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Operation and Maintenance Training


Chemical Part


CHAPTER 1 BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMISTRY................................................................................4
SECTION1 CHEMICAL REACTION...............................................................................................................................4
1 Chemical reaction velocity and chemical equilibrium..........................................................4
2 Main type of chemical reaction...................................................................................................8
SECTION 2 SOLUTION.........................................................................................................................................13
1 Concentration and calculation..................................................................................................13
2 Electrolyte solution......................................................................................................................14
SECTION 3 ACID, ALKALI, SALT AND OXIDE.............................................................................................................16
1 Several Common Acid and Common Gender of Acid........................................................16
2 Several Common Alkali and Common Gender of Alkali....................................................17
3 Several Common Salt and Common Gender of Salt...........................................................18
4 Double decomposition reaction and its reacting condition.............................................18
5 Oxide................................................................................................................................................18
6 Acid oxide.......................................................................................................................................18
7 Alkaline-oxide................................................................................................................................19
8 Amphoteric oxide.........................................................................................................................19
9 Other................................................................................................................................................19
SECTION 4 BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY........................................................................................19
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................19
2 Foundation of Analytical Chemistry........................................................................................19
3 Analysis Process..........................................................................................................................22
1 The responsibilities of chemical part in power plant.........................................................23
2 General Introduction of Chemical System.............................................................................23
CHAPTER 3 SEA WATER DESALINATION SYSTEM..................................................................27
SECTION 1 SEA WATER PRETREATMENT.............................................................................................................27
1 System Drawing............................................................................................................................27
2. Coagulation Principle..................................................................................................................27
3 Equipment Description...............................................................................................................31
4 System running.............................................................................................................................35
5 Shutdown........................................................................................................................................36
SECTION TWO: SEA WATER DESALINATION..............................................................................................................37
1 Technical Introduction of Automatic Cleaning Filter and Multi-medium Filter............37
2 RO (Reverse Osmosis)Technology Overview.......................................................................38
SECTION THREE SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................47
1 Filter System..................................................................................................................................47
2 RO System......................................................................................................................................47
3 Flushing and Dosing System....................................................................................................49
4 System Equipment Performance Summary..........................................................................50
CHAPTER 4 BOILER MAKE-UP WATER TREATMENT...................................................................54
1 Secondary RO System................................................................................................................54
2 Working Principle of Chemical Demineralization................................................................55
3 Performance of Ion-Exchange Resins....................................................................................56
4 Regeration of Ion-Exchange Resins........................................................................................59
5 Introduction to This Project.......................................................................................................67
CHAPTER 5 CONDENSATE POLISHING SYSTEM.....................................................................73
1 General Introduction of the System........................................................................................73
2 General Introduction to Program Control..............................................................................74
CHAPTER 6 WATER & STEAM SUPERVISION AND DOSING SYSTEM.......................................89
1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................89
2 Dosing System and Its Principle...................................................................................................90
3 Performance of Main Dosing Device.......................................................................................92

4 Steam and Water Sampling and Leak Check Sampling System......................................96
CHAPTER 7 SEAWATER CHLORINATION......................................................................................105
1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................105
2 Working Principle.......................................................................................................................106
3 Technical Characteristics of Equipment..............................................................................106
4 System Controlling and Safety Protection..........................................................................109
CHAPTER 8 HYDROGEN GENERATION SYSTEM........................................................................111
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................111
2 Hydrogen Humidity....................................................................................................................111
3 Hydrogen Temperature.............................................................................................................112
4 Pressure of Hydrogen...............................................................................................................112
5 Hydrogen Generation Principle..............................................................................................113
6 Equipment Introduction............................................................................................................113
7 Normal operation and maintenance of hydrogen generation........................................118
8 Hydrogen generation maintenance.......................................................................................119
9 Generator gas replacement.....................................................................................................119
10 Operating parameter.............................................................................................................120
11 Control standards.......................................................................................................................121
CHAPTER 9 WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM....................................................................123
1 Classify of Waste Water in Power Plant...............................................................................123
2 Treatment Methods of Waste Water......................................................................................123
3 Waste Water Treatment System.............................................................................................125
SECTION 1 CLASSIFICATION OF METAL CORROSION AND CORROSION SPEED................................................................131
1 Classification of metal corrosion...........................................................................................131
2 Corrosion speed.........................................................................................................................131
3 Determination method of metal corrosion speed..............................................................132
SECTION 2 CORROSION AND PREVENTION OF FEEDWATER SYSTEM.......................................................................133
1 Corrosion of dissolved oxygen..............................................................................................133
2 Carbon Dioxide Corrosion.......................................................................................................138
SECTION 3 CORROSION AND PREVENTION OF BOILER WATER & STEAM SYSTEM.........................................................140
1 Metal change caused by corrosion.......................................................................................140
2 Metal under-deposit corrosion of steam & water system...............................................140
3 Influence of water steam temperature of metal in water &steam system on corrosion
4 Steam pollution and prevention of drum boiler.................................................................144
SECTION 4 CORROSION AND PROTECTION OF SHUTDOWN BOILER.............................................................................145
1 Necessity of protection after stopping the boiler..............................................................145
2 Protection after shutdown.......................................................................................................146
SECTION 5 FORMING AND PREVENTION OF BOILER SCALE........................................................................................149
1 Characteristics of scale and water slag...............................................................................149
2 calcium and magnesium scale...............................................................................................150
3 Silicate scale................................................................................................................................151
4 Ferric oxide scale.......................................................................................................................151
5 Copper scale................................................................................................................................152
6 Phosphate scale.........................................................................................................................152
SECTION 6 PHOSPHATE TREATMENT OF BOILER WATER...........................................................................................153
1 Principle and Purpose...............................................................................................................153
2 Determine and Control of Phosphate Content in Boiler Water......................................153
3 Functions of Treatment of Phosphate in Boiler Water.....................................................155
4 Problems that may appear in the treatment of phosphate in boiler water.................155
5 “Hideout & return” phenomenon of phosphate in boiler water.....................................155
6 Utilization of (CPT) coordinated PH-treatment/equivalent phosphate treatment
7 (EPT) equilibrium phosphate treatment...............................................................................157
SECTION 7 BOILER BLOWDOWN..........................................................................................................................157

1 Boiler Blowdown.........................................................................................................................157
2 The Purpose of Blowdown.......................................................................................................158
3 Blowdown Form..........................................................................................................................158
4 Blowdown Rate of Boiler..........................................................................................................158
SECTION 2 WATER & STEAM QUALITY STANDARD..................................................................................................160
1 Control standard for water steam during startup of unit.................................................160
2 Control standard for water steam quality during normal startup of unit....................161
SECTION 2 DETERIORATION CAUSES OF WATER & STEAM QUALITY AND TREATMENT...................................................163
1 Water, steam sampling..............................................................................................................163
2 Sampling of water.......................................................................................................................163
3 Sampling of steam.....................................................................................................................164
1 General principles......................................................................................................................165
2 The common deterioration reason of water and steam quality and its treatment....165
1 The inspection parts and content of thermal equipments..............................................174
2 Acquisition and test of scale sample....................................................................................179
3 The summary after overhauling and chemical inspection for thermal equipments 182
CHAPTER 12 CHEMICAL CLEANING OF BOILER.....................................................................185
1 DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF CHEMICAL CLEANING..........................................................................185
2 COMMON CLEANING AGENTS AND ADDITIVES................................................................................186
3 ASPECTS THAT AFFECT THE CHEMICAL CLEANING........................................................................188
4 SAFETY MEASURES..........................................................................................................................189
5 PROCEDURES AND SUPERVISION OF CHEMICAL CLEANING............................................................189
1 PREPARATION AND OPERATION PROCEDURES OF WATER ANALYSIS............................................190
CHAPTER 14 FUEL ANALYSIS IN POWER PLANT....................................................................192
1 COAL FORMATION AND TYPES.........................................................................................................192
2 COAL APPLICATION IN THERMAL POWER PLANT............................................................................192
3 COAL COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS BASIS.....................................................................................192
4 SAMPLING AND PREPARATION FOR FUEL TEST..............................................................................194
5 COAL ANALYSIS ITEMS AND EQUIPMENT...........................................................................................194
CHAPTER 16 OIL USED FOR POWER PLANT...............................................................................196
SECTION 1 CLASSIFICATION OF AUXILIARY OIL........................................................................................................196
1 Oil classification.........................................................................................................................196
2 Standard of electric oils............................................................................................................196
SECTION 4 ELECTRICAL PROPERTY AND DETERMINATION OF INSULATING OIL...............................................................198
1 Electrical Property of Insulating Oil......................................................................................198
Section Three Oil Testing Analyzing Device.................................................................................................199


Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Chemistry

Section1 Chemical Reaction
1 Chemical reaction velocity and chemical equilibrium
1.1 Chemical reaction velocity
Definition: Chemical reaction velocity means the reduction of reactant
concentration or the increase of resultant concentration in unit time.
Mathematical expression: v 
Unit in common use: mol/(L·min)或 mol/(L·s)
The “v” worked out from the formula v=△C/△t, means the average reaction
rate in unit time, instead of the momentary rate. However, when △t gets close
to zero illimitably, “v” is the momentary reaction rate.
Reaction rate can be shown by the concentration change of any substance in
the reaction equation
The reaction rate ratio shown by the concentration change of different
substances is the same as the ratio of the coefficient of all substances in
reaction equation.
mA(g)+nB(g)= pC(g)+qD(g)
v(A)∶v(B)∶v(C)∶v(D) = m∶n∶p∶q
For the same reaction, the values of the reaction rates which are expressed
by the concentration changes of different substances are not the same, but
the meaning is the same.
1.2 The factors which affect the chemical reaction rate
Internal factors: properties of reactant
External factors: concentration, intensity of pressure, temperature, catalyst,
and others
We mainly research the effect of external factors on chemical reaction rate
(1) The effect of concentration on chemical reaction rate
The relationship between concentration and chemical reaction
Rules: when other conditions have no change, increasing the
concentration of reactant will speed up chemical reaction rate.
The reason for the concentration effecting chemical reaction rate
When the concentration increases, the activated molecules in unit
volume increase ® (which cause) effective collision times increases ®
reaction rate speeds up
Notice: for the solid or pure liquid, there is no concentration, and the
reaction rate relates to the contact area.
(2) The effect of intensity of pressure on chemical reaction rate
Rules: for gas, if other conditions have no change, increasing intensity of
pressure will speed up chemical reaction rate.

Reason: increase intensity of pressure ® increase molecules in unit
volume, namely, increase the concentration ® activated molecules
increase ® effective collision times increase ® reaction rate speeds up
Notice: for solid, liquid or solution, changing the intensity of pressure can
be regarded as that there is no effect on chemical reaction rate.
(3) The effect of temperature on chemical reaction rate
Rules: when other conditions have no change, increasing temperature
will speed up chemical reaction rate.
Reason: raise the temperature ® the percentage of activated molecule
increases (main reason) ® effective collision times in unit volume
increases ® reaction rate speeds up
Notice: this rule is suitable for solid, liquid and gas, as well as exothermal
reaction and endothermic reaction.
(4) The effect of catalyst on chemical reaction rate
Rules: proper catalyst can speed up chemical reaction rate
Reason: catalyst can reduce energy in need of reaction ® more reactant
molecules become activated molecule ® percent of activated molecule
increases ®effective collision times increases ® reaction rate speeds
Notice: the catalyst which speed up chemical reaction rate is called
positive catalyst, the one which slows down chemical reaction rate is
called negative catalyst; catalyst refers to the positive catalyst if there is
no special explain.
(5) The effect of other factor on chemical reaction rate
Such as particle size of reactant, character of solution, light, ultrasonic
wave, magnetic field and so on.
1.3 Chemical equilibrium
(1) Reversible reaction
Such as reaction:
1) CO + H2O ® CO2 + H2
2) CO2 + H2 ® CO + H2O
3)CO + H2O≒CO2 + H2
Combining reactions 1) and 2)together will get reaction 3)
3)CO + H2O≒CO2 + H2
The reaction such 3 ) , which can react by forward direction and
conversely, is called “Reversible reaction”.
Nearly all chemical reactions are reversible. The only differences are
about degree, some are greater while others are little, such as:
2KClO3 =2KCl+O2

Very less chemical reaction can “go to final completion”, the most
“complete” reaction is:
2KClO3 =2KCl+O2
So, the feature of reversible reaction is that it can not “go to final
completion” to one direction. (That is: conversion efficiency of the
reactant can not reach to 100%)
(2) Chemical equilibrium
Chemical equilibrium is such a kind of state, when:
Reaction velocities of forward and backward are same.
The concentration of the substance which takes part in reaction
maintains constant;
Dynamic equilibrium, and the chemical reaction is also in process all the
Quantitative characterization of the chemical reaction reversibility:
equilibrium constant
(3) Equilibrium constant and standard equilibrium constant –quantificational
degree for measuring the chemical reaction
Definition: with certain temperature, ratio of resultant concentration
divided by the reactant concentration is a constant -- chemical
equilibrium constant.
Mathematical expression:

Kc 
 C p  D q
 A m  B n
(4) The factors affecting chemical equilibrium constant
For the same chemical equilibrium reaction
1) KC is only the function of temperature. When the T is same, K will be
same; when T is different, K is different too.
2) T is certain, KC is constant, and they have no relation with the
reaction path.
Meaning of KC: the bigger KC is, the greater the reaction degree is
and the higher the conversion rate is.
1) In the expression of equilibrium constant, concentration of water (L),
concentration of solid substance (S) is not necessary to write.
2) Expression of chemical equilibrium constant is related with the
writing of chemical equation.
For example: the K1 value of N2+3H2=2NH3 and the K2 value of
1/2N2+3/2H2=NH3 are different
(5) Standard equilibrium constant
When the chemical reaction get to equilibrium, the concentration of
substances in the system does not change with time; if the equilibrium

concentration divided by standard concentration cθ(1mol·L-1), can get a
ratio which means that the equilibrium is multiple of standard
concentration, and we name this multiple as the relative concentration at
equilibrium. When the chemical reaction reaches to equilibrium, relative
concentration of substances change no more. If it is gaseous phase
reaction, equilibrium partial pressure divided by standard pressure
Pθ(100kPa), the value is relative partial pressure.
For the reversible reaction aA(aq)  bB(aq )  cC(aq)  dD(aq)
At equilibrium, relative concentration of substances A 、 B 、 C 、 D are
expressed as CA/Cθ、CB/Cθ、CC/Cθ、CD/Cθ,
And its standard concentration equilibrium constant K C can be
expressed as:

K 

C C / C C
D 
/ C

C A / C  C
 a
B /C 
 b

(6) Chemical equilibrium shifting

Chemical equilibrium is a relative and conditional state. When condition
of equilibrium change, “equilibrium” will be broken and the chemical
reaction will react to some direction and get to equilibrium once again by
the new condition. The process of breaking old equilibrium and rebuild a
new one which are caused by change of equilibrium condition, it is called
“chemical equilibrium shifting”.
The main factors which effect chemical equilibrium are: concentration,
pressure and temperature.
1) Effects of concentration
Rules: increase the reactant concentration and reduce the resultant
concentration, equilibrium processes to positive reaction direction;
reduce reactant concentration and increase resultant concentration,
equilibrium will process to negative reaction direction.
2) Effects of pressure
For the reaction which has gaseous substance take part in, when
increasing total pressure of reaction system, the equilibrium will shift
to the reaction direction where the gaseous molecule number
reduce; when reducing total pressure, equilibrium shift to the
reaction direction where the gaseous molecule number increase
3) The effect of temperature
Rules: when the temperature rise, equilibrium shift to the reaction
direction of heat absorption(H > 0); when the temperature reduce,
equilibrium shift to the reaction direction of heat libration (H < 0)
So, when the temperature rising, reaction proceed inversely; or,
reaction proceed by forward direction.
2 Main type of chemical reaction
2.1 Neutralization reaction
The neutralization reaction is a creation that acid and alkali exchange
component each other, and create salt and water. Neutralization reaction

belongs to double decomposition reaction.
The neutralization creation of strong acid and strong alkali is actually a
reaction that H in acid molecule and OH- in alkali combined to form water
molecule with weak ionization: H++OH-=H2O
When the reaction reaches to the equivalent point, solution is neutral. For the
neutralization reaction of strong alkali and weak acid or weak alkali and
strong acid, as the salt created will be hydrolyzed, so that the solution is not
neutral even the reaction is at the equivalent point; for the reaction of strong
alkali and weak acid, solution is alkali; for the reaction of weak alkali and
strong acid, the solution is acid. In the reaction of acid-base neutralization,
the reactants are reacted by the ratio of substance amount which is defined
by the chemical reaction expression. And the substance amount of solute in
solution (mol) = molar concentration (mol/L) × volume of solution (L).
Measure the volume after neutralizing the acid (or alkali) solution which molar
concentration is known and alkali (or acid) solution which molar concentration
is unknown, and then the concentration of alkali solution can be calculated
from the ratio of acid and alkali substances in the chemical reaction
2.2 Deposition reaction
(1) Deposition dissolution equilibrium
According to Electrolyte can be divided into very soluble electrolyte and
insoluble (slightly soluble) electrolyte. After the dissolve of electrolyte, the
ion on the surface of the electrolyte lattice detach from lattice surface and
go into solution to become aqua ion, this process is called dissolution. At
the same time, ions in solution combine into molecule with each other
and return to lattice surface, this process is called deposition. When the
velocities of dissolution and deposition are same, the reaction reaches to
equilibrium, and this is called deposition-dissolution equilibrium.
deposition-dissolution equilibrium is a kind of dynamic equilibrium,
υdissolve =υprecipitate。
1) Solubility degree L
At a certain temperature, solubility is the dissolved quantity when the
dissolution of solute in a certain solvent reaches to equilibrium. For
the slightly soluble compounds, “s” means solubility. It can express
the substance amount of solute B in every liter at equilibrium. Unit is
mol.L-1 。
2) Solubility product
In case of that other existence form slightly soluble compound MA in
water are neglected except for the ordinary hydration ion, so that
MA(s) = MA(aq) = M++A-
Kap is activity product constant of slightly soluble compounds, which
is activity product for short.
a(M+)·a(A-)=γM+[M+]·γA-[A-]=γM+γA-Ksp= Kap
Ksp is solubility product constant of slightly soluble compounds, which
is solubility product for short.
Conversion between solubility and solubility product

At a certain temperature, Ksp is certain, and s change with other
factors; for the same kind electrolyte, its concentration in pure water
can be compared by the Ksp.
For the AB type compound: Ksp = [A+][B-] =S2
For the AB2 type compound: Ksp = [A+][B-]2 = 4S3
For the AB3 type compound: Ksp = 27S4
For the AB2 type or the AB3 type compound: Ksp = 108S5

3) Rules of solubility product

For the MmAn,if the ionic product is Qi=CM·CA,, so that:
Qi>Ksp,produce deposition, the solution is supersaturated
Qi<Ksp,deposition dissolve, the solution is unsaturated
Qi=Ksp , if there is solid, the solubility reach to equilibrium, and the
solution is saturated; if there is no solid, the solution is nearly
4) The factors which effect solubility
Common ion effect and salt effect
If there is cation (or anion) which is same as insoluble electrolyte in
the solution, that might reduce the solubility of insoluble electrolyte.
The effect which can reduce solubility of insoluble electrolyte by
adding strong electrolyte with common ion is called common-ion
On the other hand, addition of strong electrolyte will increase the
solubility of insoluble salt; this phenomenon is call salt effect. The
strong electrolyte with common ion has these two effects both, it
presents common-ion effect when the adding precipitator adequately,
and presents salt effect when the precipitator is excessive.
Acid effect
According to solubility product, Ksp = [M+][A–] , any other ion and
chemical reactions in the solution may effect the deposition
equilibrium. And quantity changing of A and M in the expression will
affect deposition equilibrium. The neutralization reaction of H +与 and
anion in acid solution:
An - + H3O + = HA1-n + H2O
HA1-n + H3O + = H2A2-n + H2O
If the [H +] (cation) concentration increase and the [An -] (anion)
reduce, the equilibrium shift to the direction of dissolution. Solubility
of M and A increase.
Coordination effect
5) Transformation of deposition
The process of that one deposition is transforming to another
deposition is called transformation of deposition. For example, silver

Ag Cl(s) = Ag + + Cl –
KI = I– + K +

As the AgI deposition is created, [Ag + ] in solution reduce, and the
equilibrium shift to the right which dissolve KI(s), if the KI quantity is
large enough, all the KI can translated into AgI. Generally speaking,
the deposition with small solubility is easily converted into the
deposition with small solubility, but the deposition will convert when
there are too many precipitators in the deposition with small
6) Weight analysis
1) Requirements for the deposition form
Small solubility; it is easy to filtrate and clean; it should be as
purify as possible and avoid dirt; easy to converted to weighing
2) Requirements for the weighing form
With certain chemical compositions; high stability; high molar
3) Volumetric deposition method
A Essential conditions for volumetric deposition method
Deposition reaction can be processed quickly and
Small deposition of the deposition
There is simple and exact method to indicate the end point;
There is no clear absorption phenomenon, and has no
effect on the measurement of chemical measure point.
B Titration mode
The most widely used deposition titration mode is
argentimetry, which determines it by the generation
insoluble silver salt.
2.3 Oxidation-reduction reactions
2.3.1 Basic conception
The reaction which has getting or losing of electrons and deviation of
common-used electron-pair is called oxidation-reduction reaction. The
character is that valence of some elementary rise or debase before and after
the reaction.
Oxidation: the change of that atom or ion loss electrons is called oxidization
Reduction: the change of that atom or ion get electrons is called reduction
Removing hydrogen and adding oxygen are called oxidization; adding
hydrogen and removing oxygen are called reduction.
Oxidant: the substances which get electrons in reaction, it is oxidizability,

have oxidizing ability, and produce oxidizing effect.
Reducer: the substances which loss electrons in reaction, show reducibility,
have reducibility, and produce reduction effect.
Oxidation products: the resultant of oxidized reducer which loss electrons.
Reduction products: the resultant of reduced oxidant which get electrons.
Oxidant(with oxidizability) --→reduction products
Reducer(with reducibility) --→oxidation products
2.3.2 Common oxidants and reducers
Common oxidants: A: active nonmetallic elementary substance, such as
F2、Cl2、Br2、I2、O2、O3 and so on; B: ions with high valence state, such as
H+、Fe3+、Cu2+、Ag+、Sn4+ and so on; C:substances with higher valence
state element, such as
H2SO4(concentrated)、HNO3、HClO 、PbO2 、MnO2 、KClO3、KMnO4 and so
on; D; some special substances, such as H2O2、Na2O2 and so on.
Common reducers: A: metal elementary substance, such as
Na、Mg、Al、Fe、Cu and so on; B: nonmetallic elementary substance, such as
H2 、 C 、 CO 、 P and so on; C: ions with low valence state, such as
Fe2+、Sn2+ 、I-、S2-、Br- and so on; D: substances with lower valence state
element, such as NH3、H2S、SO2、HI、HBr、H2SO3、Na2SO3and so on.
2.3.3 Comparing relative intensity of oxidizablity and reducibility Intensity of reducibility: the more easily the substance loses electrons, the
stronger its reducibility is and does no substance with quantity of the
electrons lost.
A Judging by periodic table of elements
B Judging by activity sequence of metal
C Judging by details of reaction
D Judging by the valence state of element
E Judging by the condition of reaction Intensity of oxidizability: the more easily the substance gets electrons, the
stronger its oxidizability is which does no substance with quantity of the
electrons got.
A Judge by periodic table of elements
B Judge by activity sequence of metal
C Judge by details of reaction
D Judge by the conditions of reaction
E Judge by the valence state of element
F The higher the temperature is, the higher the concentration is; (in some
special condition), the higher the acidity is, the stronger the oxidizability
is. Rules of oxidization and reduction
A Rules of valence state:

(1) The element with highest valence state can be only oxidant; the
element with lowest valence state can be only reducer; the element
with intermediate valence state can be oxidant and reducer
(2) In the same kind elements, if the difference of valence state is
bigger, there is more possibility for oxidation-reduction reaction; if the
valences are nearby each others, there is no oxidation-reduction
reaction; there is no crossing when the valences of oxidant and
reducer with same kind element rising or reducing.
B Priority rules
When reducer contacting with several kinds of oxidants, it reacts with the
substance with strong oxidizability in advance. In the same, oxidant
reacts with the substance with strong reducibility in advance. Balancing in the expression of oxidation-reduction reaction
(1) Find out the change of valence
(2) Find out the balancing norm
(3) Ensure the rising and debasing of valence is same by least common
(4) Balancing the changing elementary coefficient of valence
(5) Balancing the coefficient of other substances
(6) Inspection
(7) Equal mark, ↑(gas mark,which means gas rise up), ↓(deposition mark)
and so on Application of the electron conservation in oxidation-reduction reaction
According to the substance amount of oxidant and reducer, calculate the
amount of electron losing and getting, as the amount of electron losing and
getting are equal, get result.
2.4 Coordination reaction
The reaction which produce complex ion by combining one central element
(ion or atom) and several ligands (anion or molecule) as coordination bond, is
called coordination reaction.
For example, add ammonia into copper sulfate solution, blue deposition of
Cu2 (OH)2SO4 produced at beginning, if the ammonia water adding is over
quantity, blue deposition dissolve into dark blue solution. Overall reaction is:
CuSO4 + 4NH3 = [Cu(NH3)4]SO4
Then, Cu2+ can hardly be detected in solution, except for SO42 - and
[Cu(NH3)4]2+. Or, add KI into HgCl2 solution, saffron HgI2 deposition
produced; continuous adding KI to over quantity, deposition disappear and
become colorless solution.
HgCl2 + 2KI = HgI2↓+ 2KCl HgI2 + 2KI = K2[HgI4]
The compounds, such as [Cu (NH3)4] SO4 and K2 [HgI4] are complexes

Section 2 Solution

1 Concentration and calculation
1.1 Dispersion system
The mixtures produced by that one substance (or several substances)
dispersing into another substance is called dispersion system
Dispersate: substance which are dispersed to particulate.
Dispersant: substance in which the particulates are dispersing in
Dispersion system depends on the dispersate particle size

Dispersion system Dispersate Character For example

particle size
Turbidity liquid >100nm Instable、inhomo Slime water、oil &
geneous water mixture
Solution <1nm Stable、homoge NaCl
neous solution、CuSO4soluti
Colloid Between 1nm- Relatively stable Fe(OH)3
100nm colloid、starch solution

1.2 Composition Measurement of solution

(1) Mass fraction and volume fraction
1) The mass ratio of component i and mixture is the mass fraction of
this component, its mathematic expression is Wi=mi/m
(2) Concentration of substance amount
The substance amount of solute B in 1L solution is called concentration
of substance amount, express by cB, that is:
In the expression, nB is substance amount of substance B, unit of SI is
mol; V is the volume of solution, unit of SI is m3. Common unit of
concentration is mol·L—1.
1.3 Mass concentration
The ratio of solute mass mB and volume of solution is called mass
concentration, express by ρB, the expression is:
Units: g·L—1、mg·L—1、g·mL—1、ug·L—1 and so on.
1.4 Mass molar concentration
Substance amount of solute B in 1kg solution is called mass molar
concentration of solute B, express by bB, its mathematic expression is:
In the expression: bB is mass molar concentration, unit is mo1·kg—1 ;mA is
mass (kg) of solution. As the mass of substance is not affected by
temperature, so the mass molar concentration of solution is a physical

quantity which is unrelated to temperature.
1.5 ppm concentration
Usually, it means the concentration of gas or solution
ppm is short for parts per million, means a part in every million. For example,
1ppm means that there is 1kg solute in one million kg solution. ppm and
percent express the same thing; the only different is the proportional number.
2 Electrolyte solution
2.1 Acid-base proton theory
Acid-base proton theory: the substances which can send proton is acid, the
substances which can receive proton are base; acid is the donor of proton,
while the base is accepter. The acid that sent out proton is the conjugate
base of itself, the base who received proton is the conjugate acid of itself.
Relation of acid and base proton can be expressed as:
2.1.1 Fact of acid-base reaction
The fact of acid-base reaction is the proton conveying between two pairs of
conjugate pair:

A1  B2 B1  A 2
Two half-reaction reacting at same time can process in the non-aqueous
solvent or gas phase.
Acid-base reaction is the process which producing relatively weak base and
acid by the reacting of relatively strong acid and base:
Stronger acid + stronger base = weaker base + weaker acid
2.2 Ionization equilibrium in electrolyte and pH of solution
Electrolyte: the compounds which is conductive in water solution or in the
condition of fusing.
Electrolyte can be divided into weak electrolyte and strong electrolyte. The
electrolyte which can be ionized completely is called strong electrolyte, the
electrolyte which can be ionized partly is called weak electrolyte.
Electrolyte solution: the solution produced by that electrolyte dissolving into
2.2.1 Degree of ionization and ionization constant Degree of ionization (α )
The degree of liberation of weak ionization can be expressed by liberation
   100%

The degree of ionization depends on the character of electrolyte, while it also
relates with solution concentration, temperature and so on. Ionization constant and dilution law
With a certain temperature, when the weak electrolyte in water solution reach
ionization equilibrium, the concentration ratio of arithmetic product of all kinds
ions producing by ionization and unionized molecule in solution is a constant,
which is ionization constant (Ki). The ionization constant of weak acid is
expressed by Ka usually, while the ionization constant of weak base is
expressed by Kb usually.
Take acetic acid and ammonia NH3H2O as an example: let’s talk about the
ionization equilibrium constant of weak monoacid and weak base in water
(1) Ionization equilibrium of HAc
According to chemical equilibrium law, the expression of equilibrium
constant is:
(c H  / c ) /(c Ac / c )
K  
c HAc / c
The above expression can be written as:
c H   c Ac
K 
c HAc
Ka is the equilibrium constant of acid liberation. With a certain
temperature, it is a constant value. Ka means the ability of releasing
proton for the acid in water solution, as the Ka value is bigger, the acid is
stronger, and vice versa.
(2) Ionization equilibrium of NH3·H2O
The ionization expression is NH3·H2O=NH4++OH-
c NH   c OH 
Kb  4

c NH3H 2O
Kb is the ionization constant of NH3·H2O
Kb is the libration equilibrium constant of base. With certain temperature,
it is constant value. Kb means the ability of accepting proton for base in
water solution, as the Kb value is bigger, the base is stronger.
(3) Dilution law
Take the acetic acid as example to show the relationship of electrolyte
ionization constant Ki and degree of ionization.
Initial concentration c 0 0
Equilibrium concentration c-cα cα cα
c H   c Ac (c ) 2 c 2
K   
c HAc c  c 1  

As the degree of ionization a of weak electrolyte is small, 1-α≈1

The general expression is:


Section 3 Acid, Alkali, Salt and Oxide

1 Several Common Acid and Common Gender of Acid
Among common acid, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is the most important one.
Dilute sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid possesses similar chemical property.
For pH indicator can be ionized from acid in aqueous solution, namely
aqueous solution of different kinds of acids contain pH indicator, so they have
some similar characteristics.
Common Acid and Common Gender of Acid
Common gender of acid Hydrochloric acid Sulfuric acid
Acid makes purple litmus Same Same
test solution becomes red,
but achromatic
phenolphthalein does not
turn color
Metal+acid→salt+hydrogen Zn+2HCl=ZnCl2+H2↑ Zn+ H2SO4 =ZnSO4+H2↑
Alkaline- Fe2O3+6HCl=2FeCl3+3H2 Fe2O3+3H2SO4=Fe2(SO4)3+3
oxide+acid→salt+water O H2O
Alkali+acid→salt+water NaOH+HCl=NaCl+ H2O Cu(OH)2+H2SO4=
Salt+acid→another kind of AgNO3+HCl=AgCl↓+HN BaCl2+H2SO4=BaSO4↓ +2HCl
salt+ another kind of acid O3
1 In the course of metal+acid→salt+hydrogen, the acid commonly indicates
dilute sulfuric acid and diluted hydrochloric acid, but not the concentrated
sulfuric acid or nitric acid. For concentrated sulfuric acid or nitric acid
have strong oxidbillity, they can not generate hydrogen, but water; metal
indicates active metal before hydrogen, for metal after hydrogen can not
substitute hydrogen in acid.
2 Metal activity ranking table can be educed through reaction condition of
metal and acid
K Ca Na Mg Al Zn Fe Sn Pb (H) Cu Hg Ag Pt Au
Activity of metal is weaken gradually
Among ranking of metal activity, the former the metal is, the activity of the
metal is; the more acuity the reaction is, the shorter the reaction time is.
3 Concentrated sulfuric acid possesses water absorption; it is used as
drying agent commonly. Sulphuric acid also possesses dehydration

property, which has strong corrosivity to skin or clothes.
2 Several Common Alkali and Common Gender of Alkali
Among common alkali, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is the most important one;
calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) is in the second place. Hydroxide ion can be
ionized from acid in aqueous solution, namely aqueous solution of different
kinds of alkalis contain hydroxide ion, so they have some similar
Common Alkali and Common Gender of Alkali
Common gender of alkali Sodium hydroxide Calcium hydroxide
Alkali makes purple litmus Same Same
test solution becomes blue,
and achromatic
phenolphthalein becomes
Acid oxide+ 2NaOH+CO2=Na2CO3+H2O Ca(OH)2+CO2=CaCO3↓+H2O
Acid+ alkali→salt+water NaOH+HCl=NaCl+H2O Ca(OH)2+H2SO4=
Salt+alkali→another kind of 2NaOH+CuSO4=Na2SO4+Cu Ca(OH)2+Na2CO3=CaCO3↓+2
salt+ another kind of alkali (OH)2↓ NaOH
1 Only solubility alkali can react with some nonmetal oxide, these nonmetal
oxide are acidic oxide which mainly can dissolve in water and react with
to generate acid.
2 When salt reacts with alkali, these two should be soluble, and one of their
resultant is deposition, then the reaction can be carried out.
3 Several Common Salt and Common Gender of Salt
Summarize chemical character of salt according to character of common salt.
Character of salt Examples
Salt solution+metal→salt+metal CuSO4+Zn= ZnSO4+Cu
Salt+acid→salt+acid BaCl2+H2SO4=BaSO4↓ +2HCl
Salt solution+ alkali 3NaOH+FeCl3=3NaCl+Fe(OH)3 ↓
Salt solution+ salt solution→salt+salt AgNO3+NaCl=AgCl↓+NaNO3
In metal activity ranking table, only the metal ranks former can substitute the
metal ranks latter from their salt solution.
4 Double decomposition reaction and its reacting condition
Definition: Double decomposition reaction indicates the reaction that
generating other kinds of compounds by exchanging components of two
kinds of compounds.
General formula: AB+CD=AD+CB
Reacting condition: two kinds of compounds exchange their ion in solution, if

resultant separates out deposition、gives out gas or generates water, double
decomposition reaction can react without exception.
5 Oxide
The material consists of two kinds of elements, one of which is compound of
oxygen, and can react with oxygen is called oxide. According to different
chemical property, oxide can be divided into two main kinds which are acid
oxide and alkaline-oxide.
6 Acid oxide
Reaction of alkali and acid generates salt and water, and reaction of alkali
and some nonmetal oxide generates salt and water too. For example:
Ca (OH)2+SO3=CaSO4+H2O
The above reaction shows that character of carbon dioxide, sulphur trioxide
and acid are similar. So, the oxide like carbon dioxide, sulphur trioxide can
reacts with alkali to generate salt and water, is called acid oxide.
Most nonmetal oxides are acid oxide, among the nonmetal oxides that we
acquaint; carbon monoxide is not acid oxide. Most acid oxide can react with
water to generate oxyacid.
Oxyacid can generate acid oxide by heating and decomposing. For example,
sulphur trioxide and water can be generated by heating sulphuric acid:
Here sulphur trioxide can be regarded as resultant after dewatering of sulfuric
acid,so acid oxide is also called acid anhydride.
7 Alkaline-oxide
The oxide that can react with acid to generate salt and water, is called
alkaline-oxide, most metal oxide is alkaline-oxide.
8 Amphoteric oxide
It can react with strong acid and strong alkali at the same time, so it is call
如:Al2O3 ZnO BeO
9 Other
Like oxide film formed by passivation of metal, does not react with acid and
alkali. Presenting special crystal structure and the structure is abnormal

Section 4 Basic Knowledge of Analytical Chemistry
1 Introduction
Analytical chemistry can be divided into qualitative analysis and quantitative
analysis two parts based on its task. According to the difference of analysis
method, it also can be divided into chemical analysis method and
instrumental analysis method.
2 Foundation of Analytical Chemistry
2.1 Chemical analysis is an analysis method based on chemical reactions, whose
analysis methods include:
(1) Acid-base Titration Method
Acid-base titration method is a method which uses the neutralization
reaction between acid and alkali. It is suitable for measure acid and alkali
or alkaline materials or acidic matters that can have quantitative
reactions with acid and alkali. In the analysis of water quality, the acid-
base titration method is often used to measure the acidity and alkalinity
of water sample. In acid-base titration, the indicator is usually used to
indicate the end point of titration. The changeable range of suitable
indicator should be within the jump range during acid-base titration. At
least, its color-change part must be within the color-change range.
The method is based on the proton theory of acid-base.
(2) Deposition Titration Method
Deposition titration method is a titrimetric analysis method based on
deposition reactions. The deposition titration is more widely applied to
reactions through which insoluble silver salt is generated, so the titration
method based on this kind of reaction is called argentimetry which can be
used to measure ions like Cl-, Br-, Ag+, CN- and SCN-, etc.
The deposition reaction of deposition titration method must accord with
the following qualifications:
1 The solubility product of the precipitate generated must be very
2 The deposition reaction must be rapid and quantitative.
3 Suitable indicators or other methods can be used to confirm the
equivalent point of titration.
(3) Complexometric Titration Method
Complexometric titration is the titrimetric analysis that is carried out
based on the complexing reaction taking the complexing agent as the
standard solution. There are many kinds of methods for judging the end
point of complexometric titration. The most common one is the method
that uses metal indicator to judge the end point of titration. The metal
indicator which is organic complexing agent can form colored complexes
with metal ions. Its color is different from that of the free indicator, so it
can indicate the changes of the ionic concentration in the titration
process. The common metal indicators include chrome black T, calcium
red, acid chrome blue K, xylenol orange and sulfosalicylic acid, etc.
Using EDTA standard solution to measure the hardness and calcium
content and magnesium content in water is the typical analysis method of
complexometric titration.

