Scrapbook Guidelines 2018-2019

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Individual Scrapbook Guidelines

Assignment #1
Directions: For the first part of this assignment you are required to do a write up on the following topics: 1. What has been
my most memorable moment in leadership? 2. What does your leadership legacy mean to you?

Assignment #2
Directions: You need to find one picture of yourself alone for your scrapbook. This would be a great opportunity to use
the picture from the photo shoot (only if you want; not required). Also, you will need pictures of you and fellow
leadership members: between 3-5 total pictures. You must email those pictures to Gabriel a week prior to your
appointment in order for proper upload into personal account. Email: Gabriel Herrera

Assignment #3
Directions: The creation! This aspect of the assignment has the directions below. You will work with the historian on the
computer using the account that the historian has created. You will upload your photos and complete the write ups and
design of your page. Be creative and have fun.

1. Set up date and time with Historian to work on Scrapbook page. Look on back of this page.
2. Name, Position in Leadership, and Year 2018-2019 – text must be on your page!
3. Answer the following questions: (text boxes)
a. Most Memorable Moment in Leadership
b. What leadership means to you
4. Must have at least one picture of just you (photo shoot picture would be awesome)
5. All other pictures can only include students of the Leadership Class
6. Be Creative!
7. Date Assigned – January 8th, 2019
8. We are working on this assignment during til April.
9. Due April 12th, 2019 – NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED!
10. Worth 90 Points – this is one of your spring semester finals along with your legacy portfolios!

Scrapbook Grade Rubric

Topic Point Value Points Allotted
Name & Year on page 10 points /10

Position posted on the Leadership page 10 points /10

Most memorable moment… 10 points /10

What leadership legacy means to you… 10 points /10

Picture of You 10 points /10

Pictures ONLY of leadership kids 10 points /10

Creative 10 points /10

Completed on assigned date with Historian 10 points /10

Following Directions 10 points /10

Total Points 90 points /90

Name of Student Grade

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