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Special Weapon Materials

With the exception of Adamantine armor and weapons, and Mithral armor, fifth edition does not
(yet) have any official rules for weapons and armor made from other non-standard materials. If
your campaign includes primitive lands, you might need rules for stone or bone. Here are some
house rules you may want to use.

The metal weapons and armor in the PHB are assumed to be steel. In primitive areas, steel may
not be available. In other areas more advanced materials such as Adamantine or Mithral might
be available. Some of these materials grant the item the fragile property – a property that can
be applied to both weapons and armor.

Weapons, armor and some other items can sometimes be crafted using materials that possess
innate special properties. If you make a suit of armor or weapon out of more than one special
material, you get the benefit of only the most prevalent material. However, you can build a
double weapon with each head made of a different special material.

Each of the special materials described below has a definite game effect. Some creatures have
damage reduction making them resistant to all but a special type of damage, such as that dealt
by evil-aligned weapons or bludgeoning weapons. Others are vulnerable to weapons of a
particular material. Characters may choose to carry several different types of weapons,
depending upon the types of creatures they most commonly encounter.

Source: PAP61


This glowing, blue-green substance can be a source of great energy. It also causes those who
spend extended amounts of time near it to grow ill and die unless proper precautions are taken.
Abysium functions as steel when used for weapons and armor, but those who carry or wear
abysium arms or armor become sickened for as long as the gear is carried or worn. Likewise,
those in an area with heavy concentrations of abysium become sickened for as long as they
remain in the area. This is a poison effect.

Weapons and armor made from abysium glow with an intensity equal to that of a candle.
Abysium can also be powdered and alchemically distilled with other rare catalysts and chemicals
to form a much more potent toxin. A pound of Abysium is enough to make 1 dose of abysium

Abysium Powder: Poison—ingested; save Fortitude DC 18; onset 10 minutes; frequency

1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1d4 Con damage plus nausea; cure 2 saves; cost 900 gp.

Source: PZO1110

HP/inch 40 (weapons and armor normally made of steel that are made of adamantine have one-
third more hit points than normal.; Hardness 20; Cost Adamantine is so costly that weapons and
armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the
prices given.


Type of Item Item Cost Modifier

Ammunition +60 gp per missile
Light armor +5,000 gp
Medium armor +10,000 gp
Heavy armor +15,000 gp
Weapon +3,000 gp

Adamantine is extremely strong and favored by weapon and armor smiths alike for its ability to
cut through solid barriers with ease and endure heavy blows.

Adamantine weapons
Melee weapons and ammunition made of or coated with adamantine are unusually effective
when used to break objects. Whenever an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition hits an
object, the hit is a critical hit.

Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering
weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20.

Adamantine armor
Can be any Medium or heavy armor, but not hide. While you’re wearing it, any critical hit against
you becomes a normal hit.

Armor made from adamantine grants its wearer damage reduction of 1/— if it’s light armor, 2/—
if it’s medium armor, and 3/— if it’s heavy armor. Adamantine is so costly that weapons and
armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the
prices given. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on
attack rolls, and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to
ordinary armor of its type. Items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantine. An
arrow could be made of adamantine, but a quarterstaff could not.

The adamantine version of a suit of armor, or a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition
costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the
metal or coated with it.

Source: PZO1123

HP/inch 5; Hardness 5; Cost see table

Type of Item Price Modifier
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +2,000 gp
The preserved skin of an angel retains a portion of celestial grace and can be crafted into leather,
hide, or studded leather armor. Angelskin radiates a moderate good aura that masks malign
auras. Any evil aura radiated by the wearer is reduced in strength by 10 Hit Dice. Auras reduced
below 1 Hit Die can’t be detected by means such as detect evil; the creature doesn’t detect as
evil, though this has no effect on other aspects of the creature’s alignment. For example, a weak
chaotic creature wearing angelskin armor detects as chaotic, but not evil.

Spells and supernatural abilities that have special effects when cast on or used against creatures
with evil alignments (even beneficial effects) have a 20% chance of treating an evil wearer as
neutral instead. Ongoing effects such as smite evil make this roll the first time they are used
against the creature; if the effect treats the target as neutral, it does so for the remainder of the
effect’s duration. If the ongoing effect applies to an area and the wearer leaves that area, the
percentage chance should be rolled again. Permanent magic items such as holy weapons always
treat the wearer as evil. Armor constructed from angelskin is always of masterwork quality; the
masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.

Asbestos Cloth
Source: PSCS (3pp)


Asbestos cloth will not catch on fire and armor constructed from asbestos cloth provides
resistance to fire and heat. Asbestos clothing and cloth armor composed primarily of asbestos is
immune to fire damage and is never at risk of catching on fire. However, this property only
imparts fire resistance 5 to the wearer.

Objects constructed from asbestos cloth cost twice as much as their normal counterparts, but
they take no longer to make than ordinary objects of that type (double all successful Craft
results). Asbestos cloth has the same statistics as normal cloth.

Source: PCS:DR

Type of Aszite-Veined Item Item Price Modifier

Light armor +750 gp
Medium armor +750 gp
Heavy armor +1,000 gp
The twin ores of aszite and druchite are found only on the Shadow Plane. These ores are highly
sought after for structural construction, as well as for their use in enhancing armor and

The navy-blue ore known as aszite is often used to reinforce buildings. While aszite cannot be
properly worked into weapons, it can be added in the form of veinlike reinforcements to armor,
where it absorbs and amplifies certain unique magical properties.
Adding aszite veins to armor increases the item’s weight by 10%. The added veins are capable of
absorbing extra power from spells with the darkness descriptor. The wearer of aszite-veined
armor gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks when affected by a spell with the
darkness descriptor. In addition, spells with the darkness descriptor that last multiple rounds last
1 round longer when affecting a creature with aszite-veined armor. If the spell affects an object
(such as a darkness spell) then targeting a piece of aszite-veined armor instead increases the
spell’s duration by 50%.

Aszite has hardness 15 and has 20 hit points per inch of thickness.

Basalt, Magic Bridge

Source: PCS:MCoM

Value 5 sp/lb.; HP/inch 30*; Hardness 10 (assumed to have same HP/inch as Iron since it has the
same Hardness. Will update after double-checking source soon)


The stones are infused with a unique variant of ancient preservative magic. Scholars suspect that
these features have grown in the stones of the bridge over the ages since an even older time,
and were not originally intended or even anticipated by the structure’s architects. Bridge stones
harvested from underwater rubble or mined from offshore pilings are not only of great value to
builders and sculptors, but also of particular interest to those seeking to create stone constructs.

Physical Properties: Magic bridge basalt is as hard as iron, while retaining its other stony features
for carving and building. It has hardness 10 and typically fetches a price of about 5 sp per pound.

Building Constructs: When a construct’s materials consist entirely of the stone, its Craft DC
increases by +5 , but the required Caster Level decreases by 1. In addition, stone constructs
crafted from Magic Bridge Basalt gain a +2 bonus to Strength and gain twice as many bonus hit
points as normal from the construct type.

Black Seaweed
Source: Treasures of Freeport (3pp)

Value 2 gp/lb.; HP/inch 3; Hardness 1


Growing in underwater forests in shallow waters, black seaweed is a relatively common

commodity in coastal areas. When wet, it is inky black with slightly lighter veins. When dried, it
looks almost like tobacco only darker and much more fibrous. Black seaweed is often used as a
rope substitute by aquatic races, especially in construction of nets, due to its strength and
resistance to seawater.

Black seaweed must be kept moist at all times. The moment it is removed from salt water it
begins to deteriorate and lose its strength. Removal from water for more than 8 hours begins to
dry it out (hardness 0, 2 hp/in.) and causes it to lose its elasticity. Before this point the seaweed
can be brought back to its normal state by submersion for one hour in salt water. Once 8 hours
have past the deterioration is irreversible and after 24 hours out of water it is dry and brittle
(hardness 0, 1 hp) and easily broken apart like any other dried plant. Storing black seaweed in
any liquid other than seawater slows the process to one-fourth its normal time (32 hours to
begin drying out, 96 hours to become brittle) but does not completely prevent it.

Blood Iron (3pp)

Source: LG:LS


Price: +1,500 gp (weapon), +750 gp (armor) or +30 gp (ammunition)

This rust-red metal is a special form of steel (despite the name) that is infused with blood in the
forging process, usually that of a ritualistically- sacrificed and oftentimes sacred animal such as a
rooster or bull; in evil societies or particularly- desperate situations, a human sacrifice might be

This ritual involves both costly materials (such as special incense to burn during the entirety of
the process) and a skilled craftsman, hence the high price f or such a weapon. The end result is a
metal that always seems to be slick with blood and has a distinctive iron-and-copper scent, no
matter how much it is cleaned. A weapon made of blood-iron is always considered masterwork.

As long as an individual is wielding a weapon made of blood-iron (merely carrying one is not
enough), they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks; multiple wielded weapons
grant multiple instances of this bonus. On any turn where the wielder has drawn the weapon
from its sheath (or has otherwise drawn their weapon from an unready position), the bonus to
Intimidate that wielding that weapon grants is increased by +1; the light plays off a blade in a
sinister manner, a hammer drips blood as if it had recently crushed a skull, and so forth. In
addition, whenever the weapon would threaten a critical hit, the wielder gains a +4
circumstance bonus to confirm the critical (which stacks with effects such as Critical Focus).
Finally, the weapon gains the deadly quality; if the weapon would already have the deadly
quality, the benefits stack.

Any armor primarily made of metal (such as a chain shirt or breastplate) can also be made out of
blood-iron. Armor that is made of blood-iron grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate while
worn, and grants a +4 circumstance bonus to saving throws against effects that would cause the
wearer to take hit point damage from bleeding. It also grants a +2 circumstance bonus to
Constitution checks made to stabilize.

