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Accounting Standard-15 Employee Benenfits


Employee Benefits and benefit in kind include various types of non-wage compensation provided to
employees in addition ti their normal wages or salaries.

Examples: retirement plans, health plans, disability, life insurance plans, etc.


The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting and disclosure for employee benefits. The
Standard requires an enterprise to recognise:

(a) a liability when an employee has provided service in exchange for employee benefits to be paid in the
future; and

(b) an expense when the enterprise consumes the economic benefit arising from service provided by an
employee in exchange for employee benefits.


1. This Standard should be applied by an employer in accounting for all employee benefits, except
employee share-based payments.

2. This Standard does not deal with accounting and reporting by employee benefit plans.

3. The employee benefits to which this Standard applies include those provided:
(a) under formal plans or other formal agreements between an enterprise and individual employees,
groups of employees or their representatives;

(b) under legislative requirements, or through industry arrangements, whereby enterprises are required to
contribute to state, industry or other multi-employer plans; or

(c) by those informal practices that give rise to an obligation. Informal practices give rise to an obligation
where the enterprise has no realistic alternative but to pay employee benefits. An example of such an
obligation is where a change in the enterprise’s informal practices would cause unacceptable damage to its
relationship with employees.

4. Employee benefits include:

(a) short-term employee benefits, such as wages, salaries and social security contributions (e.g.,
contribution to an insurance company by an employer to pay for medical care of its employees), paid
annual leave, profit-sharing and bonuses if payable within twelve months of the end of the period) and
non- monetary benefits (such as medical care, housing, cars and free or subsidised goods or services) for
current employees;

(b) post-employment benefits such as gratuity, pension, other retirement benefits, post-employment life
insurance and post- employment medical care;
(c) other long-term employee benefits, including long-service leave or sabbatical leave, jubilee or other
long-service benefits, long- term disability benefits and, if they are not payable wholly within twelve
months after the end of the period, profit-sharing, bonuses and deferred compensation; and

(d) termination benefits.

Because each category identified in (a) to (d) above has different characteristics, this Standard establishes
separate requirements for each category.

5. Employee benefits include benefits provided to either employees or their spouses, children or other
dependants and may be settled by payments (or the provision of goods or services) made either:
(a) directly to the employees, to their spouses, children or other dependants, or to their legal heirs or
nominees; or

(b) to others, such as trusts, insurance companies.

6. An employee may provide services to an enterprise on a full- time, part-time, permanent, casual or
temporary basis. For the purpose of this Standard, employees include whole-time directors and other
management personnel.

At 31 March 20X6, an enterprise’s balance sheet includes a pension liability of Rs. 100, recognised as per
the pre-revised AS15 issued by the ICAI in 1995. The enterprise adopts the Standard as of 1 April 20X6,
when the present value of the obligation under the Standard is Rs. 1,300 and the fair value of plan assets is
Rs.1,000. On 1 April 20X0, the enterprise had improved pensions (cost for non-vested benefits: Rs. 160; and
average remaining period at that date until vesting: 10 years).

(Amount in Rs.)

The transitional effect is as follows:

Present value of the obligation 1,300

Fair value of plan assets (1,000)

Less: past service cost to be recognised in later periods

(160 x 4/10) (64)

Transitional liability 236

Liability already recognised 100

Increase in liability 136

This increase in liability (as adjusted by any related deferred tax) should be adjusted against the opening
balance of revenue reserves and surplus as on 1 April 20X6.
Topic Accounting Standard IFRS
Employee Benefits- AS 15 (Revised 2005)- IAS 19- Employee Benefits (2011)
primary literature Employee Benefits IFRIC 14- The limit on a Defined Benefit Asset,
Minimum Funding Requirements and their
Employee benefits- The distinction between short- The distinction between short-term and other
short-term and other term and other long-term long-term employee benefits depends on whether
long term employee employee benefits depends on those benefits are expected to be settled wholly
benefits whether they fall wholly due before twelve months after the end of the annual
within 12 months after the end reporting period. Short-term employee benefits
of the period in which the are recognized as an expense in the period in
employees render the related which the employee renders the related service.
service. Unpaid short-term benefit liability is measured at
There is an inconsistency in the an undiscounted amount.
definition of short-term
employee benefits and the
classification in Schedule III.
While the definition of short-
term employee benefits as per
AS15 refers to benefits “which
fall due wholly within 12
months after the end of the
period in which the employees
render the related services”, as
per Schedule III requirements,
for classification as current
liabilities , the benefits should
be “due to be settled within 12
months after the reporting
Employee benefits- Similar to IFRS, except that Detailed actuarial valuation to determine the
actuarial valuation detailed actuarial valuation to present value of the net defined benefit liability
determine present value of the (asset) is performed with sufficient regularity so
benefit obligation is carried out that the amounts recognised in the financial
at least once every three years statements do not differ materially from the
and fair value of plan assets are amounts that would have been determined at the
determined at each balance end of the reporting period. IAS19 does not
sheet date. specify sufficient regularity.
Employee benefits- All actuarial gains and losses Actuarial gains and losses representing changes in
actuarial gains and should be recognised the present value of the defined benefit obligation
losses immediately in the statement of resulting from experience adjustment and effects
profit and loss. of changes in actual assumptions are recognised
in other comprehensive income and not
reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent
Employee benefits – The changes in defined benefit The change in the defined benefit liability (asset)
defined benefit plans liability (surplus) has the has the following components:
following components: a) Net interest cost (i.e. time value) on the net
a) Interest cost – recognised in defined benefit deficit/ (asset) – recognised in
profit or loss; profit or loss;
b) The expected return on any b) Re-measurement including
plan assets- recognised in profit i) changes in fair value of plan assets that arise
or loss; from factors other than time value and
c) Net actual gains and losses – ii) actuarial gains and losses on obligations –
recognised in profit or loss. recognised in other comprehensive income.
Employee benefits- Termination benefits are A termination benefit liability is recognised as the
termination benefits recognised as a liability and an earlier of the following dates:
expense when and only when:  When the entity can no longer withdraw
 The enterprise has a the offer of those benefits- additional
present obligation as a guidance is provided on when this occurs
result of a past event; in relation to an employee’s decision to
 It is probable that an accept an offer of benefits on termination
outflow of resources and as a result of an entity’s decision to
embodying economic terminate an employer’s employment;
benefits will be required  When the entity recognises costs for a
to settle the obligation; restructuring under IAS37 Provisions,
and Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
 A reliable estimate can Assets which involves the payment of
be made of the amount termination benenfits.
of the obligation.

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