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Međujezičke prepreke

Živorad Kovačević je jedan od mnogih koje nerviraju loši prevodi sa

engleskog (prvenstveno u našim medijima) i jedan od malobrojnih koji nešto
preduzimaju da bi tome stali na put. Autor „Srpsko-engleskog rečnika idioma“
(1991), “Englesko‑srpskog frazeološkog rečnika” (1997) i “Srpsko-engleskog
frazeološkog rečnika” (2002) sada je napisao i ovu knjigu kao sredstvo za borbu
protiv grešaka koje nastaju najčešće otuda što prevodilac zna samo jedno ili dva
od mnogobrojnih značenja date engleske reči, ili što složene izraze prevodi bu-
kvalno, od reči do reči, ne prepoznajući u njima frazeologizme.
“Lažni prijatelji” (po francuskom faux amis) odavno je usvojen naziv u
lingvistici za parove reči ili sintagmi u dva jezika koje su po obliku slične, ali
se bitno razlikuju po značenju. Engleski izrazi te vrste ovde su nabrojani u vidu
rečnika, po abecednom redu, i objašnjena su njihova stvarna značenja u zavisno-
sti od konteksta, sa odgovarajućim rečenicama radi ilustracije. Novost u našoj
leksikografiji predstavljaju dva popisa razlika između britanskog i američkog
engleskog, najpre po engleskim rečima kao odrednicama, a zatim po srpskim
rečima koje se različito prevode u Engleskoj i u SAD. Poseban trud autor je
uložio u prevođenje poslovica, koje u raznim evropskim jezicima većinom imaju
smisaone ekvivalente, ali izražene različitim pojmovima, što prevodiocu zadaje
znatne teškoće. U završnom delu knjige sakupljeno je preko 1.200 srpskih narod-
nih poslovica, podeljenih na blizu dvesta tematskih oblasti, i za svaku je data po
jedna ili više ekvivalentnih engleskih poslovica. Prevodioci spremni da se oko-
riste ovim obiljem građe biće bez sumnje zahvalni Kovačeviću na pomoći koju
im ovaj priručnik pruža u izbegavanju “međujezičkih prepreka” koje vrebaju na
putu između izvornika i adekvatnog srpskog prevoda.

Ivan Klajn

Reči nisu krive

Posle izvanredno urađenog dvotomnog rečnika engleskih fraza, idioma i
izreka, Živorad Kovačević nas iznenađuje još jednim korisnim leksikografskim
Ovoga puta je to korektivni priručnik, ili tumač najčešćih prevodilačkih
promašaja koji se stvaraju doslovnim prevođenjem engleskih izraza. Osim nepo-
znavanja jezika, taj prevodilački bukvalizam pokazuje i nemar prevodioca prema
samom tekstu. Umesto da ga valjano iščitava, odgonetajući mu najpre smisao i
nivoe značenja, a zatim stilske i druge posebnosti, kako bi mogao da im pronađe
najbolji način da ih prenese u jezik na koji ga prevodi, on ga svojim površnim
pristupom brzopleto obezličuje i sakati. Tako nastaju silne zabune i zbrke koje
osim fatalnih nedoumica u razumevanju prevoda, čine i da prema njemu nepra-
vedno sudimo o piscu i njegovom delu.
Primerima, navedenim u knjizi, koji su, nažalost, autentični citati, Kova-
čević pokazuje na kakve se nedotupavne besmislice svode inače vrlo slikovite
i zanimljive engleske igre reči, poštapalice, fraze i obrti, baš kao što komično i
budalasto zvuče naše poslovice linearno prevedene na druge jezike. Ukazujući
na pogubnost prevođenja reč po reč (pri čemu nam je rečnik lažni prijatelj), Ko-
vačević, dajući pravo značenje i pogodno rešenje u prevodu na naš jezik, nastoji
zapravo i da bolje osvetli i rastumači odnos idioma medju jezicima.
Knjiga ”Lažni prijatelji” je vešto i duhovito komponovana, leksikografski
je zanimljiva i skoro neophodna u naše vreme kad svetski jezici vrve od anglici-
zama, što opasnost od površnog pristupa biću jezika čini još većom. Inteligentno
urađen priručnik. No povodom ovog prideva, dodaću i jednu jezičku zabunu koju
sam skoro čula, a nisam sigurna da li je Kovačević citirao. U vestima je bilo da
je nekom važnom skupu prisustvovao Chief of Inteligence (i njegovo ime), ne
bih da citiram doslovno. Prevod je glasio: Na konferenciji je bio i vrhunski inte-
ligentni (i opet ime). Najbolji komentar na ovakve prevode je ova odlična knjiga
Živorada Kovačevića.

Vida Ognjenović

Blago za prevodioce
“Lažni prijatelji” prevodilaca su zaista njihovi lažni prijatelji, ali je zato
autor knjige o “lažnim prijateljima” njihov pravi prijatelj. Nije slučajno da je
Živorad Kovačević, sastavljač najboljih frazeoloških rečnika, englesko-spskog
i srpsko-engleskog, za mene najboljih te vrste uopšte, takođe autor priručnika
“Lažni prijatelji u engleskom jeziku i druge zamke doslovnog prevođenja”. Za
tu knjigu je bilo potrebno živeti oba jezika tamo gde se oni govore, zatim pri-
lježnost da se zametan rad obavi, kao i dar da se nađu odgovarajući izrazi na
oba jezika. Prevodilac koji ne koristiti blago koje mu nudi Kovačevićeva knjiga
“Lažni prijatelji”, neprijatelj je svoga prevođenja.

Jovan Ćirilov


Beograd 2009.


IZVORI GRAĐE.......................................................................................................19

I REČNIK LAŽNIH PRIJATELJA.............................................................................21


ZNAČENJE U BRITANSKOM I AMERIČKOM ENGLESKOM................................291


U BRITANSKOM I AMERIČKOM ENGLESKOM.........................................................303

IV SRPSKE I ODGOVARAJUĆE ENGLESKE POSLOVICE.........................................325

BELEŠKA O AUTORU......................................................................................................377

„Rečnici su kao časovnici – i najgori je bolji nego bez njega, a ni najbolji nije
precizan.“ Semjuel Džonson, leksikograf
Ovu knjigu čine četiri rečnika, sa ukupno 7.400 odrednica.
Prvi i naobimniji je pregled englesko-srpskih lažnih prijatelja. Lažni prijatelji
(false friends, faux amis) su reči i izrazi koji mogu da navedu na pogrešan prevod.
U drugom rečniku su reči i fraze koje imaju različito značenje u britanskom i
američkom engleskom. One predstavljaju posebnu vrstu lažnih prijatelja.
U trećem rečniku je dat pregled pojmova za koje se koriste različite reči i fraze
u britanskom i američkom engleskom.
Poslednji, četvrti rečnik čine naše narodne poslovice i njihovi engleski ekvi-
valenti. Doslovni prevod poslovica nema nikakvog smisla.
Engleski je danas besumnje svetski jezik, u neuporedivo većoj meri nego
što su to bili recimo latinski ili francuski. U istoriji su se mnogi jezici smenjivali
kao glavni diplomatski jezici: akadijski (asirijsko-vavilonski), kineski, grčki, arap-
ski, turski, španski itd. U srednjovekovnoj Evropi lingua franca je bio latinski, u
diplomatskim kontaktima komuniciralo se na latinskom i svi diplomatski tekstovi i
ugovori pisani su na latinskom (Vestfalski ugovor od 1648, Anglo-holandski ugovor
od 1674. itd.). Sredinom XVIII veka francuski je postao opšteprihvaćeni diplomatski
jezik (pregovori su vođeni i usvojeni ugovori napisani na francuskom na Bečkom
kongresu 1815. i Pariskom kongresu 1856.). Francuski je uverljivo vladao u među-
narodnom opštenju sve do Drugog svetskog rata.
Nema sumnje da je u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka engleski potisnuo sve
druge jezike u meri bez presedana u istoriji. Nekad se tvrdilo da nijanse ne mogu ni
na jednom drugom jeziku da se izraze tako dobro kao na francuskom, a kasnije da
se sa engleskim nijedan jezik ne može meriti u preciznosti i ekspresivnosti. Biće da
ipak nije o tome reč, već o političkoj, ekonomskoj, kulturnoj, tehnološkoj dominaciji
jedne nacije u određenom periodu. Što je dominatnija bila Pax Americana, sve je
važniji i rasprostranjeniji bio engleski.
Za oko 380 miliona ljudi engleski je maternji jezik i drugi jezik za oko 250
miliona. Ceni se da oko 750 miliona uči i u određenoj meri govori i piše engleski.
Druge procene kažu da će do godine 2050. polovina svetskog stanovništva moći da
se u potpunosti sporazumeva na engleskom. Osamdeset pet posto međunarodnih
organizacija koristi engleski kao službeni ili radni jezik. Tri četvrtine Evropljana,
prema anketama, smatra da svi u Evropskoj uniji treba da budu u stanju da govore

Glavni dijalekti engleskog jezika su britanski i američki engleski i oni jedini

mogu pretendovati na međunarodni standard. Nije po svoj prilici realno očekivati
da se izgradi i usvoji međunarodni standard jedinstvenog engleskog jezika. To, uo-
stalom, nje ni potrebno ni poželjno – jezik je živ organizam koji se najbolje razvija,
obogaćuje i prilagođava kad nije ograničen suviše striktnim regulama. Ipak, američ-
ki engleski je znatno rasprostranjeniji i njime govori oko 70% ljudi čiji je maternji
jezik engleski. Oko dve trećine svih štampanih stvari na engleskom su na američkom
engleskom, tri četvrtine televizijskih serija i filmova i oko 90% vebsajtova. „Dete
nije u potpunosti preotelo mesto roditelja, ali je uspelo da roditelja svede na poča-
snog konkurenta na svetskom tržištu engleskog jezika.“1.
Pored ova dva osnovna dijalekta, ima dosta specifičnosti u engleskom jeziku
koji se govori u Kanadi, Australiji, Indiji, Irskoj, Novom Zelandu i Južnoj Africi.
Ovaj rečnik ne pokriva te razlike.
Rečnik ne obrađuje ni mnogobrojne razlike između britanskog i američkog
engleskog u pisanju i izgovoru. Pregled ovih razlika može se naći u svakom dobrom
rečniku ili užbeniku. Nisu date ni razlike u izboru pojedinih reči (as well i too, aro-
und i round, around i about, while i whilst, among i amongst i sl.).

Lažni prijatelji
Najčešći i najtipičniji lažni prijatelji su reči koje liče na naše reči, ali zna-
če nešto drugo. Često se može čuti ili pročitati da se eventually pogrešno prevodi
eventualno, affirmation - afirmacija, ambulance – ambulanta, censure - cenzura,
closet - klozet, concurrence - konkurencija, conserve - konzerva, devise - deviza,
evidence - evidencija, familiar – porodičan, fabric - fabrika, genial - genijalan,
moral - moral, novel - novela, parole - parola, physic/physique - fizika, placard
– plakar, placate - plakatirati, provision - provizija, receipt - recept, self-consci-
ousness - samosvest, stipend – stipendija, studious – studiozan, tappet – tapet,
ultimate - ultimativan itd.
Mnogi idiomi takođe mogu lako da zavedu. Idiomi (od grčkog idios, što znači
osoben, svojstven) su posebni izrazi koji znače nešto drugo nego reči koji ga čine.
Idiomi su neka vrsta kodiranog jezika unutar jezika, koji kao da je smišljen da zbuni
stranca i naglasi osećanje bliskosti među onima koji ga govore. U stvari, idiom je
originalna kreacija, jer daje novo značenje grupi reči koje već imaju svoje značenje.
Dakle, reč je o osobitoj ustaljenoj kombinaciji reči koja ima posebno značenje koje
se ne može izvesti iz njenih sastavnih delova. Tako, neke fraze koje su u opštoj upo-
trebi u jednom jeziku gube kontekst kad se doslovno prevedu na drugi jezik, čime
šalju naopaku poruku. Razume se, ovde se radi o užem specifičnom značenju pojma
idiom, koji ima i svoje šire značenje.2
Prevod mnogih idioma nema smisla, ali neki drugi mogu biti lažni prijatelji,
kao, na primer: after a fashion ne znači po modi, at the end of the day ne znači
na kraju dana, bring home the bacon ne znači doneti kući slaninu, bring someo-

1 Orin Hargraves, Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions, Oxford University Press, 2003.
2 “Termin idiom upotrebljavamo u onom njegovom značenju koje obuhvata i neutralizuje
pojmove jezik (standardni, supstandardni i nestandardni), narečje, dijalekt, varijanta. Naprosto, idiom
je svaki oblik jezičke pojavnosti, bez obzira na njegov odnos prema drugim oblicima bilo po vertikali
bilo po horizontali i bez obzira na njegov društveni status.” (Branislav Brborić i Pavle Ivić, Načela naše
jezičke politike, Jezički priručnik, str. 12.)

ne to attention ne znači privući nečiju pažnju, change of life nije promena života,
get under someone’s skin ne znači podvući se nekome pod kožu (već, obrnuto, ići
nekome na živce), give someone a piece of one’s mind ne znači dati nekome svoje
mišljenje o nečemu, give someone the lie ne znači slagati nekoga, go bad ne znači
krenuti loše, go down in flames ne znači izgoreti, go out of service ne znači izaći iz
službe, jump out of one’s skin ne znači iskočiti iz sopstvene kože, lose one’s nerve
ne znači izgubiti živce, gather up the threads ne znači pohvatati konce, put some-
one to sleep ne znači staviti nekoga na spavanje, pretty/fine state of affairs nije
povoljno stanje stvari, već, obrnuto, neugodna situacija, be attracted to someone
ne znači sviđati se nekome, već, obrnuto, osećati simpatiju prema nekome, smatrati
koga privlačnim, quite a few/little ne znači vrlo malo, već, obrnuto, dosta, prilično,
stand on ceremony ne znači stajati na ceremoniji, već držati do formalnosti, take
credit for something ne znači uzeti kredit za nešto, take exception ne znači načiniti
izuzetak, Take care! na rastanku ne znači Čuvaj se! (kao što se redovno prevodi),
već Doviđenja! Without prejudice ne znači bez predrasude itd.
Kao lažni prijatelji se javljaju i reči ili izrazi koji imaju i jedno ili više drugih
značenja, sem onog koje je najčešće ili opšte poznato. Na primer, fresh je svež,
ali i drzak, front je front, ali i prednja strana i izraz lica, function je funkcija, ali
i društveni događaj i svečanost, abortion (ne abortus!) je pobačaj, ali i neuspeh,
promašaj; accommodation znači smeštaj, ali i kompromis, nagodba; advocate nije
samo advokat, već i pobornik, ali i (kao glagol) zagovarati, zalagati se, agree with
someone ne znači samo složiti se sa nekim već i prijati nekome, dobro činiti nekome;
accomplished ne znači samo izvršen, već i vrstan, savršen, ali i nesumnjiv, profe-
ssion nije samo profesija, već i izjava i uveravanje, read ne znači samo čitati, već i
glasiti, pokazivati, studirati, slušati predavanja i shvatiti, return the compliment ne
znači samo uzvratiti kompliment, već i uzvratiti na isti način. Itd.
Neki lažni prijatelji mogu biti „dvostruko lažni“, jer imaju dva ne samo razli-
čita, već i potpuno suprotna značenja. Kissing cousin (rođak za ljubljenje) je (a):
u američkom engleskom daleki rođak (koji je blizak tek toliko da se poljubi pri
susretu) i (b): obrnuto, u britanskom engleskom je rođak (najčešće suprotnog pola)
za koga je neko jako lično i emocionalno vezan. Look through, pored ostalog, znači
ovlaš pregledati i, suprotno tome, pažljivo pregledati.
I pseudoanglicizmi (nove reči formirane na osnovu engleskih morfema neza-
visno od analogne engleske konstrukcije) takođe mogu biti lažni prijatelji, odnosno
imati različito značenje. Recimo, oldtimer, se u domaćoj upotrebi (ali i u nemačkom
jeziku) najčešće odnosi na stari model motornog vozila koje se više ne proizvodi, a
na engleskom je to starija osoba ili iskusna osoba sa dugim stažom u nekoj oblasti,
veteran. Neki put je preuzet engleski izraz, ali pogrešno: hepiend umesto happy
„Zbog svoje zavodljive spoljašnje sličnosti, ovakvi oblici predstavljaju zamke
i koje se hvataju svi koji uče strani jezik, pa neretko i prevodioci, kao bolji poznava-
oci stranog jezika.“3
Ponekad doslovni prevod stavljen u zagradu u Rečniku nije jezički korektan,
odnosno dobar znalac engleskog ne bi nikad tako preveo, čak iako ne zna pravo zna-
čenje. Drugim rečima, to nije pravi lažni prijatelj, jer ne navodi na pogrešan prevod,

3 Boris Hlebec, Srpsko-engleski rečnik lažnih parova, Trebnik, Beograd, 1997, str. 3.

već jednostavno zbunjuje. To je više ilustracija da doslovan prevod nema smisla (na
primer the world and his wife).
Doslovni prevod našeg izraza na engleski deluje najčešće komično. Često se
pominje da je navodno jedan visoki državni funkcioner rekao da su „upoređenja pro-
blema Kosova sa Tajvanom ili Hongkongom grandmothers and frogs“ (babe i žabe,
što bi na engleskom bilo apples and oranges). Ili, poznat je slučaj još iz vremena
SFRJ da se jedan veselnik predstavio: „I am the article of Yugoslav delegation“. Ima
i radi zabave smišljenih komičnih prevoda kao što je Two bad, Miloš dead. - Dva
loša ubiše Miloša. Najbliža engleska poslovica je Not even Hercules could contend
against two. Za nju postoji i drugi ekvivalent među našim poslovicama: Jača su
dvojica nego sam Radojica.
Da i oni za koje se pretpostavlja da dobro vladaju engleskim (prevodioci) na-
sedaju zamkama doslovnog prevođenja pokazuju titlovi filmova koje svakodnevno
gledamo na televiziji, o čemu svedoče sledeći primeri:
U seriji L.A. Law izraz “something is ringing” preveden je sa “nešto mi zvo-
ni”, a radi se o idiomu “ring a bell”, koji znači da to osobu podseća na nešto. U istoj
seriji “it’s history” prevedeno je kao “odlazi u istoriju”, a znači “to je već prošlost”
ili “nekad bilo”.
U filmu prikazanom na TV Politika „with a vengeance” prevedeno je “sa
osvetom” (tako da je ispalo da se proces oboljenja od raka razvio sa osvetom!), a taj
izraz znači “žestoko, vrlo snažno, energično” (“the bombing campaign came back
to Britain with a vengeance; he is buillding that fence with a vengeance”). U istom
filmu mlada žena prekoreva svekrvu što joj je svojevremeno, kada ju je zamolila za
pomoć, rekla da može da se baci u jezero, a radi se o veoma čestom idiomu “Go
(and) jump in the lake/river/sea/ocean!” što je najbliže našem Gubi mi se s očiju!
U serijskom filmu prikazanom na istoj televiziji žena moli muža – policajca, da se
ne odazove telefonskom pozivu, a on odgovara: “Sorry, it goes with the territory”,
što je prevedeno “Žao mi je, to ide sa teritorijom”, a znači “To spada u moj posao”
ili “To je moje područje rada”.
U filmu The Prince of Tides, žena kaže mužu: “You’re pathetic!”, što je pre-
vedeno sa “Baš si patetičan!” a taj izraz se može prevesti kao: “Žalost te je slušati!”
ili “Ti si jad i beda!” ili “Ćuti, kukavče jedan!” (prevod prof. I. Klajna). U istom
filmu psihijatar kaže glavnom junaku: “You have not to keep the skeleton in the
closet any more”, što je prevedeno “Ne morate više da čuvate kostur u ormanu”,
a znači “Ne morate više da čuvate vašu (porodičnu brižljivo čuvanu) tajnu (koje se
U filmu Šerlok Holms, dr Votson kaže mladoj ženi sa kojom se sreće na brodu:
“You look so familiar.” (“Činite mi se tako poznati.”), što je prevedeno sa “Mislim
da smo se sprijateljili”.
U filmu “Dobri momci” devojka podseća mladića: „’You remember when
you proposed to me?’ ’Proposed?’“. To je prevedeno: “’Sećaš se kad si mi predlo-
žio?’ ’Predložio?’“ (čudi se i on kao da ne zna o kakvom je predlogu reč). Razume
se da se radilo o ponudi braka, ali prevodilac čak ni tako čest izraz nije znao.
Naslov fima “Dressed to kill” u prevodu glasi “Obučena da ubije”. “(To be)
dressed to kill” je idiom koji znači “(biti) napadno obučen” ili (u žargonu) “udariti
glanc, nabacati perje”. “Are you with me?” prevedeno je “Da li si sa mnom?”, a
znači “Da li me pratiš?” (u konverzaciji).

U filmu “U čeljustima ajkule”, jedan od junaka upozorava svoje drugove

“that it would be do or die”, što je prevedeno “biće radi ili umri”, a znači “biti ili
ne biti” ili “biti spreman na sve”. U istom filmu jedna ličnost radi “by the book”,
što je prevedeno “po knjizi”, a znači da se ta osoba u svemu drži pravila (“strogo po
U filmu “Zatvorenik” izraz „Save your breath.“ (što bi bilo otprilike „Ne
troši reči badava.“ ili „Bolje ćuti.“), u prevodu glasi: „Štedi dah.“.
U filmu “Čast Pricijevih” „everything being equal“ prevedeno je kao „nama
je to svejedno“ a znači „ako sve drugo ostavimo po strani“.
U filmu „Distinguished Gentleman“ (što je prevedeno kao „Uvaženi gospo-
din“, a odnosi se u stvari na kongresmena), „checks and balances“ je prevedeno
kao „naši bilansi“ (a radi se o američkom ustavnom načelu ograničenja i ravnoteže
zakonodavne, izvršne i sudske vlasti) „no strings attached“ prevedeno kao „diskre-
cija zagarantovana“, a znači „bez posebnih uslova“.
Pri samom kraju filma na TV Pinku neko komentariše da je zločince stigla za-
služena kazna i da je postignuta „poetska pravda“, a radi se o izrazu „poetic justice“
što bi kod nas bila „božja pravda“.
U filmu na TV Palma predstavnik FBI kaže zatvoreniku koga je angažovao
za saradnju da će mu biti oproštena kazna, ali “mnogo crvene trake još treba da
prođemo”, a radi se o izrazu “red tape” koji znači “birokratija” ili “administrativna
U seriji “Guilt” dijalog glasi: - Ona je na ivici nervnog sloma. - Može da se
pridruži klubu. Radi se o izrazu “Join the club!” (ili “Welcome to the club!”) što
znači: “U istom smo sosu!” ili “Ni nama/meni nije bolje!”
U filmu “Čovek s pištoljem” postavljeno je pitanje: “Jesi li ti čudotvorac ili
imaš kristalna jaja?”. Radi se o izrazu “have a crystal ball”, što znači “predvideti
šta će se desiti” (imati kristalnu kuglu, a ne jaja), pa bi najpribližniji prevod mogao
biti: “Možda vračaš u bob?”
U filmu “Tragač” devojka kaže “My car is dead.” Prevedeno je “Moja kola
su umrla” - hoće reći “crkla”, odnosno “u kvaru”. A pitanje “Is this a way to start
a working relationship” prevedeno je “Je li to način da se započne radni odnos”.
U seriji “Pre svega ubistvo”, advokat kaže prijatelju “Moraćeš da lomiš hleb
sa Roudom”; reč je o izrazu “break bread with someone”, što znači „sesti za sto s
nekim“. U istoj seriji tužilac kaže “Narod je zadovoljan”, a “People” je u sudskom
postupku država, odnosno javna tužba (People vs ..., tj. Država protiv....)
Film “Džoe i Merilin”: “Džoe i Merilin obojili su grad u crveno“. Međutim,
ne radi se o molerskim radovima po gradu već o dosta rasprostranjenom idiomu koji
znači “šenlučiti“ ili „bučno se proveseliti”.
U seriji “Red i zakon” kaže se “To je iznad borda”, a reč je o izrazu “(open
and) above board”, što znači: „otvoreno i pošteno“ ili „otvorenih karata“.
Film “Hladnjača”: “Ona će znači otići sa ubistvom!” Reč je o izrazu “get
away with murder”, što znači: „proći bez kazne”. Junak kaže da mu je žena „in a
family way“, što u prevodu glasi „u porodičnom fazonu“, a znači u drugom stanju.
Glumac nekoliko puta ponavlja: „Ubi priču, ubi priču!“. Reč je o idiomu „kill a
story“, koji znači: sprečiti objavljivanje članka.
U filmu „Neverovatna gđa Pričard“, glavna junakinja kaže: „Oprosti, bila
sam vezana!“ Ona je bila tied up, što znači, pored ostalog, zauzeta.

U drugom filmu se konstatuje: „Četiri francuske trupe su spasene.“ Vrlo

često se troop prevodi kao trupa, a može da znači i vojnik.
U filmu “Đavolov advokat“, junak se divi novoj kancelariji: “I meni je vilica
pala” („my jaw dropped“ – što znači „zinuo sam od čuda“).
U filmu “Maksimalni rizik“, pitanje glasi: “Jesi li video svetlo?” „Did you
see the light?“, što u ovom kontekstu znači „Jesi li ukopčao?“ „Da li si konačno
U filmu “Zločin stoleća” kaže se: “Pravo iz usta konja”. Straight from the
horse’s mouth znači, međutim, iz prve ruke, iz pouzdanog izvora.
U filmu “Redov Bendžamin” junakinja kaže da je “popravljala furnituru”.
Očigledno da je reč o nameštaju.
U filmu „Vatromet taštine“: „Zvali su me imenom.“ Reč je o idiomu call
someone names, što znači vređati nekoga, ružno govoriti o nekome.
U filmu „Predvečerje“: „Dobio sam ideju za svoj roman.“ „Pucaj!“. „Sho-
ot!“ u ovom slučaju znači „Samo reci “.
U više filmova „he hates your guts” prevedeno je “on mrzi tvoju hrabrost“
(a znači mrzi ga iz dna duše); „invaluable“ je prevedeno kao „bezvredan“ (umesto
neprocenjiv, od izuzetne vrednosti); „look the other way“ prevedeno je „pogledati
na drugu stranu“ a znači zažmuriti pred nečim (“pravi se da ne vidi”), namerno ne
primećivati (grešku, prestup i sl.), „make no mistake about it“ se prevodi „nemoj
da grešiš“ umesto „bez ikakve sumnje, budite uvereni u to“. „My point is that...“ se
prevodi „moja poenta je da...“ umesto „hoću da kažem da...“. Isto tako, „Is there a
point to this?“ prevodi se kao „Ima li poente u ovome?“, umesto „Kakav je smisao
ove priče?“. „Tell me about it“ se redovno prevodi kao „pričaj mi o tome“, umesto
„ma nemoj mi reći, kome kažeš, kao da ja to ne znam“. Itd.

Razlike između britanskog i američkog engleskog koje dovode

do nedoumica
„Engleska i Amerika su dve zemlje razdvojene zajedničkim jezikom.“ Džordž
Bernard Šo
Prošlo je skoro četiri stotine godina od kako su britanski i američki engleski
počeli da se razvijaju prilično nezavisno, mada uvek uz međusobni uticaj. To je
dovelo do razlika u pravopisu i izgovoru, ali i u značenju reči i izraza. Ipak, mnogo
je više amerikanizama koji su prihvaćeni u svakodnevnom govoru Britanaca, nego
briticizama u američkom engleskom. Zvučni filmovi u holivudskoj produkciji su po-
sebno uticali da srednja klasa i niži slojevi u Britaniji rado prihvate mnoge američke
neologizme i idiome. To je izazvalo reakciju viših slojeva, koja je išla dotle da su
se javili predlozi za zabranu uvoza američkih filmova. C.T. Eliot, jedan od uredni-
ka Oksfordskog rečnika napisao je (1931.) da je prava žalost invazija i degradacija
engleskog prouzrokovana američkim idiomima.4 Jedan parlamentarni veteran oštro
je zamerio u Donjem domu premijeru Stenliju Boldvinu što je u svom govoru upo-
trebio amerikanizme kao što su backsider, bestseller, deliver the goods, debunked i
druge, a da je je čak u konverzaciji u predvorju rekao „oh, yeah“ i „you’re telling

4 H.L. Mencken, The American Language, p. 272.


me“.5 Na američkoj strani je pak bilo reakcija na nastojanje Britanaca da „kraljevski

engleski“ nametnu kao neprikosnoveni standard za sve koji govore engleski. Poznati
leksikograf Noa Vebster napisao je u svojim Disertacijama o engleskom jeziku,
objavljenim još 1789. (dakle u godini u kojoj je stupio na snagu Ustav SAD): „Velika
Britanija, čija smo mi deca i čiji jezik govorimo, ne sme više biti naš standard, jer je
ukus njenih pisaca već iskvaren i njen jezik u opadanju... Dopustimo da argument
i dobar glas odluče koliko Amerika treba da se oslanja na prekoatlansku naciju u
pogledu svog standarda i unapređenja jezika.“6
Valja takođe primetiti da su se mnoge reči i fraze koje su u britanskom engle-
skom postale vremenom arhaizmi i praktično iščezle, održale u američkom engle-
skom (turnpike, fall, deck of cards, son of a gun, I guess, gotten itd.).7
Smatra se da su razlike između britanskog i američkog engleskog dostigle vr-
hunac pred Drugi svetski rat. Od onda su dva dijalekta istog jezika počela da se pri-
bližavaju ili su bar Englezi i Amerikanci počeli da budu razumljiviji jedni drugima.
Neki stručnjaci procenjuju da oko 4.000 reči u svakodnevnom govoru ima
drugačije značenje na dvema stranama Atlantika. U ovom rečniku su navedene naj-
češće od tih reči.

Poslovice nema smisla doslovno prevoditi

Korisnik će u ovom rečniku naći preko 1.200 naših poslovica za koje je dat
engleski ekvivalent. Poslovice, kojih ima veoma mnogo i u jednom i u drugom je-
ziku, nema svrhe prevoditi. Jedino ima smisla potražiti u drugom jeziku odgova-
rajuću poslovicu. To nije jednostavno, jer nema mogućnosti pretraživanja po bilo
kojem zajedničkom formalnom kriteriju, već se moraju po smislu i ideji pregledati
sve raspoložive poslovice na drugom jeziku, kako bi se našla ona koja najviše odgo-
vara. Kako poslovice predstavljaju akumulirano iskustvo i mudrost naroda, mogu se
najčešće u drugom jeziku naći one koje, po pravilu drugačije, izražavaju istu ideju,
odgovor na neku životnu situaciju, opšteprihvaćenu istinu ili mudar savet. Neki put
su samo subjekti različiti (npr. za naše ‘Gde je mnogo babica tu je dete kilavo’ en-
gleska poslovica će reći to isto nešto drukčije - ‘Što je više kuvara to je gora čorba’).
Međutim, češći je slučaj da je ista ideja izražena na sasvim drugi način (npr. za našu
poslovicu ‘Ko rano rani dve sreće grabi’ najpribližnija je engleska koja kaže da će
ptica koja porani uhvatiti crva).
Ima mnogo poslovica koje su istovetne (‘Ko se ovcom učini, kurjaci ga izje-
du.’, ‘Sina ženi kad hoćeš, a kćer udaj kad možeš’), ali su to često one koje izvorište
imaju u Bibliji (‘Oko za oko, zub za zub’, ‘Kako poseješ, onako ćeš i požnjeti’, ‘Ljubi
bližnjega svoga kao samog sebe’) ili u latinskom (‘Nema dima bez vatre’, ‘Ko brzo
sudi, brzo se i kaje’, ‘Pas koji mnogo laje ne ujeda’, ili ‘Kakav otac takav sin’).
Pritom, često ima i po nekoliko poslovica koje vuku poreklo iz iste biblijske
ili latinske izreke. Za latinske ‘Barbam vellere mortuo leoni’ (Mrtvom lavu čupati
bradu.) i ‘Mortuo leoni et lepores insultant’ (Na mrtvog lava i zečevi skaču.) odgo-

5 Ibid, p. 270.
6 O. Hargraves, Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions, p. 15.
7 C. Davies, Divided by a Common Language, p. 3.

varajuća engleska poslovica je ‘Hares may pull dead lions by the beard’, a kod Vuka
će se naći ‘Na mrtva vuka i zec kandže oštri’, ‘Star vuk, pasja sprdačina’, ‘Mrtvome
vuku je lako brojati zube’ i ‘Mrtvu se kurjaku rep meri’.
Valja, takođe, zapaziti da su naši ekvivalenti, bez obzira da li ih je Vuk stvar-
no čuo u narodu ili je možda neke od njih preveo („prepevao“) sa nemačkog ili latin-
skog, često vrlo slikoviti, zvučni i pregnantni. Na primer, ‘There was never enough
where nothing is left’, odnosno ‘Of enough men leave’, kod nas imaju prekrasne
ekvivalente ‘Ne bi dosta, kad ne osta’ i ‘Od viška glava ne boli’. Ili ‘Merom meri a
cenom ceni’ i ‘Izmeri pravo, pa išti šta vredi’ za englesko ‘Weigh justly, and sell de-
arly’ i ‘Ko te jednom ćuši, drugi put će te kocem udariti’ rekli bismo da su slikovitiji
nego englesko ‘He that has done ill once, will do it again’ ili ‘Teško onom ko zlotvo-
ra nema’ čini se izražajnijim i udarnijim od engleskog ‘If you have no enemies, it is
a sign fortune has forgot you.’. Engleski ekvivalent latinske sentencije Mater timidi
flere non solet na engleskom je The mother of the coward does not worry about him,
a na našem Bežanova majka peva, a Stojanova plače. Za englesku poslovicu He who
would catch the fish must not mind getting wet, Vukovi ekvivalenti su Ko ne skvasi
guzice, ne uhvati ribice i Nema raka bez mokrijeh gaća. Englesko Every man has his
faults je na našem Ni drveta bez grane, ni čoveka bez mane.
Neke poslovice imaju više varijanti na jednom ili drugom jeziku, kao što i
jedna poslovica može biti u više odrednica. Radi lakšeg nalaženja odgovarajuće po-
slovice, one su grupisane po temama.


Veoma sam zahvalan Vidi Ognjenović, Ivanu Klajnu i Jovanu Ćirilovu na

ocenama knjige.
Jovan Ćirilov se posebno potrudio da iz svoje bogate „leksikografske radio-
nice“ dopuni rečnik sa pedesetak odrednica. Specifična značenja nekih od njih (na
primer suggestive) nisam mogao naći ni u jednom rečniku.
Ivan Klajn je ljubazno volontirao da, sem opšte ocene, podrobno pregleda
čitav tekst i da (na trideset strana gusto kucanog teksta) da svoje ispravke (uključu-
jući i neizbežne štamparske i pravopisne greške) i ponudi čitav niz sugestija i sjajnih
komentara (neke od njih čitalac može naći u fusnotama).
Zahvaljujući ovim prilozima, koji su za mene od neprocenjive vrednosti, ovaj
rečnik je sigurno kvaliteniji i pouzdaniji.
Drago mi je da će ova knjiga biti prvenac nove izdavačke kuće „Albatros
plus“, koju vodi jedan od najkompetentnijih, najsavesnijih i najsvestranijih izdavača,
Jagoš Đuretić, koji je izdao i pet drugih mojih knjiga, dok je bio na čelu izdavačke
kuće „Filip Višnjić“.

Knjigu posvećujem svojoj supruzi Margiti, koja me je u svemu, pa i u radu na

ovom rečniku, podržavala i podsticala.



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BICKERTON, Anthea (1985). American-English, English-American: a two-way glos-
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BOATHER, M.T. & GATES, J. E. A Dictionary of American Idioms, University of
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BUJAS, Željko, Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik, Nakladni zavod Globus, Zagreb,
BUNČIĆ, Daniel, An On-line Hypertext Bibliography on False Friends, based on Rys-
zard Lipczuk’s printed bibliography (Lipczuk 2000b), 2003.
COWIE A.P., MACKIN R. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Volume 1,
Oxford University Press, London, 1985.
COWIE A.P., MACKIN R. & McCAIG I.R. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic
English, Volume 2, Oxford University Press, London, 1984.
DAVIES, Christopher, Divided by a Common Language, Houghton Mifflin Company,
Boston, New York, 2007.
ENCARTA® World English Dictionary, North American Edition.
FERGUSSON, Rosalind, The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs, Penguin Books, Lon-
don, 1986.
FREEMAN, William, A Concise Dictionary of English Idioms, The English Universi-
ties Press, London, 1967.
GULLAND, Daphne M. and HINDS-HOWELL, David G. The Penguin Dictionary
of English Idioms, Penguin Books, London, 1986.
HARGRAVES Orin, Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions, Oxford University
Press, London, 2003.
HLEBEC, Boris, Srpsko-engleski rečnik lažnih parova, Trebnik, Beograd, 1997.

HOLDER, R.W. The Faber Dictionary of Euphemisms. London, Faber and Faber,
ESSE, Institut za strane jezike, Beograd, 1998.
IVIĆ, Pavle, KLAJN, Ivan, PEŠIKAN, Mitar, BRBORIĆ, Branislav, Jezički priruč-
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LAIRD, Charlton, Webster’s NewWorld Thesaurus, Prentice Hall, New York, 1985.
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McDAVID. Jr, Raven, The American Language, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1963.
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WIKIPEDIA, List of words having different meaning in British and American English.
Abortion (ne abortus!) je pobačaj, ali i ne- they can look down on the students.”# “Charles
uspeh, promašaj. # The attempt to redesign the and Penny led their lives, as she had done, who-
airplane was an abortion. lly within the charmed circle of academia.” (D.
About-face ne znači o licu, oko lica, već pot- Lodge, Nice Work). # A graduate of law and eco-
puna promena stava, zaokret za 1800. # The se- nomics from Moscow State University, he had
nator did an about-face on his support of taxes. spent his life in academia.
Above reproach (pod Reproach). Accident je udes, nezgoda, ali by accident
Aboveboard/above board ne znači iznad da- znači slučajno. # Columbus discovered America
ske, već otvoren(o) i pošten(o), iskren(o). # All by asccident.
his criticisms seemed fair and aboveboard. Accommodation znači prilagođavanje, ali
Abroad znači u inostranstvu, ali i (a): napo- i (a): kompromis, nagodba, (b): smeštaj (pre-
lju, van kuće i (b): svuda. (a): It’s unsafe to be noćište – accommodation for the night - u
američkom engleskom najčešće u množini),
abroad in some parts of New York City. (b): A
(c): stanovanje (residential accommodation)
thousand rumors were abroad.
(u britanskom engleskom) i (d): sedište ili ležaj
Absolutely jeste apsolutno, ali i svakako, ne- u vozu, avionu ili brodu (u američkom engle-
sumnjivo. # Good nutrition is absolutely essenti- skom). (a): If labor and management don’t rea-
al for your health. S negacijom not ista reč ima ch an accommodation there will be a strike. (b):
značenje Nikako! # - Would you join our move- Overnight accommodations are available. (c):
ment? – Absolutely not! There’s a shortage of cheap accommodation. (d):
Abstinent/abstinence ne znači apstinent/ While we arrange the accommodation for you
apstinencija na izborima, već onaj koji se kloni where required, airport transfers are not usually
pića, trezvenjak odnosno uzdržavanje od pića, included.
pa i nekih jela (neizlazak na biralište je abstenti- Accomplished ne znači samo izvršen, već i
on, a ne glasati je abstain/refrain from voting, (a): vrstan, savršen, ali i (b): nesumnjiv. (a):
stay at home, stay away from the polls). # Ab- Van Cliburn is an accomplished pianist. (b): This
stinence implies the wilful avoidance of pleasu- is an accomplished fact.
res, especialy of drink and food, thought to be Acknowlidge znači priznati, ali i (a): potvr-
harmful. diti prijem (pisma, pošiljke itd.), (b): izraziti za-
Abstract znači apstraktan, ali i kratak sadr- hvalnost, (c): prepoznati/primetiti nekoga i (d):
žaj. # Please write an abstract of this scientific prihvatiti ili potvrditi kao pravno obavezujuće.
article. (a): He acknowledged receipt of the parcel. (b):
Academic ne znači akademik već, pored We must acknowledge the kindness she showed
značenja akademski, znači univerzitetski (pro- towards us. (c): I smiled at him but he didn’t even
fesor) (akademik je academician ili member of acknowledged me. (d): The lawyer acknowled-
academy, a u britanskom engleskom i Fellow of ged the deed.
the Royal Society). Isto tako, academia ne zna- Action jeste akcija, ali ne i deonica (kaže se
či akademija, već univerzitet, (a ono što je kod share).
nas akademija na engleskom je academy.) # “At Act of God nije samo božja volja, već i viša
dinners on special occasions the academics, in sila (lat. vis maior). # My insurance company
their gowns, proceed into the hall and up to the wouldn’t pay for the damage because it was an
‘high table,’ which is usually on a platform so act of God.
Address 24 À la mode

Address jeste adresa, ali i (a): govor, (for- suprotan odgovor Negative (Ne). # – Is the sus-
malno) istupanje, (b): držanje, ponašanje i (c): pect still in the house? – Negative, Sir!
udvaranje. (a): The Presidential address wil Afraid je uplašen, u strahu, ali I am afraid
be at 8 o’clock. (b): Mr. Johnson is a person of znači Žao mi je. # I am afraid I can’t come to
winning address. (c): George paid his addresses your party.
to Lady Robinson. Public address system je ra- After a fashion ne znači po modi, već kako-
zglas. tako, koliko-toliko, ne baš sasvim, na izvestan
Administer znači upravljati, ali i dati (lek, način. # The roof kept the rain out after a fashi-
pomoć) # Administer the salve to the sunburned on. # Oh yes, I play tennis, after a fashion. # She
area with a cotton swab. # A passer-by administe- thanked me - after a fashion - for my help. # He
red first aid to the injured. speaks English after a fashion. After the fashion
Admission znači priznanje, ali i (a): ulaz i of znači u stilu, na način, po ugledu na. # She
(b): ulaznica. (a): Admission is limited to per- walks down the street after the fashion of a grand
sons whose names appear on the guest list. (b): lady. # The church was built after the fashion of
Admission to the lecture is $5.00. an English cathedral.
After all ne znači posle svega, već (a) na
Be admitted to the bar (pod Called to the
kraju krajeva, napokon; (b) kako-tako, ipak,
pri svem tom. (a): After all, no one made him
Advice je savet, ali i informacija, obavešte- go. # I am very sorry for him but, after all, he
nje. # Advice from abroad indicates that war is cannot blame anybody else. (b): Tom thought he
about to begin. Isto je sa glagolom: advise je i couldn’t go to the party because he had too much
posavetovati i informisati. # We have been advi- homework, but he went after all. # “Perhaps, af-
sed that the roads are too icy for the trip. ter all, I will have a beer” (G. Greene, The Quiet
Advocate znači advokat, ali i (a): pobornik American).
i (b): (kao glagol) zagovarati, zalagati se. (a): Age je doba života, ali i (a): starost, (b): pu-
The forest ranger is an advocate of environmen- noletstvo (under age je maloletan, of age puno-
tal protection laws. (b): The committee is advo- letan i full age punoletstvo). (c): razdoblje, (geo-
cating revision of the draft laws. loško i arheološko) doba i (d): večnost. (a): His
Affair znači afera, ali i (a): posao, (b): stvar, face was wrinkled with age. (b): The robbery was
(c): privatna stvar, (d): događaj i (e): ljubavna committed by a group of deliquents under age. #
veza. (a): Running a household is a complex af- You can’t get a driver’s licence until you’re of
fair. # The Department of State handles interna- age. (c): We reach middle age before we know
tional affairs. (b): “Whether the present admini- it. # Geologists say this valley was formed by the
stration has the skill - not to mention the will - to last ice age. (d): Where have you been all this
maintain that highly desirable state of affairs is time? It’s ages since I saw you last.
perhaps open to question...” (L. McMurtry, Ca- Agenda je i u engleskom program ili skup
dillac Jack) (c): What I do in my spare time is stvari koje treba uraditi, ali ne i rokovnik/pod-
my own affair. (d): Christmas was a gala affair. setnik, a znači i dnevni red. # Build time for re-
(e): The affair between two movie stars caused flections into the agenda for the Board meeting.
a scandal. Aggregate nije električni ili motorni agre-
Affect znači afektirati, ali i (a): uticati/delo- gat (kaže se generating unit/set ili motor/field
vati na i (b): kosnuti, ganuti. (a): The rain will generator),već znači ukupnost, skupina (in the
aggregate je u celosti). # The final plan is an ag-
affect our plans for a picnic. (b): The speech dee-
gregate of all of our ideas.
ply affected the audience.
Agree with someone ne znači samo složiti se
Affinity jeste afinitet, ali i srodnost. # There sa kim već i prijati nekome, dobro činiti neko-
is a close affinity between lemons and limes. me. # The warm, sunny climate agreed with him,
Affirmation ne znači afirmacija (najbliže and he soon grew strong and healthy. # I always
tome bi bili recognition, renown, assertion), have onions in my garden, but I never eat them.
već (a): izjava, deklaracija i (b): potvrda. (a): They just don’t agree with me. # No, thank you.
The Pledge of Allegiance is a formal affirmation As I told you, alcohol doesn’t agree with me.
of Americanism. (b): The President is awaiting Agreement znači sporazum, ugovor, ali i
Congressional affirmation of his nominee. (a): sklad i (b): poklapanje. (a): The decorations
Affirmative znači afirmativan, pozitivan, ali were in agreement with the holiday season. (b):
i (a): potvrdan i (b): Da (u radio komunikaciji i There is so much agreement between the term
vojničkoj i policijskoj upotrebi). (a): Please give papers, that the teacher suspects plagiarism.
an affirmative answer if you agree. (b): When À la mode znači moderan, po modi, ali i (u
asked if the water supply seemed adequate, the britanskom engleskom) sa sladoledom (dezert).
astronaut replied „Affirmative!“ Isto to važi i za # An aple pie à la mode, please.
Alive 25 Army

Alive znači živ, ali i (a): živahan, bodar, (b): slaba zamena za nešto (kaže se i sorry excuse
važeći, još uvek aktuelan. (a): My granmother is for something –vidi odrednicu) i (b): odbrana
more alive than a lot of young people. (b): Our nečega, opravdanje nečega. (a): They offered a
plans to remodel the house are still alive. poor apology for cognac. # This is an apology for
All Greek ne znači sve grčko, već španska genuine Italian pizza. (b): The writer’s autobio-
sela, nerazumljivo. # You are only wasting your graphy was really an apology for the way he had
time trying to explain me this – it’s all Greek to lived. Kaže se i Sorry excuse for something.
me. Apparel nije aparat (to je apparatus), već
All hands to the pumps! ne znači bukvalno odeća. # The new apparel for this spring features
Svi na pumpe! već Pomozimo svi!, Neka svako bright plaids. # The nun packed all her apparel in
učini svoje! # All hands to the pumps! Please, one small suitcase.
help everyone. It’s urgent. Apparent znači očigledan, jasan, ali i (obr-
All my eye (pod My eye). nuto) (a): naoko, prividan i (b): vidljiv. (a): It
All over the shop ne znači po celoj radnji ili was an apparent stroke, but the doctors aren’t
radionici, već svuda, svugde. # A summer sc- certain yet. (b): The boat slowly became appa-
hool was in progress - a bit chaotic with looms, rent through the fog.
spinning wheels, yarn and students all over the Appeal to the country (pod Country).
shop. # I looked for it all over the shop. Appetite znači apetit (ali Prijatno! ili Dobar
All over town ne znači samo svuda po gradu, apetit! ne kaže se Good appetite! već Enjoy
već i poznato svima. # Now keep this a secret. I your meal/food! ili američko Enjoy! i Bon ap-
don’t want it all over town. petit!), ali znači i (a): sklonost i (b): žudnja. (a):
He has an appetite for classical music. (b): Tom-
All shipshape (pod In apple-pie order).
my has an enormous appetite for knowledge.
All systems (are) go ne znači svi sistemi kre-
It’s apples and oranges (jabuke i narandže)
ću, već sve je spremno, sve štima. # All systems znači To su babe i žabe., To su kruške i jabuke. #
are go. Let’s get on the road before the traffic What are you talking about. You missed the point
builds up. # All systems go. The celebration can - it’s apples and oranges.
Apprehend znači uhapsiti, uhvatiti, ali i
Amass evidence (pod Evidence). shvatiti, razumeti # The public doesn’t fully
Ambulance ne znači ambulanta, već kola za apprehend the complexity of space flight.
hitnu pomoć. # We were woken in the night by Appropriate jeste odgovarajući, prikladan,
the wail of ambulance sirens. ali i (a): dodeliti/izdvojiti (novac) (u američkom
Ambulatory takođe nema veze sa ambulan- engleskom) i (b): prisvojiti, uzeti (u britanskom
tom, već znači (a): pokretan, (b): nestaciona- engleskom). (a): The city will appropriate money
ran, (c): podložan promenama (u pravu) i (d): for two new schools. (b): He lost his job when
šetalište, trem (u manastiru ili kakvoj drugoj he was found to have appropriated some of the
zgradi). (a): The doctor says your leg is healing company’s money. # The county should appro-
well and you’ll be ambulatory in another week. priate land for a new hughway.
(b): This refugee shelter is an ambulatory insti- Are you with me? ne znači Da li ste sa
tution. (c): His will is ambulatory i.e. it can be mnom? već Da li me pratite? (ono što kažem).
changed or revoked during the life of the testator. # I’ll make a few introductory remarks and then
(d): Monks have an ambulatory – a covered pla- I expect you to elaborate on the plan. Are you
ce for walking. with me?
And what have you (i šta imate) znači i šta Argument ne znači samo argument, već i (a)
sve ne, i tome slično. # We entered a room full of prepirka, svađa i (b) sinopsis, rezime, sažetak.
chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you. (a): “Mother and son met for lunch once a month
Apartment nije apartman (u hotelu – suite), at Arthur’s, a strained affair that usually ended in
već (a): stan i (b): stambena zgrada (kaže se i argument” (W. Just, Echo House). (b): It used to
apartment house/building ili multiple-dwe- be a custom to print the argument of a play before
lling building). (a): The couple moved into a the main text.
new three-room apartment. (b): There are sixteen Arm and a leg nije samo ruka i noga već i
units in the new apartment on Putnam Avenue. idiom koji znači paprena cena (“skupo do zla
Ape je čovekoliki majmun (gorila, šimpanza, boga”). # To spend a week skiing in Veil, Colora-
orangutan), ali znači i (kao glagol) oponašati, do, you have to pay an arm and a leg. # That new
imitirati. # Bob apes everything his older brother car must have cost him an arm and a leg..
does. Army znači armija (i krupna vojna jedinica
Apology for something ne znači samo izvi- i vojska uopšte), ali i (a): (specifično) kopnena
njenje za što, već i (a): bedna imitacija nečega, vojska i (b): mnoštvo. (a): The United States
Around the bend 26 Associate professor

Army has the primary responsibility for land- sve dok i (b): kako, pošto, kad već (u amerčkom
based military operations. (b): An army of ants engleskom). (a): You can go out this evening as
swarmed over the sandhill. long as you promise to be home by midnight. #
Around the bend/twist (pod Round/around I don’t mind where we go so long as there’s sun,
the bend/twist). sand and sea. (b): As long as you’re going to
(A)round the clock, (a)round-the-clock ne town anyway, you can do something for me. # So
znači oko sata, već nonstop, od jutra do sutra, long as you’re here, please stay for dinner.
danonoćno. # He had to work around the clock As long as one’s arm ne znači dugačak kao
to complete his assignment. # Grandfather requi- nečija ruka, već vrlo dug/dugačak. # Since
red around-the-clock care. they’ll only be here for half a day, there’s no po-
(A)round the corner, just (a)round the cor- int in planning an itinerary as long as your arm.
ner ne znači po pravilu iza ugla već (a): tu bli- As luck/chance would have it (pod Have
zu, nadohvat ruke, pred vratima i (b): samo što it).
nije, vrlo skoro, pred vratima. (a): The movie As much as one’s life is worth ne znači ko-
theater is around the corner. (b): The Christmas liko nečiji život vredi, već (a): uz opasnost po
is just around the corner. # The fortune teller told život, (b): uz velike nevolje i (c): po svaku cenu.
Dorothy that there was an adventure for her just (a): I’m glad your father was persuaded not to go
around the corner. fishing. It would have been as much as his life
Arrest znači uhapsiti, ali i (a): zadržati/pri- was worth to have taken the boat out on a night
vući (pažnju) i (b): sprečiti. (a): A speck on the like this. (b): Some poor fellows are so domina-
horizon arrested the navigator’s attention. (b): ted by their wives that it’s as much as their lives
The new drug arrested the spread of the desease. are worth to get home half an hour late. (c): I pro-
Arrive znači doći, stići, ali i postići uspeh, mised I’d get this done by five o’clock, and it’ll
steći slavu. # With the movie’s huge success, the be as much as my life is I worth if I don’t.
leading actor has really arrived. As of old ne znači kao od starog, već kao ne-
Artist je pre svega likovni umetnik (ali i kad, kao u stara vremena. # Your Uncle Cyrill
umetnik uopšte), a artist u cirkusu i varijeteu je was at the wedding, flirting with all good-looking
artiste. Con artist (ili con man) je prevarant, girls, as of old.
mućkaroš, švindler. As of right ne znači kao od pravog, već po
As good as ne znači dobar kao i, već (a): go- pravu, s punim pravom, s puno prava. # One
tovo, bezmalo, skoro i (b): isto kao da, u stvari, third of the total estate comes to you as of right,
praktično. (a): He as good as hit me. # - Did he you know, whether your husband has left a will
tell you’d got the job? - As good as. (b): My kni- or not.
fe is as good as lost. # He is as good as married. As often as ne znači tako često kao, već kad
As I live and breathe! ne znači samo Dok ži- god, svaki put kad. # As often as I called you,
vim i dišem!, Dok sam ja živ! već i Ko bi rekao? your secretary said that you were busy.
(britanski kolokvijalizam - osobito kad se sretne As often as not ne znači koliko često toliko
neko nakon duga vremena). # Why, it’s Jerry, as i retko, već vrlo često, takoreći uvek. # Every
I live and breathe! night, as often as not, you’d find my husband at
Ask znači pitati, ali i (a): tražiti, (b): pozva- the local pub.
ti i (c): raspitivati se (o nekome). (a): # Don’t Assault and battery (pod Battery).
ask for a raise. (b): Ask the Johnsons to come to Assemble evidence (pod Evidence).
dinner tomorrow. (c): There’s a man asking about Assembly nije samo skupština, već i (a):
you. okupljanje i (b): montaža, sklapanje. (a): They
Ask me another! (britanski kolokvijalizam) demanded the right of assembly. (b): Entertai-
ne znači Pitaj me nešto drugo! već Ne znam ning and fascinating, the kit includes full assem-
koliko ni ti!, Pitaj boga! # “’Then why did Ted bly instructions.
Driffield marry her?’ I asked. ‘Ask me another, Assistant professor (u američkom engle-
said Mary-Ann” (W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes skom) nije asistent, već docent. # - Our daughter
and Ale). was appointed an assistant professor yesterday. -
Be asleep at the switch ne znači zaspati na What’s that? - An assistant professor is a college
skretnici, već (a): biti nemaran na dužnosti i teacher ranking above an instructor and below an
(b): ne biti pripravan, biti zatečen, ne reagovati associate professor.
blagovremeno. (a):The guard was asleep at the Associate professor (u američkom engle-
switch when the rober broke in. (b): The fish was skom) nije pridruženi profesor, već vanredni
biting, but I was asleep at the switch and lost it. profesor. # An associate professor is a college
As long as, so long as ne znači samo dokle teacher ranking above an assistant professor and
god, dok god, već i (a): samo ako, samo ukoliko, below a full professor.
As they come 27 At the drop of a hat

As they come ne znači kako stižu/dolaze, već bez prekida, u jednom dahu, u jednom cugu.
kako se samo može biti. # “When I was a girl I (a): The restaurant could feed about 80 people
was as gawky and ungainly as they come, but I at a sitting. (b): It’s a quite short book you could
knew I had to use all the tricks of the trade avai- easily read it at a sitting.
lable” (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). At a stretch ne znači rastezanjem, već nepre-
As they make them ne znači kako ih prave, kidno, bez prekida. # This book is an immensely
već koliko se samo može zamisliti, da se ne da entertaining page-turner. I was reading it for ho-
opisati, najviše moguće. # That fellow’s as cu- urs at a stretch.
nning as they make them. # Our boy is as lazy as At attention, At attention! ne znači pažljivo,
they make them. već u stavu mirno, Mirno! # “Twenty men, each
As the crow flies ne znači kao što leti krava, at attention, rigid and stern, stood in the rectan-
već vazdušnom linijom. # Our house is only a gle between the Barracks building and the post
few miles from the lake as the crow flies. wall.” (J. Carroll, Mortal Friends) # The sergeant
As well, just as well ne znači samo isto tako, gave his men the command ‘At attention!’
takođe, pored toga, već ima i više drugih znače- At ease (sa lakoćom) znači (a): lagodno,
nja: (a): bez štete, (b): dobro je (da/što), srećom opušteno, komotno, spokojno (ill at ease je ne-
(da), (c): korisno, preporučljivo i (d): kao i, koli- lagodno itd.) i (b): na mestu voljno. (a): I don’t
ko i. (a): Since I can’t win the race, I may as well feel at ease driving when there is a lot of traffic. #
quit. (b): It’s just as well you didn’t come yester- Speaking in public always makes him ill at ease.
day, because we were away. (c): Before making a (b): The sergeant finally gave his men the com-
statement it is always as well to verify your facts. mand ‘At ease!’ Vidi Stand easy.
(d): Hiking is good exercise as well as fun. At fever pitch (pod Pitch).
At a loss ne znači na gubitku, već u nedou- Athlete u američkom engleskom ne znači
mici, u čudu, zbunjen. # “”I was at a loss what atleta, već sportista, (a u britanskom engleskom
to say or what to do, and before I had made up se za sportistu kaže sportsman - što znači i lo-
my mind he picked up his cane and was gone” vac i džentlmen). # American athletes won thirty
(C. Doyle, The Hound of The Baskervilles). gold medals in the Olympics. # “Her father was a
At a moment’s notice (pod Notice). sportsman as obsessed with horce racing as Axel
At an early date ne znači ranijeg datuma već was with statecraft” (W. Just, Echo House).
uskoro, ovih dana. # Please call me at an early Athletics znači (u britanskom engleskom)
date. (laka) atletika, ali u američkom engleskom je
At any rate ne znači po svaku cenu, već (a): sport. # A well-rounded student should like both
u svakom slučaju, svakako, (b): kako bilo da intellectual pursuits and athletics. Laka atletika
bilo, šta god da bude i (c): u najmanju ruku, bar nije light athletics, već u (američkom engle-
(po svaku cenu je at all costs, no matter what it skom) track and field.
takes). (a): At any rate, we had a nice time at the At home ne znači samo kod kuće već i (a):
picnic. (b): “At any rate we must go on Tuesday” u svojoj zemlji, (b): na poznatom terenu, kao
(E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisited). (c): “They kod kuće i (c): lagodno. (a): Sales since Octo-
were as intrigued by Poirot as I was. Neverthe- ber, both at home and abroad, show a marked in-
less, by the end of the day, I had at any rate an crease. (b): Bob is quite at home with this topic.
idea as to the direction in which Poirot’s thoughts (c): Make the new student feel at home in your
were tending” (A. Christie, The ABC Murders). school.
At a price ne znači po ceni, već (a): po viso- At present (pod Present 1).
koj ceni i (b): uz priličnu cenu (s tim da za to At short notice (pod Notice).
treba platiti nekom žrtvom). (a): The policy in At that ne znači u tome, već (a): na to, (b):
many countries is to encourage consumption of uz to, pri tome, povrh toga i (c): moguće, ve-
the local spirits, so Scottish whisky is only obtai- rovatno. (a): “’I wanted you to have a talk with
nable at a price. (b): It was a decision to be taken her.’ At that his own smile faded” (L. P. Hartley,
only at a price: if he left his wife, it would mean A Perfect Woman). (b): “This, he found, was not
leaving his children too. half so delicious an experience as pinching Ma,
At a push ne znači guranjem, već (a): (u bri- who wore nylons and very tight ones at that.” (H.
tanskom engleskom) ako je stvarno neophodno, E. Bates, The Darling Buds of May) (c): “CLIFF:
u nuždi i (b): (ređe) ako bude sreće, ako ništa He’s just an old Puritan at heart. JIMMY: Perhaps
ne pođe loše. (a): I don’t go out and can help you I am, at that” (J. Osborne, Look Back in Anger).
tonight at a push. (b): I think we may get to New At the drop of a hat ne znači dok padne še-
York before dinner, at a push. šir, već smesta, bez mnogo ili ikakvog razloga
At a sitting, at one sitting ne znači samo to- ili podsticaja (“ne treba mu dvaput reći”). # I am
kom jedne sednice, već i (a): u jednoj turi i (b): always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat.
At the eleventh hour 28 Author

At the eleventh hour ne znači u jedanaestom At this rate, at that rate ne znači po toj ceni,
času, već u poslednjem trenutku, u pet do dva- već (a): ovom brzinom, ovim tempom, (b): ako
naest, u zadnji čas. # He arrived at the eleventh je tako, ako zaista tako misliš, ako se budeš tako
hour, only just in time to rescue the child. ponašao (naglasak na this/that) i (c): u tom slu-
At the end of one’s rope/tether ne znači na čaju, pod takvim okolnostima. (a): Hurry up!
kraju konopca, već na kraju snaga, na grani- We’ll never get there at this rate. # At that rate,
ci izdržljivosti (“dogorelo do nokata”). # He was all the food will be gone before we get there. (b):
out of work and broke and was at the end of his “We discussed the matter a bit further, and then I
rope. told him, ‘But at this rate almost everything one
At the end of the day ne znači na kraju dana, says turns out to be a sort of lie.” (I. Murdoch,
već u krajnjoj liniji, na kraju krajeva. # He says Under the Net) # “At that rate,’ his father told
that whatever you may have heard about him be- him, ‘you’re going to turn out an even greater
ing a mild-mannered man, “it doesn’t mean that disaster than your brother.” (c): At this rate we
at the end of the day I don’t stand firm.” won’t be able to afford a holiday. # At that rate
we’ll never get the money which is owed to us.
At the expense of someone/something ne
znači samo na nečiji trošak, već i (a): na nečiji Attend to someone/something ne znači pri-
račun i (b): po cenu nečega. (a): He had a good sustvovati nečemu (kaže se attend something –
laugh at the expense of his brother. (b): The team bez to), već (a): postarati se oko nekoga/nečega,
succeeded in climbing the mountain, but only at pobrinuti se za nekoga/nešto, pripaziti na ne-
the expense of several lives. koga/nešto i (b): slušati pažljivo nekoga/nešto,
obratiti pažnju na nekoga/nešto. (a): The baby
At the head ne znači u glavi ili na glavi, već is crying. Please attend to her. # Don’t worry,
(a): na čelu i (b): u vrhu. (a): We are planning everything will be attended to in good time! (b):
a promotion campaign and we selected Cyrill to If you don’t attend to your teacher, you’ll never
be at the head of it. # He was proudly marching learn anything. # If she had attended to what her
at the head of a column. (b): I was amazed to see mother told her, she wouldn’t be in trouble now.
my name at the head of the list.
Attorney general nije generalni tužilac, već
At the outside ne znači po spoljašnosti ili (u SAD) ministar unutrašnjih poslova i pravde
na spoljnoj strani, već u vrh glave, u najboljem . # “He called Billy Walters, the Attorney Gene-
slučaju, najviše. # I don’t suppose he earns more ral, political chief of the FBI.” (F. Forsyth, The
than $50,000 a year at the outside. Negotiator)
At the rate of ne znači samo po ceni od, već Be attracted to someone ne znači sviđati se
i brzinom od. # She can read at the rate of 100 nekome, već obratno: osećati simpatiju prema
words a minute. nekome, smatrati koga privlačnim (I’m attracted
At the same time ne znači samo istovremeno, to you - vi mi se sviđate). # “He felt attracted to
već i (a): (uvek) u isto vreme i (b): ipak, među- her, and she had his respect - something he rarely
tim. (a): He gets up at the same time every mor- awarded to anyone” (F. Paul Wilson, The Keep).
ning. (b): “I know before we married you warned Audience znači audijencija, ali i (a): publi-
me there could never be a divorce. I accepted the ka, (b): čitateljstvo i (c): javno saslušanje. (a):
risk and I’ve nothing to complain. At the same The audience applauded the performance. (b):
time I’m asking for one now” (G. Greene, The Shakespeare has always had a large audience.
Quiet American). (c): The school board will organize an audience
At the top of one’s bent (pod To the top of for parents to hear their complaints.
one’s bent, at the top of one’s bent). August je avgust, ali (sa malim početnim slo-
At the wheel, behind the wheel ne znači vom) znači i uzvišen, dostojanstven. # George
u točku ili za točkom, već (a): za volanom, za Washington is one of the most august figures in
upravljačem i (b): na kormilu, na čelu. (a): American history.
“Michael saw him seated at the wheel of the ren- Author jeste autor, ali znači i (a): pisac,
ted car, turning towards his wife as he points to književnik, (b): začetnik, tvorac, (c): napisati
Judge Harpers’ great white house at the far end of (knjigu, dramu itd.) i (d): stvoriti, napraviti (u
a perfect loan.” (L. McMurtry, Cadillac Jack) # I američkom engleskom). (a): Acclaimed author
feel so secure when my son is behind the wheel. and journalist Karl Taro Greenfeld was on the
(b): This company hasn’t been doing too well re- spot when the disease was discovered. # She is
cently, but now you’re at the wheel, I think we the author of nine novels, including three inter-
are going to have a lot of success in the years to national bestsellers. (b): John is the author of the
come. company’s recent success. # She’s the author of
At this point ne znači u toj tački, već u ovom all our troubles. (c): He has authored more than
trenutku. # We agree with you, but there is not- 30 books. # She authored this play. (d): The deal
hing we can do at this point. is being authored by a Greek diplomat.
Authority 29 Award something to someone

Authority znači autoritet, ali i (a): vlast (u gleskom) i (b): put do nečega (figurativno). (a):
množini) i (b): nadležnost. (a): You had better Five miles from here you’ll see an avenue leading
notify the authoritis that the child is missing. (b): from the main road to the estate of Robinsons.
The sheriff’s authority ends at the county line. (b): Books are avenues to knowledge.
Autograph je autogram (ne autogram na Award something to someone ne znači samo
engleskom!). # She asked the President to put his dodeliti nešto nekome, već i dosuditi nešto ne-
autograph in her album. kome. # 15,000 pounds was the amount that the
Avant-garde (pod Van). court awarded to the victim of the accident. #
Avenue je avenija, ali i (a): prilaz od glav- The grandparents were awarded custody of their
nog puta do kuće ili imanja (u britanskom en- children.

Babe in arms, babe-in-arms nije beba u Bag it! (pod Zip up your lips!).
rukama već (u britanskom engleskom) žutoklju- Bag of wind (pod Wind).
nac, naivko, poletarac, „zelembać“, bez ikakvog Balance jeste ravnoteža, balans, ali i (a):
iskustva. * How can Dave think of starting a bu- vaga, (b): ostatak i (c): saldo. (a): Weigh that
siness at his age! He’s only a babe in arms. Isto side of beef on balance. (b): Leave the balance
značenje imaju babe-in-the-woods (američki of the work until tomorrow. (c): The balance on
engleski) i babes in the wood (britanski engle- your account $45. In the balance ne znači u rav-
ski), a ne da su dečica u šumi. # Wait a minute! noteži, već u neizvesnosti. # With his fortune in
You might be a good actor, but as a director, you the balance, Rick rolled the dice.
are just a babe-in-the-woods. # We’ve been doing Bald ne znači samo ćelav, već i (a): ogoljen,
that for years; we’re not babes in the wood.
(b): go (figurativno: gola istina, laž itd.), (c):
Baboon nije babun, već pavijan. Babun, bo- dosadan, suv (stil) i (d): direktan, neuvijen. (a)
gumil je na engleskom Bogomil(e). # Baboon There is a bald spot on the lawn. # The mountain
is any of chiefly African monkeys of the genus is bald above the tree line. (b): That is a bald fal-
Papio, having an alongated, doglike muzzle. U sehood! # I’m sorry, but these are the bold facts
žargonu baboon je surova osoba. about what really happened. (c): De Quincy’s
Baby kisser - onaj koji ljubi decu u američ- style is verbose and bald. (d): The Prime Mini-
kom političkom žargonu znači lovac na glaso- ster gave a bald statement about the scandal.
ve, politikant, demagog. # There were lots of Bald eagle nije samo beloglavi orao, već i (a):
promises at the town square today when a bunch nacionalni simbol SAD i (b): ćelavi političar (u
of local baby kissers tried to rally interest in the američkom žargonu). (a): The bald eagle can be
upcoming election. found on the back of every dollar bill. (b): Robert
Baby shower ne znači tuš za bebe, već (na A. Lovett, Secretary of Defence under Truman
američkom engleskom) kućna svečanost na and a State Department veteran, was nicknamed
koju se donose pokloni za bebu. # Baby showers the ‘Bald Eagle of Foggy Bottom’.
are get-togethers organized by women, at which The ball is in your court (lopta je u vašem
a woman who is about to have a baby is given dvorištu) znači vi ste na potezu. # This is our last
appropriate gifts. offer. Now, the ball is in your court.
Baby-snatcher nije otmičar beba, već osoba Ball of fire, fireball nije samo vatrena kugla,
koja izlazi sa znatno mlađim partnerom. # “He već i (a): meteor i (b): živa vatra, čovek od ak-
had been living with an older woman ... baby- cije, vrlo energična osoba. (a): A fireball is an
snatching, as everybody called it” (I. Murdoch, exceptionally bright meteor. (b): He did poorly
The Sea). in school, but as a salesman he is a ball of fire.
Back-bencher nije onaj koji sedi u zadnjim # That guy is a real fireball when it comes to ad-
klupama, već (u britanskom engleskom) običan vertising.
poslanik (koji nije član kabineta). # The defecti- Ballpark (ball park) estimate/figure nema
on of a large number of back-benchers brought veze sa stadionom, već znači gruba procena,
down the last Government. okvirna cifra, približna brojka. # I can only give
Bad form (pod Good form). you a ballpark estimate at this time. # All I need
Bad lot (pod Lot). is a ball park figure. Exactness comes later. Isto
Badly znači loše, rđavo, ali i jako. # The to- tako, in the ballpark ne znači na stadionu, već
oth hurts badly. # The boy wants a new bycicle približno tačno. # Well, I wouldn’t take it for
badly. granted; putting it mildly – it is in the ballpark.
Banana oil 32 Bear/lead/have a charmed life

Banana oil nije ulje od banane, već (a): ra- (d): All the land drained by the the Sava river and
zređivač koji ima miris sličan banani, (b): obič- its branches belongs to the Sava basin.
na glupost, lupetanje (u američkom žargonu) i Battery je baterija (topova, električna), ali i
(c): debelo podilaženje, uvlačenje (u američkom niz,serija. # Students were subjected to a battery
žargonu). (a): Banana oil is a liquid mixture of of tests. Assault and battery je teška telesna
nitrocellulose and amyl acetat, or a similar sol- povreda (pravni termin). # That’s ridiculous! He
vent, having a bananalike odor. (b): That’s the can’t bring a charge of assault and battery for one
silliest banana oil I have ever heard! (c): Cut out slight poke in the ribs!
the banana oil - flattery will get you nowhere! Battle royal nije kraljevska bitka, već (a):
Banana skin nije samo kora od banane, već opšta tučnjava, (b): žestoka rasprava, oštar su-
i klizavica, klizav teren, klopka za neoprezne. # kob i (c): bespoštedna borba. (a): The argument
The government has slipped on too many banana at the bar turned in a battle royal. (b): You’d
skins for its own good. better attend the Council meeting tonight - we’re
Band je banda, ali i (a): grupa, gomila, (b): expecting a battle royal over the new parking
orkestar i (c): traka. (a): A band of students bro- proposals for the town center. (c): Iraq and Iran
ught their grievances before the dean. (b): The waged a battle royal in which both parties paid a
band played until midnight. (c): Her hair was heavy toll.
held in place by a velvet band. # A dark band of Bay znači zaliv, ali i (a): lavež, kevtanje, (b):
clouds was on the horizon. škripac, (c): niša, udubina u zidu (d): lovor,
Bank znači banka, ali i (a): obala (reke, je- lorrber (e): riđan (konj) . (a): The fox hunters
zera), (b): nasip, uzvisina, (c): gomila (zemlje, followed the bay of the hounds. (b): A bear at
snega, oblaka itd.) i (d): niz, red. (a): The boa- bay is very dangerous. (c): A small table and
ters picknicked on the bank of the river. (b): A chair stood in the dining bay. (d): Add the garlic
high bank of earth surrounded the fortress. (c): A clove and bay leaf, and fry briefly over medium
bank of ground was left after the reconstruction heat until the garlic just starts to brown. (e): Mel
of the highway. (d): A bank of spotlights lit up is the bay mare on the right of Ziggy is now in
the scene. a new home with a VHS carer. Parking bay je
Bar znači bar, ali i (a): šank, (b): motka, parkiralšte. There are disabled adjacent to the
šipka, (c): komad, parče (sapuna, tabla čokola- Museum entrance. Loading bay (u britanskom
de), (d): prepreka, (e): advokatska komora i (f): engleskom, a u američkom engleskom loading
pruga, traka. (a): Put your glass on the bar. (b): dock) je magacin u prodavnici. # Loading bay
The monkey rattled the bars of his cage. (c): The is a space at the back of a shop where goods are
bar of soap slipped from his grasp. (d): Nearsi- delivered or taken away.
ghttedness is a bar to becoming a pilot. (e): After Bay window nije prozor s pogledom na zaliv
finishing law school she was admitted to the bar. već (a): izbojak, izbočeni prozor, erker i (b): sto-
(f): A bar of light fell across the darkened room. mačina, trbušina (u američkom žargonu). (a):
Bare bones nisu samo gole kosti, već i sušti- They live in the house with bay windows right
na, ono najnužnije, osnovno. # Don’t give me a next to us. (b): You are going to have to do so-
lot of details. I just want to know the bare bones mething about the bay window.
of the matter.. Beam je greda, ali i (a): zrak (svetlosti, sun-
Barrack nije baraka (kaže se shack), već (a): ca), (b): ozarenost i (c): širina (broda i oko kuko-
kasarna, smestiti u kasarnu i (b): (u britanskom va). (a): A beam of light penetrated the darkness.
engleskom) ometati govornika vikom. (a): At (b): A beam of delight was the best answer when
the end of the barrack would be a slightly larger he proposed to her. (c): The ship was very broad
room where their officer would live. (b): Every in the beam. # Sally is getting very broad in the
time the minister got up to speak he was barrac- beam - she must try to lose some weight. On/off
ked mercilessly. # She could not make herself (the) beam znači na pravom/pogrešnom putu. #
heard above constant barracking. That’s the right idea. Now you’re on the beam! #
Barren harvest nije samo oskudna/slaba The police are way off beam in their search for
žetva, već i mala vajda, bezvredna nagrada za the criminal. High and low beams su dugačka i
uloženi trud. # It is really a barren harvest for kratka svetla (automobilska).
everything I have done. Beneath criticism (pod Critic).
Basin je bazen, ali i (a): lavor, umivaonik, Bear/lead/have a charmed life ne znači vo-
(b): udolina, (c): lučica, mali zaliv i (d): rečni diti šarmantan život, već biti dete sreće, imati
sliv. (a): She washed her hands in a basin of warm sreće u životu. # The bullet missed my uncle by
water. (b): Torrentiial rains caused flooding in less than an inch - he bears a charmed life. # He
the basin. (c): Three miles from here you’ll find has got everything he wanted - he really leads a
a small basin (yacht basin je marina za jahte). charmed life. # She had two head-on collisions
Bears and bulls 33 Begin to see daylight

with her convertible, but she had a charmed life new interest rates become effective next month. #
and was unhurt. The new law became effective yesterday.
Bears and bulls nisu samo medvedi i bikovi, Become ne znači samo postati, već i (a): pri-
već i špekulanti na berzi koji ili prodaju akci- stajati1, (b): desiti se sa nekim/nečim i (c): ispasti
je bez pokrića, očekujući njihov pad (bears) ili (na kraju) od nekoga/nečega (become of some-
ih kupuju, očekujući rast (bulls). # He is one one/something). (a): That colour really becomes
of those bulls who sells and promises to deliver you. (b): What ever became of the old man who
shares which he does not yet own, hoping to buy lived beside the school? # What ever became of
them at a lower price before the date of delivery. that parcel you sent? (c): # What became of that
Beat about/around the bush ne znači uda- girl who always came top? # What has become of
rati oko grma, već okolišiti, obilaziti kao kiša your ideas to start your own business? Becoming
oko Kragujevca, obilaziti kao mačak oko vruće znači (a): pristojan, (b): prikladan i (c): privla-
kaše. # It is high time you stopped beating about čan (pomalo staromodno). (a): His behavior was
the bush and told me what you want. not very becoming for a gentleman. (b): Blue is
Beat/bang the drum ne znači samo udarati very becoming color on you. (c): That’s a most
u doboš, već i reklamirati, vatreno podržavati, becoming dress, my dear.
udarati na sva zvona (nečije kvalitete). # Don’t Bed znači krevet, ali i (a): sloj/ležište rude,
worry, we’ll beat the drum for you and you’ll get (b): korito reke, (c): temelj (zgrade, puta) i (d):
sufficient publicity to launch your campaign. # leja. (a): There’s a bed of anthracite coal in this
While I’m here I’ll bang the drum for your pro- mountain. (b): The river bed was covered with
gram - so you’ll get plenty of publicity. the rank grass. (c): We need a bed of for the new
Beautiful people ne znači samo lep svet, već road. (d): Plant a bed of roses by the garage. (e):
(u britanskom engleskom) i pripadnici visokog Bob drank cocoa before bed.
društva/džet seta. # Beautiful people have turned Bed of roses nije samo leja ruža, već i srećan
to other kinds of excitement. # He knows how to period, stanje idiličnog komfora i luksuza, ugo-
advance his career; he moves in the best circles dan život. # After nine months of school, summer
and makes friends with the Beautiful People. camp seemed a bed of roses. Isto tako, bed of
Beauty nije samo lepota, već i poseban kvali- thorns/nails ima prenosno značenje: muka i ne-
tet, najbolje u vezi sa nečim. # “They’re all good volja, živa muka, teško izdrživa situacija. # At
shears,” the salesman explained, “but the beauty any period in history it is the unemployment who
of this pair is that the blades have a self-sharpe- find life to be a bed of thorns. # With my boss
ning action.” changing his instructions from one day to the
Beauty sleep ne znači lepota spavanja (ili next, my job has become a bed of nails.
nešto slično), već san do ponoći (kad je najzdra- Bedtime story, priča koja se čita deci pred
viji). # “Come now, don’t get into a tantrum. You spavanje ima (kao i u srpskom) i prenosno zna-
must get your beauty sleep for the photographer čenje: priča za malu decu („Drugome ti to!). #
tomorrow” (M. Spark, Memento Mori). What you’re telling me sounds like a bedtime
Beauty spot je (blizu svog bukvalnog zna- story. Come back when you can be more strai-
čenja) (a): lep kraj, mesto poznato po svojim ghtforward.
prirodnim lepotama, turistička atrakcija, ali i Be excused ima i drugo značenje pored do-
(b): mladež (prirodni i veštački). (a): The Guide slovnog: izviniti se radi odlaska u toalet. # She
Book lists all the famous beauty spots, but if you asked to be excused before leaving.
look you will find other equally delightful places Before the flood ne znači samo doslovno pre
off the beaten track. (b): I used to spend hours poplave/ potopa, već najčešće Bog te pita otkad,
trying to scrub off what my mother liked to call prepotopski. # It’s high time we refurbished our
my beauty spot. I thought it disfigured me. Now, house. It looks as if it had been decorated before
I think it’s rather an asset. the flood.
Become a citizen ne znači postati građanin, Before you know it ne znači pre nego što to
već dobiti državljanstvo, postati državljanin. # saznaš/prepoznaš, već dok si trepnuo, za tili čas.
“When he was honorably discharged, he would # Don’t worry, I’ll be there before you know it.
automatically become a citizen and thus put to Begin to see daylight ne upotrebljava se u
rest the family’s perpetual concerns about their doslovnom značenju, već znači nazirati kraj ka-
outdated visas” (S. Turow, The Burden of Pro- kvom dužem poslu (“već počinje da mu se vidi
of). kraj”). # I’ve been working on my dictionary for
Become effective najčešće ne znači postati almost five years, and at last I’m beginning to see
delotvoran/efikasan, već stupiti na snagu. # The daylight.

Komentar I. Klajna: Moonlight Becomes You bio je hit Binga Krozbija u godinama pred rat (“Moonlight be-
comes you, / It goes with your hair, / You certainly know the right thing to wear...”).
Begin to see the ligh 34 Big game

Begin to see the light2 znači postajati kome ch job pays best? (c): Aunt Mary sent her best to
jasno , počinjati shvatati (“sviće mu pred oči- all. (d): I’m not at my best unless I’ve had a good
ma”). # I was totally confused, but I began to see night’s sleep.
the light after your explanation. Best bet nije najbolja opklada, već najbolji
Beg the question ne znači zatražiti pitanje, izlaz iz situacije, najviše čemu se neko može na-
već zaobići suštinu (time što se nešto uzima kao dati. # Your best bet is to be put on probation. #
gotova stvar ili dokazano), poći od pretpostavke Your best bet is to call a plumber. # But if today
kao od dokaza. # Jim asked Dad whether he co- is an indication, the best bet is that a political si-
uld take his car to go to the party; his father said deshow is in the offing.
Jim was begging the question because he did not Best man nije najbolji čovek, već venčani
know if he would get permission to go to a party kum, svedok na venčanju. In 1987 Mr. Maluf
in the first place. was best man at Mr. Collor’s wedding to Rosane
Behind the scenes ne znači samo iza scene Malta.
odnosno van očiju javnosti, već i ispod žita, iza The best of British (luck to you)! nije Že-
kulisa. # Much of the Committee’s work was lim ti najbolje što imaju Britanci!, već (u bri-
done behind the scenes. # He’s the one who con- tanskom engleskom) Neka ti je sa srećom! Daj
trols everything behind the scenes. Bože! (sumnjičavo: “Želim ti sreću, ali su mali
Bell the cat nije samo staviti zvonce mački izgledi!”). # I don’t for a moment think you’ll
oko vrata, već i (u kolokvijalnom britanskom) succeed in raising that much money, but the best
preuzeti rizik na sebe, prvi se izložiti opasnosti of British luck to you, all the same.
(radi zaštite drugih). # All the men agreed that Better nije samo bolji/bolje, već i (a): veći,
they wanted a pay increase, but nobody offered (b): više i (c): (kao glagol) nadmašiti, poboljšati.
to bell the cat and ask their employer for the mo- (a): The better part of the day was spent working.
ney. (b): It takes better than an hour to get to work.
Belly button nije nikakvo dugme na stoma- (c): The pole vaulter bettered the world’s record
ku, već pupak # In one scene, reporters comb by six inches.
through Ms. Brown’s garbage while Murphy Beyond reproach (pod Reproach).
admires her new son’s belly button inside her Bid znači licitirati, ponuditi (cenu), ali i (a):
apartment. narediti i (b): zaželeti. (a): The queen bids all
Below par (pod Under/below par). their subjects to pay the tax. (b): He bade us fa-
Be my guest! po pravilu ne znači Budite mi rewell. # I bid you the warmest welcome.
gost! već Samo izvol’te! # - Oh, where did you Big Apple je popularno ime za Njujork # The
find such a good tomato? - Be my guest! There Big Apple is filled with young kids trying to get
are plenty of them in my garden. into show biz. # Bob and his gang went to the Big
Bench je klupa (i u značenju rezervni igrači u Apple to lie for a while.
fudbalu i drugim sportovima – The championship Big as life (pod Large/big as life).
will be won by the team with the best bench.), ali Big banana nije velika banana, već (u ame-
znači i sudije, sudsko veće. # The accused will be ričkom žargonu) velika marka, drmator, glavna
brought before the bench. fora. # It went up to the big bananas, who said
Benzene je benzin za čićenje mrlja, ali ne i “no” immediately.
benzin kao gorivo (kaže se - na američkom en- Big board nije velika daska, već (u američ-
gleskom gasoline, gas, a na britanskom engle- kom žargonu) Njujorška berza. # On the big bo-
skom petrol). ard, stocks were down again today, bringing the
Be on the job ne znači samo biti na poslu, loss this week on the Dow to nearly 175 points.
već i (a): raditi punom parom i (b): voditi ljubav Big-C nije veliko C, već (u američkom žar-
(humoristično). (a): Ted was on the job all of the gonu) rak, kancer. # She was struck with the
time that he was at work. # I can depend on my big-C.
furnace to be on the job day and night. (b): Her Big deal jeste velika stvar, jako važno pita-
parents caught them on the job and threw him out nje, ali i (ironično, u žargonu) Jaka stvar! Čudna
of the house. mi čuda! Pa šta onda! # So you became college
Best nije samo najbolji/najbolje, već i (a): coach - big deal!
najveći, (b): najviše, (c): najbolje želje i (d): Big game nije velika igra, već visoka divljač.
najbolja forma. (a): It rained for the best part of # Northern forests are good for big game hun-
a week. (b): Which coat do you like best? # Whi- ting.
Komentar I. Klajna: I ovo me podseća na jedan evergreen, i danas poznat svakom džezisti, Elingtonov klasični
I’m Beginning To See The Light: “I never cared much for moonlit skies, / I never winked back at fireflies, / But
now that the stars are in your eyes, / I’m beginning to see the light.”
Big government 35 Bite the dust

Big government (ili kao pridev big-gover- young actors go to Hollywood, but few of them
nment) nije velika vlada, već (u američkom reach the big time. (c): You never heard of Tom
političkom žargonu) svemoćna država, državno- Wolfe? He’s a big-time writer. (d): - You think
intervencionistički. # In the most partisan shot I messed up? - Big time! U drugim izrazima (u
Democrats have fired on the issue, Mr. Gephard američkom žargonu) ima i druga značenja (a):
said, “Every time we try to lift people up, they big-time operator je ženskaroš, švaler, a (b):
say it’s socialism, it’s big government, it’s tax big-time spender je veliki trošadžija, raspikuća.
and spend.” # Mr. Bush was trying to set a more (a): This big-time operator comes up and asks me
aggressive tone, portraying the Democrats as to go home with him. (b): He is the original big-
big-government, high taxing liberals who would time spender - he never even looks at the prices
“socialize” medicine and engage in “reckless” on the menu!
military cuts. Big wheel nije samo veliki točak, već (kolo-
Big head, to have a big head nije velika kvijalno) bog i batina, krupna zverka. # Daddy
glava, glavonja niti imati veliku glavu, već (a): is a big wheel in Washington and might be able
mamurluk od pića, teška glava, biti mamuran to help you to find a good job there.
(„glava mi je kao merica“) i (b): ja pa ja, puno- Bill nije samo račun, već i (a): novčanica (u
glavac, pun sebe („more mu je do kolena“), biti američkom engleskom), (b): predlog zakona,
uobražen, naduti se od sopstvene važnosti. (a): (c): program (predstave, koncerta) i (d): plakat,
You look like you have the big head this mor- oglas. (a): A dollar bill doesn’t pay much. (b):
ning. (b): Look at that swagger. He is such a big How many bills are before Congress this sessi-
head. on? (c): The Palace Theater used to have the best
Big house (Big House) nije samo velika kuća, vaudeville bill. (d): On the wall was a sign rea-
već, zatvor, ćuza, bajbokana (u američkom žar- ding „Post no bills.“ Bill of fare je (a): jelovnik,
gonu). # “To go to the big house for the rest of meni i (b): program obaveza, spisak stvari koje
his life” (W. B. Johnson, Widening Stain). # “She treba uraditi. (a): Waiter, may I have the bill of
has other worries besides trying to keep her ex- fare, please? (b): He asked his secretary what
lover out of the Big House” (E. H. Lavine, The was on the bill of fare for that day. Bill of health
Third Degree). je zdravstveno uverenje (clean bill of health je
Big-league i big leagues ne odnose se na ve- potvrda da je neko zdrav).
like lige, već znače (a): profesionalan, (b): kon- Birds and (the) bees jesu ptice i pčele, ali je
kurentan, uspešan, (c): prvoligaški i (d): pro- to izraz koji znači seksualno vaspitanje („kako
brano društvo (u kome vlada oštra konkurencija) se rađaju deca“). # When boys and girls are old
ili prva liga (u našem žargonu). (a): When I’m enough, their mother or father will tell them abo-
a big-league star, I’ll send you free tickets. (b): ut the birds and the bees and where babies come
Tom works in one of the big-league accounting from.
firms. (c): A big-league player can make as much Bird’s eye view je (a): pogled iz ptičje per-
as $1,000,000 a year. (d): In the big leagues spektive, ali i (b): ovlašan pogled. (a): He was
you’ve got to know what you’re worth. # You’re invited on a helicopter flight and he got a splen-
in the big leagues now - no more cheap stuff. did bird’s view of the whole shore and the islan-
Big mouth, to have a big mouth ne znači ds. (b): In this book the author takes only a bird’s
(imati) velika usta, već (u žargonu) (a): blebe- view of modern architecture.
talo, laprdalo i (b):istrtljati tajnu, izbrbljati se, Bite (on) the bullet iako doslovno znači za-
imati dugačak jezik. (a): Even after total failure gristi metak, ima drugo značenje: stisnuti/ste-
he was still a big mouth. # He’s just making emp- gnuti zube, suočiti se hrabro s nevoljama, done-
ty boasts like any other big mouth. (b): Molly has ti tešku odluku. # “But I think the time has come
a big mouth. She told Joe what I was getting him for all the members of Congress to be responsible
for his birthday. and, even in the election year, to bite the bullet
Big noise nije samo velika buka/galama, već and stand up and do what ought to be done for
(u američkom žargonu) i (a): velika marka, glav- their country.” (President Johnson, May 3, 1968)
na fora i (b): glavna vest, bomba, veliki skandal. # I didn’t want to go to the doctor, but I bit on the
(a): He’s the big noise in Washington right now. bullet and went.
(b): What’s the big noise around town now? Bite someone’s head off nije odgristi nekome
Big time nije veliko vreme, već (a): dobar/ glavu, već izvikati se na nekoga, izgrditi nekoga
bogovski provod (kolokvijalno), (b): elita, sam na pasja kola. # My mother bit my head off when
vrh, prva liga (u žargonu), (c): (kao pridev) izu- I came home late last night.
zetno uspešan, među prvima, istaknut i (d): (pri- Bite the dust nije gristi prašinu, već (a): ko-
loški) mnogo, grdno, i te kako (a): I certainly lokvijalno odgovara našem otegnuti papke, za-
had a big time at the club last night. (b): Many gristi u ledinu (isto značenje ima i kiss the dust)
Bite the ice! 36 Blow one’s own trumpet

(b): biti poražen ili (u našem žargonu) tropirati i Bleeding heart nije srce koje krvari, već (a):
(c): prestati sa radom, ugasiti se. (a): A bullet hit vrsta šeboja i (b): zadušna baba, osoba odveć
the sheriff in the chest, and he bit the dust. # Poor meka srca. (a): A bleeding heart is a plant of the
old Tom bit the dust while mowing the lawn. # fumitory family with usually red or pink heart-
Captain Miller raised his gun, and bang, another shaped flowers. (b): She is such a bleeding heart.
Indian kissed the dust. (b): Our team bit the dust Just tell her a good sob story and she’ll give you
yesterday. (c): Since 1955, no less than nine nati- money.
onal newspapers have bitten the dust. Blessing in disguise nije prikriveni/maskira-
Bite the ice! ne znači Grizi led! već (u žargo- ni blagoslov, već sreća u nesreći. # He lost his
nu) Bestraga ti glava! Idi s milim bogom! # If job, but that turned out to be a blessing in disgu-
that’s what you think, you can just bite the ice! # ise because he has set up a business of his own
Bite the ice and leave me alone! and is doing very well. # Margot nearly broke her
Bit on the side, have a bit on the side nije heart when Alan lost interest in her, but now she
(imati) komadić sa strane, već je u vezi sa brač- sees the way he treats the girl he went with, she
nim neverstvom: šarati u braku, odlaziti u štetu. realizes it was a blessing in disguise.
# “She had been used, had been just the fun you Blind ne znači samo slep, već (kao imenica)
can’t get when you’re married, a bit on the side” (a): maska, kamuflaža, (b) lovački zaklon, (c):
(J. Bradbury, Who Do You Think You Are). # His mamac i (d): platnena prozorska zavesa. (a):
wife is becoming jealous - she thinks he might be The nightclub was just a blind for the gambling
having a bit on the side. casino. (b): The duck hunters fired from the
Bitten by the bug nije samo neko koga je blind. (c): The hunters used wooden ducks as
ujela stenica, već jako zainteresovan, zaintrigi- blinds to attract the flock. (d): The blinds keep
ran ili popaljen (u žargonu). # I doubt if this the sun out. Venetian blind znači žaluzine, ro-
program did much to arouse the interest of those letne, venecijaneri.
not already bitten by the bug. Blind alley je ćorsokak, slepa ulica, ali i be-
Black and blue znači da je neko crn i modar, zizlazna situacija, ćorsokak (figurativno). # The
ali zato što je u modricama, izubijan. # She has police are up a blind alley in their investigation
fallen down the stairs and her whole body was of the crime. A blind alley occupation/job je za-
black and blue. nimanje/posao bez perspektive. # My daughter
Black-and-white, black and white je (a): cr- chose history of art as her major. I’m afraid it is a
no-beo (ne u boji), (b): crno-be(l)o, uprošćen(o) blind alley occupation nowadays.
(koji je ili samo pozitivan ili samo negativan), Block nije blok (za pisanje – kaže se pad/
(c): policijska patrolna kola, murka (u žargonu) memo/note/scratch/writing/scribble), ali jeste
i (d): policajci, policija, pajkani, panduri (u žar- (a): građevinski/stambeni blok, (b): kameni, be-
gonu). (a): I sometimes feel nostalgic about good tonski blok, (c): gradska četvrt, (d): mentalna
old black-and-white films. (b): Everything is blokada, (e): panj (mesarski – chopping block,
black-and white to Jim - if you are not his friend, za izvršenje smrtne kazne – the block), (f): blok
you are his enemy. (c): A black and white pulled motora, (g): blok (karata i sl.), (h): začepljenje,
up to the curb. (d): Call the blacks and whites. začepiti, (i): dražba, licitacija, (j): glava, ćupa
We got trouble here. In black and white je crno (u žargonu) (k): blokirati (a): I remember be-
na belom, napismeno, u pismenoj formi # She ing taken, aged 5 or 6 years old, into the garden
wouldn’t believe the news, so he showed her the next door to our block of flats. (b): The pyra-
article in the newspaper and said, “There it is in mids were built with large stone blocks. # There
black and white.” are these huge concrete blocks, built where the
Black tie nije crna kravata/mašna već (oba- ghetto used to be. (c): He lives in the next block.
vezan) smoking (i večernja haljina) (najčešće u (d): I knew his name perfectly well but I had a
pozivu za večeru, prijem itd.), kao što white tie temporary block. (e): Anne Boleyn went to the
nije bela kravata/mašna već (obavezan) frak. # block. (f): The engine had to be replaced because
This will be a kind of a formal evening and the the block was cracked. (g): I bought a block of
hosts expect a black tie. If you don’t have a tuxe- tickets. (h): A block in the pipe was preventing
do you can rent it. # It was a white-tie affair. the water from coming through. (i): The painting
Blanket regulation nema veze sa ćebetom went on the block and sold for nearly fifty-three
već je to linearna mera. # You cannot apply this million dollars. (j: Try to get this stuff through
blanket regulation across the board with so many your block before the test. (k): A fallen tree is
differences among the states. blocking the road. # A group of politicians bloc-
Bleed for someone ne znači krvariti za neko- ked the proposal.
ga, već biti svim srcem uz nekoga, biti na nečijoj Blow one’s own trumpet (britanski engleski)
strani. # I really bleed for him, but there’s not- i blow one’s own horn (američki engleski) ne
hing I can do to get him off the hook. znače duvati u sopstvenu trubu, već busati se u
Blow out one’s brains 37 Boil down

prsa, reklamirati se. # People get tired of a man Blue-eyed boy ne znači samo doslovno pla-
who is always blowing his own trumpet. # Jim vooki dečak, već (u britanskom engleskom –
is always blowing his own horn. Is he really as pogrdno) miljenik/ljubimac (učitelja, šefa i sl.),
good as he says he is? štreber. # Jack is Professor Roland’s blue-eyed
Blow out one’s brains znači razneti sebi boy. He gets better grades than he really deser-
mozak, prosvirati sebi kuršum kroz glavu, ali i ves.
ubijati se od posla, pasti s nogu od posla. # The Blue movie/film nije plavi film već porno-
boys blew their brains out to get the stage ready grafski film. # I saw my first blue movie and fo-
for the play. und it disappointing.
Blow something sky-high znači dići nešto u Blue murder (pod Scream/cry/yell blue
vazduh, ali i dokazati neodrživost nečega (ideje, murder).
verovanja i sl.), razbiti mit o nečemu. # The beli- Blue-pencil je došlo od plave (redaktorske)
ef that cigars are less harmful than cigarettes has olovke, ali znači redigovati, korigovati, skratiti.
been blown sky-high by the recently published # Most of my article on the treatment of the poli-
medical report. tical prisoners was blue-penciled by the editor.
Blow the cobwebs away ne znači skinuti Blue ribbon je plava traka (koju dobijaju
paučinu, već razbistriti mozak, osvežiti se i do- nosioci britanskog Ordena podvezice), ali takođe
vesti misli u red. # Let’s go somewhere and get znači prvo mesto, prva nagrada. # Bob’s horse
some fresh air to blow the cobwebs away - I’ve won the blue ribbon at the fair. A blue-ribbon
been studying all the afternoon. # “We talked for commission/jury/panel je specijalna komisija/
hours. He talked and I listened. It was like wind porota, specijalni žiri/panel (u američkom en-
and sunlight. It blew all the cobwebs away.” (J. gleskom). # “Bishop, I want you to serve on a
Fowles, The Collector) special blue-ribbon commission on crime in New
York that I will be forming shortly” (T. Wolfe,
Blow the whistle ne znači samo dunuti u
The Bonfire of the Vanities).
pištaljku, već i (a): (u američkom žargonu) ot-
kucati, cinkariti, prijaviti, (b): raskrinkati, obe- Board nije samo daska, već i (a): odbor i (b):
lodaniti nepoštene radnje i (c): stati na kraj (ne- hrana (u izrazu stan i hrana). (a): The founder of
čemu), staviti tačku. (a): The police caught one the company is chairman of the board. (b): How
much is bed and board? (u britanskom engleskom
of the bank robbers, and he blew the whistle on
to je board and lodging). Boards su pozorišne
two more. (b): The media blew the whistle on the
daske odnosno pozornica. Vidi On board.
government officials’ involvement in drug traf-
ficking. (c): You are the father; you have to blow Bob’s your uncle ne znači samo da ti je Bob
the whistle on your son’s intolerable behavior. stric ili ujak, već sve će (onda) ići kao po kon-
cu (u britanskom engleskom - kolokvijalno). #
Blue ne znači samo plav, već i potišten. # I Don’t be afraid. Do just as I told you, and Bob’s
feel homesick and blue. your uncle - you’ll get the task done in a couple
Blue chips nisu plavi žetoni ili plavi pomfrit, of hours!
već prvoklasne akcije, akcije najvećih kompa- Body blow nije udarac telom ili u telo, već
nija. # The blue chips took another nose dive in težak udarac. # His failure to pass the enrollment
today’s trading. test was a body blow to all his hopes of studying
Blue coats nisu plavi kaputi, niti su blue boys medicine and becoming a doctor.
plavi momci, već (u žargonu) policajci, plavi an- Body of people nije nikakvo telo naroda, već
đeli, plavci. # The blue coats climbed out of the masa ljudi, veliki broj. # A body of people atten-
black and white and just stood there. # Four blue ded the outdoor concert.
boys held me while a fifth slipped the cuffs on Body politic nije političko telo, već ljudi koji
me. kolektivno predstavljaju političku zajednicu pod
Blue-collar nije sa plavom kragnom, već ma- jednom vlašću, narod u okviru jedne države,
nuelni, radnički (na britanskom engleskom se politički sistem. # “As we see difficulties and de-
kaže cloth-cap). # Mr. Gorbachev cannot count fects in the body politic, in the social order, we
on blue-collar support for closing bankrupt indu- must never attempt before our own consciences
stries, deregulating prices on consumer goods, to dodge our responsibilities,” said President Ei-
laying off surplus workers - all measures that le- senhower.
ading economists say are inevitable if the Soviet Boil down nije samo ukuvati (se), uvreti već
economy is to be revived. Isto tako, white-collar i (a): svoditi/svesti se i (b): skratiti, smanjiti
ne znači sa belom kragnom, već kancelarijski, obim. (a): In the end it all boils down to cold
intelektualni. # The expansion of higher educa- facts and figures. (b): He boiled the whole story
tion on Oxbridge lines led increasing numbers to down to one paragraph. # The reporter boiled the
expect well-paid white-collar jobs. story down to half the original length.
Boiler 38 Brass hats

Boiler nije bojler (kaže se water-heater), it’s only money that matters. (c): „The bottom
već parni kotao (boiler-room je kotlarnica). # line, however, is that he has escaped” (David
Instead there are condensing communal boilers Wise). Bottom-line (kao pridev) znači suštinski,
feeding each pod. osnovni. # White House aids spent much of the
Bold je smeo, hrabar, ali i (a): drzak i (b): rest of the week to assure their allies on the Capi-
izrazit, jarki. (a): I was offended by his bold re- tol Hill that Mr. Clinton really, truly did not mean
marks. (b): The room was decorated in bold co- to back away from his bottom-line demand - no
lors. universal coverage, no bill - which was conside-
Born on the wrong side of the blanket je red the only certainty in the last six months of
(britanski) izraz koji nema veze sa ćebetom, već legislative struggle.
znači rođen u divljem/nezakonitom braku. # Be bought and sold ne znači biti kupljen i
The Duke of Monmouth was King Charles II’s prodat, već bankrotirati, pasti pod stečaj. # Have
son, but having been born on the wrong side of you heard about Wilson? He’s bought and sold.
the blanket, he could not be allowed to become Bound and determined nije vezan i odlučan,
king after Charles died. već čvrsto/nepokolebljivo rešen, opredeljen. #
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth We were bound and determined to get there on
svakako ne znači da je rođen sa srebrnom ka- time. # I’m bound and determined that this won’t
šikom u ustima, već da je rođen u svili i kadifi, happen again.
iz bogate kuće, rođen u obilju. # He was born Bow tie nije nagnuta kravata, već leptir-
with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he’s a hard mašna. # “’Anyway, Arthur’s a wimp,’ Julie
worker and deserves all that praise. said. ‘He always wears those dumb bow ties’”
(L. McMurtry, Texasville).
Bosom friend/pal/buddy nema veze sa gru-
dima, već znači prisan prijatelj, najbolji drugar, Bow to the winds of change (pod Trim one’s
pajtaš. # “Jimmy Carde was one of Mor’s ene- sails before/to the wind).
mies. He was also the bosom friend of Mor’s son Box ne znači boks (sport - kaže se boxing),
Donald.” (I. Murdoch, The Sandcastle) # I should već (a): kutija, sanduk, (b): loža (u pozorištu),
never have expected something like that from my (c): sedište kočijaša i (d): pljuska, zaušnica. (a):
bosom pal. # He’ll be whitewashed for sure. He He rummaged trhrough a box of spare parts. (b):
is the boss’s bosom buddy. The royal box was empty. (c): An armed guard
sat in the box with the driver. (d): I gave him a
Bottle baby nema veze sa bebama, ali ima good box on the ear.
sa bocom, pa (u žargonu) znači cugaroš, mokri
brat. # The bottle babies sat there, waiting to be Box office nije samo pozorišna/bioskopska
thrown out at closing time. blagajna već i (kolokvijalno) (a): predstava na
kartu više, dobro primljen komad/film i (b):
Bottle party je žurka na koju svako done- (kao pridev) popularan, uspešan, privlačan. #
se svoje piće. # “Julie explained her occasional (a): ‘Gone with the Wind’ was regular box office
absences from the flat by saying she was staying for many years. (b): Betsie is no longer box-of-
with an aunt, and Isabel accepted this just as she fice with the boys.
accepted the bottle parties that from time to time Boys in the backroom, backroom boys nisu
assembled in Julie’s bed-sitting room. (L. P. Har- momci u stražnjoj sobi, već su to (a): ljudi iza
tley, A Perfect Woman). scene koji vuku konce (u američkom političkom
Bottom drawer nije samo poslednja fijoka, žargonu), i (b): crnci iza scene, stvarno zasluž-
već i devojačka sprema (u britanskom žargonu). ni a nepoznati (u britanskom žargonu). (a): The
# Mary is only sixteen, but she already began co- boys in the backroom picked the last presidential
llecting and storing her bottom drawer in antici- candidate. # The backroom boys have decided
pation of her marriage. too many things in the past. Their day is over.
Bottom dropped/fell out ne znači samo da je (b): The doctor performed the operation, but his
dno otpalo, već i (a): da je dalje pojeftinilo, cena success depended on the backroom boys who had
se još spustila i (b): da se svet srušio (for some- invented the new heart machine.
one - za nekoga - u američkom engleskom). (a): Brainstorming session nema veze sa pore-
The bottom dropped out of the price of apples. mećim umom ili mentalmim ispadom (brain-
(b): The bottom dropped out of the day for Tom storm), već je to otvorena tribina, skup na kome
when he saw his report card. su učesnici pozvani da sasvim slobodno iznesu
Bottom line nije poslednja linija, već (kolo- svoje ideje i predloge. # Then we had a kind of a
kvijalno) znači (a): konačni saldo, finansijski brainstorming session at which all the members
rezultat, (b): bitna stvar, odlučujući činilac („u were encouraged to contribute suggestions and
osnovi se svodi na“) i (c): krajnji rezultat, ishod. solutions, however far-fetched, to a problem.
(a): The company’s bottom line is in bad shape. Brass hats nisu nikakvi bronzani šeširi, već
(b): Well, when you get down to the bottom line, (u žargonu) (a): visoki oficiri, (b): glavešine i
Brass-monkey weather 39 Bring home something

(c): ljudi od uticaja, drmatori. (a): The general ručkovati (u britanskom engleskom, formalno).
and some of the other brass hats are coming ro- (a): Does the prisoner understand that if he ca-
und to visit the camp today. (b): We’ll see what nnot be persuaded to break his fast, he will be
the brass hats have to say first. (c): When are the forcibly fed? (b): We broke our fast in early
brass hats going to start paying attention to the morning café on crunchy bread rings and butter,
important things? goats’-milk cheese and excellent coffee.
Brass-monkey weather nema veze sa bron- Break one’s neck nije samo skrhati vrat, već
zanim majmunima, već znači pasje vreme, kija- i upreti iz petnih žila, polomiti se (da se uradi
met (u britanskom žargonu) # You’d better not go nešto). # I broke my neck trying to finish writing
out tonight - it’s brass monkey weather outside. before the end of the examination, but I failed to
Brave show nije samo (a): glumljenje hra- complete the last question.
brosti, stavljanje maske neustrašivosti, odluč- Break the back of something nije samo slo-
nosti ili neuznemirenosti, već i (b): izvanredan miti kičmu nečemu, bitno oslabiti nečiju snagu,
prizor, redak spektakl. (a): With a brave show već i svršiti najteži/najveći deo posla. # By the
of confidence which he was far from feeling, he time his brother arrived, they had broken the
led his party along the narrow ledge of rock. (b): back of the work, and there was little left for him
A march-past of Highland pipes, with kilts swin-
to do.
ging and ribbons flying, makes a brave show.
Bread and butter nije samo hleb s masla- Break the bank ne znači opljačkati ili obiti
cem, već i (a): nasušni hleb, ono od čega se banku (to je hold up a bank), već (a): ostaviti
živi, (b): jednostavan i probitačan, bez ikakvih nekoga bez dinara, biti previše za nečiji džep i
kerefeka (i bread-and-butter), (c): Bread and (b): pokupiti sav novac na kocki, dobiti toliko
butter! (uzvik koji odgovara našem Predajem ti novaca da kockarnica nije u stanju da plati. (a):
baksuza! ili Beži đav’le!). (a): He earns his bre- - Can you lend me some money for a cup of tea?
ad and butter as an accountant. (b): “’She always - Yes of course - a few pence isn’t going to break
seemed a bit insipid to me, Bob said, strictly the the bank. (b): I hear that you broke the bank at
bread and butter, Miss’” (J. Braine, Room at the Monte Carlo last week. - Yes, I won $100,000.
Top). (c): We’d say ‘Bread and butter!’ when we Break wind ne znači savladati ili razbiti ve-
had passed on opposite sides of a tree. # In some tar, već puštati vetrove. # “The only time I saw
countries people say ‘Bread and butter!’ when the Emperor Napoleon he was proceeding up the
they come across a black cat. Bread-and-butter marble stairs of a Paris theatre... But then at the
issue/matter je životno pitanje, ono od čega se very top of the stairs, as all of us bowed reve-
živi. # “But what matters here are the bread-and- rently, he shrilly broke wind” (G. Vidal, Burr).
butter issues, the price of food and gasoline, the Bricks and mortar ne znači samo cigle i
Social Security mess, the ERA, unemployment, malter, već i kuća/kuće, zgrade, građevine. #
energy, things that they can see and touch, a fe- People always used to tell me: put your money
deral day program, crime - these are the nitty- in bricks and mortar, there’s nothing safer. So I
gritty” (H. Fast, The Immigrant’s Daughter). bought my house.
Bread-and-butter letter je zahvalno pismo, za-
hvalnica (kaže se i thank-you letter) After spen- Brief ne znači samo kratak, već i (a): (sa-
ding a weekend as a guest in the White’s home, žeto) informisati i (b): pravni rezime. (a): The
Sally wrote the Whites the usual bread and butter secretary of defense briefed the Presodent on the
letter. enemy’s strength. (b): The law journal printed
Breadwinner nije neko ko ko je dobio ili the brief of the case.
zaradio hleb, već hranilac porodice. # With Fa- Bright nije samo sjajan, svetao, već i (a):
ther ill, our eldest brother has become the bre- pametan, bistar i (b): vedar, veseo. (a): Only
adwinner of the family. bright students are given scholarships. (b): The
Break a leg! ne znači da nekome želite da children’s bright laughter could be heard throu-
slomi nogu, već (najčešće glumcu pred predsta- ghout the house.
vu) Puno sreće! # Before the play Harold said to Bright lights ne znači jarka svetlost, već za-
Ann, “Break a leg!” dovoljstva grada, velegradska uzbuđenja, sve-
Break bread with someone ne znači lomiti tlosti velegrada. # Since my sister became an ac-
hleb sa nekim, već sesti za isti sto, podeliti so i tress she’s become more interested in the bright
hleb sa nekim. For him it was a day of poignant lights than in her own family. # “Well, a week
drama, as the leaders of the outlawed party broke tonight and it’ll be back to the bright lights.”
bread with those who had once jailed them. Slič- “Don’t talk of it,” he groaned. “I wish I could
no značenje ima eat salt with someone. stay here for ever.”
Break one’s fast nije samo prekinuti sa po- Bring home something (to someone) ne
stom, već i (a): prekinuti štrajk glađu i (b): do- znači doneti nešto kući (za nekoga), već naterati
Bring home the bacon 40 Brush

nekoga da shvati nešto, razbistriti stvari (neko- Bring someone to bay ne znači dovesti/uve-
me). # It was the Princess Anne kidnap attempt sti nekoga u zaliv, već dovesti nekoga u škripac,
that really brought home to Mrs. Charles the dan- saterati/sabiti nekoga u mišju rupu/ćošak, pri-
gers facing the royal family. # He made a speech kleštiti nekoga. # The police brought the robber
in order to bring home the fact that inflation hurts to bay on the roof and he gave up.
everyone. Bring someone to book ne znači privesti ne-
Bring home the bacon ne znači doneti kući koga knjizi ili zainteresovati nekoga za knjigu,
slaninu, već (a): izdržavati porodicu, obezbediti već pozvati nekoga na polaganje računa, do-
hleb porodici, (b): osvojiti trofej, pobediti i (c): vesti nekoga pred lice pravde. # We must bring
uspeti u nečemu. (a): Since his father died, John these criminals to book, they deserve severe pu-
was the one to bring home the bacon. (b): Our nishment.
basketball team brought home the bacon in three Bring something to a head ne znači prineti
European championships in succession. (c): My nešto blizu glave, već dovesti nešto do kritične
boss told me if I brought home the bacon on the faze/tačke. # The new gasoline prices brought
new contract I would be given more wages. matters to a head.
Bring into relief something nije povezano sa Bring the curtain down (pod Ring/bring the
pitanjem olakšica ili pomoći, već znači reljefno curtain down).
pokazati nešto, jasno istaći nešto. # The attack Bring the curtain up (pod Ring/bring the
on Mr. Clinton’s trade policies brought into re- curtain up).
lief one of the sharpest distinctions between the
candidates. Bring to pass ne znači dovesti o do klanca,
već dovesti do realizacije, uspeti u nastojanju da
Bring someone back to life ne znači samo se nešto desi. # By much planning, the mother
oživeti nekoga ili vratiti nekoga u život, već i brought the marriage to pass.
(a): povratiti nekoga iz nesvestice i (b): pomo-
ći nekome da prezdravi, pomoći nekome da se Bring the roof down ne znači samo bukval-
potpuno povrati. (a): The weather was so hot no srušiti krov, već dići kuću na glavu, podići
that three people fainted, and we had to call a veliku buku. # “Stop that noise, you’ll bring the
doctor to bring them back to life. (b): The combi- roof down! If you all talk in your ordinary voices
ned medical and psychological treatment brought you’ll hear each other perfectly well” (I. Murdo-
him back to life. ch, The Sandcastle).
Bring someone credit ne znači doneti ne- Bring up the rear ne znači podići stražnjicu,
kome kredit, već podići nekome ugled. # Your već stići poslednji, biti na začelju, nositi fenjer
behavior during the disturbances brought a lot of (u našem žargonu). # In the race, Bob brought
credit to you. up the rear.
Bring someone down a notch/peg (or two) Broad as it is long ne znači samo širok koliko
(pod Take/bring someone down a notch/peg i dug, već i isto mu se hvata, jedan (te isti) đavo.
(or two)). # The board did not formally reject the plan, but
Bring someone in from the cold ne znači turned thumbs down on its vital part. It is as bro-
uvesti nekoga unutra iz hladnoće, već dopustiti ad as it is long.
nekome da uzme učešće u nečemu, uključiti ne- Broad in the beam nema veze sa gredom ili
koga u nešto, izvući nekoga iz izolacije. # After balvanom, već znači širok u kukovima. # Sally
the scandal, he had been cast out of the cream of is getting very broad in the beam - she must try to
the crop, but his influential uncle has managed to lose some weight.
bring him in from the cold. Broken reed nije samo slomljena trska, već
Bring someone into line ne znači pozvati vrbov klin, nesiguran oslonac, klimava podrška
nekoga u red (za nešto) ili u povorku, već sta- (“jaka mi je on podrška”), siguracija. # I thought
viti nekoga pod kontrolu, doterati nekoga u red, he was a good friend, but when I really needed
uzeti nekoga pod svoje. # Independent congre- his help he was shown to be a broken reed.
ssmen were brought into line by warnings that Brown as a berry ne znači da je neko mrk
jobs for their friends would be kept back. Bring kao bobica, već da je preplanuo (od sunca), po-
something into line with something znači do- crneo. # When he came back after a fortnight at
vesti nešto u sklad sa nečim. # Your views on the seaside, he was brown as a berry.
economic issues have to be brought into line with Brush nije samo četka, već i (a): ovlašan
those of most members of the Shadow Cabinet. dodir/udar, (b): sukob i (c): grmlje, šiprag. (a):
Bring someone to attention ne znači privući She removed the speck of dust with a brush of
nečiju pažnju, već komandovati nekome “Mir- her hand. (b): The arrest for speeding was his
no!“ # The sergeant brought the guard smartly to first brush with the law. (c): The rabbit disappea-
attention and saluted the inspecting officer. red into the brush.
Bucket 41 Burst apart at the seams

Bucket ne znači buket, već kofa, vedro. # The His Own Wilderness) (b): I couldn’t understand
water bucket leaks. why a man who had always been so fond of the
Bucket of bolts nije kofa puna šrafova, već social scene should suddenly want to bury him-
krntija, gomila gvožđa. # The price you ask is self alive in a one-horse village at the back of
very high for this bucket of bolts. nowhere.
The buck stops here. (pod Pass the buck). Burn rubber ne znači spaliti gumu, već (u
Buffet nije bife (deo nameštaja), ali jeste (a): žargonu) (a): startovati kolima tako da zacvi-
bife (restoran - u britanskom engleskom - stanič- le gume (i ostave trag), cepati gume (u našem
ni i pozorišni bife) i (b): udarac/udariti šakom. žargonu) i (b): pokupiti se što pre, otići u žurbi,
# Tom buffeted his opponent about the head. uhvatiti šturu (u žargonu). (a): Man, this hog
Buffet lunch/dinner je obed gde se gosti sami can really burn rubber. # When Tom was at the
poslužuju, švedski sto. age when the greatest thrill was burning rubber,
he began to shave once a week. (b): I guess I am
Build a fire under someone ne znači potpali-
going to have to burn rubber.
ti vatru ispod nekoga, već džarnuti nekoga, pod-
bosti nekoga, dati nekome injekciju, pokrenuti Burn someone at the stake ne znači samo
nekoga na akciju. # The teacher built a fire under spaliti nekoga na lomači, već i obrušiti se na
the students, and they really started working. nekoga, osuditi ili iskritikovati žestoko nekoga,
razapeti nekoga na krst. # Stop yelling. I made
Build something on sand ne znači samo gra-
a simple mistake, and you’re burning me at the
diti nešto na pesku, već i (figurativno) graditi
stake for it.
nešto na nesolidnim temeljima. # I’m not surpri-
sed to learn that his company is in debt - he has Burn something to a crisp/cinder ne znači
very little experience of business, and the whole ispeći nešto da bude hrskavo ili dok se ne pre-
organization was built on sand. tvori u pepeo, već (u američkom engleskom)
znači prepeći nešto, dopustiti da nešto zagori.
Built like a brick outhouse ne znači da je Na britanskom engleskom isto značenje ima izraz
građen kao sporedna zgrada od cigala ili kao burn something to a frazzle. She went to open
nužnik u dvorištu (u američkom engleskom), the door, and when she got back the steak was
već (u žargonu) (a): sjajno građen (jak ili privla- burned to a crisp. # “’Do I smell burning?’ said
čan) i (b): čvrst kao grad, solidno građen. (a): Chairman. ‘The pie and potatoes are burned to
Our neighbor’s boy is built like a brick outhouse. cinders’” (M. Spark, Memento Mori). # You’ve
# Have you seen the new secretary - she’s built burnt the bacon to a frazzle!
like a brick outhouse. (b): This garage is built
like a brick outhouse. It’ll last for years. Burn the candle at both ends ne znači za-
paliti sveću na oba kraja, već zameniti dan za
Bullet vote nema veze sa metkom, većznači noć, satirati se, padati na nos od posla, urnisati
čvrsto opredeljen glas birača (u američkom po- se (preteranim radom ili načinom života). # No
litičkom žargonu). # According to New York He- wonder Sally is ill. She has been burning the can-
rald Tribune, left-wing New York Congressman dle at both ends for a long time.
Vito Marcantonio claimed a large portion of his
Burn the midnight oil ne znači zapaliti ulje u
support came from bullet votes.
ponoć, već raditi/učiti do duboko u noć, zagre-
Bulls (pod Bears and bulls). jati dobro stolicu. # Preparing for the exams, he
Bull session nije nikakakv skup bikova, već burned the midnight oil.
(u žargonu) ćeretanje, pričanjac. # The gals were Burn with a low blue flame ne znači goreti
sitting around enjoying a bull session. slabim plavim plamenom, već cepteti od besa,
Bully for you! nema veze sa siledžijama, pozeleneti od ljutine („jedva se uzržao da ne pla-
već znači Alal ti vera! Bravo! Svaka ti čast! # I ne“). # By the time she showed up two hours late,
knew you’d make it. Bully for you! I was burning with a low blue flame.
Bundle of nerves nije samo snop živaca, već Burst apart at the seams znači pucati po ša-
znači i napet kao struna, na ivici živaca (američ- vovima, ali i (a): raspadati se (figurativno) i (b):
ki kolokvijalizam). # I’m just a bundle of nerves. biti dupkom pun, biti krcat. (a): After a series
I wish this were over. of rebellions, the empire began to burst apart at
Be buried alive ne znači samo (a): biti živ the seams. (b): The suitcase was so full that it
zakopan, najčešće u značenju ostati pod ruševi- was bursting at the seams. # The room was so
nama (posle bombardovanja, zemljotresa i sl.), crowded that it almost burst at the seams. # I ate
već i (b): ostati zakopan u zabiti (sam sebe živa so much I almost burst at the seams. Burst at the
sahraniti). (a): It is the night Mother refers to in seams with laughter znači pući od smeha. # The
her inimitable way as The Night The Bomb Fell. comedian was so funny that we just about burst
MIKE: Yes. And your father and your mother at the seams with laughter. Burst at the seams
were buried alive for hours.” (D. Lessing, Each with pride znači naduti se/pucati od ponosa. #
Bush telegraph 42 By the book, according to the book

My parents were bursting at the seams with pride ruku”). # That’s the third time you’ve dropped
when I graduated from college. the ball. What a butter-fingers you are. # I’m such
Bush telegraph nije nikakkav telegraf u žbu- a butterfingers. I dropped my papers.
nju, već je to ono što mi zovemo radio Mileva But then ne znači samo ali tada, već i no,
odnosno informisanje od usta do usta. # The međutim, doduše. # “He is remarkably kind, but
bush telegraph spread the news of the mayor’s then he cannot publish his own book several ye-
involvement in an affair long before it was made ars at least and perhaps he thinks my effort will
public. whet the public’s appetite for the entire story” (G.
Business end (of something) nije poslovni Vidal, Burr).
kraj ili poslovna namena nečega, već je to deo Buttonhole jeste rupica za dugme (i cvet u
alata, instrumenta, oružja itd. kojim se obavlja reveru u britanskom engleskom), ali kao glagol
funkcija. # “We used to have a way of testing znači zadržavati i gnjaviti nekoga, masirati ne-
whether there was any guts left in a battery. What koga. # Young Clinton thrived on debating policy
we did was to lay our tongues on the little brass details, and was often seen testifying before com-
strip at the business end. If there was any juice mittees or buttonholing legislators in hallways.
remaining, then we used to get a tingling feeling Buy something/it/that ne znači samo kupi-
in our tongues” (K. Amis, Take a Girl Like You). ti nešto/to, već i pokloniti poverenje nečemu,
Business in hand nije posao koji se ima prihvatiti nešto zdravo za gotovo, poverovati u
u ruci, već (a): tema o kojoj je reč, pitanje na nešto. # I just don’t buy the idea that you can
dnevnom redu i (b): posao koji treba obaviti. swim that far.
(a): “The proceedings were then opened by Ly- Buy time (pod Play for time).
dia, who briefly stated the business in hand, na- By air ne znači samo vazduhom, već i avio-
mely to choose a secretary and treasurer for the nom. # We decided to travel by air.
committee.” (A. Thirkell, What Did It Mean?) By all accounts ne znači po svim računima,
(b): This is neither the time nor the place to exer- već po onome što se govori, prema svim raspolo-
cise your wit, my boy. Kindly settle down, and živim informacijama. # By all accounts the party
attend to the business in hand. was a great success.
Business of something nije u vezi sa bizni- By a mile ne znači za milju, već daleko od
som ili poslovanjem, već znači pravi interes u ili što mi kažemo (pogrešiti) za konjski nokat. #
nečemu, prva briga, stvarni predmet nečega. # You missed the target by a mile. # Your estimate
„The business of America is business“ (Calvin was off by a mile.
Coolidge). By default nije po „difoltu“ (termin iz kom-
Busman’s holiday nije odmor vozača au- pjuterskog jezika), već znači zbog nečijeg odsu-
tobusa, već radni odmor, praznik ili slobodan stva, zato što se neko nije pojavio odnosno pro-
dan proveden u radu. # It’s not a vacation, but pustio da deluje. If the team doesn’t show up,
a busman’s holiday with all those papers I have they will lose by default. # They gained a colony
to deal with. by default because no other European power
Busy work nije posao koji mnogo angažuje, wanted it.
već naprotiv, posao tek da se nešto radi, posao By design ne znači prema nacrtu (to je
da prođe vreme. # When the teacher finished all according to ili in accordance with the design)
she had to say it was till a half hour before school već namerno. # Three times Stewart had been on
was over. So she gave the class a test for busy the spot to thwart our plans. Whether or not this
work. was by design, further interference could not be
But nije samo ali, već i (a): nego, (b): da ne, tolerated.
(c): samo, (d): osim, sem i (e): upravo, baš. (a): By hand ne znači samo ručno, već i kurirom.
Not John but Dave. (b): Nobody is so old but # If you’re sending that account to old Wilson,
he may learn. (c): She’s but a young girl! # He you’d better get it delivered by hand.
came but two days ago. (d): Eventually, all but By hook or by crook ne znači udicom ili ku-
one of them promised to come to his leaving par- kom, već milom ili silom, ne birajući sredstva,
ty. # This car has been nothing but trouble - it’s pošteno ili ne. # He made up his mind to take
always breaking down! (e): I heard it but now. over the firm by hook or by crook.
But for znači da nije, da ne bi (if it were not for). By the book, according to the book ne znači
# I would arrive on time but for rain. # She would po knjizi, već strogo po propisu, po pravilima. #
give up but for letting me down. I do everything by the book as far as I can, and I
Butter-fingers, butterfingers nisu nikakvi can’t be held responsible if anything went wrong.
prsti zamazani puterom, već to znači trapav- # You only have to worry about doing your job
ko, nespretnjaković, šeprtlja (“sve mu ispada iz according to the book.
By the hour 43 By virtue of

By the hour znači na (svaki) sat, svakog sata ugh to make him want to stay in that job. (b):
(I have to take this medicine by the hour.), ali i No one can deny that France has as much right
(a): iz sata u sat, iz časa u čas i (b): satima. (a): to have nuclear weapons as Britain. But, by the
The illness is getting worse by the hour. (b): I same token, every other country can claim the
found myself lying by the hour close to the water, same right. Vidi Token.
ready to pounce on the new-hooked prizes. By the skin of one’s teeth nije u vezi ni sa
By the same token (istim žetonom, istim zna- kožom ni sa zubima, već znači jedva, za dlaku,
kom) znači (a): iz toga prozilazi, pa, prema tome kroz iglene uši. # He passed the test by the skin
i (b): na isti način, isto tako. (a): His wages are of his teeth.
very low and, by the same token, not nearly eno- By virtue of (pod By/in virtue of).