Unlike other special materials, the process of creating blood-iron allows a weapon to be formed
from it even after its initial creation. A masterwork weapon that is primarily made of metal
(including the heads of arrows or spears, or other wooden-hafted but metal-tipped weapons)
and is not otherwise a special material (such as bronze, cold iron, or silver) can be converted into
a blood-iron weapon by paying the additional cost and using the normal rules for crafting
mundane equipment. As fresh blood must be provided in order to create such a weapon, the
character must either find a noteworthy sacrifice (which may prove more difficult than first
assumed) or give some of their own blood; 3 hit points per character level is enough.

Source: PZO1118


Bone can be used in place of wood and steel in weapons and armor. Other animal-based
materials like horn, shell, and ivory also use the rules for bone weapon and armor. The cost of a
bone weapon or bone armor is half the price of a normal weapon or armor of its type.

Weapons Light and one-handed melee weapons, as well as two-handed weapons that deal
bludgeoning damage only, can be crafted from bone. Hafted two-handed weapons such as
spears can be crafted with bone tips, as can arrowheads. Other two-handed weapons cannot be
constructed of bone. Bone weapons have half the hardness of their base weapons and have the
fragile weapon quality. Masterwork bone weapons also have the fragile quality, but magic bone
weapons do not. Bone weapons take a –2 penalty on damage rolls (minimum 1 damage).

Armor Studded leather, scale mail, breastplates, and wooden shields can all be constructed using
bone. Bone either replaces the metal components of the armor, or in the case of wooden
shields, large pieces of bone or shell replace the wood. Bone armor has a hardness of 5 and has
the fragile armor quality. Masterwork bone armor also has the fragile quality, but magic bone
armor does not. The armor/shield bonus of bone armor is reduced by 1, but in the case of
studded leather, the armor check penalty is also reduced by 1 (to 0).

Fragile Weapon & Armor Quality

Source: PZO1118

Fragile Weapons
Fragile weapons cannot take the beating that sturdier weapons can. If you roll a natural 1 on an
attack roll with a fragile weapon, you must then make a DC(10) Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) save
or that weapon is damaged and only does half damage after that. If already damaged, the
weapon is destroyed instead.

Fragile weapons and armor cannot take the beating that sturdier weapons can. A fragile weapon
gains the broken condition if the wielder rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with the weapon. If a
fragile weapon is already broken, the roll of a natural 1 destroys it instead.

Fragile Armor
Armor with the fragile property falls apart when hit with heavy blows. If you are wearing fragile
armor and are hit with a critical hit, you must make a DC(10) Dexterity (Acrobatics) save or the
armor is damaged and the AC bonus it provides is halved. If already damaged, the armor is
destroyed instead.

Armor with the fragile quality falls apart when hit with heavy blows. If an attacker hits a creature
wearing fragile armor with an attack roll of a natural 20 and confirms the critical hit (even if the
creature is immune to critical hits), the armor gains the broken condition. If already broken, the
armor is destroyed instead. Fragile armor is not broken or destroyed by critical threats that are
not generated by natural 20s, so if a creature wielding a weapon with a 19–20 or 18–20 critical
range scores a critical hit on the wearer of this armor with a roll of less than a natural 20, that
critical hit has no chance to break or destroy the armor.

Masterwork and magical fragile weapons and armor lack these flaws unless otherwise noted in
the item description or the special material description.

Bone can be used in place of wood and steel in weapons and armor. Other animal-based
materials like horn, shell, and ivory also use the rules for bone weapon and armor.

Bone Armor
Studded leather, scale mail, breastplates, and wooden shields can all be constructed using bone.
Bone either replaces the metal components of the armor, or in the case of wooden shields, large
pieces of bone or shell replace the wood. They are one quarter the weight of their base armor,
and have the fragile property. The armor/shield bonus of bone armor is reduced by 1. If the
armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength
requirement, the bone version of the armor doesn’t.

Bone Weapons
Light and one-handed melee weapons, as well as two-handed weapons that deal bludgeoning
damage only, can be crafted from bone. Hafted two-handed weapons such as spears can be
crafted with bone tips, as can arrowheads. Other two-handed weapons cannot be constructed of
bone. Bone weapons have the the fragile property. Bone weapons take a –1 penalty on damage
rolls (minimum 1 damage).

Armor and Weapons made from bone cost one tenth as much as those made from steel, but
they are not normally available except in those cultures that use them.

Bone (3pp)
Source: Treasures of Freeport (3pp)

Value 1 sp/lb.; HP/inch 10; Hardness 5

Source: Cerulean Seas Undersea Campaign Setting (3pp)


This unusual and extremely rare material has a few secrets that those uninitiated to psionic
sciences are typically unaware of. First, all brill radiates a faint psychokinetic aura. Second, the
material can be tapped for power points, though doing so can be very dangerous and it may
even destroy the stone. To tap into the power of a brillstone, the own must place it in his mouth
and expend psionic focus as a standard action. The owner then gains 1d6 temporary power

On a roll of a 6, the owner gains another 1d6 point points. On subsequent rolls of 6, another d6
is rolled and that many power points are gained until something other than a 6 is rolled. Any
time the owner gains more than 9 power points from a brillstone, the stone is utterly destroyed.

If the stone is not destroyed, it cannot be tapped for power points again until 24 hours has

Immediately upon receiving power points, regardless of the number of times a d6 was rolled, the
owner then takes energy damage equal to the total number of temporary power points he has
gained (no save). The type of energy is determined by the last roll of the d6: 1: cold, 2: steam, 3:
electricity, 4: sonic, 5: acid.

Source: PZO1118

Before the advent of iron and steel, bronze ruled the world. This easily worked metal can be
used in place of steel for both weapons and armor. For simplicity’s sake, similar or component
metals such as brass, copper, or even tin can use the following rules, even though in reality
bronze is both harder and more reliable than those metals.

Bronze Weapons
Bronze weapons have the same weight and do the same damage as steel weapons of the same
type but also have the fragile property.

Bronze Armor
Bronze can be used to create any medium or light armor made entirely of metal or that has
metal components. It protects a creature as well as steel armor does, but it has the fragile
property. Bronze armor has the same weight as normal steel armor of its type.

Weapons Light and one-handed weapons can be crafted from bronze. Likewise, spear points,
arrowheads, and axe heads can be crafted from bronze, even those that are parts of two-handed
weapons. Bronze is too weak to be used for two-handed weapons made entirely out of metal,
and cannot typically be used to craft polearms, with the exception of the rhomphaia, which is
provided in the section on Bronze Age equipment. Bronze weapons have the hardness of their
base weapons but also have the fragile quality. Bronze weapons do the same damage as steel
weapons of the same type, and have the same cost and weight.

Armor Bronze can be used to create any medium or light armor made entirely of metal or that
has metal components. It protects a creature as well as steel armor does, but it has the fragile
quality. Bronze armor has the same cost and weight as normal steel armor of its type. Bronze
armor has a hardness of 9.
Armor and Weapons made from bronze cost half as much as those made from steel.

Bulette Armor
Source: Pch:DDR


Dwarves have long treasured bulettes for their thick hides and armor plating. In fact, some dwarf
clans require their young to travel on long pilgrimages to areas thick with land sharks to hunt the
reclusive and vicious beasts, intent on harvesting their plates for armor. A single adult male
bulette has enough armor plating and hide to produce two sets of Medium bulette plate mail
and four sets of Medium leather or studded leather armor. These armor sets are more often
than not imbued with the delving armor quality, and veteran dwarf bulette hunters are rarely
seen without their +1 delving bulette full plate while on the hunt. Creating bulette armor from
the creature’s hide requires a skilled armorer; crafted bulette armor may be normal or
masterwork quality.

A set of bulette plate is functionally similar to metal full plate, but is prized by wealthy collectors
and military commanders the world over, and tends to sell for up to 10 times more than a
normal set. Bulette full plate is slightly heavier (65 pounds) than regular steel plate, but is more
flexible and durable (max Dex bonus +2, hardness 12).

A suit of bulette leather armor weighs 20 pounds, and its appearance matches the coloration of
the landshark from which it was made. It sells for 50 gp, but has the same statistics as studded

Source: PSCS (3pp)


Copper-plated objects take half damage from acid effects. Armor composed primarily of metal
that is plated in copper confers to its wearer acid resistance 1 for light armor, 3 for medium
armor and shields, and 5 for heavy armor. Copper-plated armor or shields render the wearer
more vulnerable to electricity attacks, however, either granting any attack against the wearer
that deals electricity damage a +2 bonus to attack rolls or increases the DC to reduce the
electricity damage by +1.

Copper-plated weapons that channel or that deal electricity damage deal 1 extra point of
electricity damage per electricity damage die on a successful hit (this extra damage is multiplied
on a critical hit). For example, a magus channeling a 3d6 shocking grasp spell through his copper-
plated longsword via the spellstrike class feature, would deal 3 extra electricity damage on a hit.

Copper-plated steel has the same statistics as normal steel.

Coral, Chitin, and Sea Shells
Source: Cerulean Seas Undersea Campaign Setting (3pp)

Items made from coral, chitin, or sea shells are refined and shaped through various alchemical
processes. They are relatively cheap, but not particularly strong compared to objects
constructed of metal. Items or objects constructed from these materials gain the broken
condition after 7 days out of water and gain the destroyed condition after 7+(1d6) days out of

HP/inch 8; Hardness 4

Coral or Clamshell, Hardened

HP/inch 15; Hardness 7

Aquatic Armors
Coral: Armor made of coral is grown, not made. Special corals are shaped and molded while
growing, and then harvested and hardened to be worn as armor. Coral armor often has a bizarre
organic look to it.
Clamshell: Clamshell armor is made by connecting together various sized shells harvested from
giant clams.
Chitin: Chitin armor is constructed from the exoskeletons of giant aquatic vermin, such as giant
crabs and lobsters. It is full-body armor.

