Program of Study

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in Education Program of Study

Program plan for Hyejin Yoon Fall 2016

(First Semester in Program )
Core Courses (30 credits which includes 12 dissertation credits)
1. General Culture (3)
EDUC 800 (3) Ways of Knowing – Fall 2016
2. Research Methods (15)
EDRS 810 (3) Problems and Methods in Education Research – Fall 2016
EDRS 811 (3) Quantitative Methods in Educational Research – Fall 2017
EDRS 812 (3) Qualitative Methods in Educational Research – Spring 2017
Select two additional courses:
EDRS 822 (3) Advanced Applications of Qualitative Methods – Fall 2017
EDRS 825 (3) Advanced Research Methods Self-Study – Spring 2019
3. Specializations (36)

Primary Specialization (24): Teaching and Teacher Education

1. EDUC 853 (3) World Perspectives of Teacher Education – Fall 2016
2. EDUC 850 (3) The Study of Teaching – Spring 2017
3. EDUC 878 (3) Intercultural Competence: Theory and Research Application to
International Education – Spring 2017
4. EDUC 851 (3) Research on Teacher Education – Fall 2017
5. EDUC 803 (3) Teacher Preparation and Professional Development – Spring 2018
6. EDUC 879 (3) Language and Second Language Acquisition Research in
International Education – Spring 2018
7. EDUC 994 (3) Advanced Internship in Education – Fall 2018
8. EDUC 897 (3) Independent Study for the PhD in Education – Fall 2018

Secondary Specialization (12): Multilingual Multicultural Education

6 Credit reduction by using the Master’s degree as part of the secondary concentration

1. EDUC 893 (3) Seminar in Educational Anthropology – Spring 2018

2. EDUC 882 (3) Second Language Acquisition: Theory, Research, and Practice –Fall 2018

4. Dissertation Proposal and Research (12)

Upon successful completion of all coursework (core and specialization), and comprehensive
portfolio assessment, students are advanced to candidacy and enroll in EDUC 998.

EDUC 998 (3) Doctoral Dissertation Proposal – Spring 2019

EDUC 999 (9) Doctoral Dissertation Research

September 2016

PROGRAM RATIONALE (please review the Program Guidelines for directions):

After reviewing my third portfolio successfully, I will take EDUC 998 Dissertation 

Proposal Seminar. I expect that the course will assist me in preparing my dissertation proposal 
by means of helping me define problem statement, review research literature, and find a research
methodology that will be employed to address the research question. 

To satisfy all University and program requirement in order to proceed to the dissertation
phase of the program, 3 credits are left. Therefore, EDUC 825 Advanced Research Methods in 
Self­Study of Professional Practice will be my last methodology class. I had consulted Dr. Fox
who is my committee chair advisor and she gave her consent to this program plan.

Student Signature Date

_______________________________________ ________________________________________
Chair Date Margret Hjalmarson, Director Date
Doctoral Advising Committee PhD in Education Program

Member Date
Doctoral Advising Committee
(secondary specialization)

Member Date
Doctoral Advising Committee

September 2016

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