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Vol. V, No. 263, 13 th Waning of Nattaw 1380 ME Friday, 4 January 2019

Message from the President U Win Myint, the Republic of the

Union of Myanmar on Commemoration of the 71st Independence Day
4th January 2019
Dear Esteemed Citizens, be independence. Only that system ensures
On the auspicious occasion of the 71st peace. Therefore, we must aim to build a
Anniversary of the Independence Day of the democratic nation.” He also stated that “In
Republic of the Union of Myanmar, I would my opinion, we cannot build a Unitary State,
like to extend my warmest greetings to all meant only for one major national race. We
national races. must build a federal state, specifying the rights
Myanmar, which had existed as an inde- of each national race.
pendent and sovereign country throughout the After gaining independence, due to the
history, was invaded by the British Colonists in divide-and-rule policy practised by the colo-
1824, 1852 and 1885 and lost its independence nists, trust among ethnic brethren became
in November 1885. To regain independence, all thinner and suspicion grew stronger, resulting
national races together with the sharp-witted Due to the united effort of all the nation- in different kinds of conflicts among national
and patriotic leaders, sacrificed their blood als, Myanmar regained its independence and races. As we have inherited negative conse-
and sweat with untiring perseverance and emerged as the sovereign state, the Republic quences, peace and stability of the country has
diligence, under the guidance of the national of the Union of Myanmar, on 4th January 1948. deteriorated and our country has been lagged
hero, the founding father of Tatmadaw, and The architect of Independence General Aung behind other countries.
the architect of independence General Aung San claimed that “... only when the country
San, who had both courage and fortitude. practises the democratic system, will there > > > SEE PAGE-3

71st Anniversary Independence Day

National Objectives

1. All National Ethnic Races to defend and protect

with “collective strength” to ensure Non-disin-
tegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the
Unity of National Ethnic Races and Perpetuation
of National Sovereignty.
2. For the emergence of a Democratic Federal Union,
to strive towards creating a suitable Constitution
for the State in accordance with democratic stand-
3. To effectively combat and protect against the use

Anniversary of drugs and narcotic substances which can harm

and erode the health and character of all citizens.
4. To continuously strive with determined effort for
the balanced and equitable development of all
states and regions.
5. To assist from all fronts the Union Government’s
efforts for private sector development and the
emergence of a fully-developed market economy.

Sitagu Sayadaw Dr. Bhaddanta Nannisara delivers sermon to Buddhist devotees at New Year Dhamma Congregation in People’s Park in Yangon.  PHOTO: HLA MOE

Over 200,000 people attend third day of New

Year Dhamma Congregation in Yangon
OVER 200,000 people attend- region ministers and Hluttaw to sermons of the Sayadaws youths. Listening to the ser- si Hospital who was providing
ed the third day of New Year representatives. makes the mindset of the peo- mons of the Sayadaws instead health care service donation
Dhamma congregation organ- The Yangon Region gov- ple become better. They got to of wasting time would lead them said, “Bahosi Hospital is provid-
ized by the Yangon Region Gov- ernment has conducted these know what they didn’t know. I’ve onto the path of being good and ing health care service donation
ernment at the People’s Park annual three-day New Year been in attendance since the well-mannered.” to the third day of the New Year
yesterday. Dhamma congregations start- New Year Dhamma congrega- Daw Khin Myat Htwe from Dhamma congregation with 8
Sitagu Sayadaw Dr. Bhadd- ing from 2016. tions were started and this is Dagon Myothit (North) Town- doctors and over 40 health care
anta Nannisara delivered a ser- Eleven sub-committees the third time. Buddhists could ship spoke of her happiness as personnel. Some devotees who
mon titled “Bojjhanga Sutta.” comprising of invitation, trans- not be detached from gather- a Myanmar citizen and a Bud- felt dizzy or had hyper-tension
Among the congregation were port, security, health etc. were ings such as these sermons. dhist on holding of the event. came for treatment.” Donors
Yangon Region Chief Minister formed for the convenience of As we come of age, we should Religious knowledge are in- were also providing free trans-
U Phyo Min Thein and wife, the people attending the event. become more engrossed in re- creased from listening to the portation with taxis and mi-
Yangon Region Deputy Speak- U Tin Win from Ahlon ligion. I’m glad to see the par- sermons, she said. ni-buses for the devotees.—Zaw
er U Lin Naing Myint, Yangon Township said “Listening ticipation of youngsters and Dr. Hla Htwe from Baho- Gyi, Min Thit (MNA)

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker

receives Egyptian Ambassador receives Singapore Ambassador
PYIDAUNGSU Hluttaw Depu- gaporean ambassador donated
ty Speaker U Tun Tun Hein re- books and documents on Sin-
ceived Singapore Ambassador gapore and multimedia support
Ms. Vanessa Chan at the Pyithu materials for the Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw Building in Nay Pyi Taw Hluttaw library to U Tun Tun
yesterday afternoon. Hein.
During the meeting matters The meeting was attended
relating to increasing coopera- by Director General U Kyaw
tion and relations between the Soe, Deputy Director General U
parliaments and peoples of the Zaw Hein and officials of the Py-
two countries were discussed. idaungsu Hluttaw Office. – MNA
After the meeting the Sin- (Translated by Zaw Min)

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat meets with Egyptian Ambassador Mr, Khaled Mohamed
Abdelrahman Abdelsalam at Pyithu Hluttaw Building in Nay Pyi Taw.  PHOTO: MNA

PYITHU Hluttaw Speaker U T Hluttaw Building, Nay Pyi Taw Also present at the meeting
Khun Myat received Bangkok yesterday morning. were Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy
based Egyptian Ambassador During the meeting mat- Speaker U Tun Tun Hein and
Mr. Khaled Mohamed Abdel- ters relating to increasing bi- officials from the Pyithu Hlut-
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein meets with
rahman Abdelsalam at the Py- lateral relations were discussed taw Office.—MNA Singapore Ambassador Ms. Vanessa Chan at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
ithu Hluttaw guest hall, Pyithu and views exchanged. (Translated by Zaw Min) Building in Nay Pyi Taw.  PHOTO: MNA
4 JANUARY 2019

“Let us strive collectively to create such a nation as was envisaged

by the architects of our independence: a nation practicing pure
principles that guarantee justice and freedom, and equal rights
that enable all our people to live in peace.”

(Excerpt from the speech by State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at the
Phan Khon game, a Myanmar traditional game. 
2nd Anniversary of the Government on 1st April, 2018.) PHOTO: KYI MYO THET

Message from the President U Win Myint, the Republic of the

Union of Myanmar on Commemoration of the 71st Independence Day
4th January 2019
FROM PAGE-1 reconciliation and peace. The third 21st Thus, I would like to urge all the Federal Union
Century Panglong Conference has suc- national people to work in unity for the • To effectively prohibit the drug abus-
Taking lessons from those negative cessfully been convened and agreements realization of the following five national es that can harm the health and
experiences in history, all the national on democratic practices and federal prin- objectives of the 71st Anniversary of the morality of the nationals
citizens must strive for non-disintegra- ciples have been reached. A peaceful and Independence Day, with commitment to • To ensure the well-balanced devel-
tion of the Union, non-disintegration of prosperous democratic federal union will build a democratic federal union where- opment of states and regions
the national unity and perpetuation of surely be built through mutual trust and by all national people can enjoy justice, • To support the government’s en-
sovereignty with the collaborative ef- cooperation and by strengthening the na- freedom, equal rights and self-determi- deavour for the development of the
fort of all the national brethren, so that tional unity and national reconciliation. nation. proper market-oriented economic
our country would eternally stand as a The main ingredient required for the system and the development of the
proud, peaceful and prosperous Union success of peace process and building • To protect our nation with the ‘united private sector
in the world. a democratic federal union is trust. All effort’ for the non-disintegration of I would like to urge all the national
Now is the time when all the national the national brethren must cooperate in the Union, non-disintegration of the people to strive with good will for the
citizens are trying to build a Democratic finding solutions, having complete trust national unity and perpetuation of building of a democratic federal union;
Federal Union envisioned by General among them. With the everlasting soli- sovereignty for peace, prosperity and modernization
Aung San, the architect of independence darity of all the national races, we must • To strive for the emergence of a of the union; and for everyone to enjoy
and other patriotic leaders, under the strive together for the emergence of a constitution that is suitable for the the fruits of Democracy regardless of the
leadership of the government. The 21st constitution drafted in accordance with country drafted in accordance with states and regions they reside in.
Century Panglong Union Peace con- the democratic practices and federal democratic principles and norms
ferences have been held for national principles that suit our nation. to be able to build a Democratic *****

Vice President U Henry Van Thio addresses NWRC coord meeting

VICE President U Henry Van the rainy season and water scar-
Thio, who is the Chairman of city in the summer in the same
the National Water Resources way as other South East Asian
Committee (NWRC) addressed countries. The State is spending
the NWRC coordination meeting a lot of funds yearly on prevention
1/2019 on the committee’s future and mitigation works including
work processes held at the Min- construction of cyclone shelters
istry of Transport and Communi- as well as conducting relief and
cations, Nay Pyi Taw yesterday rehabilitation works for people
morning who face water related natural
The Vice President said nine disasters. Soon the hot and dry
meetings including today’s meet- summer will come and relevant
ing were held after the NWRC ministries and organizations are
was reformed. Future work pro- to conduct preparation works to
cess coordination meetings of reduce and mitigate water scarci-
NWRC were held with the aims ty and disruption of water supply.
of developing water and related Similarly, continued cooperation
sectors, effective management and coordination between rele-
and usage of water resources, to Vice President U Henry Van Thio addresses the coordination meeting of National Water Resources Committee vant ministries and state/region
in Ministry of Transport and Communications in Nay Pyi Taw.  PHOTO: MNA
support effective and beneficial governments have to be made
cooperation with international meeting 3/2018 held on 31 Au- arrangements to reduce flood- ments in Taninthayi and Hpa-an towards electricity generation,
organizations and coordinating gust 2018 after the occurrence ing and inundation in Sittaung, towns and to install water out- potable and irrigation water dis-
on difficulties faced in works im- of flooding and inundation in 2018 Thanlwin, Bago, Shwekyin, Bilin, lets and sluice gates along roads, tribution, safe and secure wa-
plemented on water resources decisions were made to prevent Taninthayi rivers and Daung Myu railways and related places. The terway transports, prevention of
sector. The majority of the works blockage of drains in cities and Creek; inspect the strengths of majority of the decisions have embankment erosion, preventing
have been implemented and ef- towns to prevent flooding and dams and reservoir and to ed- already been implemented. water pollution, water resources
forts will be made towards imple- inundation; formulation of reg- ucate, inform and notify people The country faces storms development and all round man-
menting the remaining works. ulations for the people in dispos- living downstream of dams and and cyclones, flooding, inunda- agement of water resources.
At the NWRC coordination ing of wastes; implementation of reservoirs; inspect the embank- tion and bank erosions during SEE PAGE-4