Table: Aquatic Armors

Medium Armors
Armor Cost Armor
Bonus Maximum
Dex Bonus Armor Check
Penalty Arcane
Spell Failure Speed
30 ft. 20 ft.
Clamshell 200 gp +5 +3 –4 25% 20 ft. 15 ft.
Heavy Armors
Armor Cost Armor
Bonus Maximum
Dex Bonus Armor Check
Penalty Arcane
Spell Failure Speed
30 ft. 20 ft.
Chitin 200 gp +6 +0 –7 40% 20 ft. 15 ft.
Coral 1,500 gp +8 +1 –6 35% 20 ft. 15 ft.
Armor Cost Armor
Bonus Maximum
Dex Bonus Armor Check
Penalty Arcane
Spell Failure Speed
30 ft. 20 ft.
Light shield, coral 8 gp +1 — –1 5% — —

Source Underdark Adventure Guide (3pp)

Value Cost x50 for common crystalline, cost x200 for true crystalline
HP/inch 5; Hardness 20


Type of Weapon Cost Modifier Weight Benefit

Common Crystalline x50 Normal Ignore half of armor bonus; +1d6 sunder damage
True Crystalline x200 Normal Ignores armor and deflection bonuses
Using precious stones to line the edge of bladed weapons, crystalline weapons are capable of
slicing through the toughest of hides. A weapon edged in crystal ignores half of the armor bonus
granted by armor (round up). Against magical armor, this applies only to the armor, but not the
enhancement bonus of the armor. This also applies to shields. The weapon itself must be
enchanted to at least the same level as the armor to enjoy this effect, otherwise it’s treated as a
normal weapon. Furthermore, if used to sunder a weapon or strike an inanimate object the
weapon deals an additional +1d6 points of damage.

True crystalline weaponry is rare in the extreme. These weapons are made entirely from a
precious crystal or gem and are fragile but very lethal weapons used only in the times of greatest
need. A true crystalline blade is typically made of diamond. It ignores armor bonuses of armor,
as well as deflection bonuses from magical items. Against magical armor, the weapon needs to
have an enhancement bonus equal to or greater than that of the armor in order to have any
special effect; otherwise, it is treated as a normal weapon.

These weapons are extremely fragile, despite their incredible hardness. A weapon that is true
crystalline shatters on a natural attack roll of a 1; its hardness is 20 but it only has 5 hp. Only
slashing and piercing weapons may be crystalline.

Crystal, Blood
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch 10; Hardness 10; Cost see table


Type of Item Price Modifier

Ammunition +30 gp per item
Weapon +1,500 gp
Mysterious radiation deep below the surface of the earth warps once-ordinary quartz into
bloodcraving stone. If an attack with a piercing or slashing blood crystal weapon hits a target
suffering from a bleed effect, the creature takes 1 additional point of damage from the attack as
the blood crystal drains blood from the wound. This applies even if the creature was taking bleed
damage before the attack with the blood crystal weapon. This does not increase the amount of
the bleed effect.

Unfed blood crystal has a pale pink hue, darkening toward deep crimson as it becomes saturated
with blood. Piercing or slashing weapons composed entirely or partially of metal can be made
from blood crystal. Unworked blood crystal has a value of 500 gp per pound. Weapons made
with blood crystal have one-half the normal hit points. Armor and shields cannot be made of
blood crystal, as they would feed on the wearer’s own wounds.

Darkleaf Cloth
Source: PZO1121

HP/inch 20; Hardness 10; Cost see table


Type of Item Cost Modifier

Clothing +500 gp
Light armor +750 gp
Medium armor +1,500 gp
Other items +375 gp/lb.
Darkleaf cloth is a special form of flexible material made by weaving together leaves and thin
strips of bark from darkwood trees, then treating the resulting fabric with special alchemical
processes. The resulting material is tough as cured hide but much lighter, making it an excellent
material from which to create armor. Spell failure chances for armors made from darkleaf cloth
decrease by 10% (to a minimum of 5%), maximum Dexterity bonuses increase by 2, and armor
check penalties decrease by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

An item made from darkleaf cloth weighs half as much as the same item made from normal
cured leather, furs, or hides. Items not primarily constructed of leather, fur, or hide are not
meaningfully affected by being partially made of darkleaf cloth. As such padded, leather,
studded leather, and hide armor can be made out of darkleaf cloth (although other types of
armor made of leather or hide might be possible). Because darkleaf cloth remains flexible, it
cannot be used to construct rigid items such as shields or metal armors. Armors fashioned from
darkleaf cloth are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices
given below.

Source: PZO1110

HP/inch 10; Hardness 5; Cost To determine the price of a darkwood item, use the original weight
but add 10 gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item.

This rare magic wood is as hard as normal wood but very light.

Any wooden or mostly wooden item (such as a bow or spear) made from darkwood is
considered a masterwork item and weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of that
type. Items not normally made of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battleaxe or a mace)
either cannot be made from darkwood or do not gain any special benefit from being made of
darkwood. The armor check penalty of a darkwood shield is lessened by 2 compared to an
ordinary shield of its type.

Source: PAP61

One of the strangest of skymetals, rust-red djezet is liquid at all temperatures. This makes the
metal relatively useless for crafting objects, but most who seek out this substance intend to use
it instead as an additional component for spellcasting, as it possesses an ability to enhance
magic. When used as an additional material component, a dose of djezet increases the effective
spell level by 1, which stacks with a heightened spell. To function as an additional material
component, the spellcaster must use a number of doses of djezet equal to the spell’s original
level—additional djezet doses have no effect. Djezet costs 200 gp per dose.

Source: PPC:Dragonslayer’s

HP/inch 10 (hide of a dragon is typically between 1/2 inch and 1 inch thick); Hardness 10; Cost
Dragonhide armor costs twice as much as masterwork armor of the same type, but it takes no
longer to make than ordinary armor of that type (double all Craft results). If the armor or shield
is later given the ability to protect the wearer against that energy type, the cost to add such
protection is reduced by 25%.


A classic status symbol for adventurers, dragonhide armor is coveted for its toughness.
Armorsmiths can work with the hides of dragons to produce armor or shields of masterwork

One dragon produces enough hide for a single suit of masterwork hide armor for a creature one
size category smaller than the dragon. By selecting only choice scales and bits of hide, an
armorsmith can produce one suit of masterwork banded mail for a creature two sizes smaller,
one suit of masterwork half-plate for a creature three sizes smaller, or one masterwork
breastplate or suit of full plate for a creature four sizes smaller. In each case, enough hide is
available to produce a light or heavy masterwork shield in addition to the armor, provided that
the dragon is Large or larger. If the dragonhide comes from a dragon that had immunity to an
energy type, the armor is also immune to that energy type, although this does not confer any
protection to the wearer.

Because dragonhide armor isn’t made of metal, druids can wear it without penalty.
Though smiths have been making dragonhide armor for centuries without the benefit of
dragoncrafting, those with the Dragoncrafting feat are able to improve upon an already excellent

Normally, if a suit of dragonhide armor has energy immunity, one may enhance such a suit with
additional energy protection for the wearer at a 25% reduced cost. However, only effects with
the same elemental type as the armor’s immunity are eligible for this discount. An artisan with
the Dragoncrafting feat may add 1 additional elemental protection to a suit of dragonhide armor
at the same 25% discount, even if this energy resistance is not normally associated with the type
of dragonhide being used.

Source: PPC:Dragonslayer’s


The choicest, most malleable skin from a dragon’s underbelly can be added to any weapon with
a hilt or handle. Dragonskin grips may be added to an existing weapon, or incorporated into a
new weapon during crafting. The skin provides extra grip, granting the wielder a +2 bonus to
CMD against disarm attempts. Producing a dragonskin grip requires the Dragoncrafting feat and
a successful DC 15 Craft (bows or weapons) check.

Source: Godmetals of Porphyra (3pp)

Type of Item Item Item Cost Modifier

Light Armor +4,000 gp
Medium Armor +8,000 gp
Heavy Armor +12,000 gp
Shield +2,000 gp
Weapons +500 gp
Dreamstone looks almost like a pale green crystal to the untrained eye, but can be worked as
iron despite its appearance. It is associated with abjuration magic, dreamers, and musicians.

Dreamstone is light—half as heavy as iron, yet just as strong. More importantly, dreamstone is
strangely resistant to magic. An object made of dreamstone gains a +4 bonus on any saving
throw made against a magical source. Creating a magic item that incorporates any amount of
dreamstone into it increases the price of creation by +5,000 gp, as costly reagents and
alchemical supplies must be used to treat the metal during the process.

Weapons made of dreamstone weigh half as much as normal, and gain a +1 enhancement bonus
on damage rolls against constructs, magically created undead, and summoned creatures.
Dreamstone armor weighs half as much as other armors of its type, and is treated as one
category lighter than normal for the purposes of movement and other limitations (light armor is
still treated as light armor, though). The armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 2, and
armor check penalties are reduced by 3. The armor’s spell failure chance increases by 20% and
applies to all magic cast while wearing the armor, regardless of the magic’s source or class
abilities possessed by the wearer. The wearer of a suit of dreamtime armor gains a +2 resistance
bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. A shield of dreamstone does not
add a resistance bonus to saving throws or reduce spell failure but it adds a +2 deflection bonus
from spells and spell-like abilities that require a ranged touch attack.

Dreamstone has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Dreamstone ore is worth 50
gp per pound.

Source: PCS:DR

Type of Druchite-Veined Item Item Price Modifier

Ammunition +12 gp per item
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +1,500 gp
Heavy armor +2,000 gp
Weapon +1,200 gp
The twin ores of aszite and druchite are found only on the Shadow Plane. These ores are highly
sought after for structural construction, as well as for their use in enhancing armor and

The black-and-violet ore known as druchite is so dark that even creatures that are adapted to
see in lightless conditions can have extreme difficulty perceiving it.

Druchite ore can be worked into armor and weapons by applying it in delicate veins or inlaid
patterns across the equipment.

Druchite-veined armor grants the wearer additional defenses against creatures with darkvision.

The wearer always benefits from a 10% miss chance while in an area of dim light or darkness,
even if she is perceived by a creature using darkvision. Other sensory abilities, such as
blindsense or true seeing, bypass this effect entirely. Druchite-veined weapons grant their
wielder a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against creatures perceiving them with

The wielder receives no bonus when attacking creatures using other senses, such as blindsense,
or benefiting from true seeing.

