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1990 • SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112


Reviewing the underlying
causes of bunker spills


Importance of due diligence


Preparing for a change in TO REACH UK
the shipping industry Stowaway trends over the
last 18 months



03 2020 VISION THROUGH A DISPUTE Some parties try to slip words into the
charterparty to shift responsibility for
CAP: SPECIAL The IMO global sulphur cap is coming and the shipping industry must
Disputes between shipowners and
charterers can arise when additional
stowage, etc, onto the shipowner. But
tweaking the terms will not always affect FEATURE start preparing to change.
The IMO global sulphur cap is coming mooring ropes are required by a port. the operation of the ICA.
and the shipping industry must start
preparing to change.
It generally raises the question: “Who
bears the cost?” 10 GETTING THE RIGHT FIT FOR
LOSS PREVENTION Shipowners have some very difficult
and important decisions to make
on how to comply with these
stringent requirements.


NIGHTMARE REACH UK It is a shipowner’s responsibility to carry 12 IMPACT ON CHARTERPARTIES
This article considers some of the Talking about the change in stowaway
out sufficient due diligence checks on
new business to ensure compliance – TIME TO ACT NOW
trends over the last 18 months. with sanctions. The challenges introduced by
problems with GPS signals and reminds
the global sulphur cap are not
seafarers of navigational best practice. North provides guidance on what exclusively technical. The new
17 BENEFITS OF POST constitutes a good, robust and sufficient limits are likely to impact contracts
compliance program. and charterparties as well.

Various common factors emerge when

reviewing the underlying causes of
The benefits of using this service
to seafarers.
bunker spills.
06 COLLISIONS 17 REMOTE DIAGNOSIS – USING A look back at North’s Residential
Training Course which took place in
Choosing the best option to
comply with the sulphur cap will
Discussing the collision between ‘Dream TELEMEDICINE SERVICES June 2018 be a gamble.
Star’ and ‘Meghna Princess’. Telemedicine is the remote diagnosis
and treatment of patients via
telecommunications technologies. In 15 NORTH PUBLISHES NEW LOSS
this way, clinical health care can be
19 NORTH IN THE NEWS PREVENTION GUIDE ON MARINE The reduction in the maximum allowable We have various tools available to assist charterparty amendments on the
LEGAL provided from a distance.
Recent coverage of North in
the press.
FUELS sulphur content of marine fuels in 2020 is
likely to have a massive impact for many
Members, including a dedicated 2020
Vision Insights area on our website
description of the Master’s role during cargo
operations as well as looking at how the
To help Members avoid marine
07 BIMCO BUNKER TERMS 2018 fuel claims and disputes, North in the industry. Shipowners will need ( and wording of clauses that relate to mooring

BIMCO has adopted revised standard

terms to be used in bunker contracts -
CARGO has published a new loss
prevention guide.
to make tough decisions on how their
vessels will comply with the new limit,
a new loss prevention guide on marine fuels.
This edition of Signals also includes a 2020
ropes can prove costly to a shipowner. We
also discuss how the description of cargo
charterers who buy fuel will need to know Vision special. in bills of lading affects package limitation –
BIMCO Bunker Terms 2018.
18 THE CARRIAGE OF STEEL CARGOES how it will economically affect them and
The challenges are not all just operational
describe it wrong and the claims cost

07 TIGHT TIME BARS IN THE US FOR – A NEW LOSS PREVENTION BRIEFING seafarers will have the ultimate challenge
and technical. Time charterparties will require
could rocket.
of ensuring vessels continue to run safely
Discussing a range of problems that can particularly close attention; an area where The collision case analysis makes a welcome
BAD BUNKERS arise when transporting steel cargoes and efficiently.
our colleagues in FD&D are well-placed return this edition, providing food for thought
Contaminated IFO 380 bunkers in the by sea.
There are several options on how to comply to assist. We can help Members make for the navigators amongst you.
US Gulf have resulted in a significant
number of vessels experiencing system
with the sulphur cap. As well as the various informed decisions on options for compliance
clogging and, in more extreme cases, fuel choices on offer, there are abatement and address the potential contractual and
engine damage. technologies such as scrubbers (Exhaust charterparty pitfalls that come with these new
Gas Cleaning Systems). But what is the right rules.
choice? Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple
The issue is not all about fuel. We’ve blended
solution. A shipowner’s choice will depend
it with articles on a variety of other subjects
on a number of factors and influencing the
that we hope will interest you. Changes in
HOW HAVE WE DONE? CONTRIBUTORS JOIN IN THE CONVERSATION decision will be the inevitable gamble on
stowaway trends and the treatment and care
Let us know what you think of the Editor: Alvin Forster what the availability and price of fuel will be
latest edition. Contact us at of ill and injured crew are considered. Crews
Contributors: Alvin Forster, John post-2020.
©2018 The North of England P&I Association. All Southam, Eamon Moloney, Michael on vessels carrying steel cargoes will also be
articles or extracts may be quoted provided that North Hope, Barry Ayliffe, Louise Ferrari, Lucy @NorthPandIClub What will be certain is that there will be interested in our new loss prevention briefing
is credited as the source.
INSIGHT ARTICLES AND Dreyer, Abbie Rudd, Peter Scott, Rod
The North of England economic and commercial impacts. on the subject.
Maclennan, Tiejha Smyth, Katherine
‘Signals’ is published by The North of
BACK ISSUES P&I Association Limited
England P&I Association Limited
Current articles from Signals can be
Clifford and Gemma Martin.
Photographs: Shutterstock and
The North of England
P&I Association Limited
100 The Quayside, found online at
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 3DU UK and back issues of Signals are available North P&I Club
To help Members, North has launched 2020 The importance of proper descriptions and
Telephone: +44 191 2325221 online at Thanks to: Robmarine, Don Gregory Vision – an initiative which aims to tackle the wording makes repeated appearances in
Email: and Mark West of Exhaust Gas Cleaning
Systems Association (EGCSA).
challenges that are likely to arise following this edition but across different topics. We
the introduction of the reduced sulphur cap. raise awareness of the practice of inserting Alvin Forster, Deputy Director (Loss Prevention)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is one of the most heavily relied upon
aids to navigation. It is considered to be easy to use, accurate and reliable.


But GPS signals can be degraded or blocked by both natural and manmade
sources resulting in inaccurate data or complete loss of GPS signal.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is

