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Vol. V, No. 260, 10 th Waning of Nattaw 1380 ME Tuesday, 1 January 2019

New Year Message from President U Win Myint

on auspicious occasion of the New Year
Dear esteemed and respected earnestness, to realize the good aspira-
citizens, tions and goals.
It is my belief that we will be able to
I send warm greetings for your good meet and overcome the difficulties and
health and happiness on the auspicious crises we are currently facing by holding
occasion of the New Year. on to truth and justice.
I wish to inform all of you that the I would also like to make an earnest
Union Government has been working appeal to the people to give more co-
with unceasing vigilance and unflagging operation and assistance to the Union
zeal for the fruition of national interests Government’s efforts for peace in the
of the country. Union, establishment of the Democratic
I wish to convey glad tidings that from Federal Union and development.
this year forth and in the coming years I send good wishes to all the people
there will be more good opportunities in for their auspiciousness and well-being.
the political, economic and social sectors. I hope that all the people will join us
For peace and prosperity in our on our federal democratic journey with
country in the future and for the energy and high spirits.
tranquility and happiness of our cit- Thank you all.
izens, I wish to assure you all that President U Win Myint. (Translated by Kyaw Mying)
our Union Government will strive with

New Year Message from Vice New Year Message from Vice President
President U Myint Swe for U Henry Van Thio for
New Year of 2019 New Year of 2019
Dear ethnic nationals, citizens of the union, Dear esteemed respected ethnic national brothers and sisters of the Union,
On the auspicious I send these good wishes with metta
occasion of the 2019 to all Union citizens living in the Republic
New Year, I send these of the Union of Myanmar for their good
greetings and good health, prosperity and happiness and aus-
wishes for the good piciousness at this auspicious time of the
health, prosperity and New Year.
auspiciousness of all It is my fervent wish that at this time
ethnic national broth- when we enter the new year after the end
ers and sisters living of the old year of 2018, all of you would be
in the Republic of the able to strive with energy and zeal for in-
Union of Myanmar. ternal peace which is an important factor
I pray with metta for the establishment of the Democratic
and send these greet- Federal Union which is the aspiration and
ings in the hope that all hope of all ethnic national brothers and sis-
union citizens will re- ters; development of the socio-economic
alize their aspirations status of the people; and the rule of law.
for peace and national As we make strenuous efforts, I wish
reconciliation at the to urge with great seriousness that we
soonest and that their should turn the challenges and difficul-
socio-economic life ties we encounter into opportunities,. We
will be elevated from should solve our problems in unity with
Vice President U Myint Swe. Vice President U Henry Van Thio.
all aspects. collective strength based on Union spirit.
I pray that all union citizens are blessed with health and happiness I pray that all ethnic national brothers and sisters, citizens of the Union obtain the
in the New Year. (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) good results of progress and success in the New Year. (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)



Senior General Myanmar Union Minister Dr. Pe Thousands of pilgrims
Min Aung Hlaing pulses exports Myint inspects Film head to Mount Popa
receives former joint cross 1.4 million Development Centre, for New Year, cause
chief of staff of ROK tons Apr-Dec newspaper offices traffic snarls

Dr. Bhaddanta Nandamala Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka

Bhivamsa, International Theravada
Buddhist Missionary University
Committee, Bhamo Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Kumara Bhivamsa
For the year 2019, I wish Min- genuine progress, and over-
galar, or greatest blessings, come challenges. I wish for all the people of the
for all human beings and gods. I wish the people strong world to cultivate and share
I wish that I, along with commitment, diligence, unity, loving kindness in the New
the monks and the people re- and farsightedness while work- Year. If there is no loving kind-
siding in the Republic of the ing to make the Republic of the ness, there will be armed con-
Union of Myanmar, live with Union of Myanmar last forever. flicts and wars, which are not
auspiciousness or greatest I wish everyone longevity, good for the world. So, please,
blessings (Mingalar), make health, and peace. cultivate and share loving
kindness to ensure peace in
the world.
This is the way to cultivate
loving kindness, according to
the Mitta Sutta:
‘May all beings be well and
safe, may their hearts rejoice.
Whatever beings there
are — weak or strong, long or
short, big, medium-sized or Bhamo Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara Bhivamsa.
small, subtle or gross, visible
or invisible, residing near or despise another person. In I wish all the people in the
far, those that have come to anger and ill-will, let one not world make use of the 11 ways
be or are yet to come, may all wish harm to others. Let one of cultivating loving kindness
beings be joyful (without ex- cultivate boundless thoughts for health, peace, and love in
ception). of loving kindness towards all 2019.
Let one not deceive nor beings.’ (Translated by AMS)

New Year wishes by religious leaders

Dr. Samuel Kyaw Hla, ple make more efforts for
Patron, Judson Church the peace process in 2019.
Council on Yangon Uni- I wish for cessation of all
versity Campus, Chair- armed conflict in Myanmar
man, Myanmar Medi- in the New Year, and wish
cine Council, all indigenous people of My-
I would first like to anmar live in harmony and
thank God for granting me unity, like a family.
this opportunity to express Dr. Samuel Kyaw Hla U Nanda Dr. Hla Tun U Thein Lwin Daw Nyo Mi, Member,
my wishes for the New Year. All Myanmar Bahá’í
The current need for My- Faith Organization
anmar is peace. I wish the On behalf of the Myan-
country achieves the peace mar Bahá’í faith, I would
aspired to by its leaders and first like to wish “Mingalar-
people. I am confident this bar” to the people of differ-
will happen. ent religions in Myanmar.
Right now, all interfaith I would like to urge the
groups, races, and organ- people and organizations
izations are wishing for Haj U Aye Lwin Samuels, the Head of the Cardinal Charles Bo U Shwe Thi to love each other, to unite
peace. I would also like to Jewish Community to make endeavors led by
wish Myanmar peace and drive. I wish the people of ing in Myanmar health and of an interfaith group Head of the Federation the State Counsellor a suc-
prosperity in 2019. I believe Myanmar health and peace peace of mind. I will pray I wish Myanmar trans- of Asian Bishops’ Con- cess, and to work together
this wish will come true. in the New Year. for this. forms into a nation where ference for nation building.
U Nanda, Chairman of Dr. Hla Tun, Secretary, U Thein Lwin, Chair- people from different re- I want to express my U Shwe Thi, Vice Chair-
All Myanmar Hindu Thanandanadama Pala- man, All Myanmar Ta- ligions and races can live delight for this chance to man, All Myanmar
Central Council ka (Hindu) Federation mil Hindu Foundation in dignity, while respecting convey my greetings and Bahá’í Faith Organiza-
I am a Myanmar-born Firstly, I wish all the I wish all the indige- each other. I also wish all wishes for the New Year. tion
Gurkha man. On behalf of people residing in Myan- nous people of Myanmar the people of the world In the year gone by, we had On behalf of the Bahá’í
the All Myanmar Hindu mar health, wealth, and and the people of the world peace. good experiences and faced Faith, I wish all Myanmar
Central Council, I wish peace. I wish Myanmar en- health and wealth in 2019. Sammy Samuels, the challenges. The New Year people enjoy the blessings
for peace, stability, and joys all-round development I wish our hope for a na- Head of the Jewish Com- brought good news about of God and lead happy and
development in Myanmar. in the New Year. tionwide ceasefire with all munity in Yangon the Tatmadaw suspend- peaceful lives. All the peo-
Secondly, I wish for a drug- Secondly, I wish the ethnic armed organizations I wish all the people ing military operations ple in the world are now
free Myanmar. Our country year 2019 brings peace and is achieved in 2019. I wish of different religious faiths for four months as part of hungry for peace. I wish our
is working hard to tackle further development and our people a good harvest and races in Myanmar peace-making efforts. brethren and the people of
the menace of drugs and I benefits to the country and in January, prosperity, and peace and harmony in the I wish the ethnic the world achieve eternal
would like to urge people to its ethnic people. Thirdly, I development. New Year. armed organizations, the peace soon. (Translated
participate in the anti-drug wish all the people resid- Haj U Aye Lwin, member Cardinal Charles Bo, the Tatmadaw, and the peo- by Zaw Htet Oo)
1 JANUARY 2019

“Let us strive collectively to create such a nation as was envisaged

by the architects of our independence: a nation practicing pure
principles that guarantee justice and freedom, and equal rights
that enable all our people to live in peace.”

(Excerpt from the speech by State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at the
2nd Anniversary of the Government on 1st April, 2018.) Phan Khon game, a Myanmar traditional game. 

2019 New Year greetings from Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat
I send this message of greetings erate with renewed minds and important. The Hluttaws have
to our esteemed and respected bodies, trust and understanding, been putting in their utmost ef-
ethnic national brothers and sis- I believe that we would be able forts to the best of their physical
ters for their good health and to build successfully the Dem- and intellectual abilities for the
well-being on the auspicious ocratic Federal Union, which legislation of just laws.
occasion of the New Year 2019 our ethnic national brothers At this auspicious time of
of the Christian era. and sisters have been yearning the New Year, I wish to send
This is a time when we are for and which will enshrine the these good wishes urge that all
putting our utmost efforts for principles of “democracy, hu- ethnic national brothers and
national reconciliation, which man rights and equality” in the sisters join hands and work
is of vital importance for us; not too distant future. together for the emergence of
for national unity and internal For our country to develop the Democratic Federal Union
peace. If we take lessons from and progress, peace and sta- which all of us have been yearn-
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat.  PHOTO: MNA
the old year and if we all coop- bility and rule of law are very ing for.