Vice President U Henry Van Thio addresses NWRC coord meeting

FROM PAGE-3 Lancang-Mekong Cooperation. Chairman Union Minister for ing dams and reservoirs, plans on flooding, inundation and
Ministries and departments are Transport and Communications ought to be drawn to mitigate water scarcity; maintaining of
After forming of the NWRC, also cooperating and coordinat- U Thant Sin Maung explained and reduce flooding and inun- natural environment and wa-
it observed World Water Day ing with international organi- about possibility of water scarci- dation, work process to draw up ter basin areas; ongoing min-
on 22 March every year with zations on water related data/ ty, requirement for preparation water law, prevention of Golden istry wise works; project aims;
the participation of relevant information collection, studies, works, preventing water pollu- Apple Snail infestation, work international cooperation
ministries and organizations, conducting project works and tion and waste disposal into riv- status of advisory group and works and future works of the
local and international NGOs support implementation works ers and creeks, maintaining of ministry wise provision of funds committee.
(Non-Government Organisa- with more complete data/infor- waterways, establishing a good for natural disasters. The meeting came to a
tions). The opening ceremony of mation. water law, short and long term Following this, Union Min- close after Vice President U
2019 World Water Day, talks and Committee members are work processes to reduce flood- isters Lt-Gen Ye Aung, U Ohn Henry Van Thio delivered a
exhibition related to water will urged and required to actively ing and inundation. Committee Win, U Win Khaing and U Soe concluding speech. In his con-
be held in Nay Pyi Taw on the discuss and suggest on mat- Secretary Directorate of Water Win, Deputy Ministers U Tin cluding speech the Vice Presi-
first week of March. The theme ters relating to water related Resources and Improvement of Myint and U Soe Aung, state/ dent thanked all on behalf of the
of this year World Water Day is works conducted by ministries River Systems Director-Gen- region ministers, departmental committee for the notable mat-
“Leaving No One Behind.” All and departments connected to eral U Tun Lwin Oo explained heads and officials discussed ters discussed, to work on the
ministries, departments and the committee, cooperation with about decision made at the about rainwater harvesting; matters discussed in the day’s
organizations related to water international organizations, re- coordination meeting 3/2018, works conducted on collecting meeting, of being honored for
are urged to participate in the quirement of coordination with implemented and under imple- groundwater seepage; prelimi- the depiction of a picture of Inle
holding of the 2019 World Water other ministries and depart- mentation, development works nary works conducted on miti- Lake as the logo for World Water
Day as they have all done in the ments and suggestions made. for Ayeyawady River delta area, gating effects of climate change, Day and urged for continuing
past years. Data/information on water is water quality measurement flooding and inundation in My- the collective cooperation works
NWRC and water related required to be systematically works, sharing of water related anmar; state/region wise works on implementing and conduct-
ministries and departments shared among ministries and data/information, water pollu- on maintaining groundwater ing future water related works.
are cooperating on projects departments. Relevant min- tion prevention and mitigation seepage sites; management The meeting was attended
and studies on water sector istries and departments are works, preparations for World and usage of water resources; by NWRC members, union level
development with countries in- urged to continue to strive to- Water Day event, cooperation electricity generation from hy- organization members, state/
cluding Netherlands, Australia, ward successful establishment with international organizations dro-power for local electricity region government members,
Japan, China, Korea, Norway and implementation of all round and committee’s future works. requirement; state/region wise ministers, heads of depart-
and France and international water resources management Afterwards chairman, sec- damages and loss from flood- ments, advisory group chair-
organizations. It is also con- system that is beneficial to the retary and members of NWRC ing, inundation, bank erosion; man and members, technicians
ducting regional cooperation people and the country said the Advisory Group and departmen- works on improving water flow; and officials.—MNA
by cooperating with ASEAN, Vice President. tal officials discussed on points drawing up a water law; mit- (Translated by Zaw Min)
Mekong River Commission and Next, committee Vice to be considered in construct- igation and prevention works

Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint Union Minister for International
receives Forever Group CEO Cooperation accepts credentials
of UNFPA Representative
THE Union Minister for Inter- of cooperation between Myan-
national Cooperation, U Kyaw mar and the UNFPA focusing
Tin received Mr. Ramanathan on the areas of sexual and repro-
Balakrishnan, the newly-ap- ductive health, gender equality
pointed UNFPA Representative and women’s empowerment, and
for Myanmar at 10:00 am on 3 prevention of violence against
January 2019 at the Ministry of women.
Foreign Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw. They also discussed matters
During the meeting, the related to the continued provi-
UNFPA Representative Mr. sion of technical and financial as-
Ramanathan Balakrishnan sistance to Myanmar’s planned
presented his credentials to the census activities and the signing
Union Minister. of the Letter of Agreement on
After the presentation of the UNFPA’s 4th Country Pro-
credentials, they exchanged gramme (2018-2022) for Myan-
views on further strengthening mar. —MNA

Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint discusses television programs with the delegation from
Forever Group at the Ministry of Information in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA

UNION MINISTER for Infor- that are broadcast jointly by a training school in September
mation Dr. Pe Myint received Forever Group and Canal +, to develop Myanmar audio/vid-
Forever Group CEO U Win Maw status of discussion with rel- eo broadcasting and motion pic-
and party at Ministry of Infor- evant ministry and telecom ture sector, current challenges
mation meeting hall yesterday operators on drawing up a mo- these two sectors are facing and
morning. bile application for viewing via future works were discussed.
At the meeting, matters re- telephone in addition to audio/ Also present at the meeting
lating to television programs, video broadcasts, Canal + to were Deputy Minister U Aung
series, music programs, sports increase investment in audio/ Hla Tun and officials. —MNA Union Minister U Kyaw Tin receives UNFPA Representative for
Myanmar, Mr. Ramanathan Balakrishnan.  PHOTO: MNA
programs and documentaries video broadcast media, opening (Translated by Zaw Min)
4 JANUARY 2019

Value of trade on YSX drops in 2018

THE value of share trading on a decline. In 2018, the TMH Tel- financial review and future pros-
the Yangon Stock Exchange in ecom Public Co. Ltd. joined the pects of companies listed on the
2018 declined to K11.5 billion YSX. exchange were discussed at the
from K22 billion in 2017, accord- The price of a single share event.
ing to data from the YSX. While of FMI fell from K12,500 on 2 “Myanmar’s capital market
five-listed companies traded 2.3 January, 2018, to K10,000 on 28 infrastructure is still lagging.
million shares in 2018, four-list- December, 2018. The share price Only 15 per cent of the 36,000
ed companies traded 2.6 million of MTSH declined from K3,000 securities accounts are active.
shares in 2017. to K2,950. Stock trading was on the low side
In 2016, three-listed com- The price of MCB shares in 2018. In order for the stock
panies traded over 2.5 million also dropped from K8,200 on 3 market to grow, government sup-
shares estimated at K70 billion, January, 2018, to K7,400 on 28 port is of vital importance. With
according to the annual report of December, 2018. While the TMH the support of the government,
the YSX. While trading volume debuted at K3,250 on the YSX, more public companies will be
increased in 2017, the value of its share price fell to K2,850 on enticed to participate in the stock
A visitor looks at the electronic board showing the stock exchange rate
trade registered a decline com- 28 December, 2018. market and more institutional
at Yangon Stock Exchange.  PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR
pared with the previous year. In 2018, the YSX doubled investors such as financing
In 2018, the stock trading stock trade matching times from companies, investment banks,
value touched a high of K1.5 bil- nies — the First Myanmar In- YSX. two to four a day. The exchange and insurance companies will
lion in August, and reached an vestment (FMI), the Myanmar Although one more public also held a promotional event emerge,” said U Thet Htun Oo,
all-time low of K666 million in Thilawa SEZ Holdings (MTSH), company, the First Private Bank for investors to attract new in- senior executive manager of the
June. and the Myanmar Citizens Bank (FPB), entered the YSX market vestors and encourage existing YSX.—Htet Myat (Translated
In 2016, only three compa- (MCB) — traded shares on the in 2017, stock prices registered investors to increase trade. The by Ei Myat Mon)