one of the most heavily relied upon aids
the accuracy of the information provided.
Errors can also be caused when satellite
should be included in the voyage plan.
Oil pollution incidents can lead to expensive claims, where clean-up costs,
Use the echo sounder: This is another
to navigation. It is considered to be easy
to use, accurate and reliable. But GPS
signals reflect off objects such as structure or
mountain. This is known as multipath error.
means of confirming that the vessel’s fines and damages to affected third parties can reach several million
plotted position is correct. For example, if
signals can be degraded or blocked by Deliberate Acts you know the under keel clearance should dollars. But most oil pollution claims do not involve tankers or oil cargoes –
both natural and manmade sources,
resulting in inaccurate data or complete
Jamming, spoofing and hacking are all
possible malicious actions that can affect a
be 14 metres for the position you have
plotted, then this is easily confirmed by a
pollution caused by the release of bunker fuel is more common.
loss of GPS signal. vessel’s GPS signal. quick glance at the echo sounder.
This article considers some of the problems Jamming is a locally generated interference Beam bearings: The use of beam Heavy fuel is widely used for bunkers and such cases crew vigilance and suitable to bypass some of the instructions to
with GPS signals and reminds seafarers of that drowns out the GPS signal. In 2007 a bearings is a highly effective way of is described as persistent oil. This means monitoring of the overflow tank contents speed up the process. This can have
navigational best practice to ensure that jamming incident in San Diego harbour led to visually confirming when to alter course. that it’s composed of heavier hydrocarbon is vital. For those vessels fitted with major consequences. Shipowners
any GPS problems are less likely to lead a disruption to all GPS related services that Alteration of course: The vessel’s position fractions which do not dissipate rapidly such alarms, it is important that they are should ensure that the checklist and
to difficulties. not only affected shipping but also the naval should be plotted shortly before and through evaporation and may require a more periodically tested to ensure that they will supporting policies and procedures are
medical centre, emergency pagers and the
COMMON PROBLEMS harbour’s vessel traffic services.
shortly after you perform a course
alteration. This confirms you are in the
thorough clean-up operation than non-
persistent oils.
provide the all-important early warning
when it really matters.
sensible and workable. The vessel’s crew
must appreciate the importance of the
Incorrect Installation Spoofing is the fake broadcast of a correct position prior to altering and that procedures and understand their purpose.
The release of fuel oil into the seas can occur Failure to monitor bunker tank levels
Incorrectly installing the GPS equipment satellite signal. In June 2017, the signals of the alteration has had the desired effect. if a tank is breached. This may be as a result Supplier exceeding maximum pressure
and antenna on board can mean that the approximately 20 ships were spoofed in the The crew must not rely on tank high
When plotting the vessel position, confirm the of a collision or impact with a fixed or floating or flow rate
given position is incorrect or the signal is Black Sea. The Master of one vessel off the level alarms and overflow alarms during
position by multiple means and do not rely on object (FFO). However, many bunker spills
not received correctly. Careful checks port of Novorossiysk noted that according bunkering. The tank levels must be Before bunkering commences, the
a single method where possible. happen during bunkering operations and the
should be made during the installation to the GPS, his ship’s position was 32 monitored throughout, paying particular supplying and receiving vessel must
vast majority of these spills could be avoided.
process to ensure that the equipment is
fitted and commissioned in line with
kilometres inland. GPS FEEDS: IDENTIFY EQUIPMENT Many bunker spills occur when a fuel tank
attention when tanks are almost full and
changing over to new tanks. If the wrong
agree a maximum transfer rate and a
maximum pumping pressure. There
manufacturer’s requirements. Hacking of GPS software could lead to Numerous items of navigation equipment overflows during the bunkering process. A valve is accidentally operated, a tank level have been instances where the supplier
information received being misleading have a GPS input. Even items such as the vessel’s storage tanks will be designed to could rise and overflow unless detected has attempted to exceed these limits to
User Error or misinterpreted. vessel’s GMDSS equipment can be affected overflow into the designated overflow tank and corrected by a vigilant engineer. speed up the transfer and has resulted in
Operator errors can occur, such as the GPS
by a GPS outage. In order to maintain
being left in dead reckoning (DR) mode. ALWAYS CROSS-CHECK some useful input (and therefore output), in
and if this fills completely, the fuel spills out
of the tank vent head, onto the deck and
No effective watch at the bunker
Good practice is to regularly check the station Less common are spills caused by defects
It is easy to become over reliant on GPS and the event of GPS loss it is important to set into the water. Overflow tanks can also fill up
equipment before the start of the watch – to the bunker piping or tanks. Bunker system
neglect other forms of position fixing. It is vital the ECDIS to dead reckoning (DR) mode when the bunker manifold is over-pressurised The bunker station should be manned
these checks will allow the user to not only pipework, fittings and vents that are poorly
to cross-check and that you are comfortable and also ensure radars are sea stabilised. and the system’s safety valve relieves the during the bunkering operation. This
become familiar with the current navigational maintained or neglected can fail in service.
using traditional methods of fixing a vessel’s Navigating officers should familiarise pressure into the overflow tank. not only provides visual monitoring and
inputs but will increase familiarity with the Implementing and following a sensible but
position, even where this might be done themselves with all bridge equipment and be checking for pollution, but is also an
equipment displays, menus and alarms. Numerous common factors emerge when robust planned maintenance program will
on ECDIS. fully aware of any inputs for other equipment. important means of communicating with
Atmospherics looking at the underlying causes of bunker prevent the bunker system falling into such a
the supplying vessel or barge.
Simple measures include: It is good practice for crew to run drills for spills. Some are outlined as follows: dangerous condition.
Signals from the satellite can also be affected
Plot the position: Take a series of ranges such situations. Crew can then easily identify Communication between bunker barge
by irregular activity in the earth’s atmosphere. Not acting on overflow alarms
and bearings from prominent land marks the equipment that will be affected by a GPS and receiving vessel
A typical example is refraction, which
or navigational features. Single range and loss in the event of a real outage. Overflow tanks are fitted with float alarms
lengthens the path of the signal as it passes
bearings should be avoided. When using that activate when a set level is reached.
There must be a means of communication
through the atmosphere. Users should
be familiar with the process of manually ECDIS, crew should still plot ranges and ALWAYS EMPLOY BEST PRACTICE These are usually positioned quite low
between the supplying and receiving
vessels’ personnel at all times. If For more information contact our loss
bearings to confirm the vessel’s position. Exercising best practice at all times - even in the tank to allow plenty of time for the prevention team at
selecting satellites to improve overall satellite a problem occurs that requires an
when GPS is operational – will mean a safer engineers to act. On some vessels, a flow or visit
geometry and assist in reducing this effect. Increase the frequency: Plot positions at emergency stop of the transfer, the two
vessel and a crew that is ready and well- switch is fitted to the manifold safety valve
Solar storms may cause electromagnetic intervals so that the vessel cannot run vessels must be able to communicate
drilled in the event of GPS loss. Best drain line, which activates an alarm if flow
interference which effectively drowns out the into any danger in between the plots. immediately. It is good practice to test
practice assists navigational officers in is detected. In some incidents, overflow
satellite signal causing errors in positioning. For example, if the vessel is close to these communication channels prior to
maintaining good situational awareness, alarms have activated but the crew did By Alvin Forster
the coastline, position fixing should be commencing operations.
Local Issues not take immediate action to investigate. Deputy Director (Loss Prevention)
more frequent. ensuring that safety is less likely to be
In some locations in the world, for example Not following procedures or the bunker
compromised when navigating in restricted Overflow alarms not fitted or not
in polar regions, the availability and quality of Parallel indexing: This is a simple yet checklist
or congested waterways. working
GPS signals can cause issues. The ‘spread’ highly effective way of continuously A vessel’s bunker checklist can be
and number of available satellites can affect monitoring the vessel’s position. These By John Southam There is no statutory requirement to fit
lengthy and there may be a temptation
Loss Prevention Executive alarms to the overflow system and in

4 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • SHIPS SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • SHIPS 5