2019 New Year greetings from Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than
First of all I wish to send these ture. In the New Year we should process without prejudice, coop-
good wishes with metta for good strive with renewed spirits, en- erate and carry out any task that
health, well-being, wealth and aus- ergy and bodies, based on lov- may be given to you, be it “a grain
piciousness to all our esteemed ing-kindness and good character of sand or a piece of brick”. Like
and respected ethnic national for uplifting the socio-economic the saying “A task which cannot
brothers and sisters, and those life of the people. Only then will be accomplished by one may be
living abroad. be we able to establish the peace- accomplished by ten thousand”. I
We are now transitioning ful, developed and prosperous would also like to urge all of you to
from the Christian year 2018 to Democratic Federal Union, which put in joint efforts and work with
the New Year, 2019. As we have is the common goal and aspiration collective strength.
passed one year, we should re- of all the people. As we march I pray that all citizens of the
assess the numerous events we towards our goal, as peace and Union will have happiness, peace
have encountered in the past year development are interdependent, and prosperity. As I send this New
such as causes and effects, the we should cast aside our animos- Year message I pray that all of you
good and the bad and by drawing ities, hatred, ego and pride for will be able to act with the teach-
life lessons from them we should peace and national development. ings of your respective religions
build better situations for the fu- I urge you to work in every peace in your hearts. Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than.  PHOTO: MNA

2019 New Year message of Tatmadaw Commander- 71st Anniversary Independence

in-Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing Day National Objectives
On the auspicious occasion of 1. All National Ethnic Races to defend and protect with
the 2019 New Year, as I send this “collective strength” to ensure Non-disintegration of
message of greetings, I wish all the Union, Non-disintegration of the Unity of National
esteemed and respected ethnic Ethnic Races and Perpetuation of National Sovereignty.
national brothers and sisters to 2. For the emergence of a Democratic Federal Union, to
be blessed with auspiciousness. strive towards creating a suitable Constitution for the
Just as all human beings State in accordance with democratic standards.
need to work for advancement 3. To effectively combat and protect against the use of
in their lives, all of them wish to drugs and narcotic substances which can harm and
live in peace. I wish to state that erode the health and character of all citizens.
our Tatmadaw will work to ful- 4. To continuously strive with determined effort for the
fill the wish of all human beings. balanced and equitable development of all states and
We will work with all the people regions.
by joining hands with them. Let 5. To assist from all fronts the Union Government’s efforts
me wish once again for the good for private sector development and the emergence of a
C-in-C Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.  PHOTO: health and happiness of the all fully-developed market economy.
OFFICE OF THE C-IN-C OF DEFENCE SERVICES the people. (Translated by ZM)

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

receives former Chairman of
Joint Chiefs of Staff of ROK
Commander-in-Chief of Defence 3 school building with the aid of
Services Senior General Min ROK in Thanlyin Township which
Aung Hlaing received former was damaged by Cyclone Nargis
Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff and additional constructions in
of the Republic of Korea (ROK) other regions, status of ROK aid
retired Admiral Choi Yoon-hee projects for education, social and
at the Bayintnaung Guest Hall business development of Myan-
in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. mar, Myanmar’s position and
During the meeting, they support for eternal peace and a
cordially exchanged views and nuclear free zone on the Korea
discussed matters related to peninsular, and bilateral visits of
the status of promoting friend- various levels to strengthen and
ship between the two countries, promote friendships between the
C-in-C Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets with former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
of Republic of Korea (ROK) retired Navy Admiral Choi Yoon-hee in Nay Pyi Taw.  PHOTO: OFFICE OF THE status of constructing Thanlyin two militaries. — MNA (Translat-
C-IN-C OF DEFENCE SERVICES Basic Education High School No ed by Myat Thandar Aung)

Taninthayi Region’s health staff get mobile tablets for real-time information
THE Union Minister for Health el in the region is difficult due Minister Dr. Myint Htwe gave of health surveys. Based on the and re-stocking of medicines and
and Sports, Dr. Myint Htwe, at- to its geography and therefore, a speech. information and data collected, medical supplies,” he said. “The
tended a ceremony to distribute the distribution of mobile tablets He said the ministry has dis- necessary healthcare can be pro- use of mobile tablets will allow
mobile tablets to health staff in will enable timely and complete tributed over 9,400 mobile tablets vided,” he said. “An electronic for continuous medical educa-
Taninthayi Region at the Dawei transfer of regional data and in six regions and states, includ- Health Management Informa- tion and development of medical
Town Hall, Taninthayi Region, information. Mobile tablets will ing Taninthayi, and is increasing tion System (DHIS-2) is being expertise. Just like an umbilical
yesterday morning. help reduce the gap between the momentum of disseminating implemented nationwide. Mobile cord providing an embryo, or
A total of 729 basic health urban and rural areas and put health-related information and tablets will allow the system to be fetus, with nutrients from the
staff and 38 township and sta- healthcare within reach of every- knowledge. extended to rural health centres. mother, mobile tablets will con-
tion doctors from the Taninthayi one, he said. The minister also “The distribution of mobile In addition to helping mon- nect basic health staff, township,
Region attended the ceremony. asked people to cooperate and tablets to basic health staff will itor the inventory of medicines, and station medical doctors with
Speaking at the ceremony, participate in raising the qual- not only enable the spread of the use of mobile tablets will also professors in medical universi-
Taninthayi Region’s Chief Min- ity of people’s lives, including health-related information and help track the expiry date of med- ties,” the Union Minister said.
ister, Dr. Lei Lei Maw, said trav- their health. Afterwards Union data, but also allow the conduct icines to allow timely purchase SEE PAGE-6

Rakhine State Chief Minister lays cornerstones for Yammawady Home for the
Aged, inspects construction of the Kinchaung Bridge in Yanbye Township
RAKHINE State Chief Minister 20x15 feet kitchen, a staff hostel,
U Nyi Pu attended a ceremony to a store and a 20 feet high pagoda.
lay cornerstones for Yammawady The Rakhine State Chief
Home for the Aged yesterday in Minister and party inspected the
Yanbye Township, Rakhine State. construction sites and fulfilled the
At the ceremony, Chairman requirements.
of Yanbye Association (Yangon) After the ceremony, they
explained about the brief histo- continued to the 66/11 KV, 5 MVA
ry of the home for the aged and (Zin Chaung) power stations in
the Rakhine State Chief Minister Zin Chaung village, Kyaukpyu
delivered an opening address. Township, Rakhine State, and
Rakhine State Minister for Township Electricity Engineer
Agriculture, Livestock, Forest U Chan Myae Aung made the
and Mining U Kyaw Lwin ex- explanation of the work process.
pressed his thanks for construc- The Zinchaung Power Station is
tion of the building. supplying power to neighboring
Rakhine State Chief Minis- areas of Zinchaung village.
ter, state ministers, Rakhine Eth- Next, they proceeded to the
nic Affairs Minister and Chair- construction site for Kinchaung
man of Yanbye Association laid Bridge where they observed the
the cornerstones launching the works of the project. Upon com-
construction of the building. pletion, the Kinchaung bridge will Kinchaung Bridge is under construction in Rakhine State.  PHOTO: TIN SOE
The Yammawady Home for be 1256 ft long and 34 feet wide.
the Aged is established on five In the afternoon, Rakhine
acres of land. The building will State Chief Minister and party was held aiming to fulfill the re- the requirements of transporta- ine State Chief Minister and party
includes a 72x48 feet prayer hall, attended the meeting held at the quirements of the Rakhine State, tion, electricity, drinking water, went to Kyaukpyu Township and
a 70x30-feet building for men, a Zinchaung High School in Kyauk- and all were urged to discuss the healthcare and education. The provided cash assistance to the
70x30-feet building for women, pyu Township. During the meet- matters openly for the regional Chief Minister and officials pro- fire victims. — Mawsi, Ko Min
a 30x15 feet medical dispensary ing, Rakhine State Chief Minister development. vided cash assistance and fulfilled (Translated by Win Ko Ko
room, a 40x20 feet dining room, a U Nyi Pu said that the meeting The local residents discussed their needs. In the evening, Rakh- Aung)
1 JANUARY 2019

Imports of consumer,
capital, intermediate goods
decline in current fiscal
THE value of imports of con- od last year.
sumer, capital, and interme- Intermediate goods make
diate goods fell slightly in up the majority of Myanmar’s
the financial year 2018-2019, imports, with petroleum prod-
according to data from the ucts and plastic raw materials
Ministry of Commerce. serving as the main import
In the last two and a half items. In the current finan-
months of the current finan- cial year, the country import-
cial year, Myanmar imported ed raw materials worth $1.5
consumer goods, such as million, a decrease of $26.5
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, million against the same pe-
and palm oil, worth US$779 riod last year.
million. Compared with the Additionally, Myanmar
corresponding period of last also imported raw materi-
year, the value of both public als worth $494.7 million for
and private sector imports de- the Cut-Make-Pack (CMP)
A farmer visits his peas plantation before harvest in Sagaing.   FILE  PHOTO: WIN OO (ZEYATAING) clined by $35.8 million. garment sector. Myanmar’s
In the current FY, the total imports stood at $4.13

Myanmar pulses exports cross country imported capital

goods such as auto parts, ve-
billion in the last two and a
half months of the current FY,
hicles, machines, steel, and compared with $4.08 billion in

1.4 mln tons April-December airplane parts, valued at $1.35

billion, a decline of $6.4 million
the corresponding period of
last year. — Ko Htet
compared with the same peri- (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)
WHILE the change in India’s secretary of the Myanmar Puls- India set a quota on pulses im-
policy on importation of pulses es, Beans, and Sesame Seeds portation to protect local grow-
hurt beans and pulses trade this Merchants Association. ers. The change in India’s import
year, Myanmar shipped over 1.4 With exports exceeding 1.4 policy hurt the entire Myanmar OW! ble

million tons of different varieties million tons between 1 April and pulses supply chain, including a NATIONAL NATIONAL

VP U Myint Swe addresses 2nd coord meeting for Myanmar, ROK sign MoU for
holding 19th ASEAN University Games cultural development

of pulses to foreign markets in end of December, the volume of growers and traders, with the
Government spokesperson holds bi- Union Minister U Soe Win visits Customs
weekly press conference in Nay Pyi Taw Department, MAD Bank in Yangon

the nine months from April to exports has increased by 150,000 price of pulses plummeting to Vol. V, No. 225, 5 th Waning of Tazaungmone 1380 ME Tuesday, 27 November 2018

State Counsellor, Vice Chairman of NDRC

Vol. V, No. 222, 2 nd Waning of Tazaungmone 1380 ME Saturday, 24 November 2018

December. tons compared with the corre- K400,000 per ton. of China, discuss implementation of projects
“Myanmar’s pulses market sponding period of last year. “This downward trend
recovered on the back of increas- While India is the main in prices was not good for the
ing demand from India late this market for Myanmar pulses, the market. Growers suffered huge President U Win Myint greets MPC Chairman U Ohn Kyaing at the swearing-in ceremony
of Myanmar Press Council (MPC) in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA
State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers the speech at the dinner hosted in honor
of Myanmar Press Council (MPC) members in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

