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s Charles II.

: ^lach Xetter :fBoofe of

Common Ipragcr, and Administration of the
Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of
the Church of England, printed in double
columns in a fine clear type with bold initials,
rubricated title within a woodcut border, rubri¬
cated Kalendar, and Sternhold and Hop¬
kins’ Whole Booke of Psalmes collected
into English Meter, with the finely engraved
title-page, and one line music to the Psalmes,
small folio, whole bound in russia, red edges,
metal clasps, fine copy,£3 3s Chr. Baker, 1060-1

yJui Oh. *<-

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Aldenham Vicarage,
‘ 1 Watford.

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Common Pra yer §c*


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Adminiftration of the fOV

And other

V3> Of the SC*
m Church of England.
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Printed by Chriftofar Barker, Printer to the Kings moft

Excellent Majefty. 1660.
« sc*
^ The Contents of this Book.

! > m-^FIe Table and Calender for Pfalms and Lejfons, with necejjary Rules

appertaining to the fame.

2 The Table for the order of Pfalms to befaid at Morning and Even¬

ing Prayer.

3 An Almanack.

4 An A cl for the Uniformity of Common Prayer.

5 A Proclamation for the Authoring of the [ame.

6 A Preface.
7 of Ceremonies, why fome be abolijhed, and fome retained.

8 The Order how the Pfalter is appointed to be read.

9 The order how the ref of holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

i o Proper Pfalms and Lejfons at Morning or Evening Prayer for Sundays,

and certain Feafls and days.

ii The Order for Morning and Evening prayer throughout the year.

12 TheLetany.

13 The Colletts ^Epiftles and Gojpels, to be ufedatthe Minify alien of the holy

Communion throughout the year.

> vT v. 1

14 The order of the Mini ft rat ion ofthe holy Communion*

15 Baptifm both Publique and Private.

16 Confirmatiouj where alfo is a Catechifmfor children.

17 Matrimony.

18 Fiji tat ion of the fick.

ip The Communion of the fick.

2.0 Burial.

21 The thankfgiving of women after childbirth.

22 A comminution again ft fmners 5 with certain prayers to be ufed divers

times in the year.

23 The Form and manerof making and confecrating Bif)ops 5 Priefts and
J i . 'It;

f January hath xxxi, days.

'H w
^ Q
•3 §
n> 3 n 2.
rrtfetlj p r8-mi.4. ♦*n tt»
Sun<x rhour5^ , ^ fW*) i-* t-*
Cfalletv CM»*5& r* u
$? 5?
s §»

i A Kalend* Circumciiion Cen-Fbti. SDCUt- F.

Morn-t- Colof.it.
it b hit #0. <£>en, i. <H5en,ti.
#attb.t. l&om-t.
iti c tti jEo. itt ii tb ti.
it) 0 J3ji0-J£o- t) iii bt iti
b e Nonas. t)ii ib btit tb
bt f bin 30* Epiphany Cfa-iF- Jltike iit- Cfa-Fl. 3olm it.
trti g bit 330. <H?en-tF. ^attb* b- 0cn,Ftt. Kom.b.
bttt A bf 310. Jtuciatr- Fiit bi Ftb- bi
tF b b 310. Ft) titi Fbi bit
F c it) 3lo. Fbii btit YXsiii biit
Xi t> tti 30. FiF iF XX iF
Xii e P?io. 30. Sol in Aqu»- FFi F FFit *
Ftti f Idiu. ^ilarii- FFiit Ft FFib Ft
Ftb g xix kl- jFefyuarii. FFb Fit FFbi Fti
Fb A mi ki¬ FFt)h Fitt FFbiii Fiit
Fbt b Fbit th. FFiF Fib FFF Fib
c Fbt kl- FFFi Fb FFFit Fb
mu b Fb kl- Ji^ifca. FFFiit Fbt FFFib Fbt
FtF e Fit) kl. FFFt) Fbit FFFbit tCo?-t,
XX f Fiii kl- ifabiatr- FFFbtti Fbitt FFFiF ii
XXi g Xii kl. flgnes. rt FtF Fli iit
XXii A Ft kl- tmmcent. Flti FF Fliii tb
m« b F kl- Flit) FFt Fib b
mb c IF kl- Flbt FFii Flbti bt
FFb 0 tint kl- Con-of^au, *fc-b- #ct-FFit. Wfo- bi- 8ct-FFbt-
FFbt ? tit kl- Cen. 48. ^attb.23 <0en-FltF, i Coz. bit
FFbii t)i kl FFib CFOO,t. btit
FFbiii S t) kl- CFoO-it. FFb iit iF
XXIX A it) ki. it) FFbi b F
XXX b tit kl. bti FFbii bitt Ft
xxxi ' c pzio - kl- iF i FFbtii F Fit

ja 2 February
f February hath xxviii. day<

S *g rt
3 o 2 <
•< 3
n> 3 *3 3
'rifeti) > C3.mi.29. r S’
r* a
♦— a

^hour^ oJU-v
,falletfu c8.mi.34 r* f:: M• »—
r-< r
5T 5?
£3 ?
§* • i
3 3
- J

! •
X Kalcnd. #atf. €b09.bi. $8) arb.t. €bob, btf. f Co:, but.
ft t it). #0. PunF.of Mary. wrn. fb. tt TOfb.btt. bib
tfi f tit. #0. SBlattl <Sb09.bftt« tit CBbob.yib. bb
» g bb ib bbi bbt
b A Nonas. ftgatlje. bbfi b bbitt iiCoj.l
bi b but 3o* ♦ ...
bib bt bb ii
tail C bit 39. bbt bit bbit tii
m 9 bl 39. bbitt btii bbib ib
it e b 39. rrrif fb bbbtii b
X f tb 39. Sd in ViU bbbib b ii0b.bbiu* bi
Xi 8 tit 39. Jtebtt.btb. xi bb bit
Xii A »w.ao* bbbi bit #um.bl blit
m b Idus* #arc$. #um. bit. btii btti ib
Jit) c bbt fel. malentfna. btb bib bbi b
rb b bb fel *
bbti bt> bb bi
bbt 0 btb bf. bbt bbt bbti bit
m f biti bl bjmt BB.ub. bl i. bbib biif
bbtii ff bit bl. brb bit bbbit <Ma.i
xix A xi bl. bbb ti ‘ bbbt ii
VP b X bl. bbbit tit bbbb iti
XXi c ix bl. i bbbbi ib 9Dcut.i. ib
XXii b biff bl. 2Dcuc.it b tii b
bbtft e btt bl jfafll fb bt b bi
XXi* f bt bl. S. Matthias. Wfb. 19. bit CDccicf.t. <£pljb.l
XX* 9 b bl. £Deut.bl biii 2Dcut.bil it
rx*i A ib bl. bin ib ib tii
bbbit b ff r bl. b b bt ib
xxm c $?iB. bt. bit bi bb b

-... —,
^ March hath xxxi. days, \
% ^

.9 .

t t Kalend, EDatia, iD*ut,Fbi, atufc,iU jBDeu.Ftii, CBpb*tt,

it 8 tt CcODF, Ftttt Ftti FIF latjtu
iti f t #0. FF Fit FFi it
tt) 0 tt #0* FFii Ft FFtt itt
b A tit FFt- Fti FFbi it
tt b i^ia^o, FFtti Ftii FFtttt £olof.t.
btt c Nonas l^crpetttfc FFtF Fbiii FFF it
bib a titi 3a, FFFt FiF FFFii tii
IF E tit 3b. FFFtt FF FFFit tt
F f tt 3D, BcfUrh FFi 3ofu.iL i Cbabb
Xi 0 t la. Equinoftiiun itt FFit tt it
Fit ; tt 3a* -
t FFiii ti iii
Ftii b tit 3a, Sol xn Aries* tit FFit tin it
Fit c $?ta, 3a, tF 3ot)lt i. F t
Ft) 0 Idus, FFttt it FFit it Cpef.i,
Ft)t E Ftti {bl. 0p?tUS 3uag,i, tii 3uag,ii, it
Ftti f Fti bl. tit it it tii
Ftttt 0 Ft bl. Catoara, t t tt t Stm.t.
FiF A Fit bl. tit tt titi tLiib
FF b Ftii bl. iF tit F it
FFi c Fit bl. SBeneaut, Fi tut Fit t
FFtt a Ft bl. Ftti iF Fit ti
FFtti e F bl. Ft F Fti iiSCim,!,
FFit f iF bl. Ftii Fi Ftttt it
FFt 0 btit bl. Ant Jf^Mary dEccluj&.ii, Fit Cerium, tit
FFtt A tit bl. 3uag.FiF Flit 3uag,FF, it
FFtit b tl bl. FFt Fit IfattM, Stitu&L
FFtttt c t bl. IKutbit, Ft iit. tt.hi.
FFit D tt bl. it Fti i £>am,L Pbilem,
FFF e.ui bl. t S>am,ii, Ftii iit ^eb4.
FFFi bl. tt Fbiii t it

f April
f April hath xxx. days.

-< tT 2
? , to 0 pu <
• i
CD 3
♦*n 5*
rrifetfe > > 5‘
Sim< >hourc i »»• 1— »
irauptpj l6.mi.45; ♦*— • ♦
SC f
<b fr IT*
O g» g*
Pfalms, P. 1 *O P ♦

t g ' Kalend, f ' t $>am.6. 3ofcnpip, t$>am,7. ^eb.itt.
ii A it) #0, I
j biti PP ip ib.
tit b iit #o. HicljatD, p PPi Pi. b
ti3 c Pit 8(t,i, piii bi
b 0 Nonas, Pib • it pb bii
tit 0 btii sin. Pbi iii Pbti Mi
tnt f bit 3o. Pbtii ib PiP ip
tiut 8 bi it*. PP b PPi P
ip A b 3D, PPti bt PPiti Pi
P b tb 3d. PPib bit PPb Pit
Pi c tit 3D, PPbt biti PPbii Piii
Pit 0 p?io. ao. Sol in Taw, Ttbt.it tp PPiP 3am4*
Pitt 0 iduSe PPP P PPPi ti
Pib f Ptiiit fel. $)ait. it $>am.i. Pi it $>am,it. tit
Pb g pbti fel. iii Pii ib ib
pbi A pbi fel. b Ptii bi b
pbii b pb fel bii Pib but
pbiii c ptb fel. ip Pb P ii
pip D piii fel. ftlpfeeg. Pi Pbt Pii iH
PP 0 Pit fel. Piii Pbii pib ib
PPi f Pi fel. Pb Pbtii pbt b
PPii 5 P fel. 7 ’ • ; Pbii Pip Pbtit ii !,
PPiii A; ip fel. $>. dEfeoig. Pip PP PP ii
PPib b biti fel. PPi PPi PPii iit
prb c bii fel. S. Mark Ev. Ccclef, 4, PPii CccK.5. t^olmi.
PPbi 5 bi fel. ti $>8,2:5. PPiii 2 $>a, 24, ii
ppbii 0 b fel. tilting, i. PPib 1 fttng, 2, ifi
ppbiii f ib fel. iii PPb ib ib
PPiP iii fel. b PPbi bi b
rpp R ]3;ib, fel. bii PPbtt biit ii.tiilofej!
^ ' • '1

-- .
^. June hath xxx. days.

%3 2
'S M
*» ^
>~r- ra
O C52 Q 5.
C rifetfa p r3.mt.34* ♦►-t ►;*
7Q3 r a
Sun< phour ^ /VWo AAr>
cfalletfa j c8.mt.26. H r*
o r
rr a ra 1
Pfalms. S*
a §* S>
a a

t• » e Kalend. ^eft.bi. SgtaFfeit. Ipeff. bit. i Co?.Fb.

It f ifa* jfo. biti iti iF Fbi
tit > 9 iti #0* J^tcfaomcfa. Blofaf. ib 3ob it. iiCo?.t.
it) A jario.jpo. iti b tb it
b tj Nonas* Boniface. b bi bi iii
t)i C fciit 3D* bit bit btit tb
bti 0 fati 310* iF biii F b
m *< t)i BID* Ft iF Fit bi
iF f t) 3D- rttt F Fib bit
t it) 3d. Fb Ft Fbi biii
Ft I ttt 3 D. Barnab.ap. eccico.F. act.Fib. C£ crier. Fti Ms 15.
Fit b Sol in Con. Bob 17. spar.Fit. Bob FiF iiCo?. if.
Fiti c W#: Sot l\it. asfti. FFF (18. Fiii FFi. F
Fit) 0 Ffaiii fel. Bjtiliu FFtt Fib FFiti Ft
Ft) e Ffaii fel. FFtb.FFb. Fb FFbi.FFbii Fii
Foi r Fbi. fel. FFbiit Fbi FFiF Fiii
Ft)ii 9 Ft) bl. FFF JLufee i. FFFt (Saiat.i.
Fbtii A Fit) bl. FFFii ii FFFiti it
FiF fa Fiii bl. FFFib iii FFFb iii
FF C Fii bl. CDtoajD. FFFbi ib FFFbii ib
FFi D Fi bl. - A • FFFbtii b FFFtF b
FFti e F bl. Fl bi Fit bt
FFiii f IF bl. Flii bit P?ob.i. CBpfaef.i. I
FFit) biii bl. John Baptift. spala.iii. spat. it. Spala.tb. spat.Fib. !
FFt) i bit bl. j|;ob.ii. ilufee biii #?ob.iii. GBpfeef.ii.
FFbi b fai bl. iF b iii
FFDtt C jb bl. bi F bit ib
FFfaUt a it) bl. • JFaft* biii Fi iF b
FFiF e iti bl. Peter Apoit, QBcclu.Fb. 3(t* iti. eccl.FiF. #ctsib.
FFF f j¥*iD. bl. #?ob.F. Jlube Fii. P^ob.Ft. GBpfae.bi.
4 July hath xxxi. days.

'S rt
w o
*■< 3
[tifetfe :> C4.mf.34. o o
1 5.
Sun J Shour^ £
<J7.mt.26, ♦ P
f* b*
a « o c
s' g>
PCtl**4 P 5

t 0 Xalcnd. miSt.of Spa. P?ob.rii. Jlufe.riii. pjc.rlit. IPWU

ii A bi m* rib rib rb tt
iii b b #0‘ Martin. rbi rb rbii iii
to c ib rbtit rbi rir ib
b 0 ttt #0, XX rbii rri Colof.i.
bi e £Dog Oap* mi rbiii rriii ii
bii f Nonas* begin. mb rtr rrb itt
biii 0 bttt 310. mi rr rrbii ib
ir A bit 30. rrbiii rrt mr ifcfeef.i.
X b bt 30. xxxi nii (Seder, t. it
Vi c b 30. (Scclef. ii. rriii itt iii
Vii o tb 30. Sol in Leo# ib rrtb b ib
Xiii e ttt 3o. bi 3ofen i. bit b
TCttl f PitO • BID. tnii ii. ir iiC&ef.i.
rb 0 Idus. £>foitbtm. X iii ri it
xn A rbii fel. J3uguft. Xti tb 3ere.i. iii
rfait b rbi fel. 3erem.it. b iii i Cim.i.
rbtti c rb fcL ib bi b ii.iii.
xix D rtb fel. bi bit bii ib
XX e Xiii fel. Margaret. biii biii ir b
xxi f Vii fel. X ir ri bi *
nii X rt fel. spagoaletr. XU r xiii iiCim.f.
XXiii A X fel. rib ri rb ii
icirttj b iX fel. ifatt. rbi rii rbii iii
rrb c but fel. James Apoft. (Scclu.rri. rrii (Scclu.29. ib
rrbi D bit fel. &nne. Ser.rbiti. rtb 3ere.rir. Citu0 i.
rrbii e bt fel. rr rb rri ii.iii.
rrbtii f b fel. nii rbi rri« fnlent.
rrtr 0 tb fel. rrib rbii rrb f£eb?.t.
Xn A itt fel. rrbi rbiii rrbii it
rrri b m* . fel. rrbtii rtr rrir iti

• t a

" T. 4
4 Auguft hath xxxi. days.

*•0 2
"2 m
2 <

fB *“■|
VJ <T>
<5 D
Ctifetb > f4.mi.34* ►t tz •
* 3
Sun«r phour*^ 03
^fallettj^ I7M126, «— • ►— '

£ £ »-«
n> £
S* g* O1 S*
Pfalrns-.' 3

t c 1 Kalend. Gammas. i3er* PPP. Bo&npp Bter.pppt* l£eb. it).
ii 0 i it) #0. fppplt PPt pppiit fc
iti 0 'iii #0. PPPih act.i. ppph tat
it) f Pjib. PPPhi ii jrirrbtt t)ii
1) g Nonas. PPPhiii tfi PPPiP hiit
hi A hiit Bib. Cranffigur. Pi th PU ip •
bit b t)ii Bib* name of 3e. Plii h pliif P
tint £ hi 31b. jrttb hi plh.plhi Pi
ip D h 3t>. Plhii hii FltJltt Pit
p 0 ih Bib. Laurence. Pup biii l m
pi f iii 3b. It ip Iti Blame* i.
pit 9 ^?ith Bib, Sol in Virg. 3lamen.i. P Hamen.ii ii
piit A Idu:i. • * iii Pi 113 iii
pth. b Pip fel. gyepeemb?. h Pit C^efe,if. it)
Pt) c Phtii fel. Cfefe.iii. Piii tJt t)
pt)i 0 Phii fel. hii Pih Pitt i Pet.i.
phi i 0 Phi fel. pih Ph Phii* ii
phtii £ Ph fel. pppiit Phi pppth iti
ptp 9 pth fel.
2Dan.t. Phii 2Dan.lt it)
PP A Piti fel. iii Phiti it). t)
PPi b Pit fel. h Pip tit ii^et.f.
ppti c Pt fel. hii PP htfi it
PPtii b P fel. JFaft, tp PPi P iii
PPtt) 0 tp fel. Bartho. Ap. dDcclu.25. PPii (Scflu.26. tBlctWf.
PPt) f hiii hi. 2Dan.pt. PPiii SDan.pii. it
PPt)i 9 hii fel. Pitt c PPih >2Sh.ppp iii
pphii A hi fei.l l£of. i. PPh )fe.2.3. it)
pphfii b h fel. 0uguffim ih PPt h.hl. t)
pptp c th fel.’ SBebeab. hii pphii hfii 2.3.310^
ppp Et iii fel. Blobn. ip PPhiti P 3uhc
PPPi 0 #2iO. fel. Pi #acfe i. Pit ftcm.i.

c’;; Note, that the 13. of Daniel, touching the Hiftory of Sufanna , is to be read
until thefe words, anu ©uns aftgageg.&c.
4 September hath xxx. days.

|_( ~~ 4
•s s *2 m
v> 2
3 1 *<
5* « 3 5*
*“S 3
era • era.
Sun< OUl P
• M•
cfaUetlu c7.mt.24, r1 H
S' ST O rt
? , 5* o1 o’
Pfalms, £>



. 1


t f Kalend* <E>ile0. jSDfe.Ptii. $5at. it. £D fie .pib. Mom.it.

ti 9 tb #0, Bloelt. itt 3oeltt. tii
tit A it i #0. iit tb amosf ib
tb b 33?tD.J£0, amo* it. b ttt b
b c Nonas* fiDog Daps ib bt b bt
tit 0 but 30.! end bt bit bit bit
/bit t bii Bio., (Bnurc.bt(&. bit but it blit
biii f bi 3D. jpat.trt $£a. iDbaDta.t. tp Honapt. tp
ip 9 b 3o. 3Bon.ii.itn P tb P
P ' A ib 3D. spicbe.u Pi $$)tc&.tt. Pt
Pi b ttt 3D. tii Pit tb Pit
Pii c Sol in Libr* b Pitt bt Pitt
piti D Idas, bii. pib #abu.t. Pib
pit) e Pbiit bi. t£olp Crofe $abu,it. Pb tit Pb
Pt) f Pbii fcl. c^£ quinoft. abac.i. Pbi abanit. Pbt.
ptit 9 pin bl. Autumnal, it i Pbii zepp.t. tCoM*
pbii i A Pb bl. Jbambm, Z«?pl).it. Pbiii iit . it
pbtii b pib bl. ^99P i* Pip aggc.tt. itt
ptp c Ptit bi. Zacp.t. Pp zacb.2,3 tb
PP 0 Pii bl. JFaft. ib.b. PPt bt . b
PPi E Pi bl. S, Matthew, CBccltt.3^. PPtt CBccle.38. bt
PPii f P bl. Zacb*7. PPiit Zac.bitt. bit
PPiii 9 ip bl. ip PPib ? btit
PPtt) .ft btti bl. Pi PPb Pit ip
PPt) b bit bl. Piii PPbt Pib P
ppt)i c bt bl. Cppjm $)aM. PPbii Spala.ii. Pt
ppbii 1 D b bl. iii ppbiii ib Pit
ppbtii e ib bl. Eob.t. $£arb t. Cibdt. Piii
PPir f tit bl. S. Michael* Ccclu.39, ti (Eccl.44. ptb
PPP 9 #itO. 1*. i^icrom. 1C ob. iii. tit . EoMb, Pb
^ O&ober hath xxxi. days. i .

•t W
• 3
n> 3
c Cttfctl) ? , C6.mi.25 r =*
Suiu MtouiJ era
cfaltethS c6.mh22
z K*
§» §»
Pfalm$;‘ 3 3

Kalend. Hemig.
{■ t hi
c l

XX ’
b •
t Co?* i6>
ti Co?.t
:g D tb #o. Fi bii XXi iii
b e iii po> Fiii btii rib ib
bi f O.#0. iFaitfy 3ubitlj.i. ix Blmntfj.ii b
tit onas tti x ib bi
titt f . , !
b Xi bi . bii
iF b SDeni*. bii Xii b iii m
F C ix Xiii x iF
Fi t! i - i 4 Ft* • Fib Fit F
Fii t v Sol in Scor» rut Fb Fib Fi
Fiii V Cbtoarb. Fb Fbi Fbi Fit
ritj a Huh.bi.t. >tt. Fiii
Fb £ aus, i M ^ uttt- bi.t, ib ®alat i
Fbi b Mix hi. j^obemb. b ii bi it
m- c Fbt hi. bti iii biii iii
Fbiii l) Fb hi. Luxe Evang. Cccht. it. ib mi ib
FiF t Fit) hi. WCb#. b WfD.F. b
ff f Ftii hi. Fi bi Fti bt
FFi hi. rtti bti Fib
FFii l m It!. Fb biti Fbi ti
EWrttt b ri hi. rbtt xx Fbtii ii
FFib c. XXi hi. FiF X GBccltt. i. b
FFb btti hi. Ctifpiti. Ccclu,ti. xi iii 3
FFbi hi. b Xii b bi
rrtiti hi. ifair. bi riii bit f $1* U
mitt ?! hi. Sim,and.Jude. 3Iob24,25 rit?
Blob Flii. x
FFiF hi. Ccclu.btii Fb CBcclu. iF. tit
XXX M Vk\ hi. Fbi Fi b
mi c #?tb. hi. JFatt. • it rbit Fiii Colof.t.

Note that the 6. of Exodus is to be read the firft of October at Morning

Prayer, unto thefe words, ^JjefC be tfje $0
^ November hath xxx. days.

*g tn
^ O
•< 3
rrifetlj^ r5.mi-36- 8• era
'Sui> S-houJ
• ►— •
cfallettij cAmU4, £ £
§» g*
Pfalras, ? ?,

t a KalencL All Saints# ^KEifD. iih ^eb.Fi-Fii MO), b. Keb,FtF-


tt t it) Ccclu.i4- Jlufe.Fbiii, Cccl.Fb, Colof.ti,

id f iii #0, Fbi FiF Fbii tit
itj 9 flnb^o* Fbiif FF FiF ib
b • A Nonas, Papilhcon, FF FFt FFt t C&ef,i,
tjt b biti 3D, jLeonatD, FFii FFii FFiit ti
bu c bit 30* FFtb Wiii FFb C iii
tjiit 0 bi 3D- FFbit FFib jqcbtti ib
IF e b 3D- V FFiF 3ofeu t. FFF b
F f tb. 3D, FFFi ti FFFit ttewt.
Ft 9 iii 3D, £>, SDartin, FFFiti iit FFFtb it
Fit A - 3D, Sol in Sagic. FFFb tb FFFbt tit
Fid b Idus. flBnce, FFFbit b / FFFbiit 1&tm.t.
FiP c Fbtii fel. 2Drcembii0, FFFiF bi Fl it. tii.
Ft) D Fbii hi. ^aefeut. Fli bit Flit ib
rot e Fbi fel. Fliii btii Flib b
Fbii. f Fb fel. Ipugfe bilb. Fib tF Flbi G bi
Fbtii 9 Ftb fel. Flbii F Flbiit tiCtm, i
FtF AJ Frti
_ » fel. FliF Fi . l ti
FF b Fii fel. Ctmtun.'feiH, li Fii iBaruc.i, iii
FFt c Ft fel. U&aruc. ii. Fiti iti ib
nix D F fel. CiciU. ib Fib b Cttus i.
| FFttt f UF fel. Clement. bi Fb Cfa-i- ii.tti.
FFlb f ! btti fel. Cfai.it, Fbi iti Pfeilem,
FFt) iff .bii fel. ftatfeetin. tb Fbii b %eb:.i.
FFt)i 1 A'bi fel. bi Fbtii bii it
FFt)ii b b feh / • : btii FiF iF iti
FFtjiii c ib fel. F. /: . FF Ft ib
FFtF iti fel. iFatt. Fii FFt Ftit b
FFF e #?iU. hi, Andrew Ape #FQb, FF- .$tf,i» PiOb.FFi !bi 1

f jftatc tfeat tfec beginning of tfec jetbi. Cfeaptcr of (gcc!efmfttc«0

(unto) But one is, &c. muff bereas tmtb tfeeFFb, Cfiapter.
f jftotetbattfeejclbi. Chapter of <£ccleftafftcug is to tie ceao unto
tfeCfC 100^00, After this he told, &c.

f December hath xxxi. days.

. :

- ?
3 §
m 3
8*mt<i2 r -*
Sun jn,

£ £
3 §»

f If Xdend. Cfa.pib, J3ct.it, Cfa.pb, l^eb.bit.

it g lit) ipo. pt)t tti pbtt btti
tit A »iit #0, pbtii ib pip ip
it) b Jb?tD#0» PP.PPt. b pptt P
b c Nonas, PPtit bi pptb Pt
tit 0 btti BlOa jlUcbo, bitb. PPt) Di.bit. ppbt Pit
tit e bti 3D, PPbtt bt.btt. PPbttt Pitt
tmt f bt 3D. Con.of^a* PPiP btti ppp lamps t.
tP s b 3*. PPPt tp PPPit it
X a tt) 3D, PPPiit P PPPib tit
Pt b tit 3D, Sol in Capr, PPPt) Pt pppbt tb
Pti c fjtD.lD. PPPbtt Ptf pppbiit b
piti 0 Iqus, &ucp. PPPiP Ptii pi i p cti.
e PiP
f Pttti fel.
fel. lanuarp. Pit
ptt g Pbti fet. £> faplemf. pit) Pbt plbt ib
pbit A Pti fel. plbit pbii jplbttt b
rbi tt b Pt bl. Pltp Pbiti 1 t pet,i.
tip c pit) bt. it pip lit it
PP D Ptit bl. JFaft. i tit PP itb fit
PPi e Pii bl. S, Tnomas, PjOb.23. PPt PiQb.24, t lotw t.
PPit f Pi bl. Cfa.lt), PPit Cfa.lbt. it
PPtit J P bl. l bit PPtit Ibiiit iti
PPit) [A ip bl. if 80. lip pptb Ip ib
PPt) b t>tti bl. Chrittmas, Cfa.ip. Jlufee tt. Cfa.bif. Cttus tit.
ppbt c t)ii bl. S. Steven* Pzob.28. 0ct,bt,fett. Ccclea.4. 04s biit.
PPtsii D t)i bl. S, John, Ccclpf.f. Mebel.t.’! bi Heb.22t
PPbUt e t) bl. Innocents, 3?P‘3«» 0a.ppb. WSD.t. t 3Um b.
trip f it) bl. Cfa.61, ppbt Cfa.lpii. tt 3ob«
ppp g iti bl. Ipitt ppbit lptb iit 3obn.
PPPi A PUD. bl. ^tlttttf. big),> Ipb PPbtit Ipbt luoe
For the Order of the P ialrns, to be faid at Morning
and Evening Prayer.

f Morning prayer. If Evening prayer.

I i. ii.iii.iv.v. vi.vii.viii.
2 ix.x.xi. xii. xiii. xiv.
3 xv.xvi.xvii. xviii.
4 19.20.21. xxii. xxiii.
5 xxiv.xxv.xxvi. 27. 28. 29.
6 xxx. xxxi. 32- 33-34-
1 xxxv.xxxvi. 37*
8 xxxviii. xxxix.xl. xli. xlii. xliii.
9 xliv.xlv.xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix.
10 l.li.lii. liii. liv. lv.
ii lvi.lvii.lviii- lix. lx. lxii
12 lxii.lxiii.lxiv. lxv. lxvi. Ixvii.
13 lxviii. lxix. lxx.
i4 lxxi.lxxii. lxxiii. lxxiv.
15 lxxv.lxxvi.lxxvii. lxxviii*
16 Ixxix.lxxx.lxxxi. 82.83*84.85*
*7 86.87.88. 89.
18 xc.xci.xdi. xciii. xciv.
19 xcv.xcvi.xcvii. xcviii. xcix. c. cl
20 cii.ciii. civ.
21 cv. cvi.
22 cvii. cviii- cix.;
23 cx.cxi.cxii.cxiii. cxiv. cxv.
24 cxvi.cxvii.cxviii. cxix. Inde iv.
25 Inde v. Inde iv.
26 Inde v. Inde iv.
27 i
28 132* 13 3*x34« 135* 136.137.138.
22 139.140.141. cxlii. cxliii.
30 144,145.145* cxlvii. cxlviii. cxlix. cl.
«f An Almanack for xxxviii. years.

- *-*
■? s?
PS 2% >
3 p-

cr o „ 3. p3• cn
fH -T)
it rt3
* rt
p 3
*<• c/>
o« G• a.
O S*
►n E.
• po o
* -f%i
4- • »O 33o p
O o
• *-n

£ A 30 3Iait«. 16 jfdjj. 2 <ap?ti 7 SPap 11 21 seap 3 £>«e*

1^48 *5 13 2
I <?4? 16 2I 7 25 sear, 29 aptfi 3
2 3 use 1
1650 JF 10 27 JFeb*. rtf-apju. i9S6ap 23
i,7 30 jftob.
18 € 31 ana.
D C 15 Jfcty*
3 S@ae.
30 sear.
18 sea?
6 June 28
12 Jantt.
23 jfti)?.
8 10
20 sear.
3° amtl
29 ^a?
28 20 sea? 24 33fime 2
15 apt!.
4 f<25E n JFeli?*
3 20 11 15 25 sea? 30 iSofc.
P 25 3lami* 11 29 SPar. 3 7 17
6 C 7 JFeb*. 24 11 afou. 16 20 30 28
i<J9 7
31janu. 16
7 SPar.
10 3 tint
2 Dece.
1660 19 jFete. 2 1
i65i 9 JF 10, 27 14- 19 30
1662 10 OE 2< Jam*. 12 30 Spar. 4 V 18 sea?
7 June 29
i«3 11 2) 15 jFeb*. 4Sear. 19 %ll. 24 28
29 Sl9a? 27
i6<4 12 c s 7 24 JFety. 10 15 19
i6<5 13 €5a 22 31 atm. 8
26 sear. 30 apja
20 sea?
3 3ntte
3 "DitZ*
x <?<?<? 14 11 jfeb|. 15 mil.
12 1
19 Janu-
22 sear. 26a»a
30 ap?ti
10 29 fftcb*
J7 15
36. jantt.
11 aipjii
i SPa?
20 #ap
n * 22
30 28
113«nt 3 Pea*
1671 19 a 19 JFtt)*. 8 §©ar. 23 28 1 3l»ne
26S0a? 1
1 G F 4. 21 iftijj. 7 12 16 SIN?
1673 2 © 2< Janu. 12 30 S0ar. 4 8 18
7 June
1(574 3 D 15 jfebt. 4 Sear. I9WJ. 24 28 28
4 C 31 janu. 17 JFety* 4 9 13
23 sea?
i<7S 14 3 Peer*
5 B A 23, 26 SPar. 3° 9mU 4
1677 6 © 11 jFe&*.
28 15 mil. 20 SPap a4
3 June
19 sea?
i«78 JF 27 janu. 13 31 Sear. 5 9
1 <7.9 <£
i< jfeb?. 5 Sear. 2©#P*iJ. 25 29
8 June
30 sea?
30 -.0eb.
1680 9 8 25 JFeb. 11 16 20
15 8 22
1 (581 10 30 jantt. 16 12
1(582 11 a 12 jFcb?-. 1 sear. 16 21 25 4 June 3 Pece.
I2 <s? 4 21 jfeb. 8 13 17 27 Slpap 2
16*84 1314 F E 27 Janu. n 30 sear. 4 8
7 June
30 jfcofc,
i<585 3D 15 TO* 4 sear. 19 a?»ti- 24 28 29»

^ The Golden Number.

4 Botetljat tlje fupputattmt of the pear of our JLo?s fit tfje ctjurcfj
of England, lieCuuieti} tljc vt\). Bap of 03drtl), tfje fame Bap fuppo-
teB to be tlje firftBap upon itifncf) tfje cjliojIB was cteatea, auB
tfje Bap U),oen€f)Jt(tfua'S coneetBeB in tlje tuomb of tbe aftfffn
> » « 't • % n- • .Vy

An Adi for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, and Service iii

W the Church, and Adminiftration of the Sacraments.

Dere at tlje meat!) of tlje Loms and Commons of this
of our late Sode- portent parliament aflembled, and
rm'gtt !Lo2d,E;ng by me autbonty of me fame, mat all
Edward tfje fitth, and fiitguiar ©tnifterS in any Ca=
there remained one uniform 02der medial, 02 paritb Church, 02 otljet
of Common Serdtce and P2ayer, place toitljin mts Eealm of Cng-
aim of tbe adminiftration of sa> land, iHlales, and me ©artljesof
craments, Eites, and Ceremonies me fame, 02 otijer tlje Cmeeits Do-
in the Cljurcfj of England, mbiclj bias minions, mall from and after tbe
fet f02th in one Book , intituled, jfeatt of me Batidtty of saint John
Clje Book of Common P2ayer , Baptat nett coming, be bound to fay
aim aomtniftration of sacraments, and ufe tbe fattens, Cdenfdng,
and other Kites aim Ceremonies in celeb2atton of tbe Lo2ds supper,
tlje Cburclj of England, outfitted lip and adminiftration of each of tbs
act of parliament, Ijolden in tlje Sacraments, and all other Com*
fifth aim firtij years of our fam late man and open player, in fucb 02dec
Soderatgn Lojd, Etng Edward the and f02in as is mentioned in tlje faid
ftctlj, intituled, an act f02 the am- Book, fo autijonfed by parliament,
fojmity of common player , ann in tlje raid fifth and firth years of
atmuniftratton of me sacraments: the Eetgn of j&tng Edward me firth ?
tlje tuljtcf) urns repealed mm taken bum one alteration 02 addition, of
atony by act of parliament j in me certain fceffonS to be ufed on edery
firft year of me reign of our late so- Sunday in the year, and thefojm
bcratgit Lady, Cuteen Mary , to me of the JLetany altered and co2tected,
great decay of me due Ijono? of #od, and ttno fentences onely added in
and dtfcomfojt to me p20fefld2S of the delidery of the Sacrament to
tlje truth of CbnftS Eeligiom the communtcants,and none other,
Be it tljerefoje enacted by me 3tt- 02 0 tljerimfe. and mat if any manet
tbonty of mis pjefent parliament, of patron, (Uicar, 02 other mhatfo*
Chat the raid statute of repeai,atm eder ©inifter, that ought 02 fljould
edery thing therein contained, onely ring 02 fay Common p2ayet mentis
concerning me faid Book, and me oited tit the faid Book, o'lminittec
Serdtce, adminiftration of Sacra- the sacraments, from and after the
ments, Eites, and Ceremonies, rjfeaff of the Battdity of S. John,
contained 02 appointed, in, 02 by Baptift nert coming, refttfe to ufe the
tbe faid Book, (ball be doid and of faid common P2ayers, 02 to mint-
none effect, from and after the tfeaft j Her tlje sacraments in fuel) Catlje
of the Batidit? of Saint John Bapc.ft; d2al 02 Partfij Church, 02 other pla-
nert coming, and that the faid ces, as he (houid ufe to miiufter me
Book, untb the 02der of Setdice, fame,in fuch 02der and f02iu as they
and of tlje adminiftration of Sa- be mentioned and fet fo2tlj in the
craments, Eites, and Ceremonies, faid Book, 02 (hall bnlfttlly 02 ob<
uiith tlje alteration and additions ffinately Handing in tlje fame, ufe
therein added,and appointed by this any other Eite, Ceremony, £>2der,
Statute, (ball (land and be, from, jT02m, andmanerof celeb2ating of
and after the faid jfeaft of the Batv the JL02dS supper, openly 02 P2idi-
dity Of Saint John Baprift, in full ly, 02 ©attend, Cdenftmg, admint*
fo2ce and effect, acco2ding to the w ftration of tbe sacraments, 02 m
no2 and effect of this Statute: any tber open P2ayers, then is mention*
thing in the f02efaid statute of re* ed and fet fo? tlj in the faid Book co-
peal to the contrary notloithftand^ pen prayer in and throughout this Ad, is
tug. meant that prayer which is for other to
and further be it enacted by tlje come unto or hear, cither in common
Queens Sng&nefS, fottb the affent Churches or private Chappels, or Orato-
B ties
An Ad for the Uniformity
ries, commonly called, Theferviceof the (fyftU CftfOOttS Off£!tS tit fllty thin®
church) or (ball preach, sedate, o? concerning the prenttfeS, ans fljatt
fpeak any thing in the Setogatton, inform aforefats he thereof latofttl*
o? sepratoitg of the fins 1300k, o? ly cotttortes; that then the fame per*
any thing herein contained, o? of ton fljall fo? bis fecons offence* fuffei
any part thereof, anS fljall he thereof imprifomnent Slicing his life.
of lawfully contoctes, acco?stng to ans it i0 Oisatnes ans enactes
the tains of tots Eealm, hy bcrstct hy the authority ahohefais, that if
of ttoclbc mdt , o? hy bis oum com any perfon o? perfon0 tohatfoeher,
fefttmt, o? hy the notorious ebfi after the fats ifeaftof tlje jftatttoty
hence of the fact, (hall lofe arts for* of 0atnt John Bapnft nejrt coming,
fett to the Cuteens JtoflbnefS, her fljall in any €nteriuses, play0,
IjeitsanSfucccfforS, forbtS firfl of¬ €>ongs, Etmes, or hy other open
fence the profit of bis Spiritual I5e* toorss, seclare o? fpeak any thing in
neftces o? demotions, coming, a? tije serogatimt * sep?atong, o? se*
arfftng In one ttojole year nejtt after fpffing of the fame OBook, o?of any
hl0 contortion t 8uS alfo that the thing therein containes, or any part
petfoit fo contoctes (hall fo? the fame thereof, o? fljall hy open fact, sees, oi
offence fuffer impmomuent hy the hy open tljreatnings, compel, or
fpaceof fijcmonetbS toithotit I3ail caufe, o? other toife procure, o? maim
o? ©atnprife. 8ns if any fuel) pec* tain any parfon, (Htcar, o? other
foit, once contort of any offence com ©tntfter, in any catljesrai o? pa*
tenting the Premtfes , (ball after riflj Church, o? tit Cbappeto? itt any
hi0 firfl contortion eftfomts offens, other place, to ftng o? fay any com*
ans he thereof in (torn aforefats (aim man aits open Prayer, or to mini*
fully conhlct: that then the fame iter any Sacrament, othertotfe, o?
petfon fljall for hi0 fecons offence tit any other matter ans fo?tn then is
uifferimpnfonment hy the fpaceof menttoites in the fats l3ook, o? that
one tohole year, ans alfo fljall there hy any of the fats mean0 fljall ttnlatm
fore he sepiibes ipfofadoof all bts fully interrupt o? let any Perfon,
fptritual promotions. 8ttstbat it ftltcar, o? other ©intffer, in any
fljall he latofttl to all patrott0, o? catbes?aio? partflj Church^Chap*
<Dono?sof all ans Angular the fame pel, o? any other place, to fling oi
fptritual promotions o? of any of fay common ans open prayer, o?to
them, to prefent o? collate to the mtntftet tlje Sacraments, o? any of
fame, a0 though the perfon o? per* them, in fuch maner ans form as i#
fon0 fo offensing there Seas. 8ns menttones tit the fats QBook : that
that if any fuel) perfon o? perfon0 then ehery fuel) perfon, hetng there*
after he fljall he tttoce contoctestn of lawfully contoctes tn form abase*
form aforefats, fljall offens agatnft fats fljall forfeit totheCiueen our
any of the Premtfes the tbits time, Soheraign jLasy , her heirs ans
ans fljall he thereof tit form aforefats Sttcceffors, fo?tbe firfl offence an
lawfully confiirtes: that then the ljttns?es marks. 8ns tf any petfon
perfon fo offensing, ans cotttortes o? perfons,hemg once contort of any
the tbits tune, fljall he seprtses ipfo fuch offence, eftfoons offens agatnff
faao of all the fptritual promotions, any of the laft recites offences, ans
ans alfo fljall fttffet imprifomnent (hall in form afo?efats, he thereof
outing his life. lawfully contort: that then the fame
8ns if the perfon that fljall offens, perfon fo offenstttgans contort, fljall
attS he contort in form aforefaisxon* for the fecons offence forfeit to the
cerning any oftheprentifes, fljall not CUteett our @>oheratgtt lasy, her
he OBeneftceS norhahe any fptritual heirs ans ^uccelfors , four hum
promotion t that then the fame per* ores ©arks. 8tts if any perfon,
ton fa offensing, mts conhtrt, fljall after he,in form aforefats, fljall hahe
for the firfl offence fttffet tmp?tfom been ttotce contort of any offence
ment surtng one tohole year ttert af* concertuttg any of the lafl recites of*
tertots fats contortion,Without OBail fences, ikall offens the thtts time,
or ©amprtfe. 8ns if any fuch per- ans he thereof tn form ahohefais
ran, not basing any Spiritual pro* lawfully contort : that then ehery
motion, after hts firfl contortion perfon fo offensing ans contort, (ball
•4 . - fo?
An Ad for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, &c.
for his third offence forfeit to oue fame Patiflj, of the goods, land*}
^overaign Lady the Ciueett, all and tenements of fuel) offender, hi?
his goods and chattels!,and (hall fuf*, xunp of diftrefs* and for hue ejcectt-
ec imprifonment during his life*1 tton hereof, the £iuecns moft eral*
and if any perfon or pettons, that lent $)ajefty, the Lords temporal ,
for WS fitft offence concerning tlje, ann all the commons in this pre*
premifes, (hall he contact in form Cent parliament affcmbled, nothin
aforefaid, do not pa? the fum to be Cods Bame eatneffiy require and
payed by vertue of his conviction ,; charge all the archbtfbops , OSi
in fuch maner and form as the fame (hops 9 and other Drtanartes, that
ought to he payed, within fir wechS they (hall endeavor tljemfeltas to
nett after his conviction: that then the uttecinoft of their knowledges,
every perfonfo convict, and fonot that the due and true etccution here*
paying the fame, (hall for the fame of may he had throughout their Du
fitft offence, m (lead of the faid fum, ocefs,and Charges, as they mill am
fuffer imprifonment by the fpace of fwer before Cod, fo? fuch evils and
fir monethS, tmthout Q6ail or ©aim plagues wherewith Almighty <£00
prtfe*and if any perfon or perfonS may juftly puntflj his people for neg*
that forms fecondoffence, concern* leering his good and whoielome
tug the premifes, (hall he contact* Law*
inform aforcfaio,do not pay the faid and for the authority in this be*
fum to he payed hy vertue of his com half, he it further enacted fay the
diction and this Cftatute 3 in fuch authority aforefaid, chat all and
maner and form as the fame ought fingular thefame atcljfaifhopS, 01M*
to be payed, within fit weebs nett (hops, and all other their officers
after this faid fecond conviction : eretctftng Ccclefiafftcal lurildicti*
that then every perfon fo convicted, omafwel in place emnptas not ex¬
and not paying the fame, (hall fo r empt, Within their Diocefs 3 fljali
the fame fecond offence, inthefteao have full power and authority hy
of the faid fum fuffer imprifonment thtsact* to reform; correct, and pu-
during twelve moneths, uitthout nifh hy cenfttres of the Church, all
05ailo r £©ainprife* and that from and fingular perfons Which lhall of*
and after the faid jfeaft of the fend within any their jurisdictions
titaty of€>amt John Bapcift nett com* or Diocefs, after the faid tfeaft of
ing, all and every peefon and per* tlje Nativity of €tant John Bapcift
fons inhabiting within this Kcalm, nert coming* agatnff this act and
or any other the CUieetts ©ajefties statute, anyother Law, statute
dominions 3 fljall diligently and Pritaleoge, Liberty or protafion*
faithfully 3 having no lawful or tea*' heretofore mane, had, or differed to
fonahle etcufe to he abfent,endeavor the contrary notwtthftandtng*
themfeives to retort to theirpartflj and it is ordained, and enacted
Church or Chappei accuftonted, or hy the authority aforefaid. Chat all
upon reafonahle let thereof, to Come and every juftice of Oyer and Deter-
tivual place, where Common Pray* rmner 3 0? jufttces of acstfe, fijaU
erand fuch Service of Cod (Ml be have full power atto authority in z*
tifed in fuch time of let, upon every very of tljetr open and general ©ef*
Sunday, and other days-ordained fiionS, to enquire, hear, and deter*
and ufed to he Kept as holy days: mine all and all maner of offences
and then and there to abide orderly that tbaU he committed or done con¬
and foberly during the time of Com* trary to any articles contained in
mon Prayer, Preachings, or other this prefent act 3 within the limits
Service of Cod, there to he ufed of the commtffion to them directed,
and miniftred, upon pain of puntfb* and to make Procefs for the ereem
ment by tlje cenfttres of the Church: tton of the fame, as they do a*
and alto upon pain that every per* gainff any perfon being indicted be*
fon fo offending, (hall forfeit for eve- fore them of trefpaCS, or lawfully
ry fuch offence twelve pence , to he convicted thereof*
levied by the Church wardens of provided always, anti he it Cm
the patifi) where fuch offence (hall acted by the authority aforefaid,
be done, to the ufe of the poor of the Chat all and every archbithov and
% 1 'Bifljop
An Ad for the Uniformity of CommonPrayer, &c.
Bimop, (ball 02 rnayat all time at® potter aim autbojity by herttte of
times, atbiS liberty anOpleafute, this act, to enquire, bear aim Oe»
joyn aim nffoctate bimfelf, by bertwe termine the offences abobefato, ano
of tljis act, to tlje rain Suffices of ebery of them yearly ttitbin fifteen
Oyer 3110 Determiner, 0? tO ti)C faiO S® oays after the leans of Cadet, aim
dices of arsife, at ebety of the fa® ©aittt Michael tlje archangel, in like
open anO general ©effionS to be rnaner mm fo?ut as Suffices of afi
boioeit in any place ttttbin bis Di= (life, ano Dyer aim Determiner
ocefe, fo? aim to tbe enquiry, bear* may 00.
ing ano oetermintng of tbe offences pjobtOeO alttays, ano be it 0?*
nfoiefato. oatneo aim enacteo by the autbojity
p?ob®cn nlfo, anD be it enactcD afojefa®, Chat all ano finplat
by tlje authority afojcfa®, Chat the arebbiffops, ano Btffops, anOebe*
Books concerning tbe'faio @>erbice, ry of their Cbancello?s, comtnfffa*
tliallattbe colls ano charges of tbe ties, arcboeacon, ano other ©jet*
parilljoners of ebety pari® ano naries, ijabing anp peculiar cccle-
Catbeojal Cburcb. be attaineo ano fiafticaisurtsoictioh, Ojail babe full
gotten befo?e tbe faiO ifeaff of tbe potter ano autbojity , by berttte
flSatibity of ©. John Bapuit nert fob of this act, as tttll to enquire tit
lotting: ano tbat all fttcb ParilbeS tbett bifitation , ©ynoos , oj elf-
ano Catbeojal Churches, oj other ttljere ttttbtn tbett SurifOictioti, at
places ttljere tbe faiO ’Boobs (ball be any other time aim place, to take
attaineo ano gotten befojetbe fa® accufations, ano infojntations of all
jfeaft of tbe Batibity of ©aint John ano ebety tbe things abobe mentis
Baptift, iballttttbtntbjeettecks nert otteO, Done, committee, oj perm
after tbe faiO Boobs fo attaineo ano ttateo ttitbin tbe limits of their Ju=
gotten, ufe tbe faiO ©crbice, ano risoicton ano autbojity, ano to pu-
put tbe fame tn ufe accojDing to this nifb the fame by aomonition, er-
act. communication, fequettratton, 0?
ano be it further CnacteD by the oepjibatton, 0? other cenfttreS ano
authority afojefa®, Chat no per- pjoceffes in like fojm as betetofoje
fono! perrons (bail be at any time bath been ufeo in like cafes by the
hereafter impeacbeo, 02 otbertttfe ©ueens Ccclcfiafftcal fUtos.
molefteo, of, 02 fo? any of the of* PjobiOeti alttays, ano be it en*
ences abobe mentioneo, hereafter acteo, Chat ttljatfoeber permnof-
to be committee 0? Done contrary to fenoing in the pjemtleS, (ball fo?
this act, unlefs be 0? they fo offeno* the firff offence receibe puntffment
ing, be thereof inoteteo at the nert of tbe ©joinary, babing a teffimo*
general ©effions to be boioen be* nial thereof unoet the faio ©jot-
fo?e anyfucb Suffices of ©yer ano naries teal, (ball notfo? tbe fame
Determiner, 0? suffices of afftre, offence eftfoonsbe conbicteo befoje
nert after any offence committee 0? the suffices: ano likewife receibing
Done contrary to tbe teno? of this fo? the faio firff offence pumflpncnt
$Ct*. by tbe Suffices, be (ball not fo? the
Pjabioeo alttays, ano be it 0?* fame offence eftmons receibe puniftt
Oaineo ano enacteo bytbe autbojity mentoftbe ©joinary ; any thing
afo?efaio, chat all ano fingittar containeo in this act to the contrary
jlo?ds of the parliament, fo? tbe notttitbffanoing.
tbito offence abobe mentioneo (ball Pjobioeo always, atm be it Cn=
be trieo by'tbeir peers. acteo, Chat fucb ojnaments of the
pjobtoeo aim, ano be it o?oaiit Church, atm of the Sginiffers there*
eO ano enacteo, by tbe autbojity a of, ®all be retaineo, ano be in ufe,
fo?efaiO, chat tbe S0nyo? of London, as uias in this Church of England
ano all other $©ayojs, BayltffS, by tbe autbojity of parliament in
ano other beao offtcers, of all ano the fecotiopear of the reign of firing
fingulat cities, bowugbS ano tottns Edward the firth, until other ojOer
co?po?ate , ttitfjin this Eealm , ®all be tbetein taken by autbojity
©Hales, ano the marches of tbe fame of tbe ©ueens Sgajeffy, ttitb the
to tbe ttbtcb suffices of attire, Oo aobice of her Commiffioners, ap<
not commonly repair, (boll babe Ml pointeo ano autbo2ifeO unoer the
A Proclamation for the uniformity
great ©eal of Cnglanb ft? enures Church, aun the hue reberence of
©ccleftafftcal, o? of the agjetropolt* Cb?ittS help mpftertes aim ©acta*
tane of tins Realm. 3nb alto that meats.
if there fljali happen am> contempt aun be it further Citactcn bp the
o? trrebctencetobe ufeo in the Ce* anthaytp afo?efatn, Chat all Laws
remonies o? Rites of the Cburcb, ©tatutes, ano©?binantes, inhere*
bp the mifUfittg of the o?berS ap= in o? Wbetebp aitp other ©erbtee,
pointeb ttt this 'Booh t tlje CuiettS anminittration of ©acraments, o?
Sgajeffp map bp the lihe aobtee of common }tt>?aper is ltmiten, effabli-
the fain commtfllonetM? s@etro< fijeo, o? fet fo?th to be ufen within
polttane, otoaut attn publtfh futh this Realm, o? attp other the
further Ceremonies o? Rites, as ©ueens Dominions ano Coun-
map be molt fo? the anbancement treps, (hall from henceto?th utterlg
of (Sons glo?p, the estfping of bis bebois, ann of none effect.

^ By the King.
A Proclamation for the authorizing of an Uniformity of the
book of Common Prayer, to be ufed throughout the

A lthough it cannot be un= sfpeciottS: file Were tttobeb thetebp

known to our©ubjectsbp to make It ©ur occafion to btf*
the fo?met Declarations charge that nutp which tS the chief-
©lie babe publiibeo., What ©ur pur* eft of all Ringlp buttes, that is, to
pofes ann pioceebings babe been fettle the affairs of Religion, anb
tn matters of Religion Cnee ©ur the fetbice of ©on befoje theic
coming to this Crown: £et the own: ftlhich, While file were in
fame being now bp cJS teouceb to a bans to bo, as the contagion of the
fettleo fo?m, cue babe occaCon to ficknefs reigning in ©ur Cttp of
repeat tomewhat of that Which Lonnon anb other places, woulb
hath paw®: anb now at ©ur berp permit an affemblp of pertons meet
nttt entrp into the Realm, being ft? that pur pole, some of thofe
entertameo anb impo?tuiteb With Who miflikeb theftate of Religion
31nfo?mationS of fttnbjp SgimfterS, here eftablifteb, piefuming m ?e
complaining of the etto?s anb tin of ©ur Intents then eber file gabe
perfections of the Church here, as them caufc to no, anb tranfpo?teo
well in matter of Doctrine, as of with hurao?, began tuch p?oceen-
Difcipline: although file bab no ingS, as bib rather raife a fcannal
reatonto pjefumethat things were in the Church, then take offence
ft far amtfS, as was p?etenbeb, awap. jFo? both thep ufen ffo?ms
becaufefaehab teen the Rtitgbom of publique fetbing of ©on not here
unset that ft?m of Religion which alloweb, heft affemblies Without
bp law was eftabUlbeo tn the baps autho?ttp, anb bib other things
of the late fluent of famous me* carrptng a berp apparent (hew of
mo?p, bleffeb with a peace anb p?o* ©ebitiott,mo?e then ofjcai: whom
fperttp, both ertraoibinarp anb of ffle reftrainebbpafo?mec p?ocia*
manp pears continuance (a ffrong matton in the month of oaober laft,
cbibence that ©on was therewith attb gabe intimation of the Confe¬
Weil pleafes) net becaufe tlje im* rence file intenbentobehab with
po?tunttpof thecomplainers was as much fpeeb as conbcmcntli*
great ,tljeit affirmations behement, couin he, fo?the o?neting of thole
anb the ?eal wherewith the fame things of the Church: which ac«
bib feem to be accompanies, berp coibinglp ftltowen in the moneth of
A Proclamation for the uniformity
January laft at£>Ut ^OtlOJOf Ham- ©ur great Seal of England, to tlje
pton-Court $ ttJljcre before ©ur fclf, atChblfljOp Of Canterbury,anO OtljCl'S,
anti ©ur Pribp Council were nf- accoromg to the form which the
embleo man? of tfje grabelt Bi- laws of this Eealm in like cafe
(hops ano prelates of the. Eealm, prefcrtbe to be ufeo, to make the
ano man? other learneo men, as faio erplanation, ano to caufe toe
well of tljofe that are conformable Whole look of Common P?a?er,
to the ftate of tlje Church eftabliflj- With the fame Crplanations, to be
en, as of tljofe that oiffenteo. a- newi? prtnteo. rahich being now
tnong iul)om,uiljat 0ur pains were, none, ano eftablifljeo anew after to
wljat ©ur patience in hearinB ano ferious a Deliberation, although
teplptng, ano wbat the intnfference Ktc ooubt not, but all ©ur Sub¬
ano uprightness of©ut jttogement jects both Sginiflets ano others,
in Determining, file lease to tlje re¬ will receibe the fame With tuch re-
port of tljofe who IjearD tlje fame, berence as appettaineth, ano con¬
contenting ©ur fclf with tlje fin- form themfelbes thereunto eberp
cent? of ©ur own heart therein. man in that which him concertieth,
But ffile cannot conceal, that the pet habe We thought itnecelfac?:
fuccefs of tljatConference was ruch, fo make known b? Proclamation
as happeneth to man? other things, ©ur authorifittg of the tome, ana
wfitchmoSing great crpectationoe- to require ano enjopn all men, as
tore the? be entreo into, in tljetr wellCcclefiatttcaias cemporal,to
iffue pjoouce fmall effects: to? a£le comform themfelbes unto it, ana
founb might? ano behement infor¬ to the practife thereof, as the onelp
mations fupporteo with fo weak publique form of ferbtng ®oO,efla-
ano flenOet proofs, as it appearetlj blifijeo ano alloweo to be in this
unto CIS ano our council, that Eealm. ano the rather, for that
there was no caufe wh? an? change all the learneo men, who were there
fijoulo habe been at all tit that which prefent, as Well of tlje Bidjops as
was moll impugneO, the Book of others, promifeO their contormit?
Common Praper, containing the in the practife of it, onl? making'
form of the publique Setbice of fuit to ms, tljat tome few might be
Coo here eltablilfieD, neither in the born With for a time,
Doctrine Which appeareo to be I'm H£lljerefo?e we requite all arch-
cere, nor in tlje forms ano Eites bidjops, Bidjops, ano all other pu¬
which were juflifieo out of the pra- blique Sfjtntffers, as Well Cccletta-
ctife of the Prtmittbe Church. JQot- ftical as Cibtl, to oo their Duties in
wtthftanoing, ccie thought meet, caufing the tome to be obepeo, ana
With content of the Bidjops ano in punifijing the offenoets accorfl-
other learneo men there prefent, ing to the laws of the Eealm here¬
Chat tome fmall things might ra¬ tofore ettablilheo, for the authori¬
ther be etplaineo then changes: sing of tlje fatO 13ook of Common
not that the fame might not ber? Prapet. ano we think it alto necef-
well habe been born With bp men. ffat?, that tlje toiO archbidjops ano
Who WoulD habe maoe a reasonable Btdjops, Do each of them in bis
conllruction of them, but for that pjobtnce ano ©tocers take orOet,
In a matter concerning the aerbice Chat eber? patilh Do procure to
of ®oo, We were nice or rather jea¬ themfelbes within fuch time as
lous, that the publique form there¬ the? djall think gooD to limit, one
of Ihouio be free, not onel? from of the faio 'Books to etplaineo.
blame, but from fufpicion, to as ano lad of all, we oo aomonifij all
neither the common aobertotp men, that hereafter the? djall not
fljouio habe aobantage to wrelf erpect nor attempt an? further alte¬
ought therein containeo, to other ration in the common ano publique
fenfe then the church of England form of Coos Serbice, from this
intenoeth, nor am> ttoubletome or Which is now eftablidjen, tor that
ignorant perfon of this Church be neither will HCIe gibe wap to an?
able to take the lean occafion of ca< to prefiime, that ©ur own juoge¬
biiagainfi ft: ano for that purpofe ment habtng oetermtneo in a mat¬
Babe forth out Commtflion unoer ter of this weight, (hail be fwapeo
The Preface.
to alteration ftp tfte ftitioloua fug* anticontemptiftle: foftefceas tfte ffe&
gefttcms of anp Itgftt fptrtt t nettftet fait maintaining of tftings ftp goon
are file ignorant of tftemccmftent* aoftice effaftlllfteo, is tfte total of
ences tftat no artfe tit ^ofternment, all commommeaitfts*
ftp anmttttne; tnnoftattoit ttt tfttngs
once fettleu ftp mature fteltfteration: Given at Our Palace of Weftminfter
<anft ftota necelfarp it tg to ufe cotv the 5. day of March, in the
ftancp in tfte ttpftolfttngof tfte pub- ' firft year of Our Reign of Eng¬
lique netermtnationss of states, land, Trance, and Ireland, and
foi tftat fucft ij3 tfte unquietttef0 and of Scotland^ the feven and thir¬
unfteftfafinefss of fome mfpofittons, tieth.
affecting efterp pear neto faints of
tfttngiMg if tftep (ftouio fte foilotoeft
tntfteir unconftancp, mourn mafte
all actions of states rtMculous f God fave the King.

^ The Preface
T Here was never any thing by the
wit of man fo well devifed, or
tuagefima : but they were only begun, and
never read through. After like fort were
fo fure eftabliflaed, which in con¬ other books of holy Scripture ufed. And
tinuance of time hath not been moreover, whereas S. Paul would have
corrupted: as ( among other things) it fuch language fpoken to the people in the
may plainly appear by the Common pray¬ Church, as they might underftand and
ers in the Church, commonly called Divine have profit by hearing the fame: thefer-
Service. The firft original and ground vice in this Church of England (thefe
whereof, if a man would fe arch out by the many years) hath been read in Latin to the
ancient Fathers,he (hall finde that the fame people, which they underftood not: fo
was not ordained but of a good purpofe, that they have heard with their ears onely,
and for a great advancement of godlinefs. and their heart, fpirit, and minde have not
For they fo ordered the matter,that all the been edified thereby. And furthermore,
whole Bible ( or the greateft part thereof) notwithftanding that the ancient fathers
Ihould be read over once every year : in¬ have divided the Pfalms into feven porti¬
tending thereby, that the Clergy, and fpe- ons , whereof every one was called a No-
ciilly fuch as were Minifters of the con¬ durn: now of late time a few of them have
gregation , Ihould ( by often reading and been dayly faid, and ofc repeated, and the
meditation of Gods word ) be ftirred up reft utterly omitted. Moreover, the num¬
to godlinefs themfelves, and be more able ber and hardnefs of the rules called the Pie,
to exhort others by wholefome doeftrine, and the manifold changings of the fervice
and to confute them that were adverfaries was the caufe, that to turn the book onely
to the truth. And further, that the people, was fo hard and intricate a matter, that
by dayly hearing of holy Scripture read in many times there was more bufinefs to
theChurch,(hould continually profit more finde out what Ihould be read, then to
and more in the knowledge of God, and reade it when it was found out.
be the more inflamed with the love of his Thefe inconveniences therefore confider-
true religion. But thefe many years paffed, ed, here is fet forth fuch an order,whereby
this godly and decent order of the ancient the fame (hall be redreffed. And for a
Fathers hath been fo altered , broken, and readinefs in this matter, here is drawn out
negleded,by planting in uncertain Stories, a Kalendar for that purpofe, which is plain
Legends, Refponds, Verfes, vain Repetiti¬ and eafie to be underftood, wherein (To
ons, Commemorations, and Synodals, that much as may be ) the reading ofholy Scri¬
commonly when any book of the Bible was pture is fo fet forth , that all things fhall
begun, before three or four Chapters were be done in order, without breaking one
read ouc, all the reft were unread. And piece thereof from another. For this caufe
iti this fort, the book of Efay was begun in be cut off Anthemcs, Refponds, Invita-
Advent, and the book of Genefis in Sep- cories, and fuch like things as did break
!The Prefacl*!
the tonfciniial courfe of the reading of the Churches within this Realm, fome follow¬
Scripture- Yet becaufe there is no remedy, ing Salisbury ufe, fome Hereford ufe, fome
but tfiat of neceffity there muft be fome the ufe of Bangor,fome of York^ and fome
rules, therefore certain rules are here fee of Lincoln : now from henceforth all the
forth, which as they be few in number , fo whole Realm fhall have but one ufe. And
they be plain and eafie to be underftood. if any will judge this way more painful, be¬
So that here you have an order for prayer caufe that all things muft be read upon the
(as touching the reading of holy Scripture) Book, whereas before by the reafon of fo
much agreable to the minde and purpole often repetition, they could fay many
of the old Fathers , and a great deal more things by heart: If thofe men! will Weigh
profitable and commodious then that which their labor, with the profit and know-
of late was ufed. It is more profitable , be¬ ledge, which dayly they fhall attain by
caufe here are left out many things,where¬ reading upon the Book, they will noc re-
of fome be untrue, fome uncertain, fome fufethe pain, in confideration of the great
vain and fuperftitious, and nothing is or¬ profit that fhall enfue thereof.
dained to be read, but the very pure word And forafmuch as nothing can almoft be
ofGod,the holy Scriptures, or that which fo plainly fet forth, but doubts may arife
is evidently grounded upon the fame, and in the ufe and pradife of the fame i To
that in fuch a language and order , as is appeafe all fuch diverfity , ( if any arife (
moft eafie and plain for the underftanding and for the refolution of all doubts con¬
both of the readers and hearers. Itisalfo cerning the maner how tounderftand, do,
more commodious, both for the fhortnefs and execute the things contained in this
thereof, and for the plainnefsof the or¬ Book , the parties that fo doubt, or dfe.
der, and for that the rules be few and eafie. verfly take any thing , (ball alway reforc
Furthermore, by this order the Curates to the Bifhop of the Diocefs, who by his
(hall need none other Books for their pub- difcrecion fhall take order for the quieting
lique fervice, but this Book and the Bible. and appealing of the fame, fo that the
By the means whereof,the people fhall not fame order be not contrary to any thing
beat fo great charges for books, as in times contained in this Book. And if the Bifhop
paft they have been. of the Diocefs be in doubt, then he may
And where heretofore there hath been fend for the refolution thereof to the Arch-
great diverfity in faying and finging in bifh op.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *

Hough it be appointed in the and Evening prayer, either privately

T afore written Preface, that

all things fhall be read and
fung in the Church in the Englifh
or openly, except they be let by
preaching, ftudying of divinity , or
by fome other urgent caufe.
tongue, to the end that the Congre¬ And the Curate that miniftreth in
gation may be thereby edified : yet it
every Parifh Church or Chappel, be¬
is not meant, but when men fay Morn¬ ing at home, and not being otherwife
ing and Evening prayer privately, reafonably let, (hall fay the fame in
they may fay the fame in any Lan¬ the Parifh Church or Chappel where
guage that they themfelves do un¬ he miniftreth, and fhall toll a bell
derstand.- thereto, a convenient time before he
begin , that fuch as be difpofed, may
And all Priefls and Deacons fhall come to hear Gods word, and to pray
be bound to fay dayly the Morning with him.

Of Ceremonies, why fom e he abolifhed andfome retained .
O F fuch Ceremonies as be
ufed in the Church, and
and due order. The appoint-•
mentof the which order pertai-
have had their beginning neth not to private men: there¬
by the inftitution of man: fome fore no man ought to take in
at the fir ft were of godly intent hand, nor prefume to appoint
and purpofe deviled, and yet at or alter any publick or common
length turned to vanity and fu- order in Chrifts Church, ex¬
perftition: lome entred into the cept he be lawfully called and
Church by undilcreet devotion, authoriftd thereunto.
and fuch a zeal as was without And whereas in this our time,
knowledge, and for becaufe the mindes of men are lo divers,
they were winked at in the be¬ that fome think it a great mat*-
ginning, they grew daily to ter of confidence, to depart from
more and more abufes, which a piece of the leaft of theirCere-
not only for their unprofitable monies, they be lo addi&ed to
nefs, but alfo becaufe they have their old Cuftomes: and again
much blinded the people, and on the other fide, lome be lo
obfeured the glory of God, are new fangled, that they would
worthy to be cut away, and innovate all things, and fo de—
clean rejected. Other there be, fpife the old, that nothing can
which although they have been like them but that is new : it
devifed by man,yet it is thought was thought expedient, not fo
good to reftrve them ftill, as much to have refpedt how to
well for a decent order in the pleaft and fatisfie either of thefe
Church ( for the which they parties, as how to pleafe God,
were firft devifed) as becaufe and profit them both. And yet
they pertain to edification, left any man flhould be offend¬
whereunto*all things done in ed, whom good reafon might
the Church (as the Apoftle fatisfie, here be certain caufts
teacheth) ought to be referred. rendred,why fome of the accu-
And although the keeping or o- ftomed Ceremonies be put a-
mitting of a Ceremony in it, way, and fome retained and
felf confidered , is but a lmall kept ftill.
thing : yet the wilful and con¬ Some are put away, becaufe
temptuous tranfgrefiion, and the great excefs and multitude
breaking of a common order of them hath fo encreafed in
and difcipline, is no fmallof¬ theft latter days, that the bur¬
fence before God. then of them was intolerable,
Let all things be done among whereof S.'Aiignjlinc in his time
you, faith S.Taul, in a ftemly complained, that they were
C grown
Of Ceremonies•

grown to fuch a number, that of fuch as fought more their

the eftate of Chriftian people own lucre, then the glory of
was in worfe cafe concerning God, that the abufes could not
that matter,then were the Jews* well be taken away, the thing
And he counfelled, that fuch remaining ftill.But now as con¬
yoke and burthenfhould beta¬ cerning thofe perfons which
ken away ^as time would ferve peradventure will be offended,
quietly to do it. for that fome of the old Cere¬
But what would S .Augufline monies are retained ftill; if they
have faid,if he had feen the Ce¬ confider that without fome Ce¬
remonies of late days ufed a- remonies it is not pofsible to
mong us : whereunto the mul¬ keep any order, or quiet difci-
titude ufed in his time was not pline in the Church, they {hall
to be compared ? T his our ex- eafily perceive juft caufe to re¬
cefsive multitude of Ceremo¬ form their judgements. And if
nies was fo great, and many of they think much that any of the
them fo dark, that they did old do remain, and would ra¬
more confound and darken, ther have all devifed anew:
then declare and let forth then fuch men, granting fome
Chrifts benefits unto us. Ceremonies convenient to be
And befides this, Chrifts Go- had, furely where the old may
fpelis not a Ceremonial Law be well ufed, there they cannot
(as much of Mojes Law was ) reafonably reprove the old, on¬
but it is a Religion to ferveGod, ly for their age, without be¬
not in bondage of the figure or wraying of their own folly For
fhadow, but in the freedom of in fiich a cafe,they ought rather
the Spirit, being content only to have reverence unto them
with thole Ceremonies, which for their antiquit , if they will
do ferve to a decent order, and declare thenafelves to be more
godly difcipline,and fuch as be ftudious of unity and concord,
apt to ftir up the dull minde of then of innovations and new-
man to the remembrance of his fanglednefs,which (as much as
duty to God, by fome notable may be, with the true fetting
and fpecial fignification,wher- forth of C hrifts Religion) is al¬
by he might be edified. ways to be efchewed. Further¬
Furthermore ,the moft weigh¬ more, fuch {hall have nojull
ty caufe of the abolifhment of caufe with the C eremonies re¬
certain Ceremonies, was, that lerved to be offended. For as
they were fb farabufed, partly thofe be taken away which
by the fuperftitious blindenefs were moft abufed,and did bur-
of the ludc and unlearned, and then mens conferences,without
partly b; the unfatiable avarice any caufe : fo the other that re-
OJ Ceremonies.

main, are retained fora difci- thing but to our own people
plineand order, which ( upon only. For we think it conveni¬
juft caufes) mav be altered and ent,that every Countrey fhould
changed, and therefore are not ufe luch Ceremonies, as they
to be efteemed equal with Gods fihall think beft to the fctting
Law. And moreover, they be forth of Gods honor and glory,
neither dark nor dumb Cere¬ and to the reducing of the peo¬
monies,but are fo fet forth, that ple to a moft perfed and godly
every man may understand living, without error or fuper-
what they do mean, and to ftition : And that they fhould
what ufe they do ferve. So that put away other things, which
it is not like, that they in time from time to time they per¬
to come, fhould be abufed as ceive to be moft abufed 5 as in
other have been. Andc, in?thefe
'• *
mens ordinances it often chan-
our doings we condemn no o- ceth diverfly, in divers Coun-
ther Nations^norprefcribeany treys
***** isia .
101 871:1 ■

The Tabic and Kalendar exprefsing the Order of Pfalms and

LefTons tb be faid at Morning and Evening prayer throughout the year
(except certain proper Feafts) as the Rules following more plainly declare-
The order how the Pfaiter is appointed to be read.
He Pfaiter fhall be read through) day of the next moneth enfuing.
once; every Moneth, and becaufe Now to know what Pfalms (hall be read
that fome moneths -be longer everyday, look Jn the Kalendar thenum*
theh fome other be, it? is thought ber that is appointed for the Pfalms, and
good to make them even by this means. then' finde the fame number in this Table,
To every Moneth (hall be appointed (as and upon that number you (hall fee what
concerning this purpofe) juft thirty days. Pfalms (hall be faid at Morning and Even*
And becaufe January and March have ing prayer. -1: > / • IJQ
one day above the faid number, and Fe¬ And whete the 119. Pfalmis,divided into
bruary which is placed between them both, portions^ and is overlong :tp;be read at
hath only 28. days t February (hall borrow one (time: it is fo ordered, that at one
of either of the Moneths (of January and t&lhall nbt be read above four Or five of
March) one day : And fo thd Pfaiter which tbeftid portions, as you fhall perceive to
(hall be read in February, muft begin at be noted in this Table following* >■'
the laft: day of January , and end the firft And here is alfo to be noted, tbifr in this
day of March. j*; \ Tabht and in all other parts of the Service,
And whereas May, July, Auguft, Octo¬ where any Pfalms are appointed, the num*
ber, and December have 31. days apiece: ber is exprefTed after the great EnglifhBi,-
It is ordered that the fame Pfalms (hall ble,which from the 9. Pfalm,unto the 148.
be read the laft day of the faid Moneths, Pfillih (following the divifionpfthe He¬
Which were read the day before : So brews) doth vary in numbers from iihe com*
that the Pfaiter may begin jagain the firft mob - Latine tranflation. J
'Ml • tfi
wl cf
if T
C 3111 The
--Tt I u :i\vO - ■ -
The Order how the reft of holy Scripture ( befide the Pfalter )
is appointed to be read.

T He old Teftament is appointed for the

firft Leflons at Morning and Evening
ftle and Gofpel, appointed for the Sunddy
(hall ferve all the week after, except there?
Prayer, and (hall be read through every fall fome feaft that hath his proper.
year once, except certain books and chap¬ When the years of our Lord may be divi^
ters, which be leaft edifying,and might beft ded into four even parts, which is every
be fpared, and therefore are left unread. fourth year :then the Sunday letter leapeth*
The new Teftament is appointed for the and that year the Pfalms and Leffons
fecond Leffon at Morning and Evening which ferve for the 23. day of February,
Prayer, and (hall be read over orderly eve¬ (hall be read again the day following,except
ry year thrice, befide the Epiftles and Go- it be Sunday, which hath proper Leflons of
fpels: except the Apocalyps, out of the the old Teftament appointed in the table
which there be onely certain Leffons ap¬ ferving to that purpofe. 7/
pointed upon divers proper Feafts. Alfo wherefoever the beginning of aqy
And to know what Leflons (hall be read Leflon, Epiftle, or Gofpel, is not exprefled,
everyday, findethe day of the Monethin there ye muft begin at the beginning (St
the Kalendar, and there ye (hall perceive the Chapter. ^
the books and Chapters that (hall be read And wherefoever is not exprefled how
for the Leflons both at Morning and Even¬ far fhall be read, there ftiall you reade r
ing Prayer. the end of the Chapter. .; {
And here is to be noted, that whenso¬ Item, fo oft as the firft Chapter of Saint
ever there be any proper Pfalms or Leflons Matthew is read either for Leflon or Go¬
appointed for the Sundays, or for any feaft, fpel, ye (hall begin the fame qt ( The birth
moveable or unmoveable, then the Pfalms of JefusChrift was on this wife, &c.) And
and Leflons appointed in theKalendar,(hall the third Chapter of Saint Lukes Golpel
be omitted for that time. j; (hall be read unto(So that he was fuppoled
Ye muft note alfo, that the Colleft, Epi- to be the fon of fofefh.)


Proper Leflons to be read for the firft Leflpns,both at Morning

and Evening prayer, on the Sundays thfonghout the year,
and for fomc alfo the fecond Leflons.
t/i ikiilii i. * wybn • • sflo v. . oT

.. j . ; Mattens. 1 Evenfong. . >no>
Q’Undays of Ad- • 1 J i bin t ■l .
i3vent. . \.nA : n ~';d; : -0
C&e firft ©fat.il. v :d*tc
it r> ■ - a jcria <> ;i:ar
Ut «a } Mat .'Sic
MJC mit /.! ..rO
ttl ’ _ 1 1 n
; » ~r f
—1P A ■. i ilxuf.
Sundays after ;;T zl-'. :••• ■ - on . 3nun • 1. » •-/ «J

Chriftinas. b-iA • siL b: : ! 5fl.

fitfL *3tJftU MeaW T) yr!:
tt 3tU » - r- Si- r MW bi: A
Sundays after the :• -,*i -13d .; Jv/ib. •wh-xoCI 1 f'
Epiphany. 0 crij n. srrfa hurl •f) ai i.
yt’j ;r.i «ta nsjt List oc
■ - - •. JC. fiI . ■ * It lilt . .] . t’-r
r 1 ■
Ui [IBbm m
ft mt jaw
* itjt uta
Septuageflma- 0 enehu ©enef.lt.'
Sexagelima. ttfe D ai
Quinquagefima. tx wt
Proper Leflfons.
Mattens. . r •»
Lent. ,v;j-;«rr:. .2

Firft Sunday lecitcf.rtr. ^ettefVxxtu -

tt ' ♦ .i Hitt • xxxfuf • '

ftf JCJCJCtJC xitt ; >

tut tint Xlt)

i> Crotutt
Dt if X
Eafter day. i li *J i. . V 4 l-1

tXeffom CfOO.ftt. Crott.riiii,

ttXeffotn Eottt.itt. acts it.
Sundays after Eafter. > ;

Cfie jftrft, Bumti.tiJt mtnrrtt

ttt ? DcuUttt Deut.it
tttt in ittt
ilttt if
Sunday after Afcen- : : •:»)

fionday-, Dcut.ru Deu.ritf

Whitfunday. t'. *!*■+'& .
t'Xeffom Dcut.riit satstu,
ttxeffon, acts r. ®)tn acts tir. 3itfa?=
Peter openeO tuueti tljat iffitle
Y* +*/**>
fjts moutlj.tc.
' •wi . * .V.Vi f- ) jlllJ t
v apoiio inas at
Counts, sc.
■ .
f ■*. ‘
. - ■.
Trinity Sunday. tWnffs.
tJUlM. ®en.fWu. ■ lofua i.
n.JLefflm. ©at.ttt. ' - =* ■ ! 1 ••
1 ^ r
Sundays after Trinity i .Stift * 1 H

Joftta r<, 31oruatfiit.

II ItfflB.tttt. ltU3B.it.
i aam.it, t @am.tti.'
' -iti*-**

* .V Ji* i i-
xtt wji .
ttt tt ©atturtt, ti ©ant.fft
tilt rrft rrfiti
mi i KtnB.rtti. ; t EtttBfittf.
it Witt rir
t xxt v<;"° ffti
Xi m ft i&fniHtt* it EtttB.tr.
Xft • p- - X t]. ritftt ; d
riff rrtti.
Xtttt lercnt.ii. ^ letem,rrif.
Xfc .-r tffc fffB. - r rrritt .. ,
jetat . Cjecfo.itV *' C?etS.ffttt, r

Xfcft ^ rW. . -r>

Xfcttf Ctccij.rt, C?etS.ff£tfi.
XtX •* O , f-.y Dan.t£t. 7 Danfel itt,
XX joeUt. ^ic.itt. .
XXt . f • r-'"y
abac. if.
XXtt PtoBetb, if. '• Pioitecb! tit.
xxttl ft fir
xxiiii - rv - fUt ; , fitti , ,

xxt? tit-; ■> fiti

1 xxt)t ml 1 ftp
^ Proper
Proper LefTons for Holy-days.

„ ■ - L
Mattens. Evenfong.
S. Andrew. Piotierk jcie* P?0B. Mi.
I ,v f-. I*
S. Thomas the
Apoftle* ttfn. ttiitt.
Chriftmas V >, **\$
day. .,7 Cfai.Bit.
u JLelTaiv * * ■ ’tr €fag it. rfns j S@o?eoBer tfje
Ham fpalte
it. Lcffoit. Jlufteii- ("unto) once, sc,
.^ .
X **
• eOQIUUtlt to*. Cttus tit,
. t« h' ^
< ‘Cv J 4., watus men. Clje fetnDitefS
S. Steven. (unto) jfOOltttj
I. JLCffOtt )02OiJ.tfBiii. «Eccle. tltt,
ti. Lelfon acts Bt.anB BU. acts Bit. atm
am ©teBett tnljen rl. peats
full of faitij atm mere ctpircn
potoer, etc. tljcrc nppcareti
(unto) atm unto s@ofes, ?c.
tofien fo?tg ( unto )
■But fie being

mil,...... '■
peats, ?t.
V.-. ...

S. John. fuu of, fc,

t, JLeffon. Ccclef, I), f i. €tcler,Bt.
ii. Jteffon. apocal, t. apot.tfit.
Innocents IiEtem.frtt. lUtSBom. t.:
day. ( unto )
obet afieatnc
lj|3 > . ■ . . .

i. Leflbtt,V CcttefiS tBii. «•!> (unto)

* V** * v • •
.t ; am no to Jf.
ii, JLetTott.—
Epiphanie. ■111 1 U'jJ i •:
i. leflim. Nassau t$fat. titr. Tt
ii. LcflBn. JLttiUtU (unto) 30lj. It. (unto)
* *m-•- * <•;
• < 1* • * * £
* v * J I J *1. " jk
<. J
Betns as aftet tins be
toag ftippofeU toent to Capet*
Converfion of tljc fon of 3lt£
V -A
S. Paul.
t iLeffatt* causoomB. ftlistiom Bi,
It ♦ Leffoiu attS Wit (unto) acts ttBt, iiiS
1 *i'v
i« ■
CbepfjeatD %A. ^.
Purification of
the Virgin n
Mary. aaisaom ft. aufsBom tit.
S. Matthias. cafsuottt tit,- cede, t-
Annunciation of I' '*»|5 l‘
our Lady. Ccccte.ft..1 ii.? Cede- iff. ,b:l
W ednefday afore ■ *v .* J lUA
<al +f
Eafter. Dtec titi, ,.
•. i J J.s f . . ■
• ©an, tie. :- 3lerem ttti. *?■
Good Friday. ©enetiii. 4 v Cfai. liii £
Eafter Even* 3adja. it. Ciod. titi.
Munday in Eafter • •. * '-U Civ'^

week. n )iitt
U Lcflotu4; €tcm.tBt. Ctob tBii. -HE
iu LttTam ;
Tuelday in Eafter
€©attt». ttBiU,
tf <V'
week. U ILffs
Proper LelTons.

Martens. Evenfong.
L LcfTam €tob. tr. Ctou. ittit.
iL Jletftm* JLwh.H. (unto) t Co? tb.
ant) tictjaiti,
two of tljem,
S. Mark. Ccclug. iti. cccitts b.
Philip and Jacob. <£cclugbit. (Eccliis- ft.
Afcenfion day. Dcutt- it wing it.
Munday in Whit-
fun week.
L Leflbm <S5Ettft. (unto) Bum-1i. cafliet
iL jLeffoin Cijcfc are tbe unto me 7°. men,
generation# of JC- (unto) ©Ofe#
©Ijern- gate f)tm into
ttje, ?c-
i-Co?, tit-
Tuefday in i. ©ant- ttt SDeut rrr.
Whitfun week. OatuB tame to
Samuel to Eo=
S. Barnabe. nta, ®c
t Lefion. Cccf t Cede. ttt.
fr JLeffon. acts- ftb. act. tb.
(nnw) after cet=
John Baptift. tarn nap#.
tLefiori- ©ala tit. ©ala. tb.
it Jleffon. ©atti). tiu. ©at- rib.
(unto) caJbett 3ie<
S. Pecer. fits iitarb.
t- Liuott- Ctcluo. rb. Ccclug ttt-
ti. lEtfott- acts ttt. actssib.
S- James. cctittgiff. Cttlusi ttlit.
S. Bartholomew. ttb. jC£t]C.
S. Matthew. Ceciu# rrrb. Ccclug- xxxtiiii
S. Michael.. ttrit- tftfi.
S. Luke. (SgCCiUSS. it. 3Sobt*
Simon and Jude. 2olj ttto If b. XUU
All Saints. tKIisitiom 3. %
(unto) "BlElfCD (unto)£H0 JCalOU-
L Leffon*
to rattier fie alCa3
ttie barren,
ti. Lelfon. tieb?. ti.ttt. SpacaL 19*
©amts bg (unto) Sttttl 31 fififl
fattl), (unto) an angel ffantu
3if pe entmre
Proper Pfalms on certain days,
Mattens. Evenfong.
CtfjC* C89
Chriftmas day. Pfal.^rlb. Pfal.^uo
i lifts. 032
it Cttti
Eafter day. mt Crtttt
Crf. Cbtlf
m JCJCtttt
Afcenfion day. ** \xm
XXL Cbitt,
tffc Cfitt
Whitfunday. XML Cflb.
•* A Rule
B (^tt fenotmt, tljatEafter Term \&> tmuetlj
gurnet!) alitmp0 tbe 18. nap after
nineteen uap0.
Michaelmas Term begUtnetl) tf)e P 0?
Cotter, reckoning Cafter nap foi io.napof October, ann ennetlj tlje
one* ann enoetlj tbe©unt>ap nert af 28.0? 29. nap of Bobember.
tet tbe attention nap. Hilary Term begttttietb tf)£ 23 0? 24,
Trinity Term begimtetb tfoelbe nap of aanuarv , ann ennet!) tlje 12.
tim after dUjttfunnap, ann coit 0? 13. nap of jfeb?uarp.

Thefe to be obferved for Holy-days, and none other.

Tlpat (g to fapi&U 0unnap0 in the apofile.

pear. Cbe tmpg of tlje jf cafip of apofile.
Of 0.15artljolomefii tbe
Of 0. ©attbem tlje apo=
tlje Ctrcumdfion of our Loin 3le- file. Of 0. ©icljacl tlje Archangel.
fU0Cb?ifi- Of tlje Cpfpbanp. Of Of 0. Lube tlje Cbangeltfi. Of
tlje purification of tlje bleiTen Hit 0. 0unon ann 3une tbe apofile0.
gin. Of 0- ©attljia0 tlje apoftle. Of all 0alnt0. Of 0. anu?cm tlje
Of tlje annunciation of tljeOBlelTen apoftle. Of 0. Cbornap tbe apo*
dirgm. Of 0. ©avb tbe Cbatv file. Of tlje Battbitppfour Lo?n.
gellft. Of 0. Pbtlip ann mantes tbe Of 0.0teben tbe ©artpj. Of0.
apoftlep. Of tlje attention of our Mjn tbe Cbangeltft. Of tbebolp
3Lo^n %tm Cbnfi* OftbeBatibf 31nnoceitt0. ©unnap ann Cuepnap
tp of 0. 3loljit 'Baptfff. Of 0* P& ut cafter tneeb. ©unnap ann cuefi
ter tbe apoftle. Of 0- 3lame0 tbe nap in aubttfun meek.

The Order where Morning and E<vening Prayer (hall be ufed and /aid.

T He Morning and Even¬

ing prayer (hall be ufed
the Minifter at the time of
Communion, and at all other
in the accuftomed place of the times in his Miniftration 5
Church , Chappel, or C han- fhall ufefuch ornaments in the
cel, except it fhall be otherwife Church, as were in ufe by au¬
determined by the Ordinary of thority of Parliament in the fe-
the place : And the Chancels cond year of the reign of King
fhali remain as they have done Edward the fixth, according
in times paft. to the Ad: of Parliament in that
And here is to be noted, that cafe made and provided.


Daily throughout the Y e a r.

A T the beginning both of morning

D©atip beiobeo b?etb?en , the
Scripture mobetb uS in fun=
places , to aclmowieOge ano
prayer, and likewife of evening pray¬
confefs out mantfolo fins ano wic«
er , the minifter (hall read with a loud
beonefs , ano that we ibouio not
voice fome one of thefe fentences of the
Oiffcmblt no? clobt them befo?e the
Scriptures that follow. And then he (hall
face of aimigbtp ©00 our beaben-
fay that which is written after the faid fen¬
tences. ip father, but confers them with
an bumble, lowlp, penitent, auo
Ervk.iE. * <£ infoat time father afintter obeOtent heart, to the tno that we
lI“- J\ both repent litin of fits Bit from map obtain fo?gtbenefs of the fame
the bottom of bis heart, 31 will put bp biS infinite gooonefs ano iner=
all bis toitbebnefs out of mp rtmeim cp. ano although We ought at
b?ance, faith the JLo?0. all times bumblp to acbnowieoge
pm. ,1. j. 3 bo fenow mint oum wtclteOnefS, our fins befo?e ©00, pet ought we
ano rnp fin isaiwap againft me, mott cbieflp fo to 00, When we aifem-
phi <i9 Cunt thp fate awap from our fins ble anO meet together, to tenner
(ft lo?d) ano blot out all out of> tbanhs fo? the great benefits that
fences. we babe receibeoatbis banos, to
PM.51.17 a fo?roWfUl fpititisafacrifictto fet fo?tb bis ntoft wo?thp P?aife, to
©00: oefpife not (fDJLojO) bumble bear bis moftljolpwo?o, ano to ask
ano contttte hearts. tbofe things which be reciuifiteano
jc=i 2.13. Rent pour hearts, ano not pour neceffatp, as well fo? the boop as the
garments, ano turn to the Lorn foul, CiLlbercfo?e3P?apanDbefeecb
pour (goo, becattfe be is gentle ano pou as manp as be here p?efent, to
merciful, be is patient , ano of much accompanp me With a pure heart
metep, ano fucb a one that is fo?rp ano bumble boice, unto the tb?one
fo? pout afflictions. of the beabenlp grace, raping after
dCo tbee (© L01O ©oo) beloitgetb me.
m. merep ano foigtbcttcrs, fo? we babe A general Confeflion to be faid of the
f ont awap ftorn tbee, ano babe not
tatlmeO to tbp bopce, wberebp we
whole Congregation after the

might walKintbP laws which tboit

baft appomteo us.
Almigbtp Minifter, kneeling.
anomoft merciful fa¬
ther, we babe etteO ano ftrapco
Jcr. ,0.14. Co?rect us(® 5Lo?D)anO pet in from tbP waps lifee loft (beep : we
tbp j'uogtment, not in tbp fut'p, left babe followeo too much the oebices
toe fltouio be tonfumeo ano b?ougljt ano oefireS of our own hearts : we
to nothing. babe offenoeo againft tbp holp laws:
Manh.j.i. jjnteno pour libeS, fo?tlje bing= we babe left unoone tbofe things
. . Dorn of ©on isathano. which We ought to habcoone, ano
’• 3 will go to mp jratber,ano fap to we babe none tbofe things Which we
him, father, 3babefinneoaga(nft ought not to babe Done ; ano there
beaben, ano againft tbee: 3 am no is no health in us : 'But tbou, ©
mo?e wo?tbp to be calleo tbp fon- jLo?o, babe metep upon its mtfera-
pm.m;,: ^gntet not into juogcment with ble offenoers : fpare tbou them, ©
tbp fetbants, © Lo?o: fo? no flelb ©on, which confers their faults:
iS righteous in tbP fight. reftojethou them that be penitent,
■John, .£ 3fme rap that we babe no fin, we acco?o(ng to tf»p p?omifeS Declateo
Beceibe our fclbes, ano there is no unto mankind in Ch?(ft 3efu our
truth in US. £o?0 ; anO grant, ©moft merciful
D father.
Morning Prayer.
jfatljee, foj W take 3 tljat me may | jfo^ flje Lc^nida great ®ou: anti
hereafter llbc a gooiy 3 rtQijteattjS^ a great ffittitgabobe all sons.
mm tober itfe, to tije gto^y at' tljy b^ 3n Ijis Ijann are all tije corners of
ly Bame. amen. tbe eartlj: anb tljefttengtbof tbe
The abfolucion or remiflion of fins, to be tills is l)ts alfo.
pronounced by the Minifter alone. Cbe fea tsbts, at® bentobe it:
A Umlgljty ®oti5 tije jfatljer of at® bis banbs ptepaceb tije Oft lat®
oiteiom jeftmcijnft, mljtclj © come, let us tuotfijtp, anb fall
befiretb not tlje beatlj of a ftitnet^ bourn: at® kneel before tije Lo®
but tatfjer tljat be may turn from out maker.
Ijtd mtckermefjs aim line, anuijatb fo? be is tbe Lo® our ©oti: at®
glbett pomer ano commandment to toe ate tije people of Ins pattute, at®
bid ®tmftet£j to declare and pm* tije fljeep of Ijis tianos.
notrnce to b$ people being penitent, Co oap tf pc to til bear bis bovee,
tije abfolutlon and renutfion of tbelr batoeit not pour hearts : as in tbe
fmo : be pardonetlj and abfoldetlj P®bocation, ano as in tbe bap of
all tljem tljat truly repent, and un- temptation tit tbe totlbernefs-
fetgnebly bellebe Ijld Ijoly gofpel- CJLlben pout fathers temptcb me t
Ctlljerefoje me befeecb blm to grant P®beb me, at® rato mp tooths.
ud true repentance and Ijld Ijoly jfo^tp peats long teas sgtiebeb
Spirit, tljat tljofe tljlngd may pleafe tottb this generation, anb fa®: St
Ijlm mblcb me do at tbid parent, is a people that bo erre tit tljetr
and tljat tije reft of our life Ijereafter hearts, fo? tljep babe not knoton mp
may be pure and imly^ fo that at tije amps.
fall me may come to bid eternal joy5 dittto toborn 3 ttoare in mp to?atb:
tfeouglj 3iefud Clj?ift out Lom* that tbep fljoulb not enter into mp
The people (hall anfwer, ^meit. reft.
Then (hall the Minifter begin the Lords ^lo^y be to tije lather,
prayer, with a loudvoyce. 3d it mad lit the* $c.
O Or jfatljer mijtclj art In beaben, Then (hall follow certain Pfaims in order,
Daiiomed be tby Bame* cby as they be appointed in a Table made
kingdom come. Cfiy mm be done for that purpofe, except there be proper
In eartb ad It Id beaden. ®ibe ud Pfalms appointed for that day. And at
tljtd day our dayly b?ead. and fop the end of every Pfalm throughout the
gibe ud our trefpafted^ ad me foj* year and likewife in the end of Benedi¬
, ,
gibe tljem tljat trefpafd agalnft ud. ctus Bencdicite Magnificat, and Nunc
3nb lead ud not Into temptation: dimittis , (hall be repeated, 0lOjy bC
but deitber ud from ebil. jfo? tljlne to tlje,$cad it mad in tbe, $c, ‘
id tije kingdom 3 tije pomer and tbe Then (hall be read two Leftons diitinftly
glo$> foi eber and eber. amen. with a loud voyce, that the people may
Then likewife he (hall fay, hear •, the firft of the old Teftament, the
flD Lorn open tljou our llpd. fecondof the New, like as they be ap¬
Anfw. aim our moutjj fljaii fljem pointed in the Kalendar •, except there
fo?tb tby p?atfe. be proper Leftons afligned for that day:
Pr. <© ®au make fpeed to fabe ud. the Minifter that readeth the leftons,
An. 0 io?d make bafte to belp ud. (landing and turning him fo, as he may
pr. ®lo?y be to tbe jFatber, and to beft be heard of all fuch as be prefent-
tije &on, and to tije boly moft. And before every Lefton, the Minifter
ad It mad In tbe beginning 3 id (hall fay thus, The firft, fecond , third,
itom, and eber ftjall be, mojiomitfc or fourth Chapter of Genefis, or Ex¬
out end amen. odus, Matthew, Mark, or other like:
Pmife ye tbe &oio, as is appointed in the Kalendar. And in
Inen (hall be faid or fungthis Pfalm fol¬ the end of every Chapter he (hall fay,
Venite ex-
Corae, let us ling unto tfje
Lo®:iet tts beatttl? tejovee in
Dere enbetb fuclj a chapter of
fttcb a book.
Pfal.pf. toe tfmwtl) of our falbation. And (to the end the people may the better
Let us come befo?e fits piefence hearj in fuch places where they do fing,
JPfJb tbankfgtbing; anb am out there (hall the Leftons be fung in a plain
feioes glab mtjim btitb Pfalms. tune, after the maner ofdiftinS reading:
Morning Prayer.
and likewife the Epiftle and Gofpel. A fij D tf)P tlieitp lighten tlpCIt
terche firftLeflon (hall follow Te Deutvlll# X fig Ollt ttllfUO IUtf)C€-
laudamus, in Eng!ifh3 dayly throughout £> lo^b5 in thee habe 31 trulteb: •
the whole year.
p?aifctbee, D0ob: uic
thee to be the
let me itebcr be confounbeb.
Or this Canticle ^ Benedicite omnia opera
m the earth both Uio?lbip thee:
O ail ye worts of the io?b, biers fcMte
yc tije Lo?b: pjaife hint atm
the father cberiatfing, magnifie Ijtm fo? eber.
Co thee all angels cry alotib: the © pe angels of tfje llo?c, blefs pe
beabcnes anb all the powers therein, the Lom: pjatfe him, anb magnifie
Co thee Chcrubut anb giera* him fo? eber.
pljtn: continually no cry. © peheabenS, filers pe the Io?b ♦
S)oiy 5 holy 3 holy; to?b mb of P?atfe hint, aim magntfie him fo?
©ahhath- eber*
ipeabett and earth are full of the £> ye maters that be ahobetbefir*
©ajefty: oftbygio?y. ^ y mament ?, blefs ye the io?b: p?atfe
-Che glo?tou0 company of the a* hum anb magnifie him fo? eber.
pottles: p?aifetbec- D all ye powers of the Lo?b, blefs
Che goobly felloiofhlp of the p?o; ye the Lorn: p?aifebim, anbmag*
pbets: p?aife thee. nine him fo? eber.
Che noble army of ©artyrs: £> ye fun anb moon, blefs ye the
p?aife thee. fo?b: p?aife him, anb magnifie him
Che holy Church throughout all fo? eber.
the uio?lb: both tttionilebge thee, D ye ttars of beaben * blefs ye tffo
Che father: of an infinite s^ajeffy !o?b: p?atfe him^ anb magnifie him
Chinehcnoiabie, true: anboniy fo? eber-
0on- D ye ibofoers anb befo^blefs ye the
aifo the holy 0bott: the Comforter- Lo?b: p?aife ijim3 anb magntfie him
Chou art the fting of glo?y: D fo? eber.
cimft £> ye fotitbs of 00b, blefs ye the
Chou art the cberlatting €>on: of Lorn: p?aife him anb magnifie him
the father. fo? eber
dlbcn thou toobelt upon thee to ® ye fire anb heat, blefs ye the
bellber man: thou btbtt not abbo? Lo?b: p?aife bum anb magnifie hint
the Otcgins toomb. fo?eber-
dlben thou habit obercome the D ye uifnter anb rummer* blefs ye
(SarpnefS of beath: thou biblt open the io?b: p?affe him* anb magnifie
the kingbom of beabeit to all be- him, fo? eber.
liebers D ye befos anb ftoff03 bleK ye the
Chou Gitteltat the right htfnb of Lo?b: p^aife him? anb magnifie him
mb: in the glo?y of the father. fo?eber.
die beliebe that thou (halt come: D ye froff anb colb, blcf^ ye the
to be our lubge. Lo?b: p?aife Otm3 anb magnifie hint
die therefore p*ay thee help thy fo? eber.
fcrbants: tohoni thou halt rebecim £> ye ice anb fnoUm hlef^y^ Jje
eb with thy p?ectotts bloo b Lo?b : p?aife him anb magnifie him
$)ake them to be numb?eb Uiith fo? eber- 1
thy faints: in glo?y eberlaltmg. © pe nights mm navs, biers pe the
flD Lo?b fabe tfiy people: anb blefS lorn; piatfe him, mm' niauniftehim
thine heritage. fojebet- „
0obern them: anb lift them up © pe light aim barters, faiefs pe
fo? eber- the Lorn: piatfe him, anb magnifie
Day by bav: foe magnifie thee, himfotebet-
anb me foo?fbtp thy name: eber © pe lightnings anb cloubS, hlefS
too ilb imt&out enb. petfje toib : piatfe hun, anb mag'
(Uouchfafe (0io?b:)to keep us nifie hint fo? eber,
tljio bav Without fitt- © let the earth blcfS the Lo?b-- pea«
D Lo?b, babe mercy upon us: let it p?mre him, aub magntfie hint,
babe mercy upon us* fo? ebet. „
D s ©
Morning Prayer.
© pc mountains atm IjtiS, blefS pe out fo?efatbers *. aim to remember
tbe to?B: ptatfctjtni, ano magnifie ijts boip cobenant.
ijint fo? cbct- Co peufo?m tbe oatlj Wbidj be
© ail pc green things upon tije tware to our fo?efatljet ab?aijam:
earth, blefS pc tlje Lorn; p?mfe ijint, tijat be wotiiB gibe us.
aim magmfie ijint for eber. Cbat toe, being BelibcreB out of
© pe wcis, blefS pe tije LaiO: p?atfe tbe banns of our enemies : uitgbt
hint, mm magnifie ijtui fo? eber. ferbebimloitbout fear.
© pe feas auo fiouos , bids pc tije lit boiinefsanB ngljtcourncfsbc'
Lo to i pjaife ijint, aim magmfie ijint fo?e bim: ail tije Baps of our life-
fo; eber* atm tljou cijilBe fljalt be calleo tije
© pe whales, aim an tijat ntobe tn p?opljet of tije Ijtgijcfi : fo? tljou
tltc waters, biers pe tbe Lo?o: p?aife ibalt go befo?e tbe face of tbe JLo?B to
hint, atm magnifie btm tot eber. p?eparebis waps.
© all pe fowls of tbe ait, blefS pe Co gibe bnowiengeof faibntion
tbe Ilojo : pjaifeijim, aim magnifie unto Ijis people : fo? tije renufSion
ijint fo? eber. oftljetrfins
© all pe beads atm cattel, biefs pe Cb?ougb tije tenner merep of our
the Lo?B : p?alfe Ijtttt, atm magnifie ©on : wijerebp tije nap fp?ing from
bint fo? eber. anbigij batb bifitrn us.
© pe clji!b?en of men, biefs pe tije Co gibe light to them that fit iu
Lo?o t pjatfe ijint, atm magnifie ijim natfenefs , atm in the fijanow of
fo? eber- Beatb : atm to gutoe cut feet into
© let Jftacl biefs the Lorn; p?aife the wap of peace.
{tint,atm magnifie bint fo? eber- ©io?p be to tije lather, aim to
© pe p?iefiS of tije Lom, biefs pe the ©on-
tbe Lo?o: p?aife bim, atm magnifie as it was in tije beginning, is, sc-
bint fo? eber. Orchis C. Pfalm jubilate.
© pe ferbants of the lo?o, biefs
pe tije lo?o t p?atfe bim, atm magtm
3e jopful in the Lo?o, all pe
fetbe the
: with

fie him fo? eber. glaonefs, atto comebefo?e bi3p?e=

© pe fpiritsatm fouls of tbe ngij= fence with a fong.
teotts, biers pe tije jLo?b- p?aife btm, ■Be pe fine that tbe Lo?B ije is
aim magnifie bim fo? eber- ©oD: it is be that ijatlj ntaoe tts, atm
© pe ijolp atm bumble men of not We our felbes, We are bis people
heart, biefs pe the Lo?B: p?atfe bim, ano the tljeep of ijts pattute.
atm magnifie film fo? eber ■ © go pour wap into bis gates
© ananias, a?arias, aim 931 fad, With tljanlifgibmg , anB into bis
biefs pe the Lo?o t pjatfe btm, anB courts with p?atfe: be tljanltful unto
magnifie btm fo? eber. him, atm fpeak goon of bts name,
®io?p be to tbe latbet, atm to tbe jfojtlje lo?0 is gracious, bts mew
©on, jc- tptS eberlafttng: ft bts truth enow
SS it was in tbe beginning, is tetb front generation to generation.
now, $c. ©lo?p be to tbe lather, ano @c.
And after the fecond Leffon (hall be ufed as it was in tbe beginning, is tc.
and laid Ber.tScins Domntts Dins If. Then (hall be laid the Creed by the Mi-
rad, in Englilh , as followed). niller, and the people (landing.
T> LeifeB be the !Lo?B ©00 oflfracl,
I> fo? ijebatljbtfiteB atm reOeemeB
IlBdtcbe in ©oO the lather ai<
rnigbtp, maker of beabeit $ earth:
bis people- ? in 3iefus Cb?idbts oneip ©on our
Sim ijatlj raifeB up a rnigbtp fniba= lo?0, Which was conceibeo bp the
tion fo?us : intljeijoufeof ijts fer* boip ©bo ft,bo?n of tijetairgin 93ar»>,
bant DabiB. fufferco tinner Pontius Ptlate,was
as be fpaite bp tbe titoutb of bis ctuctfieo, oeao, ano bunco, ije Oe=
boip p?opijets : Wljtcb babe been feenoeo into bell, the tbito oap be
fincetbewo?iB began- rofe again from tije oeao, beatcen-
Chat we (bourn be fiibeB ftorn our OeO into beaben, anB fittetb on the
enemies : mm from tbe batms of all right bano of ©oO tije latbet at
tijat bate tts. mtgijtp: from thence be (bail come
Co perfo?m tbe metep p?omifcB to to juoge the quick ano tbe oeao. a
Evening Prayer.
beltebe tit the holy tije holy ca* Pr. $ 0oB make clean our hearts
tijoltck cljurclj, the communion of fritljiit us
faints, tljeforginenefsoffins, tije An. anB take not tijy holy Spirit
rcfurrectloit of tije booy, ano tije life from us •
enelaftmg* amen* Then {hall follow three Colleds. The firft
And after that, tnefe prayers following,
of the day, which (hall be the fame that
as well at Evening prayer as at Morn¬
is appointed at the communion. Thefe-
ing prayer, all devoutly kneeling, the
cond for peace. The third for grace to
Minifter firft pronouncing with aloud
live well. And the two laft colleds {hall
never alter, but dayly be faid at morning
®;he LorB he frith you* prayer throughout all the year, as fob
Anf. anti uittij tijy fpirlt* loweth.
Min. JLet UJ3 p?ap^
jlojB babe mercy upon us* The fecond colled: for peace.
Cljttir ijabe mercy upon us*
Loro Ijabe mercy upon us*
B frljich art author of peace,
ofconco?o, Inknofr*
Then the Minifter, Clerks and people leBgeof frljont ffanBctlj our eternal
(hall fay the Lords prayer in Englifh, ltfe,frljofe ferbtee is perfect freeborn;
with a loud voyce. BefenB us thy humble lerbants tit ail
at jfatljet uitncf) art tit, tc. atfaults of our enemies, that roc
Then the Minifter ftanding up, Cutely miffing lu thy Defence, may
{hall fay, not feat the potner of any aBbetlaty,
© lorB fljefrtljy mercy upon us. through the might of Mus Ch?tft
Anf. ano grant us thy falbation. our lo?B* arneit.
Pr- © LorB fabe tije iitng. The third Colled for grace.
An. anB mercifully ijear US frbeit
toe call upon tijee-
Pr. jntme tijy funders uittij
O Lo?n our ijeabeitly jfatljer, ah
mighty anB eberiafftng 00n*
rigljteoufnefs* Uiijtch halt fafeiy brought us to tije
An. aitB make tijy cijofen people beginning of this Bay, BefenB us m
jovful the fame frith tijy mighty potuer,
Pr. © LorB fabe tijy people. anB grant that tljtSBabfrefalltnta
An. anB blefS tljine Inheritance. no fiit, neither run Into any klnBc of
Pr. ®tbe peace In our time* © Banger, but that all our Bolngs may
toju. be oroeteB by thy governance, to Ba
An. I5ecaufe tljere is none other altoays that is righteous in tijy
that fightetij fo? us, hut onely tijou, light, through Jieftts Cfmff our
©<2£0B* Lo?B* amen-
An Order For Evening P: ay er throughout the Year*
ThePrieft fhall fay. as tt boas lit the beginning, ts$c*
O cHr ifather frijtclj art In Ijeaben, P?alfeyetljeEo?B.
fXitofr cube tijy Barne. Cby Then the pfalms in order, as they be ap¬
kingdom come* Cljy mill he hone In pointed in the table for pfalms, except
earth, as It is lit ijeaben- <$ibe us there be proper pfalms appointed for
this tsay our Bayfy breaB. aitBfo?* that day. Then a leffon of the old Tefta-
gibe us out trefpaffes, as roe fo?gibe ment, as it is appointed likewife in the
them that ttcfpafs agalnft us. anB Kalender, except there be proper leffons
leaB us not Into temptation: hut Be- appointed for that day. After thac
liber us from ebtll. jf o? thine is tije Magnificat in Englifh, as followeth.
ktngBom, the pouiet anB tije glory,
fo? eber auB ever. amen- \ k £ foul Both magmfie the lo?B:
Then likewife he {hall fay, iVl anB my fplrlt bath rejoyceB lit
© Lo?B open tljou our tips* $oo my ^ablo?.
Anf. anB our mouth (ball (hero jFo? he hath regatBeB: the lofrlt*
forth tijy pratfc- nefs of IjlS IjaiiBmalBen*
Pri • © ® oo make fpceB to fabe us- ifo?bcholB, from henceforth: ail
Anf. $ jloiB make ijafte to help us. generations (ball call me bieffeo-
Pn. @io?y betotlje jfatljet 3 auB if 0? he that is mighty hath ntagm*
to the g>on, $c- fieri me t anB holy is his JJarne-
Evening Prayer.
Sailing mere? 10 on tfjern tljat feat fo? mine eyeg habe feett thy faiba*
Ijjm, tf)20ugl)out all generations^ tion.
t)z ijatl) fliemen ftrengtlj until Ins ®hiclj thou haft p?epareo, before
arm: ijeljatlj fcattereo tljcyjouU tn the face of all people.
the imagination of their heartg. Co be a Itgljtto lighten the 0em
lot ijatij put Oomn Hot mighty from tileg, ano to be the glo?y of thy peo¬
their feat: aim hath ejtalteo tlje Ijuut ple Jftaef.
Pie ano meek. 0lo?y be tq tlje father, anti to tlje
^>e hath filleO t\)t hungry tottf) 0on, f c.
goon tljingg: aim tlje rich he hath ag it mag in tljebegtntngug notw
rent empty amay. Or eife this pfalm.
5>e remembjtng Ijtg mercy, Ijatl)
Ijolpen Ijtg fetbaitt 31frael t as ije pm:
G£>0 be merciful unto ug, $ blefg Deus mi-
ug, ano ihem ttg the light of Ijig ^rreat/ur*
mifeo to out fo?efatljetg, ab^aljam, countenance^ be merciful unto ug. Pk*67•
aim Ijtg feeo fo? ebet. Chat tljp map may be knomn upon
<S5Ioip be to the father, anOtothe earth * thy fabittg health among all
^on, $C- nationg.
ag it mag itt tlje beg tutus,# nom,$c- Let the people p?atfe tljee, © 000,
Or elfethis pfalm.
yea,let all the people p?atfe tljee.
fa? ije hath none matbelloug
©lettlje Battottg rejoyce ano be
unto tlje Lo?o a item fang: glao: fd? thou ftjait jitoge tlje folk
righteoufly,ano gobern the Battong
thtngg. upon earth.
COitlj big abut right IjanO, aim mitlj Let the people p?atfe tbee,£> 0oo7
ijtg holy arm: bath be gotten ijinv let all the people p?atfe thee.
relf tlje bicto?y. Chen (hall the earth b?ing fo?tlj
Che Lo?o oeclateo big falbattoit: her encreafe: ano 0oo,ebett out0oO
big ttgljteoufnefg hath Ije open!)? mail gibe ug htg blefging.
Iljemeo tn tlje figljt of tlje heathen. 0oo (hall blefg ug: ano all the enog
fjeljatlj rememb?eo ijtg mercy ano of the mo?io (ball fear him.
truth tomato the hottfe of 3ifrael:ano 0lo ?y be to the father^ ano to the
all the enog of tlje mo?iO babe Teen ^>on,
the falbation of our 0oO. 3g it mag in the begining,ig nom,$c*
0bem your felbeg joyful unto the
Lo?o, all ye lanog: fing,rejoyce,ano Then (hall follow theCreed with other prat¬
gtbethanks. ers,as is before appointed.at morning pray¬
P?atfe the Lo?o upon the ljatp,(tng er after BenediBus,and with three colle&s.-
to the harp mitlj a pfalm of tbankfgE Firft of the day ^ Second for peace; Third
btng. for aidagainft all perils^ as hereafter fol-
fflttlj trumpets alfo ano fhaumrn: lowethjwhich twdaft colleds Chall be daily
£)®em your felbeg joyful before the faid at evening praier without alteration-
Lo?o the Ming. The fecond Colleft at Evening praier.
Let the fea make a noife, aim all
that therein ig =, the rouno mo?iO,atm
O0oo,from mhom all holy oefireg
all gooo couitfelg, ano all juft
they that omeil therein. mo jkg 00 pmceeo: gibe unto thy Cet*
Let the ftooOg clap thetr banOg,$ let
bantg that peace mhiclj the mo2lo
the bitg be joyfuttogetljer before the
cannot gibe, that hotlj our Ijeartg
Lo?0:fo? he tg come to )UOg tlje earth
may be fet to obey thy commano*
„ ©Clttlj rtgbteoufnefg fhall Ije jttOge
mentg,ano alfo that by tljee me being
the mono: $ tlje people mitlj equity.
oefenoeo from tlje fear of our ene<
0io?y be to tlje father, ano to the
mteg, may pafg our time in reft aim
^oit, (tc. quietnefg, thmugh the metitg of3ies
ig it mag in the begtmngjg nom,$c. fug Ch^ift our 0abio?. Arnett.
The third collefl for aid againft all perils.
Then a LefTon of theNewTeftament. And
after that Nunc dimitt is. in Englilh, as Lighten our oarknefg, me befeech
thee, © Lom? ano by thy great
mercy oefeno ug from all perilg ano
Nunc di¬
nt itt is.
L fl>?0, nom letteft thou thy Cerbant Oangerg oftljig night, foj the lobe of
oepart in peace, acco^oing to thy thy onely ^on our ^abto? Jiefug
Luk, 2,29,
mom. Chlift,
Evening Prayer.
Ift the feafts of Chridmas, the Epiphany, Cbe jfatljer td ntaoe of none, ner
S'.Matthias^ Eafter, the Alccnfion, Pente- tljer createo, no? begotten.
cod, S. John Baptift, S. James, S. Bartholo¬ Clje 0ott td of tlje jfatljer alone i
mew^. Matthew, S.Simon and Jude, S.An¬ not maOe,no? createo, but begotten.
drew, and Trinity Sunday, {hall be fung or dje Ijoip mm td of tlje jfatljer,
Paid immediatly after BenediElw^ this con* anOoftbe0on: neither ntaoe, noi
fedionof ourChriftian faith. createo,no? begotten,but p?oceeOing
jQuicuKCjue wit. 0o tljere td one jfatljer, not tlj?ee
uimm\7\/IjJofocbenutll befabeO, be= jfatljerd; One 0ott3not tb?ee 0ottd *
vrn. V V fo?e all ttlss nece(Tti= one ljolp$ljott,not tlj?ee ljolp$bodd.
rp that ljc boio the catbolick faith. ano in tljid ^rtnitp none td afo?e
m\)tclj faith except eberp cite tio 0? after otber: none id greater 0?
keep whole anti unOefileO, Without lefd tljen anotljer.
Ooubt Ijedjall pertflj eberladiitg. OBut tbe foljoie tb?ee perfottd be
ano the Catljoliqtte faitlj id tbtd : coeternal together: ano coequal.
that we wo?fl)tp one $oo in Crtnitp, 0o tljat in all tljtngd ad id afo?e;
ano Crinttp tit fato x tbe fllnttp in Crinitp, ano tlje
Bettijcr ccnfounotng tlje perfottd: Crtttttp m&inttp id to be wo?fljtppeO
no? oibtotttg tlje fttbdance. Ije tljerefo?e that Will be fabeo %
jfo? tljete td one perfon of tlje jfa= mult tljttd think of tlje Crt mtp.
tljer, auotljer of tlje ® on t ano ano^ jf urtbertno?e it id necelfarp to eber*
tljer of the Ijoip ®bod. lading falbation: that be alfo beltebe
OBttttlje $ooijeao of tlje jfatljer,of rigbtlp in tlje incarnation of our
tlje 0ott, ano of tbe ijolp $bod,td all Lo?o fefud Cb?td.
one: tlje gio?p equal, tlje s^ajedp co= jfo? tlje rtgljt faitb id, tbatbiebe^
eternal. lieoe ano confer: tljat our JL02O 3e*
0ttcb ad tlje jfatljer id, fttcb id tlje fttd Cb?td, tlje 0on of $00, td $00
0cm: ano fuel) id tlje help $bod- ano man.
Cljt jfatljer tmcreate,tbe 0on urn $00 of tlje fttbdance of tlje jfatljer,
create t ano tlje Ijolp $ljod uncreate. begotten befo?e tlje uio?lOd:attO man
Cljc Jfatljer incomp?eljenftMe, tlje of tbe fttbdance of bid mother, bo?tt
0ontncomp?ebenfible x ano tljeljolp in tlje tuo?lo.
$ljod ittcomp?ebenfible. Perfect $oo,anOperfect man: of
Clje jfatljer eternal,tbe 0on eter- a reafonable foul, ano humane fie®
nal, ano tlje ijoip $ljod eternal, fttbfidtng.
ano pet tljcp are not tb?ee eternald* equal to the jfatljer, ad touching
but one eternal. bid $ooijeao: ano tnferto? to the
ad alto tljere are nottlj?eetncotm jfatber, touching bts manbooo.
p?eljcnfibled,no? tljjee ttncreateU: but 2Ilbo although he be $00 ano man:
oneuncreateo,anO one tucomp?ehem pet he td not two, but one Ch?td.
fible- ^ One,not bp conberfiott of the $oo*
00 ItkeWife tlje jfatljer id altntgb5 heao into fleflj: but bp taking of tlje
tp, tlje 0on almtgljtp: ano tlje ijoip manbooo into $00.
©bodalmtgbtp. One altogetljer,notbp confttdonof
ano pet tljcp are not tb?ee aimigb' fttbdance: but bp unitp of perfon.
tied: but one almigijtp. jfo? ad the reafonable foul ano dedj
©0 tlje jfatljer id $oo3tlje 0on id one man: fo $00 ano man id one
<$oo x ano tlje ijoip $boft id $00. €b?td.
3nO pet tljcp are not tb?ee $oOd x OLlho fttffereo fo? ottr falbation:
but one $00 oefcenoeo into hell, rofe again the
00 Itkewife tlje jfatljer id Lo?o,tbe tljtrO oap from the oeao.
0ott Lo?0: ano tlje Ijoip $ljod Lo?0- Ue afeettoeo into ljeaben,he ftttetb
ano pet not tfj?ec Lo?Od, but one on tlje right hano of the jf atljer,$oO
Lo?o- almighty: from U)ljencehed)ail come
jfo? like ad We be compelleO bp tlje to juogc the quick ano the ocao-
Cb?tdtattbcntp3 to ackttowieogee* at ialjofe coming all men fijall rife
berp perfon bp Ijtmfelf to be $00 again luith tljeir booted: ano Hjail
ano Eo?o gibe an acccount fo? tijeir otmt tno?kd
00 are toe ftnbioocn bp tlje Catljo^ ano tljep tljatljabc oone gooo,djail
Itch Eeligion, to fap tljere be tlj?ce go into life eberladtng:anO thep that
$oOd,o?tlj?cejLo20d* < babe
The Letany.
fiabe Bone tblt*lnto clmlafflng fire* ®to?y be to tlje father* $c* 90 it
Ci)$ 10 tl)e Catljofique fattfittofncl) foa0 In the* $c*
except a man flellebe faithfully * Ije Thus endeth the order of Morning and Eve¬
cannot be fabeb* ning prajer throughout the whole year.

Here folioweth the Letany, to be ufed upon Wednefdays, and Fridays, and at
other times* when it (hall be commanded by the Ordinary.

on the father of Ijeabett:/ Bp thitte agony ano WouBy fuieat,
mercy upon m mfferfr bp thy ctofs ano pafgiatt, by thy p?e*
ble finner0* ciaus Beatij anB burial, bp tbp glori¬
ous refurtection ana afeenfion, ann
O God the Father of heaven,&c.
flD <$5ob the 0on Kebeemer of the by the coming of the holy <§hoft-
toojibt habe mercy upon u0mlfeta* Good Lord deliver us.
hie fimtet0* Jtt all time of our tribulation, fit
O God the Son Redeemer, &c. all time of our toealth, in the hour of
fiD ®ob the holy <£ljofl* pmceeblng Beath,ano in the Bay of juBgement.
from the father anb the @on x ijabe Good Lord deliver us.
mercy upon U0 mtferahle futner0* Wt tinners oa befeech thee to heat
O God the holy Ghoft, &c. us (f> LOfB <@ob; ann that it may
£> holy, fileffeb* anb glo?tou0 Crb pieafe thee to rule a gobetn thp holy
ulty*th?ee perfon0 anb one^obtfiabe Church uniberfally in the right may.
mercy upon u0 mtfetable finner0. We befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
O holy,bleffed*and glorious Trinity, &c. Chat it may pieafe thee to beep
Kemember not Lo?b our offence0* aitB ilrengthen in the true uionhtP'
no? theoffenceo of our forefather 0* ping of thee,in righteoufticfs ann ho* /i
neither take thou bengeance of our inters of life, thy terbant-«3*»-, out70
ano: fpare m goob tojb* fpare thy moil gracious living ano gobetnor,
people tnljom thou halt rebeemeb Webefeech thee to hear us,&c.
tmtij thy mod pjeclou0 bloob* ano be Chat it map pieafe thee to rule his
not angry truth U0 fo? eber* heart in tbp faith, fear anB lobe, ann
Spare us good Lord. that he map ebetmo?e habe affiance
from all ebll anb mlfchlef,from fin, in thee,? ebet feefe thP honor a glory.
from the craft0 anb alfauit0 of the We befeech chee to hear us, &c.
bebli*from thy to?ath,anb from eber- Chat it map pieafe thee to be pis
lading bamnatlon. Befenaer anB keeper, gibing him the
Good Lord deliver us. bictorp ober all ijts enemies.
from all bllnbenef0 ofheart*from We befeech thee to hear us,&:c.
p?ibe,batn glo?y,anb hypocrtfle.from Chat it map pieafe thee to blefs ¥
enby*hatreb, arib malice* anb all tuv preferbe cur gracious Cuccn Man.
Good Lord deliver us. *it8ercftoftfien _
from fornication* anb all other We befeech thee to hear us,&c.
beabiy fin,anb from all the becett0 of €bat It may pieafe tfiee to fiiumf*
the too?lb*the fleet) anb the bebiu nate all ,Bl®ap0, paffo?0 anb ©ini*
Good Lord deliver us. fter0 of tfje Cflurcp* tottfi trueknoto-
from lightning anB tempeif,from lebge anb unberffanblng of tfiy uio?b,
plague,pettilcnce a famine, from bat' anb tljat both fly tljelr p?eacljtng anb
tel,a raurtljer,a from fubben Heath- lifting tfley may fet It fo?tlj* anb fljetu
Good Lord deliver us. itacco^blngly.
from all feBition ana pitbp confpf We befeech thee to hear us, &c.
racffrom all falfe Boctrine anB here= Cfiatltmay pieafe tfiee to enbue
fie, from hm'onefs of heart, aitB com tfie Lo?b0 of tlje Councel,anb all tpe
tempt of thy worn a commanontent.. JI^oblllty*tDltl) gt ace* nufebom* anb
Good Lord deliver us. unberffanblng.
Bp the mplterp of thp holy intatna- We befeech thee to hear us, &c.
tioti,by thP holy natibitp a citcumci- tZDIjat It may pieafe tljee to 1M0 anb
fton,ny thy baptifm, fatting ano tern* fieep tlje 99aglffrate0* gibing tljem
ptatton. grace to etecute jufftce*anb to main
Good Lord deliver us. tain trutjj.
• Wc
the Letany.
We befeech thee to hear us, &c accoioiug to thP boiP bio?b.
We befeech thee to hear us, &c.
®jat it map pleafe thee to IMS
ano hccp all tup people. Son of<SoO,wc befeech tljee to heat uS
We befeech thee to hear us,&c. Son of God,we befeech thee to hear us.
CUat it map pleafe thee to tjtiie to © iamb of ®oo that takeitawap
all nations unitp, peace ano coucojo. the fins of the wo?lO
We befeech thee to hear us, &c. Grant us thy peace.
Chat it map pleafe tljee to gibe us © lamb of ©oo that takeft awap
an heart to lobe ano ojeao tljee, ano the fmS of the wo?io.
Have mercy upon us.
Oiligcntlp to use after tUP commons-
meittS- © Gthitfl hear us-
We befeech thee to hear us,&c. O Chrift hear us.
Chat tt map pleafe tljee to gibe to lo?0 ijabe merep upon ns.
Lord have mercy upon us.
all tljp people increafe of grace, to
Dear meeitlp tljp uicno, ano to teceibe Chliff babe merep upon us.
Chrift have mercy upon uS.
ft tuitlj pure affection, ano to b?tng lojOhabe merep upon us.
fojtlj tlje fruits of tlje Spirit- Lord have mercy upon us.
We befeech thee to hear us, &c.
Chat itmap pleafe tljee to b?ing in¬ ©urAnd father Which art in fjeaben,?c-
lead us not temptation.
to tlje wap of trutlj, all fucu as habe 'But neither into

its from ebtl. 9meit.

etreo, anO are teceiPeo. The Verficle. © 10?0 Oeal UOt Witt)
We befeech thee to hear us, &c.
Chat itmap pleafe tljee to ftreng- usAnfw.after our fins.
Beitljetrcwarous after our
tljen fuel) as oo nano, ano to comfort
anO help tlje weak-ljearteo, $ to raife iniquities. Let us pray.
up them that fall, ano finallp to heat
Oo ton'Satan unoet our feet. O ©oo merciful father, that nefpi-
felt not tlje figljmg of a contrite
We befeech thee to hear us, &c.
Chat it map pleafe tljee to fficceu, heart,no? the oefire of fitch as be fo?-
help, anocomfojt all that be in Dan¬ rowful, merclftillp affill out piapets
ger ,necefsitp, ano tribulation- that we make befoje thee in all our
We befeech thee to hear us,&c. troubles ano aoberfities, Whenfoebce
Chat it map pleafe thee to pjefetbe thep oppjefs us i ano gtactoitflp hear
alt tljat traoel bp lano o? bp water,all us, that thofe ebtls which the craft
women labojing of chiIDe,all ftek per- ano fubtiltp of the Debit o? man wo?k-
ConS ano poung cljtiojen, ano to fljew eth againff us, be b?ougljt to nought,
tljp pitp upon all pjifoners captibes. anonefs
bp the pjobtoence of thP gooo-
thep map be otfperfeo, that we
We befeech thee to hear us,&c.
Cbat It map pleafe tftee to nefenti $ thp fetbants being hurt bp no petfe*
piopmefo? tpe fatpetlef0 rtninmtanu tuttons, map tbennoje gibe thanks
tot&oto^ atm all tpatbePeCoiateant* unto thee in thp holp Church,th20tiglj
opp?cffeti. 3iefus Ch?ift otic lo?o.
We befeech thee to hear us3 &c. O Lord arife, help us, and deliver us for
Chat it map pleafe thee to Ijabe thy Names fake.
rnerep upon all men ©ffioo.we habeheatO with out eats,
We befeech thee to hear us^&c. anO our fathers Ijabe oeciareounto
■Chat it map pleafe tljee to fojgibe us tlje noble wo?ks that thoti oioil tn
our enemies, perfetutojs ano flanoe- their naps, ano in the oio time bc-
ters, ano to turn their hearts fojethem. , ,,. ,
We befeech thee to hear us,&c. OLord arife, help us, and deliver us for
Chat it map pleafe tljee to gibe ano thine honour. ^
pjeferbeto otttufe the ktuoip fruits ©lo?p be to the father, ano to the
of the earth, fo as in oue time we map
enjop them tt tn tlje beginning5isJ nowp.
We befeech thee to hear us5&c> ifvom out enemies nefeim ©
Chat it map pleafe thee to gibe us Cimft
true repentance, to fo? gibe uS all our Gracioufly look upon our afflictions.
fins,negligences ano ignojances, ano IDitifullp behoio the fojtows of our
to cnoue us With tlje grace of thP Ijeatts* ' „ ,
Mercifully forgive the fins of thy people.
help spirit, to ameno our libes e ' jFfflMM*
The Letany.
labour ablp Witfi mctcp fieat our truip pleafe tfiee, pout upon tfiem tfie
p?apers. continual bew of tfip bleffing: grant
O Son of David, have mercy upon us. tfits,© Lo?b,fo? tfie fiono? of out ao=
15otfi notu an® ebet boucfifafe to bocate $ sgjebiato? l;efusCfiiiftAn>en.
bear us, © Cfi?itt. .
Gracioufly hear us, O Chrift, gracioufly
hear us, O Lord Chrilt
A 1A prayer of Chrifoftome.
Lmigfitp ©ob, Wfiicfi fiaff gibeit
us grace at tfiis time witfi one ac=
The Verficle. 0 L0?b let tfip mCtCP com to make out common fupplicatt'
bcftjewcb UpOtlUS. ons unto tfiee, anb bolt Piotmfe tfiat
Anf. as We Do put out truft in tfiee. wfien two o? tfijee be gatfiereb toge¬
Let us pray. ther in tfip nametfiott Wilt grant tfiett
\T\7<£ fiumblp befeeefi tfiee,© jfa< teqiteftS: fulfill now, © Lo?b, tfie be-
V V tfiet,merctfulIi>toloafcupon fites anb petitions of tfip ferbants,as
out infirmities, anB fo? thegloip of map be moft erpebtent fo? tfiem,grati;
tfip names fafit.turnftotn us alltfiofe tins us in tfits wo?lb fenowlebge of
ebtis tljat we moft rigfiteoufip fiabe tfip ttutfi, anb in tfie wo?lb to come
befetbeb: attb grant tfiat in all out life eberlafting- amen-
troubles tne map put our whole trull
anb confibence in tfip mercp,anb eber=
T fie grace of out Lo?b Jefus
©6?ttt, anb tfie lobe of ©ob, anb
moje Cerbe tljee in fioltnefs anb pure, tfie fellowfljtp of tfie fiolp ©fioft be
nets ofltbtng,to tfip fiono? anb glo?p, witfi us all ebermoje. amen-.
tfi?ougfi ouronlpagebtato? anb abbo= For rain if the time require.
cate 3;efuS Cfi?tft out Lo?b, amen,
A prayer for the Kings Majefty.
O ©ob fieabenlp jFatficr, Wfiicfi bp
tfip Son 3iefus cfiJtft halt p?a-
O Loib our fieabenlp father, high mtfeb to all tfiem tfiat feeb tfip feing-
anb migfitp,KUng ofbingS,Lo?b bom, anb tfie rigfiteoufnefs thereof,
oflo?BS, tfie oitelp ruler of p?tnces, all tfiingS necefiatp to tfieir bobilp IU«
infiicfi boll front tfip tfijone befiolb all ftenance: fenb us. We befeeefi tfiee, in
tlte btnellers upon eartfi,motf fieartilp tfits out neceffitp, fuefi moberate rain
tne befeeefi tfiee loltfi tfip fabo? to be- anb (bowers, tfiat we map receibe tfie
fiolb out mod gracious Sobetaign fruits of tfie eattfi to our comfo?t,anb
Lo?b Sting Charles, $ fo repltnilfi film to tfip fiono?, tfijougfi Jelus Cfijift
tnitfi tfie Brace of tfip fiolp spirit,tfiat out Lo?b amen-
fie map altnap ettcline to tfip will, anb For fair weather.
walk in tfip wap, enbue fiim plenteow
dp witfi fieabenlp gifts, grant fiim in
O Lo?b ©ob, wfiicfi fo? tfie fin of
man btbft once b?own all tfie
fiealtfi anb wealtfi long to libe,ftteng» wo?lb ercept eigfit petfous,anb after-
tfien fiim tfiat fie map banquilfi anb o- warb of tfip great merep btbft p?omtfe
bercome all fits enemies, anbfinallp nebet to beftrop tt fo again; we fiunn
after this life fie map attain ebetlaib blp befeeefi tfiee,tfiat although wefoi
ing top anb felititp, tfiiottgfi jefUS our iniquities fiabe Wo?tfiilp beferbefl
Cfi?tft out Lo?b* amen. tfits plague of tain anb waters, pet
A Prayer for the Queen Mother,James Duke upon out true repentance tfiou wilt
ofYork,and the reft of the royal progeny.. fenb us fuefi weather,wfierebp we map
A Lmigfitp ©ob.tfie fountain of all recetbe tfie fruits of tfie eattfi in bue
goobtiefs,we fiumblp befeeefi tfiee feafon, anb learn both bp tfipptmiflp
to MefS tfie ©ueett motfier, tfie iliu* meitt to amenb out libes, anb fo? tfip
ftrtouspnnce James bube Of York, anb clemencp to gibe tfiee pimfe $ glo?p,
tfie reft of tfie ropal pjogeitp: enbue tfijougfi 3efusCfi?ift out lo?d amen-
tfiem Witfi tfip fiolp Spirit, entiefi In the time of dearth and famine.
tfiern witfi tfip fieabenlp grace, p?ofper
tfiem witfi all fiappinefs, anb b?tng
O ®ob fieabenlp father,Wfiofe gift
it is tfiat tfie rain both fall, tfie
tfiem to tfitne ebetlafting butgbome, eattfi is fruitful, beafts entteafe, anb
tfijougfi Jefus cfinff our Lo?oatnen- fiffies bomttltiplp:befiolb,we befeeefi
A Lmigfitp anb ebetlafting ©ob, tfiee, tfie afflictions of tfip people, anb
wfiicfi onelp wojfieff great mat= grant tfiat tfie rcarcitp anb ocartfi,
beis, fenb bown upon out 'Btlfiops $ wfiicfi webo now moft jump fuffetfo?
Curates, a all Congregations com= our tntquitp,map tfi?ougfi tfip goob-
mitteb to tfieir efiatge, tfie fiealtfiful nefS be merctfullp tutneb into efieap-
fpitit of tfip grace; anb tfiat t fiep map it?fS mtb plentp, fo? tfie lobe of aefus
‘ Cfi?ift
The Lctany.
ct) Jiff out LojO, to toijom toitlj tfjce cljange of tueatljen me p?aifc ano glO'
aitO tljc (jolv ©bolt, lie all ijono?, $c. rifie tljp ijolp JOame fo? tins tbp mer¬
In time of war- cy, ano toili aitoaps oeclate tbp Jo-
O SUmtgIjtp«©an,atiug of all filings bing ktnOnefS from generation to ge¬
ano gobetno? of all t j)ings,U)Ijofe neration, tlj?ougij |efus Cb^ftout
power no creature IS able to refill, to £o?o. amen.
inborn it belongetb jttfflp to puiitib
finncrs,anO to be merciful unto tljcm
that tttily repent: fabe ano Oeltber us
0 A Thankfgiving for plenty*
®jft merciful father, tuljicb of
tfjpgraciotts gooonefs baft bearo
(we humbly befeecbtbee) from tbe tlje Oebout p?aperg of tljp Cburcb,
IjaitOS of our enemies, abate tljetr ano turneo our oeartlj ano fcarfttp in-
pjtoe, affwage tbetr malice, ano com to ebeapnefg ano pleittp: toe gibe tljee
touno tbetr bcbiccs, tljat me being at= bumble thanks fo? tbio tbp fpeciai
men wttb tljy Defence, map be p?efer= bounty, befeeebtng tljee to continue
beo cbcrmoK from all perils, to glo* tljio tbp lobingkinonefg unto us,tljat
rifie tbee tnljiclj art tbe only giber of our lano map peeio us bet fruttd of
all bictoty, tlpougb tlje merits of tbP tnereafe, to tbp bono? $ our comfo?t5
onlp ©on 3efuSCb?ilf ourLo?D Amen.
in the time of any common plague or ficknels
mm 3lefu0Cb?tft our jLo?o.ameu«
A Thankfgiving for peace and vi&ory*
Oaimigijtp ®oo, rnbtcb in tbp Oaimigbtp ©oO,iobtcb art a ftrong
unatb.tn tbe time of hum DabiO, totner of oefence unto tljp fer-
OiDlt nap initb tbe plague of pelltlence bants, agatnft tlje face of tbetr ene*
tb?eefco?e ano tentljoufanO, anopet rntes: toe peeio tbee p?atfe$ thanks-
remembnng tbp merep, oiOlf fabe tbe gibing fo? our oeltberance from tijofe
red: babe pity upon us mifetable fin< great ano apparent oangerg, tobere-
nets, that ttoui are btfiteo toitb great tottb toe toere compalfeo: toe acknow-
fichnefs ano mortality, that lifce as leoge it tbP gooonefg tljat toe toere
tbouoiolt tbettcommanotbine angel not oeitbereo ober as a p?ep unto
to ceafe from puni!lnng,fo it map now tljem,befeecbing tljee fttil to continue
pleafe tbee to witljOtaw from us tbis fttcb tljp mercies totoaro no, that all
plague anogriebotts ficbnefS,tb?ougb tlje too?lo map knout tljat tbou art
3elus CbJift out Lo;o. amen, our tablet ano mighty oeltberer,
O ®oo, Wljofe nature ano piopertp
is eber to babe merep ano to feu
tb?otigb 3ietu0Cb?ift our io?o.amen
A thankfgiving for deliverance from the
gibe, receibe our bumble petitions:
ano tbougb we be tpeo ano bouttO
with tbe chain of our fins, pet let tbe
©oo, tobiclj baft toounoeof
ms fo? our ftn0,ano confumeo tt^
pttifulnefs of tbp great merep loofe fo? our tranfgreffioms bp tljp late bea-
ustcu tbe bono! of lefuscbtilis fabe, bpanoo?eaoful btfttatton, anonoiu
our onlp sgeoiato? @ aobocate,amen- ttt tlje rntoft of jttogement remem-
A thankfgiving for rain. b?t ng merep, baft reoeemeo our foufj
O©oo our ijeabenlp father, tofjd
bp tbp gractoug p?obtoence bolt
from tbe jatog of oeatlj: toe offer unto
tljpifatberlp gooOnef0,our felbe&out
catife the fo?mer ano tbe latter rain to Could ano bootee, toljiclj tbou baft oe*
oefeeno upon tbe eartlj, tljat tt map Itbereo, to be a Ubtngfacrifice tmto
b?tttg fo?tb fruit fo? tbe ufe of man: tbee, aitoapb p?atfing ano magnify-
toegtbe tljee bumble thanks, tljat it ingtbp mercies tn tlje mtoftof tbe
bath pleafeo tljee in out greateft neceO congregation, tb?ougb JrCfud Cb?ift
litp,to fend m at tlje lafta jopful rain our JLo?o.^men.
upon tbtne inheritance, ano to refreflj Or this.
it tufjen (ttuad o?p, to tlje great com-
fo?t ofustbp umooitljp ferbants,anO
W © ljumblp acbnotoleOge befo?e
tbee(£> ntoft merciful jfatijer)
to tlje glo?p of tbP bolP JBame, that all tlje pum(bment£ tobteb are
tlj?ouglj tbP mercies in Jefud Cb?ift tlj?eatneo in tljp Latti, might juftlp
curios amen* Ijabe fain upon U0, bp reafon of our
A Thankfgiving for fair weather* ntanifolO tranfgreffiong a baronet
O slo?o ©on, tobo ban jump ijttm- of ljeart:pet feing it Ijatb pleafeo tljee
bleo us bp tljp late plague of tm- of tljp tenoer merep, upon our tucatt
tnooetate tain ano toatcrS,anO in tbP atto umoo?tbP bumtliatian, to af*
merep baft reliebeo nno contfa?teo out fuiage tlje noifotite peffilence, tubcre-
fouls bp this reasonable ano bleffeo toitb toe lately babe been foie affiteteo,
The firft Sunday in Advent. The fecond Sunday in Advent.
anD t0 redone the Wet of jop $ heaItfj tljp glo?iou0 name fo ? fuch thy p^cCcr
into our uuieiltng0, toe offer unto tfjp nation * p?ohiDence oner U0, th?ough
Dihtnc nrajeft)) ttje facrifice of p?aile $ 3|eftt0 eh?iftout to?D,amen.
thankfgthtug, lauutng $ magnifying The end of the Letany.

The Collects, Epiftles, and Gofpels, to be ufed at the Celebration of the

Lords Supper, and Holy Communion throughout the Year.
The firft Sunday in Advent. pou, fap pe, Cljc JLo?d bath need of
The Colled* tbcm: 5 flralgbtwap tje unit let them
Lmighty ®oD, gthe tt0 grace go.atl this Was done,that it niigtit be
that toe map caff atoap the fulfilled voljicl) was fpoken bp tbelpjo*
uio?k0 of Datknef0, anD put Pbet, raping, •Cell pe tlje daughter of
upon tig the anno? of light, g>ton,15cbolo, ttjp Sling comettj unto
noto in the time of thto mortal life(tn tljee meek, fitting upon an afs and a
the tohich thpfonJefujaCh^ffcame colt, tfie foal of tlie as ufed to tlje
to otftt u0 in great humility) that in poke. Clje difciplcs went and did as
the iaff Dap tohen he lhali come again Mug commanded tljcm,and bjougbt
In W g!c?iou0 majeffy,to juDge Doth tlje as and tlje tolt, and put ontliem
the quick anD the Deao,toe map rife to tljeir clothes,and fet bim tliereouand
the life tmmoitai, through him, toho mattpof tbe people fpjead tljeir gaw
liheth anu reigneth toith thee anD the meuts in tbe wap, otbet cut down
holp <^hoff, notoanh eher. amen. branches from tbe trees, and fitawed
The Epiftle. tljem in tbe wap.®o?eoder,tije people
ro.h.13.8 nothing to anp man, hut that weett before, and tbep that came
v7 tht03 that pe lone one another x after, ctieo,faping, Hofanna to tbe foil
jfo? he that loheth another fulftUeth of David i xMcited s be that cometb in
thelato. jfo? thefe commanBmenta* tlje name of tlje Lo?d, Hofanna m tlje
Chou (halt not commit aoulterp , Sngbeft. and when be was come to
Chou (halt not kill, Chou fl)alt ©terufaiem, all tbe Cttp was nioded,
not ffeal, Chou (halt not heat falfe raping, satbo is tljis f and tlje people
lottnefg, Chou (halt not luff* anD fo raid, CbiS iS Jefus tlje Pjopijet of
fo?th( if there he anp other commanD' I5ajaretlj,a citp of©nlilee.and 3efus
ment) it 10 all comp?ehenDeD in tht0 went into tbe cemple of ©on, ot cart
faying, namely, lohe thP netghho? a0 out all them that fold and bought in
thPfelf. lone hurtetb not Ijts? tteigt)= tbe temple, and odertb?ew tlje tables
ho?, therefore t0 lone the fulfilling of of tbe monepcbangetS, and tbe feats
the lato.Chi^ alfo toe knoto the fea* of them that fold nodes,and fain unto
fondjoto that it 10 time that toe fljoulD tljem,at is written, $©p boufe fljall be
noio atoake out of fieep,fo? noto 10 our called tlje boufe of pjapet, but pebade
falhation nearer, then tohen toe heiie= made it a den of tljeedes.
DeD. Che night 10 paffeD* the Dap 10 The fecond Sunday in Advent.
come ntgh x let u0 therefo?e can atoap The Colleft.
the DeeDo of Darknef0, anD let tt0 put
on the armo? of light.Let tt0 toalk ho;
B LeiTcd Loin, luijicl) bail catifed all
botp Scriptures to be wjttten fo?
nefflo ao it toete in the Dap light* not out learning: grant tis tljat we map
in eating anD Blinking, neither in tnfucb Wife (jenc tljem, read, ntatk,
chambering $ toantomtef0* neither in leatn,andtnwatnipdigeft tbctn, tljat
fftiTe anD enhping x hut put pe on the bp patience and comfojt of tljp bolp
Lo?D33efit0Ch?iff3anD make no p?ohi* wo?n,wemapemb?ace andedet bold
fion fo? the fleih to fulftl the luff0 of it. fait tbe bleffed hope of edetlailing life,
The Gofpel. Wbitlj tboubaftgtden us in our g>a<
m- «.ir A JOT* when tljepo?ew met!) topit* dio? aetus CbJiit.
jT\.rufalcm, and mere tome to 'Betb= The Epiftle.
page unto mount SDiidet, tljen fent isbatfoeder tljingS arew?it»R0m.ij.,
Jiefus two ofljis OifcipleS, raping urn ten afojetime, tbep are writ¬
to them, ©o into the totnn tfjat ip< ten fo? out learning,tbat we, tlj?ouitIj
etf) oner againtt pou,and anon pe (ball patience and tornfon of tbe feriptures
finde anas bound and tier colt tmtlj might bade hope, ebe ©od of path
tier, loote ttiem, and b?ing tbern unto enceatioconfolation grant pou to be
me: and if anp man tap ought unto like minded one towards another, nfi
The third Sunday in Adveut. The fourth Sunday in Advent.
ter the erantplc of Ctmft Icfus * that ano ©tewaros of the feevets of ©oo.
ye all agreeing toiyctljcr, may with furthermore, it is reflutreo of the
one mouth piaife ©oo the father ot (tewaros, that a man be fouitO faith'
our Loin liefus CImft.caheretoje re* ful. caith me it to butafmailtljtng
trine ye one another, as ©h?Ut tccei that 3 fijoulo be juogeo of you. either
nco us .to the p?aife of ©oo. a no this of nrans juogement? Bo,3 Hinge not
3fay, that JieftisClmftuias a33tnt mine own felf, fo? 3 know nought by
fter of the citcumctfion fo? the truth my felf,yet am 3 not thereby jufltfico,
of ©oo,to confirm the p?omtfeS ntnoe 3t IS the Lo?o that juogetlj me.Cher-
unto the fathers, ano that the ©en¬ fo?e juoge nothing before the time,
tiles might Piaifc ©oo fo? his mercy, until the Lo?o tome, Which will Ugly
as ttis written, foi this caufe 3 will ten things that ate IjtD In oarkitefs, ®
piatte thee amotiG the ©entiles, ano open the cottnfelS of the hearts,® then
fiitg unto tljy Bame. ano again he (hall ebery man babe p?atfe of ©oO.
The Gofpel.
faith, Etjoyce ye ©entiles hjtth j»S
pcople.ano ngatit.Pratfe the LoiO all x JX jtym John, being in p?tf0n,Mat. % J o /io

ye ©ettttles, ano lotto him ail ye Ba¬ V V beatOtbeino?fc0QfCb?ilf,be

rtons togetherano again ©fay faith, Cent tmo of bi$ tufetpies, ano fa lb tm=
Chere fljall gethe toot of left'e, ano to him, art tijoit be that fljall come,o%
he that (hall ctfc to reign oner the no m look fo? another ? liefug anftne*
©entiles, in him Chau the ©entiles reo ano faio titito them, anti fljein
trull. Che ©oo of hope fill you tenth 3obit agaiiunbat pe babe beam ano
all joy atto peace in bcltcDtng, that ye feeit. Cbe bitnoe receive their fights
may be rich in hope, through the pow¬ tbelamctnalb,tbe lepers are cleanfeo,
er of the holy-©holt. ano the oeaf bear, tbe oeao are ratfeo
The Gofpel. up, ano tbe poo? receibe tbe glao ti=
Luk.zi. ., nr&ete (hall he figns tit the fun, ano
outgo of rbe gofpel* ano bappp is be
1 mthemoon,anointheftarstano that to not offenoeo bp me. ano as
in the earth the people (hall he at their they OeparteO, 3eftts began to fap tut*
wits eno through ocfpatrChe fcaano to tbe people concerning 3obn,2Ilbat
the waters fltall roar, ? mens .hearts toettt pe out into tbe iotloernefs to fee?
(hall fail them fo? feat, anpfoilooh- a reeo that to fljaben tnitb tbe toinO ?
ing after thofe things which fljall o? iuhat ment pe out fo? to fee ? a matt
come on the eatth: fo? the powers of clatbeo in foft raiment f 'Bcboiu, tbep
hcahen fljall mohe.ano then they (hall that inear foft clothing are in mingo
fee the ©an of man come in a clouo, boufeo- OBttt inljat mint pe out fo? to
With power aitO great glo?y. ca.lh.en fee?a p?opljet? Sierilp 3, fap unto putt,
thefe things begin to come to pars, $ mo?e then a p?opbet* if o? tbts to be
then took up, ano lift up yout Deans, of inborn it iO to?tttett, 'Bcljoloj feno
fo? your reoemptton ojaweth ntgh. rnp meflenger befo?e tbP face, tnbicb
ano he (heweo them a ftmtlituoe: fljall p?epare tbP toap befo?e tbee*
-Kebolo the fig-tree, anO all other The fourth Sunday in Advent.
The ColleiT.
trees, when they (boot fo?th their
buos, ye fee ano (mow of your own L f)?o ratfe up (tne p?aptbce) tbP
pouter, ano come among us* ano
fellies, that fummer ts then nigh at.
hano. ©o liltewife ye alfo (when ye tuttb great might fucco? uO, that
fee thefe things come to pars) be fute j iobereas through our finO ano intebeo*
that the hingoont of ©on is nigh. nefo toe be fo?elet ano binp?eo, tbp
Clertly 3 fay unto you, this genera-1 bountiful grace ano nterep (through
ttott (hall not pars, till all be fulfiUeO. the fatiOfactton of tbP our lo?o)
©eaoen ano earth fljall pafs away,but map fpecOilp neither tto: to inborn
tny wo?os fljall not pafs. with thee ano the bolp <$boft bebono?
The third Sunday in Advent. ano gio?p,tno?lo inttbottt eno.amen*
The Epiftie-
we btfecch thee gibe cat to R© joyce in the JLs?o altoay, ano a- pm-
The Collect.
our p?ayers,atto bytby gracious, gain 3 fay, Stejoyce. Let your
44 * *

blfltatton lighten the oarlutefs of out foftnefs he known to all mcmtljc Lo?o
hearts,by our Lo?03efus©h?ifi •Amen- 13 chtn at ijano. TBe careful fo? no<
The Epiftie- thing,hut in all prayer anti fupplicatu
* Cor 4.i. T Ct a man this wtfe clfeem us,
on,let your petitions be mnniteff unto
L cocn as the ©millets of Cbntt, ©oh,with giving of thanks, ano the
On Chriftmas day.
peace of ®oO(Wijich paffctfj all unDer- they, jfo? unto Which of the angels
flanoing) keep your hearts ano fato he at any ttmeyCljou art my son
minOS, through ©Drift 3efu. this oay habe 3 begotten thee r ano
The Gofpel. again, 3 will be hiS jFattjer, ano he
joh.i..y.T0t)S is the recoro of 3oljtt, When bjingeth lhall be my son- ano again, when he
1 the Ictus rent Prtefis and le- to the wojio, tn tlje firft begotten ton in¬
bites from 3etufalem, to ask fjmi, angels of ©onheworfljipljint.ano
faith, ano let all the
eiljat art tljour 3u0 ije confefleo,anO tlje angels he faith,lire maketij IjiSuntoam
oenieu not,anO fato plainly, 3 am not gels fpirits,ano his minillets a flame
©Drift. ano thty aSkeO him, ffiUhat of fire. Tout unto the Son he faith,
art tljou # art tljou ©lias i anO he Cby feat© ©oo) fljall be fo? eber ano
fato,| am uot.att tljou the Prophet f eber,thefcepterof tljy kingoom is a
ano ije anfwereo,po.©ljen fato tljey right feepter x tljou haft lobeO rigjjte-
ttntoljtm, caijat art tljou, tljat we oufnefS, ano hateo iniquity. ffiUtjere>
may gibe an anfwer unto tljem tljat fo?e ©oo,eben tljy ®oo hath anointeo
Cent us f caijat fayft tljou of tljy felf i thee with the oyl of glaonefs abobe
lot fato, 3 am tbebotceof acrperin tljy fellows, ano thou JLo?o in the be<
tlje wtloetnefS,S0ake ftraigbt tlje way ginning haft lam the founoatton of
of tlje Lo?o,as taio tlje p?opljet©fap. tlje earth, ano the heabens are the
tljey Wljtclj were rent were of tlje pba- works of tljy hanoscbey fljall periflj,
rifees, ano theyaskeohim, ano fato but thou enouteft. ©hep all fljall war
trnto l)tm,COljy baptijett tljou tljen,tf olDasooth a garment, ano as a be=
tljott ne not ©hrift,no? ©lias, neither fture fljalt tljou change tbem,anO they
that Prophet f loljtt anfwereo tljem. fljall be changeo: but thou art eben
faptng.3 baptije witlj water,but tljere the fame,ano thy peats fljall not fail.
ftanoetlj one among you wijom ye
know not: be ft iS, wljtclj tljougl) ije The Gofpel.
came after me, was before me, wljofe p the beginning was the GLlojO, loh..
ftjoe latcljet a am not worthy to urn ano the coojD was With ©oo, anOJ ' '
loofe.cijefe things were Oone at TBe> ®oo was the isioro che fame was in
tljabara beyono lojoan, wijere aoljn the beginning With ©oo. ail things
OiO bapttje. were rnaoe bp it, ano without it was
On Chriftmas day. rnaoe nothing that was rnaoe. 3n it
The Colleft. was life, ano the life was the light of
Ltnigljty ©on, which haft gthen men,ano tlje light fljinetlj in the Dark*
us tljy onely begotten son to nefs, ano the oarknefs compjehenoeo
take our nature upon ijim, $ tjjis oay it not. ©here was rent from ©oo a
to be bout of a pure Otrgtn: grant man,Whofe name was 3oljn:the fame
that We being regenetate, 8 rnaoe thy came as a witnefs to bear witnefs of
chiiojen by aooption ano grace, may the light, that all men through hint
Daily be reneweo by thy holy spirit, might beliebe. Ije was not that light,
through tlje fame our Lorn aefus but was fent to bear witnefs of the
Ctoilt, Who Ubetij ano reigneth With light, chat light was the true light,
thee,8c. which ligljtetlj ebery man that cometh
The Epiftle. into the wojio- foe was intljewoflD,
Heb.i.i. D in times pan Oiberlly ano ano the wojio was ntaoe bp him, ano
VI many ways fpake unto the la- the wojio knew him not. became a*
thersby prophets: but in there lalt ntong IjiS own, ano IjiS own receibeo
Days he hath fpokento us byljiS own him not. TBut as many as receibeo
Son, whom he hath rnaoe heir of all him, to them gabe he power to be
things, by whom alio he rnaoe tlje rnaoe fons of ®oo, eben them that be-
worm. rabid) ©on,being the Imft'hf liebeO on hiS name •, -Which were bo?it,
nefsof his glory, ano thebery image not of blooD, no? of tlje will of the
of hiS fubllance,ruling all things With fleflj,no?petof the will of man, but
the wo?0 of IjiS power,hath by hiS own of ©oo. 8nD the fame ffilioro became
pcrfon purgeo our fins, ano fitteth on fleflj, ano owelt amongft us, ano we
the right hanO of the ©ajefty on high, raw the giorp of it, as the glory of the
being fo much more ercellent then the only begotten Son of the tf atljetjfull
angels, as he hath by inheritance ob< of grace ano truth,
tatneo a more ercellent pame then
S.Stevens day. S.john Evangelifts day.
S. Stevens day. file ano ebangcltft 3oljn, may attain
G aur enemies by tbe example of
The Colled- to tljy eberlaftmg gift0, tljjouglj je*
Rnut tto,0 Loto,to leant to lose fus CUuftotirLo^O. amen.
The Epiftle.
tljy martyr ^Steben, tuljo p^apcti
fa? pig ueifecutoto; to tljee toljtcb It
il)at tobtclj toas from tljc begin** joh.i.i.
ning,tuljtclj toe babe ljeato,tobtcb
beft,$c. toe babe icen toitlj our ejw, tobtclj toe
Then (hall follow the Colled of the Nativi¬ Ijabe lookeo upon,ano our banos babe
ty, which (hall be laid continually unto ijanoieooftbetooiOofllfe. (ano tbe
New-years day. life appeareo,ano toe babe feen, $ bear
The Epiftle- tottneto,ano fljeto unto you tfjat eter*
fut7.jj. A BO g>teben being full of tlje Ijoiy nal life,toljtcb toas toitb tbe fathers
jlIl0ljoft, loofceo up fteofaffly tuttti appeareo unto u0) cijat tobteb toe
Ijto eye0 into Ijeaben, $fato tlje glo$ babe feen ano bearo, oeciare toe unto
of 000) $ 3eftto ftanotitg on tlje right you, that ye alfo may babe fellotolbtp
banoof0oo, ano fato, Bebolo, 3! fee toitlj u0, ano tljat our fellotofbip may
tlje Ijeabens open,ano tlje 0on of man be toitlj tbe jfatbee ano bto g>on 3es
ftattomg on tlje right Ijanoof 000. fu0 Cbjlfl. ano tbto toe unite unto
Chen ttjey gabc a fljottt toitb a lotto y ou,tbat ye may rejoyce,ano tbat your
boicc,anO floppeo their eats,ano ran joy may be full, ano tbto to tlje tu
upon ijtm all at once,anO caft btm out otngs tobteb toe babe bearo of btm, $
of the City, ano ftoiteo bint. ano tlje oeciare unto you, tljat 0oO to Itgljt,
tnitnelfcs Into ooum their clotlje^ at a ano in bim is no oatfmefs at all.3f toe
young mams feet, tobofe name toas fay toe babe fellotofbip toitlj btm, ano
€>auh ano they ftoneo €>teben, caE toalkinoarluieto,toelye, ano oonot
ling on, ano faying,ilojo 3efu recetoe tlje ttutb- "But ano if toe toalb ttt
my fptrtt- ano be hneeleo ooton, ano light, eben a0 be t0 in lights tbeit
ctyeo toitlj a lotto boice, loto,lay not babe toe fellotofttp tottb btm, ano
this fin to tljeir cljarge. ano toljen lie tlje blooo of 3xfu0 CbJift bt$ €>on
Ijao thus fpokembe fell afleep. cleanfetb U0 from ail fin. 3f toe fay toe
TheGofpel. babe no fin.toeoecetbe our felbe0,anO
Mat 23.34 Ti€fjolO)3! feno unto youpjopljets, tbe truth to not in tto. 3f toe acfmoto*
5 JL) ano totfe men, ano @>ctibe0, ano leoge out fitto, be to faithful ano juft
fome of tljem ye Hiatt Hill ano ctucifie, toto?gtbeu0 our find, anotoclenfe
ano Come of tljem ye fljall fcottrge in tto from all unrtgbteoufneto. 3f toe
your fynagogueMnO perfeettte tljem fay toe babe not finneo, toe make bim
from city to etty, tljat upon you may a iyar,ano bto too jo to not ttt U0.
come all tlje righteous Olooo tobteb
bath been HjeO upon tfje eartlj, from
tlje olooo of tlje rtgljteottg abei, unto
J The Gofpel.
€fu0 fato unto l^eter, jfolloto thou T
me. Peter ttttneo about, ano fatoJ
h -td

tlje Olooo of 5acljarta0 tlje fon of Ba= the Dtfciple toljom 3eftti0 lobeo, foE
cacbtasf, toljom ye fleto between tbe lotoittg, (tobteb alfo leaneoon bto
temple ano tlje altar, (ttertly 31 fay uiv b^eaft at fttpper,anO fato, lojo, tobteb
to yau,ailtbcfctijmg0 fljall come up= to be that betray etlj tbeef) OLlbenpe^
on this generation. £> jerttfalem, 3e^ ter therefore fato btm,be fato to 3eftto,
rufalenuljou tljat ktUeft tlje p?opljet0, Loto,toljat fljall be here oof 3efito faio
atto floneft tljem tobtclj are fent unto unto btm,3f 3 toill babe btm to tarry 1
tbee,ljoU) often toottlo 3 babe gather till 3 come, toljat to tljat to tfjeef irof=
eo tljy cljtiojen together, eben ab tlje loto tljou me. Cbentoent tbto faytng
ben gatbetetlj ijer chickens unoer her abjoao among tlje b?etlj?en,tljat tljat
iutng0,$ ye tuottio not i BeljoIO,yottt Otfctple fljoulO not oy e; yet Jefito fato
Iioufe to left unto you Oefolate. jfoi 3 not unto him,toe fljall not oye: but,3f
ray unto you,pc fljall not fee me ljettce= 3 toill that be tarry till 3 come, toljat
foKb,ttll tljat ye fay/Blcfleo is be tljat 10 that to tbeef cbe fame otfctple to be,
cometljtntbe name of tljelojo* tobtclj tefttfietb oftljefe tbmg0, ano
Sjohn Evangelifts day. to?otetljefetljtng0, anotoebnotobto
The Colled. tefttmony to tttte. cbere ate alfo rna*
Merciful lo?o,bie befeecb tljee to
caft tljy bngljt beant0 of light
nv other things tobtclj 3cftt0 oto, the
tobtclj if tljey fljottio betouttenebery
upon tljy eburclj, that It being light* one, 3 fuppofe tbe too^lo eottio not
neo by tije oectnnc of tljy blefleo apo* contain tbe boohs that fljotflo be tojit-
ten* Innocents
Innocents day. The Sunday after Chriftmas day.
Innocents day. tion* meeping* ano great mourning *
The Collett. Eacheimeeptngfo^her cbiltyen* ano
A lmightp 0otJ*mbofe piatfe thtg rnottio not be comforceo* becattfe thep
oap the pong Innocent# thP tmt* mere not.
nelfcg pace conferee $ ihemeo ttytty The Sunday after Chriftmas day.’
not in fpeabing hut in oping: mo?ti* The Collett.
conbetfation out Itfe map ejttyefg thP A
fie ano bill all biceg in ug* that in out lmtgbtp 000* rnhich haft giben
ug thP onelp begotten g>on* &c.
faith, rnhich tin th out tongues me 00 (As upon Chriftmas day)
confer, through 3efug Ctytft out
Ho?o. The Epiftle.

Apo.14. I The Epiftle.

loobetyano lo, a iamb ftooo on the
A Bb 3 fap* that the heir (ag long Gai. 4.
ag he ig a chilhe) oiftereth not
mount ^)ion,anO mith him an hum from a ferbant* though he be lo?o of
02e0 fo^tp ano foue tljoufano, hflbtng I ali,but ig unher tuto?g ano goberno?g
l)t0 name ano big fatbetg name unit* until the time that the father hath
ten in their forebeaog. Slno 31 htaro a appotnteo.Cben fo me alfo* mhen me
botce from beaben,ag the CounO of ma* mere cbtlo?en, mere in bonoage unoet
np matetg*ano ag the botce of a great the ofoinanceg of the mo?lo: But
tbunoet. ano 3 hoaro the botce of mhen the time mag full come* 000
ftjarpetg* harping mttb their harp^ Cent big ^on maoe of a moman* ano
ano thep fungal it mete a nem fong maoe bono unto the lam* toreoeem
before the feat* ano before the four them rnhich mere bono unto the lam,
beaftg ano eioetg, ano no man couio that me ttyough election might re*
learn the fong* hut the huno?eOfo?tp cetbe the inheritance that belong*
ano four tboufano mbtcb merereoee* eth unto the natural fong. Be*
meo from the earth. Cbefe are thep caufepe are fong* 000 hath fent the
tohich mere not oefiieo mttbmomen* fpirit of htg fon in pour heartg*mhich
Co? thep are birgtng.Chefe follom the crtethAbba, father, flllherefom nom
lamb mhttberfoebetbe goeth- Cbefe thou art not a ferbant,but a fon. 3f
mere reoeemeo frontmen* being the thou be a Ton* thou art alfo an heir of
firft fruits unto 0oo* ano to the 000 ttyough Ctytft.
lamb* ano in their mouths mass The Gofpel.
founo no guile: fo? thep are mitljout
fpot before the ttyone of 0oO-
T &tg ig the boob of the generation Mat. 1
of Jefttg CtyttWbe fon ofDabto,
thefonof^tyaham: atyabam begat
Mat. a. 11
The Gofpel.
S>e angel of the lo?o appeareo to 3faac* 3faac begat 3acob* Jiaeobbe*
3ofeph in a deep, Taping, Sirtfe* gat 3uoag ano hig tyettyen: 3u0ag
mtotabe tbecbilbe anOhib mother, begat Phareg ano 5ara of Chamar:
ano flee into €gppt, et be thou there* Phareg begat Cfrorn: Cfrorn begat
till 3 tying thee mo?0* f 01 it mill Sir am. &ram begat SlmtnaOab: Slmt*
tome to pafg that iDerco toiU feeb the naOab begat ftaaftomftaatfan begat
chiibe to oeflrop him. 00 mhett he a* salmon: Salmon begat Boog of
mobe* he toob the chtlbe anti hi0 mo, Eahab : Boog begat £Dbeo of
thee bp night* ano oeparteo into & Euttj: f>be 0 begat 3efle: 3cfie begat
gppt,ano mag there until the heath of DabiO the btng: Oabio the bing be*
Dmoo* that it might be fttlfilleo gat Solomon* of her that mag the
mbtcb mag fpoben of tbelo?bbp the mife of Ortag^olomon begat Eobo*
prophet* faping* Out of Cgppt babe am: Eoboam begat 8bta: Sibia begat
3 calieo mp ^>on. CbenDetoo mhen &fa: Slfa begat lofaphat: 3ofaphat
he fam that he mag moebeo of the mife begat 3o?am:3o?am begat 0ftae:
men*magercecOing m?otb* anOfent flag begat 3oathant: 3oatbam benat
fo?tb men of mar* ano flem all the chib Slchag: ^cljag begat C^echiag:
tyett that mere in 'Bethlehem* anb in chiag begat ^anafteg: ^anaft'eg be*
alltbecoaftg (agmanpag mere tmo gat Pinout Simon begat 3oflag:3ofiag
peatg oio* 0? unoetj acco?Oing to the begat 3ecljoniag ano htg tyeth^en* a*
time rnhich he hah oiltgentlp bnomn bout the time that tljepmere carneO
out of the mife men. Chen mag fulfil* amap to Babplon: 5 after thep mere
ieo that rnhich mag fpoben bp tbeP?o* tyought to Babpion*3echoniag begat
Phet 3etemp*mhereao he fato*3n Ea* ^alathtel ,^alatljiel begat 5o?obabel,
ma mag there a botce hearty laments 5o?obabel begat ahiufi; Slbtuo begat
The Circumcifion of Chrift. The Epiphany.
eitacbtuuCiiacbmi begat ajo?:a?o? cb to ab?aljam fo? rigbtcoufttcfo fjom
begat ©aboc;©aboc begat acljut: a mao tt then reckoned mijen be mao tn
cbm begat 0liub: 0ltuo begat 0iea- ctrcuntctfton, 0? mijen be mao mtlje
^auClea^ar begata^attbanT^attljan unctreumetfiott x not m time of ett*
begat Jacob: Jacob begat jofcplj the cumctfton,but mijen be mao pet unde*
bttobanb of $)atp,of mijom uiao bo?it ettmetfeb, anb be recetbeb tlje ftgn of
31efvi03 eben be that to caileb Cbntf* circumcifion,ao a feal of tbe ngijeouE
anb fo all tlje generattono from a* nefooffattlj, mijtcb be bab pet being
b?abam to Dabtb, are fourteen gene= unctrcumcifeb, that be fljouib be tlje
rattoitO- anb from Dabtb unto tbe ca* father of ail them that beltebcb,
pttbttpofBabplott, are fourteen ge* though tbep be not ctrcumctfeb, tijat
nerationO- anti from tbe captibttp of rtgbteoufitefo might be tmputeb to
Babvlon unto CbjtlEare fourteen ge* tbemalfo, anb that be might be tlje
nerationO* father of ctrcumctfion, not unto them
Cbebtrtb of Jeftto Chuff mao on only mbteb came of tbe ctrcumctfeb,
two mtfe: mijen W mother ®arp but unto them alfo that malk in tlje
mao marrteb to jofeplj (before tbep (lepoof the faith that mao in our fa*
came to bmeii togetljec)flje mao founb tljer ab?abam befo?e the time of ctr^
mttb cljtlbe bp tbeljolp0boff* Chen ctunctfion- ifo?thep?omtfe (thatbe
jofepb ber ljuobanb,becaufe be mao a fljoulb be heir of the mo?lb) happened
t igbteouo man,anti mottlb not put ber not toib?aljam,o? to btO feeb through
to ftjame, mao mtnbeb p?tbtlp to be* the Lam, but tb?ottgb the rtgijteouf*
part from ber. But mbtle be tljuo nefo of fattlj x fo? tf tbep mbteb ate of
thought bebolb,tbe angel of tlje Lo?b tlje lam be betro,tbemo fattb but bant,
appeateb unto bint in fteep, faptng, anb the p?omtfe of none effect*
Jofepb tboit fon of Dabtb, fear not to The Gofpei.
take unto thee $3atp tijp mtfeTo? that
mijtcb to conceibcb tn ber, cometlj of
A jOb tt fo?tuneb,affoon ao the an* Luk»2*15
geio mere gone amap from the
tbe bolp 0fjoff ©be fijail bung fo?tij a ftjepberbs into beaben, tljep fato one
fon, attb tljoufljalt call ljtb name je* to another,Let tto go eben nom unto
ftto, fo? be lljall fabe btO people from Bethlehem,anb fee tbto thing that me
tljetr fino*au tljto mao bone, tljat tt bear fap to bappeneb, mijtcb the Lo?b
mtgljt be fulfilieb mijtcb mao fpoken bath (bemeb unto uo- Stub tljep came
oftbe Lo?b bptljeP?opfjet, faying, mttb bafle, anb founb $©atp anb Jo*
Beljolb, a rnaib (ball be mttb cljtlbe, fepb, anb tlje babe laibtnamanger*
attb fljall bnng fo?tij a fon, anb tbep Tub mijen tljep bab feen tt, tbep pub*'
ihail call ijtb name Emmanuel mbteb if Itfbeb ab?oab the raping tljat mao told
a man interpret, to ao much to fap,ao them of tljat cljtlbe- anb all tljep that
0ob mttlj uo*anb jofepb,ao foott ao bearb tt monb?eb at tbofe things
be amoke out of ffeep,bib ao tlje angel that mere tolb them of tlje ffjepljetbOv
of the Lo?b bab btbbenbtm: anb be 'But ©arp kept all tljefe faptngo^and
took btb mtfe unto btm,anb knem ber ponb?eb them tn her heart- anb the
not, ttu fhe bab b?ougljt fo?tlj ber fitff ffjepljerbO rerttrneb, p?atfittg anb lau*
begotten von,$ caileb btb name jefuo* ding 0ob fo? all the tbtngo that tlje?
The Circumcifion of Chrift. Ijab bearb anb feen, ebenao tt majs
The ColledE tolb unto tljern* anb mijen tlje eighth
ALmtgbtp b, mbtclj ntabeif tbp
blelfeb ©on to be ctrcumctfeb,anb
bap mao come, that tlje cljtlbe fijottlt?
be ctrcumctfeb, IjtO name mao calleb
obebtent to tlje Lam fo? man x grant jeftto, mijtcb mao natheb of tlje angel
no tbe true ctrcuntctfton of tlje ©pE befo?e be mao concetbeb tn the momb*
rtt, tljat our Ijearto anb all our ntetm If there be any Sunday between the Epipha¬
hero being mo?ttfieb from all mo?iblp ny and the Circumcifion, then fhall be
anb carnal lulio, map tn all tbingo o* ufed the fame Colled, Epiftle and Gofpei
bep tljp mtu, though tbe fame tbp at the Communion, which was ufed the
©on Jeruo CbUff our Lo?b* day of Circumcifion.
The Epiftle.
Rom. 4.8. BLeffeb to tlje man to mbom tlje
Lo?b mill not impute fin* Came
The Epiphany*
The Colled.
tbto bleflebnero tljett upon tlje circmm
ctfion,o? upon tlje unctreumetfiott aE
O0ob, mijtcb bp tlje leabtng of a
liar btbff mpntfeff tbp only be*
fo t ifo? me fap that fattb mao reckon* gotten ©onto tbe0enttleo, mercE
jr full?
The fil ft Sunday after Epiphany?
fully grant, tljat we which know thee P?inces of 3uba t ft? out of thee (hall
now fn> fatth, may after tins life have come unto me the captain that (hail
the fruition of thy glorious ©abljeab, govern mp people Iftael ©ben ftetoo
through cUltft our lorb.amen. when he ban privily talieb the wife
The Epiftle. men, he enquires of thembiligently,
Eph.3.1. "c©? this caufe 3 Paul am apnft- what time the (far appeareb, attblje
17 net of 3efus ©hrift for you hea> babe them go to Bethlehem,anb fain,
then,if ye have fjento of themimttta* ©o yout way thithet, ann ftatcb bill*
tionof tlje grate of ©ob which IS gi gently fo? the cljilbe t anb When ye
sen me to you-warb. jfo? by revelati¬ have ftuno htm,b?ing me wo?b again,
on fijeweb be the ntyftery unto me, as that 3 may come anb wo?ihip him al«
31 toiote afore in few wows, whereby
ft. tHHhen they ban hearb the king,
wbenyereao, ye may unberftann my they beparten, ann ft, the Hat. which
bnowiebge in the myftcry of ©hrirt, they raw in the can,went before them,
which myffery in times pan wao not till it came anb ftoob over the place
Openeb unto the fonts of men, no it is wherein the chiibe was. GClben they
now beclareb unto his holy SlpoftleS fawthe ©tar, they were ereeebing
rmb Prophets by the ©pint, that the glab,anb went into the houfe, $ founn
.gentiles iboulb be inheritors alfo, the chiibe With S©aty htS mother, anb
anbof the fame boby, anb partakers fell bown fiat, anb wofihippeb him,
Of IjtS p?omife of ©hrttt, by the means anb openeb thetc tceaftres, anb offer*
ofthegofpel, whereof 3 am mane a eb unto hint gifts, golb, franhtncenfe
minitter,accoibing to the gift of the anb myrthe. anb after they were war*
Brace of gob which ts given unto me neb of @ob in a Keep, that they fbouio
after the wooing of his power, Onto not go again to h>eton,tijey returneO
me the leatt of all ©amts is this into their own countrey another wap.
The firft Sunday.
grace given, that 3 fboulb preach a- The Colled}
ntong the (©entiles the unfearchable T ©?b,We befeeth thee mercifully to
riches ofCb?iff, anb to mate all men Ju receive the praters of thy people,
fee what the fellowship of the myflery which tali upon thee ? ann grant that
IS, which from the beginning of the they man both perceive anb know
Worm, hath been bin in ©on, which what things they ought to bo, ann al*
mane all things through 1efus©e?tfi, ft have grace anb power faithfully ta
to the intent that now unto the rulers fulfil the fame, through lefug csrift
anb powers in heavenly things,might out JLo?b- amen.
belmown by the congregation the nta- The Epiftle.
rnfoio witbom of ©on, accoibing to T Befeech you therefore, brethren, by Rom. i a. i
the eternal purpofe Which he wrought Itljemetctfulnefsof ©on, that you
lit Chuff lefts out Horn,by Whom we mate your bobies a quick facrifice,ho*
babe boinnefs anb entrance, with the ly anb acceptable unto ®ob, which is
confibence which ts by the faith of him gone teatonable fetvtng of ©ob- anb
The Gofpel. falhioit not your feives like unto this
Mat. 1.1. \i\7®en lefts was born in Beth* wo?in,hut be ye changes in yout fijape
V V lehem, a city of Ititp, in tlje by tlje renewing of youtmtnbe, that
time of fterob the king t behoto, there ye may prove what thing that goob
tame Wife men from the can toje* anb acceptable anb perfect will of©ob
rufalem, faying, fMbere is he that is ts- iFo? 3 fay (through the grace that
bo?n King of the 3ews i fo? we have unto me given ts) to everp man a*
feen big flat in the Cad, anb are came mongyou, that no man ffanb high in
to worfijip him.tllhcn fserob thebmg htS own conceit, more then it becom*
ban hearb tljefe things, he was troub¬ eth him to efteem of himfelf: but lb
les, anb all the city ofjetufalctn with jubge of himfelf,thatbe be gentle anb
him.ann when he ban gatheteb all the fobet,acco?bingas ©on hath bealt to
chief Prtefts anb ©ettbeg of the pea* every mantbemeafute of faith for as
Pie together, he bemanbeb of them we have many members in one bony,
where ©brill Ihoulb he bo?n. flub they anb all members have not one office:
fain unto him,at 'Bethlehem in 3uty, ft we being many, ate one bony tn
ft? thus it ts written by tlje Prophet, Chrifii anb ebety man among out
anb thou Bethlehem in the lannof feives one anothers members.
lure, art not the lead among the
The lecond Sunday after Epiphany* -T *»,
The Gofpel. ann cleabe unto that mbtcb t# goon.
tuk.i.4!. TOe fattier and motlict of Ictus Be kinne one to another mith \no*
1 went to lerufalem, after tlje cu- tberly lobe lit gibmgljono?, go oitt
(tome of the feaff hap, &nd wljen tljcp before another- Be not fiotbful in tlje
hao fulfitted the naps,as the? return* bufmef# mijiclj ye babe tn band. Be
ed home, tlje cliilde lefus abode (till ferbent in fpirit apply your fetbe# to
at3erufnteni,ann hits father atiotno tlje ttme.Rcjoyce tn bope.Be patient
ther knew not of tt: but ttjep fuppo tn tribulation, continue in plater.
fine him to hade been tn the compa- Difftibute unto tlje ncceffity of tbe
itp, tame a daps journep, and fought faints. Be reany to harbor Blef#
him among thttr kinsfolk aim ac* them, that perfecute you. Q5lef0 a
quaintance. atm ttthm ttjev found fay, aim eurfe not. 'Be merry mttlj
him not,the? went bach agatn to 3ie< tbent that are merry- flllcep mith
rufalem,and fought him. and itfo?- tljem tbat meep- Be of like affection
tttneD, that after tijice have they one tomarn# another. Bejtotljtgb*
found him in the temple, fitting in minnen, but make your felbc# equal
the tntdff of the Doctom, heating to tljemoftbelomerfotf.
them and pofittg them: and all that The Gofpel-
heard him, mere attained at hist un«
demanding and antuicrg. and iotjen
AJBntlje tbirn bay ma# there aM^.
marriage iit Cana a city of Ga¬
the? fatn him, the? matbellfd. and lilee, ann the mother of Mu# ma#
tno mother faid unto hint, Son, wljp there, aim 2efu# ma# callcn (aim hi#
had thou thud dealt tmtlj uof'Bchoto nifctple#) unto the marriage, anti
thP father and 3 hade taught thee fo;> mbeit tlje mine fallen, the mother of
roim'ng.and he faid unto them, 13010 Mu# fam unto him, Cbey babe na
happened it ttjatpe fought me: outfit mine. Jefuo fam unto ber,2Homan,
pe not that 3 muff go about nip la- ruljatljabeato no mith thee i mine
there burmefe r and they undentood hour is not yet come, Di# mother
not that raving uitffch he fpahe unto fain unto the minifter#, COhatfoeber
them.attd he went down with them, he faith unto you, no it. ann there
and came to j]3a?aretti, and wae obe¬ mere canning there fit materpot#
dient unto them. tBut hie mother of (tone, after tbemaner of purify*
kept all there fapinge together in her ingof the 3iem#, containing turn 01
heart- and 3efue piotpered in wife* tbjee firkins apiece. aiefusfatn untes
dom, and age, and in fado? with <5od them, if ill the mater pot# mith ma¬
atm men. ter, ann they fillen them up to the
The fecond Sunday after the Epiphany. bjirn. ann he fam unto them, ’Dim
outnom, aim bear unto the goberno?
A The Colled.
Hmightp and edertaffing <$od. of the feaff. ann they bare it. c&beit
Which doff godern all tilings in the ruler of the feaff han taffefi the
headen and earth: mercifully heat mater turneo into mine, aim knem
the fuppltcatione of thP people, and not mhence it mas (but the mimff er#
grant ue tbp peace all the dope of our mhich njem the mater, knem) he cal*
life len the bnoegroom, ann fam unto
The Epiftle- him, Cbery man at the beginning
Xom.iz.6 cueing thatme babeniber# gift#, noth fet fonh goon mine, aim mljen
O accommg to the grace tljat 10 gi* men be n?unk, then that mhich is
tot unto u#, if a man babe tbegtft mo^fe? but thou ijaff kept the goon
ofpmpbecy, let him babe it, tljat tt mine until nom. Chin beginning of
be agreeing to the faith* let hint miracle# nm lefus in Cana of ®a*
thathatij an office, mait on hinofi liiee, annibemenhin glojy, annhiS
fixe* let him that teacljetb take hifctpie#beiiebenon him.
been to hi# noctrine. Let him that The third Sunday after the Epiphany.
ethoiteth, gibe attenoance to hi# er* The Colled.
Ijojtatioit. af any man gibe, let him
no it mith fingiettefs. Let him that
A lmighty ann eberiaffing <$on5
mercifully look upon our infir*
ruleth? no it mithniligence. 3fany mitic#, ann in all our nanger#ann
man fljem mercy, let him no it mith neceffitic# ffretclj fo?th thy right
cljeerfulnef#.Let lobe be mitljout nif- bairn to help ann nefenn u#, thmugb
fimulation. Date tljat mhich isebit, cb?iff ourLom*
if The
The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.
litito utter nathnefs, there fbalt be
Ram. ii.
B The Epiftie.
© not wife in pout own opinions, weeping aitBgnatbtng of teeth. ann
Eecompeitfe to no man etui fo? jefus rain unto tbe centurion, ©o
ebil. p?obiBe afo?e*bano things ho* tin1 way, ann as thou be 1 ten:ft, fo be
rteft,not only befo?e ©on, but alfo ttunto tbee. Tub bis ferbant was
in tbe figbt of ail men. 3if it be pop; beaten tbefelf fame bout.
Hble (as much as in you is) libe The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.
peaceably With all men. Dearly be*
ioncu, abenge not your fetbes, but The Colleft.
ratbet gibe place unto w?atb. jfo? it
is w?itteit, aiengeance is mine, 3
G ®n wbtcb teioweft us to be fet in
tbemtntf ot fomany ann great
will re warn, faitb the Lo?n. Cbete* Bangers, that fo? mans fratlnefs we
fo?e if thine enemy bungcr, fecb cannot aiway ftann up?igbtly: grant
btm: if betbirfl, gibe btmn?inlt: to us tbe bealtb of bony ann foul,
foj in fo Botng tbou (halt heap coals that all tbofe things Which we fuffet
of fire on bts bean. 'Be not ober* fo? fin, by tby help we may well pars
come of ebil, but obetcome ebil With ann obetcome tbjougb Cb?ift our
goonnefs. Lo?n,
The Gofpel. The Epiftie. , •
Mar. 1.1. T\ 7tyz\t comenotun fcotti
V V tbe mountain, mucb people
L et ebery foul fttbmit btmieifun'Rom. x 5-jc
to the autbo?tty of tbe higher
followen btm. atm beljoin, there powers t jfo? there is no power but
came a Leper ann wo?fi)ippcn btm, of ©on, Cbe powers that be, areo?*
faying, Spatter, if tljou wilt, tbou nainen of ©on. tXlljofarwr there*
canit mate me clean, ann lefus put fo?e refifletb power, refiffetb tbe o?*
fo?tb bts bann, ann toucben bim,fay. ntnance of ©on: but they that re*
ittg, 3 will, be tbou dean: aitn urn fill, iballreceibeto themfelbes nam*
mentatly bts lep?ofie was cleaufen. nation, jfo? Eulers are not feat*
ann 3efus fain unto btm, cell no ful to them that no goon, but to
man, butgoanntbewtby felt'to tbe them that no ebil. aililttbou be
p?ieft, ann offer tbe gift (tbnt without fear of the power f no well
fescommaitnen to beofferen) fo? a then, annfo fbalttboubcp?atfen of
witnefs unto them, ann when lefus tbe fame: fo? bets tbe miniffer of
was entren into Capernaum, tbete ©on fo? tby wealth. But if tbou no
came unto btm a Centurion, ann be that Which is ebil, then feat? fo?be
fought him, faying, staffer, my beareth not tbe fwo?n fo? noughtt
ferbantlyetb at borne licit of the pal* fo?beistbemtniftet of ©on to tafee
fie, ann is grtebouliy painen. ana bengeance on them that no ebil.
Iiefus fain, mbett 3 come unto £llberefo?e ye mull neens obey, not
him, 3 will heal bint. Cbe Centu* only fo? fear of bengeance, but alfo
rtonanfwereo ann rain, Sir, 3 am becattfe of confidence : aim eben fo?
notwo?tljy that thouihouloeftcome this caulepayye tribute: jfo?they
unhetmytoof: butfpeafe the wo?n are ©ons minifters, ferbing fo? tbe
ottely, ann my ferbant (ball be bealen. fame purpofe, ©ibe to ebetP man
fo?3aifa myfelfam a man fubject tberefo?e his nuty j tribute to whom
to the autho?tty of another, ann tribute belonged : cuftom,to whom
babe fointers unner me t ann 3 fay cuftom ts nue: fear to whom fear
to this man, ©o, ann he goeth: aim belonged?: bono?, to whom bono?
to another man, come, ann be pertained).
cometb : ann to my ferbant. Do The Gofpel.
this, ann he noth tt. EHben 3erus
beam there wo?ns, he marbellen,
ann fain totljemthat followen him,
A I3n When he entren into a (hip, Mat. 8.23.
bis nifciples followen him. aim
detily 3 fay unto you, 3 babe not beljoin, there arofe a great tempeff in
fouimro great faith in Jfrael, 3fay!thefea,ihfomucb astbefl)tpwasco*
unto you, that many (ballcome from beren with wabes, but be was afierp,
the Sait ann CTLleft, ann (ball reft ann bts nifciples came to him, ann
with ab?abam, Ifaac, aim Jacob,ih awote him, raying, $®after,fabe us,
the Witgnom of beabett: But the: We penll). ann he fain unto them,
cbiin?cnof thefeingnoro (bail be call ffillbyare ye fearful, © ye of little
faith f
. . The Sunday called Septuagefima.
faith i Chen!)? arofc emu rc'uultcti mPfalms,miO ^jpmius, ajm futcitu
tljc rninbs anb tt>c fen, ant* tijece fol airongs, ringing mitlj grace in pour
lomcb a great calm. TSuttije men hearts to tlje Lo?b* &nb mijatfoeber
matbelleb, Caving, OTjat matter of pebo in mom o?bceb, bo all in the
man is tins, tijat both minus anti fea Bame of the lom leftt, gibing
obep hint t ana mtjett he mas come thanks to 0ob the jFatljer bp him*
to the otfjer floe, into tlje countrep The Gofpel.
of the 0ecgefttes, there met him
tmo polfelfeb of bebils, mijichcame biiigbom of heabett i£ Ube Mat.13.24

out of tlje grabes, anb mete out of A unto a manrnhicljfomeb goob

meafute fleece,Co tijat no man migljt feeb in htS fielb; but mhile men uept,
Bo bp tijat map* &nb beljolb, thep his enemp came, anb fomeb tares a-
trleo out, taping,® 3efu, thou @>on mong tlje mheat, anb ment his map*
of ®ob, mhat ijabe toe to 00 mitlj 15ut rnljen the blabe mas ftyuitgup,
thee f art thou come tjitljei* to to^ and hab brought faith fruit, then ap=
ment us before tlje time f&nb there peareb the tares alfo* ^>0 tlje feu
mas a great map off from them an bants oe the ijouiholbet came, anb
bet0 of manp flume feeoing. <3>o the faib unto ijim, €>tr, bibff not tljoti
bebils befoug&t him, fapmg, 3lf tljou m goob feeb in tljp fielb t from
caff us out, Cuter us to go tnta tlje mljeuce then Mth it tares i pz faib
hero of Ante* anb ije faio unto tljem, unto them, Che enbious man hath
00 pour maps* chut ment thep out, bone this. Che ferbants faib unto
anooeparteo into the hero of flute* ijim, miIt thou then that me go anb
Stub betjoin, ttje mijole hero of flute rneeo them up $ "But he faib,JlJap,leff
mas eatrteb ijcablotig into tlje fea, mhile pe gather up the tares,pe piuefe
ano pertfbeo in tlje maters. Chen up alfo the mheat mitlj them: let
thep that fcept them fleb, anb ment both grom together until tlje Ijarbeff,
their maps into tlje Citp, anb tolb anb in tlje time of harbeff 31 mill fap
teberp thing, anb mhat Ijab Ijappeneb to the reapers, father pe firff the
unto the pofteffeb of the bebtig* &nb tares, anb binbe them together in
beholb, tljemhole Citp came out to (heabes to be burnt, but gather the
meet 3efuS: unb rnljen tljep Cam him, mheat into mp barn*
tljep befougtjt hint that he mouib be^ The fixth Sunday (if there be fo many)
part out of their coafts* (hall have the fame ColledV, Epiltleand
The fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Gofpel, that was upon the filch Sunday.
The Colled.
L®?b, tuebcfeechtheeto beep tljp
Church anb ijottfljolb continual*
The Sunday called Septucgefima.
The Colled.
ip in tijp mm Religion, that tljep
rnijich bo lean snip upon hope of tljp O Lom^ me befeech thee fabomhlp
to hear tljepmperS of thP peo^
ijeabenip grace, map ebetmo?e be be pie, that me rnijich are juffip puiufljeb
fenbeot tljp mightp pomer,though toi our offences, map be mercifuilp
iefiis Ctyiff our Lo?b* belibereb bp tljp goobnefs, fo? the
The Epiftle. glo?p of tljp name, through items
Col. 3.11 llt upon vou ab the elect of 0ob, Ch?iftour ^abio?, mho ltbetljanb
tenber irnerep, btnbenefs, hunr reigneth mo?ib mitljout enb* ^meiu
blencfs of mtnbe,meebne fs, longluf The Epiftle.
feting, forbearing one another, anb
babe a quarrel againft another: as
fojgibtng one another, if anp man ^rceibe pe not, horn that tljep 1 Cor.
mhich run in a coutfe, run all,but 24.