Qualifications should be possessed by the metal indicator of complexes:
1 Within the PH range of the titration, the colors of free indicator and
metal ionic complex of the indicator should have obvious differences,
so the color change of the end point can be obvious.
2 The colored complex formed by the indicator and metal ions should
have a suitable stability. The stability of the complex formed by the
indicator and the metal ions should be less than that of the complex
formed by EDTA and the metal ions.
3 The complex formed by the indicator and the metal ions should be
dissolved in water.
(4) Oxidation-reduction Titration Method
The redox titration method refers to the titrimetric analysis method using
oxidants or reductants as the standard solution on the basis of redox.
There are many redox reactions using titration analysis. According to the
difference of common oxidants and reductants, the redox titration can be
divided into potassium permanganate method, potassium dichromate
method, iodine method, potassium bromate method and cerium sulphate
method. For example, the potassium dichromate (K2CrO4 )method is
used to analyze the chemical oxygen content (COD) in water.
2.2 The instrumental analysis is a method that uses photoelectric instruments to
measure physical or physico-chemical properties such as optical properties
(like absorbency or spectral line intensity), electrochemical properties (like
current, potential and conductance) and so on to work out the component
content that is to be measured. Its methods are:
2.2.1 Colorimetric Analysis Method
Colorimetric analysis method: uses the method of comparing the color shade
of the solution to ascertain the content of colored matter in the solution. The
darker the color if the colored matter solution is, the high concentration is; the
lighter the color is, the lower the concentration is.
The measurement steps of the colorimetric analysis method: ①Selecting
suitable color reagents to make the components to be measured convert into
colored matter is called the color stage. The color stage is carried out when
measuring colorless solutions. ② Selecting the shade of color of the
measured solution of the optimum condition is called color comparison stage.
2.2.2 Light Absorption Analysis Method
(1) Basic property of light
Light is in possession of duality: variability and particle property.
Variability: λν=c
In the formula, λ—wave length (nm)
Ν—frequency (Hz)
c—speed (3*1010 cm/s)
Corpuscular property: E=hν
In the formula: E—photons energy
H—constant (Planck constant=6.6256×10-34 J·s)

(2) The relation between solution color and light absorption
1 The classification of spectrum
Visible light: mixing light, and is mixed by the electromagnetic wave
whose length is 400 ~ 760nm according to suitable intensity
proportion; it can be felt by human vision, so it is called visible light.
Ultraviolet light: the wave length of electromagnetic wave is less than
Infrared light: the wave length of electromagnetic wave is more than
Complementary color: when light of two colors is mixed according to
suitable intensity proportion, the white light can be produced; the
light of these two colors is called the complementary color light.
The solution is in different colors is because it absorbs light with
selectivity. For example:
When the incident light (white light) all permeates the solution, the
solution is colorless and transparent.
When the incident light (white light) is completely absorbed by the
solution, the solution is black.
2 Absorption Curve
Make the light of different wave lengths pass through the colored
solution of certain concentration, measure out the absorption
degrees of them to the light of various wave lengths, and use
absorbance A, or light density D and extinction degree E to indicate
them. And then take the wave length as the abscissa and
absorbance as the ordinate to frame out the curve. The curve is
called the absorption curve of light (absorption spectrum).
Chemical reactions in solution: the concentration of the light
absorption matters in the solution is always changed because of
dissociation, association reaction and formation of new chemical
compound or chemical changes of tautomer.
3 Analysis Process
The task of quantitative analysis is to measure the content of relative
components in matters, which usually includes the following steps:
(1) Sampling
(2) Decomposing sample
(3) Measurement
(4) Calculating the analysis result
(5) Evaluating the reliable degree of the analysis result

Chapter 2. Brief Instruction of Chemical System in Power Plant

1 The responsibilities of chemical part in power plant

Chemical part is an auxiliary part in power plant, which mainly includes
operation and maintenance of water treatment equipments, chemical dosing
control and regulation and steam and water supervision, and chemical
analysis of steam and water and fuel, and the oil used for electrical power,
etc. There are operation, maintenance and chemical test based on working
form. Therefore, its responsibilities include:
(1) Preparing sufficient and qualified water;
(2) Treating boiler feedwater and boiler water through chemical dosing,
preventing and slowing down scaling, corrosion and salt deposition in
thermodynamic system, and ensuring good steam quality.
(3) Condensate polishing aims to remove the salt thoroughly, eliminate the
corrosions in the unit, reduce the damage caused by in-leakage into the
(4) Treating circulating cooling water through chemical dosing, preventing
and slowing down corrosion and scaling in copper tube of condenser and
other cooling water systems.
(5) Continuously adjusting and optimizing water treatment process and
chemical dosing regulation and ensuring steam and water quality through
on-line supervision and periodic chemical analysis of steam and water.
(6) Provide reliable coal quality monitoring date by collecting, preparing and
analyzing coal samples.
(7) Ensuring eligible oil quality through chemical analysis and necessary
treatment for steam turbine oil and transformer oil.
(8) Outage maintenance of unit: closely relating to water treatment, and
including work like chemical dosing treatment on thermodynamic system
and so on before unit outage.
(9) Chemical cleaning: when scaling on boiler water wall exceeds the
standard, it must make chemical cleaning for the boiler proper. In the
process of chemical cleaning, it is required to supply water of different
qualities in different stages, so water treatment is one of the important
factors that ensure chemical cleaning effect.
(10) Treatment and reclamation of waste water
(11) Generate the hydrogen which meets quality and quantity requirements
for generator cooling; keep the hydrogen generation system running well.
2 General Introduction of Chemical System
In order to match its corresponding tasks, chemical system is configured with
the following main systems in this project:
2.1 General Introduction of Seawater Desalination System
This system employs reverse osmosis way to perform desalination treatment
to sea water. It includes two sets of reverse osmosis device and takes the
sea water near power plant as the raw water. The seawater desalination
capacity is 140 T/H. The system flow is as follow:

Sea water  sea water pretreatment  auto-cleaning filter  multi-media filter 
cartridge filter of primary RO  HP pump of primary RO  primary RO 
primary RO water tank
2.2 General Introduction of Boiler Makeup Water Treatment System
This system mainly refers to the ion-exchange demineralization system. It
includes 2 sets of secondary RO, 2 sets of cation bed, 2 sets of anion bed, 2
sets of mixed beds and sets of 1700m 3 demineralized water tank; for them,
one set of operation and the other for standby. The system capacity is
designed as 50 t/h and the makeup water resource is from primary RO water
tank. Cation beds and anion beds are arranged separately for each unit,
however, mixed bed are arranged for all units. The working process of system
is as follow:
Primary RO water tank  secondary RO booster pump  secondary RO
cartridge filter  secondary RO HP pump  secondary RO  secondary RO
water tank  ion-exchange feedwater pump  cation bed  anion bed  mixed
bed  demineralized water tank  users in power plant
2.3 General Introduction of Condensate Polishing System
Condensate polishing system employs the powdered resin filter with
demineralization capacity, and aims to remove the metal oxide during unit
startup and some salt contents during normal operation. If leakage happens
to condenser, the unit must be shut down safely. Each unit is equipped with a
set of condensate polishing device to treat all the condensate. The system
adopts auto running mode.
The main system flow is as follow:
Condensate pump  condensate polishing device  LP heater
2.4 General Introduction of Chemical Dosing System
The water treatment of the unit is designed as All Volatilization Treatment
(1) Ammonia dosing device for feedwater and condensate
2 units share one ammonia dosing device with mechanical, electrical and
I&C integration. In all there are 2 metering tanks and 2 solution tanks,
ammonia water is delivered to metering tank by portable type solution
extraction pump and prepared in solution tank. There are 3 feedwater
ammonia dosing pumps (two for operation and one for standby which is
also as the dosing pump during boiler outage) and 5 condensate
ammonia dosing pumps (two for operation and one for standby).
Ammonia dosing point of feed water is set on the down comer of the
deoxidized water tank, and the dosing volume is auto-controlled. Feed
water ammonia dosing control the dosing volume by through the feed
water flow signal. Ammonia dosing volume of the main pipe dosing point
in the outlet of the condensate water polishing mixed bed can be auto-
controlled and it can control the dosing volume according to the
condensate water flow signal.
(2) Hydrazine dosing device of the feedwater, condensate and close cooling
2 units share one feedwater hydrazine dosing device with mechanical,
electrical and I&C integration. In all there are 2 metering tanks and 2
solution tanks, hydrazine is delivered to metering tank by portable type

solution extraction pump and prepared in solution tank. There are 3
feedwater hydrazine dosing pumps (two for operation and one for
standby which is also as the dosing pump during boiler outage), 2
condensate hydrazine dosing pumps and 1 CCCW hydrazine dosing
The hydrazine dosing point of the feed water is in the down comer of the
deoxidized water tank, the dosing volume is auto-controlled. Dosing
volume is controlled according to the feed water flow signal. Hydrazine
dosing point of the condensate water is set at the outlet of the
condensate polishing and the dosing volume is auto-controlled according
to the flow signal of condensate. The close-type cooling water system
adopts the manual dosing.
(3) Boiler water phosphate dosing device
2 units share 1 chemical dosing device with mechanical, electrical and
I&C integration. Totally, 2 solution tanks and 3 phosphate pumps are
installed (two for operation and 1 for standby). Dosing volume can be
manually adjusted and the dosing point is in the steam drum.
(4) Boiler startup dosing device
Boiler startup dosing system includes feedwater ammonia dosing system
and boiler water phosphate dosing devices, etc.
Ammonia dosing devices include 1 solution tank, 1 feedwater ammonia
metering pump. Ammonia dosing point is in feedwater pipe of startup
boiler and dosing mode can be adjusted manually.
The phosphate dosing devices include 1 solution tank and 1 metering
2.5 General Introduction of Chemical Sampling System
To supervise the operation condition of the thermo system, every unit is
equipped with one centralized steam water sampling & analyzing system and
necessary on-line gauges. The steam water sampling & analyzing device will
analyze the output signal of the gauges , the alarming signal sent out by the
steam water sampling & analyzing device will be sent to the PLC of the
condensate polishing control system, and then in the operator station of PLC,
the steam and water quality will be displayed and recorded, as to the
abnormal working condition of the steam water sampling & analyzing device,
it will give out alarms and it will also supply the steam and water quality
monitoring parameters for the feed water and boiler water dosing auto-
Steam & water sampling and analyzing system include high temperature
cooling frame and low temperature meter plate. There are pre-cooling device,
sampling water cooler and decompression valve in high temperature and high
pressure frame. Low temperature meter plate includes constant temperature
device, manual sampling frame and chemical analyzing gauges. Cooling
water of the sampling system is from close cooling system of the unit.
2.6 General Introduction of Sea Water Electrolyzing and Chlorine
Generation System
Two sets of chlorination generation devices which adopt sea water
electrolysis method with an output of 84 kg/h for 2 steam-generator units are
supplied in this project. The device is used for the chlorine dosing system for
whole plant. The dosing points of sea water located at the circulating water

flow way. Each unit is furnished with 1 dosing point and 2 dosing points in all.
System flow:
Sea water → pre-filter → sea water pump → auto-cleaning filter →sodium
hypochlorite generator → storage tank → dosing pump → doing point
2.7 General Introduction of Hydrogen Generation System
The generator adopts the water-hydrogen-hydrogen cooling method, that is,
stator windings of the generator use water to cool; stator core and the
windings of the rotator use hydrogen to cool.
The hydrogen pressure during generator operation is within 0.28 MPa~ 0.32
MPa. In order to meet the requirements of one-time hydrogen filling in
generator and hydrogen makeup during normal operation, the project is
designed to equip with two sets of 5 Nm3/h IP water electrolysis hydrogen
generation device and three sets of 14 Nm3 IP hydrogen storage tank.
2.8 Waste Water Treatment System
(1) Industrial waste water treatment
This project is furnished a set of waste water treatment equipment to
collect and treat waste water to meet the waste water discharge
standard. For industrial waste water and industrial centralized waste
water in this project, the output capacity is designed as 60 m3/h.
Its working process is as follow:
Waste water storage tank ® waste water pond ® waste water
transfer pump ® mixer in dosing pipe ® PH adjusting basin ®
mixed basin ® reaction basin ® titled-plate clarifier ® Final
neutralization pond ® clarifier ® clean water recycle pump ®
reuse or discharge
The oily waste water is mainly from waste water of oil tank in oil area and
the waste water for washing in oil pump house. After oil removal
treatment, the oily waste water will be discharged to the centralized
industrial waste water treatment station and the oily waste water
collection pond, after that it will be pumped to the oil-water separator for
separation and then delivered to the nonrecurring waste water pond.
(2) General introduction of domestic sewage treatment system
Treatment flow of the domestic sewage is 2×5 m3/h: waste water
collecting → pool water adjusting pump → the primary sediment pool →
aeration pool → secondary sediment pool → dosing pump → filtration →
water plants.
The inlet water of the domestic sewage treatment system is the domestic
sewage the power plant produced during the operation; it mainly includes
the drainage from the sanitation equipment in the working building and
the miscellaneous water from some workshop. These waters are
gathered in the plant pipe and flows into the domestic sewage treatment


Chapter 3 Sea Water Desalination System

Section 1 Sea Water Pretreatment
1 System Drawing

Drawing 1 System Connection Drawing

2. Coagulation Principle
2.1 Principle of Coagulation and Clarification Treatment
Coagulation refers to the whole process of condensation and flocculation.
(1) Destabilization and condensation of colloid
Add electrolyte into water to compress the double layer and keep colloid
destabilized. Its main principle is like this: after add coagulation into
water, such as aluminum salt or iron salts, which leads to the double
layer of colloid particle in water compressed or neutralized and makes its
stability lost; mix coagulant and raw water quickly and evenly to achieve
the chemical reaction for destabilization. Generally, the above process
would be performed around 1 min. Some cation-type high polymers could
also help the colloid in water for destabilization, they are normally with
long-chain structure and positive charge in water and they could achieve
the destabilization and condensation of colloid in water under the Van der
Waals’ forces and electrostatic attraction.
(2) Formation of flocculation and flocculate (floc)
Since the initial flocculate particle size after destabilization and
condensation of colloid in water is higher than 1 µm, Brownian movement
cannot push them to collide with each other to form larger particles. In
order to achieve the above goal, it is necessary to transfer energy into
water and create velocity gradient. Sometimes it needs to add flocculant

such as cation-type high polymer into water, since the adsorption and
bridge production of its long-chain molecule could help to improve the
chance for collision and adhesion. The flocculation efficiency could be
improved along with the high flocculate density and long flocculation
2.2 General Introduction of Common Coagulants
In order to improve the coagulation efficiency, it must choose the good-
performance chemicals and bring out the proper chemical and hydraulic
conditions. The common coagulants could be divided into iron salts and
aluminum salts, aluminum salts mainly refer to aluminum sulfate and
polyaluminum chloride, and iron salts mainly refer to ferric chloride and
Polymeric Ferric Sulfate. Compared with aluminum salts, the coagulant
produced by iron salts is with high density, fast sedimentation velocity and
larger pH range; and the influence to its coagulation efficiency caused by
temperature is less. However, it should be noticed when adding iron salts: if
the equipment is running abnormally, the iron ion will color the water and
possibly pollute the downstream water treatment equipment, such as anion
exchange resin.
The names and features of common coagulants refer to table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Names and features of common coagulants
Name Formula Feature
1. Anhydrous aluminum sulfate
content is 52%-57%.
2. The pH value of raw water is 6-8.
3. When the dosage is high, the
Aluminum sulfate Al2(SO4)3·18H2O content of strong-acid anion in
water after treatment will be
significantly increased.
4. It is not applicable for the raw
water with low temperature and
low turbidity.
1. It is inorganic high-molecular
2. The applicable turbidity range of
raw water is larger. It could be
used for water treatment with low
temperature and low turbidity.
The applicable range of pH value
Aln(OH)mCl3n-m is 5-9.
Basic aluminum chloride
(General) 3. High purification efficiency, less
dosage and high water
production quality.
4. Easy to use, less corrosivity and
better working condition.
5. Two types: solid one and liquid
Ferrous sulfate FeSO4·7H2O 1. It is applicable for the raw water
with high alkalinity, high turbidity

and pH 8.1 ~ 9.6. It could be
working with CaO.
2. If the pH value of raw water is
lower, it could be treated in
chlorination and oxidation way to
reduce ferrous iron to ferric iron.
3. If the raw water color is darker or
the organic content is higher, it is
not applicable.
4. Strong corrosivity to dosing
1. It is applicable for the raw water
with high turbidity and pH 6.0-
2. It is easily dissolved and mixed,
and with less residue and high
corrosivity to metal and concrete.
Moreover, its heating could
Ferric trichloride FeCl3·6H2O easily make the plastic vessels
and equipment deformed.
3. The floc is big and dense. It is
also with fast sedimentation
velocity and applicable for low-
temperature water.
4. It is not applicable for the raw
water with low turbidity.
1. It is inorganic high-molecular
2. It is applicable for the raw water
with high organic content and the
organic waste water treatment,
moreover, the water pH value is
Polymeric ferric sulfate [Fe2(OH)n(SO4)3-n/2]m
(PFS) 3. High purification efficiency, large
and dense floc created, and fast
sedimentation velocity.
4. Its disadvantage is: if the dosage
is high, the water pH value after
treatment will be lower than 6,
the iron content will increase with
bad filtration.

If coagulant does not work well because of raw water quality, it is necessary
to add some auxiliary chemicals to help coagulant for good working; this kind
of auxiliary chemical is called Coagulant aid. Coagulant aid is divided into
inorganic type and organic type. For inorganic coagulant aids, some are used
for adjusting pH value during coagulation process; some are used for
increasing the density and soundness of coagulant. The typical inorganic

coagulant aids include CaO, water glass and Bentonite; most of the organic
coagulant aids are water-soluble polymer with chain-type or tree-like, and the
main functions are: 1) iconicity, that means the electric property could be
neutralized by iconicity assembly to achieve coagulation; 2) the chain-type
structure of high polymer could help for adsorption and bridge production to
achieve coagulation. The typical organic coagulant aids include sodium
polymethacrylate, polyacrylamide (PAM) and others.
2.3 Major Factors to Coagulation and Clarification Treatment
Since the coagulation treatment aims to remove the suspended matters in
water and reduce the colloid, silicon compound and organic contents in water,
the turbidity of produced water is adopted to estimate the efficiency of
coagulation treatment. For the coagulation treatment includes the mixture of
chemicals and water, and the whole process including coagulant hydrolysis,
hydroxy bridging, adsorption, electric property neutralization, bridging,
flocculation and flocculate sedimentation and separation, the efficiency of
coagulation treatment will be effected by many factors, which mainly include
water temperature, pH value, alkalinity, coagulant content, contact medium
and water turbidity etc..
(1) Water temperature
Water temperature significantly influences coagulation treatment. Since
hydrolysis reaction of high-valence metal salt coagulant is endothermic
reaction, the coagulant hydrolysis is much difficult under the condition
with low temperature water, which leads to difficult colloid destabilization,
and loosen structure of the produced flocculate, high water content and
small particles. Additionally, the lower water temperature will lead to high
water viscosity and water flow shear force, difficult forming of flocculate
and low sedimentation velocity.
During the water treatment process in power plant, there are two ways to
improve the efficiency of coagulation treatment, one is raw water heater
which is commonly used for heating, and the other is to increase the
dosage. When aluminum salt coagulant is used, the water temperature is
better within 20~30 ℃. Compared with the above, iron salt coagulant is
less influenced by temperature, and it is better used for the low-
temperature water treatment.
(2) PH value and alkalinity of water
The hydrolysis process of coagulant is a kind of process that keeps
discharging H + to change the pH value and alkalinity of water. On the
contrary, the pH value and alkalinity of raw water would directly influence
the intermediate hydrolysis products of coagulant in different forms, and
the efficiency of flocculation reaction. Each kind of coagulant has its own
applicable range of pH value which refers to table 1-1.
Although the pH value and alkalinity of water influence the coagulation
efficiency seriously, it is rare to add alkaline or acidic agent to adjust pH
value of natural water during coagulation process. It is because most of
the natural water is closed to be neutral, adding alkaline or acidic
substance will make the following treatment harder.
(3) Contact medium
During the coagulation treatment (or with CaO sedimentation), its
efficiency could obviously improved if the water is kept with a certain
quantity of sludge layer. Sludge layer is the flocculate produced in

coagulation and clarification treatment process, it could provide large
surface area, and improve the efficiency of coagulation treatment by
adsorption, catalysis and crystallization core and other ways.
(4) Water turbidity
When the raw water turbidity is less than 50 FTU, it will be more difficult
to treat it. In order to guarantee the efficiency of coagulation treatment,
adding clay (to increase turbidity), making sludge circulation and adding
flocculant are the common methods to be employed. When the raw water
turbidity is much higher (over 3000 FTU for instance), the output and
stability of clarifier will be effected because of the frequency sludge
(5) Coagulant dosage
Coagulant dosage is the major factor to influence the efficiency of
coagulation treatment. If the dosage is insufficient, it could not perform
the destabilization and condensation and the produced water turbidity
would be higher. If the dosage is too much, the flocculent precipitate such
as hydroxide would be produced and difficult to dissolve with a great
quantity, the produced water turbidity would be reduced in the adsorption
and net capturing ways, it also leads to a reduction in the economic
capability. To the raw water with different qualities, it is necessary to
determine the best coagulant dosage through jar test.
3 Equipment Description
3.1 Orifice plate purification mixer
a Function
The equipment, which can rapidly scatter the hydrolysis products of the
drugs to every minor place and fully develop the function of the drugs.
b Installation place
The water inflow pipes of every coagulative sedimentation tank of the
program are all installed with orifice plate water mixing equipment,
totaling 4 sets of equipments with a pipe diameter of DN500.
c Running model:
The equipment is installed on the pipes, and the mixing type belongs to
hydraulic mixing without any need of power unit.


Drawing of Orifice Plate Purified Water Mixer

3.2 Small-Orifice Grid Flocculation Equipment
a Function
On the basis of fastness and high efficiency, small eyelet grid coagulation
technique is adopted in the reaction technique. The equipment can
produce strong inertia effect and gentle stirring action to the alum floc
when the water passes through the grid, so as to control the reasonable
and effective collision of the alum floc and rapidly form into dense and
easy-precipitated alum floc. The grid is arranged in section in the whole
process of the reaction tank, so that the granule size of the alum floc may
gradually grow and be gradually densified, which can greatly shorten the
reaction time.
b Installation place:
The vertical shaft of the reaction tank of each coagulative sedimentation
c Running model
4 small eyelet grid coagulation tanks are adopted in the program, with a
proper the tank height, and can be jointly built with the sedimentation
tank and connected in series by several vertical shafts; the inflow water
flows from a grid to a next grid and staggerly flow top-to-down till the
outlet. The coagulation tank is provided with perforated sludge discharge
pipes for discharging sludge and venting, the perforated sludge
discharge pipes are connected with flushing pipes and hand operated
butterfly valves for washing the sludge discharge pipes; the wall of the
coagulation tank is provided with embedded steel plates for the
installation of the grid bracket.


Drawing of Small orifice Grids

3.3 Small-spacing skew plate sedimentation equipment
a Function
This sedimentation tank is developed form a shallow pond technique, in
which alum floc can be rapidly precipitated due to small spacing; since its
Renault number (Re value) is smaller than normal equipment, it can
effectively prohibit the hydraulic of the precipitated particles, and its
structural optimization can ensure no sludge discharge without lateral
restraint, thus ensuring that small alum flocs unit can be effectively
removed, and the small spacing skew plate has the advantages of
uniform water distribution and no short flow.
b Installation place
The vertical shaft of the reaction tank of each coagulative sedimentation
c Running model
4 small spacing skew plate sedimentation tanks are adopted in the
program, which are jointly built with the coagulation tank, and several
arrays of skew plates with parallel slope of 60 degrees and comparatively
small spacing, the water flows down-to-top till the outlet. The
sedimentation tank is provided with perforated sludge discharge pipes for
discharging sludge and venting, the perforated sludge discharge pipes
are connected with flushing pipes and hand operated butterfly valves for
washing the sludge discharge pipes; the wall of the sedimentation tank is
provided with embedded steel plates for the installation of the grid
bracket which is matched with the skew plates in supply; the outflow
water of the sedimentation tank is collected by a tail water weir.


Drawing of Small-Spacing Skew Plate

3.4 Drug dosing system
a Function
Poly-aluminum chloride (PAC) is used as the coagulant; the reaction
condition of the manufacturing process of poly-aluminum chloride can be
controlled according to the characteristics of the original water quality, so
as to prepare necessary suitable polymers; high valent polymeric ions
can be directly provided by poly-aluminum chloride after it is added into
the water and reach an excellent coagulation effect.
Polyacrylamide (PAM) is used as the coagulant aid and can facilitate the
coagulation process of water when it is utilized together with the
coagulant, thus producing large dense alum floc.
b Installation place:
The dosing chamber of the factory area of the program
c Running model:
The pretreatment and drug dosing system of this stage of program is
designed according to in-situ unattendant model, and is full automatic
with an automatic shifting spare pump.
The coagulant dosing system has 5 metering pump used for dosing drug,
4 of which is ready for use and 1 is spare pump. The coagulant is PAC
with a normal dosage of 20mg/l and maximum dosage of 50mg/l; the
metering pump model is GM0240, the maximum output of the pump is
240mg/l and the dosing concentration is 20%.
The coagulant aid dosing system has 5 metering pump used for dosing
drug, 4 of which is ready for use and 1 is spare pump. The coagulant aid
is PAM with a normal dosage of 0.5mg/l and maximum dosage of 1mg/l;
the metering pump model is GM0400, the maximum output of the pump
is 400mg/l and the dosing concentration is 0.2%.
3.5 Sludge storage tank
a Function:
To collect sludge water of the sedimentation chamber and waste water of

the dosing chamber.
b Installation place
The sludge chamber of the factory area of the program
c Running model:
The program is provided with 1 sludge storage tank with a volume of
220m3, and the effective volume is 132m3; the sludge water is sent to a
rainwater channel of the factory area by a slurry pump.
3.6 Clean Water Basin and pumping System
a Function
Collecting the clean water from settling basin.
b Location
In the clean water basin of this power plant.
c Operation mode
One clean water basin is set for this project with the capacity of 200m3.
There will be ventilation pipes equipped at top of the basin and draining
pipes and overflow pipes set inside.
3.7 Contact Flocculation Sedimentation Pond
Formation, growth, and settling of the flocs occur on the contact flocculation
sedimentation equipment, which actually refer to the tilted plate made of
copolymerization of ethylene and propylene material, with smooth surface in
prevention of sludge buildup. It is of high settling efficiency. At the same time,
the settling equipment is of impulse load borne characteristics to meet the
water quality requirements.

Appearance of Sedimentation Pond

4 System running
a Check the opening and closing of each valve and switch off the sludge
b Open two water intake valves synchronously to intake the preset water
volume, add chemicals to the water according to the water volume and
then watch the quality of the effluent during the discharging of the

sedimentation tank. Open several sludge valves to discharge the water if
the water quality is poor till the effluent is stable; then close the sludge
c Examine the raw water and turbidity of the effluent of the sedimentation
tank once per hour for the control of chemical dosing.
d The automatic sludge valve is operated automatically according to the
program of the buyer and the sludge discharge period is determined
during the commissioning.
e Keep an observation to the sludge discharge in case of manual sludge
discharge; close the sludge valve when clean water is observed to be
discharged from the valve. After that, open sludge valve one by one in
5 Shutdown
1) Inspect the status of all valves. When trying to shutdown a series , firstly
close the feed water valve of the reaction tank, meanwhile, maintain the
water quantity of another series by the method of stopping the water
intake pump or adjusting the valve, and then shutdown the dosing device
and stop dosing after everything is ready.
2) When trying to shutdown all series, firstly shut down the water intake
pump in the water intake pump room, and shutdown the dosing device.
The stopping operation can be done without adjusting the rest of valves.


Section Two: Sea Water Desalination

1 Technical Introduction of Automatic Cleaning Filter and Multi-medium

1.1 Overview
Automatic cleaning filter is a precise equipment which makes use of the filter
to directly intercept the foreign matters , remove the suspended and
particulate matters, reduce the turbidity, purify the water quality and reduce
the incidence of system fouling, thallose and rust so as to protect the normal
operation of other equipment of this sysytem. The water enters the automatic
cleaning filter from the inlet, based on the intelligent design(PLC&PAC), the
system is capable of recognizing the sedimentation degree of the foreign
matters and sending signal to the blowdown valve to blow off automatically.
1.2 Working Principle
Automatic cleaning filter: The water from inlet firstly passes through the
coarse cartridge assembly to remove the foreign matters with bigger size,
then enters the fine filter to filter the foreign matters with smaller size, finally,
the clean water will be discharged from the outlet. During this process, the
foreign matter on inner side of fine filter will be accumulated gradually, then a
pressure difference will be formed between inner and outer side. When this
pressure difference reaches to the preset value, the automatic cleaning
process will start: the blowdown valve will be open and the hydraulic motor
and the hydraulic cylinder will release the pressure to discharge the water.
The pressure in hydraulic motor room and pollutant absorption pipe will drop
largely. Due to the negative pressure function, the pollutant from suction
nozzle to the inner wall of fine filter will flow to hydraulic motor room, be
discharged by blowdown valve and form a pollutant absorption process.
When the water passes through the hydraulic motor, the pollutant absorption
pipe will rotate and do the axial movement driven by hydraulic cylinder piston
to finally make the whole filter inner surface cleaned completely. The whole
cleaning process will last 10s. The blowdown valve will be closed after
finishing cleaning. The additionally exerted water pressure will make hydraulic
cylinder piston go back to the original location and the filter will prepare for the
next flushing period. During cleaning process, the normal filtering work of filter
will not be interrupted.
1.3 Multi-medium Filter Overview
Multi-medium filter makes use of one or several kinds of filtering media to
remove the suspended foreign matters effectively and make the water with
high turbidity clarified under a certain pressure by using granular materials
with a cerain depth or non-granular materials. The commonly used filtering
materials are as follows: quartz sand, anthracite, and pyrolusite ore, which is
mainly used to remove turbidity, soften water and pretreat the pure water. The
outlet water turbidity can reach to 3 degrees below.
1.4 Operation Process Overview
Multi-medium filter takes layered anthracite, sand, fine garnet or other
materials as the bed material. One typical multi-medium filter is commonly
composed of a top layer comprised of the extremely light and heavy materials
and a bottom layer comprised of the extremely heave and fine materials. Its

principle is: filter according to depth. The large particle is removed on top
layer and the finer particle is removed in the deeper location of filter medium
so as to make the water quality reach to the standard of coarse filtering.
The equipment is pressurized type. When the raw water passes through
filtering materials from top to bottom, the suspended matters in water will be
intercepted due to absorption and mechanical resistance. When the water
flows in the middle of filtering layer, due to the compact arrangment of sand
particles in filtering layer, the fine particles in water will collide with sand
particles more frequently, therefore, the flocks, suspended matters and sand
particles surfaces will be adhered together. The foreign matters in water will
be intercepted in filtering layer so as to make the water clarified. The outlet
suspended matters after filtering is generally below 5mg/l.
2 RO (Reverse Osmosis)Technology Overview
1) Principle of RO Desalination
Under a certain temperature, use one semipermeable membrane which is
easy for water osmosis and hard for salt osmosis to isolate the clean water
and salt water (shown in diagram 3-1(a)). The clean water will move to the
salt water direction through semipermeable membrane, along with the
increase of solution on right salt water side, a cerain pressure will be
produced to avoid the clean water on left chamber flowing to salt water side,
finally, it will be balanced (shown in diagram 3-1(b)). At this time, the balance
pressure is called the osmosis pressure of sollution and this phenonmenon is
called osmosis phenomenon. If exerting pressure exceeding osmosis
pressure (shown in diagram 3-1 (c)) on right salt water side, the water in left
salt sollution will move to the left clean water chamber through
semipermeable membrane and make the clean water isolated from the salt
water, this phenonmenon is called RO.
Therefore, the reference of RO desalination is
①: the permselective feature of semipermeable membrane. That is, only the
water is selected to pass through.
②: the additional exerted pressure on salt water chamber exceeds the
osmosis pressure of salt water chamber and clean water chamber which
provides the driving force to the water moving from salt water chamber to
clean water chamber.
The semipermeable membrane applied to isolate clean water and salt water
is called RO membrane which is commonly made of high polymer material. At
present, RO membrane generally used in power plant is made of aromatic
polyamide composite material.