Cabin je kabina, ali i koliba. # Abraham Lin- vokata (Britanci kažu be admitted to the bar). #
coln was born in a cabin. This is my great day. Yesterday, my son was called
Cabinet jeste (a): radna soba i (b): ministarski to the bar. # After finishing law school she was ad-
savet, vlada, ali i (c): ormar (a kitchen cabinet je mitted to the bar.
kredenac). # Put the dishes in the cabinet. Called to the colors nema veze sa bojama, već
Cadet znači kadet (pitomac vojne škole ili sa zastavom (uvek u množini) i znači pozvan pod
akademije), ali i (a): mlađi sin ili brat, (b): stažist, zastavu, regrutovan. # It is much better to be called
osoba na praksi (u obrazovnoj instituciji ili firmi), to the colors before going to college than after gra-
(c): makro, podvodač (u američkom žargonu) i duation.
(d): novi korisnik droge (u američkom žargonu). Call it a day (Let’s call it a day.) ne znači na-
(a): Historically, a cadet was a younger son who zvati nešto danom, već završiti posao - i poći kući.
became a gentleman volunteer in the army to offset („Za danas je dosta.“) # We have worked all day
his lack of matrimony. (b): A cadet is any trainee, long - let’s call it a day. Isto značenje ima i call it
as a practice teacher or a junior business associate. a night (Let’s call it a night.). # I’m dead tired;
(c): In a rare moment of compassion, Lone Wolf let’s call it a night and go to bed. Može se reći i
rescues a girl who has killed a cadet in self defen- call it quits (Let’s call it quits.), ali to ima i drugo
se. (d): Max is always looking for cadets. značenje: saglasiti se da su obe strane u sporu za-
Caesarian section/operation ili Caesarian dovoljne (“mislim da smo sada kvit”). # Okay! I’ve
nije u vezi sa Cezarom, već je u pitanju carski rez. had enough. I’m calling it quits.
# A caesarian section is a surgical incision of the Call off the dogs nema samo doslovno značenje
abdominal and uterine walls to effect delivery of odazvati pse, već i (figurativno) prestati sa pretnja-
the child. ma, hajkom ili šikaniranjem. # Tell the sheriff to
Cakes and ale nisu kolači i pivo, već materijal- call off the dogs. We caught the robber. # All right,
ne udobnosti, životna zadovoljstva. # There is no I surrender. You can call your dogs off.
point in arranging a home-coming party for Aunt Call someone collect ne znači pozvati nekoga
Agnes. She’d be more likely to appreciate a prayer- da sakupi, već telefonirati nekome na njegov ra-
meeting than cakes and ale. čun. # “He walked around school with a sense of
Calf love nije teleća ljubav, već mladalačka urgency as if Khrushchev were calling him collect
ljubav. # She wanted to get married at the age of from Moscow or he, Philip Turner, had to make a
16 but her parents persuaded her that it was only decision that afternoon whether to recognize Red
calf love. China or not (P. Conroy, The Great Santini).
Call a spade a spade odnosno nazvati lopatu Call someone names dolazi od: nazivati neko-
lopatom znači nazvati stvari pravim imenom, reći ga (svakojakim) imenima i znači vređati nekoga,
bobu bob a popu pop. # Let’s call a spade a spade. ružno govoriti o kome, sipati uvrede na nečiji ra-
The man is a liar. čun. # Mommy, Tom is calling me names again!
Call back someone ne znači pozvati nekoga Call someone on the carpet ne znači pozvati
natrag, već (a): uzvratiti telefonski poziv, ali i (b): nekoga na tepih, već pozvati nekoga na ribanje
pozvati nekoga ponovo telefonom. (a): I’ll call the („biti na tapetu“), oštro ukoriti nekoga. # The boss
doctor back in the morning. (b): Why should I call called him on the carpet for sleeping on the job.
back his secretary? I want to talk to him. Call someone’s bluff ne znači nazvati (nešto)
Called to the bar ne znači pozvan u bar, već nečijim blefom, već naterati nekoga da pokaže
primljen u advokatsku komoru, biti priznat za ad- karte, isterati nekoga na čistinu, izazvati nekoga
Call someone to order 46 Can you beat it!

da nešto i dokaže. # All right, I’ll call your bluff. (b): osoba koja se ne može skrasiti na jednom me-
Show me you can do it! stu, osoba koju ne drži mesto. (a): Don’t get invol-
Call someone to order znači pozvati koga na ved in that interethnic issue - it’s a can of worms.
red, ali i zamoliti za tišinu da bi sednica mogla (b): Sally can’t sit still for a minute - she is a can
da počne ili nastavi sa radom. # At two o’clock, of worms.
the chairman called us to order and the afternoon Can’t carry a tune odnosno ne može da ot-
session began. peva ariju znači nema sluha, nemuzikalan. # I
Call the meeting to order ne znači pozvati wish that Bill wouldn’t try to sing. He can’t carry
skup na red, već otvoriti sednicu, objaviti da je a tune.
skup otvoren. # In the absence of the chairman, the Can’t help it/that/something ne znači ne moći
senior vice-chairman called the board meeting to tome/nečemu pomoći, već (a): ne moći ništa protiv
order. toga (“šta se tu može“), biti nemoćan izbeći/spre-
Call the shots/tune nema veze sa mecima ili čiti što, (b): ne biti kriv/odgovoran za nešto („zar
melodijom, već znači držati dizgine, držati sve sam ja kriv što/ako“). (a): I’m sorry to be sniffling
konce u rukama, potpuno kontrolisati situaciju. # like this but I’ve got such cold I can’t help it. # I’m
The President is formally in charge of our compa- sorry, but we couldn’t help his fall. (b): - You can’t
ny, but the CEO actually calls the tune. go out now, Ann! We’ve come all the way from
Calorie counter je brojač kalorija u značenju Birmingham just to see you! - I can’t help it, I’m
osobe koja pazi na ishranu odnosno koja čuva li- still going to the theater. Can’t help oneself znači
niju. # I simply don’t want to be one of those calo- ne moći se obuzdati, ne moći odoleti. # It’s no use
rie counters all my life. Kaže se i weight watcher. my promising not to cry when you go. I can’t help
Camp nije samo kamp, već i (a): vojni logor, myself. Can’t help but do something znači ne
(b): koncentracioni logor, (c): mesto za kampo- moći a ne učiniti što, nemati drugog izbora već
vanje, (d): tabor i (e): feminiziran. (a): Wherever učiniti što. # When the streets are full of melting
he went in the camp the men were grumbling. snow, you can’t help but get your shoes wet.
(b): Russia had many work camps for political
prisoners. (c): Level ground is best for parking Can’t hold a candle/stick to someone/somet-
and camp areas. (d): The pro-abortion camp are hing ne znači ne moći držati sveću ili štap, već ni
fighting to decriminalize abortion. (e): What’s the ne prineti nekome/nečemu, ne biti nekome ni do
name of that amazingly camp actor with the high kolena, ne biti dorastao nekome/nečemu. # This
voice and a funny walk? actress can’t hold a handle to Josephine. # I may be
Campaign nije samo kampanja (izborna, pro- old-fashioned, but I firmly believe that no soccer
dajna itd.), već i pohod, vojna operacija. # The team today could hold a stick to those of 25 years
desert campaign was won with tanks and armed ago.
vehicles. Canteen nije samo kantina, menza, već i čutu-
Canal jeste kanal, ali nije tv kanal (kaže se tv rica, pljoska. # Each Boy Scout took a canteen of
channel). # The Panama Canal provides a cruci- water on the bike.
al shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific Can’t see one’s hand in front of one’s face je
oceans. isto što je u nas ne videti prst pred okom. # She said
Cancel znači otkazati, ali i (a): precrtati, bri- that the fog was so thick she couldn’t see her hand
sati, (b): poništiti (ugovor, poštansku marku) i (c): in front of her face.
neutralisati, nadomestiti. (a): After some hesita- Can’t touch someone/something ne znači da
tion, I canceled first two pargraphs. (b): The con- se ne može dodirnuti neko ili nešto, već da se neko
tract was canceled because it had not been legally ili nešto ne može uporediti sa nekim ili nečim. #
signed. (c): This show of kindness cancels the cru- No one in the family can touch Sally as a cook.
elty shown yesterday. Can’t wait nije samo (a): ne moći sačekati,
Cancer stick nije nikakva šipka raka, već ciga- goreti od nestrpljenja, već i specifično (b): prite-
reta (u žargonu). # Throw away that cancer stick! rati nekoga u toalet („prigustilo mu je“). (a): She
Smoking is bad for you! can’t wait to see her children again. (b): Driver,
Candid camera nije iskrena, već skrivena ka- stop the bus, please! My little boy can’t wait.
mera (na televiziji). # Most practical jokes are, for Can you beat it! Beat that if you can! ne
everyone except their perpetrator, tedious and bo- znači Možeš li to potući? ili Pobedi to ako mo-
ring and often, like “Candid Camera” embarrassing žeš! već To je da ne poveruješ! To je za priču!
to the onlooker. # Well, can you beat it! Here’s Peter Wilson wri-
Can it! ne znači Možeš to! već (u žargonu) Do- ting to say he’s coming up for Easter with his
sta više! Zaveži! Zaklopi! # Stop your noise, Bill! wife, all five of their kids and their dog! # When I
Can it! # I’ve heard enough. Can it! answered the advertisement I found they wanted
Can of worms nije samo konzerva puna crva, me to do all the housework and pay for my keep
već i (a): zapetljana, obično neprijatna situacija i as well. Beat that if you can!
Cap 47 Carry the ball

Cap nije samo kapa, već i zatvarač , poklo- Carriage trade nije poslovanje otpremom i
pac (na boci) . # Put the cap back on the bottle of dopremom (špedicija), već je to bogata klijentela
soda. Go cap in hand znači tražiti milostinju. (oni s dubljim džepom). # The houses in that nei-
# All pensions should be at or above subsisten- ghborhood are so expensive that only the carriage
ce level. Retired workers should not go cap in trade lives there.
hand to ask for supplementary allowance. Put on Carried away (by something) nije samo od-
one’s thinking cap znači promozgati, dobro raz- net, već i ponet (nečim), ushićen (nečim). # She
misliti. # Miss Javits told her pupils to put on the- was carried away by the man’s charm.
ir thinking caps before answering the question. Carry a/the torch (for someone) ne znači
Capacity znači kapacitet, ali i (a): sposobnost i nositi baklju (za nekoga) već (a): biti beznadežno
(b): svojstvo. (a): Einstein was a man of overwhel- zaljubljen (u nekoga), iskazivati (prema nekome)
ming capacity. (b): In his capacity as Commander neuzvraćenu ljubav i (b): nositi barjak, povesti
in Chief, the President is head of the armed forces. napred, biti u prvim redovima (borbe za kakvu
Captain of industry nije kapetan industrije, ideju, cilj i sl.). (a): He is carrying a torch for Jane,
već industrijski magnat, industrijalac. # “There even though she is in love with Tom. (b): If Mr.
will be many letters from great poets, novelists, sc- Jordan hadn’t carried the torch, no one would have
holars, barons, dukes, and captains of industry” (P. followed, and the whole thing would have failed..
Conroy, The Great Santini). Carry coals to Newcastle - ono što je za En-
Captive market nije osvojeno/zarobljeno trži- gleze nositi ugalj u Njukastl (najveći izvoznik
šte, već monopolisano tržište. # We can ask any uglja), to je za nas drva u šumu nositi, soliti
price we like for our water supply, we have a cap- more, raditi ćorava posla. # It would be like
tive market. carrying coals to Newcastle if another bakery
Caravan nije samo karavan, već i (a): kamp opened in this street. There are three here now.
prikolica (na britanskom engleskom - na ame- Carry on znači ne samo nastaviti, produžiti,
ričkom engleskom se kaže trailer) i pokrivena već i (a): ludirati se, ponašati se neobuzdano,
kola u kojima se živi (Romi, cirkuski artisti i sl.). (b): praviti veliku predstavu (od nečega), drami-
(a): Half the year he tours the country towing the ti, (c): obavljati aktivnost, poslovati, (d): voditi
caravan behind his lorry. (b): Once, about three (nešto) i (e): održavati nepriličnu vezu. (a): The
years ago, I passed a real gipsy caravan on this boys carried on in a swimming pool until the li-
track. feguard ordered them out. (b): Bob carried on for
Carbon copy je kopija, duplikat, ali i figura- ten minutes after he hit his thumb with the ham-
tivno slika i prilika, nečija kopija (“kao da si ga mer. (c): We have carried on export business for
prekopirao”). # The little girl was a carbon copy of years. (d): Mr. Brown and Mr. Franklin carried
her late grandmother. on a long correspondence with each other. (e):
Card je karta (za igranje i poštanska), ali i (a): Everyone knows that Sally’s husband is carrying
posetnica, vizitkarta i (b): program (sportskog ta- on with the woman next door. They ought to be
kmičenja, predstave itd.). (a): The sales representa- ashamed! Carry-on je na britanskom engleskom
tive left his card. (b): The vaudeville card included preterano izražavanje nezadovoljstva, zabrinu-
a stand-up comedian and two singers. Greetings tosti ili uzbuđenja, a na američkom engleskom
card je čestitka. Thank-you card/letter je zahval- ručni prtljag.
no pismo, zahvalnica. # After spending the wee- Carry (ili hold) one’s liquor/drink ne znači
kend in the Browns’ home, Ellen wrote the Browns nositi/držati svoje piće, već dobro podnositi piće
the usual thank-you card. Trump card je (glavni) (“može dobro da popije”). # She took drink for
adut. # Bob saved his influential uncle as a trump drink with the rest of them and carried her liquor
card. Have the cards stacked against someone like a sailor. # You must stop drinking. You sim-
znači imati sve protiv sebe („sreća mu nije naklo- ply can’t hold your liquor.
njena“). # I can’t seem to go ahead. I always have Carry one’s point ne znači nositi svoj ši-
the cards stacked against me. Put/lay one’s cards ljak, već uveriti nekoga u nešto, postići svoj cilj,
on the table znači otkriti svoje karte, pokazati ja- ostvariti svoju nameru. # Having carried his po-
sno svoje namere. # Why don’t we both put our int about not overloading the boat, he got them
cards on the table? to settle among themselves what should be left
Caretaker government/administration nije behind.
nikakva nastojnička vlada, već prelazna vlada. # Carry one’s weight (pod Pull/carry one’s
The sudden resignation of Signor Tromboni’s Go- weight).
vernment confirms the profound crisis in Italian Carry the ball najčešće ne znači nositi lop-
politics - even granting that Signor Tromboni was tu, već primiti/uzeti na sebe, preuzeti brigu/od-
selected for the purpose of forming a government govornost. # When the going is rough, Tom can
of the caretaker sort. always be depended on to carry the ball.
Carry the banner for something 48 Change of heart

Carry the banner for something ne znači Cause je razlog, ali i (a): povod, (b): ideal (za
nositi zastavu, već (dostojno) reprezentovati koji se neko bori/zalaže) i (c): sudski spor. (a):
nešto, održavati (običaje, tradiciju i sl.). # Most Differences over money were the cause of the ar-
people now expect to be offered foreign dishes gument. (b): Melvin Jones spoke for the cause of
when they go out for a meal, and there are very liberty. (c): The Dreyfus Affair (1894) was a cause
few restaurants left that still carry the banner for célèbre. Lost cause je izgubljen slučaj, propala
properly cooked English food. stvar. # Ted is just a lost cause. Just forget about
Carry the can ne znači nositi konzervu, već him. # The whole play began to wash out during
uzeti na svoju bradu, primiti odgovornost. # I the second act. It was a lost cause by the third.
always had to carry the can for my younger brother Caution ne znači kaucija (kaže se deposit i
when he broke anything. bail), već oprez(nost). # Cross the stree with ca-
Carry the day (pod Win/carry the day). ution.
Carry too many guns ne znači nositi previše Caviar to the general (iz Šekspirovog Hamle-
pušaka ili pištolja, već biti suviše jak za koga, biti ta) znači nije to za svakoga („baciti biser pred svi-
mnogo bolje pripremljen od suparnika, biti izra- nje“) # To serve them French cuisine is like giving
zito nadmoćniji od protivnika. # In the debate, the caviar to the general.
proposers of the motion carried too many guns for Cenzure ne znači cenzura (kaže se censor-
us: they had a better grasp of the facts, and they ship), već osuda, kritika. # The sleeping sentry
were more experienced in public speaking. received a strong censure from his commanding
Carry weight (najčešće u negaciji: carry no officer.
weight) znači imati težinu, ali i figurativno: biti
Chain-smoke i chain smoker su blizu doslov-
od uticaja, značaja, vrednosti itd. # I don’t carry
much weight around here, but Gerald does. # His nog značenja („lančano pušenje“): ne vaditi ciga-
views don’t carry much weight. retu iz usta, paliti cigaretu na cigaretu, strastan
Carry weight with someone znači imati uti- pušač. # “He was still rake-thin and chain-smoked
caja na nekoga, biti od značaja za nekoga. # Bill nervously, a habit that belied his cold nerve when
carries weight with the mayor. Ask him. in action.” (F. Forsyth, The Dogs of War) # I worry
about his health - he works too hard, eats irregular-
Case nije samo slučaj, već i (a): parnica, (b): ly, and above all, he is a real chain-smoker.
argumenti u korist tužbe ili odbrane, (c):kutija,
sanduk, kofer (u britanskom engleskom) i (d): pa- Chance one’s neck ne znači oprobati svoj vrat,
cijent. (a): The case was brought before the jury. već nepotrebno se isturati, stavljati bez potrebe
(b): I expect you to have a strong case. # My lawyer glavu na panj. # He chanced his neck out of loyal-
is busy assembling a case against the other driver. ty to those who had been disloyal to him.Change a
(c): Put the books in a packing case. # Give me a baby ne znači zameniti bebu, već prepoviti bebu,
case of fruit, please. # Amos was hauling another promeniti pelene. # You’d better change the baby.
case of beer. (d): A doctor attended the case. Case It’s about time.
in point je dobar primer za to. # One should work Change a bed ne znači promeniti krevet, već
hard and sacrifice a lot to succeed. My father is a presvući krevet, staviti čiste presvlake. # Look at
case in point. this! They didn’t even change the beds.
Cats and dogs sem doslovnog, ima i drugo zna- Change color znači promeniti boju, zacrveneti
čenje (u žargonu): roba koja ne ide, roba koja ima se, zarumeneti se u licu, ali i obrnuto: prebledeti,
slabu prođu. # During the Christmas season, the biti bled kao krpa. # The sight was so horrible that
merchants try to get rid of all their cats and dogs. Dorothy changed color from fear.
Rain/pour cats and dogs znači pljuštati, liti kao iz Change gear (britanski engleski) i shift gear
kabla. # You can’t go outside now; it’s raining cats (američki engleski) znači promeniti brzinu (u vo-
and dogs. # We went to Ireland but we can hardly žnji automobilom), ali i (a): pojačati tempo, dati
say we saw it. It poured cats and dogs every single gas i (b): prilagoditi se situaciji, promeniti pristup.
day. (a): Our team swung into action, changed gear and
Cat’s meow/pajamas/pyjamas (mačje mj- launched a tremendous onslaught on the Brentford
aukanje, mačja pidžama) znači nešto super # goal. (b): Teaching so many different age-groups
straobalan (u američkom žargonu). # “That girl’s in the course of a day, it often took me quite a few
the cat’s meow,’ he said. ‘Marrying her was the minutes to shift gear when a fresh lot came in.
smartest thing you’ve done with yourself yet’” Change hands ne znači promeniti ruke, već
(L. McMurtry, Terms of Endearment). # Hearing preći u druge ruke, promeniti vlasnika. # That
all the old big band music is the cat’s pajamas. # house has changed hands several times in the last
Ann’s party is going to be the cat’s pyjamas. few years.
Cat’s paw (mačja šapa) je pion u nečijim ru- Change of heart nije zamena srca, već pro-
kama. # I greatly deplore the fact that you have mena stava (obično u pozitivnom smislu). # His
been made a cat’s paw of the manager. mother was against the marriage at first, but, after
Change of life 49 Cipher

getting to know the girl better, she had a change se nemogućim. # Stop sitting there chasing ra-
of heart. inbows. Get out and do some work.
Change of life nije promena života, već kli- Cheap as dirt - jeftino kao blato znači bud-
makterij, menopauza. # “TONY: What’s the ma- zašto, vrlo jeftino. # We are losing money on to-
tter? MYRA: Giddy. No, leave me alone. TONY: matoes. They are now as cheap as dirt.
You’re not still having the change of life, are you?” Check je ček (u američkom engleskom - a u
(D. Lessing, Each His Own Wilderness). britanskom engleskom je cheque), ali znači i (a):
Change one’s spots ne znači promeniti svoje račun, (b): provera, kontrola, proveriti, (c): ogra-
pege, već promeniti svoju prirodu, (pokušati) ura- ničenje, (d): obuzdavanje, obuzdati, (e): istražiti,
diti nešto suprotno svojoj prirodi. # Nothing had (f): slagati se, odgovarati i (g): Šah! (a): Check,
been done since last June to convince the voter that please! (b): The plumber made a careful check
Labour in opposition has changed its spots. of the pipes. (c): The anchor served as a check
Change one’s tune – promeniti ariju ima isti to boat’s forward progress. (d): Inflation must be
smisao kao naše promeniti ploču, promeniti stav checked if the dollar is to have any value. # The
pod uticajem nečega. # The man said he was inno- sandbags will check the floodwaters temporarily.
cent, but when they found the stolen money in his (e): Check on the problem and report the results
pocket, he changed his tune. at the next meeting. (f): His alibi checks with the
Change one’s ways ne znači promeniti svoje information we have. (g): Check! You’ll be chec-
puteve, već promeniti svoje navike. # I’m not aga- kmated soon.
inst modern methods of teaching at all. It’s just that Cheek je obraz, ali i drskost. # Don’t give me
I’m too old to change my ways. any of your cheek! I’ve had enough of your unma-
Change the channel verovatno dolazi od nnerly behavior.
promene kanala (na TV) i znači (u žargonu) Cheetah nije čita (majmun), već gepard. # The
promeniti temu, preći na nešto drugo. # Let’s cheetah can run faster than any other animal.
change the channel before there is a fight. Cherry farm nije farma trešanja, već (u žar-
Chapter and verse nije poglavlje i strofa/ gonu) popravni dom za maloletnike. # Jim got a
stih, već znači sve po tačkama, do detalja, po- light sentence and was sent to a cherry farm for six
drobno. # Don’t hurry. You have to give me a full month.
description of the incident, chapter and verse. Chicken feed nije samo hrana za piliće, već i
Character assassination nije ubijanje ka- mala para, nikakva para, beznačajan iznos. # It
raktera, već kaljanje nečijeg obraza, prljanje may be chicken feed to you, but it is a monthly sa-
nečijeg imena. # The electoral campaign has lary for some people.
been tainted by many instances of character as- Chicken nije samo pile, već (u žargonu) i kuka-
sassination. vica. # Ne budi strina! žargon # Come on, let’s go.
Charge znači zaračunati, tražiti određenu Don’t be a chicken!
cenu (the hotel charges thirty dollars a day for Chicken scratches nisu pileće ogrebotine, već
this room), ali ima i više drugih često potpuno ra- svračje noge, škrabotine. # He writes so illegible
zličitih značenja: (a): staviti na nečiji račun, (b): that it looks like chicken scratches.
ispuniti, nakrcati, (c): napuniti (d): natovariti, Child’s play (pod Piece of cake).
(e): narediti, (f): dati obavezno uputstvo (pravni China nije samo Kina, već i (sa malim počet-
termin), (g): okriviti, pripisati odgovornost i (h): nim slovom) porculan, porculansko posuđe. #
napasti, jurišati. (a): Did the customer pay cash Set the table with the good china.
for shoes or charge them. (b): The air was char-
ged with electricity. (c): The policemen charged Choke pear nije kruška kojom će se neko za-
their guns. (d):The workers charged the wagon. daviti, već gorak zalogaj. # It was really a choke
(e): The major charged his soldiers to stand firm. pear for Dave - he was confronted with a sarcastic
(f): The judge charged the jury. (g): The suspect but also unanswerable argument.
was charged with reckless driving. (h): The ca- Chop-shop nije trgovina kotletima, već (u žar-
valry charged the enemy fort. gonu) mesto gde se ukradena kola rastavljaju u
Charge whatever the traffic will bear nema delove radi prodaje. # Once a stolen car gets to a
veze sa saobraćajem, već znači tražiti najveću chop-shop, there’s no hope of identifying it.
moguću cenu, zaceniti do balčaka. # Don’t be Chore nije samo kućni posao, već i gnjavaža. #
sentimental, charge them whatever the traffic Filling out complicated tax forms is a real chore.
bear. Chow hound nije klopa za kerove, već znači
Charmed life (pod Bear/lead/have a char- izelica, žderonja, alavac. # Okay, listen up all you
med life). chow hounds. There’s extra beans tonight.
Chase (after) rainbows ne znači juriti za Cipher ne znači samo cifra, brojka, već i (a):
dugama, već gubiti vreme na sanjarije, zanositi nula, (b): niko i ništa i (c): šifra. (a): One fo-
Circumstantial evidence 50 Come again!

llowed by two ciphers is 100. (b): He was deter- the flow of oil. (b): The soldiers cocked their ri-
mined not to remain a cipher all his life. (c): The fles. (c): The puppy cocked its ear at the sound of
spy’s report was written in cipher. footsteps. (d): He made some joke about a cock,
Circumstantial evidence nije podrobno sve- but nobody laughed. Cock of the walk je neko ko
dočenje, već (u pravnoj terminologiji) znači po- ima glavnu reč. # He wouldn’t want to take a job
sredan dokaz, dokaz na osnovu indicija, činjenice in Manchester, where he’d be nobody in particular.
koje samo upućuju na određen zaključak. # The He’s cock of the walk here and that’s what he likes.
affidavit includes a great deal of circumstantial evi- Cock sparrow je vrabac mužjak, ali i (figurativno)
dence concerning espionage activities. But there is mladi kavgadžija, mala prznica. # He’s a bold, ag-
no direct evidence, like photographs. gressive cock sparrow, always spoiling for a fight.
Civil engineer nije građanski, već građevin- Coffee-table book nema veze sa stočićem za
ski inženjer. # Civil engineering is the branch of kafu, već je to luksuzno opremljena knjiga (ali ne
engineering relating to the design and building of uvek i vredna). # Masses of radiant, somewhat cho-
highways, bridges, waterworks, harbors, railroads, colate-boxy, photographs interspersed by an exce-
llent simple text saves this from being just another
canals, and other kinds of fixed public works. coffee-table book.
Clam up! (pod Zip (up) your lips!). Coffer nije kofer (to je suitcase), već (a):
Clay pigeon je glineni golub ali i (a): laka kovčeg/škrinja za dragocenosti i novac i (b): (u
meta (u žargonu) i (b): čas posla, lak zadatak. (a): množini) državna blagajna, riznica. (a): A cof-
If you have any sense, you’ll drop this case, becau- fer of gold coins was found in the pirate’s cave.
se you’re setting yourself up as a clay pigeon. (b): (b): The nation’s coffers are empty.
The math exam was a clay pigeon. Cold comfort nije hladna udobnost, već sla-
Clerical znači kerikalan, sveštenički, ali i či- ba uteha. # When the management turned thumbs
novnički. # The new employee must be good at down on my proposal, it was cold comfort to me to
filing and other clerical work. hear that they might consider it again in the future.
Climb on/aboard the bandwagon (pod Swim Cold feet (pod Get cold feet).
with the tide/current/stream). Cold fish je kolokvijalna fraza kojom se ozna-
Closet po pravilu ne znači klozet (u britan- čava odbojna, nepredusretljiva, nedruželjubiva
skom engleskom arhaizam), već (a): nusprosto- osoba. # Nobody likes the new sales manager. He
rija, ostava i plakar, (b): poverljiv i (c): prikri- is a cold fish.
ven, pritajen. (a): They never talk about uncle Cold turkey nije samo hladna ćurka, već i
Bill. I am sure that he is the skeleton in their closet. nagli i potpuni prekid (sa nekom lošom navikom
(b): This is a closet information. (c): John is a - drogom, pušenjem i sl.). # I stopped smoking ci-
closet racist. garettes cold turkey and had to be hospitalized.
Closing time (pod Opening time, closing Collar and tie (košulja i kravata) je formalna
time). odeća. # A few of farm workers, looking rather un-
Club je klub ali i (a): toljaga, (b): štap za comfortable in their collars and ties, attended the
golf i (c): tref (u kartama). (a): The bully walked funeral service.
down the street swinging his club. (b): He took Collateral nije samo kolateralan, sporedan,
with him his collection of golf clubs. (c): Clubs uzgredan, već i (a): dodatni i (b): zalog, imovi-
are trumps. na kojom zajmoprimac garantuje zajam. (a): The
Coach je kočija, ali i (a): međugradski au- student needs collateral tutoring in math. (b): The
tobus (u britanskom engleskom), (b): železnički house served as collateral for the loan.
vagon, (c): trener i (d): instruktor. (a): The bus Collect evidence (pod Evidence).
company is putting new coaches on all its rou- Collect one’s thoughts (pod Marshal).
tes. (b): The train was made up of an engine and Color guard nije garda u koloru, već počasna
five coaches. (c): Our football team needs a good četa/straža. # There were four Marines in the color
coach. (d): The professor agreed to be the boy’s guard in the parade.
math coach. Come across nije samo nabasati, naleteti, naići
Coat je kaput, ali i (a): krzno, perje, vuna, (slučajno), već i (a): ostaviti utisak, (b): biti shva-
koža (životinje), (b): premaz i (c): sloj. (a): The ćen, (c): dati/pružiti što se zahteva. (a): He comes
horse’s coat was kept shiny by brushing. (b): across as a persuasive speaker. (b): The teacher tri-
Two coats of paint were needed to cover the old ed to explain the problem, but the explanation did
color. (c): There is a coat of dust on the furniture. not come across. (c): The robber told the woman to
Coat of arms je grb. # Coat of arms is the heral- come across with her purse.
dic emblem of a family or organization. Come again! ne znači samo Dođi opet! već i
Cock je petao (i na krovu), ali i (a): slavina, (kolokvijalno) Šta reče? Kako, molim? Ponovi,
(b): (zapeti) obarač, (c): načuljiti i (d): penis, molim te. # Sorry, I didn’t hear you. It’s awfully
đoka (vulgarno). (a): Turn the cock to increase noisy here. Come again?
Come along 51 Come out

Come along ne znači samo pridružiti se, ići za- rac (b): veliki pad u karijeri ili društvenom statu-
jedno, već i (a): naići, pojaviti se, (b): postići na- su. (a): The loss of the race was a real comedown
predak/boljitak, (c): ići duž nečega i (d): Požuri! for Gerald. (b): “After owning her little shop for so
Hajde već jednom! (a): He went to London whe- many years, it was quite a come-down for her to
never the chance came along. # - Is your daughter have to work for someone else” (M. Dickens, The
married yet? - No, she’s still waiting for Mr. Right Angel in the Corner).
to come along. (b): Jane is coming right along on Come down on the right/wrong side of the
the piano # He was coming along well after the fence ne znači sići na pravu/pogrešnu stranu
operation. (c): Coming along the lane I met my un- ograde, već opredeliti se na stranu koja dobija/
cle. (d): Come along! We’re already late. gubi. I realized I came down on the right side
Commencement ne znači samo početak, već of the fence as soon I saw the horse. # He came
je (na američkom engleskom) i svečana predaja down on the wrong side of the fence when he
diploma na kraju školske godine. # At schools backed the candidature of George for chairman-
and colleges alike, there are commencements to ship.
celebrate graduation, complete with caps, gowns, Come/hit on to (someone) ne znači samo pri-
diplomas and speeches by staff and students. maći se (nekome), već i trzati na (devojku), mu-
Come (a)round nije samo navratiti, već i (a): vati, nabacivati se (devojci) (u žargonu). # She
najzad se složiti, promeniti mišljenje i saglasiti se, didn’t even know he was coming on to her, till
(b): vraćati se, dešavati se redovno, (c): prezdra- they got to his place. # I can’t go into a bar lately
viti, oporaviti se i (d): doći sebi, osvestiti se. (a): I without being hit on.
thought he’d never agree, but in the end he came Come home ne znači samo vratiti se kući, već i
around. (b): And so Saturday night came around (a): vratiti se u realnost, spustiti se na zemlju, (b):
again. (c): He has come around after having had vratiti se sa lošim posledicama po nekoga, (c): do-
stomach ulcer. (d): Someone brought out smelling biti po zasluzi (često uz dodatak: to roost) i (d):
salts and Sally soon came round. postati bolno jasno. (a): Hey, wake up, you spacy
Come by ne znači samo proći pored, već i (a): clown. Come home! (b): Eventually every single
doputovati/doći čime, (b): dobiti (slučajno) što, problem you have avoided dealing with will come
zaraditi što, steći što i (c): doći do čega, pronaći home. (c): Problems all come home eventually. #
što. (a): We came by train. It is more relaxing. (b): Your selfishness will come home to roost one day.
“How did you come by that scratch on your cheek?” (d): It eventually came home to the people that the
(S. Beckett, Krapp’s Last Case) (c): Where did you war would be long and bloody.
come by that dress? Come by something honestly Come into play ne znači priključiti se igri, već
ne znači samo doći pošteno do nečega, već i na- (a): doći do izražaja, ispoljiti se i (b): stupiti u dej-
slediti porodičnu crtu. # Tim comes by his temper stvo, stupiti na scenu. (a): My jealousy doesn’t
honestly; his father is the same way. actually come into play unless I have pretty conclu-
Come down nije samo sići, već i (a): pasti, sive evidence. (b): The heavy artillery finally came
padati, (b): doći kući sa studija (u britanskom en- into play. # Wait until their powerful lobby comes
gleskom), (c): doći iz Londona ili sa severa Engle- into play.
ske (u britanskom engleskom), (d): (u američkom Come into season ne znači ući u sezonu, već
žargonu) vratiti se u normalno stanje, doći sebi dospevati, prispevati. # Tomatoes come into season
(obično posle pića/droge), (e): zahtevati od nekoga much earlier in Italy than in Northern Europe.
nešto, pritisnuti nekoga (da nešto plati), (f): pre- Come into something ne znači ući u nešto,
ći u nečije ruke (nasledstvom), (g): svesti/svoditi već naslediti nešto. # He came into a lot of money
se na nešto, (h): spasti na nešto i (i): oboleti od when his father died.
nečega, zakačiti nešto. (a): The prices are finally
coming down. # The aircraft came down. (b): The Come of age ne znači doći od starosti, već (a):
place will come alive again when students come postati punoletan i (b): sazreti, razviti se u potpu-
down. (c): “There’s a girl come down to live here nosti. (a): In America, both men and women come
- she’s married to a painter.” (A. Wilson, Anglo- of age at 21. (b): It took three years for our move-
Saxon Attitudes) (d): He’s talking nonsense now, ment to come of age.
he’ll make sense when he comes down. (e): All his Come off it! ne znači Odveži se od toga! već
creditors came down on him for prompt payment Pusti priče! Ma nemoj mi reći! # Oh, come off it,
of his bills when they heard of his financial difficul- Jimmy. I don’t believe you.
ties. (f): This necklace had come down to me from Come off second best ne znači samo biti iza
my grandmother. (g): The big argument finally pobednika, stići/biti drugi, već i biti poražen, izgu-
came down to the question of who would take a biti. # Why do I always come off second best in an
bath first. (h): He came down to begging. (i): After argument with you?
getting soaked to the bones, she came down with Come out ne znači samo izaći, već i (a): izaći
pneumonia. Comedown je (a): razočaranje, uda- iz štampe, pojaviti se u prodaji, (b): ispasti, za-
Come out of the closet 52 Come/get to the point

vršiti se, (c): izaći na videlo, (d): pojaviti se, (e): se # pasti na pamet (nekome), (d): dovesti do
biti vidljiv, ispasti jasan, (f): izaći iz zatvora, (g): (nečega) # rezultirati (nečim) i (e): iznositi # ko-
procvetati, (h): stupiti u štrajk, (i): biti saopšten/ štati # izaći na (toliko i toliko). (a): She fainted
objavljen, (j): ispoljiti se, (k): debitovati, pred- in the store and found herself in the first aid room
staviti se u društvu i (l): priznati javno svoju when she came to. (b): The boat came to with
homoseksualnost. (a): The dictionary came out a few feet of clear water to port. (c): Now you
three months ago and it is already out of print. mention that, it comes to me that I owe you mo-
(b): Everything will come out right. (c): The truth ney. (d): He lived to see his invention come to su-
finally came out at his trial. (d): During the mor- ccess. (e): The bill came to 40 shillings. # I didn’t
ning the sky was overcast, but in the afternoon expect those few items to come to so much.
the sun came out. (e): I think the inner meaning Come to a head ne znači doći do glave, već
of the composition comes out very clearly in his doći do kritične tačke. # The divergent views of
interpretation. (f): Parker got a three-year senten- the conference’s authority came to a head in late
ce, but he may come out early for good conduct. January when the Prime Minister called off the
(g): The crocusses have come out early this year conference, saying it had become too costly.
because of the mild winter. (h): “The dockers Come to a pretty/fine pass ne znači doći
have come out to a man” (A. Wesker, Chicken
Soup with Barley). (i): When do the psychology do prijatnog/sjajnog klanca, već uzeti loš obrt,
results come out? (j): At such testing times, only razvijati se u lošem pravcu, krenuti nizbrdo. #
the good in him came out, and none of the bad. Things have come to a pretty pass when my wor-
(k): Marry Ann Smith came out last fall at a lo- kers can tell me how to run my own company. #
vely party. (l): It made a big splash when William His position has come to a fine pass.
Somerset Maugham came out. Come to grief ne znači doći do tuge/bola,
Come out of the closet ne znači izaći iz klo- već (a): propasti, doživeti neuspeh/propast i
zeta, već (a): otkriti svoje tajne naklonosti, izne- (b): imati nesrećan slučaj, doživeti nesreću. (a):
ti što u javnost i (b): otkriti svoju homoseksual- Owing to our lack of experience, all our ambiti-
nost. (a): Fred Cummings came out of the closet ous plans came to grief. (b): Bob came to grief
and admitted that he likes to knit. (b): It was very learning to drive a car.
difficult for him to come out of the closet. Come to heel ne znači doći do pete, već leći
Come out on the right/wrong side ne znači na rudu, poviti šiju. # He always felt indepen-
izaći na dobru/lošu stranu, već imati dobitak/ dent-minded but he had to come to heel when he
gubitak, dobro/loše proći. # He sold his goods at entered that stringent organization.
very low prices but he always managed to come Come to pass ne znači doći do klanca, već
out on the right side. # A large number of Ameri- desiti se, dogoditi se, zbiti se. # “The world chan-
can radio stations come out on the wrong side. ges for which we’ve sacrificed for a generation
Come out well nije samo dobro proći, već i have finally come to pass,” Mr. Bush said.
dobro izaći (na fotografiji). # Everyone came out Come to rest ne znači doći do predaha, od-
well in the wedding photograph except the bride, moriti se, već zaustaviti se, stati. # The car skid-
unfortunately. ded off the road and came to rest a foot or two
Come rain or shine (pod Rain or shine, from somebody’s front door.
come rain or shine). Come to terms ne znači doći do roka, već (a):
Come round ne znači samo ići okolo, zaobi- doći do sporazuma, naći zajednički jezik i (b):
ći, već i (a): doći k sebi, osvestiti se, (b): povra- pomiriti se sa nečim, prihvatiti nevoljko. (a): We
titi dobro raspoloženje i (c): nakaniti se, uraditi argued a lot about who would present our views
nešto posle otezanja. (a): Jake fainted in the heat at the board meeting and finally came to terms by
but soon came round. (b): Leave her alone - she’ll drawing a straw. (b): It has taken me a long time to
soon come round. (c): When he finally came ro- come to terms with the fact that I won’t be able to
und to writing the letter, he found his feelings go to college. Come to terms with reality znači
were easier to express than he had expected. pogledati stvarnosti u oči, suočiti se sa stvarno-
Come the old soldier (pod Play the old sol- šću. # Let’s come to terms with reality - our boy
dier). is a lazy bum.
Come thick and fast (doći debelo i brzo) zna- Come to that ne znači doći na to, već kad je
či doći u velikom broju, masovno se pojaviti. # već reč o tome, kad smo već na toj temi. # I’ve ne-
“The first guests were announced. Thick and fast ver met the president of the company. Come to that,
they came, filling the Hampstead double drawing- I’ve never seen the manager of my plant either.
room” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). Come/get to the point ne znači doći do tačke,
Come to ne znači samo doći do, već i (a): već preći na stvar. # I really can’t see what you
osvestiti se, doći svesti, (b): zaustaviti se # stati are driving at. Come to the point, please. # Quit
(nautički termin), (c): podsetiti se # opomenuti wasting time! Get to the point!
Come to the wrong shop 53 Concern

Come to the wrong shop ne znači doći u po- Common law nije zajedničko, već običajno
grešnu radnju, već zakucati na pogrešna vrata. # pravo. # Common law is the unwritten law of a
He can’t help you in this matter - you came to the country based on custom, usage, and the decisions
wrong shop. of law courts, as contrasted with statute law; it is
Come unglued/unstrung/untied/unscrewed now largely codified by legislative definition. Co-
ne znači da je nešto odlepljeno, odvezano, mmon-law marriage je divlji brak, a common-
odšrafljeno itd. već znači izgubiti kontrolu (nad law wife nevenčana žena. # They’ve just decided
sobom), otkačiti se, pošandrcati (u žargonu). # to live in a common-law marriage for a while. #
It all came unglued over the weekend when Mary No, she’s just his common law wife. She shacked
Matalin, the President’s campaign manager, put up with him for over a year until her parents found
out a mocking news release. # I was so mad, I just out and stopped sending her money for college.
knew I would come unstrung. # When the bank Common-or-garden ne znači opštinski paš-
took away my car, I came untied and began to cry. njak ili vrt, već sasvim običan, najobičniji mo-
# The kid sat there for a while and then just came gući. # He has no particular responsibilities, he’s
unscrewed. simply a common-or-garden shop assistant.
Come up ne znači samo popeti se, već i (a): Common property (pod Public/common pro-
nići, (b): iskrsnuti, neočekivano se pojaviti, (c): perty).
doći na dnevni red, (d): napredovati (u rangu ili Compare notes ne znači uporediti zabeleške,
statusu), (e): približavati se, (f): dobiti na lutriji i već razmeniti iskustva/mišljenja, uporediti utiske.
(g): izaći, svanuti. (a): I sowed some runner beans # Let’s compare notes on his lecture afterwards.
three weeks ago, but they haven’t come up yet. (b): Compensation nije samo kompenzacija, već i
I’m sorry, I cannot come to your party. Something novčana naknada za učinjene usluge ili neza-
has come up. (c): The problem of drug-taking is poslenim (unemployment compensation – kaže
bound to come up at the next conference. (d): He is se i unemployment insurance). # The Rule Bo-
one of those officers who came up from the ranks. oks also contain appeals from other courts, main-
(e): Christmas is coming up soon. (f): One of my
bonds came up in the last draw; it won a hundred ly county court cases relating to unemployment
pounds prize. (g): The sun comes up at five-thirty compensation after 1897.
and goes down at about eight in the evening. Complete nije komplet (kaže se set ili kit), već
Come up roses nema veze sa ružama, već zna- (a): potpun (b): celokupan dovršiti i (c): dovršiti.
či krenuti najbolje moguće. # I was almost sure we (a): Our triumph was complete. (b): The library has
were losing the game, but suddenly everything was a complete set of Robert Louis Stevenson’s books.
coming up roses. (c):The workers haven’t completed the house yet.
Commission ne znači samo komisija (najče- Compliments of the season nisu komplimen-
šće se kaže committee), već i (a): počinjenje (b): ti sezone, već čestitke za Božić i Novu godinu. #
ovlašćenje, (c): provizija, (d): proizvesti u ofici- - I want to give her a present for being so kind,
ra, (e): dodeliti zadatak, angažovati. (a): He was but I don’t think she’d like me to. - Wait another
iindicted for the commission of a felony. (b): The month and send it with the compliments of the
ambassador was given the commission to negotiate season. She couldn’t take offense at that.
the treaty. (c): The insurance agent earned a com- Compose ne znači samo komponovati, već
mission on every policy he sold. (d): She was co- i (a): sačinjavati i (b): smiriti se, pribrati se.
mmissioned a second lieutenant. (e): An architect (a): England, Scotland, and Wales compose the
was commissioned to design the new building. Island of Great Britain. (b): Compose yourself
Common nije samo zajednički, već i (a): uobi- before answering that nasty letter.
čajen, (b): običan, (c): prost i (d): čest. (a): „Haste Compromise ne znači samo postići kompro-
makes waste“ is a common saying. (b): Since Mrs. mis, već i kompromitovati. # The malicious ru-
Wilson does so much baby-sitting for us of the mor compromised his good reputation. Compro-
goodness of her heart, it would be only common mise one’s chances je pokvariti svoje šanse.
decency to ask her to dinner some evening. (c): His
common manners repulsed her. (d): Automobile Concede someone’s point (pod Have a po-
accidents are far too common. Common good je int).
opšte dobro. # “It was the more difficult as there Concern znači ticati se (as far as I am concer-
was no true unity, and no nation was willing to ned), ali i (a): zabrinutost, brinuti se, (b): inte-
make any sacrifice of sovereignty for the common res, (c): učestvovati, imati udela u nečemu i (d):
good” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). koncern. (a): The teacher began to feel concern
Common herd nije zajedničko stado, već prost about the child’s frequent absences. # The boy’s
svet, obična raja. # I knew Margot wouldn’t come poor health concerned his parents. (b): Earning
with us. Catch her consenting to mix with the co- a living was her first concern. (c): Good citizens
mmon herd at anything so vulgar as a fairground must be concerned in civic affairs. (d): The two
show. bankong concerns merged.
Concert 54 Country

Concert ne znači samo koncert, već i sklad, Senator kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspa-
sporazum, dogovor. # Working in concert, the sci- per reporters shouted questions at him at once. Isto
netists completed the experiment and announced značenje imaju i cool cat i cool customer. # De-
their discovery. tective Higgins is a cool cat. The chief likes him. #
Concrete ne znači samo konkretan, već i be- “The three men looked at each other. Weston said:
ton.The walk was paved with concrete. ‘Cool customer. Not giving anything away, is he?’”
(A. Christie, Evil Under the Sun).
Concur ne znači konkurisati (to je ili compete
ili apply for – konkurisati za nešto), već (a): slaga- Cool/kick one’s heels (hladiti ili šutirati svo-
ti se,saglasnost, sporazum i (b): dešavati se u isto je pete) znači dreždati pred nečijim vratima, če-
kati prijem kod koga. # Instead of seeing us, he
vreme, koincidirati, sticaj (događaja, okolnosti).
let us cool our heels in his secretary’s office. # I
(a): My political views concur with his. (b): Seve-
had to kick my heels for nearly two hours before
ral events concurred to bring about this result. I could see the boss.
Concurrence ne znači konkurencija (kaže se Cop shop nije nikakva prodavnica, već po-
competition), već (a): saglasnost, slaganje i (b): licijska stanica. # They hauled off everybody to
podudaranje, poklapanje. (a): When the two par- the cop shop.
ties reached concurrence they will sign a contract. Corner the market nije pritisnuti tržište, već
(b): The concurrence of the two events made for a diktirati cene, monopolisati tržište. # The only
fun-filled day. efficient way to curb inflation is to import more
Conductor nije samo kondukter, već i (a): and break the domestic monopolies that have
dirigent, (b): vođa, (c): vodič i(d): provodnik cornered the market.
(elektriciteta, toplote, zvuka). (a): A conduc- Cotton nije samo pamuk, već i (a): konac (u
tor must stress the musical pulse so that all the britanskom engleskom), (b): pamučna tkanina,
performers can follow same metrical rhytm. (b): (c): zavoleti i (d): shvatiti, ukapirati (u britan-
They had been whipped into a frenzy by religio- skom engleskom: cotton on). (a): Johhny, ple-
us conductors. (c): Their conductor through the ase go and buy a reel of cotton. (b): This shirt
mountains was a young Indian scout. (d): We say is made of pure cotton. # She looked pretty in a
that copper is a good conductor of electricity. simple cotton dress. (c): I’d only just cottoned on
Confection ne znači konfekcija, već (a): po- to the fact that they were having a relationdship.
sebna poslastica, delikates, (b): delikatno izrađe- (d): Joe apparently didn’t cotton the joke.
na odeća ili dekrativni predmet, (c): lek pripreme- Counsel(l)or ne znači samo savetnik, već (u
ljen sa šećerom, medom i slatkim sirupom, (d): američkom engleskom) i advokat. # The councelor
lako i zabavno pozorišno, filmsko ili literarno delo for the defense asked that the case be dismissed.
i (e): lažna optužba, nameštaljka. (a): For this is (U američkom engleskom, counseling je da-
the first time I have ever been called upon to pre- nas eufemizam za lečenje kod psihijatra, obično
pare these wonderful confections. (b): It was a posle nekog traumatičnog doživljaja.)
confection of marble and gilt. # The gown was Count one’s blessings ne znači izbrojati bla-
a confection of satin and appliqué. (c): A patient godati ili blagoslove, već prisetiti se i lepih stvari
customer waits in the pharmacy for his disgustin- u životu, shvatiti da ima dosta toga zbog čega
gly sweet confection. (d): This is a light, but en- čovek treba da bude zahvalan/zadovoljan. # If
tertaining thatrical piece. (e): He said the charges you feel that is something missing in your life, it
were a confection of the local police. may be that what is missing is a proper apprecia-
Confer nije samo konferisati, konsultovati tion of what you’ve got. Count your blessings
se, već i dodeliti (titulu, diplomu itd.). # The title Counter ne znači samo uzvratiti, kontrirati,
of Warden of the Cinque Ports was conferred on protivudarac, već i (a): tezga, (b): šank, (c): šal-
Winston Churchill. # Diplomas were conferred on ter, (d): kuhinjski sto (u američkom engleskom)
members of the graduating class. i (e): protivno, suprotno. (a): Take your groceri-
es to the checkout counter. (b): I had a sandwich
Confidence trick (trik poverenja) je (dirlji- and a beer at the counter. (c): I cashed my check
va) priča da se izmami novac. # You are too na- at the bank counter. (d): Let’s eat at the lunch
ive and soft; anyone can play a confidence trick counter. (e): The election results are running co-
on you. unter to all predictions.
Conserve nije konzerva, već ukuvano voće. # Country nije samo zemlja, država, već i (a):
Mom always prepared conserves of the strawberri- selo, unutrašnjost i (b): predeo. (a): City people
es we grew in the backyard. often dream of buying a house in the country. (b):
Cool as a cucumber/lettuce (hladan kao The plane flew over mountainuous country. Go
krastavac ili zelena salata) znači hladnokrvan, to the country ili appeal to the country (u bri-
sabran, hladan kao špricer (u žargonu). # The tanskom engleskom) znači raspisati opšte izbore.
Country cousin 55 Cry uncle

# The Prime Minister said that if Parliament went the waterfront. I could hardly follow it. # Why
against him on the crucial issue of our joining the can’t she stick to the point? She has to cover the
Common Market, he would be forced to go to the territory every time she talks.
country. # The Government decided last night to Cracklings (pod Scrap).
appeal to the country. Cramp someone’s style ne znači ometati
Country cousin nije rođak sa sela, već pro- nečiji stil, već sputavati nekoga. # Miss Seles’s
vincijalac. At this time of year country cousins obvious effort to stop grudging during the match,
often ask townees to advise them on shows to see cramped her style.
in London. Crash course/program nema veze sa suda-
Court nije samo dvor, već i (a): unutrašnje rom ili krahom, već znači intenzivni kurs/pro-
dvorište, (b): sud, sudnica, (c): igralište i (d): gram. # The University offers a crash course in
iskazivati pažnju. (a): The apartment house is Russian - from beginners’ to Entrance Examina-
built around a court. (b): The young lawyer made tion level in one year. # Parliament will be sum-
his first appearance before the court. (c): There moned at the earliest possible moment so that a
is a new tennis court just around the corner. (d): crash program of financial recovery can be un-
Some companies court only wealthy clients. Pay dertaken.
court je udvarati se. The knight paid court to his Crash the gate ne znači udariti u kapiju već
fair lady. Hold court znači (a): voditi sudsku ući bez karte/ulaznice/pozivnice, švercovati se
raspravu, predsedavati sudskom pretresu i (b): (u žargonu). # Dave got into the circus without
biti u središtu pažnje. (a): Judge Stewart allowed paying. He crashed the gate.
no foolishness when he held court. (b): In the kit- Credit nije samo kredit, već i (a): zasluga,
chen, Jimmy and Key helped their father to make (b): priznanje, (c): ugled, (d): poverenje i (e):
sandwiches while in the front room the new baby (u američkom engleskom) poen, bod (u studi-
held court amid a circle of admiring relatives. ranju). (a): All credit goes to you. (b): George
Court disaster/trouble znači prizivati nevolju, should get a lot of credit for the team’s success.
tražiti đavola. # Don’t court disaster by driving (c): “The operation brought him great credit in
too fast. # I warned her she was courting trouble Moscow, bringing him to the personal attention
staying away from her classes whenever the fan- of the General Secretary himself” (F. Forsyth,
cy took her to do something else instead. The Negotiator). (d): John is worthy of credit.
Cover nije samo pokriti, pokrivač, već i (a): (e): This course brings you three credits. Credit
sakriti, (b): prevaliti, (c): izveštavati, (d): obu- to someone je nekome na ponos. # “What a lo-
hvatiti, (e): korice knjige, (f): poklopac, (g): vely daughter you have! She’s a credit to you”
prekrivač i (h): zaštita, sklonište. (a): She cove- (B. Kops, The Hamlet of Stepney Green).
red her face with her hands. (b): We covered a Criminal nije kriminal (to je crime ili crimi-
mile in ten minutes. (c): The reportrer covered nal activities), već (a): kriminalni i (b): zloči-
the convention for the local newspaper. (d): The nac, kriminalac. (a): Robbery is a criminal act.
course covered different topics. (e): Don’t judge (b): The criminal was sent to prison for ten years.
the book by its cover. (f): The jewel box had a # There is a special court for war criminals.
carved wooden cover. (g): Do you want another
Critic nije kritika, već kritičar (i onaj ko kri-
cover on the bed? (h): When the rain started, we
tikuje i umetnički kritičar). Književna (itd.) kri-
took cover under a large tree. Cover story je pri-
tika je critique i review, a criticism je sem toga
ča da se zamažu oči, pričam ti priču. # The cam-
i kritikovanje. Beneath criticism je ispod svake
paign manager gave to the press the cover story
kritike. # All the reviews found the show beneath
concerning the Senator’s financial backers. criticism.
Cover a multitude of sins ne znači sakriti Crow’s feet nisu svračije noge (nečitak ru-
mnoštvo grehova, već podrazumevati mnogo kopis, škrabotine – kaže se chicken scratches),
štošta. # You say that he owns a business, but već bore ispod očiju. # Crow’s feet are a sign of
“business” covers a multitude of sins. someone’s middle age.
Cover (a lot of, much etc.) ground ne znači Cry blue murder (pod Scream/cry/yell blue
pokriti pod, temelje, igralište, gradilište itd. već murder).
(a) obuhvatiti/pokriti iscrpno materiju i (b) pre-
ći velike razdaljine. (a): I found the lecture very Cry from the housetops (pod Shout/cry
informative. It covered a lot of ground. (b): # My from the housetops).
car covered a lot of ground in one day. Cover old Cry in one’s beer ne znači plakati u pivo, već
ground znači iznositi već poznate stvari. # Well, ražalostiti se nad sopstvenom sudbinom, kuku-
the audience was pretty bored because he mostly mavčiti. # You have no reason whatsoever to cry
covered old ground. Cover the waterfront/terri- in your beer. Your situation is far from desperate.
tory znači pokriti temu sa svih strana, obraditi Get yourself straightened out.
materiju do detalja. # That lecture really covered Cry uncle (pod Say/cry uncle).
Cry wolf 56 Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth

Cry wolf ne znači vikati: „Vuk!“ već podići Cut both/two ways ne znači seći na oba na-
lažnu/nepotrebnu uzbunu. # Nobody will belie- čina, već predstavljati dvosekli mač, imati pro-
ve he is in trouble because he had cried wolf so tivrečne posledice. # This new drug will relieve
many times. your arthritis, but you must put up with the side
Cupboard love nije ljubav iz ormana, već effects - it cuts both ways.
ljubav iz računa. # I think that all your cupboard Cut class nema veze sa sečenjem klase, već
love is in vain - you’ll not get a penny from her. znači izostajati sa časova, bežati iz škole. # If
Cup of tea nije samo šolja čaja, već i ono Anne keeps cutting classes, she’ll fail the cour-
što se nekome sviđa, po nečijem ukusu. # “’You se.
may find this sort of job rather difficult.’ ‘But it’s Cut corners, cut (off) a corner ne znači pre-
just my cup of tea! It’s absolutely made for an seći uglove, već (a): uhvatiti prečicu, skratiti
unfrocked nurse’” (R. Gordon, Doctor in Love). put, (b): ići prečicom, postići cilj najlakšim i
Curl someone’s hair ne znači kovrčati nečiju najbržim putem, (c): smanjiti izdatke, skresati
kosu, već naterati nekoga da mu se digne kosa troškove i (d): doći do cilja zaobilaženjem ili ne-
na glavi. # Wait till you read what it says about poštovanjem pravila. (a): He cut corners going
you - that will certainly curl your hair. home in a hurry. (b): # Don’t cut corners, Bob.
It’s curtains for someone nisu zavese za ne- Let’s do the job right. (c): With really cheap clot-
koga, već (u žargonu) znači gotovo je s njim, hes, manufacturers can keep prices down only by
odsvirao je svoje. # “When they do and my dear cutting corners on both materials and workman-
old pa, the fifth earl, finds out, it’s curtains for ship. (d): There’ll be no cutting corners, you
me unless I become the sixth earl overnight.” (J. understand just because you are the boss’s son.
Archer, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less) You’ll have to learn the business and get your en-
Custom-made/built ne znači urađen/na- gineering qualifications like anyone else.
pravljen po običaju ili navici, već po porudžbi- Cute je sladak, zgodan, privlačan, ali i oštro-
ni, po meri. # This suit fits so well because it’s uman, bistar. # Don’t ever try to outfox him; he’s
custom-made. # “The car was a dark-blue seven- very cute.
passengers sedan, a Packard of the latest model, Cut from the same cloth – izrezan od istog
custom-built” (R. Chandler, Farewell, My Love- štofa ima figurativno značenje: ista sorta, isti soj,
ly). štancovani na isti kalup. # Those boys of his are
Cut a figure ne znači preseći figuru, već do- different in appearance, but they are both cut from
bro/elegantno izgledati (obično za muškarce). # the same cloth.
He cut a fine figure in his new tuxedo. Cut it fine/close ne znači iseći fino ili blizu, već
Cut and dried ne znači odsečen i osušen, jedva dospeti, biti jedva dovoljno. # They were cu-
nego (a): već odlučen i (b): šablonski, rutinski tting it fine by arriving at the airport five minutes
(„sve na isti kalup“). # At conventions like this, before they were supposed to leave. # A couple
with everything cut and dried, with nothing re- of days before our vacation ended, we cut it close
ally left to fight over, eloquence is at premium. with our money.
(b): The lecture was, as usual, cut and dried. It It cuts no ice (with me) nema veze sa seče-
was the same thing we’ve heard for years. njem leda, već znači to ne pije vodu, to ne pali kod
Cut and run ne znači seći i trčati, već uhva- mene. # That idea cuts no ice. It won’t help at all. #
titi maglu, izgubiti se kad postane gusto (došlo Your clever talk cuts no ice with me, I’m afraid.
od sečenja konopca kojim je vezano sidro i brzog Cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face (odseći
isplovljavanja). # “Nobody would be able to say nos da bi se prkosilo licu) znači napakostiti sam
that Polly Biegler had cut and run when the going sebi. # You may be angry, but don’t be pig-headed
was tough” (R. Traver, Anatomy of a Murder). about this small incident; by making a lot of fuss
Cut and thrust nije rana i ubod, već žestoka you are only cutting off your nose to spite your
razmena mišljenja, žustra prepirka, oštra deba- face.
ta. # It was regrettable that such great issues had Cut one’s cables ne znači preseći svoje konop-
to be the cut and thrust of a general election. But ce, već prekinuti sve veze (sa porodicom, pozivom,
at least the debate should be constructive. zemljom itd.). # There was still time to draw back,
Cut a swath(e) ne znači samo pokositi travu he reflected, before he cut his cables and became a
(za širinu otkosa), već i (a): (figurativno) pokosi- “defector”.
ti, razneti, napraviti ršum i (b): privlačiti opštu Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth –
pažnju, ostavljati snažan utisak. (a): The mac- krojiti kaput prema tkanini – znači isto što i naše
hine gun cut a swath in the lines of enemy sol- prostreti se prema guberu. # He has been living
diers. (b): Tom cuts a big swathe whenever he beyond his means. It’s high time he cut his coat
appears in his military uniform. according to his cloth.
Cut one’s (eye)teeth on something 57 Cutting-edge

Cut one’s (eye)teeth on something (brusiti pogoditi koga u živac. # He was cut to the quick
svoje zube/očnjake na nečemu) znači savladati when John mentioned the affair his father had been
nešto još u mladosti, steći iskustvo u nečemu. # involved in. # Your thoughtless remark stung her
Let him cut his teeth on the smaller boats; he can to the quick. # His cruel words wounded her to the
move onto the sailing ship when he’s shown that he quick.
knows how to handle the sails.
Cut something to the bone/to the bare bones,
Cut/slit one’s own throat (prerezati sebi gr-
kljan) ima figurativno značenje: raditi u korist svo- pored doslovnog iseći nešto do (gole) koske, ima
je štete, naškoditi sam sebi. # I don’t understand pre svega figurativna značenja (a): smanjiti nešto
your actions - you’re cutting your own throat. # It’s na minimum, skresati do daske i (b): svesti nešto
up to you; if you choose to slit your own throat - so (informacije, činjenice i sl.) na najbitnije. (a): Pre-
be it! sident Bush would cut Government’s programs to
Cut out the deadwood, remove/get rid of the the bone in order to lower the budget deficit. (b):
deadwood nije samo odseći/ukloniti suve grane, After having passed through many hands, the re-
već i osloboditi se svega što je suvišno. # If you cut port has been cut to the bone.
all the deadwood out, we may consider your book Cut teeth ne znači iseći zube, već dobiti zube. #
for publication. # The only way for our company Tommy is cranky because he’s cutting teeth.
to survive is to remove all the deadwood and start
afresh. Cutting-edge nije samo sečivo, oštrica, već i
vrhunski, najviše klase (na samom vrhu nečega,
Cut someone dead ne znači iseći nekoga na-
mrtvo, već proći pored nekoga kao pored turskog u samom špicu nečega). # His goal was to build
groblja („pravi se da ga ne vidi“). # Oh yes, he did a world-class company in the field. To get there,
take offense, and very much so. I’ve run into him though, he knew he needed cutting-edge research
several times since then and he has simply cut me and a world-wide network to market the results. #
dead. At the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia
Cut/sting/wound someone to the quick (žac- University we’ve been on the cutting edge of the
nuti nekoga u živo meso) znači ujesti koga za srce, information revolution.

Daddy of them all nije tata svih njih, već Date nije samo datum, staviti datum, već i
(kolokvijalno) najpoštovaniji među njima, kralj (a): epoha, (b): sastanak, randevu, (c): partner
(pevača, slikara, kauboja itd.), doajen. # - Pica- za izlazak, (d): umetnički angažman, (e): urma,
sso has just celebrated his 90th birthday, isn’t he? datula, (f): datirati, poticati i (g): izlaziti/zabav-
- Yes, and in so many other respects, he’s daddy ljati se sa nekim.
of them all. (a): The date of the Renaissance is someti-
Daily round ne znači dnevna runda, već (blizu mes considered to be from the 14th to the17th
toga) svakodnevni poslovi. # “The nurses came on centuries. (b): Didn’t we have a date for lunch
their daily round of washing, changing, combing today? (c): Who’s your date for the dance? (d):
and prettifying the patients before the matron’s in- She has four singing dates this month. (e): I like
spection” (M. Spark, Memento Mori).
dates – they are so sweet and fleshy. (f): The ca-
Damn something with faint praise (odbaciti thedral of Notre Dame dates from the 12th cen-
nešto bledom pohvalom) znači pohvaliti nešto kao tury. (g): He’s been dating Helen for two years.
od bede. # When asked about my new play, he de-
Out of date je (a): zastareo, staromodan i (b):
liberately made a pause and then damned it with
faint praise. nevažeći, star. (a): Isn’t that suit sort out od date?
(b): I’m sorry, your passport is out of date. At an
Dance on air/nothing ne znači igrati u vaz-
early date znači uskoro. # Please call me at an
duhu ili u praznom, već omastiti konopac (u žar-
gonu). # It doesn’t cost me a thing to make you early date.
dance on air. # That horse-thief deserves to dance One’s day is done ne znači da je nečiji dan
on nothing. završen, već gotovo je sa njim, svršio je svoje. #
Dance to another tune (igrati na drugu me- Praise the Contras as “freedom fighters” or scorn
lodiju) ima isto značenje kao naše pevati drugu them as agents of the CIA: either way, their day
pesmu. # Bobby refused to do his homework but is done.
punishment made him dance to another tune. Dan- (It’s) daylight robbery! nije pljačka na dnev-
ce to someone else’s tune znači igrati kako drugi nom svetlu, već: To je obična pljačka! # The pri-
svira. # Put some pressure on him and he’ll dance ces in this restaurant are unbelievable - it’s plain
to our tune. daylight robbery!
Dark horse (tamni konj) je (a): moguće Dead duck nije samo mrtva patka, već i be-
iznenađenje, nedovoljno poznat konkurent koji znadežan slučaj. # Dave is a dead duck because
može neočekivano dobiti (u američkom politič- he flunked maths. # This whole plan was a dead
kom žargonu) i (b): zatvorena osoba. (a): Jim- duck from the beginning.
my Carter was a dark horse, relatively unknown Dead from the neck up (mrtav od vrata na-
nationally. (b): “It seemed a funny thing to say, više) je podsmešljiv izraz za nekoga ko je ogra-
and especially after all these years. Of course, ničen, tupoglav. # I’ve tried to explain to him
she always was a dark horse” (J. Osborne & A. several times but he can’t understand - he’s dead
Creighton, Epitaph for George Dillon). from the neck up.
Dash the cup from someone’s lips (razmr- Dead letter nije samo mrtvo slovo na papiru,
skati pehar s nečijih usana) znači pomutiti ne- već i neisporučena pošta (zbog nečitljive adrese
čiji trijumf. # He was sure that he was a shoo-in, itd.). # The label may have come off that parcel
but some of his jealous friends did their best to you’re expecting. You should inquire at the Dead
dash the cup from his lips. Letter Office.
Dead man/soldier/marine 60 Department of the Interior

Dead man/soldier/marine pored doslovnog, Dear me! dabome da ne znači Dragi ja! već
ima i drugo (humoristično) kolokvijalno znače- je usklik u neprilici - otprilike: Boga mu! Uh,
nje: prazna boca/flaša od pića. # Have you got majku mu! # Dear me! My purse is lost; what
another bottle of wine? There are only dead men shall I do now? # Dear me! I’m late!
in the kitchen. # Toss your dead soldiers in the Dear (only) knows ne znači da jedino dragi
garbage, please. # A dead marine fell of the table (to) zna, već ko bi ga znao, niko to ne zna, samo
and woke up all the drunks. bog to zna. # Dear knows when I’ll get home to-
Dead on one’s feet ne znači mrtav na noga- night so don’t wait up for me.
ma, već izmožden od umora („jedva se drži na Death on (someone/something) nije smrt za
nogama“). # After the soldiers marched all night, (nekoga/nešto) već (a): rigorozan prema neko-
they were dead on their feet. me, (b): štetan za nešto i (c): pravi majstor za
Dead ringer (for someone) nije mrtvi zvonar, nešto, spretan i brz u nečemu. (a): The sergeant
već pljunuti neko („nečija slika i prilika“). # is death on lazy soldiers. (b): This road is terribly
Look at that boy: he’s a dead ringer for his gran- bumpy. It’s death on tires. (c): Fred is death on
dfather, isn’t he? Isto značenje ima izraz dead skis. You ought to see him go.
spit (of someone) koji ipak ima veze sa pljuvač- Decide against je odlučiti se protiv, ali i do-
kom („kao pljunut, pljunuti on“). # He is the dead neti presudu protiv. # The jury decided against
spit of his cousin. the defendant. Isto tako i decide in favor znači
Dead-sea fruit nije voće iz Mrtvog mora, već doneti presudu u korist.
(a): lepo, a neukusno voće i (b): (velikim počet- Declare open season (on someone) ne znači
nim slovima) razočaravajući rezultat - mnogo je otvoriti sezonu, već krenuti (na nekoga), staviti
obećavalo a ispalo je bezvredno („Mnogo zbora a nekoga na listu za odstrel. # This article means
nikakva stvora.“). (a): Those apples are dead-sea that they declared open season on me.
fruit - they look luscious but they taste like cotton Dedicate znači posvetiti nešto (književno,
wool and sawdust. (b): Poor Roger, he never got muzičko itd. delo) ili posvetiti se nečemu, ali i
his invention to work - after five years of ceasele- svečano otvoriti. # The school dedicated the new
ss effort, he had only produced Dead Sea fruit. building on Sunday.
Dead to rights svakako nije mrtav u odnosu Deep game nije duboka igra, već tajni plan,
na prava, već znači (uhvaćen) na delu, dokaza- zakulisna igra. # Lawrence is playing a deep
no kriv. # All right, John! I’ve got you dead to game; he won’t talk about it to anyone.
rights! Get your hands out of the cookie jar. Deep pockets se kaže za nekoga sa dubljim
Dead to something ne znači mrtav za nešto, džepom, ali znači i dobar izvor finansiranja,
već neosetljiv za nešto. # I do not know of any izvor love (sve u žargonu) # We’ll have to find
some deep pockets to finance this venture.
spur to increasing my capacity for response other
than the realization that I am dead to something Definitely znači definitivno, konačno, ali i
in which better-equipped people find delight. svakako, zacelo (najčešće u odgovoru). # – Are
you sure you won’t come? – Definitely.
Dead to the world ne znači mrtav za svet, već
Deliver/produce the goods ne znači samo is-
(a): potpuno iscrpljen, mrtav umoran, (b): spa- poručiti odnosno proizvesti robu, već i uraditi
va mrtvačkim snom, spava kao zaklan, (c): bez kao što je rečeno, izvršiti svoj deo posla, ostvariti
svesti, u dubokoj nesvestici i (d): mrtav pijan. rezultate koji se očekuju. # Miners’ president Joe
(a): I’ve had such a hard day. I’m really dead to Gormley warned his members yesterday that they
the world. (b): I tried to wake my son up, but he must prove they can deliver the goods to justify a
was dead to the world. (c): Dave was hit on the big wage increase. # This power saw surely deli-
head by a baseball and was dead to the world for vers the goods. # Good news is that you got the job.
two hours. (d): By midnight everybody was dead Now, you must prove you can produce the goods to
to the world. live up to our expectations.
Deafening noise jeste zaglušujuća buka, ali Deliberate je promišljen, ali i (a): nameran,
deafening silence je grobna/neprijatna tišina. (b): oprezan, pažljiv, (c): polagan, spor, (d): sa-
# When Dave asked the bride at the wedding vetovati se, većati i (e): razmišljati, odmeravati.
reception whether she had been married before, (a): It was a deliberate attempt to bring discredit
there was a deafening silence. on the minister. (b): It was a deliberate choice. (c):
Dear John letter nije pismo dragom Džonu, The horse proceeded at a deliberate pace. (d): The
već specifičan izraz za pismo kojim devojka oba- board deliberated for two days before they reached
veštava momka u ratu ili vojsci da ga više ne a decision. (e): He deliberated his decision for se-
voli. # “It was during the war. I was in Germany. veral days.
I got a Dear John letter, and when I got home, I Department of the Interior u SAD nije Mi-
never saw her again” (H. Fast, The Legacy). nistarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, već je Savezni
Depend on/upon 61 Different as a doe from a bobcat

organ zadužen za federalna zemljišta, geološka poor slum dwellers become property developers
istraživanja, nacionalne parkove i odnose sa In- in their own right?
dijancima. Diamond cut diamond (dijamant je sekao
Depend on/upon znači zavisiti od, ali i (a): ra- dijamant) odgovara našim izrazima: namerio se
čunati sa, (b): pouzdati se u i (c): biti siguran u. junak na junaka, udario tuk na luk, namerila se
(a): You can depend on his support for your Bill. kosa na brus. # I enjoyed tremendously their TV
(b): He’s a man who can be depended upon in a duel last night. It was really diamond cut diamond.
crisis. (c): You can depend on it. I shall be there. Diamond in the rough, rough diamond je
Desert nije dezert, već (a): pustinja, (b): zaslu- nebrušeni dijamant, a koristi se u značenju van-
ga (u množini), (c): pust, nenaseljen, (d): napusti- redna osoba ispod grube spoljašnosti, skriveni
ti i (e): dezertirati. (a): Some animals can survive potencijal, nebrušeni dragulj. # Tom looks a lit-
in the desert on very little water. (b): The new film tle tacky, but he’s a diamond in the rough. # Dave
was praised beyond its deserts. (c): The specula- looks awkward for a ball player, but he is a rough
tors bought a large desert tract and sold lots. (d): diamond.
The police are looking for a woman who deserted Die a natural death znači umreti prirodnom
her children. (e): They deserted a military post in smrću, ali i iščeznuti sam od sebe, postepeno ne-
violation of strict orders. Dezert (poslastica na kra- stajati. # Has the cycle of booms and slumps been
ju obeda) je dessert (u američkom engleskom) ili throttled or has it died a natural death, or is it just
sweet (course) i afters (u britanskom engleskom). lying dormant?
U britanskom engleskom dessert je voće posle de- Die hard ne znači teško umirati, već teško se
zerta. menjati, opirati se promenama. # The dogma dies
Deserve six of the best ne znači zaslužiti šest hard that a student should master the grammar of
od najboljih, već zaslužiti dvadesetpet po turu. # a foreign language before starting to speak it. U
He deserves six of the best for being rude to Gran- skladu sa tim,
dma. die-hard je čovek starog kova, konzervati-
Destroy something root and branch (pod vac, osoba koja je protivna promenama. # You
Root and branch). are really a die-hard - you simply refuse to give
up old ideas and customs.
Detached ne znači samo odvojen, otkinut, već i
(a): nepristrasan i (b): uzdržan, rezervisan. (a): A Die in harness (pod Die with one’s boots
judge must be detached when weighing evidence. on).
(b): She’s so detached it’s hard to get to know her. Die laughing nije samo umreti/crći od smeha
Detail ne znači samo detalj, već i (a): odeljenje već i umreti zadovoljan. # He poisoned his rich
(sa posebnim zadatkom - u vojsci) i (b): podrob- aunt who then died laughing because she had ta-
no opisati. (a): Twelve soldiers were assigned to a ken him out of her will.
work detail. (b) The men were asked to detail their Die on the vine ne znači umrerti na vinovoj
grievances. lozi, već propasti u začetku. # The initiative to
Devil of it nije u vezi sa đavolom, već znači construct a metro in our city died on the vine.
najgore od svega, a što je još najgore. # When I Die the death doslovno nema smisla i zna-
had a flat tire, the devil of it was that the spare tire či ne naići na prijem kod publike. # It is every
was flat, too. actor’s fear that he will die the death by telling a
joke that nobody laughs at.
Devil’s own time ne znači đavolsko vreme, već
grdne muke, đavolske teškoće. # I had the devil’s Die with one’s boots on, die in one’s boots
ne znači umreti sa čizmama na nogama, već (a):
own time with these tax forms.
umreti od metka, pasti u borbi i (b): umreti u
Devil take the hindmost (đavo uzima naj- punoj aktivnosti. Ovo drugo značenje ima i izraz
zadnjeg) znači da poslednjem sleduje najgore, die in harness (umreti sa konjskom opremom).
poslednji najviše strada. # As we struggled up the (a): He may give me a hard time, but I won’t be
mountain in the dark, it was devil take the hindmost overcome. I’ll fight him and die with my boots
- each man was concerned for his own safety. on. (b): I don’t want to think up things to do
Devise ne znači deviza, već smisliti, izmisliti. # when I retire. I’d rather die in my boots.
He’s good at devising language games that you can Different as a doe from a bobcat (razliku-
play with students in class. # The cartoon charac- ju se kao srna i ris), as chalk and cheese (kao
ters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by kreda i sir), as salt and pepper (kao so i biber),
Charles M. Schultz. Deviza - geslo je na engleskom odgovaraju našim upoređenjima: kao bog i še-
motto ili slogan, a deviza – konvertibilna strana širdžija, kao nebo i zemlja. Jedino different as
valuta je hard (foreign) currency. night and day odgovara sasvim našem to je kao
Developer ne znači samo razvijač (fotografija), dan i noć. # Although Tommy and Bobby are
već i preduzetnik u oblasti nekretnina. # How did twins, they are as different as night and day.
Dime a dozen 62 Do a job

Dime a dozen (tuce za desetparac) ima isto Ann, it’s really quite unbecoming! # Bob goes
značenje kao: kô blata, kô pleve, kol’ko voliš, down to the tavern to dish the dirt. # “’
mali milion. # Fish restaurants are dime a dozen can’t really suppose I would have dished the dirt
around the harbor. about you if I’d guessed I was speaking to your
Dip into one’s/its pocket/purse (zavući ruku daughter.’ ‘You would and did’ said Bernard” (A.
u sopstveni džep) znači platiti iz svog džepa, sno- Wilson, Hemlock and After).
siti troškove. # “Of course, the money he willed Dispense znači (po)deliti (pomoć, pravdu itd.),
no longer covers expenses nowadays, with rising a dispense with something je (a): osloboditi se ne-
prices and inflation, so the university has to dip into čega, ostaviti po strani nešto i (b): moći i bez neče-
its own pocket to continue the tradition” (J. Archer, ga, snaći se bez nečega. (a): I suggest we dispense
Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less). with formality and proceed with our discussions on
Direction nije samo uprava, već i (a): pravac, an informal basis. (b): You may dislike having to
smer, (b): uputstvo, instrukcija (najčešće u mno- depend upon him, but it will be some time before
žini), (c): usmerenje, cilj, (d): režija (a): In which you can dispense with his support altogether.
direction is the beach? (b): Follow the directions Dispose (of) nije samo raspolagati, već i (a):
carefully. (c): The management charted a new di- poraziti, (b): uništiti, (c): likvidirati, maknuti, (d):
rection for the company. (d): Direction includes završiti, privesti kraju, (e): prodati, (f): raspolaga-
the management, supervision, and guidance of a ti, (g): raspodeliti, (h): otarasiti se, ratosiljati se,
film. (i): aranžirati i (j): biti raspoložen/voljan. (a): The
Director znači director, ali i filmski režiser (po- champion disposed of the other fighter by knocking
zorišni reditelj je u američkom engleskom takođe him out in the second round. (b): Our planes dis-
director, ali u britanskom engleskom producer). # posed of two enemy planes. (c): The crooks dispo-
„A director makes only one film in his life. Then sed of the witness to the crime. (d): It’s necessary
he breaks it into pieces and makes it again“ (Jean to dispose of this matter as soon as possible. (e):
Renoir). Fred’s father wants to dispose of their old house
and buy a new one. (f): Rokossovski and Vatutin
Directory nije direktorijum ili direktorat, disposed of enough strength to hold off German
već (a): adresar i (b): telefonski imenik. (a): A attack. (g): His vast property was disposed of in
directory is a book containing an alphabetical or his will. (h): There is a salesman at the door. Ple-
classified listing of names, addresses, and other ase dispose of him as quickly as possible. # Please
data, such as telephone numbers, of specific per- dispose of these papers. (i): The store disposed the
sons, groups, or firms. (b): Look up their number jewelry in an attractive display. (j): The committee
in the telephone directory. was not disposed to hold another meeting.
Dirty dog nije samo prljav pas, već i (kolokvi- Diversion ne znači samo diverzija, već i (a):
jalno) rđa od čoveka, nikakav karakter. # I want skretanje (na putu), (b): odvraćanje pažnje i (c):
nothing to do with that dirty dog. He’s ready go to razonoda. (a):Traffic diversions will be kept to
any length to further his career. minimum throughout the festival. (b): “Of those
Dirty work nije samo prljav posao, već ima i therefore that have attained to the highest degree
druga (figurativna) značenja: (a): najteži deo posla of honour and riches, some have affected ma-
i (b): prljavi poslovi, nepoštene aktivnosti. (a): I stery in some art; as Nero in music and poetry,
simply don’t want to do all the dirty work and let Commodus in the art of a gladiator. And such as
you skim the cream. That’s it! (b): The St. Ermin’s affect not some such thing, must find diversion
Hotel where Labour’s National Executive is staying and recreation of their thoughts in the contenti-
this week has something of a political history of its on either of play, or business” (Thomas Hobbes
own. In the Fifties all sorts of dark plots and dirty , Elements of Law). (c): Scuba diving is provided
work were reported as being hatched here. as a diversion for tourists.
Disagree ne znači samo ne slagati se, već i (a): Do a flit (pod Do a moonlight).
ne prijati, škoditi i (b): odudarati, ne poklapati se. Do a job jeste obaviti posao, ali sa predlogom
(a): Hot climates disagree with my wife. (b): I’m on (u žargonu) znači (a): upropastiti, (b): pokakiti/
afraid that the total I’ve arrived at disagrees with unerediti se po nečemu i (c): odeljati nekoga od
the one on your bill. batina. (a): The puppy did a job on my shoes. They
Dish the dirt3 (servirati blato/prljavštinu) je (u are all chewed to pieces. (b): The baby did a job on
žargonu) širiti glasine o drugima, iznosti prljavšti- the living room carpet. (c): The cops did a job on
ne o drugima, ogovarati. # Stop dishing the dirt, Max, but he still wouldn’t talk.

Komentar I. Klajna: Budući da sam ja učio engleski na tekstovima brodvejskih hitova, dodaću vam još jedan citat.
Čuvena pesma The Lady Is A Tramp (tekst Lorenz Hart, muzika Richard Rodgers) počinje rečima: “Doesn’t like crap
games / With barons and earls, / Won’t go to Harlem / In ermine and pearls, / Won’t dish the dirt / With the rest of
the girls, / That’s why the lady is a tramp.”
Do a moonlight 63 Do the honors

Do a moonlight nema veze sa mesečinom, mon, Brighton Beach Memoirs). Isto značenje
već (kolokvijalno) znači nestati iz stana/hotela ne ima i Don’t give me any of your cheek/sauce,
plativši stanarinu/račun. # When the owner of the dakle nema veze sa obrazom ili sosom. # Don’t
hotel came to collect the money he found that his give me any of your cheek! I’ve had enough of
guests had done a moonlight. U britanskom engle- your unmannerly behavior. # You’d better stop
skom to isto se kaže do a flit. # “He has even made arguing. Don’t give me any of your sauce!
a moonlight flitting” (Walter Scott, The Fortunes Don’t give me any of your cheek/sauce (pod
of Nigel). Don’t be fresh!).
Do a snow job nema veze sa snegom, već (u Don’t give me that! znači Nije nego!, Pričaj
žargonu) znači obmanjivati, prodavati maglu. # ti to drugome! # - I’m quitting. - Oh, don’t give
Don’t try to do a snow job on me. I know all the me that! You’ll be back before tomorrow.
tricks. Isti smisao ima i blow smoke. # He is a ma- Don’t mention it. (pod You’re welcome).
ster of blowing smoke. He should go into politics. Don’t sweat it! nije u vezi sa znojenjem, već
Dock nije samo dok, već i (a): ograđen prostor (u žargonu) znači Ne brini oko toga!, Nema veze.
za optuženog u sudu, (b): kiseljak, zelje i (c): sma- # Don’t sweat it! We’ll take care of it.
njiti platu (kao disciplinsku kaznu itd.). (a): The Do one’s big job(s) (pod Do number one).
defendant seemed nervous as he left the dock and Do one’s homework ne znači samo uraditi
stepped up to the witness box. (b): Rubbing dock domaći zadatak, već i upoznati se podrobno sa
leaves on nettle stings helps to relieve the pain. materijom, pripremiti se dobro (za sastanak, go-
(c): The University has docked lecturers’ wages
vor, članak i sl.). # “When you go to mediate with
by 20% because of their refusal to mark exami-
Bill Clinton,” said one legislator, “you better do
nation papers.
your homework. His memory is phenomenal.”
Doctor je lekar, ali i (a): krivotvoriti, (b):
Do one’s (own) thing ne znači uraditi svo-
smućkati, (c): prilagoditi i (d): pružiti medicinsku
ju stvar, već (u žargonu) (a): raditi po svome i
pomoć. (a): He was jailed for doctoring his service
(b): ponašati se na uobičajeni način. (a): Our
record. (b): I don’t like this wine. I am sure it is
daughter doesn’t like being told what to do. She
doctored. (c): The candidate doctored his standard
prefers to do her own thing. (b): It’s quite amu-
speech for the small-town audience. (d): Doctor
sing to listen to him doing his thing with tourist
that cut before it becomes infected.
in the lounge bar. I don’t suppose he buys a sin-
Do/go number one/two ne znači raditi broj gle half pint for himself, the whole of the summer
jedan/dva, već (kolokvijalno) vršiti malu/veliku season. Ovo drugo se kaže i do one’s/the usual.
nuždu, piškiti, pokakiti se. # We’re in hurry, Bo- # It was a very pleasant gathering on the whole.
bby. You’ll do number one in the kindergarten. # Our chairman, of course, did his usual and spoke
“’What does that man do in there so long?’ ‘He’s far too long.
going number two,’ Marry Anne said with deli- Do someone brown ne znači učiniti nekoga
cacy.” (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). Isto zna- smeđim, već (u žargonu) prevariti nekoga, izra-
čenje (velike nužde) ima do one’s big job(s). # diti nekoga. # Whoever sold you that car certain-
Johnny, do your big job before going to school. ly did you brown.
Domestic je domaći, ali i kućna pomoćnica, Do someone proud/handsome ne znači samo
sluga/sluškinja, a u množini posluga. # It takes činiti nekoga ponosnim/zgodnim, već (u britan-
a staff of domestics to run that big house. Do skom kolokvijalizmu) i ugostiti dobro nekoga,
domestic work znači služiti po kućama. # Hard počastiti nekoga, pokazati se prema nekome. #
up after her husband died, she had to go to do Tell your mother she did us proud with that de-
domestic work. licious Italian dinner. # The Browns did us han-
Donkey’s years (magareće godine) znači dsome when we visited them last week.
dugo vremena, odavno, čitavu večnost. # They Do something the hard way nije samo ići te-
waited donkey’s years for a new house. I haven’t žim putem, već i činiti nešto na pogrešan način,
seen you for/in donkey’s years znači Odavno raditi kako ne treba. # No, you can’t pound in
se nismo videli., Nismo se videli čitavu večnost. nails like that. You’re doing it the hard way.
# Where have you kept yourself? I haven’t seen Do something to death ne znači raditi nešto
you for donkey’s years! do smrti, već ponavljati nešto do besvesti, dodi-
Donkey work (magareći posao) je dosadniji jati sa nečim. # I used to like this song once, but
i teži deo posla. # Why do the new ones always now it’s been done to death: every singer made
get the donkey work while the older employees a record of it. Isto značenje ima i flog (šibati) so-
do more interesting things? mething to death.
Don’t be fresh! nema veze sa nečijom sve- Do the honors ne znači činiti čast (to be a
žinom, već znači Ne budi bezobrazan/drzak! # credit to someone) niti učiniti čast (to se kaže
“Don’t be fresh to your mother, Gene!” (N. Si- do someone an/the honor), već imati ulogu do-
Do the trick 64 Dressing

maćina/domaćice (poslužiti pićem, seći meso, It’s downhill from here on nije samo odavde
držati zdravicu i sl.), primati i služiti goste. # je sve nizbrdo, već ima i figurativno značenje od
Jane turned to her husband and said, “Tom, will sada je sve lako, sad će biti lakše. # The worst part
you do the honors?” Mr. Clark smiled and began is over. It’s downhill from here on.
slicing thick slices of meat from the turkey. Down in the dumps ne znači dole na đubri-
Do the trick ne znači napraviti trik, već ostva- štu, već potišten, utučen („kao da su mu sve lađe
riti željeni efekat, postići cilj („to će svršiti posao“). potonule“). # The boys were certainly down in the
# The car wheels slipped on the ice, so Dave put dumps when they heard that their team had lost.
sand under them, which did the trick. Isto značenje ima i down in the mouth. # She must
Do time svakako ne znači činiti vreme, već biti be worrying seriously about something - she looks
u zatvoru, izdržavati kaznu, robijati. # He’s done rather down in the mouth.
time on several occasions, but it was usually for Down the street nije niz ulicu, već tu blizu u
very small and unimportant crimes. istoj ulici. # Mr. Chandler? He lives just down the
Double chin nije dupla brada, već podvaljak. # street. # There is a drugstore down the street. It’s
The fat man’s eyes glared and all his double chins very convenient.
shook with rage, as he thumped the table. Down tools je odložiti alat, ali i (a): obustavi-
Double feature nije dupla crta niti dvostruko ti rad, stupiti u štrajk (u britanskom engleskom)
obeležje, već bioskopski program od dva filma. # i (b): prestati sa radom, prekinuti sa nečim. (a):
The workers decided to down tools until their em-
Let’s go to see a double feature in our movie the- ployer would agree to pay them more money. (b):
ater. Double-header je (u američkom engleskom) “Conditions from the point of view of the professi-
dupli (sportski ili drugi) program, dve priredbe onal astronomer were poor. So nobody was sorry
jedna za drugom. # Tomorrow are the semifinals to down tools for midnight snack” (F. Hoyle, The
and we’ll have a double-header. Black Cloud).
Double time nije dvostruko vreme, već (a): tr- Down to the ground ne znači dole do tla/poda,
čeći korak i (b): dvostruka plata (za prekovremeni već tipično za nekoga („to je tako on“, „to sasvim
rad). (a): Double-time, march! (b): We get a dou- liči na njega“). # He made some rude remarks, but
ble time when the work is done outside the usual then that’s George down to the ground. Isto znače-
working hours. nje ima i all over. # He found a lame excuse not
Double up nije samo složiti nadvoje, preklo- to come to that important session. That’s him all
piti, već i deliti stan (kaže se i share digs). # We over.
haven’t any single rooms left. Do you mind dou- Down to the wire svakako nije spušten do
bling up? Double up with laughter/pain znači žice, već znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): do za-
previjati se od smeha/bola. # He doubled up in dnjeg časa, u velikoj stisci i (b): slabo finansijski
agony. stajati, biti skoro švorc. (a): I have to turn this in
tomorrow, and I’ll be working down to the wire.
Doubtful proposition nije sumnjiv predlog, (b): We can’t afford going to a restaurant tonight -
već (a): neizvestan poduhvat, teško ostvarljiva we’re really down to the wire.
namera i (b): diskutabilna tvrdnja, sumnjiv ar- Drag one’s feet/heels ne znači vući stopala/
gument. (a): After the taking of Alexandria and pete, već nakanjivati se, otezati, raditi što klaj-
Cairo, Napoleon’s campaign to annex Egypt from klaj, razvlačiti. # The British Prime Minister is re-
the Ottoman Empire began to seem less of a dou- viled here as a ‘bad European’ who drags her feet
btful proposition. (b): If you show people that you on every proposal to link the continent’s nations
trust them, they will not let you down. - Well, if more closely.
that has been your invariable experience you are a
Draw blood nije samo izazvati krvarenje, već i
lucky man. It seems to me to be rather a doubtful
ujesti za srce, naneti uvredu. # His sarcastic com-
ments drew blood.
Do without (someone/something) ne znači či- Dressed to kill nije samo obučen za ubijanje,
niti nešto bez (nekog ili nečeg), već (a): snaći se već i (kolokvijalno) doterati se, nabaciti perje. #
bez nekoga/nečega („koga/čega nema, bez njega/ Wow, look at Jane! She’s really dressed to kill.
toga se može“) i (b): nemati potrebe za nečim. (a): Dressed/done up like a dog’s dinner nema
We can certainly do without Jerry poking his nose veze sa večerom za pse, već (posprdno) znači na-
in every five minutes. (b): I can do without that gizdan, napadno obučen, nakićen kao božićna
kind of advice, thank you. jelka. # She was dressed up like a dog’s dinner just
Down and out ne znači dole i napolje, već na to go to the pictures. # You should have seen her:
ulici, bez krova nad glavom. # It is our Christian she came to the party done up like a dog’s dinner.
duty to help those who are down and out. Dressing nije samo odevanje, već i (a): previja-
Downhill all the way ne znači celim putem nje rane i zavoj, (b): preliv za salatu, (c): nadev (u
nizbrdo, već prost i lak. # Don’t worry about your američkom engleskom), (d): štavljenje kože i (e):
algebra course. It’s downhill all the way. đubrenje zemljišta. (a): A dressing is a therapeu-
Dress rehearsal 65 Dutch treat

tic or protective material applied to a wound. (b): Drop names znači (a): pominjati poznata
Salad dressings include: mayonnaise, French, imena (da bi se stekao utisak o važnim vezama)
Russian, Thousand Island, green goddess, blue i (b): razbacivati se naučnim i drugim termini-
cheese, Roquefort, Italian, Caesar, vinaigrette, ma (da bi se impresionirali slušaoci ili čitaoci).
boiled, oil and vinegar. (c): Types of dressings (a): By dropping a sprinkling of right names I
include: bread, giblet, oyster, chestnut, potato, was able to pick up secret files left lying on the
prune, plum, apple, duck, turkey, chicken, fish, desk. (b): The book is unpretentious, it can pre-
clam, wild rice. (d): Processes in the conversion sent names without dropping them, and the tone
of rough hides into leather are called dressing. is contagiously warm.
(e): A dressing is a manure or other fertilizing Drop someone a line/a few lines ne znači
material for soil. ispustiti nekome red/nekoliko redova, već napi-
Dress rehearsal nije proba haljine/odela (pro- sati nekome koju reč, napisati nekome pismo.
ba u radnji je trying on of a dress, a kod krojača # I’ll drop you a line next week to tell you the
dress fitting), već generalna proba (u pozorištu i latest details
figurativno). # “Now, we’re going two steps ahead Drop the ball (ispustiti loptu) znači (u žargo-
of him by having a rehearsal today and a full dress nu) zabrljati, napraviti veliki propust, uprskati. #
rehearsal tomorrow” (J. Archer, Not a Penny More, Dave dropped the ball, and we lost the contract.
Not a Penny Less). Drop the other shoe ne znači ispustiti drugu
Drive a coach and horses through somet- cipelu, već (a): dokrajčiti započeto, dovesti stvar
hing (provesti kočije sa konjima kroz nešto) znači do kraja i (b): Reci do kraja! (a): Mr. White has
pronaći velike pukotine/rupe u nečemu (zakonu/ left his wife. Soon he’ll drop the other shoe and
odbrani i sl.), naći slabu tačku (u britanskom kolo- divorce her. (b): I know there is much more than
kvijalnom engleskom). # The wording of the new that - drop the other shoe! I’m listening!
legislation is so ambiguous that it would not be too
difficult to drive a coach and horses through it. Drug on the market nije samo lek/droga na
tržištu, već i roba bez prođe, roba koja se ne tra-
Drive a wedge (between) (pod Wedge). ži. # Typewriters have become a drug on the mar-
Drive home nije samo odvesti/prevesti (neko- ket since word processors were introduced.
ga) kući, već i razjasniti nešto, učiniti nešto pot- (As) drunk as a lord/newt – pijan kao lord/
puno jasnim. # He made a speech to drive home
dažedvnjak – isto je što i naše pijan kô majka,
the fact that inflation hurts everyone.
naljoskan kao zemlja. # Everybody felt very un-
Drive someone up the wall ne znači dovesti comfortable seeing the host as drunk as a lord. #
nekoga do zida, već (kolokvijalno) jako nervirati I couldn’t understand what the man was saying;
nekoga, iritirati nekoga, dovoditi nekoga do ludi- he was as drunk as a newt.
la. # Stop whistling that tune. You’re driving me
up the wall. Dry as dust je sasušen, suv, ali i (figurativno)
suvoparan, nezanimljiv. # Don’t invite him, ple-
Drop a bomb(shell) ne znači samo ispustiti ase. He’s as dry as dust.
bombu, već i objaviti šokantnu vest („ bila je to
prava bomba“). # They really dropped a bombshell Dust and ashes znači prah i pepeo, ali i (a):
when they announced that the President is seriou- odavno mrtav i (b): gorko podsećanje na nešto
sly ill. prijatno. (a): He saw the dead writers and tho-
se they had written about as what they exactly
Drop a brick nije samo ispustiti ciglu, već i
(a): napraviti kiks (u britanskom engleskom) i (b): were at the present moment; dust and ashes. (b):
izazvati zaprepašćenje, šokirati (u američkom en- Chanel, in her autobiography, has produced a
gleskom). (a): That was dumb. You really dropped gripping success story, which at the same time
a brick. (b): She really dropped a brick when she most morally exposes the dust and ashes of that
told the reporters she was going to divorce her hu- success.
sband. Dutch courage (holandska hrabrost) je
Drop dead jeste ostati na mestu mrtav, ali (u hrabrost od pića („hrabar posle koje čašice“) #
žargonu) znači gubiti se kome s očiju i prestati I ordered myself a double scotch to give myself
gnjaviti odnosno (kao uzvik) Zaveži i sevaj! # some Dutch courage.
When Ann bumped into Jane’s desk and spilled Dutch party (holandska žurka) je žurka na
ink, Ann told her to drop dead. # Drop dead! I’ve koju svako donese hranu i piće. # Sally invited
no time to waste with you. her friends to come next Friday, and warned them
Drop/fall into someone’s lap znači pasti ne- it would be a Dutch party.
kome u krilo, ali i (figurativno) pasti nekome kao Dutch treat (holandsko čašćenje) je izlazak
kruška s grane, posrećiti se nekome („pala mu je gde svako plaća svoje. # Whenever we went out
sekira u med“). # He has no patience with people together it was always a Dutch treat because she
who don’t work and expect money to drop into knew I was still studying and didn’t have very
their laps. much money.
Early bird nije rana ptica, već (a): ranorani- Easy game ne znači jednostavna igra, već lak
lac, onaj koji ustaje rano, (b): onaj koji porani, plen, laka žrtva. # “She was easy game, or rich ma-
onaj koji (po)rano dođe i (c): prvi, prvodošav- terial, for satirists. She is said to have been a main-
ši. (a): He’s quite an early bird; he gets up at 6 stay for certain satirical novelists of the twenties”
o’clock every morning every day of the week. (W. Plomer, At Home). Isto značenje imaju i izrazi
(b): The early birds get the best seats. (c): Early easy mark/target i easy meat.
bird arrivals will be given a free cup of coffee. Easy on the eye nije lak na oko, već privlačan.
Earnest je ozbiljan, ali i iskren. She ignored # The new teacher was a pleasant surprise. All the
his earnest request for forgiveness. students thought she was easy on the eye.
Earn one’s combat stripes (zaraditi borbene Eat crow ne znači pojesti vranu4, već prizna-
širite) znači doživeti vatreno krštenje, omirisati ti grešku i izviniti se (američki kolokvijalizam). #
barut. # It’s time for him to enter actively the Well, it looks like I was wrong, and I’m going to
campaign, to taste battle and earn his combat have to eat crow.
stripes. Eat dirt ima sličan smisao: (a): priznati smer-
Earthworm nije nikakav zemljani crv (kako no grešku, odnosno pojesti govno (što i odgovara
se često prevodi), već kišna glista. doslovnom prevodu). Ali, to znači i (b): prihvatati
Ease je lakoća, ali i (a): olakšanje, (b): udob- uvrede i ponižavanja. (a): My brother had to eat
nost, (c): neusiljenost, ležernost i (d): opušta- dirt in front of everybody after he had been proved
nje. (a): The salve brought ease to the athlete’s wrong in an argument. (b): I am reluctant to say
aching body. (b): The retired couple lived a life that, but he has no backbone; he’s easily ready to
of ease. (c): The hostess greeted her guests with eat dirt.
ease. (d): We put Mary at her ease during the Eat humble pie (pojesti smernu pitu) ima ista
thunderstorm by reading her stories. ta dva značenja: (a): He said that he spoke French,
Easily je bez muke/napora, ali i (a): nesum- but when we met with some partners from France,
njivo, (b): vrlo verovatno, (c): moguće i (d): he had to eat humble pie. (b): Paul, stand up for
mirno, spokojno. (a): He is easily the schools’s your rights. You don’t have to eat humble pie.
best student. (b): It may easily rain. (c): He may Eat nails (for breakfast) (jesti eksere - za do-
easily change his mind. # He coud easily be right. ručak) znači (u žargonu) biti tvrd i opasan („nema
(d): „Yes“, he said easily. kod njega labavo“). # “He’s fired up,” Jeb Bush
Easy as (apple) pie – prosto kao pita (od jabu- said of his father in a comment typical of the emer-
ka) – je isto što i naše prosto kao pasulj. # Don’t ging we-can-lick-’em mood. “He eats nails for bre-
worry, I’ll teach you how to use the computer; it’s akfast.”
easy as pie. Isto značenje imaju i izrazi (as) easy as Eat one’s heart out5 (jesti sopstveno srce) zna-
duck soup, (as) easy as falling off a log i (as) easy či (kolokvijalno) (a): gristi se, jesti se kao mesec,
as shelling peas. izjedati se i (b): pojesti se od zavisti. (a): Ever since

Hari Truman, iako unapred prežaljen od svih najuticajnijih listova (među njima i Vašinton posta), ipak je na izbo-
rima 1948. tukao favorizovanog Tomasa Djuija. Kada se dan nakon izbora vratio u Vašington, na zgradi Vašington
posta visila je velika poruka koja je glasila: “Mr. President, we are ready to eat crow whenever you are ready to serve
it – Welcome home from crow-eaters.”
Komentar I. Klajna: Kao kuriozitet napominjem da se u filmovima ovaj idiom, u značenju (b), najčešće javlja u
imperativu, uz ime neke poznate ličnosti. Primera radi, neki muškarac se licka i elegantno oblači, pa gledajući se u
ogledalu zadovoljno kaže “Eat your heart out, George Clooney!”
Eat salt with someone 68 Engineer

her boyfriend walked out, the poor girl has been ea- End je kraj, ali i (a): ishod i (b): cilj, (c): kraj
ting her heart out. (b): She’ll eat her heart out when života, smrt, (d): ostatak i (e): deo (grada itd.). (a):
she learns about our engagement. (U filmovima se What will be the end of their constant feuding? (b):
ovaj idiom, u značenju pod (b), najčešće javlja u He used unscrupulous means to achieve his end.
imperativu, uz ime neke poznate ličnosti. Neki (c): He met an untimely end. (d): This end of cloth
muškarac se licka i elegantno oblači, pa gledaju- is enough for a dress. (e): The school is at the sou-
ći se u ogledalu zadovoljno kaže “Eat your heart th end of town. Kraj, svršetak je i ending (srećan
out, George Clooney!”) kraj se ne kaže happy end, već happy ending –
Eat salt with someone (jesti so sa nekim) znači the movie has a happy ending).
uživati nečije gostoprimstvo. # We ate salt with our End for end ne znači kraj za kraj, već naopač-
relatives in a little southern town during the war ke, naglavce, u obrnutom/naopakom položaju. #
Eat someone for breakfast (pojesti nekoga za The wind caught the canoe and turned it end for
doručak) znači (kolokvijalno) (a): srediti nekoga
načisto i (b): iskoristiti nekoga i odbaciti ga. (a): End of the ball game ne znači kraj igre s lop-
‘’But watch out for Jack Wales. Bags of money, tom, već (u žargonu) ono što bi u našem žargonu
bio kraj priče. # Well, the car broke down. I guess
about seven foot tall and a beautiful R.A.F. mou-
that’s the end of the ball game.
stache.’ I laughed. ‘I eat those types for breakfast’”
End of the line/road ne znači kraj konopca ili
(J. Braine, Room at the Top).
puta, već kraj svega, završena priča. # The doctor
Eat someone out of house and home znači po- was not able to treat the man’s disease but he didn’t
jesti nekome i crno ispod nokata. # Bill was eating want to tell that it was the end of the line.
his parents out of house and home until he began to End product je finalni proizvod, ali i krajnji
earn his own living. rezultat (kaže se i end result). # But a group of
Efface oneself ne znači izbrisati se, već držati pictures organized into a sequence is enormously
se neprimetno, biti manji od makova zrna. # Look more powerful than the same slides shown indivi-
at Fred - he has been effacing himself since the af- dually. The end product can express much more
fair blew up. than most of us can express with words.
Egghead nije jajasta glava, već je američki Enemy within (the gates) je neprijatelj unutar
posprdni izraz za intelektualca, knjišku osobu. # kapija, odnosno (figurativno) neprijatelj u sopstve-
The egg-heads aren’t exactly taking over the world. nim redovima, unutrašnji neprijatelj. # “Whene-
They live in ivory towers. ver Jenny had got to, there was not much left of that
Either feast or famine (ili gozba ili glad) znači elaborate structure of love and obligation which
ili previše ili premalo, ili suviše ili nedovoljno, ili the two of them had been struggling to assemble.
veoma dobro ili sasvim loše. # This month is very The enemy had been within the gates, he intoned”
dry, and last month it rained almost every day. Our (K. Amis, Take a Girl Like You). Enemy at the
weather is either feast or famine. gate(s) je neprijatelj pred vratima, neposredna
Elbow grease (podmazan lakat) znači poveća- pretnja/opasnost.
ni napor. # All this job needs is a little more elbow Engaged znači angažovan, ali i (a): veren (b):
grease. zauzet (obavezom, poslom) i (c): zauzet (toalet, te-
Elbow room (prostor za laktove) znači (a): do- lefon), (a): She was engaged to some guy in the
army. (b): I’d come to the meeting on Tuesday but
voljno prostora (za jelo, sedenje, kretanje itd.) i (b):
I’m afraid I’m otherwise engaged. (c): The sign
sloboda akcije, ideja itd. (a): The gallery was fitted on the toilet door said ‘Engaged’. # Every time I
with tiers of narrow wooden seats which afforded ring her, the phone number is engaged.
their occupants very little elbow room. (b): As an
independent school we have enough elbow room to Engagement jeste angažman, obaveza, ali i
try out new theories and methods of education. (a): veridba, (b): zaposlenje, (c): bitka i (d): dogo-
Eleventh-hour decision (odluka u jedanaest voreni sastanak. (a): The couple announced their
sati) znači isto što i naše odluka u pet do dvanaest engagement at the party. (b): The singer had a brief
(u poslednji čas). # The President’s eleventh-hour engagement at a New York night club. (c): The ge-
decision was made in a great hurry, but it turned neral won three engagemens with the enemy. (d):
out to be correct. Do you have a luncheon engagement?
Embrace je zagrliti, ali i (a): obuhvatiti, (b): Engineer znači inženjer (građevinski inženjer
prihvatiti, (c): iskoristiti i (d): okružiti. (a): The je civil engineer, mašinski inženjer je mechanical
study embraced all aspects of the housing pro- engineer, a elektroinženjer electrical engineer ),
blem. (b): Iceland embraced Christianity in about ali i (a): mašinovođa (u američkom engleskom; u
the year 1000. (c): He embraced the opportunity to britanskom engleskom je engine driver), (b): maj-
sneak out of the boring party. (d): Britain is an isle stor (u britanskom engleskom), (c): inženjerac (u
embraced by the sea. vojsci) i (d): skovati plan. (a): An engineer is also
Enough to make a saint swear 69 Every so often

a person whose job is to drive railroad trains. zam koji znači ostati zdrav i čitav, proći bez ijed-
(b): The engineer is coming to repair our pho- ne polomljene kosti. (The lower limbs su noge.)
ne tomorrow morning. (c): John is an engineer, # Tom broke his leg in a car accident and Mary
a member of a military engineering unit trained escaped with life and limb. Escape with one’s life
in the construction and demolition of bridges, ro- znači jedva izvući živu glavu. # It was a head-on
ads, airfields, etc. (d): He engineered the water collision and we should be happy that we escaped
supply project. (e): Left-wing groups engineered with our lives.
a coup against the military government. Even-handed ne znači jednakih ruku, već ne-
Enough to make a saint swear (dovoljno da i pristrasan. # As for Moscow, the question is whet-
svetac opsuje) znači dovoljno da i najstrpljivijem her it has intervened as an even-handed peacema-
prekipi, dovoljno da i najmirnijeg razgnevi. # I tri- ker or as a partisan of one of the warring factions.
ed to talk to him sensibly and reasonably, but his Vidi Without fear or favor.
rudeness was enough to make a saint swear. Isto Even-steven (doslovno neprevodivo) je ame-
značenje ima i enough to try the patience of a sa- rički kolokvijalizam sa dva značenja (a): izravnati
int/Job (dovoljno da iskuša strpljenje sveca/Jova). račune, biti kvit i (b): jednako podeljeno, pode-
Enough to make the angels weep (dovoljno ljeno na ravne časti. (a): Fred hit Jim; then Jim
da natera anđele da zaplaču) znači dovoljno da hit Fred. Now they are even-steven. (b): He made
izgubiš svaku nadu, dovoljno da ti zagorča život. # two piles of diamonds even-steven and let me cho-
For several years the government has continuously ose which one I wanted. Nešto drugačije napisa-
reduced the amount of money spent on education. no: even(s) Stephen(s) je britanski kolokvijalizam
Now they complain that teachers are not doing the- koji znači šanse su podjednake. # The two leading
ir jobs properly - it is enough to make the angels competitors have an equal number of points - it’s
weep. evens Stephens, and the final stages of the compe-
Enter/come into the picture nema veze sa sli- tition this afternoon should be very exciting.
kom, već znači biti od značaja, imati veze, ticati se. Eventually ne znači eventualno (kaže se po-
# His work has recently been very bad, and if it gets ssibly), već konačno, na kraju, pre ili kasnije, s
any worse we can’t afford to pay his wages - the vremenom. # The house will have to be repainted
fact that he’s having troubles at home doesn’t enter eventually. # He will understand eventually. # Al-
into the picture at all. # I don’t think you come into though she had been ill for a long time, it still
the picture at all, Fred. The matter doesn’t concern came as a shock when she eventually died. # It
you at least. might take him ages but he’ll do it eventually.
Enterprise ne znači samo preduzeće, već i (a): Every/any Tom, Dick, and Harry, Tom, Dick
poduhvat (smeo, rizičan), (b): preduzimljivost, or Harry (svaki/bilo koji Tom, Dik i Hari) znači
(c): preduzetništvo. (a): The firm’s latest enterprise (baš) svi i svako, svako bez razlike, svaka šuša,
will require an enlarged staff and a significant loan. bilo ko. # It’s not easy to become a member of that
(b): The manager was pleased with the salesman’s club - they want people who have plenty of money
enterprise. (c): Management leaders representing to spend, not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry. #
the world’s democratic countries agreed that free Any Tom, Dick or Harry can work as a guide and
enterprise, not government control, is the key to give not only wrong information, but cause further
better times. chaos by not knowing his way about.
Entertain ne znači samo zabavljati , već i (a): Every inch (svaki inč) znači u svakom po-
primati goste, ugostiti, (b): prihvatiti, podržavati, gledu, potpuno, od glave do pete. # She is every
(c): gajiti i (d): razmotriti. (a): Diplomats entertain inch the lady. # He’s every inch a bureaucrat.
often. (b): We simply cannot entertain such outra- Every man for himself nije svaki čovek za
geous propositions. (c): Come down to earth and sebe, već znači spasavaj se ko može. # The far-
don’t entertain any illusions about making money mers, the signalmen, the refinery workers, the
on that lousy deal. (d): He did entertain the idea of surgeons are united only in their instinct that it’s
an overseas post at one time, but decided the risks every man for himself.
were too great. Every man Jack/jack (of us/you/them) ne
znači da je svaki čovek Džek, već svi do posled-
Entitle nije samo dati naslov, već i dati pravo.
njeg, sve i jedan (od nas/vas/njih). # Every man
# This coupon entitles you to a free dance lesson. jack of you must do his duty. Slično značenje ima
Equal of someone nije samo ravan kome, već i izraz every mother’s son (of you/them): sva-
i pandan/ekvivalent nekome. # The French mini- ki od vas, majčini sinovi. # I want to see every
ster of Foreign Affairs is the equal of the American mother’s son of you here on time tomorrow.
Secretary of State. Every so often nije svaki tako često, već s
Escape with life and limb ne znači umaći sa vremena na vreme. # Dave comes to visit me
životom i udovima, već je to britanski kolokvijali- every so often.
Everything but the kitchen sink 70 Eyes-only, for your eyes only

