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4 ARRIOR SERIES wy Ta MILITARY | i 8 4 [eal tl z u =) i) a a = ae © =| v1 va = EDITOR: LEE JOHNSON WARRIOR SERIES ZULU 1816-1906 Text by IAN KNIGHT Colour plates by ANGUS McBRIDE First pulshed in Cceat Britain i 1993 by Osprey, an imprint of Reed Consumer Books Lad. Londo SW3 6RD- ond Avekland, Melbourne, Singapore andl eomta © Comevight 1995 Reed International Books Lt Allighis eseuvea. Apart fit ay fet deine fr the purpose of private study, resoech, evtiezm ur rovte\ ak permite! ver rhe Copyright Designs and Paueus Ac. 198,10 of this publication may be reproduced, sored ma retrieval ster, or transmitted in any form for hy any mean elec elect ic, ceil smcchanicl, optical, photocany recording oF foharicn, thant rho pete permission af rhe capyrigt tuner, Enuuics should be addressed to the Publishers. ISHN 185882474 1 Pilmget in Great Britain Printed ung: Wonk Paint Tl Hons Bom Ir you would like ws receive mare information shvnt Odney Military buoks. The Osprey Messenzer is a regular newsletter which contains articles, new title Infirmarion aud special offers. Tu iuiu fice of cage please write to: Osprey Military Messenger, PO Ray §, Rushrlen, ‘Northants NNIO6YX Publisher's ute Readers may wish ro sturly this ritle in ranjumetion with the following Osprey publications: MAA 198 British, Army on Campaign (3) 1856-8) MAA LLL Petorta’s Enonnees (1) Souther Aftica Campaign L The ute War 18/9 Vite 21 Tae Zadus Plite: 32 Bole Posces ie dtand 1879 Artist's nore Readers may care to note that the original paintings from which the colour plates in this book were pre- pared are available for private sale, All reproduction copyright whatsoever is retained by the publisher. All enquitics should be addressed tor Seanpiv Galley PO Bay 475, Hailsham E. Sussex BN27 2SL. The publishers regret that they can enter into no. correspondence upon this matter

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