BIMCO has adopted revised standard terms to be used in bunker

contracts - BIMCO Bunker Terms 2018.
Adopted by the BIMCO Documentary contract for the supply of bunkers in which 2. What terms and conditions will you
Committee Meeting in New York on the parties can make certain agreed changes enter into agreement on (e.g. time bars,
2 May 2018, the new version came to the terms. These include, amongst other
‘Dream Star’ collision about as a result of a review started in changes, choice of law and forum, liability
limitations, jurisdiction)?
3. Does the counterparty have credit
with ‘Meghna Princess’ September 2016 in light of the OW Bunker
Bankruptcy in November 2014.
cap and place of delivery.
It is hoped that since the new bunker terms
4. Is the counterparty covered for product
The Committee charged with reviewing have been created by representatives on
liability and have professional indemnity?
BIMCO’s existing bunker terms included both sides of the bunker transaction that
Michael Hope from North’s FD&D the document will be widely taken up by the 5. Is the counterparty financially strong?
Department along with cross-industry industry. 6. Does the counterparty pledge its
personnel from maritime law, bunker invoices?
suppliers and shipowners. IMPORTANCE OF DUE DILIGENCE 7. Does the counterparty have a compliance
The goal of the revised terms was to create a A review of the circumstances of the OW programme?
balanced set of terms that could be adopted Bunker collapse led to the committee to
8. Have you requested an independent
by both suppliers and buyers of bunkers with conclude that set-off clauses, pay-to-be-
market/credit report of your counterparty?
minimal changes and to replace or cut down paid clauses, bankruptcy clauses and similar
the large number of supplier’s terms and were not commercially or legally workable
conditions used in the industry. As such, the as they would not work in all cases and
new terms provide comprehensive provisions in all jurisdictions. It also highlighted the FIND OUT MORE
regarding claims management for quantity, importance of risk management and for the The BIMCO Bunker Terms 2018 have
Two bulk carriers collided in Singapore prove an ‘overtaking situation’ because Watchkeepers can take two key lessons from
quality and delay claims. They also provide buyer of the fuel to carry out sufficient due now been published. BIMCO Members
waters during daylight hours on 16 May they could not establish when they saw this catalogue of errors:
a liability cap which sets a default limit of diligence on the other parties before entering can find them on BIMCO’s website,
2014. Weather and visibility were good, MEGHNA PRINCESS ‘by eye’.
1. Be aware of the whole situation around liability for the other party at either the invoice a binding bunker contract.
with light winds and slight sea. together with explanatory note.
The master and watchkeepers of you and use all available means to value or US$500,000, whichever is higher. BIMCO have developed eight questions
MEGHNA PRINCESS was carrying cement MEGHNA PRINCESS gave evidence but establish any ‘risk of collision’. The parties can, however, increase that figure that should be asked about a potential
clinker, heading westbound through the what they said in court contradicted their by mutual agreement. counterparty:
2. Do not use VHF as a ‘collision avoidance
Singapore Strait on passage to Chittagong. written statements and the electronic The new terms includes an innovative
tool’ or as a shortcut to avoid your 1. Who are you dealing with and who is the By Michael Hope
DREAM STAR carried coal cargo and was evidence. They also falsified the chart and “election sheet” which forms part of the Group Director (FD&D)
obligations under Colregs. legal entity?
also heading westbound through the Strait navigation records.
to the pilot station with the intention of taking If you think you have heard these lessons
Given this sorry situation, it is not surprising
bunkers at Singapore. before, it was probably in the last collision
that Judge Ang took her time to analyse the
avoidance training that you attended! The


In a judgment of the Singapore High Court evidence and reach her judgement. Her key
same mistakes arise time and time again and
on 17 September 2017, Judge Belinda Ang decisions were:
are responsible for an increasing number of
held that in this crossing situation, MEGHNA
MEGHNA PRINCESS contributed to the collisions reported to North.
PRINCESS (the stand-on vessel) was 70%
collision by poor ARPA watch, misuse of
liable for the collision and DREAM STAR (the By Eamon Moloney
VHF and breach of Colreg 6 (safe speed) Deputy Director (Claims)
give-way vessel) was 30% liable. Contaminated IFO 380 bunkers in the US when sending the fuel samples to their chosen effect to contractual time bars and liability
and Colreg 8 (action to avoid collision).
Gulf have resulted in a significant number of laboratory. However, it should be noted that the caps. However, there may be an alternative
This finding is the direct opposite of the usual
DREAM STAR contributed to the collision vessels experiencing system clogging and, limited number of laboratories worldwide which route available to buyers which circumvents
‘crossing situation’ outcome, where the give-
by breach of Colreg 5 (lookout) and Colreg in more extreme cases, engine damage. are capable of carrying out the additional tests problematic contractual clauses where claims
way vessel can expect to bear the majority of are currently experiencing a significant backlog are brought in tort.
7b (use of radar). The principal contaminant has been identified
blame. To understand why the judge came to C-21
as a result of the Houston fuel issues.

her decision you have to read a sorry tale of Both ships allowed a ‘close quarters’ as the phenolic compound 4-Cumyl-Phenol. Should buyers have concerns about the quality
This compound has adhesive (sticky) Engineers should pay particular attention to of fuel stemmed prior to burning and prior to

mistakes, misstatements and downright lies situation to develop but the faults


of MEGHNA PRINCESS were more characteristics and is commonly used in the the fuel system and engines when using these the expiration of the time-bar, they may wish to
which takes 77 pages of close analysis and


manufacture of epoxy resins and pesticides. fuels and take early action if problems such as consider placing the seller on notice of potential
causative of the collision and she therefore

argument to unravel. C-17

This has led to clogging of fuel filters on board fuel pump seizures or filter clogging are noted. claims arising in relation to the stem. Whilst this
took the higher proportion of blame.

Nowadays the quality and quantity of vessels and in some cases damage to the In addition to the practical issues outlined may be of assistance in protecting the buyer’s

electronic data means that collisions

engine. The sticking or seizure of fuel pumps above, the notoriously short time-bar clauses position in relation to the time-bar, so far as

cases are generally resolved quickly and

has been particularly troublesome. in bunker supply contracts are problematic, we are aware the argument has not yet been
MEGHNA tested in the US Courts.

economically. In this case, two expert C-12 x
The problem is not limited to one fuel supplier particularly in circumstances where there may
witnesses readily agreed a plot of the position and it is difficult at this stage to identify the be a delay between stemming the bunkers
with course and speed of both vessels as PRINCESS C-10


definitive source. However, the contamination in question and starting to burn them, with
they approached the moment of collision. A
simplified illustration is shown below.

x has been linked to the use of fuel oil cutter
stock, a product added to residual fuels to
problems not becoming apparent until that
time. Many contracts require disputes as to the
C-07 reduce viscosity. quality or quantity of fuel to be notified to the If Members wish to discuss any of the
Unfortunately, that plot was just about the

seller within 30 days of delivery, failing which issues raised in this article, then they
only point of agreement in a nine-day trial.
C-06 It is important to note that standard testing
should contact our FD&D team.

the claim is deemed waived and time-barred.

Here are some of the issues:
C-05 x

DREAM STAR of fuel in accordance with ISO 8217 will

not identify this contaminant and additional Liability caps stipulated in the contracts give
rise to further issues. Naturally, the bunker

MEGHNA PRINCESS claimed it was a C-03 x 30% TO BLAME specialist testing is required in order to do so.
supply contracts which concern stems
’crossing situation’ but DREAM STAR said C-02 Vessels bunkering fuel at ports in the US Gulf
VHF CONTACT made in the US Gulf tend to be governed by By Louise Ferrari

it was an ‘overtaking situation’. C-00

may wish to consider this additional testing Deputy Director (FD&D)

x x x x
US law, which will likely recognise and give
DREAM STAR produced no factual
C-19 C-20 C-21
C-00 C-01 x x
C-17 C-18
C-02 x x
C-15 C-16
Collision course of ‘Dream
C-03 x C-13

witnesses. This meant they could not C-04

x C-12
x C-11
Star’ and ‘Meghna Princess’
x x
C-06 C-10
C-07 C-08 C-09

6 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • SHIPS SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • LEGAL 7

By Peter Scott
Senior Executive (Claims)