Ctyiff fobtabe pou, eben fo bo pe* one receibetb the remarbf run
3bobe alltijefe things put on lobe, that pe map obtain* €berp man that
mijtcljts tljebonb ofperfectnefS.inb p?obetlj mafferies, abfiamefb from
the peace of 0ob rule,in pot|t hearts, all things: anb tljep bo it ro obtain
to tlje rnijich peace pe are tailed in a cromu tljatfijall perifb: but me to
cnebobv: anb fee that pe betljanlr obtain an eberlafting cromn* J there.
full* Let the mom of Ctyift bmell fo?e fount, not as at ait uncertain
m pou plenteonflp mitlj all ioifebom* thing:fo fight i,ttot as one that beat*
Ceach anb crljoat pour omn felbes etlj the air; but i tame mp bobp, anu
The Sunday called Scxagefima<
tying it into fubjecttott, left bp anp The Sunday called Seiagefuna.
meang it come to pate* that tuben
31 babe p^eacbeb to other* 3 mp felf The Collect.
(ijbumbeacaft;au)ap> LSD?n ®on, which teen that we put
not our trull in anp thing that
The Gofpel. we no: merctfullp grant, that bp
tljp power We map be nefenOeO a-
Mat. lo. i. ire kingoont of beaben to itftc gatnft all anberfitp, through 3iefus
unto a man that iS an fjottCbain- cbrift out lorn.
cr, taljicl) went out early intbemor* The Epiftle.
tuns to Ijtre laborers into IjtQ bine-
yam. anfl when tbe agreement teas
Y C fuffer fools glaoip, feeing pour * cor.
felbes are wile, for pe fuffer if
thane with the laborers for a penp a a man bring pou into bonnage, if a
iiap, be rent them into IjtS bineparn. man nebour, if a man take, if a man
anb be went out about tbe tbirfl eraltbimfelf, if amanfmitepou on
bout,anfl faw other (fanning iflle in tljeface: 3ifpeak as concerning re*
tbe market place, ano fain unto buke, as though we ban been weak
tbem. ®o pe alfo into tbe bineparn, in tbtS behalf. sroWbeit,Wherein foe*
aitowbatfoebet is right 31 Will Btbe ber anp man bare be bom (31 fpeak
pou ano tbep went their wap. a* footublp) 3inarebeboinalfo. Cbep

gain be went out about tbe firth ano ate ©ebjews, eben fo am 31. Cbep
ninth hour, anfl ntniikewtfe. ano are Ifeaelites, eben foam®. Cbep
about tbe elebentb hour be went out, are the feen of abrabam, eben fo am
ano found others (tanning toie, ano 31. Cbep are the s©iniffers of Cbrift
fain unto them, ajjbpftanopebete (31 fpeak as a fool) 3 am more. 3in
all tbe nap inie r Cbep fato unto him, labors more abunnant, in (tripes a*
Becaufc no man bath btren us, $>e bobe meafure, inprifonmore plente*
faith unto tbem, ®ope alfo into the ouflp, in Oeatb oft. SDf tbe lews fibe
bineparn, ano wbatfoeber tS right, times receiben 3 forty ftrtpes fabe
that (ball pe receibe. So when eben one, Cbrtee was 3 beaten with rons,
was come, the Loin of the bineparn 3 was onceffonen. Ifuffeten thrice
fain unto bis tie warn, call tbe labor¬ ftitpwrack. flight ano nap babe |
ers, ano gibe them their bite, begin* been in the oeep fea. |n journep*
nttig at tbe lad until tbe firff ano ing often, in perils of waters, in pe¬
when tbep om come that came about rils of robbers,in jcop atotes of mine
the elebentb hour, tbep receiben ebe* own nation, in jeoparotes among the
rp man a penp. 'But When tbe firff heathen, in perils in the Citp, in pe*
tame aim, tbep fuppofeo that tbep tils in tbe wiinetnefs, in perils in
fbouio babe receiben more, ano tbep the fea, in perils among falfe Inc-
likewtfe receiben eberp man a penp. tb?en, in labor ann trabail,in watch*
ano when tbep ban receiben it, tbep ings often, in hunger ann third, in
murmureongainfftbe goon man of failings often, in coin ann nakeo*
tbe boufe, raping, Cbefe laft babe nefs: BeffOe the things which out*
wrought but one hour, ano tbott baft wamip happen unto me, 3 am cum*
mane tbem equal with us, which breo nailp, ann no cate for all con*
babe born tbe burnen ano beat of tbe gtegattons. anbo is weak, ann | am
flap. But be anfweteo unto one of not weak ? who is offenkeo, ann I
tbem, anfl fain, jfrienn, 31 no tbee burn not? 3f|mtift neensboaft, 3
no wrong: Dibit thou not agree Will boaftof the things that concern
with me for a penp ? cake that thine mine infirmities. Che ®on ann fa¬
is, ano go tbpwap: 31 will gibe un= ther of our lo?fl 3efus Cbrift, Which
to this laft, eben as unto tbee. Is it is biefteo for ebermore, knoweth that
not lawful for me to no as me luitetb 3 lie not.
With mine own goons? 31S thine epe The Gofpel.
ebil becaufe 31 am goon ? So tbe W
laft (ball be firff, ano the firff fiball
hen much people Were gn< lam.
tljeren together, ano were
be laft. iFormanp be cailefl, but few come to him out of all cities, he
be cbofen. fpake bp a linulituoe. cbe fower
went out to fow bis teen, ann as be
foweo, fome fell bp the wap fine,
The Sunday called Quinquagefima.
anO it tons trooen Down, ano tbe pet babe no lobe, 3 am nothing, ano
fowls of the ate oeboureD it up. ano though 3 bellow an ntp gooos to
fame fell on (tones, ano affoonastt ftcO tlje poaj,auO though 3 gabetnp
was fpjung up, it witbereo awap,be= boop eben that 3 btitneO, ano pet
caufe tt laclteD motffnefS. ano fame babe no Iobe.lt pjofitetlj me nothing,
fell among tbojns, ano the tljojns lobe fuffetetb long, ano is coucte*
fpjang up tint!) it, ano cboakeD it, ous, lobeenbtetb not, lobe oath not
ano tome fell on gooo gtouno, atto fcowarOlp, fuicllctb not, oealetbnot
fpjang up, ano bate frutt an IjunOicD Diftjonefflp, feeketb not bet own, ts
folo, ano as lie fuo tljeCc things, be not pjobokeo to anger, tbinhetb
erteo, ©e that bath ears to ban;, let noneebil, rejopcetlj not tn imquitp,
turn beat- ano bis otfttpfts asfeeo buttejopcetb tntbe truth, fuffetetb
bim, taping, caibatmanec of fmitlt all things, beliebetb all things, jjo-
tttocis this* ano be fato, untopou petb all things, enDuretlj all things.
tt ts gtben to know tlje ferrets of tbe Chough that pjopbefptng fan, ei*
liingtiotn of ©on, but to other bp pa< tljet tongues ceaft,oj knowieoge ba»
rabies, that wben tbep fee, tbep ntdi awap: pet lobe falletb neber a-
fcauio not fee, ana When tbep bear, wap- jfo? out knowieoge is unpet-
fbep tboulo not tinoerffano. cb.c pa= fect, ano out pjopbefping is unper*
rablets this, Cbe feeots tlje wojo feet; but when that which IS perfect
of @oo, Cbofe that ate befioe tbe is come, then that Wbitb iS unperfect
Wap, ate tbep tbat bear; then co ffiallbe Done awap. leibcuS was a
metbtbeoebtl; ano taketb awap tbe cbitoe, 3 fpake as a cbtioe, 3 unoct*
tnoio out of tbelt be arts, left tbep llooo as a cbtioe, 3 imagmeo as a
fbouio beltebe atto be fabeo- Cbep on cbtioe: but affbon as 3. was a man,
tbe ftones, ate tbep wbitb wben tbep 3 put awap cbtiotflmefs- Bow we
bear, recetbe the wojo Witb jop, ano feeinaglafS, eben in a oath fpeafe*
theft babe no rootS,wbtcb foj a wbtle Ing: but then ffjall We fee fate to
beltebe, ano in time of temptation face. Bow 3 know ttnpetftrtlp: but
go awap. ano tbat which feu among then (ball 3 know then as 3 am
tbojns, are tbep which Wben tbep known. Bow abtOetb faitlj. ©ape,
babebeatO,gofo?tb, aitO ate cljoak= ano lobe, eben tbefe tbjee, but tbs
eo witb tares, ano riches, ano bolup= chief of tbefe IS Lobe.
tuous iibtng, ano bjtng fojtb no The Gofpel ■
frutt- Cbep Wbtcb feu on tlje gooO CIUS took unto btm the twelbe, l,*.
grouno,are tljep wbtcb wttb a pure ano faio unto tbem,l5tbolo,wego
anogooo heart bear tbe wojo, ano up to 3erufaletn, ano all iball be ful=
Itecp tt,anO bjtng fojtb fruit though filleo, which ate wjtttcn bp the p?o=
patience. Pbets of the ®on of man. jfo? be
The Sunday called Quinquagefima. ffjall be oeltbeteo unto the ©entiles,
The Colled. ano (ball be mockeo,anO oelpltefullp
O jlojo Wbitb oott teach us, tbat tntreateo, ano Cpttteo on- ano when
all out Doings Without ebaritp, tbep babe fcoutgeo btm,tbcp will put
ate nothing wojtlj: feno tbp bolp him to Death, ano the tblto Dap be
@boft, ano pout into our hearts that ffjall tire again, ano tbep unoerffooo
mail ercetlcnt gift of cbaritp,tbe be= none of theft things, ano this fap=
rp bonO of peace ano all bertues, ing was bib from them, to that tbep
without tbe which wbotoebet libetb, petceibeo not the tbittgs wbitb were
is counteo Deao befOje thee: ©jant fpoken- ano it came to pars, that as
this foj thine onlgSwn SefitSCblittS Ijewascomenigbto lericljo, a cet*
falte. tatn blinoe man fat bptljebtgfrwap
The Epiftle. dot begging: ano when be tjeato the
Lottgb Slfpeab with tongues of people pars bp, be askeo what tt
men ano of angels, ano babe no meant, ano tbep fato unto him,that
lobe, 31 am ebeu as tottnotng bjafs, 3efus of Bajaretb paifto bp- ano be
o? as a ttnckltns cptnbal.ano though erteo, raping, 3efu, tbou fonofDa-
3 eotflO pjopbefie, ano unoetltano all bto, babe metcponme. atiO tbep
fecrets, ano all knowieoge: pea, tf Wbtcb went befoje, tebukeo btm,tljat
3 babe all faitb ib that 3 cottlo mobe be fbouio ijolo bis peace : but be
mountains out of tbtit plates, ana ctpeo ft much the mojc, Cbou ©on
The firft day of Lent. The firft Sunday in Lent.
of DaWti, Ijade mercy on me* Sim peat unto men bob) tljat tljep faff,
%zm flood mil, aim commanded alertly, 31 fay unto you, tljcy babe
Jim to be bmugljt unto ijtrn, &nd tbeir tewatb. But thou, when tbou
tnben \)t toajs come near3 ije agued faffed, anoint tljmeljeab, aim waib
inm3 faying OTbattutlttbott tljat 31 tbp face, tljat it appear not unto men
Oo unto Tljee T&nd Ije fatd, Lo?d3 bow tljat tljott fallen, but unto tfjy
that 31 mtfi®t recede myfigijt* and jFatbet which Is in lectet, aim tljy
3lefub laid unto ijtrn, Eecetoe tljy father Wbtcb feetb in feeret, fijall
Lgijt, thy faith bath faded thee* Tun rewatn tbee openly, lav not up fo?
immediately he tccetded l)td figijt, pout femes treafure upon eartb,
and followed him 3 platting; 0od, where tlje ruff ann mote botlj coy
.and all the people when they Cato it,tupt, anb wljeve tljeebes b?eak
gade p^alfe unto ®od* tb?ougb anb Heal t but lap up fo?
Thefirftday of Lent. poutteafutes inbeaben. Where net*
The Colled. tljee ruff no? moth noth tojtupt, atyj
f A Lmigbtp anb ebetiaffing ©on, Wijere tljeebes bo not b?eakth?ougu,
J\ which ijateff nothing that tljott no? Ileal, f o? wijere pour treature
bail mane, ana non fojgtbe the fins is, there will pour hearts he alfo.
of all them tljat be penitent; create
anb malic in us new ano contrite The firft Sunday in Lent.
hearts, tljat we wo?tbilP lamenting
cur fins, anb imowlebging our w?et- ■' The Coiled.
cljebnefs, map obtain of tljee, tlje
©ob of all mere)?, perfect remiflion
Lo?b, Which fo? out false biblf
faff fo?tp naps anb fo?tp rights;
anb fojgtbcnefs, tb?ouglj 3efus gibe us grate to tut uteb abfimence,
cimff- that out fleflj being lUbbueb to the
The Epiftle. fpirit, we map ebet obey tljp gooip
jod ».11. irarn you unto me with all pour motions. in ttgljteoufnefs aim true
A Ijearts, With fading, weeping, hoitnefs, to thy botto? aim gio?p,
anb mourning: tent pout hearts, which Ubeff anb teigneff, ®t.
anb not pour clothes, curn you tin
to the Lom pour ©on: fo? he is gta*
clous anb merciful, long>fuffettng
W The Epiftle.
© as helpers ctljoit pon,*
tljat pe teceibe not tlje grace
anb of great companion, ann teabp of ©ob in bain- jfo? he faitlj, 3ihabe
to patboit wicfceonefS. Chen (no heatb tljee in a time accepteb, anb
botibt) he alfo (hall turn aim ft?§tbe; tn the bap of falbatiott babe 31 fttcco?*
anb after IjtS cljaftentng, Ije fijall let eb thee. Behoin, now is that accept*
pour encreafe remain fo? meat aim eb time. Beboio, now is that nap
b?tnk=offertngs unto tlje JLo?b pout offalbattoit. Let us gibe noneocca*
©on. Blow out with tlje trumpet in fion of ebil.that in out office be founb
5ion, p?oclaim a faffing, tall the con* no fault: but in all things let us be*
geegation, ann gather the people to* babe out feibes as tlje minlffets of
getijett warn the congregation, ga* ©on, in much patience, in afflicti*
thertlje ©Wets, h?tng the ehilb?en ons,tnneceffities, tn anguilbes, in
anb fuchlitigs together- Let the fftlpes, inimp?tfonments,inftufes,
b?ibegtoom go fo?thof his chamber, in labo?S, in watchings, in fadings,
anb the b?tbe out of her clofet. Let tnpurenefS, in hnowieoge, tit long*
the pjieffS fetbe the Lo?n between fuffeting; tn klnotters, in the holy
the Po?ch ann the aitat, weeping ©hoff, in lobe unfeigned, in the Wo?b
ann faying, Be fabourable, © Lo?b, of ttutlj, in tlje power of ©on, bp the
befaboutable unto thP people, let anno? of ttgljteoufnefs on the right
not thine heritage hehjougbt to fuclj banb anb on the left, bp hono? anb
confufion, led the heathen belo?ns Oi(bono?,bpebtlrepo?t anb goob te* 1 ;
thereof. anijerefo?e (houlb they fas po?t, asbecetbcts,atmpetttue: as
among the heathen, i&heteis now unknown, anb pet known; as oping,
tljeit@obf ,-i. : . . anb behoin, we libe t as cljaftenen,
. Th;e Gofpel. r. , nub not killed ? as fo?towinff, anb
Mot .«•!«. 7ljcn pe faff, be not fab, as the pet always rnetrp i aspoo?,attb pet
V V hypocrites are *. fo? they bis* making manp rich t as Ijabittg no*
figure their faces, that it map ap< \thtng,anbpoireffing au things.
\ The
The fecond Sunday in Lent. The third Sunday in Lent.
The Gofpel. abffatttfcom fornication, atm that
Matt. 4.1 T80)Citptctt3eftm m$ lebaump oftbe eberp one of pott (bourn lutoto ijoto
mto the unlbernefg 3 to to beep ljts belfel tn boliitefs atm
betempteb of tlje bem atm ttUjen botto?, anb not tn tlje luff of concu-
be Ijab fatfeb fo?tp baps aim fo?tp ptfcence 3 as bo tlje heathen toljtclj
nights, be mas at tlje lalt an bum Imotn not 0ob : that no man op;
greb. anbinljentlje tempter came P?efs anb befrattb bis brother tit
totmbefatb * 3f tljou be the 00it bargaining, becattfe that tlje Lo?b
of ^oO, command tb at tljefe (tones ts tlje abenget of all fttclj things, as
he mabe b?eab* I3ut !je anftoereb toe tolb pott before 3 anb teiltfieb.
anb faib, at ts nmtten, ©an fljall jfo? 00b bath not calleb us unto
notltue bp b?cab onlp 3 but bp ebetp uttcleannefs, but unto Ijolinefs* l)z
mo?b tljat pjoceebetlj out oftbe therefore tljat befptfetb 3 befptfetb
moutljof 0ob- Cben tbe bebtl ta^ not mam but 00b, toljtcb bath fent
fcctb bint up into tbe bolp ettp, atm bis bolp Spirit among pom
fettetlj ijtm on a ptnacle of tlje tenn
ple^ atm faith unto btm, 31f tbott be
tbe 0>on of00b 5 call tbp felf bourn
JCfus The Gofpel.
fnent thence, anb beparteb
into tlje to ails of OJteanoSf's1'-

beablong: fo ? tt ts tontten, m (ball 0011:

ano Ijcfjom, avoomanof Ca¬
gtue btS angels charge ober tbee5 naan (toijtclj came out of tlje fame
atm utttb tljeir bairns tljep fljall bolb
toaft3)ct)!to unto Into, faying,5)aOe
tbeeup, left at attp time tbou baft mercy on me, £) LojD, tljou roit of
tbp foot againft a (tone, anb 3iefus Danis t my oaugljtet its pittoufly
ram unto him 3 3lttS (mitten again, nereotnitlj atieWl. OBtit Ije anfUtc=
Cbottibait not tempt tbe Lorn tbp reo fjer notijing at all. ano (jib of
^ob^gatn3 tlje beutl tafeetb btm up feipleo came ano befougljt ijtm, fay«
into an erceebtng high mountain^ tug, ®ettO (jet atuay, fo? flje ctietij
anb fbemetb btm all tlje fctngboms after us.TBut Ije anftnereo ano faio,
oftbe mo?lb, aim tbe glojp oftljem, 31 am not fent but to tlje loll Ojeep of
mm fattb unto btm, 8il tbefe brill tjjeljoufeoflifcaeU Cljeu tame tlje
31 gibe tljee, if tbou milt fail baton ano U)o?tljtppeo ijtm, faying, lo?o
anbmojttjipme. Cben fattb 31efu0 lielp me. Oe anftoereo ano fato, 31t
unto btm3 auotb €>atan: fo? tt is ip not meet to tafee tlje clnlojens
to?ttten3 Chou (bait mo?fljip tbe b?eao, ano call it to flags, gnje am
lo?b tbp ®ob 3 atm btm otteip (bait ftnereo anD fatO,Ctut(j Lo?o,fo? tbe
tljott ferbe, Cben tbe bebtl leabetlj Dogs eat of tlje crumbs tnljtdj fall
btm, anb bebolb tbe angels came from tljett mallets table. Cben 3ie»
anb mfntffreb unto him* fusanfujereoano faio unto bet, ©
The fecond Sunday in Lent. woman,great is tby faitlj. be it unto
The Colled. tbee eflen as tbou wilt, ano bee
A tmtgbtp 0ob 3 toljtclj boeft fee oaugbter was maDe Wljole cben tbe
tljat toe babe no pouter of our fame time.
femes to help our femes: beep tbou The third Sunday in Lent.
up botb outtoarblp tn our bobieS,
anb tnmatblp tn our fouls 3 tljat toe
map be befenbeb from all abberfr
tle03tobtcb map happen to the bobp,
W The Collefl.
€ befeecb tljee, almighty
©00, look upon tlje beatty
anb from all ebil thoughts 3 toljtcb Oefites of tby bumble fern ants, ano
map alfattlt atm hurt tlje faul^ ffretcb fo?tb tbe rtgbt baitO of tby
through 3lefus Cb?t(f> S@ajeliy to be out Defence againft all
The Epiftle. out enemies, tb?ouglj 3lefus Cb?itl
i Thcf. XTXJ& befeecb pott b?etb?en,anb ouriLojO. amen.
4.1. V V erboitpoubp tbeLo?b3e* The Epiiile.
fus, tbatpetncteafemo?e anb rno^e,
ebett as pe babe recelbeb of us, ijoto
e ye followers of ®oo, as Dear EpWf.jj
cbilo?en, ano walk in lobe, eflen
pe ought to toall^anbto pleafe 0ob. as Cb?tft lofleo us,ano gafle btmfelf
jfo? pe tmoto toljat commanbments fo? us att offering ano a faerifite of a
toe gabe pott bp our Lo?b 3efus fweetfafloito@oo. asfo? fo?nica<
Cbnit if0? tljtb is tlje mill of 0ob, tion ano ail uncleannefs, o? cofle*
cben pour banners; tbatpe Iboulb toufnefs, let it not be once namco
© among
The third Sunday in Lent. The fourth Sunday in Lent.
among you, ags it bccomcth ©amts, truAeb, nnb bibibetb W goobg. De
o? filthittefs, o? fooliih talking, o? that ig not mitb me, ig againA me;
jcHing,which arc not comely,but ta= anb be that gatberetb not mttb me,
thetgtttng of thanks, fo? this ye fcatteretb ab?oab,a ©Liben tbe un¬
know, that no whoremonger, eitljet clean fplrtt Ig gone out of a man, be
unclean perfon, o! coketous petfott, lualbetb though b?p placeg,feeblng
(tohu'h to a wo?ihippcr of atnages) reA; anbiubenbe finbetbnone, \yz
batlj any inheritance in tbe king* faltb > 3 mill return again into mp
bom of Cbnif, anb of ®oh. Let no boufe, mbence3 came out,
manbccewe youwith khintoorOS; toben be cometb, be finbetb it ftuept
fo? Uecaufe of fuel) things cometb anb garnlAjeb; cbeit goetb be, anb
the wrath of ®oa upon the cljilo?en tatab to blm leben other fpintg
ofhtfokehience. 'Be ye not therefore mo?Ce tljen btmfelf, anb tbep enter lit
companions of them.lie in ere Come- anb brnetl there; anb the cab of that
times hatknefS, but. noto are ye man Ig mo?fe then the beginnings
light in tije Lo?51 walk as chtihren 3nb It fo?ttmeb, that ag be fpabe
of light t fo? the fruit of the ©pint tbefetblngg,a certain mootan of the
conWietb tit ail goobnel'S.anb rights companpllftupbicbolce, anb faib
oufnefs, ann truth* accept that unto him, S>appp Ig the momb that
which is pleating unto the Lo?h, bare thee, anb the papg lubieb gabs
anb babe no fellotolbtp with the uu= tbeefuciu But befatb,^ea, bappp
fruitful works of bathnefs, but ta= are tbep that bear the ioo?b of^ob,
tljet rebuke them, fo? it is a thame anb beep its
eben to name thofe things Which The fourth Sunday in Lent.
ate none of them in fettet: but all
things when they ate brought forth The Coiled.
by the light,ate mantfefl , fo? What= Eantiuebefeecbtbec, almlgljtp
foebet is mantfeft,the fame is light. $ob, that toe tublcb foz our ebti
©Therefore he faith, awake tljott beebg are luoitbllp pumAjeb, fop the
that ileepcil, $ llano up from heath, comfort of tbp grace map metdutilp
anb Chrift ihali gibe thee light- be reliebeb, t&ougb our to^b 3elug
TheGofpeL CbilA- Simcn.
Luke ii. IT dug mag caAing out a bemi that TheEpiftle.
**• J lung bumb, Slab mben be bab caff Clime (pe that beftre to be urn
oitttbebebtl,tbe bumbfpabe, anb bertbeLani)bo pe not beat of
tbe people monb?eb, But feme of tlje Lain f iFc? it Ig molten, that a*
them fatb, ©e caftetlj out bebllg b^abam bab tuw fong t the one bp a
though Beelzebub the chief of tlje bonbmaib, the other bp a freeauo-
beblig, anb otbetg tempteb him, mans l^ea, aubbeuibicbiuagbo^it
anb teciutrcb of Ijim a figne from oftbebonbTbcman luag bom after
beaben 'But ije fcnommg tbelt tbeAeA); but beublcb mag bom of
tbougbtg, fait* unto him, €berp the free tuoman, mag bom bp pm^
blngbombtbtbebagatnAtt felf, ig mlfe. coblcb tbingo arefpoben bp
betblate, anb one bottfe both fall up* anallegomt fo^ tbefe are tmo teAa*
on anotperSf €>atan alfo be btbtbeb mentg, the one from the mount
agatitA bmtfelf, bom fljali big Mnp %im, mblcb genmetb unto bom
bomenbure? Becaufepefap, 3 can bage, mblcb i# ligar: fo? mount
out bebilg tbmugb Beelzebub, 3f3 0ina Ig ^Igar tn Arabia, anb bobber*1
bp tbe help of Beelzebub call out be^ etb upon the dtp mblcb ig nom cab
btlg, bp toljafe help bo pour cbllb?en leblolerufalem, anb Igmbonbage
call them out t cberefo?e (ball tbep mitbbercbilb?en. But 5)ierufaiem
he poutjubgegs But if3 bp the Am mbtcb ig abobe, tg free, mbttb to tlje
get of ®ob can out bebtlg, no bottbt mother ofitg alls ifo? it Igiuntten,
tbe fcmgbom of ®ob igconte upon Eelolce thou barren that beatcA no
pom CBben a Arons uian arrneb cbilb?en, b?eabfo?tb, anberp thou
matebetb big bonfe, tbe tbingg that thattrabeileAnot; fo? tbebefolate
be polWetb are in peace ; buttoben bath manp moe cbllb?en then Aie
a Atonget then be cometb upon btm, mbtcb bath an bugbanb. B?etb?cn,
anb obercnmctlj him,be tabetb from me are after 3faac the cbilb?en of
him all W barnefg , mbetetn be p?omlfe. But ag then be that mag
The fifth Sunday in Lent.
8b?it after tbefle(b,perfccuteb him p?efctbeb ebermo?e both in boby anb
that ma0 bam after the fpirtt t eben fouI,tb?ougb 3efu0 Ch?i(tour no?m
fo it noun iftcbertbelete, mhat The Epiftle.
faith the Scripture: put amay the
bonb monran anti her fen x fo? the
Clb?ift being an high 13?icft of
goob tljingb to come, came by
fon of the bonb moman (hall not he a greater anb a mo?e perfect taker*
heir mitl) the fon of the free-too man, nacle, not mabe mitb h an b^,that t$
00 then, b?etb?en, toe are not chtl to fay,not of tijte builbtng, neither
b?cn of the bonb* woman, hut of the hy the bloob of goato anb ealbeb:
frce=moman. but by bib orou hloob he entreb in
The Gofpel. once into the holy place, anb fount*
Cflt0 beparteb obet the fea of eternal rebemptiomfo? if the hloob
Joh. 6.x.
I lilee,mljtcij te the fea of Ciberta0,
anb a great multitutse foilomeb
ofoten anb of goat#, anb the albes?
of a yong com, mben it 10 fp?tnbleb,
Ijinij, hetattfe then fato W miracle^ puiifteth the unclean, a0 touching
mhich he bib on them that mere big the purifying ofthefieih : horn much
eafeb- anb 3eftte ment up into a mo?e (hall the hloob of €b?ift, mijtch
mountani,anb there he fat mitb bt0 th?ottgh the eternal spirit offereb
btfciple0. anb Caller (afeaftofthe himfelf mithout fpot to Cob, purge
3ietu^; mannish.® hen 3efu0 then your confcienceb from beabmo?b0,
lift up bte 3 anb faro a great fo? to ferbe the Iibing Cob t anb fo?
company come unto him,be faib urn thtecaufetehethe^ebiato? of the
to Philip 5 OThence (hall roe buy nem Ceftanicnt, that th?ough the
lueab, tljatthefe may eat t Cbtebe beathmljichchanceb fo? the rebeim
faib to p?obe him , fo? he himfelf ption of thofe tranfgrelftoite that
bncmmbatbemoulbbo. Philip am mere unber the firft Ccftament;,
fiuereb him , emo httub?eb peny they mhich are calleb, might receibe
mo?tb of b?eab are not fuffictent fo? the p?omife of eternal inheritance*
them 3 that eberv man may take a The Gofpel.
little. Due of hi0 Mfctpless (anb?em
0imon peterb h?otljerj faith unto
Wfpich of you can rebuke me J°h-8- 4$
of fin f lit'31 fay the truth,
him, chere i$ a lab rohich hath fibe mhyho ye not hdiebemef ibe that
barley loabc0, anbtruo fftbeb: but 10 of Cob, bearctb Cob0 mo?b0: ye
mhat are they among fo many t anb therefo?e hear them not, hecaufe ye *
3efus faib, $2abe the people fit are not of Cob. Chen anfmereb the
baron. Chere ma0 much grate in the 3em0, anb faib unto him, 0ay me
place. 0o the men fat boton in mint* not well, that thou art a 0amati*
ber about fibe thoufanb.Tub 3.efu0 tan, anb halt a bebil 13eftt0 anfrne*
took the b?eab, anb rohen he hab gt- reb,3 babe not a bebil: but 3 banc?
ben tbanlte,hegabe to the btfctple0, my if ather, anb ye babe bi(bono?eb
anb the bifeipies to them that mere me. 3 feeb not mine omn p?aife.
fet bourn: anb Ubemife of the fifbe0 there 10 one that feebetb anb jubg
n0 much a0 they moulb. oihentbey etb* ftfetiiy berily 3 fay unto you,
hab eaten enough, he faib unto hi0 3faman beep my faying, he flmil
bifcipic0,Catber up the b?obenmeat neber feebeath Chentaib the 3em0
mhich remainetb, that nothing be unto him, jOomimom me that thou
loft. Smb they gatljereb it together, haft a bebil. ab?abam 10 beab, anb
anb filleb trnelbe ba0bct0 mith the thep?ophet0 : anb tboufayeft,3fa
b?oben meat of the ftbe barley man beep my faying, he (hall neber
loabe0, mhich h?oben meat remaim tafte heath* art thou greater then
cb unto them that hab eaten. Chen our father ah?aham mhich tebeab?
thofe men (mben they hab feenthe anb the P?ophet0 are beab: rnhom
miracle that 3,efu0 bib) faib, Cbte tnabeftthou thyfelff 3efu0 anftue*
10 of a truth the faniep?ophet that reb,3f3bon5?mufelf, minehotio?
(houlb come into the mo?!b. 10 nothing: It 10 my if ather that
The fifth Sunday in Lent. hona?etl) me, mhich ye fay 10 your
The Colleft. Cob, anb yet ye habc not bnaunt
'\7\ 7€ bcfeech thee almighty him:hut 3 bnomhim. anb if 3fay?
V V cob, mercifully to look 3 bnom hint not, 3 (ball be a lyar
upon thy people, thatby thy great like unto you, 'But 3 bnom htm,anb
goobnete they may lie gobcrneb anb 0 2 beep
The Sunday next before Eafter.
keep W taping. £our father ab?a* | But tbepfnto, noton the holpoap,
ftam ma# giao to fee mp nap x ano he s left there be an uproar among the
fain It, ano rcjopceo* Chen fain the people* tKftbnt 3efu# mag m Be*
3em# unto him, Chou art not pet thanp, in the boufe of Smnon the
fiftn near# oio, ano haft thou feen leper, there came unto him arno*
ahfaham i 3efus faio unto them, man, habing an aiabafter bot of
(Ilerilp berilp 31 tap unto pou, Cre p?ectott# ointment, ano pom?eo it
abja&am ma# bom, 31 am* Chen on his heao a# he fat at the boaro*
took thep up ftone# to eaft at him* But mben his oifciplc# faio it, thep
But 3efu# bto himfelf, ano ment hao inotgnation, taping, CMereta
out of the temple* ferbeth this mafte i ChiS opntment
The Sunday next before Eafter, might habe been loellfoio, ano gi*
The Collet. ben to the poo?*' CCUjcn 3efu# um
A lmlgbtp ano ebetlafting ®oO, oetftooo that, he faio unto them*
mbtcl) of thP tenoer lobe to* f£lhP trouble pe the mornan i fo? (he
maro# man haft tent our ©abio? hath fought a gooo mo?k upon
3efu# Ch?ift^ to take upon him our me* ifo? pe habe the poo? allnap#
flelb, ano to fuffer Oeath upon-the lolth pou, but me pe (ball not habe
ctof#, that all mankmoe fbouiofol* altoav#* &no in that (be batb caft
loin the example of iji# great httmtlt* tljiS opntment on mp boop, fbe oio
tp: merctfullp grant, that me both it to burp me* SJeriip 3 fap unto
folio to the erample of his patience, pou,©Llbercfoeber this gofpel fljall
ano he maoe partaker# of his refur^ ne p?eacbeo in all tbemo^to, there
section, through the fame 3efuS (ball alfo this betoio that flje hath
Chittt our !o?0* oone fo? a memorial of her- Chen
oneofttjetmelbe (mbtcbma# calico
Phil. 2.J.
The Epiftle.
et tlje fame minae be ftt you. 3uoa# Ifcariot) loent unto the chief
that ma# alfo in Chuft 3efu#> pneft#,ano faio unto them, (KLlhat
tohieh mhen he ma# mthe (hape of tutiipegibeme, ano 3 milioelibet
®oo 3 thought it no rohherp to be him unto pou t ano tijep appointeo
equal mitb ®bO: nebettbelef# , he unto him tljtctp piece# of fiiber^nO
maoe himfelf of no reputation , ta* from that time fo?th he fought op*
king onhimtheflaape of a ferbant, po?tumtp to betrap him* Che firft
ano became like unto men* ano mag oap of fmeet b?eao, the Oifciple#
founo in his apparel a# a man* (pe came to 3efu#, (aping to him,inhere
humbleo himfelf , ano became oue* unit thou that me prepare fo? thee to
oient unto the oeath,eben the Oeath eat the paftober i ano he faio, 00 tit*
oftheccofs* fflberefoje dpoo hath to the citp to fuch a tnan,anO fap un*
alfo etalteo him on high, ano gtben to him, Cbe Rafter faith, $)p time
him a name, tuijich is abobe all t# at hano, 3 mill keep mp eafter bp
name#, that at the name of 3efttg thee mtth mp oifciple#* ano the Oi*
cberp knee (houio born, both of fciple#0i0a#3efu# hao appointeo
fhmgg in beaben, ano things in them, ano thep maoe reaop the pair*
earth , ano thing# ttnOer the earth, ober* (KDlhen the eben tna# come, he
ano that all tongue# ftjouio confer# fat Oomn mith the trneibe: ano n#
that 3efu# Chnft is the Lo?o, unto thep oio eat,he fmo,2leriip 3 fap tut*
the p?aife of $oO the father* to pou, that one of pou (ball betrap
The Gofpel. me* ano tbep mere erceeoittg fo?-
Mat. z6. i . A ISO it came to paf#,mben 3efu# romful,anO began ebetp one of tljem
jOl hao finilheo all there taping#, to fap unto bint, Lo?0,3s it 3 i Ipe
he faio unto hi# oifciples, £e knom anfmereo ano faio, fyz that oippeth
that after turn oap# (ball be eafter, bi# bano mitb me in the Oiib, tlje
anOthefonof man (hall beoeliber* fame (ball betrap me- Cbe^onof
eoobertobecrucifieO. Chenaftenv man ttuelp goetb out a# it i# m?it;
bieo together the chief Jjty'eft# ano ten ofijim x but mo unto that man
the Scribe#, ano the eioersof the bp inborn tbe &on of man 1# betrap-
people, unto the palace of the high eo: it fjao been gooo fo? that man if
P?ieft,f mijicb urn# calieocaiapha#) be bao not been bo*m Cbnt 3uoas
anoheloacouncei, that thep might mbicb betcapeo bint, anfmereo anti
take lefu# bp fubtiltp, ano kill hum ftuo, Rafter, t# it 3 ♦ $>e laio unto
The Sunday next before Eafteri •,

tt, aim gabe it to the atfctples, aim hour to at hana, ana the ©on of matt
fata,Cafe,eat, this is nip boap. ana is bettapea into the hanas of unnets:
be took the cup , nub tbankea, ana Rife, let us be going, betjolB, he ts at
Babe tt to them,taping. Dunk pe all pet fpake, Both
hana that betrap me. ULlhtle he
loe,3uBas,one of the num¬
of tips, to? tins ismp bip°B(b)htcb ber of the tioeibe,
to of the ncm Ceftament) ttjat tefljca a great multttuaecame,ana totth htnt
fonnanp, foj the temiffton of fins, (lanes, fent from totth fwojas ana
■But 3 fop unto pou, 3 will not Bjtnk ana ciaets of the people: the chief Pjtctts
but he that
bcncefojtb af tljiS fruit of the btne< bettapea bint gabe them a token, lav¬
tree,until that aap inljcn 3 fljnU sunk
tt netu with pou in rnp fathers king- he, ing, mhomfoebet 3 ktfS, the fame ts
noth. ana token thep haa rata grace, came hoia him fait- ana forthwith he
thep toent out unto mount ©hbet. ana ktffen to lefus ana fata, fratl matter,
Chen fata lefus unto them, ail pe ljtm. ana lefus fata unto
maifbe offenaea b caufe of mT biS htm, frtena, Wbetefoje art thou
ntgltt: foi tt ts wjttteu, 3 totll finite
the ©bepfjeen, ana the (beep of the
flock (hall uefcattetea abjoan: but af¬ beboto, one of them Which were With
ter 3 am tifen again, 3 will go befoje lefus, ftretcljea out htS hana, ana
vou into ©aitlee.peter anrioetea ana Bjew hts (worn, ana ftrook a tttbnnt
fain unto him, Chough all men be of of the high Pitefts, ana fmo te off hts
fenoea becaufe of thee, pet totll not 3 ear. Chen faia lefus unto him,put
be offenaea. 3efus fata unto -lpm, up tb? fwo(B into tlje (heath tfo? all
ricnlp 3 fap unto tljee, that in this with tljep that take the fwo?a, (hail petttti
fame night befo?etlje cock ctotp, thou cannot the fwoia. chtnkeft thou that |
(halt Ben? me tbltce. Petcr fain unto he (ball now gibe
p?ap to mp father, ana
me then now mo?e then
him, &ea, though 3 fltouia mc ujith twelbe legtons of angels i 'But how
thee, pet mill 3 not aenp thee, JLtke- then (hall the ©captures
tutfe tiifo fata all tlje atfctples. Chen f02 thus mufl it be- Inbethat fulfffleB?
came jefus totth them unto a farm hour fata lefus to the multttuae,fame »e
Place (tubtclj is calico Gethfemane) ailB be come out as tt were to a thief,wtth
fata unto the atfctples, ©tt pe here fwojas ana ftabes foj to take me. ,1
while 3 go ana piap ponaet. ana he fat Bail? with pou teaching tn the
took wtth hint peter ana the two temple, ana pe took me not. But all
tons of >cbeBce,nitB began to war fat tljiS was none that the Scriptures
towful ana beabp. Chen fata lefus of the Piophets might be fttlftUen.
unto them, Sgp foul is Ijeabp unto the Chen all the atfctples foifook him,
Death *. tatrp pe here ana watch with ana flea, ana thep took lefus, ami
me. ana lie went a little further,ana
fell fiat on htS face, anapjnpea, fap- lea bun to CatapbaS the high Plteft,
tint,® mp father, tf it be potable,let wljete the ©tribes ana the Ciaets
tilts cup pafs from me t nebettljelefS, Ijtm afar off unto"But
were alfemblea. Peter followcn
tlje high PJteffS pa¬
not as 3 will, but as tfjott wilt, ana lace, ana went in, ana fat wtth w
he came unto the atfctples ana founB
them afleep, ana faia unto peter, ferbants to Re the ena. Che chief
GLlhat, coula pe not watch with me Pttcfts ana ciaets, ana all the coup
one hour f eaatcb ana piap, that pe fits, foj tofalfe
cel fought wttnefs agatnff 3 f
enter not into temptation: Che (pi¬ foutia none: put Ijtm to neath, but
pea, when man? falfe
nt ts wilting, but the fleflj ts weak, wttneffes came,
be went awap once again, anapjap- at the laff came petfottna the? none,
ca, taping,® mp father, tf this cup ana fata, cuts fellow fata, wttneffes,
two falfe
3 am able
mav not pafS awap from me, accept 3 to oeltrop the temple of ©on, ana ta
Blink of it, tljv will be fuifUlca. ana butia tt again tn tijjee Baps, ana the
he came ana founo them alleep again, chief pjtcft arofe, ana faia unto him,
fot thett tpcs were ijeabp. ana he
® tfsras'S'ffi i
left them,ana went again,ana pjapea
The Sunday next 1 )efoft Elafter.
jefug helB hfg pence, anB the chief fury, becaufc it ig the puce of blooh*
pueft anfmereh, aim faih unto him, anh they took counfel, mm bought
3S charge thee bp the libiug vSdob that mith them a potterg fielh to bury
thou tell ug, mhether thoubeChUft ftrangerg in. Odberefom the fielhig
the @on of^oB.jefug faih unto hint, calleh Aceldama } tfjat ig , tijC fi£lB Of
Chou haft fairs, Beberthelefg 3 tap blooh, until thib Bay. Chen mag ful*
unto you, hereafter fijallye fee the filleh that mhich mag fpoken by 3iere*
%m of man fitting on the right hand my the pmphet, faying, aim they
of pomer, anB coming in the cl ouhg took thirty fuber piateg, the puce of
of the glue, Chen the high Pueft him that mag balueh, mijom they
rent W clotpeg, raping, W hath fpo- bought of the chilh^en of Tfrael, anti
ken blafphemy, mhatneehmeofany gabe them foi the potterg fielh ag the
mo?e mttitefieg? Beboih,ttom pe babe !Lo?Bappoint£B nte. Tefug ftooh be*
heath big blafphemy, mijat think ye? fo?e the Deputy,anh the Deputy agk*
Chep anfmereh anB fait!, f>e id mo?* eh him, faying, art thou the Htng
tnpto hie. Chen Bin thepfptt in big of the 3iemg ? 3efug faih unto him?
face, aim buffeteh hint unth fiftg- SMB Chou fapft. anh rnijeu he mag accu*
other frnote him on the face mith the feh of the chief Pueft mm Ciherg, he
palm of their banhg, faying. Cell tig, anfmereh nothing. Chen fam Pilate
thou Chuff? mho ig he that frnote unto htm,ii)eareft thou not horn many
thee ? peter fat mitljout in the mttneffeg they lay againft thee? anh
Court, atm a Damofel came to him, he anfmereh huu to neber a mom, in*
Taping, Chou alfo mail fmtij 3efttg of fomuch that the Deputy matbelleh
Galilee. But he taenien before them greatly, at that feaft the Deputy
all,faying, 3 mot not rohat thou fapft. mag mont to Beiiber unto the people
CUben he mag gone out into the a pnfoner mhom they mouiB Befire.
pomh, another mench fam him, mm De hah then a notable pnfoner calleh
fain unto them that mere there,Cht£ Barabbag. Cberefo?e mheit they
fellom alfo mag mtth3}efug of jea^a* mere gatbereh together, Pilate fato,
tetb. anB again he hemeh mith an OThethet mill ye that 3 gibe loofe
oath? faying,3 bo not knom the man. unto you, Barabbag, o? 3iefug mhich
Sifter a mhtle came unto hint they ig calleh Chuff ? he knem that fo?
that ftooB bp, miB fam unto Peter -, enby they lum heitbereh bint. OTjeu
purely thoii art eben one of them, fo? he mag fet homn to gibe jtthgement,
thy fpeecij bemmpeth thee. Chen be* big mife Cent unto him, faying, Dabe
gan he to curfe anB to fmear, that he thou nothing to ho mith that juft
knem not the man. anB immeBiatelp man, To? 3 habe fuffereh thig hay
the cock crem aim peter remembmh many thingg in my fteep becaufe of
the mom of Mug, mhich faiB unto him. But the chief Pueftg anh €1*
him, 'Befom the cock crom, thou (halt Berg perfmaheh the people that they
Benp me thrice t anB he ment otttanh ihoulh agk Barabbag, anh heffrob
mept bitterly. OTbeit the morning Mug. Che Deputy anfmereh, anh
mag come, all the chief feeftg anB faih unto them, COhether of the
ClBerg of the people helB a councel tmain mill ye that 3 let loofe untoi
againft 3efttg to put him to heath? you? chey faih, Barabbag. Pilate
anhhmught himbounh, mm heliber* faih unto them, OLihat fl)au 3 ha
eh him unto Pouting Pilate the De* then mith Mug, mhich ig calleh
putp. CbettTuhag mhich hah betray* Chuff ? Chey all faih unto him. Let
eh him (feeing that be mag coimenu him be crucifieh. Che Deputy faih,
neh) repenteh himfelf, atm brought OLihat ebil bath he Bone? But tljep
again the thirty piateg of filber to the cryeh the mom? faying, Let him be
thiefPueftganBciherg,faying? 3 crucifteh. mbtn Pilate fam that he
babefinneh, betraying the innocent cotiih p?ebatl nothing, but that mom
Bloch. aim they fam, cohat ig that btifinefg mag mahe, he took matec
to ug ? fee thou to that, anh ue call anh malheh hig haithg before the peo*
homn the filber piateg in the temple, pie, faying, 3 am innocent of the
anh heparteo, aim ment mm hangeh blooh of thig juft perfon,fee ye. Chen
mtmfelf. anh the chief Pueftg took anfmereh all the people anh faih, Dig
the filber piateg, aim Cam, Tit ig not blooh be on ug, anh on our clnlhmn.
lawful ft?? toputthcm into the trem Chen let he Barabbag loofe unto
Sunday next before Eafter. Munday before Eafter.
them, anti fcourged jefud , mtd deli* nip ©oo, WIjp fiafE tljou fojfakcit me i
dered him to be crucified* Cbcn the ©omc of them tljat ftooo tljctc, when
fainter^ of the Deputy tookjefus in* tljep bearo tljat, fain, ©Ijts man cal-
to the common pall, and gathered letlj fo? ©lias, ano fi&mgbtwap one
imtoljtm all the company, and they of tljent ran anO took a fpllnge, ano
dripped him, and put on ijim a pur* uiljcit ije Ijao filleo it full of kineger,
pie robe 3 and platted a croton of Ije put it on a reeO, ano sane Ijtm to
thomd,and put it upon W head, and flunk, ©tbetfato.JLetbe, letup fee
a teed tnhtd right hand, and bowed whether Clias unll come ano oelikee
tbe knee before him , and mocked Ijlm. jefus when Ije bao ctpeo again
flint) faying, $)aii &tng oftlje Sewd- wttlj a louo kotce, pteioeb up tlje
3nd utljett they had fpit upon pirn, ©baft, ano beljoio, tljenailof tlje
they took the reed, and fmote bim on temple oio reno in two pacts front
tije bead, and after that tbey bad tlje top to tbe bottom, ano tlje tartb
mocked bim, tijey took tbe robe off oio quake, ano tbe nones rent, ano
bint again, and put hid oum raiment Stakes oto open, ano man? booms
on bim, and led bun away toerttetfie of faints which ftept arofe, ano went
bim, 8nd ad they came out, they out of tlje stakes, after ijtss teintre»
found a man of Cyiene, named git* etton, ano came into tbe bolp ettp,
mon, bim tijey compelled to bear big ano appeareo unto manp. ffiLlljen tbe
crofd- and tijey came unto tbe place centurion, ano tbep tljat Were toitb
wbicb is called Golgotha 3 (tpat id to ijim loatebins Jcftis, ram tbe cat tip
fay, a place of dead mend dkuld) and quake, ano tbofe tbinss Which ijap*
gabe ijim bineget mingled toitb gall peneo, tbep feateo sreatip, inputs,
to dunk, audioben be tatted thereof Ctuelp this was tbe ©on of @oo.
be mould not d^ittk* flllben they bad 3nO manp women Were tljere (be=
crucified bim, tijey parted bid gar* boiotng bim afar off) wljicb followeo
mentd,and did call lotd,tbat it migbt aefus from ©alilee mlniftrtng unto
be fulfilled roljicb mad fpoken by tbe bim; amons Which was ®arp s@ag«
IS^opijet, Cbey parted my garmentd Oalene, ano ®atp tbe motber of
among them, and upon my beffure 3iames ano Safes, ano tbe mother of
did tijey call lotd- and they fat and 5cbeoecs cbilO?en.
matched bint there, and fetupober
bid Ijeadtfjecaufeof bid death m?it* Munday before Eafter.
ten, This is Jesus the King of the Jews.
Chen mere there tmo tbtebed cruet* . The Epiftle.
fied mttbbim, one on the right hand,
and the other on the left Cbey that
paffed by, rebiled him, magging tljeir
WiMtfromis tljiS tljat eometlj ew.^.
©Dorn, With reo
beadd,and faying, Cbou that deffroy* eoloureo clotljes of
edft tlje temple of <$5od,and didft build 'Bafra (which is fo eoftlp elotb) ano
it in tfeee dayd * fabe tljy felt 3f cometb in fo miSljtilp with all lufl
thou be tbe 0ou of <g>od, comedomn ftrenstbf 31 am be tljat teaeljetlj
from the ctofd* Ltkemtfe aifo the risbteoufnet’S, ano am of power to
high Pu'effd mocking bint miththe help fflljerefoje tljen is tljp clotljins
scribed and ciderd raid, ipe fabed reo, ano tbp raiment like bits that
other, himfeif he cannot fabe* 3IHje treaoetb in tlje wine>p?efSf 3 bake
be tlje king of 3ifrael, let hint nom trooen tbe p?efs mp felf alone, ano
come domn from the crofd, and me of ail people there is not one With
mill beliebe him. l^e trufted in ®od, me- Cbuss Will 3 tteno oowit mine
letljimdeiiber him nom, if be mill enemies tit mp wwtfj, ano fet mp
babe him: fo^ ije faid, 31 am the 0on feet upon them In mine inOignation,
of <£od* Che tbtebed aifo mhiclj anO tljeir blooo (bail bcfpung mp
mere crucified mitlj him, can the clothes, anO fo will j ftatn all mp
fame in hid teeth* from tlje firth tapment- joi the Oap of kengeatue
hour mad there darknefd ober all tlje is affigneD in mp heart, ano tbe pear
land until the ninth hour* 3nd about when mp people (ball beoellkereois
tlje ninth hour, 3lefttd cryed mttb a come, 3 lookeo about me, ano
loud boice, faying, eh, eh, iama-fa- there was no man to (Ijew me anp
bachthani, that 13 to tap, ©p «goo. help. 3 matkelieo that no man beto
Munday before Eafter#
nte up. Cljen 3 Ijeln me bp mute, generation of tljtne heritage. ChP
mn atm 5 anb mp ferbentnefg fu people babe bats but a little of tbP
fiaineb me. anti tljug mill 3 treab fanctuatp fn pofTcfTfon 3 fo? out ene-
bourn the people fit mp m?atfj, aito nifeg babe trotsett tsotmt tljp bcslP
batlje them In mp btfpieaftitc , anb place, ants toe mete tljtne ftom the
upon tlje earth lutll 31 lap tljeit beginning, mijett tljou matt not their
ftrettgtlj. 31 tutil hectare ttje goobttefg Ho?b, fo? tljep babe not catleb upoit-
of tlje no?b, pea, anb tlje p?aife of tbp Bame.
tlje llo?b, fo? all that Ije bath giben
m 3 fo? tlje great soon that he ijatlj
bone fo? 3ftael, tutttct) be Ijatl) siben
them of big omn fabo?, anb acco?m
The Gofpel.
fter tmo tsapg mag latter ants Maw 4-i!
tlje tsapg of frneet b?eab- anb
mg to the muitftuoe of W looms tlje Ijiglj p?iettg anb the feribeg fought
itmbncfg. f o? be faib, Cljefe, no bom tljep might take him bp craft,
bottbt ate nip people , anb no ttj?mk* anb put hint to beatfj- But tkep
ins cljilb?en : anb fo ije mag tljett ^a* faib, Bot in tlje feattbap, left anp
bio?. 3n tljett ttottbleg Ije mag alfo bufinefg atife among tlje people;
f roubleb tmtlj tljent , anb the 3ng&l anb mijenlje mag in Betljanp in the
that mettt fo?tb ftom IjfO p?efence be* Ijoufe of 0imon the leper, ebenag
ifbcteti tljent. Of betp lobe anb be fat at meat, there cameamoman
kinbnefg tljat ije bab unto tljent 3 Ije Ijabing analabattet bot of opntment
tebeemeb them, S>e Ijatlj bout tljent3 calleb Nard, that mag pure anb can*
mb cattteb them up ebet ftnce tlje lp, anbttjeb?aketlje bot, anbpom?*
mo?ib began. 'But after tljep p?obO; eo it upon ljt0 Ijeab* anb there mete
Mb him to m?atb, anb bcrcb big fome that mere not content mitljiit
Ijoip rnfnti 3 be mag tljett ettemp, anb tbemfeibeg, anb faib, OTjat neeb=
tougljt agatntt tljent ijtntfelf. £et eb tljigi matte of ointment? fo? it
rememh?eb Jftaei tlje olb time of might babe been folb fo? mo?e then
S^ofeg anb big people 3 raping 3 tlj?eeljunb?eb pence, anb Ijabe been
©liberetss be that inousijt tljent ftom gtben to tlje poo?: anb tljep grtibgeb
tlje mater of tlje fea 3 mttb tljent tljat againtt her. anb 3efug faib, let
febbtgfbeepf inhere igije tbat ijatlj bet alone, mbp trouble pe bet t 0be
gtben big bolp Spirit among them t Ijatlj bone a goob mo?k on me: fo? pe
Sje let? tljent bp tlje right Ijano ot93o^ babe the poo? mitlj pou almapg, anb
m mttijijig gio?iougaun, bfbtotng mljenfoebet pe mill, pemap bo them
tlje tauter before them, mljetebp be goob: but me babe pe not almapg.
gat bfntfelfan eberlatting name, ije €>be hath bone tljat ttje coulb, (be
lets tljent tn.ttje oeep 3 ass an ho?fe tg came afo?ebanb to anoint mp bobp ta
lets In tlje plant 3 tljat tljep (boulti not the burping. £Jertip, 3 fap unto
Humble ag a tame bead goetb fn tlje pou, iKUberefoebet tljig gofpel (ball
fteib 3 ants tlje b?eatb gtben of ®ob, Be p?eacljeb tbo?omout the mijole
gibetb btm ten. ©jug 3 O ®ob, mo?lb, tbig alio that ttje bath bone,
ban tljou lets tljp people 3 to make ttjallbe teheatfeb in rememb?ance of
tbp felf a glo?toug name mttljal. bet. anb 3ubag 3fcatiotoneof the
Hook bo tun tljen ftom beabett 3 ants tmeibe, ment amap unto tlje high
bebolo tlje bmeiltng place of tljp P?iettg to betrap hint unto tljent.
^anctuarp 3 ants tljp glo?p. ®>om ig ©liken tljep hearb that, tljep mete
tt that tljp jealottfie, tljp tttengtk, the Slab, anb p?omifeb that tljep mouth
ntultttuoe of tljp meteteg 3 aitb tljp gibe him monep, anb Ije fought hom
lobtng kinbnefg mill not be entreat* be might conbenientip betrap Ijtm.
cbofttg? pet art tljou out father: anb tlje fittt bap of Cmeet b?eab (mbeit
fo? ab?aljam knometlj ug not3neftber tljep offereb the paftobet) big bitci-
fg 3ftael acquainteb mttlj ug. But pleg faib unto ijtm^ ©lUjete milt tljou
tljou lo?b art out father anb re* tljat me go anb p?epare, that tljou
beemet, ants tljp name fg cberlatt* mapett eat tlje palfobet t anb be fent
fug 3 O Lorn.-, mkcrefo?eijatt tljou leb fo?tij tmo of big btfcipleg, anb faib
ug out of the maprmhetefo?e ban tljou unto them, <®o pc into tlje citp, anb
Ijartsencts out ijeartg 3 that use feat tljete fljallmeet pou a man beating
tljee not f Be at one tmtlj ug again a pitcher of mater, follom him.
fo? tljp fetbantg fake 3 ants fo? the anb mijttijetfoebet be goetb in ,
Munday before Eafter.
fap pc unto the goon wait of tfjc anagonp, atm rain unto them, m?
boufe, dje fatter faith, ffiubere is foul t0 beabp eben unto tbe neatb t
the ncuett chamber, toliete 3 (ball cat tatrp pe bere ana toateb. ana be
tije paffobet toitb nty nifctplcs f ana toent fo?tlj a little, ana fell noton flat
Ijc will fbeto pou a peat patio? ontbegrouiin, ana p?apen, that if it
paiico aim p?epacen, tljete make rea= toete poflible, tbe bout might pafs
bp fo? 110. aim WB aictples toent from bun. ana be fam, Abba jfathcr,
fo?tlj, aim came Into tljc citp, ana all tljingo are poflible tmto tbee, take
fount) ns be (wo fam unto them, ana atoap tljm cup fcom me • J9ebertbe*
tljcp inaac reaap tljc pafpoact. ana Ief0, not 30 3 toill, but tljat tbou tout
toljeit it tuas now ebentiae, became be none, ana be came ana founn them
tottij tljc ftoelbe: aim as tljep fat at fleeping, ana faitb to peter, Shimon,
boaca,ana Btaeat,3efu0 fata.SJerilp, fleepeft tfjouf Cotiineft not tbou
3 fap unto pou, one of pott (tpat cat- toateb one bout f CCUitcb pe ana p?ap,
etij tuttlj me) Cball betcap me. ana left pe fall into temptation: tbe fpirit
tljep Pctyau to be fo?rp, ana to fap to ttulp i0 reanp, but tbeflefljtstoeak,
bun one bp one, 30 It 3 f atm another ana again be toent aline ana p?apen,
fata, 30 it 3 ? ije anfteerea ana fam ana fpake tlje fame too?n0. ana be rc<
unto them, it tsone of tbettoelbe, turnea, ana founn them a fleep again,
cbenlje tljat atppetfj toitlj me in the fo? Itbeir epeo toete beabp, neitbec
platter.Clje @>on ofmaitttulp goctlj totft tljep toljat to anftoer bim. ana be
n0 it 10 to?itten of Ijim s but too unto came tlje tljitn time, ana fain unto
tljat man bp tubom tbeSon of man 10 tljem, Sleep bencefo?tb, ana take
betrapenigoon toete itfo? that man if potiteafe, it 10 enough. Cbeboutts
Ijeljaa nebcr been boitt. ana ns tljep come. 'Beboin, tbe Son of man is
am eat,3efu0 took b?eaa,ana token be betrapen into tbe bana of futners.
ban paen thanks, be b?ake it, $ gabe Rife up, let 110 got Jo, be that be*
to them, ana fam. Cake, eat, tljt010 ttapetbme 10 at bana. 9nB imment-
mp boap. atm be took tbe tup, ana atelp tobile be pet fpake, cometlj Su¬
toben be ban giben thanks, be gabe it nns (tobicb urns oneoftbettoelbe)
to them: aim tljep all a?ank of it. ana toitb bim a great numbet of peo--
ana be fam unto them, cbts 10 mp ple, toitb ftno?B0 ana ft abes, front
blooa of tbe netn ceftament, tubicb tbe btgb P?ieft0, ana Scribes, ana
is fljen fo? manp. Slerilp 3 fap unto €incc0. ana be that betrapen bim
pou, 3tBilin?tnbnomo?eoftbeftutt baa giben tljem a general token, rap¬
of tbe mie, until tljat nap that 3 ing, caijomfoebet 3nokif0, tbe
B?inkitnetnintbeJtttngoom of ©on. fame 10 be, take ana lean btm atoap
ana toben tbep ban fam grace, tljep toatilp. anaaffoon a0 be bias come,
toent out to tbe mount SDlibet. ana be goetb fttaigbttoap to btm, ana
3efu0 faith unto them, ail pe (ball be faitb unto ijim, fatter, Rafter,ana
offenoea becaufe of me tlji0 nigbt: kiffen bim. ana tbep lata tbeit banns
JFo? it 10 to?itten, 3 toill finite tbe on bim, ana took bim. ana one of
ibepbeta, ana tbe ibeep (ball be feat* tljem tbat ftoon bp, a?eto out a
tetea j but after tljat 3 am tifen a- fioo?n, ana fmote aferbant of tbe
gain, 3 mill go into ©alilee befo?e btgb P?ieft0, ana cut off lji0 eat,
pou.}|3eter fain unto ijim, ana tbougb ana 3efu0 anftoeten, ana fain un*
all men be offennea, pet will not 3. to tljem, f e be come out aaunto a
ana jefu0 faitb unto him, (Uettlp 3 thief, toitb ftoo?B0 ana ftabe0 fo?
fap unto tbee, that this nap, ebenin to take me. 3 to as natlp toitb pou
tbi0 nigbt, befo?e tbe cock eroto ttotee in tbe temple teaching, ana pe took
tbou fljalt nettp me tb?ee times. Uut me not? TBut tljefe things come
befpakemo?ebebementlp,jao, if 3 to pats, that tlje Scuptnres fljouia
Ibouinaietottb tbee, 3 bull not aenp be fulfillea. ana tbep all fo?fook
tbee. liketoife alfo fain tbep all. ana him, ana tan atoap. ana there
then came mto a place tobicb bins follotoen bim a certain poung matt
nairien Gethfemane, aim befaiatobi0 elotben in linen upon the bare,
aifcipie0, Sit pe bere, tobile 3 go ana tbe poung men caught ijims
aline ana p?ap. ana be taketb toitb ana be left bis linen garment,
bim (Jeter, ana 3ame0,ann 3obn,ana ana flea fcom tbemnaken. ana tljep
began to toae abafljen, ana to be in lea 3efu0 atoap to tbe high P?ieft
• p of
T uefday before Eafter.
of all, mil) With (jirn came alt the ijigbi rain unto bnn. *Befo?e tlje cockcrow
jieits, ano the doers ana ttjel twice,tboufljaltoenpmetfj?ee times:
©tribes. attn igJctcr followea him a ana be began to weep.
great wap off (eueit till be was come
into tljc palace of the tjigl) p?teft)ano Tuefday before Eafter.
be rat wits tbe recounts, aim roarmeo The Epiftle.
inmfelf at the fire, ana tlje high
Pffeits ana all the Councel fought
fo? wttnefs agatnff 3efus to put bun
T ips Lo?n «$on batbopenea mine
ear, tberefo?ecan 3 not fap nap,
Ifa. 5<j,
to aeata, ana founanone: fo?manp neltljet witlja?aw mpfelf: "But a
Bare falfe wltnefs agatnft blm, but offer mp bach unto the fralters, ana
ttjcic wttneffes agteeo not together, cbeefesunto the nippers. 3 turn not
ana there atofe cettaitt, anOb?ougbt mp face from (Same ana fplttlng, ana
falfe witness agalnft Sim, faplng,iKae the Lo?n con ibaii help me, tberefo?e
beam bun fap, a loin oeftrop this dial 3 notbe confounaen.3 bane bate*
temple that is mane with banns, ana nea mp face like a flint ffone: fo? 3 am
Within tlj?ce caps a Will bulla ana* fure tbat3 ffal not come to couf fion,
tbec mane without banco. But pet il)e is at bann that luftffietbme: wba
theft wttneffes agrees not together, will then go to law with me? let us
ana tbe btgb P?teft noon up among liana oneagatnff another 3f there be
tbem ana ashen aeftts, raping, am anp that Will reafon with me, let him
fwereff tbou nothing? ipow is it that come here fo?tb to me. Beljoio, tlje
tbefe bear wttnefs agatnft tljee? Tout Jlo?n con ffanaetlj bp me ? what is be
be beia SIS peace $ anfweren nothing, then that can conaemn me ? Jlo, tbep
9gam tbe blgb P?lett ashen blm, ana Wall be like an oin cloth, tbe moth
fata unto bim, art tbou Cb?ift tbe fljall eat them up. CSerefo?e Wbofa
©on of tbe Bleffeo? ana 3efus fata, fearetb the Lo?n among pou, letbtm
a am,ana pe fliall fee tbe Son of man bear the botce of bis feraant. ©ijofo
fitting on tbe right Sana of power,ana walketblnnathnefsana nought Wi--
taming in tlje clouns of beanernC-ben netb upon him, let him put Sts ttuft lit
the high p?tett rent bin clothes, ana the JSame of the Lo?n, ana boin him
fain, ©fiat neea we anp further wit- up bp bis Con. But take been, pe all
neffes? fc babe beam blafpbemp, klnaie a fire of tbe w?atlj of Con, ana
Wbat tbmh pe ? ana tljep all consent tttr up the coals. ©alk on in the
lien blm to be wo?tbp of aeatb. ana glittering of pour own fire, ana tit
fame began to fplt at him, ana toco* tfie coals that pe babe hlnnien. CbtS
bet bis face, ana to beat butt with comets unto pou from mp Sana,
fiffS, ana to fap unto him, atean,ana namelp, that pe fljall fleep In fo?row.
the feraants buffeten him on the face,
ana as Peter was beneath lit the pa* TheGofpel.
lace, there came one of the wenches
of tbe blgb P?tett» ana When ibe faw
peter warming blmfelf, ttje loohea
A 330 anon in the naffniitg, the
high P?letts beia a councel With
on him, ana fata, ©ait not tbou alfo the doers, ana the ©tribes, ana the
with 3efus of Bnjnretlj f ana bene, Whole Congregation, aun bouitn 3e--
men, raping, 3i know him not, neither fus, ana lea bim awap, ana neltberen
wote 31 wijat tbou fapff. ana be went blm to pilate. ana pilate askea
out into the po?cb, ana the Cock blm, arttljou tbe fifing of tbe 3ews ?
crew* ana anamofel (When ibe faw ana be anfweren ana fain unto blm,
bim) began again to fap unto them Cbou faptt it. ana the high P?ieffs
that (toon bp, CbiS is one of tbem. accufen blm of manp things, ©a
ana be nenlea it again, ana anon af. Pilate asken blm again, rawing,
ter, tbep that ffooa bp, fain again tm= anfweteffi tbou nothing? Beljola
to peter, ©tttelp tbon art one of bow manp things tbep lap to tbp
them fo? tljoti art of caltiee, ana tljp charge. 3efus anfweren pet nothing,
fpeecb agreetb thereto. Tout be be* fo that pilate matbellen. at that
gan to cutfe ana tofWear, faplitg, 3( feaft Pilate ntn nellber unto them
bnow not this man of whom pc fpeab. a pitfoner, wijomfoeber tbep Wouffl
ana again tbe cock crew, atin peter nefire. ana there was one that
«memb?eatbe wo?n that jefus ban was names Batabbas, Which
Tuefday before Eafter.
Japbcuno tuttl) tftern tljat ntaoettt- ing: ap,tb2etcp,tpou tpat oefiropett
fucrectton: pc pao committeo mur-' tpe Cctttpie, atto butioefi it agotn
occ. ano tlje people calico unto pint, tit tp?ee oaps*, fabe tpp reif,atto come
mm began to oeftre ptm tljat pe Ootott from tpe Crofs**ltbeurife aifo
tuouio no accoutring as* be pao eber ttocbeo pirn tpe pigp pteffs* among
tone unto tljem* dilate aitftoereo tpcmfelbes*, toitp tpe Scribes*, ano
them, taping, OLlul pe that 31 let lato, ipe fabeo other men, pimfelf pe
loofe unto pott tpe iding of tlje ;attnot fabe. let Cp?ttf tpe&tngof
3etuo i fo? pe bneto tljat tlje Ijiglj 3frael oefeetto notu from tpe Crops*
|p?teftst Ijao oelibereo pirn of ettbp* tpat toe map fee, ano beitebe. ano
05ut tlje Ijiglj P?tefto mobeo tlje pep tpat vuere cructfieo toitp ptm,
people, tljat tje lijouio tatijet oeltber peebeo pirn aifo. ano topen tpe
'Barabbao trnto tljem* plate am firtp pour toas* come, oarbnefs* arofe
ftocreo again, ano Cato unto tljem, ober all tpe earth, until tpe ttintft
CClljat trull pe tljen that 3 bo unto pour, ano at tpe ninth pour, 3efu$
Ijim, toporn pe call tlje fotitg of tlje rieO tnitp a louo boice, raping,
3etr»0 f ano tljcp cn'eo agaut, Crm iloi, Eloi, lamafabacthaai^OLlptCp t£
nfie pirn. plate Cato unto tljem, (ifone interpret it) epp ®oo, ntp
flUpatebilpatp Ije Oonef ano tpep $oO, topp pafi tpott fo?faben me f
erteo tlje nto?e ferbentlp, Cructfie ano Come of tpern tpat fiooo bp,
pint* ano Co plate totUtng to com topen tpep pearo tpat, raio, 'Bepoio,
tent tlje people let loofe 'Barabbas* pe calletp fo? Clias** ano one ran,
unto tljem, ano oelibereo up 3efu0 ano filleo a fpttng full of bmeger,ano
(toljen ije ijao fcoutgeo ptm) fo? to put it on a reeo, ano gabe ptm to
be cructfieo. ano tpe fouioiers* leo o?tttb, raping, let ptm alone, let us
ijim atoap into tlje common|)all,ano fee topetper Cltas brill come ano
calleo together tlje \opole multttuoe take pirn ooton. 05ut 3efuo crieo
ano tljep clotljeO ptm toitp purple, $ toitp alottobotce, ano gabe up tpe
tbepplatteo accotonoftpo?ns*, ano viDpolf. atto tpe bail of tpe Cetm
crototteo ptm britpal, ano began to pie rent in ttoo pteceo from tpe
Calute Ijim, ^ail &tng of tpe3rb)0* top to tpe bottom, ano topen tpe
ano tljep fmote Ijim on tlje peaotoitp Centurion, topicp ffooo before pirn
a reeo, ano oio fptt upon pirn, ano fato tpat pefo crieo ano gabe up tpe
botoeo tpetr bttees*, ano too?fljtppeo tfpott, pe Caio, Crulp, this* man
pint* ano topen tljep pao mocneo toa«stpe@)on of ®oo. CPeretoere
pirn, tljep toob tpe purple off pirn, alfotoomen agoootoapoff, bepolO'
ano put pts* oton clotpes* on pirn, ano tngpimt among tnpom toas*f®arp
leo pirn out to cructfie pirn, atto ^agoalene, ano parp tpe mother
tpep compelleo one tpat patteo bp, of 3ame0 tpe little, aito of 3ofes*,
calleo Hinton of Cp?ette (tire father ano arp ^>alome( toptep aifo topen
of aietanoer ano Kttftts) toptep pe toas in Galilee,pao follotoeo ptm,
came out of tpe fielo, to bear ptg ano mtntftreo unto pirn) ano manp
crofo* atto tpep brought pirn to other toomen toptep came up toitp
place itameo Golgotha (toptep tf pirn to 3erufalem. ano nolo topen
man interpret, 10, CPe place of Oeao tpe Cbert toas* come, becattfe tt toas*
mens sibulo*) ano tpep gabe pirn to tpeoapof preparing tpat goetpbe=
o?tnb brine mtngleo uritp mp?rpe fo?e tpe 0abbatp,3ofepp of tpe Citp
but pe recetbeo it not. aito toper of arimatpea, a noble Cottnfello?,
tpep pao cructfieo ptm, tpepparteo toptep aifo loobeo fo? tpe filingoom
pis garments*, calling lots? upon of^oO, came ano treat in boloip urn
them, topateberp man Ipaulo tabe* to Pilate, ano beggeo of ptm tpe
atto it toas* about tpe tpiro pour,ano boop of3eftt0*ano Pilate marbelleo
tpep cructfieo pint, atto tpe title of tpat pe toa0 alreaop oeao, ano callep
tptg cattle toast to?itten, The King of unto ptm tlje Centurion, anoagbeo
the jews.atto tpep cructfieo toitp pint of pirn topetperpe pao been ano topile
ttoo tptcbeo, tpe one on pio right oeao.ano topen pe bnein tpe truth of
pano, atto tpe other on bio left: atto tpe Centurion, pe gabe tpe boop to
tpe Scripture toao fulfilleo, toptep 3ofepp. ano pe bought a linen clotp,
faitp, tpe toas* cotmteo among tpe aito toob pint baton, $ to?appeo Pirn
itricbco,ano tpep that toent bp,rallco in tpe linen cloth, $ Into pim in a
on pirn, sagging tpeir peaosb $ fap^ puIcP?e tpat toaoPemen out of acock,
ij 2 ano
Wednefday before Eafter.
mtn tolfetJ a (fane Oeftfie tlje 0002 of tan into 3luoa0, toTjofe furname &a0
tlje <g>epuiclj2e. ano ®arp a9agoa= Iftariot, toljlclj toao of tlje number
icne, ana #arp Jofca Oeljeio totjere of tlje ttoelke, ano Or mnt W map,
ije toa0 laio. ano communes onto tlje high p?left0
Wednefday before Eafter. anODfftcer03 Ijoto OemlgljtOetrap
Jim unto ®em. ano tljep toere glao,
W The Epiftle*
Reread 10 a teft ament, tljere auo p^omifeo to gtke ijlm monep.
mull aifo ofnecefTitp Oetlje 8no ije confeitteo, ano fougijt op=
tseatt? of 6tm tljat make® tlje Ceft a* pojtumtp toOetrapljim untotOem,
meat. jFo? ®e Ceftament taBetf) mOeit toe people mere moap> Cljen
autOo^ttp token men are oeao.fo? it came tlje Oap of ttueetO?eao3 ruljfn
i0 pet of no oaltte a0 long 00 ije tgat of neceftitp tOe pafteooer muft Oe
make® tlje Ceftament 10 alike. offereo^no ije fent Peter ano 33oOn,
m caufe alfo nettijer ®e fir ft faplng,0o3ano prepare ttd tOe pafte*
Ceftament m$ otoatneo tottljout oiier, that toe map eat It Cbep fap
OlooO. jfoi toljeu #ofe0 Oao necla- untoOlm, SIfOere tout tljoutOat toe
reo all the Commanoment0 to all prepare t ^no ije fairs unto them >
tlje people accofiftng to tlje Lato, fie 05eljolo?toOen pe enter Into tOeCttp,
took tlje OlooO of ealfie0, arm of tljere fljail a man meet pou, Oeartng
goat0, tot® tnater $ purple HOooll, a pltcljer of toater, Ontt folioto into
po ippfop, ano fp^tnkleo Outfj tlje tOe fame Ooufe tljat Oe entretfj ut3
^ook ano all tlje people , faptng, ano pe fljail fap unto the gooo man of
%W 10 ®e OlooO of tlje Ceftament, tlje Ooufe, COt Rafter faltlj unto
t^ptclj 000 ijatlj appolitteo unto pom tijee, OTere lotoe gueff CfjamOer,
^oieooer Oe Cpnnkleo tlje CaOer= toljere 3 map eat toe paf0aoet onto
nacle tot® Oiooo alfo, ano all tlje mp £>lfclple0f 3nn Oe fljail ftjeoi
mlmftrlng Oeftel0. ano almoft all pott a great parloi paOeo3 tljere
tijmg0 are Op tlje llato purgeo tut® make reaom $lnO tljep toent anoi
blooo,ano tottljout ftjeootng ofOlcoo founo a0 Ije Oao faio unto tljem, ano
10 no remtftion. 3lt 10 neeo ®en ®at tljep maoe reaop tOe paf0oOer. $lnti
tlje fimilttuoe0 of ijeaoenlp ®mg0 toljen tlje Oonr toa0 come, ije fat
Oe purtfieo tuitlj fuelj tljuig0, Out ootmt3 ano toe ttoeioe ^poftleo tot®
tljat tlje tljlngo tljemfeioeo Oepurfi ijitm ^noijefalotmtotljem, aijaoe
fieO onto Oetter facrlfice0 tljeit are tntoaroip oefireo toeattljlo pafoo-
tijofe. ifo? Cljfift 10 not entreo into oer toltfi pott Oefo^e tljat 31 fufttr>
tlje ijolp place0 tljat are maoetot® f 0? 31 fap unto pott, ipeneeftotfj tollf
ljanO0 (tuljtcb arefimtlltuoe0oftrue 31 not eat of It anp mo?e3 until It Oe
tljtngs) Out 10 entreo into oerpljea* fulfiiieo In tlje l&tngoom ;of 0oO^
ken, fojto appear noto fit tfiefigljt ^no ije took tlje Cup3 ano gaoe
of 000 foi u0 x not to offer Ounfelf tljanko, ano fato. Cake tOl03 ano
often, a0 toe ijtglj Pfieft entre® in- oioioe it among pott; fo? 31 fap unto
to tlje Ijolp place ekerp pear tnttlj pott3 31 tulfl not o?tnk of tlje fruit of
ftrange OlooO (fo? tljen Ije muft Ijake tlje ca tne3unttll t Oe IStngUom of 000
often fuffereo fince tlje luo^lo Oegan) come. $lnO Ije took Ojeao, ano toljen
Out noto In tfje eno of toe tuo^io ijatlj ije ijao gtoen tOank0, Oe O^ake lt3ano
Oe appeareo once to put fin to flight, gaoe it unto tOem3 raping, CO1010
Op tlje offering upofijtmfeif.anoao It mp 0o0p3 toOtclj 10 gtoen fo? pou:
10 appomteo unto ail men tljat tljep tljt0 oo m rememO?aitce of me.ltke-
fljail once ole, ano tljen cometlj ®e tolfe alfo token Oe OaO fttppeo, Ije
juogement: ekenfo COfift load once took tlje Cttp3 raping, CO10 Cttp 10
offereo, to take atuap ®e ftn0 of tlje ibleto Ceftament fit mo OlooO,
maitp, ano unto tljem tljat look fo* toljlclj 10 ftjeo fo? pott. get OeijolO,
Oyn, fljail Oe appear again tottljout tljeljanoof Otm tljat Oetrapetlj me,
fin unto falkation. 10 tottij me on tlje table, ano truip
The GofpeE tlje €)ott of man goe® ao it 10 ap¬
T ike IFeaft of ftoeet ojeao Ojeto pomteo : Out too unto tOat man Op
niglj, toOtclj 10 calieo €after,ano tnljomlje 10 OetrateO. atto toepoe-
tOeOfgO Pneft0 ano ©ertbeo fougijt ganto enquire among tljemfeioeo,
lioto tljep might ktlll fjtm, fen tOep toljlclj of tO^m it toa0 toatfljottio
feareo toe people. COen entreo 00 It. ano tijete toa0 ftrlfe among
W ednefday before Eafter.
them, mijicb of them fljoulb fecm tlje longer, anb bis fmeat mas like
to be the greater anb be fam br ops of bloob trickling bomn to tlje
unto them, %\jt mmgs of nations grounb, anb mijen be arofe from
reign ober them, aim ttjep that babe praper, mm mas come to ijts bifc^
autfjoritpobertljem atecalleb gra¬ pies, Ijefounb tljem fleeping for bea--
cious : Out pe (ball not fo be* Q5ut bmefs,anb be faib unto tljem, CBIjp
be tfjat is gccateft among pou, (ball fleep pe ? arife, anb pr ap, left pe fall
be as tbe pmmger: aim ije that is into temptatiomCObtle be pet fpake,
chief, tball be as be that both mint* beljolb, there came a companp, anb
fter, dFor mljetljer 10 greater,be that be tljat mas calleb 3ubas one of the
fittetb at meat, or be tljat ferbetb t tmelbe,ment before them,aim preafi
3S not be tljat fittetb at meat ? OBut eb nigh unto 3efus,to kifs bittn'But
31 am among pou as be tl)at mini' 3efus faib unto him, 3ubas, betrap*
itretlj, ft are tljep mbtcb babe abtm eft tljou tlje 0on of man mttb a kits?
ben mitb me fit mp temptations, MU)z\x tljep mijicb mere about him
anb 31 appoint unto pou a Etngbom fam mijat mouib foiiom,tbep faib un¬
as nm if atber ijatb appointeb to me, to bim,Lorb, (ball me finite mitb tlje
that pe map eat aim brink at mp ta* fmorb t anb one of them fmote a fer=
ble in mp Etngbom,anb fit on feats, bant oftlje high PrieftS, anbftrook
jubgfitg tbe tmelbe tribes of 3frael, oft ijiS right earjefus anfmereb,anb
anb tbe 1 orb faib, Hinton, Hinton, faib, buffer pe thus far forth, anb
beboib, ©atan batb befireb to fift mben betoucbeb bis ear, be bealeb
pou, as it mere mbeat: but 3 babe him, Chen 3efits faib unto the btgl)
prapeb fo? tbee, that tbp faith fail PrieftS’ aim Eulers of the CempTe,
not; anb mben tljou art conberteb, anb the Clbers mijicb mere come to
ffrengtben tbp brethren, anb be faib bim, fz be come out as unto a thief
tmtobim, Lorb, 3 amreabp to go mttb imorbs aim ftabes, OTben 3
bntb tbee into pfifoit, anb to beatlj, masbailpmitlj pou fit tbeCemple,
aim befmb, 3 tell tbee peter, tbe pe ftretcbeb forth no banbs agaimt
Cock ffjall not crom this bap, till me, but this is eben pour berp (jour,
tljou babe benieb thrice tljat tbou anb tlje pomer of barlmefs, Chen
knomeftme, anb be faib unto them, took tljep him, anblebbim, aim
Cfilben 3 fent pou mitljout mallet, brought him to the high PrieftS
attbfcrtp, anbfijoes,laekebpouaup boule* QBtit peter follomeb afar oft,
thing? anb tljep faib, Bo, €ben anb mijen tljep bab kinbleb a fire iu
faib be unto tljem, 'But nom be tljat the mibft of tlje palace, mm mere fet
batlj a mallet, let bim take it up,anb bomn togetljer,peter alfo fat bomn
fibemifeljiSfcrip, anb be tljat batlj among them, QSutmben one of the
no fmo?b, let bint fell bis coat anb mencbes heljelb him as be fat bp the
bup one, ifo? 3 fap unto pou, tljat fire, anb lookeb upon him, ffje fam,
pet tbe fame mbicb ts mrittett, mult CbtS fame feliom mas alfo mitb
bepcrfojmeb in me, Cbeit among bim.anb be benieb bim,faping3OTo=
tbe mickeb mas be reptttemfo? tljofe man,3 kttom him not+anb after a lit*
tljmgs mbtcb are mrttten of me,babe tie mijtle anotberXam him, anb fam,
an enb, anb tljep faib, lLo?b,beljolb, Chou art alfo one of them, anb pe¬
here are tmo fmorbs. anb be faib ter faib, C^an, 3 am not, anbabout
unto tljem, 3t is enough* anb be tlje fpace of anljoiirafter^anotiier aX
came out, anb ment (as be mas firmeb, raping, dlerilp this feliom
mont) to mount Dlibet, anb tbe bt- mas mttb him alfo, for be is of Gali¬
fciplesfollomeb bim: anbmbenbe lee, anb peter faib,&3an, 3 mot not
came to tbe place,be faib unto them, mbat tbou faneft* anb immebiateip
P?ap, left pe fall into temptation, mijile be pet fpake, the cock crem,
anb be gat bimfelf from them about anb the llorb turneb back, anb look¬
a If ones caff, anb kneeleb bomn, anb eb upon peter, anb Peter remenv-
prapeb, faping, if atber, if tljou milt, breb the morb of the lorn ,bom be bab
rernobe tljts cup from me,ncbertbe- faib unto btm/Beftne tlje cock crom,
lefs, not mp mill, but tljine fie fulfil' tbou (bait benp me thrice: anb peter
leb.anb there appeareb an angel un¬ ment out, aim mept bttterlp,arm the
to him from beabett,comforting him, men that took 3efus, tnockcb him,
anb be mas in an agcnp, anb prapeb anb fmote him; aim mijen then im
ThuiTday before Eafter.
blmtifoUseti him? t®ep flrook him on of the bobp anb bloobof the lto?b*
tye face, ano a0keb him, fapmg, & Outlet a man examine kimfelf, a110
rcab,toijo 10 he that fntote tyee? ano fo let him eat of the breab, anb
tnann other thing0 befpttefullp faib brink of the cup* Torhethateateth
tljep agamft him* ano afloon a0 it anb brmketh umoorthilp? eatetb aim
ma0 nap, tlje CiBers of the people, bitnUett) hi0 omnbamnation,becaufe
ano the high P?ieft0 ano @>ctibe0 he maueth no bifference of ttjeJlo?B0
came together,anb leo Ijim into tijetc bobp* Tor this caufe rnanp are meak
Councei, faptng, art thou berp anb fick among pou,anb rnanp ficep*
Cfirffi ? Ceilu0* anb he faio unto Tor If me bab juogeb our felbes, me
them, 3f 31 tell pou, pe tolU notbe* fijoulb not babe been jubgcb. 'But
Itebe me: anb if 3 abk pou, pe totli token me are jubgeb of the lo?b, me
not anfmeiyio? let me go* hereafter are chaflneb, that me fljoulb not be
fljall the 0on of man fit on the tight bamneb toitb the mo?lb* therefore
Ijano of tlje pomer of ®ob, Chen mp brethren,mijeit pe come together
faio thep ail, art thou then tlje %m to eat,tarrp one for another* 3f anp
of #oo ? ipe faio, Pe fap ttjat tarn* man hunger, let him eat at home.
ano tljep fato,OTDat neeo toe of anT thatpe come not together unto con-'
further tmtnef^f To? toe out feibe0 bemnatton* flDther thing0 miil3fet
habe ijeato of hi0omn mouth* m orber mhen 3 come.
The Gofpel.
Thurfday before Eafter.
The Epiille.
cor.hj-'ij)^ 3( matit pou of, ano com*
T pt tohole multitube of them a*
rofe, anb lebhlm unto pilate***.»•

l t7- 1 menu not,tfjatpe come not toge* anb thep began to accufe him, fap*
ther after a better manner, but after lug, £2lefoiinbtht0fellompetbert=
a mo?fe* To? firft of all,mljen pe come Ing the people,anb forblbbing to pap
together m the congregation,3 bear tribute to Cefar, taping, thatljeis
that there 10 oilfeitficn among pou, Chris a ifting* atm pilate oppofeb
$ 3 partlp beiiebe it. To ? there mult hlm,faping, art tljou the mtng of the
be fect0 among pou, that tljep mijich 3eb)0 ? ipe anfmereb him anbfaib,
are perfect among pou map be knomn ChoufapelUt*Cljenfaib Pilate to
COljen pe come together therefore the high Prietts anb to the people, 3
Into one place,the Lo?b0 flipper can* finbe no fault In this man* anb tljep
not be eaten, fo? eberp man begin* mere the more fierce, Taping, l)e mo*
netlj afo?e to eat lji0 omn fupper,aim beth the people,teaching throughout
one 10 hrntgrp, aim another 10 b?tut- all 3urp,aub began at #alilee, eben
ken* |>ab£ve not ijo«fe0 to eat ano to tlji0 place. OTljen Pilate ijearb
tymint Dcfpife pe the Coitgre* mention of #alilee, he askeb tube*
nation of #ob,anbfljame them that ther the man mere of #altlee* anb
Jabe notOThat lhall3 Cap unto pou? afloon a0 he knem that he beiongeb
fljall 3 Piaife pou ? 3n thl0 3 P?aife unto|)erob0 |uri0biction,he fent hint
pou not*Chat tnljich 3 beiibereb tin* to iE>etob, mijiclj mag alfo at 3etufa*
to pou, 3 recelbeb of the Lo?b* To? lent at that time* aim mhen iperob
the iLo?b 3efu0 the fame night In fam 3efu0, he ma0 etceeblng glab:
mhiehhema0betrapeb, took breab, for he ma0 befiretts to fee him of a
ano mhen he hab gtben thanks, he long fenfon,becaufe he flab hearbma*
brake It, anb faib, Cake pe anb eat, up thing0 of him, anb he trufleb to
tlj!010 mp bobp, miuch 10 broken fo? habe feett feme miracles bone bp
pomChi0 bo pe In the remembrance him* Chen he qttefttoneb mith him
of me* lifter the fame maner alfo he rnanp morb0: but he anrmereb him
took the cup token fuppet mas bone, nothing* Che high Priefls $ fertbes
raping, Chi0 cup 10 the netn Celia* floob forth, anb accufeb him if raitlp*
ntent In mp bloob:Chi0 bo, a0 oft a0 anb flerob mithhi0 men of mar be*
pe brink It It in remembrance of me* fpifeb him* anb mhen he hab mockeb
Tor a0 often a0 pe mall eat tlji0 him,he arapeb him in mhite clothing,
breab,anb brink of f 10 cup, pethall anb fent him again to pilate* anb
(hem tljeLorb0 beath till become* the fame bap Pilate anb iDerob
tKDUjerefore tokofoeber fljall cat of mere mabe frlenbb together: for
tln'0 breab, anb bunk of this cup of before thep mere at bariance* anb
the Lorb unmortkilp, lljail be gulitp pilate calleb together the high
Thurfday 1
\t>m%andtf)c Eulers, ants tlje peo¬ mbat tfjcp do. gun tijep patten Tjts
ple, anp faid unto tijem, ft pane raiment, ann call lots: aim tlje peo¬
tj^ougpt tt)t0 man unto me, as one ple ttoob aim beljeib, aim tlje tuiets
tjjat perocrtetij tlje people, ants Pe* mocken ijtm mttlj them, raping, ipe
polo, 31 examine 6tm before you, anti fabeb other men, let film rabe fjttit-
fmtse no fault tn tljt0 man of tljofe felf, if be be beep CbPft tlje cijofett of
tljmgs thereof pe accufe pirn, no no? ©on, Cbe folbiets alCo mockeb bint,
pet limotu tf o? 3i fent pou unto ijtm, $ $ tame anb offeceb bim bineget, aim
lo, nothing mo?tijp of oeatlj is none faib,3f tljou be tlje King ofttjc |ems,
unto ijfm:3! toiil tfterefo?e cpaftenljmt rabe tbp rdf. anb a ruperfcriptioit
ano let tjim loofe* jfo?of necclfitpije tons mjttten ober ijim mttlj letters of
xmtit pane let one loofe to tljem at ©?eek, aim lattne, anb lt)eb?etu,
tpat fcaff. ants all tlje people cried at This is the King of the Jews, attb Oltf
once, fasnng^map putt) pirn, ants pelt* of tlje ebil boers mbiclj mere battgeb,
net us 1i5ataPPas (foptcpfo? a certain ratleb on fjirn, faptng, Jf tijou be
iiifttrrection matie in tpe ettp, ants fo? Cljiift, fabe tbp felf aim us, "Buttljc
a muttser, toas can into plifon.) pi otljee anfmeren, anb rebttkeb him,
late fpane again unto tpem>tolllmg to raping, iearett not tijou ©ob, feeing
let 3eftts loofe* 'Buttpep cnets, fap= tijou art in tlje fame Damnation.-1 me
ing, Ctuctfie putt, cructfie pirn* l)t aee tfgljtcouflp punifteb, fo? me te--
faits unto tpem tpe tljtto time, OTjat cetbe nccomtng to out beebS: but
enilpatp pe tsone t 3 find no caufe of tfjis man bath bone notfjing amifs.
tseatp in pirn: 3 unit tpetefoie cljafien anb fje fain unto 3efus,lLem>temem*
pirn,ana let pirn go. Slno tpep crpeo bet me mijen tijou tomeft into t(jp
witlj loan fiatces, requiting tpat pe isttngnome. anb aefus faib unto bim,
ntigpt Pe crucified. ano tpe ooices of dletilpa fap unto tiice, Co nap fijalt
tpem,ana of tpe pigp p?iefts pedall¬ tijou be mitO me in patabife. anb it
ed* Pilate gape fentence tpatit mas about tbe ftctlj bout: anb there
ipoulp Pe as tpep tequitep: attp pe let mas a nattmefs obet all tbe eaetb.nm
loofe unto tpem pint tpat fo?infurce- ttl tlje ninth bout, anb the fun mas
ctton anP mttrper toas can into p?ifoit, bartmeb, atm the bail of the temple
topomtpep pap oefireo* Stud fjeoelt- bin renn eben ttjiougfj tlje mtbfi. ann
PereP unto tpem 3cfns, to Po tmtfj mben aefus ban crien mitb a louts
pirn Ptpat tpep mould* $tto as tpep lep boice,be fain, jFatbet,into tljlne banns
pint arnap, tpep caugpt one Pinion of 31 commeitb mp ©pttit. anb mljett
Cptene coming out of tpe field, anp be ban thus fatb, be gabe up the
on pirn laiP tpep tpe Crofs, tpat pe ©boll. GLlijeit tbe centutton farn
mfgpt Pear it after 3efus. 3nP tpere mbat ban bappeneb, be giojifien ©ob,
followed pirn a great companp of peo¬ raping, mettlp tljis mas a righteous
ple, anp of piemen rnptcfi PeuiaileP man. ann all tlje people that tame
anp lamenteP pinVBut 3cfuS ttirnep togetbet to that figijt, aim fam tbe
PacP unto tpem, anp raid, ft oaugl> things mbtcb ban bappenen, fmote
ters of 3crufalem, toeepnotfo?me, tbeit b?eafts, anb tetunteb. aim all
Put toeep fo? pour feloes,anP fo? pour bis acquaintance, aim tlje mornen
cpilp?en: ifo? PepoIP, tpe Paps Piill that follomen him from ©ablee,(f oob
contemn tpe topicp tpep (pall rap, ?>ap- afbe off bebolblng tbefe things, anb
pp are tpe Parren,anp tpe piomps tpat bebolb, there mas a matt mimcbjo-
itePer Pare, anp tpe paps topicp netser fepb, aconnrello?,anbbemasagoob
gape fuck. CPen fijalltpep Peginto man ann a juft: the fame ban not
fap to tpemountams,ifallonus s anp confenteb to tlje counfel aitbbeebof
to tpe pills, Cooet us. 5Fo? if tpep Po them, mbtcb mas of arimatbea, a
tpis in a green tree,topat Ipall Pe Pone citp of the 3ems, mbitb fame alfa
(ntpeojv? 3no tpere toerettoo ePil maitenfo? the ktngbom of ©ob: be
Poets lep tottppim to Pe (lain. 8no mentnnto pilate anb beggeb tlje bo-
after tpat tpep toere come to tpe np of seats, ann took it nomn, ann
place topicp is calico Calvary, tpere mjappeb it tn a linen ciotb,anb lain it
tpep crucified pirn,and tpe etui doers, in a Scpulciur, that mas tjemen in
one on tpe rigpt patto, and tpe otper flone; mbetein neber man befoje
on tpe left. ^Lpen raid 3efus, ifa- ban been lain, aim that nap mas the
tper fojgifie tpem, fo?tpep toot not preparing of tlje Sabbath, ann the
On good Friday.
©abhath fyelu cm. '%\w foomett that take abiap tins. IOberefo?e fobeft
folloiueti after, tufiiclj han come totth be cometb into tbe tuo?ia, bo raitij,
Ijtm from ® aitice, tieljeio the @epuh Sacrifice attn offering tbou tuouined
ctoe,ano5om Wtiotipuja^lato. 3ttfc not ijabe, but a bow bad tbou o?=
they returned, auo p?epareo ftneet naineame. bBurnt-offerings alfofioj
oooui’0, aim ointment .* Put refleo finljadtljott not allotnen. ©ben fain
< on the Sabbath-sap accounts to the 31, Lo, 3 am here. 3n tbe begin¬
commaimment ning of tbe book it is to?ittenof me,
tljat 3 ibouin no tijp will, © ©on.
On good Friday, abo'oe luiieit Ije faitlj, Sacrifice, ana
offering, ana burnt Sacrifices, ana
As. The Colle£ts.
Hnughtp ®oS, toe Pefeeeptljee fin-offerings tbou uiouIBed not b abe,
gtactottflp to behois tpm thp fa= ncitlicr bad tljou allotuen tljem
miip, foi tlje fohtch our ilom !Jefu0 (tubteb pet are offeren bp tbe Latu:)
Clmff urns contented to bebettapen, tljen fain be, Lo, 3 am bere to aa
aim gmenup into the baits# of tmc- tljp tuili, © ©on: lie taketb atoap
fceS meit,ans to futfer seats upon tlje tijefird, toedablifij tlje latter. T3p
crom, mho Itbetb ans reignetp tmtb tlje tnljiclj mill tue are mane bolp,
thee aim the help ® Soit, norn ans tty ebeit bp tbe offering of tbe bonp of
eher $meit. 3cfus Child once foi all. ana eberp
Lmlgbtp nno ebetladutg ©on, Plteff ts reanp aatlp mintdring, attn
bp tnbore Spirit tbe toljole Ijody offering oftentimes one manner of
of tfjeCburcbiS gobetnea, anB frnt- oblattou, tnbtcljcan tteber take atuap
ctifieai tecetbe out fuppltcatlons fins. 03ut tbis matt after be baa of¬
ana p?apets, toblcb toe offcc before feren one facrifice fo? fins, is fet
tbeefo? alienates of mat in tfjpbolp notnn fo? eber on tlje right ijann of
Congregation, tljat eberp member ©on, ana from ljencefo?tb tarrtetlj
of tlje fame in ijis bocatton aim mini- till bis foes be mane bis foot-dool.
fferp map trulp ana goaip ferae tljec, JFo? tnitb one offering batb be mane
tljjougbout Lo?n Jefus ©ij?id. perfect fo? eber them tljat arefancti-
M erciful eon, tubo bail mane all fien, ©be bolp ©bod ijtmfelf alfa
men, ana bated nothing tljat bearetlj us teco?a, eben tnben be tola
tbou bad maae,no? tuotiined tlje neatlj befo?e, ©btSiS tljeCedament that
of afiitner, butratber tljat be djouin 3 mill make unto them i after tbofe
be conbertea ana Ube t babe merep naps (faitlj tbeLo?B) 3 tuili putrnp
upon all 3etoS,Curks,3nfiBels, ana Latns in tbeir ijearts, ana in tbeic
Ijcrctiche, ana take from them all tninaes tuili 3 to?ite them, ana tbeir
igno?ance,ljatanefS of beatt,ana con¬ fins ana iniquities mill 3 remember
tempt of tbP biojn: ana fo fetch no mo?e. attn inhere remiflion of
them borne, bleffea Lop,to tbp flock, tbefie things is, there is no mo?e of¬
that tbep map be faben among tbe fering fo? fins. Seeing tljerefo?e,
remnant of tbe true 31fraelites, ana b?etb?en, that bp tlje means of the
be mane one foin tinner one djepbetn bioon of 3cfus, toe babe libertp to
3eftts ©bud out Lop, tubo iibetfj enter into tlje bolp place bp tbe iteto
anateignetb,&c. ana lining toap, tnbfcb be batb p?e-
The Epiftle. paren fo? us tbiougb the bail, (that
T lje Lato (tubteb batb but a flja- istofap) bpbtsdedj: ana feeing al-
noto of goon things to tome,ana fo that tue babe an btgb piled, tubteb
not tbe berp fadjion of things tljem- is mulct ober the boufe of ©on, let
felbes) can tteber ttttb tbofe facrifi- ttsn?ato nigljtottb a true heart in a
ces tubteb tbep offer pear bp pear con- fure faitlj, fp?tnklea in our hearts
ttiiuailp, matte tbe comers tljereunto from an ebil confcience, anatuaibea
perfect. JFo? toottin not then tbofe fa- tnoutboBtes tnitb puretoater. Let
trffices babe ceareB to babe been us keep tlje p?ofeffton of ottr hope
offerea,becaufe tljat tlje offerers once without umbering, (fo? be is faithful
purgen, djouin babe ban no tno?e that p?omtfen)ana let us confiner one
conference of fins? Hebert fields, tn another, to tbe intent that toe map
tbofe facrifices tS tljcre mention p?oboke unto lobe, ana to no goon
mane of fins eberp pear. JFo? tbe too?ks, not fo?faking the fellotodnp
bioon of ©ten ana ©oats cannot that tue babe among out felbes as the
On good Friday.
titaner of Comc j out let us etpo?t oamofel tpat fitpt tpe dOo?,ttttto pe¬
one another: atto tpat fo mucp tlje ter , art not tpou alfo one of tpl$
mo?c, becaufe ye fee tljat tlje day mans dtfctples ? U>efald, 3 am not*
d?ametp ntgp* Cpe ferdants and minlfters flood!
tpere, mpicp pad made a fire of coals,
W The Gofpel.
l>en 3efus pad fpoken tpefe fo? tt mas cold, and tpey marmed
mo?os, pe ment fo?tp vuttu pts tpemfeldes. Peter alfo flood among
dtfctples Oder tlje b?ook Ced?on, tpem, aito marmeo plmfelf* Cpe pigp
mpere mas a Barnett, Into tlje mijtcp p?teft tljen asked 3efus of fits dlfcl*
pe tpeit etttred mttp pts dlfctples. 3u= pies, and of pts doctrine. Jcfus an-
das alfo mijtcp betrayed ptm, kttem fmered pirn, 3 fpake openly lit tpe
tlje placetiFo? setiis oft=ttmes refo?t< mo?ld, 3 eder tattgpt tn tpe €>ynago*
eo tpttper mttp pts dtfctples* 3udas gue,andlntljeCemple, mpttper all
tljen (after Ije pad received a band of tpe 3cms pade refo?ted, and tn fecret
men, and mtntfters of tpeptgpp?tefts pade 3 fpoken notptng* tKLlpy askeft
and ppartfees) came tpttper mttp tpou me ? ask tpem mpicp peard me,
lanterns, and fireb?ands, andmea* mpat 3 fatd unto tpem: 'Befioio, tpey
pons* and 3efus kitomtng all tptngs can tell mpat 3 faid* 2Bfien pe pad
tpat fljould come on ptm, ment fo?tp tptts fpoken, one of tpe mtntfters
and fatd unto tpem, OTjomfeekye? mpicp flood dy, fmote 3cfus on tpe
Cpey anfmered pirn, 3efus of J13a?a* face, raying, 8ttfmereft tpou tpe pigp
retp* 3efus fatd unto tpem, 3 am pe* P?teftfo? 3efus anfmered film, 3f 31
3udas alfo mpicp betrayed dim, Hood pade edit fpoken, bear mttnefs of tpe
nutp tpem* airoon tljeit as pe pad raid edtl: but tf 3 pade mell fpoken, mpy
unto tpem,«fl am pe, tfiep ment back fmlteff tpou me ? 8no annas fent ptm
tuard, and fell td tpe ground* Cpen bound unto Catappas tpe ptgpp?leff*
asked pe tpem again,OTjom feek ye? 0lmon peter flood and manned
tpey fatd, 3eftts of Ttajaretp* 3efus plmfelf* Cpen raid tpey unto ptm*
anfuieteo, 3 bade told you tpat 3 am art not tpou alfo one of pts dtfctples?
fie: tf yefeekmetperefo?e, lettpefe ipe dented tt, and fatd, 3 am not* One
gotpetr may, tpat tpe fayingmigpt of tpe ferdants of tpe ptgp p?teft
Pe fulfilled mpicp fie fpake, SDftfiem (Pts coufin mpofe ear peter fmote
mpicp tpott gadeft me, pade 3 not loft off) fald unto ptm,Did not 3 fee tpee
one* Cpen ©imon peter padlng a tit tpe garden mitp ptm ? peter tpere*
fmo?d, o?em it, and fmote tpe ptgp fo?edented again: and immediately
P?ieffsferdant, andcutofffits rtgfit tpe cock crem. Cpen led tfiey3efuS
ear. Cpe ferdants name teas $)afi from Caiappas, into tpe pall of
elms* Cfierefo?e faitp Jefus unto judgement: It mas in tpe mo?nmg,
f 'eter, Put up tfiy fmo?d into tpe and tpey tpemfeldes ment not into
eatp: ftjall 3 not d?tnk of tpe cup tpe judgement pall, left tpey fljould be
mpicp my jfatper patp gtden me ? defiled, but tpat tpeymtgpt eat tpe
Cpen tpe company, and tpe captain, pafsoder* Pilate tljen ment out to
anotfiemtnifters of tpe 3ed)S * took tpem, and fatd, rapat accufatton
3efus and bound pirn, and led Ptm a* b?tng you agatttft tpts man? CPey am
may to 8nnas firft, fo? pe mas fatper fmered and fatd unto pirn, 3f Pc mere
lit lam to Catappas, mpicp mas tpe not an edtl doer, me mould not pade
pigp p?teft tpe fame year* Catappas deltdered pirn unto tpee. CPen fatd
mas pe tpat gade cottnrel to tpe Pilate unto tpem, cake ye pint, and
3ems, tpat it mas expedient tpat one judge ptm after your omit lam* Cpe
man ifioulo die fo? tpe people. 8no 3ems tperefo?e fatd unto ptm, 3ttS
turnon Peter follomed 3efus,attd fo notlamfulfo? us to put any man to
did anotper Oifciple : tpat dtfclple deatp : tpat tpe mo?dS of 3efus
mas knomn to tpe ptgp p?teft, and mlgpt be fulfilled mpicp pe fpake, fig-
ment lit mttp 3efits into tpe palace of ntfytng mpat deatp pe fljould die*
tpe pigp p?teft* TSttt peter (food at Cpen Pilate entred into tpe jttdge--
tpe doo? mltpoutcpen ment out tpat ment-pall again,$ called3efus,$ fatd
otper oifciple (mpicp mas knom to unto ptm, &rt tlioit tpe Eutg of tpe
tpe pigp P?teft) and fpake to tpe 3ems ? 3efits anfmered, @ayeff tpou
Oamofel tpat kept tpe 000? ? and tbatoftpp felf,o? did otper tell tt tpee
fc?ougpt In peter, cfien fatd tpe of me?pilate anfmered, 8m 3 a 3em?
3 tpine
On good Friday.
tljftte ototi nation, ann the bteb P&efig fin* 3nfifrom tbencefoitb fcttgbtpu
banc neliberen tbee unto me • CCibat late means to loofe btm* But tlje
im thou none f 3efu£ anteren, l^p 3eta0 crlen, taping, 3f thou let bun
Mmgnorn mnotoftbrntuo^in. 3f nip go, tljou art not Cefam frlenn ; fo?
iungoem mere of tlji0 tuo^m , then tatjofoeber mabetlj Ijimfelf a Ming, 10
mm mv mlnlftem furelp figtjt that agalnft Cefat* CClljen pilate beam
3 fijouin not beoeltbeten to the MW- tljat faplng, be brought 3efu0 fo#b>
nut uotn 10 mp tungnom not from ann fat norm to gibe fentence, in
bence*pilate therefore fain unto him, a place that 10 callen tlje pabe-
art tljou a Ming then t aeft# anftner* ment, but in tbe Jpetyeta tongue,
en,Cljou faieft mat 3 am a MlngJro^ Gabbatba. 3t laag tbe preparing
tm caufe tna0 3 bom> ann m tbm nap of caller, about tbe fi.rtlj hour*
caufe came 31 into me mono, ttjat 3 ann be fain unto tije3eto0, Be-
fijouin near imtnefg unto tlje truth % bom pour Ming* Cbep crpen, faplng,
ann all that are of me truth bear mp Simap mitlj bim, arnap rnltlj bim, cru¬
boicc* Pilate fain unto btm, CCibat cifie bim* pilate faitlj unto tijem,
thing i0 truth 13n0 tnbcn be tjan fain ©bail 3 crucifie pourMtngfClje ijigb
tbi&be ment out again unto tljcietm ppeim anfmeren, COe babe no Ming
ann fain imto them, 3 finn in bim no nut Cefar. Cbeit neliberen be bim to
caufe at alLf e bane acu(tome,tbat 3 them to be crucifien* ann tijep toou
fijouin neliner pou one loofe atcafter, 3efti0, ann len bim ataap* ann be
mil pe that 3 loofe unto pou the Ming Mrebi0Crof0 , ann laent fo?tb Into
of the %m$ i Cben crpen tbep all a* a place taljicb 10 callen, Cbe place of
gain faplng,Bot bun,but Batabbas* bean men# fcul0, but lit ipeb^eta,Gol¬
3lbefame Barabbag m$ a mutt her* gotha, tabere tbep crucitfcD bim, ann
er*Cben Pilate toefe 3efuo therefore ttao other trntlj ijtm, on either fine
ann fcotttgen bIm t ann tlje fouintem one, ann 3eftt0 in the minft. ann pi¬
momma erobm of thorns ann put it late ta^ote a title, atm put It upon the
cn bl0 bean. 3nn ttjep put onijima Crof0. Cbe tasting taa0Jefus of Na¬
purple garment, ann came unto bim, zareth, King of the Jews. Cbl0 title
ann fain, ipall Ming of tlje 3em& ann rean manp of the 3eia0 x, fo? tlje place,
tijep fmote bim on tlje face* Pilate inhere 3elU0 iaa^ crucifien, iaa0 near
ment fo?tlj again, ann fatn unto them, to tlje dtp, ann it tnag mitten in tpe-
Beljoin,3 b?tng bim foitlj to pon,tljat b^eia, C?eek, ann latlne* Cfieu
pe map tmom that 3 finn no fault In fain tlje high Ptfeim of tlje 3eio0
bum Cben came 3efttg fo?tb, mear* to Pilate, COrlte not, Ming of the
mg a croton of thorn, ann a robe of 3tm x but that be fain, 3 am Ming
purple* gnn be faltlj unto them, Be* of tlje 3ein0* pilate aitfujeren,CObat
boin tbe man. CClben tlje Ijigb Pilefi0 3babe iajitten, tljat 3 babe ia^ltteit*
therefore, ann tlje mimfiet0 fata bim, Chen tlje fouinier^ mljen tijep bun
tbep crpen,Crucifie him,cruclfie bint, crucifien 3efii0, took ljl0 garments
pilate faltlj unto tljem,calte pe bim, ann mane four part&to eberpfoumiee
ann cruclfie bim, fo? 3 finn no caufe a part, $ alfo W coat* Cbe coat inag
in bim* Che %tw anffuetefi bim, ialtboutfeam,ia^ougljt upon tbmugb-
CCle babe a lata, ann bv our lata be outcbep fain therefore among them-
might to nie, becaufe be mane bim* felbe0, Let u0 not nibine It, but cad
felftbe0oit of <©on* COben pilate lot0 foi It ialjo (ball babe It, that the
beam that raping, be mao tlje mo^e fcdpturemigbtbe fulfillen, faplrtg,
afcaln,ann taent again into tlje jufige- Cbepljabe par ten mp raiment among
ment ball, ann fain unto leluo , them, ann fo? mp coat mn tijep cm
CClbeitcc art tljotif But3du0 gabe i0t0*3tm the fouiniet0 mn fucbtblng^
bim no anfuier* Chen fain pilate mneen* Cbere (icon bp the Cromof
unto btm, @peakelt tljou not unto 3eftt0,lji0 mother ann bl0 mothers
me f Mnotaeft tbou not mat 3 babe filter, c^arp the tulfe of Cleo-
potaer to crucifie tljee, ann babe potm pba^, ann f^arp l^agnalene* CClben
ct to loofe tbee t 3efu0 attftaeren, 3efu0 tberefoie Cain b$ mother ,
Chou couini! babe no potaer at all ann the mfciple inborn be loben ,
agamfi me, ercept it taere glbeit tbee (tanning , be faltb unto W mo¬
from abobe : therefore be mat fie- ther , ccioman, beboin tbp fott*
liberen me unto tljee, batlj tbe mo?e Chen fain be to t§e nifciple, Uebnm
On good Friday.
tbp mother. 9nb front that hour the Eafter Even)
bifciple took tjcc fai Ijis attm. after ,
I The Epiftle.
theft things, iiefus knotting tljat ail C (S better (if the mill of ©ob be fo) «f«;
tljutgS were notti petfojnteb, tljat tlje that pe fulfec foj mell sotng, then s- *j.
Scripture might be fulfilleb.be faith, toj ebil boing -• fojafmucb as Cijitit
3|tljirft, So ttjete ttoob a belTel bath once fufteteb toj fins, the mu roi
fiillofblneget: tljerefojc tljep filleo the uniuif, to hjtng us to ©ob, anb
afpuitge mttbbmegec, anti mount) it mas ktilen, as pertaining to tlje flea,
about vuttlj bpflop, ano put it to Ijis but mas qutckeneo In the fpint. in
mouth- aifoon as jrfus tljen tecelbeo mbicb fplttt be alfo mentann pjeacb-
tlje blneger,be fatb, jt is fimfljeb,anb eb to the fplttts that mete lit pjifon,
borncb Ijis beab.anb gabe up tlje gljoft. mljlclj lametime bab been ntfobentent,
CUe 3ietos tljerefoje, becaufc it mas mbeittbe long fufferingof ©oomag
ttje pjepating of tlje sabbath,tljat tlje once lookeb fo? in the baps of j|3oe,
botues fljouiD not remain upon tlje mbile tbeftrk mas a pjepariitgimbere-
Croft ott the Sabbath bap, (fojtbat iit a fern, that is to fap, eight fouls
Sabbath nap mas an Ijigb nap) be- mere fabeb bp the mater, like as ba-
rougljt plate tljat tfjetc legs nugljt pttfme alfo nom fabetb us * not tbe
be bjokeit, anb thattbep might be ta¬ putting amap of tbefiltlj of tlje flelb,
ken oomn. ctjen came tlje foulbiets, but in tljat a goob confctence content-
ann bjake tlje legs of tlje firft, anb of etb to ®ob, bp the tefuttectlon of |e-
tbe otljcr uifjicb teas ctuctfieb luitij ftis ©bjtft, mbicb is on the tight banb
bun, T5ut tufjeit tljep came to MuS, of ©ob, anb is gone into beaben, an¬
anb farn tbat ije bias beab alreabp, gels, pomets, ann might fubbueb un¬
tbep bjake not tits legs : but one of to him.
tbe folbiers biitlj a fpear tljjutt bint in¬ The Gofpel.
to tbe line, anb fojtbtottij tljere came \ /\ jl)m the eben mas tome, there Mat*,’
out bioob anb mater, anb be tbat fam V V tame a rich man ofactma- V-Vt
it bate recojb,ann bis tccom to true: tijea nameb 3loteplj, mijt-cb alfo mas
anb be knometb tbat be faitb rate, 3iefus bifciple ? Ije ment unto Pilate,
tljat pe might beliebe alfo. JFo? tljefe anbbeggebtbebobpofMus. Cljeit
things mete bone that tlje Scripture pilate commanben the bobp to be be-
fboulb be fulfilleb, fe lljall not bjeak Ubeceb. anb mbennottplj ban taken
a bone of him. anb again, another the bobp, be mjappeb it in a clean lln-
Scripture faitb,Cbep lljall look upon nen cloth,ann lam tt fit bis item tomb,
inn inborn tbep babe pirrcco. after mbicb be ban Ijemen out eben in tbe
tbiS,3!ofepb of arimatbea (mbitb mas rock, anb tolieb a great iloite to the
a bifciple of Mug, but fecretlp fo? boo? of tbe Sepulcbje, ann nepatteo,
fear of tlje Jems) befougbt plate anb there mas S@arp ^©agbalene,
that be might take bolnn the bob? of anb tlje otljet 03arp, fitting ober a-
MuS. anb Pilate gabe him licence, gaintttbe Sepulcbje. Cfjr nett bap
lac came tbetefbje, anb took the bo- tbat foilometbtljeoap of pjepating,
bp of Mug. anb there came alfo 131- tbe fjt'gb pjt'ens aim pljattfees came
tobemus (mbicb at the beginning together unto Pilate, Taping, Sir,
came to Mus bp night) anb brought me remember tljat tljfs beceibec fats,
of mprrbe aub aloes mingleb toge¬ mbile be mas pet alibe, after tljjee
ther,about an bunsjeb potmb meigljt. saps 3 mill rife again, ©ommans
Cbentook tbep the bobp ofMus,anb tberefo?e,tbat tlje Sepulcbje be rnase
came anb mounb it in linnen clothes fute until tbe tbirb nap, left fits siTci-
toltb the obotirs, as the maner of the ples come ans ileal bim amap, anb
3ems is to burp, anb in the place fap unto tlje people, ijeis rifenfrom
tnbere be mas crucifies, there mas a tbe bean t anb tbe iaff errmaallbe
©arben, anb in the ©atben a nem mojfetbentbe firff. pilate fain unto
©rpulcfjie, mberein mas neber man tljem, f e babe a match i go pour map
laib.Cbcrc lain tbep jefus tljerefoje, make It as fare as pou can. So tbep
becaufe of the pjepating of the Sab¬ ment, ann mane tlje Sepulcbje fure
bath of the 3ems, fpj tlje Sepulcbje mitb tlje matcbmeit, ann fealeb the
mas nigh at banb. Cone,
Ac Morning grayer, in Head of the other hifciple,tuhom Jefus lc'och,atiD
Pfalm, © come let US, ft. Tiiefe faith unto them, Cljeppabe taken a-
Anthems (hall be fung or laid. toaptheilo?houtof the grabe, ann
C lp?iff riling again ftom the seas, him.cannot
note tuctl) not, Death ftom that other
toe tell inhere thep habe Iain
peter t!jerefo?e went fo?th,anh
hencefo?th hath no power upon him: ©epulch?e.hifciple, anh came unto the
Cbep ran both together,
To? in tljat be Diet, be htch hut once anh that other
to put awap fin : hut in that he It peter, ann camehifciple nth out-run
hetijjhe Mheth unto ©on. dm? fo like* ch?e. anh ioljen hefitit han
to the ©epul-
floopen hoion,
Wife count pour felbes head unto fin, he fain the linen clothes ipittg, pet
hut Ithing unto ©oh tn €h?tft jefus inent he not in, Chen came ©imon
cut llo?h,
C Petet follotoing him, ann inent into
fp?itt is tifeit again, the fittt fruits the
of them that fleep : f o? feeing clothes @epttlch?e, anh fain the linen
that bp man came heath, hp man alfo about his lie, anh the napkin that mas
cometh the refurteetton of the bean Imen clothes, hean not iptng ioith the
fo? as hp anam all men no hie: fo bp in a place bp it fclf.Chen but tn?appe0 together
Chjiff all men fball be reftojeh to life that other hifciple,tohich came inent in alfo
firil to
A The Collcft.
iimightp ©on,which though thp beh the fepulch?e, anh he fain, anh belie-
onlp begotten Son 3lefuS ©hfiff Scripture, t fo? as pet tljep knein not the
haitobetcome heath, anhopeneh un= ftom heath.that he fljoulh rife again
to us the gate of ehetlatting life t toe ainap again toChentlje their oinn
htfciples inent
burnblp befeech thee, that as bp tfjp
fpecial grace p?ebenting us,thou hod Munday in Eafter week.
put in our minus gooh nefites: fobp
thp continual help ioe map bntig the
fame to gooh effect, th?ough Jefus
A The Collect.
umightp ©oh, which th?ough
thP onelp begotten ©on jefus
Cfjilff out Lo?h, toho libeth aith Ch?tft half obetcome neath.ann open-
teigneth With thee anh tlje holp eh unto us the gate of eberlatting
ffiljoff, noio anh ebet. life.- ine humbip befeech thee, that as
The Epiftle. bp thp fpecial grace p?ebenting us,
Col. f pe berifeit again With Chhil thou hofi put in outminns goon he-
3- »• reek thofe things tohich ate a ficesTo bp thp continual help ine map
hose, vohete ©b?ift fitteth on the b?ing the fame to gooh effect tlj?ough
_right hanh of ©oh. Set pour af¬ jefus Ch?iff our Jlo?h,tnho libeth anh
fection on heabenlp things, anh not teigneth, ?c.
on eatthip things. JFo? pe are hean, The Epiftle. .
aith pour life is hih with Cb?ttt tn peter openeh his mouth, anh faih, f„*
©on. ffiHbettroebec ©h?ift (tohich is 1 ©f a tenth J petceibe that there 3'
out life) (ball (hem himfelf, then (hall is no refpect of perfons With ©ohtbut
pe alfo appear ioith him in glojp. all people, he that fearetfj him, anh
99o?tifie thetefo?e pour eatthip mem¬ tno?keth tighteoufitefs, is acceptch
bers, fornication, uncleannefs, un= initlj him.fe knotn the pjeaching that
natural lutt, ebil concupiftence, anh ©oh rent unto the chilh?en of jfrael,
cobetoufnefS, tohich IS tnoifinppmg
of ihols: fo? tohich things false the
imatljof ©oh ufeth to come on the p?eachiitg toas publtlheh throughout
chtlh?en of unbelief, among tohom pe all jurp, (ann began fit ©alilee, after
urnihen fometime, tohen pe Ubeh in :be 'Baptifm Which John p?eacheh)
them. „ , hoin ©on anointen jefus of flaya-
The Gofpel. retb intth the holp ©holt, anh tnlth
John r-Thte fitff haw of the ©abbaths joiner. Klfjicb jefus inent about
zo-i> 1 came fJ3atp OSagOalette eatlp hoing gooh,atth healing all that mere
(When it tuns pet hark) unto the @e- opp?effen of the hebil : fo? ©oh teas
pulch?e,anh fato the (lone taken atoap initlj him. anh ine are initneffes of
ftom the gtabe. Chen the ran, anh all things Which he hih fit the innh of
came to©tmon Peter, anh to the the Jetns, anh at Jerufalem, inhom
Munday in E.ifler week.
thep flew onb bangeb on a tree: $fm S@ofes, anb all the Pwphets, anb m
00b tatfcn up the tljirb bap,aitb iftevu- terpwteb unto them in ail fcriptuce#
£bljimopettlp,notto all tlje people* which Were written of him. aitb tbep
but to us wttnefles (cljofen before of b?ew nigh unto tlje town which tljep
0ob fo? tlje fame intent) Which bib Went unto, anb he mabe as though be
eat atm b?titk with bint after be tofe Woulb babe gone further, anb then
from beatlj* 3nb be commattbeb us cottfframeb him, Taping, ainbe with
to p?eaclj unto tlje people, anbto te* us, fo ? it mawetb towarbS night,anb
fttfic,tljat it t# be which urns o?bameb tljebaptsracpaftcb. attb he went in
of 0ob to be tlje tubge of tbe quick totarrpwttlj them* anb tt came to
anb tbe bcab. Co btm gibe all tlje pafs, as be fat at meat with them, he
popljets wttnef#, that tb?ougb ijt# took b?eab, anb blefleb it, anb b?ake,
Battle wljofoebct bellebetb tn bun anb gabe to them, anb their epe#
lljall recelbe remtffion of fins. Were opeiteb, anb tbep knew ljim;anb
BCbolb, The Gofpcl.
two of bts btfctple# went
tljat fame bap to a town caileb
be bamfljeb out of tljetr fight, anb
tljep fatb between tljemfeibe#, Dib
not bur hearts burn within us. While
Crnmaus, which mass from 3ierufa= he talkeb With us bp the wap , anbo*
lern about tb?eefco?e furlong#, anb petteb to us tlje Scripture# t attb
tljep talkeb together of all tlje things thep rofe up the fame hour, attb re*
that bab bapneb.^nb it cljanceb while turneb to lierufalem, anb fottnb the
tbep communeb together anb reafom eleben gatljereb together, anb them
eb, jieftt# btmfelf b?ew near anb went that were with them, raping, Che
witij tbern : But tbelr epe# were *Lo?b t# rtfen tnbeeb,anb hath appear-
bolben tljat tljep fljoulb not know eb unto Simon, attb thep tolb what
bint. 8nb ijefalbunto tljem, OTat things Were bone tn tlje Wan, anb
maner of communication# are tljefe how tljep knew hint in braking of
tljat pe babe one to another a# pe h?eab.
walk, anb are fab ? Stub tbe one of
them (wtjofe name was Cteopbas) Tuefday in Bader Week.
anfwereb anb Mb unto him, art tljou The ColleT.
onlp a granger in jerufalem,anb baft
not known the things Which babe
cbancebthere tntbefebaps? jpefatb
Ajtmigljtp JTather, Which haft gt<
ben thine onelp Son to me fo?
unto them, OTljat things ? anb tljep our fins, anb to rife again fo?our
fatb unto him, ©f 3lefus of Ba?aretij mftiflcation: grant us fo to put awap
which was a prophet,migbtp in been tlje leaben of malice anb wtckebnefs,
anb wow before 0ob anb allJ:lje peo¬ that we map al wap ferbe thee in pure*
ple : anb bow the high pteft# anb nets of libtttg anb truth,though 3ie-
our Eulers beltbereb him to be com fus Ch?tft our liojb.
bemiteb to beatlj, anb babe ctuctfieb
him: 'But we trufteb that it bab been
he which Woulb babe rebeemeb 3Ifrm
Y The Epidle.
C men anb b?etb?en, cljiib?enofAcrs
tljegtnerattonofah?aljam, anb
el* anb as touching all tljefe things, wijofoebet among pou fearetlj 0ob*
to bap is eben the thttb bap that tljep to pou is this Wo?b of falbation fent.
were bone* gea, anb certain women JFo? the itthabitet# of Serufalem, anb
alto of our companp mabe us affoni* tljetr Eulers, bccattfe thep knew hint
fljeb. Which came earlp unto the Se* not, no? pet the boices of tlje p?o*
pulctye, anb fottnb not IjiS bobp, anb pljets, Which are reab eberp Sabbath
came, taping, Chat tljep bab feeita bap, tljep babe fuifilleb tljem tn com
biftonof angels, which faib tljat he bemninghim. Him When thep fotmb
was altbe. anb certain of them which no caufe of beatlj tit btm, pet beft ren
were with us,Went to tlje Sepulchre, tljeppiate to kill Ijmi^nb when thep
anb fottnb tt eben fo as the women bab fuifilleb all that were written of
bab fatb, hut him thepfaw not. anb him, tljep took him bown from tlje
he fatb unto them, 2D fools, anb flow tree, anb put him in a Septil-
of heart to heitebeall that tlje po* cb?e. But 0ob taifeb him again
phetshabefpoken. ©tight not Cb?tft from beatlj the tfjtrb bap, aitb be
to habc fulfcreb thefe things, anb to was fecit manp bapes of them >
enter into hi# glow ? anb he began at which went With him from 0aitlee tn
The firft Sunday after Eafter.
$feruralem,mhfch ate mftnefteg unto theft mttg, that thep nu'ght uttUet
the people, gnu me ueclate unto pott, nano tfie ©ruptures, aim fain unto
hom that the promife mhfch mag tfiern, Cfius it fs nmtten, anB ttjtis it
mauc unto the jFatherg, <$ou hath befioosen cfiiiff to ftiffer, atm to tife
fttlfilleh unto thetr ctjtihren, ebenutt* again front Beats tfie tfitro nap, ann
to us, in that he ratfenttp 3lcfti0 a- t5at repentance anu terniffion of fins
gain, eben ag ttfg mrfttenm the fe= ffioulB be pjeatpeo tn fits JEtanie a.
conu ptalm, Chou att mp 0on, thtg mong all JBattons, anti muff begin
nap habe 31 begotten thee, gg con- at aentfalem.anti pe are tottnefies of
cetntng that he ratten hmt up from tfiefe tfiings.
neatb, nomno more to return toco?-'
ruptton, he fain on thtg mtfe, Che her The firft Sunday after Eafter.
ippromtfeg mane to Dabtu, tutll31
gtbe fatthfullp unto pott. therefore The Colleft.
he faith alfo tn another place, Chou
(halt not ftiffer thuteholp One to fee
A lmigfitp©00 tofiicfi tfi?otigfi,fc.
As at the Communion on Eafter
corruption, jfo? Dabtu (after that he day.
hah tn htg time fulfilled the mill of
<$on) fell on deep, aim urns lath unto
htg jFatherg,attufam co?tuptton,15ut
A The Epiftle.
ll tfiat ts bom of ©oti obet*, ToIl.
cometfi tfie too?lB. ana tfits is ;V
he mijcm $oU ratfeh agatn, fata no toe Ditto?? tfiat obercometfi tfie
corruption, 05c ft (mourn unto pott loojio, eoett out faitfi, titija ts fie
therefore (pe men anu brethren) that tfiat oheecometfi tfie tnojio, but fie
through thfsi man tg p?eacheu unto tfiat beliebetfi tfiat Jcfita ts tfie ©on
pott forgtbenefg of fine, anb that bp of ©ont CfiiS 3iefus Cfoift ts fie tfiat
hint all that beltebe are fttfftfiefc from tame tip mater aim filoon; not bp
all thtng&from mijfch pe coulh not be mater ottcfp, fiut bp tnater anB filaoB,
jttfttfieo bp p lam of #ofeg, 'Bemare 3nB itfstfiefptcit tfiat bearetfiimt*
therefore, left that fall on pou, mbtcb nets, becaure tfie fptrtt is ttutfi, jfo?
fgfpofceit of tn the Propfjetg, 05e= tfiete ate tfitec tofitcfi heat recorn fit
holh pe uefptferg, anh monner, anh fieahen, tfie JF atfier, tfieOTo?B. ann
e pe; for 31 no a mo?h tn pour tfiefiolp®fioff t ann tfiefe tfi?ee ate
, mhfch pe (hall not beltebe, one. aim tfiete ate tfijee tnfittfi heat
though a matt heclare It unto pou. tecomin eattfi, tfie ©pint. anBC0Ja»
The Gofpel, ter, anB TBlooB: anB tfiefe ate one.
, TCfttg ftooh tn the mthft of W Dff- If toerecethe tfie fnitnefs ofmemtfie
M*6, J fctpleg anu fain unto them, peace vuitnefs of ©oB is gteatet: fo? tfits
be unto pou: 3ittg31> fear not, But ts tfie tcitnefs of ©oB, tofiicfi fie teflf.
thep mere abafljeu anu afcafu,anu Cup- fieo of fits ©on. ipe tfiat heleihetfi
pofeu thep hau feen a fptrtt, gnu he on tfie ©on of ©oo, fiatfi tfie tuftnefs
fatu unto them, TOP are pe trotr in fiimiclftrpe tfiat heiiehetfi not ©oB,
bleu, anu mhp uo thoughts artfe tn fiatfi moot fiim a fpar, becaitfefithe.
pour hearty Beijoin, mp banng iieoetfi not tfie teto?B tfiat ©oBgatie
anu mp feet, that ft tg ebett 31 mp ot fits ©on. ano tfiis is tfie recam,
felf: hanuie me, anu fee: for a fptrtt 5>ou> tfiat ©on fiatfi gihen unto us e--
hath no flefh anu botteg, ag pe fee me ternal life, aim tfits life is in fits
babe, gnu bthen he hau thug fpofcen, ©on. ipe tfiat fiatfi tfie ©on, fiatfi
he fljemeu them W hanng anu btg life, ann fie tfiat fiatfi not tfie ©on,
feet gnu hftjfle thep belteben not for fiatfi not life.
top, anu monureu, he fatu unto them, . The Gofpel.
ij>abe pe here anp meat? gnu thep of= '"pipe fame Bap at nigfit, tnfittfi teas M*
fereu him a piece of a brotien fill),anu \ the firft nap of the fabbathg,1*
of an hottep’comb, gnu he tool* ft, mhett the noo?g mere (hut (mhere
anu UtU eat before them, gnu he faiu utfctpieg mere aftembleu tugether foi
unto them, Chefeare the mo?ng tear of theliemg) came Jrfttg anu
mhfch S fpabe unto pott, mhtle J mag ftoou fit the mtug, anu fatu unta
pet mtth pou,that all muft be fttlfilleu them, ]3eace be unto pou gnu
mhfch mere mrttten of me ut the lam mhen he hau fofatu, hefhemetumta
of 93ofeg, anu tn the Prophetg, anu them W hanuu anu hfg fine, Chen
w the pfalmg, Chen openeu he mere the uffctpieg giau mhrn thep
The fecond Sunday after Eafter.
fain tlje Lmti. Chen rain Jefuss unto of mine, as tttp JfaHjcc fatotuetft
them again, Peace be unto you. as me, ebett fo knotu 3! alfo mp jfatbet.
mp jfattjec fent me, cbett fo fenb 31 anb 3 gtbe mp life fo? tbe (beep, anb
pou alfo* anb mben be ban fatb ttiefe other (beep 3 babe, mbtcb are not of
mo?bs,he b?eatbeb on them, anb Cain tbts folb: them alfo mutt 3 b?tng, ants
unto them, Eecetbe pe p boip ©boa* tbep (ball bear mp botce, anb there
CSbofocber fins pc remit, tbep are (ball be one folb, anb ope ibepberb*
remitteo unto them; ano tobofoeber
fins pe retain, tbep are retained The third Sunday after Eafter*

The fecond Sunday after Eafter. AUmtgbtp The Colled.

$ob, mbtcb (bemeffto
all men, that be in errour, the
Aiimtgbtp The Colled.
ocob, mbtcb baft gtben fight of tbp truth, to the intent that
thine onlp <g>mt to be unto us tbep map return into the map of
bottj a facrtfice fo? fin, anb alfo an rtgbteoufnefs • grant unto all them
trample of goblp life; gibe us tbe that be abmttteb into the feliomfljtp
grace that m map aimaps tnofi of Cb?iftS religion, that tbep map ef*
tbanHfuUbreceibetbat bis inefitma- cbem tbofe things that be contrarp
ble benefit, anb alfo batlp enbeaoo? to tljetr p?ofefiton, anb follom all
our felbes to fotlofo tbeblclfcb fteps fuel) things as be agreeable to the
of bts rnoft holp life. fame, tb?ougb ottr Lo?b jeftts Cb?itf*
i Pet. 2.
Tjj)iS The Epiftlc*

fo? confcience tomatb^ob en=

The Epiftle*
is tbanfc-looitbp, if a man DCatlp belobeb, 3 befeecb pott,as1 Fet;
fteangers anb pilgrims, abftatn " IS.
bare grief, anb fuffee m?ong ttnbe* from fieibip lues, mutch fight againft
retbeb* jfo? mbat p?aife ts it, tf mben the foul, anb fee that pebabe bonelt
pe be buffeteb fo? pour faults, pe emtberfatton among the Gentiles,
fake it pattentlpf 03ttt anb tf mben that mbereas tbep backbite pou as
pe bo mell, pe fuffee m?ong, anb take ebil boers, tbep map fee pour goob
it pattentlp, then is there thank rnttb mo?ks, anb p?aife 00b m the bap of
$0b: fo? hereunto betflp mere pe bifitatton* •Submit pour felbes
calleb* jfo? Cb?tft alfo fuffeteb to? tberefo?e eberp man fo? the £o?bS
us, leaping its an example, that pe fake, mbetber it be unto the Etng,
aoulb foliom bts fteps, mbtcb sib no as unto the chief beab, either unto
fin, neither mas there guile founbin Eulers, as unto them that are fent
bts mouth* TOtcb mben he mas re- of btmfo? the puntfljment of ebtl bo¬
btleb, rebtfeu not again, mben he fut- ers, but fo? tlje lattb of them that bo
fereb, be tb?eattteb not, but commit- meil. jfo? fo is tlje mill of $ob, that
tetb the bengeance to him that jubg- mttb mell botng pe map flop the
etb rigbteoufip* TOten bts omu felf mouths of fooltlb anb tgno?ant men,
bare our fins in fits bobp on ttje tree, as free, anb not as babtng the fibers
that me being beltbereb from fin, tp fo? a cloak of maltctoufnefs, but
(boulb Itbe unto rtgbteoufnefs, bp ebenastljeferbantsof $ob. pans?
mbofeftrtpespemerebealeb* jfo?pe all mendobe b?otberlp fellomibtpTeat
mere as Ibeep going afttap, but ate ^ob:bono?tbeEmg*
itom tttrneb unto the fijepherb anb
Xifljcpof pour fouls* The Gofpeh
The Gofpel. TCftts faib unto bts btfetpies, after Th-
C herb, a goob fijepherbgoobgtbetb
Hrift faid, 3 am the (hep- J a mbtie pe (ball not fee me, anb a- *
gain after a mbtle pe (ball fee me, fo?
bts life fo? the Ibeep* an bireb fee- 3 go to tbe jfatber. ‘Chen fatbfome
bant, anb be mbtcb is not tbe fijep- of hts btfciplcs betmeen tbemfelbes,
herb (neither the Ibeep are W omn) OThat is this that be faith unto us,
feetb the moif coming, anb leabetb after a mbtle pe (ball not fee me, anb
the (beep, anb fleetb, anb the moif i again, after a mbtle pe (ball fee me,
catcbeto, anb fcatteretfj the Ibeep, anb that 3 go to the jfatber? Cbep
die btreb feroant fleetb, becaufe be fatb tberefo?e, OTmt is tijis that be
is an bireb ferbant, anb caretb not fo? faith, after a mbtlef TO cannot tell
the (beep. 3 ant the goob Ibepberb, mbat be faith* 3efuspercetbebtbat
anb l\\m mp fljeep, anb am knomn t hep motilb ask him, anb fatb unto
The fourth Sunday after Eafter.
tljcm, fe enquire of tins tettoeeit pou: but tf 3 hepatt, J thill fenh him
pourfelocs, becaufe 31 fa©, after a unto pou. anh tohen ije 10 come, ho
©Ijllepeftallnotfeenie, aim again, totll rebufce tlje tooilb of fin, anh of
after atoljile pe ©all fee me. Clerilp, rtghteoufnef0, anh of rubgement*
0ettlp3fap untopou. ft ©alltoeep SDf ftn, becaufe tljep beltebe not on
anti lament, but contratiinlfe, tlje me : SDf rigljteoufnef0, becaufe a
too?© ©all teiopce: pe ©all forroto, go to mp father, anh pe ©all fee me
but pour forroto ©all be turnen to no mo^e ; flDf jubgement, becaufe
jop. a tooman ©fjen ©e trabelletlj, tlje prince of thl0 too^lb 10 (uhgeh al*
tjntlj forroto, becaufe Ijer Ijoutls reabp* 3 babe pet manp thing0 to
tome: butalfoott as 11)e isbcliticrcb fap unto pou,but pe cannot bear them
of tbe c8tlBe,©e rememb?etb no mo?e aioap nob), ipotobeit,tohen he (0 come
tlje angut©, foi lop tljat a man is (toijtclj 10 tlje Spirit of truth) he totll
bo?it into tlje too?©, aim pe no© leah pou into all truth : he fljall not
tljerefoje babe fo?ro©: but 3 ©tH fee fpeah of htmfelf, but tohatfoeber he
pou again, at© pour hearts ©all te¬ fljall hear, that (hall he fpeah, anh he
mper, aim pour iop ©all no man take totll fljetu pou tljtng0 to come* $)e
from pou. fljall glo?tfie me: fo?lje (hall recetbe
of mine, anh fljall fljeto unto pou* ail
The fourth Sunday after Eafter. tbtttg0 that the father hath, are
mine: therefore fath 3 unto pou^hat
A The Colled.
lmtgbtp ®ob tnljlcb tioff rnahe he fljall take of mine, anh (beta unto
tlje mutt# of all faithful men to pott*
be of one Mutant unto tljp people,
tljat tljep map lobe the thing toijtclj The fifth Sunday after Eafter*
tijott commanbeft,$ byftre that toijtclj
tljou noil p?omtfe, ttjat among: the
funb?p aimmanifolb cbange0 of the
iooiib, our hearty map furelp there
L The Colled*
SD^h, from toljom all gooh thing#
ho come, grant u0 tljp humble
be fireb,b)berea0 true jope0 are to he ferbant0, that bp tljp holp infpiratton
founh, though Cbltft our JLo^b* toe map tljlnfc thofe thmg0 that be
gooh, anh bp tljp merciful guthing
map perform the fame, through our
E The Epiftle.
flierp goon gift, aim eberp perfect Ilom3iefu0 C&ift*
gift m from abobe, aim cometh
bourn from the JF ather of lights,tottlj The Epiftle.
inborn 10 no bartablenete, neither c£e that pe behoet0 of the bwm,Jam *•
fljabob) of change* SDf W obm totll anhnothearer0 onelp, becetbing*2-
begat he uointtij the loom of truth, pour oton felbe0* fo? If anp man
that toe (bourn he the firft fruttg of hear tlje tnom, anh heclare not
jjtss creatures* 2£lberefo?e, hear the fame bpht0 too^m, he 10 Itfee urn
b|etlj?en, let eberp man he ftofft to to a man beljolbittg ht0 bobtlp face in
hear, floui to fpeafc, flob) to h^atb : a glaf0: fo? afloott a0 he hath lookers
foi the b^atlj of matt tuoiheth not on htmfelf,lje goeth hi0 ioap, anh fo?*
that toljicb t0 rtgljteott0 before tSpob* getteth immebtatelp b)hatht0 fafljt-
OTljcrefoje lap apart all filtbtnef0, ott ioa0* 'But toljofo looketh in the
anh fuperfluttp of maltciouftte0, atm perfect lab) of Itbertp, anh conttnu-
receibe tmthmeelmefo the b)o?b that eth tljetein (If he be not a forgetful
t0 gtafleb tit pott,\ohtch 10 able to rabe hearer, but ahoerof the too$) the
pour foul0* fame fljall be happp In hl0 heeh* 3f
anp man among pott reetn to be be-
The Gofpel.
€fit0 fath unto Ijth htlctple0, Bob) bout, atm refraineth not ht0 tongue,
go j mp trap to hint that rent me, but hecetbetlj ljl0 obrn heart, tht#
anh none of pou a0hetlj me tuljtther matt0 hebotiott 10 tit bain* pure he*
31 go : hut becaufe 3 habefathfuch botton, anh ttnbefileb before ^oh the
tfjtng0 unto pou, pour heart0 are full father (0 tljt0, Cobifit the father*
cfftnroh). Bcberthelefo, 3 tell pott lef0 atth b)thab)0 in tbetr ahberfltp,
tlje truth,3t (0 erpehtent fc$ pou that anh to beepijtmfelf uttfpotteh of the-
3 go atnap* ifo? tf 3 go not ahmp h)o$t*
that Comforter Ml not come unto
on day. . 1
The Gofpcl* afect IjiS palTion, (aim that bp tttaiip
John \7<£riip, berilpj mp unto you, tokens) appeatutg unto tljem fo?tp
»6.ii. V GLUjatfoebet pe njsk the ifatbet baps, anb Vpeakmg of the JMitgbom
inmpaame, bemtllgibe it pou. pi* of 00b, aim gatljeteb them together,
tberraljabepe askeb nothing in mp aim commaimeb them that tijep
name. askantipe maUtecemc, that iboulb not bepatt from ^etufaiem,
pour iop map be full. Cbefe ibingS but to mait fo? the p?omife of the if a*
babe ^ fpoken unto pou bp p?obetbS. tbet, mbeteof (faith be) pe babe beatb
Cbe time mill come, vbtjen 3 (ball of me • ifo? John trulp baptfteb mitp
no mo?e fpeakunto pou bp p?oberbS, matet, but pelball be bapti^eb mitlj
but a mail mem pou plainip from mp the bolp 0ljoit, after tljefe fern baps*
ifatbet. at that nap mall pe ask in OLlbeii tijep therefore mete come to*
ntp name, ano a fap not unto pou, getber, tbep askeb of him, taping,
that a vntli fpeak unto mp ifatbetfo? jio?b, milt tbou at this time reffo?e
pou : fo? the iFathet bimfelf lobetb again the mingbom to 3ftael? anb be
pou, beeaufepe babe lobebme, aim faib unto them, lit isnotfo? pou to
babe beiiebebtbata came out from knom the times 0? the feafons mbicb
0ob. a ment out from tbe if at bee, the ifatbet bath put in bis omn pom*
nub came into tbe mo?lb. again, a et. Q3ut pe mail tecetbe pomet after
ieabe tbe mo?lb, aim go to tbe ifa> the bolp 0boft is come upon pou: anb
tber. ©is bifctples faib unto him, pe (ball be mitnelfes unto me, not on*
310, nom tbou talked plainip, aim ip in letufalem, but alfo in all |utp,
fpeakett no p?obetb. Bom ate me anb in ©amatia, anb ebentmtotije
fure, that tbou knomeft all things, mo?lbS enb. aim mbeit be bab fpo*
aitb neebeft not that anp man iboulb ken tljefe things, mijile tbep pet be*
asktbee anp queltion, tIjerefo?e be= belb, be mas taken up on high, anb a
liebe me that tbou earned ftorn 00b. cloub receibeb him up out of tljeit
aeCus anfmeteb tbem, Bom pe bo Ogbt.anb mbtletljeplookeb fiebfaltip
beliebe : bebolb, the bout b?ametb up tomatb ljeaben,as be ment,bebolb,
high, anb is alteabp come, that pe turn men ttoob bp tljeminmbite ap*
©all be fcattereb ebetp man to bt^ patel,mbicb alfo faib,ge men of0alt*
omn, anb (ball leabe me alone: anb lee, mhp ffanb pe gating up tntoljea*
pet am a not alone, fo? tbe ifatbet ben? %W fame jefiis mbicb is ta*
ts rnttb me. Cbere mo?bs babe a ken up from pou into beaben, mall fo
fpokenunto pou, that in me pe might come eben as pe babe feeit him go in*
babe peace; fo ? in the mo?lb fljallpe to beaben.
babe tabulation. 13ut be of goob The Gofpel.
cheer, a babe obetcome the mo?lb. T0fus appeareb unto the elebeit,M>
J as tbep fat at meat, anb call in
The Afcenhon day. tbeit teeth their unbelief anb barb*
The Colled. itefs of heart, becaufe tbep beliebeb
not them mbicb bab feen that be mas
G Eant me befeecb thee aimigbtp tifen again from the beab. anb be
0ob, that like as me bo beliebe faib unto them, 0o pe into ail tbe
tbp cnlp begotten ©on out lorn to mo?lb, anb p?eacb tbe 0ofpel to all
babeafeenbeb into tbebeabens : fo creatures* 4>e that beliebetb anb is
me man alfoin beattanb minbe tbi= bapti^eb (ball be fabeb, but be that
tbet afeenb, anb mitlj bint continual- beliebetb not mail be bamneb. anb
ip bmell, mho libetb aim teignetb tbefe tokens fball foliom them that
mitb tbee anb the bolp 0bo(l, one beliebe. 3jn mp name tbep fljal! cad
00b, mo?lb mitijout enb. amen. out bebils, tbep mall foeak mitb
The Epiftle. nem tongues, tbep mall b?ibe amap
Aa.i TB the fo?mer ^teatife (beat Cbe* ferpents, aim if tbepb?mk anp beab*
x. 1 opbilus) me babe fpckeit of all that Ip thing, it mail not butt them, tbep
aefus began to bo anb teach, until mall lap tbeit banbs on the Ock, anb
the bap in mbiebbe mas taken up, af* tbep mall teccbet. ©0 mijen the
tet that be tbmugk the bolp 0fjoft Lorn bab fpoken unto them, be mas
bab giben commanbments unto tbe receibeb into beaben, aim is on the
apoftles, mbom be hab cbofen, to right harm of 0ob. anb tbep ment
mijorn alfo be ibemeb bimfelf alibe fo2tfj aim p:eacbeb ebetp mhete,
U ' the
Sunday after Afcenfion day.
the Loin woifemg with them, anb figtit of tlje holy Spirit ? grant us
confirming tlje wo?b tmtij miracles by the Tame ©putt to habe a right
following. jubgement in all things, ann ebtr«
mo?e to rejopce in fits holy comfoit,
Sunday after Afcenfion day. tijjougb the merits of Chuff 3cfus
The Collet our Sautouc, wholibetfi anb reign-
o $00 tt)c filing of gloiy, Which etfi with thee,tn tlje unity of the fame
hafteralteb tijine only Son je Spirit, one ©ob, wo?lb without enb.
fua Ct)|ift, With great triumph unto amen.
thy feingbom in heaben • we beseech The Epiftle.
tijee lease us not comfo?tlefs, but
fens to us thine holy ©bait to tom-
W (belt the fifty nays were come AS.,
to an enn, they were all with I.
foit us,anb emit us to tlje fame plate one acco?o together in one place, anb
whither our Sabio? Chlttt is gone ftmbenly there came a founn from
before, wijo libeth ann reigneth, ft. heaben, as it ban been the coming of
a mighty winbe, anb it filleb all the
j Pet.
4 7-
T The Epiftle.
Ipe enn of all tilings is at hanb. houie where they (at. ann there ap-
T5e ye tijcrcfojc fobec ann watch pearen unto them cloben tongues,
unto p?ayet : TBut abobe all tljings tifee as they ban been of fire, anb it
Ijabe ferbent lobe among your fat upon each of them, ann they
felbes i fo? lobe ihall tober tfje mul were all filleb With the holy ©bolt,
titubeof fins. TBe ye ljatbo?eis one anb began to fpeafe with otljet
to anotljer without gctibgfng, as tongues, eben as the fame Spi¬
ebety man hath receibeb tlje gift, rit gabe them utterance. Chen
eben fo miniffertlje (lame one to ano¬ were swelling at 3eruiaiem 3ews,
ther, as goon founders of the manl beboutmen, out of eberp jQation of
folb graces of ©ob.Jf any man fpeafe, them that ate unset heaben. Hilbert
let ijimtalbas tlje woms of ©ob; this wasnotfes about, the multitude
3f any man minitter, let him no it came together, ann were nnonieb,be¬
as of the ability which ©ob mlniflretlj caufe that ebery man beam them
to him, that ©ob m all things fpeah with his own language. Chey
may be glo?tficb thjottgh 3lefus wonbjen all, ann matbelleb, faying
• Ch?iff, to whom be p?atfe anb somf- among tfiemfelbes, TBefioIb, ate
nlcnfo; eber anb eber. amen. not all there which fpeafe of ©altlee ?
The Gofpel. anb how hear we ebetp man his own
johi, \ X Jl?m tlje Comfoiter is tome, tongue wherein we were bom? par.
i«. V V whom 3 will feno unto you tfiians, anb scenes, anb Cimtutes,
from the .father (eben the Spirit of anb tfie inhabitants of SSefopota-
truth, which pmteesetb of the fa¬ rnia, anb of 3ury, anb of Cappa-
ther) he fljall tettlfie of me, ann ye bocta, of pontus, anb 3ffa, Pfiip-
(ball bear witnefs alfo, betaufe ye gia, aiinpampfiplia, of ©gppt, anb
habe been with me from the begin¬ of the parts of Lybta, which is be.
ning. Cbefe things habe J ram un¬ fine Cyieite, ann ilrangets of Rome,
to you, becaufe ye tpoum not be of- jews aim p?ofelytes, Cretes, ann
fenbeb. Chey (hail ertomunicate aeabians, we babe beats themtbeafe
you, yea, the ttmefhali come, that m out owit tongues the great wo?feS
rohofoeber hilleth you,will thin* that of ©on.
fie both ©ob fetbice. aitb fitch things The Gofpel.
will they bo unto you, becaufe they TCfus fats unto his bircipies, 3f ye Joh.i
habe not fenown the father, neither J lobe me, feeep my tommann- 15 *

yet me. Tgut tfiefe things habe 3 ments, aim 3 will p?ap the iFatfiee,
tolb you, that when the time is come, ann Ije (hall gibe you another Com-
ye may remember then that 3 tolb fojter, that fit map ablbe with you
you. fo? eber, eben the Spirit of truth,
Whitfunday. Whom tlje Wo?lo cannot recelbe, be-
The Collett. taufe the woiin feetb film not .neither
fenowetb him, I3ut pe fenow him, fo?
G ©D Which as upon this nay hail he nwelleth with you, ann (hall betti
taught the hearts of thy faithful yoti.3 will not leabepou comfoitlcfs,
people, by the reusing to them the but wii come to pctt.g et a little while
Monday in Whitfun weeks
rmu tlje mo?in feetU me no moje, but unto tUecljiin?ett ofjftael, p?eacUing
pefccme: ifo? 3 line, mm pe iljail peace up Muo CU?ift, mijtcij to liom
line. Cljnt nap fljall pe kncm tijat 3 obec au tijtttgo* iKLiljiclj p?eacljing
am nt mp if atije'r, atm pou tit me, atmi mao pituiinjen tijmugijout all 3urp,
3 at pom l,i)e tuat Uatu mp com* mm began ut Galilee, after toe bap-
manomento, atm ueepetu tljem, tUe ttfme mljicij 3oijn p?cacljen,ljom ©on
fame to Uc tljat lonctlj me,atm lje tljat anoutten 3,efuo of il^afaretu mttlj tue
lonetlj me, fljall Ue lonen of mp if a* Uolp ©bolt, ann mttlj pomer. flBljtcgi
tljer, mm 3 mill loue Uim, atm null 3efuo ment about notng goon, aim
fijcm mine onm felt unto Utm. 3|m tjealmg all tuat mere opp?elfen of
nan fattp unto Unit (not 3tmao tlje nenti: ©on mao mitlj uim.
jfcanot) ILo?n, utUat to none, aim me are mttnelfeo of all tbingo
tijat tljott Unit fljem tljp feif unto tto mljtcU Ue ntn in tljclano of tue 3emo,
mm not unto tijc tooiinf 3£fuo an- aim at3eritfalem: mijorn tpep Hem,
fmerenaim fain unto Utm, 3faman atm Uaitgen on a tree: Uim ©on rat-
lone me, Ue null keep mp fapttigo, fen up tue tpten nap, mm fljemen ijim
atm mp ifatljer mill lone Utm, ann opemp, not unto all tue people, but
me milt come unto Utm, ann ntoeii to uo mitnefleo (cljofen before of ©on
mitlj Utm. l)z tUat lonetlj me not, fo? tlje fame intent) mljicU ntn eat atm
Ueepetu not mp fajtngo. ann tlje U?tnk mitlj ijim after be arofe from
mo?nmbtcljpeUear to not mine, Uut neatu. ann Ue commatmen uo to
tljeifatljero mljicUfent me. Cljefe p?eaclj unto tlje people, ann to tefit-
tljingo Unne 3 fpokett unto pou, be* fie tuat it mao Ue mUiclj mao o?natnen
tng pet p?efettt tDttU pou: Uut tUe of ©onto Uetlje3ungeof tue quick
Comfo?ter,mijicljiOtUe Ijolp ©Ijoff, atm nean. Co Uim gtne all tue p?c*
mijorn tup ifatljer mill fenn tit mp pUeto mttnero,tljattU?ouglj UiO name,
jftame, Ue tUall teacU pou all tUittgo, mijcfoeberbeltebetlj in Uim, (Uallre-
mm b?fitg an tutttgo to pout rentem* ceibe remtlfton offtno. Mijilz pe¬
usance, mUatfoeber 3 babe Cam unto ter pet fpake tlje mo?no, tlje Uolp
pou. peace 3 leabe trntU pou, mp ©Uoft fell on all tUern mutclj Ueatn
peace 3 gtne unto pou: not ao tue tlje p?eacUing. ^nn tUepof tUecir-
mo?m gtbetlj, gibe 3 unto pou. Let cttmctftoit mutcU Uelienen, mere afto-
not pout ijearto Ue grteben, neither nten, ao ntattp ao came mttlj Peter,
feat, ^e tjane Ueatn born 3 fain un¬ Uecaufe tijat on tUe ©enttleo alfo
to pou, 3 go ann come again unto mao lUen out tue gift of tlje Uoin
pou. 3f pe loben me, pe mouin net-t¬ ©bolt: ifo? tljep Ueatn tljem fpeak
ip tetopce Uecaufe 3 fain 3 go unto mttlj tongtteo, ann magmfie ©on.
tUe jfatUet x fo? tbe ifatljer to great* Cljen anfmeren peter,Can anp ntan
ettuett 3* aim nom 3 Uane (Uetuen fo?Utn mater, tuat tuefe fljottinnot
pou before it come, tijat muen tt to be bapti^en, mljitljUabe recetnentue
come to pafo pe migUt beltebe. |>eee* Uolp ©Uoff ao mellao mef attnije
aftet nutl 3 not talkmattp mo?no un¬ commannen tUem to be Uapti^en in
to pou: fo? tUe puttee of tljtO mo?in tlje name of tue Lo?n* Cljen p?ap-
cometlj, ann UatU nought tit me, Uut en tljep Uim to tarrp a fern napo*
tuat tije mo?in map kttom tijat 3 lone
tue ifatUet. ann ao tUe ifatljet gane The Gofpel. L,
me commanument, ebett fo no 3,
Munday in Whitfun week.
S©gane©onUioloben tlje mo?m, tijat fie Joh;
cnelp begotten 0on,tUat J*
The Collea. mUofoeber UeliebetU in Ijtm, tUouin
G©n, mijtcij ao upon tuio nap ijaff
tattgUt tlje OttO,
Ijt $C. As upon
not pend), but Ijane enetlantng life,
ifo? ©on Cent not UiO ^>on into tUe
Whitfunday. mo?m to connemn tue mo?in, but
The Epiftle. tuattlje mo?in tn?ottglj Utm might be
ASi 10. npl)en peter openen IjiO moutu, fanen. loz tuat UeliebetU on Uim,
34 • , 1 ann fain, ©f a ttutu 3 percetbe to not cbttOemiteU. l)z tUatbelie^
tuat tljete to no tefpett of petfood betu not, to connemnen alreanp, be*
mttU ©on: Uut mail people, Ue tuat cattfe Ue Uatu not belteben ttt tlje
fearetU Utm, ann mo?ketij rtgUteouO name of tfje mtelp begotten ©on of
nefo, to accepten mttu Utm. ©on. anntUiOiotbe connemnatfcm,
kuom tue p?eacUing tijat ©on rent tuat light io come into tlje mo2in,armt
]X 2 men
Tuefday in WhitSun week.
men loiJcB tmrknefg mo?e tfjen lig&t,
bccaute tijesr BecBS ace ebil. jfo? eue> Trinity Sunday.
tj? one tijat Docttj eMl, Ijatetfj tlje
Unfit, neittjec tometlj to tlje ligljt, felt The Collett.
ijts oeeosi fijoutBbe tcpfobeO. OSutfje A ILuiightp ano ebetlafling <£oo,
tijat siotlj tfie tcutf), cometf) to tije -Tv mhich hath giben unto ug thp
itjjijt, tijat fjis BeeBS map be fenoum, ferbantg grace, bp the confelflon of a
Uotu tijat tijep be tojouebt m ©oB. true faith, to acUnomleoge the g!o?p
of the eternal Crinitp, ano in the
Tuefday in Whitfun week. pomer of the Oibine £©aiedp, to mo?-
ffitp tfie unttp: me befceeh thee, that
The Collect, tbiough the fleofaflnefg of thus faith,
G 0O MjtClj ag, ^C* As upon Whit- me map ebermo?e be Oefenoeo from
funday. all aoberfitp, mhich libefi ano reignefl
one ©oo, mo?lu mttbout eno* 9uien.
The Epiftle.
lpen the apoflleg mhich mete
at jerufatem, heato Cap that A The Epiftle.
fter tljig 3 looaeo, ano bebolo,^oc*
©amaria ijnts receibeo the mo?o of a ooo? mag open m heaben,ano
&>£>D, thep Cent unto them peter the firfl boice mhtch 3 hearo, mag a0
anti 3!oijn j mhich mhen thep mere it mere of a Crumpet talking tnitfi
tome oomn, p?apeo fo? them that me, mhich faio, Come up hither, ano
thep might recede the holp 0hoft* 3 mill fljem thee things mhich mufr
jfo? ag pet fie mag come on none of be fulfilieo hereafter. 9no intmeoi*
them, butthep mete bapttfeo onefp atlp 3 mag in the fpirit, ano fiefiofo a
fit tlje name of Ch?id 3efii* Chen feat mag ret in beaben, ano one fat
fatothep tljEfr fianog cn tljem, ano on the feat Slno he that fat, mag to
tljep teceibeo tfie holp ©hod* look upon, like unto a3afperflone,
ano a ^aroine done* 9no there mag a
rainbom about the feat, in fight like
The Gofpel.
Crtlp, berilp 3 fap unto pou, fie unto an Cmerauio. 9no about the
that entteth not in bp the Ooo? feat mere four anotmentpfeatg, ano
into the fljeeep folo, butettmbethup upon the featg four ano tmentp Cl-
fome other map, the fame tga thief oerg fitting, clotheo in mhtte rat
ano a muroerer. 'But he that entreth ment, ano gao on their heaog cromitg
In bp the ooo?, ig the ^>hepheco of the of goio* 9no out of the featp?oceeo*
ffieep: to htm the poster openeth,ano eo fightmngg ano thuno?mg, ano
the fcrep hear W boice, ano he cal* boiceo. 9nO there mere feben lampg
Jetfi hig omn fheep bp name, ano leao* of fire bttrnmgbef0?e the feat,mhicb
eth them out 9no mhen he hath are the feben ^piritg of <^oo, ano
fent fo?thhig omn (fieep, he goetij be< befo?e the feat there mag a fea of
fo?e them, ano the (beep foliom him, glafg like unto crpftal, ano in the
fo? thep knom hig botce* 9 dranger miofl of the feat, ano rouno about the
mill thei? not foilom, but mill flee feat, mere four beaffg full of epeg
from hint: fot thep knom not the befo?e ano behinO* 9no the firfl bend
boice of dtangerg Chtg p?cberb mag like a lion, ano the fecono bead
fpake leftig unto them, but thep urn like a calf, $ the tfnfo bead hao a face
Oerflooo not mhat thtngg thep mere like a man, anOt&e fourth bead mag
mhtch he fpake unto them* Chen like a Aping eagle* 9no p four beafig
fato 3efug unto them again, flJettlp, hao each of them fir. mingg about
berilp 31 fap unto pou, 3 ant the ooo? hrni, ano thep mere fall of epeg mith
of the djeep* 911, ebeit ao manp ag in* 9no thep oto not red Oan neither
came befme me, ate thiebeg ano night, raping, |)olp, holp,bo!pEo?o
murthererg, but the Ificep Oto not 0oo 9lmigijtp,mhich mag ano ig, ano*
hear them* 3 am the ooo?, hp me if ig to come* 9no mhen thofe beadg
mtp man enter fit, he (ban be fife,ano gabeglo?p, anoijono?, ano thanko,
(ball go fit ano out, ano finuc naff tire. to him that fat on the th?one (mhich
9 thief comet!* not hut fo? tofleal, Iibeth fo? eber ano eber) the four arto
kill, ano orflrop*- 3 am rdme that tmentp cinerg fell oomn before him
thep might babe life, ano that thep that fat on the thmne,ano moiiftioDeo
might babe it moiz abtmuantfp* him that libeti) fo j eber3ano caff their
• cromng
The ftrft Sunday afcer Trinity.
crotons befoie ttjc Ch?onc, facing, nefsof ourmoital nature can ocmr
Chou art moffhP> fl> 10?s out ©go, gooo thing mretjout thee,gtant us the
to receibe g»o?p , ano bottom ans help of thp grace, that m beeping of
pomer, fo? tijou haft creates all tljp commanoments, me map pleafe
riumrs, ans to? thp nulls fafce they thee both m mill ano oceo, though
arc, ans mere creates. 3efus Cb?tft our Lorn.
The Gofpei.
mas a man of thephatifees DCarlp belobeo, let us lobe one
The Epiftle.
names JOicosemus, a Euletof another,fo? lobe cometh of ©oo, 4 7-
i John

the liems. Che fame came to 3!rCus ano cberp one that lobeth, is bo?tt of
bp mght, ano faio unto htm, ixabbt, ©00, aim bnoioeth ©cO. pz that la-
me bnoia that thou art a teacher betlj not, bnometh not ©00 \ fo? ©00
come from ©os. jfo? no man couis is lobe. 3}n this appearetij the lobe
Oo fuel) miracles as thou Soeft, zk- of ©00 to us-mars,becattfe that ©00
ccpt©os mete mttlj&im. Jefus an- fent htS onelp begotten ©on into the
fmeres, ano fais unto him, (llerilp, mo?lo, that me might itbeth?augh
berilpTfap unto thee, Crceptaman him. herein is lobe, not that me lo¬
be bom from abobe, he cannot fee the bes ©00, but that he lobes us, ano
fetnpom of ©os.mosernus faio un» fent his ©on to be the agreement fo?
to him, ipom can a man be bom mhen our fins. SDearlpbelobes, if ©obfa
be is oio t can he enter into hm mo¬ lobes us, me ought alfoone to lobe
thers momb, ano be bom again ? 3|e- another. Bo man hath feen ©os at
fus anfmeres, Slertlp, berilpSfap anp time. Jf me lobe one another,
unto thee, Crcept a man be bom of ©gs smelleth in us, ans hiSlobeis
mater ano of the spirit, he cannot perfect in us. $>erebp bnom me
enter into the btngsom of ©oo. Chat that me smell in him , ans he in
mhich is bom of the ffeft), ts fleflj: ano us , becaufe he hath giben us of
that mhich is bo?tt of the fpirit, is fpi- his ©pint ♦ ans me habe feen,
rit. barbel not thou that 31 faio urn ans so teffifie, that the father fent
to thee, ft muff be bom from abobe. the ©on to be the ©abio? of the
Che mtits blometh inhere it luffeth, mo?ls. 2Hhofoeber ccnfeffeth that
ano thou heareft the founo thereof, Jefus is the ©on of ©DD, in him
but thou canff not tell mhence it co- smelleth ©os, ans he in ©os.3ns me
meth,no?mhitheritgoeth: ^>o ise- habe bnomn ans beliebes the lobe
been one that is bom of the Spirit. that ©os hath to us* ©os is lobe,ans
Bicosemus anfmetes, ano faio unto he that smelleth in lobe, smelleth in
him,pom can thefe things be f aefus ©os, ans ©os in him. herein is the
anfmetes,ans faio unto him,3tt thou lobe perfect in us,that me (hauls truff
amaffer in Tfrael, ansimomeft not tit the sap of jttsgement: fo? as he is,
thefe things f Gleettoherilp a fap un¬ eben fo are mein thismo?ls. Chero
to thee, Wz fpeab that tue bnotn,ano is no fear in lobe, but perfect lobe
teffifiethat me babe feen, ans pete- caff eth out fear x fo? fear hath pain-
ceibe not our mttnefs. If a habe tolo fulnefs. pz that feareth, is not per¬
pou earthlp things, ano pe beliebe fect in lobe. 2He lobe him, fo? he lo*
not,horn ff)al pe beiiebe if a tel! pou of bes us fitft. 3f anp man fap, 3 lobe
heabenlp things? ano no man afeens- ©os, ans pet hate his b?other, he is a
eth uptoheaben, but he that came liar. Jfo? horn can he that lobeth not
oomn from heaben, eben the ©on of his b?othermhom he hath feen, lobe
man mhich is in beaben. 3nsas$@o= ©os mhorn he hath not feen ? 3ns this
fes lift up the ferpent in the mtiser* Commansment habe me of him, that
nefs, eben fo muff the ©on of man be he mhich lobeth ©os, ffjouis lobe bis
lift up, that mhofoeber beliebeth in b?otljer alfo.
him, periff) not, but habe eberlaffing The Gofpei.
life. T facre mas a certain rich man. Lake
mhich mas clothes in pttrule ans i6-1*
The firft Sunday after Trinity.
fine mhite, ans fares scitciouftpebctp
The Colle£fc. sap. 3ns there mas a certain begget
/^DS theffrength of all them that names lajaras,mhich lap at his gate
V t truff in thee, nteretfuttp accept full of foies, scaring to be refrefhes
our piapcrs, ano beceufe the meaft- mith the crumbs mhich fen from
The fecond Sunday after Trinity.
tije tic!) mans Ijoatti, ano no man paflton from bim, bom otbefletb the
gooe unto hint: ttjt bogs came aifo lobe of mn in bim ? ^p babes, let us
anoticbeoijiSfo?es. %m it fo?tuneo not lobe tnmo?o, neither in tongue,
that tije begger oieo, ams mas carrf but m oeeo, ano in berttp. iperebp me
eo bp the angels into ab?aljams ioa= bnom that me are of tije berttp, ano
Com. Cue nctj man aifo oieo,ano mas can quiet out hearts befo?ebtm. Jfo?
buneo.ano being in bell in to?ments, if out heart conoemu us, ©oo is
be lift up W epes, ano fam ab?abam greater then out heart, ano bnometb
afar off, ano nasaeusin bis bofom, all things. Oeatlp belobeO, if our
anBbeecpeO,anofato, father ao?a= heart conoemu us not, then babe me
bam, babe ntettp on me,ano feno ita- tntft to ©ooumro, ano mbatfoeber
?artts tijat ije map Otp tije tip of bts me ash, mereceibe of him, becaufe
finger in mater, ano cooi mp tongue, me beep tjis Commanoments, anti oa
fo ?3i am to?mmteo m tljts flame;J5ttt tbofe ttjmgs mijtcb are pleafant in bis
$b?abam fato, g>ott, remember tijat figbt.^no this is bis Commanoment,
tijou in tbP fife time recetbeoft tijp that me beltebe on tije name of bts
pleafure,anO cantrarimife, Lazarus Son jefus Cb?ift5 ano lobe one ana¬
recetbeo pain: but nolo be to comfo?t= themas be gabe Commanoment.^nu
eo, ano tbou act punifijeo. 'Bepotto be that fceepetb bts Commanoments,
all tbiO, between us ano pott there to omeiletbmbim,ano betnbtm: ano
a great fpace fet, fo that tljep mijtcb betebp me imam that be abtoetlj frt
mouio go from pence to pou, cannot, us, eben bp tije Spirit mijicb be Ijatb
neither map come from tbence to w> gibenus.
Cbm be fato, ip?ap tljce tbetefo?e
father, fetio bim tornp fathers ijotife The third Sunday after Trinity.
(fo? 11 babe fipe b?etlj?en) fo? to mam
them, left tbep come aifo into this The Gofpel.
place of torment* 8b?abam fato unto
him, Cbep babe Chafes ano tije p?o>
pljets, let them bear them, ano be
A fuppet,
Certain man o?oameO a great Luke
ano baOe manp, ano Cent
fato, JiJap,father ab?abam, but if one bts feroant at fuppet time to fap to
come unto them from the oeao, tbep them tpat mete hitmen, Come, fo? all
toil! repent ipe fato unto bim,3if tljep things ate nomteaop. <3no ttjep all
bear not 99ofes ano the P?opbets, at once began to mafce ercufe. Che
neither bull tbep beltebe,though one fieftfato unto him, 3 babe bought a
anfe from oeatb again. farm, anosimuftneeosgofeett, 31
The fecond Sunday after Trinity. p?apttjeeljabemeercufeo. 3no ano*
tijec fato, 3| babe bought fibe pofce of
ISD?o, The Collet.
make u0 to babe a perpe*
... tttal fear, ano lobe of tbp bolp
o ten, ano a go to p?obe them, a p?ap
tbee babe me ercufeo. ano another
flame, fo? tbouneber faileft to help fato,a babe marrieo a mtfe,ano there*
ano goberit them tobom thou ooeft fo?e a cannot come, anotlje rerbant
h?tng up in tbp fteOfaff lobe. ®?ant retutneo, ano b?ottgbt bis maftet
tbiS, beabenlp father, fo? 3lcfus mo?o again thereof. Chen mas the
Cfj?tftS fabe. goooman of the boufe otfpleafeo, atto
The Epiftle. fato to bts fetbattt, 00 out quicblp in*
John TV yf^tbei not, ntp b?etb?eit, though to the ftreets ano quartets of the ci*
**• IY1 the too?lo bate pou. die imam tp, ano b?tng in hither the poo? ano
tijat me ate tranftateo from Oeatb feeble, ano the halt, ano blttto. ano
unto life, becaufe me lobe the b?e* the fetbant faio, Lc?o, it is oone as
tb?en. Jpe that lobetb not bts b?otljer, thou baft commanoeo, atto pet there
abtoetb in Oeatb. dibofoeber batetlj tstoom. ano tbelo?o fato unto bis
bis b?otljet, is armantlaper. ano pe fetbant, >^o out into the high maps
bnom that no mantlaper bath eternal ano ijeoges > ano compel them, ta
life abtoing in him. iperebp percetbe come in , tijat mv boufe map be fil*
me lobe, becaufe be gabe bib lifcfo? leo. fo? 3 fap unto pou, that none of
us,ano me ought to gibe our libes fo? there men mijtcb mete btooen, (ball
the b2eth?eit. But mbofo bath this tafte of mp Supper.
mo?Ios aooO, ano feetb bib b?otber
babeneeb, ano fbuttetb up ijt^ com* The
The third Sunday after Trinity.
calleth her tobets aim het tieiglibotS
The Collect. together,Taping, Eeiopce Wttljme,
fo? 3 babe founn tte groat which 3
>?D toe befeech tfjee mercifully to
us, nun unto toljam thou tjaft
left. JUkewife, 3 Tap unto pou, (hail
there be (op in the p?efence of the an-
gmcn an hearty ocflre to p?nj>, grant gels of ©on, obet one (tuner that re¬
that lip tl)i> niigljtp aw toe map be be- penteth.
fetweo, tljmurtlj jefus Cbittt our The fourth Sunday after Trinity.
Lo?b. The Coiled:

i Pet. S The Epiftk.

ubmit pour femes ebetp man one
G SDD tbe pioteaoi of all that
truffintbee, tuitbout tofjem no-
S‘J. to another, knit pour felties toge¬ tljuts: arong, nothing 10 bolp: tih
ther m lowimefs of mmo: jfo? ©on create $ multiply upon m top merep,
refilfetlj the pjotm, aim glbeth grace tpat tOou being our Euler aim gtuoe6
to the humble. Submit pour femes memapfo paf0 tb?ougb tfjing0 tern-
therefore utmer the mightp hano of po?al i tOat toe finallp lofe not tbe
©2DD, that he map eralt pou tohen tbing0 eternal, ®?ant tlji0, beabenlp
the time is come. ©aft ail pour cate JFatOer, fo? Jett# COW fake our
upon him, fe he careth fo? pou. T3e Il0?04
fober,ano match: fo? pout anberfarp The Ept’fUc. Ronl.
the bebil, as a roaring lion, walfceth Sntppofe tfjat toe affliction# of tW 818
about, reeking whom he map uebour: I life are not bJo?tbp of tOe glo?p
whom tefiit (leofalt in the faith, iuOtcOfl)afl be ibemen upon tt0,Jo? toe
knowing that the fame afflictions ace ferbent nefire of toe creature abinetb,
appointee unto pour b?eth?en that looking toben tOe fon of ®on fl>all ap¬
are in the too?lo. 13 ut the ©on of alf pear: becattfe tbe creature 10 fubnueo
grace, which hath cailen us unto hts to battitp agamff tOe null thereabout
eternal gimp bp ©hntt 3efus, (hall fo? 010 null tobicb OatO fubnueo toe
frtS own felf (after that pe babe fuffer- fame in bope, Jo? toe fame creature
en a little affliction) make pou per¬ (ball beoelibereo fromtOe bonoage
fect, fettle, flrengthenann ftablilh of co?ruptton, into toe glo?tott0 li-
pou. €obimbeg!o?p,ami nonunion bertp of toe €>on0 of ® on, Jo? toe
fo?eDeranOcner. amen. kwm> tOat ebetp creature groanetO
lotto ti0 alfo, ann trabaiietb in pain e-
Lul^t T tpeit
The Gofpel.
reforten unto him alt the ben unto tOi0ttme: not onelpit, but
publicans ann flutters fo? to hear toe alfo toOieO Oabe tfje fleff fruit0 of
him. anti the pharifeeS ann Scribes tOe Spirit, mourn in out felbe0 alfo.
murntuten, raping, fee receibetb tin¬ ann loatt fo? tfje aoopttott of toe
ners, ann eateth with them. TBut he b?en of ®oo, eben toe oeltberanee of
put foitb this parable unto them,rap¬ our bobie0.
ing, iHSlhat man among pou, hitting
an inmnien theep (if he tore one of
t|em)noth not teane ninetp aitn nine
B The Gofpel.
C pe merciful a0 pour JatOer al-
fo i0 merciful, 3juoge not, anope6
in the toilnernefs, ann goeth after fljali not bemngen.Connemunot,aitn
that tohich is lofl, until he fume it f pe (ball not be connemnen* Jojgtbe,
ann when he hath founo it, he lapeth ann pe (ball be ftugtben. $tbe, ann it
tt upon ijis (hotiiners with top, ann ibailbe gibenitrito pou, goon mea-
affoon as he cometh home, he calteth fure, ann p?eflen bourn,ann fljaken to*
together his loners ann neighbo?s, getber, ann running ober, (ball men
taping untothem, Eeiopce totth me, gibe into pour bofom0. Jo? toitb the
foi 3 babe founn mp (beep which was fame meafure tflat pe mete toitbaf,
lofl. 3 fa? unto pou, that likewife (op fljali other men mete to pou again,
than be in heaben ober one linnet that ann be put fo?tb a flmilitune unto
repenteth, mo?e then ober ninetp ann them, Can tfje blinu lean tbe bltno ?
nine (tiff petfons, which neen no re- Do tbep not both fall into tbe tiitce f
pentance. Cither tobat woman’, ha- Cbe otfctple 10 not abobe lyi# mafler,
bing ten groats (if the lore one) noth Cberp man fljali be perfect, eben 00
not light a canble, ann fweep the bi0 mailer to. mfjV feel! tbott a mote
houfe, ann feed niligentlp till (he flits in tbp b?ctber0 epe, but confloereff
it 2 ann foben (lie batfj fotmn it, itje s not tge beam that to m tbineouln
epe 2
. The .fifth Sunday af ter T rinity .
tn i Cither hob* canft than lap to flebe rtljelefs, at thp commandment,
tljp hither, pother, let me puli-out -$\ tout loofe forth toe net. anb toljen
tije mate that is tn tome epe , toljen ujep Oab fo bone, tljep enclofeb a
tijau Ceelf not the beam that 10 tn tome great multttube of fifljeS. T3tit their
monepe ? firft, thou ijppocrtte3 caft net brake, aim tljep beckiteb to their
out tije beam out of ttjmeobm epe, feiiottS, toOtclj toere m tOe other Ujip,
then fijalt tOott fee petfectip to pull out that tljep Ujoulb come anb help them,
tije mote ttjat is tn tijp brothers epe. anb ujep came anb fiileb both thtps,
The fifth Sunday after Trinity. tijat thep funk again, flUhen Btmott
The Colled. peter fatu tljis? tje fellboton at3iefus
GEant llorb, toe befeeclj thee,that
tije cottrfe of this irorib map be
unees, Taping, jEorb, go from me, fo?
3! am a linfttl man. for he teas aftOf
fopeaceabip orbeteb bp tijpgobern- nieb, anb all that toere toitlj Ijtm, at
ancc,that top Congregation map jop- the bought of fifljes ttljtch tljep Oab
fuiip fetbe ttjee tn ail gobip qutetnefs, taken, anb fo toas alfo mantes anb
tO^ougOTefus COhft out lorb. 3ioljn the fon of 5ebebee, tthtclj toere
The Epiftle. partners toitlj Burton, anb Tiefus
i Pet.
. .
pe ail of one minb, anb of one fatb unto Btmon, Jfear not, front
heart,lobe 00 brethren, be pitiful, henceforth thou fljait catch men, anb
be courteous? meet?, not tending e- tljep brought the Chips to lanb, anb
bil for ebtl, 0? rebuke for rebuke: out forfook alt, anbfoiiotoeb hint.
contratiuufe, biers, knotting that pe The iixth Sunday after Trinity.,
ate thereunto caiieb ebett tljat pe
Ojoulb be heirs of tije blrfftng, for The Colled.
be tljat both long after life, $ iobeto
to fee goob baps, let ijim refrain his
G £Db toijicij tjaft prepareb to them
tOat lobe tljee, fucij goob things
tongue from eosl, anb his bps tljat as pafs mans unberftanbtng t pour
tfjepfpeab no guile, let huttefcheio into out hearts fucij lobe totuarb thee,
ebil, anb bo goob, let bim feel? peace, that toe iobing tljee in ail things? map
anb enfue tt,f or toe epe0 of the Eorb obtain tijp promifes, loijicb eeceeb all
are ober the righteous, anb JtS ears that toe can befite, through 3!^fug5
are open unto tfjeir prapers,: $gain, ChriftouriLcrb,
tije face of the Jlorb is ober them tljat * The Epiftle.
bo ebtl. C^o’Cbber, ttho is ije that
toll Ijarm pou, tf pe foSlott tljat ttljicfr
K iSobJ pe not, that all toe toijicij Rotn.
>are bapti^eb tn 3efus €hriU?are6-s*
is goes? fea, Oappp are petf anp baptt^eb to bie toitlj him t toe are
trouble happen unto poti for rigljte* btirieb then toitlj hint bp baptifmfo?
mtfitef0 fake,15enotpe afratbfo? anp to bte, that liketoife as Chrilf toas
terror of them, neitljer be pe troub raifebfcom beatlj bp theglorpof the
ieb: but fanctifie tije llorb Cob in JFather, ebenfo toe alfo lljoulbtoalk
pour hearts. •j , f in a neni ufe. for if toe be graffeb in
ThcGofpcl. • beatlj la unto him, eben fo fljal toe be
La bet
5.1. i;
IC came to pars, that tthen tije pete partakers of IjtS holo refurrection:
pie prefteb upon hint, to bear the knotomg this, thgt our oib man is
ttorb of Cob, Ije ftoob bp ttje lake,of cruafieD toitlj him alfo, that the bo bp
Cctteiareth? anb fatu ttuo (hips ftatib of fin might titteilp be beffropeb, tljat
bp tije lafe ftbe, but toe fifljermen henceforth bie Hjoulb not be ferbants
toere gone out of them, ano mere unto On, forhrthatisbeab, isiufti*
making tOeir nets, $nb he entreb tm fieb from fin, OTljerefoje if toe be
to mte of the Chips (tthtclj pertameb bean toith Chrilt? toe beliebe that toe
to €>tmon) anb p^apeb Ijim tljat Oe (hall alfo libe toitlj hint t knotoing
tooulb tljpiff but a little from tije that Chrilt being, raifeb from beath?
lanb. 81m he fat baton, ami tattgot bieth no more, beatlj hath no more
the people out of tbe ttjip, Wlm Oe poioer ober him. for as touching
Oab left fpeakiitg, Oe fatb unto Bi= that he bieb, he btep concerning fin
matt, llanclj out into tOe beep, anb once; aim as touching that he lifjetfj,
let flip pour nets to make a bought, he libeth unto^ob. ibiketoife confC
anb Br-nan_ ammeter*,
. anb fatb unto . ber pe
. .alfodhat
'JH v% ate bean as touch''
him,'Rafter, tbehabe laiioureb all mg On, but ate ahbe unto
night,- anb habe taken nothing tj through jefus Chrift bur l orb,
i .... T!ie
The feventh Sunday after Trinity.
Terns fain unto W htfctples, Cr- remarh of fin is heath, hut eternal
Jceptpour tighteoufttefs erceeti ti)e life is the gift of ©£>D, through
tighteoufttefs of the Scribes atth Sefus Cb?iitottrJLo?b.
IPbartfees, pe cannot enter into the The Gofpel.
btnghom of ijeaoem ge babe fiearh B thofe haps rnhen there mas a Mark
ttjat it mas fath unto them of oin berp great companp, anh hah no-8 *•
time, Chou (halt not hill: mfiofoe* thing to eat, sefus calieh fits hifct*
ber billeth, (hall be in hanger of pies unto him, anh fath unto them, a
judgement OBitt a fap unto pou,tfiat babe companion on the people, be*
mhofoeber is angrp mitfi fits brother caufe thep fiabe been nom mitfi me
unabbtfehlp, (hall he in hanger of tfi?eehaps, anh fiabe nothing to eat,
jufigement. 8nh mhofoeber faith un= atth if a fetth them amap faffing to
to his brother, Eaca, (hall he in han¬ tfietromtt hottfes, tfiep ifiallfatnt bp
ger of a Councel. QBut mhofoeber tfie map; fo? hibets of them came
faith, Chou fool, (hall he in hanger from far. 3nb fits htrctples attfmer*
of hell fire. Cherefo?e,tf thou offer- eh film, OTere (fioulh a man fiabe
eff tfip gift at the altar, anh there re- b?eah here in the mtlbetttefs to fa-
memb?eft that tfip hither hath ought ttsfie tfiefe? ^nhfie askeh them,
againff thee, leabe there thine offer* it>om manp loabes habe pe? tfiep faih,
mg before the altar, anh go tbpmap g>eben. anh fie commattheh the peo*
firff, anh he reconcileh to tfip bro¬ pie to fit hcmtt on the grottnb. anh
ther, anh then come, anh offer thp fie took tfie feben loabes, anhmhen
gift 3gree mitfi thine ahbetfarp fie fiah gtben tfianbs, fie b?abe anh
quicblp, mbiles thou art in the tuap gabe to fits htfciples to fet before
mitbbtm, left atanp time the ahber* them: anh tfiep hih fettfiem before
farp heliher thee to tfieliuhge, anh the people, anh tfiep fiah a fern fmail
tlje^uhge heliher thee to the mtitt- fifties: anh mfien fie fiah bleffeh, fie
ffer, anh then thou he caff into p?tfon. commattheh them alfo to be fet be*
derilp,T fap unto tbee,tfiou (halt not fo?etfiem. anh tfiep hth eat,anh mere
come out thence till thou haft papeh fufftceh. anh tfiep toob upoftfieb?o*
the utmoft farthing. ben meat that mas left, febett baf*
bets full, ano tfiep that hih eat,mere
The feventh Sunday after Trinity. about four tfioufanh. anh fie fent
tfiem amap.
The Colle£t
L£D?h of all porner anh might,mbicb
art the author anh giber of all
The eighth Sunday after Trinity.
vThe Colle£t.
gooh thing#, graft in our hearts the
lobe of thp name, increafe in us true
GOh mfiofe p?obthence is neber he*
cetbeh, mefittmblp befeecfitfiee,
religion, nourifl) us truth ail gooh- that tfioit milt put amap from us all
nefs, anh of thp great mercp beep hurtful tfitngs, anh gibe tfiefe things
us in the fame, through Seats Cfi?tff mfitch be profitable fo? us, tfi?ougfi
our Lo?b. jeftts Cfi?tff our lo?h.
18mitp>peabof groffp,
TheEpiflle. The Epiftlc.
hecaufe of the tnfir* BEetb?en, me are hebto?S not to Rom;
pour fleifi. 3S pe babe gt- the fieftj, to itbe after tfie fielfi u.%*
ben pour members ferbants to un fa? if pe libe after the fielfi, pelfiail
cleattnefS, anhtoiniquitp (from one hie: i5uttf petfi?ougfi the Spirit ho
Iniquitp to another) eben fo noth gibe mo?ttfie tfie heehS of the bohp, pe
ober pour members ferbants unto (ball libe. tfo? as manp as are leh bp p
righteoufitefs, that pe map he fan- Spirit of ©oh, tfiep are tfie fons of
ctifieh. jFo? inhen poti mere ferbants ©oh. jFo? pe fiabe not recetbeh the
of fin,pe mere both of rigbteottfnefs. fpirit of bonhage to fear attp mo?e:
dthat fruit hah pe then in thofe but pe fiabe recetbeh tfie ©pirtt of
things mhereof pe are noth affjameh? ahoptioit, mfierebp me crp, Abba, jFa*
5Fo? the enh of thofe things tS heath. tfier. Che fame Spirit certifietfi our
'Butnom arepe helibereh from fin, fpirit, that me are the fons of ©oh.
anh mahe the ferbants of ©SDD, 3ifmebe fons, then are me alfo heirs
anh babe pour fruit to he fancttfieb, tfie heirs (31 mean) of ©oh, anh heirs
atth the enh eberlaffmg life, ifo? the amtereh mitfi Ch?iff, iffobetfiatme
1 fuffer
The ninth Sunday after Trinity.
ftiffct uut!)fjmt, tfiat toe map alfo fee Cfmtt, ns feme of them temptea.
glo?lfieb together folth film anb mere beffropeb of ferpents.
The Gofpel. Neither murmure pe, as fome of
7.1 J.
B Cfoare of falfe p?ophets, fohlcfi them murmureb, anb mere beltropeb
come to pou in fljeeps clothing of the beilroper. Sill thefe things hap-
but infoarblp tfiep are rauenmg neb unto them fo? enfamples: but
moiues 1 pe Rjall knofo them bp their are m?ltten to put us In remem¬
frutts. Do men gather grapes of brance, mfiom the enbs of the mo?lb
tfjoms t 0? figs of tfitiiles t cuen are come upon, therefore let him
fo eberp goon tree b?lugeth fo?tfi that tfimketfi he (lanbetfi, take heeb
goon fruits: but a corrupt tree left l)t fail Chete hath no other
o?mgeth fo?tfi etui fruits. & goon temptation taken pou, but fuefi as
tree cannot b?tng fo?tfi ban fruits, follometh the nature of man. 'But
neither can a ban tree bung fo?tfi opobis faithful, mfilch (halt not M-
goob fruits. CUerp tree that b?lng= fer pou to be tempteb abobe pour
etfi not fo?th goon fruit, is hemen ttrength, but (hall m the mtbft of
bourn, ants call into the fire. OThere- temptation make a map, that pe map
fo?e bp their fruit pe (hall kttom them. be able to bear it.
5Bot eberp one that faith unto me, The Gofpel.
£o?b, £o?b, (hall enter into the lung-- TCfus fatb unto his blfctples,Chete Luh
bom of fieauen t butlje that both the Jmas a certain rich man mfilch habi6 x-
MU of mp father mfilch IS in hea- affemarb, anb the fame masaccufeb
nem ipe (hall enter into the kutgbom unto him that hr hab. mafieb fits
bf fieauen. goobs. 8nbfie caileb him, anb falb
tmto him, ipom is it that 3 hear this
The ninth Sunday after Trinity, of thee? $tue accounts of tfip item*
arbfljlp, fo? thou mapel! be no longer
The Collect. ftematb, Che ffematb falb mitijut
G Eant to us, £o?b, foe befeech hlmfelf, SBhat (hall 31 bo ? fo? mp
thee, the Spirit to think anbbo mailer taketh amap from me the
mumps Clich things as be rightful, ftematblfitp, 3 cannot big, anb to
that me Much cannot be Mtijout beg 3 am alfiamefi. 3 foot mhat to
thee, map bp thee be able to Ilbe ac= bo, that mhen 3 am put out of the
coding to thp mill 3 through 3lefus fiemarbiljtp, tijep map recelbe me in¬
Cfi?i(t our £o?b. to their houfes. ^>0 mhen he hab cal
feb all his mailers behto?S together,
1 Cor,
B TheEpiftle.
Eetfi?eit, 31 mcttlb not that pe he falb tmto the firll, fporn much om*
(houlb be ignorant, horn that our ell thou unto mp mailer ? anb he falb,
fathers mere all unber the cloub, 8nhtutb?eb tuns of oil. 3nb he falb
anb all pafieb through the fea, anb unto him, cake thp bill, anb fit
mere all baptfteb unber ®ofes In bourn qulcklp, anbfo?ltefiftp. Chen
the cloub, anb lit the fea, anb bib all falb fie to another, ipotn much ofoefi
eat of one fpiritual meat, anb bib all thou? anb he fatb, art fiunb?eb quar¬
b?lnk of one fpiritual b?tnk: anb ters of mheat. T>e falb unto film, *
tfiepb?ankof the fpiritual rock that Cake tfip bill, mtb fo?lte fottrfco?e.
foliomeb them. mfilch rock mas Stub the £o?b commeubeb the u'nfuff
€fi?l(l. 'But in ntanp of them hab liemarb, becaufehefiabbone folfeip.
(gob no bellght t fo? thep foere oUer* iTo? the chtlb?en of this foorlb, are
tfiiomnmtfiemtlbernefs. Cfiefeare m tfielr nation folfer then the chll-
enfamples to us, that toe fijotilb not b?en of light anb 3 fap unto pou,
nut after ebll things as thep Itifteb, ©ake pou frlenbS of the unrighte¬
anb that pe Ihottlb not be mo?(filppers ous gammon, that fohen pe (trail
of images, as mete fome of them, fiauetteeb, tfiep map recelUe pou Into
accorblngasttls m?ltten, Che peo^ euetlaffmg habitation.
pie fat bourn to eat anb b?lnk, anb
rofe up to plap. Neither let us be The tenth Sunday after Trinity.
bcfilebmitfi fornication, as fome of The Col left.
them tnere befileb truth fornication,
tfioufanb. Neither let us tempt
atm fell fit one bap tfi?ee anb ttnentp et tfip merciful ears, dDLo?b,he
open to tlje p?apers of thp humble
The tench Sunday after Trinity
ferbant#: anh that thep map obtain
then* petitions, make them to a<ek he eleventh Sunday after Trinity*
fuch thing# ad djall pleafe tfjee,
through 3efu0 Cbrift ouc no rh. The CoJle&o
The Hpittle.
1 Cor.
n. i.
Concerning fptrtttml thing#, brC" OU mhich heclared thP alnugljtp
G pouter molt cbteflp in fljemmg
.bren, 3 moulh not babe pou ig- VJ
noraut. pe knout that pe mete <Jpem meccp anhpitp: gtue unto u# ahun-
tilc#,anh ment pour map# unto burnh hantlp thp grace, that me running to
tmage#,eben a# pe mere leu* 2Hijere- thp promife#, map he mm parta¬
fore 3 declare unto pou, that no man ker# of thp heahenlp treafure,
fpeaking Up the spirit of <^oh hefi- though lefusi Cbrift our north
cth 3efu#. Slfo, no man can fap that
3cfu# t# the ilorh, hut hp the holp
cr>bod*Cbtre are biberfittc# of gift#,
Brethren, The hpiftle.
a# appertaining to the 1 c<*.
gofpel mtjich 3 preacbeh unto pou,1 j-»-
vet hut one Spirit 3nh there are mhichpe babe aifo accepteh, anh in
difference# of aomtmftratton#, anh the mhichpe continue, bp the mhich
pet hut one Ilorh. anh there are ht- pe are aifo fabeh: a ho pou to mtt,
uer# manner# of operation#,anh pet after mhat manner a preaeijeh ttttto
hut one #oh,mbicb morketlj all in all* pou, if pe keep it, ercept pebabebe-
Che gift of the Spirit i# gtben to e- lieheh in bain. Tor fitft of ail a hell*
beep man to chide mitbal. Tor to one hereh unto pou that mbicb a recet-
1# gtuen through the Spirit the ut¬ beb,bom that Chrift hieh for our fin#,
terance of mi#hom, to another i# gt- agreeing to the scripture# x anh
hen the utterance of knomichge up that he ma# hurieh, anh that he rofe
the fame Spirit, to another t# gtuen again the thtrh hap, accorhing to the
faith hp the fame Spirit, to another Scripture#, anhtijathema#feenof
the gift of healing hp the fame Spi¬ Cepha#, then of the tmelhe; after
rit, to another pomet to no mirage#, that, he ma# feen of moe then fihe
to another to piophefre, to another Ijtmhreh brethren at once, of mhich
luhgement to mTcern fpirit#, to ano¬ manp remain unto thi# hap, anhma-
ther other# tongue#, to another the np are fallen n(lecp.after that appear¬
interpretation of tongue#: anh thefe ed be to 3ame#, then to all the apo-
all morketb the felf fame Spirit, ht- dle#, anh lad of all bema# feen of
hiotng to eherp man a feheral gift, me, a# of one that ma# horn out of
ehen a# he mill. hue time x for 3 am the lead of the
aportie#, mhich am not morthp to he
Aifthmbcn The GofpeL
be ma# come near to
Terufalem, he bebelh the citp,
caiieh an apodie* becaufe 3 babe
perfecuteh the congregation of ^oh,
anhmeptonit, Taping, 3ftboubahd But hp the grace of ®oh, 3 am that
knomtt thofe ttjtitg# mbicb belong un¬ 3 am: anh hi# grace mhich i# in me,
to thp peace, ehen in thi# thP hap, i# not in bain. 'But 3 lahoreh more
thou moulhed take heeh: hut itom ahtmhantlp then thep all: pet not 3,
are thep bih from thine epe#. Tor hut the grace of 0oh mhich i# mttb
the hap# (ball come unto thee, that me. Cherefore mhether it mere 3,
thine enemte# mall cad a hank about or tbep,fo mepreacheh,anh fo pe babe
thee, anh compaf# thee romth, anh helieheh.
keep thee in on eherp fihe, anh make
thee ehen mltlj the gromth, anh thp
chiihreit mbicb ate in thee: anh thep
Clprid The Gofpel.
tolh tbi# parable unto cer-
tain mhich trulfeh m tijemfelhe#

(hall not leahe in thee one done upon that tl;ep mere perfect, anh hefpifeh
another, becaufe thou knomed not other, emo men ment up into the
the time of thp hifitaticm anh hr temple to prap, the oneapbattfec,
ment into the temple, anh began to anh the other a pubitcane. Che
can out them that folh therein, anh Pbartfee dooh anh prapeh thtt# mtt!)
them that bought, Taping unto them, himfelf: ®oh 3 thank thee, that 3
3tt#mritten, ^phoufei# thehonfe am not a# other men are, ertcr-
of praper, hut pe babe tnahe it a hen ttoner#, unittd, adulterer#, or a#
of tbiebe#. anh he taught hailp in this puhlicane. 3 fad tmice in the
the temple. meek, 3 gibe tithe of all tbpt 31
The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.
polTcfg* the publicane llanotng hen, ano fgheo, ano faio tmtotjmr*
afar off, tooulo not lift up W epeg to Ephata, that t0 to fap, T3e openco,
heahen, hut fmote htg b?eaff, facing, ano araighttoap htg eargtoere open-
^pob he merciful to me a fmner.J tell eo, ano the firing of htg tongue toag
pou, thtg man oeparteo home to W loofeo,ano he fpake platn,3no he com*
hottfe, juftifieo mo?e that the other, manoeo them that thep ihottio tell no
tfoi cherp man that eialteth himfelf, man, I3utthe mo?c he fo?hao them,
(hall he brought loto : ano he that fo much the nto?e a great oeal thep
humhleth himfelf, (hall he eralteo. puhlilheo, Taping, l)z hath Oone ail
things voell, he hath maoe both the
The twelfth Sunday after Trinity. oeaf to hear, ano the Oumh to fpeak.
T'he Collect. ' The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Allmightp ano ehetlafftng ©oo,
tohich art altoapg mo?e reaop to
The Collect.
A imightp ano merciful ©00, of
hear, then toe to p?ap, ano art toont Ik tohofeonelp gift it cometh, tpat
togihe mo?e then either tncoefireo? thp faithful people oo unto thee true
oeferhe : pour Ooton upon ug the ano lauoabieferhtce : grant, toe he*
ahunoance of thp merep, fo?gihtng ub feech thee, that toe map fo run to tijp
tljofe things thereof our confcience heahenlp p?omifeg, that toe fail not
ig afraio, ano gihing unto us that, ftnaiip to attain the fame, through le*
that our proper oare not p?efume to fus Ch?iit bur £o?o.
agk, though Mug €h?ilt our lo?0, The Epiftle.
TheEpiftle. nr^)' $tb?aham ano htg feeo toetc the g»i.
z Cor ccuch ttulf hahe tueth?ottghCh?ift big I p^omifeg maoe* Ipe faith not,3,n 3
3 4. O to © oO*toatu, not that toe are fuf
fecog, ag of manp : hut, Tn thp
fident of our felheg to think anp thing feeo,
ii fap,
ag of one, tohich ig Ch?iltChi£
that the lato, tohich began af*
a# of our felheg: hut if toe he able urn tertoaro hepono four huno?eo ano
to anp thing , the fame cometh of thirty pearg, ooth not oifnnul the
© 2D D, tohich hath maoe ug able to filament that toag confirmeo afo^e of
tnmifter the Beta telfamcnt, not of ©oo unto Chliiltoaro, to make the
the letter, hut of the fptrit : fo? the p^otnife of none effect, ifo? if the in¬
letter Mleth,hut the fptrit gthethltfe* heritance come of the lato, it cometh
3lf the mtntlfration of oeatfj, through
the letters figureo in ftoneg,toag glo- not noto of p?omtfe, hut ©oo gahe it
rioug, fo that the chtlh?en of 3lfrael to ^lh?aham bp pjomtTe, fiUherefo^e
coulo not heholu the face of s^ofeg thenferheth theltato? the lato toag
fo? p glo?p of htg countenance (tohich aooeo hecaufe of tranfgrelTion (till
glo?P tg none atoap:) tohp (hall not the feeo came, to toljom the p?omtfe
the mtntlf ration of the^>ptrtt he much toao maoe) ano it toag o?oatneo ho
mo?e glo?ioug ? jfo? tf the minilfcatf angelginthehanoof a^eOiato?. a
on ofeonoemnattonbe glo?toug,nuich ©eOiato? ig not a C^eoiato? of one:
mo?e noth the mtntlf ration of rigOte but ©oo ig one. 30 the lato then a*
oufnefgerceeo tnglo?p. gatnft the p?omtfe of ©00 ? ©00 fo?*
bio, foi tf there hao been a lato gt*
The Gofpel. hen tohich coulo hahe gthen life, then
no Ooubt righteoufnefg Ihottio hahe
Mark -r^pug 5eparten from the coalfg of come ho the lato, T5ut the Scripture
7‘1 J Cp?e ano g>toon, ano came unto concluoeth all thtnggunoer fin, that
the fea of Galilee, tho?oto the mtoif the p2omife hp the faith of Tefttg
of the coatfg of the ten cities 3no Ch?ilf fhoulo he gihen to them that
thep brought unto him one thattoag heliehe.
The Gofpel.
Oeaf,$ hao an impeotmf t tn htg fpeeclj:
ano thep p?apeo him to put big hano
upon htm,3no tofjen he hao taken him
H Tppp are the zm tohich fee the
tktngg that pou fee x fo? 31 tellLuke
afioefrom b people,he put htg fingerg pou that manp p^ophetg ano latngg10 i3'
into htg earg, ano oto fptt, ano touch- hahe Oelireo to fee thofe tfjingg
eo htg tongue, ano loaneO up to hea¬ tohich pe fee, ano hahe not feen them,
The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.
ana to heat thofethings tohich yz heat ana the fpictt conttarp to the firth,
ana haPe not heata ttjetmana aehoiu, Chefe ate conttatp one to the other,
a certain Hamper ftoou up,ana temp- fo tijat pe cannot ao tohntfoePet yz
tea him, taping, jailer, tohat (hall 3 toonia* TBut ana if pe he lea of the
a o to inheut eternal life* fpe faia unto 0pint,then ate pe not tinner the lato*
him, ©Ilhat is toritten in the lain? Che aeeas of the firth ate mamfetf*
ipom rcauefithou ? ana heanfuietea tohich ate thefe: aaultetp,fo?mcation,
ana imu,HoPe the Ho?u thp ®oa xmth uncleannefs,toantonnes,too?lhipping
toith all thp heatt3 ana truth all thp of images, toitchctaft, hattea. Parl¬
roui, ana tutth an thP flrength, ana ance, seal, torath, ffnTe, feuitiuns,
toith nil thp mtnu3 ana thp neighbour fects, euppingjinurther, urunkemtefs,
as thp felt; ana i)t faia unto him 3 gluttonp, ana fuel) like, of the tohich
Chou halt anftoereu tight: Chte bo, 3 tell pou before, as 3 haPe tola pan
ana thou (halt line. TBut he, toilltng in times paft, that thep tohich com*
to tuftifie himfclf, faia unto 3lefus , mit fuch things, ihall not be inheri¬
ana tobo is mp neighhout ? 3efus an- tors of the kittgaom of ®oa. Conte
fmerea ana faia, a certain man ae= tilp, the fruit of the spirit is JoPe,
feenaea front 3erufalem to Sleticho, op, peace,long-fuffeting, gentlenefs,
ana fell among tljeePes,tohich robbea gooanefs, faithfulnefs, meeknefs,
him of his taiment,ana tnotmaea him, temperance: againft fuch there is no
ana aepnttea, leaping hint half aeaa* lato* Chop trillp that ate Chrtfte*
ana it chancea that there came aoton haPe ctucifiea the firth, toith the affe¬
a certain prieff that fame toap3$ tohen ctions ana lulls*
he fato him,he pafiea bp.anu liketoife a The Gofpel.
HePite(tohen he toent ntgh to p place) Ba it chancea as 3efcis 1ttt to Luke
came ana lookea on him, ana pafiea 3erufalem, that he pafiea tho^7 u
bp. 'But a cettain Zantacitan as he toto Samaria ana Galilee* ana as ho
mutnepea, came unto him, ana tohen entrea into a certain toton, there met
he fatn him, he haa compafsicn on him ten men that toeee lepers, tohich
him, ana toent to hint, anahounaup fiooa afar off, ana put forth their
his tnounas, ana poutea in opl ana Poices, ana fata, 3efus mallet, hfibe
itmie, ana fet him on his otnnheait, metep on us* TOen he fato them, he
ana brought him to a common jitne, faia unto them, <£o, Iheto pout feioes
ana rnaae proPifion for him. ana on unto the Prieftsnanu it came to pars,
tije morroto, tohen he aepattea, he that as thep toent, tfjep toere clean-
took out ttno pence, ana gape them feu* ana one of them tohen he fato
to the holt, ana faia unto him, Cake that he toas cleanfeo, turnea back a=
cate of him, ana tohatfoePer thou gam, ana toith a Iona ootce praifeU
fpenacit more, tnhen 3 come again, 3 $ou, anafeliaotononhisfaceathis
toil! tecompenfe thee. 2Bhich notn of feet, ana gape him thanks, ana the
thefe three, thinkelt thou, urns neigh¬ fame toas a ^>amaritane. ana 3efus
hout unto him that fell among the anftoereu ana fata, are there not ten
thiepes ? ana he fata unto him, $z cleanfea ? 'But tohete ate thofe nine ?
that (hetoeu metep on hum Chen faia Chete ate not fotma that returnea a--
3eOts unto him, tfo ana ao thoulike^ gaiit to gtPe <Jdou praife,fafie onlp tb$
toife. fttanget. ana he fata unto him, atife,
The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Collect.
go thp toap, thp faith hath maue thee
A lmigljtp ana ePetlaffing $ou,
gtPe unto us the increafe offaith, The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. •
hope, ana charitp : ana that toe map The Colledl.
obtain that tohich thottuoftpronitfe,
make us to lope that tohich thouaolt
commnna, through 3efus Chrtff cut
K Ccp,toobefeech thee£>HorU3tbp
Church toith thp perpetual mer=
Horn* cp: ana becaufe the frailtp of man
The Epiftle* imthcut thee cannot but fall, keep m
Gal. I ^au, dlalk in the 0ptttt,nna fuT ePcrbptpP help, ana Ieaa us to all
fil not the lull of the firth* fa? the thmas profitable to out falPntion,
firth lulleth coutrarp to tijc fyint,. through jiefus £h$i out 10£% _
The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Epiftle. 0? mhat (hall me h?inlt, 0? mheremith
(halt me he clotheh? (after all thefe
flii. fatge a 3 habe thing0 ho the ^entile0 Ceeh:) iFo?
6 i<- I m?tttenuntopou mithmtneomnj pour heahenlp jfather hnometh that
hmm. $10 manp ao befire mtth out- pe habc neeh of all thefe thittg0* OBut
marh appearance to pleafe carnaiip,$ rather feeh pe firft the htnghom of
tame conftraut panto he circttmctfeh, ^oh, aim the rtghteoufncfo thereof,
onlp left thep (houlh fuffer perfecatfon anh all thefe thtng0 ft)all he miniftreh
fa? the crof0 of Ch?iftiF o? thep them* unto pou* Care not then fo? the mo?*
fe!be0 mhich areciccumctfethfceep not rom, fo? to mo?rom hap fljall care fo?
the lam, hut heftte to hahe pouctr- it felf. Sufficient unto tlje hap 10 the
cumcifen, that ttjep might rejopce tit trahel thereof*
in pour fleftj* <$90h fo?bih that 3 ftjaulh
reibpce, hut in the crof0 of our lom The fixtccnth Sunday after Trinity.
3leftt0 Ch?ift 9 mhecebp the mo?!h (0
trucifieh unto me, aim 31 unto the The Colled.
to?lh* iFo? in Ch?tft 3,eru neither
circumctfion abailetlranp thing at aft,
no? unctrcumctfion, hut a nem crea*
L ©?b, mehereecljthee,let t^p con¬
tinual pitp cieanfe anh hefenh thp
ture* aim a0 manp a0 malfc acco?htng Congregation: anh hecaufeit cannot
unto tlji0 rule, peace he on them, continue in fafetp mitljout thp fttcco?,
anti mercp, anh upon 3Ifcael,that per- P?eferhe it ehermo?e bp thp hc^p anh
faineth to ^oh* ifrom henceforth let goohnef0, th?ough 3!ftoss Cij?tft out
no man put me to hufinef0 : iFo? 31 lo?h*
hear in mp hoop the marh0 of the The Epiftle.
lom 3'ef«0. 'Bietl^en, the grace of
£Tfire that pou faint not hecaufc EPi»er.
our lom 3ieftt0 Ch?ift he mith pour
fpirit. amen. I of mp tribulations that 31 fuffer fo? s-1*-
pour fake0, mhich 10 pour p?atfe* iFo?
The Gofpel. tht0 cattfe 31 horn mp hnee0 unto the
Mn.h XT© man can fern tmo mafter0: if ather of our &o?b 3,eftm Ch?iff,
6.14. IN iFo? either he ftjall hate the one mhich 10 ifatljer of all that is calleu
aim lobe the other, 0? elfe lean to the father in heaben mm earth, that he
one, anh hefplfe the other* f e cannot moulh grant pott ncco?hing to the
ferbe ©00 aim gammon* djerefo?e riche0 of lji0 gio?p, that pe map he
3lfap unto pou, OBe not careful fo? ftrengtheneh mttlj might hp hi0 Spi*
pour life, mijat pe ff)aJleato?b?inlt, rit tit the inner man, that Ch?iff map
no? pet fo? ponr bohp, mhat raiment hmellin pour heart0 hp faith, that pe
pe ftjalljput on* 3j0 not the life mo?e being rooteh anh grouimm in lobe,
mo?ththeit meat, aim the bohpmo?e might he able to comp?eheith mtth all
of halite then raiment f OBeholh the Saiut0, mhat 10 the b?eabth, length,
fovul0 of the afce, fo? thep fom not, hepth, anh height, anh to hnom the
neither ho thep reap, no? carrp into excellent lobe of the tutomiebae of
the hartt0, aim pour heahenlp ifatljer Chuff,that pe might he filleh mtth all
feeheth them. ate pe not much bet¬ fulnef0mhtchcometh of^oh* dlttto
ter then thep? OUhtch of pou bp ta¬ him that t0 able to ho ecceehing a*
king careful thought can ahhe one htmhantlp ahobe all that me a0k 0?
cubit unto hiss ftature ? anh mhP care thinh, acco?bmg to the pomer that
pe fo ? raiment ? Confthet the ILtllie0 mo?fceth in 110, he p?atfe tit the Con*
of theftelh horn thepgtom, thep la* gregation hp Ch?tff 3eftt0, tfeough-
bornot, neither ho thep fptn: atm pet out all generations from time to
31 fap unto pott, that ebett Solomon time* $lmen*
in all ht0 ropaltp vuad not clotheh like
one of thefe. ddlhereftne if $oh fo
clothe the graf0 of theftelh (mhich
though it ftatm to hap, *0 to mo?tom
A The Gofpel.
iftb it fo?tttneb that jeftts mentLake
into a dtp callcti Bairn, nnh7.11.
caff into the ftttttace ) ffmll he not manp of bis htfctpieo ment mtth
much mo?e ho the fame fo? pou, D pe him , anh much people. OThen he
of little faith ? €herefo?e take no came nigh to the gate of the dtp ,
thought, Taping, ddlhat ffjall tec eat, heljolh , there ma0 a beau man
The feventeenth Sunday afcer Trinity.'
carried out, mijtch mag the onlp fan map pull hint out on tlje^abbatlj dap>
of hid mother, atto (he urns a mtdom, atm tijep could not attfmer him again
and much people of the citp mas uattt) to tljefe thingd. ^e put fo^th alfo afi=
her. atto mhen the Logt fam her, hr mtlttude,to the gueftd,mhen he math*
hao companion on her, aim fam unto ed horn thep piaffed to be in flje high*
her, Gftleep not. and he came nigh? elf roomd,and fain unto them, flUben
and touched the Coffun and thep that tijou act bidden to a meddtng of atip
hare him, (food (till* 3no he fato, man,fit not domn in tlje higheft room,
goung man, 31 fop unto thee, $ufe* left a mo^e honourable man then thou
and he that toad dead, fat up, and be- be bidden of him, and he that bad him
ganto fpeab* 8nd be deltdered him and tljee, come and fap unto thee,
to 10 mother* and there came a fear <^tde this man room; and thou begin
on them all, and thep gade the glo?p mithlhame to tabe the lomeff room*
unto 0od, raping, 3 great piophet id 'But rather mhett thou art bidden, go
rifeit up among ttd, and $DD hath atm fit m the lomeft room, that mheu
dinted hid people* and tins rumo? he that bad thee cometh, he map fap
ment fo|th throughout all Slurp, and unto thee, jfrtetm, fit up higher: then
throughout all the regiond mhtcblte ftjalt tijou hade mo^ftjtp in the p|&
round about fence of them that fit at meat mith
The feventeenth Sanday after Trinity*
thee* f 01 mhofoeder eralteth htmfelf
The Coiled:.
(hall be brought lom,and he that hum*
ED me pmp thee, that tljp
bleth himfeif ftjall be etalted*
LSDgrace map aimaps p?edent and The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.
follom tid, and mabe tid conttnuallp The Colled.
to be gtden to all good moibs,though
Mud Cb^tft our ilom* LSDm, me befeech thee, grant thp
people grace to adotd the tnfeetc
The EpiiUc.
oust of tlje debt!, and mith pure
I cmbtcb am a p?(foner of the Lo$s) heart atm mum to follorn thee the om
erhoit pou, that pe malb mo^tbp of Ip ©SDD, through 3lefttS Cl^ift our
tlje dotation, m!jca*emitb pe are cat Lo?d*
led, mttb all lomltncfs and meebnefs, The Epiftlc
mttb humblenefd of mind, forbearing Cljaift nip <Sot> nluiaps mt pour i coc,
one another through lode, and be dili¬ behalffo? tlje grace af ©oD iutjfclj1 +•
gent to beep tlje unttp of the spirit, 10 gibett pou bp Jcfus Clpfff, tljatiit
through the bond of peace, being one all tilings pe ate mane rich bp Sim,in
bodp and one Spirit eden ad vt are all utterance, anti lit all fcnoinfeSge,
called in one hope of pour calling* bp the Which things the teltlmonpof
Let there be but one Lo^one ifaitlj, 3ief«s Ch?tff, bias confinncti tit pou,
one I5apttfme, one ^cd and jfatljer fo that pe arc behino in no giff, wait-
of all,mfneb is abode all, and through ing fo? the appearing of cur ilo?s Se¬
all, and in pou all* ats Cljiift, Which fljall alfo ilrengtljen
pou to the enti, that pe map be blame-
The Gofpel. lerstnthetsap of tlje coming of out
I € chanced that lefttd hient into
the houfie of one of the chief Pharn
3Lo?s jefus Ch?iil.
The Gofpel.
feed,to eat b^ead on the Sabbath dap,
and thep matched him* and behold,
W lpen the pjarifeesbas heats, Matth.
that Mud had put the @md=»»-j*
there mad a certain man before him dttced to filence, thep came together,
mijich had the dmpfie* and Tefud an- and one of them (mhtch mas a Do=
fmered and fpabe undo the tampers aoi of the lam) asbed him a guefttott,
and IDharifeed, Taping, 3|s it lamful tempting him, and raping, Rafter,
to heal on the sabbath dap ? and mhichmthe greateft commandment
thep held their peace* and he toob in the lam ? Slefits raid unto him,
him, and healed him, and let him go, Chou (halt lode the Lom thp <35cd
and anfmered them, faptng, fKLlhtch mith all thine heart, and mith all tljp
of pou (hall hade an afd, 02 an or fat foul, and mith all tbp mind. Clnoid
len into a pit, atm mill not ftratgbt* the fitft and greateft commandment
The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.
atm thefecottb io Itke unto it, Chou etp* Let no fiithp communication
(halt lobe thp neighbour ao tljp felf* proceeb outofpettr mouth, but that
Ttcthefe tmo commanbmento hang mhtch to goob to ebifie mithaii, ao
aircbe naui anb the propheto* OTbtie oftaoneeb to, that it map mtntffet
the i^hartfeeo mere gatpereb toge* grace to the pearero. atm grtebe not
tbet,3jeftto aokeb them,fapmg,TOat the hoip ©pint of ^ob, bp mijompe
think pe of Chrttf i flLlhofe ^>on to arefealeb unto the bapofrebemptt*
he f chep Cam unto hint, Che ^on on* Let all bitternefo, anb fiercenefo,
of Damn. (pe fam unto them, fpom a nb mrath, aim roaring, anb curfeb
then noth Dabtb m Spirit call him fpeaktng be put amap from pou, mith
Lorb, faptng, Che Lorb fatb unto nip all maitctoufnefo+ Be pe curteouo
Lorb, gut thou on mp right hanb, till one to another, merciful, forgtbing
intake thine enemteo thpfootftooif one another, eben ao mn for Chrtftg
IfDabtb then call him Lorb, horn to fake hath forgtben pou*
he then hio fan ? aim no matt mao a-
hletoanfmerhimanp thing, neither The Gofpel.
hurt! anp man from that nap forth €fuo entreb into a (htp, anb palTeb
aok him anp moe qttcfitono* ober, anb came into hiO oUm citp* Ma«h.
; . The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity,
anb beholb, thep brought to him a91*
man fick of the palfie, iptng in a beb*
The Col left. anb mhen 3efuo fam the faith of
O®ob,forafmttch ao mithoutthee3
me are not able to pleafe thee x
them, he fain to the fick of the pal*
lie, ^)on be of goob cheer, tljp fino
grant that the moving of thp mercp be foriben thee* anb beholb, certain
map in all thingo birect atm rule our of the 0crtbeo fatb mtthtn them*
hearto , though Sefuo Chriit our felbeo, tpio man blafphemeth. anb
Lorb. mhen 3efuo fam their tpoughto he
TheEpiftle. fatb, therefore think pe ebil in pour
Eph. '-plpto 31 fap 3 anu teffifie through hearto? OTether to eafier to fap,
417. A the Lorb, that pe henceforth maik Chn fino be forgtben thee, or to fap,
not ao other ^entfleo maik, in ba* arife mtb malk ? But that pe map
nttp of their nitnu , mhtle thep are knom that the ^onof man hath pom*
blinbeb in their uimerffannmg, being ectoforgtbefmo inearth • then fatb
far from a goblp life, bp the meano of he to the fick of the palfie, arife,
the ignorance that to in them, atm be* take up tljp beb,anb go into thp houfe*
caufe of thebinmnefo of their hearto: anb he arofe anb beparteb to pio
mhtch being palt repentance, babe gt* houfe* But the people that fam it,
ben themfelbeo ouer unto manton* matbelleb, anb giortfieb ® ob mhtch
ttefo, to mark all manner of unclean* bab gtben fitch pomer unto men*
nefo, eben mith greebinefo* "But pe
habe not folearneb Chrtft t 3lf fobe The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.
that pe habe heath him,atm habe been
taught in him, ao the truth to in Slefu The Collcft. • •
( ao concerning the conberfatton in
timeo paft) to lap from pou the oib
man, mhich to corrupt accorbing to
ALntightp anb merciful $ob, of
thp bountiful gcobnefo keep tto
the beceibable lulto ; to be rettemeb from all thingo that map hurt uorthat
alfo tn the fptrit of pour mum, atm to me being reabp both in bobp atm foul,
put on that item man,mhich after 0ob map tutth free heattss accottipltihthofe
to (hapen tn rtghteoufitefo aim true tariffs that thou iwouiuett hahe sane,
holtnefo* therefore put amap Iptng, tfiyniffj lefuo Cljjift out 5Lo?S.
anu fpeak eberp man truth unto hiO
neighbor, forafmuch ao me are mem* The Epiftle.
bero one of another* Be angrp, but She fjeen therefore hots ve talk Ep)>-
(tn not Let not the %i\n go bourn ctmutirpectlp, not ass tmtmfe.but5 IJ-
upon pout unath, neither gibe place ass tuife men, reseemmo; the time, be*
unto the backbiter. Let him that Hole caufe tlje sapo ate ebtl. 62fberefo?e
deal no more, but let him labor mith he not pe tmttstfe, hut tmBetftans
hto hanbo the thing mhich to goob, tohat the trail of the J-Bts tss,
that he map gibe unto him that neeb* rats he not s^unhen truth tnute,
The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.
Wherein is erccfS : btttbepe filleb bon anh peace, that thep map he
with tljc 0ptttt, fpeolungto pout cleanfch from all their fins, anh
fclbcs m pfalms anh ©punts, anh feme thee with a quiet rninne, Tbo;
fpintual fongs, tinging anh making row fefuS ch?id our Lorn.
mclobp to the Lo?b ut pout hearts, The Epftile.
gibing thanks always t'02 all things
unto @00 the if other, tit the iSame
M£thebittlmi , he drongthmugh cPh.
Lom, anh thwuglj the
6.1 cl

ofourlto?b 3eftiS Ch?id, fubmit* power of his might. Put on all the
ting pout fclbes one to mtothet tit anno? of <$ob, that pe map danh a*
the feat of $00* gatnd all the aifaults of the bebifi
f o? we W?£dle not againd flelh anh
Mar. 11.i J to like
The Gofpel.
raid, Che Eingbom ofheaben
unto a man that was a
hlooh, hut againd uue, againd pow¬
er, againd wo?!blp rulers, then go-
Eing, which mane a marriage fo 1 heritors of the barknefs of this
his Ton, anh Cent fcathhiS ferbants wo?lb, againd fpintual craftmefs
to call them that wete hitmen to in heahenip things. ©Therefore take
the webbing: anti thep wottlti not unto pott the whole arnica of cwb,
come. again, he fent fo?th other that pe map he able to redd in the
ferbants, raping, Cell them which ebtl hap , anh danh perfect lit all
arebibben, OBeijolti^ 3habep?ena things. @tmm therefore, anh pone
ten mp burner , mine oeeit aim tup lopnS gith with the truth, bating on
fadings ate ktileb , atm all things the h^eadplate of righteotifnefs, anh
ate teaop: come unto the marriage. hahing (hooes on pour feet, that pe
■But thep mabe light of it, anti went map he mepareh fo? the gofpel of
their waps , one to his farm place, peace, akobe all, taketopou the
another to his metchanbtfe, mm (hielh of faith; wherewith pe map
p remnant took U S ferbants anti em quench all the fierp harts of the wu>
treateb them fljamefullp, anti new keb, anb take the helmet of falbati*
them. But when the Etng heath on, anh the fwo?b of the spirit,
thereof, he was w?oth 3 aim fent which is the wo?b of 0cb- $nbp?ap
fo?th his men of war, atm heflropeh alwaps With ail rnaner of p?apet anh
thofe murtherers, aim burnt up fupplicatton in thcg>ptrit,anb watch
their ettp. Chen fain he to fits fet- thereunto with all tnfianee, anh dtp*
bants, che marriage tnheeh iSp?e= plication, fo? all paints, anh fo? me,
parch, hut thep which were hthheit that utterance map he giben unto
were not wo?thP> #0 pe therefore me, that 31 map open mp mouth free-
out into the higfpwaps, aim as ma- fp to utter the fecrets.of the gofpel
np as pe finhe, hih them to the mar* (whereof 3! am a messenger in honhs)
riage. anh the ferbants went fo?th that therein 3 map fpeak freeip, as
into the high;Waps, aim gathereh 3 ought to fpeak.
together all, as uianp as thep coulh The Gofpel,
finhe, both gooh anh hah x anh the
wehhing was furnilheh with gtieds.
T ibere Was a certain Euler, Whofe jom-
fan was fich at Capernaum. SIS
Chen the Etna came in to fee the foon as the fame heath that 3eftiS
guefts, anh when he fppeh there a was come out of 3nrpinto Galilee,
man which hah not on a wehhing he went unto him, anh befought him
garment, he faih unto him, frienh, that he inoulb come hown ano heal
how earned thou in hither, not ha* his Ton : fo? he was ebeit at the point
btng a wehhing garment t antfhe of heath. Chen faih 3eRiS unto him,
was eben fpeecljlefs. Chen faih Ctccpt pe fee figites anh wonhers,
the King to the miniftets , Calw pe will not beliebe, Che Euler faih •
anh hinhe him hanh anh foot, anh unto him, @dr, comehoWn0?ebet
cad him into utter harlmefS, there that mp fon hp. 3cftis faith unto
fhall he weeping aim gnafinng of him, o5o thP wap, thp fon iibeth. Che
teeth- f01 manp he calleh, hut few man beliebeb the wo?h that Jefus
are chofcn. hah fpoken unto him, $he went his
The one and twentieth Sunday after Trir wap. anb as he was going hown the
nitv. The Colled. fetsnnts met bint, and told dim,fay
Rant toe bcTeectj tljcc tttetcffUl: hut, fan ItOctb.Cbcn enquired
G JLojD, to tljp faitljful people pat<1 ije of tbeut tlje Jjout totjeti Ije began
{© to
The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity. The three and twentieth, See.
to arnenn. 9nn they rata unto ijirn, unto hint, which ought him ten thou*
Jieffetbay at tlje tebenth hour the fe= fann talents t lent fo?afntuch as he
sec left him. go the fathec htteto was not able to pay, hiS !Lo?n com*
that it was the fame hout tn the mattnen him to be row, atto hts wife
Which aefuss fain unto hint, CbP fon ann chtm?en, ann all that he han,
itbetb. anti he belicben, ana all his ann payment to be mane. Che fet«
boufboin. Cbtstsagaintbefecono bant fell nown, ann befought him,
miracle that 3efus Bin, uihen he was faying, gtt, habe patience With me,
come out of Jury into Caltlee. ann 3 will pay thee all, Chen han
The two & twentieth Sunday after Trinity. the io?n pity on that ferbant, ann
The Colled. loofen him , ann fo?gabe him the
£>ED we befeech thee to keep hebt. ©0 the fame ferbant Went out,
tin* bottfijointbe Church in com ann fotmn one of his fellows which
tinual goBltnc-fs, that thwunh thy ought him an hunujen pence: ann he
pjoteettonit may be fret from all aw lain banns on hint, ann took htm by
betfities , ann Beboutly gibett to the th?oat, faying, pap that tljou
fetbe thee in goon wo?ks, to the owefl. ann hts fellow fell nown,
gio?y of thy j]3ame, tb?ougb 3efus ann befought him, faying, t»be pa»
Cb?tttouts,o?n. Hence with me, ann 3 Will pay thee
The Epiftle. all. annhewouionot, but he went
Cbank my ®on with all tentenv ann can him into p?ifon, till he fbouio
biance of you always in all my pay the nebt, gw when his fellows
pjayecs fa? you, ann p?ay with glow faw What was none, they were ben*
nefs, becaufe ye are come into the fo?ry, ann came ann tom unto their
fellowihip of the gofpel, from the Lo?n all that han happenen. Chen
fitff nay until now: ana am furely hts JLo?n callen htm, ann fain unto
certifies of this, that he Which hath pirn, thou ungracious ferbant, 3
begun a goon wo?ktn you, (ball per= fo?gabe thee all that nebt, when thou
fo?m it, until the nap of 3efus oefitehfi me: lljouineft not thou aim
Ch?iil, as it becometh me that 3 habe han compafsiononthy fellow,
fhouin lunge of you all, becaufe 3 ebett as 3 han pity on thee i ann hts
babe you in my heart, fo?afmuchas Lo?n was W?oth, atiBBclibertabim
ye are all companions of grace with to the 3aylo?s, till he (bourn pay all
me, ebeninmy bonus, ann in the that was ntte unto him. ©oltkewife
Befenoing ann elfablithtng of the (ball my heabettiy jfather no alto um
gofpel. lo? Con is my reco?n, how to you, if ye from pour hearts fo?=
greatly 3 long after you all from the gibe not ebetyoneijiS bjotljerthett
bery heart root in Jefus Ch?iff. 3no trefpaffes.
this 3p?ay. that your lobe may in The three and twentieth Sunday after
creafe yet mo?eann mo?ein know* Trinity.
lenge ann tit all unnetitanning, that The Colled.
ye may accept the things that are
mod excellent, that ye may be pure,
G©n our refuge atm firength i
which art the autho? of all goon*
ann fuch as offenu no man, until the nefs, be reahp to hear the nebout
nay of ch?ift, being filien with the p?ayets of thy Church t ann grant
fruit of righteoufneK, which cometh that thofe things which we ask
by jefus ch?ifi, unto the giojy ann faithfully, we may obtain effectually,
P?atfeofCon. th?ough 3eius ch?Hi our no?n.
rath uuto jefus, io?n, how BEeth?ett, be ye followers toge* Phii
The Gofpel.
21, Peter
oft Wall 3 fo?gibe my b?otljet, if
The Epiftle.

thet of me, ann look on them

he fin agatnft me i till feben times f Which want eben fo as ye habe us fo?
3etus faith unto him, 3 fay not urn an erample, jfo? many walk of
to thee, (Until feben times, but, fe whom 3 habe tom you often, $ now
settty times feben times. Chere- tell you weeping, that they ate the
fo?e is the Eingnom of heaben like- enemies of theccofs of Ch?t(f, Whofe
nen unto a certain man that was a eitn is namnatton, whofe belly is
S&tng, which wottm take accompts their gob, ann glo?y to their lhame.
of htsferbants. anti when he ban Which are wojiniy tnittnen. Tout
begun to reckon, one was b?ought our conbetfation is in heaben, from
The twenty fourth Sunday after Trinity.The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinky.
UJtjtnce tuc look fo? the g5ablo?,cbcn Cpaph?as our bear miotmferbant,
the lojbjcfus Ch?ld, mhichflmli toljich is foi you a faithful ^milter
change out Me boby, that it mav be of mhlch alfo beclarebunta
like unto his gio?ious bob)) , accoT us your lobe mhlch ye habe in the
blng to the mo?ktng mherebyhe is Spirit, jfo? this caufe me alfo, z-
able alfo to fubbtte all things unto benftnee the bay me hearb of.lt, habe
hlmfelf. not eeafeb to p?ay fo? you, anb to be-
The Gofpel. fire that ye might be fulfiileb mlth
the knomiebge of .his mill, in all
4at. 'T'Den the JPbarifees ment out, mtsbom anb fpttttual tmbcrdanb'
1 * 1 anb took counfel horn thej> tng, that ye might maik mouthy of
tntght tangle him In his mo?bs. anb the Lc?b, that tn all things ye may
thep fent out unto hint their blfct pleafe, being, fruitful tn all goob
pies mtth $>erobs ferbants, faying, mo?kS, anb tncreafing in the knotm
falter, toe kttom that thon art true, lebge of ®ob, drengthneb mtth all
anb teached the may of ®ob trulp3 might, th?ottgh his glo?tous pomer,
neither cared thou fo? any man: feu unto ail patience anb long differing,
thou regarbed not the outmarbap* mtth joyfulnefs, gibing thanks urn
pearaitce of men. Cell us tperefo?e, the father, mulch hath mabe us
horn thmked thou? 3is it lamful that meet to be partakers of the Inhere
tribute be gibett unto Cefar, o? not? tance of the faints in light.
•But 3lefus perceiblng their mtckeb The Gofpel.
ttefs, fain 5 2Ilhy tempt ye me, ye
hypocrites ? &hem me the tribute
W&lie 3lefus fpake tmto the M03t* £
people , beholb, there came18,
money* anb they took him a penny, a certain Euler,anb mo?(hlppeb him,
anb he faib unto them, il\mt is faying, ®ybaughter iseben nom
this image anb fuperfcrlptton ? beceafeb , hut come anb lay thine
Chey faib unto him, cefatS- Chen hanb upon her, anb (he (hail llbe.
fatb he unto them, ®tbe therefore anb 3lefus arofe anb follomeb hint,
unto Cefar, the things mhlch are anb fo bib hts blfclples. anb beljolb,
CefarSi anb unto ®ob, thofe things a moman mhtch mas btfeafeb mtth
mhlch are $obS. OLlheit they hearb an ilfue ofhloob tmelbe years, came
thefe mo?bs, they marbelleb, anb behtnb him, anb toucheb the hem of
left hint, anb toent their may. his beiutre. fo? (he fatb mttljln her
The twenty fourth Sunday after Trinity. felf, 3if 3 may touch but eben hts bc-
dure oneiy,3l djall be fafe.But jeftts
The Coiled. turneb him about, anb mhett he atm
£>?b, me befeech thee, alfotl thy her, he fatb. Daughter, be of goob
L! people from thetr offences, that i comfort, thy faith hath mabe thee
through thy bountiful goobnefs me | fafe. anb the moman mas mabe
may be beltbcrcbfromthe banbs ofimhole eben the fame time, anb
all thofe fins, mhtch by out frailty mhen 3leftts came into the Eulers
me babe eommitteb. ®?ant this, me hottfe, anb fam the mtndreis anb
befeech thee, $c. people making a notfe, he faib unto
The Epiftle. them, ®et you hence, fo? the mam
:0i. gibe thanks to ®obthe IS not beab, but flecpetU* anb they
V V father of our Lo?b 3iefus lattgheb him to fco?n. But mhen
Ch?td almays fo? you lit our p?ay* the people mere ptttfo?th, hement
ers. fo? me babe hearb of vour faith lit, anb took her by the hanb, anb
tn Chtid aefu, anb of the lobe mtjtch fatb, Damofel, artCe. anb the ba-
ye bear to all paints fo? the hopes rnofel arofe. anb thtS notfe mas
fake mhtch is latb up tit do?e fo? you ab?oab mail thatlanb.
tn heabett. Cf mhtch hope ye hearb The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.'
before by tl)e true mom of the gofpel, The Colled.

ts into all the mo?lb, anb is fruitful,

mhich IS come unto you, eben as It Clrup, me befeech thee, CLo?b,
the mills of thy faithful people,
as it is alfo among you, from the that they plcnteottdy b?lnglng fonh
bay tn the mhtch ve hearb of it, anb the fruit of goob mm, may of thee
hab erperieitce In the grace of ®ob be plcnteoudv remarbeb , th?ough
though the truth, as ye iearneb of1 Mus Child our io?b- amen.
St. Andrews day.
The Epiftle. man may take a little. One of bt'S
jet.iM. yj CholO 3 the time cometlj 3 fattb mcetpies, $mo?ew Hinton peters
JD the Lo?b, that 3 xntU ratfe up biother, fata unto hint ? Chere is a
tl)t righteous biancb of Dabtb, laa here , which hath fibe barley
infttclj mm (ball beat rule, anti be loabes ana two tubes, but what are
fbali p^ofpec uittlj atm (bail they among fo many t ina 3eftts
fct up equity ana rigbteoufnefs a- fala , ®abe the people fit bown*
gam tit the earth* 3n bis time mall Chere was much gtafs lit the place.
luoa be fabeb, anO Iftael (bail bwell So the men fat aoumln number a*
Without feat sttm this ts the Bame bdut fibe tbottfmm* ana ferns took
that tijep (ball call btm ? eben the the b?eao, ana when he baa glben
3Lo?ti out rtgbteoufncfs. sprits there- thanks, he gabetttolhs oifctples,
fo?e, bebom, the time cometlj, faith ana the Maples to them that mere
the lo?t>, that It mall be no mo?e fetaonm, ana Itkewifenf tbefimes
fain, the io?b itbetb? which b?ottgijt as much as they wottm* ®hen
the chtltuen of 3frael out of the latm they haa eateit enough, he faith uitta
of cgnpt x but, Che lo?o libetb, his aifclples, father up the luokcit
which brought fo?tb, ana lea the meat tnhich remained) , that no*
feea of the hottfe of 3traelout of the thing be loft $nts they gatherea It
Bo?tb latm, ana from all countries together, ana fillea ftnelbe baskets
inhere 3 babe fcatterea them, ana tnith the broken meat of the fibe bar*
they (hall owell in their own lana ley loabes * tnhich b?oken meat re*
again. malnea unto them that haa eaten.
The Gofpel. Chen thofe men, (when they haa
M** jx mm 3efus lift up bis eyes, feen the miracles that 3iefus aia)
V V ana fain a great company fala, Chts is of a truth the fame
come unto him, he faith unto pjutp, prophet that mourn come into the
Whence (hall m buy bieaa ? that wo?m.
thefe may eat f this he faia to p?obe If there be any moe Sundays before Advene
him, fo? he htmfelf knew what he Sunday, to fupply the lame, {hall be ta¬
mm no. Philip anfwereo him, ken the fervice of fome of thofe Sundays;
%m htmaiea penywo?tb of b?eao that were omitted beeween the Epipha¬
are not diffident fo? them that ebery ny and Septuagefima.

