Besides The Animals - How Animal Consumption Effects Your Health, The Environment and The Starving

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‘e % ¢$ ; e e * > Besides the Animals: How animal consumption affects your health, the environment and the starving. eo THE MEAT-EATER, Introduction ‘Most of us have probably been exposed to veganism in one way or another. Mary of us probably jus brushed it off They're ast animals, ight? ‘Well in this Title piece of writing I'm going to bring up some of the less talked about results of animal consumption. Reading this vou will find how ating. arumal products affects your health world hanger, and the ‘environment (hence the title), Don't get me wrong. Lam a srong believer in sumal rights, but that was't what made me Become vegan (ie. not eating ‘ary meat, dairy, or eggs) in the first place It was the Tact tat consuming snumal products is destroying the earth, wasting food, and deleterious 1 out heath [id get tured onto arma rights url late. Because of ths | also ‘emphasize on other benefisof veganism and the other ve affects of animal consumption It's more than aimal exploitation! That the fat that most animal rights activists totally ignore whet rade me become vegan inthe fist place. Yes, animal nights should be adrssed | believe in them wholeheartedly. What happens to animals leaves ‘me angry, frsate, and, sad I i 2 vital aspect of voganisn I'm not tying to deny that, but i's not the whole package! Most animal nights activist neglect to realize that more people would be turned on te veganism if they Know at was more than “murder” (asin “most ie murder) Is also suicide, ‘ecocie, and it greatly coninbues to human starvation. The fact of the mater is inorder w be a consistent cavionmentaist or human liberaonst you have tobe a vegan You really can't even debate the subject. (I gusts you could youl ats hunted meat) have to apologize for something though. This minizine isnot as ‘complete sit could be, but I'm hoping there's enough information in hereto tum any socially eonseious person no. Yep(taran (or a eas inspire them to read more abou it) But my fend Casey and {have anther vegan zine in the works, which wil be MUCH more complete and in depth (including aces on factory farming, viviseetion, hunting, fishing, fu, recipes, speciesismethe diseriminaory notion that theoretically leads. 10 racism, jpomblyimersiew(s) with an att or two, al th issues discussed inher, fut in more detail, and mae) It should be out by Apa 2004, so write email me about it We'te going to uy our hardest to mak it fe. T guess brit history of this rine would be sppropriato. It was stared as an essay in 9” grade, afer reading, Inn Robbin t Mav All Be Fed ‘That book, forthe most pa, single handedly infuenced me to go vegan 1 éon't thnk ary book has ever inluenced me fo make such an immedite ‘cuage in my teste and way of thinking as May All Be Fed di. 1 gave that ‘essay to my fends, who, like myself, did't care 10 much about the wel being of animals I influncod them to go veg(etanan (Well, Ioaly had two fends, butt nfuenced the bh of them) For the next year it basically just (There sre many move vegan cookbooks out thre. One way’ to find them ‘would be to wnte the American Vegan Society, who cary a lot of recipe brooks. Another way to get (Be!) recipes would be to go a search engine (6 ‘Yahoo! and just ype “Vegan ropes” in the search box) Comacs: ‘American Vegan Society They'll send you fre info on general questions you ‘might have or personally answer more specific oes, They also havea catalog ‘with lots of books, pamphlets, video/audio cassetics, and more. (56 Dirchah {ane-P.O, Box H, Malaga, NJ 083280508) [Earth First! They're journal contine the news of front-line envconmenta section fFom around the werd. You ean gt a free sample issue. (PO Box 1415; Eugene, OR 97440) ‘Earth Island Journal This i an envizonmertalist journal witha sighily more Scientific fous than Earth First! (300 Broedway, Suite 28, San Francisco, (CA94133-3312), Eartsave Foundation They're a group that promote health, the environment, animal rights, and ending world hunger. They'll give you fie info also. (P.O, Box 949, Felton, CA 98018-0049) No Compcomise “This is « militant direct action magazine for animal Uberationist and thei supporters" (PO Bos 5236, Old Brg, NJ 08857) On the Webs (Cesead of pritcng ¢ milion individual web adresses I decided to just print 1 fw sites that have inks to many others. Smart thinking, ch? Also, a5 1 ‘mentioned before, you can pet vega vegetarian recipes by just typing “vegan recipes” ino a search engine) agp adapt orvinto im roll dow ite forthe inks) Resources and More. Al information was derived from: ‘Bevond Bef by Jeremy Rifkin (This book was very informative, I used it # Jot. The downtal fit sth fet that tony talks about bee, hence the te Find at brary or bookstore) Dict For A New Americe by John Robbins (This is the most complete vegetarian book Ihave ever seen. Tha was my moet wed reaouree I highly ‘suggest everyone ead ts Find library or bookstore) May All Be Fed by John Robbins (This book was exellent. ead this thing in days. I was hooked. It emphasizes on weeld hunger, the environment, and it also tlls about corporations going ino Third World countries and braimwashing mothers into using formula instead of breast-feeding. It makes sme sick, Iued hi bok alot Find at library or bookstore ) ‘De Veacarian Teen by Dr. Charles A. Sater (I barely used this book. Honestly, it sucked It was way too brief. Dont finda brary or bookstore ) ‘The_Vegetaran Times Cookbook ( used the into of this book for general health information. I never cook out oft though. The recipes are exremely complex and only about half of them are vegan. It was birthday present fom mom...2) ‘Vegan: The New Eihis of Eating by Erik Mareus (I got this book afer 1 ‘almost completed his, oT did't use ita lot. I's not as complet as Diet for ‘Neve America, but t's sil really good book, Find st Hbrary or bookstore) Cookbooks: lease Don’ Fed the Bears This is vegan cookzine with tons of delicious recipes. (82 to Brad Mistthropic PO Bex 1151; Stato College, PA 16804. mst (There's more cookzines out there I jut don't have ther addres, 20 keep ‘your eyes open) ‘Simply Vegan An all vegan cookbook ($13 to Vegetarian Resource Group PO. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21208) sat saved on my computer (with lots of grammar eros) Late, twas printed in Slug & Letuce and my fiend Broen's zine, Disgusted Life, while oll in its raw state. A few months ago, I decided to revise it. 1 new more about veganism than had inthe past and my grammar improved. fer sending the revised edition to my friend, Anthony Rayson, he brought up the idea of uting tin zine format. {decided to ake his advice and here iti Tent through and footnoted some ofthe information, but nt all of it dve to combination of my laziness and lack of space If you realy wan 10 now where an u-footnoted fact was originally found find it youself in one ‘ofthe books listed inthe ene o if you must write and ask me. I know I didn't {ocinate the professional way, bu quite fanky I dont care ‘Please copy this information at your free wil. You cam get as many ‘ofthese things as you want from me by just asking for FRE). Donations re ‘realy apprecated, bu not macs) just vant hs information ou thre! Get 4 bunch of these Som me and give them to all of your frends, enemies, ‘neighbors, co-workers, relatives, classmates, and whomever else you cantik of 10th tl he long (Ens 16 2 aon, Athy Raye ‘mesungag nar nt te fort te ri a ro py, Bo, Cay {Tether poaing, hot Tit Se tnt ple Please contact me and share your thoughts. (AND GET SOME OF THESE ZINES!) “For whatever happens to the | Pees ry Tack cns ys PC CEeP Es tere yes oeeete ha

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