Watermelon body asks Commerce Ministry to re-open Kyin San Kyawt gate
By Aye Yamone tiations with the border author-
THE Myanmar Watermelon “It is the fruit season so
and Muskmelon Producers trucks are flowing in and out
and Exporters Association has of the Sino-Myanmar border.
asked the Commerce Ministry But, hundreds of trucks are
to re-open the Kyin San Kyawt stranded on the road. We are
gate amid their concern over negotiating with the Chinese
traffic congestion at the gate on embassy in Myanmar. We will
account of tightened security by apprise the fruit association of
China. what happened, what we are
Trucks loaded with water- doing, and what we will do. We
melon, muskmelons, and plums are conducting discussions with
from Myanmar have faced delays the concerned Myanmar min-
after entering the Kyin San Kyawt istries and authorities,” said U
gate to go to Wanding, China, on Yan Naing Tun, the permanent
account of Chinese border au- secretary.
thorities using advanced security Earlier, China allowed trad-
measures involving fingerprint- ers to enter Wanding through the
ing and facial recognition. Kyukok-Pansai gate from 6:30
On 26 December, 494 trucks a.m. to 6 p.m. After negotiations
were lined up on the Kyint San to tackle the traffic congestion,
Kyawt road near Muse. On 27 China is now allowing trucks to
Trucks loaded with watermelons face delays to proceed with the sale.   PHOTO: HAN HTAY
December, Myanmar shut down enter till 8 p.m. and fruit trucks
the Kyin San Kyawt checkpoint to come back through the gate
as part of security measures af- melon Producers and Exporters exporters have asked the gov- border crossing, thereby the en- not later than 11 p.m.
ter an armed group attacked the Association. ernment to re-open the Kyin San try of fruit trucks to China drop- “The recent delay from the
People’s Militia Forces (PMF). Previously, traders were al- Kyawt gate at the soonest. ping by half compared to normal closure of the gate and traffic
As a result, the trucks had lowed to pass through the Kyu- “We have submitted a re- days. The Ministry of Commerce congestion has caused financial
to move to Kyukok-Pansai and kok-Pansai gate to Wanding with quest to the Ministry of Com- was negotiating with China on losses to them. As the trucks are
were allowed to enter Wanding an entry stamp on the border merce. The Myanmar Watermel- the matter. They requested us stranded on the road, some fruits
only on 29 December. pass. But with China upgrading on and Muskmelon Producers to understand their security pro- have been damaged. This is the
“The Kyukok-Pansai gate is security measures, the entry of and Exporters Association has tocols,” said U Yan Naing Tun, current situation of the fruit ex-
not legal, but it has been opened fruit trucks has been hindered, sought discussions with the the permanent secretary of the port market in the border areas.
temporarily. Losses of traders resulting in long queues. Over Commerce Ministry for legal or Ministry of Commerce. Growers will keep planting the
and suppliers are mounting. A 700 trucks have been spending temporary access to the Kyin The Ministry of Commerce fruits, if the market recovers un-
truck carrying watermelons can hours queueing up to pass the San Kyawt gate. If it can be tem- then asked China to increase the der the management of the relat-
earn 220 Yuan from two rounds. gate since 31 December, 2018. porarily opened, watermelon gate opening time to tackle the ed departments. This being so,
But, if only 3 or 4 tons of fruit of The changes in security pro- growers will be saved. If the gate delay faced by fruit trucks, and the acreage of fruit plantations
the total 17 tons remain in good tocols at the Sino-Myanmar bor- keeps closing down, the whole China agreed. But, during that may not decrease. The demand
condition on account of delays, der coupled with traffic conges- supply chain will be at risk,” said period, Myanmar had to shut the is good, but the traffic and the de-
we cannot even cover truck fees, tion have caused losses to traders U Naing Win. Kyin San Kyawt gate for security lays are hurting growers,” said U
leave alone make a profit,” said and suppliers as fruits have a “Before the closure of Kyin reasons. Following the closure Soe Lwin, a watermelon grower
U Naing Win, the chair of the My- short shelf life, and any delay can San Kyawt gate, Chinese security of the gate on 27 December, the from Sagaing Region.
anmar Watermelon and Musk- impact their quality. Therefore, measures were causing delays in Trade Department opened nego- SEE PAGE-11

Winners of titles and medals announced

THE president’s office has Buddhist monks who are per- are supporting the Buddhist fication 3/2019 is concerned police service medal, 7/2019,
issued eight notifications to forming the duties of Buddhist religion by donating alms and with conferring of Thingaha state police service medal
mark the 71st anniversary In- religion – pariyatti (lecturing offertories. medal for Myanmar military and 8/2019, public ser vice
dependence Day. Under the of Buddha’s sermons) and Honourary titles and med- service, 4/2019, good military medal and law and order en-
Notification 1/2019, religious ti- patipatti (meditation) as well als are awarded under Noti- service medal, 5/2019, good civ- forcement medal respectively.
tles are conferred upon senior as upon the lay disciples who fication 2/2019 whereas Noti- il service medal, 6/2019, good — MNA

Foreign Heads of State send felicitations to President U Win Myint

The following are messages of felicitations from Foreign Heads of State / Government sent to President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Win Myint, on
the occasion of the 71st Anniversary Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

From Donald J. Trump On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the Inde- warmest congratulations to Your Excellency and to the
President of the United States of America pendence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Dear Mr. President, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people and Over the years, our two countries have steadily
As you and the people of Myanmar commemorate in my own name, I would like to extend my warmest developed friendly relations by working together in a
the 71st anniversary of Myanmar’s independence on congratulations and best wishes to you, and through variety of fields. I look forward to further deepening
January 4, please accept the warmest wishes of the you, to the government and people of Myanmar. and strengthening the close relations between our two
American people. Over the past year, under the leadership of Your countries in a mutually beneficial and future-oriented
The United States remains committed to the part- Excellency and the Myanmar government, your country manner. I’m also convinced that the friendship between
nership between our two countries and to supporting has made important achievements in developing the the people of our two countries will be further strength-
Myanmar in building a peaceful, prosperous, and dem- economy, improving people’s livelihood, advancing the ened in the process.
ocratic society enjoyed by all its diverse peoples. peace process and promoting foreign exchanges. As a Please accept, Your Excellency, my best wishes
friendly neighbor and Pauk-Phaw brother, China con- for your good health and continued success in all your
From Vladimir Putin gratulates on Myanmar’s achievements. I am pleased endeavors as well as for the everlasting prosperity of
President of Russia to see that China-Myanmar relations are deepening, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Moscow, Kremlin and our cooperation in various fields continues to
Dear Mr. President, make new progress. I attach great importance to the From the British Embassy in Yangon
Please accept my sincere congratulations on the development of China-Myanmar relations and wish to Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its
occasion of Independence Day – National Day of your work with you to promote China-Myanmar Compre- compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
country. hensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership to a new Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and has the honour
I note with satisfaction friendly nature of Russia-My- height and bring greater benefits to the two countries to convey the following message of felicitations from Her
anmar relations. I am confident that they will be further and the two peoples. Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II to the people of Myanmar
developed in different fields for the benefit of the peoples May the Republic of the Union of Myanmar enjoy on the occasion of Independence Day on 4 January, 2019.
of our countries, in the interests of strengthening stability prosperity and its people happiness. May Your Excel- “I send Your Excellency my congratulations on the
and security in Asia-Pacific Region. lency enjoy good health and all the success. celebration of your Independence Day, together with
I wish You good health and new success and all my best wishes for the happiness of all your country’s
citizens of Myanmar – peace and well-being. From Moon Jae-in people in the coming year. Elizabeth R.”
President of the Republic of Korea Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the
From Xi Jinping Excellency, opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
President of the People’s Republic of China On the occasion of the Independence Day of the the assurance of its highest consideration.
Your Excellency, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, I wish to convey my SEE PAGE-7

Foreign Heads of State send felicitations to State Counsellor

The following are messages of felicitations from Foreign Heads of State / Government sent to State Counsellor and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of the Union of Myanmar Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, on the occasion of the 71st Anniversary Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

From Mr. Moon Jae-in endeavors as well as for the everlasting prosperity of Along with my wishes for your good health and peo-
President of the Republic of Korea the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. ple’s great prosperity, please accept, Your Excellency,
Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
On the occasion of the Independence Day of the From Mr. Shinzo Abe
Republic of the Union of Myanmar, I wish to convey my Prime Minister of Japan From Mr. Lee Hsien Loong
warmest congratulations to Your Excellency and to the Excellency, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore
people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the Inde- Dear State Counsellor,
Over the years, our two countries have steadily pendence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Please accept my warmest congratulations on the
developed friendly relations by working together in a I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to Your occasion of Myanmar’s 71st Independence Day!
variety of fields. I look forward to further deepening Excellency on behalf of the Government and people of Singapore and Myanmar share a warm and long-
and strengthening the close relations between our two Japan. standing friendship. We enjoy excellent cooperation in
countries in a mutually beneficial and further-oriented It was significant that Your Excellency visited Japan many areas including trade, finance, education, culture,
manner. I’m also convinced that the friendship between to attend the 10th Mekong-Japan Summit Meeting last and tourism. I look forward to concluding negotiations
the people of our two countries will be further strength- October and we were able to frankly exchange our views on our Bilateral Investment Treaty and an updated
ened in the process. In particular, I look forward to for enhancing Mekong-Japan cooperation and deep- Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement, which will
meeting Your Excellency in 2019, when the ROK-ASEAN ening friendship and cooperation between Japan and further boost bilateral economic cooperation. I also
Commemorative Summit and the ROK-Mekong Summit Myanmar. Japan is determined to continue to provide thank Myanmar for its strong support for Singapore’s
will be held in the Republic of Korea. full-fledged support by bringing together its public and ASEAN Chairmanship in 2018.
Please accept, Your Excellency, my best wishes private sectors for Myanmar’s efforts for democratic I wish you good health and success in all your
for your good health and continued success in all your nation-building led by Your Excellency. endeavours.
4 JANUARY 2019

