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) – illustrated cheat sheet This unofficial fan-made guide is by Ien Cheng (ghopper21 on BGG)
Artwork copyright Fantasy Flight Games. Used with permission.

Your role One of the great houses from the Game of Thrones vying for control of Westeros
Stark Greyjoy Lannister Tyrell Martell Baratheon

Your goal Be first to control 7 strongholds or castles through combat – and cunning
… or have the most strongholds or castles after 10 rounds, with
the number of strongholds then supply limits being tiebreakers.

Orders Each round, all houses secretly place one order for each area they control at the same time
March (or sail) Defend area, Support battles Consolidate power Raid 1 adjacent
into adjacent i.e. add to in all adjacent i.e. get 1 power area, i.e. cancel
areas, starting at defense areas token plus 1 extra for enemy support or
most one combat strength each crown in area power order

You can place special orders up to the number of stars you have on the raven influence track
Extra attack Extra defense Extra support Muster in a Can cancel
strength strength strength stronghold/castle enemy defense
area, or gain power order as well
token(s) as normal

Combat In any given battle, higher combat strength wins, with ties broken by position on the sword
influence track. Combat strength is determined by

Footman +1 Owner of supporting Character strength The unpredictability of war. Attacker then
on land units must declare  defender draws a card. They add up to 3
which side (if any) to strength – often 0, rarely 3!
support. They also can add swords,
Knight +2 fortifications, and even
Ships can support Either redraw Tides of
on land (rarely) a skull icon "
adjacent sea or land Battle card (before they
areas. that destroys one enemy are revealed)
Ship +1 unit even in defeat.
Or get +1 strength after all
at sea Land units can only
combat info revealed
support land areas.
Siege engine +4 when The holder of blade can use
attacking area with stronghold it only once per round.
or castle; otherwise 0
 % 
Order strength + or - In victory, each sword icon destroys one In defeat, each fortification House characters often have unique
enemy unit (chosen by defeated player) icon negates one sword icon text abilities instead of icons.

Retreating Mustering new units Adjusting supply limits [*] REUSING HOUSE CARDS
when defeated in combat when triggered by Westeros cards when triggered by Westeros cards After using a card, discard it.

Some units may be destroyed by sword Strongholds provide When all are discarded, recover
or skull icons (see above). Any defeated 2 mustering points all except the last one you used.
units that are not destroyed are routed: You can inspect enemy’s house
Castles provide cards before either chooses.
  They must retreat to controlled or 1 mustering point
neutral areas (one or more).
  They are inactive (turned on their A new footman costs 1 point
sides, with zero combat strength) for Decide together before the game
the rest of the round. whether to play with Tides of
Battle cards. You can also lower
Your position on the supply track  limits the number
  If there is nowhere for them to retreat, A new knight costs 2 points unpredictability, e.g. by removing
they are destroyed. and size of armies you can have at any time. An army
(1 to upgrade from footman) the +3 and half of the +2 cards.
is 2 or more units in the same area. Each numbered flag
Siege engines can never retreat – they represents one army with that number of units (or less). If you play with Tides of Battle
are always destroyed in defeat (and A new ship costs 1 points cards, always have the attacker
(muster to adjacent sea or port) Solitary units forage and do not count against limits.
cannot be chosen as targets of sword or reshuffle the entire deck after a
skull icons). The number of supply icons you control battle to ensure randomness.
A new seige engine costs 2 pts determines your new position on the supply
(1 to upgrade from footman) track when supply adjustment is triggered.
Ship transport Ports Rivers and islands Garrisons
to move land units across sea areas for using special tactics with ships i.e. special features of land areas for extra defense at home
Ports are separate areas in
Rivers can’t be
between sea and land areas
that can hold up to three ships
(and no land units).
Ports interact with adjacent sea and land areas Each house starts with a
… unless there is
according to special rules: a bridge. garrison that provides extra
defensive combat strength in
  Ships in port can always “go out” – i.e. march its home area.
into, support, or raid the sea area.
Islands function If you are ever defeated in
  Ships in the sea area can only “go in” – i.e. your home area, your garrison
as a single land
march into a port – if you control the land area. is destroyed. You can never
unit within the
Land units can move from one land area to another   You can raid but not directly attack a port. white lines. get it back!
land area that is connected only by sea via ship
transport – as long as you have ships in each of   Instead, when you take over the land area
the connecting sea areas. next to a port, you can destroy or convert (into Independent houses
your own ship) any enemy ship in that port.
Ship transport can be used for march orders and To take over an independent area, attack with enough
retreats, not for support.   You can consolidate power in a controlled port strength to at least match that house’s printed strength.
if you also control the sea area (i.e. free trade).
All you need is one ship in each sea area – even a Don’t use house cards or Tides of Battle cards. Can’t use
routed ship – to transport one or more land units. Ports must get order tokens like any other area. blade. Support for the independent house not allowed.