Disputes between shipowners and charterers can arise when additional It is a shipowner’s responsibility to carry out sufficient due diligence checks
mooring ropes are required by a port. It generally raises the question: on new business to ensure compliance with sanctions.
“Who bears the cost?”
North provides guidance on what In terms of the steps required to establish Members should also be aware that it is
constitutes a good, robust and sufficient whether a party is on a sanctions list, there not only partners who may be subject to
compliance program. is an expectation from the US authorities sanctions. Other parties with which the ship
London Arbitration 19/01 describes a Owners of commercial vessels plying charterers and their length. Whilst a charterer that the OFAC lists will be searched as a or shipowner may interact with during the
It is a Member’s responsibility to carry out
case where the charterer ordered the their trade worldwide should reasonably might still argue that the number of ropes on minimum, although that will not always be voyage - such as port agents, charterers,
sufficient due diligence checks to minimise
vessel to the port of Caleta Coloso anticipate such requirements delivery were not sufficient for “ordinary cargo sufficient. The EU and OFAC lists can be bunker suppliers and port authorities – could
the risks of an inadvertent sanctions violation.
in northern Chile. It was the port’s service” or “the intended service”, a tribunal searched using the links on our sanctions also be sanctioned.
If the time charterparty had been agreed on Members should be aware of the different
requirement that vessels should use 14 is likely to be more sympathetic towards regimes page
New York Produce Exchange (“NYPE”) sanctions programs which may apply, and
mooring lines, each of 220 metres length. a shipowner who has as part of the fixture also that other parties (including insurers)
15 wording:
However, in accordance with design negotiations declared to the charterer what
specification and classification society “The Vessel on delivery shall be … in mooring ropes and of what length would be
may fall within the jurisdiction of additional
sanctions programs.
One of the biggest challenges in any
sanctions check is to decide what steps,
(“Class”) requirements, the vessel was every way fit to be employed for the available. This will particularly be the case if For more information, including a list of
if any, should be taken to ensure that a
only equipped with five mooring lines of intended service” on delivery of the ship into their service the As is often the case in sanctions matters, it current sanctions regimes by country,
company is not owned or controlled by a
197 metres length each. charterer did not issue a protest declaring can be helpful to break an analysis into two visit our Insights area at
or NYPE 93 printed charter party form: designated person and thus deemed to be
that the number of mooring ropes carried parts. Firstly, there should be an investigation
Accordingly, 14 mooring lines of the requisite “[at the time of its delivery, the ship is to be] sanctioned themselves, even when they do
by the vessel – or their length - were into the activity being contemplated which,
length had to be hired to enable the vessel to … in every way fitted for ordinary not appear expressly on the lists. There is no North has a dedicated sanctions
insufficient for “ordinary cargo service” or for our Members will often be the cargo to
berth. A dispute then arose as to whether the cargo service” easy answer to this but it is suggested that advice team who will be able to assist
“the intended service”. be carried, and secondly an evaluation of the
shipowner or charterer was liable for the cost a risk based approach may be appropriate. Members in relation to any sanctions
…would the London Arbitration Tribunal have parties involved in the transaction.
of hiring the additional mooring lines. Sanctions compliance policies can also be queries and which can be contacted
decided the case differently? The onus is on every company and used to record such items as the steps that
Under the agreed Time Charterparty, the directly by Members at
shipowner had agreed that the vessel would Almost certainly NO if the vessel had been
fixed on a NYPE 15 charterparty form
FIND OUT MORE individual to know the law and to conduct
due diligence by checking the available
will be taken to ensure that sanctions are
complied with, how compliance is monitored,
on delivery be “… in every way fitted for If Members have any queries relating to information to ensure that the cargo being
wording for a time charter trip and charterers who has responsibility for ensuring sanctions
the service” and to “provide and pay for mooring ropes in charterparty clauses, we carried and the individuals/companies
had as part of the fixture negotiations compliance, the training to be provided
… all necessary stores … and keep the recommend they contact our FD&D team. being traded with are not sanctioned,
informed owners as regards the vessel’s to employees, and the different levels of
vessel in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, that the transaction is not otherwise
“intended service”. And probably NOT if the due diligence to be completed in different
machinery and equipment … for and during prohibited, and that it would not constitute
vessel had been employed on a period time situations.
the service”. By Barry Ayliffe sanctionable activity.
charter for worldwide trading; for exactly the Senior Solicitor (FD&D) Additional due diligence on prospective
TRIBUNAL DECISION same reasons as given by the Tribunal in
London Arbitration 19/01.
It is very difficult to identify the extent of partners can include conducting corporate
due diligence that is required, not least searches, appointing external lawyers
In deciding the case, the London Arbitration
Conversely, had the vessel been fixed because it would depend upon the specific to assist and obtaining reports from risk
Tribunal held:
on terms requiring the vessel to be fitted sanctions program with which the party is management providers. It is also possible to
The provision of mooring ropes for a for “ordinary” cargo service, the answer seeking to comply. purchase software to check the sanctions
vessel was ordinarily a matter that clearly would be less certain and would require a status of individuals and companies and to
fell within the shipowner’s sphere of determination by the Tribunal of what was monitor any changes.
responsibility under a Time Charterparty. meant by the parties when they used the
The Class requirements were a minimum term “ordinary service”.
for trading, and took no account of the
practical needs of ports such as Caleta MINIMISE THE RISK OF DISPUTES
Coloso and many others to which the So, how can shipowners minimise the scope
vessel might legitimately have been for disputes?
ordered, where local wind, current or
swell conditions called for securing One possibility is for the shipowner in the
arrangements of a higher level than the charterparty “Descriptions Clause” to declare
minimum Class requirements. the number of mooring ropes available to


Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) are commonly referred to as scrubbers. These
systems effectively wash the exhaust gas to remove sulphur dioxides and particulate matter.
Post-2020, vessels operating an EGCS can continue to legally burn fuels with a sulphur


content of greater than 0.5%.
Systems are categorised as open loop, closed loop or hybrid.
Open loop systems: Water is taken from the sea and pumped into the scrubber wash tower.
By Alvin Forster The natural alkalinity of seawater neutralises the acids in the wastewater effluent.
Deputy Director (Loss Prevention)
Closed loop systems: Recirculated seawater or freshwater is treated with an alkaline chemical
before entering the wash tower to scrub the exhaust gases. A small amount of the wash water
The reduction of the IMO MARPOL Annex VI global fuel sulphur cap to is bled-off to a treatment plant before discharge to sea, or they can be run in ‘zero discharge’
mode where the effluent is held in a tank.
0.5% will come into force on 1 January 2020. Shipowners have some very Hybrid systems: Hybrid systems can operate in either open or closed loop mode. Depending
on design, they may operate with either freshwater or seawater when in closed loop mode.
difficult and important decisions to make on how to comply with these Pros Cons

stringent requirements. Capex typically US$3-5m with payback

period expected to be reasonably short
Systems and equipment take up a lot of

Expected low fuel costs – some market High power demands resulting in around
Changes have long been driven by analysts have forecast high sulphur fuels a 3-5% increase in fuel consumption
a combination of economics and COMPLIANCE OPTION 1: BURN DISTILLATES to plummet in 2020 Concerns about maintenance demands
environmental compliance. This is Marine fuels are categorised as being either a distillate or a residual. Distillates are the The lower fuel costs may make the vessel and reliability which could result in
likely to remain true when considering lighter grade fuels from the refining process, the most common being marine gas oil more attractive to time charterers periods of non-compliance
the 2020 global sulphur cap. There (MGO/DMA) and marine diesel oil (MDO/DMB). The long term viability of EGCS could
are several options open to shipowners, Pros Cons be impacted by any future legislation on
wastewater effluent discharge standards
with the majority currently opting for No major modifications or capex (capital Forecasted high cost – the difference in
distillates, perhaps keeping one eye on expenditure) needed - usually limited price between high sulphur residuals and The availability of high sulphur fuels post-
the development of cheaper hybrid fuels, to minor system modification and tank compliant MGO is expected to increase 2020 is unknown and some refineries
cleaning significantly post-2020 could divert streams elsewhere if not
blends or compliant residual fuels. profitable
The choice will be driven by what is Relatively simple changeover process Concerns about refineries’ abilities to
between 0.5% and 0.1% fuels when meet demand in 2020 The time required to retrofit EGCS on an
right for the vessel and what is

transiting ECAs existing vessels could take several weeks
economically viable. Potential problems with low temperature
and require the vessel to be out
Reduced engine maintenance demands flow characteristics of some distillates
OPTIONS and reduced risk of engine failure Over-rating of vessel steam generation
There are several options available to a
capacity as there will be no longer any
need to heat fuel – possibly leading to
shipowner that will allow compliance with vessels having to dump steam due to no SOURCES
the 2020 global sulphur cap. There are pros heat sink
and cons with each, mostly concerning There are a number of alternative
fuel availability, on-board fuel management, COMPLIANCE OPTION 4: BURN LNG fuels or energy sources that are either
available or currently in development.
capital and operational expenditure as well as One of the main drivers for shipowners to turn to LNG as a marine fuel is that it emits zero It is understood the take-up of these