Everything but the kitchen sink (sve sem She is expecting ne znači ona očekuje, već čeka
kuhinjske sudopere) znači (šaljivo) sve što ti bebu, u drugom je stanju. # Oh, I didn’t know she
može pasti na pamet, sve i svašta, trista čuda. # was expecting.
Tom orders everything but the kitchen sink when Explore every avenue, leave no avenue
he goes out to dinner, especially if someone else unexplored ne znači istražiti svaku aveniju, već
is paying for it. istražiti sve mogućnosti, ne ostaviti nijednu mo-
Everything from soup to nuts (sve od supe gućnost neispitanu. # We have to explore every
do oraha) je isto što i naše od igle do lokomotive, avenue to find some solution. # “Let the public
sve moguće. # You can find in that store everyt- be assured,” the speaker continued, “that we will
hing from soup to nuts. leave no avenue unexplored in our efforts to keep
Everything in the garden is lovely. (Sve u vrtu down the cost of living.”
je lepo.) znači Sve je da bolje biti ne može., Sve je
Extend one’s sympathy (to someone) ne znači
u najboljem redu. # - How do you like your new
job? - Everything in the garden is lovely. pokazati simpatiju prema nekome, već izraziti svo-
je saosećanje sa kim, izraziti saučešće. # Although
Everything is going/coming one’s way (sve
we were not on speaking terms, our neighbors were
ide/dolazi nečijim putem/na nečiji način) znači
sve ide naruku nekome. # The public took a fancy among the first to extend their sympathy when they
to him in that television series last year and now heard of the death of poor John.
everything seems to be coming his way with offers Extenuating circumstances nisu samo olak-
of work from all over the place. šavajuće okolnosti, već i posebne/izvanredne
Evidence nije evidencija (to se kaže files ili re- okolnosti. # Due to extenuating circumstances, the
cords), već dokaz. # The suspect’s fingerprints on teacher will not meet class today.
the gun were the main evidence against him. # Her Extravagant je ekstravagantan, nastran,
smile was evidence of her happiness. U skladu sa kao izvedeno značenje, a osnovna značenja su
tim, provide/assemble/collect/amass evidence ne (a): rasipnički i (b): neumeren, nerealističan.
znači pribaviti/prikupiti evidenciju, već pribaviti/ (a): That was very extravagant of you to buy
prikupiti dokaze. # “And he has also helped law- strawberries out of season. (b): The product
enforcement officials assemble evidence against does not live up to the extravagant claims of the
Kevin Poulsen, a Silicon Valey programmer...” advertisers.
(T. Shimomura, Take-Down).
Eyeball to eyeball (očna jabučica prema očnoj
Except for someone/something ne znači samo jabučici) znači oči u oči . # They were sitting eye-
izuzev/osim/sem nekoga/nečega već i da nije bilo ball to eyeball at the table and I didn’t want to in-
nekoga/nečega. # Except for my children, I would terrupt their lively conversation.
have left you years ago.
Eye-opener (otvarač za oči) je (a): pravo
Exchange words ne znači razmeniti reči, već
prepirati se. # Come on home, Donald! It’s ridi- otkriće za nekoga (u smislu otvoriti nekome oči)
culous to waste your time exchanging words with i (b): piće da se neko rasani. (a): Her confession
such an ignorant hypocrite! Isto značenje ima i was a real eye-opener. (b): He knocked back a
have words. # I had words with my girlfriend last quick eye-opener and finished dressing.
night. She says she never wants to see me again. Eyes-only, for your eyes only znači strogo
Excuse oneself ne znači samo izviniti se za što, poverljivo. # We are in the midst of a maximum-
već i zamoliti za dopuštenje da se ode. # The com- classified, eyes-only, top-secret, black-drape, need-
mittee meeting lasted so long that Mr. Jones excu- to-know basis operation» (R. Ludlum, The Road
sed himself to keep an appointment. to Omaha).
Fabric nije fabrika, već (a): tkanina, (b): hair, unlike her darker sisters. (b): He has a fair
struktura i (c): građa, tkivo. (a): Wash this fa- skin which is very sensitive. (c): He is a godd
bric in cold water. (b): The fabric of the nation filder, but only a fair hitter. (d): The old song was
is weakened when its citizens mistrust the gover- about a fair maiden and her suitors. (e): This is a
nment. (c): The fabric of the roof is affected. fair amount of money. (f): The day is warm and
His face fell ne znači lice mu je palo, već the sky is fair. (g): The book fair wil be organi-
izgledao je razočarano/potišteno/obeshrabreno, sed in October. (h): A church fair and the sale of
obesio je nos. # When he heard that his bitter goods for the benfit of a charity will include some
enemy was appointed chairman, his face fell. entertainment.
Face the music ne znači suočiti se sa muzi- Fair copy svakako nije fer kopija, već prepis
kom, već dobiti po zasluzi , dobiti po prstima za načisto, čista kopija. # That’s it, Miss Graves.
učinjeno, suočiti se sa posledicama nečega. # Make a fair copy, please.
Jack was caught cheating in an examination and Fair, fat and forty ima malo veze sa doslovnim
had to face the music. značenjem, već je to kolokvijalni izraz koji znači
Facts of life nisu tek bilo koje činjenice o ži- žena na zalasku mladosti, žena ranih srednjih
votu, već (a): činjenice o seksu (naročito kad se godina. # Marion is fair, fat and forty, but she has
objašnjavaju deci) i (b): životne realnosti, istine such a sunny nature that no one notices her age
koje se moraju prihvatiti makar kako bile ne- Fair game nije fer igra, već idealna/laka meta.
prijatne. (a): Doctors and teachers still discuss # The corrupt Police Chief will be fair game for
at what age children should be told the facts of the media.
life. (b): Bob couldn’t accept the facts of life in Fair-haired boy nije samo plavokosi dečak,
business, so he quits. već (u američkom kolokvijalizmu) znači miljenik,
Faculty jeste fakultet (na britanskom engle- ljubimac, mezimac. # Bob is the boss’s fair-haired
skom), ali znači i (a): (u američkom engleskom) boy now, but he’ll be just like the rest of us in a
nastavno osoblje, profesorski kolegijum (i uni- month.
verzitetski profesor), (b): sposobnost, moć, (c): Fair hands nisu fer ili svetle ruke, već znači
nadarenost, (d): spretnost, (e): pripadnici viso- lično, sam, bez pomoći sa strane (with/by one’s/
koobrazovane profesije (osobito lekarske) i (f): someone’s (own) fair hands - sopstvenim ruka-
(u množini) mentalne sposobnosti, razbor. (a): ma). # - Did you bake those cakes yourself? - Yes,
He joined the faculty of Columbia University. with my own fair hands.
# All the faculty members were against her ap- Fair-weather friend nije prijatelj za lepo vre-
pointment an assistant professor. (b): The stroke me, već prijatelj samo u dobru. # Don’t count too
deprived him of the faculty of speech. (c): Our much on Jim - he’s a fair-weather friend who’ll
daughter has a faculty for languages. (d): He has leave you the very moment you are not influential
a faculty for putting people at ease. (e): Members any more.
of the medical faculty are as one man against the Faithful hound nije samo veran ker, već i (fi-
new legislation. (f): The old shepherd at age 95 gurativno) veran drug/saputnik. # “Carter patted
still enjoys the full possession of his faculties. his tobacco-pouch as though it were a dog’s head.
Fair nije samo fair, već i (a): plav, plavokos, ‘My faithful hound shall bear me company’” (G.
(b): beloput, (c): osrednji, snošljiv, (d): privla- Greene, Our Man in Havana).
čan, lep (fair sex je lepši pol), (e): znatan, (f): Fall between two stools ne znači pasti između
vedar, (g): sajam i (h): bazar. (a): She has fair dve hoklice, već ne uspeti (zbog nastojanja da se
Fall/drop by the wayside 72 Fast track

ostvare istovremeno dva cilja). # The writer wan- correlates only to a slight extent with ‘good taste’”
ted to write a funny book that was also a serious (H. J. Eysenck, Sense and Nonsense in Psycholo-
study of modern life. Unfortunately, he has fallen gy).
between two stools. False dawn nije lažno svitanje, već varljivi zra-
Fall/drop by the wayside ne znači pasti usput, čak nade. # The following year he was appointed
već odustati pre kraja („ispasti na prvoj krivini“). conductor of the reconstituted Royal Opera House
# Bill dropped by the wayside and didn’t finish co- at Covent Garden. Alas, it proved a false dawn and
llege. for over 20 years he suffered almost total neglect.
Fall down on the job ne znači srušiti se na Familiar ne znači porodičan, već (a): poznat,
poslu, već podbaciti u poslu, omanuti u nečemu. (b): dobro upoznat sa nečim, upućen u nešto,
# In all frankness, your son completely fell down (c): prisan, neusiljen i (d): drug, prijatelj. (a):
on the job. Your excuse sounds familiar. Have you done this
Fall flat as a pancake ne znači spljoštiti se before? (b): Are you familiar with the procedu-
kao palačinka, već ostati bez ikakvog efekta. # res? (c): After a good dinner, we all loosened up
He couldn’t wait to tell the joke he had heard at and became quite familiar. (d): Not even his fa-
the game, but it fell flat as a pancake - nobody la- miliars knew of his marriage.
ughed. Fan the breeze (pod Shoot/fan the breeze).
Fall flat (on one’s face) znači pasti ničice, pro- Far cry from something nema veze sa dalekim
streti se, ali i potpuno omanuti, nemati uspeha. # krikom, već znači (a): nešto sasvim drugo, veoma
He cracked a joke but it fell flat because nobody različito od nečega drugog i (b): ni izdaleka, ni
understood it. # The play fell flat on its face. blizu onome („ne može se sa tim uporediti“). (a): #
Fall into line ne znači samo postrojiti se, po- His last statement was a far cry from his first story.
ravnati se, već i (a): leći na rudu, pokoriti se i (b): (b): Prices today seem a far cry from those of ten
usaglasiti se, doći na istu liniju (sa nekim). (a): years ago.
The players who had broken training rules fell into Far gone ne znači da je daleko otišao, već da je
line when the coach warned them that they wo- (a): dotrajao, propao i (b): nakresan, dosta pripit,
uld be put off the team. (b): That will be all right. (c): otkačen, pošandrcao (u žargonu) i (d): na sa-
They’ve fallen into line with us. mrti. (a): This table is pretty far gone. We will have
Fall off one’s chair (he almost/nearly fell off to buy a new one. (b): He was rather far gone when
his chair) nije samo pasti sa stolice, već i zabeze- he came to the party, so by now he must be totally
knuti se („samo što nije pao sa stolice od iznena- drunk. (c): Wow, that chick is far gone. Listen to
đenja“). # He almost fell off his chair when he was her rave. (d): I’m afraid our uncle is far gone.
told they were married. Fast and furious nije brz i besan, već (a):
Fall off the back of a lorry ne znači ispasti iz žustro, žestoko, velikom žestinom/brzinom i (b):
kamiona, već je to britanski (često šaljivi) kolo- iznenadno i masovno, kao lavina. (a): When I last
kvijalizam koji znači biti smotan/ukraden (krade- saw him he was driving fast and furious down to
na roba). # These watches were so cheap I think street. (b): When they opened the new shop they
they fell off the back of a lorry. U američkom en- were at first discouraged by the small number of
gleskom se kaže fall off a truck. # This regrigera- people who came. However, later in the morning
the customers came fast and furious.
tor fell off a truck.
Fast lane nije samo brza traka na autoputu,
Fall on stony ground ne znači samo pasti na
već i (a): neumeren i (b): usmeren na uspeh. (a):
kamenito tlo, već i (figurativno) biti ignorisano,
By living in such a dissipated, fast line way you’re
ne naići na odziv. # I told her not to come home
just heading for disaster. (b): He leads a kind of
late again, but my words fell on stony ground. She
a fast lane life, all career-making and success-ori-
came back at dawn.
Fall off the wagon ne znači pasti sa/iz vago-
na, već (kolokvijalno) propiti se ponovo, vratiti se Fast track takođe nije samo brza traka na au-
piću. # Poor Joe has fallen off the wagon again. toputu, već i (a): mesto koje daje šanse za brzo
napredovanje, odskočna daska za brzometnu ka-
Fall out of bed ne znači samo pasti s kreveta,
već (u američkom kolokvijalizmu) (a): poslovno rijeru, (b): građenje na brzu ruku i (c): koji je za
brži put (fast-track). (a): Take this post; it’s not
propasti i (b): naglo/dramatično pasti. (a): “But lavishly paid but it’s a fast track offering rapid
if Seaco fell out of bed, or the bond market crac- advancement. (b): It’s sort of a fast track building
ked...” (M. Thomas, Someone Else’s Money) (b): - the construction began even before plans and de-
The temperature really fell out of bed last night! It signs were completed. (c): Here in one room was
was 23 below! gathered the full range of Russia’s unruly political
Fall to the ground nije samo pasti na pod/tlo, mix. There were fast-track reformers and their go-
već i izjaloviti se, propasti, pasti u vodu. # “This slow critics; there were close advisers to Yeltsin,
hypothesis falls to the ground because intelligence along with anti-Yeltsinites and lapse Yeltsinites.
Fast woman 73 Fight tooth and nail

Fast woman nije brza žena, već (u žargonu) this morning. Feel like doing something znači (a):
laka ženska. # Well, he’s often seen in company poželeti učiniti nešto i (b): osećati se dovoljno do-
of fast women. bro da se nešto učini. (a): “He felt like getting out
Fast worker nije radnik koji brzo radi, već and lying down under the nearest shade tree” (L.
(kolokvijalno) spretan sa ženama, zavodnik, don- McMurtry, Texasville). (b): I believe I’m getting
žuan. # “I don’t like the idea of Anne going out well. I feel like getting out of bed.
with a fellow twelve years older than herself,” said Feel off color (pod Off color).
her father. “Particularly when he’s already got the Feel one’s feet/legs (pod Find/feel one’s feet/
reputation of being a pretty fast worker.” legs).
Fat cats nisu debele mačke, već parajlije (koji Feel sympathy for someone ne znači osećati
finansiraju političke kampanje), magnati, ljudi sa simpatiju prema nekome, već saosećati sa nekim.
dubljim džepom i velikim uticajem (u američkom # He felt tremendous sympathy for the war or-
žargonu). # They say that Mr. Bush would be sure phans.
to lose a tax-cut fight with the Democratic Congre- Few and far between svakako ne znači malo
ss and that in the process the portrayal of the Presi- i daleko između, već redak, malobrojan, prava
dent as the patron of fat cats will be enhanced. # I retkost („retko se nađe“). # Get some gasoline
like to watch the fat cats go by in their beemers. now. Service stations on this highway are few
Fat chance nije debela šansa, već, naprotiv (u and far between.
američkom žargonu) (a): mali izgledi, tanka šan- Field day nije dan polja ili igrališta, već ve-
sa i (b): Sve se plašim!, Malo sutra! (a): Sally is liki dan, dan pun uzbuđenja i uživanja. # The
pretty and popular; you will have a fat chance of children had a field day whenever my brother
getting a date with her. (b): - We’ll beat your team came to visit us - he would play with them for
all hollow tomorrow. - Fat chance! hours.
Fat target (debela meta) znači laka/pogodna Fifth wheel je peti točak (na kolima) i znači
meta (u američkom žargonu). # And so, given a fat (kao i u srpskom), neko ko je suvišan/nepotre-
target, Mr. Clinton devoted a good 10 minutes to ban, levo smetalo. # I feel like such a fifth wheel
knocking Mr. Bush around on health care. around here. # Fred is just a fifth wheel. Send
Feather in one’s cap (pero na nečijoj kapi) je him home.
nešto što služi nekome na čast, nešto čime se neko Fight nije samo borba ili bitka, već i (a): (vrlo
može podičiti. # It was a real feather in his cap when često) svađa, (b): energija, borbenost i (c): nad-
he was made head of the physics department. metanje, meč. (a): She had an awful fight with a
Feather one’s nest znači urediti svoje gnezdo garbage collector. (b): The former mayor always
ali i (figurativno) opremiti i namestiti stan/kuću i had a plenty of fight. (c): A fight was arranged
(b): izvući korist za sebe, svršiti sebi posao, ko- between the champion and the challenger.
ristiti se položajem/uticajem. (a): It costs a great Fighting chance nije borbena, već dobra šan-
deal of money to feather one’s nest these days. (b): sa. # Fred is very ill, but he still has a fighting chan-
The building contractor used a lot of public money ce of pulling through.
to feather his nest. Fight one’s corner (braniti svoj ćošak) znači
Feed the fishes ne znači hraniti ribe, već (a) žestoko se boriti za sopstvene interese, braniti čvr-
utopiti se, udaviti se ili (b) dobiti morsku bolest sto svoje interese. # It’s only natural that he fights
(u britanskom kolokvijalizmu). (a): Water poured his corner. Other people are important, but one sho-
through a leak in the ship’s bull and we were in a uld look for himself.
real danger to feed the fishes. (b): As soon as the Fight shy ne znači plašljivo se boriti, već držati
ship left the dock I began feeding the fishes. se podalje, držati se po strani, izbegavati. # For ye-
Feel for nije samo saosećati, već i potražiti pi- ars he had fought shy of taking part actively in po-
panjem, tražiti pažljivo. He had to feel for the light litical life, but he changed his mind when the police
switch in the dark. # He went into her bag to feel cracked down on student demonstrations.
for the keys. Fight the good fight ne znači dobro se boriti,
Feel free! ne znači Osećajte se slobodno! već već (a) nastojati da se život proživi u skladu sa
(blizu doslovnom značenju) Samo izvol’te!, Kako pravilima i zahtevima vere, (b) boriti se uporno
god želite!, Nemojte se ustručavati (da uradite ne- za svoja ubeđenja, voditi čitavog života bitku za
što). # - Do you mind if I smoke? - Feel free! # principe. (a): “I have fought a good fight, I have
If you see something you want in the refrigerator, finished my course, I have kept the faith.’ (The Bi-
please feel free. ble, II Timothy 4:7) (b): Senator George Norris of
Feel like ne znači osećati se kao, već poželeti Nebrasca said: “I have fought the good fight with
(I feel like znači rado bih, prohtelo mi se). # Does all that was in me. Now there is no strength left.”
anybody feel like a game of poker? # I feel like a Fight tooth and nail ne znači boriti se zubom
nice cool drink. # I just don’t feel like pancakes i noktom, već bespoštedno se boriti. # They fo-
Fight to the knife 74 First floor

ught tooth and nail against this legislation. Are $10,000. Isto tako, find for the defendant/plain-
they going to make sudden about-face now? tiff znači doneti odluku u korist tuženog/tužioca.
Fight to the knife nije daleko od doslovnog # After a long deliberation, the jury found for the
značenja: boriti se na krv i nož. # They were fi- defendant. # I’d not be surprised if the jury find for
ghting to the knife, wading in blood. Slično je i the plaintiff. Find someone innocent/guilty znači
sa izrazom fight to the last ditch (boriti se do proglasiti nekoga nevinim/krivim. # The jury fo-
poslednjeg jarka): boriti se do poslednjeg daha. und the defendant innocent. # She was found guilty
# The situation was desperate, but the soldiers of shoplifting.
decided to fight to the last ditch. Izrazi fight to Find/feel one’s feet/legs ne znači naći/osetiti
the last drop of blood i fight to the last man svoja stopala ili noge, već (a): prohodati i (b):
odgovaraju doslovnom prevodu. steći samopouzdanje, pronaći sebe, otkriti i isko-
File znači dosije, ali i (a): fascikla, (b): red, ristiti svoje mogućnosti. (a): Bobby found his legs
kolona i (c): turpija. (a): A file is a receptacle and took first steps. (b): “It was good experience
that keeps loose objects esp. papers, in useful or- for her, for it enabled her to find her feet in the new
der. (b): A file of customers was waiting when country and to learn a little of its ways” (N. Shute,
the store opened. (c): Taper, round and flat files Requiem for a Wren).
are used in smoothing, polishing, grinding down, Find one’s tongue ne znači naći svoj jezik, već
or boring. najzad progovoriti, biti u stanju nešto reći („razve-
Filled to capacity (pun do kapaciteta) znači zao mu se jezik“). # The question surprised him,
dupke pun, ispunjen do poslednjeg mesta. # In- and it was a minute before he found his tongue.
terest was so great that the big auditorium was fi- Find one’s way (around) nije samo naći put,
lled to capacity. Isto značenje imaju i izrazi filled već i (a): snalaziti se, ne izgubiti se, i (b): naći
to bursting (pun do prskanja) i filled to the gills izlaz/rešenje. (a): I know the area well enough to
(pun do škrga). # “As luck would have it, on the find my way. (b): That’s dilemma that all of the
same day that Marshall summoned the President, Eastern European governments are desperately
James Wilkinson arrived at the Golden Eagle trying to find their way around.
which was crowded to bursting. (G. Vidal, Burr) Find someone innocent/guilty (pod Find
# “His big Victorian house in Cleveland Park was against the defendant).
constantly filled to the gills with politicians, lobbyi- It’s a fine/pretty kettle of fish! ne znači To je
sts, aides of all species, committee persons, agency lep kotlić ribe, već Eto ti belaja! Samo nam je
persons, journalists, and lawyers” (L. McMurtry, to trebalo! # This a fine kettle of fish! It’s below
Cadillac Jack). freezing outside, and the furnace won’t work. #
Fill in the blanks. ne znači samo Popuni pra- When Queen Mary learned that her son, Edward
zne rubrike, već i Ostalo možeš pogoditi sam. VIII, was faced with the choice of giving up Mrs.
# - What happened at Bill’s house last night? - Simpson or of abdicating, she exclaimed, “This is a
There was a big fight, then the neighbors called pretty kettle of fish!”
the police. - Than what happened? - Fill in the Fine print (pod Small/fine print).
blanks. What do you think? Fine time je ironičan izraz da označi da je nešto
Fill the bill, fit the bill ne znači napuniti ra- učinjeno ili rečeno u nevreme: baš pravi trenutak!
čun, kao što ni fit the bill ne znači podesiti račun, („baš si našao kad ćeš to da kažeš, uradiš itd.“). #
već odgovarati u potpunosti, zadovoljiti svrhu. # I I’m not going to let you drive home with all that
thought I would need a special tool, but this wrench whisky inside you. A fine time to lose your license
fills the bill. this would be, just when you’ve got a job that de-
Fill the breach ne znači popuniti brešu ili pro- pends on your having a car.
dor, već preuzeti ulogu/aktivnost kad niko drugi Fire-eater je gutač vatre, ali i prznica, džandr-
neće ili ne može, uskočiti na vreme. # Just before ljivko. # What a fire-eater you are, Bill - you aren’t
we were going to perform the play, one of our main happy unless you are fighting with someone, are
actors fell ill. Luckily another actor knew the part you?
and filled the breach. First cousin (prvi rođak) je (a): brat/sestra od
Find a better hole (naći bolju rupu) znači naći strica/ujaka/tetke i (b): vrlo sličan, najsličniji.
nešto bolje. # You learned to examine your craft (a): Jim’s only first cousin was Fred, the son of his
because you had to tell other writers what needed Uncle George. (b): Did that teak chest come from
changing and what wouldn’t work. I couldn’t have Burma. We have one at home that’s first cousin to
found a better hole. it.
Find against the defendant ne znači naći First floor na američkom engleskom ne znači
nešto protiv optuženog/branjenika, već odlučiti prvi sprat, već prizemlje, što će reći da je second
da je tuženi/branjenik kriv. # We find against the floor za Amerikance ono što je kod nas i Engleza
defendant and order him to pay costs in the sum of prvi sprat. # Apartment, room and office num-
First-night nerves 75 Flip-flop

bers in the USA are normally arranged so that the took a fix in his life. (l): I really got myself into a
100s are on the ground floor (which in the USA is fix. I owe a lot of money on my taxes.
called the “first floor”), the 200s on the first floor Flannel jeste flanel (i rublje od flanela), ali i
(the “second floor”), and so on. (a): frotirski peškirić (na britanskom engleskom –
First-night nerves nisu živci prve noći, već tre- što je na američkom washcloth), (b): pantalone (u
ma pred (prvi) nastup. # Winston Churchill often američkom engleskom – u množini) i (c): evazivan
suffered from first-night nerves on the eve of an govor (u britanskom engleskom). (a): A flannel is
important debate in the House of Commons. a small cloth used to wash the body, especially
First order of business (prvi poslovni nalog) the face and hands. (b): He chose cheap, slightly
znači prvo što treba uraditi, prvo na dnevnom hairy square jackets with gray flannels rather in
redu. # “The first order of business is to elect ho- the style of postwar jazz bands. (c): Leave out the
meroom officers” (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). flannel and answer the question!
First string nije prva struna/žica, već (a): prva Flash in the pan nije blesak u tiganju, već tre-
postava, prvi tim, A tim, (b): najbolja grupa rad- nutni uspeh, prolazna slava. # Fred’s book was a
nika i (c): (kao pridev) prvoklasan, najistaknu- great success, but he hasn’t written one since; I’m
tiji, prvi. (a): “When Graham played halfback at afraid it was just a flash in the pan.
U.S.C. he never made first string” (M. Crighton, Flat je ravan, pljosnat, ali i (a): stan (u bri-
Rising Sun). (b): Dave learned his trade so well tanskom engleskom - u američkom engleskom je
that his boss soon called him one of his first strings. apartment), (b): probušena guma, gumidefekt i
(c): He was the least expensive of the city’s first- (c): ispražnjen (akumulator). (a): They have a ho-
string lawyers. use in the country and a flat in London. (b): We
Fit as a fiddle/flea ne znači prikladan kao vio- were late because we had to stop and fix a flat.
lina ili spreman kao buva, već zdrav kao dren. # (c): I left my car lights on all night and now the
My uncle is almost 90 years old but fit as a fiddle. # battery is flat.
John used to be fit as a flea. Look at him now! Flatfoot je dustabanlija, ali flatfoot je i pozor-
Fit like a glove (podesan kao rukavica) zna- nik, patroldžija (Think about how the flatfoot on
či (a): taman, odgovarajuće veličine i (b): dobro the beat is affected by this cold.).
pristajati/stajati nekome. (a): It was clever of you Flat-footed je ravnih tabana, ali i (a): direk-
to guess my size correctly - the new coat that you tan, odlučan i (b): zatečen, iznenađen. (a): The
bought me fits like a glove. (b): You’d better take Senator issued a flat-footed denial of the accusa-
this dress. It fits you like a glove. tions. (b): The teacher’s question caught him flat-
Fit to be tied ne znači spreman da bude vezan, footed
već ljut kao ris, van sebe od besa. # Ann was fit to Flea bite je ujed buve, ali i (a): malenkost,
be tied when she found out that she was not invited sitnica, trica i (b): sitna para. (a): Don’t men-
to the party. tion it. It’s a mere flea bite for me. (b): He was
Fit to bust/burst ne znači gotov da se razbi- fined 500 pounds, but that was only a flea bite for
je/da pukne, već mnogo, jako. # And there was a a man of his wealth.
flashy little man, reclining in a bat, singing fit to Flex one’s muscles ne znači samo napinjati
bust. # Uncle Willie was laughing fit to burst at the mišiće, već i oprobati se na nečemu, pripremati
surprised look on Mother’s face. se za značajnije poduhvate. # The first sign that
Fit to drop (pod Ready/fit to drop). Russia was flexing its muscles as a Sea Power
Fit to kill ne znači spreman da ubije, već dote- came in 1961 when Soviet warships carried out
ran kao za paradu. # Sally put on her best clothes exercises in the Norwegian Sea.
and looked fit to kill. Fling oneself at someone’s head (pod
Fix ne znači samo fiksirati, već i (a): pričvr- Throw/fling oneself at someone’s head).
stiti, (b): odrediti, (c): popraviti, (d): stvrdnuti Fling to the wind(s) (pod Throw/fling/hurl
(se), (e): pripremiti (hranu, piće), (f): utvrditi, (g): to the winds).
ukrutiti, (h): lažirati, (i): uškopiti, kastrirati, (j): Flip-flop je lepet platna na vetru, ali i (a): salto
vratiti milo za drago, (k): mito i (l): škripac. (a): unazad, (b): (napraviti) potpun zaokret, sasvim
The workmen fixed the antenna to the roof of the promeniti mišljenje (u politici – kaže se i about-
house. (b): The dealer fixed the price at $50. (c): face i U-turn, a u britanskom engleskom about-
You’d better call someone to fix that leak. (d): Is turn), (c): odustati od namere, promeniti odluku,
something added to fix the cement? (e): What time (d): međusobno zameniti, razmeniti mesta i (e):
are you going to fix dinner? (f): We have to fix the japanke, sandale sa kajišem između prstiju (u
date of the wedding. (g): His jaw was fixed. (h): množini). (a): One was also extremely athletic,
After a while it became obvious that the game was doing flip-flops across the stage. (b): The Pre-
fixed. (i): Get somebody to fix your cat. (j): If he sident denied making a flip-flop. He said that he
tries that again I’ll really fix him. (k): Rocko never simply forgot his earlier position. (c): I’m sorry I’m
Flirt 76 Focal point

flip-flopping on this matter. I just can’t seem to de- ne vidiš”), (b): mućkaroš, mućkaroška kompanija
cide. (d): The football coach had one play in which i (c): onaj koji pobegne iz hotela ne plativši račun.
he flip-flopped his left halfback and fullback. (e): (a): Drugs made by this fly-by-night company have
All the girls wore rubber sandals consisting of a not been properly tested and should not be taken by
sole and a strap fixed between the toes, which they anyone. (b): A dependable company honors its gu-
call flip-flops. aranties, but a fly-by-night only wants your money.
Flirt nije samo flert, flertovati, već i (a): na- (c): Hotels are bothered by fly-by-nights.
miguša, (b): trzaj, trgnuti i (c): poigravati se. Fly high znači visoko leteti, ali i (a): (figurativ-
(a): He stopped going with her when she turned no) uzleteti visoko, daleko dogurati i (b): biti (pre)
out to be a flirt. (b): The bird flirted its tail. (c): ambiciozan. U skladu sa tim, high-flyer je čovek
Uncle Ted flirted with the idea of opening a bo- u usponu, odnosno ambiciozna osoba. (a): After
okstore. having made the acquaintance of the influential po-
Flog a dead horse (šibati lipsala konja) znači litician, he began to fly high. # Though he came
raditi uzaludan posao, vaskrsavati mrtvaca. # It from a poor family he’s become a high-flier when
is useless repeating the same old argument over he got to know his rich friends at college. (b): We
and over again. You’re simply flogging a dead must all, even nations, learn not to fly too high; or,
horse. come to that, too fast. Flying high znači (u žargo-
Flog something to death (pod Do something nu) razdragan, koji sija od sreće. # Tom was flying
to death). high after his team won the game.
Floor znači pod, ali i (a): sprat, (b): publika, Flying start je leteći start, ali i početna pred-
(c): reč (u raspravi), (d): minimalna dozvoljena nost, dobar zalet. # Our team got off to a flying
cena ili nadnica i (d): baciti na pod. (a): My apar- start this year by winning all their first four matches
tment is on the 5th floor. (b): The speaker conclu- (vidi running start).
ded his talk by calling for questions from the floor. Flying visit nije leteća, već kratka usputna po-
(c): He asked the chairman for the floor. # The seta. # We’re only passing through, but we’d like
gentleman from Minesota has the floor. (d): The to pay you a flying visit, if we may.
government has put the floor under certain farm Fly in the face/teeth (leteti u lice/zube) znači
prices. (e): The challenger was floored with a solid prkositi, ignorisati, ići uz nos. # Jim finds great
right hook. pleasure in flying in the face of his father. # You
Flush nije samo ispiranje (u toaletu), već i (a): cannot fly in the teeth of accepted business behavi-
mlaz vode, (b): rumenilo (lica, kože), (c): izliv, or and to expect to advance.
provala (gneva, strasti itd.), (d): poravnavanje, Fly in the ointment nije muva u pomadi/masti,
izravnjavanje, (e): direktno uz, u kontaktu sa i (f): već jedina senka, jedino što kvari uživanje. # We
pun love (u žargonu). (a): Give the floor a flush, would like to go to Italy next summer. The only fly
then scrub it down. (b): Her complexion has a fl- in the ointment is we shall have to take our aunt
ush I never saw before. (c): In a flush of anger he with us.
hurled the chair across the room. (d): I want the Fly light ne znači lako leteti, već preskočiti
tabletop flush with the back of the sofa. (e): Put obrok (u žargonu). # Nothing for me, thanks. I’m
the bookcase flush against the wall. (f): I am not flying light today.
exactly flush, but I can pay the bills. Fly off at a tangent (pod Go off at a tangent).
Flush it ne znači samo povući vodu (u toaletu), Flyover nema veze sa letenjem preko nečega,
već (u žargonu) i (a): okinuti/ljosnuti (na ispitu) već znači (a): nadvožnjak (u britanskom engle-
i (b): Pričaj ti to drugome! Ma nemoj mi reći! skom, a u američkom engleskom je to overpass)
(a): I really flushed it in my math course. (b): You (b): vazduhoplovna parada. (a): The new flyover
expect me to buy that story? Flush it! was built on the site of the Through Lines at this
Fly a kite znači puštati (papirnog) zmaja, ali point. (b): A flyover is a low-altitude flight (usu-
i pustiti probni balon (to se kaže i send a trial ally of military aircraft) over spectators on the
balloon). # The Secretary of the Treasury menti- ground.
oned the possibility of the increase of the gasoline Focal point nije samo žižna tačka, već i (a):
tax, flying a kite to test public reaction. centralna tačka, ono što najviše privlači pažnju,
Fly blind ima dva značenja blizu doslovnom (b): žarišno mesto, izvorište i (c): centar aktivno-
prevodu: (a): ići naslepo, raditi napamet i (b): pi- sti. (a): “The room’s focal point was the firepla-
lotirati isključivo pomoću instrumenata. (a): I’m ce, carved from a pale jade-green Mexican onyx
glad your TV set is working properly now; frankly shot through with scarlet threads...” (G. Vidal,
I was flying blind when I fixed it. (b): In the heavy Empire). (b): Munich, which in the heyday of the
fog he had to fly blind. Nazi period was to be honored as the ‘Capital of
Fly-by-night nema veze sa noćnim letenjem, the Movement’, was then the focal point of all the
već znači (a): prevarantski (“sad ga vidiš, sad ga forces of nationalism, right-wing nationalism and
Folks 77 For one

Nazism. (c): “The role of Focal Points should be Force someone’s hand ne znači prisiliti ne-
strengthened to take an active part in the process čiju ruku, već naterati nekoga da se izjasni,
of elaboration of the Blue Plan” (UN Environment isforsirati nečiju odluku. # She will be rather
Programme, The First Ten Years of the Mediterra- forcing her boyfriend’s hand if they get married
nean Action Plan). now because they have only known each other a
Folks nisu samo ljudi, već i (kolokvijalno, pre- short time.
težno u američkom engleskom) (a): roditelji i (b): Force something down someone’s throat
bliski rođaci. (a): My folks will be for Christmas (pod Shove/ram/force/push/stuff something
down someone’s throat).
and New Year’s. # He wrote to his folks every
day. (b): Our folks visit us at Christmas. For days on end ne znači za dane na kraju, već
danima. Isto tako, kaže se for hours, for weeks,
Follow one’s nose dabome da ne znači ići za for months on end - satima/nedeljama/mesecima.
svojim nosom, već (a): nastaviti istim pravcem, # The place looked deserted; nobody came there
produžiti pravo, (b): postupati po osećaju i (c): for days on end. # Doctor, I’ve had this pain for
ići za mirisom nečega. (a): Just follow your nose days on end.
until you reach the traffic lights and then turn left. For your eyes only (pod Eyes-only).
(b): Oh, I don’t know where I want to go. I’ll just For free (za slobodno) znači besplatno, (za)
follow my nose and see what happened. (c): The- badava. # And I get all this for free?
re was a bad smell in the basement - probably a For good ne znači za dobro, već zauvek. #
dead mouse. I followed my nose until I found it. Many youths emigrate, temporarily or for good,
Follow one’s own mind blizu je doslovnom to the United States and Canada. Isto značenje ima
značenju (pratiti svoju pamet): raditi po po svo- i for keeps. # We’ve moved around a lot. Now I
me. # Don’t listen those Philadelphia lawyers - think we’ll stay here for keeps.
follow your own mind! For good/full measure ne znači za dobru ili
Follow suit nema veze sa odelom ili parni- punu meru, već pride, baška, ekstra. # If you buy
com, već znači (a): odgovoriti kartom iste boje two refrigerators you’ll get a mixer for good me-
i (b): slediti nečiji primer. (a): When diamonds asure.
were led, I had to follow suit. (b): When all his Fork nije samo viljuška, već i račvanje (puta),
friends joined a club at home he decided to fo- raskršće. # When you get to the fork in the road,
llow suit and become a member. bear right.
Food for thought (hrana za misao) je povod For keeps (pod For good).
za razmišljanje, nešto što tera na razmišljanje. For life nije za život, već doživotno. # Scars of
# Your lecture was very good. It contained much battle from Belfast have marked this soldier for
food for thought. life. # He was sent to prison for life.
Fool virgin (pod Wise/fool virgin). For love ne znači za ljubav ili radi ljubavi,
Foot nije samo stopalo, noga, već i (a): pod- već iz čistog zadovoljstva, bez nagrade. # I know
nožje, (b): stopa (mera za dužinu = 30,5 cm.), it doesn’t pay much, but I’m doing it for love. #
(c): pešadinac, pešadija i (d): začelje (stola). (a): - How much do I owe you for mending my car? -
The village was situated at the foot of the moun- You owe nothing. I did it for love.
tain. (b): A foot is a unit of linear measure equal For my money ne znači za moj novac, već (a):
to 12 inches or 1/3 yard. (c): Reinforcements of ako se ja pitam, po mome mišljenju i (b): najbolji
1,000 foot were sent up to the front. (d): I sat izbor. (a): For my money, Bob is much better pre-
down at the foot of the table. pared for this job than Tom. (b): We need a leader
For a consideration ne znači za razmatranje who’s not afraid to take risk. That fellow whose
(to je for consideration, bez a) već uz naknadu, speech we heard last night is the man for my mo-
za odgovarajuću nagradu. # He agreed to do it ney.
for a small consideration. For my (own) part ne znači za nečiji (u)deo,
For a laugh ne znači za smejanje, već zabave već što se mene tiče, ako se radi o meni. # It’s up
radi, razonode radi. # I bet just for a laugh. to you, but for my part, I am not planning to go
For appearances, for the sake of appearan-
ces ne znači radi izgleda, već forme radi. # She For nothing znači nizašta, ali i (a): besplatno,
sent you this invitation only for appearances. # badava i (b): bez razloga. (a): I asked about the
They created a fact-finding committee just for the price, but he gave it to me for nothing. (b): I didn’t
sake of appearances. tell you until I got the doctor’s report: I didn’t want
For a song ne znači za pesmu ili radi pesme, you worrying for nothing.
već u bescenje, budzašto. # He sold the invention For one ne znači za jednog, već kao prvo, prvo
for a song and its buyers were the ones who got i prvo. # It’s nothing to do with your cooking. I, for
rich. one, don’t eat fish.
For one thing 78 Friend at court

For one thing ne znači za jednu stvar, već po- a string of four-letter words that brought blushes
red ostalog, kao prvo. # You get a low mark, for to quite a few of the elderly ladies present.
one thing, because you didn’t do your homework. Fourth estate nije četvrti stalež, već sedma
For openers ne znači za otvarače, već za poče- sila, štampa. # The phrase ‘the Fourth estate’ has
tak. # For openers, they played a song everybody been used to put the press on an equal footing
knows. Isti smisao ima i izraz with the greatest powers in a nation - the Monar-
For starters (pod Starter). chy, Parliament and the Church.
For the asking ne znači za traženje ili nešto Fraction je nije (stranačka) frakcija, već
slično, već ako se samo zatraži, može se dobiti (a): razlomak, i (b): neznatan deo. (a): ¼ and
besplatno ako se samo zatraži. U skladu s tim, 0.25 are different ways of representing the same
it’s yours for the asking znači tvoje je, samo fraction. (b): Although sexual and violent crimes
reci. # I have an extra winter coat that’s yours have increased by 10%, they remain only a tiny
for the asking. fraction of the total number of crimes committed
For the best ne znači za najbolje, već možda each year.
je tako i najbolje. # I’m very sorry to hear of the Free fight nije slobodna borba, već opšta gu-
death of your uncle. Perhaps it’s for the best. He žva/tuča. # By the time the bus came so many
suffered so much. people were waiting that it was a free fight to get
For the best part ne znači za najbolji deo, on it.
već tokom većeg dela. # He’s been away in India Free-for-all ima isto značenje. # The argu-
for the best part of a year. ment at the bar turned in a free-for-all.
For the birds ne znači za ptice, već bezvre- Free ride (slobodna vožnja) znači (a): uče-
dan, loš, bezvezan (u žargonu). # The television stvovanje u nečemu bez stvarnog doprinosa,
program is for the birds. švercovanje (u žargonu) i (b): izborna kampanja
Forthcoming nije samo predstojeći, već i za drugi položaj bez napuštanja sadašnjeg, ula-
raspoloživ, pri ruci. # Financial assistance from ženje u izbornu trku ne žrtvujući ništa (u ame-
his friends is always forthcoming. ričkom političkom žargonu). (a): You’ve had a
free ride long enough. You have to do your share
For the duration ne znači radi trajanja, već
of the work now. (b): Senators, serving six-year
do daljega, na neodređeno vreme. # I can only
terms, have the best opportunity for «free rides»
say that the chairman, due to his poor health, will
running for governors of their states, or on a na-
be on paid vacation for the duration.
tional ticket.
For the record ne znači za rekord, već neka
Free with one’s hands (preslobodan sa ruka-
to bude poznato, da se zna. # I’d like to say - for
ma) je (a): lak da udari, gotov da podigne ruku
the record - that at no time have I ever accepted a
(na mlađeg ili neposlušnog) i (b): voli da pipne.
bribe from anyone.
(a): He took his responsibilities as a father seri-
For the sake of appearances (pod For appe- ously but in matters of discipline was rather too
arances). free with hands. (b): «’You can’t say Uncle Sa-
Fortune je sreća, ali i (a): bogatstvo, (b): unders is a pet.’ ‘He likes to make himself heard
imovina i (c): sudbina. (a): Gold inspectors can certainly. And he’s a bit free with -’ ‘Yes?’ said
make a fortune overnight if they hit a rich vein. Brigit, as Nurse Ellen hesitated. ‘Well, I guess I
(b): His uncle died and he came into his fortune. can cope with silly old men who like to pinch’»
(c): I asked the old Gipsy to tell my fortune. (I. Fleming, The Diamond Smugglers).
For two pins ne znači za dve čiode/pribada- Fresh je svež, ali i (a): drzak, (b): sladak, ne-
če, već za ovolicko, nije trebalo mnogo. # He slan (voda) i (c): nov. (a): She was sent to her
laughed at me. For two pins I could have hit him room for being fresh. (b): It was so good to taste
in the face. fresh water again. (c): Fresh evidence has emer-
Foster znači podstaći, ali i prihvatiti, čuvati ged that casts doubts on the men’s conviction.
(tuđe dete). Otuda je foster child posvojče, foster Fresh fields and pastures new (slobodna
father/mother poočim/pomajka (odnosno foster polja i novi pašnjaci – po Miltonu, Lycidas:
parents poočim i pomajka), foster family hra- „To-morrow to fresh woods, and pastures new.»)
niteljska porodica i foster land druga domovi- su nova područja aktivnosti. # Once a criminal
na. becomes known to the police in a certain area,
Foul play jeste prljava igra, nepoštena rad- it is better for him to look for fresh fields and
nja, ali i zločin, ubistvo. # The girl has been pastures new.
missing seven days from her home; the police Friend at court ne znači prijatelj u sudu, već
suspect foul play. uticajni prijatelj, prijatelj na pravom mestu. #
Four-letter word (reč od četiri slova) je ne- I’m not worried about the consequences; I have a
pristojna reč (fuck, shit etc.). # He came out with friend at court. Isto značenje ima i izraz
Friends in high places 79 Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar?

Friends in high places ima isto značenje. # ličnost organizacije/firme. # The former speci-
Don’t worry about Tom. He has friends in high al adviser to the President now serves as a front
places and whatever he does wrong they’ll whi- man for a large foundation.
tewash him. Front runner (trkač na čelu trke) je vode-
From a child nije od deteta, već od detinj- ći kandidat, favorit u (izbornoj i drugoj) trci. #
stva, od malena, od malih nogu. # «He’s been Who is the front runner in the race for senator?
willful and headstrong from a child,» the mother Be full of beans (pun pasulja) je (a): biti pun
complained, «and now even his father can hardly elana, pucati od energije (kaže se i full of pep) i
control him.» (b): (u žargonu) govoriti koještarije# trućati, tra-
From China to Peru znači širom sveta (all bunjati (kaže se isto tako i be full of bull/hops/
over the world). # The invention of radio bro- shit/it/prunes i full of hot air). (a): He seems
adcasting meant that people from China to Peru to be full of beans this morning - you can har-
could learn all the details of an event very soon dly keep him quiet. # The children were full of
after it happened. pep as they got ready for a picnic. (b): Don’t pay
From coast to coast (od obale do obale) attention to Fred. He’s full of beans. # The guy
znači (u američkom engleskom) širom SAD (od was full of bull. Nothing he said made any sense.
Atlantika do Pacifika). # The television show # You’re just silly. completely full of hops. # Oh,
was broadcast from coast to coast. shut up, Jimmy. You’re full of it. # He doesn’t
From pillar to post (od stuba do pošte) znači know what he’s talking about. He’s just full of
od jednog mesta do drugog, od nemila do nedra- prunes. # Oh, you’re full of hot air. Be sensible!
ga, od Pontija do Pilata. # Our father changed
Full tilt nije pun nagib, već punom snagom,
jobs several times a year, and the family was mo-
najvećom brzinom. # He ran at full tilt down the
ved from pillar to post.
hill so that nobody could catch him.
From scratch ne znači od ogrebotine, već
od nule, od samog početka. # After three years Fun and games jeste razonoda i zabava, ali i
of hard work the building was destroyed by fire (a): gubljenje vremena, zamajavanje i (b): pro-
in a single night, and we had to start again from sto kao pasulj, vrlo lako. (a): All right, Jim, the
scratch. fun and games are over. It’s time to get down to
From the floor ne znači sa poda, već od pri- work. (b): - How was your math exam? - It was
sutnih, iz publike. # The speaker concluded his all fun and games, man.
talk by calling for questions from the floor. Function je funkcija, ali i društveni događaj,
From the word go ne znači od reči ići, već svečanost. # It was a rather large function with
(a): od samog početka i (b): odmah, što pre. (a): all sorts of dignitairies and celebrities in atten-
From the word go the whole project was doomed dance. # It was a black-tie function.
to failure. (b): Nowhere in the country a seriou- Funny/crazy bone nije smešna ili luda kost,
sly injured person can get absolutely first-class već (a): lakatna kost (kroz koju kao da prođe
treatment from the word go. struja kad se udari) i (b): smisao za humor. (a):
Front je front, ali i (a): prednja strana, (b): He hit his funny bone on the arm of the chair.
izraz lica i (c): šetalište uz more (lungo mare) (b): Her way of telling the story tickled his funny
ili druge vode u odmaralištu (u britanskom en- bone. # You don’t think it’s funny? The problem
gleskom). (a): The front of the house fasces the is that you don’t have a crazy bone.
street. (b): She maintained a calm front throug- Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? ili Funny pe-
hout the ordeal. (c): There is a lovely front along culiar or funny ha-ha? znači Smešan ili čudan?
the water at our resort. (jer «funny» znači i jedno i drugo). # «What do you
Front man jeste čelni čovek, ali samo formal- mean funny? Funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?» (I.
no, čovek od ugleda koji samo figurira kao prva Hay, The Housemaster).

Gain ground ne znači dobiti tlo, već (a): na- al power, of popular expectations, of leadership
predovati (u odnosu na nekoga), dobijati pred- accountability.
nost i (b): dobijati na snazi ili uticaju. (a): At Genial ne znači genijalan (najbliže je brilli-
least our men began to gain ground, forcing the ant, a ingenious bi bilo vešto smišljen, pronic-
enemy back towards the river (b): Under Lin- ljiv), već ugodan, vedar, srdačan. # The host’s
coln, the Republican party gained ground. genial manner put everyone at ease. # The he-
Gain one’s spurs (pod Win/gain one’s adteacher is very genial. # And still the warmth
spurs). seemed to increase and to become more genial.
Gallows humor (humor sa vešala) je crni The genuine article (pod the Real McCoy).
humor. “He found that he had acquired a fund Get a black eye (dobiti crno oko) znači (a):
of gallows humor since his debt had began to dobiti masnicu ispod oka i (b): izaći na loš glas.
grow” (L. McMurtry, Texasville). Kaže se i sick (a): I got a black eye from walking into a door.
humor. (b): Sally got a black eye because of her constant
Game nije samo igra, već i (a): divljač, (b): complaining.
gem (u tenisu), (c): odvažan, (d): oran, spreman, Get a black mark (dobiti crnu oznaku) zna-
(e): raspoložen (za) i (f): hrom. (a): A good hun- či (a): dobiti neprelaznu ocenu (u školi) i (b):
ter always has game on the table. (b): Game to dobiti lošu ocenu (u službi, društvu itd.). (a):
Ivanovic. (c): He was a game fighter even when In our school if you got three black marks, your
he was losing. (d): He is game for a fight. (e): - name was read out in prayers, and if you got six,
Are you game? – I’m game if you are. (f): Ever your parents were sent for. (b): I don’t know if
since my skiing incident I’ve had a game leg. the firm will actually sack me for having lost the
Game, set and match je gem, set i meč je contract, but I’ll certainly get a black mark.
teniski termin, ali figurativno znači odlučujući Get a bloody nose ne znači samo dobiti kr-
poen u debati, završni udarac protivniku. * The vav nos (od udarca), već i (u prenosnom smislu)
final point in Bob’s argument won him game, set dobiti lekciju, loše proći u kakvom nadmetanju.
and match. * I had an argument about politics last night with
a friend of mine - he argued very cleverly, and I
Garage je garaža, ali i (a): automehani- got a bloody nose.
čarska radionica i (b): servisna stanica (u bri-
tanskom engleskom). (a): The car’s still at the Get a clean bill of health znači dobiti nalaz
o dobrom zdravstvenom stanju, ali i biti oslobo-
garage getting fixed. (b): A Garage is an esta-
đen sumnje. # My good name was tarred, I was
blishment which sells fuel or which repairs and
under a cloud, but finally I got a clean bill of he-
sells motor vehicles. alth from the auditors.
Gather one’s thoughts (pod Marshal). Get a dose/taste of one’s own medicine ne
Gather up the threads (pod Pick up the znači okusiti sopstveni lek, već dobiti po zasluzi
threads). (“dobio si što si tražio”). # He obviously didn’t
Genie ne znači genije (kaže se genius), like getting a dose of his own medicine. Vidi
već duh, najčešće u izrazu let the genie out of Give someone a dose of his own medicine.
the bottle (pustiti duh iz boce). # It becomes Get a good/bad press ne znači dobiti dobru/
overwhelmingly evident that too many geni- lošu štampu, već dobiti dobar/loš publicitet. #
es have been let out of the bottle - the genie of After his last speech he has been getting a good
talk and openness, of growing checks on offici- press. # I think the book has had an over-bad pre-
Get a (big/good/nice) hand 82 Get a windfall

ss but I’d agree it isn’t up to the standard of his siti se, (b): biti pun životnog iskustva, preturiti
previous work. svašta preko glave, (c): umiliti se nekome, oba-
Get a (big/good/nice) hand ne znači dobiti riti nekoga (u žargonu), (d): izvrdati nešto, (e):
(veliku/dobru/prijatnu) ruku, već dobiti (buran/ prebroditi nešto, naći rešenje i (f): nakaniti se
veliki/snažan) pljesak/aplauz, odnosno give so- da se nešto uradi, uraditi nešto posle stalnog
meone a (big etc.) hand znači burno pozdraviti odlaganja. (a): Rumors get around to the effect
nekoga, aplaudirati nekome. # As the candidate that devaluation is imminent. (b): It’s not easy to
appeared on the platform, he got a big hand. # fool him - he’s an old salt who’s got around. (c):
Let’s have a big hand for Miss Kunc and her lo- The girl told her boyfriend that she would try to
vely voice. get around her father to lend them the car for the
Get ahead znači napredovati, postati uspe- day. (d): Joe did not weigh enough to join the
šan, ali i biti u stanju prištedeti, izaći iz dugo- Navy, but he got around that - he drank a lot of
va. # In a few more years we will be able to get water before his physical examination. (e): There
ahead. seems to be no way of getting around the difficul-
Get a leg up znači dobiti pomoć pri penjanju ty of keeping prices down when the cost of im-
(na konja, uz zid itd.), ali i dobiti potrebnu po- ports goes on rising. (f): When I finally got aro-
moć (u novcu, uticaju itd.). # He is determined und to buying the Christmas cards it was too late.
to achieve whatever he does achieve in life on The shops were all sold out. Get (a)round the
his own terms. He doesn’t expect to get a leg up law znači izigrati/zaobići zakon. # The lawyer
from his family. was well known for his skill at getting round the
Get a line on something ne znači dobiti red o law, usually on technical points. So that many of
nečemu, već obavestiti se o nečemu, dobiti/imati his clients, while obviously guilty of traffic of-
informaciju/indikaciju o nečemu. # I’d like to fenses, got off scot-free.
get a line on his political opinions before I meet Get a run for one’s money ne znači dobiti
him. trku za svoj novac, već (a): naići na jak otpor i
Get along ima više raznorodnih značenja: (b): isplatiti se. (a): Tom got a run for his money
(a): napredovati, (b): krenuti, (c): slagati se, when he tried to convince Dorothy to go to colle-
(d): snaći se, dovijati se, (e): sastavljati kraj s ge. (b): People like to watch the champion fight
krajem i (f): zaći u godine (često uz dodatak in because they get a good run for their money.
years). (a): Our business is getting along very Get a slap on the wrist (dobiti pljusku po
well. (b): I think I had better get along home zglavku) znači dobiti blagu kaznu. # He created
now. (c): Dave and Jane get along fine together. quite a disturbance, but he only got a slap on the
(d): - How are you managing to do your work wrist.
without an assistant? - Oh I get along somehow. Get a start ne znači dobiti početak ili start,
(e): With so little money, it’s hard to get along. već (a): dobiti pomoć u pokretanju kola i (b):
(f): My aunt is getting along in years, losing inte- dobiti dobru obuku ili veliku priliku na samom
rest in outside world. Get along with you! znači početku karijere. (a): My car is stalled. I need to
(u žargonu) Pusti te priče! Drugom ti to! # - I get a start. (b): She got a start in show business
couldn’t come yesterday - I caught cold. - Get in Los Angeles.
along with you! I saw you at the football game.
Get a thick ear dabome ne znači dobiti debe-
Get ants in one’s pants (imati mrave u gaća- lo uvo, već dobiti tešku ćušku. # He’ll get thick
ma) znači ne moći se skrasiti (na jednom mestu), ears if he tells me any more lies.
imati pundravce. # Mary cannot stand still, she
Get a turn nema veze sa zaokretom, već znači
has ants in her pants.
preseći se, šokirati se. # I got quite a turn when I
Get a passing grade (pod Pass muster). saw my former wife talking to my present wife.
Get a pink slip (dobiti roze cedulju) znači (u Get away with murder po pravilu ne znači
žargonu): (a): dobiti otkaz, dobiti nogu i (b): do- izvući se sa ubistvom, već proći bez kazne. (Če-
biti vozačku dozvolu. (a): I got a pink slip today. sto se kaže i with blue murder.) # Mother was
I guess I had it coming. (b): He wrecked the car in good mood and let us get away with murder.
one day after getting his pink slip. # How on earth could those who got us into this
Get a rain check (pod Rain check). mess get away with blue murder? Isto značenje
Get a rise out of someone znači (u britan- ima i get away with something/it. # Just becau-
skom engleskom) ne samo dobiti povišicu od se she’s so popular, she thinks she can get away
nekoga, već i isprovocirati nekoga (pravljenjem with anything.
šala na njegov račun). # The boys get a rise out of Get a windfall ne znači dobiti opalo voće,
Bob by teasing him about his girlfriend. već imati neočekivanu sreću, dobiti dar s neba
Get around ne znači samo kretati se tamo- („palo mu s neba”). # He got a real windfall - a
amo, ići naokolo, već i (a): pročuti se, razgla- legacy from a distant relative.
Get back at someone 83 Get into high gear, swing into high gear

Get back at someone (pod Return like for ći iz dugova. (a): Bill is waiting to get even with
like). Alex for poking fun at him. (b): Mr. Walker has
Get blood out of a stone (dobiti krv iz ka- a lot of debts, but in a few years he will get even.
mena) je otprilike ono što je u nas iscediti vodu Vidi Return like for like.
iz stare drenovine (izvući novac iz nekoga ko Get hell (dobiti pakao) znači izvući žestoku
neće ili nema da da). # You can’t get blood out grdnju. # I’m late. If I don’t get home soon, I’l
of stone. We are facing another serious budget get hell.
crunch. Get hold of the right/wrong end of the stick
Get butterflies in one’s stomach/tummy (uhvatiti pravi/pogrešan kraj štapa) znači do-
(imati leptire u stomaku) znači biti krajnje na- bro/pravilno shvatiti što odnosno shvatiti sasvim
pet, osećati kamen u stomaku. # He has a horror pogrešno (u britanskom engleskom). # “’Did he
of blood and before going to see the surgeon he tell you his whole story - about his shooting the
had butterflies in his stomach. # I can’t help ge- Portuguese Count and everything?’...’Shooting a
tting butterflies in my tummy whenever I mount Portuguese Count? Are you sure you’ve got hold
the dais. of the right end of the stick?’” (E. Waugh, Decli-
Get clear ne znači postati čist ili jasan, već ne and Fall). # You’ve got the wrong end of the
držati se podalje. # Fred is mad at me, so I’ve stick - it’s your own son, not I, who broke the
been getting clear of him. window.
Get cold feet, have cold feet ne znači ima- Get home nije samo stići kući, već i (a): stići
ti prozeble noge, već nemati tri čiste, izgubiti prvi i (b): privući pažnju. # My horse got home
hrabrost, uhvatiti prpu. # Tom got cold feet and by a nose! (b): Politicians are adept at getting
wouldn’t run in the race. # I can’t give my speech their point home, even in the face of constant in-
now, I have cold feet. terruption from their opponents.
Get done ne znači samo uraditi već i (a): Get in bad with someone (pod Get into).
umoriti se i (b): otići u ćuzu/bajbok (u žargonu).
(a): I enjoyed the excursion but, frankly, I got Get in(to) nije samo ući, već i (a): stići, (b):
done. (b): He robbed a bank and got done for ten ukrcati se, (c): biti primljen, (d): biti izabran,
years. (e): uključiti se, pridružiti se, (f): uvaliti se (u
nešto), (g): prodreti/dospeti (u nešto) i (h): zbli-
Get down nije samo sići, već i (a): sjahati,
(b): sagnuti se, (c): napustiti obed (odnosi se žiti se, uspostaviti dobre odnose. (a): What time
na decu) i (d): zapisati. (a): The drunken rider does the train from Edinburgh get in, please? (b):
did not exactly get down from his horse; it would I got in at Trafalgar Station and got out at the
be truer to say that he fell off it into his friends’ Temple. (c): I applied to the university, but did
arms. (b): Her back was aching from having to not get in. (d): The Conservatives got in with a
get down in order to put things in and out of the small majority. (e): I’d like to get into your club.
bottom drawer. (c): The children sat through the (f): Don’t do that. You’ll get into trouble. (g):
meal in complete silence and spoke only to ask The molten lava got into every nook and cranny
permission to get down. # Now, down you get! on its downward path. (d): It took the new family
(d): I didn’t get down every word, but I certainly some time to get in with their neighbors. Get in
got a good deal of the conversation down. bad with someone znači (u američkom engle-
Get down off one’s high horse ne znači sja- skom) stajati loše kod nekoga # Sally is in bad
hati s visokog konja, već ne gorditi se, spustiti with the teacher for cheating on the test.
durbin (u žargonu). # The girls were so kind to Get into a state ne znači ući u državu, već
Nancy that she got down off her high horse and silno se uzrujati, biti van sebe. # She got into a
made friends with them. state when she heard gossip about her husband
Get down to bedrock ne znači spustiti se do cheating on her.
temelja, već preći na bitno. # You’ve already Get into deep water najčešće ne znači upa-
told me that you would like to sell your house. sti u duboku vodu, već uvaliti se debelo u pro-
Let’s get down to the bedrock - what price do bleme. # We’d better not talk about starting up
you want for it? a new company before the first one is operating
Get down to brass tacks nema veze sa bron- successfully, or we’ll be getting into deep water.
zanim ekserčićima, već znači preći na činjenice Isto tako, get into hot water nije upasti u vruću
(uobičajeno se kaže get down to the facts). # vodu, već naći se u velikoj nevolji. # You’ll be
It’s time Eric stopped all this theorizing and got getting yourself and me into hot water if you take
down to brass tacks. What we want to know is the car out again. The insurance doesn’t cover a
how much the job will cost, not how scientific the second driver.
method is going to be. Get into high gear, swing into high gear nije
Get even ne znači postati jednak, već (a): samo prebaciti (menjač) u direktnu brzinu, već i
izravnati račune, vratiti milo za drago i (b): iza- dostići vrhunac aktivnosti. # All of the children
Get into hot water 84 Get one’s feet on the ground

were planting seeds; the gardening project got (e): I listen but I just don’t get off. (f): Joe hadn’t
into high gear. finished getting off his wisecrack before the tea-
Get into hot water (pod Get into deep wa- cher came in. He was sent to the principal’s offi-
ter). ce. (g): Jim, hurry and get off your coat and come
Get involved ne znači samo angažovati se, to dinner. (h): Get off that tree! (i): Please make
biti uključen, već i (a): upetljati se i (b): ući u sure these letters get off by the five o’clock post.
sentimentalnu vezu. (a): Be careful and don’t (j): Joe and Melvin had never met before. They
get involved with the wrong kind of people. (b): seem to get off all right, though.
Jane is getting involved with Max. They’ve been Get off on the wrong foot ne znači ustati na
seeing a lot of each other. levu nogu (kaže se get up/out on the wrong side
Get it (dobiti to) znači (a): dobiti svoje# do- of the bed), već početi naopako, učiniti prvi po-
biti grdnju ili kaznu i (b): (u žargonu) shvati- grešan korak. # Peggy got off on the wrong foot
ti šalu, kapirati štos. (a): Wow, Jimmy! When with her new teacher; she chewed gum in class
your mother sees those torn pants, you’re going and the teacher didn’t like it.
to get it. (b): Joe laughed very hard, but Sally Get off the ground ne znači otići sa gradili-
didn’t get it. # Don’t you get it? šta ili napustiti temelje, već početi sa realizaci-
Get it all together (dobiti to sve zajedno) jom, pomeriti se s mrtve tačke. # Commercially
znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): srediti se, speaking, I am delighted to see projects getting
organizovati svoj život, (b): povratiti prisustvo off the ground in this country.
duha, sabrati se i (c): imati dobru figuru (devoj- Get on je jedan od frazalnih glagola koji ima
ka/žena), imati sve što treba. (a): Tom seems to mnoga značenja: (a): napredovati, (b): proći,
be acting more normal now. I think he’s getting it završiti što s kakvim uspehom, (c): odmicati,
all together. (b): A few minutes after the burglars prolaziti, (d): (u britanskom engleskom) pri-
left he got it all together and called the police. bližavati se (vremenski), (e): stalno opominjati
(c): Have you seen the new secretary - she got it da se nešto uradi, (f): popeti se, ukrcati se, (g):
all together! obući, (h): stupiti u vezu, kontaktirati, (i): naići
Get it in the neck ne znači dobiti u vrat, već na nečiji trag, otkriti, (j): shvatiti, (k): slagati
dobiti po prstima, biti žestoko kritikovan/grđen/ se, biti u dobrim odnosima i (l): nastaviti. (a):
kažnjen. # You’ll get it in the neck from your He got on well in business. (b): - How did you
father when he finds out what you’ve done. get on in your oral examination? - Not too badly.
Get no joy (from someone) (pod Get no/lit- I don’t think I failed, anyway. (c): The year is
tle change out of someone/something). getting on. There was a touch of frost last night.
Get no/little change out (of someone/so- (d): My grandpa is getting on for 90. (e): Mrs.
mething) ne znači ne dobiti kusur ili dobiti mali Jones got on the girls for not keeping their rooms
kusur, već (u britanskom engleskom) ne dobiti clear. (f): The bus stopped, and I got on. (g): She
nikakvu pomoć, nemati vajde ili slabo se ovaj- got on her new dress and went out. (h): If the fire-
diti (od nekog/nečeg). # No dice! You won’t get station had been got on at once, the hotel might
any change out of him - he’s looking out only have been saved. (i): The secret service got on
for number one. # She practically disapproved to the enemy agent shortly after he arrived in the
of what we were doing so we got little change country and watched his very move. (j): After a
out of our efforts to get her help. Isto značenje while she got on his real intentions. (k): How do
(u britanskom engleskom) ima get no joy (from you get on with Tom? (l): I must get on with my
someone). # I’ve been looking everywhere for a work.
room; I tried the information bureau, but got no Get one’s claws into/on someone (zariti
joy from them. kljove u nekoga) znači (a): govoriti ružno o ne-
Get off sem sići, izaći ima i dosta drugih zna- kome, olajavati nekoga i (b): nameštati nekome
čenja: (a): otići, (b): izbeći kaznu, (c): dobro bračnu stupicu. (a): She’s really got her claws
proći, izvući se bez ozlede ili težih gubitaka, (d): into her neighbors - it must be because they’ve
(u žargonu) biti pod uticajem droge, (e): (u žar- got two cars. (b): Once she gets her claws into
gonu) uživati, (f): (u žargonu) izbaciti vic/doset- you, you won’t be able to escape.
ku/kalambur, (g): svući, skinuti, (h): skinuti se Get one’s ducks in a row ne znači dovesti
(s nečega), (i): poslati i (j): zbližiti se, dobro se svoje patke u red, već izvršiti sve pripreme, do-
slagati. (a): George got off early in the morning. vesti sve u red. # The scoutmaster told the boys
(b): It was a serious crime, but Fred got off with to get their ducks in a row before they went to
a light sentence. (c): Fortunately the two cars camp.
did not crash head on, so Ted got off with not- Get one’s feet on the ground ne znači staviti
hing worse than a bad fright. (d): Paul is acting noge na tlo, već uhodati se. # He’s new at the
strange. What did he take to get off this time? job, but soon he’ll get his feet on the ground.
Get one’s feet wet 85 Get over something

Get one’s feet wet ne znači samo ukvasiti Get one’s way ne znači steći svoj put, već
noge, već i učiniti nešto po prvi put, steći prvo isterati svoje. # If the Prime Minister gets her
iskustvo. # It’s not as difficult as it looks once way - and she usually does - trial lawyers will be
you get your feet wet. allowed to keep their wigs and black robes.
Get one’s foot in the door (ubaciti nogu u Get one’s walking papers/orders/ticket
vrata) znači dobiti pristup nečemu, uvući/ubaci- (pod Get one’s marching orders).
ti se negde, odškrinuti vrata. # Now we’ve got a Get on someone’s right/wrong side (u bri-
foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big tanskom engleskom) i get/keep on someone’s
market in China. good/bad side (u američkom engleskom) ne
Get one’s head down (spustiti glavu) znači znači doći na nečiju pravu/pogrešnu ili dobru/
(a): leći na posao i (b): otići na spavanje. (a): lošu stranu, već (ne) biti nekome u volji, dobro/
I’ll have to get my head down in order to finish loše stajati kod nekoga. # Since he wrote that
all that work. (b): That night Norton got his head article praising her performance, he got on her
down early, exhausted by the fight. right side. # You have to work hard to keep on
Get one’s just desserts (u američkom en- the good side of the manager. # Whatever I do, I
gleskom), get/receive one’s just deserts (u bri- always seem to get on her wrong side. # Mary’s
tanskom engleskom) ne znači dobiti zaslužene boyfriend got on Father’s bad side by keeping
slatkiše odnosno zasluženu platu, već dobiti za- her out too late after the dance.
služenu kaznu („dobio je ono što je zaslužio“). Get out ima puno značenja. Sem izaći, oti-
# Melvin had been cruel to his wife for years but ći znači i (a): procuriti u javnost, ne biti više
he got his just desserts when she left him. Isto tajna, (b): dobiti natrag, izvući, (c): iscuriti ,
značenje ima i izraz (u žargonu) get one’s lumps isteći, (d): (u britanskom engleskom) sići/iza-
(dobiti svoje kvrge). # If you keep acting that ći (iz/sa voza/autobusa i sl.), (e): ne odazvati
way, you’ll get your lumps. se, (f): izvući se, (g): izbeći, (h): objaviti, izda-
Get one’s knife into someone ne znači samo ti, (i): naći odgovor, rešiti, (j): izgovoriti i (k):
zariti nož u nekoga, već i uzeti nekoga na zub, (u imperativu – Get out!) Napolje!, Tornjaj se
imati pik na nekoga. # The manager has got his odavde! (a): The scandal which had been kept
knife in me - he is making my life a misery. under wraps got finally out. (b): In most walks
of life you only get out what you put in. Only the
Get one’s lines crossed ne znači samo imati
lucky few strike it rich and get big rewards for
smetnje na vezama, već i pogrešno se razume-
little effort. (c): I don’t know how the acid got
ti. # Your work’s good, but it’s not exactly what
out. The battery isn’t broken, and it hasn’t been
your boss is expecting - I think you two have got
moved. (d): We have to get out of the train. (e):
your lines crossed somewhere.
Jennifer was called for jury duty, but she got out
Get one’s lumps (pod Get one’s just de- of it. (f): Everybody doubted that he would get
sserts). out alive. (g): Her sons were experts at getting
Get one’s marching orders nije samo dobi- out of hard work. (h): Prentice Hall got out a de-
ti naredbu za pokret (vojska) već i dobiti otkaz, lightful volume. (i): Not a single boy in the class
biti smenjen. # The captain knew that if his team could get the problem out. (j): The woman was
lost another match he would get his marching in such a state of shock after the accident that she
orders. Isto značenje ima i get one’s walking couldn’t get a word out. (k): That’s enough from
papers/orders/ticket. # Well, I’m through. I got you. Get out!
my walking papers today. Get out from under ne znači samo izaći is-
Get one’s nose out of joint (iščašiti nos) zna- pod, pojaviti se ispod, već i (a): izvući se ispod
či osetiti se omalovaženim, biti povređen neči- nečijeg uticaja, osloboditi se nečije kontrole
jim postupkom. # “Hey, hey. Calm down. Take i (b): otarasiti se problema/ tegobe. (a): Jane
it easy. Let’s not get our noses out of joint” (N. wanted to get out from under her mother. (b):
Simon, California Suite). There is so much work to do! I don’t know when
Get one’s second wind (dobiti drugi dah) I’ll ever get out from under it.
znači (a): doći ponovo do daha i (b): skupiti Get out of the hole (pod Out of the hole, get
snagu. (a): We climbed with labored breathing out of the hole).
for half an hour, but then got his second wind and Get over something ne znači samo preći pre-
went up more easily. (b): He grew tired working ko (nečega), prebaciti se već i (a): oporaviti se,
hard all day long, but after a while he got his se- prezdraviti, (b): povratiti se, preboleti, (c): sa-
cond wind and went on more easily. vladati, prevladati, (d): dokrajčiti, (e): shvatiti,
Get one’s skates on ne znači samo staviti kli- razumeti (obično u negaciji - ne mogu prosto da
zaljke, već i požuriti. # I shall have to get my ska- shvatim), (f): prevaliti/preći i (g): otići do (u žar-
tes on if I want to buy anything before the shops gonu). (a): It was a serious illness. It took two
close - it’s 5 o’clock! weeks to get over it. (b): It was a horrible shock.
Get physical 86 Get the bounce

I don’t know when I’ll get over it. (c): You’ll Get someone with child ne znači dobiti ne-
have to get over your fear of speaking in public. koga s detetom, već ostaviti nekoga u drugom
(d): I wonder when we shall get over this work? stanju, napraviti nekome dete. # “’Sin’ is ge-
(e): I can’t get over that woman’s cheek. Coming tting a girl with child before marriage and then
in here and complaining about a dress she bou- not marrying her” (R. Hoggart, The Uses of Li-
ght six months ago! (f): The athlete failed to get teracy).
over the distance in the minimum time to qualify Get something off one’s chest ne znači samo
for the final. (g): We plan to go over to Italy this izvući nešto iz svog sanduka (ili iz grudi), već
year. olakšati dušu. # It’s been on my conscience for a
Get physical ne znači postati fizički ili tele- long time but, now I’ve got it off my chest, I feel
sni, već fizički se obračunati, upotrebiti fizičku a lot better.
snagu. # When the suspect wouldn’t cooperate, Get something out of one’s blood ne znači
the police were forced to get physical. izvući nešto iz svoje krvi, već osloboditi se (pri-
Get religion je američki kolokvijalizam koji vrženosti, naklonosti, navike itd.). # When Fred
znači (a): postati jako religiozan, ali i (b): uozbi- moved to the city, he couldn’t get the country out
ljiti se (posle kakvog teškog iskustva). (a): When of his blood.
he lost his wife, George really got religion. (b): Get something out of one’s system (pod Sy-
When our boy had an automobile accident, he re- stem).
ally got religion. Now he’s a safe driver. Get the air ne znači doći do vazduha, već
Get round the table (okupiti se oko stola) (a): biti ignorisan/neprimećen i (b): biti ostav-
znači zajednički razmotriti predmet spora radi ljen. (a): Whenever I get around Sally, I end up
nalaženja rešenja. # What the strikers want is getting the air. (b): Ann was afraid she might get
that the dismissed men should be reinstated. Un- the air from her boyfriend if she went out with
til they are, they say they want get round the table the other boys while he was away.
with anybody - employers or arbitrators. Get the ax (u američkom engleskom), get the
Get second thoughts ne znači dobiti druge axe (u britanskom engleskom) ne znači dobiti se-
misli, već pokolebati se, preispitati svoj stav. # kiru, već (u žargonu) (a): dobiti otkaz, (b): biti
Bush campaign strategists got second thoughts ostavljen od devojke/momka i (c): biti isteran iz
about the convention’s emphasis on family va- škole. (a): “The pharmacist nearly got the ax - he
lues. was off hustling a nurse when it happened” (M.
Get short change nema veze sa promenom, Crichton, A Case of Need I was afraid that Joe
sitnišem ili kusurom, već znači naići na uzdr- was going to get the axe.). (b): Dave got the ax
žan prijem. # She was very anxious to see her from Betsie - they won’t see each other again.
relatives again after so many years, but she got (c): Jim got caught cheating on his final exam
short change. and he got the ax. Isto ili slično značenje imaju
Get sick ne znači samo razboleti se, već i po- i mnogi drugi izrazi: get the boot/bounce/brus-
vraćati. # Mommy, the dog just got sick on the hoff/bullet/gate/hook/sack/shove.
carpet. Get sick at the sight of someone znači Get the ball rolling (zakotrljati loptu) znači
ne moći nekoga videti očima („smuči mi se kad krenuti sa nečim. # If I could just get the ball
ga vidim“). # I am not coming next time if you rolling, then other people would help.
invite that scoundrel again. I get sick at the very Get the benefit of the doubt (imati beneficiju
sight of him. sumnje) znači imati pravo na povoljnu presudu
Get someone’s ear, gain/have/win someone’s ako nema čvrstih dokaza protiv (pravni termin).
ear ne znači dobiti nečije uvo, već privući neči- # The money was stolen and George was the only
ju pažnju, izazvati nečiji interest. # Now that I one who had known where it was, but he is en-
have got the chairman’s ear, we shouldn’t have titled to get the benefit of the doubt. Vidi Give
any more difficulty. someone the benefit of the doubt.
Get someone’s goat ne znači dobiti nečiju Get the best of ne znači dobiti najbolje od,
kozu, već iznervirati nekoga. # The way he refu- već (a): biti bolji/jači od i (b): proći najbolje
ses to admit his obvious mistakes gets my goat. moguće od. (a): Dave got the best of Ted in the
Get someone’s measure (pod Take/get boxing match. (b): Tom traded an old bicycle tire
someone’s measure). for a horn - he got the best of that deal.
Get someone’s number ne znači samo sa- Get the bird ne znači samo dobiti pticu, već
znati nečiji telefonski broj, već i pročitati koga, i biti dočekan zvižducima. # He tried to explain
prozreti nečiju pravu prirodu ili namere. # I to the workers the reasons for lay-offs, but he got
used to think he was a real friend of mine, but the bird!
now I’ve got his number - he’s a selfish and tre- Get the boot (pod Get the ax).
acherous person. Get the bounce (pod Get the ax).
Get the brushoff 87 Get through

Get the brushoff (pod Get the ax). will last remains to be seen,” said an official. (b):
Get the bullet (pod Get the ax). Jane hinted to her boyfriend that she wanted to
Get the business ne znači dobiti posao, već break up, but he didn’t get the message.
(kolokvijalno) (a): biti maltretiran i (b): biti ubi- Get the nod nije samo dobiti znak klimanjem
jen. (a): Whenever I go to that office, I end up glave već i (figurativno) dobiti saglasnost, biti
getting the business. They are so rude to me! (b): izabran na neko mesto. # The board is going to
Joe blew the whistle on Mr. Big, and soon got pick the new sales manager. I hope I’ll get the
the business. nod.
Get the cold shoulder (dobiti hladno rame) Get the record straight (kaže se i set the
znači biti ignorisan, biti loše tretiran. # We keep record straight) ne znači uspostaviti smesta re-
getting the cold shoulder from our neighbors kord, već raščistiti nešto, izvesti stvar načisto.
these days, because of the argument we had last # Let’s get the record straight: you say that you
week. haven’t seen Tom for weeks and he told me he
Get the devil ne znači dobiti đavola, već vi- had heard this story from you only yesterday.
deti svoga boga, dobiti svoje. # I got the devil Get the red carpet treatment (dobiti tre-
yesterday for being late. tman sa crvenim tepihom – koji se postavlja
Get the elbow ne znači dobiti lakat, već biti pri dočeku velikodostojnika) znači biti dočekan
ostavljen (u britanskom engleskom). # Shirley sa svim počastima, imati specijalan tretman. #
was afraid she might get the elbow from her boy- I love to go to fancy stores where I get the red
friend if she went out with other boys while he carpet treatment.
was away. Get the rough edge of someone’s tongue (do-
Get the eye (dobiti pogled) znači (a): privla- biti rapavi rub nečijeg jezika) znači dobiti žestoku
čiti poglede i (suprotno tome) (b): osetiti nečiji grdnju (u britanskom engleskom). The students
hladan i neprijatan pogled. (a): The pretty girl got the rough edge of the teacher’s tongue because
got the eye as she walked past the boys on the they were so noisy.
street corner. (b): When Sally asked if she could Get the sack (pod Get the ax).
take home the fur coat and pay later, she got the Get the short end of the stick ne znači dobiti
eye from the clerk. kratak deo štapa, već izvući deblji kraj. # Why do
Get the gate (pod Get the ax). I always get the short end of the stick? I want my
Get the glad hand (dobiti zadovoljnu ruku) fair share.
znači naići na napadno topao prijem, biti doče- Get the shove (pod Get the ax).
kan sa izuzetnom pažnjom (ali neiskreno). # I Get the show on the road, put the show on
hate to go to the party and get the glad hand. the road (staviti predstavu na put) znači staviti
Get the goods on someone, have the goods mašineriju u pokret. # We must be ready with all
on someone nema veze sa robom, već (u žargo- the preparations for the campaign by the end of the
nu) znači prokljuviti nešto o nekome (nezgodno, month and then get the show on the road in a single
kompromitujuće i sl.). # I’m afraid the police week.
have got the goods on you and will contact the Get the slip ne znači dobiti cedulju, već izgu-
District Attorney soon. biti nečiji trag. # We followed the suspect for two
Get the hook (pod Get the ax). blocks, and then got the slip down the hill.
Get the inside track, have the inside track Get the upper/whip hand nema veze sa gor-
ne znači dobiti/imati unutrašnji kolosek, već ste- njom rukom ili bičem, već znači steći premoć. #
ći prednost (zahvaljujući vezama, informacijama He was much stronger than his opponent and soon
ili protekciji). # Apparently, we won’t be equal got the upper hand. # If you accept this proposal,
in that race: Bob has the inside track because of he’ll soon get the whip hand over all of us.
his family’s close relations with the Chairman of Get the works ne znači dobiti poslove, već (a):
the Board. dobiti svega u obilju, priuštiti sebi svega i (b): do-
Get the jump on someone ne znači skočiti na biti punu meru (kazne i sl.). (a): - Shall we order
nekoga, već uhvatiti početnu prednost u odno- a snack or a big meal? - I’m hungry. Let’s get the
su na druge, početi/krenuti pre drugih. # Don’t works. (b): But, your honor. I shouldn’t get the
let the other boys to get the jump on you at the works. I only drove too fast!
beginning of the race. Get the worst of it ne znači samo najgore pro-
Get the message ne znači samo dobiti po- ći, već i biti poražen, izgubiti u sporu, takmičenju,
ruku, već i (a): dobiti (konačno i autoritativno) tuči i sl. # If you start a fight with Joe, you may get
objašnjenje i (b): shvatiti poruku, razumeti upo- the worst of it.
zorenje (u američkom žargonu). (a): “They’ve Get through (something) ne znači samo pro-
got the message all right and they’re taking ac- biti/provući se, već i (a): završiti, (b): pregurati
tion. But how effective it will be and how long it što, uspeti izdržati, (c): (uspešno) proći, (d): dobiti
Get to first base, reach first base 88 Give

vezu (telefonom), (e): položiti (ispit), (f): potrošiti, party. (e): Jane got up a picnic for her visitor. (f):
utrošiti. (a): If I read fast, I can get through this What are you going to do next, after you’ve got up
book in an hour. (b): This is a busy day. I don’t your Hamlet? (h): The wagon driver shouted, “Get
know how I’ll get through it. (c): The bill finally up!” to his horses.
got through the House of Representatives. (d): - I Get up on the wrong side of the bed ne znači
expected your call yesterday. - Well, I tried to pho- ustati na pogrešnoj strani kreveta, već ustati na
ne, but I couldn’t get through. (e): Bully for you! levu nogu. # He must have got out of the bed on the
You’ve got through the final examination. (f): They wrong side, because he has shouted at everybody
say that the old man got through a fortune when he in the office.
was young, and lived in poverty for the rest of his Get wind (dobiti vetar) znači saznati/čuti (in-
life. I cannot think how he’ll get through the time. direktno ili krišom), dobiti poverljivu informaciju,
Get to first base, reach first base odnosi se na dobiti tip. # The police got wind of the plans to rob
prvu od tri baze u bejzbolu i znači (u američkom the bank.
žargonu) uspešno preći prvu prepreku, dobro kre- Get wise ne znači postati mudar, već saznati
nuti. # He wants to go to college and become a nečiju tajnu, prokjuviti. # The boss is getting wise
teacher, but I’ll be surprised if he even reaches first to what Joe is up to.
Get wrapped up ne znači umotati, već završiti.
Get to the bottom (doći do dna) znači iznaći/ # I’ll get the loan wrapped up, and you’ll have the
shvatiti stvarni uzrok. # The doctor made several car this week.
tests to get to the bottom of the man’s headaches.
Get wrong ne znači dobiti nešto loše, već (a)
Get to the point (pod Come/get to the point). pogrešno shvatiti i (b) ne uraditi nešto kako treba.
Get two strikes against one ne znači dobiti dva (a): Don’t get me wrong, but I think you went a li-
udarca, već imati mnogo toga protiv sebe (“kao da ttle too far. (b): We are constantly getting it wrong
se sve zaverilo protiv mene”), biti ozbiljno hendi- when we use figures like 80 percent, 20 percent - or
kepiran. # I can’t win. I’ve got two strikes against even vague ones like two to one.
me before I start.
Girl Friday nema veze sa petkom, već znači
Get under one’s belt ne znači dobiti ispod po- službenica od poverenja. # Miss Franklin is the
jasa (za nepropisan udarac u boksu kaže se below manager’s girl Friday.
one’s belt), već (a): pojesti/popiti i (b): savladati/
Give nije samo dati, već i (a): prepustiti, osta-
naučiti, steći iskustvo. (a): Once he had a good
viti kod, (b): darovati, (c): desiti se, (d): dopustiti,
meal under his belt, Art loosened his tie and fell
dozvoliti, (e): iskazati , izneti (mišljenje), (f): po-
asleep. # I’d feel a lot better if I had a cool drink un-
der my belt. (b): Wait until you’ve got a few more svetiti (se) (nečemu), (g): pokazivati, (h): odlu-
years of working under your belt before you try to čiti, izreći (presudu), (i): popustiti, ne izdržati 6,
tell me how to do my job. (j): pružiti (podršku, pomoć itd.), (k): odati (taj-
nu), (l): voditi, imati pristup, (m): poveriti, (n):
Get under one’s thumb (staviti pod palac) preneti (poruku itd.), (o): saopštiti, (p): dosuditi
znači steći punu kontrolu. # All of them have be- (q): smatrati da će nešto trajati određeno vreme,
come addicted to drugs, and the dealer has them (r): izazvati, (s): prirediti, (t): podići zdravicu
under his thumb. za, (u): dodeliti (titulu, nagradu itd.), (v): doda-
Get under someone’s skin ne znači podvući ti (knjigu, naočari itd.), (w): ukazati poverenje i
se nekome pod kožu, već, obrnuto, ići nekome na sl.), (x): preneti (pozdrave i sl.), (y): prepustiti,
živce, iritirati nekoga. # I don’t know what is about (y): i (z): iznositi (matematika). (a): Can I give
that fellow Donaghue, but he always manages to you my keys while I go in the pool? (b): What
get under my skin. will you give her for her birthday? (c): What gi-
Get underway/under way (pod Under way). ves? (d): I give you two minutes to respond.(e):
Get up ima više značenja (a): ustati, podići se, He gave his opinion about the dilemma. (f): He gi-
(b): ustati iz kreveta (ujutro), (c): pojačavati se, ves his life to art. # She gives herself to her work.
uzimati maha, (d): posebno se obući, (e): pripre- (g): This student gives promise of real creativity.
miti, organizovati, (f): naučiti, (g): (u imperativu) (h): The jury gave a decision for the plaintiff. (i):
Kreći!, Napred! (a): A man should get up when a The roof gave under the weight of the snow. #
woman comes into the room. (b): What time you The rope gave under the weight of the load. #
usually get up? (c): Although the wind was obvi- Both sides will have to give on some issues. (j):
ously getting up, and with it the sea, the foolish I will continue to give whatever support I can
couple left harbor in their flimsy catamaran. (d): with the newsletter and peer support for HIV+
One of the girls got up as a witch for the Halloween people. (k): He gave a secret to the Russians. (l):

Komentar I. Klajna: Sećam se da su naslov filma Something’s Got To Give prevodili sasvim pogrešno, kao
“Nešto se mora dati”.
Give a good/poor account of oneself 89 Give someone a ring

The French doors give onto a terrace. (m): He tification before proceeding with the case against
was given into the hands or custody of his uncle. the accused.
(n): Can you give Jo a message for me? (o): They Give free play to something (omogućiti slo-
gave the winner’s name (out) on the news. (p): If bodnu igru nečega) znači dati maha nečemu,
you’re found guilty, they’ll give you three years. dopustiti da se nešto slobodno izrazi. # She was
(q): Look at that old car she’s bought - I give it a woman who gave free play to her emotions, one
two weeks before it breaks down. (r): The fresh who both laughed and cried a lot more than most
air gave us an appetite (s): They’re always gi- people.
ving parties. (t): Gentlemen, I give you the Qu- Give free rein (osloboditi uzde) znači dati
een! (u): They gave us first prize. (v): Give me odrešene ruke, ostaviti punu slobodu. # By an
the scissors. (w): Give him your confidence. (x): overwhelming majority, Parliament gave the Pri-
Give him my best wishes. (y): John gave them me Minister free rein in her negotiations with the
the cottage for a week (z): 5 × 12 gives 60. EEC.
Give a good/poor account of oneself ne znači Give someone a dose of his own medicine ne
dati o sebi dobar/slab izveštaj, već dobro/loše se znači dati nekom njegov sopstveni lek, već vratiti
pokazati. # Tim gave a good account of himself nekome na isti način. # Joe was always playing
in a fight with two older boys. # Mary gave a poor tricks on other boys. Finally they decided to give
account of herself at dinner. him a dose of his own medicine. Vidi Get a dose/
Give a handle ne znači dati dršku ili ručicu, taste of one’s own medicine.
već dati materijal za ogovaranje, dati štofa glasi- Give someone a hand with something ne zna-
nama. # You should not complain because of the či dati nekome ruku sa nečim, već pomoći neko-
rumors. You gave a handle to rumor-mongers and me u nečemu. # Will somebody please give me a
gossips with your reckless behavior. hand with this?
Give a lick and a promise nema veze sa li- Give someone a lift (dati nekome lift) znači
zanjem i obećanjem, već znači izošljariti, sman- povesti, odbaciti nekoga kolima. # Can I give
drljati na brzinu. # Tom, you didn’t cut the grass you a lift?
properly. You just gave it a lick and a promise. Give someone a turn (pod Turn).
Give (an/one’s) ear ne znači dati uvo, već po- Give someone the benefit of the doubt (dati
kloniti pažnju, slušati s pažnjom. # The boss gave nekome beneficiju sumnje) znači radije verova-
an ear to George so he could tell him all about his ti nekome nego ne. # Art’s grade was higher than
complaints. usual and he might have cheated, but his teacher
Give a pass ne znači samo dati propusnicu, gave him the benefit of the doubt. Vidi Get the be-
već i izbeći, odreći se (u žargonu). # “’You want nefit of the doubt.
a drink?’ ‘I don’t drink.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘My father, Give ground (dati zemlju) znači povući se,
sister and two brothers are drunks, so I thought I’d ustuknuti. # After fighting for a while the troops
give it a pass” (J. Ellroy, The Big Nowhere). slowly began to give ground. # When I argue with
Give birth nije samo poroditi se, roditi, već i Ann, she never gives ground.
stvoriti nešto novo. # The composer gave birth to a Give someone a buzz (zujanje) je telefonira-
new kind of music. ti nekome. # Give me a buzz next time you’re in
Give color to something, lend color to somet- town. Isto značenje ima i give someone a ring. #
hing ne znači dati/pozajmiti boju nečemu, već Mrs. Jones promised to give her husband a ring in
učiniti nešto verodostojnijim, prikazati nešto u the afternoon.
uverljivijem svetlu. # The boy’s torn clothes gave Give someone a dose/taste of one’s own me-
color to his story of a fight. # The broken window dicine (pod Get a dose/taste of one’s own me-
on the ground floor lent color to Mrs. Walker’ story dicine).
that her house had been burgled. Give someone a lift nema veze sa liftom, već
Give currency ne znači dati valutu, već pustiti znači (a): povesti nekoga kolima i (b): dati neko-
(glasine, optužbe, ideje i sl.) u promet/opticaj/jav- me podršku/podstrek. (a): I insist. Giving you a lift
nost. # Any newspaper that gives currency to such home is the very least I can do after your staying so
inflammatory reports should be brought before the late to help me. (b): His attitude gave us a lift.
Press Council. Give someone a piece of one’s mind ne znači
Give evidence ne znači napraviti evidenciju, dati nekome svoje mišljenje o čemu, već ispreska-
već (a): davati/pokazivati znake i (b): pružiti do- kati nekoga na pasja kola, izbrusiti nekoga, odr-
kaze. (a): The packing cases which were examined žati nekome vakelu. The sergeant gave a soldier a
by the foreman gave evidence of having been tam- piece of his mind for not cleaning his boots.
pered with; that is why he sent for the police. (b): Give someone a ring (pod Give someone a
The prosecution gave the court evidence of iden- buzz).
Give someone 90 Glutton for punishment

Give someone a shampoo nije samo dati ne- Give someone to understand something ne
kome šampon, već i očitati nekome lekciju, nasa- znači samo dati nekome jasno na znanje nešto,
punjati nekome glavu. # If he continues to bother već i ostaviti nekoga u uverenju (da), navesti koga
you, I’ll give him a shampoo. da poveruje (da). # When I ordered these carpets
Give someone enough rope (dati nekome I was given to understand that fitting was free of
dovoljno užeta) znači pustiti nekoga da sam sebi charge, and now you have put it on my account as
dođe glave. # That man’s ideas are wholly imprac- an extra.
tical. Give him enough rope and he’ll ruin his own Give tit for tat (pod Return like for like).
reputation and that of everyone connected with Give up ne znači samo odustati, već i (a):
him. predati se, (b): priznati poraz, (c): izgubiti sva-
Give someone ground(s) for something (dati ku nadu u pogledu nekoga, (d): ne očekivati
nekome podlogu za nešto) znači dati nekome ra- više nekoga, (e): dati otkaz/ostavku, (f): pre-
zlog/povod/osnov za nešto (prigovor, uznemire- kinuti sa nečim, (g): ustupiti, (h): otkriti, (i):
nost, verovanje i sl.). # Somehow the church’s past dići ruke, povući se, (j): odustati od zahteva za
silence had given the Mafia grounds to believe that starateljstvom, (k): prodati i (l): odreći se. (a):
the papal condemnation and the labors of anti-Ma- The soldiers were surrounded, but they wouldn’t
fia priests constituted, in effect, a kind of a hands- give up. (b): You give up too easily. You could
off policy toward organized crime. do it if you really set your mind to it. (c): Ted
Give someone heart ne znači pokloniti nekome was given up by the doctors after the accident,
svoje srce, već ohrabiti nekoga, osokoliti nekoga, but he lived just the same. (d): Although she had
podići duh nekome. # They looked depressed and waited up until midnight, Thelma was actually
he did his best to give them heart. surprised when she heard the key turn in the lock
Give someone his freedom ne znači samo and Bernard walked in. She had almost given
dati nekome slobodu, već i dati nekome razvod. # him up. (e): For no apparent reason Beryl gave
Well, Betsie, I hate to break it to you this way, but I up his lucrative position in the city and emigrated
have decided to give you your freedom. to Canada. (f): The doctor told Mr. Davis to give
Give someone his head, let someone to have up smoking. (g): He gave up his seat to a man
his head (dopustiti nekome da ima svoju glavu) on crutches. (h): It was not until the twentieth
znači pustiti nekoga da uradi po svome („radi century that Tutankhamun’s tomb gave it secrets
kako hoćeš“). # Give him his head and you’ll see up to the world. (i): My father is old and has gi-
the results soon. # I told the Board that unless I got ven up his business. (j): If the natural mother of
to run the department in my own way I wanted to a child claims custody, it is often very hard for
leave. Surprisingly, they let me have my head. the foster-parent to give it up. (k): Nothing could
Give someone pause ne znači samo dati neko- persuade her to give up her home: it was much
me pauzu, već i naterati nekoga na preispitivanje too big for her, but it was where she had always
kakve odluke, naterati koga da se debelo zamisli. lived. (l): Just because the man she’s going to
# The bad weather gave my wife pause about dri- marry is an atheist, there’s no need for Deborah
ving to Boston. to give up her own beliefs.
Give someone the freedom of the city (dati Give up the ghost ne znači odreći se duha,
nekome slobodu grada) znači proglasiti nekoga već ispustiti dušu. # After a long illness, the old
počasnim građaninom. # - Is there any advantage woman gave up the ghost.
arising from being given the freedom of the city? - Give way dabome da ne znači dati put, već
Well it’s chiefly the honor, but I believe you get a (a): odstupiti, povući se, (b): srušiti se, (c): na-
few perks thrown in. praviti mesta, propustiti, (d): popustiti, (e): dati
Give someone the lie ne znači slagati koga, izliv svojim osećanjima, dati oduška i (f): ustu-
već dovesti u pitanje nečiju izjavu, uterati nekoga piti mesto, biti zamenjen. (a): The enemy army
u laž. # The police gave the lie to the man who said is giving way before the cannon fire. (b): The
that he had been at home during the robbery. bridge will give way if we don’t take the load
Give someone the raspberry ne znači samo off our vehicles before we cross it. (c): All the
dati nekome maline, već i (kolokvijalno) pućkati cars gave way to the fire engine. (d): Willie kept
prezrivo na nekoga. # The audience gave him the asking his mother if he could go to the movies
raspberry, which gave him second thoughts about and she finally gave way. (e): Jimmy gave way
his choice of career. to his feelings when his dog died. (f): Radio has
Give someone the tip ne znači samo dati kome given way to television in popularity
napojnicu, već i dati nekome poverljivu informa- Glutton for punishment nije izelica za ka-
ciju. # - How did you know to put your money on znu, već neko ko kao da traži ono što drugi
that horse? - Somebody I won’t name gave me the izbegavaju, rođen da bude žrtva (u britanskom
tip. engleskom). # She’s an impossible woman! Dave
Go about one’s business 91 Go belly up, turn belly up

must be a glutton for punishment if he’s stayed ugh they have been going around for two years
with her all these years. now, they still haven’t decided whether to marry
Go about one’s business ne znači samo ići or not.
za svojim poslom, gledati svoja posla, već i (a): Go (a)round in circles nije samo vrteti se u
prihvatiti se posla i (b): ići napolje, vršiti nuždu. krugu, već i (a): ponavljati iste ideje bez nala-
(a): Just go about your business and don’t keep ženja zadovoljavajućeg odgovora, (b): delovati
looking out of the window. (b): “They should go izgubljeno i (c): razvlačiti, potrošiti mnogo vre-
about their private business one hundred yards mena oko nečega. (a): The longer we work on
from the ordinary encampment” (Harris, My Life that project the more I feel we are going around
and Lovers). in circles. (b): I can’t work any more, I’m so tired
Go abroad ne znači samo otići u inostran- that I’m going in circles. (c): My father always
stvo, već i raširiti se, pročuti se. # The news went goes round in circles when he tries to show me
abroad quickly. how to do my homework.
Go against the grain nema veze sa zrnom Go (a)round the bend ne znači samo zaokre-
i žitom već znači (a): protiviti se uobičajenom nuti, zaći za okuku/krivinu, već i pomeriti pame-
toku stvari (dakle uz dlaku, a niz dlaku je with ću, skrenuti, otkačiti se. # Poor Terry. He has been
the grain) i (b): smetati jako nekome („sve se u having trouble for a long time. He finally went aro-
meni buni protiv toga“). (a): In his twenties, he und the bend.
was writing very much against the grain of what Go at it hammer and tongs nema veze sa čeki-
his contemporaries were doing. (b): His coarse ćem i kleštima, već znači (a): žestoko se dohvatiti/
and rude ways went against the grain with me. posvađati/potući i (b): dati sve od sebe. # Ann and
Go all the way ne znači samo preći čitav Mary have been arguing all day, and now they are
put (do nekog mesta), već i (a) imati seksualni going at it hammer and tongs again. (b): Tom had
odnos i (b) biti u potpunoj saglasnosti. (a): Did a lot of homework to do and he went at it hammer
you go all the way with her? (b): I go all the way and tongs till bedtime.
with what she said about you.
Go at ima više značenja: (a): napasti, nasrnu-
Go along ne znači samo ići duž (nečega), već ti, (b): pristupiti nečemu, krenuti sa nečim, (c):
i (a): nastaviti kakvu aktivnost, (b): pridružiti zapeti iz petnih žila i (d): prodavati se po ceni od.
se, (c): slagati/složiti se, (d): podržati, (e): ići uz (a): He went at me like a madman. (b): How are
nešto i (f): (u imperativu – with you) Ma hajde! you going to go at the job of fixing the roof? (c):
(a): You’ll get more skillful at this job as you
Once Phil decided to do something, he went at it
go along. (b): As everyone else was going to the
for all his was worth. (d): Those shoes are going
pub, I decided to go along too. (c): I go along
at 12/6 a pair.
with Mary. I’m sure she’s right. (d): I refuse to
go along with your plans. (e): A splendid book- Go bad ne znači krenuti loše, već (a) ukvariti
case goes along with the complete Encyclope- se i (b) poći lošim putem. (a): I’m afraid that this
dia if you pay cash. (f): Two thousand pounds milk has gone bad. (b): “What a terrible grief, to
a year? Go along with you! The job isn’t worth have a child go bad and never be able to correct
fifteen hundred! it or even know why it happened” (L. McMurtry,
Go a long way nije samo daleko putovati, već Streets of Laredo).
i (a): dugo/duže trajati, (b): daleko dogurati u Go begging ne znači prosjačiti, već (a): imati
životu i (c): biti od značajne pomoći. (a): The- slabu prođu i (b): ostati neiskorišćen/neupotre-
se flowers could go a long way if we gave them bljen/nepojeden. (a): Many old houses in the city
fresh water every morning. (b): “HAVA: I think go begging. (b): There is still food left. A whole
David is a lovely boy, he’s got such a wonderful lobster is going begging. Please eat some more.
voice, he’ll go a long way” (B. Kops, The Hamlet Go belly up, turn belly up (ići/okrenuti se s
of Stepney Green). (c): Your plan went a long trbuhom nagore) znači (u američkom žargonu)
way in helping us with our problem. (a): bankrotirati, biti tropa, (b): crći, (c): propasti;
Go (and) jump in the lake/river/sea/ocean! riknuti i (d): otegnuti papke, zakovrnuti, ispružiti
je kolokvijalni izraz i znači Gubi mi se s očiju! sve četiri. (a): “He really began to drink when he
Da te više nisam video ovde! # Don’t you see knew he’d have to sell the business or go belly up”
you are bothering us? Go and jump in the lake! (W. J. Coughlin, Shadow of a Doubt). (b): Every
Go (a)round ne znači samo ići okolo, obila- fish in Greg’s tank wnr belly up last night. (c): I
ziti, već i (a): biti dovoljno, dostati, (b): širiti sort of felt that the whole thing would go belly up,
se i (c): provoditi mnogo vremena, izlaziti. (a): and I was right. # The computer - on its last legs
How can India possibly find enough rice to go anyway - turned belly up right in the middle of an
round these millions of refugees? (b): Chicken important job. (d): I sort of felt that the whole thing
pox is going around the neighborhood. (c): Tho- would go belly up, and I was right.
Go blind 92 Going concern

Go blind ne znači samo oslepeti, već i nakre- Go down with all guns firing ne znači pasti
sati se. # “It’s just that after the twenty-fifth beer he pucajući iz svih topova/pušaka/pištolja, već boriti
goes blind and can’t tell one woman from another” se do samog kraja. # Michael was knocked down
(L. McMurtry, Texasville). in the fifth round, but he went down with all guns
Go by nije samo proći pored/kraj već i (a): firing.
proticati, (b): ostati neiskorišćen, (c): orijentisati God save the mark (pod Save the mark).
se, pratiti i (d): suditi po, ravnati se po. (a): As Go Dutch nema veze sa holandskim, već znači
the months went by, the villagers gradually got podeliti troškove (izlaska u restoran, bioskop i sl.
accustomed to the stranger in their midst. (b): Mr. – „svako plaća svoje“). # The girl knew her boyfri-
Gledston hesitated just a little too long over the end had little money, so she offered to go Dutch.
offer of a partnership in the firm - and when he fi- Go easy ne znači ići lagano, već (a): postupa-
nally made up his mind to accept, the opportunity ti sa puno obzira, (b): ne preterivati, (c): tretirati
had gone by. (c): We had no compass, and only the kakvu temu oprezno/pažljivo i (d): (u imperativu)
distant gunfire to go by. (d): It’s often a mistake to Budite pažljiviji! (a): Go easy on Fred. His wife
go by appearances: that poor-looking individual is died last week. (b): Go easy on the salt, you can
anything but poor, he’s a millionaire. always add more later. (c): You should go easy on
Go by the board ne znači proći kraj oglasne politics if you want to avoid an argument with him
table, već (a): propasti, (b): otići u nepovrat i (c): - he has very strong opinions on the subject. (d):
biti žrtvovan/odbačen. (a): I hate to see good food Go easy, there! This is china, not bricks!
go by the board. Please eat up so we won’t have to Go fly a kite! ne znači Idi puštaj zmaja!, već
throw it out. (b): After he said that silly thing, all Ne gnjavi me više i gubi se! Zaveži i sevaj! (u žar-
his chances of winning their sympathy and being gonu). # You’re bothering me. Go fly a kite! Slično
chosen for the job went by the board. (c): Everyt- značenje ima i Go fry an egg! (u žargonu). # Go
hing went by the board - holidays, new clothes, fry an egg! You’re a pain in the neck.
entertaining, lunches out - in order to get Gerald Go for someone ne znači samo otići po neko-
into college. ga, već i (a): nasrnuti na nekoga, (b): osuti grd-
Go cold turkey (pod Cold turkey). nju na nekoga, (c): važiti za nekoga i (d): imati
Go down je jedan od frazalnih glagola sa mno- naklonosti prema nekome (u žargonu). (a): He
go različitih značenja: (a): sići, (b): pasti, srušiti se went for me when my back was turned. (b): Molly
na zemlju, (c): potonuti, (d): zaći, nestati s vidi- went for Cyril about being late as soon as he got
ka, (e): propasti, (f): biti progutan, kliziti niz grlo, home. (c): - Tell the men that they can knock off
(g): prijati, (h): opadati, (i): napustiti univerzitet for an hour. - Does that go for me, too? (d): Tom
(u britanskom engleskom), (j): dešavati se (u žar- goes for Susie in a big way.
gonu), (k): biti zabeležen, (l): (u žargonu) otići u Go from strength to strength (ići od snage ka
bajbok. (a): The riders got down the hill. (b): The snazi) znači povećati naglo svoju moć. # The dis-
plane went down in flames. (c): The ship struck a honesty of several members of the government has
hidden reef and went down with all hands. (d): As now been proved, and their opponents are going
the sun went down the whole sky became suffused from strength to strength.
with a red glow. (e): Once he was a rich merchant Go fry an egg! (pod Go fly a kite!).
but he went down. (f): It was a Portuguese cham- Go great guns nema veze sa velikim topovima,
pagne and went down like mother’s milk. (g): How već kolokvijalno znači (a): napredovati brzim tem-
did my pie go down? (h): It’s a strange thing, but pom, (b): raditi sve u šesnaest, raditi punom sna-
prices always seem to be going up. They never go gom i (c): biti vrlo popularan. (a): Brown’s new
down! (i): He feels blue. His son went down and store opened last week and it’s going great guns.
decided to get married. (j): Hey, man! What’s go- (b): The men were going great guns to finish the
ing down? (k): Every word uttered in court went job. (c): I myself remember buying a khaki green
down for future reference. (l): Mr. Big said that overcoat in 1969, when the military look was going
somebody had to go down for it, and he didn’t care great guns.
who. Go home ne znači samo ići kući, već i (a): vra-
Go down a bomb nema veze sa bombom, već titi se u svoju zemlju, (b): postići željeni cilj i (c):
znači imati lud uspeh (u britanskom žargonu). # umreti. (a): Yankees, go home! (b): Melvin was
Our act goes down a bomb in Britain. Isto značenje a skillful debater, and his calculated sarcasm went
ima (u britanskom žargonu) i go down big. # The home. His opponent flushed under the attack. (c):
politician’s speech went down big with the voters. Poor old Mike’s going home at last. It’s a pity he
Go down in flames ne znači izgoreti, već (u couldn’t have lived to a hundred.
američkom žargonu) slavno propasti. # The whole Going concern nije tekuća briga, već dobar
team went down in flames. posao. # You know the properties will never be go-
Go into one’s song 93 Good offices

ing concerns commercially; most of them are terra- Good bedside manner (dobro ophođenje
ced farmland which is no longer economical. kraj kreveta) je dobar odnos prema pacijentu.
Go into one’s song (pod Song and dance). # Dr. Willard has a name for his good bedside
Gold digger je kopač zlata, ali je i devoj- manner that inspires a patient with confidence in
ka koja juri bogate, sponzoruša (u žargonu). # doctor.
“You little gold digger!” cried Max. The good book, the Good Book (dobra knji-
Golden handshake ne znači zlatno rukova- ga) je biblija. # The good book, if we are to be-
nje, već bogata otpremnina. # After the merger lieve it, says we are entitled to three score years
our manager got an early pension and a golden and ten. Who am I to argue?
handshake. Good catch (dobro hvatanje) je dobra partija
Golden parachute nije zlatni padobran, (za brak). # “Carl was what they called ‘a good
američki kolokvijalizam za otpremninu (obično catch’. Gia didn’t like to think of a man that way
za one kojih se oslobađaju). # My golden para- - it made her feel predatory, and she wasn’t hun-
chute was so attractive that I wanted to get fired. ting” (F. Paul Wilson, The Tomb).
Goldfish bowl je posuda za ribice, ali i (a): Good deal, great deal nije dobar ili veliki
zaštićena sredina, zlatan kavez, (b): sredina u posao, već znači mnogo. He was driving a good
kojoj se ne može sačuvati tajna (američki kolo- deal faster. # It means a great deal to her.
kvijalizam) i (c): mesto gde si svima na oku. (a): Good egg ne znači dobro/ispravno jaje, već
Writing in the January issue of Tattler, Ms. That- znači (u žargonu) (a): veliki laf, sjajan tip i (b):
cher, a freelance journalist, said: “My mother has (u imperativu) Sjajno! Super! (a): Bobby is such
been out of mainstream politics for three years a good egg that everybody wants to be his friend.
and I am a willing escapee from life in goldfish (b): - I managed to find a shop that sells all those
bowl.” (b): Washington society is a goldfish things you wanted for that Chinese recipe you’re
bowl. (c): Ted’s office is a goldfish bowl, that’s going to cook tomorrow. - Oh, good egg! I was
why I didn’t let him kiss me there. beginning to think it would have to be roast chic-
Go like a charm/dream/bomb/clockwork ken again.
nema veze sa šarmom, snom itd. već znači ići Good evening, nije samo Dobro veče, već
kao kako se samo poželeti može, ići kao pod- i Laku noć. # Finally Aunt Mary stood up and
mazano, raditi kao sat. # The car went like a said, “Good evening, Mr. Reynolds.”
charm when they had finished the repairs. # The Good form nije dobra forma, već pristoj-
car’s motor went like a dream after Tom fixed it. nost, društveno prihvatljivo ponašanje. # It’s
# My car goes like a bomb since I put that new not good form to insist on talking about oneself.
engine in it. # She worried unnecessarily beca- I obrnuto, bad ili poor form znači neprilično,
use the arrangements for the holiday went like neprikladno. # Rudeness is simply bad form. #
clockwork. Isti smisao imaju i izrazi go on oiled It was poor form of you not to come to your ex-
wheels i go smooth as oil. # In this kind of busi- fiancée wedding.
ness you normally can expect a snag or two, but Good lady nije dobra dama, već (nečija) su-
everything went on oiled wheels. # It will all go pruga/gospođa. # As I was just saying to your
smooth as oil, I assure you. good lady, sir, you don’t see many of these old
Gone goose/gosling ne znači izgubljena gu- water-driven machines nowadays.
ska ili izgubljeno gušče, već (u žargonu) bezna- A good many, a great many nisu dobri ili ve-
dežan slučaj, tropa. # I’m afraid that your old car liki mnogi, već jednostavno mnogi, mnoštvo. #
is a gone goose. # The man was a gone gosling A good many of them already left. # Sally has a
when a policeman caught him breaking the store great many ideas for interesting programs.
window. Good mixer or poor mixer ne znači dobar ili
Good address (dobra adresa) je prestižna loš mikser, već društvena odnosno nedruštvena
adresa, stan u otmenoj četvrti. # - They could osoba (koja ume odnosno ne ume sa ljudima). #
have got a far larger house in North London for They are distrustful. You’d better send Mike to
half the price. - Ah, but they wouldn’t have had talk to them. He’s a good mixer. # He was shy
such a good address. and a poor mixer.
Good and (dobar i) znači veoma, potpuno. # Good night, ne znači samo Laku noć, već i
I’m getting good and angry over this matter. # It (u američkom kolokvijalizmu) Majku mu!, Ko
should be good and ready by Wednesday. bi rekao! # Mr. Crowe’s eyes opened wide when
Good as gold (dobar kao zlato) je (a): lepo he saw the fish his little boy had caught, and said,
vaspitan („zlatno dete“) i (b): pravi, istinski. (a): “Good night!”
It was a real pleasure to look after your boy in Good offices, through, due to, owing to etc.
your absence. He is good as gold. (b): Yes, this someone’s good offices nisu dobri uredi, već do-
diamond is genuine - good as gold. bre usluge (kao posrednika), zahvaljujući nečijoj
Good show! 94 Goose-step

pomoći, naporima, uticaju i sl. # Did he appre- koloseka/ravnoteže, potpuno se dezorijentisati.

ciate your good offices? # In the following year # “It was odd how Harold, who had never since
he obtained, through the good offices of a family his marriage taken a step along primrose path,
friend, a post with a publishing firm which, thou- never gone off the rails in any way or wished to,
gh not highly paid, he found more congenial. proved himself a past-master of intrigue” (L. P.
Good show! nije samo Dobra predstava! već Hartley, A Perfect Woman).
i Alal vera! Bravo! Svaka čast! # Good show! Go on nije samo nastaviti, već i (a): dodati
You deserve a special bonus and I’ll see you get (već rečenom), (b): trajati i dalje, (c): prolazi-
it. ti, proticati (vreme), (d): dešavati se, zbivati se,
Good sort nije dobra sorta, već draga/pri- (e): moći se navući/obući, pristajati, (f): poja-
jatna osoba, dobričina. # Everybody likes him viti se na sceni, (g): (u britanskom engleskom)
- he’s a good sort, the kind who always find the snaći se, dovijati se, (h): upaliti se, zasvetleti,
right word in the right moment. (i): opširno pričati, razglabati, (j): pouzdati se,
osloniti se (na nešto), rukovoditi se (nečim), (k):
Good sport ne znači dobar sport, već (a): pri-
otići na nešto, biti potrošeno i (l): (u imperativu)
jatan momak, laf (u američkom žargonu) i (b):
Ma nemoj mi reći! Drugom ti to! (a): After
čovek na mestu, pošten momak (u britanskom
criticizing our proposal in every detail, the direc-
engleskom). (a): I like the new guy - he’s a good tor went on to reassure us that there was nothing
sport. (b): He’s a good sport - he’s always acting personal in his comments. (b): After Mr. Arm-
honorably and fairly. And he’s not complaining strong left the firm everything went on as usual.
when he’s beaten. (c): As the years go on, we grow both wiser and
Go off ne znači samo otići, otputovati, već i sadder. (d): George heard the noise and went to
(a): eksplodirati, (b): opaliti, (c): proteći, proći, see what was going on in the hall. (e): Her glo-
(d): zaspati, (e): ukvariti se, ubuđati se, ukiseliti ves wouldn’t go on. (f): I’m so excited! I can’t
se, (f): zazvoniti, aktivirati se, (g): nestati i (h): wait to see our Sally going on. (g): How did you
izgubiti interes/volju/naklonost, zasititi se. (a): go on for money? (h): We had been sitting for a
There was a bomb in this building, but it didn’t couple of hours in candlelight when to our relief
go off. (b): His rifle went off and almost deafe- the lights went on again. (i): Go on! You don’t
ned me. (c): Aunt Ellen had the operation this know what you’re talking about! (j): I suddenly
morning and it all went off quite well. (d): He saw that the belief I had been going on all my life
didn’t seem to be able to go off, so he went into was quite without foundation. (k): I can’t stand
the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. (e): the way some people go on about pollution. (l):
The power failure lasted for quite a while. I’m Half our money goes on food.
afraid the food in the refrigerator has gone off. Go on a fishing expedition ne znači ići u ri-
(f): Just as the burglar thought he was safely in- bolov, već ići u potragu za informacijama, po-
side the house, the alarm went off. (g): Just as kušati iščeprkati obaveštenje. # We are going to
the weather turned cold, the electricity supply have to go on a fishing expedition to try to find
went off. (h): The children seem to have gone off the facts.
cornflakes for breakfast. Go one’s own gate nema veze sa kapijom,
Go off at a tangent, fly off at a tangent nema već znači ići po svome, raditi po svojoj glavi.
veze sa tangentom, već znači preći na nešto de- # Whatever you tell him, he’ll go his own gate.
seto, promeniti naglo temu. # We were talking Isto značenje ima i go one’s (own) way, mada
about the cost of tomatoes when George went off je osnovno značenje produžiti svojim putem #
at a tangent and started talking about the revival The man stopped and asked me for a match, then
of wine-making in England. # It’s impossible to went his way.
discuss anything with Molly - she will keep fl- Go on oiled wheels (pod Go like a charm/
ying off at a tangent. dream/bomb/clockwork).
Go off at half-cock(ed) ne znači samo opa- Go on record ne znači ići na rekord, već jav-
liti iako zakočen, već i (a): brzopleto reagovati no saopštiti svoj stav (u prilog ili protiv). # He
i (b): prerano započeti akciju, krenuti sa nečim went on record as opposing abortion. U britan-
pre nego što su sve pripreme završene. (a): Mr. skom engleskom to znači i izvestiti službeno i sa
Reynolds was thinking about quitting his job, but odobrenjem Spikera Donjeg doma da se neko
his wife told him not to go at half-cock. (b): The izjasnio o nečemu. # Lord Goodman has gone
plan to murder the President went off at half cock on record as saying that music and the other arts
because the signal was given before it should need much more active support.
have been. Goose-step nije guščji korak, već strojevi ko-
Go off the rails/tracks/road ne znači samo rak, pruski korak. # I think that this goose step
iskliznuti/iskočiti iz šina, skliznuti/sleteti sa dru- with the legs pushed straight forward must be de-
ma, već ima i prenosno značenje: biti izbačen iz trimental to health.
Go out 95 Go through the mill

