Solution... : Use Conditional Formatting So That

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Spreadsheet practice by Mark Kelly

Task 1
Conditional Formatting (Requires Excel 2007)

Use conditional formatting so that

Numbers in column A look like this when they are less than zero
Cells in column B look like this when they are empty
Cells in column C automatically get different shadings depending on their values
Cells in column D look like this if they are above the average of column D
Cells in column E show a purple bar graph of each value
Cells in Column F look like this if they are in the bottom 10% of values in column E

2 1 1 10 18 3
0 22 20 5 4
-4 0 3 30 21 2
4 9 60 12 1
-1 1 -2 40 6 9
5 2 35 2 2
-9 9 1 11 10 4

Your go...
2 1 1 10 18 3
0 22 20 5 4
-4 0 3 30 21 2
4 9 60 12 1
-1 1 -2 40 6 9
5 2 35 2 2
-9 9 1 11 10 4

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