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- Students understand some of the major axes / lines of interest / alliances and conflicts that exist in the world and can affect any issue / negotiation.

- Students become accustomed to researching facts on the internet and in other resources.


1) Prepare a number of blank maps of the World

2) Divide the group into groups of 4 or 5

3) Prepare a range of issues that divide the planet, e.g.

Religion, ideology, ethnicity, territory, economies (developed, G7, BRIC, developing nations, blocks – EU, NAFTA, Mercosur), history (e.g. British Commonwealth – ex-British
Empire, or the Arab League), water and land resources, oil (OPEC), nuclear power, nuclear weapons, military alliances (e.g. NATO) etc.

4) Call out the issue, and the groups must draw on the map the groups / divisions that exist.

5) Groups discuss differences in their maps, can do research to get the correct answers, educate each other

6) Display the different maps, so students can get a general picture of the different divisions that exist around the world.

7) Give each student a copy of the text, “If the World Were a Village of 100 People”, to take with them.

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