Unit 1 - Lesson C: Personal Information: Touchstone 2nd Edition - Language Summary - Level 1

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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Unit 1 • Lesson C: Personal information

zero (n)
one (n)
two (n)
three (n)
four (n)
five (n)
six (n)
seven (n)
eight (n)
nine (n)
ten (n)

Personal information
email address (n)
ID number (n)
middle initial (n)
passport number (n)
(tele)phone number (n)

Other words
new (adj)
today (adv)
(gym) member (n)
(gym) pass (n)
. = dot (email) (n)
@ = at (email) (prep)
it (pron)

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson C, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

What's . . . ?, It's . . .
Use What's (= What is) to ask a question:

What's your name?

Use a form of be to answer a question with What's . . . ?:

A What's your name?

B My name's Victor Lopez. (= My name is . . . )

You can use It's (= It is) to answer a question with What's . . . ?:

A What's your email address?

B It's vlopez6@cup.org. (= It is . . . )

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 1, Lesson C, Page 2

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