(a)   (b) (c)

Drawing 3-1: Illustration of RO phenomenon
a. Osmosis; b. Osmosis balance; c. RO
When pure water and salt water are isolated by ideal semipermeable
membrane, only water is allowed to pass. At this time, the water on pure
water side of membrane will flow to salt water side spontaneously, this
phenomenon is called osmosis. If exerting pressure on salt water side of
membrane, the spontaneous flow of water will be inhibited so as to decrease.
When the pressure exerted reaches to a certain value, the net flow of water
passing through membrane will equal to zero, this pressure is called osmosis
pressure. When the water pressure exerted on salt water side is bigger than
osmosis pressure, the water flow direction will be reversed. At this time, the
salt water will flow to pure water side. The phenomenon illustrated above is
the basic principle of water RO handling.
As core element of RO device, the RO membrane’s material has two
catecories: cellulose acetate membrane element and compound membrane
element. Due to the good reliability, low electricity comsumption, stable water
production, slow desalination rate attenuation, long service life and other
advantages, the compound membrane is widely applied in power industry and
other industries. The main structure diagram of RO membrane is as follows:

Ultra thin

layer (50


Supporting Structural schematic

textile diagram of compound
membrane element

Structure of RO device membrane element


As is shown above, the compound membrane is composed of three parts: the

one on top is ultra thin desalination layer which is the key part of compound
membrane, 0.2μm in depth, and made of aromatic polyamide with high
degree of crosslinking; the one in middle is ragid supporting layer which is
made of micropore engineering plastics (polysulfone). The diameter of the
hole in the surface of polysulfone layer is approximately 15nm. As carrier of
RO membrane, the main supporting structure at the bottom is polyester
nonwoven fabrics whose surface has no loose fiber and is hard and smooth.
(2) Main Indexes of Membrane Permeating Performance
1) Desalination rate= [1-(TDS of product water /TDS of inlet water)] ×100%
2) General reclamation rate
General reclamation rate = (total product water flow / total inlet water
flow) ×100%
3) Normalized Water Permeability(NWP)
It refers to the water production in unit time via certain area of membrane.
There are recommended NWP values for different water quality variation from
RO manufacturers. For polluted water sources, it has been proved that
choosing the more traditional NWP values can extend the chemical cleaning
periods and service life of the membrane.
4) NWP modulus decay
NWP’s modulus decay is in accordance with time going.
It is the main index of inspecting the service life of RO membrane.
(3) Main Parameters Influencing RO Membrane Operation
The NWP and desalination rate of membrane are the key operation
parameters in RO operation process, which are mainly influenced by
pressure, temperature, reclamation rate, inlet water salt content, and inlet
water pH value.
1) Pressure
Pressure is the driving force of RO desalination process, which shall be
maintained at certain operation pressure according to the requirements of the
RO assemblies. When the pressure equals to osmotic pressure, the water
permeability equals to zero(0). When the pressure increases, the NWP of the
RO assemblies tends to be a linear increase, and the desalination rate increases
at the beginning, but it will become stable when the pressure reaches to a
certain value. Therefore, the operation pressure shall not be too high. Excessive
pressure will not only cause the intense of membrane consolidation, but also

leads to the increase of relative value of membrane modulus decay coefficient,
the intense of NWP value deterioration, and even damage of the assemblies.
Since the membrane consolidation is non-reversible, it is suggested to operate at
lower pressure when the desalination rate and production rate meet the
production requirements in order to extend the service life of membrane
assemblies. In a controllable range, the change of pressure can be used to adjust
the production and desalination rate. To prevent damage of RO assemblies, there
shall be overpressure protection and alarming devices equipped in the system.
Based on the study, when the feedwater pressure increases, the NWP of
membrane increases, salt permeability stays unchanged, and the desalination
rate rises.
2) Temperature
When other operation parameters stay unchanged, temperature increase,
product water NWP and salt permeability increase. Usually when temperature
increase 1℃, product water increases by 1.5%-3%. The maximum temperature
of aromatic polyamide nanofiltration membrane is 40-50℃. In addition, prevent
being directly shined by sun. Relationship curve of the temperature, pH value and
membrane service life is as follows:

Relationship curve of the temperature, pH value and membrane service life

3) Reclamation rate
Under certain production, the reclamation rate increases, NWP decreases,
and the desalination rate decreases. When the reclamation rate exceeds
80%, notice the change of silica dioxide removing rate, and the dissolving
degree of the barium sulfate, strontium sulfate, and the calcium sulfate. Notice
during operation excessive reclamation rate at concentrated water side may
easily cause concentration difference.
4) PH value
In operation of RO, carbonate scaling and membrane hydrolysis both relate
with the pH value, and the pH value shall be maintained in certain range for
different membranes. Notice the pH maximum and minimum during chemical
cleaning. Usually the pH value of aromatic polyamide nanofiltration

membrane is required to be 2-11. PH control in operation shall be based on
the standard of no CaCO3 scaling and membrane hydrolysis stability. There
shall be pH maximum and minimum limits alarm and protection devices
(4) Permeable Membrane Shutdown Protection
1) The permeable membrane shall be protected during operation to prevent
RO membrane being polluted or eroded. Two ways can be used to protect:
one is low flow protection, and the other one is corrosion inhibitor adding. The
previous one is applicable to short time shutdown while the latter one is
applicable to the protection of more than two weeks. Corrosion inhibitor can
use sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3). Fill the RO equipment with sodium bisulfate
solution of 1% concentration in a circulating way. Frequently check and
replace the chemical solution once a week to prevent growth of
microorganism. Protection measures must be taken for equipment in outage
for more than one day.
2) During RO equipment shutdown, prevent the membrane dehydration
which cannot be restored. One high level water tank shall be designed at
outlet of RO device. Or lower down the pressure and reclamation rate before
shutdown to decrease the concentration difference and to prevent membrane
dehydration. There will be water in the pipeline during operation, so
dehydration rarely happens.
(5) Membrane Pollution and Deterioration
Membrane pollution refers to one the worsening of membrane performance
caused by a buildup layer on membrane surface or membrane hole blockage.
1) Influence of the buildup layer to membrane performance, which refers to
the evident drop of membrane NWP. Any causes that may lead to membrane
hole blockage can cause the decrease of membrane NWP and increase of
retention rate. The suspending matters, water-soluble macromolecule and
separates of low dissolvability form the caked buildup, colloidal layer, and the
scaling, which may lead to the membrane hole blockage in a further way.
2) Membrane deterioration refers to the worsening of membrane
performance caused by the membrane irreversible change on itself. Chemical
deterioration and biological deterioration increase the membrane permeability
and decrease the retention rate. Physical deterioration lowers down the
permeable velocity and increases the retention rate. All the chemical,
physical, and biological causes can lead to the worsening of membrane.
Chemical cause lies in the hydrolysis of membrane material and oxidation
reaction. Physical cause lies in the intensifying change of membrane structure
at high pressure, or the irreversible deformation at extremely dry environment.
Biological deterioration refers to the biological degradation reaction by the
existence of microorganism in the solutions.
3) Fouling Index (FI) or Solid Density Index (SDI) can be sued to reflect the
membrane inlet water pollution degree.
(6) Cleaning of membrane pollution: pollution will for sure happen to the RO
assemblies however high quality of the inlet water. Therefore, periodical
backwashing and chemical cleaning are in necessity to prevent membrane
blockage and pollution. Usually the assemblies resistance will increase after
RO operation for a certain time (3-6 months) or after membrane pollution,

which indicates backwashing and chemical cleaning are required at this point.
When the RO water production and outlet water quality decrease, pressure
difference increases, and the backwashing effect is unclear, a chemical
cleaning must be conducted. Pollution features of membrane assemblies are
shown in the following table.
Features of membrane assemble contamination
General features
Contaminant Assembly
Salt Water production
transmittance rate
Metalic oxide Gaining rate≥ 2 Gaining rate≥ 2 Rapid decrease
(Fe、Mn、Ni) times ① times ① 20%-25%①
Lime deposit Increase 10%- Slow increase ≥ Slight decrease
(CaCO3、CaSO4) 25% 2 times ① <10%
Colloidal matter Slow increase≥ Slow increase≥ 2 Slow decrease
(colloidal silicon) 2 times ② times ② ≥50%②
Mixed colloidal matter
Gaining rate: 2-4 Slow increase≥2 Slow decrease
(iron and organic
times ① times ≥50%②
Increase ≥2 Increase ≥2
Bacterium ③ Decrease ≥50%
times times
Notes: ① Occur within 24 hours
② Occur after 2-3 weeks
③ Occur when sodium bisulfite has no protection
(6) Chemical cleaning


Cleaning Cleaning
Pollutant Dosage
solution method
a.0.2mol/L a.Pressure:
ammonium 0.392Mpa;
Metallic oxide citrate. flow: 15L/min;
b. 4% sodium circulate 2h
monosulfite Approximatel approximately
y 100L for b. Keep the
each pressure at
Calcium assembly 0.98 Mpa;
acid PH=4
deposit flush 30min.
b. Citric acid
c. During
a.Citric acid
PH=4 a.Pressure:
b. 0.392Mpa;
Hydrochloric flow: 40L/min;
acid PH=4 Approximatel circulate 2h
Organism and
c. Sodium y 200L for approximately
hydroxide each b. Flush
PH=12 assembly 30min.
d. Neutral c. During
cleaning normal
agent operation
Approximatel Similar
1% methanal y 100L for metallic oxide
solution each cleaning
assembly method

General pressure difference will decrease obviously, water production will

increase and desalination rate will decrease slightly after chemical cleaning.
When the desalination rate reduces too much, the membrane repair measure
with PT-A chemical agent (polyvinylmethyl ether plastics) can be taken to
make the desalination rate recover, however, at this time, the water
production rate will reduce slightly. In short, the change of RO membrane is
irreversible and the performance can not be recovered completely.
Chemical cleaning agent and its dispensation
Contaminant Cleaning agent Dispensation
Calcium scale: Citric acid Water solution: 0.2%-2%. Use ammonia
CaCO3 CaSO4 to adjust PH value to 2-4
Water solution: 1%-2%. Use ammonia

Contaminant Cleaning agent Dispensation
Hexametaphosphat to adjust PH value to 7
e Water solution 0.2%-1%.
Metalic hydroxide
Water solution 0.2%-2%。Use ammonia
Fe(OH)3、Al(O Oxalic acid
to adjust PH value to 2-4
Water solution: 0.1%-1%. Use acid to
Oil organic matter Surface active agent
adjust PH value to 7-8
Chlorine: 5-10mg/L. Adjust PH value of
Microorganism Chlorine (sodium
sollution to 7-8 (if necessary, clean to
(clay) hypochlorite)
supplement chemicals)
Chemical agent and method applied in contaminant cleaning
(7) Membrane System Operation and Risk Management
The economical efficiency, safety and equipment service life of one set RO
system is decided by the following aspects:
1) Raw Water Quality
The quality of raw water will directly decide the membrane type, equipment
configuration, chemical type and civil work amount. At present, the
ultrafilteration is not standarized. The membrane is selected according to the
water quality.
2) Raw Water Pretreatment
The raw water pretreatment method has the direct influence on the backwash
of membrane system and chemical flushing period, furtherly, affects the
operation costs of membrane and service life.
Highlight the operation monitoring management of pretreatment equipment to
avoid the contamination and erosion for membrane from fouling matters,
insoluble substances, colloid, organic matters and microorganism and prolong
the service life of membrane. During operation, the contamination index of
membrane should be controlled below 4 (for rolled assembly) to avoid
membrane surface contamination. If calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate,
silicon dioxide is accumulated on the surface of membrane, the pressure
difference of equipment will be increased and the flow will be reduced.
Corrosion and scale inhibitor can effectively avoid these scales, meanwhile,
PH value and silicon dioxide monitoring should be highlighted to make PH
value within the design range and the silicon dioxide content on strong brine
side not exceed 100mg/l, otherwise, the blowdown should be performed
frequently to reduce the recovery efficiency and avoid the precipitation of
silicon scale. The dissolved iron, manganese, and sulphide in raw water can
be oxidized by the oxygen and chlorine to form sediment. If the iron, copper
and other metallic oxide formed due to rust in pipe, equipment and water path
and small particulate or colliod clay, silica, coagulant and other insoluble
matters are entrained to the sysytem, the membrane surface blockage will be
caused. Therefore, on one hand, install cartridge filter with 5μm filtering
accuracy on RO device. on the other hand, make the water path of pipeline
and equipment lined with rubbers or other anti-corrosion substances, highlight
the pretreatment management to avoid the residual fine flocks entering RO
assembly. There are colliod matters and organic matters inside of surface
water, sometimes, the content is too excessive, therefore, during operation,

the FI (contamination index) value should be controlled strictly to meet the
requirements of assembly. When the FI value exceeds the requirement,
confirm the cause timely. It is not allowed to operate for a long time under
unqualified condition.
Bioactivity (BOD) which can lead to biodegradation has a big influence on the
membrane, additionally, biotic reproduction will result in the blockage of
membrane channel, therefore, the microorganism, bacterium and other
creature with bioactivity must be removed. Generally, chloridization and
keeping certain residual chlorine in water can suppress the biotic
reproduction. However, if the residual chlorine content is too high, the active
chlorine will oxidize the membrane and furtherly damage the membrane
surface. The method to remove excessive active chlorine is: take active
carbon filter or chemical reducing agent, such as sodium bisulfite or sodium
3) Operation Management
a) Keep all system operation parameters well, especially the original
operation data, location of the membrane element and others. All these datas
are the reference of standarization and the important reference index of
technology diagnosis.
b) The data should be monitored on time. The monitoring instrumentation
should be calibrated periodically to ensure that the data can reflect the actual
condition of the equipment and water quality. Analyze and adjust the
operation state according to the monitored datas.
c) The system should be operated strictly under the operation permissives
of membrane element.

Section Three System Technology Description

The process flow of this system is as follows:

Seawater-seawater pretreatment-automatic cleaning filter-multi-medium filter-
primary RO cartridge filter-primary RO high pressure pump-primary RO-
primary RO water tank.
1 Filter System
1.1 Clean Seawater Transfer Pump
The system is configured with three sets of clean seawater transfer (output:
330m3/h, head: 40m ) pumps which could provide sufficient water intake
pressure for the seawater desalination system and keep it work normally.
1.2 Automatic Cleaning Filter
The automatic cleaning filter is located before the multi-medium filter to
remove the foreign matters with bigger size and avoid membrane element
scratch and blockage. When the pressure difference reaches to the preset
value, the automatic cleaning function can be fulfilled by its system inner
pipeline pressure, other motivation is not needed.
There are two sets of automatic cleaning filter and the net water handling
capacity for single unit is 350t/h.
1.3 Two-phase Media Filter

As the pretreatment of RO system, the function of the two-phase media filter
is to remove the suspended matters, biocolloid, bacterium and virus and
completely ensure the long-term stable operation for the follow-up RO
The system is configured with 4 sets two-phase media devices. Each filter
size isφ3600 *6000, design flow is 175m3/hr.

1.4 Blower
This system is configured with two sets of blower (one for operation/ the other
is for standby). The flow is 1000N m3/h.
1.5 Filter Backwash Pumo
This system is configured with 3 sets of filter backwash pump whose function
is to provide sufficient pressure for the backwash water. The flow is 325m3/h.
1.6 Backwash Demineralized Water Tank
Bachwash water tank with 150m3 capacity is the water source of the filter
2 RO System
2.1 SWRO System
2.1.1 Cartridge Filter
The function of the cartridge filter is to intercept the water with >5μm
particulate from the pretreatment system. this particulate after being
accelerated by the pump will break down the RO membrane assembly and
result in severe salt leakage and pump impeller scratch. The filtering element
(cartridge) in filter can be replaced when the inlet and outlet pressure
difference exceeds the specified value.
2.1.2 SWRO High Pressure Pump
The function of the high pressure pump is to provide sufficient water intake
pressu re for the RO membrane assembly and keep it work normally. Its
output is 142m3/h, pressure is 5.5Mpa.
The pressure protection switch and pressure tranmitter should be installed in
the inlet. When the water inlet pressure is excessive low or the outlet
pressure is excessively high, the pump will be shut down to protect the
membrane and pump.
When the water intake pressure is excessive low (<0.8bar) or the outlet
pressure is excessively high , the system will alarm, after 10s delay, the pump
will be shut down.
The operation regulation of the high voltage motor refer to its instruction
2.1.3 Energy Recovery Device
The strong brine discharged from RO membrane is with high pressure. If
discharge directly, the energy will be wasted. The energy recovery device
(PEI) is composed of two parts: pump and turboset. These two parts are
respectively comprised of one single stage impeller and a shaft. The turboset
converts the pressure of strong brine produced by RO to mechanical energy
and transfer to the shaft of the pump, then the impeller of the pump converts
this mechanical energy to the water pressure and transfer it to the intake

water of RO to make the pressure increase. Its energy recovery efficiency is
Each SWRO system is configured with one set of PEI.
2.1.4 Primary RO Energy Recovery Booster Pump
There are two sets of primary RO energy recovery booster pump and its flow
is 210m3/h.
2.1.5 RO System
RO system with extremely high desalination capability is the main
desalination device of this flow. RO system includes RO membrane assembly,
flushing system and control instrumentation. The description of each part is
as follows: Seawater RO Membrane Group
(1) RO membrane element should be with high desalination ratio, good
chemical stability, good anti-pollution performance and mechanical strength
according to seawater salt content and raw water condition.
(2) Membrane element type: Dow chemical, FILMTECTM
(3) Membrane element stage and section arrangement and assemble pattern:
one section for one stage (one set has 24 membranes on membrane casing
with 7 cartridges)
(4) Chemical dosing type, dosing point for seawater RO device and chemical
purification solution should be determined by feedwater quality and RO
membrane element characteristics (refer to dosing and purification
(5) Seawater RO system measurement point and quantity should meet safe,
stable and reliable operation requirement.
(6) Seawater RO system outlet water quality and recycling ratio.
Primary RO system water recycling ratio: 40% RO Flushing System
Water inside membrane is in concentration state when RO device is out of
operation. In this case, membrane surface should be flushed with raw water
to prevent pollutants depositing on RO membrane surface, affecting
membrane performance. RO membrane should be flushed with RO water is
automatically for 3-10mins to exhaust high concentration water and debris
inside membrane and pipe and to keep membrane fully immersed inside raw
water to prevent membrane damage. As a result, RO device and membrane
can be better maintained.
One RO flushing water pump is arranged for this system with output of
280m3/hr. Control Instrument
Online instrument including conductivity meter, ORP meter, pressure gauge
(pressure switch) and flow meter are arranged for RO system normal
operation control and monitor.
2.1.6 Primary RO Water Tank
RO water flows to SWRO water tank with volume of 150m3. Two water tanks
are arranged to store SWRO desalination water.

2.1.7 High-concentration Water Pond
RO high-concentration water flows to high-concentration water pond with
volume of 200m3.
2.1.8 High-concentration Water Pump
High-concentration water pump is used to exhaust RO high-concentration
water. Water flow is 210m3 /h.
3 Flushing and Dosing System
3.1 Filter Flushing System
One filter flushing water tank with volume of 150m3 is arranged. The function
of flushing system is: filter will be polluted by suspending matters or other
foreign materials inside feedwater after a period of normal operation.
Pollutants and polluting speed are related with feedwater quality. Pollution is
formed gradually. Pollution will affect membrane performance in a short time if
no measure is taken. In this case, membrane should be flushed to recover its
normal output
3.1.1 Backwash Water Pump
Three backwash water pumps are arranged for this system.
UF flushing water pump flow is 325m3/h.
3.2 RO Flushing System
One RO flushing water tank with volume of 30m3 and electrical heating
function is arranged. The function is: membrane element will be polluted by
some foreign matters such as salt scaling and organism accumulation after a
period of normal operation to affect membrane performance. In this case,
membrane should be flushed with chemicals to recover its output.
3.2.1 Flushing Water Pump
One RO flushing pump is arranged.
The output is 280m3/h.
3.2.2 Flushing Filter
One cartridge filter with precision of 5μm is arranged for RO flushing system.
The function is to prevent debris which is bigger than 5μm entering RO
system. This particle possibly will break through RO membrane element after
speeded up by pump and lead to salt leak problem. Cartridge inside filters can be
changed and should be replaced if differential pressure between filter inlet and
outlet is higher than designed value.
3.3 Chemical Dosing System
3.3.1 Reducing Agent Dosing System
Dosing point is at the inlet of SWRO system. Chlorine inside water will cause
oxidation degradation of RO membrane. In this case, reducing agent is used
for this system to eliminate residual chlorine.
Dosing devices include solution tank, stirrer, metering tank and dosing pump.
Chemicals should be made up by operators if low level alarm signal of
solution tank occurs. Chemical dosing will be adjusted automatically
according to chemical concentration and incoming water flow.
3.3.2 Scale Inhibitor Dosing System

Dosing point is at the inlet of SWRO system. Some chemicals such as
CaCO3 and CaSO4 will separate out on the RO membrane group high-
concentration water side, especially on the high-concentration water side of
the SWRO pressure vessel last membrane element because its concentration
is higher than balanced solubility index. In this case, scale inhibitor device is
arranged before entering membrane element.
Scale inhibitor is a kind of organic and compound chemical. It relatively helps
chemicals inside water to dissolve to prevent CaCO3 and CaSO4, especially
BaSO4 and SrSO4 which blocks and damages membrane. Meanwhile, it also
can help to separate iron colloid and fine particle which blocks membrane.
Dosing devices include solution tank and dosing pump. Chemicals should be
made up by operators if low level alarm signal of solution tank occurs.
4 System Equipment Performance Summary




Chapter 4 Boiler Make-up Water Treatment
1 Secondary RO System
1.1 Secondary RO Booster Pump
The function of secondary RO booster pump is to provide water for RO
membrane and to maintain a certain feedwater pressure to guarantee system
pressure requirement.
Two pumps are arranged with flow of 60m3/hr.
1.2 Secondary RO Cartridge Filter
The function of cartridge filter is to prevent debris which is bigger than 5μm
inside water pretreatment system entering RO system. This particle possibly
will break through RO membrane element after speeded up by pump and lead to
salt leak as well as pump impeller damage problems. Cartridge inside filters can
be changed and should be replaced if differential pressure between filter inlet and
outlet is higher than designed value.
1.3 Secondary RO HP Pump
HP pump is used to provide enough pressure for secondary RO membrane
group to maintain its normal operation. The output is 60m3/h and pressure is
Pressure switch and pressure transmitter are respectively arranged at the
inlet and outlet. Pump will be stopped to protect membrane and pumps if inlet
or outlet pressure is too high.
Low inlet pressure or high outlet pressure will cause pump to alarm or stop. In
this way, membrane is protected.
1.4 Secondary RO System
Secondary RO system is used for further desalination.
RO system includes: RO membrane group and control instrument.
Explanation is as follows:
1.4.1 Secondary RO Group
(1) Secondary RO membrane element type is determined by salt content
inside seawater RO water. Two sets of RO membrane group are arranged
with single normal output of 50m3/h.
(2) Membrane element type: Dow chemical, FILMTECTM
(3) Membrane element stage and section arrangement and assemble pattern:
two sections for one stage.
(4) Blackish water RO system measuring point and quantity should meet the
safe, stable and reliable operation requirements.
(5) Blackish water RO system outlet water quality and recycling ratio.
1.4.2 Control Instrument
Online instrument including pH meter, pressure gauge (pressure switch), flow
meter and conductivity meter are arranged for RO system normal operation
control and monitoring.
1.5 Secondary RO Water Tank

RO water flows to secondary RO water tank with volume of 100m3 to store
secondary RO water. Level transmitter is arranged to control the startup and
shutdown of secondary RO system and secondary raw water pump.

2 Working Principle of Chemical Demineralization

2.1 Working Principle of Cation Ion Exchanging
When raw water comes into the cation exchanger that has H type strong acid
or weak acid cationic exchange resin inside, various cations in water and H+
on the ion exchange resin have the following reactions:
The result of reactions mentioned above is that various cations (Na+, K+ and
so on) in water are absorbed on the ion exchange resin, but H+ on the ion
exchange resin goes to water; the cations in water almost only contain H+
which has reactions with various anions in water generating various acids.
2.2 Working Principle of Anion Ion Exchanging
Raw water comes into the anionic exchanger that has OH type anion
exchange resin inside after being exchanged through strong alkali or weak
alkali anion exchanger to make various anions contained in water and OH- on
the ion exchange resin have the following reactions:
Cl-+ ROH→RCl + OH-
SO42-+ 2ROH→R2SO4 + 2OH-
CO32-+ 2ROH→R2CO3 + 2OH-
The result of reactions mentioned above is that various anions in water are
absorbed on the ion exchange resin but OH- on the ion exchange resin goes
into water; the anions in water almost only contain OH- which has reactions
with various anions in water generating various alkalis.
2.3 Working Principle of Mixed Bed Ion Exchanging
The mixed bed ion exchange method is to put anion and cation exchange
resin in a same exchanger to mix them, so it can be taken as the multiple-
stage multi-bed that is consisted of countless alternatively ranking anion and
cation exchange resins. The anions and cations of salt contained in water are
exchanged by the resins through the exchanger to get water of high purity.
In the mixed bed, anion and cation resins are mutually uniform, so the anionic
and cationic exchange reactions perform almost at the same time. Or it can
say that the anion exchange and cation exchange of water alternatively
perform for many times. Both H and OH produced through H type exchange
can’t be accumulated, which basically eliminates the influence of counter
ions, so the exchange is carried out more completely.
The equation is as follows:

The mixed bed is adopted the internal regeneration method. During the
generation, making use of the specific gravity differences of the two kinds of
resins, use backwashing to separate anionic and cationic exchange resins
completely from each other. The cation resins deposit at the bottom while the
anion resins floats on top. And then the cation resins are regenerated with
hydrochloric acid while the anion resins are regenerated with caustic soda.

3 Performance of Ion-Exchange Resins

1) Ion-Exchange Resin
Ion-exchange resins are typically white, yellow or brown colored beads
with diameter 0.3~1.2mm and reticular matrix structure. The matrix
structure consists of large number of pores and ion-exchange bases.
Pores are filled by water. High-concentration solution is formed by pores
and exchangeable ions. This arrangement allows the ions to react with
external ions from water outside, as shown in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6 Structure of Ion-Exchange Resin

The matrix structure of resins can be formed by monomers of styrene,
crylic acids or phenolics, and etc. The most common monomer is
styrene. In this arrangement, vinylstyrene is crosslinked to styrene.
Polymer is formed by suspended condensation reaction. Finally
exchange groups are added to produce cation and anion ion-exchange
Exchange group have two parts. Those bonded winthin resin matrix are
unable to move freely are called fixed ions. Whereas free parts are
ionized in water and exchanging ions in water. The latter type is called
exchangeable ions. Normally the resin matrix and fixed irons are denoted
by R.
2) Specification of Ion-Exchange Resins
Physical characteristics of ion-exchange resins are: appearance,
granularity, density, water content, transform swelling coefficient,

grindability and etc.
Ion-exchange resins are non-transparent beads, white, yellow and brown
colored. Used resins will gradually darken. Percentage of spherical
beans are defined as number of spherical beads with respect to total
number resins. For better performance, this percentage shall be as large
as possible, normally above 99%.
Granularity has significant impact on water processing. Larger size will
slow down exchange process. Smaller size will resulting large pressure
drop when water passes through resins. If size is not uniform, it would be
difficult to regulate flow rate during back-washing.
Smaller coefficient of uniformity indicates more uniform resin size.
Density of resins is defined as mass over unit volume. There are two
types of density: dry and wet. For water treatment processes, wet density
is used. In real application, true and apparent wet density are considered.
True wet density is defined as mass of wet resins over unit true volume
(excluding gaps in-between resins). Unit is g/ml or Kg/L.

Wet resins are formed by absorpotion of balancing water and have

external water content eliminated by centrifugal technique. Back-wash
strength and delamination property of resins are proportaional to wet true
Apparent wet density is defined as mass of randomly patterned wet
resins over unit volume. Unit is g/ml or Kg/L.

Apparent density is total volume occupied by closely & randomly packed

resins. Both intrinsic volume and gaps between resins are included.
Water content is defined as percentage of water in fully absorbed wet

Water content depends on resin type, structure, pH, crosslink degree,

exchange capacity, ion type and etc. Water content is able to indicate
degree of crosslink and porosity within ion-exchange resins.
Transform expansion coefficient is defined as percentage of volume
variation when resin is transforming from one type of monomer to
Grindability is the term used to indicate breakage due to resin rubbing
and swelling/shrinking. Grindability is an important criterion for practical

Main chemical characteristics of ion-exchange resins are:
acidity/alkalinity, granularity, density, water content, transform expansion
coefficient, selectivity and exchange rate.
Active group of ion-exchange resins are categorized by strong acidity,
weak acidity, strong alkalinity and weak alkalinity. The water pH will
incluence the application. Resins of weak acidity do not ionize or only
partially ionize when water pH is low, and thus they only exhibits good
exchange capacity in alkaline solution. Similarly, resins of weak alkalinity
behave exactly the opposite. In contrast, resins of strong acidity/alkalinity
are easily ionized and thus can be utilized in wide pH range. For effective
pH range of ion-exchange resin, please refer to table 4-2.
Table 4-2 Effective pH Range of Ion-Exchange Resins

Strong Acidity Weak Acidity Strong Alkalinity Weak Alkalinity

Resin Type
Cation Cation Cation Cation
Effective pH 0~14 4~14 0~14 0~7

Ability of resins to attract ions varies. Some ions are easily attacked but
difficult to replace afterwards, and vice versa. This feature is defined as
selectivity of resins with respect to ions.
Normally selectivity of cation exchange resins with respect to common
ions are as follows:
Resins of strong acidity: Fe3+>Al3+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>Na+>H+>Li+;
Resins of weak acidity: H+>Fe3+>Al3+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>Na+>Li+
Resins of strong alkalinity: SO42->NO3->Cl-> OH-> F->HCO3->HSiO3-
Resins of weak alkalinity: OH->SO42->NO3->Cl->F->HCO3-
Exchange rate indicates the quantity of exchanged ions. It is usually
represented by Mol number of exchanged ions per unit mass/volume.
This is a critical performance criterion of ion-exchange resins.
Total exchange rate is defined as total quantity of ion exchange groups
per unit mass(volume), in unit of mmol/g (or mmol/L).
Service exchange rate is defined as total quantity of exchanged resins
per unit volume during one operation cycle. i.e., number of regenerated
exchange groups that have transformed into inactive groups. Normally
this is in unit of mmol/g (or mmol/L). Factors that may influence service
exchange rate are: resin type, granularity, raw water quality, final control
at output water quality, operation flow rate, height of resins, mode of
regeneration and etc.
3) Storage and Preparation of Ion-Exchange Resins
Stroange and preparation of ion exchange resions include storage,
preparatory prcessing, contaminated resins and restoration.
Resins shall be kept at 5 ~ 40°C, with allowable duration of two years.
For those being kept for more than 2 years, re-examination shall be
performed and passed ones are allowed to use. During storage, ensure
resins are neither frozen nor dried out. dried-out resins should be dipped
in saturated NaCl solution whose concentration should be gradually

lowered to prevent breakage. Used resins should be kept as factory
delivered. Resins of strong acidity are sodium type; Resins of weak
acidity are hydrogen type; Resins of strong alkalinity are chlorine type;
Resins of weak alkalinity are free moving amine type.
New resins may contain organics and various inorganic inclusions such
as iron, lead, copper and etc, which will not react. Therefore necessary
preparation must be taken to remove these impurities. During operation,
resins may permanently deteriorate if oxidized by free oxydants such as
free moving chlorine in water. Resins may also be degraded due to
external contamination, and thus affect output water quality/quantity.
Appropriate measures should be implemented to eliminate
contaimination and restore resins.
Positive resins may be contaminated by suspended matters in water,
including: iron, aluminium, oil, CaSO4 and etc. Various actions can be
taken with respect to the type of contamination.

4 Regeration of Ion-Exchange Resins

4.1 Co-Flow Ion Exchanger
Initial ion exchangers adopt co-flow configuration: during operation, the
solution flows from the top to the bottom of the column, and the regenerant
uses the same path.

4.1.1 Operation
Operation of co-flow ion exchanger consists of 5 steps/ Starting from ion
exchanger is no longer effective: back-washing, apply regenerant,
replacement, forward flush and normal operation. These five steps form an
operation cycle of ion exchanger.

1) When resins are no longer effective, before applying regerant, a short-

period in-rush backwashing should be conducted, aiming to:
a) Fluidise resin layers: during normal operation, water under pressure
continuously flows from the top to bottom and compacting the resins.
Back washing is able to fluidize resins and allowing uniform
distribution of regenerant.
b) Remove suspending particles and debris: during operation, upper
resin layer also acts as filter, where suspended particles carried by
water are intercepted here. These particles as well as resin debris
will cause obstruction to water flow. Backwashing is an effective
method to remove these suspended particles and debris. This is
especially important for the most upfront cation exchanger.
Water quality of backwashing should be controlled to avoid
contamination to resins. Degree of backwashing should be determined
by tests. Normal understanding is to remove foreign matters and resin
debris while retaining intact resin beads and allowing sufficient
fluidization of resin layers. Proven tests show: the best outcome is
achieved if swelling of resins is between 50%~60%. Backwashing
process should be continued until water discharged become clear, and
this would normally last for 10~15 min.
Backwashing is not necessary to perform for every operation cycle.

Sometimes backwashing process can be omitted provided that
accumulation rate of suspended particles is not rapid, and resin layers
are not severely compacted after each cycle,
2) Apply regenerant: first discharge water inside exchanger so that water
level is around 100~200mm. Next apply regenerant of certain
concentration to flow from the top to the bottom under fixed flow speed.
Regeneration is a crucial process for ion exchanger. Many factors may
affect performance of regeneration: type, purity, quantity, concentration,
flow speed, temperature of regenerant and etc.
3) Replacement: after all regenerant are applied, in order to push all
residual regenerant within resins and inbetween resin layers and
dosimeter, water will be forced through in exactly the same rate as flow
rate of regenerant. This process is known as replacement and it is the
subsequent process following regeneration. Water used to make-up
regenerant is normally served as replacement water, with total quantity
1.5~2 times of resin volume. Percentage of regenerant contained in
discharged water should reach below 10%~20%.
4) Forward flush: forward flush shall be performed post replacement to
remove residual regenerated products. Flow from top to bottom, at a flow
speed of approximately 10~15 m/h. Continue forward flushing until water
discharged is conforming to requirement. Total amount of water required
during forward flush is normally 3~10 times resin volume. and varies
according to characteristics of equipment/resin.
5) Normal operation: after forward flush is completed, ion-exchanger can be
put into normal service.
4.1.2 Features of Co-Flow Ion Exchanger
1) Simple structure and easy to operate/control process;
2) Lesser stringent requirement on suspended matter of input water
(turbidity ≤5mg/L);
3) Relatively poorer water quality produced, because resins with lower
generation performance are located near outlet.
4) When exchanger is ineffective, resins with better regeneration
performance are located near outlet. These resins will be consumed by
large amount of ineffective ions released by upper resin layer during
regeneration process.
5) Regenerant will first produce divalent ions which are more difficult to
produce, and proceed to lower valent ions. Thus most regenerant are
consumed to produce high valency ions. Consequently, larger amount of
regenerant is required, and degree of regeneration is low. These lead to
smaller exchange capacity of resins.
Because of forementioned features, co-flow ion exchanger is suitable for the
following conditions:
i Small capacity desalination facility that not emphasize on economical
ii Sound aw water quality, and Na+ ion ratio is low.
iii For weak acidity/alkalinity resins

4.2 Counter-Flow Ion Exchanger

Due to poor resin regeneration for co-flow ion exchanger, counter-flow
technique was developed and proliferated. In counter-flow design, water flow
direction during operation is opposite to regenerant. In most applications,
water is flowing from the top to bottom whereas regenerant flows from bottom
to top. Such process is called counter-flow generation and the equipment is
named as counter-flow ion exchanger. This arrangement of upflow loading
and downflow regeneration is often referred to as floating bed water treatment
process. Counter-flow ion exchanger is detailed below:
Since regenerant is flowing from bottom to top, resin layers may be
perturbated as in backwashing even flow speed is a litter faster than required.
Resin layers, especially high performance layers will be perturbated. Under
perturbated layer, some poor performance resins atop will be transferred to
the bottom, and thus impede advantage of counter-flow ion exchanger.
Therefore it is crucial to have flow speed limiting mechanism for counter-flow
ion exchanger.

