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Betreute Landesmeisterschaften

Teamturnier 12.-13. Januar 2019


Agenda Betreute Landesmeisterschaften.............................................................................................. 3

Pairing ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Deployment ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Secondary Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 8
Points..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Rosters .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Asinative für NRW ............................................................................................................................. 13
Bayerns beste Buam .......................................................................................................................... 14
Bester Weigert................................................................................................................................... 15
Betreutes Würfeln ............................................................................................................................. 16
Clowns DeluxXxe ............................................................................................................................... 17
Danish CuckLords .............................................................................................................................. 18
Die Deichgrafen ................................................................................................................................. 19
Die fiesen Otternasen........................................................................................................................ 20
Die glorreichen Vier ........................................................................................................................... 21
Die Wolfgangskraken......................................................................................................................... 22
Henri's Chosen ................................................................................................................................... 23
Jenaer Fluffbunnies - Achse Berlin Paris ........................................................................................... 24
Kniet vor der Hauptstadt, Bauern ..................................................................................................... 25
Legio franconia .................................................................................................................................. 26
Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers .................................................................................................... 27
Mir juckt mei Sachso! ........................................................................................................................ 28
Niedersachsen beste Sachsen ........................................................................................................... 29
OBELIX ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Schwäbisch-Badische Allianz ............................................................................................................. 31
Team MöGuRiTo ................................................................................................................................ 32
This is Sparta...................................................................................................................................... 34
Wollen Sie mal meinen Sachsen? ...................................................................................................... 35
Springer ............................................................................................................................................. 36
ChangeLog ............................................................................................................................................. 37

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Agenda Betreute Landesmeisterschaften


09:00 – 09:30 Registration, Coffee

09:30 – 13:00 Match 1

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 – 17:30 Match 2

17:45 – 21:15 Match 3


08:30 – 09:00 Coffee

09:00 – 12:30 Match 4

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break and Best Painted

13:30 – 17:00 Match 5

17:00 – 17:30 Award Ceremony

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The Paring of the Matches ia according to the normal procedures.

a) Each team presents one army, simultaneously

b) Each team offers two army . face down., which are uncovered simultaneously again.

c) Each team decides, which of the two armies presented in step b) shall play against ist
own ary chosen in step a), the remaining army is returned to the opponent.

d) The own unselected third army from step b) will play against the arm of the oponent
returned under c.

Deployment and Secondary Objectives are randomised for each match individually after

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According to the rulebook (version 2.0)

1: Frontline Clash

2: Dawn Assault

3: Counterthrust

4: Encircle

5: Refused Flank

6: Marching Columns

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Deployment Types
(Quelle: T9A Rulesbook 2.0)

1: Frontline Clash
Deployment Zones are areas more than 12″ away from the Centre

2: Dawn Assault
The player choosing the Deployment Zone also chooses a short Board Edge
and the other player gets the opposite short Board Edge. Deployment Zones
are areas more than 12″ away from the Centre Line and more than 1/4 of the
board’s length from the opponent’s short Board Edge (18″ on a 72″ board).

When declaring Special Deployment, players may choose to keep up

to two
of their units as reinforcement. These units follow the rules for
Ambush ing
units, except that they must be placed touching the owner’s short
Board Edge
when they arrive.

3: Counterthrust
Deployment Zones are areas more than 8″ away from the Centre
Line. Units must be deployed more than 20″ away from enemy
units. During their first 3 deployment turns, each player must
deploy a single unit, and cannot deploy any Characters.
Units using Special Deployment, such as Scout, ignore these
restrictions and follow their Special Deployment rules.

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4: Encircle
The table is divided into halves by a straight line through the centre of the board, parallel to
the table’s long edges. The player who gets to choose the Deployment Zone decides if they
want to be the attacker or the defender. The attacker may deploy
more than 9″ from the central line if within a quarter of the table’s
length from either table edge (18″ on a 72″ table), and more than
15″ from the central line elsewhere. The defender does the
opposite: more than 15″ away from the central line if within a
quarter of the table’s length from the short table edge, and more
than 9″ away from the central line elsewhere.

5: Refused Flank

The board is divided into halves by a diagonal line across the board.
Whoever gets to choose the Deployment Zone decides which
diagonal to use. Deployment Zones are areas more than 9″ away
from this line.

6: Marching Columns

Deployment Zones are areas more than 12″ away from the Centre
Line. Each player must choose a short Board Edge when deploying
their first unit. Each unit this player deploys afterwards must be
deployed with its Centre farther away from the chosen short Board
Edge than the Centre of the last unit this player deployed (measure
from the closest point on the short Board Edge). Characters, War
Machines , War Platforms , and Scouting units ignore these rules.
During their first 3 deployment turns, each player must deploy a
single unit, and cannot deploy any Characters, War Machines , or War Platforms .
Instead of deploying a unit, a player may choose to make all their undeployed units Delayed
that are not using Special Deployment. Delayed units follow the rules for Ambushing units
with the following exceptions:
• In each Player Turn, after rolling for all Ambushing units, the Reactive Player chooses the
order in which all Delayed units that passed the 3+ roll enter the Battlefield.
• In the chosen order, each unit must be placed one after the other with the centre of its
rear rank as close as possible to the centre of the long Board Edge in their owner’s
Deployment Zone, before any non-Delayed Ambushers are placed on the Battlefield.
• After all arriving units have been placed, they can be moved as described in the rules for
Ambush (see page 93 ).

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Secondary Objectives

According to the rulebook (version 2.0)

1: Hold the Ground

2: Breakthrough

3: Spoils of war

4: King of the hill

5: Capture the flags

6: Secure Target

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Secondary Objectives
(Quelle: T9A Rulesbook 2.0)

1: Hold the Ground

Mark the centre of the board.

At the end of each Game Turn after the first, the player with the most Scoring Units within
6″ of the centre of the board gains a counter. At the end of the game, the player with the
most such counters wins this Secondary Objective.

2: Breakthrough
The player with the most Scoring Units inside their opponent’s Deployment Zone at the end
of the game, up to a maximum of 3, wins this Secondary Objective.

3: Spoils of War
Place 3 markers along the line dividing the board into halves (the dashed line in the figures
describing Deployment Types). One marker is placed with its centre on a point on this line
that is as close as possible to the centre of the board while still being more than 1″ away
from Impassable Terrain. The other two markers are placed with their centres on points on
this line that are on either side of the central marker, as close to the centre of the board as
possible but at least a third of the length of the long Board Edge (24″ on a standard board)
away from it, and more than 1″ away from Impassable Terrain.
At the start of each of your Player Turns, each of your Scoring units that is not carrying a
marker may pick up a single marker whose centre they are in contact with. Remove the
marker from the Battlefield: the unit is now carrying the marker. Units carrying a marker
with less than 3 Full Ranks cannot perform March Moves. If a unit carrying a marker is
destroyed or loses Scoring , the opponent must immediately place the marker carried by this
unit with its centre on a point within 3″ of it. Ignore Post-Combat Reform for this purpose.
This point cannot be within 1″ of Impassable Terrain, but it can be inside a unit.

At the end of the game, the player with the most units carrying markers wins this Secondary

4: King of the Hill

After Spell Selection (at the end of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence), both players choose a
Terrain Feature that isn’t Impassable Terrain and that is not fully inside their Deployment
Zone, starting with the player that chose their Deployment Zone (note that both players may
choose the same Terrain Feature).

A player captures their opponent’s chosen Terrain Feature if any of the player’s Scoring Units
are inside that Terrain Feature at the end of the game. If a player captures their opponent’s
chosen Terrain Feature while not allowing their own to be captured, they win this Secondary

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5: Capture the Flags
After Spell Selection (at the end of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence), mark all Scoring Units
on both players’ Army Lists. If either player has less than 3 marked units, their opponent
must mark enough units from this player’s Army List so that there are exactly 3 marked units
in the army, starting with the player that chose their Deployment Zone.

The player that has the lowest number of their marked units removed as casualties at the
end of the game wins this Secondary Objective.

6: Secure Target
Directly after determining Deployment Zones, both players place one marker on the
Battlefield, starting with the player that chose their Deployment Zone. Each player must
place the marker with its centre on a point that is more than 12″ away from their
Deployment Zone and a third of the long Board Edge length (24″ on a standard board) from
the point marked by the other marker.

At the end of the game, the player controlling the most markers wins this Secondary
Objective. A marker is controlled by the player with the most Scoring Units within 6″ of the
centre of the marker. If a unit is within 6″ of the centres of both markers, it only counts as
within 6″ of the centre of the marker which is closest to its Centre (randomise if both
markers’ centres are equally close).

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Battle Points:

The Cap is at 50 Points, thertefore a total of 250 points can be achieved. In the last round
there is no downside collar.


Each Player can achieve 10 Points for Painting;

1-5 Points for the number of models painted

1-2 Points for Bases

1 Points for Regiment trays fitting to the bases

1 Point for Wysiwyg on Charakteren

1 Point for Wysiwyg on Command group

1-2 Points for Wow!-Effects

-1 Point for Proxis


20 Points miising the dead line for filing army lists

1 Point for more any overtime (from the first minute onwards)

5 Points for more than 5 Minutes overtime

15 Points for more than 10 Minutes overtime

After 15 Minutes overtime we reserve thre right to deny any further results and
assume a 0:0 for both teams

The time of entry on turneykeeper is relevant.

On Saturday night the time constraints can be waived if both players and both team captains
confirm this one hour in advance to the judges. If this is not announced in time, the time
constraints and penalties will occur without any further discussion!