Druchite has hardness 10 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness.

Eel Hide
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch as leather; Hardness as leather; Cost Armor crafted from eel hide is always considered
masterwork, and the masterwork costs are included in the listed prices.

Type of Item Price Modifier

Light armor +1,200 gp
Medium armor +1,800 gp
This supple material offers as much protection as leather, but is more flexible and resistant to
electricity. Leather, hide, or studded leather armor can be produced with eel hide. The armor
check penalty of such armor is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and the maximum Dexterity
bonus of the armor is increased by 1. Additionally, wearing eel hide grants the wearer electricity
resistance 2.

Elysian Bronze
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch as steel; Hardness as steel; Cost n/a


Type of Item Price Modifier

Ammunition +20 gp per item
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +2,000 gp
Heavy armor +3,000 gp
Weapon +1,000 gp

First crafted in the deeps of time by the titans and bestowed as gifts to monster-slaying heroes
among the lesser races, Elysian bronze retains the brazen coloration of its namesake but is as
hard as steel. A weapon made of Elysian bronze adds a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls
against magical beasts and monstrous humanoids; this damage is multiplied on a critical hit.
After a creature uses an Elysian bronze weapon to deal damage to a magical beast or monstrous
humanoid, the wielder gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that specific creature type (for
example, against chimeras, not all magical beasts) for the next 24 hours, or until the weapon
deals damage to a different kind of magical beast or monstrous humanoid.

Armor made of Elysian bronze also protects its wearer against the natural weapons or unarmed
strikes of magical beasts and monstrous humanoids, providing damage reduction as if it were
adamantine (1/— for light armor, 2/— for medium armor, or 3/— for heavy armor). It does not
provide this protection against creatures of other types.

Source: Godmetals of Porphyra (3pp)

Type of Geranite Item Item Cost Modifier

Ammunition +120 gp per missile
Light Armor +10,000 gp
Medium Armor +30,000 gp
Heavy Armor +60,000 gp
Weapon +6,000 gp

This dull, coppery substance warps time around it, making things seem to speed up or slow
down. Geranite is associated with illusion magic, humility, and valor. Almost never found in
amounts greater than a pound, geranite is the same weight and density as steel, but is much
more durable. A weapon, such as a warhammer, made of geranite gains a +1 circumstance bonus
on attack rolls (ammunition can be made of geranite, but does not grant any bonus on attack
rolls). An entire suit of armor made from this rare metal is fantastically expensive, but since a suit
of geranite armor simultaneously allows its wearer to react more quickly while perceiving time
more slowly, some consider the cost justifiable.

A suit of light geranite armor grants a +1 bonus on Initiative checks, medium geranite armor
grants a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and heavy geranite armor grants a +3 bonus on Initiative
checks. Weapons and armor made of geranite are always of masterwork quality—the
masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Ammunition made from geranite does not
get a circumstance bonus, but acts as masterwork durable ammunition.

Weapons and armor made of geranite have one-fourth more hit points than normal. Geranite
has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.

Source: 101 Special Materials and Power Components (3pp)

HP/inch: 30; Hardness: 10; Cost: light armor +2,000 gp, medium armor +5,000 gp, heavy armor
+10,000 gp, shield +500 gp, ammunition +50 gp, light weapon +500 gp, one-handed weapon, or
one head of a double weapon +1,500 gp, two-handed weapon, or both heads of a double
weapon +2,500 gp, other items 500 gp/lb.


This material has the strength and durability of steel while being as transparent as glass.
Spellcasters and alchemists, via transmutation, have developed the ability to give glass the
properties of steel, and steel the properties of glass.

Items can be made via Craft (armor), Craft (weapons), Craft (blacksmithing), or Craft
(glassblowing) check, appropriate to the type of item.

Finished products must be masterwork quality if possible (included in the cost above). The
resulting material is transparent and the color of the caster’s choice (though is most often
colorless), appearing much like clear volcanic glass. The weight of the item is as normal for an
item of that type. This material is subject to neither magnetism nor rust. The market price of
light armor is increased by 2,000 gp, medium armor by 5,000 gp, heavy armor by 10,000 gp,
shields by 500 gp, ammunition by 50 gp, light weapons by 500 gp, one-handed weapons, or one
head of a double weapon by 1,500 gp, two-handed weapons, or both heads of a double weapon
by 2,500 gp, and other items by 500 gp/lb.

Source: PZO1118


Typically only used for ceremonial weapons and armor, metal equipment made from gold is
fragile, heavy, and expensive. Often golden armor is gold-plated rather than constructed entirely
from gold.

The rules shown are for the rare item constructed entirely of gold rather than being gold-plated.
Gold-plated items triple the base cost of weapons and armor and have the same properties as
the item the gold is plating. Items constructed purely of gold cost 10 times the normal cost for
items of their type. Gold items weigh 50% more than typical weapons or armor of their type.

Weapons Gold is often too soft to hold a decent edge, but light weapons that do piercing or
slashing damage can be constructed of gold or some nearly gold alloy. They take a –2 penalty on
damage rolls (minimum 1 damage). Gold weapons have a hardness of half their base weapons’
and also have the fragile quality.

Armor Gold can be fashioned into light or medium metal armor. The softness and the weight of
the metal decrease the armor/shield bonus by 2, and increase the armor check penalty by 2.
Gold armor has a hardness 5 and the fragile quality.

Source: PZO1123

HP/inch as wood; Hardness as wood; Cost To determine the price of a greenwood item, use the
original weight but add 50 gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item. Items
made from darkwood cannot be made into greenwood.


The secret of greenwood lies in its harvesting. Each length is taken, with leaves still attached,
from a tree animated by a treant and cut with care to avoid the death of the tree. A dryad then
speaks to and shapes the wood, coaxing the living green of the leaves into the grain of the wood
itself. The resulting wood remains alive as long as it is doused with at least one gallon of water
(plus 1 gallon for every 10 pounds of the item’s weight) once per week and allowed to rest for an
hour in contact with fertile soil. Any wooden or mostly wooden item (such as a bow or spear)
made from greenwood is considered a masterwork item. Items not normally made of wood or
only partially of wood (such as a battleaxe or a mace) either cannot be made from greenwood or
do not gain any special benefit from being made of greenwood.

When damp and in contact with fertile soil, living greenwood heals damage to itself at a rate of 1
hit point per hour, even repairing breaks and regrowing missing pieces. If the weapon has the
broken condition, it is repaired during the first hour of contact with fertile soil. Greenwood items
take only one-quarter damage from fire.

Greenwood can be altered or enhanced with wood-shaping magic such as ironwood, shape
wood, and warp wood. The duration of any such effect on a greenwood item is doubled.

Griffon Mane
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch as normal cloth x2; Hardness 1; Cost see table


Type of Item Price Modifier

Light armor +200 gp
Other items +50 gp/lb.
This rough-spun cloth, ranging in color from golden-brown to brown-black, is woven from the
mane of leonine magical beasts, primarily griffons but also chimeras and manticores, and is
exceptionally strong and light. Wearing a cloak, robe, clothing outfit, or padded or quilted armor
made from griffon mane grants a +2 competence bonus on Fly checks. If an item made of griffon
mane is magically given the ability to fly, the cost to add that specific magical property is reduced
by 10%, though this does not reduce the cost of any other abilities the item has.

Source: Godmetals of Porphyra (3pp)

Type of Hellstone Item Cost Modifier

Armor +300 gp
Weapons +600 gp
This metal is blue-green and glows with great power that can poison those who sample of its
might for too long or too directly. Hellstone is associated with conjuration magic and artistic
passion. Hellstone functions as steel when used to craft weapons and armor, but anyone who
carries or wears hellstone arms or armor becomes sickened for as long as the gear is carried or
worn, plus an additional 1d4 hours after it is removed. Likewise, a character in an area with
heavy concentrations of hellstone becomes sickened as long as he remains in the area. This is a
poison effect.

Weapons and armor made from hellstone glow with an intensity equal to that of a candle.
Scholars have long debated where the glow and associated sickening effect come from.
Hellstone weapons are treated as masterwork weapons and are able to bypass the damage
reduction of azatas. Armor are considered masterwork as well.

Hellstone can also be powdered and alchemically distilled with other rare catalysts and
chemicals to form a much more potent toxin. A pound of Hellstone is enough to make 1 dose of
hellstone powder.

Hellstone Powder: Poison—ingested; save Fortitude DC 18; onset 10 minutes; frequency

1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1d4 Con plus nausea; cure 2 saves; Cost 900 gp.

Source: PAP61

The rarest of the known skymetals, this dull, coppery substance warps time around it, making
things seem to speed up or slow down. Almost never found in amounts greater than a pound,
horacalcum is the same weight and density as steel, but is much more durable. A weapon made
of horacalcum gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls (ammunition can be made of
horacalcum, but doesn’t grant any bonus on attack rolls). An entire suit of armor made from this
metal is fantastically expensive, but since a suit of horacalcum armor simultaneously allows its
wearer to perceive time at a slower rate (and thus react more quickly), some consider the cost
justifiable. A suit of light horacalcum armor grants a +1 bonus on Initiative checks, medium
horacalcum armor grants a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and heavy horacalcum armor grants a
+3 bonus on Initiative checks. Weapons and armor made of horacalcum are always of
masterwork quality—the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.

Weapons and armor made of horacalcum have one-quarter more hit points than normal.
Horacalcum has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15. Horacalcum increases a
weapon’s costs by 6,000 gp, light armor by 10,000 gp, medium armor by 30,000 gp, and heavy
armor by 60,000 gp.

