CENG6206 Soil Dynamics ExerciseProblem

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CENG 6206- Soil Dynamics

Date: 13. Nov. 2011

Exercise Set-1

1) A machine is subjected to the motion z(t) = A cos (50t+α )mm. the initial conditions
are given by z (0) = 3mm and dz/dt (0) = 1.0 mm/s.
a) Find the constants A and α.
b) Express the motion in the form z (t) = A1 cos ω t + A2 sin ω t, and identify the constants
A1 and A2.
2) A harmonic motion has amplitude of 0.05 m and a frequency of 10 Hz. Find its
maximum amplitude and maximum velocity.
3) A spring-mass system has a natural frequency of 10Hz. When the spring constant is
reduced by 800 N/m, the frequency is altered by 45%. Find the mass and spring
constant of the original system.
4) Determine the displacement (x), velocity (dx/dt), and acceleration (d 2x/dt2) of a
spring-mass system with f=2.0 Hz for initial conditions x(0) = 0.025m, and dx/dt (0)
= 0.05 m/s. Plot x (t), dx/dt (t), and d2x/dt2 (t) from t = 0 to 5 s.
5) A vibrating system consists of a mass of 20 kg and a spring of stiffness 70 N/cm. if
the mass is given an initial upward velocity of 8 cm/s from a point 4 cm down
from the equilibrium position, determine the maximum amplitude and
acceleration of the system.
6) A body vibrating with viscous damping makes five complete cycles per second, and
in 50 cycles its amplitude diminishes to 10%. Determine the logarithmic decrement
and the damping ratio. In what proportion will the period of vibration be decreased
if damping is removed?
7) An unknown weight W attached to the end of an unknown spring k has natural
frequency of 95 cpm. If 1 kg weight is added to W, the natural frequency is lowered
to 75 cpm. Determine the weight W and the spring K.
CENG 6206- Soil Dynamics

8) For a machine foundation, W=70 kN, k=12,500 kN/m, and c=250 kN-s/m.
a) Whether the system is over damped, under damped, or critically damped
b) The damped natural frequency
9) For a single degree freedom system with m=10kg, c=200 N-s/m, and k=1000 N/m,
a) Determine the values of damping ratio and damped natural frequency.
b) Determine the free vibration response of the system when x (0) = 0.1m and
dx/dt (0) = 10m/s.
10) For the spring mass systems shown in Fig. 1 (a) and (b), write the equations of
motion and determine their natural frequencies. Determine critical damping in
the system in Fig. 1. (b)

(a) (b)

Fig. 1
CENG 6206- Soil Dynamics

Date: 13. Nov. 2011

Exercise Set-2

1) For a vibrating system, m=10kg, k=2500N/m and c=45N-s/m, a harmonic force of amplitude
180 N and frequency 3.5 Hz acts on the mass. If the initial displacement and velocity of the
mass are 15mm and 5m/s, find and plot (a) the complete response and (b) the steady state
response of the mass.
2) A rotating mass vibrator which generates vertical vibrations and which has a mass of
14,000kg is fixed to a rigid 3.0m diameter footing having a mass of 40,000kg. The footing is
located on the surface of a deep stiff clay deposit having K z=640 x 106 N/m and Cz=1.2 x 106
Determine the resonant frequency and the maximum amplitude of vibration if the
amplitude of the out of balance at the resonant frequency is 3.5 kN.
3) A building frame as shown in Fig. 2 is subjected to a harmonic ground excitation
(amplitude A= 15mm and frequency ω = 200 rad/s). find the amplitude of vibration of the
floor (mass m). Assume the mass of the floor as 2000 kg and the stiffness of the columns
as 0.5 MN/m.


Fig. 2
4) Because of unbalanced moving parts, a machine having a total weight of 110 MN develops
as sinusoidal vertical force of 3.6 MN amplitude when operating at a speed of 900 rpm. In
order to limit the vibration of the structure in which the machine will be installed, it is
CENG 6206- Soil Dynamics

proposed that it will be supported by a spring at each comer of its rectangular base. What
should be the stiffness of each spring in order to the amplitude of the force transmitted to
the structure not to exceed 360KN?

5) A platform, which consists of a rigid deck and flexible columns, is used to support a heavy
piece of machinery. Because of unbalances in its moving parts, the machine exerts a
sinusoidal varying vertical force on the platform, the amplitude of which is 18kN and its
frequency is twice the operating frequency of the machine. The machine is likely to operate
at any speed in the range between 285 and 315 rpm.
The total weight of the deck, including that of the machine is W=900kN and the total
vertical stiffness of the supporting columns may be neglected in comparison to that of the
a) Assuming that the system vibrates in the vertical direction only, what should be its
minimum damping value in order for the absolute maximum amplitude of the
ensuring steady state displacement not to exceed 50 microns.
b) What would be the minimum required damping if the allowable displacement
amplitude could be set at 125 microns?
6) The vibration on the floor in building is simple harmonic motion at a frequency in the
range 15-60Hz. It is desired to install sensitive equipment in the building which must be
insulated from floor vibration. The equipment is fastened to a small platform which is
supported by three similar springs resting on the floor each carrying equal load. Only
vertical motion occurs. The combined mass of the platform and the equipment is 40kg
and the equivalent viscous damping ratio of the suspension is 0.2.
Find (a( the maximum value of the spring stiffness, if the amplitude of transmitted
vibration is less than 10% of the floor vibration over the given frequency range and (b) the
maximum force developed in the spring over the given frequency range.

Attention problem sets written bolded are assignment problems and should be
submitted to your respective mentor.

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