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ho Delhi Public School Ghaziabad

Pre-Board I Examination ( 2017-18 )

Class XII
Biology ( Set – A )
TIME : 3 Hrs M.M.:70
General Instructions:
( I ). There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks and all the three questions of five marks .
(II). Question numbers 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions, carrying 1 mark each.
(III). Question numbers 6 to 10 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each.
(IV). Question numbers 11 to 22 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each.
( V ). Question number 23 is long answer type question, carrying 4 marks.
(V). Question numbers 24 to 26 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each.

Q.1 What is biopiracy? 1

Q.2 An electrostatic precipitator in a thermal power plant is not able to generate high voltage of 1
several thousands. Write the ecological implication because of it.
Q.3 How many chromosomes do drones of honeybee possess? Name the type of cell division 1
involved in the production of sperms by them.
Q.4 Name the stage of cell division where segregation of an independent pair of chromosome occurs. 1
Q.5 Name any two diseases the ‘Himgiri’ variety of wheat is resistant to. 1
Q.6 Why do moss plants produce very large number of male gametes? Provide one reason. What are 2
these gametes called?
A liverwort plant is unable to complete its life-cycle in a dry environment. State two reasons.
Q.7 Name a genus of baculovirus. Why are they considered good biocontrol agents? 2
Q.8 List four benefits to human life by eliminating the use of CFCs. 2
Q.9 Write the scientific name of the fruit fly. Why did Morgan prefer to work with fruit-flies for his 2
experiments? State any three reasons.
Q.10 Explain the two factors responsible for conferring stability to double helix structure of DNA. 2
Q.11 a. Name the selectable markers in the cloning vector pBR 322? Mention the role they play. 3
b. Why is the coding sequence of an enzyme ( beta-galactosidase) a preferred selectable marker
in comparison to the ones named above?
Q.12 Organisms may be conformers or regulators. Explain the statement and give one example of each. 3
Why are there more conformers than regulators in the animal world?
Q.13 Why must a cell be made competent in biotechnology experiments? How does calcium ion help 3
in doing so? State the role of biolistic gun in biotechnology experiments.
Q.14 State what is apomixis. Comment on its significance. How can it be commercially used? 3
Q.15 In snapdragon, a cross between true breeding red flower ( RR ) plants and true breeding white 3
flower ( rr ) plants showed a progeny of plants with all pink flowers.
a. The appearance of pink flowers is not known as blending. Why?
b. What is the phenomenon known as? Explain by making a cross.
Q.16 Explain enzyme-replacement therapy to treat adenosine deaminase deficiency. Mention two 3
disadvantages of this procedure.
Q.17 Describe the inter-relationship between productivity, gross primary productivity and net 3
Q.18 a. When does a human body elicit an anamnestic response? 3
b. Write the events that take place when a vaccine for any disease is introduced into human body.
c. Why is a person with cuts and bruises following an accident administered tetanus antitoxin?
Q.19 Identify a, b, c, d, e and f in the table given below: 3
Syndrome Cause Characteristics of affected individual Sex
Down’s syndrome Trisomy of 21 a.i. B
C Xxy Overall masculine development D
Turner’s syndrome 45 with XO e.i. f
Q.20 a. Explain adaptive radiation with the help of a suitable example. 3
b. Cite an example where more than one adaptive radiations have occurred in an isolated
geographical area. Name the type of evolution your example depicts and state why it is so named.
Q.21 a. Name the bacterium responsible for the large holes seen in ‘swiss cheese’. What are these holes 3
due to?
b. Describe how biogas is generated from activated sludge. List the components of biogas.
Q.22 A person in your colony has recently been diagnosed with AIDS. People in the colony want him 3
to leave the colony for the fear of spread of AIDS. Write your view on the situation, giving
reasons. List the possible preventive measures that you would suggest to the residents of your
locality in a meeting organized by you so that they understand the situation.
c. Write the symptoms and the causative agent of AIDS.
Q.23 Keshav went to his village during his summer break and he observed many birds which he never 4
observed in the city. He also noticed difference in the temperature. In the village temperature was
lower and environment was very pleasant.
a. State any two reasons for occurrence of birds in the village but not in the city.
b. What could be two possible reasons for difference in temperature and environmental
Q.24 a. Describe the various steps of Griffith’s experiment that led to the conclusion of the 5
Transforming principle.
b. How did the chemical nature of the transforming principle get established?
Describe Meselson and Stahl’s experiment that was carried in 1958 on E.coli. Write the
conclusion they arrived at after the experiment.
Q.25 a. Compare, giving reasons, the J-shaped and S-shaped models of population growth of a species. 5
b. Explain ‘fitness of a species’ as mentioned by Darwin.
a. What is an ecological pyramid? Compare the pyramids of energy, biomass and numbers.
b. Write any two limitations of ecological pyramids.
Q.26 Plan a experiment and prepare a flow chart of the steps that you would follow to ensure that the 5
seeds are formed only from the desired sets of pollen grains. Name the type of experiment that
you carried out. Write the importance of such experiments.
Describe the roles of pituitary and ovarian hormones during the menstrual cycle in a human
ho Delhi Public School Ghaziabad
Pre-Board I Examination ( 2017-18 )
Class XII
Biology ( Set – B )