Source LLGT (3pp)


Type of Item Item Cost Modifier

Weapon/shield x1/4
Though largely unknown outside of arctic and sub-arctic regions, ice can be used to manufacture
weapons and shields. The manufacturing process is very different than the normal process for
constructing such items, instead relying on the Craft (ice carving) skill (but with the same DCs for
creating weapons and shields). Ice weapons can only exist in areas where the temperature
remains below the freezing point – if the temperature rises even one degree above freezing, ice
weapons and shields begin to melt, losing 2 hp per minute until the item melts away. Ice
weapons and shields can be made permanent, capable of surviving temperatures above
freezing, by magic and with some alchemical concoctions. Unless so treated, ice weapons and
shields suffer 50% more damage from heat and flame (such as a dragon’s breath or a fireball

Ice weapons are virtually ineffective against metal armor, dealing a maximum of 1 hp damage on
strikes against foes clad in any type of metal armor. Ice weapons must also make a DC 15
Fortitude save every time they strike metal armor. Failing the save results in the ice weapon
shattering. Though ice swords are manufactured, the nature of ice does not allow for a cutting
edge, so any ice weapon that normally does slashing damage will do bludgeoning instead
(though the amount of damage does not change). Piercing weapons can still pierce effectively. In
addition to the normal damage, ice weapons deal an extra 1d3 points of cold damage with each
blow and count as cold weapons for purposes of overcoming energy resistance or for purposes
of vulnerability.
Ice shields are very effective against non-metal weapons, performing as a light or heavy wooden
shield. However, against metal weapons, an ice shield has only a +0 (light) or +1 (heavy) shield
bonus. Also, with each blow from a metal weapon, an ice shield must make a DC 15 Fortitude
save. Failure to save results in the ice shield shattering into worthless shards. An ice shield grants
the wielder a +2 bonus to any saving throw against cold-based spells or attacks targeted at the
wielder. The bonus does not apply to area-effect spells, nor does it apply to ranged touch

GM’s Suggestion

Ice shields and weapons are perfect examples of items for which the GM needs to use their
discretion. For all but the harshest of campaign settings, even permanent ice shields and
weapons will be seasonal items at best, sold only during the coldest months of winter.

Source: PAP61


This metal’s structure allows it to pass through iron and steel without touching them, seeming to
shift in and out of phase with reality. Inubrix is the softest of the solid skymetals, being only
slightly less malleable than lead. As a result, it doesn’t function well for crafting armor. Though
inubrix weapons can penetrate most metal armors with relative ease, the weapons tend to break
easily. Inubrix has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.

An inubrix weapon deals damage as if it were one size category smaller than its actual size, and
is always treated as if it had the broken condition. It ignores all armor or shield bonuses granted
by iron or steel armor or shields. Inubrix weapons cannot damage these materials at all (and, by
extension, cannot harm iron golems or similar creatures). Inubrix increases a weapon’s costs by
5,000 gp.

Items made of iron weighs one and one half times as much as the same item made from steel.

Iron armor
Can be any Medium or Heavy armor, but not hide. Medium armor imposes a -1 penalty to the
DEX modifier for calculating the Armor Class (AC). Heavy armor requires a Str score 2 points
higher than that listed in the PHB.

Iron weapons
Items without metal parts cannot be made from iron. An arrow could be made of iron, but a
standard quarterstaff could not. Iron weapons lose all Light and Finesse properties.

Armor and Weapons made from Iron cost the same as those made from steel.
Iron, Cold
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch 30; Hardness 10; Cost Weapons x2 normal. Add magic enhancement +2,000 gp.


This iron, mined deep underground and known for its effectiveness against demons and fey
creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. Weapons made of
cold iron cost twice as much to make as their normal counterparts. Also, adding any magical
enhancements to a cold iron weapon increases its price by 2,000 gp. This increase is applied the
first time the item is enhanced, not once per ability added.

Items without metal parts cannot be made from cold iron. An arrow could be made of cold iron,
but a quarterstaff could not.

A double weapon with one cold iron half costs 50% more than normal.

Cold Iron weapons

Items without metal parts cannot be made from cold iron. An arrow could be made of cold iron,
but a standard quarterstaff could not. Cold iron weapons lose all Light and Finesse properties. A
cold iron weapon grants a +2 bonus to hit against fey creatures. If the creature wielding it has a
strength score of 15 or higher, and the weapon does bludgeoning damage, a +1 bonus is added
to damage rolls.

Weapons made of cold iron cost twice as much to make as their normal counterparts. Also,
adding any magical enhancements to a cold iron weapon increases its price by 2,000 gp. This
increase is applied the first time the item is enhanced, not once per ability added. A double
weapon with one cold iron half costs 50% more than normal.

Cold Iron armor

Can be any Medium or Heavy armor, but not hide. Medium armor imposes a -1 penalty to the
DEX modifier for calculating the Armor Class (AC). Heavy armor requires a Str score 2 points
higher than that listed in the PHB. Cold iron armor grants a +2 bonus to armor class against any
attacks from fey creatures.

The cold iron version of a suit of armor or a melee weapon costs twice as much as the normal

Iron, Primal
Source: 101 Special Materials and Power Components (3pp)

HP/inch: 30 (weapons and shields made from primal iron have half the normal hp, and suffer a -2
penalty to saving throws); Hardness: 10; Cost: weapon x3 normal, add magic enhancement
+3,000 gp.

This dark grey, almost black, iron is non-reflective and lets off a constant smell of freshly spilt
blood; its touch gives off a feeling of security. It has a violent effect against creatures vulnerable
to cold iron. The tales of the elder druids tell of its creation by the “creator-beings” when their
blood mingled with portals into the plane of dreams and filtered down to iron ore deposits in the
deep places of the earth.

Primal iron weapons count as cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction,
affecting regeneration, and concerning vulnerability to cold iron. Creatures whose damage
reduction is overcome by cold iron, or whose regeneration stops functioning due to a cold iron
attack, or who are vulnerable to cold iron take half again as much damage (+50%) from a primal
iron weapon (additional dice damage is not increased such as that from a burst special ability or
sneak attack damage) as normal.

Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of this special

Weapons made of primal iron cost three times as much to make as their normal counterparts. In
addition, adding any magical enhancements to a primal iron weapon increases its price by 3,000
gp. This increase is applied the first time the item is enhanced, not once per ability added; a
double weapon with one primal iron half costs 150% more than normal.

Source: PSCS (3pp)


Lead-lined weapons hit with greater impact, gaining a +1 bonus to damage rolls when dealing
bludgeoning or slashing damage (this extra damage is multiplied on a critical hit). This bonus to
damage is doubled for two-handed weapons. Lead-lined clothing and armor grants its wearer
negative energy resistance 1 for light armor and clothing, 3 for medium armor, and 5 for heavy
armor. However, the wearer takes a -1 penalty to all Dexterity– and Strength-based skill checks
due to the unusual weight.

Lead-lined objects weigh 1.5 times as much as their normal counterparts. Otherwise, lead-lined
steel has the same statistics as normal steel.

Source: Godmetals of Porphyra (3pp)

Type of Item Item Item Cost Modifier

Armor +6,000 gp
Weapons +1,000 gp
This shining silver metal is either incredibly hot or freezing cold when found. Linite is associated
with evocation magic, artifice, and order. Forgewrights debate as to whether linite is a single
substance or two similarly tinctured metals. When raw linite is found, it has a 50% chance of
being hot linite or cold linite.

Physical contact with linite deals 1 point of energy damage (either fire or cold, as appropriate).
Hot linite can eventually ignite objects, and cold linite in water quickly surrounds itself with a 1-
foot-thick shell of ice. A weapon made of linite deals +1 point of damage of the appropriate
energy type each time it strikes a foe, but also deals 1 point of the same energy damage to the
wielder each round it is used in combat.

Likewise, linite armor deals 1 point of energy damage per round to a creature wearing it, and
deals 1 point of energy damage each full round a creature is grappled by someone wearing linite
armor. Cold linite armor grants fire resistance 5, while hot linite armor grants cold resistance 5.
(The type of armor does not alter the amount of resistance granted.) Typically only creatures
with natural resistance to fire or cold seek to use linite weapons or armor.

Source: Godmetals of Porphyra (3pp)

This metal’s structure allows it to pass through iron and steel without touching them, seemingly
shifting in and out of phase with reality. Mawine is associated with necromancy magic,
prophecies of doom, and assassins. Mawine is the softest of the solid godmetals, being only
slightly less malleable than lead. It doesn’t function well for crafting armor as a result, and
though mawine weapons can penetrate most metal armors with relative ease, the weapons tend
to break easily.

Mawine has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5. A mawine weapon deals damage
as if it were one size category smaller than its actual size, and is always treated as if it had the
broken condition. It ignores all armor or shield bonuses granted by iron or steel armor or shields.
Mawine weapons cannot damage these materials at all (and, by extension, cannot harm iron
golems or similar creatures). A mawine weapon costs +5,000 gp.

Source: PZO90126

Mindglass is a special material as strong as steel that also provides the bearer with protection
against an opponent’s psychic abilities. When a creature wielding a melee weapon made of
mindglass succeeds at a saving throw against a psychic or mind-affecting effect from a creature,
the weapon stores some of that energy and holds it for a future attack. A mindglass weapon can
store this energy for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell, or half the creature’s CR
if the effect wasn’t a spell or spell-like ability. If the weapon hits a creature while still holding this
energy, it suffuses the target with a disruptive field for 1 round. On a critical hit, the disruptive
field effect instead lasts for a number of rounds equal to the weapon’s critical multiplier.

While affected by this field, a target must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 15 + twice the
spell’s level) to cast any spell or spell-like ability (in addition to any other required concentration
checks). If the check is failed, the affected creature’s spell or spell-like ability is wasted. A Small
or Medium weapon made of mindglass costs an additional 13,000 gp.
Source: PZO1110

HP/inch 30; Hardness 15; Cost Weapons or armors fashioned from mithral are always
masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.; Weight 1/2
normal; Weight (Longer Wording) An item made from mithral weighs half as much as the same
item made from other metals. In the case of weapons, this lighter weight does not change a
weapon’s size category or the ease with which it can be wielded (whether it is light, one-handed,
or two-handed). (see FAQ below.)


Type of Item Item Cost Modifier

Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +4,000 gp
Heavy armor +9,000 gp
Shield +1,000 gp
Other items +500 gp/lb.

Mithral is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than steel but just as hard.