Foreign Heads of State send felicitations to President U Win Myint

FROM PAGE-6 Your Excellency, desire to further enhance and consolidate the excellent
On behalf of the people of Singapore, I offer my bond of friendship that exists between our countries.
From H.E. Shri Ram Nath Kovind warmest congratulations on the joyous occasion of Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my
President of the Republic of India Myanmar’s 71st Independence Day. highest consideration.
Excellency, Singapore and Myanmar enjoy excellent relations
On behalf of the Government, the people of India underpinned by strong people-to-people ties and robust From Majesty Mohammed VI
and on my own behalf, I extend warm greetings and technical cooperation in many areas. We appreciate King of Morocco
felicitations to Your Excellency, the Government and Myanmar’s steadfast support for Singapore’s ASE- Excellency,
the friendly people of the Union of Myanmar on the AN Chairmanship in the past year. I am confident we As the Republic of the Union of Myanmar cele-
occasion of your Independence Day. will continue to work closely together to enhance our brates Independence Day, it gives me great pleasure
I fondly recall my visit to your beautiful country in multi-faceted bilateral relations, and to deepen our to send you my sincere congratulations and to wish
December 2018, during which we jointly agreed to an cooperation in ASEAN for the mutual benefit of our your people further progress and prosperity.
agenda to deepen our bilateral cooperation and bolster peoples. I should like to say how keen we are in the King-
the connections between our two peoples. Please accept my best wishes for you and Daw dom of Morocco to strengthen our cooperation with
India and Myanmar are tied together by the bonds Cho Cho’s good health and happiness, as well as for your country, serve our people’s shared interests and
of culture, religion, language and ethnicity. These, in peace and prosperity to the people of the Republic of enhance coexistence and understanding between dif-
turn, have enabled us to expand our economic and the Union of Myanmar. ferent cultures and civilizations.
commercial cooperation. I am confident that we will
continue to consolidate this partnership in the coming From Dr. Arif Alvi From Mr. Sergio Mattarrella
years. President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan President of the Italian Republic
I convey my best wishes for Your Excellency’s Excellency, On the joyful occasion of the National Day I wish
good health and well-being, as well as for the continued It gives me immense pleasure to convey heartiest to convey to You, on behalf of the Italian people and on
progress and prosperity of the friendly people of the felicitations on the occasion of the Independence Day my personal behalf, heartfelt wishes of well-being for
Union of Myanmar. of the Republic of Myanmar. the Union of Myanmar.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my Pakistan and Myanmar enjoy cooperative and While hoping that the friendly relations be-
highest consideration. cordial relations. I am confident that the existing bi- tween our Countries will always find new occasions
lateral relations will be further strengthened in the to deepen, both at the bilateral and international level
From Mr.Shinzo Abe years ahead. and in the respective regional fora, I renew to You and
Prime Minister of Japan I avail this opportunity to convey my best wishes to all the inhabitants of Myanmar my most heartfelt
Excellency, for Your Excellency’s good health and happiness; and wishes of harmony and prosperity.
On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the for the continued security and prosperity of all citizens
Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of of Myanmar. From Norodom Sihamoni
Myanmar, I wish to extend to Your Excellency my Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of King of Cambodia
warmest congratulations on behalf of the Government my highest consideration. Mr. President,
and people of Japan. On the auspicious occasion of the 71st Independ-
It is my great pleasure that the exchange and From Mr. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa ence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar,
cooperation between Japan and Myanmar have been President of the Republic of South Africa I wish to convey to Your Excellency and through
further expanding in various fields including politics, Pretoria you, to the people of Myanmar, my warmest congrat-
economy and culture. Republic of South Africa ulations.
Japan will continue to contribute to the democratic Your Excellency, Our two peoples enjoy close bilateral relations
nation-building of Myanmar and will promote friendship On the auspicious occasion of the celebration of and the Kingdom of Cambodia remains committed
and cooperation between the two countries. the Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of to develop this relationship to further peace, security
Along with my wishes for Your Excellency’s good Myanmar on 4 January 2019, the Government and peo- and sustainable development, in our two countries
health and the further prosperity of Myanmar people, ple of the Republic of South Africa join me in conveying and in the region.
please accept, Your Excellency, my highest consider- to Your Excellency, the Government and people of the I wish Your Excellency every success in guiding
ation. Republic of the Union of Myanmar, warmest greetings the people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in
and sincere congratulations. the path of continued progress and prosperity.
From Madam Halimah Yacob May I take this opportunity to express the wish for
President of the Republic of Singapore Your Excellency’s good health and also reaffirm our

Thura U Shwe Mann

receives Ambassador
of Nepal to Myanmar
CHAIRMAN of Pyidaungsu to the legal affairs, bilater-
Hluttaw's Legal Affairs and al relations and cooperation.
Special Cases Assessment Com- —MNA
mission Thura U Shwe Mann (Translated by
received Ambassador of Nepal Win Ko Ko Aung))
to Myanmar Mr. Bhim K.Udas
at Hluttaw Affairs Building I-11
in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday af- Thura U Shwe Mann, and
ternoon. Nepal Ambassador Mr. Bhim
K.Udas meet in Nay Pyi Taw. 
During the meeting, they
cordially and openly exchanged
views on matters pertaining
4 JANUARY 2019

& preserving
NDEPENDENCE Day is upon us again. It has been 71
years since the Republic of the Union of Myanmar achieved
By Maha Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja, Sithu Dr. Khin Maung Nyunt
independence. At present, ethnic nationals living in the Un-
ion of Myanmar are enjoying democratic opportunities and
freedom, which are the products of independence. and downs. His- mental and circumstantial causes. ties to rebuild, recover or recreate nothing can be achieved. Without
The freedom we enjoy living and working in the country is tory of any country, Similarly efforts are analysed. But the glory and greatness of their unity of body and soul no living
thanks, in part, to the democratic system implemented in the any kingdom, any em- they emphasized that some histor- country. The least they can do is to creature can survive. We have
country and due to our nation being a sovereign state. We were pire is nothing but the his- ical effects are very far reaching. draw or take lesson from history been working hard for national
able to set up a democratic system because we succeeded in tory of rise and fall, the ups and It takes generations to get rid of and apply them wisely to build the unity which is not yet within our
achieving the fruits of independence. But we must not cease downs. Egyptian Empire, Baby- them. This cycle of history, like country again. reach. The three Empires of our
our vigilance. We must take lessons from our history, assess the lonian Empire, Indian Empire, the cycle of human life goes on Time is an infinite sequence, past history mentioned earlier in
country’s geopolitics, and contemplate on issues and events at the Chinese Empire, Persian forever. No one, no God, no Buddha and past, present and future are this article were built on unity. The
international level. This way, we can preserve our independence Empire, British Empire, can stop it. marked by humans. In its continu- primary task of the empire builder
People gather at Fytche Square (now, Maha Bandoola Park) in Yangon to show their strength for
and sovereignty. French Empire, Russian It is only we who must make ous sequence, several unforeseen Kings was national unification, po-
Compared with region- Empire rose and stayed for the most good out of this cycle of circumstances are likely to creep litical consolidation without which
al neighbors, Myanmar has some centuries and then fell. changes. We are the arbiter of our in resulting many implications for no peace, no prosperity and no

We must
reached a different situation Our country is no excep- own destiny. Here comes up the those who are utilizing historical progress. This is truth, the whole
on her own capabilities, and tion. It had its heydays as lessons for the good of the life or truth, nothing but the truth.
so, we must be more trust- CELE- well as bad days. Viewing their country. Therefore regardless of dif-
study the ing, respecting, and unit- BRATE the 71st Anniversary our history in a nut-shell Since regaining of our inde- ferent views, different opinions,
ed as a nation. During the of Myanmar’s Independence we have three empires Leaders, pendence on 4th January 1948, all different aims and objectives we
positive and struggle for independence, today 4th January 2019 across namely the First Em-
government and Myanmar ethnic peoples and suc- are bound to make national uni-
our national leaders asked the country. As a historian pire of Bagan Period cessive leaders and governments ty as our one and the only one to
negative us to create our own desti- by profession as well as an founded by King Anaw- ethnic peoples have have been trying their best to re- achieve.
ny. The citizens of modern ordinary citizen, the writ- rahta, the Second Empire
to work together in build their country. But seven dec- Though it is encouraging
aspects of Myanmar can be seen chart-
ing their own destiny for the
er is afloat on the waves of
stray thoughts. Does history
of Taungoo Period founded
by King Bayint Naung and the overcoming the chal-
ades and one year have elapsed,
yet we haven’t accomplished our
that our endeavours of both the
incumbent government, leaders
our history good of the country.
Myanmar is geograph-
repeat itself? Does history teach
lessons? In the school and college
Third Empire of Konboung Period
founded by King Alaung Paya. Our
lenges and reaching task.
Today we all face the big ques-
of all ethnic peoples are hard upon
achieving national unity, unfore-
the goal of national
and work ically located between two
powerful countries and plays
days, most history teachers and
professors taught that “History
history teachers not only teach us
how these empires were founded unity.
tion. It is the ‘why’ question. Why
have we not accomplished our task
seen challenges are always emerg-
ing. But without having our task for
towards a a crucial role as a bridge
between Southeast Asian
repeats itself” by drawing parallels
in both world history and Myan-
but also why these empires broke
up and fell. They often make com- question. How should we make
of rebuilding our country, our na-
tion? It is no use, putting blame on
the goal of national unity achieved
we should never lose our heart in

better future and South Asian countries.

Myanmar is also unique in
mar history. parison between Myanmar history
and world history pointing out how
the most good out of this cycle of
changes? Very difficult to give an-
British Colonialism, Japanese war
time fascism, leaders both military
meeting these challenges unitedly.
Life is not a plain sailing. We

by treading terms of religion, culture,

and traditions from other
1. The Rise and Fall of Roman
Empire by Polybius
these empires rose and also why
they declined. These ‘ hows’ and
swer to this ‘how’ question.
Medical doctor can give pills
and civil, successive governments
including incumbent one, hostile or
regained our Independence after
decades of struggles and selfless

on the right countries. And yet, we were

able to win our independ-
2. History of the British Common
Wealth of Nations by Ramsay
‘whys’ are the essence of learning
to cure diseases and treatments to
heal pain. Engineers can maintain,
unfriendly foreign countries near
or far.
efforts of our leaders and ethnic
peoples. In the same vein, leaders,

path. ence without forfeiting our

unity. We were able to es-
3. A study of History) 22 Vols
Next history teachers point
out causes and effects of history
preserve, renovate old buildings
and create and invent new struc-
The real answer to this ‘Why’
question is in ourselves. To become
government and ethnic peoples
have to work together in overcom-
tablish a nation based on Arnold Toynbee by analyzing causes into mediate tures. Technicians can find new aware of your own weakness is the ing the challenges and reaching
the unity of our brothers and 4. A History of South-East Asia, and immediate causes, internal technology. But historians are task easier said than done. the goal of national unity.
sisters from over a hundred D.G.E. Hall causes and external causes, funda- limited in their ability and capaci- Unity is strength without unity *****
ethnicities. 5. Stricken Peacock by Dr. Htin
We gave precedence to unity in our struggle for independ- Aung
ence. But once we attained independence, differing beliefs and 6. ဦးကုလား မဟာရာဇ၀င္ေတာ္ၾကီး
ideologies led the way to civil unrest, the effects of which can still 7. တြငး္ သင္းတုက ိ ၀
္ င္ ရာဇ၀င္သစ္
be felt today. Every citizen of the country must know and under- 8. မွနန ္ န္းရာဇ၀င္ေတာ္ၾကီး
stand our history —from the time before we gained independence, 9. ကုနး္ ဘုနဆ ္ က္ ရာဇ၀င္ေတာ္ၾကီး
when we struggled for it and achieved it, to the present situation 10. ၿမန္မာ့ဂဏ ု ရ ္ ည္ ဦးဖုးိ က်ား
in the country and its standing in the international community. 11. ေခ တ္ မွီ ၿ မ န္ မာ ရာ ဇ ၀ င္ အ က် ဥ္း
We must make sure we do not lose sight of the objectives of an ဦးဖုးိ က်ား
independent nation.
We must study the positive and negative aspects of our history Pointing out that “that is the
and work towards a better future by treading on the right path. We Law of Life or the Law of Na-
must cast away our mistrust and suspicions and work together ture”. The impermanence of life
to ensure the path our country takes going forward is a good one. or the ever changing of Nature. In
This is how we can safeguard and preserve our independence Buddhism that change is termed
and sovereignty. Lokadan Taya ေလာကဓံတရား the
We all are well-versed with the history behind our Independ- ups and downs of life in English.
ence Day, and we need to contemplate on past events and incorpo- History of mankind is full of ups
rate the results of our reflections into our conduct in the modern
age. By doing so, we would be able safeguard our independence
and sovereignty successfully for generations to come.