Influence At unpredictable moments, you must bid for position on the three Maintaining control
In land areas you vacate
tracks influence tracks using your power tokens to gain When you vacate a land area, you can
political, military, and logistical power in the realm. leave behind a power token (if you have
one), allowing you to maintain control.
The throne track determines turn order When influence bidding is triggered by a Westeros card, everyone You never get the token back. If an enemy
i.e. higher goes first. Top bidder also gets must bid on the throne, blade, and raven tracks, in order. marches in, the token is discarded.
the throne token which means you When attacking with all units, you must decide
break all power token ties, i.e. when To bid, hold zero or more power tokens in a closed hand, then all
whether to leave a token behind before combat.
bidding for influence and Wildling attacks. reveal at once. Discard any tokens you bid and reorder houses on
the relevant track based on who bid the most.

The blade track determines combat ties,

Fighting off the Wildlings
when attacks are triggered by Westeros cards
i.e. higher wins. Top bidder also gets the
blade token which you can use once To beat the Wildlings, players must collectively
per round for +1 combat strength or to contribute enough power tokens to at least match
redraw your Tides of Battle card before the current number on the Wildling track .
they are revealed.

The raven track determines available Players should announce the number of power tokens they have
special orders, i.e. one per star each before secretly bidding. Bid with closed fists, then all reveal. Then the group
round. Top bidder also gets the raven
Ties for the throne track are broken by the existing holder of the draws the top Wildling card to see what happens.
token which you can use once per
round to swap in an unused order token throne token, not the new one about to be crowned. Ties for the
other tracks are broken by the new throne token holder. If the Wildlings are beaten (enough tokens):
when orders are revealed, or to peek at the
Once used, the blade and raven tokens are flipped over to indicate   The highest contributor gets the printed benefit
top Wildling card and optionally bury it at
the bottom of the deck. they are unavailable for the rest of the current game round.   The Wildling track is reset to 0
If the Wildlings are not beaten (not enough tokens):

Game The game last up to 10 rounds. Here’s what happens each round:   First, the lowest bidder suffers an extra painful
consequence, as printed on the card.
  Everyone else also suffers a bad consequence.
  The Wildling track is moved back by 2 spaces
This step is skipped on the first round. At the same time, all players secretly place (i.e. face down) one
order token for each area controlled. As with influence track bidding, when fighting
The top card from the 3 Westeros decks Wildlings players should announce the number of
(I, II, III) is drawn and resolved, in order. 3. RESOLVE ORDER TOKENS power tokens they have before secretly bidding.
These cards trigger key events, including   All players reveal their orders, i.e. turn them face up.
mustering, supply limit adjustment,   As a special move, the raven token holder either replaces an Setting up
bidding for influence, and Wildling attacks. order or peeks-at-and-optionally-buries the top Wildling card.   Players choose or randomly pick houses
After each Westeros card is   Then resolve all raid orders…   Follow setup instructions inside player screens
resolved, the Wildling track is   … then all march orders…   Every player starts with 5 power tokens
advanced one spot if that   … and finally all consolidate power orders.   Place independent house tokens based on
card has a Wildling icon.
Resolve 1 token per player in throne track turn order and then cycle number of players (see player number indicator
Whenever the Wildling track reaches the through again as needed. Players can ignore their own orders. on the lower right of those tokens).
highest position (12), a Wildling attack Keep track of who’s winning with the victory track. Keep track of   Shuffle the Westeros, Wildling, and (if used) Tides
automatically happens! game rounds with the hourglass token on the game round track. of Battle decks

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