Saint Andrews day.

A The Colleft.
jLtnigljtp ©ob tolhcl) Btnft
gibe fuclj grace unto tfjy bo=
Gentile: fo? one is la?b of all?
tnhich IS rich unto all that call upon
him. fo? wljofoeber noth call ott
fp apoflle ©, autnctu, that the Bame of the Lo?n, (hall &e fafe.
bercaBtlp obeptBtbe tailing of tbp tym then mall they call on him, ott
©on 3iefU!3 cij?ill,anB follotoeB film inborn they habe not bcltebeu f ©om
toltbcmt Bela? t grant untouB all, (hall they heitebeott hint of tnhom
that tue Being calleB bp tbP bolp they babe not bearb f fiotn (hall they
ao?B, map fojtbtoitb gibe obet our hear inlthout a p?eacher t %\Xo hotn
fclbeo obeBlentlb to fulfil tbp ijolp fhall they p?each inithottt they bo
commanBnientB, tbjoush the fame fent? asitisin?itten, iitotn beautl*
3!eftus CijJtK outLo?B. ful are the feet of them tnhich b?lng
The Epiftle. tiblngs of peace, ana b?lng tlbntgs
Rom.io.p jjr t5}0U acfutofuletigc tnith thy of goon things i OBut they babe not
X mouth ? that 3cfus IS the llo?o, all obeyen the gofpel. f o? Cfay
anbbeliebe liithn heart, that^ob faith, lo?b, tnhohathbellebebour
ralfeb him up from Heath? thou (halt faylngs t 0o then faith cometh by
be fafe. for tb bellebe tnith the hearing, aim hearing cometh by the
heart? jufftfietb, atmtokuowietige uio?b of <235ob. OBut 31 ask, ipabe
tnith the mouth ? maketb a man they not beam t bo ooubt their
fafe. fo? the Scripture faltlMObo- fount! went out Into all latms, atm
foeber bellebeth on him ? (hall their tno?os into the etms of the
not be ccmfotumeb. Chere IS no too?m. QBitt 3 oematm whether 3f*
btfference between the few atm the rarlomknow,o?naf fira, ^ofes
St Thomas the Apoftlc. The converfion of Saint Paul*
faith, Ittrtlipio^ejoutoetMbg inltbtbeimubcn 3cfud came* Cbs
than that are no people, bp afooilft) other oirclpled therefore Tam unto
nation 3 mill anger pou* €fap fifi blm,cme babe feen the Horn* T5ut ijo
ter tijat id bolo 3 atm faith, 3 am fam unto them, creept 3 fee in bid
founb of them that fought me not, bmmd the print of tbe natld3 anb put
3 am manlfeft unto them tijat adkeb mp finger into the print of the natld*
not after me* T5ut agamft Hftael $ tbuirt mp bairn into bid fme,3 mill
Ije faith, ait tije nap long babe 3 notbcUebe* -aim after eight bflpdi
ftcetcbebfo?tij mpbaubd unto a pro* again bid mfcipled mere within*
pie that bcllebctb not 3 butfpeaketb aim Chomad imtb tbenn Chen
ngamft me* came 3eiud inben the boo?d mere
The Gofpei. (but 3 aim ftoob lit the ntioft, aim
•. .
Mat 4 18 \ 0 3efud walkeb bp tbe feaof fatb 3 Peace be unto pent* aitb afi
Galilee, be Cmo two brethren, ter tbatbefpake to chomad, Qi5?tng
gmnait, which toad calleb Peter, tbP finger hither, aim fee mp hanbd^
atm anbrcw bid brother 3 caning a aim reach hither thp haim , aim
net Into tbe fea, (fo? tbep mere fiftr thntft it into mp floe, atm be not
ctd) atm be faltbunto them, ifoT faltblefd, but beltebtitg* Chomad
loui me 3 aitu 3 tutu make pou to be* anftnctcb anb fam unto hint, ®p
come fifljetd of men* aim tbep Lo?b anb mp €>00. 3efitd faith un¬
ftratgbtwap left tbetr uetd, aim fob to him, Chomad, became thou haft
ioweb bnn* anb when be toad gone feeitme, thou haft bellebeb* OBlef*
font) from thence, be law other ttoo feb are thep that habe not feen, mm
brethren, Jamed tbe fan of ^ebebee, pet habe bellebeb* and manp other
mm 3obn bid brother rn tbe Chip flgnd trtilp bib 3efitd in the prefence
imtb 5ebebee tbelr father, menblng of hid dlfclpled, which are not writ*
tbeir netd: aim be caileb them* attb ten In tbld book. Cbefe are written
tbep immcbtatclo left tbe (blp attb that pe might bellebe, that 3efud
tbelr father, aim followed bum Cbrlft id the g>on of ®ob, atm that
In belteblng pe might babe life
Saint Thomas the Apoftle. - through bid Bame*
The Colled. The converfion of Saint Paul.
Almlghtp anb ebetltbmg <S>ob,
toblcb for tbe more confirmatt-
The Colled.
cm of tbe faltb , tunct fuftet tbp bo*
Ip apoftle Chomad to be boubtful GC>b toblcb baft taught ail tije
ioo?lb tbmugb the Pleaching of
m tbp @ottd refutrectlon t grant tbp blefteb apoftle 0* Paul, grant
ud fo perfectly mm toltbottt ailtsoubt toe befeccb thee, that toe toblcb babe
tobellebetntbP ^onHelftd CbUft? bid toonbetful conberfion In remem¬
that our fattb in tbP fight neoer be brance,map folloio anb fulfil tbp boip
tep?obeb* ipear ttd, 0D Ho?b, through boctnne that be taught, tbmugb 3e-
tbe fame Tefud Cbnft 3 to inborn
toltb tijee aim tbe boip <$pboft, $c* fud Cbnft our jlo?b* amen.
The Epiftle.
The Epiftle.
Eph-1A9, VTDW m Pe not ftrangerd, no?
i>ifo?retnei‘d,lrat attend toltb tbe
^atntd, aim of tbe boWhoio of dBob,
AI3b %m\ pet breathing outAas>5?1<
tbreatnlngd, anb (laughter m
aim are built upon tbe fommation gatnft the Dlfclpled of the Lo?b,
of tbe apoftied aim pmpbetd , 3e toent unto the high P^left, aitb befi-
fud Cbrlft blmfelf being tbe beab reb of him letterd to carrp to Da-
comet none t in inborn inbat bullb- mafeo to the ^pnagogued, that If
ing foebet Id coupleb together 3 it be found anp of tljld uiap (ioere tbep
S rowetb unto an bolp temple of tbe
,o?b , In inborn pe alfo are built
men or women ) be might bring
them botum to cjlerufalem. atm
together 3 to be an habitation of when be journepeb, it forttmeb that
<J?oo through the boip ®ijoft. ad be wad come ntgb to Damafco,
The Cofpel. fubbenlp there flnneb routm about
joh. 10.14. ’Tpfjomnd one of the twclbe, Wbtcb him a light from beabett, aim be fell
1 id calleb Dlbpmud > mad not to the earth, mm beatb a bolce, fap^
The Purification of the Virgin Mary.
ingto fjtnt, ©aul,©auls mijp per= gogues, bom that be mas tbe ©on
fccutrft tijau met ann lie tain, ©utjat of ©on. 15ut all that beam btm,
art tljoti, LojO r ann tbe Lo?nrato, mere arttajeO, atm fain, 3S not this
31am Jefus inborn tljou perfecuteff. be that fpoilen them mbtcb callen on
3t is barn t'o; tbee to inch againtt tljis jaame in 3erufalem, aim came
the puck. 3nn be both trembling bttbet to that intent,- that lje might
attn attonten ram, Lorn, mbat tniit b?titg them bounn unto the tucii
tbou bane me to no r atm tbe Lo?n p?ieffS i 'But ©aul ittcreafen tbe
(am unto btm, arifc, ann so into mo?ein ttrengtlj, ann confounnen
the city, ann it (ball be toin tbee the 3tms mbtcb omett at Damafi
mbat tbou muff no. Cbe men inbtcij co, affirming that tbtS mas betp
jottmepen mttb bim, (loon nma>cu, Cbtift. '
bearing a botce, but feeing no man, The Gofpet.
ann ©aul arofe from tbe earth, ann
luben be openen bis* epes, ije fain
P eter anfmeren, mm fain unto Mat. i?
Jiefus, Beboin, me babe fo?faken:-
no man t but tbep len bim bp tbe all, ann follomen tbee, mbat (ball 1
bano.ano bjougbt bim to Damafco. me babe tbetefo?e r 3erus fain unto
ann be man tb?ce naps mitljout figbt them, Ocrtlp 3 fap unto pou, that
ann neither ntn eat no? n?ink. ann mben the ©on of man (ball flt on
tbere map a certain nifciple at Da> the feat of bts Sgnjettp, pe that babe
ntafco, namen anantas t ann to bim follomen me in tbe regeneration,
fain tbe 1020 in a lufton, ananias. fball fit alfo upon tmelbe feates, ann
ann be fain, Beboin, 1 am here juoge tbe tmelbe tribes of 3frael.
Horn, ann tbe jLo?n fain unto btm, ann eberp one that fo?faketb boufe,
attfe, ann go into tbe ftreet mbtcb 0? b?etb?en, 0? fitters, 0? father, 0?
is callen ©traigbt, ann fcck in tbe mother, 0? mife, 0? cbtlhjen, 0?
ijottfe of 3unas, after one callen lanns, fo?mpfake, (ball receibe an
©aul of Cbatfun: tfo? beboin, be buitn?en fain, ann (ball inbeette eber«
p?apetb, aitn batb feen in a bitton a lattinglife. But manp that ate firff
man namen ananias coming in um (ball be laft, atm the latt (ball be
to bint, ann putting bm banns on firff. • ■ '•
him,that be might receibe bis fiSbt.
Chen anantas anfmeren, ilo?n, 3 The Purification of the Virgin Mary.
babe beam bp manp of this* man,
bob) much ebilbe bath none to tbp
©aints at ©tetufalem, ann here be
bath autbo?itp of the bibb p?teffS, to
Almigbtp The Colleft.
ann eberlafftng ©on,
me Ijumblp befeecb tbp Sgajeff p,
binne all that call on tbP JlSarne, that as tbp oneip begotten ©on mas
Cbe Lo?n fain unto btm, ®o tbp this nap p?efenten tn tlje Cemple in
uiap, fo? be IS a cboten belfel unto fubftanceofourtteil): fo grant that
me, to beatmp J3ame befo?e tbe me map be p?efenteo unto tbee mttb
©entiles, ann kings, atm tfjc cbtf pure ann clear mtnnes, bp lelUS
n?enof3frael. jfo? 3 mill them bint ©b?itt out io?n. amen.
bom great things be mutt fttffetfo? The Epiftle.
mp names fake, ann ananias ment
bis map, ann entren into tbe boufe, The fame that is appointed for the Sunday.
ann put bts banns on him, attn fain, The Gofpel.
B?otbet ©aul, tlje Lo?n that ap=
pearen unto tbee tit tbe map, as tbou
earned , bath rent me, that tbou
Wrocn the time of her purifi*
cation ( after tbe of «• \m
Luke. 1

mtgbtcft recetbe tbp fight, ann be 9£ofe0) mag come 3 tfjep tyousbt
ttiien mttb tbe boip ©bolt. attn mi bim to Jerufalem, to pjefent bim
mentatelp there fell from bin epes to tbe jLo]0 (ao it nss n^itten tn tbe
as ft ban been feales, ann be recet= LatncftbeLojO: <£berymancbil&
ben flight, ann arofe ann mas baptt= that firft openetb tbe matrije 3 (ball
yen, ann recetben meat, ann mas be caileo bolp to tbe JLojb) anb to
comfojten. cben mas ©aul cer* offer (ag it to fain in tbe Lain of tbe
tain naps mttb the Difctpies mbicb Loin) a pair of turtle bobco 3 o?
, mete at Damafco. ann ftratgbP tm yong pfteono* 8nt> bebolb3
map be p?eacben ©b?ttt in tbe g>pna< there m& a man in Jerufaiem,
Saint Matthias day. Annunciation of the Virgin Mary.
taljofe name was Simeon, ano tljc there two thou baft cbofen, that be
fame man was juft ano goolp, aim map take the room of this miniftra=
lookeO fo? tlje confofattonof Jttael, turn ano apottlelbip , from which
ano tlie ijolp ©bolt was in Dim. 9no Jiuoas bp ttanfgrcrston fell, that be
an anfioer ijati lie reccibeo of the bo- might go into bis own place. ano
ip ©bott,tbat be (lioulii not fee oeatbj tbep gabefo?tlj tbeit lots, ano the
rrccpt be full fato tlje lo?o Clnift. lot fell on Matthias, ano be was
ano be came bp infptration into tbe couitteo with tbe eleben apottleS.
Cernpie, The Gofpel.
Saint Matthias day.
The Coifed.
112faio,that31time Jefus anfwereo, ano Mawi.t#
tbanke tbee, C father,
Aimigbtp ©oo, which in tbe lorn of bcabcit ano earth a becaufe
plate of tbe trapto? 3iuoas,oiOft tljoit baftbto there things from tbe
cbufe tbp faithful fetsant ©attbtas Wife ano p?tioent, ano baft fljeweo1
to be of tbe number of tbe twelbe 9= them unto babes t detilp father,*
pottles: grant that tbPCbutcb, be eben fo was it tbp gooo pieafute.
ing aiwap p?efetbeO from falfe apo ail things are giben unto me of mp
dies, map be o?aeteO ano guioeo bp father: ano no man knowetb tbe
faithful ano true J2>atfo?$, tb?ougb son but tbe father, neither know*
aefus Cbnftout £o?o. ctb anp man the father fabe the
The Epiftle. Son, ano be to wljomfoeber tlje
112tbetbofe naps peter ffooO up in
mioft of tbe otfctpies ano faio,
Son will open him. come unto me
aiipetbatlabo?, ano arelaoen, ano
(the number of names that were to 31 will cafe pou, cake mp poke
getbet, wete about an bunoieo atto uponpott, anoiearnofmefo?3am
twentp) JiemenanOb?etbien, this meek ano iowip in heart, ano pe
scripture mull neeos babe been ful Iballfmoe reft unto pour fouls: fo?
filleo, which tbe boip ©boft tb?ougb mp poke is caffe , ano mp burthen
the mouth of Dabto, fpake before ts light.
ofjuoas, which was gutoe to them Annunciation of the Virgin Mary.
that took Jetus. fo? be was mum I The Colled,
b;eo with us , ano bao obtatneo fel-
lowfbip in this mtnifttation- ano
W © befeecb thee, Lo?o, pottr
tbP grace into our hearts,
tbe fame hath now potteifco a plat that as We babe known Cb?tfttbP
of grounO With the tewaro of iniciui- Sons 3incarnation bp tlje roclfage
tp, atto When be was bangco, burn of an angel: fo bp biS crofs ano
alttttOet in tbe mtoft , ano all bis pafsion we map be b?ottgbt unto tbe
bowels gulbeo out- ano it was glo?p of bis refurrection, tbjough
known unto an tbefnbabtters of 3ie= the fame ©b?ift out Lo?o. amen.
tttfalem, intomucb that tlje fame The Epiftle.
fielD iS calico in tbetr mother tongue
Acheldama,tbati6t0fap, Cbe blOOOP
SDO fpake once again to aba?,E6:7-'°=
raping, Eequite a token of the
fieio f o? it is w?itten in tbe book lo?o tbp ©oo, whether it be towaro
of liPfalms ; Let bis habitation be tbe Oeptlj beneath, o? towaro the
boto, anO no man be owelllng there* height abobe. Chen faio 9ba?, 3
in, ano biS btibop?ick let another will require none, neither Will 3
take, ©Iljerefoje of there men Wljitb tempt the io?o. ano be faio, ©ear*
babe companieo witbus (all the time ken to me, pe boufe of Dabto: 3!S
that tbe loin 3efus ijao bis cenbet* it not enough fo? pou that pe be
ration among us, beginning at the gttehotts unto men, but pe muff
baptifm of 3ioljit, unto that fame grtebempcooairo t ano therefore
tap that be was taken up from us; tlje io?o (ball gibe pou a token :
mult one be ojoaineo to be a witnefs ■BeljolD, a SJirgin fljall concetbe ano
With us of bis refuttcction. ano bear a son, $ thou bis mother (halt
tbep appointee two : 3lofepb Which call bis name ©mmanuel. 'Butter *
Was calleo TBarfabas ( Wbofe fur* bonep (ball be eat that be map know
name was Julius) ano sgattbias. to refufetbe eblfaitO cbufe tlje gooo.
ano when tbep p?apco, tbep faio,
Cbou Lo?D, wijicb knoweft the
hearts of all men, (hew wbetbttof
A The Gofpel.
120 intbelirtbmonetbtbe an*Lut.i.,&
gel ©ab?iel was fent from ©oo,
Saint Marks day.'
tiftto a city of ©alllee natnco ftfa. afetnoeo, luhat nieantth it, but that
cetf), to a aitrgitt fpoufeb to a man he aifo oefcenoeo fivft into tlje lomec
mtjofe name rnab lofeph, of tlje partb of tlje earth i fje that oefcenb*
houfe of DablD, ano the alleging to, ib eben tlje fame alfo that of-
name mab SSarg. ano tpc Slnftct cenoto up abobe all bcabenb, to ful*
ment tit unto her . ano faiD, Ipatl fll all tljtngb. ano the bety fame
full of grace, ttjc Lo?o is mitlj thee, maoe fame apoftleb, fome P?a<
blelfeo art tljou among momen, pljetb, fome ©bangcltflb , fome
Exllljen flje fato him, flje mab abatbcti ©ijepljetob, ano ©eacljerb, to the
at hib faying, ana caff in tier minor, esifymg of the ©aiutb, to tlje morfe
mbat manet of falutatton tljat fljoulo ano aominifttation, eben to the eat*
be. ano the angel fato unto her, fying of the boot of ©b?ift, till loe
feat not £@arp, fo?tt)ouhaftfounO alt come to the unity of the faith,
grace mttlj ©00: bcljolo, thoitfljalt ano tmorntebge of the ©on of ©00,
tonceibe in thy rnointi, ano bear a unto a perfect man, unto the mea*
©on , ano (bait call hib flattie 3c= fare of the full perfect age of ©Ijjift:
fus. fjc fljall be great, atto fljall be ©hat uie henctfojtlj fljouio be no
calleO tlje ©on of the ©igfjeft. ano mo?c cfjtlOictt,, mabtring ano enrri*
the fo?o ®oo fljall gtbe unto turn eo about mitlj ebety fttno of Ooc*
tlje feat of ljib father iDablo, ano ije trine, by the mtiinefsof men,tljo*
fljaU retgn obettije houfe of Jacob tom crnftinefg, mfjere by they lay
fo? cber, anOof hib klngOom there in matt fo? us, to oeceibe no. But -1
fljall be none enO. ©Ijcnfato Sgaty let ub follom the truth m lobe, atffl
to tlje angel, Emm fljall tljts be, mall thingb atom in him mljichib
feeing 31 imam not a man f ano tlje theheaO; eben ©h?ifl : inmijomif
angel anfmereo ano fato unto ber, ailthebooybe cotipleo ano knit to*
©be Ijolp coijofi fljall come ujjon gethet throughout ebety joint ,
thee, anO tlje pouiec of tlje Iptgfjcfl mheremttlj one miniflretfj to ano*
fljall obetfljatsom tljee. ctjerefojc tijer (accojOiitg to the operation, nb
alfo tljat (join thing toljtrlj fljall be ebety part hath Ijtb meafute) hem*
bo?n fljall be calleo tlje ©on of ©on. creafetp tijebooy, unto the eOifytng
ano beljoio, tljy coufiti ©Ujabetb, of it felf through lobe-
flje Ijatlj alfo conceibeo a ion in her The Gofpel.
oio age, ano this is the ftjttfj month,
mijiclj mag calleo barren : fo? loitlj
I ant the true (Hint, ano my fa* Toh if. I.
th.et tb an hubbanoman. ©bergJ '
©00 nothing fljall be unpofbibie, branch that beareth not fruit in me.
ano Sgaty fato, 'Beljoio tlje hano he mill take amay: ano ebety b?anch
mato of the Lo?o, be it unto me at that beareth fruit mill he purge, that
to?oing to thy mo?o. ano the angel It may b?tng fo?th mo?e fruit. JI3om
oepattco from her. are ye clean through the mom mijich
Saint Marks day. I babe fpoken unto you- Bioe in
me, anO 3 in you. as the bjauclj
The Collett. cannot bear fruit of it felf, crcept it
Almighty ©oO, iahtch half in*
ftructeo tin? help ©hutch tuith
alnoeinthe (Lime: no mojetanye,
crcept ye abtoe lit me. 31 am tlje
the beabenly oactrine of thy ©ban* Aline, ye ate the bjancljeb- ihetljat
gelid ©aint Q3 cab, t gibe ub grace, abioeth in me, ano31 in hint; the
that toe be not like rijtio?eu cattieo fame bjingeth fo?tlj much fruit fo?
amay tottlj ebety biaft of bain Hoc* mitijout me can ye oo nothing- If a
trine t but firmly to be eflabltfljeO man abioe not m me, he tb cad forth
lit the truth of thy holy ©ofpel, ab a b?anch, ano ibmithereo, ano
through Icfus ©hjiff bur jlojo. a* men gather them, ano can them into
men. tlje fire, ano they burn. 3jf ye abtoe
in me, anomy moiob abioe in you,
Eph. 4.7. Ujgto The Epiftle.
ebety oiteof ubib giben
grace, accojoing to the mea»
apk mhat ge mtlhaiio it than be oone
fo? you. sjerein tb my father glo?i*
fute of the gift of ©h?tfl. ffiihete* fieo, tljat ye bear much fruit, ano be*
fo?c he faith, HSUjeu he toentup on come my Oifclpleb- ab tlje father
high, he lea litapttbitjj captibe, hath lobeD me, eben fo aifo tjabc31
ano gabe giftb unto men, ©hat he lobeo you, Continue ye in my lobe.
.• ' If
Saint Philip and James Jay. Saint Barnaby Apoftle.
Sfpe top mp ©oniniaimmciits, pc alfo in me. 3u mp jFatljets botife
(ball atone in nip lobe, eben ns 3 are manp manfloits. 3f it were iiot
babe kept uip fathers ©ommatm* fo,3wouinijabetolopou. 3 go to
tncnts, anti atone in bis lobe.®ljefe p?epare a place fo? pou: aun it 3 go
tljintys ftabe 31 fpokeit unto pou, tijat to pjepare a place fo? pou, 3 will
nip jop might remain in pou j aim come again aim reccibepott, eben
tijat pout jop might be full. unto mp felf. tijat where 3 ntti,tljere
Sainc Philip and James day. map pe be alfo. Slim wljttbcc 3 go
pe know, aim tlje wap pe know.®ijo*
A The Colled.
lmighty ©on, whom truly to mas faitb unto Ijirtt, lom, we know
tsn om is ebcrMtng life : Brant nottobitljettbougoeft, aim bow is
us perfectly to know t(jp ©on Je* itpolfible fo? us to know tbe wap?
fus ©butt to be the 32lap, tlje 3eftts faitb unto Ijim, 3 am tbe
©rutb? aim the life, as tljouljaft Hlap, aim tbe ©rtitlj, ann tbe life *
tausbt ©• Pljitip, aun other tlje a* dBo man cotuctb to tlje jratljer, but
ponies, tb?ougb 3efus ©ijjiftouc bp me. 3f pe ban known me, pe ban
lorn, knotoit mp jFatljet alfo; ann now pe
know ijim, aim babe fecn bim. Pbt«
Jam. 1.1J TheEpiftle.
ames tlje fetbaitt of ©on, ann of lip fattlj unto Ijim, lo?o, fljeto us tbe
tlje torn jefus ©Ijjirt, fetmetb jratber, ann it fufftcetb us. 3efus
BteetinB to tlje tluelbe ©ribes faitb unto bim, (wbc 3 been fo long
which ate fcattettn ntooan. ssp b?e* time toitb pou, aim pet baft tbou not
tljicn, count it fo? an erceentng jop. known me, Philip? fje tijat batb
When pe fall into tubers teiuptnti* fecn tnc, batb feenmp father: ann
ons : knowing this, ©bat tlje ttp. flow fapefltbott then, ©Ijew us tlje
ing of pout faitfj genn?etb patience, JFatljet i 'Belicbeft not tljou, ttjnt 3J
ann let patience babe bet perfect am in tbe jratber, aim tbe JFatljet in
wo?k, !tljat pe map be perfect aim me i ©be wo?ns that 3 (peak unto
fnuno, lacbiiiB notbinB. 3f anp of pou, 3 fpeak not of mp felf, but tlje
pou lack tuisnom.fet bim ask of bim jFatljet tijat Otoclletb in me, IS be
that Bibetb it, eben ©on, tobiclj gt< that noth tbe toojks. Beliebe me
betlj to all men mtnffetentlp, ann that 3 am in tbe jFatber, ann tlje
talletbnomanin tbeteetb , ann it jFatber in me, 0? elfe beliebentefo?
lljaU be gtben ijim. But let bim ask tbe toojks fake. ajerilp, berilp3fap
tit faitb aim toaber not- fo? be tijat unto pou, ipe tijatbelicbetbon me,
noubtetb, iS like ntoabeof tbe lea, tbe wo?ks that 3 no, tbe fame fljall
tobicb is toll of tbe min ns aim cat* be no alfo, ann greater too?ks tljen
rien toitb biofence: JBettbet let tijat tbefe iball be no, becaufe 3 Bo unto
man tbink that be fljall teceibe anp mp JFatber. ann wbatfoebet pe ask
tbins of tbe Lorn, a toabertng in mp Ji2ame,tbat will 3 no, that tbe
mtnneo man is unflable in all bis father map be glojtfieo bp tbe ©on*
waps, let tlje biotljct tobteb is of 3f pe (ball ask anp thing in mp
low negtee, rejopee toljen be is eral* jBame, 3 will no it.
ten. again, let bim tijat is rich, re* Saint Barnaby Apoftle.
jopce tuben be is mane low: f 01
eben as tbe flower of tbe grafs fljall The Colled-
IjepafSawap. jfo? as tlje ©tin ri*
fetb toitb be at,aim tbe gra© Wither*
L 2D?n aimigljtp.wbicbljaff eithtteti
tbp bolp apottle 'Barnabas toitb
etb, aim bis flower fallctlj awap,ann fingular gifts of tbe bolp ©boft: let
tbe beautp of tlje falbion of it periflj* usiiotbeneflitute of tbP manifoin
etb: eben fo fljall tbe ricb man periflj gifts, no? pet of grace to ufe tbetn
In b<S waps, ijappp is tbe man tijat alwap to tbp bono? aim g!o?p,
enoutetb temptation: fo? toljen be tb?ougb liefus ®ij?tR our io?n.
istrien, be fljall teceibe tbe crown The Epiltle.
of life, tobteb tlje Lo?o batb p?omt=
fen to them tijat lobe bint.
T 3niitgs of tbefe things came tut* Aa-> fi
to tbe ears of tbe ©ongregati* “•
TheGofpel on tobiclj was in ©tecufalem. aim
Joh.14. 1. A JBn jefus fain unto bis ntfcf* tbep fent fo?tlj Barnabas, that be
xxples, let not pour hearts be (bourn go unto anttocb. iElbicf)
ttoubien £e bcliebe in ©oo,beliebc when be enrne 3 ann ban fetn tbe
JS • grace
Saint John Baptift.
grate of (Son, Bias glad, and erhort- fpeah the truth, boldly rebtihe dice,
cd them all, that with putpofe of and patiently fuffet for the truths
heart thev would continually cl cane fahe, through 3efttS Cbrtfl our
unto the Loro. jfo? he mao a goon Lord.
man, ana full of the holy Chott, and The Epiftle.
of faith, ano much people urns an* C of good cheer, mp people, © Efai 40.1
Ben unto the Lord. Chen departed ye Prophets, comfort my peo¬
'Barnabas to Catfus to feefe Saul: ple, faith your Con, comfort brteru-
ano when he hao found him , he falem at the heart, and tell her that
brought him unto antioch- and it her tradel is at an end, that her of¬
chanced, that a iuholc year they had fence is pardoned, that (he hath re-
their conberfatton With the Congte- cetned of the Lo?ns hand fufftcient
gation there, and they taught much correction for all her futs. 3 botce
people, infomuch that the difciples cried in the wildernefs, Prepare the
of antiocb were the fitft that Were way of the Lord in the wildernefs,
called Chriftiaits. 3in thofe days make flraigljt the path of our cod
came prophets from the City of in the defert. Let all baileys be er-
Sjrterufalem unto anttoch.and there alten, and ebery mountain and hill
flood up one of them named aga- be laid low. ®hat fo is crooked,
bus, and fignified by the Spirit, letitbetnadeftraight, and let the
that there (hould be great dearth rough be mane plain fields, lor the
throughout all the world: which glory of the Lord fhall appear, and
came to pars in the emperor Clau- all flefl) (hall at once fee it- lor Why i
dius nays. Chen the difciples, ent¬ the mouth of the Lord hath fpoken
ry man according to his ability, put- it. Che fame botce fpake,Bom cry.
pofed to fend fUtcor unto the bre¬ 2nd the Prophet anfweten, cobat
thren which dwelt in 3ury: which (hall 3 cry i Chat all fie® is gtafs,
thing they alfo did, and fent it to and that all the goodltnefS thereof
the ciders, by the hands of Barna¬ is as the flower of the field, che
bas and Saul. grafS tS withered, the flower falleth
The Gofpel.
John I1’T'S>iSiSmycommandment, that away. Cden fo is the people as
1 ye lone together, as 31 hade to¬ gtafs, when the breath of the Lord
ned you. createt lone hath no man blowethupon them. Bcbetthelefs,
then this, Chat a man bellow hid whether the grafs wither, or that
life for hid friends. £e are my the flower fade away, yet the word
friends, if ye do whatfoener 3 com¬ of our Cod endureth for eber. co
mand you. Dcncefonb call 3 not up unto the high hill, © Sion, thou
youlietbants : for the ferbant know that brtngeft good tidings, lift up
eth not what hid lord doth: but you thy doice With power, © thou
Dane 3 called friends, for all things preacher Jtrtetufalem, lift it up with¬
that 3 hade heard of my father, 3 out fear, and Cay unto the cities of
hade opened unto pou. ge hade not 3uoa, Behold your Cod, behold,
chofenme, but 3 hade chofett you, the Lord Cod fhall come With pow¬
and ordained you to go and bring er, and bear rule with hid atm. 'Be¬
forth fruit, and that your fruit hold, he bjingetfi his tteafure With
flrould remain, that whatfoener ye hint, andhis works go before him.
ash of the lather in my Borne, he ire (halt feed his flock like an herd-
may gineityou. man t he Wall gather the lambs to¬
Saint John Baptift. gether with fits atm,and carry them
The Colled. mhtSbofome, and (hall kindly in-
Lmighty con, by whofe pjobf> tteat thofe that bear young.
dence thy ferdant 3ohn Bap¬ The Gofpel.
tift was wonderfully born, and lent
to prepare the way of thy ©on out
ELi?abethS time came
Would be delidered,
that flje cub«.
and We57-
Sadior by preaching of penance t brought forth a (On. and her neigh¬
made us fa to fallow hid doctrine bors and her coufiits heard fay how
and holy life, that we may truly re¬ the Lord had Wewed great mercy
pent according to his preaching, upon her, and rejoycen with her.
and after his erampic conflaittiy and tt fortuned that in the eighth
/ * f "

Saint John Baptift . S. Peters day.

bay they came to ctrcumctfe the S. Peters day.
chtioe, ano calleo bid name ^aclja*
ty, after the name ofbtO father- vino The Collet. , . <
hto mother anfmereo, ano fato, Bot
fo^but hto name fljail be calico John,
A g}on 3efits Cbfift haftbygtbett
lmighty Coo, mhtch tb#
ano they fato unto bet, Cbereto to tljy apdftle 0, peter many ejcccfi
none of tljy btito^eo that to nameo lent gtfto > ano commanoeoft hint
mtth tljto name- anO they ntaoe earneftly to feeo thy flock: utabe me
fignO to W father, ftovn be mottio befeech thee all OBifljopjs ano pa*
babe btm calleo. ano he aobeo fo? ftebo otugentiy to pleach tby holy,
mating tabieo, ano m?ote, faying;, mo^o, amt the people obediently to
Ibto name to aobtt ano they mat; foliom the fame , that they may re*
belleoall, ano ijt0 mouth mao ope- cetbe the cromnof eberlafttng glo^y*
neo tmmeotateiy, ano tno tongue though Jiefuo cfetft our 10,20,
aifo, anobefpabeanop^atfeocoo,
ano fear came oit all them that
omelt ntgh unto hint, ano all tljefe
A The Eprftle.
C the fame time, iDerod the Aa.
ifttiig ffretcheo fo^th hts banoo
I %0

faytngo mere ttotfeo abjoao though* to bet certain of the Congregation*

out all the htffh countrey ofaurp: anO he billed Jjameo the bother of
ano they that hearo them, lato them John mtth the fmojo. Vino becaufe
up fit thetr hearto, faying , cobat hefam ttplcafeo the 3emo, he p?03
ntaner of chtioe (bail tbto be: ano ceeoeo further, ano toob peter alfcr;
thehano of the io?o mao mtth hum Chen mere the oayo of frncet bjeao;
ano bto father 5achartao mao fiileo ano mhen he bao caught him, he put
mtth the holy <0boft, ano pmpbefieo, him tn pfifon alfo,ano oeitbereo him
faying^ p^aifeO be the lo?0 coo of to four qttatetmeno of foldtero to be
3jfrael , fo? he hath btuteO ano re beptantenoing after caller to bnng
oeemeohto people, ano hath ratfco btmfofibtotbe people, and Petec
up an hom of falbatton unto uo tn mao kept tn pfifott * but player mass
the boufe of hto fcrbant £>abtO;,eben maoe mtthout ceafing of the Con¬
ao hemomtieo by the mouth of hto gregation unto <000 fo? him, am*
holy p^opbeto? mbit!) mete fince the rnhen iberoo mouio babe brought
mofto began, chat me (ijoulo be fa* him out unto the people, the fame
beo from our enemteo, ano from the night dept Peter betmeen tmofol*
bano of all that ijateuo* Chat he otero, botmo mtth tmo chatno, $ the
mouiooeal mercifully mtth our fa* beepeto before the doo? bept the p?t=
thero^ano remember hto holy cobe* fon, ano behold, the angel of the
nant: that he mottio perform the lo^o mao there p^efent, ano a fight
oath mljiclj he fmare to our father a- fl)tneo tn the habitation * ano he
tyabamfojtoglbeuo. Chat me be* fmote peter on thefioe3 anOfttrreo
mg oeitbereo out of the hanoo of hint up, faying,atife up qtucbly,ano
our enemieo, might fetbe him mtth* hto chatno fell from biO banoo. and
butfear, alltbeoayoofourltfe, tn the angel fato unto him > Ctro thy
fucb holtnefo ano tigbteoufnefss, ao felf, ano binOe on thy fanoaio, ano
are acceptable fo? hint. ano thou fo he oto, ano he fato unto htm^caff
chtioe fl)alt be calico the Prophet of thy garment about thee, ano foliom
the tfigbeft; fp? thou (halt go before me. ano he came out, attofoilomen
the face oftbelo^o to prepare btO him, ano mtft not tliat it mao truth
mayo, cogtbebncmleOgeoffaiba* mhtch mao cone by the angel, but
ttonunto hto people fonhe rcmtfTt thought he bao feen a btfiott, Men
on of finOjtbmugb the tenoer mercy they mere paft the firft ano fecono
of our ®oombcreby tbeoay-fpfing match, they came unto the iron gate,
from on htSh hath btfiteO uO, Co that leaoeth unto the Cttv, mhtch
gibe light to them that fit in Oarfc* openco to them by the omn acco?o:
nefo, ano tn the (baoom ofoeatb, ano they ment out, ano palfeo
anoto gutoeour feet into the may tho?om one ftrect, atto fo2thmtth the .
of peace, anOtbecbtlOegrem, ano angel oeparteo from him, 8n0
mateDftrongtitfptttt, ano mao tn mhen Peter mao come to htmfeif he
the mtlOernefO till the oay came fato, Bom 31 bnom of a furet^, that
mbenbelboulo fljem htmfeif unto the the lo^o hath feut hto angel, ano
Jiraeltteo, B2 hath
Saint James the Apoftle. Saint Bartholomew the Apoftle.
bath tieitijcccli me out of the IjmtU of dretcheofo?thht^hanos to better
E)croo,anDftom alt tfje watting of tain of the Congregation, ano he
tijc people of tlje 3ews. kllleo lames the brother of 3iol>n
The Gofpel. with the fwoio: ano hecaufe he faw
ffytn 3efus came Into the it pieafeo the 3ews, he p?oceeocD
V V coaflooftljeCtt^UJljicljio further3 ano took Peter alfo
caileb cefatea Philippi * be askeo The Gofpel.
ljiS DtfclpleS, faplng, fflbom oo iDen came to him the mother of m**. >«.
men fan that 31 the g>on of man am? 5eheoees cbtlO?eit3Wttb her Tons,ao-
Cbep lato 3 €>ome fa? tt»at thou act wo?©lpping him, ano oeftrtng a cer*
John Bapttft, Come Cltas, fome 31 e- tain thing of him. ano he faio unto
remtaj3,o|oneof the Prophets. i>e het3 f^hat wilt thou ? ^>he faio un¬
faith unto them, But whom fappe to him, ®?ant that thefc m? two
that 31 am? 0tmon Peter aofwereo, fons map dt, tht one on th? right
ano Cato, Chou art Chnft the %m\ hanO,ano the other on th? left in th?
of the liblng <§oo. $no 3eittS an* ftlitgoom. But Sefus anfweteo
fWeteD , ano faio unto butj, t>appp ano faio 3 £e wot not what pe ask:
art thou €>lmott the Sonof 3onas : are pe able to o?tttk of the cup that 3
fa? fle© ano blooo hath not openeo ©all o?tnk of? ano to he baptl^eo
that unto tbee,but top jf athet which with the haptifm that 3 am hapti^eo
(0 tnbeaben. 8tto 31 fa? unto thee, with? Che? faio unto him 3 Wz
that thou art Peter 3 ano upon this are. f)e faio unto them, £e ©all
rock Will 31 butio mpCongregatlon, o?tnk InOeeO ot m? cup 3 ano he ha*
ano the gates of hell (hall not p?e* ptt^eo with the haptifm that 3 am
hall again© it. ano 3 Ml gibe unto haptl^eo with: hut to fit on m?
thee the keps of the klngOom of hea- right hano ano on top left, is not
Den: ano wbatfoeber thou blnoeft mine to gibe, hut it ©all chance un¬
in earth , (hall he heuno in beaben: to them that It IS p?epareo fo? of m?
anO Wbatfoeber thou looted in father, ano when the ten beard
earth, (hall he loofeo tnbeaben. this, the? oisoaineo attbetwob?e*
S. James the Apoftle. tb?en: Btit3efus calico them unto
him, ano faio, &e know that the
The Col left. p?mcescftbe nations babeoonm
G Kattt, 2D merciful ®oo, that as ttlon
thine hoi? apoftle 3iames, lea* them. men
ober them, ano the? that are
eterclfe autho?it? upon
3t ©all nothefo among pou.
Ding hiS father aito ail that he hao •But whofoeber
without oela?, was oheotent unto peru 3 let him be will he great among
the calling of th? ^>011 3efus Cb?tff, whofoeber Will bepour mlnlfter 3 ano
chief among pou,
ano follotueo him: €>o we fo?fa* let hint he pour ferbant:
king all wo?iDlp ano carnal affects the €>on of man came not Cben as
to he mi*
ons,ntapbeebehno?e reao? tofol- nldreo unto, but to mlnlfter, ano to
low th? Commanoments, through gibehlSllfe areoemptlonfo? man?.
3efusch?tdotirL020. amen.
The Epiftle. Saint Batholomew the Apoftle.
Aft.ii. TI2 thofe Daps came p?opljets The Colled.
17. -I from the Cit? oflpterufalem unto
Antioch, ano there ftooo up one of
them, nameo agabus, ano fignifieo
OaimlgbtpanDebfrlaftmg ^00,
Which haft giben grace to
h?the Spirit, that there fljouio he thine apoftle Bartholomew trulp
great Dearth throughout ail the to hellebe ano to p?eacb th? wo?o:
wo?lo, which came to pars lit the grant, we befeech thee, unto thp
Cmpeto? ciatioius oaps. Chen Church, both to lobe that he belle*
the Oifclples, eberp man acco?otng beo, ano to p?each that he taught,
to his ahlllt?, purpofeo to fenu fuc= through Ch?iftour JLo?o. ^imen.
co? unto the b?etb?en which Dwelt In The Epiftle.
3urp: Which thing the? aifo Dio,
ano fent It to the Cioers h? the
hanos of 'Barnabas ano^aul. at
the hanos of the apoftles were Ads
figns ano wonoers ©ew=
the fame time i&eroo the king eo among the people; and the?
Saint Matthew the Apoftle. S. Michael and all Angels.
turn altogether mith one accord tit honcfttp?and malk not in craftinefs?
<g»olomons porch* and of other neither handle me the mordof ®od
dttrft no man jopn himfelf to them: deceitfulip? but open the truth ? and
Bederthelefe, the people magnified report our felbes to eberp mans
them. Che number of them that confcience in the Gght of $od. $f
dellcded lit the Lord, both of men our eofpel be pet hid ? it is hid a-
andmomen, grem more and more? mong them that are loft,, in mhom
mfomuch that ttjcp brought the fick theeodof this morld hath blinded
into the (freets, and laid them on the minds of them mhich beliebe
beds anti couches > that at the lean not ? left the light of the gofpel of
loap the lhadom of peter mhen he the giorp of Chnft (mhich is the i*
came bp, might (hadom forne of mage of <^od} mould mine unto
them. Chore came alfo a multitude them, ifor me preach notour felbes?
out of the cities round about, unto but Chrift Mus to be the Lord? and
aerufaiem, banging fick folks? and our felbes pour ferbants for3lefus
them that mere bejreo mtth unclean fake for it is ®od that command*
fpirits, and tljep mere healed eberg eth the light to mine out of dark-
one* nefs ? mhich hath mined in out
The Gofpel. hearts ? for to gibe theifgftt of the
knomledge of the gforp of ®od ? in
A Bd there mas a ftrife among tt>€ face of 3jef»0
them, mhich of them (houid The Gofpel.
feem to be the geeateff. Slndljefaid
unto them? Che kings of the Bate
ons reign ober them, and thep that
A JSb as 3efus paffeb fojtfj
front t|ence, be fain a man
habe authontp upon them are called names ©attbetn, fitting
gracious lords t but pe fhatl not fa at ttjc recett of ©uttorne: anti tie
be. But hr that is greateft among fain unto ijtm, follow nir. gnu be
pott, fl)all beastheponger, and he atofe, attb folloineti tun; anb it
that is chief? (hall be as he that doth came to pars, as Icftte fat at meat
mimfter- #or mhether is gteather? tit ins Ijoufe, bcfjolo, many publi¬
he that fitteth at meat * or he that cans alfo anti linnets tljat came, fat
ferbeth t 3IS not he that fitteth at bourn until lefus anb pis oifciple?-
meat t 'But 31 ant among pou as one anb lotjen tbe Pbartfces fain it, tbe»
that miniftreth- £c are thep mhich faib unto bis bifciples, tllbp eatetb
habe bidden mith me tump tempta¬ pout ©after tnitb Publicans anb
tions- and 31 appoint unto pou a finnetS f Utit roticn Jclus beats
kingdom, as mp ifather hath ap¬ tbat, be faib unto them, Cbep tbat
pointed unto me, that pe map eat be (irons tveeb not tbe PbPfician,
and drink at mp Cable in mp king¬ but tbtp tbat be fiefe- <So pe ratbet
dom? and fit on feats judging the anb learn inbat tbat raeanetb: S
tmelbe ettbes of jftael will babe rnetep, anb not facrifice,
S. Matthew Apoftle. foi 3i am not come to call tbe
righteous, but linnets to repen¬
The Colfeift. tance-
A lmightp $od ? mhich bp tbP
blelfed @>ondidft call sfeattljem
S. Michael and all Angels.
The ColiecS.
fromthereceitofcuftom? to be an
apoftle and Cbangelift % grant us
grace to forfake all cobetous defires
E actiaftitts ©ob, loijicb baft oi<
baineb anb conftituteb tbe fet-
and inordinate lobe of riches? and btces of all angels anb men in a
to foiiom thp mid 0>oit 3Wus chrtff? toonbetfuioibet: metcifullp grant
mho iibeth and reignetlj mith thee tbat tljep uitucij aibiap bo tbte fet-
and thehoip ®hoft? $c. bice in beaben , map bp tbine ap¬
The Epiftle. pointment fuccoi anb befenb us in
S eeing that me habe fuchanSDf- eartb,
fice?eben as eod hath had merep jloio, amen-
tbjouffb lefiis Cbiift out
on us? me go not out of kmde ? but
habe call from us the cloaks of un-
S. Luke the Evarigelift.
TheEpiftle. ebetiafffng fire. 9tto if thine epe
Rev.11, j.’TpOere tons a peat battel tnhea= offenn thee, pluck it out, anD caff it
1 sen: ©tchael anDIjiS angels from thee: it tS better fo? thee to
fought with the o?agon, ano the D?a* enter into lift With one epe, rather
gon fought with his angels, anD then (habing two epes) to be caff
P?ebatleD not, neither teas their into hell fire. Cahe been that pe De<
place founD aim mo?e m heaben.anD fpire not one of there little ones,
the great mason, thatoin ferpent, JFo? 31 fap unto pou, that in heabeti
calleD the Deoil ano ©atattas, was tljeit angels Do aiwaps behoin the
caff out, which oeceibetlj all the face of rnp .father which is in hea=
loop. 2nO he Was caff into the ben.
earth, ano WS angels were caff out Saint Luke the Evangelift. ' ;
alfo with him, 2nD 3 heart) a louo
botcc, fajiing, 3lit heaben is now The Colleft.
mane falbattoit ano ftrength, anti
the ftinguont of our ©oD, anti the A Lmtgljtp ©ob, whith calico®
power of his Clj?ift. Jfo? the accu* P?aifeLuke the Phpffcian, Whofe
is in the ©ofpel, to be a Php*
fer of out b?eth?en is caff Down, fictan of the foul: it map pleafe thee
which accufto them before ©00 sap bp the wholelbm tneoicines of his*
ano night- anb thtl? obercame him Doctrine, to heal all the Difeafes of
bn the hlooti of the Lamb, anti bp the out fouls, th?ough thp
wo?o of tljeit Cefftntonp, anOtbep Ch?tttoutLo?D. 9mett-son Icfus
lobeo not tljeit libes unto the Death-
Cherefoje tejopce pe heabeitS, anD The Epiftle.
pe that Dwell in them skuo unto the 9tch thou in all things,fttfet i tmm.
tnhabiters of the earth, attn of the afflictions, Do the wo?ks-
fea, fo; the Debil is come Down unto th?otighlp of an ©bangeltft, fulfil
pou,wijich hath great w?atlj,becaufe thine office unto the uttetmoft. Be
he hnoWeth that he hath but a iljoit fober. jfo? 31 am now reabp to be
time- offereD, anD the time of mp Depart5
The Gofpel. ing is at hanD, 31 habe fought a
Mat.18.i. a % the fame time came the gooD fight, 31 habe fulfifleo mp
L\ Difciples unto Ictus, (an courfe, 31 habe kept the jFaith,from
J- X. ing, mho is the Breateff hencefo?tlj there ts laiD up fo? me a
in the lungDom of heabeit r JcfuS Crown of tighteoufnefS, Which the
callen acljiioe unto him anD fet him Lo?D that is a righteous lubge,
in the niton of them, anD fatD,aiett= will gibe to me at that Dap, not to
lp31fap tuttopou, etcept pe turn, me onelp,but to all them that lobe
anD become as cljtlDjen, pe (ball not his coming. Do thp Diligence that
enter into the lungDom of heaben. thou tnapeff come fho?tlp unto me.
©Hhofoeber therefore Ijumbleth him= jfo?Demasijathfo?fakenme, anD
felf as this chilDe, the fame is the lobeth this pjefent wo?lD, anD is
greateff m the kingOom ofheaben- DeparteD unto ChefTalonica. Cte=
9no whofoebet teceibeth fuch a feens is gone to ©alatia, Cttus
chilDetnmpflaitte, recetbeth me, to Dalmatia, onc'p Lucas is with
■But wijofo oothoffenDoneoftljefe me- Cake ©ark, anD b?ing him
little ones which beliebe in me, it with tljee: fo?he is profitable unto
were better fo? him that a milftone me fo? the miniftratton. 9nD cpchi*
were fjansen about his neck, anD cus habe 31 fent unto ©pbefus. Che
that he were o?owneoin the Depth cloak that 31 left at CtoaDa With
of the fea. cmoe unto the wop Carpus, when thou corneff, b?ttig
becaufe of offences. jaecefTarpit is With thee, anD the books, but cfpe*
that offences come: but woe unto ciallp the parchment- ileranbet
the man bp whom the offence com the copperfmith did me much ebil,
eth. caiherefoje, if thP hanD 0? tijp tljeLo?D rewatD him accoiDtng to
foot hinDettljce, cut them off, anD his DeeDS: of whom be thou ware
caff them from tljee: ft is better fo? alfo, fo? he hath greatip withffoou
thee to enter into life halt 0? maim< out wo?DS.
en, rather then thou flwulDftftjabing
two banos, 0? two feet) be caff into
Simon and Jude Apoftlcs*
The Gofpel. knew tfits, fiow tpat tpe Lojd, after
Luke i o I. Jjc Lois appointed otljcr tpat pe paP delidercd tpe people out
fcpcitty (and two; aifa, and
ofcgypt, PeftroyeP tpcmwptcpaf^
fent tfiemtwo anP tvno be¬ter PeltePeP not. CPe angels alfo
fore pint into edery city anP place, wfiicfikept not tfietr firftdate, Put
Wljitljet pc Ijimlelf would come. left tpetr own papttatton, pe patp
CPct*cto?c pc fatd unto tpem, CPc referded tn cderlafling efiaitts m*
paePeft Id great. Put tpe ladoiers dcrdacknefs, unto tfie Sudgement
are feu). Play ye tperefoie tpe Loid of tpe great pay. Cdenasgwdom
of tpe parPeft to fenp toitp iabo?erg» anP ^omo|rap,anP tpe cities aPout
into fits ijardeft. ®o your ways, Pe^ tpem, wptep tn like maner defiled
poiP, 31 fcnp youfoitp ad lambs a- tfiemfeides wttfi fornication * attp
mong woldcs. 05ear no wallet, nei* followed (trange fled), are (etfoitp
tfierferip, ttoilfioes, anPfalute no foi an example, anP fitffertpe pain
man by tpe wap. linto wpatfoePer of eternal fire. JLtkeWtfetpefePetng
poufe ye enter, firtt fay, peace Pe to deeetded Py dieams?, Pefile tpe flelfi*
tfits poufe. &nu tf tpe ^on of peace Pefptfe rulers, anP fpeak edil ot
Petpere, your peace (pall red upon tpem tpat are in autfioiity.
tt, tf not, tt (pall return to you a*
gain, ano in tpe fame poufe tarry The Gofpel.
fitll, eating anu Pnnktng fttep as
tpey gtPc: jfoi tpelaPoier is mp '■jpMS command li you, tpat yejoiuj.
tpy of fils rewarp. lobe togetper. Sf tfie woilp^
Simon and Jude Apoftles. pate you, ye know it pateP me Pefoie
it pateP you. Sf ye were of tpe
The Collefh woilP, tpe woilp wottiP lobe pis
A Lmtgfity 0oP,wptcp fiad
Umigbtp ©oO,wijtcb tinft fiutld=
Lrniin ®|P8,e toortn1 butC 3* bane atbaiftn
-A.eutl)Pedtfiy Congregation upon tpe
ttje j,ououtoj ttje wo?W, tberefo?e tijc
foundation of tpe apodles anP Pia= wo?lo Ijatctlj pou. Remember the
pfiets, Seats Cfiltft fiimfelf being wo?n that 3! fam unto non, cbe fer--
tpe peap coiner done: grant us fo batitis not greater then the Loin.
to Pe joyneo togetper in unity of If tbep babe peefecuteo me, tbep
spirit py tpetr doctrine, tpat we will alfn perfecute vou. 3f tbep babe
may pe mape an poly Cemple acce¬ feept mp fapmg,tbep will beep pouts
ptable to tpee,tp|ottgp SefttS CPiid alfo- But ail there things will tljep
ourioiP. amen. no unto pou fo? mp jQames fabe, be*
The Epiftle.
caufe tljep babe not bnoton Ijitn that
fent tne- 3f 3 ban not come anO fpo*
Jude 1. J QPe tpe ferbantof SetusCfilidj ben unto tbcm,tljep (bouin babe ban
tpe Piotper ofSames, to tpem no fin: hutnowijabe tbep nothing
in fit cl) are calleo "ann fanettfien in to clobe tbett fin withal. Dc that
©on tlje father, ann p?eOetben in batetbme, ijatetb mp father alfo.
3e(USCb?ift: mettp unto pou, ann 3f3baonot none among them tbe
peace ann lobe be multipiteo. Be* looibs Which none otbet man oto,
loben, mbcnlgabeanniligence to tljep (boulnijabe ban no fin: but now
w?ite unto pou of tbe common fal* babe tbep both feen ano bateo, not
bation, it was neenful fo? me to onip me, but alfo mp father. But
finite unto pou to etljo?t pou that tljiS bappenetb, that tlje Taping
pe ftouin tontinuaUp labo? tn tbe might be tulfilieo that is w?itten in
faith, which was oncegibenunto tbett Law, Cbep bateo me With*
the aaincs. fo? there ate certain out a caufe. 'But when tlje ©omfo?*
ungonip men craftilp crept in, of ter is come, whom 3 will feno unto
which it was w?ttteit afo?etime un< pou from tbe father, ebentbeg>pt=
tofucb (ungement: tbep tutn the rit of truth, which p?oeeenetb of the
grace of our ©on into wantonnefs,' father,be djallteftifie of me.annpe
ann oenp ©on (which IS tbe onelp djallbear witnefs alfo, becattfe pe
Lo?0) ann our Loin 3efus ©b?itt. babe been With me from the begin*
sgp minne is t(jcrefo?e to put pou in ning.
tementbinncc, fojafmucb as pe once
All Saints day*
Of tlje tribe of'Benjamin, were
The Coiled fealeo rii.®.
Lnugfjtp ©on, wijicfj baft Knit after this 31 belje!D,ano lo, a great
together tbp (gleet in fine com* multituoe (Wljtclj no man can num¬
nutnion anD fellowfljip, in ttje mo ber) of all nations, aito people, ano
ftical boop of tijp Son Cfjjtft our tongues, ftooo befo?e tlje feat, ano
Lo?o: grant us grace fa to follow befoje tlje Lamb, clotljeo witlj long
tbp ijol\> Saints tit all bertuous wijite garments, ano palms tit
ano gooip lining, tljat we map come tbetr ijanos, aito ctpeo witlj a lotto
to tbofe unfpeabable jops, Which boice, raping, Salbatton be afertbeo
tljott fjalt piepateo fo? tljem tljat un< toljim tljat fittetlj upon tlje feat of
fetgneoiplobe tljee, tfjiougfj JiefttS our ®oo, ano unto tlje Lamb, ano
Cljjitt our Lorn, amen. all tlje angels noon in tlje compafs
oftbefeat, ano oftlje ©loers, ano
The Epiftle. tlje four beafts, ano fell befo?e tbe
feat on tijetr faces, ano wo?ftjippeO
flpoc.?. 2. T) <£1)010, 31 loljtt faw another ait* ©00, raping, amen: Bleffing, ano
JD gel afcenO from tlje riling of glojp, ano wtsoorn, ano tbattbs,
tfje Sun, which bao tlje feal oftlje aito ijono!, ano power, ano might,
lining ©oO,ano be erteo Witlj a louo be unto our ©00 fo? ebermo?e. a*
notce to tlje four angels (to wljom men-
power was gifien to ljurt tlje earth
anotljefea) raping, wurt not tlje The Gofpel.
eartfj,'neither tlje tea, neither tlje
trees, till we babe fealeo ttje fet* ©fus feeing tbe people went up Mat s, ij
nants of out©oo in tijetr fojeljeaos. into a mountain, ano when bee
ano 31, IjearO tlje number of tljem was let, bis Oifciples came to bint,
Which were fealeo, anO there were ano after tbat be bao openeo bis
fealeo an ijunojeo ano fentp ano four motitb, be taugbt them, taping,
tboufano of all tlje tribes of tlje Blelfeo are tbe poo? in fpirtt, fo?
djtlotcn of 31ftael- tbeirs is tbe fungoom of beaoen.
Of the tribe of 3!uoa, were fealeo Blelfeo ate tbep tljat mourn, fo?
jett. ®. tbep ftjall recetbe comfo?t. BlelTeu
Of tlje tribe of Eeuben, were feal* are tbe meeb, fo? tbep ftjall teceib
eo rii. ®- tbe inheritance of tlje eartb. Bleffeo
Of tlje tribe of ©no, were fealeo are tbep wbicb hunger ano tbirft af*
jcii. ®. terrlgbteoufnefs, fo? tbep ftjall be
Oftlje tribe of afet, Were fealeo fatisfieo. Blelfeo ate tbe merciful,
rii. £0. fo? tbep ftjall obtain merep. Blelfeo
Oftlje tribe of jQepljtljaltm, were are tbe pure in heart, fo? tbep ftjall
fealeo rii. 93. fee ©00. Blelfeo ate tbepeacema*
Of tlje tribe of ®nnnlfeS, were bets, fo? tbep ftjall be calico tbe cbil*
fealeo rii.®. 0?en of ©on 'Blelfeo ate tbep wbicb
Of tlje tribe of Simeon, were fuffet perfecution fo? rigbteoufnefs
fealeo rtt.©. fabe, fo? tbeirs is tbe Eingoom of
Of tlje tube ofjLcbi, were fealeo beaben- Blelfeo ate pe when men
rii, ®. rebile poit, ano perfecutepou, ano
Of tlje tribe of 3|{facbar,Were feal* ftjall falflp fap all maner of ebtl fap*
eorit.®. ingagainftpoufo?mpfabe, rejopce
©ftije tribe of>abulon,were feal* ano be glao, fo? great is pout re*
eo rii, ®. waro in beaben- jfo? fo perfecuteo
©ftije tribe of3iofepb,Were fealeo tbep tbe i3?opijets wbicb were be*
tit,®. fo?epou.

The order for the adminijlration of the Lwds Supper, or
holy Communion.

S O many as intend to be partakers of the bnomn 3 and from mbom no ferrets

holy Communion , (hall fignifie their are bib: cleanfe the thoughts of our
names to the Curate over night, or elfe in hearts by the infptration of tby bo*
the morning before the beginning of Morn¬ ly Spirit * that me may perfectly
ing prayer, or immediately after. And if lobe thee * anb mo?tbtly ntagnifie
any of thole bean open and notorious evil thy holy mw > through Cbnftout
liver, fo that the Congregation by him is lo?d. &men.
offended , or have done any wrong to his
neighbors by word or deed, the Curate ha¬ Then (hall the Pried rehearfe didin<5h
ving knowledge thereof, (hall call him,and ly all the ten Commandments, and
advertife him in any wife not to prefumc to the people kneeling fhall after every
come to thehordsTable until he have open - Commandment ask God mercy for
ly declared himfelf to have truly repented their tranfgreflion of the fame, after
and amended hi$ former wicked life, that this fort.
the Congregation may thereby be fatisfied, Min. ^0b fpabe tbefe mo?ds * anb
which afore were offended; and that he vJ faib 3! am the lo?d thy
have recompenfed the parties whom he 0od: Chou (halt babe none other
hath done wrong unto, or at the lead de¬ 0odS but me.
clare himfelf to be in full purpofe fo to do, peo. io?d babe mercy upon us,
as foon as he conveniently may. anb encltne our hearts to beep this
The fame order (ball the Curate ufe with lam.
thofe betwixt whom he perceiveth malice Min. Chou (bait not made to thy
and hatred to reign , not differing them felf any gtaben image, no? the iibe*
to be partakers of the Lords Table* until nefs of any thing that is in beaben
he know them to be reconciled. And if one abobe,o? fit the earth beneath* am
of the parties fo at variance, be content to the mater unbet the earth : tbou
forgive from the bottom of his heart, all (halt not boto damn to them noi
that the other hath trefpaffed againft him, mo?ftjip them, jfo? 3 the io?d thy
and tb-make amends for that he himfelf 00b am a jealous 00b, anb bifittbe
hath offended, and the other party will not fins of the fathers upon the children,
be perfwaded to a godly unity, but re¬ unto the third anb fourth generation
main ftill in his frowardnefs and malice: of them that hate me, andfbemmer*
the Minider in that cafe ought to admit the cy unto thoufanbS * in them that
penitent perfon to the holy Communion, lobe me, and beep my Command^
and not him that is obftinate. ments.
The Table at the Communion time ha¬ peo. io?d habe mercy upon us*
ving a fair white linen cloth Jupon it, (hall anb encline our hearts to beep this
(land in the body of the Church, or in the lam.
Chancel, where Morning prayer and Eve¬ Min. Chou (halt not tabe the
ning prayer be appointed to befaid. And Bame of the lo?d tht> 0ob tit bain:
the Prieft danding at the N orth fide of the fo? the lo?b mill not hold hint guilt*
Table, (hall fay the Lords prayer, with this lefS that tabeth his mmt in bain
Colleft following. Peo. io?b babe mercy upon us*
Ofllr jfatber mbicbartinbeaben, anb encline our hearts to beep this
ballomed be tby name. Cby lam.
bingdom come. Cby null be bone Min, Kemembet that thdu beep
in eartb as it is tit heaben. 0tbe holy the sabbath bay. %ix bays
us this nap out daily b?ead. and (bait thou labo? anb bo all that thou
fo?gtbe us our tceCpaffes , as uie haft to bo* but the febentb bay is the
fo?gtbe them that trefpafs againtt sabbath of the io?b thy $00; m it
us.and leab us not into temptation: thou (halt bo no maner of mo?b,thou,
but better us from ebii. amen. $ thy fon*and thy daughterly man
A lmighty ®od, unto mbom all
hearts be open , all befires
fetbant* anb thy maidferbant* thy
cattel, anb the ftrangcr that is mttip
2D in
The Communion.
in rn Bates j fo? in fit 5avs the anb bumblp obep btm 3 in tbee anb
lo?5 mane heahen ann earth, the fo? tbee 3 aceo?tmtg to tbp blelfcb
rea, ann all that in them IS, ann tno?b anb o?btnance5 tb?ouglj JiefuS
retten the fesenth naj?: arcihere* Cb?ift out lo?b 3 tufjo tnitb tbee
fn?e the Lcuh bleffen the fehenth nap, anb tbe bolp ^boft libetbanb teig<
ann haiiomen ft. netb ebet oneebb, tno?lo tuitljout
Peo. jLo?n hahe metep upon us, enb* amen.
aitn enclineouc hearts to keep tins imigbtp anb ebetlafling^ob,
Lain. tne be taught bp tljp bolp tno?b3
Min. oono! thp father ann thp mo= tbattbebeattsof usings atefntbP
tljer that thp naps map he ions in tule anb gobetnance, anb that
the laitn unjich the lo?d thp ©on st< tbou boeff bifpofe anb tutu them,
tbee* as it feemetb keif to tbl> goblp mi£
peo. jLo?n halic mercp upon us, bom: tne burnblp bereecbtbee foto
ann encline our hearts to keep this bifpofe anb gobetn the beatt of
Lain. Charles tbp fetbant 3 out fctttg anb
Minifter. CljOU (halt 00 HO ttlUC ^obetno?, that in ail bis thoughts,
tno?bS anb mo?kS, be map ebet feck
Peo. lo^b babe metcp upon us 3 tbp bono? anb glo?p , anb (fubp to
anb encltne out beatts to keep this p?efetbe tbP people committeb to
lam* bis cljatge, in mealtb, peace 3 anb
Min. cijoit (bait not commit abttk goblinefs: <5D?anttbis, Ometctfui
tetp* ifatbet 3 fo? tbp beat 0>ons fake 31*
Peo. io?b babe metcp upon us, ftis €\)M out lo?b* amem
anb encltne out. beatts to keepthis Immediately after the Colleds the
lam. Prieft Iball read the Epiftle, begins
Min. cbou (bait not deal ning thus 3 cbe Epiftle m?itten
Peo+ io?b babe metcp upon us, in tbe ebaptetof
anti encltne out beatts to keep tbts ^ And the Epiftle ended, he (hall fay
Lain. the Gofpel beginning thus, ®be ^Op
Minift. Cftou (bait not beat falfe pel tn?itten in tbe ebaptet
mttnefs againff tbpnetgbbo?* of
Peo. lo^b babe metcp upon us, % And the Epiftle and Gofpel being
anb encline out beatts to beep tbis ended, fhall be faid the Creed.
Minift. cbott (balk not eobet tbp
I 'Beltebe in one ®ob 3 tbe ifatbet
aimtgbtp 3 maket of beaben anb
neighbors boufe, tbou (bait not co* eattb 3 anb of all things biCibie anb
bet thp neighbors mife , no? bis fet* inbifible : anb in one lo?b leftts
bant 3 no? bts main , no? bis ot, Cb?i(f, the onelp begotten @on of
no? bis afs , no? anp tbing that is 0ob , begotten of bis jfatbet be*
bts. fo?e all mo?lbS> <spobof$ob, light
Peo. io?b babe metcp upon us, of light, berp ®ob of betp ®ob3 be*
anb m?ite all there tbp lamsinout gotten, not mabe, beingof onefttb^
beatts, tne befeecb tbee- ttance mitb the ifatbet 3 bp lobom
IT Then (hall follow the Colled of the all things ioete mabe: tDijofo? us
day, with one of thefe two Colleds men anb fo? out falbation came
following for the King ,- the Prieft bobmftomh^aben, anb mas tncat*
ftanding up , and faying, nate bp the bolp 0boft of the fijit^
^ Let us pray. gin ©atp, anb mas mabe man, anb
A lmigbtp ®ob, mbofe ktngbom
is ebetlading, anb pomettnfp
mas ctuctfieb alfo fo? us unbet
ponttus Pilate, m fuffeteb, anb
tttte 3 babe metcp upon tbe mbole mas butieb, anb t\)t tljitb bap be
Congvegattoit, anb fo tule tbe beatt atofe again acco?btng to tbe^ctip^
Of tbP CbOfett fetbant Charles out tutes, anb afeenbeb into beaben,
i&ing anb ®obetno?, tbatbeknom* anb ftttetb on the tight banb of the
ing tnbofe miniftet be is 3 map a* iFatljet> anb be (ball come again
bobe all things reek tbp bono? anb mitb glo?pto jubgebotb tbe quick
glo?p 3 anb that tne bis fttbjects anbtfebeab: mbofektngbom(bair
bttlp conftbettng tnbofe autbo?itpbe babenoenb. 3ub 31 beltebe in the
batb3 map faitbfulipfetbe, beam. bolp ®botf, the lo?b anb gibet of
The Communion*
life 3 M)o p?occePcth from the ifa- mtmftcr about f>clp things* fiPcof
ther anQ the &m\ 3 U)I)o with the the facrifice i anP tijep which wait
lather anti the ^on together is of the&ltar3are partakers with the
wonhtppcp anP glo?tfieP ^uipo fpakc vlitau t CPen fo hath the Lo?o alfo
py the lP?opljcts* ^uP 3 heltePe o?oatneo , that thep which pleach
one Catpolique anP ^poaoUque the ®ofpel 3 ihoulP UPe of the
Church* 3 acknowlePge one bnp> ^ofpel*
tifm fo? the remiffion of fins* &no ipe that foweth little, (hall rcap^a*.^
31 look fo? the refurrection of the little: mtP he that foweth pientE
PcaP 3 ano the life of the wo?lP to oufip 3 (hall reap plcntioufip* Let
come* amen* eperp man po acco?Ping as he is
After the Creed 7 if there be no Ser¬ PifpofeP in W l)eart3 not grupgtng,
mon , fhall follow one of the Homi¬ 0? of nccefsitp 3 fo? ®oP loPetij a
lies already fet forth, or hereafter to chcnrful giPer*
be fet forth by common Authority. Let him that is taught in theGaI-5-
^ After fuch Sermon , Homily, or Ex¬ wo?P 3 mihtflet unto hint that tea*
hortation , the Curate (hall declare cljeth in all goon things. 03e not
unto the people, whether there be any peceipcp, <S5oo is not mcckcP t fo?
Holy days, or fatting days the week wljatfoePer a man foweth, that fljaU
following3 and eameftly exhort them he reap*
to remember the poor , faying one or subtle we babe time, let us bo <*u.
moeof thefe fentences following , as goon unto all men , anu fpeciatlp
he thinketh moft convenient by his unto them which are of tbeboufboin
diferetion. offaitb.
©ooitnefs is great ritbes , if a
Matth.y. j ct pout ltcljt fa anne bcfoic men man be content with tbat be batb i
L that tljrj? map fee pour goon fo? we b?ougbt nothing into tbe
uiotfes , ano glo?tfie pout father wo?w , neitber may we cart? an?
tufjtcl) to in beabeit. thing out.
j)_ap not up to? pout felbes ttea- Charge them Which are rich inlTm-6-
lUteupon tbe earth, where the ruft this wo?in , that tbe? be reaop to
anO ntotf) oott) eo?rupt, ano where gibe, ann glao toniitribute, taping
tblebes meats tbotoui ano fteal: but up it? tio?e fo? tbemfelbes a soon
lap up fo? pour felbes treafures tit founnation againft the time to come,
beabett where neither tuff no? ntotb that tbe? map attain eternal life. „, .
ootb co?rupt, ano where tbiebeS no ©on is not unrighteous, that be
not meats thojoin ano (leal. will fo?get pout wo?ks ann labo?
Math*, mibatfoeber ve wouin tbat men that pjoceenctb of lobe, Which lobe
ibouiooo unto pou, ebenfonoum pe babe fljewen fo? bis Barnes false,
to them, fo? tljts to tbe law ano tbe which babe minittren unto the faints
Ptopbets. annpetnominiilet.
Matth.7. Hot eherp one that faith unto me, Co no goon ann to oiffetbute fo?> ha., j,
Lo?P, Lo?P, (hall enter into the king* get not, fo? With fuch facrifices ©on
Pom of tjeapen: but he that ooth is pleafen.
the unit of mp lather which is in saibofo bath this wo?ms goon, 1 John. 3,'
heaheu* ann feetb bis b?otber babe ueen, ann
Luke 15. ^ache fioop fo?th> anP faiP unto (buttetb up bis compafionftom bint,
the lo?p 3 'Behoiu, Lo?p3 the half bow nwelietb i> lobe of ©on in bin? t T°b.4.
of mp gooPS 31 gihe to the poo?3 ©ibe aims of tbP goons, ann turn
anP if 3 hape Pone aup w?ong to anp nebet tb? face from onp poo? man,
man* 3 tefto?e fourfoiu* ann then the face of tbe lo?n (ball
* Cor.^. cobo goeth a warfare at aup time of not be turnen awap from thee.
his own cofi t flBho plauteth a Pine= ■Be merciful after tb? power. 31fTob-4-’
parp 3 anp eateth not of the fruit tbon baft much, gibe plenteonnp. 3if
thereoff ojtohofeeoethaftoct, anp thou bail little , no tb? oiligence
eateth not of the milk of the flock t glow? to gibe of that little: fo?fa
* cor.9. 3f uie hahe fowen unto pou fpiri* gatfiereil tlioti tbP feif a goon tewaro
tual things 3 isl it a great matter if intbenapofnecefsttp.
wc (hall reap pour wo?Plp things t pe that hath pit? upon the poo?,Prov I?'
* o*.* £>o pc not know 3 that thep which lennetb unto the lo?n ; ann look
©1 what
The Communion.
Mjat fie out, it (bail he payeb traufito?y life be lit trouble, fo?rom,
him again* neeb3 ftcknefs*, o? any other abberfi*
15leireb he the man that p?oblbeth ty; c?ant this*, £> father 3 fo? 3ie*
foi the fich atth neeby: the Lo^b (halt fue* Cb^iftb fake 3 our onely ®ebia*
neither him in the time of trouble* to^anbabbocate* amen*
Then {hall the Churchwardens, or Then (hall follow this Exhortation
fome other by them appointed, ga¬ at certain times, when the Curate
ther the devotion of the people, and {hall fee the people negligent to
put the fame into the poor mans box, come to the holy Communion.
and upon the offering days appointed, C be come together at tW
every man and woman {hall pay to the time ( beatly helobeb b?e*
Curate the due and accuftomed offe¬ tfeen) to feeb at the Lo?bs* Supper,
rings. After which done the Pried unto the tohich in Cobs behalf a bib
fhall fay. you all that be here p?efent 3 anb
Let us p?ay fo? the mijole date of befeech you fo? the Lo?b 31efu$
Cbnds Church militant here in Chnfts* rake3 that ye mill not re*
earth* fufe to come thereto 3 being fo lo*
Lmigbty anb ebetltbutgcob, blngly calleb anb blben of Cob him*
tohich by thy holy apoftle halt Ceif* knoto bom grlebous* anb
taught u0 to make players* aim fup* unklnb a thing It is* 3 mbeit a man
pltcatton&anb to glhe thanks* fo? all hath p?epareb a rich feaft 3 beckeb
men x mt humbly befeech thee molt his table biith all ktnbe of p?obtfton,
I fth ere be
i o alms gi-
mercifully (to accept our alms, and) to fo that there lacketh nothing but the
V en to the recelbe tbefe our p?ayer0, bJktck toe gueU0 to fit bomit 3 anb yet they
1 oor, then
f hall the
offer unto thy biblne s^ajefty, be* tohich be calleb, (tolthotit any catife)
words (of feechlng thee to infplre continually moft unthankfuily refute to come*
cur alms)
theuntberfal church biltb the fplrtt rahlch of you in fuch a cafetooulb
be left out of truth, unity, anbconco?b x anb not be mobeb? toho tnoulb not think
grant that all they that bo confer a great injury anb m?ong bone unto
thy holy jeame, may agree in the him i cdibetefoie mod nearly belo*
truth of thy holy 2Llo?b , anbllbe in beb m Ch?id, take ye goob heeb, left
unttyaitbgobly lobe* mt befeech ye mitbb?amittg your felbes front
thee alfo to fabe anb befenb all this* holy Supper, p?oboke Cobs
Cbnfttan mtngs* , princes* anb go* tnbignatlon agatnff you* 3lt Is* an
bentos, anb fpectally tljy ferbaitt eafle matter fo? a man to fay, 31 bull
Charles our S*tng, that unber him toe not communicate, becaure 3 am
may be gobly anb quietly gobetneb; otbermtfe letteb tulth mo?lbly buffi
^inb grant unto his* tohole Councei, nefs*; but fuch ercufes* be not fo eaffi
anb to ail that be put in authority ly accepteb anb allomeb before cob*
unber him , that they may truly anb 31f any man fay, 3! am a grteboits*
inbifferentiy mlntffer jufttce 3 to the flutter, anb therefore am afralb to
punllhment of bnckebnefs* anb bice, come 5 mberefo?e then bo you not
anb to the maintenance of Cobs* repent anb arnenb? OLlhen Cob cal*
true Keltglon anb bertue* Clbe leth you, be ye not adjameb to fay,
grace (£> heabeniy father) to ail ye bull not come f OTen you djoitib
iBllhop!S3 ]pafto?0 aitb eurates*,tbaf return to Cob, bull you etcufe your
they may both by their life anb bo* felf anb fay that you be not rcaby?
ctrlne 3 fet fo?tb thy true anb libeiy Cottftbet earnedlymttbyour felbeis
too?b 3 anb rightly anb buly abmt* bom little fitch fatneb ercutes* (hall
nifter thy holy sacraments*; anb to aball before cob* cbey that refu*
all thy people gibe thy heabeniy feb thefeaftln thecofpel, becaufe
grace 3 anb fpeciaily to this* Con* they hab bought a farm, o? bioulb
gtegation here parent 3 that tolth try their yokes* of ojcen, o? becaufe
meek heart anb nue rebetence they they to etc marrteb , mere not fa
may hear anbrecetbethy holy UWi ercuteb, but cmrntcb unmo?tby of
truly ferblng thee in holtnefb anb the heabeniy feaft* 31 fo? my part
rlghteoufncfs* al the bays* of our Ilfe* am here p?efent, anb acco?blng
anb toe mod humbly befeech thee of to mine office, 31 bib you in tbe
thy goobnefs* (SD Lo?b) to comfort jeame of Cob , 31 call you in
anb mm all them tohich in tw Cb?ift3 bebalfj> 31 txlmt you.
The Comn UIUUIJ*

ad you lobe yottt omn faibation, molt peartp tpankd, for tpat pe patp
that pcmiiibcpartakcrdof tl)tsija- gtben pid 0on our 0abior 3efud
ip Communion, 3nb ad tpe 0011 of CPrift , not onelp to bie for ud, Put
Coo mo boucpfafe to pieib up pid alfo to be our fpiritual foob anb f\u
foul PP beatp upon tpe Crofd for ftcnance, ad it tdbeciareb unto ud,
your pealtp ? ebcn fo it id pour mttp as mefl bp Cobd morb, adbp tpepo*
to receive tpe Communion togetpet ip 0acrament of pid Plefteb 'Bobp
in tpe remembrance of pid beatp, ad anb QBioob: tpe mpicp being fo corn*
peptmfeif comntanbeb. Bomtfpe fortable a tping to tpem mpicp re*
mill in no nufetpud bo,confib£t mitp ceibett mortpilp, anb fo bangeroud
pout felbed, pom great injury you to tpem tpat mill prefume to receibe
bo unto Cob 3 anb pom fore puntm* it immortppip •, rnp butp id to etport
ment pangetp ober pout peabd for pou to confiber tpe bignitp of tpe po*
tpe fame. Stub mperead you offenb ip mpfterp, anb tpe great peril of tpe
<^ob fo fore in refilling tpid polp bam unmortpp receibing tpeteof, anbfo
quet, 31 abmomlp, report, anb be* to fearep anb examine pour omn com
Creep pou, tpat unto tpid unkinbnefd fcienced, as pou ipoutb come fjoly
pe mill not abb anp more: OLlptcp anb clean to anion gobipanb pea*
tping pe (pallbo, if peftanbbp ad benlp feaft, fo tpat in no mile pou
ga^etd anb loolletd on tpem tpat bo come but in tpe marriage garment
communicate, anb Pe notpartaPerd reqttirebof Cobin polp scripture,,
of tpe fame pout felbed. jf or mpat anb fo come anb Pe reccibeb ad mo.y
tping can tpid Pe accounteb elfe, tpp partakerd of fucp att peabenlp
tpen a futtper contempt anb ttnkinb Cable. CPe map anb meand tpere*
nefd unto Cob t Crttlp it id a great to id x jfitft, to etamine pour libed
untpankfulnefd to fap nap 3 mpen anb conberfation bp tpe rule of Cobd
vePe calleb x Put tpe fault id mucp Commanbmentd , anb mpereinfo*
greater, mpen men ftanb bp , anb eber pe (pall perceibe pour felbed to
pet mill neither eat nor brink tpid pabeoffenbeb, ettperbpmill, morb,
polp communion mitb otpet. 31 P?ap or beeb, tpere Pemail pour omn finful
pou mpat can tpid be elfe, Put eben iibed, anb confefd pour felbed to 2b
to pabe tpe mpfteried of CPritt In migptp Cob, mitp full purpofe of
berifion i 31t id faib unto pou all, amenbment of life, &nb if pe mall
Cake pe, anb eat. Cake, anb brink petceibe pour offenced to be fucp, ad
pe ail of tpid- Do tpid in remem' be not onelp againft Cob, butalfa
tnancc of me. dlitp mpat face tpen, againft pour netgpbord x tpen pou
or mitp mpat countenance fijali pe mall reconcile pour felbed unto
peare tpefe morbd t mipat mill tpid tpem, teabp to make reftitution ann
Pe elfe. Put a neglecting, a befpifing fatiffaction, accorbingtotpe utter*
anb mocking of tpe Celtament of molt of pour pomerd, for ail injuries
CPrift ♦ mperefore, tatper tpen pe anb mrongd bone bp pou to anp
fpottlb fo bo, depart pou pence, anb otpet, anb likemifebeing reabp to
gibe place to tpem tpat Pe gobip bi£ forgibe otper tpat pabe offenbets
pofeb. QBut mpen pou bepart, 3 Pc* pou, ad pou moulb pabe forSibeitefd
feecp pou ponbertP pour felbed from of pout offenced at cobd patib: fo?
mpom pe bepart.^e bepart from tpe otpermife tpe recetbingof tpe polp
Lorbd coble, pe bepart from pour Communion botp notping elfe Put
Pretpren, anb from tpe banquet of incteafe pour damnation. 2\xn Pe;
moll peabenlp foob. Cpefe tptngd if caufe it id requifite tpat no man
pe eauteftlp conbfier , pe mail Pp moulb come to tpe polp commrn
Cobd grace return to a better ntinbe nion. Put mitp a full truftin cobd
for tpe obtaining mpereof, me mall merep, anb mitp a quiet confcience*
make ourpumPle petltiond, mpile tperefore if tpere be anp of pou,
me ipall receibe tpe polp Comma* mpicp bp tpe meaned aforelaib, cam
mom not quiet pid omn confcience, Put re*
S' And fometime fhall this be faid,alfo at qutrctp furtper comforter counfel,
the diferetion of the Curate. tpen let pirn come to me, or fome
T^Carlp Pelobeb , forafmucp as otper bifereet anb learneb Snifter
JL^ our butp id to renber to 21* of Cobd morb, anb open pid grief,
migptp Cob our peabenlp ifatper tpat pe map receibe fucp gpoftip
The Communion.
counfel,abbtce, aim comfo?t, as fits to the beatb upon tbe Crofs fo? us
confcience map be reliebeb, atm that miferabie fuitiers,tobiclj lap in bark*
bp the sginifttp of ©obs bjom be nefs anb (babow of beatb, that he
ntav recede comfo?t, aim tlje benefit might make us tbe cljilb?en of ©ob,
of abfolution, to tlje quieting of bis anb eralt us to eberlaittng life, anb
confcience, ana aborning of all feru* to tlje enb tljattoelbouib altoap re*
pie aim boubtfulnefS. member tlje erbeebing great lobe of
Then (hall the Prieft fay this Exhortation.
our pallet anb onelp Sabio? ferns
Cb?ift thus bptng fo? us, anb the in*
DCarlp belobeb tit tbe Lorn, pc
that mitme to tbe bolp commit
numerable benefits which bp hiS p?e«
cious bloobiljebbing he hath obtau
nton of tbe bobp aim bloob of our neb to us: he hath tnftituteb anb o?«
Sabiut C'jiift , nutficonfmet tnbat baittebljolp mPiterteS as plebgesof
St. Paul iuHtetb to tbe Corintbi* his lobe,anb continual rememb?ance
arts : bom be erbo?teth all peefons of his beatb, to our great ano enb*
btltgentlp to trp ano n-anuuc tbcui lets comfo?t. Co bint tberefo?e with
tribes, before tbepp’efunie to eat of the father aim the bolp ©boil, let
that b?eab, aim b?ink of tbat tup. us gibe (as toe ate mod bounben)
JFO? as tbe benefit is great, if tnitb a continual thanks , fubmitting out
true penitent beart ano libelp faitb felbes toljollp to bis bolp will anb
tte receibe tljat bolp Sacrament (fo? pleafure, anb flubptng to ferbe him
then me fpirttuallp eat tbe fleflj of ut true bolinefs anb rigbteoufnefS
€b?tft, aim brink bis bloob, tbett ine all the baps of our life, amen.
o well in ©b?tff, atm ©b?iltut us, Then (hall the Pried lay to them that
toe be one toitb ©b?tfl, aim ©b?ilt come to receive the holy Communion.
toitb us: )So is tbe banger, if me VSDu that bo trulp anb earnefllp re*
receibe tbe fame untoo?tbilp. fo? 1 pent pou of pour fins, anb be in
tben toe be gitiltp of tbe bobp anb lobe anb ebarttp with pour neigh*
bloob of CbJift our sabio?: toe eat bo?s, anb tntenb to leab a new life,
anb o?tnk our oumbamnatian, not following the ©ommanbments of
eonfibeting tbe !Lo?bS bobp: we bin ©ob, anb walking from ljencefo?tb
ble ©obsw?atbagaintfus, toe ppr inljiSboip waps t D?awneer, anb
babe him to plague us with others take this bolp Sacrament to pout
bireafes, anb funbjp binbes of beatb. comfo?t, make pour bumble confirm*
Cberefore if anpofpoubeablafpbe* on to aimigbtp©ob 6efo?e this Con*
met of ©ob, an bmbeter o? (lanberer gregation here gatbereb together in
flf bis lKtto?0, anabulterer, o? be in his bolp flame, meeklp kneeling
malice o? enbp, 01 in anp other gtte> upon pour knees.
bous crime, bewail pour fins, anb Then (hall this confeflion be made in the
come not to tljiS bolp Cable, left af name of all thofe that are minded Co re¬
ter tbe taking of tljat bolp sacra* ceive the holy Communion, cither by
ment, tbe bebtl enter into pou as be one of them, or elfe by one of the Mi-
entreb into fubas, anb fill pou full niders, or by the Prieft himfelf, all knee¬
of all iniquities, anb btlitg pou to
beffruetton both of bobp anb foul.
3lubge therefore pour felbeS , b?e=
ling humbly upon their knees.
©ob , father of out
Lo?o ferns cb?ift maker of all
tbten, tbat pe be not jubgebof tbe things,funge ofall men, toe know*
Lom. Eepent pou tttilp fo? pour lebge anb bewail our manifolb fins
fins pan: babe a libelp anb flebfail attb toickebnefs, which toe from time
faitb in ©b?ift our sabio?. amenb to time moil griebounp babe com*
pourltbes, anb be in perfect ebarttp ntitteb , bp thought, too?b , ann
toitb ail men, fo Iball pe be meet par- beeb, againfl tbp bibtne sgajellp.
takers of tbofe bolp tnptteties. 9nb P?oboktng moiljufilpthp to?atbanu
abobe all things, pe mult gibe moil inbignatton againtt us- ffile no
bumble anb beartp thanks to ©ob earnefflp repent, anb be bearttlp
tbe father, the son aim the bolp fo?tp fo? tbefe our miSbotngS,
©bolt , fo? tlje rebemption of the the rememb?ance of them is
too?lb, bp the oeatb anb paffion of gttebous unto us, the burthen of
out sabto? Ch?ifl, both ©ob anb them is intolerable. Dabe merep
man, who bib bumble bimfelf eben upon us, babe ntetep upon us.
The Communion.
hatie mercy upon tts, mot! met* thanks unto thee, D loro, holy fa*
ctftil father , foi thy 0oit our ther, Almighty, ehetlafftitg 0oti.
I020 3cfuS Clifts rake, fojgihc us % Here fhall follow the proper Preface ac¬
ail that tjs pad, ann grant that toe cording to the time, if there be any fpe-
map ehet hereafter ferhe atm pleafe
thee titneumefsoflife, to tlje hono^ cially appointed; or elfe immeaiatly (hall
ann glojy of tljv Jftame, through 3tcs follow, Chereforetottljangcis, $c.
fits e&ift our lom* 3mett. Proper Prefaces.
Then lhall the Prieft, or the Biflhop (be¬
Upon Chriftmas day, and feven days
ing prefent) Hand up, and turning himfelf
to the people, fay thus,
Altrhghtp 0ou, our heavenly B^cautfc tijou ntott site jeftts
€b?ifi tlnne onelp sontobe
father, toho of Ijte great mer¬ faojn as tfjto nap fa? us, tulja
cy hath p^omtfeo ftygthenefs of fins bp tfte operation of tljr ijoiv>
to all them tobich tnith hearty repett= ©boff mass mane beep man, of tlje
tance atm true faith turn unto him: fubftance of tlje aitrgtn $©atp (its mo<
bane mercy upon you, parhon ano tbet, ans that tottljout fpot of fin, to
neither you from all your fins, com make us clean from all fin. CbetC'
firm ano (trengthen you in all gooo= fo?e toitb angels, ac-
nefs, ano h^ng you to eherlaftittg life
though 3lefus Ctetff our losi & Upon Eafter day, and feven days
men- after.
Then (hall the Prieft alfofay, Bait djieflp are toe bounn to p?atfe
tbee fo? tbe glorious refurreettott
IDear tnhot comfortable our of top ©on jefus cbrift out Lo?n t
0011102 chrilt faith unto all that ft? Ije is tbe beep Pnfcljal Lamb,
truly turn to hint- tobitb was offeten fo? us, ann bath
Come unto mean ye that ttahel, taken atoap tbe fin of tbe too?m,
ano he heaoy laoen5anO 31 mill refreih tobo bp bts neatb batb ncttcopen
you. neatb, ann bp bts ttfing to life a>
®0 0ou looeo the looriti, that he
gaoehio only begotten 0ott, to the gain, batb refio?tn to us ebetiafiing
eno that all that belieoe in him (houio life. Cberefo?e aitb angels, tc,
i 2 *i3 1ii
not periih, but babe life eberlaib Upon the Afcenfion day, and feven days
tug* after.
£>ear alfb inbat€>amt l^aul faiths TID?ougb tOP mod nearlp beloben
©on aeftts Cb?tfi our Lo?n, abo
CbiS is a true faying, anO toothy
of all mett to he teceibeo, that 3iefus after bts molt glorious refurreettott
Chrift came into the toorio to fabe mamfefilp appeaten to all bib apo«
Gutters. files, ann in tbeit fight afeenoenup
into beaben, to prepare a place fo?
5>ear alfo tohat saint 3lobn faiths us, tbat abere be is, tbttljer might
3if any man fin, toe babe an abba* toe alfo afeenn, ann reign aitb bint
cate lottb the father, 3iefujs Chrift tn glo?p.Cberefo?e toitb angels, ana
the righteous, ano he is the p|opttia= archangels, <?c.
tioitfor our fins. Upon Whitfunday, and fix days after.
After which the Prieft (hall proceed ,
faying, • Tlijougb 3|eftts Cb?tfi our Lo?n,
acco?ntng to tobofe molt true
lift up your hearts. p?omtfe tbe bolp ©bott came notoit
Anfw. mt lift them up unto the tins nap from beaben, tottb a cun'
loro. . nett great founn , as it ban been
Prieft. ict us gibe thanks unto our a mtgbtp toinne, tn tbe llkenefs of
loro 0oo. fierp tongues , lighting upon the
Anfw. 3!t is meet ano right fo to Oo. apofiles, to teach them, ann to lean
prieft. 3jt is bery meet, right* ano them to all truth, gibing them both
our bounoeu outy, that toe fijouio at the gift of ntbers languages, ano
all times 3 ano tn all places gibe alfo boinnefs toitb fetbent5eai,con«
The Communion.
ffantlp to p?each Hie ©ofpcl unto ail mercpOiOfi gibetljine or.lp ©on Je«
jaaticms, wberebp weateb?ougbt tUS Chuff to fuffet Death upon the
out of oarknefs ano erto?, into tljc CtofS fo? our teoemptton, wba
cleat light, anti true knowlcogeof maoe there, bp bis one oblation of
thee, a no of tbp ©on aefits ©b?ift. btmfelf once offereo, a full, perfect,
Cberefo?e imtfj angels, $c. ano fufficient facrtfice, oblation ano
Upon the feaft of Trinity onely. fatisfaction fo?tbe fins of the Whole
too?lo, ano Dio infiitute, ano in bus
1 C isbetpmeet, rtgbt, ano our
bouttoen outp, that toe Cbouio at
bolp ©ofpel eommano us to contt-
nue a perpetual mernoip of that ijts
all tunes, ano m all places gibe p?ec(aus Death until bis coming a-
thanks to thee , © Loin ainugljtp gatit: pear us, © merciful father,
ano eberlaffing ©oo, Wbtclj art one we befeeclj thee, ano grant that we.
©oo 5 one Loio, not oneonlp per teteibing thefe thp creatures of
fon, but tijicc perfous in one fub b?eao ano wine, acco?oittg to thp
fiance, fo? that uibtcb me beliebe ©on our ©abio? 3le(us €b?tff@ he¬
of tljc nloip of the father, the fame lp inftitution, in rememb?ante of hiss
toe beliebe of the ©on, anO of the oeath anO pnfflon, map be partakers
bolP' -Sbaft, without anp Difference of bis moft bleffeo Boop ano Blooo:
o? inequality. Cljerefoje with an- CUbo in tljc fame night that be was
pis, $c. betrapcO, toofe b?eao, ano When l>.
After which Prefaces (hall follow imme¬ bao giben thanks, be b?ake it, auu
diately gabe it to ijis ©ifcipies, raping.
Cake, eat, this is mpboop, which
T pcrefo?e With angels ano arcb=
amiels, ano with all the com-
is giben fo? pott, Do this in remem-
b?ance of me. likcwife after fup-
panp of Ijeaben, tue lauo ano mag- pet be took the cup, ano when be ban
itifiethP glo?ious Bame, ebetmo?e giben thankg,he gabe it to them, fap-
pinifmg tljee, ano raping, poly, tng, D?ink pe all of this, fo? this
boip, Ijolp Lo?D©ooofboffS, pea- is mp Wood of the new Cefiament,
ben ano earth are fun of tbp gfo?p, which is fijeO fo? pou, ano fo? man?
©io?p be to thee, © Lo?o rnofi fo? the remifiton of fins: Do this as
Pish. oft as pe (hall o?ink tt, in remetn-
•[ Then (hall the Prieft kneeling down at b?ance,ofme.
Gods board, fay in the name of all them Then (liall the Minifter firft receive the
that (hall receive the Communion this Communion in both kinds himfelf, and
ptayer following. next deliver it to ether Miniders (if any
be there prefent) that they may help the
\7\mno not piefunte to come to chief Minifter, and after to the people
V V this* tljp cable, © merciful in their hands, kneeling. And when he de¬
Lo?Oy trufting in out own tighte- livered the bread, he (hall fay,
oufnefS, but in tbp mantfolD anO
Great mercies. OLlebe not wo?tljp
fo much as to gather up the crumbs
Tpe boop of out Lo?o adits
Ch?tff, Which was giben fo?
unOer tbp Cable. 'But thou art the thee, p?efetbe thp boop ano foul into
lame Lo?o,whofep?apettp is alinaps ebetlaffing life: ano take ano eat
to babe metep : grant us therefore, this in tememb?ance that Ch?ttt
gracious Jto?o, fo to eat the flefh of Dieo fo? thee, ano feeo on bim tit
thp Dear ©on aefitg Ch?tff, ano to tbitte beaet bp faitb vomj thatwsgt
0?ink bis blooD, that our (infill bitig.
boOtesmapbemaoe clean bp Ins bo ST And the Minifter that delivered the cun,
Op,anOour fouls tualljeo tbiougij his (hall fay,
mott pjecious blooo, anO that me
mapebermo?eDwell in him, ano he
m us. amen,
TS>e Wood of our no?o aefus
Cb?iff, wbicb Was fljeo fo? tbee,
% Then the Pried handing up, (hallfay P?eferbe tbp boop ano foul into cbet-
as folioweth. lading life: anO Drink this in re-
A lmigbtp ©oo, our beabenlp
father, which of tbp tender
memb?ance tbat Chrifts blooo was
CbeO fo? tljee, ano be thankful.
f Then
The Communion.'
Then (hall the Prieft fay the Lords pray¬ •[ Then (ball be (aid or fling,
er , the people repeating after him every
petition. After (hall be (aid is followeth, Glow be to ©ob on high, anb in
earth peace, goob wilt towatbs
Oio?n anti Ijealienip jFatI)er3 tuc
thy humble ferbants mttrelp ne=
men, OLlc p?atfe tijee, we blcfs tbee,
we wo?Qjip tbee, we glo?tfie tbee,
fire thy fatherly sootmefs, merciful* we gibe thanks to tbee fo? tljg great
Ip to accept this* our facrtfice of glow, © L02b ©ob beabenlg Sung,
pjaife anu tfcanftfgfomfik molt hum* ©obtbe father almighty, £>lo?b
hip bcfecchtng thee to fftant, that by the only begotten Son 3,efu Cb?id-
tjje merit# anb heath of thy ^>on 3le; 3D lo?b ©ob, lamb of ®ob,Son of
(US ch?ift>onb through faith in his the jf atber, that taked away tbe tins
Woob3 toe mtb all thy whole Church of the wo?w, babe rnerep upon us.
may obtain rcmtCTion of our fino3anb Cbou that taked away tbe fins of
all other benefits of hib paffion*&tm the wo?ib, babe mercy upon us.
here we offer anb feefent unto tljee3 Cbou that taked away tbe fins of
Lo^b, our fclbeo3 our fouls anb tbe wo?lo, recetbe our p?ager. Cbou
hobires, to be a reafonable3 holy3 anb tbat fitted at tbe right banbof ©oo
littelp facrtfice unto thee* humbly be= the father,babe mercy upon us.fo?
leeching thee 3 that all we which be thou onelg art holy, thou onelg art
partakers of tljt0 holy Communion^ the Lo?o, tbou only, $> Cb?id,witb
map be fulftlleb With thy grace anb tbe holy ©bod, art mod high in
heabenly benebiction* flhb although tbe glo?p of ©ob the father- a-
toe be unworthy through our manf men.
fblb fin$3 to offer unto thee any fa= ®[ Then the Pried, or Bi(hop, if he
ctiftce: yet we befeeclj tijee to accept be prefent, (hall let them depart with
this our bounbenbuty anb ferbtce3 this blefsing.
not weighing our mettt&but paruo*
ntng our attences3 through 3iefus
Chnft our lo?b, by whom, anb with
TS>e peace of©ob Which palfetb all
unberdanbing, keep your hearts
tohom, in the unity of the holy anb mtnos in the knowieoge auo
hoft, ail hemo? anb glo^y he unto lobe of ©oo, anb of bis son jefus
thee 3 0 father almighty, wojib CbndoutLo?b: anb the bleffing of
tolthout enb* amen* ©ob almighty,tbe f atber.tbe son,
Or this. anb the holy ©bod, beamongdyou,
A lmighty anb eUetUUfns ©on, anb remain with pou always. a=
we mod bearrilp tljanb tbee, fa? men-
ttjat tliDtt baett bouebfafe to feeb us <[ Collefls to be faid after the Offertory ,
togteb (jane nulv recetaeti tljofe holy when there is no Communion,every fuch
mytferies, tout) the fptritual faob of day one- And the fame may be faid alfo
the mod p?eciouS bong anbblaonof as often as occafion (hall ferve, after the
tby ©on our sabto? Jefus ©b?id, Colletts either of Morning and Evening
ana naed affure us thereby of tby fa- prayer, Communion or Letany, by the
ho? anti goobnefs towatb us, aits diferetion of the Minifter.
tbat toe be berg members mcojpo
rate in tbg myfttcal bong, which is
tbe bieffeti compang of all faithful
people, anb be alfo belts tb?ougb
Slid us mercifully, £> llo?b,
in tljefe our fupplicatiens ¥
p?ayets, anb bifpofe the way
pope of tbg eberlading kingbom, iby oftby fetbants towaros the
tbe merits of theniottpjetious bcatb attainment of eberlading falbation,
anb paffion of tbg bear Sontwe notu that among all tbe changes anb
mod bumblg befeecb tbce,2D beabem chances of this mo?tai life,they may
Ig father, fo to alftdus With tbg ebet be oefenoeo by tbg mod graci¬
grace, that we mag continue in tbat ous anb reaby help, tb?ougb Child
holy fellowdjtp,ano bo all fneb goob our lo?b. amen.
tu o’Us, as thou bad pjcpnrcb fo? us almighty Lo?b aitb eberlading
to walk in, tb?ougij aefus Cb?id out ©ob,boucbfafe we befeecb tbee
lo?b, to whom with thee anb tbe to bicect,fanctifie, anb gobern both
bolg ©bod, be all bono?anbglo?g, our hearts anb bobics in the ways of
toojlb Without enb. amen. tby laws, anb in tbe wo?ks of tbg
13 com-
Publique Baptifm.
Comntatt&mctttg, tbatt^ou^ m Upon the holy-days (if there be no
mod mtgMp protection botlj Ijere ami Cotnmunion)(hall be faid all that is appoin¬
^jer, w map be prefemo in Lump ted at the Communion , until the end of
a no foul, mm out loro anO the Homily, concluding with the general
m1Iiefug Cfeift amen. prayer for tljC tOljOle CffatC Of Ctylftg
G Eant, m oefeecl) tljee,
tp $oo, tljat tlje uiorojs motet)
CljurcO militant herein earth, and
one or more of thefe Colleds before rehear*
toe OaOe Ijeato tljig t*ap tnitlj our out= fed, as occafion (hall ferve. And there (hall
toato eatg, map tljjougl) t ijp grace be no celebration of the Lords Supper, ex¬
he fo gratfeo imoaroip in our ijeartg, cept there be a good number to communi¬
tljat they map tying fortbnt tig tlje cate with the Prieft,according to his difere-
fruit of gooh lining, to tfje {jono? tion. And if there be not above twenty per-
ano praife of tpp Bame, ttyottglj fons in the Pari(h of diferetion to receive
Scrug Ctyift out Lo?o. amen.
P Eehent tig, © Loro, tn ail out
ootngg, initij tljp mod gtactoug
the Communion, yet there (hall be no
Communion, except four or three at the
lead communicate with the Prieft.
fano?, anofurtfiet tig tmtlj tljp com And in Cathedral and Collegiate Church¬
ttnual t)dp,tljat in ail out toordg W es, where be many Priefts and Deacons,
gun, continueo ano eitoeo in tljee, they (hall all receive the Communion with
toe map giorifie tljp Ijoip Bame, ano the Minifter every Sunday at the lead, ex¬
finailp op tljp metep obtain ebetiad- cept they have a reafonable caufe to the

ing life, ttyottgf) Jefug Ctyilt out
Lo$. amen-
Lmtgljtp $oo, tlje fountain
of all toigOom,toljicO ditoioed
contrary .And to take away the fuperftition,
which any perfon hath,or might have in the
Bread and Wine, it (hall fuffice that the
Bread be fuch as is ufual to be eaten at the
out neceditieg before toe ago, table with other meats, but the beft and pu-
ano out ignorance tn agktng * loe reft wheat-bread that conveniently may be
OefeecljtOee to ijahe companion up* gotten. And if any of the Bread andWine re¬
on out tnfitmitfeg, ano tpofe tptngg main,the Curate (hall have it to his own ufe.
mOico for out umoortotnefg toe oate The Bread andWine for the Communion
not, ano for outoimonefg toe cam (hall be provided by the Curate and the
not agk,boucOfafe to gibe ug, for tpe Churchwardens at the charges of the Pa-
toortljtnefg of top g>on 3lefug Ctytlf riffy and the Parilh (hall be difehargedof
out Loro. amen. fuch fums of money, or other duties, which
A LmigOtp $oO, tuOicOOaflpro=
mifeo to beat toe petitiong of
hitherto they have paid for the fame by or¬
der of their houfes every Sunday.
tOem tOat agk in top €>ong Bame, And note, tthat every Parishioner (hall
toe befeeclj tljee metctfulip to encltne communicate at the leaft three times in the
tOme eatg to ug tljat Oabemaoe noto year,of which Eafter to be one, and (hall al-
out prapetg ano fuppiicationg unto fo receive the Sacraments, and other Rites,
tOee, ano gtant tljat tOofe tOingg according to the order in this book appoin¬
toOtcOtoeOabe faitOfullp agkeoac* ted. And yearly at Eafter every Parifhio-
corOing to top toill, map effectualip ner (hall reckon with his Parfon, Vicar, or
beobtaineo, to tlje teliefof outne^ Curate, or his or their deputy, or deputies,
ceditp, ano to toe retting fortO of top and pay to them or him all Ecclefiaftical
giorp, torougo jefug ctyilt out duties, accuftomably due, then and at that
Loro. amen. time to be paid.

^ The minifration of ‘Baptifm to he ufed in the

I T appeareth by ancient Writers, that
the Sacrament of Baptifm in the old
miniftred in the prefence of all the Congre¬
gation : which cuftome now being grown
time was not commonly miniftred, but out of ufe, ( although it cannot for many
at two times in the year: at Eafter and confiderations be well reftored again) it is
Whitfuntide. At which times it was openly thought good to follow the fame as near as
Publique Bdptiftn.
conveniently may be. Wherefore the peo¬ tbe fiaob Joibatt, anb all other ma-
ple are to be admonifhed, that it is molt tershto tlje mpftical mafljtng amap of
convenient that Baptifm fhould not be ad- fin: OLlebefcecbtbee fo? thinethfi
miniltred but upon Sundays, and other Ho¬ mtemercieb, that than milt merci-
ly-days , when the molt number of people fullp look upon tbefe djiibien, fan
may come together, as well for that the ctific them, anb man) them mitb tlje
Congregation there prefent may teftifie the bolp 0boff,tbat tbep being belibereb
receiving of them that be newly baptized from tbp m?atb> map be recetbeb in¬
into the number of Chrifts Church, as alfo to the ark of Cb?ttfb Church, anb
becaufe in the Baptifm of Infants,every man being ftcbfaft in faith,iopful though
prefent may be put in remembrance of his hope, anb rootebindjarttp, map fa
own profellion made toGod in his Baptifm. pars the mabeb of tbib troublefome
For which caufe alfo it is expedient that Ba¬ mo?ib, that finally tbep map come to
ptifm be miniftred in the Englifh tongue. the lanbofeberlaftmgltfe, there ta
Neverthelefs, if neceftity fo require, chil¬ reign mitb tljee ma?lb mttbout enb,
dren may at all times be baptized at home. though Jiefub Cb?ttf our Lo?b. a*
When there are children to be baptized
upon the Sunday or Holy-day,the Parents
fhall give knowledge over night, or in the
A lmigbtp anb immortal 0ob,tbe
atbof ail that neeb, the helper
morning afore the beginning of Morning of ail that flee to thee fo? fttcco?, the
prayer, to the Curate. And then the God¬ life of them that beiicbe, anb tlje re-
fathers, Godmothers, and people with the furrectionoftbebeab: me call upon
the children, muft be ready at the Font, tljeefo? tbefe 3nfantb, that tbep co¬
either immediately after the laft LelTon at ming to tbP bolp Baptifm, map re¬
Morning prayer, or elfe immediately after ceive rcmtftton of their finb bp fpirt-
the laft LelTon at Evening prayer, as the ttial regeneration. IReceibe them,’©
Curate by his diferetion fhall appoint. Lo?b, ab thou bail p?omtfeb bptbp
And then Handing there, the Priell fhall melbelobeb 0on, raping, abk,anb
ask whether the children be baptized or pou (ball babe •, feek, anb pou (ball
no. If they anfwer, No: then fhall the finbej knock, anb it (ball beopeneb
Prieft fay thus, unto pou. 0*0 gibe nom unto ub
belobeb, fbiafmucb ab all that abk, let ub that feek,ftnbe, open
men be concetbeb anb bo?n in the gate unto ub that knock, that
fin,anb that our g>abto?Cb?iff faith, tbefe 31tifantb map enjop the ebec-
j3one can enter into tlje ktngbom lafttng benebiction of tbP beabenlp
of 0ob, except be be regenerate, anti mafljtng, anb map come to tlje e-
bo?tt anevn of mater ants of the bolp ternal kingbom, mbtcb tljott bad
0bo(h 31 befeecb pott to call upon p?omifeb bp Cb?ift our Lo?b. antern
0on tlje jfatber tljmugb our Lo?b % Then fhall the Prieft fay,
3lefttb Cb?ift> that of btb bounteous Dear tlje mo?bb of tlje 0ofpei unit*
merep be mill grant to tbefe cbilb?ett ten bp gmtnt ® ark in the tenttj
that thing mbtcb bp nature tbep can- Chapter.
not babe, that tbep map be baptneb
mitb mater anbtbebolp 0boff, anb
recetbeb into Cbnffb bolp Cburcb,
C a certain time tbep bmttgbt Mark
cbtlb?en to Cb?t(Wbat be fljoulb 15.
anbbemabe Ubelp members of tlje touch them: anbljibbtfctpleb rebu-
fame. keb tbofe that brought them. But
Then fhall the Prieft fay j mben Jefttb Cam it,be mab bifplcafeb,
attb faib unto them, buffer little
Let ub p?ap. cbtlb?en to come unto me,anb fo?bib
A Lmtgbtpattb eberlatfing 0ob, them not, fo? to fucb belongetb the
mbtcb of tbP great nterep btblt ktngbom of 0ob. SJerilp 31 rap unto
rabeBoeanb bib famtip tit tlje ark pou, W.bofoeber both not receibe
from perifliing bp mater, anb alfo the kingbom of 0ob ab a little
mbit fafelpleab tbe cbilb?enof Jfra= cbtlbe,be (ball not enter therein attb
el tbp people through tbe reb g>ca, mhett be bab taken them up tn bus
figuring tljercbv tbp bolP Baptifm: arrnb, be put bib banbb upon them,
anb bp tbe'Baptifm of tbp melbelo- anb blefleb them.
beb g>on 31eCub Cbntf, bib it fanctifie
Wi After
Publique: Baptifm.
After the Gofpel is read, theMinifter
tljat out lom Jefus Cbnft batb pm*
fhall make this brief Exhortation upon j
mtfeb In bl0 gofpel to grant all
the words of the Gofpel. j
tljefe tblng0 tljat pe babe pjapeb fo?:
Mjtclj p?omlfe be fo? bis part trill
FEtenbS, pottljear Intljte Gofpel
tlje vmv.z of out ^abiot €b?lft>
moft fureip keep $ perform ®bete*
fo?e after this p?omtfe maoe bp
tljat be commanbeb the cbtMn to Cblifti tljefe 3nfant0 mnft alfo- falt!>
be brought unto him: boiu be blant- fillip to? tljetr part p?oimfe bp pou
eb tljofe tljat tuottlb babe kept them tljat be tljelr furetle0, tljat tljep tbtu
from him; polo be ejtbojtetb all men fo?faketbcbebtl anb all ins mo?ks,
to follow tljttr innocence £ou per* anb conftantlp bellebe <jpobs boip
cetbe Ijoto bp W ottttoatb gefttire mom? anb obeblentlp keep bl0 Com*
aim beeb be beclareb bis goon Mil manbtnentg*
t otoarb tbermf oj be embraced tljem % Then fhall the Prieft demand of theGod*
In !jt0 arms, be lam 1310 banbs upon fathers and Godmothers tbefe queftions
tljem, anb blcfteb them* Doubt pe following.
not therefore, but earneftlp bellebe,
that be mill likeuilfe fabombip w
DDeft tboufojfake tljebebll anb
ail bl0 tno?ks, tlje bain pomp
cetbe tbefe mefenf infants, that be anb glo?p of tlje tno?lb, toltb all co*
MU embrace tljem toitb tlje arms of betou0 beftres of tlje fame,tlje carnal
bis metcp, tljat be Ml gibe unto beflre0oftbefteft), fotbattljou tout
not follatu,no? be leb bp tljem i
tljem tlje blcfttng of eternal life, anb
make tljem partakers of 610 eberlaft Anfw. 3j Make tljem all* *
mg ktngbom* raijetefoje toe being Minift Doeft tljoti bellebe lit $ob
thus perftnabeb of tlje goon Ml of tbe father aimtgbtp, maker of Ijea*
out beabenlp father totuarb tljefe ben anb earth * anb In leftts Cb?lft
3lnfant0,beclareb bp htS @>on 3lefub ljl0onelp begotten ^onourjiom?
CbUft* anb nothing boubtlng but anb that be toa0 concelbcb bp the
tbatbefabojablp allotoetlj tljlscbfr boip 0boft, bom of the virgin #a=
tttable mm of ours, in banging rp, that be ftiftereb tntber Pontt*
tbefe cbiltnen to bis boip 'Bapttfm: u0 pilate, toa0 cruclfieb, beab, anb
let us fattbfttllp anb beboutlp gibe btnieb, that be toent boton into bell,
thanks unto bint, anb fap, anb alfo bib rife again the tblrb bap,
tljat beafcenbeb into ljeaben,anb fit*
A Lmtgljtp anb ebetlafllng <$ob, tetb at tbe right banb of 00b tlje
beabenlp father, toe gibetbee father aimlgbtp: anb from thence
bumble thanks,tljat tbou baft bottcb* (ball come again at tlje enb of the
tafeb to call 110 to the knotnlebge of toojlb, to jtibge tlje quick anb tbe
tljp gtace,anb fattb in t!jee:Cncreafe beab i anb boeft tljou bellebe lit the
this knotnlebge, anb confttm tbl0 boip ®boft, the boip Catboilque
fattb In u0 ebermom: gibe tbP boip Cburcb^tbeCommumon of ^alnt0,
spirit to tbefe infants, tljat tljep the remlftlon of fiit0, the refurrectu
map be bom again, anb be mabe on of the fleftj,anb ebetiaftlng life af*
ljelt0 of ebetiaftlng falbatton , terbeatljf
though out Lom 3!efug cbnftMbo Anfw- ail tbl0 31 ftebfaftlp bellebe*
llbetlj anb relgnetb Mtb tbee anb Mmift. tKLttlt tljou be baptl^cb m
tbe boip Spirit, nolo anb fo? ebet. tiji0 fattb ♦
amen* Anfw. chat 10 rnp beftre*
Then the Prieft fhall fpeak unto the God¬ Then fhall the Prieft fay,

\7\7€lbelobeb frtcnbS, pebabe

fathers and Godmothers on this wife,
Merciful $ob, grant that the
olb abam in tljefe cbtlbmn map
V V b|ougljt tbefe cbtimenbetc be fo btttleb, tljat the netu man map
to oebaptl^eb, pe babe pjapeb that be ratfeb up in them* amen*
our Lom 3iefu0€b?tft tnoulbbottclj* tljat all carnal affections
fufe to teceibe tljem, to lap bl0 map bp tit tljem, anb that all things
b.ntbg upon them, to bief0 tljem, to belonging to tlje spirit, mao libe
tdea"e tbent of tljetr ftn0, to gibe anb groto in them* amen*
tb m tlje ktngbom of beaben, anb $mnt that tbep map babe potoet
ebetiaftlng life, £e ijabejeatb alfo. anb ftrengtb to babe biitom^ anb to
Publiqre Bjptifrrt.
triumph ogatnft tlje oebiUhe bio^io, Then fhall the Prieft fay3
anothe Sell)* imem
<$mnt that mhufoeberis IjcreOe-
Btcatcn to tijcc bp our office anti nit-
Seeing noto, Oearlp belobeo bre¬
thren, that thefe cf)iiO?m be rege-
ntftetmmab alfo lie eittutrti tmtlj !iea- iterate ano graffeo into tlje boop
bcnlx? bertneSyanO ebeuartinglp re- of cbriftS congregation •, let us
nwoeo tfjzotujfj thP mcrcn, 0 blef gibe thanks unto eoo for thefe be¬
fco Lorn (goo, uiljo ooft line ano go- nefits, ano toitb one accoro make
■bent all ttjing03 tt>oi!t> without eitO. our prapers unto &lnngl)tp ®oO,
&mcn* that tfjcpmap leaotbe reft of their
A LmtgbtpanOcbetltbntg 0oo 3
inhere mod oearlv beiobco 0>on
life accoroing to this beginning*
Then (hall be faid,! . .
^efue Chrifb for tlje fojrct^euef^ of
our finsguo fljeti out of Ins ntoft pre- 0ur father tuOidj art in hea-
clotty fine ixotf) uratcr min blooo3miO ben3 $c*
gabe commanoment to W Difci-
pies 3 that tljep fljouio go teacl) all
nations, ano baptise them tit tlje WCmoftpieiomerciful
Then fhall the Prieft' fay,
tljee Ijeartp thanks
father, tfljat
flame of tlje jfatljer3 tlje ^on3 ano it hath pleafeo tljee to regenerate
of tlje holp ®ljoft: EegatO 5 toe be- this Jintaut imtlj thp Ijolp Spirit, to
feecljtljee5 tlje fupplieationsofthP receibe Ijtm for thine oiritt djiioe bp
Congregation 3 ano grant that all aooptioit, ano to incorporate hint
tljp ferbaitts toljiclj fljalt be baptt^eo into thp Ijolp Congregation* ano
in tins nmter3 map reectbe tlje ful Ijumblp toe befeech thee to grant,
nefs ofthP grace, atioeber remain that he being oeao unto fin 3 ano
in tlje number of thP fattljfull ano fibtng unto nghteoufuefs , ano be¬
elect cljilfyem through Jefus Chrift ing butieo toitlj Chrift in hiS Oeath,
our loro* amen* map crticifie the oio man 3 ano tit-
<j[ Then the Prieft (hall take the childe in terlp aboliftj tlje toljoie boop of fin,
his bands,and ask the name: and naming that as he tsmaoe partaker of the
the childe, fhall dip it in the water, fo oeath of thp 0on, fo he map be par¬
it be dilcreerly and warily done, faying,
taker of fts refurreetton, fo tljatfi-
nallp, tottljthe refioueof thp holp
n. T 'Baptise thee in the flame of tor Congregation , Ije map be inheri¬
1 tlje father, ano of the
of tptnc eberlafting ktngooni v
ano of tlje holp $ljoft* amen* through Chrtfi our loro* 8men*
At the laft end, the Prieft calling the
And if the childe be weak, it (hall fuffice Godfathers and Godmothers together,
to pour water upon it, faying the fore- fhall fay this exhortation following.
faid words,
F 0rafmuclj as thefe eljiioreit Ijabe
N.T^Baptt^e tljee in tlje flame of promifeo bp pou to forfake tlje oe-
1 tlje father, ano of the g>oit, bil ano all Ijis loo^ks, to beliebe in
anooftheljolp^ljoft* $men* <£>oo3 ano to ferbe him x pou nuift
remember that it 10 pour partb ano
Then the Prieft fhall make a crofs up¬ Outieb 3 to fee that tljcfe Infants be
on the childcs forehead, faying, taugljt, fo fooit a0 tljep fljall be able
to learn 3 ioljat afolemnbo^ pro-
W C receibe this cljfioe into mifeanoprofelfion thepliabe maoe
the Congregation of Clifts bp pom ano that tljep map knoin
flock, ano Oo ftgn pirn toitlj tlje Ggn tljefe things tlje better 3 pe (hall call
of the crofs 3 in token that hereafter upon them to hear sermons 3 ano
he fhall not be afbameo to confer cljieflp pou fljall probiOe that thep
the faith of chrift cructfieO, ano: map learn the CreeO 3 tlje loros
manfullp to fight unOer !ji0 banner3 draper 3 ano the ten CommanO*
ngainft fin3 the toorttg ano the oebil3 meats in the Cnglifti tongue 3 ano
ano to continue CbrtftS faithful all other things inljiclj a Chrillian
foioier ano ferbant unto hto Itbes man ought to knoui ano beliebe to
cno* amen* his fouls health 3 ano that thefe
p3 chiiOKix
Private Baptifm.
cbtlbjen may be bertuottfly brought all out ebll anb corrupt affectton0 3
up 3 to leab a gonip anb a Cb?tdiatt anb bayly p^oceeblitg ut all bettue
Ufe,rememb?tng aluiayg that 'isap* anb gobllitefb of lining*
ttfm both tep^etent unto us out p?o= The Minifter (hall command that the
fetfton, tobtcb 10 to folloto tbe et> children be brought to the Bifhop to be
ample of out Cbnd > anb confirmed of him, fo foon as they can fay
to be mabe lllte untoljtm, tbata0 in their vulgar tongue,the Articles of the
be bleb anb tofe again fo? tt0 3 fa Faithjthe Lords Prayer, and the ten Com-
fljouib toe toljlcb ate baptl^eb ? rue mandments^ and be further inftrudted in
ftomfiit, anb rife again unto ttgf> the Catechifm fet forth for that purpofe,
teoufnef#, continually mortifying accordingly as is there expreffed.

Of them that are to be baptised in private houfes , in time of

necefsity by the Minifter of the Tarifb, or any other
lawful Minifter that can be procured .
T He Pallors and Curates {hall of¬
ten admonifii the people, that
they defer not the Baptifm of In¬
ptized, orjno. In which cafe, if thole that
bring any childe to the Church , do an-
fwer that the fame childe is already bapti¬
fants any longer then the Sunday zed, then fhall the Minifter examine them
or other Holy-day next after the childe be further, faying,
born, unlefs upon a great and reafonable J5]> UJborn ttmg tbe cbtlbe baptneb?
caufe declared to the Curate,, and by him auba umg prefent toben tbe cbtlbe
approved. And alfo they (hall warn them , bapttseb?
that without great caufe and necefilty they anb becaufe fome tbmgs efientlal
procure not their children to be baptized at to tbtb ^acramentj map happen ta
home in their houfes. And when great need be omttteb 3 though few o? bade tit
fhall compel them fo to do , then Baptifm fucb times of erttemity x therefore
fhall be adminiftred on this fafhion. Firft, 31 bemanb further of pom
let the lawful Minifter and them that be 2Httb fobat matter mag tbe cbtlbe
prefent, call upon God for his grace, and baptt?eb t
fay the Lords Prayer, if the time will fuffer. mit\) Mjat tbe cbtlbe
And then the childe being named by fome baptl^eb $
one that is prefent, the faid lawful Minifter OTetbet tblnftyott tbe cbtlbeto
fhall dip it in water , or pour water upon be laujfuily anb perfectly baptl^eb ?
it, faying thefe words,
% And if the Minifter fhall finde by the
N. T OBaptl^e tbee in tbe Borne of anfwers of fuch as bring the childe,that all
1 tbe mother, anb of tbe ^on* things were done as they ought to be:
anb of tbe boiy,®bod* SUtten* then fhall not heChriften the childe again,
And let them not doubt, but that the but fhall receive him as one of the flock of
childe fo baptized, is lawfully and fuffi- the true Chriftian people, faying thus,
ciently baptized, and ought not to be
baptized again. But yet neverthelefs, if
ICertlfie yo^tbattn tbtb cafe all
10 mell bone> anb acco?btng unto
childe which is after this fort baptized, bite ojbe^concerning tbe baptising
do afterwards live, it is expedient that it oftbt0 cbllbe3 lnljtcf) being bout tit
be brought into the Church, to the intent original fin,anb tit tbe tu?atb of^obj
that if thePrieft or Minifter of theifame 10 itotu by the lanet of regeneration
Parifh did himfelf baptize that childe, the In 'Bapttfnn recetbeb into tbe nttim
Congregation may be certified of the true ber of tbe cbtltyen of ®ob,anb belts
form of Baptifm by him privately before of ebetlafttitg life, jftu our Lo?b 3ie-
ufed : Or if the childe were baptized by fu0Cbud both not bettybte grace
any other lawful Minifter, that then the aitb mercy unto fuclj Iinfant03 but
Minifter of the Parifh, where the childe moft loblngly both call them unto
was born or Chriftened, fhall examine bint a0 tbe boly ©ofpel both tote
and try,whether the childe be lawfully ba; neKto our comfort onbt# totfe*
f Private Baptifm.
n certain time they biougbt mo?k#> tbe batit pomp aim glo^y of
unto Cbmt? that be tbe mo^lD, mitb all tbe cobetou# 4dc=
fbauib touch tljern, antnjts Difctplc# fire# of tbe fame 3 tbe carnal Dcflrc#
rcbu^en thofe that brought them: of tbe fled) 3 anD not to follom ano
'But mbeu 3iefu# faui it, Ijc mass be leD by them t
DifpleafeD, anti fatn unto tbcm, Anfwer. IfojfakethentaU.
puffer little cfjtl^en to come unto Miniller. £)0(l tijOU til tfaC IKIU1C Of
me, anb fo^btn tljem not, foi to this cljtlDe pjofefs tins laitij, to be-
fuel) belongetb tbe i&ingbom of liebein ©oo tije father almighty,
®od* (Ucrily Ii fay unto yoi^ ©LlbO" maker of heaoen anti eartlj r ano
Corbet* ootl) not tecetbe tlje ifttng< in letttS cijnfl Ijis only begotten
Horn of ®oo a# a little cljllbe 3 be Son out coin ; ano that lie urns
(ball not enter tbetem*3itD mljen be coitcetfaco by tlje holy ©bolt, bom
ban taken tbcm up livljlssarmss^tje of tlje Sltrgln ggarp, tljatlje fuffet=
put 1)10battb#upontljenb anbbieB eo uitoet pontius ptlate, urns erm
feb tbcm* rifieo, oeao, ano bunco, tljat ije
After the Gofpel is read , the Minifter loent Down into ijell, ano aifo oto
fhall make this exhortation upon the tife again tlje tljito cap, that ije
F words of the Gofpel.
Etenb# 3 J?ou bear lit tbt#
fpel tbe mo?b# of our gsablo?
afcenOeO into ijeaOen, ano fitteth
at tlje tight Ijano of ©oo the jfatljet
almighty, ano from thence he (hall
Cl)?tft ? that be commanbcb tbe come again at tlje cno of tlje wojlo
cbtlOieit to be brought unto blm x to juoge tlje quick ano the oeao
bom be blameb tbofe that moult* anoooyotiinhis JQame helieoe in
babe kept tbent from btm: bom tlje holy ®!joff, tlje holy Catljolique
be etboitet* all men to follom tbetr Chutch,the communion of saints,
Innocence percetbe bom by bis tlje temiffion of fins, tefutrertion,
outmart* geffure anb been* be becla= ano eberiatftng life after Death t
ret* W goat* mill tomarb# them x Anfwer. ail tljiS 1 IleOfafll? be=
jfo? be emtyaceb them m bt^ arm#3 lithe.
be lain W baitb# upon tbern 3 ant* f ictus may.
bleffeb them. Doubt ye not there
tWi but earneftly beltebe, that be
A lmighty ano efaerlaffing ©oO,
ijeaheuly jFatljet, we gibe thee
batb Ukemtfe fabojably reedbeb Ijumhle thanks, fo? that tijou hail
tbt# patent infant 3 that be batb ooucljfafeo to call us to the know*
embmeet* blm mitb tbe arum of w leoge of tljy Brace,ano faith in thee;
mercy3tbat be batb gibeu unto blm ©ucteatfetljts knowieoge, ano com
tbe blelfmg of eternal llfe,ant* mane firm this faith in us ebermoje; gibe
bun partaker of b$ ebcrlaftmg thy holy spirit to this Infant, that
j&mgbom* dlberefo^e me being he heittg ho?tt again; ano heing
tbu# perfmaoet* of tbe goon mill of uiaOe heir of ehetlafting falhation,
our beabenlp iFatber 3 Declarer* by tij?ougij out lo?o leftts ©h?i(i,may
W gmit meCu# ctelft tomarb# tbt# continue thy fetoant, ano attain thy
Infant, let u# faithfully ant* Debout= pjomife, tljjouglj the fame out lo?o
ly gibe tbattk# unto bmfcanp fay tbe
mbicb tbe Lo^t* blmfeif
3 ant* lit Declaration of our
lerus cijitfi tljy son, who itoeth
anOteigneth With thee in the unity
of the fame holy Spirit, eDeclas*
ifaltb let tt# recite tbe article# com tngly. amen.
taliteD lit our CrceD* l[ Then (hall the Minifter make this exhor¬
tation to the Godfathers and Godmo¬
% Here the Minifter,with the Godfathers thers.
and Godmothers, ihall fay,

Due father mijlclj art lit beabem

F£>?aruiuclj as this cljiloe hath
P?omifeo fay you to fojfake the
Defitl ano all Ijis wo?ks, to heltefae
tit ©00, anD totem him; you mutt
flj Then fhall the Prieft demand the name
rememfaet that it is yout part ano
ofthechilde, which being by the God¬
Duty, to fee that tljts infant be
fathers and Godmothers pronounced,
the Minifter fhall fay. taught, fo foon as he ftwll be able to
Dolt tbau lit tbe name of tbi# learn,wljat a foiemn bow, pjomtfe,
cbiiDe fo?fake tbe Debit anb all bi# ano pjofeffion he hath mnoe by you.
• Private 1
anti tfjatfje map fmofo tljefe things batlp p?oceebfng in all bertue anb
tlje better, pe (ball call upon btm gobltnefs of liking*
to bear sermon^ anti cbleflp pou And fo forth as in Publique Baptifm.
(ball p?obttie that be map learn tbe
Creen, tbe P?aper, anti tbe But if they which bring the Infants to
ten commantunentg tn tbe engltfib the Church, do make fuch uncertain an4
tongue, ano all other tbingo fobtcb a fwers to the Priefts queftions , as that it
Clmtflan man ought tounoio, anb cannot appear that the childe was bapti¬
beliebe to W fouljs health * anb that zed with water. In the Name of the Fa¬
tb$ cbtlbe map be bertuouflp ther, and of the Son, and of the holy
brought up, to leab a goblp anb a Ghoft, which are Eflential parts of Ba¬
Cbnfttan life, remembnng aimap ptifm : then let the Prieft baptize it
tbatlBaptlCme both rep^efent unto in form above written, concerning Pu¬
U0 our p^ofeiTton, turned 10 to folloto blique Baptifm , faving that at the dip¬
the example of our 1 cbnft ? ping of the childe in the Font, he (hall
anb be mane like unto btm, that as ufe this form of words,
be bteb anb rofe again fo? us , fo
ftoulb toe mbtcb are bapttseb, bte if tboit be not already baptt5eb,if2.
from fin, anb rife again unto rigbte* 3 baptise tbee fn tbe Bmz of tbe
oufttefs,continually modifying all) ifatber, anb of tbe 0on, anb of tbe
our ebtl attb corrupt affections 3 anb fioiy^ljolt amem

The order of Confirmation, or laying on of bands upon children baptised,

and able to render an account of their Faith, according to
the Catechijm following*

T O the end that Confirmation may be

miniftred to the more edifying of fuch
have alfented unto. Secondly, forafmuch as
Confirmation is miniftred to them that be
as (hall receive it, (according to Saint Pauls baptized, that by impofition of hands and
dodtrine, who teacheth that all things prayer, they may receive ftrength and de-
(hould be done in the Church to the edifi¬ fence againft all temptations to fin, and
cation of the fame) it is thought good that the aflaults of the world and the devil,
none hereafter (hall be confirmed,but fuch it is moft meet to be miniftred when chil¬
as can fay in their mother tongue the Ar¬ dren come to that age, that partly by the
ticles of the faith, the Lords Prayer, and frailty of their own flefti, partly by the
the ten Commandments, and can alfo an- affaults of the world and the devil, they
fwer to fuch queftions of this (horn Cate- begin to be in danger to fall into fundry
chifm, astheBifhop (or fuch as he (hall kinds offin.
appoint) (hall by his difcretion oppofe Thirdly, for that it is agreeable with the
them in. And this order is moft conve¬ ufage of the Church in times paft : where¬
nient to be obferved for divers confiderati- by it was ordained that Confirmation
ons. (hould be miniftred to them that*were of
Firft,, becaufe that when Children come perfed age, that they being inftru&ed in
to the years of difcretion, and have learned Chrifts Religion, (hould openly profe(s
what their Godfathers and Godmothers their own faith, and promife to be obe¬
promifed for them in Baptifm, they may dient unto the will of God. And that no
thenthemfelves with their own mouth and man (hall think that any detriment (hall
with their own confent, openly before the come to children by deferring of their
Church, ratifie and confirm the fame: Confirmation,he (hall know for truth, that
and alfo promife that by the grace of God it is certain by Gods Word, that children
they will evermore endeavor themfelves being baptized , have all things nece(Tary
faithfully to obfervc and keep fuch things for their falvfition , and be undoubtedly
39 they by their own mouth and confcllion laved-

A Catechlfm that is to fay5 An inftruBion to he learned of enjery childe:
before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bifrop.

w fpat is pout panic i
Anf. jQ. o? 93.
queft. anijogabc
poutbis name?
Anf. 93v ©oofatljets an® ©oomo<
tljets in mv TBapttfm, wherein 3
Anf. f ttff, 3 leant to beliebe tit
©ob tfje jfatljcr, wljo hath itiaBe
me, ano oil tlje mono.
©econBlp, in @ob tlje ©on, Wljo
batlj teBeentcB me, anB all man-
wag mane a member of Cbjitt. tlje Cljtrblp, tit ©ob tlje holp ©ijoff,
cljtioe of ©on, aim an inljetito? of tlje Wljo fanctifietfj me, ano all ttje elect
feittgBomoflDeaben. people of ©oo.
Queft. aotjat tun pour ©oofatljets queft. ^ou fato tljat pour ©oOfa*
anti ©oomotljers then fo? vou f tljers ano ©oomotljers bib p?omi(fe
Anf. cbep Bio pjornife anB bow fo?pou, that pott fljouio keep ©ooa
ih?ee things tit mv name. firff, commanoments- Cell me ijow ttta*
tftnt 3 fljouio fo?fake tlje Dcbtl anB np tljere be.
all Ins wo?ks, tlje pomps anB ba= Anf Celt. , ,.
nities of tlje wickeo mono , anB all Queft. Qjljicl) be tbep f
tlje finflil luffs of tlje fleflj. ©econo* Anf nrije fame which ©oo rpake In
Ip, tljat 3 fljouio beliebe all tlje at* 1 tlje twentieth Chapter Of
tides of the Ch?iffiait JFaitlj. ano ©rotms, raping, 3 am tlje !Lo?D tljp
tljitoip, that 3 fljouio keep ©oos ©on, which habe biotujljt tljee out
holp ffitltll, ano Commanoitients, of the lano of ©gppt, out of the
ano walk tit the fame all the oaps of, houfe of bonoage.
mp life, t. cijoo fljatt hnbe none other
Queft. Doett thou not think that ©obs but me.
thou artbounotobeliehe, anotooo ii. Chou fljalt not make to thp felf
as thep babe pjomifeo fo? thee f anp gtaben image, no? tlje likenefs
Anf neg berilp: ano bp ©oBS help ofanp thing that is in heabenabobe.
fo 3 will- ano 3 Ijearttlp thank our o? in the earth beneath, o? in the wa*
heabenlp father, that he hath calleo ter unoer the earth: thou fljalt not
me to this ftate of falbation,tb?ouglj bow Down to them no? wojfljip
3efuS Ch?ift our©abto?. ano 3 them- fo? 3 the JLo?o tljp ©ob am a
p?ap ©oo to gibe me ijto grate, that jealous ©oo, ano bifite the fins of
3 map continue in tlje fame unto mp the fathers upon the cljilo?en, unto
libeseno. the tljiro ano fourth generation of
Queft. Kehearfe the articles of tljp them that hate me, ano fljew titercp
belief. unto thoufanos, in them that lobe
Anf 3 beliebe in ©oB the father me, ano keep mp CommanBments.
aimightp, maker of heabeit ano fit. Chou fljalt not take the Paine
earth: anOin3efusCh?tfthiSone* of tlje Lo?B tljp ©oo in bain: fo? the
Ip ©on our Lo.'O, which was con- jlo?o will not ijoio him guilders
teibco bp the holp ©hoft, bo?n of that takett) hiss Paine in bain.
the clugtn sgarp, fuffereo unOer tb. Eemember that tljou keep ha«
Pontius Pilate,was crucifieo.Deao, ip the ©abbath oap. ©(maps fljalt
anB bitrteB, he oefecnOeB into hell, tljoulabo? ano Do all that thou half
the tljito oav he rofe again from the to Do, but the febenth Dap is the
oeao, he aueiioeo into ijeaben, ano ©abbath of the Lo?D tljp ©oD: in it
fittctlj at tlje right IjanOof ©oo the tljott fljalt oo no manet of wo?k,
father aimightp: from thence he tljou,aitD thP fon,ano thp Daughter,
fijallto’ it to jiioge tlje quick anB the thp man fetbant, ano tljp maio fee*
ocaB- 3 beliebe in tlje holv ©Ijoff, baitt, thP cartel, ano tlje (hanger
the holp Catholtque Church , the tljat is within thP gates: fo? in fir
Communion of ©aints.tlje fo?gibe* oavs the Lom maoe heaben ano
nefsof fins, the refurrection of the earth,tlje fea,ano all that in them is,
boop,anO tlje life ebctlafftng.amcn. anB reffeD the febenth oap: aflljcre*
Queft. coijat ooeft thou cljieflp learn i fo?e tlje ILo?o blelfeo tlje febenth Dap,
inthefe articles of tbP belief f ano hallowcO it.
d b-h?o*
The Catechifm.
13. Jboito? tijp father anti tljp mo¬ tbefe things of tljg felf, no? to Waffi
ther , that tljg Baps may be lottg in in the commanBmeitts of ©ob, ano
tlje tana UiijEClj tge Jlo?n tbv ©on to fetbe him, without big fpreial
gibetlj tljee. grace, which tbou mutt learn at
bt. Cbouibait Bo no muttbet. all times to call fo? bp Biligent
bii- Cboti fljalt not commit a®ul- P?ager,Let me bear tberefo?e if tbou
tetv* canit fag the JLo?ng p?ager.=
inti. Cijott (bait not Real. Anfwer.
tt. Chou (bait not tear falfeWit-
nefs agalnft tbgneigbbo?.
O ast jfatber which art in beaben,
baltowen be tbg Banie, cbp
jc. Chou fljalt not cobet tbp nelgfr btngBom come. Cbg will be Bone
1)023 ijoufe, tbou (halt not cobettijp in earth ag it ig in beaben. ©ibe itg
netgbbo?g wife, no? big fetbant,no? this nag our naplp b?eaB, StiB fo?-
bis main, no? big ore, no? bis afg, gibe its our trefpafifeg, ag we fo?-
no? an? thing that ig big. gibe them that ttefpafg againtt us.
Queftion. QLUjtlt OOEft tfjOlt Cljieflj? anB leao ug not into temptatiombut
learn bp there Commantmtentg t neliberugfrom ebil. amen.
Anfwer. 31 learn two tbtngg j mg Queftion. ©Ohat Beflrelf tbou of
Butp towatOg ©on, anB nig Duty ®OBintbiSp?agerf
toumtngmgnetgbbo?. Anfwer. 31 Befire mg Lo?B ©oB our
Queftion. COljat tg tljg BUtP tO- btabetilgiFatbet, who is the giber
toarbg ©on i of all gooBnefg, to fens bis grace
Anfwer. fljgBtttgtOWat'BS ©OBIS untome, ano to all people, that we
to belitbe in him,to fear him, anB to mapwo?ihip him, fern him, ann
lobe him with ail tm> heart, With all ooeg him as we ought to Bo. ann 31
nig nitnoe, tnitb afl mg foul, anB p?ag unto ©oO, that be Will feno ug
with all mg ttrengtb. Co soo?(bip all things that be neeBful both fo?
htmj to gibe hint tbanfcg, to put mg our fouls anb boBies, anB that be
Whole ttuft in bim,to call upon him, will be merciful unto us, anofo?-
to bona? bis Ijolp Bnme ann bis gibe us our fins, ann that it will
wo?o, anBtofetbeljim ttulgaUtbe pleafe him to fabe ann BetenB ug in
Bags of mg life. all Bangers gboiap ann boBtlp, ann
Queftion- $Obat is tbg Butg to- that he wilt beep us from align ann
warns tljg netgbbo? i wiefeebnefg, ann from our gbofllg
Anfwer. ®g BUtg tOlOatBg iltg enemy, ann from eberlatting neatlj.
netgbbo?, ig to lobe him as mg felt, ann this 1 ttuft he Will bo of bis
ann to Bo to all men ag 31 inouio tbep rnetep ano gaonnefs, tteougbour
iboulBBounto me, Co lobe, bono?, Lo?B 3jefug Cb?ift. ano tljerefo?e 2
anB fneto? mg father anB mother. fagamen. ©0 be it.
Co bono? ano obeg the fting anB CLtlSDw maitg sacraments
big ©nutlets. Co rnbmitmg felf to n bath Cb?ill o?Balnen in
all mg ©obetno?g,ceacbetg, fpiti- bis Church i
tual f*>aflo?g anB ©afters. co o?= Anfwer. cwo onelp, ag geuetalfg
Bering (elf lololg anBreberentlg to necelTarg to falbation,tbat ig to Gig,
all mg betters, co hurt no bong bp JBaptifm, ann the supper of the
tt)0?B o?BeeB. Co be true anB juft JLO?B.
tnallmgBealmg. co bear no ma- Queftion. <Kjijat iiieattcfl tbou bg
lice no? batreo in mg heart Co beep tljiS WO?B Sacramer.c ?
mg banbg front ptebing anB (lean Anfwer. 31 mean an outwarn ana
ing,attB mg tongue from ebil fpeah- biflble fign, of an inwatn ann tbiri-
Ing, iging aitB flattoering. Co beep tual grace gtben unto ug, o?Bauten
mg bong in temperance, fobetnefg, bg Cb?ifl bimfeif,as a means Where-
anb cljaft itp. Bat to cobet no? Be- bp we teceibe tlje fame, anB a
Cte other mens goons, but to learn plenge to affute ug thereof.
anBlabo?trulgto get mine oUm li< Queftion. ijmw mam* pacts be
bing,anB to bo mg Butg in that Hate there in) a Sacrament i
of life, unto the which it (ball pleafe Anfwer. c wo; the outwarn biflble
©on to call me. fign, 't the inwatn fpititual grate.
Queftion. ©p gooB CihlBe, btioio Queftion. cotjat ig tbe outwarn bt«
this, that thou art not able to bo fibie Gan o? fo?m tn osaptifm t
The Catechifm.
Anfwer. Plater x fofietettt the pec* tbe Lo?n batb commannen to be te=
fait baptt^en is tupped o? fp^tnto cetfien,
tmtl) it 3 In the Name of the Father* and Queii. caijat is tlje intuacn pact,:
of the Son, and of the holy Ghoft. oi.tbmg figntfieO i
Queftion. cdftat 10 tfje tntnatb attti Anfwer. Cl)t BODP attO 151000 Of
fplrttual grace t Cbiift, uiljici) ate betilp min mneen
Anfwer. & beats unto fill, anti a tafeen ann teceifieo of tbe faitljful
nefo Irirtlj unto rtgljteoulnefs: tn in tlje Loins snippet.
being bp nature bojit in fin, anti tlje Queft. caipat ate tbe benefits
cfitltyen of injatb , m are Ijerefip loljeteof uie are pattabers tljcrebp t
mabe tpe cWUnen of grace. Anfwer. Cbe firengtbnitig anb re*
Queftion. flBijat is requires of freeing of our fouls bp tbe *Bobp
petfonS to be baptises? anb Ql5ioob of cbnfi 3 as our bo=
Anfwer. Eepentauce,urt)erebp tljep bies are bp tbe Q^eab anb c&Une.
fo^fabe fin x anb fattl), tntjerebp tljep Queit. cilbatts requires of tbent
fteofatflp beitebe tlje p^omifes of fobicb come to tbe Lo^ss supper ?
ob mabe to tljem in tljat <g>acra* Aniw. Co examine tbemfelbes
ment. fobetber tbep repent them trulp of
Queftion. OTijp tbeit are Infants tbeir former fins, ffeSfattip purpo*
baptises, fopen bp reafon of tljetr fing to leab a nefo life^ babe a Ube»
tenber age, tljep cannot perform ip fattlj in 0obs mercp though
tbem i Cb?ifi, foitb a tbanbful remem*
Anfw. geS: tljep bo perform tljem bmnce of bis beatb i anb be in cbfr
bp tbeir furettes, foljo p^omife anb ritp foitb all men-
bom them both in tbeir names, So foon as the children can fay in their
fobicb fobett tftep come to age, tbenv mother tongue the Articles of the faith,
felbes are bounbto perform the Lords prayer , the ten Command¬
Queft. mw mas tbe sacrament ments* and alfo can anfwer to fuchque-
of tbe JLo?bs supper o?baineb s? ftions of this (hort Catechifm, as the
Anfw. jfo? tfie continual rentem* Bifhop,or fuch as he (hall appoint, (halt
fyance of tbe facrifice of tbe beatb of by his difcretion oppofe them in : then
Cbsitt, anb tbe benefits mbicb foe (hall they be brought to the Bifliop by
one that (hall be their Godfather or
Quell.Qtlbat is tbe otttluatO pact, Godmother,that every chiide may have
o? fign of tbe Loins ©upper i a witnefs of his Confirmation. And the
Anfwer. OBiean attn aime, Ulljicf) Bifhop (hall confirm them on this wife

IT Confirmation, or laying on of bands.

Minift. _QOt ijeip is in tbe name tit of tutSDom ann lumetffaimtng,
oftijcLom. tbe fpirit of tounfel aim gljollip
Anfw. oilijici) ljatt) 111 anc beafien firengtlj, tlje fptrtt of tmotolenge
mm eattb. aim true goniinefs, ann fulfil tbem,
Minift. 'Bieffen fie tije name of tlje ©Loin, inttb tbe fpirit of tbP boip
Lom. feat. amen.
Anfw. fjetlCCfOltlj tooilfi toitijout Then the Bilhop (hall lay his hand up¬
etm. on every chiide feverally, faying,
Minift. Lo?n beat our piapets- Defeno, © Loin, tbts tbtine toitb
Anfw. aim let out ccp come unto tbP beafienlp Brace, tbat be map torn
tbee. tinue tbtne foi efiet, ann naplp in*
A f LetuSpjap. cteare in tbp bolp Spirit mo?e aun
Lmigbtp aim cfietuning ©on, mo?e, until be come unto tijp efiet-
wbo bnlffioucbfafeo to tescne= laftiiiB liungfiom. amen.
tate tbefe tbp fcrfiants bp toatet aim Then (hall the Bilhop fay.
tbe boiP ©ijoit, atm baft gifien unto Let us p?ap.
tbem foigificitcfs of ail tbeir fins:
Itrenrcthru tbem tne befredi tbee,®
LmiBbtp atm efittitfiing ©on,
wind) ninhcft usfiotb to mill,
Lorn,with tlje ijoipcsijoittbe coni' anntonotljofetbinBStbat be goon
foitet, aim naplp tncteaie in tljem ann acceptable unto tbp S@aje(!p,tt>e
tbp manlfolfi sifts of orate, tbe fpt mabe out bumble (implications urn
©V a to
to thee fo? tbefe cbtib?en * upon the time will ferve, and as he fhall think
Whom 3 after the example of the holy convenient, in fome part of this Cate*
^pottles, toe babe lain our banbSj chifm.
‘to certine them by tbib fign, of thy And all Fathers, Mothers, Matters, and
fabo? $ gracioub goobnefs towatb Dames, (hall caufe their children , fer-
them; let tljy if atfeerlp banb, toe be* vants and apprentifes ("which have not
feecb thee 5 eber be ober tbenn let learned their Catechifm,) to come to the
thy Ijolp spirit eber be with them , Church at the time appointed,and obe¬
anb fo lean them in the mtowiebge diently to hear and be ordered by the
anb obebtence of thy wo?b, that ut Curate , until fuch time that they have
the cub they map obtain the eber* learned all that is here appointed for
lading life, though our Lo?b aefus them to learn. And whenfoever the Bi¬
Cb?iftj who with thee anntbe holy fhop fhall give knowledge for children
^bod^libetb anb teignetb one $ob, to be brought before him to any conve¬
wo?lb without enb, flmen- nient place for their Confirmation, then
<j[ Then the Bifhop (hall blefs the chil¬ fhall the Curate of every Parifh, either
dren, faying thus, bring or fend in writing the names of all
blefring of <S5ob uiniigbty,
tbe&on, anb tlje
thofe children of his Parifh , which can
fay the Articles of the Faith, the Lords
holy ^bod5 be upon you, anb remain Prayer, and the ten Commandments,and
toltb pou fo? eber, 8men, alfo how many of them can anfwer to
fij[ The Curate of every Parifh, or fome the other queftions contained in this
other at his appointment sfhall diligently Catechifm.
upon Sundays and Holy-days , half an % And there fhall none be admitted to the
hour before Evenfong, openly in the holy Communion, until fuch time as he
Church , initrud and examine fo many can fay the Catechifm, and be confirm
children of his Parilh, fent unto him, as med.

The form of folemni^ation of Matrimony •

Sj[ Firft, the Banes mutt be asked three feve- commenbeb of saint Paul to be
ral Sundays or Holy-days, in the time of honorable among ail men,anb there*
Service, the people being prefent, after fo?eisnot to be entetp?ifeb no? ta*
the accuftomed manner. ben in banb unabbileblb, lightly,
*<j[ And if the perfons that fhould be mar¬ 0? wantonly to fatiSfy mens carnal
ried, dwell in diters Parifhes, the Banes urns anb appetites,like b?ute beaus
mufl be asked in both Parifhes, and the that babe no unbersanbing, but re-
Curate of the one Parifh fhall not folem- berently, bifcreetly, abbifcbiy, fo*
nize Matrimony betwixt them,without a berly, anb lit the fear of ®ob, bul)?
Certificate of the Banes being thrice ask¬ confibering tbe caufeb fo? which
ed, from the Curate of the other Parifh. ffattimony waso?baiucb,£)ne was
Ac the day appointed for folemnization the p?ocreation of cbilb?en to be
of Matrimony , the perfons to be mar¬ b?ougbt up in the fear anb nurture
ried fhall come into the body of the of the Lo?b, anb p?atfe of $ob, g>e*
Church , with their friends and neigh¬ conbly,it was o?baineb fo? a rernebp
bors, and there the Prieft fhall fay thus, againif 6n,anb to aboib fo?mcation,
Dearly belobeb frtenbs, uie are
gathered together here in tlje
that fuch perfons as babe not the
gift of continency, might marry,
light of ®ob, anb in the face of bigs anb beep tbemfelbes tmbcfiieb mem*
Congregation 3 to jopn together herb of €b?ttfb boby, Cbttbly, foj
tbib man anb tbib woman in bolp tbe mutual fociety, help? anb com*
patrimony, Which tb an honorable fo?t that the one ought to babe of
etfate,inftituteb of ^ob in parabtfe, tlje other both in p?ofpertty anbab*
in tbe time of numb innocency, berfity, 3nto the which holy efiate
fignifping unto us tije mytfical (Uni* there two perronb p?efent coiiie now
on that is betwirt cb?ift anb bib to be Joyneb, Cberefo?e if any man
Cburcb: Which holy eftate Cb?ttf can fljew any jun caufe, Why they
abo2iieb anb beautifpeb with btb may not lawfully be joyneb toge*
pzefence, anb fir ft miracle that be tber,let him now fpeak,o? elfe here*
wrought in Cana of Caltlee, anb ib aftet fo? eber ijolb bib peace.
And alfo fpeaking unto the perfons that 31 B. tabe thee B. to mp Webbeb
(hall be marned,rhe (hall fay, Wife, to babe ant* to bolt* from this
IEcquirc anb charge pou (ab pou
mill anftner at the b?eabful nap of
bap fo?warb,fo? better, fo? wo?fc,fo>
richer, fo? poo?er3 in ficbnefs anb in
jubgement, twljcit the fectctgs of all health 3 to lobe anb to cberilb 3 till
hearts lball be bifclofeb) that if tv beatb us bepaet, acco?bing to <§obs
tljer of pou no bnom anp impend bolp o?btnance: anb thereto 31
vmxty mbppemap not be laiuftillp plight thee mp troth.
jopncb together tit $r)atrimonp, Then fhall they loofe their hands, and
that pe confer it. f o? be pe well the woman taking again the man by the
alfuteb , tbat fo manp as be coupien right hand, fhall fay,
together otbetwife then ®obb wo?b 3 B* tube thee B. to mp webbeb
noth allow, ate not jovnen together busbanb, to babe anb to bolb from
bp ®ob,neither is tbeir ©atrmtonp tbts bap fo?waeb 3 fo? better 3 fo?
imufuU wo?fe, fo? richer 3 fo? poo?er3 tit ficb*
At which day of Marriage , if any man nef^ anb tit health* to lobe, cbcrtlb*
do ailedge and declare any impediment, aitb to obep 3 till beatb us bepaet*
why they may not be coupled together acco?bingto#abS bolp o?biitance:
in Matrimony by Gods Law, or the anb thereto 31 gibe thee mp troth*
Laws of this Realm, and will be bound,
and fufficient fureties with him to the
% Then fhall they again loofe their hands,
and the man fhall give unto the woman
parties, or elfe put in a caution to the
a Ring , laying the fame upon the book,
full value of fuch charges as the perfons
with the accuftomed duty to the Prieit
to be married do fuftain, to prove his
and Clerk. And the Prieft taking the
allegation : then the folemnization muft
Ring, fhall deliver it unto the man, to
be deferred unto fuch time as the truth
put it upon the fourth finger of the wo¬
be tried. If no impediment be alledged,
mans left hand. And the man taught
then fhall the Curate fay unto the man,
by the Prieft, fhall fay,
n. ^ 73k tbou bane this wa Wm this King 3 tftee Web* With
V V man to tbP webbeb wife, mp bobp 3 thee wa?lbip * anb with
to libe together after ®obs o?bi* ailmp wo?lblp goobs 31 tljee enbow:
nance in the bolp etfate of ©atrimfl- 3n the Bame of the father 3 anb of
up? £Qtit tbou lobe her, comfort tbe^oit* anb of the bolp ®boft. a*
her, bona? , anb beep her in debited men.
ant* in health* ant* feufabing alio* T Then the man leaving the Ring upon
tbec3 beep thee onlp unto bee* fo the fourth finger of the womans left
long as pou both iball libe? hand, the Minifter fhall fay,
The man fhall anfwer,
31 bull* % Let m p?ap.
Then (hall the Prieft fay unto the woman, Cternal^ob * creato? anb p?e*
N. \j\73iit tbou babe this manta ferberofall manbmbe* giber
V V tbp webbeb bufbant* 3 to of all fpiritual grace 3 the autbo?
libe together after ^obs a?binance, ofebetlaffmgiife*fenb tbpbleiTmg
in the bolp eftate of o^attimonp t upon tbefe tbp ferbants, this man
dliilt tbottobep him ant* feme btm3 anb this woman 3 inborn lor biefs in
Iobe3 bono? 3 anb beep bitn in ficb* tbPBame* that as 3faac anb Ee*
nefd ant* in health? ant* fo?fabtng ailbecca libeb faitbfullp together, fo
other beep tbeconelp unto him* fo tbefe perfons map futelp perfo?m
long as pou both iball libe ? anb beep the born anb cobenant be*
The woman fhall anfwer, thrift them mabe (whereof this
31 Will. King gibeit anb receibeb 10 a token
*f[ Then fliall the Minifter fay, anb plebge) anb map eber remain in
©Ubo gibetb tbi0 woman to be perfect lobe anb peace together, anb
mamet* to this man? libe acco?bmg to tbp Laws,tb?ougp
And the Minifter receiving the woman 3efus Cfmftour Lo?b. amen.
at her fathers or friends hands, fhall Then fliall the Prieft joy n their right
caufe the man to take the woman by the hands together and fay,
right hind, and fo either to give their Chafe inborn ®ob bath jovneb to*
troth to ocher, the man firit faying, getber, let no man put afunber.
Of Matrimony.
Then fliall the Minifter fpeak unto the glaa: fo? tljou (bait juage tbe folfe
people, rtgbteoufly, ana gobtrn tbe Batt-
. fojafmucb as ana B. babe oits upon tbe eartb.
eonCCntea together mboly weaiocfe, Let tbe people p?aife tbee,© ©oB:
ana babe witneffea tlje fame bcfo?e let all tbe people p?nife tbee.
©on ana this company, ana there* Cticn fljall tbe eartb bung fo?tb
to babe gtbeit ana pieagea tljeir bet encreafe i anB ©on, eben out
trot!) either to other, ar.a babe oe* own ©on fljall gibe us bis bleffing.
claren tfjc fame by gibing ana vccct ©on fljall biefs us: anB all tbe
bing of a LUitg, ana bp jopntng of enas of tbe wo?in fljall feat bint.
banns: 31 pjonounce teat they be ®io?y be to tbe father, ana to
man ana intfe together, Jn tbe the ©on: anB to tbe boly ©bofl-
jsame of the father, of tbe Son, as it was in t|e beginning, is
ana of the holy ©boil. amen. now, ana eber (ball be t wo?lo witb*
out eitn. amen.
And the Minifter {hall add this bleffing.
G ©n the jFatber, ®oatbe©on, The Pfalm ended, and the man and the
©oa tbe boip ©boff, biefs, p?e* woman kneeling a fore tbe Lords Table,
fetbe ana beep you, tbe Lo?a metct* the Prieft Handing at the Table and turn¬
fully biitb bib fabo? loofe upon you, ing his face toward them, (hall fay,
ana fo fill you biitb all fpititual be* Lo?n babe mercy upon us.
neatctton ana grace, that you may Anf. cbitft babe mercy upon us.
fo libe together in tljis life, tbat in Minift. Lo?n babe mercy upon us.
tlje rnoiia to come you may babe life
ebetiaffing. amen.
O air father which art in beaben,
ballowen be tbp Brane,<tc.
Then the Minifter or Clerks going to the ana lean us not into temptation.
Lords Table, (hall fay or fing thisPfalm a /But aeliber us from ebtl.amen.
following. Minin.© tola fabe tby fcrbant ana
Betti om-
B telfea are all tbey tbat fear tbe tby banBmata.
Loin: ana mailt tn bts wayes, Anf. ffiUbicb put tbeir truff in tbee.
Pfal.128. fo? tbou (ball eat tbe labo? of Minift © Lo?o rena them help from
tbine banns: © well is tbee, ana tby boly place-
bappyibalttijoube. Anfiv. ana ebermoje aefena them.
CbP tbifeiball be as tbe fruitful Minift. hue unto them a tower of
aline: upon tbe walls of tbine boufe. (tcengtlj.
CbP cbtia?en Ithe tbe ©libe b?an= Anf. from the face of tbeir enemy.
cbes: rotma about tby table. Minift. © JL0?B bear out p?ayer.
Lo, tbtts (ball tpe man be bleffea t a. ana let our cry come unto tbee.
tbat fearetb tbe Lo?a. Min./-'* ®oa of ab?abam, ©on of
Cbe Loin from out of ©ion (ball U 3ifaac, ©on of 3lacob, biefs
fo blefS tbee: tbat tbou (bait fee 31c* theft tby ferbants, anBfowtbeften
rufalem in piofperity all tby life of eternall life in tbeir minoes, tbat
long. wbatfoeber in tby boly wo?n they
IK a, tbat tbou (bait fee tby tbil* fljall p?ofitabiy learn, they may in
Bjens cljUDien: ana peace upon 310 neen fulfil tbe fame. Loofe,©Lo?n,
tael. mercifully upon them from beaben,
©io?y be to tbe father, ana to tbe anB biefs them. anB as tbou ninff
©on, @c. feno tby bleffing upon ab?abam ana
as it was in tbe beginning, is ©ara fo their great comfojt: fo
now, ®c. boucbfafe to feno tljy bleffing upon
Or this Pfalm; tbefe tby ferbants, that tbey obey*
G ©a be merciful unto us, ana ing tby will,anB alway being in fafe-
blefS tts: ottB fljew us tbe Itgbt ty unaer tljy p?otcction, may aliine
of bis countenance, ana be merciful in tby lobe unto tbeir libes ena,
unto us. tb?ougb 3lefus ©b?itt our Lo?B. a«
©jat tby wap maybe (mown up* men-
on tbe eartb: tby failing bealtb a* yj This prayer next following fliall be
moitg all nations. omitted , where the woman is paft
Let tbe people piatfe tbee,© ©oB:
yea let all tbe people p?aife tbee.
© let tbe nations tejoyce ana be
0 childe-birth.
99crcitul Lo?n ana beabenly
father,bp wbofe gracious gift
Of Matrimony.
manliinHc its etitteafcb: toe befeech/ A LI pe tohich lie ntnrneb, oj
tlicc affttf tattlj tliv wetting theft two iV which mtrnti to talte the holp
per(bnS,that tbep map both be fcuit enate of s©atrimonp upon pou, lied"
fttl tit procreation of chilbten, anb al- Wljat holp 'Scripture noth rap as
to itbe together fo long In goblp touching the outp of husbanos to-
lobe, atib boncdp,tbat tbep map fee warbs their Wtbcs, anb wibes to-
their cpilbicno cbilbicn unto the warns thetr husbanos-
ttjitb anb fourth generation, unto Saint Paul in hiS Cpiftle to the EPh. 1' it*
tbp ptaifc anb honor, through J;efus Cphefians the fifth Chapter, nothS:-
Cbjtfl our Loin, amen* gibe this commanbment to all mat-
O ®on which bp titp ntigbtp paw- rien men, gehusbanns, lobe pout
et bad mabe autljmgs of wibes, eben as Child lobeb the
nought, which alfo (aftet other Church , anb hath giben himfeif
things fet in otbet) bibfl: appoint, fo?it, tofantttfie it, purging (tin
that out of man (createb after thine the fountain of water, thioughthe
otmt image ano fimilitube) woman woib, that he might make it unto
Ctioulb tahe bet beginning, anb knit¬ himfeif a glorious Congregation,
ting them together, Mbit teach that not babing foot 01 wrinkle, 01 anp
ttibouio neber be lawfulto put afun- fuch thing, but that it fooitlb be holp
ber thofe whom thou bp sgatttmonp anb hlameiefs. ©a men are bottnn
habit mabe one: © ©on, which halt to lobe their own wibes as their
confecrateb the date of sgatrtmonp own bobies. foe that lobeth hiS own
to ruth an ercellent mpderp, that in wife, lobeth himfeif: fo? neber btb
it is figntfieo ann repiefenteb the anp man hate hiS own fledj, but
fpiritual marriage anb unitp lie nourilheth anb cherilheth it, eben
twirt Child anb his Cburth : look as the Loib both the Congregati¬
mertifuttp upon there tbp fetbants, on : foi we ate members of hts bobp*
that both this man map lobe his of hts fled), anb of hts hones. 10?
wife attoibing to thp wo?o, (as this caufe fhall a man leabe father
Child bib lobe hiS fooufe the ann mother,ann foali he jopiteb unto
church 5 toijo gabe himfeif foi it, hts wife, anbthep two djallheone
lobing anb cherilhtng tt eben as hiS dedp ChiS mpderp is great: but
own fled)) anb alfo that this woman j foeak of Child anb of the Congre¬
map be lobing anb amiable to her gation, jQeberthclefs, let ebetp one
husbanb as Rachel, wife as Re¬ ofpotife lobe his own wife, ebenas
becca, faithful anb obebieitt as Sa¬ htmfeif.
ra,ano in all duietnefs, fobiietp, anb Likewtfe tbt fame ©aint Paul
peace, be a follower of holp anb gob- Wilting to the Coloflians, focakctfj
ip SgatronS- © Loib blefs them thus to ail men that be matrieb, £e
both, ano grant them to inherite men, lobe pour wibes. anb be not
tbP ebetladtng Ringoom, thiotigh bitter unto them.
3t(US Child our Loin* amen. foeat alfo What ©aint Peter the
Then (hall the Prieft fay, apodle of Child,which was himfeif
A LmtBhtp ®oo, which at the be¬ a marrieb man, faith unto them
ginning bib create our fitd pa¬ that ate matr£eo,£e hufbanbS nwell
rents 3bam anb Cbe, anb bib fan- With pout Wibes attaining to kttow-
ttifie aitb jopn them together in lebge, gibing hano? unto the wife,
marriage, pour upon pou the tithes as unto the weaker bedel, anb as
of his grace, fanctifie anb blefs pou, heirs together of the grate of life,
that pe map pleafe him both in bobp fo that pour piapets be not bmbereb
anb foul, ann libe together in holp foitherto vehabe beam the butp of
lobe unto pout libes enb. amen, the husbanb towatb the wife. J13ow
A Then (hall begin the Communion. And likewtfe pe wibes, heat anb leant
aftet the Gofpel (lull be laid a Sermon, pour bnties towams pour bus*
wherein ordinarily, fo ofr as there is any banns, eben as it is plat nip fet foit'u
marriage, the office of man and wife in holp ©cripturc.
(halt be declared , according to holy ©aint panl in the afoitnameb
Scripture. Or iftherebe no Sermon, the Cpidle to the Cphedans, teathetb
Minifler (hall read this that followeth. pou thnst fee women robmit pour
reibesnnto pout own huswntbs, as
Thevifitation of the lick.
untotlje Lo?b: fo?the husbanb 10 While thep beholb pottt chaffc con-
the wtbes heab, eben as©h?tll tS berfation coupleb wtth fear. aBhofe
the heab of tlje Church * attb he is apparel let it not be outwato with
alfo the Sabio? of the inhale hoop. b?aibcb hair, anb trimming abouti
Chetefoje as the Church 0? Con¬ With golb, either in putting on oft
gregation ts fubject unto Chnlt: fo gorgeous apparel: but let the bib
ultewtfe let the wibes alfo be in fob man. Which ts in tlje heart, be with-
jection unto theic oirnt husbanbS in out all coitttption, fo that the fpitit
all things, anb again he faith, let be milbe anb quiet. Which is a
the wife reference het husbanb, ctous thing in the fight of ©ob. jfo?
aim in his ©piffle to the Coiotrn after this manet in tlje olb time bib
ans, saint paul gibethpou this the holp women which trufteb in
lho?t lelfon, £c wibes fubmitpottr ©ob, apparel themfelbes, being fuw
felbeS unto pout otnn husbanbS, as ject to thett own husbanbS, as Sa-
it is conbement in the Lo?b. ta obepeb ab?aham , calling him
Saint Petet alfo both inltruct pou lo?b, Wbofe baugljtets pe are mabe
berp gooip,thus taping, net wtbes boing well, anb not being bifmapeb
be lUbjectto thett oum husbanbS , fo with anp feat.
that if anpobep nottbewo?b, thep The new married perfons the fame day
map be won without the wo?b, bp of their marriage, muft receive the
the conbetfation of the wibes. holy Communion.

Tbe order for the 'vilitation of the fick-

The Prieft entring into the lick perfons a. anb let our ftp come unto thee.
houfe, (hall fay. Min./^vLo?blooh bown from hea-
Peace be to this houfe, anb to all v,/ ben, beholb, bifit anb re>
that bwell in it. liebetljiS tljp fetbant. Look upon
When he cometh into the Tick mans pre¬ him With the epes of thp merep, gibe
R fence, he (hall fay,kneeKng down,
emember not Lo?b out Ini¬
quities, no? the iniquities
him comfoit anb fure continence in
thee, befenb him from the bangec
of the enemp, anb keep him in pet'
of our fo?efathets. spare petual peace anb fafetp, tb?ottgh 3e*
us goob lo?b, fpare thP fits Cljiiff out Lo?b. amen.
people whom thou halt rebeemeu
with tgp moftp?eciotts bloob, anb
H Cat us,aimtghtp anb moll mer¬
ciful ©ob anbsabio?, ertenb
be not angrp With us fo? eber. thine accuttomeb goobnefs to this
Low bane merep upon us. flip fetbant , which is griebeb With
Ch?ift babe metep upon us. ftemtefstbi fit him, 2D lo?b, as thou
Low babe metep upon us. bibfl bifit peters Wtbes mother,anb
O at jFathet which act in ben-
ben, $c.
the Captains fetbant. so bifit anb
re(to?e to this fich petfon htS fo?met
anb leab us not into temptation- health, (if it he tljp will) o?elfegibe
A/But beltbet us from ebil.9mett. htm grace fo to take thP bifitation,
Mimft.o low fabetbP fetbant. that after this painful life enoeb,
A.aahieh puttctlj his truit iti thee. he map bwell With thee ialife eber-
Minin, senb him help from thP ho¬ falling. 9meit.
lp place. Then (hall the Minifter exhort the lick
Anfw. aitb ebetmo?e mightilp be- perfon after this form,or other like.
fenb him.
Minift. Let the enemp babe no ab=
DCarW lielobcb, know this, that
aimightp ©ob is theLo?b of
bantageofhim, life anb beath, anb obet all things
Anf. jqo? the wtcheb app?oach to to them pertaining , as pouth ,
hutthim. • fftength, health, age, wcatmefs, anb
Minift. Be unto him, 2D Lo?b, a ficlmers ffiLlhercfoie, whatfoebec
Ctrong tower. pout ficimefs is, know pott certainlp
Anf. jjrom the face of his enemie. that it is ©obs bifitation- 9ttb fo?
Mimft. sd lo?b heat out pjapets. What caufe foebet this ficlmefs is
Trie vifitation of the fick.
feitt unto you, inpet&et ft be to tty eo: fo truly cur may to eternal joy
your patience fo? the example of o* is, to Met here butij Cb?lff, ant^
tljec, anb tljat your faith may be our Ooor to enter Into eternal life is,
founo tit tlje nay of the Lo?b, lam giaoiy to oyc truth Cbnfi, that toe
bable, glorious, anb honorable, to may rife again from beatlj, ano
tlje tncreafe of clo^y, aitbenblefs fe* omell tnltbbun in eberlaftutg life.
llcity; o? clfc it be vent unto you to Horn therefore, taking your fick*
correct ano amenb In you tupatfoeber itefs, mijldj is thus profitable for
mb offenb tbeeyes of your beaben* you, patiently, l eiljo?t you In tlje
iv jFatper x bnm you certainly,that name of 00b , to remember the
if you truly repent you of your fins, profefiion mljlcp you mabe unto
ano bear your fickitefs patiently ,tru* 00b In your Joaptifm. $nb fo?af*
(ting in 0obS mercy, fo? pis beat much as after this life there is ac*
lefus cb?tttlus fake, ano ten* count to be giben unto the rlgfjte*
Oer unto pirn bumble thanks fo? ljt0 ous lubge, ot' inborn all mutt be
jfatberly blfitatton,lUbmtttlng your jttbgeb untljotit refpectof perfons:
felf tnbolly unto pis null,tt fljall turn 1 require you to eiramlne your felf
to your profit, ano belp you fo^uaro anb your ftate, both tornarb 00b
lit tlje ngpt umy that leaoetljunto anb man, fo that accufing anb com
cbetlaftmg life. bemntng your felf for your oum
If the perfon vifited be very lick, then faults, you may finbe mercy at our
the Curate may end his exhortation in beabenly fathers banb for Cb?tff£
this place. fake, anb not be accufeb anb com
Tabe therefore in goob luo?tp tlje
cpaftifement of tlje Lo?b* fo?
bemneb lit that fearful judgement*
therefore 1 fljall (portly repearfe tlje
tobont tlje lo?o lobetlj, be cjjafftfetb; Articles of our if aitlj, that you may
yea, as Paul faith, be fcourgetfj knom tupetljer you bo bellebeas a
ebety fon tuljlclj perecetbetb. Ilf ye Cbrlfltan man fljouib, c? no.
enoure cbafflfement,lje oftxretlj Ijmt tj~ Here the Minifler (hall rehearfe the Ar¬
felf unto you as unto pis otmt cptl* ticles of the Faith, faying thus,
taeit. OTjat fon 10 be that tbe fa*
tber cbaftlfetb not i If ye be not urn
Oer correction, (tuljereof all true cptl*
DM tpou beltebe in 0ob the
ifatljer almighty, tc. as it is in
b?en are partakers) tljeit are ye ba* Baptifm.
ffatbs ano not cbtioren* Cljecefo?e Then (hall the Minifter examine whether
feeing tljat lupcnout carnal fathers he be in charity with all the world, ex¬
00 correct tts, m reberently obey horting him to forgive from the bot¬
tljent t (ball toe not noto much ta* tom of his heart, all perfons that have
tljer be obeoient to our fplrttuai ifa= offended him , and if he have offended
tber, anbfo llbe? ano tljey for a other, to ask them forgivenefs : and
feto bays 00 cljafiife us after tbelr where he hath done injury or wrong to
oum pleafure: but be Ootb cljafftfe . any man that he make amends to the
us for our profit, to tbe intent be uttermoft of his power. And if he have
may make us partakers of pis bolt* not afore difpofed his goods, let him
nets. Cbefe uio?bS, gooo brother, then make his Will, and alio declare his
are 0obs tuoros, ano m?itten tit debts, what he oweth, and what is owing
holy scripture for our comfort ano unto him, for difeharging of his con-
inftruetton, that tne fljouio patient* fcience, and quietnefs of his executors.
ly ano fultlj tbankSglbtng bear our But men muff be oft admonifhed that
beabeitly fathers correction, mbem they fet an order for their temporal
foebet by any matter of aoberftty It goods and lands,when they be in health,
fljall pleafe bis gracious gooonefs to
blfit us. &nb there (boulo be no Thefe words before rehearfed, may be faid
greater comfort to Chfifttatt per* before the Minifter begin his prayer, as
foaS, then to be tttaoe like unto he (hall feecaufe. The Minifter may not
£b?ifl, by differing patiently aOber= forget nor omit to move the lick per.
titles, troubles, anoflekneffes. Ifor fon, and that moftearneftly, to liberali¬
be buttfelf luent not up to joy, but ty toward the poor. Here fhall the fick
firft be fttffereo pain, be eittreo not perfon make a fpecial confefiion , if he
mto ijts glory, before be mas cructfi* fed his confcience troubled with any
The visitation of the fick.
weighty matter-After which confeflion up eber fince 3 bias bo?n: t|ou att
the Prieft fhall abfolve him after this |e t|at tool me out of mp mothers
Womb, mp Piaife Hall aiwap be of
O fort.
cLit Loin aefus ciitfi w|o t|ee.
latlleft potoetto Its ©lurch 3 am become as it were a monller
to abfolbe all finnets Which tiulv> unto monp: but mp fure turn is in
repent ano beliebe in tjtm, of Its t|ee,
great merep fo?gibc t|ee t|ine of © let mp mout| be filleo wit| tip
fences: ano bp Its autljojitp coni piaife i t|at a map fine of t|p gloip
mitten tome, a abfolbet|ee from ano |ono? all tie oap long.
all tip fins, an tie flame of tie jFa= Call me not awapiit tie time of
tier,ano of tie ©on, nun of tie lolp age: fo?fafee me not w|en mp
eljofi. amen. llrengtl failetl me.
f[ And then the Prieft (hall lay the Col- f02 mine enemies fpeal againtt
left following. me, ano t|ep t|at lap wait foirnp
foul,tale t|eit counfel toget|et,fap«
Let us p?ap. ing, ©00 |at! foifalen him, per*
O S0o(f merciful <soo, t«|tc| ac* fecutelimano tale |im, fo? there
toiOing to tie multttuoe of is none to oelibet |itn.
t|p mercies Doeff fo put mnap t|e ®onotfacftomme,©©oO: mp
fins oftlofe tulicl truip repent,t|at ©00, latte t|ee to lelp me.
t|ou remembieil tlem no moie; Let t|em be confounoeo ano pe<
open thine epe of merep upon t|is rill t|at are againtt mp foul: let
tipferbant, w|o itiGft eatncftlp oe= t|em be cobereo witl (lame ano
firetl paroon ano fo?gibenefs. Ee* Oilboitoi, t|at feel to oo me ebtl.
new in lint, mol! looms tfatler, as fo?me, a Will patientlp abtoe
Wlatfoebet |at| been occapeo bi> aiwap: ano Will piaife t|ee mo?c
tie ftauo ano malice of t|e oebil, anoiiioie.
oi bp |iS own carnal will ano frail moittl t|all oailp fpeal of tip
nets, p?eferbe ano continue t|is rigiteoufnefs ano falbatton: fo? 2
fid member in tie unttp of tie Inow no eno Hereof
©lurch, confioer Its contrition, 3 will go fo?t|tn tlefttengtl of
accept lis tears, alfwage |ts pain, t|eLo?o ©0D1 ano will male mem
as dall be feen to tlee mofl erpe> tion of t|p rigiteoufnefs onlp.
otent foi 1)1 m. 9nO fo?atmuc| as Clou, © ©00, |aft taugit me
|e puttetl |iS full trull onelp in from mp poutlj up until now: there*
t|p metep, impute not unto |im Its fo?e Will a tell of t|p wonojous
foimet fins, but tale |im unto tip Wo?ls.
faboi, tliouglj tie merits of t|p jFo?falemenot, © ©00, in mine
moll oeatlp belobeo ©on aefus olO age, Wien 3 am grapieaOeo:
©|?ttt. amen. until 3 labe fiewen tip llrengtl
Then fhall the Minifter fay this Pfalm. unto t|is generation,ano tip power
to all them that ate pet fo? to come.
In te Do-
minc ipe—
I IS tlee,© ,
L010 babe a put mp C|p rigiteoufnefs, © ©oo, is
trim, let me nebet be put to coir berp |ig|, ano great things ate
ravi. fufioit: butrto me ano Oeliber me in t|ep that t|ou half none: © ©00,
Pial.71. t|p rigiteoufnefs, incline tljine ear who is file unto tlee?
unto me,ano fabe me. © wiat great troubles ano ao»
■Be t|ou mp lltong |olO, Where* berfities halt t|ou HeweO me i ano
unto a map aiwap refoit 1 t|ou lafi petOtDtttlou turn aitO refrettime:
Piomifeo to help me, fa? t|ou art pea, ano b?oug|tett me from tie
mploufe of Defence, anomp cattle. Deep of t|e earth again.
Delibet me, © mp ©ou, out of Clou halt b?oug|t me to great
tie |anO of t|e ungoOlp j out of t|c lono?: anO comfo?teo me on eberp
|ano of tie unrighteous ano ctuel fioe.
man. Clerefo?e will 3 Piaife tljeeano
Jfo? t|ou, © L010 ©oo, art t|e tip faitlfUlnefs, © ©00, plaptng
t|tng t|at 3 long fa?: t|ou art mp upon an inttrument of muficl: unto
lope eben from mp pout|. tlee a Will ting upon tie harp, ©
CIioubI t|ee babe a been laioen t|ou|olp©neof afrael.
The Communion of the fick.
CQV ups fotfl he fain lutjen 3i Rite Then fhall the Minifter fay, ^
unto tijee: ntw fo uitll my foul uiljmu
thauhnft Pclihercti.
93v tongue alto fljall talb of tljy
Tl)tmod3lmlgljty 3Lo?ti, txjijtcb \& n
ftcong tovuct to all them
ttBptcoufncCS all tlje cap long: foj tljat put tljelt ttuft m ljlm3 to uftjom
tlicv arc coufouitoco atm lajoucljt alltljtngsmljcapett;, itt catt&3
unto fljame that fed; to no me ctul. ttnber tbe eattb no bofti anb obey, be
notoanb cbetmo^e tbybefence3 anti
<Sio!V he to tlje jfatljet, gc, 9Q it
mass in tlje, ?c. made tijee knotoanb feel3 tljat there
Adding this, none other name unbet* Ijeabeit
O galuoi of tlje iuoilO,fahe ties, gtben to man,in biljom,anb through
uilnch hp thP Crete atm Ptecu mhom thou mayeft recetbe health
ouss blouo hall reheemeh us; help anb falbattoit,but only the Bame of
us, me hefcech thee, 2D ©oo- our tm 3lefu0 Cbnft* amem

^ The Communion of the fick^

F Orafmuch as all mortal men be fubjeft
to many fadden perils, difelfes and
tbee 3 through 3!eftt0 CMft out
102b, amen*
(icknefles , and ever uncertain what time
The Epiftle.
they fhall depart out of this life; there¬
fore to the intent they may be always in a
fan, befplfe not tlje cojrcctT Heb.iz.?.
readinefs to die whensoever it (hall pleafe
jLVJL on of tbe Lo?b3 neither faint
Almighty God to call them, the Curates
tnbentbou art rebukeb of bum jFo?
(hall diligently from time to time, but fpe-
fobemi tbe Lo^b lobetb 3 bmt be co^
eiaily in the plague time, exhort their Pa-
rectetb: £ea3anbbefcourgetbebe5
riftnoners , to the ofc receiving (in the ry fon tobom be recelbetb-
Church) of the holy Communion of the The Gofpel.
Body and Blood of our Savior Chrift: (felly, berlly a fay unto you3Ue joiw- **
which if they do, they (hall have no caufe tljat bearetb mytna^byanbbe*
in their fudden vifitation to be unquiet for leebetb on bim tljat fent me: ijatlj
lack of the fame. But if the fick perfon be ebetlafttngltfe, anbftjallnot come
not able to come to the Church, and yet into bamnatlon, but paftetlj from
is defirous to receive the Communion in his beatb unto life*
houfe, then he muft give knowledge over At the time of the’ diftribution of the
night, or elfe early in the morning, to the holy Sacrament, the Prieft (hall firft re¬
Curare, fignifying alfo how many be ap¬ ceive the Communion himfelf, and after
pointed to Communicate with him: and minifter unto them that be appointed to
having a convenient place in the fick mans communicate with the fick. But if a man
houfe, where the Curate may reverently either by reafon of extremity of lick-
minifter, and a good number to receive the nefs, or for want of warning in due time
Communion with the fick perfon, with all to the Curate, or for lack of company
things neceftary for the fame, he (hall to receive with him, or by any other juft
there minifter the holy Communion. impediment, do not receive the Sacra¬
The Colleft. ment of Chrifts Body and Blood : then
the Curate (hall inftrud him, that if
Lmlgljty ebetllblng ®ob, tna* he do truly repent him of his fins, and
her of manktttbe, tnljtcb boft ftedfaftly believe that Jefus Chrift hath
correct tljofe ttftjom tbouboft lobe, fuffered death upon the Crofs for him,
anb cljaftlCeft ebery one tuljom tljou and (hed his blood for his redemption,
boft tecetbc: m befeecb tijee to babe earneftly remembring the benefits he
mercy upon tt)10 tby ferbant, btfiteb hath thereby, and giving' him hearty
tottlj tljtnc banb, ana to grant tljat be thanks therefore, he doth eat and drink
map take bio ftcknefo patiently, anb the Body and Blood of our Savior Chrift
tecobcr bto boblly beaitb3tf It be tby profitably to his fouls health , although
gracious mill, anb tnljenfoeber W he do not receive the Sacrament with
foul (ball bepart from tlje boby, It his mouth.
maybeuntljout fpot p?efentebunta)
E 2 When
At the burial of the dead.
When the lick perfon is vifited, and recei¬ In the time of plague, fweat, or fuch other
ved the holy Communion all at one like contagious times of ficknefles or di=
time, then the Prieft for more expedite feafes, when none of the Parilh or
on, fhall cut off the form of the vaca¬ neighbors can be gotten to communi¬
tion at the Pfalm, 3ilt tfjZZ 0 L0?b cate with the lick in their houfes , for
iput 1UP ttttft * and go ftraight fear of the infe&ion , upon fpecial re;
to the Communion. quell of thedifeafed, the Minifter may
only communicate with him.

^ The Order for the burial of the dead.

The Prieft meeting the Corps at the laft IjOUf fO? attp pat'U0 Of beatlj tO
Church ftile, (hall fay, or elfe the Prieft .fall ftOUl tllCC.
and Clerks ftiallfing, and fo go either f Then while the earth (hall be caft upon
into the Church , or towards the grave. j-«-~/•
the body ^ .• .by, the
by fome Handing . -Prieft
- -
Xohn 11. &m tlje refurreetton anb tlje life (hall fay,

I faltl) tlje Lo?b. De teat belee*

eete tit me, pea * teouse be
0?aftnttcb ag it eat!) pleafeb
mtgbtp 0ob of ljt0 great rnerep
naere beab,pet leal! Ije itbe. anb to take unto bunfelf tlje foul of due
Uiljofoefcet itbetb anb beleebetb lit Dear eioteet eere tfeparteD3ine tecre^
nte* (ball not Ole fo? eber. fo?e commit W bobp to tlje ground
iob i*xy, T Eitoua that mp Eebeetner llbetb* earth to earth 3 aflje0 to aftjeb* bttft
*6*7. 1 anb that 31 (ball rife out of the jto bull* lit Cure anb certain hope of
eartb in tbe laft bap, aim ftjall be co* refurreetton to eternal life, tij?ottgb
beteb again Uattbmp0kln* anb (ball out Lo?b 31eftt0 Cb?tft* fobo (ball
fee ® ob in mp flelb : pea, anb 3 mp 1 change our bile bobp* that tt map be
felffl)allbeboibbtm,notuattbatber* like unto ijte glo?tou0 bobp* mop
but mltb tbefe fame epe0> Bins to tlje mtgljtp tnojfetnff, tntyetc^
lob I. 21,
b?ottgljt nothing into bp be is able to Cubbue all tijiurcs
V V tbtb nao?lb* neither map toe to fiimfelf.
carrp anp thing outlof tbt0 uao?lb- Then fhall be Paid, or fling.
Cbt Lo:ti gtbctf), anti tlje Lmti to t facarb a sjopce from licaiicn. fap. Rev.i4.i:
ftetb swap, «EUett as it pleafctlj 1 ins unto me, anute, from
tlje lorn, fo cometb t&tnffS to pars; tjencefo?tl) blelfeo are tbe bean
UBletTeu be tbe flame of tbe Lorn. uibtcb ble In the Lo?b: eben fo faith
When they come to the grave , while the spirit, that tljep reft from tljetr
the Corps is made ready to be laid into iabo?0.
the earth, the Prieft fhall fay , or the Then (hall follow this LefTon taken out
Prieft and Clerks fhall ling, of the 15 Chapter to the Corinthians,
iob i+.ijz an that m bo?n of a uaomatt* the ■ rft Epiftle.
IVi bath but a fljo?t time to llbe,
anbi0fuUofmtferp+ $>e cometb up* j
{)?tftt0ttfenfrom tbebeab* anb icor.i*.
become tbe
tlje firft fruits of them2o-
fruttoof them —
anb 10 cut bobm like a flouaer* be that deep* fo? bp a man came beatia*
fieetb a0tttoerea (babotta* anbne anb bp a man came the refurreetton
ber continued tn one flap. 3!n tlje i of tbe beab. f o? a0 bp abam all ble*
nubftofltfeuae be In beatlj: of ualjomieben fo bp Cb?ift (ball all be mabe
map naefeekfo? fucco? but of thee* altbe* buteberpmantn bteouano?*
0 llo?b* ualjtclj fo? our fln0 art jump ;ber. Che firft 10 Cb?tft? tljett tljep
btfpleafebf pet* © lo?b ®obmoft,tljat are Cb?(ft0 at W coming:
Ijoip, 0 lorn moft mtgljtP) 01 then cometb tlje enb* tobenljebatb
boip anb moft merciful ^abloi, be- beltbereb up the ktngbom to <^ob
liber u0 not into the bitter patn0 of | tbe father * uiljen Ije bath put boton
eternal beatb- Chou knouaeft Lo?b! fill rule* anb all autbo?ttp anb poin*
the fecretb of ourbeart0* fljut not er^ fo?lje rnuft reign till Ijeljabe
up tijp merciful epc0 to our p?aper0: put all W enemte0 unberblb feet,
but fpnre us * Lo?b moft Ijoip * 0 Che laft enemp that fljall be beftrop*
^oo mail mlgbtp * 0 bolp anb mer eb * to beatb- f o? be Ijfttlj put all
ctfttl ^abto? * tljau moft uio?tbP tljmg0 ttnber bi0 feet. OBut uaben
3ubge eternal* fufterub not at our be faith* %\\ tljing0are put unbet
At the Burial of the dead.
fjtm, it t$3 manlfeff, that hetS zx* tttral, anh then that mhtch is fpt*
ccptch that hath put nil things un* ritual* Che fitft man is of the earth, r
her him* dihcn all things arc fitm earthp* Che feconh man ts the
hitch unto him, then (hail the 0on lom from heaften, heaftettlp* sis
alfo htmfeif he Cubject unto hint that ts the earthP, fuch are thep that be
put all things unhet him, that £>oh earthp* anh as is the heaftettlp,
map he all in all* cife mhat ho fuch are thep that are heaftenlp* anh
they mhtch are baptifeh oher the as me hafte bont the image of the
heah, if the heah rife not at all t earthp, fo (hail me bear the image
dlhP are thep then haptl^eh oher of the heaftenlp* ChiS fap 3 3 b?c*
them t £ea, anh mhp ftanh me ah thrett, that fiefi) anh blotto can*
map then ttt jeoparnpf Bp outre* not tnherite the kittghom of @oh,
jopcing rnhich 3 hafte in €h?tft 3c* neither noth corruption inherit in*
Cu our lorn 3 3 hte haftp* Chat 3 corruption- Behoih, 3ft)em poua
hahe fought mitft beans at Cphe* mpfterp, die fftall not all fteep x
fits after the manner of men, mb at but meftjall all be changeh, anh that
aohantageth it me, if the nean rife in a moment,ttt the tmtnckltng of an
not again f let us eat anh brink, epe, bp the laft trump* if or the
for to morrarn me (hall hie* Be not trump (hall blom, anh the heah (hall
pe hecetheh, ehiimorhS corrupt gooh rife incorruptible, anh me (hall be
manners* amake trulp out of beep, changeh t for this corruptible muft
anh fin not* if or fame hahe not the put on tncorruptton, anh this mor*
knomiehgeof ^oh, 3fpeakthtsto tal muft put on immortalitp* dihen
pour ft) ante* 05ut feme man mill this corruptible hath put on incur*
rap, nmmattfe the heah? mithmhat rttptton, anh this mortal hath put
bohp (hall thep come? Chou fool, on tmmortalttp , then (hall be
that rnhich thou foments not quick* brought to pars the taping that tS
neh etcept it hie* anh mhat fom* mrttten : Death is fmaiiomeh up
^ft thou f Chou fomeft not that bo* into fttetorp: Death, mh ere ts thp
hp that (hall be, but bare com, as fling? joeil, mhere tsthPfttetorp ?
ofmijeat, or fotne other: button Che fting of heath is fin, anh the
gtfteth it a bohp at htS pleafure, to ftrength of fin ts the lam* But
eherp feeh hts omtt bohp* ail fled) thanks be unto ®oh , mhtch hath
is not one matter of fleft): but there gtftettus fttetorp throughout lorh
is one manner of fled) of men, ana* 3efus Ch?tff* Cherefore mp hear
ther manner of flefhof beans, ano* brethren, be pe ftehfaft anh unmofte*
thee of fiftjes, another of btrhS* able, aimaps rich in the moftt of the
Chcre are alfo celefttalbohtes, anh lorh, forafmuch as peknoio, horn
there are bohtes terreftrial* 'But that pour labor ts not ttt ftatn tn the
the glorp of the celefttal is one, anh lorh*
the glorp of the terreftrial is ano* The Leffon ended* the Prieft (hall fay* •
ther* chere is one manner glorp lorh hafte metep upon us*
of the ^mtt, anh another glorp of Anf. Chrtft hafte m'etep upon tts*
the $)oon, anh another glorp of the pri. lorhhaftemercpttpontis*
flats* for one flat htffcreth from Due father rnhich art tn, &c.
another in glorp* ^o ts the refitt* anh leah tts not into temptation-
reetton of the heah* 3t ts fomen m Anf. But heliftet tts from efttl-
corruption 3 ttrifeth again Buncos amen*
rttption. jt is fomen tn hilhonor, it Prieft. A imtghtp $oh , mith
rtfeth again tn honor* 3t ts fomen mhom ho lifte the fpirits
in meaknefs, it rtfeth again ttt pom* of them that hepart hence tn the
er* 3t is fomen a natural bohp, tt lorh, anh tit mhom the fettles of
rtfeth again a fpirttual bohp* Chere them that be electee, after thep be
is a natural bohp , anh there is a heltftereh from the burthen of the
fpirttual bohp: as it is alfo mrtt* ftelh, betnjopanhfeltcttptmegtfte
ten , Che fitft man anam mas thee heartp thanks, for that it hath
ntabc a lifting foul, anh the lan pleafeh thee to neither this (JI2-) our
Sham mas rnahe a quickening fpn brother out of the mtfcrtesof this
tit* lombeit, that is not fitft rnhich finful morlh, befeechtng thee, that
ts fpirttual, but that rnhich is na* it map pleafe thee of tljp gractous
Churching of women.
gootmers, tijoitlu to accompli© the iteep fn hint t me meehlp befeech
number of tljtne elect,ann to bnften thee, 0 father, to ratfe us front
thp fiunsoom, tfjat me totrij tijts the oeath of fut unto the life of
ourtaotlicr, anti all other uepatteo rtghteoufnefs, that inhett We (hall
fn the true f altlj of tpp iwlpjaame,nepart this life, we map reft tn him,
maphabeour perfect confummatton ns our hope ts this our toother both,
ano hit©, both tn boop atm foul, in ann that at the general tefurreetton
tljp eternal ano ebeclnlltng Blo?p. tn the lall nap, me map be fouttn ac»
amen. teptable fn tljp ffght, ann recetbe
The Colled.
O that blelTfng which thp welhbeloben
merciful eon, the JFather of ©on fljaii then ptonounee to all that
our Lom left© Ch?tft, who to ©be ann fear thee, raping, Come
the refurreetton ann the life, fn pebleirenchtin?enofntp father, re*
Whom whofoeber bellebeth, (hall itbe cetbethe hmgnottt p?eparen fo? pou
though he nte, ano whofoeber libeth from the beginning of the wotin.
ano bellebeth f it him, (hall not nte ®?ant this, im befeech thee, © nter*
eternalip,who alfo taught us (bp hts ctfulfather, tfj?nuglj 3lefus Chlitt
holp apoltle Paul) not to be fo?rp as our sgeniato? ann Eeneemer. a
men without hope, fo? them that men-

The Thankfgi'ving of women after Childe birth, commonly
called the Churching of Women.