When worked like steel, it becomes a wonderful material from which to create armor, and is
occasionally used for other items as well. Most mithral armors are one category lighter than
normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium,
and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. This decrease
does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor. A character wearing mithral full plate must
be proficient in wearing heavy armor to avoid adding the armor’s check penalty to all his attack
rolls and skill checks that involve moving. Spell failure chances for armors and shields made from
mithral are decreased by 10%, maximum Dexterity bonuses are increased by 2, and armor check
penalties are decreased by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of mithral. (A
longsword can be a mithral weapon, while a quarterstaff cannot.) Mithral weapons count as
silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Mithral weapons
An item made from mithral weighs half as much as the same item made from other metals.
Mithral is too light to be used for Heavy weapons. If the weapon isn’t Heavy, it becomes Light. If
it is already listed as Light it gains the Finesse property. If the weapon is Two-Handed it is now
instead Versatile. Mithral ammunition it too light to be effective.

Mithral armor
Can be any Medium or Heavy armor, but not hide. A mithral chain shirt or brestplate can be
worn under normal cloths. If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version of the armor doesn’t.

What weight do I use to determine the price of a mithral weapon or non-armor item?

To determine the additional price for the mithral (as compared to the normal item’s price), use
the non-mithral item’s original weight and multiply that by 500 gp per pound.

For example, a steel dagger for a Medium creature weighs 1 pound. For its mithral equivalent,
multiply that weight (1 lb.) times 500 gp/pound, or +500 gp. When added to the original item’s
cost (2 gp), the mithral dagger’s total price is 502 gp.

There are likely some inconsistent mithral item prices in print, and these will be addressed in
future printings of these books, as appropriate.

The mithral version of a suit of armor or a melee weapon costs 200 gp more than the normal

Mithral, Celestial
Source: 101 Special Materials and Power Components (3pp)

HP/inch: 30; Hardness: 15; Cost: weapons +3000 gp, add magic enhancement +3,000 gp


Celestial mithral is a form of mithral blessed by the divine power of the dwarven gods. It is a
silvery, luminescent metal that is lighter than steel but just as hard.

Celestial mithral has all the properties of mithral but celestial mithral weapons count as silver
and good for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, affecting regeneration, and
vulnerability to silver and good. If a creature’s damage reduction can be overcome by silver
and/or good, regeneration stops functioning due to a silver/good attack, and/or those vulnerable
to silver/good takes half again as much damage (+50%) from a celestial mithral weapon
(additional dice damage, such as that from a burst special ability or sneak attack damage, is not
increased). Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of
this special material (a longsword can be a celestial mithral weapon, while a quarterstaff
cannot). Weapons made from this special material have an increased market price of 2,000 gp.
In addition, adding any magical enhancements to a celestial mithral weapon increases its price
by 3,000 gp, and they can only be added by a divine caster of a dwarven deity. This increase is
applied the first time the item is enhanced, not once per ability added.

Source: PAP61


Noqual looks like a pale green crystal to the untrained eye, but can be worked as iron despite its
appearance. Noqual is light—half as heavy as iron, yet just as strong. More importantly, noqual is
strangely resistant to magic. An object made of noqual gains a +4 bonus on any saving throw
made against a magical source.

Weapons made of noqual weigh half as much as normal, and gain a +1 enhancement bonus on
damage rolls against constructs and undead created by feats or spells. Noqual armor weighs half
as much as other armors of its type. For the purposes of movement and other limitations, heavy
noqual armor is treated as medium armor, and medium noqual armor is treated as light armor.
The armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 2, and armor check penalties are reduced by
3. The armor’s spell failure chance increases by 20% and applies to all magic cast while wearing
the armor, regardless of the magic’s source or the wearer’s class abilities. The wearer of a suit of
noqual armor gains a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like

Noqual has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Noqual ore is worth 50 gp per
pound. Noqual increases the cost of light armor by 4,000 gp, medium armor by 8,000 gp, heavy
armor by 12,000 gp, a shield by 2,000 gp, and a weapon or other item by 500 gp. Creating a
magic item that incorporates any amount of noqual into it increases the price of creation by
5,000 gp, as costly reagents and alchemical supplies must be used to treat the metal during the

Source: PZO1118

Cost 1/2 normal.; Weight 3/4 normal.; Cost/Weight (Longer Wording) “Obsidian weapons cost
half of what base items of their type do, and weigh 75% of what base items of their type do.”


This black volcanic glass is extremely sharp, and can be shaped into a variety of weapons that do
piercing and slashing damage. Bits of obsidian inserted into a length of tempered wood create
effective swords called terbutjes.

Weapons Obsidian can be used to craft light and one-handed weapons that do piercing or
slashing damage, as well as spear tips and arrowheads. Obsidian weapons have half the
hardness of their base weapon and have the fragile quality.

Armor The fragile glass nature of obsidian is perfect for creating sharp points and blades, but
those same qualities make it unsuitable for creating armor. Armor cannot be constructed from

Rustic Wood
We are talking here about non-tempered wood that is fashioned by hand with primitive tools
into armor or weapons.

Rustic Wood Armor

Studded leather, scale mail, breastplates, and shields can all be constructed using roughly
worked wood. Wood replaces the metal components of the armor. They are one quarter the
weight of their base armor, and have the fragile property. The armor bonus of rustic wood armor
is half that listed in the PHB, except no AC reduction for rustic wood shields. If the armor
normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the
wood version of the armor doesn’t.

Rustic Wooden Weapons

Light and one-handed melee weapons, as well as two-handed weapons that deal bludgeoning
damage only, can be crafted from roughly worked wood. Hafted two-handed weapons such as
spears can be crafted entirely of wood, as can arrows. Other two-handed weapons cannot be
constructed of wood. Rustic Wood weapons have the the fragile property. Rustic Wood weapons
take a –2 penalty on damage rolls (minimum 1 point damage).

Rustic Wood Armor and Weapons are not normally available except in those cultures that use
them. A PC might make them himself, or barter for them.

Source: PAP:41


Serpentstone is a strange substance unique to the precursor alchemies of the ancient

serpentfolk. Its ancient name is lost to time, but modern explorers have dubbed it
“serpentstone” after its ophidian creators.

Exceptionally resilient, all serpentstone is magically treated stone. When properly worked and
treated through eldritch means known only to ancient serpentfolk wizards and sorcerers,
serpentstone can be programmed to emit sound and light in a variety of ways, shifting at
predetermined times from color to color and tone to tone, from brightness equal to that of
daylight to a dim, shadowy glimmer like that of a candle. In addition, serpentstone can be set to
radiate heat or cold, or produce illusory smoke, roiling forth thin streams of scented, incense-like
fumes designed to delight, enlighten, or otherwise inform serpentfolk in the vicinity. All of these
effects function as major image (caster level 18th).

Shark Skin
Source: Treasures of Freeport (3pp)

Value 5 gp/lb.; HP/inch 5; Hardness 2


The properly cured hide of a shark (or ray) is an excellent substitute for leather. Because of its
relative rarity, due mostly to the difficulty in obtaining it, shark skin is used primarily as a
decorative component of larger pieces, such as lining the grip of a weapon or to make smaller
items such as purses. Of course, as a leather substitute it can appear in any item ordinarily made
of leather including armor and saddles. If used on the handle of a weapon, disarm combat
maneuvers made against such items suffer a -2 circumstance penalty. Other items crafted of
shark skin generally grant the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus to skill checks involving the use of
these items. For example, gloves made of shark skin would grant the wearer a +2 circumstance
bonus to Acrobatics and Climb checks. A saddle crafted of or lined with shark skin would grant a
rider a +2 circumstance bonus to Ride checks made to remain in the saddle. The exact nature
and extend of these bonuses is up to the GMs discretion but generally should not exceed +2 and
should not affect more than one or two types of skills.

Source: PAP61

This shining silver metal is either incredibly hot or freezing cold when found. As of yet, scholars
have not determined whether siccatite is actually two similarly hued metals or a single type that
determines its own temperature via some unknown process. When raw siccatite is found, it has
a 50% chance of being hot siccatite; otherwise, it’s cold siccatite. Physical contact with siccatite
deals 1 point of fire (for hot siccatite) or cold (for cold siccatite) damage each round. Hot siccatite
can eventually ignite objects, and cold siccatite in water quickly surrounds itself with a 1-foot-
thick shell of ice. A weapon made of siccatite deals 1 additional point of damage of the
appropriate energy type each time it strikes a foe, but also deals 1 point of the same energy
damage to the wielder each round it is used in combat.

Siccatite armor deals 1 point of energy damage (fire or cold) per round to a creature wearing it,
and deals 1 point of the same energy damage each full round a creature is grappled by someone
wearing siccatite armor. Cold siccatite armor grants fire resistance 5, while hot siccatite armor
grants cold resistance 5. (The type of armor does not alter the amount of resistance granted.)
Siccatite increases the cost of a weapon by 1,000 gp and armor by 6,000 gp (regardless of the
armor’s type).

Silk, Aranea
Source: 101 Special Materials and Power Components (3pp)

HP/inch: 5; Hardness: 0; Cost: tunic +1,150 gp


This long silk is spun by the aranea. It is most often transformed into a shirt, made from the
alchemically treated silk. This silk is woven in layers specifically designed to trap piercing
weapons, snagging them so they fail to harm the wearer.

After being treated alchemically, this material is almost always woven into a masterwork silk
tunic (included in the cost). This is considered padded armor but it can be worn under any other
type of armor adding no weight and offering DR 3/slashing and bludgeoning. The price of items
crafted of aranea silk is increased by +1,150 gp.

Source Underdark Adventure Guide (3pp)

Material Cost Modifier Weight Modifier

Silkweave x2 x1/2

Drow and some duergar have mastered the craft of weaving giant spider silk. Incredibly
lightweight and durable, it is used to create various goods including clothes, light armor and
utilitarian products such as sidepacks, pouches and the like. Silkweave garments and items are
50% lighter than their regular counterparts and are double the price. Silkweave is often shaped
and soaked repeatedly in pools rich with lime and other hard minerals to create calcified pots,
urns and other crafts of remarkable hardness.