Go out nije samo izaći, već i (a): umreti, (b): ljiv život (putujući po svetu). (a): Coaching direc-
proći, završiti se, (c): zastareti, (d): emitovati, tor Johnny Leach says: “These kids can really go
(e): ugasiti se, (f): opadati (oseka), (g): otputo- places. (b): My uncle becomes quite interesting
vati/otići u inostranstvo (preko okeana). (a): I when he’s drunk - he’s really been going places,
wish I had led a more relaxed existence. As it is, he can tell you the most unbelievable stories abo-
I shall go out thinking of all the fun I’ve missed. ut the countries he’s visited and the people he’s
(b): 1970 went out with the news of a major ear- met.
thquake in Peru. (c): That expression has gone Go public znači izaći u javnost, obelodani-
out. Nobody uses it today. (d): The special elec- ti, ali i (u američkom engleskom) ići na javnu
tion broadcast will go out on the local station at prodaju deonica (pretvoriti privatno preduzeće
eight tonight. (e): The candle has gone out. (f): u deoničarsko društvo s javnim upisom). # The
The sea, at certain parts of the coast, goes out company decided not to go public because the
so far that it can no longer be seen. (g): Are you economy was so bad at the time.
going out by plane or by ship? Go sick ne znači ići bolestan, već (kolokvi-
Go out of action ne znači izaći iz akcije, već jalno) obavestiti o nedolasku na posao zbog bo-
ispasti iz stroja. # The enemy’s fighters seem to lesti. # “They agreed, and Desmond was briefed
have gone out of action: perhaps they have been to tell X that his principal had gone sick and was
subjected to overheating in the recent battles. sending a junior valuer in his place” (I. Fleming,
Go out of one’s way ne znači samo skrenu- The Diamond Smugglers).
ti sa svoga puta (da bi se nešto učinilo), već i Go smooth as oil (pod Go like a charm/
posebno se potruditi. When we visited Boston, dream/bomb/clockwork).
our host went out of their way to make our stay
Go stag nema veze sa jelenom, već znači ići
sam na skup gde dolaze parovi (prvobitno se od-
Go out of play ne znači otići iz igre, već otići nosilo samo na muškarce). # Howard didn’t want
u aut (u fudbalu, tenisu i sl.). # Channon took a to go stag, so took his sister to the party.
quick shot at goal but the ball went harmlessly
Go straight ne znači samo ići pravo (go stra-
out of play.
ight to bed), već i (a): poći ispravnim putem, po-
Go out of service ne znači izaći iz službe, četi živeti pošteno i (b): ostaviti drogu. (a): It’s
već ispasti iz upotrebe. # The ‘slow’ jets of the not easy for a man who’s just come out of prison
1960s went out of service as they were replaced to go straight, especially if many of his friends
by more modern machines. are still criminals. (b): Ernie wanted to go strai-
Go out on a limb (pod Out on a limb). ght than anything in the world.
Go over ne znači samo preći preko (nečega), Go the distance ne znači preći razdaljinu,
već i (a): leteti iznad (nečega), preleteti, (b): pre- već (kolokvijalno) izdržati do kraja. # He has
gledati, proveriti, (c): objasniti, (d): uraditi još started a university course, but I don’t think he’ll
jednom i (e): ponoviti, preslišati. (a): The airpla- go the distance.
ne went over London on its way to the coast. (b): Go the limit ne znači preći granicu, već ići
You’ll have to go over the figures again - they do kraja. # We’ll go the limit. To heck with the
don’t balance out. (c): Will you please go over
this form? I don’t understand it. (d): The detec-
tive went over the facts in his mind for the twen- Go (the) whole hog nema veze sa celom svi-
tieth time, but still the vital clue eluded him. (e): njom, već znači (a): učiniti sve moguće i (b): ne
The boys’ mother used to go over their lessons uzdržavati se, ponašati se ekstravagantno. (a):
with them every evening. “’You fought it, boy,’ Commerce said. ‘Discipli-
ne comes easy when you .decide to go the who-
Go over the top ne znači preći preko vrha,
već (a): iskočiti iz rova i krenuti u juriš, (b): pre- le hog at something’” (P. Conroy, The Lords of
kardašiti, preći meru, (c): uraditi nešto nepro- Discipline). (b): Show some restraint. Don’t go
mišljeno, (d): premašiti cilj. (a): The plan was whole hog all the time.
to spend the night in the trenches and go over the Go through the changes (prolaziti kroz pro-
top at dawn. (b): I am an ardent fan myself and mene) znači (u žargonu) prolaziti kroz teške/oz-
like to cheer our team on the sidelines, but I think biljne trenutke. # I went through the changes all
that some of the boys really go over the top after last year. It was a real bad time.
every victory. (c): I was told he’d gone over the Go through the mill ne znači proći kroz
top and accepted the offer of a job in Australia. mlin, već (a): proći kroz sito i rešeto i (b): imati
(d): Our goal was to collect a half a million do- teško iskustvo. (a): The best men at running in-
llars for the new school building, but we went dustry are those who have had to go through the
over the top. mill themselves. (b): Poor Johnny has had three
Go places ne znači ići po mestima, već (a): operations in one year, and now he’s back in the
biti sve uspešniji i (b): imati zanimljiv i uzbud- hospital. He’s really gone through the mill.
Go through the motions 96 Grade

Go through the motions nema veze sa kreta- fares, rents. Why doesn’t the Government do so-
njem, već znači otaljavati, raditi kao od bede. # mething about it? (b): The new church is going
Terry was supposed to be raking the yard, but he up on the corner. (c): The ammunition factory
was just going through the motions. went up when the bomb fell on it. (d): In the first
Go to ground/earth (ići u/pod zemlju) znači act the curtain goes up on a typical sitting-room
zavući se u jazbinu, rupu, jamu, ali i skloniti se of a small English semi-detached house.
na kakvo zabačeno mesto. # The kidnappers, like Go up in the air ne znači otići u vazduh
foxes returning to a hidden burrow, had gone to (kaže se go/blow up), već (u britanskom engle-
ground in their temporary headquarters, the ren- skom) razljutiti se, razbesneti se. # My parents
ted property south of Hackensack, New Jersey. went up in the air when I told them that I wanted
Go to law nije daleko od doslovnog prevoda to move out into a flat.
ići pred zakon i znači ići na sud, povesti sudski Go up the river nije samo ići uz reku, već
spor. # I don’t want to go to law, but I shall have i otići u bajbok/ćuzu (u žargonu). # “The long-
to if he doesn’t offer me fair compensation. term prisoners waiting to go up the river” (L.
Go to sea ne znači ići na more (kaže se go Armstrong, Satchmo).
to the seaside), već otići u pomorce. # The boy Government je vlada (u britanskom engleskom
was tired of looking for a job near his home and – kao množina), ali i (a): vladanje, upravljanje,
eventually decided to go to sea. (b): vlast, (c): država (u američkom engleskom),
Go to seed (pod Run/go to seed). (d): uprava (firme, organizacije ili institucije) (u
Go to the country ne znači ići na selo, već (u američkom engleskom, a u britanskom engleskom
britanskom engleskom) raspisati opšte izbore. # je to the public sector) i (e): političke nauke (u
The Prime Minister said that if Parliament went američkom engleskom). (a): Democracy means
against him on the crucial issue of our joining government by discussion. # „A government of
the Common Market, he would be forced to go laws, and not of men.“ John Adams. (b): We
to the country. need honest government. # We called for more,
Go to the dogs nema veze sa psima, već zna- not less, openness in local government. (c): „It
či propadati. # From the way some people talk, is easier to run a revolution than a government.“
you’d think the country had been going to the Ferdinand Marcos. (d): A government are all the
dogs for the last fifty years. people and agencies that administer or control
Go to the wall ne znači ići do zida, već (ko- the affairs of a nation, state, institutions, etc. (e):
lokvijalno) izgubiti na kakvom poslu, doživeti fi- Government is also the studies of systems of ru-
nansijski krah. # The company went to the wall ling and controling, political science.
because of that contract. Now it’s broke. Go west ne znači otići na Zapad (kaže se go to
Go to town ne znači ići u grad, već (a) raditi the West), već (kolokvijalno u britanskom engle-
sa energijom i entuzijazmom i (b) neumereno skom) (a): umreti, odapeti, (b): otkazati, slomiti
trošiti. (a): The boys went to town on the old ga- se, crći i (c): izgubiti se, nestati. (a): He was as old
rage, and had it torn down before Father came as Methuselah when he went west. (b): My new
home from work. (b): They’ve really gone to camera has gone west after only three months. (c):
town on decorating their new home - they must The food mixer must have gone west along with
have spent more on the furniture than on the ho- my baking tins, when we moved house.
use itself. Go with the territory ne znači ići uz teritoriju,
Go under ne znači samo proći/prolaziti is- već spadati u nečiji posao. # “I’ll be risking my
pod (nečega), već i (a) potonuti i (b) pasti pod hide going up there. We all will. It goes, as they
stečaj, bankrotirati. (a): The ship hit an iceberg say, with the territory” (D. Brown, Silver Tower).
and went under. (b): Poor Reynolds had no head Gracious može biti i graciozan, ali najčešće
for business, and it was not long before he went znači (a): ljubazan (b): otmen, (c): milostiv (d):
under. komforan (a): He is gracious even to unexpec-
Go under the hammer (doći pod čekić) znači ted visitors. # He was gracious enough to thank
(a): prodavati se na javnoj dražbi i (b): otići na me. (b): Characterized by tact and propriety, he
doboš. (a): The Browns auctioned off the entire responded to the insult with gracious humor. (c):
contents of their home. Mrs. Brown cried when God is always gracious enough to give us time to
her pewter collection went under the hammer. embrace his truth in our lives. (d): We can’t afford
(b): We must do everything we can to prevent the gracious living.
old homestead from going under the hammer. Grade je stepen, ali i (a): ocena (u školi), (b):
Go up nije samo popeti/penjati se, već i (a): razred (u američkom engleskom - u britanskom
porasti, povećavati se, (b): graditi se, (c): otići engleskom to je year), (c): kategorija, kvalitet,
u vazduh i (d): podići se. (a): Everything seems (d): stepen muzičkog obrazovanja i vrednovanja
to be going up these days: coal, groceries, bus (u britanskom engleskom), (e): nagib, kosina (u
Graft 97 Ground

američkom engleskom) i (f): osnovni nivo. (a): find myself more in agreement with great unwas-
(b): Jackie is in the sixth grade. (c): Lumber of hed than with the elite.
the highest grade. # This is Grade A milk. (d): Greaves (pod Scrap).
Next exam is Guitar grade 4. (e): The base of the The Greeks had a name/word for it (još su
tower was below grade. stari Grci imali ime za to) znači to je odavno do-
Graft je dirinčenje, dirinčitii, ali i (a): mito, bro poznato. # The Greeks had a word for the
(b): kalem, parče kože (transplatat) i (c): presadi- contemptuous disregard North and South showed
ti. (a): The whole government was riddled with for their opponents. It is hubristic.
graft, bribery, and corruption. (b): He has had Green as grass (zelen kao trava) znači nei-
a skin graft on his badly burned arm. (c): The skusan (još zelen), žutokljunac. # When we left
management tried unsuccessfully to graft new school and started working in this company we
working methods onto the existing ways of do- all were as green as grass.
ing things. # Skin was removed from her leg and Green-eyed monster (čudovište sa zelenim
grafted on/onto her face. očima) je figurativni naziv za zavist. # When
Grand nije samo veliki, već i hiljadu dolara Dave’s brother got the new bicycle, the green-
(u američkom žargonu). # Four grands for that eyed monster made Dave fight with him. Green
thing? power (američki kolokvijalizam, asocirajući
Grasp the nettle sem doslovnog značenja na zelenu boju dolara) je finansijska moć. # In
uhvatiti koprivu, znači i uhvatiti se hrabro u American political elections the candidates that
koštac sa teškoćama, uhvatiti bika za rogove. # win are usually the ones who have green power
Unemployment is one of our main problems - we backing them. Slično tome, green stuff/folding/
need a government that will grasp the nettle and paper (ili prosto green) je (u američkom žargo-
provide more money for new jobs. nu) novac, lova („zelembaći“). # Rocco has so
Grass je trava, ali i (a): zatraviti, (b): pašnjak, much green stuff, he doesn’t know what to do
(c): marihuana (u američkom žargonu) i (d): zele- with it. # How much green you got on you?
na salata (u američkom žargonu). (a): The owners Green power (pod Green-eyed monster).
decided to grass their property. (b): It’s floored Green stuff (pod Green-eyed monster).
by a pasture of lush green grass that could almost Greetings card (pod Card).
be used as a tennis court. (c): These kids mana-
ge to find this grass somewhere. (d): Do you want Grey/gray eminence (pod Power behind the
some dressing on your grass? throne).
Grass roots (korenje trave) je baza (društva, Grill someone (pržiti nekoga na roštilju) je
političkog pokreta, sistema i sl.). # Tory workers američki kolokvijalizam koji znači intenzivno
from the grass roots yesterday sent an unmistaka- saslušavati nekoga, pritisnuti nekoga da prizna.
ble though muffle message to party chiefs. # They grilled Bruno, but he refused to say anyt-
Grass widow(er) nema veze sa travom, beć
Grip ne znači grip (kaže se influenza, u blagoj
znači bela udovica, beli udovac. # “Look, what
formi flu ili retko grippe), već (a): čvrst zahvat,
about coming round on Tuesday and cheering me
(b): stisak, (c): koštac, (d): kontrola, (e): vlada-
up when’ I’m a grass widow?” (K. Amis, Take a
nje predmetom, shvatanje, (f): drška, (g): putna
Girl Like You) # He’s been a grass widower for
torba, (h): zgrabiti, ščepati i (i): privući (pažnju,
quite a while - his wife is away.
interes i sl.). (a): The carpenter held the hammer
Gravy train (voz sa močom) je (u američkom securely in his grip. (b): He shook my hand with an
žargonu) posao koji brzo donosi novac, lak i dobro iron grip. (c): It is up to Mr. Bush to come to grips
plaćen posao. # This kind of job is a real gravy with the central problem of this election - econo-
train. Ride the gravy train znači živeti u obilju, my. (d): He lost control of himself. (e): A naviga-
imati sve što srce zaželi. # There is no comparison tor must have a good grip of mathematics. (f): The
- I have gone through the mill and you were riding sword has a gold grip. (g): Grandmother traveled
the gravy train. with a trunk and two grips. (h): He gripped the
Great deal (pod Good deal). hammer and started nailing the wood together. (i):
The greatest thing since sliced bread (najve- The repoerter’s account of the trial gripped gripped
ća stvar posle hleba isečenog na kriške) je sjajna the readers’ interest.
novina („nešto najbolje posle otkrića Amerike“). # Grisly nije grizli (kaže se grizzly) već jeziv. # It
My husband uses this stuff now for all repair jobs was the most grisly crime the town had ever seen.
about the house. He thinks it’s the greatest thing Ground ne znači samo tlo, već i (a): pod, (b):
since sliced bread. osnova, (c): teren, (d): posed, (e): zemljište, (f):
A great many (pod A good many). razlog (obično u množini) i (g): talog kafe (u mno-
Great unwashed (veliki neoprani) znači (kolo- žini). (a): The glass fell off the table and shattered
kvijalno) raja, obični ljudi, niži slojevi. # I usually on the ground. (b): There is no ground for your
Ground-breaking 98 Gutter press

complaint. (c): Houses should be built on high gro- Gum nije guma (kaže se rubber, kao i gumica
und. (d): Now that you’ve seen the house, I’ll show za brisanje – takođe eraser), već (a): desni (zubno
you around the grounds. (e): The ground must be meso – u množini), (b): lepak i (c): žvaka . (a):
plowed in early spring. (f): What grounds do you Bleeding gums is usually a sign of gum disease.
have for firing him? (g): Put the coffee grounds in (b): True gum arabic is the product of Acacia Se-
the garbage. negal, abundant in dry tropical west Africa from
Ground-breaking nije vezano za uzoravanje Senegal to northern Nigeria. (c): Try some su-
zemlje, već znači pionirski, inovatorski, koji pro- gar-free gum, a glass of water, or keep yourself
bija led, a ground-breaking ceremony je početak busy. Gum tree je eukaliptus. # A gum tree is any
radova. # You are scheduled to make an appearan- of several types of tree, found especially in Au-
ce this afternoon at the ground-breaking ceremony stralia, which produce an oil with a strong smell
for the new library addition. used in medicine and industry (eucalyptus oil).
Ground rules (temeljna pravila) su nepisana Gut reaction/feeling (reakcija/osećaj iz utro-
pravila (ponašanja). # You shouldn’t express your be) je prva/instinktivna reakcija odnosno instin-
opinion in this organization until you learned the ktivni osećaj. # Well, my gut reaction is quite ne-
ground rules.
gative, period. # Susan had a gut feeling she was
Guard nije samo garda (old guard, National being followed, so she hurried to her car. Isto
Guard) već i (a): straža, vojnik na straži, (b): ču- tako, gut impression je prvi utisak . # “Whatever
var, čuvati, (c): kondukter u vozu (u britanskom the plans, you usually go in the end on gut impre-
engleskom), odnosno kočničar (u američkom en-
ssions. Certain jurors just seem to be people you
gleskom), (d): zaštita, zaštititi i (e): štitnik. (a):
The guard walked up and down in front of the gate. think you like, folks you can talk to” (S. Turow,
(b): The guard supervises prisoners. # Policemen Presumed Innocent).
guarded the prisoner throughout the trial. (c): He is Gutter press (ulična štampa) je žuta/bulevar-
a guard - a railway employ in charge of a train. (d): ska štampa. # Report the news by radio as you
This is the best guard against tooth decay. (e): All deem best, but do not drop to the sensational le-
football players should wear face guards. vel of the gutter press. Kaže se i yellow press. #
Guinea pig (morsko prase) je zamorče. # This The gratuitous film reports of the Hong Kong and
government wants us to serve as guinea pigs for its French disaster were in the worst traditions of the
silly economic experiments. yellow press.

Half-and-half ne znači samo popola, pola- a half-breed, haven’t you? Chinese and Tlingit.”
pola, već i (a): tako-tako, i dobro i loše, (b): i (J. Michener, Alaska)
da i ne, (c): pola mleka, pola kafe i (d): mešavi- Half-hearted(ly) (sa pola srca) znači
na od dve vrste piva (u britanskom engleskom). mlak(o), bez oduševljenja. # He acknowledged
(a): - How are you today? - Oh, half-and-half, the gift with a half-hearted thank-you. # Mr.
you know. (b): - Are you looking forward to your Clinton pushed the idea only half-heartedly when
trip? - Half and half, really. I’d rather just stay European leaders objected.
at home and have a good rest. (c): “How do you Half-holiday (pola slobodnog dana) znači
like your coffee?” Margot asked. “Half and half slobodno popodne (od posla/škole). # The princi-
please, and no sugar.” (d): “He would not play pal said that Thursday would be a half-holiday.
except for a pint of half-and-half” (T. Mayhew,
London Underworld). Half the time ne znači samo za upola kraće
vreme, već i veoma često. # Don’t ask Ted! Half
Half an eye (pola oka) je ovlašan pogled
the time, he’s too drunk to know whether he’s
(„krajičkom oka“). # While Sarah was cooking
she kept half an eye on the baby to see that he coming or going.
didn’t get into mischief. Half the trouble nije samo deo nevolje, već
Half as much again (još jedanput i pola od i značajan dodatni uzrok problema. # Half the
toga) znači jedan i po put toliko. # - Your salary trouble with kids like Tony is that they’ve been
must be about $30,000 a month? - Half as much spoiled. Give children everything and they’re sa-
again. tisfied with nothing.
Half-baked najčešće ne znači polupečen, već Halfway house nije samo odmorište na pola
(a): nedovoljno promišljen, sirov i (b): nacvr- puta, već i (a): kompromisno rešenje, prelazno
can. (a): We wish George would not take our rešenje i (b): kuća za adaptaciju na normalan
time at meetings to offer his half-baked ideas. život onih koji su se duže lečili u psihijatrijskim
(b): Jim got himself half-baked every Saturday i drugim institucijama (u britanskom engle-
night. skom). (a): We regard this agreement between
Half-blind nije poluslep, već (u američkom the workers and the employers as a halfway hou-
žargonu) pijan, nakresan. # Four cans of beer se only, and intend to work out a better one soon.
and she was half-blind. Ima više izraza (u žar- (b): Come, come. This is neither a hospital nor an
gonu) sa istim značenjem: half-canned, half- asylum. This is a hostel, sort of a halfway house
cocked, half-crocked, half-cut, half in the bag, for former patients, that is designed to help them
half-lit, half seas over, half-stewed, half under, readjust to living in the community.
half up the pole. # He’s half-canned and will be Half-wit nije polupamet, već znači budala,
no help at all. luda. # Who was the half-wit who left the refri-
Half blood ne znači pola krvi, već (a): u gerator door open?
srodstvu po jednom roditelju, (b): polubrat, Ham-handed (ruke kao šunke) je (u žargo-
polusestra i (c): melez. (a): They are brothers nu) ne samo velikih ruku („ima ruku kô lopa-
of the half blood. (b): My half blood emigrated tu“), već i trapav, nespretan („okretan kao donji
to the United States. (c): To everybody’s sur- žrvanj“). # He’s the most ham-handed guy I’ve
prise, our neighbor’s daughter got married to a ever seen. U britanskom engleskom se kaže za
half-blood. Melez se kaže i half/cross-breed. # takva čoveka ham-fisted. # Terry is ham-fisted
“Surely you’ve seen that young Venn’s wife is and seldom catches the ball.
Hammer a point home 100 Hang/Hold on to your hat!

Hammer a point home čiji bi doslovni pre- hand over the book. (c): When Mr. Taylor gets
vod otprilike bio zakucati poentu znači insistirati old, he will hand over his business to his son.
na čemu tvrdoglavo i žestoko. # There’s no need Hands up! (pod Reach for the sky).
of hammering your point home - we understood Hand-to-hand fighting/combat nije borba
it but we simply do not agree with it. ruku uz ruku, već borba prsa u prsa. # After
Hammer out something ne znači samo izrav- a long period of shelling, the infantry surged
nati nešto čekićem, već i (a): pisati nešto s puno forward and closed with the enemy in hand-to-
pažnje, klesati/glačati (ugovor, napis, govor i hand fighting.
sl.) i (b): doći do nečega (sporazuma, pogodbe, Hand-to-mouth (ruka do usta) znači od da-
dogovora itd.) kroz raspravu. (a): The President nas do sutra. # Many native tribes lead a hand-
sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his to-mouth existence.
speech for the next day. # I’m busy hammering Hang fire ne znači oklevati sa vatrom, već
my last novel out. (b): The club members have (a): slagati, zatajiti (vatreno oružje) i (b): sače-
hammered out an agreement between the two kati, biti odložen. (a): Howard pulled the trigger,
groups. but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. (b):
Hand nije samo ruka, već i (a): rukopis, (b): The decision to sign the contract has been han-
potpis, (c): kazaljka, (d): radnik, (e): aplauz, (f): ging fire for a week now.
pomoć, (g): strana i (h): umešanost. (a): Aunt Hanging judge (sudija koji veša) je strog su-
Edna writes a beautiful hand. (b): We need your dija (poznat po izricanju najstrožih kazni). # “At
hand now. (c): Every clock has two hands. (d): 11.35 the colonel came out - he looked hot and
The foreman hired three new hands last week. angry and he strode towards the lift. There goes
(e): Give the little girl a great big hand! (f): Give a hanging judge, thought Wormold” (G. Greene,
me a hand with this ladder. (g): It is at my right Our Man in Havana).
hand. (h): „In all this was evident the hand of
counterrevolutionairs“ (John Reed). Hang in the air (visiti u vazduhu) znači biti
krajnje neizvestan. # My whole future was left
Hand down ne znači samo pružiti nešto hanging in the air. Isto značenje ima i hang in
odozgo, već i (a): ostaviti mlađem, (b): prenosi- the balance. # “If your heart begins to fail when
ti s kolena na koleno i (c): utvrditi (optužnicu), the issue hangs in the balance, your opponent
izreći (presudu). (a): In poor families, clothes will probably win” (Field-Marshal Montgomery,
may be handed down from one child to the next. Memoirs).
(b): These ceremonies have been handed down
through the centuries, and remain practically un- Hang on ima više različitih značenja: (a): sa-
changed. (c): The grand jury handed down seven čekati, pričekati, (b): držati se čvrsto, (c): istra-
indictments last week. # The jury handed down a jati, ne popuštati, (d): sačuvati ugroženo vo-
guilty verdict. Hand-me-down je polovna stvar, đstvo, (e): nastaviti da muči, (f): ostati na vezi,
nošene stvari. # Why do I always have to wear ne prekidati telefonski razgovor, (g): zavisiti od
my brother’s hand-me-downs? i (h): (u imperativu) Drž’ se! (a): Mrs. Roth said
he’d hang on a bit. (b): Jerry almost fell off the
Hand in glove ne znači ruka u rukavici, već cliff, but he managed to hang on until help came.
u sprezi („duvaju u jednu tikvu“). # Many in high (c): He was losing money every day, but he hung
offices are hand in glove with Mafia leaders. on, hoping that business would improve. (d): The
Hand-me-down (pod Hand in glove). favorite horse opened an early lead and hung on
Hand on/over heart! (Ruka na srcu!) znači to win as two other horses almost passed him in
(u britanskom engleskom) Majke mi, ne lažem!, the final stretch. (e): Lou’s cold hung on from
Kunem se! # I didn’t smoke one cigarette while January to April. (f): Tony asked Jim, who had
you were out. Hand on heart! called him on the phone, to hang on while he ran
Hand over fist ne znači ruka preko pesnice, for a pencil and a sheet of paper. (g): The survi-
već brzo i u velikim količinama (posebno u od- val of the government hangs on tonight’s crucial
nosu na novac i robu). # They were buying things vote. (h): The airplane passengers suddenly see-
hand over fist. Make money hand over fist znači med weightless. Someone shouted, “Hang on!”
namlatiti se para, zgrnuti/zgrtati silan novac. # Hang/Hold on to your hat! (Pridrži se za še-
He started his business three years ago. Now he’s šir!) znači (a): Nemoj se iznenaditi! („Pridrži se
making money hand and fist. za stolicu!“) i (b): Pazi sad!, Pripremi se! (a):
Hand over ne znači samo pomoći da se pređe, Are you ready to hear the final score! Hang on
već i (a): izručiti, (b): predati, dati i (c): prepu- to your hat! We won ten to nothing! # “Hold on
stiti. (a): He was asked to hand over a criminal to to your hat,” said Sally. “Bill asked me to marry
the police. (b): When the teacher saw Billy rea- him!” (b): Hang on your hats, everybody! I’m
ding a comic book in study period, she made him going to pass that car in front of us.
Hang over 101 Hard

Hang over ne znači samo visiti nad, već i (a): (a): The teacher asked a hard question. (b): The
nadviti se (preteće) nad, (b): biti mamuran od hard blow knocked the boxer down. (c): The hard
prethodnog dana (hangover je mamurluk). (a): rain flattened the tomato plants. # Stay off hard
With the prospect hanging over them of expulsi- liquor until your stomach feels better. (d): We
on from their holdings, the smaller farmers were work for a hard master. (e): That new employee
forced to seek work in the growing industrial is really a hard worker. (f): This has been a hard
towns. (b): I woke up with a dreadful hangover winter. (g): Jerry works for a hard boss who scol-
this morning. ds him whenever he does something wrong. (h):
Hang the flags out (pod Put/hang the flags Will dinar ever become hard currency? (i): The
out). lawyers exchanged hard words. (j): My son is
Hang up ima više potpuno različitih značenja: studing hard science.
(a): spustiti slušalicu, prekinuti vezu (ali hang Hard and fast ne znači tvrd(o) i brz(o), već
up on someone je zalupiti slušalicu, prekinuti (a): neprikosnoven, striktan, (b): čvrsto, (c): ne-
telefonski razgovor dok sagovornik još govori), odvojivo, (d): brzo i energično, punom snagom,
(b): zaglaviti se, (c): dići ruke, napustiti, (d): (e): sa punom pažnjom. (a): “These stages may
nasukati se, nasesti, (e): okačiti/obesiti (o kuku, now be discussed in more detail but first it must
čiviluk, vešalicu itd.), (f): privremeno obustavi- be emphasized that they do not represent hard
ti. (a): If you have called a wrong number, you and fast categories” (I. Hunter, Memory: Facts
should apologize before you hang up. (zalupiti: and Fancies). (b): He stuck hard and fast to his
I said something that made Ann angry, and she principles. (c): The thawed surface had frozen
hung on me.) (b): Ann’s car was hung up in a again and now the runners of the sled were stuck
snowdrift and she had to call a garageman to get hard and fast to the ice. (d): If there’d be any dan-
it out. (c): If you don’t want to do it, just hung up. ger, you’d have seen me running hard and fast
I’ll understand. (d): A big passenger ship hung in the opposite direction. (e): “He played the Do
up on a sandbar for several hours. (e): Mary! Go You Know So-and-So game hard and fast from
hang up your clothes. (f): The negotiations were all angles, social, political, and even religious.
It’s a well-known game, its object being the hu-
hung up for a week. Hang-up je (u žargonu) ne-
miliation of those with less money than yourself”
urotična reakcija, opsesija. Doctor Watson beli-
(J. Braine, Room at the Top).
eves that Elen’s frigidity is due to some hang-up
about men. Hard as nails (tvrd kao ekseri) znači (a): tvrd
kao kamen (kaže se i hard as <a> stone) i (b):
Hang up one’s boots (obesiti čizme) znači
čvrst i krepak, žilav i (c): hladan i bezosećajan
prestati sa aktivnošću, otići u penziju (u britan- („sa srcem od kamena“). (a): The old loaf of bre-
skom kolokvijalnom engleskom). # After many ad was dried out and became as hard as nails. (b):
years of playing football for the local team, he Although he seemed thin and undersized compa-
has sadly hang up his boots. red with his cousins, he was really as hard as na-
Happy event nije bilo koji sretni događaj, ils and didn’t fall ill half as often as they did. (c):
već znači rođenje deteta, porođaj. # When do “She’s ignorant, but she’s as hard as nails and
you expect the happy event to take place? pretty sly. Don’t you let her in on your private
Happy hour nije srećan sat, već je (u američ- life” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes).
kom engleskom) vreme u barovima i restorani- Hard case ne znači samo težak slučaj, već i
ma kada se kokteli služe po sniženoj ceni (obično (a) nezgodan čovek, težak tip i (b) karton pića.
sat pre početka serviranja večere). # Happy hour (a): Joe has turned into a hard case. He’s fighting
is between 6 and 7 PM at Celestial Gardens. us at every turn. (b): Jim wanted a hard case de-
Happy landings! (Srećno sletanje/pristaja- livered to his house.
nje!) znači (a): Srećan put!, Dobar let! i (b): Hard cheese! Nije reč o tvrdom siru, već (u
Živeli! Neka je sa srećom! (u britanskom en- britanskom žargonu – ironično) znači Mnogo mi
gleskom – pomalo staromodno). (a): “’I’ve got je žao! Žalim slučaj! # - I failed examination.
a plane. Soon as there’s a suitable break I’ll send - Hard cheese! Isto značenje ima i Tough luck!
her over.’ ‘Thanks - thanks a lot,’ I said. ‘That’s (u američkom žargonu). # So you were late and
O.K. Happy landings,’ said the voice” (G. Durre- missed the buss. Tough luck!
ll, The Drunken Forest). (b): “How about somet- Hard core nije samo čvrsto jezgro, već i (a):
hing to make the day go by?” He gestured to his tvrda struja (kaže se i hard line, odnosno hard-
entire stock. We settled for beer. “Happy landin- liner) i (kao pridev) hard-core, (b): krajnji,
gs!” said the owner. ekstreman i (c): pornografski („tvrdi pornići“).
Hard nije samo tvrd, već i (a): težak, (b): jak, (a): The hard core of racial antagonism used to
(c): žestok, (d): strog, (e): vredan, (f): oštar, (g): be in mines where the white miners fought a long
osoran, (h): čvrst, (i): neprijatan i (j): egzaktan. and bitter battle to retain the privileges of the Eu-
Hard liquor 102 Have a case

ropean worker. # Already the party’s hard line on prljave poslove (kaljanje reputacije protivnika i
abortion has cost votes, although it is impossible sl.), (b): čovek angažovan u firmi ili javnoj služ-
to estimate how many. (b): There are too many bi da raščisti sa neproduktivnim personalom i
hard-core cases of poverty there. (c): You can’t troškovima i (c): plaćeni ubica (u žargonu). (a):
sell that hard-core stuff in a store like that. Bill Lerner is the hatchet man for the Mayor’s
Hard liquor (pod Soft drink). party - he smears all the other candidates regu-
Hard on ima više značenja: (a): grub, (b): larly. (b): The firm hired Cranhart to be a hatchet
strog, (c): nepravedan, (d): štetan, (e): za peta- man; his title is that of Executive Vice President.
ma i (f): (kao imenica - vulgarno) erekcija. (a): (c): Rocco is a hatchet man, often hired to com-
I don’t like to be hard on an old man but I’m go- mit a murder.
ing to have to tell him, one of these days, what a Hate someone’s guts ne znači mrzeti neči-
lying old fraud he is. (b): “You’re a taxpayer too, ju hrabrost 7, već mrzeti nekoga iz dna duše. #
so don’t be so hard on this California administra- “You hate my guts but you can’t afford to leave
tion” (W. T. Tyler, The Shadow Cabinet). (c): me off your guest list” (L. McMurtry, Cadillac
Roy Hudd was actually heard to say that King Jack).
Edward VII would be remembered for reforms
- which seems a bit hard on Lloyd George (who Haul someone over the coals (pod Rake so-
was really responsible for them). (d): The was- meone over the coals).
hing machine is a great time saver, but my one Have a bad quarter of an hour (imati loših
anyway, is hard on clothes. (e): I ran as fast as četvrt sata) znači imati teške trenutke. # Altoge-
I could, but the dog was still hard on my heels. ther it was not too difficult, but I still had a bad
(f): “...getting a hard-on listening to a beautiful quarter of an hour.
woman screwing another guy” (Diehl, Sharky’s Have a ball (imati loptu) (u žargonu) znači
Machine). bogovski/ludo se provesti. # The picnic was fan-
Hard sell nije tvrda prodaja, već agresivna tastic. We had a ball!
reklama. # I didn’t want to listen to any hard sell, Have a bee in one’s bonnet ne znači imati
so I bought it from a mail-ordered place. pčelu u šeširiću, već imati fiks-ideju, biti opsed-
Hard/rough/tough sledding ne znači grubo nut nečim. # She has a bee in her bonnet about
sankanje, već (u američkom engleskom) velike becoming an opera singer.
teškoće. # Ann had hard sledding in her math co- Have a bone to pick (with someone) ne zna-
urse because she was poorly prepared. či imati zajedničku kosku za glodanje, već ima-
Hard stuff ne znači čvrst materijal, već (u ti neraščišćene račune (sa nekim). # Hey Bob.
britanskom engleskom) žestoka pića. # After ha- I’ve got a bone to pick with you. Where is the
ving a large amount of beer, we started drinking money you owe me?
the hard stuff. Have a brain wave ne znači imati moždani
Hard time nisu teška vremena (kaže se hard talas, već sinuti kroz glavu (u američkom žargo-
times), već (a): neprijatno iskustvo, nevolja i nu). # She didn’t know what to wear at the fancy-
(b): robija (u žargonu). (a): I had a hard time at dress ball. Then she had a brain wave - she put
the doctor’s office. (b): Rocco did hard time for her oldest clothes, smeared some soot on her face
his part in the robbery.
and went as Cinderella.
Harmonica nije harmonika, već (u britan-
Have a broad back ne znači samo imati širo-
skom engleskom) usna harmonika (kaže se i
mouth organ). # Harmonica is played blowing ka pleća, već i podmetnuti leđa, primiti na sebe.
into desired hole. # Put all the blame on me if it makes you feel
better. I have a broad back.
Has-been znači (a): propala veličina, neko
ko je završio karijeru i (b): bivši, nekadašnji. Have a bun in the oven (imati kolačić u peć-
(a): An old has-been was hired to host the mid- nici) je šaljivi britanski kolokvijalizam koji znači
night show. (b): Now I’m a has-been football ostati u drugom stanju, čekati bebu. # “Ed... I’ve
player, and nobody knows my name. something to tell you... I’ve a bun in the oven” (J.
Hash je hašiš, ali i (a): paprikaš i (b): zbrka, Orton, Sloane).
papazjanija. (a): A hash is a mixture of meat, Have a care ne znači imati brigu, već pripa-
potatoes and vegetables cut into small pieces and ziti. # The judge told him to have a care what he
baked or fried. (b): He made a complete hash of said in court.
the last question. Have a case ne znači imati slučaj, već imati
Hatchet man (čovek-sekira, glavoseča) je dovoljno dokaza. # - Do the police have a case
(a): čovek zadužen (u stranci, novinama i sl.) za against you? - No, they don’t have a case.

Komentar I. Klajna: Sećam se jednog titla u kome je “He hates your guts” prevedeno “On mrzi tvoju hrabrost”.
Have a charmed life 103 Have an accident

Have a charmed life (pod Bear/lead/have a lokvijalno u britanskom engleskom) ne znači

charmed life). imati zelen palac ili zelene prste, već biti dobar
Have a clear head ne znači imati čistu glavu, u gajenju biljaka/cveća, biti dobar baštovan. #
već (a): imati jasne poglede, biti razumna glava Just look at Mr. Walker’s garden. He has a green
i (b): ostati svež, sačuvati bistru glavu (i izbeći thumb. # He has always had green fingers, so it is
alkohol, umor, bolest). (a): All the examiners co- not surprising that they have a beautiful garden.
mmented that he had an impressively clear head Have a hand in something ne znači imati
and considerable powers of independent critici- ruku u nečemu, već imati udela u nečemu. #
sm. (b): He does have pain-killing tablets for his Sir Roy says that his government had no hand in
arthritis, but he wouldn’t take them today - he the decision.
said he wanted to keep his head clear for the TV Have a handle to one’s name ne znači ima-
interview this evening. ti ručku uz svoje ime, već imati kakvu titulu ili
Have a date nema veze sa datumom, već zna- rang (lord, profesor, doktor itd.). # He’s very
či imati sastanak/randevu. # I am not free today. formal. So, never forget that he has a handle to
I have a date with Timmy. his name; you should address him as Lord Owen-
Have a drink on someone znači popiti piće Salisbury.
na nečiji račun. # I got a promotion! Have a Have a head like a sieve ne znači imati gla-
drink on me. vu kao sito, već imati slabo pamćenje, biti za-
Have a familiar ring ne znači imati porodič- boravan (kaže se i have a memory/mind like a
ni prsten, već zvučati poznato, ličiti na nešto već sieve). # I was introduced to him twice, but I still
viđeno. # This term paper has a familiar ring. I can’t remember his name - I’ve got a head like a
think it has been copied. sieve. # When it comes to phone numbers, I have
Have a finger in every pie (imati prst u sva- a memory like a sieve. # I wouldn’t depend on
koj piti) odgovara našem biti u svakoj čorbi mi- Harold. He’s got a mind like a sieve. Obrnuto,
rođija. # George seems to have a finger in every imati odlično pamćenje kaže se have a memory
pie. He owns a business in the town, he’s a mem- like a sponge ili have a memory like an elep-
ber of the local council, and he belongs to several hant. # When it comes to phone numbers, my
societies and clubs. wife has a memory like a sponge. # “’I wouldn’t
Have a frog in one’s throat (imati žabu u make her any promises, if I were you,’ Jean said.
grlu) znači promuknuti. # He could not speak ‘She has a memory like an elephant” (L. McMur-
clearly because he had a frog in his throat and try, Cadillac Jack).
coughed all the time. Have a heavy heart (pod Heavy heart).
Have a go at someone/something je za nas Have a job nije samo imati posao, već i ima-
malo čudna konstrukcija koja ima više različitih ti (grdne) muke. # He was tipsy when he came
značenja: (a): napasti nekoga, (b): pokušati za- home last night and had a job to find his keys.
ustaviti kriminalca (britanski kolokvijalizam), Have a kick like a mule (imati udarac no-
(c): pokušati nešto i (d): upotrebiti ili probati gom kao mazga) znači imati žestok efekat. # He
nešto. (a): The young boy was in trouble because gave me a small glass of some raw spirit with a
he had a go at a policeman. (b): The public were kick like a mule.
warned not to have a go at the man because he Have a low boiling point (imati nisku tačku
probably had a gun. (c): He had a go at opening ključanja) znači lako pasti u vatru, začas pla-
the bottle but was not strong enough. (d): My nuti, imati tanke živce. # Mr. Simpson sure has
husband spent hours playing with the children’s a low boiling point. I hardly said anything, and
new toy, so I had to make him let them have a he got angry. Kaže se takođe (u žargonu) have a
go at it. short fuse – imati kratak fitilj. # Sally has a short
Have a good head on one’s shoulders (imati fuse and is likely to lose her temper at any time.
dobru glavu na ramenima) znači imati mnogo Have all one’s goods in the window ne znači
zdravog razuma, biti razumna glava. # Donald samo imati svu robu u izlogu, već i biti površan.
has a good head on his shoulders and can be de- # Bobby is very superfical boy – he has all his
pended on to give good advice. goods in the window.
Have a good/great mind ne znači imati do- Have a memory like an elephant (pod Have
bru/veliku pamet, već imati nameru (često kao a head like a sieve).
pretnja). # “’I have a good mind to go to London Have a memory like a sponge (pod Have a
with you,’ said the baronet” (C. Doyle, The Ho- head like a sieve).
und of the Baskervilles). # I’ve a great mind to Have an accident ne znači samo imati nez-
strike you for that remark. godu/udes, već i upiškiti se, ukakiti se. # “Oh,
Have a green thumb (kolokvijalno u ame- Molly,” cried Mother. “It looks like you’ve had
ričkom engleskom) i have green fingers (ko- an accident!”
Have an affair 104 Have a tin ear

Have an affair ne znači imati aferu, već ima- žargonu). # What’s the matter with you? Do you
ti (ljubavnu) vezu. # “I’m glad you are being have a screw loose or something?
married. In Havana I thought you were just ha- Have a second/another string (to one’s
ving an affair” (G. Greene, Our Man in Hava- bow), have two strings to one’s bow (imati
na). drugu tetivu – ili dve tetive - za svoj luk) zna-
Have a name for something ne znači imati či imati alternativu, imati rezervno rešenje za
ime za nešto, već biti na glasu po nečemu, biti svaki slučaj. # I’ll just dot down that telephone
dobro poznat po nečemu. # She has a name for number. We have a baby-sitter that can casually
her inclination to gossiping. come but it does no harm to have a second string.
Have a nerve ne znači imati nerv, već (a): # When I doubt my literary competence, I can
biti drzak/bezobrazan i (b): imati petlju (Isto tell myself that I am primarily an actor and that
značenje ima i izraz have guts.) (a): “God, you writing is just another string to my bow. # You’d
have a nerve. Whenever I think about it, I could better apply for both the Teaching Assistantship
break your neck” (J. Braine, Room at the Top). and the Readership so as to have two strings to
# She had some nerve to say that! (b): I never your bow.
thought he would have a nerve to work as a stee- Have a short fuse (pod Have a low boiling
plejack. point).
Have a night (out) on the town – iz doslov- Have a sweet tooth ne znači imati sladak
nog prevoda se ne može lako zaključiti da to zna- zub, već voleti slatkiše. # I have a sweet tooth,
či otići u provod. # When the sailors got off their and if I don’t watch it, I’ll really get fat.
ship, they had a night out on the town. Have a thick head (imati debelu glavu) ima
Have an old head on young shoulders (ima- dva značenja: (a): biti kratke pameti, tupav i (b):
ti staru glavu na mladim ramenima) znači biti imati tešku glavu, biti mamuran. (a): You need
zreo za svoje godine. # That boy would do the job 21, not 20. You could have worked that out for
very well - he clearly has an old head on young yourself if you hadn’t such thick heads. (b): No
shoulders. more brandy, thanks. I’ll have a thick enough
Have a plum in one’s mouth, have marbles head as it is.
in one’s mouth (imati šljivu/mermer u ustima) Have a thing about someone/something
znači izražavati se sa naglašenom (aristokrat- nema nikakve veze sa doslovnim prevodom i
skom) otmenošću (u britanskom engleskom). # znači imati opsesiju u odnosu na nekoga/nešto:
She always gives herself airs and graces trying (a): osećati jaku naklonost, (b): osećati jaku ne-
desperately to impress other people by having a trpeljivost i (c): osećati (često neobjašnjiv) strah
plum in her mouth. # The radio program “Start od nekoga/nečega. (a): “She had quite a thing
the Week” has always had an unfortunate tenden- about you, but, as you know, she was so shy” (P.
cy to employ young ladies with marbles in their Conroy, The Prince of Tide). (b): My father’s got
mouths. a thing about people with long hair - he thinks it’s
Have a point nema veze sa tačkom, bodom, a sign of an untrustworthy character. (c): She has
poenom itd. već znači reći nešto što stoji, reći this silly thing about men with beards. Won’t let
nešto što je teško poreći, biti u pravu. # A Ger- one anywhere near here.
man once said that ‘in Britain they think that soap Have a tiger by the tail (povući tigra za rep)
is civilization.’ When you reflect that we spend ne odgovara sasvim našem povući mačka za rep
more money on advertising and marketing deter- (mnogo se namučiti), već znači suočiti se sa ne-
gents than we do on our whole educational sy- čim težim i opasnijim nego što je izgledalo, ule-
stem, you must admit he might just have a point. teti u neočekivane nevolje. # You have a tiger by
U skladu s tim, concede someone’s point znači the tail. You bit off more than you could chew.
dati kome za pravo. # With a lot of reluctance Have a time ne znači imati vremena (kaže
Tom had to concede Bob’s point. se: have the time), već namučiti se. # Jerry had
Have a rare time ne znači imati retko vreme, a time passing his math course. Have oneself a
već sjajno se provesti. # I hadn’t expected much time znači lepo se provesti, dobro se zabaviti. #
of that picnic, but I must tell you - we had a rare Tom had himself a time going to every night club
time. in town.
Have a rude awakening (imati neugodno Have a tin ear (imati limeno uvo) znači (a):
buđenje) znači suočiti se sa grubom stvarnošću. biti nemuzikalan, nemati sluha, ali i (b): nema-
# Our boy hadn’t studied hard at school and so he ti sluha u smislu nemati razumevanja za nešto.
had a rude awakening after the examinations. (a): “Treasury, which wielded great power in
Have a screw loose (imati klimav šraf) znači George Bush’s Washington, had a tin ear for po-
ne biti sasvim čitav, nemati sve daske u glavi (u litical considerations, even when they meant that
Have a yellow streak down one’s back 105 Have many/several irons in the fire

Yugoslavia might fall apart” (W. Zimmermann, Have foot-and-mouth disease ne znači samo
Origins of a Catastrophe). imati slinavku/šap, već i (kolokvijalno) biti
Have a yellow streak down one’s back (imati sklon gafovima. # I’m sorry I keep saying stupid
žutu prugu niz leđa) znači biti strašljiv/zekavac things. I guess I have foot-in-mouth disease.
(u žargonu). # I think that Jimmy has a yellow Have guts (pod Have a nerve).
streak down his back. That’s what’s wrong. Have had a few znači popiti koju više. #
Have back (pod Return like for like). “’Nelly’s had a few,’ Humphrey said as they
Have been around ne znači biti/vrzmati se pushed into the bar” (M. Spark, The Ballad of
okolo, već (a): biti pun životnog iskustva, pre- Peckham Rye).
turiti svašta preko glave i (b): poživeti, proživeti. Have had one’s day/time ima posredne veze
(a): He’d been around and I knew it wouldn’t be sa danom i vremenom i znači odslužiti svoje. # -
easy to deceive him. (b): I’ve been around a lot I’m afraid these shoes have had their day. - They
longer than you have, so don’t try to teach me certainly have. # This actress used to be very po-
what’s right and what’s wrong. pular but she’s had her time now, I’m afraid.
Have better fish to fry (pod Have other, big- Have hollow legs ne znači imati šuplje noge,
ger, better, more important etc. fish to fry). već je to humorni kolokvijalizam koji znači
Have bigger fish to fry (pod Have other, bi- imati veliki apetit. # “Lydia told Minor not to eat
gger, better, more important etc. fish to fry). too much cake as they would be having tea in
Have body ne znači imati telo, već (a): ima- half an hour. ‘That’s all right, Miss Lydia,’ said
ti sadržinu/težinu/vrednost i (b): imati punoću/ Nanny. ‘Hollow legs they have at their age’” (A.
gustinu (vino). His novel was quite amusing, but Thirkell, What Did It Mean?).
very light - it had no body. (b): That wine has Have it nije samo imati ga/to već i (a): su-
body, as well as bouquet and clarity. gesirati, tvrditi (prema tradiciji, glasinama itd.),
Have broad shoulders nije samo imati ši- (b): saznati, čuti, shvatiti, (c): odneti prevagu,
roka leđa, već i (figurativno) biti u stanju dosta pobediti, (d): naći odgovor i (e): prolaziti u živo-
primiti na svoja pleća. # Don’t worry about lea- tu (dobro, loše itd.). (a): “Disappeared. Rumour
ving all the arrangements to him. He’s got broad had it he was killed in a reprisal raid up in the
enough shoulders. Fermoy area” (R. Harling, The Paper Palace). #
Have come a long way nije samo doći s du- Gossip has it that Mary is getting married. (b): I
gog puta, dugo putovati, već i (a): daleko dogu- have it on the best authority that we will be paid
rati u životu i (b): načiniti veliki napredak. (a): for our work next week. (c): When the senators
My, how famous you are. You’ve come a long vote, the ayes will have it. (d): “I have it,” said
way. (b): The school has come a long way since Joe to Sarah. “We can buy Mother a nice comb
its beginning. for her birthday.” (e): Everyone liked Jerry and
Have designs on someone/something (imati he had it good until he got sick. # Sally has it
planove u vezi sa nekim/nečim) znači (a): baciti easy - she doesn’t have to work. As luck/chan-
oko na nekoga i (b): baciti oko na nešto (tuđe), ce would have it znači pukim slučajem, slučaj
imati zadnje namere u vezi sa nečim. (a): “I su- je hteo. # As luck would have it, no one was in
ppose Mrs. Todd and her mother had designs on the building when the boiler blew. Have it made
me. I was as new a widower as she was a widow” znači osigurati uspeh (u životu, poslu, školova-
(G. Vidal, Burr). (b): Be careful on that young nju itd.). # I have a good job and a nice little fa-
man - he has designs on your job. mily. I have it made.
Have egg/jam on/over one’s face ne znači Have kittens (imati mačiće) kolokvijalno
imati jaje/džem po licu, već obrukati se, biti po- znači usplahiriti se, premreti od brige/straha. #
sramljen. Jim has egg all over his face because Mrs. Jordan was having kittens because it was
he wore jeans to the party and everybody else very late and Suzie wasn’t home yet.
wore formal clothing. # He told everyone that his Have light/sticky fingers ne znači imati lake/
horse was sure to win the race - he certainly has lepljive, već imati duge prste, biti sklon krađi. #
jam all over his face since it came last. The shopkeeper said that many of the local scho-
Have feet of clay (imati noge od gline) znači ol children had light fingers and that he lost more
imati kakvu skrivenu slabost ili manu. # All hu- money than he gained by allowing them in the
man beings have feet of clay. No one is perfect. shop. # The clerk - who had sticky fingers - got
Have first refusal ne (imati pravo odbijanja) fired.
znači imati pravo prvenstva na nešto, imati pre- Have many/several irons in the fire (ima-
če pravo kupovine. # “Look,” I said, “I have a ti više/nekoliko pegli u vatri) znači angažovati
private customer waiting for an early oak bureau se istovremeno na više/nekoliko strana. # I’ve
and I promised him to have first refusal. I’ll ring asked my uncle if he can help me to get a job, but
you if it doesn’t suit him. I’ve got many other irons in the fire as well so it
Have marbles in one’s mouth 106 Have something on the ball

won’t really matter if my uncle refuses. # Don’t znači imati lagodan život, biti dete sreće. # He
worry if we have to close the shop; I have several has had an easy time of it since childhood. He has
other irons in the fire. Have too many irons in his bread buttered on both sides.
the fire znači razapeti se na sve strane. # Ted Have one’s day ne znači samo imati svoj dan,
had too many irons in the fire and missed some biti za određeno vreme u centru pažnje, već i
important deadlines. isterati svoje, istutnjati se. # I don’t believe in lo-
Have marbles in one’s mouth (pod Have a ading youngsters with responsibilities. Let them
plum in one’s mouth). have their day is what I say. The world will close
Have more important etc. fish to fry (pod in on them soon enough. Isti smisao ima i have
Have other, bigger, better, more important etc. one’s fling (zavitlaj, snažan zamah). # He’s only
fish to fry). young once. Let him have his fling. He’ll settle
Have no bearing on something nije u vezi down, you’ll see.
sa ponašanjem ili držanjem, već znači nemati Have one’s fling (pod Have one’s day).
nikakve veze sa čim. # Your remarks have no be- Have one’s head screwed on (right, the right
aring on our discussion. way, properly) (imati dobro/ispravno prišraflje-
Have no stomach for something (nemati sto- nu glavu) znači (u britanskom engleskom) imati
mak za nešto) znači ne podnositi nešto, ne trpeti nešto u glavi, biti razborit. # I’m ever so proud of
nešto. # I have no stomach for violent movies. my Brian. He’s got his head screwed on, that one.
# Some of the things you do are so silly, I often
Have nothing between one’s ears (nemati
wonder whether you’ve got your head screwed
ništa između ušiju) znači biti praznoglav, nema-
on the right way.
ti ni tri čuke u glavi. # He’s a handsome, sensi-
ble enough looking boy, but you don’t need to Have one too many (pod One too many).
be talking to him very long before you realize he Have other, bigger, better, more important
has nothing between his ears. Isto značenje ima i etc. fish to fry ne znači peći drugu, veću, bolju
izraz u američkom žargonu have rocks in one’s itd. ribu, već imati pametnija, preča, važnija po-
head. # Wally is a real nut. He has rocks in his sla. # I can’t take time for your problem. I have
head. other fish to fry. # “We can’t expect the Cloud to
Have nothing on someone/something ne give endless time to talking to us, it’s got bigger
znači samo nemati ništa (nikakve informacije) fish to fry” (F. Hoyle, The Black Cloud).
o nekome/nečemu, već i (a): nemati nikakvog Have rocks in one’s head (pod Have not-
dokaza protiv nekoga i (b): ne moći se meriti hing between one’s ears).
sa nekim/nečim. (a): The police had nothing on Have second thoughts about someone/so-
Wally, so they let him loose. (b): When it comes mething ne znači imati drugu ideju ili zadnju
to public speaking, he has nothing on his rival. misao o nekome/nečemu, već preispitati svoj
# This is not a bad restaurant, but it has nothing stav, promeniti mišljenje (o nekome/nečemu).
on Pierre’s. # Bush campaign strategists have second thou-
Have no time for someone/something nije ghts about the convention’s emphasis on family
samo nemati vremena za nekoga/nešto, već i ne values.
podnositi nekoga/nešto. # I have no time for pe- Have seen better days (pamtiti i bolje dane)
ople like him. znači (a): pohabati se, otrcati se i (b): ostareti,
Have no truck with someone/something ne popustiti. (a): This coat has seen better days. I
znači ne praviti trampu s nekim/nečim, već ne need a new one. (a): Oh, my old legs ache. I’ve
želeti imati išta s nekim/nečim. # He’ll have no seen better days, but everyone has to be old.
truck with art or religion; for him everything that Have several irons in the fire (pod Have
cannot be weighed or measured is suspect. many/several irons in the fire).
Have no use for someone/something ne zna- Have someone covered ne znači pokriti ne-
či samo nemati potrebe za nekim/nečim, već i koga, već imati nekoga na nišanu. # You will
ne trpeti nekoga/nešto, imati loše mišljenje o observe that I have you covered. If I see the sli-
nekome/nečemu. # I have no use for Gerald. I ghtest sign of you raising that pistol, I will kill
can’t see why Dorothy likes him. # I have no use you.
for that kind of novel. How did such a dull book Have someone on toast nema veze sa tostom
become a best-seller? ili zdravicom, već znači imati koga u šaci. # The
Have one over the eight (uzeti jednu preko creditors, particularly the commercial banks,
osam) znači preterati sa pićem, našikati se. # have had debtor countries on toast.
Tom had one over the eight and fell down the Have something in store for someone (pod
steps as he was leaving the party. Store).
Have one’s bread buttered on both sides Have something on the ball (pod On the
(imati hleb premazan puterom na obe strane) ball).
Have something 107 Heap

Have something (ili an ace) up/in one’s slee- Have turned the corner ne znači samo zao-
ve ne znači samo imati nešto/keca u rukavu, već krenuti za ugao, već i pregurati najgore, preći
i imati rezervni plan. # The manager has somet- kritičnu tačku. # The patient turned the corner.
hing up his sleeve. He’ll surprise us with it later. She should begin to show improvement now. #
Have sticky fingers (pod Stick to someone’s The project has turned the corner. The rest should
fingers). be easy.
Have the ball at one’s feet (imati loptu u Have words (pod Exchange words).
nogama) znači imati sve uslove, imati povoljnu Head nije samo glava, već i (a): pamet, (b):
priliku (za iskazivanje). # Now that the boss has šef, (c): čelo, (d): izvor, (e): gornji deo, (f): kri-
put him in charge, Raymond has the ball at his za, (g): glavobolja, (h): pivska pena i (i): toalet
feet. (u žargonu). (a): She has a good head for math.
Have the bug ne znači imati bubu/stenicu, (b): The original founder is still head of the or-
već biti entuzijast, biti lud za nečim. # My hu- ganization. (c): The tallest boy stood at the head
sband has the photography bug. # Sarah had the of the line. (d): The head of the Mississippi Ri-
acting bug and wanted a small part. ver is in Minesota. (e): The head of a pin is the
Have the cards stacked against one (imati blunt end, but the head of a spear is the sharp
end. (f): Her burst of anger brought matters to
karte složene protiv sebe) znači imati sve pro-
a head. (g): Man, do I have a head. You got any
tiv sebe, biti u nepovoljnom položaju. # Anyone
aspirin? (h): The head is the froth or foam that
who has once been in prison and who wants a
rises to the top in pouring beer. (i): Where’s the
job with responsibility will find that the cards are
head around here?
stacked heavily against him.
Head for the hills ne znači samo krenuti pre-
Have the goods on someone (pod Get the ma brdima, već i bežati glavom bez obzira. # He
goods on someone). saw the crowd chasing him, so he headed for the
Have the hots for someone (pod Hots). hills.
Have the inside track (pod Get the inside Head-hunting ne znači samo lov na ljudske
track). glave, već i potraga za sposobnim kadrovima. #
Have the law on someone ne znači imati za- The first thing he did was to set up a committee
kon na nekoga, već tužiti nekoga sudu, povesti to do some head-hunting, hoping to find some
postupak pred sudom protiv nekoga. # I’ll have young talent and to bring in new blood.
the law on you for the damage you have done to Head over ears ne znači glava preko ušiju,
my property. već potpuno, do guše. # When we discovered he
Have the shoe on the other foot (u američ- was still head over ears in debt, we refused to
kom engleskom) i have the boot on the other lend him any money.
leg/foot (u britanskom engleskom) ne znači ima- Head over heals takođe ne znači glava preko
ti cipelu/čizmu na drugoj nozi, već imati bitno peta, već (a): na glavu, strmoglavce, preko glave
promenjenu situaciju („sad je druga priča“). # i (b): navrat-nanos, u neredu i žurbi. (a): It was
I used to be a student, and now I’m the teacher. so dark, Johnny fell head over heels into a big
Now I have the shoe on the other foot. # Soon hole in the ground. (b): The children all tried to
after I went to work for another company, my old come in the door at once, head over heels. Head
boss came to me begging for a job. Now I am his over heels/ears in love znači zaljubljen do ušiju.
boss and the boot is on the other leg. # Jerry is head over heels in love with Jane.
Have the time ne znači samo imati (puno slo- Heads or tails? (Glave ili repovi?) znači Gla-
bodnog) vremena, već i (a): znati koliko je sati va ili pismo? (pri bacanju novčića). # “Heads or
i (b) imati sat. (a): “’Good evening,’ she said. tails?” their father asked. “Heads.” “Heads it is,
‘Have you the time please?’” (J. Braine, Room so you get the first service.”
at the Top). (b): Ask inside, they’re bound to Head to tail (glava uz rep) znači (a): jedan
have the time. Imati (puno slobodnog) vremena iza drugog, u koloni, (b): glava uz noge i (c):
kaže se i have time on one’s hands. # - Now that uži uz širi deo. (a): A convoy of army lorries
Father’s retired he’ll have more time on his han- was proceeding along the road head to tail. (b):
ds. - That’s what worries me. He’ll feel miserable “In their sleeping compartment they would lie
with so little to do. on their bunks, head to tail, their great pink and
Have the wrong number ne znači samo ima- wrinkled tummies bulging and deflating as they
ti pogrešan broj, već i zameniti nekoga s nekim. breathed” (G. Durrelll, The Drunken Forest). (c):
# You have the wrong number. Jerry is my brot- You’d have got another two rows of roses in that
her. We look alike, though. box if you’d arranged them head to tail.
Have two strings to one’s bow (pod Have a Heap nije samo hrpa, gomila, već (u američ-
second/another string). kom žargonu) i (a): krntija, (b): trošna, sklona
Hear of someone 108 Have something on the ball

padu (kuća itd.), (c): oronula osoba i (d): mno- ćor, džangrizalo, nadžak-baba i (b): pravi čovek,
go. (a): I’ve got to get my heap fixed up. (b): We prava stvar. (a): Lewis complains that his wife
have to fix up this heap if we’re really going to is hell-on-wheels; he is considering getting a di-
live in it. (c): Marty is turning into a heap. (d): I vorce. (b): Mike is really hell-on-wheels when it
have a whole heap of papers for you. comes to getting those little jobs done on time. #
Hear of someone ne znači čuti od nekoga This little machine is hell-on-wheels for general
(kaže se hear from someone), već (a): imati woodworking purposes.
vesti o nekome i (b): čuti za nekoga. (a): He di- Help a lame dog over a stile (pomoći ćopa-
sappeared from Europe about a year ago, but the vom kučetu da pređe na drugu stranu plota itd.)
police have been hearing of him in South Ameri- ima i figurativno značenje: naći se nekome u ne-
ca. (b): I’ve heard of Mr. Brown, but I’ve never volji. # An old man came to the door and asked
met him. for money for a cup of tea yesterday. My aunt,
Heart-throb nije samo udaranje bila, ot- always happy to help a lame dog over a stile, in-
kucaji srca, već i neko ko je omiljen kod žena, vited him in for a meal.
osvajač ženskih srdaca. # Rudolf Valentino was Hen party (žurka za kokoške) je ženska žur-
the best-known heart-throb of the modern era. ka. # I have a hen party every few weeks. We
love to get together.
Heavy brass (pod Top brass).
Here to stay 8 (Ovde da ostane) znači zažive-
Heavy-duty ne znači teška dužnost, već ot-
će, živeće i dalje (neko osećanje). # Long skirts
poran, izdržljiv, za teške uslove rada. Our heavy- are here to stay.
duty vehicles are made to withstand great strain
and bad weather. He thinks nothing of (pod Think nothing of
Heavy heart nije teško srce, već potištenost/
utučenost/tuga. # They had very heavy hearts as Hide and seek (sakriti se i tražiti) ima dva
značenja: osnovno (a): žmurke i (b): taktika iz-
they went to the funeral. # “He recalled with a
begavanja jasnog odgovora. (a): “Delighted to
heavy heart the tone of her voice when she had
have lessons finished forever, children play hide-
murmured ‘a double wedding’ with all too evi- and-seek in the arcades of Kramgasse, run down
dent pleasure at the prospect” (C. Mackenzie, Aarstrasse and skip stones on the river, squan-
The Rival Monster). der their coins on peppermint and licorice” (A.
Heckle nije heklati, (kaže se crotchet), već Lightman, Einstein’s Dreams). (b): Why don’t
provocirati, ometati govornika upadicama. # A you come in the open and stop playing hide-and-
few angry locals started heckling the speaker. seek?
Hedge one’s bets (ograditi živicom svoje Hide one’s light under a bushel (skrivati
opklade) ima dva značenja: (a): smanjiti rizik svoju svetlost ispod merice - “Niti se užiže svi-
velikog gubitka ulažući pomalo novca na više jeća i meće pod sud, nego na svijećnjak...”, Novi
strana i (b): ne rizikovati previše, ne stavljati zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 5:15) znači ne isti-
sva jaja u jednu korpu. (a): It is very important cati svoje sposobnosti, biti skroman. # I didn’t
to hedge your bets in any business, but putting on know you could sing. You’ve been hiding your
plays in theaters is especially risky. (b): One can light under a bushel all these years.
find oneself using a range of stylistic tricks or ties High and dry (visoko i suvo) znači na su-
- which are insurances, water-wings, crutches, vom, van domašaja talasa. # Sally was afraid she
face-savers, hedging of bets, playing safe. had left her towel where the tide would reach it,
Hell for leather (pakao za kožu) zna- but she found it high and dry. Leave someone
či (a): paklenom brzinom, veoma brzo i (b): high and dry znači (a): ostaviti nekoga na cedi-
neobuzdan(o), nekontrolisan(o). (a): Jake was lu i (b): ostaviti nekoga bez prebijene pare. (a):
driving his motor-bike hell for leather down the At first the other boys helped, but when the work
country lane. (b): “Do nightingales sing all day?” got hard, Tom was left high and dry. (b): Mrs.
“All day, all night,” Pop said. “Like everything Vance took all the money out of the bank and left
else in the mating season, they go hell for leat- Mr. Vance high and dry.
her. High brass (pod Top brass).
Hell-on-wheels (pakao na točkovima) ima High-hat nije samo cilindar, već (u žargonu)
dva vrlo različita značenja (u žargonu): (a): nam- i nadmen, ohol, odnosno, (kao glagol) gledati s

Komentar I. Klajna: U rečnicima se ne tretira kao idiom, ali se upotrebljava otprilike u smislu našeg pomodnog
“zaživeti”, kad se želi reći da će neka modna ili tehnička novost ostati u trajnoj upotrebi (“Long skirts are here to
stay” i sl.). Parafrazirajući taj komercijalni žargon, Ajra Geršvin je jednu od poslednjih pesama svoga brata nazvao
“Our Love Is Here to Stay”: ona je postala mnogo izvođen džez standard, i na našim radio stanicama taj naslov je
bezbroj puta pogrešno preveden kao “Naša ljubav treba da ostane ovde”, umesto “Naša ljubav je večna” ili tako
High noon 109 Hit someone like a ton of bricks

visoka. # It was an expensive place to eat, and smatched people, some of them hired guns who
the customers were likely to be a little high-hat. have never before run a Presidential campaign
# After he became chairman, Tom began to high- and some lifelong friends of the Clintons who
hat his former friends. jealously guard access to the candidate and his
High noon ne znači visoko podne, već (tač- family.
no u) podne. # Though the sun was friendly the His heart was in his boots, his heart sank
streets feel ominous. It was that feeling the mo- into his boots (srce mu je sišlo u čizme) je isto
vies strive to convey when the hero find himself što i naše srce mu je sišlo u pete. # His heart was
utterly alone at high noon in what should be an in his boots when his name was read. # Her heart
extremely busy location. sank into her boots when she heard footsteps be-
High profile, high-profile (visoki profil) je hind her in the dark.
vidljivo prisustvo, jako prisutan u javnosti. # His heart is in his mouth (srce mu je u usti-
The high and impressive profile maintained by ma) znači srce mu je zaigralo, knedla mu je za-
the Chancellor of the Exchequer throughout the stala u grlu. # All those watching an attempt to
year has enhanced his chances of succeeding to save the drowning child had their hearts in their
the Prime Ministership. # They specifically que- mouth.
ried the high-profile tactics which were adopted Hit and miss (udarac i promašaj) znači na-
by the army over the weekend. I obrnuto low- sumce, na sreću. # Alan didn’t know which ho-
profile je nenapadan, odnosno keep a low profi- use on the street was Ellen’s, so he began ringing
le znači ne privlačiti pažnju drugih, ostati malo hit or miss.
primećen. # Keep a low profile until the trouble
Hit and run (udarac i promašaj) znači (a):
over your activities is past. # We must to build a
bežanje s mesta nesreće i (b): iznenadan napad
low-profile approach to crime prevention.
i hitro bežanje/povlačenje (u razbojničkom na-
Highs and lows (pod Up and down). padu, gerilskim borbama i sl.). # “Hit and Run.
High seas ne znači visoka mora, već (a): pu- Charles Lumley (23) was admitted to hospital
čina, otvoreno more (van teritorijalnih voda) i last night. This is believed to be another case of
(b): preko mora/okeana. (a): The ships of every a motorist failing to stop after knocking down a
country have the right to sail on the high seas. pedestrian” (J. Wain, Hurry On Down). (b): The
(b): “’But when will you say something?’ ‘When Indians often made hit-and-run attacks on wagon
I address Congress next week. Then Mr. Lansing trains.
and I will take to the high seas’” (G. Vidal, Ho- Hit/make the headlines (pogoditi/napraviti
llywood). naslove) znači dospeti na prve strane novina,
High-sounding (visokozvučan) je pompezan, imati dobar publicitet. # Eli was an unknown
bombastičan. # The politician’s speech was full who suddenly hit the headlines on his last visit. #
of high-sounding phrases. The President is not trying to make the quick he-
High school nije (na američkom engleskom) adlines. Hit the papers znači izaći u novinama.
visoka škola, već srednja škola. # Junior high # “There’s a story going to break that we provo-
school covers seventh, eighth and sometimes ked those natives to attack us, but it won’t hit the
ninth grade, and high school goes from ninth or papers till tomorrow, and by then it won’t make
tenth to twelfth grade. any difference” (G. Vidal, Empire).
High spot (visoko mesto) je događaj dana, Hit/reach/one’s stride (dostići dug korak)
nezaboravni trenutak. # The high spot of the znači (u američkom engleskom) (a): uhvatiti
tour was when the visitors were allowed to see pravi tempo i (b): postići svoj maksimum, ući
the church’s famous paintings. u punu formu. (a): The horse began to reach his
High summer (visoko leto) je sredina leta. # stride and moved ahead of the other horses in the
“It was high summer, and the temperature outsi- race. # After walking the first mile, Joe was just
de was in the nineties” (P. Wright, Spycatcher). hitting his stride. (b): Linda didn’t begin to reach
High time dabome da nije visoko vreme, već her stride in school until the fifth grade.
znači krajnje je vreme. # It’s high time you got Hit on to (someone) (pod Come/hit on to
up. It’s very late. (someone)).
Hired gun nije iznajmljen pištolj, već (u Hit/pound the books (udarati knjige) znači
žargonu) (a): najmljeni ubica/revolveraš i (b): bubati. # Well, time to hit the books. # I spend
privremeno uposlen, saradnik angažovan na the weekend pounding the books. # Jake broke
određenom zadatku. (a): The cops are holding away from his friends, saying, “I’ve got to hit the
a well-known hired gun until they can prepare books.”
charges. (b): Mr. Stephanopulos is widely cre- Hit someone like a ton of bricks (pod Hit
dited with coordinating a staff of generally mi- someone between the eyes).
Hit someone between the eyes 110 Hold the fort

Hit someone between the eyes (udariti neko- pada.“). # The criminal was hoist with his own
ga između očiju) u prenosnom značenju je obori- petard when he tried to kill his own wife, because
ti nekoga s nogu, jako impresionirati nekoga. # he accidentally drank the poison that he intended
Helen hit Mark between the eyes the moment he to give to her.
saw her. Slično, hit someone like a ton of bricks Hold a pistol/gun to someone’s head (pri-
(udariti nekoga kao tona cigala) znači zapanjiti sloniti pištolj uz nečiju glavu) je isto što i naše
koga, šokirati koga. # Suddenly, the truth hit me staviti nekome nož pod grlo. # Don’t worry abo-
like a ton of bricks. ut him: I hold a gun to his head. I heard some
Hit someone where one lives (udariti neko- interesting stories about him he would not like to
ga onde gde živi) znači pogoditi nekoga onde have published
gde je najosetljiviji. # Her comments really hit Hold court ne znači samo predsedavati sud-
me where I live. Her words seemed to apply di- skom pretresu, već i biti u središtu pažnje. # In
rectly to me. the kitchen, Jimmy and Key helped their father
Hit/strike pay dirt (pay dirt je bogata ruda) to make sandwiches while in the front room the
znači ne samo otkriti zlatnu/rudnu žilu, već i na- new baby held court amid a circle of admiring
ići na pravu stvar, postići najzad uspeh. # After relatives.
years of efforts, they finally hit pay dirt. # Johnny
Hold currency ne znači držati valutu, već biti
tried a number of different jobs until he struck
pay dirt. rasprostranjen. # “It is an attractive cospiracy
theory, and one that still holds currency among
Hit the bottle ne znači pogoditi bocu, već government circles in Sarajevo” (L. Silber and A.
odati se piću. # Since his wife died he’s been hi- Little, Yugoslavia - Death of a Nation).
tting the bottle regularly.
Hold one’s breath ne znači samo zadržati
Hit the bricks/pavement ne znači udarati ci- disanje, već i iščekivati bez daha. # The whole
gle, trotoar ili asfalt, već (u žargonu) (a): krenu- country held its breath for little Wendy Howard
ti, izaći i (b): krenuti u štrajk. (a): I have a long when she went to France for a life-saving ope-
way to go. I’d better hit the bricks. # Go on! Hit ration.
the pavement! Get going! (b): The workers hit
the pavement on Friday and haven’t been back Hold one’s cards close to the chest/vest (pod
on the job since. Play/hold one’s cards close to the chest/vest).
Hit the bull’s eye (pogoditi bika u oko) znači Hold one’s fire znači zadržati vatru, ne puca-
(a): pogoditi pravo u centar i (b): uraditi/reći ti, ali i uzdržati se od reakcije. # Now, now, hold
pravu stvar, pogoditi suštinu. (a): The archer hit your fire until I’ve had a chance to explain.
the bull’s eye three times in a row. (b): Your idea Hold one’s ground (pod Stand firm).
really hit the bull’s eye. Thank you! Hold one’s hand (pod Stay/hold one’s
Hit the ceiling/roof (udariti u tavanicu/krov) hand).
znači (a): dostići plafon, doći do najviše tačke i Hold one’s peace ne znači sačuvati mir, već
(b): dobiti izliv besa. (a): Prices in the shop have oćutati, uzdržati se od reagovanja. # “I’ll admit
hit the ceiling over the last few weeks. (b): My to you now, Jimmy, though I held my peace at
father hit the ceiling when he found that I had the time, that it used to quite embarrass me” (M.
damaged his new car. # Our employer hit the roof Dickens, The Angel in the Corner). Vidi Speak
when he lost an important contract. now or forever hold your peace.
Hit the hay/sack (pogoditi seno/vreću) znači Hold on to your hat! (pod Hang/Hold on to
(u žargonu) otići na spavanje. # I just said, ‘Sure, your hat!).
let’s hit the hay, James.’ I set the clock to arouse Hold out the prospect of something (pod
us in ample time. # Look at the clock. It’s time Prospect).
to hit the sack. Hold someone’s hand nije samo uhvatiti ne-
Hit the high spots (pogoditi visoka mesta) koga za ruku, već i biti uz nekoga kad zatreba,
znači ograničiti se na najvažnije, izneti ključne naći se nekome u nevolji. # Donald has to go to
tačke. # I won’t discuss the entire report. I’ll just the Infirmary to have that sore eye examined and
hit the high spots. I know he’ll want me to go and hold his hand.
Hit the jackpot znači dobiti glavni zgoditak Hold something in store for someone (pod
na automatu za kocku, kartama ili lutriji, ali i Store).
odlično proći u nekom poslu („dobiti premiju“) Hold the floor (držati pod) znači držati dug
# I hit the jackpot on a business deal. govor, monopolisati konverzaciju, držati banku
Hobby horse (pod Ride a hobby horse). (žargon). # There was no interrupting her tirade.
Hoist with one’s own petard (pogođen She had the floor and meant to hold it.
sopstvenom petradom) znači upasti u sopstve- Hold the fort ne znači samo držati/braniti
nu zamku („Ko drugome jamu kopa, sam u nju tvrđavu, već i čuvati kuću, preuzeti od koga bri-
Hold the line 111 Hot

gu o kući, poslu itd. # I’m going next door to vi- sa domaćom atmosferom. # We really enjoyed
sit Mrs. Brown. You stay here and hold the fort. our holiday. The hotel was a home from home.
Hold the line (držati konopac, uzicu) znači Home bird nije kućna ptica, već porodičan
postaviti donju granicu, ograničiti. # The room čovek (onaj koji više voli da ostane kod kuće).
will sit fifty, but I think we should hold the line # But other than dining out, which I like, I’m a
at forty. home bird. I’m not one for a big social whirl.
Hold the road well (dobro držati drum) zna- Honorary ne znači honorarni (kaže se part-
či dobro ležati na drumu (automobil). # My new time), već počasni. # She reeceived an honorary
car holds the road well. Kaže se i hug the road. doctorate from Oxford University in recognition
# A heavy car with a low center of gravity will of her work for the homeless.
hug the road. Hope against hope (nadati se protiv nade)
Hold the stage (držati scenu) znači (a): i da- znači ne gubiti nadu, gajiti i dalje nekakvu
lje privlačiti pažnju publike, održavati popular- nadu. # He hoped against all hope that the doctor
nost i (b): nastojati biti glavni u društvu, držati had been wrong about his illness.
banku (žargon). (a): “Peter Pan” holds the stage Horse of another (of a different) color nije
year after year at its annual Christmas showing in konj druge ili različite boje, već nešto sasvim
London. (b): It was meant to be a lively round- drugo, drugi par rukava. # You can’t have frien-
table debate, but Prof. Collins held the stage for ds sharing the room for the same rent, but if you
most of it. want your brother to stay for a week or so, that’s
Hold true (držati tačnim) znači potvrditi se, a horse of another color. # Anyone can be broke,
važiti. # It has always held true that man cannot but to steal is a horse of a different color.
live without laws. # Does this rule hold all the Horse’s ass (konjska guzica) je tikvan, glu-
time? pan (u američkom žargonu). # Stop being such a
Hold up ne znači samo održavati se, biti po- horse’s ass and listen to some sense.
stojan, već i (a): ne predavati se, ne podlegati, Horse sense (konjski razum) je zdrava se-
(b): pokazati se tačnim, (c): izdržati, trajati, (d): ljačka pamet, praktičan rezon. # He has never
podići, dići u vis, (e): opljačkati, (f): zaustaviti i been to college, but he has a lot of horse sense.
(g): pričekati, odgoditi/odložiti. (a):The grieving Horses for courses ne znači konji za trke,
mother held up for her children’s sake. (b): The već svako neka radi ono što zna, različiti poslo-
police were doubtful at first, but Dave’s story vi traže različite ljude. # Porter can do the work;
held up. (c): How long will this cloth hold up? Stewart can’t. I’m afraid that Stewart will just
(d): The happy father held the newborn baby up. have to learn in business it’s horses for courses.
(e): That’s the one that held me up at gunpoint. Horse trade nije samo trgovina konjima, već
(f): The wreck held up traffic on the railroad’s i uporno/teško pregovaranje. # As it happened,
main line tracks. (g): Please hold up on the pro- Warren wound up the vice-presidential nominee
ject. We’ve run out of money. on the Dewey ticket, but its loss to Truman and
Hole-and-corner nema veze sa rupom i Barkley meant that horse-trading was all for na-
ćoškom, već znači potajan i sumnjiv. # I don’t ught.
approve of the hole-and-corner methods that Host nije samo domaćin, već i (a): gostioni-
some companies use to obtain work. Hole and čar, direktor hotela, (b): ceremonijalmajstor i
corner affair je tajna intimna veza. # They’ve (c): mnoštvo. (a): Your host, John Smith, hopes
been having a hole and corner affair for years to your stay at the hotel will be a pleasant one. (b):
avoid shocking public opinion. Ted was host at the alumni banquet. (c): A host
Hole in the wall (rupa u zidu) je ćumez, of barbarians attacked the city.
mala jeftina radnja, kafana ili stan. # The Co- Hot nije samo vruć, već i (a): papren, ljut,
mrie Bookshop is as inviting as a hole in the wall (b): žestok, vatren, (c): svež, (d): blizu, na-
as you could hope to retreat into anywhere in domak, (e): popularan, (f): naelektrisan, (g):
wintry Perthshire. ukraden (u žargonu), (h): tražen od policije (u
Holy terror (sveti teror) je (a): obesno de- žargonu), (i): dobro prodavan, tražen (u žargo-
rište, napast of deteta i (b): strah i trepet. (a): nu), (j): seksualno uzbudljiv (u žargonu). (a):
I hope the Joneses will not bring their youngest Put some of this hot sauce on the barbecued ribs.
boy; he’s a holy terror. (b): Pity anyone who (b): The men had a hot argument about politics.
tried to take advantage of my grandmother who (c): Are there any hot news on the election re-
was known as “the holly terror” among the local sults? (d): The police are hot on the trail of the
shopkeepers and tradesmen. robbers. (e): The dancer was hot and was offered
Home (away) from home (kuća od kuće) je movie roles and all sorts of things. (f): Be careful
mesto gde se čovek oseća kao kod kuće, mesto not to touch a hot wire when you fix the fuse box.
Hot air 112 Husband

(g): Rocko won’t touch a hot watch or anything companies which are household words and of the
else hot. (h): Lefty is hot because of his part in smaller ones too.
the bank job. (i): These things are really hot this Housewarming (party) nema veze sa greja-
season. (j): Man, is that chick hot! Have the hots njem kuće, već je to proslava useljenja u kuću
for someone znači (kolokvijalno) biti zacopan u („na naselje“). Kitty had managed to collect a bit
nekoga. # I think he has the hots for you, baby. of everything for their housewarming # Now that
Hot air (vruć vazduh) je prazna priča, a talk we’ve completed the house, we are suppose to
hot air znači mlatiti praznu slamu. # That was give a housewarming party.
just a lot of hot air what Max said. # “He posed, How come? ne znači Kako doći? već Kako
he postured, he talked a lot of hot air” (L. P. Har- to? Otkud to? # You’re wearing your best clot-
tley, A Perfect Woman). hes today. How come?
Hot at/in something nije vruć, već dobar u How does it feel? ne znači Kako se oseća?
nečemu, verziran u nešto. # Ask Tom about it - već Kako to izgleda (biti)? # “How does it feel to
he’s pretty hot in diagnosing engine troubles. be in the heartland of America?” one television
Hot check nije vruć, već nepokriven ček (u reporter asked Mr. Gore. “Oh,” the Senator repli-
žargonu). # The clerk got in trouble for taking a ed, “it feels wonderful.”
hot check. How on earth i who/what/when/where/
Hot item, nije vruć prilog ili artikl, već (ko- why on earth ne znači kako, ko itd. na zemlji,
lokvijalno) (a): tražena roba i (b): zaljubljeni već kako/šta/kada/ko/gde/zašto za ime boga. #
par, dvoje u ozbiljnoj vezi (kaže se i samo item). “They ask, how on earth could workers organize
(a): This little thing is a hot item this season. (b): this mess? But the question is, how can we get
Mark and Helen are quite a hot item lately. # I out of the mess?“ (E. Bond, Bingo). # What on
didn’t know you and Lucy were an item. earth do you mean?
Hot number nije vruć broj, već (u žargonu) Human je ljudski, a humane je human. # To
(a): popularna muzička numera, (b): zgodna err is human. # Helping that family is a very hu-
ženska, dobra riba i (c): popularan proizvod. mane thing to do.
(a): Here’s the hot number by the Wanderers. Humor nije samo humor, već i raspoloženje.
(b): Who’s that hot number I saw you with last # Dad’s always in a good humor on payday.
night! (c): The new car that Jerry is driving is a Hungry as a bear (u američkom engleskom)
real hot number. i hungry as a hunter (u britanskom engleskom)
Hot stuff (vruća stvar) znači (a): uzbudljiv, (gladan kao medved/lovac) je isto što i naše gla-
interesantan, (b): (u američkom žargonu) uo- dan kao vuk. # I’m as hungry as a bear. I could
braženko, nadmena osoba i (c): (u britanskom eat anything. # Give me something to eat; I am
žargonu) vrlo sposoban/kvalitetan. (a): His hungry as a hunter.
sister certainly is hot stuff. (b): Hey, hot stuff, Hurl to the wind(s) (pod Throw/fling/hurl
come down here and say that. (c): “After dinner to the winds).
he and Cust played dominoes. It appears Strange Hurt nije samo povrediti (se), već i (a): bole-
was a whale on dominoes and to his surprise Cust ti, (b): žuljati, (c): vređati, (d): oštetiti, (e): naš-
was pretty hot stuff too” (A. Christie, The ABC koditi, (f): rana, (g): ozleđen i (h): bol. (a): My
Murders). leg hurts. (b): These new shoes hurt. (c): It hurts
Hot under the collar nije vruć ispod kragne, me when you talk that way. (d): Don’t put that
već besan kao ris, ljut kô puška. # The boss was hot cup on the table, it will hurt the finish. (e):
really hot under the collar when you told him you A sloppy appearance hurt the youth’s chances of
lost the contract. getting a job. (f): This hurt is still fresh. (g): The
Household name nije ime domaćinstva, već boy came home with a hurt knee. (h): This salve
poznato ime, a household word je opšte poznat. will make the hurt go.
# Becoming a household name, however, brou- Husband ne znači samo muž, već i pažljivo
ght its problems for Slater with his every move ekonomisati. # The nation must husband its na-
being headline news. # He talks about the big tural resources.
I ask you ne znači samo Pitam te, već (u bri- I don’t think nije samo ne mislim, već i Nije
tanskom engleskom) i Šta kažeš na takvu glu- nego. Da li baš? They must like my pretty face,
post?, To je stvarno besmisleno. # Throwing mo- I don’t think, to bring me so often. I don’t think
ney about, that’s all she’s doing. Twelve pounds so znači hvala, ne, radije ne bih. # -Why don’t
eighteen on flowers! I ask you! you come to my place for a drink. - I don’t think
I beg your pardon ne znači samo Izvinite, so.
molim vas, već i (a): Kako, molim? Šta rekoste? If anything (ako išta) znači pre bi se moglo
i (b): Dozvolite, ipak. Ne mogu se složiti s vama. reći. # Tim isn’t a bad boy. If anything, he’s a
(a): I beg your pardon? Please repeat what you pretty good one.
have just said. (b): - Of course, I always thought If he/it is a day svakako nema veze sa doslov-
that Mahler’s best work was his Fifth Symphony. nim prevodom, već znači ni godinu manje, ima
- I beg your pardon, most people would hold that sigurno toliko (godina, otkako je itd.). # Why do
the ninth was incomparably greater. you keep referring to him as ‘young Dr Perkins’,
I bet, I’ll bet ne znači samo kladim se, bio mother? He’s forty if he’s a day. # “I can’t re-
bih spreman da se opkladim, već i (kolokvijal- member when I last played a game of golf. It’s a
no) Nije nego! Ma nemoj! # - He says Chelsea long time anyway.” “Fifteen years if it’s a day,”
will win the Cup next year with their new team. - his wife said.
I bet! They’ll be lucky to stay in the first division. If I’m any judge (kad bih ja bio sudija) znači
# “I’ll be home early tonight, darling.” “That’ll ako se meni može verovati, ako sam ja pozvan
be nice,” she answered mechanically, and, as the da kažem. # If I’m any judge of children, that
door closed, added, “I’ll bet.” boy is going to grow up to be a real headache to
I can live with that ne znači samo mogu da his parents.
živim s tim, već i u redu je što se mene tiče. # - I If it comes to the crunch/push (pod When it
want to do this room in green. - I can live with comes to the crunch/push).
that. If only (kad bi samo) znači i ako ni zbog čega
I can’t help but ne znači ne mogu da pomo- drugog, ono. # - Do you think he’s telling the
gnem, ali, već ne mogu a da ne. # Her parents truth? - Yes, I do if only because it’s too strange a
live nearby, so she can’t help but go there on story for a simple fellow like him to invent.
weekends. If push comes to shove (pod When it comes
I can’t help myself ne znači ne mogu sebi to the crunch/push).
da pomognem, već ne mogu prosto odoleti, to je If someone had half an eye ne znači da ima
jače od mene # It’s no use my promising not to makar pola oka, već da ima i malo mozga u gla-
cry when you go. I can’t help myself. vi. # If you had half an eye you would be able to
Idiot box (idiotska kutija) je (u žargonu) te- see how unhappy she was because of your refusal
levizor, televizija. # You spend too much time to go there. Kaže se i if someone had an ounce
watching the idiot box. of brain/intelligence.
I don’t have a crystal ball (nemam kristalnu If you’ll pardon/excuse my French ne znači
kuglu) znači ne mogu ja da vračam u bob. # If I izvinite zbog mog francuskog, već (šaljivo) izvi-
knew Inspector Raynolds, how much money my nite na prostoti. # What she needs is a kick in the
company will be making this time next year, I butt, if you’ll excuse my French.
should be only too pleased to let you know. Un- If you please (ako vam je tako ugodno) zna-
fortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball. či (a): (u formalnoj konverzaciji) ako smem, s
I guess 114 In a state of nature

vašom dozvolom i (b): (ponešto ironično) po- In a body ne znači samo u telu, već i svi za-
mislite samo, zamislite, molim vas. (a): Now jedno, svi odjednom, kao jedan. # The audience
where shall we all sit? Mrs. Rogers, over here rose in a body and cheered him to the echo.
if you please, and Howard next to Mrs. Rogers. In a brown study (u smeđim studijama)
(b): Then there are the parents, who want some znači utonuo u misli. # He was sitting there in a
say in the fate of their children and these days brown study and I had to wait for several minutes
even children themselves demand to be heard, if before he noticed that I entered the room.
you please. In advance ne znači samo unapred, već i (a):
I guess (nagađam) znači (a): valjda, rekao ispred, (b): pre i (c): ranije. (a): In the parade,
bih i (b): mislim (u američkom engleskom). (a): the band will march in advance of the football
- I imagine she earned a lot of money with her team. (b): They reached the station in advance
new novel. - I guess. # I guess she is angry at me of the 8:00 train. (c): It’s good to be there in ad-
for standing her up. (b): I guess he was wrong. vance.
Be ill advised to do something (pod Be well/ In a family way, in the family way ne znači
ill advised to do something). na porodičan način, familijarno, već u drugom
Ill at ease (pod At ease). stanju. # Sue and Liz are happy because their
I’ll be bound (biću vezan) znači kladim se, mother is in the family way.
siguran sam u to. # George won’t spend the In a fog ne znači u magli, već zbrkan, sme-
whole evening collecting subscriptions. He’ll be ten. # He is such a bad teacher that the children
in the pub by now, I’ll be bound. are completely in a fog about their school work.
I’ll see you in hell first (prvo ću te videti u In a hole, in the hole ne znači samo u rupi,
paklu) znači Ni za šta na svetu, Nećeš, bogami. već i (a): u neprilici, u nezgodnoj situaciji i (b):
# I won’t keep my mouth shut, and you won’t (in the hole) u dugu. # Please, could you help
buy me off. I’ll see you in hell first. me? I’m in rather a hole. I’ve just lost all my mo-
I’m afraid ne znači samo strah me je, plašim ney and I have to catch a train in five minutes.
se, već i (a): žao mi je, oprostite i (b): bojim se (b): It looks like we are in the hole again this
(da nije/jeste), nažalost. (a): I’m afraid I can’t do month. # I’m $600 in the hole.
that. (b): I’m afraid he is not the right man for In a hurry ne znači samo u žurbi, već i lako,
it. # - She hasn’t broken her leg, has she? - I’m brzo. # “It seems to have made a profound impre-
afraid so. ssion on you.’ ‘It’s not the kind of experience you
I’m having quite a time ne znači samo divno forget in a hurry’” (K. Adams, I Like It Here).
se provodim već i (potpuno obrnuto) teško mi je. In a lump (pod Lump).
# - Well, what seems to be the problem? - I’m In a measure ne znači u meri, već u određe-
having quite a time. It’s my back. noj meri. # There is a theory that there are ‘mur-
Improve the occasion ne znači poboljša- derees’, people themselves in a measure respon-
ti šansu, već iskoristiti priliku. # Dad was in a sible for the crimes committed against them.
spending mood, so I thought I might as well im- In a mood nije u raspoloženju, već loše ras-
prove the occasion by buying something useful. položen. # Don’t ask the boss for more wages
I’m sorry ne znači samo žao mi je, oprosti- today - he’s in a mood.
te, već i (a): ne razumem, nisam vas dobro čuo In apple-pie order (kao u piti od jabuka)
i (b): veoma žalim (ali ostajem pri svome). (a): znači doterano kao pod konac, uredno i čisto.
I’m sorry. It’s noisy in here. (b): - Only a fool # We are ready for our guests. The house is in
can think there was any advantage for Scotland apple-pie order. Britanci imaju svoj izraz: all
in devolution. - I’m sorry but I don’t agree. shipshape (and Bristol fashion). # When Mot-
In a bad way ne znači samo u lošem stanju, her came home from the trip, she was pleasantly
već i ne sluti na dobro, loše mu se piše. # “I want surprised to find the house all shipshape. # I want
to say a word to you about your prospects. You this rooom all shipshape and Bristol fashion be-
are in a bad way, you know you really are in a fore you come down for breakfast.
bad way” (Ch. Dickens, Oliver Twist). In a small way (na mali način) znači u skro-
In a big way (na veliki način) znači (a): u mnom vidu, na skroman način. # Her father was
velikoj meri, naveliko, (b): ozbiljno i (c): u ve- a poultry breeder in a small way. I don’t think
likom stilu. (a): The army has gone into busine- there was ever much money to spare.
ss in a big way, investing in construction firms, In a state of nature ne znači u prirodnom
agriculture, and tanks. (b): „I fell for Irma in a stanju, već go kao od majke rođen. # It has
big way, Harold“ (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Wo- been so hot this summer that the children have
man). (c): Our family celebrates birthdays in a been going about in a state of nature almost all
big way. the time. Ima više izraza koji to isto znače: mot-
In attendance 115 In good time

her-naked, in one’s birthday suit, naked as a wheel of my bicycle was broken, but it is back
jaybird, with nothing on, without a stitch on, in commission now. (b): The old battleship has
in the altogether. been in commission for twenty years.
In attendance nije samo prisutan, već i (a): In concert ne znači na koncertu (kaže se at
na službi, dežuran i (b): u (nečijoj) pratnji. a/the concert), već u saradnji, uz pomoć. # Mrs.
(a):The young nurse was in attendance that ni- Perkins planned the party in concert with her si-
ght. (b): He was in attendance on the queen. ster.
In a way nije na način (kaže se after the fas- In (dead) lumber ne znači u (mrtvoj) sta-
hion of ili like), već na neki način, u određenoj rudiji, već (u britanskom engleskom) u nevolji,
meri, donekle. # “So, in a way, it was more in u sosu. # When they discovered that I had been
accordance with the facts to let Nan think that the only person in the office when the money had
nothing had occurred” (I. Murdoch, The San- been stolen I was really in dead lumber.
dcastle). In deep nije u dubokom, već (a): veoma
In back nije samo iza, već i u zadnjem delu vezan, opsednut, (b): u dugu do guše i (c): (u
kuće, iza kuće, u dvorištu. # I don’t have your žargonu) duboko umešan, debelo upetljan. (a):
size here, but perhaps I can find it in back. Tony loves the theater. He’s definitely in deep.
In bad odor ne znači smrdeti, već u nemilo- He tries out all the plays and gets into many of
sti. # I don’t know why but I feel that I am in bad them. (b): Jim began borrowing small sums of
odor with my superior. money to bet on horses, and before he knew it he
In bad shape ne znači u rđavom stanju, već was in deep. (c): Max is in deep with the mob.
(a): u lošem stanju, fizički lošeg izgleda, (b): u In deep water ne znači samo u dubokoj vodi,
drugom stanju i (c): nakresan, naljoskan. (a): već i u opasnim vodama, u nezgodnoj situaciji.
Sam needs exercise. He’s in bad shape. (b): # Tom is having trouble with taxes. He is in deep
Sue’s in bad shape again, I hear. (c): Sol is in bad water.
shape. I think he is going to toss his cookies. Indian summer (indijansko/indijsko leto) je
In character (u karakteru) znači tipično (za ono što mi zovemo babino/bablje/miholjsko leto
nekoga). # One could only expect something like (lepi i topli dani u poznu jesen). # We’ve had a
that from him; it’s in character. rather long period of mild, warm and hazy weat-
Incidental nije incidentan, već (a): uzgredan, her following the first frosts of late autumn - real
(b): slučajan, (c): propratan, (d): koji proizlazi Indian summer.
iz i (e): sporedni, sitni troškovi (kao imenica – u Industrial action nije industrijska akcija,
množini). (a): Another incidental remark of En- već organizovani štrajk. # If the industrial action
gels ‘ , also connected with the question of the takes place, it is right that the public should know
state, deals with religion. (b): Try not to be dis- that the Government stand ready to take whate-
tracted by incidental details. (c): The points you ver action is necessary.
make are true, but they’re incidental to the main In effect nema veze sa efektom, već znači (a):
problem. (d): When alcohol arises as an issue in u stvari, zapravo, praktično i (b): na snazi. (a):
civil litigation it is usually regarded as incidental The procedure could in effect deprive parents of
to a legal problem rather than central to it. i (e): their right to be represented legally before a co-
Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals urt. (b): The new schedule in the dining room is
like the taxi fare to your hotel. # He requested in effect tomorrow. # The law went into effect
reimbursement of $7 for incidental expenses. yesterday.
Incidental music je prateća/scenska muzika. # In evidence ne znači u evidenciji, (kaže se on
Playing with Time takes a look at the incidental file(s)), već prisutan, primetan, očit, vidljiv. #
music written for the story by composer Jonathan The little boy’s measles were very much in evi-
Gibbs. dence.
In clover ne znači u detelini, već u obilju, In fine feather (u lepom perju) znači (a): u
kao bubreg u loju. # If I get this contract, I’ll be dobrom zdravlju/raspoloženju i (b): (u žargo-
in clover for the rest of my life. nu) doteran („nabaciti perje“). (a): Grandfather
In cold storage (skladišten u hladnjači ) seems to be in fine feather after his recent illne-
znači (a): u rezervi i (b): mrtav (u žargonu). (a): ss. He even sings as he works in his garden. (b):
Your suggestions are very good, but we’ll have Well, you are certainly in fine feather today.
to keep them in cold storage until we have enou- In force ne znači samo na snazi, već i ma-
gh money to put them into practice. (b): Poor old sovno, u velikom broju. # The mosquitoes will
Sam is in cold storage. attack in force this evening.
In commission ne znači u komisiji, već (a): In good time (u dobrom vremenu) znači (a):
u dobrom/radnom stanju i (b): u aktivnoj služ- za kratko vreme, brzo i (b): posle izvesnog vre-
bi, spreman za dejstvo (vojni termin). (a): The mena, kad bude vreme za to. (a): We traveled
In hot water 116 In someone’s name

from Mexico to Texas in good time. (b): “’Oh In one’s shirt sleeves (u rukavima košulje)
Harold,’ she exclaimed, ‘why all this mystifi- znači bez sakoa i kravate (samo u košulji). # He
cation?’ ‘You’ll find out in good time,’ he said came to the door in his shirt sleeves and asked me
grinning at her as he might have grinned at Irma” to wait while he got ready to come out with me.
(L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). In practice ne znači samo u praksi, već i do-
In hot water ne znači samo u vrućoj vodi, bro uvežban, utreniran, spreman. # The swim-
već i u ozbiljnoj nevolji. # Bruno has to chan- mer was not in practice and almost drowned.
ge his address. He’s in hot water with the police In print ne znači u štampi (kaže se in/at the
again! press, being printed), već (a): raspoloživ u knji-
In kind (u vrsti) znači (a): u naturi i (b): žarama i (b): otštampan, štampan. (a): It is very
istom merom, milo za drago. (a): The country old book and no longer in print. (b): The story of
doctor was usually paid in kind. He accepted two the students’ trip to Africa appeared in print in
pigs as payment for an operation. (b): She spoke the newspaper.
rudely to me, so I spoke to her in kind. In progress ne znači u vreme napretka, već
In league ne znači u ligi, već u sprezi, u do- u toku. # No one will be seated while the play is
sluhu. Rumors spread that the chairman is in lea- in progress.
gue with the Mafia. In rare form ne znači samo u retkoj/top for-
In line nije samo u liniji, poređani, već i (a): mi, već i dobro nakresan (u žargonu). # Chuck is
u redu, (b): na redu, (c): sa izgledima i (d): u in rare form, but he’ll have time to sleep it off.
skladu, u saglasnosti. (a): I’ve been in line for
In respect to/of ne znači iz poštovanja prema
an hour. (b): Thomas is in line for the presidency
of the club next year. (c): I think I am in line for (kaže se out of respect for, in deference to), već
the job. (d): It was not in line with the kind of u vezi sa, u pogledu. # In respect to your requ-
behavior we expect here. est, five dollars is being credited to your account.
# In respect to your visit with us, we hope you
In low water ne znači u plitkoj vodi (low can come before March. # Substantial increases
water znači oseka), već obeshrabren, izgubljen, can now be expected in respect of gas and water
demoralisan. # He was in very low water when I
saw him last week - he even asked if I could lend
him some money to pay the rent. In season ne znači samo u sezoni, već i (a):
In lumber (pod In (dead) lumber). u pravo vreme, blagovremeno, kad dođe vreme
i (b): kad je dozvoljen lov na. (a): Jim’s father
Innocent of something ne znači samo nevin/ told him that he was not old enough yet but that
nedužan u čemu, već i bez nečega, lišen nečega. he would learn to drive in season. (b): Deer will
He was innocent of any desire to hurt her. # She be in season next week.
was dressed in black, innocent of all jewelry.
In so many words ne znači u tako mnogo
In one piece ne znači samo u jednom koma-
reči, već baš tako, izričito, sasvim jasno. # I tho-
du, već i (a): neozleđen, zdrav i čitav i (b): ne-
ught he was being a selfish, little pig and I told
oštećen. (a): “We never mixed it with German
fighters if could avoid it, for our main duty was to him in so many words.
get home in one piece” (N. Shute, Requiem for a In someone’s book ne znači u nečijoj knji-
Wren). (b): The package was handled carelessly, zi, već po nečijem sudu, po nečijem mišljenju.
but the vase inside arrived all in one piece. # His activities are nothing but criminal in my
In one’s birthday suit (pod In a state of na- book.
ture). In someone’s day ne znači u nečijem danu,
In one’s glory ne znači u svojoj slavi, već u već u nečije vreme (kad je neko bio mlad, uspe-
punom sjaju, u najboljem izdanju. # Thelma is šan itd.). # The Auberge did not satisfy the arti-
a very good teacher. She’s in her glory in the cla- stic and creative soul of Monsieur Bonneval. In
ssroom. his day he had been a great cook.
In one’s line of country nema veze ni sa li- In someone’s favor nije samo u prilog ne-
nijom ni sa zemljom, već znači verziran i (b): kome, već i (a): u nečiju korist (rezultat), (b): u
zainteresovan. (a): Cocktail parties are not in volji nekome, nečija simpatija i (c): da glasi na
my line of country. (b): I have had no experience nekoga (ček). (a): At the end of the second half,
with children, so looking after two of them for an the score was four to three in the other team’s
evening is not really my line of country. favor. (b): My teacher is mad at me. I’m certainly
In one’s own right ne znači po sopstvenom not in his favor. (c): Please make out a check for
pravu, već za sebe, sopstvenim kvalitetima (a ne $500 in Mr. Golding’s favor.
zbog nekoga bliskog ko je uspešan). # My sister In someone’s name ne znači samo u nečije
is married to a famous singer but she has an exce- ime, već i na nečije ime, u nečijoj svojini. # The
llent singing voice in her own right. house is in my name. I own all of it.
Instance 117 In the cold light of day/dawn

Instance može biti i instanca (in the first in- Interval je interval, ali i (a): pauza (u pozo-
stance), ali prvenstveno znači (a): primer (b): rištu, na koncertu, u bioskopu, na britanskom en-
slučaj. (a): In the electronics industry, for instan- gleskom, a na američkom engleskom je intermi-
ce, 5000 jobs are being lost. (b): There have been ssion) i (b): poluvreme (na fudbalskoj utakmici
several instances of violence at the school. # I - u britanskom engleskom). (a): During the very
don’t usually side with the management, but in long interval (they had to change scenography)
this instance I agree with what they’re saying. I talked with several people. (b): The half-time
In store nije samo u zalihi/skladištu, već i interval in all matches shall not exceed 15 mi-
(a): u rezervi i (b): u izgledu. (a): If the electrici- nutes.
ty goes off, we have candles in store in the closet. In the air ne znači samo u vazduhu, već i
(b): Earlier this month, Fleet Street became im- (a): svuda, na sve strane, (b): neizvestan, neo-
mersed in speculation that big changes might be dređen, maglovit i (c): verovatan, na vidiku. (a):
in store for The Times. There is talk in the air of a depression. (b): Our
In strength ne znači u snazi, već masovno, u plans for next year’s holiday are very much in the
velikom broju. # The civilian population used to air. (c): A meeting between the representatives of
turn out in strength every evening to watch our the two warring factions was in the air.
guard monitoring parade in the town square.
In the altogether (pod In a state of nature).
Instrumental ne znači instrumentalan, već u
značajnoj ulozi. # Ray was instrumental in ge- In the bag ne znači samo u torbi, već i tako-
tting the contract to build the new building. reći gotovo, u džepu. # I’ve got the contract in
the bag. They are going to sign it tomorrow.
In style ne znači samo u stilu, već (a) u modi
i (b) na visokoj nozi. (a): - This old coat isn’t in In the balance ne znači u ravnoteži (kaže se
style anymore. - I don’t care if it’s not in style. I in balance, a on balance znači uzevši sve u ob-
hope it comes into style again. (b): Since their zir), već u krajnjoj neizvesnosti. # With his for-
business started doing well, they have been li- tune in the balance, Rick rolled the dice.
ving in style. In the bargain ne znači u cenjkanju, već po-
In sympathy ne znači sa simpatijama, već vrh toga, odozgo, baška. # I bought a car, and
(a): saosećajući, sažaljevajući i (b): u saglasno- they threw an air conditioner in the bargain.
sti, u znak podrške/slaganja. (a): “If she could In the black ne znači u crnom, ni in the red u
shed tears in sympathy with a child she would crvenom, već (a) (black) u plusu, solventan, bez
not be able to lie in her own bed and listen to him dugova i (b) (red) u gubitku, u minusu, u dugu.
cry” (D. Eden, Darling Clementine). (b): During (a): After making losses for the last six years, we
the Glasgow bus strike, transport employees in are at last in the black. (b): British Rail are deep
various other towns declared 24 hour strikes in enough in the red as it is without Arsenal sup-
sympathy. # I, for one, am in sympathy with your porters smashing all the light bulbs and ripping
proposals, but the majority is obviously against. up the seats.
Intelligence nije samo inteligencija, već i In the cards (pod On the cards).
obaveštajni podatak ili služba. # We sent out pla-
nes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage. In the clear ne znači u čistom, već (a): van
# Second, increase the Director’s authorities with opasnosti, na sigurnom, (b): nevin, (c): oslo-
regard to all national intelligence agencies. bođen sumnji ili optužbi i (d): nešifrovan. (a):
Once the deer got into the clear, it ran away. (b):
In tall cotton (u visokom pamuku), znači (u
žargonu) u povoljnim prilikama, na konju. # I «’We checked his alibi,’ King said. ‘You’ll be
won some money at the track, and now I’m really happy to know he’s in the clear’» (Ed McBain,
in tall cotton. Killer’s Choice). (c): «Our only hope of catching
them is to let the bastards think they are in the
In terms of ne znači u terminima ili roko-
clear - right up to the last moment» (J. Archer,
vima, već u pogledu, u smislu, kad se radi o. #
Now, in terms of your proposal, don’t you think Shall We Tell the President?). (d): He sent a me-
you’re asking for too much? ssage in the clear.
Intern je internirati, ali i (a): lekar-stažist In the club ne znači samo u klubu, već i (u
(u britanskom engleskom houseman) i (b): stu- britanskom kolokvijalizmu) u drugom stanju. #
dent (pred diplomiranjem) na praksi. (a): A few When he came back from the war, he found out
months ago we had an American intern working that his wife was in the club.
with us at our hospital. (b): They also advertize In the cold light of day/dawn (na hladnoj
for interns to work on specific projects on their svetlosti dana/zore) znači kad se glava ohladi,
website. kad zdrav razum prevlada. # We got drunk and
Interpreter nije interpretator (uloge ili pe- thought up wonderful plans to help all the people
sme), već prevodilac. # She works as an interpre- of the world, but our hopes disappeared in the
ter in Brussels. cold light of day.
In the dark 118 In the soup

In the dark ne znači samo u mraku, već i ne- in the hot seat on television tonight: he will have
obavešten, bez dovoljno informacija. # «Everyo- to answer some unpleasant questions. # Now
ne in the Red Cross remains in the dark about that Dave is on the hot seat, no one is paying any
the real blood reserves and where they are» (J. attention to what I do.
Carroll, Memorial Bridge). In the long run ne znači u dugoj trci, već
In the dock ne znači na doku (kaže se on (a) na kraju krajeva, konačno, u krajnjem re-
a dock), već na optuženičkoj klupi. # You are zultatu i (b) na duži rok, u dužem periodu. (a):
forgetting that I am not in the dock; you were Dublin, London and Belfast are all concerned
responsible for what happened, not me. in Northern Ireland’s future and in the long run
In the doghouse ne znači samo u psećoj kući- tripartite agreement must be sought. (b): Tom
ci, već i u nemilosti. # Chuck is in the doghouse knew that he could make a success of the little
because he dropped the ball, and the other team weekly paper in the long run. I obrnuto: in the
won because of that. short run znači na kraći rok, u kraćem periodu.
# We decide to rent an apartment in the short run.
In the driver’s seat nije samo na vozačevom We can buy a house later.
sedištu, već i na kormilu (u žargonu). # I’m in
the driver’s seat now, and I get to decide who In the market ne znači na tržištu (kaže se
gets raises. Metafora sa istim značenjem je in on the market), već zainteresovan za kupovinu,
the saddle. # I feel confident about our prospects spreman da plati. # I’m in the market for a video
recorder. # If you have a boat for sale, we’re in
now he’s in the saddle.
the market.
In the event ne znači u događaju, već (a):
In the mass ne znači u masi, već u celini. #
konačno, ipak, na kraju, (b): u slučaju. (a): So- The people in the mass will not accept the leader-
meone was bound to go too far, to overstep the ship of a dishonest man.
mark, to let everyone down. In the event no one
did. (b): In the event of fire, please leave quickly In the money ne znači samo (plivati) u nov-
and quietly. cu, u bogatstvu, već i sa izgledima na pobedu. #
The horse coming in first, second, and third are
In the face of something nije samo suočen said to be in the money.
sa nečim, već i uprkos nečemu, bez obzira na
In the nature of someone/something ne zna-
nešto, nasuprot nečemu. # «He had resolved to
či samo u nečijoj prirodi, već i nalik na nekoga/
be patient in face of the many difficult situations nešto, neka vrsta nekoga/nečega. # I hoped they
that he knew must arise during the Christmas vi- would look upon me in the nature of an adviser
sit» (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). and helper rather than as an overseer or critic. #
In the family way (pod In a family way). He said something in the nature of an apology.
In the final/last analysis ne znači u posled- In the neighborhood/vicinity of ne zna-
njoj analizi, već na kraju krajeva, u krajnjoj či samo u susedstvu, u blizini, već i otprilike
liniji, konačno, na kraju se svodi na to. # In the oko, nešto oko. # His debts are in the vicinity
final analysis, you do want the thing to work and of $3,000.
what works for other people ought to work for In the pink ne znači u ružičastom, već zdrav
you too. # «Plants get it from sunlight, and ani- kao dren, u odličnoj kondiciji. (Često se doda:
mals get it from plants, or from other animals of of condition). # I’m in the pink today. Feeling
course. So in the last analysis the energy always great. # Mr. Golding had aged well; he was one
comes from sun» (F. Hoyle, The Black Cloud). of those old men who always seem in the pink
In the first flight ne znači na prvom letu, već of condition
na vodećoj poziciji, na čelu. # This player has so In the pipeline ne znači samo u cevovodu,
much more skill and experience than the others već i u pripremi. # A series of policy-based lo-
that he will have no difficulty in keeping in the ans designed to support specific policy measures,
first flight. crucial to the success of the proposed reform, are
In the flesh ne znači u mesu, već uživo, lično, in the pipeline of operations at the World Bank.
glavom i bradom. # I’ll go to the party only to see In the red (pod In the black).
this movie star in the flesh In the saddle (pod In the driver’s seat).
In the gravy ne znači samo u umaku ili u In the same vein (u istoj veni/žili) znači u
sosu, već i pun para kô blata (u britanskom žar- istom duhu/stilu. # There were many more tri-
gonu). # It’s useful to have a few friends who are butes in the same vein. We tend to overpraise the
in the gravy. dead.
In the hole (pod In a hole). In the short run (pod In the long run).
In the hot seat ili on the hot seat (u/na vru- In the soup (u supi) je isto što i naše u sosu.
ćem sedištu) znači na velikim mukama, izložen # Now I’m really in the soup. I broke Mrs.
iskušenjima, kritici i sl. # The politician will be Appleby’s window.
In the space 119 I wouldn’t put it/anything past him

In the space ne znači u svemiru (kaže se in designer invested the performers with sumptuous
space), već u intervalu, u razmaku, u roku. # costumes.
One can’t expect a newly independent state to In virtue of (pod By/in virtue of).
have solved its economic difficulties in the space I spoke out of turn ne znači govorio sam
of only two years. preko reda, već rekao sam pogrešnu stvar, nije
In the teeth ne znači samo u zubima, već trebalo to da kažem. # - You said I was one who
i uprkos. # He married the girl in the teeth of did it. - I’m sorry. I spoke out of turn.
strong disagreement from his parents. Is there a point to this? (pod Point).
In the van ne znači samo u kombiju, već i u Item (pod Hot item).
prvim redovima, na čelu. # He has been in the
van of medical progress for years. It figures ne znači figurira, već (a) ne izne-
nađuje me, moglo se i očekivati i (b) reklo bi se
In the vicinity of (pod In the neighborhood/ da je tako, ima mnogo smisla u tome. (a): - Bill
vicinity of). was one who broke the window. - It figures. He’s
In the wake of (pod Wake). very careless. (b): - Somebody told me he’d won
In the wind ne znači na vetru, već u skorom money on the pools. - I never heard that, but it fi-
izgledu, u pripremi/razmatranju. # Changes in gures. They certainly have more money to throw
top management of the company had been in the around than they used to.
wind for weeks. It’s all in a/the day’s work ne znači sve je
In the worst way ne znači samo na najgori to posao od jednog dana, već (a): ništa neuobi-
način, već i veoma mnogo, jako. # I want a new čajeno i (b): to je deo posla, to je ono što nor-
car in the worst way. malno sleduje („sve to ide u rok službe“). (a):
In train ne znači u vozu (kaže se on/aboard The Browns were late for dinner, and Jack heard
a train ili on a train - we met on the train), već his wife saying it was all in a day’s work. (b):
u toku. # Preparations for the opening of the new Putting up with rude customers isn’t pleasant, but
town hall are in train. iot’s all in the day’s work.
Introduce ne znači samo uvesti, već i (a): It’s all yours! ne znači samo Sve je to vaše!
predstaviti, (b): upoznati, (c): predložiti, (d): već i Samo izvol’te!, Slobodno se poslužite! # -
početi i (e): umetnuti. (a): Introduce me to your May I borrow that newspaper, please, when you
friends. (b): A trip to the museum introduced the have finished with it? - There you are - it’s all
class to modern art. (c): He wanted to introduce yours. # I don’t need the bathroom any more. It’s
an alternative to the plan. (d): The MC introdu- all yours.
ced the program with a few jokes. (e): Shakespe- It’s a steal! ne znači samo To je krađa!, već i
are always introduced some comic relief in his To je budzašto! To je džabaluk! # At this price,
tragedies. it’s a steal!
In trust ne znači u veri, već deponovan, na It’s more than his job is worth ne znači vre-
čuvanju. # The money was held by the bank in di više od njegovog posla, već to ga može koštati
trust for the widow.
posla (ako učini nešto). # Strict regulations, sir.
Invalid znači invalid (mada se najčečće kaže It’s more than my job’s worth to let you in wit-
handicapped person ili special needs person), hout a pass.
ali znači i (a): nevažeći, pravno nevaljan (b):
It’s to be or not to be. (pod Sink or swim).
netačan, nekorektan (a): The licence is invalid.
(b): Your argument is invalid. It’s your funeral! ne znači To je tvoja sahra-
Invaluable ne znači bezvredan (kao što se na! već To je tvoj problem! Tvoja stvar. Ne zani-
često prevodi) već neprocenjiv, od izuzetne ma me. # Go if you want. It’s your funeral!
vrednosti. # The new job will provide you with I’ve been there. ne znači samo bio sam tamo,
invaluable experience. već i znam kako je to. # - These employment in-
Invest ne znači samo investirati, već i (a): terviews are very tiring. - I know it! I’ve been
ovlastiti, (b): uložiti, (c): prožeti i (d): obući, there.
odenuti. (a): According to the U.S. Constitution, I wouldn’t put it/anything past him. (ne bih
only Congress is invested with the power to dec- stavio ništa kraj njega) znači mislim da je on
lare war. (b): Everyone should invest some time spreman na svašta, ne bi me od njega (ništa)
in community service. (c): The singer invested iznenadilo. # I felt sure he had a finger in the pie
the songs with a bittersweet sadness. (d): The - I wouldn’t put anything past him.
Jam je džem (u britanskom engleskom - u pripit, (d): privlačan (u britanskom engleskom),
američkom engleskom je jelly), ali i (a): zastoj (e): vrlo (u britanskom engleskom) i (f): podsta-
u saobraćaju i (b): škripac, neprilika. (a): We ći, bocnuti. (a): We spent a very jolly evening
were stuck in a jam for two hours. (b): I’m in a together, chatting and drinking. (b): I love the
bit of a jam - could you lend me some money till bright yellow you’ve painted the children’s room
next week? Jam session je improviziranje džez - it makes it look really jolly. (c): Everybody was
muzičara („za svoju dušu“). With jam sessions jolly and singing by the time the food arrived.
be based for are allowed on into an internatio- (d): She is a jolly pink-cheeked woman. (e): Joh-
nal. nny is a jolly good fellow. # That’s a jolly nice
Jam tomorrow (džem sutra) je bolje sutra, scarf you’re wearing. (f): She didn’t really want
bolja sutrašnjica. * With the most promising to go to the party, so we had to jolly her along a
movies one or two months hence, it’s a case of bit. Jolly-well je svakako (kolokvijalno). # You
jam tomorrow. jolly-well be there on time.
Jober as a sudge (pod Sober as a judge). Journal ne znači samo novine, već i (a):
Jobs for the boys ne znači poslovi za dečake, dnevnik, (b): poslovna knjiga, (c): skupštinske
već (kolokvijalno) dobijanje posla po protekciji, novine i (d): ležaj osovine. (a): She kept a jour-
nalaženje mesta za svoje ljude. * And he would nal of her activities. (b): Journal in bookeeping is
not run it like a museum curator. No more jobs either a daybook or a book of original entry, used
for the boys in the BBC Scottish Symphony Or- in the double-entry system, for recording all tran-
chestra, allowing them to bow ‘n blow us their sactions, in the order in which they occur. (c): A
repertoire of TV program theme music. journal is a parliamentary record of the transacti-
Joint je spoj i spojnica, ali i (a): zglob (b):
ons of a legislature. (d): A journal is the part of a
but (mesa) (u britanskom engleskom), (c): ko-
rotary axle or shaft that urns in a bearing.
mad mesa za pečenje (obično sa koskom), (d):
jeftin lokal, (e): cigareta sa marihuanom (u žar- Judg(e)ment nije samo presuda, već i (a):
gonu), (f): zatvor, ćuza (u američkom žargonu) i ocena i (b): mišljenje, sud i (c): sposobnost ra-
(g): zajednički. (a): As you become older, your suđivanja. (a): It was the reviewer’s judgment
joints get stiffer. (b): May I have a joint of pork, that the play would be a success. (b): In my jud-
please. (c): Fry four chicken joints in a pan with gment you’re wrong. (c): She always had poor
some mushrooms and garlic. (d): We had lunch judgment in picking friends. Sit in judgment
at a hamburger joint and then went to see a mo- znači prisvajati sebi pravo suditi o drugima, do-
vie. (e): The joint was not enough to carry him neti sud da li je neko u pravu ili nije. # Don’t
long. (f): Lefty just got out of the joint. (g): The set yourself up as some great moral authority,
project was a joint effort/venture between the two Sam. You know you’re in no position to sit in
schools. judgment on any of us. Rush to a judgment je
Join the club! Welcome to the club! ne zna- prenagliti sa zaključkom, doneti olako sud. #
či samo Učlani se u klub!, Dobrodošao u klub! Without knowing all the relevant facts, you sim-
već i (kolokvijalno) U istom smo sosu!, Ni nama ply rushed to a judgment. Hasty conclusions and
nije ništa bolje! # - Oh dear, I haven’t got any hasty decisions are often regretted.
money left this month. - Join the club! We’ve Jump at something ne znači skočiti u nešto
spent our last penny too. (kaže se jump into something), već oberučke
Jolly je veseo, veseliti se, ali znači i (a): zaba- prihvatiti nešto. # Tommy jumped at the invitati-
van, (b): prijatan (u britanskom engleskom), (c): on to go swimming with his brother.
Jump out of one’s 122 Just what the doctor ordered

Jump out of one’s skin ne znači iskočiti iz Samo polako! # - My ticket entitles me to a seat!
sopstvene kože, već prestraviti se, šokirati se. # - Now, just a minute, sir. I’m afraid it only enti-
I nearly jumped out of my skin when Fred sud- tles you to travel to the destination named.
denly stepped out from behind the door. Just what the doctor ordered najčešće ne
Jury znači i žiri, ali je to pre svega porota. # znači upravo ono što je lekar prepisao, već baš
The jury has been unable to return a verdict. ono što treba, kao poručen(o). # That meal was
Just a minute! ne znači samo Sačekaj- delicious, Irma. Just what the doctor ordered.
te malo. Trenutak, molim, već i Stani malo!