TIME : 3 Hrs M.M.:70

General Instructions:
( I ). There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks and all the three questions of five marks .You have to attempt only
one of the choices in such questions.
(II). Question numbers 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions, carrying 1 mark each.
(III). Question numbers 6 to 10 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each.
(IV). Question numbers 11 to 22 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each.
( V ). Question number 23 is long answer type question, carrying 4 marks.
(V). Question numbers 24 to 26 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each.

Q.1 Mention two advantages for preferring CNG over diesel as an automobile fuel. 1
Q.2 What is a cistron? 1
Q.3 Write an alternate source of protein for animal and human nutrition. 1
Q.4 What are Cry genes? In which organisms are they present? 1
Q.5 Name an alga that reproduces asexually through zoospores. Why are these reproductive units so 1
Q.6 List the symptoms of Ascariasis. How does a healthy person acquire this infection? 2
Q.7 Explain the significant role of the genus Nucleopolyhedrovirus in ecologically sensitive areas. 2
Q.8 Explain the relationship between CFCs and ozone in the stratosphere. 2
Why are sacred groves highly protected?
Q.9 How have transgenic animals proved to be beneficial in: 2
a. Production of biological products
b. Chemical safety testing
Q.10 Name all the haploid cells present in an unfertilized mature embryo sac of a flowering plant. 2
Write the total number of cells in it.
Q.11 Describe the endosperm development in coconut. Why is tender coconut considered a healthy 3
source of nutrition? How are pea seeds different from castor seeds with respect to endosperm?
Q.12 Explain the steps in the formation of an ovum from an oogonium in humans. 3
Q.13 Explain the significance of palindromic nucleotide sequence in the formation of recombinant 3
DNA. Write the use of restriction endonuclease in the above process.
Q.14 Select two pairs from the following which exhibit divergent evolution. Give reasons for your 3
A. Forelimbs of cheetah and mammals
B. Flippers of dolphins and penguins
C. Wings of butterflies and birds
D. Forelimbs of whales and mammals
Q.15 During a monohybrid cross involving a tall pea plant with a dwarf pea plant, the offspring 3
populations were tall and dwarf in equal ratio. Work out a cross to show how it is possible.
Q.16 Describe the roles of heat, primers and the bacterium Thermus aquaticus in the process of 3
polymerase chain reaction.
Q.17 Suggest and explain any three Assisted Reproductive Technologies to an infertile couple. 3
Q.18 Name and explain the type of interaction that exists in mycorrhizae and between cattle egret and 3
Q.19 Explain the various steps involved in the production of artificial insulin. 3
Q.20 Explain the significance of satellite DNA in DNA fingerprinting technique. 3
Q.21 Differentiate between primary and secondary succession. Provide one example of each. 3
Q.22 What does the following equation represent? Explain. 3
P2 + q2 + 2pq = 1
Q.23 A village health worker was taking a session with women. She tells the women that one has to be 4
very careful while using oral pills as method of birth control. Wrong usage can actually promote
(a) Analyze the statement and compare the merits and demerits of using oral pills as a method of
birth control.
(b) Village women were confused as to how a thin metallic Copper loop can provide protection
against pregnancy. Justify the use explaining the mode of action of IUDs.
( c ) Write any two values of village health worker.
Q.24 Explain the process of sewage water treatment before it can be discharged into natural water 5
bodies. Why is this treatment essential?
Explain the process of replication of a retrovirus after it gains entry into the human body.
Q.25 a. Name the two growth models that represent population growth and draw the respective growth 5
curves they represent.
b. State the basis for the difference in the shape of these curves.
c. which one of the curves represent the human population growth at present? Do you think such
a curve is sustainable? Give reason in support of your answer.
Taking an example of a small pond, explain how the four components of an ecosystem function
as a unit. Name the type of food chain that exists in a pond.
Q.26 a. Why are thalassemia and hemophilia categorized as Mendelian disorders? Write the symptoms 5
of these diseases. Explain their pattern of inheritance in humans.
b. Write the genotypes of the normal parents producing a hemophilic son.
How do m-RNA, t-RNA and ribosomes help in the process of translation?

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