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Basic Encoding Practice


1. Create folder in desktop.
2. Type your contestant number as your folder name.
Example. Contestant 12
3. Open an MS word program.
4. Page Setup
4.1 Paper size- letter (8.5”X 11”)
4.2 Margins- Top-1”
4.3 Orientation- Portait
5. Type the following text using the stated format. Refer to next page for the text.
Touch the right keys and always position your fingers to home keys.
5.1 Font size – 12
5.2 Font Style-Arial, except for the title
5.3 Select the word COMPANIONSHIP and make it 14 as font size, and
Select Arial Rounded MT B for the font style, make this word also as
Bold and Italic. Then center it for the title
5.4 Indent the first line of every paragraph by 0.5 inches”
5.5 Select the text I can guarantee for the truth of that statement, and
5.6 Select the text “I thought you were my companion?” and make it bold.
5.7 Select the whole text and align it left.
5.8 Select the whole text and apply box for your border, color black, with a
width of 1 ½ pt.
6. Insert page number at the bottom right of page.
7. Save your document using Doc. 1 as your file name in your floder.8.Print your

I’ve been thinking recently about companionship and those who are associates. It seems that there is
almost no end to those trying to label companionship, “so who am I to buck the drift. There is, of course,
different extent of companionship. Peter Parker said, “Nothing in the world is friendlier than a wet dog,”
Having been the „caregiver‟ for a couple of dogs, I can guarantee for the truth of that statement. A dog
seems more than ready to have you share in its condition of wetness, “But to my mind, that is not
necessarily the best type of friendship in which to share.

Somebody else said that companionship is when you are willing to give up something of yourself to or
for your friend. Again, that may not always work out just as we think it should. I read of a couple of boys
who were eyeing the last bit of pie. One said to the other,”You know a friend constantly wants his best
buddy to have the good stuff. “Getting for the pie he said, ”Guess what, today I’m going to be your best
buddy!” when we have to share whether we want to or not , I’m not sure that’s my really an example of

Did you hear about the two?

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