The woman fliall come into the Church, out ano tSy coming in : from tfjf^
and there (hall kneel down in Tome con¬ time fo?tb fo? eoermoje
venient place nigh unto the place where <$5io?y be to tbe father, &c,
the Table ftandeth, and the Prieft ftan* as it bms in the, &c.
ding by her (hall lay thefe words 9 or jlo?o babe mercy upon u&
Ffuch like, as the cafe (hall require.
2D?afmutb as It bats pleafeU
almighty ®oo of mgooo*
C6?tft Si be mercy upon us.
Ha?0 babe mercy upon use
®ur father uipicS art in, &c.
nefs to gibe vou fare oeltbe* ano ieao us not into temptation*
ranee, ano batb p?ererPen you An. 'But oeiiber 110 from ebil a*
in tbe great oanger of cbilbbtrtb: ye men.
Cbalt tberefo?e gtbe hearty tljanhs pr. © jlo?o fabe this ioornan tSy
unto ®oo, anbp?ay+ . . fetbant*
Then lhall the "rieft fay this gfalm. puttets Srr truft in
ffal.xu Iljjabe Itften up mine eyes unto
the bitsx from iobenee comets
Pr. Betboutoljeraftrongtonier*
An. from tbe face of Set enemy,
myljetp. pr. Lo?o State our p?ayer*
®y help comets eben from tSe a. ano let our cry come unto thee*
Ho?u: mstes SatS maoebeaben ano Let us pray.
earth. almighty $00, tobies baft be*
j>e brill not differ tsy foot to Se itbereo this biomait tby ferbant
nnbco x ano Se tSat Heepetb tbee, from tbe great paiit ano peril of
ftth not deep* cbiioebirtb: grant, uje befeeclj tbee*
BcsoiO, SetSat ftetpets Jfraelx mod merciful father, that (be tljo*
AM1 net trier number no? beep. torn tby help may both faithfully line
CSe Lo?Obimfelf is tSP beeperx ano umlfc in Ser bocation, acco?Oing
tfie na?o is tsy oefenee upon tsy to tby brill 5 in tSis life p?eirnt, ano
right IjanO* alfo may be partaber of eberlafting
tfjat tSe grin (Sail not burn glo?y in tSe life to come, tS?ougft
tSee by oay t no? tbe e^oonby night Jiefus Cb?tft our lo?o. amen.
Cbe Lo?0(ball p?eferbe tbee from The woman that cometh to give her thanks
au ebill : yea, tt is eben Sr tSat muft offer her accuftomed offerings: & if
Iball beep tby fouU there be a Communion, it is convenient
CSe JLo?o fljaU p?eferbe tSy going that (he receive the holy Communion.
A Com,
? .
A Comminution aguinft finners with certain Prayers to be ufed
diners times in the year

•f After Morning Prayer, the people be¬ Anfw. Arnett*

ing called together by the ringing of a Minift, curfed id he that letteth ttt
bell, and aflembled in the Church, the judgement the right of the ftranger,
Engliih Letany (hall be faid after the ac-of them that be fatherlefd , and of
cuftomed maner : which ended , the toidotod*
Prieft (hall go into the Pulpit, and fay Anf. amen*

B thus. Min. Curled id he that fmiteth hid

Eethm, in the pjimltlbe neighbor fecretlp*
Church there load a sotiiy Dip Anfw. amen*
ctpitne, that at the beginning Min. curfed id he that lieth lottb
of lent fuel) perfond ad tuere noto* hid neighbor iotfe*
rtous» finned uiete put to open pen* Anf. amen*
mice 5 and pumlbed tit tljid too^ld , Mi. curfed id he that tabeth re*
that time Could mxgljt be fabed in board to flap the foul of innocent
the nap of the lo?d, and that otherd blood.
admonifhcd bp their example might Anfw. amen*
be tlje mo?e afrato to offend* m. curfed id he that putteth hid
3in the (lean tohereof , until the trull in man, and tabeth man fo? hid
fain difctpline map be refloted a* defence, and in hid heart goeth from
gain (tol)ich thing id much to be lot* the lo 2d*
fbed) it id thought goon, that at Anfw. amen.
thtd time (in pout pretence) fljould Minift. Curfed are the unmerciful,
be read the general fentenced of the fomicato^d, and adultererd, and
Codd curling againft impenitent thecobetotid perfond, the too^fljip*
Ontterd , gathered out of the feben perd of imaged, fiandererd, dim
and twentieth Chapter of Detttero* bardd, and erto^tionerd*
nomp , and other placed of ®cri» Anf. amen* nrt
ptttre: and that pe fljould anftoer m. vtdio feeing that all thep be ac*Pfa1,119%
to eberpfentettce, amen: to the in= rN curfed (ad the prophet Da*
tent that pou being admonilhed of bid beareth roitnefd) tohich do erre
the great indignation of €5od a- 'and go allrap from the Command*
gatntt fintterd, map the rather be mentdof ®od, let ud (remem tying
called to earned and true repen* the dreadful judgement hanging o*
tance , and map rnalb moje loartlp ber our headd, and being alumpd at
in thefe dangeroud dapd, fleeing hand) return unto our lo?d <jpod
from fuch diced, fo? the iohtch pe afi toithall contrition and meebnefd of
firm until pour ouin moutljd the heart, betoailing and lamenting our
curfeof^odiobe due. finful life, bnotoledging and con*
Cutfed id the man that jnabeth feffing ouroffcnced, andfeebingto
anp embed o? molten image, an a* tying forh too^thP fruitd of pen*
domination to the lo?d, the uio?b ance*
of the handd of the craftfman, $ put* iFo? nolo id the at put unto theMat.3.
tetij it in a Cecret place to too^fljtp it* root of the treed, fo that eberp tree,
Arid the people fhall anfwer, and fay, iohtch tyingeth not fo?tij good fruit,
3men. id hetoen doom,” and call into the fire*
Min* Curfed id he that curfeth hid St id a fearful thing to fall into tt f
father and mother* the handd of the libing #od: he (hall
Anfwer. dnieu. pour doom rain upon the finners/13 *
m. Curfed id he the remobeth m uiared, fire and brimllone, flo?m and
toap the ntarb of hid neighbor land* temped, thid (hall be their portion
Anfw. amen. to d?inb*jfo^ lo,theio?d id come out E^y *«•
Mm. curfed id he that mabeth the of hid place, tobifit the loicbednefd
blmdetogo out of hid map* of fuch ad dioeil upon the earth OBut
A Commination/
Malac.j. who map abibe t!je tmpof bts com Caff atuap from pou all pour m £**.13.
tug? Mi)o (ball be able to eiitiute gobltnefS that pe babe bone 3 mabe
Matth> uiijen be appearetb i iMS fan ts tn pan nelu hearts 3 anb a new fptrlt t
bts banb, anb be will purge bis OTberefore tfstil pc tue 3 © pe boufe
floor 3 anb gather bts wheat tnto tbe of 3!fr ael, feeing that 31 babe no plea*
barn , but be tutll burn tbe ebaffe fttre tn the beatb of him that metb,
iThcf.j. iuttlj unquenchable fire. Cbe bap fattb the Loin 0cb? turn pou then*
of tbe Lo$ cometb as atbtef tit tbe anb pe (ball live.
night x anti tuben men (ball fnp, Although we babe ftnneb 9 pet 1 John 2.
peace, anb all things are fafe, then babe we an Slbbocate with the
(ball fttbben befirttttton come upon jFatbe^ 3!efus Cbrift the righteous,
them 3 as farrow cometb upon a wo' anb be it IS that obtatnetb grace for
man travailing with chtlbe 3 anb our fins.
Rom. 2. tbep (ball not efcape* Chen (ball if or be was wounbebfor our offem zfy 53.
appear tbe wrath of ®ob tn tbe ces 3 anb fmitten for our wtcbeb*
bap of bengeance, which obfftnate nefs* Let us therefore return unto
(tuners through tbe ffubbornitefs of hint 3 Who ts the merciful recelber
tljetr heart babe beapebttnto tbent of all true penitent (tuners, atfurlng
felbes, tubteb befptfeb tbe goobnefs, our felbes that be is reabp to receibe
pattence,anb Iong=fufferance of ® ob, us 3 anb moll willing to parbon us?
when be calieb them conttnuallp to tf we come unto him with faithful
p^.i. repentance, cbett (ball tbep call repentance 3 tf we will fubmtt outMa«t.n.
upon me, fattb tbe Lotb, butStntll felbes unto him 3 anb from hence#
not bear 3 tbep (ball feebme earlP3 forth walb tn bis waps 3 if we will
but tbep (ball not fittbe nte3 anb that tabe bis eafie pobe anb light burthen
becaufe tbep batch imowiebge, anb upon us3 to follow bint in lowitnefs,
tecetbeb not tbe fear of the Lo?b, patience, anb cbarltp, anb be orbe#
but abborreb mp counfel, anb befpf reb bp the gobernance of bts IjolP
feb mp correction* Cben (ball It be Spirit, feeblng alwaps biS glorp,
too late to lutocb, tuben tbe boor anb ferbtng btmbuelp In our boca*
(ball be (but , anb too late to crp tton, with tbanbfglblng. Cbts tf
for merep, tuben it ts tbe time of we bo, CbrtK will beltbet us from
Matth.2?. 3iufftce* Sd terrible botce ofmolt juft the curfe of the Law, anb from the
jubgment, which (ball be pronoun* emearne maleblctlon which (ball
ceb upon them, tuben it (ball be falb light upon them that (Iran be fet on
unto them, 0o pe curfeb into tbe the left banb, anb be will fet us on
fire ebetlafftng, tnljlcft IS prepareb bts right banb , anb gibe us the
for tbe bebil anb bis angels* bleffeb benebtetlon of bts .father, Matth’2t-
a c0r.6. cberefore brethren, take tue beeb commanbtng us to tabe poffefston
betune, While the bap of falbatton of bts glorious i&tngbom, unto the
laftetb, for the ntgbt cometb tuben which bebottebfafe to bring its all,
John 9. none can work : but let us, tufjtie tue for bts infinite merep, amen,
babe the light, beltebe tn the llgbt3
anb walk as tbe cbtlbren of the % Then fhall they all kneel upon tbeir
light 3 that we be not call into the knees, and the Prieft and Clerks kneel¬
utter bntlmefs, tubere is tueeplng ing (.where they are accuftomed to fay
anb gnafeng of teeth* Let us not the Letany) (hall fay this Pfaln^ Mifere*
Matth.ij. abttfe the goobnefs of 0ob, tubteb re mei, Deus.
calletb us merctfttllp to amenbment,
mtb of bts ettblefs pltp promifetb us Miferere mei, Deus. Pfai. 51.
forglbenefs of that tubteb ts paft,
tf (tultb a tubule rntnbe anb true
heart) tue return unto btm* jFor
Habe merep upon me, €> ®ob,
after tbP geeat goobnefs: ac*
Efay*• though our fins be as reb as fcatlet, corbing to the multttttbe of tljp met*
tbep (ball be as white as fnotu ? anb ctes to awap mtne offences*
though tbep be libe purple, pet (ball OTaff) me tbrougblp from mp
tbep be as white as wool* wtcbebnefS : anb cleattfe me from
Curn pouclean3 fattb tbe Lorb> mp fin*
from all pour tutebebnefs 3 anb jfar 31 acbnowiebge mp faults x
pour fin (ball not be pour beffructb anb mp fin ts eber before me-
0 \u , agatnff
The Commination.
againd tbee ottelp fjatie 3 finnsB, C^i(Ujnbcmcwup3nu^
a«5 Bone tfns coil in tbp fight: that l^ba^enKTOUiignus?.
tbou migljtcd bejuflibcn m tbpfap=
(ng, anB clear wijeu tljou art jubg-
0 ,&c jMjci* xujjici)
Pen, &c.
m m
lit ter
tB. ^nn lean m not into temptation.
UcljolB, 3 mas fbapett in Wtckcn= Anfwer. ncmienm from cM*
new •- aim in fin Ijatij tup motljer amen.
conceibco me. Minr‘- £> lorn fane tliyferpanw.
TBiit lo, tfjott required trutlj in tfic Anfwer. ptlt tfjeit Miff tit
IffloatB parts : ano (Balt make me to tijec-
ttnnerdanB tuiiBom fccretlp. Minift. 0enti unto ttjem fjeip from
Cbou fljalt purge me with $)Pf= afome.
Top, anB 3 (Ball Be clean: tbou fljalt Anfw. atm e^etmoie nugtjttip W
load) me, anB 3 fljall be Whiter then feno mem,
fnow. Mmifter. Jpclp ttg j O 0UC
€bott fljalt made me dear of jap 0aino?.
anB gianttefs: ttjat tlje bones Whiclj Anfwer. ^nU fO> til£ g!0?p Of tf#
tljou bad biohen, map rejopce. Baniejs fake neUPei* 110: be met tU
Curn tbp face from mp fins: anB fuluntou0fmner0, fo?tl)i? Banted
putoutalimpmiroeeBS. fake-
abe me a clean heart, © ©oB: Minifter. £) 3Lo?u bear out* p?aper*
anB reneto a right fptrit within me. Anfwer. atm let out cep come unto
Cad me not ainap from tljp pie tfjee*
fence: anB tabe not tbp Ijolp spirit Minifter.
from me-
© gibe me the commit of tbp help f Let uspiap- —-
again: anB dabliflj me ioitb tbp free LoiB, toe befeecb thee tuctci*
o fullp bear onr piapers, ana
Cben fljall 3 teach tbp waps unto
fpare all tbofe iubicb confers their
tbeinicbeO: anB finners fljall be com
fins to tbee, that tbep Whole confer
SjerteB unto thee-
ences bp fin are accufen, bp tbp met.
©either me ftom blooB guiltinefs,
tfful parnon map be abfolbeo, tbo*.
© ®ob , thou that art the ©on of coin Child out LoiB- 9men.
mp health: anB mp tongue (ball ring
O S0od migbtp ©ob anB merciful
lather, which bad conipafst-
Chou fljalt openmp lips, © LoiB: on of all men, anB bated nothing
mp mouth fljall fljeto tbp Piatfe. that tbou bad tnaoe, which looulB.
jfoi thou nefired no facrifice, elfe ed not tlje Beatb of a fiitner, but
Jnouin 3 gtbe it thee: but tbou oe< that be fljottlB rather turn ftom fin,
lighted not in burnt offering. anB be faueo : uietcifullp foigtbe
©be facrifice of ©on is a trou= us our tretpadeS, receibe anB com>
blen fpirit: a bjoben anB contrite fait us, iubicb be guebeo anB wea*
heart, © ©on , fljalt tbott not rieo ioitb the buttben of our fur.’
Befotfe. CbP piopertpisto babe merep, to
© be fabojabie anB gracious unto tbee onelp it appertainetb to foigtbe
Sion : builB tbou the malls of 3e< fins: Spare us tberefoie gooB LoiB,
rufal em- fpare tbp people whom tljou bailee*
Cben fljalt tbou be pleafeB ioitb BeemeB: enter not into jtiBgement
the facrifice of tigbteoufnefS, ioitb lb tbp fetbants, sobteb be bile earth
the butttfcoffermgs ann oblations: anomifetable finnerS: but fo turn
then (hall tbep offer pong bullocbS thine ire from us u>blcb nieeblj?
upon thine altar. bnoioleBge our bilenefs, ano truip
©lojp be to the lather anB to tlje tepent us of our faults *. fo niabe
©on, &c. bade to help us tit this ioo?lB, that
9S it was in the beginning, tS we map ebet iibe with tbee in the
uoWj&c. W0?lB to cotue , tbiougij Ictus
L01B babe merep upon us. Cblifl sat Lo?o. amen.

s f Then
A Comminatlon*
companion, ionsfuffethts, nnhof
flj Then fhall the people fay this that fol- great pttp- Chou fparett alien m
•. loweth, after the Minifter. heferhe ptmtlhment 3 anh In tbp
imatb tljl nttett upon ntcrcp- g>pate
Tdint thou 5 Ci goon lo^
ano fo ajall toe he turnen: he
tbP people, goon Lo^h , fpare
them, anti let not thtnc heritage
faho?ahie3 O l02h 3 he fahorahle to he hiought totonfiifitfn- Dear u&
tbP people3 uahtclj turn to thee In 2D Wo , fo 1 tbp rnetep to great,
toeeptn&j fatting, anhpiaptng: fo^ anti after the mnltltube of tbP met*
thou att a merciful 000 3 full of cleglooituponu^

F I2il S.
m' is© S8
m THE *&
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The U day. The i. day.

The P SUMS of D A V I D.
Beatus vir qui non 1 y Morning 10 93c Me nom therefore, D n
• 5 L Player, lyings .* he learneo pe that are 3uoges of
Jlclfeois the man that the earth.
hath not rnaikeO in 11 g>erbe the Lo?o in fear: ano re?
tfjecotmfel of the urn jopce unto him mitb rebecencc.
gooip, noi {toon nt i 2 iftifs the S)on left he he angtp, ano
the map of finners: fo pe perim from the right map : 3 f his
ano hath not fat in m?at!) he kinoieO (pea,hut a Uttie) hleU'eo
the feat of the froiu- are all thep that put their trull lit him.
2 05ut tys Might is in the Itarn of
thcLo?o : ano infnsiam millljeerer'
L Dornine, quid. Pfal. 3.
D?o horn are tijep mcreafeo that iron*
hie. me ; manp are thep that rife a-
cife himfelf oap ano night gaunt me.
3 &no he (ball he like a tree plantco bp ^ ^ opaif one there he that fapofmp
the maters fine: that Ml tying fo?tlj 810 foul:Chere is no help fo? him inhiS ®oO*
fruit utotiefeafon. 3 Q5ut thou, D iLo?o art mp oefenoer;
4 ipis leaf alfo (hail not mitber: ano thou art mp mo?fl)ip, ano the lifter up of
look mbatfoeber he ootty it Ihall p?ofper. mp heao.
5 asfo?tbeungooip it isnotfo mitb 4 3 oio call upon the Lo?o mithnip
them: hutthep are like the chaffembicb hoice: ano he hearo me out of his help
the umto fcatteretb amap from the face mi
of the earth- 5 3 lato me Oomn ano llept, ano rote
6 Chereftye thetmgooip ihallnothe up again: fo? the Lo?o fullaineo me.
able to llano in the 3uogemeitt: neither <5 3 mill not he afraio fo? ten thoufanos
the dimers in the Congregation of the of people: that babe fet themfelbes a-
righteous. gatnlf me rotmo about.
7 05tit the Lo?o knometh the map of 7 (Up lLo?o, ano help me, iD mp €00:
the righteous : ano the map of the tin- fo? thou fmiteU all mine enemies upon
goolplhallperiflj. the cheek hone,thou baft h?oken the teeth
W Quare fremuerutit gentes. Pfal. 2.
"lj)p oo the heathen fo furiouflp 8 ^albatiouhelongetbunto the£o?0:
rage together: anombp oothe ano thp hleiTmg is upon thp people.
people imagine a baitt thing? Cuminvocarem. Pfal. 4.
2 Che Sings of the earth llano up,
ano the rulers take counfel together : a-
H Carmembeitj call, 0&oo ofmp
rigljteoufnefs: fo? thou hall fet me
gainft the Ilo?o ano againll his 8nointeo. at lihertp mhen 3 mas in trouble, babe
3 ILet us tyeak their honos afunoer: merep upon me , ano hearken unto mp
ano call amap their cq?os from us. p?aper.
4 H)e that omeileth in beaben ihall 2 D pe fans of men, horn long mill pe
laugh them to front; the Lo?o lhall babe hlafphenie mine honour: ano Ijabe fueft
them in oerifiott. pleafure inbanitp,ano feek after leafing?
5 Chen (hall he fpeak unto them in htS 3 mnom this alfo, that the lo?o hath
imatij: ano her them in his fo?e Oifplea* cijofen to himfelf the man that is gooip *
Pure. mhen 3 call upon p lo?o,he mill hear me.
6 ^ethahej fet mp Sing:uponmp 4 €>tanotn ame, ano fin not: com-
holpMlof^ion. munemithpouromnheart, ano mpoue
7 31 tuilipfrach thellam, mbereoftbe chamber, ano he Hill.
lo?0 hath faiO unto me : thou art rnp 5 Dffer the facriftce of rigbteotifnefS:
€nn this oan babe 3! begotten thee. ano put pour trull in the 1020.
8 Defire of me, ano 3 mall gibe thee <5 Cberc he manp that fap; ©ha mill
the heathen fo? thine inheritance: ano fljem us anp goco t
the uttermolt parts of the earth fo? thp 7 Ho?b, lift thou up the light of thp
poffePBon. countenance upon us.
9 Chou malt bntife them mitb a rco 8 Chou haft out glaonefs in mp heart?
of iron : ano tyeak them in pieces like a ftnee the time that their coin, ano miue^
potters belM ano opliitcreafeo.
STai $3
The i. day. The Pfalm£ The day. -
9 3 tutli lap me tJoum in peace, aim Lo?o, hoffi long Mt thou pumlb me ?
take mp reft • fa? it is thou lo?ii oneip 4 Cum thee, 0 lo?a,ano acliber mp
that makes me modi tit fafetp* foul: 01j faffe me fo? thp mercies fake*'
5 fo? in neath no man tememb?etfj
Verba mca auribus. Pfal. 5* thee: ana tuljo Ml gibe thee thanks in
the pit4 . . • *
P 0naer nip bio?as, 01o?a : conOOer 6 3 am fftearp of mp groaning, efferp
mp meaitation. night load) 3 mp beo : ano mater mp
2 0 hearken thou unto the boice of couch toft!) mp tears*
nip calling, rap Ifting ana mp ®ou : fo? 7 $9p beautp is gone fo? fferp troubles
unto thee uni! 3| make mpp?aper* ana min moan becaufe of all mine eue=
3 09p boice ftialt thou hear betimes, mies.
0 tom: eacip in the morning Ml 3 M* 8 atoap from me all pe that uio?k ffa-
red: mp proper unto tljee5ano Ml look up* ttitp: fo? the lo?o hath heara the boice
■ 4 fo? thou art the ^dou that ijaft no of mp tueeping*
pleafure ut bffckeanefs: neither ffjaii anp 9 Che Lo?a hath heara mp petition:
eiul atueil tmtlj thee. * the £o?a mil receibe mp p?aper*
5 ©ucb as he fooUffi (hall nbt ffano in i o ail mine enemies Mil be confmmtn
thp fight t foitljou hates all them that ea ana fo?e be,tea : tljep fljaU be turnea
too?kbamtP* back, ana put to ffjamefttaoenlp*
6 Chou lijalt oeffrop them that fpeak Dominc,Deus mens. Pfal. 7*
leafing : the lo?a xmll abho? both the
bloob tijirffp ana tseceitful man*
O lo?a mp ^oa, in thee habe 3 put
mp tcuff : Elbe me from all them
7 'But as fo? me, 3 Ml come Into thp that perfecute me, ana aeliber me*
houfe, eben upon the multttuoe of thp a left he aebaur mp foul like a Lion,
niercp: ano In thp fear Ml 31 tuo?ffjtp to= ana tear it in pieces: Mile there is none
biata tijp help Cempie* to help*
8 lean me, 0 Lorn, in thp righteous 3 0 !o?o mp ®oa, if 3 habe bone a*
tie©, becaufe of mine enemies t make thp np fitch thing: 0? if there be anp Mkea*
Mp plain before mp face* eattefstnmpbanas*
9 Jo? there is no faitljfulnefs in his 4 3f 3 habe retuatbea ebil unto him
mouth • their imoata parts are berp tote* that aealt ftienaip Mb me .* pea 3 habe
keonefs* belibereo him that Mljout anpeaufe is
i o Cheir throat is ait open fepulcbie t mine enernp*
tljep flatter Mb tljeir tongue. 5 Chen let mine enemp perfecute mp
11 Deffrop thou them, 0 ^ofl, let foul,ana take me: pea, let ijtm treaa mp
them perifh though their obm imagina¬ life aotmi upon the earth, ana lap mine
tions* caff them out in the multitude of hona? in the buff*
their ungooitnefs, fo? t&ep babe rebel- 6 ^>tann up 0Lo?a in thp ta?ath, ana
leo againff thee* lift up thp felf: becaufe of the motgitatt*
12 ana let all them that put their on of mine enemies> actfe up fo? me
trull in thee, rejopce :thep ffjalleberbe in the fuugemettt that tljott ijaff com-
gibing of thanks, becaufe tbouaefenaeff rnanaea.
them, tljep that Ioffe thp name ffjali he 7 ana fo (hall the Congregation of the
lopfulnt thee* people come about thee : fo? their fakes
13 Jfot thou 1 o?a Mt giffe tijp fflefling tljerefo?e lift up thp felf again*
unto the ngbteottstano Mb thp faffour* 8 Che lLo?u (ball juoge the people 5
able kinonefs totlt thou ffefenff him as gibe fentence toith me, 0 Lo?o .* acco?a=
Mlj a ffjieiu* ing to mv tighteournefs, ana acco?aing
to the innocencp that is in me*
r omine, nc in fa- 7 y Evening 9 0 let the tmekeanefs of the tmgoa--
ip come to aitenatbut guiae thou the juff*
lore. Pfal* 6. il Prayer.
10 ifo? the righteous ^catcietijthe
l om rebuke me not in thine in* berp hearts ana reins*
limitation : neither cljaffen me 11 ^p help cmnetlj cf^oa = InSich
in thp Otfplcafure. P?eferbeth them that are true of heart*
2 Daffe merep upon me, 0 12 ^oa is a righteous 3uage, ff rang,
Horn, fo? 3 am nieak : 0 io?o heal me, ana patient: ana ©oa is p?obokea eberp
fo? mp bones are berets* anp*
3 09p foul is alfo fo?e troubleff :but 13 3f a mm. toil! not turmhe toill Met
The ii. day. The PfalttiSi The ii. dsy:
lji0 fuuxtb : be Ijalb bent Fji0 bob? , rntb anb my cattfettbou art fet lit tlje Cbwe
mane it reaup^ tljat juageft right.
14 Jpe tjatt) p^eparen fo2 him tlje m- 5 Cljou bait rebukeb tbe beatben, anb
ficument# of neatij; beo?bametlj ijps at* beftroyeb tlje uttgobly: tljou baft put out
tom agamft the pcrfectito?0. tbetr name fo? eber anb eber.
15 T5cijoib, be trabelletlj bittlj mtf- 6 © tljou enemy, beftructton0 ace
cljicf: ije batij coitccibeb fo?rob), anb come to a perpetual enb \ ebeit a0 tlje
brought fc?tb ungoblmef0. citie0 ttbiclj tljou baft beftroyeb, tljeir
16 ipe f)at() gtaben ann biggeb up a memorial 10 pectC&eb ttitlj tljem.
pit; ann i0 fallen Ijtntfelf into uje beftrtt* 7 05ut tlje llo?b (ball enbure fo? ebert
cttoit that be mane fo? otijer. be fjatlj alfo p?epateb bfe feat fo ? jubge-
17 T0} 1)10 trabel (ball come upon Ijt0 meitt.
min Scab ; anb w b)ickebnef0 fljall fan 8 jfo? be (ball (ubge tlje tto?lb iit
upon ljt0 am pate. rigljteoufnef0 ; anb mimffer true iubge»
18 3 bull gibe tljank0 unto tbe Ho?b, ment unto tbe people.
accmbmg to iji0 rigbteoufnef0: anb bull 9 Cbe Lo?b alfo tmll be a befence fo?
piaffe tlje Bame of tlje Jlo?b tlje molt tlje opp?efleb; eben a refuge in bue time
pgb* of trouble.
Domine, Dominus. Pfal. 8. 1 o aitb tljey that knob) tljy name bull
O t0logout$obecno?,bob) excellent
tljy Bame in all tlje b)o?lb; tljou
put tbeir truft in tijee: fo? tljou Ho?b baft
neberfatleb tljem tljat feek tijee.
tljat baft fet tljy glo?y abobe tbe ljeaben0! 11 ffl) p?aife tlje £o?b bJbiclj bfnelletb
2 SDut of tlje mouth of beep babe0 anb in ^uon: ftjebj tbe people of lji0 boing0.
fuckling0 baft tfjou o?baineb ftrengtlj, 12 jfo? bJben be rnaketlj mqtufttton fo?
becaufe of thine enemieg : tljat tfjou bloob^ be rememb?etb them .* anb fo?get=
migljteft fttll tlje enemy anb tlje abengec. tetb not tbe complaint of tbe poo?.
3 fiat 31 bull confibet tlje beabett0, e* 13 S>abe mercy upon me, ffi loi%
ben tlje too?k0 of tfjp finget0 : tlje f^oon contibec tlje trouble toljicb 31 fuffer of
anb the ^>tar0 lobtcfjtbouljaft o?baineb. tljem tljat bate me: tljou tljat lifted me
4 COljat t'0 man that tljou art minb- up from tlje gate0 of beatij.
ful of him: anb tlje fen of man tljat tljou 14 Cbat3i may ftjebi all tby p?atfe0
bifiteft btm ? tPitfjtn tbe po?t0 of tbe baugfjter of ^uon;
. 5 Chou mabeft bint letter tljen tlje bJfll rejoyce in tljp falbatioit.
angel0 ; to ccottn Ijtm ttitlj g!o?y anb 15 Cbe beatljen are funk bobnt in tlje
tto?fljip. pit tljat tljey mabe: in tlje fame net vubicfj
6 Chou mabeft butt to babe bomlm'on tljey bib p?tbtiy, 10 tbeir foot taken.
of tlje U)02b0 of tljp ljanb0: anb tbou baft 16 Cbe 3lo?b t'0 knobut to erecute
put all things fu fubjection unbec U10 jubgement • tlje ungobly 10 trappeb in
feet tlje mo?k of bi0 obut banb0.
7 m (beep anb oremyea,anb tlje beaft0 17 Cbe bitckeb (ball be turneb into
of tlje fieib. bell: anb all tbe people that fo2get 0ob.
8 Cbe fottl0 of the air, anb t!jeftfi)e0 18 jfo? tlje poo? (ball not altoap befo?*
of tlje S>ea ; aitb ttbatfoebet ttalketb gotten t tlje patient abtbtng of tlje meek
though tlje patb0 of tlje fea0. (ball not pertfljfo? eber.
9 <DJLo?bout®obcrno?: Ijottercel- 19 ^P JLo?b, anb let not man babe
lent 10 tljy Bame m all tbe ttoilb i tlje upper ljanb:let tljeljeatljenbe ittbgeb
tit tljy figfjt.
Confirebortibi. 'I f Morning 20 put them tn fear, O Lo?b .* tljat
Pfal. 9. S 1 prayer. tlje bcatbcit map knob) tbemfelbe0 to be
but men.
dlill gibe tljank0 unto tijee SDiLo^b
ttitb my ttljole heart: 3 null fpeak Ut quid, Domine. Pfal. I o.
of all t{jp matbellou0 tto?k0.
2 3| mill be glab anb relayce In \T7ty? ftaitbeft tljou fo far off (0
tijee: yea, my fangs will 31 make oftfjy V V tic?b:) anb btbeft tljy face in tlje
Bame, SD tljou moft^lgljeft. ncebful time of trouble f
3 OTjile mine enemteb are bjlbeit 2 Cbe ungobly fat bt0 obJitluftbatb
back; tljcy (ball fall anb periflj at tljy p?e* perfecute tlje poo? : let them be taken ut
fence. tbe crafty loilmcfo tljat tljey babe ima*
4 iTo] tljou baft mamtnfneb mp right gtneb.
aa 2 3 iTo?
The ii. day. ThePfalms. The ii. day.
$ tf02 tlje ungonip tjatij mane boart of In Domino confido. Pfal. 11.
Di!3 mmi hearts! cefitc = ann fpeaketb 14a the Loin put 3 mp ttud: ijoto fap pt
goon of tlje cobetous toborn ©oh abljo?= • then to mp foul, that flje (houin die as
rctlj. , ' , a torn unto the htU^
4 Che ungonip is fo p?otto,tljat he ca< a jf0? lo,tlje ungonip benn their boto,
rrtljtiotfo? ®oO: neithee is ©on fit all ann make rcanp ttjetr arroms tottljin tlje
his thoughts. qutbet: that tycp map p?tbilp (hoot at
j ipis toapes ate altoap grtebous: them tohich are true of heart.
thp jttngements ate fat abobe out of fits 3 Jfo? the founnattons toill fie cad
fight, aitn tljetefo?e nefieth he all his c* notottiann tofiat hath the righteous none?
nemles. 4 Che JLo?n is in his fjolp temple:
6 iFo? i;e hath fatn lit bis heart, Cud), tlje lo?ns feat is ttt heabert.
31 (ball nebet be caff noton; there Kjall no 5 tots epes cottanerthe poo?; ann
haem happen unto me. his epe-lins trp tlje chtin?en of men.
7 ipls mouth is full of turfing,neceit, 6 CheLo?nalIoteeth the righteous:
ann fraun: unbet htS tongue is ungoOtf but tlje ungonip, aitn him that neiighteth
ncfs ann banitp. in totcheonefs, noth his foul abho?.
8 ipe fittetlj lurking in the tbiebidj 7 SIpon tlje ungonip he djall tain
co?ners of the ftreets, ann p?ibtlp in his fnares, fire ann b?tmdon, do?m ann tem¬
lutking nens noth he mutthet the tm ped: this djall be ttjeir pojtion ton?ink.
nocent; fits cpes are fet agamd the 8 jFo? the righteous llo?n lobetfi tigh-
poo?. teoufnefs: his countenance brill befioln
9 jfo?heiieth toattutg fettetlp, eben the tljtttg that is jud.
as a lion lutketh he tnhisnein that he Evening
man tabilh the pool. Prayer.
10 foe noth tabid) the poo? t toheitije
gettethhtm into hiS net. cipnte,Lo?n, fo? there is not
11 toe falleth notou ann humbleth one gonip man left; fo? the
himfelf: that the congregation of the faithful ate mlntdjen from a=
poo? map fail into the hannof bis ca< mong tlje chim?en of men.
plains. a Cbep talk of battttp eberp one with
12 toe hath fatn in hts heart, Cud), fit's netgijbo? t then no but fiattet toith
©onhathfo?gotten:he htneth atoaphis their lips, ann nilfcmbie toith their sou-
face, aitn he will nebet fee it. ftic heart.
13 ante (® Lo?n ©on) ann lift up 3 Cije iLo?b ftjaii toot out an necett-
thine hann t fo?get not the poo?. ful lips, anb tlje tongue tbat fpea&etp
14 CClhcrefoic d)ouin the toicken P?ottb things.
blafpheme ©on: tohile he noth fap tn 4 CClhich babe fatb, With our tongue
hts heart, Cud?, thou ©on, cared not me toill p?ebatl: me are tfjep that ought
fo? it i to fpeah, mho is lo?b ober us t
i j ©urelp thou had teen tt: fo? thou 5 Bom fo ? tfte comfo?tiers troubled
behoined uugoniinefs ann to?ong. fabe of tlje tteebp: anb becaufe of the
16 Chat thou maped take the matter beep figljtng of tbe poo?*
into tbp hann ; the poo? committeth him= 6 a mtu up (faith the iio?b:) ann mill
felf unto thee, fo? thou art the helper of help eberp one from him that fmeftetfc
the frtenniefs. agamft btm, ann mill fet them at reft*
17 T5?eak thou the potoer of the 7 3Dhe mo?bS of tfje Horn are pure
ungonip attn malicious = take atoap mo?bs.- eben as the filber mbtchfrom tlje
hts tmgoniittefs, ann thou (halt finne earth 10 trieb, anb purtfieb feben times
none. in the fire.
18 Che too?n ts King fo? eber ann t 8 Chou (halt tap them, £> Lo?b:
ber: ann the heathen ate pettdjeo out tfjott ftjait p?eferbe fiim from this gene¬
of the lattn. ration fo? eber.
19 lia?n, thou had heath the nefireof 9 Che ungoblp malk on eberp fibe t
the poo?: thou p?epared their heart, ann mijen tljep are eralteb 3 tbe cfiilb?en of
thine ear hearkneth thereto. men are put to rebuke*
io Co help the fathetlefs ann poo? Ufquequo Domine* Pfal. 13.
unto their right: that the man of tlje SDm long milt tfiou fo?get me (0 ■<
earth be no mo?e ecalteh agaiitd them. Lo?b) fo? eber t bom long miit tfiou
Wbe t8? face from me ?
2 |>om
The ii. day.' * ThePfalms. The iii. day.'
2 ipofo long; CjaU 31 ftefc comtfel tn
mp foul; ana he fo heteu in mp heart; Dominos quis habitabit.? r Morning
hotu long; fljall mute enemies triumph o--
Pfal. ty. J (. prayer.
ijer me ♦
3 Confitirr, nnti hear me, © Jo?b mp ©?s, mho fljall smell inthptaber.
® ob: lighten mute eyes, that 31 deep not tacie t o? mho lhall reft upon tljp
m heath. Ijolpljtllf
4 jteff nttne enemp rap,3 Dane p?cbatl- 2 ©ben he that leabeth an un<
eO agatnft turn: fo? tt 3 be caff bourn,tfjep
co?rupt life: anb both tlje thing mftteft
tljat trouble me tall ccfopcc at it. is right, anb fpeabeth the truth from his
5 "But mp trutt i0 in tljp mettp • anb ijeatt* ,
mp heart to |opfuI tit tljp falbatiott. 3 Ue tljat hath ufeb no becclt tit (jiS
6 3 mill ling of tlje£o?S, becaufehe tongue; no? bone ebtl to hts ttetghbo? t
batljbealtfolobtnglpmttlj me: pen, 3 anb hath not llnnoeres his netgljbo?.
tall ptatfc tlje Same of tlje loin moll 4 Dc that fettetlj not bp htmfelf, but
htgheit. is lomip tn ijts omn epes: anb mabetij
much of them that fear the !Lo?b.
Dixit inlipiens. Pfal. 14- y De tljat fmearetlj unto his netgljbo?,
ano bifappointetlj him not; though tt
npDefool bntlj fnib ut ijts ijeatt: tljere mere to hiS omnhtttberauce.
1 ‘is no ©os, 6 ipc tljat hath not gtsen ijis monep
i Cljcp ate co?rupt,anb become abo= upon ttfurp : no? tabeh remato agatnft
minable in tljete Doings; there Is not one tlje innocent.
that both goos (no not one.) 7 raijofo both tijefe things; ftjall ne<
3 cie Loin lookeb ootat ftom bea¬ bee fall.
ten upon tlje cljilbtea of men = to fee if Conferva me. Pfal. \ 6.

anb feeb after ©ob,

tljete mere anp tljat moult unbetlianb, Keferbe me,© ©ob s fo? In thee habe
3 put mp trull.
4 OBut tljep are all gone out of tlje map, 2 © mp foul, thou haft faib unto tlje
tbep ate altogether become abominable: ilo?b: Chouartmp®ob,mp goossate
there is none tljat both goob, no not nothing unto tfjee,
one. „ ,, 3 ail nip oeltgftt isuponthesalnts
5 chett tljtoat ts an open fepttlcljie, that are tn tlje earth; anb upon fuch as
tmth tljete tongues habe tljep becef ercel In sertue.
ueb i the patron of afps is unbet their 4 'But thep that run after another gobt
ItpS. (hall habe great trouble.
6 Chett mouth IS full of curling anb 5 Chelr b?inlt-offetlttgs of bloob mill
bittetnefs : tljete feet areftaft to fljeb 3 not offer % neither make mention of
bloob. their names mttljln mp lips.
7 ©effraction anb unhapptnefs is in 6 Che lo?s htmfelf is the petition of
their wavs, anbtheuiap of peace habe mine inheritance, anb Of mp cup; thou
thep not fettoimt; there IS no fear of (halt maintain mp lot.
©ob befttje thetr epes. / Che lot is fallen unto me in a fait
8 Date thep no imotaesge, that tljep grotuts: pea, 3 habe a gooblo heritage.
are ail fuch lumbers of mtfchlcf; eating 8 3 mill thank the Lo?b fo? gibing me
up mp people as it mere b?eao t marm'ttg: mp rents alfo chaffenmem the
o ann call not upon tlje JLoab, there night feafon.
btere then btottgljt tn great fear (eben 9 3 habe fet ©ob almstps befo?e me s
tohere no feat mas:) fo? ©ob is In tlje fo? he is ott mp right halts, tljerefo?e 3
generation of the righteous. (hall not fall.
10 asfo?pou, pe habe maoe a moth 10 cajljerefo?e mp heart mas glab,
at the counfel of the poo?: becaufe he anb mp glo?p reiopces: mp ffellj alfo fljall
putteth hts trull in tlje JLoib. reft in hope.
11 £EXho fhall gtbe falbattott unto 11 Jo? mhp f thou (halt not leabe tttp
Jfrael out of ©ton : mijen the llo?b foul In helli neither ftjalt thou fttffcr
turneth the capttbltp of his people, then tljp IjoIp ©ne to fee co?ruptton.
Stall Jacob rcjopce, anb Jftacl fljall be 12 Chou ffjaltffjem me the path of life,
glab. tn tljp p?efence is the fulttefs of )op : anb
at thp right hanb tljere is pleafure fo? e<
' E xaurk
The nu day.J 6
The Pkilms,. The ili. day,
mp mfgDMn &!jom3l Ml tniff,mp lute!;.
H ' Exaiidi, Dominc, juftitiam. Pfal. 17.
ear the right, 0 iio?o, confidee mp Jer,tije Dom alfo of mp faioation, anh mp
complaint: and Ijeariten unto mp refuge*
p?apet that goeth not out of famed !tp0> a 3 will call upon the Lorn, which iff
.2 £et mp lenience come fu?th from thp wo?tijp to he piatfeh : fo fljaU 3 he fafe
defence: and let thine epe$ look upon the from mine enemies*
thing that tg ‘equal* 3 Che fo?tows of heath compadeh
3 Chou had p?obed anti utfftets mute me: anh the obetdowings of tmgodii--
beau in the night feafon, tljon hatt tried nefo mahe me afraid*
me, and wait untie no tmckednefd in me: 4 Che panto of hell came about me:
fo? 31 am utterly purpofed that nip the fnareo of heath obettook me*
mouth Wall not offend* 5 3n mp trouble 3 will call upon
4 05ecaufe of memo wo?kd that are the Ho?d: anh complain unto mp ®oh*
bone againft the wo?b$ of mp itpd : 3! 6 g)o Wall he hear mp boiceout of his
habekept me from ttje tempo of thede* holp temple : anh mp complaint Wall
draper. come before hint, it djall enter eben into
5 0 Ijolts tljott up mp gomgd in thp fits ears*
pntho: that \w footftepo Hip not. 7 Che earth trembled and quaked:
6 31 habe called upon thee, 0 eod,fo? the berp foundations alfo of the tjiliff
tljou fljaf^Bear me; mclme thine ear to Wook, and were remobed, becaufe he
me and hearken unto mpwo?d$k wao w?oth*
7 ©fjein thp ntarbelloub iobing kind- 8 Chere went a fmoke out of hid
tied?, thou that art the 0abiout of them defence: anh a confttmmg fire out of
Mjtch put-their trad in tfjee *. fromftich hio meutfo fo that coalo were binhleh
ao refill tfw tight hand* at it*
B tfteep me m the apple of an epe: hibe 9 ipe bowed the heabeno alfo, anh
meumtier the Wadow of tljp winggs* came down: and it wao hath under hid
9 Item the tutgodlp that trouble feet*
me: mine enentieocompafo me round a- 10 ^)e rode upon the cherubtmo anh
bout to take awap mp foul. hthfiie : he cante flpttig upon the Wtngo
i o Chep are inclofed in their own fat: of the Wind*
and their mouth fpeaketh p?oud things* n 5>e made harbnefo hiO fecret
11 Chep lie waiting tit our wap on place : hid pabtlton round about hint,
eberp fine: turning their epe^downto with dark water, and thick cloudo to co¬
the growth* der hint.
12 like ao aliottthat togreehpof hio 12 St the bdghtnefo of iriop^efeitce hid
p?ep: atth ao it were a liono Whelp lurk* cloudo remobed: hail doneo and ccaio
ing fit fecret placet* of fire:
13 dp, Lo?d, hifappoint hint, anh can 13 Cfjc Tom alfo tljuntijeti out of
him down: delibet mp foul from the tun pcauen, ntiD tlje fjmgfiett gaue jjtg tijum
gohlp, which to a fwo?d of thine* oetdjaifliontg aim coals of fife.
14 JFrorn the men of thp haith, 0 14 f)c rent out ijis atroios atio frat-
iLo?d, from the men (31 fap) atth from tereo tljem t fje caff foittj ligljtnmgs aun
the ebil wo?ld: which habe their ponton ocfftopcu them,
nt thio life,wijofe bellies thou filled with 15 Clje fpnims of maters mete fceit,
thp hih trearure* aim t&efomraations of tfie rounn rnojin
15 Chep babe child?eti at their defire: mere oircoiieretnat tljp cfjiWng, © tom,
anh leabe the red of their ftthdance fo? at tlje Wafliiiff of tlje Picatfj of tfjpctf.
tljeirlmheo* pleaftire*
i<5 'But as fo? me, 3f will heholhthp 16 ^)edjall fend down from the high
p?efencein righteoufnefo : anh when 31 to fetch me: and djall take me out of tna--'
awake up after thp likeitefs, 31 djall he np watero.
fatiofiehWithit. 17 ipe Wall deliber me from mp
dronged cnentp , and from them that
Diligam te. 7 T Evening hate me : fo? tbep are too migljtp fo?
Pfal. 18. 3 c prayer. me*
18 Chep p?ebcnted me in the dap of
£MtIl lose tljee (© lLom)nm fftengtlj, mp trouble: but the lc?d wad mp up--
I t!)e Lam is mp ftonp cock mm mp holder*
defence nnpSciDicur, nip $cm, mm 19 Epe b?0Ughf me fo?th alfo into a
The iii. day. The Pfalms* The iv» day.
place of fibertp ; he biaugbt me foitlj, 3:9 Chou Safi gtrnen me mtth ffrcuxttO
eben became he ban a faboi auto me. unto the battel; thou (halt thorn nomn
20 cpe Lam fijall remain me after mine enemies unner me.
nip righteous* sealing : accoinmg to 40 Chou haft mane mine enemies afi
thecleamuts of nip banh0, fijall be re* fo to turn their bactm upon me; ann 3
campntce me. fijall nefirop them that hate me.
2 i 03ecaufe J bane kept the maps of 41 Chep fijail crp, but there fijall fee
the Lozano babe not foitaben nip Con, none to help them; pea, eben unto the
a# tpe nueben noth. Loin fijall thep crp, but hr (hall not hear
22 $oi a babe on epe unto all htn them.
Havuo: ann mill not call out ijt0 com- 42 3 bitllbeat them airmailmthe
rommmeitt# from me. nun betoje the mtnn; 3 mill cafi them
23 3 ma0 aifo uncojtttpt before him: out a0 the clap fit the ffreera.
ann efcbeuien mine amn uuchennefn. 4 3 Chou fijalt neither me from tlje
24 vLhcrefom fijall the Loin tettmrn finbmg^of tlje people; aim thou fijalt
me after mp righteous healing: ann ac* make me the bean of the heathen.
coining unto tije cleannefg of mphnnnn 44 3 people mhom 3 habe not bnomit;
m bi0 tpe Ught. fijall ferbe me.
2 5 Halts the holp?tljcu fijalt be help; 45 8flboit a0 thep hear of me, tljep
ann rnttlj the perfect man, thou fijalt be obepme; but tljefiraitge cbtinienfijm
perfect* ntfiemble mith me.
2 6 Mitljthe clean thou (halt be clean; 46 Che ((range chtlbien fijall fail; aim
ann untb the frotuarn tljou (halt learn be afrain out of their pjtftum.
fromarnnef0. 47 Che Loin itbetlj, ann blefieb be
27 joi thou (halt fane the people that mp tfrong ljelper;ann piatfen be the Con
are m anberfitp; aim lhalt b|ing nmtm of mp tarnation.
the high looimof the pioun. 48 Cben the con that feefh that 3 be
28 Chou fijalt alfo light mp cannie; abengen; aim fubnueth the people unto
the Loin rnpCon fijall mate nip nark- me.
nef0 to be light. 49 3t 10 he that beliberetlj me from
29 m m thee 3 fholl hifeomfit an ijofi mp (cruel) enemie0,ann fetteth me up a=
of men: ann inith the help of mp Con, bo be mine nobetfane0; thou fijalt tin me
3 (half leap ober the mall. from the micbehman.
3 o Che map of Con, 10 an untscfilen 50 Jo|tlji0 caufe mill 31 gibe tljanb0
map, the mo?n of the Loin alfo 10 trien unto thee (£> Loih)amottg the Centtle0;
in the fire; he 10 the nefenner of all them ann fing piatfe0 unto tljp Bame.
tljat put their trail tit him. 51 Cleat piofperitp gibeth he unto bt'0
31 Jo 1 mho 10 con hut the Loin; 01 iftittg ; ann fljemeth lobing btitnnef0
mijo hath anp firengtb wept our unto Damn bin suiomten mm to hpsfcen
Con? for ebermoie.
31 3t 10 con that girneth me futth
firengtb of mar: ann mabetb mp map Coeli cnarrant. 7, 5 Morning
perfect. Pfafi 19. 1 prayer.
3 3 E)e mabetb mp feet libe lpart0 feet;
mm fetteth me up on high* Ijeabeit0 hectare tlje gloip
34 ipe teacheth nip hating to fight; of Con 1 ann the firmament
ann mine arum fijall bieab eben a bom of fijemetlj m hart# moib.
Heel. _ 1 £>ne nap teiietb another s
3 5 Cboubaftgtbenmetbehefenceof ann one night certifieth another.
tbP tarnationthp right harm alfo (hall 3 Chete 10 neither fpeech rtoi fan*
hoin me up, ann thp lobtng correction guage;but tljrir boice0 are hearn among
(hallmabeme great. tljem.
36 Chou (halt mabe room enough 4 Cheir foimn 10 gone out into a!!
turner niefoi to go : that mpfooMtep0 imtti0; aim their moms into the enb0 of
(ball not nine. tije moiin.
3i 3 mill follom upon mine enemies, 5 3n them hath he fet a tabernacle for
ann obertabe them; neither, mill 3 turn the @mt; mhich tometb forth a0 a bjine-
again till 3 habe nefiropen them. groom out of his chamber, ann rejop-
3 8 3 null finite them that thep (hall not cefb no a g-Pant to run ijto courfe.
be able to fiaim; but fall tinner mp feet. 6 3t gbetb forth from the uttermoft
The i v. d ay, Th e PI ilms. The iv. day.
part of tljc ijeabett, ann runneth about Donline in vircute. Pfal.21.
unto the ettn of it again; ann there is no=
thing fjt$ from the heat thereof.
7 Che lata of the lotst# an tuthefilen
bing fljall rejopce in thp Ifrength*
erceeomg glao fijali he be
iam,conbertmgthe foul; the tefttntonp of tljp faination.
of the 110$ is fure, ant* gibetfj mifoont 2-Chou haft gibenhim hi# heart# oe-
tmto the Ample. fire: ann haft not nenien him the requeft
of his lips.
8 Che if atute# of the Horn ate right,
aim rejopce the heart : the command 3 if 0? thou (halt p?ebent him truth ftje
ment of the Ho$ 10 pure nun gtbetlj blelftngs of goonnef#: ann (halt fet a
light unto the epe#. croimt of pute goin upon hi# hean.
9 Che fear of the &o$ i# clean, ano 4 ipe ashen life of thee, ann thou gabeft
ennuretlj to? eber: the jungement# of hint a long life; eben fo? eber ann eber.
the Jto?n are true, ano righteous altoge¬ 5 S)i# hono? i# great m tljp falbation;
ther- -v * glo?p ann great mo?fljtp (halt tljou lap
10 upon him.
to he Oefiren are tljeptljen
goin, pea, then much fine goin: fleeter 6 ifo?thou ftjalt gibe him ebetlafting
alfo then honep aim the honep comb. felicitp: ann mabe him glan truth the jop
11 ®o?eober,bmjemt#thP fetoant of thp countenance.
taught: ano in beeping of them there i# 7 ann mhP? becattfe the bing putteth
great tebrnro. hi# truft tn tlje lo$; ann in the merep
of the molt higheft, he fljall not m#
12 mho can tell horn oft he offenneth?
<D clcanfe tljou me from mp fecret carp.
faulty. 8 ail thine enemies fljall feel thine
13 ueep thp ferhant alfo from p?e- hann: thp right fiann fijali fittoe out them
fumptuou# fin#, lelfthepget tbeoomt- that hate thee.
on ober me : fo (hall 31 he tmoefileo, anti9 Chou (halt mabe them (the afierp
innocent from the great offence. oben tn time of thp m?atij; the Ho?n (hall
14 Let the moms of mp mouth, ano neftrop themtnhiS ntfpleafure, annthe
fire fljall coufume them.
the nteoitation of mp heart; he albrnp ac¬
ceptable in in thp fight. io Chetr fruit (halt thourootout of
15 £> fio$ : mp ftrengtfj mm mp the earth; ann their feen from among tlje
Beoeemet. chtlO?en of men.
11 Jfo? tljep intenoeo mifc&tef againft
Exaudiat te Dominus. Pial. 20. thee; ann tmagineo fuclj a nebice as theP
are not able to perform.
T fpe lo$ hear thee in the nap oftrott- 12 Chetefo?e (halt tljou put them to
hie: the Bmz of the Con of 3iacoh flight: ann the firings of thp born (halt
oefeno thee. tljou mabe reanp againft the face of
2 8>eno thee help from the @ancniarp: them.
ano firengthen thee out of ^ion. 13'Bz tljou eralteO ilo$ in thtne obnt
3 Remember qll thp offerings : anti ftrengtlj: fo mill me fing annp?aife thp
accept thp burnt facrtfice. pomer.
4 C?ant thee thp heart# oefite: anti
fulfil all tfip mintse. Dens Deusmeus. 1 C Evening
5 me hull reiopce in thp falbation, Pfal.22. S i prayer.
mm triumph in theBame of the ilo$
cur Coo: the lo$ perform all thp pe¬ Con, mp Con (loob upon
tition#. me) mhp baft thou fo?faben
6 jftom bnom 31 that the £o$ heip= me .* ann art fo far from mp
eth his anointeti; ann mill hear him health, ann from tlje mo$s
from his help Ijeaben, ebeit buth the of mp complaint?
mholfom ifrength of hi# right hano. 2 2) mp Con, 31 crp tn the nap time,
7 @ome put their truft in chariot#, ann but thou hear eft not; ann in the night
feme in ho?fe#f but me mill remember feafoit alfo 31 tabe no reft.
the Jftame of the Lo$ our Coo* 3 3no thou continued- holp; ID tljou
8 Cbep are brought noirnt ann fallen: mo?fhipofJfrael.
butmearertfen ann if ann upright* 4 SDur mther# hopen fn thee; thep
9 ©abc lorn,ann hear us, £> ftiitg of truften in thee, ann thou ninneft neiiner if
heaben; mijen me call upon thee. them,
5 Chep
The iv.day. ThePfalms. The r. day;
5 Chep calleo upon thceattO mere not IjtO hiS face from him: butMjenhs
calico unto him, he hearo him,
fiOlpeit: thep put their tctitttn theemto
were not confounoeo* 2 5 $9p p?aifcisof thee in the great
6 TOtt as fo? me, 3 am a bJO?m, ano Congregattommp boros iotil 3 pctfo?m
no man : a Peep fco?n of men, ano the in the fight of them that fear him*
outcaftof tee people. 26 Che poo? fljali eat ano be fatisdeo:
7 3li thep that fee me, laugh me to thep that reek after the Lc?o, fljali mm
him, pour heart fljali libe fo? eber*
from: tijep fijoot out thetr lips, ano fljakc
their heaos, taping. 27 ailttje enosof thetoo?lo djaii re*
8 pt trudeo tit @oo that he mottlo he¬member tljemfeibes, ano be turneo un¬
lmet him: let him oeltber him, tf he Ml to the lo?o: ano all the kino?cos of the
babe him* nations fljali tuo?fljip befo?e him*
9 'But tljou art he that took me out of 28 JFo? the lungoom is the Lo?os 5 ano
mv mothers tnomb: thou toad mp hope he is the gobentour among the people*
tohen 3 ijangeo pet upon mp mothers 29 $111 faefj as be fat upon earth: habe
b?eaffs+ eaten ano bJo?d)ippeo*
i o 3 ijabe been left unto thee eber so $111 thep that go ootmt into the ottd,
fince 3 urns Pont: thou art mp @oo,eben (hall kneel before him: ano no man hath
from mp mothers toomb* quickneo IjiS oton foul*
n euro not from me, fo? trouble is 31 S@p feeo djaii ferbe him: tljep fljali
hath at hano: ano there m none to help be cotmteo unto the Lo?o fo? a genera¬
me, tion*'
12 ^5anp oren are come about me: 3^ Chep fljallcome, ano the heabens
fat hullo of Bafanclofe me tn on eberp djaii Oeclare htS rigljteoufnefs = unto a
doe* people that ihall be bo?n, tuhom the Lo?o
13 Chep gape upon me truth their hath maoe*
mouths: as it toere a tamping ano roar¬ Dominus regit me. Pfal. 23.
ing Lion* 'Y'pz Lo?o is mp djepljero: therefo?e
14 3 am poureo out like toatcr, ano I can 3 lack nothing.
all mpbones are out of lopnt: rnp heart 2 ipe djaii feeo me in a green padure -•
alfo in the miod of mp hoop to then itkeano leao m fo?th befioe the toaters of
melting mar* comfo?t.
15 (fpdrength is 0?ic0 ttpUkeapoD 3 ipe fljali emtbett mp foul: ano b?ing
(beam, ano mp tongue cleabetlj to mp me fo?tk in the paths of rigljteoufnefs
gums: ano thou fijalt b?ing me tnto the fo?hio J12amesfake*
Ottd of heath. 4 f ea, though 3 bialk tlj?ough the bal*
16 jfo2(manp) Oogs are come about lep of the fijaootn of oeath, 3 bull fear
none ebil: fo? thou art totth me, tljp too
me: ano tije coimfel of the toickeo lapettj
fiegcagatndme. ano thP dadcomfo?tme.
17 cijep pterceo mp hanos ano mp 5 Chou djalt p?epare a table befb?e
me, againd them that trouble me: thou
feet, 3 map tell all mp bones: thep llano
daring ano looking upon me* hadaiiGinteo mpheao faith oil, anomp
18 Chep part mp garments among cup fljali be full*'
them: ano cad lots upon mp bedute* 6 'Butthpiobmgktnonefs ano merep
19 15ut be not thou fat from me, 2D fljali foliotu me all the oaps of mp life:
Lo?o: thou act mp fuccottr, had thee to ano 3 mill otoell in the hottfe the JLo?o
help me* fo? eber*
ao Deltbet mp roul from the fmo?0: Domini eft terra. 7 f Mbrning
mpoarlmg from the potuer of thcoog* Pfal. 24. ) \ prayer.
21 ^abe me from the Lions mouth: pt earth is tbeiLo?os ano all
thou had hearo me alfo from among the that therein is: the compafs
horns of the $nico?ns, of theioo?io, ano thep that
22 3 mill oeclare tljn Barne unto mp Tnnfftf flierrttt
b?eth?en: in the mibdof the €ongtega= a jfo? ipe fiat!) fountieti tt upon tfje
tion mill 3 p?aife thee* ©eas: rnio piepatrcn ft upon tiir floocs,
23 0 p?atfe the Lo?o pe that fear hint: 3 Kf !;o (Ijafl nfeetra into the fjtlf of tfic
magnifie him all pe of the feeo of3acob, L020 : 0? tofjo fljali rife up tn IjlS flolp
ano feat him all pe feeo of Tfrael. placed
24 iFoHje hath not oefptreono?abho?* 4 cant t)ctljat.ljatl) clean flantig, anu
teo the lotoedate of the poo?, ije hath aputeijeatt; ano tljat flatlj not lift up
The v, day. The Pfalms, The v. day.
his mtnti unto unity, mi frnorit to ne- them teat feat him : atm be Ml meto
ceibe m neighbour. I them hts Cobenant*
5 fljau rectebe the blelfmg from 14 ®ine epes areeber loobtng unto
the Horn; ants rigbteoufnefs from the the Lorn: for he fiiail piucb mp feet out
«&oO of his falbatton* of the net
6 cuts is the generation of them that 15 Curn thee unto me, ants babe met*
feeb him: eben of them that Ceeb thp face, cp upon me *, fo 131 am DeColatc aim in mt-
S> Jacob. ferp*
7 lift up pour beans,® pe gates, aim 16 CDc forrotos of mp heart are fit*
be pe lift up pe ebeclafttng noorS: ann the largen: 2D bring thou me out of mp trotu
Tttitg of glorp Ujail come in. bles*
8 mu is the btitg of glorp t it is the 17 Loob upon mine anberfitp ann mi-
!iom ftrong ami migijtp, ebeit the Lorn ferp: aim forgibe all mp fin*
mtghtp in rnittel* 18 Confiner mine enemies horn manp
9 Lift up pour beans,® pe gates, ano thep are: ann thep bear a tpramtous hate
be pe lift up pe ebeciamng boorS: ann the againft me*
l&ing of glorp mail come tn* 19 2D beep mp foul, ann neliber met
10 mho is the Lung of glorp ? eben let me not be confounbeo, for 3 babe
the lorn of boss, he is the lung of glorp* put mp truft in tijee.
20 Let perfeanefs ann righteous Deal-
Ad te Domiiie. Pfal. 25. ing toait upon me s for mine hope hath
been tit thee*
U Bto thee, 2D Lorn, Ml 3 lift up mp 21 Dcltoer 3ftael, © ©oB: out of all
foui,mp ®on,3 babe put mp truft in ijts troubles.
tijee : 2D let me not be confoiumen % nef
tijer let mine enemies triumph ober me* Judica me Domine. Pfal. 2(5.
2 lor all thep that hope in thee, mall
notbeaihamen: but fuch astranfgrefs g® tljou nip 3uage,® Lo?a,fo? 3 ijabe
bsitijout a caufe, ihali be put to contain umlkea innocentlp : nip truft batij
on* been rtlfo m tijc Lo?B, tljeeecoic ftjall J
3 thefts me thp toaps5 2D Lorn .* aim not fall.
teach me thp paths* 2 (gramme me,® Lo?a, ana probe me:
4 Lean me forth in thp truth, atm leant tip out mp reins ana mp Ijeart.
me: for thou act the <$pon of mpfaibatt 3 JFo? tljp iobtttn; lunanefs tS eber be>
on, in thee hath been mp hope all the nap foie mine epes: ana 31 vuill tnalfc in tljp
5 Cali to remembrance, 2D Lorn, thp 4 3 fjabe not ainelt imtlj bain petfons:
tenner mercies : ann thp iobing binn- neitljer mill 3 jabe feliabifljip mitt) tlje
nefs rnbtcb hath been eber of oio. Deceitful*
6 g[) remember not the fins aun offem 5 3 tjabe ijaten tfse Congregation of
ces of mp poutij: but accorhingto thp tlje uuckeB: ana null net Ot among tlje
mercp thinh thou upon me (2D Lorn) for ungoaip.
thp goonnefs* 6 3 anil tnafl) mp Ijnuas in innocencp,
7 ^raciousaimrighteousisthe Lorn.* £> lo?a: ana ro unit 3 go unto tijtne
therefore bull he teach finners in the altar,
map. 7 Cfiat 3 map fljeto tlje boice of
8 Chern that be meeb fitaii he guine in tbankrgibing : ann tell of all tljp mom
jungement .* asm fuch as be gentle, them ajoiis looiks.
(hall he learn his map* 8 JLoja, 3 pane lobea tlje habitation of
9 3U the paths of the Lorn are mercp tljp Ijoufe: ana tlje place luljere tijine Ijo-
ann truth: unto fuch as beepbiSCobe; nout nioelfetlj.
nant aim his Cefiimomes* 9 ©ftjut not up mpfopl tuitb tlje ftn-
i o lor tijp names fabe, 2D Lorn; be nersmoi mp life uutlj tlje blooB tljirftp,
merciful unto mp fin, for it is great* 10 3n inljore IjanBSiS aiickeaners :ana
11 flBbat man is he that feareth the their rigljtljanns are full of gifts.
Lorn: him mail he teach in the map that u "But as fojme, 31d<II iualk mnm
he than cboofe* centlp: 0 Loin, neliber me,ann lie met*
12 f)is foul fijaliomeii at cafe: ann ctfuluntome.
his feen mall inherit the iann* 12 $©p foot ftanaeth right: 3 mill
13 Chcfecret of the Lorn is among p?atfe tlje Loin in the congregations-
The v. day. The Pfalrar. The v. day.
3 become lilt them tijat go bourn into
Dominus illuminatio. 1 C Evening the pit*

T Pfal. 27. S L Prayer. 2 fpear the bolce of mp humble pefttu

otts, mhen 3 erp unto thee: mhen 3 hom
ipe lorn IS mp light aim mp up mphatms tomarbstlje ^ercp-fcotof
falbation, mhont then fljaii a tljp holp Cemple.
feat*: the ilom 10 the ftrength 3 SD plucb me not amap (neither tie,
ofmplife,of mijorn then (hall ftrop me) mlth the tmgobip atm micbeb
31 he afraid boers .* mhlch fpeab frteimip to their
2 Cdhen the micbeb (ebeit mine ene- neighbors, but imagine mlfchlef in their
mtes anb nip foes) came upon me to eat hearts*
up mp flelh: thep ttumbleb aim fell. 4 Eemarb them acco?blng to them
3 Chough an holt of men mere lalb a- beebs % anb acco?blng to the micbebnefs
galnftme, pet fljall notmp heart he a- of their omn inbenttons*
fralb: aim though there rofe up roar a 5 Eecompenfr them after the mo?b of
gaunt me, pet mill 3 put mp truff in him. their haubs; pap them that tljep habe be-
4 SDne thing hahe 3 befircb of the lo?b, ferbeb*
tDljtch 31 mill require: eben that 3 map 6 f0? thep regatb not in their mum
bmell lit the houfe of the Lo?b all the the mo?bs of the Lo?b, no? the operation
baps of mp life, to beljolb the fair of hts banbs : therefore (ball he b?eak
heautp of the lo?b3 aim to hint hl0 them bomn, anb not tmllb them up*
Cemple* 7 p?alfeb be the Lo?b: fo? he hath
5 #0? in the time of trouble he lhali heatb the bolce of mp humble petiti¬
blbe me, fit his Cahernacle: pea,m the ons.
fecret place of hl0 smelling lhali he blbe 8 Che lo?b 10 nip ftrength anb mp
me, anb fet me up upon a rocb of ftone* fttlelb, mp heart hath trimeb in him, aim
<s 3nb nom mall he lift up mine head: 3 am helpeb: therefore mp heart bait*
abobe mine enemle0 rotum about me. cethfo? iop, anb in mp fong mill 3p?alfe
7 Cherefo?e mill 3 offer in hl0 omening him*
an oblation mlth great glabnefs: 3 mill 9 Che !o?b IS mp ftrength: anb he is
flng anb fpeab p?alfes unto the ilo?b. the mholeforne befence of ijlS anolnteb*
8 hearken unto mp bolce, £D lio?b, 1 o © fabe tljp people, anb gibe tljp bief-
mhen 3 crp unto thee • babe mere? upon fing unto thine Inheritance; feeb them,
me, anti hear me. anb fet them up fo? eber*
9 o@p heart hath talbeb of thee, feeb pe Anme Domino* Pfal. 29*
mp face: thpface, io?b, mill 3 freb.
1 o GD blbe not thou thp face from me .•
B King unto the lo?b (£>pe rnlghtp)
b?utg poung rams unto the lc?b:
no? can thp ferbant amap ntblfpleafure* afcrlbe unto the 2Lo?b mo?lblp anb
11 Chou half been mp fucco?: leabe ftrength*
me not, neither fo?fabe me, D^ob of 2 ^ibe the Lo?b the bono? bue tntta
mp falbation* his flame ;mo?fljip the !o?b mlth help
12 mm mp father mm mp pother mo?ftup*
fo?fabe mex the Lo?b tabetb me up* 3 3t is the lo?b that commanbeth the
13 Ceachmethptpap,2DjLomt atm maters: it is the glorious $ob that \m*
lean me in the right map becaufe of mine beth the thunber*
enemies* 4 3t is the lorn that rfiletb the Sea;
14 Dellber mcnotcber utto themfll the bolce of the Lo?b is rnlghtp In opera-,
of mute abberfarlcs t fo? there are falfe taut .* the bolce of theloibis a glorious
mitnefies rifeit up agautft me,atm fttch as bolce.
fpeab m?ong* 5 Che bolce of the Lc?b bfrabetb the
153 ihouiti tittcrlp babe falnteb j but Cebar trees: pea, the !o?b b?enbeth the
that 3 bcltebe bcrtlpto fee the goobnefs Cebars ofllbamis*
of the lom In the lano of the Ilblng* 6 5>e mabe them alfo to skip Itbe a
16 £> tarrp thou the ilo?bS letfure t be calf; llbanus alfo anb Sprlon like a
ffrong atm he (hall comtmt thine heart, pounu eintco?n.
atm put thou thp truft In the Horn. 7 Che bolce of the lLo?b blblbeth the
Ad te Domine. Pfal. 28. flames of fire, the bolce of the Horn lha-
Bto thee mill 3 crp, £> £om mp beth the milbernefs t pea, the Lotb iha-
ftrength % think no front of me, left beth the milbernefs of Cabes*
if thou mane as though tljou heareft not. 8 Che bolce of the !$?b mabetfi the
2 Pim$
The vi. day. The Pfalms. Tbs vi. day.
(wines to b?mg fo?th pottttg, mm nifco» babe lain p?ibilp fo? me: fo? thou art urn
berctlj the thick bufties: in tjis Cemple nretigtlj.
noth con i’ man fpeak of bis lionoi. 6 31110 thp haims 3 commentunp fpt-
9 Che lom fittetb abobe the water, rit: fo? thou haft reneemen me, © now,
floon; mm the Jlom remaiiteth a minis thou ©on of truth-
fo? eber. 7 3 babe hates them that loin of fit-
1 o Che lLo?h (ball gibe ftrettgtb unto perftttious bmuties : atm mp trull hath
his people:theILojofljall gibe his peo¬ been m the Lo?n.
ple the blefting of peace. 8 3 mill be glan aim reiopcc in thp
Exaltabo tc Domine. ? f Morning
rnerep : fo? tljou haft confioereo mp
Pfal.30. $ C Prayeri trouble, ann haft known mi> foul in aw
mm magmfie thee, © io?n, fo? 9 Chou baft not fljut me up into the
thou baft >fet me up: ann not mane banu of the enemp: but haft fet mu feet
mp foes to triumph obet me. in a large room.
2 ©io?n,mp®on, 31 crpen unto I o Wabe merep upon me, © lo?n, fo?
thee: ann thou bait healen me. 3 am tit trouble: ann mine epe is confu-
3 Cbou.tQm,bait hwugbt nip foul out men fo? berp heabtnefs, pea, mp foul,ann
of hell: thou baft kept nip life ftom them mp bonp.
that go Pawn to the pit. II jfo? mp life is warm om with hea-
4 ©ing p?aifes unto the lo?n (©pe biitefs: ann mp pears With mourning.
Saints of hts:) ann gibe thanks to him ia $®Jp ftrength faileth me, becaufe of
fo? a rememb?ance of ptS hoitnefs. mine iniquitp; annmp bones are confm
5 tf 0? Ijts bi?ath ennuteth but the men.
twinchltng of an epe, aim in hiS pleaflite 13 3 became a repioof among all mine
is life: heabinets map ensure fo? a enemies, but fpeciallp among mpneigl>
night, but iop totneth in the morning. bo?s : ann thep of mine acquaintance
6 atm in mp p?ofpentp 3! fain, 3 Wall were attain of me, aim thep that Sin fee
neber be remobeb f thou iLo?n of tpp me Without, coitbepen themfeibes ttom
goonnefs hani! mane mp hill fo ftrong. me.
7 Chou ntSft turn thp face (from me:) 14 3 am clean fo?gotten, asanean
ann 31 bias troubles. man out of mins; 3 am become like a
8 Chen crpen 31 unto thee, © llo?n: b?okettbeiTel.
atm gate me mtto mp (o?n right hum- 15 jfo? 3 babe beam the blafphcmu of
blp, the multitune: ann fear is on eberp fine,
9 OLlhatpiofitis therein mp blooh: while thep confptre together againft me,
tohen 31 go 00*11 to the pit f ann take their counttl to takeawapmp
10 ©hall the suit gibe thanks unto life.
thee: 0? fljall it neclare tbP truth • i<5 TButmp hope hath been in thee, ©
11 oear,© !Lo?n, ann habe merep up¬ Lo?n: 3 babe fain, Chou art mp ©on.
on me: Lo?n be thou mp helper. 17 S0p time is in thine bans, nelibet
n Chou hatt turnen mp heabinefs in¬ me from the hann of mine enemies; aim
to top : thou haft put off mp fackeloth, ftom them that perfecute me.
ann girnen me trntb glannefs. 18 ©hew thpferbant the light of thp
13 €bcrefo?e Iball cberp goon matt ling countenance: ann fabe me fo? thp met*
of thp p?aife without ceaftng = © mp ©on, ciesfake.
31 will gibe thanks unto thee fo? eber. 19 Letmenotbeconfotmnen,©JLo?n,
InicDomine fperavi. Plal. >i. fo?3habecalIenupon thee: let the un
M thee, © Horn, habe 3 put mp trtiff, gonip be put to confuflon, atm be put to
let me neber be put to confuflon: ne¬ filenceinthegrabe.
ither me in tbprtgbteoufnefs. 20 let the Iping lips be put tofileitce;
2 “Bow Sown thine car to me: make Which cruellp, ntsnainfullu, ann ne<
hafle to neither me. fpightfullp fpeak againft the righteous.
3 dim be thou mp ftrong rock, ann the a 1 © how plentiful is tbP goonnefs,
houfe ofnefence: that thou mapeft fabe which thott haft lain up fo? them that
me. fear thee: ann that thou haft pjeparen
4 To; tftou act mp ftrong rack,aim mp fo? them that put their truft in thee, e*
raffle: he thou alfo mp guine, aim lean ben befo?e the fons of men,
me fo? thp taames fake. aa Chou lbalt bine them pitbtlp bp
5 ©?nw me out of the net that thep thine own p?ettnce, from the pioboking
The vi. day. * , .The Pfalms. The vL day.
of all men: thou (halt feecp tljem fecret- Exultate jufti. Pfai.33.
iPtttthP Cabernacle from the ftnfe of p CmpcettUheLofo^penghteous:
tongues Xv fo^ it bcccnmteth tuell the juft to he
2 3 Chanfcs he to the Lom : fat he hath tijnnkftU.
fhemeh me matbellous great fotmncfs (n 2 i^iatTe the Lom forth harp; attg
a ftrong ettp. pfalms unto hint unth the llute anti in
24 atm ufoett 31 made hafte,3 fatd:3 am ftrument of ten ftrtngs.
eaft out of the fight of thine epes. 3 ^ittg unto the Horn anefo fotm j
2 5 jfteberthelcfsrthou hcardeft the botce Oitg pmtfes lufttlp(tmta him)tilth a goon
tif nip ptaper: ufoett 3 crped unto thee. courage.
26 Q lone the Lojd, all pc his faints: 4 Jfo? the foom of the Horn is true t
fo£ the Lom pjefetheth them that ate atm all \M foomo are fattijfuL
faithful, aim pleitteouflp cefoaroetlj the 5 ijjelobethtighteeufnefsand fudge*
pmuddoer. meitt: the earth m full of the gooduefs
2 7 Be ftrong,atm he lhall ftabliflj pout of the Lom*
heart: nil pe that put pour truft in the 6 'Bp the foom of the Lom foere the
Lom* heabetts mane: atm an the ijofts of them
hp the breath of hits mouth.
Bear! quorum. 7 f Evening 7 ipe gatljereth the foaters of the 0>ea

B Pfai.32. S L Prayer. together, a0 it mere upon an heap: anti

lapeth up the deep as in atreafure houfe.
Lefted is he fohore unrighteous 8 let all the earth fear the Lom;
ttefsts foigthen: and ufooreftn ftatm tnafoeof hint, all petljat dfoell in
cohered. the foortn.
2 Blefiedis the man, unto 9 jfo? he fpahe atm it foa0 none: he
t»hom the Horn tmputeth no an; and in commanded, atm it flood fan.
\uhofe fpitit there 10 no guile. 10 Che lom bfotgeih the counfel of
3 lo?tohile 3 held mp tongue: mp the heathen to nought: aim maueth the
bones confumed atoap though mp dailp debtees of the people to he of none ef¬
complaining. x r . fect, and cafteth cut the counrel0 of
4 ifo? thp hand 10 heahp upon nte lattices.
nap atm night: atm mp moifture 10 iiHe 11 Cht counfel of the Lom (hall en*
the dmught in Summer. hure fo^eber: anti the thoughts of W
5 3 fotiuutofoledge mp ait unto thee t heart from generation to generation.
mm mine unrighteoufnef0 habe 31 not 12 Bleftcd are the people fohofe €od
Din. i0 the lom jehobah t atm hlelfeti are the
6 3ifam,3!fotll cottfef0 mp fins unto folk that he hath chofeu to htm to he his
the lomt anti fo thoufo&aftcft the foiefc- jinheritance.
eonefsofmpan. 13 Che lorn looked doom fromhea-
7 if 01 this (halt eberp one that is godlp,! uen> antt beheld all the children of men:
made htspmpet unto thee in a time fohen from the habitation of his tmielling, he
thoumapelf he found: hut in the great Sconfmeretlj all them that dfoell in the
foater floods thep foal not come nigh him earth.
8 Chou art a place to hide me in, thou j 14 pc fafoioiteth all the heatt0 of
foalt pteferbe me from trouble : thou1 them : atm tumerftatmeth all their
(halt compaf0 me about fotth fengs of i uioms.
deltbcrancc. A ¥ 15 Cheret0ttoEingthatcanhcfaheti
o 3 mill inform thee, atm teach thee hpthemultttuhe of an holt: neither m
tit the mar mljcretn thou (halt go: mm 3 ahp rnightp man helihereh hp much
mill irume thee mith mine epe. ftrength.
10“ Be pe not like to horte atm mute, 16 ^n hotfe 10 cotmtcn hut a ham
mhicb hahe no unherftatmitig: fohofe, thing to face a man ; neither foall
mouths mutf be bolhenfoitb bit anhfoi he oelihcr attp man hp hte great
hie, left thep fall upon thee. , r nrength.
11 e:catplague0 remain foi the tut- 17 Behold, the epe of the lorn to up¬
gohlp: hut mhofo putteth ht^ truft in the on them that fear htm : aim upon them
Lom,tneccp emhmccth font on eberp fthe! that put their truft in fits metep ^
12 Be glad, 0pe righteous, atm re-! 18 Co helmet their fouls trout
(opce in the Lom: atm he jfovful all pej berth: mm to feed them mtlje time of
that are trite of heart. hearth*
The vi. day. The Pfalms. The vii. day.
i 9 2Dttr foul hath pattentip tattieu for 18 0?eat are the troubles of the rfgh*
the iLo^ti: fo? he t0 out* help anb our teott0; but the Lo?b beiibereth him out
fljielb, of all,
20 jFo? out heart (hail tefopce fit hint: 19 S)e keepetb allljt0bone0: fotljat
becaufe toe babe ijopeb in h& l)0lp not one of them 10 broken,
Jftante. 20 'But mi0fo?ttme (hall nap the urn
21 net tfjp merciful kutbttef0 (© Lo?b) goblp: anb thep that hate the rigijteou0
he upon tt0 ; like a0 toe ho put our trtift ®all be befolate.
in thee. 21 ChelLorb beiibereth the fottl0o£
Benedicam Domino. Ffal. 34* ht0 fet*bant0 * anb all tljep that put tijetc
I mini altoap gthe thanks unto the truft in htm fljall not be beltitute,
Lo?b: t)i$ p?atfc ftjali eber he in mp
mouth* Judica me Domine. 1

T Morning
2 ajp foul fljali make her hoaltof the Pfal. 35* S L Prayer.
Lo?b: the humble (ball hear thereof, anti
he slab. Leab thou mp caufe, 2D Lo?b,
3 £> piaffe the Lo?b toith meanb let tottlj them that ftrtbe toith me:
110 magnifie Iji0 Ltarne together. anb fight thou agatnft them that
4 31 fought the Lo?b,anb he beatb me: fight agatnft me.
pea, he beltbereb me out of all mp fear, 2 Lap hanb upon the fijieib anb buck*
5 Cbep hab an epe unto him,anb toere ler; anb fiattb up to help me,
ligljttteb x anb their face0 toere not alba* 3 Bring forth the Cpear, anb fiop lift
met?, toap againfi them that perrecute me; fap
6 Lo, the poo? crieth, anb the Lo?b unto mp foul, 31 am tfjp falbation,
heareth him x pea, anb fabetp him out of 4 Let them be confounbebanbputto
ail W troubles, fljame,tljat feek after mp foul; let tijem
7 Che angel of the Lc?b tarrieth be turneb back anb brought to confufiou
totmb about them that fear him: anb that imagine mtfcljief for me.
bdtberetbtbem. 5 Let them be a0 the bull before the
8 2D tafte anb fee hoto gracious the tomb; anb the angel of the I orb feat*
Lorb 10; bleffeb i0 the man that truftetb tering them,
in hint, :. 6 Let their toap be bark anb fiipperp;
9 O fear the Lo?b, pe that be bi0 anb let the angel of tije Lo?b perfecute
©atnt0: fo? tljep that fear him lack no* tijem,
thing, 7 jfor tljep Ijabeprtbilplaib tljeir net
i o Che iion0 bo inch, anb fuffer bun* to befirop me toitljout a caufe .* pea, eben
ger: but tljep tohich feek the Lo?b, fljall toithout a caufe ijabe tljep mabeapit for
toant no matter of thing that 10 goob, mp foul, m
11 Come pe cbtlbren, anb hearken un* 8 Let a fubben beff ruction come upon
to me; a totli teach pou the fear of the btmuitatoate0,anbljt0net that he hath
Lo?b, laib pribilp, catch fjimfeif; that he map
12 mibat man 10 he that lulfeth to fall into ht0 otoit mtfcijtef,
Jibe, anb toottlb fain fee goob bap0; keep 9 anb mp foul be jopful in the Lorb;
thp tongue from ebtl, anb tljp ltp0 that it fljall reropce in Ijt0 falbation,
thep fpeak no guile, io ail mp bone0 fijaii fap, Lorb,
13 Cfcbeto ebtl, anb bo goob: feek toho t'0 like unto thee , tohich beiiber*
peace, anbenfue it. eft the poor from hint that i0tooftrong
14 Che epeb of the Lo?b are ober the for him; pea, the poor > anb hint that
eighteen#; anb hi0 ear0 are open unto t0 fit miferp, from him that fpotletlj
their p?apcr, him t
15 Che countenance of the Lo?b 10 11 iFalfe toitnef# bib rife up: tljep laib
agatnft them that bo ebtl; to root out to mp charge tljtng0 that 31 kiteto not,
the remembrance of them from the 12 Chepretoarbebmeebil for goob:
earth, to the great btfcomfo?t of mp foul,
16 Che righteou0 crp, anb the Lo?b 13 L*eberthelef0,tohen thep toere fick,
bearetb them; anb beiibereth them out 31 put on fackcloth, anb humbleb mp foul
of all their troubie0, toith fading ; anb mp p?aper fljall turn
17 Che lo?b (0 nigh unto them that into mine otoit bofont.
ate of a contrite heart: anb mill fabe 14 3 beljabeb mp felf a0 though it hub
fuc& a0 of be an humble fpirit. been mpftienb orntp brother; 31 toent
Thevii. day. ThePfalms. The vii. day.
tjcatitip ns one that utmuitctlj fo? bis 3 Che tnojos of his mouth are tmrigfy
mother. eous, ano full of Deceit: be hath left off
15 Tout inmmc <VDucrfity they rciop< o beljabe fjtmfelf unfely, ano to Do gooo.
ceD, ano gntljereo tljem together; yea, 4 De imaginetlj mifctjtef upon fits btD,
the secy abiects tame tojyetljet agatntt ano hath fee ijimfeif in no gooo may:
me unawares, making menus at me, aito neither Doth hr abijo? any thing that is
ceafeonot, ebtl.
16 ©fifth tljc flatterers were imOe 5 Chy mercy (© Lo?o) reacljetlj um
mockers: which paibeo upon me untlj the Ijeabens = aim tljy fattljfulncfs uu-
their teeth, o tlje clouos.
17 Lo?D, Dow long wilt tljou tools up 6 Chy rigljteoufnefs ftanDetlj like the
on tljiS = © neither mu foul from tlje ca¬ fltong mountains: tljy juogemcnts are
lamities, which tljcv b?tng oitme, ano ike the great Deep.
my Darling from the Lions. 7 Chou Lo?D,fljaltfabe both man ano
18 ©0 loili J gibe tijee thanks in the beaff,tjow ercellent is tljy mercy,© ©oo:
great Congregation : 3] tnill pinife tijee ano the cijiiojen of men djall put their
among muclj people. ruff unoer the fljaoow of tljy bungs.
19 © let not tljem that ate mine ene¬ 8 Cljey fljall be fattsfieo with the plen»
mies trittmpl) ober me tmgoolp j neither teotifnefs of tljy hotife: ano tljou (halt
let them wink with tljetreyes, tljat pate gibe them o?ink of tljy pleafures, as out
me luitljout acaufe. Of tf)0 riO£t+
20 ano tufty ? their communing is not 9 ifo? o/tO tijee is toe mil of life *
fo? peace: but tljey imagine Deceitful ano in tfjp ligljt fljall m feeiigot
too?DS agatntt tljem tljat are quiet in tljc 10 €) continue fo?tlj tOP loOinglu'nO--
lano. nefs unto tljem tljat knoin tflee: ano top
n Cljey gapeo on me with their rigljteoufnefs unto tljem tljat are true of
moutljes, anofaio: fie on tijee, fie on Oeart
tijee, me fain it toitlj our eyes. 11 2D let not tlje foot of p^toe come
at CbiS tljou baft fecn, © I020: IjolD againll me x ano let not tlje pano of tfje
not tljy tongue that, go not fat from me, ungoolp can me ooum*
©Lo?o. 12 Cljere are tljep fallen (all) tljat
23 aurnlte, ano ftano up to juoge my too$ mickeonefs: toep are can ooom3
quarrel: abenge tljott my cattfe,my Coo ano fljall not Oe able to ftano*
ano my Lo?D. Noli armulari. 1 C Evening
24 Juoge me, © lo?o, my Coo, ac
co?otng to tljy rigljteoufnefs; aito let
tljem not triuntplj ober me.
F Pfal. 73. Si prayer.
Eet not top felf Oecattfeof tflemp
goolp: nettljerfle tOou enoious a=
25 Let tljem not fay fit their hearts, gainfttlje eotiooers*
Cljere, tljere, foiQuulO weljabeit: net 2 5Fo* tOep fljall foon Oe cut OoUnt
tijet let tljem fay, ©fie babe oeboureo lifcetljegrafs: ano Oe tuitOereoeOenas
■ ijim. flip rriwit ftpHi
26 Let tljem beputtoconfufion ano \ \m tljou top truft in toe iLo jo, ano
fljame together, that reioyce at my trou Oe ooing gooo: ouiell in tlje lano, ano oe*
ble: let tljem be clotljeo tuitb rebulte ano rilp tljou ftjalt OefeO,
oidjonour, tljat boall tbemfelbes againll 4 Deligljt tljou in tlje lo?o: ano Oe
me. fljall gloe tijee top Oeaets oefire*
2 7 Let them be glao ano reioyce, tljat 5 Commit top inap unto tlje Lo?o, ano
fabout my righteous Dealing: yea, le put tljp truft in Otm: ano ije fljall tying
them fay alurny, 'Bleffeo be tije Lo?o ittopafs*
lubtcb hath plearure in tlje p?ofpertty 0" 6 l)t fljall make tljp rigljteoufnefs as
bis ferbant. clear as tljeltgljt: ano tljp juft Oealing
28 ano as fo? my tongue, it (ball be as tlje noon oap*
talking of tljprigbteoufncfS: anooftljy 7 5>oIo tijee ftill in tfle iLo^o,ano aflioe
pjaifealltlje Day long. patientlp upon Oim: Out grieoe not top
Dixit injuftus. Pfal. 3 6. felf at Oim tuljofe tnap ootlj p^ofper, a*
heart lijetoetb me tlje wickeonefs gainft toe man tljat ootlj after eOtl coun^
lVlof the ungoolp: that there is no few* v .
feat of ©oobefoje bis eyes. 8 iLeaoe off from ttyato, ano let go
2 jfo? heflatteretlj himfclfinljisoton oifpleafuret fret not top felf, elfe ftjalt
fight j untill pis abominable fin be fotmo tOouOemooeo toooeoti*
out. 1 9 CTiicoeo
The v'ii. day. ThePfaims* Theviii. day,
9 mttuiuoetg ipailbetooteuouuiagfo? tpefeen of tpe ungooipit®aiiu
mtOtpeptpat patientip abtue tpe £c?U, rooteo out
tpofe fpallmpettt ttje iano 3 o Cpe ngpteono fljail inpetit tie lanu:
i o get a little tootle, auo tpe ungooip auU otued ipetem fo? euer*
fljail be clean gone :_tpou Ipalt lookaf* | 3\ Cpe niouttj of tpe rigpteouo ei>
ter pt0 place, ano Ue ®all Ue atnap* etctfeuut toifoom: anupto tongue Ml
t i J5ut tpe meek fpirtteu (pail poiM0 Ue talking of juogement
tpeeartp: ano fpall Ue refrefijeo intije 32 Cpe latnofpt0 ®oUi0fnW0 Peart:
multttuueofpeace* | ano W gotngo ipall not fltoe*
12 CUe ungooip fcekelp counfel a I 33 CUe ungooip feetlj tUe tigpteou#:
gamft tpe juft: ano gnaOjeto upon pirn ano feeketp occafion to flay pirn.
onto P10 teetp* 34 CUe £o?n mill not leaue pirn in pig
13 CUe £o?u (Uall iaugO Utm to fco?n: Panu: no ? conuemn Jim topen Ue 10
fo? Ue UatU feen tpat pi0 uap ig coming* mugeO*
14 CUe ungooip Uaue u?aum outtUe 35 ©ope tpou in tpe Jlo?u, ano keep
ftooiD, ano paue Uent tpeir bom; to calf Ijto tnap, ano Ue (Uall promote tpee, tpat
bourn tfje poo? ano neeup, anoto Hap fucU tpou fljalt polfef^ tue I ano: mpen tpe un-
*10 Ue of a rigpumtueriatten* gouip ipall pert®, tpou iljalt fee it*
15 CUeir fmo?u fUall go tp?attgp tUeir 3 6 3 mp felf Uaue feen tpe ungooip in
cion peart; ano tpeir boto Ipall Ue b?oken. great potoer .• ano fiouri®ing like a green
16 ft final! tiling tljat tpe rtgpteous bap tree*
UatU10 Uetter tpen great ricUe0 of tfje 3 7 ano 3 tuent bp, ano lo, Ue fna0 gone .*
ungooip* 3i fougUt Utm, Out pig place couio no
17 ifo? tpe arm0 of tpe ungooip {pall tupere Ue fotrnu*
bebiokett: anotUe Lo?u uppoiuetptpe 38 X^eep tnnocencp, ano take Ueeo
rigUteouo. unto tpe tijtng tljat tg rtgijt: fo? tpat
1B CUe lLo?U knoioetp tpe Oap0 of tpe fljail b?tng a man peace at tpe laft*
gouip; ano tUeir inUeritance fljail enoure 39 3g fo? tlje tranfgreflburg,tpep (Uall
fo? eUet* peri® togetper: ano tUeeno of tpe urn,
19 CUep fljail not Ue confounoeo in gooip ig, tpep ®all Ue rooteo out at tpe
tpepeiiiloug timet ano tntpeuapeg of laft*
Oeartp tpep ®all paue enottgp* 4015ut tpe faiuatton of tpe rigpteou0
20 fo? tpe ungooip tpep ®allpe= cometpof tpe £o?0: toptcp 10 aifotpeir
ttiij, ano tpe enemt£0 of tpe£o?o fliall I itrengtii tn tpe time of trouble*
eonfmne 00 tpe fat of lantU01 pea, eoen 41 gnu tpe lo?o ®a!l llano Up tpem,
no tpe fmoak fliall tpep cottfume aloap* ano faoe tpem: pe Ipail oeltuer tpem from
21 cpe ungooip Uo^rouietO, ano pap= tpe ungooip, ano Ilian faoe tpem,Uecaufe
etU not again t Put tpe ngpteott010 mer^ tpep put tpetr trull in pirn*
etful ano liberal*
22 @ucpa0 Ue Ulelfeo of 0ou, fljail Pfals 38*
Domine ne in furore. Morning
polfef0 tue lano t ano tpep tpat Ue cnrfeo
of pirn, fliall Ue rooteo out* W me not to rebuke (£>£o?U) ttt
23 CUe £o?o ozUeretp a gooO man0
going: ano maketp pt0 map acceptable
to Utmfelf.
P twite anger t neitper cpaften me m
if0? tijme mom Hick fan in
24 Cbottgp pe fall Ue®allnotUecaH met ano tup uano p?efletOmefo?e*
attrnp t fo? tlje £o?o uppoIOetp Uint toitlj 3 CUere 10 no Uealtu in mp flefli Uecaufe
Ut0 Uano. of tppuifpieafuret neitper t0tpere anp
25 jpaUe been potutg, ano nolo am reft mmpUone0Upreafonof mp fin*
olO t ano pet fam 3 neuer tpe rigpteouo 4 ifo? mp mtckeonefleo are gone ouer
foifaken, no? pt0 feeo begging tpeir Imp beau t ano are like a fo?e buroentoo
U?eao* peabpfo?me to 'bear*
26 cpe rigpteott0 10 euer merciful 5 f^p lnouttO0 fttnk, atto are corrupt t
ano lettOetp: ano pt0 feeo i0 Ulefteo. tp?attgp mp faoltlpnefo*
2-j jflee from eutl, atto 00 tpe tptngl 6 3 am blottgpt into fo great trouble
tpat i0 gooo: ano omell fo? euermo?e* atto tntferp t tpat 3 go mourning all tpe
28 if0? tpe lo’U iooetp tpe tptng tpat uap long*
10 rtgijt: pe fo?faketp not Pt'0 tpat be 7 if0? mp Iottt0 are fiileo Utttp a fo?e
gooip, but tbep are p?efertieu fo? euer* Otfeafe: ano tljere t0 no mpole part in mp
29 cpe rtgpteou0 ftjallbeptmtfljeu:|boup*
8 3
The viii. cay.' The Plato; The viii. day.
8 3 am feeble anb fo?c fmtttemJI habeiit mere arpan long ♦ anti mint age i$t~
tflijcco fo? t&c berp bifquietitefo of mp ben ao nothing in refpect of thee, anb be-
heart* rtlp eberp man libing 10 altogether m
9 Lo?b, thou knofoed allmpbefire: nitp*
mto mp groaning io not ijtb from thee* 7 Jfo?manfoalkethin abaiitfimbofo*
i o q&p heart pantethmtp dreitgth hath anb bifqutetetp htmfelf in bam .* he heap*
fatleb me: anb the light of mine eveo io ethupneheo, anb cannot tell foijofijaU
gone from me* gather them.
ii 99piobet0mtomniteighhourotrio 8 3nb itofo, llo?b, fobat to mp hope x
flanb leaking upon mu trouble: anbmp trulp mp hope 10 eben tit thee*
kinfnteit ftooo afar off* 9 Deliber me from all mine offence#
12 Chep alfo that fought aftet mp aita make me not a rebuke unto the
life, lam fnarejs fo? me: another that foolilh*
foeitt about to no me cbil, talkcb of urirk 103 became burnb, aitb opeiteb not
eonefo, atm mtngmcb bccett all the bap mp mouth :fo? it foao tfjp botitg*
long* n cake thp plague aioap from met
13 30 fo? me, 3 foao like a beaf man, 3 am eben contumeb bp the meaneo of
anb hearo not: atm ao one that 10 buntb, thp heabp hanb*
fohicb both not open w mouth. 12 iKllhen thou fotthrebukeo bod cha*
14 3 became eben a0 a matt that heat' ffen man fo? fin, thou makeft W beautp
eth not: atm in rnhofe mouth atenote- to confume afoap like ao it mete a moth
p?OOfO* fretting a garment: eberp man therefo?e
15 Jo? in thee, £> £o?b, habe 3 put iO but banitp.
mp trull ^ thou fijalt aittfoer fo? me, £> 13 ^>earnipp?aper,f)lo?b,anbfortb
io?b rnpCob* thine earo confiber mp calling: holb not
16 3 babe tequireb that thtv (eben thp peace atmpteaeo*
nutte enemieo) (boulb not triumph ober 14 iFo? 3 ant a ffranger forth thee,anb
met fo?fobeitmp foot dipt, tbeptejop- a fojourner: ao all mp fathero foere*
cebgteatlpagamttme. 15 2D fpare me a little, that 3map re*
17 3tm 3 trulp am fet in the plague: cobermp drength : befo?e 3 go hence,
atm mp beabntefo10 ebet in mp fight* anb be no mo?e fecit.
18 if0? 3 feill confef0 mp foickebnefO: Expe&ans expe&avi. Pfal. 40.
atm he fo?rp fo? mp fut* ICHmtco patientlp fo? the iLo^b : anb
19 05ttt mine enemie0 Jibe anb are; he enclnteb unto me, anb fiearb mp
imghtp : anb tljep that hate me to?ong- calling*
fttllp are manp in tumther. j£e b?ought me alfo out of the ho?-
20 Chep alfo thatretoarbebilfo?goob rtble pit, out of the mire anb clap: anb
arc agatnft me : becanfe 3 fofiofo the fetmp feet upon the rock, anb o?beteb
thing that goob t0* mpgotngo*
21 jfo?fahe me not, 0 JLo?b mp Cob; 3 3itb he hath put a nefo fang tnmp
he not thou fat from me* mouth x eben a thmtkfgtbing unto our
22 mftt thee to help me: SD £o?b Cob*
0ob ofmpfaibatioit* 4 ^anp lhali fee it,anb fear: mtbffjalf
put their trud in the Lo?b*
Dixi, aiftodiam. Pfal* 3p.
I^atb, 1 mill take heeb to mptoap0t 5 QBleffebto the man that hath fet hio
that 3 ofSeitb not in mp tongue* hope in the Jlo?b : anb ttirneb not unto
2 3 loin keep mp mouth (ao it forte the p?oub, anb to fitch ao go about foith
fottbabnblct) fohile the uttgoblp 10 in lieo*
6 SD lto?b mp Cob,great are thp foom
3 helb mp tongue anbfpake nothing: b?ou0foo?kOfohich thouhad bone: like
3 kept filrttce, pea, eben from goob ao be alfo thp thoughto fohtch are to tto-
foo?bO, but it foao pain anb griefe to me* foarb, anb pet there to no man that o?-
4 #p heart foao hot fottbmme, anb bereth them unto thee*
fohtle 3 ttmo tbits muling, the fire kin# 7 3f 3 fooulb beclare them anbfprak ..
kb: nnb at the lad 3. fpake forth mp of them: thep fljoulb be mo?e then3ara
tongue. abletcerptcro.
5 Loft, let me tmoto mine enu, ana 8 sacrifice anb meat offertngOthou
the number of mp bapo: that 3 map be footilbednot ijaue: but mine earo had
trtttfirbhom long 3 babe to fibe* thou openeb.
c i-cholb, thou had mabc mp owo ao 9 ’Xtout-offrnmxa anb facrifice fo? fin
Cc bad
The viii. day. 7 * The Pkilms. The viii day.
ijuft thou not requtrets; then fain % Lo, 5 ^mc enemies fpenk ebll of me:
- a come. OTenajail beble, aim bis name perfib*
i o 3jit the Volume of the book it is 6 ^nblfbeconteto fee me, hefpeak*
batten of me, that j\ Ibaulb fulfill thp etb banttp : atm btS heart concelbetlj
bull, 2D mp Cob : 3 am content to bo it, failboob ttsttljln blmfelf, mm toben he
pea tfip latu is tutthtn mp heart. cometh fo?th he tcileth it.
11 31 babe BeclareB tbp ngbteaufnefs 7 8li mine enemies tohtfp.ee together
fit tfie great Congregation t la, 31 bull agamfi me: eben agalnfi me bo tijep tma--
not refrain mp lips? 2D Lo?o, aim that gtne this ebll.
tbou knatuefi. 8 Let the fentence of gulltlnefs p?o*
12 31 babe not bib tbP ngbteaufnefs ceeb agalnfi him: anb nolo that he Iteth,
tmtbtnmpbeart: mp talkinghathbeen let him rife up no mo?e.
of tip truth, ano of top falbatton. 9 gen, eben mine onm familiar frtenb
13 33 babe not kept back tbplobfitg inborn 31 trufieb ; nsljtcb tub alfo eat of
mercpano truth; fromtbegreat Com mp b?eab, bath lam great umlt fo? me*
gregatiom i o Q5ut be tbou merciful unto me, 2D
14 OTtbB?am not tbou tbp mercp from Lo?b; ratfe tbou me up again,anb j (hall
me, 2D Lo?B; let tbp loblng kfitbnefs aim retoarb them.
tfip truth altuap p?efetue me. ii O5ptbt0 31 knobs tbou fabottreff me:
15 jFo? innumerable troubles ate tljat mute enemp both not triumph a--
come about me, mp ting babe taken fucb gatnftme.
{join upon me, that 31 am not able to look 12 sum brtjen 31 am In mp health,thou
tip : pea, then are moe In number then upheibeft me: anb (halt fet me befo?e thp
.tbe baits of mp beab>anb mine heart batb
fnileb me. 13 Wfibb be the Lo?b Cob of 3irr&
16 2D Lo?b, let it be tbp pleafure to el: ioo?Ibbstthoutenb. Slmen.
beltber me ; make bafie (SDLo?B) to Qncmadmoclum. Pfal. 42.
help me.
17 let them be albameb ants confound
<eo together that feek after mp foul to be
L ike as the heart befireth the toater
b?coks; fo longeth mp foul after thee,
firop it.- let them be b?tben backbmrb anb 2D Cob.
put to rebuke thanutffi me ebll '2 fp foul IS athirff fo? Cob,pea,eben
18 Let them be tsefolate aim retnartn fo? the Itbtng Cob x tnben (hall 3j conie to
ets bntbfljame, that fap unto me: fie up¬ appear befo?e the p?efence of Cob t
on thee, fie upontljee. :• 3 ?@P tears babe been mp meat bap
19 Let all tfjafe that feek thee,be top¬ anb night • tohile tbep ballp fat) unto me,
ful aim glab fit thee; aim let fuel) as lobe Mhere is nob) tfjp Cob ?
tbp falbatlon, fap albsap, Cbe Lo?b be 4 Bob) btfjen 31 think thereupon, 31
p?atfeb+ pour out mp heart bp mp felf: fo? 31 bsent
20 3S fo? me, 31 am poo? anb neebp ; imth the multitube, nttb b?cugbt them
but the Lo?b careth fo? me. ; fo?th into the houfe of cob.
a i Chou art mp helper anb Lie* 5 3fn the bolce of p?atfe anb thattkfgfi
Jbeemer; make no long taerpfitg, 2D mp bfitg: among fuel) as keep holp bap.
Cob. < 6 CObp art tljott fo full of heabtitefs
Beatiis qui intclligit^ 1 C Evening (Dmpfottl;) anb b)bP att tljottfobtT*
Pfal. 41. j I prayer. quleteb imtbfit me ?
; 7 Put thp trttft fit Cobfo? 3! b)lll pet
B LclTeb (0 be that confibereth the gibe hint thanks fo? the help of bis cotun
poo? (anb neebp:) the Lo?b (hall tenance.
beltber him in tbe time of trott* 8 flip @aB,~mp foul is bereB inttfjfn
me = therefore telll 31 remember tfiee ton. |
- 2 Cbe Lo?b p?eferbe butt anb keep cernuw tbe Inns of jo?ban,ans tlje little
him altbe, that be map be blefiebttpon bill of Sermon.
earth: anb beltber not tljott him Into the 9 Due Beep calletb anotljer, becaufe
trill of bis enemies oftbenoifeof tlje toater.pipcp : all tbp
3 Cbe Lo?b comfo?t him foben be UMbcs ano ftmms are gone oberme.
lietb fick upon bis beb ; make tbou all 10 C be Lo?B batb grmiten bio lobtng
WS beb lit bis fickners. femBitefp on tbe Bap time: aim In tbe
4 3lfatB, Lo?b be merciful unto me: nftsbt rcaronB!B3 fiim of blm, aitB maBe;
heal mpfottl, fo? 31 babe ffitneb agalnfi mp pjapet unto tlje @eB of mp life.
thee. ix 31
The ix.dsy. The Pfalms. The ix. day.
11 31 trull tap unto the 0oD of nip 6 €b?ougb tljee mill me obettb?om
ftrengtb, dlljpbaft tljottfo?gottenme: our enemies ; anb in tljp Bamc bull me
mbp go j ttju0 heabilp, mbile the enemp tteab tljem turner tljat rife up againft
cpp?ctrettj me ? us,
12 fgp hone^ are fmttten afunbcr as 7 if o?3 thill not truft in mp bob) • it is
lottl) a Co}0?b: mbile mine enemies (tljat not.mp frnom tljat (bail help me,
trouble me) can me tit tlje teetlj, 8 oaut it ts tljou that fabeft us from
13 ii amelp,mijile tljep fan batlp unto cur enemies x anb putted tljem to confu-
me: (SBbere is nom tbp 0ob ? ftott tljat bate us,
14 OTjp art thou To be.rcb,2D mp fouf 9 OTemakc ourboaft of0oballbap
mm mbp art tljou to btfqmeteb mitlj= long ; anb mill p?mfe tbp 33ame fo?
turned eber,
£ 5 © put tljp trad in 0ob: fo?3 mill i o 05ut itom tljou art far off, anb put*
pet thank ijtmmhtcb is tlje help of mp teft us to condition x anb goeit not fo?tlj
countenance, aim mp 0ob. mitfj our armies,
i £ Chou makeft us to turn out backs
Judica me. Dens. Pial. 43. upon our enemies : fo tljat tljep mfjtcb
bate us, fpoil our goobs,
G ibe fentence mttlj me, 2D 0ob, anb 12 Cbou letteft us to be eaten up like
befenb nip cattfe agatnft tlje ungob- (beep : anb baft fcattereb us among tbe
Ip people: 2D beliber me from tlje becett heathen,
ful anovuicUeb mam 13 Chou felleft tbp people fo? nought:
2 jfo? tljou art tlj£ 0ob of mp ftrengtb, anb takeft no monepfo? them,
tnljp baft tljou put me from tljee; anb mbp 14 Chou makeft us to be rebukeb
50 3 fo heabilp, mbile tlje enemp opp?ef of our neighbours ; to be iaugljeb la
fetb 1110" f* fcajit, anb bab in bertfton of them that
" 3 2Dfenbout tljp light anb tljp truth, are rotmb about us,
tljat tbep map lenb me; anb b?ing me to 15 Chou makeft us to be a bmmo?b a-
tljp Ijolp bill, aim to tbp bmelltng, mong the heathen : anb tljat tlje people
4 ^nb tijat 3 map go unto tlje altar of fljake tbeir beabs at us,
0oo, oben unto tlje 00b of nipjopanb 16 £0p confufion isbatlpbefoiente;
glabncfs x anb upon tlje Ijarp tntll 3 gibe anb tlje fljame of mp face ijatlj cobereb
thanks unto tljee, 2D 0ob mp 0cb, me,
5 OTjp art tljou fo ljeabp,2D nip foul; 17 ifo? tlje boice of tlje ftanberee anb
anb tnljp art tljou fo bitquieieb mttlj= blafpljemer: fo? the enemp anb aben*
In me ? ger.
6 2D put tljptruft tn 0ob : fo?3mtll 18 anb though all this be come upon
pet gibe him thanks, mbicbiS tlje help of us, pet bo me not fo?get tljee : no? be-
mp countenance, anb mp 00b, babe our felbes fromacblp in tbp Cobe*
Dens auribus. 7 ^Morning i p 2Dur ijeart is not turneb back: nzu

W Pfal. 44* 3 1 Prayer. tljer our fteps gone out of tbp map,
20 17o not mijen thou baft fmitten us
0 babe bearb miff) our into tlje place of biagons : anb cobereb
eats,2D 0ob,cut fathers us mitlj tlje ftjabom of beatlj*
babe tolb us x mijat tljou n 3f me babe fmgotten the Jftame
baft bone In tbeir time of our 0ob, anb bolben up our banbS to
of olb. anp ftrange gob x fljall not 0ob fearcb
2 Doln tljou baft bubcit out the bca* it out f fo? be knometlj the berpfecrets
then mitt) tbpbanb, anb plaitteb tljem tin of tlje heart.
bom tljou baft beftropcb tlje nations, mtb a if o? tbp fake alfo are me Ktlfcli all
call them out tlje bap long : anb are cotutteb as fljeep
3 ifoz tbep gat not tbe laitb In poflfcfli* appointeb to be Ham.
on though tbeir omit fiooib: neither loas 23 dp iio?b,mbp fteepeft tljou: amakc*
it tbeir omit arm tljat ijelpeb them, anb be not ahfent from us fo? eber.
4 Tout tbp right banb anb tljntc arm, 24 flUljcrcfojehiticft thou tbP facemnb
attb tbe light of tljp cotmtenancc-becaufe fo?getteft our nitferp anb trouble ?
tbou babft a fabour unto them* 25 jfo? our foul is biougbtlom, ebeti
s Chou art nip fttitg (2D 0ob:) feitb unto tljebuft : our beilp cleabetfj unto
belp unto Jacob, tlje grounb.
Cc 7 *16 anfe
The ix. day. The Pfalms. The ix. day.
16 artfe, and Ijelp us • aitddcltdetus one generation unto another: therefore
fo? tbp mercies fake. (hall the people gibe tljanh^s unto thee
Lructavit cor rncum. Pfal.45. n^ib tmtDouteno*
\J[f heart is inditing of a goodmat-
iVlter: 3 fpeak of tije things Wfjtcb 3
bade made unto the King
G Deus noflier refitgium. Pfal.4<5.
sdo 10 our hope am firengtb; a Perp
piefent Ijelp m trouble*
2 £?3p tongue is tije pen: of areas? 2 Cberefo^e Ml lue not feat though
W?iter, the earth be mobeb; anb though the Dim
3 Chou art fairer then the cljtis?ctt of be cameb into the mtbifof the fen*
men: full of grace are tljp Ups, hecaufe 3 Chough the maters thereof rage
CoS hath blelfeo tijee fo? eder. anoftuei!; aim though tije mountains
4 ©iro thee uuth thp fwo?d upon tljp lljake at the tempelt of the fame.
thigh, ©thoumod might?: accojsmg 4 Che nber0 of the floob thereof thall
to thp d)o?fhtp ans renoum. I make glab the ettp of 0ob:t&e help place
5 ©oos luck hade thou witlj thine ho of the tabernacle of the moil ^tgijeff*
no?: rise on, hecaufe of the too?s of 5 0ob i0 fn the nuM of her, there*
truth, ofmecknefs, ans ttgbteoufnefs,1 foiz fljall flje not be retnobeb s 0ob Ujali
ans thP right hans thall teach thee tec* help her, anb that right earlp.
rtbie things. 6 Che heathen make much abo: anb
6 Cbp arrows ate deep fbarp,and tbe the klngbomo are mobeb: but #ob hath
people thall be fuboues unto thee: eden Ibetoeb h!0 bolce,anb the earth (ball melt
in the mtoft among the Kings enemies. atoap*
7 ChP ©cat (© ©od,) ensuretb fo? e- 7 Che JLo^ts of ljoft010 totth m x the
der: the Scepter of thp Kingdom is a 0cb of lacob 10 our refuge*
right Scepter. 8 2D come hither y anb beholb the
8 Chou had lodes righteoufnefs, ans \oojk0of tljeiLo^b: Mat beuructlaitlje
hates tmquitp: wljerefo?e ©os ( eden hath brought upon the earth*
thp ©os) hath anointed tijee witij the oil 9 fpe maketh mai*0 to ceafe in all the
of gladnefs abode thp fellows. loojlb: he bjeaketb the botu, anb knap-
9 ail thp garments fmell of S0p?tlje, pethtljefpear in funber, am butneth the
aloes, ans Calfia out of the tdo?p paia* charfotjs in the fire*
ceS: diherebp the? hade made thee glas. 10 05e Mi then, anb knout that 3 ant
i o Kings daughters were among thp 0ob: 3 tutu be eralteb among the hea¬
hono?able women: upon tljp right hand then, anb a Ml be eralteb in the earth.
sis dans the CUteen in a deduce of gold u Che Lorn ofhofi0l0 untbug: tije
(W?ought about with diders colo?s.) 0ob of Jacob 10 our refuge*
ii ipeatken (©daughter) and confi=
der, ettcline thine ear; fo?get alfo thine Omnes Rentes plaiidite/7 3 Evening.
own people, and tljp fathers houfe. Pfai.47. S t Prayer.
12 So djall the King hade pleafure in
thp beautp: fo? he is tljp io?d (©os)ans Chip pour bands together.(nit
Wo?(hip thou hint.
15 and the daughter of Cp?e (hall be
there With a gift: like as the rich alfo a=
G pe people:)® fing unto ©cd wittj
tije doice of meloBp.
2 jfo?tlje£o?d tsljiglj andto
mong the people djall make their fuppit* be feared: tie is tije great King upon all
cations befo?e thee. tbe cartb.
14 Che Kings daughter is all g!o?i-- 3 Jpe djall fubdue tbe people under tig;
ous Within: her clothing is of w?ougljt ans tije nations under ouc feet,
gold. 4 b>e djall cijoofe out an becitage fo?
15 She (hall be b?ought unto the King tts: eden tije wojdjip of (Jacob wijam be
in raiment of needle*wo?k: tljedirgins lodes.
that be her fellows, (hall bear her com* 5 ©od is gone up With a tttetrp naffer
panp, and djall be b?ought unto thee. t tije Lo?d witb tbe found of tije trump.
16 Klitlj top and gladnefs djall tljep 6 © ring p?aireS,lingp?affi'S unto (our)
be b?ought:and djall enter into the Kings ©od • © fing p?aifes, Bug p?aifes unto
palace* our King.
17 3tt ffeab of tbp father0, thou (halt 7 JFo? ©od is tbe King of all tbe eattlj:
babe cbllb?ett: tohom tboumapelt make fing pe p?atfes Witlj unseedansing.,
Puttees fit au lattbg* 8 ©od reignetb Oder tbe beatbett: ;
18 3i toil! remember tbp iRame from ©od fittetb upon bis ijoip feat.
9 Clie
The ix. day. The Pfalms. The x. day.
9 Che puttees of the people ore (op¬ 7 Tut no man map oeliber his b?o<
en imto the people of the ©on of $lb'?a* tijer; no? make agreement tutto ©on
ham .* fo? ©on (tuijtch is Peru high eralt- fo? him*
en) noth nefenn tlje earth as it teece tuith 8 jfo? it coif mo?e to reneern their
a ujiein. fouls: fo that he muff let that alone fo?
Magnus Dominus. Pfil.48. eber
G Kcat 1s the Lo?o, aim highip to be 9 fea, though be use long: aim fee
P?mfcti .* itt the city of our ©ou,efccn not tlje grabe,
upon hiShoip hill* I o lot be reetb tljat wife nten alfo We
2 chehtilof ^ionisafairpiace5anti aim petllb together, as Well as tlje igito=
tlje fop of the tuljole earth: upon the rant nntitooluij; aim lease their tithes
no?th bne iictlj the City of tlje great fo? other.
King, ©on ts tueii knouat m her palaces II ann pet tljep think tljat tljett bou*
as a fure refuge* fes fljail continue foresee; ann that tljeit
if if o? I o, the Kings of the earth; are swelling places (ball entiute front one
gatljeren aim gone bp together* generation to anotber,aito call tlje l anas
4 Chcp marbellen to fee fucb things: after tljett own names. "
thep lucre affotueo, ann funnenip call 12 jaesertbelefs,mati Will not nbioe in
fcoton* botio?. feeing ije map be compares unto
5 ifear came there upon them,atm fop tlje beafis tljat petiiij, this is tlje Wap of
rom: as upon a momait mhertranatl* tljem.
6 Chou (halt h?eak the fljtps of the 13 Cljts is tljett fooltOjners:anb tljeit
fea; though the eaftlmnn* pottetttp p?aife tljeit raping.
7 Juueosioe habeljearn, fohabeloe 14 Cijep lie in tlje bell like lljeep,
feen in tlje dtp of the Lo?hof holts, tit neatb gnawetb upon tljem, ano tlje righ¬
theatpof cuf ©on; ©ohuphametijthe teous fljail babe nonunion obet tljem in
fame fo? eber* the momtng: tljeit beatitp (ball contone
8 me matt fo? ttjp lobmg btnnnefs in tlje repulcb?e out of tljeit swelling.
(2D ©on:) in the mtnff of thp Cempie* 1 j T5ut ©on ijatlj neliberen mp foul
9 2D ©on, acco?ntng unto thp Jftame, from tlje place of ijell: fo? Ije fljail rc-
fo is thp p?atfe unto tlje foo?ms enn ; thp ccibc me*
right hann is full of ughteoufnefs* 16 'Be not tijou attain though one be
10 Let tlje mount g>ton rejopce, ann maneticljt o? if tlje gioip of ijts ijoufe
the naugfjters of 3IttOa be gian x becaufe be increafeo.
of thp tungements* 17 lo? ijefljall carrp nothing atnap
11 cilalk about 0toit, aim go rotmo a- Uiitli ijtm when ije Wetlj; neithet fljail ijis
bout her: ann tell the toiuers thereof* pomp follow him.
12 s^ark tuell her tmltuarks,fet up her 18 lo? While be liben,be counten ijint-
. houfes * that pe map tell them that come felt anbapppuian: aim fo long as tljott
after* noell Weil unto tbp felf, men will fpealt
13 iTo?thtS©onisour ©oOfo?eber goon of tbee.
ann ebec: he lhall be our game unto 19 |Je (ball follow tbe gettetationof
neath* ijis fatbets: ann fljail nebet fee light.
Audite hxc omnes. Pfal.49. 20 99an being in ijoito? batlj no urn
fjear pe this all pe pcqple: ponber netfianning: but is compaten unto tlje
it rnith pour ear&afl pe that niuell In beads tljat petiflj.
2 rpighann lolu, rich ann poo?: one Deris dcorum.7 5" Morning
toitlj another*
3 ft) u mouth (hall fpeahof tuisnom:
$ mp heart (ball mufe of unnerltanning*
4 3) bull enclme mine ear to tlje para¬
T Pfal.Jo. j 1 Prayer.

lje llo?n, eben tlje molt migbtp

©on batlj fpoken: attn callen tbe
wo?in from tbe tifutg up of tbe
ble : ann (ijeio mp nark fpeech upon the
harp* fun unto tbe going nowit thereof.
5 raijerefo?e (bouln 3( fear in the naps 2 SDut of ©ion bath ©on appearen: in
of tmeketmefs: ann tnijett tlje toteken- perfect beautp.
nefs of mp heels compaiTeth me rounn 3 ©tit ©on fljail come, ann fljail not
about * beep filence: there fljail go before him
6 Chere be fome that put their trull tit aconfumlngfite, ann a might? tempeft
their goons: ann boaif themfelbesin the fljail be ftitten up tounn about him.
nmitttune of their riches* 4 l>e
The x. day. ThePfalms, The x. day.
4 fyz fljall call the beaben from abobc: o?beretlj ijt# conberfation tight, mill 3
anb ttje eartlj, ttjat be map jtibge hi# fljcmtbefalbationof Cob,
people, Mifercre mei, Deus. Pfal.51.
5 catljet mp faint# together unto me:
tbofetljat babe mabe a covenant tmtb
H 8be ntetcp upon nte, © Cob, artet
tfip great goobnef#;acco?bmg to the
me uutljfacrtfice, multitube of tfip ntercie#, bo amap mute
6 $nb toe beaben# fljall beclare hi# offence#.
rtgbteoufnef#: fo? Cob t#3ubge turn* 2 mi alb me tlj?ougblp from un> totem
feif. ebnef#; anbcleanfe me front mp fin,
7 pear,© mp peop!e,anb 31 bull fpealt ; 3 fo? 3 acknomiebge mp fault#; anb
3 mp felf bull tetufie agatnft thee, ©31 mp fin 1# eber befo?e me,
raei, toys am Cob, ebentijp cob, 4 Agamft tljee onelp babe 3 ftnneb,anb
8 3 Mi not rep?obe tljee becaufc of bone tljt# ebil m tfip fight: that tljou
tljp facrtfice#,o? fo? tljp burnt offerings • migbteft be juftifieb tn tfip raping, anb
tjecaufe tljep mete not altoape# before clear mben tbou art jiubgeb,
me, 5 Bebolb, 3 ma# fljapen lit tmckeb*
9 3 MI take no bullock out of tfjtne nef#; anb m fin bath ntp mother eonceff
fjoufe: no? be goat# out of tbpfolb#, bebnte,
1 o f 0? all tlje beaft# of the foieft ate 6 But lo, tljou required truth In tie
mine • anb fo ate tije cattel upon a thorn mmatb part#; anb (halt make me to mu
fanb bill#, berftanb mt#bom fecretlp,
11 3 kttotn all the fotol# upon tfie 7 Cbou ffiait purge me mitlj bpftbp,
mountain#: anb the Mbe bean# of tije arm 3 mall be clean; tljou fljalt mail) me,
ielb ate ttt mp fight, anb 3 fljall be mljiter theft fnom.
12 3f 3 be btutgrp 3 mil! not tell thee: 8 Cbou fljalt make me bear of top anb
fo? the uujoie mop t# mine, aim all tijat glabnef#; that the bone# mijtclj tljou
t# therein baft b?oken map retopce,
13 Cljtnkeft tbou that 3 mill eat bull# 9 Curntbp face from mp fin#; anb
fleflj; anb b?mk the blcoo of goal# f put out alfntp ttufoeeb#,
14 ©ffer unto ©00 tbankfgibing: anb i o spake me a clean heart (© Cob;)
pap tbp bom# unto the moftfptgljeft. anb renem a right fptrtt uutljtn me,
15 sinb call upon me tit the time of 11 Caft me not auiap from tfip p?e<
trouble: foMl 3 beat tljee, anb tljoit fence x anb take not tfip bolp Spirit
fljalt p?atfe me, from me. ,
16 But unto tfie ttngobip fain 00b : 12 © gfto me the comfo?t of tfip help
SKtlbP boeff tbou p?eacb mp lam#, anb again: anb ftabliftj me loitlj tljp free
taken mp Cobenant in tfip mouth t Spirit,
17 OTjetea# tfiott bateft to be te^ i s Cbtn ftjnli 3 teach tljp map# unto
fo?meb • anb baft call mp mom# beijtnb tije uuckeb; anb finner# Iball be conber--
thee, tebunto tljee,
18 COben tbou fameft a thief,tbou com 14 Deliber me from bloob^ullttnef#,
fentebft unto butt.«anb baft been parta= SD Cob, tbou that art the Cob of mp
ket mttb tfie abttlteter#, health x anb mp tongue fljall fing of tfip
19 Cbou baft let tljp moutb fpeak ngfjteoufnef#,
imckebnef#: anb mttb tfip tongue tljou 15 Cbou fljalt open mp lip#,f)lo?b:
ijaftfetfo?tb becelt. anb mp mouth fljall fljeit) tljp p?atfe,
20 Cbou fateft anb fpakeft again!! 16 fo? tljou belireft no factifice, elfe
tfip b?otbcr:pea,anb boft ftanbereb tfifne motilb 3 gibe it thee; but tbou bellgljteft
oum mother# fon, notin burnfoffermg#.
21 cbefe thing# baft tbou bon.e,anb 3 17 Che fasriifice of cob i# a trcubleb
belbrnp tongue, anb tbou tbougbteff fpirtt x a b?okenanb a contrite heart (©
tmckeblp, that 3 am eben fitch a one a# Cob) fljalt tbou not befpife,
tfip felf t but 3 mill rep?one tljee,anb fet 18 © befabo?abieanb gracfou#unto
before tbee tfie thing# that tbou baft %\mn tmiib tljou the man# of 3crufa=
bone* lem,
2 2 © coitfibet tbt#,pe that forget Cob, 19 Chen fljalt tbou be plcnreb tnitlj
left 3 pluck pou amap, anb there be none the facrifice of rigbteoufnef#, Mb tije
tobellbet potu burnt offering# anb oblation#: then fljall
23 OTboro offeretb me thank# anb tbep offer poung bullock# upon thine
P?aife,be bono?etij me; anb to him that flltar.
The x. day. ThePfalms*' . The x. day.
Qjid gloriaris. Pfal.52. 8 Chen ftjoulb Tacob rejopce: anb
\ A TPV boaffeft tijou tijp feif, tljou tv- Tfrael ftjoulb be right glab.
V V rant: that tljoucanft bo mifcjjteff Dcus in nomine. Pfal .54.
2 Whereas tije goobnefs of <©ob; em
bureth pet oaiip,
S Tbc me,2D ©ob, for tijp Barnes false:
anb abenge me ut tljpftrengtlj,
3 ChP tongue tmaginetij lutcfcemtefs: 2 Dear mp praper, 2D &ob: anb hear*
anb uutlj lies tijou cutteft like a fljarp ben unto tljetoorbsof mp mouth,
tafo?, 3 for ftrangers are rtfen up againff
4 ©oil haft lobeb unrigijteoufnefs me: anbtprants (mijtclj babe not^ob
moit then goobnefs: ant to talk of lies before tijetr epes) feeb after mp foul,
moie then righteoufnefs* * 4 05eholb,^obtsmpljeIper:tljelLo?b
5 Chou haft f obeb to fpeaft ail toorbs is mitlj them that upljolb mp foul.
that map bo hurt: 2D thou faife tongue, 5 ipe ftall remarb ebtl unto mine ene*
6 Chcrcfore ftjaii ®ob beftrop thee mies: bettrop tijou them in tijp truth*
for eber: he (hall take thee, aim pluck 6 an offering of a free heart mill 3
thee oat of tijp btueiiing, anoroot thee gibe thee,anb pratfe tijp Bame(2D iLo^bO
out of the tana of the iibing. becaufett is fo comfortable,
7 Che righteous aifo ftjaii fee this, 7 if or he hath beltbereb me out of
anb fear: ano ftjaii laugh htm to ftorn* all mp trouble: anb mine epe ijatljfeen
8 iiotfjts is the man that tools not IjtS befire upon mine enemies,
®obfoehns ftreitgth: hut trttftebtmto
the multitude of his riches,anb ftcengtip
neb ijtmfeif tit his tutchetmefS.
H ExaudiDeus. Pfal+55*
ear mp praper, 2D $ob •* anb htbe
not tijp feif from mp petition,
9 as for me,T am like a green 2Dlibe- 2 cake Ijeeb unto me, anb hear me:
tree in the ijottie of $ob: mp truft is in 60m 3 mourn in mp praper $ ambeceb,
the tenner mercp of @ob for eber aim 3 Che enemp crpetij fo, anb the tin*
eher, goblp contetlj on fo faff: for tijep are
ioj Mi aftuaps gibe thanhs unto mtnbeb to bo me fome mtfehtef, fo malt*
thee, for that tijou ijaft none: ano 3 mill ctottflp are thep fet againff me,
hope lit tijp Bame, forthp faints fifteit 4 #p heart is bifquteteb bitthm me:
mell, anb the fear of beatlj is fallen upon me*
5 ifearfulnefs anb trembling are come

Dixit inftpiens.7 f Evening
Pfal.53. S \ prayer. upon me: anb an horrible breab hath 0*
bertoheimeb me*
i)z fooiiflj honp hath fain in his 6 anb3 fatb,&> that 3 hab bungs Itfee
heart.* Chereisno^ob, • a bobe: for then suottlb 3 ftie atoap, anb
2 Corrupt are tijep, anb he- be at reft*
come abominable in tijeir brie* 7 &o,tljen toottlb 3 set me atoapfar
hebnefs: there is none that both goob, off: anb remain in tlje Mberncfs*
3 ^obioobeb bolmt ftomheabenttp' 8 3toouib ntabebafteto efcape.* be*
on the cijilbren of men: to fee if there caufe cf the fformp b3inb anb tempeff.
mere aitp that mottlb ttnberftanb anb 9 Deffrop tijeir tongues (2D £orb)
feels after $ob* nttb bibtbe them: for 3 babe fpteb un*
4 OBtit tijep are all gone out of the righteottfnets anb ft rife in the ettp*
map, tijep are altogether become abomu 1 o iDapmtb night tijep go about toith*
nabie: tijet|c is alfo none that both goob, itttlje tonlls thereof: mifehtef alfo anb
no not one, forroto are inttjemibffof it*
5 are not thep mitljout tmberftanbing 11 COicbebnefs is therein: t)zzzit anb
that mo|h michcbitcfs: eating up mp peo* guile go not out of tijeir ffreets,
pie as if thep mouib eat b^eab? tijep habe 12 if or it is not an open enemp that
not calleb upon ®ob, hath bone me tljts btftjonor: for then 3
6 Chep mere afratb Mere no fear cottlbhabeborntt*
mas: for ®ob hath broben the bones of 13 Beitijer bias it mine abberfarp that
him that befiegeb thee: thou ijaft put bib mngntfte Ijimfelf againff me: for
them to confufton, becaufc ®ob hath be* then (oerabbenture) 3 tooulb habe hib
fpifebthem, mp felf from him*
7 2Db that the falbatiott mere gtben 14 OBttt it urns eben thou mp compa*
unto Tfrael out of ®ioit: oh that the men: mp gutbc,anb mineotonfamiuab
3Lo2ti lucttia rieUDcr fjtd people out of ca- frienb* _
ptibitp. 15 ^lctoohfibeetco:mfeltogether:anb
The xi. day. . ThePfalms^ Thexi.day;
tualheb in t he houfe of @ on a# frienb#* fijail mine enemie# be put to flight: thi#
16 aet Death came hafttlp upon them, 3 bnom,fo* <£ob i# on mp fme*
ana let them go bobm quid* into hell: 10 3n®ob# bjommill 3 refopce: in
fo* mtckeonef# i# in their bmelimg#,anb the io*D# mo*D mill 3 comfort me.
among them* 11 ^ea,in ^od habe 3 P«t mp. truff:
17 a# fo* me, 31 toil! call upon c^ob: 3 mill not be afrato mhat man can do
ana the lo*d (hall fabe me, untome*
18 an the ebemng ana morning, anti 12 Ginto thee (2D ®ob) mill 3 pap mp
at noombap null 3 p*ap,anb that tnffant- bom#: unto thee uull 3 gibe thanfe#*
lp: aim he lhall heat* mp boice* 13 ifo* thou halt DelibereD mp foul
19 at i$ he that hath befibereb mp foul from Death, anD mpfeet from falling :
tit peace fcom the battel that ma# againff that 3 map malb before <£ob in the light
me: to? there mere mmxv rntth me. of the libing*
20 f ea,eben *^ob that enburethfo* e* Mifercremci Deus. Pfal 57.
iter,fhall hear me,anb tying them bomn: € merciful unto me, 2D ®ob,be mer¬
fo* thep mill not turn no* fear ^ob* ciful unto me, fo? mp foul truffeth in
21 ipe lam hi# hanb# upon fitch a# he ttjee: anD unber the fljabom of thp ming#
at peace rntth hint: anb he tyaUe hi# co< (hall be mp refuge until thi# tp*annp be
benant* oberpaff*
22 Che mo*b# of hi# mouth mere foft> a 3 mill call unto the moff high ®oh:
er then butter, habtng mar in hi# heart: eben unto the ®ob that lhall perform the
hi# mtyb# mere fmoother then oil, anb caure mhich 3 habe tit hanb*
pet be thepberp feoo*b#* 3 ?>e (hall fenb from heaben: anb fabe
2 ^ o raft thp burthen upon the Lo*b, me from the reproof of him that mourn
anbhefball nourllh thee : atm lhall not eat me up.
fuffer the rtghteou# to fall fo* ebec. 4 ^obfljall fenb fo?th hi# merep anb
24 aitra# fo* thcm:thou,£D 0aD,ffjalt truth: mp foul i# among lion#*
tying them into the pit of beff ruction. 5 ^nb 3 lit then among the chiltyen
25 Che bloqb-thirffp anb Deceitful of men (that are fet on fire:) mhofe
men (hall not Itbe out half their Dap#: teeth are fpear# anD attorn#, anb their
nebertbeler#, rnp trull fljall be in thee, 2D tongue a fljarpfmom*
2lo*D. 6 0ct up thp feif, 2D®ob> abobethe
heaben#: anb tijp glo*p abobe all the
Miferere mci Dens.? f Morning earth.
Pfal.)*(5. j t Prayer. 7 Chep habe laib a netfty mpfeet,
B antfcp*effeb bomn mp foui:thep habe big-
C merciful unto me, 2D $ob, fo* geb a pit before me, anb are fallen into
man goeth about to bebouc me: he the mtb# of it themfelbe#*
t# DatlP fighting,anb troubling me* 8 $$p heart t# fireb,2D $ob,mp heart
2 cpne eitemie# areDailp in hanb i# fireb: 3 mtll fing anb gibe p*atfe*
to fmaliom me up: fo* thep be manp that, 9 amake upmpglo*p, amabeluteanb
fight agatnff me, 2D thou mod (Mghetf* harp: 3 mpfeif milamaberightearlp.
3 Beberthelef#, though 3 am feme* 10 3 mil gibe thanb#tmto thee, 2D
time afraiD .* pet put 3 mp trim in Jlo?b,among the people: anb 3 mill ling
thee. unto thee among the nation#*
4 3 mill p*aife ®ob, became of hi# u iFo* the greatnef# of thp nterep
mo*D: 3 habe put mp truff in eoD, anD reacljeth unto the heaben#:anb thp truth
mill not feat mhat flelh can Do unto me* tintothe cloub#*
5 ChepDatip mtffafce mp mom#: all 12 g>et up thp felf, 2D <^od, abobe the
that thep imagine i# to Do me ebil* heaben#: anb thp glo*p abobe all the
6 Chep horn all together, anD beep earth*
themfelbe#clofe: anD rnarb mp ffep#, Si vere ntique. Pfal.58.
mijen thep lap matt fa* mp foul* A Eepour mtnbofet upon rtghteouf-
7 ^>halltijep efcape fo* their mtcfceb jnLnef#,2Dpe congregation: anb Dope
nef# ? thou (2D eoD) in thp Difpleafure jubge the thing that i# right, 2Dperon#
(halt can them bomn* of men f
8 Chou telleff mp flitting#, putmp 2 gea, pe imagine mifebtef in pour
tear# into tlip bottle: are not thefe heart upon the earth : anb pour fjano#
thing# noteD in thP boob ? bral mith micbebnef#*
9 CIThenfoeber 3 call upon tijce, then 3 Che ungoblp are fcomntb ebett
The xi. day. The Pfolios. ihexiidays
from thcirmotljers bromb.-affoan as tljep 11 ©lap them not, lea mp people fob
he bo?n tijcp n*o aftrap aim fpcak lies* gee it hut fcattcr ttjem abmao among
4 Cljepateas bcnentous tl}e pot= uje people, ann put themnomu, 0 Lorn
foa of a fetpent: chon like tlje ncaf no¬ our Defence.
net that fioppctlj her ears. 12 jfo? the fin of their mouth, aim
5 ©Llbictj refufetlj to hear the boice of fo? the ruo?os of their lips, thep fijali he
the charmer; charm he neber fo brifelp* taken in tijetr p?tne : ann brljp? their
6 Q5?cak their teetij (0©ob) in their p?eachutg is of curfing ann lies*
mouth,finite the jatu bones of the Lions, 13 Confume them in tljp br?atlj, com
CD Lo?o1 let them fall anrap like brater fume them, that tljep map periftr; ana
that runneth apace,ano tohen tljep (boot knotu that it is ©on mijiclj ruletij in m*
tijn'r arrours, let them he rooten out* cob, ann unto the enns of the bro?m.
7 Let them confume abrap like a fnail, 14 3no in the ebening thep mill re¬
ann he like the unttmeip fruit of a too* turn : grin like a nog, ann bull go about
man: ano let them not fee the fun? tljeeitp*
8 0? ebet pour pots he mane hot britlj 15 Chop brill run here aim there fo?
tljo?tts t fo let inoignatton be* him, meattann grunge if thep he not fatisfien.
then as a thing that 10 rain. 16 3s fo? me, a brill fing of tljp pobrer,
9 Che righteous Ojail rcjopce brtjen ann brill p?aife thp merep betimes in the
he feeth the heitgeance: he (hall brafl) his mo?ntng: fo? tljou baft been mp oefence
footffeps in tfjebloon of tlje ttngooip* ann refuge in the nap of mp trouble*
10 00 that a man ffjalifap, (Herilp 17 (Unto thee (0 mp ffrengtlj) brill 3
there is rettiaro fo? the rigljteousmoubt- fingx fo? thou,0 ©on,art mp refuge,amj
lets there is a ©on that iimgeth the mp merciful ©on.
Dens repulifti nos. Pfal. (To. .
Erip? m^dc inimicls* 7 f Evening ©on, thou ijaff caff us out, ann fcaL
Pfal. 59. j 7 prayer. teren us ab?oan: tljou aim haft been
otfpleafeo, 0 turn thee unto us again*
either me from trine enemies , 2 Chou half moben tlje lano,anD otbfo
m (CD ©on 0 oefeno me from binen it; ijeal the fo?es -thereof, fo? it
S them that rife up agatnff me* fijaketh.
2 CD neither me from the 3 Chou hafflljebren tljp people heabp
uuckeo Ooets: ano fabe me from the things : tljou halt giben us a n?ink of
blooOThirffjf men. neanip brine*
3 iFo? la, thep lie matting fo? mp fault 4 Cljottljaff giben a token fo? fuclj m
the mtghtp men are gatherto againfl me fear tljeeithat tljep map triumph becaufe
buthoutanp offence o? fault of me, CD of the truth*
Lo?o* 5 Cherefore brete thp beloben Oeifo
4 Chen run anti prepare themfelbes beren: help me truth thp right hann,ann
mtthout nm fault; arife thou therefore hear me*
to help me, atm bcijoio* 6 ©on hath fpokett in his holinefs, 3
5 0tatto up (0 Lc?o eon of hoffs) brill rejopce ann nibine ©tebem : arm
thou eon of 3frael, to bifit all the hea- mete out ihe ballep of ©uccotb*
themano he not merciful unto them that 7 Oilcan is mine, ann erjanaffes is
offettn of malicious mtekeonefs* mine: ©plj?atm nlfo is tlje ffrengtb of
6 Chep go to attn fro in tlje ebem'ng: mpljean, 3tmaljismp laurgtber*
thep grin like a nog, anh run about 8 $joab is mp brail>pot, ober cnom
though the citp. brill 3 caff out mp (hoe: pijiliffia be tljou
7 T3ehoin, thep fpeak truth their glan of me*
mouth, attn fmo?os are in their lips = fo? 9 fOljo brill lean me into the -ffrong
mho noth bear? citp: urho brill b?ing me into COom?
8 05ut thou 0 lo?n, (halt habe them 10 ^)aff tljou not caff us out,0 ©on:
in nertQon = ann thouiljalt laugh all the butt not thou, 0 ©on, go out britlj one
heathen to fcom* toffsf
9 f^P ff rewrtlj brill 3 nferihe unto thee: n 0 be thou our help in trouble: fo?
fo? thou art the eon of nm refuge. bain is the help of men.
1 o eon ihcmcth me his goonnefs pfen 12 Cb?ougb ©on brill bre no great
tcotiflp: ann eon lhall let me fee mp oc- arfS:fo? it is he that fljall trean nobrn our
fire upon mine enemies* enemies*
0 b Exaudi
The sit. day. The Pfalms. The xii. day.
11 CoS fpake once ans twee; 3 hast
H Exaudi Dens. PEiL 61.
ear mp crptng, £> Cos • gibe eat* alfo hears the fame, that poioer belong*
unto mp prater. eth unto Cos.
a if tom tljeens0 of-the earth tuiU| ia ans that thotiXors art merciful:
call unto thee: mUn mp peart tsmijea- for thou remarseit eberp man according
SineC0. to pi0 mark.
3 £> ret me up upon tie rock that is Dcus, Deus mens. Pfal .<53.
higher then 3:fiu? thou$aft been nip pope,
aim a ft rang torn* for me againft tie e-
O Cos, thou art mp Cos, earlp Ml
3 leek thee.
nemp. 2 foul thtrfteth for thee, mp fie©
4 3 tmll Sine!! m tip tabernacle for alfo lobgeth after thee: in a barren ans
eScr; ans mpmitl fijali Oe wiser the co¬ Srp Ians inhere no mater 10.
hering of tijpwigo. 3 /Chu0hnbe3lookes fortheeinholb
5 jro2 thorn £> Lors halt heats nip se- nef0; that 3 might bebofs tljp porner ans
ftte0; ans tjalt gtoen an heritage unto giorp.*
thole that feactp Mmt. 4 Tor t|p losing kinsnef0 10 better
6 Chou ©aft grant the lung a long life; then the life ttfelf; mp ltp0 fijali praife
that W peai*0 map ensure throughout thee.
ail generations 5 %0 long 00 3 itse m\i 3 magmfie thee
7 $pe ©all smell before Cos for eber; on thi0 manner; ans lift up mp hanS0 in
SD prepare tbp losing merep ans faith- thp jtfame.
. fulnefS that then map preferse him. 6 sppfoul ©all be fattsfies cben a0it
8 So trill 3 ainmpg fuig plane unto mere imth matte© ans fatnef0,mhen mp
thp I9ame;that 3 map saitp perform mp mouth praifeth thee toith lopful iip0*
bo$0. 7 ^abe3 not remembres theemmn
. Mamie Deo. T S Morning bes: ans thought upon tljee ©hen 3 ©a0
Pfal .62. J i prayer. making f
8 05ecaufe thou had been mp helper;
f foul train tuaitetl) if HI upon therefore unser the fijaso© of thp ©tng0
Cos ; for of him cometh mp mill 3 rejopce.
faisation. 9 30p foul hangctl) upon thee = tljp
a tpe t0 berilp mp flrength right nans hath tipholsen me.
ants ntpralbati'dn: he to nip offence, fo 1 o Chefe alfo that feek the hurt of mp
that li ©all not greatlp fall. font • thep ©all go unser the earth.
3 Dotu long null pe imagine mifehief 11 Let them fail upon tlje*esgeof the
agatnif eberp mom pe (hall he (lain all the fmors ; that then map be a portion far
fort of pott, pea, m a tottering trail flail fore0. *
pe be, ano like a broken beoge. ia Q3ut the king ©all rejoice in Cos,
4 Chetc seSice 10 onelp ho to to put him all tljep alfo that fear bp him ©all he
out inborn CoS toill erait t their Seligljt commenses % for the mouth of them that
10 in lies tljep gibe geos 100100 tmtlj fpeak lies ©all be ffopprs.
their mouth,but curie toiffj their heart. ExaudiDeus. Pfal. <54.
5 33esertljelef0, mp foul, matt thou Car mp soice,0 Cos in mp prayer:
Iff!! upon Cos1 for mp hope 10 in him. preferse mp life from fearof the
6 i)z truly (0 mpftrengthatts nip fab cnemp. •
batfon; pe i0 mp sefence, fo that 31 ©all 2 Disntfe from the gathering toge*
not fall. tljer of the froloarS; ans from tljc infur-
7 3« Cos10 mp health ans mp glorp; rection of tolckeS soet*0.
the rock of mp might, ans in Cos 10 mp 3 ®htchhabeU)ljet their tongue like
trulf. a fmorsmus fijoot out their arro\o0, ebm
8 $> put pour mm in him altoap (pe bitter morso.
people) pour out pour hearto before him, 4 Chat tljep map pribilp ©oot at him
for Cos 10 our hope. thati0perfect;fusseulpso thep hit hint,
9 8s for the chifsmt of men thep are ans fear not.
but bain; the chiisren of men are Seceib 5 Chep courage tljemfeise0 in nob
ful upon the meight0: then are altoge* chief x ans commune among tbemfeise0,
tljer lighter then banitp it felfi horn then map lap fnare0,ans fap that no
to fruit not in lorongans robberp; maitfiiallfee them?
gibe not pour felbe0 unto banttn * if rb <5 Chen imagine mickesnef0, ans
tpc0 incrcafe, fet not pour heart upon Piactife it x that tljep keep fecret among
them. therm
The xii. day. The Pfalmsi . , The xii. day.
tljemfeiueg, cbetp man In the bee p of W haile?0alfo fljal (Wnh fo thick Wth com;
peart. that the? (hail laugh anh ling.
7 T5ut ©oti fljall fttbbenlp (hoot at them Jubilate Deo. Pfal.66.
toitlj a ftmft arcoto: that the? (hail he
0 T5e fopful in ©oh all ?e fanhO: fing
P?aife0 unto the hono? of hW Bmne,
8 f ea, their otmt tongue0 (hall make make hl0 p^alfe to he glorious.
them fall: Infomuclj that tnljofo feetfj 2 ^>ap unto ©oh, £> hotn toonherful
them, (hall laugh them to fco?m art thou In th? too?ft0:th?ouglj the great*
9 anh all men that fee It, (l)all fa?, nef0 of th? potoer (hall tljlne enemies he
Cht0 hath <©oh none: foi the? lhall per- fotuih llar0unto thee.
ceibethattt 10 ljt0 mom* 3 Jfo? all the too^lh djall tomfljlp thee:
i o Che righteous fljall tejopce In the ling of thee, anh piatXe th? J3ame.
lto?h, anh put his trull in him: anh all 4 £> come hither anh heholh the vuoiUg»
the? that are true of heart (hall he glab. of ©ob, fjoto tnonherful he 10 lit h(0 bo*
ing totoarb the chtihmn of men.
Te decet hymnus. 7. f Evening 5 Vz turneh the fen into hi? lanh:
Pfal.65. S 1 prayer. fothat the? toeitt though the toater on
T foot, there hlh toe rejtopce thereof.
lpou, <3D ©ob, art p^aifeh m ©Ion: <5 ipe rnleth toltlj ijl0 potoer fm eber,
anh unto thee (hall the boto he per* hi0e?e0 heholh the people: anh fucljas
fomiehiuTerufalem* tolii not hellehe,d)all not he able to etalt
2 Chou that heated the p*a?er: unto tljemfelhe0.
thee (hall all flelh come. ^ 7 fiDpmtfeour ©ob (pe people:) anh
3 ml0beeb0 p?eball agalnd me:2D make the hotceof hl0 p?atfe to he heath.
he thou merciful unto our lin0. 8 tKUljtch holheth our foul mllfe: anh
4 051 edeb 10 the man toijorn thou fuffereth not our feet to dip.
thoofed, anh recelhed unto tljee: he fljall 9 Jfo? thou (€> ©ob) hadpmheh 110:
htoell in thP court, anh fhall he fatlsfieb thou alfo had ttleh u0, like a0 fllher m
tultljthepleafuwof thphoufe, ehen of trieh* .
th? hoi? temple. ^ ^ 1 o Chou hiottghted tt0 into the fnare:
5 Chou (halt iheto 110 toonbetful tljutg0 anh lalhd trouble upon our lom0.
m th? rlgl>teoufnef03 £> $ob of our fal- 11 Chou fuderehd mentonoe oher
hatlon; thou that art the hope of all the our 8eah0: toe toent through dee anh tna*
enh0of the earth, anh of them thatre- ter, anh tljou hmughted u0 out into a
maln in the h^oah fea. __ toe althp place.
6 TOlch in hi0 dccngth fetteth fad the 12 a tolll go into m? houfe toltlj burnt*
mountaln0: anh 10 gltheh about hnth offerlng0 % anh 3 toil! pa? thee mp hoto0
potoet. tohtch 3 p?omlfeh tmth mp ltp0,anh fpake
7 aihlch dllleth the raging of the fea: toltlj mp mouth tohen 3 toa0 In trouble.
anh the nolfe of W toahe0,anh the mah* \3 3: tolll offer unto tljee fat hurntTa*
crifice0, toltlj the tncenfe of ram0:3I tolll
^Che? aiSftfathtoell In the uttetmod oderhullock0 anhgoat0.
part0of the earth, djallheafralhatth? 14 £> comeljlther anh hearken, all ?e
tohen0: thou that maked the out-gouig0 that fear ©oh .* anh 3 tnOl tell ?ou tohat
of the mommg $ ehenlng to p?alfe thee. he hath hone fo?m?fouf.
9 Chou hlfitcd the earth, anh hielfed 15 3 calleh unto htm toltlj m? mouth %
it: thou maked it her? plenteous. anh aabe htm pmlfc0 tmth m? tongue.
1 o Che rlher of ©oh 10 full of toater: 16 3f 3 Incline unto totekehnefo totth
thou prepared tljelr com* foi fo thou pa¬ m? heart: the iLom mill not hear me.
wned fa? the earth* 17 05ut ©oh hath heath me: anh con-
11 Chou tuatered her futroto0, thou fihcreh thehotce of m? pm?cr.
fenhed ram Into the little halle?0 there- 18 p?affeh he ©oh,tohtclj hath not cad
of: tljou maked ltfofttmththeh?op^of out m? piaper: no? turneh lj(0 mere?
rain, anh hlelfcd the utcreafe of It. from me.
12 Chou croumcd the pear tmth th? Dcus m’fcrcatur. Pfal* 67.
goohncfs: anh th? clouh0 h?opfatnef0,
13 Chepfijallhiop upon the hioclltngs
of the totlherntC0: anh the little hlH0
£ihhe merciful unto u0, anh hlefe
us: anh d)e\o us the light of bis
lhall refopce on eherp fine. countenance,anh he merciful unto us.
H Che folh0 (hall he full of (fteep- the 2 Chat tljP loan map be know upon
D 0 a earth:
The xiii. day. The Pfalms. The xiii. day.
earth: thy fabing health among all natb 14 senjen the almighty fcatteten Sings
0110. fo? their false t then mere they as mptte
3 Let the people pjaife thee, O ©oh: as fuom in Salmon.
yea, let all the people p?atfe thee. 15 as tlje irtli of iBafaift fo is ©ons
4 0 let the nations rejoyce aim be jyfaUi Ijilbeben an high hill as tlje hill of OSafan
fo? thou (halt moge the folkrighteoully, 16 mt)v hop ye fo, ye high UillS f this
nnn gobern the nations upon eaeth. is ©ons hill, in the mijtch it pleafeth
5 Let the people p?aife thee, 2D ©on: him to nmeii: yea, tlje Lo?n mill abine in
let all the people p?atfe thee. it fo? cber.
6 Chen lljall the earth b?tng fo?th her 17 Che chariots of ©on are tmenty
utcreafe: aim ©on, eben out otrnt ©on thoufattn, eben thoufanns of angels:
lljall gibe us hts blelTing.. ann the Lo?n is among them, as in the
7 ©on lljall biefs us: aim all the eims holy place of Sinai.
of the mo?m than feat hint 18 Chou art gone up on high, thou
Exurgat Dens, 7 J Morning haftlen capttbity captibe, ann recetben

L Pfal.68. i l prayer. gifts fo? men: yea, ebenfo? thine cne*

mies,that the Lo?n ©on might nmeii a=
et ©on arife, ann let his ettc= mong them.
mles be fcatteten: let them alfo 19 p?aifen be the Lo?nnaiiy: eben
that hate him, flee before him. the ©on mhich heipeth us, ann potireth
. ,1

2 Line as the fmofce banifljeth, his benefits upon us.

fofijaltthou n?ibe them arnay = attniifee so ipe is our ©on, eben the ©on of
as mat melteth at the fire, fo let the urn mhom cometh tarnation: ©on is the
gonip pettflj at the p?efence of ©on. Lo?n, by mhom me efcape neath,
3 T5ut let the righteous be glan ann 21 ©on fljaii mounn the hean of his t-
teioyce befo?e ©ont lettijem alfo be nemies: ann the hairy (icalp of futh a
merry aim f opful. oneasgoethonffillittljis mtccebnelS.
4 w ling unto ©on, aim Cng p?aifes 22 ctle Le?n hath fam, 31 mill b?ing my
unto his Batne: magnifie him tljat ri= people again,as 31 bin from TBafan: mine
neth upon the heabens, as tt mere upon a omnmill 3 b?tng again, as 3intnfome«
hojfe, piatfe him in IjiS Barne, yea, ann time from the beep of the fea,
reiOPcebefojehim. - 23 Chat thp foot may be OippeOftt
5 Tic is a father of the fatherlefS, ann the bloon of thine enemies: ann that the
nefenneth the caufe of the minotns : ebeit tongue of thy nogs may be ten thiougff
©on in hiS holy habitation. the fame.
6 pe is the ©on that mafeeth men tube 24 at is men feen,2D ©on,horn thou go<
of one minoe iitanhoufe, ann bjingeth eft: horn tljou, my ©on aim fling, goeft
the p?tfoners out of capttbitymut letteth in the fanctuarp,
the rttnnagates continue iti fcarcenefs. 2 5 Che fingers go befo?e,the minftreis
7 © ©on, toljen thou U'cnteit fo?th be follom after; m tlje miott are tlje oamfeis
foie the people: toljen tljou toentefl playing mttij the timb?eis.
tljmugh the mtlnetnefs. 2 6 ©tbethanbs,2D3frael, unto ©on
8 Che earth ftjoolt, ann the heabens the Lo?n tn the congregations: from
njoppen at the piefcncc of ©on: eben as the grounb of tlje heart.
Sinai alfo teas moben at tlje pjefenee of 27 Chere is little TBeniamtn their ru--
©on: tnhicb is the ©on of 31frael. ler, aim the p?fttces of Jtmalj tljeir court*
9 Chou, 2D ®oO,fenteft a gracious tain Tel: the pjinces of Jabulon, ann the
upon thine inheritance: aim tefreiljsOft p?intes of Bepljthali*
it tuljeii it VuaS toearp. 28 ChP ©on hath fent fo?th ffrength
i o ChP congregation than ntoell there fo? thee: ftabiiflj the thing, 2D ©on, that
in: fo? thou, 2D ©on, haft of thp goon thou haft brought in its.
nefspjeparenfo? the poo?. 29 jfo? thp CempleS false at letufa-
11 Che Lo?n gabe the too?n • great lem: fo lljall lungs b?tng p?efents unto
toas the company of the p?eachers. thee.
12 Ltingstnith their armies ntnflee, 30 ©hen the company of thefpear-
ann mere oifeomfiteo; ann they of the men, ann multitune of the mighty are
hotilljoin nibinen the fpoil. fcatteten ab?oan among the beafts of the
13 Chough ye habe lien among the people, (fo that they humbly b?ing pieces
pots, yet fljall ye be as the uringsof of filber:) ann mhen he hath fcatteten the
nobe: that is eoberen truth filbet toings, people that oelight in mar,
aim her feathers lifee gom. 31 Chen
The xiii. day. The Pfalm The xiii. day.
31 Chen fljall tl)t princes come out of 15 Cake me out of the mire,that 3 fink
€gnpt: the ©ortans laith (ball foon not: oh let me hebeltbereo from them
ffretch out her haiths unto osoh. that hate me, aim out of the heep maters,.
3 2 Sung unto <$on,0 pe klnghoms of 16 Let not the mater.floub brornn me,
the earth: 0 fmg pratfes unto the Lorh. neither let the beep ftnallom me up t aim
33 ©Much fitteth tit the heahens ober let not the pit fijut her mouth upon me.
all from the beginning; io,bebotbfettb 17 tpear me, 0Lo?h, fo? thplohtng
out htS botce; pea, anh that a mtghtp kutbitefs is comfortable: turn thee unto
botce. me, accorbmg to the multltuhe of thp
34 afcttbe pe tljepomet to ® oh ober mercies.
jfrael: h# morlhlp anh ffrettgth tS tit the 18 anb htbe not thp face from tijp ret*
clout#. bant, fo?3ant in trouble: oh bafte thee
35 0 <$oh monhetful art thou tit top anh hear me.
hotp placed: eben the dpoh of Jifrael he . 19 Dram nigh unto mp foul, aith fabe
mill othe ffreitgtlj anh potuer unto Jjtss tt: ohhelther me, hecaufecf mine ene¬
people. 'Blefieh he 0oh. mies.
Silvum me fac. 1 f Evening 20 Chhtihaff knobm mp reproof, mp
lhame anh mp hllhono? • mine abberfa*
S Pfal. 6?. S i Prayer.

come In, eben unto mp foul.

rtes are all in tljp fight.
3be me,0 <£ oti: fo? the maters are 21 ChP rebuke hath broken mp heart,
3 am full of mtckehitefs: 31 lookeh fof
2 31 fitch faff tit the deep mite, forneto hahe pltp on me,but there mas
inhere no grounh $: 31 am come In* no man, neither fottnh 3 anp to comfort
to beep maters, fo that thefloobsrun me.
ober me. 22 chep gabe me gall to eat; anh
3 3 am meatp of crpmg,mpth?oatts mhenstoasthlrfip, thep gabemebine-
b?p : mp fight fatieth me, foi matting fo gertoh?tnk.
long upon mp ®ob. 23 Let their table be rnahe a fitare to
4 Chep that hate me Mthout a caufe, take tljemfelbes mithal.* anh let the
are moe then the halts of mp heab x thep things (that fijottlh habe been fo? their
that are mtne enemies,anti mottlb hefirop mealth) be unto them an occafion of
me gulltlefs, are mtghtp. falling.
5 3 papeb them the things that 3 nebet 24 Let their epes be bltttheh that thep
took x <^ob thou into melt mp fimplenefs, fee not: anh eber bom homn their backs.
anh mp faults are not hth from thee. 25 pour out thine inhtgnatlon upon
6 Let not them thattrufi in thee, 0 them: anh let thp m?athfttlhtfpleafure
Lom ®ob of hoffs, he afijameo fo? mp take holh of them.
caufe: let not thofethat feehthee, he 2 6 Let their habitations be boih: anh
confounheh through me, 0 Lo?b $ob of no man to hmell in their tents.
3fcaei. ; • v ' L 27 ifo? thep perfecute him mhont tfjott
7 anh mhP * fo? ffm fake hahe 3 fttffeteb haff fmltteit • anh thep talk horn thep
reproof: lhame hath cohered mp face. map ber them mhorn thou half mounheh.
8 3 am become a ffranger unto mp 28 Let them fall from one mtekehnefs
brethren: ehen an alien unto mp mo= to another: anh not come into thp tlgh-
thers chtlh?en. teotifiters.
9 JFo? the seal of thp houfehath ehett 29 Let them be mtpeh out of the book
eaten me: anh the rebukes of them that of the libtmx: anh not be mrltten a-
rebukebthee are fallen upon tne* mong the righteous.
i o 3 inept, anh chaffneh mp felf tnlth 30 asfo? me mhen 3 ant poo? anh In
falling: anh that tnas turneb to mp re heablnefs: thp help (0 $oh) fijall lift
p?oof. ■ me up. .
11 3 put on fachcloth alfo: aitb thep 31 3 mm praife the jBame of <0oh
leffehttpoitme. mtth afoitg: anh magmfie It tmtlj tfianfcf-
i2 chep that fit lit the gate, fpeaka* gtbtng.
gatttff me: aitb the b?uitkarbs make 32 chiS alfo (hall pleafe the Lo?h:
fongs upon me. better then a bullock that hath horns
13 'But,Lo?Ti,3 make mp p?aper unto anh hoofs. L
thee; tn an acceptable time. 33 ^he hnntble fliall confther this:
14 ipear me, 0 ®ob,ftt the multltuhe anh be glah: feek pe after <^oh, anh
of thp mercn: ehen lit the truth of thp pour foul (hall itbe.
falbatton. I 34 ifoi
The xiv. day. The Pfalms. The xiv. day.
34 if02 tee2Lo?tsIjearetl) tlje poai: nm foifahen him, perfecttle hint, ana take
betpifetl) not his pitfoners. him, foj there is none to neither him,
3 5 let heancn mm earth p^aife him x I o $0 not far from me, D $001 hip
the ten atm all that mcheth therein. ®on gaffe thee to beip me*
3 6 ifo? null fane ^imt, aim,built* II let them he confounoeh ana periflj,
the cities of 3ubah x that men map nmell that are agautU mp foul: let them he co=
there, aim hane it in polfelfton* nerea mtth fljame atm ntfljonour, that
37 Che pofterttpalfoof his fernants feeh to no me ehtl
(hall Inherit it x atm tljep that lone hiS 12 Tsfoi me, 3 mill patiently abtbe
name fljali nmeil therein. aimap x atm mill piaife thee moie atm
H Deiis in adjutorium. PfaJ. jo.

make haite to help me, Dlom*

^ffe thee, £> $ou, to neither me • 13 ©P mouth fljali aatip fpeak of thp
rtghteoufnefs ana fainatton: fo? 3 imom
nn pull thrrrnf
2 let them he afijameb arm confoutm?
eh, that feek after my foul let them he 14 3 mill go fo?th in tlje llrength of the
turtteb bacfcmatu aim put to confttfiou loin @00; ana mill mahe mention of
thatnnlhmeentl. thp rtghteoufnefs onelp*
3 let them (foi their remarb) be foon 15 Chou sd <^ob,ljall taught me from
fought to fljame: that cry oner me, mp yotmj up until nom; therefore mill
'STfiPtr* fliprr 3 tell of thp motmious moiks*
4 OBttt letalltflofe that feeh thee, he 16 jFoifake me not, D<$ob, tn turns
I oyfttll anh glah tn thee; anh let all ftich ola age, mhen 3 urn gra^heanen: until
a0 neitght in thy fainatton, fay aimay, 3 hane fljemen thP llrength unto this ge*
Che lom bepiatfen. neratton, ana tljy pomer to all them that
5 to foi me, 31 am pool,atm tn mtfery: are pet foi to come*
gaffe thee unto me (D <Sdou) 17 chp rtghteoufnefs, D 0ob, is
6 Chou art nip helper atm mp tehee herp high :ana great things are they that
met; Dinib,mafcenolong tarrying* thou hall none, D®on, mho is like unta
In te Dominc, fperavi. 1 f Morning thee ♦
. Pfa!. 71. Si prayer. 18 © toljnt great troubles ans asset*
yie thee, ad lo jb,ijabe 3 put mp trull titles baft tljou fljctueti me; ans pet BiSff
1 let me nehet he put to confufton; hut tfjou turn atto tefreib me: pea, aitn
JLrit* me, ana neither me tn thp rights b?ougbteltme from the Seep of tlje earth
oufttefs, incline thine ear unto me, again.
atm fane me. 19 Chou baft b?ougTjt me t o great fjo=
a Q5e thou mp ffrottg holh, mhereunto Hour: ans comfo?teS me on eserp iise.
3mapalmaprefo|t: thou hall pmmtfeh 10 Cfierefoie mill 31 P?aife tijee ans
to help me, foi thou art mp hottfe of he tljp fattbfulnefs (D©os) plapingupou
fence, mm mp caflle* an inttrument of timfici;: unto tflee mill
3 Deli her me, Dmy®ob,otttof the 31 ring upon tlje fjarp, o tljou ijolp One
hatm of thetmpnip: out of the hanb of of Ifrael.
the unrighteous ana cruel man. 11 ?9p lips mill be fain loljen 3! flitre
4 io? tljou,D lo?n ®ob,art the thing unto tfjee: ans fo uufl mp foul U)fjom
that 3 long fo? x thou art mp hope ehen tljou baft oeltbetes.
from mp youth* ii $^p tongue alto (ball tails of tbp
5 Chiottgh thee hane 3 been hoiaen up tigbteoufnefs all tbe sap long: fo? tbep
ehcrfince 3 mas bo?n; thou art he that ate confounses ans luotigljt unto fljame
took me out of mp mothers month, mp tljatfeefetonomeebil.
Piatfe (hall he aimap of thee* Dens judicium. Pfal. Ji.
6 3 am become as it mere amonfter
unto manp x hut tup fate trull is in thee*
be tlje btng tbp iuBgements (©
ans tbp tigbteoufnefs unto
7 Diet mu mouth he fillet* miththp tlje flings ton.
PiatTe: (that 3 map ling of thy gloip) i Cben (ball be iuSge tbe people ac*
ana honour all tijeaap long. co?oing unto right: ans BefetiB tbe poo?.
8 calf me not amap in the time of 3 Cbe mountains alto (ball b?ing
age: fojfake me notmhen mp llrength peace: ans tbe little bills tigbteoufnefs
faifetf) me* unto tbe people.
’ 9 jToj mine enemies fpeah agautU me, 4 De (ball keep tbe Ample folk bp tbeic
atm then that lap maitfoi mpfottl, take tight: SefenS tlje tbilS?en of the poo?,
their coitnfel together, faying; ®on hath ans punidj the tt)?ong soer,
5 Cbe?
The xiv\ day. The Pfalms* The xiv. day*
5 Chep fljall feat tljee ad long ad the 5 Chep come in no mtTfo?tane like
Bun atm ©ocrt cimuretlj; from one gc-- other folk *• neither are thep plagueb like
iteration to another other men.
6 fyz fljall come bowtt It^e the ram in¬ 6 atm tljtd id the cattfe that thep be to
to a fleece of wool: com as the b?opd ijolbm with p?me, anb oberwhelmeb
that water tlje earth* with crueltp*
7 sit hte tunc (hall tlje righteous 7 Chetr eped fined with fatnefd: anb
fioanfij;pea,anbalnmbanceof peace, fo tljep bo eben wijat thep lufr*
tong no tlje d3aonenburetW 8 Chep co?rupt other, atm fpeak of
8 fid tJommton fljall he alfa from tlje Wickcb blafpljemp : their talking id a*
one fea to tlje other x atm from tlje floob gatnft the mot fptgljefl*
unto tlje wo?lbd.enb. 9 Jro? tljep ftretclj fo?t!j tljetr mouth
9 Chep that bwell in the Wilbernefd unto the heaben x anb tljetr tongue go*
ftall kneel befo?e him; bid enemies fljall etfjtlj?oughthewo?m*
itcktljc mat* 10 Chercfo?e fall the people unto
10 Che klttgd of Cljarlld atm of tlje them t tub thereout fuck tljep no fmali
ifled fljall gtbep?efetttd ♦ tlje kmgd of & abbantage*
rabta antt Baba fljall b?mg glftd* 11 Cuflj (fap tljep) how fljottm ©ob
11 W klttgd fljall fall ooum before perceibelt; id there knowiebge in the
him: all nations* fljall bo him fecbtce. mofilptghetf?
12 fo? he fljall belibet the poo? when a to thefe are tlje ungoblp: there
fie cct'eth: the neebp aim, atm ijim tljat p?ofpec in the wo?lb, atm tijefeUjabc et¬
ijatljno helper. ched in poffcfnon: anb 3! faib,Cljen habe
13 pt fljall U fabo?able to the Ample T cleanfeb mp heart in baltt: anb wafljcb
aim neebp: aim fljall p?eferbe the route mp halted fit tmtocencp.
of tlje poo?. 13 8II tlje bap long Ijabe 31 been pu-
14 m fljall beltbet tljetr route from nifljeb x anb chaflneb eberp mowing*
falfliooti atm w?ong♦ anb bear fljall tljetr 14 fea, mm 3 hab almofl fam eben ad
bloob be In hid fight. tljep: but lo,then fljoulb 3 habe ccmbcmw
15 ipc fljall libe, atm tmto Ijtm fljall be eb tlje generation of tljp chilb?en*
gibett of tlje golb of Arabia : p?apet 15 Chen thought 3 to unberflanb tljld;
fljall be matte eber unto ijtm, anb batln but it wad too barb fo? me*
fljall be be pjatfeb* 16 (Until 3 went into the fanctuarp of
i <5 Chere fljall be an heap of co?n t'nTlje ©ob x then tmberfloob 3 tlje enb of thefe
earth btgb upon tlje Ijtlte: hte fruit fljall men*
fljakelikc lUbamtd, atm fljall be green 17 Bantelp, how thou boefl fet them
In the dtp like grate upon tlje earth* in fltpperp placed : anb caflcfl them
17 tpte Batne fljall enbure fo? eber, bown, anb beflropefl tljcnt*
hte Bame fljall remain turner the Bun 18 £Dh how fubbenlp bo thep confume ?
among the poderitied : which fljall be pertflj, anb come to a fearful enb t
hlefleb tbjottgljhlm, arm all tlje heathen 19 fen eben like ad a b?eam when one
fljall p?a?fe him* awaketlj x fo fljalt tljott make their image
18 T5leirebbethe!Lo?b^ob,ebcntlje to baniflj out of tlje dtp*
©cb of Tfrael: which cmcip both wow 20 cijudmp heart wad gtiebeb: anb
btoud tljtttgd. It went eben tlj?ottgh mp reutd.
19 Uub blefleb be the Jftame of Ijte &3a 21 Bofoollfljwad 3anbfgno?nnt; z-
jeflp foz eber x ants all tlje earth fljall be ben ad it were a bead bcto?e tljee*
filteb with hte c?9ajeffp* amen, amen. 22 Beberthelcfd, 3 am alwapd bp

T Quam bonus It rack ? f Evening

Pfal.73. S t Prayer.
RulP©ob id iobmg unto 3fra--
el: eben unto fitch ad arc of a
clean heart.
tljee: fo? tljott had holben me bp mp
right Ijanb.
23 Chou (halt gutbe me with thp
cotmfel: anb after tljat reedbe mewttlj
2 j^ebertfjelcfd, mp feet 24 ftLlljom ijabe 3 m heabeit but tljeef
Were aimed gone x mp treablngd Ijab aim there id none upon earth that 3 be*
well nigh dipt* fire In tomparifon of thee.
3 atm wljp t 3 wad griebeb at the 2 > fQn fleflj mm nw heart faileth: but
wtckrb: J bo aim fcctljctmgoblptn fuclj ©ob te tlje drength of mp head, anb mp
Piofpetitp* po?ttonfo?eber.
4 jFot thep arc tit no peril of beatlj: 2 6 f 02 lo, tljep that fo?fake tf ee fljall
bur arc Uiap mm flrong*
The xiv. day. The Pfa’ms. The xv. day.
pc; tfjou Ijml nedtonen all them that 19 Eememker this, © Lo?n, horn the e<
commit ttymcatton againd tljee. nemp hath rekuken: ann horn the fooitty
27 T3ut it goon fo? me to Ijolts me people hakeklafpljemen thp Barne.
fait bp coo, to put nip trad in tljeLo?n 20 £> neliker not the foul of tljp Cuttle
Coo,anBtofpcak ot an tljp mo?ks x (tit noke unto tge mttltttuoe of the enemies;
t£ie gates of the oaugljter of Sion,) annfo?get not the congregation of the
111 qu id Dcus. Pfal. 74, _ poo? fo? eker.
O Con,mberefo?e act tljou abfentfrom 21 Look upon the cokenanttfo? all the
its fo long: U3ijp 10 tljp m?ath fo Ijot earth is full of narknefs, ann cruel habi¬
agatnft tfje fljeep of tljp pafture t tations.
2 © think upon top Congregation: 22 £>lj let not the ample go arnopa*
rnijom tljou halt purcljafeo aim reoeemeo lhamen: but let the poo? ann neenpgike
of oio. p?aife unto thp LJame.
3 Chink upon the trike of thine tithe* 23 3rife © Con, maintain thine omn
ritance : ann mount ®iott inherent tljou caufe: remember horn the fooltlij man
hail omelt. * klafpljemeth theeoatlp.
4 Lift up tijp feet, that thou mapeft 24 iFo?getnottljekotce of tljineene=
uttetlpoedrop ekerp enemp % iohich hath mies: the p?efumption of them that hate
none ekti in ttjp @>ancttiarp. thee, increafeth eker mo?e ann mo?e.
5 Chine aokerfartes roar tit the mtod Confitcbimur tibi. 1 f Morning
of tljp congregations: ann fet up their Pfal. 75. Si prayer.
banners, fo ? tokens.
6 pz that hemen tnttker afo?e out of Bto tljee (© con) no me gike
the thick trees: mas know to tying it thanks: pea, unto tljee no me
to an excellent mo?k. gikethanks.
7 But nm tljep tyeak no urn all the cat 2 Chp JKame alfo is fa mgty
ken mo?k thereofxtmth ares $ hammers. ann that no thp moim?ous mo?ks neci air.
8 Chep hake fet are uponthp holp pia* 3 Wl)zn a recetke the Congregate
ces; ann hake neftleo the omening place on: 3 (hall lunge acco?nmg unto rigtjt.
of tljp Mamz eken unto the grounn. 4 Che earth is meaty 'ann ail the inlja-
9 Fea, tljep fato in their hearts? Let biters thereof:a bear up the pillars of it.
us make Ijakock of them altogether: 5 a fain unto the fools, Deal not fo
thus hake tljep burnt up all the fjoufes of maoip: ano to the ungonip, %zt not up
Con in the lattn. poucho?n.
10 mz fee not our tokens, there is not 6 g>et not up pour ho?it on high: ann
one prophet mo?e: no not one ts there a* fpeak not mith a diffmeck.
meng us that tmoerftanoeth anp mom. 7 jfo? p?omotion cometh neither
11 © Con,horn long dial! the ankerfarp from the Cad, no? from the 2Bed:no?
no this Bidjono?: horn long ®all the ene* pet from the €>outh.
mp klafpheme thp Jftante, fo? eker f 8 anomhpf Con is the aunge: he pur*
12 OT)P mithtyamcd thou tijphano: tetlj nomn one, atm retteth up another
mhp plucked not thou tljp right hann out 9 Jfo? in the hann of the Lo?o there is
of thp kofom, to confume the enemp f a cup, ann the mine is reu: it is full
13 ifo? Con is mp Lting of oin: the mi tt, ann he pottreth out of the fame.
help that is none upon earth, he noth it 10 80 fo? the o?egs thereof: all the
himfelf. ungonip of the earth djall o?mk them,
14 Chou mod otkioe the ^>ea th?ough ann fuck them out
tljp potnet; tljou tyakeff the hcans of the 11 'But a mill talk of the Con of Jfe
n?agonstn the maters. cob: ann p?atTe him fo? eker.
15 Choufmotefftljeheans of Lekia* 12 811 the ho?ns of the ungonip alfo
in pieces t ann gakelt him to ke meat fo? mill a b?eak:ann the ljo?ns of the right t
the people in the miinernefs. ous (hall be eralteo.
16 Chou tyottghtett out fountains ann Notus in Judea, Pfal. j6*

end up mtghtp maters.

maters out of the harn rockS; thotityf B attrp is Con knomn: ht'S Jftame is
great tn afrael.
17 Che kap is thine, ann the night is 2 0alem ts ht'S Cabernacle: ann
thine: tljou halt p?eparen the light aim hisnmeilmgtn^ton.
the gm* 3 Chere biakehethe arromsof the
18 Chou halt fet all the ko?ners of the bom: the fljiein, tijefmo?nann the bat
earth ; thou halt mane Summer arm tel.
Winter. 4 cijou
The xv. day. The PfaimSo it The xv day.
4 Chou act of more honour nuts might: 14 Chou art the Cob that both toon*
then the Ijtlte of the robbers beromnb hail beciareb thp potoer among
5 Che pmub are robbeb, tfjcp babe the people* **
fiept their fleep; aim ail the men (toljofe 15 Chou half mtghtilp belibereb thp
tjanB0 toeremtgbtp)bnbe founb nothing. people: eben the fono of 3 acob $ 3ofepbl
6 ^t tijp rebuke, (€> cob of 3jacob;) 16 Che toatero fa to thee, © cob,the
both the chariot aim borfe are fallen* toatero fato thee, atm tocce afcaib: the
7 Chou, eben thou art to be feareb: beptljo alfo toere troubicb*
aim tobo map fiatm fit thp fight token thou 17 Che claim# pettreb out toatcr, the
art angrp* air thimbmb ; anb thine artotoo meat a*
8 Chou btblf eaufe tljn 3ubgemeitt to bmab* .V. .
be beam from heaben .• the earth trenn 18 Che botce of thp thttnber toao
bleb anb toags ffill. hearb rounb about: the lightnings {hone
9 OThen 0ob arofe to Jubgement; upon the ground the earth toao tnobeb,
mm to help au the meek upon earth* aim (hook toithal*
i o Che fiercenem of man mail turn to 19 ChP map to in the fea,anb thp path#
thp pratfe: aim the fiercenefg of them tn the great toatero : anb thp footffep#
fljait ttjou refrain* are not knoton.
11 PmrntTe unto the Tom pour Cob, 20 Chou lebbelf thp people like fijeep s
anb keep it, all pe that be rounb about bp the hanb of Wofeo attb aaren.
him: bung prefents unto him that ought
to be feareb* Attendee, populi. 7. f Evening
12 ipe mail refrain the fptrtt of Prim ~Pfal.78*
~ Jl prayer.
ceg♦ anb to toottberful among the Mtgg
of the earth* Cat mp lato, £> mp people • em
dine pour earo unto the toorb#
I Voce mea ad dominum. Pfa'l. 77.
flUtil crp unto Cob tutth mp botce: t
ben unto Cob totil 31 crp toith mp
of mp mouth*
a 3 toill open mp mouth tit a
botce, anb he (hall hearken unto me* parable: 3 toill beclare barb fentenceo
a 3jtt the time of mp trouble 3 fought of olb.
the Horn t mp fore ran anb ceafeb not,tn 3 GHhich toe babe hearb anb knoton :
the night feafonmp tbulrefufeb comfort. anb fttch ao our fathero babe tolb uo*
3 Wen 31 am in heabinefo 3 bail think 4 Chat toe fijouib not htbe them from
upon Cob: token mp heart is bereb,3 the chtibmn of the generation# to come:
mill complain* but to fijeto the honour of the Tom? hi#
4 Chouhoibeftmine epeg making: 3 migiitp anb toonberfttl toorh# that he
am fo feeble that 31 cannot fpeak* hath bone.
5 31 babe confibereb the bapo of olb: 5 Jpe mabe a Cobenant toith 3acob,
anb the pearo that are pait* anb gabe 3frael a lain x tohich he com-
6 3 call to remembrance mpfong: anb manbeb our forefather# to teach their
in the night 3 commune toith mine otoit cbfibrett*
heart, atm feareb out mp fptrtt#. 6 Chat their pofferitp might knoto it:
7 GUfU the Horn abfent bimfelf for e= aim the children tohich toere pet unborn*
ber: anb toill he be no more intreateb f 7 Co the intent that token thep came
8 30 htomercp clean gone for eber: ttp:thep might fljeto their chtitnen p fame
anb to hto promtTe come utterlp to anenb 8 chat thep might put their truant
fo? ebetmoze f Cotoanb not to forget the tooiko ofCob,
9 fpath Cob forgotten to be gractouo: but to keep bt# Comnianbmento*
anb totil he (hut up m lobing ktnbnef# in 9 anb not to be as their forefathers
btfpleafuref a fatthlefb anb ftttbborn generation : a
1 o anb 3 fain, 3t is mme'oton tnfir- generation that fet not their heart a-
mitp : but 3 toill remember the pear# of right, aim tobofe fptrtt cleabeb not fieto
the right hanb of the tnoff iptgbetf * faftlputtto Cob.
11 3i toill remember the toork# of the i 6 jttke as the chilbzett of ephzatm:
Tom : aim call to mtnb, thp toonbero of tohich being harneffeb anb carrptng
olb time. botosi, tunteb tljemfelbe^ back tn rlje bap
123 totil think alfo of all thp toork#: of battel*
anb mp talking mall be of thp boingo* 11 Chep kept not the Cobenant of
13 ChP toap, ad Cob, to help: toho to Cob: anb tooulb not toalk in IM lato*
fo great a Cob (ao our Cob?) l % 'Sut forgat tohat he hab bone: fm
The xv. day. The Pfalms. The xv.day.
tjc monberful morks that Ije m njeiuet^ fume in bauitp: anb tficir pears in trou*
for them. ble.
13 ©arbelfous things bib he tit the 34 ®heit he flem them, tijep fought
fight of out forefathers m the lanb of ■€-- him: anb tutneb them eartp, anb enqui*
gppt: ebett tn the fielb of Joan. reb after «5pob,
'j4 ipe btbtbeo the 0ea, aim let them 3 5 anb thep remembreb that 00b
go through; fie maoe the maters to ftanb mas their ffrengtp : anb that the high
m a heap, eob mas their Kebeemer,
15 3 n the hap time alfo he I eh them 3 6 jftebertljeiefs, thep bib but flatter
mttb a clotm: anb all the night through him mith their mouth : anb biffembleb
mith a light of fire, mith him in their tongue,
16 ipe clabe the ham rocks tit the toll* 3 7 ifor their heart mas not mhole
bentefs : aim gabe them brink thereof, mith him : neither contmueb thep item
as it hah been out of the great beptl), faff in his Cobenant,
17 pz brought maters out of the ffonp 38 Q5ut he mas fo merciful that he for-
toclnfo that it gulpeb out like the ttbers, gabe their misbeebs : aim beffrepeb
18 get for all this tbep ftmteu more them not,
agamft ijlmmtm probokeb the moff iptgfp 39 gea, manp a time turneb he his
elfin the mtlbernefs, mrath arnap : anb moulb not fuffer his
19 Chep tempteo $ob in their hearts: mhole bifpleafure to artfe,
anb tequtreb meat for their luff, 40 JFor he confibereb that thep mere
20 Chep fpake agatnff $ob alfo, rap¬ but flefh: anb that thep mere eben a mum
ing : 0baU ^ob prepare a table in the that pafleth amap,aim cometh not again,
mtlbernefs ? 41 e@anp a time bib thep proboke him
21 ()e fmote the ffonp rock inbeeb,tfiat in the mtlbernefs; anb griebeb him in the
the mater gulheb out, anb the ffreams befert, **
fiomeb mitball: but can he gibe breab al* 42 Chep tutneb back anb tempteb
lb, or probioe flefh for his people t ^00 : aim mobebthe help CDne in 31P
22 OThett the Lorn beam this, fie mas rael,
mroth : fo the fire mas kitmleb in Jacob, 43 Chep thought not of his hanb: anb
anb there came up beabp bifpleafure a* of the bap mhen he belibereb them from
gainft Tfrael, the hanb of the enernp.
a 3 Becaufe tbep beliebeb not in ®ob: 44 Dom he hab mrougljt his miracles
anb put not their trtiff in bis help* in Cgppt: anb his monbers in the fielb
24 00 he commanbeb the doubs a- ofJoan,
bobe: anb opeiteb the boors of heaben, 45 fpe tntnz'n their maters into bloob.To
25 §>e raineb bourn s^anna alfo upon that thep might not brink of theribers,
them for to eatx anb gabe them foob 46 5>e fent lice among them, anb be*
from heaben, boureb them tip .* anb frogs to beftrop
2<5 0o man bib eat angels foob: for them,
he Cent them meat enough, 47 ?>e gabe their fruit unto the Cater*
27 De caufebthe Caffminb to blom pillar: aub their labor unto the ®raf-
turner beaben x anb through his pomer he hopper.
brought in the 0outipmeff mum, 48 fyz beffropeb their bines mith bail-
2 8 f)e raineb flelb upon them as thick ffones : anb their Ogulberrp*trees mitlj
as buff : anb featljereb fomis like as the thefroff.
fanb of the fea, 49 De fmote their cattel alfo mith hail*
25■) fpe let it fail among their tents: ffones : anb their flocks mith hot tbttm
eben return about their habitation, berbolts.
30 00 tbep bib eat anb mere mell fil- 50 pz caff upon them the ftttioufners
leb, for he gabe them their onm befiret of his mrath, anger, bifpleafure, aim
tijep mere not bifappotnteb of their luff, trouble : anb feut ebil angels among
31 ^ut mhile the meat mas pet in their them,
ntoutbes, tlje heabp mrath of @ob came 51 pt mabe a map to his inbignation,
uponthem , anb fiem the mealthieff of anb fpareb not their foul from beatb:
them: pea, anb fmotebomn thechofen but gabe their life ober to the penitence,
men that mere in 3 fracL 52 sum fmote all the firff-born in C-
3^ But for all this then fmneb pet more: gpptthemoff principal anb mightieff in
anb beliebeb not his mbnbrous morks, tfjebmellings of Dam.
33 Cberefore their baps bib he com 5 3 But as for biS cbm people, he leb
The xv. day. The Pfilms* The xvi. day
them fo?th like (heept nun cram them
in the milbcrnefs line a flock. Dei 'S, Venciimt. 7 TMorning
54 ipc brought them cut fafelp, that Pfal.79. S i Prayer.
thep iboulb not fear: nito obermhelmeb
their enemies mith the lea.
5 5 3nb brought them mitljin the bo?*
O ^ob the heathen are come (ri<
to thine inheritance: thp holv
tiers of htS fanctuarp: eben to his mourn temple habe thep befileb,ano
tainmijicb he purchafeb mttlj his right mabe jerufalem an heap of
harm. Hones.
56 ipe caff out the heathen aifo before 2 Che beab babies of tljp ferbaitts
them: caufeb their l anb to be bibibcb a- habe tljev giben to be meat unto the
mong them fo? an heritagc,anb mabe the tomis of the air: anb the fleflj of thp
tribes of Jfcael to bmeli in their tents. 0aints unto the beafls of the lanb.
57 00 theptempteb aitb btfpieafeb the 3 Cheir bioob habe thep iheb like
mo a ipigh ^ob : anb Uept not bib tefti- mater on eberp fibe of aerufalem: anb
monics. there mas no man to burp them.
5 8 05ut turneb their backs,anb fell a- 4 lUz are became an open fljame to
map line tljetr fo?e-fatljerS: flatting r our enemies: a berp fco?it anb beriflon
flbe like a broken borne. unto them that are rounb about us.
59 ifouhep griebeb hint mith their 5 iLo?b,bom long milt thou be attgrp .*
hill-altars: anb p?obokeb him to ntfplea- fljall thp iealoufie burn like fire fo? eberf
fure mith their images. 6 pour out thine inbignation upon
6o OThen $ob hearb tbiS,he mas m?otlj: the heathen that habe not knomn rhee:
anb took fo?e bifpleafitre at jfrael. anb upon the kingboms that habe not
61 00 that he fo?fook the tabernacle calleb upon thp iSame.
in 0tlo x eben the tent that he hab pitch- 7 jFc? thep habe bebotireb Jacob: anb
eb among them. Jaib mafle his bmellmg place.
6i fyz beltbereb their pomer into ca- 8 €) remember not our olb fins, but
ptibitp: anb their beautp into the ene= habe merep upon us, anb that foon .* fo?
mies banb. me are come to great miferp.
63 fpe gabe hts people ober aifo unto 9 lj)elp us, £> ®ob of our falbation,
the fmo?b; anb teas m?otb mttb his inhe« fo? the glo?p of thp J15ame; 2D beliber
ritance. us, anb be merciful unto our fins foi thp
64 Che fire confumeb their potmg JSanes fake.
men: anb their matbens mere not giben 10 OTetefoje bo the hedtljen fap:
to marriage. mihere is nom their ijpob f
65 Cheirpnefls mere flaiit mith the 11 2D let the bengeance of tljp ferbants
fmo?b: anb there mere no miboms to bioob that is Iheb x be openlp fljemeb up*
make lamentation. on the heathen in our fight.
66 00 the Lo?b amakeb as one out of 12 SD let the fomomful fighing of the
fieep: $ like a gpant refrefljeb mith mine. pflfoners come before thee: aceo?bmg to
67 fyz fmote bis enemies in the hinber the greatnefs of thp pomer p^eferbe thou
parts: $ put them to a perpetual fljame. thofe that are appointeb to bie.
68 Ipercfufeb the tabernacle of Jofepb: 13 Tub foi the blafphemp mheremiih
anb chore not the tribe of cpbjafm. our neighbors habe blafphemeb thee ♦ re*
69 05ut chofe the tribe of jubab: eben marb thou them (2D tLo?b) febenfolb into
the hill of 0ion mhichhe lobeb. their bofom.
70 3nb there he built bib temple on 14 00 me that be thp people, anb
high: anb latb the founbation of it like (beep of thp pafttire, (ball gibe thee
the grounb mhichhe hath mabe contimu thanks fo? eber: anb mill aimap be Cjem--
aim. ingfo?th tbv p?aife ftorn generation to
71 5)e chofe £>abtb aifo bis ferbant; generation.
anb took him amap from the (beepTolbb.
72 as he mas foliomiitg the ems great Qui regls Ifracl+ Pfal* 80.
mith voting ones, he took him x that he
might feebiatobhib people, anb Jfracl
bib inheritance.
H €ar, SD thou 0hepherb of Jfrael,
thou that leabefl jofeph like a fljeep:
73 0o he feb them mith a faithful anb flicm thp feif aifo thou that fitted upon
true heart: anb rttleb them ppibentlp the Cherubtms.
mith all his pomer. 2 73efo2e cph?aim,7Benfamin,anb
€e 2 nafles:
Thexvi.dav. The Pfalms. The xv:. day.
naffep: flit up tlj» fftengtlj,anb tome ano 3 TBlow up tlje trumpet in the new
help up. moon teben nt the time appomten, ano
3 Cura us again, © ©on: tljewtlje upon our Solemn feaff bap.
light of ttjp countenance, and toe fljall be 4 ifo? tljip wap maoe a ffatute fo? tig
Whole. tael: anb a law of the ©ob of Jacob.
4 © Lo?o ©on of beflp : bow long 5 Chip he o?bameb lit jefeph fo? a te=
wilt tljon be angtj? With top people that ftimonp: When he came out of tlje Intto of
pjaoetb f ©gppt, 4 ban hearn a orange language.
5“ Citoufecbttt them with tlje h?enb 6 j eafeb bio fijouibet from the bur*
ofteacp; anb gtbeft them plcnteoufncfp ben: ano Ihp ijanop were beltbeten from
ofteatPtoBjinh. making tlje potp.
6 tZD&ou hait mabe up a beep ff rife ttm 7 chou callebfl upon me In trottblep,
to out neighbor: anb out e.iemlep laugh ana 3 neltberen thee ; anb beam tljce
up to fco?n, what time ap the ftojm fell upon thee.
7 cutn ttP agam thou ©ob of hotlP; 8 3 p?obeb tljce aifo: at tlje waterp
(hew the light of thp countenance, nub bf trttfe.
We (hall be whole. 9 fpcar, © nip people, anb 3 will af
8 Chau halt b?oug!jt a Sine nut of ©• fare thee, ©Jfcacl: If thou wilt heathen
gppt: than half caff out the heathen anb unto me.
pfanteb it, i o cbere fljall no ftrattge gob be m thee:
9 Chou ninbeff room fo? it: anb when neither fljalt tijou wojfijtp anp other gob.
(t hab taken root, (t Alien tlje lann. 11 3 am the to?n tljp ©ob, which
10 ChohlHP were cobeteb with tlje b?ougljttheeoutof tlje lanb of ©gppt:
fljaoow of it • ann the boughP thereof open tljp mouth wine, mtb 3 (hall flu it,
wete like the goobip cebat tccrP. 12 'But nip people wottin not hear nip
11 ©he ftretcheo out her btancljep bolce = mtblfrnei wottin itotobep me,
unto the feat anb hot boughP unto the 13 @o 3 gaoe them tip unto ttjelt oWit
riser. Ijeartp luff *, anb let them follow tljclr
12 ffihp half thou then b?oken bown own tmagtnattonp.
het hebge: that all tljep that go bp pluck 14SD that nip people Woum babe heatk*
off her gtapep t neb unto me t fo? Iflfeael hab walfceb lit
15 Che wtlbe boat out of the woob nip wapp.
both toot it up tanb tlje wtlbe beaftp of 15 3 fltouin foon base put oowittijetr
tbefielbbebouttt. enemtep • anb tttrneb mine hanb agatnff
x 4 Cutn thee again thou ©ob of half 0, thett abberfartep.
look bown front heasen; beljoin, anb bn 16 Clje ijatetp of the Lo?b fljottib babe
lit tljtp bine. been fouttb Harp: but tljetr time fljbuin
15 ann the place of the witepato that babe eitburenfo?eber.
thp rtgljt hanb hath planteo t anb the 17 Defljoulbljabe feb them alfo with
fcaitch that than maneft ro ffrong fo? tljp the fineft wheat flout: attb with ljonei>
feif. out of the ftonp rock fljoulb 3 habe fatif-
16 3|t Ip burnt With fife,anb cut bown = fiebthee,
anb tljep fljall perillj at the rebuke of thp
countenance. Dcus ftetit. 7 f Evening
17 Let tljp hanb be upon the man of Pfal.82. S L prayer.
thp right hanb: anb upon the Ton of man,
whom tijon rnaoelt fo ffrong fo? tljine ©b ffanbeth in the congrega*
ownfelf. tlonofpnnees: help a3ttbge
18 Tub To will not We go back front among gobp.
thee: © let up line, anb we fljall call up. 2 Dow long will pe gibe
on thp Same. w?ong tubgement: attb accept the pet-
19 Cutn up again, © Lo?b ©ob of ronp of tlje ungoblp i
boltp t fljew tlje light of tljp countenance, 3 Defenb the poo? attb fatherlcfp:
anb we fljall be whole. feethatrucljapbe tnneen ano neceflitp
Exultatc Deo. Pfal. 81» babe tight,
C3ing we tnetctlp unto ©ob out 4 ©eltbet the oitt-caff anb poo?: fabe
3 itrengfb intake a cljeacful notfe unto tljem from tlje hanb of the ungoblp.
the ©ob of Jacob. 5 Chepwtllnatbelearneb not trnber-
2 ,C ake the pfalm, k?lng hither the ta= ffanb,but walk on flill lit natimefptall the
btet: the meerp harp, With the lute. founbattonp of the earth be out of courfe
6 3 babe
The xvi.day. The Pfalms. The xvi.day
6 3 imt cam, ft m gobs x mtb pe ail ) Quam dileda ! Pfal.84.
are cntiBicn of the molt ipighe!
7 T3ttt pc (hall tit line vnen: ants fall
O fpob) amiable are tfjp mocllings:
tijou lorb of IjottS !
like one of tfje princes. ^ ©pfotnijath a beiircanb longing
8 Uricc, 0 Coo, ants iubge thou the to enter into the courts of the lorb ;mp
earth ; for tljou (halt take all the heathen heart anb mp fleftKejbPcemtfje libmg
to thine inheritance.* cob,
Dcij^ quis fimil if. Pial. 83.
tlje fparrob) hath fotutb her an
3 fto
home, anb the fumilom a nelf inhere fhe
H 01b not tljp tongue 0 Cob, keep map km her potrng: eben thp altars, 0
not mil fitlence; refrain not thpfeif, lorb of hofts, mp firing anb mp Cob,
l>Cod, 4 'Blelleb are thep that binell in thp
2 for fa, thine enemies make a mur¬ home; thep tniu be aitoap pratfing thee,
muring; ants then that hate thee habe . 5 Xlefieb is the man inhofe ifteiigth is
lift up their heats, m thee; in tnhofe heart are thp maps.
3 Chcphabe imaglneb craftilp agalnft 6 raijich going through the bale of
thp people; ants taken cotmfel agatnfi tijp rnrferp, ufe It for a mell; anb the pools
ferret ones, v are fiileb usith mater,
4 Cbephabefalb, Come, ants let us 7 Chep mill go from ffrength to
root them out, that then he no more a ffrength; anb unto the cob of gobs ap-
people; ants that the name of 3jfrael map peateth eberp one of them in <g>ton.
he no more In remembrance, 8 0ioib Coo of hoffs> hear mp prop*
5 for thep ly&z can their heatis toge¬ er; hearken 0 Cob of Jacob,
ther tmtij one confeitt x ants are confebe- , 9 'Beljoib, 0 Cob, our befenber x anb
rate agalnlf thee, look upon tlje face of thine Tnotnteb,
6 Che tabernacles of the Ctsomltes, i o for one bap ut tfjp courts: is bel
ants the jfumelites • the Moabites ants ter then a thoufanb,
ipagarens. 113 hab rather be a boor-keeper in the
7 Belial ants Simmon, ants Slmalech % hotife of mp Cob x then to bmell lit the
the Phillfftnes, toltlj them that tnrell at tents of tmgoblmefs,
CPre. 12 for the lorb Cob is a light anb be*
8 3fTur alfo ts (opnets unto them: ants fence: the lorb mill gibe grace anb mp
babe holpen the cljilbren of Hot, fi)lp,anbno goob thing (hall hetmthholb
9 05ut no thou to them as unto tlje t« from them that llbe a goblp life.
tuamtes: unto ©tfera, ants untojabin, 13 0 lorb Cob ofljoffs: blelleb is the
at the biookof foifoit, man that ptitteth bis truft in thee,
iosiliuchperifljetsat Cohort ants be¬ Benedixifti, Domine. Pfal. 85.
came as the tsung of the earth,
ii spake them ants their princes like
L 0rb tijou art become gracious unto
thp lams; thou half turners amap the
0rcbants5eb : pea, make all tljeir prin¬ captibttpof Jacob,
ces like as 5eha ants ©almana, 2 Chou haft forgtbett tlje offence of thp
i aOThlch fap,Het us take to our Celbes: people; anb cobereb all their fins.
the houfes of Cots in polfeffion. 3 Chou half taken abrnp all thp dlfplea-
13 0 mp Cob, make them like unto a fure; anb turneb thp felf from thp ioratfi*
loheel; ants as the ffubbie before the ful mbignatmn,
tomb. • 4 Cum us then, 0 Cob our Mainour %
14 like as the fire that fmrneth up the anb let thine anger ceafe from us,
tooob; aim as the flame that confumeth 5 rant thou be bifpleafeb at us for es
the mountains. ber: anb milt tljou (fretch out thp turatfj
15 perfccute them ebcit fo trnth thp from one generation to another t
tempeft; anb make them afraib uutfj thp 6 rant thou not turn again $ quicken
Itorm, us • that tljp people map rempcc in theef
16 s^nkc their faces afhamets, 0 lorb, 7 @hem us thp merep, 0 lorb; anb
that thep map feck thp flame, grant us thpfalbation,
17 let them be confounbeb anb bereb 8 j mill hearken rnbat the lorb Cob
rber more anb more; let them be put to mill fap concerning me: for he (ball fpeak
flsame anb peril!). peace unto his people, anb to hlS faints,
18 $nb thep fisall knob) that thou, that the? turn not again,
(lohafe name is jehobaht) art oitesp the 9 for W falbatfon is nigh them that
rnofi Dtgheft ober all the earth. fear him: that gloip map btoell in our
laub, ‘ i*o^ercp
The xvii. day. The Pfa!ms. The xvii. day.
I o ©etcy aim ttutlj ate met together: Lo?n,Daft Dolpeit me, anti comfo?ten me,
rtgljteoufncfs mm peace babe ktften eacb rundamenu cjus. Plal.87
II Cttitb (ball fiouriflj out of tbe eactij:
H^rf-umoatloiis are upon tlje holy
!)i[iS:tf)rtoro lonetij ttir gates ofg>£
ana tigljteoufnefg batlj looked aoion 011 mote then all the nuieiiiugg of3acob.
ftombeaben. 2 aery e.rcei lent things are rpoben of
12 fen, rise lo?n (ball fljeto losing tbee: tljou city of ©on.
tnnanefs: ana our Inna fljall gine her in 3 3 bull think upon Ealjab ann TBaby.
Ion: lot tij them that lino to tar.
13 Eigbteoufltefs fljnll go befeebinn 4 'Brboln ye tlje piiiiiftmt's aifo: atis
ana be (bail Direct (jig going intijetuay, tljepof Cy?e,tottlj tlje #o?tans,Io>tbere
Inclina, Domine.7 J Morning urns ()c bean.
Pfal.8<5. S l Prayer. 5 3nn of ©ion it (ball be repo?ten,
®to aoum tfjtite ear,®£o?n,f bear tjat be ions bo?n m bet: ann tbe molt
me: fo? 3lampoojanoinmirery. Iptijl/lbnll flabitflj bet.
2— p?eferbe tbou
mjmii my
.in' foul,
iuui. fo?
iy/1 t? cubelom fljaH ttbearfe it, to[]t!t
31 am tjoiy: my ©on, faoc tljy ¥ Ul’itetIJ «P tlje people ■ tijnt be toa3
ferbanttb tputtetbbWtruftmtbee. bn?n there.
j "Be merciful unto me,® Lorn: for n7 Cbe i7r'"' fingers
n aifo ana trtimpetters
31 bull call naily upon tijee. (bail be rebeatfe: all my fteft) fp?mgs
4 Comfo?t tfjc foul of tby fccbnnt: felibalibe in tijee.
tmto tbee (® Lo?o) no 3! lift up my foul.
5 Jr o? tijou,to?a,art goon ana graci¬
ous: ana of great mercy unto all them
O DomineDeus. Pfal.88.
JLo?B©onof my raibatton, 3 babe
crien nay ana mgbrbefaje tbee: ©
that call upon tbee. let my p?ayet enter into tljy pjefenoe,
6 ©me eat,llo?n,unto my pjayer: ana encliite tbtite ear unto my calling
ponocr tbe boice of mine bumble Betireg. 2 JFo? my foul is full of trouble ana
7 3lutlje time of mp trouble 3 mm my life ajauietbntgb unto bell.
tall upon tbee: foj tbou beaten me. 3 3 am countea as one of tljemtbat
8 among tbegons there is none libel go aoum into the pit: ana 3 babe been
unto thee (SD loin:) there is not one I cijett as a man that bath no if Length,
that can no as tljou noelf. 4 Jftee among tlje Bean, like unto
9 911 nations inborn tljou half mane, I them that be tuoimBen ann lie in the
mall come anntnojlbip tbee, © liom.- grade: mijiclj be out of rememfaance
ann (ban giojifle tby JBame. ann are cut atnap from tlj» bana.
10 jFo? thou act great,ann noelfifloit 5 Chou baft lain me in tlje lolnelf pit:
rnous things .• tljou art ©on alone. maplaceofnarknefs, ann m tbe Beep.
< each me tljy inay(® ffojn)ann 31 w6 djine indignation m^uuuim lietlj barnyww up--
infll fnalk in tljy truth: ® knit my heart ott me: ann tljou ijatf beren me toitb all
unto tijee, that 3 may fear tbP JiSame. Uby ifo?ms.
} 2 3 mill thank tbee,® llo?B my ©on, 7 Chou half put aloau mine acquaim
rnitb all my heart: ana mill ptatfe tijy tance far from me: ana mane me to be
J3ame fo? eaermoje. 1 ah,’n’-”’
abbojeen of "p them.
13 JFo? great is tljy mercy totoam mcH 8 3 am fo faft tn p?ifon: that 3 tarn
ann tljou baft neltberen my foul from the not get fo?tb.
itetbermoft bell.
yvvuiuu V)KV44. I 7 9 #y fight failetb fo? bery trouble:

4 £D tt)e p^otiti are ttfenagatnft &o?p> 31 Pape calleo oatlp upon thee, 31
me: ann the congregations of ttaugptp Pape ftretepep out mute panPS unto tpee
men paPe fought after mp foul,atm paPe i o Doeff tpott fljeto tuottPers among
not fet thee Peftoe tpetr epeg. 1 ff“>
tlje '*'**’** tlje neat! *<r*#m
neao:* o^ (ball ^ rife up agatn,
15 T3ut tljou (2D lorn ®oti)att full of antt piatfe tijee
compaftton aim merep t long-fuffertng, 11 fljall thp loPtttg luntmefo he fljefo*
plettteotm fttgootmefs atm tcutlj. eti tn tlje grane ? 02 tljp fattljfulnem ut
1 ^ 2D turn tijee then unto me,ant! paPe Peffruictton.
merep upon me: gtPe tpp ftrengtp unto I 12 @ijall.tl)P Ptotmmtm tuo?U«s Pe
tpp ferpant, atm ijelp tpe fott of tpmel^noum intljeParlu ann tpp rtgfjteouf*
fjmmntam. item m tlje latm topere all tptttg^ are foi*
17 g)ijepj fame goaH token upon me gotten ?
fa^ goon, tljat thep tnptclj pate me, man 13 CLfnto tpee paPe 31 crteP, 2D lLo|P:
fee it, attP PeaftjanteP: Pecaufe tpou, anp earlp (pall ntp pjaper come before
tpee. 14 lOJPi
Thexvii.day. The Pfalms. Thexvii. day.
14 Lo?b,mhP abfjoircft tljounn> foul that can reiopce in thee: tbep fijail rnaik
mm tjibeft ttjou tbp face from me ? in the light of tbp countenance*
15 3 ammmtfetp, mto Hite unto him 17 Cbeirbeiigbtlball bebailp intljp
that to at tije point to bie: (cben from Jftame : aim m tljp rigljteoufnef0 (bail
mp pout!) up) tf)p terrourjs ijaiae 31 fuf= tbep make their boaft,
fereb mitb a troubled minbe, 18 Jo? thou art the glo?p of their
16 CbP miatbful tnfpieafure goctb ober ftrengtb : mm in tbp looing feftiimef#
uie:ano tbe fear of tfjee bath unbone me. thou ftjalt lift up our ijo?n0,
17 Cbep came romrn about me baiip 19 Jo? tije lo?b(0 our befence: the
like mater: anbcompaflebme together bolp £mc of 3fraelts our King,
iineberpftbe, 20 Chou fpakeftfcmetimeo mbiftoms
18 iober0 mm frtcnb0 baft tbon unto tljp faints, anb faibft: 3. babe lam
put arnap from me: aim bib mine ac¬ help upon one that 10 migbtp, 3 babe
quaintance out of mpftgbt, eralteb one cljofen out of the people,
Mifcuicordias Domini. 7 fEvening 213 babe fouim Dabib mp ferbant:
Pfal.89. S L Prayer. mitb mp bolp Oil babe 3 anoittteb him,,
f fong mail be nirnap of the lo* 22 2@p banbibailboibbim faft: anb
btng kiitbnef0 of tbe £o?b: mitb mp arm ftjall ftrengtben him.
mp moutb mill 31 eberbelbem* a 3 Che eitemp ftjail not be able to bo
ino; tbp truth, from one genera* him biolence ? the fbn of mickebnefo (ball
tion to another, not hurt him,
2 Jo? a babe Tam, ©ercn (baft be 24 3 (ball finite bomnbi0foe0befo?c
fet tip fo?eber: tbp truth (bait thou fta* bio face: anb plague them that bate him,
bltft) in the beaben#, 25 £@p truth alfo anb mp mercp fljall
53 babe mane aCobenant truth mp cbo* be mitb him: anbmmp Bame tbalibm
fen:3 babe fmo?n tmtoDabib mp ferbant, ftnmhe rrnlten
4 CbP feeb mill 3 ftablilb fo? eber: 26 3 mill fet bt'0 bommionalfointbe
aim fet up tbp throne from one genera* fea: aim bib right banb in the ftoob0,
tion to another. 27 pz (ball call me, Chou art rnpja*
5 £> Lom 5 the berp beabengJ (ball tber: mp anb mp ftrong falbatton.
Piatfe tbp monb?ott0 mourn: aim tbp 28 8nb 3 mill make bun mp ftcft*
truth in tlje congregation of the ^aintgu bo?n: higher then the kingo of the earth,
6 Jo? mho i0 be among tbe ciotmg: 29 eDp mercp mill 3 keep fo? him fo?
that (baft be compared unto the Lorn ? ebermme • anb mp Cobenant ibaii ftanb
7 aim mbat 10 be amongnije $ob0 • faft mitb him,
that (ball be like unto the £o?b t 50 jpt0 feeb alfo mill 3 make to en*
8<jpob 10 berp greatip to be feareb in the bure fo? eber: anb W tbmne m the bap0
Councel of the ^ainto: aim to be bab in of beaben.
reberence of ail them that are about him 31 OUut if bi0 cbilb?en fo?fake mp
9 2D Lom ®ob of bofto, mho 10 like JLam: anb malk not in mp |ubgement0^
unto thee: tbp truth (moft mtgbtp 3Lo?b) 32 3f tbep b?eak mp^tatuteo, aim
10 on eberp fibe, keep not mp Commanbment0: 3 mill
\ o Chou ruled the raging of the feaftbott bifit their offence0 mitb the rob, anb
ftilieft tbe mabes thereof mben tbep arife, tljeir fin mitb fcourge0,
11 Chou baft fubbueb cgppt3anb be* 3 3 Bebertljelef0, mp lobing kinbnef0
ftropeb it .* thou baft fcattereb tbtne ene¬ mill 3 not utter!p take from him: no?
mies ab?oab mitb tbp migbtparm, differ rnn truth to fail,
12 %\)t beabeim are tbine, the earth 34 $Dp Cobenant mill 3 not b?eak,
aifo i0 tbine: thou baft laibtbefounba* no? alter tbe thing that 10 gone out of
tion of the rounb mo?lb, aim all that mp lfp0: 3 babe fmo?n once bp mp fjo*
therein 10, linef0, that 3 mill not fail Dabib,
13 Cboti baft mabe the J2o?tb aim 3 5 ipf0 feeb tljalf ermure fo? eber:
the South; Cabo? anb fpermoit (ball re* anb m feat io like ad the fun bcfo?e me,
jopce in tljp Bame. 36 Ipe (hall ftanb faft fo? ebermoie e,0
14 Chou baft a migbtp arm: ftrong the f|9omu anb ad the faithfuimitnefd
iotbpbaim, anb high 10 tbP right banb, in beaben*
15 EUgbteoufnefo anb eqtiitp 10 the ■ 37 'But thou baft abhoireb $ fo?ft]km
habitation of tbp feat: mcrcp anb truth tbine anointebtanb art blfpleafeb at him
Than go before tbp face. 58 Chou haft b?oken the Cobenant
16 'Biefleb 10 tije people (2D £o?b) of thp ferbant: anb caft W ceomn to ttjt
g rounb. 30 Chou
The xviii. day. The Pfalms.' The xviii. day.
39 Chou tjntt oticrtljjomtt all Ijtgf 9 JFo? mtjen tljou art angrp, all our
hedged ; aud ujoken down fji.s Uconry naps are gone: me b?tng our pears to an
holds. etm as tt mere a tale that is told.
40 ail tljcp that go bp,fpoti ljun: aim x o Cde daps of our age are tlj?eefco?e
lie ts become a rebuke to ijts netgfjbots, pears and ten, atm though men be fo
41 Chou Ijaft fet up tlje right hand ftrong that tbep come to fourfco?e pears;
of ins enemies: aim mane all dts adber- pet is their ftrengtlj tijett but labo? and
fattes to tejopce. io?rom, fo foon palfetij it amap, and me
42 Chou baft taken amap tlje edge of 0Qtt0.
bis fmo?d: atm gib eft dim not Mcto?p in 11 Q5ut brtjo tegartietf) the potter of
ti)Z battel* tljp tt?atlj: fo? eben thereafter ag a mm
43 Chou haft put out hits gio?P; aim fearetjt, fo tg tljy otfpleafute*
tan dig tdionc oornn to tde ground. 12 0 react) ug to number our oayg:tfjat
44 Clje naps of dts poutij dafttdou toe map apply our Ijeartg unto ttifoont*
fljo?ti?eo: atm cohered himmttijBilljcmo?. 13 Cum tbee again (0 Lo?0) at ttje
45 lio?B,ljam long milt thou hide thp laa: ano be gractoug tmto thp ferbantg*
felf, fo? ebec; atm (hall tdp m?atfj burn 14 0 fattgfic ttg ttitljtby mercy, ano
Itlte fire ? that foon: fo (ball toe rejoyce ano be glao
46 © remembet dob) limit mp tune all the oayg of out life*
is: mhetefo?e daft tdou mace all men fo? 15 Comfort ug again,noto after the time
nought? that tljou baa plagueo ug; ano fo? tbe
47 mtjat man is be that libetd, atm yearg toljetein toe babe fuffereo aobetfity
fijall not fee death • .and (ball be deltbet 16 0>beto tby ferbantg tljy tto?k: ano
dts foul ftom tde band of dell f tljeir cljtityen tljy glo?y*
48 ilo?b, inhere ate tdp old lobtng 17 ano tlje gioncug ^aiettp of tbe
itindneffcs : mined thou fmateft unto ilo?o out <S5o0 be upon ug x p?ofpec tljou
©abtd tn tdP truth f , , , tfje tto?k of our banog upon ug, 0 p?o*
49 Elemember (lLd?d) the rebuke fpet tbou our panpy tto?k*
that tdp ferbants dabesand dob) 3 do habitat. Pfal.91.
beat lit mp bofome tlje rebukes of manp 7 ^ofo otoelletb unoer tbe oefettce
people* V V of tbe mott ipiglj * fljall abiOe ttnoet
50 aidttetuttd thine enemies dabe tlje fbaootn of tbe aimigbtp.
blafpdemed tljee, and llandered the foot- 2 31 bull fay unto tbe iLo^o, Chou art
fteps of thine anointed t piatfed be the my fiope ano my aeons baio t my ©00,
iio?o fo? ebermo?e. amen, amen. tnfjim tot(l«3ttua.
3 Jf 0? be Ojall neither tbee from tbe
L Domine, refugium. 7 j Morning
Pfal.90. S X Prayer. fnate of tbe ljuntet: ano from tbe not*
©?o, thou daft been our refuge t fome peatlence*
ftom one generation to another. 4 ajall oefeno tbee uttOer big
2 75efo?e the mountains mere toingg, anotboufljaltbe fafe unoer big
b?oughtfo?th, 0? ebee the earth? feattjerg: big fattljfulnefg ano truth ajall
tlje mo?Id mere tnaoettljou art «©od from be tby Ihtein ano buckler*
eberlafting, and mo?ld mithout end. 5 Chou (halt not be afrato fo? any ter¬
3 Chou turneft man to oeftrutttoin ra? by ntgljt: no? fo? tbe arroto that flietb
again tljou fapeft. Come again pe cfjif by nay*
d?en of men. 6 jfo? tbe peatlence that ttalkctlj tit
4 jfo? a tdoufand pears fit thp light ate oarknefg: no? fo? tbe ftcknefg that oe--
but as pefterdap s feeing that is paft as a aroyetbintbenoonoay.
match in tlje night. 7 3 tboufano ajall fall befioe tbee,ano
S aifoott as tljou fcattereft them, tljep ten tboufano at tby tigljt batto: but it
are eben as a deep: and fade amap fud= Ojall not come nigb tljee*
denlp like tlje grafs. 8 fea, tuitb tijine eyeg lhalt thou he-
6 in the mo?ning it is gteen, and boio x ano fee tbe retuaro of tbe ungooly*
grornetd up: but in the cbeningitiscut 9 jfo? thou Lorn art my bopettbou batt
domn, d?ied up, and mitljered. fet tbtnebcufe of oefence bery bigb*
7 Jfo? me continue amap tn thp dig 10 Cbere ajall no ebti happen tmto
pleafute: and are afraid at thp m?atdful tbee: neither Ojall any plague come nigb
indignation. tby omening.
8 Chou half fet out misdeeds befo?e 11 jfo? be (ball gibe big angelg charge
thee: and our recret fins in the fight of obet tbee; to keep tbee in all tby foayg.
tljp countenance. it Cbey
The xviii. day. The V fa’ms. The xviii. d.-.yt
12 Chep fljall beat* thee m their Lo?b mp ftrengtlj is: aim that there is
hanbs:tijat thou hurt not thp foot ngantlt no unrighteoalners in hum
a (tone. Dominus regmvit. / T Evening
15 Chau (halt no upon the turn aim Pfal.93. siPrayer.
SUmcr: the poting lUoit aim the b?agoit l])e Lorn is JHntg, aim hath put
(halt thou trcao itimer thp feet. on glorious apparel: the Lo?b
14 'Becaufe he hath fit Ins lobe upon hath put on his apparel, anb giro
me,therefore Ojalt 3 helmet him: 3 (hall eb himfelf tuith ftccngtij*
fet him up, heenufe he hath imoum mp 2 Ipe hath mabe the rotinb iuo?lb fo
32ame. Cure: ttjat tt cannot be mobeb*
15 ipe (hall call upon me, aim 3 mill 3 Cber fmee the iuo?ib began hath
hear him: pea,3 am tuith him in trouble, thp feat been p’epateb: thou art from
3 bull beitbet him, aim b?ing him to eberlaftmgv
ho no?. 4 Cheftoobsare rtfen (©iio?b) the
I (5 ®ith long life bull 3 fatisfie him: floobs habe lift up their boice: the ftoobs
aim (hem him mp falbatioin # lift tip then* tuabes*
Bonum eft confiteri. Pfal.92. 5 Che tnabes of the 0ea are mightp,
ICis a goob thing to gibe thanks unto aim rage bo?rtbip: but pet the Jlo?b that
the Lo?b: aim to ftng p?atfes unto thp btuellethonljigh? is mightier*
jtfame, ©moftfpigljeff* <5 ChP Ceftimonies, ID ILo?b, are
2 Co tell of thplobingkinbitefscar- berp fare; holinefs becometh thine houfe
ip in the mo?ntng .* aim of thp truth in the fo? eber.
night fenfom Dens ultionum. Pfal.94.
5 capon an inftrumentoftenftrings,
aim upon the Lute: upon a lotmmftur
O Lo?b <©ob to tuhom beitgeance be-
longeth: thou $ob to inborn bengc-
ment, anb upon the iparp* ancebelongetfj, fljetu tljp felf*
4 JFo? thou Lo?b haft mane me glab 2 artTe thou 3ubge of the tuo?lb .* aim
through thp tuo?ks • aim 3 mill reiopce retuarb the p?otm after their befetbing.
in gibing p?aife fo? the operations of thp 3 Lo?b, botn long fljall the tmgoblp;
haims. horn long fljall the tmgoblp triumph ?
5 ©> Lo?b, horn glorious are thp 4 fpoin long (half all tuickeb boers
tuo?ks: aim thp thoughts are berp beep* fpeak fo msbamfuilp: aub make Rtch
6 an ttmutfe man noth not tueli coit- P?oubboaftutg?
fiber this s aim a fool both not turner- 5 Chep finite bobm tljp people, ©>
ftaim it. Lo?b: aim trouble thine heritage*
7 CHhen the ungoblp are green as 6 Chep murber the tutbotu anb the
the grafs, aim tuljen all the manners of ftraitger: aim put the fatherlefs to
tuickebitcfs bo flouriflj: then fljall tljep beath>
be beftropeb fo? eber, but thou Lo?b art 7 anb pet thep fap,Cuflj,tbe !lo?b fljall
the moft Digljeft fo? ebermo?e* not fee: neither fljall the <^ob of 3acob
8 iFo?lo, thine enemies (£>Lo?b)Io, regarbtt
thine enemies, (hall pend): anb all the 8 cake hceb pe untnife among the
uio?kers of tmekebnefs (hall be beftropeb people: © pe fools, tuljen bull pe urn
9 'Butmtne ho?n fljall be ecaiteb like berflanb t
the horn of an <IImco?n: fo? 3 am anoint* 9 ipe that pianteb the ear,fljall he not
cb tuith frefb opl. hear: o? he that mabe the epepijall he not
10 s^meepe alfo fljall fee bis luft of fee t
mine enemies: anb mine ear (ball bear 10 ©? he that nurture® the heathen:
IjtSbefire of the tuickeb that rife up a it is he that teachetij man knotnlebge,
gainft me. lhall not he pumflj t
11 Che righteous (hall flouriflj like a 11 Che to?b knotnetb the thoughts
palm-tree: anb (hail fp?cabab?oabltke of man: that thep are but bairn
aCebarm Libanus* 12 T$le(Teb is the man tuhom thou
12 0uch as be pianteb in the houfe of cljaftenefl (© Lo?b:) aim teacheft him in
the Lorn: (ball flourifl) in the Courts (of tfjplatn*
the houfe) of our £>ob* 13 Chat thou mapeft gibe hint pati*.
1 ? Chen alfo (hall b?ing fo?tlj mo?e enceitt tune of abberfltp: until the pit
fruit tit their age: anb (bail be fat aim be btgreeb up fo? the ungoblp*
men itktmr* 14 ifo> the Lorn tuill not fail hiS peo¬
14 Chat tljep map fljctu fjotu true the ple : neither toil! he ftnfakc htS inherit-
aneft iff * i) can-
Thexix. day. ThePfahns The xix. day.
15 auttl rtghtcoufnefs turn again Cantate Domino. Pfal. 96.
unto judgement: all fucijitSbetrue tn
fjcatt ®au follouut
O 0ing imto the Horn a item fong:
fing unto the Horn all the mijole
16 mijoMlnrettp mith me agatng earth*
tlje mtcfced: oi mho mill tahe mp pact a^ 2 ©inn; unto tlje Jlo?c, aim piaiTc sis
•gatnfttheedti doerg? I3nme: be telling of bis falbation from
17 3f the had not helped me x it cap to cap.
lm not failed: hut mp foul had been put 3 Declare life honour unto the Sea.
to deuce, tljeit: nnc Sic loonoers unto ail people.
18 05ut mhen 31 raid, &3p foot hath 4 JFo? the lo?o is great, anc cannot
Hipped: thp rnetcp (D Lo?d) held me up, too?tljilp be p?aifeo : 8e is mo?e to be
19 3in the multitude of the foirofcm fearectljen all goes.
that 3i had in mp heact: thp comfort# j as fo? all tse goes of tSe SeatSeit,
Ijahe refcelhed mv foul, tSep be but tools: but it is the lo?o tfjat
20 unit thou hade aitp thing to do mace tlje Seabens.
trnth the (tool of totcftedne®: mhtch ima- 6 ©lojp anc tnojlbip ate befo?e Sim;
gmeth mifchief n# a lam ? poioer anc Sonout ate tn bis ©onctuarp.
21 Chep gather them together agatnft 7 aferibe unto tbe lLo?C(® pe Wno?eos
the foul of the righteous: and condemn of tse people) afetibe unto tSe JLo?c ioo?=
the innocent blood, IStpancpotnet.
22 OBut the Hold ts mp refuge4, and 8 afetibe unto tse llo?c tSe Sonouc
mp ®od is the ftrettgth of mp confidence. cue unto Sts JSame: b’ing p?efents anc
2 3 foe fhali recompenfe them their come into Sis courts.
mietatefd, mid deffrop them in their 9 © toojiSlp tSe lo?0 In tse beautp
oum malice: pea,the ilo?d our ®od (hall of Sollnefs: let tlje tuSole eactS Itanc tit
deftrop them. aloof Sim.
Venire, cxultemus.7 f Morning 1 o cell it out among tSe Seatljen,
Pfal.95. St Prayer. tSattljeILo?OtS Sting: anctSat ttisSe
Come,let us ftitg unto the iLo?d: toSlcS SatS mace tse tonne too? 10 fo fait,
let us heartilp rejopce in the tijat it cannot be mobec, anc Soto tsat
ftrength of our faldation. Se fljali iuege tse people rigsteouflp.
2 iLet us come before hiS p?e- 11 Let the Seabens reiopce, anc let
fence trnth thanbfgidingt and them our tse eatts be glac: let tSe fea mabe a
felbes glad in himtutthPfalmS. notfe, anc all that therein is.
3 Jfoithe Horn is a great ®od: and ia JLettSefielcbeiopftil, anc all that
a great iking abode all gods* is in it.- then (Sail ail tSe trees of the
4 3in his hand ate all the comers of toooo reiopce befoje the Lo?0.
the earth: and the ftrength of the htUO 13 fo? Se comets, fo? Se comets to
is his alfo, (UCge tSe eatts t anc loitb tlgSteotifnefs
5 Che ©ea ishio, and he made It: to iuege tlje oojic, anc tse people toits
End his hands prepared the d^pland, Sts truth.
6 £D come, let us mo?fhiP> and fall Dominus regmvit. Pfal. 97.
dotmt : and hneel before the llo?d our
T Pe Lo?0 IS fling, the earth map be
glac thereof: pea, tlje multttuce of
7 3Fo? he is (the iLoid) our ®od t and the lues map be glac thereof.
me are the people of hiS paftute, and the 2 cioucs anc oatimefs ate tonne
ftjeep of his hands. about Sim: rigSteoufnefs, anc iuege--
8 Co dap if pe tm'H hear his dotce, meitt ate tlje habitation of ijts feat.
harden not pour hearts: as in the wo 3 CSete (Sail go a Bte befo?e him t
dotation, min as lit the dap of temptatf anc burn up Sis enemies on cberp fine.
on m the mtldentefd. 4 lt)is lightnings gabe ISlne unto tye
9 ffibers pour fathers tempted me: looilc: tlje earth fain it, anc bias aftaic.
Probed me, and fain nip moms, 5 Che Sills melten like loac at the
to ifo?tj> pears long mas 3i gneded piefente of the Jio?c: at the p?efence of
mith this generation, and faid: 3!t is a the loin of the loholc eartlj.
people that do erre in their hearts, fo^ 6 Clje Seabens Sabe neclatec StS
tfiep hade not lutomn mp map#, tigstcoufncfs: anc all tlje people Sabe
11 (Unto mhom 31 fmare in mp tojath: feen Sis glo?p.
that thep ftjould «ot enter mto nip reft. 7 Cotifouncec Se oil tSep tSatlooi.
(Sip catbec images, anc that celigSt in
Thexix. day. ThePfa’mC The xix. day*
bain good: morfijtp i)tm all pc goo#* .4 Che &ing0 poioer lobeth fttoge*
8 <aion head) of it, ano reiopceo: aim meat, tijott haft prepareo equttp; thou
the oaugbter0 ot' 3uoa mett giao, haft etecuteo juogement ano righteour-
caufe otthpiuogement0,<lDHoro. nci0 in 3acob*,
9 if 02 ujou iLo^ts art higher then all 5 2DmagmfiethelLoroour ®oO: ano
that are in the earth: thou art eralteo fail ootnn before hhSfootftool, for he 10
far abobe all goO0. hofp*
10 2D pc that lobe the Hosts, fee that 6 90ofe0 ano 3aron among hi#
pe hate the thing; mbicb ft ebd; the loro Prteft0,ano Samuel among fuch a0 call
preferbetb the foui0 of bid @amt0, he upon bid Bame: thefe calleo upon the
frail neither them front the ijano of the loro, ano he hearo them.
ungooip* 7 fyz fpake unto them out of the
11 Cbere (0 fprtmg up a light for the clouop pillar: for tljep kepf bid Cefti-
righteous: ants jopfuil glatmefssfo^ fuch mottte#,ano the Haro that he gabe them*
ao he true hearten* 8 Chou hearoeft them (C loro our
12 Eeiopce in the HorO,pe righteous: @00:) thou forgabeft them, 2D o^co, ano
ants glhe thank# for a remembrance of punilheoft their omn inbentioit#*
Ijt0 hollnefo* 9 2D magnifietije loro our ©00, ano
Cantatc Domino. 1 T Evening bmrlbtp him upon hi# hoip hill, for the
Pfal. 98. Sc Prayer. loro our ^0010 hoip*
©ing unto the Herts a nefo foitg:
for he hath none marhellouo
O Jubilate Deo. Pfal. IOO.
Be jopful in the loro(all pe lanO0O
ferbe the loro truth glaonefd, ano
2 mith W ohm tight bano> come before bis prefence truth a fong*
? antstruthhis hoiparm : hath begotten 2 'Be pe fure that the loro he 10 ©00,
hintfelf the btetorp* It 10 he that bdtbmaoeu#, ano not m
3 Che Lorn oeclareo ijft falhatlon t ottrfeibed: toe are bid people, ano the
hi# tlghteoufnefg hath he openlp ihehsets freep of bid paftute*
in the fight of the heathen* 3 I) go pour map into hi'0 gate0 truth
4 ipe hath remembreo hiss merep anti thankfgibing, ano into ht0 Courtd truth
truth tomato the houfe of Jfrael: ano praife x be thankfull unto him, ano fpeak
all the etiO0 of the moriO babe feen the gooo of his: Bame*
falbattonof our ©oo* 4 JFor the loro 10 graciou0, W rneD
5 0heus pour felbe0 topfull unto the cp 10 eberlaftingt ano W truth enou-
Horn, all pelaitoo: fing, teropce, ano retl) from generation to generation*
gihethanho* Mifcricordiam 8c judicium. Pfal. ioi.
6 Pralfe the 1020 upon the fparp: f fottg lhaii be of ^erep ano
Ong to the fparp truth a pfalm of tljankP jjuogemeitt .* unto tljee, £> loro
gibinnv brill 35 fing*
7 mith Crumpet^ alfo ano ^hatrnno: 2 2D let me habeunoerftanoing: in
2D (hem pour felbes topfull before the the bmp of gooiinef0*
loro the fotng* 3 OElhen milt thou come unto me: 31
8 let the fea make a nolfe ano all mill malk tit mp houfe mtth a perfect
that therein 10 : the rottno moriO ano heart*
tljep that omell therein* 4 j*mill take no huckeo thing in hano,
9 net the flouO0 clap theft: baitO0, 31 hate the fino of unfaithfulnef0 : there
ano let the bilid he topful together be* (hail nd fttcb cleabe unto me* *
fore thellorO: for he income to juoge 5 ^ fromarO heart fhali oepart from
the earth* me .* 3 mill not knotu a tnickeo perfon*
10 TOthrlghteoufnefo lhaii he jfutsge <5 fehofo prtbilp flanoreth W neigh^
tljemorio: ano the people truth equttp. hour: him brill 3 Oeffrop*
Dominu? r ?gnavit. Pfal. 99. 7 COhofo hath alfo a prouo look, ano
fyz Loro ft rntng, be the people ne* htghffomack .* 3 mill not fuffet him*
ber fo unpatient :he fitteth between 8 99tne epe0 look unto fuch a0 be
the Cherubim^, be the earth neber fo fatthfull tit the lanocthat thep map ornell
unquiet. mithtne*
2 Che H020 10 great in @>ioit: ano 9 OTjofo leaoeth a gooin life x he
high abobe all people. fbail be mp ferbant.
3 Chep lb all gibe thank# unto tbp io Chere fttall no oeceitfni perfon
Bante: ujfjjtch ft geeat, monoeeful, ano omell in mp houfe: he that telletbiiess
hoip. if f 2 mt
The xx. day. The Pfalms. The xx. day.
mil net tarrp tn nip fight* sanctuary t out of the deaden urn the
11 3 fljaii i'ecu hcltcop ail the ungod¬ Lord behold the earth*
ly ti)ut ate in the Karo .* tijat 3 map coot 20 Chat he might heat tije mourn*
oat ail trucked doers fmm the citp of tijc mgs of fuch ad te tn captiditp; atm deit-
Lord* her the children appointed unto death.
21 Chat tfjep map declare the jftame

H Domine, exaudi.
1 XMorning
S I prayer. of the Lord tn ©ton: arm hm mo?fljtp
ear nip p?aper, 2D Lorn: and at letufaiem*
iet mp crying come unto thee* 22 mhen the people ate gathered to*
, 2 fpitie not tijp face from me gettjet: amt tije kingdom# aifo to feme
in the time of nip trouble: tn the Lord*
dine thine eats unto me toijen 3 caH> 23 De brought homnmp flrength tn
£D hear me, atm that right foon* mp tourney: any fijortned mp dapd.
3 Jo? mydapegare confumed atony 24 0i3tti 3fam, 2D nip ©oh, take me
Ift&efmoaft: atm nip hones are burnt up not aitmp m tije mtdflof mute age: ass
ass it tuetc a firebrand. fo? tijp peard, tijep etmute throughout
4 C^p heart tjsfmt'tten dodrn, atm inn ait genet attorns*
tljered itkegrafss: fo tijat 3 forget to eat 25 Chou Loth tn the beginning haft
nip bread* lam tije foundation of the earth : atm
5 Jor the doice of mp groaning: nip tijeljeadcndare tijetuo?k of tijp hands.
boned toiil fcarce cieade to nip flciij. 26 Chep fljaii penflj, hut tijoti fljait
6 3 am become like a pellcaue at tije etmute: thep ail fljaii mar old ad doth a
dnldernefd: atm itlte an SDUfl tijat id tn garment*
tije Meit. 27 and ass a deflute fljait tijott change
7 3 hade matched, atm am eden ad them, and tijep fljaii he changed: hut
it mete a foattom: tijat fitteth nione ttp= tijott art the fame, and tijp peard fljaii
on the ijdttfe top. not fati*
8 93 tne enemies redtie me ail tije nap 28 Che cijtid?en of tijp fetdant# fljaii
long: aim tijep that ate man upon me, continue: and their feed fljaii flatm fafl
ate Hoorn together agatnft me* m tijp fight*
9 ifoi 3 hade eaten afljed ad it mete Benedic, anima mca. Pfal.103.
atm mingled mp d?mk truth P Ealfe tijelLo?d, £) mpfeui: and ail
that id dJttljtn me, p?atle W hoip
io atm that hecattfe of thine Indigna* JbJame.
ttort atmm?ath: fo? thou haft taken me 2 p?atfe the Lo?d, £D mp fotti: and
up, andcaftmedoum* forget not ail hid henefltss.
11 ®p dapd ate gone like a fljadod): 3 raijtch fo?gtdeth an tijp fin: and
and 3 am mttljeteo like gram. heaieth ali thtne infirmltted.
12 'But thou (2D Lo?d) fljait etmttte 4 raijtclj ladeth thp life from defltm
fo? edenand thp tememh?ance through* am x and crotonetft thee uuth metep and
out ail generattond. lading ktnrntem.
13 Chou fljait attTe atm hade metep 5 raijtch fatissfietij thp mouth lutflj
upon ©>ton : fo? it td time that thou good tijtngd *• making thee pottng and
hade metep upon her, pea, the time id ittffpass an eagle*
come. 6 Che lord erecuteth ttghteoufnefss
14 atmmhp* thyferdantd think up¬ and utdgement: fo? all them that ate op*
on her fioned: atm it pittetfj them to fee p?etfed uuth m?ong.
her ttt the ottfl. 7 ipe fljeiucd W dmpss unto 20ofe01
15 Che heathen fljaii feat tijp Bame, hm mo?k0 unto the children of 3ftael.
2D Lord♦ atm ail the ktngd of the earth 8 Che Lord m full of companion
thP ©aieftp* atm metep.- longfttffenng, atm of great
16 OTjen the Lord fljaii httim up goodttef0.
on t atm mhen hid glory (ball appear. 9 Ipemtilnot aidiap he chiding: net*
17 CMjen he turneth him unto the tijer keepetij he ht0 anger for edet.
p?apet of the poo? deflitutc: atm dcfpt' 1 o ipe hath not dealt Uuth tt0 after
fethnot their Mite* out fitt0 x nortematded u0 according to
18 Chm fljaii he mntten fo? thole out mtckednefd*
that come after: atm tiie peopie mhtch n jf or iook horn high the headen 10 ttt
fljaii heho?n fljaii pratfe the Lord. companion of the earth: fo great 10 ht0
19 Jfo? he hath looked doum from hid metep aifo tomatd them that feat hum
12 Look
The xx. day. The Pfalms. The xx. day.
12 £ook how wide alfo the Caft 10 9 Chou baft fet them their bounds*
from the EOeft: ©far hath he fet our Which thep ftjall not pa©: neither turn
fins from us* again to ccbec the earth*
1 3 f ea,ltke as a father piticth h© 1 o pz fenheth hts fp?iitgs into the ri¬
own child?ett: eben fo © the £0© merct ders : which run among the hi!©*
ful unto them that fear him* 11 ail beans of the field d?ink thereof:
14 jru ? he knoweth whereof toe he and the wtlhe affes quench their tljirlt*
wane: he rcmemb?ctlj that toe are hut 12 OBefihe them lhail the fowls of
bulk the air babe thetr habitation: anh ftng
15 Che haps of man are hut as grafs: among tfjeb?anches*
fo? he tiourttheth as a flower of the field* 13 pzm watcreth the hil© from abobe:
16 jf01 atfoon as the wtndc goeth 0* the earth is filled with the fruit of tljp
her tt, it © gone: anh the place thereof wo?ks*
fljall know it no mo?e* 14 tpeb?mgeth fo?th grafsfo? tfiecat-
17 Oi5ut the merciful goodnefs of tel: and green herbfo? the ferbice of
the £o?d enhureth fo? ebet anh eher ttp= men*
on them that fear him: anh h© righte^ 15 Chat he map b?t'ng food out of the
ottfncfS upon chfid?ens cbtld?en* earths and wine that maketh glad the
18 &m upon inch as keep h© Co* heart of man: anh oil to make him a
benant: anh ttjmu upon h© Command- chearful countenance, anh b?eah to
ments to ho them*. ftrengthen mans heart*
19 che£o?o hath p?epated ©ts feat 16 Che trees of the £o?h alfo are full
tit heaben: anh h© kingdom ruleth obet of fap: eben the Cedars of £tbam©
all* which he hath planted.
20 CD p?aife the £o?d, pe Angels of 17 COhercm the birds make their
his, pe that excel in ftrengtfj : pe that nefts: and the iFtrtrees are a dwelling
fulfil tjts Commanhtnent, anh heathen fo?t!je©to?k*
unto the botce of h© wo?dS* 18 Che high hil© are a refuge fo?
21 D p?aife the £0© all pe h© holts : the wtlhe goats: and fo are the ftonp
pe ferbants of h© that ho h© pieafure* rocks fo? the conies*
22 CD fpeak gooh of the£o?dail pe 19 Pz appointed the Q3oon fo? cer¬
wo©s of hts,in all places of h© domint- tain feafons: and the ©un knoweth h©
on: outife thou theilo?d,CD mp foul* going down*
Bcncdic, anirnamca.T. f Evening 2 o Chott trnkeff darknefs that ft map
P Pfal.104. Si Prayer. be mght:W8eretn all the beafis of the fo?*
EatTe the £o?d,CD mp fouUCD £o?b reft do mode*
mp 0oh, thou art become exceed¬ 21 Che lions roaring after their p?cp:
ing glo?tous, thou art clotheh tutth do feek their meat at ®od*
©ajcffp anh hotto?* 22 Che ©tin attfetft and thep get
1 Chou decked thp felf With light, as them awap togetljcnand lap them down
IttnereWith a garment: anh fp?eadeft in their dens.
out the heabens UKe a curtain* 23 Q3an goeth fo?th to h© Wo?k,
3 tKtfhtcb laveth the beams of his and to m labo?: until the ebemng*
chambers in the waters: anh maketh the 24 CD £o?d, how manifold are thp
clouhs hts chariot, anh walkcth upon Wo?ks: in wisdom haft thou made them
the votngs of the wtnde* all, the earth ©full of thp riches*
4 pz maketh hiS Singe© fptttts: anh 25 ©0 © the great and wide ©ea
his mtmfters a flaming fire* alfo: wherein are things creeping in¬
5: rpe lath the foundations of the numerable , both fmall and great
earth: that it neber fijoulh rnobe at aup beafts*
time* 26 cberegothe ftnps, and there ts
6 Chou cobetedft it With the heep that £ebmthnn: whom thou haft made
like as imth a garment: the waters to take hts paftime therein*
uand m the hills* 27 Chcfc wait all upon thee: that
7 at thP rebuke tljep flee: at the boice thou ntapeft gibe them meat in due fea=
of thp thutther thep are afraid* fon*
8 chep go up as high as the hills,and 28 mm thou gibeft it them, thep
down to the balleps beneath: eben unto gather it: and when thou opened thp
the place which tijou halt appointed fo? hand, thep are filled with goow
The xxi. day. The Pfalms. The xxi day.
29 Wi)tn tljott ijfDeC tljp face, tljep 14 $e fufferen no man to no them
are trcublen : tnljen tljott tafceft amap m?ong:but rep?oben ehett htngp fo? their
their ineath, tljep nie, anti ace turners fatten*
again to tljetc suit 15 Couch not mine arjomteh : ann
50 coijen tljou letted tljp b?eatbgo no mp P?ophetp no harm.
fo?th, tljep (hall he mane : aito thou (halt 16 ^o?eober, he callers fo? anearth
tenem the face of the earth* upon the lann; ann nedropen all the p?o*
31 Che glo?iouo s^aieflp of the iLoits biflen of b?ean.
fljall ennttrefo? ebec: the Jio?n fljall re- 17 'But he han rent a man hefo?e
topee tn ijtp mo?fcp* them x ehen 3ofeph mijich map foin to he
31 Che earth (hall tremble at the look abonoferbant.
pf himttfhe 00 hut touch the htil& thep 18 auijofe feet tljep hurt in the doefep:
(hall fmofce* the iron entren into bin foul.
33 3 mitt ftitg unto tljeJLo?n apiong 19 SIntil the time came that hip cattfe
ap 3 line t 3 mill p?aife mp ©on mhde 3 map trnornn x the mo?n of the Lo?n trien
fjabe mp being* him.
34 &nn fo (hall mp mo?np pleafe him: a o Che lung rent ann oeltbereo him:
nip top (hall he in the JLo?n* tljep?ince of the people let him go free.
3 5 3$ fo? finnerp tljep (hall he con- 2 i ^>e mane him io?n alfo of hip bottle:
fumen out of the earth, ants thetmgonip ann ruler of all bin fubdance*
(hall come to an enn: p?aife thou the Chat he might tnfo?m fjinp?lncep
£0?n, &> mp foul, p?aife the llo?n* after bln mill: ann teach hip €>enato?p
Confitemini Domino. 7. $ Morning 23 3frael aifo came into Cgppf :ann
Pfal.105. S I prayer. 3acoh map a ftranger in the lann of
/-\ ©the tljanhp unto the 5lo?n,anh 14 3ttn he increafcn hiP people erceen*
( I coll upon hiP JBame : tell the ingip: ann mane them dronger then their
\J people mijat tljingp he hath enemtep*
none* 25 dthofe heart turnen fo,that thep
a £> let pour fongp he of him, ano haten hiP people: ann nealt untruip mith
p?atfe him: anti let pour talking he of all hip fernantp.
hipmonn?oup too ?up* 26 Chen fent he $$ofen hiP ferbant ;
3 Ketopce in Ijip holp JSame t let the ann 3armt mijom he han chofen.
heart of them refopce that feefc the lo?n. 27 grtn tljefe djemen hiP tofcenp a--
4 £>eefc the iLb?n ano bin drength: mong them: ann monnerp in the lann of
feed hip face ebecmo?e* pm.
5 Kememhet the marbelloup mo?hP 2 8 pz fent narimefp attn it map nard .*
that he hath none: bln monoerp, ann ann tljep mere not ohenient unto hip
the (ungementp of bin mouth* mo?n*
6 SDpe feen of ab?aljam bin ferbant: 29 pt turnen their materp into hloon:
pe cljim?en of 3acob bin chofen* ann flem their filh*
7 Pz tp the £o?n our ©on * bin fttnge- 30 Chetr lann h?ougljt fo?th frogpt
mentp are in all the mo?in. pea, eben in their iungp cljamberp*
8 De hath been aimap mfnnful of bln 31 pz fpatte the mo?n,ann there came
Cobeitant ann p?omife x that he mane to all manner of fliep^ emn lice in all their
a tljoufano generationp* quacterp.
9 ©hen the Cobenant that he mane 3 2 pz gabe them ijatllfonep fo? rain:
toith 8b?aham : ann the oath that he ann flarnep of fire in their lann.
froareunto3faac. 33 pz ftnote their bmcp aifo ann fig-
10 Tnn appointen the fame unto 3a* treep: ann nedropenthe treep that mere
cob fo? a lam: ann to 3frael fo? an e- in their coaffp.
fcetlafftng Cedament. 34 ipefpaUe the mo?n, annthegraf^
11 taping, (Unto tljeemili 3 ffibe the houperp came,ann caterptllarp innumer--
lannof Canaan: the lot of pour tnher able: ann bin eat up all the nrafp itt
tance. their lann, ann nebouren the frtut of
12 2Bben there mere pet hut a fern of, their grounn*
them: ann thep (f rangerp in the lann. | 35 pz fmote all the fitff-bo?n in their
13 OLlljat time ap tljep ment from one ;lann: eben the chief of all their ffrengtlj.
nation to another: from one iungnom to 36 pz h?ought them fo?th aifo mith
another people* filber
The xx i. day. The Pfalm?o Tkexxiijay.
filler ann {join: there toad not one feeble toad not one of tljem left.
perron among tljctr tribes 12 Chen belteben tbep bid moaodi
37 Cgppt madgian at tbeir nepart- ann fang praife unto him.
ing: for tbep mere attain or them* 15 'But rnttbm a mbiic tbep fojgat
58 fpefprcan out a cicuntu be aco bid tuorkd s ann tooum not abuse m
bering: ann flte to gibe light m tije nighteotutfei.
feafon. 14 But lua came upon them in tbe
59 sttljetr nefirelje brought quatld; tounetnefd: ann tbep tempten Con m
ann be fiilen them rnttb tije brean of bea-tije nefett.
ben. 15 m be gabe tljem tbeir nefire:ann
40 fyz openen tije rock of (tone, ann fcitt leannefdtoitljal into tbeir foul.
tbe materd flomcn out .* fo tljat nberd 16 Cbep angten Sgofed alio in the
tan in nrp placed. tentd: ann Slaton tbe ^aint of the
41 jFor mbpf be remembren bid bo norm
ip promife: aitn stbrafjam bid ferbant. i 7 ^0 tbe eattb openen, ann fmi-
42 ann be brought forth bid people lotoen up ©atljan: ann coberen tije con*
tmtb jop: ann bid cbofen mitb giannefd. gtegationcf 8btram.
43 ann gabe them tije lannd of tbe 18 ann the fire toad kmnien in tljeie
beatben : ann tbep took tbe labord of companp: tbe Same burnt up tbe ungon*
tbe people in poffelfion. ip>
44 Chat tbep might keep bid S>ta* 19 Cbep mane a Calf in poreb: ann
tuted: ann obfetbe bid Hamd. toortbtppen tije molten 3image,
20 Cbud tbep turnen tbeir glorp: in*
Confitemini Domino. 7 f Evening to tbe imufituoe of a Calf tljat eateth
si bap.
Pfal.i 0(5. prayer.
21 ann tljep forgat Con tljetr ©abi'or ;
Cibc tfjankd unto the Lorn, for tobtebjan none fo great tljingd in c=
beidgtacioud : ann bid metep gppt.
ennutetb for eber. 22 eoonnroud toorkd in tbe lannof
2 Wlw can etprefd tbe noble pm: ann fearful tljingd bp tbe ten fca.
add of tbe Horn: or fljem forth all bid 25 ^0 be lain be toouin babe nefitop-
praife? en tljem, ban not a^ofed bid cbofett fioon
5 Bleflen ate tbep that altoap keep before bun in tije gap : to tutu amap
fttngement: ann no rigljteoufnefd. bid tnratfjful mnignation, left be (houln
4 Eemembet me, £> Horn, accorm neffrop tljem.
ittg to tbe fabor tljat tbou beaten unto 24 gea, tbep thought fcorit of tljat
tbp people: £> bifit me tottij tljp falba* pleafant lann: ann gabe no creoence
tion. unto bid morn.
5 Chat 3! map fee tije felicitp of tbp 15 But murmuten in tbeir tentd:
cbofen: ann tejopce in tbe glannefd of ann beacknen not unto the botce of the
tbp people, ann gibe tljankd toitbtbine Horn.
inheritance. 26 Chen lift be tip bid bann againlt
6 Wit babe fittneo tuitb cut fatljetd: them: to cbertbrom them in tije mm
toe babe none amtfd,annnealt mickeolp. nernefd.
7 SDut fatljetd tegatnen not tljp toon-' 27 Co call out tbeir feen among the
need in Cgppt, neither kept tbep tljp nationd: ann to fcatter them in the
great goonhefd in remembrance : but lannd.
mete mfobenicnt at tije 0ea, eben at tbe 28 Cbep iopnen tbemfelbed unto
ten ©ea. Baatpeor: ann ate tbe offermgd oftljc
8 iftebcrtbelefd, be ijelpcn tljem foi nean.
bid Earned fake: tljat be might make bid 29 Cbud tljep proboken bun to anger
potoet to be knount. mitb tbeir omit tnbntttond • ann tijn
9 iJc tebuhen tbe ten S>ea alfo, ann it plague mad great among them.
toad orien up: fo be len them through tije 30 Cben fioon up pjmecd ann prop*
neep, ad through a miioernefd. en: ann fo the plague ceafeo.
10 ann be faben tljem from tbe am 51 Snn that mad counten unto him
bctfacted bann.-ano neltbeten them from for rigbteoufnefd = among all pofrentied
tbebann of tljeenemp. • for ebermore.
11 3d for tbofc tljat ttaublen tljem, 32 Cbep angten him alfo at tije rna*
tbe nutter# obertobelmen them; tljcre i trrd of ffrtfe: fb that be purfiijco ©ofed
1 for tljeir faked. 33
Thexxii.day. The Pfalms. ‘The xxi\day.
53 'Becattfe t|ep p?obokeb W fptrit : 5 fpungtp aim thirfiptthn'r foul famt*
etun therm
fo tijat ije fpake tinabbifeoip xoitt) ijtg
lipb. 6 thep cneb unto the lo?D in their
54 ftettijer oedropeD tljep the hea¬ trouble: aim he DeiibereD them from
then : a# the lo?o commaimeo them. their Dtdrefs.
5 5 oaut mete mmgleo among the 7 ipe leo them fo?th bp the right map:
heathen % arm ieatneo ttjetr moikg. that thep might go to the dtp inhere thep
56 Tnfomtich that thep mo?fljippeB omeit.
their tDolg, mijtch turneo to then* oum 8 2D that men mourn therefore piaiTe
Becap: pea, then odereD their teim anti the lom fo? hio gootmelS: aim Declare
Daughters unto Betulg* the moimero that he both fo? the cfjit=
57 ano(hen innocentbiooB, ebentlje B^eit of mem
DiooD of then fans arm of their Daugh¬ 9 fo? he fatiobeth the emptpfotil:
ter 0 : uihom the? offered unto the tool# aim ftlleth the ijungrp foul mith gcob*
of Canaan, arm the latm mo oedleo nefs.
mith bloon. 10 @uth as fit in Barknefs mm in the
5 8 Chuss mere tljep dafneB mith then*fljaoom of Death • being fad boium In mi*
omn mo?k0: aim meat a mho?mg mith ferp aim iron.
then omn mbenimn#. 11 'Becaufe thep rebeileD againd the
59 C8erefo?e bum the m?ath of the mom of the lom: aim ftghtlp regacBeD
Lorn ktuoleB againd hm people: into- the counfel of the modlpigh.w
much that he abho?teD hiO omn trttje- 12 ipe aifo b?ougljt Domn their heart
titance. through heabinefo: tljep fell Domn, mm
40 31m he gabe them ober Into the there mao none to help them up.
haim of the heathen .* aim thep that hateo 15 @)omhen tljep crteD unto the lom
them mere !o?B0 ober them. in their trouble: he DeiibereD them out
41 Chetr enemies opp|effeD*tljem x of their oitfrefo.
aim hah them in lubiettion. 14 Jfo? he b?ought them out of Dark*
42 s^nnpattme BtBheBeiibet them: nefs>aim out of the fljaDom of Death: mm
hut thep rebelled againd hmi mith then b?akc their bonDo in funDcr.
omit tMjentton&ami mere brought Domn 15 2D that men moulD therefore p?mfe
in their mtekebneds. the lo?B fo ? hio gooDtiefo: aim Declare
45 Bebertheiefo, mheii he fam then the moimero that he Doth fo? the cljilD?en
aBberfttp: he heath their complaint of men.
44 tpe thought upon hrn Covenant, 16 jfoihe hatijbmken the gateo of
mm pitieti them acco?Bing unto the muf b?afo: aim fmttten tije baro of iron in
titime of hio mercies x pea, he mane all fuimer.
tfjofe that hah ieD them amap captibe to 17 ifoolidj men are plagtieD foi their
pitp them. offence: anD becaufe of their mickeDnefo*
45 Deiiber tis (2D lo?D our 0oD) anti 18 Cheii* foul abljojreD all manner of
gather uo from among the heathen: that weat:ano tljep mere eben IjatD at Deatljo
me map gibe thanks unto thp hoip D001
5i3ame, anti make our boat! of thp p?atfe. 19 ^0 mijeit tljep crieD unto the lem
46 'Blefieb be the lom^oDof 31Cca- tn their trouble: he DeiibereD them out
M from eftetiading, aim mono mithout of their Didrefb.
eim t aim let all the people fap, amen. 20 ipe rent hio mom anD healeD them:
mm thep mere fabeo from their Dedru*
Conntemini Domino. 7. S' Morning ction.
Phil. 107. S \ Prayer. 212D that men moulD therefore pmife
^ibe thanks unto the lc?B, fo? the lo?D foj IM gcoDnefe: aim Declare
he 10 gracious: aim hio merep the moimet# that he Doth fo^ the chip
entmreth fo? eber. D^en of men.
2 let them gibe thanko mijont 22 Chat thep moulD offer unto him
the lom hath rebeemeb: mm DeiibereD the facrifice of thankfgibmg: aim tell
front the haim of the enemp. out hio mofko mith glaonefb.
3 aim gathered them out of the laims, 25 Chepthat go oomntothc fca in
from the Call aim from the OTed: from djipo: mm cccupp their buOncfo in great
the f*o?th, aim front the ^>outh materg.*
4 Chep ment allrap in the milBernefs 24 Chefe men fee the mo^ksi of the
out of the man: aim founb no citp to lom: mm W monDero in the Deep.
nmeli in. ^5 fo?
The xxii.day. The P Calms. The xxii. day.
25 IT>? all)# foo?b the ffo?mp foinb
arifeth: foljtch iifteth up the loaned Para turn cor me urn. '} C Evening
26 Chep are catncb up to the ijeaben,
anb bofon again to tfjcbecp: tljesr foul
meteth afoan becaufe of the trouble,
27 Cijep reel to anb fro, anb flagger
O Plal. 108, J prayer,

®ob, nip heart is reabp, mp

heart to reabp: 31 null fing anb
gibe p?atfe uuth the beft mem*
like a Sunken man : atm are at tljetr uuts ber that 3 habe. ,
urn, . v 2 afoake thou Lute anb fparp: 3 mp
28 00 foljen thep crp unto tlje Lem feif foill awake right earlp,
in tljetr trouble: Ije beiibereth ttjem out 3 3 foil/ gibe thanks unto thee, 2D
of tljetr ttiffref0. Lomi among the people: 3mm fing
29 jfo? Ije maketh the ffo?m to ceafc: fo P?ail'es unto thee among the nations,
tljat tlje foabes thereof are (till, 4 Jr 0? tljp merep fo greater
30 Chen arc tljep glab, becaitfe thep heabeno: anb tijp truth reacljeth unto rljc
be at reft: atm Co he b?ingeth them unto cloubs.
tlje haben foljef e thep foottlb be, 5 0et tip tljp feif, QD 00b, abobe the
31 2D that men tbottlti therefore pintfe heabens: anb thpg!o?P abobe all the
tlje Lo?bfo?hiS gcobnefs: attbbeclare earth*
tlje foonbers that he both fo ? the cbilb?eu 6 Chat t(jp belobeb map be belibe*
of men, ; ... reb: let tljp right hanbfabe them, anb
3 2 chat thep footffb eralt him alfo hear thou me,
in the Congregation of tlje people .• anb 7 <0ob. hath fpoken in Ijf0 hoftnefs:
pjatfe htm in the feat of the emerge 3 foill rejopce therefore, anb bibibe 01*
3 3 caihtch tuntetlj tlje floobs into a chem, anb mete out the baliepof 0w>
fotlbctners : anb b?tetfj up the mater cotlj, • r ’
fp?ings, 8 <0tleab tg mine, anb ^anaffes 10
34 g fruitful iattb maketh he barren: mine€plj?atm alfo is tlje ffrength of
fo ? the foickebncfs of them that bfoell mpheab, . ,
therein, 9 3ubats mp Lafo-gtbet, QDoab is
35 Slgain, he maketh the fotlberncfs mp foafljpot: ober Cbom foill 3 caff cut
a daubing toater: anb umter fp?ings of mp fljoo, upon the pjtltfttneg foill 3 tci--
a b?p grounb, . umph*
3 6 anb there Tje fetteth the hitngrp: 1 o tftlljo foil! leab me into the ffrong
that thep map butib them a ettp to bfoell citp: anb foho foill flying me into in¬
in. born ?
37 Chat thep map fofoe tljetr ianb, 11 ipaff not thou fojfaken us, 2D 0ob:
aim plant (Hineparbgs: to pielb them anb foilt not thou, 2D <0ob, go fo^tlj foith
fruity of tncreafe, ourljoffof
.3 8 tyz blefleth tljetmfo that thep muT 12 2D help m againft the etternp: fo?
ttplp ereeebinglp: anb fufteretlj not their bain 10 the help of man,
cattel to becreafe, 13 Cfoough ®ob foe (hall bo great
39 anb again, foljentljep are mintffn acto: anb it ig he that ftjali treab bofon
eb anb brought lofoe : though opp?efl out enemies
ftioit, though anp plague 0? trouble, Deils lauduni. PCal. 109.
40 Chough he Utfter them to be
ebil intreatcbth?ottgbtp?ants: anb let H 2Dlb not tljp tongue, © 0ob of mp
Pfoife: fo? the mouth of the ungob--
them foanber out of the map in the foil-
bernefo, ip, pea, anb the mouth of the becatful 10
41 ^et helpeth he tlje pom cut of mu openeb upon me. .. . - .
frrp: anb maketh him IjottfljolbS like a 2 flub then habe fpoken aoamft me
flock of fljeep, foith falfe tongues: thep compalfeb me
42 Che righteous foill conflber this, about alfo forth foo?bo of (jatreb, anb
anb rejopce tanb the mouth of all fotcfo fought again!! me foitfjoui; a eaufe,
ebnefs (hall be ffoppeb, 3 jf0? the lobe that 3 hab unto them,,

J 43 fllhofo tofoife, fotllponber there lo, thep tain: nofo mp contrarp part .but
thtnao: anb thep (hall uitbecftanb the 3 gibe nip feif unto pjaper. ,
fobtitg ktnbners of the Lo?b, . 4 Chits habe thep refoatbeb me ebtl
fo? goob: anb hatreb fo? mn goob foill
5 0et tljott an tuigoblp man to be rm
0 g fee
The xxii. day* The PfalmSi The xxiii. iiay.
t r ober him: an^ let ©atari itantJ at bis 2 5 ipelp me,2D norb mp <£ob: 2D fahe
right me accorbtng to tbp mercp.
6 mtizn fentence $ giben upon pint, 26 anb tljep Ojall knott bott that this
let him beconbemneb: ant> letijtS prap^ is tijp banb: anb that thou! norb bail
et be turneb into On. bone it.
7 ILet bis bapes be fett: anb let a- 27 Chough tbep curfe, pet blefs thou .*
notbertanebts office. anb let them be confounbeb that rife up
8 net biscbilbrenbefatljerlefs: anb agatnft me, but let tbp ferhnnt rejopce.
bis tttfe a tttbott. 28 net mine abherfaries be clotbeb
9 5tet bis cljtlbjen be bagabonbs, anb truth fljame: anb let them coher them*
beg their breab: let them teen it alfo out felhes tmtb their oton confuflon, as ttitb
of befolate placet. a clean.
10 net the ertortt'oner confume all 29 as forme, 33 bull gibe great
that be bath x anb let tije Granger fpoil tbanns unto the norb ttftfi mp mouth .*
bis labour. anb pratfe him among the multttube.
11 let there be no man to pittp him ; 3 o jfor be iball ffanb at the right bnnb
nor to babe companion upon bts father* of the poor * to fahe btS foul from urn
lets cbiloren. righteous jfubges.
12 net bis poGerttp be beGropeb : anb
in tbe nett generation let bt^ name be Dixit Dominus. 7 f Morning
clean put out. Pfal. iio 5

c Prayer.
13 nettletticnebuefS of bisfathers
be bab in remembrance in tbe opt of tyz norb fatb unto mp norb:
tfje norb x anb let not tbe On of ljiS mo* €>tt tfjou on mp right banb, un¬
the tbe boneattap. til 3i mane thine enemies tbp
14 net them alttop be before tbe footftool.
loro: that be map root<iut tbe memo?!* 2 cbenorb fljallfenb the rob of tbp
al of tljem from off tbeeartlj. potoer out of €uon: be tbcii ruler ehen
15 anb tbat becaufe bis minbe ttas tn the mtbff among tljfne enemies.
not to bo goob : but perfectiteb tbe poor 3 3ln the bap of tbp potter fljali the
befplefs man, tbat be might flap btm people offer thee free ttill offerings truth
tfjat ttas bereb at tbe heart. an bolpttorfljip: tbebettof tbp birth is
16 sms beligljt ttas in curfltig, anb it of tbe tnornb of tbe moaning..
Ojall happen unto btm : hr lobeb not 4 Che norb tttare anb ttill not re*
blelflun*) therefore (ball tt be far from pent x Chou art a prieft for ebet after
btm. tbeorberof ©elebtfebeeb*
17 l)t clotbeb btmfelf ttftb curflng 5 Che norb upon tbp right banb:
Me as ttitb a raiment: anb it ffjall come (ball toounb ehen &mgs in the bap of bis
intoljtsbottels line ttater, anb one oil tnratb.
into biS bones. 6 upe Ojall jubge among the heathen,
18 net tt be unto btm as tije cloan that be Ojall OH tbe places truth the beab bo*
be bath upon btm t anb as the girble that bies: anb finite in funber the beabs o*
be tsaiump gitbeb ttitbal. her bihers countries*
19 net it thus happen from the norb 7 S>e iball brink of the brook in the
unto mine enemies * anb to tbofe that ttap x therefore (ball be lift up bis beab.
fpeab ebil agatnft mp foul.
20 'Butbealtbou ttitb me, 2D norb
<£ob, accorbfng unto tbP Hattie,: for
I Confitebortibi. Pfal. ill.
©Kill gibe thanks unto the norb ttitb
mptuboleljeart: fecretlp among the
fioeet to tbp mercp. faithful, anb in the Congregation.
21 2D neither me, for 3! am belplers 2 Cije ttorns of the norb are great:
anti poortanb mp heart is ttounbtb ttitlj-' fought out of all them that babe pieafure
tit me. therein.
22 31P hence line tljelbaboto that be* 3 SMS ttorn is ttortbp to be praifeb,
partetb : anb am briben attap as tije anb bab in honour:anb bis rigbteoufnefs
graOjopper. enburetb for eher.
23 09p oners are ttean through fa- 4 Che merciful anb gracious norb
fltug: m Oetb t'S brteb up for toant of fat* bath fa bone bis marhelimiS ttorns:
uefs. that tbep ought to be bab in remem*
243 became alfo a rebuke unto tljem: brance.
then that loofccb upon me, Ojakebtljeir 5 hath gihen meat unto them that
beads. fear
The xxiii. day. The PfalmSi The xxiii. day^
feat him .• be (ball ebcr he mirthful of bis 5 Cdho is like unto the Ho?b ou£
Cobenant. ®ob, that hath his htoelling fo high*
6 ipe hath fljemeb his people the poth¬ anh pet humhieth himfelf to bebolb the
er of h$ too?ks: that he mao gibe them things that are in beaben anh earth t
the heritage of the heathen. 6 ipe taketb up the fimple out of the
7 Che tuo?ks of bis hanhs ate beritp huft: anh iiftettj the poo? out of the
auhjuhgement: alibis Commanbments mp?e< ...
ate true. 7 Chat he map fet him truth the p?tm
8 Chep (faith fan fo?eber aitbeber; ces^ben truth the p?inces of his people,
anh ate hone in truth anh equity. 8 Ipe maketb the barren tooman to
9 l)t fent rebempttott unto bis peo- keep houfe: anh to he a f opftil mother of
pie: he hath comntanheh hts Cobenant chilh?en.
fo? eber, holp arth tehetenh is bis Bame.
10 Che feat of the Lo?h is the be* In exltu Ifrael. 7 j Evening
ginning of totfoom * a gooh unoetftanb* Pfal. 114. j c Prayer.
mg hahe all the? that ho thereafter, the
p?aife of it enhureth fo? eher.
Beams vir. Pfal. 112.
W fpen Jfrael came out of €«
gppt: anh the houfe of Ja¬
nefleh to the man that feareth the cob from among the Ucange
Lo?b: he hath great hellght In bis people.
Commanbments. 2 juha tuas his ganctuacp: anh Jfc
2 ipis feeh ihall he mlghto upon earth: raelhiS hominion.
the jeneration of the faithful (ball he 3 Che gea fam that, anh fleb: Jo?*
bletfeb. ban tons h?iben hack.
3 Eicbes anh plenteoufnefs ihall he 4 Che nmmtames fkippeh like Earns*
m bis houfe: anh hts ngljteoufnefs en- anh the little hills like poung Cheep.
buretbfo?eber. 5 Gdbat aileth thee, © thou gea,
4 ditto the gohlp there arlfeth up that thou flebbeff: anh thou jo?ban that
light in the batknefs t he is merciful, thou toafth?iben hack ^
lohing, anh righteous. 6 f e mountains that pe fkippeh like
5 a gooh man is merciful, anh lent Earns: anh pe little hills like poung
ethanh mill guihe bis mo?bs fcutb bif l$eep t
cretion. 7 Cremhle thou earth at the p?efence
6 fo? he (hall neber he mobeb: anh of theiLo?b: at the p?efence ofthe®ob
the righteous (hall he hah in an eberlaif - of Jacob,
mg rememb?ance. 8 ftObtclj turneh the hath rock into a
7 Ipe mill not he afraih fo? attp ebtl (fanning mater .* anh the flint done into
tihlngs: fo? hts heart tf anbetlj fall, anh a fp?inging rneil.
8 ipis heart is ffablifljeb anh toil! not
(b?ink: until he fee bis hefire upon l)tgs e*
N Nun nobis, Domine. Pfal. 11J.
SDtuntous, © Ho?b, not unto us,
but unto thp Bame gibe thep?aife:
ttemies. fo? thp lobing mercp, anh fo? thp truths
9 Ipe hath hifperfeh ab?oab, anh gi- fake.
hen to the poo?: anh hts righteoufnefs 2 £dljerefo?e(hali the heathen fap :
temaineth fo? eber,biS ho?n (hallhe Adhere is nob) their ® oh i
ejtalteh toith honour. 3 ^sfo?our^oh, heistnheaben: he
10 Che ungohlp (hall fee it, anh it hath hone mbatfoeber pleafeh hint.
(hall griehe him: he (hall gna(h truth his 4 Cheit itsois are filber anh golh:
teeth, anh continue atoap, the hefire of eben the mo?k of mens hanhs.
the ungohl? (hall peri(b< 5 Chep babe mouthes,anh fpeak not?
P Laudate pueri. Pfal. 113. epeshabe thep, anh fee not.
Eaife the Lo?b, pe ferbants; © p?atfe 6 Chep babe ears, anh hear not $
the Bame of the loth. notes babe tbep, anh fmell not.
2 'Bleffebbe the Bame of the llo?b: 7 Chep babe hanhs, anh hanhle not,
from this time fo?th fo? ebermo?e. feet babe tbrp, anh rnalk not; neither
3 Che Lo?hS Bame is p?aifeh: from fpeak tbep tb?otigb their th?oat.
the tiling up of the gum, unto the going 8 Chep that make them are like unto
hotonofthefame. them : anh fo are all fuch as put their
4 Che Lo?h is high abobc all fpeatljett: trull in them.
anh his glojp abobe the hcahcns. 9 ^ut thou houfe of jfrael, trutfthou
^ Q 2 W
Tpexxiv. day. The P!alm5. The xxiv. day
taintiLajos bets theft fuccout antme- hath oaue unto me.*1
fence.. _ - __ . . _ 12 3 tolll recetPe tge cup offalPatfotfi
t o ge fjoufe of aarott, put pout tcufi ano call upon tge i^ameoftge 10$.
in the Loin: be 13 tbtit helper ano oe- 13 a tmll pap rnp poui0 nofcr fit t6e
filler. piefence of all 810 people r rlngtoearfit
11 f t tgat fear tge Lo?g, put pour tlje figgt of tgeilo?o> t0 tlje oeatlj of
trufi m tge iio?o: l)c t0tgetrgelperanu ljl0 ^>amt0.
pefenoer* 14 'Begoia (0 &o?g) goto tgat 31 am
12 ege Lo?n gatg been mmtiful of tgp ferPant: 3 am tgp ferpant, ano tge
U03 anO l)z fijali biefe U0 x efien ge Igafi Con of tgttte ganomato, tgou gafi bjofcert
biefs tlje gtmfe of 3|ftael, ge fijali blefs rnp Pono0 fit funoer.
tge goufe of $aron. 15 3 toll! offer to tgee tlje faerfitee of
13 I3e fijali blef0 tgem tgat fear tge tganltfgtPtng x atto tmll call upon tge
2Lo?fi: botg fatal! ano great. * Bameof tljeito^o.
14 Cge ILqjo fijali encreafe pou mo?e 16 3tmllpapmPPoPJ0imtotgelLo^
ants mo?e t pou ants pour cgilo?eit. fit tge figgt of all gl0 people t m tlje
15 are tlje bleffets of tge ILoiO: court0 of tge Lo?O0 goufe* eoett in tie
Mjtclj mane geaficn ano eartg* mtoftof tgee* £>3erufaiem. p?alte tlje
16 au tlje tngole geafieng are tlje L020.
£o?P0 : tlje eartlj gatg ge gifieit to tlje Laudate Dominium Pfa*. 117.
cljiio^est of men.
17 cijeoeaopjatfenott|)ee,£)tLo^
O piaffe tlje Lojo ail pe geatgen i
p?atfe glut all pe JOatioito.
neitper all tljep tljat go ooton into tlje if0? gt0 merciful fitnonefo 10 ePet
filence. mo?e ano mote totoarO0 00 : ano tge
18 abut toe tmll p?atfe tlje Jlojo: from trutg of tge lojp enouretg {01 ePer,
tljt0 time fo?tg fo? efiermoje. P?alfe tlje p?alfe tge iio$.
IIOJO. i -: r• . ■1 ^ . Confitemini Domino. Pfal. ii8.

D’rfcxi qaomam. 1 f Morning

O0lPe tganfi0 unto tge Ho?o, fo 1 ge
i0 graclou0 x ge catife gl0 merep em
Pfalz ri 6. St prayer. Ouretg fo? ePer.
2 Let 3ftael notn confef0, tgat ge
ant toell pleafeo : tgat tge lto?P 10 gractott0 % ano tgat gt0 merep ettotp
gatg gearo tge Potce of nip p?aper. vptfi fn? flirr
Cgat ge gatg encllneo gt0 ear 3 Jlet the fjoufe of Slaroit noto con¬
unto me x tgerefoie tmll 3 call up= fers: that I)ts mercy ent>utethfo?ei>er.
oirgtm a0 tong 00 3 ItPe. 4 ?ea, let them now that feat the
3 Cgefnare0 of oeatlj compalfeo me Haiti, confers t tljathis mere? entmteth
tettno about: ano tge paln0 of gell gate foi coet.
golo upon me. 5 31 calleo upon the loia fit trouble:
4 3 (gall finoe trouble anOgeaPtnef0, ano the lloiO heatO me at large*
ano 3 fgall call upon tge iftame of tue 6 ChelLoiotsonmpfioe: 3 will not
Hojo: &> llo^o, 3 befeecg tgee5 oeltPer feat what man ootb unto me.
tup foul. 7 ® he toiO taheth mp part With them
5 ®?actou0 l0tgeiLo?o, mtoriggte^ that help me j tberefo?e (ball 3 fee mpoe*
ou0: pea, our $0010 merciful. I fite upon mine enemies.
6. ege Lc20 pjeferPetg tge fimple • 8 3t ts better to trull m the toiD r
3 to00 in mtferp ano ge gelpeo me. then to put anp confiOente fn man.
7 cunt again tgen unto tgp refi, C> 9 3t t'S better to trull ut tlje !lo?B t
rnp foul .* fo? tge L020 gatg retoaroeo then to put anp confluence tnpjtnces.
tgee. 10 ail jQatfotts tompalfeo me rountt
8 ano togp ? tgou gafi oeltPereo mp aboutxbut itt the JBameofthe lloiO will
foul from oeatg .* mine epe0 from teat03 3 oeffrop them.
atto mp feet from falling. 11 Cbep kept me tn on ebetp flOe
9 3 tolll tnalfe before tge Lo?0 In tge they kept me tn (3 fap) on eberp floe: but
lano of tge llPlttg. in the Jiilame of the lo?o will 3 oeftcop
103 beltebeo, ano tgerefoie tolll 3 them.
fpeafi, but 3toaoio2e troubleo;3fat0 12 ■Cbep came about me like 'Bees,
ntmp gaffe, ail men are loar0. ano are erttwt eoen as the fire among the
ii fflgat renmro fijali 3 gibe unto t hams*, fo? tn the flame of the Low will
tge 10?P x foi all tlje benefft# tgat ge 13 oefirop tgem.
13 CgCtl
The xxiv. day. The Pfelms. The xxir. day.
13 Chou I'M tJiuff foie at me, that 5 2D that mp bjaped mere mane fa iu
3! might fall; hut the lom \v&$mp help. tret; that 3 might keep thp Statute#.
14 Chelcmid tftpfirefifftfj mm mp <5 €>o mail 3 not be confounnen; mftfie
Cong; ann 10 become mp famatum. 3 habe refpecr unto all thp Command
. 15 Che hotcc of fop ann health id fit ntetttd.
the nmelltitgd of the righteous; the right 7 3 mill thank tijee rnith an ttnfamen
hano of the lom bitngetlj migljtp thuigd heart : mben 3 lhall habe learnen the
to pafd. 3ttngementd of thp righteouXnefd.
16 Che right hano of the 10m Wh 8 3 mill keep thp Ceremomed; 2D foi*
the p2eemtnerice:thc right hantiof the fake me not uttecip.
lom bitngetlj rnightp things to pafd. In quo corrigct.
17 3 mill not ote,but libe;ano declare \/X75>ere mttljal fljau a pong man
the rnoikd of the lom* V V ejeanfe hid map; eben bp ruling
18 Che lom hath chafltteo ann coi- htmfelf after thP mom.
rccteo me: but he hath not gibett me o- 2 mitl) mp mljoie heart habe 3 fought
bet unto heath. thee; 2D let me not go rniong out of tljp
19 £)pen me the gated of rigbtenufi Commanomentd.
ttefd: that 3 map go into them, ann gibe 3 Cbp momd habe 3 {an fotthm mp
tpaukd unto the lom* heart; that 3 ihottin not fin agoing thee.
ao chid t/tbe gate of the lom ;tlje 4 Bicfleo art thou, 2D lom; 2D teach
righteoud (hall enter into it. me thp statute#.
21 3 mill thank thee, foi thou halt 5 UUtly mp itpd habe 3 been telling
learn me: ann art become mp falbation. of all the 3ungementd of thp mouth.
22 Che fame {tone rnbtch the btttloetd 6 3 habehan ad great nelighttnthe
refltfen; id become the bean (tone in the map of tijp Cegfinomed ad in all man*

colter. ner of riched.

23 cite id the lomd ootng; ann it 7 3 mill talk of thp Commanomentd s
Idmarbelloud In oureped. ann habe refpect unto thp maped.
24 Chid id the nap tohtch the loin 8 $&p nelight (hall be tn thp ^iatuted*
hath mane : toe toill reiopce ann be glan ann 3 mill not foiget thp mom.
mtt. , Retribne fervo tuo.
2 5 0elp me nom, 2D loin : 2D loin,
O IDo men unto thpferbant; that 3
map libe ann keep thp mom*
26 'Bleften be he that comethtn the 2 2Dpen thou mine eped: that 3 map
32ameof thelom ; toe babe mifijeo pou fee the monniottd thing# of thp lam.
coon luck, pe that be of the houfe of the 3 3 am a granger upon earth; 2D |tne
lom. not thp Cotnmannmentd from me.
27 ^on id the lom tohtch hath (hetoen 4 £©p foul bieaketh out foj the berp fcr=
us tight: binn the faertftee tmth coibdj bentoefire: that it hath aiman unto tljp
pea, eben unto thehoind of the 3ltar.
28 Chou art mo 0900, ann 3 toil! 5 Chou hag rebuken the pioun : ann
thank thee .• tljou art mp ^on, ann 3 mill ettrfen are tijep that no erre from thp
piatfe thee. Commanomentd*
20 2D gtbetljankd unto the lom> foi 6 2Dturn from me flmmeanO rebuke;
he id gractctud;attnhtdmercpennureth foi 3 habe kept thp teUimonied.
foi eber. 7 pititced alfo oto fit ann fpeak agamfi
me; but t|Pfetbant id occuptcb tn thp
Bcati immaculati. 7 f Evening

Pfal. 119. S i prayer. 8 jroi thp Cefitmonted are mp oeltght:
ann mp cottttfellerd.
lefleo arc tijore that are unne^ A-dhxfic pavimento. v
fileo tn the map; ann malk tit the
lam of the lom.
M P foul cleabeth to the bull:2D muck*
ert thou me accomtng to thp mom*
2 Bleflcoare thepthat keep 2 3 habe kttomiengen mp rnand, ann
hid tefftntonted: ann feek him toith their thou Ijeamcfi me; 2D teach me thp @ta*
bJhole heart. tttted.
3 ifoi then mhich no no tmekeonefd ; 3 ft^ake me to tmoerffaito the map of
malk tn hidtoapd. m Commanomentd; ann fo (half 3 talk
4 Chou halt charccn : that me (hall of thp monnjottd mmkd.
btltgentlpkeep thp Commanomentd. 4 50P foul melteth amap foi ben> hea*
The x xv. day; The Pfalms. The xvx.day,
bitters: comfort tljou me acco?btng imto Memor cflo verbi mi.
tljp IU02D.
5 ©ake ffotit me tlje map of Iplngt anb
OChink upon thp retbant as con¬
cerning thp mo?b = maeretn tljou
enure thou me ta mnlte much of thp haft caufeb me to put mp trutt.
Lam. _ „ a Che fame is mp comfo?t in mp trou¬
6 31 habe chofett tlje amp of truth; atm ble : fo? thp mo?b hath qtitekenen nte.
thp 3ubgetnents Ijaae 31 lain befoie me. 3 Che p?oub habe tjao me erceeotnglp
7 3 habe fticken unto tljpCetttmonteS4. tn oertflon = pet habe 3 notlh?tnkeb from
© Lo?n, confouttomenot. thp Lam.
8 3 uMl tun tlje amp of tap ©ommanb- 4 Jfo? 3 rememb?eb tljtne eberlaffmg
meats = ailjett tfjou halt ret mp fjeart at tubgements,® Lo?b: anb recetbeb com-
itbertp. fo?t.
5 3 am ho?rfblp afratb: fo? the ungob-
Morning lp that to;fake thp Lam.
Legem pone. "> s prayer.
6 cap ©tatutes habe been mpfongs
fn the houfe of mp pilgrimage.
each me, © Lom, tfichi an of 7 3 habe thought upon thp fiame, ©
tijp ©tatutestanb 3 fljall keep Lo?b, in the night fearott: anb ijaae kept
It unto the eftb, tljp Lam.
a ®fbe me unberftanbtng, 8 cats 3 hab: becaufe 3 kept thp
atm 3 ibsfl keep thp Lam: pea, 3 fljaii ©ommanbments.
keep ft autlj mp mijole heart. Portio mea, Domine.
3 33alte me top tntlje path oftljp
©ommanbments: fa? therein ts mp be=
Tfjou art mp po?tion, © Lo?b: 3 habe
P?omtfeb to keep tht> Lam.
fite. _ a 3 mane mp humble petition in thp
4 ©ncltne mute heart untotljpCefti- p?efence mtth mp mhole heart: © be
mottles x aim not to cobetoufttefs. merciful unto me attaining to thpmo?n.
5 © turn aamp mtne epes, leffthep a 3 calleb mtne omn maps to remcm-
heholn aanttp : atm quicken thou me titb?ance = anb tttrneb mp feet unto thp ©c-
tljp map. monies.
6 © ftabifft) thp moib in thp fetbattt4 3 mane haffe, anb p?olongeb not the
that 3 map fear thee. time : to keep thp ©ommanbments.
7 Caltc aamp the rebuke that 3 am a- y ©he congregation of the ungoblp
fcatU of: fo? tljp fimpments are pob. haberobbebme: but 3 babe not fo?got-
8 'Behom,mpaelfghtts tnthpCom- tentbpLam.
mannments: © quteken me fn thp ttgh- 6 at mtnnfght 3 mill tire to gibe
teoufnefs. thanks unto thee: becaufe of tljp righte¬
Et veniat taper me. ous f ubgements.
7 3 am a companion of all them that
L ©t thp lobing rnerep tome alfo unto fear thee ; anb keep thp ©ommanb¬
me, ©Lo?n: eaett thpfaiaatton ac ments.
commn; unto thp mo?n. 8 Che earth, © Lo?n, is full of fl)t>
a ©o than 3 make anfaier unto mp metep x © teach me thp ©tatutes.
blafpljemetS : fo? mp trull ts in thp Bonitatem fccifti.
3 © take not the mo?b of thp truth
utterlp out of mp mouth = fo? mp hope ts
tnthP lUbpments.
o Lo?b, thou haft bealt graclottftp
mtth tap fetbant: acco?bfng unto
tap mo?n.
4 ©o than 3 alhmp keep thp Halox pea a © learn me true ttttbetftanbing attb
fo? eberanb eaet. kitomiebge: fo? 3 habe beliebeb tap com-
5 ana 3 ami amik at Ifbettp.- fo?3 manbmetrts.
Seek thp ©ommanbments. 3 T6efo?c 3 mas trottbien 3 mettt
6 3 Ml fpeak of thp ©eftimomes alfo m?ottg: butnom habe 3 kept thp mo?n.
then hefo?e kings = anb mill not be a- 4 Chou art goon ann gracious; ©
fhameb. teach me thp ©tatutes.
7 anb mp belmht (hail be lit thp ©om- 5 Che p?oun habe imagineb a ilea-
manbments: match 3 habe lobeb. gainft me: but 3 mill keep thp ©om¬
8 f©p hanbs alfo mill 3 lift up unto thp manbments mtth mp mhole heart.
Comnnbmeitts match 3 haae lobeb: attb 6 ©heir heart is as fat as b?amn: hut
mp ftubp fljall be fn tljp ©tatutes. mp bellght hath been in thp Lam.
' 7 3t
The x^v.day. The PfalmS. Thexxvi. day.
7 jt tj5 goon fo? me that a hone been 2 CbP truth alfo remaineth from one
in trouble: that a map learn thp ^ta generation to another ♦ tijou haft lain the
tounnatton of tlje earth,ann it abtneth*"
8 Che llaio of tljp mouth to nearer 3 Cbep continue thin nap accruing to
unto meftijen tfjoufanns of goin $ ftfner. thuieo?nmance;fo? au things feme toee.
4 3f mp neiight han not, been in thp
Manus tua: fcce- 7 S' bvi Lam; a fijouln ijabe periihen in mv teem
runt me. S L prayer* ble.
5 3 will neher fo?get tljp Commann*
jfpv banns bane mane me, mtn ment^ x fo? with them thou haft quick
falhtonen me: CD gibe me urn enen me.
nerftanntng, that a map learn „ t 3} am thine, CDb fane me; fo? 3 Dane
thp Commannmento. fought tljp Commannments.
2 Chen that fear thee, null be glan 7 Che tutgooip lain wait fo? me, to
toben tijep fee merbecattfe a bane put mp nertrop me; but a mill coitfiner tbv Ce=
truff m top ft5o?n> ftimotttes.
3 3 know (CDLo?n) that thp Sunge- 8 a fee that all things? come to an enn:
ntento are right: ann that thou of nerp but thp Commaunment is? erceeoing
fmtljfulncfs halt caufen me to be tcom b?oan.
blen. Quomodo dilcxi.
4 CD let thp merciful kinnnefs? hemp
comfort: accoining to thp too?o unto thp
LCD?n, tnljat lone bane a unto thp
Lana ? all the nap fongtsmpftuov
ferbant. m it.
5 CD let thp lobtng mercies come tin 2 Chou th?ough thp Commannments
to me that a map line : fo? tljp Law is haft mane me tmfer then mine enemies!;
mp neiight. fo? thep are eher with me.
6 Let the p?oun be coufounnen : fo? 3 a bane mo?e unnerftannmg then mp
thep go tmckenip about to neftrop me • teachers?: fo? tbp Ceftimomes are mp
but a mill be occupien in thp Commaon- ftunp.
rneuts. 4 3 am foifer then tlje agen: becaufe
7 Let fuch as fear thee 3 ann bane 3 keep tljp Commannments.
fcnoton tljp Ceftimomes .• be tinmen unto 5 a bane refraiiten mp feet from ehe*
me. rp enn naan: that a map keep thp wo?n.
8 SD let mp heart be founn in tljp @ta^ 6 a bane not fij?unk from thp Junge*
tutes • that a be not afljamen. meats? x fo? thou teacljeff me.
Defecit anima mea. 7 CD hona fuaeet are thp wo?ns unto
TV yrg foul hath longen fo? tbvfainati- mp th?oat; pea,fweetec tljenhonep unto
IV1 pit: ann a bane a goon hope be= mp mouth.
caufeofthpnJo?n. 8 Ch?ough tljp Commannments? 3
2 a^ine epes long fo?e fo? tljp foo?n • getttnoerftanomg: tijerefo?e a bateau
raping, CD mijeit tuilt thou comfo?t me t im'cken waps.
3 ifo? a am become litre a bottle in the
fmoaU : pet no a not fo?get thp @>ta^ Lucerna pcdibus 7 y Morning
4 ipoui manp are the naps of tljp fer=
nant- tnljett wilt thou be ahengeo of them
that perfecutemef
5 Che p?oun bane niggen pits fo? me=
T meis. 1 prayer.
rpp wo?n is a lantho?n unto mp
fcetmnn a ligljf unto mp paths?.
2 a bane ftuo?n ann am (ten*
Which are not after tljp lain. fafflp purpofen : to keep tljp
6 ail thp Comniannmentp are true:righteous? aungements.
tijevperfccutemefaifclp, CD be thou mp 3 a am troublcn abone meafute;
help. quicken me* CD Lo?n, acco?nmg to tbv
7 Cbep han almcft mane an enn of me
upon earth • but a fo?fook not tljp Com4 Let the free-Will offerings of roP
mafflnnents. mouth pleafe thee,CD Lo?n: ann teach me
8 CD quicken me after tljp lobingkinn-
ncfs:ann fo fljall a keep tlje Ceftimomes
5 sgp foul is? aiwav in mp bann: pet
of thp mouth* noanotfo?get thp Law.
In sternum, Dominc. 6 Che ungoblp bane lain a fnare fo*
O Lo?n, thp wo?n :ennurcthfo?ener me: but vet 3 fwerneb not from thp
mfjeaneiK Commannments?, 7 Cbv
Thcxxvi. day. ThePfalms. Thexxvi.day.
7 cpp Cetftmom'e0 pabe 3 clatmeo 1 ciful tmto me: as tpou ufed to no unto
ns mp peritage to? eber : aim mpp ? tpep tijofe tpat lobe tpp name,
aretpcbcrp jop of mute!) cart 5 2D?Ber mp deps in tpp mo?B: mm fo
8 33 pabe applies nip peart to fulfil djail no mtekeBnefs pabe Bomtmonobcc
tpp Statute?) altuap: eben unto tpe eitB* me
I lniquos odio habui. 6 2D Beitber me from tpe m?o.ngftrt
fDate tpem tpat imagine ebrl tpmgs; scalings of men; aim fo fpali 3 keep tpp
Out tpp tato bo 3i lobe, Conimanmnent0.„
a epott art urn Befence aim djtelB x 7 ^)pem tpe ligpt of tpp countenance
aim nip truft ts in tpp mo?B. upon tpp ferbant : ano teaep me tpp @ta=
3 auiap from me pe mickeB: 31 unit ttltCS. . .
keep tpe Commanomeitfs of nip eoo. 8 2pne epe0 gulp out mrtp mater;
4 2D Clabfrip me acco?Bntg to tpp mo?B, becaufe men keep not tpp lam.
tpat 3 map line; anB !et me not be Btfap=
pomteB of mp pope. Judas es DominCo
5 ipoio tpou me up, anti 3 (pall be
fafe: pea, mp Beligpt (pall be eber tit tpp
R 3gpteoti0 art tpou,JD 1o?b • anB
true 10 tpp jttSgement.
6 epott pad troBeit Bourn all tpem 2 Cpe Ccdtmonres tpat. tpou pad
tpat Bepart from tpp ftatutes : fo? tpep coipmanBeB : are erceeBtng tigpteous
imagine but bcceit anB true.
7 Ctjou putted amap all tpe ungoblp 3 f^p seal patp eben confumeB me
of tpe eartp like B?of0 ; tperefo?e 3 lobe becaufe mine enemie0 pabe fo?gotten
tpp CedtmomeS. tpp U)O?B0.
8 93p fled) tcembletp fo? fear of tpee; 4 Cpp mo?B 10 tneB to tpe uttermod;
aim 3 am afram of tppjuBgemeitts. anB tpp ferbant lobetp it.
Feci judicium. 5 3 am (Staff, anB of no reputation:
t Deal tufts tpe tping tpat is lamfttl pet Bo 3 not fo?get tppcommanBments.
1 atmrfept: £> gibe me not ober tmto 6 cpp rigpteoufnefb 10 aneberlafling
mtneopp?eiTa?0* rigpteoufnef0: anB tpp lain 10 tpe trutp
2 c^ake tpou tpp ferbant to Beligpt 7 Crouble anB peabinef0 pabe taken
in tpat rnpicp gooB: tpat tpe p?ouB Bo polB upon me • pet 10 mp Beligpt in tpp
me no m?ong. CommanBments.
3 Q3ine epc^ are mafteB amap tofts 8 Cpe rigpteoufnef0 of tpp Cedtnto*
looking fo? tpp pealtp; aim fo? tpe no?B nie0 10 eberladtttg .• 2D grant me turner
of tpp tigpteaufnefs. danBtng, anB 3 (Pall libe.
4 2D Beal tofts tpp ferbant acco?Bing
unto tpp lobtng metep; anB teacp me tpp Clamavi in toto cor-
datutes. de meo. H Evening
5 3 am tpp ferbant, 2D grant me urn
BerdanBtng: tpat 3 map knom tpp CedF
I Call uiitp mp mpole peart .• pear me,
2D lo?B, 3 mill keep tpp statutes.
6 3t 10 time fo? tpee, Lo?B> to lap to 2 ^ea, eben upon tpee Bo 3 call:
tputepanB ; fo? tpep pabeBedropeBtpp pelp me, aims (pailkeep fppCedE
lam. monie0.
7 JF02 3 lobe tpp CommanBments; a- 3 Catlp in tpe mo?iting Bo 3 crp tmto
bobegolB anBp?ectou0 done. tpee: fo? in tpp mo?o 10 mp trud.
8 Cperefo’e polB 3 dratt all tpp Cdm- 4 20tne epe0 p?ebent tpe mgptmatcl>
manBments; anB all falfe maps 3 uttem es : tpat 3 migpt be occttpteB in tpp
ip abpo?. mo?B0. •
T Mirabilia. 5 (bear mp boice (D Lo?B) acco?Bfng
pp Cedtmotttes are mouBerfui : tmto tpp lobtng ktnBnef0: qutchen me ac=
therefore Botp mp foul keen tpem co?Btng a0 tpou art toont.
1 OTpentpp mo?s goetp fo?tp t it gt= 6 CPep B?aumigp tpat of malice per,
betp ligpt anB unserdanBtng unto tpe fecute me * anB are far from tpp lam.
fimpie. 7 I5t tpou nigp at paim, © 1o?b :
3 3 openeB mp motttp,anB B?em in mp fo? all tpp Commaimmeitt0 are true.
b?eatp ♦ fo? mp Beligpt urns in tpp Conn 8 as concerning tpp Cedtmonies, 3
mattBment0. pabe knomn long fince : tpat tpou pad
4 2D look tpou upon me, anB be nicr- grouttBeB tpemfo?eber.
The xxvi. day. The Pfalms. The xxvii. day.
Vide hiimiiitatem. . 8 3 hane gonealtrap like a (keep that
OConfiner mine aoherfitp aim He* 10 loit; oh feek thp ferhant, fo? 3 no not
liner me •* fo? 3 no not fo?get tljp fo?get thp Commanomento.
i anenge thou mp caufe, ann neither Ad Dominum* Morning
me: quicken me acco?ning unto thp mo?n.
3 health to far from the tutgoMp: fo?
Pfal. 120. H prayer.

thep regaro not tljp statutes. mn 3 mas in trouble, 3

4 *£?eat to tljp mercp,0 io?n: quick*
cn me ao tijou art rnont.
5 s^aup there are that trouble me,
VV cailen upon the Lo?n ; ann
he heato me.
2 Delinec mp foul, 0
ann perfecute mex pet no 3 not fmcrOe Lo?n, from iping lipo; ann from a oe=.
from thp Ceflimonies. cettful tongue.
6 3t grienetlj me mljen3 fee the traits 3 Cflhat remarn mail be ginen 0? none
gredo?s: hecaufe thep keep not thp lain. unto thee thou falfe tongue ;eoeit mightp
7 Confioer, CD Lo?n, horn 3 lone thp ann (harp arromo , mith hot burning
Ccmmnnomcnts: CD quicken me acco?n coalo.
ing to thp loniitg kinnnefs. • 4 Olio io me, that 3 am conftraineti
8 Chp mo?n to true from enerlaffing; to nmeii mith s@efech: ann to hane mine
all the mgnements of thp righteoufnefs habitation among the tento of Ceoar.
cnxntre fo? enermo?e. 5 ^p foul hath long nmelt among
them: that be enemies unto peace.
P Principes perfccuti Hint.
Rtnceo hahepeefeettten me mithout 6 3labo? fo? peace, but mheit 3 fpeak
a caitfe: hut mp heart danneth tn ame unto them thereof ; thep make them
of thp mo?ns. reanp to battel.
i 3 am ao glan of thp mo?n : ao one Levavi oculos. PfaL 121.
that finnetij great fpotis.
3 ao fo? Itco 3 hate ann abho? them;
I mill lift up mine epeo unto the hillO:
from mhence cometh mp help.
hut thp lam no 3 lone. 2 f@P help cometh enen from the Lo?o:
4 g>enen times a nap no 3 P?atfe thee; mhich hath mane keanen ann earth.
heaufe of thp righteous fttogements. 3 Ue mil l not fuffer thp foot to be moh*
5 <S5?eat to the peace that thep hane en ; ann he that keepeth thee mill not
tohtch lone thp lam: ann thep are not of deep.
franco at tt 4 'Behoin, he that keepeth 3frael; (hall
6 Lo?n 3 hane looken fo? thp fahing neither dumber no? deep.
health : ann none after tljPCommano 5 Che iio?n himfelf is thp keeper: the
tnents. Lo?n is thp nefettce upon thp right
7 Q3p foul hath kept thp Cedimonies; hano.
ann lonen them erceeoinglp. <5 ^0 that the @>tm (hall not burn thee
8 3 hane kept thp Commanoments bp nap: neither the spoon bp night.
ann Cedimontes : fo? all mr> maps are 7 Che Lo?n djali p?eferne thee from
htfo?e thee. all end; pea, it 10 enen he that djali keep
thp foul.
L Appropinquet dcprccatio.
et mp complaint come befo?etIjee, 8 Che Lo?n djali p?eferne tljp going
CD Lo?n; gihe me utmemanning ac out ann thp coming in; from tljtS time
co?ntng to thp mom. fo?th fo? enermo?e.
2 Let mn ftipplicattoit come hefo?e thee:
Oeltuer me acco?ntng to thn mo?n. T rnc im Pril
3 s@p lips (ball fpeak of ti]p p?atfe;mhen t alias glan rnijen thep fatn unto me:me
thou haft taught me thp statutes. 1 mill go into the houfe of the Lo?n.
4 ^ea, mp tongue than ling cf thp 2 0ttr feet djali ftann in thp gates; 0
mom: fo? all thp Commanomento are 3ernfalem. <
righteous. 3 3erufalem is bminen as a citp ?
5 Let thine hano help me; fo? 3 hane that t0 at tutttp in it felf.
thofen thp Commanomento. 4 5Fo? thither the tribes go up, enen
6 3 hane loitgeo fo? thp faning health, the tribes of the Lo?0: to tettifie unto
0 Lo?n; ann in thp lam to mp neitght. 3frael, to gine thanks unto the JOarne
7 0b let mp font line, aitn it (hall of the Lo?n.
piaire thee; ann thp jungements (hall 5 f 0? there is the feat of 3ungetnent :•
help me. enen the feat of the houfe of Dahtn.
k>b ^ ®
The xxvi. day.' The Pfalnis. The xxvii day.
6 © p?ap fo? the peace of 3eturalem: not into the lot of the righteous: left the
tljep fljallr p?ofperthat lodahee. righteous put them hand unto mtcked*
7 peace he rnitljm thp mails: and nets.
plenteoufnefs mttljin thp palaces* 4 Do men, ©io?d.- unto thofr that
S tfo? nip H?etlj?en and companions He goon and ttue of heart.
fakes: a null milbtbee p?efpetitp. 5 as fo? ftich as tutu Hack unto them
9 gea,Hecaufe of the houfe of the laid cmn mickcdnefs : the lo?d (hall lean
our <&od : 31 tuiU frek to no thee good. them fo?th mtth the edtidoers,Hut peace
(hall He upon 3ftaei.
Ad te lcvavi oculos meos. Pfal. 123 *

U In convertendo.
n Evening
Bto thee lift 31 up mute epes: ©
thou that dmellelt in the deadens.
2 15013010, eden as the epes of fer*
Hants look unto the hand of then: ma=
nets, aim as the epes of a maiden unto
W Pfal. 126. prayer.

jpen the io?d turned a*

gam thecaptiditpof^
on : then mete me like
the hano of her mifttefs : eden fo out unto them that d?eam.
epes matt upon the lorn out <^od, until i Chen mas out mouth filled mitlj
he hade metcp upon us. laugljtet: atm out tongue mitlj top*
3 ipaHe metcp upon us, © lo?d,fsade 3 Chen fam thep among the heathen:
metcp upon us : fo?me ate utterlpde* Che lo?d hath hone gteat things fo?
fpifed. them.
4 ©ut foul is filled mitlj the front' 4 ?ea,the lo?d hath hone gteat things
ful rep?oof of the meaithp: aim mtth the fo? us alreatip: mheteof me rejopce.
defpitefulnefs of the p?oud. 5 Cum out captiHitp, ©lo?d: as
the riders in the €>outh.
N1T1 quia Dominus.' Pfal.124. 6 Chep that fom in teats: (hall teap
in top.
,TJF the Lom htmfrlfhati not Heen on out 7 ^etijatnomgoetijonhtsmapmeep*
JL fine (nom map 3ftael fap:) if the io?d mg, and Hearetlj fo?ttj good feed : (hall
htmfeifhad not been on out fme mijen douhtlefs come again mitlj |dp,and H?ing
men tofe up agatnft us. his lljeades mith him.
2 Chephao fmallomed us up quick:
mijen tijep mete fo m?athfulip difpieafrd Niii Dominus. Pfal. 127.
at us.
3 Wea, the matets hah d?omned us: 'except the lo?d Huild the houfr: tljeit
and the fiream had gone oHet out JL labo? is Hut (ofitljat build it.
foul. 2 ercept the lo?d keep the eftp : the
4 Che deep matets of the p?oitd *• had matchman maketh but tn bain.
gone eden Oder out foul. 3 is HutlolliaHo? tljatpe hade to
5 I5ut p?atfed He the Lo?d : mhith rife up eatlp, and fo late take reft, and
Hath not gideit us odet fo? a p?ep unto eat the H?ead of catefulnefs : fo? fo he
tljeit teeth* gidetlj his Heloded fieep.
6 ©at fouliSefraped, eden asaHitd 4 lo, child?en and the fruit of the
outofthefnateof thefomiet: thefnate momb: are an heritage, and gift that
is H?oken, and me ate delidered. cometh of tljelo?d.
7 ©ut help (landetlj in the name of 5 like as the arroms in the hand of
the io?d: mhich hath made headen and the^pant: edenfo are the poitng cbtl*
earth. d?en.
Qiii confidant. Pfal.125. 6 ipappp is the man that hath his qui?
det full of them: tijep mall not He alpaim
T lj)ep that put their ttuff in the lo?d, ed mhett thep fpeak mitlj their enemies
(hail He eden as the muimt ^>tcn: in the gate.
mhich map not He tenmded, Hut Hand- Bcatiomnes. Pfal. 128.
etljfafffo? edet.
eden fo ffandcth the lo?d round aHout
2 Che Hills ifand aHout 3etufalem: lefled ate all thep that fear the lo?d:
andmalk in his mapes*
his people, from this timefo?th fo? e* 2 jfo? tljou lhalt eat the labours of
Hermo?e. thine hands : © mell is thee, and happp
3 if0? the rod of the ungodip cometh malt thou He.
The xxvii.day. ThePialms. The xxviii.day.
3 cup wife fljall fie as tfie fruitful matters i SbljfcU are too UigU fo? the,
Cline : upon ttje uiallg of tfitne Uoufe. 3 “But a refrain mp foul, ann beep if
4 CUP cljiin?ett like tljc ©use fi?ancU= low, like as a cUilne tljat is tteanen from
fo: toimo about tljp table. Uis motljer : pea, mp foul is eben as a
5 Lo, thus fljall tue man be bleflcn: weanen cfjtine.
tfiatfeatetUtUe Lo?n. 4 © Iftael trull in tUe Lo?n: from this
6 CUe Lo?n from out of Sion ©all time fo?tfj fo? ebermoje.
fo bid's tUee: tUat tljou fljalt fee Jetu- Memento, Domine, ? f Morning
falem in p?ofperitp all tljp life long. Pfal. 132, S l prayer.
7 pea, tpat tljou fljalt fee tUP cljil
Bjettp cfitinicn: anb peace upon afrael. ©?n, remember © abin; ann an
Sacpe cxpugnaverunt. Pfal. lip. UiS trouble.
2 Dow ije ftoare unto tUe
M anp a time ijabe tuep fougljt againff Lo?n : ann botten a bow unto
me from mp poutu up; map afrael tue aimigijtp©onof aacofi,
novo fap. 3 a will not come toitfiin tUe Caber*
2 gca, manp a time ijabe tljep seres nacleofmine ijoufe ; no?climbeupintei
me from mp poutu up: but tljep Uabe rtot mp ben.
pjeSaileSagainftmc. 4 a uiill not fufler mine epes to deep,
3 CUe plomets plotueB upon mp bach: no? mine epedtns to Humbert neither tpe
annmane longfutrotts. temples or mp Uean to take anp reft.
4 TSut tlje rtgUteous Lo?n tljatlj ijeton j Clntil a finne out a place fo? the
tUe fnares of tlje tmgoSlp in peices. Cemple of tUe Lo?n t an Uabitation fo?
5 Let them be confounfien ann turneS the migUtp ©on of aacofi,
bacbwatn: as manp as Uabe ebil ttill at 6 Lo, tte ijearn of tue fame at©pu?a«
©ion. tat ansfounnitintljeuioon.
6 Let tljem be efien as tUe grafs 7 We Will go into Uis Cafiernacle t
gtotting upon tUe Uoufe tops : ttljtcU ann fall low on our knees fiefo?e Uis
ttitUeretUafoje itbeplucfeesup. footflool.
7 ©afieteof tlje mower fiHetljnotfiis 8 arife,© Lo?n,into tfip telling placet
Uans : neitUer Ije tljat binsetlj up tUe tfiou ann tfie ark of tljp flrengtlj.
fljeabes, fits boftme. 9 Let tfip p?iells be clotfien toitfj
8 @o tuat tljep ttUiclj go bp, fap not rigfiteoufnefS: attn let tfip ©aints ling
fo much as tlje Lo?n p?ofper pou : tte toitfi iopfulnefs,
unflj pou goon inch in tlje JBame of tUe- 10 jfo? tljp fetbant ©abins faket
Lo?o. turn not atoap tfie pjeCence of tfiine a«
De profundis. Pfal. 130.
beep Uabe 3i fallen unto 11 cue Lo?n ijatfi mane a faitfifui
Lo?n Uear mp bopce. oatij unto ©awn t ann fie fliali not fljjtnk
^ ©U let tljine ears confiner ttell: tlje from it.
bopce of mp complaint. xi ©f tfie fruit of tfip fionpt fljall5
3 3lf tUou Lo?n toilt be ertreme to fet upon tfip feat.
mark ttUat is none amifs : ©Lo?n,toljo 13 aftfip cijiin?en will keep mp Co*
map abtne it ? Senant ann mp Ceflimonies that a fljall
4 jfo? there is mercp toitfj tljee: tljete- leant tljem t tfieir cljtin?en alfo fljall lit
fo?e fljalt tUou be fearen. upon tfip feat fo? ebermo?e.
5 31 look fo? tUe Lo?o, mp foul SotU 14 jfo? tfie Lo?n Ijatfi cfjofen ©ion to
watt fo? him •• inUistoo?niSmptrulf. be att Uabitation fo? fiimfelf t fie fjattj
6 S0p foul fleetU unto tUe Lo?n: be= longenfo?ljer.
fo?e tUe mojning ttatclj, 31 Tap, befo?e 1 5 CfiiS fljall fie mp refl fo? eber t
tUemojningtoatcU. Uere will a nuieii, fo? a Uabe a neitgijf
7 © afrael, trull In tlje Lo?0, fo? toitU tfiereitt.
tUe Lo?n tuete is mercp ; ann toitU ijim 16 a will blefsfier biduais toftljm--
is plenteous renemptton. creafe t ann will fatisfie Uet poo? toitU
8 annfie fljall reneem afraei: from all
Uis fins. 1*73 Will neck Uet 13?ieflS toitU Uealtfi;
Domine, non eft. Pfal. 131. ann Uer Saints fljall reiopce ann ling.
L ©?n, a am not Uigfi.minnen : a Uabe 18 CUere fljall a make tlje Uo?nof
nopjoun looks. Dabtn to flottrtflj : a Uabe o?nainen a
2 a bo not ereccife mp felf in gteat lantern fo? mine anotnten.
It) U 2 19 35
The xxviii. day. The Pfalmsi Thexxviii.day.
19 faj eitcnife03 3 fljall clotte 13 €hh J^ame, O £o?n, ennuretlj fo?
tljeni autt) ftjame % tmt upon bmifeif (hall ebet: fo noth tljp memorial, o £o?o*
higcroum fiouttUj* from one generation to another.
14 £o? tpe £o?o null abenge ijig people:
JEcce quam bonum. Pfal. 133 -r
ijoio goon ants lopful a tiring it
ig x b?tt&ieu to nuielt together in
ann be gracious unto Ijtg fetbants*
15 ag fo? the tmageg of tlje heathen,
uuttp* tijep ate but liibet ann goin x the bto?U
^ 3|t 10 like the p?cctoug ointment upon ofmenghanng.
tpe bean, that tan notun tmto tlje beam; 16 cijep habe moutljeg, ann fpeak not:
cben unto Sarong beam, ann tuent tiou.it epeg Ijabe ttjep,but thep fee not
to tlje gktttg of trig clothing. 17 Cijep habe eatg,annpet then heat
3 Like ag tlje oetu of ipetmon: mljiclj not: neither tg there anp b?eatp itt tljeit
fell upon tlje trill of ^>ion* mouthg.
4 ifo? there the £o?n p?onrife0 big 18 chep that make them ate like
Welling; ann life fo? ebermcje* unto them: ano Co ate all tijep that put
BCpoin Bccenunc. Pfal. 134*
(notn) piaifetijeiLoin: all pe
lerbantg of tlje £o?o*
19 Pfttte tlje £o?o pe houfe of 3ftael .*
p?mfe the £o?o, pe bottle of aaron.
2 ft that bp night nano in tljehoufe 20 p?atfe the JLo?n pe houfe of £ebi •
Qf tlje £o?o: ebenm tlje Courts of tlje pe that feat the lo?n, p?aife tlje Lo?n.
ijoufe of out ©on. 21 p?aifen be the £o?n out of ^)ion ;
3 £tft up pour hating itt the ^anetua* uiljiclj ncoelleti) at 3erufalem*
tp: ann p?aife the £o?o*
4 Che £o?n that mane ijeanen ann Confitcmini.T fEvcning
earth; gibe thee bleCTmg out of 0ton. Pfal* 1.3 6. J \ Prayer*
Laudate nomen* Pfal. 13 5+
P?atfe the £ojn,lauo pe tlje Bame ©ibe tljankg tmto the lo?n,fo?
Fof the £o?n: p?aiCe it32D peferbantg he tg gtactoug: atin ijto metep
of tlje £o?n* ennutethfo?ebet.
2 ge that iiann lit tlje houfe of the £o?n: o 2 2D gtbe thankg unto the
in toe Courtgof tljehoufe of out ©on* ©on of all gong; fo? iji^ metep ennu-
3 D p^atfe tlje lo?n3 fo?tlje £o?n ig tetljfoiebet*
gractoug;!) ring p?ai(eg unto ijlg Bame3 3 £D thank the £o?n of all io?ng • fo?
fc?ittglobcip* hig metep ennuretlj fo? ebet*
4 ifoj tuhpf the £o?n hath chofen ja-- * 4 OTrich onelp noth gteat monnetg s
tob unto himfelf: ann Jfrael fo? hig omtt fo? Ijtg metep ennuretlj fo? ebet.
pofleuton* ' 5 OThtch bp hig etcellent mignom
5 Jfo? 3 knom that the £o?n tg gteat: mane the beabeng • fo? ijtg metep enntu
ann that out £o?n ig abobe ml gong* tetlj fo? ebet.
6 OThatfoebet the £o?n pleafen, that 6 OHhtclj lain out the earth abobe the
bio he tn heaben a to tit eartu : ann m the tuaterg: fo? big metep etthuretb fo? ebet*
fea3 annuiallneepplaceg. 7 TOtch hath mane great itgljtg: fo?
7 fyz bjingetlj fo?th the cioung ftorn hig metep ennuretlj fo? ebet*
the enng of the too?in: annfennetij fo?th 8 cije©untorule the nap: fo? hig
lightmngg ttuth the tain, b ingtitg the metep enottretbfo? ebet*
bunoo out of ijig treafureg* 9 Cljee^con ann the €)tatg to go*
8 Ipe fmote the firff bo?nof €gppt; betn the night: fo? hig metep ennuteth
both of man ann beaff* fo?ebet*
9 f)e hath Cent tokeng ann monoerg i o mijitl) fmote ©gppt but!) thett firfP
into tlje minif of thee, 2D tljou lann of bo?n t fo? hig metep ennuteth fo? ebet*
Cgppt .• upon pijataah ann all ijig fet- 11 $no b?ought out 3frael from among
bantg* them - fo?hig metep ennuteth fo? ebet*
i o 5>r fmote nibetg nattong: mtn Hefts 12 OTitljammhtPhannannariretclj*
mmhtpkmgg* en outatm: fo? hio metep ennuteth fo?
u 0ebon king of the amo?lteg3 anO ebet
On: the fug of T5afan; ann all the lung* 13 CCIfjicf) afsjitieti tlie ten Sea tit tuio
Onmg of Canaan* parts t fo? fits metep cnmtrcU) fo? cPer.
12 Tnn.gabr thett lann to he an hetu 14 gtttt maoe Jftael to so tluotiuS
tnge: ebeitmt heritage unto ifcael fitg tlje mtOft of it: fo? Sts merep etumretf)
people* fo? ePer.
ij “But
The xxviii. day. The Pfaims. Thexxlx.oa)V
15 'But as fo? pjaraob ano his boff, 1 - Conffccbor tibi\ PiCxl.i38.
f)e ohett()2eui them ttt the ten S)ea t fo? T ^iil gibe thanks unto thee, 2D
bis mere? enouretbfo? eber. louth m? iohole heart t eben befo?e the
16 Ux\)\t\) ieo bis people tbo?obi the goos unit 3 ling p?atfe unto thee.
tmloecnefs: fo? bts mercptnOuretftlbl 2 j null uio?fbip tatoaro th? hoi? Cetm
pie, ano p?aifc th? Jl2ame,becaufc of th?
1 j flUbtcb fmote great kings x fo? Dig lobmg kmoitefs ano truth: fo? thou halt
nicer? enourctb fo? eber. magmfteo th?l^ame,ano th? foo?o abobe
18 pea, anti flem might? kings: fo? all things.
bis mere? enourctb fo?eber. 3 mm 31 calieo upon thee thou
ip ^eijoukingof the amo?ites: fo? hearOeft me: ano enoueoft m? foul foith
bis mere? enouretb fo? eber. muchftrength.
io 3no SDor the king of Bafait: fo? bis 4 ail the kings of the earth (hall p?aiTe
mere? enouteth fo? eber. thee, 2D ilo?o: fo? the? babetjearo the
21 Slito gabe afna? their lano fa? an foo?os of th? mouth.
heritage; fo* bis mete? enouteth fo? 5 f ea, the? (hail fing in the foa?s of
eber. the lto?o: that great is tije glo?? of the
a Chen fo? an heritage ttnto Sfrael ilo?o.
bis ferbant: fo? bis mere? enouteth fo? 6 jfo? though the Lo?o be high, ?et
ehet. hath he terpect unto the lofnl?: as fo?
23* OTbtcft tememb?eo us fnben foe the p?ouo, he behoioeth them afar off.
toere in trouble: fo? tjf0 mere? enouteth 7 Chough li foalk in the mios of ttom
fo? eber. ble, ?et ihait thou tefrefh me: thou fljalt
24 ano hath Oeltbereo us from out itretch fo?th thine hano upon tljefurrouP
enemies: fo? his mere? enouteth fa? nefs of mine enemies, ano th? right
ehet. v ’ hano (hail fabe me.
2 5 ailbtcb gibetb fooO ta all fleflj; fo? 8 Che £o?o (hall make gooo his lobing
his mete? enouteth fo? eher. kinonefs tofoaro me: ?ea,th? mete?,2D
76 2D gibe thanks unto the Coo of hea- Lo?o,enouteth fo? eber, oefpife not then
hen: fo? bis mere? enouteth fo? eber. the foo?ks of thine ofon hanos*
27 2D gtoe thanks unto the ILo?o of
io?os: fo? htS mere? enouteth fo? eher. Domine, probafti.7 f Morning
Super flumina. Pfal. 13 7- Pfal. 139. j \ Prayer.
loept: tohen foe rememb?eo O3lo?o, thott haft featcheo me
of 'Babplon toe fate
thee, 2D ^ton. out ano knoton me:thoti knofo=
2 as fo? out tharps, foe hangeo them eft m? Oofutt*fitting, ano mine
up: upon the trees that ate therein. up*rifing, thott unoerltanoeft
3 JFo? the? that leo us afoa? captibe, m? thoughts iongbefo?e.
tequireo of us then a fong ano meloO? in 2 Chou art about m? path,ano about
our beabtnefS; futg us oneofthefongs m? x beo ano fpieft out all m? foa?s.
of^ioit. 3 ifo?lo, there is not a fuo?o hi m?
4 Jpoto (hall foe fing the JLo?OS fong: tongue: but thou, 2D llo?0, knofoeft it
in a ffrange lano f altogether.
5 3jf 31 fo?get thee,2D lerufalcm: let 4 Chau half faihioneo me bebino ano
ttt? right hano fo?get her cunning. befa?e: ano laio thine hano upon me. ,
6 3f 3100 not remember thee, letm? 5 €>ucbknofoieoge is too bianoerful
tongue cleabe to the roof of m? mouth • ano excellent fo? me: i cannot attain
?ea, if 3! p?efer not lerufalem in m? unto it.
mirth- 6 rabitberfljallSf go then front th?
7 Remember the chilo?en of Coorn, Spirit: o? fcljither (hall 1 go then from
2D Lo?o,intheoa?of lerttfaletn: holo tlj?p?efence?
theoraio, SDoum foitljit, oofonfoith it, 7 if i climbe up intobeaben, thou
ebeit to the gtoutto* art there: if 3 go ooirnt to hell, thou art
8 2D oaughter of BabPlon,foafleO foith there alfo.
inifetP: ?ea, happo lhail he be that re-- 8 if I take the bungs of the mo?m
fuaroeth thee, as thou halt ferbeo us. iitg: otto remain in the uttermeft parts
9 Blefleo (ball he be that taketh th? \of the ^ea.
tbiioicn: ano tij?ofoeth them againlf the 9 Cben there alfo (hail th? hano leao
(tones. me: ano th? right bnno Hjalf holO me.
to jf
Thexxix.day. The Pfalms. . Thexxix.day.
10 jf 3 fap, petahbenturc the nark* 6 31 fain unto the Lo?n. Chou art mp
iters (bail cotiet nte; then than nip night ®oO;bear p boice of mp pjapers,® Lo?n.
he turnen to nap,. 7 © Lo?n ©on, thou flrength of mp
11 Pea, the natkiters is no narknefs health: thou haft cobeten mp bean in the
With ttjee, but the night is as cleat as nap of battel.
the nap: the narkttefs anb light (to tljee) 8 net not the ungonip babe bts Oefire,
arc both alike. ©Lo?0 : let not hisf mitchiebous ima¬
12 jFo?ntp reins ate thine: thou halt gination p?ofper, left thep be too piotiO.
cdbcteo me in rap mothers womb. 9 Let the mtfchtef of their own lips
13 a will gibe tljanfes unto thee, fo? fall upon thehean of them: that com*
31 am fearfully ano toonnerfullp mane: pars me about.
matbellotts are thp wo?ks, ano that mp 10 Let hot burning coals fall upon
foul knoweth tight well. them: let them be caft into the fire, ann
14 $9p bones are nothin from thee: into the pit,that thepnebet rife up again.
though I be mane fecretip, ann falhto> n a man full of moms fijaii not p;o=
tten beneath in the earth. fper upon the earth: ebilIhallhunt the
1 y Chine cpes bin fee mp fubftance, wicken perron to oberthiow hint.
pet being unperfect:ano in tljp book were 12 ©ure 3 ant that the Lo?n will a*
all mp members W?itten. benge the poo? :ann maintain the caufe
16 SHhich nap bp nap were faihioiien: of the helplefs.
when as pet there was none of them. 13 Che righteous airo lhall gibe
17 ipow near are thp counfels unto thanks unto thp JBarne .* ann the juft
me, © ©on: © how great is the rum of (hall continue tit thp fight.
them i Domine, clamavi. Pfal.141.
18 3f 31 tell them, thep are moe in
number then the faun: When 31 wake up,
L ®?n, 3 can uponthee,haftethee unto
me: ann confiOer mp boice when3
3iamp?efentwiththee. crp unto thee.
19 lOtltthou not flap the WickcO, © 2 Let mp p?aper be fet fo?th fit thp
©on: nepart front me pe bioowthirflp fight, as the incenfe: ano let the lifting
men. up of mp banns be an ebeittng facrifice.
20 fo? thep fpeak unrighteouflp a* 3 Set a watch, © Lo?o, bcfo?e mp
gainft thee: ann thine enemies take thp mouth: ann keep the ooo? of mp lips.
flame in bain. 4 © let not mine heart be enclinen to
a i Do not 3i hate them,® Lo?n, that aitp ebil thing.- let me not be occupieo
hate tljee: ann am not 31 grteben With in ungonip wo?ks with the men that
thofe that rife up agatnft thee i wo?k Wickennefs, left 3 eat of fitch
22 pea, 31 hate them right fo?e; eben things as pleafe them.
as though thep were mine enemies. 5 Let the righteous rather finite me
2 3 Cep me, © ©on, ann feek the frienoip: ann rep?obe me.
grotmnof mp heart: pjobeme, anner= 6 "But let not their p?eciotts balms
amine mp thoughts. b?eak mine heao: pea, 3 will p?ap pet
24 Look well if there be anp wap of againft their wtckennefs.
wtckennefs in me: ann lean me tn the 7 Let tljeir 3tt0ges be oberth?oWn
wap ebetiatting. v in flonp places: that thep map hear mp
Eripe me, Domine. Pfal.140. wo?ns, fo?tljeparefweet.
®liber me, © Lo?n, from the ebil 8 ©ttr bones lie fcatteren befo?e the
man: ann p?cfctbc me from the pit: like as when one bieafcetb ann hew*
wicken man. eth Woon upon the earth.
2 lohich imagine mifchief tit their 9 But mttteepes look unto thee, ©
hearts: ann fltr up tttife all the nap long. Lo?n ©on t in thee is mp truft, ©caft
3 Cbepbabe (harpnen their tongues not out mp foul.
like a ferpent: Toners poifon is tinner io Keep me from the mate that thep
their lips. habe lain fo? nte: ann from the traps of
4 Keep nte, © Lo?n, from the banns the wicken noers.
of the ungonip: picfrrbc me from the 11 Let the ungonip fall into their own
wicken men,which are purpofeO to obcr nets together:^ let me eber efcape them.
th?ow mp goings. Voce mc.i ad Dominum. 7 S Evening
3 Che piounhabelatna fnarefo?me, Pfal. 142. V X Prayer.
ano fp?ean a net ab?oan with co?ns: pea, ©rpentmto the Lo?n With mp boice:
ann fet traps in mp wap. pea, eben unto the Lo?b nth 3 make
mp fiippiication. 2 3
The xxx. day. The Pfalmi The xxx.day.
a 3i pottren out mp complaints* before tbP inntng spirit lean me fo?tb into the
him: ann fljemeb btm of mp trouble. lattn of rtghteoufneft*.
3 CCiljcn mp fptrit loao tit beabtnefO 5 ii ©titckcit me, ©Xo?U, fo? tbp
thou knciueft mp path: tit the toap tobere* 35ameo fake: atm fo? thp righteoufitefo
in 3i toalkcn, ijabc tljcp p^tbtlp lain a fake bung mp foul out of trouble.
fttarc fo* me. i?- ann of tbp goonnefo flap mine ene*
4 3 lookcn alfo upon mp right hannj nttes* x attn neff rop all them that nee mp
aim fain there nmo no ntatt tijat roottin foul, fo?3 am thp fernauri
bnoln me.
5 3 pan no place to flee unto : atm Bcnedi&us Dominus.
no matt eaten fo? mp foul. Pfal. 144.
6 3i etten unto thee, © Lo?n, ann Prayer.
fain: Chou att mp hope atm mp po?tt=
oit in the iatm of tljc lining. Heflen be the Lo?n nip ftrength:
7 Confinec mp complaint: fo? 3 am uthich teacheth mp banno ta
brought Deep lout. mar, ann mp fingers to fight,
8 © neither me front mp perfects a ^phope annmp fo?tref&
to?o: fo? tpep ate too ftrottg fo? me. mp caftle ann belinerer; mp befenner, ttt
9 Ql5?tng ntp foul out of patent, that inborn 31 trttft: mhiclj fubbueth iup people
3 map gibe tbattko unto tbP 35ame; that is* miner me.
mbtcl) thing tf thou tnilt grant me, then 3 lorn mhat t0 man that thou haft
fljail the nghteotm refo?t unto mp coup fitch rcfpect unto him: 02 the fon of man
panp. that thou fo regarnett him ?
Domine, exaudi. Pial. 143. 4 f^ait 10 like a thing of nought; hi#
time pafleth amap like a fltanom.
H ear mp p?aper, © Lo?n, ann con-' 5 0i3om the beaneno,© Ho^^ann come
finer mp neftre: heathen unto nte bourn: touch the mountamo, ann then
to? m truth $ ttghteoufnefs* fake. (bail fmoak. *
2 Ann enter not into jungement int'th 6 calf fc?tb thp lightning ann tear
tbp ferbant: fo? ttt tbp fight (ball no man them: ftjoot out thine arrow, anneorn
lining be ittttifien. fttme them.
3 Jo? the enemp hath perfecuten mp 7 ^>enn nomn thine hatm from abohe:
foul, he hath fmtttett mp life bourn to the beiiner me, ann take me out ofthe great
grottno : he hath lain me in the nark^ matct*0, from the hann of ftrange cbtT
nets*, as* the men that bane been long n?e«.
bean. 8 flBbofe mouth taiketh of nam'tp
4 €herefo?ets*mpfpittt heren mttht'n ann their right fjann 10 a right hann of
me; atm mp heart mithtn me to befo- mtckennef0.
late. y 3 null ftng a nem fong unto thee, ©
5 fetno 3 remember the timepafl, 0cn: ann Cng p^atfe0 unto thee upon a
3 ntufe upon all tbp uio?k0 ; pea, 31 ten ftrmgeb Lute.
ercrctfe mp felf in the luc?k0 of tip 10 Chou haft gibett btito^p unto
harms*. king0 .• ann haft neltltUeren ©auin fhp
6 3! ftretch fo?tb nip battno unto thee • feruant from the peril of the fmo^n.
mpfottl gafpeth unto thee, as* athtrflp 11 0aue me, ann neither me from
laitn. the bano of ftrange chtin?en : mhofe
7 ijicar me, ©Lo?b, atm that foon, mouth taiketh of uanttp, ann their right
fo? mp fpirtt tnareth faint: bine not tljp hann t0 a right hann of tntquitp.
face front me, left 1 be like unto them 12 Chat our fono map grom up no the
that go bourn into the pit. pongplanto ann that our naughtero

8 "CD let me hear tbp lobing kitto- map be ao the poltlhen co^neto of the
ttefo betimes* in the morning: fo? in thee Cemple.
(O mp trttft: (hem thou me the map that 13 Chat our garnero map be full ann
3 Ibouin mafk in, fo? 3 lift up mp foul plenteotto rntth all manner of fto^e: that
unto thee. our ftjeep map b^tng fo^th thoufanno,
9 ©either me, © Lo?n from mine e^ attn ten thottfanno ttt ourftreeto.
nernteo: fo? 3 flee unto thee to hibe 14 Chat ottrornt map be ftrongto
me* labour, that there be no necap: ttolean-'
io ccacb me to no the thing that Iing into capttbttp, anb no complaining
plcafcththee, fo? thou act mp^on: let incurftreeto.
15 vmv
The xkx.day. The Pfalms. The xxx. day.
15 ipappp are the people that he In fuel)
P Lauda, ani'ma mca. Pfal. 145.
a cafe: peabieffed ace the people frblch Katie the lord, £> mp foul, lohlle 3
babe the lord fo? their $od. ithe hull 3 pratfe the lord : pea, as
I Exaltabo te, Deus. Pfal. 145. long a0 3 hahe anp being 3 hull fing
©Util magnlfie thee, D ^od mp l&lng: p?aife0 unto mp 0od.
and 3i UJtil pratfe tljp name fo? eber 2 ad put not pour trud lit Princes, no?
and eber* In anp chllde ot man :fo? there 10 no help
2 eberp nap frill 3 gtbe thanko unto them.in
thee: and pralfe thp name fo? eber and 3 iFo? fohen the breath of man goetb
eber. . . - forth, he lhall turn again to his earth ••
3 ^?eat t0 the lord, ants marbellctt0 and then all ht0 thought0 periflj.
frorthp to bep?atfed: there 10 no end of 4 'Bieffed 10 he that hath the ^od of
hl0 gceatnef0. Jacob for h!0 help; ano frhofe hope 10 in
4 2Dne generation fljall pratfe thp fr o?k0 the lord hi0 ®od.
unto another: and declare thppofrer. 5 OTtch made heaben and earth, the
5 ^0 fo? me, 3 frill he talktng of thp 0ea and all that therein 10: tohich beep*
frordjtp: thpgiorp, thp p?alfe, and from eth hi0 promlfe for eber.
O?GLt0 frO?k0. 6 m\W) helpeth them to right that-
<5 00 that men (hall fpeak of the might fuffer fr ?cng: lohlch feedeth the htmgrp.
0fthpmarhellou0act0 ; and 3 totll alfo 7 Che lord loofeth men out of p?t-
tell ofthngteatitef0. fon: the lord glbeth fight to the bllttde.
7 Che memorial of thine ahuntsant 8 Che lord helpeth them that are
kmdnef0 fijail he fljefred: and men (hall fallen x the lord careth for the righteous.
fins of- thp rlghteoufitefo. 9 Che lord careth for the ffrangers,
8 Che lord 10 gractou0 and meref hedefendeththe fatherlef0 anofridofr;
ful : long fufferlng and of great good* a0 for the map of the ungodIp,he.tucnetfi
nef0. it upfide doitm.
9 Che lord 10 lohtng unto eberp man : 10 Che lord thp ®od, SD^lon, lhall
and h!0 merep 10 oher all hl0 foo?k0. he ftmg for ehermore : and throughout
* 1 o %i\ thp fro?k0 pralfe thee,£> lord: all generatlon0.
mm thp falnt0 gtbethank0 unto thee.
11 Chep hjeuj the glo?p of thp ftlng* Laudato Dominion. 7 L Evening
dom % and talk of thp potoer. Pfal. 147. j 1 prayer.
12 chat thp pofrer, thp glo?p, and
mlghttnefo of thp iungdom: might he Pratfe the lord, for It is a
kttofrn unto men. good thing to fing p?at(e0 un¬
1? Chp kingdom 10 an eberlafflng to our qdoo: pea, a lopful and
kingdom; and thp dominion enduretp pleafant thing it 10 to he
throughout all age0. thankful.
14 Che lord upholheth all fuch 00 2 Che lord doth build up 3erufa!em:
falltand Hfteth up all thofe that he dofrit. and gather together the outcad0 of
15 Che epe0 of all matt upon thee, £> 3frael.
Horn t and thou gtbeff them their meat 3 i)z hcaleth thofe that are broken in
tnouefeafon. heart t and glheth medicine to heal thelc
16 Chott opened thine hants: anh fil¬ ftcimefs.
led all things llbmg truth plenteoufnef0. 4 ^)e telleth the number of the dars:
17 Che lord 10 rlghteou0 in all h!0 and calleth them all bp their name0.
maps: anti holp fit all tots frorks. 5 ^reat 10 our lord, atm great 10 h!0
18 Che Lorn 10 nigh unto all them potoer: pea, and h!0 lolfdom 10 infinite.
that call upon him: pea, all fuch a0 call 6 Che lord fetteth up the meek: and
upon him falthfullp. brlngeth the ungodlp doum to the
19 ipe hull fulfil the defire of them ground.
that fear him: he alfo frill hear their crp 7 £> fing unto the lord tolth thankf
ants hull help them. gibing x fing p?atfe0 upon the ©arp unto
20 Che lord preferbeth all them that our eod.
lobe hint % hut fcattereth abroad all the 8 cahtch cobereth the heaben frith
ungottfp. cloud0, and prepareth rain for the earth:
21 93 p mouth lhall fpeak the pratfe of andmakethtlje grafs togrofr upon the
the lorn : aim let all fled? gibe thanks mountains*, and herb for the tile of men.
unto hfe holp name fo?eber aim eber. 9 OTtfch gibetlj fodder unto the cat-
1 tel:
The xxx. day. The Pfalms. The xxx, day.
tel: ano feeBetljtbepoiutijrabens tljat. io Beans aim all catte!: po?ms,
tall upon him. ‘ ano featijcrco foPls.
i o pc ijatlj no pleafure in the itrengtb I 11 lamgs of the earth, anti all pco»
, of an tjojfe: neither Bcligljtctb he in any; pie : P?uices atm all jttOges of the
mans legs. po?ib.
i i "But the Lo?os Beligljt is in them 12 swung men anB marnens, olB men
that feat him: anB put their trull in tug ana cljilBren, rnatfe the Ji3ame of the
mercy. )to?B: fo? DiS33ame onelyis excellent,
12 p?aife the to?n, © 3lerufalem : ana his p?atfe abohe peahen anB earth.
p?aife thy ©00, © Sion. 13 pc than eralt the horn of his peo-
13 Jro? he hath maBe fall the bars of pie, all his Saints njall p?aifc him: ebeii
tljy gates: aim hath bleffeo thy cbiioien1 the cbilo?en of jfrael, then the people
tpithin thee. I that lerbeth him.
14 pe maheth peace in thy homers :j Cantate Domino. Pfal. 149.
ana filletb thee Pith the flour of wheat.1A Sing unto the tom a new tong; let
i y pc fenaeth fo?tb bis commanfl-i Wthe congregation of ©amts uiaife
ment upon earth: ano bis Po?o runneth him.
beryfPiftly. I 2 Let Jfcacl reioyce in him that
16 pe gibetb fitoP like Wood;anB rnaBe him: aim letthe cbilBjenof Sion
fcatteretb the boar frott bite afljes. 1 be joyful in their Ping.
17 pe calfetb foitb bis ice like mo?> 3 tet them p?aire bis J3ame fn the
fels: who is able to abiBeljiS frofl.*“ Bance = let them ling p?aifes unto him
18 pe fenBetb out bis Pom ann melt* Pith tab?et anB harp.
etb them : be bloPetb Pith bis PinBe, 4 JTo? the to?B bath pieafure in bis
atm the paters flop. people: anB belpetb the meek hearten.
19 pe ihePetb his Pom unto Jacob • 5 tet the ©amts be topful Pttlj gla=
bis ©tatutes anB 0?oinances unto Jf ty: let them reioyce in their bens.
tael. 6 tet the p?aifesof ©on be tn their
20 pe hath not Bealt to Pith any na¬ mouth: anoatpoengen fPo?n in their
tion : neither babe the heathen know banns.
leBge of bis taps. 7 Co be abengen of the heathen :
ann to rebuke the people.
Landatc Dominum. Pfal. 148. 8 Co binBe their ktngs in chains :
O p?aife the torn of beaben: p?aife ann their nobles Pith links of iron.
him in the height. 9 Chat they may be abengen of
2 p?aife him all ye angels of biS: them, as it is P?itten: ©uch honour
pjatfcbimaflbisbofte. babe all hiS Saints.
3 p?aife him Sun ano fpoon: pjaife Laudate Dominum. Pfal. 150.
him all ye (tars ano light.
4 p?atfe him all ye beabens: ano ye
OP?aife ©on in btS holinefs: p?aife
him in the firmament of bis power.
Paters that be abobetbe beabens. 2 p?aite him in biS noble acts:p?aife
5 tet them p?aife the jaameof the him acco?Bing to bis ercellent great-
tom: fo! hefpake the po?b, ano they nets.
Pete maoe, be commanoeo ano they 3 p?aife pm in the founB of the
were creatco. Crumpet: p?aife him upon the tute anB
6 pc hath maoe them fail fo? ebet anB Dnrp.
eber: he hath giben them a laPPijicb 4 p?affe pm in the Cymbals ann
(ball not be b?oken. nances*. p?aife him upon the firings ann
7 p?aife the to?B upon earth : ye Pipe.
B?agons ano all Beeps. 5 P?aife him upon the pell tunen
8 jfire ano bail, fnoP anB bapours : Cymbals : p?atfe him upon tfje loun
Pmoc atm fto?m fulfilling his Po?b. Cinnbals.
9 fountains aim all hills: fruitful 6 tet ebery thing that bath b?eatb:
trees ano all Croats. p?aife the to?o.

Certain godly prayers to be ufed for fundry
nifttuct mine botifijoio in tljp fatueg
A Prayer nccelTary for all truip, toobep curling ano all €tobcr-
no?g unOer Ijtm unfaineoip, to recetbe
* perfons.
alt fatog ano common o?omanceg
?@ofi merciful ®oo, 3ato?etcb ( mijicb oifagcee not from tljp boip
eo (inner ackuoimeoge mp felt too?o) obeoientlp, to pap eberp man
botmo to keep tljp bolp Coup tljat toljlclj 3 otoe unto him truip; to
manomentg, bur pet unable to backbttenoman, no? flanoer mp nelgb-
perform them, ano to be accepted fo? bo?fecretlp, ano to abbo? all bice, lo*
juft toitljout the ngpteouOte® of 3elu$ btng all gooOnefg earneliip, 2D Lo?0,
Clj?ift tljp onelp ©on, toljo batlj perfect-
grant me tfjtg to 00 * fo? ti>e glo?p of tljp
ip fulfilled tbp lam, to jufttfie all them ijolp flame* Simcn*
that beliebe ano truftinljtm* Cbetefo?e
grant me grace , 3 befeccb tbee, to be A prayer ncceftary to be faid at
occupies mooing of gooo tuojkg, to&icb all times.
tljou commanoeff in ijolp Scripture, all
tlje nap0 of nip life to tbp gio?p, ano pet
to truft onelp in tbp metcp, ano in
O 'Bountiful 3efu, 2D fioeet ©ablour,
2D mm tlje ©on of <^00, babe
Clj?iffg merits to be purges front mp pttpitponme, mercifullp bear me, ano
fmg, ano not in mp gooO too?kg , be tljep oefpife not mp p?aper* Cijrni ball ctea*
neber fo rnanp* ombe me grace to lobe teo me of nothing, thou baft rcoeemeo
tbp 211 o$ ferbentlp, to fearcb the me from tlje bonoage of fin, oeatlj ano
©criptureg oiligentlp , to rean them bell, neither toitb goio, no? (fiber, but
Ijumblp, to unoerffano them trulp,to toitb tljp moll p?eeloug boOp once of
itbe after them effectualip*2D?oer mp life ereo upon tlje Crofo, ano tljine otoit
fo, 2D £o?o 3 that it map be altoap ac¬ blooo once fljeo fo? all mp ranfome*
ceptable unto tbee* 0ibe me grace, not Cljcrefo?e call me not atoap,toljom thou
to rejopce m anp thing that otfpleafetlj bp tljp great toigoom baft maoe :■ oe¬
tbee, be tbep neber fo contrarp to mp fpife me not toljom tljou baft teoeemeo
oefireg. Ceacjmefo to p?ap, tljatmp toitlj fticlj a p?ectotig treafure: no? let
petition^ map be gractouflp beato of mp totekeonefg oeftrop that tobicb tljp
tbee* ifteep me upngbt among otberfi* gooOnefg batlj butioeo* fioto toljileg 3
tte0 of opmimtg auo juogementg m tbe Itbe, 2D 3efu, babe metep on me, fo?
too?lo, tljat 3i neber fmerbe from tbp if 301z out of tljp fabour, it toil! be
truth taught tit boip ©capture* 3n p?o= too late aftertoato to call fo? tbpmer-
fperitp, 2DJLo?0,fabe me, tljat 3 mat cp : toljileg 3 babe time to repent,
notp?ottO* 3n aoberfitp help me tljat 3 look upon me toitb tljp merciful epeg,
, neither oefpatr no? blafpbeme tljp bolp ag tljou oiooeft bouebfafe to look up*
.flame, but taking it pattentlp, to gibe on peter tljine apoltle, tljat 3 map
tbee tbankg, ano trull to be oeitbereo af¬ betoail mpfinfttl life, ano obtain tbp
ter tljp pleafure* 2Bljen 3 happen to fabo? ano Ote tljerelm 3 acknoto-
fall into fin tb?ottgb frailtp, 3 befeecb leoge tljat if tljou fijottioeft oeal toitlj
tbee to too?k true repentance in mp me acco?omg to berp itiflice, 3 babe
heart , that 3 wap be fo?rp toitljout oeferbeO ebetlafiing Oeatlj* 'Cljtte*
Oefperattoit,vtrull in tljp ntercp toitto ft*?e 3 appeal to tbP high Cb?one of
out p?efumptton, tljat 3 map ameito mp merep, trullmg to obtain <$900g fa*
life, ano become truip religious toitljout hour, notfo? mp metitg^ but fo? tbp
1 bppocftfie, lotoip in heart toitbout faint* tneritg, 2D 3efit, tobo baft giben tbp
ing, faitbfuiano truftptoitbout Oeceit, felf an acceptable facrifice to tljp iFa*
merrp tottbout itgbtnefg, fao toitljout tljer, to appeafe big to?atb 5 ano to
miftruff, fober mitbout flotljfttlnefg, b?itig all finnerg, truip repenting ano
content toitb mine oitut toitbout cobe^ ameitoingtljetr finful life, into big fa--
toufitefg, to tell mp neighbor bte fault bo? again. Accept me, 2D £020, among
cljaritablp toitgout OiTfimulattcn , to tlje number of them that fijall be fabeo>
Godly prayers.
fojgibc me mp fins, gibe me grace ta heart malk as becomettj me in tljp mod
lead a godlp and innocent life, grant me godlp Commandments, and fo“gio?f
thpheabenlp misdom, infpire mp heart tte and p?atTe tljee cbetiadtnglp* $nd
imtlj JFaith, ipopc and Cljaritp, gibe me ado that 3 map uuth a free confcience,
grace to be humble in p?ofpemp, pati¬ and quiet heart, in all manner of tem¬
ent in adberfitp, obedient to mp Eulers, ptations , afflictions, o? neceffities? and
faithful unto ttjem that trull me, deal* eben in tlje berp pangs of death ctp
mg trulp uutb allmen,tolibe chadlp in boldlp and merrilp unto thee, and fap, I
medlock, to abljo?re aoultctp, fo^ntcn- believe in God the Father Almighty maker
tion, and all undeannefs, tu do good of heaven and earth, and in Jefus Chrift, &c.
after mp pouier unto all men, to hurt 05ut, © ILo?d ®od, heabenlp Jatuer,
no man, tijat tljp 33ame map be globed to comfo?t mpfelf in affliction, and tem¬
in me during tijts p?efcnt life, and that ptation, truth tljefe articles of tlje
31 afterward man obtain eberlading life, (Han jfaitlj, it ts not inmp potuer, fb?
though top rnercp and the merits of tljp faith is thp gift: and fo?afmuch as thou
pafnam 3mcn, unit be p?aped unto, and called uponfo?
it, 3 come unto tljee to p?ap and befeeclj
f A general Confcflion of fins to be faid tljee, botljfo? that, and fo? another
every morning. mp ncceffities, eben as thp dear belo*
bed ^>on our ^abiour 3cfus Ch?td
O ,
Sfmigljtp <£od our Ijeabenlp jfa hindelfljath taught us, $nd from tlje be=
tber, 3| confer and acknomiedge, rp bottom of mp heart 3 crp, and fap,
tijat 3 am a miferable and m?etcljed Ota- Father which arc in heaven, hallowed be
(inner, and babe manifold maps mod thy Name, &cc+
griehouflp tranfgrelfed tljp mod gcdlp
Commandements , though mteked f A prayer to be faid in the
thoughts, ungodlp luds, finfttl mm Morning.
and deeds committed all mp mfjole life,
3tt fin am 3 bom and concerned, and
tijere is nogooditefs in me,in as much
O Merciful tto?d ©od, hrabenlp ffc
tljer, 3 tender mod high lauds,
as if tljou fijoulded enter into tljp nat¬ p?aife and thanks unto tljee, that thou
ron) judgement mith me, nidging me half p?eferbed me both tijts night, and
accmdingunto tlje fame, 3 mere nebei* all the times and daps of nnp life bi=
able to fulfer and abide it, but mud tljerto, under tljp protection, and had
needs peril!) and be damned fo? cbet: fuffered me to Ube unto this p?erent
little help, comfort o? fuccour is hour* find 3 befeeclj tljee heartilp,
tijere either in me, o? in anp otljcr crea^ that tljou unltboucljfafe to receibe me
tute* SDnelp tljis is mp comfort (© fjea- tijts dap, and the refidue of mp mhole
denlp ifatljer) tijat tjjou diddnotfpare life front Ijencefc?tlj into tljp tuition,
thp cnelp dear belched €>on, but dtdded tilling and gobermng me truth thp hm
gibe Ijirn up unto tlje mod bitter and Ip Spirit, that all manner of dark*
mod bile and dandcrous death of nefs , of mifibelief, infidelitp , and
tlje CrofS fo? me ; tijat Ije might fo of carnal luds and affections, map be
pap tlje ranfent fo? mp fins, fatisfie tljp utterlp chafed and d?iben out of mp
judgement, dill and pactfte tljp b)?atlj, heart, and that 3 man be judtfied and
reconcile me again unto tljee , and fabed both bodp and foul, th?ottgh a
purcljafe me tbp grace and fabotit, and right and perfetf faith, and fo malk in
ebcrlnding life* fBhetefo?e tb?ougb tlje light of thp mod godlp truth, to thp
tlje merit of Ijis mod bitter death and glo?p andp?aife, and to tlje p?ofitand
pardon, and tb?ougb his innocent Furtherance of mp neighbour, tljtounii
blood=(bcddtng , 3 befeeclj thee , © 3efus Clj?id our ilo?d and ^abloiir* &
heabenln jfather,tljat thou milt botich- men*
fafe to be gracious and merciful urn
to me, to fo?gibe and pardon me all A ILl pofiible thanks that fee are able,
mp Ons, to ligijtcn mp heart mitlj thp me render unto tljee, © lla?d le-
holp spirit, to tenem, confirm and fus Ch?id, fo? that thou had milled this
drengthen me uuth a right and perfect night pad to be pjofperous unto us ;
faith, and to inflame me in lobe to* and me befeeclj thee liketmfe to p2ofpcr
matd thee and mp neighbour, that 3 all this fame dap unto us fo2 fbpglarp,
mav bcnccfonlj uuth a milling and glad and f02 the health of our foul, arm
3i 2 that
•Godly prayers.
tijat tljou uiljtcij act tlje true light not
knotting anp going Boibu , and eoijtclj 1" A prayer to be laid at night go¬
art tije $$un Eternal, gibing life, toon ing to bed,
and glatmefs tmtoaii things, boucljfate
to fljtne into our minted, that toe map
not attp io|jtu itumbie to fan into anp
O Merciful lord @od, brabenlp if a.
ujer, tMjetijer toe deep 0? make,
fm, but man tfjrough t|>p goon guiding line or die, toe are altoapes thine.
aim conducting, come to the life eoetlam ©Hfjerefore 31 befeeclj thee fjeartiip, tijat
mg. arneit. tljou tollt bouctjfafe to take care and
charge of me, and not to differ me to pe=
Oiord 3efus €bnt tablclj art the
true %im of tlje- mrid , ebetmore
nOj m the toofas of dar briefs, but to tum¬
ble tlje light of t|p countenance m nip
arifing, aim nebet going 001011, tupict) heart, tijat tbp godlp tmotoledge map
bp tbp mod miioifome appearing and daiip uicceafe in me though a right and
fight, doed bring forth? prefetbe, note pure faltlj, and that 3 map altoap be
nil), aim refredj all ti}inij0 , no melt found to loalb and iibe after tljp tolll and
tfjat are in heaben, 00 alio ttjat are on plcafure, though liefus Cljrid our Horn
earth, me befeetlj tljee rnernfiilip mm and ^abtour. 3mem
fabourablp to (Ijme into our hearts,
that tlje mgijt and darbnefs of fum , mm ^ A prayer containing the duty of
tlje mids of errors on eberp fioeditben every true Chriftian.
amap, tljou Ij^igljtln djmtng duthuicur
hearts, toe map all our life fpace go
tmtljotit anp ff ambling 01 offence, mm
cd mlgijtp $od, merciful and
father, 3 fetched fimier
map deccntlp aim feemip umlt, ass in come unto tijee in tbe i&ame of t|p
tlje nan time, being pure and clean from dearlp belobed %on Jefus Cbrid mp
tlje foorhs of datfcnefs, and abounding onelp ^abicur and Eedeemer : and J
m all good tnorhs tobtcb 00b bath pre- mod fjtimblp befeecb thee forhiS fade to
pared for us to toalb In, toljiclj toltlj thebe merciful unto me, and to calf all mp
ifatber and hath the boip ®ljod, libed fins out of tljp fight and remembrance,
and retgned for eber and eber another. through tlje merits of bis bloodpdeatb
3mem 0
and paffion. pour upon me, 2D lord,
tljp Ijolp Spirit of tmldome and grace,
O #od anti lord 3iefi$ ebrid, tljou gobern and lead me bp tljp bolp trord,
Imotoed, pea, and ban alfo taugljt that it map be a lanthorn unto mp feet,
us fjotu great tbe tnfirmitp and mean- and a light unto mp deps. ^heto tljp
nefsofmams, and boto certain a thing mercp upon me, and fo lighten the na¬
it is that It can do nothing toltbout tbp tural bimdnefs and darhnefs of mp
godlp belp. 3f man trull in blmfelf, heart through tbp grace, that 3 map
it cannot beaboided, but that be mult dailp be renewed bp the fame Spirit
run headlong, and fall into a tboufand and grace : QBp t|e tobicb, 2D lord,
undoings and mtfcljiefs x 2D onr ifatber, purge tlje grodhefs of mp bearing and
babe thou pittp and compaffion upon tmderdanding, that 3 map profitable
the toeabnefs of us tljp children, be tljou read, bear, aimunderdand tljp toord
pjelt and readp to help us, altoaps andljeabenlptoUl, beliebe, and prattife
Vetoing tbp mercp upon us, and pm* tlje fame in mp life and conberfatlon,
fperlng tuljatfoeber toe godlp go about: and eber more bold fad that blefied dope
fo that tljou gibing us light, toe map of eberladlng life, a^ortifie and bill all
fee tobat things are trulp good indeed: bice m me, that mp life map etprefs tnr
thou utcouraglng us, toe map babe an faith in thee: mercifully bear thebum=
earnetl deflre to tlje famex and thou be- ble fuit of tfjp ferbant, and grant me the
lug our guide, toe map come inhere to peace all mp daps : graciotidp pardon
obtain them ; for toe fjabtng nothing mine infirmities, and defend me in all
but mtffntlf in our felbes, do pield and dangers of bodp, goods and name; but
commit our felbes full mm tubole urn mod cljlefipmpfoul againd all adaults,
to thee alone, tobicb tooled all things temptations, accufations, ftibtil baits
in all creatures, to tljp honour and gib* and Heights of that old eitemp of mam
rp. g>o be it bind, @atnn that roarlngdoit,eber feed¬
ing inborn be map debour.
^nd here, 2D lorn, 3 prodrate, tmtfi
Godly prayers.
moft bumble miitb ctabe of thp bibme I onelp forgibeft fin; forgibe unto u# out
cpaieup to be merciful unto the untber- j fin#, goob Co?b, forgibe unto u# our
fal Church of thp g>on Chrift: anb i fin#; tijat bp the multicube of thp mee-
fpecialip acccrbitig tompbotmben imtp cte# tljep map be cobereb anb not irnpu-
bcfeeci) thee to? ijtb fahe, to blef#, fabe teb unto ti#, anb bp the operation of the
anb bcfenb the principal member there¬ holp <£fjoft toe map babe potoer anb
of, tijp terbant bur molt bear anb S>o< ftrength hereafter to term fin, bp cur
betetgn Lc?b £\tng Charles, encreafe in Sabiotit anb lo?b 3efu# Chrift. 3-
bt#Eopal peart true faith, goblp seal, nten.
anb lobe of the fame; anb grant tjimbi-
cto?v ober atl ij!0 enemies, a long, p?o-
rpefou#, anb honorable life upon earth,
a blelleb enb, anb life ebetiafting,
October, 3D Lo?b, grant unto hies
O , Tuefday.

lLorb ®ob tohich befpifeff not a

contrite heart, anb forgetteft the
^aieftic# molt honorable Counfello?#, fin# anb toickebnef# of a turner, iu tuhat
anb eberp other member of thi# thP hour roeber lje both mourn aim lameut
Church of England, that thepaitb toe in hi# olb maner of libing; grant unto
our feberal calling# map truip anb gob= u# 3 SD!o?b, true contrition of heart,
Ip ferbetljee, plant in our heart# true that toe map behementlp befpife our fin-
fear, anb honor of tbp I2ame,cbebieiice ful life pnft, anb tohollp be conberteb un¬
to our puttee, anb lobe to out neigh' to thee, bp our Babiour anb JLorb 3e=
bo?#: encreafe in tt# true faith, anb re¬ fu# Chrift. 3men.
ligion ; teplemlh our mmb# uuth all
goobnef#, anb of tbp great mercp beep Wednefday.
u# in the fame till the enb of our iibe#:
®ibe unto ti# a goblp seal in p?aper, true
bumilitp in profperitp, perfect patience in
O spetciful Jatijer, tip totjofe pomet
aim ftrengtfj tor map obctcome our
abbetfitp, attb continual fop in the help enemies botljboOtip aim gljoftlp: grant
unto us, © Horn, tijat accoming to out
8nb lamp, 3 commenb unto thp fa- P?oimTe tnaoe in out 'Bapttfnt, we map
tljerlp protection all that thou halt gibert overcome tfie chief enemies of outrouf,
me, a# taife, chilbren, anb ferbant#; tijat is,tlje oefites of tlje mo?lO, tfje ptea-
am me, £> lo?b, that 3 map gobern, futesof tije fleflj, anu tDe fuggeff ions of
nourifi), anb bring them up tit thp fear tlje uiicfico fpitft, ano fo after lean out
anb ferbtee: anb forafmuch a# in tbt# I iocs in (jointers atm rigljteoufners, tijat
toorlb, 3 mult altnap# be at tuar anb me map fetae tfjee tit fpitit ano truth,
ftrife, not imthonefortof enemie#, but ano tijat bp our€>aaiouranO Horn be¬
toitt) an infinite number, not onelp fits Cijjtft. flmem
inttfi Heft anb bloob, bub frith the be-
bil, lohich i# the Prince of barbncf#, Thuiiday.
anb imtb bncbeb men , erecuter# of hi#
mot bamnable bnlt: grant me there
fore thp grace, that being armeb htftb
O aimigljtp ano ebctlatttng ©cm.
tobicij not ottelp giacit eberp goOtt
thp befence, 3 map ftanb m fljt# battel ano perfert gift, but alfo increafett
tmtb an inbincible conitancp againlt all tfjofe gifts tijat tijou ijaft giben ; tee
corruption, tohich 3 amcompaflcbtdtth moil ijutttbip befcccfj tljee, merciful
on eberp fibe, until fitch time a# 3 ha= @ob, to sncrcafetn us tpe gift of faitb,
bing eubeb the combat, tohich tmriitg tijat toe map ttulp beiiebe in tljee, ano
tl)i# life 3 mutt fultain, tit the enb 3 map tit tijp pmnitfe mate uuto us; ano tijat
attain to thp heabcnip reft : tohich i# neitljet bp our negligence, no? fitfirmi-
prepareb for me anb all thine elect, tp of tlje fieflj, no? bP gneboufnefs of
throughChrift our Lo?b anb onelp temptation, neitljet bp tije fttbttl crafts
burnt. amen. ano alTauits of tlje Debt!, me be oiliien
fromfaitbintije bioim of our ssatuo'.ir
* Certain godly prayers for fundry days. ano ilo?o Jefus Ct)?ift. amen.
Munday. Friday.

\ Lmightp
Lmigbtp £ob,
@oO, tljelatijer
the father of mer- /^Rantunto uS, © merciful @oO, me
A cp, anO @oo of all comfo?t, ttPjtrfj i \J tncit ijeurtilp befreefj tfjee, fenott-
/1 icBge
Godly prayers.
lebgc mm true unbeeffaimutg of tbp Hum in ljmife.f, anb trait in 0ob, 0
mo?b> ttjat all igna?ance erpeldb, rue molt gracious arm mod mife gume,
map knm mbat tbP (till atm picafute is our sabiour dj^d, blind) boed leab
in all things, aim bom to bo our outlet ujem tbe right reap of immoral blcffcm
anbtrulpto malt in our bo.ation, anb net's, mljiuj truip anb unfameblp tend¬
that aifo me map erp?efs in our Itbmg, ing m tljee, commit tijemfeibcs to
tbofe things that me bo knom, tljat rue ujee: grant us tljat like as ruebeblmb
beVnot oneip knomets of t^p pin, aim feeble iimeeb, fo ioe map tafte anb
goon lo?b, but aifo be mo?kcrs of tfje repute ernr felbes > tljat rue p?efume
fame, bp our Submit aim &o?b SjelUS not of our felbes to fee to mi felbes,
Cb?td. 2nrou but fo far to fee, that aimap rue map
babe tljee befo?e our epcs, to follom tljee
- . Saturday. oedtg our grnbe, to be icabp at tljp call
mod obebientlp 3 anb to commit our
Oaimigbtp 00b , topics bad p?epa>
ceb cberiadmg life to all tljofe ttjat
felbes tofjoilp unto thee, tljat tljou uiijicb
oneip knorned the map, maped leab tig
be tb|f faithful ferbants: grant unto us, tlje fame map unto out Ijeabenip befireS:
&o?b, fare hope of tlje life eber I ailing, to tljee tmtij the Jfatljer anb tlje bolp
tljat rue being in this miferable mil0, 0Dod, be gio?p fo? eber. 8mem
map babe fome tafte aim feeling of it
in our hearts, anb tljat not bp our oefer- T A prayer againft worldly
btng, but bp tlje merits rum beferbing carefulncfs.
of our Sabtottr anb -tom leftis CD lift.
8mem O®od bear anb tenber father, our
O Merciful , befeimer aim noutidjer, enoaeus
00b our oneip aib, fuc truth tljp grace, that m map cad off tlje
co 1, anb dtengtij at all tunes♦ great blmbncfs of out minus, anb
grant unto us, 0 Lo?b, tljat in tlje lareftilnefs of mo?lblp things, anb map
tune of p2ofpentp, roe be not p?oub, put our tuljole dtibp anb care in keeping
anb fo forget tljee , but that truth our of tup bolp lam, anb tljat me map labo?
mbole heart anb drengtlj toe map cleabe aim trabelfo?ourneceffities in tiffs life
unto tljee 3 anb in the time of abbecd- like the birbs of tlje air, anb tlje lilies
tp that roe fall not into infibelitp anb oftfjefieib, bfftfmitcare. fo? tljou bad
befperation, but tljat aimapes mitlj a p^omifeb to be careful fo? us, anb bad
condant faith roe map call fo? help unto commanbeb that upon tljee me djoulb
tljee. 0?ant this,*0 ilo?b, fo? our && cad all our care: mbiclj libefc anb reign¬
bocates fake aub Sabiottr Jems Clj?ta. ed mo?ib nfftijout eno. 3mem


anb merciful Jto?b , OLo?b

tubtcb gibell unto tljp elect people oneip pope,
f A prayer againft temptation.

3lefus Clj?id tlje oitelp dap

anb befence of our mo?tal date, our
out oneip falbation , our
glo?p anb our triumph, mho in the fled)
tlje bofp 0boff 3 as a Cure plebge of tljp
beabcnip Jfttngbom : 0?ant unto us 3 (mijich tljou habd fo? out oneip cmife
0 3Lo?b, tbp 5olp Spirit, that be map taken upon tljee) mbit differ tljp felf to
bear mitnefs toitljour fpirit, tljat roe
be tempteb of Satan, anb unjo oneip
be tljp cljilb?en anb fjetr0 of tljp fmtg-
anb alone of all menbibdutterlp ober-
conie anbbanqtdflj fm, beatij,the mo?lb,
bom, anb that bp tlje operation of this
Spirit, toe map bill all carnal lads, the bebi!, anb all tlje kingbom of hell:
anb mijatfoeber tljou had fo obercome,
ttnlaioftil pleafutes, conctipifccnces, ebil
affections contrarp unto tljp mill, bpfo?our behoof it is that tljou had ober¬
our Sabiour anb ito?b 3eUm Cfj?iff* come it, neither hath it been thp mill,
$mem . to babe anp of tljp ferbants to keep bat¬
tel , 0? fight mith anp the afo?efaib
f A prayer for taift in' God. ebils,bttt of ptivpofc to rematb us mitlj
a croton of tlje mo?e glo?p fo? it, anb
T 5>e beginning of tbe fall of man to tlje intent , that thou mighted like-
mas trull in Ijimfelf. dje begin¬ mife obertlj?om Satan m tbp members,
ning of tbe tedo?mg of man, mas bn as tljou habd befo?e bone in thine omit
Oodly prayers.
perron, g(t)e tfjott, (me befeecb tijee)
unto us tljp foulbters (© lion molt bt< f A prayer for patience in trouble.
cto?tous of the tribe of 3uba) ftcengtlj
againft the roaring lton3 mbtcb continu-
atip matttyetlj ttf aito fco, feeking mljom
H2DU) ball tbott (© Lo?b) ijtuttbleb
anbplucbebmebomnf 3barettom
be map bebour. Cljou being tijat fame uuneatljs make nip papers unto tijee,
Serpent, tljfrtrue giber of health anb fo^ tijou art attgrp mttlj me, but not
lifeboat mas ttnileb on high upon a tree, ttutljout mp beferbing. Certantlp a
gibe unto us tt)p fiUp ones mtltttefs a- babe fitmeb, © Lo?b, 3 confers it, 3
gatnff tlje bcccitful amatting of the moft mtllnot beitp it t but, ©mp®ob, par-
lubttl ferpcitt. Chou being a Lamb as bon mp trefpafles, releafe" nip bebts,
viiijtte as fitoiu, the baitquttbcr of @a--rettber ttoxu tljp grace again unto me,
tans tp?amtp, gibe unto us tljp little flop mp motutbs, fo? 3 am all to plagueb
(beep, tlje ff cettgtlj attb bertue of tljpattb beaten, pet Lo?b, tljts nottuttljftanb-
Spirit., that being in out omn felbes ing,3abtbepattentlp, anb gibe mpat
meoh anb feeble, attb in tijee ffrong tenbance on tijee, conttmta'ilp matting
anbbaliant, toe map mttljflanb attb o- fo? relief at tljp banb, attb that not rnitb-
bercome all aftaults of tfjebebiLfotbat out skill, fo? 3 babe recetbeb a token
our gl ofllp ettemp map not glo?p on of tljp fabo? attb grace tomatbs me, 3
us, but being conquereb though tpee, mean tljp mom of p?onttTe concerning
loe map gibe tbanfcs unto tljp merep <£b?tfl, mbo fo? me mas offereb on tbe
mfitclj tteber leabeff tljem beflitute tijatCrofs fo? a ranfom, a factifice anb p?tce
fo? mp fms x mberefo?e acco?btng to that
put tljett trufl in tijee. fKLlbo Itbcft anb
reignelf ®ob fo? eber mitljout enb. & tbP p?omife, befenb me Lo?b bp tlj?
men. right ijanb , attb gibe a gracious ear
to mp requeff, fo? ail mans baps are but
•T A prayer for the obtaining of Wif- bairn 'Beat bomtt tberefo?e mine ene¬
dom. VVifd. p. mies tbtne omit feif mttlj tljp pomer,
mbtcb art mpoitelp aiber anb p?otectoi,
O ^ob of-ourfatljers, anb Lo?b of £> Lo?b ^ob aimigijtp, a;men,
merep, ttjou tijat ijaft mabe all
tptttgs mttlj tljp mo?b, attb o?batneb f A prayer to be faid at the
man tlj?ottgb tijp mt'Sbom, that ije hour of death.
fljoulb babe bomimon ober tlje crea¬
tures mijtcb tljett Ijaff mabe, that be
fljoulb o?ber the mo?Ib acco?btttg to e-
O Lo?b 3ef«s, mbtcb art tlje oitelp
Ijealtlj of ail men libittg, attb tbe e-
quttp anb rigljteottfttefs, anb etecute berlaflittg life of tljem mbtcb bie in
jiubqement mttlj a true heart: gibe me faitlj; 3 m?etcbeb fittner gibe anb fubmit
mifoom, mbtcb $ eber about tljp feat, mp feif mtjollp unto tbp ntoff blefleb
anb put me not out from among tbp mill, anb being fure tijat tlje thing can¬
cl)ilb?en : fo? 31 tbp ferbant anb Ton of not pertlb mijicij is commttteb unto tljp
ttjtne ijaitbmatb, am a feeble perron, of nterep, mtlititglp nom 3 leabc this frail
a fljo^ttime, anb too poiutg to tlje urn anb mickeb fleflj, in hope of therefur-
bcrftaitbmg of tljp lubgement anb lams: rection,mijicbin better mile (ball reflo?e
pea, tljougb a man be iteber fo perfect it to me again. 3 befeecb tijee moff mer¬
among the cbilb?eit of men, pet if tljp ciful Lo?b 3efus Cij?tfl> that tijou milt
mtsbom be not rnitb bint, be fljall be bp tbp grace mabe ftrong nip foul a-
notijing mo?tlj. © fenb tbp mtsbom gamft all temptation, attb that thou milt
out of tl)P boip beabetts, anb from tlje cobet anb-befettb me mitlj the bucbler
tij?one of tljp ^aieffte, that flje map be of tljp merep agatnfl all tlje afiaults of
rnttb me, attb labo? mttlj me, that 3 map tlje bebtl. 3 fee attb acbnomlebae that
fcuoui mbat is acceptable tit tbP fight: tljere'is in mp feif no help of falbatton,
fo2 flje fcnomctb attb tmberflanbetb all but all mp confidence, hope anb trufl is
things, attb Ibe (ball commit me right in tljp mott merciful goobnefs. 3 babe
foberlp tit tbp mo?hs, attb p?eferbe me in no merits no? goob moths, mbtcb 3 map
bet pomer, fo fljall nip mo&s be accepta- allebgc bcfo?e tijee. ©f fins anb ebil
ble. Arnett. mo?bS (alas) 3 fee a great heap, but
tb?ottglj tbp nterep 3 trufl to be in the
number of them to mborn tbott milt not
impute tbetr fins, but take anb accept
Csdly prayers.
r.;efojtigljteous ana juft, aim to be tbe ©tbe me, loja, tbp gtace, that mp faitb
tnljerito? of ebetlatting life. Cljou mec- ana falbation in tbp blooa wabet notin
ciful loja watt bo?n fo? tup rake, tljou me, but beebecarmanaconftant, that
ciDtt fuffet both Ijuttget ana tljttttfot mp tbe pope oftbpmettp ana life ebeclatt-
Cake, tljou atatt pjeaeij ana tcadj, tljou tngneberaecapinme, that ebatitp war
aiatt piap ana fall fo? tup fake, ttjtm not cola in me. Jriitallp, tbat tbe* weak*
otaft ait 500a wojks ana aeeas fo? mp nefs of mp fleft be not obettome With
rake,tljoufufeteattmoft gtteboug pains tbe feat of oeatb. ®?ant me, merct*
ana tomieitts foj tup fake, ana finallp, ful Sabtout, tbat Wben aeatb ftall fljut
toou gabeft tljp mott pjectous boap to up tbe epes of mp boap, pet tbat tbe epes
ale, ana tbp blooa to be tttea on tbe of mp foul map (till befjoia ana look up¬
Ctofsfojmpfake. Bout mott merciful on tbee: tbat wben aeatb batb taken a*
s>abiour,let alltbefe things ptofit me, wap tbe ttfe of mp tongue ana fpeecb,
lamebtpou freelp baft gtben me, that pet tbat mp beatt map ctp ana rap unto
baft giaen tbp felt foi me. let tljp tljee, In maims tuas , Domine, cornmendo
Woon cleanfe ana waft awap tbe fpets fpiritum meum, (tbat ig tO faP) flj l0?B,
ana fotilnefs of mp fins, let tbp rigbte- into tbp baitas 3 gibe ana commit mp
oufnefs bibe ana cobet mine unrtgbte- fOUl ; Domine Jefu, accipc fpirimm meum,
oufnefs. let tbe merits of tbp paffion .10ja Jefu, tecetbe mp foul unto tbee.
ana blooa be tlje fattgfaaion fo? mp fins. ' Amen.

-----—————— ■,



. THE . ,,
Ma king & Consecrating


According to the


Church of England,

L 0 &(JD o
Printed by John ‘Bill and Chrijlopher
Barter, Printers to the
Kings rnoft
Excellent Majesty.

I T is evident unco all men, diligently reading holy Scripture, and
ancient Authors,that from the Apoftles time, there hath been
thefe orders of Minifters in Chrifts Church, Biffiops, Priefts
and Deacons .* Which Offices were evermore had in fuch reve¬
rent eftimation, that no man by his own private authority might pre¬
fume to execute any of them, except he were firft called, tried, ex¬
amined and known to have fuch qualities, as were requifite for the
fame, and alfo by publique prayer, with impofition of hands, ap¬
proved and admitted thereunto. And therefore, to the intent thefe
orders ffiould be continued, and reverently ufed and efteemed in
this Church of England, it is requifite that no man, (not being at
this prefent, Biffiop, Prieft, nor Deacon)ffiallexecute any of them,
except he be called, tried,examined, and admitted, according to
the Form hereafter following. And none (hall be admitted a Dea¬
con, except he be twenty one years of age at the lead. And eve¬
ry man which is to be admitted a Prieft, (hall be full four and twenty
years old. And every man which is to be confecrated a Biffiop, (hall
be fully thirty years of age. And the Biffiop knowing either by
himfe)f}or by fufficient teftimony, anyperfonto be a man of ver-
tuous converfation, and without crime, and after examination and
trial, finding him learned in the Latine tongue, and diffidently
inftru&ed in holy'Scripture, may upon a Sunday or Holyday, in
the face of the Church, admit him a Deacon, in fuch manner and
form as hereafter followetb.

The Form and Manner of Ordering of

F Irft, When the day appointed by the O God the Father of heaven : have mer¬
Biihop is come , there ffiall be an Ex¬ cy upon us mifcrable finners.
hortation, declaring the Duty and D 0oo the @on Reoeemer of tlje
Office of fuch as come to be admitted iuo^io : haoe merep upon us miferable
Miniftcrs, how neceflary fuch Orders are in fimters*
the Church of Chrift, and alfo how the O God the Son Redeemer of the world °
people ought to efteem them in their Voca¬ have mercy upon us miferable finners.
tion. D 000 the holp 0ljoft proceeOiitg
After the Exhortation ended, the Archdea¬ from the father ano the ^>oit x babe
con or his Deputy, (hall prefent fuch as fhaJl merep upon us miferahle finners*
come to the Biffiop to be admitted, faying O God the holy Ghoft proceeding from

R unto pou thefe perfon^ patent, to be

thefe words* the Father and the Son: have mercy upon
CberenO if at {jet m 0oO, 3f Parent us miferable finners.
D holp, hlefieo ano glorious Crim'tp,
aomitteo Deacons* three perfons ano one 0oo x ijabe mer¬
Take The Biffiop.
heeo that the perfons Mjorn pe
parent unto us, be apt ano meet,fo?
ep upon us miferable finners.
O holy, blefied and glorious Trinity,three
Perfons and one God : have mercy upon us
their learning ano pulp coitberfatioit, miferable finners.
to ecercife their Sgiittfterp oulp, to the Remember not Lo?o our offences, no?
honoi of <$0$, ann eoifping of fits the offences of our forefathers, neither
Church* take thou hengeance of our fins x ^>pate
IlpabeThe Archdeacon ffiall anfwer. us goooioro, fpare thp people tuljom
enquireo of them, aim alfo er- thou haffreoeemeotuitij thp molt piece-
arnineo them, aim think them fa to he* ouShlouO, aitobeitotaugrp toitljus for
And the Biffiop ffiall fay unto the people. Cher. Spare us good Lord.
if there he anp of pott,U3ho from all eoil ano mifehtef, from fin,
hnotoeth anp tmpeointeitt o? notable from the crafts ano affaults of the Oe-
crime, in anp of thefe perfotts prefenT oil, from thp uiratlj, anofrom eberlatf-
eh to he o?oereO Deaeons, fo? the tnhich iitg oamnation*
he ought not to he ahmitteh to the Good Lord deliver us.
fame, let him come forth in the flame from all hlinonefs of heart, from
of 0oo, anh ffietu tohat the crime o? im- prioe, oaiir-glorp, ano hppocrlfie, from
pehiment is* enop, hatreo, ano malice, ano all ttnclja*
And if any great crime or impediment be ritahlenefs*
objected, the Biffiop ffiall furceafe from Good Lord deliver us.
ordering that perfon , until fuch time as from fornication ano all other ocao^
the party accufed ffiall try himfelf clear of Ip fin, ano from all theoeceits of the
that crime. U)o?lo, the flelh apo the oebtl.
Then the Biffiop commending fuch as ffiall Good Lord deliver us.
be found meet to be ordered, to the prayers front lightning ano temped, from
of the Congregation, with the Clerks plague, pefltlcttce ano famine,from bat¬
and people prefent, ffiall fay or fingthe( tel ano mutoer,aito front fuooeit oeath-
Lctany,as followeth, with the prayers. Good Lord deliver us.
front all feOition ano pribp coitfpttab
The Letany and Suffrages. cp , from all faife ooctrme ano heretic,
front haronefs of heart, ano contempt of
0 merep upon us miferahlc finners.
000 the father of beabeit ♦ hahe thp lucs|0 aito commanumcitt*
Good Lord deliver us.
m 2 ?
The ordering of Deacons.
'Bt> tlje ninety of tlj? Ijoly incanta¬ Chat it map pleafe tljee to gike to all
tion, bp tijp Ijelp JBatibitp aim ©ccmti- Buttons, ututp, peace, ank concern.
tifton, bp tbp osnpttfm, jfaflfng, ano VVe beleech thee to hear us good Lord.
Cemptatton. Chat it map pleafe tljee to gtke tuae an
Good Lord deliver u?. Ijeart to loke atm Break tkee, ank ktIL
15y tfnne <3gonp ank btookp ^>meat, gentlp to like after tljp cornmaimments*
bp tljp ©refs ank paffion, by tljp preci¬ VV e befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
ous Death atm 'Btittal, Dp tDp glorious Chat it map pleafe tkee to gtke to alt
Llefurrection atm mention, atm bp tfje tfjp people increafe of grace, to Ijeac
coming of tke kolp ©ijoff* meeklp tljp ££iork,mm to recetke it mttb
Good Lord deliver us. pure affection, atm to bring forth tlje
jtt all time of our tribulation, in all fruity of tlje 0ptrtt.
time of out mealtlj, in tfje ijout of keatfc We b:feech thee to hear us good Lord.
atm tn tfje nap of fukgement* Chat it map pleafe tkee to bring into
Good L rd deliver us. tlje map of trtttk all fuck as kake ertek
mt fmnets no befeeck tkee to bear us ankarekecetkck*
(12) Lorn ©ok ) atm tfjat it map pleafe VVe befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
tljee to rule ants govern tljp kolp Cfjuttij Chat it map pleafe tljee to If rengtken
umfcerfallp m the right trap. fttek as ko ffaim, ank to comfort ank
We befeech thee to hear us good Lord. ijeiptlje tueak ijeartek, ank to raifettp
Chat it map pleafe tljee to keep anti tljem tkat fall, ankfinallpto keat kokm
flrengttjen in tlje true morffjtpping of 0atan tinker our feet*
thee, in mbitoufttefs anti holmelS of We befeech thee to hear us goodLord.
Life 3 thp ferkant CHARLES, our Chat it map pleafe tkee to fttccoLkelP
moff gracious Sfting anti ©oketnour. ank comfort all tkat he in kanger, tteceL
We befeech thee to hear us good Lord. fitp, atm tribulation*
Chat it map pleafe tljee to rule bis We befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
heart in tljp faith, fear, anBIoke, ank Chat it map pleafe tljee to preferke
tljat he map ekermore hake affiance in all tljattrakel bp lank or bp mater, all
tljee5anti eker feek thp Ijonour anti glorp* momen labouring mitlj ctjtlke, all lick
W e befeech thee to hear us good Lord* perfons ank pottng cktlkren,mm to (kern
Chat it map pleafe tljee to be lj$ tie tljp pitp upon all prifoners ank captikes*
fentser anti keeper, gtking kirn tlje ktetorp We befeech thee to hear us good Lord*
oker all ktS enemies Chat it map pleafe tkee to kefntk ank
We befeech thee to hear us good Lord. Pmkike fo? tke fatkerlef^ chilk^ett ank
Chat it map pleafe tljee to blefs anti tmkomMtk nil tkat be kefolate auk op-
prefetke our gracious Dueen pother, pjeffek*
Prince James Duke Of York, ank tlje reft We befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
oftheEopaipmgenp* Ckat it map pleafe tljee to kake mer-
We befeech thee to hear us good Lord. cp upon all men.
Chat it map pleafe thee to iifumt- VVe befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
nate all 'Bifijops, pallor, mm spnu Ckat it map pleafe tkee to ftngike our
iters of th$ Church, mitb trueknmm enemies, perfecutens ank flankererg,
lekge atm unkerffanhing of tfjp Ollom, ank to turn tketr Ijeartg*
auk that both bp their preaching atm \x We befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
king, tkep map fet it forth atm fljem it Ckatttmap pleafe tliee to gike ank
accommgip. Pieferketoour itfe tke kinkip fruity of
Wc befeech thee to hear us good L rd. tlje eartk, fo 00 in kue time me map en-
Chat it map pleafe tljee toentmetije iop them.
Loms of tlje Cottncel, atm all tlje Bobu Wee befeech thee to hear us good Lord.
litp 3 tnttk grace, mtskom ank unker- Ckat it map pleafe tkee to gike us
ftanktng* true repentance, to feugtke trn all our
We befeech thee to hear us good Lord. On0, negligences anktgnomnces,aitk to
Cljatit map pleafe thee to blefs ank enkue us mttk the grace of tljp kolp 0pt*
keep tke ?0agiffrates, giking tljem rtt, to amenk likes accommg to tljp to*
grace to erecute Jittfftce, ank to mam- Ip OTom* , *
tain truth. We befeech thee to hear us good Lord*
We befeech thee to hear us good Lord. 05On of ©ok : me befeech tljee to
Chat tt map pleafe tljee to blefs ank beams*
keep all tkp people* Son of Goa : we befeech thee to h^ar us*
We befeech thee to hear us good Lord. Lamb
The ordering of Deacons.
0 Lamb of 00b, tijat taked atoap tijc 'Both nob) anb eber boucfjfafc to beat
cm# of the UJO^tJ, n#, 0 Cbbd.
Grant us thy peace* Gracioully hear us, O Chrift i gracioully
0 Lamb of 0ob, tijat taked afcap the hear us, O Lord Chrift.
fin# of the taojlb.
Have mercy upon us. The Verftcle.
0 Cbbd bear u#.
O Chrift hear us. 0 Lo?b, let tbp metep be fijetoeb upon
Lojb babe metep upon u#. u#.
Lord have mercy us. Anfwer.
babe metep upon tt#* a# toe bo put our trud tn tbee.
Chrift have mercy upon us.
Lo^b babe metep upon tt#> i Let u# pjap.
Lord have mercy upon us.
0ur father tobteb art in beaben, &c.
And lead us not into temptation.
bumblp befeecb tbee, 0 fa,
to look upon our
'But neither u# from ebtl. amen. tnfirmttte#, anb fo? tlje glojp of tbp
The Verftcle. flame# fake turn from u# all tbofe e-
0 Lo^b beal not bntb tt# after our ting. btl# that voe mod rtgbteoudp babe be-
Anfwer. rerbeb : anb grant that tn an our trou¬
Neither retuarb u# after our uuguttte#. ble# toe map put our tobole trud anb
confibence tn tbp metep, anb ebermoje

O * Let tt# piap.

0ob merciful father, that
befptfed not tbefigbtngQf a
contrite brart, no?tbeoeltre
ferbetljeetn boltnef# attb pttrettef#of it-
btng,to tbp bono? anb glo^p, through our
onelp ^ebtato? attb abbocate 3|eCU#
Cb^td our Lo?b. amen.
of fucb a# be ro?tob)Cul,mer=
ctfuiip affift our p?apet# that toe make
ALmtgbtp 0ob, tobteb bad gtben tt#
grace at ttjt# time tmtljone acco^b
before tbee tn all our trouble# anb an* to make our common fuppltcatton# un¬
berfitle#, udjenfoeber tbep opp?ef# u#: to tbee, anb boed pjomtfe that tobeu
anb gractouflp bear ti#, that ttjofe ebtl# ttoo oi tb^eebe gatbereb together tn tbp
vobtcb tbe craft anb fubttitp of the bebtl flame, tbott tout grant tbetr requen#:
o? man too?ketb agatndu#, be brought fulfil nolo, 0Lo?b, the befire#attb pe¬
to nought, anb bp tbe pjobtbettceof tljp tition# of tbp fetbant#, a# map be mod
goobttef# tbep map be bifperfeb, that toe trpebtent fo? them, granting tt# tn tbl#
tbp ferbant# being butt bp no perfecutt'* uio?lb knoutletige of tbp truth, anb tn the
on#, map ebermo^e gtbe thank# tmto loo^lb to come life eberladlng. amen.
tbee tn tbp bolp Cburcfe though fefti#
Cttfff our Lo?b.
thy names fake.
0 0ob, toe babe bearb toitb our ear#,
anb our father# babe beclareb unto tt#,
I- Then fhall be faid alfo this that follow-
O Lord arife, help us, and deliver us for eth.
Lmlgbtp 0ob, tnblcb bp tbp bf-
bine pjobibencebad appolntcb
btber# ojber# of mtnlders In
tbe noble tooik# that tboti bibbed tn tlje Church, anb blbd tttfpire
their bap#, anb tn the olb time before tbtne bolp apodle#, to cboofe unto tbl#
them. o^berof Deacon#, tbefirda9attpj €>.
O Lord arife, help us, and deliver us for Stephen truth other: merctfttllp bebolb
thine honour. tbefc tbp ferbant# nolo calleb to tlje like
0lo?p be to the father, anb to the office attb abmlntdratton,teplemfb them
g>ott, $c. fo UJttb the truth of tbp boctrtne anb in-
a# tt urn# tit the begtmttng,t# noto,$c. ttocencp of life, that both bp trn^b anb
from our enemte# befenb tt# 0 Cbuft. goob erantple, tbep map faltljfullp ferbe
Gracioully look upon our afAid ions. tbee lit tbl# office, to the glotp of tbp
ptttfullp ' bebolb tbe fojrob)# of our flame, attb profit of tlje congregation,
heart#. though the merit# of our @abto? Tcfit
Mercifully forgive the fins of thy people. Cb?td, ndo libetb anb relgnetb toitb
fabourablp Until merep bear ourpjap* tbee anb tbe bolp 0ljod, nolo anb fot
er?h eber. amen,
O Son of David have mercy upon us.

The ordering ; of Deacons,

And before the Gofpel, the Bilhop fitting in
Then (hill be funs or faid die Communion a chair, fhall caufc the Oath of the Kings
of the day, favi'ng the Epiftlc fhall be read Supremacy, and againft the power and am
out of Timothy, as followeth, thority of all foreign Potentates, to be mi*

1 31fcewtfe muff tlje mimllers be

Ijoncff, not Double tongueomo^
niflred unto every of them that are to be

- giben unto muefj wine, neither 7he Oath of the Kings Sovereignty.
-J grceop of fittfjp lucre, but twi¬
lling the mpfterp of the faith, with a pure A. B. no utterly teflifie ano Hectare
confidence: aim let them ftrft be ptoueo, m my C0nfclence3that the Etngs flwgh-
aim then let them minuter, fo that no uef010 ttoe oneiy Cup?eme gooerno^ of
man be able to tewobe them, ©ben ro t!ji0 Ecaint, arm of all other 5>ig lptgl>
muff tliett wibes be honett, not ebt! me© Domtmongann Countreyg, aftoeU
fpeafeetss, but fober, aim faithful in on la all fpirttual o? eccfefiaifical things o?
things. let the Deacons be the bust catrtfc& as temporal, ann that no foreign
battos of one wife, ana Rich as rule their p?mce, perron, Prelate, satateo? po>
chllbjen welt, ana their own twufhoios: rentate, hath, o? ought to hahe any \iu
jFo? the? that mtrafter well, get them- n'SHtcttott, potoer, fiiperto^ity, p’ecnu*
femes a gooo Degree, aim a great liber- encejO? authority eccleiiaftteal, oi fpttt=
tv in the faith Which tjs in ©h?lft iefu. tuai ttuthtn thm Eealm, ann therefore 3
Chefe things twite 31 unto thee, miff¬ Ho utterly renounce ann fmfoke all fo?--
ing to come fljojtlp unto thee: but aim if reign iiiasHictioao, pmuerg, fuperton*
3 tart? long, that then thou mapett pet ties, ann authorities, ann ho promife
babe mtawieoge how thou oughteft to that from henceforth! lhall Hear faith
behabe thp felf inthehoufe of® on, which ano true Allegiance to the Eingo Dtgl>
is the congregation of the Itbtng ©on, nz% Ipt'0 3peir0 ants latoful ^uccetTor&
the pillar aim grouim of truth. 3no With' am to my potuer tijalt alilft ann nefeno
out Doubt, great is that mpffecp of goo- all fttc©otdUm& prmilengeo, preeminem
jinefs, ®od was fheweo in the fleth, was m ano authorities, granten oi Helong*
itittifieD in the fpirit,was ftert among the ing to the Eings pghnefo, fyi# ji)eic£
angels,was pjeachcn unto the ©entiles, ann ^ucceffor-s, or umten ann annereH
was beltebeD on itt the WojtO, atm tecetb- to the imperial Croton of th$ Eealm.
etrnp lit glo?p. So help me God, and the Contents of this
Or elfe this out of the fixth of the A&s.
Then fhall the Bifhop examine every one of
Twen the twelbe calleo the multttuoe
of the Dtftiples together, ano rain,
them that are to be ordered, in the pre¬
fence of the people, after this manner
3t is not meet that we flwulo leabe the following.
worn of ©oD,anD retbe tables: IKlhere-
-fo?e, b?eth?eu, look ye out among pou
febenmen of heneft report, aim full of
you truft that you are tttnaroiy
by the holy ©holt to take up*
the help ©holt atm wtsoom, to whom on you thip office ann ntmtftration, to
we map commit tin's bufinefs; but we ferhe ©oh, fo2 the promoting of hte glo*
Will gibe our felbes contlnuallp to p?ap- ry,ano the etnTying of W people t
cr, anD to the aomuifttratton of the Anfwer.
worn, am that raping pleafeD the Whole 3 truff fo.
multttuoe, aim thep chore Stephen, a The Bifhcp;
man full of faith, aim full of the hoip Do you think that ye truly He callcH
©holt, atm Philip, anD p?ocho?uS» aim accorHinir to the null of our Lorn lefug
Mtcano?, atmdmoit, aimpermenas, Chuff, ano the Hue omer ofthto Eealm,
aim Nicholas, a conbert of Tutioch. to the ® imltery of the Church f
Cljefe thep fet Stefa?e the Spcfflcs, ano Anfwer. '
when thep has piapeo, then lam their 3 think fo.
hanos on them, aim the worn of ©qD The Bifhop.
incteafeD, aim the number of the DtTct- Do vou unfeigneHIy HelieHe all the ^
pleS mttltip’tcD in 3ecufaiem greatlp, Canonical ©cdptureo of the olH mm
aim a great compaitp of the PiieffS Were neto 'Ceflament ?
obeDlent unto the faith. Anfwer.
3 ho Heliehr. The
The ordering of Deacons.
Cake tbou autijo?itp to etecute tbe
■■ office of a Deacon tn tbe Cburcb of ©oo
W • The Bilhop. - ..
in pou olltgeutlp teas tlje fame committeo untotbee: an tbe jaante of
unto tge people affemblco in tlje tbe jFatljer, tlje ©on,ano tbe bolp ©bolt,
Cburcb tntjetc pou fljall be appomteo amen.
toferbef Then Shall the Bifhop deliver to every one of
Aiilwcr. them the new Teltaraent, faying,
3i mi Cake tbou autboiiti’to teao tlje ®of-
peltntbe Cbutcbof ©oo, ano to p?eacft
tbe fame, if tbou be thereto ojotnattlp
1 The Bilhop.-
® appertained to tlje office of a Dea* commanoeo.
con m tbe cbucclj, mbccc Ije fljall bcap=
potnteb, to aflift tlje P?ieff tn Dtbltte fee- Then one of them appointed by the Bis
bice, atm fpeciallp xutjen tjc muutttetlj fhop, lhall read the Gofpel of that day.
tbe bolp Communion, ann to tjelp fjtm
in etffttbutlon thereof, ano to tcao boip Then (hall the Bilhop proceed to the Com¬
Scriptures anb homilies in tbe Con. munion, and all that are ordered, lhall
gtegation,ano to mftruct tbe pouttj in tbe tarry and receive the holy Communion,
Catecbifm, to baptise, ano to p?eacb, if the fame day with the Bilhop.
be be aomttteo ttjereto bp tbe istftop.
gno furtbettnoje, it is bis office, tobere The Communion ended, after the laft Cob
piobiflon is fo maoe, to fearcb fo? tbe left, and immediatly before the Benedi£tb
ficb, poo?, ano impotent people of tbe on, lhall be faid this Collect following.
pari®, to intimate tljetr eftates, names,
ano places tobere tbep Otoell unto tlje
Curate, that bp bis erbo?tatton tljep
A Umtgljtp Ooti, giher of all 5000
thing#, tuljicij of tljp great gooO-
map be relteseo bp tbe part®, o? other nef# haft oouctjfafeO to accept anti take
conbenient alms: totll pou Oo tbiS glao= tljefe tfjp ferfcant# unto tlje Office# of
Ipanotoillinslp? Deacons in thp Church x make them
Anlwer. me hefeech thee (D Ho?o) to he moheff,
31 totll to oo bp tbe help of ©oo. humble anu conffantm their miniffratb
on, to ijahe a reaup mill to ohferhe all
The Bifiiop. fpiritual ntfcipline, that tljep ijabing ab
umie# the teftimonp of a goon confcb
fcame ano faibion pour oom it ence, ano continuing eher liable ano
bts, ano tbe libes of pour farntlp, ac fftong tn tljp ®on Chnft,map fo mell ufe
comma to tlje ooittmc of Cb?iff, ano to themfelheo in thfe tnferiour office, that
make both pour feibes ano tbern, as thep ntap he founo mo^tijp to he calleo
mticb asinpoulietb, tobolerome eram= unto the higher mtntfferie# in thp
pies of tbe aock of Cbiiite Church) through the fame thp ©on our
Anfwer. ©ahiour Clj^itf) tofohomheglo?p ano
a toill fo Do, tbe Lo?o being mp helper. honour mo^io Untljout eno> amen.

W The Bilhop. And here it mull be {hewed unto the Dei¬

ail pou rebcrentlp obep pout £D?= con that he mull; continue in that office of a
Dtnarp ano other chief spintffers Deacon, the fpace of a whole year at the
of the Church, ano them to tobom the leaft (except for reafonable caufes it be
gobernment ano charge is committeo otherwife fecn to his Ordinary) to the in¬
obeepou, follotoing toitb a glao mtnoe tent he may be perfect, and well expert in
ano toill their gooip aomonitions i the things appertaining to the Ecclefiaftb
Anfwer. cal adminiftration, in executing whereof,
31 totll enoeabo? mp felf, the lo?0 being if he be found faithful and diligent, he may
mp helper. be admitted by his Dioceian to the Order
Then the Bilhop laying his hands fcverally of Pricfthood.
upon the head of every of them, (hall lay.