maintenance requirements. It is not a simple SOx and virtually zero particulate matter. options is low and where they have
choice and the decision on what method of LNG is natural gas - predominantly methane (CH4) - in liquid form. Exact composition been adopted, they are one of several
compliance is best depends on a number of COMPLIANCE OPTION 2: BURN HYBRIDS OR BLENDS depends on source and generally contains a mix of heavier hydrocarbons (such as butane and modes used on board – pieces of the
factors, such as vessel type, trading area and ethane) with some contaminants such as CO2, water and nitrogen. multi-fuel jigsaw.
A number of producers have developed or are developing compliant products which are
remaining service life. heavier than MGO and MDO but lighter than the residual fuel oils that are currently used. To make storage and handling manageable, it is condensed into a liquid at close to These include:
Some are specially-produced products and are commonly referred to as ‘hybrid’ fuels. Other atmospheric pressure by cooling it to approx. -162°C.
The proportion of time spent within emission Methanol (CH3OH): Easy to manage
control areas (ECA) should be considered products are the result of blending, producing a heavy distillate or light residual blend. Pros Cons and store but main challenges are
as well as the impact of changing over fuels It may be possible that a 0.5%S residual fuel (e.g. 380cst) could be produced from either Generally regarded as a very clean fuel Relatively high capex (upgrade to gas its low flash point and relatively poor
when entering/leaving these areas. The 0.1% refining sweet crudes or from sour crudes undergoing a desulphurization process. But there and may be more resilient to any future or dual-fuel engines and storage and energy density.
sulphur cap currently in operation within the are currently no plans to make this widely available as a marine fuel. changes in environmental legislation than handling system )with expected long Hydrogen fuel cells: Fuel cell systems
the alternatives. payback period
ECAs will remain in force and it is possible Pros Cons use an electro-chemical reaction to
that new ECAs may emerge in coming years. Lower fuel costs Limited infrastructure of LNG supply generate electricity. Strong green
No major modifications or capex Concerns about refineries’ abilities to
Green credentials therefore restricting worldwide trading credentials but there are concerns on
needed - usually limited to minor system meet demand in 2020
For some vessels, the best solution might Bunkering challenges – higher risk their high cost, size and weight and
modification and tank cleaning Uncertain supply can lead to
be multi-fuel, such as having the ability to operation and strictly controlled expected life.
burn LNG or distillates, depending on the Expected to be cheaper than price volatility
distillate fuels High delivery costs push up the real cost Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG):
availability of each. Another method may be Heavier fuels may contain cat fines
of fuel Composition can vary but consists
to install an EGCS but also use hydrogen fuel Some fuels may require onboard mainly of propane, butane and
Lower energy density compared with
cells where appropriate. treatment, such as centrifugal separation, propylene. Similar positives and
traditional marine fuels – therefore more
viscosity control and heating challenges to that of LNG as a
volume needed
Some products fall outside the specified marine fuel.
The global warming potential (GWP) of
grades in ISO 8217 Batteries: A low-maintenance (and
methane is significantly higher than CO2
Higher risk of incompatibility if using arguably low-carbon) solution is battery
Large tanks and restrictions on their
different blends or hybrids power but the current technology does
position can result in loss of cargo
not meet the needs of an ocean-
carrying capacity
going vessel. When the technological
Crew will require additional training in breakthrough on batteries happens,
bunkering, storing and managing LNG could this be the game-changer?

10 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • 2020 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • 2020 11


The challenges introduced by the global sulphur cap are not exclusively
technical. The new limits are likely to impact contracts and charterparties.
Forward planning now could help to avoid painful disputes in the future.

Time charterparties will require

particularly close attention, with more
DEFINITION OF ‘HIGH SULPHUR’ AND BUNKER QUALITY CLAUSE the cleaning. Responsibility for all of this will
depend upon the charterparty wording.
breach of certain clauses in the particular
charterparties for not having carried out the
Additional issues could arise as technologies
develop and as we get an idea about
challenges anticipated for vessels already ‘LOW SULPHUR’ Some bunker quality clauses require the necessary modifications, namely; a warranty availability of compliant fuels etc, which might
in long-term charterparties that span the
At the moment, vessels burn either ‘low
charterer to provide fuel that complies PERFORMANCE WARRANTIES relating to compliance with MARPOL and a necessitate further review of charterparties
enforcement date of 1 January 2020. with the international quality standard ISO clause requiring the vessel to have on board from time to time.
sulphur’ (0.1%S max) fuel in ECAs or ‘high Different fuels have different calorific values
8217. However, not all fuels are covered by documents required by any applicable law to
Unfortunately, there is no single “magic” sulphur’ (3.5%S max) fuel outside ECAs. and energy densities. The performance
ISO 8217 (e.g. hybrids) so the bunker allow the vessels to trade.
charterparty clause to deal with all of the In 2020, there will be three sulphur types of the vessel could be affected by any of
quality clause might need to be amended to
issues that might arise. All bunker clauses
will almost certainly need to be reviewed
(<0.1%S, <0.5%S and >0.5%S). This raises
the question: what will ‘low sulphur’ mean in
ensure that the charterer is obliged to provide
the chosen compliance methods so the
performance warranties might need to be
Installation of an EGCS is only one option for
compliance and, as things currently stand,
fuel of the correct specification, which is Whether you are an owner or a charterer,
but other clauses might also need to be 2020? Will it be <0.1% or <0.5%? amended. Owners should check with engine it will be possible to meet the new sulphur
safe and suitable for the vessel, and in North’s FD&D department can help you
considered, depending upon the chosen manufacturers. requirements without installing an EGCS.
It is therefore advisable to move away from compliance with MARPOL and any other to get your charterparties in shape for this
method of compliance. Therefore, the absence of an EGCS on a
Below, we look at some of the issues that we
the use of terms such as ‘high’ and ‘low’
sulphur but instead to specify the exact
relevant regulations.
COSTS OF INSTALLING AN EGCS vessel will not necessarily put the vessel or its new era of shipping.
anticipate will more commonly arise. sulphur limit of fuel e.g. <0.5% sulphur FUEL AVAILABILITY It is unlikely that existing charterparties will owner in breach of MARPOL or impact on the
vessel’s documentation. Hence it seems likely fdd-claims/our-fdd-team/
content; <0.1% sulphur content etc. expressly say who is to pay for a vessel to
Although it is anticipated that there will
CARRIAGE OF NON-COMPLIANT FUEL be enough compliant fuel available to
have an EGCS installed. If the charterer is that the Elli and the Frixos will not apply but it

It is likely that a prohibition on the carriage BUNKERS ON REDELIVERY (“BOR”) meet demand, it may be geographically
likely to benefit in fuel cost savings then there
may be scope for a commercial agreement as
will depend on the facts of the individual case.
By Tiejha Smyth
of non-compliant fuels will come into force
on 1 March 2020 for vessels not fitted with
When a vessel is redelivered by a time fragmented. So a vessel might trade in areas
where compliant fuel cannot be supplied
to who will pay. FINES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE Deputy Director (FD&D)
charterer, the charterparty usually
In the first instance, the owner will be
Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (“EGCS”
or “scrubbers”). Non-compliant fuels will
requires that the vessel is redelivered with
approximately the same quantities of ‘high
or even be unable to trade in such areas,
such that trading limit clauses might need CAN OWNERS BE COMPELLED TO INSTALL responsible for paying any incurred penalties
but they might be entitled to be indemnified
have to be removed to avoid fines or the
vessel being detained. Assuming such fuel
sulphur’ and ‘low sulphur’ fuel as on board at to be reviewed. The same is likely to be true
for new hybrids/blends, and LNG is already
AN EGCS? by the charterer depending upon the
delivery. The owner will usually be required to
The Court of Appeal considered this type charterparty terms. It might be less clear who
is not consumed before 01.01.2020, who is buy this fuel back at a certain price (often the known to have limited availability.
of issue in the Elli and the Frixos [2008] 2 will be responsible for lost time and costs if
obliged to arrange or pay for the removal of same price as at delivery).
such fuel will depend upon the wording of the
‘High sulphur’ fuel bought from the charterer
BUNKER TANK CLEANING Lloyd’s Rep. 119. In 2005, new MARPOL
regulations came into force, which made
the vessel is detained by port state control.
charterparty, so it will be important for this to
be considered at the drafting stage.
at redelivery will have little value to the owner Bunker tank cleaning will be needed if
switching from heavy fuels to hybrid/blends/
it unlawful for any ship to carry fuel oil as LOOKING AHEAD
unless the vessel is fitted with scrubbers. cargo unless it was either double-hulled or Early consideration of the above issues will
There may be significant logistical difficulties BOR requirements in the charterparty might distillates. Tank cleaning might also be double-sided. Expensive modifications would be key to avoiding future headaches. The
in removing non-compliant fuel and it is likely mean that the charterer can redeliver the needed before switching between different be required to the ships in question to allow solutions will not be the same in every case
that the re-sale value will be less than the vessel with insufficient compliant fuel on products, depending upon the advice them to comply with the new regulations. and will be best considered in the context of
original purchase price. Issues might also board to reach a bunker port. Therefore, given by the relevant fuel provider. Cleaning The Court found that the owners were in the trade that the vessel is going to perform.
arise over who owns the non-compliant fuel Owners might want to ensure that BOR products will be needed, waste will need to
and who therefore has the right to remove it. clauses are adjusted accordingly. be disposed of and time might be lost during