President U Win Myint State Counsellor

year. Between September and country exports around 30,000- losses when they tried to sell delivers speech at swearing-
in ceremony of MPC
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
attends dinner hosted in

November, Myanmar export- 40,000 tons of pulses to countries their stocks. They were trapped honor of MPC members
Respect the role of news media sector which serves
as the eyes and ears of the people: President

TATE Counsellor Daw Aung San MPC Chairman, members and depart-

RESIDENT U Win Myint attend- Ministers, departmental officials, MPC Suu Kyi attended a dinner hosted mental officials.
ed and addressed the Myanmar Chairman and members. in honor of the Myanmar Press At the event, State Counsellor Daw

ed nearly 300,000 tons of mung in the European Union, Japan, in a losing situation as of August
Press Council (MPC) members The MPC Chairman and members Council (MPC) members at the Thin- Aung San Suu Kyi and Union Minister
at the swearing-in ceremony held at the were first sworn-in in front of the Pres- gaha Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw yesterday Dr. Pe Myint first delivered messages of
Presidential Palace Thabin Hall yester- ident and then the President delivered evening. greetings followed by MPC Chairman
day afternoon. a speech. The dinner was attended by Union Hanthawady U Ohn Kyaing who deliv-
The ceremony was attended by (The President’s speech is covered Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint, ered a message of thanks.
Union Chief Justice U Htun Htun Oo, on Page-2) Union Minister for Religious Affairs The State Counsellor then took a
State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi poses for documentary photo with Vice Chairman Mr. Ning Jizhe from China’s National
Union Development
Ministers, Nay Pyi Tawand Reform Commission
Council at the Ministry
After the ceremony of
the President and Culture Thura U Aung Ko, Union commemorative group photo together

beans. Demand from India hiked and China annually, said U Min this year,” said U Min Ko Oo.
Foreign Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Chairman, Anti-Corruption Commission took a commemorative group photo with Auditor-General U Maw Than, Deputy with the attendees, cordially greeted the
Chairman, Myanmar National Human MPC Chairman and members and cor- Minister U Aung Hla Tun, Anti-Corrup- MPC members and had dinner together.
Rights Commission Chairman, Deputy dially greeted them. —MNA tion Commission member U Han Nyunt, — MNA

AW Aung San Suu the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Myanmar-China Econom- the Myanmar
INSIDE TODAY Sustainable De- ing were Dr. Than Myint, Un-
Kyi, State Counsellor in Nay Pyi Taw. ic Corridor which was signed velopment Plan (MSDP) and to ion Minister for Commerce, U
and Union Minister During the meeting, they between Myanmar and the beShaw
supportive to the long-term Soe Win, Union Minister
takes for

mung bean prices to K1 million Ko Oo. Myanmar’s pulses export

Brothers Tiddim Madauk
for Foreign Affairs, received discussed matters on future People’s Republic of China in interests
Picturesoftoboth peoples. She Planning and Finance,
steps U Kyaw
to farm celebrates
the delegation led by Mr. Ning work plans for the implemen- Beijing on 9 September 2018. filmstressed
also movie inthe need to hold silkworms,
Tin, Union Minister fortoInter- light festival
Jizhe, Vice Chairman of Nation- tation of the early harvest pro- The State Counsellor em-
consultations systematically
produce silk
national Cooperation, Mr. Hong
on river
al Development and Reform jects for the benefits of both phasized that implementation and accurately in accordance Liang, Chinese Ambassador to
Commission (NDRC) of the peoples in accordance with of those projects needs to be with the domestic rules and Myanmar and officials from the

per ton. Mung bean is currently In the external market, sector relies heavily on the In-
People’s Republic of China, at the Memorandum of Under- in conformity with the pro- regulations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.—
4:00 pm on 26 November 2018 at standing on Jointly Building grammes and the priorities of Also present at the meet- MNA



priced at K780,000 per ton. While mung bean is fetching US$510 dian market. Therefore, trad-
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw 16 Days of Coord meeting held
MPs, ministries discuss Activism Against on integrating NEC,
transfer, appointments, Gender-Based WEC into North-South
taxation, loans, bills Violence launched Economic Corridor



the price of pigeon peas had also per ton, pigeon peas are priced ers are worried about possible
soared to K850,000 per ton, it at $480 per ton, and the price of changes in India’s importation OF MYANMAR
declined to K730,000 per ton re- green gram is ranging from $800- policy. —Myint Maung Soe BUY owif;pmrsm;udk þqdkifrsm;wGif
cently,” said U Min Ko Oo, the 1,000 per ton. In August, 2017, (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) NOW 0,f,lzwf½IEkdifygNyD

‘Made in Myanmar’ exhibition to Market Place (6.5 Mile)

Market Place (Damasidi Road)
Market Place (Junction City)
City Mart (Sule Square)
City Mart (Star City - Thanlyin)
City Mart (Waizayandar)

be held at Kandawgyi Park

City Mart (Yankin) City Mart (Hledan)
City Mart (China Town) City Mart (Myanmar Plaza)
City Mart (Myay Ni Gone) City Mart (Junction 8)
City Mart (FMI) City Mart (St. John)
By Nyein Nyein and introduce products made by to 11 pm every day. City Mart (Junction Square) Ocean North Point (9 mile)
City Mart (Junction Maw Tin) Ocean Shwegonedine
local SMEs to the public,” said “The event will serve as a
A ‘Made in Myanmar’ exhibi- Daw Wai Mar Tun. good opportunity for vendors
tion will be organized from 4 to The event will feature 133 who want to introduce their
6 January at the Myawsin Island stalls under five categories, products to customers. In ad-
in Kandawgyi Park to promote namely food and beverages, dition to this, small- and medi-
local products, enhance their fashion and cosmetics, souvenirs um-sized entrepreneurs may get
quality, and help producers and handicrafts, pharmacy, and a chance to expand their busi-
hone their business skills, said other services. nesses through the expo,” said
Daw Wai Mar Tun, the event’s The event will include panel Daw Wai Mar Tun. Currently,
organizer. discussions and traditional per- there is no market where local
“With the dollar gaining formances such as the Latpan- products are displayed in the
against the Kyat, importers are
facing difficulties. We would like
pwinkaut (picking up flowers)
dance and the simikwat dance
same place. This will be the first
ever event showcasing ‘Made in
Thin Thin May,
to enhance the image of locally (candlelight dance). The exhi- Myanmar’ products.
made products through the expo, bition will be open from 11 am (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)

Taninthayi Region’s health

staff get mobile tablets for
real-time information
FROM PAGE-4 personnel how to operate the
mobile tablets.
“Mobile tablets will be used Later, the Taninthayi Re-
to conduct health talks on the gion’s Head of Public Health
treatment and prevention of the and Medical Services, Dr. Tun
high incidence of diabetes and Min, gave a vote of thanks and
hyper-tension. All are urged to spoke about increasing health-
help make Taninthayi Region a care works.
model in raising the level of peo- In the afternoon, the Un-
ple’s health, through this collabo- ion Minister visited the Dawei
ration between the ministry and People’s Hospital and inspected
Union Minister Dr. Myint Htwe meets wtih patient at Dawei People’s Hospital in Taninthayi Region
the Taninthayi Region’s govern- the hospital’s out-patient depart-
yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
ment,” said the Union Minister. ment, the physiotherapy depart-
After the speeches, mobile ment, the X-Ray department, the Aung, specialists, doctors, nurs- spoke about raising the health the Union Minister met with
tablets were distributed to basic laboratory, the blood bank, the es, health personnel, and officials of the people through sports Taninthayi Region’s Chief Min-
health staff and township and treatment ward, the children’s from the ministry’s departments and the all-round development ister to discuss and coordinate
station doctors. ward, and the five-storey exten- in the region. of the entire health system. He on improving and increasing
Thereafter, the Public sion, built with the support of the At the meeting, the Union also asked the staff to regularly healthcare services and works
Health Department’s Deputy Thailand International Cooper- Minister spoke about 2018 being check the websites and social in Taninthayi Region.
Director-General, Daw Aye Aye ation Agency (TICA), and asked designated as the staff housing media sites of the departments On Sunday, the Union Min-
Sein, explained the use of mo- them about their requirements. year. As of 15 December, a total in the ministry and have a sense ister and officials inspected Ye
bile tablets, while Shan State’s The Union Minister and of 6,100 apartment rooms for staff of ownership on their work. Township People’s Hospital in
health ambassador, Ma Nan officials then paid a visit to the have been constructed and over The Union Minister then Mon State and met with the staff
Hmwe Kham, and Yangon Re- Dawei Nurse Training School 7,100 are under construction, he coordinated on the difficulties and coordinated on their require-
gion’s health ambassador, Dr. and met with Dawei People’s said. and requirements submitted by ments. — MNA
Soe Nyi Nyi Tun, showed health Hospital superintendent Dr. Aye The Union Minister also the staff. Later in the evening, (Translated by Zaw Min)

