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application note

Liquid Chromatography Control System

UNICORN DeltaV integration

Market requirements today are focused on solutions that
deliver optimal performance in terms of:
• Time to market
• Cost efficiency
• Reliability and high quality

Large pharmaceutical production plants contain many

components that must work smoothly together. One key
element in plant architecture is the information management
strategy. The problem of transferring the various Fig 1. UNICORN process view.
components into an integrated plant becomes obvious when
different components speak different languages. However, if
a unified language is used translation becomes unnecessary
and efficiency increases. OPC provides this kind of unified
communication language among modules in a process plant.

OPC is a standard specification that allows data manage-

ment from any data source within a production environ-
ment. OPC defines a standard set of interfaces allowing the
creation of a client/server model where any OPC client (any
application interested in data) can communicate with any
OPC server (any application providing data). UNICORN
supports the following OPC standards:
• Security
• Data Access (DA)
• Alarms & Events (A&E) Fig 2. DeltaV process view.

• Historical Data Access (HDA)

Guidance Objectives
Any OPC client can communicate with any OPC server since
The objective in this application note is to show how
the interfaces required for communication are guaranteed to
UNICORN can be integrated in the Emerson DeltaV control
be the same for all OPC servers. The data entities of
system using the UNICORN OPC server. The data captured
UNICORN can via OPC communicate data to DeltaV as
by UNICORN is accessed by DeltaV via the UNICORN
presented in the process images below, (Fig 1 & 2). The
OPC Server (DA) and presented in the DeltaV Operator
following chapters in this document briefly describes how
Interface, stored in the DeltaV “PI” database, and finally the
the connection between UNICORN and DeltaV is
stored data is displayed in a chart.

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Liquid Chromatography Control System

Products Used: Stepwise Implementation

Two applications are used to accomplish integration with The following steps are further described in this document.
DeltaV software, “OPC Mirror” (for Data Access and • Step 1. Create parameters in DeltaV Control Studio
Historical Data Access), and “PlantWide Event Historian”
• Step 2. Assign the UNICORN OPC items to the parameters
(for Alarms & Events). These application programs must be
defined in step 1 above utilizing “OPC Mirror”. In OPC Mirror
loaded and licensed separately.
we will configure the source (location) of OPC server
(UNICORN), and browse the UNICORN OPC items, and
PC 1 (Win XP Operating System, named “XW4100” in this assign the items to parameters defined
• Step 3. Display UNICORN Run-Time data in DeltaV operator
Software installed in PC 1 interface
– DeltaV Automation System Ver. 7.2 • Step 4. Animate an object as a result of value change in
– OPC Mirror Ver. 5.1 UNICORN Data
• Step 5. Setup and store data in DeltaV PI database
PC 2 (Win XP Operating System, named “EVO” in this • Step 6. View stored data
Step 1. Create Parameters
Software installed in PC 2
In this step input parameters are defined. These parameters
– UNICORN 5.0 are the IDs assigned in DeltaV for UNICORN OPC items.
These parameters will be reference by all sub-application
Note: Both PCs communicate through TCP/IP static programs within DeltaV such as DeltaV Explorer, PI
addressing. In addition the DCOM setting should be Database, OPC Mirror, Process History View, etc.
configure properly for the system to work (Consult network
administrator for proper setting). Note: These parameters must be defined in the UNICORN
strategy file and will be referred to by their respectively name
Enabling UNICORN OPC Server
The UNICORN OPC server is enabled under the menu 1.1 Start Control Studio: click start, DeltaV, Engineering, Control
Administrations/Options available in the UNICORN Studio.
manager window (Fig 3). The dialogue allows the user to set 1.2 Define a new input parameter by left click “Input Parameter”
settings for OPC Security and Historical Data Access. icon, drag and drop onto workspace (Fig 4).

Fig 3. UNICORN OPC settings in the options dialogue.

Fig 4. DeltaV Control Studio.