12 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • 2020 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • 2020 13

Choosing the best option to comply with the sulphur cap will be a
gamble. The economic success of a shipowner’s choice depends
heavily on future fuel prices in 2020 and beyond.
By Alvin Forster
Deputy Director (Loss Prevention)
Quantity and quality issues regarding the supply of marine fuels, along
If the price difference between high
with increasingly stringent environmental regulation, have led to complex,
sulphur residual fuels and 0.5%S
Q. What about the numerous anecdotes Q. If using closed-loop and hybrid
distillates reaches $400 per tonne in
2020, as predicted by some market about EGCS being unreliable and scrubber systems, what happens with costly and lengthy claims and legal disputes. To help Members tackle these
requiring a lot of maintenance? the chemical waste? Is it disposed in
analysts, then installing exhaust gas
cleaning systems (EGCS) looks like a an environmentally sound manner? issues, North has published a new loss prevention guide.
very attractive option.
Much has been said and written about Marine Fuels: Preventing Claims and
EGCS – commonly referred to as ‘scrubbers’ A. This may have been the case some A. The scrubber guidelines require that
Disputes provides helpful advice on how


– and whether it is an environmentally sound years ago before exhaust gas cleaning marine fuel claims and disputes can
solution. Is putting the SOx into the sea any became widespread. However, scrubbing waste generated by closed loop EGCS is be avoided. Just as importantly, it also
better than releasing it into the atmosphere? is an established technology. There delivered to shoreside reception facilities. provides guidance on how to have the
have been some reports of pipe failures It cannot be discharged to the sea or best chance of success when pursuing or
The public perception of the “greenness” of incinerated onboard.
due to using incorrect materials or defending a claim.
scrubbers may well be different to the reality.
To help us decide on what is myth and what incorrect coatings. The key to successful This new guide will assist seagoing officers,
is fact, North asked Don Gregory and Mark EGCS is extremely professional project vessel operators, vessel managers and time
management and high quality installation
West of the Exhaust Gas Cleaning System
Association (EGCSA) to take part in a teams. EGCS are designed for the life of Q. If the EGCS malfunctions in charterers in understanding what can go
wrong when purchasing, bunkering and using
short Q&A. the ship. service, is the vessel in breach of marine fuels and what steps can be taken to
The following are the opinions of the
MARINE FUELS: PREVENTING prevent them and mitigate their impact.
EGCSA and do not necessarily reflect the CLAIMS AND DISPUTES It explores the subject of marine fuels, from
views of North.
Q. Can we expect laws – international, the production and refining process all the
regional or domestic - that will A. The key advice The North of England P&I Association
that EGCSA has way to burning in the vessel’s engines. The
eventually control or ban the discharge received is that ship operators should nature and characteristics of marine fuels is
Q. Doesn’t an EGCS merely move the of EGCS effluent (particularly in be open and advise flag and coastal/ discussed along with purchasing, contractual
pollution from the air into the sea? confined waters and ports)? port state without delay of the issue obligations, loading, handling, sampling and
and remedial actionQuantity
that is and
beingquality issues regarding the supplytesting.
taken. of marine
The fuels canfinishes
guide lead to by looking at claims
potentially complex, costly and lengthy claims and legal disputes.
management andThis
all-important collection
In the event of a problem preventing
provides helpful advice on how these claims and of disputes
evidence. can be avoided. Just as
system operation, the ship would not
A. This is a common misconception A. IMO already requires that the wash importantly, it also provides guidance on how to have the best chance of success
be considered as being in immediate
when pursuing or defending a claim. Marine Fuels: Preventing Claims and Disputes
– scrubber wash water removes and water parameters of pH, polycyclic breach of the regulations because builds on an earlier publication, the highly
converts sulphur oxides from the exhaust aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and non-compliance would be unintentional
This guide aims to assist seagoing officers, vessel operators,
successful vessel Claims
Bunker managersPrevention: A Guide
gases so they are discharged in the turbidity are continuously monitored and the provisions and
of regulation 3.1.2 of
time charterers in understanding what can go wrong when purchasing,
to Good Practice written by North’s Richard
wash water as harmless sulphate. After and the results logged against time and MARPOL Annex VIbunkering
would apply.
and using marine fuels and what steps can be taken to prevent them and

The North of England P&I Association

Bracken and Mike Salthouse with fuel expert
sodium and chloride, sulphate is the ship’s position. If EGCS operation mitigate their impact.
is not possible, It explores the subject of marine fuels, from the production
the ship Chris Fisher.
and refining process all the way to burning in the vessel’s engines. The nature and
most common ion in seawater. Even There are a few ports that have is advised to change over to compliant
characteristics of marine fuels is discussed along Thewith
new guide reinforces
purchasing, North’s long-held
if all of the sulphur in all of the world’s prohibited the use of open loop fuel. However, if there is no compliant fuel
obligations, loading, handling, sampling and testing. oft-repeated ‘golden
guide finishes rule’ on
by looking at resolving
petroleum reserves were to be scrubbed, scrubbers in their waters. But there is on board, the ship should be allowed to
claims management and the all-important collection bunkerofquality and quantity disputes:
the increase in ocean sulphate would no evidence to justify the prohibition. complete the current leg of its voyage
be infinitesimally small. Scrubber wash There are many examples of land based without deviation and then carry
Increasingly stringent environmental regulation “The
out repair success
has placed of any
more bunker quality or quantity
water discharges are also continuously scrubbers operating for decades without works or bunker compliant fuel.and operators. Compliance with the
on seafarers dispute
globalwill depend
sulphur capupon the quality of
in 2020
monitored and subject to strict discharge measurable impact on sediments or the has driven the demand for new compliant fuels evidence collected inThis
and new technology. support
guide of the claim.”
limits. Various studies have concluded surrounding waters. It is very much an considers this change in the landscape, with a particular focus on the increasing
Quite simply, the party with the strongest
that any reduction in pH from scrubbing, emotional reaction. use of LNG as a marine fuel.
evidence to support their claim is more likely
will be insignificant when compared with
that resulting from increasing atmospheric
Q. Is it too late to order and install an to succeed. The new guide outlines the
The North of England P&I
EGCS on a vessel before 2020? evidence needed to successfully pursue or
CO2 absorbed by the oceans.
Q. Are you confident that refineries
Association is a leading marine
defend that claim.
mutual liability insurer based in MARINE FUELS: PREVENTING
Also, open loop scrubbing has been used
for years by coastal power stations and will continue to produce cheap high
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, with
Perhaps moreregional
importantly, this
o fices in guide
China, also
A. It is understood that most of the
sulphur residual fuels post-2020? Hong that
rests on the belief Kong,‘prevention
Japan and Singapore.
by oil tanker inert gas (IG) systems when The club has developed a
in port without environmental issues. better than cure’ and itreputation
worldwide will hopefully
for thehelp to The North of England P&I Association
EGCSA members cannot £30 now deliver until avoid or minimise claims
quality altogether.
and diversity of its loss-
Taking the holistic view, scrubbing enables after 2020. There areISBN:
bottlenecks prevention initiatives.
the use of residual fuel to continue, which such as availability of laser measurement
means the energy needed for producing A. Yes - there is no doubt that refiners surveyors and experienced installation
distillate fuel and resulting CO2 emissions are worried about the disposal of teams. However, we understand one By Alvin Forster
can be greatly reduced. residues come late 2019 with the switch particular yard in Korea has recently Deputy Director (Loss Prevention)
to 0.5%S fuel. The worst case scenario quoted 19 days for complete installation. FIND OUT MORE
is the high sulphur fuel falls below the As things stand, high alloy steels required North Members and vessels on risk with North will receive a complimentary copy of the
price of coal. for manufacture are still available in guide. Members should contact North if they require further copies of the guide which will be
sufficient quantities. available at a discounted rate. The guide will be available on Amazon to non-Members
at a later date.