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1. Asinative für NRW

2. Bayerns beste Buam

3. Bester Weigert - Bayern

4. Betreutes Würfeln

5. Clowns DeluxXxe

6. Danish CuckLords

7. Die Deichgrafen

8. Die fiesen Otternasen

9. Die glorreichen Vier

10. Die Wolfgangskraken

11. Henri's Chosen

12. Jenaer Fluffbunnies - Achse Berlin Paris

13. Kniet vor der Hauptstadt, Bauern

14. Legio franconia

15. Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers

16. Mir juckt mei Sachso!

17. Niedersachsen beste Sachsen


19. Schwäbisch-Badische Allianz

20. Team MöGuRiTo

21. TGH

22. This is Sparta

23. Wollen Sie mal meinen Sachsen?

24. Springer

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Asinative für NRW

Fabian „da_griech“ Baier – The Vermin

Dennis „Mystic587“ Klein – Highborn Swarm Marvin „CartmanMK“ Klein – Vampire Sebastian „bBaron“ von Glahn – Undying
Elves Covenant (Lamia Bloodline) Dynasties
260 – Chief, BSB, Light Armour,
415 – Commander, BSB, Master of Ratlock Pistols, Aether Icon, 255 – Necromancer, 2 Spells, Binding 400 – Death Cult Hierarch, 4 Spells,
Canreig Tower, 3 Spells, Great Banner of the Relentless Scroll, Wizard Adept, Evocation Hierophant, Wizard Master,
Weapon, Light Armour, Banner of Company, Sceptre of Vermin Valour 200 – Necromancer, 2 Spells, Wizard Evocation
Becalming 120 – Chief, Light Armour, Ratlock Adept, Alchemy 200 – Death Cult Hierarch, 2 Spells,
485 – High Prince, General, Queen’s Pistols 1150 – Vampire Count, General, Wizard Adept, Cosmology
Companion, Light Armour, 205 – Plague Patriarch, 1 Spell, Commandment, The Dead Arise, 2 225 – Nomarch, General, Crown of the
Longbow, Moonlight Arrows, Paired Weapons, Potion of Spells, Court of the Damned (Aegis Pharaohs
Spear, Destiny’s Call, Sliver of Swiftness, Swarm Master, 4+), Paired Weapons, Binding 160 – Tomb Architect
the Blazing Dawn Wizard Apprentice, Occultism Scroll, King Slayer, Unholy Tome, 820 – 8x Skeleton Chariots, Legion
475 – Mage, 4 Spells, Book of 210 – Rakachit Machinist, Ratlock Lamia Bloodline, Wizard Adept, Charioteers, M, S, Stalker’s
Meladys, Wizard Master, Pistols, Darkstone Shot Witchcraft Standard
Pyromancy 180 – Rakachit Machinist, Ratlock 113 – 2x8 Dire Wolves 130 – 5x Skeleton Scouts
280 – 20x Citizen Spears, M, C Pistols 419 – 34 Skeletons, Spear, M, C, S, 210 – 20x Skeletons, S, Banner of the
180 – 5x Elein Reavers 820 – Vermin Daemon, General, 5 Flaming Standard Relentless Company
666 – 26x Sea Guards, M, C, S, Spells, Wizard Master, Divination 210 – 31x Zombies, M, S 590 – 6x Tomb Cataphracts, M
Navigator’s Banner 150 – 10x Footpads, Vanguard 135 – 2x20 Zombies, M 685 – 8x Shabti Archers, M, S, Rending
100 – 1x Giant Eagle 370 – 20x Vermin Guards, S, 340 – 9x Wraiths Banner
434 – 6x Knights of Ryma, M, C Lightning Rod 300 – 8x Wraiths 760 – 4x Tomb Reapers, Paired Weapons
180 – 2x1 Sea Guard Reaper 632 – 37x Vermin Guards, M, C, S, 490 – 1x Shrieking Horror 160 – 2x1 Sand Scorpion
265 – 1x Sky Sloop Banner of the Endless Swarm 640 – 8x Vampire Spawns 4500
420 – 2x1 Phoenix, Fire Phoenix 289 – 15x Plague Disciples 4500
4500 204 – 10x Plague Disciples
305 – 2x1 Dreadmill
150 – 2x1 Weapon Team, Globe
150 – 1x Weapon Team, Rotary Gun

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Bayerns beste Buam

Last Green Knight - Kingdom of Equitaine Jan “Drychon” Plausteiner – Sylvan Elves Christian “Durin Eisenfuss” Otte -
Florian Just_Flo Greß - Saurian Ancients
Dwarven Holds:
670 - Duke, General, Pegasus, Lance, 620 – Forest Prince, General, Wild
865 - Saurian Warlord, General, Alpha
Shield, Might, Questing Oath, Hunter, Blessed Inscriptions, Curse 465 – Runic Smith ,General, Ancestral
Carnosaurus, Light Armour, Paired
Divine Judgement, Basalt Infusion, of the Black Stag, Talisman of Memory, 3xBattle Runes, Plate
Weapons, Cleansing Light, Starfall
Fortress of Faith, Potion of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem, Light Armour, Shield; Rune of Steel+
Shard, Potion of Swiftness
Swiftness Armour, Shield, Elven Cloak, Sylvan 2xRune of Iron, Rune of Harnessing,
720 - Cuatl Lord, Evocation, Symbiosis,
425 - Paladin, BSB, Questing Oath, Longbow, Lance, Great Elk Rune of Mastery;
Trained from Birth, Battle Standard,
Barded Warhorse, Shield, Valour, 365 – Thicket Shepherd, BSB, Toxic 315 – Thane, Plate Armour, Shield; Hold
Magical Heirloom
Crusaders Salvation Spores Stone; 2xRune of Iron, Rune of
210 - 15 Skink Braves, Replace Shields
575 - Damsel, Druidism, Wizard Master, 320 – Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Smashing;
with Bows, Musician, Champion
Equitan Unicorn, Talisman of the Sylvan Longbow, Book of Arcane 400 – Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons;
345 – 15 Saurus Warriors, Spears, CSM
Void, Storm Clarion Mastery, Crystal Ball Grim Resolve; Rune of Penetrating,
345 – 15 Saurus Warriors, Spears, CSM
250 - 5xKnights Aspirant, M 145 – Druid, Wizard Apprentice, Quickening, Fury;
399 - 5 Ramphadon Riders, Shield,
250 - 5xKnights Aspirant, M Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow 435 – Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons;
708 - 12xKnights of the Realm, Full 190 – Dryad Ancient, Scarred Bark Grim Resolve; Rune of Destruction,
399 - 5 Ramphadon Riders, Shield,
Command, Banner of the Last 440 – 23x Dryads, C Quickening, Fury;
Charge 285 – 10x Sylvan Archers, M 185 – Anvil of Power
130 - 5 Chameleons
480 - 9xKnights of the Quest, Full 205 – 5x Heath Riders, Heath Hunters 693 – 23x Greybeards, Heavy Armour,
130 - 5 Chameleons
Command 200 – 5x Heath Riders, M Shield, Throwing Weapons; M, S, C;
540 - 1 Taurosaurus, Engine of the
135 - 5xYeoman Outrider, Light Armour, 510 – 5x Thicket Beasts, C Runic Standard of Swiftness;
Shield 100 – 1x Forest Eagle 450 – 20x Clan Marksmen, Heavy
415 - 1 Stygiosaurus, Mystic Traveller
130 - 5xYeoman Outrider, Light Armour 460 – 10x Pathfinders Armour, Shield, Crossbow; M;
120 - Scorpion 335 – 10x Sylvan Sentinels 309 –12x Miners, Heavy Armour, Shield,
120 - Scorpion 320 – 5x Briar Maidens, C Throwing Weapons; M;
635 - 5xPegasus Knights, Skirmisher, C, S, 4495 501 – 19x Seeker, Vanguard; M, C;
Banner of Speed 125 – 5x Seeker; Vanguard;
Total: 4498 300 – 3x Hold Guardians, C;
320 - 1x Organ Gun – Heavy Armour,
Rune Crafted;

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Bester Weigert

JerryH SA LunaticGuy87 – Dwarven Holds “Klexe” - Kingdom of Equitaine Wolfgang „Red88“ Weigert – High Born
600 - Saurian Warlord, General, Raptor, 185 - Anvil of Power 570 - Duke, General, Renown,
Blessed Inscriptions, Death Cheater, 435 - Dragon Seeker, Rune of Barded Warhorse, Blessed 490 - High Prince, General, Sliver of the
Obsidian Rock, Lucky Charm, Destruction, Rune of Quickening, Inscriptions, Basalt Infusion, Black Blazing Dawn, Willow's Ward
Halberd Rune of Fury, Grim Resolve Knight's Tabard, Potion of (Shield), Diadem of Protection,
460 - Saurian Veteran, Raptor, Basalt 400 - Dragon Seeker, Rune of Swiftness, Questing Oath, Bastard Shield, Dragonforged Armour,
Infusion, Talisman of Shielding, Penetration, Rune of Quickening, Sword, Shield Spear, Longbow (0+)
Halberd, Battle Standard Bearer, Rune of Fury, Grim Resolve 365 - Paladin, Barded Warhorse, 450 - Commander, BSB, Master of the
Aether Icon 270 - Thane, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of the Wyrmwood Core, Potion of Canreig Tower, Great Weapon,
415 - Saurian Veteran, Raptor, Forge, Holdstone, Shield, Battle Strength, Grail Oath, Shield, Lance, Longbow, Essence of Mitrhil,
Supernatural Dexterity, Dusk Standard Bearer Battle Standard Bearer, Rending Banner of the relentless Company
Forged (Shield), Dragonfire Gem, 475 - Runic Smith, General, Rune of Banner (Ravens Wing, Beast, Heritage)
Lance, Shield Steel, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of 235 - Damsel, Barded Warhorse, Wizard 665 - 40x Citizen Spears, Champion,
290 - Skink Priest, Skink Palanquin for Devouring, Rune of Mining, Adept, Druidism Musician, Standard Bearer, Rending
Saurian Warriors, Sun Tablet, Ancestral Memory, Shield 515 - Damsel, Barded Warhorse, Banner
Wizard Adept, Druidism 255 - 10x Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Talisman of the Void, Storm Clarion, 260 - 5x Highborn Lancers, Musician
701 - 31x Saurian Warriors, Champion, Weapons (5+), Musician Wizard Master, Shamanism 260 - 5x Highborn Lancers, Musician
Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner 255 - 10x Greybeards, Shield, Throwing 356 - 8x Knights of the Realm 920 - 30x Lion Guard, Champion,
of Speed Weapons (5+), Musician 812 - 15x Knights of the Realm, Standard Musician, Standard Bearer,
200 - 16x Skink Braves Archer, Musician 638 - 33x Clan Warriors, Spear & Shield, Bearer, Banner of the Last Charge Navigator's Banner
3 x 130 - 2x Snake Swarms Champion, Musician, Standard 794 - 9x Knights of the Grail, Standard 360 - 5x Knights of Ryma, Musician
540 - Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients Bearer, Runic Standard of Swiftness Bearer, Banner of Roland 360 - 5x Knights of Ryma, Musician
2 x 450 – Taurosaur 665 - 25x Seekers, Vanguard, Champion, 375 - The Green Knight 100 - Giant Eagle
4496 Points Musician, Standard Bearer 125 - 5x Yeoman Outriders 100 - Giant Eagle
2 x 130 - Vengeance Seeker 130 - 5x Yeoman Outriders, Shield 160 - 5x Grey Watchers, Paired Weapons
329 - 12x Miners, Throwing Weapons 220 - 3x Knights of the Grail 375 - Frost Phoenix
(5+), Shield, Champion, Musician 4497 Points 4500 Points
330 - Organ Gun, Rune Crafted, Flaming
4497 Points

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Betreutes Würfeln

Marco " Ruebezahl" Hess - Vermin Sven " khalek166" Gassen - Saurian Axel " banshee" Grossmann - Kingdom Erik " shikoran " Grossmann - Vampire
Swarm Ancients of Equitane Covenant