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Liquid Chromatography Control System

1.3 Parameter properties windows will open automatically. Enter Step 2. Assign UNICORN OPC items to the Parameters utilizing
the Parameter name = “FLOW”. Parameter Type =”Floating OPC mirror
point”, Parameter Category = “I/O” and In this step UNICORN OPC items are mapped to the
Properties value = “0”. parameter created in step 1. The next time that any
1.4 Repeat step 1.2 and 1.3 for the UV input parameters. application calls out the parameters, it will automatically
1.5 Save the defined object with defined input tags. Click connect to UNICORN OPC items for data. OPC Mirror is
“File → Save” and enter file name “UNICORN_OPC_Tags”
in the Object Name field, and click “Save” button. Note that
any name can be assigned on the module. The object type
“Modules” are selected.
1.6 The saved object name and parameters for Flow and UV
will appear in Control Studio as shown (Fig 4).
1.7 Download the newly created module
“UNICORN_OPC_Tags”, File → Download. Click “Yes” at
“assign” dialog box (Fig 5).

Fig 7. OPC items as displayed in the OPC Mirror application.

Fig 5. Assign module to a node.

used as a mediator between UNICORN and DeltaV.
2.1 Launch OPC Mirror: click start, Programs, OPC Mirror,
1.8 Highlight the computername (Fig 6, XW4100 is the computer OPC Mirror Configuration (Fig 7).
name in this application note) and ensure it appears in the
2.2 Define a new Pipe. From main menu, Pipe → New Pipe.
“Object Name:” field, click “OK”.
See Fig 7.
1.9 Click “OK” again when “module must be saved before
2.3 Fill in the information (Fig 8).
downloading …” dialog box appears.
Define the OPC server
1.10 Click “Yes” to confirm download in the next dialogue box.
2.3.1 Enter Pipe name (UNICORN_OPC_Server).
1.11 Click close at the “Download complete” screen.
2.3.2 The term server is used in the dialogue for both
sides of the client/server relation and the server and
client side is defined via the switch “Pipe direction”.
On the left side: enter Host name (computer name) of
the computer where UNICORN OPC Server resides
(“EVO” in this application note).
2.3.3 Assign the OPC server. On the left side of the Pipe switch,
click Server/Browse and select
“UNICORN_OPC.System0.1” and click “OK”.
2.3.4 Ensure Pipe direction is
data from UNICORN server → to DeltaV Server.

Fig 6. Selection of computer.

1.12 Close Control Studio application program.

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Liquid Chromatography Control System

Define the OPC client Step 3. Displaying UNICORN Run-Time data in the DeltaV
2.3.5 On the right side (Fig 8): enter Host name (computer Operator Interface
name) of the computer where UNICORN OPC Server In this step the UNICORN Data will be displayed in an
resides (“Local Machine” in this application note). object within the DeltaV operator interface. For this example
2.3.6 Assign the OPC client. On the right side of the Pipe switch the values of Flow and UV will be displayed.
click Server/Browse, select “OPC.DeltaV.1” and click “OK”. 3.1 Launch Operator Interface: click start, DeltaV, Operator,
2.3.7 Ensure the “Enable at startup” check box is checked. DeltaV Operate (Fig 9).

2.3.8 Click “Create” button. 3.2 The screen will be in “RUN” mode. Right click any area on
Workspace area and select “Quick Edit” (Fig 9).

RUN Mode Text Datalink


Fig 8. Definition of the OPC client.

2.4 OPC Server items will now appear in the Mirror main
window (Fig 7).
Fig 9. DeltaV Operator Interface.
2.5 Expand EVENT (left pane), ANALOG (Fig 7).
2.6 Expand Modules (right pane), AREA_A, 3.3 Create a new data object by click the “Datalink Stamper”
UNICORN_OPC_TAGS, Flow (Fig 7). icon. This will open the “Datalink” screen (Fig 10).
2.7 Connect the UNICORN OPC server flow object with the 3.4 Click the Down Arrow button and select the data source
corresponding DeltaV OPC client object. Click and hold (Fig 10) “DVSYS.UNICORN_OPC_TAGS/FLOW.F_CV”.
Flow (left pane), drag and drop onto CV (right pane).
3.5 Adjust the desire proper decimal digits and click “OK”
2.8 Connect the UV by expanding UV (right pane) and repeat (Fig 10).
step 2.7 for UV.
2.9 The mapping for both (Flow and UV) will appear on the
lower pane (Fig 7).
2.10 Save the file (Pipe, Save Pipe) and click “OK”.
2.11 Exit OPC mirror configuration.
2.12 Click “Yes” to accept configuration changes.

Fig 10. Definition of datalink.