14 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • 2020 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • 2020 15

CHANGE TACK Providing effective medical care for seafarers after repatriation has many

benefits. High quality treatment and close medical management of the
treatment plan will help get the seafarer back to good health, and hopefully
back to the ship, within a reasonable time.
There has been a notable change North introduced its Post Repatriation
Medical Programme (PRM) in the
This practice will ensure that swift and focused
care is provided to the seafarer without delays
in stowaway trends over the last Philippines during 2013. Working closely or misinterpretation. In many instances it
with the post-repatriation doctors ensures is beneficial for the PRM doctors to speak
18 months, with an increase that a suitable and effective medical directly with the overseas doctor in order to
plan is put in place for a Filipino seafarer coordinate care for the best possible outcome.
in activity around a number of repatriated as a result of a work related
By Lucy Dreyer
European ports. Senior Executive (Claims)
illness or injury. Following the repatriation,
the seafarer can be promptly referred
to one of the Post Repatriation Medical FIND OUT MORE
Stowaway specialists Robmarine have It is strongly recommended that any seals are intact and paying special attention facilities for examination. This ensures Further guidance on our Post
reported significant numbers of Albanian stowaway discovered on board is held in to empty, open-top or open-sided containers. the seafarer receives the appropriate Repatriation Medical Programme,
nationals close to the ports of Bilbao a secure cabin and thorough searches treatment at a good quality medical which includes full details of our two
As a final precaution, and to supplement facility and that the Member satisfies its recommended facilities, Ship to Shore
and Santander in Spain. It is alleged that are carried out for any possessions or
the measures taken under the Ship Security contractual obligations. Medical Assist and Shiphealth Inc, can
people traffickers are active in this region identification documents so that these may
Plan, a thorough and systematic stowaway be found on our website.
and it was initially believed that the vast be presented to the authorities.
majority of these Albanian nationals
Members should be aware that under section
search should be carried out before the
ship sails.
were targeting ferry operators. However, The PRM programme works best when North North-Post-Repatriation-Medical-
40 of the UK Immigration & Asylum Act Programme-singles-May-2018.pdf
in recent months cargo vessels have is notified of an illness or injury incident before
1999, a penalty of £2,000 per stowaway
been targeted. the repatriation of a seafarer. This allows
applies. This penalty is imposed on any
The recently completed security perimeter
around the vehicle waiting area outside of
vessel carrying an individual without the
correct passport or visa documentation into Further information on preventing MEDICAL PROGRAMME North to liaise with the medical facility and
arrange for the seafarer to be referred there
or collected at the airport in the Philippines.
By Lucy Dreyer
Senior Executive (Claims)
the Bilbao Ferry Port has seen a reduction the UK. Defence against this fine can be stowaways can be found in our loss
in the number of stowaways found on lodged within a 30 day period and in order prevention briefing.
ferries. However, the success of this security to mitigate the penalty it is essential that the


measure has driven the would-be stowaways vessel is able to evidence that adequate
to target Bilbao`s commercial port with security measures are in place on board. For further information from Stowaway
stowaways now being discovered, usually in Evidence that thorough stowaway searches specialists Robmarine visit
groups, on board both container and general were carried from previous ports should also
cargo vessels heading for UK ports including be presented. Telemedicine is the remote diagnosis significantly reducing the overall cost of Modern telemedicine also runs the risk of
Liverpool, Bristol, Portsmouth, Southampton, and treatment of patients via medical care. This is especially useful if the private and confidential data or information
Great Yarmouth and Newcastle. PREVENTING STOWAWAYS telecommunications technologies such
as phone or video messaging. In this way,
patient is being treated for an infectious
condition, effectively keeping the patient in
being compromised. Data breaches and
cybercrime are a topical and recurring issue in
Extra vigilance is required, not only in those
DESTINATION UK ports mentioned above, but also in other
clinical health care can be provided from
a distance.
self-imposed quarantine. today’s interconnected society.
The downsides of telemedicine include
The changes in stowaway activity can be areas considered stowaway hotspots. This
the high set-up costs for data management TRADITIONAL SERVICES
partly explained by the closure of a large is especially relevant in summer months – a PROS AND CONS equipment and training of medical personnel Presently, services that provide traditional
refugee camp located outside of Calais period which historically has shown a rise in
Telemedicine clearly has its advantages in in the technical aspects of using such radio medical advice to ships, such as Centro
in November 2016. Large numbers of stowaway activity.
urgent situations at sea where quick decisions equipment. Virtual medical treatment also Internzionale Radio Medico (C.I.R.M), tend
immigrants dispersed, mainly into the
Access to the vessel should be tightly are required to ensure accurate and timely decreases human interaction between to err on the side of caution. For example,
Netherlands, Belgium and Northern Spain.
controlled. Key considerations include how care. There is also an advantage to using such medical professionals and patients, rather than allow a grumbling stomach
Nationals from Ethiopia, Iraq, Syria and
access to the vessel can be gained, for technologies ashore - in remote ports it can potentially introducing an increased risk ache to continue, they are perhaps likely to
Albania have also been discovered on board
example using mooring ropes and cargo be problematic and expensive to make long of error in diagnosis. recommend immediate medical care in case
UK-bound vessels departing northern French journeys to a large city and it could be argued the grumble is actually appendicitis. While
equipment, as well as by accommodation It has been argued that telemedicine may
ports, Zeebrugge and the Hook of Holland. that most treatment can be discussed and this is undoubtedly disruptive to the ship’s
ladders, gangways and ramps. Constant actually slow down the process of diagnosis
watches should be maintained whilst vessels advised upon via remote means. schedule, it does save lives and it is a brave
ACTION WHEN STOWAWAY IS FOUND are in port and additional security measures Furthermore, recent developments in mobile
and treatment. The increase in time spent
deciphering badly transmitted images or Master or shipowner who would ignore the
If a stowaway is discovered on board a should be taken where necessary, such as collaboration technology allow healthcare poorly written progress reports could have more cautious approach.
vessel, it is very important that the local additional lighting. professionals in multiple locations to share an adverse impact on efficiency and even It is recommended that the first point of
authorities at the next port are notified of their information and discuss patient issues as if result in misinterpretation of results. Other contact is the radio medical company usually
Preventing stowaways boarding with cargo,
presence prior to arrival. In the UK, they were in the same place. Remote patient obstacles include unclear legal regulation for used for medical emergencies. If a specialised
especially in containers, is a particular
after being alerted to a stowaway incident, monitoring through mobile technology can some tele-medical practices and difficulty telemedicine provider is also available then
problem that requires the co-operation of
Border Force (UKBF) officials will attend reduce the need for outpatient visits and claiming reimbursement from the insurers of there will be the benefit of two sources of
the port, the terminal operator and in some
on board upon arrival to complete enable remote prescription verification and government programs in some fields. advice for reassurance.
cases the charterer. The ship’s crew can also By Abbie Rudd
immigration formalities. drug administration oversight, potentially
take precautions such as checking container Senior Executive (Claims)

16 SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • PEOPLE SUMMER 2018 • ISSUE:112 • PEOPLE 17

PREVENTION You may have missed...

