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A Technical Description Of The Pull In Weightlifting

A Technical Description Of The Pull In Weightlifting

(Understanding how the hell gravity actually works!)

Coaching techniques in Weightlifting may vary, but the mechanics which dictate the
techniques do not. This is because the biomechanics of lifting comes from the
unchangeable source of the laws of physics themselves. There is a body of research
on Weightlifting spanning forty years based upon scientific facts and not nebulous
concepts doled out by hobbyists masquerading as coaches.

The information provided below is the technical description of the Snatch and Clean
pull from the start of the lift through the completion of the 2nd pull or "explosion." It was
taken from the scientific research done on Weightlifting (see bibliography.) The
research some have referred to as “dogma.” However, it is this same “dogma” which
has created decades of World/Olympic records and champions and continues to do so

After reading this article you will understand the basics of “modern” pulling mechanics
and why they are the most effective and efficient way to pull a barbell.

Some Useful Definitions:

Acceleration - the rate at which something speeds up or slows down

Velocity - the measurement of the rate and direction of change in the position of an
Speed - the magnitude of an objects rate of change of position
Moment Force - the tendency of a force to rotate an object
Center of Gravity - the mean location of the gravitational force acting on a body
Common Center of Gravity - the center of gravity of the lifter and the barbell
calculated as
one unit.

“Obviously, the most advantageous starting position for the levers of the kinematic
chain will be such that, during the loading, the moments will be the smallest for all the
levers; because this will require the smallest muscle moments”
-Ilya Pavlovich Zhekov-
Biomechanics Of The Weightlifting Exercises

The Starting Position

The lifter must assume a starting position in which he/she can create
maximal vertical acceleration to the barbell with the least amount of effort. The moment
forces acting on the hip, knee and ankle joint must be minimized in order for the lifter to
separate the barbell from the floor while maintaining an ideal body position for the
subsequent “2nd Pull” or “explosion.” This optimal starting posture can only be realized
through proper manipulation of ankle, knee, and hip angles. Therefore, the correct
starting position will depend on the lifters height, body proportions, and the grip width.
These variables must be manipulated so the shoulders are over or slightly ahead of the
bar at the point of lift off, the elbow joint is aligned with or in close proximity with the
knee joint, and the bar is over the metatarsal-phalangeal joint (the 2nd joint of the toe)
as is the lifters balance of pressure. Upon lift off, the knees should be at an angle of
approximately 80-110°, depending upon body segment ratios. Lifters with short
extremities and long torsos will have a smaller starting knee angle than lifters with long
extremities and a short torso.

First Pull

As the bar is lifted from the floor (primarily through leg extension), the muscles which
extend the torso work isometricly. This allows the hips and shoulders to rise at the
same rate, moving the torso upward and slightly forward. During this initial extension of
the legs the bar will shift towards the body approximately 4-12 centimeters (depending
on the height of the lifter) until the knee angle reaches approximately 135-145°, the
torso approximately 30° relative to the platform, and the hip is at an angle of
approximately 85-90°. At this point the shins will be vertical, the lifters balance of
pressure will have shifted slightly towards the ankle, and the bar will be at the lower
third of the thigh in the Snatch and a little above the knee for the Clean. During this
phase of the pull, speed of the barbell increases

due to the large applied vertical force, which produces acceleration and increased
power output by the athlete. Because the moment forces on all of the largest joints of
the body are so great as the legs straighten, it is imperative the barbell come back
towards the lifter during the first pull. In the book The Snatch The Clean And Jerk
Robert Roman states “The movement of the barbell in this manner is more
advantageous than a strictly vertical elevation of the weight”

This action minimizes the horizontal distance between the bar and the hips, decreasing
the moment force, allowing for proper utilization of the leg extensors. If a straight
barbell path is used, the common center of gravity will be shifted forward towards the
toes. This causes a large increase in the moment forces of all the working joints and a
decrease in the bodies ability to create the acceleration, speed and power necessary
for an efficient lift.

