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Yousef M.

Aqel Princess Sumaya University For Technology

Chapter 1 – Research Methodology

Research Methodology: is a highly intellectual human activity used in the investigation of nature and
matter, and deal specifically with the manner in which data is collected, analyzed and interpreted.

What constitutes a research topic? How or Why select a research topic?

What are the seven reasons for selecting a
1) Unanswered Question research topic? List five reasons:
2) Unsolved Question
3) Query • Personal Aspect:
4) Concern
5) Statement of Inquiry 1) Personal Interest
2) Social Problem
Limitation of doing a Research: What are the 3) Human Service Practice
limitations encountered when doing a research
project? • Scientific Aspect:

1) Time Constraints 1) Testing Theories

2) Financial Constraints 2) Program Evaluation
3) Equipment Limitations
4) Human Research Limitations • Research Aspect:

1) Prior Research
2) Minorities in Research

What is the Literature Review? Sources of information for literature

1) Theoretical and conceptual concepts 1) Books
2) Identification of independent and Dependent 2) Archives
3) Sampling strategy 3) Journals
4) Selection of appropriate research technique 4) Records
5) Statistical technique 5) Reports
6) Internet
7) Interviews
8) Observations
9) Databases


Independent Variable: is the variable that can be controlled or manipulated. (designated as x)

Dependent Variable: is the variable that cannot be controlled or manipulated. (designated as y)

Selecting an appropriate methodology depends on:

1) Nature of investigated problem

2) Is the problem subjective or objective

Yousef M. Aqel Princess Sumaya University For Technology

Qualitative Variable: are variables that can be placed into distinct categories, according to some
characteristic or attribute. For example, gender (male or female).
Quantitative Variables: are numerical in nature and can be ordered or ranked. Example: age is
numerical and the values can be ranked.

Types of Research Methods

Quantitative Methods: can be used to seek empirical support for research hypotheses.

1) Surveys
2) Longitudinal Study: is a correlation research study that involves repeated observations of the
same variables over long periods of time, often many decades.
3) Cross-Sectional Analyses (Correlation)(Transversal)(Prevalence): Involves observation of
all of a population, or a representative subset, at one specific point in time. (Sampling)
4) Experimental
5) Ex-post Factor Research: A research design in which the investigation starts after the fact
has occurred without interference from the researcher.
Qualitative Methods: is a method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines,
traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts. In-depth
understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior.

1) Biographical Study: consists of a brief summary of the person's life and work, including, an
image, list of publications, and links.
2) Phenomenological: deals with an experience or a fact by listening to the different stories of
the participants, and examines the phenomena through the subjective eyes of the participants.
3) Ethnographical Study: is a research design aimed at exploring cultural phenomena. In depth
study of a culture, which uses a combination of methods including participant observation.
4) Case Study: is a research methodology common such as in social science. It is based on an in-
depth investigation of a single individual, or a group.
Types of Data to Collect:

Data to collect

Mixed Continuous (Counted, Measured) Categorical

Ordinal Nominal
(Ranked) (Coded)

Quantitative Qualitative

Discrete Continuous Ordinal Nominal

Yousef M. Aqel Princess Sumaya University For Technology

(Measured) (Ranked) (Coded)

Nominal: Classifies data into mutually, non-overlapping categories (no ranked or order).
Ordinal: No precise intervals between the ranks.

How to collect data? How to draw conclusion from data?

1) Records 1) Graphical Presentations

2) Reports 2) Statistical Analysis
3) Observation 3) Sharing data among college and
4) Interviews receiving constructive feedback

How to present Research Findings: General Format:

• Title
1) Tables (Matrix) • Abstract
2) Figures (Pictures, Charts) • Introduction
• Literature Review
• Main body
o Results
o Discussion
o Methodology
• References
• Apprentices

In text Citation: Author’s last name and the year of publications placed in parenthesis next to where
the information is cited. Three or more authors, use the last name of the first author followed by et
al., year of publication. (Gates, 2009), (Gates et al., 2009).