The Poem
“Thabye Nyo” Inaugurating
the Independence of
By Myint Swe Oo

The Union Jack is lowered on 4th January 1948 and Myanmar become an independent
Min Thu Wun.
republic, named the Union of Burma.

FTER obtaining B.A degree troop moved out. The National Day cel-
in 1933, Sayagyi Min Thu Wun ebration usually took place there at the Thabye Nyo (The Reddish
entered service as a part time spacious site. It was said that the sight Brown Eugenia Sprigs)
tutor at the Department of Ori- … he could picture of the students bowing to the National
Reddish brown Eugenia sprigs
ental Studies of Rangoon University. in his mind that the Flag stirred the hearts of the beholders.
In her hair and in my hair
The university students were already Sayagyi Min Thu Wun won a schol-
politically alert, then. Sayagyi believed
Myanmar people arship in September 1936, and studied
So fresh the Eugenia sprigs,
that these youths would be the future stood united, striving Sanskrit, Pali and Tibetan studies at
Flowers of Shwebo,
architects of Myanmar’s independence selflessly and Oxford University, England. That our damsels of Myanmar
because he had learned their ardour kindly hand to us.
unanimously for the Never give up your hopes,
for the Independence from his personal Frozen Climate
contacts with these students, as well as independence. A small village named Beckford For soon the sweet breeze blows
from the literary talks and the articles is located near Chester, England. The from the Golden Tower.
and novels. Priest A.H. Valenko of Beckford was As the morning cocks crow,
Colleges were not closed on the Na- Saya Min Thu Wun’s former teacher: Merrily, we will march on the open
tional Day that fell on 10th waning day of Auspicious Greetings he was the headmaster of Saya Hmat’s air ground,
Tazaungmon, but on that day, instead of On the National Day that fell on 30 School in Yangon. On their meeting in Expecting the sound of the Royal
attending classes, the students marched November, 1934, all the colleges were the Oxford University, the priest gave Drum,
towards the ceremony of the National closed. Sayagyi Min Thu Wun and his suggestions to the Myanmar scholar.
The Drum of Victory
Day. fellow students went to the south west During the Christmas, which was the
That will be struck at daybreak.
It was quite a challenge to celebrate passageway of the Shwedagon and at- time for college vacation, it was a frozen
such an occasion in groups while the tended the National Day celebration, season, so it was not fit for an outing. So
Yes, with Eugenia sprigs,
country lay under the British colony. bowing to the National Flag in unison. Min Thu Wun was advised to come and the Flowers of Shwebo,
Pamphlets of Greetings, published by study at the St. Deiniol Library. So dur- Merrily we will march together.
the Youths Kyee Pwa Ye Association, ing 1936 Christmas, Saya Min Thu Wun
were exchanged among the students on went and studied at the Library. When Saya Min Thu Wun wrote this poem
Auspicious Greetings that day. It was a postcard size, on one the Christmas came in 1937, he went to because he could picture in his mind that
“Eeeiu!” in the air side showing some ladies bowing to the St Deiniol Library and spent time read- the Myanmar people stood united, striv-
Peacock Emblem Flag, and on the other ing there. However, on this visit, he was ing selflessly and unanimously for the
Young Peacock’s chantings
size bearing a short poem, composed in accompanied by the late U Ohn Maung independence. Taking for granted that the
From the somber grey Hill_
the traditional Laysit style, which was (one of the martyrs of Myanmar). Independence was on the way, as he said,
The Song of Victory. composed by Min Thu Wun at the re- he had written this poem.
Celebrating the Victory quest of Kyee Pwa ye U Thein. The title Of Being One Mind Saya Min Thu Wun also said that his
For the cause of the of the poem is “Auspicious Greetings”. Saya Min Thu Wun felt the reper- poem “Thabye Nyo,” being an echo to the
prosperous nation. The phrase “the somber grey Hill” im- cussions of 1300 Myanmar political poem “Auspicious Greetings”, could be
Time for striking the plies “The Singuttara Hill”. The south movement. After Christmas, the new considered as a sequel to the latter.
Auspicious Drum west slope of the Shwedagon was a part year 1938 was ushered in, and on 4 Jan- It happened, quite a coincidence, that,
The Song of Auspicious of the hill where the Goyya soldiers of uary, Saya Min Thu Wun wrote the poem on 4th January 1948, exactly ten years after
the British army were camped, known Thabye Nyo, and sent it to a magazine in Thabye Nyo had been written, Myanmar
as the Goyya Hill. But later, because Myanmar. The poem appeared in print regained her independence.
of the the lack of political stability, the in No. 1, Vol. 7, O-Way Magazine (1938). (Translated by Zaw Tun)
4 JANUARY 2019

Thura U Shwe Mann Union Minister Dr. Myint Htwe

receives expert teams from
attends Independence Day Shanghai, Guangzhou
commemoration activities in Pyu UNION Minister for Health the requirement of the country
and Sports Dr. Myint Htwe re- and its ministry, signing MoU
ceived expert teams led by Mr. by high-ranking officials from
Shi Ting, Senior architectural both countries in order to im-
engineer from the Shanghai plement the groundwork and
Architectural Design and Re- its procedures.
search Institute Co., Ltd and The construction of the
Guangzhou Sui Ke Construc- Myanmar National Centre of
tion Management Co.,Ltd at the Disease Control and Medical
ministry’s office in Nay Pyi Taw Training Centre (Nay Pyi Taw)
yesterday afternoon. was carried out with the help
At the meeting with the ex- of technical supports from the
pert teams, they discussed the PRC, and upon completion, the
matters relating to the blueprint process of disease control and
archaeological designs for the prevention as well as research
construction of the Myanmar for healthcare training would
National Centre of Disease be conducted in line with in-
Control and Medical Training ternational standard. —MNA
Centre in Nay Pyi Taw, that had (Translated by Win Ko Ko
been constructed in line with Aung)

Chairman of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s Legal Affairs and Special Cases Assessment Commission Thura U Shwe
Mann and officials cut ribbon to hold activities for sports, fun fairs and photography show to mark 71st
Anniversary Independence Day in Pyu Township, Bago Region yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA

IN commemoration of the 71st of upgrading the Town Hall, Education Department U Myo
Anniversary Independence Sports fields, Stadiums, edu- Hlaing donated sports equip-
Day, activities for sports, fun cation and healthcare in Pyu ment worth K 2 million and
fairs and photography exhibi- Township. He said that sports Pyu Township Administrator
tions were held on the sports are of crucial importance for U Thein Zaw Oo accepted the
ground in Pyu Township, everybody together with town- donation.
Toungoo District, Bago Region ships and citizens. Moreover Pyithu Hluttaw represent- Union Minister Dr. Myint Htwe holds talks with members from Shanghai
yesterday morning. sports can enhance the spirits ative U Than Nyunt expressed Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd and Guangzhou Sui
Chairman of Pyidaungsu of sportsmanship, discipline words of thanks and students Ke Construction Management Co.,Ltd.  PHOTO: MNA
Hluttaw’s Legal Affairs and and unity. demonstrated their sports
Special Cases Assessment People who reside in skills. Bago Region Chief
Commission Thura U Shwe Pyu Township should strive Minister presented gifts to the
Watermelon body asks Commerce
Mann, Bago Region Chief Min- for imposing good discipline students who participated in Ministry to re-open Kyin San Kyawt gate
ister U Win Thein, Director and unity and success could the event.
General of Sports and Physical be achieved through regular Fo l l o w i n g t h i s , P y -
Education Department U Myo sleeping hours, practice and idaungsu Hluttaw’s Legal FROM PAGE-5 import by China’s food safety
Hlaing, other officials, 27th SEA discipline. In doing so, we Affairs and Special Cases As- inspection mechanism — the
Games gold medalist Ma Nwe should try to promote the de- sessment Commission Thura As their inflow has slowed, General Administration of Qual-
Ni Aung and an Internation- velopment of the country and U Shwe Mann, Bago Region the fruits are selling well in the ity Supervision, Inspection, and
al Mathematics Competition peace process based on the Chief Minister U Win Thein, Chinese market, said traders. Quarantine (AQSIQ).
gold medalist Maung Thwe spirit of sports. Director General of Sports But merchants are worried by The volume of watermelon
Thwe opened the ceremony Next Bago Region Chief and Physical Education De- the traffic congestion as fruits exports was estimated at 500,000
by cutting ceremonial ribbons. Minister U Win Thein clari- partment U Myo Hlaing and are perishable goods. If the tons in the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year,
In his opening speech fied on the process of upgrad- officials looked around the trucks face further delays in over 560,000 in the 2015-2016 FY,
at the event, Thura U Shwe ing the sports fields and ex- training programmes and sta- entering China, the fruits they and over 170,000 tons in the mi-
Mann expressed his congrat- pressed his thanks. Director dium. —MNA(Translated by are carrying will decay, they said. ni-budget period from April to
ulation on the achievement General of Sports and Physical Win Ko Ko Aung) On 2 January, depending September. The volume of musk-
on their quality, watermelons melon exports was registered at
and muskmelons were priced over 110,000 tons in the 2014-2015
at 1,000 to 2,800 yuan, while gold- FY, over 100,000 tons in the 2015-
Black Peter screening at Film Development Centre en honeydew fetched 2,400-3,700 2016 FY, and over 40,000 tons in
yuan per ton, according to the the mini-budget period.
Khwarnyo fruit depot. Watermelons and muskmel-
DIRECTOR Milos Forman’s itally restored version of the Film Festival in the same year. China accounts for 95 per ons are primarily grown in the
coming-of-age film ‘Black Pe- film first and then engage in a The movie is the eighth movie cent of Myanmar’s fruit exports. Mandalay and Sagaing regions
ter’ will be screening at the Film film discussion, led by Director screened for film discussions at Watermelon tops the list of fruits and Shan State. Myanmar’s wa-
Development Centre at No. 50, U Theikdi. the Film Development Centre exported to China, followed by termelons and muskmelons en-
Shwe Taung Kyar Road, Bahan Black Peter is a Czech New and arranged by the Informa- mango and muskmelon. Myan- joy a large share of the Chinese
Township,Yangon, from 12 noon Wave film from 1964 and won tion and Public Relations De- mar’s mangosteens, rambutan, market.
to 4 pm on 6 January. the Golden Leopard Award partment. —MNA lychee, watermelon, and musk- (Translated by
Attendees will watch a dig- at the Locarno International (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) melon have been cleared for Ei Myat Mon)