425 - Tyrant, General, Monstrous Rat, 770 - Saurian Warlord, General, 440 - Damsel, 4 Spells, Barded Warhorse, 165 - Banshee
Heavy Armour, Shield, Ratlock Carnosaur, Halbert, Starfall Shard Essence of a Free Mind, Wizard 165 - Fell Wraith, Skeletal Steed, Great
Pistols, Crown of the wizard King 640 - Skink Captain, BSB, Taurosaur with Master, Druidism, Shamanism Weapon
485 - Tyrant, Monstrous Rat, Heavy Giant Blowpipes, Blowpipe, Light 655 - Duke, General, Questing Oath, 915 - Vampire Count, General, 4 Spells,
Armour, Shield, Paired Weapon and Lance Hippogriff, Shield, Bastardsword, Spectral Steed, Light Armour, Death
Tail Weapon, Ghostly Guard, Hero`s 340 - Skink Priest, 2 Spells, skink Basalt Infusion, Divine Judgement, Cheater, Dragon Staff, True Thirst,
Heart Palanquin, Magical Heirloom, Sun Fortress of Faith, Potion of Nosferatu Bloodline, Lesser Blood
430 - Chief, BSB, Monstrous Rat, Heavy Tablet, Druidism Swiffness Power: Forbidden Path, Wizard
Armour, Shield, Ratlock Pistols, Seal 258 - 16x Skink Braves, Caiman, Hand 205 - Paladin, Piety, Halberd, Shield, Master, Evocation, Occultism
of House Underminer Weapon and Shield, M Lucky Charm 105 - Bat Swarm
310 - Plague Patriarch, 2 Spells , Magical 258 - 16x Skink Braves, Caiman, Hand 230 - 5x Knight Aspirants 105 - Bat Swarm
Heirloom, Scurrying Veil, Occultism Weapon and Shield, M 230 - 5x Knight Aspirants 113 - 8x Dire Wolves
120 - Footpads 258 - 16x Skink Braves, Caiman, Hand 804 - 14x Knight of the Realm, M, S, C, 113 - 8xDire Wolves
120 - Footpads Weapon and Shield, M Bannner of the Last Charge 320 - 20x Ghouls, C
302 - 47x Giant rats 168 - 16x Skink Braves, Hand Weapon 625 - 25x Knight Forlon, M, S, C 320 - 21x Ghouls, C
302 - 47x Giant Rats and Shield, M 784 - 9x Knight of the Grail, M, S, C 205 - Zombies, M, S
285 - 20x Plague Brotherhood, M, S, 450 - 6x Caiman, Halberd 150 - Sacred Reliquary 205 - Zombies, M, S
Banner of the Relentless Company 130 - 5x Chameleons 375- The Green Knight 90 - 2x Great Bats
90 - 2x Rat Swarm 239 - Ramphodon Riders, Shield Total: 4498 380 - 10x Spectral Hunters
575 - 5x Vermin Hulks, Thunder Hulks, 239 - Ramphodon Riders, Shield 300 - Wraiths, C
Meat Grinder, C 165 - Weapon Beast, Salamander 490 - Shrieking Horror
305 - Dreadmill 165 - Weapon Beast, Salamander 490 - Shrieking Horror
375 - Abomination 415 - Stygiosaur, Mystic Traveller Total: 4498
375 - Abomination Total: 4500
Total: 4499

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Clowns DeluxXxe

Pierre 'Elo' Brumbach - Dread Elves

Hajo "RiseAgainst" Kruppa Kingdom of Nils "SirProxAlot" Reinke – Vampire Christoph "JimmyGrill" Reiter - Warriors
Equitaine Covenant Vampiric Bloodline: of the Dark Gods
600 - Dread Prince,Cult of Nabh,
Nosferatu Bloodline
General, Raptor Charriot, Heavy,
670 - Duke, General, Questing Oath, 595 - Sorcerer, General, Wizard Master,
Armour, Shield, Lance, Midnight
Pegasus, Might, Shield, Lance, 705 – Vampire Count, General, Occultism, Plate Armour, Scythed
Cloak, Transcendence, Basalt
Fortress of Faith, Basalt Infusion, Nosferatu Bloodline, Blood Magic, Skywheel, Dragonfire Gem, Thrice-
Divine Judgement (Lance), Potion Wizard Master, Evocation, Unholy Forged, Binding Scroll
395 - Oracle, Wizzard Master, Alchemy
of Swiftness Tome 505 - Sorcerer, Wizard Master,
720 - Cult Priest, BsB, Cult of Yema,
465 - Damsel, Barded Warhorse, Wizard 200 – Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Plate Armour,
Divine Altar, Shield, Light Armour,
Master, Druidism, Storm Clarion Evocation Alchemist’s Alloy, Talisman of the
Moraec's Reaping, Dragonfire Gem,
355 - Paladin, BSB, Grail Oath, Barded 105 - 2x2 Bat Swarm Void, Binding Scroll
Alchemist's Alloy
Warhorse, Lance, Shield, Rending 135 – 10x Dire Wolves 565 - Doomlord, BSB, Hellforged Armour,
215 - 3x15 Dread Legionairs, Spears
Banner, Wyrmwood Core 350 – 30x Skeletons, M, C, S, Banner of Spiked Shield, Basalt Infusion, Dusk
160 - Damsel, Barded Warhorse, Wizard Relentless Company Forged, Touch of Greatness
160 - 3x5 Dark Raider
Apprentice, Shamanism 290 – 28x Skeletons, M, C, S 744 - 23x Warriors, Hellforged Armour,
195 - 4x Raptor Charriot
640 - 11x Knights of the Realm, M, S, 140 – 21x Zombies, M Spiked Shield, Great Weapon, CMS,
440 - 2x Hydra
Banner of the Last Charge 500 – 10x Wraiths, C Zealots Banner
260 - 6x Knights of the Realm 340 – 9x Wraiths 160 - 2x5 Fallen, Hellforged Armour,
230 - 5x Knights Aspirants 640 – 8x Vampire Spawns Paired Weapons
829 - 9x Knights of the Grail, C, M, S, 560 – 7x Vampire Spawns 809 - 5x Chosen Knights, Favour of
Stalker's Standard 430 - 1x Dark Coach Kuulima (Envy), Halberd, Hell-
130 - 5x Yeomen Outriders, Shields 4500 Forged Armour, CMS, Wasteland
125 - 5x Yeomen Outriders Torch
635 - 5x Pegasus Knights, Skirmishers, C, 492 - 6x Forsworn, Hellforged Armour,
S, Banner of Roland Spiked Shield, CMS
4499 140 - 5x Flayers
330 - 1x Hellmaw, 1 Ominous Gateway

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Danish CuckLords

CuckLord – Rasmus Jørgensen CuckLord – Søren Haaning CuckLord – Kaare Siesing CuckLord – Svend Kristensen

370 – Prelate, General, Plate Armour, 295 – Feral Orc Shaman, General, Paired 850 – Courtier, General, The Dead Arise, 820 – Vermin Daemon, General
Great Weapon, Locket of Sunna, Weapons, War Cry!, Adept, Court of the Damned, Paired 220 – Chief, BSB, Sceptre of Vermin
Imperial Seal, Lucky Charm Shamanism Weapon, King Slayer, Dragonfire Valour, Legion Standard
325 – Marshal, BSB, Great Tactician, 495 – Forest Goblin Witch Doctor, Gem, Adept, Lamia, Witchcraft 760 – Magister, Doom Bell, Second
Shield, Black Steel, Death Warrant Spider, Talisman of the Void, Skull 470 – Courtier, BSB, Light Armour, Paired Awakening, Master, Thaumaturgy
375 – Knight Commander, Young Griffon, Fetish, Master, Fire Weapon, Destiny´s Call, Legion 319 – 27x Rats-at-Arms, M, S, C, Legion
Shield, Basalt Infusion, Heroes 260 – Forest Goblin Chief, BSB, Scuttler Standard, Adept, Lamia, Witchcraft Standard
Hearth Spider, Bow, Maza´s Zappin, Banner 450 – Necromancer, Magical Heirloom, 390 – 20x Vermin Guard, M, S, Lightning
410 – Wizard, Exemplars Flame, Master, of Discipline Talisman of the Void, Master, Rod
Divination 395 – Gave Goblin King, Gave Gnasher, Evocation 140 – 20x2 Giants rats
255 – Wizard, Book of Arcane Power, Shield, Heavy Armour, Light Lance, 325 – 29x Skeletons, M, S, C, Legion 146 – 21x Giants rats
Adept, Alchemy Ghostly Guard, Dusk Forged, Touch Standard 465 – 6x Vermin Hulks, C
315 – 20x Light Infantry, Crossbows, M, of Greatness, Dragonfire Gem, Troll 575 – 35x Ghouls, C 305 – 2x1 Dreadmill
S, Marksmen´s Pennant Ale Flask 115 – 2x20 Zombies 150 – 2x1 Rotary Gun
584 – 49x Heavy Infantry, Halbards, M, S, 355 – Gave Goblin King, Gave Gnasher, 90 – 2x2 Great Bats 190 – 5x Jezails
C, Banner of Unity Shield, Heavy Armour, Hero´s 660 – 8x Vampire Spawns, C 4500
230 – 19x State Militia Heart, Basalt Infusion, Talisman of 380 – 2x10 Wraiths
250 – Cannon Shielding, Lucky Charm 4500
290 – Arcane Engine, Arcane Shield 363 – 18x Forest Goblin Raiders, Bow,
90 – 5x Imperial Ranger Shield
102 – 6x Imperial Ranger 255 – 3x20 Feral Orc, Paired Weapons,
428 – 27x Imperial Guard, M Bow
475 – Steam Tank 288 – 2x24 Gnasher Herd
4499 120 – 2x10 Gnasher Herd
125 – 2x1 Goblin Wolf Chariot
90 – Grotlings
205 – 1x2 Git Launcher, Orc Overseer

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Die Deichgrafen

Lucas "Doedel" Knöner - Saurian Maurice "Morris" Wiercioch

Jannik "Greedymeyer" Siefkes- David "Lissi" Lisson Ancients
Wedemeyer - Vampire Covenant - Lamia 760 - King, General, War Throne, Great
Bloodline 535 - Dread Prince, General, Cult of Weapon, Holdstone, Rune of
Naabh, Elven Horse, Repeater 945 - Cuatl Lord, General, BSB, 7 Spells, Craftmanship, 2x Rune
1080 - Vampire Count, General, 2 Spells, Handbow, Lance, Heavy of Fury, Rune of Iron, Rune of
Ancient Plaque, Jade Staff,
Court of the Damned, Reapers Amour, Shield, Blessed Inscriptions, Resistance, Rune of Steel
Rending Banner, Grasp of
Harvest, Wizard Adept, Lamia Midnight Cloak 335 - Thane, BSB, Shield, Pistol, 2x Rune
the Immortal, Protean Potentate,
Bloodline, Commandement, 675 - Cult Priest, BSB, Cult of Naabh, of Iron, 2x Rune of Lightning,
Evocation Divine Altar, Shield, Moraec's Rune of Readiness
680 - Skink Captain, Taurosaur, Engine of
430 - Necromancer, 4 Spells, Reaping 329 - 13x Clan Marksmen, Guild Crafted
the Ancients, Blowpipe, Light
Necromantic Staff, Wizard Master, 590 - Oracle, Cult of Yema, 4 Spells, Elven Handguns, M
Lance, Spirit of the
Evocation Horse, Light Amour, Destiny's Call, 834 - 29x Greybeards, Shield, Throwing
105 - 2x Bat Swarms Wandering Familiar, Occultism Weapons, M, C, S, Runic Standart
480 - 20x Saurian Warriors, Serpent, M,
485 - 40x Skeletons, Halberd, M, C, S, 585 - 24x Blades of Naabh, M, C, S, of Dismay
C, S
Flaming Standard Rending Banner 736 - 6x Holdguardians, M, C, S, Banner
520 - 20x Saurian Warriors, Serpent,
175 - 28x Zombies, S 200 - 10x Cosairs, Paired Weapons, M of Speed, Banner of the
Spears, M, C, S
185 - 2x30 Zombies, S 160 - 2x5 Dark Raiders, M Relentless Company
687 - 21x Temple Guard, M, C, S, Totem
365 - Altar of Undeath 720 - 25x Tower Guard, M, C, S, Banner 175 - Attack Copter
of Mixoatl
80 - 2x5 Dire Wolves of Gar Daecos 210 - Steam Bomber
150 - 6x Chameleons
490 - Shrieking Horror 440 - Hydra 170 - 2x1 Flame Cannon, Rune Crafted
130 - 5x Chameleons
260 - 2x3 Vampire Knights, M 390 - Kraken 265 - Cannon, Flaming Shot
135 - 2x1 Spearback
320 - 4x Vampire Spawns 4497 255 - Cannon
165 - Salamander
4500 4495
470 - Taurosaur, Giant Bow

