXXVI activities within the borders of a state for a
limited amount of time.
The CICER shall maintain and update a ban
list of chemicals not authorized in the Article XLII
Commonwealth, and take member states not
Defines an ordinary CIS passport as a
respecting these limits to the International
passport normally issued by a member state
Court of Justice.
or the CIS itself according to regular
Article XXXVII procedures.

The CICER shall review projects and establish Emergency passports, official passports and
Environmental Impact Assessments before diplomatic passports are not ordinary
advising member states to continue with or passports and are not subject to the
suspend their projects. provisions delineated in the present
Article XLIII
Member states shall thrive to spare as many
natural resources as feasible while Defines transit as a period of time not
compromising with reasonable levels of exceeding 72 hours where tickets to exit the
economic development. country by the 72 hour time limit are owned
and confirmed.
Article XXXIX
Transit shall be free for all CIS citizens in CIS
The CICER shall establish a list of protected airports, train stations, ports, and other CIS
species and ban all trade of such species travel locations.
within the CIS and between the CIS and
other nations. Article XLIV

Article XL Defines tourism as travelling to a foreign

nation for recreational purposes only.
Member states will be required to maintain a
positive eco-friendliness rating. CIS ordinary passport holders shall be
exempt from presenting a visa for tourism in
This requirement shall take effect 30 days another CIS state.
after the rest of this agreement.
A physical border where documents have to
be shown may still be established.

Article XLV gain unfair advantage in trade shall be
discussed in the IDEATA.
Defines business travelling as travelling to a
foreign nation for business purposes, Such programs unilaterally undertaken shall
discussing business agreements, selling or be met by resistance from the IDEATA in the
buying goods and services, work or any other form of currency purchases or liquidation.
activity generated from or around
production. Article XLIX

CIS ordinary passport holders shall be Initiatives shall be established for widespread
exempt from presenting a visa for business coverage of exchange bureaus or equivalents
for the first consecutive 14 days in another in the CIS allowing for CIS citizens to change
CIS state, with a 30 day cooldown between CIS currencies at no commission.
two such occurrences in the same CIS
member state.

A physical border where documents have to CHAPTER VII

be shown may still be established.
Article XLVI
Article L
In all instances where obtaining a visa is
necessary member states shall strive to fast- The following accord shall take effect upon
receiving a majority vote from the
track CIS visa requests above foreign visa
Commonwealth of Independent States’
requests, and simplify documentation needed
General membership.
to obtain a visa.

If not already the case, member states shall Article LI

ensure they have significant consular
The provisions of the following accord shall
coverage around the CIS and allow for
have force of law in all CIS territories present
coverage by CIS consular missions. and future.

Article LII

CHAPTER VI This accord may be amended or repealed by

the General Membership.
Article LIII
Article XLVII The International Court of Justice shall be
the prime interpret of the provisions of this
The IDEATA shall form and maintain accord.
significant reserves of each member states’

Article XLVIII

Programs with massive effects to lower or

increase the value of a currency in order to


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