A range of problems can arise when JULY 2018 HOLLYWOOD ENDINGS
transporting steel cargoes by sea. Director of Claims, Adrian Durkin’s views An opinion piece in the Maritime Executive
The more common issues can be on cyber security, a growing issue in the by Mike Salthouse, Deputy Global Director
broadly categorised as mechanical shipping industry, can be read in the July (Claims) on the reality of piracy and trends in
damage or rust-related problems and issue of Safety at Sea. recent years.
in many cases the damage occurs


before it is even loaded onto the
To assist Members and raise awareness WORLDWIDE TV INTERVIEWS NORTH P&I hollywood-endings#gs.MEVnnfc
of these issues, North has published CLUB, JUNE 2018
a new loss prevention briefing on the NORTH P&I’S ANCHOR MAN, MAY 2018

An interview with Gordon Robertson,
carriage of steel cargoes.
Deputy Director (Claims) Greece, about the North East Times interview Paul Jennings,
The briefing reviews the importance of international decrease in major pollution CEO, about North’s commitment to the North
assessing the pre-shipment condition claims. East, and its future.
of the cargo. Many steel cargo claims Women in Maritime, Kath Birchall
relate to damage and rusting that has
The responsibilities of the shipowner and the occurred prior to loading onto the
vessel. If the pre-shipment condition

charterer in an unamended time charterparty such is not properly assessed and recorded MARK, MAY 2018 SAFETY CULTURE AND SEAFARER STANDARDS
as the NYPE form are clearly stated and understood. at the time of loading and clean bills of
lading are issued, this can lead to an
assumption that any damage noted IMPRESSIVE GROWTH, JUNE 2018 profiled by Fairplay as part of their Women in
Maritime special feature. Katherine’s interview
Colin Gillespie, Director (Loss Prevention)
at discharge would have occurred on
From time to time, however, charterers
try to slip words into the charterparty
SNEAKING IN A CLAUSE the vessel. Cargo owners might then
Paul Jennings, CEO, comments on North’s
successful year.
can be read on the Fairplay website: fairplay.
discusses the challenges to the shipping
industry from a loss prevention perspective.
(sometimes in clauses which might not The ICA also states that liability will be successfully bring a claim that their
deal primarily or exclusively with cargo apportioned 50:50 if there is “a similar cargo was damaged whilst on board
global-director-fdd-north-pi-club green4sea/110297-safety-culture-and-
operations) to transfer responsibility for amendment making the Master responsible the vessel. insurer-reports-impressive-growth/
cargo operations onto the shipowner. for cargo handling”. Amendment of the seafarer-standards-are-closely-linked.
cargo responsibility clauses can be made
This highlights the value of pre-load
surveys for steel cargoes in order to CYBER RISKS: INSURANCE COVER AND SULPHUR CAP RISKS PAINFUL html
SUPERVISION AND RESPONSIBILITY by wording anywhere in the charterparty
ensure the pre-shipment condition CHARTERPARTY DISPUTES, MAY 2018
An unamended NYPE form provides that and some charterers try to insert words
is properly recorded. The new Loss CYBER PREPAREDNESS, JUNE 2018 Tiejha Smyth, Deputy Director of FD&D,
cargo handling (loading, stowage, lashing, into other parts of the charterparty, hoping
Prevention briefing outlines North’s North’s Colin Gillespie, Director (Loss spoke to Fairplay about potential charterparty
discharge and storage) is the charterer’s the shipowner or his broker do not notice.
policy on which cargoes could Prevention), spoke about the risk of cyber- issues that could arise due to the 2020
sole responsibility. The Master supervises The charterer’s aim is to make the Master
potentially require a pre-load survey. attacks for shipping companies at the recent sulphur cap.
the cargo operations but only to the extent responsible for cargo handling so that
Common issues that can result in SAFETYSEA Cyber Masterclass. You can
of ensuring the safety of the vessel and the 50:50 apportionment will apply. A
damage to the cargo include poor read an summary of Colin’s presentation on
its crew. Sometimes the charterer seeks recent judgment has indicated that these
handling, substandard stowage and the SAFETY4SEA website: article/4301496/sulphur-cap-risks-painful-
greater involvement of the Master in cargo attempts are likely to fail unless the words
securing, water ingress into the hold and cm-cyber-risks-insurance-cover-and- charterparty-disputes
operations and will ask that the charterparty used are clear and make the Master fully
improper hold ventilation. The briefing cyber-preparedness/
is amended so that the operations are under responsible all for cargo operations. In the
case, the main clause referred only to the provides advice on these matters to
the supervision “and responsibility” of the
Master’s supervision but one of the rider minimise the risk of cargo damage.
Master. The Master then shares responsibility
for the safety of the cargo during cargo clauses provided in part that the Master The briefing further advises on charter
operations as well as retaining the right to “will be responsible for proper stowage and party aspects, particularly those that
unseaworthiness and safety of the vessel“.


object if the vessel is endangered by the relate to the stowage and securing of
charterer. The court held that this attempt to make the cargo, complying with maximum
the Master responsible for part of the cargo tank top strengths and adherence to the
ICA APPORTIONMENT OF LIABILITY operations was not in keeping with the cargo securing manual.
intention of the ICA. In order to be a “similar North’s 26th UK Residential Training Details of the 2019 course will be
To avoid expensive legal arguments
amendment”, the whole of the responsibility Course in P&I Insurance and Loss released shortly. The available places
between shipowners and charterers, many
charterparties incorporate the Inter-Club for cargo operations had to be clearly FIND OUT MORE Prevention took place at the stunning tend to sell out very quickly so book
transferred to the Master. venue of Lumley Castle in the North East soon to avoid disappointment.
Agreement (ICA) which provides a ‘quick Further information on Carriage of
from Monday 11th to 15th June 2018.
and easy’ apportionment of liability for This defeat is unlikely to stop charterers trying steel cargoes can be found in our
Once again it has been heralded as a
cargo damage. Where the charterparty to introduce terms into charterparties to loss prevention briefing.
great success by the 40 plus delegates
is unamended, the ICA apportions all attempt to shift more responsibility for cargo
attending from many sectors of the FIND OUT MORE
liability arising out of cargo operations to operations onto the Master and shipowner. Carriage-of-Steel-Cargoes-LP-
maritime industry. Throughout the event For more
the charterer but where the words “and The recent judgment does provide some Briefing.pdf
the delegates enjoyed a valuable mix of information visit
responsibility” are added to the charterparty, protection for shipowners, but they should traditional and interactive training and
liability is apportioned 50:50 between the always remain aware of the risks. By John Southam networking experiences.
shipowner and the charterer. Loss Prevention Executive
By Peter Scott
Senior Executive (Claims)

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The North of England P&I Association Limited LOSS.PREVENTION@NEPIA.COM
The North of England P&I Association Limited Current articles from Signals can be found online at and back issues of Signals are
North P&I Club available online at

In this publication all references to the masculine gender are for convenience only and are also intended as a reference to the female gender. Unless the contrary is indicated, all articles are written with
reference to English Law. However it should be noted that the content of this publication does not constitute legal advice and should not be construed as such. Members with appropriate cover should
contact the North’s FD&D department for legal advice on particular matters.
The purpose of this publication is to provide information which is additional to that available to the maritime industry from regulatory, advisory, and consultative organisations. Whilst care is taken to ensure
the accuracy of any information made available (whether orally or in writing and whether in the nature of guidance, advice, or direction) no warranty of accuracy is given and users of the information
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000003 - June 2018

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