4.2.1 Operation Management

For counter-flow ion exchanger, water treatment process is identical to co-
flow. However regeneration process does not allow upflow of regenerant after
reaching intermediate discharge pipe. To prevent perturbation of resin layers,
different measures are taken, including pressurized and non-pressurized
methods. Pressurizing can be done by either air pressurizing or water
pressurizing, as illustrated below:
4.2.2 Air-Pressurized Regeneration
1) Partial backwashing: to prevent perturbation of resin layers occurred in co-
flow application, backwashing is only up to compacted resins above
intermediate discharge pipe to remove contamination deposited in compacted
layers. Feed water in this stage is from inlet of ion exchanger. Flow speed is
regulated so that swelling of resin layers is controlled within 50%~60%. Rinse
the bed until discharged water is clear. The first ion exchanger will normally
require 15~20 min, and successive ones in the series require 5~10 min each.
2) Discharge water: upon completion of 1), wait until resins are settled, open
intermediate water discharge valve. All water within compacted layers should
be emptied.
3) Pressurized: apply compressed air via top at pressure 0.03~0.05 MPa. Air
shall be purified (by de-oil process) prior to use.
4) Fill regenerant: while pressurized, fill regenerant into ion exchanger.
Concentration and flow speed shall be maintained.
5) Reverse flow rinsing: once all regenerant is filled, close discharge valve at
outlet of regenerant meter. Rinse with diluted regenerant and previous flow
speed and process. Rinse time is normally 30 to 40 minutes. Total water
quantity required is approximately 1.5~2 times of resin volume.
Stop feeding water by closing appropriate valve(s) immediately after reverse
flow rinsing is completed. Next stop pressurizing to prevent perturbation to
layers. It is important to maintain stable air pressure during reverse flow
rinsing process.
6) Partial forward washing: residual regenerant may present after regeneration
process. They shall be fully removed to avoid degrading water treatment
quality. During this process, water is filled via top and discharged from
intermediate discharge pipe. Flow speed should be maintained at 10~15m/h

for cation resins, and 7~10 m/h for anion resinsm. Duration should last for
approximately 5~10 min. Feed water during this stage is from inlet of ion
exchanger. This process may be replaced by partial backwashing process.
7) Forward washing: final step is to rinse with water filled from top to bottom as
normal operation, at speed 10~15 m/h until the desired water quality is
8) Major backwashing: after multiple operation cycles, resins at bottom may be
contaminated. In this case, major back-washing is required. This process will
pertubate the entire resin layers, and thus total amount of regenerant should
be 50%~100% more than normal backwashing processes. Interval of major
backwashing should be every 10~20 cycles, as per water turbidity. Feed
water during this stage is from inlet of ion exchanger. A prior partial
backwashing can be performed to decompact resins and remove suspended
particles. Flow speed should be gradually increased to prevent possible
damage to intermediate discharger.
Water pressurizing is to use pressurized water in lieu of compressed gas to
keep resin compacted. During regeneration, water at 0.05 MPa is filled via
top at flow speed 0.4~1 times of regenerant flow. Water will pass through
compacted resins and discharged along with exhausted regenerant.
Operation of water pressurizing technique is quite similar to air-pressurize.
4.2.3 Non-Pressurizing
During generation process, air/water pressurized resin will necessitate
additional equipment and system, which leads to extra work. After research
and improvement, pressurization can be omitted provided that intermediate
discharger bore is large enough (lower flow resistance) and with presence of
compacted resin layers of certain thickness above intermediate discharge
level. This arrangement will prevent water from immersing compacted layers
and thus the layers are not pretreated. This improved technique is known as
non-pressurizing reverse-flow regeneration. The generation process is similar
to that of pressurized, except for no pressurization is required.
Research shows: for cation ion-exchanger, pressurization is not required
provided that:
a flow speed at intermediate discharge bore is 0.1~0.15 m/s, and
b thickness of compacted resin is between 100~200mm, and
c up flowing speed of regenerant is below 7 m/h.
Procedure is as follows:
1) Partial Backwashing
Open relevant inlet and discharge valves for partial backwashing. Rinse
compacted resin layers above intermediate discharger to remove
contamination deposited in compacted layers. Flow speed of feedwater is
should be at 5~10 m/h while no resin should be leaked out. Rinse the bed
until discharged water is clear. Close discharge valve. This process may
require 15 min.
2) Water Discharge
Upon completion of 1), wait until resins are settled, open intermediate water
discharge valve. All water within compacted layers should be emptied.
3) Fill regenerant and start replacement:
While not pressurized, open regenerant valve and intermediate discharge

valve. Fill regenerant into ion exchanger. Concentration and flow speed shall
be maintained. Once all regenerant is filled, close discharge valve at outlet of
regenerant meter. Replace with demineralized water as per flow speed of
regenrant. Duration of replacement normal takes 30 to 40 minutes. After
replacement process, close water filling valve.
4) Partial Forward Washing
Open water filling valve and air vent valves. While water is discharged via air
vent valve, open intermediate discharge valve. Water is filled via top to
remove exhausted residual regenerant within compacted resin layers. This
process may take 5~10 min. Flow speed should be maintained at 10~15m/h
for cation resins, and 7~10 m/h for anion resins.
Open water filling valve and discharge valves. Rinse with water filled from
top. Flow speed should be maintained at 10~15 m/h. Rinse until water
discharged is clear. The exchanger is ready to use after this process.
5) Operation
Open water filling and discharge valves for normal water processing.
6) Major Backwashing
After multiple operation cycles, resins at bottom may be contaminated. In this
case, major back-washing is required. Open water filling and discharge
valves for major backwashing. Water should be filled via bottom to rinse resin
layers. Flow speed should be gradually increased to prevent possible
damage to intermediate discharger. Total flow amount should be controlled so
that swelling of resin will just reach upper sight port. Overflow will flush-out
resins. Total amount of regenerant required for major backwashing should be
50%~100% more than normal backwashing.

4.2.4 Features of Counter-Flow Ion Exchanger

The counter flow regeneration technique has the following advantages comparing
to co-flow technique.
1) More adaptable to water quality: if feed water salt concentration is high, or
Na+/cation ratio is high, co-flow technique may not obtain desired water
treatment quality. In this case, counter-flow technique can be adopted.
2) Satisfactory water treatment: for desalination system composed of counter-
flow ion exchangers
 Water output from strong-acidity H exchanger: Na + < 100µg/L, normally
at 20~30 µg/L;
 Water output from strong-alkalinity OH exchanger: SiO2 < 100µg/L,
normally at 10~20 µg/L;
 Obtained conductivity: usually less than 2µs/cm.
3) Smaller regenerant ratio: normally at 1.5. Amount of regenerant required is
based on on water quality, and generally will save 50%~100% regenerant
with less acid/alkaline wastes comparing to co-flow exchanger.
4) Less water required: 30~40% lower than co-flow. However operation of
counter-flow regeneration facility tends to be more complicated and applies
more stringent criterion on water turbidity. Turbidity should be kept ≦2mg/L to
avoid frequent major backwashing.

4.3 Operation of Mixed Bed
Ion exchange process in mixed bed is achieved by mixing anion and cation
resins at specific ratio in one container. The resin will form into layers of OH
and H type resins during regeneration process. and then uniformly mixed. At
this stage, the mixed bed is ready for water treatment. Mixed bed can be
viewed as large number of anion/cation resins staggered into multi-level
bedding, where ion exchange process occur simultaneously for both types of
resins. H+ and OH- ions will be formed respectively from H and OH type
resins and immediately turn into water. This will result complete exchange
reaction and excellent output water quality. Conductivity can reach ideal
0.055 μs/cm (25°C). Ion interactions in mixed bed during operation are shown
below in figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11 Ion Interactions during Regeneration of Mixed Bed

Mixed bed, typically after regeneration and washing, will produce water with very
low conductivity. This is because regenerant and products of regeneration are
absorbed immediately by mixed resins. During normal operation, output water
quality is usually as follows:
 Salt content: below 1.0 mg/L;
 Conductivity: 0.2 μs/cm (25°C);
 SiO2 content: 20 μg/L;
 pH: around 7
Figure 4-12 shows output water quality curve:

Figure 4-12 Mixed Bed Output Water Quality Characteristic Curve
Output water quality is very stable in most cases even subject to variation of
working condition. Conductivity of output is not vulnerable to salt content of
input water or regeneration level. However the conductivity will depend on
operation cycles. In general, operation cycle of mixed bed purifying 1 st level
desalination water is above 15 days, as its amount of unused resins is
relatively large.
Flow speed should be carefully controlled: slow flow may result poor water
quality as contamination inside resin is carried over by water. If flow speed is
too fast, time is not adequate for ion replacement and thus also degrading
water quality. Therefore, flow speed is normally kept at 40~60 m/h.
Intermittent operation will have little affect on output water quality. Regardless
of bed type, water quality will degrade slightly after shutdown and startover
again. The quality will recover after a short period of operation.
One can easily observe the moment when mixed bed become inefficient. At
the end of replacement stage, conductivity will rise rapidly. This feature is
conveniently used by automation control.

4.3.1 Operation Process Starting Mixed Bed
(1) Forward wash: open mixed bed water filling valve and vent valve. Start
fresh water pump. Wait until water overflow from vent valve, open
forward-wash water discharge valve. Close vent valve. Open pneumatic
sampling valve at outlet. Continue washing until water conductivity <0.20
μs/cm,SiO2 ≤ 20 μg/L.
(2) Servicing: open mixed bed output valve. Close forward-wash discharge
valve. Adjust flow speed to 110 m 3/h approximately. Fill water to
desalination water tank. Regeneration
(1) When operating mixed bed become inefficient, start standby mixed bed.
If success, shut down inefficient mixed bed.
(2) Backwash and layer segregating: for the ineffective mixed bed subject to
regeneration, open vent valve, backwash discharge valve & filling valve.

Start fresh water for backwashing. Backwash flow speed should be
controlled to gradually increase to avoid damage of internal components
(controlled by backwash manual valve if available. Otherwise flow speed
can be governed by outlet valve of fresh water pump). Once swelling of
resins reaches ½ of sight glass, close vent valve. Wait there is obvious
separation between anion and cation resins, and water discharged
become clear. Gradually close outlet valve of freshwater pump (If
backwash manual valve is available, close it instead). Stop freshwater
pump. Close backwash filling valve and discharge valve.
(3) Settling: settle for 5~10min.
(4) Discharge water: open forward-wash discharge valve and vent valve
(discharge until water level is lowered to 200mm of anion resin). Close
forward-wash discharge valve and vent valve.
(5) Preparatory acid/alkaline injection: open intermediate discharge valve.
Open acid and alkaline filling valves. Open pneumatic valves of
acid/alkaline injector. Start regeneration pump. Open outlet valve of
regeneration pump. Continue inject for 3~5min.
(6) Acid/Alkaline dosage: open acid/alkaline concentration metering solenoid
valves, and injectors’ pneumatic input valves. Adjust acid and alkaline
concentration to 3~5% and 2~3% respectively with metering box. Fill
acid/alkaline for 25~30 min.
(7) Replacement: after acid/alkaline is filled, close acid/alkaline
concentration metering solenoid valves, and injectors’ pneumatic input
valves. Continue replacement process until water at intermediate
discharge valve become neutral, which marks the end of replacement.
Close acid/alkaline dosing valves, intermediate discharge valve, injectors’
pneumatic input valves and outlet valve of regeneration pump. Stop
regeneration pump.
(8) Anion resin forward-washing: open mixed bed water filling valve and vent
valve. Once mixed bed is fully filled, open intermediate discharge valve.
Close vent valve. Continue forward-washing for 20~30min.
(9) Cation resin forward-washing: open forward washing water discharge
valve. Close intermediate discharge valve and continue washing cation
resin for 20~30 min.
(10) Discharge water: open forward wash water discharge valve and vent
valve. Discharge until water level is lowered to 200mm of resin. Close
forward wash discharge valve.
(11) Resin mixing: open back-wash water discharge valve and vent valve.
Thoroughly mix anion and cation resins with compressed air. Close air
inlet valve. Immediately open mixed bed inlet valve and forward-wash
discharge valve. Flush out water for within 30~60 sec. Close both
discharge valves of forward-washing and back-washing.
(12) Water filling: fill until water overflow from vent valve. Close vent valve.
(13) Forward-washing: open forward washing water discharge valve.
Continue washing until water conductivity <0.20 μs/cm ,SiO2 ≤20 μg/L.
Close inlet valve and forward-washing discharge valve. At this stage, this
mixed bed can standby or put into service.
5 Introduction to This Project
5.1 Process Illustration

5.1.1 Procedure:
Level 1 RO tank  Level 2 RO boost pump  Level 2 RO filter  Level 2 HP
pump  Level 2 RO  Level 2 RO tank  Ion Exchanger feedwater pump
 Cation bed  Anion bed  Mixed bed  Desalination water tank  Plant
5.1.2 Process Illustration
This system performs ion-exchange and desalination treatment for level 1
freshwater by means of two-level RO, cation & anion bed and mixed bed.
Processed desalination water will enter desalination water tank. Water in
desalination water tank is pumped to condensate make-up water tank in main
plant house. This system consists of 2 sets of ɸ2000 anion & cation beds and
2 sets of ɸ1250 beds, one running and one standby, and 2X1700m 3
desalination water tank. System design capacity: 50t/hr. Feedwater is
sourced from Level 1 RO water tank. Cation and anion beds are in unit
arrangement. Mixed beds are in parallel arrangement. When beds are out of
effect, 45% NaOH and 30~35% HCl solution will be used for regeneration.
Waste water produced during washing and regeneration will be discharged to
waste water basin inside make-up water plant, and from there further
transferred to industry waste-water treatment plant via waste water pump. All
compressed air is sourced from plant air-compressor station.

5.2 Summary of Equipment Performance

5.3 Operation Supervision
5.3.1 Inlet Water Quality Index
Water quality requirement for sea water desalination flesh water:
conductivity≤10μS/cm(at 25℃)
5.3.2 Demineralized Water Quality Index

Effluent Quality of Water Index of Mixed Bed:

Silica (SiO2 ) g / L  20
Conductivity (25℃) S /cm  0.2

Demineralized Water Pump Outlet Index

Silica (SiO2 ) g / L  20
Sodium ion g / L 5
Conductivity (25℃) S /cm  0.2
PH 6.5-7.5
YD mol/L ≈0
Notes: During the primary period of the equipment commission, manual
sampling test should be conducted in the chemical lab until the online
instruments are in normal operation. I&C staff should conduct the online
instrument proofread every two weeks, if the instruments are faulty, conduct
manual measuring, and do the test every 2 hours.
5.3.3 Monitoring Mode of Operation
In order to monitor the water quality and control the operation, system equips
with necessary online instruments, monitors, PC, PLC and CRT etc, which
can be operated automatically, semi-automatically and manually. We can
adopt PLC to realize process control of the process and system equipments,
with CRT and keyboard as the monitoring and controlling method, to
complete the sapling, processing, recording of the information of water
treatment system, and conduct the emergency alarm and automatic printing.
Thus, realizing monitor to the chemical water treatment system in the control
room of water treatment workshop.

Chapter 5 Condensate Polishing System

1 General Introduction of the System

1.1 The main function of condensate polishing system is to use powdered resin to
exchange dissolvable ion in condensate which can remove suspended
particles, organic matters, inactive silicon and colloidal matters, thus it can
achieved the purpose of filtration and demineralization which further improved
the quality of condensate in meet of boiler feeder water quality requirement
as well as ensured the safe and stable operation of the unit.
1.2 Condensate polishing system adopts medium-pressure treatment system;
each unit includes one powdered resin filter. When the temperature of
condensate exceeds 60 °C, the holding pump of filtration which is in
operation should put into use first, then automatically opens bypass valve
after the holding pump is in operation. After making sure it is in full open state
then close the water inlet and outlet automatic valve of filtration so that it can
protect the internal materials of filtration and the anion resin from degrading
as well as paint film coming-off when the filtration is out of operation. The
opening of bypass valve should be done programmed automatically.
When the differential pressure of bypass reaches 0.25MPa, alarm should be
sounded and opens the bypass valve automatically.
1.3 Each unit is equipped with a set of filming system, membrane air-bursting and
backwashing system, a set of wastewater collection and conveying system
and compressed air system.
1.4 Each unit polishing system has a 100% bypass which includes auto bypass
and manual bypass, the manual bypass is full closed while the auto bypass
put into use on normal operation. The adjustment of auto bypass is based on
the temperature of polishing inlet condensate and the inlet and outlet
differential pressure of polishing equipment.
1.5 There are thermometer installed at the inlet main pipes of each unit polishing
system, silica monitor, hydrogen ion conductivity meter, PH meter which
monitors outlet water quality coming from filtration are installed at the outlet
main pipes. In addition, on the polishing filtration of each unit there installed
inlet and outlet differential pressure switches, flowmeter on the outlet pipe,
silica analyzer, hydrogen ion conductivity meter which are used to monitor
operation conditions of filtration.
1.6 Each set of condensate polishing system is equipped with a filming system.
During the course of equipment performing, when the outlet water quality of
filtration or the outlet differential pressure are exceed the index, then the initial
filter membrane should be air-bursting and new membrane should be laid.
1.7 The flow process diagram of condensate polishing is as follow:

2 General Introduction to Program Control

The range of this control system includes #1 condensate polishing unit, #2
condensate polishing unit.
The programmable controller of Siemens is used in this control system to
collecting signals on site and doing logical program control to every sequence
of technique. PLC is arranged in condensate polishing control room. The
local operation panels (the solenoid valve box and MCC cabinet) are installed
near the process main equipment. There are mainly two ways of control
system: auto program control, site solenoid valve box and manual operation
on MCC cabinet.

Ⅰ PLC Control

The PLC system adopts S7-400 series of Siemens; it is configurated on the

basis of double-PLC hot standby redundant mode.
PLC is the main station plus remote I/O structure. #1, #2, remote stations
respectively correspond to #1 unit condensate polishing unit of #1 program
control panel, #2 unit condensate polishing unit of #2 program control panel.

Ⅱ The Site Operation Panels(The Solenoid Valve Box and MCC Cabinet)

The site operation panels (the solenoid valve box and MCC cabinet) are
installed near all main equipment. The operation knob (buttons) and indicting
light of valves and pumps relating to the main equipment are arranged on the
panel. The operation knobs of motor valves, pneumatic valves and pumps
have the following types:
1 The main knob switches are installed on the panel of solenoid valve box
and MCC cabinet, they are all three-position knobs which are controlled
by computer when it is in “automatic” position; the valve does nothing
when it is in “stop” position while the valve can do local operation when it
is in “local” position.
2 If the main knob switch of the panel of solenoid valve box is in “local”
position, open the valve when the operation switch is moved to “manual
on” position or close the valve when the operation switch is moved to
“manual off” position, while the operation switch is moved to middle
position, the two-way electronic control valve should remains in the same
place and the one-way electronic control valve is closed.
3 When the main knob switch of the panel of MCC cabinet is in “local”
position, the pump starts when the start button is presses and stops
when the stop button is pressed.

Ⅲ Monitoring Instruments

The flow transmitter, temperature transmitter, differential pressure transmitter

and level transmitter are all two-wire 4 ~ 20mA standard signals which are
input into the AI module after isolated by the power distributor. Sampling
racks are respectively installed in #1 unit, #2 unit polishing units; the
conductivity meter, pH meter, silica analyzer and the temperature secondary
instrument are installed in the sampling panel in centralization; the control
valve is installed for each sample water way.

Ⅳ Power Supply and Distribution of Control System

The control system is installed with a power supply panel which accepts two
220VAC power supplies. The two-way lead-in line power supplies are standby
for each other. The automatic switching device is installed inside the panel
and automatically completes the emergent switching. Two 48VDC redundant
power supplies and two 24VDC redundant power supplies are equipped
inside the pane. They are standby for each other and automatically complete
emergent switching.
The power of PLC input module in the program control panel is supplied by
48VDC power source; the power of output module, AI module and
intermediate relay is supplied by 24VDC power source. The analytical
instrument, distributor are supplied by 220VAC power source and solenoid
valve in valve box are supplied by 110VAC power source.

Ⅴ Gas for Control

KKS Tag Of Equipment Unit Qty Note
Type :
Powdered Resin Q=484 m3/h Vertical ,
10LDF11BB001 Set 1
Filter Vertical
Type :
10LDF14BB001 Membrane Box Set 1 Vertical
V=0.68 m3
Type :
Membrane Auxiliary DN=1200mm
10LDF16BB001 Set 1 Vertical
Box V=1.6 m3
10LDF12AP001 Protective Holding Set 1
10LDF13AP001 Membrane Pump Set 1
Membrane Injector Q=2.5 m3/h
10LDF15AP001 Set 1
Pump H=0.12MPa
Waste Water Q=35 m3/h
10LDF18\19AP001 Set 2
Transfer Pump H=0.32MPa
Material :
Waste Water Concrete
10LDF17BB001 V=30 m3 Set 1
Collection Pool Lined With
The gas for control of the solenoid valve box comes from the instrumental

compressed air main pipe, whose pressure is 0.6MPa.

Technical specification of the equipment as follow

Technical specification of program-controlled analysis meter

No Instrument Measuring Model & Sampling

Unit Qty Note
. Name Range Manufacturer Position
Inlet And ≥0.15µs /cm
Outlet Of Alarm-
Conductivity 0~10 Main sending,Bypas
1 Set 2
Meter μs/cm Pipe Of s Door
Polishing Automatically
System Opens
Pipe ≤7.5
2 PH Meter 0~14 Set 1 Outlet Of
Polishing ≥6.5
Pipe Outlet Table,
SiO2 0~40 9210silica And Main
3 Set 1 ≥15µg/l Alarm-
Analyzer μg/L analyzer Pipe Outlet
Of Filter sending,Recor

Technical Specification of Program-Controlled Thermal Instruments





#1 CONDENSATE POLISHING 10LDF13CP10 4~20mA 0~4.0MPa ≥2.8MPa


#1 CONDENSATE POLISHING 10LDF13CP10 4~20mA 0~4.0MPa ≥2.8MPa




SYSTEM INLET & OUTLET 4~20mA 0~0.5MPa ≥0.35MPa

10LDF13CF10 0~600m3/h
1 0~7.51Kpa

4~20mA 0~100℃ ≥50℃

10LDF14CL10 ≥1500mm
#1 MEMBRANE LAYING TANK 4~20mA 0~5000mm
1 ≤300mm

10LDF16CL10 ≥1300mm
1 ≤300mm
10LDF17CL10 ≥3000mm
4~20mA 0~5000mm

#1 CONDENSATE POLISHING 10LDF13CQ10 4~20mA 0~1.0S/cm ≥0.2S/cm


#1 CONDENSATE POLISHING 10LDF13CQ10 4~20mA 0~1.0S/cm ≥0.15S/cm


10LDF13CQ10 ≤7.5
4 ≥6.5

#1 CONDENSATE POLISHING 4~20mA 0~200ppb ≥15ppb




#2 CONDENSATE POLISHING 20LDF13CP10 4~20mA 0~4.0MPa ≥2.8MPa


#2 CONDENSATE POLISHING 20LDF13CP10 4~20mA 0~4.0MPa ≥2.8MPa



SYSTEM INLET & OUTLET 4~20mA 0~0.5MPa ≥0.35MPa

20LDF13CF10 0~600m3/h
1 0~7.51Kpa
4~20mA 0~100℃ ≥50℃

20LDF14CL10 ≥1500mm
#2 MEMBRANE LAYING TANK 4~20mA 0~5000mm
1 ≤300mm

20LDF16CL10 ≥1300mm
1 ≤300mm
20LDF17CL10 ≥3000mm
4~20mA 0~5000mm

#2 CONDENSATE POLISHING 20LDF13CQ10 4~20mA 0~1.0S/cm ≥0.2S/cm


#2 CONDENSATE POLISHING 20LDF13CQ10 4~20mA 0~1.0S/cm ≥0.15S/cm


20LDF13CQ10 ≤7.5
4 ≥6.5


#2 CONDENSATE POLISHING 4~20mA 0~200ppb ≥15ppb

Influent Quality of Water Index of Filter

Supervision Items Unit Starting Value Normal Value Note

Total Dissolved Solids
μg/L ≤650
(Excluding Ammonia)
Silica (SiO2) μg/L ≤20
Sodium (Na+) μg/L ≤20 2~5
Total Iron (Fe) μg/L ≤1000 ≤40
Chlorine (Cl-) μg/L ≤100
Total Copper (Cu) μg/L ≤50 ≤10

Effluent Quality of Water Index of Filter

Supervision Items Unit Starting Value Normal Value Note

Total Dissolved Solids
μg/L <50 <20
(Excluding Ammonia)
Silica (SiO2) μg/L <50 <15
Sodium (Na+) μg/L <5 ≤1
Total Iron (Fe) μg/L <100 <8
Total Copper (Cu) μg/L <15 <3
Chlorine (Cl-) μg/L <10 ≤1
Cation Conductivity
μs/cm <0.2 <0.15
PH(25℃) 6.5~7.5 In Operation

Indonesia Medan 2X200MW Unit Auto Control Process Table of Condensate Polishing Powdered Resin Pre-Coat
Filtration System


Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name

Air Nm3/min

Water m3/h
LDF12 AA001
Holding Pump

LDF15 AP001
Membrane Injector Pump
LDF13 AP001
Membrane Pump
LDF14 AA003
Membrane Box Water Making-Up Valve
Auxiliary System

LDF14 AA001
Backwashing Isolating Valve

Membrane Auxiliary Box Circulation LDF15 AA001

Valve LDF15 AA001
Membrane Injector Valve
Membrane Auxiliary Box Water Making- LDF16AA001
Up Valve LDF14 AA001
Membrane Back Valve LDF13 AA101
Bypass Valve
Powdered Resin Pre-Coat

Drainage Valve
Membrane Entrance
LDF11 AA006
Intake Valve

Pressure Relief Valve

LDF11 AA502
Exhaust Valve
Backwashing Water Inlet

Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Time Seconds
Tag Of Equipment

Tag Of Step
Step Number

Procedure Name
Procedure Description and Other Interlock Requirements:
1 The system operational procedure is divided into 5 parts: commissioning and
splitting procedure, membrane-bursting procedure, pulping procedure,
membrane-laying procedure, operation to standby procedure. These 5
procedures all adopt the way of button-startup.
2 Bypass Control
2.1 When the temperature of condensate exceeds 60 °C, the holding pump of
filtration which is in operation should put into use first, then automatically
opens bypass valve after the holding pump is in operation. After making sure
it is in full open state then close the water inlet and outlet automatic valve of
filtration so that it can protect the internal materials of filtration and the anion
resin from degrading as well as paint film coming-off when the filtration is out
of operation. The opening of bypass valve should be done programmed
2.2 After confirmed the temperature of condensate is blow 60 °C, first to check if
the filter is on standby, if it is then manually press the button to start filter. The
bypass valve should not close until filter is in operation. If the filter is not on
standby, it should be on standby after re-membrane-laying otherwise the
bypass valve should not do any action.
2.3 When the differential pressure of bypass reaches 0.25MPa, alarm should be
sounded and opens the bypass valve automatically.
3 Waste water pond level interlock control: when the waste water pond level is
in high position, the waste water pump will automatically opens and
discharging the waste water. While the water level is in low position the pump
4 The symbol “▉” in the table stands for the open of the valve and blank stands
for the closed of the valve.
5 During the operation of filter, stops holding pump when operation flow is over
180m3/h and opens it when operation flow is below 65m3/h. When stops
holding pump, stops holding pump outlet valve, pump and holding pump inlet
valve in order. While starts holding pump, starts holding pump inlet valve,
pump and holding pump outlet valve in order.


Chapter 6 Water & Steam Supervision and Dosing System

1 Overview

The purpose of water & steam supervision is to find out the change scope of
water-steam quality and to learn the operational rules to guarantee the quality
of water and steam and prevent corrosion, scaling, salt deposition, in the
thermal equipment and water-steam system so that the unit can operate safely
and economically through water-steam quality analysis on the thermal system.
This project uses the steam &water sampling analysis instruments to monitor
and analyze the water-steam quality. Condenser leakage detecting system also
is used to monitor the operation conditions of condenser and to check if the
condenser leaks.
Although the flowing water in boiler feed water system is relatively purer, it
contains oxygen and carbon dioxide which are the main factors causing metal
corrosion of feed water system,
Iron corrosion of dissolved oxygen in water is a sort of electrochemical
corrosion. The electrode potential of iron is always lower than of oxygen. As the
anode, iron is being corroded: Fe →Fe2+ + 2e; As the cathode, oxygen is
reduced: O2 + 2H2O + 4e →40H-. The dissolved oxygen is a cathodic oxygen
and to performs depolarization which is the factor of iron corrosion. The iron is
corroded by dissolved oxygen and produces Fe2+ and further reacts which
produces swell on the surface of metal and corrosion pits. The chemical
reactions are as follow:
Fe2+ + 2OH- →Fe(OH)2
4 Fe(OH)2+ 2H2O + O2 →4 Fe(OH)3
Fe(OH)2+ 2 Fe(OH)3 →Fe3O4 + 2H2O
When there are free CO2 exist in water, the water runs acid reaction: CO2+ H2O
→H++HCO3-. It produces more and more H+ which will have corrosion of
hydrogen depolarization. Although carbon dioxide in water makes a weak acid,
while it dissolved in pure water, its PH value will decrease dramatically.
In the flowing water of feed water system, if it contains both oxygen and carbon
dioxide, then the metal corrosion will be stronger and the speed gets faster.
The electrode potential of oxygen is high and easy to form the cathode which
will cause strong corrosion. Carbon dioxide makes the water a weak acid which
will break protective film.
To prevent feed water system from metal corrosion, the main method is to
decrease dissolved oxygen in water or increase dissolved oxygen under certain
conditions to slow down the oxygen corrosion and raise pH value of feed water
to eliminate carbon dioxide corrosion.
This project adopts the way of chemicals dosing system in achieving of
treatment of ammonia dosing and hydrazine dosing for feed water, condensate
and closed cooling water thus to control PH value and oxygen content in water,
the corrosion and fouling of the thermal devices can be avoided, the on-site
water treatment quality can be meted and the safety and economic operation of
the unit can be ensured.


2 Dosing System and Its Principle

2.1 Ammonia Dosing System of Feed Water and Condensate

(1) Feed Water, Condensate Ammonia Dosing Treatment System
In order to regulate the PH value of feed water and condensate, 2 units are set
with one integrated ammonia dosing device. Each device includes 2 solution
tanks, 3 feed water ammonia metering pumps and 3 condensate ammonia
metering pumps. Two of the ammonia metering pumps is for operation and one
for standby.
The feed water ammonia dosing point is on the downcomer of deaerated water
tank, adding quantity is automatically controlled; feed water ammonia dosing
controls the addition by feed water flow signal. The addition of condensate
polishing mixed bed outlet main pipe ammonia dosing point is automatically
controlled based on the condensate flow signal.

(2) Ammonia dosing and hydrazine dosing treatment system of feed water,
condensate and closed cooling water
Feed water, condensate ammonia dosing and hydrazine dosing treatment are
used to remove oxygen remaining in feed water and condensate system which
prevents oxygen corrosion. 2 units are set with one integrated ammonia dosing
device. Each device includes 2 hydrazine dosing solution tanks, 3 feed water
hydrazine auto dosing pumps; two of the pumps are for operation and one for
standby. 2 condensate hydrazine auto dosing pumps are for operation. It also
has one closed cooling water ammonia dosing and hydrazine dosing pump.
The feed water hydrazine dosing point is on the downcomer of deaerated water
tank, adding quantity is automatically controlled; feed water hydrazine dosing
controls the addition by feed water flow signal. Condensate ammonia dosing
and hydrazine dosing point is at the outlet main pipe of condensate polishing,
its addition is automatically controlled based on the condensate flow signal.
Ammonia dosing and hydrazine dosing of closed cooling water system uses
manual dosing pump.
(3) Boiler Water Phosphate Dosing Treatment System
In order to prevent scaling in boiler pipe system, phosphate dosing is used into
steam drum boiler water, dosing addition is manually controlled. 2 boilers are
set with one integrated phosphate dosing device 2 solution tanks and 3
metering pumps 2 of which are for operation and 1 for standby.
(4) Startup Boiler Dosing Device
This project is designed with startup boiler chemical dosing system which
includes boiler water phosphate dosing device, and so on.
The phosphate dosing device includes one solution tank and one metering
The dosing equipments are arranged in the dosing area within zero meter of
the startup boiler house.
2.2 Ammonia Dosing Principle


Ammonia dissolved in water and becomes ammonia water which is alkaline,

the equation is as follow:
NH3 + H2O →NH4OH
The reason of lower PH in feed water is that there contains free carbon dioxide,
therefore the adding of NH3 is to neutralize acid of carbonate using alkali of
ammonia water.
NH4OH + H2CO3 → NH4HCO3 + H2O
NH4OH + NH4HCO3 →(NH4)2CO3 + H2O
Our company adopts the way of ammonia dosing to controls the PH value of
feed water is between 8~9 thus preventing corrosion of free carbon dioxide.
2.3 Hydrazine Dosing Principle
N2H4 is also called hydrazine; it is a colorless liquid, volatile and easily soluble
in water. It becomes stable hydration hydrazine(N2H4·H2O) when combined into
water. Hydrazine exists in air can do harm to respiratory system and skin so the
max allowable hydrazine steam quantity in air is 1mg/L. If hydrazine steam
quantity reaches to 4.7%. it can cause deflagration when contacted to fire.
The hydrazine is a kind of strong reducing agent in alkaline solution, and it can
reduce the dissolved oxygen in water.
N2H4 + O2 → N2 +2H2O
In high temperature (t>200℃) water, N2H4 can reduce Fe2O3 to Fe3O4, the
equation of Fe is as follow:
6Fe2O3 + N2H4 → 4Fe3O4 + N2 + 2H2O
2Fe3O4+ N2H4 → 6FeO + N2 + 2H2O
2FeO + N2H4 → 2Fe + N2 + 2H2O
N2H4 can also reduce CuO to Cu2O or Cu, the equation is as follow:
4CuO + N2H4 → 2Cu2O + N2 + 2H2O
2Cu2O + N2H4 → 4Cu + N2 + 2H2O
These properties of hydrazine can prevent iron and copper scaling in boiler.
The reaction speed between hydrazine and dissolved oxygen in water is
affected by temperature, PH value and excess hydrazine remains. For quick
and complete reaction between hydrazine and dissolved oxygen in water, the
following conditions should be kept:
a Maintains sufficient temperature, the higher of temperature, the faster of
b Keep the water PH value to a certain degree, generally is 9~11.
c Maintains excess hydrazine remains. The more hydrazine remains it has,
the less time of deoxygenization it takes.
2.4 Phosphate Dosing Principle
Phosphate treatment is that under the condition when boiler water is of alkaline


property (pH=10), add phosphate solution to have the phosphate radical of

boiler water maintained within certain concentration range, so the calcium ion in
water reacts with the phosphate radical generating basic calcium phosphate,
and a few magnesium ions react with silicic acid radical in boiler water
generating serpentine, whose reactions are as follows:
10Ca2++16PO43-+2OH-→3 Ca3(PO4)2. Ca(OH)2↓
(Basic calcium phosphate)
The upper scale can be discharged with boiler blowdown. The phosphate
treatment has been gradually converted from the original scale prevention to
PH buffering and anticorrosion; the working condition of phosphate develops
from the maintain of high concentration PO43- to the low concentration and ultra-
low concentration; it experienced component phosphate treatment like high
phosphate treatment and coordinated phosphate treatment, low phosphate
treatment and equilibrium phosphate treatment and so on successively.
3 Performance of Main Dosing Device


No. KKS Code Name Type and Unit Quantities

6 JOQCDAP006 Ammonia dosing Q=0-50L/H p=4.0MPa set 1
5 JOQCDAP005 Ammonia dosing Q=0-50L/H p=4.0MPa set 1
4 JOQCDAP004 Ammonia dosing Q=0-50L/H p=4.0MPa set 1
3 JOQCDAP003 Ammonia dosing pump Q=0-50L/H p=1.6MPa set 1
(feed water)
2 JOQCDAP002 Ammonia dosing pump Q=0-50L/H p=1.6MPa set 1
(feed water)
1 JOQCDAP001 Ammonia dosing pump Q=0-50L/H p=1.6MPa set 1
(feed water)


Hydrazine Dosing Device:

No. KKS Code Name Type and Unit Quantities

9 JOQCABB003-004 Hydrazine solution V=1.0m3 DN 1000 Set 2


8 JOQCAAP007 Electric portable Q=20L/min Set 1

dosing pump p=0.08MPa

7 JOQCABB001-002 Hydrazine measuring V=40L DN 350 Set 2


6 JOQCAAP006 Hydrazine dosing Q=0-40L/H p=4.0MPa Set 1

pump (condensate)

5 JOQCAAP005 Hydrazine dosing Q=0-40L/H p=4.0MPa Set 1

pump (condensate)

4 JOQCAAP004 Hydrazine dosing Q=0-40L/H p=4.0MPa Set 1

pump (condensate)

3 JOQCAAP003 Hydrazine dosing Q=0-40L/H p=1.6MPa Set 1

pump (condensate)

2 JOQCAAP002 Hydrazine dosing Q=0-40L/H p=1.6MPa 台 1

pump (condensate)

1 JOQCAAP001 Hydrazine dosing Q=0-40L/H p=1.6MPa Set 1

pump (condensate)

Phosphate Dosing Device

No. KKS Code Name Type and Specifications Unit Quantities

7 JOQCCAM002 Blender JYB-76 N=0.75KW Set 1

6 JOQCCAM001 Blender JYB-76 N=0.75KW Set 1


5 JOQCCBB002 Phosphate solution V=1.0M3 DN 1000 Set 1


4 JOQCCBB001 Phosphate solution V=1.0M3 DN 1000 Set 1


3 JOQCCAP003 Phosphate dosing Q=0-40L/H p=20MPa Set 1


2 JOQCCAP002 Phosphate dosing Q=0-40L/H p=20MPa Set 1


1 JOQCCAP001 Phosphate dosing Q=0-40L/H p=20MPa Set 1



4 Steam and Water Sampling and Leak Check Sampling System

4.1 System function

Each unit should be equipped with one set of steam and water sampling
analyzing device, essential sampling point, on-line analyzing instrument,
manual sampling platform, control system and condenser leaking
monitoring device for timely and accurately inspecting the water and
steam quality changing condition during the boiler and turbine operation
and designating the equipment fault in the system, in order to ensure
the safety operation of unit.