Keep an eagle eye on (držati na orlovom clouds passed overhead, but fortunately the rain
oku) znači pomno/budno pratiti. # The mother kept off the whole day. (b): Keep those blasted
kept an eagle eye on the children while they were scatters off my land! (c): The only way to get
playing outdoors. your weight down is to keep off fattening foods,
Keep books ne znači čuvati knjige, već vo- and cut out alcohol altogether. (d): Everyone
diti knjige. # Mr. Wilson keeps the company’s knew that the conversation should be kept off the
books. subject of Mr. Stevenson’s bankruptcy. It was a
Keep down ne znači samo ne dizati se, već i source of embarrassment to the whole family.
(a): pritiskati, ugnjetavati, (b): ne podizati, (c): (e): Two large signs, with the words KEEP OFF!
ograničiti, ne dozvoliti rast, (d): prigušiti, drža- painted on them, had been attached to the sides
ti pod kontrolom, (e): potamaniti, ne dozvoliti of the boat.
razmnožavanje i (f): zadržati hranu (u stoma- Keep on ne znači samo nastaviti, već i (a):
ku), ne povraćati. (a): The peasants were kept istrajati (uprkos teškoćama), (b): dalje voziti,
down ruthlessly by the occupying power, which nastaviti vožnju, (c): ne prestati pričati, gnjavi-
formed an unholy alliance with the land-owning ti, (d): zadržati u službi i (e): zadržati na sebi,
class. (b): I wish you two would keep your voi- ne skidati. (a): Helen Keller, born with the most
ces down. (c): The government seems to be ma- appalling physical handicaps, kept on in spite of
king little effort to keep the cost of living down. every difficulty until she became a well-educa-
(d): It was all I could do to keep my anger down ted, useful member of society. (b): Keep on past
when I heard how the visitor had been treated the church till you get to the school. (c): Gerald
in my absence. (e): There is no absolutely fool- and his girl! He’s a nice chap, but oh dear, he
proof way of keeping the flies down during the does keep on, doesn’t he? (d): When Lord La-
summer. (f): Unless we can find a way of making mont gave up his country seat he kept on only
the baby keep its food down, it is simply going to two of his numerous servants. (e):
starve to death. I’ve told you before not to keep your socks on
Keep good time (čuvati dobro vreme) znači if they get wet.
pokazivati tačno vreme. # I have to return my Keep one’s chin up (podići bradu) znači ne
watch to the store because it doesn’t keep good klonuti, hrabro se držati („Glavu gore!“) # Keep
time. your chin up, Jim. Things will get better. Isti smi-
Keep house ne znači čuvati kuću, već voditi sao ima i keep one’s pecker up. # Things may be
domaćinstvo, održavati kuću. # Since their mot- bad at the moment but keep your pecker up and I
her died, Thelma keeps house for her father and am sure they will get better.
brother. Keep one’s ear to the ground (prisloniti uvo
Keep mum ne znači čuvati mamu, već ćutati na zemlju) znači osluškivati okolo, znati šta se
kao zaliven, ne reći ni reči (kolokvijalno,u bri- dešava, nastojati biti u toku. # Fred is always the
tanskom engleskom). # Please keep mum about first to know what’s happening in the office. He
my new job for the moment. I haven’t told my keeps his ear to the ground.
boss I’m leaving yet. Keep one’s feet ne znači čuvati svoje noge,
Keep off ima različita značenja: (a): ne po- već ostati na nogama, održati se na nogama. #
četi, (b): držati podalje, (c): izbegavati (u jelu/ After three glasses of whisky, he found it difficult
piću), (d): ne spominjati, izbegavati pominjanje to keep his feet.
i (e): (u imperativu) Ne prilazi! (a): The thick Keep one’s ground (pod Stand firm).
Keep one’s head 124 Keep up

Keep one’s head ne znači čuvati svoju glavu, provoked by the hostile crowd but he managed
već ne gubiti glavu, ostati hladne glave. # When to keep his anger in, and dealt with the situation
Susan heard the fire alarm she kept her head and coolly and competently.
looked for the nearest exit. Keep someone on the rails (održavati ne-
Keep one’s head down ne znači samo po- koga na šinama) znači ne dozvoliti nekome da
gnuti glavu, već i povući se iz javnosti (dok se skrene s pravog puta. # By taking a constant in-
ne vidi kako će se stvari dalje odvijati). # The terest in his son’s progress, he helped to keep him
politician decided to keep his head down until the on the rails when so many other young men were
committee actually asked him to lead the party. falling foul of the law.
Until then he would just carry on with his custo- Keep someone out of the picture (držati ne-
mary work. koga van slike) znači ne uključivati/informisati
Keep one’s nose clean ne znači paziti da nos nekoga. # The whole plan must be a secret. Eric
bude čist, većčuvati se da se ne upadne u kakvu must be kept out of the picture, whatever hap-
nevolju (u sukob sa zakonom i sl.), ne upetlja- pens.
ti se u nešto (u žargonu). # I’ll tell him to keep Keep someone posted nema veze sa slanjem
his nose clean when he goes out of prison, but I pošte, već znači držati nekoga u toku. # Keep
know he’ll be back. me posted as things develop, please.
Keep one’s own counsel (držati se sopstve- Keep tabs (čuvati račune) znači (a): pažljivo
nog saveta) znači ne otkrivati karte, zadržati posmatrati/pratiti i (b): kontrolisati, voditi evi-
(svoje mišljenje, namere i sl.) za sebe. # He liste- denciju. (a): The house mother kept tabs on the
ned to all the suggestions put forward, took notes girls to be sure they were clean and neat. (b): Try
from time to time, and kept his own counsel. to keep tabs on everyone who works for you.
Keep one’s pecker up (pod Keep one’s chin Keep the pot boiling (održavati ključanje u
up). loncu) znači (a): održavati nesmanjeni tempo
Keep one’s place ne znači čuvati svoje me- kakve aktivnosti i (b): zarađivati jedva dovoljno
sto, već ponašati se u skladu sa svojim mestom za život, nekako se dovijati. (a): The company
u društvu. # “I’ve seen better days than you have, had started the work with money they had obtai-
man. I’ll be all right as long as you keep your ned privately but the government lent them some
place. Just you keep your place, that’s all” (H. more to keep the pot boiling. (b): While Father
Pinter, The Caretaker). is looking for a new job, Mother is working part-
Keep on one’s toes ne znači održati se na time to keep the pot boiling.
prstima, već biti u punoj pripravnosti, biti spre- Keep the wolf from the door (ne dozvoliti
man kô zapeta puška. # The Chairman’s visiting vuku da priđe kući) znači ne dozvoliti da glad
the warehouse today, so keep on your toes and be zakuca na vrata. # He now pays me four hundred
ready to answer any questions. a week in alimony. Well, it’s no fortune, but it
Keep on someone’s good/bad side (pod Get keeps wolf from the door.
on someone’s right/wrong side). Keep time (čuvati vreme) znači (a): držati
Keep open house ne znači držati kuću otvo- ritam, (b): meriti vreme (na takmičenjima) i (c):
renom, već rado primati u kuću (“naša vrata su pokazivati tačno vreme. (a): Tom had to drop out
svakom otvorena”). # Well, it’s very nice to be of the band because he couldn’t keep time. (b):
able to keep open house, I suppose. But it’s not Irma kept time at all the basketball games. (c):
everybody that can afford to be so hospitable. This watch doesn’t keep time.
Keep someone at arm’s length (držati neko- Keep under one’s hat ne znači držati pod še-
ga na razdaljini dužine ruke) znači držati neko- širom, već zadržati za sebe, ne reći nikome. #
ga na odstojanju, biti uzdržan/rezervisan prema I’m getting married, but keep it under your hat.
nekome. # Jessica likes Don and tries to be frien- Keep up ne znači samo nastaviti, ne presta-
dly, but he keeps her at arms length. jati, već i (a): održati se da ne padne ili poto-
Keep someone/something in ima više znače- ne, (b): održavati se na visokom nivou, (c): ne
nja: (a): ne puštati (za kaznu) nekoga napolje, dati (nekome) da zaspi, (d): podići, poneti, (e):
(b): održavati nekoga u određenom stanju, (c): produžiti, (f): održavati, ne dopustiti da popusti,
omogućiti nekome da ima dovoljno (za piće, ci- (g): snositi troškove održavanja, (h): nastaviti
garete i sl.) i (d): zadržati nešto u sebi, ne dozvo- nesmanjenim tempom i (i): očuvati, održavati i
liti nečemu da se ispolji. (a): Our teacher was in dalje. (a): Those houses are so badly built that
a bad temper today. She kept us all in for half an one wonders how they keep up in a strong wind.
hour. (b): The pop-singer took pride in the fact (b): In spite of strikes, the national output mana-
that he kept his mother and sister in luxury. (c): ged to keep up. It even increased a little beyond
He won first prize in a lottery - enough to keep the previous year’s. (c): The baby kept me up all
him in beer for a year. (d): The policeman was the night. (d): I could barely stand up myself, but
Keep up with 125 Kiss of life

I managed to keep up Ellen until we got out of upstairs to the House of Lords to save them from
the smoke filled room. (e): If we don’t keep up humiliation.
the payments on the car, I’m afraid the HP Com- Kick the bucket (šutnuti vedro) kolokvijalno
pany will take possession of it. (f): The troops’ znači umreti, otegnuti papke. # Mr. Jones kicked
spirits were kept up by the occasional visit of the bucket just two days before his ninety-fifth
well-known entertainers to their camps. (g): We birthday.
can’t afford to keep up a house in the country. Kick the habit (šutnuti naviku) kolokvijalno
(h): Bomber Command ordered that attacks on znači (a): osloboditi se navike, odvići se i (b):
the industrial centers be kept up relentlessly. (i): ostaviti drogu. (a): I used to drink a lot of coffee
Although the children knew all about the myth of every morning, but I kicked the habit. (b): He
Father Christmas, they still liked to keep up the had been on hard drugs too and one of the very
old Christmas customs. few who have managed to kick the habit.
Keep up with ima više značenja: (a): imati Kill a story (ubiti priču) znači sprečiti objav-
isti standard kao i, (b): održavati kontakt sa, biti ljivanje članka. # A story may be killed if the
u vezi sa, (c): držati korak sa i (d): biti u toku government objects to publication on security
sa. (a): Most people in this competitive society, grounds, or if the editor believes that publication
think they must keep up with their neighbors. (b): could damage the interests of the country.
For some years after his retirement he kept up
Kill or cure (ubiti ili izlečiti) je prići proble-
with a number of his old workmates, but as time
mu agresivno, drastičan lek, ljuta trava na ljutu
went by he dropped them one by one. (c): You’re
ranu. # - I’ve such a stiff shoulder I can hardly
running so fast that I cannot keep up with you.
get my clothes on an off. - Well, I’ve got some
(d): Margot is one of those women who always
horse liniment in the shed that’ll kill or cure you.
keeps up with the latest fashions. keep up with
the Joneses znači ne zaostajati ni po koju cenu # When the new director takes control it will be
za drugima # takmičiti se sa susedima/prijate- kill or cure for the struggling company.
ljima u kupovini materijalnih dobara. Mr. and Kind of ne znači samo neke vrste, u neku
Mrs. Wilson bought a new car simply to keep up ruku, već i (a): poprilično, donekle, ponešto i
with the Joneses. (b): gotovo, nekako. (a): It’s kind of difficult for
Kick ass (šutnuti u guzicu) znači (u žargo- me to explain. (b): I kind of expected it.
nu) (a): pretiti batinama i (b): ubedljivo porazi- King of the castle (kralj zamka) je bog i ba-
ti, rasturiti, razvaliti i (c): biti impresivan. (a): tina. # After the war let it be assumed that, as
Detectives had to kick some ass and take some Director-General of the BBC, Reith would have
names in order to get information from their so- been less crusty as king of the castle which he
urces on the street. # „You do that again and I’m had built, than in miscellany of jobs which he
gonna kick your ass,“ he yelled at the terrified actually did.
boy. (b): I want to kick their ass, just like any Kissing cousin (rođak za ljubljenje) je (a):
other team we face on the field. # You will kick (u američkom engleskom) daleki rođak (koji je
his ass at tennis! (c): The DVD of that war movie blizak tek toliko da se poljubi pri susretu) i (b):
truly kicks ass. obrnuto (u britanskom engleskom) rođak (najče-
Kick off ima više značenja: (a): početi, (b): šće suprotnog pola) za koga je neko jako lično i
(u žargonu) umreti, odapeti, (c): zbaciti (obuću, emocionalno vezan. (a): Yes, he’s my cousin, but
kaput i sl.) i (d): krenuti sa nečim. (a): The mat- what we call over here a kissing cousin - known
ch is due to kick off at 3.15. (b): Poor Sam was well enough to be kissed when greeted. (b): She
almost ninety years old when he kicked off. (c): measures everybody against Beryl who was a ki-
“So she takes off her shawl and skirt and adds ssing cousin of hers in her teens.
them to the miscellaneous bedclothes. Then she Kiss off ne znači samo otrti/skinuti poljup-
kicks off her shoes and gets into bad without any cem (karmin i sl.), već i (a): odbaciti potpuno,
further change” (G. B. Shaw, Pygmalion). (d): zaboraviti, (b): umreti, otegnuti papke (u ame-
The candidate kicked off his campaign with a ričkom žargonu), (c): likvidirati nekoga (u ame-
theater party. ričkom žargonu) i (d): otkaz. (a): Just kiss off
Kick one’s heels (pod Cool/kick one’s any idea you might have had about running for
heels). office. (b): The cat is going to have to kiss off one
Kick someone downstairs ne znači samo of these days soon. (c): Bruno had instructions to
gurnuti nekoga niz stepenice, već i degradirati kiss the witness off. (d): Ted got the kiss-off and
nekoga. # Poor old Wilson was kicked downsta- is now looking for a new job.
irs to a job in Accounts. Kick someone upstairs Kiss of life (poljubac života) je (a): vraćanje
znači formalno unaprediti nekoga, dati neko- u život davljenika disanjem usta na usta i (b):
me prestižni položaj s malo stvarnog uticaja. # oživljavanje, udahnjivanje života nečemu, spa-
Senior Cabinet Ministers are sometimes kicked savanje od propasti, bankrota i sl. (a): He tried
Kiss the dust 126 Know how many beans makes five

with the kiss of life to expand the lungs of the was some time before I could convince myself
drowned man who had stopped breathing. (b): that it had really happened. (c): Helen’s new out-
The stagnant condition of the British economy fit knocked me out. I’ve never seen anything so
cried out for a shot in the arm. Whether the Chan- beautiful in my life. (d): Ipswich knocked Full-
cellor of the Exchequer’s kiss of life can make ham out of the League Cup in the third round,
much difference may be regarded as doubtful. and then were knocked out themselves in the
Kiss the dust (pod Bite the dust). fourth. (e): The soldier knocked out two enemy
Kiss the rod (poljubiti motku/šibu) znači po- tanks with his bazooka. (f): Several of the child’s
viti šiju. # If the boss expects me to kiss the rod teeth were knocked out in the accident. (g): Ted
the way the others do he is making a mistake. knocked a tooth out. Knockout9 (kao imenica)
Kitchen cabinet nije kuhinjski kabinet, već može imati značenje nekoga ili nečeg neodolji-
uticajna neformalna grupa savetnika predsed- vog # That girl is a knockout. Kao pridev knoc-
nika ili premijera. # Andrew Jackson’s frontier kout takođe može značiti neodoljiv. # Već pome-
coterie was the first designated as the “kitchen nuti, upotrebio ju je kao pridev: “She’s knockout,
cabinet”, presumably because of his and their re- she’s regal, / Her beauty’s illegal, / She’s the girl
putation for unpolished manners. friend!” (Lorenz Hart, The Girl Friend).
Kitchen talk (kuhinjski razgovor) je ispira- Knock someone in the aisles (pod Rock/
nje usta, olajavanje. # You shouldn’t take those knock/lay someone in the aisles).
things to heart. That is only kitchen talk. Knock someone off his feet (pod Sweep/
Knee-deep ne znači samo do kolena, već i knock someone off his feet).
(a): ogrezao, duboko uvučen, (b): zadubljen, za- Knock up ima više vrlo različitih značenja:
gnjuren i (c): preplavljen, zasut. (a): I’m afraid (a): izmoriti, iznuriti, (b): probuditi (kucanjem
he’s knee-deep in that affair. (b): We were knee- na vrata), (c): (u američkom žargonu) ostaviti u
deep in homework before the exams. # If I were drugom stanju, (d): odgurnuti nagore, (e): pri-
you I wouldn’t disturb him right now. (c): Our premiti ili napraviti na brzinu, (f): (u američkom
business is booming. We are knee-deep in orders žargonu) ubrizgati sebi drogu, fiksati se i (g):
and loving it. kratko zagrevanje tenisera pred meč. (a): Please
Knock down ne znači samo poslati na pod don’t try to dig up the whole garden in one day:
udarcem, već i (a): udariti kolima, (b): ubediti you’ll knock yourself up. (b): Would you mind
nekoga da snizi cenu, (c): oboriti, (d): srušiti, knocking me up at about 7 o’clock tomorrow, as
(e): prodati na aukciji, (f): rastaviti na delove I must catch an early train to London? (c): Why
(radi lakšeg transporta), (g): (u američkom žar- ever did she let him knock her up? You’d have
gonu) popiti, drmnuti piće i (h): (u američkom thought she’d never heard of the pill! (d): As the
žargonu) zarađivati. (a): Last night a hit-and-run intruder rushed at me with a knife, I knocked him
driver knocked a man down in the village and up, and hit him in the stomach with the poker.
killed him. (b): I knocked him down to $50. (c): (e): My mother was a marvel at knocking up a
The cat knocked the vase down. (d): The local meal for an unexpected guest. There always see-
council decided to knock down the oldest buil- med to be something in the larder. (f): While he
ding in our town. (e): Things like that used to was knocking up, he broke the needle. (g): While
be knocked down at five shillings. (f): In many the players were having a knock-up, the crowd
Asian countries there are assembly parts for the settled down in their seats in expectation of a
construction of cars which are imported in knoc- first-class match.
ked-down form from Europe, America and Ja- Know a thing or two (znati jednu ili drugu
pan. (g): He knocked down a bottle of beer and stvar) znači biti dobro obavešten. # You’d better
called for another. (h): She must knock down 60 listen to me. I know a thing or two about cars,
thousand a year. believe me.
Knock out ne znači samo nokautirati, već i Know for a fact (znati za činjenicu) znači
(a): onesvestiti, ošamutiti, (b): šokirati, (c): im- pouzdano znati, biti siguran. # I know for a fact
presionirati, oboriti s nogu, (d): eliminisati (iz that he was at that meeting.
daljeg takmičenja), (e): onesposobiti, (f): izbiti Know how many beans makes five (zna-
udarcem i (g): izvaditi. (a): The driver of the car ti koliko zrna čine pet) znači biti racionalan
was knocked out at the moment od impact, and i praktičan, videti jasno stvari. # - There’ll be
could remember nothing of the circumstances of some reason that suits her for taking a lower-paid
the accident. (b): For a moment I was completely job. - I wouldn’t worry about Clare if I were you
knocked out by the news of my friend’s death. It - she knows how many beans make five.

Komentar I. Klajna: Već pomenuti Lorenz Hart, u pesmi The Girl Friend, upotrebio ju je kao pridev: “She’s
knockout, she’s regal, / Her beauty’s illegal, / She’s the girl friend!”
Knowing 127 Know which side one’s bread is buttered

Knowing nije samo mudar, već i (a): znača- out. (a): You’d better ask Jim about Dave. He
jan i (b): nameran, promišljen. (a): She gave us knows Dave inside out. (b): I don’t know how
a knowing look when the subject was brought up. good he is as a general solicitor but he certain-
(b): It is a knowing complicity in the plot. ly knows Income Tax Law inside out. Kaže se i
Know one’s onions ne znači znati svoj luk, know the ins and outs. # He knows the ins and
već znati svoj posao. # “Margaret Costa, the coo- outs of parliamentary procedure.
kery writer and her chef husband, Bill Lacy, cer- Know/tell a hawk from a handsaw (razliko-
tainly knew their onions” (J. Archer, Not a Penny vati jastreba od ručne testere) znači znati šta je
More, Not a Penny Less). Kaže se i know one’s šta, znati razlučiti stvari. # Mr. Foot cannot tell
stuff. # I am very pleased with the new mecha- a hawk from a handsaw if he supposes that the
nic; he sure knows his stuff. wastage of unemployment, and the idiocy of the
Know one’s own mind ne znači poznavati Industrial Relations Act, spell revolution.
svoj mozak, već imati jasne poglede („zna šta Know the ins and outs (pod Know someone/
hoće“). # It’s not easy to work for an employer something backwards).
who doesn’t know his own mind.
Know the/one’s ropes nema veze sa konop-
Know one’s stuff (pod Know one’s onions). cima, već znači biti dobro upućen u nešto, znati
Know someone like a book ne znači pozna- nešto u prste. # Everything I learned in my pro-
vati nekoga kao knjigu, već čitati nekoga kao fession is due to an old, seasoned accountant who
bukvar, poznavati nekoga u dušu. # Mary can’t really knew his ropes.
deceive me. I know her like a book.
Know the score ne znači samo znati rezultat,
Know someone/something backwards (and već i razumeti pravo stanje stvari, videti koliko
forwards) ne znači znati nekoga/nešto nazad je sati. # “For chrissakes, we’re not children! We
(i napred), već (a): znati nekoga kao zlu paru do investigations all the time and know the sco-
i (b): znati nešto kao Očenaš, poznavati nešto re” (A. Hailey, The Evening News).
do tančina. (a): If I were you I wouldn’t recom-
mend Bob to the boss for a job. He knows Bob Know which side one’s bread is buttered
backwards and forwards and thinks little of him. (on) (znati s koje je strane hleb namazan pu-
(b): You’d better ask Jim about the baseball rules. terom) znači znati od čega se živi, znati gde leži
He knows them backwards and forwards. Slično nečiji interes. # He wouldn’t be rude to his boss
značenje ima know someone/something inside - he knows which side his bread is buttered on.
Labor ne znači samo rad, već i (a): trud, (b): we entered the dining room, there was a life-size
radna snaga, radništvo, (c): laburisti (Labour) picture of the hostess.
i (d): trudovi (porođajni). (a): Much labor went Larger than life (veći od života) znači (a):
into the building of the pyramids. (b): Most of uvećan, preteran, veći nego u prirodi/stvarnosti
the nation’s labor is on strike. (c): The Labour i (b): neuobičajen, mimo sveta, nesvakidašnji,
won overwhemingly. (d): She went into labor ekstravagantan. (a): “I’m sorry to be so lacking
two weeks early. Labor of love je nešto što se in melodrama, but honestly your ancestors were
radi iz čistog zadovoljstva. * Building the model probably painted larger than life” (D. Eden, Dar-
railroad was a labor of love for the retired engi- ling Clementine). (b): Many film stars seem to be
neer. Hard labor je robija s prisilnom radom. larger than life to the mass of ordinary people.
* Hard labor is a compulsory physical labor co- Late ne znači samo zakasnio, kasno, već i po-
incident with a prison term imposed as a legal kojni . He was an admirer of the late president.
punishment for a crime.
Laundry list nije samo lista rublja za pranje,
Laborers/workers in the vineyard nisu vi- već dug spisak (u žargonu). # Now I have a laun-
nogradarski radnici, već kolege na istom poslu dry list of items we have to discuss. # He came to
(u britanskom engleskom). # He is there to help the interview with a laundry list of things.
the laborers in the hospital vineyards, from con-
sultants to kitchen-hands, first to recognize and Law ne znači samo zakon, već i (a): pravo,
then to solve their problems. pravne studije i (b): policija. (a): Will you go
into law or medicine? (b): There was so much
Lady killer nije ubica dama, već donžuan. #
commotion the neighbors called the law.
We saw an old-time lady killer with a close-cut
black mustache and everything. Lawful age (pod Legal age).
Lame duck (hroma patka) je (a): (američki Lay an egg ne znači samo sneti jaje, već i
politički kolokvijalizam) funkcioner koji nema (kolokvijalno) zabrljati, upskati stvar. # I guess I
stvarne moći (jer ili je poražen na izborima ili ne really laid an egg, huh?
može obnoviti mandat) i (b): slaba ili onemoćala Lay down ne znači samo spustiti, položiti,
osoba ili organizacija, firma i sl. (a): In the last već i (a): propisati (pravilo, proceduru itd.),
year of their second terms, American presidents (b): tvrditi, izjaviti, (c): pohraniti, staviti (vino
are lame ducks. (b): The interest of the commu- i sl.) u podrum i (d): početi sa gradnjom. (a):
nity went far beyond passive grants and the nati- The committee laid down rules about the size of
onalization of lame ducks. tennis courts. (b): She laid it down as always
Lap-dog nije samo kučence (koje sedi u kri- true that “a fool and his money are soon parted.”
lu), već i mamina maza, razmaženko. # By over- (c): Father laid down a few good bottles before
protecting her son she inadvertently turned him the war. (d): Several of the new-type tankers are
into a lap-dog. being laid down on Tyneside.
Large/big as life (veliki kao život) znači (a): Lay down the law ne znači postaviti zakon,
u prirodnoj veličini i (b): glavom i bradom. (a): već (a): izdavati striktna uputstva/naređenja i
The statue of Jefferson was large as life. (b): He (b): govoriti sa autoritetom (stvarnim ili umi-
couldn’t have gone abroad - I saw him yesterday, šljenim) o nekoj materiji. (a): Mrs. Thatcher
coming out of his office as large as life. # I ope- promised to lay down the law about any futu-
ned the door, and there was Bill as big as life. re rebellions as soon as MPs returned after the
U prirodnoj veličini se kaže i life-size. # When Christmas break. (b): One of your worst faults
Lay figure 130 Leave the room

is that you try to lay down the law about politics ment laid to rest the remaining fears about possi-
even though you know very little about it. ble redundancies in the industry.
Lay figure ne znači laička pojava, već no- Lead a charmed life (pod Bear/lead/have a
minalna figura. # The realization came to her charmed life).
slowly; the Queen was a lay figure, lacking even Leading question nije glavno pitanje, već
the power to dismiss a maid-of-honor without the sugestivno pitanje. # “’I must object, my Lord,’
King’s approval. sad Mr Scott, rising with unusual speed. ‘This is
Lay/pile/pour/spread it on thick ne znači a leading question’” (J. Archer, The Perfect Mur-
ofarbati/nagomilati/sipati/razmazati debelo, već der).
preterivati. # “The only sin he had ever had to Lead the dance ne znači voditi u plesu, već
confess was the sin of Pride: and he laid it on otvoriti ples, ali lead someone a dance (a merry/
thick” (P. H. Johnson, The Unspeakable Skip- pretty/dreadful dance), znači pošteno namučiti
ton). # After Tom finished his speech, Sarah said
nekoga, zadati nekome mnogo muka (svojim
he was pouring it on thick. # John always spreads
ponašanjem, načinom života i sl.). Some of our
it on thick.
customers led us pretty dance by changing their
Lay off ima više različitih značenja: (a): otpu- demands all the time and then not buying anyt-
stiti, dati otkaz (obično privremen), (b): pustiti hing from us.
na miru, (c): prestati, prekinuti i (d): nišaniti
sa preticanjem. (a): He is a skilled worker laid Lead someone up/down the garden path
off from his job in Belfast shipyard. (b): “Take (voditi nekoga baštenskom stazom) znači nama-
it easy, then he’ll soon lay off you” (M. Dickens, garčiti nekoga, vući nekoga za nos. # Someone
The Angel in the Corner). (c): His doctor told posing as a television reporter has been leading
him to lay off cigarettes. (d): “I bowled over four us up the garden path. # Now, be honest with me.
rabbits by laying off enough ahead of them” (N. Don’t lead me down the garden path.
Shute, Requiem for a Wren). Leave alone (pod Let/leave alone).
Lay out znači (a): onesvestiti, nokautirati, Leave one’s calling card ne znači samo osta-
(b): izgrditi, izribati (u žargonu), (c): položi- viti posetnicu, već i ostaviti trag iza sebe. # Some
ti (mrtvaca) na odar, (d): potrošiti, (e): izložiti rulers have left no calling card.
plan, postaviti osnovu, (f): projektovati, plani- Leave someone at the post ne znači ostaviti
rati izgradnju/uređenje, (g): poređati, aranžirati nekoga u pošti, već ostaviti nekoga daleko za
i (h): raširiti, rasprostrti. (a): Jerry laid out Nick sobom. “Black Arrow” left all other horses at the
with one punch to the chin. (b): The teacher re- post.
ally laid out Chuck for being late. (c): They laid
Leave someone flat ne znači da je neko ostao
out their uncle for the wake. (c): How much did
spljošten, već (a): ostaviti nekoga ravnodušnim,
you have to lay out for your new car? (d): Mr.
Bush’s task, they said, was to lay out a compe- ne uspeti zabaviti/impresionirati nekoga, (b):
lling vision for the future and clear plan for tac- ostaviti nekoga bez prebijene pare i (c): ostaviti
kling the nation’s domestic problems. (e): The nekoga na cedilu. (a): We listened carefully to
architect laid out the interior of the building. (f): his lecture, but it left us flat. (b): Paying all the
The nurse laid out the instruments necessary for bills left me flat. (c): She greatly disappointed me
the operation. (g): The valet laid out the clothing by leaving her partners flat.
for his master. Leave someone high and dry takođe znači
Lay/put one’s cards on the table (staviti (a): ostaviti nekoga bez prebijene pare i (b):
karte na sto) znači otkriti svoje karte, pokazati ostaviti nekoga na cedilu. (a): Mrs. Vance took
jasno svoje namere. # Come on, Nick, lay down all the money out of the bank and left Mr. Vance
your cards. Tell me what you really think. # Why high and dry. (b): He went off and left me high
don’t we both put our cards on the table? and dry.
Lay someone in the aisles (pod Rock/knock/ Leave someone holding the baby/bag ne
lay someone in the aisles). znači ostaviti nekome da nosi bebu/torbu, već
Lay something at someone’s door ne znači prepustiti brigu/odgovornost drugome. # I tho-
ostaviti nešto pred tuđi prag, već pripisati neko- ught he was going to organize the party but in
me odgovornost za nešto, smatrati koga odgo- the end I was left holding the baby. # When the
vornim za nešto. # The delay in bringing relief ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left Tom
to the victims of the earthquake was laid at the holding the bag.
door of the government. Kaže se i lay something Leave the room ne znači samo napustiti
on someone. # Don’t lay that stuff on me! It’s prostoriju, veći otići u toalet (u britanskom en-
not my fault. gleskom). # „‘Yes,’ he said, ‘you can leave the
Lay to rest nije samo sahraniti, već i skinuti room - I’ll mix the necessary” (G. W. Target, The
sa dnevnog reda, staviti tačku. An official state- Teachers).
Lecture 131 Let out someone

Lecture nije lektura (teksta – kaže se langua- arter because they were far ahead. (c): He’s been
ge-editing), već (a): predavanje i (b): oštra kri- let down so much in the past that he trusts no one.
tika, lekcija i (c): predavati. (a): He attended a (d): Some joker has let down the back tires of my
lecture on telecommunications. (b): My dad gave car. (e): «He felt at once relieved and let down»
me a lecture on the evils of alcohol last night. (c): (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman).
Did you ever lecture at Harvard? Let fly ne znači samo pustiti da poleti, već
Lecturer je predavač, ali i docent (u britan- i (a): razbesneti se, izgalamiti se i (b): odapeti,
skom engleskom). # It is highly unlikely that a gađati. (a): My father is usually a very calm man,
university lecturer would earn more than that. but he really lets fly sometimes. (b): He aimed
Left-handed nije samo levoruk, levak, već i carefully and then let fly with both barrels.
(a): nespretan, trapav (i mi kažemo u žargonu Let go ne znači samo pustiti, već i (a): po-
levak za takvu osobu) i (b): prevarantski, lažan. pustiti (pod pritiskom), ne izdržati, (b): odapeti,
Don’t let him carry the TV set; he’s so left-han- opaliti, gađati, (c): uputiti prema kome, baciti,
ded. (b): I don’t want to have anything with such (d): osloboditi se, (e): zapustiti (se) i (f): otpu-
left-handed deals. Left-handed compliment je stiti. (a): The old water pipe suddenly let go and
neumestan kompliment. # «Your sister is very water poured out of it. (b): Robin Hood let go
well preserved, isn’t she. She doesn’t look a day
an arrow at the deer. (c): The pitcher let go a
over forty.» This was really a left-handed compli-
ment. My sister is thirty-five! fast ball and the batter swung and missed. (d): I
can’t let go of those horrible memories. (e): After
Leg nije samo noga, već i etapa, deo puto- she was married, Jane let herself go and was no
vanja. # We’re finally on the last leg of our jo-
pretty any more. (f): Bob got into a quarrel with
his boss and was let go.
Legal age (legalno doba) je punoletstvo. # In
most states the legal age for voting is 21. Kaže se Let/leave alone ne znači ostaviti samog, već
i lawful age. # He could not get a driver’s license a kamoli. # Mr. Bush is not obliged to advocate
because he was not of lawful age. everything the Republican platform does, let alo-
ne everything said by the featured orators here
Legate nije legat (kaže se legacy ili bequest),
this week.
već zvanični predstavnik, specifično papski iza-
slanik. # But the parties were never summoned Let off ne znači samo pustiti (nekoga) da ide,
to Rome: the cases were treated in loco, and by već i (a): opaliti (iz puške itd.), (b): osloboditi
papal legates. # The pope’s legate was there to kakve obaveze, (c): iskrcati, (d): otpuštati, ispu-
confer with von Papen. štati, (e): pustiti bez kazne, dati prekor, uslovnu
Legion ne znači samo legija, već i mnoštvo. kaznu, upozorenje i sl. umesto kazne, (f): dozvo-
# Mahatma Gandhi had a legion of devoted fo- liti da se zgrada izdaje u delovima i (g): puštati
llowers. vetrove, prdnuti (nepristojan žargon). (a): Jerry
Leg-man nije pešak, već (a): potrčko, kurir, accidentally let off his father’s shotgun and made
(b): reporter na licu mesta, novinar-trčkaralo i a hole in the wall. (b): Jenny’s mother said that
(c): muškarac kome su kod žena najvažnije noge she would let Jenny off drying the supper dishes.
(u žargonu). (a): Tom hired a leg man for the offi- (c): I asked the captain to let me off at the next
ce. (b): He started as a leg-man more than thirty port of call. (d): The engine was letting off some
years ago and today he is our editor in chief. (c): kind of smoke. (e): He was charged with petty
Herb is a leg-man. He doesn’t care what a girl’s larceny, but the court let him off. (f): The agent
face looks like as long as she has sexy legs. isn’t keen to let the offices off in penny packets;
Leg work nije rad nogama, već tegobni deo he wants to find one tenant for the whole buil-
posla/projekta, crnački posao. # Paul, my rese- ding. (g): «If I let off in the parlour she’d have
arch assistant does a lot of leg work for me. me shipped off to the hospital to be disembowe-
Lend color to something (pod Give color to lled» (S. Price, Just for the Record).
something). Let off steam ne znači samo ispustiti paru,
Let je (do)pustiti, ali i iznajmiti, izdavanje (u već i dati sebi oduška. # After the long ride on
britanskom engleskom) # She has a room to let in the bus, the children let off steam with a race to
her house. # A five-year let on a flat. the lake.
Let down ne znači samo spustiti naniže, već Let out someone ne znači samo pustiti (ne-
i (a): izgubiti visinu, ponirati, (b): popustiti u koga) da ode (iz škole, sa posla itd.), već i (a):
tempu, opustiti se, (c): razočarati (nekoga), osloboditi nekoga kakve (neprijatne) obaveze,
izneveriti nečije nade, (d): ispustiti vazduh i (e): (b): otpustiti, (c): osloboditi nekoga (odgovor-
biti potišten/deprimiran. (a): Eleven hours out of nosti, sumnje, kazne itd.), (d): pustiti napolje,
Paris, the Air France plane let down into Rio de (e): otkriti, izneti na videlo, (f): proširiti, pro-
Janeiro. (b): The team let down in the fourth qu- dužiti, ispustiti (krik, visak, uzdah i sl.) i (g): is-
Let someone off the hook 132 Like being in a fishbowl

pustiti (nešto iz nečega). (a): He appeared just in korekcije ili da bi osoba izgledala viša). (a): Ple-
time to propose the vote of thanks, which let me ase lift their packages onto the counter. (b): The
out nicely. (b): The shop closed down and all the government lifted the ban on tourist travel. (c):
men were let out. (c): His alibi lets him out. (d): With the rain, the smog lifted from the city. (d):
Mother won’t let us out when it rains. (e): Keep Someone lifted his wallet on the bus. (e): The
this to yourselves - don’t let it out to the press. employer’s praise gave the staf a lift. (f): Lift is
(f): Betty’s mother had to let out her dress beca- a layer of leather in the heel of a shoe to increase
use Betty is growing so tall. # I’ve got so fat that the height of the wearer. Vidi Give someone a
I’ll have to let the waistband out several inches. lift.
(g): «He let out a spontaneous cry» (C. P. Snow, Lift the elbow ne znači podići lakat, većodati
The New Men). (g): For heaven’s sake, somebo- se piću (u britanskom engleskom). # He started
dy let the air of my tires! drinking very early and has lifted the elbow ever
Let someone off the hook ne znači skinuti since.
nekoga sa kuke, već (a): izvući nekoga iz nez- Lightning rod nije samo gromobran (u ame-
godne situacije i (b): osloboditi nekoga kakve ričkom engleskom) već i privlačna meta (u žar-
(neprijatne) obaveze. (a): Don’t think, because gonu). # After a series of gaffes that made her a
you’ve been let off the hook once, that you can lightning rod for critics, Mrs. Clinton retreated
always slide out the dirty jobs. (b): I thought I’d from national stage after the New York primary.
have to talk to old Mrs. Wilson all evening, until Light up nije samo osvetliti, već i (a): pri-
Molly came along and let me off the hook. paliti (cigaretu, lulu i sl.), (b): upaliti svetlo na
Let/slip the cat out of the bag ne znači pu- kolima i (c): ozariti se. (a): «Pop had lit up one
stiti mačku iz džaka, već izlanuti se. # We are of the best Havanas» (H. E. Bates, A Breath of
planning a surprise party for Thelma. Don’t let French Air). (b): It’s seven o’clock, and still one
the cat out of the bag. or two cars haven’t lit up. (c): Linda’s face lit up
Letter nije samo pismo, već i (a): slovo, (b): when she saw her old friend.
doslovni smisao, (c): povelja (često u množini) Like a bear with a sore head (kao mrzovolj-
i (d): književnost, znanje (u množini). (a): The- ni medved) znači loše volje, kao da su mu sve
re are 26 letters in the alphabet. (b): Both sides lađe potonule. # Father is like a bear with a sore
obeyed the letter if not the spirit of the agree- head this morning. I wonder what has upset him.
ment. (c): The letters are granting special rights Like a dog with two tails (kao pas sa dva
to the bearer. (d): He was a man of letters with no repa) znači zadovoljan zbog nečega, blažen
interest in ccurrent affairs. («šepuri se kao paun»). # The old chap’s been
Let the dog see the rabbit ne znači pustiti like a dog with two tails since he got the news
psa da vidi zeca, već pustiti druge da rade ono - wants everyone to know his grandson is being
što umeju ili žele („Gledaj svoja posla.“). # - called after him, too.
There’s a whole lot of connections going in un- Like a dose of salts (kao doza soli) znači veli-
der here. I don’t know which is the speedometer kom brzinom („kao darmol“). # If you offer him
cable. - Well, get your head out of the way and let money to do the job fast he’ll get through that
the dog see the rabbit. work like a dose of salts.
Let’s call it a day (pod Call it a day). Like a house on fire (kao zapaljena kuća)
Let the grass (to) grow under one’s feet znači svom silinom, brzo i žestoko. # The crowd
(dopustiti da trava raste ispod nogu) znači biti burst through the gate like a house on fire.
neaktivan, gubiti vreme. # Ted is too lazy. He’s Like anything ne znači samo kao bilo šta,
letting the grass grow under his feet. već i (a): žestoko, (b): veoma brzo, začas i (c):
Liberally ne znači samo liberalno, već i obil- kao lud. (a): They worked like anything to finish
no. # You were given the authorization to give the job on time. # It’s raining like anything. b):
some small gifts to our important clients, but you Give it to Dave to do. He can add up figures like
seem to have used it too liberally. anything. (c): I shoot a starting pistol at trespa-
Lie through/in one’s teeth ne znači lagati ssers and they run like anything.
kroz zube, već bezočno lagati. # If Dick told you Like a sack of potatoes (kao džak krompira)
that he was a rich man, he was lying through his je nezgrapan („kao šifonjer“). # The poor thing
teeth. Why, only yesterday he asked me to lend has a figure like a sack of potatoes, anyway, and a
him $100! tubular dress is the last thing she ought to wear.
Life-size (pod Large/big as life). Like being in a fishbowl (kao u posudi za ri-
Lift nije samo lift, već i (a): podići, (b): ski- bice) znači kao u izlogu, stalno na oku javnosti.
nuti, okončati, (c): razići se, (d): ukrasti, (e): # I am simply not accustomed to celebrity; I feel
ohrabrenje, stimulans i (f): uložak u cipeli (radi like being in a fishbowl. Kaže se i like being in a
Like David and Jonathan 133 Loaded for bear

glass cage (kao u staklenom kavezu). # The pu- Little tin god (mali limeni bog) je (a): neko
blic will watch your every step. It’ll be like being ko zamišlja da je mnogo važan i (b): lažni idol.
in a glass cage from now on. (a): The man I spoke to at the tax office thought
Like David and Jonathan (kao David i Jo- I was wasting his valuable time - he was a real
natan) je isto što i naše kao Božić i Badnji dan little tin god. (b): The place is reasonably clean
(uvek zajedno). # Those two chaps are like David and nobody’ll get poisoned with the food I give
and Jonathan. I never see one without the other. them but I’m not one of these women who make
A likely story! (Verovatna priča!) je ironičan little tin gods of their homes.
izraz koji upravo izražava nevericu: Pričam ti Live from hand to mouth (živeti od ruke do
priču. Nije nego! # Who would have the power usta) znači živeti od danas do sutra, vezivati dan
to fire this hybrid arrangement? The French Pre- i komad, jedva sastavljati kraj s krajem. # I’m
sident? The British Prime Minister? Both by tired of living from hand to mouth. I want a better
agreement - a likely story! job where I can earn more money.
Like nobody’s business (kao da nije ničiji Live in fat city (živeti u debelom gradu) zna-
posao) znači (a): iz sve snage i (b): izuzetno do- či plivati u izobilju (u žargonu). # He’s hit the
bro, kao bog. (a): The thieves ran like nobody’s deep pockets and now lives in fat city.
business. (b): She can sing like nobody’s busine- Live in someone’s pocket (živeti u nečijem
ss. What a set of pipes! džepu) znači provoditi mnogo vremena zajedno
Like the curate’s egg (kao vikarovo jaje) je sa nekim. # At our winter camp we live in each
delimično zadovoljavajuće, tako-tako (u britan- other’s pockets for six months without seeing
skom engleskom). # - What did you think of the anyone else at all, so it’s important that we like
play? - It was rather like the curate’s egg. each other.
Like the man said (kao što je čovek rekao) Live like a fighting cock (živeti kao pevac
znači što bi se reklo, štono kažu. # Stop bellyac- koji učestvuje u borbama petlova) znači živeti
hing, for God’s sake. A job is a job, like the man kao bubreg u loju (u britanskom engleskom). #
said. They are both very good cooks, and we live like
fighting cocks whenever we stay with them.
Like water off a duck’s back (kao voda što
se sliva s leđa patke) znači bez većeg efekta. # I Live on borrowed time (živeti na pozajmlje-
keep telling the boys not to bang doors but it’s no vreme) znači živeti/opstajati duže nego što
like water off a duck’s back. se moglo očekivati („sve što dalje živim čist je
ćar“). # Ever since his operation George felt he
Lily-white (beo kao ljiljan) znači (a): beo was living on borrowed time.
kao sneg, (b): čist, nevin, neiskvaren i (c): pri-
Live wire (živa žica) je (a): električni pro-
stupačan samo belcima (američki kolokvijali-
vodnik pod naponom i (b): vatra čovek, predu-
zam). (a): She wore a lily-white dress. (b): I’m
zimljiva osoba (kolokvijalno). (a): It is designed
sure Sally is very nice and lily-white girl. She
so that the power is automatically cut off before
wouldn’t allow herself to go with just any man.
the live wires are exposed should the cable be
(c): The lily-white country club has been widely
dangerously damaged or cut. (b): If you want to
raise money for the orphanage, you should put
Lion-hunter nije samo lovac na lavove, već Tim in charge of the fund-raising; he’s a real live
i neko ko nastoji da ugosti poznate ličnosti. # wire.
You’re a best-selling author and you may now Loaded nije samo natovaren, već i (a): na-
reasonably expect many invitations of the city’s punjen (oružje), (b): pristrasan (c): opremljen
lion-hunters. svim mogućim dodacima (automobil), (d): pijan
Literal ne znači literaran (kaže se literary), (u žargonu) i (e): pun para (u žargonu). (a): It
već (a): doslovan, (b): tačan, precizan i (c): pro- is unlawful to carry a loaded shotgun in a public
zaičan. (a): The students were asked to make a place without reasonable excuse. (b): It seems
literal translation of the French story, word-for- that the report is loaded in favor of the develo-
word. (b): The general wanted a literal report on pers. (c): I bought a fully loaded minivan. (d):
the enemy’s strength. (c): He’s so literal he never If you’re loaded, don’t drive. (e): Mr. Jones is
knows when I’m kidding. loaded, but he is also generous with his money.
Little/small frog in a big pond (mala žaba Loaded for bear (natovaren za medveda)
u velikom ribnjaku) je sitan šraf. # In a large znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): besan kao ris,
company, even a fairly successful man is likely (b): pijan kô majka i (c): spreman kô zapeta
to feel like a little frog in a big pond. puška. (a): He left here in a rage. He was really
Little theater (malo pozorište) je amatersko loaded for bear. (b): By the end of the party, Sam
pozorište, neprofesionalna pozorišna grupa. # was loaded for bear. (c): The football team arri-
Many famous actors began in little theaters. ved Friday noon, loaded for bear.
Loaded question 134 Look daggers

Loaded question (opterećeno pitanje) je pi- (kakvom investicijom), (f): policijski pritvor
tanje koje sadrži zamku. # Now, that’s a loa- (lock-up) i (g): radnja ili garaža podalje od me-
ded question, and I don’t think I have to answer sta stanovanja (lock-up). (a): You ought to be
it. Loaded remark je tendeciozna primedba. # locked up. (b): „It doesn’t start till Tuesday and
Your loaded remark did not go over well with the they won’t be voting till Friday. Nobody’s loc-
host. ked it up yet. I suspect the thing will be decided
Loading bay/dock (pod Bay). in smoke-filled rooms” (G. Vidal, Hollywood).
Loaf nije samo hleb, vekna, već i (a): bespo- (c): Sweeping from San Antonio to Austin, the
sličiti i (b): glava (u žargonu). (a): Don’t just sit Democratic nominee relentlessly criticized Pre-
there and loaf – get to work! (b): «’Oh, use your sident Bush’s economic policies in an effort to
loaf, For Christ’s sake!’ I shouted. His incompre- lock up the state’s 32 electoral votes. (d): Our
hension was beginning to get me down» (J. Wain, new process locks up pounds of energy in every
The Contenders). grain of the breakfast food. (e): He had most
Loan shark (zajmovna ajkula) je lihvar, zele- of the money from the profitable years locked
naš. # «Buckley’s not just a loan shark anymore. up in the building and expansion program. For
He’s an informal banker for the whole machine» working capital he had to borrow from the bank.
(J. Carroll, Memorial Bridge). (f): The suspects were kept in the station lock-
Lobby nije samo lobi, lobirati, već i (a): up overnight. (g): Her father has a small lock-up
predvorje, čekaonica, (b): prostorija za surete tobacconist’s in the old part of town.
parlamentaraca sa biračima i (c): hotelski fo- Locum nije rahat lokum, već (u britanskom
aje. # Wait in the lobby of the building until the engleskom) lekar ili sveštenik koji zamenjuje
rain stops. (b): In the British parliament, there is kolegu (koji je na bolovanju ili odmoru - kaže se
a pecial room – lobby, where someone meets a i locum tenens). # A locum (tenens) is someone
member of parliament whom they have arranged (physician or clergyman) who substitutes tempo-
to talk to. (c): Let’s meet at the hotel lobby at 4 rarily for another member of the same professi-
o’clock. on.
Local rag (lokalni dronjci) su lokalne novine The long and (the) short of it (dugo i kratko
(u britanskom engleskom). # «When does a man toga) znači bitno u svemu tome, sve se ipak na
start collecting cuttings of himself?... The politi- kraju svodi na to. # - So we are to expect no help
cian when he gets his first one-inch notice in the from the Council? - That’s the long and the short
local rag?» (R. Harling, The Paper Palace). of it, I’m afraid.
Lock nije samo brava, zaključati, već i (a): Long face nije dugo lice, već kiselo lice.
prevodnica, ustava, (b): uvojak, (c): nešto što je # «’She hasn’t made up her mind. There’s still
izvesno, siguran (u žargonu), (d): postati uko- hope.’ Phuong laughed. ‘You say hope with such
čen, krut ili nepokretan, (e): blokirati (se), (f): a long face’» (G. Greene, The Quiet American).
čvrsto stisnuti i (g): čvrsto se zagrliti. (a): The Long in the tooth (dugačak u zubu) kolokvi-
ship passed through several locks in the canal. jalno znači star, u poznim godinama. # «Wish I
(b): Grandmather still has a lock of my baby hair was young enough to wear that kind of thing...
in her scrapbook. (c): She’s a lock for promo- We’re both pretty long in the tooth, eh?» (E. Wa-
tion this year. # Our team is a lock to win the ugh, Brideshead Revisited).
title. (d): The therapist noticed that the patient’s
Look after number one (pod Number one).
knees tended to lock in this exercise. (e): I tried
to move forwards but the wheels had locked. (f): Long shot (dug hitac) znači (a): malo izgle-
The beast’s jaws were locked.(g): They were loc- dan pokušaj, na dugom štapu, (b): nagađanje i
ked in embrace. (c): neizgledan kandidat, takmičar bez mnogo
Locker-room jokes (šale iz svlačionice) šansi. (a): The business long shot that succeeds
su masni vicevi. # When he finished one of his often pays extremely well. (b): It may be a long
locker-room jokes some blushed and nobody la- shot, but I think Arthur will marry again soon.
ughed. (c): He is a long shot for governor.
Lock, stock, and barrel (brava, roba i ba- Long suit (pod Strong/long suit).
čva) znači baš sve, u potpunosti, sve skupa. # We Look after number one (pod Take care of
had to move everything out of the house - lock, number one).
stock, and barrel. Look blue (izgledati plavo) znači biti poti-
Lock up ne znači samo zaključati, već i (a): šten/snužden. # She looked blue and I knew she
zatvoriti, uhapsiti, (b): (u američkom engle- had had an argument with her husband.
skom) biti siguran u uspeh, (c): (u američkom Look daggers (gledati bodeže) znači krvnič-
engleskom) osigurati/obezbediti, (d): sadržava- ki pogledati. # The other driver looked daggers at
ti, obuhvatiti, (e): zamrznuti/blokirati kapital Chuck for turning in before him.
Look down one’s nose 135 Lot

Look down one’s nose (gledati niz nos) znači cannon in the State Department has been feeding
(a): spustiti pogled u znak neodobravanja i (b): the press all sorts of crap as a diversion.
gledati sa nipodaštavanjem. (a): «’I don’t think Loose ends/threads (labavi konci) su nezavr-
he’s quite the sort of person he ought to associate šene stvari, preostali detalji. # «Work was alre-
with.’ Both Mr. Galloway and I looked down our ady in progress with the recent defectors like Go-
noses» (W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale). litsin and Goleniewski, but there were still many
(b): Don’t look down your nose at my car just loose ends in the intelligence provided by prewar
because it’s rusty and noisy. and wartime defectors» (P. Wright, Spycatcher).
Look like a wet weekend (izgledati kao mo- Lose heart (izgubiti srce) znači klonuti du-
kar vikend) znači izgledati kao pokisla kokoš. # hom, obeshrabriti se. # When the skating cham-
After the quarrel he had with his son, he looked pion tumbled on the ice, he lost heart and did not
like a wet weekend. complete his program. Lose one’s heart znači
Look like ne znači samo izgledati kao, ličiti zaljubiti se. # She lost her heart to the soldier
na, već i izgledati kao da će. # It looks like a with the broad shoulder and the deep voice.
storm, let’s go home.
Lose one’s bottle (izgubiti svoju bocu) zna-
Look like the cat that swallowed/ate the ca- či izgubiti hrabrost („izdala ga je hrabrost“). # I
nary (izgledati kao mačka koja je pojela kana- wanted to tell him I was resigning, but I lost my
rinca) znači sijati od zadovoljstva. # Dick bet on
bottle at the last minute.
the poorest horse in the race and when it won, he
looked like the cat that ate the canary. Lose one’s heart (pod Lose heart).
Look like thunder ne znači izgledati kao Lose one’s nerve ne znači izgubiti živce (kaže
grom, već sevati od ljutine („munje mu sevaju se lose one’s temper/rag/cool, let one’s self-
iz očiju“). # When I came in last night you were control slip), već izgubiti hrabrost, uspaničiti
there and looking like thunder, so I told the first se. # In the 1950s Labour may have lost the battle
lie that entered my head. but only because it first lost its own nerve.
Look through nije samo gledati kroz, već i Lose one’s shirt najčešće ne znači izgubiti
(a): ne primećivati, ignorisati, (b): ovlaš pregle- košulju, već ostati bez prebijene pare, okačiti
dati i (c): pažljivo pregledati. (a): In that icily gaće na štap. # Mr. Rogers lost his shirt betting
superior way of his, he looked right through us. on the horses.
(b): He looks through several newspapers before Lose one’s tongue (izgubiti jezik) znači za-
breakfast. (c): - Have you read the man’s refe- nemeti, ne reći ni reči. # «Now,» she went on,
rences? - I haven’t finished looking them through ‘you must call me Aunt Flo and we shall be gre-
yet. at friends.» But the boys, faced with this flam-
Look the other way ne znači pogledati na boyant and somewhat terrifying figure, had lost
drugu stranu (kao se često prevodi), već zažmu- their tongues.
riti (pred nečim) («pravi se da ne vidi»), namerno Lose one’s wool ne znači izgubiti vunu, već
ne primećivati (grešku, prestup i sl.), progledati naljutiti se (u britanskom engleskom). # I’ll do
kroz prste. # That teacher knows that the children the work quickly if you want me to, but don’t
won’t obey him, so he just looks the other way lose your wool if I make a few mistakes.
whenever they cause trouble. # Raymond could
have prevented the problem, but he looked the Lose the day ne znači izgubiti dan, već biti
other way. poražen. # The Government believes a vote will
be necessary, though the Labor leaders still belie-
Look up nije samo podići pogled, već i (a):
ve that the abolitionists won’t lose the day.
poći nabolje, obećavati napredak, (b): potražiti,
(c): potražiti informaciju i (d): gledati sa uva- Lose touch with ne znači samo izgubiti kon-
žavanjem, diviti se. (a): The first year was tou- takt sa, već i (a): ne biti više u toku sa i (b):
gh, but business looked up after that. (b): I’ve izgubiti smisao/osećaj za. (a): He has lost touch
promised that the next time I go to Boston, I’ll with what is going on. (b): You’ve completely
look him up. (c): I looked up her phone number lost touch with reality.
in the directory. (d): Your responsibility is great Lost cause (pod Cause).
because all the children look up to you. Look up Lot nije samo mnoštvo, već i (a): parcela, (b):
and down something znači pažljivo osmotriti. # žreb, (c): sudbina i (d): filmski grad/studio. (a):
The dog looked up and down the street, and then The neighbors bought a lot to build a house on.
it went across. (b): The boys drew lots to determine who would
Look who’s talking! (Vidi, ko govori!) zna- get to play first. (c): It was her lot to suffer thro-
či (u žargonu) Ko mi kaže! Ko se našao da mi ugh life. (d): He bought a lot for outdoor filming.
kaže! # Me a tax cheat? Look who’s talking! Bad lot je ništarija, bezvredna i loša osoba. # I
Loose cannon (neprivezan top) znači lupe- am not interested in meeting him - I’ve heard that
talo, praznoslovac (u žargonu). # Some loose he is a real bad lot.
Look daggers 136 Look daggers

Lounge je lenčariti, lenčarenje, ali i (a): če- and I finally found the right thing and, moreover,
kaonica na aerodromu, (b): foaje u hotelu (s a dirt-cheap one.
foteljama), (c): sofa, kauč, (d): dnevna soba (u The lower limbs (pod Escape with life and
britanskom engleskom) i (e): bar (u američkom limb).
engleskom). (a): You can book your place in the Low-key (nizak ključ) je diskretan, uzdržan.
airport lounge « here. (b): There is a spacious # She had a reputation for a low-key expertise on
hotel lounge in which to relax. (c): A lounge is a issues like constitutional law.
couch or sofa, esp. a backless one with a headrest Low profile (pod High profile).
at one end. (d): All the family were sitting in the Low water nije plitka voda, već oseka (kaže
lounge watching television. (e): Our cozy cock- se i low tide i ebb). The low tide is the lowest
tail lounge is the perfect venue for a quiet drink. level of the tide. # We’ll sail on the ebb.
Lovely/nice weather for ducks (divno vreme Lump nije samo grumen, već i (a): koc-
za patke) je kišovito vreme. # - Not very nice out ka šećera (lump sugar je šećer u kocki) i (b):
today, is it? - Lovely weather for ducks. # «Nice čvoruga, oteklina. (a): Two lumps, please. (b):
weather for ducks,“ said Eric when he arrived at How did you get that lump on your head? Have a
last, soaking wet. lump in one’s throat znači imati knedlu u grlu
Love game nije ljubavna igra, već teni- («zastala mu je knedla u grlu»). # Seeing her son
ski meč u kome poražena strana nije osvojila receive his diploma, she had a lump in her thro-
at. In a lump znači sve odjednom, đuture. # He
ni jedan poen. # U.S.A. took a love game on
wanted to be paid in a lump, but I was short of
O’Connor’s service. money and had to give him a little and promise
Love match nije ljubavni meč, već brak iz that I would pay the rest later. Lump sum je pau-
ljubavi. # Timothy might marry again for conve- šalni iznos # suma isplaćena u celini odjednom.
nience. Elderly widowers often do. But, he firmly # The lump sum they demanded for damages was
believes only in a love match. outrageous. # I cannot wait, I’d prefer a lump
Love seat nije ljubavno sedište, već dvosed. sum.
# I’ve been chasing around after a good love seat Lump it (pod Sit down under something).

Mad nije samo lud, već i (a): ljut i (b): lud Make a face (praviti lice) znači (a): kreve-
(za nečim), zablesavljen (za nešto). (a): Her ha- ljiti se i (b): davati znake grimasama na licu.
ughtiness makes me mad. (b): Ever since he was (a): Mother, Johnny made a face at me! (b): Nick
invited for the first time to a horse race, he’s been made a face at me as I was testifying, so I avoid
mad about horses. Mad dog (let loose) je besan telling everything.
pas (pušten s lanca), ali i (a): opasna, žestoka Make a federal case out of something (pra-
i neuračunljiva osoba i (b): (kao pridev mad- viti federalni slučaj od nečega) znači (u žargo-
dog) paklen, opasan. # It has always been accep- nu) praviti svetski problem od nečega. # Come
ted that the Emperor Theodore was a mad dog let on. It was nothing! Don’t make a federal case out
loose, a sort of black reincarnation of Ivan the of everything.
Terrible. # “Kingsley got up and paced the room, Make a killing ne znači načiniti ubistvo, već
talking as he walked, ‘Even so, it’s a mad-dog namlatiti se para. # Chuck made a killing at the
scheme. Consider the objections.’” (F. Hoyle, racetrack yesterday.
The Black Cloud). Make allowance(s) for (napraviti popust
za) znači (a): uračunati, ostaviti mesto za i (b):
Made of money (napravljen od novca) znači
uzeti u obzir, imati razumevanja za. (a): When
pun para. # Mr. Perkins buys his children everyt- planning the party, please make allowances for
hing they want. He must be made of money. Chuck and his family. (b): The jury was asked to
Maiden speech nije devojački govor, već prvi make all allowances for the age of the accused.
govor novog poslanika u parlamentu. # Winston Make a match ne znači napraviti meč, već
Churchill called Sir Alan Herbert’s maiden spee- stupiti u brak. # He had only met the dowager
ch “a brazen hussy of a speech”. once; but that did not diminish his need to im-
Major nije samo major, već i (a): veći, važni- prove his finances by making a match of conve-
ji (b): važan, glavni, vodeći i (c): glavni predmet nience.
studija (u američkom engleskom). (a): The major Make a meal (out) of it ne znači samo pri-
part of the job is done. (b): Health care is one of premiti obrok od toga, već i (a): pridati neče-
the major problems of our time. # Walt Witman is mu suviše značaja i (b): preterati sa nečim. (a):
a major poet. (c): Ann’s major is French. I know what I’ve done is wrong but there’s no
Make a bomb ne znači samo napraviti bom- need to make a meal out of it. (b): I don’t mind
bu, već i (kolokvijalno) zgrnuti silan novac. # He you bringing a few friends to play, Art, but let’s
not make a meal of it.
made a bomb recently on the stock exchange.
Make an honest woman of someone (uči-
Make a clean sweep (napraviti čist zahvat) niti nekoga poštenom ženom) znači ozvaničiti
znači (a): otarasiti se, rešiti se svega i (b): srediti brakom ljubavnu vezu. # “Come on down to the
u potpunosti. (a): The new chairman has made a church and I’ll make an honest woman of you”
clean sweep in the company - all the old directors (Sh. Delaney, A Taste of Honey).
have been replaced by new ones. (b): They made Make a pass (at someone)10 (fusnota na strani
a clean sweep through the neighborhood, repai- 138) znači dodati loptu, nabaciti, ali i nabacivati
ring all the sidewalks. se (nekome) # trzati (na nekoga) (u žargonu). #
Make advances ne znači samo postići napre- I think Jim was making a pass at me, but he did
dak, već i udvarati se. # Here comes this pain in it very subtly.
the neck. He’ll cling like a limpet and start ma- Make a pig’s ear (out) of something (napra-
king advances to me. viti od nečega svinjsko uvo) znači upropastiti
Make a pile 138 Make heavy weather

stvar. # He made a pig’s ear out of repairing his Make capital (out) of something (napravi-
car. ti na nečemu kapital) znači eksploatisati nešto,
Make a pile ne znači samo napraviti hrpu, profitirati na nečemu, iskoristi nešto. A good
već i namlatiti se para, steći bogatstvo. # Af- deal of capital will be made of their unwillingne-
ter making a pile by working in industry for a ss to testify before the Committee.
few years he moved to the country and bought Make certain (pod Make sure/certain).
a farm. Make demands ne znači samo tražiti, već i
Make a point ne znači samo napraviti poen, vršiti pritisak. # “Dave is an old friend but he has
već i (a): istaći, podvući važnost, načiniti opa- no money. I felt perhaps I oughtn’t make deman-
sku, (b): potruditi se, uložiti napor, (c): nasto- ds on Dave.” (I. Murdoch, Under the Net)
jati, insistirati, (d): praviti problem od nečega. Make do (učiniti da radi) znači snaći se,
(a): He made a very good point when he said that upotrebiti nešto kao zamenu za nešto drugo. #
you had just made a virtue of necessity. (b): The Here’s a hammer. You’ll just have to make that
enterprising building company made a point of do until you can get the right tools.
forming friendships with local politicians. (c): Make fast ne znači učiniti brzo, već (a): pri-
Do you make a point of being on time for work vezati, učvrstiti i (b): osigurati, zaključati/zatvo-
and social appointments? (d): Please don’t make riti. (a): “We went up between the mud flats till
a point of Dave’s comments. It wasn’t that im-
we came to a tumbledown jetty. Janet brought
the boat alongside this and made her fast, and
Make a rod for one’s own back (napraviti went ashore” (N. Shute, Requiem for a Wren).
šibu za sopstvena leđa) znači praviti sam sebi (b): Before going to bed make all the doors fast,
probleme, raditi u korist svoje štete. # Why please.
do you argue all the time with the higher-ups?
Make fast work (pod Make short/fast
You’re only making a rod for your own back.
Make arrangements ne znači samo aranži-
rati, već i (a): pobrinuti se za nečiji smeštaj, (b): Make good ne znači činiti dobro (kaže se do
izvršiti pripreme, (c): planirati, pripremati se i good), već (a): uspeti u životu, (b): ispuniti, iz-
(d): dogovoriti se. (a): Fred is coming for a visit vršiti, (c): nadoknaditi, kompenzovati, (d): pla-
next week. Please make arrangements for him titi dug, (e): uspeti, (f): održati reč, ispuniti obe-
at the hotel. (b): I’m making arrangements for ćanje i (g): dobro se pokazati na kakvom poslu,
the convention. (c): I’m making arrangements to uspeti kao (lekar, nastavnik i sl.). # “It is probably
sell my car. (d): I made arrangements with Jim to due to his protection and advice that I remained
come to his house and pick him up. at Sandhurst, turned over a new leaf, and survi-
ved to make good” (Field-Marshal Montgomery,
Make a splash (izazvati pljuskanje) znači
Memoirs). (b): Sam made good his boast to swim
privući opštu pažnju, izazvati senzaciju, uzvitla-
across the lake. (c): The policeman told the boy’s
ti veliku prašinu. # The Princess of Wales made
parents that the boy must make good the money
a splash on her official visit to New York for her
he had stolen or go to jail. (d): If you don’t make
sudden visit to a shelter for homeless.
good on this bill, I’ll have to take back your car.
Make a U-turn znači napraviti zaokret za (e): Tom worked hard to make good at selling.
180o u vožnji, ali i (figurativno) napraviti zao- (f): It’s regrettable that you refuse to make good
kret za 180o (u smislu kršenja izbornih obećanja). on your promise. (g): Kate got a job in the hospi-
# The government is making a U-turn, pursuing a tal and made good as a nurse.
tax-policy that is directly opposed to the Conser-
vative party’s election promises. Kaže se i make Make good time (načiniti dobro vreme)
a volt-face # He had been a staunch supporter of znači postići zadovoljavajuću brzinu. # We’re
Dukakis, but in the middle of the campaign he supposed to be there at 6 pm, and it’s only 5:30 -
suddenly made a volt-face. Vidi Volte-face. we’re making good time.
Make book on nema veze sa pravljenjem Make hay ne znači samo kositi, već i pore-
knjige, već (u američkom žargonu – često u ne- metiti, dovesti u pitanje, napraviti nered/zbrku/
gaciji I wouldn’t make book on it.) znači kla- vašar. # The Prime Minister made hay of the ca-
diti se u („Ne bih se kladio u to.“). # Mr. Baker reful arguments of opposition speakers.
avoided a denial, but he said, “Until you hear it Make heavy weather ne znači stvarati teško,
from the President and the Secretary of State, I turobno vreme, već nepotrebno iskomplikova-
wouldn’t make book on it.” ti, praviti problem od nečega jednostavnog. #
Komentar I. Klajna: Mi imamo vulgarne glagole kao pipkati i drpati, ali engleski izraz podrazumeva samo po-
kušaj pipanja. U scenama suđenja na filmu, kad je neko optužen za “sexual harassment”, često je pitanje advokata:
“Did he make a pass at you?” Čuvena je ironična pesmica Doroti Parker od samo dva stiha: “Men seldom make
passes / At girls who wear glasses.”
Make the headlines 139 Make someone’s short list

He made terribly heavy weather out of mending Make oneself scarce (načiniti se retkim)
the puncture; it only took a few minutes when znači otići (kako ne bi smetao) i (b): otperjati,
he did it. odmagliti. # “I’ve come here to talk to my daugh-
Make the headlines (pod Hit/make the he- ter. Can you make yourself scarce for a bit?” (Sh.
adlines). Delaney, A Taste of Honey). (b): The boys made
Make it ne znači samo načiniti to, već i (a): themselves scarce when they saw the principal
uspeti, (b): stići na vreme, (c): oporaviti se, (d): coming. Make yourself scarce! znači Gubi mi
biti prihvaćen, (e): imati seksualni odnos (u žar- se s očiju! (u žargonu). # “You have done enough
gonu). (a): You’ll never make it! (b): We’ll do damage for one day. Make yourself scarce!” (J.
our best to get there on time, but I’m not sure Orton, Mr. Sloane).
we’ll make it. (c): Tom has made it after having a Make or break (napraviti ili razbiti) znači
serious accident. (d): The new boy is cooperative učiniti uspešnim ili upropastiti, podići ili urni-
and good-natured and I am positive he will soon sati. # The army will either make or break him.
make it with other boys. (e): He’s known her for Make out ima više različitih značenja: (a):
quite a long time, but I don’t think he’s made napredovati, (b): shvatiti nekoga, razumeti ne-
it with her yet. Make it big znači (u žargonu) čiju prirodu, (c): maziti se, ljubakati se, (d):
biti uspešan u životu (posebno materijalno). # I prikazivati se kao, izdavati se za, (e): odgonet-
always knew that someday I would make it big. nuti, (f): razaznati, razabrati i (g): popuniti. (a):
Make light nije učiniti svetlim ni lakim, Bob’s father wanted his son to do well in school,
već znači bagatelisati, ne uzeti za ozbiljno. # I and asked the teacher how Bob was making out.
wish you wouldn’t make light of his problems. (b): I really can’t make him out. Why does he
They’re quite serious. Kaže se i make little. # offend the very people who try to help him? (c): -
The neighbors made little of Art and thought he What are Sol and Milly up to? - They’re making
would amount to nothing. # Jessica made little of out on the back porch. (d): He made out to be a
my efforts to collect money for charity. doctor. (e): I could never make out if they wanted
Make little (pod Make light). our help or not. (f): It was dark, and we could
Make love znači i (a): imati seksualni odnos not make out who was coming along the road. #
i (b): izražavati ljubav. (a): Nick and Anna tur- What does it say? I can hardly make it out. (g):
ned out the lights and made love. (b): There was Applications have to be made out in triplicate.
moonlight on the roses and he made love to her Make room ne znači pospremiti sobu (kaže
in the porch swing. se do a room), već napraviti mesta. # Somehow
Make no bones about it (ne praviti kosti oko the extra children will have to be made room for.
toga) znači (a): reći bez uvijanja i (b): nema ni- Make short/fast work of someone/somet-
kakve sumnje. (a): Mr. Justice Danckwerts made hing (brzo uraditi) znači (a): otarasiti se brzo
no bones about stigmatizing its use as dishonest nekoga i (b): uraditi nešto na brzu ruku, zbrzati
trading. (b): Make no bones about it. Jenny is a nešto. (a): I made fast work of Jim so I could
great singer. leave the office to play golf. (b): Billy made fast
Make no mistake about it. ne znači Nemoj work of his dinner so he could go out and play.
da grešiš. već Bez ikakve sumnje. Budite uve- Make someone free of something (nekoga
reni u to. # Pamela looks very quiet and retiring osloboditi nečega) znači dopustiti nekome da se
but, make no mistake about it, she’s very deter- slobodno koristi nečim ili uživa u nečem. # “He
mined career woman. kindly made me free of his library to pursue my
Make no odds ne znači ne stvarati nikakve researches” (L. Lee, Cider with Rosie).
izglede, već nemati nikakvog uticaja, imati malo Make someone’s day znači ulepšati nečiji
značaja. # - You should have tried to dissuade dan, ali Make my day! (u američkom žargonu)
him. - It would have made no odds if I had. znači Samo to čekam!, Izvoli probaj! (obično
Make nothing of it ne znači nemati ništa od policajac kriminalcu koji se maša za pištolj). #
toga, već (a): ne obraćati pažnju, (b): ne moći Make my day! Just try it.
shvatiti i (c): ne predstavljati nikakav napor. Make someone sick (izazvati nečiju bolest)
(a): My father caught me throwing the snowball, znači (a): (u britanskom engleskom) izazivati
but he made nothing of it. (b): I’m afraid I can’t mučninu kod nekoga (it makes me sick - zlo mi
make nothing of it. (c): My father makes nothing je od toga) i (b): izazivati nečije gađenje (it ma-
of walking ten miles a day. kes me sick - smuči mi se pri pomisli na to) (a):
Make one’s bed (and lie in it) (pripremiti I like honey but it makes me sick. (b): It makes
postelju – i leći u nju) znači biti sam kriv za ne- me sick to think that this scoundrel is going to
što loše, dobiti po zasluzi. # Tommy smoked one marry this innocent girl.
of his father’s cigars and now he is sick. He made Make someone’s short list (napraviti nečiju
his bed, let him lie in it. kratku listu) znači ući u uži izbor. # “If anyone
Make someone/something tick 140 Make up for

had to name the number-one attorney in our state, Make the running ne znači trčati, već (a):
Golden would make everyone’s short list” (W. J. biti na čelu, voditi glavnu reč, (b): preuzeti ini-
Coughlin, Shadow of a Doubt). cijativu, pokrenuti stvar (s mrtve tačke) i (c):
Make someone/something tick (naterati povesti trku (u ulozi zeca). (a): We want our
nekoga/nešto da kuca – kao sat) znači (a): po- company to be the one that makes the running
kretati nekoga, uzrokovati nečije ponašanje/mi- - we don’t want to be left behind. (b): Leave it
šljenje (What makes him tick? - Šta se dešava to Wilson. He’s full of plans and you’ll find he’ll
u njegovoj glavi?) i (b): pokretati mehanizam make the running on the committee. (c): Johnson
nečega (What makes it tick? - Šta ga pokreće?, after having made most of the running previously
Na kom principu radi?) (a): What makes Tom had left himself with nothing in reserve for the
tick? I just don’t understand him. (b): I took apart last sprint.
the radio to find out what made it tick. Make the scene ne znači napraviti scenu
Make something of something (napraviti (kaže se: make a scene), već (u američkom žar-
gonu) pojaviti se, biti prisutan. # Man, I’ve got to
nešto od nečega) znači (a): razumeti o čemu
make the scene. The whole world will be there!
se radi, protumačiti nešto, (b): uzeti nešto kao
razlog za svađu, inscenirati svađu/tuču i (c): Make the team ne znači stvoriti tim, već us-
pridati preveliki značaj nečemu. (a): Can you peti ući u prvu postavu. # Joe was disappointed
make anything out of this message? I don’t un- that he didn’t make the team; but he soon bucked
derstand it. (b): Bill accidentally shoved Joe in up.
the corridor, and Joe made something of it. (c): Make time nema veze sa doslovnim prevo-
When girls see another girl with a boy, they often dom i znači izlaziti (sa nekim), vodati se. # - I
try to make something of it. Make something hear that Alec’s been making time with Judy? -
on something znači zaraditi na nečemu. # Nick As far as I know they’ve been making time for
was prepared to sell me his car for what he paid months.
for it: he wouldn’t make a penny on the deal. Make up ima puno različitih značenja: (a):
našminkati se, (b): izmisliti, (c): nadoknaditi,
Make something to order ne znači napraviti
(d): pripremiti mešavinu, izmešati, (e): sačinja-
nešto po naređenju, već napraviti nešto po po-
vati, (f): kompletirati, (g): isplatiti, (h): izgladiti
rudžbini. # Our shirts fit perfectly because each (nesporazum, razlike), izmiriti se, (i): dodati go-
one is made to order. riva na vatru, (j): pripremiti što (za izlet, puto-
Make sure/certain ne znači samo osigurati vanje i sl.) i (k): pripremiti za štampu, napraviti
se, već i (a): proveriti za svaki slučaj i (b): obez- prelom (knjige, strane, novina i sl.). (a): It took
bediti da se što desi, osigurati željeni rezultat. Laurence Olivier more than an hour to make up
(a): Before going to bed, make sure all the lights for the part of “Othello”. (b): That’s not true! You
are off. # Have you made sure that the train has just made that up. (c): I want to go to bed early
not already left? (b): “I have very powerful co- to make up the sleep I lost last night. (d): - Is
mmitment to making sure that everything that my prescription ready? - No, I haven’t made it up
appears in the paper is the best of its kind,” Mr. yet. I’ll make up your prescription in a minute.
Stothard said. (e): The group was made up of six teachers. (f):
Make/take a stand ne znači samo zauzeti We recruited locally to make up our full comple-
stav, već i pružiti otpor neprijatelju, prestati uz- ment of laborers. (g): He was obliged to make up
micati i uzvratiti. # The soldiers made a brave the required sum. (h): Finally we succeeded to
stand against the advancing enemy in order to make up all our differences. # “’Now they have
give the citizens time to escape. made up.’ Mrs. Delacroix turned to Caroline, and
Make the feathers/fur fly (učiniti da perje/ smiled. ‘No, we haven’t. We simply ignore any
krzno leti) znači izazvati žestok sukob. # The differences when we’re under your roof” (G. Vi-
plan to close schools attended by upper-class dal, Empire). (i): The fire needs making up. (j):
The hotel will make up a packet of sandwiches
children has really made the feathers fly in the
for the journey. (k): The way the front page is
Parliament. # Mrs. Baker’s dog dug holes in her
made up may need to be altered several times.
neighbor’s garden. The neighbor really made the make up to someone znači dodvoravati se ne-
fur fly when she saw Mrs. Baker. kome. # The new boy made up to the teacher by
Make the grade (načiniti stepen) znači is- sharpening her pencils.
puniti očekivanja, dostići zadovoljavajući nivo/ Make up for ima više značenja: (a): zame-
standard. # I’m sorry but your work doesn’t niti, (b): nadoknaditi i (c): ispraviti (nešto loše
exactly makes the grade. učinjeno). (a): Dave can’t play in the game Sa-
Make the papers ne znači praviti novine, već turday, but I think I can make up for him. (b):
puniti novine, imati dobar publicitet. # After his Saying you are sorry won’t make up for the da-
last speech he has been making the papers. mage of breaking the window.
Make water 141 Master

Make water (pod Pass water). giments - it’s a man’s life in today’s professional
Make waves ne znači samo talasati, već i (a): army, but if you don’t want to be in the infantry,
izazvati uzbuđenje i (b): izazivati teškoće. (a): tough luck.
In the 1988 campaign, Jesse Jackson made wa- Many happy returns (of the day)! (Mnogo
ves when he rode to the Democratic convention srećnih povrataka ovoga dana!) znači Srećan
in Atlanta on a bus. (b): If you make waves too rođendan! # May you have a long happy life.
much around here, you won’t last long. Don’t Many happy returns of the day!
make waves! znači Ne pravi probleme! Ne tala- Mare’s nest (kobilje gnezdo) je obmana, laž-
saj previše! # Just relax. Don’t make waves! no otkriće. # The explorer thought he had found
Man about town (čovek oko grada) je (u the key to prehistoric civilization, but it proved
britanskom engleskom) bonvivan, čovek koji to be mare’s nest.
mnogo izlazi (u restorane, klubove, pozorišta, na Mark nije samo znak, već i (a): trag, (b): pe-
žureve itd.). # “Quite the man about town you’ve čat, (c): ocena u školi, (d): otisak, (e): meta i (f):
become, haven’t you?” she said scathingly, “with cilj. (a): A deer left a clear mark. (b): The speech
your talk of decent little eating-places and sha- seemed to bear the distinctive mark of Mr. Bush’s
ring jokes with critics at a preview.” new chief of staff, James A. Baker. (c): The stu-
Man and boy (čovek i dečak) znači od de- dent received passing marks in all subjects. (d):
tinjstva, čitavog svog života (u britanskom engle- His finger marks on the spot offered a conclusive
skom). # He’s been a farmer for forty years, man evidence. (e): His off-the-cuff statements made
and boy. him an easy mark for the media. (f): The pitch
Mandate nije samo mandat (najčešće se kaže was quite fast, but wide of the mark.
term of office), već i (a): protektorat, staratelj- Mark time ne znači obeležiti vreme, već (a):
stvo nad nekim područjem, (b): ovlašćenje, in- koračati u mestu; (b): čekati bolja vremena i
strukcija i (c): nalog višeg suda nižem. (a): The (c): ubijati vreme. (a): The officer made soldi-
island is a mandate of great Britain. (b): Work on ers mark time as a punishment. (b): I’ll just mark
the new bridge will begin as soon as an official time till things get better. (c): It was so hot that
mandate is received. (c): A mandate is an order the workmen just marked time.
from a higher court or official to a lower one. Marmalade nije naša marmelada, već žele
Man Friday nema veze sa danom u nedelji samo od gorkih pomorandži, (eventualno i li-
već sa Petkom iz romana “Robinson Kruso” i muna i grejpfruta). # Another hidden talent was
znači pomoćnik za opšte poslove, službenik od his skill in making marmalade to a secret family
šefovog poverenja. # Tom is the manager’s man recipe.
Friday. Marry money (venčati se sa novcem) znači
Manners nisu samo načini, već i (a): pona- bogato se oženiti/udati. # “Retired in 1893 and
šanje i (b): uglađenost, učtivost, dobri maniri. married money both times. I wonder what she
(a): His bad manners are inexucusable. # Mind has left?” (M. Spark, Memento Mori).
your manners. (b): Don’t they teach any manners Marshal nije samo maršal (u britanskom en-
in your school? gleskom), već i (a): šef policije, (b): komandant
Man of blood (čovek krvi) je nasilnik. # He’s vatrogsaca, (c): ceremonijal majstor i (d): ras-
a man of blood, a violent and dangerous bully porediti. (a): The U.S. marshal arrested the two
who terrorizes the small boys in our neighbor- hijackers. (b): The fire marshal directed the ho-
hood. ok-and-ladder units. (c): The marshal of the Rose
Bowl parade was a movie star. (d): The general
Man of (many/several) parts (čovek iz više/
marshaled his army for battle. Marshal one’s
nekoliko delova) je svestrano nadaren čovek,
thoughts (kaže se i collect/gather one’s thou-
čovek raznovrsnih znanja i talenata. # The pi- ghts) znači sabrati misli, razmisliti o nečemu. #
anist is a man of many parts. He wrote the piece Take your time! Be calm and try to marshal your
he played, and he also plays the organ and paints thoughts.
Master nije samo majstor, već i (a): gospo-
Man of straw, straw man nije samo čovek od dar, (b): glava (kuće), (c): kapetan broda, (d):
slame - strašilo za ptice već i ništarija. # I’ve had obuzdati i (e): ovladati, temeljito naučiti. (a):
enough of that fellow! He’s a man of straw. The dog obeyed his master. (b): Father was defi-
Man of substance (sadržajan čovek) je imu- nitely the master of our house. (c): The first mate
ćan čovek. # Ideally, the candidate we’d like to was studying to become a master. (d): You must
put forward would be a man of some substance, learn to master your temper. (e): He could never
already known in the country. master the mathematics. Master of Arts/Science
Man’s life nije ljudski život, već život za (M.A. ili M. S.) je magistar nauka. Master be-
(snažne i aktivne) muškarce, surov život. # At droom je najveća, glavna spavaća soba. # Fat-
Coldfield, new recruits are allocated to their re- her and Mother have the master bedroom.
Match 142 Meet one’s maker

Match nije samo meč, već i (a): šibica, (b): He has some mean job at the local factory. (g): If
par, (c): podudarnost, poklapanje, (d): ravan you weren’t so mean and tight-fisted, you’d have
(nekome)# dorastao (nekome), (e): partija (za some decent clothes. (h): “Harold felt that con-
ženidbu/udadbu), (f): u skladu i (g): suprotstavi- versation should either be a means to an end, a
ti. (a): It was pitch darknes and he stroke a mat- business deal, or taking soundings for one” (L. P.
ch. (b): Can you find the match for this glove? Hartley, A Perfect Woman).
(c): MATCH Found (DNK, fingerprints). # Jodie Mean business nije značiti biznis, već misliti
Fletcher, born in July 2005, was found to be a ozbiljno. # The boss said he would fire us if we
perfect genetic match for her then three-year old didn’t work harder and he means business.
brother Joshua. (d): Bill is no match for his brot- Mean nothing nije samo ne značiti ništa, već
her at chess. (e): In order to make a good match i biti nerazumljiv. # This sentence means nothing
for his daughter a dowry of score or so heads of to me. It isn’t clearly written.
cattle was required. (f): A gray tie is a good mat-
ch for a blue shirt. (g): The promoters matched Mean trouble nije značiti nevolju, već tražiti
the young boxer with a more skillful fighter. kavgu. # Let’s go out of here. Don’t you see that
they mean trouble.
Mate nije samo mužjak/ženka, već i (a): mat
(u šahu - checkmate), (b): oficir trgovačke mor- He measured his length ne znači izmerio je
narice, (c): suprug(a) (u američkom engleskom) svoju dužinu, već prostro se koliko je dug, opru-
i (d): prijatelj (u britanskom engleskom - ono što ćio se. # He slipped on the wet grass and measu-
je u američkom engleskom pal), (e): saigrač, ko- red his length.
lega u timu (f): par i (g): pariti se. (a): Kasparov Meat and drink to someone ne znači meso i
checkmated his opponent after only a few moves piće za nekoga, već (a): nečija duhovna hrana,
(b): A mate is a deck officer on a merchant ship (b): uživanje i (c): ohrabrenje. (a): The weekly
ranking below the captain (c): However, your sur- letters from his son are meat and drink to the old
viving spouse will not necessarily get the whole man. (b): Music has been his meat and drink for
of your estate. (d): Sorry mate, how much is you many years. (c): The apologies of her old rival
r personal equipment insured for outside of your were meat and drink to her.
own property? (e): It was his first start against his Medicinal nije medicinski (kaže se medical),
former teammates. (f): Where is the mate to this već lekovit. # It is said that the spring water has
shoe? (g): Birds mate in the Spring. medicinal properties. Medicinal herbs su leko-
Matter of moment ne znači stvar trenutka, vite trave.
već značajno pitanje, važna stvar. # “My ‘stan- Medicine nije samo medicina, već i lek. #
ding’ whilst on this tour therefore became a ma- What kind of medicine are you taking?
tter of some moment in Whitehall” (Field-Mars- Medium nije samo medij (mediji su media),
hal Montgomery, Memoirs). već i (a): sredina, (b): srednji, (c): ambijent/sre-
Mayday nije prvomajski praznik (piše se dina, (d): sredstvo i (e): spiritist. (a): There has
May Day) već poziv u pomoć (S.O.S.). # The to be a medium between good and bad. (b): The
ship is sinking! A Mayday warning should be im- boy is of medium height for his age. (c): Fish live
mediately sent. in a aqueous medium. (d): Television can be an
Meal nije samo obed, već i (a): jelo i (b): excellent medium for education. (e): The medi-
brašno (krupno mleveno). (a): The restaurant is um supposedly called forth her long dead uncle.
known for its Italian meals. (b): Simple pancakes Meet nije samo sresti, već i (a): upoznati se,
can be made out of meal and water. (b): dočekati (putnika), (c): izaći u susret (zah-
Meal ticket ne znači samo bon za menzu, već tevima itd.), (d): sastati se, (e): doživeti, iskusiti,
i izvor stalne pomoći/podrške („krava muzara“ (e): ispuniti, (f): isplatiti, (g): dodirivati se i (h):
– kaže se i milch cow). # You were rude to your prihvatljiv, pristojan. (a): I’d like you to meet
aunt last evening. Don’t forget she’s your meal my brother. (b): Come to meet me at the airport.
ticket. (c): We’re unable to meet your claims. (d): The
Mean nije samo značiti, već i (a): misliti, (b): club meets at a different member’s home every
nameravati, (c): sredina, (d): prosek, prosečan, week. (e): To join the army one must meet cer-
(e): podao, (f): bedan, (g): škrt i (h): sredstva (u tain physical standards. (f): Father was poor, but
množini). (a): What do you mean by that? (b): he always met his debts. (g): The two properti-
Father didn’t mean to be a clerk all his life, but es meet at the bottom of the valley. (h): It is not
that’s the way it turned out. (c): There has to be meet for strangers to interfere.
the golden mean between overplaying one’s hand Meet one’s maker (sresti svog tvorca) znači
and underestimating oneself. (d): His income is (a): umreti („predati Bogu dušu“) i (b): biti uni-
$5,000 above the national mean. # The mean šten. (a): “The Frost Programme” added nothing
income of American families is over 20,000 a to our knowledge of the death penalty, despite
year. (e): How could anyone be so mean?! (f): having a Mr. Don Ree, who had seen many a man
Melting pot 143 Money to burn

meet his maker in the electric chair. (b): As these into your head? - What do you mean? I have a
tired old banknotes meet their maker in Essex, a mind of my own. (e): Thank you, I have no mind
new load is on its way into our pockets. for that. (f): “I want you to know everything, Po-
Melting pot nije samo kazan za topljenje, već lly, before you make up your mind” (N. Simon,
(u prenosnom smislu) i proces asimilacije (po- The Gingerbread Lady).
sebno amerikanizacije) useljenika. # John F. Ke- Mind you ne znači ne obazirite se, već imajte
nnedy, in a 1963 civil right message, called the na umu, ne zaboravite. # “’Mind you,’ went on
denial of equal access to public accommodations Philbrick, ‘I haven’t always been in the position
“a daily insult which has no place in a country that I am now’” (E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisi-
proud of its heritage - the heritage of the mel- ted).
ting pot, of equal rights, of one nation and one Minister nije samo ministar, već i sveštenik
people.” (protestantski). # Only a minister can help you
Memory nije samo memorija (u kompjuteru), with your religious problems.
već i (a): uspomena i (b): sećanje. (a): Mother Miss ima više značenja kao glagol: (a): pro-
vhas lovely memories of her youth. (b): He is mašiti, (b): propustiti, (c): ne iskoristiti, (d):
gone, but his memory remains to guide the li- ne uspeti, (e): primetiti odsutnost, (f): osećati
ving. odsutnost/gubitak („nedostaje mi“), (g): izbeći,
Mend fences (popraviti ograde) znači izgla- (h): ne primetiti, (i): ne shvatiti i (j): ne čuti/
diti odnose. # The comment infuriated the Sena- razumeti. (a): The batter missed the ball. (b):
tor and left Mr. Clinton rushing to mend fences We missed the start of the movie. (c): He missed
with him. his only chance. (d): On Wednesday she missed
Mess nije samo zbrka, već i (a): nered, (b): her deadline. (e): When did you first missed the
prljavština, svinjac, (c): škripac, neprilika, jewels? (f): The child misses her mother. (g):
(d): menza, (e): tanjir i (f): porcija. (a): What They narrowly missed being killed. (h): The cle-
a mess the room is in! (b): Pick up that mess of aning man missed the spot on the collar. (i): He
dirty clothes. (c): How did you get into a mess missed the point. (j): I missed what you said be-
like this? (d): The fight happened in the enlisted cause of the noise.
men’s mess. (e): May I have a mess of poridge? Miss the boat/bus nije samo propustiti voz/
(f): Every prisoner is entitled to a mess of fish. brod, već i propustiti priliku. # Ted arrived late
Mettle (pod Show/prove one’s mettle). at the party and found that he had missed the boat
Mickey mouse (po poznatom junaku iz Di- - Pamela was already dancing with someone else.
znijevih stripova) je (u američkom žargonu) (a): Mr. Wilson missed the buss when he decided not
koještarija, bezvezan i (b): pajkan, pandur. (a): to buy the house.
This is just a lot of mickey mouse. # No more Mixed bag (mešana torba) je (a): šareno
mickey mouse questions if I agree to stay? (b): društvo (kaže se i mixed party) i (b): mešavina
A mickey mouse is hanging around asking about svega i svačega. (a): The passengers on the crui-
you. se were a mixed bag. We were disappointed. (b):
Middle ground nije srednja pdloga, već sred- “The houses were a mixed bag, in every style
nje rešenje, kompromis. # The committee found from mullion and half-timber to what, from its
a middle ground between the two proposals. white walls and dark green roof and profusion of
Milk and water, milk-and-water nije mleko ironwork, I took to be Spanish” (J. Braine, Room
pomešano s vodom, već luk i voda, slab i bezbo- at the Top).
jan. # His new book is very enjoyable, but it’s Mixed blessing (mešani blagoslov) je pokva-
milk and water compared to what he wrote when reno zadovoljstvo. # We were delighted when
he was younger. # These milk-and-water policies Nick gave us the puppy, but it has proved a mixed
won’t help the country. We need something more blessing; it has done so much damage to the fur-
drastic. niture and curtains.
Milch cow (pod Meal ticket). Mixed up nije samo upleten, umešan, već
Mince words (mleti reči) znači birati reči, i (a): zbunjen, dezorijentisan, smeten i (b): u
okolišiti. # I’m not one to mince words, so I have neredu, razvašaren. (a): Tom was all mixed up
to say that you behaved very badly. after the accident. (b): Everything is mixed up in
Mind nije samo pamet, već i (a): razum, (b): our office after last night’s party. Mixed up in
duh, (c): duša, (d): glava, (e): volja i (f): odluka. everything je u svakoj čorbi mirođija. # Mind
(a): The storekeper behaved as though he lost his your own business! No need to be mixed up in
mind. (b): When the child fell out of the moving everything.
train, she had the presence of mind to pull the Money to burn (novac za loženje) je (u žar-
emergency cord. (c): She has a lofty mind. (d): gonu) velika para, lova do krova. # Sam’s uncle
- I’d like to know who’s been putting such ideas died and left him money to burn.
Monkey business 144 Mystery

Monkey business (majmunski biznis) znači Mouthful nije samo zalogaj, već i dugačka ili
(a): sumnjiva posla, mućka i (b): nepromišljen teško izgovorljiva reč ili fraza. # “’What’s your
postupak, neodgovorno ponašanje. (a): There’s name?’ ‘Bigglesworth, sir. I’m afraid it’s a bit of
far too much monkey business going on around a mouthful, but that isn’t my fault. Most people
here in my opinion. (b): This is dangerous stu- call me Biggles for short’” (J. Mortimer, Paradi-
ff for amateurs to handle. So do exactly as I tell se Postponed). That is a mouthful! You said a
you, boys, and no monkey business! mouthful! znači (u američkom kolokvijalnom
Moral ne znači moral (kaže se morale), već engleskom) To je sasvim tačno! Potpuno ste u
(a): moralan i (b): pouka, naravoučenije. (a): pravu! # That’s right, man. You said a mouthful!
It was not exctly moral for a practicing attorney Give someone a mouthful (u žargonu) znači
to offer a bribe. (b): Every story he tells has a natrljati nekome nos, očitati nekome bukvicu. #
moral. Mary gave Tom a mouthful for the way he treated
More kicks than halfpence (više udaraca
nego poladinaraca) znači (u britanskom engle- Move house (pomaknuti kuću) znači prese-
skom) (a): više sekiracije/kubure nego koristi liti se. # They felt they simply couldn’t face the
i (b): kritika umesto zahvalnosti. (a): There’s bother of moving house again so soon
more kicks than halfpence in editing a collection Much in evidence ne znači mnogo u eviden-
of contemporary verse. (b): I get more kicks than ciji, već vrlo vidljiv. Your influence is much in
halfpence for looking after my sister’s dog when evidence. I appreciate your efforts.
she is away on holiday. She always complains Mum’s the word nema veze sa britanskim
that I spoil the dog and give it too much to it. mum (mama), nego je to onomatopejska reč za
More power to his elbow! (Neka mu bude mrmljanje odnosno ćutanje, pa znači kolokvijal-
jači lakat!) znači Neka mu je sa srećom! So he’s no Ni reči o tome! Da nisi pisnuo! # It has to be
decided to go to university, in spite of what his a complete surprise. Mum’s the word!
father says? More power to his elbow! Muscle nije samo mišić, već i moć, snaga.
# The printers have used their muscle to obtain
More than a bit/little (više nego malo) je
far higher wages than they deserve. # It’ll take a
poprilično, znatno. # “Like everyone else, I was
lot of muscle to move ths piano. Vidi Flex one’s
more than a bit curious to hear what he had to
say.” (J. Wain, The Contenders) # “I was still
more than a little nervous of my colleague and Museum piece nije samo muzejski promerak,
superiors and very anxious to please” (I. Murdo- već i (u prenosnom značenju) starudija, krntija.
ch, Under the Net). # We can’t go to Scotland in that museum piece.
Surely the car-hire company can do better than
The morning after (jutro posle) je mamurluk that!
(hangover). # Nick woke up with a big headache
Mutton dressed (up) as lamb (ovca obučena
and knew it was the morning after.
kao jagnje) je britanski podrugljivi kolokvija-
Moth-eaten ideas (ideje izjedene od molja- lizam za mladalački obučenu stariju osobu. #
ca) su staromodne ideje, ideje iz naftalina. # He While I want to dress sexily, I shrink from being
has such moth-eaten ideas that he would be more mutton dresses as a lamb.
at home in the Victorian age. My eye, all my eye, That’s all my eye (and
Mother nije samo majka, već i (a): roditi i Betty Martin)! znači (u britanskom kolokvijal-
(b): voditi majčinsku brigu. (a): She mothered nom engleskom) pričam ti priču, Nije nego! #
two children and adopted a third. (b): She mot- - He told me all about his adventures in the war.
hers her plants as she does her children. - That’s all my eye and Betty Martin! He wasn’t
Mother lode nije samo matična rudna even in the army.
žila, već i glavna nit. # To prosecutors, Mr. My foot! ima slično značenje: Ma nemoj
Weinberger’s diaries offer a mother lode of incri- mi reći! Pričaj ti to drugome! # She’s going to
minating evidence against the highest official to marry you? My foot!
be charged with a crime in the Iran-contra affair. My heart bleeds for you. (Srce mi krvari
Mother-naked (pod In a state of nature). zbog tebe.) je ironičan kolokvijalizam u znače-
Mother’s milk nije samo majčino mleko, već nju: Mnogo mi te je žao. Nemoj da me ganeš.
i nasušna potreba. # My brother loves poetry - # - I’ll have to get up early to catch the train to-
it’s mother’s milk to him. morrow. - My heart bleeds for you. I have to do
Motif je, kao i u nas, motiv (likovni, književni that every morning.
ili muzički) ali ne i u smislu pobude (kaže se mo- My point is that... (pod Point).
tive). # The motif of betrayal and loss is crucial Mystery ne znači samo misterija, već i kri-
in all these stories. # Why would she have killed mić. # Mulholland Drive A menacing, dreamy,
him? She has no motive. mystery thriller set in Hollywood.