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Die fiesen Otternasen
NRW Inquisitor Zorn Sylvan Elves (C)

460 - Druid Army General, Druidism,

Elven Horse, Wizard Master Crystal
Ball, Obsidian Rock
335 - Chieftain Blade Dancer, Spear, Lukas "Loec1" Maskow - Undying Christoph "Aureon" Stiller Infernal
Christian "Beardling" Kirch Dwarven
Standard Bearer Aether Icon, Dynasties Dwarves
Hunter's Honour
330 - Chieftain Great Elk, Great Weapon, 225 - Nomarch, General, Crown of 520 – Overlord, Army General, Shield,
185 - Anvil of Power
Light Armour Destiny's Call Potion Phoaraohs Death Cheater, Onyx Core, Potion
700 – King, Army General, Shield, War
of Strength 515 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard of Swiftness, Willow's Ward
Throne, Rune of Destruction, Rune
345 - Druid Eagle King, Shamanism, Master, Evocation, Soul Conduit, 585 - Prophet, Alchemy, Infernal
of Dragon's Breath, 2x Rune of
Wizard Adept Book of Arcane Ankh of Naptesh, Sacred Hourglass Weapon, Master, Shield,
Mastery Dragonfire Gem 455 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Alchemist's Alloy, Tablet of
305 - Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes,
330 - Forest Prince Blade Dancer, Sylvan Master, Cosmology/Divination, Ashuruk, Talisman of the Void
Shield, Rune of Devouring - Runic
Blades Titanic Might Essence of a Free Mind, Talisman of 355 - Prophet, Adept,Pyro, Shield,
Smiths only
150 - 8 Dryaden the Void Wizard, Book of Arcane Mastery –
235 – Thane, Battle Standard Bearer,
215 - 15x Forest Guard, Champion, 160 - Tomb Architekt Dominant, Potion of Strength
Holdstone, Shield, Rune of Iron
Musician, Spear and Shield 240 - Casket of Phatep 330 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer,
387 – 17 Clan Marksman, Crossbow (4+),
215 - 20x Forest Guard, Musician, Spear 640 - 58x Skeletons, Spear, CSM, Banner Shield, Crown of the Wizard King -
Musician, Shield
and Shield, Standard Bearer of Speed Cannot be taken by Wizards, Icon of
745 – 30 Greybeards, Champion,
Champion 164 - 12x Skeleton Archers, M the Inferno
Musician, Shield, Standard Bearer,
230 - 15x Forest Guard, Musician 130 - 5x Skeleton Scouts 320 – 10 Citadel Guard with Flintlock
Banner of Speed
Champion, Elven Cloak and Sylvan 210 - 20x Skeletons, S, Banner of the Axe, Champion, Musician, Shield
850 – 8 Hold Guardians,Champion, ,
Blades Entombed 180 – 20 Hobgoblins with Bows,
Musician, Standard Bearer
225 - Heath Rider Champion 200 - Charnel Catapult Musician
225 - Miners - Ranged Weapons,
438- 11 Blade Dancer, Champion, 645 - 6x Tomb Cataphracts, SM, Flaming 627 - 31 Warriors, Champion, Flaming
Musician, Shields
Standard Bearer Banner of Silent Standard Standard, Great Weapon, Musician,
528 – 23 Seekers, Champion, Musician
Mist 155 - 3x Great Vultures Shields, Standard Bearer
170 - Flame Cannon: Rune Crafted
349 - 9 Blade Dancer, Champion, 760 - 4x Tomb Reaper, Paired Weapons 130 – 5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
170 - Flame Cannon: Rune Crafted
Standard Bearer Aether Icon 95 - Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower
220 - 5 Briar Maiden, Musician 390 - Titan Mortar, Bound Daemon
231 - 6 Sylvan Sentinel Scout, Sylvan 390 - Titan Mortar, Bound Daemon
Blades 575 - Kadim Titan
327 - 9 Sylvan Sentinel Sylvan Blades

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Die glorreichen Vier
Schleswig-Holstein Ricardo „Pater-LeXx“ Bolz – O&G

560 - Orc Warlord: Army General, Iron

Orc, Paired Weapons, Shield, War
Maik „Athos“ Duus - Warriors of the Boar, Dusk Forged, Potion of Martin „The one and Only“ Schaefer Thorsten „Rigger“ Path – Highborn Elves
Dark Gods Swiftness, Shady Shanking, Tuktek’s
Guard 185 - Anvil of Power 530 – High Prince, General, High Warden
850 - Exalted Herald, Army General 220 - Goblin Chief: Battle Standard 135 - Engineer, Guildcrafted Handgun, of the Flame, Light Armour, Spear,
710 - Chosen Lord, Battle Standard Bearer, Cave Goblin, Crown of the Shield Essence of Mithril, Sliver of the
Bearer, Favour of Nukuja, Goddess Cavern King, Potion of Strength 430 - Runic Smith, General, Ancestral Blazing Dawn
of Sloth, Gift of the Dark Gods: 360 - Goblin Witch Doctor: Common Memory, Shield, Rune of 365 – Commander, BSB, Master of
Daemonic Wings, Spiked Shield, Goblin, Witchcraft, Wizard Master Devouring, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of Canreig Tower, Dragonforged
Dusk Forged, Symbol of Slaughter, 415 - Goblin Witch Doctor: Common Shielding Armour, Great Weapon
Thrice-Forged Goblin, Pyromancy, Thaumaturgy, 270 - Thane, BSB, Holdstone, Shield, 2x 520 – Mage, Wizard Master, Asfard
310 – Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Wizard Master, Essence of a Free Rune of Shielding Scholar, Essence of a free Mind,
Ledger of Souls Mind – Dominant 405 - 15x Clanmarksmen, Guild Crafted Divination+Pyromancy
155 – 15x Barbarians, Musician 180 - Orc Shaman: Common Orc, Orc Handgun, M, Shield 520 – 30 x Citizen Spears, C, M, S, War
754 – 19x Warriors, Favour of Nukuja, Boar Chariot, Shamanism, Wizard 720 - 20x Greybeards, C, M, S, GW, Banner of Ryma
Goddess of Sloth, Favoured Apprentice Shield, TW, Vanguard, Rending 615 – 25 x Sea Guard, C, M, S, Rending
Champion, M, S, Zealots Banner 465 – 40x Goblin Forest Goblin, MSC, Banner Banner
865 – 10x Chosen, Favour of Vanadra, Spear and Shield, Rending Banner 631 - 23x Deep Watch, C, M, S, Rending 100 – Giant Eagle
Goddess of Wrath, Great Weapon, 155 - 20x Common Goblin, M., Shady Git, Banner 100 – Giant Eagle
Full Command Group, Flaming Shield 245 - 10x Miners, M, TW 360 – 5 x Knights of Ryma, M
Standard 540 – 32x Orc Feral, MSC, Spear, Rending 305 - 12x Rangers, M, Crossbow, GW 360 – 5 x Knights of Ryma, M
100 – 5x Warhounds Banner 130 - Vengeance Seeker 920 – 30 x Lion Guard, C, M, S,
100 – 5x Warhounds 2 x 140 - Gnasher Wrecking Team 420 - 2x1 Steam Bomber Navigator ́s Banner
325 – 5x Warrior Knights, Lance , 130 - 5x Common Goblin Raiders, Light 320 - Organ Gun, Rune Crafted 110 – Reaver Chariot
Musician Lance, Shield 300 - Catapult, Rune Crafted 4500 Punkte
325 – 5x Warrior Knights, Lance , 325 - Goblin Wolf Chariot: 3x Goblin 4496 Punkte
Musician Wolf Chariot
4494 Punkte 2 x 90 – Grotlings: 3x Grotling
420 - Mounted ‘Eadbashers: 10x Feral
Orc, MSC, Shield, Banner of Speed
3 x 90 – Skewerer
4500 Punkte

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Die Wolfgangskraken

Hendrik "2-Green-2-Stop-Killing" Stahn -

Orks & Goblins
Christian „Starspieler“ Mathieu – Empire Tim „Talwin“ Markmann - The Vermin
Francesco „Lifetaker“ Sperandeo – Dread Swarm
635 - Common Ork Shaman, Wizzard of Sonnstahl
Master, Shamanism, General,
Chariot, Paired Weapons, Death 195 - Chief, Battle Standard Bearer, Light
690 – Cult Priest, BSB, Cult of Yema, Armour, Sceptre of Vermin Valour
Cheater, Magical Heirloom, Troll 625 – Prelate, General, Altar of Battle,
Divine Altar, Paired Weapons, 845 - Magister, 3 Dark Shards, Army
Ale Flask Plate Armour, Shield, Crown of
Hero's Heart General, Doom Bell, Light Armour,
340 - Common Ork Shaman, Adept, Autocraty
1010 – Oracle, General, Cult of Yema, Thaumaturgy, Wizard Master,
Pyromancy, Chariot, Paired 285 – Marshal, BSB, Great Tactican,
Dragon, Occultism, Wizard Magical Heirloom, Second
Weapons, Alchemist´s Alloy, Shield, Crown of the Wizard King,
Master, Beastmanster's Lash, Awakening
Binding Scroll, Potion of Strength Potion of Strength
Moraec's Reaping, Wandering 650 - Plague Patriarch,Light Armour,
260 - Common Ork Chief, BSB, Shield, 555 – Wizard Master, 4 Spells, Arcane
Familiar Plague Flail, Plague Pendulum,
Rending Banner, Pan of Engine – Arcane Shield, Light
220 – Corsair, Repeater Handbow, M Wizard Apprentice, Putrid
Protection Pinchin Armour, Divination
160 – Dark Raiders Protection
190 - Cave Goblin Chief, Cave Gnasher, 135 – Artificer, Long Rifle
515 – Dread Legionnaires, Spears, C, M, 395 - 33x Plague Brotherhood, M, C, S
Lance, Basalt Infusion, Lucky 490 – 40 Heavy Infantry, Hellberds, M, S,
S, Flaming Standard 345 - 30x Rats-at-Arms, Spears, M, C, S
Charm C, Rending Banner
230 – Repeater Auxiliaries, Shield, M 410 - 20x Vermin Guard, M, C, S,
610 - 45 Cave Goblins, Full Command, 3x 239 – 18 Light Infantry, Crossbows
195 – Raptor Chariot Lightning Rod
Mad Gits, Spear & Shield, Banner 226 – 17 Light Infantry, Crossbows
195 – Raptor Chariot 150 - 1x Meat Grinder
of the Relentless Company 165 – 5 Electoral Calvery, Great
195 – Raptor Chariot 90 - 2x Rat Swarms
597 - 38 Feral Orks, Full Command, Weapons
210 – Hunting Chariot 90 - 2x Rat Swarms
Mammoth Stabber, Shield, Green 512 – 28 Imperial Guards, M, S, Rending
440 – Hydra 305 - 1x Dreadmill
Tide Banner Banner
440 – Hydra 305 - 1x Dreadmill
160 - 5 Common Orks Boar Riders, Shield 453 – 4 Knights of the Sun Griffon, M
336 - 28 Gnashers 90 – 5 Imperial Rangers 190 - 5x Jezail
312 - 26 Gnashers 250 - Canon 190 - 5x Jezail
2 x 140 - Wrecking Team 475 - Steam Tank 170 - 1x Plague Catapult
2 x 90 - 3 Grotlings 4500 170 - 1x Plague Catapult
85 - Scrab Wagon 4500
510 – Gargantula

