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Money and Coinage

1 copper tarsk bit (lowest denomination)

8 -10 copper tarsk bits = Approximately 1 copper tarsk
80 - 100 copper tarsks = 1 silver tarsk
10 silver tarsks = 1 gold tarn
2 gold tarns = 1 double weight gold tarn

“The price for a good sleen pelt is now a silver tarsk,” said Arn. Then he held out his
cup again to Cara. “More wine,” he said.
Hunters of Gor, page 26

I struck the keeper's desk twice.

Behind the desk, on the wall, there was posted a list of prices. They were quite
high. I did not think that those were normal prices.
If they were, I did not see how the inn could manage to be competitive.

I struck the keeper's desk twice more.

There was a tharlarion oil lamp hanging on three chains from the ceiling, to my right,
above the desk.

Sample items from the list were as follows:

Bread and paga…………………………………………………….2 C.T.

Other food……………………………………………………...3 – 5 C.T.
Lodging……………………………………………………………10 C.T.
Blanket(s)……………………………………………………………2 C.T.
Bath………………………………………………………………….1 C.T.
Bath girl……………………………………………………………...2 C.T.
Sponge, oil and strigil………………………………………………..1 C.T.
Girl for the night……………………………………………………..5 C.T.
T., Greens and Stable………………………………………………...2 C.T.
T., Meat and Cot……………………………………………………..5 C.T.

A comment, or two, might be in order on this list of prices. First, it will be noted that
they are not typical. In many inns, depending
on the season, to be sure, and the readiness of the keeper to negotiate, one can stay
for as little as two or three copper tarsks a
day, everything included, within reason, of course, subject to some restraint with
respect to page, and such. Also, the bath girl, and
the sponge, oil and strigil, in most establishments, come with the price of the bath
itself. The prices on the list on the wall seemed
excessive, perhaps to a factor of five or more. The prices, of course, were in terms of
copper tarsks. Renegades of Gor, page 51-52

“Are all taverns like this, Master?” I asked Astrinax. I suspected not, for the apparent
quality of the girls. “No,” he said. “The prices
here are such that the place should be burned down. In a typical tavern a drink is
a single tarsk-bit, with which drink a girl may
go, if you want her. Here, a drink is five tarsk-bits, five! And for all I know, the girl is
extra.” “No,” said Lykos. “She goes with the
drink.” “But five tarsk-bits!” said Astrinax. “True,” granted Lykos, resignedly.
Conspirators of Gor (E-book)

“You will leave in the morning,” she said, “at dawn, as though on a common errand.
Indeed, I will give you two tarsk-bits and you
may later purchase some larmas which we may press for breakfast.” “Yes,
Mistress,” I said. Conspirators of Gor (E-book quote)

“Four larmas for a tarsk-bit, especially in the morning, is quite a good buy,” said
the Lady Bina. Conspirators of Gor (E-book quote)


The ihn... the Gorean second. (1.35 earth seconds)

The ehn... the Gorean minute, it consists of 80 ihn. (1.8 earth minutes or 1 minute,
48 seconds)
The ahn... the Gorean hour, it consists of 40 ehn. (1.2 earth hours or 1 hour, 12
minutes) the Gorean day consists of 20 ahn
The tenth ahn... the Gorean equivalent of noon or midday.
The twentieth ahn... the Gorean equivalent of midnight.

1 ihn = 1.35 earth seconds

1 ehn = 80 ihn
1.35 x 80
Calculates to 108 earth seconds.

1 ahn = 40 ehn
40 x 108
Calculates into 4320 earth seconds.
Divided by 60 that equals 72 earth minutes

1 day = 20 ahn
20 x 72
Calculates into 1440 earth minutes.
Or divided by 60 that's 24 hours.

I drew forth from my robes a small, flat, closed Gorean chronometer. It was
squarish. I placed it in the hands of the boy, Achmed.
He opened it. He observed the tiny hands, moving. There are twenty hours, or Ahn,
in the Gorean day. The hands of the Gorean
chronometers do not move as the hands of the clocks of the Earth. They turn in the
opposite direction. In that sense, they move
counterclockwise. This chronometer, tooled in Ar, was a fine one, sturdy, exact. It
contained, too, a sweeping Ihn hand, with which
the tiny Ihn could be measured. Tribesmen of Gor, page 61, 62

The Calendar

The hand... the Gorean week, five days

The Gorean month... it consists of 5 hands
Each 5 week month is followed by a 5 day period called the "passage hand", this
hand is not included in the month ending nor the
month beginning.
The Gorean year... 12 months
At the end of the twelfth month, the usual passage hand of five days passes and is
then followed by another hand called the
"waiting hand" which separates the years. So in effect then, the Gorean year
consists of 73 hands: twelve 5 hand months, 12
passage hands and one waiting hand.

There are twelve twenty-five day Gorean months, incidentally, in most of the
calendars of the various cities. Each month, containing
five five-day weeks is separated by a five-day period, called the Passage Hand, from
every other month, there being one exception
to this, which is that the last month of the year is separated from the first month of
the year, which begins with the Vernal Equinox,
not only by a Passage Hand, but by another five day period called the Waiting Hand.
Assassin of Gor, page 78

Weight and Mass

1 Talu = 2 US gallons = 7.5 litres (approx)

1 Gorean stone = 4 US pounds = 1.8 kilograms (approx)

1 Gorean weight (10 stone) = 40 US pounds = 18.14 kg (approx)

A given tree, annually, yields between one and five Gorean weights of fruit. A weight
is some ten stone, or some forty Earth pounds.
Tribesmen of Gor, page 37

I have calculated this from the Weight, a Gorean unit of measurement based on the
Stone, which is about four Earth pounds. A
Weight is ten Stone.
Raiders of Gor, page 127

I have calculated this from the Weight, a Gorean unit of measurement based on the
Stone, which is about four Earth pounds.
Raiders of Gor, page 127

The Gill measures liquids

In a matter of perhaps two or three seconds, it had drawn perhaps a gill of liquid.
Outlaw of Gor, page 34

The tef = a fistful

The tefa = 6 tefs or tiny basket

The huda = 5 Tefa or 5 baskets

A handful with the five fingers closed, not open, is a tef. Six such handfuls constitute
a tefa, which is a tiny basket. Five such
baskets constitute a huda. Tribesmen of Gor, page 46


The Hort = 1 inch and 1/4

The Gorean foot = 10 horts

The Ah-il = elbow to tip of middle finger

The Ah-ral = 10 Ah-il

The Pasang - 1/7 of a mile

Cloth is measured in the ah-il, which is the length from the elbow to the tip of the
middle finger, and the ah-ral, which is ten ah-ils.
Tribesmen of Gor, page 50

The Gorean foot is, in my estimation, just slightly longer than the Earth foot; based
on the supposition that each of its ten horts is
roughly one and one-quarter inches long. Raiders of Gor, page 127

The pasang is a measure of distance on Gor, equivalent approximately to 0.7 of a

mile. Tarnsman of Gor, page 58

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