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Certified Network Defender vam 312-98 References References ‘Module 01: Computer Network and Defense Fundamentals 1 Ms. Mousami Pawar (Dec 5, 2014), Network Security, rom http://www fundamental Internet and internet Communication|) (June 2012), rom hetps://ccdcoe ora cycon/ 2012/ workshops/ internet_ Internet_Comme pet. John E.canavan, Fundamentals of Network ecurty, from hetp:/foww£, Fundamentals of network security (200i)(en)\248s) pa 4. DoDD 8570.1: Blue Team, rom https: /www sypriselectroniescom/information-securty/evber-securty- solutons/comisternetwork-defense/ 5. Mariuse Sawowski (ISSA Journal October 2007), The Principles of Network Security Desien from http // worw cico.oi/ services) Principles, Network security Design pa 15. Diane Teate, esiging for cisco nteractwork Solutions (DESGN),Feom http// portal aul edu portal esources/ downloass/ networking/ designing network secunty cisco press. 7. Types of Network, htzs// /networkng/basis/computer_network-ypes php 8. 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Cyril Omubiko (13th Dacember 2011), Computer Natwork Defense Approaches, fom http://w research-ceres com/ ‘rl Approacnecsaoinsz0eecuntyn2odefense poh personal ares network (PAN) from hitp:/searchmobilecomputing /defintion/personal-area-network. arconal res netwerk, from htte:// ‘The Contos Project, from ttps:/nwur.centos org. TCP/IP Overview and History, rom htt://Narutcipguide com/freft_TCPIPOvervewandkistony.htm. ‘THE To/1P PROTOCOL SUIT, trom htp:/fon.exaunicen edu ar/estesra:/comésti/materal/TP1-SersceS ingles pat from hto:/worw vi edu/deots/acce/netwerk/o/v852 hemitihatis References age 1208, Certified Network Defender Copyright © by £-Gouncl ‘Al Fights Reserved, Rearoduction is Strict Prohibited Certified Network Defender vam 312-98 References ‘The Internat Trancpor Protocols: TCP, rom tp:// e8e.guced.g/ Courses Networks] NETW01s20.2caI%20Are3%20Networks/Lectures/TCP pak 55, _ half duplexandfulluslex Ethernet vs Switches and Hubs, from htto:// html, 57. 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Kart cishnan (2004), User Datagram Protocol (UDP, from tp formu ed 188. UDP -User Datagram Protocol, from hitp/ articls/ganera/User-Datagram-Protocol htm, (87. UDP ovarviaw, Hletoryane Standard, from http://w htm. |68. The Transmission Contra Protocal [TCP from bites //boaks MssigsURSATEVWas- ‘yyMIBTp4AiPGSehlsen®isa=nSved-0CsQ6AE WADEKahUKEwis2035xIAMUVKIEKW)DBWE8Y=onepazeRa=TCPR200pe ‘alone. 168. UDP operation, from hte// htm. 70. Explain UDP operations, rom http:/ecieordie com/I-1--axplain-udp-operations/ TL. Nick (august 29, 2024),CCIE writen Blueprint: 1.1 Explain UDP operations, from hetps:// ww ‘eclainude operations) ‘72. UDP Operations from hits://warw hackanctinker net/2014/12/17/udp-operations/. TR. header, romhttes://en.wikisedia ore/wk/IP_header. 74 Internet Protocol, from htp://wmw networksorcerycon/enp/protocol/p hn. 75. 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Vangie Beal, Pag Pus (Internet Protocol Version 6, fom http://w webopedia com/TERL/\Ieng html References age 1209, Certified Network Defender Copyright © by £-Gouncl ‘Al Fights Reserved, Rearoduction is Strict Prohibited

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