The form of ordering of Priest si

'When the exhortation is ended, then Hull pears, 3 ceafcG not to Warn eoerp one
follow die Communion. And for the £- of pou night aim Gap with tears.
piffle iliall be read out of the twentieth $wg now brethren 3 commehG pou to
Chapter of the Acts of the Apolties, as ®oo, ano to tiie worn of ins grace,
folio weth. which is able to btiim further, ano to
gtoe pou an inheritance among all th em
(Korn ®ileta Paul rent meffen- which are fanettfpeo. 3 babe GefireG no
gers to Cphefus, ano calico ttje mansfilGer, golG or oeffure: f ea, pou
doers of the congregation: know pour felGes, that thefe haims tjaGe
Which When tiiep were come to muuftreo unto mp neccfiities, aim unto
ntm, hefaio unto them, fe know that them that were with me. 3 haoe ffjeweo
from the firft Gap that 31 came into afio, pou all things, how that fo labouring
after what manner 3 haoe been with pou pe ought to recelGe the weak, aim to re=
at all feafons ferOlng the 2Lo?o with all member the wo?GS of our Horn 3efus,
bumbienefs of mum, ants truth manp how that he falo, 3t is more bleffeo to
teae^ aim temptations which happeneo glGethanto recelGe.
unto me bp the laplngs await of the
3ews, becatife 3 woum Ueep hack no* Or clfe this third chapter of the hrft Epi?
thing that was Profitable unto pou, hut file to Timothy.
to ibcw pou, aim teach pou openip
throughout eoerp houfe, wltneffmg
Goth to the 3ews ano alfa to the
1)IS is a true raping, 3f iThjswhen
Tim. 3.
anp man Gefire the office Deacons
Freehs, the repentance that is towaeo of aQBiibop, he Gefirethanho* andPriefts
^oo, ano the faith winch IS towaro our neff work. a l5llbop therefore are made
no?o 3eftts. 3no nowbeiioio,3 go hounG muff be blamelefs, the hus= both in
one day.
m tliefplrlt unto 3erufalem, notknow= bairn of one wife, otiigent,
mg the things that (hall come on me fober, Gifcreet, a keeper of horpltalltp ,
there, hut that the holp <$Dhoft wttnefc apt to teach, not glGen to oGermtich
feth m eoerp Cttte, taping that haims wine, no fighter, notgreeGp offilthplm
aim trouble ahlGe me. I5ut none of ere, but gentle, abhorring fighting, aw
there tljtngs mooe me, neither is mp life flowing coGetoufnefs, one that ruletfi
Gear unto \w feif, that 3 might fulfil well his own houfe, one that hath chtb
mp courfe with fop, aim the mmtftra own in Cutyectton with all reoerence.
jffon of the worn Which 3 haoereceioeo Jfo? if a man cannot rule his own houfe,
of the Lom 3efu, to tefilfie the ®ofpel how (ball be care fo? the congregation of
of the grace of^oo* aim nous heholG, $00? ipemapnot be a pouitg fcljoiler,
3 am fure that henceforth pe aii(th?ough left be fwefl,ano fall Into the fuogement
whom 3 haoe gone poaching the kutg= of the eon fpeaker. fpe muff alfo baoe a
Gomof^oG) fljalt fee mp face no more, gooG report of them which are Without,
fflherefore 3 take pou to recom this leffbefall Into rebuke aim fnareof tljc
Gap, that 3 am pure from the hlooG of ebil fpeaker.
all mem Tor 3 haoe fpareG no labour, lUkewife muff the mlnlffers be bo--
but haoe ibeweopou all thocounfel of neff, not Gouble tongueo, not glGen to
#oo. Cake heeG therefore unto pour much Wine, neither greeop of filtbp lu¬
femes, anG to all the flock among whom cre,but homing the mpfferp of the faith,
the holp ®hofl hath maoe pou ooetfeers, with M pure confclence * anG let them
to rule the congregation of $oO, Which firff be prooeo, aim then let them mt-
he hath purchafeo with his hlooG. jFor miler, fo that no man be able to re.
3 am fure of this, that after mpoe* pwoetfnm.
parting (hall grleoous WolGeS enter m €0en fo muff their WlGes be hoiteff, not
among pou, not fparlng the flock, ^o?e* eon fpeakers ; but fober aim faith*
oGer, of pour olun felGes (hall men m ful lit all things. Het the Deacons be
rlfefpeakmg peroerfe thaws, to G?aw the husbanos of one wife, aim ruch as
Glfclples after them. Cherefme awake, rule their chilG?en wen, ano their own
aim remember that bp the fpace of three hottffwios; f02 tijep that mmiffer wen,
The ordering of Priefts.
gettbemfelbegasootiticBtcc,autJ great tf)cgootij)epfjett|. 9 gooDjbephet&gf.
Ubertp in the faith, which 133 in CbJtft je betlj hig life fo? the fljeep. an flireo for*
fug. Cbefe tljtugg w?itc 31 unto thee, bant ano he which ig not the foepbero
turning to tome fljojtlp unto thee: but (neither the fljeep are ljigown)feeth the
if 3 tarcp long, that then thou mapeft wolf coming, ano leabetlj tlje Cheep, ano
hast pet knowlebge, bow thou ougbteft Beetlj,ano the wolf cattljeth ano fcattet-
to bebabe thp felf in tlje hottfc of ©on, eth the fljeep. Chehirco fetbaitt fleeth,
totjiclj the congregation of the lining becaufe he ig an Ijireo fetbant,ano caret!)
.©oo, thtptllar ano grouno of truth, not fa? tlje fljtcp.3 am tlje goon fljepheto
ano without Doubt, great ig that nip. ano know nip fljeep, ano am known of
fietp of goolinefg: ©oo uiag fljeweo in mine, ag mp lather knoweth me, eben
the flelb, wag juftifieo in the fptrit, wag ro know 3 alfo mp lather, ano 3 gibe
reen among the angelg,wag pjeacljco un¬ mp life fo? tlje fljeep. ano other fljeep 3
to the ©etittleg, wag beltebeo on in the babe, which are not of this Colo; them
wo?to, ano receiseo up in glo?p. alfo mull a b?ing, ano thep fliall hear mp
boice, ano there (flail be one foio ano one
After this (hall be read for the gofpcl, a piece fljepheto.
jcfus came ano fpake unto them, rap.
of the laft Chapter of Matthew, as fol- Or elfe this, of the xx. chapter of John.
Uc rame oap at night, which wag the
fitft oap of the ©abbatflg, when the
I iug, ail power ig giben unto me in hea= Coo?g were fljut (where tlje otfcipleg
sen ano in earth: go pe therefore, ano were aflembleo together, fo? fear of the
teach all nattong, baptising them in the 3ewg) came aeftig, ano ftooo tn the
©ame of the father, ano of the ©on, niDfl, ano faiO unto them, peace be tin*
anoofthetjolp ©holt, teaching them to to pou. ano when he hao fo faio,he ihew*
obferbe all things whatfoeber 3 hast eo unto them hig hanog ano big floe.
tommanoeo pott; ano lo, 3 am With pou Chen were tlje Oifciipleg glao When thep
si wap, eben until the etto of the woilo. raw tlje ilo?o. Chen rato aerug unto
them again,peace be unto pou: agmp
Or elfe this that followcth out 'of the lather rent me, eben fo teno 3 pou alfo.
tenth Chapter of Saint John. ano when he bao rato tijofe wo?og, he
bjeatheo on them, ano rato unto them,
VCrtlp berilp3 fap unto pou, f)e that
entreth not in bp the boo? into the
Eecetbe pe the Ijolp ©holt. SZIhofoeberg
ling pc remit, tljep are remittee unto
fheepfolo, but cltmbetlj up fome other them: ano whofoeberg ling pe retain,
wap, the fame ig a thief ano a muroerer. thep are retaineo. •
'But he that entreth in bp the Ooo?, ig When the Gofpcl is ended, then (hall be faid
tlje fljepheto of the fijeep: to him the or fang.
pojter openetlj, ano tlje fljeep hear hig
boice, ano he calleth hig own fheep bp
SDme holp ©boll eternal ®oO, p?o*
name, ano leaoetp them out, ano when TSoth from tljelatljer ano the ©on,tlje
he hath fent font) hig own (ljeep,lje goetlj ©oo of peace ano lobe.
befo?e them,ano the Cheep follow Inm,to; (Llilit our mfnog, ano into ug, thp hew
thep know bis boicr.aitrangcr will tfjcp btnlp grace tnfpire.
not follow, but will flee from him,fo? Chat in all truth f gooititcrg, we map
thep know not the boice of llrangttg. Ijabe true oefire.
Cbtg piobetb fpake 3efug unto them, Chou art the beep comfojter, in all
but thep unDetftooo not what thingg Wo ano Diflrefg:
tljep were which he fpake unto them, Che heabtnlp gift of ©oo moff high,
Chen fain 3elug unto them again, ait. Which no tongue can erp?efg.
tilp, berllp 3 fap unto pou, 3 am the Che fountain ano tlje Itbelp fp?titg, of
Ooo? of the iheep: ano all (eben ag manp lop celettial.
ag came befo?c me) ate tljiebeg ano mur Che fire fo bitgfit, the lobefo clear,
Oerttg, but the Cheep oio not hear them. ano (Unction fpintual.
3 am the Ooonbp me if anp man enter in, Chou in thP gifts art manifolo, Wbere--
hefhallbefafe,ano-go inano out, ano bp Ch?iftg Church Doth flaito.
fittOpaflure.a thief eomethnot butfo? 3n faithful Ijeartg wjtttng tljp law,the
to Beal, kill, ano to Defirop. 3 am come finger of ©oog hano.
that thep might habelife, ano that thep accoimng to tljp.pjomife maoe,t!joit g£«
might hast it mo?e abunoantlp, 3 am ibeflfpeechofgtacc:
11 Chat
The ordering of Priefls.
Chat tlj?ouglj thp help the p?atfe of fame = hut pet If there he attp of poti
Coo5imp found in eoetp place. which hnoweth anp impediment 0? nota¬
£D ijolp Cijoft into out* wlts,fend down ble crime of anp of them, fo? the which
tljp ijeadenlp ligijt; he ought not to he receidcd into this ho-
mmole out hearts with ferdentlode, ip mmtfterp, now tn the name of cod
toferde 000 dap and night. * declare the fame.
strength and ftablUh all out Weak- and if anp great crime 0? impediment • 1
nefs, fo feeble and fo frail x he objected.
Chat neither fleflj,tbe wo?ld, ito?debll,
agalnft us do p?edall. ZJt fupra in Ordlne Diaconatusy ufque ad finern
Put back out enemp fat from us, and
grant us to obtain,
peace lit out hearts Xtittlj Cod and
LetanicZ) cum hac ColleZca.
Cod, gldet of all good
things, which bp tijp help spirit half
man, without grudge 02 disdain. appointed dtders o?ders of ^miners
$Ind grant D Lo?d,tljat thou being, cut In tlm Church, mercifuiip behold thefe
leaner ano out guide. • tljp ferdants now called to the office of
COe mapefchew the States of fin, and piieffhood, and nplemfij them fo with
from thee neder aloe. the truth of thp doctrine and innoceitcp
00 us fuch pientp of thp grace, good of life,that both hp worn and good eram-~
Lo?d grant, toe thee p?ap: pie, thep map faltljfullp fetde thee lit this
Chat thou mapeft he out Comforter office, to the g!o?p of thp name, and
at the laft dreadful nap. P?ofit of thp congregation, ffj?ounh the
Of all ffrtfe and dlflenfioit, O Lo?d dlf merits of ofit Sadiour 3fefns £h?iff,
foibe the hands: who ilheth and relgnetlj with thee and
$nd mauc the knots of peace and lode, the hoip Cljc.fi,wo?lo without end.ameit.
t^oughout all Cb?ifiian lands* , ;i 1

C?ant us O lo2d, through thee to Then the Bifhop fhall minifter unto every one
torn, the father mofi of might. of them the oath concerning the Kings Su¬
* Chat of hts dear heloded Son,we map premacy, as it is fet forth in the order of
attain the fight. Deacons. And that done, he fhall fay unto
Snd that wtttj perfect faith alfo, toe them which are appointed to receive the
map aclmotoledgethee: laid office, as hereafter followeth.
Che Spirit of them both aiwap, one
Cod in perfons th?ec.
Laud and p?alfe he to the lather, and
YflDu hade heard, b?eth?en, as well lit
pour p?idate examination, as In the
to tljeSwn equal: e ajo?tation, and In the ijolp lefidns ta¬
and to the ijolp Spirit alfo, one Cod ken out of the Cofpei, and of the w?jv
toetetnai. tmgsofthe ^pofiles, of what dignitp,
Sind p?ap toe that tljeonelp Smt,dotted and of how great nnpo?tnnce tlus^office
fafe his Spirit to fend. IS (Whereunto pe he called.) $nd now
Co ail that do p?o£efS hlS name, un weethoitpoum the name of our Lo?d
to the wo?ldS end. 3mcm 3lefus Ch?ifi, to hade In rememh?ance
And then the Arch-dcacon fhall prefent into how high a dignitp, and to how
unto the Bifhop, all them that lhall receive chargeable an office pe he called, that
the order cf Priefthood that day, the Arch¬ is to fap,tlje meflengers,the watchmen,
the pafto?s, and the fiewards of the
Runto pott thefe
deacon faying.
lather tn Cod, 31
Cdcrend Parent
perrons p?efent, to he
Lo?d, to teach, to pmnontfl), to feed,
and p?odide fo? the 1 o?dS familp, to feek
admitted to the o?der of p?tefthood. fo? Ch?ifis fheep that he difperfed a-
Cum Intcrro pat tone cr refporijionc, ut in or dine h?oad, anafo? his cf)tld?en which he in
the mldfi of this naughtp Wo?ld, to he
faded th?o«gh Ch?lfifo? eder. Jijadeal*
And then the Bifhop fhall fay to the people. Wales tljerefo?e p?inted m pour remem*
0od people, thefe he thep whom toe h?ance, how great a treafure is com¬
purpofe. Cod lolling to receldc this mitted to pour charge? fo?thep be the
dap unto the help office ofp?leffbood: fijeep of Ch?lfi, which he bought with
lo? after due examination, we find not his death, and fo? whom lie fhed his
to the contrary hut that thep he lawful- blood. Che Church and Congregati- i
Ip called to their function and mutlfierp, on whom pou mufl ferde, is Ins fpoufe
and that tfjcp he perfons meet fo? the and his hodp.
The ordering of Prieftsi
atm if it (ball chance the fame Church the holp ®boft from coo the iTatheri
02 anp member thereof, to take an? hurt bp the meoiatton of our onelp 20eoia*
02 bino?attce, bp reafon of pour negli* to? aim Sabtor aefus Cb?ift, that bp
gence, pe tmotu tlje greatttefs of the Oatlp reaoing aim tueighing of the Scrt*
fault, atm aifo oftlje lj02rible punilbmcnt ptures, pemap fo tuar riper ano ftrottgec
toljictj mill enfue. SHijctEfo^e coitfiOer tit pour mtntfterp: ano that pe map fo
butb pout* felbes the eno of pout mini- enoeabonr pour felbes from time tot
fterp tocoaros the cljtioien ot <©00, to* time, to Carnttfie the iibes of pou aim
matos the fpoufe ano boup of Cj)2tft5 pours 5 ano to falfiton them after the
aim fee that pou ncber ceafe pout labour, rule aim ooitrine of Cb?ift: ano that yz
pout cate ano oiligence, until pou babe map be inholfome ano gooip examples
bone ail that Itetb in pou, acco20mg to ano patterns fo? the reft oftlje Congre*
pout botmoen outp, to b^ing all fucb as gationtofollobi: ano that this p^efeitt
are,02 (ball be committeo to pout charge, Congregation of Cb2tft here aftembieo,
unto that agreement in faith ano knoui= map alfo tumerftano pour minos mm
leoge of &00, ano to that rtpenefsano bulls in thefe things: aim that this pour
pertectncfs of age fit Cbthat there P?omife ihallmmemobe pou to 00 pour
be no place left among pou, either of er* buttes, vz (hall anftaer plainlp to thefe
rout m religion^ f02 btcioufnefs in life: things, mbtcb w in the name of the con¬
Chen5f02afmuch as pout office to both gregation (ball oemano of pou touching
of fo great ercellencp, ano of fo great the fame.
Oifficultp, pe fee nutlj horn great cate Do pou tfmfk in pour heart that pou
anofttmppe ought to applppourfelbeo, be trtilp calico acco?Oing to the mill of
as tueli that pe map (hetn pout felbes our 3Lo?o Jefu Cb2ift, anothe omerof
fctno to that £020 tnbo hath placeo pou in this Church of England, to the ^nifte=
fo high a oignitp, as alfo to bebmre that rp of p?iefthooo s
neither pou pout felbes offeno, neither Anfwer,
be occalion that other cffeno. fpotobeit, 31 tfiftifc it.
pe cannot babe amino ano a bull there* The Biftiop.
to of pout felbes, fo? that potoet ano abi*
litp is giben of ^00 alone. Chetefo^e pe
B e pou perftuaoeo that the holp
Scriptures contain fuffictentlp all
fee horn pe ought ano babe neeo earned* Oottrine requireo of neceffitp fo? eternal
ip to piap fo? bis hoip Spirit.ano feeing falbatton, th?ough faith in^efit Cb?tftS
that pou cannot bp anp other means ano are pou oetermineo rnitb the fain
compafs the ooingoffomeightpatuo^b Scriptures to tnttritet the people com*
pertaining to the falbatton of man, but mitteotopour charge, ano to teach no*
truth Oorttine ano ecljojtattcn taken out thing (as requireo of neceffitp to eter*
of the holp Scriptures, atm butha life a* nal faibation) but that pott (hall be per*
greeablc unto the fame: f e petceibe ftnaoeo man be concliiOeo ano p?obeo
born dubious pe ought to be tit reaoing bp the Scriptures
anO in learning the Scriptures, ano in Anfwer.
framing the manners both of pour felbes, 31 ant fo petfumoeo, ano babe fo Oe*
ano of them that fpectalip pertain unto termineo bp Coos grace.
pou, accomtng to the rule of the fame
S>crtptttres:3nO fo2tbtS felfTame cattfe,
pe fee hob) pe ought to fo^fafee atm fet a=
W The Bifhop.
all pou then gibe pour faithful
Oiltgence albmps fo to mintftec
fine (as much as pou map) all b)o?loip the Ooctrine aim Sacraments, aim the
cares ano fttmtes* oifcipltne of Ch?ift,as the £020 hath com*
mt babe gooo hope, that pou babe manoeo,ano as this realm hath receibeo
tueli tuetgheo ano pottocreo thefe things the fame, accoioiitg to the commaitO*
tutth pour felbes, long before this time, meitts of ©00,fo that pou map teach the
ano that pou babe cieaclp oetermtiteo, people commtttco to pour cure aim
bp ®oOS grace, to gibe pour felbes charge, nntb all oiligence to beep atm
tuhollp to this bocation, tuherettnto it obferbe the Tames
hath pleafeo £>oO to call pou, fo that (as Anfwer.
much as lieth in pou) pou applu pour 3 mill fo 00 bp the help of the L020.
felbes tuholp to this one thing, ano o?ato
all pour cares ano ftuotes this bmp, ano
to this am* 3no that pou bull continue
W The Bifhop.
3II vou bercaoubutb all faithful
Oiligence to banifti aim o?ibe a*
niip my fo? the beabcnlp aCfiftance of man all erroneous ano ftrangcooctrmes,
11 2 contrary
The ordering of Priefts.
tontcacp to <3053 too?5, ana to ufe hots That done, the Bifhop ihall pray in this wife.
uubfick anb private monitions mm tt-- * let tte p?ap.
hojtattouo, ao well to toe licfe 03 to the
Whole, iDitljinpour cute3, as neeo tfjall
tcfiuite, aim oecafion be gtben i
ALmigfetp aofe, anfe feeavenlp jra-
tfeer, tnfeicfe of tfeine infinite love anti
Anfwer. gootmete totnard0 U0, featf given to u<$
1 Ml, tfee Jlo?d feeing mpfeelper. tfep onelp am* ntofi near feelovet* g>on
The Biihop. 3eftte Cfe?ilf to fee our redeemer, ant* au<
tt 73li pou fee diligent fit and tfeo?ofevertaflmgltfe, Mo after fee feati
VV m reading of tfee feolp ^enptuce^ mane perfect our redemption fep fete
anti in fucfe ftudieo a0 feelp to tfee knoTn* deatfe, and tna0 afeended into feeaven,
ledge of tfee fame, laping afitietfee ftudp fentafe?oad into tfee tno?ld fete apoffM,
of tfee tno?ld and tfee fleflj t p?opfeet0, evangeltCte, docto?0, and pa-
Anfwer. rto?0, fep tnfeofe lafeour and $)imftetp,8e
1 tDtfl endeavour mp felf fo to do, tfee gatfeered togetfecr a great flock in all tfee
lo?d feeing nip feelper. parte of tfee tno?!d, to fet fo?tfe tfee eter*
Tiie Biihop. nalp?aifeof tfepfeolp Bame. ifo? tfeefe
x |X 73111 pou fee diligent to frame and fo great feeneflte of tfep eternal good*
V V fafijton pour otnnfeiVe0 and pour nete,and fo? tfeat tfeou fealt vouefefafed to
familite accoidtng to tfee doctrine of calltfeefetfep fervante feere p?efent, to
Cfnifi, mm to make feotfe pour feiveo tfee fame office and mtmfferp offaivation
nm tfeem (a0 mucfe a0 in pou lietfe) of mankind; tne render unto tfeee molt
Molfom erample^ ant* fpectacie^ to tfee feeartp tfeanlte, tne tno?ifetp and p?aife
ttociiofcfemt^ tfeee, and tne feumfelp feefeeefe tfeee, fep
Anfwer. tfee fame tfep @on, to grant unto tte all,
31 Ml appip mp fclf, tfee lo?d feeing mp tnfeicfe ettfeet feere, 0? elfetufeere call upon
feelper. tfep Bame, tfeat tne map fljetn our feiveg
tfeankfulto tfeee fo? tfeefe and all otfeer
W U pou(amaintain
The Biihop.
ant* fet fo?-
mucfe a0 lietfe tit pou)
\mx># 0
tfep feenefite, and tfeat tne map datlp m-
creafe and go fo?toato&m tfee knowledge
qucetnete, peace ant* love among all and fattfe of tfeee and tfep @011, fep the
€fe?tfltan people, ant* fpeciallp among feolp ©pint. ©0 tfeat a0 tuell fep tfeefe
tfeem tfeat are, 02 fljall fee committet* to tfep spmftete, a0 fep tljem to Mom tfeep
pour cfearge f fliall fee appointed ©imftet0, tfep feolp
Anfwer. Bame map fee altnap0 glo?tfied, and tfep
3 Ml fodo, tfee JLo?t* feeing mp feelper. felefled kingdom enlarged, tfe?ottn*fe tfee
The Biihop. fame tfep €>on our lo?d 3efu0 Cfe?iff,
311 pou reverentip ofeep pour SD?- MM liVetfe and reigtietfe tnitfe tfeee, in
dtttarp ant* otfeer cfetefmmtftete, tfee um'tp of tfee fame feolp Spirit, tno?ld
unto Mom tfee government ant* cfearge tnitfeotit end. amett.
t0 committet* over pou, folloMtg taitfe When this prayer is done, the Bifhop with
a glad mint* ant* Ml tfeeir gofelp admo¬ the Priefts prefent,lhall lay their hands fe-
nition#, ant* fufemitting pour felve# to verally upon the head of every one that re-
tfeeir gofelp jufegemeittg ? ceiveth Orders: the receivers humbly
Anfwer. kneeling upon their knees, and the Biihop
3.MI fo feo, tfee Jlo?t* feemg mp feelper. faying.
T> €ceiVe tfee feolp ®feofl: tnfeofe fin0
Then Ihall .the Biihop fay. Xvtfeou doll fo?giVe, tfeep are fo?giVen:
t :

<^od, Mo featfe gifeett pou

tfete Mil to feo all tfeefe tfeing#,grant
and Mofe fin0 tfeou dolt retain,tfeep are
retained: mtdfeetfeouafaitfeful difpem
fer of tfee tno?d of 0od, and of fete feolp
alfo unto pou ffrengtfe ant* polner to per- @>acramettte. 3ntfeeBame of tfee jfa-
fo?m tfee tame, tfeat fee map accomplift* tfeer, and of tfee ^)oit, and of tfee feolp
fete tno?k MM fee featfe feegttn in non, un¬ 0feofl. 2meit.
til tfee time fee (feall come at tfee latter
dap to judge tfee quick ant* tfee dead. The Biihop fliall deliver to every one of
After this the Congregation Ihall be defired them the Bible in his hand, faying.
fecrctly in their prayers, to make humble
fupplications to Godfortheforefaid things
for the which prayers there ihall be a cer¬
Take tfeou autfeo?itn to p2eacfe tfee
tno?d of $00, and to mmifiec tfee
tain fpace kept in nlence. feolp
The Confecrarion of Bilhops.'
bolp @>acranten© tit tb© Congregation, map babe fuch fucce®, that it map m*
mbere tljott fljalt be Co appointed bet be fpoken lit barn* ®?ant alfo that
toe map habe grace to hear anb recelbe
When this is done, the Congregation (hall the fame ag thp mod ijoip ©o?b, atm the
Ting the Creed, and alfo they lhall go to meat© of our falbatlon5 that in all our
the Communion) which all they that re¬ loom# ana beet© me map feek thp glo*
ceive Orders, (hall take together, and re¬ rp) attb the eitcreafe of thp i&ngbom3
main in the fame place where the hands through left© Cb?td our Lo?b. Arnett.
were laid upon them, until fuch time as
they have received the Communion. And if the order of Deacons and Priefthood
be given both upon one day, then lhall all
The Communion being done, after the laft things at the holy Communion beufed, as
Colled, and immediately beiore the Bene¬ they are appointed at the ordering of
diction, lhall be laid this Colled. Priefts, faving that for the Epiftle, the

M whole third Chapter of the fir ft to Ti¬

£)d merciful .father, toe befeecb mothy lliall be read, as it is fet out before
thee fo to fenb upon there tfjp fer= in the order of Priefts. And immediately
bzmtg tbp beabenlp bleffing:, thatthep after the Epiftle, the Deacons lhall be or¬
map be clan about ©itb all ©dice, aim dered. And it lhall fuffice the Letany to be
thattljp loom fpohen bp thetr mouthed faid once*

The form of Confecrating of an Arch-Bi(hop, or

Bilhop. ' •

T At the Communion.
The Epiftle.
l)© © a true faptttg, 33f a man
befiretlje office of 'Btfljop, be
befiretb an boned ©o?k. a Tfo
unto bim tljetbi'rb time, g>lmon lobam
na, ©bed tbou me f peter ©as? fo?rp,
becaufe be faib unto tbe tblrb time ,
itobed tbou me. atm be fam unto bim,
Lo?b tbou knouied all tbings?,tbou ©to©*
ed that 3} ©be tbee. aefus? faib unto
(bop therefore mud be blank film, feebmpfljeep.
fe©, tbc busbanb of one ©ife, biligent, Or elfe out of the tenth Chapter of John,
fober, bifereet, a keeper of bofpitalitp, as before in the order of Priefts.
apt to teacb, not gtben to obermucb After the Gofpel and Creed ended : firft
mine) no fightet) not greebp of filtbp lu= the defied Bilhop lhall be prefented by
ere, but gentle, abbomtig figbtutg) a© two Bilhops,unto the Arch-Bilhop of that
boding cobetoufne© , one that ruletb Province, or to fome other Bilhop ap¬
©ellb© o©n boufe, one that batb cbll- pointed by his Commilfion : theBilhops
b?en In fubf cction ©ttb all reberence.JFo? that prefent him, faying,
tf a man cannot rule b© omn boufe,
bom (ball be care fo? tbe Congregation
M Od reberenb father In ®ob, ©e
p?efent unto pou tb© goblp anb
of $ob ? pz man not be a potrng fcbolar, ©ell learneb man to be confecrateb
led be fmell, aim fall into tbe jtmgement 'Bilhop.
oftbeebilfpeaker. pz mud aim babe a Then lhall theArch-bilhop'demand theKings
goob report of tljem ©bicb ate ©itbout, mandate for the Confecration, and caufe
fed be fall into rebuke anbtljefnareof it to be read, and the Oath touching the
tbe ebil fpeaker. knowledge of the Kings Supremacy, lhall
The Gofpel. be miniftred to the perfons defied, as it is
TCft© fa© to @(mon peter, ©imon fet out in the order of Deacons. And then
J lobanna, ©bed tbou me nto?e than lhall be miniftred the Oath of due obedi¬
tbrfef 5>e fam unto f)tnt, gea,!lo©,tbou ence unto the Arch-bilhop, as folioweth.
kno©c(i that I lobe tljee : pz falb unto The Oath of due obedience to the
btm,feeb tun Lambs?.1pe fatb to bim a*
gain tbe fccotm time, ^>tmoit lobamta, Arch-biftiop.
©bed tbou me f pz faib unto bim, f ea, B tbe Barne of $ob, amen. 3[. B.
1 o?b,tbou knomed tljat 31 lobe tbee: pz cbofen Bifltop of tbe Cbitrcb anb §>ee
(am unto btm, ifeeb mp djeep. pz faib ofBt bo p©fe©anb pmmife all bue re*
The Confecration of BifhopsJ
Dame mtn ohehlencc to the ^tcljWfljap, of Ctetff, tobtclj be batb ptircijareo tottii
mm to the SDcttopoltticai Church of B. no iefs pjtce tijatt tbe effuffon of bis omit
aaototpettfuccetfois ; fo help me ®oo biooo ; afo?c 3 aomitpoutotljlsaonU-
through aeftig Ch?tftv niffratton, urtjereunto pou are calico, t
This Oath fhall not be made at the Con* tttil eramtne pou in certain articles, to
fecratioii of an Arch- bifliop. tbe eno tbe congregation p?efent map
Then the Arch-bifhop fhall move the Con; babe a trial, ano bear twiners boom
gregation prefent, to pray, faying thus to be minoeo to bebabe pour rdf m tf®
Cburrlj of ©00. uje
B them*
KefSien, it ts Wittten nt the 0ofpel are pou petftnaoeo that pou be truto
of^)XuUe,thut our daftiotu: Cijitft calleo to tbiS ramification accoioimr tn
roiittnueo the whole night mpiapa,oi tije will of our lLo?o Jefus Cb?tff,aito the
eher that he tun choofe ano feno toitlj fits o?oet of tbts Realm t ’ 106
twelve 8poftle0. it fe Witten alfo m Aniwcr. 31 am fopecftoaOeO,
the acts of the apoffleg, that the tufci The Archbiihop.
ple0 which were at Antioch WO faa ano
p|ap,o| eber tljep lath Ijatttig upon 01 Cent
A Re pou perfinaoeo tljat tfje boIP
Scriptures contain fufficientip aft
foitlj Paul aim ^amafcagJletugtpesa uoctcme, requites ofneteffitp fo? eternal
foie, following theecample of our^a- faibation to?ougb tije faitij m 3[rfus
Wont Cf$ff ano 3polHe£, ficff fall Cij?ui. ano ace pou octermineo tnitlj
to mm, 01 that we atmilt ano feito tbe fame bolp Scriptures, to inffruct
faith tljtg perfoit piefenteo unto u& to tlje people committee to pour cbarite
the woiu wheceunto we trua the holp ano to teaclj o? maintain nothing as re-
Ohoft hath calleo him. quireo of neceffitp to eternal faibation,
Then fhail be faid the Letany as afore in the but that pou fljall be pettoaoeo map be
order of Deacons. contliioeo ano p?obeo bp tije fame ? f
And after this place, Chat it map pleafe Anfwer. 3| am fa petTumoco aim Deter-
thee to illuminate all /Mhop& He muteo bp ©oos grace.
fhall fay,
Chat it map pleafe thee to hlefo tins
our mother electeo, ano to feno tijp grace
The Archbiihop.
faitbfuifp erercife
in the faio bolp Scrip¬
upon hint, that he map oulp eeeclite the tures, anO call upon ©oo bp o?aper for
office wheceunto he 10 calleo, to the e tbe true unoecffanoing of the fame fo
OiTpfng of thp Church 3 ano to the ho* as pemap be able bp them to teacb aim
nour,piaffe, ano gloip of tijp Bame* erbo?t tuitb tnljolfom ooctcme, ano to
Anfwer, Wit Defeeeij thee to hear antbftano ano conbincetlje gatnfapers f
tmgoooiLoio, Anfwer, J tttll ft 00, b? tije IjClp Of ©QO.
Concluding the Letany in the end, with this The Archbiihop,

©oo, tytucc of an gooo
pou reaop uiitlj ail faithful oili-
to baniib ano o?fbe atnap alt
. things, tobtclj bp tfjp jjolp Spirit erroneous ano ff range oottrine eontrarp
Saif appomteO others o.mers of 99mf to ©oos ino?o, ano both pitbatelp ano
Decs in tJjp Church, metciftillp beljolo openlp to call uponano encourage others
tilts tijp ferbant noto calleo to tbe too?h fn fur ramp
ano mtntffetp of a TBidjop; ano replenidj Anfwer. *s am reaop tljc To?o being
bint fo nutfj tbe tcutij of tbp ooctrtne, mp helper, u
ano mnocencp of life, tljat both bp tuoiO The Archbiihop.
ano oceotjewap faitbfullp ferbe thee in Ti\ 7311 pou oenpaii ungoOlinefs aitO
tins office,to tbe glo?p of tbp JSante,ano V V tuo?(olp tuns, ano libe foberlp,
piofitof tfjp Congregation, tb?ougb tbe rigljteouflp, ano gooip in this bio?lo,tbat
Merits of ouc Sabiour Jcfus Cb?tff, pou map (beta pourfelf in all things ait
bills itbetb ano reignetb tuitb tbee ano erample of gooO tombs unto others,
tbe bolp ®boft,tto?lo toitfjout eno.amen. that tije aobetrarp map be afbameb, ba.-
Then the Archbiihop fitting in a chair, (hall bing nothing to lap agafnff pou •>

B fay to him that is to be confecrated, Anfwer* atutiiro oo, the io?o being
R other, fbiafmurb as iioit' Scrip¬ mp helper.
ture, ano tbe oio Canons commano- The Archbiihop,
etb, that uie djonio not be baffp m (aping \ f\73111 pou maintain ano fet fojtoatO
on banos ano aomitting of anp perron V V (as ntticii as (ball lie in pou) qtii-
to tije gobecnmeitt ot tije Congregation etnefs, prate ano lobe among all men:
The Confecration of Bilhops*
antr fuel) as he tmqutct, blfobebient anb tbe ijolp ©Doff, liiietfj aits rcarnetli one
criminous tmthm pour Oaccfs, correct ©oo tootfn untijouc ran. amett.
atin pumfl) acco?blng to fuclj autbo?ttp Then the Archbiihop and Biihops ptcfent
as pe babe bp ©obs mo?b, aitn as to pou fliail lay their hands upon the head of the
(bail he commttteo bp the o?blnance of dotted Bilhop, tire Archbiihop faying.
tins realm i
Anfwcr. 3i iMiIX Fo bo, bp the help of ©ob*
T ake tlje ijuij) ©ljoit, ana rcnicmhcc
tljat tfjou ate up tlje grace of ©on
W The Archbiihop. nunci) is lit ttjee, bp impost ion of Jjautis:
3U pott (bent pout red gentle, atth fo^ ©on uatij not gtsten us/ tlje fptrtt of
he merciful fo? CiputS fake to fear, Out of poiuce, auo (one, ano fobec?
poo? anti nceop people, anb to all dram nefs.
gets bedltute of help t . Then the Archbiihop (hall deliver him
Anfwer. j unit fo fljem mp felf hp the Bible, laying.
©obs help. G pe ijeeo unto reabtitg, erbo?tattait
A The Archbiihop* anb boctritte* Chum upon tljefe
Lnughtp^oh out heahenlpif^ther,1 things container! in this book. Be bill*
mho hath gtben pou a good loll to ho gent m them, that the encreafe coming
all thefe things : grant alfo unto pou njerebp, map be manlfeft unto all men*
ftrength anb poioer to perfo?m the fame, Cake tjeeb unto tfjp felf,anh unto teacl>
that he accompllfljlng lit pou the gooh mg, ano be btltgent In holng thenmfo?
mo?k mhich he hath begun, pe map be bp nolng this thou (halt fabe thp felf
fourth perfect anb lrrep?ei}enftble at the anb them that heat thee* 'Be to the flock
latter bap, through TcftiS Ch?llt ouc of Ct)?td a djepijetb not a toolf: feebi
lo?b* Tmem I them, bebour them not: holb up the
Then (hall be fung or faid, Come hdy mean, heal tlje lick, bittb together tlje
Ghoft, See. broken, b?ing again the otttcads,feek the
as it is fet out In the o?bet of p?teds* loit, be fo merciful, that pe be not too re-
That ended, the Archbiihop lhali fay* JmlfS 1 fO mlntffeC blfClpllUe, that pott
Lo?b hear our p?aper* fo?get not merep, that mhen the chief
Anfwer.anti let our erp come untotljee. ^pepherb (hall come,pe map rectebe the
f let us p?ap. Itmmarccdtbie cromn of glo?p, through

A Lmtgbtp©cb} anb molt merciful 3' eltis Ch?tftoutLo?b* amen.

Jfather, toijich of tljlne infinite Then the Archbiihop fhali proceed to the
gcobnefs haft glben thp onlp aitb Communion, with whom the new confe-
molt bear belobeb $s>on |efus Ch?id crated Bilhop, with other lhali alfo com¬
to be our Eebcemer anb autpo? of eben municate. And for the laft Colled immedi=
lading life, mho after that he hab mabe atly before the Benedidion, lhali be faid
perfect our Eebemptlon bp tis beatlj, this Prayer*
anb mas afeenbeb into heanen, poureb
baton his gifts abtmbantlp upon men,
M Cft merciful .father, toe befeecfj
thee, to fenb bourn upon this thp
making fome apoftfes, fomep?ophets, teruant thp heabenlp blelfing, anb fo en*
Ibme ©bangellds, fome pauours aim buehim mith thp help Spirit, that he
Docfo?s,to the eblfPlng anb making per- pleaching thp mo?b, map not onlp be
feet his Congregation: grant,toe befeech canted to rep?obe,bcfeech, anb rebuke,
tljee, to tins thp fcrbaitt fuch gtace, that uilth all patience anb bcctrtne, but alfo
he map ebermo?e be reabp to fp?eab a- map be, to fuch as bcllebe, an mholfom
b?eab thp ©ofpel, anb glab tlblngs of w erample, tit mo?b, in conbetfattoit, tn
concllement to Cob, anbtoufethe.au- lobe. In faith, In chadltp,anb purttp: that
tfnwltp glben unto him*,not to beftrop but fattijftillp fulfilling ins courfe, at the lat=
to fabe, not to hurt but to help: fo that ter bap he mapreectbe the cromn of righ*
he as a tolfe anb faithful fetbant gibing teoufitefs latb tip bp the iLo?bthertgh*
to thp familp nteat lit bite feafon, map at teous Ttibge, mho libeth anb reigneth
the lad be recetbeb Into top, through 3lc- one 0ob mith the Jather anb the help
&tCb?ift our lo^b, toho mith thee anb ©hod, mo?ib mithout enb. amen*


i n 11H ;■ i ;n iji iiuMuiffin^nmt iqirn i n n
JTiT] [ n ;i, aj.i i um; tti i ?


Printed by S. G. for the Compam
UQ0£3 EE33EE31 of Stationers, 1661.
Cum- Frivi/eiric.


t^yrmr iTT7nTrrmTT rri-rrmr rrmrTiTQ-


'auajius the great, concerning the ufe and
venue of ihe FJaimes.
L! holy Scripture is certainly the teacher of all vcrtue and of true
1 aith, but the book of the Pfalmes doth exprefs after a certain
manner, the very hate & condition of the foul. For as he which
i iir endech ro prefent himfelf to a King, firft will compound with
himfeif to fee in good order both his geRure and his fpeech}left
elfe he might be imputed rude and ignorant: even fo doth this
godly booke informe all fuch as be defirous to lead their life in
vertue, and to know the life oi our Saviour, which he led in his
con verfation, putting them in minde in the reading thereof of
all their afFedions and pahions whereto their foule is inclined.
Moreover the Pfalms inform and reach every man with divers
inftrudioa? whereby he may not onely efpy the affedians and Rate of his foule , and to win
a oood pattern and difeipline how he may pleafe God ^ but alfo with what form of words he
rrn\ amend himfelf and how to give God due thanks, left if he ihould fpeak other wife than
vver^convenient, he Ihould fall into impiety, by hisunreverent eftimation of God , for we
muft all makean’accountto the Judge, as well of ourevill deeds, as of our words.

w therefore thou tuouloft at anp time oefenbe a I'leftcD mast, mho he is, ano tohaf
1 tniaa maker!) fifm to he £o,tboti half the i, 32,41 j 112,128 pfalmes.
2 gjttSjoutoottloftrcbHtvefactosfojthe'rfpWthepl)autoOn-RUbonhaft?2pfaU
, Iftbp o'am familiars purfus ant> ft manplife agafnft thee,fn? the 3, h3» !^fal.
, Zi thus la trouble thou haft called on <®ou, % haft tardea upon hfs help, ano toouioeft
due Rfm thanks in that he heart) thee taitb bfo help, ffng the 40,116 pfalmes.
5 3f that thou faft chft men to lap mares fo* thee, ano therefore oefireft ®oqs eares to
Lear thP p?aper, finer the 5 pfalme.
6 %tthou foleft flpow sjeaefal threats, ant) faeft tb? fclf afrafo of them, thou mate Dy?
the o> 51, 88 pfslmcs.
7 Ztan?tafceeounfelaaafnft tide, as Achitophelatoagafnft David, ff thou beaumonf*
then thereof, Qnc t!jc 7 ,
8 %i tlion fit beholds $ acace of oat fcabfout fpteaa on cberp fine, efpcdaflg fo? refie*
tint: c£ mantifno to falbatfo,t toouloff fpeatt tberof fn meaftatfb to ©00, Gng tbe 8 0tal.
y jf fo agaf ?e, tbon toflt fins fn gftifng tfjanbs to ©do, fos tbe pjorpetous gatberfng nf
thp frufts.ufe the 8 pfalme. , .
,O y tbau tooulaa babe tbfne aobecfacp feept bach, ano tbp fenl fabeo, ttnft not fn tb?
felfc, but fn tbe $son of ©at>. ffng tbe 9 pfalme.
11 3ftbou pctccfbctt ©00 to be tojotbtoftbbfe peoples* tbongbberegarootbemns.
tbitw, tbou baft to pacific bfmtocomplafn tbetcof.tbe 10,60,74jjHaUnes.
& 2 lilt
Of the life and vertue
12 Bf anp man tooulD put tb& in fear, bate tbou tbP &ope fn ©os, % fing tbe 1i palm*.
13 Bftboubcboloeft tOep^foe of anp matt, anb feed nPfce to abomib, fo ttjat there fsno
goblineftc among men, repair then to Coo, anbfap tbe 12 palme*
14 Bf t&taeabberfarplpc long fntoait agafnft tb&,befpatr not, as though Cob bab fe;s
gotten tb®, but call upon tlje aub fingtbc 13,22, 61 palmes.
15 Biftbou beared anp to blafpbemcCobfn bis p;oftfaencc,benot partaker toftb them
futoiekeoncf$,butmaUebaft to Cob, ana fap tbe 14,55 palmes,
16 Bf tbou beftreft to knoto tobo to a Cfti$en of l£eatien,fing the 15 palme.
17 Bf tbou baft neeb of paper fo; fucb as be agafnft tb&> anb ba^e clofeb tbP foul on e*
Krp Hoe, fing tbe io, 17,86,148 ^Talntcs.
18 Bf tbou baft cfcapco from tbrne enemies, anb art bclftiereb from them tobo purfueb
tb$, fing tbou tbe j 8,86 palmes*
19 Bf tbou soft toonberat tbe o;ber of things create; bp CoD>coKftoer tbe grace of i bf-
bfne p;obf ocnce, fing tbs 19*24 palmes,
20 Bf tbou faeft a man fn airterti tp comfort bfm, i p;ap fo; him toftb tbe 20 palme*
21 Bf tbou perccfbeft tbp felf to be oefenbeb anb feb bp Coo, anb to If be p;ofperounp,rC'
jopce tbcrefu, anb fing tbe 23 Palme*
22 Bftbfne enemies confpfre agafnft tb&* lift tip tbp foul, to Cob,* faptbe24palme:
anb tbou fljalt efpp t cm to labour bn t f a t^ain agafnft tb®*
23 Bf tbfne enemies slufter agafnft tb®, anb go about toitb tbetr blcotjp banbstobelttop
tb®, go not tbou about bp mans help to re'eenge ft, fo; aU mans jubgements are not trn5
ftp, butoefireCoo to be Bunge, fo; be alone fs Bubge, anb fop tbe 26,35,43 pfaimes*
24 Bf tbep p;cfs mo;c fiercclp on tb&,though tbep be in number ifke an armeb boft,fear
them not tobfeb thus reject tb®, as tbougb tbou toert not annofnteb anb electeb of Cob,
btitffngtbe 27 palms.
25 Bf tbep be pet fofmpubent that lap toaft agafnft tfjae fo thatftfsnotlatofuifoHb®
to babe anp bocatfon bp them, regarb not them" but fing to ©os tbe 28 palmc*
26 Bftboutofltetbo;t anb p;otioks Ikings ana pfnccs to fubmft tbetr potoers fo #00,
anb toregarb bfs honour, tfng tbe 29, 82 palmes*
27 Bf tbou te.ieto anb buflb tbfne boufc, both of tbP foul, tobereto tbou recefbeft Cob fo
boft, anb of tbp tempo;all habitation, fing tbe 3 o, 48,127 palmes*
28 Bf tbou foeft tbp felfe bab fn bate fo; tbe truths fake, of tbp frfenbs anb kinsfolfces,
leabo not oft tbp purpofe, no^ fear them tobfeb be agafnft tbee, but tbfnke on them tobfeb
folloto, anb fing tbe 31 Palme.
29 Bf tbou bebolocft fucb as be fenptf^eb, % bclffcreo from the co;rapttonof tbetr birth,
pjaffe tbou tbe bountfful grace of Coo, anb fing tbe 3 2 palme.
3 o Bf tbou belfgbtcft to fing among manp, call together rfgbteous men of goblp life,anb
fing the 33 palme.
31 Bf bp chance tbou failed among tbfne enemies, anb pet baft fo foUunateip efcapcb
tbem,ff tbcrfoje tbou toflt gibe tbank&caB together meek men, anb fing the 34 palm.
32 Bftbou foeff tofckebmencontenbamongft tbemfelbcsto bomffcbfef, tbfnk not that
tbefr nature both fmpeU them bp neceftftp to too;k fin agafnft tbetr Ml, as ccrtafnbe-
retfck3 fuppofe, but coufiocr the 36 palm, anb tbou (bait foe that tbep be to tbemfelbes
tbetr otoneoceaflonoffifnnfng*
3 3 Bf tbou-f&ft botolofckeb men bo much tofekebnefs, anb pet fimple folk p;affe fucb
Men tbou Mt abmcnffti anp man not totolloto tbem,f!o; to be like unto them, btcaufe
tbep ftall be fbo;tlp rarteb out anb Deftropeb, fpeak to tbp felf anb them fn the 37 $falm*
34 Bf tbou baft becreeb to take b^b to tbp felf, anb faeft tbfne enemies appjcacb nfgb
tb®, as to fucb tbe abberfarp fs moft p;obobeb to come toftb affault, anb tberefo;e toflt
pjepare tbp felf, fing the 39 pfalmef
3$ Bftbou foeft manp pco; men to beg. % toflt fijeto pftpto them, tbou mafft botb’tbPfelf
recefbe to merep, anb erbojt others to bo tbe fam#,fapfng the 41 palms.
36 Bftbou baft a be ftre to Cob’toaib, ano beared tbfne enemfes to upb;afbtbjfe, be not
tronbleb, but conffber Mat fruft of fmmoitalftp rffetb to thee fo; this beffre, comfo;t
tbp foul toftb hope to Coo , anb fo therein relieving anb afftoagtng the beabfnefie of tbp
Iffe, fap the 4* palm* 37 Bf
Of the Pfalmes.
37 If tbou taflt remember ®obs benefits tablcb be Dfo to our jfatbcrs,bctb fn tbelr out4
going from Gfcgppt, anB In the Etafart, ano beta gcoB ®oD taas unto them, but tbep un5
SjanKfuU to him, thou baft tbc 44*78,89,102,106,114,1*7 pfalmes*
38 35t tbou baft maoethp refuge to ©on, $ baft efcapeofucbtiouble as teas preparen a5
nafnft tb&,lf tbotilu^t gfbe thanks, anB (beta out bis mnonefs to tb®,ftng the 46 pfal*
39 Iftboutaslt kneta bota to glbetbankes to ®oD,taben tbou ooft rcfojtto him, taltb
unBerff anolng fmgtbe 47,48 pfalmes*
40 If tbou built cvbort men to put tbelr truftfnthelfbfng®oo, tabo mfnlftretb all
tbfngs abumsantlp to goB mens afe, hub blametb tbe maenefteof the taorio, tablcb ferbe
tbelr ®ob gammon fo fnorofnatclp, ftng tbc 49 pfalme*
41 If tbou tooulBft cal! upon the blfnoetoorlB for tbetr tarong confluence In tbetr bjult
fatrifices, 1 Ibctatbem tabat facrtficc ®od batb moft requires of them,ftng tbc 50 pfal*
42 If tbou baft ftnneo, and art conberteo ano mobea to do penance, oefirous to tjabe
merep, tbon baft taoras of confefiion in tbc 51 pfalme.
4? If tbou baft fuftcreB falfe accufatlon before tbc &fng, anB f&ft tbc jSDeln’S fo triumph
thereof, goe afioc, aim fap tbc 52 pfalme*
44 If tbep tablcb perfecute tb® tattb accufattons teoulD betrap tb®, as tbc pbartf®0
Bio Iefus3 anB as tbc £lfants BlB SDaufB: Dlfcomfort not tbp felfe therewith, but ftng
fn g®B hope to, ®o&tbc 45,69,57 pfaimes*
45 If thine aBbcrfartes tablcb trouble tb® sonpbraio tb®> anB thattbep tablcb feem to
be tbp frtcnBs fpeaU moft agafuft thee, tabereupan, ff fn tbp mcBftatton, tbou art feme5
tabat grls^eB thereat, tbou matft caU on ®od, taping the 5 5 p alme*
46 If petfectrtfon come fierce on thee, ano unataares chance to enter Into the Cabe,
toberetbou btseft rbp felfe, fear not, for fntbteftratt tbon lbaltbas e erpetuene taoros,
both to comfort thee, anB put tbeefn olo reittembraucs, tuitb 57,14 5 pfaimes*
47 If tbou taflt comoano l^ppocrttes tablcb make glo: tons ftjetas onttoaroipjfpeah tbelr
conberfton taltb tbs 58 Pfalme*
48 If tbp purfiiers commanB tbp boufeto bctaatcbcD,taben tbou art efcapeo,gfbe thanks
to ®ob anB grabe ft fn the tables of tbp heart for a perpetual remembrance, ano fap the
56 pfalme*
49 If tbfneenemies cruelip aCtatilt fbee, anB taoulo catch tbp Iffe, offer tb? fubjeftfon
to ®ob againft them anB beof gcoD comfort: for the more tbep rage, the more (ball ®oo
fubDuctbem, ano tap the 62 pfalme*
50 If tbou flpefi perfeculfon,anB getteft tb® Into a taflBernefte fear them not,as though
tbou toert alone:but babfng ©oonfgbunto tbtMtfennto blmearlp fn tbs morning,ftng5
fngtbe 63 pfalme*
51 If tblne enemies luoulB put tb® fn fear, anB neber ceafe to lap trams for tb®, anB
pfeke sll rnaner of quarrels againft tb®,tbougb tbep be berp manp,gf t?c no place to them,*
for p Barts of babestbatt be tbelr Deftruttfon, If tbou fapeft the 61,68,70.7! pfaimes.
52 IftboatolltlatiD®3B toftb a pfalme or l^pmne, ftngtbo 56,66 pfaimes.
5 3 If tbou affeeft merep of ®ob, fing tbe 67 pfalme*
54 Iftbon toouloft fins to tbe Horo, tbou baft iubat to fap In tbe 96,98 pfaimes.
5 5 *If tbou baft n«B to confeffe ®ob tuitb thanks, fing the 71,7 5,92,1 c8,111,118,13 6+
^38,139 pfaimes*
<6 If tbon foft tulckeB men to prof per fn peace, be not oftenBcD tbereat, but fsp tbe 73
57 fft&fneenemfesbabebefettbefoafcsfobftbcttboufipeft, anB then art tberebpm
great angnftb, pet fn this trouble nefpafr not, butprap ; ano tf tbP praper be bcaro, gfbe
®oo thanks, ano fap the 77 pfalme.
58 If tbep perfebere fffll, anB Defile f boufc of ®od, kill the cleft, anB caft tbelr bosfes
to the totals of the apre, feare not tbcfr crueltp, but (beta pftp to them tabicb be fn fuel?
tgonp, ana fap the 79 pfalme.
59 If tbou tofltfnform anp man teftb v mpfferfe of tbc tefurreftfonjng the 81 pfalm*
60 If tbou toflt ftng to tbe &orb,cafi together ®obs fereants on the fcftfbal Dap, ants
fngtbe8i, 95, i34^falmes,
61 If tbpaoberfarlcs flock together on ebetpftoc,* threat to seftrsp the bonfe cf
# 3 mt
Of the ufe and vertue
mio wake their coafptractes agataft the IRelfgton, letnot tbe number and potoer trouble
tijce, to; tbou baft an amber of thetooros of the 85 pfalme,
62 3|f tbou calf eft an epe to Coos boufe, and to bfo cternaU tabernacles, and baft a De*
fire thereto, as the $poftle bad,fap thou alto the 84 pfalme.
6 3 3 £ Cods toratb be ceafeo., auo tbe capttoftp ended, tbou baft caute boto to g^e tfjaks
to <25oo toith David, reesmutng bis gaodnes to tb& 1 others, toitb $ ^7,8 5,116 pfaimes,
64 3f tbou toflt rebuke papnfms and f^eretiques, for that tbep babe not tbe hnotoledge
of Cod in them, tbou matft babe an understanding to fing to Cob tbe 86,115 pfalmes,
65 3f tbou tout imoto and fee tbe diffent tl;at tbe Catboltqae Church bath from §>cbifm,
and toottioft concert them, or to offeern tbe Cburcb concerning tbe outtoaro appearance^
ano formes thereof, tbou matft fap tbe 87
66 3f tbou toouldeft fenoto boto Mofes praped to Cod 9 and in %iz raedffafion recounting
tbe battle eftateof mans life, deftre Cod to direct fo bis toortlife, that be might foHoto
toifoome^ read tbe 90 fjtolme.
67 3f tbou toouloeft comfort tbP felf and others fn true IReifgton > and teach them that
hope in Cod , that be toil! never fuffer a foale to be confounded, but make it bold toftbout
feare, toitb C )ds protection, frits the ppfalme,
68 3£ tbou toilt fing on the Sabbath oap, tbou baft the 91 pialme,
69 3f tbou tout fing on tbe &tmdap in meditation of Coos bolp toord, defirfrrgfo be in*
ftructed therein, toberebp tbou matft reft in Cods meft bolP MtH,and ceafe from att tlje
toorks and doctrines of bain men, revolve that noble pfalme 119.
70 3 tbou toilt fing tbefecond dap of the §s>abbatb» tbou baft the 95 |3falme,
71 3f tbou tout ftng to the &or&, tbembaft tobat to fap in the 96,98 pfalmes.
72 If tbou toilt ftng the 4th. dap of the &>abbatb, fing the 94 l&falme: far then tobeu £
&ord toas betraped, be began fo take revenge on deaths and to triumph over itftberefori
toben tbou reaoeft the CefpeU toberefn thoa beared the letoes to take counfeH agafnd
the llord, and that he ffanseth belalp agafnft the jCrtil, then fing the atorefaio pfaltji*
73 3f t|ou toilt fing on gcod jf rioap, thoa haft a commendation of the pfalme 93; fo;
then toas the honfe of Coog Church bail***, and grounded foundlp,though the enemies
toent about to hinder ft,for tohich caafe fing to Cod the tongs of trfumphant Vfctorp,
toith the faid pfalme, and toitb the 98 and i29^falme«.
74 If there be atip captivftp toherein thP heufe is laid toafte,a»d pet bufldsa again,fins
the 96 pfaitne,
75 3f the land be bered toith enemfes, and after come to anp reft bp t|e potoer of Cod,
If thou toilt fing therefore, fing the 97 pfalme,
76 3f thou confidereft the probfoenee of * fa bis governance Oder aft, $ toilt inftnyt
anp toith true faith and obedience, toben t|)u haft firft perftoaoed them to confers them-
felves, fing the 100.147 $&falmea,
77 3f thoudoft acknotoledgeC^d in hioiudfcialpetoer, and that in judgement he mir*
ethmercpjif theu tout drato nigh unto him, tbou haft the toords of the 101 ^faime to
the end,
78 3f for the fmbecfBifp of tbp nature thou art toearp toith the contimiail miferies and
griefs of this Iffe, and tooaUft comfort thP felfe, fing tbe 102 |afalme»
79 If tbou toilt gido thanks to Cod, as it ismoft convenient and due for all his gifts;
toben thou toilt to do, tbou baft to reiogee tbp felfe thereunto toith j 03,104 ^ralmes-
80 3fthou toilt praffe cod, and alto knoto hoto, and tor tobat caufe, and toitb tobat
toords thou mafeft heft ds it, tonfider the 113,117,13 3,145 >147,148, H9) 150 faimes^
81 3f thou haft faith to fuch things as cod fpeafcetb* and belleveft that tobicb m praper
tbou utter eft, fap the pfalme 116. to the end,
82 3f tbou fMeft tbp felfe to rife uptoards in degrees of toett toorbing, as though thou
fapeft toith Set, Paul, I forget thofc things which are behind me, and fee mine eyes on thofe
things which be before me, thou lift the 120 pfalme.
8 3 3f thou beeft ho toen in tbraldome under ftrapfng and toandring thoughts,and fttleft
thP felfe draton bp them, lehereof then art forrp, then ftap tbp tolf from hence tor tb?swd
tarrp tohers tbou haft found tbp felf i« fault, fet tb« dotone, and mourn then alto as the
^ebreto people did, and tap toith them the 13 7 pfalme,
S4 3f

Of the Pfalmes.
84 Blftben percefbelt t^st temptations are Tent to probe tb® , tboa eagbtelt after fucb
temptations to gtbe ©od tbe tbanUs, anc fap t^c 139 pfalme*
8 5 3if tboa be fn bonoage bp tbfne enemies, ano toeulDeit faine be Deicercd, fap tbe 140
86 3ftbon tooniDelt prap, ssio mabefupplfcaticn, tap fbe 14* j 142, 143 pfalmes*
87 3lf anptpramtous enemp rife up agafnlt tbe people, fearetbou no more than David
Bio Goliah,but bellebe like David, anti ling tbe 144 pfalme*
88 Ji tboa art cleft, ano eat of loto Degree, efpecfatlp before other, to fome bocaifon to
f erbe tbp bjetb? enhance not tbp felfe agaf n£ them in tbfne oton polder, but gf be ©oo
bis glorp toi)0 ofa ebarte tb&>anD ling tbe 145 pfalme*
89 If tboa toflt ling of obeDience, praiSng <!Do& toitb AJleluja- tboa bait 105,106, 107,
hi, 112,113,114,115,117,135,148,149,150pfalmes*
90 31f tboa tollt meoitate on oar grabiour Chrift, tboa bait of bfm in eberp pfalme, but
molt cbieUp In tbe 25,45,11 o pfalmes*
91 &acb pfalmes asffeeto bis latofufl generation of bis jfatber, anb bis corporal! pre¬
tence be tbe 11,69 pfalmes*
92 ^acb as do propbefle before $f bis molt bolp croCfe anb paction, tefling boto manp oc*
celtfaU aUaalts be futtaineD for us, ano boto be fuffereD, be tbe 2,119 pfalmes*
93 &ucb as erpreUe tbe maliefous batreD of tbe letofs^anD tbe betr aping of Judas, are
t|e 21,50,55,69,72,109 pfalmes*
94 &ncb as oefertbebfs agonp fn bis psltion,Death, fepulcbre. be tbe 22,88 pfalmes*
95 jfor bis Domfnfon a id prefence fn tbe flclb, reaD tbe 116 pfalme*
96 0acb as Cbeto bis glorious refurrectfon of boop, be tbe 44. 47 pfalmes*
97 feacb as tet out bis afeenfion fnto beaben, are tbe 93 > 96,98,99 plalmes*
98 8nD that be Sttetb at tbe right banD of bis jfatber, tbe no pfalme maketb mawf*
99 ^ueb as fbeto that be bathautboritp of bis father to jaBge, erpreffingbis juaitiafl
potoer, both in cenDemning tbe SDsbifl, ansall toicfeeD nations, are tbe 56,72,82 pfalms*


i ^ y#-

: 'eft
£>mc bolg ©boil eternal! ©ob, pjoceebtng from

abobetbotb from the faf&ecano ttie ^onne, tie

©ob of peace ano lobe. Citilit our mines, ana into

us, tbp beabenlp grace infptce: tfeat in alt trut6 anb gotbaelTe, toe

map babe true Dear*. ■ •

Cbou art tbe btrp romfottertn alltooe anb DtUrrffe:
the beabailp ctfc of ©ob mo ft high, tobteb no tongue can erpjeffe.
®;e fountain anb tbe hbing fpjmg of iop celtftiall:
tbe fire fo btig&t, tbe lobe Co cleare, anb untrien fptrifuall.
Cbauin tbp gifts act mamfaIo,tobercbp ©baits © butch both daub:
in faitbfuU besets writing tbs &ato, tbe finger of ©obs bane.
35ceoj5iag to tbp ptomife utabe tbou gibed fp&cb of grace:
that though tbp tjelpc tbe PtatCe of ©oo map daub in eberp place.
® bolp ©boil into our bcits fenb cotone tbp beabenlp light:
fiinble our hearts toitb ferbetu lobe, to ferbe ©ob cap anb night,
Strength ano dabltfl) all our toeabeneffe, fo feeble anb Co fsatle:
that neither flelb, tbe WoRb nojbcbil againfl us bo pjebatl.
$ut back otir etttmiesfarre ftom us, anb grant us to obtain?,
peace iitoue hearts with ©fob anb nun, without grusge ot bit’came.
inn grant (© fLcrt) tbat ibou being sue leacer ano our guide:
we map efeyeto rlje Cnates of flnne, anb from tbfe ntbtr Otoe.
Co us facb plenty of tbp gtace, grab Hojb grant toe tin: pjap:
tbat tbou maid be our comforter, at tbe lad D?eaCfull bap.
©fall fttife anb Dili cation, © LuiD billolbe tbe batibs:
anb make tbe knots of peace anb lobe throughout all ©bttdian toattbs.
©rant us © Ho?b through thfc to know, tbe father mod of might:
that of his bcate beiobeo Sonne toe map attaine the fight:
3ttb that With pecfectf aitb alfo toe map acknowledge tbfe,
tbe Spirit of them both aitoap, one ©ob in perfons tijtfc.
Laud and praife be to the Father, and to the Sonne tqua 11,
and to the holy Spirit alfo, one God coeternall:
And pray We that hisonely Sonne, vouchfafe his Spirit to fend
to all that doe profefie his Name unto the worlds laft end.
Venite cxultemus.

Veniteexultemus. Pialmexcv.
OCoittc ano let ng nofe reiopce, anti ting unto tfie Jloji):
ar>Q to outonelp ss&abiour, alCo tuttlj one accorS.
©let us tome before Dts face, With tnwatfi tebetence:
eonfeffing allow former (lanes, ano tljat witfitiiligence.
Co tfianfie film for fiis benefits, altbapeg Otfittbuting:
Wherefore to Dim tight topfallp in pfalmeg note let ug ting.
3&nu that becaufe that ©ob alone is jio?b magnificent:
ano efie abobe all office goes, a Sing omnipotent.
ipis people Ootfi not fie fojfafte at anp time or tine:
ano in fiis fianbs ate all tfie coaBs of all tfie tootlo Co Wfce.
Slnfi With fits io'oing countenance fie Icoktfi eberp Wfiete:
ano noth befiolo tfie tops of all tfie mountalnes facte ano neete.
Cfie tea ano all tfiat is tfierem ate fils, for fie tfiem matte:
ano else fits fiano fiats; faSfiioneo tfie eattfi Wfiicfi ootfi not faoe.
© come tberefoje ano teoiffitp film, ano fiobme before film fall:
anfi let us fina le before tfie co?D, tfie tofiicfi fiatfi mate ug all.
$e is out ©oo, out aoro, ano Sing, ano ibe fiig people ate:
fijg fioefee ano fljfcpe of fits pallute. of tofiom fie taitetfi cate.’
Cfiis bag if pc tsJili fieate fits topee, tfien fiatOen not pour fieatt:
ag in tfie bittet murmuring, Wfien pe toete in oefart. 'V-

tsfiicfitfitng wag tfiett negligence, committee in tfie time

of tumble in tbe wiioemeire, a gteat ano gticboug crime,
tatfieteas pone fathers tempteO me, ano tti’o me eberp wap:
tfiep pjobeo me, ano rate mpWorbeg, tofiat 3 coulO oo o? tap.
Cfiefe fojtp peaces 3 fiabc bfcne gtieb’O toitfi tfiis generation:
ano eoetmo;e 3 fapO tfiep ett’o in tfieit imagination.
aifisteWitfi tfieit hearts toete fate cumfijeo long time ano manp oapee :
Wherefore 3 faio affutefilp tfiep fiabe not known mp Wapeg
Co Whom 3 in mine anger fWore, tfiat tfiep ffioulo not be blcB:
no; fie mp |op celeBtall, nor enter in mp teif.
Gloria Tatri.
All laud and praife be to the Lord, O that of might art noft:
to God the Father and the Sonne, and to the Holy Ghoft.
As it in the beginning was, for ever heretofore :
and is now at this prefent time, and ihall be evermore.

The Song of Saint Ambrofe, called Te Demit.

<£t praife tfiee ©oO, we finotoleoge tfife, tfie onelp lojo to be,
Te Deum,

anD as eternall father all tt?c eartb Goto toojl&tp tb& : Co tb& all

Angela ctp, tbe bea&ens, ana ail tbe potoecs therein: Co thee Cbetub

ana ^crapbin, to ctp tbep ao not lin.

0 bolp, l)oIp, Oolp ftota, of Sabbath lojO tOe <5ot>:

tbtougb bcaben ana eartb tap p?aife is fpjteaO, ana glotp jfii abjoab
Ca aipofticc glo?ious compmip pccla pjaifes unto tote:
rOc pjopijcrs gmalpfellotol&ip ptaife tb& conttnuallp.
COcnoble ana btcto?icus boaft of#artprg Couna'ifbp ptaife:
tbe bolp e&ui-cy tbjcmgbont tbe wojID aotb fenotoleOge tote altoapcg,
fartjet of cnaleffe sjpateftp tbep ao atfcnotoltage tbee,
tbp ©b?ftl tbinc boaonrable, true, ana ontlp S>onne to be.

Cbe bolp ©boll tbe Comforter, of glotp tbou act ftfng,

0 CbtfS: ana of tbe father ace tbe Sonne ebetlaftmg,
saibtn finfall mans Decap in bana tbou tofcett to reft qs:
to be intlot’o fn ssitgins toombe tbou aiaeft not abijoje.

taben tbou baaftober come ofaeatb tbelbarpe ana ctuell might,

tbou beabeos Etingoome Dioft (et ope to cacb btl&umg blight.
3Jn glojp of tbe father tbou Stall fit on <EoDg tight bans:
toe tcuft that tbou Cbalt come out JuBge, out cauie to tmaetftana.

fcojo helpe tbp Cecbants tebom tbou bad bought tettb tbp precious blooa s
ana in cteraall gio?p fet them toitb tbp Saints Co gtoo.
0 lota Do tbon tbp people Cabe, bleftetbine inheritance:
3lojB goberne them, ana Hoia ao tbou fo? ebet them aabance.
me magnifie tbfe Bap bp Dap, anOtootia toitboutanenb
aaoje tbp bolp f) ame: 0 jfloio bouebfafe us to aefcnb
from Onne this aap: i|abe metep JLota, babe rnetep on us all •*
ana on us as toe ttuft in tbfe,)U>iD let tbp metep fall.
01 ojo, 3 babe tepofeb all mp confluence to tbfe:
put to confountong ft) ame therefore, JbojD let me nebet be.
The SoDg of the three Children.

The Song of the three Children praifing God, provoking all

Creatures to doc the fame.

ail pe hJojfes of ©oh the jHo?th bleffe pe the tafl, pjtatfe

him, anb magnifie him foj ebet.

2 © pe the angels of the Xlo<to, bleffe pe the jlopb,
piaite him anh magmfie htm foi tber.
a ©pe the ffattp heabens high, blclk pe the JLojtb,
pjaife htm, anh magmfie htm to? cber.
4 ©petfie toaters abooettjeifeie,bieffepetheHojtb, at.
5 © all pt potters of the bleffe pe the JLojD, gc.
6 © pe the Aping ©unne anh #oone, Metre pe the lojb, ft,
7 © pe the glittering atactcs of ftsaben, bleffe pt the io& gc.
8 © pe the Comers ano hipping tetri, bleffe pe the iojd, gc.
? © pe the bio thing ttmos of ©ob, bleffe pethes.oiD, gc.
i o © pe the fire anb ttatmttig heat, bleffe pe the uojh, gc.
ir £ettintcr anh the Rummer tide, bleffe pe the iojh,ge.
12 ©pethebettes anh binning ftofts, bleffe petiojb, gc.
i g © pe the feoffs anh chilling colb, bleffe pe the uojd, gc.
14 ©pecangealeblccano §>nott, bleffe pe the tio?o,gc.
1 s © pt the nights anb lightfome tapes,bleffe pe the & cud, ge.
16 © pe the bartmcfi e anh the light, bleffe pt the u ojh, gc.
17 ©pc the lightnings anh the clones, b'cffe pe tbeuojh, gc.
18 © let the eatth bleffe the unjhpca, bleffe the uoio, gc.
19 sD pe the mountaines anh pe hills, bleffe pe the iota, gc.
*0 © all pe gt&ne things on i be earth, bleffe pctheuojD.se.
»1 © pe the ebec tpjinging mens, bleffe pe the nojo, gc.
22 © pe the ^cas,anhebe the flams, bleffe pe the uojD, ge.
53 whales, anb all that in tenters motfe, Weffe pe the tern, gc.
*4 ©aiipeflpmgfotolesofthe apte, bleffe pe the i o?h, gc.
95 © all pe beaffs anh cattell eke, bleffe pe the tioio, gc.
2 6 ©pe the chtlojen of manfeinhe, bleffe pe the uo^b, gc.
27 tieejfcael cite bleffe the uojd, pea, bleffe the tiojh, gc.
28 © pe the ib tiefts of ©oh the & o^D, bleffe pe the ilojd, gc.
»9 ©pethefetbantsofthenopb, bleffe pe the no?h, gc.
30 pe fpttlts anh Coulee of righteous men, hlcffe pe the u. cth, gc.
31 pe holp anb pe mfefce of heart, bleffe pe the tort, ge.
3 2 © Ananias bleffe the s.010, bleffe thou the & o$,
p?aife htm anh magnifie him for ebet.
3 3 © 3batias bleffe the totb, bleffe thou the tiojh,
pjatfe him anh magnifie hint foj ebet.
34 3nb $)ifad che bleffe the tints bleffe thoti tbe aojh,
ptatfe him anh magnifie him fop ebet.
Benedi&us. Magnificat.

The Song of Zacharias^ called Benedi&ur.

i*l| i^conclp JLorti ofjftael, bepraltebebermore, for through Dfebi* ~

(Station, anti mere? Itcpt in fiore,"dispeople nota be hath redfem’D that ions

babe been in thrall,and Cpread abroad his fading Dealtb,upon bis fetbants all.
3n D abins Ijoufe (jig ferbant true, according to his mince:
ano alfo ins annointed Wing, as toe in idcripture finoe.
3CS bp Ijisholp poppets all, offrtimes be did declare:'
the tobico toete Once the ttor’ib began, bis to apes foi to prepare.
Chat toe might be seUbcred front them that make debate:
out enemies, ant) from the bands, ef all that bo us hate.
Cbe metep tobieb be pronnfec, out fathers to fulfill.*
and tbinfee upon his cobensnt mace, according to hiSEbtil.
aittb alfo to perfotme the oath, tobieb be before hab ftoojne,
to 3lb?aham our father scare, for us that toere forlome,
Chat he tooulo gibe btmfelfe for us, ano us from bonoage bring:
out of the banos of all out foes, to Cette our heabmlp Wing.
ano that ttmbout all manner feare, ano else in righteouftieiTe -
ano alfo for to leab our Jibes, in perfect haltnelfe.
and tbou £D Child, tobieb note art borne, ano of the &o?b'elcct:
(halt be tbe Prophet of tbe f tgljeft, his toapes for to Direct,
for tbou fljaitgoc before bis face, for to prepare his toaies:
anb alfo for to teach his totll, and pleafure all tbp Dales.
Co gibe them fcno tolcoge bob) that tbeir ^albation is nitre:
and that remiffion of tbeir finnesf, is through bis uterep m&te.
taahctebp the bap*fpting front on high, is come us for to toft:
anb tbofe for to illuminate, tobfeb bo in oarhnelf e fit.
Co lighten tbofe that ftaootocd be Vtoitb death, and eke oppuft:
and alfo for to guibe out fiet, the toap to peace and relt.
The Song ofbleffed Marie, called Magnificat.

£ Soule doth magnifie the jtojD, mp Cpitit ehcebecmo*.

Og reiopces
Nunc dimittis.
—-—-- —_———

ESS bbH m=4 [rEgg ===£-5==*£=|ii§;£3 y=s==i==i

*»»M2rv«rwti •»» vyv hi^ \iuvvj wy»vy »» ;5P»viyut * a»u ICyp, uC»

tattle tie bib rcgato,anb gabe refpetf unto,fo bale eltate of fits bano=maib, "

5 ano let tljc mig&tp gae. ~"

f of now bebolb all nations, ana generations all,
fcom tl)is time forth for ebetmore, (ball me right bleffeb call.
SetauCe be bath me magmfleb, which ts the Jtorb of might
Whofe name be ebet fanctifi’o, atih prat'Ceo bap anb night,
j?cj loith bis metep anh his grace, all men he both inflame:
throughout all generations, to Curb as feare bis name.
(beweb flrengtb With his great atme, ana mabe the proub to ilart,
tofth all imaginations, that they habetn their heart.
©e hath put boWne the migbtp ones, fcom their Ctipernall feat,
‘ anb DID epalt the ineefee in heart, as he batb thought it meet,
Che bungtp be tepientfbeO;, with all things tbat were grab:
anh through bis power be mabethe rich oft-times to Want their f©&.
anb taliingto remembrance, his rnertp eberp beale,
bath holpen up ailtftamlp, his ferbant Jfrael.
^crowing to bis pjomiCe mabe, to abwbarn before:
anb to |is feeb fucceffibelp, to llano for ebermo?e.

The Song of Simeon called Nunc Dimittis.

&orb becaufe mp hearts beflre hath Wt®eo long to tee,tup ontip

I 1

2U)b ano $>abiout,tbp Sonne before 3 hie: the fop anb health of all mam

feiuo befiteb long before. Which now is tome intotbeWorlD, of merep

bringing ftore.
Chou fuffercR tbp ferbant now, in peace for to Depart,
acwrofng to tbp bolp awe?o, Which lighteneth mp heart.
Qaicunque vult.
Bccaute mine epes tofitcb tbou bail maoe, to gibe mp bo op light:
babe now bebelo tbp fabing health, mbicb is the iota of might.
OThom tbou mercifullp bail fet, of thine abunoant grace
in open fight auo bifible, before all peoples face.
tJDfie ©entiles to illuminate, ant) Satan ober quell:
ano ebe to be the gloip of tb? people Kfratl.
TheSymboleor Creed of Atha»ajinr, called guicHnque vult.

"f^at ntan foebet” he_be, that falbation mill attaint: the Cathfe

lique beliefe he mutt, before all things cetaine. trabicbfaith un

leffe hee bolp fieepeano unoefiieolp, toitbotit all ooubtrternalip, he (hull

be fure to Die.
Che Catbolique beliefe is this, that ©oo toe reotibt'pone '
in Cttnitp, ano Ctinitp in qinitp alone.
<fe>o as me neither do confounb not twit the perrons three:
not pet the f ubilance tobole of one, in Cunoer pa tteb be.
©tie peefon of tbe father is, another of the Sonne:
another petfon proper of tbe holp ©bott alone.
© f father, Sonne, ano bolp ©hod, but one the ©aD’heaD is:
Kbe glotp, coeternallebetbe ^aiettielibetotfe.
@utb as the father is. Curb is the £>onue in each Degree:
ano fucb alfo me Do beliebe tbe bolp ©hod to be.
tUncreatt is the father ano uncteate is the &onne:
the bolp ©bod uncteate, fo uncteate is each one.
3ncompjebenGble father is, incomptebenOble Sonne:
anO comptebenfible alto is tbe holp ©hod of none.
Che father is etemall, ano tbe §>onnt eternal! fo:
ano iu like fort etetnall is the holp ©bod alfo. n * 1 j* •»
’ 7' '
ano pet though tne beliebe that each of tbefe eternall be;
pet tbete but one etemall is, ano noe eternals tbjfe.
31s ne incomptebenOble tbe. ne pet uncteate tb&:
but one incomptebenOble, one uncteate bolo to be.
aimightp fo the father is, tie $>onne aimightp fo t
ano in Ubc tojt aimightp is, the holp ©hod alfo.
9no albeit that ebetp one oftbeCe3(ntigbtp be:
pet tbete but one 3llmigh^ is, ano not almighties
% > ch«
Quicunque vult.
€he father ©oo is, ©oo the ©onne, ©oo Ijolp ©bolt alto:
pet are there not tijjfe ©oos in all, but one ©oo ano no moe.
^>o like ante lo|D the father is, ano &q?d alfo rtje^bomte:
ano l/oa tije ijolp @bo», get there ate not th?ee Iho?os, but one.
f 02 as toe ate compell'D to pant, bp ©b?iflian berttie: •
each of the petfons bp bunfelfe, both ©on ano ?io?D to be.
So Catboiique iSeligion fo?biooerb usaltoap,
that either ©ess be tb?&, o| tDat th?fe JLo?Os be there to tap.
€>' none tije father is, ne maot, tie create, no? begot:
tlje ©armeis of the father, not create, itentaoe, but got.
Che ijolp ©boa is of them bath, the father ano the Sonne:
ne fttaoe, ne create, no? begot, but both P?ocfea alone.
03»o fee our father halo, not th?ee, one §>onne alfo, not th?ee:
oar bob’ ©bed alone, ano not th?cc Ijolp ©bods to be.
13 one in this Ctirntp brfo?e, no? after other is:
ne greater anp than the reft, ne lelfer be ItheMe.
©tit eoerp one among tbemfelbes, of all the petfons th?ee:
together coetcrnall all, ano all coequal! be.
So ajmtp in Ctinitp as faio it is befo?e,
ano Ctinitp fn&nitp,fnaU things toeacoje.
Chetefo?e teljat man Corbet that, faibation feiil attaint,
this faith touching the Ctinitp, of fo?ce he mudretaine-
3ns neeofuU to etetnall life,it is that cheep toight,
of the incarnating of <£h?t®, out ?Lo?o beiiebe aright*1
fa? this the right faith is, that toe beiiebe ano ebe no fenolo:
Uni ©h?ift oat &o?D the sonneof ©oo, is ©oo ano man alfo.
ffioao? his fathers fubftance got, befo?e the toojlO began:
ano of his pothers fubtlance bopte, in ttoo?lD a beep man.
25otl ’ trfttt ©oh, anoperfett man in one, one 3lefns Ch?i(lt
that Both of teafonable fouie, ano humane fled) fubfift.
couching his ©oO<heao, equall toith his father, ©oo is he:
touching his manhcoo, lotoet than his father in Degree.
traho though he be bothbetp ©oO, anO berp man alfo:
pet ts he but one ©hjitt alone, ano is not petfons ttoo.
£>«e, not bp taming of©oo^eao,mto theBelh of man:
but bp tafemgman'hmoto ©oo, this being one began.
all one, not bp confounhing of, the fubtlance into one:
but onelp bp the UJnitp, thatis of one petfon. _
fo? as the teafonable fouie, aab fleflj but one man is:
fo in one petfon ©oo ano man, fs but one Ch?i® libetotfe.
The Lamentation of a Sinner,
the ifctrD Dap rote agaiue from Death, to Stabett 6e did afcettD.
i)t (its at m nght ijan'o of <0od5 t&aimrgljtp father there:
from thence to tuogerhe quiche ancDeaD, agatne 6e (hail appear.
3t tuhoCe teturnc all men fimli life, Ml) boDtea neto redoj’o:
anD of t!)etr oWne too urn thep 0)all gibe account unto the JLojD.
9nb thep into eternal! life fijali got that babe Done Mil;
Mo babe Done ill (l)a!l go into eternal! fire to Dwell
Clio iei the Catftotfquc btlklt: Mo Doth not faithfUIip
belfeoe the fame, without all Doubt, he facets cannot he.
To Father, Sonne, and holy Ghofh, all glory be therefore :
t\h in biginning was5 is now, and (hall be evermore.

The Lamentation ofaSinner

aw«./«, jlojo turne not airoap tbp face, fcom turn tfiat lies pgtofirate,
___ r.j______,____,

lamenting Co?e bis fmfsU life, bcfoje tbp mere? gate, raljicij gate tfjoti

opened Vnbe to tljofe, tljat coe lament tf;eic finite: fijut not tljat gate

agatnd me jIojd, but let me enter tit.

3nb call me not to mine account, ljo‘© 3 babe libeb here:
foe tijen 3 boom rtg&t well, €> )Lo^:l)otB mle 3 fljallappeare:
3 nieb not to confeife mp life, 3 am fare tfjou canfi tell:
totjat 3 babe borne, anb tobat 3 aw, 3 b«o» tfjou teioto’if full toed.
© lojb tfjou UnoWfi tobat things be pad anb ehe tbe tfjtngs tfjat be:
tfjou Bnoto ff alfo toljnt is to come, nothing © bib from tbte.
Before tfic bcabens 5 eactb were mabe, thou fenoto'ft tobat f fiinp Were tfjen:
as all tljttigs elfe that babe borne Once, among tbe formes of men
Stab can tbe things that 3 babe Bone, be biDDcn from tbfe then:
nap, nap, tbou fcnoto'B them all, © jlojB, tufjete tbep mete Bone, anB tufjen.
©itbecefote toitb teates 3 come to tbee, to beg ano to intreat:
eben as tbe cfjtlDe that hath bone ill, ana feacetb to be beaf.
s§o come 3 to tbpmetep gate, Wbcte metep Both abouiiD:
requiting metep foj mp fins, to fjeaie mp watflp toouno.
© ftoiD, 3 ueeb not to repeat, tobat 3 bo beg oj crabe,
tbou finobs’fl, S> B-ojB, before 3 asbe, tbe thing tbat 3 iboulb babe-
© 3 Qpetcp
The humble fuit of a Sinner.
Sherrie gmb ?iov?b, mercfe 31 asfie, this is the total! Curntnc,
fox mercy io;D is all mg Cult, Kioto let tfjy mercy come.
The humble fuit ofa Sinner.

©y will ano pleafure te, teleafe me of my fmatt. Cjjoti Cecil

iny Cejrowes What they ate, my griefetslmoWne to thee, anD there is =

none that can remobe ostafee the fame from me,

3trt onely thou Wltofe aio3 ctabe, Whofe mercy dill is pjeff,
to cafe all tljofe that come to thee> fo? futcout ano fo; ten.
ano Cttij thou fees mg ttfllelfe eyes, my teares ano griebons gtoanc:
atteito unco my fuit, €> KLo;0 math Weil my plaint and ntoane.

tfoi finite hath Co fuctofeo me, and ccmpaftmeabout:

that 3 am no® remeotlefle, if mercy heipe not ont.
fo? mor tal! men cannot teleafe, ox mitigate this pame:
but then thy Ch?itt,my 3to?o ano®oo,fc©ofojmy©ts Was Caine.
taihofe blmOy toounbs ate yet to fee, though not toi© mojtall eye:
yet oo thg 0amts b©olo them all, anh fo 31 ttufl ©ail g].
though littne eeth hinhet me a While, When thou ©alt fee it gmh,
31 ©all etney ©e fight of him, ano fee fits Weunos ano hlmO.
S no as thine' Ingels ano ©y SaintSj ooe nolo beholo ©e fame:
fo trull 31 to polfefie that place, wi© them to pjatfethy JUJarne. %
CSut wbilft 3 Jibe ijete in this bale, where finners Ooe frequent:
afitft me ebet with ©y grace, my fins Kill to lament.
JteB that 1 tteab the linnets trace, anO gibe them my confcnt,
to Dwell with them in WtclteOnelfe, tutyereto nature is bent.
CDnelg thg grace mull be my flay, lea ©at 3 fall Ootone flat:
anh bring Datttte, ©en of my I'eife cannot recobet that.
®©etefo;e ©is is yet once againe mg fuit anh tup tequefl,
to grant me patoon fo; mg ©me, ©at 3 in thee mag tea.
€©en © nil mg heart anb tongue alfo, be inStuments of pjaffe:
ano in ©g Chut© anh beuft of faints, fing palntes to ©ec alWaics.
The Lo rds Prayer. TheX.Commandemeim.

The Lords Prayer, or Pater Nofter.

tile father in peahen act>&c?o balioteebbetbp $ame.

€bp EiifiijOomecome. ©bp will be Dane,in tSartb,eben as the

fame in peahen is. ©tbeus (£> XojDj out Dailpbjteab this Das : as tee
l$5&~ li
fo.igibe out Debtors, Co fo»gtbe out Debts to is p?ap. Into temptation

~ lease us not: jfiom ebtll mafce us free. jfoj irmgbome, Octree, anb=
<B!otp thine, botl? note anb ebet be.
The X. Comoiandements. ducli ifrad.
Exodus xx. N.

t__ — T-

3Wse Iftatl, anbfti&atjfap, gibeb&DtounDctftanb. 3 am

tilt jlojn tbp <S5oD that baougtjt thee out of €gppt lanb, then from

tbc boufe tobettin tljoa DtDft in tbialoome Ube a fiabe: Bone other

gobs at all before mppjefentefijalt than babe.

Bo mannet gcaben Image (bait then malte at all to tl;ee,
not anp Gguce lifee bp tOee, (ball counterfeiteD be
£>f anp thing in beaben abobe, no? in the earth beloto,
no} in tbe maters beneath the earth, to them tbou (bait not bote>
Bot (bait tbem tetbe. ®he Horn tbp &ob, a jealous ©ob am 3.
that punitb patents faults unto the thitb anb fourth Degree.
I Pfaime i.
Upon their cb<10?en tijat me pate, ana rnercp 60 aifplap,
to tpoafanbs of Cucb as me late, ana trip pjecepts obep.
Cije name thou of ttje &o?D tbp ©oa, in aatne ft) alt nebet ufe:
fo? l)im that tabes bis 0ame in Same, tbe 2lo?a toil! not ercufe.
Eemembet that tbou bolp Ufepe, tbe facreD ©abbatb cap 5
fireaapes thou labour &)ait, ana Doe tbp neeafull toojl.es alteap.
/tCfie febentb Dap the &o?a tbp ©oa bats let to ted upon:
l3o'ujojBe tijcn (bait thou Do tn it, ne tbou, no; pet tljp tonne,
Cbp Daughter, feebant, no? tbp matD, thine ore, no? pet rbtne affe:
no? ftt anger that toitbm tbp gates, bath bis abiaing place,
fa? in fit nates 6oo Ijjeaben ana €attb> ana all therein bt'a make
ana after tbofe bis reft be aia upon t{je feaentb aap tabs.
®ibetefo?c be blefs'a tlje aap tbat be, fo? refting aia otoame:
ana CacteD to bimfelfe alone, appointee to remafne,
P ixm honour to tbp JB arenrs, fcljat pjolong'a tbp Dates map be,
upon tbe lana ttje to bleb tbe &o?a tbp ©ob batb gtben tb®.
®boufl)alt not muttbec. Cbott Ojalt not commit aaulterp.
Cbou (bait not fteale. sBo? tottneffe falCe againft tbp neighbour be.
Cbou (bait not cobet boufe that to tbp neighbour aotb belong:
ne cobet (bait in babittg of bis teife to aoe bim 6o?ong.
0or bis mau-feebant, no? bis main, no? ore, no? acre of bis:
no? anp other tbiug tbat to tbp neighbour p?opet is.

Beatusvir. Pfalme i. T. S.
a&hetUetltwefe o*anpether thatgather^ tlje^r'almcs mtoa fecoUe, itfamethhe fcfofett&0
lifetime firft tn manner of a f^cface, to ejehojt all gaBlv men to ftuop auD meoitateth2 he atmilp mtfeceme,
tot tbe effect thereof (0, tbat thtp be bleUefc tbat gtfce themfeifcee ail tbfir Ufe to <2?st>s , sno tbfTt
the Solcfeeo contemner# of c®oMhoush tbeg feem foj a labile fortunate > set at length theg fbsU tome to

$e man is Weft tbat batb not bent, to ibicbea reabe bis care:

uo? leb bis life as Gnners Doe, no? fate fn fco?ners ebatre; 2 ffiut in the

" JLabo of ©oa tbe £o?e. Doth Cet bis fobolebeligbt, ana in tbat jLain aotb
epetciCe bimfelfe batb app anb night.
Pfaime ri.
3 l)e tljall be Ube tbe tree that gr toes, fall bp toe Ribet Obe:
mbtcb btmgctb fojtfj molt pieafant fruit, in bee Due time ano ttbe.
sjibofe ieafe fl’ail nebcc fabe no? fail, but flouriib (fill anb ftanb:
tin n fo G)ail all things p?e fper Steel!, tijat ttjis man tabes in banb.
4 So iballnot tbe ungobfp men, tiicpG)all be nothing Co:
but as ttjc bull tebteb from tbe eartb> tDetomb Dttbes to anb fro.
5 ®bcrefo?e ©all not tlje mtefeeb men, tn tubgement ftanb upjiggt;
no? pet tbe Bnners toxtS ttje tuft, fi;nli tome tn place of figbt.
6 go? ft'og ? tlje map of goblp men. unto tbe Ho?b is bnobtn:
anb ebe tbe ’to ap of toicbeo men, ®aH quite be obettb?obm.

Qnare frfmuerunt Gentes ? Pfal. ii. T. S.

iDablti rtio^cr!3t!)6tB6tS»ttfefl:sRtinst)tscn£mksra{5caBftfeojlfiIp|sofefr, get Ceb&UI ccnffatie
StBSticme Jo? etar, cut) a&bancett eticn tatfecfari^aunti ef tl?g iDo?lb. ^nD tbmfejeljefje^ojtetfi &tnf s
ana iStslcrs, ttja: fating fcatn glo?g apart,U;ep faimbig fabtnft tfecrafel&ejS nnter dfo&jaf ge&g. ^cicia iff
OgRtfieD ani) l>!» &tng$0mg.
Singthithe i. Pfaime.
W f?p bib tbe ^entiles tumults rage, rnbat rage teas in fbttr b?ara t
mbp bio tbejemtfb people linife, firms aft is but baine * '
i tSDlte &iitgs anb timers of tbe earth ccufpiteanb ate all bent,
againft tbe Ho?b ano Cb?i!i bis Sonne, mbtcb be amsttgfi us feitt.
3 shall uie be bounb to tbem Cap ttjep i let all tbeit bon&s be b?obe;
anb of tbeir cocttitte anb tbtit latb, let us refect tbe pofie. . •
4 ffiut be tbit in rbef^eabmbmels, tbeit Doings miUberibe:
ano mafte tijem all bis maefeing (locks, tb.iougbout tbe mo?lo fo mibe.
5 f o? tn bis bo?3tb tbe Hoib mill Cap, to tbem upon a bap:
anb in bis furp trouble tbem, aim tbeit tbe Ho?b teiil fap.
6 3 babe annointeb bint ntp King, upon mp bolp bill:
3 mtil tbetefo je &o?b p?ea tb tbp Ham, anb efee Declare tbp w ill.
7 fo? in this rnife tbe Ho?b bimfelfe, bio Cap to me a boot,
tbott att mp Scare anb onelp fomte.to bap 3 tbfe begot.
8 3£ll people J mill gibe to tbte, as beptes at tbp requeft t
tbe ettos anb coafts of all tbe eaetb, bp tbee lljaU be polled.
9 fibon (baft tbem b?uife ebttt mitb a mace, as men ffitbet feot ttob:
anb as tbe potters ibearbs {l)altb?eab, tbem mitb an icon rob.
i o fmm p&, S) Kings aub Eulers all, be mtfe therefore anb iearn'D:
bp mbom tbe matters of tbe mo?lb, be iuligeb anb tifcern'D.
11 §>ir that p& fetfac tbe Ho?b abobe, in trembling aabin feate:
f k tbat mitb refeetence pic teiopce, to bint in lifee manner.
12 f&is tbat pee Wife, anb ebe emb?ace, bis Weifeb 0orote 3 fap:
left itt bis unatb pfe fuboenlp, peri® in tbe nrimwap.
13 3f °nce bis tb?atb neber fo (mall, (ball feinble in bis b?eft t
ob then alltbep tbat truft tit Cb?tft, (ball bappp be anb bltft.
Pfalme iii.iv.

Domine, quid multiplicati > Pfal. iii. T. S.

3Dabid being perfemted, and djtbenont of bid fctngdome bp bid cron £>on *bfo!on, toesgtsatlp tozs
tnented in mint) fo> bid On againft <&odand tb>tfo;t caUctb upon *0od, 9 fcajcerb bold tbjougb bid pjotnlie 9
agatnft tbe great tetrojeofbio eneitiie3,pea, anb againft Hath it ftlf, febtcb be fate ptefent before bid epee.
Hf nallp,be retopcetb fo; tbc good Cnccefe 9 dittojp that ® od gate bint, 9 au tbc Cbnrtb abet bid eneraad-

ftojo goto ate ms foes iwteafb, tobic& bee me mote anb mote?
Cbep kill ms beact to&en as t&ep Cay, <®o5 can bim not teBote.
IIlillliyIIIIiiil illll lIHliiiiiil ililfilMlI II
^ 'But tbou, £> JLo?o;art mp cefence3tx)fjcn 3 am barb befleab, gpp toojibtp
anti mine honour botb.anb tljou bolD’ft up mine be ib,
4 Cben tout nip bopce upon tbe jLojtti, 3 bib both call anb ctp:
anb be out of bis tjoip bill, oio beate me bp anb bp.
5 3 laib me botone, anb quietlp 3 flept, anb tofe agatae:
fo? to bp 13 bnoto aifuteblp, tbe JLoto totU me CuBafae.
6 3f ten tboufanb bab bemm’b me in, 3 couib not be afcafD j
fo? tbou an Bill mp)to?o anb <®ob, mp Sabiour anb mp aio-
7 Me up tbetefe?e, fabe me mp <Bob,'fot note to tbee 3 call:
fo? tbou
baB b?oftt tbe teetb anb cbfebes of tbefe toiefeeo men all.
8 ©albatianonelp botb belong to tb&> Uo?b, abobe:
tbou boB beBofn upon tbp folfee tbp Melting anb tbp lobe.
Cum invocaremexaudi. Pfal. iv. T. S.
MDhcn $aul pcrfccntcd dim, be ealletb upon (Sod, emfting nteft affarcdlp in bif pjomifc, and therefore
hoidip ccpjobctb bid enemies, fcbo bp toilful malice refilled$16 domtmon.SlnD finally be pjcftmtb tbe
boar of ®od before all teo;idlp trcafurcs Hit ad lifcemife leant to truft in <S? 000 pjcmtfrs toben roe are af«
flitted teltb >np bind of ctofd, 9 fo tee (ball neither fear oar enemies,no; yet be Oder come teitb temptation?.
Sing this as the 3. Pfalme
O$ob that act mp tlgbteoufoeffe, X,o?b beate me toben 3 call:
tbou b8B fet me at Ubettp, toben 3 toas bounb anb th?all.
3 $abe metep lo?D tbetefoje on me, anb grant me mp tequeB:
fa? unto tbfe uncefTantlp, to ctp 3 toill not tea.

3 ® mo?tali men boto long mill pee, mpglo?p thus befptfe s’

tobp uanoet pe in banitp, anb follatn after lies <
4 lino to pfe tbat gab anb goblp men tbe Xo?b both tafee anb ebufe ?
anb when to bin? 3 wabe mp plaint, be botb me not refute.
5 $inne
Pfaime v. vi.
5 pintle not but flanb tit atoe therefore, craminctoell your heart:
anb in r out chamber quietlp, fee you pout felbcs conbett.
6 ©ffer to ©ob the faertfice oftighteautnelfe 31 fap:
anb Icafie that m the libing ilo^D, you put pout ttuft altoay.
7 €he greater foyt crabe booilblp g©a8,an0 riches Doe embrace:
but Tlo’D grant us tup countenance, tfjp fabout anb thp grace.
8 jfoi them thereby fljait mafic mp heart mote topfull ana mote glob,
than they that of tijeit eo.tne ana tome, full great tncteafe fiabc fcab.
9 3n peace therefore lie Doamc tot'll % tailing mp tell asa Geepe:
fat ttiou onlp toilt me © lUsta, alone in fafety fieepc.
Verba mea auribur. Pffll. v. T. S.
IDafcffc babtng fuffercti great csiamttfes,afujdl bpIDoeg anb z cbftopijcl, &mleflatfmrc e&ty ct&rr
infinite enemies,caitetb to dnobfo* fucccut, Sbctomg bofr tcqnt&te It i0, t^at (2>ot> fbeitfbpnnlfip tb« mallei*
euscobp of bts abbetfatleo. SBftf?bting sffuteb ofitje pjofperous fucceffc,bc coneeibetfc cotafojt cpncittbiais
sbat fr&en '45 ot> l^oulb belibcr tym, ertjetsi aifo Qjculb be pavcaaers cftl;e fame merely.
• Sing this as the 3. Pfaime.
Ijaeltne taint cares unto mp toojas, © lo?a my plaint ccnftoer:
2 ana heart tny boyce, my linn, my ©oa, to tljee 3 made my prayer,
3 peatt mebetime,Hotatatty not.foj 3 toillhabercfpect,
mg prayer eatlp in the morne, to tljee foi to Direct.
4 ana 3 mill trull though patience in thee my ©ob alone:
thou art not pleai’o toith totefeeanerte, anb ill toitb tljee otods none.
5 ana in tfip fight (hall nebet Sana, i jjefe futious fades SD torn:
baitte toothers of iniquity tljou haft altoaies ab&ojc'D.
6 ®he (pars asa the ftatteters, thou (halt aeftroy them than:
anb ©ob mill hate the bla>D tbtrfly,ana the Deceitful! man.
7 Chetefojc ttnll 3 come to thine hetifc, tending upon thy gtace ••
anb reberently mill too?(l}tp tbee, totoarb thine holy place.
8 iota lean me in thy rtgbteoufneiFe, for to confotma mp foes:
aub efie the to ap that 3 (hall toalfee, before mp f ace ttCclofe.
9 foi in their mouths there is no truth, their heart is fouie aub batite:
their tfjzoat an open Ccpulchje, thetr tongues no glofe ano fame.
1 o Defttoy their fade confpitacies, that thep map come to nought:
fubbett them in their heaps of Gmte, toljicfj habe tebellion torougbt.
11 tBus thofe that put theit truft in thee, let them be glao altoaies:
ano tenber thanks fo? thp Defence, auo gibe tup i3ame the praife.
12 302 thou toith fabout toilt tncreafe, the iuft anb righteous Sill:
anb toith thp grace as toith a S)ie!D,acfeno him from an til.
Domine ne in furore. PiaJ. vi. T. S.
C3l)ctt IDabtb fojl)i0 Qua Jjab pjoboUeb (Sobs tojatb,ant> nofr (tit net on!p bis l^.mb agaftift , bnt
alfo concetbetb tbe bojrojg of Death ejcc&Dinglp h* tsQtetb fojgtbcniffl, bctoailtng, iljat if <25oD taob tym a*
friginl)WinDignatton,befl)i»uibiacboccaGontop?at(cbim, 80befr«efronticdoap! ijeto?c etneng
fnen Cbcnfabbenlp faitna ^obp wetep, be (barplg rcbabtO b(0emmu» frtKtb tcfa^citi inbMsatfitatcn.

31 rjo
Pfalmc vi. vii.
(n no* tojatlj tep?obe me not, though oefetbe thine' iits:

$epetto?rcttmeintbptage, © ftojb 3 thee DeGte: 2 jfoi

' j"1amttieafte,th~ctcfo2e,© )lo?oiof metep me fojbe «e, anb beale me JIojd,

" fot t»bp ttjou fenotoeQ mp bones 00 quafte fo? fear.

a <SS>v Coule ts ttoubleb betp fo?e, anb bereo behemendp,
but ftojb bob) long toilt thoubeiap, to cute mp miferp t
4 )Utb tutn tl)& to tJjp toonteU grace, mp Clip fouie up-tafte:
© fabe me, not fo? mp befetts, but tot thp metcies Cafte.
, fottobp <? uo man among tlje scab, temembteib th& one mbit:
0, iBfja (ball wojlhip ttjee (© )lo jb) in the infemall pit c
6 S»o atiebous is mp plaint anb mone, t(j« 3 wap tomibjous faint:
all the night long 3 toad) mpbeo, Wits teates of mp complaint.
7 ®p fight is bim, anb twacetf) olb, toitb angutO) of mpbeatt:
f02 feate of tbofe that ate mp foes, anb fijoulo mp fonie fubbett.
8 jsut nob) aboap fcom mie all p&, that voojte miquitp:
fo? tobp > tlje b-o?D hath beats the bopcc of mp complaint anb crp.
9 fee hearb not onlp the tequefl, anb pjapet of mp heart:
but it teceibto at mp bancs, anotrofce it in grab pate-
1 o Sub nobs mp foes that bereb me, tbe TLo^b trull fame befame:
anbfuboenlpconfounbtbemall> to tbeit tebufse anbfhame.
Domine Dem rneus, in tefperavi. Pfal. vii. T.S.
©abt& betnafal&lp accnfeb bp Cljns, one of S>amsbfnrmen, called to (Sob to fes bis BefenUr, to
5»hotnh*commenbctbbW<tmoccticp:fitO, fljearfns that b*e confctcnce Bib notaecuft blm of cnpebtll
totoatbff ftaal» n«)ct, tbat tttoocbcb (Sobs glo*p to atoarbjentcnce agalnft tfee tolcfctb } anb fo cntilng
into the conttberation of(Sobsmcrcle0 anb ojomtfea, b« roa^ctb boJb, anb berlbetb tbe balncancrpjtU
Ces of enemies, ttotatnlng > tbat flat tyalt fat! on tbeit oujacnecbaaf, 5»!ji cfc tbtp bato patpofebft?
. Sing this as the 3. Pfaltne
OjLoiD mp 3 put mp ttuft, anb confibence in tbfe:
Cabeme ftom them tbat me putfue, ano else beitbct met.
2 &eft lifts a mpon be meteare, anb tenb in pieces fmall:
bttfle tbete isnoneto fuccout me, anb tib me out of thjais.
1 €> )Lo?bmp ©ob, if 3 babe bone, tbe thing that is not tight:
Pialme viii. 6
ox eife ir J be found in fault, ox guilty in tty fight:
4 ® j to tup friend moardcd til, Qj left him in diftccfie,
vjWo me putfueo mod cttieiip, ano dated me caufelefTe*
5 &tn let mp foes putrue mp fottle, and efte mp life dototie 1hutft
unto the earth, attdalfo lap mine honour ttt the duff*
6 tip, ^i) Ho:D,ttom in t&ptotatl), and put mpfocis to pauie:.
perfojme tht ftingoome pzomtCed to me totted tx^ongfuftaine.
7 Cbeit iljail great nations come to idee, and imoto idee dp this tdmg:
tf tdott Declare lot lode of them, tty felfe as lo^d and sting*
s ano as tdou art of all men Judge, 0 &o$D noto noio fudge tdou me
according to mp righteoufnefte, ano mine tntegnfie.
The fecond part.
9 jLoid ccafc the date of fl&iefteo men, and de tty tuft man# guide,
bp whom tde fecrets of aft deans, are Cearebed and defat U
i o J take tup bclpc co come of <53od> tn ail mppatne and fsnart:
tijat dorp pzefeibe all tdofe that be of puce and perfect deart*
11 Cde iuft man and the teiehed both, €>ob iudgetd dp dig potorr:
Co tdat be Cedes W migdtp hind, etaeberp dap ano tyuiz*
12 €rcept de change his minde 5 die, foz eta as he fSonld Cmtte,
bexohetg bts Cibojd, Ijts both de bends, aiming inhere de map $t>
13 and doth prepare his mortal! darts, his anodes fe&ne and tape:
foz them that ooe me petfcctue, bdhft’ft he doth mifcfjicfe toarpe:
14 But lo, though be in trabeU de, of his dibellift) fcue*caft:
and of his mtfchufe once conced’d, pet brings fa?cb nought at laft*
15 $e digs a ditch, and delta it deepe, in hope to hurt his Mother:
but he (lj all fail into the pit, that be diggo up to; sthcr.
16 Chusto>ong remrnetbto the hurt of dim in inborn it died:
and all the mifediefe that he thought, Cyan fall upon dis dead*
17 31 \t)ill gibe t&anfc# to d5od therefore, that tudgeth ughteouftp:
and bottljmp fong dnil p?atfe tde Bame of dim that ts moft dfeO*
Domine Deus nofler. Pfal. viii. T. S.
Ci)e 0;opt)ct cowflbfrir.g tl;» excellent liberality,sunfatUcrT^ pjobtbcii^e ef ot) totoarba ma«,tot;c;u
taste «3 ttiwerea <©sD ober alibis toffees, barb notonclp gtbe great tbatmes, but Is aSoni.^tb iostb
admiration of tlje fame, as nothing able to compaflfe fucO great mercies, and lo endet^.
Sing this as the 3. Pfalme.
0<j5oD our Ho’.o, Ijotu ujoiincrfnll arc t!jp looses eberp to&ete:
us'jofc fame funnouitts in Dignity, abobe tbe fceabeog cleare!
2 6ben bp tbe moutb of CucMng babes tijou railt confouuo tftp foes:
fo? m tljofe babrs tbp migUt is tfene, tbP graces t(jep cifclote.
3 31110 tuben 31 tee tfie beabens btgb, tye toojfies of tbine otens :
COr Ssutiue, rtie Sl^cone, ano all tbe atneres in o^oer as tbep i!ano:
4 wibtt tUitigtsman(Hoto)tbittlie3tbeti,thattt)ouDaft bimremember:
o? Wbat is mams poiteritp, tbat tbou ooft it confioer <
€ 5 foj
7 Pfalme ix.
5 $o; tfjou fiafl made dim little lelTe, ttjen Ingeis, in Degree:
and tfiou Dad crottmeo fiim alto, toitO glo;p attD Dignttp.
6 Cfiou fiad p;efetr'd fiim to fie &o;d, of all tfip tombs of doondet:
ano at fits feet fjaft fet all tilings, tfiat be (fiould bcepe them uncer.
7 31s lb eep, anD neat,ano all Deads elfe, that in tfie fielfis Doe feeo:
8 faVoles of tDe 2pte, filfi in tDe ^ea, and all that tfietctn bteeo.
9 Cfierefore mud 3 Cap once againe, $> <Bod tfiat art one )lo;d:
fioto famous anD Dow tdonderfult, ate tfip doo;&s tfi;ougfitfieb>o;Ui,
Confitebortibi Domine. Plal. ix. T.S.
3ftsr fjefcab gttjcn tbawliC to (Bob fa? tbe funbjp bictojics tljtw font &tm agafofi ttfaciwmfas.attlalfc
hv matitfoio experience J>ei» reaoydjoD toasat banb tn ail bis troubles. be being aofo ifke&tfoin
banger of neio enemies. tJeUfcS^ <^ot> to ijcJp bimaecojbmg tofctjs Spent, anbbcQto^ ttye malicious arrn-
gaticp of bts a&berfarfts.
Sing this as the 3. Pfalme
YX 7331; fieatt and moutfi unto tfie Xojd, twill j dug laud and piaife •
VV and fpeahe of all tfip tooitdjous tooths, ana tfiem Declare alWies.
2 3 drillDeglao,aimmuefirelopceintfiee,©<Bod,modfiigfi,
and mate mp fongs cjetoll tfip Same, abode tfie dattp slue.
5 jfot tfiatmp foes ace otideu barite, and tamed unto flight:
tfiep fall Do tone flat, mid ate oedrop’D, bp tfip great pomer and migfit.
4 €fiou find rebenged all mp onong, mp griefe and all mp grudge:
tfiou boil toitfi iudtce fiearemp caufe, mod like a ttgfiteous Judge.
5 Cfiou dod rebate tfie tpeatfien folfce, and lufcted Co confound:
tfiat nftetVfiatD tfie menmp, oftfiern cannot be found:
6 f0p fc£3 tfiou fiall made goad ditpatefi, ana all tfietc todmes acdcoi’o:
tfiou fiad tficit fame toitfi tfiem defac’d, tfijougfi all tfie toorid fo Voids.
7 Mo to tfiou, tfiat fie Vdfilcfi is abode, fo; edermoje (fiall raigne:
and in tfie teateof equitp, true tudgement toil maintain.
8 retitfi tudice fie toill fetepe and guide tbe tuo;ld and ederp tuigfit:
and fo toil! pfelo toitfi equitp, to ederp man fits rigfir.
9 i^e is p;otetto; of tfie poo?e, dofiat time tfiep be opp;ed:
fie is in all aoberdtp, tbeir refuge and tfieir red.
10 au tfiep tfiat imoto tfip fiolp Bame, tfietefo;e (fiall tcud in tfife;
fo; tfiou forfaited not tfieir Cuit in tfieir neceffitp.
The fecond part.
u @tng #falmestfietefo;e unto tfie lo;d, tfiat dtoels in £s>ionfiill:
pnbltffi among all nations, fiis noble acts and boifl.
12 jfo; fie is mindfoll of tfie blood of tfiofe tfiat be oppjefl:
fo;getting not tfi’afflicted fieatt, tfiat defies to film fo; ted.
13 l?abe metep VLo;d an me poo;e a>;etefi, tnfiofe enemies dill remafne:
tofiicfi from tfie gates of deatfi art tuont to raife me up againe.
14 Ju^ilon tfiat3 migfit fet fo;tfi tfip p;aife toitfi fieatt and dopce;
and tfiat in tfip f nidation jLo;d, mp fouie migfit dill relopce.
15 Cfie fieatfien diefie fad in tfie pit, (fiat tfiep rfiemfeldes p;epar d:
and in tfie net tfiat tfiep did fet, tfieir ovone feet fad are fnar’d.
I 6 (gOd
Pfalme x< 8
16 <£5oo CtjetDcs bte um§eme«t05 Alltel) taere gcod fo? etierp man to mac:
tt>bcn as pou fee tbe aucUeo man, lie ttapt m b& ofcune tna&e..
17 €be atcfiet) aim Deccttfull men, goc uoltine to Sell flatter:
ano all ttje people of tfie u>o?lD? that Ml not dBtoD remember.
i $ But Cure tbe tom ttfll not forget, tbe pcom man# gclefe ano pafne:
tlie patient people neper losfse fot &cipc of ^oo tn tame.
19 S> ?lo jo a rife, left men p jebatle, that be of too^lDlp mtgbt j
ano let tbc beatben folfce reccfoc, tbetr tuogement m tbp fig6t:
20 jto:o ftnfee fucU terrour, fearc, ano 0?eaD, into tbe hearts of them i
that tbep map fcnoto affureolp, tbep be but raojtail mem
lit quid Domine? Pfah x. T. S.
$e ccmplstnetb of tbc frattt),raysuc,tptanr!p,ant) all fetnfc of bojoag &>bfcb reejl&lp men ttfc,afftgnfKg tl;e
caufc thereof, tobteb toao, tl>at fetebtb men being as it to ere tyuttHc tottb toojlblp pjofperlty, $ therefore
fottng fcpart all fear ano reference totoarb (Sob, tblnfc ttjcg map bo all tbinge tottb on t conttoJIinguberc-
fojt be cailctb upon (Sob to Cctib fame remebp ageicSt tbofe ntfpcmc ebf!0. Snb at length comfejtetb bto*®
ftlfe tottb cope of beubcrar.ee.
Sing this as the 5. Pfilmc.
W l^at is tfie caufe, sbat tbcu, © jUjbi art nott fofatte from tfiine ?
mm fe&peft clofe tfep countenance, from its this troublous time i
a ®&e pra:c Do peri® bp toe pjoao, anb tetefeeb mens befite .*
let tfiem be taken in tbe craft, that tbep tbeinfclbcs confpite.
3 j?o? in t!jc lull of bis ottne beset, tb’ungoblp betb Delight:
fa both tfietticfce'o piaffe bimfeife, ano both tfie Lo?o befpigfif.
4 is Co ptcub, that right anb ttjong be fettetb ail apart:
nap, nap, tijete is no (BoD Cattb be, fo? thus be thinks tn heart.
5 Becaufe bis (bafts be ptofpctfiill, be both tbp latoesneglect :
ano tottb a biad both puffe againfl ,futb as ttoulb bim cojrecf.
6 cu®, tu® fattb be, 3 babe no bieao, led mine eilate ®oulB change j
anb b>bp f fo? all abberiitp,to btm is berp dtange.
7 ^is month is full of ctitfetmeffe, of fraub, Deceit anb guile:
unbet bis tongue Both mifebtef fit, anb ttabeli all She tobtte-
8 ^e lie® bib in mates ants boles, to 2ap tbe innocent:
againft tbe prate tfiat paile bimbp, bis truell epcs are bent.
9 anb like a jkpon piibtlp, lies lurking in bis ben:
if fie map Cnate them in bis net, to tpoile pm?e fimple men.
10 9nbfo?tfie nonce full ctaftflp, be ctoucbetfibctone^fap:
fo ate great heaps of prate men rnabe, bp bis fitong potter, bis p?ep ■
The fecond part.
11 iEuffi, (Sob fojgette tb tfiis, faitb fie, therefore 3 map be bolb:
bis countenance is cad afine, bebotfiitnotbcboiD.
13 ante, © TLo?b, © <®ob, in ttbom ®e pra?e mans hope both te«t:
lift np tbp banb, fo?get not &ojb, tbe praje that be opp?cw.
12 aafiat filafpfiemp is this to tbee, jio®, bod thou not abbojre it:
to beate tbetttclteb in tbetr hearts, tap, tu®, tbou cat d not fo? t.
14 But thou teed all tbeir Wictseoiiclfc, ano totU bod unbetdanb:
that frieobleffe aab praje fatbcrlellt, ace lift into tbtne fiano.
C a ’
9 Pfalme xi. xii.
15 ©f Wiciseb anti malicious men, then bjeafe the power fo; ebec;
tfeat thep with their iniquitp map pettO) altogether.
16 i®i)enoth(hallteignefotebetmoje, asking anb <©ot)alone:
ana he will chafe the heathen folfte, out of the latiD eath one.
j 7 Chou heat'd (€> How.) the pra?e mens plaint, their ptapet anb requed:
their hearts thou Wilt confitme, untill thine eares to heart be p?ed.
i s Co iuoge the ptoje ant) fatherltffe, aub helpe them to their right:
that thep map be no mojc oppied bp men of Wojlclp might.
In Domino confido. Pfal. xi. T. S.
pfalme contained) ttoo parts. Jn t|»c fit ft, fbe&etb born bat& afoultg of temptations be
fuftalneb, ants tjoa? great snguifij of minn fee Saas in 5a>^cn j£>aul bib per ft cute feftn. ® ben nejet be refop-
c«b ebat (Ken fent btm faccottr in bis ncceffttp, Sedating bis jnftice as well in governing tbe geoti anti t&c
Sstcfeebrnsn, astbe&boieS»0?lb-
Sing this as the 3. Pfalme.
ICtud in ©ob, how bare pe then Cap thus mp foule untiil:
Bpe hence as fad as anp fotole, anb hibe pou in pour hill t
2 ©eholb the Wicheohenb their hoWes, anb make their attoWespjetf,
to fljrot in ferret; ana to hurt the Counb anb harmleffe b;ed.
3 O'. wojlblp hope all dapes were fhjunfee, anb cleatelp brought to noughti
alas the lud anb righteous man, what ehili hath he wrought!
4 ©at he that in his Cemple is, mod fcolp anb mod high,
anb in the pawns hath his feat of ropaU S@atedie:
Che p cole anb dmple mans edate, costfioereth in his minb,
anb featcheth out full narrowip, the manners of manfeinb:
5 3ns With a ch&refuH countenance the tighteous ma« Will ufe:
but in his heart he both abhojre, all fetch as mitchiefe mufe-
6 3nb on the dimers cadeth Wares, as thiebe as anp ralne:
fire anb tulmdone, anb whirhwinos thicbe, appointcb fot their pained
7 p e Ik then how a righteous ©od, both righteoufneffe embrace:
anb to the tad anb upright men, theWes forth hiS pleafant face.
Salvummefac. Pfal. xii. T.S.
®b?33jopbet learning tbe mtferable efface of tbe people, aut> tbt fcecap of aft gcob c*fcet0, DeOtretlj ©o&
fpeeSilp to fent) fuccour to bis cbtlDjen. Cben comforting liHnfelfanfc others te>tcb tbe aflurance of (Soto
help, be eommetwitb tlie conftant toetitp that dE»ob obferbttb in SeepingbW pjomifc^Gnclnbing t!;atS»b«n
ailo^Ders aremoftc^ruptco, then <2?et> Split tetiber bis*

Sing this as the 3. Pfalme.

H€lpeanbHoib, fo? grab anb goblp men, bo petiflj anb oecap:
faith anb truth from Wo?lblp men is patted clean atoap.
2 ajBho fo both with his neighbour tadte, his tatee is all hut haute:
to: ebeep man hethtaheth how to fiatter, lie, anb faint.
s ©nt flattering anb beceitfull lips, anb tongues that he fo flout:
to Cpeafe pjotib Wojos anb mafce great brags, the Ho?o Cam tuts them out.
4 far thep Cap dill, we Will pwaafle, our tongues (haU us ejrtoll:
our tongues are ours, We ought to fpeahe, What Uotb (hall us control! ?
. 5 Bit
Pfalme xiii.xiv. io
3 But foi ffie great complaint anD crp, of poors ant) men opp^ed■:
atiCeutfU3) natx>,Cnitu t&c ftojfi, anotfiemreflojeto red.
6 Boos moid id line to filuer pure/efiat from tfie eartfi is tri o:
ano tat!) no IrfTe tfiau Cefcen times, in fire fieen purifi’D.
7 372oiu fiffi tfip pjomffes is to ficip, jlojid deep tfip promife tfien:
ano fafie us no to miO cfiecnto^jfromtfiistllbinOof men.
8 f ot note tfifetoicfeeo l&ojiD to full, of mifefitefs tnmttfolD:
xofim batutp toitfi moriolp men, fo fiigfilp is eriolo*
UfquequoDomine. Pfal.xiii. T. S.
IDafeiD, as it&crcj overcome fettb fttnbjp asib trefo afflictions, fipctb to (Hot), as fcte otilp refagc.anb fo
at length, being eacoursgct) .though €>&8S pjomlfrs^e cenceibetb mod Tare confitienceogatnft ibeejeeteme
bttftojsr of Death

Sing this as the 3. Pfalme

long toilt tfioa forget me nop,fi)all jl nere fie tememfizefi *.
fiom long \mt thou tfip fiifag e fit m, astfiougfi tfym ifcert edenfiefi t
2 3Jn peart aim nuao3 Ijoio long ffiali % vrn'tfi care tojmentefi fie ^
fiou> long cite Cfiail trip fieafiip foes, tints rrmmpfi ofier me t
3 Bcfioio me uoto, nip Lorn mp dBofi, ants ficre me fo%i oppred:
■JUgfiten mine spes, led tfiat l deep, as one fip Deatfi polled.
4 ?Lcft tfiat mine enemies Cap to me, befiolD, 3 fio p>efiat!e:
left cfi-cp alCo tfiat fiats mp foul, mopes to fee me qtiatlc.
5 But from tfip merep ano goomiefTe, mp fiepc dial! mm dartt
in tfip reliefs ano Cafimg fiealtfi, rigfit glao iljali fie mp fiearr.
6 3 xoill gtfie tfianfis tmto tfie anfi pjattes tofitmfing:
fiecauCc fie fiatfi fiearb mp tequefl, anD grants mp ftJifljmg,

Dixit infipiens. Pfah xiv. T. S.

tofertbetb tbcpetberfe nature of racn, Snbteb faier: fo groftm to i{«titfouftu(fe> tbzt (So’D teas
brought to utter contempt, for the Sabtcf) thing, although tje teas gteatlp gtirbeS , ^ct being perffesbso
iljat^ob 5»eniO fcnD fume pjefent rcmcDn he CcmfortitfcbitBfeU an?) other#-'

fijere ts no dSon, as fasltCfi men affirms in t fids mafi mmD:

tfieir ojifts ate all corrupt anD batnc, not cue of tijem Sotfi goou.

2 CDeXojDbc&elafrontlicafceiifite, tfeteboleraceofmanbMbe^ ano

faro not one t!;at fought inOeeo, tfjcltlimK ©oD to flnbe.

€ 3 3 €l)C3?
11 Plalme xv. xvii.
3 ©bep toent all teiDe, atto txiecc cauupt, anD tculp tfeece teas none
that m tOe teo?lD did anp goon, 31 Cap there teas not one.
4 33 all tfccit tuDgment fo fat loll, tbat all soothe mifcbtefe dill:
eating nip people eben as bjeao, not one to feefee <0ocs toill.
5 tw ben tbep thus tage, then fubDewp, peat fcate on them (ball fall:
foi (BoD Doth lobe tbe righteous men, anD to til maintain them all.
e p&mocbe tbe Doings oftbepcoje, to their reproach anD fijame:
btcanfe tbep put their mitt in ©oD, anD call upon bis Same.
7 ®ttt tebo (ball gibe tbi? people bealtb, anD toben teilt tbou fulfill
tt)P pjomife niaDe to 3Jfcaei, from out of ©ion bill f
s ©ben teben tbou (bait teftote ng tine, fuel) as toece captfbe lab:
then Jacob (ball therein eeiopce, mio JCrael Bjall be glaD.
Domine quis habitabit ? Pfal. xv. T. S.
Ctjfs |£>£a!t»ctcacl38tlj oatoftat contrition bib c&cofc tfjc 3Pnxss fo? bis pecaWarpeople, ant)
fo?e t)t placet) i ts STempIcamong tljcm, &)Blctj S»as to ttje Intent, rfcat tfcep IIBIng tip?lgi)tJP8nB aoOJp
*nlg!)t Sruneffs iljattljep 00etc bis fptclaU anD help people. ’
Sing this as the 3. Pfalme
OjLotD to itbin tbp Cabernacle, tobo fl?all inhabit dill f
or tebom wilt tbou tcceibe to Dtoell, in tbp mod bolp bill *
1 ©be ram teljofe life is uncortupt, tobofe toorfes are iutt anD (Iraigbt:
tobofe beatt do tb tbinfee tbe beep truth, tobofe tongue fpeafes no Deceit,
3 £10? to tit's neighbour Doth none ill, inboDp, gmcs,ornante:
nor toillinglp Doth raobe falfc tales, tebicb might impatte tbe fame.
4 ©bat in bis heart regatoetb not, malicious toicfeeD men:
but tbofe tbat lobe anD feare tbe Jbojo, be mafeetb much of tbern.
5 l|is oatb anD all bis p?omifes, tbat beeped) faitbfWlp:
altbougb be mafee bis tobenant fo, tbat be Doth lofe tberebp.
6 ©bat puttetb not to ufurp, bis monep ann bis eopne:
ne fo t to butt tbe innocent, ootb bribe ot elfe purlopne.
7 mbo to Dotb all things as pou tie, tbat here is to be Done:
(ball neber petiCb in tbis teatlD.not in tbe teotlD to come.
Conferva me Domine. Pfal. xvi. T. S.
IDabIB p?ap«t& to ©ot> fo? face0nr,wot fo? i)te feojfeeo, bat fo? bfs faltltf fafee, p?otctting tbst
all 31Dolatrp> taUtng (loot) only fo? Ijlscomfojt anB fcllcttp, S»bo faffcretl? fclmto Iacfc noting.
Sing this as the 21. Pfalme.
L£>jdtboubcepe me, fo? 3 trud intljce, anD Do confede inDeeD:
art mp ©on, anD of mp gcoos, ad loiD tbou bad no neeD.
a 3 gibe mp gobs unto tbe ©aints, tbat in tbe teoilD do Dteell:
anD namelp to the faitbfull dotbe, in bettue that crccll.
3 ©hep (bailbeape fottoms on tbeir beans, tobicbtunastbepteetemaD:
to offer to tbeir iDoli gobs, alas it is to ban.
4 as fo; tbefcblooop (artifice, anD offerings of tbat fort:
3 teill not touch) no? pet thereof mp lips 6)ali mafee report.
>■ — - _ __ _

Pfaime xvii.
5 oi tu|)? f t6c Xo?D t!jc portion tgf, ofntfne t
and thou art fie t(jat Bod maiatetne mp rent, nip lot, mp chance.
6 ©tie place toberein nip lot cm fall, in beaut? did ercell:
mine heritage artign’d to me, DatU pleafe me wondrous t»el(.
7 3 thanfce the ftotd, t|jat cauCcb me, to tmderrtand the right:
for bp litjs raeanes mp Ccctct thoughts, no tea cb me ebtrp night,
3 3 fct the JL ojd (till in mp fight ano mid him otocr ail:
for he both Hand on mp rigijt Dane, therefore 3 ihall not fall.
9 ®»herefore mp heart ano tongue alfo, do both teiopcerogethsr:
mp fled) ano bodp red in hope, to hen 3 this thing conOoer.
10 ©bou unit not ieabe mp foule in grade, for 'Aom than lobeif me:
nor per unit gibe tbp help one, coemption for to fee.
11 But wilt me teach, the toap to life, for all treaftire and (lore
of perfect top are in tbp face, ano porner for ebermore.
Exaudi Domine juftitiam. Pial. xvii. T.S.
ije complattictl) nnjo <25ofc of tlje cmeil pjies aaa arrcgancy of &sul, «b& t&e rcaoffcfeentmfos,
fctjo ttjus tsgcD fcntijou c any caafe gifcen on fcts part. Cbmfoje ije fctt? <®od to lebtnge fcte tnnscencp*
ana cein?cr ljun. Cfcus ^falmt ctig&t titUscntly to be matbtft efface as meibeetom foj SJeiisBuisg.
Sing this as the 14. Pfaime.
O Thorn gibe eare to mp ittfl caufe, attenb toben 3 complatne:
ano beatetbeptaptr that 31 put forth, aitbiips that Do not fa tnt
2 3«n let the iiiDgement of mp caufe, proofed altoapes from thfe:
anD let mine epes behold atm cleate this mp fimphdtp.
5 ©how haft foell tri’o me in the night, and pet couloft nothing 6’noe:
that 3 habe CpoUcu m mp tongue, that toas not in mp mind.
4 3s for the Words of hoicked men, and paths perberre and ill;
for lobe of tbp mod holp J2ame, 3 habe refrained lltll.
5 ©hen in thP paths that bemoft pure, flap me 3tojd and pjefetbe:
that from the Wap Wherein 3 W aide, mp Reps map nebet fenetbe.
6 jroj 3 00 call to tbte, *E> TUrd, furelp them Wilt me aid:
then hcate mp praper, and weigh tight Well the words that 3 habe (aid*
7 sd tbou the S»aWour of ail them, that put their trnff in thfe:
Declare tbp firengtb on them that fputnc againif tbp Qpaieflp.
s © fciepe me as thou toouloeft fcfep^ the apple of thine epe:
and under coberf of tbp Wings, defend me fectetip.
Thefecond parr.
9 jftom tBtcfeeo men that troubleme, and daiip me annop:
and from mp foes that goe about, mp foule fa? to oeftrap.
1 o t® bich Wallow in their world!? Wealth, fo full ate tbep and fat:
©hat in t&ric pride thep do not fpare, to fpeati thep care not What.
n ©hep lie in to ait Where 3 (bottld parte, brith craft me to confound:
and touting mifehtef in their minds, to call me to the ground.
12 apucb like a Xpott greedilp, that Would his prep tmbrace:
or lurking like a Apotis topeipe, wttbinfome fectet place.
*3 Pfalme xviii. __
13 uilp in l)cifle plefcerit mp fee, atm ca& Cum at flip feet:
Caije tyoiitup Cottle from tlje til man, ami ttitD tt)c CtooxU trim Cmtce:
14 IDeltoer me, iotD, bp tfyy po ftiec, out of tWe tpratus fjanDs:
utyicD nom Co long time ratpeo (jabe, anD tept us m tftrir ban&s.
*55 2 means front ttieiMp men, to tobom alltoo^iDIp gcoDS are rife:
i&at (jafcnio fjope, not part of top, but in tftis parent life.
16 Cfcouoft^p ftoze t&ettbelucs [lil'Cl,tuttij pfeafure to t&etc mmo:
tfieir e|)ilD^n tmbe enough, anD leabe to tfjeirs tlje reft bd;mo.
17 3ut 31 Cljaii tottij pure conCctenee,lietolD tfipgracious face:
Co U$m 3 &afie,3I H)ail be full of tfeiiie image ano grace.
Diligam te Demine* Pfal. xviii. T. S.
CbtS (5 tl)c fi«S bsglmifng of Dakins fslbation snb tbsnUfgitJir-g at tlje cmtlng into %t$ felng*
borne.Kbsfcsn i)t ejitolietl) anb pjalfeti) molt lug!;!? tbe marbellous mercies aob grsceS cf (2>oD, u>bo fcatl,
toil) pjeferbeo ana tefenteb tjtm, l>c fettetlj fc?tb itie 3]m8ge ofCbpasBlaQbom patiuebtn fcis UingtGme,
tbsttiie falctyfaU raap beaffmeo cbet fl;aii clams conquer ant) outcome tlje wifpeaHa&lepo&m’
efi)?0 jfattjsr. tijengb all tfce xcojii) U;eu’b far ttjere agstiift.

~ “■ 1 ^ "* -4-T--4 x i i i ^_i

(15od nip Bcengtfi atm fo’tittme, of fojee 3 niuCl lobe tl;cc:

__ j 1 1 ^ ^_+____^

thou net mp cadie anh Defence, in tup neeefutp. 2 *©p d5ot>,mp rccfctn
: -»« -Z-

t»bom3ttufi,tge tnojficrof mp tecaltb: tap refuse, fmcMcr, anb mp

fljielti, t!>e bojnc of all mp bcaltlu

3 tSSlben 3 fit® laub unto tlje U.ofo, moll toortbp to lie ferfc’o t
ti?en from mp foes J am rigljt fute, tijat 31 fl,all fee pjdxra'D.
4 ©se pangs of Death cm compaffe me, ana bonnb me eotrp where:
tbe flotomswabes of toiclsebneirc, bio put me in great feare.
5 Cfie die ant) fubtill fuares of bell, toets rottnts about me fet:
ann foj mpbeatfitberetoas pjepat’o, a beaolp trapping net.
6 gjtbus befettottbpatne aim gnefe.tno p?ap to 6oD fo: grace:
anb be fo?t6t»itb OtD beare mp plaint, out of bts fcolp plate.
7 $>ucb is bis poboet, that tn bis loratb, be mane tbe eartb to qttalte:
pea, tbe founbation of tbe mount of Bal'anfo? to fijalre.
8 anb from bis nofitils came a fmobe, toben MnDIeb inas bis ire:
annfrom bis moutb came binbleo coals of bot confumsng fire.
9 Ube 'JLo’.d befeenneo from abobe, anb botoeb tbe Deatons Die:
attb unoernrafb bis fret be caft tbe batfenefie of tbe sfete.
i o ©n
Pfalnse xviii* »4i

10 Ou Cbetubs anD on ©betRbins,full royally be robe :

auo on tbe mings of all the mines, came flying all ab?oaD.
The fecond part.
11 anblibe a ten rnoft Bathe Ije mace, fits bio anD fcccct place:
mttb maters blacfee ano afey clouos,e nbtronco bo teas.
12 OBut ttben the picfence of bis face, In bjightneife fljall appears:
then tlouos contume, anD in their lleaD come bail? anD coals of flee;
13 Cfie Scry Darts ano tbunDer-feolts, Difperfe them betc anD there*
anD totsf) bis often lightnings, bo puts them in great feare.
j 4 HoiD at tfly Wjsatb anD t&teatnmgs, ano at tljy efitoing cficate:
the fptings anDthe founDations,ofa!i tbe mojlD appeare.
15 3nD from abobe the Xojd Cent Donnie, to fetch me from belom:
ano piucfs’n me oat of maters great, that inoulD meobetfloto.
16 amo me DdiDereD from mg foes, that mould babe maDe me toll t
yea from facD foes as mere tm flrong; foi me to Deale mitballi
17 ®bey DtD picbent me to oppjelTe, in time of my great gttefe:
but yet tbe lojD Boas my Defence, my futcour anD relief.
18 pa brought me fo?tb in open place, tnbereas 3 might be ftfe:
ano Dept me Cafe, betaufe be had a fabout unto me.
19 ano as 3 toss an innocent, fo Dfo be me regard:
aflD to t&e cleannefle of my bands, bee gaoe me my tenwro. <
so jf o? that 3 maibeo in bis mates, anD in his paths babe troo:
anD habe not Ounce micfceDly, agarnfl my JUijd anD ©oD.
The third part.
a i Kut eberatoje 3 babe tefpert, to bis JUm ano Bccrfe t
bis Statutes anD commanoements, 3 call not out from me.
a 2 lent pure anD cleane, anD uncojtupt, appeat’D before his face:
anD Dfo teftaine from uricfteDnelfe, and amte in any cate.
23 TtoiD thetefoje tofllme rematD, as 3 habe Done attgbf:
ano to the tleannefle of my bancs appearing in his flgbt.
24 #oj lom mttb him that holy is, bjflt thou be boiy tco:
anD mith tbe gcoD ana bettuous men, right bertuoufly built Co,
2 5 3no to the lobing anD elect, tby lobe tbou milt teferbe:
anD tbou milt ufe the micfecD men, as micheo men tefetbe.
28 jf 0; thou Doft fabe the Ample folfee, In trouble bubeit they fie:
ano Doft bring Domne the countenance, of them tbatlcofec full ble.
27 (EbeJtoro mill light my canDle fo, that it fljall (bine full might:
tbe Logo my ®od tofll matte allb, my Dartmelfe to be light.
28 jfoji bp tbp belpc an boalt of men, Difcomfit ftoto J, (ball:
bp tb& 3 fcaie anD obecleap, the fleengtb of any mall.
2? JUnCpottcD are tbe males of <5oD, hfs ®tsm is purely tri o:
hie is a fute Defence to fucb, ns in his faith abiDe.
30 tfoj
*«; Pfalme xviii.
30 roi iod^o is ^5od3 ercept t&e foj otfjer tfiere & none;
ffl ? t Ife toBo to omnipotent, taping out d&oD alone t
The fcuith part.
■ nusI'

31 Che ©oh that gitbetb me toith Rtengti), is he that 3 Coe meatie;

that all ttje mates ttherein 31 mal&e, bio ebermo?e feeepe clean*.
32 € bat mabe mp feete lihc to the Smarts, In ftoiftneffe ofmp pare:
anc lot mp futetp btcugbt me fo?tb, into an open place.
33 fje oib in o?bet put mp Canes, to battell anc to figbe:
to bjeaite in tunoee batces ofbjaffe, be gate mine acmes the might.
34 ®bou reached me tbp facing health, tfcp right banc is mp totoer:
tbP lobe anb famfliatitp, Doth ©iU inereafe mp pomer.
3 5 9nb unCer me tbau mahed plaine, the map metre 3 OjoulO toallse:
fa that mp ffet ftall nebec flip, no? Ru nhle at a baise,
3 6 anb fictcelp 3 puefte anc cafec, mp foes that me onnofb:
anc from the ficio do not returtte, till tbep be all oeflrot’D.
37 $»o 3 Cupptefle anC teounc mp foes, that thep can rife no mo?e:
fo? at mp ffete thep fall Comae flat, 1 fttilte them all fo fo?e.
38 jf at tfjou Dolt gteo ms twth ff' iit8ngtb,tomarrein fuebamift:
that thep he all fcattetec ab?oab, that up againR me cife.
3 9 HotC than hall put into mine hano, mp mortal! enemies pohe -•
anc all mp foes thou Cod ctbice, in lUncer With thp fltofce. *

40 chop call’C fo? helps, hut none gabe ear, no? holpe them toitb relief +♦.

pea, to the Jto?C thep cail’c fo? helps, pst hsatc he not theic grief.
Thefifth part.
41 3CnC Rill lihecuBhefote the mince, 3 c?ibs them unceef&tt
anC ffnept them out litse fikbp clap, that dichetb in the flreet.
43 Chou fecpt’ft me from feCitious folfee, that (till in fttife ate lec:
anc thou cod of the heathen folfte, appoint me to he htao.
4 3 % people Rrange to me unknown, anc pet thep ihall me ferbe:
anc at the firtt obep mp tno?C, tobereas mine omne mill Onetbe.
44 3 Ihall be it fc Come to mine omne, thep mill not fee mp light:
but manCet mice out of the map, anc bite them out of fight.
4 5 3111 bleffeC be the libfng fto?c, mod bJo?tbp of all p?aife:
that is mp roche anc fabing health, p?affee be he aimafes.
4 6 £0? ©obit is that gate me potter, tebengeh fo? to be:
anc toitb his holp wo?C fuhcu’D the people unto me.
47 anc from mp foe Delibeteb mfe, anciet me aboce thofe,
that cruell anoungoblp to ere, anb up agafnd metofe.
48 9nc fo? this caufe, © Lo?c mp <JBoC, to thee gibe thanfes 3 (ball:
ana flng out p?aifee to thp 0ame, among the ©entiles all-
49 Chat gated great p?ofperfip unto tbefetng3 tap:
to ©abia thine atmointeo Sling, anb to his (eeh fo? ape.
PfaSme xix. xx.

Cosli enarrant. Pfal. xix. T. S.

' Ilje fmtbfollto b? rt« ao>6manfttp, pjopottlon snD ojnstmn'S of %C?C3"
tens ; a;io bp ttie tu E,ao,, fcSjcrctn*J5ot>s to ttbcQUD (omtuorlpto ctjefen pceplt.
Sing this as the 14: Pfalme. '
<”p©c Ijeabcns ant) the grmament, Doe ruonOjcufip Declare,
* the glojp of (Bod omnipotent, his tooifes anDEbtjat tbep are.
2 ®ht ttotiDjoua tooths of (Bob appeare Dp eberp Dates (ticcelle:
the nights libetoife tobicb thetc rate rum, the feife-fame thing erpjeffe.
3 ®here is tto language, tongue oj fpfeeb, tohete thetc fount) ts not heatD 5
in all the earth atth toads thereof, tljctc finotoiebge is confm'D.
4 3!n them the ILo.tD male fo? the @>uime, a place of great rettotone:
u>ho itbc a jSjtDe^gtmm teaop tttm’D, 00th from his chamber come.
5 2nD as a baltant Champion, ixsfjo fo? to get a ptt'je:
tottb top Doth hade ro tafee m hatto, feme noble eitttcp2i;r.
e 3tno all the s We from enD 10 enD, hoc compaifeth about:
nothing can biDe it from his heat, but he toil! hnoe it out.
7 ©oto perfect is the JLato of (BOD, hoto is his cobenaitt fttre,
eoHtoertmg fettles anD tnafcfng totfe, the fimple ann obteure!
8 311ft are the fto.tos CommanDementS, ana glaD both heart anD rninD i
©is }9?eeepts pure, anD Doe gibe Usht to epes that be full biinDc.
9 ®he ft ace of ©00 is excellent, ano Doth ensure fo? ehec:
theiuDgeitients of the }iojD ace true, ana righteous altogether.
10 scan mote to be embjac’D alttnp, than fineo golD 3 fap:
the hottep anD the Doncp combe are not Co ftofet as thep.
11 QSp tbem thp feibant is foje-aatn'o to babe <bod in tcgatD:
anD in performance of tbe fame, thete fljall be great tetoarD.
12 Q8ut XLo?o tobu ratthlp man Doth fenoto, the ettouts of his life t
then cleanfe me from mp feet et fumes, tobsefe are in me mod cite.
13 3nD hoepe me that ptefumprttous Danes piebatie not obet me:
anb fo ihall 3 be iattocent, ano great offences !1;r.
14 accept mp month, ano efcc mp heart, mp toatas ano thoughts each one:
fo? mp Eebeemer ano mp dreitgth, © &02D thou act alone.
Exaudiat te Dominus. Pfal. xx. T. S.
Gtypeoplepjipto<2>ofe to b*«ret&ctr feing, anb rccetbc b*c fawtficc fobicbbe cfcrafc fccfojcbe toentto
batten agatnft tbe HStnnunitea, Dtctstlng tb« tbe beaiben puttbetr ttuft in bsjfeo, bac tbep trutt enfp tit
biff/frame;lobcrtfajtet^p (ball fail,buttlefttnganb W peopletbaiiftant).

Sing this as the 14. Pfalme.

1)3 ttouble ana abbetfitp, the loth ©00 heave thee dill:
the ^aiedie of 3acobs (Bob, befenb thee from all ill.
3 3tno teno thee from his holppiaet, his helpe ateberp iteeo:
ano fo in (Sion dahlifh thee, anb mabe thee dtong tnbeeh.
3 Kemcmber fbell the facrffice, that note to him is bone:
ano Co rccetbcright thanhfnllp, thp burnt offerings each one.
4 rfecoJi
17 Pfalme xxi.
4 iiccortang to thp ficarts Defies the &02D grant unto tf;e£:
anD ait tlip cotmfeli ano oeWce3 full tcell perfcmnemap he*

5 OTe fl)ail retorce Ifthen tjjou us fatfO, anD our banners DiCpiap
unto tfje &o$d3 thp tequeOs, fulfillefchath alfuap.
6 ct)e )lo?Dnoil!ins annomtcuiat>c3 31 hitofo tcdi bphts grace:
anD km him beipebp fits tight hano, cut of his help place*

7 Jn chariots Come put confidence, cmh Come in b^fesmiff:

but tore remember d5ob our fto^that topei (3 piomife iult*
8 Chep fall Dotrnie Hit, but x&wmz rifc3 anD nano up fteofaHip:
9 notttabe mtDhelpeus&ojDanhfemg, cn thee tohnt toe Doe crp.
f ■ - ' „ •* . * ■ CJ,
DcminC in virlute, Pfal. xxi.T. S.

fin!jcp«fGii of tlje people,pjaifetl) tiooMos tfcefclttojp gltsen ItfmagafnStle ii>gjfangant> Im=

monifffl, 2 >am jo Sabcran ijc fens crotonEDS2>Ui;jl;cCr£)to:ietft^e^ttjg cf^mmon, 2 Sam. 12. on©
®«D«rO mnifGlobiuTingssj <2?eo.

\jj JLo$ 63to topfull is tbe King, in t&p ftrengtb anD tbp

potoee t C?oto bebemeutip both bfe ret opce, in this pis ^abiout e jfo?

tfiou Sail giben unto tin? fife goolp hearts Dcfire: Co bim nothing

" thou 13aft fiWb, of that tje Dio require.

3 Cbou DtBft pjebettt f)im toitb tbp gifts, anD bfefftngs manifoID:
anti thou ijaff fee upon bis beat), a crotune of perfect goto.
4 ant) to ben (je ashen life of this,thereof tljou maO'Ci bim fuce:
to babe iong life, pea fucD a life, as ebet (ball ensure.

5 ©rear is bis glotp bp tbp beipe, tbp benefit anb ato:

great toozfljip atib great honour both, t jjou baft upon bim last),
6 Cbou toilt gibe bint feltcttp, that neber (ball becap:
anb toitb tbp cljferfuil countenance toilt contfo?t bim altoap-

7 f o? tofip i the isitig noth ftronglp truft in ©oD for to pzeoafle:

tofierefo^e bis goooneffe anb bis grace, toill not that be ftmll quatle.
8 But let thine enemies ffele tbp force, anD tfiote that thee toitbOaiiD:
fiiioc out tbp foes, anDlet them feeie tbe poiiaer of tbp tight bant).
9 fna
Pfalme xxii.
9 3CnX» list an ©ben buwe tfiem, Lojb, in fietp flame ano fame:
t&inf anger {flail ocfltop tfiem all, ana flte (flail tfiem cotiCume.
i o amo toots fljait rot out of tfie cattO tijeit ftmt tijat fljoulD mtreafe •
aHO ftom tljc mimbcrof folite ttjeic f&o ffinll enb ano ceafe.
11 jfoj ttbpntmcfi tmfcbtef am tfjep mufe agamtl tfip*fioip jaame ♦
pet Dio tucp fade, ami OaD no potter fot to pecfotme tfie Came.
12 Bat as a mat-fee tljou Halt tfiem fet in a mod open place:
ano cfiarge tbp BQbrfltings teaotip, againft tbme enemies face.
13 Be tfiou naltcD jlotb tbe?efo:e in top flcctigtfi cberp floute:
^>o {flail toe fins rigfit folemnlp, pjaifing tflp might anb potter.
Dews, Deus metis. PfaJ. xxii. T.S.
ID am compintBtt!) oftilmftlfto be bjoagbtfnto fuel) cpttcmWcfl, tijat befslffee a bjfpcratemsn s paft
#Ut)spe, after fteciamfc thereof l)e tecotomtb Wmftif from tije bo«omSef0 pit oj tcmpta«eij0 &nh unber
x- bt0 ctoa petfon be fcttcrl? fojtb ttje figure of Cb?tft,fcb0m be Wo foje fee tn tbe fptrtt of pjopbecte. a>otbt0
after t&o fejts both Declare tbat pjopbecte of dBfag, fpc fcws ta&en fojtb of pjifon anb fubgemem.
Sing this as the 21. Pfalme.
O©oo mp ttfletefoje ooft tljou fotfafee me uttetlp e
3nb tjelpcfl not ttben3 ooe mafic mp great complaint ano ctp:
2 Co tfiee mp ©ob, ebett all bap long, 3 Do botfi ctp anb tall:
3 ceafe not all tfie ntgbt, anb pet tfiou fjeareff not at all,
3 €bcntboutfiatfotfip|3>anctuatp,anbfiolpplaceboftbtoell;
tflou att tfle comfort ana tfte (op, anb glojtp of giftnel.
4 3nb fie its to bout out fatfiersolo, fiao all tfieit hope fot ebet:
0nb when tfiep put tfieit ttuft in tfife, tflou bind tfiem ape beliber-
5 icficp toete oelibcteb efier tofien tfiep ealleb on tflp JiJ ame:
ano fot tfie faitfi tfiep fiab in tfife, tfiep Vo ere not put to (flame:
6 But 3 am noto become a toojme, mote Ufee tfian anp man:
an out cafl totiom tfle people fcojne, ttitfi ail tfie fptte tfiep can,
7 311 men belptfe as tfiep befiolb me toalfeing on tfle Vbap:
tfiep grin, tfiep morn, ano nob tfieit fitafis, anb on tfiistbife tfiep ffip,
8 C fits man bib glo?p in tfie JlojD, fits fabottt anb fii3 lobe:
let film tebfeme anb fieipe fiim nob), fits potter if fie mill P?obc.
<? But jLo?b out of mp motfiers ttomfie, 3 came bp tflp befiefi ;
tfiou bifid ptefeebe me dill in fiope, ttfiile 3 bio fuefee fiet bjeaft.
io 3 ttas cominitteo ftom mp bittfi, ttitfi tfice to babe afiobe:
Once 3 ttas in mp motfiers ttombe, tfiou flad tbee btene mp ©ob.
The fecond part.
ii efien TLojt) Depart not ftom me, in tfits mp ptefent gtiefe:
ftnee 3 fiabe none to be mp ficlpe, mp fuccbut anb relief*:
12 S>o tnanp bulls boe tompaffe me, tbat be full dtong of beab:
pea, bulls to fat, as tflougb tfiep fiao in Bafan fieib boene feo.
11 cflep gape upon me grtebfip, as tfiougfi tfiep moulo me flap:
rnuefi like a Upon toting out, anb tamping foj fiis p?cp.
CD.) 14’Bui
'9 Pfalme xxiii.
14 OBut 1 c?op cotone libs tcntcc ifiefi, mp fopnts m fimect b?cahe:
nip fitart Cotfi tn mp bocp melt, Itfce tonic againd tfie fieaf.
15 Hno like n pct’Oiearomt’ti) nip firengtfi, mp tongue it deabetfi faQ
untomp iatocs, aitC® am bieugfit to Cud of Ceatfi at lad.
r 6 ana ntanp cogs coe conipaite me, anc toicfeec counfeli ebe
confpire againd me curfeClp, tfiep pierce mp fianfis anc feet.
17 31 teas tosttcmcti, fo tfiat 3! misfit all mp bones fiaae tolc:
pet Sill upon me tfiep Coe trade, anc Bill tfiep me befiolO.
is si^p garments tbepciiiiceD ebe in parts among tfiem all:
anfifctmp coat tfiep cm cad lots, to tofiorn it migfit befall.
19 Cfi.Tcfc.'Jl' prop thee be not farce from me at mp great necfi:
but tatfiec fitb tfiem art mp fltcngtfi, to ficlpe me XLo?c mafee fpceo.
so 9no from tfieCtootcxotc fade mp foufe, bp tfip mtgfit anc tfip potoejc:
anc heepe mp foule, tfip catling ocare, from Cogs tfiat tooulb Cebonr.
21 atm front tfie lipons moutfi, tfiat toouio me all in ftmfier Cfiibet:
anc front tfie fio?nes of ainicojnes 2Lc>.C fafeip me Cclibec■
02 tfien Ojad 3 to mp bietfijen ad tfip apaieftp rcco to:
anc in tfie Cfittccfi dial! pimfe tfie jlSatne of tfioe tfie Ubtitg Xlojc,
The third part.
23 ail pee tfiat fence fiint pjatfe tfie )Lo?fi, tfiou 3Iatob fionour fiiitt;
anc all pe feed of3|ftaeI, tottfi teberence teo?(fiip fiint.
24 fo? fitCeCptletb not tfie prate, fie tuenetfi not nto?p
fits countenance tofiett tfiep Co call, but gtantctfi to tfieit cep.
25 among tfie folbe tfiat fence tfie Ho?c, 3itoil!tfietefo?ep?ociaime
tfip ptaife anc fieepe mp pjomifemafiefo? Cetttng fottfi tfip ©ame.
2 6 Cfie prate ifial! eat anc fie fuffic'o, anc tfiofe tfiat Co enoeabour
to f&fie tfie llojfi, (ball ptaife fits ©ante, tfieic fieacts ifiall line fot eber.
27 ail toads of tfi'eartfi ifiall ptaife tfie&ojso, anc tunic to film fo?grate:
Coe fieatfien folfie ifiall too?(fiip fitm befote fits bleffec face.
2 8 Cfie fetngcome of tfie l^eatfien folhe, tfie ilotc ifiall fiabe tfiecefoje:
anc fie ifiall be tfieit gobetnouc, ana fting fo? ebeemote.
29 Cfic ctcfi men of bis g&clp gifts, ©ail fire anc tadc alfo:
auc in fils fiis ptefenre tbojffiip fiim, anC boto tfieic bntes full loto.
30 Hue all tfiat ffiall goe cotone to cud, of life bp film ©all tatte:
mpfeefi ffiall Cetbeancp?aifetfie&.o?fi, tofiiieanp tootle ©all lad.
31 99p feec ffiall plafnlp Cfieto to tfiem, tfiat ffiall be bo?ne ficctaftec:
fits iudtce anc fiis rigfiteoufneile^mc ail fits toojhes of sboncer.
Dominusregit me. PfaL xxiii. W.W.
35fcaaCe tlje bao pjotaeotb? great nieteien of <E5ot>attrtber0 time# ant tn funfijp maimer .be ge*
tceretb a tertatne affitratice, fall? pcrftoablng bfrafclf«, that <E>sb wUl continue tb* toctl? fame gortmefie to*
fcatDs btm fo? et»r. -

T Sing this as the 21. Pfalme

ile LotCis oneip mp fuppo?t, anb fie tfiat Dot! me free:
fiotocanStfienlatbanptfitngjtofieteofSlOancinneeCf' ^ ^
Pfalme xxiv. 2o
3 Ibe Both mefolD in coats mod fafe, tfjetenQec gcailc fa!l bp:
ano after Otibes me to tbe ftreames Which run moftpleafantlp.
3 St® When 3 ft le mp telfe nfere loft, tben Dots be me borne tafie:
canouctmg me tnbts right paths, eben fo? bis otone names C the.
4 3no though 3 mere cbea at Deaths Ocoje, pet Wouio 3 feare none til:
fojtoitt) tbp rob ano ftjepbearos etmbe, 3 amcomfojtea Hill.
5 Chou baft mp table vtcftip oecftt, in Oefpigbt of mp foe t
tbou baft mp beao trrtu balme reftelb'o, mp cup both obetflain.
6 2nO finallp, While breath both laft, tbp grate (ball me Defeno:
ano in the boufe of ti5oo Will 3, mp life fo? eber f pens.
Another by 1 homos Sternbold.
Sing this as the 2i. Pfalme.
M p £>bepbearO is tbe libtng ftf^o, nothing therefore 3 nfen
fn paftures faire With boaters calme, be fets me fo; to f&o,
2 jje bio conbettano glab mp foule, ano brought mp minOe in frame:
to wal&e in paths of rfgbteoufncife, to? bts mofl bolp fiame.
3 pea though 3 Walfce in bale of oeatb, pet Will 3 fcate none ill:
tup rob, tbp ftaffe both comfojt me, ano tbou art With me tttli.
4 s#no in tbe pjefence of mp foes, mp table thou (halt fpieao;
thou Qau (© ILoid) au full mp cup, ano efee atmoint mp bead.
5 Cb?ough all mo life, tbp labour is, fa francltlp fteto’o to me :
tyat in tip boufe foj cbejmoje, mp Dwelling place {ball be.
Domini eft terra. Pfal. xxiv. I. H.
fficcaofe tbe grace of <0ot> toast tljtn to be ntteret tn t!;e Cetnple, moje gfojloos than before it tat betas
tnt^e Cabetnacte,2?abrtgit«bti a weft alo>ian« title , ant) frfcb eictiamatlon fettetlj fortijtbe honour
thereof, ftirrtng no to ttjc conQttetatian of tije ^eafeenlg manQon p?epanD fo? no tn tye patens, hereof
tats frag a tyatafa anO (gate.

Sing this as the 31. Pfalme.

T ^e earth is all tbe 3U>Ws, With all bet fto|e anD furniture:
pea, bts is all tbe wot®, ano all that therein Doth ensure,
s foi be bath faftlp f ounOeD it, abobe tbe fea to QanD:
ano law alow theliquio fttoos,to Sow beneath the land.
3 f031 who is he, €) U. oto, that lb all aCceno into t bp bill t
at pafte into tbp bolp place, there to continue ftill t
4 ffiBboCe hanos are batmlelle, ano tobofe heart no fpot there both OcBle,
bis foule not fet onbanitp, Who hath not famine to guile.
5 ipim that is fuel) a one, the jLoft (ball place in Oliilefull plight:
anO <BoD bis ©oo ano Isabiour, (ball peelo to bim Ots right.
( a: bis ts tbe bi ooc of tr abellets, tn feeWng of his gtace:
as 3atob Dto tbe 3(raelite, in that time of bis race.
7 joee Pjinces ope pour gates, ftanb ope the eberlafting gate:
fojtbece (ball enter in thetebp tbe fetus of glorious date.
D S tfflbO
ai Pfalme xxv.
8 cairn is the Sing of glo?ious flate, the fltong ano tmgbtg s.ojD:
the imgtJtj? Jlcuo in battellftout, ana tttall of t be C ©ojo.
9 wee Jounces ope pout gates, flano ope the eberlsfling gate:
fo? tbete ©all enter in tberebp the istng of gltaious flate-
i o naijo is the King of gloitouS flate t tit 2lu?o of poafls it ta:
the Mngoome mio the ropaltp of giottous flate is bis.
Ad te Dominelevavi. Pfal xxv T. S.
OZhe $?op!m toed) eft ooitfe £t;c conOocratfen of fets Qn0, a*»i> alfo gvUfccti afcl) tfce cwell malice of ^
enemies, pjaiitfj to <fl?oS m ft ferment!? to bate bis fine fojgtbcn, efpetlaHg ftjefe afl |e bob commmebtn
patfe- I5?? beglnwctt) betfe accenting to t^e ^eb?cto Utters* tS»o oj tty* eject put).

J jiifttuinefieatttort^, tnp ©oo atioguise'tnolTlull: Boto

fuffet me to take no ©ante, foj in tbfe bo 3f ttuff. a. let

noting foes teiopce, ttoj mabe a tcojne of rnfe ; 3no Ut them not fie

obertbtottw, that put tbeir~ttub in t&&.

3 M (harne (Dali them befall, totjtct? harrne them tojongfullp ♦
therefore tb? paths ano tbP tight tcapes unto me jlojo Oefctp.1
4 Bttect me in ttjp ttutb, ano teach me 3 tine p^ap:
thou att mp ©od ano ©abtoue, on thee 31 matt aitbftp.
5 Chpmeecies manifolo, ^ p?ag thee no to remember:
ano cfce tbp pitp plentifuil, fo? tbep babe been fo^ eber.
6 Etemember not tbe faults, ano frailtp of mp pouth:
remember not bob) tgnotant J babe been of thp truth-
Bo} after mp oefetts let me thp merep flnbe:
but of thine otone btnigratp, Jloto babe me in thP mince.
7 lf)ts metep is full ftoeet bis truth a pezfeit guiue:

therefore tbe 'fiotD anil linners ttatb, ano fuch as go afioe.

8 Che bumble he mill teacb, bis precepts foj to beepe:
he totll Direct in all his tuaies, the l&toip ano the meehe
9 foi all the toapea of ©on are truth ano merep botb:

to them that feeepe bis teflament, the toftnelfe of hfs troth-

Thefecond part.

to 0ob)fo?thp bolp Bame,sd lo)0thee ©treat,

to grant me patoon fo? mp finne, foj it is toonojoug great.
u who
Pialme xxvi. %2
11 ta'oo Co ootl) Crave tbe Ho to. tbe Lota will btm Direct:
to teats life in Curb a wap, as beootb bed accept.
13 li^ts foale (ball ebctntoje in gcoDtielTe DfoeU ano ttanb:
bis ffcb atiDljis pofletitpmbent fljalltbelanb.
c 3 311 tbofe tijit feare tb? ilojD, fcitow bis fectet intent:
miD unto tbembebotb Declare bis will ano tell ament
14 S^ine epes ano efce mp heart, to bint 3 will abbaitce:
tl)at pluclVo nip fret out of tbt fuate of finite anb ignorance.
15 mitbmu'tpmebebalD.totbee Jmaftempntone :
f oi 3 am proje anD Defolate, anb comfojtleffe alone.
16 ®be troubles of mp be ut, are multiplen inbeeb:
bung me our of tbto itUfetp, nctefli'tp anb uccb.
r 7 3ebolb itm pooertp, mine anguifi) ano mp paine:
temit mp Smtc ano mine offence, aub rnafte me tleane agaroe-
is £D JLo^b bcbolb mp foes, bow tbcp bo (till incteafe:
purfutng me with beablp bate, that fainewoulb Iite in peace.
19 Pu’fctu: a’.m fefepe mp Coule, anb efee oelibet me:
anb let me not be obettbjottjne, becaufe 3 trufl in tbfe.
20 net mp Pimple pureneffe me from mine enemies fljenbt
becaufe 3 loose as one 0? tbtne, that tboti fl)oulb(l ntc oefenb.
21 ©elibet Hoto tbp folite, anb fenb them fome eelicfe:
3 rneane tbp cijofen iftaei, from all tbeit paine ano griefc.

Judica me Domine. Pfal. xxvi. T. S.

3D*lJrt> fnjnriouflp fippjeffeD nn& ljelplcffs, pctaCTarcti effeig integrity to &«ul, calletlj to bcIpW®
Cauftliflf afflidSD (Ctjc« ‘OefTrerlj to be intfce company of t!jc MtbfuWft f conatcsmtanef <J5oD,fefjence
be teas banttyib bp £8>eu' pjomtflnggoDlt life,open pjaifes^SjaaUf^ing ? Csctifiec fo* DeUfccram*.

Sing this as the 14. Ffalme,

LAD^b be mp subge, anbtbou (bait Cite, mp patbsbe ttg&t anb plaine:

3 truft m ©ob, anb bope that be. Will Rcengrb metoremaine,
a iswbe me mp ©oo, 3 tbee fiefite, mp Wales to Cearcb anb tep:
as men Doe p?obe tbeit golb witb fite, mp teines anb Ijcatt efpie.
3 iflEbP Bcobneffe fat's before mp face, 3 burn bebolb alwaies:
for of tbp trutl) 3 treao tbe trace, anb Will Doe all nip Dates.
4 3 Doe not lull to baunt ot ufe, Witb men wbofe deeds ate Paine:
to come in boufe 3 boe tefufe, Witb tbe Deceitful! ttaine.
5 3 much abbojre tbe WiclrcD fort, tbeir befebs 3 boe befpife:
3 boe not once to tbem refott, that wtclieb Wojfes bebife.
t Jr3pl)WDS 3 Wa(b, ann bo procceD, in words to Walbe uptight:
then to tbitte altar 3 made (peeo, to offer tbetetn (igbr.
© 3
23 iTaime xxvii.
7 Ctyat 31 map fpealse anD preset) ttye pjaf ft ttjat botty belong to ttyfe:
ant) fa Declare tyotn ttonbjotis triaies t[iou t?aC bfene go© to mce.
8 © ®od tljp tyoufe 1 lobe mod ware, to me it botty rrccli:
31 tyabe ocligtyt, anb tooulS be neate ibtyeteas ttyp grace Dotty Btccfl.
9 © ityut not up mp rotile toit& ttyem in fame ttyattafce ttyeir fill:
no? pet mp life among ttyofe men ttyat tfebe mucty bltnb to fpill.
10 eofjofe tyanbs aretyeaptbiitty craft anb guile, ttyeir lines ttyctecf are full:
ana ttyeir ttgtyt tyanb toitty torencty ana toile, fo? bribes do plucfee aabpull,
11 'But 3 in rigtyteouCneffe intent), mp time anb Dates to ferbe:
tyabe rnerep 'iojb, ano mebefenb, Co ttyat 3 00 not Cmctse.
12 iT$p fmt is Rais ftp all aifapes, tt fianbetty tbell anti ttgtyt:
b)tyerefoieto ©obtoillj gtbe piaffe, in all ttyepeoples Ogtyt.

Dominus illuminatio. Pfal. xxvii. T, S.

lDaWtJSsltterc&frQtn grjat perils,gifettb rfranfes : beftenfn to* f«f}f0JK8aantfaft!j agafnfiiljs afifauftfi
ef all &10 enemies, anQ ei;e enfc J;e di&rct!; to iifce anfc bs tuirtjmfc. Vtynjs fje fjeijojmtj tofatff;, atrctft
attinft »yon t^eSLojU.
Sing this as the 12. Pfalme.
botty nip tyealtty anb ligtyt, ftyall men mafte me bifmatb t
Dotty gibe me Rrengtty ana inigtyt, totyp fljoulb 3 aftnib
000 be i
2 cotyile ttyat mp fees toitty all ttyeir Orengtty begin botityme to brail:
as© ttyinlse to eate meup.atlengtty ttyemfelbcstyabe cangtytttys fa!!.
3 Ctyougty ttyep in camp againR me lie, mp tyrart is not afraib:
in battell pigtyt if ttyep Soil! trp, 3 truft in ©ob fta aib,
4 Cue tiling of ©oh 3 bo requite, ttyat tye Minot benp :
for tbtyiety 3 pjap, anb Mlaefite, till tye to me appfp.
5 Ctyat 3 biittyin tytstyolp place, mp life tlpugtyout map Bind!:
to fee ttye beatrtp of fits face, anb bieb) tyts cemple well.
6 3n timeofbjeao tye ityall me tyfbe toittytn tyts place molt pure:
anb Reepe me fectet bp fits fioe, as on a tothe moQ fure.
7 %t length 3 fenotb ttye lo?bs gtab grace, Ctyall make me firdbg ana Retd;
mp foes to foiie, anb clean Deface, ttyat compafte me about.
8 fiTtyerefote bnttytn tyts tyoute Will 3 sibeCatrificeofpjatfc:
fioitlj pfalmes anotongs 3 mill appip, to lauo ttye KLore aitoairs.
The fecond part.

9 mcMs&earettyebopceof mp requeR, fo? totyicty to ttyfe 3 call:

tyabe tmtcgiLoiD on me oppjeR, anb fenome tyeipetsittyall.
10 sspptyeact botty imoublebge unto ttyee, 2 fueto tyabe ttyp grace,
ttyen feefee mp face, faift ttyou to me, Xo?b 3 toil' teefce ttyp face.
11 3n b)|atty tutne not ttyp face ab)ap,not fuffetme to fllbe:
ttyou art mptyelpe Rill to this bap, be Rill mp ©od anb gutbe.
12 app parents botty ttyeir fonne fojfto&e anbiaft me c Rat large:
anbttycn ttye JLojb tytmfelfe pet tcofee of me ttye rate ano ctyarge.
13 € ea cty
Piaime xxviii. xxix.
13 Death me, 2D (loth, the wap to tfjk, at® lean me onfotrh riaijt;
foi rente of Cue;) as (batch foi me, to trap me if the? might.**
14 Doe not betake me to the Will of them that be ntp foes:
fot the? ftinmfe osatnft me flill, falfc tottneiTe to oepofc.
15 heart toon® faint, but that in me this hope is fjpD faff r
the Jlojo ©ohs gcoh grace (hall 3 fit in life that age fl)all lad.
16 ©ruft liill m ©oo, whofc whole thou act, hts txni! abisc thou mult:
anb he ttjall eafe at® Crength thE heart, if thou in him Doe milt.
Ad te Domine clamabo. Pfal. xxviii. T. S.
SBrtnn in great fenre ant petifibmffcto Co? <©ct) b^onouteb bp toiefeeb mf.n, l;e team!) to be tid of rl;nu,
ent eipetb foj fcengeence sgainft ttjem, ant at Ungjlj a CTurctU fctcofdfe tfjat 0ot l;at> !;earQ fctj& ^aper so
toljofe taittonljc cofnmtttted; all fl;c fattljfuU.
Sing this as the 2 f. Pfalme.
T l^ori art 20 ‘Ho®, mg Rrength at® (Jag, the futcotir Which J crabc:
neglctt me not, led 3 be Jibe te them tuat go to grab?.
2 ®he bopce of tljg Cuppliant heace, that unto this no erg.
When 3 lift up mg hanhs unto thg ho!? arise mod high.
3 (Repute me not among the Co® of totefseb anh perbett:
that fpcafee right faire unto their frtenhs, but thmfee full ill in heart.
4 accotcing to rhett Danop tooifce, as thcphcCerbeinheeh: i

at® a'tec thatr tnhentions3ltt them ttceihe fijttr meeo.

5 for ffcep regatb nothing ©ohs moths, his lato ne get his loje -•
therefore mill he them anh their ffeh oefitop fo? cbetmoje.
6 Co renhtt thanhes unto the iLo®. hots great a caufe habe 31 e
mp botce, mg pjager, anh mg complaint, that heath fo MUngig.
7 l^e is mg lljielh anh fojtttune, mg hucfiier in ctdreiTe:
mg hope, mg helpe, anh hearts rdiefe, mg fong (hall him confelife.
8 l^e is our ftrength at® our Defence, our enemies to rend:
the health anh the falbation oC his elect bg ©®ift.
9 Chg people anh thine heritage (Luk> bleffe, guihe, ano pteSetbe:
ineceafe them Ho®, anh ruse their hearts, that theg mag swocr Cteerbe.
AfFerte Domino. Pfal. xxix. I. H.
3Cn excellent $Calme bftcrcln tljc $>?spl)et ejected} tfjc betp ^jtncec nub ISukr# cftljc ajr?lt», &I;{£l}
atberootfe foj tbemoftpart tlitns ttjcrc (0 no (ISoD, atiljcieaft to feare^iuifojtl): tbuubcrs ,mt> tcttipsfts,
Co? fearciDtjcreof all creatutca tremoie. a nis tboug!) tl'ereb? (Sostfegeamifb fimters , gtt Ijeis ai&ajeg
nterclfnll to fcts, an&motottfj tl;cm ro p? affc tys $Jame.
Sing this as the 30. Pfalme.
bc to the CofO ge IPotentateS, ge (Rulers the too:®:
ge all plaits, honour anh acength unto UbtngLo®.
2 ©ibe glotp to his holp flame, anh honour him alone;
tooj$tp him in his ^aieliie, tottljin his holg thjone.
3 (pis boice both rule the waters all, ebeu as himfeife aoth Pie ait:
he both piepwe the thunheftlaps, anh goberns all the feas.
4 Che boKe of ©ohis of great force, at® bjonhious erceiJent:
it is mod mtghtp in effect, anh mod magnificent.
5 Che
Plalme xxx.

5 Cbe tmpce of ©od Dotb retiD anD bjcake tbe CeDat tree 0 to ia ng:
rye Celiac tea’s of ^Lebanon, tuijiclj ate mod bigb an!) ftrotig.
6 3nS makes tljem Icape Hite as a calfe, 0? eife a tCJntcojne*
tior onlp trees but tnountaines gteat, ttjjeteon tbe tcces act bo?ne.
7 ^>3 bcice oibtocs tbe flames of fire, ant) fbafces tbe toiloerneffe:
8 ft makes tbe Defact quake fo t feate, that calico is Cases.
9 Jt makes tbe binses foifeace to cafbe, anD makes ttje coheres platne:
rben in bis fCcmpie eberp man bis glo?p Dit b ptotlaime.
I o C(ie Ho)D toas fet abobe tbeflouDS, ruling tbe raging tea:
f0 fljall be rule as 7L0JD anb &tng, f0? cber aun fo? ape.
II Cbe Ho?D mill gtbe bis people potoer, in beetue to incceaCe:
tbe Hojb null blelfc bis tbolett flocftc toitb cbetla fling peace.
Exalrabo’te Donnine. PfaJ. xxx. T. S.
CH^ck DaDiD fbouto feibe DeWcateD Ijfo boufe to tfce &o?D. fell tjetream OtSe, tyit lie teas fcftfyootaill
hope ef lik, ar.D ttjes*cf o;c after receurrv,l)e trnDjetb tban&gf to ^aD,crt ojtteg others to tije lllsr, 9 to Usrne
bp biscni»ple,tl)at<5o0 fa rathermertUuUt^anfetmanOrtsoroBfl foEoarDs b<0 anbatfo that
the fall from prcfpstltj? to 10 futDtn. ®ljtj3 Done, lit raurnitl) to pjajcr, p>omUJng to piaffe 45eb

% JL. laub anD piaiCe tottb beat! anD boice, 0 loiD 3 gibe to

thee : ttbicb Dtbfl not makernp foes teiopce, bnt baff eraltcb

me. 2. 0Xorbmp<Bontotbee3cti'binallmppameanbgtitfe, tbou

" gabftan eateanb biottpjobiDe to cafe metoitb reliefs.

3 ©f tbp grab grace tbou baft eall’D backe mp foule fcom bell to Cabr:
tbouDibit tebibe token fltengtb did lacbe,anD luptfl me from tbe gtabe,
4 £bmg ptaife pe Saints, tbat probe anD ree tbe gcoDneffc of tbe Ho?D :
in memojpof bis apafetlp, teiopce to iib otttacco?D.
5 #0? tubp < bis anger but a fpace Dotb lad ans flacke againe:
but in bis f about anD bis grace altoates Doit) life temaine.
Cbougb gtipeS of gttefe anD pangs full to?e (ball loDge tbitb US all itigbt:
tbe tio?D to iop (ball us teftoje, before tbe Dap be light.
6 Kciben 31 tntop’D tbe flmlD at Mill, thus booulD 3 boad anD Cap:
full), 3 am Cute to fcclc none ill, tbis Mealtb fl)»U not Detap.
7 3fo? tbou, © noiD, of tbp Bood grace, b»bd fent me fltengtb atto aio:
but toben fbe« turnD'd atoap tbp fate, mp rafttD boas much bifmaib.
8 sabere<
Pfalme xxxi. z6
s ssaljctcfoje agmne pet did'S ccp totftee, flD of mtgljt i
nip dBoD Will) plaints 3 DtD apply, ano prap'o botfj Oar anb ntjjfjt-
i> affiibat gainc is in mp himb (fate 3) if bcatb befit op mp Dapes t
ootbbuftbeelarethP#aieftie, orpet tbp truthbothpjatCe<
1 o wherefore mp ©ob tome pitp take, fiD KLorb, 3 fbee beOre:
bee not this fitnple tou>e forfahe, of pclpc 3 rtjee require,
11 (Chen bibft tbou turite mp griefe anb woe into a cbceteftill bopce:
the mo utniitg weeo tbou trofe’ft me fro, anb rnab’fl me to rciopcc.
12 wherefore mp (oule unceffantlp, (ball ting unto tbp piaiCe:
mp JLojd mp ©ob, to tbee will 3 gibe lattb anb tbanbes alwapes.
In te Domine fperavi. Pfal. xxxi. J. H.
2>atii» feeii&cret from fotno great Danger in ttje IDefart of dpaott, o% clfebftert, fitft be rcfjtarfitb &>&ai
mediation be bat bp tbe poSocr of fattb fcbcn leatb fcaS befojcbts cpts. Ijio enemicg being reabf totafte
btm : ®fcen abjopnctb tfce fatour cfdB>eDalS»npc0 to tfcofs that fear* bint. inallp, be epbotfetb all tbe
faitbfoii to twft in <$o&, ano to lobe bio*, becanft be pjteferbetb anO ftrewgtbenctb tb«n*, as* tbotf map fee
Sing this as the i 8. Pfalme.
s~\ 3 put mp tcufi in tbee, let nothing work me ibame:
v_/ as tbou art iutt, beliber me, anb tet me quite from blame.
2 ideate me, €> ©00, anb that anon, to belpe me makegmo (peeb;
betboumptocke anbbouCeof (lone, mp fence in time of neeb.

9 f o? tohpt as Rones tbp Rrengtb is tti’b, tbou art mp fort anb totoer 5
for tbp Barnes Cake be tbou mp guibe, anb lean me in tbp power.
4 {Blucfi tbou mp feet out of tbe Cnate, Which tbe? for me babe lain:
tbou att mp grengtb. anb all mp cate is for tbp might anb aib.
5 3nto the battbs, Horb, 3 commit mp fpirit Which is tbp bne:
for 0)bP tbou bafi teo&meb it, O How mp ©ob moft ttue.
6 3 bate Cucb folfee as Will nat part from things to be abbojc o:
when tbep on trifles Cet tbeir heart, mp ttuft is in tbe ftojb.
7 f or 3 mill in tbp mere? top, 3 fee it both crcell:
tbou fecit to ben ought wouio me anuop, anb known mp Coule full ioell
8 Chou baft not left mem tbeir banb, that Woulb me obet‘Cbatge j
but thou baft Cet me out of banb, to rualke abwab at large.
The fecond part.
9 ©?eat griefe, sD U02D, both me affatle, Come pitp onme take:
mine epts mar btm, mp fight both faile, mp wmnbe for woe both ahe.
I o trip life is looine With griefe anb paint, mp peates in woe arc paft:
mp fireMgtb is gone, ano through bitoarne, mp bones corrupt anb ftiaftc,
II among mp foes 3 am a Ccorne, mp f tienns ate ail biCmatb:
mp neighbours anbuipfiinfmeuborne, to fee me are afraib-
12 30s men once beab ate out of minbe, Co am 3 now forgot .*
as email effect in me they fmoe, as in a Woken pot.
*3 31
Pfalme xxxii.
13 3 beatb tt)e tongs of all tlje rout, tlicit treats tup mitib bio trap;
tjow tljep canipit o anb bocnt about to tafte tup Itfeatoap.
14 But JUud, J uiitt tu tijEe fo? aib, not to be obet-trob:
for J confeltc, atm Bill babe fate, tljou art mp lojb anb 4BoD.
15 Cbe Icttgtlj of ail tup life anb age, © &o?b, is in tbp banti:
cite i’li me front tbt 'm?atb anb rage of tbtm tbat me tcitbftanb.
16 co me tbp fetbam o£o?oj erp?effCj anb fljtto tbpicpfuil fate:
anb Cabe me Hc?to to? tbp Boobncffe, tbp mtttp anb tbp state.
The third part.

17 )io?ti, let me not be put to blame, fo? that on tfife 31 call;

but let tbe tradet beare tire fljame, anb into tbett srabefatl.
18 sDlo?o make Dumb tbeitlips outright, totpeb are abbftt to lies:
anb ctuelipboitbP2.be anb fpisbt, asamftttie ludbebife.
13 £>, bobo great cam baft tbou in flo?e, into up full f afe fo? them,
that feate anb trull in tljfe tbetefope, befo?c tbe fetmes of men.
20 ®bp p?efencetbaii them fence anb gutbe from allp?oub b?ags anb ttjongs:
uutbmtbppiacetijiufbaittbcm btoe, (torn all tbe fttife of tongues,
21 Cbanbs to tbe jLo?b tbat batb beclat’to an me bis grace fo farre:
me to befenbtoftb match anb math, as in a totem of foam.
32 ebusbib 3 fap both bap anb nigbt, toben 3 mass tote opp?eft:
lo 3 mas cleane call out of Ggbt, pet beatbft tbou mp requeft.
23 life Saints lobe p& tbe Uo?b 3 tap. tbe faithful! be both guibe:
ano to tbe p?oub be botb tepap, aeco?bing to tbelt pjibe.
24 Be ft tong, anb (Sob Ml ftap pout beatt, be bolb anb babe a luft j
fo? fute tbe JLoib mill tale pout pact,litb pm tobimbotrutt.
Beati quorum remilTa funt. Pia). xxxii. T. S.
iDabi’c lnit\) ciiibeas flc&wffe foj l)ts fins, conntctb tljem to toftotn (Sol) Doty not im»
puts fjjEtt ttatifgufiloti: ann after tfcat tye fcaD confctTct* t)t0 fins ant) obtained pat Don, Ije ftyojtety ty*
roicBCD men to liDe goDlp, atiD ty* gcoD to wjof ce.

Sing this as the 50.. Pfalme.

Tieanbmanbe brbofe
is bled tnhofe Btctobtieffe, tbe )Lo?o batb cleane temtttto?
fmne anb b)?etcbcbnefte, is bib anb alfo cobercb.
2 3nb bleft is be to Mom tbe Ho?b, tmputetb not bts ftnne t
b»btcb in bis beatt batb bib no guile, no? ftaub is founb rbetefn.
3 jf0? tobileft tbat 3 hept clofe mp finne, in filence anb confttaint:
mp hones oto toeate anb toafte atoap, toitfj oailp raone anb plaint.
4 f 0? nigbt anb bap tbp Daub on me, to grtebotis teas anb fmatt,
tbat all mp blmb anb burnouts rnotft, to btinefle bib contort.
5 3! bib tbrtefo?e confetfe mp faults, anb all mp fmnes Mfcobct;
then tbou I) too?b, bibft me fo?gibe, anb all mp finnes pall e ober.
6 cbe bumble man (i}atlp?ap tbetefo?e, anb ffehetbfe in bue time:
fo tbat tbe fleobs of boaters great, fljall babe no poloet cm bim.
.€ 7«si6«n
Pfalmexxxiii. 28
7 sr,hen trouble anb aobctlitp Boerompaffe rnce about:
thou art inp refuge anb mptop, anb thou bod rib me out.
8 come hither aub 3 mill thee teach, hoto tbou (halt Walfee aright
3 toil! thee suite, as 3 mpfclfehabe leam'a bp p?mfe anb fight.
9 ©e not Co rube anb ignojant, as is the J^otfe ann S0ule:
Whofe mouth Without a teine 0; bit, from hatnte tbou cand not rule,
locije rntcbeb man (lj all mamfolb (froths anb griefes fudaine:
but tmto hint that truds in ©oa, his goomtefle fljall rematue.
1136e merrp thetefo?e in the Ho?a, pe tud lift up pour toopce:
anb pee of pure anb perfect heart, be glab ano efie reiopte.
Exultate jufti in Domino. Pfal. xxxiii. I. H.

§*e ed?o*tctb grot) men to p?3tfe <0ot>, fo; tljat tie fcatlj not only cnatet) all tljtnga. 9 by tyg pjobitseKce
go&etnetlj ttjc fame, but ts faittjfull in bis p?emtfe: be unbeiftanbet!) mans heart, anb fcatiers the csunfeii
of thetoicHco, fo tljat no man. can be pjererbeo bp atty ctcamre^oj mans ftrengttj . but tfcty that put con-
ttoeace m t>*s mercy, (hall be pjeiertaD from ail abberOty.

Sing this as the 30. Pfalme.

Y©ethatrighteous in the iLotb reiopce, it is a feenttlp tight:

uptight men truth thsmbfulibopee Gjouid ptatfe thetLo.tb of might.
3 ptaife pec the JLo?D With harp anb Cong, in pfalmes anb pleafant things
With lute, anb tndrument among that founbeth Wifi? ten driugs.
3 S*ing to the i-otb a fang mod new, toith eoutage gibe him ptaife:
4 jfo? WhPfhts tootb is ebet true, his Wo?!ies anb all his ttisies.
5 Co tabgement, equitie, ann right, he hath a great goob mill:
anb toith his gifts hee Doth Delight, the earth thjoughout to fid.
6 jros bp the Wo?D of ©oD alone, the heabens all were fought:
theithoads aiib powers eterp ones his b?eath to paSe hath brought.
7 Che toaters great gathercb hath he on beapes Within the djote:
ano hio them in the Depth to be, as m a houfe of ilojc.
8 ail men on earth both lead anb mod, feate ©ob anb bcepe hfs jtaw:
pe that inhabit m each toad, bieab him anb daub in aWe.
9 j®hathecommanbeD,TOjoughtitttasatonce\tiith piefeut fpeeD:
What he Doth Willis brought to paife With full effect inbeew
1 o Che counfels of the nations rube, the &a?D both biing to nought ?
he both Defeat the multttube of theitbebite ann thought-
11 JSut his bttrees continue dill, thep ntbet flacbe no? image:
the motions of his minbe anb will tafee place in ebetp age.
The fecoad part.
12 amn hied ate thep to Whom the Lo?D as ©00 anb guioe is (mo Wn:
Whom he ooth chufe of mtcre acco?o, to talie them as his otone.
13 ®he£oib from heaben cad htsflght onmoitailmen bp birth:
14 ©onfioettng from hw feat of might the bWellers of the earth.
15 Che Loib,3 far, whofe hattb hath wrought mans heart, ano bothit frame:
fo? he alone both (mow the thought, ann woibiits of the tame.
29 Pfalme xxxiv.
16 a feing ffiat ttuttcD in ijis |oatt, Q)all nought p?enaile at length:
tljc man tlat of Its might cottj boafl, ®all fall fot all Its flrengtl-
17 ©fie ttoups of lojfe- men ebe Ojall fall,t|ctr Otttop fieels ftal! Seme:
t|e flrengtl of |o?fe flail not pjebaile, t|e rtoet to pteferbe,
18 'But io, tpe epes of ©on inteno, ann matcl to atl tie tuft:
totfl fuel a» feate ttm to offenn, ann on Its goonnelTe trull.
19 ®lat |e of neatl anD great MfltefTe, map fet tlefr foules from Steal:
ann if t|at neartl tlesr lanl oppjeffe, in lunger t|em to f&o.
2 o eeiictefote out foule notl fcobole oepenn on ©ol our fltengtl ann Sap:
be is our dteln us to nefenn, ann njibe all latts afoap.
2i SDuc foule in ©on |at| top ann game, reiopcinginlismiglt:
fo? pj|p <fn |is mail bolp I3ame, Boe lope an! mucb Deltglt.
=2 Clerefote let tip gmlneffe, O JLoto. film patent mft| us be:
as toe altoates toftti one accotn, no onelp trull in t|&.
Benedicam Domino. Pfal. xxxiv. T. S.
Sffcr JDaWb babefcspcb Scbto,acccjbtnaaff (t(sfc>Sttetiin i Sam.2i.ft>l)Offi<ntbf0tfHt becallfti It*
fo{imlecb(BoJ)tci) S»as a general! name tortje &tng0 of tbe JJtyltftlncs ) Jje pjalfcet) d5o& foj bis DtUbet*
ance^jofcektag all others bp fc!0 example totruft tn ©on, to feat anO fcrfce &tm,to&o befenbetb tlje
tottl) ®ngei0, atH> utterly teftr ogttk tfce ioicKeb in tfceir Gmics.
Sing thi* as the 30* Pfalme,
I will gibe laun attl lottouc loti, unto tie H-o?n aitnapes:
ann ebe mp moutl fot ebetmoje, Qjall fpeab unto Its pjaife,
2 31 ooe neliglt to laun tlje Hail, in fonle ann ebr in bopce;
tlat Nimble men anD mojtlfien, map leateanl fo retopce.
3 ftlerefoje fee tlat pe magntfie tottl me t|e Itbing H02D:
ann let us note erait Its l&ame, togetler toit| one accotn.
4 fot 3 mp feife befotigit tie )LotD, |e anftneren me agatne:
anl me neltberen incontinent, from all mp feate ann patne.
5 CK|ofot|ep&etiat|tmbe|olD,ajaUffebisllg|tmoacieare:
their countenance (lj all not be CaH)t, tlep ntco tt not to feate.
6 ms Slip bjjetcl) foil fome teliefe, unto tie Ho?l nil call:
btlo Din him ieare Without lelap, an! rib |tm out of t|tall.
7 (Cle ingel of tie Loti loti pitcb bis tents in eberp place:
to fabe all fuel as feare tie Jloto, tlat nothing t|em Deface-
s iCatte ann conSier toell tietefgje, fiat ©ob is goon ann tuft:
€> lappp man tlat mabetl Dim |is onlp Sap ann trull.
? feare pfe t|e Co?l pk lolp ones, alobe all eartilp t|lng:
fot t|ep tlat feare t|e Itbing Lotn, are fute to lacbe nothing.
10 CleUpons flail be |unget<lit, ann pinlttitb famine muebt
but as fot t|em t|at feare the jlo?D, no lacbe (ball be to fuel*
The fecond part.
11 Come nfere tlerefoje mp clillten neate, anb to mp toojls gibe eate:
1 than pou teac| tie perfect map, lofn pfe tie &otn thoull feate-
is bh|o
Pialmc xxxy.

12 m\)o t* tDe man tDat tooulD l&e long, anD leas a DlecreD life ?
13 ©cc tpou refrain tDp tongue anD Itp^> from all Deceit anD anfe.
i 14 ®urn bacfe tDp face from Doing ill, anD Do t&e goDlp D&D:
enquire fo? peace anD qutetneOMnD follotmt tmtD fpeeD.
15 ffo? toDpitDeepe*of <5>oDaDoDe,upontDeju(f are Dent:
Dij3eare^lifeetDifeDoDeartDeplatnt,oftDe poo? tnnocefft.

16 'But DeDctD frotonanDDenD pi* fyotae#,upon t&'e txncfeeD train*i

anD cut^ atoap tbt memo?p, tDat QioulD of tDem rematne*
17 But tnDen tDe iun Do call anD crp, tDe Lo?D DotD Dear tbm fo:
tl;at out of pain anD rntferp, fo?tDtmtp pe let# tfrem go.
13 Wot JLo?D t* fcmD anD flratgDt at DanD to fucD a# bz contrite:
De fabeg alfo tpe fo?rotoful, tbe poo?e anD meefc in fprtte*
T 9 full manp be tbe rnttertes, that righteous men Do fuffer i
Put outofallaDDerette^tDeilo?DDotD them Deltber*
- * ■
10 JLo?D Dctl) fo pjeferbe anD feeep tBeu: berp Bones altoap:
that not fo mucB as one of them, Dot!) pert® o? Betap,
11 CBe fin (Ball flap the twtt&eD man, toBtcB Be Btmfelf BatB to?ougBt:
anD futB as Bate tijc rtgBteous man, fljall fcon Be BjougBt to nougBf.
n TButtBtp tBat fear tBe Itbtng Lo?D, tBe JLo?D BotB fabe tBcm founD;
anD t»Bo tBat put tBetr trufl tn Btm, nothing ®all them confounD,

Judica me Domine. Pfal. xxxv. 1. H.

i£)o long as i&aul toad cnenn> to 3Dablt), all tbat bat> an? tmtbo?ttp unset bltrt, to flattet tbt Sing, Sift
alfo moft ctt*ellt> perfecute 3Dabto,agatnft tobcm tic p?agctb 45 ©s to pleat) anti tebenge fits caufe, tbat tb«£
map be taken in tartlets anD fnatcsf ttiljtcl) tbcV iaio foi tym , ant) 1)16 innccencp to be Sedates, anb
that tbe innocent tofjfclj takepart inttl) Ijltn, mapr jopce ants pjaife tbe jBameof tbe 9Lojb, that tbW Sell"
brntb bisf fetbant,anb fo l;e pjomlfetb to fpeafe fojtb tljc jitfftcc of tb$ &e?b,anS to tnagniffe tyis learnt all
tbe bales cf bis life.

2D?D pleaDmp caufe againflmpfoes, confounD tBettfo^te

anD mtgt: jfigBt on mppart agatnfl all tbefe, tBat ferfe btitB


metofigBt* 2 Lap BanB upon tBe fpeare anD flnelD, tBp felfefn armour
± -o- —^ i -i-~ s
D?ecre: flanD upfo? me anD flgBt tBe flelD, to Btlp me from Dtflretre.
€ 3 ®trD
3i Pfalme xxxv.

3 ©1cl) on % ftoo?b, anD Hop tpe toap, mine enemie# to tottpflana:

that tpou unto mp foul maid Cap, lo 3 tpp fjclp at pant).
4 SonfcunD tpem toitp rebukeanD blame, tpat feek mp foul to fptll:
let tpem turn back anD flie toitp fame, tpat tpink to too?k me til.
5 let tpem Difpetfe anD flle ab?oaD, at! tomDe DotP D?tbe tpe buff:
anD tpat tpe $ngel of out ©oD, tpeit might atoap map tp?uff.
6 let all tpeit toape# be PotD of Itgpt, anD flipperp like to fall:
anD fenD tptnc 9ngel toitp tpp rntgpt, to petfecute tpem all.
7 JFo? topp < toitpout mp fault tpep babe in fettet fet tpeit grin:
an‘o fPi no taufepabe Dig’Dacabe,to take mp foul therein .*
8 mpen tpep tpink lead anD pabe no tate, © Lo?D, Deflrop tprm all
let tpem bettaptintpeit otonfnare, anD in tpeit mtfcpief fall¬
s' InD let mp foul toitp Peart anD boice, in @nD pabe iop anD toealtp;
tpat in tprlo?D 3 map reiopte, anD in pi# fabing pealtp.
ro gnQ tpen mp bone# fall fpeafc anD fap, mp part# fall all agree :■
© lo?D tpougp tpep Do feem full gap, topat man i# Itfse to tpee:
The fecond part.
11 CPou Doff DcfenD tpe toeak from tpem, tpat are botp flout anD ffrong:
anD no tpe poo? from toickeD men, tpat fpotl anD Do tpem to?ong.
12 {JRp cruel foe# againff me rife, to tottneffe rping# untrue:
anD to atcufe me tpep Debtfe, of tpmgS 3 neber kneto.
13 (Upere 3 to tpem Dt'D otoe gooD toil!, tpep quite me toitp DifDaine:
tpat tpep foulD papmp gooD toitp ill, mp foul Dotp fo?ecomplatne.
14 ®pen tpep toere flek 3 mourn’D tperefo?e, anD claD mp felf in fact:
toitp fafltng 3 DiD faint full fo?e, top?ap 3 teas riot (lack,
15 $£ tpep paQ Peen mp b?etb?cn Dear, 3 DiD mp felf bepabe:
a# one tpat maketptooful epear, about ptSmotpet# grape.
16 'Bui tpep at mp Difeafe DiD jop, anD gatpet on a rout:
pea, abject flabe# at me DiD top, toitp mock# anD cpcckS full flout.
17 €:pe bellp.gaD# anD flattering tratne, tpat all gooD tpingS DeriDe:
at me Do grin toitp great DifDam, anD pluck tpeit moutp# aflDe.
18 lo?Dto&tuwilttbouamenDtpi5jgeate.e topp Dofl tpou flap anD paufe i
ob ttD mp foul mine onelp Dear, out of tbefe IponS tlatoe#.
19 SnD tpen toils gibetpank# to tpee,before tpedputcpaltoate#:
anD toOere mod of tpe people be, tpere toll 3 f eto tbp p?atfe.
2 0 let not mp foe# p?cbaileonine,topicp pate me fo? no fault:
no? pet to toink 0? turn tpett epe#, tpat caufelcffe me afault.
The third Part.
21 ®f peace no toojD tpep tpink 0? fap, tpeit talk i# all untrue:
tpep oil confult anD tooulD betrap all tpofe tpat peace enfue.
2 2 traitp open moutp tpep run at me, tpep gape, tpep laugp, tpep flecre;
toell, toell, fap tpep, our epe Dotp fee tpe tping tpat toe Deere,
2 3 But lo?D tpou feefl topat toaie# tpep take, teafe not tpi# gear to menD
Pe not far off, no? me fo?fake, as men tpat fail tpeit frienD.
Pialme xxxvi.
24 Sftoake, arife, anD ate ab?oaD, DefenD me in mp ttgl;r:
tebenge mp taufe, nip Lo?D mp ©oD, anD atBme mitt) tbp might*
2 5 8ceo?Dtng to mp rigbteoufneffe, mp Lq?D ©oh fet me free:
anD let them not their p?tDe ejrp?effe, no? triumph ober me.
26 let not their hearts; rejopte anD crp, there, there, all goeth trim:
no? gibe them taufe to fap on high, toe habe our mill on him.
2 7 ConfounD them toith rebuke anD (Dame, that jop toben 1 Do mourn t
anD pap them home touh fptgbt anD blame. that h?ag at me toith fco?ue.
2 8 Let them he glaD, anD eke rejopte, tobtehlobe mine up?tgbt btop:
anD thep all times toith heart anD bopec, Hall p?atfe the io?DanDfapi
2 9 ©?eat is the lo?D anD Doth eptellfo? tohp,he Doth Delight,
to fee his ferbants p?ofper toell, that ts his pleafant fight:
as>herefo?e mp tongue 3 brill applp, tbp righteoufnefte to p?aife:
unto the Lo?D mp ©oD totll 3, Qng lauD anDp?aife altoaies.

Dixit injuftus. Pfal. xxxvi. I. H.

S'afrD grfcfcsuGt> be£tt> bt> tbc Iniclub, both complainoftbef.tmalice arib teie&etmcte. Cften foe fata-
etl) to cor.Q&er tfoe unfpcaftfible gaotmtfe of totoatbs all creatures,but efpecialit? tetestbs fois cfoil-
t)?cn,tl)atbpfattbtl;ereof!)emat?beccmfo?tJl)anDofi,utti)ofl) sr)tUbctancf, b£ tfoc o?btnat2 courfe of
i2>ct>0 tD0?br, tolje tn tfoe cnb tefttopetfotfos tofcfotb, anb fabctl) tfoe ju$.

Sing this as the 35. Pfalme.

HTlbe tottkeD toith bis too?ks unjud, Doth thus perftoahe bis heart i
I that of the Ho?b he hath no trufi, his fear is fet apart.
2 get Doth he jop tn his eoate, to toalfe as he began,
fo tong till be Deferbe the hale of ©oD anD the of mam
3 Ibis too?Ds are toickeh, bile, anD naugbt.bts tongue no truth Doth telle
pet at no banD toil! he be taught, tobteh toap he map Do toell.
4i. ‘ then he Omul asp then Doth he mufe, his mtfthtef tofulall:
natottfeey mates Doth he refute, no? nothing that is ill.
5 "But Lo?5 tbp gooDnetre both afcenD, ahobe the heabens high t
fo Doth tbp truth it felf eptenD, unto the clouBp efcte.
6 ©ueb mo?e then hills fo high anD Deep, tbp judice tsepp?ed;
tbp judgement like to teas mod Deep: thou fab’d both man anh bead.
7 ®hp merep is abobe all things, ©®oD it both epcell t
tn trud tohereof as in tbp brings, the tons of men fliall Dtoell.
8 ffiHtthin tbp DouCe rhep Hall be feD, toith plentp at thetrtotlU
of all Delights tbep Hall he fpeD, anh take thereof their fill.
$> jfo?tobp t the BBell of life fo pure, Doth eber Soto from thee:
anD in thp light toe ate full fure the lading light to fie.
10 from futh as thee DeQte to knoto, let not tbp grace Depart,
thp nghteoufnede Declare anh Heto, to men of up?tght heart.
11 Let not tbep?ouDonme p?ebaile,©Lo?D, of thp good grate,
no? let the toickeD me a&aile, to tb?oto me out of plate.
& 2 nTBut

Pfalme xxxvii.

12 But tbep in tbeir Debtee ©all fall, that toicbeB too?bs maintaine;
tbep ©all be obettb?oton tottbal, anD neber rife again.
Noli rcmulari- Pfal. xxsvii. W. W.
©ccaafc flje scalp i^oultt net fcson&st to fee the tofcfeeD men pjoCpet in th<0 fljetoctb
tfcat all things Hjallbe grantco acco?Dfng to thett hearts fccfiw.toi hem that lobs ant) feat $ot>: ant> th«E
that bo tjjc comrati’,aithotigh thep feem to flourlfl) fo? a tfme, (hall at length perlty.
Sing this as she 35. Pfalme.
' JSuDge not to fee tbe tot'cbeD men, in toealrb to fiouri© Dili:
VJ no? pet enbp fucb as to ill, babe bent anD fet tbeir Ml.
2 fo? as green graffeanDfioutt©mg bearbs, ate cut anD toitber atoap:
fo©all tbeir great g?ofperirp, fconepaffe,faDeanD Detap.
3 ©rua tbou tberefo?e in ©oD alone, to Do toell gibe tbp tnmDe:
fo ©alt tbou babe tbe lanD as tbine, anD tbere fare fooD ©alt BnDe.
43fn ©oD fet alltbp hearts Delight, anD loolttobat tbou tootilDi! babe,
0? elfe canH tot© in all tbe too?©, tbou neeDfi tt not to crabe.
5 €afi both tbp fell anD tbine affaires, on ©oD tottb perfect truff:
anD tbou ©alt fee Mb patience, tb’effect both fure anD tuff.
6 ©bp perfect life anD gotfp name, be twill dear as tbe iigbt:
fo that tbe fun ebenat noon Dap, ©all not ©ine half fob?igbt.
7 'Be Bill tberefo?e anD fieDfafflp on ©oD fee tbou toait then:
not ©?infctng fo? tbe p?ofperous Date, ofletoD anD toitlteD men.
8 ©bake offDefpigt, enbp ana bate, at lead in anp Met
tbeir MbeD too?fcsabotD anD flee, anD folloto not tbeir gutfe.
9 #o? ebetp toiclteD man twill ©oD, DeOrop botb mo?e anD leffe:
but futbas trull in bim are fure, tbe lanD fo? topoffeae.
1 o i@atcb but a Mile anD tbou ©alt fee, no mo?e tbe twitfeeD train:
no not fo much as boufeo? plate, inhere once be DiD remain.
The fecond part.
11 But merciful anD bumble men, enjop ©all fea anD lanD:
in red anD peace tbep ©all rejopte, fo? nought ©ail them MbilanD.
12 ©be letoD men anD malicious, againd tbe jutf tonfpire:
tbep gna© tbeir teeth at him as men, tobteb bo bts bane Defire.
2 3 But Mtla that leM men thus So tbtnb, tbe Jlo?D laughs them to fco?ne .*
fo? Mp • be fees tbe terme app?oatb, Men tbep ©all figb anD mourn.
14 ®&e toitlteD babe tbeir ttoo?Ds outD?aMe, tbeir batoe cite babe tbep bent,
to obertb?oto anD bill the poo?e, as tbep tbe right toap toent.
15 But tbe fame ftoo?D ©all pierce tbeir heart, tobiebtoas to bill tbe juff
Itbetoife tbe botoe ©all b?eab to ©ibers, toberetn tbep put tbeir trufi.
16 ©oublette the juff mans poo? efiate, is better a great Deal mo?e,
then all tbefe letoD anD tottbtD mens, rich pomp anD beapeD Oo?e.’
17 jf0? be tbeir potoer neber fa fitong, ©oD toiH it obertb?oto:
tobere contrarp be Doth p?eferbe the bumble men anD loto.
18 g)e fees bp bis great p?obtDente, tbe gooD mans traDe anD toap:
anD twill gibe them inheritance tobt eb neber ©all Detap.
1? ©hep
Pfalme xxxvii.
19 ®bep ®all not lie Difcouraget, mben fome are bard beGed:
mben otter ®afl be bunger<btt, tbep (ball be clad ant fed,
20 ffo? mbofoeber totcfeeD t#, ant enemp to tbe Lo?d:
(tail quatle, pea, melt eben a# lamb# gteafe, o? fmoke that G?e# abioad.
The third Part.

21 TSebold tbe totcfeeD bottom# much, ant neber pate^ againe:

mberea#tbe tuG bp Itberall gift#, make# manp glad and fame.
2 2 jfo? tbep mbom <Sod both bletreQjall babe, tbe land fo? pert tage
and tbep mbom be Doth curfe lifeemife, tpall pert® tn bt# rage.
2 3 €be )lo?d tbe juG man# mate# Doth guide, ant gibe# him good fucceere,
to eberp tbtng be take# in bant, be fcndetb good add?effe •
24 ®bougb that be fall, pet t# be Cure, not utterlp to quatle:
becaufe tbe lo?0 put# out hi# bant at need ant totb not fade,
2 5 3f babe been poung, ant nom am olt, pet tit I neber #r,
tbe juG man left, no? pet Di# feet to beg fo? mtferte.
2 6 T5ut gtbc# aimap mod Itberailp, ant lend# mberea# t# need,
bi# cbtltr en ant pofferttp, recetbe of (Sod tbe it meet.
2 7 jflte bice therefore ant totebetneffe, ant bertue to unbrace :
Co (Sot (ball grant tbee long to babe, on eartb a dmellthg place.
2 8 iFo? 6ot Co lobetb equttp, ant ®em# to fucb ht# grace:
rbat be p?eferbetb them almaie#, but Grope# tbe miefced race.
29 tJ^berea# tbe goot ant gotlp men, inherit fl;all tbe land,
babtng a# Lo?t# all tbtng# therein, tn tbett omn potter ant bant.
30 Ube juG man# mouth doth eber fpeab, of matter# mife and bte :
hi# tongue Doth talfe to ettGe, tn truth ant equme.
31 if0? tn big heart the lain of ®od, bt# &o?d doth Gill abide x
Co that tobere eber be goe# 0? mate#,bt# foot can neber aide.
32 €:be totcfeetltfeearabtngttolfe,tbejuG man doth befet:
bp all mean# feeding bun to lull, tf be fall tn bt# net.
The fourth Part.

3 3 Cbougb be (bouls fall into bt# band#, pet (Sod mould fuccour fend
though men agamG him fentente gtbe, ®ot moult btm pet defend.
34 CDOatr thou on Sot ant beep bt# map, beG;all meferbe tbee then,
the earth to rule, ant thou (bait fee teGrop’o tbeie mtefeet men.
3 5 Cbemtcbed babe 3f feen moG Grong, ant plac’d tn high degree,
flouncing tn all mealtb ant Go?e, a# doth tbe JLam?el tree.
36OSut fudtenlp be paG amap, ant loe be ma# quite gone:
then 3f btm fought, but could not Gnte the place mbere tmelt fucb one.
37©arbant bebolttbe perfect man, bom (Sot Doth bttmncreafc:
fo? tbe juG man ®all babe at lengths great jop mttbreG ant peace#
389# fo? tranfgreffo?# moe to them, teGropet tbep (ball be :
6od mill cut off tbeir butting race, ant peGerme.
35 Pfalme xxxviii.

39 'But t&e falbatfon oftUe fun, DotO tome from abobe:

txJbo tn tbetr trouble fenDS them atb, of bt* meet grace anb lobe.
40 <2)oD Doth them btlp3 fabe3 antj beltber, ftom letob men anb unjutf >
anb tf til tmll fabe them txrtnl’fl that tbat tl)ep,tn bun bo put tbetr truff*
Domine., ne in furore. Pfalme xxxviii. I. H.
H>abit) lying Ck&cf feme gtiebous Difcafe, acfenotnleDgetft Itfmfelf to be cbafhfcD of fo? l)i0
(itir, atiD pxapetb *2>o& to turnalttap t)(0 ln?atf), be uttetetb tty gtcatnefs of tye griefe bp manp too?t>s
anb clrcumftances, as tooutiDcD toitt) arrolD0 of vl£ot>0 ire, fo?fafeen oftya fftent)0, auo ebtUp intreateb of
b»0 Etiennes: but in tlje cnb toitl; firm confluence be tommenbetb bts canfc to ©ob^anb typtii) fo? fpeebp
fcefp at bts
Sing this as the 30. Pfalme.
DS3t me not to rebufee, ©loth in tbpp?obo!teD ire:
1 ne in tbp beabp to?atb, © Lo?D, cojrctt me 3 Defite.
2 Chine arrotoe# Do flt eh fad tn me, tbp banD Doth p?etre me fo?e:
anDinmpflefljno health at all, appeatetb anp mom.
8 anD all this i# bp teafon of, tbp to?atb that 3 am in:
no? anp red i# in mp bone#, hp reafon of mp fin-
4 jf 0? lo, mp toitheD Doing# JLo?D, abohe mp heaD are gone t
a greater JoaDthan3tanbear,thepliemefo?e upon.
5 toounDS dinfe anD arefedreD fo, asUoatbfom t# to fee;
tobicb all th?ough mine oton fooltflmetre, bettDeth unto me.
6 3(lnD 3 tn careful toife am b?ought, in trouble anD Diftreffe,
that 3 goboailing all the Dap, in Doleful beabinetfe.
7 $f)p lopnesi are MD toitb fo?e Dtfeafe, mp fled) hath no tobole part=
8 3 feeble am anD b?ohen fo?e, 3 ro?e fo? grief of heart.
9 Chou tmoto’d Lo?D mp Defire, mp groans are open in thp fight:
1 o §@p heart Doth pant, mp flrengtb Doth fatle, mine epeS babe lofl their light*
118?P lober# anD mp toonteD frienD#, OanD looking on mp too'
anD else mp fcinfmen far atoap, are me Departed fro.
12 Cbep that DtD feefe mp life laid fnaresf, anD tbep that fought the toap
to Do me hurt, fpafse lie#, anD thought on mtfebtef all the Dap.
The fecond part.

13 'But a# a Deaf man 3 became, that cannot hear at all:

14 anD a# one Dumb that open# nor, his mouth to fpeafc toithaH.
15 jf0? all mp confiDente, © JLo?D, t# tohollp fet on thee:
© JLo?D thou lo?D, that art mp ©oh, thou (fait gibe eare to me.
16 Cbts DtD 3 trabe that tbep mp foe#, triumph not ober me:
fo? toben mp foot DtD flip, then tbep DtD jop mp fall to fee.
17 anD trulp 3 poo?e to?etth am fet, in plate a tooful toight t
anD efee mp griebou# beabinetfe, i# ebec in mp fight*
18 ffo? tohile that 3 mp toicfceDneffc, in humble totfc tonfetre:
anD tohile 3 fo? mp finful Deed#, mp fo?toto# Do tpp?effe:
1? ®p foe# Do flill remain alibe, anD mightp are alfo:
anD tbep that hate me to?oBefullp, in number hugelp groto-
Pfalme xxxix. xl.

20 ®fjep ffanU agatnff m t ttrnt mp goot) tottfi etril Dorcpap ;

becaufe tfjat gooD anD Doneflt tbing*., 3[ Co enCue altnap.
21 ifojfafee me not, 2D UojD mp ®oD, be t&ou not far atrnp*
2 2 j)aQe me to (jelp, mp LdjD mp <$oD, mp fafetp anD mp oap.

Dixi cuftodiatri. Pfal. xxxix. I. H.

JDablb uttctetb bp tobat grief ant) bttterneffe of minbe be boas b?lben to ttyfc cutraglous complaints of
bfflf infirrattp, fo? be confcfff t!) tbat toljen be ba& bctcrmlncb Olcncr, that be b?sdfoub,petinto broiboi
tbat be booulbnot, tb?ougbtbe greatnefs of bts gtlef.Cbcn berebeatfetb twain r quefts, tnblcb taficof
<nf tmltp of man, atib truretb tbttn tmtb mant’ ptapers, but to (beba ti;em a mint) too: DtrfuIlp treubieb,
tbat tt map plalnlp appear bob) b* bib Arm: mlgbttlp againft ocatb ant) befperatidn.

I Sing this as the 3 5. Pfalme.

©ait) 31 twill loots to tnp twatC0, fo? feat 31 COoulD goW?ong:
31 twilltatse pccwall timess tpat 3f, offenD not Wtrbmp tongue.
2 with a bit 31 Will keep faff, mp mouth totcb fo?ce and mietbt:
not onceto topiCper alt the While, the twtcbcD are in eight.
3 31 helD mp tongue ant) fpalte no Wo?D, but kept me tlofe and fit'll :
pea from gooD talk 3( DiD refraine, but fo?e agatnfi mp mill.
4 §Bp heart mart hot Within mp b?eafi, With muting thought anD Doubt:
Which DiD increafe anD air the fire, atlas thefe wo?Ds hurtt our.
5 !Lo?D number out mp life at»D Date®, which pet 31 babe not paa:
fo that 31 map he certifieD, boW long mp life (ball lad.
6 Lo?D thou bail pointeD out mp life, in length much like a fpan:
mine age is nothing unto thee, fo bain is eberp man.
7 ©an Walfieth like a CbaDe, anD Doth in bain htmfelf annop i
in getting gooDsanD cannot tell, Who fall the fame tnjop,
3 3Bow Lo?D oth things this wife Do frame, Wbat help Do 31 Defire:
of truth mp help Doth hang on thee, 31 nothing elfe require.
The fecond part.
9 jFrom all the fins that 31 babe Done, JLo?D quit me out of hand:
ana make me not a Cco?ne to fooles, that nothing unDetfianD.
i o 3 was as Dumb anD to complain, no trouble might me mobc
becaufe 31 knew it Was tbp wo?k, mp patience fo? to p?obe.
11 Ho?D tafst from me tbp fcourge anD plague, 31 tan them not Wi thfianh:
31 faint anD pine aWap fo? fear, of tbp mofi heabp hanD,
i s BQhen thou fo? fin Deft man rebuke, he Wajtetb Woe anD Wan:
as Doth a cloth that moths) babe fret, fobatn a thing is man.
13 Lo?D hear mp fuit anD gibe goob beeD, regard mp tears that fall:
3 fojoume like a Orangerhere, as Did mp fathers all.
14 ©fpate a little, gibtmefpatempfirength fo?torefio?e:
bcfo?e 3 go aWap from hence, and (ball he feen no mo?e.
Expe&ans expedavi. /’fal. xl. I. H.
IDablb brilbcttb front great banger, botb magnify atib pnatfe tbe grace of 4£>ob fo? bis bellberance, atto'
eommerbet!) bl* p?obibcnce totoatbs all manUtnb CI)en both \)t p:omtfe to gibe blmCtlf tobolii? to $cbs
fetbice. 3nb Cobcclaretb boto tfob Istrulpto be loo:Hnppeb, ^ftertoatbs gtbetb tbanb# an&p?atfetb
€>ob, Ijabtng complalncb ofljis cnemte$,toitb soob courage l;ecadet!;fo? alb anb fucceor.
37 Plalmc xl.
Sing this as the 3 5. Pfalme.

1 ©fatter. long, anD fought the Lo?D, anD patientlp DiD hear:
J at length to me he DtD acco?D, mp hopce anD trp to heare.
2 |)e pluckt me from the lake Co Deep, outoftbemp?e anD clap:
anD on a rock he fet mp feet, anD he DiD gutDe mp wap.
3 Co me he taught a ^faltn of p?aife, Which S mud (hew ab?oaO:
anD fing new fongs of thanks alwates, unto the Lo?d our ©oD.
3 CZJhen all the folk thefe things ®all fee, as people much afratD,
then thep unto the Lo?D Will Bee, anD trutt upon his atD.
5 © blee is he Whofe hope anD heart, Doth in the Ln?D remain:
that With the p?auD Doth take no part ,no? (uchas lie anD fame:
6 f0? Lojd mp ©oh, thp WonD?®us DeeDs, in greatnetre fat Do pane:
thp fahour toWarDs us ep teeDS, all things that ehet was.
1 J©Sen 31ntenD anD Do DeWCe, thp Wo?ks ab?oaD to ®oW:
to Cucb a reckoning thep Do rife, thereof no eno 3 know ■
8 "Burnt offrings thou Delight'd not in, 3 know thp Whole Deere ••
With factiete to purge his on, thou Doe no man require.
9 ©eat offerings anD foertfice, thou WoulD’ff not hahe at all:
but thou, © Lo?D has open make, mine eares to hear Withall.
I o TSut then faiD 3, heholD anD look, 3 tome a meane to he:
fo?in the bolume of thp "Book, thus it tsfaiD of me.
II Chat 3 © Lo?D, djoulD Do thp minhe, Which thing Doth like me Well
for in mp heart thp Law 3 6nDe, faff placeD there to DWell.
12 ipp iuffite anD thp righteoufneffe, in great refo?ts 3 tell:
heholD mp tongue no time Doth ceafe, © Lo?D, thou knoWeff full Well.
The fecondPart.
13 31 haw not DtD within mp b?eff, thp gooOneffe as bp ffealth:
hut 3 Declare anD hahe cjrp?etf, thp truth anD fabtng health*
14 3 kept not clofe thp lobingminDe, that no man ffioulD it knew t
the truff that in thp truth 3 finDe, to all the Church 3 ffioto.
15 Cbp tenDer mertp Lo?D from me, WttDD?aW thou not awap:
hut let rh? lobe anD beritp, p?eferbe me mil fo? ape.
16 JFo? 3 With mifthiefs manp one, am fo?e befet about ••
mp Gns tncreafe, anD fo come on, 3 cannot fpie them out.
17 jfa? Whp t in number thep ejcceeD the bap?es upon mp beat):
mp heajt Doth faint fo? berpb?eaD, that 3 am almoa DeaD,
18 gfiith fpeeD fenD help anD fet me free, © JLo?D, 3 thee require:
make haff With aifi to futeour me, © Lo?D, 3 thee Deffre.
ipXetthemfuffainrebukeonDffjame,thatfeekmpfoul to fptll:
D?ibebackmp foes, anD them Defame, that With anD woulD me til.
20 fo? their til feats Do them Deftrp, that WoulD Deface mp name:
alwapes at me thep raile anD trp, 6e on him, ffe fo? ffjame,
21 Let them in thee babe jop anD Wealth, that fetk to thee alwates:
that thofe that lobe thp fabing health, map fap, to ©ob be p?aife.
Pfalme xli. 38
2 o But as fo? me 3 am but poo?e, opp?e(f anD b?ougbt full into:
pet thou,2D JLo?D tmlt me refioje, to health full toeli 3 bnoto»
21 jf0? tobp i tbou art mp hope anD truff, mp refuge, help snD (fap t
GH(;cre fee mp @oD a© tbou art julf, toitb me no time Delay.

Beatus qui intdligit. Pfal. xli. T. S.

©afetti being grfcbouGp afflicted, blcfletl) ttycm that p(t£ ftfs cafe, anD ccmpTa(nctl) of tbc treafott cf fofd
dun frier.bP ar.b famtifars as came to paHe ta Jubar, ^ofj.ij.'&fter ijefceimg tljc great tnmicsof <£od
gent Ip cljatttQng b:m>an& not fufferfng t;tg enctnits to triumph agatnS gtbctfj moil fjeattp tljanfcjs
to <5 ob.

Q>e man !•$ MeG tDat careful! i$, tDc neeDp to confiDer: foi in

t\)t feafon perillcu#, SLo?D toil! Dutj tseltber. 2 CDe Lg$ toili tnafee

Dim Cafe anD feunkanD Dappp in tDe (anD: $nD De ttftll net Delitier Dim,

into Dus enemies banD.

3 8nD in bis beD mben be lies Get:, tbe Lo?D toil! bim re£fo?e:
anD tbou,2DJLo?D, milt turn to bealtb, bis Gcfeneffe anD bis fore.
4. ®ben in mp fitfencae tbus fatD 3, babe mertp Lo?D on me:
anD beal mp foul tobicb is full tooe, that 3 offenDeD thee.
5 pine enemies tniCbt me til in heart, anb tbus of me DiD fap:
toben ©all be Die tbat all bis name map bant© quite atoap ?
6 8nD toben tbep tome to bifit me, tbep asfc if 3 So toeli:
but in tbeir hearts mtfebief tbep batch, anb to tbeir mates it tell.
7 ®bep bite tbeir lips anD tolnfpev fa, as tbougb tbep tooulD me ebarme t
anD caff tbeir fettbes bob) to trap me tottb fome beablp barme.
8 Some griebous fin batb brought bim to bis fiebneffe*, fap tbep plaine:
be is fo loto, tbat toitbout Doubt, rife can be not againe.
9 ®be man alfo tbat 3 DiD trufi, toitb me DiD ufe Deceit:
tobo at mp table eat mp b?eaD, tbe fame fo? me laiD toaft.
10 l^abe mertp S.o?D on me therefore, anD let me be pjefcrb'D:
tbat 3 map renDet unto tbem tbe things tbep babe Defcrb’o.
11 "Bp this 3 bnoto affureDlp, to bebelob’D of tbee:
toben that mine enemies babe no taufe to triumph ober me.
22 But tnnip right tbou bad me bept,anbmaintainebaltoap:
anD in tbp Piefente place adign’D, tobere 3 ©all Dtoellfe ape.
13 Ube
39 Pfalme xlii. xliii.
13 ®be Lo?b tbe ©ob of 2frael, be pjaifeb ebermo^e:
eben Co be it JLo?D toil! 31 fap, eben Co be it therefore.
Quemadmodum defiderat. Pfal. xlii.T. S.
'HTbc ^jopljst gt*cbou0t> conipiatnetb, tf)at being Icttc'B bp l)ts pcrfecuto?# , fjr couit) not be tntfent its
tlje Congregation of t^otis people, p?otettmg, tljat citbougb be toa0 feparate from tfjem In bobp, pet 1)10
beatt toastbttber affcttcD.I&nD iad of all, be (betoctbtbat be teas not fc> far obercotne toitb tl;ofc fojrofc}6
an3 ti;ougbt0> but that be contlsmalip put confluence Intbc 3lojb.
Sing this as the 45. Pfalme.
I Jfee agrbebeartbotb b?eatb anb b?ap, tbe toeffp^tng# to obtatne:
, Co botb mp fou! Deare altxiap, mitb thee Hoib to remaine*
2 QSp foul Do® third, anb tooulb b?ab) neer tbe libtng ©ob of might :
ob toben Qali 31 come anb appear in pjefence of bt£ agbt ?
3 ®e rearer all nme# are mp repad, tobtcb from mine epe& Do GtDe *
tobcn bu'cfteD men ctp out fofad, tobere nob) t# ©ob tbp gutbe ?
4 tobat grief fe it to tbmfe, tnbat freebome once 31 Dab ?
therefore mp foul, a# at pita b^inb, mod beabp 10 anb fab.
®ben 3f bio march tn gcob atrap, furm0;eb tmtb mp tratne •
unto the Cemple tnajsour map, tmtbfong# anb beart0 mod fame.
5 $3p foul, mbp art tbou fab almapeg, anb fretd ®U0 tn mp b?ed
trud dill tn ©ob, fo? him to p^atfe, 31 WO it eber bed.
%p bmt 2 babe fuccour at neeb, agatnff all pain anb grief:
be t0 mp ©ob mbtcb tnttb all fpeeb, mill bad to fenb relief*
6 gnb tbu0 mp foul tmftin me Lo?D, both faint to think upon
tbe lanb of2o?ban,anbreco|btbe little bill ftermon.
The fecond Part.'
7 ffine grief another in borb call, a0 cloub# burd out tbeir botce **
tbe flcobje? of ebil that bo fall, run ober me tmtb notfe*
8 get 3f bp bap felt bi# gonbnede, anb help at all affate# ••
lifcebnfe bp night 2 bib not ceafe the Itbmg ©ob top^aife.
9 2 am perftoabeb tbu0 to fap, to btm tottb pure pretence:
© Lojbtbou art mp gutbe anb dap, mprocb anb fure Defence*
OTp bo 2 then tn pendbenede, banging tbe beab ®U0 malfc:
tubile that tmne enemies me oppiede, anb bejc me mitb tbeir talk ?
2 o jf0? mbp ? tbep pierce mp tntoarb part#, mitb pang0 to be abbo?b:
tnben tbep crp out tgitb dubbo^ne beart0, tubere i0 tbp ©ob tbp JU>$b *
11 ©o foon t»bp bod tbou faint anb quaile, mp foul tmtb patn opp?ed i
tmtb tbougbt0b)bp bodtbpfelfacratle,fofo?eb)ttbmmp tyed?
12 Crud in tbe Ho?D tbp ©ob alboaie0, anb tbou tbe time £Wt fee
to gibe bim tbanfe# trntb laub anb pgaife, fo> bealtb redogb to tbee.
Judica me Domine. PTal. xliii. T. S.
!^e piapctb to be fcelibetcD from tfjem tofjlcl; confpltc toftfj 25bfaiom, to tl>c etib t^jat fje migfjt jopfullfi
piatfc <0ob tn l;io fjoii* Congregation.