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Henri's Chosen

Charles Oiknine - Warriors of the dark Hadrien Janne - infernal dwarves Marc Deycard - Empire Giulio Gatti - Highborn Elves
505 - Overlord, General, Onyx Core 370 - Knight Commander, general, horse, 425 - Prince, General, Spear, Destiny's
640 - Chosen Lord, BSB, Favour of (120), Death Cheater (100), shield, light of the sonsthal (155), Call, Sliver of Blazing Dawn
Vanadra, Goddess of Wrath, Potion of Swiftness (10), Shield potion of swiftness 440 - Commander, BSB, Master of
Great Weapon, Karkadan, Master 355 - Vizier, Ring of Desiccation (75), 340 - Marshal, BSB, horse, death Carnreig Tower, Great Weapon,
of Destruction, Dragonfire Gem, Lucky Charm (10), Gauntlets of warrant, Stalker’s standard, Essence of Mithril, Flaming
Dusk Forged, Immortal Gauntlets Madzhab (25), Shield, Infernal shield, pistol Banner
465 - Sorcerer, General, Wizard Master: Weapon, Battle Standard Bearer, 285 - Prelate, horse, shield, plate 465 - Mage, Wizard Master, Asfad
évocation, Lord of the Damned, Banner of the Relentless armour, crown of the wizard king, Scholar, Divination
Magical Heirloom Company potion of strengh 361 - 16x Seaguards, M, C
221 - 8 Barbarian Horseman, Paired 485 - Prophet - Wizard, Magical 480 - Wizard (125), 180 - 5x Elain Reavers
Weapons, Shield Heirloom (50), Shield, Wizard PYROMANCY/DIVINATION, horse, 190 - 5x Elain Reavers, Bows
221 - 8 Barbarian Horseman, Paired Master, Pyromancy wizard master, Essence of free 404 - 24x Citizen Spears, M, S,
Weapons, Shield 120 - Hobgoblin Chieftain on wolf, Wolf mind, binding scroll Warbanner of Ryma
200 - 20 Barbarian, Musician 220 - 15x Infernal Warriors, Shield (15), 672 - 12x Electoral Cavalry, knightly 775 - 25x Lion Guards, M, S, C, Becalming
130 - 8 Warhound Champion orders, shields, lances, M, C, S, banner
130 - 8 Warhound 691 - 28x Citadel Guard, Schield (28), banner of speed 180 - 3x1 Sea Guard Reaper
641 - 4 Chosen Rider, Favour of Vanadra, Champion, Musician, Standard 252 - 6x electoral cavalry, shields (24), 360 - 2x5 Knights of Ryma, M
Goddess of Wrath, champion, Bearer, Rending Banner lance (24) , M(20) Total: 4500
Standard Bearer, Flaming 115 - 20x Orc Slaves 205 - 5x electoral cavalry, shields, great
Standard 115 - 20x Orc Slaves weapon, M
621 - 4 Chosen Rider, Favour of Vanadra, 205 - 5x Taurukh, Shield (5), Infernal 560 - 5x knights of the sun griffon,
Goddess of Wrath, Standard Weapon (5), Musician lances, M
Bearer, Flaming Standard 360 - 10x Taurukh, Shield (10), Infernal 560 - 5x knights of the sun griffon,
2 x 220 - Warrior Chariot Weapon (10), Musician lances, M
2 x 390 - Forsaken One 2 x 150 - Volcano Cannon 150 - 5x reiters
Total: 4489 450 - Infernal Engine with Shrapnel Guns 150 - 5x reiters
575 - Kadim Titan 475 - 1x steam tank
Total: 4 496 4499

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Jenaer Fluffbunnies - Achse
Berlin Paris

Clement “Borcha” Konopnicki - Ogre Alexander “Streifenkarl” Bartz - Infernal Markus “Korhedron“ Glänzel - Undying Tarik “Tee“ Bunk - Vampire Covenant
Khans Dwarves Dynasties
430 - Necromancer, Necromantic Staff,
605 - Shaman, General, Wizard Master, 520 - Overlord, General, Shield, Death 480 - Death Cult Hierarch, Hierophant, Wizard Master, 4 Spells,
Iron Fist, Light Armor, Talisman Cheater, Gauntlets of Madzhab, Sacred Hourglass, Wizard Master, Evocation,
auf Shielding, Crown of Onyx Core Cosmology 985 - Vampire Count, General, Great
Autocracy, Gut Roarer, 375 - Prophet, Wizard, Shield, Adept, 200 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Weapon, Cleansing Light,
Shamanism Book of Arcane, Dragon Staff, Divination Unbreakable Will, Zombie
445 - Khan, BSB, Trolleater, Great Alchemy 495 - Pharaoh, General, Great Weapon, Dragon, Binding Scroll,
Weapon, Ogre Crossbow, Lygur’s 570 - Prophet, Wizard, Shield, Master, Light Armour, Godslayer, Cursed Medallion, Wizard Adept, 2
Tongue, Rampager’s Chain Alchemist's Alloy, Magical Destiny’s Call, Death Mask of Spells, Occultism
225 - Mammoth Hunter, Leader of the Heirloom, Tablet of Ashuruk, Teput 105 - 2x2 Bat Swarm
Pack, Iron Fist Pyromancy 272 - 21x Skeleton Archers, M 300 - 25x Skeletons, M, C, S, Banner of
780 - 11x Tribesmen, M, C, S, Rending 320 - Vizier, BSB, Infernal Weapon, 260 - 20x Skeleton Archers, M the Relentless Company
Banner, Iron Fist Shield, Mask of the Furnace, 600 - 6x Skeleton Chariots, M, S, Stalker’s 250 - 20x Skeletons, M, C, S, Banner of
160 - 25x Scrapling, M Talisman of the Void Standard the Relentless Company
185 - 3x Bruisers 300 - 10x Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, 658 - 29x Necropolis Guard, Paired 140 - 21x Zombies, M
680 - 4x Tusker Cavalry, Paired Weapons, Shield, M Weapons, M, C, S 845 - 10x Ghasts, C
M, S, Banner of the Gyengget 200 - 2x20 Hobgoblin, Spear, Shield, M, 567 - 6x Shabtis, Paired Weapons, M, S 90 - 2x Great Bats
175 - 1x Kin Eater 80 - 3x1 Sabretooth C, S 200 - 2x1 Charnel Catapult 300 - 8x Wraiths
Tiger 215 - 2x24 Orc Slaves, Paired Weapons, 565 - 3x Tomb Reapers, Paired Weapons 490 - 1x Shrieking Horror
320 - 1x Thunder Cannon M 4.497 460 - 5x Vampire Knights, Champion,
405 - 1x Frost Mammoth 140 - 5x Hobgoblin Wolf Rider, Light Musician
280 - 1x Slave Giant, Iron Fist Lance, Shield 4.500
4.500 798 - 24x Immortals, Infernal Weapon,
Shield, M, C, S, Icon of the Inferno
647 - 4x Taurukh Anointed, Infernal
Weapon, Shields, M, C, S, Flaming

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Kniet vor der Hauptstadt,

Micha "Stranger" Scholz - WotDG Ruben "Da_Gobbo" Rimkus- ID Kevin "Dr_Akula" Bauer - Highborn Elves Vincent "Dr_Ehtuer" Klose - EoS

850 - Exalted Herald General 485 - Prophet, General, Wizard, Master, 475 - Mage, General, Wizard Master, 345 - Prelate, General, Plate Armour,
850 - Exalted Herald Shield, Magical Heirloom, Asfad Scholar, Potion of Strenght, Shield, Dusk Forged, Imperial Seal,
160 - 5x Fallen Pyromancy Divination Potion of Strenght
160 - 5x Fallen 285 - Prophet, Wizard, Adept, Shield, 425 - Commander, BSB, Master of 275 - Marshal, BSB, Great Tactician,
581 - 17x Warriors, God of Pride, Alchemy Canreig Tower, Great Weapon, Shield, Crown of the Wizard King
Favoured Champion, Musician, 295 - Vizier, BSB, Shield, Icon of the Longbow, Elus´s Heartwood 325 -Wizard, Apprentice, Arcane Engine,
Standard Bearer, Banner of the Inferno, Alchemists Alloy 280 - 2 x 20 Citizen Spears, Champion, Arcane Shield, Pyromancy
Relentless Company 586 - 23x Citadel Guard, Shield, M, C, S, Musician 350 - Wizard, Master, Divination
744 - 5x Chosen Knights, God of Pride, Banner of Shamut 389 - 18 Citizen Archers, Musician, 425 - 35x Heavy Infantry, Halberd, M,S,C,
Champion, Musician 424 - 14x Citadel Guard, Shield, Flintlock Standard Bearer, Banner of Flaming Standard
724 - 5x Chosen Knights, God of Pride, Axe, M Discipline 272 - 19x Light Infantry, M
Musician 115 - 20x Orc Slaves 190 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow 259 - 18x Light Infantry, M
430 - Hellmaw, 2 Ominous Gateways 160 - 5x Tauruk, Shield 808 - 26 Lion Guard, Champion, 172 - 12x State Militia, Skirmish
4499p 642 - 4x Tauruk Anointed, Infernal Musician, Standard Bearer, 549 - 27x Imperial Guard, Great Weapon,
Weapon, Shield, M,S, Banner of Navigator´s Banner M,C,S
Shamut 633 - 21 Flame Wardens, Champion, 453 - 4 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance,
130 - Gunnery Team, Flamethrower Musician, Standard Bearer, Rending M
350 - Infernal Artillery, Volcano Cannon, Banner 175 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
Bound Daemon 245 - 10 Lion Guard, Baleig Highlanders 175 - 5 Reiters, Repeater Gun
450 - Infernal Engine, Shrapnel Guns 215 - 1 Lion Chariot 250 - Cannon
575 - 1x Kadim Titan 180 - 2 x 1 Sea Guard Reaper 475 - Steam Tank
4447p 100 - 2 x 1 Giant Eagle 4500p