Naked as a jaybird (pod In a state of na- her, but it must have been pretty near the mark
ture). because she refused to speak to him for the rest
Name of the game (naziv igre) je suština of the evening.
stvari, glavna ideja, osnovna namera. * The Neat nije samo uredan, već i (a): umešan,
name of the game for Democrats has become okretan, (b): sažet i precizan, (c): nerazbla-
winning at the expense of leading. žen, čist, (d): neto, (e): prikladan, zgodan, (f):
Name the day (imenovati dan) znači utvrditi sjajan (u američkom žargonu), (g): Super! (u
datum (venčanja). # Now that you are engaged, američkom žargonu) i (h): govedo. (a): He is a
I’d like you to name the day as soon as possible. neat worker. (b): He sent me a neat report. (c):
Name your poison. (Kaži koji je tvoj otrov.) I’ll take my Scotch neat. (d): Our neat profit is
je šaljivi žargon koji znači Kaži šta ćeš da po- substantial. (e): This is very neat phrase. # He
piješ. Koje je tvoje piće? # Okay, friend, name gave a neat answer. (f): What a neat idea! (g):
Neat! I’m glad you came. (h): He bought a neat’s
your poison.
Nasty piece of work nema veze ni sa koma-
Neck and neck, neck-and-neck (šija uz šiju)
dom ni sa radom, već znači gad, rđa od čoveka.
znači prsa uz prsa, mrtva trka, gotovo izjedna-
# “’Indeed I tried to raise objections to the si- čen. # The horses were running neck and neck. #
tuation, but it was no good. He’s Inge’s white- There was a neck-and-neck finish in a race.
haired boy. I agree with you,’ he added, ‘he’s a
nasty piece of work’” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Neck and crop (pod Throw someone out
Attitudes). neck and crop).
Native ne znači samo domorodac, već i (a): Neck-deep nije samo do guše, već i (a): za-
rodom iz, (b): urođen, (c): domaći, lokalni i dubljen, zagnjuren i (b): preplavljen. (a): If I
were you I wouldn’t disturb him right now. He’s
(d): bez primese, čist. (a): He is a native of New
neck-deep in work. (b): The television station
York. (b): His native musical ability impressed
was neck-deep in phone calls.
his teachers. (c): To save money, we’ll use only
native building materials. (d): This is native sil- Needle match (iglena utakmica) je takmi-
ver, believe me. Native place je rodno mesto, čenje dva ljuta protivnika. # “Everyone knew
mesto rođenja. # When he retired , he returned to that Oxford’s great sporting rival was Cambridge
his native place to live. University, the needle match in any sporting con-
test” (F. Forsyth, The Negotiator).
Native soil (pod Soil).
Need something like (one needs) a hole in
Near miss (blizu promašaja) je (a): bezmalo the head (trebati kao rupa u glavi) znači ne tre-
uspeo pokušaj i (b): izbegavanje za dlaku (smr- bati uopšte, trebati kao buli gaće. # They need
ti, sudara, nevolje). (a): “4000 miles?” “That’s four secretaries like I need a hole in the head.
such a near miss,” the quiz-master said, “that I
Negative (pod Affirmative).
think we’ll give you a mark. The correct answer
is 3982 miles.” (b): The two airplanes came very Negotiate nije samo pregovarati, već i (a):
close to each other - it was a near miss! savladati, (b): preskočiti i (c): transferisati,
Near the mark (blizu cilja) znači (a): skoro preneti na drugoga. (a): He hardly negotiated a
tačno i (b): na ivici dopuštenog/prihvatljivog. sharp curve. (b): He easily negotiated a hurdle.
(a): Your answer is near the mark, but not com- (c): Keep those bonds in a safe place becuase na-
pletely correct. (b): I don’t know what he said to one could negotiate them.
Neither fish 146 Next world

Neither fish (flesh) nor fowl (ni riba, <ni tion, “never mind the excuses - start serving the
meso> ni perad) znači nit’ smrdi nit’ miriše, ni customers.
riba ni devojka, ni voda ni vino. # As the years Never miss a trick (nikad ne propustiti trik)
go by immigrants will become more used to Bri- znači učiniti sve što se može najbolje, ne propu-
tish dress and less familiar with their own fashi- stiti nijedan detalj. # He’s a very clever man and
ons, which will be a sad thing, for it could result never misses a trick in improving his business.
in a sort of anglicized form of ethnic dress which Never-never land je svet mašte, imaginarni
is neither fish nor fowl. # The man is neither fish, svet. # You have to stop living in never-never
flesh, nor fowl; he votes Democrat or Republican land and come back to earth.
according to which will do him the most good. A new ball game (pod A whole new game).
Neither here nor there ne znaci samo ni New deal nije samo nju dil (Ruzveltov pro-
tamo ni ovamo, već i bez značaja („ne menja na gram ekonomskog oporavka i javnih radova),
stvari“). # Perhaps you did stay up late finishing već i (a): novi aranžman/dogovor i (b): nova
your homework. That’s neither here nor there. šansa, još jedna prilika. (a): People had been
You still must come to school on time. on the job too long; a new deal was needed to get
Neither hide nor hair (ni kože ni dlake) znači things out of the old habits. (b): The boy asked
ni traga ni glasa. # I don’t know where he is. for a new deal after he had been punished for fi-
I’ve seen neither hide nor hair of him. Kaže se i ghting in school.
no trace of. # The police could find no trace of New lease on/of life (novi zakup života) znači
the thief. novi smisao (života). # Far from being too much
Nerve nije samo živac, već i (a): odvažnost i for her to cope with, the care of her grandchildren
(b): drskost. (a): It takes a lot of nerve to work seems to have given the old lady a new lease of
as a steeplejack. (b): She had some nerve to say life.
that! New look nije samo novi izgled, već i novi
Nest egg nije samo polog, jaje ostavljeno u stil. # “The blades of the knives and the prongs of
gnezdu, već i ušteđevina. # The proceeds helped the forks seem very short to me.” “But that’s new
them to buy a home, to invest in securities and look in table cutlery,” the assistant explained.
real estate and eventually to provide a nest egg News from nowhere (novost niotkuda) zna-
for their young daughter. či ništa novo, nikakva novost. # - My colleague
Net nije samo mreža, već i (a): hvatati mre- was most intrigued by your problem. He says it’s
žom, (b): prekriti/zaštititi mrežom, (c): neto i a very interesting legal point. - Well, that’s news
(d): ostvariti čist profit. (a): They spent the after- from nowhere! I was hoping to hear you could
noon netting butterflies. (b): We netted the win- resolve it.
dows for protection of mosquitoes. (c): What is a Next best thing (naredna najbolja stvar) je
net result of your efforts? (d): How much did the najbolja moguća zamena. # The Hutchings Cru-
business net last year? sade are in Birmingham now because a local co-
Never darken my door again! (Nemoj mi mmittee invited them as the next best thing after
opet zamračiti vrata!) znači Ne prelazi mi više an unsuccessful attempt to book Billy Graham.
prag! Da te više nisam video u mojoj kući! # Next door (naredna vrata) znači (a) u sused-
You’ve got the nerve to come here again after all noj kući/stanu (“odmah do nas”), u neposred-
you have done! Never darken my door again! nom susedstvu i (b) gotovo isto što i, maltene,
Never fear ne znači Nemoj se nikada plaši- vrlo blizu nečega. (a): # They lived next door
ti, već Ne brini. Veruj mi. # I’ll help you, never to us for seven years but we didn’t get to know
fear. them very well. (b): Printing secrets about our
country’s missiles is next door to treason. Next-
Never in the world! (Nikad na svetu!) zna- door neighbor je prvi komšija. # “Fiona Cawley,
či Nema govora! Ne dolazi u obzir! # - Do you his next-door neighbor, greeted him, highball
think he will agree to come to our party? - Never glass in hand” (S. Turow, The Burden of Proof).
in the world!
Next to ne znači samo pored, kraj, tik uz, već
Never mind. (Ne obazirite se.) ima više zna- i (a) bezmalo, gotovo i (b) (odmah) posle, na
čenja: (a): Nije važno. (b): Ne tiče te se. Gledaj drugom mestu iza. (a): It was next to unthinkable
svoja posla. (c): a kamoli, pogotovu ne i (d): Pu- that the boy would steal. (b): Next to France, what
sti to. Mani se toga (i uradi nešto drugo). (a): I country do you like best? Next to last je pretpo-
wanted to talk to you, but never mind. It wasn’t slednji. # I was next to last in the steeplechase. #
important. (b): - How much was the bill? - Ne- He injured himself on the next-to-last day of his
ver mind - what you don’t know won’t hurt you. vacation.
I’ll get most of it off “expenses” anyway. (c): I Next world (sledeći svet) je onaj svet, zagrob-
can’t walk, never mind run. (d): “Since you’re ni život. # I want to live decently in this world not
here at last,” he said, interrupting her explana- in the next world.
Nickel-and-dime 147 No oil painting

Nickel-and-dime (pet i deset centi) je američ- No flies on someone nema veze sa muvama,
ki kolokvijalizam koji znači: (a): slabo plaćen, već kolokvijalno znači ne da se lako preveslati,
(b): sitan, neznatan i (c): mala para (u množini). nećeš lako njega preći. # Both men suitably re-
(a): He had to accept a nickel-and-dime job. (a): flect the Co-op’s image: grainy businessmen, but
They’re just nickel-and dime speculators. (c): who could be taken for day preachers. No flies
“One day two young neighborhood hoods, loo- on either of them - and both with handshakes like
king for nickels and dimes, tried to stick up the a vice.
grandfather, and ended up shooting him dead” (S. No go ne znači ne ići, već ne vredi, tu se ni-
Turow, The Burden of Proof). Nickel and dime šta ne može učiniti. # I’ve tried in every hotel in
someone (to death) znači zaračunati nekome town to get a room, but it’s no go - they are all
sve moguće, nakarikati nečiji račun raznim full. No-go area/district je zabranjena zona. #
troškovima (u američkom žargonu). # Those wa- Under no circumstances, would we be prepared
iters nickel and dime me to death. to contemplate no-go areas in the United King-
Nine days’ wonder (čudo od devet dana) je dom.
isto što i naše svako čudo za tri dana, prolazna No great shakes nema veze sa drmanjem,
senzacija. # The new electric cars may turn out to već znači (u žargonu) nije bogzna šta, nije velika
be a nine days’ wonder; no one seems interested stvar. # Your idea is no great shakes, but we’ll
in buying them any longer. try it anyway.
Nip and tuck (ugriz i nabor) znači (u američ- No hard feelings (nema jakih osećanja) zna-
kom engleskom) (a): izjednačeno, sa podjedna- či bez ljutnje, bez uzimanja srcu, nadam se da
kim izgledima i (b): povuci-potegni, neizvesno vas nisam uvredio. # No hard feelings, I hope.
do kraja. (a): In the football game last Saturday, No holds barred (nema zabranjenih zahva-
both teams were nip and tuck throughout the ta) znači bez ikakvih ograničenja (“sve je dopu-
game. (b): Waugh said he had a whole convent šteno”), ne držeći mnogo do etikecije. # I intend
of Poor Clares praying it would be fine for the to argue it out with Sally, no holds barred.
celebration, and throughout the morning it was No lie! (Nema laži!) znači (u žargonu) Stvar-
nip and tuck. no! Majke mi! # I really did it! No lie!.
Nitpicker (probirač gnjida) je cepidlaka, No more Mr. Nice Guy. (Nema više prijat-
zakeralo. # Please don’t think me nit-picker, but nog čove.) kolokvijalno znači Nema više cile-mi-
aren’t the walls a bit too yellow? le. Nema više labavo. # Last week Mr. Major de-
Nobody can touch him ne znači niko ga ne alt with a delegation of rebellious back-benchers
može dodirnuti, već nema mu ravna/premca. # who had leaked their plans to demand a Cabinet
Nobody can touch him as a pianist. shake-up by dismissing them after a meeting that
Nobody home ne znači nema nikog kod kuće, lasted only two minutes. His move was praised
već (u žargonu) (a): odsutan duhom (“misli su by some as a “no more Mr. Nice Guy” stance that
mu negde odlutale”) i (b): nije sasvim čitav, fali would win him points with the voters..
mu daska u glavi. (a): The teacher asked him a No names, no pack-drill. (Bez imena i mar-
question three times, but he still looked out the ša po kazni.) znači Bolje je ne pominjati ime-
window. She gave up, saying, “Nobody home.” na. # Certain people have made a special effort
(b): He pointed to the woman, tapped his head, to take control of the committee. No names, no
and said, “Nobody home.” pack-drill.
Nobody is any the worse for it (nikome nije Noncommissioned officer (neproizveden ofi-
lošije zbog toga) znači nikom ništa, nikom nije cir) je podoficir. # A noncommissioned officer is
pala vlas s glave. # The newspaper revealed wi- a subordinate officer in the armed forces, appoin-
despread corruption in the City Hall and nobody ted from the ranks.
is any the worse for it. None of your lip! (Ništa sa tvojih usana!)
No end ne znači samo bez kraja, već i (a) vrlo kolokvijalno znači Ne budi drzak! Dosta mi je
mnogo, jako, (b) neprekidno, bez prestanka, (c) tvog bezobrazluka! # None of your lip! I’ve had
sjajno, sjajan i (d) sva sila, bog te pita koliko. enough of your unmannerly behavior.
(a): Nick was no end upset because he couldn’t Non-mixer nema veze sa mikserom, već (u
go swimming. (b): The baby cried no end. (c): žargonu) znači nedruštvena osoba. # “I don’t
We had no end of the time. # He’s no end of a socialize much. I’m what you call a non-mixer.”
fellow. (d): He reads a great deal and has no end (Ed McBain, Killer’s Choice)
of books on his shelves. Non-starter (pod Starter).
No fear! ne znači samo Bez straha! već (u No oil painting (nije uljana slika) znači ne-
britanskom kolokvijalizmu) Svakako ne. Ne do- privlačan, ne baš velika lepota (u žargonu). #
lazi u obzir. # - Are you coming for a walk? - No George has plenty of girlfriends, although he is
fear. It’s going to rain. no oil painting.
No picnic 148 Not be someone’s

No picnic nema veze sa piknikom, već znači ti. # Well, you fouled up, but don’t take it to heart.
nije lako, nije baš uživacija. # “Running a house It’s not a hanging matter.
this size is no picnic these days, believe me” (K. Not a little (nemalo) znači mnogo. # It tired
Amis, Take a Girl Like You). me not a little to stand for three hours.
No quick fix (nema brze popravke) znači It’s not all beer and skittles. (Nisu to pivo i
nema brzog (i lakog) rešenja (u žargonu). # The čunjevi. <kao u kuglani>) znači Ne ide sve uvek
official said that in addressing the fighting in Yu- glatko. # “I’ve been feeling pretty fed up lately.
goslavia, the Administration assumes that there Married life is not all beer and skittles...” (E. Wa-
are no quick fixes and that “there are limits to our ugh, Decline and Fall). Isti smisao ima i it’s not
ability to influence these events.” all velvet (nije sve kao somot). # Although it was
No royal road to something (nema kraljev- not all velvet, the project proved to be a great su-
skog puta do nečega) znači nema lakog puta do ccess in the end.
nečega. # There is no royal road to success in He’s not all there (nije sav tamo) znači (ko-
business. lokvijalno) nije sasvim čitav. # You can’t depend
No sale. (Nema rasprodaje.) znači (u žargo- on Mike for much help. He’s really not all there.
nu) Ne dolazi u obzir, Ne igra. # - Let’s go to Not another word! (pod Zip (up) your
the beach tomorrow. - No sale, I have my music lips!).
lesson tomorrow. Isto značenje imaju i No soap. i Wrap up! (pod Zip (up) your lips!).
Not a chance. # - Let me have a buck. - No soap. Not a prayer (of a chance) nema veze sa
# I won’t go, not a chance. Don’t ask. molitvom, već znači (kolokvijalno) nema šanse,
Nose job (posao oko nosa) je plastična ope- nema teorije. # There is not a prayer of a chance
racija nosa (u američkom žargonu). # I don’t that you will win this election. # She tries hard
want a nose job. What I got is good enough. but doesn’t have a prayer.
No-show nema veze sa predstavom, već je to Not bad ne znači nije loš(e), već sasvim/vrlo
američki kolokvijalizam: osoba koja rezerviše dobar/dobro. # The party last night was not bad.
(avionsku kartu, hotel i sl.) i ne pojavi se. # The # “Not bad for a beginner,” Howard said as they
flight was cancelled because there were too many left the court. Isto tako, not half bad/badly ne
no-shows. znači samo nije ni tako loše, već i vrlo/izuzet-
No skin off someone’s nose/teeth nema veze no dobar/dobro. # I say, Linda, this cake isn’t
sa kožom i nosom odnosno zubima, već znači ne half bad! You must bake another soon. # He was
tiče se nekoga, baš je nekoga briga, boli neko- playing a Chopin Study just before you came in,
ga uvo (u žargonu). # If he’s too proud to accept and not half badly either.
help, let him get on with it. It’s no skin off my Not before time ne znači ne pre vremena, već
nose. # She said it was no skin off her teeth if we odavno mu je bilo vreme, sa zakašnjenjem. # At
wanted to sell a house. the moment Australia is negotiating a sugar deal
No soap (pod No sale). with Japan, and the present haggle is reported to
No spring chicken (ne prolećno pile) znači be between 220 and 260 pounds per ton. It’s cer-
ne više mlad, ne baš prva mladost. # Even thou- tainly goodbye to cheap sugar - and perhaps not
gh Dick is no spring chicken, he still plays tennis before time, so far as the developing countries
twice a week. are concerned.
No stranger (ne biti stranac) znači (a): dobro Not be in the business of doing something
poznat nekome i (b): dobro upućen u nešto. (a): nema veze sa biznisom, već znači nemati name-
“But of course Prissie was no stranger to him. ru činiti nešto. # Mr. Norman Siddal, Chairman
No indeed, he counted on Prissie for everything of the National Coal Board said, “We are not in
now” (D. Eden, Darling Clementine). (b): Waris the business of dismantling the coal industry.”
Hussein, who directs, is no stranger to the subtler Not be in the same street as someone ne zna-
regions of the human spirit. či ne živeti u istoj ulici sa nekim, već ne moći se
No sweat. (Nema znoja) znači (u američkom meriti sa nekim, ne biti ni blizu tako dobar kao
žargonu) (a): Nema problema. i (b): čas posla, neko. # We both started to play the piano when
bez po muke. (a): No sweat, don’t fret about it. we were very young, but I’m not in the same
(b): I need not have worried about my French street as my brother.
examination. No sweat. Not be someone’s cup of tea nema veze sa
Not a few ne znači ne nekoliko, već mnogi. šoljom čaja, već znači ne uživati u nečemu, ne
# Not a few boys learn to swim before they can biti nekome po ukusu. # Popular music is hardly
read. my father’s cup of tea.
It’s not a hanging matter. (Nije stvar za ve- Not be someone’s scene ne znači ne biti ne-
šanje.) znači Nije o glavu. Ne treba se uzbuđiva- čija scena, već ne ležati nekome, ne biti prava
Not buy something 149 Not have all day

stvar za nekoga. # In 1989 he heard that the pro- got over this savage piece of demagogy when he
ducer of the Tatoo was retiring. “I didn’t think it murdered poor old George Landsbury. Neither
was my scene but was persuaded to apply. And Bevin nor I nor any of us, Chris, were fit to wash
here I am.” last two days. George Landsbur’s feet.
Not buy something (ne kupiti nešto) u žargo- Not for love nor money (ni za ljubav ni za
nu znači ne uzeti nešto zdravo za gotovo. # The novac) znači ni po koju cenu, ni za sve blago
police wouldn’t buy his story. # You may believe ovog sveta, ni za carevo blago. # I wouldn’t do it
it, but I don’t buy it. for love nor money.
Not by a long chalk/shot nema veze ni sa Not for all the tea in China (ni za sav čaj u
kredom, ni sa hicem, već znači ni izdaleka, da- Kini) je britanski kolokvijalizam koji znači ni za
leko od toga, nipošto. # “It’s not what I should šta na svetu, ni za sve blago ovoga sveta. # That
have chosen for myself, not by a long chalk...” man was so rude to me! I wouldn’t go back to
(E. Waugh, Decline and Fall). # - Was the exa- that job for all the tea in China! Kaže se najčešće
mination as difficult as you expected? - No, not not for anything in the world, not for (all) the
by a long shot. world, not for worlds. I wouldn’t change places
Not care a button for nema veze sa dugme- with him for all the world. Kaže se takođe not
tom, već znači ne hajati za („boli me uvo za“). for love nor money (ni za ljubav ni za pare) # I
You have only yourself to blame for the troubles wouldn’t do it for love nor money.
you’re in. I don’t care a button for it. Isti smisao Not for the life of me (ni da je u pitanju moj
imaju not care a damn/fig for i not care two život) znači nikako, apsolutno ne. # I couldn’t
straws/hoots about. # I don’t care a damn for for the life of me tell his name. Kaže se i Not on
what people think: I just do what I like. # I don’t your life! # I wouldn’t drive a car with brakes
care a fig for him and his opinions. # I don’t care like that - not on your life.
two straws about whether you go to the picnic It’s not for widows and orphans (nije to za
or not. udovice i siročad) znači nije ovo dobrotvorno
It’s not carved in stone (nije to uklesano u društvo. # Sorry, we need money, not ideas. It’s
kamenu) znači (u žargonu) nije to večito i nepro- not for widows and orphans.
menljivo, nije to Sveto pismo. # Now, this isn’t
Not give a hang/hoot about nema veze sa ko-
carved in stone yet, but this looks like the way is
sinom niti sa zviždanjem, već znači ne hajati za.
going to be.
# She doesn’t give a hang about me. Why should
Not dry behind the ears (vlažan iza ušiju) je I care? # You may do as you want. I don’t give a
neiskusan, zelen, žutokljunac. # That kid is not hoot about it.
dry behind the ears. He’ll go broke in a month.
Not give up the ship (ne napuštati brod)
Note nije samo nota, već i (a): beleška, (b): znači ne predavati se, ne gubiti nadu. # You lost
pisamce, (c): novčanica, (d): pažnja, (e): ugled, only the first round, not the battle. Don’t give up
važnost, (f): značaj, (g): prizvuk, primesa, (h): the ship!
diplomatska nota, (i): pribeležiti i (d): primetiti.
(a): He spoke from notes. (b): Drop Mary a note Not half ne znači ni pola, već (u britanskom
and thank her. (c): He paid the bill in $50 notes. kolokvijalizmu) (a): veoma, jako i (b): do kra-
(d): Take note of the lavish table decorations. ja, u najvećoj meri. (a): It’s not half hot in here.
(e): Several persons of note were at the party. (f): Would you turn the heat off please? (b): For such
“The next event of note was the kidnapping on an angelic looking she can’t half be stubborn so-
the 26th January of an ex-Army officer and a Bri- metimes.
tish judge” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memo- Not have a clue (nemati ključ zagonetke)
irs). (g): The Prime Minister concluded her spee- znači (a): nemati pojma, (b): biti u nedoumici i
ch on a more cheerful note with references to a (c): ne shvatati stvari, nemati pojma ni o čemu.
slow-down in the inflation rate. (h): „Diplomats # - Do you know where the station is? - I haven’t
write notes, because they wouldn’t have nerve a clue. (b): I haven’t a clue why I have been pic-
to tell the same thing to each other’s face“ (Will ked for this job. (c): You can’t trust him to do
Rogers). (i): Note his name and address in your anything properly - he just hasn’t got a clue.
book. (j): He noted his reluctance to testify. Not have a leg to stand on (nemati nogu na
Not feel oneself (ne osećati sebe) znači ne koju se može osloniti) znači biti bez ubedljivih
osećati se baš najbolje. # I am sorry if I was a argumenata, nemati osnova za nešto. # My
little short with you just now; I don’t feel myself lawyer said I didn’t have a leg to stand on, so I
today. shouldn’t sue the company.
Not fit to wash someone’s feet (nije dovolj- Not have all day (nemati čitav dan) znači ne-
no dobar ni da opere nekome noge) znači ne- mati mnogo vremena. # I do wish you’d tell me
dorastao nekome, nije mu ni prineti. # I never exactly what you want - I haven’t got all day.
Not have all one’s marbles 150 Not know where one’s next meal

Not have all one’s marbles (nemati sve kli- three sessions, with the first on Sept. 22 in East
kere) znači nemati sve daske u glavi. # Fred acts Lansing, Mich. But the Bush campaign served
like he doesn’t have all his marbles. notice last week that the Commission’s proposal
Nothing doing ne znači ne radeći ništa, već was unacceptable.
(kolokvijalno) Ne dolazi u obzir. Ne igra. # - Notion je pojam, ali i galanterijski artikli
Will you help me clean the car? - Nothing doing. (posebno za šivenje, u množini - u britanskom
I’m too busy. engleskom haberdashery). # Buttons and need-
Nothing down (ništa dole) znači ništa u go- les are notions.
tovom (sve na kredit). # You can have this car for Not in the same league (pod Nothing to to-
nothing down and $260 a month. uch).
Nothing if not ne znači ništa ako ne, već ne- Not know beans about something (ne znati
osporno, svakako. # Michner is nothing if not a ni pasulj o nečemu) je američki kolokvijalizam
master of the banal. koji znači nemati ni osnovnog pojma o nečemu,
Nothing like (ništa kao) znači ni blizu, ni nemati pojma o pojmu. # He won’t be able to
nalik. # Studying that lesson should take nothing help you because he doesn’t know beans about
like two hours. chemistry.
It’s nothing to write home about (pod So- Not know enough to come in out of the rain
mething to write home about). (ne znati ni kako pobeći unutra od kiše) je ono
Nothing to touch someone/something (ništa što mi kažemo ne znati ni koliko magarac u kan-
što bi dodirnulo nekoga/nešto) znači ni blizu tar. # You can’t expect very much from some-
nekome/nečemu, ni prineti nekome/nečemu. # body who doesn’t know enough to come in out
Dad’s one of the older generation of football ent- of the rain. Isto značenje imaju not know from
husiasts and thinks there’s no one playing to tou- nothing i not know one end of something from
ch the old pros like Stanley Matthews. # When it the other. # Don’t pay any attention to him. He
comes to going, there’s nothing to touch an Alpha doesn’t know from nothing. # Don’t ask me - I
Romeo. Isti smuisao ima i not in the same lea- can’t tell one end of a computer from the other!
gue with someone/something (nije u istoj ligi Not know one is born (ne zna ni da je ro-
sa nekim/nečim). # Ted is not in the same league đen) znači ne znati šta je muka, voditi bezbrižan
with his brother Bill. # This house isn’t in the život. # The young people today don’t know they
same league with our old one. are born. When I was a boy twenty years ago, life
was much more difficult.
Nothing to write home about ne znači nema
o čemu da se piše kući, već ništa naročito, ne Not know one’s ABCs (ne znati ni abecedu)
bogzna šta. # - I went to see a movie last night. - znači ne znati ni najosnovnije (o nečemu), ne
How was it? - Nothing to write home about. savladati ni azbuku (nečega). # Joe can’t do it.
He doesn’t even know his ABCs. Isti smisao ima
Nothing upstairs (ništa na gornjem spratu)
i not know the first thing about. # I’d rather not
je američki žargon koji znači lak ispod kape,
go under his knife, he doesn’t know the first thing
praznoglav. # I know what’s wrong with him.
about surgery.
Nothing upstairs.
Not know one’s arse from one’s elbow (ne
Notice nije samo oglas, već i (a): pažnja, pri-
razlikuje zadnjicu od lakta) je nepristojan izraz
mećivanje, (b): obaveštenje, informacija, (c): koji znači ne zna s koje je strane šupalj. # Don’t
upozorenje, (d): otkaz i (e): kritika, prikaz. (a): ask Clyde for any advice over you financial affa-
The plan is not worth our notice. (b): Did you re- irs - he doesn’t know his arse from his elbow.
ceive any notice avout the sale? (c): She gave two
weeks’s notice when she quit. (d): The factory is Not know one’s own mind (nije svestan ni
cutting down all the time. I’m always expecting sopstvenog mozga) znači nije načisto šta hoće. #
my husband to come home and say he’s got no- It’s not easy for an employer who doesn’t know
tice. (d): The paper gave the play a bad notice. his own mind.
At a moment’s notice znači čim zatreba, čim se Not know the first thing about (pod Not
kaže. # You might have phoned to say you were know one’s ABCs).
bringing friends with you. I can produce dinner Not know the time of day ne znači ne znati
for six people at a moment’s notice. At short no- koliko je sati, već (kolokvijalno) nemati pojma
tice znači bez mnogo vremena na raspolaganju, ni o čemu. # He won’t be able to help you. You
za kratko vreme. # “I’ve already said that I’m came to the wrong shop: he doesn’t know the
quite prepared to go somewhere else if it’s incon- time of day.
venient for you to have me at such short notice” Not know where one’s next meal/penny is
(D. Lessing, Each his Own Wilderness). Serve coming from (ne znati odakle će doći sledeći
notice znači objaviti, dati na znanje. # The Co- obrok/peni) znači vezivati dan i komad, živeti od
mmission on Presidential Debates has proposed danas do sutra. # “They would not have expec-
Not know which way to turn/jump 151 Now then

ted a man with a full belly to have the same look uopšte koga („nemam pojma ko je on, nikad ga
as one who did not know where his next meal nisam sreo“). # He spoke to her in a friendly way,
was coming from” (W. Cooper, Scenes from but she didn’t know him from Adam. # What does
Married Life). she look like? I don’t know her from Adam.
Not know which way to turn/jump (ne zna Not so/too hot ne znači samo ne tako/suviše
kuda da se okrene ili skoči) znači nije pametan vruć(e), već i (kolokvijalno) ne baš najbolje, ne
šta da radi, ne zna gde da potraži rešenje/izlaz. bogzna kakav. # - How are you feeling this mor-
When Sue missed the last train home, she didn’t ning? - Not too hot, actually. My stomach’s been
know which way to turn. # After Mr. Wilson died, upset these
Mrs. Wilson had no money to pay the bills. When He/she’s not the only pebble on the beach
the landlord told her to pay the rent or move out, (nije jedini oblutak na plaži) znači nije on/ona
she didn’t know which way to jump. jedini/jedina, nije jedini izbor. # Molly’s just
Not know whether/if one is coming or going playing hard to get. Let her see she’s not the only
(ne zna da li dolazi ili odlazi) znači potpuno je pebble on the beach
sluđen, ne zna kud da se pre okrene. # “Vernon Not think much of someone/something ne
sat back down. ‘I’m in a pickle,’ he said, thinking znači ne misliti mnogo o nekome/nečemu, već
out loud. ‘I don’t know whether I’m going or co- nemati bogzna kakvo mišljenje o nekome/neče-
ming,’ he added, blushing” (L. McMurtry, Terms mu. # Jerry’s success surprised many who hadn’t
of Endearment). been thinking much of him. # Father didn’t think
Not least ne znači najmanje, već posebno, much of my idea of buying a small second-hand
naročito. # We were very impressed by the bu- car for me.
ildings, not least the new school with its big cla- Not too hot (pod Not so/too hot).
ssrooms and its own swimming pool. Not to put too fine a point on it (ne staviti
Not let the sun go down on/upon one’s an- suviše finu poentu) znači da ne okolišimo mno-
ger/wrath (ne dopustiti da sunce zađe u gnevu) go, govoreći otvoreno. # Not to put too fine a po-
znači ne prepustiti se gnevu, ne dozvoliti ljutini int on it, I’m very dissatisfied with your work.
da prespava, Sunce da ne zađe u gnevu vašemu. Not turn a hair (ne pokrenuti ni vlas) zna-
poslovica # She’s a very irritable old lady, but she či primiti hladno, ne trepnuti. # When Ted saw
does try not to let the sun go down on her anger. the large dog running straight towards him and
Not lose (any, much etc.) sleep over/about Irma he ran away quickly. But Irma just stood
something (ne gubiti san zbog nečega) znači and didn’t turn a hair.
ne uzbuđivati se previše oko nečega, ne ubijati Novel nije novela, već (a): roman i (b): nov,
se baš od sekiracije zbog nečega. # It’s a very neobičan. (a): „Mom was also a writer and was
unpleasant accusation, but he haven’t lose any typing away on novels, short stories, plays, po-
sleep over it. etry, fables, and children’s books“ (Jeannette
Not move a muscle (ne mrdnuti mišić) zna- Wallas, The Glass Castle). (b): That’s a novel
či (a): ne pomaći se, stajati kao kip i (b): ne way to do your hair.
mrdnuti ni malim prstom (da se pomogne neko- No way! ne znači Nema puta! već Ni govora!
me). (a): All the time we were watching the sen- Ne dolazi u obzir! (u američkom žargonu). # You
try, he didn’t move a muscle. (b): When we were think I’m going to sit around here while you’re
all hurrying to get the house ready for company, having fun at picnic? No way!
Jody sat reading and wouldn’t move a muscle. Now I’ve seen everything (sad sam sve vi-
Not much ne znači samo ne mnogo, već i (a) deo) znači ovo je zaista vredelo videti. # Well,
ne, sigurno ne, well, Guy Rogers sitting reading his Bible! Now
i (b) (ironično) da, da, nije nego, đavola. (a): I’ve seen everything.
- Shall I see you at the baby show? - Not much Now, now (sad, sad) znači (a): de, de, ‘ajde,
you will. What would I be doing at an affair like ‘ajde, (b): No, no!, (c): Mir, tamo! i (d): čas ...
that? (b): - Surely Lydia wouldn’t lie over a trifle čas, sad ... sad, jednom ... drugi put. (a): Now,
like that. - Not much she wouldn’t. Lying’s se- now, don’t cry. (b): Now, now, don’t you start
cond nature to her. quarrelling again! (c): Now, now! Behave your-
It’s not my place to ne znači nije moje mesto self! # Now, now, children, stop fighting! (d):The
da, već nije na meni da, nije moje da. # “’I think weather changed every day; it was now hot now
it’s a matter for her to decide, sir,’ said Briggs cool. # The band played different songs, now fast
uncertainly. ‘I’m sure I don’t want to stand in now slow; now soft now loud.
your way but it’s not my place to give orders’” Now then u doslovnom prevodu nema nika-
(C. Hare, An English Murder). kvog smisla, a ima više različitih značenja: (a):
Not know someone from Adam (ne pozna- Šta je sad tamo! Dosta! (b): pa, dakle, da vidi-
vati nekoga sve od Adama) znači ne poznavati mo sad, (c): eto ti, to ti je, sad ti je jasno i (d):
Now you’re talking! 152 Nuts and bolts

ovaj, je li, hoću reći (kao uzrečica, umetak). (a): very well. Who’s the number one there now? (c):
“Now than,” their father said, flinging open the This is my number one buddy, Tom. (d): This is
bedroom door. “What’s the noise about? Do you number one western steer beef. Look after num-
want your bottoms smacked?” (b): Now then, ber one znači gledati samo sebe, gledati samo
Andrew, show us what you can do. The stable’s svoj interes. # He believes in looking after num-
looking to you to win this race. (c): “Rose knew ber one, and he only helps others when it’s to his
she’d deliberately raised her voice when she told own advantage.
Elsie off and said, ‘She’s the best friend I’ve ever Nurse nije samo bolničarka, već i (a): dadilja
had and just you remember that with your outsi- (kaže se i dry nurse i nursemaid), (b): dojilja
der talk. Now then’” (M. Foster, The Seduction (kaže se i wet nurse), (c): dojiti i (d): negova-
of Mrs Pendlebury). (d): Take a look at this letter ti. (a): The children were left with their nurse.
- now then, where did I put it? Oh, yes, here it (b): A wet nurse is a woman employed to suckle
is - and tell me what you make of it. children. (c): The mother cat refused to nurse her
Now you’re talking! (Sad govoriš!) znači To kittens. (d): His wife nursed him back to health.
je već bolje!, To već ima smisla! # “HIGGINS. # He nurses to his constituency. Nurse a grud-
How much? THE FLOWER GIRL. (coming back ge against someone znači biti kivan na neko-
to him, triumphant) Now you’re talking! I thou- ga, zlopamtiti nekome. # Jack nurses a grudge
ght you’d come off it when you saw a chance of against Bob because Bob refused to lend him
getting back a bit of what you chucked at me last some money. Nursery je (a): dečja soba i (b):
night” (G. B. Shaw, Pygmalion). rasadnik. (a): The children spent their mornings
Nuclear family nije nuklearna porodica, već at the nursery. (b): We bought a small tree at the
osnovna porodica, porodična ćelija. # A nuclear nursery.
family is a basic social unit consisting of parents Nursery (pod Nurse).
and their children living in one household. Nuts and bolts (matice i zavrtnji) znači (a):
His number is up ne znači izašao mu je broj, osnovni delovi (mašinerije, organizacije i sl.),
već odzvonilo mu je, svršio je svoje. # If her fri- (b): važni praktični detalji i (c): nadasve prak-
ends find out the bad things she has said about tičan. (a): He is a Party Man. The unloved and
them, her number’s up! unthanked amateur politician who keeps the
Number one nije samo broj jedan, već ima nuts and bolts of the political machine well oiled
i više prenosnih značenja: (a): sam (sama lič- between elections. (b): The speaker explained
nost o kojoj je reč), (b): prva ličnost, ličnost na the nuts and bolts of his plan to establish a new
čelu, (c): najbolji i (d): prvorazredan, najboljeg telephone system for the country. (c): “’Why,
kvaliteta. (a): Everything always comes back to with all he’s got, does he bother?’ ‘To come here,
number one. I have to solve everybody’s pro- my friend. He thinks he’ll be nominated in 1920,
blems. (b): - I used to work in the Marine Resear- and elected...’ Wilson was now very much nuts-
ch Station. - Indeed! I used to know old Watkins and-bolts politician” (G. Vidal, Hollywood).
Oath nije samo zakletva, već i psovka. * The Occur nije samo dogoditi se, već i (a): pasti
carpenter let out a stream of oaths when he hit his na pamet i (b): javljati se. (a): It didn’t occur
thumb with the hammer. to me that you would object. (b): Tuberculosis
Object nije samo predmet, već i (a): cilj, (b): occurs most often in damp climates.
protiviti se, ne odobravati, (c): prigovarati, (d): Odd nije samo čudan, već i (a): neparan,
protestovati i (e): smetati. (a): What is the object (b): rasparen, (c): sitan i (d): prekobrojan. (a):
of the resarch? (b): Mother objects to cigar smo- 1, 3 and 5 are odd numbers. (b): What shall i do
king. (c): He’s always objecting, but never to with this odd sock? (c): I have only odd change
anything in particular. (d): I most strongly object in my pocket. (d): There is an odd man at our
to that remark. (e): Do you object to my smo- dinner party.
king? Odd bird/fish (čudna ptica/riba) je čudak,
Object lesson (predmetna lekcija) je poučan neko na svoju ruku, čudan svat. # “What an odd
primer, očigledna lekcija. * It was an object le- bird you are. # This is not to say that Mr. Hughes
sson in good manners. is anything but an extremely odd fish, if we are to
Oblige nije samo obavezati, već i učiniti za- believe what we have been told. Isto znači odd-
dovoljstvo, izaći u susret. * The pianist obliged bod (u žargonu). # Who’s that odd-bod over in
the guests with a selection. the corner?
Oblique nije samo kos, nagnut, već i prikri- Odd jobs, odd-job (neobični poslovi) znači
ven, zaobilazan. # The poem contains an oblique povremeni poslovi, privremeno zaposlen, raditi
reference to Queen Elizabeth I. povremeno. # I’ve got one or two odd jobs.
Observe nije samo posmatrati, opažati, već i Odds are (izgledi su) znači sva je prilika ,
(a): poštovati, pridržavati se, (b): primetiti i (c): vrlo je verovatno. # How much the premiums
slaviti. (a): Observe the rules. (b): She observed for medical care insurance cost depends on whet-
that we were already late. (c): How many holi- her people qualify for any kind of discount. The
days do we observe? odds are that they do. The odds are against one
Occasion nije samo prilika, već i (a): (va- znači da su nečije šanse slabe, sve je protiv. # I
žan) događaj, (b): razlog i (c): povod. (a): The know the odds are against me, but I wish to run
country’s bicentennial was quite an occasion. in the race anyway. The odds are even znači da
(b): There was no occasion for such behavior. su izgledi podjednaki. # - They’re very keen that
(c): I want to take this occasion to thank you. this first baby should be a boy. - Well, the odds
Occupation nije samo okupacija, već i (a): are even that it will be, aren’t they? The odds
zanimanje i (b): preokupacija. (a): In the space are on someone’s side, the odds are stacked in
marked ‘occupation’ he wrote ‘police officer’. someone’s favor znači da su šanse na nečijoj
(b): He missed the bell in his occupation with the strani. # “The odds must surely be on your side.
computer game. After all, you’ve nearly won three times” (J. Ar-
Occupy nije samo okupirati, već i (a): zauze- cher, Checkmate). The odds are growing longer
ti, (b): stanovati, (c): preokupirati, (d): biti za- znači da su se izgledi pogoršali. # After the first
poslen/angažovan nečim (with) i (d): biti nosi- two primaries he’s still in the running, but I’m
lac funkcije. (a): Is anyone occupying this seat? afraid the odds are growing longer.
(b): The Smiths occupy the house on the corner. Of age (od doba) znači (a): punoletan, (b):
(c): Business occupy his mind most of the time. dovoljno star i (c): potpuno razvijen. (a): In
(d): She occupied herself with cleaning. (e): My America, both men and women come of age at
son occupies an important office. 21. (b): Linda will be of driving age on her next
Of all people/things 154 Old flame

birthday. (c): Education for the handicapped Off (the) beam (dato pod Beam).
came of age when special schools were accepted Off the cuff, off-the-cuff nema veze sa man-
as a necessary part of the public school system. žetnama, već znači bez pripreme, napamet, ne-
Of all people/things (od svih ljudi/stvari) pripremljen, spontan. # It was a great joy to hear
znači (a): posebno, više nego bilo ko drugi/što thoughts on Mozart spoken off the cuff with such
drugo, (b): naročito neprikladan („Kud baš on/ brilliance. # Some presidents like to speak off the
to!“) i (c): Zamisli, molim te! (sa things). (a): cuff to newspaper reporters, but others prefer to
“I should have thought that you of all the people think questions over and write their answers. #
would be able to trust me” (C. Hare, An English Her off-the-cuff remarks were quite sensible.
Murder). (b): But Tolstoy pushes his argument Off the record, off-the-record (bez izvešta-
just a little bit too far. He portrays Napoleon, of
ja) znači nezvanično, neslužben, koji nije za jav-
all people, as a passive instrument in the hands
of his army. (c): She wore jeans to the dance. Of nost The President told the reporters his remarks
all things! were strictly off the record. # Republican claims
that they won the cold war prompt me to reve-
Of all things (pod Of all people/things).
al an off-the-record conversation I had with the
Of another kidney ne znači od drugog bu- Chief of the Soviet General Staff in 1983.
brega, već na drugo brdo tkan, drugog soja,
različitog karaktera (of the same kidney je iste Of the same kidney (pod Of another kid-
naravi). # She was tall, brunette, and dark-eyed ney).
like her sister, but otherwise of quite another kid- Of two minds (od dve pameti) znači u nedo-
ney. umici. # “Shannon was of two minds whether to
Off color ima više značenja: (a): neodgova- take Gomez into his confidence, but decided not
rajuće boje, nepogođene boje, (b): nepristojan. to” (F. Forsyth, The Dogs of War).
(a): The wall was painted off color. I think it was Of unsound mind (pod Unsound).
meant to be orange. (b): His mother was angry Old before one’s time (star pre svog vreme-
when he began to tell off-color jokes in front of na) znači rano ostareo, stariji od svojih godina.
their guests. Feel off color znači (u britanskom # “She made all the other girls I’d been out with
engleskom) ne osećati se najbolje. # He felt off seem dingy and clumsy and old before their time”
color so he didn’t go to work. (J. Braine, Room at the Top).
Offend nije samo vređati, već i (a): ogrešiti Old beyond one’s years (star preko svojih
se, (b): načiniti greh i (c): biti neprijatan. (a): godina) znači zreo za svoje godine. # Though old
You offended against the law. (b): She prayed beyond her years in some respects, I felt she was
that she would never offended. (c): Onions of- emotionally immature and certainly not ready for
fend his sense of smell. marriage.
Offense (amer.), offence (brit.) nije samo Old boy (stari dečak) znači (kolokvijalno)
uvreda, već i (a): prekršaj, prestup i (b): navalni (a): druškane, stari moj, (b): otac, (c): stariji
red, napad (u fudbalu itd.) (a): For what offence
čovek, (d): stariji po položaju, šef i (e): neka-
was he arrested? (b): Our football team has the
best offense in the league. dašnji student kakvog prestižnog koledža (u bri-
tanskom engleskom). (a): - Oh, I’m very sorry.
Offensive nije samo ofanziva(n), već i (a): - That’s quite all right, old boy. (b): My old boy
uvredljiv, (b): agresivan i (c): odvratan. (a): The
is over eighty and still going strong. (c): An old
youth’s language was offensive. (b): It was an of-
fensive speech. (c): It has an offensive odor. boy came out of the crowd with some very inte-
resting information. (d): You’d better leave it for
Office nije samo kancelarija, ofis, već i (a): tomorrow; the old boy is as cross as two sticks
položaj, funkcija i (b): ljubaznost, usluga (obič- today. (e): There were, of course, very many old
no u množini). (a): He was elected to the office of
boys of the College who hated him and all that
mayor. (b): Did he appreciate your good offices?
he so successfully stood for. Old boy network (u
Officer nije samo oficir, već i (a): funkcioner britanskom engleskom) je sistem u kome se po-
i (b): policajac. (a): The company promoted se- ložaji dobijaju na osnovu poznanstava i sličnog
veral new officers. (b): She asked information of
porekla, obrazovanja i sl. # Sometimes I think
the officer who was directing traffic. # It was an
accident, officer. the only way to get a good job is through the old
boy network.
Off-key nema veze sa ključem, već znači (a):
nepriličan # neprikladan # što odudara i (b): ra- Old chestnut (stari kesten) je prežvakani vic,
štimovan, falš (u muzici).(a): When George told vic s bradom. # He tried to be witty and jocular,
jokes at the funeral, everyone thought his behavi- but the audience was groaning because all his jo-
or was off-key. (b): He had no ear and sang off- kes were old chestnuts.
key. # Listen to John’s off-key singing. He really Old flame (stari plamen) je bivša ljubav. #
can’t carry a tune. Mary’s old flame, Dave, will be at the party.
Old girl 155 Once removed

Old girl (stara devojka) znači (kolokvijalno) van. # Wigs may be widely used, but they are still
(a): draga moja, (b): majka, (c): žena, supruga, not on all fours with beautiful natural hair.
(d): starija žena. (a): “PAMELA: Well then, bye- On approval ne znači na odobrenje, već na
bye, darling. You’re sure there’s nothing I can get probu, na ogled. # I ordered merchandise on
you from the village? CLIVE: No, thanks, old approval so I could send it back if I didn’t like
girl. Just bring back the usual papers” (P. Shaffer, it.
Five Finger Exercise). (b): I looked in to see that On a shoestring ne znači na pertli, već sa
the old girl was all right. (c): My best regards to vrlo ograničenim sredstvima. # I’ve been living
your old girl. (d): I was driving down the street on a shoestring since my father stopped sending
when an old girl suddenly stepped out in front of me money.
the car. Vidi Old lady, old woman.
On a stillborn course (na mrtvorođenom
Old hand (stara ruka) je (a): stari majstor,
toku) znači unapred osuđen na neuspeh. # You
čovek od iskustva i (b): vešt u nečemu. (a): “Like
can do nothing to help - it has been on a stillborn
all old hands, he alternately loved and hated Afri-
course from the start.
ca but conceded it had got into his blood...” (F.
Forsyth, The Dogs of War). (b): I’m an old hand On a tight leash (na zategnutoj uzici) znači
at fixing clocks. (a): na uzdi/uzici, pod punom kontrolom i (b):
Old hat nije samo stari šešir, već i (kolokvi- pod vlašću droge. (a): We can’t do much around
jalno) zastarela stvar, već odavno viđeno. # His here. The boss has us all on a tight leash. (b):
political beliefs are old hat now. # Her latest work Gerald is on a tight leash. He has to have the stuff
is nothing but old hat. She’s through. regularly.
Old lady je (kolokvijalno) (a): majka, (b): On balance ne znači na ravnoteži ili vagi,
žena, supruga i (c): nečija devojka. (a): I’ll ask već uzevši sve u obzir, sve u svemu. # Mr. Bush’s
my old lady if i can go. (b): I wonder wat my overall image was somewhat improved, but on
old lady is cooking for dinner tonight. (c): My balance, voters still said they had an unfavorable
old lady and I are getting married next week. Old opinion of him.
woman je takođe majka i supruga, ali i zakeralo, On board ne znači na oglasnoj tabli ( kaže se
sitničar. # Don’t be such an old woman, Thelma. on the board), već (a): ukrcan, na lađi, u avio-
What can possibly happen to you on a package nu, u vozu i (b): primljen na posao, angažovan.
tour when everything’s arranged for you? # When everyone is on board, we will leave. (b):
Old man nije samo star čovek, već (kolokvi- Welcome to the company, Timothy. We’re all
jalno) i (a): otac, (b): muž, (c): momak (s kojim glad you’re on board now.
se devojka zabavlja) i (d): šef. (a): What time On both counts ne znači na oba računa, već
does your old man get home? (b): My old man (a): iz oba razloga, i u jednom i u drugom po-
is sick and can’t come with me. (c): Ask your old gledu i (b): u pogledu obeju tačaka optužbe. (a):
man to come to the party, too. (d): Quiet! Here The canny manager has to be satisfied on both
comes the old man. counts - the means and the end - before he makes
Old salt (stara so) je morski vuk (kaže se i a move. (b): Four years later the Judge in Allaha-
sea dog). # He was a hard-willed, dried-up, old bad High Court pronounced Mrs Gandhi guilty
salt of fifty-nine. on both counts.
Old soldier nije samo stari vojnik, već (u On call ne znači na poziv, već (a): dežuran,
američkom žargonu) i (a) opušak, pikavac i (b) na dežurstvu i (b): plativ na zahtev. (a): This is
prazna flaša od pića. (a): The tramp bent over to Dr. Wilson’s day to be on call at the hospital. (b):
pick up an old soldier off the pavement. (b): Joe Henry didn’t have the money ready even though
hit Nick over the head with an old soldier. he knew the bill was on call.
Old woman (pod Old lady). Once nije samo jednom, već i nekada. # Once
Omit nije samo izostaviti, već i propustiti. # dinosaurs walked these plains. # She was once
You omitted telling me to buy bread. my best friend.
On a first name basis/terms (na bazi prvog Once in a blue moon (jednom kad je mesec
imena) je oslovljavanje imenom, na ti, u prisnim plav) znači vrlo retko, s mene na uštap. - Does
odnosima. # Tom and I are on a first name basis. your husband ever bring you flowers? - Once in
# I’m on a first name terms with Dave. a blue moon.
On a hiding to nothing (skrivajući se do Once removed ne znači jednom uklonjen/
ničega) znači bez ikakve šanse, bez najmajeg odstranjen, već (a): neznatno različit, ne daleko
izgleda. # Forget about him. He’s on a hiding to od i (b): (rod) u prvom/drugom kolenu. (a): The
nothing. whole essay was a skillful exercise in plagiarism
On all fours ne znači samo na rukama i ko- once removed. (b): My first cousin’s child is my
lenima, četvoronoške, već i na istom nivou, ra- first cousin once removed.
Once too often 156 On foot

Once too often (jednom prečesto) znači još kratkotrajna ljubavna avantura. (a): What we
samo jednom (ali ovog puta sa neprijatnim po- want is an engagement for a week, not just a one-
sledicama). # You can play with a woman’s af- night stand. (b): It was not a romance, just a one-
fections once too often. night stand.
On credit (pod On the slate). One of the boys (jedan od dečaka) je kolo-
On dead center znači u sam centar, ali i pot- kvijalizam koji znači (a): naš čovek i (b): dobar
puno tačan. # Thelma is quite observant. Her momak, veliki laf. (a): Most of these little lite-
analysis is on dead center. rary magazines just take in each other’s washing
On deck ne znači samo na palubi, već i (a): and you don’t get published unless you’re one of
spreman i (b): na redu za nešto (da se uradi). the boys. (b): I really like Charlie. He’s one of
(a): The scout leader told the boys to be on deck the boys.
at 8:00 Saturday morning for the hike. (b): Who’s One of those days znači jedan od onih dana,
on deck now? ali u značenju kad ništa ne ide kako treba. #
One ne znači samo jedan, već i (a): čovek, Have you ever had one of those days? The kids
(b): neki, (c): isti i (d): jedini (sa the). (a): One tramp over your clean kitchen floor, the washing
never knows what may happen. (b): One John machine goes wrong and the door-bell never
Woodward came to see you. (c): We are of one stops ringing.
mind. (d): This is the one soluition to the pro- One-on-one znači jedan na jednog, čovek na
blem. # He is the one person for the job. čoveka (u fudbalu, košarci), ali i u četiri oka, u
One-arm(ed) bandit (jednoruki bandit) je pojedinačnom, direktnom razgovoru (u britan-
automat za kocku („jednoruki Džek“). # I belie- skom engleskom). # The afternoons during the
ve that all these one-arm bandits are fixed so that conference are reserved for one-on-one business
the gambler eventually loses his money. contacts.
One can only take so much (može se podneti One thing/step at a time (jedna stvar/jedan
samo toliko) znači sve ima svoju granicu, to pre- korak u isto vreme) znači jedno po jedno, po-
lazi meru. # Don’t rush me any longer. One can stupno. # Don’t push it too much; we have to be
only take so much. patient and methodical. One thing at a time. # I
On easy street (u povoljnoj ulici) je kolokvi- can understand your enthusiasm, but you’d better
jalizam koji znači dobro situiran, u povoljnim fi- take one step at a time.
nansijskim prilikama. # When I get this contract One-time ne znači jednovremeni, već neka-
signed, I’ll be on easy street. dašnji, svojedobni. # Guests included the city’s
One hell of (jedan pakao od) kolokvijalno one-time mayor.
znači (a): izuzetan, sjajan (u našem žargonu One too many (jedan previše) znači (a): malo
strašan) i (b): žestok. (a): I’ve always found him previše, preko granica prihvatljivog i (b): nepo-
one hell of a nice guy. (b): You’d better get that željan, suvišan. (a): “She had it in her power to
job finished or there’ll be one hell of a row when send him to jail for quite a long stretch. He had
the boss comes round. forged her signature on one too many cheques”
One-horse town (grad sa jednim konjem) (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). (b): The
kolokvijalno znači gradić bogu iza leđa. # I grew three old schoolfriends were having a nice time
up in a one-horse town, and I liked it very much. talking about their schooldays, so when Clare’s
One in the eye for (jedan u oko za) kolokvi- husband arrived he was one too many. One too
jalno znači (a): dobio je što je tražio i (b): šamar many for someone znači biti nadmoćan nad
u lice. (a): That’s one in the eye for you! You nekim. # The police never like to admit that a
didn’t helped him out when he was in need and criminal is one too many for them. Have one too
now he is paying you back in the same coin. (b): many znači popiti koju više. # Your friend looks
And now the jury’s decision is being hailed as as if he’s had one too many - I think you should
triumph for Press freedom and one in the eye for take him home and put him to bed.
the Whitehouse censorship brigade. On every count ne znači na svakom broja-
One-man show (priredba sa jednim čove- nju, već u svakom pogledu. # On every count
kom) je (a): neko ko sve sam radi. (b): mono- this was an impressive speech by a leader who is
drama i (c): samostalna izložba. (a): I’m by no riding high and seems to have the magic touch.
means a one-man show,’ says Dame Margaret On every hand ne znači na svakoj ruci, već
Miles, who is headmistress of Mayfield Compre- na sve strane. # From the top of the hill on the
hensive School, Putney. (b): It was a one-man island we could see the blue sea on every hand.
show, but it was very entertaining. (c): She is ha- On foot ne znači samo pešice, peške, već i
ving a one-man show at the Northside gallery. u pripremi. # Cabinet spokesman said that some
One-night stand (štand za jednu noć) je (a): important anti-inflationary measures were being
samo jedno izvođenje, jedna predstava i (b): set on foot.
On guard 157 Be on the bench

On guard nije samo na straži, već i na opre- On pins and needles (pod Pins and need-
zu. # The police warned people to be on guard for les).
pickpockets at the fair On record nema veze sa rekordom, već zna-
On hand ne znači na ruci, već pri ruci, na či (a): zabeležen, registrovan i (b): snimljen na
raspolaganju. # Always have your dictionary on magnetofonu. (a): This is the fastest race on re-
hand when you study. # Joe had no cash on hand cord. # This summer has been the hottest on re-
to pay for the gas. cord. (b): We don’t have that music on tape, but
On hold (na držanju) znači (u američkom here it is on record.
engleskom) (a): privremeno odložen i (b): Onset nije samo napad, već i početak. # At
ostavljen da čeka na telefonu. (a): The building the onset of the century this city was a small
project is on hold while we try to find money to town.
complete it. (b): I waited on hold for ten minutes On short commons nema veze sa opštinskim
when I called city hall. pašnjacima (commons su i dnevni obroci), već
On ice znači na ledu, ostavljen za kasnije znači na hlebu i vodi. # Criminals were formerly
(u žargonu), ali i siguran u pobedu. # The score put on short commons as a punishment.
was 20-10 in the last inning, and our team had On sight (na pogled) znači ne samo (a): pri
the game on ice. prvom susretu, na prvi pogled, već i (b): bez
On line ne znači samo u redu, već i (a): na upozorenja. (a): “Hue and I disliked each other
poslu i (b): uključen (u kompjutersku mrežu), on sight, and Jimmy knew it” (J. Osborne, Look
onlajn. (a): When he’s back on line after his ill- Back in Anger). (b): If one of the renegades came
ness, tell him to phone me and we’ll have a talk. prowling round my house, I’d shoot him on sight
(b): As soon as I get on line I can check the ba- and ask questions afterwards.
lance of your account. On someone’s tail (na nečijem repu) znači
(a): nekome na vratu (kaže se i on someone’s
The only game in town ne znači jedina igra
back/case) i (b): (u žargonu) za petama neko-
u gradu, već (kolokvijalno) jedino što igra (u
me. (a): You have been on my tail long enough.
žargonu). # The Geneva talks have become the
Mind your own business! (b): Keep on her tail
repository of all their hopes and guilt. They are and don’t let her out of your sight.
indeed the only game in town.
On someone’s watch ne znači na nečijem
The only show in the town ne znači jedina satu, već dok je neko bio na dužnosti, za vre-
priredba u gradu, već (kolokvijalno) jedini iz- me nečije smene. # I am not responsible since it
bor. # “First, for the credibility of the peace pro- didn’t happen on my watch.
cess, which UNPROFOR supported: the Bosni-
On tap (na slavinu) znači (a): iz bureta, to-
ans and the Croats had agreed to the Vance-Owen
čeno (pivo) i (b): na raspolaganju, pri ruci. (a):
Plan which was ‘the only show in the town’...” I like beer on tap. The canned stuff tastes fun to
(L. Silber and A. Little, Yugoslavia - Death of a me. (b): She likes to keep some money on tap to
Nation). guard against sudden difficulties.
On one’s game ne znači u svojoj igri, već u On (the) air ne znači na vazduhu (kaže se
formi. # Our goalkeeper is not on his game to- outdoors, in the open air) već na radio ili TV
day. programu, u programu, na radiju/televiziji. #
On one’s high horse (na visokom konju) je His show is on the air at six o’clock. # ‘We sho-
nadmenog ponašanja („dići nos“). # Bob was uld go on air immediately. Who has authority?
a chairman of the picnic committee, and at the On the ball (na lopti) je (a): pažljiv, budan i
picnic he was on his high horse, telling everyone (b): kompetentan, efikasan. (a): If you were on
what to do. the ball, this wouldn’t have happened. (b): We
On one’s last legs (na zadnjim nogama) je need someone on the ball for this job. Have so-
(a): na izdisaju („Bogu dušu“) i (b): na ivici mething on the ball znači (u žargonu) imati ne-
kraha. (a): The dog is old and sick. He is on his što u ćupi. # He sure has a lot on the ball.
last legs. (b): Gerald hasn’t enough money left to On the beam ne znači samo na gredi/balva-
renew his stock; his business is on its last legs. nu, već i (a): na kursu, na radio faru, (b): na
On one’s toes (na svojim nožnim prstima – pravom putu, ispravan i (c): tačno u zakazano
„izdići se na prste“) znači u pripravnosti, spre- vreme. (a): The plane was on the beam and lan-
man za akciju. # The successful businessman is ded safely in the fog. (b): That’s the right idea.
always on his toes. Now you’re on the beam! (c): I want to see you
On pain ne znači na muci, (kaže se at pains) here at noon - on the beam.
već pod pretnjom kazne. # Civilians were forbid- Be on the bench ne znači samo sedeti na klu-
den on pain of death to give shelter or food to any pi, već i (a): predsedavati sudskom veću, suditi
enemy fugitive. i (b): biti povučen iz igre (u fudbalu, košarci itd.
On the blink 158 On the nod

i u tom smislu na klupi). (a): Judge Porter is on graph. The bush telegraph spread the news of the
the bench this morning. (b): Guy played during mayor’s involvement in an affair long before it
the first quarter, but now he’s on the bench. was made public.
On the blink ne znači na mig (kaže se at On the hot seat (pod In the hot seat).
someone’s back and call), već (a): u kvaru (ko- On the house ne znači samo na kući, već i
lokvijalno) i (b): nakresan (u žargonu). (a): My kuća časti. # “’How much is the damage?’ he
refrigerator is on the blink again. (b): My brot- asked after he had drained the last drop of his
her is a little bit on the blink today. beer. ‘It’s on the house,’ said Wrexall” (J. Archer,
On the block ne znači samo u bloku, u grad- As the Crow Flies).
skoj četvrti, već i na prodaju. # The vacant house On the hour ne znači samo na (svaki) sat,
was on the block. već i tačno u minut u određeni sat, kad otkuca
On the bottom rung of the ladder (pod On sat. # At 7 o’clock on the hour the surgery doors
the first/bottom rung of the ladder). are shut.
On the button ne znači na dugme, već (a): Be on the job ne znači biti na poslu (kaže
tačan i (b): tačno na vreme. (a): That’s it! You’re se to be at work), već (a): raditi punom parom
right on the button! (b): Don’t worry, he’ll arrive i (b): (šaljivo, u žargonu) voditi ljubav. (a): Ted
on the button, as usually. was on the job all of the time that he was at work.
On the cards (u britanskom engleskom) i in (b): Her parents caught them on the job and threw
the cards (u američkom engleskom) ne znači him out of the house.
na ili u kartama već u izgledu, sva je prilika. # On the level ne znači na nivou (kaže se at
A beef shortage is already on the cards for next level, on a level odnosno high-level, high qua-
year. # I asked the boss if there was a raise in the lity), već (a): vredan poverenja, pouzdan i (b):
cards for me. pošteno, na pošten način. (a): You can trust Sally.
On the cuff (na manžetni) znači na veresiju, She’s on the level. (b): Although he got rich very
na poček, na kredu. # Many people buy cars and quickly he did it completely on the level.
television sets on the cuff. On the lookout nije samo na straži, već i (a):
On the defensive ne znači samo u defanzivi, na oprezu i (b): u potrazi. (a): Forest rangers are
već i u odbrambenom stavu, osetljiv i na naj- always on the lookout for forest fires. (b): The
manju kritiku. # I haven’t accused of anything, doctor is on the lookout for a new secretary.
Fred. Why are you so much on the defensive? On the make ne znači u radu (kaže se being
On the double (dvostruko) znači hitno, sme- worked at, under way ili in production), već
sta. # She wants to see you in her office on the (a): u formiranju, u razvoju, (b): (u žargonu)
double. zainteresovan samo za svoj uspeh i (c): (u žargo-
On the edge of one’s chair (na rubu stolice) nu) agresivan u izražavanju svojih seksualnih
znači kao prikovan za stolicu, veoma zaintereso- želja, navalentan. (a): There is a company which
van. # He was an excellent story-teller and could is on the make. (b): He spent his whole youth on
keep us on the edge of our chairs for hours. the make, and now that he is old he has no friends
On the fence (na ogradi) je neodlučan, neo- with whom he can share his wealth. (c): I can’t
predeljen (“kome li se privoleti carstvu”). # Mrs. stand Charlie; he’s always on the make.
Jones decided to vote for the Democrats, but Mr. On the march ne znači na maršu, već (a): u
Jones is still on the fence. napredovanju i (b): u odlučnom nastupu. (a):
On the first/bottom rung of the ladder (na Science is on the march. (b): The spiteful middle
najnižoj prečki merdevina) u prenosnom smislu class were on the march to defend their private
znači na početnoj stepenici, na početku karije- schooling, second cars, and private medicine.
re. # How can you behave so irresponsibly on On the money (na novcu) znači (u žargonu)
the very first rung of the ladder? # It is very im- (a): ispravan, tačan, dobro pogođen i (b): tačno
portant that you do your best now, on the bottom kako je predviđeno, u dlaku tačno. (a): That’s a
rung. good answer, Teddy. You’re on the money. (b):
On the fly ne znači samo u letu, već i (a): us- The project is going to be finished right on the
put i (b): dok je u pokretu. (a): I’ll try to capture money.
the data on the fly. (b): We can’t stop the machine On the move ne znači samo u pokretu, već
to oil it now. You’ll have to do it on the fly. i (a): na putu napretka i (b): u neprestanom
On the grapevine nema veze sa vinovom lo- menjanju mesta boravka, rada itd. (a): It is a
zom, već znači putem glasina („preko radio Mi- country on the move. (b): The police were after
leve“). # “’I heard it on the grapevine that you’re him and he had to stay on the move.
in love with her, Karla said. ‘The grapevine’s mi- On the nod ne znači klimanjem glave, već
sinformed you again, honey,’ Duane said lightly” (u britanskom engleskom) aklamacijom, opštim
(L. McMurtry, Texasville). Kaže se i bush tele- pristankom (bez potrebe da se glasa). # Everyone
On the nose 159 On the strength

at the meeting liked my report, so it was accepted of candidates for the election if he wished. # I’ve
on the nod. been shortlisted for the job. Shortlist someone
On the nose (na nosu), je (u žargonu) tač- znači staviti nekoga u listu za uži izbor. # He was
no, precizno. # The pilot found the small landing shortlisted for the post of Attorney General.
field on the nose. # Stanley hit the ball right on On the wrong track (pod Track).
the nose. On the side (na strani) znači (a): van svog
On the quiet ne znači u tišini/miru (kaže se redovnog posla, honorarno, (b): pride, baška,
in the quiet of my room...), već u potaji, van (c): kao prilog i (d): (veza) van braka11. (a): She
očiju drugih. # “’I’ve been meaning to have a earns some money on the side by looking after
word with you as a matter of fact.’ ‘Well, here her neighbors’ child when they go out. (b): The
I am.’ ‘I’d like it more on the quiet, you know’” cowboys in the rodeo competed for prize money
(G. Greene, Our Man in Havana). Kaže se i on and also made bets on the side. (c): He ordered
the Q.T. # I warned a few of my regular custo- a hamburger with onions and French fries on the
mers, strictly on the Q.T. that they’d better fill side. (d): Most of the people at work knew he
their tanks now because there would be no petrol was having some fancy woman on the side. #
by the weekend. “The lights / On the lady in tights, / Or a bride /
On the rack ne znači samo na vešalici ili With a guy on the side, / Or the ball / Where she
polici, već i na mukama. # The loss of all the gives him her all, / That’s entertainment” (That’s
money for which I was responsible had put me Entertainment, reči Howard Dietz, muzika Ar-
on the rack, and I was afraid that I would be di- thur Schwartz).
smissed from my job. On the side of the angels (na strani anđe-
On the rocks ne znači samo na stenju, već la) znači na strani morala i pravde, na pravoj
i (a): nasukan na stenje, (b): na rubu propa- strani. # “Politics makes for strange bedfellows,
sti, (c): pred bankrotstvom i (d): samo s le- which doesn’t negate the fact that in this case Mr.
dom (piće). (a):The ship went on the rocks. (b): Jahelka is on the side of the angels” (J. Ellroy,
Margot’s marriage was on the rocks. Her husband The Big Nowhere).
came home late and left early. She knew he had On the skids ne znači na klizanju, već na
a girlfriend. (c): Mr. Wilson’s business is on the nizbrdici, u propadanju. # My newly started bu-
rocks. (d): I’d like mine on the rocks, please. siness is on the skids.
On the right track (pod Track). On the slate nema veze sa crepom od škrilj-
On the ropes (na konopcima) znači na ivici ca, već znači na veresiju. # Put it on the slate,
kraha. # The staggering national economy is on please. Kaže se i on tick (britanski kolokvijali-
the ropes. zam) i on credit.
On the run ne znači na trčanju, već (a): u On the spot nije samo na licu mesta, već
žurbi, na brzinu, (b): usput, (c): u bekstvu i (d): i (a): smesta, (b): u škripcu i (c): (u žargonu)
u povlačenju. (a): I was very busy today and had na listi za likvidaciju. (a): “The director would
to eat on the run (b): I will try to get some aspirin fire him on the spot for arrogance, or think more
today on the run. (c): The gang of crooks is on of him than ever. Either would be all right” (J.
the run. Probably somewhere in Florida. (d): The Carroll, Memorial Bridge). (b): There is a pro-
newspapers claim that the enemy soldiers are on blem in the department I manage, and I’m really
the run. on the spot. (d): After he talked to the police, the
On the shelf ne znači samo na polici, već i gangsters put him on the spot.
(a): na putu da ostane usedelica, (b): društveno On the square ne znači samo na skveru/trgu,
neaktivan, u zapećku i (c): odložen. (a): She has već i (a): dostojan poverenja, pouzdan, čestit i
to face up to it - she’s on the shelf, that is she has (b): na pošten način, pošteno. (a): I don’t know
reached an age when she is unlikely to receive a whether I should lend him my money or not. Is
proposal of marriage. (b): I’ve been on the shelf he on the square? (b): Not many successful bu-
long enough. I’m going to make some friends. sinessmen can claim to have always acted on the
(c): We’ll have to put this matter on the shelf for square.
a while. On the strength nema veze sa snagom, već
On the short list ne znači na kratkoj listi, već znači na temelju, na osnovu. # On the strength
u užem izboru. # The national executive said that of your report we have decided to buy some new
it was desirable that he should be on the short list machines.

Komentar I. Klajna: Samo kao zanimljivost pominjem popularnu pesmu “That’s Entertainment” iz 1953. (reči
Howard Dietz, muzika Arthur Schwartz), gde se opisuje tipičan sadržaj holivudskih filmova: “The lights / On the
lady in tights, / Or a bride / With a guy on the side, / Or the ball / Where she gives him her all, / That’s enterta-
On the stroke 160 Open season

On the stroke (na udarac) znači u minut tač- Opaque nije samo neprovidan, već i nerazu-
no. # We agreed to meet for lunch, and he arri- mljiv, nejasan. # The report was written in long,
ved on the stroke. # He always goes home on the opaque sentences.
stroke of five. Open and shut (otvoren i zatvoren) zna-
On the take ima veze sa uzimanjem, jer znači či potpuno jasno. # There is no question in my
(u žargonu) primanje mita. # The county clerk mind about your perfidious role in this case. It’s
has been on the take for years. open and shut to me. Open and shut case je slu-
On the town (na gradu) je na socijalnom, čaj čist kao suza. # As soon as the results of the
socijalni slučaj. # The father died, so the family forensic tests came in, the inspector in charge
has been on the town for years. Out on the town knew he had an open and shut case.
je večernji/noćni provod. # We went out on the Open fire ne znači samo otvoriti vatru, već i
town to celebrate our wedding anniversary. obrušiti se (pitanjima, kritikom i sl.). # When the
On the trot nema veze sa kâsom, već znači reporters opened fire, the mayor was smiling, but
(a): uzastopce, jedan za drugim i (b): veoma za- not for long.
poslen, bez slobodnog trenutka. (a): It has been Opening nije samo otvaranje, već i (a): otvor,
raining five days on the trot. (b): I’m usually on rupa, (b): uvod, uvodni, (c): čistina (u šumi),
the trot all day long. (d): premijera. i (e): slobodno radno mesto. (a):
Be on the wagon nema veze sa teretnim The bugs come through the opening in the screen.
kolima, već znači ostaviti piće. # None for me, (b): The book’s opening is dull, but the last chap-
thanks. I’m on the wagon. ters are interesting. # I am supposed to give the
On the warpath (na ratnoj stazi) znači ljut opening speech at the conference. (c): There is
kô puška. # The boss is on the warpath. Watch an opening in the midst of a wooded area. (d):
out! The opening of her new play is scheduled for the
beginning of March. (e): We have an opening for
On the way out (na izlasku) je (a): na izla- a file clerk.
sku iz mode i (b): na odlasku sa dužnosti/posla.
Opening time, closing time (vreme otvara-
(a):This type of dress is on the way out. (b): Mr.
nja i zatvaranja) je (u britanskom engleskom)
Alec Golding, one of the company’s directors is
vreme početka i završetka točenja pića u barovi-
on his way out.
ma i kafanama. # “By now it was about opening
On the wing (na krilu) znači (a): u letu, (b): time. It seemed useless to start ringing up the ni-
u velikom poslu i (c): u stalnom pokretu. (a): ght clubs at this hour, so there was nothing to be
The hawk caught the sparrow on the wing. (b): done but to work Soho” (I. Murdoch, Under the
Alison was on the wing doing things to get ready Net). # “It was nearly closing time, and she began
for her trip. (c): Jenny’s husband is a traveling to make sandwiches for lunch” (M. Dickens, The
salesman and he’s always on the wing. Angel in the Corner).
On the wrong side of thirty, forty etc. (na Open its doors (otvoriti svoja vrata), znači
pogrešnoj strani tridesete, četrdesete itd.) znači (a): početi s radom i (b): omogućiti pristup. (a):
u poznim tridesetim, četrdesetim itd. godinama. Profits Department Store is having a birthday
# “...Charlie couldn’t take his eyes off Rose the sale; it first opened its doors fifty years ago this
barmaid who, although on the wrong side of thir- month. (b): That college started for women only,
ty, never stopped flirting with the young recruits” but a few years ago it opened its doors to men.
(J. Archer, As the Crow Flies). Open one’s heart znači otvoriti dušu, izja-
On tick (pod On the slate). dati se, ali i pružiti ljubav i pomoć. # Mrs. Jones
On time ne znači samo na vreme, već i na opened her heart to the poor little boy.
otplatu. # Dave bought a car on time. Open one’s mouth znači reći, izustiti, ali i iz-
On top of ne znači samo na vrhu, na čelu, brbljati se. # “If you so much as open your mouth
već i (a): na, (b): pored, povrh, (c): u toku sa. about it to her - you can pack your backs and go”
(a): That hill has a tower on top of it. (b): Se- (J. Osborne & A. Creighton, Epitaph for George
mi-skilled production workers now earn $280 a Dillon). Open one’s mouth too wide znači zace-
week. On top of that you get four weeks’ holiday niti, tražiti previše (u britanskom žargonu). # My
with bonus. (c): Thelma stays on top of the news plumber has started opening his mouth too wide.
by reading newspapers and magazines. Be on I’ll have to find someone else.
top of something (kolokvijalno) znači savlada- Open season nije samo otvorena sezona
ti nešto, izlaziti na kraj s nečim. # Although his (lova), već i (a): pogodno vreme, pogodna prili-
new job was very complicated, Phil was on top of ka i (b): trenutak u kome je neko na udaru op-
it within a few weeks. šte kritike. (a): The hard-line Republicans were
On trial znači na probu, ali i optužen. Sam is extremely active in the war of words. To them it
on trial for theft. seemed that open season for Republican-bashing
Open the floodgates 161 The other day/night

had been declared again. (b): It seems it’s always Orchestra nije samo orkestar, već i parter
an open season on politicians. (u pozorištu - u američkom engleskom - Britanci
Open the floodgates nije samo otvoriti usta- kažu stalls). # Do you want to buy seats in the
ve, već i (a): srušiti barijere, otkloniti prepreke orchestra or the balcony.
i (b): otvoriti srce, dopustiti osećanjima da se Order ne znači samo red, već i (a): nared-
iskažu. (a): The removal of the government’s of- ba, (b): redosled, (c): orden, (d): klasa, (e):
ficial limits on pay increases has opened the flo- poredak, (f): vrsta (biološka), (g): porudžbina i
odgates for a rush of demands for higher wages. (g): društveni sloj. (a): Local troops obeyed the
(b): The bereaved woman is stunned and with- duke’s orders. (b): The order of worship must be
drawn, but presently the floodgates are opened respected. (c): Jones got the Order of distingu-
and natural grief has its way. ished Service. (d): Her singing talent is of the
Open to someone/something (otvoren za ne- highest order. (e): „Every revolution exaggerates
koga/nešto) ima više značenja (a): pristupačan, the evils of the old order“ (C. Wright Mills). (f):
na raspolaganju nekome, (b): na volju nekome Fish are a lower order of life than birds. (g): We
da učini nešto, (c): podložan nečemu i (d): otvo- are going to cancel the order. (h): Lower orders
ren za nešto (korekciju, sugestije, kritiku, savet expressed their strong opposition to the proposed
itd.). (a): Yet the Ombudsman system has certain belt-tightening measures.
attractions. It is simple and open to all. (b): - Orderly nije samo uredan, već i (a): po-
Why me? - Because I think you are the best man slušan, (b): miran, (c): posilni, ordonans (or-
for the job. But it’s open to you to refuse. (c): donnance znači nešto drugo: odgovarajući
Overweight children are more than averagely aranžman elemenata u literarnoj ili umetničkoj
open to chest infection. (d): I believe these figu- kompoziciji) i (d): bolničar. (a): He is a law-abi-
res are the most recent available but I am open to ding, well-behaved and orderly citizen. (b): Let’s
corrections. # These decisions are open to critici- proceed in an orderly manner. (c): John is orderly
sm. # I’m open to advice. – a soldier assigned to attend a superior officer.
Open up nije samo otvoriti, već i (a): otkriti, (d): We have an opening for an orderly – to do
otvoriti nešto novo, (b): otvoriti pitanje, početi unskilled work in our hospital.
raspravu o nečemu, (c): povećati brzinu (koli- Order of the day je (a): dnevni red, (b):
ma), nagariti, (d): raskrčiti i (e): otvoriti nešto dnevna zapovest, naređenje trupama i (c): ka-
radi nečijeg korišćenja. (a): The story of Helen rakteristika trenutka, ono što preovlađuje. (a):
Keller’s life opened up a whole new world to Hands-outs were issued to the delegates, giving
Sally. (b): - Now is the time to open up the que- the order of the day for each session of the con-
stion of taxes. - Do you really want to open it up ference. (b): The commander issued the order of
now? (c): We took the new car and opened it up. the day for general offensive to his troops. (c):
(d): They opened the yard up by cutting out a lot Violence is the order of the day, in spite of the
of old shrubbery. (e): They opened up the coastal freedom and affluence enjoyed by the masses of
lands to cotton planting. the people. # Trousers are the order of the day for
Operate nije samo operisati, već i (a): ruko- women when traveling now.
vati, (b): funkcionisati i (c): rukovoditi. (a): Can Or else ne znači samo inače, već i ili će biti
you operate a bulldozer? (b): Do you know how nevolje. The demonstrators were told to split up
this toaster operates? (c): Are you able to operate harmoniously or else.
a firm? Organ nije samo organ, već i orgulje. # The
Opposite number nije suprotan broj, već organ played as rhe bride came down the aisle.
kolega (na istom poslu ili istog ranga) u drugoj Organic nije samo organski, već i prirodno
organizaciji, zemlji itd. pandan. # Winston and uzgojen (bez hemijskih fertilizatora i pesticida).
I had been in Malta for two or three days, and I # Organic gardening uses no manufactured che-
had two days of conversations with my opposite micals. # We buy only organic foods.
number, Stettinius. Original nije samo original(an), već i (a):
Oppress nije samo tlačiti, ugnjetavati, već i prvobitan i (b): izvorni. (a): Philadelphia was
tištati, deprimirati. # She was oppressed by her the original capital of the United States. (b): The
many woes. original idea was good, but now the plan is too
Oppressive nije samo surov, ugnjetavački, complicated.
već i (a): nesnosan, težak (vreme) i (b): tego- Or so (ili tako) znači otprilike, približno, ili
ban, mukotrpan. (a): Tropical humidity can be tu negde. In another year or so we should be able
opressive. (b): Obligations are often oppressive. to afford a good holiday.
Option nije samo opcija, već i prioritet- The other day/night ne znači drugog dana,
no pravo. # The publisher has an option on the druge noći, već pre neki dan, pre neko veče,
author’s next book. onomad. # The other day I came across a friend
The other side, the Other Side 162 Out of line

whom I haven’t seen in years. # “We have our passengers on the ship. (b): The ball went out of
own job to do in Africa,” Mr. Macmillan said the bounds, but the referee didn’t notice. (c): That
other night. kind of behavior is out of bounds. Stop it! (d):
The other side, the Other Side (druga stra- Your demands are totally out of bounds.
na) je onaj svet, zagrobni život. # “When the day Out of character (for someone) (van karak-
that he must go hence was come, many accompa- tera) znači (a): neuobičajeno (za nekoga), u ne-
nied him to the Riverside. So he passed over, and skladu sa nečijom prirodom i (b): neprikladna
the trumpets sounded for him on the other side“ uloga (za nekoga). (a): It was out of character for
(J. Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress). Ella to act so stubborn. (b): It isn’t always out of
The other side of the tracks (druga strana character for a young actor to play an old man, if
pruge) je sirotinjski kraj grada (“oni preko pru- he is a good actor.
ge”). # I came from a poor family - we lived on Out of circulation ne znači samo van cirku-
the other side of the tracks. lacije/distribucije, već i bez društvenih kontaka-
The other way (a)round/about (drugim ta. # I don’t know what’s happening because I’ve
putem okolo) znači obrnuto, suprotno. # No, it been out of circulation for a while.
won’t fit that way. Try it the other way round. Be out of commission ne znači izvan komisi-
Be out and about (biti napolju i okolo) zna- je, već (a): biti van upotrebe, ne ploviti (brod) i
či početi ponovo izlaziti (posle bolesti i sl.). # (b): ne funkcionisati, ne raditi. (a): The ship has
Gladys is out and about now after two weeks in been out of commission since repairs began. (b):
hospital. My watch is out of commission and is running
Out-and-out (van i van) znači (a): potpun, slowly.
krajnji i b): ovejan, okoreo. (a): We did wring a Out of date (pod Date).
few concessions from him however - the meeting Out of gas ne znači samo bez goriva/benzina,
wasn’t an out-an-out failure. (b): The candidate već i iscrpljen, bez energije. # What a day! I’ve
was an out-and-out conservative. Out-and outer been working since morning, and I’m really out
ima dva različita značenja: (a): tipičan primer, of gas.
(b): (u britanskom engleskom) neko ko je izvr- Out of hand (van ruke) znači (a): van kon-
stan u nečemu i (c): (u američkom engleskom) trole i (b): bez razmišljanja, smesta. (a): Since
ekstremist. (a): He’s never paid back any of the you left, things at the factory have got completely
money I lent him - he’s a real out-and-outer. (b): out of hand. (b): He refused the offer out of hand
John is an out-and-outer in chess. (c): He’s the and broke off negotiations.
last man you can expect to come to terms with. Out of hours (van časova) znači (u britan-
He’s an out-and-outer. skom engleskom) kad su kafane zatvorene, van
Out cold (hladan vani) znači (a): bez svesti, vremena točenja alkohola. # There is a small
u nesvesti i (b): (u američkom žargonu) mrtav black parlor where the landlord will serve drinks
pijan. (a): I fell and hit my head. I was out cold out of hours to a privileged few.
for about a minute. (b): Four beers and he was Out of humor nema veze sa humorom, već
out cold. Kaže se i (a): out for the count i (b): znači slabe volje, loše raspoložen. # The boss is
out like a light. (a): The driver of the car was out of humor this morning because of the failure
out for the count at the moment of impact, and of the promotion campaign.
could remember nothing of the circumstances of Out of joint (van zgloba) znači (a): iščašen,
the accident. (b): All four of them drank till they uganut, (b): poremećen, nesređen (kaže se ko-
were out like a light. lokvijalno u američkom engleskom i out of kil-
Out for the count (pod Out cold). ter) i (c): neprikladno, neprilično. My shoulder
Out in left field (napolju na levom polju) is out of joint. (b): To an older person, the affa-
je američki kolokvijalizam i znači (a): na svoju irs of the world seem out of joint. # “It gave me
ruku, otkačen i (b): daleko od tačnog odgovo- the terrible feeling that the things were all out of
ra. (a): Nancy is a lot of fun, but she’s sort of kilter, all jumbled up” (L. McMurtry, Horseman,
out in left field. (b): Tommy tried to answer the Pass By). (c): It is out of joint to insist on talking
teacher’s question, but he was out in left field. about oneself.
Outlet nije samo izlaz, već i odušak. # The Out of key (van ključa) znači u neskladu. #
child needs an outlet for all that energy. I’m afraid the color of these new curtains is out
Out like a light (pod Out cold). of key with the rest of the furniture.
Out of bounds (van granica) ima više zna- Out of kilter (pod Out of joint).
čenja: (a): van dozvoljenog pristupa, (b): van Out of line nije samo van reda/linije, već i
igrališta, (c): van dopuštene granice u ponaša- (a): nepostrojen (u vojsci), (b): neumestan, ne-
nju i (d): nerazuman, preko normalnih granica. prikladan, nepristojan, (c): nerazuman, neuo-
(a): The captain’s cabin is out of bounds to the bičajen i (d): van dopuštene granice u ponaša-
Out of one’s head 163 Out of town

nju12. (a): The sergeant ordered the soldier who Out of the frying pan into the fire (iz vrućeg
was out of line to get properly lined up. (b): Tom, tiganja u vatru) je isto što i naše iz zla u gore. #
that remark was quite out of line. Please be more He left one job because of the low pay, but in his
respectful. (c): Mrs. Brown thought the repair new one he has to work with unpleasant people -
man’s charge was out of line. (d): Sorry about out of the frying pan into the fire!
last night: I was out of line. Out of the gutter (iz slivnika) znači iz po-
Out of one’s head (van glave) znači (a): ne slednje bede, iz puke sirotinje. # He came out of
sasvim čitav i (b): pijan kô majka (u američkom the gutter. And look at him now - he’s one of the
žargonu). (a): She was acting as if she were out most influential and respected members of our
of her head. (b): Three whiskeys and he was out community!
of his head. Out of the hole, get out of the hole (iz rupe,
Out of one’s league (van svoje lige) znači izaći iz rupe) znači nezadužen, otplatiti dugove.
nedorastao (nekome/nečemu). # He can’t do # The first year was bad, but after that Mike got
that. It’s out of his league. out of the hole. Kaže se i out of the red. # If we
Out of order nije samo van reda, već i (a): can cut down on expenses, we can get out of the
preko reda, van redosleda, (b): u kvaru, nei- red fairly soon.
spravan, (c): u neskladu sa poslovnikom i (d): Out of the picture (van slike) znači otpao (u
neprikladan. (a): You’re out of order, Mike. Ple- žargonu). # Now that Dave is out of the picture,
ase get in line after Sally. (b): They had to wait at we needn’t concern ourselves about his objecti-
the station because the ticket machine was out of ons.
order. (c): Mr. Chairman, I rise to a point of or- Out of the public purse (iz javnog novča-
der. I believe that this motion is out of order. (d): nika) znači iz državne kase. # They are all for
Those nasty remarks about Mrs. Walker were it provided the money comes out of the public
certainly out of order. purse. Kaže se i out of the taxpayers’ money. #
Out of place ne znači samo na neodgovora- Political campaigns must not be financed out of
jućem mestu, već i neumestan, neprikladan. # the taxpayers’ money.
That kind of behavior is out of place in church. Out of the red (pod Out of the hole).
Out of pocket ne znači samo iz džepa, već i Out of the taxpayers’ money (pod Out of
u gubitku. # He came home from the races 50 the public purse).
pounds out of pocket. Out-of-pocket expenses Out of the way ne znači samo van puta, za-
su izdaci u gotovom, stvarni troškovi. # My em- bačen, već i (a): neuobičajeno, neprikladno i
ployer usually pays all out-of-pocket expenses (b): (u imperativu) Sklonite se odatle! (a): # To
for a business trip. leave before the guest of honor would be out of
Out of print ne znači izašao iz štampe, već the way. # Out of the way there! That girder may
rasprodan (tiraž). # The book you want is out of fall, and if it does it will kill you all!
print, but perhaps I can find a used copy for you. Out of the wood (u britanskom engleskom) i
Out of shape nije samo bezobličan, već i u out of the woods (u američkom engleskom) zna-
slaboj kondiciji, van forme. # I get out of breath či van opasnosti. # The chairman said that the
when I run because I’m out of shape. company reduced its losses since last year, but he
Out of sight ne znači samo van vidokruga, warned that we were not out of the wood yet.
već i (a) papreno skup, (b) super (u američkom Out of thin air (iz retkog vazduha) znači (a):
žargonu) i (c) mrtav pijan (takođe u američkom ni iz čega i (b): niotkuda. (a): Where do you
žargonu). (a): I won’t pay this bill. It’s out of imagine I can find $1,000 - out of thin air? I’m
sight. (b): Wow, this music is out of sight! (c): not a magician! (b): Suddenly - out of thin air -
They’ve been drinking since noon, and they’re the messenger appeared.
out of sight. Out of this world! (Iz ovog sveta!) znači
Out of sorts nema veze sa sortama/vrstama, Sjajan! Bog bogova! # This pie is out of this
već znači (a): neraspoložen i (b): pomalo bole- world!
stan. (a): He was feeling a little tired and sore Be out of time (biti van vremena) znači (a):
and out of sorts. (b): I won’t come out tonight, prekoračiti vreme i (b): ne pratiti ritam. (a): I
thank you. I’m feeling out of sorts. was out of time before I could finish. (b): Pay
Out of the blue, out of a clear (blue) sky attention, Ann. You’re out of time with the ot-
(iz nebeskog plavetnila) znači iznebuha, sasvim hers.
neočekivano. # She had come out of the blue just Out of town ne znači samo van grada, već i
when she was wanted but, like so many others (a): na putu i (b): na robiji (u žargonu). (a): I’ll
involved in the case, she was out to make money. be out of town next week. I’m going to a confe-
# Then, out of a clear blue sky, he told me he was rence. (b): He was a pickpocket and had spent
leaving. many years out of town.
Out of tune 164 Overwhelm

Out of tune ne znači samo nepravilno odsvi- went over her head to the person in charge of the
ran/otpevan, već i u neskladu. # Your proposals whole department.
are out of tune with our company’s policies. Overplay one’s hand ne znači preigrati
Out on a limb (napolju na grani) je u opa- ruku, već preceniti svoju prednost, osiliti se. #
snom položaju, lako ranjiv. # Policemen have You do have an edge on them, but don’t go too
always been very much out on a limb. The ma- far and overplay your hand.
jority of the public has not really taken a great Be over the hill (preći preko brda) znači (a):
interest in what they are doing. Go out on a limb preći zenit („prošlo je njegovo“), (b): prebroditi
znači izložiti se riziku, preuzeti rizik. # The Pre- najteže, proći krizu (kaže se i be over the hump)
sident went out on a limb and supported a foreign i (c): pobeći iz zatvora ili vojske (u američkom
aid bill that many people were against. žargonu). (a): Poor Mr. Appleby is sure not like
Be out on the tiles nema veze sa crepovima, he used to be; well, he’s over the hill. (b): Sam
već znači (kolokvijalno) šenlučiti, bančiti. # On was very ill for three weeks but he is over the hill
the night of the local team’s unexpected victory now. (c): They broke out of jail and went over
there was hardly a person in town who wasn’t out the hill.
on the tiles. Over the moon/rainbow (iznad meseca/
Out on the town (pod On the town). duge) znači razdragan, u oblacima od sreće. #
Outside nije samo spoljni, već i krajnji. # He’s a grandfather for the first time. And he’s
The cost exceeded my outside estimate. over the moon about it. # The parents were over
Outside chance nije maksimalna, već obrnu- the rainbow when their son graduated from co-
to, minimalna šansa. # He has only an outside llege.
chance of winning election. Over the rainbow (pod Over the moon/ra-
Outstanding nije samo izvanredan, već i inbow).
neizmiren, nenaplaćen. # The outstanding bills Overture nije samo uvertira, već i (a): ponu-
must be paid by the first of the month. da za pregovaranje i (b): pokušaj približavanja
Out the window ne znači van prozora, već (uspostavljanja odnosa). (a): The loosing army
(u žargonu) protraćen. # All that work gone out made a peace overture. (b): „I wanted revenge
the window! for her snub of my flirting overture“ (John Up-
Out to lunch ne znači samo na ručku van dike).
kuće, već i odsutan duhom (u američkom žar- Overturn nije samo prevrnuti, već i srušiti,
gonu). # Old Sam is so out to lunch these days. oboriti. # The mobs stormed the palace and over-
Seems to be losing his mind. turned the monarchy.
Over-egg the cake (staviti previše jaja u ko- Overwhelm nije samo savladati, već i (a):
lač) znači preterati preko svake mere. # When poraziti, osvojiti, (b): preplaviti i (c): ophrva-
Perkins told the Chairman that it was a privile- ti. (a): Invading armies overwhelmed the town.
ge to work for him, and then called for a vote of (b): Waves overwhelmed the rocky shoreline.
thanks for him from his workmates, we all felt (c): Sorrow overwhelmed the family. Overwhel-
that he was over-egging the cake. ming je (a): veoma nadmoćan, ogroman i (b):
Over his head ne znači preko glave mu je, nesavladiv. (a): An overwhelming majority have
već (a): ne ide mu u glavu, teško shvatljiv neko- voted in favour of the proposal. (b): The tempta-
me, (b): preskačući nekoga (u hijerarhiji). (a): I tion to despair may become overwhelming. # She
hope my lecture didn’t go over the students’ he- felt an overwhelming urge to tell someone about
ads. (b): When Irma’s supervisor said no, Irma what had happened.
Pace nije samo korak, već i tempo. # The of murder, jealousy, and sexual obsession – a real
work progressed at a slow pace. page-turner!
Pace the floor (pod Walk the floor). Pain in the ass/neck/butt/rear (bol u guzici/
Package deal ne znači samo globalni spora- vratu) znači (u američkom žargonu) davež, do-
zum/ugovor, nagodba o više međusobno uslov- sada božja. # That guy is a real pain in the ass.
ljenih pitanja, već i (a): đuture (različita roba # “Harwell was a pompous pain in the neck, just
prodata zajedno po povoljnjoj ceni), (b): (turi- like always” (W. J. Coughlin, Shadow of a Do-
stički) paket aranžman i (c): zakonski paket, ubt).
kompromisni omnibus zakon. a): I got all these Painter nije samo slikar, već i (a): moler i
tools as a package deal for only $58.95. (b): Our (b): uže za vezivanje čamca. (a): A painter is an
agency is offering a very luxurious Mediterra- artist who paints pictures, but also a person who-
nean package deal at favorable prices. (c): “I’ve se work is covering surfaces, as walls, with paint.
never believed in package deals; I believe the pu- (b): A painter is a rope attached to the bow of a
blic is entitled to make its own selection,” said boat, used for tying up.
Earl Warren.
Paint the town (red) (ofarbati grad – u crve-
Pack a punch/wallop (spakovati udarc) zna- no) znači šenlučiti, bučno se proveseliti. # They
či (kolokvijalno) (a): imati tešku pesnicu, imati heard this morning that they’ve passed their exa-
jak udarac i (b): imati snažan efekat. (a): For minations, so they’ve gone out to paint the town
his weight this boxer packs a mean punch. # He red.
was beside himself with rage and, for so slight
a youth, certainly packed a wallop. (b): A lot of Pale znači bled i prebledeti, ali i (a): kolac,
people don’t realize, till they’ve drunk too much (b): ograda od zašiljenog kolja i (c): granica.
of it, what a punch this kind of cider packs. # It (a): Pales were driven into the ground to slow
was vodka, and it packed quite a wallop. down the enemy. (b): Prisoners were kept in the
Paddle one’s own canoe (veslati sopstveni pale, awaitng the trial. (c): Your behavior is sim-
čamac) znači biti svoj čovek, sam se probijati ply beyond the pale.
kroz život. # After his parents died he had to learn Pallet nije slikarska paleta (kaže se palette),
to paddle his own canoe. već (a): paleta (u skladištu) i (b): slamarica i (c):
Paddy wagon (irski vagon – zbog toga što su grub i uzan krevet. (a): The product should be
mnogi američki policajci bili Irci – Paddy, pogrd- storage out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry place
no ime za Irce) znači policijska kola za transport with pallets stacked no more than two high. (b):
zatvorenika, marica (u američkom žargonu). # A pallet is a straw-filled mattress. (c): A pallet is
The cop put the man in handcuffs and then called a narrow hard bed.
the paddy wagon. Panel truck (panel kamion) je (u američkom
Pad the bill (tapacirati račun) znači staviti engleskom) kamionet. # The flowers were deli-
nepotrebne ili nepostojeće troškove na račun vered in a panel track.
(„nakarikati“). # The salesman padded the bill Paper nije samo papir, hartija, već i (a): do-
for his traveling expenses by exaggerating his kument, (b): novine, (c): esej, ispitni zadatak
food expenses. i (d): referat na naučnom skupu, naučni rad.
Page-turner nije onaj koji okreće stranice, (a): This paper gives you title to the property.
već uzbudljivo štivo, knjiga koja se ne ispušta (b): What does the paper say about tomorrow’s
iz ruku. # It is a riveting, intricately woven tale weather? (c): Each student must write a paper on
Paper 166 Pass

what he learned from the course. (d): I have to Parting shot (oproštajni hitac) je poslednji
prepare a paper for the conference. udarac, žaoka na odlasku. # Mr. Heymann’s
Paper over znači prekriti papirnim tapeta- critique represented a parting shot at the Admi-
ma, ali i zataškati. # Three days before the NATO nistration and Congress from a lawyer and pro-
summit meeting, the United States have agreed to fessor who, until Monday, operated as one of the
paper over their differences in a last-ditch effort Clinton Administration’s most senior criminal
to avoid an embarrassing rift at the meeting in justice policy makers.
Brussels. Kaže se i paper/paste over the cracks. Partisan nije samo partizan, već i pristalica,
# The politician’s explanation only papered over privrženik. # The hometown partisans cheered
the cracks in his party’s ideas on unemployment. the local team.
# Now that the election is approaching, the party Partition nije samo deoba, podela, već i pre-
managers are pasting over the cracks to impress grada, paravan. # Put up partitions to separate
the voters. the living and dining areas.
Paper-pusher (gurač papira) je (u žargonu) Part of the furniture/furnishings (deo na-
(a): mastiljara i (b): onaj ko protura lažne če- meštaja/pokućstva) je kolokvijalizam u značenju
kove (kaže se i paper-hanger). (a): I don’t want večiti rekvizit, neko ko je dugo tu pa ga niko
to talk to some paper-pusher. I want to talk to the ne primećuje. # That old fellow in the corner is
boss. (b): He’s wanted as a paper-hanger in four part of the furniture - he’s been coming in the
states. pub every night for longer than anyone can re-
Parade rest (predah na smotri/paradi) znači member.
na mestu voljno. # The Marines were at parade Part someone’s hair („he nearly parted my
rest in front of the officials’ platform. hair“) (napraviti nekome razdeljak) znači veoma
Parallel bars (paralelne šipke) znači razboj. se približiti nekome („samo što me nije očešao“).
# The boys exercised on the parallel bars in the # That plane flew so low that it nearly parted my
gym. hair.
Parcel nije samo parcela, već i (a): paket i Party nije samo partija, već i (a): zabava,
(b): parče, komadić. (a): Send this parcel via air- žur, (b): stranka (u parnici, ugovoru itd.), (c):
mail. (b): Each guest was given a small parcel of ekipa i (d): učesnik. (a): The family is giving a
the wedding cake to take home. party on Grace’s birthday. (b): Both parties are to
appear before the judge. (c): Forest rangers sent
Parking bay (pod Bay). out a rescue party to bring back the injured hiker.
Parole nije parola (kaže se slogan), već (a): (d): Mr. Begala said Mr. Clinton had not been a
uslovni otpust iz zatvora, pustiti uslovno na slo- party to any of that.
bodu, (b): lozinka i (c): časna reč. (a): He hopes Party line nije samo partijska linija, već i te-
to be eligible for parole in 3 years. # The prisoner lefonski dvojnik. # - I could not talk to you beca-
was paroled after serving 10 years in prison. (b): use your line has been busy all evening. - Well I
Parole is a password used by an officer of the day, didn’t use the phone at all, but we have the party
an officer on guard, or the personnel commanded line.
by such an officer. (c): The prisoner of war was
Party piece (partijski komad) je (nečija)
granted freedom after giving a parole, a word of
omiljena tačka na repertoaru. # That song whi-
honor, not to engage in combat until formally
ch you taught him has become his party piece -
exchanged. whenever someone starts to play the piano in the
Part nije samo deo, već i uloga. # The young pub he’s asked to sing it.
actress took the part of Joan of Arc. # What was Pass nije samo proći, već i (a): proteći, (b):
your part in the proceedings? mimoići se, (c): prekratiti vreme), (d): položi-
Part and parcel of something (deo i česti- ti (ispit), (e): ispuniti (uslove), (f): dodati, (g):
ca nečega) je bitni sastavni deo nečega. # The uputiti, dodati (loptu), (h): usvojiti, (i): nadma-
closing down of unprofitable railway branches is šiti, (j): izreći (presudu, kaznu), (k): propusnica,
part and parcel of the government’s plans to save (l): prevoj, tesnac. (a): Time passes quickly on
money. vacation. (b): We passed each other. (c): Mother
Part company ne znači razdvojiti druš- passes her time knitting. (d): Did you pass the
tvo, već (a): rastati se, (b): prekinuti druženje chemistry course? (e): To become a sergeant a
i (c): biti drugačijeg mišljenja, razići se (oko policeman must pass certain requirements. (f):
nečega/u nečemu). (a): Tom parted company Please, pass me the salt. (g): The quarterback pa-
with the others at his front door. (b): They spent ssed the ball fifty yards downfield to the wide re-
the whole afternoon arguing and they finally par- ceiver. (h): Congress is expected to pass the bill.
ted company. (c): I part company with him over (i): Bob has already passed his father in height.
the Britain’s entry into Europe. (j): The jury passed the judgment that he was gu-
Passage 167 Pass water

ilty as charged. (k): Retired players get season Pass over ne znači samo proći preko/iznad,
passes to all the games. (l): The bus trip through već i (a): umreti, (b): mimoići, izostaviti, (c):
the Brenner Pass was lovely. preskočiti nekoga (ne uzeti u obzir za unapređe-
Passage nije samo pasaž, prolaz, već i (a): nje), (d): izbeći nešto, ne suočiti se, (e): propusti-
odlomak, (b): prolazak, (c): usvajanje, prihva- ti, ne iskoristiti, (f): proći kroz, načiniti pregled
tanje i (d): putovanje (posebno brodom) i (e): i (g): preći preko nečega, ne praviti pitanje. (a):
slobodan odlazak (kao način da se izbegne hap- «You’ll be sorry to hear that Mr Barker’s passed
šenje). (a): The newspaper quoted a long passage over» (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). (b):
from the book. (b): The hunters needed a guide The daughter was passed over in her father’s will
for their passage through the jungle. (c): Passa- in favor of his grandson. (c): «He’s been with
ge of the bill depends on public support. (d): He Sotheby’s for the past twelve years and is disen-
had booked his passage to Rio de Janeiro. # The chanted at being passed over once too often.» (J.
outward passage took 10 days. (e): The gunman Archer, As the Crow Flies) (d): You can’t pass
then took a hostage and demanded a plane and over these painful sources of conflict, and hope
safe passage to an unspecified destination. they’ll disappear. (e): But you’ve always wanted
to see Paris! It would be silly to pass a chance
Pass away ne znači samo proći, proteći, već
like this over. (f): The Chairman passed quickly
i (a): preminuti, umreti (b): minuti, iščeznuti, over the first few items to leave more time for the
zauvek proći i (c): provesti vreme. (a): My uncle main business of the meeting. (g): I can pass over
passed away last month. (b): When automobiles the disorderliness of the troops, but their disobe-
became popular, the use of the horse and buggy dience is serious.
passed away. (c): He passed the afternoon away
looking at his collection of stamps. Pass the buck nema veze ni sa srndaćem
ni sa dolarom, već znači prebaciti odgovornost
Pass description (proći/prevazići opis) znači na drugoga (u američkom žargonu). # Don’t try
sve prevazilaziti. # Your own part in this crime is to pass the buck! It’s your fault, and everybody
despicable enough, but your attempt to implicate knows it. The buck stops here. znači Ovde će
an innocent person in it passes description. se doneti konačna odluka (u američkom politič-
Pass in a crowd (proći u gomili) znači zado- kom žargonu). # «President Truman used to have
voljiti na prvi pogled, proći ako se ne pogleda a sign on his desk which said: ‘The buck stops
pažljivo («ne vidi se iz aviona»). # That theory here’ - these matters which involve national secu-
would pass in a crowd. # So what if your shirt is rity and our national strength finally come to rest
slightly wrinkled: it will pass in a crowd. here.» (J. F. Kennedy, in a BBC interview, 1961)
Pass muster (proći smotru) znači dobiti pre- Pass the hat (round) (pružati šešir - nao-
laznu ocenu (figurativno), biti zadovoljavajući. kolo) znači skupljati priloge. # Dave is passing
# «Her logic would scarcely have passed muster the hat to collect money to buy flowers for the
with the Doctor.» (H. James, Washington Square) teacher. Kaže se i take the hat (round). # The
# After a practice period, Jim found that he was miners’ leaders appealed from the platform for
able to pass muster as a lathe operator. Dobiti contributions to the strike fund and a couple of
prelaznu ocenu (u školi) kaže se get a passing stewards took the hat round.
grade. # When I answered the question I knew Pass the time of day (provesti vreme tokom
that I’d get a passing grade. dana) znači razmeniti nekoliko reči, popričati (o
Pass on ne znači samo nastaviti, produžiti vremenu i sl.). # No, we didn’t have a serious
dalje, već i (a): preminuti, umreti, (b): oceniti, talk; we just passed the time of day.
dati mišljenje, (c): preneti, reći drugima, (d): Pass the torch (predati baklju) znači (figu-
dodati nešto, dati dalje, (e): preneti na nekoga i rativno) predati štafetu. # «The torch has been
(f): prepustiti nekome. (a): Clare was very sorry passed to a new generation of Americans,» said
to hear that her first grade teacher had passed on. John F. Kennedy in his inauguration speech. Ina-
(b): The college passed on his application and če, predati štafetnu palicu (doslovno i figurativ-
found him acceptable. (c): I refuse to pass on ru- no) kaže se pass the baton. # She didn’t manage
mors. (d): Please pass on this book to the next to pass the baton to the next runner in relay race. #
person on the list. (e): You’ve passed your cold For a vice president to prevail in November, there
on to me. (f): If you can’t do the job yourself, is an artful process of baton-passing that needs
pass it on to someone else. to occur, strategists say, in which vice presidents
Pass out ne znači samo podeliti, razdeliti, već both separate from the departing president and
i (a): onesvestiti se, (b): umreti i (c): napiti se benefit from his legacy.
do besvesti, uletviti se (u žargonu). (a): When he Pass water (pustiti vodu) znači pomokriti se.
got the news, he passed out. (b): Life came and # «Do you have any pain when you pass water?»
went weakly in him for hours after surgery; then the doctor asked. Kaže se i make water. # He
he passed out. (c): He tossed off several martinis went behind the wall and made water against a
and passed out. tree.
Past 168 Pay someone back in his own coin

Past nije samo prošlost, koji pripada prošlo- Pay (a) tribute ne znači samo plaćati danak,
sti, već i mimo, kraj. # Did you see a car go past? već i odati priznanje, izraziti zahvalnost. # «I
Past it znači prestar za nešto. # You are going want to take this opportunity to pay a public tri-
to get married at your age! I should have thou- bute to him» (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Me-
ght you were past it. Past playing/praying for moirs).
je beznadežan slučaj. # She was hoping against Pay court (pod Court).
all hope that the doctor had been wrong about her Pay dirt (pod Hit/strike pay dirt).
illness, but it was past praying for. Past question Pay lip service (platiti službom usana) zna-
je bez ikakve sumnje. # She was, past question, či podržati na rečima, dati verbalnu podršku.
the prettiest girl in the room. # Some people pay lip service to education, but
Patch up ne znači samo zakrpiti, već i (a): don’t vote taxes for better schools. Kaže se i give
popraviti privremeno («drži vodu dok majstori lip service. # Do not let us give lip service to the
odu»), (b): ušiti i previti rane i (c): razrešiti, sre- policy and leave it to the other fellow to carry
diti. (a): I tried to patch the lawn mower up so I it out.
could use it for the rest of the summer. (b): The Pay off ne znači samo isplatiti zarađeno, već
doctor patched up Molly’s cuts with bandages i (a): isplatiti nekoga (i otpustiti ga), (b): potpla-
and sent her home. (c): The matter was patched titi (u žargonu), (c): platiti ucenu, (d): uzvratiti,
up without resort to the police. vratiti milo za drago i (e): otplatiti (dug). (a):
Patent nije samo patent, već i očit. # The The crew of the merchant ship were paid off at the
charge against him was a patent falshood. end of the trip and a fresh one engaged. (b): The
Patience of Job (strpljenje Jova) je beskraj- lawyer paid off the judge for deciding the case in
no strpljenje, konjsko strpljenje. # He tells the the lawyer’s favor. (c): Publicans are known to
same boring stories every night - you’ll need the have paid off one gang of terrorists to stop their
patience of Job if you’re going on holiday with pubs being blown up by another. (d): When Joe
him. tripped Nick, Nick paid Joe off by punching him
Patient nije samo pacijent, već i strpljiv. # in the nose. (e): All his outstanding debts have
Just be patient, I think you’re next. been paid off. Vidi Return like for like.
Patronage nije samo patronat, već i (a): fi- Pay one’s debt to society (platiti dug druš-
nansijska podrška, (b): klijentela (u američkom tvu) najčešće znači odrobijati svoje. # «I don’t
engleskom) i (c): politička imenovanja (u ame- think I want to go home right now. Take me back
ričkom engleskom). (a): The scholarship fund to jail so I can pay my debt to society» (L. Mc-
depends on the patronage of the alumni. (b): The Murtry, Texasville).
restaurant welcomes the patronage of anyone su- Pay one’s dues (platiti svoje obaveze) ima i
itably attired. (c): The governor controls patrona- figurativno značenje: platiti sve pošteno u životu,
ge in this state. odužiti svoje. # He worked hard to get to where
Patronize nije samo biti pokrovitelj, već i (a): he is today. He paid his dues and did what he was
ponašati se pokroviteljski i (b): biti stalna mu- told.
šterija. (a): Don’t patronize me. I’m not a child. Pay one’s way (platiti svoj put) znači (a): iz-
(b): I’ll never patronize that store again. državati se sopstvenim radom i (b): donositi pri-
Pattern nije samo obrazac, već i (a): šara, hod, u potpunosti se pokrivati. (a): My daughter
dezen, (b): šablon, model. (a): The cloth had a paid her way by acting as a guide. (b): The bigger
checkered pattern. (b): A good seamstress can truck paid its way from the start.
make a dress without a pattern. Pay on the nail (platiti na nokat) znači pla-
Pawn nije samo založiti, već i (a): zalog, (b): titi na licu mesta. # «If they were well off, flush
pešak (u šahu) i (c): pion (figurativno). (a): He with money, they paid on the nail in dollars» (F.
demanded her wristwatch as a pawn for the loan Forsyth, The Dogs of War).
(b): A pawn is a chess piece of the lowest value. Pay over the odds (platiti preko šansi) znači
(c): He was merely the pawn of the racketeers. platiti nešto više. # I haven’t seen any in my local
Pay a call nije samo otići u posetu, posetiti, shops for weeks. It’s worth paying a bit over the
već i otići u toalet. # Excuse me. I have to pay odds to stock up.
a call. Pay peanuts (pod peanuts).
Pay a dividend ne znači samo platiti divi- Pay someone back in his own coin (platiti
dendu, već i isplatiti se. # «By the middle of nekome u njegovom sopstvenom novcu) znači
May I had visited every formation in the United vratiti nekome istom merom, vratiti milo za dra-
Kingdom. It was an immense undertaking but I go. # I was determined to get revenge: to pay him
believe it paid a good dividend» (Field-Marshal back in his own coin for the wrongs he had done
Montgomery, Memoirs). to us. Vidi Return like for like).
Pay someone back with interest 169 Pepper-and-salt

Pay someone back with interest znači platiti on him to make it a peg to hang his own religious
nekome dug sa kamatom, ali i vratiti punom me- views on.
rom. # I shouldn’t try anything on with him, if I Pen nije samo pero, penkalo, već i (a): tor,
were you. He would pay you back with interest. (b): labudica i (c): zatvor, ćuza (u američkom
Pay the fiddler (pod Pay the piper/fiddler). žargonu). (a): How many sheep are in the pen.
Pay the penalty ne znači samo platiti kaznu, (b): A pen is a female swan. (c): After a few ye-
već i platiti danak nečemu, snositi posledice ne- ars in the pen he began to appreciate freedom.
čega. # I had drunk not wisely but too well and Pencil-pusher, pen-pusher (gurač olovke)
paid the penalty of my folly with a severe heada- znači mastiljara, činovničić, kancelarijski pa-
che next morning. cov (u žargonu). # Look here, you lousy pencil-
Pay the piper/fiddler (platiti gajdaša/violini- pusher, I want to talk to your boss!
stu) znači platiti ceh, snositi posledice. # Many Pen name, pen-name (ime po peru) je lite-
countries borrowed heavily in times of abundant rarni pseudonim. # David John Moore Cornwell
cheap petro-dollars loans and now they have to is better known under his pen name of John le
pay the piper. # You can’t get away with that fo- Carré.
rever. You’ll have to pay the fiddler someday. Pennies from heaven (peniji/centi s neba) je
Pay through the nose (platiti kroz nos) znači neočekivana blagodet („dar s neba“). # - Who
(a): papreno platiti i (b): platiti visoku cenu (za would expect a day like this at the end of Novem-
nešto učinjeno). (a): I’ve got a ticket for tonight’s ber? - Pennies from heaven, you could say. What
football match, but I had to pay through the nose a pity we can’t make better use of it than this.
for it. (b): But anyone who willfully ignores it Penny dropped (pao je peni) znači najzad se
and goes ahead with his inflation-making plans (nekome) upalila sijalica. # We had been trying
will have to pay through the nose for doing so. to tell him politely to go home, but he hadn’t un-
Peanuts nije samo kikiriki, već i sitna lova, derstood. Then someone said that the last bus left
sića (u žargonu). # I paid peanuts recently for in four minutes’ time, and the penny dropped.
a very nice piece of furniture. # Ten thousand? A penny for your thoughts. (Peni za tvoje
That’s peanuts for him misli.) znači Da mi je znati o čemu razmišljaš?
Peck nije samo kljucati, već i (a): cmoknuti u # ”’A penny for your thoughts,’ Muriel said sud-
obraz i (b): štrpnuti, uzeti koji zalogaj. (a): Her denly. ‘My thoughts?’ Bill ejaculated with a star-
husband pecked her on the cheek and left for the tled expression. ‘Oh, my thoughts? I really don’t
office. (b): The child just pecked at his food. know. Not worth a penny anyway’” (C. Macken-
Pecking order (red kljucanja) je hijerarhija. zie, The Rival Monster).
# «In universities there are chancellors, princi- Pen-pusher (pod Pencil-pusher, pen-
pals, masters, wardens, deans, bursars, profe- pusher).
ssors, readers, fellows, and others in variety of People ne znači samo narod, ljudi, već (na
pecking orders.» (F. Forsyth, The Negotiator) sudu) i država odnosno javna tužba, javni tu-
Pedestrian nije samo pešački, pešak, već i žilac. # Are the People ready? # The People will
prozaičan, dosadan. # His newest play is quite rest.
a pedestrian affair. Pension nije pansion (kaže se board and
Pee in the same pot (mokriti u isti lonac) lodging), već penzija. # He won’t be able to draw
znači (u žargonu) duvati u istu tikvu, duvati u his pension until he’s 65.
jedan rog. # Joe and Nick may seem to be very The people who count (ljudi koji se broje)
different from each other, but they’d both do su oni koji nešto znače, važni ljudi. # «I have
anything for money - they pee in the same pot a real talent for entertaining that no one knows
really. Kaže se i (takođe u žargonu) piss in the about. And I love to meet the people who count»
same quill (mokriti u isto pero). (P. Conroy, The Prince of Tides).
Peer nije samo per, plemić, već znači i (a): People will get ideas (ljudi će dobiti ideje)
zuriti, (b): pomaljati se i (c): ravan, jednak. znači ljudi će svašta pomisliti. # If I were you, I
(a): She peered at the neighbors from behind the would not accept this invitation. People will get
curtain. (b): The moon peered out from behind a ideas.
cloud. (c): The defendant was tried by a juery of People will talk (ljudi će pričati) znači poče-
his peers. Without peer znači bez premca. # He će govorkanje, biće ogovaranja. # I know it is a
was a student without peer. free country and you can choose the kind of life
Peg to hang something (on/upon) (kuka da you want, but, believe me, people will talk and it
se nešto obesi o nju) je zgodan povod da se izra- will not be easy for your family and you.
zi mišljenje o nečemu. # Whatever subject the Pepper-and-salt nije samo biber i so, već i
professor lectures on nowadays you can depend (a): delimično sed, prosed i (b): u biber tkanju
Perfect picture 170 Pick up

(sa crnim tačkicama na beloj podlozi). (a): When Physic ne znači fizika (kaže se physics), već
we entered the room, a tall man with a pepper- lek, (posebno) sredstvo za čišćenje. Laxative and
and-salt hair was sitting at the table. (b): He sto- aperient usually refer to milder physics of a kind
od there, a tall young man with fair hair, thick that are ordinarily taken to promote the discharge
glasses and in a pepper-and-salt suit. Kaže se i from the bowels
salt‑and‑pepper. # Enjoy fresh salt-and-pepper Physician nije fizičar (kaže se physicist), već
squid, or one of its barbies on the beach when the lekar (ali ne i hirurg - uglavnom u američkom
weather’s good. engleskom, Britanci obično kažu doctor). # Two
Perfect picture nije samo pun i tačan opis, eminent physicians had consulted over his case
već i divan prizor. # The small village with a lake without being able to give a name to the affection
was a perfect picture. from which he suffered.
Period nije samo period, već i (a): određeno Physique nije fizika (kaže se physics), već
vreme, (b): školski čas, (c): tačka (u američkom telesna građa. # Our neighbor’s son is really
engleskom) i (d): menstruacija, perioda. (a): well-built. The boy is strong, burly, with good
The student’s lunch period is from twelve to one. physique. # He has a very powerful, muscular
(b): After the second period the teacher called it physique.
a day. (c): The suspect’s confession put a period Pick and shovel (pijuk i lopata) je težak ma-
to the investigation. # – He’s a little stupid for nuelni rad. # Now the pick and shovel jobs are as
maths. – He’s stupid, period! (d): Menstruation scarce as any others.
is also called a menses, a menstrual flow or a pe-
Picket je kočić (picket fence je ograda od ko-
lja), ali i (a): straža i (b): demonstrant (picket-
Period piece (komad iz perioda) je (a): isto- line je štrajkačka straža). (a): The picket warned
rijski roman, komad, film i sl. i (b): komad na- the sleeping troops that the enemy is creeping.
meštaja, odeća, zgrada i sl. iz prethodne epohe. (b): The pickets prevented nonstriking workers
(a): «Follow me» is a period piece, directed at from entering the factory.
a distance by Carol Reed from a script by Peter
Shaffer. (b): - What about the old lady’s furni- Pick holes (kopati rupe) znači nalaziti slabe
ture? - Mostly junk, but there are two or three tačke. # The lawyer picked holes in the witness’s
period pieces, a German wall-clock for instance, story.
that would fetch a bit of money. Pick-me-up (podigni-me) je nešto za okre-
Person of family (porodična osoba) je osoba pljenje. # I’d like to have a pick-me-up. I think
is dobre kuće. # Success followed. She married a I’ll have a bottle of pop.
man of family and became a household word. Pick someone’s brains (odabrati nečiji mo-
Pet aversion/hate/peeve (zlovoljna averzija/ zak) znači iskoristiti nečije poznavanje stvari,
mržnja/zamerka) je predmet neodoljive odvrat- posavetovati se sa nekim. # Mr. Bush had bre-
nosti, crvena krpa. # In the reshuffle she was gi- akfast with Mrs. Thatcher and told reporters he
ven a table to share with Gladys, who was her was «picking her brains» about his meeting with
pet aversion. # «If he had a pet hate, the woman Mr. Yeltsin.
he was on his way to see now was most certain- Pick clean (oglodati načisto) znači (a): oglo-
ly that pet hate» (C. McCullough, An Indecent dati do koske i (b): opljačkati do gole kože. (a):
Obsession). # ”One of his major pet peeves was The dog picked the bone clean. (b): When we
people who replied to questions with other que- came back from vacation we found our house
stions” (L. McMurtry, Texasville). had been picked clean.
Philadelphia lawyer (filadelfijski advokat) je Pick someone’s pocket (pod Pocket).
(u žargonu) (a): promućuran čovek, snalažljivko Pick up ne znači samo podići, već i (a): po-
i (b): spretan advokat. (a): He is a splendid op- kupiti, (b): uzeti, (c): oporaviti se, povratiti se,
ponent: stubborn like a mule and smart as a Phi- (d): poboljšati, (e): proraditi, (f): povesti kolima,
ladelphia lawyer. (b): Take Raynolds - he is a real (g): spasti, izvući iz mora, (h): pokupiti nekoga
Philadelphia lawyer, celebrated for his acuteness (na ulici, žurki, u bioskopu i sl.) (pickup je uli-
and quickness. čarka), (i): uhapsiti, (j): ugledati, (k): ubrzati,
Photograph ne znači fotograf (kaže se pho- (l): nastaviti, (m): zarađivati (u britanskom en-
tographer), već fotografija. # My parents took a gleskom), (n): pronaći, nabaviti, kupiti (povolj-
lot of photographs of us when we were small. no), (o): naučiti (jezik), (p): steći, (q): saznati,
Photography ne znači fotografija (kaže se (r): dovesti u red, (s): uhvatiti (radio signal,
photograph), već fotografisanje (zanimanje TV sliku, radarski signal itd.), (t): naći trag (po
i snimanje). In 1999 Brian became bored with vonju, mirisu itd.) i (u): otkriti (grešku i sl.), ne
photography as a hobby, as well as a profession. propustiti. (a): During the morning Mrs. Carter
# For macro photography the camera can focus picked up sticks in the yard. (b): We picked up a
within 1cm of the subject. consignment of cigarettes in the warehouse. (c):
Pick up the bill/check, pick up the tab 171 Pin someone’s ears back

As the pace of economy has picked up, long-term piss. # That job won’t take you long - it’s a piece
interest rates began to rise, reflecting investors’ of piss!
expectation that inflation would increase. (d): Piece of the action (komadić akcije) je udeo
She picked up in her schoolwork. (e): The port (u nečemu), uključivanje (u nešto). # If you guys
engine spluttered and seemed about to cut out; are going to bet on the football game, I want a
then it picked up again. (f): I picked up a hitchhi- piece of the action, too.
ker today, and we had a nice chat. (g): Survivors Pie in the sky12 (pita na nebu) je buduća
of the air disaster were picked up by small boats. nagrada, bolja sutrašnjica, prazna obećanja.
(h): He picked up a girl in at the cinema. # She’s # «’You’ve so much to live for, you’re going to
no date. She’s just a pickup. (i): The police picked Australia soon and -’ ‘Oh, that was pie in the sky,
the man up for the burglary. (j): When he picked I see it all now, clear as crystal’» (M. Foster, The
up a lighthouse on the hilltop, he knew he was Seduction of Mrs Pendlebury).
nearing home. (k): The speed of the train began Piggy bank (praseća banka) je dečja štedna
to pick up. (l): I’ll have to pick up my work whe- kasica („kasica-prasica“). # At the same time,
re I left off. (m):: There are men in that factory there are those, some in my party, who see defen-
picking up four hundred pounds a week. (n): I se cut as largely a piggy bank to fund domestic
picked up a real bargain at a jumble sale. (o): I’ve wash lists.
picked up a bit of German. (p): You picked up Pig in the middle (svinja u sredini) je neko
bad habits. (q): Our agent picked up something ko je između dve vatre/ između čekića i nakov-
about it. (r): Pick up your room before Mother nja. # The government and the trade unions are
sees it. (s): It should have been possible to pick still arguing violently and until they reach an
up signals telling us more about the moon itself. agreement ordinary pigs in the middle like our-
(t): The dogs finally picked up the scent. (u): selves will have to continue suffering effects of
Our editor picked up every mistake we made. rising prices.
Pick up the bill/check, pick up the tab (u Pile on the agony, put on the agony (prete-
američkom engleskom) (pokupiti račun) zna- rati sa agonijom) znači dramatizovati, preuve-
či platiti račun za drugog, snositi troškove. ličati svoju muku. # She will pile on the agony
# «Magnus ... relied on his Oxford friends and when she describes her visits to the dentist: she
Hartscombe neighbours to pick up the bills for makes a filling sound like a major operation.
his drinks and dinners» (J. Mortimer, Paradise Pillow talk (razgovor na jastuku) je razgovor
Postponed). # «Have another piece of pie, lad. među supružnicima ili ljubavnicima u krevetu.
I’m picking up the check» (J. Ellroy, The Big # There has been a lot of pillow talk between him
Nowhere). # It is already the third time that he and Martha. Many confidences have been exc-
picked up the tab in the restaurant. hanged between them when they were in bed.
Pick up the pieces (pokupiti komadiće) znači Pinch and scrape (štipati i strugati) znači
dovesti ponovo stvari u red. # Every time you voditi računa o svakom dinaru, otkidati od usta.
two have a quarrel the work gets delayed, and it’s # By pinching and scraping for the last three ye-
usually me who has to pick up the pieces. ars I’ve saved enough money to visit my son in
Pick up the threads, gather up the threads Australia. Kaže se i pinch pennies. # When Fred
ne znači pohvatati konce, već nastaviti gde se and Martha were saving money to buy a house,
stalo, vratiti se svome poslu, načinu života itd. they had to pinch pennies.
# I know I’ve got to try to sort myself out. I shall Pin money (novac za čiode) je novac koji
try and pick up the threads of my life. žena zaradi za svoje lične potrebe. # I haven’t
It’s a picnic compared with (to je piknik u got a job; but I do teach a little French when I feel
poređenju sa) je isto što i naše to je mila majka like it - just for pin money, you know.
prema, to je smilje i bosilje prema. # It’s not an Pins and needles (čiode i igle) su žmarci, trn-
easy test, but it’s a picnic compared with mine. ci. # «Terror made him catch his breath; pins and
Piece of cake (parče kolača) znači čas po- needles surged in his fingers» (K. Amis, Take a
sla, prosto kao pasulj, dečja igra. # I need not Girl Like You). On pins and needles znači kao
have worried about my German examination - it na iglama. # We were on pins and needles until
was a piece of cake. Kaže se i child’s play (kao we heard your plane landed safely.
i kod nas). # The work may be child’s play to an Pin someone’s ears back (pribosti nazad
experienced person but I find it very difficult. U nečije uši) je američki kolokvijalizam koji znači
britanskom žargonu kaže se (vulgarno) piece of (a): natrljati nekome nos, izgrditi pošteno ne-
Komentar I. Klajna: Zapamtio sam iz neke knjige da se u vreme radničkih protesta početkom XX veka u SAD
pevalo: “Work and pray, / Live on hay, / You’ll get pie in the sky when you die.” Šteta je što ne znam autora ni pesme
ni knjige.
Pin on 172 Plane

koga, (b): istući nekoga, dati nekome po nosu i gs waterproof. (b): The roof had a steep pitch.
(c): potući nekoga do nogu. (a): My sister came (c): By this time their disagreement had reached
home after midnight and Mother pinned her ears such a pitch that there was no hope of an ami-
back. (b): You do something like that again, and cable conclusion. (d): The man in the shop gave
I’ll pin your ears back. (c): After winning three me his pitch about quality and reliability. (e): The
games in a row, the Reds had their ears pinned flower seller was at his usual pitch outside the
back by the Knicks. station. (f): The low arched entrance faced across
Pin on znači pribosti, prikačiti, ali i prikači- the cricket pitch. (g): Who will be pitching first
ti nekome nešto, učiniti nekoga odgovornim za for the White Sox this evening? (e): What’s the
nešto. # I didn’t take the money. Don’t try to pin pitch? At fever pitch je na vrhuncu uzbuđenja.
it on me. # The children were at fever pitch the day before
Pint-size(d) (veliki kao pinta - oko pola litra) the party.
je (a): majušan i (b): slabašan. (a): The new Pitch one’s tent (podići svoj šator) znači sku-
pint-size, portable TV sets have a very clear pic- ćiti se, stvoriti krov nad glavom. # They lived in
ture. # Tell that pint-sized guy to beat it. (b): It many different countries, but wherever they pit-
was funny to hear a pint-size voice coming out of ched their tent they made friendships that lasted
a great big man. for many years.
Pipe down! (pod Zip up your lips!). Placard nije plakar (kaže se closet – am. i
Pipe dream (san iz lule) je pusta želja, neo- cupboard - brit.), već parola (koja se nosi na
stvarljiv san. # Mr. Peter Rees has a pipe dream demonstracijama). # Demonstrators marched
that one day the British Royal Family will be em- past holding placards that said, ‘Send food, not
perors of Europe. missiles’.
Piss around/about (mokriti naokolo) znači Placate ne znači plakatirati, već smiriti. # No
(u britanskom nepristojnom žargonu) glupirati one can placate him when he’s angry.
se, zevzečiti se. # Look, just stop pissing around Plain nije samo jasan, već i (a): običan, (b):
for five minutes. I’ve got work to do. # Porter jednostavan (c): ružan, (d): razumljiv, (e): otvo-
and Rogers have been pissing about with that or- ren, iskren, (f): čist i (g): ravnica, nizija. (a):
der since January. Tell them, if they don’t bloody Most of her relations are just plain folk. (b): The
well get a move on we’ll take our business so- hostess wore a plain blue dress. (c): The girl had
mewhere else. a good figure but a plain face. (d): Please rephra-
Piss in the same quill (pod Pee in the same se the question in plain English. (e): To be plain
pot). with you, I don’t like your plan. (f): For me, just
Piss off nema veze sa mokrenjem, već znači plain soda. (g): The family crossed the plains in a
(u žargonu) (a): Nosi se odavde! Skini mi se! i covered wagon in 1860.
(b): iznervirati nekoga # izvesti nekoga iz tak- Plain as a pikestaff (jasan kao drška od ko-
ta. (a): I’ve had about as much of you as I can plja) je (a): vidljiv, uočljiv, (b): jasno kao sunce,
stand. Now, piss off! (b): That’s enough to piss očigledno (Kaže se i plain as the nose on your
off anybody! face) i (c): neprivlačan. (a): But there’s a big
Pit nije samo jama, već i (a): rupica, (b): «Private Road - No Entry» notice as plain as a
okno (u rudniku), (c): ožiljak (od boginja), (d): pikestaff. You could not possibly avoid seeing it.
koštica i (e): gore od najgoreg (u američkom žar- (b): It’s plain as a pikestaff that Martha has had
gonu – u množini). (a): The wood is full of pits her fingers in that pie. # Your guilt is plain as the
and needs sanding. (b): The miners were lowered nose on your face. (c): He’s as plain as a pike-
into the pit. (c): His face was covered with pits staff, poor boy, and keenly aware of it.
resulting from smallpox. (d): This type of cherry Plain clothes (obična odeća) je civilna ode-
has a very small pit. (e): „New York politics are ća. # «Mrs Reynolds told me afterwards that she
the pits“ (Washington Star). knew it was the eve of D-Day - not from anything
Peckish je na britanskom engleskom pomalo I said or from the way I behaved, but because
gladan, a na američkom engleskom razdražljiv. I had taken my plain clothes there and had put
Pipe down! (pod Zip (up) your lips!). them away in a wardrobe» (Field-Marshal Mon-
Pitch je nagib, ali i (a): katran, (b): kosina tgomery, Memoirs). Plainclothes officer, police-
(krova), (c): stepen, (d): reklamiranje, ubeđiva- man etc. je policajac u civilu. # Police at five
nje u kvalitet nečega (e): ulična tezga (u britan- yard intervals lined the exit from the station and
skom engleskom) (f): (sportski) teren (u britan- plainclothes policemen mingled with the crowd.
skom engleskom) i (g): bacati loptu (u bejzbolu) Plane nije samo avion, već i (a): ravan, (b):
i (e): kratak rezime šireg rada ili ideje. (a): A nivo, (c): rende i (d): platan. (a): The surface
pitch is a thick black substance which was used must be completely plane. (b): The discussion
in the past to make wooden ships and buildin- was on a high plane. (c): A plane is an important
Plant 173 Play the bear

carpenter’s tool for shaving a wood surface in or- ozbiljno. # Irma told me that Paul wants to marry
der to make it smooth. (d): Planes have mapleli- me. I didn’t know he wanted to play for keeps.
ke leaves, spherical dry fruits and bark that sheds Play for time (igrati za vreme) znači čekati
in large patches. bolju priliku, kupovati vreme. # Mr. Wilson ste-
Plant nije samo biljka, već i (a): fabrika, (b): pped in to defuse the crisis. First he played for
mašinerija, postrojenje, (c): zasaditi, posejati i time by refusing to accept Mr. Mellish’s resigna-
(d): nameštaljka (u žargonu). (a): The workers tion. Then when tempers had cooled, he invited
at the plant belong to the union. (b): The captain Mr. Melish to resign. Inače kupovati vreme se
invited us to see the power plant of our ship. (c): kaže kao i kod nas buy time. # By rescheduling
Don’t plant the flowers before mid-April. (d): the country’s debt, the government is simply
That’s really phonny. A plant and put-up job if I buying time, hoping for economy recovery.
ever saw one. Play gooseberry (igrati ogrozda) znači (u
Play nije samo igra, već i (a): drama, pozo- britanskom engleskom) držati sveću (biti suvišan
rišni komad i (b): slobodan prostor, slobodno treći uz ljubavni par). # I am not playing goose-
kretanje. (a): Eugene O’Neil wrote several plays berry to you two. You will be perfectly all right
on the sea. (b): There’s too much play between without me.
the door and the frame. Play hard to get (igrati tvrdo da bi se dobi-
Play a confidence trick on someone (pod lo) znači (kolokvijalno) tvrditi pazar, tobože ne
Confidence trick). želeti, femkati se. # I’ve asked her to go out with
Play a lone hand (igrati osamljenom rukom) me several times, but she always says she’s too
znači delovati samostalno, voditi samostalnu busy. I’m not sure whether it’s true or she’s just
akciju. # «When I went to school I had learnt to playing hard to get.
play a lone hand, and to stand or fall alone» (Fi- Play/hold one’s cards close to the chest/vest
eld-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). (držati karte uz grudi/prsluk) znači ne otkrivati
Play both ends (igrati na oba kraja) znači karte. # I know he is up to something, but he’s
nahuškati jednog protiv drugog, igrati na su- playing his cards very close to the chest. # Don’t
kob dveju strana. # If you try to play both ends, let him know what you’re up to. Play your cards
you’re likely to get in trouble with both sides. close to the vest.
Play by ear (pod Play it by ear). Play in the big leagues (igrati u velikim li-
Play ducks and drakes (igrati se pataka) gama) znači (u žargonu) biti u elitnom društvu,
znači praviti žabice na vodi (bacati pljosnate igrati u velikom timu. You’re not one of many
kamičke da odskakuju). Play ducks and drakes provincial politicians any more. You’re now
with (one’s/someone’s) money znači spiskati playing in the big leagues of Washington politics.
(svoj/nečiji) novac. # If I were you I wouldn’t You’d better pull your socks up, there!
leave him a penny; he’ll play ducks and drakes Play into someone’s hands (igrati u nečije
with your money. ruke) znači ići nekome (protivniku i sl.) naruku,
Played out ne znači samo odigran do kra- uleteti u nečiju varijantu. # By leading his men
ja, već i (a): izmožden, iscrpljen, izmoren, (b): into a valley without another way out, the general
istrošen, potrošen, (c): zastareo i (d): odigrao played right into the enemy’s hands.
svoje, otpisan. (a): We felt completely played Play it by ear (svirati po uhu) znači ravna-
out when we arrived home. (b): The batteries in ti se prema prilikama, prepustiti se situaciji. #
this flashlight are almost played out. # This char- He was surprised when he was called into his
coal is just about played out. (c): Nobody belie- employer’s office, but decided to remain calm and
ves in that idea any more, it’s all played out. (d): play it by ear. Play by ear znači svirati po sluhu
He’s not the writer he was. People are beginning (bez poznavanja nota). # Sally doesn’t know how
to say he’s played out. to read music. She plays the piano by ear.
Play fast and loose (igrati čvrsto i labavo) Play (it) safe (igrati bezbedno) znači ne rizi-
znači ponašati se bezobzirno/neodgovorno, poi- kovati ništa. # When you are swimming, it’s best
gravati se. # Fred has been playing fast and loose to play safe and not go too far from the shore.
with Nancy for months; she should find herself Play (merry) hell with someone/something
another boyfriend. (pod Play the devil with someone/something).
Play first chair (igrati/svirati prvu stolicu) Play possum (izigravati oposuma) znači si-
znači (a): svirati prvu violinu, flautu itd. u or- mulirati spavanje, nastojati ne izazvati tuđu pa-
kestru i (b): biti na čelu, biti glavni. (a): Gladys žnju. # I knew that Jim wasn’t asleep. He was
learned to play the violin so well that she now just playing possum. # Ted played possum when
plays first chair in the orchestra. (b): I need to get the teacher looked around.
this job done. Who plays first chair around here? Play the bear (izigravati medveda) znači do-
Play for keeps (igrati zauvek) znači misliti sađivati, smetati. # Those children have played
Play the devil with someone 174 Point

the bear with me all day. # No, I won’t have a ci- Plow/plough a lone(ly) furrow (orati svoju
garette, thanks. It plays the bear with my chest. brazdu) znači ići sopstvenim putem, delovati
Play the devil with someone/something, samostalno. # The few people who opposed the
play (merry) hell with someone/something war were plowing a lonely furrow.
(igrati đavola/pakao sa nekim/nečim) znači (a): Plow/plough the sand(s) (orati pesak) je isto
ispreskakati nekoga na pasja kola, skidati sve što i naše kopati bunar uz potok, presipati iz šu-
bogove s neba nekome i (b): poremetiti nešto, pljeg u prazno. # You are spending so much mo-
ugroziti nešto. (a): «Alice would accept these ney and time on that absolutely useless project,
things, though she’d play the devil with me for just plowing the sands.
my stupidity» (J. Braine, Room at the Top). # Pluck a pigeon (očerupati goluba) znači na-
Dad’ll play merry hell with you when he finds samariti lakovernu ludu. # - How come you’ve
out you’ve broken his favorite record. (b): Uncle got money? - I had a lucky break. A dupe asked
Joe’s unexpected visit played the devil with our for advice in the bar and I plucked the pigeon.
own plans to travel. # Mother’s illness played
Plum job nema veze sa šljivom, već znači (ko-
merry hell with our party.
lokvijalno) sjajno nameštenje, poželjan posao. #
Play the field nema veze sa poljem ili igra- By good luck or good management, he managed
lištem, već (kolokvijalno) znači izlaziti sa više to land the most sought-after, a real plum job.
devojaka/mladića. # There’s no shortage of girl-
friends now. I’m footloose and fancy free and Pocket nije samo džep, već i (a): staviti u
playing the field. džep, (b): ukrasti (pick someone’s pocket znači
odžepariti nekoga) i (c): rudna naslaga. (a): Joe
Play the game ne znači samo igrati (kakvu was playing the one-armed bandit all day – and
zabavnu) igru već i ponašati se korektno, pošto-
pocketed $3,000. (b): The ticket seller was jailed
vati pravila igre. # He’s the nicest kind of old-
for pocketing the box-office receipts. (c): The old
fashioned Englishman - he’s well-dressed, polite,
and you can always trust him to play the game. prospector finally found a pocket of silver in the
Play the old soldier, come the old soldier
znači predstavljati se kao ratni veteran (moleći Pocket an insult (staviti uvredu u džep) znači
novac, besplatno piće itd.) ali i (a): razmetati se progutati/otrpeti uvredu. # He didn’t have much
svojim iskustvom, isticati svoju superiornost i choice since he was in deep trouble; he pocketed
(b): simulirati bolest. (a): You needn’t play the the insult and asked to be forgiven. Kaže se i sit
old soldier with me. I’ve been in the job as long down an insult i stomach an insult.
as you. (b): If the boss was more strict, fewer Pocketbook issues (problemi novčanika) su
workers could attempt to come old soldiers. pitanja životnog standarda, problemi vezani za
Play to the gallery (igrati za galeriju) znači kupovnu moć građana (američki politički ko-
udvarati se publici, mamiti aplauz, ići na jeftine lokvijalizam). # Republicans in 1966 decided to
efekte. # The lawyer for the defense was more in- make pocketbook issues their theme.
terested in playing to the gallery than in winning Poetic justice nije poetska pravda, već bož-
the case. ja pravda. # Nearly all of his money had been
Play wallflower (izigravati šeboj) znači (a): obtained by dishonest means, so it was thought
služiti za ukras i (b): biti na igranci a ne igra- to be poetic justice when much of it was lost in
ti (wallflower je devojka koju niko ne poziva na the bank robbery.
ples). (a): Agassi, despite his flash jade and pur- Point nije samo šiljak, već i (a): stupanj
ple Wimbledon duds and frosty ponytail, played (termometra), (b): bod, poen, (c): suština13,
wallflower in the third set, where he surfaced (d): smisao, (e): trenutak, (f): tačka, (g): svoj-
only to hold serve in the sixth game and avoid stvo, strana, (h): detalj, sitnica, (i): uperiti i (j):
being shut out. (b): Clare was regularly playing ukazivati. (a): The freezing popint of water is 32
wallflower, and then almost suddenly, everybody degrees Fahrenheit. (b): The team won by two
discovered how attractive she was. points. (c): Here’s the point: you simply don’t
Plot nije samo zavera, već i (a): zaplet i (b): meet the requirements for that job. # Get to the
parcela, zemljište. (a): The plot of the novel is point! (d): What’s the point of discussing it? (e):
too silly to relate. (b): Tomatoes wil grow easily We agree with you, but there is nothing we can
on this plot. The plot thickens znači stvar se za- do at this point. (f): The boiling point of water
petljava, postaje sve zamršenije. # So it was not is 212 Fahrenheit or 100 Celsius under standard
you I saw leaving the house that night. I wonder conditions. (g): Modesty is not one of her strong
who it was, then. The plot thickens. points. (h): Here’s a point you may have over-