4.2 Sampling system

(1) Device configuration
Each unit should be equipped with one set of centralized steam and
water sampling analyzing system, and essential on-line instrument for
monitoring the operation condition of thermal system. The output signal
sent from analyzing instrument of steam and water sampling analyzing
device and various alarming signal should be transferred to PLC of
condensate polishing control system. The display, alarm, record for the
steam and water quality of unit will be realized on the PLC operation
station. The abnormal working condition alarming of steam and water
sampling analyzing device and the steam and water quality test
parameters providing for feedwater and boiler water dosing control
system also will be realized on PLC operation station.
The steam and water sampling analyzing system should consist of the
high temperature cooling frame, low temperature instrument panel. The
high temperature and pressure frame is set pre-cooling device,
sampling cooler and relief valve. The low temperature instrument panel
should include thermostatic device, manual sampling frame and
chemical analyzing instrument etc. The cooling water of sampling
system comes from the closed circuit cooling water system of unit.
The high temperature and pressure water discharge is that the water will
be discharged in the industrial sewer after discharging and expansion
and passing through the drain channel inside of cofferdam. The low
pressure water discharge is that directly discharge the water to the
industrial sewer by the drain channel inside of cofferdam.
(2) Sampling points and measuring instruments
The parameters of sampling points and measuring instrument should be
set as the following table:

Sampling points and measuring instrument


14 Main pipe of 0.19 50.0 ● ● ●

500 300 300
cooling water

13 Main pipe of 0.6 41.0 ● ● ●

500 300 300
cooling water

12 Main pipe of 0.056 83.0 ●

low pressure

11 Main pipe of 4.23 251.8 ●

high pressure

10 Outlet main 2.55 43.53 ● ● ● ●

pipe of
500 300 300 300

9 Right side of 2.7 322.7 ●


8 Left side of 2.7 322.7 ●


7 Main pipe at 13.53 540.0 ● ●

the outlet
500 300

6 Right side of 14.98 342.0 ● ● ●

500 300 300

5 Left side of 14.98 342.0 ● ● ●

500 300 300


4 Right side of 14.98 342.0 ● ● ●

steam drum
500 300 300

3 Left side of 14.98 342.0 ● ● 300 ●

steam drum
500 300 300

2 Economizer 15.34 254.3 ● ● ● ●

500 300 300 300

1 Deaerate 0.97 176.36 ● ●

500 300

No. Sampling pressure temperature M CC SC PH O2 N2H4 SiO2

MPa ℃ Sampling water flow mL/Min

CC in table – conductivity with hydrogen ion exchange column

SC -- specific conductivity

pH  pH table

O2  dissolved oxygen table

SiO2 silica table

N2H4hydrazine table

M—manual sampling point

(3) Sampling system cooling water
The cooling water in sampling system is from closed circuit cooling
water system.
(4) Arrangement of steam and water sampling device
The steam and water sampling device of three units is arranged inside
of the steam and water sampling chamber. The high temperature and
low temperature frame is arranged separately. The high temperature
frame chamber and instrument panel chamber should be set in the
sampling chamber.
(5) Condenser piping material


Since the supplement water source for the cooling water is sea water in
this project, the piping material of condenser should use the titanium.
(6) Start up boiler sampling device
For monitoring the steam and water quality of start-up boiler
conveniently, the start-up boiler sampling device and essential sampling
points for manual analyzing should be set in this project.

Condenser leak checking device

Each unit should be set 8 leak checking points, four in each A/B sides,
and each four as one group. There are two set of sampling pumps in
total, which are arranged under the condenser. 8 sampling points is
equipped with 1 on-line conductivity meter. In the normal condition, the
system will carry out the on-line constantly checking for the condenser
operation condition and will transfer the checking signal from each
instrument to water network centralized control system through the
polishing PLC control system.

The condenser leak checking device is consisted of two parts: leak

checking frame and leak instrument panel. The whole device includes 2
sampling pumps, relative valves, conductivity cell, transmitter,
conductivity meter, manual sampling device and all parts, conduit line,
electrical and control components for realizing the function of alarming
and signal transferring.

The conductivity analog, high and low pressure alarming single of

condenser leak checking device and fault alarming signal of equipment
and device will be transferred to condenser control system for displaying
and monitoring.
(8) Temperature and pressure decreasing frame
The temperature and pressure decreasing frame is set for completing
the pressure reducing and primary cooling of high temperature and
pressure steam and water sampling. This part includes the following:
high temperature and pressure valve, sampling cooling device, relief
valve, safety valve, sampling water discharge and cooling water
supplying and discharging piping system. Above elements will be
installed inside of the temperature and pressure decreasing frame with
the sampling pipeline, whose main task is lead the water and steam
from each sampling point to temperature and pressure decreasing
frame. By controlling of the high pressure valve, one path is connected
with water discharge pipe for removing the dirt in the sampling during


the operation initial stage, another path is connected with cooler, inside
of which is connected with the cooling water flowing in reverse direction,
in order to cool the sampling. After the sampling being cooled, and
reducing the pressure by relief valve, it will be sent for manual sampling
and instrument

Different sampling should use different temperature and pressure

decreasing mode, for the closed circuit cooling water sampling, the
directly sampling mode should be adopted, for the sampling at the outlet
of condensate water pump, high and low pressure drainage sampling,
the one stage temperature decreasing and one stage pressure
decreasing mode should be adopted. When the sampling with
temperature in 200℃≤T≤570℃, and the pressure in 0.8MPa < P < 32
MPa, the secondary stage temperature decreasing and primary
pressure decreasing mode should be used. The closed circuit
demineralization cooling mode will be used for sampling device when
the demineralized water temperature T≤35℃, the pressure(inlet the
sapling device) P≥0.3MPa and the water flow is no less than 25m3/h.

The main equipment introduction is as follows:

1) Valves: high pressure sampling water should use stainless steel

high pressure valve with double ferrule connection or ball
connection. the cooling water system should use low pressure

2) Sampling cooler: cooling device (sampling cooler) is double screw

tube cooler. After the sampling water passing through the cooler, it
will be cooled to the required temperature for chemical instrument
testing and manual analyzing testing. The structure of double screw
tube cooler is showing as follows:


Diagram 6-5 double screw tube sampling cooler

The equipment type and specifications refers to table 6-2

Table 6-2 Double screw tube sampling cooler specifications

Outer diameter ofOuter diameter of

outer tube ×wall inner tube ×wallCooling
type Material
thickness ( mn thickness ( mmarea(m2)
) )

QYL-2010 Φ25×3.5 Φ12×2 0.20 1Cr18Ni9Ti

QYL-3910 Φ25×3.5 Φ12×2 0.39 1Cr18Ni9Ti

Double screw tube sampling cooler is made by two sleeve type stainless
steel tubes which is bent together. The sampling water flows in inner
tube of sampling cooler, and the cooling water flows in the interlayer
between outer and inner tube. Since the cooling water flow section is
narrow and the flow speed is high, the cooling efficiency is little bit


higher. Double screw tube sampling cooler only can use the
demineralized water as cooling water, because the sleeve tube structure
is difficult to clean.

3) Relief valve: the high temperature and pressure sampling water will be
sent to the each sampling point after decreasing temperature by sampling
cooler and pressure reducing. There are many types of pressure
reducing device, the steam and water centralized sampling analyzing
device in our company use screw type relief valve, which refers to the
diagram 6-6.

Diagram 5-6 screw type relief valves

The screw type relief valve is that screw in a male screw bar into a
screw tube body, keep some distance between the male and female
screw bar, by adjusting the distance which male screw bar into the
female screw body to realize the pressure reducing of sampling water.
The screwing –out length of male screw bar should be no more than
24mm, for fear that the whole screw bar might be out due to the less
screw thread, and the high pressure sampling water might come out.
The material of screw type relief valve is stainless steel, which has the
features of small bulk, easy installing and adjusting.
(9) Sampling instrument panel
It is consisted of the low temperature instrument panel and manual
sampling frame. This part includes back pressure setting valve,
mechanical thermostatic device, dual metal (digital) thermometer, float
type flow meter, ion exchange column, solenoid valve, chemical
instrument, alarm instrument and etc. The sample from temperature and
pressure frame will be distributed to different designation according to


required monitoring item. One path is to manual sampling panel for

manual sampling analyzing, the other branch sample will be sent to
relative chemical analyzing instrument respectively to carry out the on-
line measuring. The microcomputer will carry out the data collection,
display and print of analyzing result. In the normal condition this system
will constant monitor the on-line instrument on each sampling points,
and send the signal from each instrument to the water network control
system by polishing PLC control system.

For eliminating the effect of ammonia amount on conductivity measuring

in the sample from the following monitoring point: economizer inlet,
superheating steam outlet, saturate d steam right and left side and
polishing outlet main pipe, the sample should be sent to the instrument
transmitter after finishing the ion exchange.

For eliminating the effect of sample temperature changing on the

measuring accuracy of chemical instruments, the mechanical
thermostatic device should be used.

The main equipment introduction is as follows:

1) Back pressure setting valve: it will effectively adjust the sampling

water pressure of each chemical analyzing instrument in sampling
system. When the sampling water pressure turn to high, it will
automatically increase the valve opening degree by the
combination function of spring and membrane slip, and discharge
the residual sampling water by manual sampling branch way. When
the sampling water pressure turn to low, it will automatically
decrease the valve opening degree and decrease the water
discharging amount in manual sampling branch way. So it has the
function of stabilizing the sampling water flow amount in chemical
analyzing instrument.

2) Thermostatic device: it is consisted of thermostatic water trough,

electric heater, refrigerator compressor, evaporator, condenser,
circulating pump, heating exchanger, temperature detecting and
controlling instrument, electric control box and other main parts.

3) SWJ series thermostatic device, which is mainly used for the

constant temperature of power plant chemical instrument sampling
water. It can eliminate the effect of temperature changing on the
instrument measuring value. SWJ series thermostatic device uses
closed circuit, and each of thermostatic point will be equipped with
one TZ01E type drum type heat exchanger. The sampling water


need to get the constant temperature will carry out the inverse
heating exchange with the thermostatic circulating water, so that the
temperature of sampling water will be decreased and the sampling
water will be heated.

4) Working condition of thermostatic device

The mechanical thermostatic device is made based on the principle

of secondary indirect heat exchanging. The sampling water
gradually flows from the spiral pipe, which dip in the medium water
inside of work trough. By using the refrigeration system, heating
system and mechanical blending system automatically control the
temperature of medium water inside of the work trough to make the
sampling water in spiral pipe get the constant temperature
(25±1℃). When the sampling water temperature is slightly high, the
circulating water temperature will rise up in heating exchanger, and
the refrigeration system will work to decrease the temperature of
circulating water by adjusting the temperature controller. On the
contrary, when the sampling water temperature is slightly low, the
circulating water temperature will lower down, and the electric
heater will work to increase the temperature of circulating water by
adjusting the temperature controller. Through above mentioned way
to control the water temperature, the sampling water temperature
will constantly around in the setting point.

5) Refrigeration system working condition

When the liquid refrigerant passing though the expansion valve,

part of it will be gasified due to the throttling effecting, and then
enters into the evaporator located in the thermostatic water trough.
The refrigerant will have a huge boiling, since absorb the heating
amount in water. The liquid refrigerant will be gasified as steam,
then flow to separator, and then be absorbed into compressor,.
After compressing, the refrigerant will be transferred into
condenser, and discharging the heat in cooling water. The
refrigerant will be condensed into liquid, and then be circulated in
expansion valve.


Chapter 7 SeaWater Chlorination

1 Overview

Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) is a kind of strong oxidant with efficient

sterilization and killing performance which can be used as ideal
disinfectant for drinking water and killing chemical for industrial recycling
cooling water due to its function to efficient prevent algae and
microorganism from growing in circulating water. This project uses the
method of electrolyzing seawater to produce sodium hypochlorite. The
working principle diagram of the system is as following:

The process of this project is as following:

Sea water  prefilter  Seawater Pump Automatic seawater flushing

filter  Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) Generator Storage Tank
Chemical Dosing Pump  Dosing Point


2 Working Principle

When inject seawater into one Electrolysis Bath, the following reactions
will happen under the effect of DC current.

NaCl ==== Na + Cl

Ionization reaction
H2O====H + OH

Electrochemical cathode 2Cl - 2e ® Cl2

reaction cathode 2H + 2e ® H2

Na + OH ® NaOH

Chemical reaction in solution
2NaOH + Cl2 ® NaClO + NaCl + H2O

Total reaction NaCl + H2O electrolysis NaClO + H2

3 Technical Characteristics of Equipment

(1) Seawater Prefilter

Sea water firstly goes through sea water prefilter to remove larger
sand to prevent it from entering into Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)
generation system.

Function: To remove larger particle foreign matters

Amount: 2

output: 100m3/h

Strainer Material: 316L of resistant to seawater

Strainer Accuracy: 0.5mm

(2) Auto-flush Sea Water Filter

Three Auto back washing filters are settled to prevent larger than
0.5mm sized solid particles in seawater from entering generation
system which will cause electrodes abrasion and system blockage
to ensure safety of the system and improve service life of


Function: To remove particle foreign matters

Amount: 2

Output: 105m3/h

Strainer Accuracy: 0.5 mm

Back washing process of seawater auto-flush filter is controlled by

differential pressure switch located in inlet and outlet of the filter.
When differential pressure exceeds the set point, auto-flushing
procedure begins to flush contaminant in the strainer.

(3) Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) Generator

Electrolysis bath was made of material with corrosion resistance to

Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). The structure of electrolysis bath is
easy to cleaning of electrodes, disassembling and maintenance of
cathode and cathode, as well as discharging of hydrogen. The
outlet of Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) Generator settled sampling
valves with special electrode which was adequate for electrolyzed
sea water chlorination. And the electrolysis bath also has very good

Structure of Generator: expanded sheets type apparent

Amount: 2 unit

Available chlorine 84 kg/h.unit

production rate:

(4) Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) Storage Tank

Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) storage tank was made from fiber

reinforce plastic (FRP) (light-tight and inside and outside antisepsis
made by steel). The up and down head is elliptic with fan inlet and
natural inlet, and the hydrogen exhaust outlet connecting with the
outside to make sure that hydrogen can discharge naturally and
dilute its density to lower than 1% when both fans fail to operate.
Sodium Hypochlorite storage tank have inlet and outlet of Sodium
Hypochlorite, local display and remote level gauge, access door,
overflow gate and blowdown gate.


The related design parameters of Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)

storage tank are as following:

Amount: 2 Unit

Structural and Material: FRP

Structural Style: Vertical

Effective Volume: 60m3

(5) Water Pump

Seawater Continuous Impulse type Acid washing

Boosting Pump Dosing chemical doing Pump
pump CQB100-
CHB100-65-200 CQB80-65-160 50FSB-20L-A

Amount 2 set ( one in 2 set ( one in 2 set( one in 1 set

use, the other use, the other use, the other
standby) standby) standby)

Structural horizontal horizontal horizontal horizontal

Style: centrifugal pump centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal
pump pump pump

Material of duplex stainless fluorine alloy titanium fluorine alloy

Flowing steel

Suitable Seawater sodium diluted

Medium: hypochlorite hydrochloric
solution acid

Flow: 84m3/h 37.5m3/h 111.6m3/h 15m3/h

Delivery 50M 30M 30M 0.2MPa


(6) Fans

Basic structural model of Fans: centrifugal


The related design parameters of Fans are as following:

Amount: 2 set (standby for each other,fault auto


Volume: Q=3578 m3/h

(7) Acid Washing Box

The Acid Washing Box was made from FRP. Inlet and outlet of Acid
Washing Box has manual valve.

Acid Washing Box has magnetic level gauge. The capacity of Acid
Washing Box can meet once acid washing and 50% surplus

Amount: 1 set

Capacity: 5 m3

Structural Material: FRP

Structural Style: Vertical, flat keel

(8) Wastewater Disposal Basin of Chlorine (Cl) Generation

Volume of wastewater 60 M3
disposal basin:

Amount: 1 set

(9) Wastewater Pump of Chlorine (Cl) Generation

Flow : 20 M3/H

Amount : 2 set

Delivery head: 0.6 MPa

4 System Controlling and Safety Protection


All control parameters send to PLC in system control cabinet and PLC
send signal out to control related actuator (pumps, fans, dosing valves,
rectification power supply, etc).

The whole system control mode is divided into automatic operation and
manual operation, and it also has a completely safety self-protect
measures. During the automatic mode, it can be realize production
mode of unmanned operation but intermittent patrol.

(1) The dosing pump will auto startup when the level of storage tank
reached high level (90%). After it was decreased to low level (10%),
the dosing pump will auto stop.

(2) Dosing pump and its outlet motor-operated valve are interlocked.

(3) If the electrolyte outlet temperature of generator exceeds 40 ℃, the

control cabinet will send combined aural and visual alarm signal. If
the temperature exceeds 42 ℃ and lasts over 5 seconds, rectifier
power supply will be automatic cut off.

(4) If the Electrolysis Bath generator with high pressure and lasts over
5 seconds, cut off rectifier power supply.

(5) If the electrolyte outlet flow of generator is less than 40%, the
control cabinet will send combined aural and visual alarm signal. If
the flow is less than 25% and lasts for more than 10 seconds, the
generator will automatic stop.

(6) Fans and rectifier power supply are interlocked; the rectifier can not
be started unless the fans had been startup.

(7) Seawater pump and rectifier power supply are interlocked; the
rectifier can not be started unless the Seawater pump had been

(8) If the water pumps and fans fail to work (open phrase, over loaded),
the power supply of failed motor will automatic cut off.

(9) When quick fuse of rectifier burn out and thyristor at high
temperature, the main loop of rectifier power supply will automatic
cut off.


Chapter 8 Hydrogen Generation System

1 Introduction

The generator uses water-hydrogen-hydrogen cooling method, which

means that the stator winding uses water cooling and the stator iron
core and rotor winding use hydrogen cooling, and the rated hydrogen
pressure is 0.4MPa. The hydrogen is supplied by the hydrogen
generation station. This project will construct two sets of hydrogen
generators with output of 5Nm3/h and one intermediate pressure water
electrolysis hydrogen generation device to meet the hydrogen
requirements of 2 × 220MW units.

2 Hydrogen Humidity

1 Influence of humidity on hydrogen cooling generator

(1) Decrease the purity of hydrogen in generator, which may lead

increasing of ventilation loss and reducing of efficiency.

(2) May cause generator insulation breakdown accident

(3) Corrosion cracks occurred in retaining rings of rotor. In order to

insure safety of retaining ring, the humidity around it required to
below 50%。

2 Causes for high hydrogen humidity

(1) Hydrogen conveying from hydrogen generation station with a

higher humidity than ruled value.

(2) Leakage of gas cooler. For Water-Hydrogen- Hydrogen or

Water - Water – Hydrogen type generator, it is likely that
cooling system of stator and rotor winding is leaking
condensate directly.

(3) Large amount of oil return in hydrogen side. If the water

content is large in the oil, steam from return oil of sealing pad
makes hydrogen in inside casing with a higher humidity.

(4) The work of vacuum pump is abnormal. The abnormal working

for oil purification equipment of hydrogen outer cooling unit with
single-ring type sealing pad causes hydrogen humidity of inside
casing increasing because of water content in the oil can not
be well purified.


3 Hydrogen Temperature

Hydrogen Temperature Influence on Operation Load

Under the condition that load of generator maintains, when the inlet
temperature of hydrogen rises, it will cause insulation aging due to
temperature rising in generator. It is generally believed that the service
life of generator insulation will be shorten for a half with the temperature
rising every 10 ℃. The temperature here not refers to average
temperature of winding, but the temperature in the hottest point. That
was because insulation failure will be happened only if one of the
weakest points had been damaged. Thus it can be seen that when
temperature of cooling medium rising, stator current of generator must
be decreased relatively to avoid accelerated aging for insulation.
Moreover, when temperature of cooling medium reduced, stator current
of generator can also be increased compared with its rated value. But
the increasing of stator current should consider influence from generator
insulation and mechanical action of the other elements. For example,
for generator with the core for 2 m or more length, if temperature of
cooling medium lowered for more than 10 ℃, the temperature of the
generator only permit to increase 10 ℃. For hydrogen cooling
generator, when inlet temperature is lower than 20 ℃, dew performance
may be happened due to the absolute temperature of the generator is
controlled under 10 g/m3. So the air inlet temperature only allowed to be
10 ℃ lower than rated value.

4 Pressure of Hydrogen

With the improvement of hydrogen pressure, heat transfer capacity of

hydrogen is improved and the biggest load of hydrogen cooling
generator also improved. On the contrary, the permitted load of
generator will reduce.

Generator should not operate under the condition that hydrogen

pressure is lower than rated value. Because under that circumstances
rotor of hydrogen inner-cooling generator easily to arise the
performance of blockage in air duct, dislocation, deformation of winding,
snad liner expansion and insulation over-temperature. The hydrogen
temperature only permits to lower when dealing with defects. When
lowering hydrogen pressure, power of generator reduced accordingly,
and the specify value should carry out according to rules from the


manufacturer. If there are no rules, it could be determined according to

temperature rise test.

5 Hydrogen Generation Principle

Connect DC power to NaOH water solution in electrolysis bath, and

electrolysis water into oxygen and hydrogen.

Reaction Formula:

Ionization Reaction H2O = H++OH-

Cathodic Reaction 2H++2e → H2↑

Anodic Reaction 2OH–-2e → H2O +


Total Reaction 2H2O → 2H2↑+O2↑

6 Equipment Introduction

6.1 Hydrogen Side System

As show in diagram11-1, the fine lines parts are hydrogen side system.
The hydrogen electrolyzed from electrolysis bath (1) collect into main
pipe, and go through hydrogen side separator (2), scrubber (3),
pressure regulator (4), balance box (5) and two stage coolers to store in


hydrogen storage tank for standby.

图 11-1 制氢系统图

Diagram11-1 Hydrogen Generation System Diagram

1- Electrolysis Bath; 2-Hydrogen Side Separator; 3- Hydrogen Side

Scrubber; 4- Hydrogen Side Pressure Regulator; 5- Balance Box;
6- Cooler; 7- Hydrogen Storage Tank; 8- Oxygen Side Separator; 9-
Oxygen Side Scrubber; 10- Oxygen Side Pressure Regulator; 11-
Oxygen Side Water Sealing Tank; 12- Alkaline Tank; 13- Alkaline
Filter; 14-Flame Protector

6.2 Oxygen Side System

As show in diagram11-1, chain dotted lines are oxygen side system.

The oxygen electrolyzes from orifice of electrolysis bath (1) collect into
the main pipe, and goes through oxygen side separator (8); scrubber
(9); pressure regulator (10); water sealing tank (11) and then discharged
or stored in storage tank for standby.

6.3 Makeup Water System

As show in diagram 11-1, chain dotted lines are makeup water system.
During the process of water electrolysis, it is necessary to replenish
makeup water continuously. Moreover, KOH solution separate or wash
down from separator, scrubber or pressure regulatory in each system
should return to electrolysis bath to achieve the purpose of saving KOH.


6.4 Alkaline System

When water electrolysis device operating, the density of KOH solution

will gradually reduce due to leakage and carry over, so it is necessary to
replenish alkaline in electrolysis bath at regular intervals. The system is
shown as double chain dotted lines part in diagram 11-1.

6.5 Electrolysis bath

6.5.1 Electrolysis bath

Electrolysis bath is the major equipment for hydrogen generation. Its

main requirements are as follows: high hydrogen purity, low energy
consumption, simple structure, convenience for production and
maintenance, long service life, high material utilization rate and low
price. Currently filter-pressing water electrolysis baths are widely used
in power plants. Its structure is shown as Fig 8-5.

Fig 8-5 Schematic Drawing of Filter-pressing Alkali Water electrolysis bath

Several to tens of plate electrodes are set in the electrolysis bath

parallelly and perpendicularly, dividing the electrolysis bath into several
connected electrolytic chambers in series. The total voltage of
electrolysis bath is the sum of each electrolytic chamber’s voltage and
the total current is equal to that of each electrolytic chamber. Electrolyte
is provided to each electrolytic chamber by one same pipe and each
electrolytic chamber is divided into hydrogen side (discharge electrode)
and oxygen side (collecting electrode) by asbestos cloth. The hydrogen
and oxygen electrolyzed are gathered into the hydrogen pipe and
oxygen pipe on the diaphragm frame respectively where they are lead

6.5.2 Gas separator


While the hydrogen and oxygen electrolyzed flows out of the

electrolysis bath, they carry certain vaporous electrolyte with them into
each system. Hence, a gas separator is required. One function of it is to
fully separate the electrolyte and make it flow back to the electrolysis
bath through cooling and expansion. The second function is to make
the electrolysis bath fully filled with electrolyte all the time,either in full
load or in empty load. Furthermore, the separator is also able to cool
down the electrolyte (keep it below 80 ℃) due to the temperature
increase heated by the current passing through the electrolyte.

The gas separator is a cylindrical vertical (horizontal) container with

coils inside for cooling. It is equipped with hydrogen-oxygen separator.

It is required that in operation, the liquid level in the separator shall be

higher than the electrolysis bath so as to make the electrolysis bath
filled with electrolyte, the diaphragm emerged in the liquid and
electrolyte’s normal circulation and cooling between the separator and
electrolyte tank. Otherwise, the increase in differential concentration
between the two sides can reduce the electrolytic efficiency and
generate concentration cell, making the equipment corroded.

6.6 Gas washer

The hydrogen and oxygen send out by the separator is still relatively
high in temperature with steam and small quantity of electrolyte.
Therefore, they shall be further cooled down and washed by a gas
washer, inside of which, the gas temperature drops to the normal
temperature, steam is removed and the electrolyte is washed so as to
not only meet the requirements of hydrogen-used equipment but also
reduce the consumption of pure water and electrolyte.

The pure water (demineralized water) is supplied to the middle part of

the gas washer through a make-up water tank (balancing tank)
whereas the hydrogen is supplied in the upper part of the gas washer to
the horn mouth in the bottom. While passing through the wash water,
the electrolyte dissolves in the water, leaving the relatively pure
hydrogen out in the middle-upper part of the gas washer. In the bottom
of the gas washer, trace amounts of alkali liquor dissolved in the gas is
discharged with dilute alkali liquor, which flows into the alkali liquor
circulation system, serving as make-up water in the electrolysis bath

6.7 Cooler

The structure of a cooler is basically the same as a separator. It is also

equipped with coils and the cooling water runns from the top to the


bottom for circulating cooling in the cooler. The difference between the
cooler and separator is the hydrogen coils. The cooling water runs
outside the coils. The cooler is only equipped in the hydrogen side

The function of the cooler is to separate and remove the small quantity
of moisture in the hydrogen from the balancing tank and cool down the
gas. It can make the moisture content in the hydrogen lower than 5
g/m3. The moisture after being cooled down is discharged periodically
through blowdown valve.

6.8 Dryer

A dryer is a cylindrical vertical device. Its main function is to further dry

the hydrogen to make it dryer with the help of drying agent.

In generally, the dry is filled with 5A spherical molecular sieve. Its

regeneration temperature is 180-250 ℃ and the regeneration duration
is 8-10 hours.

6.9 Stone fire resister & Water seal tank

Stone fire resister and water seal tank are equipped for safe operation
of the system. In case of breaking out of fire at the gas outlet, the two
devices can prevent the fire from burning to the inside of the system and
cause major accident.

The oxygen side system is equipped with water seal tank (as shown in
Fig 8-11) whose function is to purify oxygen, block fire and seal.
Generally, the oxygen is not collected but discharged to the atmosphere
directly, which makes it more important for the water seal tank.

Fire resister is filled with 10-20 mm clean stones. It is equipped at the

hydrogen evacuation outlet. Three hydrogen storage tanks can be
connected in series behind the spring safety valve and use one fire

6.10 Gas storage tank

The hydrogen and oxygen electrolyzed are finally stored in a gas

storage tank for later use after a series of purification and cooling. The
number of hydrogen storage tank is determined by the hydrogen cooling
volume used by the generator. In general, there are 3-5 tanks. To
prevent fire accident, fire resistor and spring safety valve are installed
between the hydrogen storage tank and the atmosphere. The gas can
be relieved safely as soon as the pressure inside the tank exceeds the
set value.


6.11 Alkali liquor filter and alkali liquor dissolving tank

The function of alkali liquor filter is to eliminate the residue and dirt in the
electrolyte to ensure the normal operation of the electrolysis bath.
Generally, the cartridge is made of 80-100 meshes of nickel wire and
shall be cleaned regularly.

Alkali preparation tank is used to prepare KOH electrolyte and store the
alkali liquor. It is generally a steal container, inside of which can be
cushioned anti-corrosion plastic plate with a liquid level meter at the side
of it.

6.12 Silicon rectifying device

This device provides the electrolysis bath with working direct current
supply. It is equipped with stand-by power and lighting circuit.

7 Normal operation and maintenance of hydrogen generation

(1) Maintain the liquid level within the set level in the electrolysis
bath to prevent the hydrogen and oxygen from mixing due to
the low liquid level and also from interpenetrating due to the
high liquid level which leads to the increasing of resistance of
gas releasing and the differential pressure between the
hydrogen side and oxygen side.

(2) Check the liquid level of the separator and washer frequently to
maintain pressure balance between the hydrogen side and
oxygen side.

(3) Adjust the cooling water flow of the separator to keep the
hydrogen and oxygen gas-guide pipe’s temperature at 60±5 ℃,
not exceeding the set temperature value.

(4) Check the interelectrode voltage inside the electrolysis bath

regularly to make it no lower or larger 0.3 V than the set value.

(5) The water level difference between the hydrogen side pressure
regulator and oxygen side pressure regulator shall be less than
100 mm.

(6) Analyze the gas and electrolyte concentration regularly.

(7) Check the drying agent inside the dryer regularly. Replace it
promptly if it fails to work. Clean the screen of the alkali liquor

(8) Adjust the pressure of each equipment according to the gas


consumption at any time and check whether or not there is any


(9) Shut down the equipment immediately in case of emergency,

such as electrical equipment short circuit, detonation, gas purity
sharp decrease, electrolysis bath serious leakage, electrolysis
bath high temperature and others. In general, use the
emergency stop button to cut off the power, open the gas
atmospheric valve and then deal with the problem promptly.

8 Hydrogen generation maintenance

The hydrogen generation equipment shall be repaired and overhauled

regularly. Maintenance shall be carried out in the event of electrolysis
bath serious leakage, sharp decrease of gas purity, electrode plate
serious corrosion, asbestor serious damage and other situations that
threaten safety production.

Material and tools shall be prepared before maintenance. Technical

safety measures shall be made. Follow the maintenance procedure
strictly to dismantle, clean and assemble the equipment. Carry out the
acceptance through tests and check the whether or not each parameter
meets the design objective through test run.

9 Generator gas replacement

1) Replace air state with H2 state

Replace the air with CO2: charge CO2 at the bottom of the
generator and discharge it at the top. Sample CO2 at the exhaust
pipe and analyze it. If CO2 content is more than 90%, inform the
operator to discharge the blind side; if CO 2 content reaches 95%,
inform the operator to stop charging.

Fig 9-2 Air →CO2 Replacement Schematic Disagram

Replace CO2 with air: charge H2 at the top of the generator and
discharge it at the bottom. Sample H2 at the exhaust pipe and
analyze it. If H2 content is more than 90%, inform the operator to
discharge the blind side for 3-5 minutes; if H 2 content reaches


98%, inform the operator to stop charging.

Fig 9-3 CO2 → H2 Replacement Schematic Diagram

2) Replace H2 state with air state

Replace H2 with CO2: charge CO2 at the bottom of the generator

and discharge it at the top. Sample CO 2 at the exhaust pipe and
analyze it. If CO2 content is more than 90%, inform the operator to
discharge the blind side; if CO2 content reaches 95%, inform the
operator to stop charging.

Fig 9-4 H2 → CO2 Replacement Schematic Diagram

Replace CO2 with air: charge air at the top of the generator and
discharge it at the bottom. Sample the air at the exhaust pipe and
analyze it. If CO2 content is less than 10%, inform the operator to
discharge the blind side; if CO 2 content is less than 5%, inform the
operator to stop charging.