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Legio franconia

Matthias „Matz“ Schilling – Orks and

Christian „Raist“ Brauer – Wildheart Philipp „Ameni“ Förster – Vampire Max „Wechselblag“ – Sylvan Elves
Ogre Khans 740 -Goblin King, Forest Goblin King, Counts
General, War Cry!, Gargantula, 690 - Avatar of Nature, Entangling Vines
495 - Mammoth Hunter, General, Light Armour, Paired Weapons, 325 - Necromancer, General, Binding 225 - Dryad Ancient, General, Wizard
Wildheart, Tusker, Lance, Death Hero's Heart, Crown of Autocracy, Scroll, Scepter of Power, Wizard Adept, Divination
Cheater, Aurochs Charm Lucky Charm Adept, Evokation 290 - Dryad Ancient, Toxic Spores,
225 - Mammoth Hunter, Iron Fist 475 -Orc Shaman, Feral Orc Shaman, 855 - Vampire Count, Crimson Rage, Wizard Adept, Divination
225 - Mammoth Hunter, Iron Fist Paired Weapons, Talisman of the Skeletal Steed, Plate Armour, 245 - Dryad Ancient, Oaken Crown,
430 - Mammoth Hunter, Battle Standard Void, Obsidian Rock, Wizard Shield, Cursed Medallion, Dusk Wizard Adept, Druidism
Bearer, Trolleater, Iron Fist, Master, Shamanism Forged, Potion of Swiftness, 300 - Thicket Shepherd, Battle Standard
Wrestler's Belt 280 -Orc Chief, Iron Orc Chief, Battle Reaper´s Harvest, Wizard Adept, Bearer
425 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Standard Bearer, Plate Armour, Occultism, Brotherhood of the 476 - 2x25 Dryads, C
Shamanism Shield, Banner of Speed, Dragon Bloodline 170 - 8x Dryads, C
4x 175 - 3x Tribesmen, M Alchemist's Alloy 620 - Vampire Courtier, Eternal Duelist, 186 - 8x Dryads, Clearing Spirits
227 - 4x Tribesmen, M 285 -Goblin Witch Doctor, Cave Goblin Battle Standard Bearer, Monstrous 450 - Treefather
175 - 3x2 Yetis Witch Doctor, Light Armour, Book Revenant, Plate Armour, Shield, 615 - 6x Thicket Beasts, C
475 - 2x1 Rock Auroch of Arcane Mastery, Wizard Adept, Paired Weapon, Great Weapon, 370 - 3x Kestrel Knights, Shields, S,
295 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon Witchcraft Lance, Basalt Infusion, Lucky Banner of Silent Mist
4 497 665 -56x Goblins, Forest Goblins, Spears Charm, Talisman of Shielding, 4493
and Shields, Throwing Weapons, M, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism,
S, C, Green Tide Brotherhood of the Dragon
340 -30x Goblins, Forest Goblins, Spears Bloodline
and Shields, Throwing Weapons, M, 133 - 8x Dire Wolves, C
C 113 - 2x8 Dire Wolves
120 -20x Goblins, Common Goblins, 626 - 38x Ghouls, C
Shields 140 - 21x Zombies, M
832 -31x Iron Orcs, M, S, C, Green Tide 354 - 8x Barrow Knights, M, C
125 -2x1 Goblin Wolf Chariot 490 - 2x1 Shrieking Horror
510 - Gargantula 240 - 3x Vampire Spawn
4497 4499

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Mighty Morphin Flower

Oliver „Pee-Nut“ Heinzen - Dread Elves

Nils Kietzmann – Saurian Ancient Artur „BicMac“ Güttler Warriors of Michael "Loton" Heinz - Dwarven Holds
1010 - Oracle: Army General, Cult of the Dark Gods
Yema, Dragon, Beastmaster's Lash, 795 - Cuatl Lord, General, BSB, Gras pof 235 - Runic Smith, Army General, 3x
Moraec's Reaping, Wandering Immortal, Trained from Birth, 5 785 - Sorcerer, General, WM, Plate Battle Runes, Shield
Familiar , Wizard Master Occultism Spells, Essence of Free Mind, Armor, Paired Weapons, 235 - Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes,
485 - Captain: BSB, Beast Master, Heavy Alchemy/Evocation Battleshrine, Gladiators Spirit, Shield
Armour, Lance, Pegasus, Repeater 970 – Saurian Warlord, Alpha Carnosaur, Magical Heirloom (Evocation) 395 - Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker,
Handbow, Shield, Midnight Cloak Halberd, Blessed Inscriptions, Jade 295 - Babarien Chief, BSB, HA, Spear, 2xRune of Quickening, Rune of
242 - 3x 12 Corsair, Repeater Handbow Staff, Starfall Shard Willows Ward, Wyrd Stone, Zealot Smashing
200 - 2x5 Dark Raider, Repeater 625 – 25x Saurian Warrior, Spears, Banner 330 - Dragon Seeker, Rune of Might,
Crossbows Standart Bearer, Banner of Speed 130 – 8 Warhounds Rune of Penetrating, Rune of
595 - 10 Dread Knight, FCG, Banner of 140 – 2x15 Skink Braves 130 – 8 Warhounds Quickening
Blood 130 – 2x5 Chameleon 646 - 23 Chaos Warriors,Paired 543 - 18xGreybeards, Shield, Throwing
135 - 5 Harpy 110 – 5x Skink Hunter Weapons, CSM, Zealot Banner Weapon, M, S, Runic Standard of
180 - 2x Dread Reaper 325 – 2x2 Salamander 220 - Warrior Charriot Swiftness
390 - 2x Kraken 265 – 2x Spearback 220 - Warrior Charriot 582 - 19xGreybeards, Vanguard, Shield,
540 – Taurosaur, engine of the Ancients 140 - 5 Babarien Horseman, Shield Throwing Weapon, M, S, Runic
4495 575 - 4 Chosen Knights, Favour of Savar, Standard of Wisdom
M 300 - 3x Hold Guardian, M
330 – Hellmaw, 1 Ominous Gateway 300 - 3x Hold Guardian, M
510 - Feldrak Elder, PW 337 - 12x Seekers, Skirmish, Vanguard, C
510 - Feldrak Elder, PW 130 - Vengeance Seeker
130 - Vengeance Seeker
210 - Steam Bomber
210 - Steam Bomber
255 - Cannon
150 - Flame Cannon
150 - Flame Cannon

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Mir juckt mei Sachso!

Marcel 'Micky' Krause – Sylvan Elves Henrik 'Groudon' Sühr – Dread Elves Michael “Solar” Grametzki - Vampire Marius “masterchief90” Maertens -
Covenant - Strigoi Bloodline Daemon Legions
385 - Forest Prince, Blade Dancer, 740 – Cult Priest, BSB, Yema, Divine Altar
General, Great Weapon (Blessed with Paired Weapons, Shield, Basalt 250 – Necromancer, Wizard Adept, 445 - Harbinger of Father Chaos,
Inscription), Glyph of Amryl Infusion, Hero's Heart Evocation, Magical Heirloom General, Wizard Adept, Evocation,
335 – Chieftain, Blade Dancer, BSB, 995 – Oracle, General, Yema, Dragon, 800 - Vampire Count, Army General (The Great Beast of Prophecy, Tarskin
Spear (Hunter's Honour), Aether Wizard Master, Occultism, Dead Arise), Strigoi Bloodline, 445 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Wizard
Icon Moraec's Reaping, Obsidian Rock, Ghoul Lord, Halberd (King Slayer), Adept, Divination, Great Beast of
365 – Druid, Master, Shamanism Wandering Familiar Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Prophecy, Tarskin
365 – Druid, Master, Druidism 665 – 28 Blades of Nabh, FCG, Rending Hypnotic Pendant, Potion of 300 - 11x Myrmidons, M, Bronze
600 - 20 Sylvan Archers, MSC, Banner of Banner Swiftness Backbone
Discipline 230 – 16 Dread Legionnaires, Spears, 510 - Vampire Courtier, BSB, Flaming 275 - 3x10 Myrmidons, M, Bronze
150 - 8 Dryads Champion Standard, Rending Banner, Halberd, Backbone
182 - 8 Dryads, Skirmish 230 – 16 Dread Legionnaires, Spears, Strigoi Bloodline, Bestial Bulk, 150 - 2x5 Furies
205 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunter Champion Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism 155 - 2x5 Hellhounds
335 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels 135 – 5 Harpies 133 – 2x8 Dire Wolves, Champion 165 - 2x5 Hellhounds, Horns of Hubris
416 - 10 Blade Dancers, SC, Banner of 135 – 5 Harpies 645 – 35x Ghouls, C, Vanguard 250 - 1x Titanslayer Chariot
Speed 195 – Raptor Chariot 140 – 2x21 Zombies, M 646 - 2x5 Brazen Beasts, M, Red Haze
200 - 5 Briar Maidens 195 – Raptor Chariot 655 – 8x Ghasts, C 4497
310 - 3 Kestrel Knights, Hard Target, 180 – Dread Reaper 90 – 2x Great Bats
Shield 180 – Dread Reaper 500 – 2x6 Vampire Spawns, C
300 - 5 Wild Huntsmen 180 – Dread Reaper 4496
250 - 10 Forest Ranger, CM 440 – Hydra
100 - 1 Forest Eagle 4500

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Niedersachsen beste

Tim "Fireborn" Bargmann - Dwarven

Holds Florian "Knoeffelknabe" Bargmann - Peter „ZAR“ Bargmann – Empire of Daniel „Herby“ Schaefer - Ogre Khans
Daemon Legends Sonnstahl
690 - King, General, War Throne, Great 615 - Great Khan, General, Trolleater,
Weapon, Rune of Craftsmanship, 720 - Omen of Savar, General, Dominion 335 – Prelate, Army General, Plate HA, GW, Khagadai's Legacy,
Rune of Destruction, Rune of Iron, of Pride, Iron Husk, Wizard Armour, Shield, Dusk Forged, Mammoth-Hide Cloak,
Rune of Steel Master, Divination Imperial Seal Rampager's Chain
295 - Thane, Battle Standard Bearer, 535 - Omen of Savar, Hammer Hand, 225 – Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, 320 – Khan, BSB, Cult Leader, HA, IF,
Shield, Rune of Dragon's Breath, Iron Husk, Withered Vapour, Great Tactician, Shield Skull of Qenghet
2x Rune of Lightning Divination 135 – Artificer, Long Rifle (3+) 540 – Shaman, IF, Pyromancy, Master,
290 - Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes, 535 - Omen of Savar, Hammer Hand, 400 – Wizard, Divination, Wizard Master, Lygur's Tongue, Magical Heirloom
Shield, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Iron Husk, Withered Vapour, Magical Heirloom 325 – Mammoth Hunter, IF, Leader of
Mastery Thaumaturgy 400 – Wizard, Pyromancy, Wizard the Pack, Death Cheater
185 - Anvil of Power 280 - 10x Imps, Sorcerous Antenne Apprentice, Arcane Engine: 185 – 3x Bruiser
135 - Engineer, Crossbow (3+), Shield 280 - 10x Imps, Sorcerous Antenne Arcane Shield 335 – 40x Scraplings, M, S, Shield
240 - 2x10x Clan Marksmen, Crossbow 285 - 10x Imps, Mark of the Eternal 165 – 5x Electoral Cavalry, Great 605 – 8x Tribesmen, FC, IF, Pennant of
(4+), Shield, Musician Champion, Champion Weapon the Great Grass Sky
651 - 28x Greybeards, Shield, Champion, 366 - 14x Lemures, Champion, Chilling 490 – Heavy Infantry, Halberd, CMS, 80 – 1x Sabretooth Tigers
Musician, Standard Bearer Yawn Rending Banner 195 – 2x Yetis, C
508 - 2x23x Seekers, Musician 280 - 3x Veil Serpents 246 – 17x Light Infantry, Musician 485 – 2x1 Rock Aurochs, Lance
175 - 2x1 Steam Copters, Attack Copter 280 - 3x Veil Serpents 246 – 17x Light Infantry, Musician 330 – 1x Slave Giant, GW, Big Brother
255 - Field Artillery, Cannon (4+) 410 - 3x Brazen Beasts, Musician, Red 571 – 28x Imperial Guard, CMS, Replace 4500
150 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon Haze Shield with Great
4497 528 - 4x Brazen Beasts, Musician, Red 453 – 4x Knights of the Sun Griffon, M,
Haze Replace Halberd with Lance
4499 175 – 5x Reiters, Brace of Pistols (4+)
250 – Artillery: Cannon (4+)
475 – Steam Tank