w w w.glob al n ewl i g hto f myan mar.c o m

Sittway holds mini marathon to mark Independence Day
DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR A MINI marathon was organ-
Aye Min Soe
ized in Sittway Town early in the
morning on 3 January to mark
SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT the 71st anniversary of the Inde-
Kyaw Myaing pendence Day. A total of 400 men
and 200 women took part in the
Zaw Min race.
Zaw Htet Oo The mini marathon started
Win Ko Ko Aung
at the Seik Yoe Kya Bridge. Partic-
INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR ipants ran through Sittway town’s
Ye Htut Tin, watch tower, Strand road, and the offices of ministries and finished
at the Danyawady sport ground.
Tun Tun Naing (Editor), Rakhine State Chief Minister U Local residents of Sittway participate in an early morning mini marathon on Nyi Pu awarded cash prizes to 3 January, ahead of Independence Day.  PHOTO: TIN SOE
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor),
the winners.
In the men’s mini marathon, Naing. Ks10,000 each to the top ten par- deputy director of the Rakhine
TRANSLATORS Maung Than Tun Naing (Minbya) In the women’s mini mara- ticipants. State Sports and Physical Edu-
Khaing Thanda Lwin, won the first prize of K100,000, thon, Ma Phyu Phyu Khine (Sit- “We had invited all the stu- cation Department.
Hay Mar Tin Win,
Ei Myat Mon
Maung Zaw Paing (Na Ta La) tway) came first and was awarded dents of Rakhine State to par- Tug-of-war, Sepak Takraw,
Kyaw Zin Lin took the second prize of K70,000, a prize of K100,000, Ma Thuzar ticipate in the mini marathon. A chess, and climbing-the-greasy-
Kyaw Zin Tun and Maung Myint Lin (Na Ta La) Khin (Na Ta La) came second total of 600 people, including 400 pole competitions were also held
took the third prize of K50,000. and was awarded K70,000, and men and 200 women, took part in and prizes were awarded to win-
May Thet Hnin, “I am happy with winning Ma Phyo Aye Hlaing (Na Ta La) the race. We organized the race ners to mark the 71st anniversary the first prize. When I competed came third and was given K50,000. to promote fitness and make the of the Independence Day.—Maw in Minbya Town, I came in second Besides the winners, Chief public aware of the health benefits Si / Ko Min (Translated by Hay
Nyein Nyein Ei,
and third,” said Maung Than Tun Minister U Nyi Pu awarded of exercise,” said U Aung Min, the Mar)
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar

Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe,
206 human trafficking cases reported in 2018
Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe,
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, A total of 206 cases of human traf- Of the total cases, 152 in- job exploitation. imprisonment, or a maximum
Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe
ficking were reported in 2018, and volved forced marriages with Among the cases inves- life imprisonment, or fine. Mon-
EDITORIAL SECTION most of them involved victims Chinese men, one case involved tigated by the police, 55 cases ey or property received through
(+95) (01)8604529, entering into forced marriages forced prostitution, one case in- were from Yangon Region, 54 trafficking is confiscated by the
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305
with Chinese men, according to volved illegal adoption, four cases from Shan State, and 27 from government.
CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION the anti-trafficking police force. involved illegal surrogacy, and six the Mandalay Region, while the The government has also as-
San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, Between January and De- cases involved job exploitation. remaining cases were registered signed an anti-human trafficking
Hotline - 09 974424114 cember, 2018, the anti-traffick- The anti-trafficking police in other states and regions, said police force unit in the border
ing police force registered 598 force also recorded three cases the anti-trafficking police force. area. The police force has taken
( +95) (01) 8604530, offenders in 206 cases involving of labour exploitation in Thailand, According to the 2005 An- legal action against traffickers
Hotline - 09 974424848 317 victims. Of the 317 victims, 25 three cases of forced marriages ti-Trafficking in Persons Law, under the anti-trafficking law. —
were children, according to data in Myanmar, 27 cases of forced people who traffic women and Nyein Nyein
from the police force. prostitution, and nine cases of children face a minimum 10-year (Translated by Hay Mar)
Printed and published at the Global New
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light Illegal Myanmar migrant workers in Thai, Kawthoung
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No.
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. timber residents warned of Tropical Storm Pabuk
seized in MYANMAR migrant workers residing in
Bago Region southern cities in Thailand have been warned
of Tropical Storm Pabuk by the Myanmar
embassy yesterday.
A combined team comprising The storm warning said Pabuk was mov-
officials from the Forest De- ing east from the South China Sea at a 65 km/
partment conducted search hr around 4 pm on 2 January. The storm was
operations and seized ille- passing Indochina and reaching the Gulf of
gally logged timber weigh- Thailand around 2-3 January. The storm will
ing 528.7173 tons in Decem- reach Chumpon and Surat Thani districts in
ber. They also confiscated Southern Thailand late on 4 January. Heavy
13 chainsaw machines and rain is forecasted in those regions from 3 to 5
Write for us other logging equipment, 6 January and local residents have been warned Their warnings said Tropical Storm Pabuk is fore-
We appreciate your feedback and vehicles, 14 motorbikes, one to take necessary precautions and fishermen casted to head towards the sea 295 miles southeast of
contributions. If you have any comments three-wheel motorbike, and are prevented from going out to sea during Nakhon Si Thammarat in Thailand and 400 miles south-
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email one motor vessel. that period. east of Kawthoung. The storm will continue inland and The Forest Department Similarly, the Disaster Management will pass close to Nakhon Si Thammarat, located south
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only is making arrangements Committee of Kawthoung District and its of Kawthoung, and enter the Andaman Sea. Fishermen
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” to move the items to a safe townships have issued warnings of the tropical have been warned to suspend fishing trips and local people
that do not exceed 500 words. Should
you submit a text longer than 500 words place.—Hein Htet (Bago) storm to villages and townships in the districts are receiving necessary instructions from authorities.
please be aware that your letter will be —Kyaw Soe (Kawthoung)
(Translated by Hay Mar)
4 JANUARY 2019

Tourists flee Thai islands as Tropical Storm Pabuk looms No casualties

BANGKOK (Thailand) of Thailand there are only
reported after
— Tens of thousands of two metre high waves,” 5.3-magnitude
tourists have fled the Phuwieng Prakammain-
Thai resort islands of Koh tara, director general at quake in
Phangan and Koh Tao the Thai Meteorological
in a mass exodus ahead Department, told report-
of Tropical Storm Pabuk ers.
which is set to bring heavy “It’s difficult to predict CHENGDU — No casu-
rains, wind and seven-me- the severity of the storm so alties have been report-
tre (22-foot) waves, officials people should comply with ed after a 5.3-magni-
said on Thursday. authorities’ recommenda- tude earthquake jolted
The islands, hugely tions.” Gongxian County, Yibin
popular with holiday-mak- On Koh Samui, the City in southwest Chi-
ers especially during the closest of the trio of islands, na’s Sichuan Province
peak Christmas and New a Russian man drowned on at 8:48 am on Thursday
Year season, have emptied Wednesday after his family (Beijing Time), according
out since Wednesday as ignored warnings not to go to the local emergency
tourists packed onto fer- Tourists walk down an all-but abandoned beach on Koh Samui, Thailand as a red flag into the sea. officials.
ries bound for the southern indicating expected rough weather conditions and warning tourists not to go into the “A family of three went The epicenter was
Thai mainland, with swim- sea.  PHOTO: AFP swimming but the strong monitored at 28.20 de-
ming banned and boats set current caught a 56-year- grees north latitude and
to suspend services. No official evacua- Phangnan district chief, Pabuk was packing old man who drowned,” 104.86 degrees east lon-
Pabuk, Thailand’s tion order has been given told AFP. The acting mayor winds of 104 kilometres Police Captain Boonnam gitude with a depth of
first tropical storm in the but tourists are leaving in of Koh Tao, one of South- per hour (65 mph) but was Srinarat of Samui Police 15 km, the China Earth-
area outside of the mon- droves. east Asia’s finest diving unlikely to intensify into a told AFP. quake Networks Center
soon season for around 30 “I think the islands spots, said boats to Chum- full blown typhoon, accord- “Island officials (CENC) said.
years, is poised to batter are almost empty... be- phon on the mainland were ing to forecasters. anounced the warning Residents in
Koh Phangan and Koh Tao tween 30,000 to 50,000 have crammed with tourists, but “But we expect waves and put up the red ‘danger’ Gongxian felt strong
as well as Koh Samui on left since the New Year’s several thousand guests as high as five or seven flags... but maybe the fami- tremors, and some
Friday night, before cutting Eve countdown parties,” were still on the island metres near the eye of the ly did not think the situation houses were damaged.
into the mainland. Krikkrai Songthanee, Koh likely to brave the storm. storm. Normally in the Gulf was that serious.”—AFP —Xinhua

Koala drinks from water bottle THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR

in Australia heatwave
SYDNEY (Australia) — As Numerous towns set because he looked as 1. Open tenders are invited for supply of the following respective items in United States Dollars.
Sr No. Tender No. Description Remarks
Australia swelters in an ex- new December records, though he could use a drink
(a) IFB-039(18-19) 10” ERW API 5L Grade X-42 MS 3 LPE Coated US$
treme heatwave, a video according to the Bureau of water.” Lowrie posted on Steel Line Pipes (32200) MTR
of a woman in the state of of Meteorology, while emer- Facebook footage of herself (b) IFB-040(18-19) 4” ERW API 5L Grade X-42 MS 3 LPE Coated US$
Victoria pouring water into gency services have been giving water to the furry Steel Line Pipes (16,100) MTR
the mouth of a thirsty koala on high alert for bushfires. marsupial, who drank from 2. The Open Tender forms including Description of Materials / Qtty with details specifications
has melted hearts online. Local Chantelle the bottle before climbing and Tender Terms & Conditions can be available free download at the Ministry of Electricty and
The vast continent has Lowrie was at a camping back up the tree. Energy Website Portal ( from 7 January2019. Tender forms will not be
experienced intense heat ground near the Murray The footage is remi-
3. The interested Bidders should submit the Technical Specifications with Original Bid Bond
over the past week, with River in the southern state niscent of another video of and Commercial Quotation in each separate sealed envelopes on which to be addressed to
the mercury up 16 degrees of Victoria on Friday when a koala, later nicknamed the Managing Director, Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and should reach in Tender Box of the
Celsius (60 degrees Fahr- she saw the koala. “It was Sam, who drank from a bot- Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise not later than 14:00 pm on 4 February2019.
enheit) higher than usu- 44 degrees Celsius — very, tle offered by a firefighter 4. Tender Closing Date & Time – 4-2-2019, 14:00 pm
al for this time of year in very hot day,” Lowrie told during deadly bushfires in Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise
Ph No. + 95 67 – 411206
southern Australia. AFP on Tuesday. “I stopped Victoria in 2009.—AFP


