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Low Power 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit Using

Full-Swing GDI Technique
Mahmoud Aymen Ahmed M. A. Abdelghany
Department of Electronics Department of Communications and Electronics
Faculty of Industrial Education, Sohag University Faculty of Engineering, Minia University
Sohag, EGYPT Minia, EGYPT

Abstract—Power dissipation and area of the circuit are the

main issues in the electronics industry, this paper provides a
design of 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) using Full-Swing
GDI Technique, which considered an effective method for low
power digital design while reducing the area of the circuit
compared to other logic styles. The proposed ALU design consists
of 2x1 Multiplexer, 4x1 Multiplexer and low power Full Adder
cell to realize the arithmetic and logic operations. The simulation
carried out using Cadence Virtuoso using 65nm TSMC process.
The results show that the proposed design consume less power
using less number of transistors, while achieving full swing
operation compared to previous work. (a) (b)
Fig. 1. GDI cell; (a) originally proposed, (b) standard CMOS compatible
Keywords— Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU); Gate Diffusion Input
(GDI); Full-Swing GDI. However, it was proposed for fabrication in twin-well CMOS
or silicon on insulator (SOI) processes, it allowed
improvement in power consumption, delay and area of digital
In our daily life, we use a lot of portable electronic circuits compared to CMOS and PTL techniques. The
devices; these devices basically are low power high speed drawback in GDI cell was it suffered from reduced voltage
VLSI circuits works simultaneously. One of these circuits is swing due to threshold drops, which leads to performance
the Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) which considered an essential degradation and increasing static power dissipation.
component in many applications such as Microprocessor, To improve the output of the GDI cells Swing restoration
digital signal processing, image processing, etc. circuits utilized. Morgenshtein et al. [2] Proposed the
Addition considered essential part of the arithmetic unit Modified-GDI approach, shown in Fig. 1 (b) where the
and almost all other arithmetic operations includes addition substrate terminals of NMOS and PMOS transistors connected
therefore any improvement in the adder cell is reflected as a permanently to GND and VDD, respectively. This
major improvement in the ALU. In this paper a 4-Bit ALU is modification enables fabrication of GDI cell in standard
designed using a low power adder cell realized by the Full- CMOS processes which is cost efficient compared to twin-
Swing GDI technique and compared to previous work in terms well and (SOI) processes.
of power dissipation and transistor count. Simulation
environment is cadence virtuoso using TSMC 65nm process. TABLE I. DIFFERENT LOGIC FUNCTIONS REALIZATION USING GDI CELL.
This paper is organized as follows: Section II overviews N P G OUT Function
the GDI methodology and presents its benefits and limitations. 0 B A ‫ܣ‬B F1
The design of the arithmetic logic unit is discussed in Section B 1 A +B F2
III. Section IV presents simulation results and comparison. 1 B A A+B OR
Section V concludes the paper. B 0 A AB AND
GDI Technique was first proposed by Arkadiy
Morgenshtein, Idan Shwartz and Alexander Fish [1] this In [3] Full-Swing GDI cells proposed as an alternative for
technique allows implementation of various complex logic swing restoration buffers in this technique, swing restoration
functions using only two transistors as listed in Table I. The transistor utilized to improve the output swing of F1 and F2
original GDI was based on using a simple cell, as shown in gates (universal gates used to realize any logical expression)
Fig. 1(a). through this technique full swing operation can be achieved


using additional transistors but when compared to CMOS [5], and with some modifications it performs the logic
realization it uses less transistors which leads to reduce the operations as well, these modifications will save large area
area, improve the power and delay of the circuits. of the ALU design.
In this paper the Full-Swing GDI technique is used to
realize the circuits required to design the ALU as follows:
A. 2x1 Multiplexer
A multiplexer is a digital switch chooses the output from
several inputs based on a select signal [4], shown in Fig. 2 a
2x1 multiplexer consists of 6 transistors.

Fig. 4. Full-Swing Full Adder cell

Fig. 2. Full-Swing GDI 2x1 Multiplexer D. Design of Arithmetic Logic Unit
B. 4x1 Multiplexer An ALU is a key component in the Central Processing
Using the previously discussed 2x1 multiplexer a 4x1 Unit (CPU) of any computer; even the simplest
multiplexer realized as shown in Fig. 3 consists only of 16 microprocessors contain one. It performs arithmetic operations
transistors. such as addition, subtraction, increment, decrement and logic
operations such as AND, OR, XOR and XNOR [6]. The
proposed design of the 4-Bit ALU consists of 4 stages, each
stage is an 1-Bit ALU realized using the previously discussed
circuits as follows:
Each 1-Bit ALU stage consists of two 2x1 multiplexers,
two 4x1 multiplexers and one full adder cell, this design
requires 48 transistors as depicted in Fig. 5. Any desired
operation can be performed based on the selection line S0, S1,
S2 code; Table II summarizes the truth table of the proposed


S2 S1 S0 Operations
1 0 0 AND
1 0 1 XOR
1 1 0 XNOR
Fig. 3. Full-Swing GDI 4x1 Multiplexer 1 1 1 OR
C. Full Adder
The 4x1 multiplexer at the input responsible for the B
A full adder is a combinational circuit that performs
input based on the values of S0 and S1 selection lines it selects
the arithmetic sum of three input bits. It consists of three
inputs and two outputs. The adder cell used in this design from logic 1, B, ‫ ܤ‬And logic 0 to perform the Decrement,
realized using full-swing AND, OR, and XOR gates. This Addition, Subtraction and the Increment operations
design was chosen among 3 designs to maintain low power respectively, S2 chooses between the arithmetic and the logic
operation, it has the lowest delay among the three designs operations.

Fig. 5. Schematic of 1-Bit ALU Stage

To realize the 4-Bit ALU four stages were used as shown

in Fig. 6. While the carry input of ALU0 connected to IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND COMPARISON
selection line S1 to obtain logic 1 which needed for
subtraction and increment operations, however the other The proposed 4-Bit ALU circuits were designed using
values don’t affect the results of the logic operations. 65nm TSMC CMOS process, the size of PMOS is triple that
of the NMOS transistor size to achieve the best power and
delay performance. The simulations were done using the
SPECTRE based Cadence Virtuoso simulator with a power
supply of 1V. Using A=1100, B=0101 as tset inputs
Fig. 7 shows the waveform of the proposed ALU, The
results of the proposed design compared with the 4-Bit ALU
designs in [5], [6], [7] are shown in Table III.

Among these designs the proposed ALU design

outperforms in terms of power consumption and transistor
count. In respect of power consumption the proposed ALU
operates at least values. Compared with the other designs the
Transistor count is also reduced.


No. of
Design Technology Power(μW)
Vivechana [5] 250nm 232 1030.5 μW
G. Sree Reddy [6] 120nm 232 546.24 μW
S. Usha [7] 180nm 88 2225 μW
Proposed Design 65nm 192 24.01 μW

This work presents a 4-Bit ALU designed in TSMC 65nm
CMOS process using the Full-Swing GDI technique and
simulated using the Cadence Virtuoso simulator. Simulation
results showed an advantage of the proposed ALU design in
terms of power consumption and transistor count, while
maintaining Full-Swing Operation. The proposed design
consists of 192 transistors and operates under 1V supply
Fig. 6. Proposed 4-Bit ALU Design

Fig. 7. Waveform of the Proposed 4-Bit ALU


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