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Liquid Chromatography Control System

3.6 Place the item on the workspace by clicking anywhere on 4.7 Click “OK” to exit “Color”By” dialog box.
the Workspace area.
4.8 Click “OK” again to exit “Pump Dynamo” dialog box.
3.7 Enter a text label by clicking the text icon (Fig 9) and place 4.9 Switch to RUN mode (Workspace, Switch to Run).
it anywhere in the workspace.
4.10 When the flow value is > 0.001 the pump will turn from Red
3.8 Type in “Flow” in the text item.
to Green color.
3.9 You can format the items (change color, fonts, etc) by
Step 5. Setup and Store Data in DeltaV PI Database
right click any of the item.
In this step a PI database is configured to receive and store
3.10 Repeat steps 3.3 to 3.8 for the UV data object. data from the UNICORN OPC server.
3.11 Save the file (use “UNICORN_Analog_Data” as file name).
5.1 Open DeltaV Explorer.
3.12 Switch to Run Mode (click RUN Mode icon, Fig 9) to view
5.2 Expand “Control Strategies”, right click “AREA_A”, and
the Run-Time data in the workspace.
select “History Collection…” (Fig 12).
Step 4. Animate an Object
In this step an animated pump-object will show that the flow
is > 0.01 ml/min. The pump will change color from Red to
4.1 Select a predefined item from the Tree View. Select
“Dynamo Sets” (Fig 9).
4.2 Double click “PumpsAnim”.
4.3 Select the animation pump from the list of pumps. Drag
and drop it onto the workspace area.
4.4 A Pump Dynamo dialog box is opened, Check the
“Animate Pump Color” checkbox and press “OK”.
4.5 Fill in the information as shown in Fig 11 below.

Note: Double click on the Minimum or Maximum or Color

to edit the value or to change color.
4.6 Click the down arrow to select data source.

Fig 12. History collection in DeltaV explorer.

5.3 Click “Add” button in the “History Collection” dialogue.

5.4 Click Browse button, select “UNICORN_OPC_TAGS” and
click “OK”. Continue browse and select “Flow” and click
“OK”. Continue browse and select “CV” and click “OK”.

Fig 11. DeltaV object color control dialogue.

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Liquid Chromatography Control System

5.5 Ensure the enable box is checked and set the sampling Step 6. View Stored Data
period as needed (5 sec) and click “OK” (Fig 13). In this step the stored data will be presented in a chart
utilizing Process History View.
6.1 Launch “Process History View”: click start, DeltaV,
Operator, Process History View (Fig 15).

Fig 15. New chart dialogue.

6.2 Select “Chart” in the startup window to create a new

“Chart” object to present data in.
Fig 13. Modification of history collection.
6.3 Add the data source (Parameter reference) by clicking
“Add” in the “Configure Chart” dialogue (Fig 16).
5.6 Repeat steps 5.3 to 5.5 for “UV”. Ensure both items
appear in the “History Collection” screen (Fig 14).

Fig 14. History collection overview.

5.7 Close the “History Collection” dialogue.

Fig 16. Configure chart dialogue.
5.8 In DeltaV Explorer expand the following branch: Physical
Network/Control Network/XW4100 (Fig 12).
5.9 Right click “Continuous Historian” and select
“Assign → Area”.
5.10 Select “AREA_A” and click “OK”.
5.11 Right click XW4100 and select “Download”.
5.12 Click “Yes” to confirm download.
5.13 Save and Close.

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Liquid Chromatography Control System

6.4 Click “Browse” in the Parameter Reference Entry 6.7 Click “OK”. Process History View Screen with Flow and UV
dialogue. Browse “UNICORN_OPC_TAGS”, and select appear at the bottom of the screen (Fig 18).
“FLOW”, click “OK” (Fig 17).
6.8 Right click “UNICORN_OPC_Tags/Flow”. Select “set Y
scale” and select “Auto Scale” (Fig 18).

Fig 17. Parameter reference entry dialogue.

6.5 Click “OK” again (Fig 17).

Fig 18. Set scale in the process history view screen.
6.6 Repeat steps 6.3 – 6.5 for UV. When finished both items
should appear on “Configure Chart” screen (Fig 16).
6.9 Repeat previous step for for UV.
6.10 The data will now appear in the graph.

For more inf or

infor mation about the UNICORN OPC ser v er visit:

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