Silver, Alchemical
Source: PZO1110

HP/inch 10; Hardness 8; Cost see table


Type of Item Item Cost Modifier

Ammunition +2 gp
Light weapon +20 gp
One-handed weapon, or one head of a double weapon +90 gp
Two-handed weapon, or both heads of a double weapon +180 gp
A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel
so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as lycanthropes.

On a successful attack with a silvered slashing or piercing weapon, the wielder takes a –1 penalty
on the damage roll (with a minimum of 1 point of damage). The alchemical silvering process
can’t be applied to nonmetal items, and it doesn’t work on rare metals such as adamantine, cold
iron, and mithral.

Source PC:QGttE

HP/inch 10; Hardness 8; Cost +750 gp.


Blades made of this special metal count as alchemical silver weapons and are immune to rust,
including that of rust monsters, the rusting grasp spell, and so on.

Blades made of silversheen are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is
included in the price given. A blade made of silversheen has its price increased by 750 gp.
Crafting a silversheen blade requires Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks and Craft (weaponsmithing) 5 ranks.
Skymetal Alloys
Source: PAP61

Both ancient and modern metallurgists have devised numerous alloys that mix skymetals with
other materials. Many of these are highly specialized, but one deserves special mention:
glaucite. This dull gray metal is an alloy of adamantine and iron. Though it has hardness 15 and
30 hit points per inch of thickness, glaucite is half again as heavy as iron and difficult to work
with. The material of choice for ship hulls and robot frames, but is generally sought after only by
collectors and eccentrics as a material for new items or other projects.

Source Underdark Adventure Guide (3pp)


Material Cost Modifier Benefit

Starstone (1 ounce cube) 6 gp Gives off light as if a torch
Starstone is a mineral that appears underground in small cubical formations near sulfur springs
and volcanically active areas. Growing in small clumps no larger than a person’s fist, it has an oily
feel despite being dry, and leaves no residue. If it is hit by anything hard, this ordinary-looking
material immediately begins to glow and give off mild heat.

Starstone is often powdered and mixed with sulfur and other ingredients to manufacture the
flash powder used in flashglobes. Its strong illuminative qualities affect darkvision and low-light
vision in particular, making it useful for decoration and as a diversion.

Steel is the default metal used for weapons and armor.
Steel is iron ore with unwanted impurities removed and other impurities introduced. These
impurities strengthen iron, making it far more resilient.

Steel, Chthonic
Source: 101 Special Materials and Power Components (3pp)

HP/inch: 25; Hardness: 15; Cost: ammunition +15 gp per missile, armor and shields +2,500 gp,
weapon +750 gp, other items +500 gp/lb.


A scarce metal, the secret of its creation is guarded with a fatal zealousness. This material is
primarily mixed with iron and is found as a natural red-orange ore amidst veins of mosaic glass.
Naturally brittle, it is hardened by dousing it in a true dragon’s blood during its forging. The
finished metal has a gold-red hue with an orange, reflective shine.

Chthonic steel has several valuable qualities, including ease of enchantment, its natural
sharpness, and the power to absorb magic missiles. Chthonic steel always retains its edge, even
when abused, granting it a +2 bonus to the critical conformation roll of any slashing or piercing
weapon it is forged into. Chthonic armor and shields negate magic missile spells that target the
wearer in a manner similar to the shield spell. Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully
affected by being partially made of this special material. Ammunition made from this special
material has an increased market price of 15 gp per missile, armor and shields 2,500 gp,
weapons 750 gp, and all other items by +500 gp per pound. Chthonic steel reduces the creation
cost of magic arms and armor made with it by 10%.

Steel, Fire-forged
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch as steel; Hardness as steel; Cost Armor or weapons made from fire-forged steel are
always considered masterwork, and the masterwork costs are included in the listed prices.


Type of Item Price Modifier

Ammunition +15 gp per item
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +2,500 gp
Heavy armor +3,000 gp
Weapon +600 gp
Dwarves stumbled across the secret of crafting fire-forged steel in an effort to make forge-
friendly tools. It didn’t take them long to adapt its unique properties to arms and armor. Fire-
forged steel channels heat in one direction to protect its wearer or wielder. When it is crafted
into armor, heat is channeled away from the wearer, offering some limited protection. Armor
crafted from fire-forged steel grants the wearer fire resistance 2.

Weapons crafted from fire-forged steel similarly channel heat away from the wearer; this does
not grant the wielder energy resistance. Instead, the blade absorbs and channels heat to the
parts of the weapon that contact enemies. If the weapon is exposed to 10 points or more of fire
damage (such as from an opponent’s fireball or by holding it in a campfire for 1 full round), the
weapon adds +1d4 points of fire damage to its attacks for the next 2 rounds. If the wielder is
wearing fire-forged armor and using a fire-forged weapon, this bonus damage increases to 1d6
points of fire damage and lasts for 4 rounds. This bonus damage does not stack with fire damage
from weapon enhancements such as flaming.

Steel, Frost-Forged
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch as steel; Hardness as steel; Cost Armor or weapons made from frost-forged steel are
always considered masterwork, and the masterwork costs are included in the listed prices.


This material is the same substance as fire-forged steel with a subtle difference in the alignment
of the metal during crafting. Instead of channeling heat away from the wearer, it channels heat
toward the wearer. Frost-forged steel works similarly to fire-forged steel, except its effects apply
to cold damage rather than fire damage. This means frost-forged steel weapons are less useful
than their fire-forged counterparts, as there are few non-magical sources of cold that can quickly
imbue it with enough cold energy to deal bonus damage.

Steel, Living
Source: PZO1123

HP/inch 35; Hardness 15; Cost see table


Type of Item Price Modifier

Ammunition +10 gp per item
Light armor +500 gp
Medium armor +1,000 gp
Heavy armor +1,500 gp
Weapon +500 gp
Shield +100 gp
Other items +250 gp/lb.
Some trees suck up potent minerals through their roots the same way others draw water from
the ground. Though these trees blunt saws and axes used to hew them and shrug off fire, they
eventually succumb to time or the elements. When properly harvested, these fallen trees
produce nuggets of a metal called living steel. This glossy green metal slowly repairs itself. An
item made from living steel repairs damage to itself at a rate of 2 hit points per day, or 1 hit point
per day if it has the broken condition. Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected
by being partially made of living steel.

Armor and shields made from living steel can damage metal weapons that strike them.
Whenever the wielder of a metal weapon rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll against a creature
wearing living steel armor or wielding a living steel shield, the item must make a DC 20 Fortitude
save or gain the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it is instead
destroyed. Living steel cannot damage adamantine weapons in this way.

Steel, Singing
Source PPZO94102

This lustrous golden metal emits beautiful bell-like tones when struck. An alloy of gold and
mithral, singing steel was originally created by the elves.

A weapon made of singing steel counts as alchemical silver for all purposes, including the –1
penalty on damage rolls with singing steel weapons. Most armor made of singing steel is treated
as one category lighter (heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as
light, but light armors are still treated as light). The armor or shield’s arcane spell failure chance
is reduced by 5%, its maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 1, and its armor check penalty is
reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

When wielding a singing steel weapon, shield, or item weighing at least 5 pounds, or wearing
medium or heavy singing steel armor, the wielder or wearer can strike the singing steel as part of
beginning a bardic performance. If the wielder can normally start a bardic performance as a
standard action, he can do so as a move action instead. If the wielder can normally start a bardic
performance as a move action, he can do so as a swift action instead. This ability does not
function in the area of a silence spell or similar effect. After using the singing steel in this fashion,
the steel must be carefully brushed to remove any lingering vibrations, a process that takes 10

Singing steel items are always masterwork; this cost is included in the price. Singing steel has 20
hp per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Although formed partially from mithral, singing steel
items weigh as much as their normal counterparts.

Type of Item Price Modifier

Light armor +750 gp
Medium armor +9,000 gp
Heavy armor +12,000 gp
Shield +7,000 gp
Weapon +6,000 gp
Other items +600 gp/lb.
Steel, Stainless
Source: PSCS (3pp)


Stainless steel is both rust resistant and splendidly shiny. Steel objects electroplated with
chromium are immune to rusting effects, such as the rusting grasp spell or from a rust monster’s
touch. To determine the price of a stainless steel item, use the original weight but add $10 per
pound to the price of that item. Stainless steel has the same statistics as normal steel.

Stone Age weapons almost always utilize stone in some way. From rocks lashed to wooden hafts
to create early maces and axes, to flint knives and stone arrowheads, these primitive weapons
are still deadly.

Stone Armor
Armor cannot usually be constructed from stone, but advanced, often alchemically enhanced
stone armor made by dwarves or other stone-working cultures does exist. They are one third the
weight of their base armor, and have the fragile property.

Stone Weapons
Light and one-handed bludgeoning weapons, spears, axes, daggers, and arrowheads can all be
made of stone. Weapons made of stone are one third the weight of their base weapons, and
have the fragile property.

Alchemically enhanced stone armor cost twice its standard cost. Weapons made from stone cost
one quarter as much as those made from steel.
Cost/Weight (Longer Wording) “Stone weapons cost a quarter of what base items of their type
do, and weigh 75% of what base items of their type do.”

Source PPZO94102

A weapon made of sunsilver counts as alchemical silver for all purposes. Items not primarily
made of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of sunsilver. (For example,
a scimitar or breastplate can be made of sunsilver, while a quarterstaff or hide armor cannot.) In
addition, items made of sunsilver are immune to rust effects (such as rusting grasp). While in an
area of bright light, a shield or suit of armor made of sunsilver shines brightly, allowing the
wearer to reflect light at nearby foes as a move action. When she does so, creatures adjacent to
the wearer must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 round.

Armor and weapons made of sunsilver are always masterwork. To determine the price of a
sunsilver item, add 25 gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item. Sunsilver
has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 8.

