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Angle from the horizontal (without air resistance) - I predicted that the

greater the angle from the horizontal the further the object will travel up and
away. My reasoning behind this was that the greater the angle the further it will
from the ground resulting in gravity’s effect being slower.

When keeping all the variables the same apart from the angle I noticed that the
projectile travelled the furthest when launched with an angle of 45 degrees,
reaching up to 33.03 meters.

Angle at which projectile is launched Distance travelled (meters)

43 32.91
44 33.01
45 33.03
46 33.01
47 32.95
48 32.85
49 32.71
50 32.53
51 32.31

Here the table demonstrates this. The distance travelled from (0 – 45 degrees)
increases. However after 45 degrees we see how the distance decreases.
Therefore disproving my prediction that the greater the angle the further the
projectile will travel. Looking at the table below we can see that this part of my
prediction was correct. The greater the angle the higher the projectile will reach.

Angle at which projectile is launched Height reached (meters)

40 6.28
50 9.69
60 12.38
70 14.58
80 16.51
90 16.51

Initial Speed (without air resistance) - I predicted the greater the speed the
higher and further away the projectile will reach. I predicted this, as I knew that
the kinetic energy of an object is directly proportional to its speed squared.
Therefore the object would have more kinetic energy and could travel further.

From the table below we can see that as the speed increased the distance it can
travel away from the cannon also does. Proving my prediction.

Speed of projectile (m/s squared) Distance travelled. (Meters)

20 25.99
21 28.73
22 31.60
23 34.61
24 37.74
Here we can see that similarly as the speed increases the height at which it
reaches also does.

Speed of projectile (m/s squared) Height reached ( Meters)

20 18.00
21 19.85
22 21.78
23 23.81
24 25.92

Mass of the object (without air resistance) - Here I predicted that the greater
the mass will have little effect. My reasoning was because force = mass x
acceleration. In this case the force stays the same as it is gravity’s force. Here the
mass and acceleration would be constant. So whatever you multiplied the mass
by it would have to equal the force. Meaning the mass should stay the same.

My prediction was correct as when the mass was changed but the other variables
kept the same, it would always reach the same height and distance away from
the cannon.

Diameter of the object (without air resistance) – Here I predicted the

diameter of the object would have little effect on the distance it travels as there
no air resistance meaning the shape of the object would have little effect.

My prediction was correct, as when the diameter of the object was changed but
the other variables kept the same, it would always reach the same height and
distance away from the cannon.

Angle from the horizontal with air resistance – I predict the distance travelled
will be less than without air resistance. However I think the results will follow
the same pattern as before.

Angle at which projectile is Distance travelled Distance travelled

launched (meters) (meters) with fixed air
43 32.91 16.35
44 33.01 16.38
45 33.03 16.39
46 33.01 16.38
47 32.95 16.35
48 32.85 16.29
49 32.71 16.22
50 32.53 16.13
51 32.31 16.02
My prediction was correct and we see that that the values are less for the
distance travelled with air resistance. However the pattern is still the same with
the object travelling furthest with angle of 45 degrees in both cases. Also as I
increased the angle, the height reached with air resistance always increased.

Initial speed with air resistance – As the speed increases I can predict that the
values will be similar but less than without air resistance. As the projectile has to
work against air resistance its kinetic energy will be used up faster so it will not
travel as far. This is shown in the table where the values for distances in both
cases go up with the increase in speed.

Speed of projectile (m/s Distance travelled Distance travelled.

squared) (meters) with air (Meters)
20 13.78 25.99
21 15.17 28.73
22 16.63 31.60
23 18.15 34.61
24 19.74 37.74

I felt that a table was not necessary to display the values for the height reached
(with air resistance) with an increase in speed as it follows the same pattern. As
the speed was increased the distance also increased.

Mass of the object with air resistance – I predicted that as the mass increased
it will travel less distance away and on height as the larger the mass, the less
work it has to do against the air resistance which is here constant.

My prediction was wrong, as even with air resistance the distance travelled away
and its height will always stay the same when the mass is increased.

Diameter of the object – As the diameter increases I predict that the distance
the object travels away and its height will decrease as it will be less streamlined,
therefore allowing air resistance to slow it down.

My prediction was correct which the table below shows. As the diameter of the
object increases the height and distance travelled decrease as now contrary to
before the object has to work against air resistance.

Diameter of object Height reached Distance travelled

(meters) (meters) with air (meters) with air
resistance resistance
0.3 15.74 11.00
0.4 15.53 10.77
0.5 15.28 10.50
0.6 14.98 10.19
0.7 14.65 9.85

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