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Fabrice "Babnik" - Kingdom of Equitaine Antoine "Magnifico" - Beast Herds Adrien “Arwyl” - Daemon Legions Johannes "Puppenspieler" - Sylvan Elves

680 - Duke, General, Might, Pegasus, 510-Beast lord - general - Razortusk 540 - Omen of Savar, Iron Husk, 680 - Forest Prince, Dragon, Lucky
Divine Judgement, Fortress of Faith, chariot - Beast Axe - Shield - Heavy Brimstone Secretions (35), Bronze Charm, Great Weapon
Potion of Swiftness, Basalt Infusion, Armor - Death Cheater - Crown of Backbone, Thaumaturgy 735 - Treefather Ancient, General,
Lucky Charm, Questing Oath, Horns 820 - Sentinel of Nukuja - Strixian Spirit, Wizard Master, Druidism
Bastard Sword, Shield, Lance 475-Beast lord - Razortusk chariot - General, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, 365 - Thicket Shepherd, Toxic Spores,
400 - Paladin, Piety, Barded Warhorse, Beast Axe - Shield - Heavy Armor - Segmented Shell, Must take Battle Standard Bearer
Dragon Staff, Alchemist's Alloy, Talisman of shielding - Ghoslty Dominion of Sloth, Divination 200 - 5x Heath Riders, Musician
Shield, Questing Oath, Bastard Guard 290 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Aura of 494 - 26x Dryads, Champion
Sword, Battle Standard Bearer, 390-Beast Chieftain - Great Banner - Despair, Battle Standard Bearer, 476 - 25x Dryads, Champion
Banner of Discipline Raiding chariot - Beast Axe - Shield - Wizard Apprentice, Evocation 385 - 4x Thicket Beasts
490 - Damsel, Barded Warhorse, Heavy Armor - Totem bearer - Dusk 400 - 12x Imps, Mark of the Eternal 615 - 6x Thicket Beasts, Champion
Talisman of the Void, Essence of a Forged - Alchimist Alloy Champion, Hand of Heaven 100 - Forest Eagle
Free Mind, Wizard Master, 410-Soothsayer - druidism - Wizard (Thaumaturgy), Champion, 450 - Treefather
Druidism/Shamanism master - Binding Scroll Musician 4 500
852 - 15x Knights of the Realm, 200-15 Wildhorn herd - Throwing 505 - 20x Succubi, Mesmerising Plumage,
Champion, Musician, Standard weapon - Musician Champion, Musician, Standard
Bearer, Banner of the Last Charge 200-15 Wildhorn herd - Throwing Bearer
320 - 6x Knights of the Realm, Champion, weapon - Musician 220 - 10x Lemures, Musician
Musician, Standard Bearer 95-10 Mongrel Raiders (95) 165 - 5x Hellhounds, Horns of Hubris
690 - 5x Pegasus Knights, Loose 324-33 Mongrel Herd - Spear - EMC - 418 - 4x Clawed Fiends, Musician,
Formation, Vanguard, Champion, Banner of the Wild Herd Standard Bearer
Standard Bearer, Musician, Banner 104-8 Feral Hounds 210 - 5x Sirens, Centipede Legs
of Roland 100-Razortusk Herd 260 - Hope Harvester
575 - 10x Knights of the Quest, 742-7 Minotaurs - Paired Weapons - 260 - Hope Harvester
Champion, Musician, Standard EMC - Totem Bearer (Black wing 412 - 3x Brazen Beasts, Centipede Legs,
Bearer, Stalker's Standard totem)- Banner of Speed Musician, Standard Bearer
2 x 125 - 5x Yeoman Outriders 2 x 475-Gortach 4 500
2 x 120 - Scorpion 4500
4 497

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Schwäbisch-Badische Allianz

Nico „Kryo“ Weinbrecht – Daemon Heiko „ Daemonic“ Haege – Highborn Moritz „Rock n Roll“ Hummel – Vermin Marc „Caledoriv“ Beck – Undying
Legions Elves Swarm Dynasties

960 – Courtesan of Cibaresh: Army 620 - Mage: General, Asfad Scholar, 820 – Vermin Daemon: General, Wizard
General, Dominon of Lust, Wizard Wizard Master Divination], Master Divination] 395 – Death Cult Hierarch: General, Ankh
Master Divination], Mesmerising Binding Scroll, Book of Meladys 250 – Chief: Light Armour, BSB, Sceptre of Naptesh, Wizard Master
Plumage, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, 390 - Commander: BSB, Light Armour, of Vermin Valor, Binding Scroll Cosmology]
Darkhide Longbow (1+), Master of Canreig 725 – Plague Patriarch: Wizard Adept 210 – 20 Skeletons: Spears, S, Banner of
355 - Harbinger of Chaos: Adept Tower, Talisman of the Void Occultism], Light Armour, Putrid the Entombed
(Witchcraft), Sorcerous Antennae, 316 – 21 Citizen Spears: CMS Protection, Plague Flail, Plague 140 – 10 Skeleton Archers: M
Mark of the Eternal Champion 190 – 2 x 5 Elein Reavers: Bow (3+) Pendulum 188 – 14 Skeleton Archers: M
310 - Harbinger of Chaos: Adept 465 - 20 Sea Guard: CMS 190 – 2x 14 Footpads: M, Paired 130 – 2 x 5 Skeleton Scouts
(Evocatoion), Mark of the Eternal 414 – 6 Knights of Ryma: Standard Weapons 375 – 4 Skeleton Chariots: S
Champion Bearer 159 – 11 Footpads: Vanguard 160 – 2 x 1 Tomb Scorpion
469 - 16 Succubi: CMS, Smothering Coils 794 – 28 Sword Masters: CMS, 200 – 30 Giant Rats 340 – 6 x Scarab Swarms
641 - 24 Mirmidons: CMS, Greenfire Eyes Navigator's Banner 390 – 30 Plague Brotherhood: CMS, 430 – 6 x Scarab Swarms: Underground
165 - 5 Hellhounds: Digestive Vomit 589 – 16 Queen's Guard: CMS,Banner of Legion Standard Ambush
702 - 6 Clawed Fiends: CMS, Unhinging Becalming 292 – 2x 14 Plague Disciples: C 200 – 2 x 1 Charnel Catapult
Jaw 265 – 2 x 1 Sky Sloop 305 – 2x 1 Dreadmill 480 – 3 x 1 Battle Sphinx
401 – 3 Brazen Beasts: Champion, Total: 4498 190 – 2x 5 Jezails Total: 4498
Whipcrack Tail Total: 4498
150 - 2 x 5 Furies
195 – 5 Sirens
Total: 4498

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Team MöGuRiTo

Peter „Borgio“ Ridder – Dwarven Holds Michael „morte“ Klostermann - Saurian Anthony “Blacky“ Thompson Sylvan Florian " Greatuncleanone" Schulte
Ancients Elves Demon Legions
125 – Engineer, General
180 – 10x Clan Warriors, Shields, 845 - Cuatl Lord, General, BSB, Grasp of 270 – Druid, Adept, Druidism, binding 720 Omen of Savar, Iron Husk, Wizard
Throwing Weapons, M the Immortal, Trained from Birth, Scroll Master, Dominion of Pride,
180 – 10x Clan Warriors, Shields, Essence of a Free Mind, Talisman 725- Forest Prince, Sylvan Blades, Titanic General, Divination
Throwing Weapons, M of the Void, Alchemy, Pyromancy Might, Dragon, 535 Omen of Savar, Hammer Hand, Iron
140 – 10x Clan Warriors, Vanguard 945 - Saurian Warlord, Alpha Carnosaur, 805- Treefather Ancient, General, Wizard Husk, Withered Vapour,
120 – 10x Clan Warriors Paired Weapons, Jade Staff, Master, Divination, Crown of Divination
255 – 10x Greybeards, Shields, Throwing Starfall Shard, Touch of Greatness Autocracy 535 Omen of Savar, Hammer Hand, Iron
Weapons, M 625 - 30x Skink Braves, 3x Caimans, FCG, 150- 2*8 Dryads Husk, Withered Vapour,
255 – 10x Greybeards, Shields, Throwing Banner of Legion 205- 5 Heath Hunters Thaumaturgy
Weapons, M 160 - 15x Skink Braves, M 628- 22 Sylvan Archers, M,S, Banner of 280- 10 Imps, Sorcerous Antenne
310 – 15x King's Guard 140 - 15x Skinks Braves Discipline 280- 10 Imps, Sorcerous Antenne
310 – 15x King's Guard 190 - 2x3 Pteradon Sentries 330- 3 Kestrel Knights, C, 285- 10 Imps, Champion, Mark of the
265 – 10x Miners, Shield, Throwing 379 - 5x Ramphodon Riders, Shields 450- Treefather Eternal Champion
Weapon, M 329 - 4x Ramphodon Riders, C, Shields 325- 5 Wild Hunters, Shield, 288- 12 Lemures, Chilling Yawn
265 – 10x Miners, Shield, Throwing 165 - 1x Weapon Beast, Salamander 230- 2*7 Sylvan Sentinels
Weapon, M 540 - 1x Taurosaur, Engine of the 4498 528- 4 Brazen Beasts, Red Haze,
350 – 1x Grudge Buster Ancients Musician
350 – 1x Grudge Buster 528- 4 Brazen Beasts, Red Haze,
305 – 2x Steam Copters, Attack Copter Musician
305 – 2x Steam Copters, Attack Copter 260- Hope Harvester
210 – 1x Steam Copter, Steam Bomber 260- Hope Harvester
320 – 1x Field Artillery, Organ Gun, Rune 4499
255 – 1x Field Artillery, Cannon