New Year wishes by peace negotiators

News – Ye Gaung Nyunt
Photo – Pho Htaung

Dr. Salai Lian Hmung Sak-

hong (Vice Chairman) Chin
National Front (CNF)
I pray that 2019 is an aus-
picious year of peace for our
country. I especially pray for the
success of the peace process
that everyone had yearned for.
I expect at the least to reach an Dr. Salai Lian Hmung Sakhong Nai Han Thar (Vice Chairman) U Hla Maung Shwe (secretariat Khun Myint Tun (Vice Chairman)
agreement on federal basic prin- (Vice Chairman) Chin National New Mon State Party (NMSP). member) Union Peace Pa-O National Liberation
ciple. It’ll become easier once an Front (CNF). Development Joint Committee Organization (PNLO).
agreement is reached on this.
I request the government and termination and a democracy economically for years come to be nic national leaders and officials process that the people desire
our ethnic armed organisations country established where the on par with other countries and from the government, Tatmadaw when all cooperate and work
to strive toward this. people are free from oppressions, become a modern and a devel- and Hluttaw. Throughout 2018, together. If we put in our best
Let us all pray for the suc- restrictions and have full democ- oped country. In order to conduct regular meetings and unofficial effort and work together in 2019,
cess of this peace process, for racy and human rights. May the these political, social and eco- meetings were held. In 2019 we’ll we will become a better society
the establishment of a democracy people displaced by conflicts and nomic transitions may there be implement the fourth and fifth and achieve a better peace pro-
federal union based on federal fled into the mountains, hills and understanding, trust and agree- session of the Union Peace Con- cess for our country. May all the
system and to stop the internal forest return to their own towns ment between the government, ference-21st Century Panglong as people achieve freedom, peace
armed conflicts that had been and villages with full assurance. Tatmadaw, armed ethnic organ- agreed by all. and happiness starting from 2019.
running for seventy years. This May the people living miser- isations and political parties. We also need to implement Khun Myint Tun (Vice Chair-
is our New Year prayer. ably at camps near the border in U Hla Maung Shwe (secretar- the announcements by Tatmad- man) Pa-O National Libera-
Nai Han Thar (Vice Chair- the neighboring countries come iat member) Union Peace De- aw Commander-in-Chief Office tion Organization (PNLO)
man) New Mon State Party back to their own towns and vil- velopment Joint Committee and NRPC in December 2018. I hope that all relevant per-
(NMSP) lages with full assurance. May the (UPDJC) Two ethnic armed organisations sons work more for the benefit
I pray that in the coming migrant workers working while There were many progress- signed the NCA in 2018. We’ll con- of the union rather than for their
New Year the more than seventy facing many difficulties in neigh- es and successes in the peace tinue to implement the NCAs in own organisations and people in
years long internal armed conflict boring countries come back to the process throughout the entire 2019. the coming New Year.
is stopped. Hatred among ethnic country to live and work in peace. 2018 but there are many things We’ll continue to strive for We’ll strive toward achieving
nationals living in the same land May the patriotic soldiers left to be done. The third session groups who hadn’t signed the basic principle on federal in 2019.
and drinking the same water is fighting for their country and of the Union Peace Conference- NCA to sign it in 2019 and to suc- We’ll discuss thoroughly based
removed and can live together people return to their families 21st Century Panglong was held cessfully participate in the Union on the limited time available.
in peace and unity. A true federal and live peacefully. May our coun- in 2018. In October a special Peace Conference-21st Century
union with equality and self-de- try that had been lagging behind meeting was held between eth- Panglong. We will reach the peace (Translated by Zaw Min)
1 JANUARY 2019

Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint inspects Film Development Centre, newspaper offices
UNION Minister for Information
Dr. Pe Myint inspected the Film
Development Centre and newspa-
per publishing houses in Yangon
Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint
arrived at the Film Development
Centre of the Film Promotion
Division under the Information
and Public Relations Depart-
ment at No. (50), Shwe Taung
Kyar Street, Bahan Township,
and heard reports on measures
being taken to promote the film Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint inspects the Film Development Centre of
sector, as presented by officials. the Film Promotion Division in Yangon yesterday.   PHOTO: MNA
Afterwards, the Union Minister
inspected Myanma Alinn Daily’s Advertisement Printing Machine Advertisement and distribution Street, Pazundaung Township. instructions to the newspapers’
Advertising Unit and Book Shop and distribution sessions at No. sessions, along with the Editorial After hearing reports during officials. —MNA
at No. 58, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, 53, Natmauk Street (1), Bahan sessions at No.77, at the Corner his inspection of the two state-run (Translated Myat Thandar
Bahan Township, Myanma Alinn Township, and Kyemon Daily’s of 52nd street and Maha Bandoola dailies, the Union Minister gave Aung)

New Year Greetings from artists an effort to make my music more

productive in the year 2019. Kyaw Kyaw Bo
On this New Year occasion, I
Academy Wutt Hmone Shwe wish all of you success and hap-
Yi piness and ease. I promise that
As we celebrate the New we are going to make brilliant
Year, I extend my best wishes performances in the New Year.
to everyone to possess fantastic
lives. I will be striving to make May Kha Lar
many films that can feel re- I wish you to be free from
freshed for my fans. Moreover I misfortunes. I hope that we should
am trying to produce better qual- create better circumstances that
ity films. I wish all the prosperity can be acceptable to all of us.
and happiness for our country.
Academy Nay Toe. Academy Eaindra Kyaw Zin. Zan Khi. Thin Zar Wint Kyaw
Academy Tun Tun Wishing you a beautiful new
I am going to make a do- year that is full of joy and happi-
nation in the New Year and will ness. Being an artist, I am going
spend all the money that gained to spend my new year together
from Rose Anyeint performance. with my loving fans.
I am turning 35 years old and get-
ting older and older. When I was Nay Che Oo
in my childhood, I ushered the I wish all the people in My-
New Year with my friends. Later anmar peaceful and happy. I do
I have to spend it with my family. hope that doing good deeds will
I wish all the people in Myanmar surely lead to pleasant results.
to abstain from doing bad things I would like to urge all of you to
Academy Wutt Hmone Shwe Yi. Academy Tun Tun. Aye Wutt Yi Thaung. while serving for the welfare of welcome the New Year with a
others. spirit of charity.
NOW that the year 2018 has just All my fans are my bread uable lessons with fully essence. Khin Wint Wah
come to an end and we are enter- winners as well as my vigor. Zan Khi Aye Wutt Yi Thaung Another year is gone. I feel
ing the New Year 2019. We have That’s why I wish all of you in On this auspicious occa- As we celebrate the New that I am taking many lessons
left the old year in the past. With this New Year to encounter good sion of the New Year, I send my Year, I extend my best wishes year by year in my life. When I
the old year out and a new one in, things in life while leaving be- good wishes to everyone to be to everyone. May you forgive oth- was a kid, I felt excited around this
we will have to move forward with hind unpleasant things in the physical and mental well-being er wrongdoings with love while time. This 2019 New Year, may you
new mind and New Year spirit past. I promise that we are trying who can serve the interests of striving to build a better commu- have happiness, good health and
while taking lessons from our to our fullest capacity to create your respective family, town and nity. I am going to spend my New prosperity. —Ko Lin
weakness and defects that can an awesome art that entails val- country. As for me, I am making Year with vigorous mind. (Translated by Win Ko Ko Aung)
turn into strength and vigorous
Academy Nay Toe
Time is changing incessant-
ly from moment to moment. Life
is filled with many lessons from
which we need to learn. With the
change into the New Year, I wish
all of you peace of mind. I also
pray that sympathy and truth
will prevail among us.

Academy Eaindra Kyaw Zin Kyaw Kyaw Bo. May Kha Lar. Thin Zar Wint Kyaw. Khin Wint Wah.
1 JANUARY 2019

A New, Prosperous
World in the New
Independence and Eternal Peace
By Maung Khine Mar Myanmar Daily Weather Report
Year 2019
by UPDJC Secretariat Member
(Ahtet Min Hla) retired general U Khin Zaw Oo, (Issued on Monday 31 December 2018)

and the Peace Commission wel-
ORTHWHILE in comed them to the peace table SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS RECORDED AT 09:30
attaching with the

indicating to loop in the framework hrs MST: During the past (24)hours, rain has been widespread
ODAY is the first day of the New Year. 2019 has words such as cher- of the NCA. in Eastern Shan State, fairly widespread in Taninthayi Region,
arrived and 2018 has passed. The Global New Light ish, appreciate and Joining more signatories in scattered in Mon State and isolated in Yangon Region and Kayin
of Myanmar wishes all citizens good health, in body treasure is the 4th of January the NCA could be interpreted State. Weather has been partly cloudy in Nay Pyi Taw, Upper
and mind. 2019 on which we celebrate with as the journey is much nearer Sagaing, Mandalay and Bago regions, Kachin, (Northern and
Ushering in a new year involves changing from an old to much joy and happiness for 71st to peace, where the salvos and Southern) Shan, Chin and Kayah states and generally fair in the
a new era. In keeping with the law of impermanence, the old Anniversary of Independence noises of the guns and cannons remaining regions and states. Night temperatures were (2°C)
is gone and the new has come. Impermanence is the law of Day. It has been (71) years that could be stopped. Only at that time, below December average temperatures in Sagaing, Mandalay
nature. All temporal things, whether material or mental, are we regained independence from the foundation of the democracy and Yangon regions, Chin State, (3°C) to (4°C) above December
involved in a continuous change and are subject to decline British colonialists and stand tall federal system would be solid.
average temperatures in Bago Region, Southern Shan, Kayah
and destruction. Time will always bring change. as a sovereign nation among the In fact, the peace process in
and Kayin states, (5°C) above December average temperature
Time waits for no man. So, man has to work and do good nations of the world. reality is easier said than done,
in Mon State, (8°C) above December average temperature in
deeds in this mundane Before going down into ser- because when something seems
Eastern Shan State and about December average temperature
world. Waste of time means vitude in three stages, Myanmar like a good idea but would be dif-
in the remaining regions and states. The significant night tem-
waste of life. had her own monarchy and au- ficult to do.
It is regrettable It is man’s duty to tonomy, possessing superior and On 19 September 2017, the
peratures were (-5°C) in Haka, (-2°C) in Ramthlo, (3°C) in Putao,
(4°C) in Tiddim, (5°C) each in Hsipaw, Heho and PyinOoLwin.
make good use of his time. fine culture and residing together State Counsellor expressed her
to see man He must review his deeds with diverse brethren in peace and belief that the entire people now The noteworthy amount of rainfall recorded were Hpapun (0.16)
inch and Monghsat (0.08)inch.
unable to – how he behaved in the
past, how he dealt with oth-
harmony for many centuries.
During the reign of King
abhorred the war and want-
ed peace, and therefore, all the BAY INFERENCE: Weather is partly cloudy over the