Komentar I. Klajna: Neznalice na televiziji stalno prevode bukvalno: What’s the point? kao “U čemu je poen-
ta?” My point is that... kao “Moja poenta je da...” umesto “Hoću da kažem da...”, Is there a point to this? kao “Ima
li poente u ovome?”, umesto “Kakav je smisao ove priče?” i tome slično.
Point-blank 175 Post

looked. (i): Point the gun at the target. (j): His Pool nije samo bazen, već i (a): ribnjak, (b):
conduct points to an ulterior motive. Vidi Make lokva, (c): grupa udružena za obavljanje zajed-
a point. ničkog posla i (d): sportska prognoza (obično u
Point-blank znači (pucati) pravo, bez niša- množini). (a): Deer often come to drink at the
njenja, ali i (figurativno) (a): bez uvijanja, bez pool. (b): The corps lay in a pool of blood. (c):
okolišanja i (b): bez oklevanja, kategorično. He was employed as a member of our typing
(a): «But Melly just came out point-blank and pool. # I joined the car pool. (d): Who won the
admitted that she didn’t know whose child it football pools this week?
was, letting him off the hook immediately» (L. Poor nije samo siromašan, već i (a): jadan,
McMurtry, The Evening Star). (b): «Asked to (b): loš, (c): bedan i (d): neplodan. (a): It was a
deliver one of these documents, I refused point- poor attempt to win her affections. # Poor thing!
blank» (G. Vidal, Burr). (b): His poor grades caused him to lose the sc-
Point of departure (tačka odlaska) je polazi- holarship. (c): It was a poor imitation of the real
šte, ishodište. # «Our point of departure is to give thing. (d): He possess only four acres of poor
to others the rights that they give to us,» said Cla- soil.
ude Cheyson, denying the claims that the E.C. Poor form (pod Good form).
will be a super-state of protectionism. Poor man’s ne znači samo što pripada siro-
Point of order (tačka reda) je pitanje u vezi tom čoveku, već i bedna imitacija. # - What’s on
sa povredom poslovnika. # «A point of order, these biscuits? - I forget what it’s called - somet-
Mr. Chairman,» said Senator McCarthy at the hing Norwegian out of tin. I’ve tasted it before, a
televised Army-McCarthy hearings. «May I ra- sort of the poor man’s caviar.
ise a point of order?» Rise/speak to a point of Poor mixer (pod Good mixer).
order znači postaviti pitanje u vezi sa povredom Poor relation/cousin nije samo siromašni ro-
poslovnika. # Mr. Chairman, I rise to a point of đak, već nešto zapostavljeno, nešto na spored-
order. Is the speaker justified in referring to his nom koloseku. # Short stories have for too long
opponents in such a way? been the poor relations of literature, no longer
Point well taken (dobro uhvaćena tačka) je cared for in the home.
umesan argument. # Although I don’t agree with Pop the question (bubnuti pitanje) znači
you, I must admit that it is a point well taken. (kolokvijalno) ponuditi brak. # Mary was surpri-
Poison-pen letter (pismo pisano otrovnim sed when Tony popped the question.
perom) je klevetničko (anonimno) pismo. # To Portion nije samo porcija, već i (a): deo, (b):
get revenge on Suzie, Betty wrote a poison-pen udeo i (c): sudbina. (a): A portion of the contract
letter to the teacher and signed Suzie’s name to dealt with royalties. (b): Her portion of the in-
it. heritance amounted to $50,000. (c): We must all
Poles apart (udaljeni kao polovi) znači dija- accept our portion in life.
metralno različiti, kao nebo i zemlja. # It was Port of entry nije samo ulazna luka (u kojoj
hard for the members of the Committee to pre- se roba carini), već i mesto legalnog ulaska u
pare a draft of a new Constitution because their neku zemlju. # Airports have joined seaports as
approaches were poles apart. ports of entry for the visiting foreigner.
Polish the apple (glancati jabuku) znači (u Possessed by something je opsednut nečim.
žargonu) ulagivati se. # Margot is the teacher’s # She acted as she were possessed by evil spi-
pet because she always polishes the apple. rits.
Politic nije samo politički (kaže se - arhaič- Be possessed of something je posedovati ne-
no - political), već i (a): razborit, promišljen i što. # The Wilsons were possessed of a great deal
(b): lukav, proračunat. (a): Be politic and don’t of fine ranch land.
mention all the weight she’s put on. (b): Bob is a Possession nije samo posedovanje, već i (a):
politic, crafty, and unscrupulous young man. imovina, (b): posed i (c): držanje. (a): He was a
Poll nije samo glasanje (go to the polls je iza- poor man with few possessions. (b): These islan-
ći na izbore), već i (a): glasačko mesto (u ame- ds were once possessions of Spain. (c): With his
ričkom engleskom) i (b): anketa, ispitivanje jav- usual possession, he answered all the questions.
nog mnjenja. (a): The election wil begin at six Post nije samo pošta, već i (a): stub, (b): me-
a.m. when the polls open. (b): An independent sto (na dužnosti), (c): pozicija, (d): vojna postaja
poll shows that 60 percent of the people favor i (e): postaviti. (a): He spent the morning putting
daylight saving time. posts along the back boundary. (b): The police-
Pond scum (prljava pena u ribnjaku) je (u man was on his post until midnight. (c): He held
žargonu) poslednji šljam, ološ. # Tell that pond an important post with the company. (d): He re-
scum to beat it. turned to the post with a message for the general.
Postpone 176 Premise

(e): Post two soldiers at each gate. Vidi Keep so- dame), otići u toalet. # «Back in the Long Gallery
meone posted i Leave someone at the post. some of the women went upstairs to ‘powder the-
Postpone ili put off the evil hour/day (od- ir noses’» (N. Mitford, Love in a Cold Climate).
lagati koban čas/dan) znači (šaljivo) odlagati Isto tako, powder room (soba za puderisanje)
nešto neprijatno. # Jennifer is always the same je mali toalet za goste. # When they got to the
at bedtime. She’s got to tidy out her schoolbag, restaurant, Mrs. Wilson went to the powder room
or get her nails cut, or put the cat out - anything to wash up.
to postpone the evil hour. Power behind the throne (moć iza trona) je
Posture nije samo držanje, već i (a): položaj, siva eminencija, onaj koji vuče konce. # If you
(b): raspoloženje i (c): stanje, terndencija. (a): want a job in that company, you’d better apply
A man of his posture should have known better. to the secretary, not to the chairman. The secre-
(b): The meeting took on a different posture after tary is the power behind the throne. Inače, kaže
his moving speech. (c): The delicate posture of se i grey/gray eminence. # Henry Kissinger is a
foreign affairs will be discussed by an outstan- private entrepreneur now but he has remained a
ding panel. gray eminence of American foreign policy.
Pot-boiler (grejač lonca) je knjiga napisana Power of attorney ne znači moć advoka-
samo radi zarade. # This is just another pot-bo- ta, već punomoćje. # A power of attorney is a
iler, something that’s well below his ability as a written statement authorizing a person to act as
writer, done for the sake of making money. another’s attorney or agent.
Pot hunter (lovac bokala) je lovac na trofeje. Practical joke je (dobronamerni) trik ili pod-
# He is a real pot-hunter who takes part in spor- vala (za razliku od verbalne šale, vica). # That
ting events only for the sake of prizes and not for TV program when they play practical jokes
the fun of it.
always leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.
Pound nije samo funta (britanska valuta i
Preach to the converted (propovedati pre-
mera za težinu – 450 gr.), već i (a): udarati, (b):
drobiti, mrviti, (c): trupkati i (d): bombardova- obraćenom) znači kucati na otvorena vrata,
ti. (a): He pounded so hard on the window that it ubeđivati nekoga ko je istog mišljenja. # When
broke. (b): The natives pounded the grain into a he said how much tastier fresh naturally grown
fine powder. (c): They pounded down the stairs. foods were, they laughed and told him he was
(d): NATO air forces started pounding Belgrade preaching to the converted - they were already
on March 24, 1999. growing all their vegetables.
Pound one’s ear (udarati svoje uvo) znači Precious nije samo dragocen, već i (a): izve-
uhvatiti dremku (u žargonu). # She went home štačen, neprirodan, (b): dragi, voljeni (često i
to pound her ear an hour or two before work. ironično) i (c): veoma, krajnje. (a): Mary is a
Pound the books (pod Hit/pound the bo- pompus, affected, precious woman. (b): I’ ll cer-
oks). tainly do that, my precious. # Don’t worry, I’m
Pound the pavement (tucati pločnik) zna- not trying to separate you from your precious.
či obijati pragove tražeći posao. # I spent two (c): A lot of people will start, but precious few
months pounding the pavement after the factory will finish. # Be careful - you’ll be precious little
I worked for was closed. help if you come back injured. # There is preci-
ous little time left. Precious metals su plemeniti
Pound to a penny (funtu za peni) znači (ko-
lokvijalno) ziher, mogao bih se kladiti da će. # A metali. # Platinum and gold are precious metals.
pound to a penny her handbag hasn’t been stolen Precipitate nije samo ubrzati, već i (a): gur-
at all: she’s just lost it. nuti, survati i (b): kondenzovati. (a): The explo-
Pour cats and dogs (pod Rain buckets). sion precipitated tons of snow from the mounta-
in. (b): Water vapor is precipitated and falls as
Pour oil on troubled water (sipati ulje na
nemirnu vodu) znači smirivati uzbuđene duho- rain or snow.
ve, smanjivati zategnutost. # The groups were Prefer nije samo više voleti/ceniti, već i pod-
nearing a bitter quarrel until the leader poured oil neti (tužbu, molbu). # He refused to prefer his
on the troubled water. claim as legal heir. # Dick prefered charges aga-
Pour/throw money down the drain (prosi- inst his partner.
pati/bacati novac u jarak) znači rasipati novac, Pregnant nije samo trudna, već i (a): sadrža-
uludo trošiti pare. # What a waste! You’re just jan i (b): prepun nečim. (a): He provided many
pouring money down the drain. # Don’t buy any pregnant ideas. (b): The land was pregnant with
more of that low quality merchandise. That’s just lush growth.
throwing money down the drain. Premise je premisa, ali i prostorije (u mno-
Powder one’s nose ne znači samo napuderi- žini). # The police think the thief is still on the
sati nos, već, najčešće, otići na izvesno mesto (za premises.
Preparation 177 Principal

Preparation nije samo priprema, već i (a): 1969, Richard Nixon removed an electric push-
preparat i (b): učenje, obuka. (a): The druggist button window-opener from his White Hous be-
suggested a preparation to relieve the ache. (b): droom. «I took that out, because I was afraid if I
His earlier preparation made him perfect fo the pushed the button, I’d blow up the world.»
job. Press/push the panic button (pritisnuti du-
Presence nije samo prisutnost, već i (a): po- gme za paniku) znači (u američkom žargonu)
java, (b): držanje, (c): sredina, okruženje i (d): uspaničiti se, podleći panici. # Whatever you
prisustvo. (a): The speaker was a man of poor do, don’t press the panic button. # Joe thought he
presence (b): He had a certain presence that saw a ghost and pushed the panic button.
made women fall in love with him. (c): There’s Press the flesh (pritiskati meso) (američki
a spy in our presence. (d): There’s a presence of politički kolokvijalizam) znači ostvariti fizički
something evil in that old house. kontakt sa biračima (rukovati se, ljubiti decu
Present (1) (imenica i pridev sa naglaskom na itd.). # White candidates in black areas are espe-
pre) nije samo sadašnje vreme, već i (a): prisu- cially told by their managers of the need to press
tan, (b): poklon i (c): sadašnji, današnji. (a): All the flesh so as not to appear unwilling to be in
the students are present today. (b): I got many close touch.
presents for my birthday. (c): The present state of Presume nije samo pretpostaviti, već i (a):
affairs changes matters somewhat. # I don’t have drznuti se i (b): dopuštati suviše sebi računa-
her present address. At present je sada, zasada. jući na. (a): She presumed to write him in her
# «Are you busy?» «Not at present.“ # At present daughter’s name. (b): She presumed on his good
she’s working abroad. nature.
Present (2) (glagol sa naglaskom na sent) Pretty nije samo lep, zgodan, već i prilično. #
nije samo pokloniti, već i (a): prisutan, (b):, It was a pretty poor turnout for the meeting.
(c): poklon i (a): predstaviti, (b): izložiti, izne- Pretty/fine state of affairs nije povoljno
ti, (c): podneti (za isplatu) i (d): pozvati. (a): I stanje stvari, već, obrnuto, neugodna situacija
was presented to the Queen. (b): He presented («lepa čorba»), Samo nam je to trebalo! # This
his views and than sat down. (c): Present your is a pretty state of affairs, and it’s all your fault! #
bills on the first of the month. (d): Please present What a fine state of affairs you’ve got us into!
your first witness. Present arms! znači Oružje Pretty penny (lep peni) je (u žargonu) veli-
za pregled! ka lova. # I imagine that your jacket cost you a
Preside over something ne znači samo pred- pretty penny.
sedavati nečemu, već i (a): biti domaćin nečemu, Pride of place (ponos mesta) je najbolje me-
biti u čelu stola i (b): nemoćno posmatrati nešto, sto, počasno mesto. # Pride of place was given to
biti samo prisutan nečemu (uz male mogućnosti the youngest competitor.
uticaja). (a): Father always presided over dinner. Primary nije samo primaran, već i (a):
(b): Successive post-war governments have pre- osnovni, (b): glavni, (c): elementarni i (d): iz-
sided over the gradual dissolution of the British bori za nominaciju kandidata u SAD. (a): He
Empire. did well in primary school and better in high sc-
Press nije samo pritisnuti, pritisak, već i (a): hool. (b): Your primary duties are outlined in this
ispeglati, (b): privinuti, (c): mučiti, (d): saletati, job description. (c): Love and hate are primary
(e): gurati se, (f): insistirati, (g): štampa, (h): emotions. (d): He lost New Hampshire primary
presa i (i): mnoštvo, gomila. (a): The tailor pre- and it was quite a setback.
ssed the trousers. (b): She pressed the puppy to Prime nije samo prvi, već i (a): glavni, (b):
her bosom. (c): The problem pressed us sorely prvorazredan, (c): temeljan, (d): najbolji i (e):
for weeks. (d): He keeps pressing me for money. napon, (f): pripremiti i (g): vrhunac. (a): He’s
(e): The fans pressed around the rock group. (f): the prime suspect in the murder case. (b): Only
He was beating around the bush, but I pressed for prime foods are served at the hotel. (c): Love is
an answer. (g): The manuscript goes to press next prime emotion. (d): Spring is the prime time for
week. (h): Put the duck meat through a press. (i): planting. (e): I could work long hours when i was
A press of fans greeted her at the stage door. in my prime. (f): Her mother primed her for a
Press one’s luck (pod Push/press one’s life on the stage. (g): The Renaissance was then
luck). in its prime.
Press/push the button znači pritisnuti du- Prime time (prvorazredno vreme) je udarno
gme, ali i (a): pokrenuti (administrativnu i dru- vreme (na televiziji i radiju). # We’ll give this
gu) mašineriju i (b): započeti nuklearni rat. (a): debate prime time - the evening hours when the
«When you press buttons in Whitehall, things largest television audience is available.
really do start to move,» said Harold Wilson in Principal nije samo glavni, već i (a): direk-
November 1964. (b): Soon after taking office in tor škole, (b): glavni izvođač i (c): glavnica. (a):
Private 178 Proportion

She was sent to the principal’s office. (b): The (c): Dim lights and soft music are suppose to pro-
principals were gathered on stage for rehearsal. duce a romantic atmosphere. (d): Who produced
(c): How much interest will there be on a princi- this movie? (e): He has a small store where he
pal of $5,000? sells groceries nad produce.
Private ne znači samo privatni, lični, već i Profession nije samo profesija, već i (a): izja-
(a): poverljiv, tajni i (b): redov, običan vojnik. va i (b): uveravanje. (a): He gave a profession of
(a): Plans for the takeover were kept private. (b): eternal gratitude. (b): I was very much dissatisfi-
He joined up as a private in a county regiment. ed with his behavior, but he made professions of
Private eye (privatno oko) je privatni detek- his friendship.
tiv. # The cops don’t like private eyes much. Project nije samo projekt, već i (a): strši-
Prize nije samo nagrada, već i (a): izuzetan, ti, (b): isplanirati, (c): načiniti prognozu, (d):
prvorazredan (perfektan primer, neviđena bu- usmeriti glas da se dobro čuje. (a): Ledges pro-
dala, totalna zbrka itd.) (b): nagrađen, (c): dra- ject about one foot all around the building. (b):
gocenost i (d): veoma ceniti. (a): That’s a prize Could you project a new marketing technique for
example of official stupidity. # Nick is a prize idi- us? (c): He projected the weather for the coming
ot. # There are too many people trying to run this week. (d): Remember to project your voice that
affair. We’ll end up in a prize muddle with no- you’re heard in the last row.
body knowing who’s supposed to be doing what. Prominence nije samo istaknutost, već i (a):
(b): Her prize recipe was printed in the news. (c): izbočina, (b): vrh, istaknuto mesto i (c): slava.
As a secretary she was a prize. (d): She prized (a): The doctor could feel a slight prominence on
him for his good sense and understanding. his skull. (b): The house was built on a promi-
Probe nije proba, već (a): sonda, (b): ispitati, nence overlooking the sea. (c): The old soldier
(c): tražiti, i (d): istraga. (a): A probe is a slender had gained prominence on the field of battle.
medical instrument used especially for explorati- Come into prominence znači postati poznat. #
on (as of a wound or body cavity). (b): Scientists He suddenly came into prominence as a result of
probed the causes of the earthquake. (c): The sur- his refusal to obey the party line on the nationa-
geon probed for the bullet in the man’s back. (d): lization of steel.
His probe into the bibery charges proved futile. Promotion nije samo promocija, već i (a):
Proceed nije samo ići, kretati se, već i (a): unapređenje, (b): podsticanje, stimuliranje i
nastaviti, (b): produžiti, (c): preći na, (d): upu- (c): reklamiranje. (a): The salesman’s promo-
titi i (e): nastati usled. (a): Please proceed with tion to general manager occurred without too
your work. (b): Proceed to the next light, then much ceremony. # It’s a great career with good
turn left. (c): After everyone was seated the cha- promotion prospects. (b): There should be clear
irman proceeded to announce his plans. (d): limits on Ministerial involvement in arms export
Passengers for Belgrade should proceed to Gate promotion. (c): We were on a bit of a roll and
A. (e): His destitution proceeded from unwise decided that these products deserved more active
spending. promotion.
Proceedings nisu samo događaji, dešavanja, Prone nije samo nagnut napred, već i (a):
već i (a): zapisnik, (b): rasprava i (c): sudski sklon i (b): potrbuške. (a): She’s prone to gi-
postupak. (a): He carefully read the proceedings ggling at the most inopportune moments. (b): He
from the last meeting. (b): Minutes of the pro- was lying prone on the couch.
ceedings were written down by the club secre- Pronounce nije samo izgovoriti, već i (a):
tary. (c): His lawyer is representing him in the proglasiti i (b): izjaviti. (a): I now pronounce
proceedings. you man and wife. (b): He pronounced himself
Process nije samo proces, već i (a): prera- in favor of the bill.
diti , konzervirati, (b): obrađivati (drvo, metal), Property nije samo vlasništvo, već i (a): lič-
(c): pobrinuti se, (d): procesuirati i (e): sudski na svojina, (b): nekretnina i (c): svojstvo. (a): I
poziv. (a): Grocery stores sell many foods that leave all my property to my son. (b): We’re inte-
have been processed. (b): We will process your rested in buying property in Vermont. (c): Cheer-
order at once. (c): He acquired skill in processing fulness is a property of her personality.
wood. (d): He was warned that the district attor- Proportion nije samo proporcija, već i (a):
ney would process him. (e): The server gave him udeo, odnos (b): sklad, (c): deo, (d): veličina,
a process to appear in court. razmere (u množini) i (e): podesiti. (a): The
Produce nije samo proizvesti, već i (a): ra- proportion of gin to vermouth is three to one in
đati, davati ploda, (b): pokazati, (c): stvoriti, a martini. (b): The size of the furniture should
(d): biti producent (filma) i (e): (poljoprivredni) be in proportion to the size of the room. (c): A
proizvodi. (a): The land produces enough to feed large proportion of the report was researched by
us. (b): Can you produce evidence to clear him? someone else. (d): The proportions of the room
Propose to a girl 179 Pull down

allowed us to put in a grand piano. (e): Can you obezbeđenje, (b): osiguranje, predviđanje, (c):
proportion the slacks to fit small, medium, and odredba, stavka i (d): zalihe, provijant (u množi-
large sizes? ni). (a): Provision of shelter was the Red Cross’s
Propose to a girl ne znači predložiti nešto main concern. (b): He made provision for their
devojci, već zatražiti ruku, predložiti brak. # Af- welfare in his will. (c): According to the provisi-
ter a courtship of almost three years, he finally ons of this agreement, you must continue to work
screwed up his courage and proposed to her. for them another two years. (d): Provisions were
Prosecute nije samo optužiti, sudski goniti, kept in the storehouse.
već i (a): istrajati, biti uporan i (b): obavljati, Prunes and prism(s) (šljive i prizme) znači
izvršavati. (a): The detective prosecuted his se- prenemaganje, afektiranje, uspijanje. # “’I like
arch for the ringleader. (b): Will you be able to nasty things better than nice things,’” said Jessi-
prosecute your responsibilities effectively? ca, with such a prunes and prisms of diction that
Prospect nije samo vidik, pogled, već i (a): all the grown-ups (except Nurse) had to laugh”
izgledi (često u množini), (b): mogućnost, oče- (A. Thirkell, What Did It Mean?).
kivanje, (c): mogući kupac (u američkom engle- Public-address system (sistem javnog obra-
skom) i (d): tražiti rudu, zlato, naftu itd. (a): The ćanja) je razglas, ozvučenje. # The public-ad-
prospects of a total disarmament treaty aren’t too dress system broke down during the Senator’s
good. (b): I delight in the prospect of visiting Qu- speech.
ebec. (c): The salesman worked hard at finding Public/common property, it’s public/com-
some new prospects. (d): He prospected for gold mon property ne znači samo (to je) javna/za-
in 1849. Hold out the prospect of something jednička svojina, već (to je) svima poznato, svi
znači staviti u izgled nešto. # The sudden change znaju da, već i vrapci o tome cvrkuću. It’s public
in the situation held out the prospect of new op- property now that during his last two years of of-
portunities for our company. fice the man was senile. # It’s common property
Protest nije samo protest(vovati), već i tvrdi- that he is cheating on his wife.
ti, izjaviti, dokazivati. # The defendant protested Public house ne znači javna kuća (kaže se
his innocence. brothel ili bawdyhouse), već krčma, kafana,
Proud nije samo ponosan, već i (a): ohol, točionica (u britanskom engleskom). # The town
tašt, (b): euforičan, razdragan, (c): otmen i (d): bus stopped at a public house for afternoon re-
koji strši. (a): He was one of those proud, boa- freshments.
stful men you couldn’t bear listening. (b): It was Public school je na američkom engleskom
a proud time for his parents when he received his javna (državna) škola, ali na britanskom engle-
diploma. (c): The young aristocrat bore a proud skom je upravo obrnuto privatna škola (javna
name. (d): The filler should be worked firmly <državna> škola je state-run school). # Confu-
into the dent or groove and built up until it stands singly enough, the larger and more famous pri-
proud of the surrounding surface. vate fee-paying boarding schools, such as Eaton,
Prove one’s mettle (pod Show/prove one’s Harrow, Rugby, and Rodean, are called Public
Pull a fast one (on someone) (potegnuti je-
Provided (that) ne znači samo obezbeđen,
dan brz) znači nasamariti (nekoga), nasankati
opskrbljen, već i pod uslovom da, (samo) ako. #
(nekoga), izraditi (nekoga) na brzinu. # The pu-
You can go provided it doesn’t rain.
blic are now protected from shopkeepers who try
Provide evidence (pod Evidence). to pull a fast one by selling low quality goods at
Provide for ne znači samo starati se za, već high prices.
i (a): pobrinuti se za nekoga, obezbediti neko- Pull/carry one’s weight (potegnuti/poneti
ga (finansijski), (b): pripremiti se za, predvideti svoju težinu) znači uraditi pošteno svoj deo po-
sve potrebno za i (c): predvideti, stvoriti prav- sla, dati svoj puni doprinos. In a small shop, it is
nu osnovu za. (a): If you decide to divorce, you important that each man pull his weight. # When
must see to it that your wife is properly provided Mother was sick in the hospital, Father said each
for. (b): Every possible failure of the electrical child must carry his own weight.
system has been provided for, generally by dupli- Pull down nije samo spustiti, već i (a): sru-
cating the circuits. (c): Equal pay for women is šiti, (b): sniziti, smanjiti, (c): zarađivati, (d): is-
provided for in the new law. crpsti, iznuriti, (e): degradirati i (f): učiniti da
Province nije samo provincija, već i delo- neko padne na slabiju poziciju, dobije slabiju
krug. # It’s within his province to issue autho- ocenu itd. (a): They are going to pull down the
rization. old building today. (b): Let’s see if we can pull
Provision ne znači provizija (kaže se com- down your temperature. (c): She’s able to pull
mision, commision-fee), već (a): pribavljanje, down $700 a week. (d): That long spell in hospi-
Pull in 180 Push the boat out

tal pulled him down a lot. (e): His bad habits are Pull the wool over someone’s eyes (staviti
pulling him down. (f): He seemed all set to win a nekome vunu preko očiju) znači nasamariti ne-
gold medal, but his performance in the third ro- koga, prevariti nekoga. # The businessman had
und pulled him down. pulled the wool over his partner’s eyes about the-
Pull in ne znači samo uvući, već i (a): stići, ir financial position.
pristati, ući u (stanicu i sl.), (b): parkirati se, (c): Pull together je zajedno vući ili složno ve-
uvesti, pustiti unutra, (d): privesti (u policijsku slati, ali znači i (a): organizovati, srediti, (b):
stanicu), (e): privući i (f): zarađivati. (a): We ujediniti, integrisati i (c): udružiti snage, zajed-
arrived just when the train pulled in at the station. nički delovati. (a): How about a party? I’ll see
(b): “Pull in here. I’ve got to make a phone call.” if I can pull something together for Saturday ni-
(J. Carroll, Memorial Bridge) (c): Mr. Appleby ght. (b): “There is the NATO alliance, which will
is here, sir. - Pull him in, please. (d): Two youths soon disintegrate unless we do something to pull
loitering near a supermarket were pulled in on it together” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memo-
irs). (c): If we all pull together, we should be able
suspicion. (e): We used to pull in a good Saturday
to get the country out of the mess it’s in. Pull
crowd at the Palace theater. (f): They’re pulling oneself together znači pribrati se, sabrati se. #
in a lot of overtime money on that job. “That’ll do, Ascher,’ said the inspector. ‘Pull yo-
Pull oneself together (pod Pull together). urself together. I’m not charging you with anyt-
Pull oneself up by one’s (own) bootstraps/ hing - yet’” (A. Christie, The ABC Murders).
bootlaces (podići se sopstvenim pertlama) znači Pull up nije samo iščupati, već i (a): prići
probijati se sam kroz život, postići nešto sop- ivici puta, stati uz trotoar (auto) i (b): zaustaviti
stvenim naporima. # “And I must say the way (nečiji auto, konje i sl.). (a): The Rolls pulled up
you’ve pulled yourself up by your bootstraps on pour front lawn. (b): The police officer pulled
does you enormous credit” (J. Mortimer, Paradi- up the car in front of the hotel. Pull-up je podi-
se Postponed). # Look at this young lady, how zanje na razboju (do visine brade). # You can do
she has pulled herself up her own bootlaces! pull-ups a lot faster by doing a drop catch.
Pull one’s socks up (povući čarape nagore) Pull up stakes (iščupati kočeve) znači (kolo-
znači uzeti se u pamet. # You’ve had another bad kvijalno) dići sidro, preseliti se. # After twenty
school report. If you don’t pull your socks up, years in the same job, my uncle decided to pull
you will have to work on the holidays. up stakes and go to live in Australia.
Pull out ne znači samo izvući, već i (a): oti- Puppy love (ljubav šteneta) je mladalačka
ći, krenuti, napustiti, (b): vaditi se, izvlačiti se, ljubav. # She wanted to get married at the age of
(c): izaći vozilom iz svoje trake (radi preticanja), 16 but her parents persuaded her that it was only
(d): izvući se iz čega (bolesti, depresije itd.), (e): puppy love.
povući se i (f): otkinuti, istrgnuti. (a): The three- Purpose nije samo cilj, već i (a): svrha, (b):
thirty was pulling out of platform five as I ran namera i (c): smisao i (d): odlučnost. (a): The
into the station. (b): The drawers pull out easily. purpose of a screen door is to keep flies out. (b):
(c): The car in front pulled out to overtake just as Ella did not forget her coat; she left it in the loc-
I was about to overtake it. (d): He’s been dogged ker on purpose. (c): It’s all to no purpose. Only
by failures for years; now he’s working strenuo- a waste of time. (d): He walked with a stride full
usly to pull out. (e): He pulled out of the deal at of purpose.
the last minute. (f): The map is at the back of the Push home (gurati kući) znači forsirati, iz-
book, and may be pulled out for easy reference. vršiti snažan pritisak. # He had now found the
weakness in his adversary’s case, and he pushed
Pull rank (izvući čin) znači (a): pozvati se na home his points with vigor.
starešinstvo, iskoristiti svoj čin i (b): pokazati ko
Push/press one’s luck (pritiskati sreću) znači
je gazda. (a): Come on now, must I pull rank on
suviše se oslanjati na sreću, kušati sreću, previ-
you? (b): When he couldn’t get his way politely, še rizikovati. # You’re okay so far, but don’t push
he pulled rank and really got some action. your luck. # When Bob won his first two bets at
Pull someone’s leg (povući nečiju nogu) zna- the race truck, he pressed his luck and increased
či zbijati šalu s nekim, nasankati nekoga. # You his bets.
don’t mean that. You’re just pulling my leg. Push something down someone’s throat
Pull the plug ne znači samo izvući utikač, is- (pod Shove/ram/force/push/stuff something
ključiti, već i (a): staviti tačku, završiti, skinuti down someone’s throat).
sa dnevnog reda i (b): raskrinkati, razotkriti. Push the boat out (izgurati čamac) je britan-
(a): The manager pulled the plug on the whole ski kolokvijalizam koji znači bogovski se prove-
project. (b): The media pulled the plug on the sti. # Do you remember how we pushed the boat
government officials’ involvement in drug traf- out the night that we won back the champion-
ficking. ship?
Push the button 181 Put away

Push the button (pod Press/push the bu- litete na velika zvona, prsiti se. # The modesty is
tton). the last illness he’ll die of. He likes to put all his
Push the panic button (pod Press/push the goods in the window without holding anything
panic button). in reserve.
Push up daisies (gurati nagore bele rade) Put a name (dati ime) znači identifikovati,
znači (u žargonu) ležati u grobu („gledati travu reći precizno ko je/šta je. # He was somebody
odozdo“). I’ll be pushing up daisies before this you read of every other day in the newspaper, yet
problem is solved. we couldn’t put a name to him.
Put a bee in someone’s bonnet (staviti bubu Put an end to nije samo okončati, već i li-
u nečiji šeširić) znači dati nekome kakvu ideju, kvidirati, uništiti. # The new highway took most
staviti nekome bubu u glavu. # Who put a bee of the traffic from the old road and put an end to
in your bonnet? Kaže se i put the idea/thought Mr. Johnson’s motel business. # When the horse
into someone’s head. # It was a question about broke his leg, the farmer put an end to him.
the price of houses in York that first put into my Put a new face on something ne znači dati
head the thought that he had applied for another novo lice nečemu, već baciti novo svetlo na ne-
job. što. # His explanation of the event put a comple-
Put a bold face on/upon something (pod Put tely new face on the whole case. Kaže se i show
a brave/bold/good face on/upon something). something in a different light (prikazati nešto
Put a bomb under someone (staviti bombu u drukčijem svetlu). Put a new spin on somet-
ispod nekoga) je britanski kolokvijalizam koji hing znači prikazati nešto u povoljnijem svetlu.
znači podsetiti nekoga da nešto učini. # We’d # The President’s supporters tried yesterday to
better put a bomb under Mr. Simpson: he hasn’t put a new spin on the speech, saying its real aim
delivered those chairs we ordered last year. Send had been to draw the distinctions between the
him a letter to ask what’s happening, will you? candidates.
Put a brave/bold/good face on/upon somet- Put a new spin on something (pod Put a
hing (zadržati hrabro/bodro lice u odnosu na new face on something).
nešto) znači ne pokazati razočaranje ili uznemi- Put a premium ne znači staviti premiju, već
renost zbog nečega (neprijatnog), ostati privid- pridati osobit značaj, staviti akcenat. # My un-
no bodar, veseo itd. uprkos nečemu. # After the cle puts a premium on politeness, so if you want
election shock, he turned to address his suppor- to impress him favorably, make sure you speak
ters, determined to put as brave a face on it as he politely.
could manage. # There is not much optimism in Put aside ne znači samo odložiti na stranu,
the air, but at least both sides are putting a bold već i (a): odložiti za kasnije, (b): ostaviti što, ne
face on proceedings. uzimati više u ruke, (c): prištedeti, (d): zabora-
Put a bug/flea in someone’s ear ne znači sta- viti, ostaviti iza sebe i (e): rezervisati (u radnji)
viti nekome bubu u uvo, već očitati nekome bu- za nekoga, staviti na stranu. (a): He put aside
kvicu. # Bob was late for the third time this week the document to read later. (b): He put aside his
and the teacher put a bug in his ear. # I’ll put a textbooks when he left school and never reope-
flea in his ear if he bothers me once more. ned them. (c): They’re living on the money they
have put aside for years. (d): Put aside all that has
Put a construction on something (staviti
happened and try to start again. (e): If you’d like
konstrukciju na nešto) znači dati svoju interpre-
to pay me a little deposit, I’ll put the suit aside
taciju nečega. # On the same collection of evi-
for you, sir.
dence each of the witnesses had put a different
construction. Put a sock in it! (Stavi čarapu u to!) znači
(u žargonu) (a): Zaveži! Začepi brnjicu! i (b):
Put a damper (staviti prigušivač) znači (ko-
Življe! Mrdni malo! (a): Put a sock in it! I’ve
lokvijalno) delovati kao hladan tuš, politi hlad- heard enough. (b): Put a sock in it! I want this
nom vodom. # The bank’s refusal to lend us any stuff moved before the end of the morning.
money put a damper on our hopes of buying our
own house. Kaže se i pour/throw/dash cold wa- Put away ne znači samo ostaviti na stranu,
ter. # Jake’s father poured cold water on his plans uštedeti, već i (a): skloniti, staviti na mesto, (b):
to go to college by saying he could not afford it. smazati (u žargonu), (c): ubiti, likvidirati (d):
sahraniti i (e): smestiti u duševnu bolnicu. (a):
Put a flea in someone’s ear (pod Put a bug/ Tommy, please put away your toys. (b): He put
flea in someone’s ear). away a big supper and three cups of coffee. (c):
Put a good face on/upon something (pod Put The gangster threatened to put me away if I told
a brave/bold/good face on/upon something). the police. (d): My aunt died last week. They put
Put all one’s goods in the window (staviti her away on Sunday. (e): My uncle became irra-
svu svoju robu u izlog) znaći udarati svoje kva- tional, and they put him away.
Put back 182 Put off

Put back ne znači samo staviti natrag, već i Put in ne znači samo umetnuti, već i (a):
(a): vratiti se u luku, (b): vratiti na mesto, (c): dodati, primetiti, upasti u reč, (b): pristati, ući
vratiti skazaljke na satu, (d): pomeriti za kasni- u luku, (c): uputiti zahtev, (d): dati u dužnost,
je, odložiti i (e): usporiti, zadržati. (a): They put (e): izabrati, (f): provesti (vreme), (g): ubaciti,
back to Dieppe. (b): Put back the book where you uneti, (h): uputiti, podneti, (i): zasaditi, (j): po-
found it. (c): All the clocks should have been put staviti, instalirati, (k): uložiti (trud, rad itd.) (a):
back one hour last night. (d): The invasion was While the boys were discussing the car accident,
put back twenty-four hours while the chiefs wa- Donald put in that the road was icy. (b): We’ll put
ited for better weather reports. (e): The strike of in at the next port for refuelling. (c): The sailor
drivers has put our deliveries back one month. put in for time to visit his family before the ship
Put down ne znači samo položiti, spustiti, već went to sea. (d): They’ve put in a caretaker to
i (a): aterirati, (b): staviti vino u podrum, (c): keep an eye on people coming in and out of the
ugušiti, silom suzbiti, (d): ukinuti, sprečiti, (e): building. (e): The independent candidate was put
likvidirati (bolesnu i staru životinju), (f): uništi- in with a thumping majority. (f): They put in the
ti (štetočine), (g): napisati, staviti na papir, (h): time playing cards. (g): Put in the proper punctu-
predložiti kao tačku dnevnog reda, (i): položiti ation marks. (h): He’s due for some leave and is
kao depozit, (j): ostaviti, (k): iskopati, (l): baga- thinking of putting in an application. (i): He put
telisati, nipodaštavati (u žargonu), (m): ućutkati in a row of radishes. (j): We’re putting in a com-
i (n): iskrcati, pustiti nekoga da siđe. (a): The pletely new system of wiring and switches. (k):
helicopter hovered over us looking for a place to A lot of careful planning was put into making the
put down. (b): When you see what they’re char- day a success.
ging for French wines now I’m glad I put down Put in a plug (uključiti utikač) znači (u žar-
a couple of cases of claret and three dozen sha- gonu) reći koju reč u prilog, preporučiti. # I’m
blis last year. (c): The army quickly put down the seeing the boss this afternoon, and I’ll put a plug
uprising. (d): They introduced measures aimed for you. # We have to find somebody to put in a
at putting down, or at least restricting, organized plug for our project.
gambling. (e): He had to put his dog away when Put in one’s two cents (ubaciti svoja dva
it became too old and unhappy. (f): We tried pu- centa) znači (u američkom engleskom) dodati
tting down mice and other small vermin with nešto, komentarisati nešto. # - Can I put in my
poison. (g): He put down the story while it was two cents worth? - Sure, go ahead - put your two
fresh in his mind. (h): Some MPS are in favor cents in.
of putting down a resolution which would come Put it (staviti to) znači izraziti nešto, objasniti
before the Parliamentary Labor Party. (i): He put nešto. # I don’t quite know how to put it. # Let it
down $500 as a deposit on the car. (j): I simply put it another way.
couldn’t put that book down. It’s thrilling. (k): Put lead in someone’s pencil (staviti minu
He put down a new well. (l): Please stop putting u nečiju olovku) znači (u britanskom kolokvi-
me down all the time. It hurts my feelings. (m): jalnom engleskom - šaljivo) dati nekome snagu,
The administration tried to put down the press, potenciju i sl. # Drink some more of this, boy!
but the media didn’t give in. (n): Would you It’ll put lead in your pencil!
mind putting me down at the next corner? Put (new/fresh) heart into someone (staviti
Put forward ne znači samo gurnuti napred, - novo/sveže - srce nekome) znači uliti nekome
već i (a): predložiti, preporučiti, (b): izneti, samopouzdanje. # The leaders may go out into
ponuditi, (c): pomeriti skazaljke na časovniku the country and address mass rallies but their
unapred. (a): He was put forward as the man purpose is to put heart into the party workers. # I
most likely to win the ear of the conference. think Sir Keith will have put fresh heart into mi-
(b): It’s an explanation often put forward by our llions of people with this speech - Labor as well
friend: he’s convinced that economics is at the as Tory supporters.
bottom of everything. (c): Clocks should be put Put off ne znači samo odložiti, već i (a): oti-
forward one hour tonight at the beginning of offi- snuti se, zaploviti, (b): oneraspoložiti, pogoditi,
cial Summer Time. (c): odbijati od sebe, (d): odvratiti, obeshrabriti,
Put hair(s) on someone’s chest (staviti neko- (e): dekoncentrisati, smesti, (f): zgaditi nekome
me dlake na grudi) je šaljivi kolokvijalizam koji nešto, učiniti da neko izgubi svaki interes za ne-
znači dati nekome snagu. # Have another drink. što, (g): uspavati i (h): iskrcati. (a): They put off
It’ll put hairs on your chest. in small boats to meet the coming ship. (b): We
Put/hang the flags out znači izvesiti barjake, were all put off by the unfairness of the rules.
ali i svesrdno pozdraviti nešto. # The day he buys (c): He could be a good salesman, but his manner
me a drink I’ll put the flags out. # So, he accepted puts customers off. (d): I won’t talk to reporters.
the nomination! More power to his elbow! I’ll Tell them something which will put them off. (e):
hang the flags out if he gets elected. He was trying to write, but the continuous noise
Put off the evil hour 183 Put one’s shirt on something

outside his window put him off. (f): She was put nutoj parnici (pravni termin) i (b): pokvariti svo-
off learning languages by incompetent teaching. je šanse. (a): He put himself out of court in the
(g): What about a nice cup of tea to put you off to lawsuit, threatening the other party with physical
sleep again? (h): The stowaways were put off the violence. (b): By talking like that to the secretary
ship at the next port of call. about the boss, you have put yourself out of court
Put off the evil hour/day (pod Postpone ili for any promotion.
put off the evil hour/day). Put one’s foot down (pritisnuti stopalom)
Put on ne znači samo obući, već i (a): upa- znači (kolokvijalno) (a): dati gas i (b): biti ne-
liti (svetlo, radio itd.), (b): dati vezu, (c): uve- popustljiv, zauzeti odlučan stav. (a): I don’t like
ćati (cenu, obavezu itd.), (d): dodati, (e): uvesti driving fast, so I get really afraid when he puts
(porez), razrezati, (f): zavitlavati i (g): postaviti his foot down. (b): “Isobel was longing to be
(predstavu, izložbu i sl.). (a): “I’ll put on the li- called up for service. But her father unexpected-
ght.” (Sh. Delaney, A Taste of Honey) # Put the ly put his foot down” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect
radio on. (b): Would you put on Mr. Brown, ple- Woman).
ase? (c): Their latest measures will put several Put one’s foot in one’s mouth, put one’s
dollars on the weekly food bill. (d): Southern Re- foot in it, stick one’s foot in one’s mouth (sta-
gion is putting on ten extra trains to cope with the viti/gurnuti svoje stopalo u usta) znači odvaliti
holiday traffic. # She put on a sun room. (e): The debelo # izvaliti glupost # lupiti i ostati živ. # She
government is proposing to put on a new range put her foot in her mouth with her joke about that
of taxes to pay for social services. (f): You’re church, not knowing that one of the guests belon-
putting me on! # She said she was planning to ged to it. # When I told Sally that her hair was
give her house to a charity for the homeless but more beautiful than I had ever seen, I really stuck
I thought she was putting me on. (g): “It was all my foot in my mouth. It was a wig. # “I just said
agreed that this gallery was to put on a one-man what came into my head, and there I go, putting
show.” (J. Wain, The Contenders). my foot in it as usual” (M. Dickens, The Angel
Put on airs (and graces) (poprimiti držanje in the Corner).
– i gracioznost) znači uzneti se, uzoholiti se,
Put one’s hand(s) on something ne znači
nastojati impresionirati druge (“za zaseniti pro-
samo staviti ruku/ruke na nešto, već i pronaći
stotu”). Gladys is always putting on airs. You’d
nešto što neko traži. # If I put my hands on that
think she was a queen. # “I can’t stand actors who
put on airs and graces,” she said. book, I’ll let you know.
Put on an act (inscenirati čin) znači pre- Put one’s heads together (udružiti glave)
tvarati se, izigravati, zauzeti važnu pozu. # “He znači zajednički promozgati, posavetovati se
was amazed at her capacity to put on this act. He međusobno. # The present plans are far too ex-
would not have suspected her capable of such a pensive. I think we should put our heads together
masquerade” (I. Murdoch, The Sandcastle). and see if we can somehow make them cheaper.
Put one’s back into/to doing something Put one’s money on a scratched horse (sta-
(podmetnuti leđa) znači (a): upreti da se što po- viti novac na ogrebanog konja) znači kladiti
meri ili podigne i (b): zapeti iz petnih žila da se se na sigurnog gubitnika, igrati na kartu koja
uradi nešto. (a): All right, you guys. Put your gubi. # You bet on the New York Mets to win the
backs in moving this piano. (b): The artist put his World Series? Why put your money on a scrat-
back to finishing the picture on time. ched horse?
Put one’s best put forward (koraknuti naj- Put one’s money on someone (staviti novac
boljom nogom) znači (kolokvijalno) (a): maksi- na nekoga) znači očekivati s punim poverenjem
malno se potruditi, odlučno se prihvatiti čega, da će neko uspeti. # I’m putting my money on
(b): požuriti, ubrzati i (c): pokazati se u najbo- Rogers to win the next by-election.
ljem svetlu (u američkom engleskom). (a): Don’t Put one’s money where one’s mouth is (sta-
worry too much about the examination. Just put viti novac onde gde su usta) znači preći sa reči
your best put forward and do what you can! (b): na delo (“mnogo reči, malo para”). # How splen-
If you want to catch your train, you’ll have to did for the United States to put its money where
put your best foot forward. (c): I want you to its mouth is by offering 65 million dollars for re-
put your best foot forward when you meet Mrs. search into fighting malnutrition!
Lukas; she’s very influential and could help us Put one’s shirt on something (dati košulju
a lot. na nešto) znači (a): kladiti se u poslednju paru
Put one’s cards on the table (pod Lay/put na nešto i (b): biti uveren u uspeh nečega. (a): I
one’s cards on the table). am putting my shirt on that horse. It is certain to
Put oneself out of court (izbaciti sebe iz win. (b): You may not think that our toothpaste
suda) je (a): diskvalifikovati sam sebe u pokre- will corner the market, but I’d put my shirt on it.
Put on hold 184 Put/set the cat among the pigeons

Put on hold nema veze sa držanjem, već to put out. (h): The publishers put out eighty new
znači (a): prekinuti vezu, prestati se viđati, (b): books last season. (i): “They clustered around the
ostaviti nekoga da čeka na telefonskoj vezi i (c): radio, listening to the news of the invasion, liste-
zastati, odložiti za neko vreme. (a): Fred put Irma ning to the news of the invasion put out by the
on hold and started dating Jenny. (b): I’ll have to BBC” (N. Shute, Requiem for a Wren). (j): The
put you on hold while I look up the information. engine of a wartime fighter aircraft put out more
(c): They put the project on hold until they got than one thousand horsepower. (k): Never had
enough money to finish it. our supporters put out so much effort. (l): The old
Put on one’s thinking cap (staviti kapu za woman fell down and put out her leg. (m): The
razmišljanje) znači promozgati, dobro razmisli- woman put her head out of the window. (n): Ina-
ti. # Miss Javits told her pupils to put on their ccuracies in the measuring vessels must have put
thinking caps before answering the question. his results out by a mile. (o): They put out half
Put on the agony (pod Pile on the agony). a million dollars on the project. (p): A detailed
Put on the billboard znači staviti na oglasnu description of the wanted man has been put out
tablu, ali i (figurativno) razglasiti svima. # “Bar- to all mobile patrols. (q): The building societies
bara has little sympathy for my secret; if it would attract deposits from investors and then put out
not pain her equally, she would put it all on bill- this money, at a higher rate of interest, to those
boards” (S. Turow, Presumed Innocent). wishing to buy houses. (r): The manufacture of
belts and buckles is put out to subcontractors.
Put on the brakes ne znači samo prikočiti,
već i prestati. # “He knew he was drunk. He had Put out of action (staviti van akcije) je vojni
meant to put on the brakes, not drink too much of termin koji znači izbaciti iz stroja, onesposobiti.
the punch” (L. McMurtry, Texasville). # The soldier put two enemy tanks out of action
with his bazooka.
Put on the dog (staviti psa) znači (kolokvi-
jalno) napadno se obući, nakinđuriti se. # The Put out the welcome mat (postaviti otirač
Stevensons really put on the dog at their party dobrodošlice) znači prirediti toplu dobrodošlicu.
last Saturday. # Our cousins put out the welcome mat for us.
Put on the line (staviti na crtu) znači dati no- Put over ne znači samo izvesti, već i (a):
vac. # Irma put all of her savings on the line when odložiti, (b): uspeti i (c): uspešno objasniti.
she started her own business. (a):They put over the meeting to the following
Wednesday. (b): He tried to complete the arran-
Put on the map (staviti na mapu) znači (ko- gement several times and finally put it over. (c):
lokvijalno) učiniti poznatim, učiniti da se nešto “This evening he was not putting over a story to
pročuje, proslaviti. # The discovery of ancient an untried audience” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon
paintings on the walls of the church has certainly Attitudes).
put our little village on the map.
Put paid to something nema veze sa plaća-
Put on the street (staviti na ulicu) znači (u njem, već znači staviti tačku na nešto, dokrajčiti
žargonu) rastrubiti svima redom. # Man, can’t nešto (pretežno u britanskom engleskom) . # His
you keep a secret? Don’t put everything on the
hopes of marrying her were put paid to by her re-
ply to his letter. # “One blow and you’d be dead,
Put out ne znači samo ispružiti (ruku, jezik which would put paid to any thoughts of Austra-
itd.), već i (a): otploviti, (b): iznervirati, naljutiti, lia” (A. Sillitoe, The Loneliness of the Long-dis-
(c): onesvestiti, (d): izbaciti, (e): deranžirati, po- tance Runner).
remetiti, (f): ugasiti, (g): pustiti (izdanak, pupo-
Put plainly (jasno izraziti) znači reći bez uvi-
ljak, mladicu), (h): izdati, publikovati, (i): obja-
janja, ne zavijati u oblande. # Thank you. I think
viti, (j): proizvesti, (k): uložiti (energiju, napor),
you’ve put your feelings quite plainly.
ispoljiti, (l): iščašiti, (m): promoliti, (n): učiniti
pogrešnim, (o): uložiti, investirati, (p): preneti, Put/set one’s hand to the plow/plough (sta-
cirkulisati, (q): dati novac na zajam pod kamatu viti ruku na plug) znači prihvatiti se ozbiljno
i (r): prepustiti/dati (deo proizvodnje) na sic ili posla. # We felt that he had put his hand to the
kao podizvođaču. (a): We put out to sea on the plow, and we didn’t like it when he quit. # You’ll
early morning tide. (b): Joe behaved rudely at the never accomplish anything if you don’t set your
party, and the hostess was quite put out. (c): The hand to the plough.
champion put his opponent out in the fifth round Put/set one’s shoulder to the wheel (podmet-
- and he stayed out. (d): The boys were being nuti rame pod točak) znači upreti iz sve snage,
a disturbance so the usher put them out. (e): I’d svojski se latiti posla. # The effort to get a new
like to have a ride home, but not if it puts you high school succeeded because everyone put his
out. (f): Put out the fire and go to bed. # Please shoulder to the wheels.
put the light out when you leave the room. (g): It Put/set the cat among the pigeons/canaries
was spring and the sprouts of the branches began (staviti mačku među golubove/kanarince) znači
Put/set the cat among the pigeons 185 Put the best face on something

uzbuditi duhove. # “I then said that I had never nekome grdne muke. # The boss put Art through
known the Services reduced to such a parlous the wringer over this contract.
condition. This fairly put the cat among the ca- Put someone to bed with a shovel (pod Put
naries.” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs) to bed).
# The young politician has set an electoral cat Put someone to sleep ne znači staviti nekoga
among the pigeons by announcing that he may na spavanje, već (a): uspavati nekoga, (b): do-
stand for Parliament. krajčiti (injekcijom) životinju koja ima neizleči-
Put/set the cat among the pigeons (staviti vu bolest (da ne bi patila) i (c): ugnjaviti nekoga.
točkove u pokret) znači krenuti u realizaciju ne- (a): The doctor put the patient to sleep before the
čega, pokrenuti mehanizam. # If there is anyt- operation. (b): The cat was very ill and we had
hing you don’t like, make the necessary changes to put it to sleep. (c): Her long story put me to
before we put the wheels in motion. sleep.
Put/shove/stick in one’s oar (umetnuti/ Put someone wise (neprevodivo doslovno)
ugurati/ubosti svoje veslo) znači (kolokvijalno) znači upozoriti nekoga, otvoriti nekome oči,
trpati se (u razgovor, tuđe poslove), petljati se obavestiti nekoga o pravom stanju stvari. # I
nepozvan u nešto. # Why do you always have to
thought I had better put you wise as to what’s
put in your oar?
going on here. Your conduct is being criticized in
Put some muscle into something (uložiti mi- the officers’ mess.
šiće u nešto) znači delovati autoritativnije/ener-
gičnije/odlučnije. # We expect our police depar- Put something across ne znači samo preći
tment to put some muscle into law enforcement. preko, već i (a): prodati rog za sveću, (b): razja-
sniti, učiniti razumljivim i (c): uspešno plasirati,
Put someone in mind of (staviti nekoga u
učiniti prihvatljivim. (a): He put one across the
pamet) znači podsetiti nekoga na. # She puts me
police once, but they’re not likely to be caught a
in mind of my sister. # That story puts me in mind
second time. (b): He knows his subject well but
of the jokes my father used to tell me when I was
a child. he can’t put it across. (c): There was a special
campaign to put the new product across to the
Put someone in the club ne znači učlaniti housewife.
nekoga u klub, već napraviti nekome dete. #
She couldn’t name the father; all that emerged Put something to rest (staviti nešto da poči-
was that someone had put her in the club while va) znači staviti tačku na nešto, gurnuti nešto u
she was under the influence of alcohol. stranu i zaboraviti. # Following are some of the
Put someone in the picture ne znači naslika- questions that cannot be put to rest until the facts
ti nekoga, već uvesti nekoga u stvar, držati ne- become public.
koga u toku. # “’I’d better put you in the picture,’ Put/stick one’s foot in one’s mouth (staviti/
he said. ‘Briefly, it is this...’” (J. Wyndham, The gurnuti nogu sebi u usta) znači (kolokvijalno)
Day of the Triffids). izvaliti nešto, lupiti i ostati živ. # She put her foot
Put someone on the spot ne znači staviti ne- in her mouth with her joke about that church, not
koga na njegovo mesto (kaže se put someone knowing that one of the guests belonged to it. #
in his place), već staviti nekoga u težak položaj. When I told Sally that her hair was more beauti-
# Don’t put me on the spot. I can’t give you an ful than I had ever seen, I really stuck my foot in
answer. my mouth. It was a wig.
Put someone’s nose out of joint (iščašiti ne- Put that in your pipe and smoke it! (Stavi
kome nos) znači povrediti nečiju sujetu. # I’m to u svoju lulu i popuši!) znači To ti je što ti je.
afraid I put his nose out of joint by not inviting Pomiri se s tim. # “That’s all, and you can put it
him to the picnic. in your pipe and smoke it” (A. Christie, The ABC
Put someone through the hoop (proturiti Murders).
nekoga kroz obruč) znači staviti nekoga na teš- Put the arm on someone (staviti ruku na ne-
ka iskušenja, namučiti pošteno nekoga. # The koga) znači (u žargonu) pritisnuti nekoga, izvr-
lieutenant really put us through the hoop when širi presiju na nekoga. # I know Guy wants some
we joined the ship. money. He put the arm on me, but I said no.
Put someone through the mill (propustiti Put the best face on something (staviti naj-
nekoga kroz vodenicu) znači naterati nekoga da bolje lice na nešto) znači ne pokazati razočare-
prođe kroz surovu školu, prosejati nekoga kroz nje ili uznemirenost nečim, pokušati prikazati
sito i rešeto. # The army recruits were really put nešto (loše) u najboljem svetlu. # As Democrats
through the mill for the first three months of their quickly went on the offensive, seizing the figures
training. to castigate President’s Bush’s economic stewar-
Put someone through the wringer (propusti- dship, the White House rushed to put the best
ti nekoga kroz mašinu za ceđenje) znači zadati face it could on the double dose of bad news.
Put the bite/touch on someone 186 Pylon

Put the bite/touch on someone nema veze sa everything together to figure out the answer in
ugrizom ili dodirom, već znači (u žargonu) po- time. (d): He had managed to put together a con-
kušati iskamčiti nešto od nekoga. # Chuck put vincing case from the accounts of eyewitnesses.
the bite on me for twenty dollars. # Wally put the # Mother put together an excellent supper.
touch on me, but I told him to go dead. Put/turn the clock back (vraćati sat nazad)
Put the cart before the horse (staviti kola znači vraćati se u prošlost, oživljavati preživelo.
pre konja) znači (kolokvijalno) postaviti stva- # The Mirror says nobody can put back the clock
ri na glavu, okrenuti prirodan tok stvari, prići and get rid of decimal currency. # The only truly
stvarima naopako. # To get married first and effective way of undoing the damage would be to
then look for a job is putting the cart before the do impossible and turn the clock back.
horse. Put/turn the heat on (someone) (pustiti vru-
Put the chill/freeze on someone (rashladiti/ ćinu - na nekoga) znači (kolokvijalno) izvršiti
zamrznuti nekoga) znači (u žargonu) ignorisati pritisak, pritesniti nekoga uza zid, pritisnuti ne-
nekoga, staviti nekoga na led u društvu. # She koga do daske. # The police put the heat on to
was pretty snooty till we all put chill on her. # find out where he had hidden the stolen money.
Let’s put the freeze on Joe until he starts acting # When they turn the heat on, they can be very
better. unpleasant.
Put the clamps on someone (staviti nekoga Put up ne znači samo gurnuti uvis, već i (a):
u stegu) znači (u žargonu) prišrafiti nekoga. # dići/podići (b): oglasiti, (c): izgraditi, podići,
Dave’s parents put the clamps on him. They de- (d): povećati, podići (cenu itd.), (e): izneti, izlo-
cided he was getting out of hand. žiti, (f): podneti (molbu, peticiju itd.), (g): pruži-
Put the freeze on someone (pod Put the chi- ti, (h): smestiti, (i): kandidovati, (j): pripremiti
ll/freeze on someone). i spakovati, (k): konzervirati, staviti u zimnicu,
Put the lid on something (staviti poklopac (l): urediti frizuru, (m): staviti na mesto, (n):
na nešto) znači (u britanskom engleskom) uči- pretvarati se, staviti masku, (o): obezbediti sred-
niti kraj nečemu. # “Uncle of mine had a brush stva. (a): Please put the window up. (b): The
names of the successful candidates will be put
factory at Edmonton. Doing pretty well before
up on the College notice board. (c): The city put
the war. That put the lid on the brush trade for
up a fence next to our house. (d): Every time a
me” (E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisited).
new tenant moves into the flat, he puts up the rent
Put the show on the road (pod Get the show a bit more. (e): Let me put up a different idea.
on the road). (f): We must put up a petition for a right of way
Put the skids on/under someone/something here. (g): Very little resistance was put up by the
(staviti potpornje na/pod nekoga/nešto) znači surrounded men. (h): I know I am late, but can
osujetiti nekoga/nešto. # They put the skids on you put me up for the night? (i): We’ll put him
the project when they refused to give us more up for treasurer at the next committee meeting.
money. # Art tried to talk, but the boss put the (j): Every morning Mother puts up lunches for
skids under him. three children. (k): We put up a lot of food every
Put the wind up someone (podići vetar na year. (l): Aunt Betty puts up her hair in curlers
nekoga) znači (kolokvijalno) prestrašiti nekoga, every night. (m): Put up your toys and go to bed.
uterati strah u kosti nekome. # The H bomb did (n): The fundamental secret of covering up ef-
not reduce the whole world to the trouble of Hi- ficiency is the art of putting up a front. (o): The
roshima and Nagasaki: on the contrary, it put the government put the money up for the cost of the
wind up the human race about using such toys. construction.
Put to bed ne znači samo staviti u krevet, već Put up with znači trpeti, podnositi, otrpeti. #
i završiti uređivanje i poslati u štampu. # Finish The strikes convey the message that the workers
the editing of this book and put it to bed. Put so- will not put up with the absence of reforms.
meone to bed with a shovel (staviti nekog u kre- Put years on someone (staviti godine na ne-
vet lopatom) znači (u žargonu) poslati nekoga na koga) znači činiti nekoga starijim nego što jeste,
onaj svet, ubiti i sahraniti koga. # “Watch out, postariti nekoga. # The terrible events of those
wise guy,” said the robber, “or I’ll put you to bed two months put years on him.
with a shovel.” Pylon je pilon (potporni stub, nosač mosta),
Put together ne znači samo sastaviti, sklopi- ali i (a): stub dalekovoda (u britanskom engle-
ti, već i (a): uzeto zajedno, skupa posmatrano, skom) i (b): saobraćajna kupica (za privremeno
(b): smestiti zajedno, (c): razmotriti i doći do za- razdvajanje saobraćaja - u američkom engle-
ključka i (d): napraviti/sačiniti (iz raspoloživog skom). (a): Electric pylons for carrying cables
materijala). (a): He’s worth more than the rest across navigable rivers are among the tallest
of the family put together. (b): We don’t want to structures in the country. (b): Not a road, real ha-
put two men together at table. (c): I couldn’t put bitation or pylon line in sight.

Quarrel with one’s bread and butter (biti u tvijem“ - Djela apostolska 10:42). # «My fellow
svađi sa svojim hlebom i puterom) znači kukati citizens of the world,» said Bernard Baruch on
nad svojom sudbinom, biti nezadovoljan svojim June 14, 1946, to a UN meeting in New York’s
položajem. # You have no reason whatsoever to Hunter College gymnasium, «we are here to
quarrel with your bread and butter. Your situation make a choice between the quick and the dead...
is far from bad. We must elect World Peace or World Destruc-
Quarrel with someone znači svađati se sa tion.»
nekim, ali quarrel with something znači pro- Quick-change artist nije samo glumac koji
tivrečiti nečemu, dovoditi u pitanje nešto (naj- brzo menja garderobu i maske, već i nepostoja-
češće u negaciji – „ne osporavam“). # I won’t
quarrel with your estimate of costs: it seems rea- na osoba, neko ko menja mišljenja kao košulje.
sonable enough. # I would never take him at his word - he’s a
quick-change artist.
Quart nije kvart (deo grada), već dve pinte
(tekućine) (1.106 l. brit. i 0.946 l. am.). # A quart Quick fix (brza popravka) je (u američkom
is so called because it is a quarter of a gallon. kolokvijalnom engleskom) (a): brzo (i navodno
Quarter nije samo četvrtina, već i (a): četvrt, lako) rešenje i (b): provizorno rešenje, rešenje
kvart, (b): tromesečje, (c): četvrt dolara (25 cen- za nuždu. (a): There is no quick fix to the deve-
ti), (d): stan, smeštaj (u množini), (e): milost i loping world’s staggering debt problem, despite
(f): strana. (a): Throughout the Latin Quarter, the endorsement of a new debt-reducing policies
Spanish is the predominant language. (b): Insu- by the World Bank and International Monetary
rance premiums are due every quarter. (c): His Fund. (b): The plumber did just a quick fix in a
allowance was a quarter a week. (d): We must bungling manner and I made him start over.
find quarters before nightfall. (e): The king gave Quick one (jedan brzi) znači jedno piće na
no quarter to traitors. (f): The troops attacked the brzinu. # «We can stop in at the Red Lion for a
cities from all quarters. quick one» (P. Shaffer, Five Finger Exercise).
Queen Anne is dead (Kraljica Ana je mrtva.) Quick on the trigger/draw ne znači samo
znači to nije novost, to je već bajato. # - Did you brz na obaraču, već i brz u reagovanju. # Joe
know your brother is engaged to Deborah? - Yes
and Queen Anne is dead. I knew about their en- gets the right answer before anyone else. He’s
gagement weeks ago. quick on the trigger. # Irma will probably win
the quiz game. She’s really quick on the draw.
Queer fish (čudna riba) je isto što i čudan
svat. # She’s a bit odd. Sort of a queer fish. Quite a few/little ne znači vrlo malo, već,
Queer in the head (čudan u glavi) znači ču- obrnuto, dosta, prilično. # Quite a few went to
knut u glavu, udaren mokrom čarapom. # He the game. # We are not finished; quite a little is
has been behaving rather strangely. I think he’s a left to do.
bit queer in the head. Quote, unquote ne znači samo pod znacima
The quick and the dead ne znači brz i mrtav, navoda, već i citiram. # So I said to her, quote,
već živi i mrtvi („...od Boga sudija živijem i mr- unquote, it’s time we had a little talk.
Racket nije samo reket (teniski reket i gan- come to your house, but we are busy next Friday.
gstersko iznuđivanje), već i (a): buka, galama, Could we take a rain check on your kind invitati-
(b): nepošten posao, prevara, (c): zanimanje (u on? - Oh, yes. You have a rain check that’s good
žargonu), (d): laka zarada i (e): iskušenje (a): anytime you can come by and visit. (c): I have a
Who’s making all that racket? (b): Loansharking rain check on that shampoo so I can get it at the
is a racket. (c): What’s your racket? (d): Young sale price later.
men who look for a racket and easy money are Rain on someone’s parade (kišiti na neči-
usually disappointed. (e): The situation seemed ju paradu) znači (u žargonu) kvariti nekome
desperate, but the leaders stood the racket. posao. # I hate to rain on your parade, but your
Rage nije samo bes, već i moda. # Big earrin- plans are all wrong.
gs are the rage now. Rain or shine, come rain or shine (kiša ili
Rail nije samo šina, već i (a): železnica i (b): sunce) znači šta god da se desi, kako god bilo. #
prečka. (a): I’m afraid of flying – I prefer to go Dave knows he can depend on his family, rain or
by rail. (b): The cowboy leaned against the fence shine. # Come rain or shine, you’ll find him in the
rail. pub every night.
Railroad nije samo železnica, železnička Rain pitchforks (pod Rain buckets).
pruga, već i (a): naterati nekoga da učini nešto Rain/pour cats and dogs (pod Rain buc-
i (b): progurati nešto. (a): You can’t cut out the kets).
sales talk, George. I’m not going to be railroa- Raise eyebrows (podići obrve) znači (a):
ded into joining a company with a shady past and mrštiti se i (b): izazvati iznenađenje, neodobra-
a still more dubious future. (b): The vociferous vanje ili sumnju. (a): Eyebrows were raised in
group of representatives and senators managed to the Treasury when the Prime Minister hinted an
railroad the law through Congress. imminent devaluation of the pound. (b): „It rai-
Rain buckets (kišiti vedrima) (lat. Urceatim sed eyebrows that he paid cash for the house and
pluit.) znači pljuštati („lije kao iz kabla“). # In simultaneously bought two new cars, including
the middle of the picnic it started to rain buckets, a Jaguar,” said William Rhoads, who lives three
and everybody got soaked. Kaže se i rain/pour houses from the Ameses.
cats and dogs (kao da mačke i kučići padaju
Raise hell/heck/cain (pod Raise the devil/
s neba) i rain pitchforks (padaju vile). # You
can’t go outside now; it’s raining cats and dogs. #
We went to Ireland but we can hardly say we saw Raise one’s sights (podići svoje nišane) znači
it. It poured cats and dogs every single day. # It imati velike ambicije, pucati na visoko. # When
rained pitchforks all day long. you’re young, you tend to raise your sights too
Rain check (kišni ček) je (u američkom en-
gleskom) (a): ulaznica na ime utakmice/pred- Raise the devil/dickens, raise hell/heck/
stave koja je morala biti odložena (zbog kiše), cain (dizati đavola/pakao) znači (kolokvijalno)
(b): poruka gostu koji se nije odazvao pozivu, napraviti rusvaj, dići galamu. # Some teenage
da je dobrodošao drugi put i (c): potvrda na boys raised the devil in town on Halloween night
osnovu koje se može kasnije kupiti artikal po and damaged a lot of property.
reklamiranoj ceni (kojeg više nema). (a): The Raise the roof ne znači podići krov, već (a):
game was canceled because of the storm, but we dići kuću na glavu, bučno se ponašati, (b): dići
all got rain checks on it. (b): - We would love to veliku galamu, dići frku. (a): They raised the
Raise the wind 190 Reach for the sky

roof at the party with their noisy singing. (b): Rank nije samo čin, već i (a): red, (b): polo-
Mother raised the roof when she saw the dog’s žaj, (c): nivo, (d): ubrajati se, (e): zauzimati me-
muddy footprints on her new bedspread. sto, (f): imati najviši rang (u američkom engle-
Raise the wind (dići vetar) znači (u britan- skom), (g): bujan, (h): užegao, (i): veoma plo-
skom engleskom) obezbediti sredstva, skupiti dan i (j): apsolutan, krajnji. (a): Soldiers stood
novac. # Was his daughter careless and naive in ranks for inspection. (b): His rank allowed him
when she unconsciously blackened Sterne’s cha- to join the most exlusive clubs. (c): It was a terri-
racter by publishing some of his letters to raise ble play – of the very lowest rank. (d): He ranks
the wind? with best. (e): Buying a boat ranks low on my
Rake nije samo grabulje, grabuljati, već i (a): list of priorities. (f): The headmaster ranks at that
pretraživati (b): obasuti rafalima, (c): gurati se boarding school. # General Steinberger was the
kroz gomilu, (d): kosina i (e): razuzdan i raska- ranking officer present at the meeting. (Ranking
lašan čovek. (a): Mounties raked the district for officer je najviši oficir po činu.) (g): The island
a trace of the missing men. (b): Police bullets ra- was covered with rank greenery. (h): Throw all
ked the getaway car. (c): He raked through the the rank food out, than get that refrigerator fixed!
crowd, making his way rapidly and roughly. (d): (i): This is rank earth, yielding a profuse crop.
He wears his hat at a rake. (e): Don’t have anyt- (j): It was a rank insult. # He is a rank amateur.
hing to do with that rake, young lady! Vidi Pull rank.
Rake over old ashes, rake over the ashes/co- Rank and file (red i kolona) znači (a): obični
als (grabuljati po starom pepelu) znači čeprkati vojnici, redovi i (b): obično članstvo, baza. (a):
po starim ranama, vraćati se na već zaboravlje- But this must surely be the same rule for all its
no, podsećati na neprijatne stvari u prošlosti. # members, and to be so no less for officers than for
He stood by in silent embarrassment as old ashes rank and file. (b): “The rank and file of the party
were raked over. # His wife always rakes over the should be heard,” said F. D. Roosevelt.
coals of their old arguments when she is angry. Rat race (trka pacova) je trka za položajem
Rake someone over the coals, haul some- i prestižom, bespoštedna konkurencija. # Who
one over the coals (grabuljati/vući nekoga po ever needed Mr. Jay to tell them that business is
uglju) znači ispreskakati koga na pasja kola, a rat race, and that it is “not logic and reason but
osuti grdnju na koga. # My mother raked me the ancient survival imperatives that dominate
over the coals for coming in late last night. # His the corporation”?
employer hauled him over the coals for being late Raw nije samo sirov, već i (a): neuvežban,
for work. neobučen, (b): jasan, nedvosmislen, (c): nepe-
Ram something down someone’s throat čen, (d): neobrađen, (e): neprerađen, (f): ne-
(pod Shove/ram/force/push/stuff something davno završen, svež, (g): bolan, zapaljen (h):
down someone’s throat). hladan i vlažan (vreme) (i): surov i nepravedan
Range14 nije samo niz, već i (a): planinski i (j): osetljiva tačka (a): The raw forces of the
lanac, (b): delokrug, (c): domet (d): pašnjak, townspeople were no match for the well-trained
(e): kretati se, (f): tumarati, (g): ubrajati se, (h): invaders. (b): These are raw facts. (c): My wife
postrojiti se i (i): svrstati se uz. (a): The Rocky likes to eat raw meat. (d): All i need is a piece of
Mountain range extends from central New Mexi- raw wood. (e): The best raw wool comes from
co to Alaska. (b): Hiring and firing are within the Australia. (f): I warned children not to touch a
range of his responsibilities. (c): The enemy plane raw plaster. (g): I have a raw throat. (h): It’s ra-
flew out of the range of our guns. (d): They used ther raw outside, so dress warmly. (i): It was re-
to drive the cattle across the open range every ally a raw punishment. (j): You caught her on the
spring. # “Home, home on the range, / Where the raw when you asked her about her ex-husband’s
deer and the antelope play, / Where seldom is he- sudden success. Raw materials su sirovine. #
ard a discouraging word, / And the skies are not The raw materials arrived at the factory by the
cloudy all day.” (e): Her children’s ages range trainload.
from three to eighteen. (f): He spent the summer Reach for the sky (posegnuti do neba) zna-
ranging the countryside. (g): He ranges with the či (a): imati velike ambicije, pucati na visoko i
greatest writers. (h): The troops were ranged for (b): dići ruke u vis, Ruke gore! (u američkom
the parade. (i): They ranged themselves with the žargonu). (a): It’s a good idea to set high goals,
majority. but there is no point in reaching for the sky. (b):

Komentar I. Klajna: Slučajno znam ovu “traditional” pesmu, pa ću vas podsetiti na ceo refren, koji glasi: “Home,
home on the range, / Where the deer and the antelope play, / Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, / And the
skies are not cloudy all day.” Bio je i jedan hit koji sam negde oko 1950. slušao na Radio Beogradu, u izvođenju To-
nija Martina: “Peace of mind, / There’s a range in Wyoming where skies are always blue: / I’m inclined / To believe
that’s where dreams come true.”
Reach first base 191 Recall

The sheriff told the bank robbers to reach for the called in. (b): The manager read me the riot act
sky. # A holdup man walked into a gas station and for coming in late.
told the attendant, “Reach for the sky!” Kaže se Ready/fit to drop (gotov da se sruši) znači
i Hands up! # The sheriff pointed his gun at the (kolokvijalno) mrtav umoran, samo što se ne
outlaws and called out, “Hands up!” skljoka od umora. # After working all day in the
Reach first base (pod Get to first base). garden I was ready to drop. # What a day! I’m
Reach one’s stride (pod Hit/reach/one’s fit to drop.
stride). Ready-made ne znači samo gotov, već i (a):
Read ne znači samo čitati, već i (a): glasiti, konfekcijski i (b): unapred pripremljen. (a): I
(b): pokazivati, (c): studirati, (d): slušati preda- buy only ready-made clothes. (b): Don’t say
vanja i (e): shvatiti, razumeti (u žargonu radio- anything. I know that you’ll come with a ready-
komunikacija u vojsci, avijaciji i sl.). (a): The in- made excuse. Kaže se i ready-to-wear. # She
vitation read „Open house – come one come all!“ never buys ready-to-wear dresses.
(b): The thermometer now reads 50 degrees. (c): Ready money (spreman novac) znači gotovi-
He had gone up to read economics“ (R. Harris, na, likvidna sredstva. # How much have you got
The Ghost). (d): With whom do you read? (e): - in ready money?
Do you read me? - I read you loud and clear. (Na Ready, steady, go! (Spreman, miran, kreći!)
isti način upotrebljava se i copy: “Flight control, je Spremi se, pažnja, sad! (znak za početak trke),
do you copy?”) Jedan, dva i pola tri! (dečji znak). # “’Come on,
Read back (pročitati unatrag) znači pročitati I’ll race you. I’ll give you a start and win you
naglas primljenu poruku (radi provere tačnosti). easy.’ ‘Come on an’ try.’ ‘Right - ready, steady,
# When you send a telegram by phone, the opera- GO!’” (G. W. Target, The Teachers).
tor will normally read it back to you. Ready-to-wear (pod Ready-made).
Reader je čitalac, ali i (a): čitanka, (b): an- Realize nije samo realizovati, već i (a): shva-
tologija, (c): vanredni profesor (u Velikoj Bri- titi i (b): ostvariti profit. (a): I don’t think you
taniji - na američkom engleskom associate pro- fully realize the importance of his speech. (b):
fessor) i (d): asistent koji čita i ocenjuje ispitne She realized very little by selling those stocks.
radove (u SAD). (a): A reader is a schoolbook The real McCoy/Mackay (pravi Mekoj) je
containing stories, poems, etc. for use in teaching prava stvar, autentičan primerak/artikl. # This
how to read. (b): Know me as I am: A reader of is no copy. It’s the real McCoy. # Most of them
prose, poetry and art by people with learning di- aren’t folk singers at all. They copy the style but
fficulties. (c): A reader is a lecturer at a British they’re not the real Mackay. Kaže se i the genui-
university who ranks above a senior lecturer and ne article. # - It was probably one of those cham-
below a professor. (d): a reader is an assistant paign-type sparkling wines they gave you. - No,
who reads and marks examinations, themes, etc. it wasn’t. It was the genuine article.
for a professor. Rear end nije samo zadnji kraj (vozila), već
Read for (a degree, the Bar etc.) (čitati za) i (u žargonu) zadnjica, stražnjica. # The dog bit
znači pripremati se za (diplomski ispit, advokat- him in the rear end. Rear ender je (u žargonu)
sko-pravosudni ispit itd.). # He read for the Bar kalpiš, udar u zadnji deo drugih kola. # It wasn’t
in his spare time. a bad accident, just a rear-ender.
Read law ne znači čitati zakon, već studirati Reason nije samo rezon, već i (a): pamet,
prava. # My youngest boy is reading law. (b): razlog, (c): argument, (d): razumne grani-
Read my lips (Pročitajte sa mojih usana) ce, (e): razboritost, (f): glas razuma i (g): obja-
znači (u žargonu) Shvatate šta hoću da kažem. sniti razložno. (a): Use the reason that God gave
Slušajte me dobro. # This time, no one will be you. (b): There was no reason for her rudeness.
able to blame President Bush for breaking his (c): An obstinate person will not listen to reason.
promises about the economy at the Republican (d): I’ll pay any sum you ask - within reason. (e):
convention. They are simply too vague, not even There is no reason in a madman. (f): Please listen
remotely resembling the “read my lips; no new to reason and don’t do something you’ll regret.
taxes” pledge he made four years ago in New (g): Have you tried reasoning with him?
Orleans. Recall nije samo dozvati, već i (a): opozvati,
Read the riot act (pročitati zakon protiv (b): setiti se, (c): opomenuti na, upozoriti na,
narušavanja javnog reda) znači (a): pozvati de- (d): reaktivirati, (e): povući iz prodaje (zbog
monstrante/izgrednike da se raziđu i (b): očitati fabričke greške) i (f): pamćenje, memorija. (a):
nekome vakelu/bukvicu, pripretiti nekome da će The ambassador went his own way and very soon
dobiti svoje. (a): In late 1820, riots broke ot repe- he was recalled from Washington. (b): I’m sorry,
atedly in Oxford, with the Vice-Chancellor rea- I don’t recall your name. (c): They were recalled
ding the Riot Act nad the Oxfordshire Yeomanry to a sense of propriety by the presence of visitors
Receipt 192 Reduce

whom they dared not offend. (d): They recalled precious comments like that. (b): A cardiograph
some reserve units after war broke. (e): The records the heartbeat. (c): The language teaching
company recalled the car and asked purchasers plays were put out live but also recorded in the
to return it, so that a manufacturing defect can studio on video-tape, so that they can be shown
be corrected. (f): She has total recall for lists of again and again.
numbers. Recover nije samo povratiti, već i (a): opo-
Receipt ne znači recept (kaže se recipe za ku- raviti se, (b): nadoknaditi, naplatiti i (c): vratiti.
linarski recept i prescription za lekarski recept), (a): She’s home now, recovering from the ope-
već (a): priznanica i (b): prijem (robe, novca, ration. (b): The court decided that the damage
pisma). (a): Make sure you are given a receipt for should be recovered. (c): The stolen jewels were
everything you buy. (b): Goods will bew delive- finally recovered.
red on receipt of payment. Red-eye ne znači samo crvenih očiju (od nes-
Recital ne znači recitovanje (kaže se recitati- pavanja), već i (a): znak za opasnost na putu, (b)
on), već (a): solistički koncert, (b): detaljan pri- brancin (ili druga morska riba sa crvenim očima),
kaz/opis (a): She played her first public recital (c) noćni let i (d) loš viski, brlja (u žargonu). (a):
at Town Hall when she was 14. (b): Did she give There was a red-eye, but Jerry continued to drive
you a recital of her woes? at breackneck speed. (b): Johnny said he caught
Reclamation nije reklamacija (kaže se com- a nine-pound red-eye. (c): “A few minutes later
plaint i claiming back), već (a): pretvaranje she called to tell me she would be on a red-eye
jalove zemlje u plodnu i (b): reciklaža (c): so- flight arriving in the morning” (T. Shimomura,
cijalna rehabilitacija. (a): We should include Take-Down). (d): There were a number of hon-
reclamation of land south west of the existing ky-tonks near the army camp, selling a red-eye to
grass sports ground for open recreational uses in thirsty soldiers.
an informal landscape setting. (b): Now it has a Red herring nije samo crvena (dimljena) ha-
reclamation plant that can handle 15,000 tons of ringa, već i nešto što odvraća pažnju od najvaž-
dry sludge per year. (c): This is an institution for nije stvari nečim drugim. # You are just trying to
the reclamation of delinquent children. draw a red herring across my path, but I’ll insist
Recognition nije samo prepoznavanje, već i on the main issue.
(a): priznanje nekome i (b): priznavanje drža- Red ink ne znači samo crveno mastilo, već i
ve. (a): Some artists gain recognition after death. negativni saldo, minus, bula. # Nywone forced
(b): The controversy over the new regime held Northwest to borrow heavily to take itself priva-
up recognition for several years. te - a big factor in its $317 million in red ink in
Recognize someone ne znači samo prepo- 1991.
znati nekoga, već i dati nekome reč. # The chair Red meat nije samo crveno meso (govedina
recognizes Mr. Bellmont who will speak on juve- i ovčetina), već i snaga, sirovost. # The newly-
nile delinquency. elected M P, hungry for the red meat of practical
Record (1) (imenica i pridev sa naglaskom politics, has a long time to cool his ardors on the
na re) nije samo rekord, već i (a): zapis, doku- backbenches.
ment, (b): gramofonska ploča, (c): dosije (poli- Red tape (crvena traka) je birokratija/bi-
cijski) i (d): dostupan javnosti. (a): A record of rokratske komplikacije. # If you deal with the
each child’s birth was in the family Bible. (b): government, you will have to put up with lots of
It was Maggie again; she sounds like a broken red tape.
record. (c): Bring together with your application Reduce ne znači samo redukovati, već i (a):
a birth certificate, your identity card, a marriage smanjiti, (b): degradirati, (c): svesti, (d): obez-
license and a police record. (d): The Republican vrediti, (e): sniziti, (f): dovesti do, (g): oslabiti/
platform writers were putting the party on record iscrpsti nekoga do i (h): preračunati u manju
this week against laws that recognize same-sex vrednost. (a): Reduce the speed of your car to
marriage and attempts to “include sexual prefe- 30 mph when entering a built-up area. (b): The
rence as a protected minority receiving preferen- military court reduced the major to captain. (c):
tial status.” Get/set the record straight znači I think we can reduce his rather lengthy state-
raščistiti do kraja. # Let’s get the record straight: ment to one or two essential points. (d): Our case
you say that you haven’t seen Tom for weeks and was argued by an able barrister, who reduced the
he told me he had heard this story from you only prosecutor’s submissions to almost nothing. (e):
yesterday. # Let’s set the record straight - I was Water reduces the potency of a highball. (f): A
not involved in that affair in any way. succession of bad harvests had reduced the small
Record (2) (glagol sa naglaskom na cord) je farmers to penury. (g): Weeks in an open boat
i (a): zabeležiti, (b): registrovati i (c): snimiti had reduced the surviving crew members to skin
na audio ili video traku. (a): You should record and bones. (h): You can reduce the amount in po-
Be a reed shaken by the wind 193 Relative

unds to new pence by quite simply multiplying ked in. (b): A register next to the turnstile indica-
by 100. ted the number of people who had gone through.
Be a reed shaken by the wind (biti trska (c): The clerk put our names on a register. (d):
koju trese veter) znači (figurativno) povijati se The singer’s voice had a wide register. (e): We
kako vetar duva. # Bill changes his viewpoints turned the house registers of during the summer.
like a weather-cock, he’s just a reed shaken by (f): You must register to be able to vote.
the wind. Regress nije regres (novčana naknada za go-
Refer ne znači samo odnositi se na, već i (a): dišnji odmor), već nazadovanje. # Furthermore,
aludirati na, (b): ukazati na, skrenuti pažnju the way in which all this is done suggests a men-
na, (c): konsultovati, služiti se nečim radi pod- tal regress into “ big brother “ thinking.
sećanja, (d): potražiti gde, (e): uputiti na i (f): Regular nije samo regularan, već i (a): uobi-
prepustiti. (a): He referred to my past. (b): The čajen, (b): redovan, (cd): simetričan, (d): stalna
minister referred to the importance to the nation mušterija, (e): lojalni član stranke i (f): pripad-
of increased exports. (c): He carried a bundle of nik redovne vojske. (a): Getting up at dawn is
notes, to which he frequently referred during the part of his regular routine. (b): Jim’s a regular
course of talk. (d): Please refer to the last page customer. (s): The model’s face had small, regu-
of the book for answers. (e): After filling out the lar features. (d): The bartender knew all the regu-
forms I was referred to the personnel director. (f): lars by their first names. (e): John is one od party
We referred the decision to the board of direc- regulars. (fg): He doesn’t belong to paramilitary
tors. units; he’s a regular.
Reflection nije samo refleksija, već i (a): Regular guy/fellow/Joe (regularan momak/
odraz, (b): razmišljanje (c): misao, (d): pri- Džo) je dobar momak, drugarčina, laf. # I’m
medba koja impicira krivicu ili odgovornost, sure you’ll like him; he’s a regular guy. # It’s not
diskreditacija. (a): The dog barked at his own difficult to get along with him; he is a regular fe-
reflection in the mirror. # The Gulf War was a llow. # While Mr. Clinton works on his regular-
reflection of that reality. (b): The short tales are Joe image by attending University of Arkansas
illuminating and encourage individual reflection basketball games, the denizens of Capitol Hill
without imposing judgment. (c): „Well, it is a hu- will be busy taking soundings back home.
miliating reflection, that the straightest road to a
man’s heart is through his palate“ (Fern, Fanny Reinvent the wheel (ponovo pronaći točak)
Willis). (d): This is no reflection on you. # This je isto što je u nas pronaći rupu na saksiji, otkriti
is a reflection on my integrity. Ameriku. # You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
Read up on what others have done.
Reflect on/upon ne znači samo odraziti se
(povoljno/nepovoljno) na, već i razmisliti o, pa- Relate something nije samo dovesti u vezu
žljivo razmotriti. # He reflected upon the likely sa, povezati sa, već i (a): ispričati, (b): uspo-
consequences of this course of action. staviti dobar kontakt sa, zbližiti se sa. (a): The
Regain one’s feet (povratiti noge) znači (a): witness related what he had seen. (b): It’s unfor-
pridići se, ustati (posle pada) i (b): oporaviti se tunate when a father and son can’t relate to each
posle finansijskih teškoća, stati ponovo na noge. other. Be related to someone znači biti u rođač-
(a): Joe fell down the hill but he regained his feet kim vezama sa nekim. # The present Queen is re-
quickly. (b): I helped my uncle regain his feet as lated, directly or by marriage to most of the other
he tried to get up from the chair. royal families of Europe.
Regard ne znači samo gledati, već i (a): Relation nije samo odnos, već i (a): rođak
smatrati, (b): ceniti, (c): posmatrati, (d): uzeti (b): veza i (c): kazivanje. (a): He’s a distant rela-
u obzir, obazirati se na, (e): poštovanje, (f): pa- tion of mine. (b): Your remarks have no relation
žnja, (g): pogled i (h): pozdrav. (a): I regard that to this conversation. (c): Her relation of the fairy
movie (b): His work is highly regarded by other tale fascinated the youngers.
painters. (c): The condemned prisoner regarfded Relative ne znači samo relativan, već i (a):
the jury with a look of outraged innocence. (d): rođak, (b): srodan, (c): koji se odnosi na, koji se
Prince Hal regarded his father’s advice and later, tiče, (d): u pogledu, u odnosu na, kad se radi o
as Henry V, proved to be an able ruler. (e): I have i (e): srazmeran. (a): Most of my relatives were
little regard for liars. (f): He gave little regard to able to attend the family reunion. (b): He’s had
his parents’ feelings. (g): In that regard at least, experience in electronics and relative fields. (c):
we agree. (h): Kindest regards to your wife. Do you have any information relative to the situ-
Register nije samo registar, već i (a): knjiga ation in the Middle East? (d): Relative to school
gostiju (b): brojač, (c): popis, (d): opseg glasa, athletics, the principal said the students should
(e): regulator za paru i (f): upisati se (u spisak). not allow athletics to interfere with homework.
(a): We signed the hotel register when we chec- (e): Petrol consumption is relative to speed.
Relieve 194 Retail

Relieve ne znači samo olakšati, već i (a): Residential accommodation (pod Accom-
ublažiti, (b): umanjiti, rasteretiti, (c): odah- modation).
nuti, odlaknuti, (d): pomoći, (e): dati oduška Resign (from) znači dati ostavku, ali resign
osećanjima, olakšati sebi dušu, (f): rasteretiti oneself to znači pomiriti se sa. # You must resign
od, osloboditi od čega, (g): razrešiti dužnosti, to the fact that you’ll never be rich or famous. #
smeniti, (h): ukrasti (i): prekidati (jednoličnost) Mary resigned herself to her fate.
i (j): zameniti (na straži). (a): The ontment relei- Resolution nije samo rezolucija, već i (a):
ved her itching. (b): His humorous remarks relie- odlučnost, (b): rešenje, razrešenje i (c): rastva-
ved the tension in the room. (c): I was relieved to ranje, razdvajanje. (a): He lacked the resolution
hear you were all right. (d): Public funds relieved to get through medical school. (b): He was faced
the povery-stricken families. (e): Her feelings with the resolution of a difficult matter. (c): Ra-
were relieved by a good cry. (f): He was happy inbow is the prismatic resolution of sunlight into
to be relieved of some of the detailed paperwork its spectral colors.
connected with the project. (g): The Minister was Respect ne znači samo poštovanje, poštovati,
relieved of his duty. (h): The thief relieved him već i pozdrav (u množini). # Give your mother
of his watch. (i): His ardous shedule was relieved my respects. Vidi In respect to/of something.
by frequent though brief vacations. (j): The night Respect the cloth (poštovati tkaninu) znači
watch relieved the day watch at 6 p.m. Relieve poštovati sveštena lica, poštovati mantiju. # I’ve
oneself znači obaviti nuždu. # “He was standing always respected the cloth and shown the respect
beside a tree covered with poison sumac, relie- that is due to a clergyman.
ving himself” (P. Conroy, The Prince of Tides).
Rest nije samo odmor, predah, već i (a):
Remain tight-lipped (ostati stisnutih usana) ostatak, (b): zaustavljanje, (c): podmetač, (d):
znači ćutati kao zaliven, ne reći nikom živom. # počinak, (e): ležati, (f): staviti, (g): temeljiti se,
I’ll tell you something, but I expect you to remain zasnivati se i (h): završiti sa izlaganjem dokaza
very tight-lipped. (pravni termin). (a): You may have the rest of the
Remember ne znači samo setiti se, već i (a): pie. (b): The ball came to a rest inches from the
preneti pozdrave, (b): zapamtiti i (c): ostaviti corner pocket. (c): The judge put the gavel on a
testamentom. (a): Remember me to your mot- small wooden rest. (d): After a long illness he
her. (b): I tried to remember the poem. (c): He went to his final rest. (e): The sleds rest at the
remembered his faithful butler in his will by lea- bottom of the hill. (f): He rested the box on the
ving him a substantial sum of money. chair. (g): The plan rests on your cooperation.
Remove ne znači samo ukloniti, odstraniti, (h): The people rest their case, Your Honor. # My
već i smeniti. # The corrupt official was removed case rests.
from office. Rest on one’s oars (odmarati se na veslima)
Repair nije samo popravka, popraviti, već i znači uzeti predah, odmoriti se. # They have
(a): stanje, (b): ispraviti (grešku, nepravdu), (c): worked hard all summer and now the garden is
izgladiti i (d): poći, uputiti se, povući se. (a): looking really nice. Perhaps now they can sit
The child’s clothes were in poor repair. (b): He back and rest on their oars.
repaired his mistake. (c): I’d like to repair our di- Restore ne znači samo restaurisati, već i (a):
fferences. (d): The ladies repaired to the drawing izlečiti (b): vratiti na dužnost smenjenog, (c):
room. vratiti nekome nešto što mu pripada, (d): vratiti
Repay ne znači samo vratiti (dug, zajam), već čin, titulu, položaj i (e): ponovo uspostaviti. (a):
i (a): uzvratiti i (b): nagraditi, nadoknaditi. (a): The thermal treatments were somewhat effective
We must do something to repay him for helping in restoring her. (b): He was later restored to his
us. # She repaid him for his insult by not inviting former rank. (c): The stolen paintings have been
him to the party. (b): I felt amply repaid for all restored to their rightful owners. (d): The officer
the extra hours I had worked. was acquitted by a higher court and had his rank
Reproach nije samo prekor, prebacivanje, restored to him. (e): It will be some years before
već i (a): sramota. # The youth’s bad bahavi- peace is finally restored to our country.
or is a constant reproach to his parents. Above/ Rest room nije soba za odmor već toalet (na
beyond reproach je besprekoran. # Her behavi- javnom mestu, u restoranu i sl.). # Mary went to
or was above reproach. the rest room to powder her nose.
Reservation nije samo rezervacija, već i (a): Résumé nije samo rezime, već i biografija,
rezerva, (b): rezervisanost, uzdržanost i (c): re- CV. # Be sure to take a copy of your résumé to
zervat. (a): The army reservation was five miles the job interview.
from detroit. (b): I have no reservation about Retail nije samo prodavati na malo, već i
hiring him. (c): Many Indians still live in reser- (a): prepričavati i (b): odavati tuđe tajne. (a):
vations. I shouldn’t share any confidences with her, if I
Retire 195 Ride (the crest of) the wave

were you. Before you know where you are they’ll pozicijom u vlasti za dobijanje poslova (u ame-
be retailed to half the town. (b): Investigations ričkom politčkom žargonu). # The nominee is
revealed that a senior executive in the company spinning too fast through the revolving door of
had been retailing industrial secrets to a rival business and government.
concern. Ride nije samo jahati, već i voziti (se). # He
Retire nije samo otići u penziju, već i (a): na- rode a motorcycle to the station. # Th bicycle
pustiti (trku, posao itd.) i (b): povući se (na drugu rode roughly on the bumpy road.
poziciju). (a): Appleby retired from 10,000 me- Ride a high horse ne znači jahati na visokom
ters after completing only four laps of the track. konju, već dići nos, držati se nadmeno. # She
# He decided to retire from business. (b): The is not very popular with her friends: she always
enemy was careful to destroy the fortifications seems to ride a high horse.
from which they were retiring to a new position. Ride a hobby horse (to death) (jahati dečjeg
Retire into obscurity znači povući se iz javnog konjića) znači guslati istu žicu, pričati uvek istu
života. # He retired to obscurity in 1978 and was priču (do iznemoglosti). # “’What does Bacon
no longer heard of. Retire (to bed) znači otići u get out of it?’ ‘Oh, this is one of the hobby hor-
krevet, povući se na počinak. # I’m tired, so I’ll
ses he rides. The double standard, white justice,
retire now. # The old people would retire to bed
blah blah blah.’” (T. Wolfe, The Bonfire of the
early, to save fuel and light.
Vanities) # Everybody avoids him like a plague,
Return nije samo povratak, vratiti se, već i because he enjoys riding his hobby horse to death
(a): dobitak, profit (b): izbor u Parlament (u bri- at every opportunity.
tanskom engleskom) i (c): uzvrat. (a): The bonds
paid a handsome return. (b): He secured his re- Ride a/the tiger (jahati tigra) znači tražiti
turn for this constituency. (c): What do they ask đavola, upustiti se u opasne vode, izazivati sud-
in return for their hostages? binu. # - I can take it or leave it. - So you say, but
anybody who experiments with drugs is riding a
Return like for like (vratiti jednako za jedna- tiger.
ko) znači vratiti milo za drago, vratiti jednakom
merom. # When one of their soldiers was killed, Ride for a fall ne znači samo jahati bezob-
the commander of the occupation army said he’d zirno, već i prizivati nevolju, izazivati sudbinu,
return like for like and ordered the execution of srljati u propast. # Jack drives too fast, and he
one of the hostages. Kaže se i give/return tit for seems to sure of himself. He’s riding for a fall.
tat, get even, get/have back, pay off i pay so- Ride hell for leather (voziti pakao za kožu)
meone back in his own coin. # I told him if he znači (kolokvijalno) voziti paklenom brzinom.
did me any harm I would return tit for tat. # Bill # He rode hell for leather down the street, sca-
is waiting to get even with Alex for poking fun at ttering the chickens and leaving a cloud of dust
him. # I don’t know how I’ll get back, but I will. behind him.
# Just wait. I’ll have back at you! # When Joe Ride on someone’s coattails (jahati na sku-
tripped Nick, Nick paid Joe off by punching him tovima nečijeg kaputa) je američki kolokvijali-
in the nose. # I was determined to get revenge: to zam koji znači šlepovati se uz nekoga, koristiti
pay him back in his own coin for the wrongs he nečiju popularnost. # Many people vote straight
had done to us. for all the candidates in the same political party.
Return the compliment ne znači samo uz- Most people voted for President Reagan, so Go-
vratiti kompliment, već i uzvratiti na isti način. vernor Mansfield rode on Reagan’s coattails.
# We have had dinner at their house so often we Ride shotgun (jahati sačmaricu) znači (u
really must return the compliment. # Ted pun- američkom žargonu) biti u nečijoj pratnji za
ched Joe in the nose, and Joe returned the com- svaki slučaj. # Who’s going to ride shotgun with
pliment. Sally? It’s rather late and the streets are empty.
Return tit for tat (pod Return like for like). Ride the brake/clutch (jahati kočnicu/kva-
Review nije samo revija, već i (a): kritika, čilo) znači odmarati nogu na kočnici/kvačilu.
prikaz, (b): analiza (c): smotra (d): ponovo pro- # Riding the brake is a bad habit for a driver to
ceniti. (a): He gloated a bit over the rave reviews form.
he received for his performance. (b): The com- Ride (the crest of) the wave (jahati na vrhu
mittee has met for a final review of the facts. (c): talasa) znači biti na vrhuncu (uspeha, popular-
The soldiers were in full uniform for the review. nosti, snage itd.). # I think President L. B. John-
(d): Let’s review the situation. son is something like a Greek tragic figure: a man
Revolution nije samo revolucija, već i okre- who was on the crest of the wave as an innovator
tanje. # The earth makes one revolution around and reformer in terms of domestic legislation,
the sun each year. and who made a fatal move in escalating the Vi-
Revolving door jesu vrata na okretanje, etnam war. Kaže se i riding high. # Politically, at
ali (figurativno) znači i korišćenje prethodnom the age of 42, she is riding high, shadow Home
Ride the tiger 196 Ringside seat

Secretary, top of the poll for the shadow cabinet Right from the shoulder (pod Straight/right
and a member of the National Executive Com- from the shoulder).
mittee. Right-of-way (pravo puta) je (a): prednost u
Ride the tiger (pod Ride a tiger). saobraćaju i (b): pravo na prolaz preko tuđeg
Ride the whirlwind/storm (jahati na vihoru/ zemljišta. (a): Let this car pass. It has right-of-
buri) znači odoleti burama. # The government is way. (b): The right-of-way is the right to pass
under strong pressure, but Mrs. Thatcher is ready over property owned by another party.
to ride the storm, no matter how strong it is. Right royal (pravi kraljevski) je izvrstan, sja-
Rift in the lute (naprslina u lauti) je početak jan, veličanstven. # We had a right royal welco-
neslaganja, prvi sitan znak budućih problema. me from our hosts. # The meal was a right royal
# “This was the first rift in the lute. It was clear feast.
to me that the Western Powers must now prepa- (Right) up someone’s street (pod Right
re for a continuous struggle with the communist down someone’s alley).
East, which would last for many years” (Field- Ring nije samo ring, već i (a): prsten, (b):
Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). krug, (c): družina, (d): zaokružiti, (e): opkoli-
Right ne znači samo desni, desno, desnica, ti, (f): zvoniti, (g): najavljivati, (h): odjekivati,
već i (a): prikladan, (b): ispravan, (c): pravi, odzvanjati, (i): telefonirati (u britanskom engle-
(d): normalan, (e): autentičan, (f): tačan, (g): skom) i (k): zvonjava. (a): Mary got a golden
pravo, (h): dobro, (i): kako treba, (j): direktno, ring for her birthday. (b): The dancers formed a
(k): odmah, (l): uspraviti i (m): ispraviti. (a): ring around th maypole. (c): The police just ro-
Nannies inculcate right behavior. (b): That’s not unded up a ring of thieves. (d): She instructed the
the right way to do it. (c): The right ime to act is pupils to ring the correct answer. (e): Ring the
now. (d): He’s not in his right mind. (e): From castle so no one can escape. (f): The bells rang
these three identical „Rembrandts“ pick out the throughout the valley. (g): The airplane rang in
right one, i.e. the true original. (f): I’m sorry, this a new era. (h): The arcade rang with gunfire. (i):
is not the right answer. (g): You have the right I ring home once a week to tell my parents I’m
to remain silent. # You are in the right. (h): The okay. (k): The ring of bells filled the air.
defendant does not know righ from wrong. (i): Ring a bell (zazvoniti) znači zvučati poznato,
Everything came out right in the end. (j): Losing podsećati na nešto. # - Do you remember An-
no time, he went right to the heart of the matter. drew Perkins? - Well, the name rings a bell, but
(k): I’ll be right there. (l): A crane was used to ri- I can’t quite think who he is. Ring the bell znači
ght the toppled statue. (m): The court ruling will (u američkom žargonu) doći kao naručeno, biti
right some existing injustices.
baš ono što treba. # This cold water really rings
Right as rain/ninepence, right as a trivet, the bell.
(trivet je metalni podmetač i trorogi držač kotli-
Ring/bring the curtain down ne znači samo
ća) su britanski kolokvijalizmi u značenju potpu-
spustiti zavesu (dati zvonom znak da se spusti),
no oporavljen („opet kao nov“). # “All you want
već i dokrajčiti. # One of our neighbors rang
is rest and fresh air and good food and you’ll be
right as rain” (H. E. Bates, The Darling Buds of down the curtain on our party by calling the poli-
May). # A month or so in plaster and then a little ce. # They decided to bring the curtain down on
massage and therapy, and we’ll have your ankle their love affair after four years.
and you as right as ninepence. # I was sick ear- Ring/bring the curtain up ne znači samo po-
lier in the week, but now I’m as right as a tri- dići zavesu (dati zvonom znak da se podigne),
vet. Right as rain u američkom kolokvijalnom već i započeti, otvoriti novu stranicu. # With the
engleskom znači ispravan. # Your answer is as arrival in England of William of Orange, the cur-
right as rain. # George is very dependable. He’s tain was rung up on a new epoch in our history.
right as rain. Ring out ne znači samo zvoniti (davati znak
(Right) down someone’s alley, (right) up da je telefon slobodan), već i (a): prasnuti, (b):
someone’s alley (niz/uz nečiju uličicu - američki odjeknuti i (c): aktivirati poseban sat prilikom
kolokvijalizam), (right) down someone’s street, odlaska s posla (u američkom engleskom). (a):
(right) up someone’s street (niz/uz nečiju uli- A gun shot rang out from the yard. (b): A sudden
cu - britanski kolokvijalizam) znači nečiji fah, report rang out - like the sound of a car backfi-
domen nečijeg znanja ili interesa. # I’ll be glad ring. (c): Dick can’t leave early in his new job;
to advise Brian about his advertising. Advertising he has to ring out.
and publicity is right down my alley. # This kind Ringside seat nije samo mesto u prvom redu
of thing is right up Nick’s alley. # It is not exactly (uz ring), već i najpovoljnija pozicija (za ostva-
up my street, but I’ll try it. # Don’t ask me anyt- rivanje neposrednog uvida u nešto). # Yet who
hing about football - it’s not up my street at all. now believes that the court surrendered to anyt-
Ring the bell 197 Rod/stick to beat someone/something with

hing else but a political imperative? Certainly no glavom. # You’re risking your neck if you take a
one with any kind of ringside seat in Whitehall. boat out in this weather.
Ring the bell (pod Ring a bell). Rival ne znači samo rival, već i (a): takmičiti
Ring the changes (zvoniti u raznim tonovi- se i (b): nadmašiti. (a): The two teams rivaled
ma) znači probati istu stvar na različite načine, each other for the championship. (b): Nothing
varirati na istu temu. # She liked to ring the can rival her cooking.
changes on the furnishings of their house and Road hog (drumska svinja) je (kolokvijalno)
would often move the curtains or bits of furniture drumski siledžija, bezobziran vozač. # A road
from one room to another. hog forced Tom’s car into the ditch.
Rip off nije samo otrgnuti, otkinuti, već i (a): Road map nije samo saobraćajna karta, već
opljačkati, ukrasti i (b): nasamariti, prevariti. i program. # The declaration is an impressive
(a): The crooks ripped of a car in broad dayli- document that goes well beyond a joint com-
ght. (b): Bob’s tickets cost much less than ours muniqué but stops short of being a formal peace
- I think we’ve been ripped off. U skladu sa tim, treaty. It will offer a detailed road map of their
rip-off je (a): pljačka i (b):prevara. (a): The In- future normalization of relations.
dependent Banking Advisory Service consumer Roasting ear (uvo za pečenje) je purenjak,
group accused the Government of failing tp pro- klip mladog kukuruza za pečenje/purenje # At
tect the public against bank rip-offs. (b): What a the Fourth of July picnic we had fried chicken
rip-off! I want my money back. and roasting ears.
Rise and fall ne znači samo dizati se i padati, Rob Peter to pay Paul (opljačkati Petra da
već i (a): nastajati i nestajati i (b): jačati i slabi- bi se platilo Pavlu) je uzimala-davala, uzeti
ti. (a): Toynbee has spent his life comparing the od jednog da bi se dalo drugom („seci uši krpi
way civilizations rise and fall. (b): The decades dupe“). Why borrow money to pay your bills?
passed, administration rose and fell, reputations That’s just robbing Peter to pay Paul. # Trying to
were made and lost, successive Chancellors ea- study a lesson for one class during another class
sed and squeezed the economy. Kaže se i wax is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
and wane. Rob someone blind ne znači opljačkati sle-
Rise from the ranks (dići se iz redova/vrsti) poga, već opljačkati nekoga do gole kože. #
znači dospeti do visokog ranga od običnog voj- Those auto repair shops can rob you blind if you
nika, napredovati preko svih stepenica u službi. don’t watch out.
# He was a fine general who had risen from the Rob the cradle (opljačkati kolevku) znači
ranks. # He was the manager who knew his oni- venčati se ili se zabavljati s nekim znatno mla-
ons and who had risen from the ranks. đim. # I hear that Nick is dating Sally. Isn’t that
Rise to a bait (pod Rise to the/a bait). sort of robbing the cradle? She’s much younger
Rise to a point of order (pod Point of or- than he is.
der). Rob the till ne znači samo opljačkati blagaj-
Rise to the/a bait (podići se do mamca) znači nu/registar kasu, već i proneveriti nečiji novac.
(i figurativno) progutati mamac, uhvatiti se na # The supermarket manager suspected that one of
udicu. # To make her jealous I started praising the clerks was robbing the till.
Betty’s qualities and Anne immediately rose to Rock/knock/lay someone in the aisles (lju-
the bait. # They left food and ammunition on the ljati/udariti/položiti nekoga u prolazu između
track - but would the enemy rise to so obvious redova) je kolokvijalizam koji znači ostaviti sna-
a bait? žan utisak na nekoga. # This play has been a gre-
Rise to the surface (izaći/isplivati na površi- at success - it has been rocking them in the aisles
nu) ima i odgovarjuće prenosno značenje: izbiti for weeks. # This was really a virtuoso perfor-
na videlo („isplivati na površinu“). # The scandal mance that knocked the audience in the aisles.
which had been kept under wraps rose finally to Rock the boat ne znači samo ljuljati čamac,
the surface. već i izazivati nepotrebno nevolju, talasati. # Po-
Rise up in arms against (dići se na oružje liticians don’t like to rock the boat around electi-
protiv) znači i žestoko se usprotiviti. # The far- on time. # Look George, everything is going fine
mers rose up in arms over the reduction in the here. Don’t rock the boat.
price of milk. Rod/stick to beat someone/something with
Rise with the lark (dići se sa ševom) znači (prut/štap za udaranje nekoga) je pogodno
ustati sa prvim petlima, ustati u cik zore. # She oružje, nešto što se zgodno može upotrebiti pro-
rose with the lark and was out of the house before tiv nekoga/nečega. # From the author of “Cathy
he could even ask her where she was going. Come Home” we now have another published
Risk one’s neck (rizikovati vrat) znači staviti rod with which to beat the insensitive back of our
glavu u torbu, staviti život na kocku, igrati se social consciences. # The trade unions will use
Rogue elephant 198 Rough sledding

the minister’s unfulfilled promises as a stick with nebrušen i (j): ogrubeti . (a): We rode over rough
which to beat the whole government. terrain. (b): American football is a rough game.
Rogue elephant nije samo slon usamljenik, (c): We sailed in rough seas. (d): Ten lashes is
već i neko ko se ruga svemu i svačemu. # Your mighty rough punishment. (e): He had a rough
son is making enemies of all our customers; he’s manner. (f): The migrant workers have had a ro-
a real rogue elephant. ugh life. (g): This is just a rough plan. (h): This is
Rogues’ gallery (galerija odmetnika) je po- just a rough estimate. (i): David looks awkward
licijska fototeka, ali i (u prenesenom značenju) for a ball player, but he is a rough dimaond. (j):
skup negativnosti. # Most of us who care about Hard work roughed his hands.
words at all have a personal rogues’ gallery of Rough and ready (grub i spreman) je (a):
usages, neologisms and pronunciations we would jednostavan (ali ne sasvim precizan ili detaljan)
prohibit if we could. i (b): neuglađen/grub (ali sposoban/energičan).
Roll in the aisles (valjati se u prolazu izme- (a): She has a rough and ready method for cal-
culating how long it takes for meat to cook. (b):
đu redova) znači valjati/previjati se od smeha.
Our Nigerian and Ghanaian fellow-delegates are
# The audience were rolling in the aisles at his
as rough and ready and pragmatic as we are.
Rough and tumble, rough-and-tumble
Roman holiday (rimsko slavlje) je uživanje
(grubo i u neredu) je bespoštedna borba, nemi-
u patnjama drugih. # “You and your filthy news- losrdna konkurencija, surov. # He would have
papers would have got hold of it and what a Ro- to get used to embarrassments like that if he went
man holiday you’d have made of it” (R. Harling, into the rough and tumble of elective politics. #
The Paper Palace). It took strong men to stay alive in the rough-and-
Rooftop terrace (pod Terrace). tumble life of the western frontier.
Room nije samo soba, već i (a): prostor i (b): Rough customer nije gruba mušterija, već
prilika, mogućnost. (a): This cabinet takes up znači gadan tip, nezgodan čovek, težak čovek,
too much room. (b): There’s no room for error zaguljenko. # If I were you I’d rather avoid him;
here. he’s a rough customer. Vidi Ugly customer.
Root nije samo koren, ukoreniti se, već i (a): Rough diamond (pod Diamond in the rou-
ukopati (se), (b): navijati (iz sve snage) i (c): gh).
snažno podržavati. (a): Root the bulbs in potting Rough house nije neravna kuća, već (kolo-
soil. # He was so afraid he stood rooted to the kvijalno) teška bitka, žestoka tuča. # “This battle
spot. (b): I’m rooting for the home team. (c): In for which we are preparing will be a real rough
the last presidential election, the young, the in- house and will involve a very great deal of hard
tellectuals and the minorities were rooting for fighting.” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memo-
McGovern. irs).
Root and branch (koren i grana) znači ko- Rough justice (gruba pravda) je pravda po
renito, potpuno, do kraja, radikalan, krajnji. kratkom postupku. # Most policemen have a
# This is a bad law and the government should natural skepticism about jury trial. They prefer
remove it root and branch. # “For the only root- the rough justice of the magistrates’ court where
and-branch ‘solutions’ which could give a man there is a 90 per cent conviction rate.
an absolute reason for not working at Barford on Round-eyed ne znači okruglih očiju, već ra-
the bomb, were not open to many. But no other zrogačenih očiju (od iznenađenja, divljenja itd.).
faith touched the problem” (C. P. Snow, The New # The children were round-eyed at the sight of
Men). Destroy something root and branch zna- the Christmas tree and didn’t make a sound.
či zatrti nešto u korenu. # The old customs in Round robin (okrugli crvendać) je (a): pe-
China have been destroyed root and branch by ticija ili protest (s potpisima poređanim u krug,
the new regime. da se ne vidi ko je prvi potpisnik) i (b): kružno
Rotten nije samo truo, već i (a): korumpi- takmičenje (u kojem igra svako sa svakim). (a):
ran, (b): pokvaren, podao i (c): (kolokvijalno) The people in our neighborhood are sending a ro-
loš, grozan, užasan i (d): pijan (u žargonu). (a): und robin to the Air Force to protest the noise the
To clear a town of rotten officials is easier said jet planes make flying over our houses. (b): The
than done. (b): That lousy punk is rotten to the tournament will be a round robin for all the high
core. (c): I’ve had such rotten luck. (d): When he school teams in the city. Round-robin letter je
gets rotten, he’s sort of dangerous. zajedničko pismo u kome svako napiše po je-
Rough nije samo rapav, neravan, već i (a): dan-dva pasusa. # The class sent a round-robin
teško prohodan, (b): grub,(c): uzburkan, (d): letter to Ted in the hospital.
surov, (e): neuglađen, neotesan, (f): težak, (g): Rough sledding (pod Hard/rough/tough
nabačen, grub, (h): približan, (i): neobrađen, sledding).
Round/around the bend/twist 199 Run away with someone