Source: Godmetals of Porphyra (3pp)

This rust-red metal is a liquid at all temperatures. All attempts to force this metal to behave like a
traditional forging metal have led all those that have attempted into madness. As most smiths
are unable to forge anything from its swirling form, users of uliun favor it as a supplementary
magical component. Uliun is associated with enchantment magic and reckless love.

Used as an additional material component, a dose of uliun increases the effective level of a spell
by +1, as if it were being modified by the Heighten Spell feat. In order to function as an
additional material component, the spellcaster must use a number of doses of uliun equal to the
spell’s level—additional uliun used beyond this amount does nothing. The use of uliun is not
without price. Each dose of uliun requires a DC 12 Fort save, adding +1 to the save DC for
multiple doses. Failing the save does either 1 point of Con or Wis damage, a 50% chance of each.

As a martial application, uliun can be used as a holy water that damages creatures of the lawful
subtype. Uliun is also detected by detect chaos spell as having a faint chaotic aura.

Uliun costs 200 gp per dose.

Source Underdark Adventure Guide (3pp)


Material Cost Modifier Benefit

Umbrite x300 +3 Stealth bonus
Umbrite is a dark, dense metal of surprising hardness. While umbrite is no match for the
hardness of mithral or adamantine, it is stronger than steel and easily among the most durable
metals known. Beyond its capable performance as a metal, umbrite is remarkable for its light-
absorbing qualities.

Umbrite seemingly absorbs light at a slow rate, causing shadows around it to deepen
considerably. In fact, veins of umbrite are often located by noting areas incurring a sudden loss
of light.

Strangely, umbrite is a relatively new discovery, having first been written about within the last
200 years. When the first reports of this material were made, they were dismissed as
hallucinations produced by the subterranean gases. This may be one reason umbrite has
remained unknown for so long. Umbrite is only found during mining operations for other ores or
rare gems, and even more curiously, only in the deepest and darkest locales where few civilized
folk venture. One drow archmage has theorized that umbrite may well be a new material. Its
appearance and location may be linked with the little-known fact that it only appears near large
concentrations of the strange radiations that are said to power many of the enchantments of the
drow. Other learned folk have speculated that umbrite might be seepage from the plane of
shadow. Many agree with this theory, since umbrite is only found in places of deepest darkness.

Miners have long maintained that umbrite is an unlucky material and bodes ill. Stories abound of
miners disappearing frequently after a vein of umbrite has been uncovered. Miners have
considered it a nuisance material for decades, since until recently it was impossible to forge
umbrite into any useful product.

Duergar apparently possess a process that allows the forging of umbrite. The underdark races
have begun vying to learn this secret and, more importantly, to gain control of umbrite mines of
their own. Umbrite-forged items are immensely expensive. A forged umbrite item weighing 1
pound or more retains much of its light-absorbing properties. While wielding any umbrite item
of 1 pound or more, the user gains a +3 circumstance bonus to all Hide checks. Shadows around
him seem to be deeper and darker. This affects a 5-foot area around the wielder and does not
extend to others.

Source: PZO1123


Type of Item Price Modifier

Ammunition +20 gp per item
Weapon +200 gp
This deep green volcanic glass is similar to obsidian but is formed when molten rock is tainted
with anomalous trace minerals from deep beneath the earth whose emanations are toxic to
living things. It can be fragmented to razor sharpness, but even a tiny amount of viridium
contacting the bloodstream can pass on a wasting sickness.

Any successful hit with a viridium weapon causes the target to contract leprosy (Fortitude DC 12
negates). On a successful critical hit, a tiny fragment of viridium breaks off within the target,
affecting it as though with greenblood oil (Fortitude DC 13 negates).

A creature carrying a viridium weapon must save every 24 hours or contract leprosy unless the
weapon is kept inside an extradimensional space (such as an efficient quiver) or a scabbard lined
with lead.

Oozes, plants, and outsiders are immune to the deadly emanations of viridium.

Viridium weapons have half the hardness of their base weapon and have the fragile quality.
Viridium can be magically strengthened at an additional cost of +1,000 gp for a weapon or +20
gp for ammunition. This removes the fragile quality from the item but does not otherwise affect
its abilities.

Source: Module: Dragon’s Demand

Type of Item Price Modifier

Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +2,000 gp
Heavy armor +4,500 gp
Slashing/piercing weapon +1,000 gp
Grioths wield weapons fashioned from a strange sort of transparent material called voidglass.
This material is as hard as steel, but made of crystals that voidglass shapers on unknown worlds
grow into the desired shapes.

Voidglass resonates with a creature’s mind, bolstering thought and mental defenses. Any suit of
armor normally made from metal can be made of voidglass. A suit of light voidglass armor grants
a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting magic. This bonus increases to
+2 for medium voidglass armor, and +3 for heavy voidglass armor. Voidglass armor isn’t often
worn by grioths, but voidglass weapons are another story. The creatures (and perhaps other
strange beings with similar psychic capabilities) can funnel violent bursts of psychic energy
through these weapons on a hit. In the hands of any creature, a voidglass piercing or slashing
weapon deals 1 additional damage on a hit—bludgeoning weapons gain no benefit.

Voidglass has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. A pound of raw, unworked
voidglass is worth 100 gp.

Vulcanized Rubber
Source: PSCS (3pp)


Vulcanized Rubber has numerous uses in contemporary arms and armor fabrication. Objects
wholly constructed from or objects completely coated in vulcanized rubber are immune to
electricity damage.

Against a target wearing rubber-coated armor or rubber clothing, electricity effects either
receive a -10 penalty to attack rolls, or the DC to resist or reduce the effects of electricity attacks
is lowered by 10. If an electricity effect would deal reduced damage on a successful save, the
target wearing rubber-coated armor instead takes no electricity damage. If an electricity effect
would deal electricity damage to a target wearing rubber-coated armor, the armor confers to its
wearer electricity resistance 10. Shields coated in vulcanized rubber confer no additional
protection to its wielder.

When using vulcanized rubber ammunition, a ranged weapon inflicts nonlethal damage.
Bludgeoning weapons made primarily of vulcanized rubber also deal nonlethal damage and are
sometimes flexible enough to wrap beneath clothes (+1 on Sleight of Hand checks made to
conceal the weapon). Typically, vulcanized rubber ammunition and weapons deal no damage to
any creature with an armor bonus of +1 or higher or a natural armor bonus of +3 or higher.

Objects constructed primarily of vulcanized rubber weigh half as much as their normal
counterparts, have 10 hit points per inch of thickness, and hardness 3. Objects coated in
vulcanized rubber weigh 1.2 times as much as their normal counterparts, but otherwise have the
same hit points and hardness of their base material.

Source: Treasures of Freeport (3pp)

HP/inch 10; Hardness 5; Cost: 50 gp/lb.


The dark brown wood of the cypress-like waterwood tree that grows in groves in saltwater pools
and at the sea’s edge is a valuable commodity. Although no stronger than normal wood, its
ability to withstand the corrosive effects of seawater make it a prized possession of aquatic
races. Waterwood is not subject to the normal rotting effects of other wood when submerged in
seawater. Out of seawater, however, it begins to dry out, losing its elasticity and becoming more
brittle. Unless placed into seawater for at least 1 hour every 24 hours, waterwood will dry out
irreversibly (hardness 2, hp 5/in. when dry). Many aquatic races make use of waterwood and
claim sea shore groves as part of their lands. This, plus the fact that the wood must be
submerged in water every 24 hours, has kept waterwood from becoming a more common
commodity. Although one would think it to be ideal for sea-going vessels, the extra expense and
danger of obtaining the wood plus the fact that it is no more resistant to barnacles than ordinary
wood has kept it from finding widespread use.

Whale Sinew
Source: Treasures of Freeport (3pp)

HP/inch 3; Hardness 1; Cost: 2 gp/lb.


Harvested from slain whales, whale sinew is often used as a rope substitute in northern or arctic
regions. Whale sinew deteriorates over time in water and thus is no better in that environment
than ordinary rope.

Source: PZO1121

HP/inch 10; Hardness 8; Cost +500 gp.


Vanara woodworkers craft this extremely flexible material in a time-consuming process.

Whipwood is actually a composite of several bendable wooden fibers woven and fused together
to form a flexible but sturdy unit. Only wooden weapons or weapons with wooden hafts (such as
axes and spears) can be made out of whipwood.

A creature wielding a whipwood weapon treats its CMD as +2 higher for the purpose of avoiding
sunder attempts against that weapon. A whipwood weapon’s hit points increase by +5.
Whipwood loses its special qualities if under the effect of an ironwood spell.


The root of the wyrwood tree has a peculiar quality. When a weapon constructed of wyroot
confirms a critical hit, it absorbs some of the life force of the creature hit. The creature hit is
unharmed and the wyroot weapon gains 1 life point. As a swift action, a wielder with a ki pool or
an arcane pool can absorb 1 life point from the wyrwood weapon and convert it into either 1 ki
point or 1 arcane pool point. A wyroot weapon can gain at most 1 life point per day and hold up
to 1 life point at a time. More powerful wyroot weapons can gain up to 3 life points per day and
hold up to 3 life points at a time. Any unspent life points dissipate at dusk. A creature can
convert life points from only one wyroot weapon per day.

Wyroot can be used to construct any melee weapon made entirely of wood or with a wooden
haft. Constructing a weapon that can hold 1 life point increases the cost by 1,000 gp,
constructing one that can hold up to 2 life points increases the cost by 2,000 gp, and
constructing one that can hold up to 3 life points increases the cost by 4,000 gp.

What is a Power Component?

Source: 101 Special Materials and Power Components

It is an item or object often alchemical in nature used as a material component or focus for a
spell in order to alter or augment the spell’s normal effects. Those listed in this product are all
material components (and as such are consumed in the casting) as we found though playtesting
that power components that function as foci tend to be unbalancing, since foci end up working
like unlimited metamagic rods. You can only use one power component to alter or augment the
casting of a single spell at a time.

Power Components and Magic items: Power component affected magic items do not function
like metamagic rods; they instead apply their benefit to a single spell effect the item can
produce. You can only apply one power component to one effect on an item at a time.

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