I Sing this as the 21 Pfalme.

CHToge ant) rebenge mp caufe, © !Lo?D, from them tfrat ctnl be:
from tottbeD anb Deteitful men, © ft>o?b Deltber me.
Pfalme xliv. 40
2 jf 0? of nip drengtb tfjou aw tfjc ©od, mbp putfl tlpou me tfpcc fro ?
and mbp maid 3 fo beabilp, opp?effed mitb mp foe r
3 Sent) out flip light anti else flip trutl), and leadrnemitbtbp grace.*
mined map conduct me to tbp Ml, and to tbp omelling plate.
4 ftlien mall 3 to tl)c altar go, of ©od mp jop and cheat:
and on mp harp gibe tbanbs to tdee, 2D ©od mp @od mod dear,
5 GHbp art tdou tden fo fad mp foul, and feert’a tbit# in mp b?e(i i
Otll truft in ©od, fo? dim to p?atfe, 3 bold it almaies bed.
6 'Bp dint 3 bade deliberance, agatnfl all patne and grief:
be is mp ©od, tub led doth almaies, at need fend me relief.

Deus auribus nofttis. Pfal. xliv. T. S.

^moftcariuft $*>?a£:r, mat»2 <n tbc wattic of tljc toljlel) toereafflirted fat>fhe cnctnlcf,fo? fu«
(tattling t\)t quarrel of ©06s £Sto?D, aceojWng totlje r^rpodtion of jbatnt $2>auJ, tftoai 8.

Or eat0 bade beard our fathers tell, and rederentlp rcto?d tfje

d)ond?ou)S mo?lses that tbou ball done, fn alder time, 2D 5Lo?d. mn

2 ipom tbou bidet tad tbe ©entiles out, and Q?op’D8 them mitb 0rong
e: . y a <
T 1 1 a —. . . —-i—-f—d™“T A -
—4- v— vv Y i——^ V 0 V:. ir. 1 J£ " '

band, planting out fathers in their place, and gab’fl to them their land*
3 ©bep conquered not bp fmo?d no? drengtb, the land of tbp bebed:
but bp tbp band, tbp arme and grate, becaufe tbou lob’DB them bed.
4 'Utbou art mp Sting, 2D ©od, that bolp 3atob in fund?p mtfe:
5 led mitb tbp pod?er me tb?eb) dotun futb, as did againtt us rife.
6 3 trutfed not in bod) no? ftno?d, tbep could not fade me found:
7 ®bou 6eptd us from our enemies rage, tbou dibit cur foes confound,
8 End mu me boatt of tbee our ©od, and p?atfe tbp bolp JQame:
9 fiet note tbou good not luitb our boad, but leaded us to tbarae.

10 ©bou mad’d ujS die befe?e our foes, and fo mere odewrod .*
our enemies rob’d and Cpopld our goods, mben me mere fperd ab?oad t
11 ©bou bad us giben to our foes, as (beep fo? to be flaine:
amongd tbe beatben eberp mbere, ftattered me do retnaine.
12 ©bp
4i Pfalme xlv.

12 ®bp people tbou bafl folD Itke flatje0, anl> a# a tbtng of nought:
fo? p?o&t none tbou babfl tberebp, no game at all toa0 fought.
13 inD to our neighbour tbou baDtt maDe, of u0 a mocking flock:
anD rfofe that rounD about U0 Dtoell, at U0 Do grin aab mock.
The fecond part.
14 ®im0 toe ferbe fo? none other ufe, but fo? a common talk t
tbcp meek, tbep fco?n, anD noD tbrit bcaD0, toberc ere tbep go 0? toalk*
15 3 am albam’D continually to bear tbefe totekeb men:
pea, Co 3f blutb that all mp face, tottb reD 10 cobereD them
16 jfo? tobp ? toe beare fucb flanD?ou0 too?D0, fucb falfe report# anD lte0:
that Death tt 10 to tk tbetr to?ong0? tbetr tb?eatntng0 anD tbetr crie0.
17IF0? alltbt0 toe fo?got not tb&, no? pet tbp covenant b?ake:
18 me turn not back our beatt0 from tbtt, no? pet tbp patb0 fo?fake.
' 19 Jfiet tbou bafl troD U0 Doton to Dufl, tobere Den0 of Dragon0 be:
anD cobereD m tottb ibaDc of Death, anD great abberfltte:
20 jf t»e bap our €5oD0 name fo?got, anD help nfSDote fought t
21 (DOoulD not ®oD then babe trio tbt0 out ? fo? be Doth knoto our thought.

2 2 .Bay, nap, fo? tbp Barnes fabe, 2D Lo?D, altoates are toe flam tf?uS>:
as fijerp unto the gambles fent, right Co tbep Deal tottb U0.
2 3 ©p 1 o?b, tobp flerpett thou i atoalie, anD leabe us not fo? all:
2 4 OTbP biOefl tbou tbp tountenante, anD Dofl fo?get our tb?all ?
2 5 f0? Doton to Dufl our foul 10 b?ougbr, anD toe noto at lafl tad t
our bellp Itfee 30 tt toere glu’D, unto the grounD tleabes fafl.
2 6 iMe up tberefo?e fo? our Defence, anD help U0 Jlo?D at neeD:
toe tbee befeecb fo? tbp gooDneffe, to refeue us toitb fpeeD.
Eru&avit cor meum Pfal. xlv. I. H.
Clje of sfealomw, f?(3 honour, ttrenatbi tiH)f# anDpotoJt atejnaifcD. anD affo !j(0 ttiarrfage
to tt) ttje Cgi’ptlan an Ijeatfeen toctnan is bit(TCD,ff (tiecan renounce l>cr people anD lobe of Ijct countr^anD
gtfcebcr feif toijoilp to t)ett)K£fbanD.^lnDet teotjtcf) figure,tfjetoonDcrful iJ^aeftp anDincreafc oft&e!fttng-
Damof anD tl)c Cijurcf) fjts fpoufe, noto taken of tt)c <0entilc0, is DefcribcD.

3 5. Pfalme.
Sing this as the
M il Deart Doth take in banD, fome goDlp fong to flng:
tbe p?aife that 31 ©all flieto therein, pertainetb to tbe filing.
2 93y tongue ©all be as guicb, bis honour to tnDite:
as is the pen ofanp fertbe, that ufetb fafl to to?ite.
3 2D fatrefl of all men, tbp fpeecb is pleafant pure t
fo? ©oD batb blcffeD tbee tottb gifts, fo?eber to enDure.
4 about tbee girD tbp ftoo?D, 2D #?tnce of might elect:
tottb honour, glo?p, anD renoton tbp ptrfon pure is Detfct.
5 ©ofo?tb toitb goDlp fpeeD, tottb meeftnetre,ttutbanDright,
anD tbp ttgbt banD Hall tbee inflruit, in too?Ss of D?eaDful migbt.
6 'Chine arrotoes ©arp anD been, tbetr hearts fo fo?e (ball fling:
that folfe ©all fall anD kneel to tbee, pea, all tbp foes, 2D King.
Pfalme xlvi.
7 l£pp r opal feat, £> !lo?D, fo? ct>cr Wtemawt:
Pecaufe tpe Scepter of tpp Eealmc, Dote ngDteoufnese maintain*
8 TSecaufe tpou lotffi tpe ngpt, anD DoS tpe ill DcteS:
®oD eDe n tpp ®oD toe nointeD ttm top jop aPoPe tpe refi*
9 SBtte mp?pe anD faPour* ftoeet, tpp clotf;e0 are all Pefp?eaD:
topen thou DoS from rpp palate paffe, tperetn tomafce tpee glaD*
i o fttng0 Daughters Do attenD, tn One anD ricp acrap:
at tpp rigpt DanDtpe &ueen Doth SanD tn golD anD garments gap,
The fecond Part.
11 © Daughter tafee gcoD p&D, incline anD gipe gooD eare .*
tpou mufl forget tppfcmD?eDall,anDfatper#poufe moS Dear*
12 CDenlDall tpe I&ing Defite tpp Peautp fair anD trim:
fo* topp pe t0 tpe £o?D tpp 6oD, anD tpou mus t»o?(pip pirn.
13 tlpe Daugptet0 tpen of ®:p?e5 top gift0 Ml ricp to fee:
anD all tpe toealtpp ottPetr lanDlpallma^etpfirfuit totpee.
H^pe Daughter of Ae &tngi#glo?iou#toDepGlD:
topin per clofet Gpe Dorp fit, all Decfit in Peaten golD*
15 3(n roDe# toell to?ougpt top necDIe anD manp a pitafant thing .*
top ^trgm0 fair on per to matt, tpe cometp to tpe iing.
j 6®pu0 are tpep P?ougPt top jop, anD rntrtp on ePerp GDe .*
into tpe palace of tpe ftfng, anD tpere tpep Do ahtDe*
i7.JnSeaD of parent# left, (© bittern tpe cafe fo SanD0 0
tpou (halt pabefon0,toom tpoumatSfeta0P^ince0 tn all lanD*.
18 ®aperefo?e tpp polp J$ame3 all age0 fipall reco?D:
tpe people G;ail giPe tpanp0 to tpee, fo? ePermo?e © £o?D*
Dcus nofter refugium. Pfal. xlvi. I. H.
% £*mg of tijattUfgtbittg fo? tfje beltberance of3JctufaIcra after Senael)etifa Inttl) fifs $rtttv Isms D?(-
bett atoat>, a: fan: otljcr fuDEen anD matbtilous Deiibetaticc by tije l?anD of <5>oD,tol)Wbp the ^3?pp!n’t
eommeiiDing ttys great benefit; D0U9 c£fciG?t tfic faithful tcgtbe tfienueibes tel)o!ll> into tl;e fiiuiDs of <S)iD,
Doubting noting but tl?at untier i;<0 p?otecttcn tljei? fljaii be fafe againO ail tijc ailauitu of tljdr enemies.

5)e£o?D i0 cur'Defence $ atD? tpe firengtp toperebp toe fianD:
i mi


topen toe top tooe are mutpDifmatD,pe t0 our pelp at panD:

i $ i t i. i ! S=1 mi?
2 H&ougb tb’eartf) remobe, toe totll not feat, toougb btlte fo tiigb anD

tfep, be tb?uO anD Dueled here anD there, tottfjtn the tea to Dttp,
43 Pfalme xlvii. xlviii-

3 !3o,tbotigb tbetmbe# Bo rage fo fore, that all tbe bank# ufptte:

anD though tt otsetaoto tbe Qio^e , anD Beat DoM mtgbtp biil&
4 for onet'atraooDDotBfenBaB^aDBt^pIeafant ffreame* apace:
to fee® the Ci tp of our @oB, atiD toa® bt£ bolp place*
5 3fn n\M of her the lorb Both Btoefl^e can no tobit Decap:
all thing# agmnff Bet that rebel, the ILorB Ml trulp flap.
6 Che heathen folk tbe BUngBom# fear, tbe people make a notfe:
cbeeartb Doth melt anD not appear, Men ®oD put# forth btsbopce*
7 €be Lo?b of bo($ Doth take our part, to u# be batb an epe:
our pope of bealtb Mb all our beart on Jacobs <$qD tsotb lie*
8 Come beare anD fee Mb mmBeanD thought tbe tooling of our 6oD t
Mat toonDer# beblmfelfbatbtnMSbnnalltbeMilDabioaD*
9 btm all t»at# are bu®’D anD gone, M#b countries DtD confptre:
their botoe# be brabe, anD fpear# each one, tbetr chariots burnt Mb 6re*
1 o leabe off therefore (faith be) anD knob) 31 am a <S5cD moff ffout:
amomg tbe heathen high anD loth, anD all the earth throughout.
n Che lorDcfboOteDotbu# DefenD,be s# our ffrengrbanDtotner:
2Dn Jacobs ©oD tx»e Do DepenD, anD on bt# mtgbtp potter.
Omncs genres. Pfal. xlvii. I. H.
^crI)ojtefb a!!people to tljc of tljc true anti ebcdadittg i$>oD, ceitimcnuet& tl;e
meters cf (2?ot) totetfcstfjepstterit^ of Jacob, enb p?opi)tfictl) of tf)C &ingUot« of C&ift in tfce time of
toe v0afp2i.
Sing this as the 35. Pfalme, *
"XT'® people all truth one acco?D, clap banDs anD the rejoycet
1 lie glaB anD Ong unto the lo?D, truth ftneet anD pleafant Doyte*
2 fo? high tpe lo?D anD D?eaDful is, tnitb tnonDers mantfolD:
a mighty Sting pets truly, in all the earth ejctolD.
3 'Che people ©all he make to be unto out bonbage thjall:
anD unDerneath out feet he ©all the nations mate to fall.
4 jfo? us the heritage he tbofe, which me poffecre alone,
the fiouti® mg too?®ip of 3l'acob, bus toell beloheD one.
5 ©ut ®oD aftenDeD up on high, tmtfj joy anh pleafant notfe:
the £o?D goes up atolie the slue, truth trumpets royal boyce.
6 ©mg piatfes to our ®oD, eng piaife, fing pjaifes to our King:
7 JFo? ®oD is filing of all the earths all stelful pjaifes Qng.
8 ®oD on the heathen reignes, awD fits upon his holy tb?one:
the lD?intesofthepeoplehaijethem joyneD ebern one
9 Co ab?Dhams people: fo? ora ©oh tohich tsepalteDhigh,
as truth a buckler Doth DefenD the earth continually.
Magnus Dominos. Pfal. xlviii. I. H.
® notable ttliCctancc of|etu[alei ii ftom et;e Ijanoo of man? fifngs Wmeittfontli.fot'tlje totjfch thank*
ate gIDmto ®o», anotljc ettateof t'/jat Cttytoptalfeo.fo; ®osto |i?cfent at all tltnto'tcao? toteftnoft.
.WU % «*•«•«* *- **««*
• ' Sing
Plaline xlvsii5 xlix. 4

Sing this as the 46. Pfalme*

C~" Re at in the Lo?D, anD troth great p?aifc to be abbanceD Gill i
1 button the Citie of our €5oD, upon bin help fytll*
2 ©ount©ion in a pleafant place, it glaDDeth aU the HanD i
the ®itp of ti;e mtglptp filing, on her 23o?thGDeDotb GanD*
3 GHitbin the palaces thereof, 60D in a refuge fcnobm:
fc?lo, the Ring# are gathered, anD together thep are gone.
4 But toben t!;ep DtD bebolD it fo, thep bionD?eb anD t&ep Uiere
aOomeD much, anD fuDDenip lucreb?tbcn bach both fear.
5 €5?cat terror there on them DtD fall, fo? berp booe thep crp,
an Doth a tuoman tobfcn Gje (hall go ttabei hp anD hp:
6 gg tbsu bntb Pattern toinO the flop# upon the ©ea DoG b?eah t
fo thep were Grop’D, antfeben an Doe bearb our fathers fpeab 5 •
7 00 in the Cttp of the Lo?D, boe fatu an i t mn tola .•
pea, m the Cup tubub our @oD, fo? eber mill uphold
8 ©Lo?Dtoe watt anD DoattenD on thp gooD help anD grace .*
fo? tohtcb toe Do all ttme£ attenb ibithtn thp holp place.
9 © lo?D, acco?Dmg to thp ®ame, fo? eber in thp p?aife:
anD thp right hanD, © Lo?D, in full of righteoufnede aimien.
10 Let fo?-thpjuDgement0 ©ton ®ount fulfclleD he tmeh jope0:
anD ehe of 2uDah granr, © !Lo?D, the Daughters to rejopce.
11 ®o walfe about all ©ton hill, pea rounD about her go:
anD tell the totner# that thereupon are huilDeD on a rob?.
12 $nb mark pe well her bultnarfc# all: heholD her totoer# there •
that pc map tell thereof to them that after (hall he here*
13 jfo? t\)in 6oD in our <$ob, our $ob fo? ebermo?e in he:
pea, anD unto the Death alfo, ourgutDer (ball he he.
Audttehasc omnes. Pfal. xlix. I. H.
Ct)d)0!f» ©boft cancel) aUntcntoconfiDctatkm cf mars Vfr, ItjclDfogtOctn not to bcm$r l.
arc moft toraUbVi ar.b Uytefcje rot tnbe fca relit bat contractor c I;,c Ufrctb up rut tmi.bj? to c •
a lulling 3 ate ruUD bp <5ob6p?obO)cncc:tob6aBl)ciucQrerj)f})cfctPo?{'8ipnntU£J to c&ertauw
Cg tract; l;c pjclcrfce anti totli ttoatbtbcm tn t!;c Dap oftljc tefumetton, 1 Cl;cf *•

Sing this as the 2 5 PfaJme.

.7 HI people hearhen anD gibe ear to that that 2 (ball tell:
l\ 2 'Both high anD lob), both rich anD poo/, that in the tno?lD Do tt' f ■.
3 fo?bihp -mp mouth GiallmafeeDtfcourfe of manp things right bj ,
in unDerGanDing (ball mp heart bin GuDp ejcercife*
3 2 Will incline mine eat# to fenoto the parable foDarfe:
anD open all mp Doubtful fpeecth tn merter on mp S>arp.
5 IDOihp (houlD 3 fear affliction, o? anp careful foile t
o? elfe mp foe* tobich at mp heel#, are p?efl mp life to fpoile ?
e fo? an fo? fuch an ticbcn habe, therein their truG in moG:
anD thep tohuh of their treafurtjs great, themfelbe* Do h?ag anD l:
4 7
45 Pialmc 1.

7 Cbere is not one of them that tan bt# b?otber# Death reDeem:
o? that tan gibe a p?ite to®oD, fufflctent fa? him.
8 jt is too great a p?fte to pap, none tan thereto attain:
o? that he might bt# life p?olong, o? not in grabe remain.
s> Waty fee Wife men as well as fool#, fubiect unto Death# banD#:
anD being DeaD, Orangery potreffe their gooD#, their rente:, their lanD#.
i o Cbeir tare is to builD boufe# fair, anD foDetermine fure,
to mafse their name right great on earth, fo? eber to enDure,
i x £et (ball no man alwate# enjop high honour, Wealth anD reft:
12 'But Shall at length taste of Death# tup a# tell a# the b?utt bead.
Thefecond part.
13 3inD though tbep trp tbetr feoltf thoughts, to be mod leWD anD baine:
their efetlD?en pet app?obe their tails, anD in lifse On remain.
14 §# Sheep into the folD are b?ougbt,fo fall tbep into grabe:
Death (Stall them eat, anh in that Dap, the juu fall JLojDfip babe.
Chest image anD their ropalpoit fall faDe anD quite Detap:
toben a# from houfe to pit tbep paffe, with Woe anD weal aWap*
13 But ©oD will furelp p?eferbe me from Death anD enoleffe pain:
betaufe he will of hi# gooB grate, mp foul reteibe again,
16 3ff anp man wap Wonbjou# rith, fear not 3 Cap therefore:
although the glo?p of hi# houfe intreafeth mo?eanDmo?e.
x 7 IFo? When he bit# of all tfjefc tbtng# nothing fall he reteibe:
hi# glo?p Will not follow him, hi# pomp Will tafse her leabe.
18 £et in tbi# life he false# himfelf the happied unDer ©un:
ano other# Itlsetefe flatter him, faptng all feteHDone.
19 SWB p?efuppofe he Itbe as long, a# DiD hi# father# olD:
pet mud he tstrD# at length gibe plate, anD be brought to Death# folD.
20 Ipu# man to honour ®oD hath brought, pet Doth he not tonODer:
but lihe b?uit bead# fo Doth he libe, Wbt'tb turn to Dud anD powoer.

DeusDeorum. Pfal. 1. W.W.

iTe twoplicflet!) Ijoto <5sD totl! call ail natiotig bv the i£of|«l5anD tequlte tit otljct factlffccs of fjig peo*
t)le, but cotifcfflon of Iji0 benefits anD tijanbf^tbfng, anD boto be Dcte&etb all fileb as fectn jealous of cere-
monies, anD not of tbc purs CftlojD of <$oD oneip.

thu# fpoise, anD all tbe

wo?lD he Will tad anD p?obohe, eben from the Cad, ano fa fo?th to the
Pfalme 1. 46
44‘f.— ——r—- z±1 --——--
c > A .-v<V 1 O1 _ OI VA _A V A-4- * _A,_

_ 1/:
_±_: p -4-_1—_ v .
CBM. 2 from totx»art»0 $&ion, tnbicb place be Itfcetb Mu ®oD toill
- ,f —.1 T
6 : ■ - AL A_A. 1 -’A , "/
■ 1) k A ** 1 A v A A......ZV.V
- v X' 'X Y"— ¥.

appear in beaut? mod epceUent. £>ur <5oD tmll come before that long

time be fpenr*
3 Detouring fcre 0;aU go before &i^ face,
a great temped (ball rounD about him trace.
4 ®ben (ball be call tbe eartb anD beaten^ fytg&i,
to juDge to folk ttttbequitp ant right*
5 taping goto, anonotomp^aint# affemblet
mp pan tbep keep tbeir gift# Do riot DiCKmble*

6 ©b£ beabcn® ffmll beclare bi® cigbteoufnctre j

jfo? ©obn33ubgeof all tbtng® mo?e anb leffe.
7 gieat mp people, fo? 3 Hull note repeal:
lid 3 trad, 3 Mill tfjcc nought eoncealc; 1
©bp ©ob, tbp ©ob am 3, anb toill not blame tbee, * i
, 8 fo? gibing not all manner offering® to me.
p 3 babe no neeb to tafce of tbee at all,
©oat® of tbp folo, o? (Calf out of tbp (fall,
i o jfo? all tbe bead? ate mint tnitbin tbe tpcob® i
on tboufanD bill® eattell are mine otnn goob®.
113 bnob) fo? mine all birb® that are on mountatne®;
all bead® are mine, tobicbbaunt tbe 6elb® anb fountain®.
12 tyungtp if 3 tcere 3 tooulb not tbee it tell t
fo? all t® mtne that in tbe too?lD Dotb btoell.
13 ©at 3 tbe Belb of great TBull® o? bullotft® ?
o?D?infstbe blooD of ©oat®, anb oftbedccfs®?
14 ©ffer to ©ob p?aife anb beartp tbanbfgibing:
anb pap tbp botoe® unto ©obebec-libing.
15 ©all upon me, toben troubleb tbou Halt be:
then toll 3 help, anb tbou ®alt honour me.
16 ©0 tbe tnicbeb, tbu® faitbtb’etemal©ob:
tobp bod tbou p?eacb mp Lain® anb bed# ab?oab i
17 Seeing tbou bad them toitb tbp meutb abufeb:
anb bat’d to be bp Difttpltne refo?meb.
?@p tt)o?b® 3 fap, tbou bod reject anb bate.
18 3f that tbou fee a tptef, a® toitb tbp mate, _
,« if 3 : ®tw«
47 Pfalme 1.
®jgg runufi toit&Jbim, anD Co pour p?ep Do feels f
anB art all one toirb batuEsgs anD ruffians else.
19 ®bou gib’fi tbp felf to backbite anD to (lantjer:
_anD ijoto tbp tongue DcreTots ft is a toonDer.
2 o ®&ou Q t tea muting, tbp bgctOec bob) to Manic t
anD bob) to put tbp mothers fon to ffiame.
21 CbcCe things thou DiD£f,anD tobilff 31 belDmp tongue,
igfift biDfi me iuDge, becaufe 31 aatD fo long,
SMto tbp felf; petthough 3tsept longQlence:
once fljalt that feel of tbp bijongsjua recompente.
2 2 CotiQBer this, pe tfjat fo?get tl)e JLo?D,
ano fear not tupen pe tbjeatnetb b)itl; pis too?ts-
Lea tottbout help 1 fpoile pou as ap?ep:
2 3 TBut fee that thanks offtetb p?atfetb me ape,
©attb the Lo?D ©oD, anB that tualketb this trate,
j ttull Iran teatb ©o3s fabtng health totmb?ace.

Another of the fame by I. H.

4~ j- ^ ^ -~5-

fpe ©00 of ©obs, the Lc?0, fciatb talVo tbeeartb fcp name/
o 41 «•» . . 1 . !> . ,• . ‘ • <

from thence tfte ^unne Bott> rife; unto tttc fetring

-- - 4-*- r-- —— ~ j1. -

t3El=g ---— '• r —*’?**>'7“*"*? —

of the fanfe.
2 from ©ton his fatre place* bts glo?p h?tght anh clear:
the perfect beautpef htsgface,frOm thtotett DiD appear.
3 ©ut ©oD ©all tome inbaQ, to fpeaft he ffiall not Ocubt.*
before him Stall the fire toafle, ano tempettfounD about.
4 ®he beabens from on highthe earth befofoltkctmfe:
hetoill call fo?tb to tuOge anO trp, bisTolk he Doth Debife. v

5 78?tng fofth mp ©aints, Difth be, flip faithful flotkfo'Dear: ; j

tohtth are mbanDanD league tntbjtbe, njp!tain ftfloDeanD fear.
6 $JnD token thefe things are tri$ tbeb.eabens?tliall ecaftD ■♦‘c ♦ > r

that ©oh is jufi, anD aUftihtf WDttW mOgementOfthe’J

' ti ’.w'Ti f' ' ' ' : -f*» •
1 £0p people, © gibe heeD, 31 frael to thee 3f trp: .
Jam tbp ©oD, thp help atneeh, thou canttit not Denp.
8 31 Do not fap to thee, thp faertfite is '•
thou offered Dailp unto me much mo?e thati 3f Do fetk. i
Wf4 a 5 1 s> tZthtnbCf
Pfalmc li. 48
9 Chinfed thou tfjat 31 Do iueh thp rattel pongue 0? do :
0? elfe fe imirt) Delight to forts on goat# out of t|>j> fate i
10 ijjap all the beads are mint, in twcoDjs that eat tbett filter
anD thoufanhs moje of neat ants Sine, that run wilD on the hills.
The fecond part.
11 Che btrDs that huflh on high, in fttlfs anD out of fight:
anD beads that tn the fielbs Da lie, arc Cubjett to mp might.
12 Cben though 31 bungrcD fo?e, W&attierQ 3 ought of thtne i
fitb that the earth With her great flo?e, anD all therein is mine ?'
13 tJEoTStilte fiefli habe 31 mtnDe, to eat it Dod thou tbinfe ?
0? fuch a fweemecre Do 3 finhe the blooD of ©oats to D?infe i
14 ©the to the JLo?D bis p?aile, With tbanfes to btm applp:
anD fee thou pap thp bowes alwapes unto the ©oD mod high.
15 Chen fceh anD call to me, tohen ought WoulD Woft thee blame:
anQ 3! totlifurc Deltber thee, that thou maid p?atfemp312ame.
1 c OBut to the wttfeeD train, Which tail;of©oDeach Dap:
anD pet their Wo?fes are foul anD batn, to them the Lo?D mill Cap, '
17 tBUith what face Daren thou, mp ®So?D once fpeafe 0? name i
wbp Doth tbp tails mplaW allow ? thp DceDs Denp the Came.
18 tDKbereas f o? to amenD thp We thou art fo flaefe:
mp ®0?D the which thou horpietenD is tad behtnDe thp bath.
The third part.
19 When thou a thief hod fee, bp theft to Itbe in Wealth:
With him thou rund, anD Dod agrtrlifecWtCc to tbr.be bp dealth.
2 o t©hen thou Dod them beholD, that Wtbes anD maths Defile,•
thou life’s it Well anD wajretb White y fe that life mod bile.
21 CbP lips thou Dod applp, to danDer anD Defame:
thp tongue to taught to craft anD lie, anD Util Doth ufe the fame,
2 2 Chou fiuDteO to rebife thp frienDs to thee fo neer:
with flatfoer thou watilod iwDS Defile thp mothers fon mod Dear*
2 3 Repeat While 3 Do Wtnfe, as rhotigh 3 DiD not fee:
thou go’d on dill, anhfo Dod thinfe, that 3 am lifee to thee.
24 TBut fure 3 Will not let to flrifee when 3 begin:
thp faults in other 3 will fet, anD open all thp fin.
2 5 £@arfe this 3 peu regutre, that habe not ©oh tn mtnD:
led when 3 plague pou in mine ire,pour heIUjcfar tofinD.
26 that Doth gthe to me the fatrifice of pjaife, , •
Doth pleafe me well: anD he ttallfee to waft in.gohlp Wales.

Miferire mei Deiis. Pfal, li. W. W. ' :

ffiBbcn jD&bto ime rebaftep bp tljc $5zopbet,.0aft)an fat W* gtcat ptfettceavtic bfp *W ocfetlotBlcfcg
tbe fame to 45 it), pjeteftatfon of faj3 natural cojruptfati iito intfljittp,but alfo left a memotfa! fbweof
to poSemt: C l;e Detftafc to fo; ai-j? ijte ffns, ano to venue in tym ijis fjolp tit.
49 Pfalmeli.
fcolth p?om<fe that he tnill not be umtrtnfcful of thoft great graces, Anally, fearing left fbouin putrtfh
the DoljoU Church fo? hts fault, he reguifcth that he tocuU) rather t tier cafe h is graces totoarttf the fame.

Lo;D conBDer nip Didrcire, anD note toirb Cp«D fome pittp take:

mp fin# Deface, mp faults reD?efft,gcoDJlo;Dfo?tDp great mercic# fake:

©Had) me, © to?D, anD make me tlean, from tins uniuft anD Dnfui aa:
A I 1 .1 1 f
-rtf'V-, -J _L . y.
. . I Jt-,
I A I. 1 - .

anD ptictfie pet onte again, mp bainou# crime anD blooDp fact.
3 Ltemo?fe anD fojroto Do condemn me to aclmotoleDge mine ejccede:
mp fin, alafi, Dot!; Bill rematne before mp fate tottbout teleafe.
4 JFo? tbee alone 3! babe offenDeD, committing ebtl in tbp Qgbt t
anD tf 3 toere therefore conDcmneD, pet bjere tbp judgements juft anD rigbt.
5 st is tco manifeQ, alas, that 6rd3toas tonteib'o in fin;
pea, of mp mother fo bo?n toas, anD pet bile to?etcb remaine therein
6 aifo bebolD, JLo?D thou Dod lobe, the intoatD truth of a pure heart;
therefore tbp totfDom from abobe, thou bad rebeal'o me to conbert.
7 3If thou tottl; hpfop purge this blot, 31 ©all be cleaner than the glade:
anD if thou toad) atoap mp fpot, the fnoto tn tobttenecrc (ball f patte.
8 Cberefo?e, © Lo?D, fucb Jop me fenD, that intoatDlp 31 map finD grace:
a that mp (trength map noto amenD,tobitb thou bad ftoag'o fo? mp trefpafs.
9 Cum baric tbp fate anD frotonfng ire, fo; 3T babe felt enough tbp banb:
anD purge mp Dins 31 tbee Deere, tobicb Do in number pane the Canto
i o $?abe neb; mp heart tot thin mp b;ed, anD frame it to tbp bolp CSHill:
tbp conaant fpitit in me let red, tobicb map tbefe ragtng enemies bill.
• The Second Pert.
11 Cad me not Lo;D out ftom tbp fate, but fpeeDtlp mp torments enD:
tafee not from me tbp fpitit of grate, tobicb map from Danger# me DefenD.
12 Redoje me to tbofe topes again, tobicb 3 teas toont in tbee to finDet
anD let me tbp ftee fpitit retain,tobicb unto tbee map dir mp minD.
13 €bus toben 3 (ball tbp mettle# fenoto, 3 (ball indrutt other# therein:
anD men that are liketoife brought loto, bp mine epample ©all die Qn.
14 © ®oD that of mp health art Ho?D, foigtbe me this mp blcoDp bice:
. mp bract anD tongue d»U tben atto?D tofingtbp mertiesanDjudiee.
x 5 Couch
Pfalme li. jo-
15 *®ouch tbou mp ltps,mp tongue untie, © Lo?S, which art the onelp Sep t
anD then mp mouth ttiall teffiDe tbp wonD?ous Wo?Ss anS p?aife alWap.
16 8nD as fo? outWarD facrtffce,3 WoulD babe offeree tnanp a one t
but tbou effeem’ff tbem of no p?ite, anD therein pleafure taS’ff tbou none*
17 Cbe beabp heart, the mfnDe opp?eff, © Lo?D thou neber Doff reject:
anD tofpeaS truth it is the bed, anD of all facnfice the effect.
i8JLo?D unto ©ion turn thp face, poW?e cut thp mercies on tbp hill:
anD on 3ctufalem thp grace, hutfo up the walls* anD lobe it ffilf,
19 ®hou (bait accept then our offrtngs of peace anD righteoufneffe 3 fap i
pea calbes anD manp other things upon thine altar Will We lap.
Another of the fame by I. H. ,.
Sing this as the Lamentation.

me lo?D, after thp great abounDtng grace:
mtiltituDe Do thou mp Ons Deface,
a £ea, Wa® n\e mo?e from mine offence, anD cleanfe me from mp On t
fo? 31 Do Snow mp faults*, anD ff ill mp on is in mine epne.
3 3gatnff thee, tba alone 31 babe offenbeD in this* cafe:
anD ebtl babe 3! Done before the pjefcnce of thp face.
4 Chat m the things that tbou haff Done,up?ight thou maid be tri'D:
anDeSetn juDgsng that the Dcome map paffe upon thp ODe,
5 TBeholD tn wicSehneffe mp SinD anD ©ape 31 DiD receibe:
anD lo mp ffnful mother eSe tn On DiD me conceibe-
6 OBut lo the truth ininwarD parts is pleafant unto thee:
anD ferrets of thp wifCom thou rebealeD haff to me.
7 UDitb Jbpfop ILo#D befp?inS!e me, 3 ©all be tleanfeh fo:
pea wa© thou me, anD fo 3 ©all be whiter than the fnoW.
8 ©f top anD glaDneffe maSe thou me to hear the pleafant bopce:
that fo the bjuifeD bones Which thou haff b?oSen maprejopce,
9 from the bebolhing of mp fins, Lo?D turn awap thp fate:
anD allmp DeeDsofWicSeDneffe Do utterlp Deface,
io© ©oD create tn me a heart unfpotteD in thp Qgbt t
anD eSe Wtthinmp bowels Lo?Q, renew affable fpirir.
11 J3e tail me from thp light,no? taSe thp help fptrit awap:
the eomfo?t of thp fabing health gibe me againe 3 p?ap.
i2 ©Hith thp frk fptrit effabli© me, anD 3 Will teach therefore
tinners thp waits, anD WtcfceD ©all be tutntD to thp lo?e.
The fecond part. *
13 © ©?D that art©aD of mp health, from blcoD heliber me:
that n?aifes of tbp righteoufneffe mp tongue map Ong to thee,
14 39p tips that pet faff clofeD be, Do thou © Lo?Dunclofe:
the p?atfes of thp $)ajeffp mp mouth ©all fa Dtftlofe.
** 3
5i Pfalme lii.
15 2 tooulD babe offereD fatrtGcc if that bab pleafeD tbee:
but pleafeD tmtb burnt offering#, Sfenototbou twit not be*
16 31 troubled fpint tsfacrtftce Delightful tn 6oD0epe0:
a* broken anD an bumble heart <2>o0 thou tmlt not Delptfe^
17 3n tbp goob null Deal gentlp Lo?D, to ^ton, anD tmtball,
grant that of tbp lerufalem up rearb map be tbe toaff.
18 Burnt offermg0, gtft0 anD fatnftce of tuGtce in that Dap
tboulbalt accept, anDcalbe0tbep (ball upon tbtne alraiiap.

Quid gloriaris^ Pfal.Jii. I. H.

3Dab.fifirfct;b?th tf)e arroganttyranny of hie afibcrfr ty5Dofg.chief fhcplicatfi, brsI;o by fslfc far*
mtfe0 cauftfi ^bimelecb> ftntb tfjc reft of tlie iteGg to be (latn. SDabifi pjcyheftctl) tys fitftrtictior, anfi
CiJcouragetb the faithful to put tbrir c-r.fffi'rct tn <*Fcfi tobofejufig mentsm moftfibarp agamft Jus afi-
btnfants. &n& finally, be rcrtmtb thanks to <2?ofi fc} in# bciibuai.cc: Jh tins $!>faime ts Iibcly fet

?)p Dell tbcu tprant boas ab?oaD3tbp tefcebtoo?^ to p^atfe i
m 3E gUg
DoS tbou not bnotn there 10 a cMgtobofe nurcte0laff al&aieg?

2 ftdlbp Doth tbp mtnDe pet Sill Debife, fucb tmefeeb tmlc0 to boarp } ®>p
k -Mt: I
tongue untrue tnfo?ging lte0,10like ara?o? (barp.
3 ©n mtfebtef tobp fet0tbou tbp mtnDe, anDMtnottxialfe upright ?
tboubatt moie luSfalfetale0 to SnDe, thanking the truth to light.
4^bouDoS Deltgbt in frauD anD guile, tn mifcbtef,blooDanDD3^ongt
tbp ltp£ babe leatnD tbe flattering Otle, © falfe Deceitful tongue*
5 Cberefoje (ball 60D foj ape confounD, anD pluck tbee from tbp place:
tbp feeD root out from off tbe grounD, anD fo CDall tbee Deface*
s t£be jus tnben tbep bebolo tbp fall, tottb fear tmll pjaife tbe Lo|D t
anD tn reproach oubee britball, crp out tmtb one accost
7 'Bebolo tbe mantbat tuoulD not take tbe Lo?D foj bt# Defence:
but of bt0 gooD0 b# ®oD DtD make, anD truS bt0 corrupt fenfe*
8 'But 31 a0 ©Itbe frelb anD green, (ball fp?tng anD fpjeab ab?oab t
f0? tobp * mp truS all ttme0 batb been upon tbe Itbing ®oD.
9 #0? tbt0 therefore tmll 3[ gibe pjatfe, to tbee truth heart anD bopce •
3I trull fetfo^tbtbpil3amealia?ate0,toberemtbp ©atnt0 rejopce*

Pfalm Jiii.Iiv-Iv>
Dixit infipiens. Pfal. liii. T. 5,
cte O;opbtjtcfct(b;tt) tl;e ctooscs tnturc, crueitp. en® panifibment of tTjc totc6.;tr, tsijtti tbct> looSta
r.ot fo? it, ano Mfltctl; tljs Dtlitarawe of tty go6lt’> tljat tijec hub Kjoj a togctljcr. '

T fyt
Sing this as the 46. Pfalrae.
man in that mlnch he mitbin bis heart bath fat'i):
that there is any ©o'o at all, hath utterly Denat’D.
2 Chep are corrupt, anD they alfo, a batnous mo?h hahe fought :
among them all there ie not one of gooD that mo?ltetb ought.
3 tithe lo?D foh’D Domn on fons of men from heaben all ab?oaD •
to fee if any lucre that tooulD he wife anh feefe fo? ©at.
4 tithey are all gone out of the may, they are to?rupreD all if
there is not one Doth any gcoD, there tss not one at all.
5 Do not all miclseD lwhers hnom, that they Do feeD upon
rap people, a® they feeD on h?caD ? the Lo?D they tall not on.
6 ©oen there they mere afraih, anD (too tntth trembling all DtfmatD i
tohereas there teas no caufe at all, mby they tboulD be afraih.
7 f0? ©oD bus Dane? that thee heoeg-D, hath fcattereD all ab?oah:
thou had tonfounDeD them, fo? they rejetteD are of ©oD.
3 ® JLo?D, gibe thou thy people health, anD thou,® !Lo?D, fulfill
thy p?onufe mahe to Jfrael, from out of ©ton hill.
9 ullfaen ©oD bis people (hall reSo?e, that earfl mere tapttbe lah t
then Jacob (pall therein rejoyce, anD Jfrael (ball he glah.
Deus in nomine Pfal. liv. I. H.
IDaWD bioagljt fntu a great ban get bptcafon cftbe 3rtpf)<mg,ca!letf) apon tljs j^ame of 4£ot> to U’Orcg
I;tfl cncniitjS, p?omt8ng fcctSfice anD free offerings fo? fo great DUiberance.

Sing this as the 46* Pfaluie*

C^ DDuntofaDeftemeffrengtD,
2 fo? ftp Dolp JQame, anD fo? ftp gooDneffe fafce
ILo?D3 of fte fame, Do mp caufe Detafee*

2 EegarD, 2D lo?D, anD gfte an ear to me toDen 3 Do p?ap:

Dona Dolan ftp felfto me anD tear fte t»o?Ds ftat 3 Do Cap.
3 jFo? Orangery up againff me rife, anD tp?ants Pep me gill t
toDicD tape not ®aD Defo?e tDeit epes, ftep feefc mp foul to fptU
4 'But to, mp <$5oD Doft gfte me aft, fte JLo?D ft ff reigDt at DanD:
imft ftem Dp laDom mp foul ft ffaft,fte lo?D Doft eDer ff ano,
5 n&ft plagues repap again all ftofe,fo? me ftat lie in twit:
anD in tDp truft Deffrop mp foes, laift tfjetr otrm fnare anD Dark
6 $n offering of free Deart anD troll, ften 3 to tDee (Dali mate:
anD p?atfe ftp JSame, fo? therein fftll great comfo?t 3 tafee*
7 2D lo?D at lengtD Do fet me free from ftem ftat craft pnfpire ?
anD notn mine epe UJtft jop Doft fee on tpem mp Deatrs DeGre-
Exaudi Deus. Pfal. lv. I. H. %

IDaWD being in great bcablnefTc anD Dt8re(Te?contplainetb of tfjt cturtW of &ou!» arib of tTio feiftoob cf
53 Pialme lv.
hie fattiUiflr acquaintance, nttirtng moft ar&ent affections to mote tljc to pitt> fym.3 ftet being' af*
furcb of twltbctanee, ije fettet^ fo?tl) tjje grace of <I>oD, as ttjcugl) !;e tab already obtafneD.ljio requeff.

35. Pfalme.
Sing this as the
O ©oh gibe eareanD Do apply, to beat me ttben 3f p?ay:
ant) txil)cn to tbit 3 tall anD tty, tJtDe not tby felfatoay.
2 CakebeeD to me, grant my requefl,anDanftor me again:
toitD plaints 3 p?ay full Co?e opp?efl, great grief ootfj me tonflratn.
3Becaufemy fasss tuitf) treats? anD tries;, oppteffe me tb?ougb Defpigbt:
anD to toe tockcD fo?t Uketofe to bey me babe Delight.
4 fat they in tomitel Do tonfpire, to tbarge me totb fome ill •
fo in their batty to?atb anD ire they Do purfue me Bill,
5 ®y heart Doth faint fo? tnant of b?eatb, it panteth tn my b?eafl:
the terto?s anD the D?taD of Death, Do ton?k me muth unretf.
6 ©Uth D?eaDful fear on me Doth fall, that 31 thereto th Du quake:
futhho?rour tojeltnetb me totha'J, that 31 no fluff tan make.
7 'But 1 DtD fay toho toll gibe me the ftoft anD pleafant tongs
of fome fatre Debt, that 3 may flit anD reO me from thefe things ? •
8 3Lo then 3 tontlD go far atoay, to flee 3 toulD not teafe:
anD 3 bueulD hiDe my felf, anD flay in feme great tolDernetre.
9 3 tooulD he gone tn all the hafle, anD not abthe behtnD:
that 3 tore quit anD ober-pafl thefe blafls of boiflerous toinD.
i ° DibiDe them Lc?D, attD from them pull, their Debillifl) Double tongue:
Co? 3 babe fpt’D their <£ttie full of rapine, flrife anD bo?ong.
j i ffiHhith things; both night anD lay th?oughout Do tlofe her as a toall:
in mtDfl of her ts mifehef flout, anD fo?roto eke tottball.
12 JJter tntoarD parte are tockeD plain, her D&Ds are muth too bile:
anD in her flreets there Doth remaine all trafty, frauD anD guile.
i '

The fecond part.

13 3f that my foes DtD feek mp flame, 3 might it toll abtDe ••
from open enemies check anD blame, fometohere 3 coulD me bibe.
14 But thou that toafl my felloto Dear, toht cb frienDfltp DtCfl p?etenh:
anDDiDflmy fecretcounfelhear, as my familiar frienD.
15 flUtthtobom 3 haD Delight to talk, in fecret anD ab?naD:
anD toe together oft DiD toalk tothtn the houfe of ©oD.
16 let Death in hafle upon them fall, anD feitD them quick to hell:
fo? mi fchief reigneth in the hall, anD parlour tohere they DtoH.
17 'But 3 unto my ©oD toll cry, to him fo? help 3 flee:
the £o?D toill helpme by anD by, anD he toll fuccour me.
18 9tmo?ning, neon,anD ebening tiDe, unto the JLo?D 3 p?ay =
tbhen 3 fo inflantly iabe cri’D, he Doth not fay me nay.
: 9 Co peace he (ball rtflo?eme yet, though toac be nob) athanh,’
although the number be full great, that tooulD agatnflme flanD.
Pfalm lvi. 5 ±
20 CDe Lo?D ttiat firff anD (ad Doth reign, botb notn anD ebermoje i
moCll Ctat icutJen 21 to Dim complain, anD puntfttfcem ful fo?e»
21 fo? fure there 10 no hope that thep to turn thtll once acco?D s
fe? tubp * thep tntll not ® oD obep, no? pet Do fear the Lo?D.
2 2 apon thctt frienD# thep laid thetr hanD*, tahich toere tn covenant fentti
of frtenDihtp to neglect the tanD#, thep paffeo?care notohtk
2 3 oat)t!e thep babe tnar tottpm their hearty as butter are «hetr too?D*:
although their t»o?d# mere Cmcoth a# opl,thep cut a# (harp aa ftdo?Ds,
24 <£a3 thcu tbp' care upon the Lo?D, anD be fljall nourtfy tbee:
fo? in notmfetbilS heacco?D,thejufHnth?all to fee.
2 5 'But <&oD (ball cad them Deep tn ptt, that third fo? blooD atoap# i
pc toil no guileful man permtt,tQhbe out half hts Dap&
2 6 Chough tuch be quite Dedccp’D anD gone, tn tbee, ffi lo?D, 3f trud:
3 tball Depend tbp grace upon, tmth all mp heart anD luff*
Miferere mei. Pfal. lvi. T. Si

JDaWU b?oa$I)t to i^i^s of (0art), r ^)am. xi. io. eomplafnetb of fyg encmtci&,Dfttiam>fitg fifes
cout. puttert) Ots truft in ‘0fS anD bis pzomtfce, anD pjomtCttb to pctfo?m tl;c tootojs tofjtcfc l;aD taben
upon blm, irbereef ttys toag tbe effect,to pjatfc <J5od tn tys Ctyttcty
Sing this as the Lamentation.
H Stie mercy lo?D on me, 3! p?ap,fo? man tootilD me Debout:
be Sgbrcti; toitb me Dag by bay, anD troubletb me eatb hour,
a Spine enemies Daily enterp?tfe to ftoalloto me outright:
to 6gbt agatnff me many rite, © thou mod high of might.
3 ffiaben they tooulD malic me mod afratD toitb beads auD b?ags of pit'De:
3 trud tn tbee alone fo? atD, by tbee 3 null abiDe.
4 ©oDs p?umife 3 Do minDe anD p?aife, © Lo?D, 3 ffiefe to tbee:
3 Do not rate at all arrases, tobar fie® tan Do ro me*
5 GHbat things 3 either DtD 0? fpafie, they to?ed them at their toill;
anD all the counfel that they false , tsbototntoo?femetf(.
e®hey all content themfelbes tobtDe,clofetoattbfo?m»to lay:
tbcp fpie my paths: anD States babe ttt’D to tafee my life atoay.
7 ©hallthey thus frape on mifthief fet ? thou ©oD on them toilt froton ?
fo? in bts tmatb he Doth not let to tb?oto tobole KtngDotnS Doton.
8 ®bou feed f);.to oft they maoe me fiee, anD on mp tears Dod loofi:
reterbe them in a glade by thee, anD to?ite them tn tbp boob.
9 caben 3 Do tall upon tby j&ame, mp foes atoay Do dart:
3 toellperteifce it bp tbe fame that ®oD Dot!; raise mp part. C
1 o 3 glo?p tn the tno?D of ©oD, to p?asfe it 3 arco?D;
toitD lap 3 toil! Declare ab?oaD tbe p?omtfe of tbe lo?D.
j 13 trud in ©oD, anD pet 3 fay, as 3 befo?e began •• *
tbe Lo?D he ts my help anD day, 3 Do not care f0? man:
113 mill perfo?m toitb heart fo fret, to ©oD mp botoes altoates:
anD 3, © Ho?D, ail times to thee, toill offer tbaniss anD p?atfc.
© rj
55 Pfalm lvii. Iviii.

13 £©p foul from death tfjou dofl defend, and beep’d mp feet up?igbt:
that 3 ticfffje tdee map attend, With futb as itbe tnligbt.
Miferere mei. Pfal. lvii. I. H.
JDabfo bdng in the Dffart of 3ffpb,tofsm the inhabitants bettap him, anb at length in th: fame cab£
totb &auU caiictl) moft camftip unto d5ct>, bottb foil ccnSfcence, that hetotfl perform hi0 pjomtfe, anD
fafee l]ts taufe fn i;ant jalfo that he toil! tfjcln his gfo?p in tl;e beaten* ant) earth againft his ctnel enemfce,
thcvcfo?e both he tender laubanti pjalfe.
f Sing this as the 44. Pfalm.
T aifce pitfp fo? tbp p?omife fabe, babe mertp, Lo?d, on me :
fo? wbp mp foul doth bet betabe unto tbe bclp of tbee.
2 iKlttljtn tbe foa'osto of tbp Wings, 3 fet mp felf full faff i
till mtftbief, malice, and liise things be gone and ober pad.
3 3 call upon tbe ®od mod bigb, to whom 3 dttb and dand:
3 mean tbe ©od tbat mill dand bp tbe eaufe 3 babe in band.
4 Jftom beaben be batb fent bis atd,tofabeme fromtbeirfpigbt:
tbat to deboute me babe adai’d, bis* mertp truth and might.
5 3 lead mp life with Lions fell, an fet on rage and ite:
and With futbtoitfeed men 3 dwell that feet Ube dames of fire.
6 rCbeir teeth ate fpf ars and artotos long, as (harp as 3 babe feen;
tbep Wound and cut tnitb their quit's tonguelibe two?ds and Weapons barn.
7 Setup mid dietotbp felf>2D®od,abobetbebeabensb?igbt:
epalt tbp p?aife on earth ab?oad, tbp Q^ajedp and might.
8 ®bep lap their net, and do prepare a p?ibp tabe and pit:
wherein tbep tbinb mp foul to fnare,but tbep are falne in ft.
9 ®p heart is fet to laud tbe Lo?D, in him to jap alwapes:
mp heart 3 fap doth well acco?d,to dug bis laud and p?at fe,
io gwabemp jop.atoabe 3 fap, mp Lute mp Iparpand Ortng:
fo? 3 mp felf befo?e tbe dap will ttfe, rejopte and fing.
11 Jimong tbe people 3 Will tell the goodsteffe of mp @od:
and ditto bis p?aife that doth ejrtel in heathen lands ab?oad.
12!pis mertp doth eptend as far as beabens all are btgb:
bis truth as! btgbas anp oar, that drfnetb tn tbe sbie.
13 @et fo?tb and dieto tbp felf, © ®od, abobe the beabens b?igbt ••
ejctol tbp p?aife on earth ab?oad, tbp ©ajeOp and might.
Si vere utique, Pfal. Iviii. I. H.
15r Bcfcnfartl) the malice of b<0 enemies, the 0atteter0 of %auI,toho both Csentlp atm opreifi> fought his?
teftruction, from Inborn he appealed) to <0ow juDgcment, (hetntng that the juft (hall vifopct toftc n they fet
thcpttnifhtnentofthefiolchebto <0ob3 g!o?i»
Sing this as the 48. Pfalme.
Y€ fouler# tbat ate put tn truQ, to juUge of tn?ong and right:
he all pour jubgement# true anD lull, not knotting meeD 0? mtgOf*
2 3J2ap tn pout beart# pynarfc anD mufe m mtfcbtef to content;
anD ttbere pou fyoulo true Jutttte ufe pout banD# to tyibe# ate bent*
3 Cbt toiefeep fo?t from tbetr WttfrDap, babe etteD on tin# tttfe:
anD from tpett mother# ttomb alttap, babe ufeD craft anD Ite#.
Plalm Iix, 56
4 m tbem tpe popfon ant) bjeatp of tpe Setpentg Do appear t
pea, like tpe SDDet tpat iss Deaf, anD fao Dotp Sop per ear.
5 Xecaufe tte Ml not pear tpe bopte of one tpat tpatmetp toell:
no tpougp pe mere tpe tpief of tpotfe, anD DtD therein ejctell.
6 © ffioD DjeaP tpou tpetr teetp at once mitpin tpeit moutpg throughout:
tpe tugpg tpat in tpetr great jam Uoneg, itPe Upon* mpelpg pang out;
7 Let tbem tonfume atoap anD made, ag mater rung foitpjtgpt:
tpe tpaftg tpat tpep Do ®«t in patte, let tpem Pe bjoPe tn dtgpt.
S 51b fnailg Do made mitpin tpe ®ell, anD unto dime Do run:
as one Pefo?e pis! rfrne tpat fell, anD neber fate tpe @un.
9 TBefoje tpe tpopteg tpat note ate poung to Putpeg Pig ®all groto;
tpe dojmg of anger mating drong,d>all tape tpem ere tpep Pnom*
10 cpe jud Wall jop. It Dotp tpem gooD, tpat <SoD Dotp bengeante tape:
anD tpep (pall mad) tpeit feet in Mood of tpem tpat pirn fojfafee.
j 1 stpen spall tpe mo?lD tpem fo?tP anD tell, tpat gtoD men pabe remarD:
anD tpat a ffioD on eartp Dotp Dmell, tpat judite Dotp tegatD.
. • - • ’ * * ~ ' > ’ ' ' ' " -v

Enpe me, Pfal. Jix. I. H.

J&a&iD being In great banger of fi>anl,tol)o Cent to flat’ blm In bis beb,tJ?a£ttb unto © ob,bidaritb b<£
Imiocene? anb tljeit forp, bearing ©ob to beflrap all ttjofe that On of mallclon0 tolcHtbntlTe - tobont
tbougb be beep allbe (0? a lime to cpetclfe bio people, ^ct In tjje cub be tertll con funic tbem In tys to?atb»
tbat be mar be btioton to be tb? ©ob of Uacob, to tljo toojiw cnb; fo? tb<0 be fingetb #alfea to ©ob at-
ftttcb of tjW metetee.

i S3
©nD atb anD fabe me from mp foeg, © 3La?D, 3 p?ap to tpee t

mm :
DefenD anD Peep me from all tpofe, tpat rife anD (tribe mitp me.
44-— -— — ‘ r ■—-——- . .. --- ■ ■ ■ -"-—»
: i-r a v- J_ZL
A A » Y v jL sL
; $—Xzz~t zX 4 -J

2 © Lo?D pjeferbe me from tpofe men, mbofe Dotngg are not gcoD: anD
1= -XT Y v V —Vf -X-f I 1-:-
f ft T' V 1 . ft 1 A.‘ ¥ V A 1 V
t v q • 4:v w — - " 7vr- V" v ^

fetmefuteanDfafe from tpem, tpat tptrd Bill after PleoD.

5 Jf0? loe tpep mait mp foul to tape, tpep rage againd me dtll:
pea f0; no fault tpat 3 DtD maPe, 3 neber tuD tpem ill.
4 SCper run anD Dotp tpemfelbeg prepare, mpen 3 no mbit offenb:
artfe anD fabe me from tpeirfnareg, anD feempat tpep intend.
5 © Lo?D of poaflg of JCrael, atife anD QriPe all lanbs!:
ano pitp none tpat Do‘rebel, anb intpeirmifciefdanDg.
57 Pfaltnlx. .'”i'ii trKf
6 gt night they flttanb fees about, a* bounb* tbep bomle anb grin:
ano all the €itp dean throughout, from plate to place tbep tun.
7 €bcp fpeas of.me toitb mouth almap, but tn tbetr lip* mere fmorh*:
tbep grfe’D mp, beatb, anb tben tooulo fap, mbat ? none Doth beat out brorD*.
3 Tgat Herb tbou ban tbeit mate* eCpt'D, anblaugbt tbereat a pate t
tbe beatben fbls tbou bed betibe, anb mocfctbem to tbeit face.
9 €be ttttngtb that both out foe* mitbUanb, © JLo?0, Doth tome from tbee ;
mp ©o3 be 0, mp help at banb, a fort of feme to me.
ioCbe Lo?D to me Doth ttetu btS grace, tn great abunoancc (fill:
that 3 map fee mp foe* tn cafe, futb a* mp beatt Dotb mrll.
The fecond part.
11 Dearop tbem not at once, © Lorb, lea tt from mint) Oofall:
but irnti; tbp Hrengtb bribe tbem abroab, anb fo tonfume tbem all.
12 fo? tbett til brorb* ano ttutbleffe tongue tonfume tbem tn tbett priDe:
tbetr tmcbeD oath* mitblie*anbmreng,let all tbebrorlb betibe.
; 3 Confume tbem tn tbp toratb, © Lorb, that nought of tbem remain:
that men map Snob) throughout tbe morla,that Jacob* ©ob both tatgn,
14 gt ebening tbep tun apace, a* Dog* tbep grin anb crp„:
throughout the flteet* in ebetp place,-tbep tun about anb fpie,
15 Cbep fees about for meat 3f fap, but let them not be feb :
nor finbe a boufe wherein tbep map be bolb to put tbett beab.
16TBut 31 mill ®eto tbp Qrengtb abroab, tbpuoobneire 31 brill pratfe t j
for tbou art mp befence anb ©ob, at neeb in all aerates.
17 ®bou art mp fltengtb, tbou baa me Gaib, © Lc?Q 3 ting to tbee:
tbou art. mp fort, mp fence anb atb, a lobing ©ob to me.

Deusrepulifti. PfaJ. lx. I. H.

paten being i«rto filing ober 3«na anb ijaWtig t)»b many btoos<so,<Is»twtI) by ebibent (Igiirff (bat ®>o
(IeKcb bun fttng, affutlng tbe (itoplc that ®oD tout pjofpet tljtin.iftljcy apyjobe tt)i tarns. Jffttt be pjay-
«b unto ®e&, tofltulb ttjat be baB began.

Sing this as the 4 6 pfalme.

u* clean forfahe, anb fcattetebb u* abroab:
tbou bibft taSe, return to u*, © ©Ob.
2 Cbp might bibmobe tbe eattb fofore, that it tn funbet braSe:
the butt thereof, © Lorb,teflorc, for tt both bom anb quaSe.
3 fflHitb beabp chance tbou plaguefl u*, tbe people that ate thine:
ano tbou bad giben unto u* a b?tnS of DeaDlp totne.
4 HSut pet to futb a* feattbp -Same, a banner tbou bibd tbem:
that tbep map triumph in tbe fame, beeaufe tbp Mbofb i* true.
5 ©0 that tbp might map Seep anb fabe tbp folS that fabout tbee:
that tbep tbp help at banb map babe, © LorO, grant tb'fe to me.
< ®be Lorb bio fpeaS from bis* olrrn plate, tbi*toa* bin i opful rale;
31 mill DttHfic ©icbcm bp pace, atm mete out ©uteoeb* bale.
»> >, t 7 ©sleab
Pfalm Ixi; 58

7 ®ileab tsgiben to mine bant), ^anaffesminebefibe:

SEpb?aim tbe Grengtb of all mp lanb, mp latu Doth Juba guibe*
8 3(n 99oab 31 totll twalb mp feet, ober <£Dom tb?oto mp l&oe t
anb tbou paletfme ougbt’tf to itch, fo? labour me unto*
9 T$ut twbo thill b?ing me at this tibe unto tbe €itp (frong .*
0? tobo to €bom tutll me gutbe, fo that 31 go not tw?ong *
I o GBtlt tbou not (Sob, twbicb btbtf fo?fafce tbp folk, tbeir lanb anb coafls t
out boat# m banb tbou twoulb’tf not take, no? twalk among out boalfs*
II Sibe atb, Jlo?b, anb us reltebe, ftom them tbat us btfbatn:
tbe bclp tbat boss of men can gibe, it is but all in bam.
i2T5uttfeougb out Sobboeibatlbabemtgbttotaliegteattbmgstnbanb?
be totll tteab Ooton anb put to Oigbt, all tbofe tbat us tmtbtfano*
I Exaudi Deus. Pfal. Ixi. I. H.
CSO)ct!)2t tfyn Ije lnstc in fcauger of t!;e 3ImenlteP,o? being put o;b of % bCo!o?t,1;cte fy (tinl) to be fceatB
anb tclitjmt>,aiYii ccnfitmeD in typ fetngfccm, pfctnifing perpetual p?filfc.


ItJegarD, © JLo?D, fo? 3 complatn, anD male mp futr to tb«:

let not mp 1®e?D« return in bam, but gtbeanearto me.

2 jftom out tbe coaffs anb utmoff parrs, of all tbe eattb ab?oab • 31n grtef

anb angtitb) of mp beacr Jcrp to tbee, © Sob*

3?apontbe rock oftbpgteat pother, mp thoful mtnbtepofe;
tbou art mp hope, mp lo?t aub totnet, mp fence agatnft mp foes#
4 tKEttbrn tbp tent 31 luff to btoell, fo? ebet to enbute: .
unbet tbp things 3f knob? tight toell, 3f (ball be fafe anb fare*
5 ®be !o?b both mp beote regarb, anb botb fulfill tbe fame t " \
thitb gcoblp gifts twill fife tetwatb, all tbofe tbat feat bis 40ame*
6W% Sting mil be in bealtb mamratn, anb fo prolong bis bates i
tbat be ftom age to age (ball reign, in topal Gate altwates*
7 ®bat be map babe a tstoellmg place, before tbe Lo?b fo? ape •
© let tbp metep truth ano grace, befenbbimftom becap*
8®ben (ball 31 Gngfo?eberQtll,tnitb p?atfe unto tbp J9ame:
tbataHmpbot»es3lmapful6U,anbbailppap tbe fame* ■ ,
® 3. * Nan*e
59 Pfalme lxu.lxiii.

Nonne Deo fubjeda* Pfal. Ixii. I. H.

$>abtt) ccclstcth bp bis OB sample,ant> bp the nature of ©ob,that be might ttuft in <2?ob alonr,£ thereto
erhoitetb all people, (eetng that all is banttp,anb totthout ©ob, ail goeth to nought: anb toe ate altoaps
taught that ©ob oneip ts of potoer to fabe, anb that he rctoatbeth man accojbing to his toojKs.

Sing this as the 61. Pfalm.

M S foul to ©ob (ball gibe gcob tab, anD him alone attcnD:
fo? wbp? mp health anb hope to Cp&D, Doth toft ole on pan Depenb.
a iFo? be alone tj@ mp Defence, tnp rotft, mp bealtb anb atb:
he is mp flap, that no ptetence Qiall mafee me mutb btfmasb.
' 3 © toitfeeb ft®, bate long Will pe ufe craft r fure pe muO fall:
fo? aS a rotten bebge pe be, anb litte a tottering Wall.
4 ©bom ®ob Doth lobe, pe feels altoate# toputhimtotbe Wo?fe.-
pe lobe to lie, with moutb pe p?atfeJ anb pet pour heart both turfe.
5 set otll mp foul both Whole bepenb on ©eb tnp cbtef Deere •
from all falfe feats me to Defenb, none but him 3 require.
6 !i)c fa mprotli,mpfo?t anD fewer, tnp bealtb fa of bts grate:
bebotb fuppo?t me that no power tan mobe me out of place.
7 ©ob fa mp glo?p anb mp bealtb. mp fouls DeQrc anb luG:
mp fo?t, mp arengtb. mp Gap. mp Wealth, ©ob fas mp onelp truG.
8 © babe pour truG tn him alwap, pe Mil Wltb one acco?D i
poW?e out pour beartss to bint, anb fap, our ttuiltstn tbe Lo?D.
9 ®be Cons; ef men Deceitful are, on ballante but a Geigbt:
With thing# moO bain bo them compare, fo? tbep tan beep no Weight.
i o ^tuG not in w?ong, robberp no? Gealtb, let bain Delights be gone:
though gaoDS Well got 8oW in With Wealth, fet not pour hearts thereon.
11 ®he lo?D long Cnee one thing btb tell, whith here to mtnb 3 tall;
he fpabe it oft, 3 bearb it well, that ©ob alone both all.
12 9nb that tbou JLo?b art goob anb binb, tbp merep both ejeteeb =
fo that all tots with tbte ®all Gnb,acto?bing to tbetr Deeb.
Dens, Deus meus. Pfal. Ixiii. T: S.
IDablb after h? frab been in great banger bp &aul>fn the befartof friph, mabc this f^falm, tohitetn he
gibeth tljanbe to <85ou fo? his toonietful fccJtberance, tn tohofc mercies he ttufleb, eben tn tl>c nub 11 of his
mtfertes, pjopliefptsg the beftruetton of <$obs enemies, anb conttatitoife happinede to all them that trail
tnthe3Lo?b, i ^am. 3.

Sing this as the 44. Pfalm.1

O6obffo?mpmbp®ob,? mp3 match betime, to come totb& tn bade:
foul anb bobp both, bo third*of thee to tade*
%ib in tbi0 barren totlbernecre, tobere mater# there are none:
mp fied;m pareb’D fo? thought of thee, fo? thee 3 trnty alone.
* Chat 3 might fee pet once again, thp glo?p drengtb anb might:
a£ I masmont it fo bebolb, mitbin thp ®emple bright*
3 f o^tribp ? thp mercies fat turmount tbi# life anb mjetcbeb bate:
mp l m therefore Ml gibe to tb& bue honour, laub anb p?aife*
• ■ 49nb
Pfalme lxiv3 Ixv. 6o

4 8nD tuStld 31 l&e 31 Drill not fail to too?(Stp tlm altxiap:

anD tntDpJQame 31 (SallltftupmpDanDgtotien 31 Dopjap*
5 foul t* 6llDa$ tmtD marroto, tuDtcb t# Doth fat anD ftoeet .*
mpmoutp tperefoje (Sail eng CucDfong* a* are fo| t&ee mod meet
6 a0 in SeD 31 t&infe on tlm, anD efee all t&e ntgljt tiDe:
7 jf o* unto cotert of tpp tmng# , tpou art tup jopful gutDe.
8 foul Doth furelp dtcfe to tDee , tpp right DanD t# tup potto:
9 9nD tpofe that fecfe mp foul to drop, them Death (Sail foon Dehour*
i o %\)t fpjo^D (Sail them Dehout carp one, tpetr carcacte# (pall ferP
tpe putigrp fojcc0, lopicp Do run tpetr p?ep to fees at nerD.
11 ®pe &tng anD all men (Sail rejopce, tpat Do pjofede ®oD# too?D:
fo? Iper0 mouth# (Sail tpen Pe dopt, tPptcp paPe tpe trutp Dtdurh’D.
Exaudi Deus vocem meam. Pfal. lxiv. I. H.
IDabitt pwetl) agatnft tljc furp anD faifc npoits of tys encmfcsf: I)C Declatetl) tljelr punfffjment anD be-
flrodton, to tlje comfo?t of tfje juft, anb tbe giojt' of epob.
Sing this as the 30, Pfaim.
OJLo?banbuntomp bopce gibe ear, tenth plainttoben J bo pjap,
nDmp life anb foul from fear of foes that tbieat to flap.
1 SDcfenD me from that fo?t of men, that in Deceit Dolurl:
anb from the froteming fate of them that all til feats bo too?b.
3 OUbo tobet tbetr tongues as toe babe fetn men tobet anb Harp tbeir ftoo?Ds t
anb fl;®t ab?oab tbetr arrotos 6®n, 3 mean mofl bitter too?bs-
4 fKaitfj p?ibpfleigbtsH®ttbep tbetr Hafts, tbeupjtgbtman to bit:
tbe jufl untoares to arffee bp craft, tbep care 0? fear no tobit.
5 ^LtotcfeeD too?b tbep babe becreeb, tn cottntel thus tbep ctpt ■
to ufe Deceit, let us not b?eab, tobat i tobo can it efpp ?
6 iffilbat toap to burt tbep tall! anb mufe, all times tottbtn tbetr heart .*
tbep all confult tobat feats to ufe, eacb botb inbent bis parr.
7 TBut pet all tbis Hall not p?ebaile, toben tbep tbinfe lead upon
©ob toitb bis bart Hall fure affail, anb toounb tbem eberp one.
8 ®beir crafts anb tbetr til tongues wttbal Hall too?fe tbemfelbes fucb blame i
that tbep Which tben bebolb tpetr fall. Hall toonber at tbe fame.
9 ffiben all tbat fie Hall fenoto rigbt toell, tbat ®oD tbe filing batb toiougbt i
anb p?atfe bis mtgbtp toojfes, anb tell tobat be to paffe batb brought*
j o get Hall tbe jufl in ©ob rejopce, fltll trufling tn btS might:
fo Hall tbep )op tottb mtnbanb bopce, tobofe hearts are pure anb right.'
Tedecethymnus. Pfal. Ixv. I. H.
3 $ japet anD tbanfcfglWng unto <S>oDbp tbe faftbfu!,toboa« figntfftD bp 3$fon anD 3RetufaIctn, fo?
tbe cboofing* p?cfetbatton, ano gebetnance of tbem, anD fo? tbe plentiful blcffings pourcD fo?tI; upon ail
Sing this as the 30. Pfaim.
alone, © Lo?b, both reign,in ©ion tbine oton bill:
to thee tbep Do maintain, anb tbeir bebefls fulfllf.

61 Pfalm lxvi*

2 j?oi ttiat tljou Doa ttjetr p?apefc» bear, ar»D Dott thereto agree:
t6c people all both fae anD near tottb trull fall come to tbee.
3 ffiut toicfeeD life fo far ejrceeD*, ttiat toe fall fall therein .*
but JLo?D fo?gibe our great mifOeeD*, anD purge u* from our On.
4 ®)emant0bleB tobomtbouDoBcboofe tottfjtntbpdourt*toQtoell:
tbp boufe anD €emple be fall ufe, toitb pleafure* that ejrcell.
5 £Df tbp great juflice beat usl ©oD,our bealtb of tbee Doth rife:
tbe hope of nlltbe eartb abioaD, anD tbefea-coaB* Itfeetoife.
6 smith arengtb tbou art befet about, anD compaff tottb tbp potter:
tbou mafe'B tbe mountain* tirong anD Bout, to BanD in eberp f otter.
7 ®be Swelling fea* tbou Doff afftoage anD mafee tbeir Bream* full Bill:
tbou DoB reBratn tbe people* rage, anD rule them at tbptotlL
s Cbe folfe that Dtoell full far on eartb, fall D?eaD tbp Ogne*to fee:
ttbicb mourn anD eben in great mirtb, Do paffe With p?atfe to tbee.
9 SUben that tbe eartb i* ebapt anD D?p, anD tbtrBetb mo?e anD mo?e;
tben toitb tbp D?op* tbou DoB applp, anD mucb intreafe ber Bo?e.
i o Cbe BooD of ©ob Doth oberfloto, anD fo Doth taufe to fpjtng,
tbe feel anD co?n tobicb men Do foto,fo? be Dotb gutDe tbe tbtng.
11 u&itb toet tbou DoB ber furroto* Bit, toberebp bet cloD* Do fall:
tbp D?op* on ber tbou DoS DiSill, anD bleffe bet fruit toitball.
12 Cbou Decfe’B tbe eartb of tbp gooD grace, tottb fair anD pleafant crop;
tbp clouD* Dtfftl tbeir Detoapace, great plentptbep Do D?op.
i; SHberebp tbe Defart fall begin, full great tncreafe to b?ing:
tbe little bills! fall ;sp therein, mucb fruit in tbem fall fp?tng.
14 3n place# plain tbe Bocfe fall feeD, anD cober all tbe eartb-'
tbe bale* toitb co?n B;all fo epceeD that men fall ung fo? nurtb.
Jubilate Deoomnes. Pfal. lx?i. I, H.

prefect!) alt men to p?alfc tfce 3Lo?p,anD to conQUet ijfcf fettetij fe?tl) t&e poftKt of tEo#
to affray tljc rebels, anD (betoetb IjotD &ot &aD bcUDmtt Jftaei from great bondage atib afQlcttonSjfjepjos
mifctlj to gibe facnficc,anb p?obobetl; att men to Ijcat totjattfjoo foatlj bone fo; ttjetn,? to p;atfe IjtjSjj^atw.

Sing this as the 48. Pfalme.

Y€ ejEtcl
men on eartb in ©oD rejopce, toitb p?atfe fet fo?tb hi* -Same:
bt* mijjbt toitb beart anD boite, gibe glo?p to tbe fame.
2 ipoto toonDerful, ©lo?D, fap pe, in all tbp too?fe* tbou art i
tbp foe* fo? fear fall fees to tbee, full fo?e againB tbeir beart,
3 3WI men that Dtoell tbe eartb tb?ougbout,fall p?aife tbe ISame of ©oD:
tbe lauD thereof tbe too?lD about , i* f eto’D anD fet ab?oaD.
4 911 folfe come fo?tb, beholb anD fee, tobat tbing* tbe lo?D batb to?ougbt-
marfe toell tbe toonD?eusi too?fe* that be fo? man to paste batb b?ougbt.
5 $e latD tbe fea ftfee beap* on high, therein a toap tbep baD:
on foot to paffe both fair anD D?p, tobereof tbeir heart* teere glaD.
6 8>t* might Dotb rule tbe too?lD altoap, bi* epe* all thing* bebolD:
all fucb a* tooulD him Difobep, bp bun fall be eontroll’D.
Pialm Ixvii. 6i
7 ije people gibe unto ou( <SoD, Due laud and than6s altoaps :
toitb toyful boycc declare ab?oad, and ang unto bis p?atfe
8 ffiUbtcb Doth endue out foul toitb life, and it p?eferbe tmrbail:
be Bayes our fart, fo that no Safe tan make us flip o? fall.
9 ®be JLo?d dotd p?obe out deed® tottb 6re,tf that they trull abide;
as too?femen do toben tdey Deere to babe their metals trt’D.
i o Although tbcu fuffer us fo long in p?ifon to be tad:
and there tottb chains and feitecs Qtong to lie in bondage faff.
The fecond Part.
11 although (3 fap) thou fuffet men on us totideand ratgn:
though toe though fire and toatet tunofbety grief and pain-
12 get fure tbou Doff of thy good grace difpofe tt to the beff:
andbyng us out into a place, to Itbe in toealtb and reff.
13 ifnfo thy houfe refo?t brill 31, to offer and to p?ay:
and there 31 totll my felf applp, my botoes to thee to pay.
14 €hc botoes that tottb my mouth 3 fpafte, in all my g?tef and fmartt
the botos (3 lay) tobicb 3 did ma&c, in Dolo? of mp heart.
15 'Burnt offerings 3 totll gibe to thee, of ©pen fat and flams:
yea, thus mp faewflte ©all be of TSullocfes, ©oats,and Lambs.
16 dome froth andhtarben here full form, all ye that fear the &o?d*
B3hat he fo? mp pro? foul hath done, to pou 3 totll record.
17 full oft 3 call to mind bis grace, this mouth tohim doth cry:
and thou mp tongue mafee fpeed apace, to ptaife him hp and bp.
i8T5uiif3 fedmp hearttoithin, intoicbed too?6strejopcet
0? if 3 babe delight to On, ®ad brill not hear mp bopte.
19TSurfuttly ©od myboycehathheard,andtohat3 dorequire;
my p?aper he doth toell regard, and gcanteth mp deffre.
2oSUp?aifeta him that hath not put, no? caff me out of mind:
kd? pet hts mertp from me ffiut, tbhith 3 do eber 6nde.
Deus mifereatur noftri. Pfal. Ixvii. I. H.
% ftDtct piavet fo? al! tbe faithful, to obtain tfce fabour of aub to be eniigl)tnet» toltfc fyt# ctmntt*
nance, to tbe ettb that W boa? anb jnbgementstnat? be bnottm fttfougfoont f$c eattlj, 9 rejoicing tfc#
#o& is tt?c tfSobcmour ob:t alt |iation0.

Sing this as the 25.' Pfalm.

H 3be mertp on us JLo?d, and grant to us thp grate i
tc Unto to us Do thou acco?d the brightneffe of thp face.
2 Chat all the earth map hncto the toay to godly toealth '•
and all the JSattons on a roto map fee thp Cabfng health* '" 1
3 let all the too?ld, © ©od, gibe p?atfe unto thp 3Same t
© It t the people all abroad, ejctol and laud the fame.
4 Cbjoughout the too?tD fo tothe, let all reiopce toitb mirth :
fo? thou tottb truth and right doff guide the JSationsf of the earth.
6} Pfalm Ixviii.
5 let all the toorlb,® ©ob, gibe pratfe unto tbpfftame:
3D let the people all abroad ejctoll anb laub tbe Came.
6 ®ben Ouill tbe eattb incteafe, great (lore of fruit (ball fall:
anb tben out ©ob tbe ©ob of peace (ball bleffe us ebe taritbal ••
7 ©ob (ball us bleffe 31 fap,and tben botb far anb neer,
tbe tolls throughout tbe eartb albrap, ofbtm fball aanb in fear.

Exurgat Deus. Pfal. Ixviii. I. H.

31 rt t\ji$ |Dfa!m IDatnti fetteth forth as tn a glaffe the fiootiBerfui mttcfcs of tfoD tflhaatM bis ptttplt',
toho bp ail means ana moft Stangc fortS*tirctatcfb himftif to tfjem. 3&n6 thereto?* ©ctrs C butch bp tea'*
fen ef his p?ottyl'5S, graces anb btctojtes^oth ejecell tottbeut comj>;mf<ti,aii toojinip things : he ejebojtctlJ
tbcrcfo?e ail men te p?afte 45ob fo? ehtt-

fe:*-—f—|L=4i 3=: =3*

€t ®ob anfe, anb tben bis foes! mill turn tbemfelbes to flight:

|)tj3 enemies then mill run ab?oab, anb fcatter out of Qgbt.

3Bnb as the Are Doth melt tbe toajc,anb toinb bloto fmolse atoap, fo in

tbe prefence of tbe lord, tbe bririteb (ball Detap.

3 TBut righteous men before tbe lorb ©all beartilptejopce:
they flail be glabanb merrp all, anb cbercful in tbetrbopce.
4 ©mg pratfe? flng praife unto tbe lorb, tobo ribefb on tbe slue:
ejetoi the JHame of 3Iab our ©ob, anb him bo magnifle.
“*• < v« ■' »«*••- • **

5 ®be fame is be that is abobe, toitbin bis bolp plate:

that father iff of fatbetleffe, anb jubge of tbibotoff tafe.
6 Jjjoufes be gibes, anb iflue both, unto tbe eomforrfeffe:
bebrmgetb bonbmen out of thrall, anb rebels to Diflreffe.
7 ffinben thou bibfl martb before tbp fells tb’ ©gpptians from among:
anb brought*)} them through tbe bnlberneffe,tnbttb boas botb tmbe anb long.
3 cbe earth bib <juafce,tbe rain pout'odottn,beard toere great tlaps of tbunber
the mount ©inai ©oofc i n futb fort, as it tooulb tleabe in funber.
9 Cbtne heritage tottb Drops of rain abunbantfp toaff bra©t:
anbif fa be it barren toajet,bp tbee it bwsrefre©t:
r o Cbp tbofen aotk both there remain, thou had prepar’d that plate:
anb for the poor thou boa prabibe, of thine efpecial grate.
Pfahn Ixviii,

The fecond part,

u ©obtain gibe Women caufes jud, to magnifie bis I3ame:
tnljen aS bis people triumphs make, an'u purebafe mutt and fame.
12 ffo? putcrant Kings fo? all tbeir potter, fall fiee anD take tbe foil:
anD ttomen ttbitb remain at borne (ball help to part tbe fpoile.
13 Stub tbougb pou mere as Math as pots, pour bue (ball pane tbe ©obe
tebofe totngs anD feathers feem to babe fitter anD goloabobe.
14 (bitten in tbis lan3 ©oD (ball triumph o?e Kings both high ana loto ■
tbendmll it be like Salmon bill, as White as any fnott.
15 Chough Xafan be a fruitful bill, anD in height others paffe:
pet ©ion ©oDs mod bolp hill Doth far creel in grate.
16 ©3bp b?ag pe thus, pe bills mod high, anD leap fo? p?iDe together -J
the bill of Sion ©oD Doth lobe, ana there ttill Dtoell fo? eber.
i7@obs armpis ttoomillions of ttarriersgcoD anD throng:
tbe Lo?D alto in Sinai, is p?cfent them among.
18 Chou DtDfi (© Lo?Dj afeena on high, anD capttbe leDd them all:
ttbitb in times pad tbp cbofen doth in bonDage kept anD tb?all.
Chou mab’d them tribute fo? to pap, anD futb as DiD repine
tbau DiDd fubDue, that tbep might Dttell in ttp Cemple Dibine.
19 r2oto pratfeD be the Lo?0, fo? that be potter# bn us Curb grace;
from Dap to Dap be is the ©oD of our health anD folate.
The third part;
2 o.jj?e is the ©ob from ttbom alone falbatton tometb plain:
be is tbe ©no bs ttbom tee fcape all Dangers, Death anD pain.
21 tihus ®oa ttill toounD bis enemies btaD, anD b?eak tbe batrp fcalp
of tbofe that in tbeir toickeDneffe contmuallp Do Walk.
2 2 jfrom Baton Will 3 b?ing, fate be, mp people anD mp (beep,
anD all mme ottn, as 3 babe Done, from Dangers of th e Deep.
2 3 9nD make them Dip tbeir feet in blooD of tbofe that bate mp Same:
anD Dogs (ball babe tbeir tongues tmb?u’D With licking of the fame.
24 911 men map fee bote tbou, £) ©oD, tbine enemies Doll Deface:
anD butt thou go’O as ©oD anD King tnto tbtne bolp place.
2 5 CTlif angers go befo?t tottb jop, tbe mindrcls follow after:
anD in the miOQ tbe Damfel# plap, toitb Citnb?el anD toitb Caber.
2 6 32ote hi tbe congregation, © Jfrael p?aife the Ho?D:
anD3&cobs tobrle poderttp, gibe thanks toitb on acco?D.
27 ^beir chief toasltttie Bejamin, butSuDa maDe tbeir bod:
• rtt ?abulon anD JSeptbalim, ttbttb Dtoelt about tbeir toad-
289c <f\.Dbathgibenpottertotbee,foJLo?D make firm anD Cure
tbe thing that tbou bad te?ougbt in us,fo? eber toenDure.
2? 9nD in tbp Cemple gifts ttill tee gibe unto tbee © Lo?D:
fo? thine unto Serufalem, Cure p?omtfe maDe bp teo?D.
Pfalra Ixix.

The fourth part.

a am) orange ifttrtg# to uo fubDu’o (ball Do Itfce tn thofe Dapc#:
$ mean to thee tbep Wl p?efent there gtft0 oflauD anD p^aife.
30 E>e (ball Deficop the fpeat'tuen# vanfc0, the calbe0 anD bull# of might •
anD tatife them tribute pap, anD Daunt ail futh a0 lohe to fight.
31 Sbenfbali tbeiU|D0 of GEgppt come, anDp^efent0 tmtb tbemb?tngj
the mod blacfe (bail Oretch their banD0 unto their JLo?D anDlftmg*
3 * Cherefoie pe fetngpom0 of the earth gibe p^atfe unto the lo^D:
fing fTalmjO to 60D tmth one confenr, thereto let all acco?D*
3 3 CHhoThough he r-tDe anD eber hath abobe the beaben# height:
pet bp b*0 fearful tbunDer-dap#, men map fcnoto toeil bt0 might*
34€herefc?ethearengthof^fraei afenheto 60D on bight
tnhole might anD potoer Doth far ejctenD ahobe the clouDp 0fcte*
3 5 ffl €5oD thp boitnefTe anD potoer, 10 D?eaD fo^ ebetmoje:
the ®oD of Siraei gtbe0 110 Orengthj p?atfe& he ®oD therefore*

^alvummefac. Pfal.Ixix. I. H.
Che crmplalttts, ptapcr^ferbmt $?af, art rteat angnKh cf JD&bfD, li fet as a figure of Chtlft
anD all b«S members; the malicious crucltp of the enemies; anD ?hctt punllbmcnt aifo, tohetc HuDas anD
fuch trayto?fl areaccurfcD : Chengathetetb be courage in bifl affliction, anD offercth piai co unto <$od
m ?sr acceptable than all fact?flees, tobmest d^Sthe affltctiDmaprahe ccmfoit JFirialip, hebS'hp?oDclt2
all creatures to pia!fe,pjophefi’tug of the fjmgDcm of Cb?lft,anDtbc piei'ctbatron of tl>s Cbutcb,hobct«
all the faithful anD tl eir fa.D fljall Dtad! io? e&t


Stic me,® ®oD,anD tbat toritb fp»D,rbe toaters Hotel full fas:
-M-£-=& t 2
©a nigb nip Caul De tpcp p?occfD, tbat 3 am fo?e agart.
2 3 Bids full Deep in mire anD clap, tebereas 3 fat no grounD: 3 fall into

fuel) HcoDs, 3 tap, tbat 3 am Itfec be D?oton’D.

3 tB3itb crptng oft 3 faint anD quail, mp tb?oat is Doarfe anD D?p •
tmtb looking up mp ogbt Dutb fait, fo? help to ©bD on btgb*
4 S0» foes tbat gutlfleffe Do opp?effe mp foul, toitbbate ateleD:
in number fure tbep ate no letfe than baireO ate on mp beaD-
5®bougb fo? no caufetbep bep me fo?e, tbep pjofpet anD ate glaO i
tbep Do compel me to teOo?e, tbe things3 ntbet bab.

Pfalm Ixix.
*BHhat abate Done fo* toant of wife tbou Lo;0 all rimes tana tell;
an!) alt the faults that 31 commit, to tbee ate known full well*
7 flD ©oD of beads DefenD anD Sap all tDofe tttat trud in tbee:
let no man Doubt o; ®;ink awap, fo; ought that cbantetb me.
8 3it isfo? tbee anD fo; tbp fake, that 3 Do beat this blame:
in fpite of tbee tbep WoulD me make, to biDe mp fate fo; fame,
*?<8j)pmothers fon# mpb;etb;enallfo;fakeme on aroW:
anD as a oranget tbep me tall,mp fate tbep bull not know.
i o Onto tbp boufe fucb ?eal 31 bear, that it Doth pine me much:
tbetrbecks anD taunts at tbeetobeat,mpberpbeattDotb grutcb.
The fecond Part.
11 Chough 31 bo fad mp Be® to cbafle, peatf 3 Weep anD ntone;
pet in mp teeth this thing is tad, tbep paffe not thereupon.
12 3)f 31 fo; grief anD pain of heart, in facecloth ufe to Walk:
then tbep anone will it perbert, thereof tbep fed anD talk.
13 "Both high anD low anD all the th;ong, that at within the gate i
tbep babe me eber in their tongue, of me tbep talk anh p;ate.
14 Che D;unkaros Which in Wine Delight, it is their chief padime,
to feek Which wap to Wo;k me fpight, of me tbep Qhg anD rime.
15 But tbee the While, ffl lo;D 31 p;ap, that When it pleafeth thee
fo; tbp great truth thou Wilt alwapfenD Down tbp aiD to me.
16 puck tbou mp feet out of the mire, from D;oWntng Do me keep:
from fucb as owe me W;ath anD ire, anD from the water# Deep.
171 ed With the Wabes 31 foulD be D;oWn’D, anD Depth mp foul Debour t
ano that the pit foulD me tonfounO, anD ®ut me in her power.
is D JLo;D of hods to me gibe ear, as thou art gooD anD kinD:
anD as tbp mercp is mod oear, Lo;D babe me in tbp mintt,
19 9nD Do not frem tbp ferbant hiDe, no; turn tbp face awap t
3f am opp;ed on eberp ODe, in hade gibe care 31 fap.
2o0Lo;D unto mp foul D;aW nigh, the fame With aiD repofe:
becaufe of their great tp;annp, acquit me from mp foe#-
The third part,
1 i Chat 31 abt'De rebuke anD fame, thou knoW’d, anD thou cand tell:
fo; thofe that lerk anD wo;k the fame, thou feed them all full Well.
22 GQben tbep with b;ags Do b;eak mp heart, 31 tick fo; help anon:
but finD no frtenDs to eafe mp fmart, to comfo;t me not one.
2 3 But in mp meat tbep gabe me gall, too cruel fo; to think:
anD gabe me in mp third withal, Orong ftinegatte D;ink.
24 lo;D turn their table to a fnare, to take tbemfelbes therein -•
anD when tbep tbtnk full Well to fare, then trap them in the gin.
2 5 8nD let their epes be Dark anD blind, that tbep map nothing fee;
bow Down tbeir backs, anD Do them binD in th;alDom f0; to be.
26 po w;e out th? W;ath as hot as 6re, that it on them map fall:
let thpDifpleafure in thine ire take holD upon them all.
67 lx*.! :ni

278s Defarti tbeit bWfeDtTgtace,tbett offXpjtngtie eypell:

tbat notie thereof potreffietbefr plate, no? in their tents Do btoe 11,
.8 jfrtwaiwonrt^ the nianfojame, on Dim they lap full fo?e:
anD tf tbattbou Do tPotMbbe lame,they feefi to (tun him mo?e.
■ ■■ * ■- ■ ■ ■

19 Cbsn let tbem heap upmtfcStef Gill (Qtb they are all perbert)
that of tbpfabour ano gcob will, they neber babe a part.
3° JSnD raye them clepout of ©e bcofc of life, of hope, of truff;
tbat fo? tbetr name they neberlrolt in prober of the juB.
:d|li part,
31 too anD grief, 6abe bkn full fo?e opp?eOf t
t!)p help $a!I gibe me futti relief, tbat all ®a!l be reD?e&.
32 Chat3 map aibetbp p?atfe, anD Ojctoit toitb a fong:
3 tot!!! e^tilr# fame, alpiape^, toitb hearty thanfe# among.
3 3 QMbteb it mo?e pleafant unto tbee (fucb mtnb tbp grace batb bo^n)
than either o? Calf can be tbat batb both boo! anD ho?m
34 ®benlintofcf#l Uotbi^bebdD, tt@ali rejopee them Cure:
all pe tbat t!;e #jgK bebolD,
pour life fo? ape D ali Dure.
__>_ - . ^ . - »_; }' .. <

3 5 jfo? mbyt *| .r ©all bear tbe poo? When they complain:

btS piifonerSafe to him full bear be Both them nor DtfOatn.
3 6 ffiaberefo?e the sfcte awearrb belott, tbe fea tmtb BooD anD Bream :
bis p?atfe they (ball Declere anD ©exs, tm'tb all tbat Ube in tbem.
37 Jo? fure our ®oD toill Stpfabe, anDIuDaesCines bulls:
mucbfolfc jaMjW tbere ©a5 babe ,ber Greets ©all all be fil&
3 8 tyis FetbahttefeeD ©allbeep tbe fame, all ages out of mtriD:
3 9 3nQ there astbey tbat lobe bis JSame, a Dtoelltng place ©all 6nD.
v ‘ . i i e -.*■ i ■'

D.^us in auditorium. Pfal. Ixx. I.H.

p?at?ct!) to bz tfg’.t. cclOoftcD, afl In tbe %l d;m SeGtetJ; tljc of site*
titles, am? tl;e ecmi?o?i ef aU tftofe tfjat fteft tbe 3Lo?0-
*4*1. j ' i 3/ .*. • .. . . v •* »s* » • '*

Sing this as the 30. Pfalm.

0 <$oDtometafsebeeD,ofbelp3l tbee require:
2D !Ll>?D ofbuQS toitbbaotc anD fpeeD, help, belp 3 tbee DeGre.
2 t©tt b ©ame confounD tbem all tbat fees my foul to fptll:
rebuhe tbem batb trntb blame 10 fall, tbat think Pb tm© me ill.
3 ConfounD tbem tbat apply, anbfeeb to tno?6 me ©ame:
anb at my barm bo laugb PS cry, fo,fo,tbere goes tbe game,
4 'But let tbem joyful be,in tbee terftb joy anDtoealtb:
tobteb onely truB, pD Ceeb to tbee, anb to tby fabmg health.
5 ®bat they map Cay allnayes, in mirtb anD one atto?D:
all glo?y, honour, lauD anD p?aife, be gtben to tbee, © Ho?D.
6 But 31 am boeabap poo?, eotne lo?D, tbtne atD 31 lack:
tbou art my Bay, PD help, therefore mafee fpeeD anD he not Bath.'
Pfalm Ixxi. 68

late Dortline fperavi. Pfal. Ixxi. I. H.

< / *,r»k

fjc tn fa(tb, eftablitycb bp tfjr of pwmitfe, ano confirms bp tbc toojtfe of (£>ca ftnn bf^P
poutb: bcbefir tb note to be beiibereb from tbc ebtl act) totc»eo man (meaning fctg ton 3WoUm arb b«s
confcDcracp) p?cnufingto be mttibful at.b tl;anbful fo? tfcc fame-

Sing this as the 69 pfalme.

Lo?D mp @oD in all Dtdredc, tup Dope 10 topclein tpee t
’ tpen let no ©ante nip foul opp?eGTe, no? once fade polD on me*
2 80 tpou an jud, Detenb me lo?D, anD nD me out of D?eaD;
gibe cat* anD to mp Cuit acco?D, ano fenD me pelp at neeD.
3 °35e tpou mp toed to topom 3 map fo? at'D all ttmt0 refo?t:
tppp?omtfet0to pelp altxiap, tpou art mp fence anDfo?r.
4 %abt me mp @oD from txocdeD men, anD from tpeit drengtp anD pettier:
from fold unjud, anD ede from them that cruellp Defrnur.
5 Cpou art tpe flap tapemn 3 trud, tpou fto?D ofpofte art pe t
pea from trip poutp 3 PaD a lud, dill to DepenD on tpee*
6 ®pou Pad me kept ePen from mp Dirtp, anD 3 tp?ougp tpee toa# bo?n *
tnperefo?e3 tmll tpee p?aife .tmtp mtrtp, PotP ePenmg
* ...
anD at mo?n<.
7 90 to a mender fdDom fen, mucp fold about me tp?cng: -
Put tpou art noin, anD dill pad Permmp fence ano atD fo Otong t
8 ©Hpcrefo?e mp inoutP no time djall lad?, tpp glo?p anD tpp p?aife t j* j
anD ede mp tongue dial! not Pe dacd,toponouc tpee altoaie#*
9 Eefufe me not, flD Lo?D,3 fap, Popen age mp limp# Dotp cade .*
anD uipcn mp drengrp Dotp toad ainap, Do not mp foul fo?fade.
I o Smong tpemfepe# mp foe0 enquire, to tade me tb?ougp Deceit: v
ano tpep agamd me do confpire, tpat fo? mp foul (aiO tmut*
The fecond Part.
II lap panD anD rade pirn onto, tpep CatD, fo? 60D from pan t'0 gone 2
Dilpatcp Pirn quite, fo? fo pusaitr, (3 tm0) fPete cometp none*
12 Do not abfent tpp felf amap, 3D lo?D token neeD ©all Pe:
Put tpat in time of grief thou maid in pad giPe pefp to me*
13 ©Http ©ante confound anD obmp?oto all tpofe tpat fed mp life t 5
opp?e(retpemtmtPreDude alfo, tpat fain tDoulotno?d me daft*
14 TBut 3 mill panentlpaPiDe, tpp pelp at all acrap0:
dill mo?e anD mo?e eacp time anD ttbe, 3 tmll fet fo?tp tpp p?atTe*
15 ,<3®p moutp tpp judice ©all rcco?D, tpat Dailp pelp Dotp fenD i
Put of tpp benefit0> 3D lo?D,3 fenoto no count 0? enD*
i6£tt tmll 3 go anD feed fo?tp one, mitp tpp gooD pelp (ffl ^oD)
tpe fading pealtp of tpee alone, to fpeto anD let aP?oaDs
17 fo? of mp poutp tpou tood’d tpe care, anD Dodtndruct me dill:
rperefo?e tup tminDerS to Declare 3 PaPe great minD anD tnill*
18 51nD a0 in poutp ftom toanton rage, tpou DiDd me deep anD dap :
fo?fade me not unto mp age, anD tiH mp PeaD Pe grap,
foz " ■ The
69 Pfalm lxxii-

The third part.

19 Chat 31 ttjp flrengtb anD might map ©oto, to them that noto he here:
anb that our feeD tbp potter map fenoto, hereafter manp a pear.
20©Low tbp jufttce Doth ejrceeD, tbpDoings all map fee:
thp tto?fc» are toonDerful inDeeD, oh hobo 10 lifee to thee i

21 Chou mati’a me feel affliction fo?e, anti pet tbou DiDtt me fabe:
pea, thou DlDa help anD me teBo?e,<inD tools'll me from the grabe.
2 2 gnD thou mine honour Doff tncreafe, mp Dignttp maintain:
pea thou Dofl mafee all grief to ceate, anD comfo?ta me again.
2 3 Cberefo?e thp faithfulneffe to ptatfe, 3f toill tttth <Utol Gng:
mp Iparp (hall CounD thp pjatfe alttateo, £D lftael0 bolp Sting.
24 SBp mouth ttill jop tttth pleafant botce, ttben 31 ©all Gng ro thee;
anD efie mp foul ttill muthrejopee, fo? thou baa maDe me free.
25 tongue thp up?ightneffe ©all founD, anD Cpcafe it Dailp Bill:
fo? grief anD ©ame Do them confounD, that feefc to tto?fe me til.

Deus judicium tuum. Pial. lxxii. I. H.

&<ngDomof$oDbi> map rome, unDet* tbe perfonof ^aiometi,utiDet tofjotn
(ball be rigbteouCicfc, p?ace3fcltcttp,antotDly.m all ttfr.gs anD Rations (ball 00 name aiv&
pQtojrt (bait er.Dute fo? eber. $

2D?ti gtbe t&p juDgement# to tfre &tng, tOemn tnffruct fym

ttell: anD tttth bi0 fonne that p?tncelp thing, Lo?D let

thpjuflite Dtoill:
2 Chat he map gobern up?ightlp, anD rule thp foils aright:
anD fo DefenD through equitp,tbe poo? that babe no might.
3 9nD let the mountatn0 that are high, unto thp folfe gibe peace:
anD efeelet little hill0 applp, tnjuflice to intreaft.
4 Chat he map help the tteafe anD poo?,ttitb atD anD mafee them flrong i
anD else Deflropfo?ebermo?e,all thofe that Do them tt?ong.
5 8nD then from age to age ©all thep regarD anD fear thp might:
fo long a# feun Doth ©tne bp Dap, 0? elfe the $®oon bp night:
6 Lo?D mafee the King unto the juB,ltfee rain to 6elD0 nett mottn:
anD lifee to D?op0 that lap the Dud, anD fee© the (anD nett fottn,
7 Che
Plaint Ixxiii. 7o
7®bejuQ Qjall flouri© tn bts time, anb all (jail be at peace:
until tDe ®oon ©all leabe to p?tme, made, change, anb to increafe.
8 Jpe ©all be Lo?b of tea anb lanb, from ©o?e to ©o?e tb?ougbout:
anb from tbe Boobs toitbin tfe lanb, though all the earth about.
9 the people that in befarts btoell, ©all ftneel to turn full tbfck:
anb an bt$ enemies that rebel,tbe earth anb bud ©all lick. r \
ioCbele?b0of all tbe Slestbcrebp, great gifts tobirn ©allb?tngj
tbe Kings of ©aba anb 3rab(e, gibe manp a codlp thing.
The fecond part;
i i STO Kings ©all fab toitb one aceo?b* in big goob grace to danb:
anb all the people of tbe too?lb ©all ferbe bim at bts band.
ii jfo?be tbe needp fo?t botb fabe, that unto bim bo call:
anb eke tbe ample folk that babe no help of man at all.
:i 5 Jpe taketb pit? on tbe poo?, that are toitb neeb opp?e31
be botb p?eferbe tbem ebermo?e, anb b?ing tbetr fouls to red.
si #e ©all redeem tbetr libes from b?eab,from fraub,from to?ong,frotn might,
anb eke tbe bloo^ that tbep ©all blab, is p?ecious in big Ggbt.
15 'Em be ©all libe, anb tbep ©all b?ing to bim of Sabeas golb:
be ©all be bonureb as a King, anb datlp be ejrtolD.
1 6 die mtgbtp mountains of bis lanb, of co?n ©all bear fucb tb?ong:
that it like debar trees ©ad Hand, in Libanus full long*
17 ®beir Cities eke full toeli ©all fpeeb, tbe fruits thereof ©all pacre i
tn plentp it ©all fat epceed, anb fp?ing as gran as grade-
18 fo? eber tbep ©all p?aife bis JSame, tobtle tbat tbe Sun is light:
anb think them bappp tb?ougb tbe fame,all folk ©allbleoe bis might.
19 fS?aife pe tbe Lo?b of bods, anb dng to Jfcaels ®ob each one :
fo? be botb eberp toonb?eus thing, pea, be bimfelf alone.
2 o $nb bleireb be bis bolp fliame, all times eternallp t
that all the earth map p?atfe the fame, 8men, amen, fap 3*
Quam bonus Deus. Pfal. Ixxiii. T. S,
Che ^Diophrt tcacbct^ bi’^ta trample, tbat neither tbe hwlblp p?ofperitp of tbe ungoblp, no? pet af
fiidion of tbe goob,ought to Daunt 4>oD0 chilOicn, but tath«r ought to motoe us to conflict out fatbtnaf p?o«
bibence, anb to caute u* to tebetence <15 ob* im>gmtnts,fo? as much as the toteaeo banilh atoap li&c fmofec,
anb tbe gobtp enter into Itfc cbcrlafting.tn hope thereof he teOgneth b^feif into <J5ots l;anD0,

Sing this as the 44 Pfalme.

HOtoebent be, pet <ffiob is goob, anb feinbtojfcael:
anb to all fucb as fafelp keep tbeir conference pure anb toeli,
* fiet like a fool 3 almoQ dipt, mp feet began to fltDe:
anb ere 3 totfl,eben at a ptntb.mp Qeps ato?p ’gan glide.
3 Jfo? toben 3 fam fucb fooli© men, 3 grubg’b anb bib bifbain %
tbat totekeb men all things ©oulb babe tottbout turmrale anb pant.'
4d>epnebetfufitrpangsno? grief, astfdeatbftauldtbemfmitet
tbetr bodies are both Qout anb orong, anb eber tn goob plight-
' ihj 5 9W
71 Plains bouii.
5 gnb fete from alt abberfitp, mfjen other men be (bent:
anb mitb tbe red tbep take no part of plague o? pumdiment,
6 ttberefo?e p?efumptten both imb?ace tb:tt nicks, as both a chain :
and are eben m?apt as in a robe, trntb rapine anb Difbain.
7 ®bep are fo fed, that eben fo? fat, their epes oft- times out-darts:
anb as fo? mo?lblpgoobst, thep babe mo?e than ran mi® their heart.
8 Htbeir life 10 mod licentious, boading much oftbem?ong,
mbtcb thep babe bone to Qmple men, anb eber p?p’b among.
9 ‘She heabens anb the libing Lo?b, thep fpare not to blafpheme:
and p?ate thep bo mo?lblp things, no might thep bo edeem.
1 o %he people of ®dD oft ttmes turn back, to fee their p?ofpetous Sate: .
anb almod d?ink the felf-fame cup, anb follobo the fame rate.
The fecond part.
j 1 ipob) can it be that (Sob (Cap thep) djoulb knob? 0? underdand
thefe mo?lblp things, fitb micked men be JLo?b of fea anb lanb ■
12 |Fo? b?e map fee bom mtckeb men, in riches dill increafe:
remarbeb mell mtth mo?lblp goods, anb libe in reft anb peace.
13 ®ben mbP bo 3f from mfekebneffe, mp fantafie refrain:
anb ma® mp hanbs rnith innocents,and denfe mp heart in bain ?
14 gnb fuffer fcourges eberp bap, as fubj'ett to ail blame:
anb eberp mo?ning from mp pouth, fudain rebuke anb ®ame.
15 gnb 3 had almod faib as thep, mtfltking mine edate .*
but that 31 ftoulb thp tbilD?en fudge, as folk unfo?tunate.
16 Shen 31 bethought me born 31 might this matter underdand t
but pet the labour mas too great fo? me to take in hand.
17 (Until the time 3 ment into thp bfllp place,anb then
31 undtrdcod right perfectlp, the end of all thefe men.
18 and namelp bom thou fetteQ them, upon a flip pc rp place:
and at thp pleafure and thp mill, thou bad them all deface.
19 Chen all men mute at that drange fight, to fie bob? fudbenlp
tbep are bedcop’b,btfpatcht, confum’b, anb bead fo J)o?riblp.
20 H)urb like a d?eam mhen one amakes, fo diall tbeirtoealtb decap:
their famous names in all mens flgbUkall ebbe anb paffe arnap*
The third part.
21 »et thus mp heart mas griebeb then, rap mind toas muth opp?ed:
2 2 @0 fond mas 3 anb igno?ant, anb in this point a bead.
2 3 £et nebertheleffe bp mp right hand, thou holbd me almaies fad:
24 and mith thp counfel bod me guib, to glo?p at the lad«
2 5 ®Hbat thing id here that 31 can mi®,but thee in heaben abohe 1
anb in the earth there is nothing, like thee that 3 eanlobe.
26 i$)p Be® anb eke mp heart both fail, but Cod both fail me neber
fo? of mp bcaltb®od is the drength, mp po?tion eke fo? eber,
2 7 anblo, all Curb as thee fo?fake, thou (bait bedrop each one:
anb thofe that trud in anp thing, fading in thee alone.
a§ Shere;
Pfalm Ixxiv. lz
28 ©jeccfo?? 31M D?ato met to ©oD, ant) tbtr t»ub btm Dtodl;
tn ®oD alone 31 put mp ttuO,tl)p toonDew 31 will tell.
Ut quid Deus. Pfal. Ixxiv. t. H.
• 0P V# ’’ \ 4 , • j.

^!)c faithful complain of the tctttucflott of tl>e Cfymt) ant) true iRcllglcn, unfccr tljc nntne of ifeton ant)
the Attars Dcfttopefc : but truftlng in the might anb free rncrcp of ®ob3bv hts covenant tfap trqnttc help
anb fuccour f. ? the glo?v of v0cbjs l;olt> M amc, the falbatloit of tjis pooj affllctcb fctbantOj anb tpe confn-'
Con of his p?eub emmics.

Sing this as the 6$i Pfalin.

W f)j) art thou (IlojD) to long from u#, tn all tbefe banger# beep t
mbp Doth thine anger ktnble tbu#, at thine omn pailute fbtep c
2 ILorD call thp people to thp thought, mbtcb babe been thine fo long t
the mbtcb thou haQ rebeem’D anb brought from bondage fore anb flreng;
3 Ij^abe rntnbe therefore, anb think upon, remember It full mell:
thp pleafant place, thp ®ounr ‘©ion, mbere thou -tea inapt to bmel
4 Ltft up thp feet,anb come in bafle, anb all thp foe# beface:
mbtcb nom at pleafuce rob anb maAe tmthm thp help place*
5 8mlb thp congregation# all, thine enemie# roare, £D @ob:
thep fet a# Qgn# on eberp toall, banner# Dtfplatb abroab*
6 28# men tottb $jte# beto boton tree#,that on the hill# bo greto:
fo flnne the bill# anb fmorb# of thefe, toithtn thp temple nom.
7 %\>t feeling fam’D, the carbeb boarfe, the gooblp graben Gone#:
tmtb ape#3 hammer#, bill# anb fmorb#, thep beat them baton at once,
8 ®bp place# thep confume mitb flame, anb eke tn all tht# totle:
the houfe appomteb to thp K2ame, thep rape Domn to thefotle.
9 gnb tbu# thep fatb mitbtn tbetc heart, Dtfpatcb them out of hanb j
then burnt thep up tn ebetp part, ®ob# houfe# though the lanb,
io £et thou no fign of bl ip bofl fenb, our Prophet# all are gone:
to tellmben tht# ouc plague (hall enb, among u# there t# none*
11 CKhen milt thou (L<$0 once enb tht# flmme,anb ceafe thine etiemfe# flronge
(hall thep almape# blafpheme thp I3ame, anb ratle on thee fo long ?
12 m\)v bofl thou Dram thp hanb aback, anb htbe it in thp lap ?
db pluch it out, anb he not Gaxk to gtbe thp foe# a rap*
The fccond part.
13 © 6ob, thou art our King anb Lorb, anb ebermore had been:
pea, tbp goob grace throughout the morlb, for our goob* help hath feen.
14 Che fea# that are Cobarp anb beab, thp might btb make them brie t
anb thoubibfl break the ©erprnt# heab, that he therein btb bie.
15 £ea, thou btbfl break the heab# fo great, of CSIbafe# that are fo f|.ll .*
anb gab’fl them to the folk to eat, that tn the befart# bmell.
16 Chou mab’fl a fprtng muh flream# to nfe from rock both barb anb hie:
anb eke thp hanb hath mabeltkemife, Deep riber# to he brie#
TSotb bap anb eke the ntgbt are thtne, bp tbee thep mere begun :
thou feta to ferbe u# mtft thetr ®tne, the ^oon anb eke the ©un.
73 Pfalm lxxv- _
18 ubou btna appoint tpe enO# anD toad# of all tpe eartp about t
bGtb Cummer-peat# anD tointet>frofl#,tpp PanD path feunD tpem out.
19 Cbinb on (© Lo?D) no time forget tpp foe# that tbeeDefame,
anD bote tbe fooltlb folfc atefet, to taile upontbp JSame.
2 o Dp let no tcuel bean# Deboure, tpe Cuttle tpat i# ttue :
forget not altoate# in tpp potoer, tpe poo? tpat mutp Do rue.
21 illegarQ tpp cobenant, anD bepolD,tpp foe# potrecre tbe lanD:
all faa anD Datfe, fo?too?n anD olD, out Realm,a# note,Doth QanD.
2 2 Let not tbe ample go atoap, no? pet tetutn toitb ®ame:
but let tpe poo? anD neeDp ape, gibe p?affe unto tbp J0ame.
2 3 Rife (Lo?D) let be bp tbee maintain’D, tbe taufe tpat i# tpine oton:
temembet bob) tpat tpou blafpbem’D att bp tbe foolt'a one.
24 Cbe bopce fo?get not of tbp foe#, fo? tpe p?efumption pie,
i# mo?e anD mo?e incread of tpofe, tpat pate tpee fptgptfullp.
•* # /

Confitebimur tibr^Dcus. PfaLlxxv. I.H.

Cfc fattbfuldop:a(fa tljc iftame of tbs fljaH come to jtisgc attTietime aptjotote® $ Ififjctt
tbe tctcHeti Mi be put tocoufutfon, an® Djtnfe tlje cup of ijts to?atb, t^etr p?tt>c (fjafl be abate®, an® tty
tigbteoujs fl;aU be eyaitco to honour.
Sing this as the 44. Pfalm.
VJStoDtptbte,@ob,toill toe gibe tpanfoES, toe bull gibe tpanfc# to tpee;
tpp I amei#fa near. Declare tbp toonD?ou# tno?b# toill we,1
a 1 bull up?lgbtlp JuDge, toben get tonbenient time 3 map:
. tpe eartb i# totals, ano all therein, but 3 bee pillar# dap.
3 3 DiD to tpe mab people fap, Deal not fo furiouflp
anD unto tpe unguDlp one#, fet nor pour po?n# on bie:
4 3 faiQ unto tbem, fet not up, pour raifeD po?n# on bie:
anD fee tpa tpou Do toitb did necb, not fpeafe p?efumptuoudp.
5 fo? neither from tpe Caaern part#, no? from tbe (Kdedern obe■
no? from fojfafcen toiloemeire, p?omotion Dotb p?oeeeb.
6 jfo? tspo tbe Lo?D our ©oD be i# tpe rigbteou# iuDge alone t
pe puttetp baton tbe one, anD fet# anotper in tpe tp?one.
7 f o? top? ? a tup of tnigptp toine, i# in tbe panb of ©ob:
ano all tbe migbtp toine therein, bimfelf Dotb poto?e ab?oaD.'
8 8# f ? tbe lee# anD filtbp Dreg#, that Do remain of it :
tpe tottbeD of tpe too?lD (pall D?inEc, anD fuck tpem eberp tobif.
6 'But 3 toill talfe of ©oD, 3 fap, of 3acob# ©oD tperefo?e:
anD totll not ceafe to teleb?ate bi# p?aife fo? tbe?mo?e,
io 3n funDer b?ealt tpe po?n# of all ungoDlp men toill 3 >
but tpen tpe po?n# of rigpteou# men, (trail be epalteD pie.
Gloria Patti.

T o Father Son, and holy Ghoft, all glory be therefore:

As in beginning was,is now, apd (hail be evermore.
Pfalm Ixxvii* Ixxvii.
In Judaea. Pfal. Ixxvi. I. H.
Cblflf f&fa'nt Ccttctb fojtb tbe potoet of 45 on ,an5 cm fo? tbe Defence of i>is people in ^cttifafem in the
fcctttuctioii of tljc atm*? of j&enacfjcrib, atU> ejtbo?tctb tb« fattbful to be tbanhfnl fo? tfje fame.

T Sing this as the 69: Pfalm.

© all that note in Jeto?p Dtoell, tbe JLo?D is clearlp fsnoton:
t)*0 JBame t0 great tn3(frael, a people of bis oton.
a St Salem tie bus tents bath pigbt, to tart? there a fpace:
in ©ton else be bath Delight to made bis Dtoelling plate,
3 JnD tbere be b?alte botb ®aft anb botoe, tbe ftoo?D, tbe fpear, anD ffjielo:
ana b?alsc tbe rap to obertb?oto, in battail on tbe fielD.
4'Cbou art nio?e too?tbp honour Lo?D, mo?e might onthfc Doth lie:
than tn the BrongeB of the too?lb, that rob on mountains bfgb,
5 Xut nob) tbe p?cuD are fpoil'D tbjougb thee, anh tbep are falne on Beep:
tb?ougb men of mat no help tan be, tbemfelbes tbep coula not beep*
6 fit tbp rebufee, © Jacobs ©oD,tohen thou DiDB them tep?obe:
as> half on flap their tbariots Booh, no bo?fe‘men once Dih mobe.
7 jfo? tbou art D?eaDful, Lo#, tnDetb, tobat man tbe courage bath
to btDe thp fight, anb both not D?eaD toben tbou art tn tbp to?atb ?
8 tsaben thou DoB mafee tbp jubgments bearo from beabt n tbiougb the grounD:
then all the earth full fo?e afratD, in Qlente ®all be four,b.
9 Stnb that toben tbou, © ®nb, bofl flanb, tn tuDgement fo? to fpeafs:
tofabe tb'affitcteD of the lane, on earth that are full toeafe.
i o f£be furp that in man both reign, BiaU turn unto tbp p?aife:
hereafter (Lo?b) Do thou reflrain their to?atb anb thieats altoaps,
11 fgiatse botos, anb pap them to our ©oD, pe foils that nigh them be:
b?ing gifts all pe that Dtoell ob?oab,fo?D?eabful Cure is be.
12 fo? be Doth false both life anb might from #?tnces great of birth:
anb full of terro? ts his fight, to ail the Sings on earth.
# ad Dominum. Pfa). Ixxvii. T.S.
d)cf9?opbct tn tbe nam: of tbe Cbureb tebcatfetb tbe greatnefle of btsf affUrttoH, anD tbe grtebous
temptation*, toliettbn be trasmtVen to tbts ent>, to conficet big fo?tnrrcon6Dtratton, imt> tbe rontlnnaf
courfe of <2>efc0 tonfes in tfje p?eferbatton of !;io fetbantjj, atiB lo confitmetb b^ fattb agfifnft ti;tf? tcm=
Rf-,' 1 _V*
-V -£• _A . ±z- ir
| A V Y T I. v Y - i 1 1. I
n tA . I- -
t I „ _L. . 1i *j « *I . Tt^-

m ttjj tup fcopcc rn <J35oD Do crp, tottD ticart anD Deartp cDear, nip

boptc toffioD 31 lift on hie, anb he mpfuit both hear. Jntinie of grief
v 4=: F4 ^ 4 A ~ |L1. " ^ J:. v. i" -y:—
V_2L ’X

31 fought to ©ob, hp night no tea 31 tools; hut areteht mp banDs to him

- ah?oab
75 Pfalra Ixxvii.
^ r i
-«-»■ “I 3L -v C 4Z I -
v .<£ JL A" 1 A
v V v -V. v j$. v

abroad5 mpfoul comfort fo?fooke.

3 5£iben 3! to think on 6oD intend, trip trouble then f® mo?e :
3 fpake,but could not make an end, mp breath toa® ffopt fo fo?e.'
4 Chou beldff mine epe® altoate® from reff, that 3 therewith bio toakee
toith fear 3 am fofo?e oppreff, mp fpeech both thee fo?Cake*
5 Che dape® of oID in mind 3 caff, anD oft Did think upon
the time® and age® that are paff, full manp pear® are gone.
6 75p night mp Cong® 3 call to mind, once made thp p?atfe to (boto t
and rmtb tnp heart much talk 3 end, mp fpirit® Do fearch t® knoto*
7 ffltll 6od fatd 3, at once fo? all>■ caff off hi® people ttm®:
fo that henceforth no time he Ojafl he friendlp unco u® i
8 OThaf ?t® ht® goodneffe clean decap’d fo? eder and a dap ?
o? i® ht® p?omtfe noto Oelap’d, and doth ht® truth decap ?
9 $nd mill the Lord our ®od fo?gec hi® mercte® manifold ?
o? (ball hi® to?atb increafe fo hot, bf® mercte® to toitb-bold?
i o $tlaff, 3 fatd, mp toeaknese i® the caufe of thi® mtffvuff:
6od® mightp hand can help all thi®3 and change ft tohen he luff*

The fecond part.1

113 toil! regard and think upon the too?ktng of the Lord i
of all hi® bonder® paff and gone, 3 gladlp to ill record.
i2£ca> all ht® too?k® 3 toil! declare, and tobat he to cetufe $
to tell ht® fan® 3 toil! not fpare andeke hi® counfel totfe*
13 Chp too?k®, 2D Ho?D, are all upright, and holp all abroad ?
tobat one hath (frength to match the mightofthee, I)lordour6od?
14 Chou art a @od that doff forthffjeto, thp toonder® eherp hour*
and fo doff make $e people knoto, thp hertue and thp potoer.
15 $nd thine oton foft thou doff defend, toith ff rength and ffretched arm t 1
the fon® of 3acoh that defeend, andSofeph® feed from harm*
16 Che toater® JLo?d pereethed thee, the toater® fato thee toell:
andthepfo? fear a toap did flee, the depth® on trembling fell.
. ■ - . „ . . . *

17 Che cloud# that tom both thick and black, did ratn full plenteouflp :
the thunder in the air did crake, thp £f)aft® abroad did ffte.
18 Cbp thunder in the air toa® heard, thp lightning® from abode *
toith fiatye® great made men afraid, the earth did quake and mode*
19 Cbp toate# totthtn the fea do lie, thp path® tn toater® deep:
pet none can there thp Gcp® efpp, no? knoto thp path® to keep*
20 Chouledfftbpfolk upon the land, a® (beep oneherp Ode:
through® ofe# and through toon® hand thou didtt them fafelp guide*
Pfalm lxxviii.

Attendite popillf. PfaL lxxviii. T. S.

. 4 • » ' /. . . '• t ;■ eg « ' > , 1 } " ' ■ . \ • s

fee fhctoctb ®ob of merep cbofe fe<s C &utc& of tbc jottciitv cf Ubjafyittbcaftltig tn tfecfr t'rtfj.
ti e (lubbo?n tcbcliiost of tljctr facets tbattbeit cljtitycn mtgbt not omt£ unberftanb that i®rb of Ins ftce
tncictes ina^c bi0cobcnant tottb tbcfr 3lnccffo?0,bat alfo feeing them malicious ai?b petberfr, might be
a hanub, anb fo turn b?l)ollt> to dPob. 3!n tljijsf *2>falm tlje b^V ®boft bat!) ecmpjcbcntnD, as tt fern the
foni of all €>obs benefits, to t^e intern tljat tl;c fgnojant anb grafts pecple mtgbt fee in a feto iBojfcjf, tl;c

Ctend mp people to mp Law,

tnnutp d»ll fpeaP Orange parables, andtentences* ijibtnc.

J ' 1 ' La f—-1—-
S o a I f A ■'A .1 L .. V TT A
1 V.
Ti - \ $ r.v y
. - :V v

3 ESptep We our felbes pabe pcatd and learn’d,eben of our fatper# old; anp
•W'-j--] ~—|-—I-T"—,s 1 ^ - " ’ f J ^ r - '\
lei f>-v *> . _JL A 1 A J_ _ 1__ _ _ _
r , V AVt .4. 4,
L___H p: v --£-4—A.-j

Wpitp tea our indruction, our fathers* pabe us told-

4 Xctaufetee fljoulD not Peep it tlofe from tpem tpatdmuld come after;
Wpodiould Sods power to tpetr race p wife, ant) all bts wojpg of wonder,
5 Colacobpe commandment gabe,pow Ifrael dmulo libe:
Willing our Carpers* OjoulD tpe fame unto tpetr cptlu?cn gibe.
6 ®pat tpep and tpetr podetttp, tpat Wert notfpiung up tpo,
Oould pabe tpe knowledge of tpe Law, and teacp tpetr feed alfo"
7 ®pat tpep mtgpt pabe tpe Petter pope in ©od tpat us abobe t
and not fojget to Peep pits Laws, and pw Accepts tn lobe.
8 J9ot being as tpetr fathers* Were, repelling in ©ods* Ogptt
and Would not frame tpetr WicPed pearts* to know tbetr ©od arigpt,
9 Ip. w Went tp" pernile of <£pb?atm tpetr netgpboucs* fo? to fpotl .*
ipooting tpeir fbafts* tn dap of war, and pet tpep took tpe foil i
10 f o? wpp ? tpep did not Peep witP ©od, tpe cobenant tpat Was; made ?
no? ret would walk o? lead tpetr Itbes* accojdtng to pts* trade.
11 TSutput tntoolltbion, pis tounCel and pus will?
and all pis* Wo?Ps mod magniBque, Wpitp pe detlarep dill.
The fecond pair.
12 ffiUpat Wonders* to our fo?eTatpets, did Pe ptmfelf difclofe:
in € gppt land, Witpin tpe field tpat call’d ts CPaneos ?
13 fee did dibide and tut tpe tea, that tpep mtgpt paffe at once:
and made tpe waters dand as dill as dorp an peap of done*.
14 fee
77 Pfalm lxxviii.

14 IJ)e let) tbem fe tret in a cloub, bp bap toben ft toast b?igbt:

anb in tbs night toben barb ft toast, toftb fire be gabe tbem Itgbf.
15 $>e b?ake tbe rotks in toilberneffe, anb gabe tbe people b?infe i
as plentiful as toben tbe beeps bo floto up to tbe b?tnk.
isfyi b?ctoout nbecs out of iElotbs tbattoete both b?p anb barb:
in futb abunbance tbat no Scobs might be to them compat'b.
17 jget fo? all tbis againff tbe Lo?b tbeft On tbep bib intteafe:
anb ottreb bftn tbat is mod bigb> to to?atb in toilberneffe.
18 (Ebep tempteb ®ob toitbin tbeir hearts, libe people of mtffrutt;
requiring futb a bmb of meat, as fetbeb to tbeir luff.
19 ©aping toitb murmuration, in tbeir unfaitbfulneffer
tobat i tan rbis ®ob prepare fo? us a feaff in toilberneffe t
* ■ •'* s - ) . ’ ” -.

2 o TSebolD, be orabe tbe ffonp rocks, anb floobs foftbtoi tb bib fldto 1
but tan benoto gibe to bis folk, botbb?eab anb Be® alfoe
21 ©Hben ®ob bearb tbis, be toajeeb to?otb toitb Jacob anb bis feeb:
fo bib bis mbignatton on JCtael ppoteeb.
The third part.
2 2 TBeraute tbep bib not fattbfullp beliebe, anb bope tbat be
couib altoates belp anb fuceour tbem in tbetr netefotp.
23 lHHbtrefn?ebe bib commanbtbe doubs,fo?tbtottbrbep b?ake tnfunber:
24 8nb rain’D baton fjgamia fo? tbetn to ear, a foob of mickle tonnber.
2 5 ®Sbm eartblp men toitb Angela foob, toere feb at tbetr requeff;
26 pe bob tbe Caff-tomb blotoatoap, anb b?ougbt in tbe ©ourb-aeff.
2 7 jpe rain’s boton Be® as tbiefe as buff, anb fotole as thick as (anb:
2 8 t©btcb be bib eaff amtb tbe plate, tobere all tbeir bents btb ff anb.
2 9 Chen bib tbep eat epceebmalp, anb all men bab tbeir fills t
pet mo?e anb mo?e tbep bib befire, to ferbe tbetr luffs anb toills»'
30 Xut as tbe meat teas in tbeir moutbs,bis to?atb upon tbem fell:
31 anb ffeto tbe flotoerof all tbeir poutb, anb tboite ofjtrael.
3 2 set fell tbep from tbetr toonteb fin, anb dill tbep bib bftn griebe t
f0? all tbe toonbets tbat be to?ougbt, tbep tooulb him not beliebe.
3 ? Cbeit bates tberefo?e be ® o?teneb, anb mabe tbeir honour bain:
tbetr pears bib toaffe anb paffe atoap, toitb terro? anb toitb pain.
3 4 “But ebet toben be plagueb them, tbep fought them bp anb bp:
35 Eememb?tng that be toas tbeir Qrengtb, tbeir help anb ®ob mod high*
3 6 Chough in tbeir mouths tbep bib bur glofe, anb Batter toftb toitb lo?b:
anb toitb tbeir tongues anb in tbeir hearts biffrmleb eberp too?b.
The fourth part.
3 7 Jo? tobp ? tbeir hearts toere nothing bent to btm no? to bis trabe:
no? pet to keep 0? to perfo?m the tobenant that toas mabe.
3 c get toaS be ffill fo merciful, toben tbep befetb’o to Die t
gat be fo?gabe tbetn tbetr mifbeebs, anb tooulb not them beffrop.
Pfalm Lxxviii. 78
Pen tnanp a time tjc turn a Ijt0 DiD Ijtmfclf abbifeT
anb limit) not fuffee all tjtsf whole btfpicafure to atife,
39 Confibcnugth«ttl)epD)cre butflefb.anb eben as a toinbe,
pacing awap, anb cannot melt return bp bis otxm kittbe.
40 loom often times in toilbetnefs bib tbep theJlo?b p?oboke <
bow did tijep ntobe anb dir tbe )io?b to plague them With biS ftroke ;
41 Pet bib tbep turn again to fin, anb tentpteo dSoo eft foott:
p?efctibmg to tbc bolp Ho;tb, bobat things t hep Woulb babe bone,
42 Hot thinking of biS bans anb potoer, no? of tbc bap biben be
belibereb them out of tbe banos of tbeit fierce enemp.
43 Ho? bfbo be w?ougbt biS miracles (as tbep tbemfelbeSbebelb)
in &gppt anb tbe bionbets that be bib in #oan fielb,
44 Ho? bob) be turneb bp bis power tbeir waters into bloub :
that no man might receibe biS b?ink at riber no? at floub.
45 Ho? ba n be fent them fooatmo of flies, Which bio them fo?e anitop:
anbfiUbtbetr counttepfullof frogs, which btb tbeir lanboeftcop.
The fife part.
4 6 Ho? bob) be bib commit tbeir fruits unto the Caterpillec: •
anb all the labour of tbeir banbsbe gabe to the C5?a(bopper.
47 t®itb bail-RoneS be belltop'b tbeir bines. fo that tbep biere all toft *.
anb not fo much as Wilbe fig=trees, but be coirfUm’b W tb If oft.
4S 3tib pet boitb bail-(tones once again the % o?b tbeir cattel fmote:
anb all tbeir flocks anb herbs lifteWtfe, boitb tbunber^bolts full hot*
49l)e call upon them in biS ire, anb in bis furp ftrong,
bifpleafute, w?atb, anb ebil spirits to trouble them among,
50 '(Pen to bt'S W?atb bemabea map, anb fpateb not tbe lead t
but gabe unto the penitence the man anb eke the bead,
51 if)c drake alfo the ftr(t=bo?ti all, that up in (Egppt came:
anb all the chief of men ana beads Within the tents of i^am,
5 2 23 ut as fo? all biSoWn bear folfe, be bib p?eferbe anb beep:
ano carrieb them tb tough boilbcrnefs, eben litre a flock of (beep.
5 ? Without all fear both fafe atio fomtb be brought them out of tb?all •
bobeteas tbeir foes boitb rage offcaswere oberbobelmeb all.
74 3Enab?ougbt them out into tbccoaftsofbisobonbolplanb:
eb en to the mount Which be bab got bp biS ftrong arm anb banb,
5 5 Tub there caft out the l^eatben folk, nnobib tbeir lanb bibibe:
anb in tbeittents be fet the 'CribeS of Jftacl to abibe,
5 e pet fo? all this tbeir ®ob inoft high tbep ftttb artb tempteb ftil!;
anb woulb not keep biS Ceftament, no? pet obep bis Will.
5 7 23ut aS tbeir fathers turneb back, eben fo tbep Went afttap t
much like a bo W that woulb not beno, but (lip anb ftatt awap,
31 the
19 Pfalm Lxxix.
The fixe part.
5 s <Bod grteb’D bint to it!) their bill-altars, to it!) offtmggt ant) toitb fire:
a»D toitb their Jools bebentently p?obOfceb bint to ire,
;9 Uficrctoitt) t)i0 to?atb began again to ittnDIe (n bto b?cd >
the naugbtinefs of Jftael be bib fo much beted,
60 tEben be fotfoaU tbe 'Cabernatle of tobere be teas
right conberfant tottb earths men, eben as biS Dtoelling place.
61 rcbett foJcreb be biS might anb potoet in bonoage fot to fianb:
ana gabe tbe honour of bts Kitft into bto enemies bano,
<52 Kina bib commit them to the ftoo?b, to?otb tottb bisi heritage *
6x ipeit young men mere bebour’b tottb fire, matbg bab no marrm™
64 Kinb toitb tbe ftoojtb the l^tiefiS alfo bib peril!) eberp ene •
aub not a toiboto left altbe, their beatb fo? to bemone,
65 Kinb then the )lo?b began to toafte,lflte one that flept a time •
anb itbe a baltant man of toar, refer(beb after toine.
66 r@itb JStnrobSi in tbe binber partjs be draftebis e«mie$ all •
anb put them then unto a fbame that toast perpetual!,
67 Chen be the tent anb 'Cabernatle of Tfofepb bib refnfe .•
asi fo? the tribe of €pb?atm,be tooulb in no totfe tbufe.
e8 26ut cbotetbe tribe of jebuba.tobereas be thought tobtoeil
ebentbe noble mount ^>ion,tobieb be Bib lobe fo toed
69 t©bereasf be btb bisi 'Cemple builb, both ftmtptuoufly anb tore:
lifee as tbe earth tobirb be bath mabe fo? ebet to enbsire.
70 Cbencbofe be ©abib him to rerlw, bto people fo? to beep •
tobom be toofe up anb b?ougljt aboay, cbeu from tbe folbs of (beep,
71 ay be bib folloto tb’ Ctoeg tottb young, the Xo?b bib him abbance,
to feeb bis p eople Hftael anb bis inheritance.
7 2 ^bus ©abib toitb 8 faitbfull heart bisi floch anb charge tub feeb .•
anb p?ubently toitb all bisi patoer, bib gobetn them inbeeo,
Deas,ven«untgentes, Pfalm Lxxix. J. H.
Che ^frarlltcsi complain to great calam^r anti otpufricn tijat tfcpfiOein, tbhett
4Int(otJjuc ^ ^'tnCaicm, taring t&o®* at® again!* fete raging
tp<on .■p, left jframean® ftdlgton 0)0,4® be Cantgmmb among tbe heathen, 5®bftb E&otti® Uc
them tlj )S fojCabm an® i er;t^.

Sing this as the 77 P&lm.

O<i 3]etnfalcm
« '.*4 K <*:

ob the <3 entilesi bo tnttabe thine heritage to fpoile *

an heap to mabe, tby '(temple they befile.
i if-fi i’ f. • • . •/* •: ^ fr**

2 'Clje bobtes of tby S>amt3 mod bear abto to to blebs they cart
the flefl) of them tbatbotbee fear, the beads! bebonr anb toad,
*4 i , J * •; j {Jfj ^ 4 1 t"- ' ' * '* f f** ' ' > ' T* ** l

3 tEbeir bloub tb?ougbout ^erufalem, as! toater fpilt they babe?

fo that there is not one of them to lay their otab in grabe,
4 tEbuS
Pi’a!. Lxxx. 8o
4 ^1)115 arc toe maoe a laughing (lock, almotttbe toojlb tljiougljout
the enemies at us jeft ana ntocb, tobicb btoeli our coalts about,
5 noilttbou (2D )lc;b) thus in thine ire, againtt us cber fume:
anb fljctotljp as not as fire, tbp folk fo? to confume,
6 5upou tbofc people poutthe fame, tobicb bib tbee neberkuoto •
au Realms tobicb call not on tbp flame ,confume anb obert^oto.
1 $ojtbep babe got the upper Ijanb, anb Jacobs feeb bettropb:
bis habitation anb bis hnb tbep ba ocleft toafte anb both,
8®ear not in ntinoe our fojmcr faults, toitb fpenb fomepitp fltoto:
anb aib us 2lo;a, in all attaints, (or toe are toeak aub loto.
The fecond part.

s>2D ©obtbatgib’ft all bcaitbanb grate, onusbeciatetbefame:

toeigbnot ourtoojks, ourfinSbeiacefb; bonoutO£ibp#ame*
io j©bp (ball the totekeb tttllaltoap, to us as people bumb,
in tbp repjoacb rejopce, anb fap, tobert is tbtir ©ob become e
Require, 2D 7U;b, as tbou feett goob, before our epeS in fight:
of all tbefe folk tbp ferbattts bloub tobicb tijep fpilt in befpigbt,
i s Keccibe into tbP figbt in bafte tbofc clamours, grief, anb tojotig,
of fucb as are in p;tfon call, fuftaining irons ftrong,
'CbP fo;cc anb ttrengtb to cclebfate, &o;b,let them out of banb:
tobicb unto beatb are befifnate, anb in tbeir enemies banb,
12 'Cbt nations wbicb babe been fo bolb as to blafpbeme tbP flame,
into tbeir laps toitb feben folb rtpap again tbe fame,
13 £>o toe tbp flock onb paflure fljeep toill pjaife tbee ebermoje •
anb teacb all ages fo; to beep fo; tbee like praife in fto;e.
Quis regis Ifrad. Pfalm Lxxx. J. H.
41 lamentable pjttpcr to <#ot> to ijclp tl)? mtfcrteflf of l)is fccfitlflg !)lm to confitsrr f5?clr 8rK
ettate txfcen fcte favour tosoatss tfcem, to tljc tntent be rolgljt fintfij t^at tco?k tofcicb %z ^ajj
Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.

'T'ftou !|etb tbatjftael bolt Leap, gibe ear anb take goobbeeb:
I tobicb leabeft jofepb like a (beep, anb boft bim toatcb anb feeb.
4 €bou Ho;b,J fap,. tobofefeat is fet on Cerubims moft b;tgbt;
(Into fo;tb tbp felf anb bo not let, feno boton tbP beams of light*
3 23cfc;e cDp'.’jaiin anb 23enjamin, fBamiffcS eek liketoife;
to ibeto tbp potoer bo tljou begin, tome bclpuskojb, attic,
4 Street our hearts unto tbp grate, coubert us iLotb, to tbee
fteto us tbeb;tgbttteffc oftljp face, anb then ftill fafe ace toe*
5 fLo;b<5oD of boils of Jftael, botolongtoilttbou (J fap)
agaitta tbp folk in anget ftoell, anb toilt not beat them p^p«t
3 2 & 'Ubou
8x Pfalm Lxxxi.
6 'Ctjou t)0ft them feel) tottb ft^roboS beeptbeir breab toiib teats! tljcp tat:
anb btfnfc tbe tears that tbepbo bocep, tn meafute full ana great.;
7 cbou baft ntabe uS a betp ftrife, to tijofe tljat D'mell about:
ano that our foes &o lobe alife, tijep taugb ana jest it out*
8 D tafct uS(io?a) unto tbp grate, tonsett out bracts to ttjee;
fbebofojtbtouStbPjoPfullrase, ant toe fullfafe limit be,
9 front lEgppt bobete it gtebo not boell, tbou tyougbt’ft a bine full bear ••
"tbe ijeatben folfttboubibft ejcpell, anb tbou btaft plant It there.
i o mbou btbft ptepare foj it a plate, atib fet ber touts full fall:
that tt bib groto anb fpjing apate, ana filb tbe lanb at laft.
The fecond part.
11 <Cbe bfts boete coheres rottnb about, tottb Ibabc that from it tame:
anb eefe tbe CebatS fttong anb flout, tottb branches of tbe fame.
i j j©bP then btbft tbou bet toaliS befttop, bet bebge placUt up tbou baft:
that all tbe folk that pafstbetebp,tbp3afne map fpoilanb malic:
13 Che B oje outoftbe tooob fo totlbe, both big anb root it out:
tbe furious beaftS out of tbe Selb oebour tt all about.
14 €> of bods return again, from beaben loofc betirne:
bebola, atib boitbtbP help fttftafn tbts poo? tainepatb of thine;
15 cbP plant, 3 fap, tbtne Jftapl, tobom tbp right banb batb fet:
the fame tobteb tbou btbft lobe fo toe!!, SD il ojo ba not fcjget,
16 cb«P lop anb tut it ooton apace, tbep bum it eels tottb bee:
anb though tbe ftotomng of tbp fate, t»e peril!; fn tbtne ire,
i7}lettbP tight bans be tottb them noto, tobom tbou ball kept fo long:
anb bottb tbe fon of man, bobom tbou totbee bafttnabe fo fttong.
18 Ulnb fo toben tbou baft fet us free, anb fabcb us from (borne ••
tbenboill boenebet fall from tbee, but tall upon tbp $am.%
i? £> 'Hczb of baft#, through tbP goob grate, eonbert us unto tbee,
bebolb us tottb a pleafant fate, anb then full fafe are toe.
De exultaee. Pfalm Lxxxi. J. H.
&tt crijojrtattoa to pjaifc 4BoD bo»i; in Ijeatf ant> botce fo; i)i0 besicfitu ant> to teoifljfp ijtm ctielp,
d&DconiKmneti) i^ftc ingtattmoe, anD fljcixseii; tebaf great belters tijepfcabe loft t^c
£>Spn maltce. _ aaa
$——|rr=z:|rr^7r: =r

€ light anb glab,tn <5ob rejopce,tol)tcb is our ftrengtb ft

flap: B e jopfull ana lift up pour botee, to Jacobs ©ob,J fap, 2 iSnepate

pottr inftruments molt mcct,fome jopfull iBfaim to (mg; Strike «p bottb
Pfalm Lxxxi. 82

|| —ft— s' ^ Za— I ---A- g~~|-

i^atp anb lute Co Cooeet, on ebctppleafant firing*
3 ©lobo as it toere to tlje nebo spoon, tout) trumpets of tl*e befi:
as it'S uCeb to bebone at any Colcmn feafi*
45fojtl5tS to unto JCrael a fiatute ant) a trade:
a lato tbatmuft be kept full boeil, botmb Jacobs (Bob Ijatlj make,
5 ikto eianfe bottbjofepb teas becteeb, boben be from cBgppt came:
that as a boitnefs a’.l bto Ccea fboulb toll obfetbe tbe fame*
6 l©ben (Bob, J Cap, baa fo p?cpat'b to bjtng btm from that lanb:
tobereas tbe Speech toijtrtj be b to beatb, be bib not unoctfianb,
7 J from bto (boulbers took (faith be) tbe butben clean aboap:
anb from tbe furnace quit bun free fo? burning b?tek of clap.
8 i©be« tbou to grief bibfi itp anb call, j bolptbec bp anb bp:
anb J bio asCmcr tbee boitbaU in tbunoer fecretlp,
9 P ea at tbe boaters of bifco?b, Jbtb tbee tempt anb p?obe:
tobeteaS tbe goobnc ife of tbe JLo?D, bofib muttering tbou bibfi mobe,
10 i^ear, mp icik, £> Jftael, anb J affure it tbee;
regarb anb mark mp boa?bs full boeil, if tbou hoiltcleabe to mee.
The fecond part.

11 <Cbou (bait no 4~ob intbeeteCerbe, ofanp latto abjeab .•

not to no boite to bobo 0? fttbe a Grange 0? fc?raign goo*
12 jh a n tbe jto?b tijp (Bob, anb J f?om Cgppt ret tbee free;
then ask of me abimbantlp, anb J boill gibe it tbee*
13 3nb pet mp people booulb not beat mpbotce toben that J, fpakei
anb Jftael booulb net obep,but bio me quite forfake.
i^ben bib31 leabe them to tbett boill, in batbheffe of tbfit beatt ••
to boalk in tbeit own ccunfeis Gill, tbentfelbes tbcp might perbert.
15 &> that mp people booulb banelbearb the too?os that Jbtbfapt
anb eke that Jftaclbooulb tegatb, to Walk bottbin mp boap*
16 is oho toon booulb J confounb tbett foes, ft b?ing them bobon full loho ••
anb turn mp battb upon all tbofetbat booulb them obertb?obo e
17 2l(nbtbep«batattbe)Lo?bb0t0ge, as flabcS (Iioulb feck him till:
but of bto folk the tune anb age fboulb flourtlb ebet Gill.
18 3 booulb babe feb them bottb the crop, anb GneG of the bob eat
3fnD mabe the rock bottb bonep b?op that tbep tbeit fills ftouli eat.
Deus ftecit. Pfalm Lxxxii. J. H.
3Tbe l&jopUi leclaiitn $chtib: pefeat among t!?c 3:!&g'0 ana S^agKlratcu, fc. jobcti? tbefe
partiality anb unrtgb coufnef®, anb ethojtdh them to bo iaftict: but (ccttig no amenament l,c fccQa
rut; <5ob tDimbcttaUc the matter, anS tjcccau jute !>fmf If.
31 3 Sing
Pfalm Lxxxiii
Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.
A #ft> the p?efg boith men of might tlje ?lo?d tjtmCeif Dotlj Haul)
jTx to plead tl)c caufe oftruthanti rtgfjt,judgeg ofttjc land*
2 i^ow long (fain he > toil! you p?ocecd, falfe judgement to aboard;
ant) hade refpect fo ? lobe of meed, tl)e botched t o regard <
i©hcreag of due youfibould defend the fatherleffe and boeafe t
anduohenthepoo? man doth contend, in judgement juftiy fpeafe*
4 31fye be boife, defend the caufe of poo? men in their right:
and tid tfjc needy ftom tlje elabog of tyjants force and might.
5 2Sut nothing totll theyfenobo o? learn, in bain to them 3! falfe:
they bull not fee, o? ought diftetn, but Rill in sa cfetteffe toaift*
6 jfo? lo, eden nobo the time ig come, that all thtngg fall to nought=
and lifceboife labog both all andfome, for gain are fold and bought*
31 dad decreed it in my fight, ag godg to tafee you all s
and children to the molt of might, fo? lobe 31 did yon tall.
7 2Sut notboitdftanding ye than die ag men, arid fo decay:
O ty?antg 3 (hall you defftoy, and plucfe yen quite alxsay,
8®ip ?Lo?d,andlctthyfitengthbyfenoh)n, a judge the too jldtottd might*
fo? boh? • all nationg are thine obon, to tafee them ag their right.
Deusquid. Pfalm Lxxxiii. J. H.
ftije people of ^ICrael p;fsp unto ?fje tljem from tfjcir cimnfos, bc?b at Jjome anb far
off, tobtcb tmagineD notbitig but tlidr ncflrnctson: tb*p fcftlre that all fuel) tcfcfetD people mapjacco^
ting ao $Qt» waff acmUomet, b: fhtcHeu fav b tbeiempefts cf& £>s eojsW;,' tyat tfav map
bnoso ti;at tbi Hojb is mo® b>Stf tip on tb: &rtb-
Sing this as the 77 Pfakft.
D® boitlpholdnot
not (® d5od) refrain thy tongue, in dense do not Ray:
uo?d, thy felffo long, and rnafee no mo?e delay*
2 Jfo? tody f behold thy forg, and feeljodo they do rage and try:
and thofe that bear an hate to thee, hold up their head# on high*
3 Sgatnft thy folfe they ufe deceit, and erafily they enquire:
fo? thine elect to lie in boatt, their totmfel doth tonfpite.
4 Come on, fay they, let ug ejcpel, and plucfethefe folds aboay t
fo that the name of 3 rrael may utterly decay.
5 Eheyallconfpite boithin their heart, hobo they may thee boithftand t
againtt the 7Lo?Q to iafee a part, they are in league and band*
£ 'Eh e tentg of ail the jgdomiteg, the Jlbmaelit eg alfo:
the llagareng and #oabiteg, boith diberg other mo,
7 <5ebal brith Simmon, and itfecbotfe doth Smalecfe tonfpire:
• the ^hiliRimgagainttthee rife, bath them that dboeil at cy?e,
8 Snd iflmt eefe tg boell apaid, boith them inleague to be:
and doth become a fence and aid to iLctg poftcr;fy.
9 Sg thou didfi to the S©tdiam'teg, to fetbe them JLo?d each one t
ag to^iifer and to 3ai)in, befide the b?oofe Mon.
Pfal. Lxxxiv. 84
10 totjom tljou in Jgnsojdidfi deftrop, ft maae tfeem tferotml) ttjp mights,
tijar ttjcr l&c Dung on cavtlj did lie, and ttjat in open light.
The iecond part.

11 £©afee them noin and their lends appear, l fee ,tJcb and 0 $cb than •
as zJcbaa.iD ^alntunna ante, the Usings or Sardian*
12 niifeicfe fatd let us throughout tijc land m a.l the coafts abroad:
poileile and tafee into outbaud the fair fejufes ot' <J5od,
13 cutn them,€> (Bod,intt;; fioims as fail as mheels that habe no (la,?*,
oj. lifee the cfeaS. tofeici) me n do caft, totth minds to flie aboap,
14 >itfee as tfee fire mitfe rage and fume, the mightp fortefts fpils:
and as the Same doth quite confume tt>e mountains and the h;is,
15 ^»o let the fempefi of thp to?atb upon their neefes be laid:
and of thp ftorrnp minde and fijomje, lord mafee them all afraid,
16 uLojd bring them all, J thee defite, to fuel) rebufee and flbame,
tljat it map taufe them to enquire, and learn to feels thp $ame,
i73ndletttjem cbetmortdailpto (hame and flanderfall:
and m tebufee and obloquie, pend) alfo boitljalU
18 Chat thep map fenom and feel full toell, that ifeott art called JLordt
and that alone thou 008 eml, and reign throughout tljemojld,
Quam diletfta. pfalm Lxxxiv. J. H.
jDafcifc btfben foity of Msf Comment gQr tb mcll firbentig to cosfieggain - 0 tljc ftabfrttarteof tfce
jfi,o?b, anti be aCCer.blp of tbe *baint* ,to piaffe <&o&>p?r«or>r'Cfng tljem bl ff b tfjat ma£ U bo tn$ctl
be praifftl) tijc courage o£ tfje 1 ecpic a tljat paCTe gb tbc bollberncfTe to affemfete ttjemrdbes to
l&ien. jfma Ip rcitb p?a feof t*)ts matter, anb confibeuce of 6obg goobnefft fceenbeti) lijc JPfalm.

Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.

HCDboipjepleafant is tfepdinelltng plate, iD Jlojd of ijoftsto mt!

tabernacles oftiip grace, born pleafant jlord thep be!
2 £$\< fotU dot!) long full fore to go into the ceurtS abroad •
mp peart doth lull, rep field alfo, in thee tlje libing <® od.
3 'CpefparjolBSftndearoomto reft,and fade fbemfelbes front %ong i
and refe the fmaltoto hath a nefi, mi)cretn tofeeepperpongue.
4 Cl; ft birds fti’l nig!) thine 3Utar map.babe plate to ftand and fing i
sS> jLofl ofhofistdou act, 31 fop, mp ®od and eefe mp Using,
5 f> tferp be bleffed tfeat map dboelltotthin tfep feoufe altoateS:
for thep all times ttjp facts do tell, and eoet gibe the pratfe. ...
6 Pta dapple fare lifeetotfe are thep, tofeofe 8ap and Hrengtfe tfeou art t
mfeici) to tljp Ijonfe so minde ttjc map, and ftefe it in tfeett feeatt- t
7 ms tbep go tbjoncy) tfec bale of trars, tfeep dig tip fountains ftill •
that as a fp^tng it all appears, and tfeon tfecir p’tS dofi fill.
8 jfromfitcngtli
to fitengtb tfeep toslfe full fafi, no famtnes tbete ©all be:
andfotlje®odof<BodStit latt inS)ion tijep (ball fee,
_ 85_ Pfalm Lxxxv.
___ _
9 0 ftoj® of fjotts to me gibe IjccD, an& hear tobcn 3 Dop^sp:
anfi let (t through ti;m? ears pjoceea, 0 2 ac®bs © oa, fap:
10 0 jiopD ouj fbieia, of tljp gooa grate, regata, ana fo D?aui near:
regata, afap, behola tt?e face offline anointeaSeat.
1 ,

11 or bohiv l©ithin thP courts one trap is better to abiUe,

thanothet-bJheteto beeporftapathoufana antes befiaes,
12 4purh rather toouia $ beep a boo? Ujitljtn the tjoufe of ©oa:
than in the tents of boicbeaneffe to fettle mine aboae,
13 fo? ©oa the ?lo?a legist ana aefence, toill grace ana too?(htp gibe •
ana no geoa thing boill he buitb-hslb from them that pnrelp libe,
14 0 *.o?a ofhoftsthat man is bleft, ana happ? to® tS he :
that is petfooaaea in htgf b?ea!t, to trait all times w thee,
^ {!• • •— r

Benedixifti. Pfalm Lxxxv, j. H.

3»cca«fe <Eob SaiffjBjcfe rot ijls robs frcm fcts Cljurclj after fijetr r turn fror.- S5?lbbfo?vfitfl tyey
put tjtm in nuttDe of tfcctr Dsftberancf, to $0* in e«$ tfyatfbouiD no. tciibe tfye fc> of i)tfl ^race
tmperfcct: ? ejet complain c f t%sit long afftc&ms 1 ana tbirblp tli v rejopcc i \ ijvpe of felicity
p^omtfea: fo? ttjetr iclrtmancj !»e@ a Sgutc ef Itingfcsme, ar.tcttjje xcl;lcl> ftjonib be psr-
lect felicity.
Sing this as the 61 Pfalm.
npltouhaft beenmettifuUtnaeea, 0 io?a, untothplana:
jl fo? thou ttftojeao Jacobs feta, from tb?al&om out ofbana,
2 "Che bricbcft beaies that tljep boete in, thou a tail them clean remit
ana then atafthihe the peoples fin, full clofe thou cobeecaft it.
3 chine anger eeb thou oiaft afftoage, that all % i»?ath boas gone;
ana fo ataa turn thee from th? rage, toith them to be at one,
4 0 €>oa out health, ao nobo conbert tljp people ttnto thee:
put all thP b)?ath from us apart, ana angrp ceafe to be,
5 t©hP (hall thtne angc? nebet ena, but itii! p?oceea on us:
ana (hall tbp BB?ath it fell ertenD upon all ages thus*
61© tit thou not rather turn therefore, ana quicbenus that tee
ana all thP folb map ebetmc?e beglao ana jop in thee <
7 0 ?Lo?3 on us ao thou aetlate thp gootmcflc to out toealth:
Iheto forth to us, ana ao not fpare, thine ata ana fabtng health.
8 31 botll heatb bohat ©oa faith, for he fpeabs to his people peace:
, to his> faints!, that nebet thep return to fooliflnseffe,

9 Sat buhp * hig! help is! Hill at hana, to fitch ag Co him feat:
boherebp great glotp in our lana (hall abaell ana fiottttfb there,
10 jfojt truth ana metep there (hall meet, in one to tab e thett place:
ana peace (hall juftite totthbifiS greet, ana there ttjcpflmll embrace,
1130 truth front earth (hall fpttng apace, ana flourifi) pleafantlp •
fo rtgijteottfncffe (had (heba het face, anaioob front hea*. enh'-gh.
12 Pea ©ca himfelf Both tabe in hana to gibe us each geo, ttssg ;
ana though the eoaflsof all the lana the earth her fruit (hauling,
i j ises
Pfalm Lxxxvi. 86
13 25cfo?e bis facciball jufttce go mucbltfecaguiDco? (tap:
be (ball Direct Dig depsaifo, anD Deep ti)tm in tljeuiap,
Inclina Domine. Pfalme Lxxxvi. J.H.
foje ar»t) fo?faUcn of all, piayett) fcttotjt’pfi# tcUmanrc, fi'mcf;tr.c0tcf catOns
!)fatmferteg, fcmettrai0 tijcmirefcs tceutui), tefittng aifotobe mttrwt.fco r&eHoja, tftatfetma?
fcaretjim anD glmtic !;ta iftatne, i£e complained aifocf tysf aWetlattcs, anD required to bet>e,!»
UCvcd from ti;em.
L©?Dtetbbotog?tebous Sing tis as the 81 Pfalme.
feme eate to mp requeft, anD bcate me bp anD bp:
pain anD gitef opp?ed, full poo?e anD teafee am %
2 30?efe?bc ntp foule,becatife mp maps! anD Doings bolp be:
anD fabe fep ferbant,© mp Xo?D,tbat puts feS truft in feec.
3 CbP metep,tt o?D,ou me ejrp?elfe,DefenD me eefeboifeall:
to? tbiougb fee Dap 3 Do not eeafe on tbee to ttp anD call.
4 ©omfo?t (© Xo?D) tbP fetuants fouie that nobo bottb pain US pin's:
fo? unto feeeOlojD) 3 ertell anD lift mp fouie anD mtnD.
. . . , - ~ ■> J>

5 #03 tbou art gooD anD botmtiftilt, fep gifts of g?ace ate free:
anD eefe tbP metep plenttfull to all that tall on tbee.
6 © Xo?D liftetefe tofeen 3 Do p?ap, tegatD anD gibe an eat:
mack boell ttje i»o?DS that 3 Do tap, anD all ntp papers bear.
7 3n time toben trouble Doth me mobe,to tbee 3 Do complain:
fo? bob? • 3 fetttbs anD tell Do p?obe feouanfmereft me again,
8 3mong tbe gobs, gp Xo?D, is none, tefe tbee to be compar'd;
anD none can Do asfeou alone, tbe Itfeeljatb not been bearD.
The fecond part.
9 Cbe <® entiles anD tbe people all bobicb tbou otoft rnafee anD frame,
before tbp fete on fences (ball fell anD glo?tfie tbP tftame
iojfoj bob? < tbou art fo tnucb of might, ail pouter is tbine obon:
tbou toojtfted boonDers Kill in fight, fo? tbou art <15oD alone,
ncpteacbtne (Xo?D) fepboap, attD 3 (ball in tbP truth p?oceeD: J
gp jopn mp beatt to the fo nigh feat 3 tbP 0atne map D?eao.
12 tco tbee mp ®oD tell 3 Sfee p?aifc botfe allmp heart, gp Xo?D t
anD glo?tfie fep dliam e aifeates fo? cb er tb?ougb fee t©c?lD.
13 jfo? l»bP t fep metep flteboD to me is great anD Doth ejrcel;
tbou fet’d mp foul athbettp out (torn fee lotoet bell.
14 gp Xo?D, fee p?ottD agamftnierife, anD heaps of men of might ••
feep feefemp foul. anD inno tele tellbabefeeetnfeeit fight.
15 'Chou Xo?D attmetctfellanD meefe, fullflatfe anDflob) to to?afe:
fep gooDnefS is fell great, anD eefe tbP truth no meafece bath.
16 g> turn to me, anD metep grant, fep fttengb tome applp =
gp help anD fabe tbine 0 ant ferbant, fep banDmaiDSfon am %
17 gpn me feme Rgn of febottr (beba, feat all mp foesmapfee;
anD be albam'D,becaufc(Xo?D) feouDoft help anDcomfo?tme.
Pfalm Lxxxvii, Lxxxviii.

Fundaments Ejus. Pfalm Lxxxvii. J. H.

Ct? boty pjomtfet!) that tty (condition ofttyc Church, xoty cty S»a0 in ntiferp after ttye captt-
bftptf 3i^abi>Ion fljoulDbc tcftojcd U great ctcciftncg, fo tljat tbe:e CtyoulD be nothing mojecamfojtci-
tie ftjett ro be natubjeb amors ttye number thereof.

Sing this as the 81 Pfalm.

ettp ©all full ©ell enDute, her grounDtoorb Rill Doth Hap •
X uponthe Ijolp hilg full face, it can no time Decap.
2 <£5oD tojeg the gates! of S^non Deft, ©S grace fioti] there abtse;
lie lobeg tljemmoje than all the reft of Jacobs! tents befiDe,
3 full glorious things tcpojteD be tn £>iatt anD abroaD:
great things 3 fap ate ratD of thee, thou cup olour <SoD*
4 son aahab J ©til call an epe, anD bear in mtnDc the fame:
anD 25abplon ©all eeb applp, anD learn to bno© mp #ame.
5 jto.^aleftineanD Cpecalib, ©ith Cthtope lifeetoife:
a people olD full long ago ©ere born, anD there Dio rife.
e of^iio i thep ©ailfapabjoaD, that ©berg men of fame
habe there fpruttg up, anD the high ®oD hath founDeD faft the fame,
7 Jn their teccjDs to them it ©all through <E5oDg Debtfe appear:
of^ion ©at the chief of all haD ©S beginning there,
7 Che ttumpettetg ©ith fuch as ling, therein great plentp be •
mp fountains anD mp pleafant typings are compaft all in thee.
Domine Detis. Pfalm Lxxxviii.. J. H.
% grfebou# complainf-Of ttyi fa cbfaU fo?e afflicted bp fSeiuicf0, psrfccntiorr,fsnl3 at>berfltp,b«in2 a*f
it fecre ierc cf'4&ob?»itl)OUtanpconfor t en, ftx bcca'istb npru Cob bp fmit;, ant) OrXbeef) eg'jtnfl:
befperatie > t mplaining tyimfeif to tc fo?fabeu cf .,U cart tjlp tytip.

Glaflenbury tune.

to ^ €>$ 45oD of health the hope anD flap, thou art alone to me:

J tall anD erp throughout the Dap, anD all the night to the.
2 £> let mp pjaper toon aftenD unto thp fight on high:
incline thine eat,€> ftojD, attcnD anD heathen to uipctp:
3fo?tohpe toith too mp heart is SU’D, anD Doth In trouble Dtoell=
mpltfe anD breath almoft Doth ptdD, anD Dratoeth nigh to hell,
4 J am efteemD as one of them that tn the pit Do fall:
anD maDe as one among thofe men, that habe no Otcngth at all.
5 Jfs one among the DeaD, anD free from things that here remain:
it ©ere more eafefor me to be ©ith them the ©hich ate (lain,
6 3lg thofe that lie in gcabe, 3 fap, ©horn thou haft clean forgot ••
the toljlth th? honD hath cut a©ap,anb thou tegatD’ft them not,
Pfal. I.xxxix, 88
7 pea like to one flint up full (lice toitfltn ttje lotoerptt;
in places PatfeattD all obfcute, anPtn tljcOeptfl of it.
8 cpine anger anP ttjp totatp libetoife full foje on me Do lie:
anD all tflp doling againft ine rife, mp foul to Per anP trie,
9 Cpou putfl mp frienPg fat off front me,ana mab’d tpem pate me foje t
3 am fliut up in pttfon faft,anP tan come fojtlj no mote,
i o fllpp ttgpt Port} foil tpjougp gtief anP too,3 call to tflee,® csoP:
tpjougpout tpe Pap mp flaubs aifo to tpee 31 fttetep abjoaP,
The fecond part.
11 £>od tpou unto tpe oeaP Pedate tpp toottP?.oug! tootbg of fame?
(pall Peao to life again tepatt anP pjaife tpee for trie fame t
12 SD* (pall thP loPing btnPnefs kora, be preacpeP in trie grape ?
or flrnll toitp tpem tpat ate Peftrop P,tpp ttutp pet pouout flabe e
13 ^>pall triep triat lie in Parts fall loto, of all trip toonPcr# toot ?
o? tpete (pall triep trip juftice b noto, toperc all tpmgs atefotgof i
14 But 3 ,© JlotP, to tpee albeapesf Po tcpanP call apace ••
#P prapet ebe ete it be Pap,(pall tome before trip fate*
1 j ttappPod tpou korP,abportc mp foul, in grief tpat feebetp trice i
anP note,® TLorP, topp Dofltpou piPc tpp face auiap from ntce i
i<> 3 am afflieteP oping dill,ftompontp tflts rnanp apeat:
trie terror toptep Po Pet me ill,toitp ttoubleP minPe 3 Peat,
♦ **« ' ' l( O ► * 1 .',-1 , ^' ■'
17 ^pe furies of trip toratpfull rage full fore upon me fall:
trip terror# ebePo not afltoage, but me opprefStottpaU,
18 311 Pap tljep compaf# me about, as toatets at tpe tiPe:
anP all at once tottri dreams
full (tout, befet me on catp (IPe,
♦ f> * ' S. ■ N ‘ • X* r • < e f
19 Cpou fetteft fat from me mpfrienp#, anP lobet# cPetp one;
pea anP mine olP acquaintance all out of mp Bgpe ate gone,
l. ‘ * * 'x - ~ j:‘o ■ J : j
4l. \ 1 fc ' ‘ * e * ,f i( c
Mifericordias Domini. Pfalme Lxxxix. J.H,
mttl mnv boojfcf M;e ef W* ffeat
5?e map©t*’ <£ect bp ^fusorimft tbe oflDabib. CJjett comiila ne of
ttie gjtcatrotr.c anrituf iat dn ofttjcmu gtr mcDfDarit^ot^attatljcoat&arftip^tfrancctljc d^o-
irtifc toas bjefcen fri ail?, fee t«borifUbtreri frsm ^caffitatons, ma^etb mcr.tion of tbc
fl)0^tnc(Tc of mans itfc, a;rri coi;finuct^ btmPp (^obo p^cmtics.
*• v *• * i » ' • ± ■, " •# * ji , l-
Sing this as ’the 77 Pfalm.
tj-i © ling tpe mercies of tpe Tto^p, mp tonoie (pall nePet fpate:
X anPtoitflmpmoutpfromageto age,njpttntp 3 toillPetlate,
2 fM 3 PaPe fatP tpat mettp (pall fo? ePetreojte remain:
in tpat tpou Poll tpe peahens flap,tpp ttifp appeatetp plain,
3 Co mine elect,faitp ©oP, 3 mabc a eobeiant anP bepell •
mp fetbant 5©abiDto perltoaPe, 3 ftocreanP PiPpjotefl.
4 Cpp fcco foj ePet 3 toill dap, anP ftablip it full fad:
ana did uppolP tpptpjone altoap, freu age to age to lad.
5 CP*
«9 Pfalm Lxxxix.
5 Che heabens (&ebo toith jop anb mirth, thp boonbpous toopb& r &> jtopo:
thp faints boithin tljp Church ort earth thp faith ana truth retort),
6 l©ho boith the 7Lo?U is equal then, in all the cloubs abpoab <
among tljefongof all the gong, botjat one is hbe out (Boo.
7 ®ob in affemblp of his aims is greatlp to be bpeab
anti ober all that bin ell about, in terrour to be hah,
8 piopb<Bobofhofts,maSlthebooplD,i©bat one is hbe to thee?
on eberp fibe molt might? Hopb, tljp truth is feen to be,
9 'Che raging fea bp thine abbice, thon ruled at thp toil!:
anbbohen the boabes thereof arile, thoumab ft them calm anb (fill,
ioltnb Cgppt (Hopb) thou haft iUbbu’b, anb thou haft tt bettrop’b:
pea thou thp foes boith mightp arm haft fcatt ercb all abpoab.
The Second part.
n c he heabtns are thine,anb dill habe bectj, libeboifc the earth anb lanb:
thetoopibanballthatisthctein, thou teunbebft boith thPhanb,
12 asoth l^ojth 9 fouth tnith i£nft 9 t©eft, thp felf bibft inaftr anb frame:
both Cabop mount, anb cfee Sermon, tejopce ana ppatfe thp Bame,
13 chine arm is fttong anb full of pobocr, all might therein both lie:
the ftrength of thp right hanb each hour thou lifted up on high-
14 3it) ttghfeoufbefS anb equity thou haft thpftat anb place:
metcp anb truth are ftill boith thee, anb go before thp late.
1 j Chat folk is: bleft that bnobos aright thp patent pobocr, £> (Bob:
lot in the fabour of thp light the P toalb full fafe abpoab.
16 ifojt in th? |5ame throughout the bap tijep jop anb much rejopte •
anb through thp righteoufnelTe thep hao e a pleafant fame anb ttopfe,
i7fojbohpe their gio?p ftrength anb aib.in theealonebothlie:
thp goobnelle the that hath us ftatb, (hall lift our hopn on high-
18 cur ftrength that both befenb us boell, the )Lopo to ttis both bring:
the onelp one of Jftael, he tS out gttibe anb iting,
* ' • 1 . * ' * 4 ‘ * *• * * a3 ’

19 § omettmes th? toid unto thp Saints in biffon thou btbft (hobo:
ana thusthen bibft thou fap to them, thp minbe to make thembnoto,
20 3 man of might 3 habe erect pour &tng anb gutbe to be:
anb fet him up tohom 1 elect, among the folb to me.
The third part.
21p fetbant33abtbl|i appoint, tehom 3habe feartheb out<
ana boith mp holp ople aroint him Sting ofall the rout
2 2 fop bohP mp h?nb is teabp rtiil boith him fop to remain:
anbboirhmp arm alfo 3 MB him fteengtjben ana fuftain.
13 Cht enemies fbail not himopppetle, thep Ball hint not bebour •
ne pet the fons of boicbebncfe on hint habe anp poboer*
2 4 fr)iS foeS Itbetoife 3 boftl nettop befope his fate in light;
anbthofethat hate him 3 bill plague, ? ftribe them boith mp might.
a; #P
Pfal. Lxxxlx. 99
25 iiljr truth and mcrcp efec tottijnl!, fbnliatUtsponljtm lie:
ant) iti mp Bamc bis ijotn cite Ojailbe titteo up on high*
2«ibis iimgDomc 31t»t Iff no be upon the fea and land:
anoebe the running f.oud$ fijall tje embrace boitb biS right tjanti»
2 7 (ball depend bsttt) all bis heart on me, and thus (ball Cap;
mp jfatbtt ant) m? ©odtbou art,mp toed of licaltlj and (lap.
2 8 3S nip fird»bo?n 31 (Mill (pm tabe, of all on earth that fp?togs:
big might and honour 3 mill made abode all carttjip feitigs,
2 9 <$p metep tell be toitlj bint Kill, as 3 nip felf babe told:
mp fab bull tobenaut to fuli8ll,mp mere? 3 bull bolt).
30 aittb tfee bis feed 3 totil fiidain, fojeberflrong and fure:
fo that bis feat (ball dill icmain.tebile Deaden doth endure.
The fourth part.
313f that bi^ fcnS fo?fabe mp lab?,and fo begin to ftoetbe:
and of mt> judgement >< babe none ate,no? mill not them obfetbe,
32 £D7iftS;epto:llnGfafeactibt,mp(latutes!to tbenimade:
and ret ail mp commandments light,and belli not beep mp trade:
3 3 '(Pen boitbtbe rod belli 3 begin,their Doings; to amend •-
and fo boill fcoutge them fo? their fin, if that tbep do otfend,
34 mcrcp pet and mpgoediteffc, 3 mill not take bim fro;
no? handle him teib crafttneffe and fo mp truth fo?goe,
35 23ut fare mpcobcnant3 belli bold,beitb all tbatj babefpobe:
nobeo?dtbei»bitb nip lips babe told,(bail alter o?be b?obe,
3 6 SPnce feoare 3 bp mp bolinelfe, and that petfo?me beitl 3 ?
boitb ©abtO 3 tell beep p?omife, to bint 3 belli not lie,
3 7 ijis fe? d fc? ebentio?e (ball reign, and cbe bis tb?otte of might,
as doth the S)«n,tt (ball remain, fo? cbet in mp fight,
38 and ad the #oon beitbtn the Sbie, fo? eber (laitdetb fad:
a butbfuU SoitnefS from on l)tgb,fo tell biS bingdom lad.
3? 35ut nob) i o?d us then deft reject,and uobo thou changed cheer:
• pea,thou ait nii?otb to.tl? thine elect, thine oben anointed deer,
4©^becobcnanu»iti)tbpfetbantmaOe, 'locotljou bad quite undone:
and Boa)ii upon the ground alfo,bad tad biS topall crobon.
The fitt part.
41 ^bott plutb ft bis hedges ttp toitb might, bis toais thou dod confound
them heated cbe biS bulisntbS dobra, and b?eabdtbem to the ground,
4> 'itbat be tS iote dedroid and toin.of commetsbp tb?ougbout •
and fo is made a mocb and feo?n,to all that dbiell about.
43 Tboai:ieit right band bad lifted up,that him fo fo?e annop:
and all bis foes tb't him desouf,lo tboubad made to jop.
44 Ijts ;too?ds edge thou dod tabcatoap, that fljould biS foes boitbdand:
to him to tear no bicto?ptbo,igib’d,no?upp«'c band,
fc 45 ibis
9I Pfalm XC.
45 l)ts giojp thou doll alto toafte, his throne,WS jop,ano mint),
bptijec ace obetth?oton,and call full into upon the caul).
4 6 Chou bad cut on and made full poutlj and i«Gp caps ?
ano ratf D of him an ill report, mill) (Same and g?eat dirpjaife.
47 lftotolongatoapftomme,I>)lojd,ftbebet toil! thou turn? .
and (ball shine anger fttll altoap, as fire confume and bnrn <
48 ad call to minde,remember then any time confumctl) fait:
tohp haft thou made the Const of men, as things in bain to made ?
49 iisfiai man is be that libeth here, and Death (Sal! ncber fee <
or from the hand of pell his foal (hall he delibec free <
5 o i®hete is €> jlojd) thine old goodnefS, fo oft declar’d bcfopn,
tohtch by thp truth and upjightnefs to ©abid thou haft ftoojtn ?
51 'Che great rebufees to minde 31 call, that on thp fetb ants lie:
the ratlings of the people all bopti in mp bated ha‘oe 3J;
5 2 OTheretotth (€> ULojd; thine enemies, blafphemed habethpBame t
theftepsof thine anointed one,they ceafe not to defame,
53 Kill patatfe to thee €> load of hoftS,both nob) and cite fojape:
thaough S*hie,and jgajth,and all the aCoafts, Kmen, Ktmen,3 fay.
Domine refugium. Pfalme X C. J, H.
tn 5;jf5 ojmprt fettetSj before U0t^ectimail fabmr torooarD® ljf0, roijO arc niftier
abmcnfflicb bp t]?e of iifr,ncj bp plague®, 10 Sc tljanfefuil. C^refo^e rzapet^
$oDto turn i^ctr bcact0,arm to cuntmnelipasfrcptotDarbStljcinanbtbetr poftertt^foj cber,
Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.
"jr^ou Jload haft been out fure defence, our place of eafe and reft t
1 in all times paft,pea fo long fince,as cannot be ejtpaeft.
2 Cre there bias made mountain or hill, the earth and toojio abroad:
from age to age,and alboapes fttll, fo? eber thou art (Sod,
3 Chou grt'nOeft man through grief and pain,to dull, o? clap, and then,
■and then thou fapft again return, again pe fons of men.
4 'Che lading of a thoufand years, b>hat is it in thp fight ?
as peftetdap it doth appears as a batch bp night,
5 &o foon as thou doftfeattet them, then is their life and trade
all as a fleep,and Itfcc the grade,bahofe beautp foon doth fade.
6 ishith t'n the mining finnes full bright,butfadethbp and bp:
andtscutdotonereitbe night,allboithered,dead and dry,
7 fo? though thine anger hoe tonfume, our might is much decatd
and of thp ferbent bgath and fume,b>e are full foje afraid.
sCbetotched toojfeS that toe habe brought, thou fetft before thine eye:
our pjtbp faults,pea ebe our thoughts, thP countenance doth Q»e.
9 jfo? through thp tojath our dapes do toafte,thereof doth nought remain •
our pears confume aStoopdS oj blafts, and are not call’d again,
1 o out time isthjeefeoje pears and ten, that toe do libe on mold:
tf one fee fottrfco$e,futelp then toe count hint toondjons old.
Pfalm C. Ci. 9*
The fecond pare.
11 pet of tips time the fttctigth anb chief the Which We count upon=
is nothing clfe but pamfuU grief, anb We as blafts are gone,
11 t©ho once both tmow totjat (trength is there, what might thine anger
o? in hi? heart who both thee fear, accozbmg to tijp tojath < (hath*
13 instruct us (?Lojb) to know anb trp hob) long our bate? remain s
that then we map out hearts applp, true wifoome to attain,
14Return, © TLcjD, ho W long tootlt thou fojth on in tojath pjoeeeb t
(hew fabour to thp ferhant? now, anb help them at their neeb,
15 Refteib us Wish thP raetepfeon, anb then our jop (hall be,
all time? fo long as life both tail, in heart rejopte Will We,
16 3ds thou haft plagueb us befoze, now aifo make us glab:
anb for the pears wherein full fozc affitetion We hab e hab,
17 © JlctthPWo?b anb power appear, anb on thpfetbantS light;
anb drew unto thp chilbjen bear, thp gio jp anb thp might.
181.031b let thp grace anb glojpftanbonusthpfetbantSthuSt
confirm the Works we take m hanb, % ozb pjofper them to us.
; Qui habitat, Pfalm XCi. J.H.
t?crc 1# t$fcrflb& (r. toftat a£ rarcc %t ntetfi tljat puttet!) !)io febole trnft (n<SdD, ant committed
ttHjflit* totjf0protect otUm aHfftrptationiJ. 4Hp?omifeof <E5o$to ttyole tSjatiofceljtm , Hoots
fctui,anu ttutt tn to tciitt# tljetn ane jjttt ttjem.tmmojtai

Sing this as the 81 Pfalm.

IT € that Within the fecret place of ®ob moft high both bWell,
jn in (habow of the mightieft grace, at reft (hall beep him Well,
a Chou art mp hope anb mp ftrong holb, 31 to the Hcjb will fap:
mp (Bob is he, in him Will J mp Whole affiance flap,
3 l@e flzall befeub the from the fnate, the Which thee hunter laib:
anb from the beablp plague ano tare Whereof thou art afraib.
4 ainb with hiS Wings ftjail tober thee, anb beep thee fafelp there:
hiS faith anb ttmh tijp fence (hallbe as Cure as ihielb anb fpent.
”v ' * ‘ v • v" ^ • * . » ' <y V i k i

. 5 <§»o that thou (halt not neeb 3 fan, to fear oj.be aftight
of all the (hafts that file bp bap, ftoj tctjoutS of the night.
6 J3oz of the plague that pribilp, both walk ttibark fo fait •
noz pet of that which both befttop, ano at noon Dap .
both+ Wafte.
J4 4
t #« r V • ,

7 pea at tl»> (to a$ tl)o« Dolt (tanD, a tboufanD DcaD (Dali be

ten tijoufanD cbe at tbp right banD, anD pettbou (bait be free*
8 23ut tbou (bait fee it fo^ tbp part, tbtne epes (ball toll cegatD*
that eben like to tl)ctt Defers tbetocbeDbabercbmtD*
9 f oz bobp ? £31 OztD,3j unlP luft> to (lap mp Dope on tbee:
anb in tbe i^gbeft 3 put mr tend, mp Cure Defence te be*
10 ^bua (bait not neeD tbe ill to fear > totb tbee tt (bail be tolU
noj pet tbe plague (bail once come near tbe babetcc t^ou DoS DtolU
K i (iffy

3? _ Pfalm_
11 jfo? fiobP? unto big Angels all, Mb charge commanded be,
tijat dill in all tbpboaiestbep (ball pjefetbe and p?ofpct thee.
12 3fnd in their bands (ball bear tljec up, dill toaitine tijee upon:
fo that tbp foot (ball neber chance, to fpntn at an? done,
13 Upon the JUons tbou (bait go, the <fdDet fell and long t
and tread upon tbe ftiops poung, toitb dragons dout and dtong,
14 fo? be that trudefb unto me, gj mill acquit bint quite:
and bim defend beeaufe that be, doth Snobs mp $ame aright •
ijaUben be fo? help on medotb ttp, an anfixier 31 Ml gibe:
and front bid grief tabe bim Ml % in glo?p to? toltbe.
16 naitb length ofpears, anddaies of boealtb, J mill fulfill bis time;
tbe goodnefs of big fabing bealtb, 31 Ml declare to bint,
Bonum eft. Pfalme XCii. J. fI.
C&te pfalfUf WEfiaf matic tobefttHgon (Ijc^abbatJj, to fifr up ttye people te ac&noS&leDge
ant) to ptatfe m tjte taoi&s. Pjopfyct rejoice^ Ujcrcfti but tbe toicfcefc fa not able to eanftbet
t5;at tbe ungobiy fe>S;en be its moft flottrfOjmg, tttoft fpeebflp perffb: in tfjc ent) 10 Defcribeb the
of tbe juft, plantcD fti tbe bcnf« of D. o pzaffe tbe

Sing this as the 81 Pfalm.

t c fg a thing both good and meet, to p? aife tbe htgbed &o?o .•
1 and to tbp jframe, © tboumod li)igb, to Bngbjitb one acco?d.
2 no ibebo tbe feindneffe of the ?U?d, betime ere dap be light:
and ehe declare big ttutb abroad, toben itdotbd?abo to ntgbf,
3 upon ten dtinged fndtumentg, on Xutc and lf)arp fo ftoeet:
Mb all tbemtttb poucan inbent, ofihdrmnwtg mod meet.
4 f o? tbou bad made me to tejopce in things! fa brought bp thee:
ana 3 babe joptn heart and boice,tbpband?boo?bsto fee.
5 £D £o?d bob) glorious! and bob) great are all tbp Miles fo dout r
fo deeplp aretbP tounfels! fet, that none tan ttp them out,
6'Srbe man tmiutfe bath uot the bolt tbefe things to palle to b?ing:
and all fact) fools are nothing fit, to underdand this thing.
v*.- ;• •?

7 t©ben fo the boicbed at their boill, as grade do fpittig full fad:

tbep boben tljcp flourtlb in their ill, fo? eber (ball be made,
s 25 tit tbou att migbtp JLo?d mod !s)igb, pea tbou ood raign therefore s
in eberp time eternallp, both nob) and ebetmo?c.
9 jfoi tobp ? 2D 2Lo?d, behold and fee, behold tbP foes 3 fap :
hobo all that boots tm'qnitp, Ibnll perifib and detap.
io2SuttboultSe aganUnito?n, (bait liftmp bom onbtgbt
bottb frelb ana net» prepared opie, thine opnttd king amgj.
11 Kind of nip foes before mine epes, (ball fee the fall and (bame:
- of all that up againd me rife, mine ears (ball bear the fame.
12 ®)c juft (ball flourtlb up on high) as ©ate=trccsbu0 and biobo:
gud as the Cedars multiplie, in Jttbanus that gtoto,
13 fo?
Pfalm XCiii, XCiv. 94
13 ate planted in tpe place,"aiTu btoelltngof out <eob:
tottpinpiS courts tpep fpimg apace, anDfiontilpailabtoaP*
in tpett age mud) fruit fljail bring, botp fat anti boellbefeew
atib pkaf.u!tlppoti)buD ar.D fpjing, uup bottgpsanb btanepes green*
15 %o (peto tpat <25ot> ig goob anb juS, anb uptigpt in pis boill:
pe is mp rock, mp pope anb trull, in pirn tpere tsnone ill,
Dominus regnavit. Pfalm X Ciii. J. H. .
pjaifctl? ti)C poteerof t&eD creation of tbc saiojID, an% brateti) boson all people
tJjcmfelPts up agamft l;lo S^ajdip, snb p?obo&?t!j to confitȣr fjtjet
Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.
f-p J^e )lojb as fetng aloft botp taign, Doitp gloip gooblp bigpt t
X anb pc to [pebo pis fttengtp $ mam, patpgttt pimfclf bettp migpt,
a'Cpellojb lifeeboifetpe eattppatpmabe,anbfl)apebitfofure,
no migpt can make it mobe ot face, at (lap it botp ensure.
3 j£te tpat tpe i©o?lbl»as mabe ot tojougpt, tpp feat boas fetbefote:
beponb all time tpat can be tpougpt, tpou pall been ebetmote,
4 'Epe floubs €> jlotb, tpe floubs bo ttfe, tpep tote anb make a noife:
Cpe floubs (3! tap) bib entetptife,anblifteb up tpett boice.
5 J^eatpongp tpe florins arife in flgpt, tpougp Seas bo rage anbfmeils
tpe XLojtb tsftrong ana mote of migpt, fotpc on ptgpbotp bmell,
6 <Bnb iook bopat ptomtfc pe botp make pis poulpolb to befenb,
fot juft anb true tpep (pail it take, all times boitpout an enb.
Deus ultionem. Pfam XCiv. J. H.
SDcp?arctb tm‘e<£0fc sgainft tt;c b olct.icc sub arji0gorc^of Cpra>t0, trafning tfjem of^oDrf
jubgetmnte. £l)cn net!) comfort tije affl act) b£ tlje gioDiffueof ti)Cir afflictionjs, as tyefelt in t)im»
tcif, anb tut) li* m ottjerjj, aub feptije tunic of i!jCEotcfe«i>, ootjcmt^e^ojB xotU beflroi>.

03Lo:b, Sing this as the 68 Pfalm.

tpou boll rebenge all tejtong, tpat office longs to tpee;
fuel) bengeante botp to tpee belong, bctlatetpat all map fee*
2 Set fottp tpp felf, tor tpou of rigpt tpe eattp bolt jubge anb gutbe:
tetoatb tpe preuo anb men of migpt, accotbtngto tpett pttOe,
3 i|oto long (Pall boitkeb men beat ftttap, bottp lifting up tpett boice ?
pom long (pall totekeb men, J fap, tpus ttiumpp anb rejopce?
4 l^obo long (pall tpep iwttp brags butll out, anb ptoublp prate tpett fill ?
(pall tpep tejopre tpat be fo (tout, bopofe boot&S ate ebet til ?
5 Cpp flock, © jLorbtptue petltage, tpep fpotl anb bet full foje 5
agalnlttpp people tpep bo rage, Hill batlp mote ana mote.
6 'Cpe tutcoms bspitp are cotnfottleffe, anb ftrangctS tpepbelltop:
tpep flap tpe cptlbtctt fatpctleffe, anb none botp put tpetn bp.
7 ICnb topett tpep take tpefe tilings in panb, tpt's talk (pep pabe of tpee •
can Jacobs t5ob tptsanbctftanb < 'Culp, no, pe cannotfee,
• 8 © folk unmtfe, anb people tube, fotne knobolebge noto ctftetn =
pe fools among tpe multitube, at lengtp begin to leatn,
it 3 9 Cl«
P5 Pfalm XCv.

9 ®be 'jLo?D toljtclj rnaDe t!je tat of mau ’gc ncct>^ of tight mud fjcar,
be maDe tijc epe, all things mull tljnt before tps Qgijt appear.
io'Cbefto?D Doth alltl?e too?lD correct, anD make them unDctdanQ:
(ball be not then pout DesD g Detect 4 horn can pc fcapebis ijanD <
The fecond part.

u^brAopD Doth fenoto the of man ,bis heart be fees full plain:
tbe)Lo?D 3 fap many' thoughts Doth fcan, anD finDeti) them but pain,
12 But &o?D,tbat man is bappp furc,tobom thou Dod beep in acoe,
anD though correction bed procure to teaefj him in tbp lato.
13 i©betebp be (ball in quiet ted in time of trouble fit:
toben tancUeb men fballbe fuppjed,anD fail into the pit.
14 jro? fute tbs Ho?D mill not refute, bis people fo? to tafee;
bis heritage tobom be DiD ebufe, be toill no time fo?fafte.
15 tUntilltbatjuDgement DeDeeteeD^ojudiceto concert:
that all mapfclloto bet toitb fpceD,that are of uptight heart.
16 But Doha upon mp part (ball ftanD againd the tutfeD train t
0? toijo (ball riD me from their banD, tljat bncfeeD too?fcgmaintain t
17 jgjtcept she t oxD baD been mine aiD,mine enemies to repeii:
mp foul anD life baD note been latD almott as lost as bell.
18 i©ben 3 DiD fap.mp foot aiD fltDe,3 noto am ittte to fall,
tbp goobnefs,)lojD;DiD fo pjobiDe to (tap me up toitbali,

rp t©ben toitb mp felf3 muftD mucb,anD couiD no eontfo?t SnD,

then ?lo?D tbp gooDnefs Dio me touch, anD that Dio cafe mp minD.
20 saint thou tnbaunttbpfeife,anDDtato toitb toicfteD men to fit:
tobitb toitb pretence in (teaD of lato,mutb miftbief co commit •
21 jfo? tbep confult againd the life of cigbteous men anD goos:
anD in their counfets tbep are rife to (beD the guiltier# blooD,
2 2 But pet the lo?D be is to me a d?ong Defences loch:
be is mp d5oD,to tobom 3 dee, be »S mp flrengtb anD totlt.
2 3 mnD be (ball eaufe their mifehtefs all tbemfelbes fo? to attnop:
anD in their malite tbep (ball fall, ou? ®oD (ball them Dpltrop.
Veniteexultemus. Pfal.XCV. J. H.
<&n catncft ctTimta'Pn to p;aife <JKoT> fcj Jjisf government of tfcetncjlli, ant> (!jc election of Ijte
Ciitircl) 3Sn atmiontfton net to fotfovotijc rebellion of tljecia jfatljetc, ti;at temgrc&<&o$ Intijt
Dctmffr, fo: tlje rotlet) t5)ep mlgl)t not cuter mt0 ttjc JlanO cf fbjomtfe.

fit® IfUsliHigiiis_
« ||p jf Comelet us lift up out bopce, anD ting unto the Xo?D> in him

out toefe? of health tejopce, let us toitb one acco?D.

2 pea
Pfalm XCvi. 96
2 Pea let uS tome before bis face, to gib e bint tljanUS and praife:
tn flinging $falms unto btS gtace, let us be glao alboates,
3 jfottobP '■ tijc ?LorO be is no Doubt a great anD migbtp ffi ob:
a king abobe all gods throughout, in all tije boorld abroad.
4Che facets of the cacti) fo Deep, and corners of the land:
the tops OibtlS that are fo fteep, be bath them in bis band.
5 'Cbc S>ea and waters all are pig, fo? be tbe fame batb brought:
tbe eartb and all that therein is, bis band batb made of nought.
6 Come let us bobo and ptatte tbe jlojco, before him let us fall:
and fined to him taiitb one accord, the bobteb hath made us all*
7 jfoj bobp • be is the 'Hoed our tiScd, fo?. us be doth probide:
boe ate bis floefi be doth usfeed, biSlbeep, and be ourguide*
8 Co dap if pe bis bofee boill bear, then harden not pour heart.*
as pe botfb grudging manp a pear pjtobofe’D me in defert.
p t©bereas pour fathers tempted me, mp potaierfOr to probe =
mpmondjouSboojbSbobenthep did fee, pet bill they inould me mode.
10 'Cboice tboentp pears tbep did me gnebe, and J to them did fap,
tbcp errein heart and notbeiie'oe, tbep babe not fenobon mp 'map.
11 t©berefcne3I ftoare, boljctt that mp taratbtamSfitnOleO in mp breft .*
that tbep ftiould neber tread the path to enter in mp reft.
Cantate Domino. Pfalm XCvi. J. H.
&tt etfjojtatfon fcoti>to tf)c3Jex»0ant> <£?enttlcs to pjatfs ©afcfr? ^gfmereg. &nD tf)t3 fpecfaHg
cu.ii}t to be refetreo totlje jMngtome .f (SIjnft.
Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.
o jng pe taiitb ptaife unto the JLojcd, netofotigs tantb jopand mirth:
O fi»S unto him toitb one accord, all people on the earth*
2 Pea fing unto the ftotdj fap, ptaife pe b<S bolp^ame:
declare and fbebo from dap to dap falbation bp the fame*
3 Klmong the heathen ccft declare bis honour round about;
to fbeua bis boondets do not fpare,itt all the t©o;ld throughout*
4 f or tohPi’the Hord is much of might, and toortbP Praife alboap;
and he is to be dread of right,abobe ail goosJI fap.
5 for all the gods of heathen foils, ate 30ols that botll fade:
but pet our (Bod he is the &ord, that hathtljeheabensmade*
6 Kill praife and honour eefcdo dbjcll for ape before hiS fate:
both potaict and might lifeeboife ercell.tautbtn hiS fjoip place.
7 31 (tribe unto the Cord alboap,pe people of the usorld,
all might and toorftnp celt 3! fap,afcribc unto the Cord.
8 Kirtttbe unto the fLcr'o alboap,the glorp of foS Ifrarne;
and ceb unto hiS courts do go,boith gifts unto the fame,
97 Pfalm XCvii.
The fecond part.
9 fall botott a«b boorflrip pc tljc ?U>rb,b9ithw big cernpie bjtgtjt:
let all the people of ttjc uaotlD be featfull at hi# Rgljt.
10 Eell all the J@orlb, be not agaft, tlje Uorb Uotlj reign abobet
, pea be Ijatlj fet the earth fo fait, tljat it can nebet mobc,
11anb that it ig theJLorD alone, that ruleg toith ^intelp might:
to jttbge the ftationg ebetp one, batth equttp ana tight*
12 'Ehe peabeng (hall great jop begin, the earth eels limlirejopte;
the ^>ea attb all that ig therein (ball (bout anb malse a none,
13 Che Belt) (ball jop, anb ebetp thing thatfpjtngeth on the earth;
the nE>oob anb ebetp tree (hall Kng, toith glaanede anb toith mirth,
14Before the pp'fence of the)Lopb,anb coming of Ijss might:
bohen he (ball juftlp jubge the naoplb, anb tale hi$ foils toith tight*
Dominus regnavit. Pfalm XCvii. J.H.
3TI)t 3J9?cp*^ef all to rejoyce fo? tl;c coming of tf)f fe fng&om of lucnifuil o tfcc
Wb' is aiiti j&olat. t0, ah® jefc full to tl;e jnft, toi;cm \t eityo*m& to tmioccncF,vej®i>dn's} ana
Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.

T§eUopbboth retgn, tohereat the earth map jop toith pleafantboitet

attb eels the jiflejs boith jopfalt mirth map triumph anb tejopce,
2 Both clotibg anb barftntffe eels bo fooell.anb tounb about him beat;
pea tight ana juftite ebet btoell, anb bibe about higfeat,
3 Pea fire anb heat at once bo tun, anb go before his face t
iuhtcl) (ball hig foejs anb enemies bunt abroab in ebetp place,
4 l}is lightnings! eels full bright bib bla?e, anb to the tBO’lb appear:
tohereat the eatth bib look anb gaje, boith bpeab, anb beablp Sent,
5 Ehe I)t!S like boat bib melt tn tight anb prefence of the t orb:
thep ficb before thatlftulerg might, tohtch guibeth all the too?lb,
6 Ehe Peabeng else betlate anb fbobo, hig juflite all abroab:
that all the boorlb map fee attb Isnoto, the glorp of out 45 ob,
7C onfttfton fttte totll tome t o fuch, ag toopftnp 3IDoig bain:
anb eels to thofe that glorp much, bumb pictuteg to maintain.
8 for all tbeKlboig of the naoplb, bohith thep ag googbo call;
floallfeelthepotoerofthellopD,, anbbobmtohtmfloallfall,
9 MOith jop (hall ^tion heat thig thing, anb 3!ubah (ball rejopee:
for at thp jubgementg thep (ball ring, anb mabe a pleafantnotfe.
i o chat thou (go ilopb) art fet on high, in all the earth abroab •
attb art eraltebtoonopouflp, abobe each other gob,
11 HU pc that feat the lopb bo thig, hate a!l thingg that are ill,
fer he both fabe the foulg of hig, front fuch agtosulb them fpill,
12 anb light both fpring up to the juft, boith pleafttte fot btg part •
gteatjop boith glabttefle,mirth anb lull, to them of uprightheact-
Pfal. XCviii, XCix.
jsPc righteous in the JLoiD tej0pce,htsholinefl:e proclaim:
be thanUfull cue toith heart ants botce, anti mtnbefull of the fame*
Cantace Domino Pfalme XCviii. J.H.
4I« cameft tsbojtatton to all creatarcjs to pjaife t\)t Jlojb fo? fei* poteer, tnercp an& in !;fg
pjoitufe t>2 bp roijom be batb comamntmefe ljt<s taxation to all Rations.

Sing this as the 77 Pfalme,

O&ittg pe note) unto tlje jtojb, a neba and pleafant fong:
dro^tjc battj bought throughout the too?lb, hts boonbets great
2 tenth his right hatib full toojtljtlp,tjc Ootlj his foesbebout: (a neona,
anb get htmfelfthe bictotp,toithhi$ oton atm anb potxset.
3 Che Xojb both rnaUe his people Uttobo, iitj$ fabing health anbmfgfct:
the 2Loj.D both eUe his juttice fijebo, tn all ttjc heathens fight.
4 iijts gtate anb trutlj to Jftael, tn mmbe t»c ootfj tecojb ?
that all the eatth hath fcen tight baell, the goobneffe of the iLotb,
5 23cglabmhimb)it!) jopfttll hoice.all people of the eattl):
gtbe thanUS to 45ob, fing anb cejopte, to fitmtoith jop anb mirth,
ettpon the ijatp unto him fing, gtbe thanUS to him toithiBfalmeS;
tejopcc before the itojb out Jxing.'ixuth Crumpet,0 anb hrith ^hahneS;
7 $Sealetthe;§>eah)ithalI therein, fox ,op both to? e anb fhocll:
the eatth liUemtfe let it begin, toithall that therein bboell*
8 3nb let the floubstejopce their fills, anb dap their hanDSapace;
auD eUe the mountains anb the hil# before the ?Lo?b his face*
9 for he Hall come to jubge anb ttp the toojlb anb eberp bright;
anb rule the people mighttlp, toith juttice anbbrith right.
Dominusregnavit. PfalmeXCix. J.H.
!$e commented tljc p£raoersequltp atib cpceUincp of tljc &‘ng&om ofdKob bp f>fcet tfcfe Jemcs
ant) 4Kcn ties,anti p^obofeetb tb^m to magtilfle vlj? fame, ana to ferbe ibe Jtojb, foilotoittg tlje Sample
of tbe ancient jfatbers^ofefljtoon^nb j&amuel,^ caUlngufeon 0oD,5»«re beard topper.

' Sing this as the 77 Pfalm.

/-pit)e Hojb both taign, although at it, the people rage foil to?e:
1 pea, he on €h et ubins both fit, though all the toodb bo tojit.
i 'Che JLojb that both in &fonbtocll, is high anb toonotous great:
abobe all folUhe Dothepcell, aub he aloft ija; fet*
3 Het tfl men p?aife thp mightp jSame, fot it te fearfull fure:
anb let them niagntfie the fame, that holpiS anb pure.
4Chei&tineelpp3toet ofonr iting.both lobe jubgentent anb right;
thourightlp ruled cbetpthinginjtacob though thP might*
5 co ptatfc the lLo;t3 out ©obbebtfc, all honour to bimbo:
before his foot-ftooimotlirip him, foj be is bolp too.
6 spores, 3Baron, anb Samuel, as IbtietlS on him bib tall;
bohen thep bib ptap, he heatb them toeli, anb gabe them anfaoet all*
7 *©ithtn
Pfalm XCi.
7 i©tthin a clout) to them tjc rpake, ttjcn Old tljcp labour Sill,
to beep fuel) lato? as he DtD make, ant) pointeD them until,;
8 © jtojb out ©ob t’oou btbtt them beat, atto anftoet’bft them again=
thp rnetep bib cut them appear, tljeit beeb.s Dicft Dot maintain,
9 £D laub a nD praife out ©ob ana Horb, toithin hi? ho'.p bill:
for toh? < out ©ob throughout the t©orlb, to help eber Sill,
Jubilate Deo. PfaltneC. J. H.
epljo.ztct!) all to ferbs t^e JU?b, bolja ijatlj cijofen aub prcfcrfceo vs: nub enter Into bte Ztt m-
bites to pjaife l?tej^Atne.

iHI people that on earth bobtoell, fing to the Herb toith thecrefuil

botcehtm fetbe toith feat,hi? praife forth te!l,come pee before him5rejoice!

2 "CTljs Horb, pc knoto, i? ©ob inbeeb, toithout out aib he atb u? make •
toe arc hi? flack, he coth u? feeb, anb for hi? fltc cp he both u? take
3 © enter then hfegatp? toith pratfe, approach toith jop hi? eautt? unto:
praife, laub, anb bleiTtht? fume altoate?, for it t?feemip fo to bo.
4 for tohp the Horb out ©ob i? goob, hi? mere? i? for ebet fute:
hi? truth at all time? Btmlp Soob, ana (hail from age to age cnbute.
Another of the fame by J. H.
Sing this as the <58 Pfalm,
T 0 ©ob the Horbbe glab anb light, praife him throughout the catth
1 fetbe him anb come before hi? fight, toith fingtng anb toith mirth
2fenotothattheHorbout©obhei?, hebibupmakeanOkeep.- * '*
not toe out felbe?, for toe are hi? oton flock anb paSure ftcep-
3® go into hi? gate? altoate?, gibe thank? toithin the fame?
toithin hi? court? fet forth hi? praife, ana laub hi? bolp name.
4 for tohP i the fioobnette of the JLorb, for ebetmore both raign:
from age to age throughout the r© orlb, hi? truth both Sill remain.
Mifericordiam, Plalm Ci. K.
£>abi&bef(Tib;tl> fefatgobc^ment be anil cbfcrVe in bic Ijoiife, anb Staghorn: Jbe sell! purfft
anb jo^r'ct, hp noting out tjjc StacUcb, anb cljcrifljing ttye gcUlr ptrfons,
<" *• * • ; . 2 • . , • , * ‘ f ‘ ’ * ft 4
y % . * j

Singthisasthe 18 Pfalm.,. .- ’ , , .
I £®mv toill anb jubgement ftng, £> Horb ©ob unto thee:
12 3lnb totfelp bo tn perfect toap, tutfill tljou come to me,
3tib in the mibft of mp houfe toalk, fitpureneffe of mp fpttft:
3 3lin j 31 no kina of tottkeb thing toiUIct before mp fight-
4 3hate thett toork? that falla toap, it(ballnotclcabe tome:
from me (boll pact tije frotoarb heart, none ebil lxnll j fee,
5 Ijim

Pfalm Cii.
5 l^tm Ml 31 ftcop ttjat aatiDerct^^ue^bottr pjgjSpT
tfte laftp^eart 31 cannot bear,nc^ tytmtijat looked tyie*
6 ^tne epe# (ball be on them bottom tbe lano that fattbfull be:
jn perfect toap tubo fcualfeetikfljall be fctbant untome*
7 31 totil no guileful! perfon ijafce,tuition mp bonfe to bboell:
anb inm^p^efencebediaUnot remaintbat lie# botbteiu

8 23etimeS 3 toill Defltop eben all tbe mttfecD of tbe lanD:

tbat3 map from (BoDs Cttp cut ttjc botcfceD too?bets battD,
Domine exaudi. Pfal. Cii. N.
Stfcemrtt) p?si>tt»aBoppomt!8totl)c faitSjfull to piapm ti)t copttwtp ef l&tbvlcn
aconfolat(onfottl)tbuHmngcft!)CiIi,utrI): »l)«toffollorottl)|tl)cp:aifco{ ©ot, tn be Dtlblifto
uhio ollpofttritp. ®)eto,it>cr<lonof Use fficnttie void ifttftabiittpof tlje ©fctrnij. '

Sing this as the 81 Pfalm.

Ol^ear mp p? aper JLo?a, ana let mp ctp come unto tbee:
2 Jn tune of trouble Doe not tnVje tbp face atoap from me.

3 Undine tbtne ease to me,matte badetobeace me tobenj) call:

to? as tbe ftnoabe Doth iabe, fo Do e mp Daps continue anD fall.
4 fo? as an battb mp hones ate burnt, mp l)eatt is fmitten DeaD .•
atiD bottbctS Ufce t()e g?asie,tbat 3 fo?get to eat mp b?eao,
5 25 p reafon of mp ©leaning botce, mp bones cleabe to mpsbmne t
6 IS pelican in to iOentefiefucb eafenobo am j in.
7 36nD as an SDbole in Defatt is, lee 3 am fuel? a one:
3 mateb ano as a 5?pac?oio on tbe boufe top am alone.
8 3io Daslptn tep?oaebfuil rotfe,mme enemies Doe me Cco?nc:
anD tbep that Doe agmnllme cage, againdme tbcp babeftoomc.
9 ^mtelpbuttb afbes,asi»ttbb?caD,mpbun§£t3babefilD:
• anD mingleD babe mp o?tn(i tmb teatcs,tbat from mine epes babe dilD*
i o TSecaufe of tbp Dtfplearute &o?D, tbP bo?atb anD tbP DifDaine:
fo?tbou bad lifteD me aioft, anD cad meDobone againe.
• * »

11 UbeDapes tebetein 3 pade mplife,ate lifeetbe fleeting flfjaDe:

anD 3 am boitbef D like tbe g?affe, bobteb focn aboapDotb faDe.
12 2Bnf tbou,® )io?D,fo? ebet Dodtcmaine in fteaDp place:
anD tbp tememb?ance ebet Doth abiDe ftom tace to taee.
The fecond part.
13 Cbou built arife,anb me ttp tbou to iahon teflt eytenD t
tbe time of metcp.nobo tbe time fojefet iscometoeno.
14 fo? e ben in tbe dones tbeteof, tbp fetbants Doe Delight:
anD on tbeDud tbeteof tbe? babe compaffion in tbetfp?tte.
15 Cbcn (balltbe heathen people feate tbe Tlo?Ds mod bolp /frame •
ana all tbe &ings on ea«b (ball D?eaD,tbP glo?p anD tbp fame.
16 teben bubett tbe )lo?D tbe rnigbtp (SoD,againe (ball Sion teate:
anD tbentobtn be mod noblp in l)is glotp (ball appeate.
17 co
IOI Pfalm Ciii.
17 tapjapetaftbebefoIate.tobenbebtittfelfbotbbcnD:
boben be (pall not btfaaine unto their papers to attend
18 'Cijtjs ©all be ojzttteu fpj the age, ti)at after ©all fuc.eeb:
tije people pet uncrea tea, the &o?bg renown ©all fpjeab.
19 #0) Ije from ©S ©gb §>anetuarp, hath loofceb Doboa bcloto:
ant) out of Ijcaoeubatb tljclLajiO, bcbelb t;jc car© alfo.
jo cijat aftlje mourning captibe be might bear ©e boofull cry:
ano that be might beltbet tbofe that bamntb are to Die.
21 tjb»t fbep in &lon map Declare, ©e jtojbg molt bolpjftame:
anb in Jetufaicm let fo?tb, the p^aifeg of the fame.
2 21 bett soften the people of tbe lansg, anb feingoomeg With attotb,
Challbealfentbleb foj to botbeir fetoice to the&o?b.
The third part.