Fig 9-5 CO2 → Air Replacement Schematic Diagram

10 Operating parameter


Hydrogen production 5N m3/h

Oxygen production 2.5N m3/h

Hydrogen purity ≥99.8%(V/V)

Oxygen purity ≥99.3%(V/V)

Hydrogen pressure 3.2 MPa

Hydrogen dew-point temperature ≤-50 ℃

after drying

Direct current consumption ≤4.6kWh/Nm3 H2

Hydrogen-oxygen separator liquid ≤±5 mm

level difference

Demineralized water consumption 5 L/h (each equipment)

Industrial cooling water 1.3 t/h (each equipment)


11 Control standards

(1) Gas standard

1) Hydrogen purity at hydrogen generation station≥99.9%

2) Oxygen purity at hydrogen generation station≥99.5%

3) Hydrogen humidity at hydrogen generation station: dew-point

temperature ≤-50℃

4) While charging nitrogen at the station, the sample analysis

content at the exhaust <3%

5) Generator sample analysis purity>95%

6) Generator sample analysis humidity <15g H2O/m3

7) Replacing hydrogen with CO2 of the generator, CO2 content of

discharging sample analysis >85%

8) Replacing CO2 with air of the generator, CO 2 content of

discharging sample analysis<10%

9) Replacing CO2 with H2, H2 purity of discharging sample analysis



10) H2 content near field firing and welding <3%

11) H2 content in the oil <3%

12) H2 content near the generator <3%

13) CO2 purity in the bottle 90-95%

14) N2 purity in the bottle >95%

(2) Electrolyte quality requirements

1) KOH electrolyte concentration 26-30%

2) KOH electrolyte density (below 15℃) 1.24-1.28 g/cm3

3) Carbonate (mg/l) <20

4) iron ion (mg/l) <3

5) Chloridion (mg/l) <800

(3) Temperature, voltage and liquid level requirements

1) The electrolysis bath humidity shall be 85±5 ℃;

hydrogen and oxygen outlet temperature shall be less
than 60 ℃; the temperature difference between the two
shall be less than 5 ℃; the temperature difference
between the two major electrodes shall be less than 5

2) The normal voltage of chamber in the electrolysis bath

shall be 1.9-2.2 V, the voltage difference between two
chambers shall be less than 0.3 V

3) The normal working liquid difference of hydrogen-oxygen

separator shall be less than 5 mm


Chapter 9 Waste Water Treatment System

1 Classify of Waste Water in Power Plant

According to quality, the waste water of power plant can be divided into
industrial waste water and domestic waste water.

1) Industrial waste water

Industrial waste water is produced from all processes of power

plant. It can also be distributed into regular waste water and non
regular waste water. For regular waste water, it included boiler
makeup water treatment system, blowdown water of boiler,
blowdown water on ground and from lab; non regular waste water
includes flushing water of air preheater, whole system and fire-
facing side, boiler chemical cleaning waste water, coal yard waste
water and oil contained waste water, and so on.

2) Domestic Waste Water

Domestic Waste Water is produced from the daily life (cooking,

washing, showering, flushing) of power plant workers, whose
number could decide the amount of domestic waste water. The
main contaminant of this kind of waste water is Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD5) and oil.

2 Treatment Methods of Waste Water

1) Treatment Methods of Industrial Waste Water

a) Treatment of regular waste water: As the main problem for

regular waste water is the unqualified PH, we use acid or alkali
to neutralize it. Only after the PH is between 6-9 can we
recycle or discharge it. If the suspend matter has exceed the
standard, first go for coagulation-clarification treatment then
adjust PH of the water to 6-9. After the adjustment, recycle or
discharge it.

b) Treatment of non regular waste water: The characteristics of

non regular waste water are low frequency and large amount
per time. Though it has plenty kinds, it can be divided into two
kinds: one is waste water with unqualified PH and suspend
matter and another is waste water with unqualified suspend
matter and COD. The former kind includes flushing water of air
preheater, whole system and fire-facing side, water purification
station slurry; the latter one refers to boiler chemical cleaning


waste water used organic acid.

c) Treatment for waste water with unqualified PH and suspend

matter: first ,collect the waste water, deliver to PH adjustment
basin, where we add in acid or alkali together with stirring;then
add in coagulant and high-molecular polymer to help
coagulation.Deliver the waste water to flocculation-
sedimentation basin for clarification;Deliver the water to
neutralization basin to regulate the PH to 6-9.After upper
processes, the water can be recycled or discharged and the
slurry could be be concentrate or dehydration.

d) Treatment for waste water with unqualified suspend matter and

COD: Most of the chemical cleaning of large-scale boiler use
organic acid. The characteristics for the waste water cleaned
by this cleaning agent are :PH exceed standard(2~12),
suspend matter reach up to 2000mg/l, COD is 4000mg/L, and
even sometimes 10000mg/L. According to these
characteristics, we treat it with burning method. That is to say,
spay water in small amount into furnace to turn organic matter
to water and carbon dioxide, then the rest part will be discharge
to atmosphere together with flue gas. Compare to combustion
main product, the amount of other compositions are very small,
so there won’t be too much effect for the constitution of
combustion products.

2) Treatment for Domestic Waste Water

Domestic waste water includes waste water from canteen,

bathroom and excrement, and so on. At present we just treat
excrement contained waste water, because of the high biological
oxygen demand is as high as 100~200mg/L, which has exceed the
state specified discharging standard. In addition, the stink and
bacterial index of the waste water will produce pollution if discharge
directly. There are two most commonly used waste water treatment

a) Septic tank treatment: this method is simple and needs small

amount of work. It could be apply to regions require lower
water environment quality.

b) Contact oxidation-second stage sedimentation treatment

system: the waste water will be deposited in sedimentation
basin and go for biochemical treatment in contact oxidation
basin, which has two stages. The total duration of stay is about


2.5 ~ 3.5 h, and gas/water ratio is 12:1. After biochemical

treatment, the slurry in waste water will be left in second stage
sedimentation basin. Before been discharged, the waste water
should be disinfected for about 30mins in disinfection basin,
where bleaching powder or liquid chlorine is applied as
disinfection agent.. Through primary and secondary
sedimentation basin, the sludge will be lifted by pump to be
digested in sludge basin. Now it is available of complete set of
equipment, and it is embedded underground, specialized by
limited area, odorlessness, low noise, and so on.

3 Waste Water Treatment System

The waste water treatment system in current period includes industrial

waste water centralized processing system, domestic waste water
treatment system.

3.1 Standards and Recycle Requirement for Waste Water

The waste water should reach standards in Decree of Minister of

Environment NO.51/1995, issued in 1995. And then the waste water
could be used as other purposes. The standards as follows:

Decree of Minister of Environment NO.51/1995


No Item Unit Standard

℃ 38

mg/L 70

mg/L 200
3 Dissolved

- 69
PH value

5 Fe mg/L 5


6 Mn mg/L 2

7 Ba mg/L 2

8 Cu mg/L 2

9 Zn mg/L 5

10 Cr6+ mg/L 0.1

11 Cr mg/L 0.5

12 Cd mg/L 0.05

13 Hg mg/L 0.002

14 Pb mg/L 0.1

15 Sn mg/L 2

16 As mg/L 0.1

17 Se mg/L 0.05

18 Ni mg/L 0.2

19 Co mg/L 0.4

20 CN mg/L 0.05

21 H2S mg/L 0.05

22 F mg/L 2

23 CL2 mg/L 1

24 NH3-N mg/L 1

25 NO3-N mg/L 20

26 NO2-N mg/L 1

27 BOD5 mg/L 50

28 COD cr mg/L 100

mg/L 5

30 mg/L 0.5



mg/L 5
Plant oil

mg/L 10
Mineral oil

- -

1) Equipment Specification


2) System Description

For regular, PH-adjusted only waste water, convey to waste water

centralized treatment station water container or directly convey to
regular waste water basin. After disinfection, alkali adding ,aeration,
waste water will go to final neutralization basin, where there are
measuring system for PH regulation and motor-driven stirrer. The
qualified water goes to clean water bsin and will be convey to other
systems by convey pump. Oil-contained water usually is the
drainage water of oil tanks from oil stock region and flush water
from oil pump house. After treatment from first stage oil removal, oil
contained waste water will be discharged to industrial waste water
centralized treatment station collective pond and then go to non
regular waste water pond after lifted to oil-water separator by pump.

For non regular waste water, the treatment is: the collected waste
water will be conveyed to non regular waste water pond. The waste
water will be treated disinfection, alkali adding ,aeration, PH primary
regulation and final PH regulation. Then we use flocculant
measuring pump to add flocculant in flocculant pipe and it will flow
to flocculant slot. After adding of coagulant aids and stirring, the
waste water goes to clarification basin, final neutralization pond and
clean water pond. The qualified water will be pumped to recycle
system after filtering.


Sludge discharged by clarification basin will enter sludge basin and

be dehydrated through sludge pump to sludge dehydrator. And the
sludge will be conveyed to stacking region by transport cart.

3.2 Domestic Waste Water Treatment System

Treatment flow: collect domestic waste water→ regulation basin pump→

primary sedimentation basin→ aeration basin→ secondary
sedimentation basin→ dosing basin→ filtering→ recycling water system

(1) System description: the domestic waste water will be collected in

waste water regulation basin and be lifted by lift pump to primary
sedimentation basin, where part of the suspended substance
deposited as sludge and the water continues go to aeration basin.
Then the water will overflow to secondary sedimentation basin and
SS left on biological membrane. The clean water will flow to
disinfection basin and be delivered to recycling water system by
filter after disinfected by sodium hypochlorite. For sake of biological
membrane, fan should be applied to blow air into aeration basin.

(2) Principle of Domestic Waste Water Treatment

In the waste water treatment structure, there is carrier(commonly

called packing) for microorganism to grow and gather. Under
oxygenation condition, the microorganism will form a biological
membrane on the packing surface. When the waste water go
through with certain speed, the microorganism will absorb and
decompose organism in water to purify it. At the same time,
microorganism is breeding and the biologic membrane becomes
thicker. When it reaches to certain thickness, the oxygen spread
towards inner membrane will be limited. Through on surface
remains aerobic condition, inner will be hypoxia and anaerobic and
finally leads to the drop of membrane. Then, there will be new
biologic membrane on packing and purify the waste water. This
process will cycle round and round.
After the biologic membrane on packing surface formed, there will
be a thin water layer on the surface due to the absorb function of
biologic membrane. Because the organics has been aerobic
decomposed by biologic membrane, the organic content in water
layer is lower than the inlet water. When waste water goes through
biologic membrane surface, the organics will transfer to the surface
water layer from the inlet water and be absorbed by membrane. At
the same time, oxygen in air will carried by waste water to the water
layer and then transfer to inner part.


The microorganism on biologic membrane will decompose the

organics and go for self-metabolism if there is dissolved oxygen. At
the same time, the produced carbon dioxide and other inorganic
matter will transfer at opposite direction, that is to say, from
membrane to water layer then into inlet waste water or air. As this
process, the organics content in outlet water will reduce and the
waste water get the purification.


Chapter 11 Corrosion, Scaling and Prevention of Thermal


Section 1 Classification of Metal Corrosion and Corrosion Speed

1 Classification of metal corrosion

Based on mechanism, it can be divided into electrochemical corrosion

and chemical corrosion.

1.1 The corrosion caused by the reaction of metal and medium is called
electrochemical corrosion. Current will be produced during the process
of electrochemical corrosion. When metal is in moist place or meets
water, this kind of corrosion is especially easy to happen. For instance,
the corrosions happened to the equipment that contact with feedwater,
boiler water, cooling water and humidity all belong to electrochemical

1.2 The corrosion caused by the chemical reaction of metal is called

chemical corrosion. There is no current creation in the process of
chemical corrosion. Its metal surface carries out the chemical reaction
with its surrounding media directly, which will damage the metal. This
kind of corrosion often happens to dry gas or other nonelectrolytes. For
instance, in furnace, the corrosion of metal caused under the effect of
high-temperature flue gas; in superheated steam pipe, the corrosion
caused by the direct effect of metal and superheated steam etc.

2 Corrosion speed

2.1 Once corrosion happens to metal, its shape, thickness, weight,

performance and organization will change. These performances’ rates
can be used to express the corrosion degree. For even corrosion,
generally the weight and thickness of unit area wasted metal in unit time
are used to express the corrosion speed.

2.2 Express the corrosion speed according to the change of weight. This
method is that calculate the wasted metal weight for corrosion to the
variable value of unit area weight in unit time. The difference of
weightlessness is the difference between the weight before corrosion
and that after clearing corrosion product. The difference of liveweight
increase is the difference between the weight with corrosion product
after clearing and that before corrosion. Generally, weightlessness is


used to indicate corrosion speed ; but if corrosion product is hard to

eliminate or adhere to the metal surface firmly, use liveweight increase
to express.

Calculation method


V-w – Corrosion speed expressed by weightlessness

W1- weight of original sample

W2- weight of sample after clearing corrosion product

S- surface area of original area

t- corrosion time



V+w - Corrosion speed expressed by liveweight increase

W1- weight of original sample

W2- weight of metal sample with corrosion product after corrosion

S- surface area of original area

t- corrosion time

2.3 Express corrosion speed based on corrosion depth. Convert the metal
wasted weight to depth, generally use mm/a to indicate.

Vh= (24X365/1000)*V-w/ρ

Vh- corrosion speed expressed by corrosion depth

ρ- density of metal

24X365/1000- Unit conversion factor

3 Determination method of metal corrosion speed

3.1 Directly weighing method

Use steel wire brush or dilute hydrochloric acid to clear the corrosion
product of part with typical corrosion; observe the corrosion state; judge
corrosion type; then use steel ruler or dividers to measure the area,
calculate the percent of corrosion area; choose the deepest and lowest
corrosion point to measure the depth. If the corrosion area is relatively
big, rubbing-module ointment can be used to get the moulage of pit.


Rub out the part out of pit; use vernier caliper to measure its length, that
is, the depth of corrosion pit. If the corrosion pit is relatively deep and
edge is relatively small, probe can be used to measure its depth. For
even corrosion, vernier caliper or screw dial micrometer can be used to
measure the reducing amount of depth, that is, average corrosion

3.2 Steel-piece hanging measuring method

(1) Choose the steel with the same steel grade with boiler proper as
test piece; machine the even-thickness sample to precise geometric
shape, such as rotundity or square, and calculate its surface area.

(2) Polish it with emery cloth and clear the oxide film; weigh the weight
of test piece with analytical balance precisely and record data; put test
piece in drum or header and record the putting time.

(3) Take out the test piece after operating for a long time; use dilute
hydrochloric acid (corrosion inhibitor) to clear the corrosion product on
surface of test piece; weigh its mass on analytical balance.

(4) Based on the weightlessness, time and area of sample, calculate

average corrosion speed

Section 2 Corrosion and Prevention of Feedwater System

1 Corrosion of dissolved oxygen

1.1 Principle

Dissolved oxygen corrosion is a kind of electrochemical corrosion. Iron

and oxygen are two electrodes, composing corrosion primary cell. The
reaction in corrosion primary cell is as following:

Fe +2e→Fe2+

O2 + 2H2O+4e→4OH-

1.2 Corrosion characteristics

When oxygen corrosion happens to steel and iron, small size 1 —30mm
bulge will form on its surface which is called abscess corrosion. The
color is from mulatto to brick red. Pit will appear after clearing.

1.3 Corrosive part

Feedwater pipe and economizer (serious oxygen corrosion will happen


to makeup water transporting pipe, storage device of drainage and

transporting pipe). In economizer, because the temperature is relatively
high, it’s possible that oxygen corrosion will happen to a little oxygen; in
drainage system, drainage tank connects with atmosphere, and some
drainage pipes do not often have water. When there is no water, pipe
will be full of air. So there is a large amount of oxygen in drainage
system, which will result in serious oxygen corrosion to drainage

1.4 Influencing factor

(1) For the dissolved oxygen (polarizer), the bigger the dissolved
oxygen is, the more serious the steel corrosion will be. But under
some certain conditions, steel will make reactant form a layer of
protection membrane on metal surface because of dissolved
oxygen corrosion, sp as to decrease the corrosion speed.

Deoxidizing manner of boiler water

A Thermal deoxidizing: it based on gas dissolving law (Henry

Law). The solubility of any gas in water relates with partial pressure
of gas and water temperature of steam & water interface. The
higher the temperature, the higher the partial pressure of vapour,
but the partial pressure of other gas will be lower. When water
temperature rises to boil, partial pressure of other gas is zero, so
the other gas dissolving in water equals to zero. Thermal deaerator
includes atmosphere deaerator (its working pressure is about
0.412Mpa; water temperature is about 145℃; mainly used for
small-size power station and industrial boiler), MP deaerator (its
working pressure is slightly higher than atmosphere, about
0.118Mpa; water temperature is about 145℃; mainly used for
medium-size thermal power station and fossil-fired power plant), HP
deaerator (its working pressure is higher than 0.49Mpa; water
temperature is higher than 158℃; mainly used for high-parameters
fossil-fired power plant). Thermal deoxidizing has ever been the
widely used deoxidizing manner, but now it is challenged by
chemical deoxidizing, especially for the boiler with 10~35t/h and 2
~6.5t/h thermal deoxidizing and other occasions that require low-
temperature deoxidizing in which that thermal deoxidizing has
obvious limitation. Its characteristic is good deoxidizing result; and
disadvantages include that equipment-purchase fees are high;
operation is not convenient; energy-consuming is big; operation
fees are high. So-called inconvenient operation, it is because using
condition is rigorous. Inlet water mixing temperature is required


within 70 ~ 80℃; working temperature is stabilized within 104 ~

105℃; steam pressure is stabilized within 0.02 ~ 0.03Mpa. If
conditions fluctuate, deoxidizing result will not be good, especially
heat-supplying boiler. With the change of weather, change of boiler
load is big, which bring great difficulty to thermal deoxidizing. But
chemical deoxidizing is different. It only adjusts dosing amount with
the change of feedwater amount and operation is very convenient.

B Vacuum deoxidizing: its deoxidizing principle is the same with

thermal deoxidizing. Deaerator works under atmosphere pressure.
It makes use of the characteristic that when pressure decreases
boiling point will also decrease. When water is in boiling state, it will
separate out the dissolved oxygen in water. For above 20t/h boiler,
because outlet temperature is lower than inlet water requirements
of steam boiler, vacuum deoxidizing is seldom adopted. But when
low-temperature deoxidizing is required, it has more advantages
than thermal deoxidizing. However, advantages of most thermal
deoxidizing still exist. The requirements for such important
equipment as ejecting pump, boost pump etc are relatively high.

C Scrap iron deoxidizing: its principle is that when water with

certain temperature flows through scrap iron, oxygen in water will
react with iron; during this process, oxygen will be consumed.
Deoxidizing device of this method is simple and investment is
scanty, but it has the obvious advantages such as deoxidizing result
fluctuation is big, device invalidation is fast etc. Therefore, the
consumers using this method are less and less, facing the condition
of elimination.

D Desorption-deoxidization: its basic principle also makes use of

Henry Law. The solubility of oxygen in water is proportional to the
partial pressure of contacted gas. As long as strongly mix the water
that is prepared to deoxidized with gas that has been deoxidized,
the oxygen dissolved in water will diffuse into gas in the gross, so
as to remove the dissolved oxygen in water. This method’s
advantage is that it can deoxidize at low-temperature and needn’t
chemical medicine. Charcoal or coke is enough. Its disadvantage is
that deoxidized result is not stable and it can only remove oxygen;


the other gas can not be removed. The content of CO2 in water will
increase when using charcoal as reactant.

E Resin deoxidization: its basic principle is that oxidization resin

reacts with dissolved oxygen in water to create deaerated water.
After resin invalidates, use hydrazine hydrate (hydrazine) to

F Chemical reagent deoxidization: it means that directly add

chemical reagent to boiler proper, feedwater main pipe or hot water
pipes of hot water boiler.

Each kind of deoxidizing manner has its own characteristics and

disadvantages. The requirements of characteristics and water
quality of enterprise should be based on to be comprehensively
considered to choose.

Generally speaking, the advantages of thermal deoxidization and

chemical deoxidization are relatively obvious and prior to the other
manners. Generally for the feedwater deoxidization of LP boiler and
hot water boiler, we will firstly consider chemical deoxidization;
when boiler feedwater is required to be carried out depth
deoxidization, we can consider carrying out chemical deoxidization
based on thermal deoxidization or adopt chemical deoxidization
G Deoxidant (Na2SO3 and hydrazine)

① Na2SO3

1) Sodium sulfite

Na2SO3 is traditional deoxidant of boiler water. It has the

advantages such as price is low and source is broad, but it has
obvious disadvantages: reaction speed of Na2SO3 and oxygen is
influenced by pH value, temperature and activator etc, so generally
exceeding Na2SO3 should be added to meet the requirement of
fluctuation of boiler operation; we can know from the reaction
formula of Na2SO3 and oxygen, 7.9ppm Na2SO3 will be consumed if
1ppm oxygen needs to be removed. In order to make the reaction
complete, commonly 20 ~ 40ppm surplus amount should be
maintained in boiler water, which can guarantee the deoxidization
result; what is created from the reaction of Na2SO3 and oxygen is
sodium sulfate that is a kind of stable salt, so soluble solid matter in


boiler water is increased, which makes water quality worse. So

blowdown time of boiler must be increased, which will result in the
waste of chemical medicine and increase of fuel fees; when
working pressure of boiler is higher than 6.2MPa, Na2SO3 will
decompose and create HS and SO2 with corrosiveness. And these
gas will be discharged with vapour, which will cause the corrosion
of following equipment.

Besides, Na2SO3 itself may produce oxidation reaction and generate

sodium sulfate and sodium sulfide. The produced sulfur dioxide and
sodium sulfide both have corrosion. So using Na2SO3 as deoxidant
actually is using one kind of corrosion to take place another kind of
corrosion. Otherwise, when the feedwater containing Na2SO3 is
ejected to superheated steam as attemperating water to adjust
temperature, it will result in the salt sediment such as sodium
sulfate in superheated steam header and steam turbine; Na2SO3
has no passivation protection effect to metal, so it can’t be used in
② N2H4

2) Hydrazine
Chemical equation of hydrazine and oxygen is : N2H4 十 O2→N2 十

Hydrazine reacts with oxygen to create nitrogen and water and

exceeding hydrazine will not produce dissolvable solid matter.
Ammonia can increase pH value of boiler water, which is good for
the protection of boiler; ammonia also has corrosion inhibitor
function. The reaction of ammonia, iron, and copper corrosion
product will generate Fe3O4 and Cu2O layer with passivation
protection effect.
The final product of hydrazine, oxygen and metal oxide’s reaction is
water and nitrogen. They will not increase the dissolved solid matter
amount in boiler water. Decompose product of hydrazine is volatile
(2) pH value

the less the pH value, the bigger the corrosion speed. (H + acts as
polarizing reagent).

The corrosion speed change near neutral point of pH is very little.

When pH value is higher than 8, corrosion speed will decrease

(protection film will form on surface of iron).


When pH value is higher than 13, corrosion speed will increase

rapidly. H2FO2- is dissolvable in water.

(3) Temperature

In closed system, the higher the temperature, the bigger the


In open system, the higher the temperature, the bigger the

corrosion (below 80℃). During 80℃-100℃, the higher the
temperature, the smaller the corrosion. Once exceeding 100℃,
corrosion speed will decrease rapidly.

(4) Ion in water

Activation ion (H+,Cl—,SO42-)

Passivation ion(OH- )

Calculate their ratio.

(5) Flow of water

The higher the flow is , the faster the corrosion speed is.

2 Carbon Dioxide Corrosion

2.1 Principle

When there is dissociated CO2 existing in water, CO2 will react with
water as following and makes water acid.

CO2+H2O→H++ HCO3-

So H+ in water will increase and will generate the following hydrogen to

polarize and produce corrosion.

2H+ +2e→H2

Fe →Fe2++2e

2.2 Corrosion characteristic

Corrosion product is easy to dissolve in water. If it is swept by water, it is

hard to form protection film. Corrosion characteristic is that metal
becomes thin evenly. If it flows into boiler, such problems as scaling and
corrosion will be caused.

2.3 Corrosive part


The most common part that corrosion happens is condensate system.

Because the content of CO2 in condensate is high while in water is low
and buffering ability is small, so only a little CO2 will make pH value
decrease obviously. Otherwise, CO2 corrosion will happen in drainage

2.4 Influencing factors

(1) The bigger the concentration is, the faster the corrosion to steel will

(2) Temperature

A Within relatively low temperature scope, protection film is hard to

form. Corrosion speed will be faster with increase of temperature.

B Around 100℃, protection film is loose and corrosion speed will

increase rapidly.

C Above 100℃, with the increase of temperature, corrosion speed will

decrease rapidly (form close protection film).

(3) flow of water

The bigger the flow is, the faster the corrosion speed will be. Corrosion
speed will change little when flow reaches turbulent flow.

2.5 Prevention

(1) Adopt ammonia-feeding to feedwater to increase pH value to prevent

the corrosion of dissociated carbon dioxide.

Its principle is: ammonia dissolves in water and is acid

NH3+H20→NH3·H2O→NH4++OH-. Alkalescence of ammonia can
neutralize the acidity of carbonic acid produced by the reaction of CO 2
and water. Reaction is as following: NH3·H2O+H2CO3→NH4HCO3+H2O

NH4HCO3+ NH3·H2O→(NH4)2CO3+H20

Through ammonia-feeding treatment, pH value of feedwater can be

increased to prevent from creating dissociated CO2 corrosion.

(2) Method to feed ammonia: the common drugs in ammonia treatment are
liquid ammonia and water solution of ammonia. For ammonia is volatile
matter, feeding drug to any part in thermal system will make ammonia
exist in the whole steam & water system. Generally, feed ammonia to
makeup water and feedwater. The proper ammonia-feeding amount is
to adjust pH value to 8.5~9.2.



Section 3 Corrosion and Prevention of Boiler Water & Steam


1 Metal change caused by corrosion

Corrosion fatigue: corrosion fatigue is a kind of stress corrosion of metal

under the effect of alternative stress. Under the situation that flow of
steam & water mixture in pipe is sometimes fast, sometimes slow and
other conditions that will produce alternating stress, corrosion crack will
happen soon.

Corrosion cracking: it is the corrosive damage caused by Austenite steel

under stress and corrosive medium effect.

Caustic embrittlement: it is a special form under the corrosion of boiler

metal. Main factor caused this kind of corrosion is that NaOH in water
causes the embrittlement of eroded metal.

2 Metal under-deposit corrosion of steam & water system

When scale or water slag adheres to metal surface of boiler, serious

corrosion will occur under it, which is called under-deposit corrosion.
This kind of corrosion is relative with partial concentration of boiler
water, so it is also called medium concentration corrosion. It is a kind of
common partial corrosion.

Under-deposit corrosion mainly happens under the deposit of water

wall, generally is the position with relatively high thermal load.

The principle of under-deposit corrosion is: under normal operation, a

layer of Fe3O4 film usually covers on surface of metal in boiler. The film
forms in high-temperature water of metal surface. 3Fe +4 H 2O = Fe3O4
+H2↑ this film is compact and with fine protection performance, so boiler
can not be eroded. If this film is damaged, it’s very easy for metal to be

2.1 Influence of pH to corrosion

Influence of pH to protection film

A When pH is within 10-12, corrosion speed of steel is the smallest.

At this time, stability of protection film is relatively high and Fe 3O4
performs the protection effect.


B When pH ‹8, H + performs the effect of depolarization. Fe3O4 is

dissolved and can not perform protection effect.

C When pH›13, corrosion spe ed will become fast obviously; Fe3O4 is

dissolved and iron reacts with NaOH directly.

Fe3O4 +4NaOH→2 FeNaO2 +Na2FeO2 + H2O

Fe +2 NaOH→Na2FeO2 +H2↑

Under general operation condition, for protection film of metal is stable

when pH of boiler water is within 9-11, when there is deposit on metal
surface, corrosion situation will change a lot. Thermal conductivity of
deposit is bad, which will make the temperature of metal pipe wall under
deposit quite high. The boiler water penetrated under deposit will
vaporize and concentrate sharply. Concentrate liquid has various ions
and concentration is very high. It has strong corrosion that destroys
protection film, then boiler is eroded.

2.2 Corrosion resulted from that there is carbonate in makeup water or

condenser leaks

If there is carbonate in makeup water or condenser leaks, and cooling

water is river water with high carbonate content, which will result in the
occurrence of dissociated NaOH in boiler water. After carbonate enters
boiler, the following chemical reaction will happen and produce NaOH
under high-temperature


Na2CO3+ H2O→CO2↑ +NaOH

3Ca(HCO3)+Na3PO4→6 NaOH+6 CO2↑+Ca3(PO4)2↓

Therefore, it will make the pH value under deposit rise above 13 quickly
and destroy protection film, then the corrosion of alkali to metal occur,
which is called alkali corrosion.

If condenser leaks, and cooling water is natural water that Cl ->500mg/l,

the MgCl2 and CaCl2 of cooling water will enter boiler and produce dense
acid. Its reaction is as following:

MgCl2+2 H2O→Mg(OH)2+2HCl

CaCl2+2 H2O→Ca(OH)2+2HCl

Therefore, it will make the pH value of boiler water after vaporizing and
concentrating under deposit decrease quickly and destroy protection
film, then the corrosion of acid to metal occur, which is called acid



2.3 Classification of corrosion

As known from the above, under deposit alkali and acid corrosion may
happen. And the two kinds of corrosion can be divided into ductility
corrosion and brittleness corrosion.

Ductility corrosion: this kind of corrosion usually occurs under porous

deposit, and it caused by alkali enhancement under deposit. Its
characteristic is jagged corrosion pit. Corrosion product covers on pit;
metallographic structure under pit and mechanical performance has no
change; technology still keeps ductility, so it is called ductility corrosion.
When the depth of corrosion pit reaches certain value, pipe wall will be
thinner. At this time, bulge or pipe-explosion will occur because it is

Brittleness corrosion: this kind of corrosion usually happens under

compact deposit. It is caused by the acid enhancement under deposit.
When this corrosion happens, the produced hydrogen makes metal
have obvious decarbonization phenomenon. The metallographic
structure of corrosion part will change, that is C+H 2→CH4. The produced
CH4 under scale is not easy to emitted, so relatively big stress will form
between lattices, which will cause that crackle forms on metal gradually
and make metal become brittle. If it is serious, pipe explosion will
happen when pipe wall doesn’t become thinner. This kind of corrosion is
also called hydrogen brittleness.

2.4 Prevention method

The basin condition of corrosion under deposit makes that there is

deposit on boiler pie and boiler water has corrosion. Corrosion
prevention under deposit begins from preventing the forming of deposit
on boiler pipe and eliminating the corrosion of boiler water.

(1) Carry out chemical cleaning before putting new boiler into
operation. And after operation, boiler should be cleaned periodically to
remove the corrosion product on metal pipe wall.

(2) Reduce the contents of copper and iron in water. In order to reduce
the content of copper and iron oxide of feedwater and prevent from
generating copper and iron scale, oxygen corrosion and carbon dioxide
of feedwater system, condensate system, and drainage system must be
avoided. Meanwhile, measures should be taken to prevent the corrosion
of water treatment system outside boiler and reduce the iron content of
feedwater. Otherwise, the corrosion of condenser copper pipe and


heater copper pipe should also be prevented to reduce the copper

content of condensate and feedwater.

(3) Protect the boiler before stopping the boiler to prevent shutdown
corrosion, for fear that there is corrosion product on boiler pipe metal
surface, and also it can avoid the iron content increase of boiler water
during operation caused by stopping using corrosion product.

(4) Improve the feedwater quality to make the corrosive component

brought by feedwater as low as possible.

(5) Choose reasonable water treatment manner in boiler; adjust boiler

water quality in boiler; eliminate or reduce the corrosive impurity in
boiler water.

3 Influence of water steam temperature of metal in water &steam

system on corrosion

Steam is in 450-570℃

3Fe +4H2O = Fe3O4 +4H2↑

Steam is above 570℃

2Fe +3H2O = Fe2O3 +3H2↑

The two kinds of corrosion belong to chemical corrosion. When this kind
of corrosion happens, pipe wall will thin evenly and product is usually in
powder state or squama state, mostly is Fe3O4. In boiler, the part that
steam & water corrosion happens is generally at steam & water
stagnation part or in steam superheater.

Corrosion of steam turbine

(1) Stress corrosion cracking

Corrosion characteristics: the corrosive parts are impeller and vane and
corrosion products are NaOH and NaCl etc.

Prevention measures: improve steam & water quality and reduce the
content of natrium ion and chlorine ion.

erosion of steam turbine

Corrosion characteristics: there is wave form stripe on surface of vane.

Prevention measures: keep drainage smooth and ensure that spraying

water doesn’t impact last stage impeller directly.

(2) Acid corrosion


Corrosion characteristics: corrosion happens to the cast steel and cast

iron connecting with wet steam in steam turbine. It shows silver grey
after corrosion.

Prevention measures: improve the feedwater quality, when adopting

demineralizing water as HP boiler makeup water, feedwater adopts
organic amine and hydrazine with small distribution coefficient to treat;
improve the pH value of steam turbine liquid membrane.


Abrasion characteristics: steam carries foreign matter, at HP and high-

temperature section.

Prevention measures: steam blowing and chemical cleaning should be

carried out to pipe.

(3) Pitting corrosion

Corrosion happens at the LP part of steam turbine, such as nozzle,

impeller, blade rotor etc.

The protection principle is to improve steam quality and strictly control

the content of chlorine ion in steam. And well protect the turbine when
stopping it.

4 Steam pollution and prevention of drum boiler

4.1 Pollution of superheated steam

The pollution of superheated steam depends on the quality of saturated

steam. If the quality of saturated steam is good, the pollution of
superheated steam may result from bad water quality of desuperheating
water and leakage of desuperheater. Otherwise, we also should prevent
that the impurity that remains during in superheater system pollutes
superheated steam during installation period and maintenance of
superheater period.

4.2 Pollution of saturated steam

4.2.1 Dripping carry-over

(1) forming and carrying of dripping in steam drum

(2) influence of boiler pressure to steam with water

(3) influence of boiler structure to steam carrying water

(4) influence of boiler operation work condition to steam carrying water


① water level of steam drum is too high

② boiler load increases

③ Load, water level and pressure of boiler change fiercely

Under certain conditions, steam with water changes little with salt
content. After it exceeds critical salt content, steam with water increase
rapidly with the increase of salt content.

4.2.2 Vaporous carry-over

Saturated steam has the ability to dissolve some matter. The higher the
steam pressure, the bigger the dissolving ability of steam.

the characteristics of saturated steam carrying over dissolved matter

The situations of steam carrying over salt in steam drum boiler with
different pressures

(1) LP boiler: outlet pressure should be smaller than 2.45Mpa. In this

kind of boiler, the carrying over amount of saturated steam to
various matter is very small, so steam pollution is mainly caused by
dripping carry-over.

(2) MP boiler: outlet pressure is 2.45 -5.78Mpa. In this kind of boiler,

various natrium salts in steam are mainly carried over by dripping.
The silicon content in steam is the sum of dripping carry-over and
vaporous carry-over. And the vaporous carry-over amount exceeds
the dripping carry-over amount obviously.

(3) HP boiler: outlet pressure is 5.88-12.64Mpa. in this kind of boiler,

various natrium salts in steam are mainly carried over by dripping.
The silicon content in steam is vaporous carry-over.

(4) Super high pressure boiler: outlet pressure is more than 12.74Mpa.
The silicon content in steam is vaporous carry-over. The contents of
NaCl and NaOH in steam are the sum of dripping carry-over and
vaporous carry-over. The contents of Na3PO4 and Na2SiO3 are
mainly caused by dripping carry-over.