discard his ers, or how he spent his

time helping others. Then,
Anawrahta, King Bayint Naung,
and King Alaungpaya, the King- The peace talks between the government and the signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in Nay Pyi Taw on 15 October, 2018.   PHOTO: MNA
hurdles and challenges should
be cross over and continued the
Andaman Sea and South Bay and a few cloud elsewhere in the
Bay of Bengal.
greed, anger, building on lessons from dom was united with strong de- peace journey. FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 1st
January, 2019: Rain will be fairly widespread in Eastern Shan
selfishness, the past, he must shape
his future.
fence forces.
With the rising waves of colo-
from all walks of life including the
nationalities continuously fought
ative, the first civil society that
came out in quest of peace was
Organization, but the efforts were
Union Peace Conference –21st
Century Panglong was held from
Looking at reality on the
ground, the contributions of the State, scattered in Taninthayi Region and isolated in Naypyitaw,
and pride. If It has been 70 years
since Myanmar regained
nialism across the world, Myan-
mar was ravaged by three wars in
back the colonialists.
Eventually after many dec-
“State Peace Association” headed
by Thakin Kodaw Hmaing founded
On 14 November 1963, cease-
fire plan and the peace initiative
31 August 2016 to 3 September
people, the perseverance of the
stakeholders, the assistance pro-
Bago and Yangon Regions, (Northern and Southern) Shan,
Kayah, Kayin and Mon States. Degree of certainty is (80%).
we cannot her independence. As we three stages and went down into ades, Myanmar regained Inde- on 19 September 1948 with the were all stopped, and later, Law The Second Panglong was vided by friendly countries, the Weather will be partly cloudy in Upper Sagaing, Mandalay and
embark on a new year, life of misery and servitude. pendence on 4 January 1948, and intention to stop civil wars. Protecting the National Unity was held 24-29 May 2017 and 37 points level of the peace strategy, and
break the cycle all citizens must review Waging war on 5 March 1824, now it has been (71) years standing Words of Thakin Kodaw enacted on 28 March 1964. Union Accord were approved by the solid peace framework of the
Ayeyarwady Regions, Kachin and Chin State and generally fair
in the remaining Regions and States.
of hatred and whether they can build a
country which deserves in-
the British attacked Myanmar
through First Anglo-Myanmar
among the nations of the world as
sovereign nation.
Hmaing regarding peace initiative
was remarkable and unforgettable
The year 1980 saw the peace
talks with KIA, and the year 1981
the Union Peace Conference-21st
Century, and 14 points Union Ac-
NCA, all point to the dawn of a
peaceful era.
STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in
Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (3-6) feet in off and
splinter into dependence or build a good War with the pretext of Shinma- as he spelt out at “Sun Café” after witnessed peace discussions with cords were approved at the Third In the past, there were (130) along Myanmar Coasts.
life which deserves inde- phyu Island incident, and that on Independence and Peace his return from Germany for med- the Burma Communist Party.
groups, the pendence. If every man 24 February 1826 the country had Today, Myanmar is an inde- ical treatment on 27 August 1960. Post 1988 period was filled
of continuation of rain in Shan State.
world will can build a precious life
during his lifetime, there
surrendered to British through the
Yandabo Agreement. After the two
pendent and sovereign nation,
however, eternal peace is yet to
He said that it was the worst pe-
riod according to his experiences
with the endeavors of the State
Law and Order Restoration
Looking at reality on the ground, FORECAST FOR NAYPYITAW AND NEIGHBOURING

be far from will be a prosperous world, years long war, Myanmar gave up attain, and therefore, the Union as the whole of the nation was in Council and the State Peace and the contributions of the people, the AREA FOR 1st January, 2019: Likelihood of isolated rain. Degree
of certainty is (60%).
a paradise on earth. lands of Manipura, Assam, Rakh- is moving with slow pace in its misery and distress for (11) years Development Council in quest of perseverance of the stakeholders, FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA
Only by practicing ine and Tanintharyi. development. All the problems, since independence, that the root peace through Exchange Arms for
the four cardinal virtues During the reign of King difficulties and complications of cause was the civil wars inherited Peace Dialogue with (17) armed the assistance provided by friendly FOR 1st January, 2019: Partly cloudy.
and the principles of Bagan Min of Amarapura Dy- the country centered at civil war. from the colonialists, that if the groups, and could stop arms con- countries, the level of the peace AREA FOR 1st January, 2019: Partly cloudy.
shame and fear can a man nasty, the British waged Second Immediately after (3) month, the civil conflicts could not be ended flicts temporarily.
build paradise on earth. Discarding greed, anger, ignorance Anglo-Myanmar War on 5 April Burma Communist Party went then the nation would be abso- strategy, and the solid peace
and pride, and serving others through loving kindness is the 1852, and annexed Lower Myan- underground, igniting continuous lutely devastated, that he always Fine-tuning of both sides framework of the NCA, all point to the
Invitation to
way to reach the goal of a new, prosperous world. mar starting from Aunglan Town civil wars that are still devastating urged since 1948 in setting aside Over the years in 2011-2012,
To err is human. So, it is important to avoid wrongs and to downward Mottama, Bago and in the country. the hatred, forget animosity, and the peace initiative was crafted dawn of a peaceful era.
hold on to the right attitude. It is regrettable to see man un- Yangon on 20 December 1852. Staying alive at the status of in new paradigm, and on 18

young writers for

work for peace, that the killing
able to discard his greed, anger, selfishness, and pride. If we As the colonialists had inten- Least Developing Country, the among brethren was enough. August 2011 a peace call was ex-
cannot break the cycle of hatred and splinter into groups, the tion in wiping out Myanmar from country is deprived of the human Successive governments had tended, which was resulted with Conference during 11-16 July 2018. disagreements between the two
world will be far from prosperous.
We should resolve in the New Year to change our mindset
the map of the world, the British
used the pretext of Bombay Bur-
rights, security, economy, educa-
tion, health, civil-military rela-
worked out peace initiatives, since
the AFPFL era, but in vain. During
the National Ceasefire Agreement
(NCA) on 7 August 2015. On 15
Scheduled conferences are in
the pipeline in 2018 and 2019, but
sides, and now, there remains
only a few disagreements left to Sunday Special
to make our country thrive. Let us work to achieve this goal. ma Company incident and on 11 tionship in the demoralized and the rule of the Revolutionary Coun- October 2015, the government and the 2018 conference would have resolve, indicating the enormous The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting submissions
November 1885 started the ag- conundrum atmosphere, and the cil, it declared General Amnesty in eight Ethnic Arms Organizations to be postponed to 2019. success. of poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short stories from
gressive war during the reign of culprit is civil wars. 1963, and discussed the ceasefire (EAOs) successfully signed the Optimistic news emerged In conclusion, hailing the 71st young people for its weekly Sunday Next Generation Platform.
Interested candidates can send their work to the Global
King Thibaw Min. In fact, the building of peace plan with the Burma Communist agreement. when combined EAOs namely Anniversary of Independence Day, New Light of Myanmar at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda
On 29 November, they took is the same with the preservation Party on 2 September 1963 that On 13 February 2018, New MNTJP / MNDAA (National Party, the writer of this article would like Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, in person, or by email to
away King Thibaw Min on Thuri- of sovereignty, and that the task stretched out to 31 October 1963. Mon State Party (NMSP) and and Democratic Alliance) ; PSLF/ to wrap up that the eternal peace with the following
ya ship to Yangon, and thence to is to be implemented with the in- Eight rounds of discussions were Lahu Democratic United (LDU) TNLA (Palaung, and Ta’aung) ; is very much vital for the inde- information: (1) Sector you wish to be included in (poetry,
opinion, etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) your penname,
Call Ratnagiri of India.
Lord Dufferin, Governor of
ternal strength. It is therefore, all
the stakeholders namely the suc-
Moreover, in 1963, a peace
joined the NCA. The agreement is
yet to sign by (7) EAOs namely the
and ULA / AA (Rakhine) have
declared on 12 December 2018
pendence and sovereignty, and
therefore, the existing opportuni-
(3) Your level of education, (4) Name of your School/College/
University, (5) A written note of declaration that the submitted
Thin Thin May, India, declared Burma as province cessive governments, those who talk was initiative with the com- UWSA, NDAA, SSPP, KIO, OSLF that their organizations warmly ties with regards to peace should piece is your original work and has not been submitted to any
loved peace, and civil societies had –TNLA, AA and MNDAA, and also supported the peace initiatives other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color photo of
of India on 1 January 1886. bined forces of National Democ- be implemented in high gear, so
the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card,
09251022355 poured out and still hammering in racy United Front (Ma Da Nya KNPP and NSCN-K. of the government and that they that Myanmar could stand tall as a (8) Contact information (email address, mobile number, etc.).—
Liberated achieving peace. Ta) comprising the KNU, Mon The NLD government has are ready solve the political issues nation in the midst of international Editorial Department,
09974424848 Since the very day, when the Looking back into the epi- Pyi Thit Party, Karenni Nation- issued the Myanmar National through dialogue. community. The Global New Light of Myanmar
independence was lost, people sodes regarding the peace initi- al Progress Party, Chin Leading Reconciliation Process, and also The declaration was lauded Translated by UMT (Ahlon)

w w w.glob al n ewl i g hto f myan mar.c o m Thousands of pilgrims head to Mount

Aye Min Soe
Popa for New Year, cause traffic snarls
Kyaw Myaing THE number of pilgrims visiting Hlaing.
Mount Popa (Taung Kalat) has “Over 15,500 tourists vis-
Zaw Min crossed the 10,000-mark in the ited Mount Popa in 2018. Ma-
Zaw Htet Oo New Year holidays, resulting in caque monkeys, which are found
Win Ko Ko Aung
traffic congestion in the area, everywhere on the mountain,
INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR said Win Hlaing, a member of have become a major attraction,
Ye Htut Tin, Mount Popa’s board of trustees. with tourists taking their pic- Normally, Mount Popa re- tures and feeding them. Visitors
ceives over 100 pilgrims a day. also enjoy the scenic views from
Tun Tun Naing (Editor), With thousands of pilgrims vis- the top of the mountain,” said iting this year, the stairways U Kyaw Win Swe, a member of
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor),
and the pagoda platform are Mount Popa’s board of trustees.
crammed with people. Mount Popa lies 50 km
TRANSLATORS “The mountain has become southeast of Bagan in the
Khaing Thanda Lwin, so overcrowded that visitors Mandalay Region of central
Hay Mar Tin Win,
Ei Myat Mon
cannot even stop at shops along Myanmar. It is a prominent pil-
Kyaw Zin Lin the stairway. Some elderly peo- grimage site in the country.—Ko
Kyaw Zin Tun ple have chosen to stay at the Htein (Ngathayauk) Pilgrims visit Mount Popa during New Year holidays.  
foot of Mont Popa,” said Win (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) PHOTO: KO HTEIN (NGATHAYAUK)
May Thet Hnin,
Nyein Nyein Ei, Rakhine Investment Forum to be held on
Ngapali Beach from 21 to 23 Feb
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar

Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe,
Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, By Nyein Nyein organizing investment fairs to has also authorized Invest- uncertainty in the investment
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, attract local and international ment Committees of regions approval process, poor pro-
Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe
THE Rakhine Investment Fo- investors and to ensure the and states to approve local and motion of investments, under-
EDITORIAL SECTION rum will be held from 21 to 23 states and regions develop foreign projects not exceeding developed infrastructure and
(+95) (01)8604529, February at the Ngapali Beach, more evenly. an initial investment of K6 bil- regulations, weak financing,
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305
according to the Directorate of The DICA has been ap- lion, or US$5 million. and unskilled workers also act
CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION Investment and Company Ad- prising local and international According to the Myanmar as barriers to investments in
San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, ministration (DICA). investors of the latest devel- Investment Promotion Plan the country, the MIPP states.
Hotline - 09 974424114 “As part of the three-day opments such as the recent (MIPP), lack of infrastructure The MIPP has also listed
forum at Ngapali Beach, a enactment of the new Myan- such as electric supply, trans- the global economic climate
( +95) (01) 8604530, visit to potential investment mar Investment Law and new portation, and weak logistics and prospects, competitive-
Hotline - 09 974424848 sites will be organized on 23 opportunities for investments. pose hurdles to investment in ness in the ASEAN Economic
February,” said U Aung Naing Under the new Myanmar Myanmar. The possible neg- Community, changing demand,
Oo, the Director-General of Investment Law, those invest- ative fallout from the politi- erratic weather, and disasters
Printed and published at the Global New the DICA. ing in undeveloped regions cal climate in the country, a as factors that affect invest-
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at The Myanmar Investment will be given tax exemptions sluggish economy, weak reg- ment in Myanmar.
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light
Commission (MIC) has been as an incentive. The new law ulations, limited investments, (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No.
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.
Maubin’s children’s literature festival concludes
THE children’s literature festi- Relations Department U Hla
val (Maubin) jointly conducted Myo Aung, District Adminis-
by the Information and Public trator U Nyi Nyi Htwe, Town-
Relations Department, Basic ship Education Officer Daw
Education Department and Thin Thin Myaing, District
Maubin District Management IPRD Daw Tin Thuzar Hlaing
Committee came to an end yes- and officials presented prizes
terday at Myat Pyinnyar Hall, to winners of the painting, col-
B.E.H.S (1) in Maubin. ouring contests, games, table
At the closing ceremo- tennis, storytelling and poetry
Write for us ny, female students from contests.
We appreciate your feedback and B.E.H.S-2 entertained the au- Afterward, officials pre-
contributions. If you have any comments dience with traditional Bagan sented certificates of honour
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email dance;. to those who supported the Regional Hluttaw rep- festival.
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only resentative U Zaw Moe, U The festival came to an
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” Hla Myint, National Literary end with song and dance by
that do not exceed 500 words. Should
you submit a text longer than 500 words Award winner Dr. Myo Thant the students. — Nay Win Myint
please be aware that your letter will be Tin, Head of Ayeyawady Re- (IPRD) (Translated by Myat
edited. Cultural troupe performs dance at the Children Literature Festival in
Maubin yesterday.  PHOTO: NAY WIN MYINT (IPRD) gion Information and Public Thandar Aung )
1 JANUARY 2019

New Year greetings

UMFCCI Patron U Aung dawn. May local and foreign
Ko Win travellers be free from dan-
UMFCCI (Union of ger in 2019 and wished that
Myanmar Federation of the businesses of hotel and
Chambers of Commerce travel business persons and
and Industry) is an organi- all related to travel sector
sation that is continuously develop and progress like
supporting the country’s a rising tide.
economic development May the fellow trav-
in accordance to the eco- eller ethnic brothers and
nomic policies set down Small and Medium sisters head towards a
UMFCCI Patron U Aung Ko UMFCCI President U Zaw Industrial Development Myanmar Thilawa SEZ
by the government and peaceful and a new Myan-
Win. Min Win. Bank Chief Executive Officer Holdings Public Ltd (MTSH)
as a patron of UMFCCI, I Chairman U Win Aung. mar that is free of mist and
Dr. Zeya Nyunt.
would like to first say that clouds in 2019 with strength
together with the respon- Buddhist Federation and unity.
sible officials of UMFCCI and Border Areas and Dr. Tun Lwin (meteorol-
we’ll strive for the country Hill Region Sasana ogy expert)
and its people to obtain eco- Nuggaha Association From 2012 to 2017 My-
nomic opportunities. (Central) Chairman anmar was in the top ten
I wish that starting Agga Maha Thiri Thud- countries of world that is
from the New Year the hamme Zawtadara having the worst results
people of the country obtain Wunna Kyaw Htin Dr. from climate change and
absolute peace, achieve im- Khin Swe stood as the second worst
provement and progress in I wish there is all round country. At the end of 2018
businesses, obtain rule of Myanmar Theravada development all over Myan- in December, a new an-
Buddhist Federation and Union of Myanmar Travel Dr. Tun Lwin (meteorology
law, a secure and safe social mar in 2019. Especially the nouncement was made for
Border Areas and Hill Region Association (UMTA) expert).
situation, become outstand- Chairman U Thet Lwin Toe. improvement of econom- the top ten countries most
Sasana Nuggaha Association
ing and knowledgeable cit- and medium enterprise) ic situation is wished for. affected by climate change
(Central) Chairman Agga
izens, be a healthy person Maha Thiri Thudhamma siastically cooperate and sector progress. Starting from the bottom and Myanmar has dropped
with full health care that are Zawtadara Wunna Kyaw Htin participate in this process Myanmar Thilawa SEZ to the middle and the top. to the third worst country.
human resources that the Dr. Khin Swe. in the coming New Year Holdings Public Ltd First class rich persons After staying at number two
country can depend upon and may the country, the (MTSH) Chairman U pull the second class rich position for many years, it
and have increasing job opment of the people and people and private sector Win Aung persons. The second class is a good tiding to drop to
opportunities. is consistently cooperating business persons achieve May the Myanmar will pull those in the bottom. number three. This is be-
I wished again that and working together with progress, development and people reach the political- Only then will the country cause of efforts made after
may all our people be the government and inter- good results. ly most important goal of develop. If ill-wills toward Nagis and it is a good indi-
prepared and ready in all national partner organisa- Small and Medium In- peace in the coming New others are reduced and cation.
sectors to become dutiful tions. At the same time we dustrial Development Year. Together with peace, have “mudita” (sympa- My prayer for this
citizens while a modern were honored and appre- Bank Chief Executive may there be economic de- thetic or unselfish joy or year is for all to know that
developed country is being ciative of the government Officer Dr. Zeya Nyunt velopment of ethnic nation- joy in the good fortune of a country is built with
established under the lead- closely working together I’m glad to be able to als. May there be a quick others), all will have good knowledge. May there be
ership of the government. with our private sector give a New Year message. socio-economic develop- livelihoods. more educated persons.
UMFCCI President U economic organisations I hope that 2019 would be ment. Peace and economy Union of Myanmar Trav- These persons also need to
Zaw Min Win for sustainable economic a good year for Myanmar is always connected. May el Association (UMTA) have the will to serve their
UMFCCI is lead- development of the coun- people. May business and the people cooperate and Chairman U Thet Lwin country. May there be more
ing the private sector for try through private sector properties increase as a ris- work hand in hand with Toe educated persons with such
peace, tranquility and de- development. ing a tide. May we resolve the government in the dis- We journeyed under a wills. May they make the
velopment of Republic of May the UMFCCI ex- together the problems the cussions and development faint light of a moon hidden country a better one. — Thi
the Union of Myanmar and ecutives, sister organisa- financial sector is facing works for peace. by clouds in 2018 and had Thi Min
the socio-economic devel- tions and members enthu- and hope that SME (small Myanmar Theravada hoped for the light of the (Translated by Zaw Min)


In recent weeks, the United Nations also oversaw
landmark global agreements on migration and refugees,
2019 New Year’s Message that will help to save lives and overcome damaging
Dear fellow citizens of the world, The talks on Yemen have created a chance for peace.
And everywhere, people are mobilizing behind the
I wish you a happy, peaceful and prosperous new year. The agreement signed in Riyadh in September be-
Sustainable Development Goals — our global blueprint
Last New Year, I issued a red alert, and the dangers I tween Ethiopia and Eritrea has eased long-running ten-
for peace, justice and prosperity on a healthy planet.
mentioned still persist. These are anxious times for many, sions and brought improved prospects to an entire region.
When international cooperation works, the world
and our world is undergoing a stress test. And the agreement between the parties to the con-
Climate change is running faster than we are. flict in South Sudan has revitalized chances for peace,
In 2019, the United Nations will continue to bring
Geo-political divisions are deepening, making con- bringing more progress in the past four months than in
people together to build bridges and create space for
flicts more difficult to resolve. the previous four years.
And record numbers of people are moving in search The United Nations was able to bring countries to-
We will keep up the pressure.
of safety and protection. gether in Katowice to approve the Work Programme for
And we will never give up.
Inequality is growing. And people are questioning a the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate
As we begin this New Year, let’s resolve to confront
world in which a handful of people hold the same wealth change.
threats, defend human dignity and build a better future
as half of humanity. Now we need to increase ambition to beat this ex-
— together.
Intolerance is on the rise. istential threat.
I wish you and your families a peaceful and healthy
Trust is on the decline. It’s time to seize our last best chance.
New Year.
But there are also reasons for hope. It’s time to stop uncontrolled and spiraling climate