2jsaunter fojtcc of flrength be hath abateb in the Soap:

ana ©ojtct be hath cutmp oap:g, tftug 3 therefore bib rap,
24 #p *©ob in iniOltof all mp bapeg, nol» fafee me not atoapj
tlppearg enbure eternal©,from age to age 3 fap.
25 ’Chou the founbatioug of the earth, before ail times hall lain:
anbUo© the beabeng are the boofU bobieb tbine 0 am banbg babe rnaoe.
26 jlea tbep ©all peri© anb becap, but tftou ©alt tarrp Kill:
anbthep ©all all in time wajccolb, ebenasa garment boin.
27 'Chou as a garment©alt them change, anb cbangebtbep ©allbe:
but tbou bollllill abibetije fame, tbppeargbo neber flee.
28 eebe cbtlbren of tbp fetbantg ©all, continual© enbure •
Jteb in ©p figbttbetrbappp feeb, fo? eber ©all flat© fore.
Benedic aniraa. Pfalme Ciii. T.S.
ftliis fsf n pfolm? eicccllmf, wherein pj p’octtsotl) cjijo-t ti:May5ti^n2e!ff,anD aiicrea*
cure* to vjatfe tlK it i:ti fc? 1)20 fsrljetlp m-fetea, anti ’Delt'b rarcc of f)is people funn aH ebils/fo) tys
p^abiiencf ober all fbwgs, anti tb^pitfortat^n of tlfc fait!) full.

^ (bule gibe iaub unto tbe )lotft,mp fpirrt ©allboe tfte fame4 ■
anb ail tbe fettetg of mp heart,p?aif? pe big bo© jftame. 2.©ibethanlig

to Sob fpj all big giftg,©eto not tbp felt' unbinbe: Jnbfuffctnot©g "

benefl.g, to flip out of tbr minDc,

Pfalm Ciii. icz
3 Chat gabc thee paction fot thp faults, anti thee rcdo)’b again :
for a;l thptoeabanb frail bifeafe, anb healb thee otthppaist*
4%!) at did redeem thp life from Draft), from totjid) tljou eoiudfl not flee:
JpS ntetep aub coaipafStun botf), he Did ejetenb to thee.
5 Chat fil’d toiti) goobnefs thP btftre, anc bib prolong theppouth:
Ube ao t ;e flfngle cads l)cr bill, buhttebp i)£t age tempo tl),
6 Che 'jtojd truth juftice Dot!) repap., all fuel) os be oppgeff:
fo that tljetr fa Strings and tljeic te)ongs, are tutneb to tlje bed,
7 i)is toaics anb btscommanbements, to Azores debits fljotw:
l)iS tounfeI0 ana l)iS baitant acts, ti;e Jf raelitesbib fenoto,
s Che JlorD tsluade anb meteiftill, t»hcn ftnnet0 bo bint gtiei’e i
tl)e domed to tonceibe a b-ratl), anb seabieft to fojgibe.
9©c d)tce0 not u0 continual!?, though Poe be full of drtfe:
no) Ueeps our faults in memo)? fc) all out finfull life.
10 $ot pet accojbing to out fins, the lorb both ustegatb:
no) after our iniquities;, l)e both not u0 rematb,
11 ©«t as the fpace is teoifttous great, ttoitt earth anb heaben abobe t
fo t0 t)i0 goobneffe much mote large, to them that bo him lobe,
ii <Bob both temobe our fin0 from u0, ana our offences all:
a0far a0 is the ^>un rifling, full btdant from his fall.
The fecond part.
i j ainb loob tohat ptfp pa)ent0 bear, unto their chiib)en bear:
lifeepitpbearcth (Bob to fuel), a0 aao)flnp himin fear.
14 Che 5Lo)0 (hatmabe u0 bnotxts our ftape, out monlb aua fafhion jad •
hooo rneafe ana frail our nature i0, anb hooo boe are but bud.
15 rSiiahooothettmeof mortal men, ts Ube thetoitheringhap:
o) Ube the floboct right fair m ftdo, that fabes full foon atoap*
1 e uahufe giof0 anb beaut? dorinp boinb0, bo utterlp bifgrace:
anb malic that after tbatadaults, futh bloffomeshabe no place,
17 2Sut pet the goobndfe of the Jlo)b, boithhiS Ibaltebet daub t
their thilb)en0 ehilb)ett bo teceioe.hiS righteoufnefft at hanb.
18 31 mean bohtch beep h*S toaenant, truth all theft tohole befite t
anb not fo)get to bo the thing, that he both them requite,
19Che heabenS high are mace the feat, anb footdool of the JLo)b;
anb bp hiS ponoer impetial, he gobetns all the UDorlD.
20 J9e angels ao jtch arc great in poaoer, p)a«e pe anb bleffe the Ho)D,
tohicl) to obep anb bo l)iS brill, immebiateip act02b,
21 Jie ncblc hoods anb mintdetS, teafe nottolaub him dill t
bohirh reatp ate to erecute,hiSPleafuteanb hiS brill.
2 2 Pea all h«S too)bs in ebetp place, p)atfe pe hiS holp JSame,
mp heart, rnp mrncc, anb eeb mpfoul, P)aife pe alfo the fame.
Benedic anima. Pfalm Civ. W. K.

41 -t to p?aife<&00 crcattan of the cmD the governance' f the fanr,fn>

I)isin:rtoelju0 pjotoBcnce: so^eatu rlje pfopftet P?at’tth a^asnft the S»icteija arc occaa^n that
&o & tutu ntfycthhte bietet gs.

JJ foul pjaife the ?Lo jbjpeafe goon of bis |iame - ©

XojD our great <Eob,boto Daft thou appear fo parsing in g!o&>, that

* ,
great is tftpfame^ honour ana Slpajedpintbee (bine mod clear.

JBitb light as a robetboubad the beclaU: boberebp all the earth

t^p greatttefs map SeeitElje beaben in fetch fojt tljou alfo bad fpteab.

that it to a curtain compare!) map be.

3 f^i'S chamber beams lie in the cioubs full fare,

bcbicb as bis chariot are rnabe bint to bear:
vttaD there toitb mucbftoiftnefSbiS courfebotbenbure:
upon tbe Doings rilling of toinbsin tbeait.
4 ®?e ma’aetb bis fptrits as JJeralbS to go,
ana lightnings to feebe, Doe fee alfo pteft ••
$i0 botii to accompli® tljep run to ana fro,
to fabe o? confume ttjittgS, as feemetb bint bed.
•*. - * r* . a.' ' v.. r: t+ . * , v

5 *?e grounbetb the earth fo firm anb fo fad,

that it once to mobc none (ball babe fuel) paboer.
6 Cbebeepafair cohering foj it inabe thou bad:
bobicb bp bis orim nature the bills boouio bebout,
7 23 ut at tbp rebuke ttje boaters bo fUe ••
anb fo gibe Cue place tbP boojtb to ober.
M tbp botce of tbnnbet fa fearfull tbep be,
that in their great raging the? bod foon atoap.
3 &be mountains!fall, tbeptljcn tip afccrfti:
tftboubolt but fpeah, tbP too?b tbe" ftriSll:
£>o liuetoife tl)c dallies mod qmcldpbefccnb
tob«e tl)oa them appointed, remain tljep fra fttiu,
9 'Cbcit bounds t!jo« baft fet, bom fat tbep (ball ran ;
‘.o tljat m tljr.t rage, not ttjtit pate tbep tan:
3ro? ©ob batp appointed tbep ftallnof return,
l. tbe tattij to befltop wo?c, ujijit^ male toaSf& man.
The feeartd parti
10 ^e fcnbttb tbe fp?(ngsto tong dreams £? lakes,
tobteij run bo full [unfit, among tbe huge bits* (flafees
n ng>^ere both tbeteilbe Hides, tbeirtbirfl oft times
anb beads of tbe mountains, thereof b?<nfctpf 01S.
12 2Bp tljefe pleafantfpTingsoj fountains touted,
tbe fotois of tbe atr abibe (ball anb Dtoell:
t©bo mobeb bp nature, to bop fjece ana tbe#:
among tbe g?eenb?ancbeS tbeit tongs teall cyccl*
13 ^e mountains to motif tije cloubsbe both iife ••
tbe eattb toitb btS too?l$s is toljollp repleat,
14 Sto as tljc biuit cattel,ljct>otljttot retofe:
buf g?afs both p?o»ibe ti)enw>b betd fo? mans meat
15 J9 ea b?eab, tome, anb opl, tje ttiaaefo? mans tobe,
toS fate to teftclb, anb beatt to made llrong.
16 cue Ccda?s of flpbatt tbiS gjeafiiojib bio matte t
totjitl) trees bedoth nouttlb, that g?otoup fo long,
17 3i» tfjcTc tttap bitbs; buiib, anb made there tbeit tied
in fit trees tlje^tojbs remain anb abibe i
1 s Cbe bigb bilS are toetour fo? toilbe (BoateS to reft

anb eeb tlje rotbs ilonp to? Conies to Jjtbe,

15 cbe moon tbett is fet, bet featon to tun:
tbe baies from tbe nigbtS tbcrebp to bittern:
36nbbp tbebeftcnbtng alto of tbe £sun,
tbe colb from beat altoap tbetebp toe bo learn,
ictJDijctt oarbnete both come bp (Bobs toil! anb potoer,
then creep fo?tb bo aU tbe beads of tb* «©oob=
21 Cljc fUonstange to?mg, tbeit p?ep to bebour:
but pet it is tbou 'lo?b, tobitb gitoedtbem food.
2 2 36s toon as tbe &un is up, tbep retire:
to touebinto tbeit bens, then are tbep toll fain:
23 Cbat man to bis too?d map,as tigfd both requite
till night came on anb call bint, to tafee red again,
Tbe third part.
24 fioto fano2p,c>7Lo?b, are aUtbptoo?fesfoutib t
toitb toifbom e toll g?eat tljcp are indeed to?ougbt •*
% »
105 Pfalm Cv.

that tlje tohole i©orlb,of thp pjatfe both fount) •

anb as for thp tithes, thcp pars all mens thought.
2 5 So is the great Sua. toljtcf) iatge is anb broab;
tofjete things tljat creep ftoatm, ant) beads of eaci) fort,
2 6 Chert both mightp fljtps fail, ant) forne lie at toab
the t©hale huge ano inondtous t!)cte alfo ootlj fpotf,
2 7 3di things on thee toait,thou bod ttjem reliebe •
anb thou in bue time full toell bod them feeO,
2 8 Boto tohen it both pleafe ttjee tljc fame for to gibe:
thep gather full giablp thofe things bohith the? neeb,
Chou opened thi> banb, anb thepftnbe futh grate,
that thep tenth goob things are filleb toe fee,
2 9 JBu t fore are thep troubles, if thou turn % face;
for if thou theirbreath tabe, bile bud then thep be,
30 Klgain, tohen thp fepirtf from thee both proceeo ■

all thtngs to appoint, anbtoohat (hall enfue ••

Chen are theptreateb, as thou had betteeb =
anb bod bp th? gootmefs the brp earth retteto,
31 Che praife of the Horo for eber than lad;
toho me p in teS toorbs bp right toell rejopce.
35 i^isloobs tan the earth mafee to tremble full fad;
anb Ubetoifc the mountains to frnoafc at hiSboice,
ih ■ ft- • » *' *• ‘ .it

3 3 Co this iLorb anb ©ob, fins toill 3 altoaies=

fo long as 3 libe, mp ©ob praife toill 3:
34 Chen am 3 mod certain top toorbs (ball hint pleafe ••
3 toill rejopte in him, to him toill 3 ftp*
3) Che Smuts, ££> ilorb.confume in thineite
anb celitlje petberfe, them root out toith fbame,
2t5ut asfor mp foul noto.let it Sill befttc,
anb fap toith the faithful, praife petbeftorbSJ&ame,

Confitemini Dom. Pfalm Cv. N.

p?apfWt*e fngular cooDtufs of $od, toljo fcatlj-of all people of %%t i»o?lD, cljofen 9 peculiar
people to tymlcif, anD {aDMg efcofen tyem, neDsr ccafcll) to Do tfjen: gocD, cben fa? I)t0 pjomffe fafee.

Sing this as the 103 Pfalm.

/^3be prapfes unto ©ob the Herb, ano call upcnbiSiftatne;

Vj among the people ceb beciate hiS to orbs, 10 fpreab his dime,
2 Sn'ng pe unto thtlLorb 3 fap, anb fing unto his prapfe:
ano talb of all hiS toonsrous
toorbs, that he both torought altoaies,
. ..

3 jn honour of hiS holp J&ame, rejopte toith one accorb:

anblettheheattaiforejopee, ofthemthat feebthe Horb,
4 S»eebpethe Xorb, anb feebthe dtengthof his eternal might •
anb feeb hiS face contintwllp, anb prefence of his fight*
5 Ch«
Plal. Cv 106

5 trije bwnojous tooths that tjcijatti Done, beep (till in mmDfull bract:
ne let ti?c juiojeincutg! of l)iS mouth, out of pour mtnuie Depart,
6 J3e tpat of fattfyful Styabam, big ferbaut, are fl)e feeD:
pcbtselect, tbecbilDtentbatof 3iatob Dop^oceeD.
7 lot Ijc, be onelp is, 3 fa?, the might? &ctb our t>oD:
auD bis moft r;gbttull jiiDgementg are, tbtongb all the t©o?ID afytoaD,
8 lists pjamife anD bis cooenant.tobicbbe ijatfj inaSe to bis,
be bath temerabjeD cberutote, to tboufsnDS of Degrees.
The lecond parr.
9 'fPe cobenant tobicb be batb maoe, boitb Ibtabatn long ago:
anD fattbfull cat;) toljtcb be baD ftoetn, to Jfaat alfo.
i o ainO Dffl confirm tbe lame fot lab), that 3acob UmtlD obep:
anD iojeternall cobenant, tojitaclfot ape,
n i©bcti tbusbefatD, lo3 topou, all Canaan lanDtotllgibe:
tbe let of pour inheritance, tobetetn pour feeD (ball Ube.
12 3ltboug.; tbe number at that time, DID berp fmall appear,
peaberpfmall, anotn tbelar.D, tbepibtn but Grangers were,
13 i©bile pet tbep toalfc’D from lanD to lanb, toitbout a fure aboDe <
anD bjbtle from fuuorp kmgDomes tbep WD boanDer all abjoaD,
i4<SnDtotong at no opptedots f?anD,be fuffeteD them totahe:
but eben tbe great anD might? kings reptobeD foj their fabe,
15 3nD thus be fatD, 'Couch pc not tbofe that mine anointeD be:
ne Do tbe ptopbets anp barm, that Do pertain to me,
16 i^tcaU D a Dearth upon tbelanb, of bjeaD be Ursp’D tbe ifote:
but be agatnfi tbe time of neeb, baD Cent a man before,
The third part.
17 iSbenJofepb tofjeef? bsD once been fold, to ltbe aflabe ttttoje;
tobofefect tbep hurt in ftoibjs, bobofe foul tbe irons pterc’D alfa,
1»©nttl tbe time came toben b$ caufe, boas bnobon apparentlp:
tbe might? i©0)D of <BoD tbe HotD, bis faultlelfe ttu tb oio trp,
19 'Cbe king fent anD oeltbetcD him, ftompjnfon bobere be toas:
10 ^Cbe iMet of tbe people then, DiD freelp let btm paffe,
213nD ober all bis boufe be maOe btm Aoto tobear tbe fooap:
ano of btS fabSance inaDe btm babe tbe tule anD all tbe (tap,
« r « * y»* V* * * v * *• * ■

2: Cbat be might to bis tell tnftcuct, the 0tmccs of the DLanD:

anD toifDoms loje bto ancient men might caufe to unDerftanD;
23 'Chen into the JSgpptianlanD came Jftael alfo:
anD Jacob in tl)e land of Bam,DiD Ube a Urangertbo,
24 ibis people be ejtceebtnglp, in number maDe to floto,
attD ober all their enemies, mfttengtb be maDe them etoto.
25 ttsbofe heart be tucuD, that the? tobicb bate b:S people DiDintteati
ano DiD bis fetbants totongfullp, abttfe tottbfalfe Deceit,
% 3 The
The fourth part.
26 faithfuU fecbant a^ofeji then, anti aaton toljom he cljofc,
Ijc DiD command to turn to them, his mcffagc to difclofc.
2 7 'Che toondjous meflage of tjts figites, among them he did flioto:
atidtoandcrs in the land ofll^am,thendtdthep toojmalfo.
28 £>atbnefS he tent, ano made tt datb .itiftead of brighter Dap:
anD utitah'.s camimfston, thepdidnotdifobep.
29 i£e turn d their boaters! into bloud, atiD DiD their Aides! flap: (lap,
3 o cheir land brought frogs! eben in the plate, inhere their bing ^haraotj
jii^e fpabe,and at histboice there came, gjeatftoarm^ofnopfome Jfltes
anD all the quarters! of the land, lucre Kid tost!) eratolmg Usee, ’
32 $e gabe them tolD anD flonp hail, inflead of milder rain:
and fierp flames! toithin there land, he fent unto their pain.
3 3 l^e fmote their <u inesi and all there trees!, tohercon there figs: DiD gioto:
and all their tretsftoithin their coafls!, Dotondid he oberthtoto,
34^efpabe,then CaterpillergdiD, and ©jtaiboppets abound:
35 *©bschatetbeg?a!siinall their land,and fruit ofalltheirground,
The fifth part.
36'Che Srfl begotten in their land, ceb deadlp he did finite t
pea the beginning and ftdMtuit of all their fo?ce and might.
37 i©tth gold and fllber he them brought from Cgppt land to pafs!:
and in the numberof their Cribes!, no feeble one there toast.
38<£gppttoas! g'ad andjop full then, tohen thepdid thence depart-
for tcuour and the fear of them toast fallen upon their heart.
39 Co fi^oud them from their peatching heat, a cloud he Did difplap;
and flee he fent to gibe them light, tohen night had hid the dap.
4° 'Chepagbed, and he canfed tfluails!, to rainat their requefl t
and fullp toith the bjead of headen, their hunger he repjeft,
41 Dc opened the flonp Eocb, and toatccgguibcdout:
and in the djp and parchedg^ound.Ube riders! run about.
4 2 fot of his! holp codenant, ape mindfull boas! he tho t
tohich to hwferdant aibmhain, he plighted long ago.
43 i^e brought his! people fcgth toith mirth, and his! elect toith jop •'
out ofthe cruel land, tohere thep had lid’d in gjeat annop,
44 Kino of the heathen men he gade to them the ftuitfull lands! t
the labours! of the people ceb, thep toob into their hands!.
45Chat thephisiholpflatutes!might, obferdeforedermore:
ana faithfullp obephis latoss, pjatfe pe the )to?d therefore*
Confitemini Dom. Pfalm Cvi. W. K.
Che people bifperfeb rnifccr &ntiocbu0> bo rosgntSe the gootmeffe of 4?ob among tfo? jolt anti tc*
pencant: bating to be brought agatnintotb«lannbp<^^smf«tfttHbUltattc.ti:*nO0ft£tt!}O*tta«
nifofb mcrbeW of $o& brought tn fceUberancefojfl) of , atib tbe gjcatlttgjatifube ef the
peopicr brarfcti. tl;ep bopjayanb befimobegatljetcb from among tothelnteiittfcefc
map pjatfc % Banse of tf): <£ob of ^ftaej.
Pfal. Cvi 108

Pllaife Sing this as the 103 Pfalra.

pe tlje TLotb, foj be ts goob, big metcteg bute fo$ ape:
/. uafacan erpjcffe big noble acts, ej all bis piatfe bifplap <
3 'Che? biCiTcD ate ttj t juagement keep, ana juftlp Do alroap:
toitb faoout of tbp people (fiOjb) remember me 3) p?ap.
4 ainb rntti) tb? fabtng health (€> aloja) boutbfafe to biftte me:
that 5 the great feltc tie, of thine elect map fee.
5 3lno toitb tbp peoples jop J map a jopfult intnbe poOTelfe:
anb map toitb thine inheritance, aglorptng heart erpjcffe.
6 fSotb toe anb eck our fathers all, babe finneb eberp one:
toe baoe committeb toickcbnelle anb letoblp toe babe bone.
7 UbetoonDets great tobicbtbou (€> jlojb, baft bone in Cgpptlanb:
onr fathers though tbep faw them all, pet bib not unberftanb.
$toi pet tbp mercies mnltitube, bib keep tn thankful! mtnbe t
but at the S»ea, p ea the Keb ^ea, rebelleb moft itnkinbe.
s lieberthelelfe be fabeb them, foji honour of bis name:
that be might make btS potoet knoaon, anb fpjeab afa oab big fame.
9 ^.be lleb £tca be bib then rebnke, anb foitbtoitb it toagbip’o:
anb as in toilbctncfte, fo though the beep be bib them guibe.
iok)c fab’b them from the cruel banb, of their befpigbtfull foe $
anb from the enemies banb bebtb.beliber them alfo.
The fecond part.
11 fEbe toaters tbeir opp^edo^s tobelm b, not one toas left alike:
12 ft fan tbep bcltcPD bis toojb anb pjatfe in fongtbep bib bim gibe.
13 ©ut bp anb bp untfankfaUp, bis too^ks tbep clean ftngat:
ano fa 1 bio counfel anbfaS toill, tbep bib neglect to toait.
i4Butluftebin tbe toilbernefte, toitb fonbattb greebpluft:
anb in tbe befett tempteo ©ob, tbe ftap of all tbeir ttuft.
15 3fnb tbentbeit toanton mtnbes befite, be fuSreb them to babe 5
but mailing leannelfe tfatetoitball unto tbeir fouls be gabe,
16 Chen toben tbep lobgeb in tbeir tents, at SUpofeS tbep bib gtufcb i
3aron the bolp of tbe Cojd, fo Dtb tbep etibp much.
17 Cbctefoje the earth b“b open toibe, anb Nathan bib bebour:
anb alt dibirams companp, bib cober in that hour.
18 3n tbeir alfemblpkinD’ea toas, the hot confuming fire:
anotoafting flame bib tbenburnup, the totekeo in biSite,
istUpontbe billoflfarebtfap, anjool ©alfbtb frame:
anb there the molten Jmage tbep, bib mojUiip of the fame.
jo 3!nfo the likencffe of a Calf, tofacb feebetb on the gjaffe,
thus tbep tbeit glo?p turn’b, anb all tbeir fanout Dtboeface.
j 1 Ifnb ©ob there onlp §>aotout unktnblp tbep forgot:
tobieb trtanp gjeat anb might? things, tn €gppt lanb fab tojougfa.
r 109 Pfolm JCvi,
The third part.
21 3Cii& m tbe Ianb of ©am foment, mofl toonbeotis too$s fjad bone:
a«b bp tbe lieb ^>ea bj cabful things, periojmeb loitgagone.
*3 'Cijetefo^e fo$ tljeic fo Vetoing them, forgetful anb trokmbe,
to bjwg befttuttion on them all, be putpos b tn b® minbe.
i^ab not b® cbofen if ofeS 800b before him tntbe tyeak,
to tujn b® to^atb, icatjeou tijens toitb flangbtet ftaula bun toj cafe,
*4 'Cbep bib befpife the pleafantlanb, that bebcbtgbt to gfbe:
pea anb the toojbs that be bub rpoke, tbep bib no n>b8beltcbc.
25 ©ut tit tbeit ten® toitb gtubglng bcatt, tljcp toickeblp tepm’b,
not to tbe bofee of <BoO the Xotb, tbep gabe an bearkning minbe*
2 6^bewfoje agatnfl them lifteb be, b® flrong tcbcngtngbano:
them tobtflrop in batlbetneiTe, etc tbep ibottlb fee tbe ianb*
27 Snb to beftrop tbett feeb among tbe nations taut!? b® too:
anb tb?oagb tbe ConnttepS of tbe s®ojtlb, to frattrt them abtoab,
28^0 JBaal^eoj. then tbep bib, atyopntbemfelbes alto:
anb ate tbe offerings of tbe beab, fo tbep fottook bint tbe*
29 Cbt® toitb tbett oton inbenttsnS, b® tojatb tbep bib ftobobe:
anb tn b® foje fnfetnbleb tojatb, tbe plague upon them btoke*
joi3utpibineas8oob up toitb fsal, tbe linnets bile to flap:
anb jubgement be bib etetute, ano then tbe plague bib flap*
The fourth part.
3i 3ttoa$fotputebuntobtm,fo£ ttgbteoufncffe that bap:
anb (tom tbencefoub (b cotmteb ®, Atom tace totacej fap*
32K!ttoatetseefeof #ettbab, tbep bib btm angtp make:
pea fofatfejtb, that #ofesri>as then puniti>’sfot tbeit fake*
3 3 ©ccanre tbepbefb b® fpitit fo tote, that in impatient beat
b® lips fpafcc unabbtfeblp, b® fetpouttoas fo gteat*
34 as tbe Jlojb commanbep them, tbep fleto tbe people tbo:
3 5 ©ut toete among tbe featben m® b, anb leatn’b tbett toojks alfo,
36 3Sub bib tbett 3IbolS fetbe, tobteb toete tbett tuine anb betap:
37 foftenbs tbei? fons anbbaugbterS tbep bib offer up anb flap.
38 |9ea baitb unktttijlp numbering knife tbe guiltlefle bloub tbep fpilt:
pea tbeit oton fons anb baugbtetS bloob, baitbout allcaufeof guilt*
t©bom tbep to Cankan JoolS then offetbtoitb totekeb banb 1
anb fo toitb bloob of imioients, beflieb toaS tbe lanb*
39 CbuS baete tbep flatneb toitb tbe too#® of tbett oton flltbp toap:
anb toitb tbett oton tnbentions, a tobotmg tbep bib fltap*
40 Cbetefoje againflb® people baas tbe TLo#® tojatb ktnbleb fo?e:
ano ebenb® oton inheritance, be bio abbot therefore.
41 Jntotbebanbsof heathen men, begabe *bem fojt a ptep:
anb maoe tbett foes tbett Ho?bs, tobom tbep were fotceb to obep.
Pfal. Cvii. 110
The fifth part.
41eaanti their hatefull cneintes opptcdthem in the tout):
anb thep mere tjumblp mabe to (loop, aS fubjects to these hanb.
43 jfull oftentimes from th?allhabhe; bsltbcrcb them before:
but lotth their eounfcls! theptotojath pfoboak’bhtmebetmoje,
44Chetefogcthep bp thcttintcfctbnefS, lucre brought fullloto to lie;
pet i»hen thi p fam them mbfltcefs!, he heatheueb to theft ctte,
45 Tie call 0 to mtnbe bis cobenaftt,bohich he to them hab Obojc :
anb bp hi? mercies multitube, tepenteb him therefore,
46 Tub fabout he them rnabe to fittbe, before the fight of thofe
that leb them captibe from theft lanb, tofiett etft they mere theft foes!.
47 Siaue us, 0 Xo^b, that att out (Bob, fabe us (0 Xogb) boe pjap:
anbftom among'the #eathenfolb, Xo.tO gather us amap.
48 chat tne map fpjseab the noble piaifc, of thpmoftholp iff ante.-
that hoe map glojp in thp pjaife, atm founbmg of thp fame,
49 'Che Xojb the ©Ob of^frael, be bled fog e'nermoge;
let all the people fap, Tmen; pgaffe pe the Xogo therefore,
Confitemini Dom. Pfal. Cvii. W. K.
JDablJv c^ejtfti) all ri;8t ate uBecttuB Bp tlje , atiB gatljf ttD unto tyttt, to gibe tfctrc*
fejc, Wjo b?fenT)inQf jcfpfttlr ant) atibeTOfp, b^irtgitl)«tcsi umstyro. CijcMwastterlgljteonJ*
tljerhtrcjot’t', fotyali l;etolcfcei tyfifcstfjctrmoutfjrftoppcti.
Sing this as the 77. Pfalm.
c^31hethaiihSunto the Xogb out (Bob, fog gjacfousfShe;
VJ anb that his mt tep hath no ertb, all mortal men map fee,
1 £meb as the Xogb tebeemeb hath, hofth thanks (hall pgaiie hfs! 0ame:
atiOfbcm ho jo thep from foes hocte fteeb, anb hom he mgought f fame,
3 ibe gatheteb them fojsth of the lanbs, that lap fo fat about:
from ead to t©eft, from $ogth to £>outh, hfShanb bib finbe them out,
4 fijLhcp manbgeD ftt the hoilbetticfs, aub ttrapcb fromtheboap:
anb founb no (ftp inhere to btncil, that fetbe might fog theft flap,
; t@hofe third; anb hunger boas fo ggeat, in thefe befetts fo boib ?
that fatntne s bib them foge affauit, anb eek theft fouls atmofo*
6'Chen 0 0 the? ttp m theit DifltefS unto the Xogb fog aib;
inho bib temobe theft troublous date,accogbfngas thep pgaib,
7 anb bp that map bohfch boas mod right, he leb them like agutbe;
that thep might to a citp go anb there alfo abfoe,
8 Xetrnen therefore brfoge the Xogb, eonfefshisktnbnefsthen•,
ana foein the boonbets that he both, before the Tons of men.
9 fojhethe emptpfoulfttdamb.bohomthitdhabmabetofainf:
the hungry foul intth goobnefs feb, anb oib them eekaeqiwmt,
10 4uch as bo bhoell in barktiefS beep, mhets thep on beath oo matt-
fad boimo to tade fitch troublous dotmS, as iron chains bo thgeat,
Ill Pfalm Ciiv,
The fecond part.
11 jfot that againft oam toojbs thep fought fo to rebell:
cfteeimng light biScounfeJS high, tubiclj 0o fo felt ectell,
i z 23ut toabeh bcb«a»bleiJ ttjem fullioto, tbep tben fellDoton g^ieft
ana none toas fo win lo much to help, tobecebp t o get c MtU
13 ■Cbenbibibep cep in their atfttelS, unto tbe fto?-! fo? a©:
toho WD ternobe tbeir trobious (late, acceding astbepP?aPD.
14 jfof ijcftom DatimetS out them bjougbt, an!) from Deaths intnafull
buttling toitb fojcetlje ttoubaiibS/tobicbthem befo^ebtD laae* (ftjaae:
j 5 Xet men tbetefo^e befoiwe ttje corefefSbtSfttnbnelS ttyttu
anaiheto ti)c ason'tots tt»at be Doth, before thcfons ofrncn,
16 jfoi bejtbjero D oton tbe gates of bjars, anb btabe tljcm tortb fttong
tbe iron bars be fmote in tiaa, uotbingtonla bun totf bftntfa, cljano:
17 Che footoflifolk ©eat plagues bo fee!, anb cannot from tbent tomb:
but bcaponiuo^e ta ttjoCe tbep babe, becaufetbepbooScna.
i8®bettfoulS fomutb bib loatb all meat,that none tbcp cottlb abibet
toberebp beatb bab them almoft taugbt, as tbcp full truelp trp’D,
19 <W()m bib tbe? ctp in tbe it DiftrefS, unto tbe fto jb fof aib:
i»bo bib temobe tbeit troublous Hate, accojbtng as tbep p^ap’D,
20 ^ojtbenbefenttotbtm bis t©o?a, tobicbbmltt) bib foonteftoje:
anb brought ibem from tbofe bangers beep, toberein tbcp toere befote.
The third part. -
21 ftet men tbevcfojc before tbe ILota, confers biSbinDnefS then:
ana (beat tbe toonbers that be Doth, unto tbe fons ofmem
21 3inb let them offer factiftce tnttb ttjanliS, anb alfo fear:
anb fpeabcf all biS tooubjoas toojtss> toitb glab anb jopfull cheat,
23 S)ucb as inlbipS anb brittle barbs, into tbe feas befeenb:
tbeit mettbaubtje t'ofottgb featfnll floubS, to tompafS ana to enb,
24 'ipofe men atefojteb to bebolb, tbe Xopog too?bs tobat tbep be;
anb in tbe Dangerous beep tbe fame, moll metbelious tbep fee.
25 foj atbiStoajb tbe ftogtnp toinb, artfetb in a rage t
anb ftitretb up tbe (Urges fo, that nought can them afftoage.
2 6 cben aretbep lifteb tip fo bigb, tbe tloubs tbep feem to gain:
anb plunging aotontbe Depth until, theit fouls cottfume with pain.
2 7 31 na libe a tytmbarb, to anb fro, noto here noto there they reel;
as men toitb fear of toitbereft, othab of fenfe no feel,
2 8 tchen bib they crp tn tbeir biftrefs unto tbe ftojb top aib t
tobo bib eemobetbetr troublous Hate, aetdjbmg astbeppjsib.
19 ft>t toitb bis t©o?b the ftojD both mabe, tbe tturbp dorms to eeace:
fo that tbe gjeat toahes from tbeirrage, are brought to reft anb peace,
3o^benaeemcn glab toben reft is come, toln'ch the? fo much aib ccabe:
anbacebpbint inbabenbrought, tobteh tbep fo fame tooulb babe,
Pfa!. Cviii It2
The fourth part.
31 let men therefore before tl)c XorD, confcfic ijr's fctnDndfe then,
anD ibeai the saonDet# that Ijc Co:!) before the fong of men,
3 2 net chain :n prefence of tijc fotfc,teth pr life eftol hi# £tamc:
enD Where t;>c doers Do eminent, there let them Co the fame*
3 3 f or tanning flouD# to Dtp Defart#, he Both oft change anO turn
anO Drpeth up as! it Caerebutt,, the fpunging tell anD bourn.
34 3 fruitful! anO with pleafutc# Dccltt, full barren Doth he make t
Cohen on theft fins! that Died! therein, heDcthjttflbengeauce take*
3 5 3gain the fcotiDcrnefjS full tuCe, hemafccth fruit to bear:
teth pleafant fprtug# of boaters; dear, though none before Caere there*
36 UDherein futh httngtP foul# are fet, as he Doth feedp chute:
that the? a ettp might btuID, to Dteeii in for their ufe.
37 Chat thep map fow their pleafant lanD, anD CtneparDst alfo plant:
to pttlD them fruit of futh tncteafe, as; none map feem to boant.
38 '©jepmulttplp erceeDmglp, the "iLo?D Doth bid# them fo:
boho Doth alfo the bruit beaft# make, bp number# great to gtobo.
39 ©ut WI>en the faithful! are low bought,bp the oppreffor# (lout 1
anDmimfljOo throttgh manp plague#, thatcompaf# them about*
40 Shen Do the prince# bring to flume, which DiD than fore oppref#:
attD UbeCotfe caufcD them to err, Within the telDermf#*
4T 2S«t pet the poor he taifeth up, out of their trouble# Deep:
anD oft time# Doth their train augment, much likeaflocfcof flieep*
4 2 She righteou# (ballbebolo thi# ftght, anD alfo much rejopce:
toherca# the wttfecD anD perberfe, Coith griefflmUttop their boicc.

45 ©at Coho f# Wife that nobo full Caell. he map thefe thing# tecoiD?
for cettainlp futh ftmil perceibe the UinDnef# of the XorD.
Paratiim cor. Pfal. Cviii. J. H#
JDafcifc xcith’fjifart anti txtcepjtsifc:*; tfjc 5lotD> atu> off ircejj Jmnfeif of tl)e r?omife of <0t>D,c3rccrn-
<ngtt]c ft; uTDarpc&bcf gjlraci, attu Inspoiser agafiH ot!;cc Rations, tofjo (tyoagty Ijcfscmrtlj to
fojfateusf ^aflaiC; tc t)e au 11c 4tt ib**cnt» roll!caft; tween cor enemies.
Sing this as the 88 Plalrh.
O ijSod nip heart prepaceD i#, anD edi mp tongue t# for
Ji teltabbancc mpCotteinrottg.anDgtbmg thanh#alfo
2 aiirabe mp tEioll anD mp P)arp, fboeet rneloDp to malts,
anD in the morning J tup felf, right carlp cot'll atetltc.
3 ©p me among the people, XorD, Rill pfaifeD limit thou bet
ana J among the heathen ftlfc, toill ring, <D XorD to thee.
4 ©rraufe thp mettp XotD t# great, abobe the heaccn# high:
anD ccbtijp truth Doth reach the clrntD#, within the loftp #bpe.
53bobc theftattpbcabctishigh, eraltthpfdf, £> <J5oD:
ana x orD Dtfplap upon the earth, thp glorp all abroaa.
c- 'Shat
_l!3 Pfalm Cix.
6 '{pat ft? beatlp belobeb map be fet at libcrtp.
help, © ntp totft ftp right banb, anb beaften untome.
7 ©o’) in big bobnelfe baft fpolse, toberefot e mp japs abounb:
^sitftcm 3 i»t(l bibibc,anb mete fte bale of ^rnccoft grcutib,
8 3lnb Lilian (ball be mine oton, £Rpanalfes mine (ball be:
mpbcao flrengtb, JSpbjaiin, anblaeo (ball Juoab gibe fo? me.
9 #oah mp toafbpot, attb mp (boo eon Cbo m tofll 3 ft?oto t
upon tbe l mb of iMeftme, in triumph totll 3 goe.
jo t®l)o ftall mtofte dtp ftrong, be guioeto ronbuct me t
oj bob) bp toijom to jEoom latiD, conbeigbeo (ball 3 be e
113# it not ti)Oti, ($5ob, tobtft late bab us foftifcen quite t
anb tbou, €> Hoft, tobtft toift out bolt bibft not go fcjft to fight <
12 cstoeus, i) loft, ftp fabingaio, toben troubles co alfatle:
foj all tbe Ijelp of man is bain, anb tan no tobit abarte.
11 {Tbtongb dSob toe (ball bo baltant acts, anb toojftp of renoton t
be (ball fubbue out enemies, pea, be (ball tteab them boton,
Deuslaudem tuam. Pfal. Cix. N.
3Dabi& befog feUI? accufct) bp c^auls flatterers, tJjapetb ©at) to &dp tjfm to beflropfcfs enemies,
toijortpAcftm fittsas rfysfragto* anto;3efus Cljztft, aao allifog e.ictnice of tty; t»)flojcn of

Sing this as the p5 Pfalm.

Pfpeecblefifc (Hence do not bol&,€> < od ftp tongue altoapS--
<Kob eben tbou, 3 tap, that art tbe ®ob of all mp pjaife.
2 Cbe toicbeb anb tbe gutlfull mouft, on me btfclofeb be:
anbfteptotftfalfeanb (ping tongues, babe fpoben unto me.
3'Cbepbibbefet metounb about, totft too; bsof bate full fpt'gbt:
toiftout all taufe of mp befert, against me tbep btb fight.
4#ojmpgoobto((ltbeptoetempfoes,but ften’gan 3top?ap;
5 J3£p goob toift ill, mp frienblinelle totft bate tbep bib tepap.
<5 ^>etftou tbe toirtteb obtt bint, to babe fte upper banb:
at bis t 'gbt banb eels fuffet tbou, bis batefull fo to ftanb:
7 uaben be is jubgeb, let btm ften, conbemneb be therein,
anb let fte pjupet that be mattes,be turneb into flu,
8 rffetobc bis bates, bis charge alfo, let ftou anctbtttafee;
9 i?is cbtlb? m let be faftetlers, bis totfe a toiboto malic,
i c'C't bis o(f» fpjing be bagabonbs, to beg anb feefe their bjeab:
toanbftig out of the toafteb place, tobeteertt tbep babe been feb,
i CCLet cobeious ertoftionttS, catch all bis goobsanb (to^e:
anb (et fte fttangec (pail the fruit,of alibis toplebefoje.
11 let there be none to pitp bint, let there be none at all:
that on bi(S fttltyen fafterleffe, toill let their merep fall:
.• The
Pfal. Cx.
The fecond parr.
J 3 aiitH fo let ijt<S pofferitp fo? e'o er be Dcftrop’D ••
tbetr name out-blotteo in ttjc age that after (ball fitter eb.
H '/let not bis tethers toiefcebnetsfrom ©obs temembianec fall:
anb let not tbou bis mother fin, be sone aeuap at all.
13 But in tpe picfcncc of the fto?b, Set tliem remain (03 ape:
tljat from the earth tbetr memorp be map cut clean atoap.
16 ^*tt!) mrrtp be forgot to (beto, but bib purfue toitij fptgbt
tbetroublebinan, a»D fougbt to flap tbe toofull beartea totgbt.
17 3!jS be bib turfing lebe it (ball betibe unto bim fo:
ano as be bib not blcfsmg lobe, it fball be far bim fro ,
18 30s be boitb turfing tlaa btmfelf, fo it lifee boater (ball
into bis botoeis, t.r,b libe ople mto bis bones befall,
19 3s garment let it be to him, so cober bim fo? ape ••
anb as a gitble, tobetetottb be (ball gttbcb be almap.
JOZlo let tbe fame be ftsm tbe JLa?b, tbe gtierbon of ntp foe:
pea, anb of tljofc that ebil fpcafe, againfi mp foul alfo.
21 But tbou, 0 /Lo?o, tobiebatt mp c£3o>, bcal tbou (3 tap) tottb me
after tbp j^ame, oeltbct me, for great tbp mercies be.
22 Bceattfe inbeptb of greatbifttefs,3 neeop am anb poo?:
anb cefe tottbm mp paineb b?eaft, mp heart is tootwbeb foie.
The third part.
23 xEben fo bo 3 depart atoap, as both beelining (babe,
anb as tbe © ?a(boppet fo 3 am fijaften off anb fabe.
2 4 U3itb fatting long from neebfull foob cnfeebleb are mp fences %

anb ail bet fatnefie batb mpficib enfojteb been to leefe,

25 36nt) f aifoabile rep?oacb to them am rnabe to be:
anb tbeptbat bib upon me loofe,bib fliafee tbetr beabS at me.
2 But tbou, 0 lUgb, that art mp ©ob, mute atb anb fuccour be •

acco?btngto tbpmc?cte Lo?b,fafce ana bcltbet me.

27 3inb tbeplbill fenoto tbcrebp that tbiS (Lo?b) is tbp migbtp bano:
anb tfeat tbou, tbou b ed bone it fto?b, fo (ball tbep unbetftans.
28 Hiltbongb tbepeuefe toitb fptgbt , pet tbou (bait bleffe toitb lobingboites
tbep (ball atife anb tome to (bante, tbp fetbant (ballrejoiee.
25? Let them be elotbeb all tottb Ibame, that enemies areto me i
ano toitb confuficn as a cloafe eefe cobeteb let them be.
30 But greatlp 3 nail tottb mp month gibe tbanfes unto tbe Lo?b:
3tnb 3 amo ug tlje multitube btS pjatfes toill reco?b,
I 31 'be tottb help at biS tight banb, toill ftanb tbe poo? man bp •

to fabe him feom ti;e man that tooulb tonbemn bis foul to bte.
Dixit Dominus. Pfalm Cx. N.
3DabiD of tii? r-oixer art) ebai fling Uttifitiomc of of tbe $3?<e#bGCt>, xxtfjfclJ
Ojoalb pat an cnb to lP;fcfttyoot> of llcbte.
T f^c LojQ Dio Cap unto mp Ho?b, fit tbou at mp right banb,
Jl ttll3babemabetbPft>esattool, tobeteontbpfcctfbalttatib.
2 Ubc Hopb (ball out of &ion fenb the feeptet of tbp might •
amtb tbp ato jtail foes be then, the ruler in tbetr fight.
H5 Pfalm Cxi, Cxii.
3 2fint> in the Dap on tobicb tbp ref gn, anb poinet tbep (ball fee:
then berebpfeec-i»lllofferl»gs(baU the people otfetttjee.
Peanjitijaabolptooifljipping, tijen (ball tbep otter all;
tbPblttbSbem ts tlje oeto that Doth, from btomb of moaning fall,
4 %fft X03D bat!) Cttiojsn mtb nebtr belli repent tol;at be coti) Cap:
bp tb’03ber of ilMcbifbecb, thou art a pjttcft (03 ape.
5 tEbe H03D tbp ©ob on tbp tight bant), that danbetbfo? tbp Hap,
(ball booimb fo^tbee tbe (lately Slugs, upon bis rojatofullbap,
6 The heathen be (ball jubge anb fill, the place toitbboalcSDeab:
anb obet bibetS countries (ball, in funber finite tbe beab,
7 3inbbefl)alibtlnfeoutoftbe bjoob, that runneth in tbe map;
boberefoje be (ball lift up on bigb > bis ropal beab that bap,
Confitebor tibi. Pialrae Cxi. N.
sifcct!) (fjanhs ta tfje Jtojbfoj l)io ramtfuil ooogfe^r tolxiatDts i;tc€i;urcf), anti Declarei!; so!;cre=
in true telfDome an!) rig!,t knotoittge conflftet!;.
Sing this as tbe 120 Pfalm.
\T\ T3Jtb beatt 3) bo accojb.to P3alfe ano laub tbe 7L03D
V V In P3tfencc of tbe juft. * Jf 03 great bis mojbs ate fonnb:
'Co fearcb tbemfncb are boutibasbo him lobe anb trull.
3 fills tables are glo3tous,alfo bis rlghteouinefs
3t both enbute t03 etier, 4 i?l0 l»onb30us tt»o3liS be booulb
toe dill remember flmlb ,blS merep fatietb neber,
5 &ucb as to bun lobe bear a po3tlon full fair
- Ije batb up fo3 them latb:fo3 tbtS tbep (ball tocll finbe,
be toill babe tbcm In mlnbe,anb beep tbnn as be (alb,
6 JF 03 be bib not blsbafit,bls t»c?fe to (beto tbem plant,
Bp lightnings anb bp tbtmbers: boben be tbe if eatbenSlana
bib gibe into tbelr banb, tobete tbep bebelb bis toonbetS.
7 ©fallblSto03ftscnfu’tbboth jubgement, right,anbttutb>
8 tBb, retains ftatutestenb: tbep are bccrecb fine
f03 eber to enbute, tobteb equltie both tenb,
llebemptlon be gabe, b)S people fo3 to fabe:
9 3nb bath alfo requlreb, bts p3omlfe not to fall,
but altoaieS to P3eball, tjlsbolp name be feareb.
10 t©bofo toitb heart full fain, true tolfbotn tooulb attain,
Cbe 3103b fear anb obep = fucb as bis lates bofeeep,
(ball bnototeoge babe full beep, blSPialfe (ballladfo3 ape,
Beaties vir. Pfalm Cxii. W. K.
$)<* piaifei!; t!;t felieip .f tfjern ;lfat fcfir4SfoD3 ant> eontemaitO ttye etufeD Gate of tfce contimnctJJ
Of ^0!).
Sing this as the Pater nofter.
'"plf e man is bled that ©od both fiat, a that blSlaboboth lobe Irtbeeb t
1 e ®3is feeb on earth ©ob mill uprear,? blefS fucb as front bun pjocecb.
3 If is boufe toitb gooo be Ml fulfill, b<S rlgbteoufnefs enbute (ball (fill,
4 3Unto tbe righteous both arife, fit trouble jop, In barfenefs light,
©ompafsloit IS in bis epes, anb merep altoales tn b«S flgbt.
5 J3ea pltp mob etb futb to lettb,be both bp juogement things etpenb,
e Sfttb
« 3nb furelp fuel) fbailncfcer fart,
for in remembrance haoighe:
7 Pott&tnggtll can mate ia.mquail,
l©i)3 in tijc Horb fure ijope Dott) fee.
8 pis licatt tg firm, hig feat Eg pad,
for ijc Qjall fee hig foeg bourn calf.
9 % bib both for the poor probfbe,
Pig ttgteoufnelTe (hall fltll remain:
3Cno htg cilate boith praife abibe,
'Chough that the toicbeb man bifoaitr.
10 pea gnaih his> teeth thereat (hall he,
3(!nb fo confume hi# date to fee.

Laudatc pueri Pfalm Cxii'. W. K.

c^c?tatt)n to pjuttfc t!jc JUfc fo? I) s i?ottt£rcc3<n tontrsr? t3tlje romfe of nattu‘*3 he


of ihe ^uit, CtU ii return inhere it begun, 3!0 to be praifeb With great

fame.tihe’rLorb all peop:e both futmount,ag for his glorp hoe map count

3CboVe thehcabettshigh to be. its-ith (Bob the jtLojoboho map compare,

t©h8fehi»ellingg In the heabeng ate; of fnth great potocranb forte tghe<

■< pe both abaft himfclf (t»e fcnotxj)
Chingg to bcholo both here belobo,
ainb aifo iit heaben abotse,
7 'irhcnecbp out of bud to brain,
stub e< h the poor inhich help none fain,
pigonclpmetcte btbhintntobe. ... .
"2 8 Jnh
*i7 Pfalm Cxvi, Cxv.
8 3nD fo bim fct in btgb Degree,
i©ttl) $?inceS of great Dignttie,
<€bat rule b*S people bntt) great fame,
9 €be barren tjc Dott) make to beat.
3ttb init!) peat joy bet fruit to rear ••
■Cbetefo?e p?aife ye bis tjolp 0ame.
In exitu ifrael. Pfalm Cxiv. W. W.
^fradsfluutier^ctttofegtpt, patted tt* tn rnncmbjance cf vScdsgreat aitrcptomcttflitfl
anfe cf our antyanfcfoincfs fo? tlje fame. 7 8 9 ‘**
Sing this as the 95 Pfalm.
t 7 l^en Jfraelby dScDs aDDtefs, from j^baraobS lanD bias bent :
V V anbJacobsDoufe tbe Grangers left, anD in tl;e fame tram
a Jti JuDa <®oD b*Sglo?y fbeto'D.bts: boltnefs moil bright: (ment
to DiD tlje Jfraelites Declare, b*S kingDome,potoer,anD might.
3 CDe ^ea it famanD (UDDenly,as all amay’D DiD Hie:
tbe roaring ((reams of Jo?DansflonD, retotleD backtoarDIy.
4 3s Hiams aftaiD tlje mountains S’kipD, tbeir (Itcngtb Dfa them fo?fake ••
anD as tije filly trembling lambs, tbeir tops Dio beat ano (bake.
5 t©bat atli tbee &ea as all amay’D, fo fuDDenly to die <
ye telling boabes of Je?Dans flotiD,btfby tan ye backboatDin t
6 itDljy (book ye bins as mams aftaiD ? toby bib your fttengtb fo (bake *
toby DiD your tops as ttembltngjLambS, fo? feat quibet anD quake 1
7 <D eartb eonfeffe tby fobetaip JLpD,anD D?eaD bis migbty banD:
before tbe face of Jacobs €o», fear ye botb£>ea anD lanD.
8 31 mean tbe <BoD tobitb from bato rocks,ootb caufe main fiouDS appear:
anD from tbe (tony flint Doth caufe guib cut tbe fountainscleat.
Non nobis Dominc. Pfalm Cxv. N.
^TT)cf ttMttll 0 pjcdetj br tC>?ant?.r2omifcti)iljat t!jej» teHlbe mfntiefttil of fo great
a <t tcoinb plcafe ®o^} to tear tijetr pja^ero, anB^elitKrtijembp l)t# omn potent po&er.
Sing this as the 119 Pfalm.
\T £Dt unto us t o?D, not to us, but to .tbP name gibe p?aife.
1 n both Is? tby mercy anD tby ttutb, that are in tbee aimates.
a i©by lb all tbe beatben fco?netS fay, lnbete is tbeir <BoD become,
3 fiDut ©oD in bcaben is, anD tobat be mill, that batb be Done.
4 'CbeitJbols (liberate, anD golD,boo?kSofmenS banastbeybe:
5 Cbep babe a moutb, anD Do notfpeak, anD eyes anD Do not fee.
e 3nD they ba u e ears joyn'D to tbeir beaDS. anD Do not bear at all:
anD notes eek they fo?mcD babe, anD do not fmellboitball,
7 3nD banDs they babe anD banDle not, anD feet anD Do not go .*
a tb?aat they babe, yet tb?ougb tbe ft me, they make no founD to bloto/
8fCbofetbat make tbematelike to them, anD they bobofe truft they bet
SP Jltael trait in tbe Ho?D, tbeit belp anD (biclD fs be,
PCil. Cxvi. f i$
i o £> JCatouo ijonfc ttuft in tbe 71 o?b, tljetr Ijelp ana fbtelD is be •
11 'Ctttft pe tlje.jdojQ t!;at feat ti)c )u?b, tbcitljclp ana ibielb is ije.
12 'Cbe 'flow tjatt; mtnbcfuil bren of us, anb will us blcde alfo 5
on 3]ftad ana an batons bottfe, i;ts biefstngs b? nail fljoto*
13 'fPm that be tenters of tbe XLoiD, ti>e flo?b mil blelfe them all;
ebtu be will blelfe them etoetpotte, tlje great nabecfctijefntall.
14 Co pou ( 3 lap) iljc libing fLoib, will multlplp bis gtact:
to pou, anb to tl)c cbilD ?en that fljall follow of pout race*
15 J9eatctbebietfeboftbcflo?b, eben oftl)c)£Lojti,3 tap;
UJljtcf) boil) tbe beabetw anb the eattbbatb mabc attb fet tnftap*
16 i'Cbe beabens, pea tbc beabens bigb, belongunto tbe jlo?b ••
tbeeattb unto tbe tons of men, be gaoc of free accozD*
17 cbep that be beab bo not with pjftfe, fet foftlj fife JLojsbg tenoton t
no? anp that into tbe place of ftlencebo gobobon*
18 23ut boc boill piatfe tbe 'He fa out cob, from bencefo?tb anb fo? ape:
foimb pe tbe p?aifes cftljeflotb, p?aife pe tbe flo?b 3 rap,
Dilexi ijuojiam. Pfalm Cxvi. N.
3Dat;it> trtr g gts-t Danger of g^aul la l;c D fart cfi^aon, c crtbtng
% great ante (mftftnsble
l.tc of ©ofc tomato? Ijtm, mag1 t&stfcfocf; £;cal metet.?. anti p’ottft ^Ui bo tbasiifull fj> ifce
fame. • * ■
Sing tins as the 103 Pfalm.
T f obe tljc fto?D,bccaufc mpboice, anb p?apct bearb batb be •
Jj Bebenin mp bates 3 tali’b on bint, be bow a bis eac to inc.
3 <£b’tt when tbe fnateS of cruel beatb, about befet me routtb:
Wbctt pains of bell me caugbt, anb When 3 too anb fo?roWfotmb.
4ti3pon tbe^iatrtcofdBobmp fLo>b,tbettbtO 3 tallanbfap:
Defect tSjott mp foul,€> t o?b ,3i bo tbee bumblp p?ap,
5 C b cfLo?S ts seep mttctfuli, attb juft be is alfo .•
anb in ottt <SoD compafS'.ott both plettttfuUpfloW,
6 cbe JLo?b in fafetp both p?efctbe, all tbofe that ftmple be:
3 Was in Wofull nttfctp, anb be belibereb me.
7 3!nb now mp foul fitb tbott art fafe, return unto tbp reft •
to? largelp,
lo ttjc flo?b
to• tbee
bis bottntp
# .' ' «
batb eppreft,
« * ■ .■} J» .» > r * '*
• .1 • rt n ■
s 23ecaufetbou baft Delibeccb mp foul ftombeablp tb?all •’
mp motftneb epes from moutnfull tears, mp fltbing feet from fall j
p 23cfo?e tbe iL o?b, 3 in tljc lattb of Ufe Will walb tbetefo?e:
103 bibbeliebe, tijetcfo?c j, Ipabe, for 3 Was troubles fo?e,
u3 faio in mpbtftrefSana feat, that all men liars be:
12 r©bat (ball j pap tljc Hofe for all bis benefits to me t
‘3 Cbc wiolfomc tup of fabtng ljcaltb,3i tbanbfullp will tabe s
ano on tbe flc?Ss 0ame J Will call, When 3 mp ptapets mabe,
#3 14 3
U7 Pfalm Cxvii, Cxviii.
T^Jto tijeioTDtotH pa? tlje tootojse, t^at3I to ^tmbeijtgljt:
pea etoen at tbf? patent time, in ail $0 people? figbt.
i j i-tigbt peat anti pjcctou? in W figbt, tije jLojtU Oottj ape eltcem
tlje Death of aU bi? tjolp one?, tisljat ebet men bo Deem,
16 fpp ferbant Jlo^D, tbp ferbant lo, 31. bo mp felf confeffe,
fonoftbPbanb.matb: ttjou baft b?ofte the botib? ofmp btilteffe,
17 3nb31 boilloffer up tothee, afatttficeof p^mfe:
3nb 3 bcili call upon tije j/2ame of©ob the jlo^D altoaie?,
t 8 31 to tbe JLotb hull pap tbe boto?, that 31 babe bcbtgbt:
pea cbm at tbi?Piefenttime,in all tije people? Qgljt.
ip J9eatn tbc court? of ©obs oton boufe, anb in tbc mibtt of tbee,
S> tboujernfalem 31 top: tobetefoje tbe XLojb pwsfe pe*

Laudate Dominion. Pfalm Cxvii. N.

tye ctfjcjtfttyti);- <^cttiil«J3top?affc^ot);b?caufc!}c!;fi^ accompIbOjcD, afl well to tI;cmaj5to
ttje p?omifcof life eUerlaftt* g bp Jcfiis
Sing this as the rp Pfalm,
0311anbpc nation? of tbe t©ojlb, pjaife pe tbe Xcjb aituatc?:
all tbc people ebeep tobere, fet fojtb bi? noble pj atfe.
j jfo? great b«? ftinocneffe i? to u?, bi? truth enbute?foj ape;
toberefoje p?atfe pe tbe TLow our ©on, pfttiGe pe tbe /Lojb J fap.
Confitemini Dom. Pfalm Cxviii. N.
JDaUfb rejftfct) of efeaul ant) of tf)C people, attfc* timca$>»ciihh,&ebfafnf& tl)e feingtom/fo? wtycb
be bf&Octfj aU ti)at feat tic S» ??t> tc be tijansfi U: ttn&er Sofjoh- perfon is itbi.lt- fet f ? fj, fet; a
(tooib be of ali l;fc people rejirtefc.
Sing this as the 95 Pfalm.
pe tbanb? unto tbe ulojb,fo? graciou? i?be t
bi? metep both enbure fot eber totoarb?tbee*
2 )Ltt 3Iftael confeffe anb rap, bi? meteie bure? fo? ape;
3 iftoto let tbe boufe of 3aton fap, bi? ntettp bure? for ape*

4 Het all that feat tbe no;b our ©ob, eben nob) confeffe anb fap;
tbe merep of tbe nojb out ©oo, enburetb ftiU fb^ ape.
5 3In trouble anb in bcabineffe, unto tbe io/D U trp’b:
tobteb lobinglp beato me at latgt, mp (bit boa? not bcnp’b.
6©be tojbbimfclf i?onmp fibe, 31 bull not aanbinboubt:
noj fear l»bat man canbo tome, boben ©ob ffanb? me about.
7 ©be Hi03b both tabe mp part toitb them that btlp to fuccour me s
. tberefoje 3 (ball fee mp Defire upon mine enemie*
- ' * J ■ . . j j \ ■ . i ' t • •• * ‘-4

8 better it i? to ttuff in ©ob, than in man? mojffall feeb:

0 ©?to nut to nflbente in feing?, o^jince? tn ouj neeb,
10 311 Ration? babe inclofeo me, anb compaffeb m e rounb:
but in tlx /frame of ©oD (ball3! mine enemie? confbunb*
n Cbepbeptme in on eberpfibe, tbepfeeptmein3l, fap-
but in tbe &o;b? mott might? /frame, 3) (ball toojb tbeir beta?.
i2 -©bep
Pfalm Cxviii.
______ 113
12 CScp came about mee alllikcBecs, but pet tnWiojbs^amcT
3 quench’o tijcit trouts that tocte onflre, ano toiiibiftrdp the Tame,
The fecond part.
13 Chou bad toith force th?u!t fo?e at me, that % inbeeb migljt fail:
but though the Xojb 3 fouttb tueft help, that thsp toete bamfo’D all,
14 iOjcJLojrD is mp bcfence anb tttength, mp jop, tnp mtrtlj, utp rong:
Se rb become fb? me inbeeb, a ^>abiout mod ftrong, .'i
15 Che tight bans ofthe Xo?D cut ®ob, both b?tng to pmgreat things:
t»e caufctt) botce of jop ano health, to righteous mens btoelltngs.
16 Che right hanb of the Jl^D both tying mod mightp things! to patter
his! hanb hath the pjebenunence, his! fo?ce is! as! it teas,
17 3 (ball not hie, but cber Itbe to Utter anb Sedate.-
the 'tLotb h'S might anb toonsjous potoet, his! toojbs, at tohat thep are;
18 tthe JLojb htmCeif hath thaftciieb, anb hath fojrecteb me:
but hath not gib'n me obetpet tobeattyaS pe tnapfee,
19 fee t open unto me the gates! of truth anb ttghteoufnette:
that 3 map enter into them, the liojbjs pjatte to erp^effe.
2 o Chis is! the gate eb tn of the lto£b, bohtch (hall not fo be ftut i
but goob ano righteous! men altoapflmll enter into it.
The fifth part.
21 3 totll gibe thanbs! to thee, g> Hojib, bccaufc thou had hearb mei
anb art become mod lobinglp, a ^iabtout unto me,
2 2 Che done tobteh ere this! time among the builbets boas! refnfeb r
is r.ooo become the cornet done, anb chieflp to he itfeb,
23 chis! boas! the mightp broth of (Bob, this! boas the fttybs obon fact t
anb it is metbellous to beholb toith epes that noble act.
24 Chis iS the jopfuil Dap tttbeeb, tohiclj (Bob himfelf hath brought:
let us be glab anb jop therein, in heart, in minbe, anb thought, #

25 |ioto help us jtoib, anb ptofper us, toe toilh toith one accojb:
26 asietteo is he that comes to us in the ^ame of the Xojb.
27 d5oo is the b.o:b that flretos ns light btnbe p e thcrefoje toith tojb
pour factifice to the 3ltat, anb gibe thanbs to the JLojtb,
% i, *

2 8 chon art mp (Bob, J toillconfeffe, anb tenber thanbs to thee t

thou art mpi5ob, anb l totll ptatfe thP merep totoatbs me,
29 O gtbe pe thanbsunto the HorD, for gracious is he=
bccaufe Sis metep both ertbute for eber totoatbs thee,
Beati immaculati. Pfalm Cxix. W. W.
5** tpfalmiB tor.tninrt an crrrtnfltc act nnt, to nticrfu'.I Ixlj.'Wfnctc tn Cutting fojtt!i tjjt
U» ef ®oD0 law: fe>!) rein ttyv'^jo^ttc^nttotfattsfiebfmfrit.noifufgcientijJerajcflfc tbe affection
wljid* be bcarctljthereunto: attxng tnotfobfr tfrnny notable eomtjlaime anb tonfolstions l&bcrcfow
it to meet that til tbe f ■ ftbfni* babe (t alteor lwit> in tyatfc anb mouttj .lint) In tfce $cb*ti» cber? etgf;f
Ofrrttfbc^in one lerttr ^
lip Pfalm Cxix.

atetbeptbatgibetbetnrelbfS.btS! Itatutestoobfctbe: feehtng tljc Iojd

boitb all their heart, ant) nebtt from bint fboctbe.

3 2B oubtlelTe fad) men go not eiltrap, no? Do no boicbcD tljittg:

toljttb (teDfaftlptoalb tn tjigi uoap,toitbout aup tea noting.
4 311 is ttjp mill anD commanDment, that boitb attcnttocbceD
tbpnoble ana aibine pjeccpts, me learn anD beep tnoeeD.
5 £D bjoulD to (15oD it might tljeepleafe.mp boatcsfo to aDD?e(fc,
that J might both in b cart anD b cite, tbP laws beep anD confeffe,
^oflioulDnofimmemp life attaint, boljilft 3! thus! fet mine epos:
ana benD mp tnittae aiboaies to mufe on tbp facceD Decrees,
7 'Ebett mill 31 pjaife boitb uptight heart, ana magmftc tbp name ■
mben 31 (ballleatit tbp juDgemcttts juft, anD Itbemtfe pjobe the fune.
8 KlnD t»boHp botll 31 gibe mp felf, to beep tbe lams molt tight t
fojfabe me not fe? cbetjLo^D, but tbetoo tbP State anD might,
• (! ' . f 0 ■ jff(£' X; ' f t A' (S'I Xi

BETH. The fecond part. l

T) P bobat means! map a poung maabelt, bis life learn to antenD <
JD if that be matbanD beep tbp mo?D, ana therein Come time fpmo,
10 tUnfaineDlp3I babe tbee fongbt, ana tbmSfcebing abiDe:
€> neber fuffea me, © aLojD, from tbp precepts to fliDc.
11 r©itbin mp heart anD fecret thoughts, tbp boojms 3f babe btD (till:
that 3 might not at ane time, oifenD tbp goDlp botll,
11 i©e inagntfle tbP Ji^arne, £D JLojD, anD ppife thee ebennote":
tbp ftotutesiofmoSboojtb?fame.€) jlo?D teach me ibercfojse,
13 Slpp lips babe neber ceas'O to pleach, anD pttb'.iib Dap anD night,
tbeju&gemcntsall, vootjett Dia pjoccea from tbp ntotitb full of might.
H TbP tcltiinonics anD tb? mates, pleafe me no leffc uiDeeD,
than all the treafntes of tbe earth, tobteb toojlDintgsmabe their rneeo.
If,'A'1': jji©f

Pfalm Cxix. 122

15 ©f ftp p?eeept# 3 to ill dill rnufe, anil thereto frame mptalb}

a? at a marts fo totll 3 atm, ftp toaie# tjoto 3 map toaib.
16 a^p onelp jop (ball be fo fifS attb on ftp l?,to#fo fet s
ttjat nothing tan me fo far fcitnDe, ti^nt 3 ft)? tooft#fo?gct,
GIMEL. The third part.
GiRant to ftp ferbant noto fnft grace, a# map mp life prolong
ftp bolp Udoft ft en soill 3 beep, botl) in mp heart attb tongue.
18 ^tue epess tohtft toere Sim anb that up, fo open ano mabe b?ight,
that of ft? lato anb metbelon# inoft#, 3 map habe the dear fight.
19 3 am a ftrangcr in this earth, toanbfttg noto here, noto there;
ftp i©o?b therefore to me sifdofe, mp footftep# fot to clear.
20<jf)p foulffsrabttb'biMtftbefite, anb nebet i# at reft,
but feeb# to bttotoftp jubgement# high, attb sftatmap pleafe the bed.
21 nhepftubmenanbmaltctottg, ftotthafibeftrop’b each cue:
anb curfes are futh a# bo not ftp ijcftjS atteub upon,
2 2 )Loft turn from me rebube anb (bame, bohtch toicbeb men confpite:
fo? 3 habe bept ftp iobenant#, toith seal ajsljot a# fire.
23 $?mce# greatin tounfel fate, anb bib againd me fpeab;
but then ftp ferbant thought hoto he, thpdatute# might not b?eab,
24 30? tohp ftp conenant# are mp jop, anb mp heart# great folate •
ftep feme tnfteab of councelle?# mp matter# fc? to paf#,
D A L E T H. The fourth part.
I 3imtcfto?eftctefo?e
ala# a# brought to grabe, anb almod tum’b to bud •
mpltfe again, a#ftpp?omifei#jud.
2 6 <$pboate#i»ben3 acbnotolebgeb,boiftmettieftou bioft heat;
hear noto eft-foon, anb me inftruct, ftp lain# to lobe anb fear.
2 7 ^eaft me once th?ottghlp fo? to bnoto, ftp p?ecept# anb ftp lo?ei
ftptoo?b#thentoill3 mebftate, anblap them up tn fto?e,
28 fit*)? foal 3 feel fofo?topp?eft, that it meltethfo? grief;
acto?ofng to ftp t©o?s therefore, had Eoib to fenb relief,
29 from iping anb becettfull lip#, let ftp grate me befenb;
a«b that 3 map learn thee to lobe, ftp holp lato me fenb.
30 cbetoap of truth both ftrasght anb Cure, 3 habe thofenaub founb:
3 fet ftp jubgemcnt#me befo?e, tohift bept me fafe anb founb*
31 ^unee then (€>Ho?b) 3 f£>?c'b mp fclf, ftp cobenant# to emb?ace t
let me ftercfo?e habe no rebube, no? ehetb in anp cafe.
3 2 'Chen hull 3 run with jopfuU ftear, inhere ftp too?b both me call=
tohen thou had fet mp heart at large, ano rib me out of thrall.
H E. The fifth part.
F Btttuct meJLoft in the tight trabe, of ftp p?etept# bibine:
JL anoittobeepebentotheeub, mp heart totll 3 incline,
123 Pfalm Cxix.
~ r.*m—-— :—:—~ __ - ___i__

54 ®?ant me thefcnotoleDgc of tljp lato,anD 31 fl>all it Obep:

toitb heart, anD mintie, anD all mp might, j Ml it beep j fap.
35 3I«th«tigljtpmljjSoftftppjeccptgs guitieme 3require:
no other pleafure Do 3 totlb, no? greater thing Detire.
36jmtlm mpheartthP latos to beep,anD cobcnants to unbrace:
anD from ail filthp abatice, ilojD ftitelD me toith thP grate,
3 7 from bain Dearest anD too?lD!p lulls, turn bads mine epejs anD fight;
gtbemethefpmtof lifeanDpotoer,eatoalkthptoapsaright.
38 Confirm thp gracious p?omife Jlo?D,tohich thou haft maDe to me:
Mich antthpferbant, anD Do lobe, anD fear nothing but thee.
' 4 4,;. i .J 'v ; l* .

39i1ep?oach anD (Dame tohich 3) fo fear, front me, £> }lo?o, erpel:
to? fijotrDoft juDge toith eqmtp, anD therein Doft creel.
4° BetjolD.ntp hearts oeftretgbent, thP la«s to beep fo? ape:
2Lo?d ftrengthen me fo bo th thP grate, that it perform 3 map.
VAU. The fixth part.

!t)p mercies great anD manifolD, Jet me Obtain, flD Ho?D;

I thp fabing health let me enjop, accc?Ding to tbp too?D,
4^ .§>0 lit ill 1 Hop the HanDjou#mouths, of leboD men anD unjuft.-
fo? in thpfifthfnll P?omifeS, ftanDS tnp eomfojt anD truft.
43 'fPe too?a of truth toiihin mpmouth, let ebet dill be p?eft:
fo? in tbp juDgemenis toonDerfull, nip hope Doth ftanD anD reft.
44 ftnD tohfleft that breath toitbtn nip b?eft, Doth n itural life pieferbc;
pea till tljts boo?lD Cball be oiffolb’D, thp into toill 31 obfetbe.'
45^)0 toalU boill 313D fet at large, atiD maDe free from all D?eaD:
becaufe 31 fought hobo fo? to beep thp p?etepts anD thp reaD.
46 'ChP n able acts j boill Defcribe, as things of mod great fame t
eben befo?eMigs3 mill them blaje, anD (lj?!nUno bohitfo? (haute.
47 31 boill rejopte then to obep, thP too?tl)P hefts anD boill:
bohich ebersiib?? 31 habe lob’D bell, anD fo boill lobe them ftill,
48 #p hanos 31 Ml lift to thP labos, tohttb 3 babe Deatlp fought:
atiD p?actife thp CommanDements, tn mill, in DecD, in thought.
Z AI N. .The feventh part.

r\~ l^p promife tohich thou mafl’ft to me, thp fetbant, % o?D remember:
1 fo? therein Do 3 put nip truft, anD conSDettce fo? eber,
5°3If isrnp eomfo?t anD mp jop, tohen troubles me atTail;
fo? boere mp Ife net bp thp too?D, mp life tooulD foon me fail,
51'®hep?ouD,anb fuch as ®oD contemn, ftill maDe ofme a fcorni
pet tooulD 31 not thp lato fo?fafte, as he that tocre fo?io?n.
,125ut calf D fo rnutbe, Ho?D, thp great too?feS, Uieto D to our fathers olo t
toherebp 3 felt the jop futmomit mp grief an hunD?eD folD,
Pfalm _
Cxix. 124

5 3 USut pet alas, fo? feat 3 quabe, feeing Ijoao mtcbeD men
tbp lam fo?foob, anD Did procure tbp judgements upon them*
54 aiuoas fo? me, 3 fram'd mp fongg, ttjp liatutes to eralt,
mtjen 3 among tlje Grangers Dtoelt, anD thoughts gan me affaulf,
5 5 3 thought upon tbp^ame, © Xo?D, bp night boben others Deep:
ns tot tl),’ lam,3 alfo bept, anD eber millit beep,
5 6 UDbm grace 3 mo obtain becaufe tbp cobenants toeet anD beat
3 DiD embrace, anD alfo beep, mitt) teberente anD mitt) fear,
HHTH. The eighth part. • ■
0<25oD babe
mi)tcl) art mp pact anD lot, mp comfort anD mp dap:
3 DecreeD ana pronufcD, tbp tam to beep almap,
5 8 SSpinc earned heart DiD bnutblp fuc, in pjefente of tbp fate ••
as tbou tijcrcfojc bad ptomifeo. TLcjta grant me of tbp grate,
59 fii3p lift3 babe eramincD, anDtrp’D mp fectcf heart:
mbicb to tbp datutes caufeD me, mp feet Pa aigbtto tonbert,
so 3 D:D not dap not linger long, as tbep that dotbfull are1
but baftilptbplamsto beep,-3 DiDmpfelfp?epate.
si '(the cruel bnnDS oftoicbcD men, babemaoeof me t btir p?ap t
|3tt tooulD 3 not tbp lam forget, not fromtbtego adrap,
e2 'CbP righteous juDgemcntS tomarDS me, fo great ate anD fo high:
that eben at mioniebt mill 3 tif»,tbp £lame to magnifie,
s3 Companion am 3 to all them, mbicb fear tbte in tbtit beatt:
anD neber mill fo?. lobe no? Dieao from tbp CommattBincniS dart,
S4 'UbP mercies JLo?D modpienteoudp, DO all the ms?lt fulfill;
€> teacb me bom 3 map obep tbp datutes anD tbP mill,
TETH. The ninth part;
A Cco?Diug to tbp p?omtfe &o?D, to bad tbou mitb meDealt:
J~\. to? of tbp grace tnf«ttD?p forts, babe 3 tbp fetbantfelt,
66 ceacb me to juDge almaies arigbt, anD gibe me bnomieDge tore t
fo? certnmlpbclttbeJDo, ttjat tbp p?ecepts ate pure.
S7 Cre tbou DtDd touch me mitb tbp roD, 3 err'd anD meftt adta?;
25ut nom 3 beep tbp l)Olp mo?D, anD mabc it all mp dap,
s8 Chou art both gooa anD gracious, anD gib'd modliberallp:
tbine o?DmanceSbom to beep, tberefo?e, €> ?Lo?D, teatb me,
69 ^be p?ouD anD micbeD men babe fo?g’D- againd me rnanie a lie t
pet tbP commanDmentS dill obfetbe, mitb all mp beatt mill 3*
70 '(t belt hearts ate fmoln mitb mo?Dlp mealtb. as greafe fo ate tbep fat t
but in tbp lam co 3 Delight, anD nothing feeb but that *
71 S> bappie time map 3 mell fap,mben tbou DtDd me co?rect j
fo? as a guide to leant tbp lam, tbp toD DiD me Direct-
72 §>otbattometbpmo?D anD lam, is Dearer manifold;
then tboufands of bibet and gold. 0? ought that can be told,
i2j Pfalm Cxix.
JOD The tenth pare.
oefogtbp baubp ^asje matte me '?Lo?a, to be tbP creature:
O grant fcnptolebge lifeeanfe bo oo to learn to put tljp lamp in ure,
74 ^>o tijep that fear tljee frail rejoice, toben ebet tbcp me fee,,
beeanfe 31 babe learn D % to put mp ttuS in tljee.
75 i©beutoitbtb?toatbetoo?lb tgplagu’a, 3ik«ototIjccaufeip juft,
fo toben ttjou Doft correct me jto?o, the taufe juft neebpbe malt,
■j6 jftoto of tbp goooneffe 3 t'sjee p?ap, fome comfort to me feat):
ap ttjou to me Ijaft p?omtfeb, fo from all ill me frentt,
7 7 'Cbptenber merciep pour on me, ant) J frail ftttelp libe ••
fo? jop ana confolation botlj, tljp lam to me aettj gibe.
7 8 Confouno tije p?oub, toljofe falfe pretence, ip me fo? to beftrop .•
bat ap fo? tmtbP Ijeftp to fcnoto, j mill mp felf etnplop.
79 i©*)0 fotoitb teberence Do tljee fear, to me let them retire:
ana fuclj ap bo ttjp cobenantp fcnoto, auD tljern alone befire,
80 S^p heart tottbout all timbering, let on thp lamp be bent:
that no confufian tome to nte, totjerebpJ froulo be frent.
CAPH. - The eleventh pan.
A /T P foul both faint anb ecafeth not, thp fabingbealtb to trabe •*
1 Vi anb fo? thp boo?bp fafce tttll 31 trull, mp heartp befire to ijabe,
82 spine tpep Do fail toitij loofctng fo? thpboo?b, anb thup 3 tap:
oh when botlt thou mtromfo?t, Jio?b, tobP bod thou thup belap*
83 ap a pfciti bottlein the fmofcc.fo am 31 partht anb b?p’b t
pet to;li3! not out of mp heart, let thp Commanbrnentp (libe,
84 anap ham long frail 3 pet libe, befo?eJ feethehour,
that on mp foep tobtetj nte te?ment, tljp bengeante thou totlt pour.
85 3&?efnmplnoup men habe biggeb pitp, tbinfcingto matte me fttre •
thup conttarie agai.ift thp lato, tup hurt thepbo p?ocure.
86 TSutthP Commanbmentpare all trne, ana caufleffe thepme grtebe:
to thee th£tefo?e 3 bo complain, that thou mights me teliebe,
87 3Clmo!t tljep tjab me clean befttoib, anb b?eugbt me quite to grouna

petbpthpflatutepl abobe,anb therein futcour founb,

8 8 Eeftoje me 1o?b again to life, fo? thp merciep ejctel:
anb fo frail 3 tbP Cobenantp beep, till beatbmp life cjcpel.
LAMED < The twelfth part.
i 0 DeabctJ to?b tobete thou Boll btoell, thp too?b ip ftabltfrt fare:
i ana frail fo? all etctnitp.fad gtabrn there enbute.
s o from age to ag e tljv truth abibep,ap Doth the earth toitnefp=
tobofe gtounb=too?fc thou haft latb fo fute,ap no tongue can crp?efp.
91 jEbento thipbap toe map b) til fee, hoto all tljingp petrebete
Kleco?bing to thine orbinante, fo? all thmgp thee bo fear.
9 j fjab it not been that in tbp lato mp foul hab comfo?t fought:
long time ere noto inmp biftrefp, 3 bab beeti b?ought to nought,
93 chete-
Plalm Cxix. 126

9 3 Cberefozc will 3 thp precepts ape in memotp beep fad:

bp them thou had mp life tcfioz’o, when 3 Was at lad tad.
?+ £!o wtgbt to me tan title make, foz 3 am onlp thine:
fade me tljcrefoic, foz to ftp laws, mine eats ano heart incline.
5 5 che Wicket) men bo fcefe rnp bane, anb thereto lie in Wait:
but 3 the While confibeteb thp noble works anb great.
9 6 3 fte nothing in this wtbe affllpzlo, at length Which hath not enb:
but thp eCommanbements anti tbp cUozb, bepono all bounds erteitb,
MEN. The xiii parr.
\ \ 7 i^at great befire ano ferfcent lobe bo 3 bear to thp latu i
V V all the Dap long 3 meditate on it With reberent awe.
? s Clip SMozb hath taught me far to paffe mp foes in policp ;
fo.z dill 3 ho'o it as a thing of mod epcellencp.

9 o s3if)p teachers Which bib me indtuct, in knewiebge 3 well:

becaufe 3 oo thp cobenants beep, anb them to others tell.
i oo 3n wifboni 3 Do parte alto the ancient men inbeeb:
anb all becaufe to beep thp laws 3 t>elo it ape bed reeb.
x o x x3pp feet 3 habe refratucD eke from eberp ebill Wap:
bccaufe that 3 continuallp, thp CdotD might beep, 3 Cap.
1023 babe not fwetb’D from thp iuDgemehts, noz pet ftiunfc anp bell:
foz w!;p i thou had me taught therebp to libe goblp anb Well.
103 0 ?LozD, hoVb fWcet unto mp taffe finb 3 ftp toozbs aiwap:
coubtlefie no honcp in mp month, feel ought fo fWeet 3 map.
104 clip laws habe me Cud) WifCom learti’D, that uttetlp 3 hate
all wtckcb ano utzgoblp Waps in eberp tonb or rate.
NUN. Ihexivparr.
|7 CHm as a lantern to mp feet, fo both thp SHotb Caine blight:
i7 anb to mp paths Where ebet 3 go it ts a d iming light.
10^3 habe both fwozn anb Will petfoim mp pzomiCes bonbtlede:
that 3 Will keep tljp jubgemetifs md, anb them in life erpiede.
1 o 7 Affliction hath me Coze oppzeft, anb bjought me to Deaths bool: .
0 Hozb, as thou had pzomifeb, fo me to life redoze,
j o s che offerings which with heart anb botce mod franhlp 3 thee gibe,
accept, anb teach me how 3 map after ftp iuDgements libe.
109 tjpp Con! is ape Co in mp hanb, that bangetsme artal:
pet bo 3 not ftp law forget, noz it to keep Will fail,
i; a Although the wickcb lain their nets, to catch me at a bap 1
pet bib 3 not from tbp pieccpts once CWetbe 01 go adtap.

111 Chp law 3 habe Co claim D aWap, as mine own heritage:

ano whp e foz therein 3 Delight, anb fet mp Whole courage,
n: foz ebeemoze 3 habe been bent thp datntes to fulfill,:
eben f 0 UkcWiCc unto the enb 3 Will continue dill
$ S A-
127 Pfalm Cxix.

1-$ebutctaftpas forthoughts
SAMECH. i tie xv pare.
at® Double ljeacts,31 bo alfnaps Detea:
tty? lams ano precepts 3 lobe them ebet bell.
114 ebon act mp tyb ano tecret plate, mpftyelb of flrottg Defence:
tfjetef oie babe 3 tty’ ptomites loobt for tout) patience.
i x 5 ©o to therefore pe totebeo men, Depart from me anon:
for tbe Commatmements mill 3 beep, of ©ob mp 'tyofb alone.
116 318 tljou baft pfomifeb fo perform, that Death me not alfail:
nor let mp hope abufe me fo, that through Difttuft3 quail.
i x 7 aipbolD me, ano 3 (ball be Cafe, fo? ought tbep bo or fap:
anb in tbp ilatutes pleature take mill 3 both night anb bap.
118 ®bou haft ttoD tuch unber tbp feet, as bo tbP ftatutes break:
for nought abatis their fubtiitp, their tounfell is but meaty
119 Hike broffe thou cafts the miefeeb out, Bebete ere thep go or bfiaell t
therefore can 3 as tbp ftatutes, lobe nothing half fo mell.
12 o app Bed) (alas) is taken toitb fear, as though it mere benumo:
for mhen 3 fee thP mbgements, flraigty 3 am as one aftoa'D.
AIN. The xv i part.
the thing that lamfull is, anb gibe to allmen right:
me not to them that fooulb opprefte me Botth their might,
i z 2 rent for tty> ferbant furetp be, in that thing that is goob:
that proub men gibe me not the foil, mtycb rage as tbep mere Xboob.
12 3 ^itre epes mith matting are noto blinb, thP health fo much 3 erabe •.
anb eke tbp righteous promite, Jtorb, mherebp thou milt me fabe.
12 4 3ntreat thp ferbant lobinglp, anb fabour to him tyo®:
tbp ftatutes of moft epcellencp, teack me alto to knom.
12 5 cbp humble ferbant 5lorb, 3 ant, grant me to unDerftanb
horn bp tty> ftatutes 3 map knom, beft mljat fo take in banD.
12 6 Jt is nom time, Horb, to begin, for truth is quite DecaiD:
thp lam libemife thep babe tranf greft, anb none againft them faib.
12 7 ctys is the caufe mberefore 3 lobe tbp lams better than goto,
or (emels fine mtycb ate efteem’D moft coftlp to be folD.
1283 thought thp precepts all moft tuft, anb to them latD in (lore:
all craftp anb malicious maps 3 bo abbofre therefore.
P E. The xvii parr.
cobenants arc rnoftmonberfull, anb full of things profounb:
1 rnp foul therefore Doth keep them fure, mhen tljep are tribe anb four®.
130 ffifflben men Brft enter into thp GEIofD, tbep fino a light moft clear t
ano berp ioeots utiDerftanD, mhen tbep it reap or hear.
131 for fop 3 babe both gap’D anb breattyD, to knom thp commanDement t
that 3 might guioe mp felf tberebp, 3 fought mbat thing ft meant.
13 2 aaatth metep ano companion iorb, bebolo me from abobe,
as thou <1tt toont to beholb tuch, as tbp name fear anb lobe.
133 direct
Pialm Cxix. I2g
13 3 ©irect mp foot dtps bp thp 2® otb, that 3 tl)t< toil! map Jmto ]
ano neber let imciuitp th? Cerbam obecthzom.
134 from flantscrous tongues ano oeatrfp hums, pteCctbe and beep me Cure:
tljp precepts then (mil 3 obfethe, ano put them rise in ute.
13 5 Clip countenance Cobttlj Ootl; Curmount tbe ^un in bis bright (me:
let (bine on me, ano bp tljp lam teach me mhat to efchem.
13 6 <Dut of mine epes great flouosgufl) out of D&acp teats tint fall;
lui;cn 31 bcljolo Ijoto xmcbcD men tl)p lams beep net at all.

Z A D E. The xviii part.
art juft, tlje mtcfceD though tljep grttbge:
pronounce, thou art a righteous jlnoge.
13 8 Co renocc right, ano flic from guile, are ttoo chief points moll high:
ano Inch as tpou hall in tfjp late commanbeo us firaigbtlp.
139 Ml) teal ano (math 31 am confum’D, anb eben pin'o atoap:
to tee mp foes tljp moto fotget, fot ought that 3i bo map.
140 pure ano perfect is thp tootb, asanp heart tan beem:
ano 3 thp ferbant nothing mote do lobe 0? pet efleem.
141»though 3 be nothing Cct bp, as one of bate Degree t
pet do 3 not thp lams fotget, not (hunb atoap from thee.
142 chp righteoufnefSe Ototb) is mod fuftfoteberto enbure:
alto thp lam is truth it felf, mod tonflatit anb mod pure.
143 Ctoubie anb grief hate Cefe’o on me, ano brought me (Doubtous lorn
pet bo 3 diU all thp precepts Delight to hear anD fetioftj.
144 Che righteoufnelte of thp lubgtments Doth lad fot ebermoje;
then teach them me, fot eben in them mp life lies up m dote.
K O P H. The xix part.
W 3l?b ferbenfc heart 31 calVD ant> ctp’b, nob) anCtoer me ttojtb:
tijat tbp commanbements to obfertic, 31 map fullp accozb*
14^ tbee mp 60b 31 mabe mp Cute, buttb mod fumble requeds,
Cabe me therefore, anb 31 b)tU beep tbp precepts anb tbp beds*
147 Co tbee 31 ctp eben m tbe mo$n, before tbe bap foaje ligbt:
becaufe that 31 babe in tbp toojb, mp confibente bobole plight*
148 epes pzebent tbeb)atcb bp mgtjt, anb ere tbep call 31 tua^e t
that bp bebtdng on tbp b)ozb, 31 might Come comfojt tafce*
149 31nclme tlpne cares to bear mp botce, anb pttp on me take:
as thou toad boont Co iubge me &o?b, led life (boulb me fojCabe.
150 foes bjab) neer, anb bo procure mp beatb malictoudp:
voljicl} from tbp lab) are far gone back , anb dratb from it leboblp*
151 cbetefoie, £D )lozb, approach tbou neer, f oj neeb both Co require:
foz all tbp precepts true tbep are, then help 31 thee befirc.
15 2 23ut tbp commanbments babe 31 learn’b,not nob), but long ago:
tl;at tbep remain foz ebermoze, tbou baft them grounoeb Co*
* & i RESH,
129 Pfalm Cxix.

M Deltbet
R E S H. The xx parr.
trouble anb affliction, tonflber anb bebolD:
me, for of cbp late, eber takefad tjolo.
15 4 BefenD mp goob anb righteous cauCe,wttb Cpeeb feme fuccout tenb:
from Death as thou ball ptomtfeb) jLorb beep me anb bef enb.
15 5 for tfle tettlieb,:fa? tljej? are, from bating health anb grace:
tebetebp thep might tbp ftatutes knote, thep enter not the trace.
15 6 ©teat arc tbp mercies &o?b 3 grant, tohat tongue can them attain t
anb as thou hafl me fuog’o ere note, fo let me life obtain,
15 7 Chough manp men Dtb trouble me, anb perfecute me Cote:
pet from tip? lates 31 neber Shrunk, not went atetp therefote,
15 8 3ino truth u is fo? grief 31, Die, toben 31 tfiefe traitots tee:
betauCe thep beep no Whit tbp tooth, not pet Ceeb to bnoto tbee,
15 9 JSebolo, fot 31 bo lobe tbp laws, toitb heart mofl glab anb fain:
as thou art goob anb gracious TLotb, reflote mp life again.
160 Mbat tbp ®Jofb both Decree mutt be, anb Co it hath been eber:
tbp righteous juDgements ate alto mod true, anb becap neber.

The xxi part.
babe fought bp crueltp, tauCelefle to make me crouch:
but all in bain, fot of tbp EfflotD, the fear bib nip heart touch.
16 2 aino certamlp eben of tbp Mflotb, 31 teas mote mettp anb glab,
than he that of rich Cpoiis anb ptep, great ftote anb plentp bah.
16 3 3ts fot all lies anb faiflttes, 31 hate molt anb beteft:
fot tebp e thp help late bo 3 abobe all things lobe bed.
164 ^eben times a bap 3 PtaiCe the Horn, tinging with heart anb boice:
thp righteous acts anb teonbetfull Co caufemetoteiopce.
16 5 ©teat peace ano red (hall all Cuch babe, as bo thp datutes lobe:
no banger (hall their quiet date empait or once remobe.
166 Spy onlp health anb comfort loth, 31 look for at thp bans:
anb therefore babe 3 bone thofe things which thou bibd me commanb.
167 (©bp lates babe been mine eperctCe, Which mp foul mod beflr’b:
Co much to them mp lobe teas bent, that nought eife 3 requtr’D.
168 Cbp ftatutes anb commanDements,3 kept (thou knotted) aright:
for ail the things that 3 babe bone ate ptefent tit thp fight.
T AV. T lie xxii parr.
let mp complaint anb crp before thp face appear:
anb as thou had me ptomiCe maoe, Co teach me thee to fear.
170 gptne humble Cuppltcation, totearb tfiee let finb accede:
anb grant me Tlotb Delibetatice, for Co is tbP PtomiCe.
171 ©ten (flail mp lips tbp praifes Cpeak, after mofl ample tort:
when thou thp datutes had me taught, teherein flanbs mp comfort.
i7 2 tongue fljall fing anb preach thp aBJotb, anb in this teiCe Cap Chad:
©ods famous acts anb noble lates are iud anb perfect all.
173 Stretch
Pialm Cxx. Cxxi. 130

17 3 £>tretcb out ttjf batib, 3 tbce beleecb, anb Cpeeotlp me fabe:

fo: tljp ©ommanbements to obletbe, cljoten, 0 ftoto, 3 babe.
174 0f tljee alone Xo?b 3 crabe bealtfl, to: other 3 bnoto none:
anb in tbp lab) anb noiljtng elte 3 bo beltgbt alone.
17 5 ©taut me therefore long baps to libe, tbp 0ame to magnifie:
anb of tfp tubgements mepcifull, let me tfjp fabour ttp.
17 f $0? 3 bias loft anb toent alltap, much like a manbztng fljeep:
ob Cecb mo, fo: 3 babe not fail’b, tbp ©ommanbements to beep.
Ad Dominum. Plal. Cxx. T. S.
pjaper of Dstito, ncm fonitytu among tfjt t>arliaronff people of flra&ia, 6? t&f falfe reports! of cntif.
oue mttenrg. «no t&mfwe lamented lust long afco&t among Slnfiflcl* , tt>$o \mt gtotn to all kins
of imtKcDncfloanD contention.

ft trouble anb in tfnail, unto tbe jLogb % call anb l)Cboth

me comfott. 2 ©either me 3 tap, from Ipers lips albiap, anb tongues of

falfe report.
3 cabat bantage o: tobat thing ©ptobomtbeflocb elect,
.Settt tljoti thus fo.: to fling, SUnball of 3Jtaacs Crct
®jbu falte anb flattering Ipar t 3te put to open fljame.
4 Cbp tongue both butt 3 ween,
p.o lelfe tflan arrotos been, 6 ardttl) them that peace bio bate,
0: t'ot contuming-fire. 3 tame a peace to ma be,
3nb feta quiet life.
3 a las too long 3 flacb 7 asm mben mp tale bias tolb,
CZEJitbin tbefe tents fo blatb, ©auflelfe 3 Was totttrolb
ctcibitb debars are bp name* 2Sp them tbat Woulb babe (Itife,

Levavi oculos. Pfalm Cxxi. W. W.

®i* Btop&tt:'Rietott& tip fif« otcn trample > tint tbs faltbliM augfjc to look fo: alt tfjcir foccour of ®°s>
alone) miio mill gooerit anD gibe gooo fiiccjflt to dll tDc4r gooip tnttrp^tfe^f*

i^TLtftmme epcs to ^ion bill, from tobence3 bo attenb,tbat tuccour

^ ^ __ —

<Bob me Ccno. 2 ©be migl)tp ©obme Cutco: toil! tobicb beaben anb earth
^ 3 tCtUtiCuj
131 Pfalm Cxxii.

5==$==$:: E§E=l~i^=iil9Ei=El:::5=l==H==E~Ei~EE=
*" -——— — «
framep, anU all things therein ttameD.
3 ®pp foot from Clip pe Ml pieferbe,
3Cno mill rpeefafelp Step,
for pe toiu neper deep:
4 ?lo pc tpat ootp JCrael conferPe,
|5o Seep at all can pirn catcp,
i3ot pis eges (pall ePer toatcp.
5 Cpe UoiD is tpp Warrant altoap,
Cpe jlorD e&e ootp tpee toper,
3lts at tbp rigpt pano ePer.
6 cpe^unlpali not tpee parcpbp Dap,
l^tpe^ftoonnotpalf fo b?igpt,
^•paii Pritp colD tpee port bp night.
7 ®je Ho?ti win feeep tpee from Dtffrelfe,
2Cno toil! tpp life Cure (ape,
3inb tpou (palt alfo paPe
8 3J n all tpp bufinelfe gooD fucceffe,
aaapete ePer tpou goefl in or out,
€oD toil l tpp tpings b;tng about.
Lxcatus fum. Pfalm Cxxii. W. K.
Da&fo retoFcetf) in tfie Bante of tijc faftfcfttll, ffcat <5ofi 5atfj accompUffjtH W p;omiftj and placed lUf Stitt
in $s>ion> fo; tfje to&lcfj lie gfoetp faults;, ana p;apet|i fo; t$e ©durcp.

©id in peart reiopce, to peare tpe peoples boiee, in offering fo

Ooillinglp. foi let us up Cap tpep, anD in tpe jdojos poufe p;ap, tpus fpafce

tpe folfce fuU lobinglp : <£>ut feet tpat loanDteD wiDe, (pall in tpp gates

apioe, €> tpou 3[erufalem full fair, Ptpicp art fo (eemlp fet, mucplibea

Citie neat, tpe lifeepjpereof is not elitopere.

4 fSEpe
i aim Cxxiii. Cxxiv. ijj

4 Che bribes With one accorb,

Che cribes of <Bob tt;e iLorb,
3fin thither bent their Wap to tabe,
dpob before bit) tell,
Chat there tjts ffrael
Cbeir piapecs OjoulD together matte:
5 tfo$ there ate thtones erect, '
3H«t) that fojt this tefpect,
Co let forth fuflfce ojtDetlp:
KU Inch thrones right to maintain,
Co jDabios houfe pertain,
l^is foih to tubge acco?btnglp,
6 Co pray let us notteafe,
fot Jerntalems peace,
Chp frienhs <Boo pjotper mightily t
7 peace be thy mails about,
28no proCpcr thee throughout
Ch? palates continually,
s 3 boift) thp profperous Rate,
for my pool brethftns Cafee,
Chat comfort hate bp means of thee t
s (Bods houfe both me aliure>
Chy Wealth for to procure,
§>o much always as lies in me.
Ad tclcvavi. Pfalm Cxxiii. T. S.
$ fijrtvtt for tljc aitKulI) tutted are affticteD 6? t$e fcfcluo toojlfilingsf, iwBcwitcmntttfef

Sing this as the 73 Pfalm.

OHo?d that heaben Doth polteffe, 3 lift mine eyes to thee:
eben as the Cerbant lifteth his, his mailers hanhs to fee.
2 3s hanhmaiDs watch their miOreffe bancs, Come grace for to atehtebe:
fo we beholb the Horn our (Bob, till he do us forgibe.

? ‘CorD grant us thy companion, anh mercy in thy fight:

for we are fil’D anD obercome, With hatreo anh Defptght.
4 Our mtnDs Be Ruft with great tebufte, the rich anh Worlblp Wife
ho mabe of us their moebing floebs, tbcproub do us hefpife.
NifiquiaDom. Pfalm Cxxiv. W. W.
people of 6oo bring Ofituerefc out of great Mnger, atfiaotofeDgt net to iaH eftapeD 63? t&rir ote»
potucr, but though the fabour of <5oD, a no tytio tn^oto great perill t$e? totre >

OWjCraelmapfay, ano that truly, ff that the Jtorb haD

i33 Pfalm Cxxv.

not our caule maintam’D: 3f thattbeiLotb bab not our tight Cultain’D,

totjen all ttje tooilb agatnft us fuuouflp, maDetbeit uptojes, anD fats toe

fljoulD all Ole.

3 $oto long ago tfjep b*D bebout’D us all,
ttoallotoeb ouuh, foi ought that toe coulb Deem;
$uib Was tljctr rage, as toe might toell efteem.
^ 3tob as tbe SIouds tost!) might? force Do fall:
$io tjao tbep noto our hbes eOen btougbt to thtall.
5 Cbe raging itteants, mod p?otib in rowing nolle,
l^ao long ago oje tobelm'o us in tbe Beep.
6 asut lobeb be ffioo, totjul) Dotb us Cafelp beep
from blouDp teeth, anD tljeir mod truell fcoice,
subitb as a prep, to eat us tooulb rejopte.
7 <£ben as a btrb out of the jfotolcts grin
©fcapes aftiap, right lo it fares toitb us:
J&tohe are that nets, anD toe babe ftapeb thus,
» <5ob tljat mabe beaten anD eartb, is our help then:
i^ts name batb Cab o us from tbefe toidteb men,

Qui confidunr. Pfalm Cxxv. W. K.

Dtfcri&ttij tfa afTwaitc* of tty tn afafctteiw, ana Octal t|«r tuealtl , aitO tic ocRructtott
of t|)t toieftta.

met as in ©oo tbe )lo.tD do trull, as mount $lon (ball firmlp

danb, anD be remobeD at no bans, tbe )Lotb toill count them tight anD

iufl, to that tbep ttjall be lute,for eber to ensure.

2 31s mtgbtp mountains huge anD great,
3erufalem about bo clote:
$o totll tbe Hots bo unto tbofe,
eatoo on bis goDlp toill bo toait:
$ucb ate to bun bear,
3 M
Pfalm Cxxvi.
3 Jot though the righteous ttpjoth i;c,
Hp making Wiches men l)ts rob:
Heft tbep through grief fotfake ftrit ©os,
Jt ftall not as their lot dill be.
4 ©the HotS to us ftp light,
cffiftofe hearts are true ans right.
Hut as for Citclj as turn afioe •
Hp ccoofees waps which thep outfought,
Che Hots WtU furelp bring to nought:
©lift Workers bile ftep ftatl abioe:
Hut peace With 3!Ctael
for ebermoreftall swell.
Another of the fame, by R. W.

Sing this as the ten Commandements.

Tiwfe that So put their confisence upon fte Hots our ©ob onlp,
ans flie to him for their Defence, in aft their nees ans rniferp:'
Cheir faith is fute ftill to ensure, grounSeS on €hrtft fte tctner-ftone:
mob’s With none ill, but ftanseft ftill, ftesfaft use to the mount £rion«
3ns as about 3|erufalem,fte might ifils so it compafte,
fo that no enemies come to them, to hurt that totem in anp cafe:
>33 <3oo insees in ebecp nees, his faithfuli people Soft sefens,
ftansing them bp aftutesip, from this time forth teorlS Without enb.
Eight bJife ans goos is our Hors 60s, ans brill not fuffer certainlp,
the linnets ans ungosltes rob, to tarrp upon his familp,
Heft thep alfo from ©os ftouis go, falling to fin ans bricfeesnelfe:
£> Hors sefens teiorls Without enb,ftp chrtlhan Both through ftp goosnefte.
H> Hors so goos to Chilians all, that fteSfaQ in ftp tutors abfte:
fuch as Mlinglp from ©os fall, ans tofalCe soitrinesailp flibe,
§>uft Will fte Hors f catter abroaS, With jjppocrites thrown sottm to fxll,
©os Will them fens pains Without enb: but Hors grant peace to 3fCrael.
Glory to God the Father of might, and to the Son our Saviour :
And to the Holy Ghoft, whofe light ihiuein ourhearts,and usiuccour }
’that the right way from day today, we may walk, and himglorifie,
With hearts defire all that are here, worihip the Lord, and Amen cry.

In coiivcrtcndo. Pfalm Cxxvi. W. W.

tllBlsraimSM maOeaftet tlie return of ttjr peeple from Babrlou. atio flittoeclicljat Clemente? PC title
iiliwrnncc tua» tuonnitfulUEter tire rearer of capcmcp, f«erpoiien&p Jetem. =s- n,{is. n.

i^en that fte HorS, againehts^ion has forth brought, from

135 Pfalm Cxxvii

23oti3age gceat, anD alto Cetbitnbe ejtceame: l|is toojfcs toccc futb as DiD

furmount mans heart anD iSjougtyc: |^o that toe toere mud) lite to them that

ufe to DJsam, ©ur mouses toere toitb laughter fillcb then, Hint! ebe out

tongues Bio fljeto us topfull men.

<• ■ ' * •* j V •*. > . ,

2 ®&e heathen fo!a toere foweb ttjen this to confeffe,

$oto ttjat the ;lota to? tbem alfo great things bab Done.
3 lout much mote toe, ano therefore can confcffe no lefte:
EUberefofe to top me babe gooD caufe as toe bepn.
4 © jiotD gofojtb, tbou cantl out bondage enb:
3s to ©efetts the flototng tibccs Cenb.
0 ' ' 5-: * ;'*/t V '/ ' ' V; ■ •■{•* 4 • £ * v* h

5 full tcue it is that tbep VtotHdj Coto in tears itiDeeb,

3 time totU tome toben tbep (ball reap in mirtb anD top.
6 cbep toent anb toept in bearing of tbeir precious feeb:
fet that tfeir foes full oftentimes did them annop:
25ut tbeir return toitb iop tbep (ball Cure fee,
Cbeit (beabes borne bung, anD not impaireD be.
Nifi Dominus Pfal. Cxxvii. W. W.
3ft fe not mans; toft, pntoer, anti labour, fiut tee free ffoonnefTe of ©OD rtc8e* j fttflHftttD
'Colons ano Countries, grantetf> nonrifyntent anD &;!jilD?eH>

Sing this as the Lords Prayer.

F’^cept the Horn tbe boufebotb mate,
,3nD thereunto Dotb fet bis batiD:
SRElbat men do builD it cannot danDt
Xihebrife in bain men unDerralte
Cities anb bolbs to toatcb anb toarb,
except tbe jLotb be tbeir fafegarb.
2 Chough pe rife earlp in tbe mojn, '
3nb to at nigbt go late to beb,
fceoing full barblp boitb bioton bieab,
pet Were pour labour loft anb too?n:
Snt tbep tob om <5ob both lobe ano beep,
Keceibc all things toitb quiet fteep.
_Pfalm Cxxviii. Cxxix
3 ^Tfercfoic math toell toben eberpefee
(©bat men ftatie beirs to en(op tbeit lanb1
Jt is tbe gift of eoDs oton bans.
fo? ©ob bimCelf both multipip
©f tjtG great Itberalftp
©be Melting of pofleritp.
4 3nb totjen tbeit cbilbten tome to age,
©bep groin tti tttengtb ano acrtbenelfe,
3B« petfon ano in comelinede.
^•o that a fljaft (l)ot tuitb courage
©f one tbat batb a mod (leong arm,
flies not fo Cintft, not ootfj like barm,
5 ©1) to ell is be tljat batb fits qtiibet
furmftit Votflj fuel) attillerp:
fot taljen tn pertll be (bail be,
^ueb one (ball nebet (b abe not (bibet:
aaiben tfjat be pleabs befoie tbe jubge,
31 gatnlf bio foes that bear bint grubge.
Beatiomncs. Pfalm Cxxviii. T. S. <
iDt fieferiBe* t&e ptofperotttf fffatt of t&em tljat fee marrteD in tDe feat of <5os 4 joking toftfialt tfee
ptoratfeo of ©000 BUHTing* to all t$cm tijat line in t&tja |ono;aBle efllatf , accojtung to §10 ©ominan&{«

BUeffcb Sing this as the 137 Pfalm.

art tbou tbat feared (Bob, anb toadied in bis Heap:
2 fof of tbp labour tbou (bait eat, bappp art tbou 1 fap,
3 tithe fruftfull tlines on tbp boufe fibe, fo both tbp tmfe Cpfing out:
tbp cbilbten daub litre ©libe plants, tbp table tounb about.
4 ©bus art tbou bled tbat feared ©oo, anb bo (ball lot ttiee Cfe
tlje ptomifeb 3lerufalem, ano bet felicitp.
5 ©bou (bait tbp cbilbtens cbilbten fee, to tbp great (opes encreafe;
anb bhetotfe grate on 3|(rael, ptofperttp anb peate.
Socpecxpugnaverunt. Pfalm Cxxix. N.
5;e atmtonifBttB tfet ©Burcfe to relovce, tfeougB it Ban Been afflicteB in all age# ? fop <So& Bj(U Deliver it *
ano tfic tnemte* fot all t&eir glotiotw fljeto, fljall fuD&enly Be oeilioptD.
Sing this as the 137 Pfalm.
5 from mp voutl) affafla:
pet neber t^ep pjebatlo*
2 Bpon mp bach tbe plovers plototi, ano furrotns long did calf:
3 Cbe righteous c5ou batb cut tbe cozos of toicheD foes at laft.
4 Cbep tbat bate me (ball be afl)am’D, ano turned bach alfo:
5 3!ntJ maDe as grade upon tbe pouCe, t»bicb tottberetb ere it groto*
6 c&bcreof tbe inotoer cannot finD enough to fill bis bans:
noz can be fill bis lap tbat goetb to glean upon tbe lanb,
7 fooi paders bp p^tap d5otj on them to let bis bledtng fall:
no^ Cap, roe blede pou in tbe name of ®ob tbe ?lowzn at all.
i37 Pfalm Cxxx. Cxxxi.

Dc profundi?. Pfalm Cxxx. W. W.

an effettuong p?aper of £sfm that foj b^ Htus ban futfaincD great affliction*, anD nonimbffanDftmfir fRm,
frtiftetb anu aiVuretb bimfelf to obtain meter RttD fc?gtuenefr* of bi*Rns > anDat length Beliberance from all

|0?b, to t’gec 3 mate mp moane, toijeit Dangers me oppjctTc:

^ 3 call, 3 figt), 3 Plain ant) groan, miffing to fmb releate. !i)earc nolo, £>

tLotD, mp requeit, to? it is full Due time: anD let tbine eares ape be pfefl,
unto this pjaper mine.
3 tD tLorbourffioD, if thou toeigb our fins anD them perufe:
tobo tljcn fljali drape, anb tap, 3 tan mp Celt ertufe!
4 But TLo2t> tl)ou art merciful!, anD turn’d to us tbp grace,
that toe toitl) hearts mod carefull KjoulD fear before tbp face.
5 3n ©ob 3 put mp toljole ttud, mp foul toaits on bis toill:
foj bis pjomtfe is mod tuft, anD 3 hope therein dill.
6 <5£p foul to ©od batb regard, toaifing fo? btm altoap,
ntoje tbati tbep that toatcb anD toaro to fee tbe batoning Dap.
7 let Jfnci then bolblp in tbe HotD put bis trull:
be is that ©od of merep, that bts Dtliber mud.
8 ifoi licit ts that mud fade 3?rael front bis fin,
anb all fucb as furelp babe tbeir confidence in him.
Demine non eft. Pfal. Cxxxi. M.
Daiifo charges tmtb ambition, anu greesp Beftre ter reign , pjoteffetb bte bumitttp anD moDelTp before ©os,
sud teachetb «U men tbey fijoulD do.

Sing this as the Lamentation.

O JloiD, 3 am not putt in minb,3 babe no fcoinfull epe:
3 bo not erercite mp telf in things that be too btgb.
2 But as tbe cbtlD that toeaneb is,eben from bis mothers tetfl:
to babe 3 Ttojb > bebab'D mp Celf, in filence anb tn reft,
1 ' \ r . ■ , ’"

3 €) Jfrael trull in tbe jLoid, let btm be all tbp Hap,

from this time fottb foi ebermote, from age to age, 3 Cap.
Memento Domine. Pfal. Cxxxii. • M.
'BIbt faitbfnU, grounDing oh ©oB* pjomtfe maBe unto iDasiB, Brfire that be tooulD ttfablilb tbe fame> both
a* toucbtng big potteritpi anD tbe tmilDing tbe of C-emple, to pjap there as was fojefpo&en.

Pialm Cxxxii. 138

(^member Babtos troubles Xo^botototbe loro Ije ftoo?e,

atm botxfo a bob) to Jacobs $ob, tofeeepe for'ebermore* 31 fofll not come

toitbin mp boufe, no r cltmbe up to mp beb: jiTor let mp temples take tljeir

reft, not tbe epcs in mp b^

r »
5 (Cill 3 bflbe fouub out for the lorb a place to fit tbereon:
an boufe foj Jacobs <5oD to be an habitation*
6 ssoae bearo of it at Cpbrata There bib toe beare this Cotmb:
anb in the fielos anb fojrefts there, tfiefe boices fitft toe fouub*
7 mz toill aftap anb go in noto, bis tabernacle there:
before bis fooMloole to fall boton, anb toorffitp him in fear*
8 airife, £D Horn artfe, 3 Cap, into tbp refttng place:
both tbou anb tbe arb of tbp ftrengtb, the pjefence of tbp grace*
9 let all tbP 0^trfts be cloatbeb Iojd, toitb truth anb rigbtccuineft^:
let all tl)p faints anb bolp men. fing all toith fopfulnefte*
ro 3no f oj tbp ferbant Batons fabe refufe not, loLib 3 fap,
the face of tbtne anointeD, lorb, nor turne % face atoap*

The fecond parr.


11 fflje )Lojb to ©abib Ctoozc in trutb, anD Ml not ttjtinfc from it:
[aping tljc fruit of tin’ bobp npontbp feat Ojail fit.
12 3lno if tbp tons lit)1 cobenant Step, that 3 (ball leartie cac!) one:
then 0)aUtt)j> Cons foi ebet fit upon tbp l^incelp tbtone.
15 Cbe TLotb bimCclf batl) cbote <&ton, anb lobes tbetein to btocll:
[aping this is mp retting plate, 3 lobe anb life it well.
14 Mo 3 will bleffe with great increafe, ber bittualis eberp tobete:
anb 3 will [atisfic with bteab, tbe neeop that be tbete.
15 weal will beefe anb cloatb ber $jietts toitb mp Calbation r
anb all ber featnts fljatt fing for iop of mp piotectien.
>39 Pfalm Cxxxiii. Cxxxiv.
: 6 Cbere will 31 furelp mate tlje ljo?n of ©abib fot to bub:
fot ttjroe 3 b»to ojMtn’D fot mine, a lantern bngbt ano goob.
17 %s fot bis enemies, 3 &>tU clotbe with fbamc fot ebermote:
but 3 will caufe bis crown to (bine, mote fte(b than beretofote.

Ecce quam. Pfalm Cxxxiii. W. W.

Edispralmt coiminttStit cimmtnDatioii ofjoMv ano bioeifrlFOmit?, tolicSfa, tit tttetlcncMOttttf. It
flimopnoo*®«®°?o|,,etKI11* ’“♦‘"“‘W'WWKWkwIp, ano indtamints of tie Strrartt sirt

Sing this as the 137. Pfalm.

l^oto bappp a tbittg it is, ano jopfull fot to fee
V / btetbtentogctberfatttobolbtbebanbofamitp.'
2 3t call's to mino tbe tweet perfume, ano that coOIp opntmenr,
w’oicl) on tbe ^acrificets bean, bp (Sobs ptecept was fpent.
3t Wet not Aarons beafi alone, but Dtencbt bis bearb tbtougbout:
anti fittaiip it bib run Down, bis rich attire about.
3 ano as tbe lower gtouno both Dtinls, tbe Dew of Sermon btH,
ano 33>ton Wit!) i)ts filberbtops tbefielbs Witt) fruit both fill--
4 ©ben fo tbe loth noth poure on them bis bleifings manifolb,
Wbof e hearts anb minbs Without all gttile this (mot bo beep anbbolb.
Ecceounc. Pfalm Cxxxiv. W. W.
•• • .

8;eej?!wm& t$flfiute*t()attt>atc&tntfje temple, topjalfct&tlojB,

mm 2
©ebolb anb babe regatb, pe.ferbants of tbe 3lotb:
Wbicb in bis boufe bp nigbt bo Watcb, PfaiCe bim With me ac«


2 flift up pour banbs on l)tgb, unto bis bolp place:

anb gibe tbe liofb bis ptaifes Due, bis benefits embtace,
3 for wbp, tbe TlofD Wbo bib both eartb anb beaben frame,
both S'ion blefte, anb will conferbe fot ebermote tbe fame.
Laudate nomen. Pfalm Cxxxv. N.
©t tttyojtttty all t&e fait$full, af fo$at pffate fotbpr t&ep ftp, to piaffe ®oo fof tyfiwattipfloa* Mitt, «fl> fpcct-
aiipfot fo* grace* tPtoarDa li* ptopie,W[}eretnfie |an> DtclaveO tin walftip, to ftp cowfHfiw tfan JMatcra
anti r^cir 31boI*>
Plalm Cxxxv.

#iaiCe tbe plopb, ppatCe him, ppaifebim, piaite bint tetth one

accoib: © piatfc btm Bill all pe tljat be tbe ferbants of tl;c jtopb,® ptaife -

l)tm pe that Ratio anb be in tbe boufe of tbe PLoitj. Vt of bis court ano of

bts boufe, ppaife btm toitb one acropb.

3 plan e pe tbe )LoiD,foi be is goob, Dug ppapfes to bts #ame:

it ts a romelp ano goob thing, altoaies to oo the fame.
4 fopbJbps" t(;ejtoibhath31acobcbofc,tobe!)tsottrnpefee:
anb be bath cbofen jfrael, bits tteafure fop to be.
5 fop this 31 knob), anb am right fure, tbe Xopo ts betp great:
be is ttibteb abobe all goos, mod eafie to intreat.
6 fop tobatfoeberpleafeb bint, all that full ibell be tbtougbt
inbeaben, in eartb, anb in tbe fea ,t»bicb be batb mabe of nought,
7 pe lifts up clouos eb’tt from the earth, be ntaltes lightnings ano rain t
be bpingetb foptb the bombs alfo, be rnaDe nothing in bain.
3 pe tmote the fittt bopn of each thing, in Cgppt great ano lead;
pc fpareb there no libing thing, the tnan nop pet the bead,
9 pc bath itttbee tXpeto'o toonbers great, ® Cgppt boio of baunts:
on pbacaob tbp curfeo fting, ano bis febete ferbants.
i o pe fraote then rnanp stations, anb oio mod Woitbious things:
be debt the great, the httgbtted, ano tbtefed of their iaings.

i r $>ebon &tttg of the aimoittes, ano £Dgfittttg of PSafan:

be debt alfo the feutgoomes all that boere of Canaan.
12 3nb gabetbeirlanbto3|ftael,anbetitagetobe,
to 3[Ctae! bis ottrn people an heritage gabe be.
The l’econd parr.

13 ®bp flame (© jLopo) (ball dill enbute, ano tbp memopiall

tbzougbout all generations that are op ere be (ball.
14 Che pLopb tt>til Cuvets' nom abenge bis people all inoeeo:
ano to bis ferbants be Wtllibeto, fabont in time of neeb.
SD 2 15
*4r Pfalm Cxxxvi.

15 Cbe3oolso7tbe*i^eatbenacemabe,lnaUtbecoaftsanolanos:
of iilber anb of golD tbep be, tbe U)qz& eben of mens b*nos<
16 Cbep b^be tbetr moutbes ano cannot fpeafc, anb epes that babe no light :
17 Cbep babe m eares ano beaee notbtng, tbeie moutbes be bjeatleffe cpjift;
18 ^Iberefoje all tbep are Itfee to them, tbat fo Do tit them foztb:
ano Imixnit tbofe that trull tn them, oz tbtnfe tbep be ought tooztb*
19 0 ail pe boufe of JCraei, fee that pe pjapfe tbe ’ZlozD:
ano pe that be of Aarons tyoutt,p?apfe btm bntb one accozo,
2 o 3nD pe tb at be of Hebtes b<mfe5 pzatCe pe itbetoife tbe ftozb:
anO pe that llano tn atoe of bun, waife btm tmtfe one aceozo*
21 3nO out of &s>\m ComtD bis pzatfe, tbe great pzatfe of tbe 3Lozd3
tobtc? DtoeUeib tn Jerufalem: pzatfe btm flottb one accozo*
Confuemini Dom. Pfal. Cxxxvi. N.

a moft fame ft etlsoitstton to gftir unto <©od fo; t&e crwtton ana government of all tUm&, Mtc§
ftamuto £n cenfeflfmg, ttsat $e gfvetfj all of tite meer Uberalttp,

IVui'e pe tlje jlo?D, fo? be is gooo, fo? bis meccp enourciti to?

fbec: ®ite p?aife unto tbe (Sod of (Sods, fo? Ijts meccp enourety fo? eber.

(Site ptaife unto tljc 51ojd of Ho?ds, fo? bis meecp enDnretb fo? eta: fotjict

onelp Dot!; great b)onb?ou6foo?t>s, fo? bis meccp enottretb fo? eber.

5 saiinct bp bis foifoome maoe tbe tea tens, fo? bis meccp, sc.
s OTbub on foe tjatecsttretcb’D tbe eattbjfo? bis meccp, sc.
7 eaibicl) mate great lights to tyine ab?oaD, fo? bis meccp, sc.
s as <§>un to rule tbe ligbtfome Dap, fo? bis meccp, sc-
9 <Cbe Slpoon ano ^tacs to guiDe tbe nigbt, f 0? bio meccp, sc.
s o etlbicb Cmote Cgppt foitb their ficn bo?n, fo? bis meccp, sc.
11 3uD 3|fcad b?ougbt out from tbence, f0? bis meccp, sc.
12 amity might? bant ano ftcetcbeO arm, fo?b*s meccp, sc.
13 aaabtcb cat tbe ttteo $>ea in ttoo pacts,fo? bis mctxp, sc.
14 3nt) tfcael maoe paffe there tyiougb, f0? bis mectp, se.
I, 3nD
Plalm Gxxxvi. 142
15 aint) o?otoneo pharaoh ano Ws tjoft, for bis ntercp,«.
1 e Cb?ougb anailDernelfe bis people leo, foi bis mettp, $c.
17 $e which Wo Crnite swat noble Mtgs, foi Ws merep, at.
18 3no Wbtcb bath flam tlje might? feings, foi Ijis mewp ac.
19 as giebon fetng of aimo?ites, foi Ijfs mewp, ac.
20 Stub ogtijc lung of Satan latiD, foi bis niercp, =tf,
21 3n0 gabe their lanO foi heritage, foi bis mertp, fjc,
2 2 ©ben to l)fs fetbant Jlfrael, foi We mettp, etc,
2 3 ifemembjing ns in bate eftate, foi Ws mettp, 4c.
*4 ano from oppieffois rettueo ns, fo? Wo mertp, 4c.
2 5 cnWcl) gibetl) fooo unto all Bed?, foi bis mettp, 4c.
2 6 piaitc pe ttje iloio of peahen abobe, foi bis mettp, 4c.
27 ©tbe thanks unto tW 3Lo?o of ftoios, f0? Ws metep, 9c,
Another of the fame, by T. C.

Sing this as the 148 Pfalm.

OHauD the idoio benign,

aMljote mercies lad for ape:
7 ©?eat lights be maoe to be,
jo? tohp r bis lobe is ape:
©ibe thanks ano piaiCes fmg »§>ucb as the £sun ioe fee,
Co ©oo of ©00s 3i Cap, Co rule theiigbtfome oap.
2 Jo? certainly, Jot certamlp, at.
v v‘
S?ts mercies sure,
©otb firm ano fute, 9 aittD eke tbe $)oon fo clear,
©teroalip. MUbidjCWneth in outfight,'
3nO ^itars that Oo appear,
3 Cbe)Lo?Uof JLoids piaife pe, Co guioe the Oarhfome night.
SHljofe mercies ape oo Dure: Jo? tertainlp, ac.
4 ©icat w oncers onlpbe
©otb Work bp bis gteat power. I ° SHUitb griebous plagues ano fo?e,
Jot cettainlp, 3CH ©gppt fmote be than:
i^is mercies Sure, Cbe fir(l-bo?n lelfe ano mo?e,
©otb firm ano Cute, fr)c deb) of bead anD man,
©ternallp. Jo? certainlp, at.

5 CLUjub ©00 omnipotent, II amo front anuMt tbetr Ia«)

iSp bis great tniCDome high, f)is JCrael fottb b?ougbt:
®)e beabenlp firmament 12 EMhich he fbitbmigbtp bano,
3D id frame, as we map fee, 3fno llrettheo arm hath wrought.
Jo? tertainlp, ac. Jo? certainlp, at.
6 pea fie the ficabp charge 13 Che feeahecutintfbo,
<Df all the eartfi DiD llretcl), COmb ffoot) up like a Wall :
SBiiD on tfietoaters large i a SBtiD inaoe th?ougb it to go
Che tame fie mo out reach. IWs chofen thilo?en all.
Jot cettainlp, 4C. Jo? certainlp, at.
J©3 13 33U{
Pfalm Cxxxvii.
15 lout tbcte be wbetates then 21 asibofe lano foi heritage
Cbepioubfemg pbataot), l)e gate tjie people ttjo.
aMitt/bishugehoO of men, fo? certainly, $c.
3ns ebatiots efee alCo.
f oi certainty, at. 12 ©ben unto 3JCraet,
tais Cctbant Sear, 3! fay,
j 6 sat)o les through EaiilserudTe l?e gate tlje fame to swell,
i^is people fafe ansfouns: 3ns there abisefoj aye.
3tis to? l)is tope ensletfe, Jfoi certainlp, ?c,
17 ©teat fetugs he brought to
gtoutiD, 2 3 (©o mins Ije sis us caU,
foj certainty, $c. 3*r our moft bafe segree:
2 4 3ns from oppjcttois all
18 3ns flue toitl) puitlant pant) 3ln tafetp fet us free,
feings mighty anti of fame, foj certainly, $c.
19 28« of 3tno$es lanD,
£>eboti tlje iting by name, 2 5 3111 fled) in earth abroad
jfoi certainly, ft, Cotitl) fooS l)c ootl) fulfill:
2 6 aufietefoje of fieaben tire ©os
so 3nb <Dg (the ©iant large) Co laus be it your Will,
SDf BaCatt feing alto: tfoj certainly, gtc.

Super flumina. Pfalm Cxxxvii. W. W.

ptapfe of €5ob in t&iir Stmtfljmtttt, feting ©oos true Ktlfgton nccap, libes in great angui0i ann f«?roto
oflitart; tpe toljtcl} grtef# ttt ©alBtawi nib fo lightly pitty, that t&ey rather incrtafts tfie fame aril? tuitlj
tai*nte, repjoaths£> ana blafpijemies agafntt ©os: mhmfoje the Ufracitcgntfire ©os to puntlh die <£oamfte*,
iirbo pjououeo tie 'Babylonians agaimt them, ans (mobts by thffpitit of ©os) p?op^tfes the Settroction of
•Babylon, toljerc they toeu tifcsfocyjannottfiy.

i, the rtbers rounb about: 3ns fare--

membiance of ^ion,tfie tears for grief butfl out. 2 ezae pang s our lEiatps

anS inOmments, tljc willow trees upon, fo.i in tfiat place men foi tfieir ufe

-A— j —
5=5=5=] ----

. —--—
i~———..—^ -•_

has planted many a one,

3 Cben tljep to Wbora We piifonecs were, fais to us tauntingly:

now let us bear pout l^ebjew tongs, anS pleafant meloflp.
4 3las fais we, Who can onte frame bis foiroWfull heart to Dng
the piaifes of our lobiug ©os, thus unset a orange fcing e
5 But
Pfalm Cxxxviii. Cxxxix.
5 But ytt if 3) Jecutaiem out of mp i>eart let GtBe:
turn let mp fingers quite foiget the Garbling l^arp to gutbe.
6 311 no let mp tongue tottbtn mp mouth be n’o fin eber fad*:
if t bar 3 top before 3 fee thP full Deliberance pad*
7 filfiecefoje (0 BotD) remember noto tbc curCeb nopfe anb crp,
that Cborns tonnes agatnd us maoe, tofien tbep ra *’d our Cttp*
Remember Bojb their cruell WDs, tofien as tmtfi one acco^tD
tbep crt’D, £m, Cacb, anb raje the \Mis> m oefptght of the Bojd*
8 <£ben fo ft)alt tfiou 0 Babplon, at length to bud be -brought:
anb bappp (ball that man be caU’b,tfiat our rebenge fiat!) ttuought*
9 Wt bleffeo ffiall tfiat man be call’b, that tabes tbp chidden poung,
u to baOj their bones agatnd fiarb dones, that lie the Greets among*
Confircbor tibi. Pfal. Cxxxviii. N.
5>av»fB tuttfj great courage p;ayfct& t&e goofcneflc of <25oti toiuaitJ^ &im, U»fiic& 10 fo greats t&at it in Imouiu to
JFojcih pntic£0, tu&o iijail pmfe t&e lojb together i»ttlj{ura, ano &e t£ afrurentof>auccomfort of ©oDintlje
time following, 20 ijc tiatfc ijao betoje.
Sing diis as m. Pfalm.
''Tp Dec notll 31 ptatfe toulj mp Mjoie heart, mp Jlorb rap ©ob alboaics:
X eben in ttje prefence of tbe goDs 3 will aobante tbp pjatfe.
2 CotoatD tbp ijolp temple 3 Will loot? anb toorfbip tbee:
anb pjaifeb in mp tbanbfull moutb tbp Ijolp Bame tlj all be.
©ben f o? tbp lobttig binbneffe Cahe, atm to tbp truth Witball:
for tbou tbp Bame baft bp tljp affilojb abbanceb ober all.
3 eilben 3>0tb call, tbou bearbeft me, anb tbou baft made alfo
tl;e pornet of ittcreafeb ftrengtb Within mp foul to groin.
4 £>ea all tlje kings on cartb tljrp (ball gibe praife to tbcc O 'lotb:
tot tbep of tbp moll bolp moutb babe beatb tlje migbtp ffiilorb.
5 cbep oftbemate3Gf<!5obtbe&ora,infingingfi)aHintreat:
becattfe tlje gioip of tbe Jloto, it ts ejccccbing great.
6 Cbe JlorD tsbigb) anb petbeootb betjolD tijeloWlp fpiite:
bnt be (contemning; bnowes afar tlje pioub aim ioftp might.
7 although in mibft of trouble 3 bo tnalb, pet (ball 3 ftanb,
teneVbeb bp tbee, £D mp JIojd, tbou Unit ftcetcl) out tbp baub.
typott tbe tojatb of all mp foes, anb Cabeb (ball 3 be
bp tbp right banb: tbe ilorb ©ob mill perfojm bis Wotb to me.
8 tfbp merep jlojb inoures for ape, ftojb bo me not fojCafcj:
torfabe me not tbat am tbe tnojb bobicb thine own batm bib mabe.
Dominc probafti. Pfalm Cxxxix. N.
£>abtb toclcnfcIieartfromaU&ypocrtfie, Eittottfi tliat tfccrc foinotlmig fo bln, tofitet} <goa fcetljnot,
to(ncb be con&imttlj bp tbc ci cation of man. afur Dtclirmg |ia jeale anu fcacc to <Sco> lie p?ctettttf> to be an
euemp to all that tonttmne <£»oa.

O % Smg this as the i 37 Pfalm.

jLorD tbou baft me tri’oe atm bnotnn: mp fitting tbou boll bnotn,
2' aiim nil's ebe, mp tbougbts after tbou uttberftanb’ft alfo.
3 #p
>45 Pfalm Cxxxix.
3 Si£p paths, pea anD nip iping frown t!)on compaffed alwaps:
an'u bp familiar cudome aw acquainteb With mp waps.
4 540 Wotb is in nip tongue,'© jHozb, but known it is to tljec:
5 ebon me betjmo bolb'ft, ana before, thou tap’d thine banb on me.
o Coo wonberfull abobe mp teacb, JLoib ts tbp cunning shill:
it is to high, that 3 tfle Came cannot attain until!.
7 from fight of tbp alhfeetng giptrif, )Loid, whither fljali 3 go <
o> tuljituet (flajl 3 flee awap, tflp prefence to Ecape fro t
i Co fleaben it 31 mount aloft, lo tbou art prefent there:
tn bell if 3 lie Down below,eben there thou bod appear.
9 pea let me take the morning-wings, anD let me go anD btbe,
eben there where are the Earthed parts, where flowing £aea both fUbe.
1 o wea eben thither alEo (ball tbp reaching banb me gutbe:
anD tbp right banb (flail polo me fad, anb make me to abtbe.
11 pea, if 3 Cap. tfle Darkneffe (flail pet (flroWb me from tflp fight:
lo eben alto the barked night about me (flail be light.
1; jbea Darkneffe flibetfl not from thee, but night both Cfline as bap:
to tflee the oarhnelTe anb tfle light are both alike altoap.
The fecond parr.
13 for thou poffeiEcb bad mp reins anb thou bad coheres me,
when 3 Within mp mother wontbe intloEeb Was bp thee.
14 Cbee will 3 P.taife, mabe fearfullp, anb Wonbtoudp 3 am:
tflp works are matbello ss, right well mp foul both know the tame.
15 app bones tbep are not fltb from thee, although in fectet place
3 babe been mabe, anb in tfle eartfl beneath 3 fflapeb was.
16 iHUben 3 was fotntlciTe, then thine epe faw me, for in tbp book
were written all, nought was before, that after fafflioti took.
17 Che thoughts therefore of thee © ©od, bow bear are tflep to me >
anb of them all bow palling great the enbleife number be.
18 3f 3 (floulD count them, lo their fumme more than tfle tanb 3 tee:
anb Wflentoeber 3 aWake, pet am 3 Kill With thee.
1; Che Wtckeb anb the bloubp men, ©that thou WoulDed flap:
eben tbote © ©od, to whom Depart, Depart from me 3 fap.
2 0 ©ben tbote of tflee <© Uotb mp ©ob) that fpeak full Wickeblp:
tflofe that are lifteh up in bain; being enemies to thee.
21 l^ate 3 not them that flate tflee jlofD, anb that tn earned wife ?
contenb 3 not againfl tflem all, againd tflee that arife <
2 3 3 flate them With unfeigneo bate, eben as mp utter fees:
2 3 Crp me © ©oh) ano know mp heart, mp thoughts probe atibbtfclofe.
14 Co tfibrrXorb if WtckeDtteffe in me there anp be:
attb in tflp Wap (© ©od mp gutbe) for ebet leab thou me.
Pfalm Cxi. Cxli. 146
Eriperiie. PI aim Cxi. N.
DaWD complain* eftOe cruelty, faltyooD, ana Infurtts! of (jig enemies asatWHoljfclj l)t p?aye*to fOe two,
anuatlhrc* tjimfelfccfft* Ijclp anD fuccour, ut&ercfo;* $e pjoiwltt* tfcc juit (0 ptagCtpim, atio to alfare tfetm-
fclofjs of fy'.a tuition.

Sing this as the Lamentation.


Calie me from the dull man, and from the cruel! bright
me, Urtricb dull Do imagine in tbetr fpjue.
2 c&btcb make on me continual! toarre, tbeir tongues loe t^ep babe tobet
3 like Serpents, underneath tbetr lips is timers popfon let,
4 &eepe me (d> lo zd) from bricked bands* pzeferbe me to abtoe
free from the cruell man, that meanes to catiCe mp fteps to Slide.
5 Che pzend babe laio a Cnare foz me, and tbep l>abe Cpzead a net
ixritD cozos m mp pat^toap, anb gins foz me eke babe tbep Cer,
6 Cl)cref02C 31 Cato unto the lo?d, thou art rnp d5od alone:
beate me, 0 lozd, 0 bcare tbe botce Mjeredritb 31 P£ap and monel
7 0 lozd mp C5o'o tfcouonlp art tbeflrengtbthatCabetbme:
mp bead in dap 0? battell hath been cohered dill bp thee,
8 let not (0loto) the bricked babe toe end of btsdeftre:
perfozm not bis ill thoughts, iefi bs lottb pztde be fet on fire,
9 0f them that compare me about, the cbtereit of them all:
lozd let tpe mifebief of tbeir lips, upon tbemfelbes befall.
10 let coals fall on them, let him ca0 them in conftimtng Same,
and in deep pits, Co as tbep map not rife out of tbe lame.
11 jf oz no back biter ®all in the earth be let in liable plight:
and chill to befttuction Hill, O^all haunt the cruel! might.
12 31 knobo tbe lozd tb’afflicted toil! rebenge, and fudge the pooze:
13 ^Dbe m8 tt)ail pzaife thp &m<h and Cl)aU Dtuell loitb thee ebermoje.
Domine clamavi. Pfal. Cxli. Nl, ...
Dabitj Being srieucufl?' perfemteo ttittttr enciy flpctfi to <2>oa to OAPe fuccour,tieltrct^ 6j&Ul}i»
affection*, t&at f;e map patiently abtoe till ©ofl take Vengeance upon In* encinie*.
Chcfhirc Tune. ^ j^

KloiD upon t!;ee Do 31 tall, TLotD bade tljec unto mee, anD

batten Xozinmto mp tooice, toben 3 Do cep to t^ee. » 3s incebte let mp~

piaj’crs be DtrerteD m tbtne epes, anD tbe uplifting of mp Danes as ebe=
ning Cactlfice.
J47 Malm Cxlii. Cxliii.
3 <J|pP Kioto foz guibuig of mp moutij, Cet ttjou a toatcb befoje:
and alCo of mp rnobing Ups £> Kioto beepe tfjou tlje booze.
4 ©fiat 3 tootils toicbeD tootos commit, incline tliou not mp heart:
tottlj ill men of rtjctc belicates, Kioto let me eate no pact,
5But let tbe righteous finite me Kioto, foi that is goob foj me:
let l)im repzobe me, anb rtje Came a pzccious ople toall be,
jaudj Cmiting (ball not bieahe mp bead, the time ftyall djoitlp fall,
toben 3 ftjallin tbeicmiferp, maheptapetg foz tl;cm all.
6 Cb«t toben in Rcttp places fcoftui, tbetr fubges fljall be call:
then tt)all tbep fjeate mp tootos, fo? tben tljep babe a pleafant tad.
7 amt bones about tbe grabes mouth, loefcatteteo are tbep fotmb:
as be that l)e»etb tooob, oz be tfjat Digged) up tlje grounb.
8 But a> mp Kioto mp viBoo, mine epes bo loobe up unto tbee:
in tbce is all mp trull, let not mp foul fojtfafeen be,
9 cabicb tbep babe laib to catcb me in, KLoto fceepe me from tbe fnare:
anb from tbe tubtill grins of them that toiclteD toothers are.
i o cbe toicfeeb into tbeir oton net, together let them fall:
toijile 3 co bp tbp help efcape tbe banger of them all.
Voce mea. Pfalm Cxlii. N.
Danin neitljtr aflonieti toitfi fearc, no* carrfetiatuap toitfi anger,no* fojecn fip Defpemioii, luottlj kin ©aul
fine tottl a quiet mine* oirecten fito earneft pjaper unto <©on, to|o Bin pjtfem lira. *

BCfoze Sing this as the 145 Plalm.

tbe Kioto ©ob toitb mp boice, 3 otb Cettb outmp trp:
anb toitb mp drameb boice, unto tbe Kioto <Boo pjapeb %
2 sJlpp meditation in bis fight, to potote 3 bib not fpate:
ano in tbe pzcfence of theKioto* mp trouble bio beclare.
3although perplepeb teas mp fpirit, mp patb toas fenoton to tbee:
in toap tobere 3 bib toalfee, a fnare tbep dflp laib foz me.
4 3 loob'o anb bieto’b on mp rigbtbanb, but none tbere tooulb me fctiolb :
all refuge fntleo me,anbfo? mp foul none cate bib ftoto.
5ubcii crp’b 3 Kioto to tbee, anb taio, mp bope tbou onlp art:
tbou m tbe tanb of libing art mp portion anb mp part.
6 l^carlt to mp trp.foz J am bzought full loto •• oelibet me
from them that bo meperCecute,fo? me too Ktongtliep be.
7 <cbat 3 map pzaiCe top |5ame, mp foul from pzifon Kioto bjing out:
toben tljou art goob to me, tbe riiil Ctjali pzclfe me round about.
Dominc exaudi. Pfa!. Cxliii. N.
Sin earnetl pmtr fojt t|e remittton of 6ittf.-ackratoolcfiging,t|at t|e enemies oil cruells perfeente fifos 4&o?mi
fits tusgtmtnrs. fte Deftretfj to fie rettoiefi to grace, to fie gooernen fi? lUfiol? Spirit, tfiat It'nefg ipenn t|c
reft of ltd lift in tie true fwt ana ftrfiice of ® on.

L Sing this as the 145 Plalm.

£Dzb beare mp pjapet,bearb tbe plaint that 3 do male to tbee •
Kioto, in top nattbe truth, anb in tbp iudice anftoer mee.
Pfalm Cxliv. 148
2 3« lubgemetit nritp ttjp Cetbant JLoiti, op enter not at all:
fo? tuflifieb in tpp Ogpt, not one ipat libett) (pall,
j Cpe encmp patp puttn'D mp foul, mp life to gtounb path tptoton:
ano lain me in tpe oath, lihe tpern that Dean ate long agotie.
4 ffisaitpm me in perpletttp teas mine actumbteb fpint:
ano in me was mp ttoubleo peart, amateb anb affright.

5 pet 3 tecoto time pad, in all tpp tooths 31 meoitate:

Wea in tpp tooths 3 meOitate, tpattpp hanOs pabe cteate.
6 tco thee, O UotLi, mp <5od loe 31 Oo fftetep mp crabing hanos:
mp foul oefiteth after tpet, as 00 the tpitdp lanos.
7 J^eat me toitp fpeeo, mp fpitit Doth fail, hioe not tpp face me fto:
elfe (hall 3 be lihe them that Down into the pit 00 go.
8 itet me thplobinghinoneffe in the morning hear anDhnoto:
fot in tpee ts mp trull, (heto me the toap topete 3 (pall go.
<? fot 3 lift up mp foul to thee, £> Xoto oeliber me
front all mine enemies: fot 3 pabe ptODen me toith thee.
I o ceach me to oo thp Soill, fot thou, tpou art mp ©oD, 3 fap:
let tpp gooD fpint into the lano of merep me conbap,
II fot thp flames fahe toitp quithntng grace alibe do tpou me rnahe:
ano out of trouble bttng mp foul, eben tot tpp iudtce fahe.
12 3llnD.fot tpp merep flap mp foes, <DHotD, oefttep them all
tpat do oppteile mp foul: to? 3 tpp ferbant am anb (pall.
Bcncdi&us Dominus. Pialm Cxliv. N.
DaUfU pjairetljtDttojBtmtHrtat affection ana Immilitp, fo? ftlns&omc reflojeo, anb foj&tefcfctoiif*
o&tatntu, pet called fo? help, ana tpe fceflructtau of tpe;fmcttefi , piomifinj to ac&notuttegc tpe feme Mthi
<§ong of pwfeo/ano Dcclatctp uipercm tpe felicttp of anp people ceitlUtetp. v

Bledtpe beHotbtpetpat Sing this as the 145 Pfalm.

Xotb mp dtengtp, tpat Doth infltuit mp pints to fight:
Doth mp fingers frame to battcll bp pis rnigpr.
2 i^e is mp gooDuelfe, fo?t anb totoer Deliberet anb (ptelD:
in pirn 3 trud, mp people he tubDues to me to ptelb.
v f \

3 £D Hotb, topat thing is man, tpat pirn tpou polbcff f o in ptite:

ot ton of man tpat upon pirn tpou tpinhed in fucp wife,
4 d^an is but lihe tobanitp,fo paffepis baps to cnb,
5 3ts fleeting fpabe. ©otoboton, £) Xotb, tpepeabens, anb befeenb.
6 epe fountains touch anD tpep (pall fmoab, cad fottp tpp lightning flame,
ano fcartec them: tpine atrotos Ipoot, confumc them toitp tpe fame.
7 Srntb boton tpine panb cb'n from abobe, © jiotb, nelibec me:
tahe me from toatets gteat, from panb of dtangets mahe me free.
8 GSflpote fubtill mouth of banitp anb fononeffeDotp intreat:
anb tpeic tight panb is a right panb of falfpoob anb beceit,
? n
149 Pfalm Cxlv.
____ _
9 3f new tons brill J fing ©ob, anb tinging a ill 3 be
on mioll, ano on mfttument ten tttmgeb nnto tljee.

10 ©ben be it is that onetp gibes beliberance to &ings:

unto bis Cerbmit ©abt'o help (torn hurtfull Ctwzo be brings.
11 from fltangers band me Cabe and ftyrib, tnijoCc moutn talks tanitte;
ano tljeic right bans is a right banb of guile ano Cubtiltie.
12 /ctjat out tons map be as the plants, Whom growing poutb both reare ••
out Daughters as tatb’b cottiet ftones, like to a palate fatre.
13 €>ut garners full, anb plenty map with funwp (oris be fotmb ••
out (l;eep bring tboufanbs, in out (treets tentboufanb map abound.
14 <Tmt®renbe to labour (ltong,tbattjonebo us inbabe ••
there be no goings out,not ctpes britbtn out ilteets be mabe,
15 Cbe people bletteb ate that ftritb Curb Wettings are Co (Joi’Q:
pea, bleffeo all tbe people ate, luljoCe ©ob is ©ob the lotb.
Exaltabote Pfal. Cxlv. N.
pfaimt mas mat, todcntdeivingDomeof 2>auin floudfijfD mderemd* Derm&etdtdemonBttfnll pjo-
htutnec ot' ®oo, as meft in gouermng man, ns in pjeferhittg tde reft of dfs Creatures- tpe p?atut& ©oo w
fjts juftfce ana nurcp, But efpcctall? fcv dfs louing bmaneffe totoarDs tfcofe tfjat call upon dim, tfjat feare dim ano
lose dim.

3^ee will 3 labffi mp ©ob anb Iking, anb blette tbP iframe fot

ape: f op eber txillj ptaiCe tbp $ame,anb blette thee bap bp bap. ©teat


istbe&oio, mod Wottbp ptaife, bisgteatnette none ran teach, from


rate to rate thep fhall thp booths ptaife, anb thp poboet pteacb.
5 31 of tljp glorious maieflp the beautp toil! rerotb,
anb ntebitate upon tbp weibs,mott boonberfuli £» jlotb.
6 aino thep (hall of thp power, anb of thp fearefull acts beclare;
anb 3 to ptibltfl) aUabioab,tbpgreatneffe toil luet (pare.
7 3nb thep into tbetnention (hall Weak of tbp goobnette great ••
anb 3 alouD thp rigbttoutneffe in fmging (ballrepeat.
b cbc iLotb our ©ob is gracious, anb metcifull alfo:
of great abounbing mertp, anb to angerhe is flow.
9 Jbta
_. Pi aim Cxlvi.
9 pea gooCto all, ans all ijts tooilss fits msrcp Do«j cccccd * '
i o %o ail ttjp tooths Co ptaiCe t(;ee Xoiij, ano cc % honour tojcac
i* £>ainte Do blefle cljcc, anc tfjcp Do t&p fcinpomg a!<m> footo •
12 3tnD Mate tijp potter, to caufe tlje tons of men % potter to tmotu,'
The lecond parr.
13 3ttti of bis mtgfitp bingo ome ebe to Cpzeafi tin glo^fotts mailt •
tfip ftingDome loto a &mgDor|ie is, tfiatborfi enDtire aimvs'
3nD tfip Dominion tijtoug^ each age mutes toitbout Decap * *
14 Cfie Iojd upfioloetfi them tfiat fail, t!;etr Ufoing fie Doth flap.
15 Cfie epes of all Do toait on tfiee, tf)ou Doft tfiem ail relieve:
atiD t!)o:i to cacfi fttfttcing foob, in CeaCon bue boft gibe.
1 e efiou opened tfip plenteous fianD, ano bomtfeotiftp Dob fin
all tfitngs tofiatioeber Do libe, tottfi gifts of tfip goob totll

17 Cl)t loro is juft m all fits toaps, bis tombs are fiolp ail :
18 Beer all fie is that call on fitm, in truth tfiat on film call
19 ii^e tfie Defites tobtefi tbep require tfiat fear Dim toil! fulfill:
ano fie toili fiear tfiem tofieu tfiep tty, anD Cabe tfiern all fie toil!.
2 o Cfie loifi pzeferbes ail tfiofe to fiirn tfiat bear a iobtng fieart:
but fie tfiem all tfiat nncbco are, totll utterly fubberc
21 $$y tfianbfuil moutfi (fiall glablp Cpeab tfie piatfes of tfie tom:
all fteffi to pzatCe fits fiolp Bame, for eber (fiall accozD*
Lauda anima. Pfalm Cxlvi. I. H.

Sing this as the 137 Pfalm.

M V foul praife tfiou tfie I02D aitoaps, nip <5oD 3 totll confeffe:
c2 Mfitle bzeatfi ano life prolong my Daps, nip tongue no time ffiail ceaCe*
Cruft not in tioozlDlp princes tfiem tfiougfi tfiep abounD in toeairfi:

no2 m tfie Cons of moztall men, in tofiom tfiere is no fieaitfi.

4 for tofip * tfieic bzeatfi Dot!) Coon Depart, to eartfi anon tfiep fail:
atiD then tfie cotmfels of tfietr fieart, Decap anD perift) all
5 o fiappp is tfiat man 31 Cap, tofiom 3^tobs <SoD Dotfi aiD:
anD fie bofiofe fiope Dotfi nor Decap, but on tfie lozb is ftaio*

e Cffilfitcfi mate tfie eartfi anD toaters Deep, tfie fieabens fiigfi ftitfiali:
tofiicfi Dotfi fits loom ano pzomiCe beep in trurfi, anD eber (fiall
7 CsOJitb tigfit altoaps ootfi fie pzoceco, for (uefi as Cuffec tozong:
tfie poor anD fiungrp fie Dotfi feeD, anD lor.Ce tfie fetters ftrong.

8 cfie loiD Dotfi CenD tfie bltnb their figfit, tbe lame to limbs teftoje:
tfie loro (3 tap) ootfi lone tfie right anD ruft man ebermoze.
9 i$e Dotfi DefenD tbe fatfierlelle, anD fttangee CaD in fieart:
ano quit tfie totDoto from DiftreftCj ano ill mens toaps Cubbert.
P io cbp
Pfalm Cxlvii
io clip 7Lo?d anD (Sod eternally, £> ^ion (till tljall raign:
in time of all posterity fox eDer to remain.
Laudato Dominum. Pfalin Cxlvii. N.
0?op^et pjayfctB t|jclieaiiip, nrffe&om, poioer, lattice, ana pjobiDtnce of ©oDupon all bio creature*,
efpeciallp upon fra CftiucM, topics lie gat&cref) together after t&etr ctfperfion : atclaring Jcojaana Inagc*
mem: fo unto them, ns ije Oaclj Done to no ot|er people*

Sing this as the 137 Pfalm.

Pliiaitefo? itpeisthepleafant,
:£o?d,fo? it is good unto one (Sod to fing:' ■
atiD to piatCe it is a comelp thing.
2 Che Horn Ms oixm Jerufalem he buildeth up alone:
andthediCperft of ]|Ctael doth gather into one.
3 Sc beats the b?oten in tbett heart, their tojes up he Doth bind:
4 se counts the number of the flats, and names them in their bind.
5 ©?eat is the Ho?d, great is his potoer, his Urifedome infinite:
6 cbe jloid reliebes the meed, and th?otos to ground the ducted bright

7 faring unto ©od the Ho?d futth p?atfe> unto the )Lo?d reiopce:
and to our ©od upon the l^acp advance pour tinging bopce.
s i^e coders deaden toith clouds, and fo? the earth p?epareth rain:
and on the mountains he doth mafte the gtaffe to grotu again.
9 gides to beads their food, and to pong tlabens brijen thep trp:
1 ° fits pleafure not in flrength of bo?fe, no? in mans legs doth lie.
11 jBut tn all thote that fear the Ho?d, the Jlo?d hath h® delight:
and futh as bo attend upon his mercies filming light.
12 ® p?aife the THo?d lerufalem, thp ©od ® ^iott p?aife •
13 jr 0? be the bars hath fo?geo flrong, tnheretirith thp gates he (tapes.
14 (©hp child?en he hath blefl in thee, and in thp bo?ders he
doth fettle peace, anD fiotth the flobJee of toheat he fillcth thee.
15 3no his commandement upon the earth he Cendetb out:
and ete his too?d brief; fpfedp courfe doth Cdriftlp run about.
16 li^e gideth Cnoia lite wool, hoar froft lite afijes he doth fp?ead:
17 iite mo?fels eafls his ice, thereof the told t»ho tan abide ?
18 Cendeth fo?th his mightp ©mo?d, and melteth them again:
hts tDiitde be mates to bloao, and then the toaters fioto amain.
19 Che doctrine of his holp aMo?o to Jacob he doth fijoto:
his ftatutes and his iudgements he gides jfeael to fenoto.
2 o esaith edttp Ration hath be not fo dealt, no? hade thep bnofun
his fecret iudgements, pe thetefo?e p?aife pe the &o?o alone.
Laudace Dominum. Pfalm Cxlviii. I. H.:
toe all creature* to p?affe t&e lorn, in beaten , ana tn all pfart*, efpecuK? foj tie poiwr t&at |t
tate gfotn to 1)\& people aifrad, 105pm Pe pntp taken fo neer unco &(m.
Plalni Cxlviii. Cxlix. 52

31yt lauD unto tlje &ozd , from beaten that is Co Inc, pzaiCe bim

= in QceDanoujon, abobe the Cheep sfei1: anb alfo pe, [jtg ^tigeL all, amities

ropall, pjiffe bim uoul) glee*

3 ^zaife film botfi ^oou atm §>un, 10 Bealls anb cattcil,
SffiJbicb arc Co clccr ant) bztgfit: pea biros flpmg,
Cbe Came of pon be bone, 3nD xoozms creeping,
pe gltflerwg flats of light: C^at oneattbDtoell
% 3nbckeuolefie, 11 311 Sings both moje ano IefTes
pe habeas fair, fttlitb all tbetr pompous train:
5 3nDclouosof tbeair, pzinces anD all 3jubges
^ts iatiD erpteffe. Cftat tn tbe OTozlD remain,
6 jfoz at f)is tbep D)ete, Cjcaltbis ^tame,
311 fozmeD as toe fee: 12 jpoung men anD maios,
3t bis boicebtD appear £DlD men anD babes do pe tbe Came#
311 things in tbetr Degree, 13 f oi bis #lame fljail toe pjobe
OTjtcl) tyc Cct fafi, Co be mofl excellent,
Co tbembemaoealatu anbtraoe, m\)oie pzatfe is far abobe
rJFozapeto iaft. Cbe eattb anD firmament#
7 Cttoll auD pzaife <25ods jftarne, M jfoz Cure fie fl)all
€)n cart!; pe Bzagons fell 5 ^jtalt nuttj bltile the bozn 6f bis,
311 Deeps do petite fame; anD help them ail*
jfoztt becomes poutoeil 15 i^ts faints all ftall f oztb tell
8 i^tm magnifie,fire,bailMCnotb, l^is piaiCe ano boottbinefle:
3no flomts that blob? at bis Decree, Cbe cbtlDzen of Jiftael,
9 Cbe I;tls anb mountains all, d?acb one both more ano ielTe,
3ud trees that fcuitfuli are: t6 3nD alfo tbep,
Cbe CeDars great anb tall, Cljiat tottb goob tutli
l^fs toottbp ptatCe Declare, ^is tnoiDs fulfill, anD btm obep#
Caritarc Domino. Pfal; Cxlix. N.
Sin tjrlwtatfon to tile <Ct?urcD to p;aifc t?>c fo^ l;(sf l»:cro?p anti conceit t&at ty to ©atnM,
agamil all nuns posuer.
Singr, this as the 145
1 J Pfalm.
r Tjng ye unto the Ho’.D out (Sod, a ttexxi rejopting Cong:
,• anD let the praiCe of him be hcatb, his holp faints among.
2 &et Iftael rciopte in him, that malic him of nothing:
ano let the feet) of £>ton ebe be topfull in tbeie fcitig,
3 nut them Couttb piaiCe with boicc of flute unto his help $ame:
ano xuah the Cimbiell ano the i^acp ting piaifee of the Caim
4 foi x»hp < the Hoxo his pleatutc all hath in his people Cet:
ano bp oehbctancehe xmll tatfe the meeb to gloip great.
fO 2 5 MUithf
I Maim C L.
1 53
5 OTitb gioip ano toitb honour note, let all bis faints tejopce:
mo noto aloub upon tl)cic beos, abbance tbeit ringing bopce*
6 HlnD in their moutbea let be ti>e acts of ©od tbe migbtp ftojo :
ano in tbetr l)anbs ebe let them beat a Double eogeo CiftjojD.
7 Co plague tbe heathen, ano correct the people &ttb tbetr banbs:
to bmo tbeit ftatelp &mgs tn chains, tbeuj&a^Ds in 3Jton banbs*
8 co execute on them tbe Doom that bjjtttetf is before:
this honour all bis faints (ball babe, p.zatfe pe tbe Xozb therefore.
LauJacc Dominum. Pfal. C L.
eje&ojtatfon to pjtalft tljc lojii urit&ont ceafing 6? all manner of tuap$ , foj all anatconaw*
fall Vowing.
Sing this as the 14? Pfalm.
x 7 ©eib unto ©cb tbe migbtp TtotD, p^aiCe in bis ^anctuarp:
3 ano piatfc him in tbe firmament, tbat fbetos bis potuer on hie.
2 3bbance bis 0ame, anD p^atfe bim in fils migbtp acts allbaps:
atcozDing to bis epcellencp of gceatnelf e gibe bim pjaife*
3 Ujts prices boitb tbe ^incelp notfe of CounDing trumpets blob):
piaite bim upon tbe Utol, anD upon tbe f^arp alfo*
4 pmk bimbJitb Cimbzel! anD boitb flute, £E>zgans anD tmtrgtnals:
5 £2Httb CounDing Ctmbais p^aife pe bim, pjatfe bim Doitb louD Cimbals.
6 m\]at eber barb tbe benefit of breathing, pjatfe tbe %o;X):
to p?aife tbe flame of ©ob tbe iiojb, agree toitb one accozb*
The end of the Pfalms of rD&~Jd in meeur.

A Song to be fung before Morning Prayer. T. B.

Sing this as the 100 Pfalm.

P iatte pe tbe %ojd pe ©entiles all, tobicb barb brought pou into bis light?
0 pzaiCe him all people moztall, as it is mod t»o?tbP anD right
jfoi be is full DeternttncD on us to poure cut bis rnerep:
a«D the XezDs trull) be pe alfur’D abtDcs perpetually^
©lozp be to ©ob t\)t father, anD unto 3Iefus ©i)Xtft bis Son:
boitb tbe bolp ©bofi in Ithe manner, nolo anD at eberp Ceafon.
A Song ro be fung before Evening Prayer. T. B.
|3©bolDnobo gibe beeD fucb as be tbe &ozos ierbants faitbfull anD true:
13 come pzaife the &ozd eberp Degree, tuitb Curb ^ongs as to bint are Due*
£D pe that ftanb in the Hozds boufe, eben tn our otbn ©ods manfion:
PJatfe pe tbe Xozo fo bounteous, tobicb tuozbetb our falbatton.
%ili up pour banDs in bis bolp place, pea anD that in tbe time of nigbt:
pzatCe pe the *loib ftsbtcb gibes all grace, foz be is a Xozd of great might*
Chen (ball tbe 'ilozD out of ls>ion, tolifct) maur beaben ano eartb bp bis potoer.
gibe to pou anD pour Ration, bis blefling, merep, anD (about.
Glory be to the Father, &c. i he
The X Commandements.
The XCommandements of Almighty God, Exod. 20. W. W .

Ctenb my people anb gibe cate, of ferly things 3 Will thee tell:

lit III
&>ce tljat my KloiO m mint) thou beat, 3tiD to my precepts hften well.
i 3 am tiiy Cobetetgtt UoiD anD ©eb,
tsttjiicb babe thee brought from tarefull retail;
anb eftc reclaim's from pharaohs rob,
^a!\e thee no gobs on tfjom to call.
2 001 falbioncb fotm of any thing
3n beaben oi earth to Woifl)ip it:
foi 3 thy ©ob by rebengtng
caiiib grietous plagues this On twill fntite.
? cabe uot in bain h» holy jJJame,
3bufe tt not after tfjp twill,
for fo thou mtghttt toon purthafe blame,
3no in his wjatb be beoulb thee fpill.
4 cbe jLojo from toojb the Cebentb bap ceaft,
3no btougbt all things to perfect enb:
thou anb thine that cay take reft.
Chat to <5ous hefts ye map attenb.
5 mjnto thy parents honour gibe,
2lg ©ods commanOements bo intenb:
Chat tbou long bays anb gooo mapftlibe
jn earth , Where ©oo a place Doth lenb.
6 peWateof murther anb truell hate,
7 aill filtljy fornication fear.
8 £sce thou fteal not in any rate.
9 jfalte bJitneffe againft no man bear.
i o cby neighbours houte bat® not to habe,
Dts wife, ot ought that he cals mine:
l^ts fieio, his ore, his a(Te, his Babe,
£H any tiling Which is not thine.
A Prayer.
' Tpif); Cpitit of grate grant us, €) ftotb,
\ co beep thefe laws our hearts teftoje;
anb caufe us all With one accotb,
Co magnifie thy 0ame therefore.
P 3
The Lords Prayer.
foiof out Celtics no fiftengtb toe babe
Co" Seep ttjeCe latos after tfip toill:
Cbp might therefore © Cljttfl toe ctabe,
Chat tac in tfjee map them fulfill,
’J!S- SV'ilJlWFv-d: ■ '
Ho?$ foi thp jftame false grant us tijts,
ebon art our ftretigth, © &>abiout Cfiiilt
©f thee to fpeeb fioto fijoulb toe rnitTe,
31n tofiom our tteafure both tonfift ?
Co thee fo? ebermoje be ptaife,
CMitfi tbe f atfiet in each tefpea,
atnb toitb the fiolp Spirit altoaps,
Cbe comforter of thine elect.
The Lords Prayer. D. Cox.


tir father Which in beaben art, and mafc’ft us all one bzotijcr=

8=H £-■-----*-
T: > <1 f
boon, to call upon thee With one heart, our beabenlp father anb our ©ob,

grant toe piap not Boitb Ups alone,but With out hearts beep figb aitd gtoaif.
Cbp blelfcb flame be fanctifieo,
Cbp holp SUUoio might us infiame
3|n holp life foi to abtoe, ’ «>Wtr
Co magnifie thp holp flame, .fltttltLa
from all ettots befenb anb beep
Che little fiotl; of thp pool fl)ecp. h

Cfip fcingbom come eben at this hour,

3tnb henccfoith ebetlaainglp:
Chine holp ©holt into us pour,
ejatth all his gifts moltplenteouflp. :^an immj i ■
from Natans rage anb filthp band, * SffSfti . 7} t
©efenb us toitb thp migljtp hanb. **4 1 |*r V-

Toil GJ th
Cbp toill be bone toitb btltgente,
ilfee as in beaben, in earth alio.
3ln trouble grant us patience, ■ <■,, .. ; . ,Tl K,,,
Chce to obep in wealth anb looe: < -n
TLet not fiefh, bloob, oj anp ill, ,,
jaiebatl againll thp holp toill, .
The Creed.
©toe us tl)ts Dap our batlp bteao,
3nb all other gcoD gifts of ttjtuc:
feeep us from tear atto from bloob&eD,
3lfo from fiefeneffe, Dearth, anD pine: 3
Chat tor map itoe in quietneffe,
toitbout all gtteop carefulneffe.
fofgtoe us out offences all, '
iMiebe our carefull confcienee:
3s toe fotgtbe both great anD email,
23dlitcb unto us babe Done offence.
I0?epare us jtLotfi fot to Cerbe tbee,
in perfect lobe anb unitp.
SD CotD into temptation
jleaD us not toben tbe fienb both rage,
Co toitbftanb bis inbaOon,
©toe potoet anb ftrengtb to eberp age;
arm anb make fltong tbp feeble boil
toitb faith, anb toitb tbe bolp ©boll.

O Hoto, from ebill beltber us

Cbe baps anb times are Dangerous:
from eberlatttng Death Cabe us,
anb in our laff neeD comfojt us.
a bledeD cud to us bequeath,
into tbp banDB out fouls receibe.
fot thou, €> XotD, art Sung of Stings,
anb tbou bad pouter ober all:
Cbp glojcp ffiinetb in all things,
3|n tbe toibe too® unibecfall.
3men, let it be Done, £D Ho®
that toe babe piap’D toitb one aeeojD.
The xii Articles of the Chriftian Faith.

%''L mg beliefe anD conffbence, ts in the TLotb of might, Cbe fa*

♦' \ .tj ■ r

tbet tobicl) all things bath maDe,tbe bap anD cbe tbe night. Cbebeabens

anD the firmament, anb alto eberp to , Cbe earth ano all that is there* ,

I he Creed.

iti, tobicb paffe mans reafon farce.

3ln5 in lilic mannet J beUcbe in Chuff one lord bis £>otine .•

to cquail mitt) the ©eitp, and man in Bed) and bone.
GoufCOjfD bp tijc bob’ .£l)o(l, bis tffllopd Dot!) me affutc:
and of bis motive dlparp born , pet (be a virgin pure.
DSecaute matrtnnd to S>atan teas for fin in bonb and tbjall:
be came and offered up fiimCeff to bcatb to tabe us all,
3lno Cuffering mod griebous patn, tfien jMate being JuDgc:
toas crucified on tbe ctoffe, and tfiereat did not grudge.
3tnd to died in the Bed), but quiebned fit tbe Cpitte:
fits 23oop tfien mas buried, as is our uf e and rite.
j)is £2>oul did after this detcend into tbe lotoer parts
a oread unto tbe totebed fputts, but top to faitfifull hearts.

3iud in tbe third dap of bis Jseatl) fie rote to life again:
to tb’ eno fie migbt be glojifi’d, out of all grief and pain.
3ifcendtng to the beabens bigb, to Ot in glorp (till,
on <Sods right band bis fratfiet dear, according to bis toil!.
Will tbe dap of judgement come, toben be (ball come again
toitb Angels potoer (per of that dap toe all be uncertain)
Co judge all people rigbteouflp, tobom be batb deatlp bought:
tbe liding and tbe dead alto, wfitcl) be batb made of nought.

3lnd fit the ijolp spirit of (Sod, (mp faith to fatisfie)

the third petfon in crinitp, beliebe 3! ftedfafllp.
Che bolp and Catboltfee Church, that (Sods Clilord doth maintain,
andbolp Scripture doth alloto, tobicb ^batandotb oifdain.
3!nd alto 31 do ttuft to babe bp 3lctttS Cbttft bis death
rdeafe and pardon of mp fins, and that onlp bp faith.
caijat time all flefi) (ball rife again before the lord of might:
and fee him toitb there bodtlp epes, tobicb noto do gibe them light.

3ittd then (ball Chaff our gmbtour the (beep and goats pibioe,
and gibe life ebetlaftinglp to tbofe tobom be hath trp’d.
CSlttbiu bio ttealrn teleftiall, in glopp for to reft:
toitb all bis bolp companp of faints and Angels bleft.
asflbicb fetbe the loro omnipotent obetnentlp each hour:
to tobom be all dominion, and pjaffe for ebetmore.
A Prayer to the holy Ghoft to be fung before the Sermon.
Sine this as the 119 Plalm,
Da paean Domine.
, , , __
/ 0me holp Spirit the 6od of might, comforter of us aifT
V v teach us to boobo thP sseiojo aright, tijat toe do neber tall
£D holp vBhoft tullt out coaft, DefenD us totfh tpp ChtelD:
agamft all Oil anD totebebneile, &oxb help us Win the fieib.

2lofD beep out Mig anD his Counceil, anD gibe them toil! anti might
to perCetiere in thp c25ofpel, lxil)tpb can put fin to Gi§ht.
£D }Lo;'o that gib’d thp fiolp ft&off), Cenb pzeachers plenteouCtp:
that in ttie Came toe map uccoxd, anb therein iibe ano Die*

£> holp Spirit Direct aright the teachers of tty OTozd :

tfiac tfioti bp them mapfi cut Doton fin as it toerc both) a ftoojD,
depart not from thP paflozs pure, but apD them at their neeb:
tofyicb bzeafc to us the b^cao of life, tobereon our fouls Do feeb,

£D bleffeo Spirit of Cruth beep us in peace anb untfp:

beep us from Cects anb erroxs all, anD from all JBapifirp*
Concert all thofe that are our foes, anD bung tljem to tty light,
that tbep anD toe map toeil agree, and ptaife thee Dap anD night

0 ftozb increafe our faith in ns, anD lobe fo to abound,

that man anD toife be boiD of drtfe, am neighbours about us round,
3|n our time gibe thP peace, 0 &01D, to Rations farre am nigh 5
anD teach them allthp holp Sflloto, that toe map fing to thee,
All glory to the Trinity, that is of mighties mod:
i’he living Father and the Son, and eke the holy Ghoih
As it hath been in all die time that hath been hcrcroiore.
As it is now, and fo thali be, henceforth ior evermore.

Da pactm Domine.

5be peace in thefe our Daps, <D Ho^d, great Dangers are nob) at

hanD, thine enemies toith one accord, Cbztds name in eberp lanD

feeb to Defac :,root out anD race,thp true tight tooifi}ip umeeD be thou the Clap

ftozD toe thee pzap,thou help’d alone in all neeD,

d^ibe us that peace that toe Do lack

Chough mtC belief anD til life:
A Thankf-giving.
®ye Kioto to offer ttjou aoft not flack,
Klljicb toe untuiiDlp gaitvllttoe:
cuni) fire ana ftooia, tips bealtbfull Kioto,
$omepetfccure ana oppieffe.
$ome bmh toe mouth tonfelTe the truth,
KJttDout fintete goaimeffe.

©toe peace, ana us top Spirit aoton Cenb,

aatth grief ano repentance true
pierce toou our hearts, out Itoes amena,
36na bp faith Cbftft renue.
dHjW'fear anb ajteaa, Boat anb blooo fl)tb,
Cbtougb toP Cbotet mertp ano grace,
fl^ap ftotn us fliae, top truto map abiae,
Jlitto (bine m ebetp place.

The complaint of a Sinner, who craveth of Chrift to be

kept under his mercy.

IBeit rigbteouCneffe Ooto Cap , ulojo Cot mp finfull part, in tomato

- toou toouIOft me pap, bengeance fot mp OeCert, 5 can it not Denp, but neebs

” i ~-
3]muftconCe(re, boto that continuailp, cbp Catos 3) do tranCgteffe.

But if it be top totll, toito Cinners to contena,

then all top Both fljall Cpill, anb be loll toitoout ena.
fot toljo Itoes pete to right, that tightlp he can Cap,
be fins not in ttip fight, full oft ano ebetp Oap < .

Che Scripture plainlp tels me, toe righteous man offeoaeto,

Ceben times a Oap ’gainfl thee, tobereon top botath Oepenaeth:
$10 that the righteous man both toalb in no Cuch path,
but be falls noto ana then in aanger of top totatb. ,.

Chen fitb toe cafe fo flanos, that eben toe man right toife
falls oft infinfull banbs, tohcrebp tljp totath map rife:
X o:D, 3 that am unfuft, ana rtgbteoufnelfe none babe:
bohtreto then (ball 1 trull mp finfull Coul to fabe ?
The Lamentation.
©ut truly to ®at poll, Mjcceto 3) cleabe a no ®ali,
tolptcl? is tty mercy mod, ftotb let ®y merty fall.
3fttD mitigate tby mooo, ot elfe toe pert® all;
ti;e pftte of ®is tby blouo, tofleteta mercy 31 call.
Cbe Scripture Do® Declare, no Stop of blooo m ®ee:
but tbat ®ou DiDll not fpare, to ®eb each D?op foz me.
let tljofe Diops mod Ctoeet, to moid my heart Co ftjy,
®at 3 tot® fin repleat, may libe, ano Cn may Die.
Cbat On being moztifleb, tbis fin of mine in me,
3 may be fancrifieD, by grate of ®ine in ®ee.
$>o tbat 3 ueber fall into fuel) mortal I fin,
tbat my foes infetnall rcioycc my oea® therein,
©ut bouebfafe me to beep from tbofe infernall foes,
ano from tbat lake Co D&p, tobereas no mercy grotos:
3Cno 3 ®all flng ®e Congs, confitmeb toitb ®e iud,
®at unto tbee belongs, tobicb set mine only trud.
The Lamentation.
4 , i ‘ > I ' ’i

'SEIj?oug& perfect repentance , tijc finner liatij a Cure trad in <£o&> t|at lief titmen fljaU be toaffjeo a&ai? in
GDWds fcloon.

&o® in tbee is all my trud, gibe care unto my toofull cry,

• . , - ,•

refute me not tbat am tmiud, but bowing Dofon ®y fleabenly eye, bc=

bolo booo 3 bo dill lament my fiitnes toijecein 3 Doe offeno, £) )LoiD, foj

them (t)all 3 be ®ent, fitb tbee to pleafe 3 Do tntenb.

$o, no, not Co, tby Will is bent, to Deal With finnecs tn tbine ire:
©ut wljen in heart they® all repent, ®ou grantd tot® fpceD ®eir jud DeOre,
Co ®ee therefore dill ®all 3 tty, to toa® atoay my finfull crime:
Cby blooo, <D jlo®, is not yet ozy, but ®at it map help me in time.
Ibafte tbee, O ©ozD.bade ®ee. 3 (ay, to poute on me ®y gifts of grace: .
Cbat toben this life (flail flit atoap, in beaben toitb tbee 3 map babe place:
eaflere ®ou bod reign eternally, toitb <3oo tobi® once DiD DoWn tbee fenb,
aaibcte amgels ting continually, to ®eebe pzatfe toozlD toitbout ene,

A Thankf-giving.
A li ankl-giving aitcr the receiving of tne Lords Supper.
5mgtbisas the 137 Pialro.
qgr ©e Co?b be tbaukeo fox i;ts gifts, anb mercies ebermo?e,
I that be both Cbeto unto bis faints, to bim be lauo tberefo^e*
4Dur tongues cannot fo p?aife tbe Co?b, as be of right beferbes:
our hearts cannot of bim fo think, as be us all pjeferbes,
&is benefits tbepbc fo great to us that be but fin:
that at our banbs fo? rccompencc, there is no hope to bom,
£> fitifttll Qcil) that thou fijouloft babe Cud; mercies of the Co?D:
tbou oot't beCerbe moze too?tbiip of him to be abbo?b,
fought eife but fin anb tozetebebneffe both red tmtbtn our hearts:
anb dabboznip againft the Co?b toe bailp plap our parts,
Ci;e ^>m abobe in firmament, that is to us a light:
bod; fijelo it felf mo?e deer anb pure, than tx>e be in his fight
Che beabens abobe anb all therein mo?e boip are than toe:
tfiep ferbe the %m in their edate, each one in his begree,
Cbep bo not ttrtbe foi mafterffitp, no? tack their office fet:
but ferbe the Cozb anb bo his txull, bate is to them no let.
3IiG the earth anb all therein, of d5ob it is in aloe:
it both obferbe the formers Ml, bp sfcilfuil natures lato,
Che Ibea anb all that is therein, both benb tohen <£ob both beck:
the fpirits beneath bo tremble all, anb fear bis to?atbfull check,
23ut toe alas, fo? tohom all tbefe toere tnabe them fo? to rule, '
bo no i Co bnoto o? lobe the Co?b, as both the ®ce o? $pule,
3 lain he gabe fo? us to knoto tobat toas his bolp Ml:
be tooulb us goob, but toe tooulb not aboib the thing is ill
&ot one of us that Ceeketb out the Cozb of life to pleaCe .*
no? bo the thing that might us ieab to Ch?ifi anb quiet eafe,
Cbus are toe all bis enemies, toe can it not benp :
anb he again of bis goob toiil booulb not that toe ffiouib Die.
Cherefo?e tohen temebp toas none to b?ing us unto life •
the Son of <Sob our fled) be took to enb our mo?tail drife,
3nb all the Cato of si5ob the iLo?b, be bib it full obep:
anb fo? our fins upon the erode, his bioob our Debts bib pap,
3nb that toe Cijoulb not pet fo?gef tobat goob he to us brought :
a figne be left our epes to tell, that be our bobtes bought.
3!n Szeab anb Mine bere tufible unto thine epes anb tafte:
bis mercies great thou maid reco?b, if that bis Spirit thou baft,
3s once the cozn bib libe anb grobo, anb tbas cut boton Mb fitbe,
anb thseffieb out toith manp (tripes out from bis husk to b?ibe,
3nb as the mill toith btolence bib tear it out fo Cntaii 3
anb mabe it libe to eartbip bud, not Cpating it at all,
A Prayer.
3nb as the 0ben teitb [lee hot, did cloCe it up 1mt\) beat:
ant) ail ttys Done that J babe Cato that it fqoulD be our meat*
*5>o teas the )Lozb in bis ripe age cut Doum bp cniell Death:
bis foul be gabe in torments great, atib ptciDeD up bis bjeath*
25ecauCe tbat be to us might be an eberlading bjeab,
teitb m«cl| repzoeb anD troubles great on eartb bis life be ieD*
3no as tty drapes in pleaCant tube are pjedeb berp Coze:
anD plucbeb ooten teben tbep be ripe, ano let to grote no moje:
25etauCe tbe mice tb at in them is, as comfortable tyink,
tee might recetbe, ano topfull be, teben Coyotes mafee us il)tmfe:
&>o CCbrtft bis blooD out prefleo teas, teitb nails am ebeteitb i'pear:
tbe mice thereof Doth Cabe all tbofe that rtgbtlp do bim fear*
3nb as tbe corns bp mittp. into one loaf are font:
Co is tbe %ozd ano bis tebole Cburcb, though be in beaben Or*
3s manp drapes mafee but one teme, Co CbouiD tee be but one
in faith anD lobe in €i)VM abobe anb unto CbriO; alone*
^casing a Ufetettbout all ftrtfe, in quiet red ano peace:
from enbp ano from malice both, our hearts anD tongues to ceafe*
Mbitb if tee Do, then fqaU tee d)ete tbat tee bis cbofen be:
bp fait!) in bint to icao a life as aiteaps teilleD be*
3nD that tee map Co do mbeeb, CenD us all bis grace:
then after Death tee (ball be Cure, teitb bim to babe a place*
R. W.

¥: EE5=

ifteCetbe us &ozd bp tbp Dear Moist, from Curse anD pope be?

fenb us loro, toljtcli botl) tooulb tb?uft cut of tjts tljrone, out lojb leCus

cOjuft t!jy tscac ^»on*

lorb IcEus £j)tiil aictD foul) tljp might, .-tljat tl)ou atflo.ro of loros bp rigltf:
tljp poor afflicteD Etocb bcfeno, tljat floe map pfaife ttjee tottbout euo.
vBooliolp <!&l)ofl out comforter,be out patron help, anb fuccout:
gibe us one mine anb perfect peace, all gifts of grace in us increafe.
Illou libing lot) in petfons tljree, tbp name be ptaif b in ajnttp:
in all out neco to us ccfenD, tljat toe map praife tl)ee bJitijout cuts,
Q_ A
A form ot Prayer to be uicdXn private boults3 every
Morning and Evening.
tflmigtytp 6od ana moft merciful! fattier, w do not pzefent our
|Mg§ Celbes ijcre before tbp #aieftp, trutting in out own merits ot toot;
Fstsiw dinette, but in tbp mamfolb mercies, vtotict) bait pzomtfco to beat
out p ?apers anb grant our tequetts Wbtcb toe (ball make to thee in
ti;e flame of t!)P belobeb §>on jjjefus Cb?tft oat no?b,Wbo al£o bath commarn
bet) us to affemble out felbes together in bis flame, Wit!) full attatance that be
Will not onlp be among® us, but nlCo beoutmebiatoutanD abbocate towaros
ttjp jjjnaicftp, that We map obtain fill things tobicb fljall f ecm espebient to tljp
Metres Will, fox out necefftties. Cbetefotewe befcecb tljee, cd father, to turn
thp lobttig countenance towarbs us, anb impute not to us our manifolb fins
anb offences, Wljetcbp We tuftlp befetbe thp Wzath anb punifljment, but rather
receibe us to ttjp metep fo? Jefus Chtitt fake, accepting his beatb anb pad ten
as a juft tecompence fo? all out offences , in Whom tljou art Well pleafeb, anb
though Whom thou tanft not be offenbeO With us.3lno teeing that of thp great
mercies we babe quietlp paffeb this night, grant © btabenlp father, that We
map beftoW this bap sobollp in tljp ferbice, fo that all our thoughts,wo?bs,anb
bcebs, map tebounD to the glotp of tbp flame, $ goob erainple to all men, who
feeing our goob tooths, map glouftc thee our hcaber.Ip father: 5 fo?afmucb as
of tb? meer fabo? anb lobe, thou haft not otilp createo us to thine own fimilitube
5 Iiheties, but alto hall cboten us to be ijetrs toith thp seat ^>on 3,cfus Chtitt,
of that immojtall hingbome Which thou pxeparebtt fox us, from the beginning
of the Woxlb-.we befeeth thee to encteafc out faith sub hnowiebge,anb to lighten
our hearts with tbp holp Spirit, that toe map in the mean time libe in gobip
conbetfation anb inregritp of life, hnotomg that Jbolaters, abulteters, cobc;
tons men,toutentious perfons,b?imkaros,gluttons,anb fuel) like, (ball not mbe*
tit the hingbome of (Bob, 3nb becaufe thou hall commanbeb us to p?ap one fop
another, toe bo not onlp make requett, ® Hoxd, fo? out felbes , anb fo? them
thou had alteabp calieb to the true unberftanbing of tljp heabeulp Will, but fox
all people anb nations of the J£®2o.xlb , tobo, as tljep know bp thptoonbctfutt
too?hs that thou art (Bob obet all,to tbep map be tntttucteb bp thp ijolp spirit,
to beliebe in thee their feabtour anb ISebeemer, ©ut fotnfmucb as tbep cannot
beltebe eriept thep hear,no? cannot hear but bp pzcaebing ,ans none tan p?eacb,
ercept he be Cent, tberefo?e, ® Ho?b,raite up fatthftill btftributers of thp mpfte=
tics, who fetting apart all Wotlblp rcfpects, map both in life anb toctnne, onlp
feeh thp glo?p- Contrattlp confounb gwtan anb ainticb.uft, toith all hirelings,
tobom thou haft alteabp eatt off into a rcpzobate fenfe, that thep map not bp
frets, Cchitms,herefies,anb erro?s,b'.£quietthp little flock, Vnb becaufe® JLo’-D
toe be fain into the latter bapesanb oangetous times tohecem tgno?ance hath
gotten the upper hanb, anD^atanbpbis minifters tceheth bp all means to
quench the light of thp ©ofpel, toe befeecb thee to maintain thp caufe againft
thofe rabening Wolbes > ttrengtljen all thp f erbants tohom thep keep in pitfon
anb bonbage, let not tbp long fnffetmg be an occafion either to incrcafe their tp*
rannp, oxbifeourage % cbtlb?en, neither let out finnes anb wickebneffe be an
hinbxattce to thp mercies but toith fpeeb (© noth') confioet thefe great mifetfes:
fox thp peopft 31Crad manp times bp their fins pzobokcb thine anger, anb thou
punifhebft them bp thp iuft tnbgment: ft et though their fin s were neber fo gtie<
> bous.
bous,if ttyep oncereturnedfro n tr;:ir tniqutcie, tpou rembeoftthem to mercp,
e^ethetefoteimft bnetcbed(tonersbetoulour manifold f!, ana earneftlp
repeat us of one former V5otcKconeiTc}auD ungoDlp beljatiioiiu cquwds ti)ee:3lnd
xonetcas toe cannot of oue Celties pure!)ife tbp pardon, pet toe bmnbip befeetp
tb:e for 31ctus Courts Cake, to fyelu tbp mercies upon us, a recetbe 110 again to
tbp Cabour. (Slant us Dear father tbcCe oue requcftsmid other things ticceiTarp
foi ue,ft tt)p tobole Church,according to tbp pjorntCe in 3]eCus Cfifift oue Xozd,
3]n uipofe name toe befeecb tbee, * as be bad} taught us taping; Our Famer
VViliCi 1 ar[, &t. : S.
Evening Prayer.

O ,
?loib Cdod father ebctlafttng and full of pttp toe aclmotoledge and com
feflfe rbat 'me be not booztbp to lift up our epes to beaten ,muci) leUe to pre*
Cent our Cclbes before d}p *H£toieftp , truth confidence that tbou toilt bear our
papers, a no grant our requeft, it lue confider out otondeierbrngs^ foz our com
t’ctences do accufe 110 ano our fins do toitnefTe againft us, ano toe Imolo that
tbou art an upright Judge, tohicb Doft nor rufttfie tbe tinners and Ibicfeeo men,
but pututyeft tbe faults of all fucb as tranfgteffe% Commandements: pet
moft merciTall ifatber, fibre it bad) pleated tbee to command us to call on tbee in
all our troubles and aoberfmes, pzomifing eben then to help us, Ibben toe fed
our feibes (as it tuere) Djoallotoed up of deall) et deCperation,uae utterip renounce
all tuozlDlp confidence, and fite to tbp Cobereign bountp, as our onlp flap anD re¬
fuge^ beCcecbing tbee not to call to remembrance our manifold fins anD rniefc
ednefic 5 toberebp toe contintiallp pzoboke tl)P tozatl) and indignation againft
us, neitber our negligence and unfcindneffe> fobicb babe neither tnoitlnip effect
meo, nor m our Ubes Cuftiaentlp eppreffed tbe ftoeet comfort of tbp (Sofpel re¬
pealed unto us, but ratber to accept tbe obedience and Death of tl)P ^on Jefus
CEbu(l,tobo bp offering up bis boop in f acrifice once Co? ail,batb mace a Cuff icient
recompeiue for all our finsd^abe merep therefore upon us (0 ftozd) and fozgibe
us our offences, teach ns bp tbp l}olp Spirit, that roe map rigbdp toeigb them $
carncftlp repent fox the Came, 3lno Co much tbe rather (£D ilof d ) becauCe that
tbe reprobate and Cucb as thou ball fozfata cannot pzaiCe tbee, no.z cal! upon
tbp name, but the repenting heart, tbe CozcotbfullminDdbe conCcience oppzelled,
bungrtng and tbitftmg for tbp grace, (ball eber Cet forth fbP pxcuTe and glozp,
3lno albeit toe be but aoozms and dull, pet thou art our father, and roe tbp
Children, tbou art our ^bepbeato, andtoetbpGocfc, thou art our Redeemer,
and loe tbp people roborn thou baft bought, thou art our (Sod , and foe tbine
inheritance: Correct us not therefore in tbine anger (s> ?Lofo; neither accoz*
Dmg to our detects punifh us, but metcifullp ebaftife us batch a f atberip rozre*
etton that all tbelooild map knob), at tobat time Coeber a finnet doth repent him
of bis fumes from the bottom of bis heart, thou loilt put aloap Ins lxnckednefte
out of tbp remembrance, astboft baft pzomiCed bp tl)p bolp prophet,
f inallp , fotaCmucb as it bath pleafed tbee to made the night for man to reft
•in, as tbou baft ozdaitieD bim the Dap to trabell in , grant Dear father that toe
map Co take our boDilp reft, that our Couls map continuallp roatcb for tbe time
that our JcCus Cbztft (l)all appear foz our deliberance out of this moztali
life, and in the mean leafon that me be not obeccome bp anp fantafics, Dreams,
oz other temptations, but map fuilp Cer our minds upon tbee5lobe tbee,fear tbee,
St 2 and
anb reft in tbee, furthermore, ttjar our Sleep be not retell tbe o? obermueb after
the infatiable beOrcs of tbe fitfl), but only fufficient to content our meats nature,
that foe map be tbebettet DtfpofeD to libe in all goolp conbetfatiott. to the glopp
of tbp moft bolp 0amc, anb the profit of our bpetbpen. §>o be P.
A godly Prayer tobe faid at all times.
t t cutout nnb pjaife be gtben to tbee<£> lopb (Boo Hllmigbtp,moft bear fa;
Jr) tljer of ljcaben,for all ttjp mercies ano lobttig bitionefi e ffietoeo unto ns,m
that it batbpfeafeb tbp gracious goobnefi'e ,'fvcclp ano of tbme otott accopb, to
elca anb tbufe us tofalbatton before tfie beginning of tbe tooplb: anb eben lilie
tonttnuall tbanlss be giben to tbee for creating us after thine ob.ni 3lmage, for
tebeeming us toitb the precious blooo of tbp Dear £a>on, tt-ijen lue mere uttctlp
loft,fop Cancufping us tottl) tbp bolp&pirit in tbe rebelatioti a bnottleoge of tbp
bolp tuoiD, for helping ano tuccouringus in all our neeos anb necelTtttes,fop fa-
bing us from all Dangers of boop a foul, fop comforting us fo fatberip in all our
tribulations anb perfections, fop fpating us fo long anb gibing us fo large a
time of repentance. Cfetc benefits (o ^oft merciiull father) like as toe m
bnotoleDge to babe teteibeD them of tbp onlp goobnelTe,ebcn fo toe befeecb tbee
fop tbp Dear £>on 3ietus Cbrifts fate, to grant us altoaps tbp bolp Spirit, cljat
toemapcontinuallp groto in tbanlsfulnefte tetoates tbee, to be leD in all truth,
anb comfopteo in all out abberfittes. £D lopb fttengtben out fattb,Mnble it more
in fetbentneffe, ano lobe totoatDs tbee,anb our neighbors fop tbp fafee: puffer
us not (mod bear father) to reteibe tlpp toorb anp mope in bain, but grant us
altoapes the afftftance of tbp grace anb fjolp spirit, tbat in heart, fbopb, anb
beeb, toe map fanettfie anb bo toopflfip to tbp flame, help to atnplifie anb in*
creafe tbp ftingtiome, anb tobatfoeber thou fenbefi toe map be beaetilp content
toitb tbp goob plea Cute anb toill: let us not lacfc tbe thing sd father, tottbout
the tobicb toe cannot fetbe tbee, but bleffe thou Co all tbe toopbs of ourbanbs,
that toe map babe fufficient, ano not be ebargable, but rather belpfull to others.
JSemerctfulKfiD lopbj to our offences, anb feeing our Debt is great, tobicb
thou baft fopgiben us in 3!efus Cbpift, mafee us to lobe tbee anb our neighbours
fo much the more. 23e thou our father,out captain anb befenber in alt tempta--
tions,bolbtbouusbptbpmercifullbanb, that toemap bebeliberebfromall
inconbeniencies, anb enb our libes in tbe fanmfpmg anb honour of tbp bolp
Hame, tbpougb Jefus CbPift out lopb anb onlp jbabtour. be it.
let tbp migbtie banb anb oufcftretcbeb arm( SDlopb) beftillourbefence,
tbp merep anb lobtng feiubneffe in 3Jefus Cbpift tbp bear ^>ou our Calbatiotybp
true anb bolptoopb our inftruction, tbP grace attb bolp Spirit our comfort anb
confoiation unto the enb anb in the cnbf&o be it. o Lord inmaie our iaith,&c.
A confeffion for all eftates and times.
OCicrnall <Bob anb moft mercifuU father, toe confelfeanbaclmotolebge
here befope tbp bibine Slpaieftp, that toe a re miferable finners, concetbeb
anbborn in fin anb iniquitp, Co that in us is no goobnelfe. fop tbe fielb ebet.
mope rebelletb againft the fpirit,tobtrebp toe continuallptranf grefs tbp bolp pte,
repts,anb eommafibements,anbfopurcbaCe to out Celbes through tbp lull mog;
ment, Death anb Damnation, j&ottoitbftanting < O beabenlp father) fop as
much as toe are bifpleafeb toitb our felbes fop the fins (bat toe babe committcb
againft tbee, aim bo unfeigneblp repent us of the fame, toe moft bumbip befeecb
tljeefot JeCus Ct^ziQsCafce, to (l)cx ttymeccpupon us, to fo?giprugalTour
fins, aim increaCe ttj pholp Spirit in us, tbat toe acknotolebging from tfje bor>
tom of our Reacts out own uncighteouCneffe, map from hmce-fortb not oitip
mo.ttifte out fiafull luffs anb affections, but alfo btmg fottb fucb fruits as map
be agreeable to tbp mod bleffeb toill: not foi the too.uhineffe tbereof bur foil the
merits of tbp bearlp belobeb S>onne |etus ChJtft our onlp ^abt'ouc , inborn
tljoti baft alteabp giben an Ablation anb Offering tot our fins, anb for tobofe
fake toe ace tettainlp peeftoaoeb , .tbat tbou toilt benp us notbing that me aske
in bis name, accojbing to tbp totIW'f ot tbp spirit ailurecb our confcicnces,that
tbou act out mectifull father, anbfolobeftustbp rljilDien tbtougb bint, tbat
nothing is able to remote tbp beaVenlp grace anb fabour from us, Co tbee
therefore, SD father, toftb tbp ^on, ano the bolp <Bboft, be all honour anb
UlOtp,WOtlb UJitbOUtenb. Amen.
A Prayer to be faid before a man begin bis work.
OjLotb ©Ob mod mertffull father anb J§)abiout,feeing ft bath pleateb tbee
to commanb us to trnbcil,tbat toe map celtebeour neeb,loe befeetb tbee of
tbp grace to to bleffe our labours,that tbp bleffing map ejetenb unto us, tottbout
the urtticb toe arc not able to continue, anb that this great fabout map be a mu,
jpelfe unto us of tbp boumtfulneffe anb afftftance, fo tbat tberebp toe map fcnoto
the fatbetlp cate that tbou baft ober us.
s3j>oreobec k© moiD) toe befeetb tbee that tbou toouloeft fttengtben us toitb
tbp bolp spirit,tbat toe map faitbfullp trabell in our eftate anb bocatton, toitb*
out fraub of Deceit, anb that toe map enbeabour our felbes to f olloto thine bolp
oibtnances,rather than to Ceeb to fatisfie our greebp affections,or befice o gain:
3nb if it pleate tbee, €» Horn, to ptofpec out labour, gibe us a winb alfo to belp
tbern that babe neeb, accoming to that abilitp tbat tbou of tbp merep (l)alt gibe
us: anb knotting that all goob things tome of tbee, grant that toe map bumble
out felbes to our Neighbours, anb not bp anp means lift our felbes up abobe
them tobit b babe not receibeb fo liberall a portion as of tbp merep tbou baft gt*
ben unto us. 2Eno tf it pleafe tbee to trp anb ererctfe us bp greater pobertp anb
neeb than our Beth tooulb befice, that tbou tooulbft pet, © Horn, grant us grace
to tmoto tbat tbou toilt nourifb us contmuallp,through tbp bounnfull libetalitp,
tbat toe be not fo tempteb, that toe fall into biftruft, but that toe map patieutlp
toait till tbou fill us, not onlp tottb coipotall graces anb benefits, but cbicflp
toitb tbp beabcnlp anb fpirituall treafures, to the intent that toe map altoaies
babe mote ample occafion to gibe tbee thanks , anb fo tobollp to reft upon tbp
mercies. Ij^ar us, © 7Lo.tb, of merep, rtjjougb 3Jefus Ctjttll tbp ^bon our ULojb
anb^abiour. Amen.
A Prayer for the whole eftate of Chrifts Church.
AKlmigbtP ©oo, anb moftmertifull father, toe fubrnit our felbes, anb fall
boton before tbp #ajcftp, beCeecbing tbee from the bottom of out hearts,
that the Ceeb of tbp BMojb noto foton amongft us, map take fucb beep r 'or,
tbat neither the burning beat of perfecution caufe it to toitber, neither the tbou
tip tares of this life cboabit, but that as Ceeb foton in goob gtounD, it map
bang forth tbtrtp, firtp, anb an bunoreb folb , as tbp beabenlp toifebome
bath appointeb. 3lno becaufe toe babe neeb conttnuallp to crabe manp things
at tbp banns,toe bumblp befeetb tbee (£D beabcnlp father) to grant us tijp holp
Spirit to Direct one petitions, that tbep map ptoteeb from (uth a ferbent mtnb,
as map be agteeableTotbp mod bleffeb toUU 3nb teeing that one infimutp is
able to bo noting without tljp help, anb that thou art not ignorant With bow
maupano great temptations We poo1. Wjetcbes areoneberp fine encloleb anb
tompaffeo * Het tl)p flcengtlj, <D HoW, Main our Weafeneffe, that we being
Defenseo with the fo?ce of tbp grace,map be fafelp p.teferbeo againft all attaints
of §>atan, who goetb about continuallp Ufte a roaring Hion leefting to oebour
us, JncreaCe out faith, £> merctfuU father, tljat we do not fWetbe at aup time
from tbp Ijeabenlp ffiMo?D> but augment m us Ijope anb lobe, with a careful!
beeping of all tbp Commencements tljat tiffbarbnedieof heart, no bppoctifie,
no conamiCcence of ttje epes,no? ttje inticements o? the World bo D?aW us a wap
from our obebience : anD feeing We Ube now in tljefc nioft pmllous tunes, let
tbp fatbetlp pjobtoence Defend us againft the btolence of out enemies, Wipe!) bo
feebbp all means to opptede tbP ttwct>- furthermore, fotafmucb as bp tbp bolp
3podle We be taugbt to make out pjapers anb Cupplicattons for all men,me ptap
not onlp rot our Ceibes here ptefent, but befeecb ttjee to rebuce ail Cucb as be pet
ignotantfrom tlje miftrable captibitp of blmWiede anb error, to the pure unber*
ftanbrng anb bnowiebge of tbp fjeabenlp truth: Cljat We all with one content
anb umtpof mmb,map wotfl^ip rbee our onlp S»abtour. 3no that all {Ballots,
^bepbetbs, anb ganders, to Whom thou baftcommttttb the bifpent'ation of
tbp Sjoip 'CKElotb, anb charge of tbp cbofen people, map both fit there life anb bo=
ctrine be founb faitbfud,fettiiig before tbeir epes tbp glo?p: anb that bp them all
poo? Cljeep Wbicb Wanber anb go afirap, map be gathered anb brought borne
to tbp Mb. tl^oteober, becaufe the hearts of all iMcrs are m tljp battbs, we
befeecb tljee to Direct anb gobern the hearts of all Itings, princes, anb ijpagn
fttateSjto Whom tbou bad tommitteO tbefWo?b: (Efpecialip i® Ho?b,atco?Sing
to out bounbenoutp, we befeecb tbee to maintain anb increafe tbe honorable e<
Hate of the icings Sl^areftp, atib all bis noble CotinCeilors anb ^agidrates:
With all tbe fptrttuaii padots anb ^intdets, anb all tbe Whole bobp of this
Commonweal; Her tbP fatbetlp fabour Co ptefetbe them, anb tbp bolp Spirit
lo gobern tbeir hearts, that fbep map in Curb fott epeente there office, that tbp
Religion map be putelp maintaitieD, manners reformed,anp Cn pumfljeb, acco?-
bing to the ptectfe ru e of tbp b°l? ®Mo?b. 3nb fot that we be ad members of
the mpdicall bobp of 3|efus Cb?id, We mabe our request unto tbee, <D beabenlp
father, fopall Curb as ate afflicted with anp ttoSfeot tribulation, as Watte,
plague, famme,ficfenede,pobertp,imp?iConment,petfecution,bamfl)ment, ot anp
other btnbe of ibp cobs, Whether it becalamitp of bobp, ot beration of miiibe:
iCbar it would pleafe tbee to gibe them patience anb condancp till tboufenb
them full belibetance out of all tbetrtroubles. Root out from hence (ffl Hotb)
all rabening Wolbes, which to fill there bellies teeh to bedtop tbp flocb: ainb
fijew tbp gteatmerttes upon tbofe outbtethten in other Countries, wbitb are
perfetuteD,.cad into ptifon, anb bailp ronbemneb fot the tedimonp of tbp truth.
3nb though tbep be uttetlpbeditute of an mans aw, pet let tbp tweet comfort
netoer Depart from them, but fo inflame there hearts With tbp holo Spirit, that
tbep map bolbp anb catefullp abibe Cutb triad as tbp goblp Wifebome (ball ap*
point. £=>o that at length,as well bp tbeir Death as bp tbeir life, the fcingbome
of tbp bear £>on 3|efusCb?td, map increafe anb fl)ine through all the Wotlb,
j§n fiabofe name We mabe our bumble petitions unto tbee as be bath taught us.
Our Father which arr in heaven, hallowed, 8cc.
The Table.

A Table of the whole number of the Pfalms, and alfo in what

page you may find every of them.

pCalm, at Jfol ptalm.

30 <\ lliL laub anbpaaife 25 121 3 Uft mine eps 13 O
49 il all people hearken 24 * 122 3 bib in heart 131
78 attend mp people | L
82 0mib the pacafe
100 ail people that
At 6 &oab in tt)p toaatb
16 &oab beep me H
B 2 6 3Loab be mpjubge 22
81 Be light atiD g!ab 81 3$ 3loab pleab mp caufe 30
119 IBlcsfeD are tbep 119 42 3ltkeastbetpart 39
128 Bletlcb art tbou 13 6 68 ILet 0ob arife 63
134Bebalb anb babe 139 72 &oab gibe tbp 69
142 Before the lloab 147 86 &oab boto tbtne 86
144 BlcfiTeb be tbc Eoab 148 88 Eoab 0ob of 87
D 13 0 tioab to tbee 137
83 £Donct0 0ob 83 140 lloabfabe me 146
E 143 itoabbearmp 147
5 (Incline tbtnc eats 2 M
127 Clrccpt tbeToab *•3 5 23 *Pp fbepberb 20
G 45 Spp heart both 45
2 9 0ibcto the Eoab 24 62 fPp foul to 0ob 59
37 0'aubge not to fee 33 ji ^p &oab mp 0ob 68
.48 0aeat Is the ilcab 44 103 fpp foul gibe 101
54 0os fabe me foa 52 104 fpp foul paaife toj
105 0tbepaaife unto 105 146 £pp foul paaife tbou 150
107 0ibe thanks unto Ho N
148 0ibe laub unto 152 115; j^ot unto us 117
H 124 #oto 3frael 132
12 tfrelp£oabfoa 9 O
13 l(3cto long Imlt 10 3 0 3loab boto are 3
51 l^abcmercpott 50 4 0 00b that art 3
5 6 fpabc mere piloid 54 7 0 Hoab mp 0ob 6
6 7 li'abe merer on us 62 8 0 0ob our iLoab 6
73 H9oto eber it be 70 i5 0 3Uab to it bin H
84 Ipoln pleafant 84 17 0 0ob gibe eare 12
91 ^etbattoitbin 92 18 0 0ob mp ffrengtb 13
I 21 0 iioab boto topfull - *7
5 incline tbtneeare 4 22 0 0ob mp 0ob 18
11 3 truft in 0ob 9 3i 0 3toab3 put 26
20 3it trouble anb 16 34 0ur ears babe 40
25 3 lift mp heart 21 5i 0 3i oab ronftber 49
34 3 toill gibe laub 29 55 0 0ob gibe eare 53
3 9 3jfatb3totll 36 60 0 lioao thou bibit 57
40 3 toaitcb long ■37 63 0 iioeb mp 0ob 59
43 BCubge anb rebengc 39 64 0 &oab unto mp 60
77 3 toitb mp boice 74 70 0 0ob to me *7
92 3t it a thing 93 19 0 Hoab the 0entiles 79
100 3n 0ob tbc Eoeb 99 9 4 0 &oat> tbou bolt 94
101 3 merep toill anb 99 9 5 0 come let us 95
109 3tt fpeecblelTe filenee H3 98 0 ftng pe noto unto the ILoab 93
1163 lobe tbe Hoab 116 101 j0 bear mp paaptt loo
12 0 3n trouble anb *3o 108 0 0ob mp heart 112
117 0

The Table.

i&Calm* f\o\. J&Caltn, fol.

117 HD ail pc Rations ll7 13 S sfc&e luilt 3f peatfe 144
118 HD gibe pc Ibanhs unto 117 145 HLbee ftjiil 3 tauo 149
125 HD iLo^D that b&aben i.32 V
A>.2Dfttbepnoto IS6 75 jEnfo thee (0ots 73
131 HD ilo:& 3i am not puft in *37 w
13 3- 3D bcto fiappr a 139 2 Blbp bib tbe dDcntiles 2
13 5 3D peaife tbe Lo^b 140 9 - ®tb heart ano 7
136 3Dlaubtbe iloetj 142 igs/Ebat is tbe raufe 8
1-3-9 31*^ tl)ou IjaCfc me I44 52 ^bpbofttbou 51
141 3D Ho^ts upon tbee 146 74 BHju art than 72
P « mi SOitbheart :1 bo H5
38 ]Dut me net to 35 114 Albert Blfrael bn 117
10 6 {steal fc pe the Hoes 108 x-?<>tWben tb.it the 534
136 p^aifeuctbeTloes 141- 137 Blben as me fate H3
147 peatfe ue t lee %cets foe it is *5* Y
R 33 .pz righteous in 28
<51 Itcgavl) 3D lloeb 53 47 pz people all 43
13 2. Remember gDabibs 238 58 #e rulers tnbicb 55
s 66 #e men on earth 61
59 &>cnb aits ants fabc 54 n 3 #e chtlDeeu tubirb 116
69 &abe me 3D (Hoots 65 250 #ielb unto (0ob x53
96 Lingvojtaitbpjaife 96 *
125 *amb asm 0ots i3 3. f -
149 ^mtg pe imfo 152 Thefe ye fhall have in the beginning of
Iof T ; K: ‘ the Pfalms.
1 &\)t man is bleft 4 T 7Eni Creator fpiritus
14? 'SDbcre is no dDots 20 V Venite exultemus
19 %\)t beabens ana i6 . Te Deum laudamus
23 Cbc ioeo is cmln 19 Benedi£te
34 3Dbc earth is &U 20 BenediftusDominus
27 2Ll]c lUais is both 23 : Magnificat anima
28 -SOjou art HD 3U&t> 24 Nunc dimittis T T
32 2lbc man is bleft tobofe 27 Quicunque vult
36 2Cbc toirfeet) boltb 32 ! 2Ebe ^Lamentation of a (inner
41 2“bo man is bleft that 38 Stbe bumble futc of a fmner ♦
46 2Cbe iloeb is our 45 The Pater nofter.
50 Wdz migbtp HDots 47 STbe ten Commandments.
50 SCbe^Dob of (Dobs 47
53 2Hbe fooliH) man 52 Thefe ye fhall have after the
57 STafee pitp foe tbp 55 Pfalois.
65 SDbP pcaife alone 60 T]j^aifc the 3loeo HD pe
76 SCo all that nom 74 1 3i5ebolb nobs gibe
80 SCboubearo that 8© 0ttenb mu people
85 SIEbou baft been 85 HDur jfatber tubieb in beaten art
87 SLbat Citn (ball %6 HU mu belief
89 HCo fmg the 88 Come bolp Spirit
90 2Dbou Toei> baft been 91 0ibe peace in tbefe
93 SCbeilLoebasking 94 bcEbere rigbteoufneftc
97 Cbe lloeb befb • , 97 HD;4102b tit thee is all
99 STbe^loebtiotb reign 98 teb betbanheo.
1 io SDbe ioeo bio fan ij4 SIbe ioeb be tbanbeu
412 SEhc man is bleft it 5 IDjeferbe m To:tj
125 STbofetbat bo put 134 aifo certain goblp Reapers.


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