(5) Critical pressure boiler: outlet pressure is more than 16.7Mpa. the
ability of steam to dissolve silicate is very big. Silicon in steam
mainly depends on vaporous carry-over and has relatively big
dissolving ability to natrium compound. Natrim content in steam is
the sum of dripping carry-over and vaporous carry-over.


Section 4 Corrosion and Protection of Shutdown Boiler

1 Necessity of protection after stopping the boiler

During the period of boiler shutdown, if protection measures are not

taken, the surface inner metal of steam & water system will suffer the
corrosion of dissolved oxygen. When there is deposit and water slag on
metal surface during shutdown, the corrosion process when shutting
down will be faster. The corrosion happened when shutting down is the
same with the dissolved oxygen corrosion during operation. They both
belong to electrochemical corrosion. Corrosion damage is ulcerative,
but usually it is much serious than the oxygen corrosion that is caused
by incomplete deoxidizing to feedwater during the operation boiler. This
is not only because oxygen amount entering boiler is big, but also
corrosion happens to each part of boiler when shutting down. When
shutting down the boiler, water-accumulation always happens to the
elbow part of vertical superheater and usually the corrosion is very
serious. Oxygen corrosion during operation is serious only at inlet pipe
section of economizer, but during shutting down corrosion will happen in
the whole economizer. During operation only under the situation that
deaerator work abnormally, will oxygen corrosion extend to drum and
downcomer. Corrosion will not happen in riser. But the metal surface of
these parts will suffer corrosive damage when shutdown corrosion
happens. During shutting down, it will result in large-area corrosion to
metal in short period, and also it will bring bad influence to boiler after
putting it into operation; therefore, the damage of corrosion during
shutting down is very big.

2 Protection after shutdown

2.1 Basic principles of method-adopting that equipment is stopped in

thermal system

(1) Air is not allowed to enter water & steam system of shutting down

(2) Keep the inner surface of metal dry in water & steam system of
shutting down boiler

(3) Result in the film with anti-corrosion effect on the surface of metal.

(4) Soak the metal surface in water solution with deoxidant or other
protection reagent.

2.2 Wet protection method


Wet protection method means that fill boiler with protective water
solution to isolate the oxygen in air and surface in boiler during
shutdown of boiler.

(1) hydrazine method (pH=10)

When shutting down the boiler, water should not be discharged; use
dosing pump to feed ammonia and hydrazine to boiler and make
boiler full of liquid; ensure the concentrations of ammonia and
hydrazine in boiler even. The successive hydrazine in the boiler
water is 200mg/L, and PH value at 25℃ is bigger than 10. If boiler
needs to be protected after overhaul or water-discharging check,
boiler should be full of water or brine through demineralization, and
then feed hydrazine and ammonia to water. When there is no
feedwater or demineralized water, the demineralized water that isn’t
deoxidized can be fed firstly; then ignite boiler and rise steam
pressure slightly above atmosphere. Discharge certain steam and
make the water in boiler be deoxidized, eventually feed hydrazine
and ammonia.

For the boiler that adopts hydrazine protection method, hydrazine

and ammonia should be discharged completely and flush the boiler
before startup. After ignition of boiler, firstly discharge the air to
atmosphere; when the ammonia content in steam is smaller than 2
mg/kg, air can be blown, in order that ammonia concentration is too
big and corrupt the copper pipe of condenser.

(2) ammonia liquid method (800-1000mg/L)

Feed ammonia to water & steam system of boiler with pump and
make it circulate in system until concentration of each point goes to
equal; then close all the valves of boiler to prevent the leakage of
ammonia liquid. During protection period, ammonia concentration
should be analyzed every week. If find that concentration
decreases, find out the reason at once and take measures to
makeup ammonia. Copper equipment and components should
isolate with protection liquid to prevent corrosion. Before the startup
of boiler, feed water after all ammonia is discharged. After ignition
of boiler and steam pressure is risen, flush superheater with steam
and discharge to atmosphere. The outlet steam of boiler isn’t
merged into main steam pipe or feed steam to turbine until the
ammonia in steam is smaller than 2mg/kg.

(3) maintaining feedwater-pressure method (0.5-1.0MPa)


It makes use of the feedwater pressure in boiler to prevent air from

entering boiler. The method is that feed demineralized water with
qualified deoxidization and pressurize the boiler with feedwater
pump to maintain the pressure within 0.5-1.0 MPa. Analyze
dissolved oxygen once every day and monitor the pressure in
boiler; if problem is found, solve it in time (exchange water and
pressurize with feedwater pump).

(4) maintaining steam-pressure method (0.5-1.0 MPa)

For small-capacity boiler or the boiler that often starts up and stops,
the method of interrupt ignition can be used to maintain the steam
pressure of boiler as 0.5-1.0 Mpa, so as to prevent the air from
penetrating water & steam system of boiler after shut down. During
protection period, the phosphate of boiler water should maintain the
standard during operation. Analyze the phosphate and dissolved
oxygen of boiler water once every shift and record the boiler
pressure. When the dissolved oxygen in boiler water is unqualified,
air-discharging should be enhanced.

2.3 Drying protection method

(1) oven-drying method

After the outage of boiler, discharge water immediately when boiler

water temperature reaches to about 100℃. After water is
discharged completely, ignite low fire making use of the residual
heat or ignition equipment or induce part heat air to furnace to dry
the surface of inner boiler.

(2) nitrogen-feeding method (when pressure decreases to 0.3-0.5MP)

Feed nitrogen to boiler system and maintain certain pressure

(bigger than atmosphere) to prevent air entering. After boiler is
stooped and pressure is decreased to 0.3-0.5 MPa, connect the
nitrogen-feeding pipe. When pressure decrease to 0.05 MPa, begin
to feed nitrogen from nitrogen tank or nitrogen cylinder through
nitrogen temporary pipe to drum and superheater. Nitrogen purity is
above 99%. For the boiler that water is not discharged, it’s better to
feed certain amount hydrazine to boiler before feeding nitrogen.
Use ammonia to adjust the pH value of water above 10 and monitor
the dissolved oxygen and surplus hydrazine in water periodically. All
system valves should be closed when feeding nitrogen.

(3) dryer method(below 100-120℃)


After stopping boiler, when boiler temperature decreases to about

100℃, discharge the boiler water completely at once and open
each checking hole. Clear up the scale and water slag in boiler and
outer flue ash depositing in boiler. Dry the surface of boiler making
use of residual heat and low fire in boiler. Put the bottles without
cover full of dryer(anhydrous calcium chloride, calces, silica gel)to
drum, furnace and header separately. After finishing drying and
laying, close each check valve and steam & water valve to isolate
steam & water system with outside air.

(4) Vapor phase inhibitor method (use the residual heat of boiler to
make inhibitor volatile)

Vapor phase inhibitor mainly includes inorganic ammonium salt and

organic amine. The protection mechanism of this kind of inhibitor is
that they are easy to gasify under lower temperature; after gasified
molecule condensates on the surface of metal, hydrolyzing effect or
disintegration happens to produce inhibiting group to antisepticise.

Section 5 Forming and Prevention of Boiler Scale

1 Characteristics of scale and water slag

Boiler feedwater always contains some impurities more or less. Some

solid attachment will be created on the pipe wall that heating surface
connects with water. This phenomenon is called scaling and these
attachments are scale. Otherwise, the solid matters separated from
impurity do not adhere to the heating surface but suspend in boiler
water or deposit in the place with slow flow at the bottom of drum and
lower header. This kind of suspending matter or depositing matter is
called water slag. Some water slag is easy to adhere to the heating
surface. After high-temperature drying and melting, it converts to scale.
This kind of scale is called secondary scale.

1.1 Characteristics of scale

(1) Hardness: it indicates that whether it can be eliminated through

mechanical method easily.

(2) Porosity: it indicates the percent that interspace and aperture in

scale accounts for scale’s volume. Generally the heat conductivity
of scale with big porosity is small.

(3) Conductivity: generally the heat conductivity of scale is very bad.


But it is different based on its composition and porosity.

1.2 Characteristics of water slag

(1) The water slag will not adhere to heating surface. This kind of water
slag that floats on boiler water is loose and is easy to be discharged
from boiler with boiler water.

(2) The water slag that is easy to adhere to heating surface and form
scale. It is easy to adhere to the inner pipe wall of heating surface,
especially the places that water flow is slow or stagnant.

2 calcium and magnesium scale

2.1 Reasons of forming

The forming reason of calcium and magnesium is that the concentration

product of calcium and magnesium ions in water exceeds solubility
product. These kinds of salts cystalize and precipitate, and attach on
heating surface.

Carbonate scale is easy to generate at economizer, heater, feedwater

pipe and cooling water pipe of condenser. Calcium sulphate and
calcium silicic acid are mainly at the heating surface with high thermal
load, such as boiler pipe, vaporizer etc.

The reasons that calcium and magnesium salts form saturated solution

(1) With the rise of water temperature, the solubility product of some
calcium and magnesium salt in water will decrease.

(2) When water is heated to vaporize continuously, salt in water will be

concentrated gradually.

(3) When water is heated, calcium and magnesium salts will produce
chemical reaction to generate matter that is hard to dissolve, such

Mg(HCO3)2 →Mg(OH)2↓+CO2↑

Ca(HCO3)2→CaCO3↓+CO2↑+ H2O

The reason that educt in water can adhere to the heating surface is that
metal surface of heating surface is rough and there are many tiny raised
hillocks. These hillocks can be the crystal core when precipitating solid
from solution. Besides, the oxidation film on metal surface has great
adsorbability, and it can be the felt layer between metal wall and educt
from solution.


2.2 Prevention methods

(1) Eliminate the hardness of makeup water completely.

(2) Ensure the tightness of condenser. Condenser leaks and cooling

water enters into condensate, which is generally one important
reason to generate calcium and magnesium scale in boiler.

(3) In thermal power plant, the hardness of return water should not
exceed allowable value.

3 Silicate scale

3.1 Forming reason

The compound contents of aluminium, iron and silicic in boiler feedwater

are relatively high, which is the main reason to form silicate scale in
high thermal-load pipe.

Na2SiO3+ Fe2O3→Na2O. Fe2O3. SiO2 (silicate scale)

3.2 Prevention method

In order to prevent from forming silicate scale, try to reduce the contents
of silicon compound, aluminium and other metal compound in
feedwater. To achieve this purpose, on the one hand, it is required to
remove silicon in makeup water and guarantee good makeup water
quality; on the other hand, strictly prevent the leakage of condenser.

4 Ferric oxide scale

4.1 Forming reasons

(1) The iron compound in boiler water deposits on pipe wall to form
ferric oxide scale. Its main forms are glue-state ferric oxide,
relatively big particle ferric oxide and dissolving-state ferric oxide.
Glue-state ferric oxide is with positive electricity while metal surface
is with negative electricity. Positive electricity concentrates at pipe
wall and forms ferric oxide scale; during the process that boiler
water vaporizes and concentrates rapidly, under the condition that
the content of electrolyte is relatively big and pH value is relatively
high in water, big particle ferric oxide will deposit on boiler pipe wall
and form ferric oxide scale.

(2) During the operation of boiler, if alkali corrosion and steam & water
corrosion happen to boiler pipe, its corrosion product will be ferric
oxide on pipe wall; during the period of installation and shutdown, if
corrosion happens because of improper protection, some corrosion


products will adhere to the pipe wall and will convert to ferric oxide
scale after the operation of boiler.

4.2 Prevention method

Reduce the iron content of feedwater and the corrosion during

shutdown after operation; over-load operation of boiler should be
avoided and improve the operation work condition of boiler; control the
thermal load on pipe wall of boiler within allowable scope.

5 Copper scale

5.1 Forming reason

When the content of copper in scale is very high, reaching to 20 % -

30% or even higher, this kind of scale is called copper scale. In thermal
system, after copper alloy piece is eroded, its corrosion product will
enter boiler with water. In boiling alkali boiler water, the corrosion
product of copper exists in the form of complex compound. These
complex compounds reach dissociation equilibrium with copper ion.
Therefore, the actual concentration of copper ion in boiler water is
relative with the stability of complex compound. At high-temperature
load part, on the one hand, partial complex compound of copper will be
destroyed to become copper ion, which will make the concentration of
copper ion in boiler water rise; on the other hand, because of the effect
of high thermal load, the metal oxidization protection film at boiler pipe
high thermal load part will be destroyed, and it will make metal surface
of high thermal load and other metal surface generate potential
difference. The bigger the partial thermal load is, the bigger the potential
difference. Cu2++2e=Cu Fe=Fe2++2e, therefore, copper scale always
create on the pipe wall with partial high thermal load.

5.2 Prevention method

On the aspect of boiler operation, we should try our best to avoid that
partial thermal load of boiler pipe is too high; on the aspect of water
quality, we should do the best to reduce the content of copper in
feedwater and avoid that the copper components in feedwater and
condensate system are eroded.

6 Phosphate scale

6.1 Forming reason

Na3PO4+ Fe(OH)2→NaFePO4+ 2NaOH (phosphate and silicate iron



The content of PO43- in boiler water is too big and content of iron is
relatively high. The reaction is as following:

6.2 Prevention method

Strictly control the content of PO43- to make it not more than regulated
value. Especially strictly control the content of PO43- in boiler water of
low-salt water section. If the blowdown rate of boiler is less than 1% and
concentration rates of salt water section and low-salt water section are
quite big, the measures to reduce the concentration rate should be

Section 6 Phosphate Treatment of Boiler Water

In order to prevent calcium scaling being produced in the drum boiler,

apart from ensuring the feed water quality, it usually needs to add some
chemicals in boiler water to make the calcium ion entering into the boiler
together with feed water not form scale but form water slag which is
discharged with boiler blowdown. Among boilers in power plant, the
most common chemical for dosing treatment in boiler is phosphate; the
treatment method of adding phosphate in boiler water is called
phosphate treatment for short.

1 Principle and Purpose

Phosphate treatment is that under the condition when boiler water is of

alkaline property (pH=10), add phosphate solution to have the
phosphate radical of boiler water maintained within certain
concentration range, so the calcium ion in water reacts with the
phosphate radical generating basic calcium phosphate, and a few
magnesium ions react with silicic acid radical in boiler water generating
serpentine, whose reactions are as follows:

10Ca2++16PO43-+2OH-→3 Ca3(PO4)2. Ca(OH)2↓

(basic calcium phosphate)



The upper scale can be discharged with boiler blowdown. The

phosphate treatment has been gradually converted from the original
scale prevention to PH buffering and anticorrosion; the working
condition of phosphate develops from the maintain of high concentration


PO43- to the low concentration and ultra-low concentration; it

experienced component phosphate treatment like high phosphate
treatment and coordinated phosphate treatment, low phosphate
treatment and equilibrium phosphate treatment and so on successively.

2 Determine and Control of Phosphate Content in Boiler Water

Table 1 The Quality Standard of Boiler Water When Adopting PT

Boiler Silica Chloride Phosphate Radical pH Conductivity

Drum a Ion a Value a
Pressure a
mg/L mg/L (25'C)
M Pa (25'C)
Section Stage μS/cm
Evaporation Evaporation

Low-salt Salt
Water Section

3.8 -5.8 - - 5-15 5-15 ≤75 9-11

5.9- ≤20 - 2-8 2-8 ≤40 9- ≤100

12.6 10.5

12.7- ≤0.4 ≤4 1-5 1-5 ≤25 9-10 ≤60

15.8 5

a refers to single section evaporation value or low-salt water section evaporation

value without exception.

Table 2 The Quality Standard of Boiler Water When Adopting LPT

Boiler Silica Chloride Phosphate Radical pH Conductivity

Drum a Ion a Value a
Pressure a
mg/L mg/L (25'C)
M Pa (25'C)
Single Stage μS/cm
Section Evaporation


Low-salt Salt
Water Section

3.8 -5.8 ≤20 - 0.5-3 0.5-3 ≤25 9 - <60


5.9 - ≤0.4 ≤2 0.5-3 0.5-3 ≤15 9 - <40

12.6 5 9.7

12.7- ≤0.2 ≤0.5 0.5-2 - - 9-9.7 <30

15.8 5

a refers to single section evaporation value or low-salt water section evaporation

value without exception.

3 Functions of Treatment of Phosphate in Boiler Water

(1) Preventing calcium magnesium scale being produced on the water

wall pipe and slowing down its scaling speed;

(2) Increasing the buffering capacity of boiler water, and preventing the
water wall tube having acid or alkali corrosion;

(3) Decreasing the solution and carrying of steam to silica, improving

the chemical properties of turbine sediments and reducing the
turbine corrosion.

4 Problems that may appear in the treatment of phosphate in boiler


4.1 “Hide- out” phenomenon of phosphate may occur by adopting PT, CPT
and LPT without exception;

4.2 The “hide-out” phenomenon of phosphate can make some boiler have
acid phosphate corrosion;

4.3 Make superheaters of very few boilers and steam turbines have the
salification phenomenon.

5 “Hideout & return” phenomenon of phosphate in boiler water

5.1 Cause of “hideout and return” phenomenon

(1) A phenomenon that the water quality is abnormal may appear when
the drum boiler is in operation; that is when the boiler load


increases, the concentration of sodium phosphate in boiler water

decreases obviously; however, when the boiler load decreases or
the boiler is shut down, the concentration of the sodium phosphate
will rise again. This phenomenon is called “hideout and return”
phenomenon of phosphate and also called “hideout” phenomenon
of phosphate.

(2) When some superpressure drum boilers are restarted up after

shutdown, phosphate appears in boiler water though no phosphate
is added; the content of phosphate radical in some boiler water gets
to a number of milligrams per liter (mg/l), but pH value of boiler
water is obviously lower than 9, and it even doesn’t display the
phenolphthalein alkalinity after phenolphthalein indicator is added in
boiler water. The condition also shows that there are “hideout and
return” phenomena of phosphate in the boiler when the boiler is in

(3) When the boiler is under high load, easily soluble phosphates
separate out from boiler water and settle on the water wall, and the
phosphate concentration in boiler water decreases obviously; when
the boiler is in operation, the phosphates settling on the tube
dissolve down again, and the phosphates in boiler water increase
obviously again. The cause for the phenomenon is that the
phosphate solubility has a relation with temperature. When the
temperature is at 120℃, the solubility of trisodium phosphate
decreases rapidly. When the thermal load of the boiler rises, boiling
in the tube is violently, concentration of salt in water of nearby tube
wall increases, the solubility of trisodium phosphate decreases
obviously, trisodium phosphate separates out and settles on the
surface of the boiler tube. When the load decreases, the
temperature of boiler water decreases but the solubility increases,
and the phosphates dissolve down again.

5.2 Harm of “hideout and return” phenomenon

(1) The easily soluble salt formed during “hideout and return”
phenomenon adhering on the tube wall causes bad heat
conducting, results in the serious over temperature and overheating
of the metal of boiler tube and damages the boiler tube; the
adhesive substances of soluble salt can also react with other
sediments on the tube wall to produce complicated and sparingly
soluble water scale, pricking up the scaling and corrosion of water


(2) The occurring of “hideout and return” may make free sodium
hydroxide being produced in boiler water of the parietal layer near
water in the tube when “hideout and return” phenomenon occurs.
The rise of local concentration of sodium hydroxide in boiler water
causes alkali corrosion of the metal of boiler tube.

5.3 Prevention method

Implement boiler water treatment method of low phosphate, or adopt all

volatile treatment. Although adopting coordinated PH-phosphate
treatment can’t produce the phenomenon mentioned above, it can
prevent alkali corrosion resulting from the hideout phenomenon of

6 Utilization of (CPT) coordinated PH-treatment/equivalent

phosphate treatment method

It is the phosphate treatment that adds the mixed solution of trisodium

phosphate and disodium (hydrogen) phosphate into boiler water to
make all free sodium hydroxide in boiler water convert into trisodium
phosphate, prevents free sodium hydroxide being produced in the boiler
and maintains the mole ratio between the sodium ion and the
phosphate radical be 2.6-3.0. The reaction is as follows:

Na2HPO4+ NaOH→Na3PO4+ H2O

The chemical reaction of hideout phenomenon of phosphate:

Na3PO4+ H2O→Na2HPO4+ NaOH

100 Na3PO4+ 15H2O→85Na3PO4. Na2HPO4+ 15NaOH

Shortening Na3PO4+ 0.15H2O→Na2.85PO4. Na0.15HPO4+ 0.15NaOH

If the mole ratio between the sodium ion and the phosphate radical is
controlled suitably, it can’t produce free sodium hydroxide.

7 (EPT) equilibrium phosphate treatment

The equilibrium phosphate treatment to the treatment that maintains the

content of trisodium phosphate to the lowest concentration that only is
enough for reacting with hardness components in water, namely,
“equilibrium concentration”, or lower than the critical value when the
hideout phenomenon of sodium phosphate occurs, allows boiler water
contains no more than 1mg/l free sodium hydroxide at the same time,
ensures the pH value of boiler water within 9-9.6, prevents the water


wall tube having acid phosphate corrosion, and prevents calcium and
magnesium scale being produced in the boiler.

Section 7 Boiler Blowdown

1 Boiler Blowdown

In order to maintain the salt content and silicon content in boiler water
below the utmost permissible value and to eliminate the water slag, it
must discharge a part of boiler water and make up equivalent feed
water during operation, which is called boiler blowdown.

2 The Purpose of Blowdown

When the boiler is in operation, only a little part of the impurities brought
to the boiler by feed water can be taken away by the saturated steam,
but a large part are left in the boiler. With the increase of the operating
time, the impurities in boiler water will increase continually. When the
content or silicon content in boiler water exceeds the permissible value,
the steam quality will be bad. If water slag in boiler water is more, it may
not only influence the steam quality, but also can block the boiler pipes,
endangering the safe operation of boiler.

3 Blowdown Form

3.1 Continuous blowdown: continuously drain water from the boiler drum.
The purpose of continuous blowdown is to prevent the salt content and
silicon content in boiler water being excessively high; otherwise, it may
influence the steam quality; besides, it can discharge some tiny or
suspended water slag.

3.2 Periodic blowdown: discharge water slag. Periodically drain a part of

boiler water from the lowest point of the boiler water circulation system.
The drainage time is 0.5-1min every time. The blowdown water capacity
is 0.1%-0.5% of the boiler evaporating capacity every time. The
blowdown capacity of intermediate and low pressure boiler is 1% or
more. The blowdown time should be decided according to the boiler
water quality.

4 Blowdown Rate of Boiler

The percent that the boiler blowdown capacity takes up in the boiler
evaporating capacity is called blowdown rate.



DP-boiler blowdown water capacity, t/h

D-boiler evaporating capacity, t/h

P-boiler blowdown rate, %

Another calculation of the boiler blowdown rate


SGE-the content of some matter in feed water, mg/l

SB-the content of some matter in saturated steam, mg/l

SP-the content of some matter in blowdown water, mg/l


Chapter 12 Supervision for Water & Steam Quality of Steam

Drum Boiler

Section 2 Water & Steam Quality Standard

1 Control standard for water steam during startup of unit

Name of Analysis Standard

water items Unit Remark

μS/cm ≤0.5

SiO2 μg/kg ≤30

Steam The conductivity is the one
before μg/kg ≤50
that is at 25℃ after the
rolling of Iron hydrogen ion exchange.
μg/kg ≤15

μg/kg ≤20

YD μmol/L ≤5.0
Standard μg/L ≤50
during O2 μg/L ≤30
startup of
SiO2 μg/L ≤80

YD μmol/L ≤10
Standard μg/L ≤80
condensate SiO2 μg/L ≤80


μg/L ≤30

Outer shape Colorless
startup of
and clarity

2 Control standard for water steam quality during normal startup of


Name of
water Analysis
Unit Standard Remark
sampling items

YD μmol/L ≤0

O2 μg/L ≤30 Normal operating value is

less than 0.2μS/cm
Outlet of
Na+ μg/L ≤10
pump μS/cm ≤0.2
Normal operating value is
Conductan less than 0.2μS/cm

YD μmol/L ≈0 Normal operating value is

Feedwater less than 0.2μS/cm
μS/cm ≤0.2

μg/L ≤7

SiO2 μg/L ≤10

N2H4 μg/L 20~50


pH 8.8~9.3(no
system 9.0-

μg/L ≤20

μg/L ≤5

μg/L ≤0.3

μS/cm <50

pH 9.0~10.0

Phosphate mg/L 2~8

Boiler water

Chlorine mg /L ≤4

SiO2 mg/L ≤0.45

μg/l ≤5

SiO2 μg/l ≤15

Norma operating value of
μg/l ≤20 cooper ≤3μg/kg
Conductivity of hydrogen
μg/l ≤5 ion exchange after 25 ℃

μS/cm ≤0.2

YD μmol/L ≈0


Drain water iron μg/L ≤50

Closed pH 9.0~9.5
cooling water

Section 2 Deterioration Causes of Water & Steam Quality and


1 Water, steam sampling

When supervise the water steam quality, the preventative water and
steam sampling which is taken from all parts of boiler and its thermal
system are very important. And this is a premise for supervising the
water and steam quality correctly. The so called preventative sampling
can reflex the real condition of water and steam quality in system and
equipment. Otherwise, even if we adopt very exact measurement, the
data measured can not indicate really whether the water and steam
quality reach standard or not. Thus, it can not be as the reliable material
which can evaluate the condition of scaling, erosion and salt deposition
in system. And we must do following aspects: 1) select sampling place
reasonably; 2) use sampling devices correctly (including sampler and
sampling cooling devices); 3) reserve sample correctly in order to
protect the sample against polluting.

2 Sampling of water

2.1 Sampling of boiler water

The sampling of boiler water is usually taken from the continuous

blowdown pipe of steam drum. In order to ensure the representative
sampling, the sampling point should try to be closed to the outlet of
blowdown pipe where the steam drum is educed out, and be installed at
the front of primary valve behind educed steam drum.

2.2 Sampling of condensate

The sampling point of condensate is usually fitted on the condensate

pipe of the outlet of condensate pump.

2.3 Sampling of drain water

The drain water is sampled in drain water tank and the sampling point is


fitted at the position of 200—300mm of tank bottom, and take out by

small pipe.

2.4 Sampling of feedwater

The sampling of feedwater is usually fitted on the high pressure

feedwater pipe which is at the back of feedwater pump of boiler and at
the front of economizer. In order to monitor the operating condition of
deaerator, its outlet should be sampled. And in order to ensure the
representation of sampling, the sampling point should be fitted at the
position where water flows smoothly and the distance is not more than
1m from outlet.

Because the water temperature in boiler and its thermal system is

higher, the water must cooled to 25 - 30℃ through condenser. The
sampling pipe uses stainless steel or copper pipe and it is closed to
condenser. And there are two valves are fitted, the former is stop valve
which is opened completely and later is needle valve of which the
regulating flow is 20-30kg/h. The temperature of sampling is regulated
by changing the flow volume of cooling water. In order to ensure the
representation of sampling, these two valves must be opened
completely to flush the sampler and condenser during every time
startup of unit and they should be flushed periodically. And regulate the
flow volume to normal level after flushing.

3 Sampling of steam

The steam converts to condensate through condenser during sampling,

and the flow volume is from 20 kg/h to 30 kg/h. Flush the sampling
device during startup of unit.

3.1 Sampling of saturated steam

A few of Boiler water drops are carried in saturated steam and these
water drops are arranged unevenly in pipe so that the sample is difficult
to be representative. When the steam flow speed is low, some drops will
adhere on the pipe wall to form water film. If insert one pipe in the
center of steam pipe, the humidity of sampling is low, and the Na
content (silicon content) in analysis result is low. If put the sampling pipe
at pipe wall, the humidity of sampling is big and the Na content (silicon
content) in analysis result is higher. Thus, if we wonder the sampling is
representative, the following conditions must be met:

(1) The sampling point should be fitted in the pipes in which the water
is arranged evenly.


(2) The steam speed at the inlet of sampler should be equal to the
speed in pipe.

(3) The sampler should be fitted on the pipe in which the steam flows
stably, and be away from valves and bends and other positions.

Saturated steam sampler has following kinds:

(1) Probe sampler

(2) Nipple sampler

3.2 sampling of superheating steam

The superheating steam does not contain water and it is single-phase

medium. And it is easy to replace the representative sampling
comparing with saturated steam. Its sampling point is usually fitted on
the main pipe of superheating steam pipe. And the nipple or seam type
sampler is usually adopted. Just ensure the steam speed in sampling
hole is equal to in steam pipe.

Section 3 Deterioration reasons of water and steam quality and its


1 General principles

1.1 When the water and steam quality deteriorate, the following conditions
should be found out:

(1) The correctness of sampler and sampling water, and whether the
sample is polluted during the sampling.

(2) Whether the instruments, reagent, analysis method and calculation

method are correct;

(3) Whether the operating modes of relative equipments and various

parameters are normal;

1.2 When find the water and steam quality is not good, the times of
sampling analysis should be increased. And find out the causes to treat
with according to the concrete conditions.

2 The common deterioration reason of water and steam quality and

its treatment


2.1 Ineligible dissolved oxygen:

2.1.1 deterioration reasons:

(1) The temperature of deaerator is not suitable for its pressure, or

does not reach boiling point.

(2) The stop valve of upper exhaust pipe of deaerator is not opened or
its opening is not enough.

(3) The water level of deaerator is too high or the water supplying
quantity is too much.

(4) Inner parts of deaerator are out of control.

(5) The air stays in sampling pipe or the pipe leaks and so on.

2.1.2 Treatments:

(1) Give notice to on-duty operator of steam turbine to regulate the

temperature and pressure to reach boiling point.

(2) Contact with the operator of turbine to open the stop valve of upper
exhaust pipe.

(3) Contact to the operator of steam turbine to reduce the water level,
and operate it without excedding the output;

(4) Contact to the operator of steam turbine to repair the inner faulty.

(5) Flush and regulate the sampling pipe, discharge the air and
eliminate the leakage.

2.2 Rigidity of condensate exceeding standard:

2.2.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Copper pipe of condenser leaks;

(2) Desalting supplying is not qualified.

(3) The steam jet air ejector returns to condenser.

2.2.2 Treatments:

(1) Report to monitor and give notice to operator of steam turbine to

discharge the unqualified condensate and try to check and block
the leakage.

(2) Report to monitor to eliminate.

(3) Strengthen the control of feedwater system and boiler water quality.


2.3 Ineligible dissolved oxygen of condenser:

2.3.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Water seal of condensate pump is not tight, and the outlet packing
of standby pump is not tight.

(2) Steam jet air ejector is out of control;

(3) The vacuum part of steam turbine is not tight.

(4) Overcooling degree is big.

2.3.2 Treatments:

(1) Give notice to on-duty operator of steam turbine, and contact to

maintenance operator to eliminate the defection.

(2) Give notice to on-duty operator of steam turbine to keep be


(3) Give notice to on-duty of steam turbine to regulate the temperature

of circulating water in time.

2.4 Alkalinity and silica acid radical of boiler water exceeding standard:

2.4.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) The alkalinity and silica acid radical of feedwater is high;

(2) The continuous blowdown valve of boiler is out of control or it is

closed too small;

(3) The load of boiler changes rapidly;

(4) The combustion change of boiler causes uneven consistency of

two-side boiler water.

2.4.2 Treatments:

(1) Report it to monitor to improve the feedwater quality;

(2) Big open the continuous blowdown valve. Report to monitor of

boiler when the standards is not still kept and contact to
maintenance operator to increase the times of periodical blowdown

(3) Report to shift leader to stabilize the load;

(4) Give notice to monitor of boiler to notice even combustion.

2.5 The boiler is not clear and has a lot of sediments:


2.5.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Rigidity of feedwater is too big, and the salt content exceeds

(2) The blowdown system is out of control during the operation of


(3) The corrosion matters in boiler newly operated or overhauled is too


(4) Load increases quickly.

2.5.2 Treatments:

(1) Contact to relative operator to decrease the rigidity of feedwater

and increase the chemical dosing quantity;

(2) Give notice to monitor of boiler to contact to the maintenance

operator to repair the blowdown system;

(3) Big open the continuous blowdown valve, increase periodical

blowdown until the boiler water

(4) Increase load slowly.

2.6 The PO43 of boiler water lower than standards:

2.6.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Chemical dosing is out of control;

(2) Load of boiler increases or the continuous blowdown quantity is too


(3) Rigidity of feedwater is high;

(4) Consistency of trisodium phosphate tribasic is low;

2.6.2 Treatments:

(1) Start up the standby chemical dosing pump and contact to the
maintenance operator;

(2) Small close the continuous blowdown valve, and regulate the
blowdown volume;

(3) Regulate the chemical dosing quantity of presidium phosphate, and

keep the PO43 not lower than standard;

2.7 PO43-of boiler water exceeding standard:


2.7.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Load declines and blowdown quantity is less;

(2) Consistency of trisodium phosphate is too big;

(3) Feed chemicals to the same furnace by mistakenly using two sets
of dosing pump.

2.7.2 Treatments:

(1) Stop chemical dosing pump and regulate the blowdown volume;

(2) Dilute the consistency of solution;

(3) Stop one pump as standby in time;

(4) Strengthen the test and monitor the water quality strictly;

2.8 Bad quality of saturated steam:

2.8.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Salt content of boiler water is high with a lot of sediments;

(2) Load of boiler changes rapidly and water level is too high;

(3) Salt content of feedwater exceeds standards;

(4) Steam and water priming

(5) Faulty of steam water separator.

2.8.2 Treatments:

(1) Big open the continuous blowdown valve and strengthen periodical
blowdown valve;

(2) Report it to on-duty operator of boiler to stabilize the load and

reduce the water level of boiler water;

(3) Find out the reason that the salt content is high and eliminate it.

(4) Strengthen the control of steam quality of feedwater and boiler


(5) Shut down the boiler to inspect and maintain the steam water

2.9 Deterioration of superheating steam

2.9.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Bad quality of desuperheating water;


(2) The sampling cooler leaks raw water;

(3) The sampling pipes do not flush in a long time or not throughthly, or
the analysis has error.

(4) Effect of bad saturated steam quality.

2.9.2 Treatments:

(1) Improve the quality of desuperheating water, or shut down the

desuperheater, or inspect the feedwater quality;

(2) Sampling again and test, flush the sampling pipe in order to ensure
correct test;

(3) Give notice to on-duty operator of boiler and contact to

maintenance operator;

(4) The saturated steam quality is not good, find out and eliminate the

2.10 Rigidity and Na content of feedwater is not eligible.

2.10.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Condenser leaks;

(2) The raw water immerge and condensate into drainage pump of
lower pressure heater, and the Na is not eligible;

(3) The liquid level of continuous blowdown flush tank is too high or the
weight of steam carries water;

(4) Sampling cooler of feedwater leaks;

(5) Drain water is not eligible;

(6) Desalting water is not eligible。

2.10.2 Treatments:

(1) Inspect and block the leaking position of condenser;

(2) Inspect the drainage of low pressure heater and the inlet water of

(3) Inspect the liquid level of continuous blowdown flush tank and
contact to operator to regulate;

(4) Cooler leaks and eliminate this condition;

(5) Test the drain water, cut off the ineligible water source and


discharge the ineligible water;

(6) Test the desalting water quality and find out the reason ineligible

2.11 Ineligible PH value of feedwater

2.11.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Condenser leaks;

(2) Acid immerges in to desalting water;

(3) Ammonia treatment is not abnormal.

2.11.2 Treatments:

(1) Inspect and block the leakage of condenser;

(2) Inspect the desalting water quality and discharge the ineligible
desalting water.

(3) Regulate the ammonia adding quantity.

2.12 Ineligible PH value of boiler water

2.12.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Ineligible PH value of feedwater

(2) Too much or insufficient phosphate adding quantity;

(3) Big blowdown quantity.

2.12.2 Treatment:

(1) Find out the reasons and regulate the PH value of feedwater;

(2) Regulate the phosphate adding quantity;

(3) Regulate the blowdown quantity;

2.13 Conductance of boiler water exceeding standards:

2.13.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Conductance of boiler water is high due to leakage of condenser.

