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D-16 = Field of  Vehicles

Psychic Expectation  fruits = multiplicity = variety (11) of shelters (4)

for Specific Matters  2-square * 5

What can be predicted? What can be predicted?

 benefits and non-benefits of vehicular transport

 The ease, speed, and convenience of travel by land,
sea, and air.
 And also, the potential for accident and injury through
vehicular travel, which is a consequence of
imbalance-seeking-a-remedy (6) in the movement.
 Covers all modes of non-pedestrian travel from
camels and ox-carts to F-1 fighter planes and zephyrs.
(See"working animals "also in bhava-6)

First, before looking into the D-16, check Zukra, bhava-4

radix, and bandesha-4 radix.

Zukra = Karaka for (the luxury of) vehicular conveyances

lagnesha Zukra in bhava-9 = teaching or preaching = may be

an itinerant teacher or philosopher. the native may not own a
car, or even a donkey, if both Zukra and bhava-4 are weak.
However one will enjoy the pleasures (Zukra) of world travel
(9) therefore opportunities for expression of the D-16's
prognosis for vehicles = mainly in context of world-travel
(outside one's region) which is nearly always by public
conveyance - plane, train, bus, ship et-cetera.

Radix Bandhu bhava

 shows the strength of physical grounding, how well

one is in sync with the environment of the place .
Even the moving place. This is primarily an emotional
condition, not so much a condition of concentrated
awareness as of intuitive coordination with the
physical, social, emotional, and psychic environment.
 bhava-4 indicates the stability of one's foundations in
life = the basic security of the lifestyle and behaviors.
When bhava-4 is stable (not necessarily luxurious, just
stable!) the native will rarely experience major upsets
in matters of shelter - fixed shelter or moving shelter

Radix bandesha-4

 what is the angle from the bandesha-4 to its own

bhava? Is the bandesha-4 in a friendly house? Any co-
tenants? bandesha-4 indicates the same qualities as
bhava-4, however bandesha-4 goes out of the house to
mix with others, so always check the"peer pressure"
upon a bhava-lord to determine its final actions.
 In the case of a pending car purchase+ bandesha-4
will help to decide whether one should buy a luxury
car with pricey embellishments (which Zukra might
crave) or stick with the basic model (Exempli gratia, a
strict and austere Shani = bandesha-4 ) or rather put
the car mani-money into savings and take the bus!

D-16 may reveal the up-side of an otherwise poor-looking


Jyotishi check the D-16 not only to ascertain vehicle karma ,

but also to balance their spot judgment.

If that nichha condition for Professor Shani seems intuitively

more subject to prolonged and repeating lessons-
gifts (usually via constrictive drishti) than it appears, it
probably is.

The D-16 will reveal the secret benefits of a planet if there are
any; and send the Jyotishi back to the radix in search of
confirming positive aspects.
bhava-4 = shelters.

In addition to D-4 Chaturthamsha, D-16 Shodazamamza-10 =

another elaboration of details broadly contained in the 4th

 Vehicles = a special form of shelter = the shell or

shelter which protects one's tender flesh whilst the
body is moving through space.

Shodazamamza-10 is specific to vehicles and their good or

bad effects.

 Whether your vehicle is a lumbering elephant, a

jeweled palanquin, a creaking oxcart or a luxury
automobile - you will find the details in D-16.

It may be useful to study the D-16 when pondering a vehicle

purchase, or making vehicle insurance choices.

Also, before embarking on a long or dangerous journey,

prospects for adventure in vehicles should be considered.

Avoid superstition and anxiety while reading D-16

 People may hesitant to travel by vehicle, since the

opportunity for chaos during speedy movement does
seem to increase proportional to the strength and
speed of the vehicle. Psychically sensitive persons
may be especially afraid of travel, and their anxieties
may cause exaggeration of the significations of the D-
 When the psychic grounding cord which attaches our
Earth-bodies to the center of Earth becomes
disconnected due to distraction or shock, psycho-
physical body movement becomes irregular. The
possibility to lose balance may result in an accident.
Vehicle operators must check their psychic grounding
cord along with checking lights, mirrors, brakes, and
engine. However we live in an age of constant and
usually profitable travel.
 While it is not sensible to allow negative readings of
the D-16 to prevent travel, it is practical to add
awareness of the D-16's situation to one's existing
intuition. Of course, it is always a challenge
to separate Anxiety (fear of change) from intuition!
 However if there are suggestions in the D-16 pointing
to some discomfort or even calamity while traveling
by vehicle, and yet there are not other major Jyotisha
concerns such as a time of serious injury or worse,
then knowing about an accident or severe delay in
advance can actually reduce worrying.
 One can say: Oh, this was forecast - I shall wait out
the inconvenience or distress, help others when
possible, and know that this too shall pass.

