Bcrenegamers17jan2019 Agenda

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BC Renegamers (a Campus Gamers club)

1801 Panorama Drive
Bakersfield, California 93305
Thursday, January 17, 2019 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Levinson 40
II. ROLL CALL (The Secretary & Treasurer will determine the number of paid, active members are
present out of those on record. A majority quorum must be established to hold a bonafide meeting.)

Active Registered Member Count = 8 Present Count = 0

Julio Moreno Luciano Torres Jose Ayala Eddie Castaneda Christian Viramontes

Genevieve Amaro Raul Truijillo Jose Aguilar

III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA (The Committee will discuss this agenda and may choose to amend
or edit the agenda. Upon conclusion of the discussion the Committee must adopt the agenda.)
IV. ADOPTION OF MINUTES (The Committee will discuss those minutes and may choose to amend or
edit the minutes. Upon conclusion of the discussion the Committee must adopt the minutes.)
A. Minutes from 11/15/2018 will be presented for adoption.
V. PUBLIC COMMENT (The Chair will take public comment on any action item on this agenda. The
time allowed for public comment shall not exceed five minutes. Speakers will be allowed one minute.)
VI. INDIVIDUAL REPORTS (The Chair shall recognize any executive officer of the Association,
including the Advisor(s), to offer a report on official activities since the previous meeting and make
any summary announcements deemed necessary for no longer than five minutes.)
A. Chair, President, Julio Moreno
B. ICC Representative, Jose Ayala
C. Treasurer, Luciano Torres
D. Advisor, Melinda McGuire Wilmot
E. Community Advisor, Chad Hidalgo
VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items listed in this agenda item have already been read or discussed once
and thus are considered for approval of the committee )
A. Introduce new Advisor - Melinda McGuire Wilmot
VIII. NEW BUSINESS (Items listed in this agenda item have not already been read or discussed once
and thus are considered for approval of the committee)
A. Finalize schedule for February Tournament and Lanyard Sale
B. Discuss meeting schedule and activities
C. Discuss having business meeting over Discord
D. Discuss Member Drive
E. Form ExtraLife Committee and Schedule Meetings
F. Formality of removing Abel Fuentes from officers
G. ACTION ITEM: Vote to approve payment of Security and Custodial Fees for April 6, 2019
IX. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (The Chair shall recognize in turn members
requesting the floor for a period not to exceed three minutes.)
X. ADJOURNMENT and Next Meeting Reminder
A. Regular meeting to be determined –

Listen in on the Conference Call: 1- (641) 715-0632 Participant passcode: 488263
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bcrenegamers Online Meeting ID: bcrenegamers
Agendas are posted 72 hours before the meetings commences. Agendas
are posted electronically at bcrenegamers.weebly.com
If you would like a copy of any of the agenda items listed, please email
BC Renegamers (a Campus Gamers club)
1801 Panorama Drive
Bakersfield, California 93305
Thursday, November 15, 2018 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Levinson 40
I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – the meeting was called to order by ICC Representative Ayala at
4:40PM – Listen to a recording of this meeting at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yJz-
II. ROLL CALL 6out of 7 registered active members are present. A bona fide meeting can be held.
III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA – the agenda was adopted without objection and with amendment.
IV. Motion to suspend the rules of the day to allow for Guest Presentation to begin before we proceed
with the usual order made by Chad Hidalgo, seconded and passed. Teller form attached
V. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – the minutes from 11/01/2018 were adopted without objection and with
A. Chair, President, Julio Moreno
B. ICC Representative, Jose Ayala
C. Treasurer, Luciano Torres
D. Advisor, Melinda McGuire Wilmot
E. Community Advisor, Chad Hidalgo
A. No unfinished business.
A. Guest presentation - Toastmasters (time is limited to 15 minutes)
B. Introduce new Advisor - Melinda McGuire Wilmot
C. Eddie Castaneda was elected to serve as Vice President. Teller form attached.
D. Begin discussion and planning for February Tournament and Lanyard Sale
E. Discuss meeting schedule and activities
Valphyr spoke on Anime club. Still unofficial.
XI. ADJOURNMENT and Next Meeting Reminder
A. Regular meeting to be determined
11/29/2018 at 4:30 pm
Adjourned at 5:28 PM

Minutes Submitted by:

Luciano Torres

Approved by:
Julio Moreno

Adopted by association ☐with☐without amendment on / /20

Confirmed By:
Melinda Wilmot

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