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Frederick Humcke – UD (C) Xavier Panchard – Kingdom of Equitaine Yannic Titgemeyer - Empire of Sonnstahl Stefan Voßen – The Vermin Swarm
670, Duke, Pegasus, General, Questing 805 – Marshal, Imperial Prince, General, 880 - Magister, General, Wizard Master,
445 - Death Cult Hierarch, Divination, Oath, Virtue of Might, Shield, Dragon, Potion of Swiftness Thaumaturgy, Doom Bell, Light
Master, Sacred Hourglass - Lance, Divine Judgement, 280 – Marshal, Great Tactician, Binding Armour, Alchemist's Alloy, 3 Dark
Dominant Basalt Infusion, Potion of Swiftness, Scroll, Shield, Battle Standard Shards, Second Awakening,
425 - Death Cult Hierarch, Evocation, Ark Fortress of Faith Bearer Crown of Autocracy
of Ages, Hierophant, Adept, Book 335, Paladin, Barded Warhorse, Bsb, 400 - Wizard, Magical Heirloom , Wizard 725 - Plague Patriarch, Wizard Adept,
of Arcane Mastery Questing Oath, Virtue of Piety, Master, Cosmology Occultism, Plague Pendulum,
265 – Nomarch, General, HA, Lance, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy Cosmos/Chaos Light Armour, Putrid Protection,
Shield, Skeleton Chariot: 2 595, Damsel, Equitan Unicorn, Wizard 135 - Artificer, Long Rifle (3+) Plague Flail
Skeletal Horses, Alchemist's Alloy, Master, Druidism, Storm Clarion, 175 - 21x Heavy Infantry, Musician 195 - Chief, BSB, Sceptre of Vermin
Death Mask of Teput lightning vembrance 226 - 17x Light Infantry Valour
160 - Tomb Architect 852, 15 Knights of the Realm, M, S, C, 226 - 17x Light Infantry 140 - 10x Footpads, M
695 – 7 Skeleton Chariots, C, M, Legion Banner of the Last Charge 261 - 17x Light Infantry, Long Rifle (3+), 350 - 26x Plague Brotherhood, C, M, S,
Charioteers 280, 6 Knights of the Realm, M Champion Legion Standard
130 – 2x5 Skeleton Scouts 630, 12 Knights of the Quest, M, S, C 261 - 17x Light Infantry, Long Rifle (3+), 390 - 20x Vermin Guard, M, S, Lightning
170 – 20 Skeletons, M 270, 6 Knights of the Quest Champion Rod
500 – 2x5 Tomb Cataphracts, M 125, 5 Yeoman Outriders 326 - 3x Knights of the Sun Griffon, 319 - 27x Rats-at-Arms, C, M, S, Legion
760 – 4x Tomb Reapers, PW 130, 5 Yeoman Outriders, light armour replace Halberd with Lance Standard
160 - 2x1 Sand Scorpion 635, 5 Pegasus Knights, Skirmish, S, C, 326 - 3x Knights of the Sun Griffon, 90 - 2x2 Rat Swarms
4500 Banner Of Roland replace Halberd with Lance 305 - 2x1 Dreadmill
Total: 4497 175 - 5x Reiters, Repeater Gun (4+) 110 - 2x3 Jezails
175 - 5x Reiters, Repeater Gun (4+) 150 - 4x Jezails
250 - Cannon 170 - 2x1 Verminous Artillery, Plague
475 - Steam Tank Catapult
4496 4499

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This is Sparta

Domenik "Todesbrot" Coenen - DH Simon "DrPepper" Pfefferle - Orcs and Jan "GabbaGandalf" Ranau - VC - No Daniel "Scarloc" Hazel - Infernal Dwarves
Goblins Bloodline
505 - Overlord, General, Shield,
180 - Engineer, General, Ancestral 535 - Orc Shaman, General, War Cry, Onyx Core, Death Cheater,
Memory Common Orc, 4 Spells, Destinys 460 - Necromancer, General, The Potion of Swiftness
2 x 280 - 10x Clan Marksmen, Guild- Call, Scepter of Power, Wizard Dead Arise, 4 Spells, 535 - Prophet, 4 Spells, Shield,
crafted Handgun, Shield, Master, Shamanism Necromantic Staff, Wizard Magical Heirloom, Talisman of
Musician 320 - Orc Chief, BSB, Iron Orc, Master, Evocation the Void, Wizard Master,
180 - 10x Clan Warriors, Paired Shield, Great Weapon, Pan of 300 - Necromancer, 2 Spells, Magical Alchemy
Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Protection Pinchin, Tukteks Heirloom, Talisman of the Void, 275 - Prophet, 2 Spells, Wizard
Vanguard, Musician Guard Wizard Adept, Alchemy Adept, Pyromancy
140 - 10x Clan Warriors, Paired 145 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common 410 - Wight King, BSB, Skeletal 295 - Vizier, BSB, Shield, Willows
Weapons, Throwing Weapons Goblin, 1 Spell, Wolf Chariot, Steed, Basalt Infusion, Dusk Ward, Icon of the Inferno
255 - 10x Greybeards, Shield, T Wizard Apprentice Forged, Heroes Heart 2 x 384 - 12x Citadel Guard, Flintlock
hrowing Weapon, Musician 540 - Orc Warlord, Iron Orc, War 133 - 8x Dire Wolves, Champion Axe, Champion, Musician
2 x 350 - Grudge Buster Boar, Shield, Dragonfire Gem, 331 - 26x Skeletons, Spear, 364 - 12x Citadel Guard, Flintlock
508 - 23x Seekers, Musician Dusk Forged, Potion of Musician, Standard, Champion, Axe, Musician
529 - 24x Seekers, Musician Swiftness, Omen of the Flaming Standard 605 - 20x Immortals, shields,
2x 130 - Vengeance Seeker Apocalypse 2 x 155 - 20x Zombies, Musician, Infernal Weapons, Champion,
2 x 305 - 2x Steam Copters, Attack 2 x 445 - 36x Goblins, Forest Goblin, Standard Musician, Standard,
Copters Spear, Shield, Throwing 135 - 20x Zombies, Musician 2 x 575 - 5x Kadim Incarnates
320 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun, Weapon, Musician, Standard, 2 x 365 - Altar of Undeath 4491
Rune Crafted Rending Banner 2 x 430 - Dark Coach
255 - Field Artillery, Cannon 274 - 23x Orc, Common Orc, Bow, 90 - 2x Great Bats
4497 Paired Weapon, Musician 740 - 4x Winged Reapers, Halberds
335 - 15x Iron Orc, Musician, 4499
3 x 350 - Giant, Big Brother, Giant Club
2 x 205 - Greenhide Catapults, Git
Launcher, Orc Overseer

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Wollen Sie mal meinen

Thomas "Scrub" Ahlich – Frogre Khans

Thomas „Zwergnase“ Möller – Undying Paul "FirePaul" Feuerstake - Warriors of Matthias "Martze" Haberland - Orcs and
Dynasties the Dark Gods Goblins and Back
545 - Shaman, General, Wizard Master,
Light Armour, Iron Fist, Lygur's 535 - Death Cult Hierarch, Hierophant, 690 - Chosen Lord, Favour of Vanadra, 500 - Iron Orc Warlord, General, Plate
Tongue, Magical Heirloom, Wizard Master, Divination, Sacred Goddess of Wrath, BSB, Black Armour, Death Cheater, Shield,
Thaumaturgy Hourglass, Scepter of Power Steed, Burning Portent, Dragonfire Willows Ward, Touch of Greatness,
360 - Khan, BSB, Hoardmaster, 225 - Nomarch, General, Crown of the Gem, Lucky Charm, Idol of Spite War Cry
Mammoth-Hide Cloak, Skull of Pharaohs 355 - Sorcerer, General, Dark Chariot, 635 - Feral Orc Warlord "Back", Wyvern,
Qenghet 260 - Tomb Architect, Crown of the Plate Armour, Binding Scroll, Light Armour, Basalt Infusion,
380 – Mammoth Hunter, Leader of the Wizard King, Talisman of the Void Wizard Adept, Alchemy Shield, Omen of Apocalypse, Potion
Pack, Trolleater, Iron Fist, Hunting 820 - 8 Skeleton Chariots, Legion 400 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Paired of Swiftness
Spear, Wrestler's Belt Charioteers, Musician, Standard Weapons, Plate Armour, Basalt 450 - Orc Mage Master, Skull Fetish,
360 - Mammoth Hunter, Leader of the Bearer, Stalker's Standard Infusion, Hero's Heart, Wizard Paired Weapons, Shamanism
Pack, Spinesplitter, Iron First, 130 - 5 Skeleton Scouts Adept, Evocation 190 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Adept,
Hunting Spear, Death Cheater 190 - 20 Skeletons, Musician, Champion 130 - 8x Warhounds Witchcraft
185 - 2x3 Bruisers 500 - 5 Tomb Cataphracts, Musician 772 - 24x Warriors, Great Weapon, M, C, 545 - 45x Cave Goblins, M, S, Shield, 3x
155 - 3 Tribesmen 760 - 2x4 Tomb Reapers, Paired Weapon S, Zealots Banner Mad Gits, Banner of Relentless
605 - 8 Tribesmen, FCG, Iron Fist, 160 - 2x1 Sand Scorpion 804 - 5x Chosen Knights, Favour of Company
Pennant of the Great Grass Sky Total 4500 Cibaresh, God of Lust, M, S, Flaming 465 - 40x Forest Goblins, M, S, C, Spear,
80 - 2x1 Sabretooth Tiger Standard Shield, Rending Banner
320 - Thunder Cannon 140 - 5x Flayers 195 - 20x Common Orcs, M
475 - 2x1 Rock Aurochs, Hunting Spear 310 - 2x5 Warrior Knights, Lance, M 90 - 3x Grotlings
295 - Slave Giant, Giant Club 586 - 9x Warrior Knights, Lance, M, S, 693 - 24x Iron Orcs, M, C, S, Mikinok’s
Total 4500 Stalker's Standard Totem
Total 4497 90 - 3x 1 Skewerer
65 - 1x Great Green Idol, BSB
Total 4498

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Springer (Replacement team)

More to come

Peter “Duc der Guerre” Folle - The

Vermin Swarm
Sebastian „sentiar“ Skroch – Undying
Dynasties 390 - Tyrant, General, Vermin Guard
Litter, Dusk Forged (Shield),
400 – death cult hierarch, hierophant, Alchemist's Alloy , Crown of
4spells, evocation Autocracy, Shield, Heavy Armour
200 – death cult hierarch, 2spells, 295 - Chief, Sceptre of Vermin Valour,
cosmology Battle Standard Bearer, Lightning
225 – normarch, general, LA, crown of Rod
the pharaohs 400 - Magister, Second Awakening,
160 – tomb architect Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy
820 – 8x skeleton chariots , legion 2 x 180 - Rakachit Machinist, Ratlock
chariots, M, S, Stalkers Standart Pistols (3+)
130 – 5x skeleton scouts 280 - Sicarra Assassin
210 – 20x skeletons, S, banner oft he 312 - 26x Rats-at-Arms, Champion,
relentless company Musician, Standard Bearer, Legion
590 – 6x tomb cataphracts, M Standard
685 – 8x shabti archers, M , S, rending 398 - 34x Rats-at-Arms, Champion,
banner Musician, Standard Bearer, Aquila
760 – 4x tomb reapers, PW of Ruin
160 – 1x sand scorpion 2 x 140 - 10x Footpads, Musician
160 – 1x sand scorpion 140 - 20x Giant Rats
4500 2 x 150 - Meat Grinder
150 - Weapon Team Rotary Gun
150 - Weapon Team Globe Launcher
170 - Plague Catapult
265 - Lightning Cannon
2 x 305 - Dreadmill
4 500

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07.01: Team Bester Weigert; HBE, CopyError at Master of Canreig Tower

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