N Korea’s Kim vows

more summits with
South next year: Seoul
SEOUL(South Korea) — But the much-antic- Kim had also expressed
North Korean leader Kim ipated trip has not yet “active intention to carry
Jong Un vowed to meet materialised, which left out agreements” made
the South’s President the young ruler feeling in his previous summits
Moon Jae-in “frequent- “much regret,” accord- with the US and the South,
ly” next year to discuss ing to Kim’s letter sent to without elaborating fur-
denuclearisation of the mark the end of the year, ther.
peninsula in a rare letter Moon’s spokesman said. “I welcome chair-
sent to Seoul, Moon’s of- The North’s leader man Kim’s intention to
fice said Sunday. “expressed a strong de- solve together the issue
The leader of the termination to visit Seoul of
isolated North met with while watching future sit- meeting frequently even
Moon three times this uation,” Kim Eui-kyeom next year,” Moon said in
year — twice at the bor- told reporters. a statement.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly “expressed a strong determination to visit
der truce village of Pan- Kim Jong Un also The two neighbours
Seoul while watching future situation”.  PHOTO: AFP
munjom and once in the “expressed an intention technically remain at war
North’s capital Pyong- to meet with Moon fre- after the 1950-53 Korean
yang — as a reconciliatory quently in 2019” to pursue War ended with a cease- proved markedly in 2018 as Washington and Pyong- icy of maintaining pres-
push gathered pace. peace and “solve the is- fire instead of a peace as Kim made a series of yang accuse each other sure through isolation and
During Moon’s visit sue of denuclearising the treaty. reconciliatory gestures — of dragging their feet and sanctions has left Pyong-
to Pyongyang in Septem- peninsula together,” the Moon — a dovish for- including a historic sum- acting in bad faith. yang seething.
ber, Kim promised to pay a spokesman said. mer human rights lawyer mit with US President Critics say North Trump said last week
return visit to the South’s The official did not — has advocated dialogue Donald Trump in June in Korea has made no con- that he was “looking for-
capital Seoul “at an earli- elaborate on how the let- to push the impoverished Singapore. crete commitments and ward” to his second sum-
est date,” sparking spec- ter was delivered. but nuclear-armed North But progress in push- is unlikely to surrender mit with Kim, which the
ulation he may visit by the Moon welcomed the toward denuclearisation. ing the North to give up its its nuclear weapons, US says may take place
end of this year. latest message, saying Cross-border ties im- atomic arsenal has stalled while Washington’s pol- early next year. —AFP

Bangladesh PM wins election landslide INVITATION FOR PRICE QUOTATIONS

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar has receivedfinancing from the International

as opponents demand new vote Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Flood and Landslide Emergency
Recovery Project (FLERP). The IDA Noofthe financing agreement is No5889-MM. The
Department of Rural Road Development (DRRD) of the Ministry of Construction, in its role
DHAKA(Bangladesh) — sults. Syed Moazzem Hossain as implementing agency of the FLERP, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this
Bangladesh Prime Min- “We are demand- Alal said there were “ir- financing towards eligible payments under the Purchase Order/Contract C2-DRRD-G10 for
the supply of Tippers, Plate Compactors and Bitumen Handsprayers.DRRD now invites
ister Sheikh Hasina was ing that a fresh election regularities” in 221 of
eligible suppliers to express their interest in supplying the following items:
declared the landslide is held under a neutral the 300 seats contested. Procurement Package C2-DRRD-G10: Tippers, Plate Compactors and Bitumen Handsprayers
winner Monday of an elec- government as early as Bangladesh election com-
Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity
tion marred by deadly vio- possible,” Kamal Hossain, mission spokesman S.M.
lence that the opposition who heads the alliance, Asaduzzaman told AFP 1 1 Tipper 10 tons 18
slammed as “farcical” and told reporters. the body had “received a
2 1 Plate Compactor 4 tons 6
rigged. Deadly violence that few allegations of irregu-
Hasina’s ruling Awa- blighted the election cam- larities” and was investi- 3 1 Bitumen Handspray 6
mi League party and its paign spilled over into gating.
allies won 288 seats in voting day, even as au- Hasina has not re- Supply to 1st partial delivery within 45 days to:
the 300-seat parliament, thorities imposed tight se- sponded to the accusa- Department of Rural Road Department, Ministry of Con-
with the main opposition curity with 600,000 troops, tions but said in the run- struction, Lower Myanmar Based Office, Pale Myothit,
securing only six seats, police and other security up to the vote that it would NweKhway Compound, Yangon
Election Commission forces deployed across be free and fair. One voter, 2nd partial delivery on 1 October 2019 to:
secretary Helal Uddin the country. Department of Rural Road Department, Ministry of Con-
Atiar Rahman, said he
struction, Union Territory, ZabuThiri Township, Dekkhi-
Ahmed said. Thirteen people were was beaten by ruling par-
naThiri District, Nay Pyi Taw
Sunday’s vote, which killed in clashes between ty activists in the central
hands Hasina a record Awami League and BNP district of Narayanganj.
fourth term, was over- supporters, police said, “They told me not to both- Expressions of Interest must be submitted in a wiitten fonn to the email address below and
shadowed by clashes while three men were er, ‘We’ll cast your vote clearly indicate the reference numberabove. Eligible suppliershaving expressed interest
between rival supporters shot by police who said on your behalf ’,” he told will receive anINVITATION TO QUOTE (ITQ).
Sealed Quotations will be submitted to the address below at the latest at the dead line of
that killed at least 17 peo- they were protecting poll- AFP. The opposition said
Thursday7 February 2019 at 10:00 am Myanmar time, after which no Quotations will
ple and allegations of bal- ing booths. An auxiliary the unrest was stirred up be accepted.
lot box stuffing and intim- police member was also to deter voters, and pre- The goods will be contracted in three(3) contracts. Suppliers will be selected following the
idation at polling stations. killed by armed opposi- siding officers reported Shopping Methodas per the “Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and non-Con-
Hasina’s government tion activists, according a low turnout across the sulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits& Grants by World Bank Borrowers”
dated January 2011 and revised July 2014.
had mounted a crackdown to officials. country.
Please submit your Expression of Interest for receiving the Invitation to Quote (ITQ)to:-
on the opposition, an al- The opposition alli- Sunday ’s deaths Daw Tin Moe Myint, Deputy Director-General, Department of Rural Road Development,
liance led by the Bang- ance accused Hasina’s brought to 21 the official Department of Rural Road Development under the Ministty of Construction, Yanaung (2)
ladesh National Party party of using stuffed bal- police toll for election vio- quarter , North of (200) Bedded Hospital, Pyinmana, NayPyi Taw, Republic of the Union of
(BNP), which urged the lot boxes and other illegal lence since the ballot was Myanmar. Telephone (+95-67) 24821. Electronic mail address:
country’s election com- means to fix the result. announced on November and/or Please indicate your e-mail address as only electronic
copies of the ITQ will be send.
mission to void the re- BNP spokesman 8.—AFP
1 JANUARY 2019

Holidaymakers throng New Year destinations nationwide

Htam Sam Cave in Hopone draws visitors on New Year Day Bidding goodbye to 2018 at Myeik Archipelago

Holidaymakers visit Htam Sam Htam Cave in Pa-O Self Administered Zone in Shan State.  Holidaymakers taking a boat trip to experience nature around Myeik Archipelago on the

Bagan’s pagodas crowded with year end holidaymakers

ANCIENT pagodas in the in Myanmar. Generally, tors and all rooms of the
archaeological zone of they visit other places hotels, motels and guest
Bagan-NyaungU crowd- after Bagan. They love houses are full today. So,
ed during the New Year food in central Bagan,” I have to stay at a monas-
holidays. said Kamar Nilar, from tery,” said Ko Wei Zin Lat
The current situa- the school. from Mandalay.
tion is Myanmar differ- Local visitors and Three artificial moun-
ent from what the inter- tourists have been ob- tains built for enjoying the
national media portrayed. serving the ancient pago- Sunset in Bagan. They are
Myanmar is peace, said das in Bagan-NyaungU by Nyunletaben plateau lo-
Mrs. Erika, a tourist from pony carts, cycles, cars, cated in north of Sulam-
Milan, Italy. E-bike in the cold season. ani Pagoda, Komaukkyi
Among the visitors The local visitors are plateau located in south
were 35 Japanese stu- also keen to observe the of Sulamani Pagoda and
dents from the Time history of ancient Bagan” artificial plateau in Min-
Study Language school said Ma Swe Swe Thein nanthu Village.— Ko Htin,
from Japan. from Kyaukpadaung. Ngathayauk IPRD
“Japanese people “The New Year Day
choose Bagan first to visit is the peak day for visi- (Translated by JT) People visit’s Bagan famous Pagoda on the New Year Day.  PHOTO: PE LEIN

Experiencing nature in Shan State on New Year Day Ayeyawady Art Festival in
Pyay welcomes New Year

Families enjoying picnic on the New Year Day yesterday at Heikpa Waterfall, Loilem District, Southern Shan State.  Artist making sand sculpture at the Ayeyawady Festival in
PHOTO: MOE LWIN OO (LOILIN) Pyay attracking holidaymakers.  PHOTO: SHWE NAN MAY
1 JANUARY 2019

NASA spaceship zooms toward farthest world ever photographed

TAMPA(United States) — A NA- team members is palpable.
SAspaceship is zooming toward “IT’S HAPPENING!! Flyby
the farthest, and quite possibly is upon us! @NewHorizons2015
the oldest, cosmic body everpho- is healthy and on course! The
tographed by humankind, a tiny, farthest exploration of worlds in
distant world called Ultima Thule history!” he wrote on Saturday.
some four billion miles (6.4 billion
kilometers) away. What does it look like?
The US space agency will Scientists are not sure what
ring in the New Year with a live Ultima Thule (pronounced TOO-
online broadcast to mark historic lee) looks like — whether it is
flyby of the mysterious object in round or oblong or even if it is a
a dark and frigid region of space single object or a cluster.
known as the Kuiper Belt at 12:33 It was discovered in 2014 with
am January 1 (0533 GMT Tues- the help of the Hubble Space Tel-
day). escope, and is believed to be 12-20
A guitar anthem recorded miles (20-30 kilometers) in size.
by legendary Queen guitarist Scientists decided to study
Brian May — who also holds an it with New Horizons after the
advanced degree in astrophys- spaceship, which launched in
ics — will be released just after 2006, completed its main mission
midnight to accompany a video of flying by Pluto in 2015, return-   PHOTO: AFP
simulation of the flyby, as NASA ing the most detailed images ever
commentators describe the close taken of the dwarf planet. instruments on board will record According to project scientist ernment shutdown, sparked by a
pass on “At closest approach we are high-resolution images and gath- Hal Weaver of the Johns Hopkins feud over funding for a border wall
Real-time video of the ac- going to try to image Ultima at er data about its size and compo- Applied Physics Laboratory, man- with Mexico between President
tual flyby is impossible, since it three times the resolution we had sition. Ultima Thule is named for kind didn’t even know the Kuiper Donald Trump and opposition
takes more six hours for a sig- for Pluto,” said Stern. a mythical, far-northern island in Belt — a vast ring of relics from Democrats, NASA administrator
nal sent from Earth to reach the “If we can accomplish that it medieval literature and cartogra- the formation days of the solar Jim Bridenstine vowed that the
spaceship, named New Horizons, will be spectacular.” phy, according to NASA. system — existed until the 1990s. US space agency would broadcast
and another six hours for the re- Hurtling through space at “Ultima Thule means ‘be- “This is the frontier of plane- the flyby. Normally, NASA TV and
sponse to arrive. a speed of 32,000 miles (51,500 yond Thule’ — beyond the bor- tary science,” said Weaver. NASA’s website would go dark
But if all goes well, the first kilometers) per hour, the space- ders of the known world — sym- “We finally have reached during a government shutdown.
images should be in hand by the craft aims to make its closest ap- bolizing the exploration of the the outskirts of the solar system, NASA will also provide up-
end of New Year’s Day. proach within 2,200 miles (3,500 distant Kuiper Belt and Kuiper these things that have been there dates about another spacecraft,
And judging by the latest kilometers) of the surface of Belt objects that New Horizons since the beginning and have called OSIRIS-REx, that will
tweet from Alan Stern, the lead Ultima Thule. The flyby will be is performing, something never hardly changed — we think. We enter orbit around the asteroid
scientist on the New Horizons fast, at a speed of nine miles (14 before done,” the US space agen- will find out.” Bennu on New Year’s Eve, Bri-
mission, the excitement among kilometers) per second. Seven cy said in a statement. Despite the partial US gov- denstine said. — AFP