References: Authors last name, Initial (Year). Title. Journal of Business, Volume (Issue), Pages


Authors: s. v. patankar & d. b. spalding

Year 1972
Pages: 1787-1806
Title: A Calculation Procedure for Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer in Three Dimensional
Parabolic Flows
Journal: International journal of heat and mass transfer
Volume 15
Issue 10

Yousef M. Aqel Princess Sumaya University For Technology

Patankar, S. V., & Spalding, D. B. (1972). A calculation procedure for heat, mass and momentum
transfer in three dimensional parabolic flows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 15(10),

Author: J. P. Holman
Title: Heat and mass transfer
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, UK.
Year: 1992

Holman, J. P. (1992) Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, UK.

Authors: G. scott & P. richardson

Year: 1997
Title: The application of computational fluid dynamics in the food industry
Journal: Journal of trends in food science & technology
Volume 8
Issue 2

Scott, G., & Richardson, P. (1997). The application of computational fluid dynamics in the food
industry. Journal of Trends in Food Science & Technology, 8(2).

Chapter 2 - Research Design and Methods

Main points for research design and methods for successful research:

1) Research design, if carried out successfully, will accomplish Specific Aims.

2) Methods are feasible and well developed.
3) Approach is original.
4) Data will be analyzed correctly.
5) Enough subjects/specimens will be tested to lead to conclusive results.
6) Limitations are of minor concern only.
7) Study can be accomplished in requested time.
Audience: write for reviewers and funding agency staff


1) No one organization fits all proposals.

2) Organize in logical sequence of specific aim and corresponding experiments.
3) Give an overview at every section:

o Describe overall approach that will be used to achieve aims

o Consider using flowchart or table

For each Specific Aim, include:

1) Rationale
Yousef M. Aqel Princess Sumaya University For Technology

2) Design/ Approach
3) Methods
4) Anticipated Results, Interpretations
5) Difficulties, limitations, Alternative approaches
Rationale: Directly and succinctly reiterate why you are doing this Specific Aim

Design/Approach: Briefly describe:

o Design of study
o Choice of specimens
o Choice of interventions, independent factors and outcome assessments
What are the main requirements needs for any Measurements when doing a research work?
o Describe techniques and equipment for measuring all variables.
o Use illustrations.
o Demonstrate that measurements will be accurate, precise, sensitive, specific.
Novel Method:
o Emphasize what is new about your methods.
o Point out advantages to using your proposed techniques over other approaches.
Data Analysis: What do you need to specify in a research work when using analytical statistics?

1) Statistical parameters and tests.

2) Assumptions of tests.
3) Reference if statistical approach is not well known.
Power Analysis: Determine how many specimens are needed to a certain probability of detecting an

Number of specimens in research plan:

1) State methods used for power analysis

2) Specify primary outcome variable
3) Specify independent variables and factors
4) State statistical test or interval estimation
o Analysis of variance
o Linear Regression
Effect Size: Ratio of expected difference to measure of variability based on

1) Published Work
2) Preliminary Studies
3) Educated Guess
Include limitations: on potential difficulties & limitations at one of following locations:

Yousef M. Aqel Princess Sumaya University For Technology

1) Under each specific aim

2) End of entire research design section
3) As they occur in methods
Timetable must: What are the conditions of including timeline or timetable at the end of research
design and methods?

1) Give enough detail for evaluation

2) Make sure it is reasonable
Informative writing: What are the main requirements needs for informative writing?

1) Inform the reader

2) Explain what is difficult to understand
3) Say only what needs to be said
A successful Research design and methods:

1) Bright Idea
2) Well developed and clearly described methods
3) Appropriate data analysis
4) Large enough sample size
5) Plenty of time to do the work
6) Only minor limitations
7) Clear pathway to strong conclusions


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