Q: A: Namaste: About vehicles:

I have a great desire Here is an evaluation process. Every Jyotishi has their own
to own a luxury method, but there is some similarity of methods according to
automobile. I have the practitioners degree of adherence to the classical
had this desire since literature.
early in my life.
Yet, the 1. Radix bhava-4 = looks good!
circumstances of my
life seem to prevent Professor Kuja strong in bhava-5 in good company.
the acquisition of
such a lovely and Zukra = Luxmi = luxury occupies bhava-4 receiving
satisfying object. drishti of blessed uttama-Guru from the house of
Private Imagination (bhava-12).
Will I obtain the car
of my dreams? his native should be able to manifest his imaginative
dream of owning and operating a beautiful luxury

2. D-16 = vehicles. Varga nativities show more subtle,

more astral, more refined = higher up levels of
expectation which are essentially smaller thoughts
nested inside of bigger thoughts.
D-16 reveals the presence of resistance to realizing the
dream. Luckily, this karmic resistance can be overcome
through self-awareness.

he astrological signature of the resistance is the presence of

bandesha-4 Kuja in Kumbha lagna of the D-16.

In the hostile rashi of Kumbha, Kuja is oppressed by Shani-

driven resistance orscarcity thinking.

About Varga Varga characteristics reflect a more subtle astral patterning

Information: that is ultimately determinative: like the tiny water-
spring which has the programming (destiny) to eventually
become a great river.

 It is the same with the human mind. Changes made to

the small thoughts within one's total belief system, can
yield huge material improvements through the"trickle
down effect"
 That tiny spring is not physically big or heavy like the
full-grown river. At the source, it is fairly easy to
redirect it. Yet, intentional changes made to a small
originating and determinative thought can have
massive"downstream" consequences ".
 Changing the nature of that tiny spring can change the
course of a great river!
 With that awareness in mind, let us approach the study
of varga charts with an interest in isolating some of
the more subtle and mentally"manageable" thoughts
that are more easily amenable to positive adjustment.
 Expectations revealed at the varga level are purely
thoughts and they are absolutely amenable to
conscious control.
 Resistance to Wealth and Well-Being

As many great philosophers have observed, poverty is a

form of mental illness.

The cause of poverty is a systematic negative expectation that

kicks in at every opportunity.

It is caused by victim mentality sustained by negative electro-

magnetic initiating thoughts.

The negative thoughts when expressed in interior language

will use words like should (guilt ) and"will-not" or"can not"
(grief ).

 When Shani is a dominant force in any nativity, the

presence of guilt, grief, and fear are particularly
strong. However it is important to acknowledge that
each native chooses the precise configuration of the
graha at the time of birth. The choice of graha in the
Jyotisha nativity reflects the person's clear and present
spiritual intention to complete a program of
transforming ignorance into wisdom. A central tenet
of any wisdom program is the awareness and
transformation of fear into acceptance, and
 Note that radix bandesha-4 Kuja occupies a hostile
rashi, the sign of Shani who is Kuja's bitter enemy.
Kuja wants to drive forward (literally here since we
are examining the topic of cars!) and Shani wants to
stop Mangala at any cost. Shani's job is to prevent
change, and the tool Shani uses to do the job is Fear.
So, we see that at a higher level of mind there is a
negative resistance thought, a non-permission thought,
regarding personal vehicles. You do absolutely have
the power to reverse this thought, but the D-16
exposes it for us in the Jyotisha view.

Good thing, now we know it is there, and we know where the

work needs to be done in order to clear the path of permission
to allow you to possess the vehicle of your luxury dreams.

 When you have time, I would recommend a close

analysis of the D-16 to find out more about the terrain
of subtle subconscious expectationsregarding personal
vehicles. Note that not only Kuja but also Budha and
Chandra (the radix natural 4th lord) occupy Kumbha
 We know that Shani has tremendous influence, much
of it very difficult, in the radix chart. Shanicarya = the
satkona-pati = rogesha-6 = poverty, illness, and
exploitation Shan = the King of Fear. Shani has way
too much negative, scarcity-thinking power in the D-
16 .
 It will be necessary to move the subconscious fear and
resistance into the field of consciousness in order to
perform the"mental surgery" needed to eradicate (cut
the root) of the negative expectations.

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