Consignees of cargo carried on M.V KUO TAI VOY. Consignees of cargo carried on M.V OCEAN
NO. (117 N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will be PROBE VOY. NO. (005N/S) are hereby notified that the
arriving on 04-01-2019 and cargo will be discharged into vessel will be arriving on 04-01-2019 and cargo will be
the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the consignee’s discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie
risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day. the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185

‘Aquaman’ stays afloat atop

N American box office
LOS ANGELES (United States)—“Aqua- credits the film with rising above earlier
man” displayed a powerful kick in North editions in the franchise to show “hu-
American theaters over the weekend, tak- mor, emotion and a surprising amount
ing in an estimated $52.1 million to help of heart.” Fourth place went to Sony’s
close a record year for the movie sector, “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” at
final figures showed on Wednesday. $18.8 million. The film has drawn rave
With hunky and heavily tattooed Ja- reviews —with a 97 score on the Rotten
son Momoa in the lead role, the Warn- Tomatoes website—and has netted a
er Bros. film has grossed nearly $750 Golden Globe nomination as best ani-
million globally. It earned $52.1 million mated picture.In fifth was “The Mule”
in its second weekend. Disney’s “Mary from Warner Bros., at $12.2 million. Clint
Poppins Returns” gained altitude in its Eastwood directs and takes the lead
second weekend, taking in $28.4 million role—his last acting part, he has said—
for the Friday-through-Sunday period. as a destitute 90-year-old who turns to
The follow-up to the 1964 movie stars transporting cocaine for a drug cartel.
Emily Blunt as the stern but kind-heart- Rounding out the weekend’s top 10
ed nanny, backed by the amiable Lin-Ma- were: “Vice” ($7.8 million) “Holmes &
nuel Miranda of “Hamilton” fame. In Watson” ($7.4 million) “Second Act” ($7.4
third was Paramount’s “Bumblebee,” a million) “Ralph Breaks the Internet”
prequel to the “Transformers” movies, ($6.7 million)“Dr Seuss’s The Grinch”
Jason Momoa is seen arriving, trident in hand, at the 12 December, 2018 Hollywood premiere starring Hailee Steinfeld and John Cena, ($4.1 million)“Mary Queen of Scots” ($2.7
of “Aquaman,” which has topped box offices in its first two weekends.  PHOTO: AFP at $20.9 million. The Washington Post million)—AFP

Young entrepreneur sees rosy future in farming

FUKAYA (Japan)—The life of But little did she imagine shocking because she was the out to different people, she said.
25-year-old Ayaka Tanaka is that the quiet but constant pres- first in her family to take up Her business has not al-
busy, to say the least. ence of roses in her life would farming. ways been successful. In the
As the head of a fast-grow- transform her, taking her from In the rapidly-aging farm- first year she started growing
ing organic rose producer, a passive university student ing industry, Tanaka’s move is roses none bloomed, she re-
Tanaka routinely checks her who always avoided challenges rare. As of 2017, the farming called. Out of desperation, she
farms on the outskirts of To- because of uncertainty about population in Japan stood at 1.8 sought help from an agricultur-
Kim Kardashian and Kanye
kyo, picks rose petals herself her abilities and future plans, million and their average age al college to relearn techniques West.  PHOTO: PTI
at harvest time and meets pro- to a woman with a plan. It was a was 66.7. Of the 55,700 people and then her rose bushes not
spective clients during her days
in the Japanese capital. She
casual living room conversation
with her family when she was a
who joined farming business-
es that year, women aged 44
only started blooming but pro-
ducing many more flowers than
does all that while studying eco-
nomics at university and taking
college freshman that led to her
life-changing moment.
or younger only accounted for
4,600, according to data from
she needed.
Being reluctant to waste
English lessons with an eye on
her business’ future overseas
“My mother said, ‘You
know, there are roses you can
the Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries.
her cherished flowers, Tana-
ka made them into jam and
Kanye West
Rose L abo Co, with
eat,’ and it blew my mind,” said
Tanaka. “I was surprised that I
“Producing cabbage or oth-
er products without detailed
hatched a plan to process ex-
cess rose petals for sale.
slightly more than a dozen
employees, has been produc-
didn’t know about edible roses.”
The discovery about the
plans and selling them without
knowing where they go is okay
Processed rose products,
including confitures, teas,
fourth child
ing edible organic roses at a flower she thought she knew in one sense, but you are likely soaps and other cosmetic prod- LOS ANGELES—Kim Kar-
3,300-square-metre farm in so well made Tanaka realize to end with reduced profits and ucts, have since proved a valu- dashian and Kanye West are
Fukaya since it was established she had blindly assumed many a poorly run business, which able revenue source that now set to welcome their fourth
in Saitama Prefecture, near things in life, and cast a light the next generation will be re- accounts for about 70 percent child, via surrogate.
Tokyo, in 2015. She grows her on the many unexplored pos- luctant to take over,” Tanaka of company sales. Her annual People magazine has
plants hydroponically, avoiding sibilities of roses, and herself, said. sales stood at 1.5 million yen confirmed the news.
soil so as not to require chemi- she said. “I want to let many people ($13,000) in the first year but The couple’s third child,
cals or pesticides. “I had a sense of inferiority know of the potential in farm- surged to 100 million yen by the daughter Chicago turns one
Her rose petals are used because everyone seemed to ing,” she said, adding she con- third year, according to Tanaka. this month, was also born
as cake decorations and the have firm dreams and goals siders it crucial to add some- Tanaka says this is only the through surrogacy.
company’s processed products, that they were pursuing, but thing special to one’s products starting point for her business Citing multiple sourc-
such as jams and cosmetics, when I encountered edible and secure solid sales channels as she looks towards selling es, Us Weekly claimed the
are sold at major department roses, it made me think about to make a sustainable farming her products overseas. She fourth child is a boy, who
stores and at other shops in their potential and how, maybe, business. says she has had interest and is due in “very early May”.
Tokyo, as well as online. I can achieve things too if I try,” Now, Tanaka holds lectures offers from people in South Kardashian, 38, has
Roses have been a part of she said. at various universities to share Korea, Thailand, Taiwan and been vocal about expanding
Tanaka’s life from early child- It was not long until she her experience as a young en- elsewhere. her family and her difficul-
hood, sometimes in the form of quit her international politics trepreneur and farmer and “I used to live passively, ties in past pregnancies.
designs on plates and cups used studies at university to work at her views on the future of the as if I were just killing time, The couple are also
at home, other times through a rose farm in Osaka and learn sector. but now I feel that I am walk- parents to eldest daughter
the saying, “Roses make a about how to grow the flowers. Being a young woman with- ing on my own two feet...and I North, five-and-a-half years
woman strong,” repeated by “As soon as they found out, out a family history of farming, am also not just thinking about and son Saint, three.
her great-grandmother whose a family meeting was called,” which she once considered a everyday things but also about The reality TV star and
love for the fragrant flower was Tanaka said with a laugh, add- weakness, has turned out to be the future,” she said.—Kyodo West, 41, are yet to comment
well known in the family. ing that it was all the more a strength that helps her reach News on the news.—PTI
4 JANUARY 2019

12 minutes for
Chang’e-4’s landing
BEIJING—Over about 12 dra- mountains as high as 10 km.
matic minutes, China’s Chang’e-4 Unlike the parabolic curve
probe descended and softly of Chang’e-3’s descent trajectory,
touched down on a crater on the Chang’e-4 made an almost ver-
far side of the moon on Thursday. tical landing, said Wu.“It was a
Wu Weiren, chief designer great challenge with the short
of China’s lunar exploration pro- time, high difficulty and risks,”
gramme, said Chang’e-3 landed Wu said.The whole process was
on the Sinus Iridum, or the Bay automatic with no intervention
of Rainbows, on the moon’s near from ground control, but the re-
side, which is as flat as the north lay satellite transmitted images
China plain, while the landing site of the landing process back to
of Chang’e-4 is as rugged as the Earth, he said.
high mountains and lofty hills of “We chose a vertical descent A simulated landing process of Chang’e-4 lunar probe is seen through the monitor at Beijing Aerospace
southwest China’s Sichuan Prov- strategy to avoid the influence of Control Centre in Beijing, capital of China on 3 January, 2019.  PHOTO: XINHUA
ince. the mountains on the flight track,” lower the craft’s relative velocity face so the probe could identify on the lunar surface, Wu said.
Chinese space experts said Zhang He, executive director from 1.7 km per second to close large obstacles such as rocks or After calculation, the probe
chose the Von Karman Crater of the Chang’e-4 probe project, to zero, and the probe’s attitude craters, said Wu Xueying, deputy found the safest site, and contin-
in the South Pole-Aitken Basin from the China Academy of Space was adjusted to face the moon chief designer of the Chang’e-4 ued its descent. When it was 2
as the landing site of Chang’e-4. Technology. and descend vertically. probe. metres above the surface, the en-
The area available for the land- Li Fei, one of the designers of When it descended to an al- At 100 metres above the sur- gine stopped, and the spacecraft
ing is only one eighth of that for the lander, said when the process titude of about 2 km, its cameras face, it hovered to identify smaller landed with four legs cushioning
Chang’e-3, and is surrounded by began, an engine was ignited to took pictures of the lunar sur- obstacles and measure the slopes against the shock.—Xinhua