Once the legs have extended to a knee angle of approximately 135-145°, the bar has
reached a maximum speed and therefore has an acceleration close to zero. The legs
are no longer able to influence the speed and positive acceleration of the bar.
Therefore a transitional period occurs as the muscles which extend the torso become

2nd Pull or “Explosion”

There is a transition from the 1st to the 2nd pull . As the torso begins to extend toward
the vertical, the bar continues to rise while the hips move toward the bar and the knees
mo ve back under the bar. The shins are at an angle of approximately 70°
with the torso at 60° relative to the platform. The hip joint is at an angle of 110-115°.
During this transition there is a leveling or small decrease in the speed of the bar until
the “power position” is reached. This is immediately followed by the 2nd pull or
explosive phase of the pull marked by maximal vertical force, acceleration, and power
output due to ankle, knee and hip extension and elevation of the shoulder girdleAt the
point of full extension (end of the explosion) the athletes heels leave the ground, the
lifters body is extended and inclined backwards. The bar will begin to travel in an arc
away from the lifter. At this point the lifters center of gravity will shift backward.
However, the common center of gravity remains over the foot as a result of the barbells

forward movement.

As the lifter begins the decent, the barbell will then again come back to towards the
lifter due to the strong force acting on the bar by the action of the arms.
A Word On Barbell Trajectory

The weightlifter and barbell have a relationship called the “weightlifter-barbell system.”
In this system it is the force of gravity which provides the resistance the lifter must
overcome. It is a self-tuning system which is continuously adjusting and looking for the
correct combinations of muscle contractions and relaxations in order to create a “best”
way to lift the barbell.

While it is true moving an object in a straight line represents the shortest distance
between two points and requires less work. It is not the “best” way to lift a barbell. In
mechanics, work performed against gravity is measured by the height an object is
raised and does not depend upon its trajectory. Since the weightlifter-barbell system is
self-tuning, it will seek out the “best” most efficient bar trajectory. Which is one where
the forces acting on the ankle, knee, and hip, are minimized. This can be accomplished
in two ways: reducing acceleration, or reducing the lever arm of the working joints in
order to counteract the force of gravity. Reducing acceleration is inefficient and will
negatively effect the outcome of a lift. Reducing the lever arm of the working joints is
the only effective means to overcome the force of gravity. This is precisely what occurs
when the lifter shifts the barbell toward the body during the first pull.

The Difference Between Mechanics And Technique

Although some top lifters may have observable differences in “technique”, this is not an
indication of new or better lifting mechanics. The mechanics for lifting a barbell properly
are 100% objective. It’s important to note, mechanics are not the same as one’s
technique. Mechanics of Weightlifting are the forces involved with lifting a barbell and
the causes behind them. Technique is the visual manifestation of these forces. Causes
behind force production such as gravity, mass, and distance can be measured with
precision. Using the aforementioned constants, variables involved with the mechanics
of force production such as joint angles, bar trajectories, and balance are manipulated
in order to establish the most efficient pulling mechanics.

The observable differences in “technique” have to do with an individual’s peculiarities

such as anthropometry or leg/torso strength distribution. These peculiarities will dictate
actions, which will suit an individual lifter’s needs. Simply mimicking a particular
athletes pulling technique without possessing their anthropometry or peculiarities will
often lead to poor pulling mechanics.

Learning how to properly execute the Snatch and Clean and Jerk will be a direct
function of the competency of your coach. Although competent coaches may use
differing methods for teaching technique, we are all teaching the same mechanics.

Until the laws of physics change, the mechanics of lifting a barbell and the forces
involved will remain as described by scientists and coaches for four decades. Getting
an idea from watching a video then discussing it on a forum is not Scientific Method it
is opinion, and should be stated as such.

If you are interested in learning more about Waxman's Gym go to our website or
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Fight until your very last breath!


Sean Waxman is the owner of Waxman’s Gym. It’s an Olympic Weightlifting and
Sports Performance gym located in Southern California near LAX airport. Its the only
gym in Southern California dedicated to all things Olympic Weightlifting!


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