Volunteers strive to stave off shutdown chaos at US parks Israeli scientists find
States) — Sabra Purdy is just
some serious maintenance in the
790,737-acre (320,000-hectare)
cluding 21,383 employees of the
National Park Service (NPS), re- flowers can hear insects
back from Joshua Tree National park while waiting for politicians sponsible for 418 facilities nation-
Park in southern California, which in faraway Washington to end wide, including national parks, JERUSALEM _ An Israeli re- sounds. When they were exposed
was crammed with tourists. It is their budget impasse. monuments, historic sites and search found that the night-prim- to sounds at a higher frequency
high season, and to prevent chaos The shutdown began on 22 even the White House. But most rose flowers, exposed to the than those of the pollinators, no
from the partial shutdown of the December, with Congress at log- parks were left open, and without sounds of bees and moths wings, increase was found in the sugar
US federal government, she put gerheads over whether to include the usual entry fee. “In the long distribute the flower pollen and concentration in the nectar.
on her gloves, cleaned toilets and the $5 billion sought by Donald run, the rangers who work here raise the concentration of sug- Because nectar production
picked up trash. Trump to fund a wall on the bor- are committed to preserve the ar in their nectar in only three is an energy-demanding activity,
The 40-year-old business- der with Mexico, a central pillar of area and just their mere pres- minutes. plants can accurately invest their
woman joined other members his election campaign and of his ence probably keeps things from Hebrew-language newspa- resources and focus on pollen
of the business community who presidency. The result: hundreds happening that shouldn’t,” said per Haaretz reported on Sunday activity times. As a result, pollina-
benefit from park-related tour- of thousands of federal workers Sherman Craig, who was visiting that the researchers say the dis- tors will receive more reward per
ism, and together they performed were sent home without pay, in- Joshua Tree from New York. covery may have an impact on unit of time they invest in a flower.
A Park Service statement is- understanding the evolution of This discovery may also have
sued for a shutdown earlier in the flowers and insects. further implications, including
year laid out a bare-bones plan. Recent studies have shown influencing the evolution of plants
“The NPS will not operate how plants respond to light (sense and insects.
parks during the shutdown — no of sight), mechanical stimulation According to the research-
visitor services will be provided,” (sense of touch) and chemicals ers, the development of flower
it said. “NPS will cease provid- that evaporate in the air (sense shape can also be influenced by
ing visitor services, including of smell). factors affecting the plants’ hear-
restrooms, trash collection, fa- The latest study by scientists ing ability.
cilities and roads maintenance of the Tel Aviv University in the The findings suggest that
(including plowing), campground central Israel presents a rapid plants are also affected by other
reservation and check-in/check- response of plants to sound. sounds, including human-made
out services, backcountry and The study also shows that ones, that may damage the ability
The time between Christmas and New Year’s is among Joshua Tree other permits and public infor- the reaction of the plants depends of flowers and bees to communi-
park’s busiest.  PHOTO: AFP mation.”— AFP on the frequency of the buzzing cate.— Xinhua

Arsenal’s season at crossroads as Fulham await Kobayashi first

Japanese opening
LONDON (United Kingdom) made too many mistakes. We Four Hills winner
— Riding high until two weeks
ago, Arsenal’s season has tak-
have enough quality, even when
somebody is injured...injuries
in 21 years
en a sudden downturn that has were not the problem.
thrown the focus firmly onto “We have to look forward be- OBERSTDORF(Germany)—
the club’s plans for the January cause we have another important Ryoyu Kobayashi became the
transfer window. game on Tuesday. It’s the first first Japanese man in more than
Prior to the visit to South- game of the year and on Tuesday 20 years to win the opening leg of
ampton in mid-December, the we want to beat Fulham at home. the Four Hills ski jumping com-
Gunners had gone 22 games with- We need to win.” petition in Oberstdorf, Germany
out defeat and while form had Arsenal’s problems have not on Sunday
been more patchy since the end been restricted to their back line, He scored a combined 282.3
of October, the trajectory of Unai but the frailties suggest Emery points after two jumps to beat
Emery’s side was undeniably on needs to bolster his defence in Germany’s Markus Eisenbacher
the up. Defeat at St Mary’s Sta- the transfer window. who finished in second on 281.9pts
dium, however, triggered a run It’s not a new problem for the and Austria’s Stefan Kraft in third
that has brought just one win in club but with Lucas Torreira now with 280.5pts.
five games, including Saturday’s offering more steel in front of the The 22-year-old is seeking to
humiliating 5-1 defeat at league back four, there is the possibility become the first Japanese Four
leaders Liverpool. to develop a more convincing de- Hills overall tournament cham-
With Chelsea winning at fensive core. pion since Kazuyoshi Funaki in
Crystal Palace a day later, Arse- Meanwhile, uncertainty con- 1997/1998 who also won in the
nal now sit five points off the top Arsenal boss Unai Emery faces a testing time following the Gunners’ 5-1 tinues to surround the Arsenal fu- German Alps 21 years ago.
four and anything less than three loss at Liverpool.  PHOTO: AFP ture of Mesut Ozil who has so far However, Kobayashi refused
points in the home meeting with failed to win over the new coach to get carried away despite suc-
fellow London side Fulham on Liverpool’s thrilling front three his way back to form and fitness and missed the visit to Anfield cess in front of more than 25,000
Tuesday will further undermine will have made painful viewing after an extended lay-off. with a knee problem. spectators in Bavaria. “I’m not
the club’s hopes of reclaiming a for Spanish manager Emery Mustafi returned for the “I don’t know if it’s big or not thinking about the overall title yet,
place in the Champions League. and came just three days after Liverpool game yet while the big, but it’s his knee,” said Emery I will take it step by step and now
Arsenal have started to ap- Stephan Lichtsteiner’s mistake changes to the back-line have when quizzed about the playmak- I’m looking forward to jumping
pear increasingly vulnerable at had gifted Brighton an equalis- done nothing to help the team er’s absence. in Garmisch-Partenkrichen,” he
the back, a weakness that was er in the 1-1 draw at the Amex establish some stability, Bernd With Alexandre Lacazette said. The second of the German
ruthlessly exposed by Jurgen Stadium. Leno insists injuries cannot be also appearing frustrated after legs of the Four Hills takes place
Klopp’s side at Anfield. Injuries haven’t helped with used as an excuse following the being withdrawn at Brighton and in Garmisch-Partenkirchen on
defenders Nacho Monreal, Hec- Liverpool defeat. then left on the bench at Liver- Tuesday. The competition then
‘Injuries not the problem’ tor Bellerin, Rob Holding and “I don’t think that was the pool, the coming weeks will go moves to Austria where the jump-
The sight of his defenders Shkodran Mustafi all missing difference,” said the goalkeeper. a long way towards shaping the ers will compete at Innsbruck on
chasing shadows and failing the trip to the south coast, while “Of course we conceded five remainder of Arsenal’s season. January 4 and Bischofshofen two
in their attempts to constrain Laurent Koscielny is still feeling goals but I think we as a team —AFP days later.—AFP

Man City bounce back as Pogba shines again for Man Utd
MANCHESTER(United King- diola. “It would be almost impos- Fernandinho had been badly a huge difference in midfield a straight red card for scything
dom) — Manchester City cut sible. Of course they are going to missed in City’s recent defeats, and Southampton ended with 10 down the Brazilian five minutes
Liverpool’s lead at the top of the drop points but not too many.” but his return from injury made men after Hojbjerg was shown from time.—AFP
Premier League to seven points Charlie Austin wasted a
with a 3-1 win at Southampton as great chance to give Southamp-
Paul Pogba shone again for Ole ton the lead before David Silva
Gunnar Solskjaer’s Manchester slotted home Bernardo Silva’s
United by scoring twice in a 4-1 cross to put the visitors in front.
victory over Bournemouth on However, just as in defeats
Sunday. to Crystal Palace and Leicester,
City’s shock run of three de- City surrendered the lead when
feats in four league games has Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg blasted
allowed the unbeaten Liverpool high past Ederson eight minutes
to close in on a first title since 1990 before half-time.
with the sides set to meet at the The game swung back in
Etihad on Thursday. back in City’s favour just before
But after Jurgen Klopp’s the break as James Ward-Prowse
men thrashed Arsenal 5-1 on turned Raheem Sterling’s cross
Saturday to open up a nine-point into his own net before Alex Mc-
lead, the champions respond- Carthy couldn’t keep out Sergio
ed despite an early scare at St Aguero’s header.
Mary’s. Guardiola’s men should
“We knew it, that with the have added to their advantage
position of Liverpool, if we drop as Aguero hit the bar and Mc-
points then it is over, it is fin- Carthy made amends by denying
ished,” said City boss Pep Guar- Gabriel Jesus. Back in business: Sergio Aguero (right) scored in Manchester City’s 3-1 win over Southampton.  PHOTO: AFP

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