Study finds clues to living a

stronger, longer life
CHICAGO—Researchers from also lived longer than normal
the University of Michigan (UM) roundworms.
Life Sciences Institute have un- “It’s not necessarily ideal
covered a cause of declining mo- to have a longer lifespan with-
tor function and increased frailty out improvements in health or
This handout image released on 2 January, 2019 by NASA, the first in tiny aging worms, and identi- strength,” said Shawn Xu, a pro-
color image of Ultima Thule, taken at a distance of 85,000 miles fied a molecule that can be target- fessor of molecular and integra-
(137,000 kilometres) at 4:08 Universal Time on 1 January, 2019,
ed to improve motor function. As tive physiology at the UM Med-
highlights its reddish surface.  PHOTO: AFP
humans and animals age, their ical School. “But we found that

NASA says faraway world Ultima motor functions progressively de-

teriorate. Millimetre-long round-
the interventions improved both
parameters-these worms are
worms called nematodes exhibit healthier and they live longer.”
Thule shaped like ‘snowman’ aging patterns remarkably simi-
lar to those of other animals, and
More surprisingly, the timing
of the interventions drastically
WASHINGTON (United States)— a bowling pin or a peanut. is the first object that we can they only live about three weeks, changed the effects on both mo-
Four billion miles from the sun “That image is so 2018... Meet clearly tell was born this way” making them an ideal model sys- tor function and lifespan. When
floats Ultima Thule, an icy ce- Ultima Thule!” said lead investi- Stern said, instead of evolving tem for studying aging. SLO-1 was manipulated early in
lestial body that NASA scientists gator Alan Stern, doing little to as a sort of “bi-lobe.”“This really To better understand how the worms’ life, it had no effect
announced on Wednesday is apt- hide his joy as he revealed a new puts the nail on the coffin now. We the interactions between cells on lifespan and in fact had a det-
ly shaped like a giant snowman. sharper image of the cosmic body, know that this is how these kinds changed as worms aged, the rimental effect on motor function
The first detailed images beamed taken at a distance as close as of objects in many cases form.” researchers investigated the in young worms. But when the
back from the US agency’s New 17,000 miles (about 27,000 kilo- junctions where motor neurons activity of SLO-1 was blocked in
Horizons mission allowed sci- meters) with a resolution of 140 ‘A time machine’ communicate with muscle tis- mid-adulthood, both motor func-
entists to confidently determine metres per pixel. “That bowling Some 4.5 billion years ago sue. They identified a molecule tion and lifespan improved.
the body was formed when two pin is gone —it’s a snowman if an- a cloud of frozen pebbles began called SLO-1, namely slowpoke As the SLO-1 channel is pre-
spheres, or “lobes,” slowly grav- ything at all,” Stern said during a to join forces, gradually forming potassium channel family mem- served across many species, the
itated towards each other until NASA briefing.“What this space- two bodies—Ultima and Thule. ber 1, that acts as a regulator researchers hope these findings
they stuck together—a major craft and this team accomplished Slowing turning, they eventually for these communications. The will encourage others to examine
scientific discovery. The New is unprecedented.”Ultima Thule’s touched at each other at what molecule dampens neurons’ ac- its role in aging in other model
Horizons spacecraft on Tuesday surface reflects light about as mission geology manager Jeff tivity, slowing down the signals organisms. In the next step, the
flew past Ultima Thule, which was much as “garden variety dirt,” Moore called an “extremely slow from neurons to muscle tissue researchers hope to determine
discovered via telescope in 2014 he said, as the sun’s rays are 1,600 speed”—maybe just one to a few and reducing motor function.The the importance of the SLO-1
and is the farthest and potentially times fainter there than on Earth. miles per hour.If such a meeting researchers manipulated SLO-1, channel in early development in
oldest cosmic body ever observed The body is roughly 19 miles occurred between two cars in first using genetic tools and then the worms, and to better under-
by a spacecraft. long and completes its own ro- a parking lot, he said, no driver using a drug called paxilline. In stand the mechanisms through
Before that flyby, the only tation in about 15 hours. NASA would bother writing it up. The both cases, they observed two which it affects lifespan.
image scientists had was a blurry dubbed the larger lobe Ultima, lobes, according to Moore, are major effects in the roundworms: The findings were published
one showing Ultima Thule’s oblong and the other, which is about really just “resting on each oth- not only did they maintain better on Wednesday in Science Advanc-
shape, resembling something like three times smaller, Thule.“This er.” — AFP motor function later in life, they es.— AFP

Charity Cup 2019 to be broadcast live on MRTV

CHARITY Cup 2019, the opening football A coordination meeting for the Cup United players will wear white-colored
competition by the previous champions was held at the meeting hall of the MNL. jerseys, while Shan United players will
of the Myanmar National League, will be It was attended by officials from the wear red-colored jerseys for the match,
broadcast live on MRTV and MySports, MNL and the Myanmar Football Fed- according to decisions reached at yes-
according to a statement on the official eration (MFF). terday’s meeting.
MNL website yesterday. Famous artistes will volunteer for Tickets for the match will be
MNL defending champion Yangon the entertainment programme to be priced at Ks2,000 for the grand
United will play against runner up Shan held on the day of the Cup, according stand and Ks1,000 for the ordinary
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer celebrates
United at the Cup. The match, which to the meeting. stand.
victory at Newcastle on Wednesday 2
will take place at the Aung San Stadium During the charity match, teams Proceeds from the match will go to January.  PHOTO: AFP
in Yangon, will begin at 3.30 p.m. on 6 will be allowed to substitute five players orphanages, according to yesterday’s
January. and use three expatriate players. Yangon meeting.—Lynn Thit(Tgi)
Never let me go:
Myanmar Solskjaer wants
defender Thein to stay as Man
Than Win United boss
NEWCASTLE (United Kingdom)—Ole
joins Thai club Gunnar Solskjaer joined Matt Busby in
the Manchester United record books
Ratchaburi in his team’s 2-0 win at Newcastle on
Wednesday and admitted he does not
want to leave the club in the summer.
THE Thai League 1 club, Ratchaburi Mitr The United interim manager, in
Phol F.C., has signed Myanmar national charge until the end of the season when
player Thein Than Win on a one-year he is scheduled to return to his Norwe-
contract from Yadanarbon F.C. for the gian club Molde, has now won his first
upcoming football season. four games in charge.
Thein Than Win will serve as a left- In United’s history, only the leg-
back on the Ratchaburi team, said a endary and iconic Busby has matched
Myanmar defender Thein Than Win (left) holds the jersey together with an official from
source from the team’s website. the Ratchaburi Mitr Phol F.C.  PHOTO: RATCHABURI MITR PHOL FC that achievement and Solskjaer cele-
The Ratchaburi F.C., nicknamed The brated enthusiastically with his club’s
Dragons, finished 12th in the 2018 league, With this, Thein Than Win joins My- Initially, Thein Than Win played for travelling supporters after goals from
avoiding relegation by a solitary point. anmar players Kyaw Ko Ko, Aung Thu, Kanbawza F.C. in the Myanmar National Romelu Lukaku and Marcus Rashford
Thein Than Win will boost Ratch- and Zaw Min Tun, who have already League. On 19 November, 2015, he shifted secured the win.
aburi’s defense, said an official from the signed with Thai clubs for the upcoming to Yadanarbon F.C., signing a two-year “I don’t want to (leave),” said Solsk-
Thai club. season. contract with the team.—Lynn Thit(Tgi) jaer when asked about his future beyond
this season. “It is such a great bunch
of players, a fantastic atmosphere. But
‘Fighter’ Djokovic into Qatar quarter-finals after scare it is the next game, the next game and
I am doing my job for as long as I am
DOHA—Novak Djokovic admitted he had here.” United will now move on to much
to “fight” to come back from a set down to tougher challenges, starting with the
beat world number 36, Hungary’s Marton Premier League visit to Tottenham a
Fucsovics at the Qatar Open. week on Sunday.
The world number one survived a But, given the manner of Wednes-
huge scare to eventually triumph 4-6, 6-4, day’s victory, Solskjaer has the look
6-1 on Wednesday and admitted his op- of a manager at the top of his game
ponent was “very close to the win”. “For after his decision to throw on Lukaku
the first two sets he was the better play- and Alexis Sanchez, two of the biggest
er,” said two-time Qatar Open champion under-achievers under former manager
Djokovic. “He played really well, smart, Jose Mourinho, after 63 minutes.
changing up the rhythm and the pace of Instantly, Newcastle keeper Martin
the ball and moving me around. “I was Dubravka fumbled a 25-yard Rashford
kind of in a corner and I had to find my Novak Djokovic . free-kick and Lukaku, with his first
way and fight my way through.” touch of the game, tapped the rebound
The match lasted exactly two hours, slower conditions, so I did expect that it Wawrinka plays Spain’s Roberto Batista home from five yards.
which was twice as long as the Serb spent was going to be a match with a lot of rallies Agut in the quarters. The game hung in the balance until
on court in his first round stroll against and very physical and that has proven Also through is France’s Pierre-Hu- the 79th minute when Newcastle, push-
Damir Dzumhur, where he lost just three to be the case.” The number one seed, gues Herbert who notched a second thrill- ing upfield for an equaliser, were caught
games. will play fifth seed Nikoloz Basilashvili ing victory in as many nights by beating on the counter-attack.
A backhand winner eventually se- in the quarter-finals. The Georgian beat Germany’s Max Marterer 6-3, 6-7 (6/8), 7-6 Lukaku found Sanchez whose as-
cured victory for Djokovic but the result Russia’s Andrey Rublev, the 2018 run- (8/6). Herbert, who beat second seed and tute pass reached Rashford in space
was in doubt for a long time, with the Serb ner-up, 6-3, 6-4 on Wednesday. If he wins world number eight Dominic Thiem 24 and the England forward showed great
only breaking Fucsovics in the tenth game his last eight match, Djokovic is on course hours earlier, will now play Tomas Berd- poise to curl the ball past Dubravka.“It
of the second set to ensure the match went to meet Stan Wawrinka in the semi-finals ych in the last eight, who won a three-set was a tough test,” said Solskjaer of
into a final set shootout. Djokovic added: after the Swiss also won on Wednesday, match against Fernando Verdasco, 4-6, 6-3, Rashford’s performance. —AFP
“I knew his qualities and especially in the beating Chile’s Nicolas Jarry 6-4, 7-6 (7/3). 7-5, in the last match of the night.—PTI

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