(2) Insufficient blowdown quantity of boiler

(3) The continuous system is not smooth.

2.13.2 Treatments:

(1) Find out the water resource of feedwater whose conductance is big


and eliminate it;

(2) Increase the blowdown volume of boiler;

(3) Contact to the operator of dredge blowdown system of boiler;

(4) Contact to the operator of boiler to regulate the operating condition;

(5) Reduce the chemical dosing quantity suitably.

2.14 Sodium content of steam exceeding standard

2.14.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) Salt content of boiler water is high;

(2) Steam water separator and steam washing device have defection;

(3) Operating condition changes rapidly;

(4) The quality of steam washing water and desuperheating water;

(5) Chemical dosing quantity of boiler is too big;

(6) Initial startup period of unit

2.14.2 Treatments: strengthen

(1) Strengthen the blowdown volume of boiler;

(2) Apply for shutdown and maintenance;

(3) Contact to the operator of boiler to improve the operating condition;

(4) Contact to the boiler to inspect and improve the quality of steam
washing water and desuperheating water;

(5) Strengthen the blowdown and control the chemical dosing quantity

(6) Strengthen the blowdown and the supervision for steam quality;

2.15 Ineligible SiO2 of steam

2.15.1 Abnormal reasons:

(1) SiO2 of boiler exceeds standard;

(2) Steam water separator has defection;

(3) The operating condition of boiler changes rapidly, and the quality of
steam washing water or desuperheating water is not good;

(4) PH value of boiler water and alkalinity are low;


(5) The system contains silicate matters during the initial startup period
of new unit;

2.15.2 Treatment:

(1) Strengthen blowdown;

(2) Apply for shutdown to inspect in severe condition;

(3) Contact to operator of boiler to improve the operating condition,

inspect and improve the quality of steam washing water and
desuperheating water;

(4) Regulate the PH value of boiler water and alkalinity suitably;

(5) Strengthen the supervision, study the measures to eliminate.

2.16 Deterioration treatment of boiler water quality

2.16.1 When the boiler water quality deteriorates, inspect rapidly whether the
sample is representative or not, and the test result is correct or not.

2.16.2 Analyze the change of water steam quality in system integratedly. After
affirm the judge is correct, report to relative responsible person at once
and put forward the suggestion.

2.16.3 The relative responsible person asks the relevant department to take
measures in order to make the boiler water quality resume to standard
value in allowable time. the deterioration degree of boiler water quality
is divided into three stages:

(1) The first stage treatment value--- the foreign matters may cause
erosion, the boiler water quality should resume to standard value in
72 hours

(2) The second stage treatment value--- the foreign matters must
cause erosion, the quality should resume to standard value in 24

(3) The third stage treatment value--- the rapid erosion is being done. If
the water quality does not resume, the boiler should be shut down
in 4 hours.

2.16.4 In the every stage of treatment for abnormal condition, if the quality can
not resume in specified time, the advanced treatment should be

For the boiler with steam drum, one of the methods is to reduce
pressure to operation.


2.16.5 When the water quality is abnormal, the chlorine content, conductance
and alkalinity in boiler water should be measured in order to find out the
causes and take measures.

Section 4 Inspection and Supervision for Corrosion, Scaling and

Salt Deposition of Thermal Equipment

1 The inspection parts and content of thermal equipments

1.1 Water wall inspection

When the boiler is overhauled, the water wall should be done pipe
cutting inspection in order to realize the inner structure and corrosion
condition of boiler pipe.

1) The cutting position of pipe should be selected according to

following sequences:

A If the pipe explodes, cut near the explosion orifice.

B Cut at color place, expansion place through the inspection of

outer shape.

C Cut the position (such welding seam) with bigger thermal load
where is easy to scale and erode if there is no above condition.

In general, the cutting orifice is not less than two pipes (one of
these is the supervision pipe). If it is the segment evaporization
boiler, the cutting segment should include the salt content segment
and non-salt segment.

2) The method of cutting pipe

When cut every selected position, the cutting sampling pipe should
not be too short, and not less than 1.5m in general in order to avoid
the scruff to taint the middle part of sampling used for analyzing and
inspecting. The cut pipe should mark the its position on the outer
wall (such as burner area), and the pipe is at the middle part of
boiler (such as the flow direction, fire-back side or fire-facing side of
water steam).The pipe sample is sent to lab, and then intercept the
50---150m sample at the midst. Notice that the grinding wheel is
used for intercepting in order to avoid the scruff to taint on the inner
surface of pipe. Cut the intercepted pipe along the axis direction of
pipe to divide into fire-back side and fire-facing side, and get rid of


the burr of cutting orifice and then inspect these two segments
pipes respectively.

3) Scale quantity measurement

The measurement of scale quantity on pipe usually has following


A Measure the scale thickness. Use micrometer or microscope

to measure the thickness of attachments, and notice that the
fire-facing side and fire-back side of boiler pipe should be
measured respectively.

B Calculate out the scale quantity of boiler pipe per unit based on
following concrete methods:

① Smear epoxy resin on the outer of pipe sample, and then

measure it exactly, and record the mass (m 1) of pipe
sample and inner surface (F)

② Put the sample in preestablished beaker, in which the

hydrochloric solution with 5% consistency is put in. this
solution contains Ruoding with 0.2 % consistency, and
heat up this beaker under permanent temperature which is
kept at about 50℃, and immerse the scale until it
dissolves completely of falls down.

③ Take out the pipe sample from beaker, and then flush it by
desalting water, and last dip it in pure ethanol. It is dried
through the volatilization of ethanol, and then measure its
mass at once (m2). If the sediments contain copper, the
copper in solution may be plated on the surface of pipe
sample. When this phenomenon appears, take out the
pipe from acid solution firstly and flush it, and after
immerse and dissolve it by ammonium persulfate
stabilization solution, then, flush it by desalting water and
measure it.

④ Calculation of scale quantity

MD-The scale quantity on boiler piper per m2, g/m2

M1-Pipe sample mass before immersing, g

M2-Pipe sample mass after immersing, g

F –Area of inner surface of pipe sample, m2


After measuring the scale quantity by acid washing

method, inspect the corrosion condition of pipe sample,
record the shape of corrosion pit, measure its surface and
depth, and calculate the corrosion speed by monitoring

4) Fabrication of monitoring pipe segment

Take one segment whose specification and type are identical with
operating equipment and length is above 1.5m as the monitoring
pipe. Its inner surface of monitoring pipe should not have corrosion,
crackles and ulceration point.

If the inner surface of monitoring pipe is clearer, just one very thin
layer oxidation film and no obvious rust layer, it can be used
directly. If it has rust layer, flush it by the hydrochloric acid whose
consistency is 5% with corrosion inhibitor, and then, flush it by
water and dry in order to stand by.

1.2 Inspection for steam drum

1) Inspection parts in steam drum and demands

Inspection parts Measure and record content

Inner wall of steam drum The color of water steam side, whether the yellow point
or water slagging arrange on it.

Downcomer Concentration degree, depth, color and distribution of

water slag

Feedwater channel The water slag, scale and corrosion degree of inner
and outer surface

louver The depth and color of rust, and whether the louver
has yellow point and salt attachments

cyclone tube The water slag, scale and corrosion speed of inner
surface, and whether they fall down or has other

Steam hole plate Depth and color of rust, whether the plate has yellow
point and salt attachments


Whether the hole is blocked and the corrosion

Blowdown chemical dosing condition of outer surface

Riser Whether it has slag or corrosion pit sinking

Outlet of steam guide pipe Color, whether the plate has yellow point and salt

2) Sampling positions in steam drum and demands

position Method and demand
downcomer Select the inner wall of pipe where the water
1 scale is thickest and thinnest, and take the
Feedwater water scale whose area is 20X20mm, and
channel every sampling point should not less than 4g
2 and is representative.
Flush protection
Wall of steam

1.3 Inspection for lower header of water wall

Inspect the color, thickness of scale and slag in header and at the outlet
as well as the quantity of water scale. And cut the plug of header to
inspect if necessary, and cut the water scale on plug to dry and
measure (calculate the water scale quantity by g/m2), and analyze it in
order to realize this operating period blowdown and chemical dosing
and other problems in operation.

1.4 Inspection for superheater and reheater

Carry through pipe cutting inspection for the lower bends of superheater
and reheater during overhauling. Its contents are as follows:

1) The color, corrosion and distribution of corrosion point in the pipes

of superheater and reheater.

2) Whether there is attachment and its concentration degree and



3) Inspect the condition of salt deposition in desuperheater and

header of superheater (middle header, outlet header of
superheater) so as to judge the supervision condition of steam
quality in this period and the problems caused by steam water
priming and bad quality of desuperheating water.

1.5 Inspection for economizer

Carry through the pipe cutting inspection for inlet pipes of low
temperature economizer (one of them is monitoring pipe), and inspect
its corrosion condition and scale quantity and calculate the corrosion
speed by monitoring pipe. If the corrosion of the economizer is serious,
it should make the pipe cutting check to the high-temperature
economizer. Apart from the contents mentioned above, it should also
inspect the corrosion condition of the header of the economizer, for
example, whether the header has color and corrosion point, and its
distribution condition; and clean the iron slag piled inside the header.

1.6 Inspection for deaerator

Inspect the corrosion condition of inner device of deaerator. If it is

corroded severely and is confirmed that it can not use one overhauling
period, replace it. If the inner device falls down or declines, repair it.

1.7 Inspection for steam turbine

The inspection content of turbine proper contains: main steam valve,

speed regulating steam valve, high pressure and low pressure rotor,
diaphragm of every stage, salt deposition ann corrosion condition of
casing wall. And sampling and test the component of salt deposition at
main parts. For the parts where the salt deposition is severe, the
operator should scrape the deposition to calculate the quantity.

Carefully inspect the corrosion condition of low pressure casing. If find it

is destroyed, describe its concrete part, corrosion features and other
conditions in detail.

1.8 Inspection for condenser

The contents contain:

1) Inspect whether the steam side of copper pipe is scoured or not,

and the attachments are between copper pipe and diaphragm, and
spot test whether the air cooling area is eroded by ammonia.

2) Inspect whether the manholw side of water side of copper pipe is

scoured or not, the copper pipw has scale or not and measure the


thickness and component of scale.

3) Spot inspect the whole pipe at the water side of copper pipe, and
inspect whether it is blocked by foreign matter, impacted and
corroded and has other problems or not.

4) During overhauling, carry through eddy current inspection for

copper pipe. If it needs to be replaced, select high quality products
and carry through eddy current inspection and ammonia fumigating
test for some samples.

1.9 Maintenance for other parts

When the thermal equipments are been overhauling, inspect the

evaporator, heater, sampler and water tank. If find some problems, take
corresponding measures to resolve.

2 Acquisition and test of scale sample

In order to realize completely the components and causes of the

corrosion, scaling and salt deposition in thermal equipments, they must
be analyzed so as to provide stable data in order to take correctly anti-
scale and anto-corrosion measures. Simultaneously, it is one important
tache for establishing the chemical cleaning programe of boiler.

2.1 Taking scale sample

1) Acquisition position of scale sample

In principle, the scaling positions are the smapling position in

thermal equipments. Such as, inner wall of steam drum, pipe of
water wall, inlet header of economizer, superheater and other
positions. However, because there are various kinds of thermal
equipments, the scaling or corrosion in thermal system may take
place at many positions. Therefore, in order to collect
representative samples, the sampling positions shoule be decided
by chemical operator based on the condition of scaling and erosion
and on the operating condition of thermal equipments and on other
actual conditions.

2) Acquisition method of scale sample

The scale sample is attained by the way of scraping or cutting pipe

manually during the maintenance of boiler. In order to attain
representative sample, the following regulations should be followed:

A On the basis of confirming the sampling positions, the single

sample can be collected equivalentely at multiple points on the


symmetrical positions or the position at which the thermal load

is the same. And mix the samples to be even, but for the same
position, if the color and hardness degree of scale are different
obviously, the single sample should be collected respectively.

B The weight of acquisition sample should be not less than 4g,

and the sample shows piece-shape or block-shape and shoule
be not less than 10g on usual occasion.

C The scarping tools for sampling should be not too keen and
hard in order to protect against destroying the metallic pipe wall
and bringing in metal scraps. And we can use common carbon
steel or stainless steel to manufacture the tools whose shape is
like sccupit.

D When cut the pipe to take sample, if the scale is not easy to
scrap, we can use the lathe to thin the outer wall of boiler pipe,
and then press it on the bench clamp to make the scale
adhered on pipe wall fall down.

F The scarped sample should be put in special widenecked bottle

to restore and label on the date, sampling position, NO of boiler
and name of sampling personnel and so on.

2.2 Preparation of analytical sample

The collected samples are made into analytical samples after crushing,
concentrating and milling.

At first, the collected sample is crushed to 1mm, and use quadruple-

point sampling method to break the sample (if the sample quantity is
less than 8g, the sample can not be broken.). Take out some parts of
broken samples (usually not less than 2g ) to mill in agate mortar. The
oxidized iron scale, silicate scale and other scale sample which is
difficult to dissolve should be milled to around 0.1192mm (120 ). And the
samples which are easy to dissolve, such as carbonate scale,
phosphate scale and so on, are milled to around 0.149mm (100 ). The
samples preparaed should be put in measurement bottle labeled marks
to stand by. The samples which is not milled should be restore properly
for checking and proofing.

2.3 Analysis for scale sample

The aim of the analysis is to make the solid sample into solution which
is easy to analyse. The decomposed methods usually are acid
dissolution method and melting method. (refer to Analytical Method for


Scale And Corrosion in Thermal Power Plant )

2.4 Pre-test

Pre-test is the preparation test which is done before measuring the

sample, and its include the judge for main components and
measurement for the samples which is composed manually (be
omitted). Through the pre-test, the main component of scale can be
decided and the analysis and operation is realized.

The main components of scale can be judged based on feature reaction

and through some simple operation methods. And its methos are as

Measure 0.5g samples, put in100ml beaker, add 50ml distilled water
and confect it into suspended solution. And then, the following tests are

1) Test of water solution

A Measure the PH value of water solution. Take 20—30ml

clarifying solution, measure the PH value in water solution by
PH meter. If the PH value is more than 9, that shows the strong
alkaline salt, such as sodium hydroxide, sodium phosphate
tribasic and so on is in the solution. If the PH value is less than
9, that shows that there is no strong alkaline salt in sample.

B Silver nitrate test. Take several drops of clarifying solution, put

them on black dropping plate and add two—three drops of acid
silver nitrate. If the white sediments is produced, that shows
water soluble chloride exists.

C Barium chloride test. Take several drops of clarifying solution,

add two – three drops of barium chloride solution (10%), and
add two drops of acid solution (1+1). If the white sediment is
produced, and it does not dissolve after adding acid, which
shows the water soluble sulfate exists.

2) Acid adding test

Infuse a little of the solution with suspended matters into cuvette,

and add 1—2ml concentrated hydrochloric acid or concentrated
nitric acid. And then, add other reagents respectively. Judge the
components of scale and corrosion products briefly based on the
chemical reaction and see following sheet:


The quantitative analysis for scale and corrosion products

Adding reagents Phenomenona Probable


hydrochloric acid Produce bubble. The higher carbon carbon hydrochloric

hydrochloric acid is, the more bubble is acid

hydrochloric acid Dissolve slowly and can see white Silicate

and nitric acid undissolved matters

Cold hydrochloric The solution shows light yellow after Ferric oxide
acid (be difficult dissolving. Add several drops of
to dissolve ) ammonium thiocyanate of 5%, the solution
adding nitric acid turns into red. Or add several drops of
(dissolve after potassium ferrocyanide solution of 5%,
heating up) and the solution turns into blue.

Cold hydrochloric The solution is pistachio ot light green after Copper oxide
acid (be difficult dissolving. Take some solution to infuse
to dissolve ) into another cuvette and add dense
adding nitric acid ammoniac solution to generate ferric
(dissolve after hydroxide and cupric hydroxide. And
heating up) continue to add ammonia solution, the
ferric hydroxide is dissolved and generate
the complex, color turns heavy. And take
several drops of solution with several
drops of potassium ferrocyanide solution
[K4Fe(CN)4] to generate brown-red

hydrochloric acid Take some acid solution and add Phosphate

ammonium molybdate solution of 10% to
generate yellow phosphor molybdenum
sediment. Add dense ammonia solution
until it shows ammonia alkaline and the
yellow sediment is dissolved.

hydrochloric acid Take some acid solution and add several Sulphate
and nitric acid drops of barium chloride solution of 10%,
the solution becomes turbid and the white
sediment is produced.


3 The summary after overhauling and chemical inspection for

thermal equipments

After the thermal equipments is overhauled and maintained, evaluate

the water and steam quality of last term, and put forward the measures
for improving the water treatment and operating condition of thermal
equipments based on the evaluation. In general, the evaluation can be
according to following sheet:

First Type Second Type Third Type
the device of boiler
Steam drum the device of boiler the device of boiler has defection and
is perfect and the is good, no corrosion. The
quantity of sediment corrosion,and the quantity of
is less than 15g/m2 quantity of sediment sediment is more
less than 4515g/m2 than 45g/m2

Water cooled No corrosion pit. No corrosion pit There are some

wall The sediment rate is basicly and the corrosion pits and
less than 60g/(year, sediment rate is 60- the sediments rate
m2) 100 g/(year. m2) is 100 g/(year. m2)

Superheater No salt deposition, The depth of salt The depth of salt

no corrosion on deposition is less deposition is more
lower bends than 0.1mm, and than 0.1mm and
that of the corrosion that of corrosion pit
pit is less than is more than
0.2mm 0.2mm

Steam turbine No salt attachments There is a thin layer

The depth of salt
of attachment, and
attachment is more
the corrosion is not
than 0.3mm and
obvious. the corrosion is
The obvious
Condenser No corrosion at The ammonis corrosion takes
steam side, no dirt corrosion takes place at the steam
at water side, mo place at the steam and water side, the


corrosion and no side and the thin depth of

leakage layer of soft scale is attachment at the
at the water side water side is more
where leaks slightly. than 0.3mm where
leaks, or it need to
carry through acid
washing due to

Economizer No (or not obvious) There are several There are several
corrosion pit obvious corrosion obvious corrosion
pits and the pits or the depth of
minimum depth of pit is more than
them is less than 0.3mm.


Chapter 12 Chemical Cleaning of Boiler

1 Definition and Scope of Chemical Cleaning

Chemical cleaning of boiler: according to the dirty degree in boiler,

deposit characteristics and boiler structure, the proper chemical
cleaning agent and its related technical process will be chosen to
remove each kind of deposit in boiler water and steam systems and
produce a good anti-corrosive passivating film on the metal surface, this
is the whole process about chemical cleaning of boiler. Along with the
increase of boiler parameters, the requirements to cleanness of heated
surface and water quality in boiler are more and more strictly, that is
why chemical cleaning has been already a vital measure to keep boiler
for safe and economic operation. Nowadays, chemical cleaning is
performed to newly-built once-through boiler and HP boiler before
startup process; to the boilers which have been worked, chemical
cleaning also should be done if necessary.

1.1 Necessity of Chemical Cleaning to Newly-built Boiler

During boiler manufacturing, storage and delivery, installation

processes, it is unavoidable to produce oxide scale, corrosion products
and welding slag, moreover sand and dust probably will be carried in.
Before put unit into operation, if slag like cement and some coated
grease anti-corrosive agents are not removed, the following damages
probably will happen:

1) Directly influence the heat transfer on boiler surface, and lead to

boiler pipes overheated or damaged.

2) Produce fragment or deposited slag in boiler water, and lead to

boiler pipes blocking or damage the normal water and steam
circulation which result in pipe explosion.

3) Speed up the Deposit accumulation on heated surface that makes

corrosion seriously and leads to boiler pipe wall thinning and
punching, even exploding.

4) If water and steam parameters cannot meet requirements for a long

time during boiler startup process, it will lead to poor steam quality
and threaten steam turbine running.

To the newly-built boiler, chemical cleaning before startup could remove


each kind of attachment like oxide scale, sand, grease mentioned

above, it is not only good for boiler operation, but also shorten the
period from new-unit startup to normal operation for a lot, that helps
steam and water quality during boiler startup process to reach
standards quickly. Therefore chemical cleaning to newly-built boiler is
much necessary.

2 Common Cleaning Agents and Additives

Generally, the selection to chemical cleaning medium should be

considered from the following aspects: scale content, boiler structure,
material quality, cleaning effect, economy requirement, body injury,
waste fluid discharge and treatment requirement. Test always will be
performed to select cleaning medium and determine the cleaning
parameters. HCl, HF, H3C6H5O7 and EDTA could be options for cleaning.

2.1 Inorganic Acid Cleaning Agent

1) HCl

HCl is a kind of good cleaning agent. Its reaction for boiler cleaning
is as follow:


MgCO3·Mg (OH)2+4HCl→2MgCl2+3H2O+CO2↑




Practice shows that, HCl is a kind of widely-used cleaning agent

and its advantages include strong ability in removal of turbidity,
easily-handled cleaning process, low price, convenient resource
and transportation, however, its disadvantage is that it is not
applicable to clean the boiler with austenitic stainless steel, since
chloride ion could make austenitic stainless steel produce reactive
corrosion. Since HCl cleaning are ineffective to the water scale
which is mainly composed of silicate, additives such as fluoride
need to be added in cleaning fluid. HCl cleaning could be
performed under the following conditions: 1) HCl concentration is
within 3%-5%; 2) add 0.2%-0.4% rodine or 0.2%-0.3%
hexamethylenetetramine as corrosion inhibitor; 3) cleaning
temperature is within 40-60 ℃; 4) cleaning flow rate is within 0.2 -
1.0 m/s; 5) cleaning period is within 6~8 h.


2) HF

HF is not only with fast dissolving speed of iron oxide, but also has
strong ability to dissolve the water scale which is mainly composed
of silicate, this is because fluorine ion could speed up the silicate
dissolving. When use HF to clean boiler, its reaction is as follow:

2Fe3++6F-→Fe (Fe F6)


Since the above reactions are quick and the cleaning fluid
temperature is low, it is suitable for cleaning with open loop. It is
specially noticed that HP with high concentration is harmful to
personnel, and HF steam is strongly poisonous, so it must be more
carefully to use it.

2.2 Organic Acid Cleaning Agent

There are many kinds of organic acid cleaning agents used for boiler
chemical cleaning, such as H3C6H5O7 and EDTA. As cleaning agent,
these acids not only could dissolve the deposits by its acidity, but also
have the feature to complexing with iron ion, therefore these organic
acids have several advantages for cleaning: no more slag or deposits
created to block pipeline, less corrosion to base metal, high flow rate to
be adopted and others. The disadvantages are expensive price and
high cleaning cost etc..

1) H3C6H5O7


As cleaning agent, H3C6H5O7 is a kind of commonly-used organic

acid nowadays. It has a slow reaction with Fe 3O4 and produces
ferric citrate directly. Ferric citrate is less dissolved and easily
deposited. When ferric citrate is taken as cleaning agent, it is
necessary to properly adjust cleaning agent pH value within 3.5-4.0
by nitrogen, in order to make it existed mono-ammonium ferric
citrate type and react with iron ion to produce complex, the reaction
is as follow:




EDTA and its ammonium salt solution are the best cleaning agents


for boiler. Besides the advantages that general organic acid

cleaning agents have, they also have strong ability to clean Cu, Ca
and Mg. After cleaning, the metal surface could produce a good
anti-corrosive protective film, so passivation is necessary to perform
anymore. In solution, EDTA and metal compound in boiler will react
to create dissolved and stable complex.


3 Aspects that Affect the Chemical Cleaning

There are several aspects that affect the chemical cleaning results,
such as type and dosage of cleaning agent, cleaning temperature, flow
rate and period etc. as follow:

1) Selection and Dosage of Cleaning Agent

2) Cleaning Ways

There are static and dynamic ways for cleaning. Dynamic cleaning
is commonly used, because even cleaning fluid concentration and
temperature at each part of system could be good for cleaning and
blowdown, that is easily to judge the final point. Static cleaning is
easily to perform with little temporary preparation work, so it could
be an option to be taken.

3) Cleaning Temperature

Temperature seriously influences the cleaning effect. Generally,

higher temperature leads to better cleaning effect and more
corrosion. If it exceeds a certain temperature, the corrosion inhibitor
would totally lose its efficiency, which means the Max. temperature
for cleaning depends to the allowable temperature of corrosion

4) Cleaning Flow Rate

The cleaning flow should be strictly controlled to be proper when

adopting dynamic boiler cleaning way. High flow rate could improve
the cleaning efficiency and increase the corrosion to base metal.
Low flow rate has less corrosion to base metal, but it is not good to
bring the slag and suspended matters out, moreover the cleaning
efficiency is not very well. Therefore, the cleaning flow rate should
be proper and generally controlled within 0.2-1 m/s.

5) Cleaning Period

Cleaning period refers to the time that cleaning fluid exists


(whatever it is static or circulating) in cleaning system. Since the

cleaning period in cleaning schedule is determined based on the
test and experience, it could be the reference to the actual boiler
cleaning on site which also should be determined based on the
chemical data to be monitored and piping cleaning.

4 Safety Measures

In order to prevent personnel and equipment accident, it is necessary to

adopt the following safety measures:

a. Remove, block or avoid the parts and pipes which are not suitable
to cleaning or could not contact the cleaning solutions.

b. It is not suitable to arrange the temporary spray tank on cable ways

or their surrounding; the welding part should be at the place which is
convenient for checking and working.

c. In order to prevent hydrogen explosion from acid cleaning, it is

necessary to install the hydrogen discharge pipe without elbow at
the top of cleaning system and acid storage tank, and strictly forbid
fire work during cleaning process.

d. Sufficient lighting devices and necessary communication equipment

must be prepared at each place of cleaning site.

5 Procedures and Supervision of Chemical Cleaning

Chemical cleaning should be perform according to the certain

procedures, which generally include water flushing, alkali cleaning, acid
cleaning, bleach washing and passivation etc..

6 Waste Fluid Treatment, Inspection and Assessment After Cleaning

6.1 Waste Fluid Treatment

The water fluid for chemical cleaning must be treated carefully till it
corresponds with the national standard to be discharged.

1) Waste Fluid Inspection after chemical cleaning

After perform chemical cleaning to boiler, carefully check the open

parts of steam drum, header, deaerator water tank and starting
separator, and take the representative boiler tube sample by cutting
to observe its cleaning effect and the passive film production if it is
corrosive, and clean and remove the slag entirely.

After checking, remove the temporary equipment an pipeline to

recover the boiler system to be normal and put it into service within


the specified time as soon as possible, otherwise, choose the

proper protective measures according to the outage period.


Chapter 13 General Provision of Steam and Water Analysis

1 Preparation and Operation Procedures of Water Analysis

Do the preparation work before water analysis, such as choose the

proper analysis way and prepare the related instruments, reagents and
solutions well based on the test requirements and items to be
determined. During the determination process, pay attention the
following items:

1) Observe and record the color, transparency of water sample, the

quantity of deposits and others, and then open the water sampler
bottle to determine immediately within 4 hours. Try not to affect the
determining result.

2) To the transparent water sample, after open the bottle, distinguish

the water smell first, and then immediately determine its pH value,
ammonia, chemical oxygen content, alkalinity, nitrite, sulfite and
other items which could be easily changed. After that, determine
solid content, dissolved solid matter and suspended matter in water.
Finally, determine silicon, iron-aluminum oxides, Ca, Mg, hardness,
phosphate, nitrate, chloride etc..

3) To the turbid water, take a bottle of clear one, and analyze and
determine it immediately, such as pH value, nitrogen,
phenolphthalein alkalinity, nitrite, sulfite and other items which could
be easily changed. After filter the water sample, determine total
alkalinity, hardness, phosphate, nitrate, chloride and others. After
that, shake another bottle of water sample and determine its
chemical oxygen content, solid content, dissolved solid matter,
suspended matter, silicon, iron-aluminum oxides, Ca, Mg etc..

4) Verify the analysis result after finish the whole water analysis. It
needs to be done in two aspects: one is data verification and the
other is technical verification. Data verification aims to ensure the
correct data; technical verification aims to check if the water sample
corresponds with the general rules of water composition and judge
the analysis result is correct based on the relationship of each
component in analysis result. If the relative error exceeds the
related rules in Water and Steam Analysis Methods in Thermal
Power Plant, find out the cause and determine it again till it meets
the related requirements.



Chapter 14 Fuel Analysis in Power Plant

1 Coal Formation and Types

As the fuel to generate power, the common coal includes anthracite

coal, meagre coal, non-coking coal, weakly-coking coal, flame coal,
lignite coal, and some coking coal which is sulfur-containing and difficult
to wash and choose.

2 Coal Application in Thermal Power Plant

As fuel, coal is combusted to convert chemical energy into thermal

energy at first, and then the thermal energy would be converted into
mechanical energy in boiler and steam turbine, finally the mechanical
energy would be converted into electric energy through generator.
Based on the above, it is clear to show that thermal power plant is
actually an energy conversion plant. During the energy conversion
process, energy loss generally exists because of some factors. Coal
Consumption is commonly used as an index to show the chemical
utilization rate in coal, it refers to the quantity (kg) of standard coal to be
used to generate 1 KW·h.

3 Coal Composition and Analysis Basis

1) Coal Composition

Coal content analysis is divided into industrial analysis and

elemental analysis. Industrial analysis is to divide it into several
kinds of component under man-made condition, and to judge the
organic content and features within it and help others to generally
understand the way about technologic property of coal. This
composition could show the percentages of flammable and
nonflammable contents in coal. Elemental analysis composition
means to get the chemical element composition in coal in elemental
analysis way, and give out the percentage of some flammable


2) Items of Coal Analysis

Items of industrial analysis include determining moisture (M), ash

(A) and volatile (V) in coal and calculating the fixed carbon (FC).
Among the above, moisture refers to the moisture content in coal
and ash refers to the mineral matter contents in coal. Based on the
data about ash and moisture, it could initially judge the organic
content in coal (organic=100%-M-A). This analysis could be the
direct reference about stability and economy during coal
combustion process.

Elemental analysis is to determine carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,

nitrogen, sulphur contents in coal organic, they could be got by the
following way:, decompose the high-molecular compounds of coal
in a chemical way, and the above five contents could be inversed.

Heat value is a vital index to coal consumption for power, it could be

used to calculate the thermal load in furnace and choose mill
capacity. During boiler operation, heat value could be used to
calculate power generation and coal consumption. Coal
consumption is the important economical index to evaluation of
power plant. To coal supply and demand, heat value could be the
major basis to price the coal consumption for power

3) Symbols Stand for Coal Analysis Items

Commonly, the contents for coal analysis is indicated with specified

symbols as shown in table 14-2:

Table 14-2 Symbols Stand for Coal Analysis Items

Industrial analysis Elemental analysis

Item Fixed
Moisture Ash Volatile Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulphur value



The symbols in subscript right about coal analysis items refer to

table 14-3:

4) Basis for Coal Analysis

In industrial production and technical research, some contents in

coal needs to be removed and re-combined for some reasons, and
the percentage of its each composition content will be calculated,
this kind of combination is called basis, which is to show the
analysis result of different status of coal. The content in the same
kind of coal is calculated by different basis, its result will have big

The common coal basis includes: as-received basis, air-dried basis,

dry basis and dry ash-free basis.

4 Sampling and Preparation for Fuel Test

Rules of fuel test:

1) Sampling and collection should be done to fuel coal (to be delivered

to power plant and boiler) and coal powder (or fly ash and slag)
according to related regulations. Except otherwise stated, they
should be made as the analysis sample that particle size is 0.2 mm

5 Coal Analysis Items and Equipment

序号 设备名称 规格型号 数量

No. Equipment Description Model Quantity

1 Calorimeter YX-ZR9302 Two sets

2 Sulfur detector YX-DL8300 One set

3 Auto industrial analyzer YX-GYFX7701 One set

4 Ash fusibility tester YX-HRD2000 One set

5 Auto sieving machine YX-200 One set

6 Hammer crusher YX-180X150B One set


7 Collector for crusher YX-180X150A One set

8 Jaw crusher YX-100X60 One set

Sealing-type sample
preparation crusher YX-1/100A One set

10 Platform scale   One set


Chapter 16 Oil Used for Power Plant

Section 1 Classification of Auxiliary Oil

1 Oil classification

1.1 Transformer oil

Transformer oils are divided into 10#, 25# and 45# by FB2536-1990
according to the low-temperature performance; they are used in the
transformer of 330KV and lower, also for the electrical equipments with
similar requirements.

1.2 Ultra high voltage transformer oil: by the trade standard SH004-1991 of
Chinese petrochemical industry, the ultra transformer oils are divided
into 25# and 45# according to the low-temperature performance; they
are used in the transformer of 550KV and lower, also for the electrical
equipments with similar requirements.

1.3 Capacitor oils: By the GB4624-1984, capacitor oils are divided into 1#
and 2# according to its use, 1# is electric capacitor oil, while 2# is
telecommunication capacitor oil.

1.4 Steam turbine oils: by GB11120-1989 《 L-TSA steam turbine oils 》 ,

turbine oils are made from adding antioxidants and anti-rust agents into
the base oils which are scoured deeply. By international custom,
according to the central value of kinematic viscosity in 40℃, oils are
divided into 32# 45# 68# 100# and so on.

2 Standard of electric oils

Quality standard of new transformer oil

Projects Quality index

Designation 10 25 45

Appearance Clearing, and no seston (suspend solid)

and mechanical impurities

Density (20℃)kg/m3< 895

Kinematic viscosity,mm2/S 13 13 11


40℃ <
— 200 —
-10℃ <
— — 1800
-40℃ <

Flash point,(closing),℃> 140 140 135

Acid value,mgKOH/g < 0.03

Water-soluble acid and base no no

Water content ,mg/kg Report

Quality standard of new steam turbine oil

Projects Quality index

Viscosity grade(按GB3141) 32 46 68 100

Kinematic viscosity(40℃),mm2/s 28.8-35.2 41.4-50.6

61.2-74.8 90.0-110.0

Viscosity index(1) > 90

Flash point (closing),℃ > 180 180 195 195

Acid value mgKOH/g < 0.3

Mechanical impurities no

Water content no

Demulsification value(3),(40-37-3)
15 15 30 /
54℃,min <
/ / / 30
82℃,min <


Section 4 Electrical Property and Determination of Insulating Oil

1 Electrical Property of Insulating Oil

Insulating oil is the common insulating medium and arc-suppression

medium for electrical equipments. It has the insulation characteristics
that are much higher than that of the air strength. Its specific heat is two
times as big as air. It has conventional property after being heated in the
liquid state, so it is often taken as the insulating medium and cooling
medium of the transformer. The oil circuit breaker disconnects current,
the insulating oil can be decomposed by the arc energy forming high
temperature gas with hydrogen as the main component and
accumulating pressure; when it gets to


Section Three Oil Testing Analyzing Device

1 JF-5 Type Coulometry Micro Water Teller

2 SHD-3K Type Automatic Open Cup Flash Point Tester

3 SHD-3B Type Automatic Closed Cup Flash Point Tester

4 DN-3S Type Kinematic Viscosity Tester

5 DZ-3S Type Resistivity Tester

6 ZL-3 Type Automatic Interfacial Tension Tester

7 RH-3SH Type Anti-oil Emulsification Tester

8 Ultra-Fast GC Analyzer (Automatic Vibrating Degasser, Air Generator)

9 KB-1C Type Oil Particle Size Tester

10 XS-3FS Type Rust and Corrosion Tester

11 PM-3TW Type Forming Characteristics Tester



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