Round/around the bend/twist (oko okuke/ Rub up something ne znači samo trljati nešto
zaokreta) znači (kolokvijalno) šašav, lud. # She da dobije sjaj, ulaštiti nešto, već i osvežiti nešto
sounds like she’s round the bend already. Drive (znanje, veštinu, pamćenje i sl.). # If I’m to spend
someone (a)round the bend/twist znači izludeti a month in France, I’d better rub up my knowled-
nekoga. # You haven’t got my troubles. My wife ge of the language.
won’t love me and she’s driving me round the Rude health (grubo zdravlje) je čelično
bend. zdravlje („zdrav kao dren“). # He has turned out
Row nije samo niz, red, već i (a): veslanje, ninety, but he is in rude health - as sound as a
veslati, (b): galama i (c): svađa. (a): Let’s go bell.
for a row. (b): The children made enough row Rule nije samo pravilo, već i (a): vladavi-
to wake the dead. (c): We had a small row but na, vladati i (b): odlučiti, presuditi. (a): Queen
quickly made up. Victoria’s rule lasted 64 years. (b): The jury ruled
Rubber check nije gumeni ček, već nepokri- that he was innocent of all charges.
ven ček. # The clerk got in trouble for taking a Rule of thumb (pravilo palca) je praktično
rubber check. pravilo (zasnovano na iskustvu). # It is impo-
Rubber stamp ne znači samo udariti pečat/ ssible to calculate all these factors because they
žig, već i (politički kolokvijalizam) (a): nesa- vary widely from one share to another. As a rule
mostalan, poslušan, (b): glasačka mašina i (c): of thumb, the bigger the company the easier is to
prihvatati nešto po nalogu. (a): Don’t entertain buy and sell.
any illusions – this is a rubber stamp committee. Rule the roost (upravljati motkom na kojoj
(b): “As a late member of the House of Com- spava živina) znači imati glavnu reč. # Nick is
mons, I welcome any movement that will reduce very bossy; he always wants to rule the roost. #
the danger of the oldest of all representative bo- Who rules the roost in your family?
dies becoming a mere rubber stamp” (A. Wilson, Run nije samo trčati, već i (a): pobeći, (b):
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). (c): The boss makes the saobraćati, (c): kandidovati se (d): teći, protica-
decisions and the committee just rubber-stamps ti, (e): voditi, upravljati, (f): zarinuti, (g): trajati,
them. (h): koštati, (i): puštati boju, (j): kretati se, (k):
Rub elbows/shoulders with someone (trljati objaviti, publikovati, (l): (o)topiti se, (m): curiti
laktove/ramena s nekim) znači mešati se s ne- (nos), (n): izlet, (o): tok (p): slobodan pristup,
kim, kretati se u određenom društvu. # I don’t korišćenje, (q): serija, niz, (r): kavez, ograđen
care to rub elbows with someone who acts like prostor, (s): vrsta i (t): poen u bejzbolu. (a): The
that! # The proposed item was to note that Mr. robbers took the money and ran. (b): The shuttle
Cox had been one of those “with whom these eli- runs daily from New York to Boston. (c): Ric-
te socialists were rubbing shoulders”. hard Roe will run for mayor. (d): The stream runs
Rub in nije samo utrljati, već i (a): stalno down the valley. (e): Teach me how to run the
zvocati (o nečijim propustima, slabostima itd.), business. (f): He ran the car into a ditch. (g): The
povređivati staru ranu. (a): Why do you have to movie ran for 97 minutes. (h): How much will
rub in everything I do wrong? # There’s no need the repairs dun? (i): Her red blouse ran on the li-
to rub it in that we lost by three goals. ghter colored clothes in the wash. (j): The prices
Rubric nije rubrika u novinama (kaže se run from $5 to $200. (k): The ad was run in the
column i section), već (a): zaglavlje, naslov paper for two days. (l): The ice cream ran in the
poglavlja (u novinama, knjizi ili na nekom doku- warm sun. (m): His nose was running. (n): Let’s
mentu, objavi i sl.) i (b): uputstvo (na pismenom take a run upstate for the day. (o): I can’t keep
ispitu). (a): He gave four lectures under the gene- with the run of national events. (p): You have the
ral rubric ‚ problematics of sociology ‚ , the title run of my office. (q): Gamblers always hope for
of the book under review here. (b): Spend the a run of good luck. (r): The kids are building a
first few minutes reading the rubric so that you rabbit run. (s): we had nothing exciting – just the
are very clear about what you should do. usual run of applicants. (t): The home team sco-
Rub someone’s fur the wrong way (trljati red two runs on that play.
nečije krzno u pogrešnom pravcu) i rub some- Run around like a chicken with its head cut
one (up) the wrong way znači iritirati nekoga, off, run around like a headless chicken (trčati
ići nekome na živce. # I’m sorry I rubbed your okolo kao pile bez glave) je isto što i naše juriti
fur the wrong way. I didn’t mean to upset you. tamo-amo kao muva bez glave. # If you run aro-
# Don’t rub me up the wrong way: I’m in a foul und like a chicken with its head cut off, you’ll
temper this morning. Rub someone up the right never get anything done.
way znači ići nekome niz dlaku, povlađivati ne- Run away with someone ne znači samo po-
kome. # He was careful to rub Harold up the right beći s nekim (od kuće), već i dominirati nekim,
way, saying how invaluable his services had been dopustiti nečemu da ovlada nekim. # Dave lets
to the club, and so on. his temper run away with him.
Run away with something 200 Run off the rails

Run away with something ne znači samo adlong, down into the shelter. Run for dear life
umaći s nečim, ukrasti nešto i pobeći, već i (a): znači spasavati živu glavu. # I fired two shots
pobediti s lakoćom u nečemu i (b): trošiti veli- above their heads and they ran for their lives
ke količine nečega. (a): The Brazilian team ran towards the shelter.
away with the first match in the series. (b): Tho- Run/go to seed ne može se doslovno prevesti,
se new heaters run away with a lot of electricity. a znači (a): sejati kad je vreme nošenja ploda
Run away with the idea (pobeći sa idejom) zna- već prošlo, (b): prestati biti dobar i koristan i
či biti u pogrešnom uverenju, utuviti sebi nešto (c): zapustiti se, ofucati se. (a): It’s useless to
neosnovano u glavu. # You shouldn’t run away shed seeds after the time of flowering or bearing
with the idea that because you haven’t been elec- has passed. (b): Sometimes a good athlete runs
ted chairman, we don’t appreciate your services to seed when he gets tooo old for sports. # Look
to the association. at that lawn. The whole thing has gone to seed.
Run circles/rings (a)round someone ne zna- (c): When I called on him this morning, he was
či trčati u krug oko koga, već (kolokvijalno) za- unshaven and wearing an old, stained dressing-
denuti koga za pojas, ušiti nekoga za tri dužine. gown. I’m afraid he has run to seed.
# In spelling, Ruth could run circles around Bar- Run headlong (pod Run for).
bara any day. # Margot is a useful tennis player Run in ne znači samo uleteti, utrčati, već i
but her brother Ted can run rings around her. (a): navratiti, svratiti nakratko, (b): privesti,
Run down ne znači samo pregaziti, oboriti, uhapsiti i (c): razrađivati (motor, nova kola) - u
već i (a): prestati raditi, stati, (b): progoniti i britanskom engleskom. (a): They would just run
pronaći, (c): ruinirati, (d): bagatelisati, omalo- in for a chat at any odd moment. (b): The poli-
važavati, (e): opadati, smanjivati (se), (f): tra- ce officer got angry and ran in the motorist. (c):
žiti izvor/začetak, (g): udariti i potopiti (brod), Don’t expect me to get you home quickly - I’m
(h): prostirati se do, sezati do, (i): reducirati still running my car in. Run-in je okršaj, svađa
značaj ili veličinu organizacije ili projekta (u (u žargonu). # I had a run-in with Mrs. Reynolds.
britanskom engleskom) (j): iscrpljen, umoran, She’s a hard case.
(k): propao, u lošem stanju i (l): brifing, pre- Run into nije samo naleteti na, već i (a):
gled, informacija (sa crticom). (a): The kitchen udariti u, (b): uvaliti se u (nevolju, teškoće, dug
clock ran down because we forgot to wind it. (b): itd.), (c): dostići, doći do brojke od, (d): doživeti
The suspect was finally run down at the home of (više izdanja) i (e): ulivati se u. (a): Tim lost con-
one of his associates. (c): All these years of hard trol of his bike and ran into a tree. (b): We are ob-
work have run Mrs. Appleby down severely. (d): viously running into difficulties. (c): The number
Joe is always running me down; I wonder what of people killed on the highways during holidays
he’s got against me? # Don’t run down my pa- runs into hundreds. (d): His latest novel has run
intings! You just don’t understand art! (e): The into three editions within the year. (e): This small
farm labor force is running down steadily. # We brook runs into a big river in the valley below.
are running down our military presence in this
area (f): The police ran down all possible leads. Running mate (partner u kandidovanju) je
(g): It was so foggy the steamship almost ran kandidat za potpredsednika (u američkom en-
down a small boat leaving the port. (h): The gro- gleskom). # “Governor Marshall bears the hi-
unds at Hampton court run down to water’s edge. ghest reputation,” said Woodrow Wilson on July
(i): They claim that the government is secretly 4, 1912, “and I feel honored by having him as a
running down the Youth Training Schemes. (j): running mate.”
You look thoroughly run down. Why don’t you Running start (trčeći start) je dobar zalet,
take a week’s holiday? (k): “To get off the streets uspešan start. # Contributions of $5000 before
he had to move with the flotsam and jetsam, and the drive began gave the charity fund a running
a run-down hotel like the one across the street start (Vidi flying start).
was more appealing than the Waldorf Astoria” Run off ne znači samo oticati, teći, već i (a):
(R. Ludlum, The Aquitaine Progression). (l): I’ve imati proliv/sraćku (u američkom žargonu), (b):
asked Mr. Christopher to join us at this meeting odštampati, iskopirati, (c): trčati odlučujuću
because he can give us a run-down on the latest trku i (d): oterati. (a): Tommy has been running
developments. off since midnight. (b): The print shop ran off a
Run for ne znači samo trčati za, već i kan- thousand copies of the newspaper. (c): The final
didovati se za. # Richard Roe will run for mayor. of 5000 meters was run off in blazing heat. (d):
Run for it znači bežati glavom bez obzira. # When the salesman tried to cheat the farmer, the
“At first I was a bit suspicious and ready to run farmer run him off the farm with a shot gun.
for it should the animal attack him” (G. Durrell, Run off the rails nije samo iskočiti/iskliznuti
The Drunken Forest). Kaže se i run headlong iz šina, već i otkačiti se, šiznuti. # Since his girl
# When the air-raid alarm sounded, he ran he- went to art college, she’s run completely off the
Run on 201 Rust belt

rails, dressing like a gypsy and coming home at Run the show ne znači samo voditi program,
all hours. već i imati glavnu reč. # “McKinley runs the
Run on ne znači samo nastaviti se, produžiti show, and lets Hanna collect the loot, and take
se, već i (a): pričati bez zaustavljanja, govoriti the blame” (G. Vidal, Empire).
kao navijen i (b): odnositi se na, vrteti se oko. Run through ne znači samo proći kroz, već
(a): She ran on at great length about her new ho- i (a): proćerdati, straćiti i (b): rekapitulirati,
use. (b): His talk ran on recent developments in proći još jednom kroz. (a): The rich man’s son
the space technology. quickly ran through his money. (b): I think I’ve
Run on all cylinders (aktivirati sve cilin- grasped your main proposals, but would you
dre) znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): raditi bez mind running through them once again?
problema, raditi kao podmazano i (b): napre-
gnuti sve moždane ćelije, aktivirati sve vijuge. Run together ne znači samo trčati zajed-
(a): This department is running on all cylinders. no, već i mešati se, spojiti se, pomešati što. # I
(b): Pay attention to what you are doing. Start shouldn’t wash those shirts in the same water, or
running on all cylinders. else the colors will run together.
Run out ne znači samo isteći, već i (a): doći Run up ne znači samo podići (zastavu i sl.),
do kraja, (b): dospeti (rok), ne važiti više, (c): već i (a): napraviti veliki račun, deficit itd. (b):
ostati bez, iscrpsti do kraja, potrošiti, (d): istrča- napraviti na brzinu. (a): She’s been running up
ti i (e): (sa predlogom at) dostići, doći do sume accounts at half a dozen big stores. (b): Claire
od. (a): Fred almost got across the brook on the ran up a costume for the party on her sewing
slippery stones but his luck ran out and he slipped machine. Run-up je (a): iznenadno povećanje
and fell. (b): The lease on their London flat runs (u američkom engleskom), (b): predizborni pe-
out in a few months. (c): I ran out of eggs while riod (u britanskom engleskom) i (c): zalet. (a):
I was baking the cakes. I had to buy more right There’s a run-up in interest rates. (b): Labor
then. (d): The dog ran out of the house. (e): The must in the run-up to the election reawaken its
actual bill runs out at considerably more than the supporters’ loyalty. (c): The spin bowlers take
original estimate. quite a short run-up.
Run out of steam (ostati bez pare) znači gu-
Rush nije samo žuriti, požurivati, već i (a):
biti snagu/zamah/energiju. # Unless we can su-
pply our forward units, the advance is in danger navaliti, i (b): urgentan, (c): filmski materijal
of running out of steam. # House-to-house can- snimljen tokom dana (obično u množini), (d):
vassing started in a fit of enthusiasm, but pretty uzbuđenje (u žargonu) i (e): euforija izazvana
soon ran out of steam. drogom (u narkomanskom žargonu). (a): The
Run over ne znači samo pregaziti, već i (a): Indians rushed the settlers. (b): This is a rush
prelivati se, biti prepun, (b): ponoviti što na- order. (c): After today’s shooting, we’ll watch
glas ili u sebi (da bi se zapamtilo), (c): skoknuti yesterday’sushes. (d): The wonderful ending to
do nekoga i (d): biti pun (energije, entuzijazma the movie gave me a rush. (e): Man, this stuff
itd.). (a): Jimmy forgot he had left the water on, really gives me a rush.
and the tub ran over. (b): During the lunch, Ella Rush one’s fences, jump one’s fences too
ran over her history facts so she would remem- soon (požuriti sa preskakanjem ograde) znači
ber them for the test. (c): Mary ran over to her zaleteti se, brzopleto reagovati. # Aren’t you rus-
neighbor’s. (d): The whole team is running over hing your fences proposing to Sally? You’ve only
with enthusiasm on the eve of their decisive mat- known her a week. # “Never jump your fences
ch. too soon. I jumped mine years too soon. Bloody
Run rings (a)round someone (pod Run circ- silly thing to do” (J. Mortimer, Paradise Postpo-
les/rings (a)round someone). ned).
Run riot (praviti gungulu) znači (a): ra- Rush someone to hospital ne znači požuri-
zulariti se, razuzdati se, pustiti sebi na volju i vati koga da ide u bolnicu, već brzo prebaciti
(b): bujati na sve strane, nekontrolisano se
nekoga u bolnicu. # Two passengers were rushed
širiti. (a): The boys got out of control and ran
riot, enjoying their newly acquired freedom. (b): to hospital suffering from severe head injuries.
The garden was very pretty, with roses and other Rush to a judgment (pod Judg(e)ment).
flowers running riot all over it. Rust belt (pojas rđe) je severoistok i srednji
Run short (kratko se protezati) znači osku- zapad SAD (nekadašnje zone teške industrije
devati, ponestati. # When it comes to money, we izložene postupnom propadanju). # The econo-
are always running short. my in the rust belt is slowing down.
Sack nije samo vreća, već i (a): puniti u vre- pressed strongly for the salami tactics - for ’gra-
će i (b): pljačkati (osvojeni grad). (a): I got hired dualism’ as they called it,” wrote Joseph Alsop.
one summer to sack grain. (b): The invaders ac- Sale nije samo prodaja, već i rasprodaja. #
ked the town. We’re having a sprng sale on winter coats.
Sad sack (žalosna vreća) je američki kolo- Saloon nije salon (kaže se drawing room – u
kvijalizam koji znači žalost božja, bezveznjak. # stanu, showroom – izložbeni, lounge – hotelski,
I was a very unimpressive young man. Lots of hairstylist shop – frizerski, beauty salon – koz-
self-pity and resentment. A sad sack, as we used metički), već (a): velika dvorana (za prijeme,
to say. izložbe, zabavu), (b): limuzina (na britanskom
Safe bet, it is a safe bet (sigurna opklada) je engleskom, a sedan na američkom engleskom),
nešto sa velikim izgledima na uspeh, može se sa (c): salon-vagon (kaže se i saloon car) i (d): bar,
velikom sigurnošću računati. # Diet books are krčma (na američkom engleskom). (a): A saloon
notoriously safe publishing bet, but this one has is an often elaborately decorated public hall for
broken all records. # There is no set age, of co- receptions, public entertainment, or exhibitions.
urse, at which children should be released from (b): Like the Saab, the Lexus is a large and luxu-
parental protection but it is a safe bet that five is rious saloon with generous equipment levels. (c):
too young. A saloon is a train car with seats for four or five
Safe conduct ne znači bezbedno ponašanje, people, two or four doors, and a separate section
već propusnica. # Hold back! Whats the big at the back for bags, boxes and cases. (d): The
rush? You have a safe conduct? result resembles a saloon brawl in the wild west.
Sail close to the wind (jedriti tik uz vetar) Salt and pepper ne znači samo so i biber, već
znači biti na ivici toga da se prekrši (zakon, mo- i (a): sedina, prosed, (b): rasno mešovit i (c):
ralni princip, društveno pravilo itd.). # The poli- policijska patrolna kola, murka (u žargonu). (a):
tician sailed rather close to the wind in his speech „Brown’s eyes were pale green and his hair had
against the government. grayed to an attractive blend of salt and pepper”
(W. J. Coughlin, Shadow of a Doubt). (b): It was
Sail through something (jedriti kroz) znači sort of a salt and pepper meeting, with represen-
lako i brzo završiti nešto, obaviti nešto čas po- tatives from all neighborhoods. (c): There is a
sla. # Ted sailed through his homework in a short salt and pepper behind you, and it’s too late to
amount of time. # The test was not difficult. I sa- slow down. Salt‑and‑pepper (pod Pepper-and-
iled right through it. salt).
Sail under false colors znači ploviti pod laž- Salt of the earth (so zemlje –”Vi ste so ze-
nom zastavom, ali i ne pokazivati pravo lice, mlji: ako se obljutavi, ćim će se osoliti?” Jevan-
prikazivati se u lažnom svetlu. # They found out đelje po Mateju 5:13) je (a): moralna elita, oni
that Jones was an escaped convict who had been koji predstavljaju najbolje i najplemenitije ele-
sailing under false colors as a lawyer. mente društva i (b): dobra, pristojna, pouzdana
Salad days (dani salate) su dani mladosti i osoba . (a): I know that journalists have a bad re-
neiskustva. # “I’d been very smart, even in those putation. A while back on television I was asked
green salad days, and I’d made a carbon copy of what I thought about them, and I said they are the
the book” (S. Price, Just for the Record). salt of the earth. (b): I like Mary: she’s reliable,
Salami tactics (salama taktika) znači mic po trustworthy, and straightforward; she’s the salt of
mic, postepeno postizanje cilja. # “Both of them the Earth.
Same again 204 Scale

Same again (opet isto) znači još jedno (isto) dalo izgubljeno). # The forest fire was nearly out
piće. # “Charles was suddenly jerked into atten- of control when suddenly it rained heavily and
tion by the word ‘Guinness’. ‘No thanks,’ he said saved the day.
hastily. ‘I’ll just have the same again’” (J. Wain, Save the mark, God save the mark (spasi
Hurry On Down). znak) znači sačuvaj bože, bože sakloni (iro-
Same difference! (Ista razlika! - nastalo nično). # “His eyes would inquire mutely after
ukrštanjem It’s the same thing i There is no diffe- Phuong, while his lips expressed with even more
rence), znači (kolokvijalno) isto, nema razlike. # fervour the strength of his affection and of his
Whether you go or I go, it’s the same difference. admiration - save the mark - for me“ (G. Greene,
# Pink, what does it matter? Same difference! The Quiet American).
Same here. (I ovde.) znači Ja takođe. Slažem Saw wood ne znači samo testerisati drvo, već
se. # “Dave distrusts him.” “Same here,” put in i hrkati (i mi kažemo u žargonu testerisati). # It
Gladys unexpectedly, “though I don’t why.” was absolutely impossible to sleep. Adam was
The same to you. ne znači samo Takođe sawing wood all night.
i Vama., već i Isto važi za Vas. # - You’re the Say a mouthful (reći zalogaj/gutljaj) znači
most horrible person I’ve ever met! - The same reći pravu stvar, reći nešto s čim se čovek mora
to you! složiti („stoposto se slažem“) (obično u prošlom
Sanction nije samo sankcija, kaznena mera, vremenu). # When you said things were busy
već i odobrenje. # The board of directors gave around here, you said a mouthful. It is terribly
the official sanction to our project and we can busy.
now proceed with the implementation. Say cheese! (Kaži sir!) znači Jedan osmejak,
Sandwich course (sendvič kurs) je tečaj koji molim! (prilikom fotografisanja). # Say cheese
pruža praktična znanja. # You’d better take one for the camera, please.
of those sandwich courses which provide practi- Say/cry uncle (reći/viknuti ujak) znači pri-
cal instruction as well as lectures on theory, the znati poraz. # Jimmy held Bobby down on the
practical being sandwiched between the theore- ground until he said uncle. # The bully twisted
tical. Jerry’s arm and said, “Cry uncle.”
Saucy znači pikantan, ali i (a): drzak, (b): Say/speak one’s piece (reći svoj deo) znači
otmen, (c): živahan i (d): mastan (vic - u britan- reći svoje, izraziti svoj stav. # Gary told the boss
skom engleskom). (a): Her saucy remarks raised that he thought he was wrong and the boss got
many eyebrows. (b): Narciss is modeling a saucy angry. He said, „You’ve said your little piece, so
spring outfit. (c): She was a saucy little girl. (d): go on home”. # Please let me speak my piece,
When he finished his saucy joke some blushed and than you can do whatever you wish.
and nobody laughed. Say something under one’s breath (reći
Save nije samo spasti, već i (a): uštedeti, (b): nešto ispod daha) znači promrsiti nešto sebi u
ostaviti na stranu, (c): sačuvati i (d): pričuvati, bradu. # Tom was saying something under his
postupati pažljivo sa. (a): You’ll save electricity breath, and I don’t think it was very pleasant.
by turning off lights not in use. (b): I’m saving Says/sez you! Says/sez who! (Kažeš ti! Kaže
this dress for a special occasion. (c): The colo- ko!) znači (kolokvijalno) To ti tako kažeš. Ko to
nel who lost the battle saved face by showing his kaže? Kome to pričaš? # - That brook is full of
orders from the general. (d): Save your voice for trouts. - Says who? I never saw anybody catch
tonight’s performance. trout here. # - I am the strongest boy on the block.
Saved by the bell (spasen zvonom) znači - Sez you.
spasen u zadnji čas (“spasao ga gong”, „Zvonko Say the word (reći reč) znači (kolokvijalno)
Spasić“). # Her employer was just going to ask (a): dati znak za početak i (b): Samo reci! Spre-
her some difficult questions about work, but she man sam kad god ti kažeš. (a): I’m ready to start
was saved by the bell when somebody important any time you say the word. (b): I will do anything
came to see him. you want; just say the word!
Save for a rainy day (uštedeti za kišni dan) Scale nije samo skala, već i (a): vaga, (b):
znači sačuvati za crne dane („Čuvaj bele pare težiti, (c): ljuspa, (d): sloj, (e): krljušt, (f): očisti-
za crne dane.“). # I’ve saved a little money for ti krljušt, (g): kamenac (i zubni kamenac), (h):
a rainy day. podela na stepene, (i): razmera, (j): tabela, (k):
Save one’s breath ne znači prištedeti dah, lestvica, (l): popeti se i (m): uskladiti. (a): We-
već ne trošiti badava reči, ne reći ništa jer ne igh the fruit on the scale. (b): The baby scaled
vredi. # If it’s the job he wants to see me about, six pounds. (c): Scrape the paint scales before
tell him he can save his breath. repinting it. (d): A scale of rust covered the steel
Save the day ne znači spasti dan, već spasti plate. (e): A scale is a small, platelike dermal or
stvar, doneti povoljan preokret (kad je sve izgle- epidermal structure caracteristically forming the
Scalp 205 Screen

external covering of fishes. (f): You have to sca- bliji), (c): I payed off all my scores. (d): Scores
le the fish before cooking it. (g): A scale forms of people attended the special performance. (e):
on the inside of of boilers, kettles, or other metal Very few people know the score in the congressi-
containers that heat liquids. (h): I know how to onal give-and-take. (f): Our team is sure to score
convert Fahrenheit to the centigrade scale. (i): a victory. (g): With so many chicks around here,
What is the scale of that map? (j): A new scale of you’re sure to score.
duties comes into force next Tuesday. (k): After Scotch nije samo škotski i (škotski) viski, već
losing his job, he completely lost his confidence i zaustaviti, sprečiti. She wants to scotch those
as well as began sinking on the social scale in rumors of an impending marriage.
every respect. (l): Come with me and I’ll teach Scotch a/the snake (osujetiti zmiju) zna-
you how to scale a rock face. (m): Management či učiniti nešto bezopasnim („iščupati nečemu
agreed to scale wages according to the job spe- zube“). # It is hoped that the new laws will scotch
cifications. the snake of dishonesty among members of the
Scalp nije samo skalp, skinuti skalp, već i government.
(a): preprodavati ulaznice (u američkom žargo- Scout nije samo skaut, izviđač, već i uhoda,
nu - u britanskom je tout) i (b): kupovati odmah uhoditi. # He was discovered as the enemy’s sco-
prodavati (akcije) radi brzog profita (u američ- ut. # Who scouted for Custer?
kom žargonu). (a): It is impossible to find a ticket Scramble nije samo praviti kajganu, već i
to the latest Broadway play. Our only chance are (a): otimati se (b): užurbano se penjati (posebno
ticket scalpers. (b): John scalps bonds in order to četvoronoške) i (c): kodirati (telefonski) razgo-
make small, quick profits. vor, radio-veze, televizijske programe i sl. (a):
Scandal sheet (skandal arak paira) je petpa- The three of us had to scramble for the loose ball.
rački/revolveraški list. # I’m tired of this scandal (b): The marines had to scramble in order to rea-
sheet. Let’s get a classy newspaper today. ch enemy lines. (c): In our code we we scramble
Scaredy-cat (preplašena mačka) je (kolokvi- letters so words are unrecognizable. # Scramble
jalno) plašljivko, zekavac. # Jimmy was a sca- the message so that nobody can understand it.
redy-cat and wouldn’t go in the water. Scrap nije samo otpadak, već i (a): komadić
Scarlet woman/lady (svetlocrvena žena/gos- (b): trun (c): odbaciti kao neupotrebljivo (d):
pođa – pogrdan naziv protestanata za katoličku baciti u staro gvožđe (e): tučnjava i (f): čvarci (u
crkvu) je (kolokvijalno) laka ženska. # After she američkom engleskom – u množini) Čvarci su i
had left her husband to have a baby by the Italian cracklings (am.) i greaves (brit.). (a): Scraps of
film director she was dubbed the scarlet lady of bread were thrown to the birds. (b): There wasn’t
the movie business and her films were banned in a scrap of evidence to convict him. (c): Mayor
America. wil scrap the plan the minute he gets reelected.
Scheme nije samo šema, već i (a): plan, (b): (d): We decided to scrap the old car. (e): The re-
kovati zaveru i (c): sistem. (a): He suggested se- cruit got a black eye in his firsz barroom scrap.
veral schemes to increase sales. (b): For months (f): I am partial to scraps.
they had scheemd to overthrow the government. Scrape the bottom of the barrel (izgrebati
(c): The airport contains a scheme of criscrossing dno kace) znači (figurativno) ostati bez zaliha. #
runways. The government is really scraping the bottom of
School of hard knocks (škola teških udara- the political barrel if it can only produce a man
ca) je okrutna životna škola. # He never went like him to speak for it.
to high school; he was educated in the school of Scratch a living (iščeprkati zaradu) znači
hard knocks. obezbediti dovoljno za goli život. # Others deal
Scissors and paste (makaze i lepak) je kom- in second-hand clothing, scavenge for firewood
pilacija, kombinovanje starog materijala. # As or take in washing. It allows them to scratch a
well as using the scissors and paste, she has re- living while they look for a better-paid job.
interviewed all the people Mr. Hutchinson first Scream/cry/yell blue murder (u britanskom
approached and interviewed a few more besides. žargonu), scream bloody murder (u američkom
Scold nije samo grditi, već i nadžak-baba, žargonu) (vrištati/vikati plavo/krvavo ubistvo)
oštrokonđa. # That old scold never has anything znači buniti se do neba, žestoko protestovati. #
nice to say. The baby screamed blue murder when I put it in
Score nije samo rezultat, već i (a): rez, ras- the bath. # When we put him in an office without
puklina, (b): dvadeset, (c): dug (d): mnoštvo (u a window, he screamed bloody murder.
množini), (e): pravo stanje stvari, (f): zabeležiti i Screen nije samo zaklon, već i (a): filmsko
(g): smuvati ribu, potucati (u žargonu). (a): The platno i TV ekran, (b): vrata ili prozor sa mre-
tree trunk had many scores in it. (b): Three score žom (protiv insekata), (c): paravan, (d): rešeto,
years and ten (70 – očekivani životni vek po Bi- prosejati, (e): zaštititi, (f): prikazati i (g): selek-
Script 206 See red

cionirati. (a): Sir Lawrence Olivier is a star of Asked for comment on The Times’s report, the
stage and screen. (b): Close the screen or the flies Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Clinton
wil get into the house. (c): She changed clothes said he would not attempt to second-guess the
behind the screen. (d): The little child loves to President’s decision.
sift sand through a screen. (e): Sunglasses will Second-hand nije samo kazaljka za sekunde,
screen your eyes from the harmful rays. (f): They već i polovan, rabljen. Mr. Wilson is second-
will screen a new movie at 9 PM. (g): The Per- hand book seller.
sonnel Department is here to screen applicants. Second sight ne znači drugi pogled, već vi-
Script nije samo scenario, već i (a): tekst dovitost. # How was I to know that the car wo-
(radio/TV emisije ili uloge), (b): rukopis. (c): uld break down? I haven’t got second sight, you
pismeni odgovor (na ispitu) i (d): original (do- know.
kumenta). (a): The script was delivered to the Secretary of the Interior nije u SAD mini-
director ahead of schedule. (b): She has a neat, star unutrašnjih poslova, već administrator pri-
precise script. (c): The assistant professor collec- rodnih bogatstava (ruda, voda, ribe, divljači i na-
ted scripts after the exam. (d): Several changes cionalnih parkova). Ministar unutrašnjih poslova
were made in the script. i pravde je Attorney General. # The Department
Sea change nije morska promena, već te- of the Interior was established in 1849 and Mr.
meljna promena, suštinska transformacija. # Robert McClelland was the first to be appointed
The Prime Minister is convinced that there will Secretary of the Interior in President Pierce’s ad-
soon be a sea change in the relations between ministration.
East and West. See about something (gledati oko nečega)
Seamy side nije samo naličje, već i (figura- znači (a): pozabaviti se nečim, pobrinuti se za
tivno) ružna strana. # “Mr Skipton knows a lot nešto i (b): razmotriti nešto, promisliti o neče-
about Flemish domestic life. The seamy side, I mu. (a): I cannot take time now but I’ll see about
believe. I suppose even this delightful city has its your plan when I have time. (b): I cannot take
seamy side” (P. Hansford Johnson, The Unspea- time now but I’ll see about your plan when I have
kable Skipton). time.
Search me! ne znači samo Pretresi me! već See after someone/something ne znači gle-
i Nemam pojma! Otkud znam! Pitaj boga! # dati za nekim/nečim, već postarati se za nekoga/
“’I thought Ailsa Craigs were onions,’ said Ho- nešto, povesti brigu o nekome/nečemu. # Please
palong. ‘Are they?’ ‘Search me, mate’” (G. W. see after my cat while I’m on vacation.
Target, The Teachers). See daylight ne znači videti dnevno svetlo,
Season nije samo sezona (lova, kiša itd.), već već videti kraj nečemu, znati da je kraj, rešenje,
i (a): godišnje doba, (b): začiniti, (c): dozrevati, uspeh blizu. # We thought we would never finish
biti bolji na osnovu iskustva, (d): sušiti (drvo za building the house, but now we can see daylight.
obradu), (e): pravi trenutak. (a): Spring and au- See eye to eye ne znači gledati se oči u oči,
tomn are my favorite seasons. (b): She seasoned već gledati istim očima, biti istog mišljenja. #
the stew with sage. # His new play was seasoned Though we did not usually agree, we saw eye to
with wit and humor. (c): The actor was seaso- eye in the matter of reducing taxes.
ned by years of performance. (d): The carpeneter See fair play ne znači posmatrati fer igru,
taught us how to season wood. (e): A word in već obezbediti korektnost, postarati se da se sve
season from his father would have stopped him odvija fer. # Peter Haigh will be in the chair for
from acting foolishly. Seasoned by age znači od- this series to see fair play, and for tonight’s sessi-
ležan (vino). on the members of the panel are...
Seat-of-the-pants nije samo stražnji deo pan- See how the land lies ne znači gledati kako
talona, već i intuitivan (u američkom žargonu). zemlja leži, već videti kako stvari stoje, osmotri-
# “But Sandy and I both know that the seat-of- ti situaciju. # Before the new boy will join our
the-pants impressions of three laymen who have club, he wants to see how the land lies.
learned that three judge on the case called it a See life (videti život) znači upoznati život. #
loser are worth very little - and are hardly deter- Since becoming a social worker she’s certainly
minative of what nine people would have done, seen life.
in any event (S. Turow, Presumed Innocent). See off ne znači samo ispratiti, već i oterati.
Second a motion ne znači sekundirati kre- # Some boys came round hoping to steal apples,
tanje, već podržati predlog. # „The motion was but the farmer saw them off with a few well-cho-
seconded, and on a narrow vote was carried. The sen words.
committee stood adjourned” (G. Vidal, 1876). See red ne znači videti crveno, već smrknuti
Second-guess (drugi pogodak) znači biti na- se pred očima, dobiti izliv besa. # “It’s just that
knadno pametan, kritikovati nakon događaja. # I see red when I think anyone is trying to muscle
See sense 207 sells like hot cakes

in on my property” (M. Dickens, The Angel in hear the doorbell. Will someone please see to the
the Corner). door? # Jim will see to the horses.
See sense (videti smisao) znači razumno po- See which way the cat jumps (videti kuda
stupiti, doći do razumnog zaključka. # - I’m not mačka skače) znači videti kako će neko reago-
going to take on more than one public engage- vati/postupiti, videti u kom pravcu će se stvari
ment a week this winter. - Well, I’m glad you’ve odvijati. # It will be interesting to see which way
seen sense at last. the cat jumps, now that his profit-making can no
See service (videti službu) znači (a): služiti, longer be reconciled with a clear conscience
biti u službi i (b): biti u upotrebi. (a): Just re- See with half an eye (videti sa pola oka) zna-
member that Appleby’s a man who has seen ser- či odmah shvatiti. # You could see with half an
vice in the tropics and will know more about the eye that Tom and Sally were not happy.
conditions than you. (b): Granny’s old teapot still Seize ne znači samo zgrabiti, ščepati, već i
sees active service. (a): dočepati se, (b): shvatiti, (c): zahvatiti, (d):
See someone right ne znači videti nekoga uhvatiti, uhapsiti i (e): iskoristiti. (a): The mili-
kako treba, već platiti nekome pošteno, pobri- tary junta seized power. (b): She was quick to se-
nuti se da neko bude odgovarajuće plaćen za ize the meaning of his words. (c): Uncontollable
njegov rad. # It shouldn’t take you long to get laughter seized us. (d): The escaped convict was
this job done. And don’t worry about the money. seized outside the city. (e): Seize every opportu-
I’ll see you right. nity you can if you want to succeed.
See the back of something ne znači videti Seize something with both hands (ščepati
pozadinu nečega, već završiti sa nečim, okon- nešto obema rukama) znači jedva dočekati, brzo
čati što. # We’ll soon see the back of this tedious zgrabiti (ponudu, priliku itd.). # “This offer was
job. seized by Ernest Bevin with both hands and he
See the color of someone’s money (videti organized a conference in Paris the next month”
boju nečijeg novca) znači biti siguran da neko (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs).
ima novca da plati nešto (“prvo pare na sunce”).
Select few (nekoliko odabranih) je elita. #
# So, you want to make a bet? Not until I see the
The soldiers in this regiment are a select few.
color of your money.
See the (hand)writing on the wall (videti Self-consciousness ne znači samosvest, već
rukopis na zidu) znači videti svoje dobro jutro, stidljivost, sputanost. # Her self-consciousness
ne pisati se kome dobro. # He saw the writing on made it difficult for her to make friends.
the wall for the British car industry several years Self-styled ne znači u sopstvenom stilu, već
ago. # If you don’t improve your performance, samozvani, tobožnji, nazovi. # “Six months later
they’ll fire you. Can’t you see the handwriting in the middle of a cold, wet December, when fla-
on the wall? ming June and its sweltering heat were a distant
See the light ne znači samo videti svetlost, memory, Mrs. Powel was telephoned by a journa-
već i (a): roditi se, (b): ugledati sveta i (c): naj- list from The Street, a self-styled politically left-
zad shvatiti, pući pred očima. (a): # The children of-center magazine...” (M. Walters, The Echo).
visited their old house where their great-grandfa- Sell out ne znači samo rasprodati, već i izda-
ther first saw the light. (b): If his teacher had not ti. # In the Revolutionary War, Benedict Arnold
encouraged him, his book would never have seen sold out to the British. # Lefty sold out, and we’ll
the light. (c): After a lot of studying and asking all soon be arrested.
many questions, I finally saw the light. Sell short (prodati nedovoljno) znači (a):
See the red light (ugledati crveno svetlo) prodavati bez pokrića (prodavati nešto što tek
znači uočiti/osetiti opasnost. # He saw the red treba nabaviti), (b): prevariti, dati manje nego
light when he had painful aches during his holi- što je obećano i (c): potceniti. (a): “His system
day; when he got home the doctor told him that in the bear market was to sell short - not a practi-
he was suffering from a serious disease. ce considered entirely ethical in business” (J. Ar-
See things (videti stvari) znači priviđati se. # cher, Not a Penny more, Not a Penny Less). (b):
I had not seen him for twenty years and when we I never intended that he should spend all that mo-
met on the street I thought I was seeing things. ney on an expensive holiday - and if I’d known
See through a brick wall (videti kroz zid od he was going to sell me short, I wouldn’t have
cigle) znači biti jako pronicljiv. # Gerald can see given it to him. (c): His success surprised many
through a brick wall - he is able to understand a who had been selling him short. # Don’t sell this
truth which is beyond the grasp of ordinary pe- project short. Our best brains worked it out.
ople. It sells like hot cakes (prodaje se kao vrući
See to it/something (videti za to/nešto) znači kolači) je isto što i naše prodaje se kao alva. #
postarati se za nešto, povesti brigu o nečemu. # I The fancy new cars were selling like hot cakes.
Sell someone a bill of goods 208 Serial

Sell someone a bill of goods (prodati nekome gentle lapping of the waves against the side of the
račun za robu) znači prodati nekome rog za sve- boat sent him to sleep.
ću. # Don’t pay any attention to what Joe says. Send someone to the showers ne znači samo
He’s just trying to sell you a bill of goods. poslati nekoga na tuširanje, već i poslati neko-
Sell someone a pup (prodati nekome kučen- ga u svlačionicu. # Sol played so badly that the
ce) znači podvaliti nekome („podmetnuti neko- coach sent him to the showers after the third qu-
me čavče pod goluba“). # When I came home arter.
and tried the video recorder, I found that it didn’t Send someone up the river (poslati nekoga
work and realized that I’d been sold a pup. uz reku) znači (u žargonu) poslati nekoga u bu-
Sell someone down the river (prodati/pusti- varu/bajbok/ćuzu. # The judge sent Max up the
ti nekoga niz reku) znači (kolokvijalno) izdati river for ten years.
(svoje sopstvene ljude), biti nelojalan prema ne- Send someone up the wall (poslati nekoga
kome. # “He preached loyalty to them, paid them
uza zid) znači (kolokvijalno) neizdrživo nervi-
next to nothing, and, when it suited him - sold
rati nekoga („strugati nekome po živcima“). #
them down the river” (J. le Carré, Tinker, Tailor,
Soldier, Spy). How much longer are the builders going to be
blasting away with that damned drill? It’s eno-
Sell someone on something (prodati neko- ugh to send anyone up the wall! Kaže se i set
me nešto) znači (kolokvijalno) obrlatiti nekoga,
someone’s teeth on edge.
ubediti nekoga u nešto („skuvati nekoga“). # Try
to sell Tom on going to Mexico for a vacation. Send up (poslati nagore) znači (a): podići
Send a boy on a man’s errand, send a boy (cene, pritisak itd.), (b): poslati u zatvor, (c):
to do a man’s work (poslati dečaka po poslu dići u vazduh i (d): parodirati. (a): Any increa-
za odrasle) znači dati nekome zadatak kome je se in production costs is bound to send up prices.
nedorastao. # Floyd Patterson was described as # A rise in temperature will send up the pressure
“game”, but a boy on a man’s errand when he was inside the casing. (b): Did you know that Sam
knocked out by Sonny Liston in the first round. Christopher was sent up for fifteen years? (c): A
Send a trial balloon (pod Fly a kite). convoy of petrol lorries a mile to the rear was
sent up in flames. (d): In their most recent sati-
Send chills up someone’s spine (poslati jezu rical sketch they send up fashionable young wo-
uz nečiju kičmu) znači uterati nekome strah u
men who work for charitable causes. Send-up je
kosti. # When we got home the light was on in
our flat. The idea that someone was in there wai- parodija. # I enjoy a good send-up, even if it is
ting for us sent chills down my spine. about me.
Send someone down (poslati nekoga dole) Senior nije samo stariji, već i (a): viši i (b):
znači (a): isključiti studenta na neko vreme (u pretpostavljeni. (a): Mr. Gray is a senior officer
britanskom engleskom) i (b): poslati nekoga u in the bank. (b): The three vice-presidents are my
zatvor. (a): Several students were sent down after seniors. Senior citizen je starija osoba, penzio-
incidents during the visit of a foreign Prime Mi- ner. Senior year je četvrta godina studija. Seni-
nister. (b): The District Attorney persuaded the or high school je u SAD viša srednja škola.
jury to send the accused down. Separate nije samo razdvojiti, već i (a): od-
Send someone off/away with a flea in the/ vojiti (b): rastaviti se, (c): rasporediti, (d): po-
his ear (oterati nekoga sa buvom u uhu) znači seban i (e): odvojen, nezavisan. (a): Separate
(kolokvijalno) očitati nekome bukvicu, naučiti the white clothes from the dark clothes before
nekoga pameti. # The young man tried to kiss laundering. (b): We separated after ten years of
her but she sent him away with a flea in his ear. marriage. (c): Separate the orange into sections.
Send someone packing ne znači poslati neko- (d): The suite consisted of four separate rooms.
ga da se spakuje, već oterati nekoga. # I couldn’t (e): Our newspaper and our printing business
stand him any more, so I sent him packing. form separate corporate entities.
Send someone to Coventry (poslati nekoga Separate/tell the men from the boys ne zna-
u Koventri) znači (u britanskom engleskom) boj- či odvojiti ljude od dečaka, već odvojiti sposob-
kotovati nekoga, ne govoriti više s nekim. # The ne od nesposobnih, utvrditi ko je sposoban a ko
other workmen have sent him to Coventry becau- ne. # The first part of the race is not really diffi-
se he supported the boss’s point of view. cult; it’s the final three miles over rough and hilly
Send someone to glory (poslati nekoga po ground that will separate the men from the boys.
slavu) znači poslati nekoga na onaj svet, ubi- # This project requires a lot of thinking. It’ll tell
ti nekoga (u žargonu). # One shot sent him to the men from the boys.
glory. Serial nije samo serijski, već i serija. # The
Send someone to sleep ne znači poslati ne- Perils of Pauline was my grandmother’s favorite
koga na spavanje, već uspavati nekoga. # The serial.
Sermon 209 Set the scene

Sermon nije samo propoved, već i pridika. # This will only set off your reputation for being
Don’t give me a sermon on punctuality just beca- fair. (g): The slightest spark can set off the explo-
use I’m five minutes late. sive stored here.
Serve its turn (odslužiti svoje) znači poslu- Set one’s cap for/at someone (staviti svoju
žiti dok se ne nađe nešto bolje. # It wasn’t the kapu za nekoga) znači (kolokvijalno) pokušati
fastest or most comfortable of boats, but it served upecati nekoga, loviti muža. # The young girl
its turn. set her cap for the new town doctor, who was a
Serve notice (pod Notice). bachelor.
Serve someone right ne znači poslužiti ne- Set one’s face against (izložiti svoje lice pro-
kome kako treba, već dobiti po zasluzi (It serves tiv) znači žestoko se usprotiviti. # The banker’s
you right. = Tako ti i treba.). # He failed his exam; daughter wanted to marry a poor boy, but her
it served him right because he had not studied. father set his face against it. Kaže se i set one’s
Serve time (služiti vreme) znači izdržavati teeth against. # He set his teeth against any
kaznu, robijati. # He’s served time on several change in our plans.
occasions, but it was usually for very small and Set one’s hand to the plow/plough (pod Put/
unimportant crimes. set one’s hand to the plow/plough).
Service nije samo servis, već i (a): služba, Set one’s shoulder to the wheel (pod Put/set
(b): oružane snage (c): usluga (d): korišćenje, one’s shoulder to the wheel).
upotreba, (e): servisiranje (f): služba božja i Set one’s sights high (postaviti visoko svoje
(g): održavati, servisirati. (a): An M.D. is chi- nišane) znači imati velike ambicije. # She has set
ef officer in the health service. (b): He was in her sights high and is trying to become a world-
the service during World War II. (c): The service class pianist.
in this restaurant is excellent. (d): Bus service is Set out ne znači samo krenuti kuda, već i (a):
free in some cities. (e): There’s a good money latiti se nečega novog, (b): podrobno objasniti,
in TV service. (f): There is a church service this obrazložiti, (c): izložiti, poređati (na stolu, tezgi
evening. (g): That power company services all itd.) i (d): zasaditi, presaditi. (a): He set out on a
our electrical appliances. new career. (b): Recent changes in the tax law are
Set aside ne znači samo staviti na stranu, već set out in the enclosed booklet. (c): The ties were
i (a): odbaciti, poništiti, (b): osloboditi se neče- attractively set out to draw in the customers. (d):
ga, ostaviti po strani nešto, (c): odvojiti (za ne- We set some tomatoes out early in the spring.
što) (d): odrediti nešto (za nešto). (a): The judge Set someone on his ears (u američkom engle-
set the ruling aside and released the prisoner. (b): skom), set someone by the ears (u britanskom
In these discussions, all formality was set aside. engleskom) (postaviti nekoga na uši) znači šoki-
(c): He tried to set aside a few minutes each day rati nekoga, iznenaditi nekoga nečim original-
for his exercises. (d): This was the day set nim. # “He struck the sheaf of papers with his
aside for his execution. fist. ‘This ought to set them on their ears.’ I did
Set back ne znači samo baciti natrag, već i not ask whose ear would be set on, but assumed
(a): usporiti, (b): koštati (nekoga) i (c): locirati, that he had the Republicans in mind” (G. Vidal,
postaviti. (a): The storm set back the work on the 1876). # The scientist set the whole world by the
new building. (b): That car must have set him ears with his discovery.
back a good deal. (c): The house is set back some Set someone’s teeth on edge (staviti nečije
distance from the main road. zube na rub) znači (kolokvijalno) jako nervirati
Set down ne znači samo položiti, već i (a): nekoga. # Please don’t scrape your fingernails on
zabeležiti, (b): odrediti dan (za suđenje, sasluša- the blackboard! It sets my teeth on edge! Kaže se
nje itd.) i (c): iskrcati. (a): I’ll set down one or i Send someone up the wall.
two points while they are fresh in my mind. (b): Set the cat among the pigeons/canaries (pod
The day set down for the trial has still to be anno- Put/set the cat among the pigeons/canaries).
unced. (c): Would you mind setting me down at Set the house on fire ne znači samo zapaliti
the next corner? kuću, već i zapaliti publiku. # Her splendid per-
Set off ima više značenja: (a): izazvati, (b): formance really set the house on fire.
započeti, (c): krenuti na put, (d): poći, (e): kom- Set the record straight (pod Get the record
penzirati, nadoknaditi, (f): istaći, podvući i (g): straight).
prouzrokovati eksploziju. (a): An atomic explo- Set the scene ne znači postaviti scenu, već
sion is created by setting off a chain reaction in (a): uvesti u materiju, objasniti okolnosti (isto-
the atom. (b): Don’t set another discussion off, rijske i dr.) u vezi sa mestom ili događajem,
please. (c): They set off for the West in a covered (b): pripremiti teren. (a): After the guide had
wagon. (d): The police set off in hot pursuit. (e): spent a few minutes setting the scene, the tou-
The profit on hats will set off the loss on ties. (f): rists were allowed to wander around the castle.
Set the stage 210 Shake off

(b): The workers’ refusal to follow the advice of and bronchial passages. (d): Jody and Phil set
their own leaders has set the scene for the most up a party for Saturday night. (e): Stewart set up
important meeting between employer and trade a new Commonwealth Games record in 10 000
unions. Pripremiti teren kaže se i set the stage. meters. (f): The bartender set up a drink for the
# Scientists’ work on engines set the stage for the man. (g): I had nothing to do with the robbery! I
development of spaceships. was just standing there. Somebody must have set
Set the stage (pod Set the scene). me up. (h): “Alice says that the sea air’ll set me
Set the Thames on fire (zapaliti Temzu) zna- up. But I don’t know” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon
či zadiviti svet, proslaviti se (najčešće u negaciji). Attitudes). (i): My father set up my sisters as co-
# “She was a lady who once set the literary world owners of the family business. (j): He’s set up as
(if not the Thames) on fire” (M. Spark, Memento something remarkable. We shall see.
Mori). Kaže se i set the world on fire (zapaliti Set up house (uspostaviti kuću) znači živeti
svet). # Ray works hard, but he will never set the kao muž i žena (u braku ili ne). # “Military wives
world on fire. were not to be in the same area as their husbands,
Set (the) wheels in motion (pod Put/set (the) i. e. they were not to set up house together” (Fi-
wheels in motion). eld-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs).
Set the world on fire (pod Set the Thames Several noses out in front (za nekoliko no-
on fire). seva/njuški na čelu) znači za nekoliko dužina
Settle nije samo postaviti, namestiti, već i ispred. # “Well, I’ll tell you Margot, as between
(a): naseliti se, nastaniti se, (b): odlučiti, (c): you and Fossie - this morning Fossie is seve-
rešiti, (d): raščistiti, (e): platiti, (f): smiriti, (g): ral noses out in front” (A. Hailey, The Evening
nataložiti se, (h): sleći se i (i): srediti. (a): The News).
Pilgrims settled in Massachusets. (b): Let’s settle Sewed up ne znači samo ušiven, već i sređen,
on a time for the meeting. (c): We have to settle odlučen u nečiju korist, dobijen. # They thought
this question. (d): Let’s settle matters between us they had the game sewed up, but the other team
once and for all. (e): It’s wise to to try to settle won it with a touchdown in the last quarter.
one’s accounts monthly. (f): The sedative settled Shade nije samo senka, već i (a): hlad(ovina),
her nerves. (g): Bits of cork settled in the vine (b): zastor, (c): nijansa, preliv, (d): malenkost,
bottle. (h): The house is settling. (i): That settles (e): trun, (f): zasenak i (g): naočari za sunce (u
the matter. množini – kaže se i sunglasses). (a): It’s cooler
Settle down ne znači samo stišati se, smanjiti in the shade. (b): The shades will keep the sun
se, već i (a): umiriti se, (b): oženiti se i srediti out. (c): A lighter shade of blue will make the
život, osnovati kućanstvo, (c): latiti se ozbiljno room seem larger. (d): There’s only a shade of
(d): ustaliti se i (e): namestiti se udobno i po- difference between the two candidates. (e): It
četi nešto. (a): Now, children, it’s time to settle turned out that there was not a shade of truth in
down and start class. (b): Dick, don’t you think it. (f): His sudden success put us all in the sha-
it’s about time you settled down and stopped all de. (g): Good sunglasses will effectively protect
of this running around? (c): He finally settled your eyes from the sun’s glare.
down to work. (d): “Before you settle down to Shaggy dog story (priča o kudravom psu)
being an honest electrician, consider this offer” znači dug i dosadan vic. # George told us one of
(D. Lessing, Each His Own Wilderness). (e): He his shaggy dog stories with a pointless end.
settled down to read the document. Shake down ne znači samo stresti (voće),
Settle someone’s hash (srediti nečiju klopu) već i (a): protresti (da više stane), (b): isprobati,
znači (u žargonu) srediti nekoga, raščistiti s ne- uhodavati i (c): silom uzeti novac od nekoga (u
kim po kratkom postupku. # He was annoying žargonu). (a): We shook down the box of rise so
his fellow workers, so the boss finally settled his that it’d hold more. (b):The captain shook down
hash by dismissing him. his new ship on a voyage to the Mediterranean
Set up something nije samo ustanoviti, osno- Sea. (c): The gang of criminals made a living
vati, već i (a): podići, (b): uspraviti, (c): izazva- from shaking the people down.
ti, dovesti do, (d): isplanirati, (e): postaviti, po- Shake in one’s shoes/boots (tresti se u ci-
stići (rekord), (f): poslužiti (piće) (u američkom pelama/čizmama) znači drhtati od straha. # He
žargonu), (g): namestiti nekome (u američkom was shaking in his shoes as the large dog moved
žargonu), (h): okrepiti nekoga, (i): pomoći neko- towards him. # He shook in his boots when he
me da bude nešto i (j): smatrati nekoga za. (a): heard he was wanted by the police.
“Nearby, he or his family set up an imposing Cel- Shake off ne znači samo otresti, već i (a):
tic cross” (M. Wheeler, Still Digging). (b): The osloboditi se, (b): otarasiti se, skinuti s vrata,
candle is beginning to tilt. Please set it up again. (c): umaći goniocima, (d): stresti i (e): izbeći.
(c): Smoking sets up an irritation in the throat (a): Joe could not shake off his cold. (b): I wish
Shake someone rigid 211 Shift gear

I could shake off Ted. He’s such a pest! (c): Our Shape up ne znači samo, dobijati konačan
pilot dived into a bank of cloud in an attempt to oblik, uobličavati se, već i (a): popraviti se, (b):
shake off the enemy fighters. (d): He shook the napredovati i (c): dovesti u formu, poboljšati
sand off his shoes. (e): “He shook off the questi- nečiju kondiciju. (a): If the new boy doesn’t be-
ons. He was tired to wrestle with them today” (F. gin to shape up soon, he’ll have to leave school.
Paul Wilson, Reborn). (b): How are the new boys in your team shaping
Shake someone rigid (protresti nekoga da se up? # Things are shaping up well. (c): The trainer
ukoči) znači (a): prestraviti nekoga i (b): zapa- was told that he’d have to shape up the boxer be-
njiti nekoga. (a): I was never so glad to get out of fore the fight. Shape up or ship out znači Ili se
a car in my life. He had us all shaken rigid. (b): popravi ili napolje. # Okay, Rick. That’s the end.
“’Are you a Christian?’ It shook me rigid. In my Shape up or ship out!
whole life I’d never been asked that one before” Share digs with someone ne znači podeliti
(S. Price, Just for the Record). udarce s nekim, već deliti iznajmljen stan/sobu s
Shake the dust off one’s feet/shoes (otresti nekim (u britanskom engleskom). # “Despite my
prašinu sa nogu/cipela) znači pokupiti se rado apprehension, Daphne turned out to be a wonder-
odnekle. If he wants me to work in his London ful companion to share digs with” (J. Archer, As
office, he won’t need to ask twice. I shall be glad the Crow Flies). Kaže se i double up.
to shake the dust of this one-horse town off my Sharp nije samo oštar, već i (a): žestok, (b):
feet. bistar, (c): nagao, (d): kiseo, (e): prodoran, (f):
Shake up ne znači samo uzdrmati, već i (a): prepreden, (g): britak, (h): osoran i (i): tačno.
promućkati, (b): protresti (jastuk na kome se (a): The sharp pain made the patient wince. (b):
sedelo/ležalo itd.), (c): temeljno reorganizovati, This boy is very sharp. (c): After the strom there
(d): disciplinovati oštrim merama, (e): potresti, was a sharp drop in temeperature. (d): This sa-
šokirati i (f): izdrmati. (a): I shook up the can of lad dressing has a sharp taste. (e): She has such a
spray paint before I used it. (b): As soon as the sharp voice. (f): his sharp business dealings ear-
visitor was announced, Mother bustled around, ned him a bad reputation. (g): Ann has a sharp
shaking up the cushions and tidying away the tongue. (h): The angry men exchanged sharp
newspapers. (c): Senior Administration officials words. (i): The meeting started at eight o’clock
said that Mr. Clinton had decided to shake up his sharp.
national security team. (d): What these recruits Sharp as a needle/tack/razor ne znači samo
need is half an hour’s drill on the square - that’ll oštar kao igla/ekserčić/ brijač, već i bistar kô
shake them up. (e): He was considerably shaken pčelica. # The child was as sharp as a needle and
up by the news. (f): We rode over a rough road,
soon began to use quite difficult words. # Tom is
and that shook us up.
sharp as a tack; he got 100 on every test. # The
Shaky ne znači samo drhtav, već i (a): kli- new boy is as sharp as a razor. I am sure he will
mav, (b): nesiguran, (c): slab i (d): kolebljiv. reach a high position in the company.
(a): Get down off that shaky ladder. (b): I’m fee-
ling a little shaky today. # I’m shaky on my feet. Sheet anchor nije samo glavno sidro, već i
(c): He is shaky in his spelling. (d): His determi- luka spasa, uporište (finansijsko i dr.), oslonac.
nation to become a lawyer seems shaky. # During the first ten years of our business acti-
vities we were fortunate in having a sympathetic
Shallow nije samo plitak, već i površan, bank as our sheet anchor.
isprazan. # They carried on a shallow conversti-
on about parites and clothes. Shell nije samo ljuska, ljuštura, već i (a):
metak, granata, čaura, (b): skelet (kuće, bro-
Shape nije samo oblik, već i (a): forma, kon-
da) i (c): oklop. (a): Shells burst over the enemy
dicija i (b): stanje, (c): vid i (d): obris, konture.
camp. (b): Only the shell of the building stood
(a): He’s in good shape for a man of his age. (b):
This car isn’t in good shape. (c): No provision after the fire. (c): The trtle had an unusual pattern
whatever for advanced level work in the shape of on its shell.
laboratory or practical room had been made. (d): Shepherd one’s flock (čuvati svoje stado)
He could barely make out their shapes through znači voditi brigu o duhovnim potrebama svoje
the smoke. # I could see a dark shape in the street pastve. # It’s not your duty to organize football
outside. games, but rather to attend to the spiritual needs
Shape/taste of things to come (oblik/ukus of your parishioners and shepherd your flock.
stvari koje dolaze) je ono što nas čeka u buduć- Shift for oneself (micati se za sebe) znači za-
nosti. # Looking back over my journal, I see that rađivati sam svoj hleb. # When I became twen-
events of my first week at California State Uni- ty years old, I left home and began to shift for
versity in San Jose pretty much foreshadowed the myself.
shape of things to come. Shift gear (pod Change gear).
Shift in the wind 212 Shop around

Shift in the wind nije samo promena prav- Shoot from the hip ne znači samo pucati s
ca vetra, već i svaka nagla promena (političke boka, već i biti brz na jeziku, govoriti bez mnogo
klime itd.). # The questions these week are the- razmišljanja. # Don’t pay any attention to Dave.
se: Does Mr. Clinton wish to seize the moment? He means no harm. It’s just his nature to shoot
Does he detect a shift in the wind, and is it strong from the hip.
enough? Does he think the cause is worth spen- Shoot off one’s mouth (opaliti iz usta) zna-
ding some of his precious political capital? či (a): govoriti glasno i hvalisavo, davati olako
Shift one’s ground (promeniti svoju osno- sudove i (b): istrtljati tajnu, izbrbljati se. (a):
vicu) znači promenti stanovište, argumentaciju Don’t pay any attention to Tom. He’s always sho-
itd. # As soon as I told him that we would lose oting his mouth off. (b): So you had to go and
money if we followed his advice, he shifted his shoot off your mouth about our meeting.
ground and said that he was concerned with mo- Shoot one’s bolt (odapeti svoju strelu) znači
ral principles, not profits. ispucati poslednji metak, iscrpsti poslednju mo-
Shining light (jarko svetlo) je neko/nešto gućnost. # “With that I had shot my bolt in Sea-
izuzetno na nekom polju, blistavo ime. # He is ttle, but there remained one faint hope of contact
also the undisputed expert in the field of medie- in America” (N. Shute, Requiem for a Wren).
val and renaissance music, and his Early Music Shoot oneself in the foot (pucati sebi u
Consort of London is a shining light in the vast nogu) znači raditi u korist svoje štete (u američ-
field of British music and musicians. kom žargonu). # I am a master in shooting myself
Ship out znači otići u mornare, ukrcati se in the foot.
kao član posade, ali i (a): otisnuti se na put, ot- Shoot one’s wad (ispaliti svoj tampon) zna-
ploviti, (b): uputiti mornara na službu na brod,
či (a): potrošiti poslednju paru, ostati švorc (u
(c): oterati i (d): poslati, ekspedovati. (a): The
američkom žargonu), (b): reći sve što je neko-
army group shipped out for the Far East today.
me na duši i (c): ejakulirati. (a): We’ve shot our
(b): I just got my orders. The Navy is shipping
me out next week. (c): The cook wasn’t doing wad for the summer and can’t buy any new gar-
well, so we shipped him out. (d): Your order has den furniture. (b): Max feels a lot better now that
been filled. We shipped it out yesterday. he’s shot his wad at the meeting. (c): Jim shot his
wad very fast.
Ships that pass in the night (brodovi koji se
mimoilaze u noći) su u prenosnom smislu usput- Shoot straight ne znači samo pucati pravo,
ni poznanici. # I knew her slightly, but never got već i postupati pošteno. # You can trust that sale-
to know her well - we were just ships that pass sman; he shoots straight with his customers.
in the night. Shoot the moon (gađati mesec) znači (kolo-
Shirt sleeves (pod In one’s shirt sleeves). kvijalno) nestati iz stana/hotela ne plativši sta-
Shock nije samo šok, već i (a): potres,(b): narinu/račun. # “Why, when they came and told
udarac, (c): krstina (snopova) i (d): čupava me the Driffields had shot the moon you could
kosa. (a): The shock of the earthquake was felt have knocked me down with a feather” (W. So-
for miles. (b): This watch keeps good time and merset Maugham, Cakes and Ale). Kaže se i to
is shock-proof. (c): Shocks of wheat dotted the do a moonlight. # When the owner of the hotel
field. (d): The baby was born with a shock of came to collect the money he found that his gue-
black hair. sts had done a moonlight.
Shoot a line (ispaliti red) znači (u britanskom Shoot the works (ispaliti sve) znači (u ame-
žargonu) hvaliti se, puvakati se. # “I’ve watched ričkom žargonu) (a): potrošiti sve, ostati švorc,
that bastard going and coming about the world, (b): ići do krajnjih granica i (c): ispovraćati
shooting a line about his responsibilities as a se. (a): We shot the works at the carnival - spent
British newspaper man” (R. Harling, The Paper every cent we brought with us. (b): The motor of
Palace). Dick’s boat was dangerously hot, but he decided
Shoot down in flames (srušiti u plamenu) to shoot the works and try to win the race. (c):
znači (kolokvijalno) (a): satrti u prah i pepeo i Suddenly she turned sort of green, and I knew
(b): srušiti (avion), oboriti. (a): The government’s she was going to shoot the works.
plan concerning education have recently been Shop nije samo prodavnica, ići u kupovinu,
shot down in flames by a committee of teachers. već i otcinkariti (u britanskom žargonu). # He
(b): Three out of a formation of eight were shot tried to save his skin by shopping his accompli-
down in flames. ce.
Shoot/fan the breeze (opaliti/raspirivati po- Shop around (for something) ne znači samo
vetarac) znači (u žargonu) ćaskati. # Father shot obilaziti radnje (u potrazi za nečim po najboljoj
the breeze with his neighbor while the children ceni), već i raspitati se na više strana (tražeći
were playing. # I went over to Bob’s place and najpovoljnije uslove). # - Has Mike decided whi-
fanned the breeze for about an hour. ch universities he’s going to apply to? - Not yet.
Shopping list 213 Shove/ram

He’s shopping around for a course with a good Shot-gun marriage/wedding (venčanje/
choice of options. svadba pred sačmaricom) je venčanje pod mo-
Shopping list ne znači samo popis stvari koje ranje (najčeće stoga što je devojka u drugom sta-
treba kupiti, već i spisak želja. # He showed up nju). # It was a shotgun marriage, but they sure
for the interview with a shopping list so long that are in love.
it took two pages. Kaže se i want list. # Send me Shot in the arm je injekcija, ali i (figurativ-
your want list, and I’ll see what we can do. no) podsticaj, podstrek, stimulans. # The Gene-
Short and sweet ne znači kratak i sladak, već ral Eisenhower’s appearance was a real shot in
kratak i sadržajan. # The golden rule for after- the arm for the weary soldiers.
dinner speeches is to keep them short and sweet. Shot in the dark (pucanj u mraku) je naga-
Short-circuit ne znači samo izazvati kratak đanje, pokušaj nasumce. # I don’t know how I
spoj, već i zaobići, izigrati. # By announcing the guessed the right answer. It was just a shot in the
decision to have the Attorney General appoint a dark.
special counsel, aides believe the White House Shoulder nije samo rame, već i (a): bankina,
short-circuited the debate and perhaps cut off the ivica puta, (b): progurati se, (c): uprtiti i (d):
controversy before it began to drag Mr. Clinton uzeti na svoja pleća. (a): The disabled car was
down in opinion polls. parked on the shoulder of the road. (b): The doc-
Short fuse ne znači samo kratak fitilj, već i tor shouldered his way through the crowd. (c):
plahovita narav, nakratko nasađen (u američ- The huge man shouldered two sacks of cement.
kom žargonu – kao i u nas). # I knew he’d blow (d): The oldest son shuldered the burdens of the
up. He’s got a short fuse. family.
Shorthand nije kratka ruka, već stenografi- Shoulder to cry on (rame za plakanje) je (a):
ja. # My work skills also helped as I could alre- saosećajna osoba i (b): iskreno razumevanje,
ady do shorthand and typing. topla podrška. (a): If you ever need a shoulder to
cry on, you know where to come. (b): She often
Short-handed ne znači kratkih ruku, već bez returns to her parents’ home, knowing that her
dovoljno radne snage. # We are very short-han- mother will always provide a shoulder to cry on.
ded just now. Three of our staff are ill.
Shoulder to shoulder nije samo rame uz
Shortlist someone (pod On the short list). rame, već i zajedno. # The three boys were sho-
Short measure nije kratka mera, već manje ulder to shoulder all during the working hours
nego što je plaćeno. # The last time I went to that Shout/cry from the housetops (vikati sa
pub I was given short measure. krova) znači razglasiti celom svetu, rastrubiti na
Short of something nije samo bez dovoljno sve strane. # He was so happy that he wanted to
nečega, već i (a): manje od nečega, (b): daleko shout it from the housetops. # Mr. Bloggs was so
od nečega i (c): osim ako. (a): The car’s per- happy when his son was born that he cried the
formance was far short of what I’d been led to news from the housetops.
expect. (b): The golfer’s shot fell far short of the Shout one’s head off (izvikati glavu) znači
hole. (c): Short of firing half the staff, I don’t see dići veliku galamu. # When we put him in an of-
how we can save money. fice without a window, he shouted his head off.
Short-spoken ne znači da je neko ćutljiv, Shout the house down (ućutkati vikom
malo govorljiv, već da je nabusit, osoran. # Dave kuću) znači dizati veliku galamu. # Look, chil-
is always short-spoken when he is tired. dren. Our neighbors are complaining that you
Short story nije (kako se redovno prevodi) shouted the house down last night.
kratka priča, već pripovetka. # „Mom was also a Shove in one’s oar (pod Put/shove/stick in
writer and was typing away on novels, short sto- one’s oar).
ries, plays, poetry, fables, and children’s books“ Shove it (gurni ga) je vulgarni žargon koji
(Jeannette Wallas, The Glass Castle). znači Nosi se! Gurni to sebi (u guzicu!). # Tell
Shot nije samo hitac, već i (a): strelac, (b): him he can shove it. # Shove it up your ass!
udarac (u sportu), (c): injekcija, (d): čašica Shove/ram/force/push/stuff something
(pića), (e): nagađanje, (f): pokušaj i (g): snimak. down someone’s throat (gurati/nabijati/zatera-
(a): Jim is an excellent shot. (b): The golfer’s ti/trpati nekom nešto u grlo) znači (kolokvijal-
tee shot traveled two hundred yards down the no) probijati uši nekome dok ne prihvati nešto,
fairway. (c): A shot of penicilin should cure the pritiskati nekoga da prihvati nešto („terati ne-
infection. (d): How about a shot before leaving? koga batinom u raj“). # I don’t want any more
(e): How about taking a shot at the answer? (f): insurance, and I don’t want anyone to shove any
I don’t think I can do it, but I’ll take a shot at it. insurance down my throat. # He’s rammed his
(g): My shots haven’t been developed yet. Vidi opinions down my throat so many times that I
Parting shot i Take a shot at something. could repeat them in my sleep. # For a start, he
Show a clean pair of heels 214 Sick humor

can stop stuffing his revolting opinions down Show someone the ropes ne znači pokaza-
people’s throats. ti nekome užad, već uputiti nekoga u posao. #
Show a clean pair of heels (pokazati čist par Howard agreed to stay on in the job for another
peta) znači (a): podbrusiti pete i (b): nadmašiti week to show their new man the ropes.
nekoga/nešto, biti brži u nečemu. (a): The boys Show something to (good) advantage (pri-
showed a clean pair of heels when the farmer fo- kazati nešto kao prednost) znači prikazati nešto
und them stealing his apples. (b): I wasn’t cla- u najboljem svetlu, prikazati/istaći nešto tako da
iming that Phil was a world-class sprinter, but se izraze svi kvaliteti. # Put the vase in the cen-
he could always show you a clean pair of heels ter of the table and show it to good advantage. #
anyway. # Only a week ago, British Leyland co- The jeweler’s window showed the diamonds to
uld still show Slater Walker Securities a clean advantage.
pair of heels. Show the flag ne znači istaći zastavu (kaže se
Show a leg! (Pokaži nogu!) znači Ustaj! display/fly/hang out a flag), već (a): demonstri-
Diži se! (u žargonu). # “Come on, you lazy so- rati svoju privrženost nečemu i (b): biti prisutan
and-sos,” said Max, lifting the tent flap, “show samo da bi se to videlo, pokazati se. (a): Drake
a leg.” wondered if the company had put a black spot
Shower nije samo tuš, tuširanje, tuširati se, against his name. In fact, it was decided that he
već i (a): pljusak, (b): obilje, (c): mnoštvo i (d): had shown the flag for Britain, Empire, and the
obasuti. (a): It will take more than a shower to systems. (b): We don’t need to stay long; we’ll
end the drought. (b): A shower of contributions just show the flag at dinner and then go home
reached the Red Cross. (c): A shower of acorns early.
fell from the tree. (d): The grandparents showe- Show the white feather (pokazati belo pero)
red gifts on the children. Vidi Shower baby. znači ispoljiti svoj kukavičluk, pokazati se kao
Show fight ne znači prikazati bitku, već pri- kukavica. # The only time he showed his white
hvatiti izazov, biti spreman za borbu/otpor. # feather was just before they attacked the enemy.
We’ve had a letter from the defendant. He dispu- Shrinking/blushing violet (povučena/zaru-
tes your claim and he is showing plenty of fight. menjena ljubičica) je nesigurna i stidljiva oso-
Show of hands ne znači pokazivanje ruku, ba. # In black velvet with chiffon jabots, these
već izjašnjavanje dizanjem ruku. # The leader ankle-length dresses would make even a shrin-
was chosen by a show of hands. king violet look regal.
Show one’s colors ne znači pokazivati svoje Shut up! (pod Zip (up) your lips!).
boje, već (a): pokazati svoju pravu prirodu, po-
Shut your trap! (pod Zip up your lips!).
kazati se u pravoj boji, (b): izjasniti se javno (o
nečemu). (a): It’s hard to tell what Irma is thin- Shy nije samo stidljiv, već i (a): sumnjičav,
king. She never shows her true colors. (b): Mr. nepoverljiv, (b): plašljiv, (c): nedovoljan, nedo-
Ryder is afraid that he will lose the election if he stajati, (d): zazirati (be shy of) i (d): odskočiti.
shows his colors on civil rights. (a): Always be shy of get-rich-quick shemes. (b):
Show one’s face (pokazati svoje lice) znači From a hide overlooking the Giant Petrel colony
pomoliti nos. # I wonder she dare show her face on the beach, we should have good views of the-
here, after the way she has behaved. se somewhat shy birds. (c): We’re three points
shy of what we need to win. (d): I am shy of ag-
Show one’s hand ne znači pokazati ruku, već gressive people. (e): The horse shied at a shadow
otvoriti karte, pokazati prave namere. # Don’t
on the road.
show your hand too early or else he’ll find out
what we are really doing here. Sick and tired of someone/something ne
znači bolestan i umoran od nekoga/nečega, već
Show one’s paces (pokazati svoj tempo) zna-
sit nekoga/nečega do guše. # “’There are times,’
či demonstrirati svoje sposobnosti, pokazati svo-
ju vrednost. # “She felt that like a champion in said Luke, ‘when I get sick and tired of you wise
any field he must be given the chance to show his old men’” (C. P. Snow, The New Men). # I’m
paces” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). sick and tired of your complaints. Kaže se i sick
to death of someone/something. # I’m sick to
Show/prove one’s mettle (pokazati svoju od- death of your constant bickering.
važnost) znači dati dokaza o svojoj odlučnosti/
vrednosti/sposobnosti. # He is a good cricketer Sick at heart ne znači bolesnog srca, već po-
with a tough streak under a very pleasant and di- tišten, očajan. # “He himself had come out of it
plomatic exterior, and he has shown his captaincy so old with killing and so sick at heart that he had
mettle over the past few years with Glamorgan. only one clear instinct and that was to go away
# He was confident enough to welcome a bit of from the scene as quickly as possible” (L. van der
heckling at his meeting, judging that it gave him Post, The Lost World of the Kalahari).
a chance to prove his mettle. Sick humor (pod Gallows humor).
Sick jokes 215 Sink to a low ebb

Sick jokes (bolesne šale) su neslane šale. # in single rooms in our own College boarding ho-
He has strange, almost sadistic propensity for uses.
sick jokes, like giving an armless person a tennis Single blessedness (blaženstvo samoga)
racket for his birthday. znači (šaljivo) blaženo stanje bez bračnih oba-
Sick to death of someone/something (pod veza. # Art is the only one still enjoying single
Sick and tired of someone/something). blessedness. The rest of the group are all family
Sick to one’s heels with fear (bolestan do men now.
peta od straha) je isto što i naše srce mu sišlo u Single room (pod Single).
pete, premro od straha. # “We all should be afra- Sing small (sitno pevati) znači pogružiti se,
id of them. Any man who is not sick to his heels biti manji od makova zrna. # He thinks he’s the
with fear right now is of no use to us” (J. Carroll, best tennis player in the school, but he’ll have to
Mortal Friends). sing small now because I beat him.
Sight better, more etc. than (za pogled bolje, Sink nije samo (po)tonuti, već i (a): zaći, (b):
više itd. nego) znači neuporedivo bolje, više itd. utonuti, (c): spustiti se, (d): pasti, (e): ukopati,
nego. # “I didn’t like being a prisoner but it was a (f): (o)slabiti, (g): klonuti i (h): sudopera, lava-
damned sight better than being dead” (J. Braine, bo. (a): The moon sank behind the mountains.
Room at the Top). # “We trash matters out like (b): The porch sank a bit in the left corner. (c):
that, which is a sight more pleasant in my opinion Prices sank to an all-time low. (d): I never thou-
than the atmosphere of an official discussion” (K. ght he would sink so low. (e): The farmer sank
Amis, Take a Girl Like You). fence posts along the farm boundary. (f): The pa-
Sign on the dotted line (potpisati se na tač- tient is sinking rapidly. (g): My spirits sank. (h):
kastoj liniji) znači (a): staviti potpis na kakav Wash your hands at the sink. Vidi Everything
dokument (ugovor, knjigu venčanih i sl.) i (b): but the kitchen sink.
saglasiti se sa potpunim izvršavanjem onoga što Sink in someone’s esteem (opasti u nečijem
se traži. (a): Now, Sir, if you will just sign on poštovanju) nije daleko od doslovnog prevoda i
the dotted line the car becomes yours. (b): They znači izgubiti mnogo u nečijim očima. # After
have asked us to do the work at a very low price - his treacherous speech, he definitely sank in our
they know we will have to sign on the dotted line esteem.
whatever happens because the company needs Sink one’s teeth into something (zariti zube
the work badly. u nešto) znači (a): baciti se na kakvo dobro jelo
Sign painter (moler za natpise) je firmopi- i (b): oprobati se u nečemu. (a): # I can’t wait to
sac. # “An Pieter Pretorious, born Bloemfontein sink my teeth into a nice, juicy steak. (b): Being
the manager of this department is a big task. I’m
1942 - that makes him forty-nine now. Gives his
very eager to sink my teeth into it.
profession as sign painter” (F. Forsyth, The Ne-
gotiator). Sink on the scale (pasti na tabeli) znači pasti
na niske grane. # After losing his job, he com-
Sign the pledge (potpisati svečano obećanje) pletely lost his confidence as well as began sin-
znači (kolokvijalno, šaljivo) odreći se pića. # - king on the scale in every respect.
Have a beer. - No thanks. I’ve signed the pledge
at last. Sink or swim, swim or sink, it’s sink or
swim (utopiti se ili plivati) znači uspeti ili pro-
Singe one’s wings (opržiti krila) znači opeći pasti, radi se o biti ili ne biti. # When Jim was
prste, opeći se. # The last time we agreed to help fourteen, his parents died, and he was left by
that company out of its difficulties we singed our himself to sink or swim. # It’s too late to help
wings quite badly, so if they ask again I think we Tom now. It’s sink or swim for him. Kaže se, da-
should politely refuse. bome, i it’s to be or not to be. # It may be of little
Sing for one’s supper (pevati za večeru) zna- importance for you, but for my family it’s to be
či raditi bilo kakav posao, raditi što se kaže. # or not to be.
If Betty wants to stay on with us after she has Sink through the floor ne znači spustiti se
finished here, she will have to sing for her supper. kroz patos, već propasti u zemlju od stida. #
I’m not giving her free board and lodging. When she asked me in front of all the guests why
Single nije samo singl (pojedinačno takmiče- I had been expelled from school, I was so em-
nje) i singl-ploča, već i (a): jedan, jedini, (b): barrassed I could have sunk through the floor.
neoženjen, neudata i (c): karta u jednom pravcu Sink to a low ebb ne znači utonuti u oseku,
(u britanskom engleskom), za razliku od povrat- već pasti na nizak nivo. # Unfortunately, interest
ne karte (return ticket ili - u američkom engle- in our products has sunk to a low ebb because of
skom – two-way ticket). (a): Put a single rose massive imports from Hongkong. Sink to one’s
in the vase. (b): Is the new employee married or nadir znači pasti na najniži nivo. # In blaming
single? (c): Single or return ticket? Single room Tom for his own failure, Jim has sunk to his na-
je jednokrevetna soba. Most of our students live dir.
Sit 216 Six of one and a half a dozen of the other

Sit nije samo sedeti, već i (a): nalaziti se, (b): of public service. (c): Irma deserves to be pro-
zasedati, (c): biti član nekog tela, (d): pristajati moted, but the manager is sitting on her because
(e): pozirati, (f): zastupati (u parlamentu), (g): of a disagreement. (d): I wish someone would sit
čuvati decu. (a): The house sits high on a hill hard on Rogers - he’ll be telling me how to run
overlooking a lake. (b): The supreme court of this my department next.
state sits twice a year. (c): Have you ever sat on a Sit on a story (sedeti na priči) znači sačekati
jury? (d): This suit sits ill on you. (e): She sat for sa objavljivanjem novinskog članka. # A news-
her picture. (f): Mr. Jones sits for Brighton. (g): paper may sit on a story in order to obtain confir-
A neighbor’s daughter sat with the children. mation from an independent source, or to await a
Sit at someone’s feet (sedeti kraj nečijih more favorable opportunity for publication.
nogu) znači biti nečiji učenik, slušati nečija pre- Sit on one’s/its hands ne znači sedeti na ru-
davanja. # The talk was given by an elderly don kama, već (a): sedeti skrštenih ruku i (b): ne
at whose feet Harold had sat, many years before, aplaudirati. (a): The Government has not taken
at Cambridge. any notice of the people’s complaints, but has
Sit back nije samo zavaliti se, već i (a): opu- been sitting on its hands waiting for the public
stiti se i (b): sedeti skrštenih ruku, ne uraditi anger to lessen. (b): We saw a very performance
ništa kad je potrebno. (a): After a long walk, it’s of the play. The audience sat on its hands for the
pleasant to sit back with a drink and look out at entire play.
the view. (b): When we needed your help, all you Sit tall in the saddle (sedeti uspravno u sed-
did was sit back and twiddle your thumbs. lu) znači ne pognuti glavu. # Despite all the har-
Sit down an insult (sesti na uvredu) znači dships, he still sat tall in the saddle.
progutati/otrpeti uvredu. # He didn’t have much Sitting duck/target (sedeća patka/meta) je
choice since he was in deep trouble; he sat down laka/pogodna meta („kao glineni golub“). # He
the insult and asked to be forgiven. Kaže se i poc- was waiting there like a sitting duck - a perfect
ket an insult. target for a mugger.)
Sit down under something (sesti ispod neče- Be sitting pretty (sedeti prilično) znači
ga) znači podnositi nešto ćutke, otrpeti nešto. He (kolokvijalno) (a): biti dobro situiran i (b):biti
is a patient man, but not even he could sit down bezbrižan/spokojan. # My uncle died and left
under that kind of provocation. Kaže se i lump it. enough money for me to be sitting pretty for the
# You’ll just have to lump it. rest of my life. (b): I’m in control. I’m sitting
Sit for someone/something (sedeti za neko- pretty. They can’t unseat me, and I warn them not
ga/nešto) znači (a): pozirati nekome i (b): zastu- to try.
pati u parlamentu (izborni srez) (u britanskom Sit up ne znači samo uspraviti se, već i (a):
engleskom). (a): “Lionel Hillier was a painter uspravno sesti i (b): ne ići na spavanje (i čekati
and he asked her to sit for him” (W. Somerset nekoga, praviti nekome društvo i sl.). (a): I think
Maugham, Cakes and Ale). (b): He sits for Bri- the patient is well enough to sit up in bed. (b): I
ghton. shall get back very late, so don’t sit up for me. #
Sit (idly) by (sedeti besposleno kraj) znači I had to sit up with Jim while he waited for an
ne pomaći ni mali prst dok drugi rade, sedeti overseas telephone call.
skrštenih ruku. # Joe sat idly by even though Sit with someone ne znači samo sedeti s ne-
everyone else was hard at work. kim, već i (a): ostati s nekim, praviti nekome
Sit in for someone (sedeti za nekoga) znači društvo, (b): ostati s decom i pričuvati ih i (c):
zameniti nekoga na poslu. # Jerry having agreed biti prihvatljiv nekome. (a): Jody was upset, so I
with a thoroughly martyred expression to sit in sat with her for a while. (b): We couldn’t go out
for me from four to midnight, I drove early to for dinner because we couldn’t find anyone to sit
Lille with the kids. (c): How did your story sit with
Sit in judgment (pod Judg(e)ment). your mother?
Sit on ne znači samo sedeti/sesti na, već i Six feet under(ground)15 (šest stopa ispod
(a): ne činiti ništa povodom, ne mrdnuti prstom, zemlje) znači sahranjen, pokopan. # They put
(b): biti član (nečega), (c): osujetiti (nekoga u him six feet under two days after he died.
nečemu) i (d): staviti nekoga na njegovo mesto. Six of one and a half a dozen of the other
(a): For weeks they did nothing about my case: (šest od jednog i pola tuceta drugog) znači nije
they just sat on it. (b): This was only one of the šija nego vrat, nije đavo nego vrag, isto mu se
many bodies on which he had sat during his life hvata. # What difference does it make? They’re

Komentar I. Klajna: U pesmi iz dvadesetih godina “Enjoy yourself”, koju je Vudi Alen oživeo u filmu “Every-
body Says I Love you”, kaže se: “You think some day you’ll have your fun, / You’ll really get around; / Imagine
all the fun you’ll have / When you’re six feet underground!”
Skate over something 217 Sleep in

both the same - six of one and half a dozen of Skirt nije samo suknja, već i (a): ivica, rub,
the other. (b): ženska (kolokvijalno) i (c): zaobilaziti, obi-
Skate over something (kliznuti preko neče- laziti oko i (d): izbegavati. (a): There’s a spot on
ga) znači brzo preći preko nečega, eskivirati što. the skirt of this tablecloth. (b): Despite his age,
# When I discussed our project with my partner, he’s still chasing skirts. (c): The road skirts the
he expressed his approval while skating over the lake for a few miles. (d): Politicians tend to skirt
difficulties. contovercial qustions.
Skeleton at the feast (kostur na gozbi) je Sky’s the limit (samo nebo je granica) zna-
neko ili nešto ko/što kvari raspoloženje (podse- či nema nikakvih ograničenja. # The minimum
ćajući na nešto neprijatno). # Whenever I invited deposit is $100, but the sky’s the limit. # You can
my friends to our house, my mother used to tell do anything you set mind to, Jimmy. Sky’s the
them all about her recent illness - she seemed to limit.
get real pleasure out of being the skeleton at the Slack nije samo labav, već i (a): nemaran,
feast. (b): slab, (c): spor, trom i (d): olabaviti. (a): Li-
Skeleton in the cupboard (u britanskom en- ving alone, he became slack about his appearan-
gleskom), skeleton in the closet (u američkom ce. (b): Business has been slack because prices
engleskom) nije kostur u kredencu/plakaru), are too high. (c): A slack stream ran through the
već dobro čuvana porodična tajna, porodična property. (d): Slack the rope before trying to un-
bruka, nešto što se krije od očiju javnosti. # tie the knot.
They never talk about uncle Bill. I am sure that Slam the door in someone’s face (tresnuti
he is the skeleton in their closet. vratima nekome u lice) znači (a): zalupiti neko-
Skim off ne znači samo obrati (mleko), već i me vrata ispred nosa i (b): prekinuti svaki dalji
pokuputi najbolje, izabrati razgovor. (a): He was a door-to-door salesman
najsposobnije. # In some areas, Direct Grant for a bit, but he soon got tired of having the door
and maintained grammar schools are still able to slammed in his face. (b): The workers asked for
skim off the most able of the secondary school only a small increase in pay, but the boss just sla-
entry. Isto tako, skim the cream znači skinuti mmed the door in their faces.
kajmak, ali i (figurativno) pokupiti najbolje. # Slap together (pod Throw/slap together).
By a massive brain-drain American universities Slate nije samo škriljac, već i (a): lista kan-
are skimming the cream from other countries. didata (u američkom engleskom), (b): planirati,
Skin nije samo koža, već i (a): krzno, (b): lju- odrediti (c): oštro kritikovati („iseći na froncle“)
ska, kora i (c): odrati. (a): The trappers sold bear (u britanskom engleskom). (a): The senator has
skins to the trading post. (b): Boiled potatoes in not got a full slate of delegates in New York. (b):
their skins are delicious. (c): The hunter skinned This building is slated for demolition. (c): Many
the deer. # The boy skinned his knee. critics have slated the film.
Skin someone alive (odrati nekoga živog) Sleep around (spavati okolo) znači (kolokvi-
znači (kolokvijalno) (a): odeljati nekoga od ba- jalno) menjati ljubavnike/ ljubavnice. # She is a
tina (b): ispreskakti nekoga na pasja kola, iz- nice girl but she sleeps around an awful lot with
brusiti nekoga i (c): potući nekoga do nogu. (a): all sorts of guys.
Mother will skin you alive when she sees your Sleeper nije samo spavač, već i (a): spavaća
pants. (b): If Peter finds out that you’ve been kola (u američkom engleskom), (b): železnički
using his movie camera, he’ll skin you alive. (c): prag (u britanskom engleskom – na američkom
We all did our best, but the visiting gymnastic engleskom je tie), (c): umetničko delo koje ne-
team skinned us alive. očekivano (nakon duže opskurnosti) stiče popu-
Skip nije samo skakutati, već i (a): presko- larnost i (d): strani špijun koji živi kao obični
čiti, izostaviti, (b): hitno i tajno napustiti, (c): građanin. (a): A sleeper is a railroad car with
izostajati i (d): skakati (s predmeta na predmet sleeping facilities for passenger travelling over-
i sl.). (a): The autobiography skips the author’s night. (b): The British call a railroad tie a sleeper.
childhood and just tells of his early manhood. # (c): That movie was the sleeper of the summer.
Let’s skip dessert and just have coffee. (b): The (d): A sleeper is   a spy or saboteur or terrorist
embezzler tried to skip the country. (c): The boy planted in an enemy country who lives there as a
skipped school two days in a row. (d): The spea- law-abiding citizen until activated by a prearran-
ker skipped from one topic to the next, confusing ged signal.
everyone. Sleep in znači spavati onde gde neko radi, ali i
Skip it. (Preskoči to.) znači (kolokvijalno) spavati duže ujutro, izležavati se. # High-powered
Nije važno. Zaboravi. # It’s not important. Just executive couples take turns on weekends caring
skip it. for the children and letting the others sleep in.
Sleep on somethingother 218 Smoke and mirrors

Sleep on something ne znači samo spavati na Small-minded ne znači malouman, već usko-
nečemu, već i pustiti da nešto prespava (“Starije grudan, tričav, skučen. # It’s hard to reason with
je jutro od večeri.”). # We will have to sleep on such small-minded person. Isto tako, small mind
your offer until we know whether we will be able ne znači mala pamet, već sitna duša. # He’s a
to satisfy your conditions. small mind quite incapable of forgiveness.
Sleep with half an eye open (spavati sa po- Small potatoes nisu krompirići (kaže se ear-
luotvorenim okom) znači imati lak san, spavati ly potatoes), već neko/nešto bez značaja, sitna
kao zec. # I am always on the alert. I sleep with riba. # After all, Ms. Matalin, as deputy campai-
half an eye open. gn manager, is no small potatoes in the Bush re-
Slick as a whistle (vešto kao zvižduk) znači election effort and is presumably in regular con-
brzo i spretno. # Jim took a broom and a mop and sultation with the White House. # The new firm is
cleaned the place up as slick as a whistle. small potatoes when compared with companies
that have been in business fifty years.
Slip of the tongue (iskliznuće jezika) je
omaška, lapsus. # I didn’t mean to tell her that. It Small talk (mali razgovor) je ćeretanje, ća-
was a slip of the tongue. skanje. # “Sam remained silent. He was not good
at small talk, and practically incapable of it with
Slippery as an eel (sklizak kao jegulja) znači total strangers” (H. Fast, The Legacy).
i prevrtljiv, nepouzdan. # Tom can’t be trusted.
He’s slippery as an eel. Small-time ne znači kratkotrajan (kaže se
short-lived), već (kolokvijalno) beznačajan,
Slippery customer (skliska mušterija) je sitan. # It’s a small-time business, but it may
prevejanko. # Joe is a slippery customer - he will grow.
cheat and swindle to achieve his object.
Smart aleck (pod Smart guy).
Sloven ne znači Sloven (to je Slav, a Slove- Smart cookie (pametan kolačić) znači (u žar-
ne je Slovenac), već neuredna i aljkava osoba. gonu) bistra glavica. # She’s really a smart coo-
# New guy is a sloven – very careless in personal kie if you give her a chance.
appearance and work.
Smart guy ne znači pametan momak, već
Slow burn (sporo paljenje) je postepeno na- (kolokvijalno) pametnjaković. # Some smart guy
rastanje besa („u njemu počinje sve da ključa“). put fresh paint on this bench. Kaže se i smart
# The boys kept teasing Jerry, and watched him aleck. # “Granddad turned to him, his old neck
do a slow burn. set. ‘What kind of a smart aleck are you, mister?’
Slow on the draw znači spor u potezanju pi- he said. “ (L. McCurtry, Horseman, Pass By).
štolja, ali i (kolokvijalno) sporo shvatati, imati Smash and grab (lom i grabež) je provala.
kasno paljenje. # Willie didn’t get the joke beca- # He’s never been known to carry a gun. Smash
use he’s sort of slow on the draw. and grab is his line.
Sly dog (lukav pas) je vešt u sakrivanju tra- Smell a rat ne znači nanjušiti pacova, već
gova. # He is quite a ladies man, but he’s a sly (kolokvijalno) posumnjati u nešto, osetiti da
dog. nisu čista posla. # I don’t think it was an acci-
Small beer ne znači samo malo pivo, već i dent. I smell a rat.
(a): (kolokvijalno u britanskom engleskom) ne- Smell like a rose ne znači samo mirisati kao
što od malog značaja, nešto što ne zavređuje ruža, već i (kolokvijalno) izvući se neokrnjena
mnogo pažnje i (b): sitna riba (u žargonu). (a): ugleda (iz afere, skandala itd.) # I came out of
The actual demands set out in the document are the whole mess smelling like a rose, even though
small beer indeed. (b): My father owns a great I caused all the trouble.
deal of property but he is still small beer compa- Smell of the lamp ne znači mirisati na lam-
red to some of the directors of his company. pu, već proizaći iz upornog (noćnog) rada a ne
Small change nije samo sitnina, sitan novac, stvaralačke snage. # His best poems were wri-
već i trivijalnost. # To hear the quality of the lan- tten when he was young, and most of his later
guage was to be reminded how used we have be- books smell too much of the lamp.
come to hearing lines spoken on television which Smell to high heaven ne znači samo jako za-
are the most worn and shabby small change of udarati, već i mirisati na nešto sumnjivo. # Of
speech. course there’s been dirty dealing over the alloca-
Small/fine print ne znači mala štampa, već tion of building permits. The whole thing smells
sitna slova (sitno štampane odredbe dokumenta to high heaven.
ili ugovora, obično nepovoljne za drugu stranu). Smoke and mirrors (dim i ogledala) je za-
# They bought the house without reading the mazivanje očiju, šarena laža, prodavanje magle.
small print and found later that the contract pre- # There is no plan. It’s all just smoke and mirrors.
vented them from building a garage. # Make sure Kaže se i snow job (u žargonu). # This snow job
you read the fine print before signing the lease. you call an explanation just won’t do.
Smoke-filled room 219 Soft touch

Smoke-filled room (soba puna duvanskog ban. (a): He was a sober man who seldom smiled.
dima) je u američkom političkom rečniku me- (b): The room colors are sober and depressing.
sto odlučivanja iza scene o izboru kandidata. # (c): She is sensible and will give a sober opinion.
“Nobody’s locked it up yet. I suspect the thing (d): A funeral is a sober event. Sober fact/truth
will be decided in smoke-filled rooms” (G. Vidal, je gola činjenica/istina # Philip Landowne gives
Hollywood). you the sober facts on a controversial issue too
Smoking gun (pištolj iz koga još izlazi dim) often clouded by emotional and parental prejudi-
je vrlo čest američki kolokvijalizam u značenju ce. # People often talk in a loose way of “working
nepobitan dokaz. # While no smoking gun or day and night”, but on this occasion it was the
damaging evidence is expected, knowledgea- sober truth.
ble observers believe that the Congressman will Sober as a judge (trezan ako sudija) ne znači
stand trial. samo potpuno trezan, već i staložen i razborit
Smooth nije samo ravan, već i (a): gladak, (postoji i žargonska, šaljiva verzija nastala pre-
(b): bez grmuljica, (c): blag, (d): miran, (e): metanjem slova: jober as a sudge). # They’re an
ugodan i (f): udoban. (a): The fashion model has odd pair od friends, Sylvia always bubbling over
smooth skin. (b): Stir the mixture until smooth. with nonsense and Polly as sober as a judge.
(c): That’s a smooth brandy. (d): She has smooth Sober fact/truth (pod Sober).
temper. (e): Nothing seems to upset his smooth Social climber (društveni penjač) je neko ko
disposition. (f): The flight was smooth. nastoji da se druži sa bogatima i poznatima. #
Smooth operator (ugodan operator) je spre- Social climbers are usually soon known and they
tan manipulator. # They’re a dour lot up there. are not accepted by those they run after.
They’d suspect anybody as ingenious as Mavos Sock nije samo (kratka) čarapa, već i uda-
as being a smooth operator. rac, udariti. # I’ll give you a sock on the jaw. #
Snake in the grass (zmija u travi) je podmu- He socked his opponent in the eye. Sock away
klica, prikriveni neprijatelj. # Your friend has znači (kolokvijalno) ostaviti na stranu („staviti u
been telling your boss tales about you. She’s a čarapu“). # While I worked in the city I was able
real snake in the grass! to sock $300 away every month.
Sniff nije samo njuškati, već i (a): šmrkati Soft drinks (meka pića) su bezalkoholna/
i (b): prezrivo se odnositi, smatrati ispod časti. osvežavajuća pića. # We went to the zoo, and my
(a): This cold makes me sniff constantly. (b): She father stood us all to a treat. We had ice cream
sniffed at the marriage proposal. and soft drinks. Strong drinks su alkoholna
Snowed under ne znači samo zavejan sne- pića. # I think I could wet my tonsils with a good
gom (kaže se i snowed in/up), već i zatrpan (po- strong drink after that long ride. Žestoko piće se
slom, zahtevima, pismima itd.). # Don’t give me kaže stiff drink, hard liquor i (the) hard stuff
any extra jobs: I’m snowed under already. # Sin- (u britanskom engleskom). # I could do with a
ce we issued our latest prospectus, we have been stiff drink. # Hard liquor makes me sick. # After
snowed under with inquiries. # The crippled girl having a large amount of beer, we started drin-
was snowed under with Christmas letters. king the hard stuff.
Snow job (pod Smoke and mirrors). Soft job (mekan posao) je lak posao. #
Snug as a bug in a rug (uvaljen kao steni- Anybody who thinks teaching in a nursery school
ca u tepihu) znači udobno smešten, ušuškan. # is a soft job should try it.
Our new house is wonderful. It’s nice and warm Soft money (mekan novac) je lako zarađena
and makes you feel as snug as a bug in a rug. para, laka lova (u žargonu). # Don’t become de-
So-and-so (tako-tako) ima više značenja: (a): pendent on soft money.
ta mustra, taj i taj - bolje da ga ne pominjemo Soft-pedal (mekano pritiskati pedalu) znači
(kolokvijalno, pogrdno), (b): stari drugar, mato- ne insistirati, minimizirati značaj, smiriti igru.
ra bitanga (prijateljski, šaljivo), (c): onaj kako # The view that criticism of South African raci-
mu beše ime i (d): tamo neko, iks ipsilon. (a): al policies should be soft-pedaled could only be
Joe’s real so-and-so. Don’t let yourself be upset justified if there were the slightest chance of a
by what he says about your work - he’d disa- spontaneous change of course.
pprove of the Archangel Gabriel. (b): Hello, you Soft-soap (nežno sapunati) znači laskati,
old so-and-so. Come and have a drink. (c): I met dodvoravati se. # “In business, I ruminated, I’d
yesterday old so-and-so, our next-door neighbor have to soft-soap people whom I despised, I’d
from Lewisville. (d): Don’t tell me what so-and- have to steer the conversation towards their favo-
so thinks. Tell me what you think. urite subjects, I’d have to stand them meals and
S. O. B. (pod Son of a bitch). drinks” (J. Braine, Room at the Top).
Sober nije samo trezan, već i (a): ozbiljan, Soft touch (nežno ophođenje) je obzirnost u
(b): jednoličan, (c): trezven, (d): sumoran, turo- odnosu prema drugima, ali i laka žrtva (osoba
Soil 220 Sort out

kojoj je lako izmusti novac, naplatiti više itd.). # i (c): ono pravo. (a): There must have been so-
Cash slipped through Charlie’s fingers and he be- mething like a dozen pills left in the bottle. (b):
came known as a soft touch for anyone who co- You have such highbrow literature in this house!
uld spin him a sad tale or offer him a good time. Isn’t there something like a detective or adven-
Soil nije samo tlo, zemlja, već i (a): teritorija, ture story I could read in bed? (c): “Now, this
(b): zemljoradnja, (c): mrlja, (d): fekalije i (e): is something like!” the tutor said, giving Jenny’s
zaprljati. (a): It’s good to have my feet on Cana- exercise full marks.
dian soil. (b): My father was a son of soil. (c): Something of (nešto od) znači popriličan, do-
What’s that soil on your collar? (d): Our septic sta (dobar, značajan, redak i sl.). # Our neighbor
tank is full of soil. (e): Johnny soiled the carpet is something of a pianist. # French day-trippers to
with his muddy shoes. Native soil je domovina. England are still something of a rarity.
# Serbia is my native soil. Vidi Virgin soil. Something to write home about (nešto o
Soldier on znači nastaviti služiti (vojsku itd.), čemu vredi pisati kući) je nešto za priču. # The
ali i izdržati uprkos svemu (sve u britanskom en- Pacific Rim tour was something to write home
gleskom). # The government is expected to soldi- about. # “That was a dinner worth writing home
er on until the end of its term, although it has lost about!” said Tom, coming out of the restaurant. I
its majority in the House, and popular support in obrnuto, it’s nothing to write home about znači
the country. nije bogzna šta (Kaže se i it’s not up to much,
Sole nije samo jedini, već i (a): isključiv i (b): it’s nothing to boast about, it’s not all that
đon, pođoniti. (a): He has sole responsibility for much cop, it’s no big deal, it’s no great shakes,
the child. (b): He had his shoes soled. it’s no bargain). # - Does this town have a good
Solemn as an owl (svečan kao sova) znači library? - It’s nothing to write home about.
ozbiljna lica, pun važnosti. # “’But I’m serious So much for znači toliko o, ali i ništa od. # So
underneath it all, you see.’ ‘Yes, you look it. So- much for Peter. He just called in sick and can’t
lemn as an owl, that’s you.’ ‘I didn’t say that, I come to work today. # It just started raining. So
said serious. I mean every word I say’” (K. Amis, much for our picnic this afternoon.
Take a Girl Like You).
Song and dance (pesma i ples) znači (a): di-
Solid nije samo solidan, već i (a): čvrst, (b): zanje prašine, frka, (b): objašnjenja i izvinjenja.
pun, (c): neprekinut, (d): čist, (e): pouzdan, va- (a): There’s no need to make a song and dance
ljan, (f): jednoglasan i (g): potpun. (a): Ice is
about it. (b): He always goes into the same old
solid, water is liquid. (b): The table is solid oak.
song and dance every time he makes a mistake.
(c): What we want is a solid program of enterta-
inment with no commercials. # He slept ten so- Song-and-dance act je omiljena tačka. # Its au-
lid hours. (d): I was given a watch made of solid thors have become, as an American diplomat put
gold. (e): He has helped law-enforcment officers it the other day, “the favorite song-and-dance act
to assemble solid evidence. (f): The city council on the television chat shows”.
was solid in its decision to build a city center. (g): Son of a bitch (S.O.B., s.o.b.) nije samo kuč-
The book is a solid joy. kin sin, hulja, već i (a): bezvredna stvar, (b):
Solitaire nije soliter (visoka stambena zgra- težak zadatak/posao i (c): stari drugar, matora
da) (kaže se high-rise building ili tower-block), bitanga (u američkom žargonu - prijateljski, ša-
već (a): pasijans (u američkom engleskom) i (b): ljivo). (a): This car is a son of a bitch. It won’t
veći dragi kamen (posebno optočen). (a): Solita- even start when it’s cold. (b): I can’t do this kind
ire is the American name; in England it is known of thing. It’s too hard - a real son of a bitch. (c):
as patience. (b): Solitaire is a diamond or other Where you’ve been keeping yourself, you son of
gem set by itself, as in a ring. a bitch?
So many ne znači tako mnogo, već (a): samo Sooner someone than me ne znači pre će
ograničen broj i (b): gomila. (a): Many people neko drugi nego ja, već bolje neko drugi nego
want to come to the prom; but the gymnasium ja. # - I spend half my life in cars of trains, I
will hold only so many. (b): Bob is always brag- think. - Well, sooner you than me.
ging; his stories are just so many lies. Sorry excuse for something ne znači žalosno
Some ankle! (Kakav gležanj!) znači Kakva izvinjenje za nešto, već bedna zamena za nešto.
riba! Dobro parče! (u žargonu) # I came across # They offered a sorry excuse for cognac. Kaže
Bob’s sister at the party last night. Some ankle! se i apology for something.
Something else ne znači samo nešto drugo, Sort out ne znači samo srediti/razvrstati, već
već i nešto izuzetno, nešto super (u žargonu). # i (a): izdvojiti/odvojiti na stranu, (b): raščisti-
Did you see his new car? That’s really something ti nered, dovesti u red, (c): raščistiti konfuziju,
else! razbistriti u glavi i (d): fizički kazniti. (a): He
Something like ne znači samo nešto slično, sorted out the important papers and threw the rest
već i (a): otprilike, nešto oko, (b): nešto poput away. (b): It’ll take ages to sort out this mess. (c):
So-so 221 Speak for

“I was feeling real bad after what happened out will, in short, sharpen appetites that she cannot
there on the division, and I needed time to sort it satisfy.
out in my head” (P. Conroy, The Lords of Disci- Sow one’s (wild) oats (razasuti divlju zob)
pline). (d): The gang decided to sort out the guy znači proterati svoje u mladosti, istutnjati se,
who blew the whistle. isterati sojke. # “There were some great follies.
So-so nije samo tako-tako# ne baš osobito, I have never concealed that. But I have sown my
već i pripit, pod gasom (u američkom žargonu). wild oats” (H. James, Washington Square).
# They were so-so after a while - in front of the Space nije samo prostor, već i (a): svemir,
television with all that beer and stuff. (b): razmak, (c): rok (d): mesto, (e): rasporediti
Sound as a bell (čvrst kao zvono) znači zdrav i (f): prorediti, napraviti razmak. (a): The roc-
kao dren. # “He was healthy. Sound as a bell” (J. ket was lost in space. (b): She has a wide space
Orton, Entertaining Mr. Sloane). Kaže se i between her teeth. (c): Can you finish eating in
Sound as a dollar (čvrst kao dolar) znači (a): the space of an hour? (d): Luckily, there was an
zdrav kao dren i (b): pouzdan. (a): George may extra space on the plane. (e): Space the paintings
be ninety years old, but his heart is as sound as a evenly on the wall. # Space the meetings at one-
dollar. (b): That investment is sound as a dollar; hour intervals. (f): He spaced the dancers so they
you can’t possibly lose money by it. wouldn’t bup into each other.
Sound bite (zvučni ugriz) je deo izlaganja Spanking new (izvanredno nov) je nov nov-
koji se pamti, reči koje mogu da zaintrigiraju cat. # Take this P.C. It’s spanking new.
slušaoca/gledaoca (u američkom političkom Spare nije samo štedeti, već i (a): poštedeti,
žargonu). # Mr. Zhirinovsky’s sound bites were (b): dati, pozajmiti, (c): rezervni (d): slobodan,
crisp, his delivery was entertaining. (e): odvojiti (vreme) i (f): mršav. (a): The king
Sounding board (zvučna ploča) je (a): kro- spared the prisoner. # The doctor tried to spare
vić nad propovedaonicom ili govornicom, (b): him from pain. (b): Can you spare me $50? (c):
zvučna školjka, rezonator, (c): sredstvo za šire- Where is our spare key? # Buy also spare parts.
nje nečijih ideja i (d): ličnost ili grupa na čijoj (d): Does the house have a spare room? (e): I
reakciji neko testira svoje ideje ili gledišta. (a): can spare some time right now. # Can you spare
There was a sounding board in form of a canopy me a moment? (f): The suit hung limply on his
over a pulpit, designed to reflect the sound of a spare frame.
speaker’s voice toward the audience. (b): A soun- Spare someone’s blushes (poštedeti nekoga
ding board is a thin plate, as of wood, built into a crvenila) znači ne dovesti nekoga u situaciju da
musical instrument to increase its resonance. (c): se neprijatno oseća. # “Funny, he told me he was
He used the committee as a sounding board for going to tell you (about the gift of money), but I
his new idea. (d): Mr. Inman asserted at his news expect he was too bashful. He wanted to spare
conference that he had established a behind-the- your blushes” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman).
scene role for himself during the Carter and Rea- Spark nije samo varnica, već i (a): trun,
gan Administrations, acting essentially as a soun- mrva, (b): iskričavost duha i (c): postaći. (a):
ding board for newspaper editors concerned that He showed not a spark of interest in our proposal.
their articles might inadvertently harm national (b): He has a lot of spark. (c): We need to spark
security or betray intelligence sources. some ambition in the lazy boy.
Sour as a crab (kiseo kao rak) znači (a): ki- Sparks fly (lete varnice) znači (figurativno)
seo kao sirće. (kaže se i sour as vinegar) i (b): došlo je do žestokog okršaja. # “We had just star-
kiseo, mrzovoljan. (a): Don’t eat those oranges ted on this plan and the sparks used to fly when
yet - they’re not ripe and as sour as a crab. (b): I insisted on obedience” (Field-Marshal Montgo-
What’s the matter with old Mrs. Botley? She mery, Memoirs).
used to be so cheerful and friendly. Now whe- Speaker ne znači spiker (kaže se announ-
never I pass her in the street all I get is a look as cer, u britanskom engleskom newsreader, a u
sour as a crab. američkom engleskom newscaster), već (a): go-
Sour grapes je kiselo grožđe, ali i gorka vornik, (b): predsednik Donjeg doma (u Britan-
uteha za neuspeh u postizanju čega (aluzija na skom parlamentu) i predsednik Predstavničkog
basnu o lisici i grožđu koje nije mogla dohvati- doma (u Kongresu SAD) i (c): zvučnik (kaže se
ti). # I think a lot of this criticism was just sour i loudspeaker). (a): The senator is the opening
grapes. speaker. (b): Mister Speaker, point of order! (c):
Sow dragon’s teeth (sejati zmajske zube) Speaker is a device that converts electric signals
znači sejati razdor, izazivati (makar i nenamer- to audible sound.
no) sukobe i nesuglasice. # But the danger is that Speak for (govoriti za) znači (a): govori-
Mrs. Thatcher will try, that she will sow dragon’s ti u nečije ime, (b): podržati i (c): tražiti. (a):
teeth among the resentful middle class, that she We want you to speak for our company at that
Speak for yourself 222 Spit

meeting. (b): The other girls made jokes about dent accomodation. Mr. Heffer, might I ask you
Milly, but Alison spoke for her. (c): The teacher to speak to this?
was giving away some books. Jerry and Art spo- Speak up znači govoriti glasnije, povisiti
ke for the same one. It speaks for itself znači to glas, ali i dići svoj glas, reći jasno i glasno svoje
je jasno samo po sebi. # „There is little need to mišljenje. # He’s not afraid to speak up. # If you
comment on this record; it is true to say that it think that this is wrong, you must speak up and
speaks for itself” (H. J. Eysenck, Sense and Non- say so. Speak up for someone/something znači
sense in Psychology). govoriti u prilog nekome/nečemu. # Phil spoke
Speak for yourself znači Govori za sebe. Ne up for Dan as club president. # I want to speak up
govori u moje ime. # - I think we’ve done enough for the rights of students.
drinking for one evening. - Speak for yourself, Speed trap (klopka za brzinu) je mesto na
Jake! Speaking for myself znači lično mislim, kome se skriva saobraćajna policija i sačekuje
po meni, govoreći u svoje ime. # “Speaking for one koji prebrzo voze. # Mr. Wilson was caught
myself, I’ve got a feeling that you are in danger in a speed trap.
of oversimplifying things a bit.” (F. Hoyle, The Spell nije samo spelovati, već i (a): nago-
Black Cloud). Kaže se i as far as I am concer- veštavati, (b): čini, (c): čari, (d): smena, (e):
ned. razdoblje i (f): odmeniti. (a): Those dark clo-
Speak now or forever hold your peace (reci uds spell rain. (b): The fairy godmather’s spell
sad ili zadrži svoj mir – vidi odrednicu hold transformed the pumpkin into a coach. (c): Most
one’s peace ) znači sad je prilika da kažeš šta women fall under the spell og his charm. (d):
imaš (prilikom venčanja: „ako iko zna razlog za- The long spell of sentry duty exhausted him. (e):
što se ovaj muškarac i žena ne bi smeli venčati, We’re expecting a cold spell. (f): Someone had
let him speak now, or forever hold his peace”). # better spell the night nurse.
“I hope you haven’t any vital evidence to contri-
Spend nije samo (po)trošiti, već i (a): istrošiti
bute, because if so you’d better speak now or fo-
rever hold your peace” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon se i (b): provesti vreme. (a): He spent himself in
Attitudes). years of dangerous police work. (b): Let’s spend
tomorrow together.
Speak out (javno govoriti) znači (a): govoriti
glasnije (kaže se i speak up) (b): govoriti bez Spend a bomb (potrošiti bombu) znači (kolo-
dlake na jeziku, reći svoje mišljenje bez uste- kvijalno) potrošiti velike pare uljuljati silnu lovu.
zanja. (a): What? Speak up, please. I’m hard of # I spent a bomb to refurbish my apartment.
hearing. (b): This law is wrong, and I intend to Spend a penny ne znači samo potrošiti peni,
speak out on it until it is repealed. već i piškiti (u britanskom engleskom). # You’d
Speak out of turn ne znači samo govoriti better spend a penny now, Bobby. It’ll take time
preko reda, već i reći nešto nepromišljeno. # before we reach home.
Excuse me if I’m speaking out of turn, but what Spike someone’s guns (onesposobiti nečije
you are proposing is quite wrong. topove) znači osujetiti nečije planove, baciti ne-
It speaks volumes (govori tomove) znači kome klipove pod točkove. # When they heard
mnogo govori, veoma rečito govori. # Whatever we were planning to buy the house next door to
the outcome, the choice of Mr. Gore and the ba- them to extend our shop, they spiked our guns by
ttle plan it defines speaks volumes about the im- bying the house themselves.
portance of the South in Presidential politics. Spill the beans (prosuti pasulj) znači (kolo-
Speak/Talk of the devil (and he appears)! kvijalno) odati tajnu (namerno ili nenamerno),
(Pričamo o đavolu – i on se pojavi!) znači Mi o izlanuti se. # Ted’s friends were going to have a
vuku, a vuk na vrata. # Well, speak of the devil! surprise party for him, but Joe spilled the beans.
Hello, Jim. We were just talking about you. # We Spin a yarn (sukati pređu) znači ispredati
were just talking about Bill, when he came in the (izmišljenu) priču (obično kao opravdanje za ne-
door. Talk of the devil and he appears. što). # He arrived two hours late and spun a yarn
Speak to a point of order (pod Point of or- about his being ill.
der). Spin one’s wheels (okretati točkove) znači
Speak to someone/something ne znači samo tapkati u mestu, vrteti se u prazno, šlajfova-
razgovarati s nekim, već i (a): obratiti se neko- ti (u žargonu). # This is a terrible job. I’m just
me za nešto, (b): porazgovarati ozbiljno s ne- spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere.
kim i (c): izjaviti nešto o nečemu, osvrnuti se Spit nije samo pljuvati, već i (a): prskati, (b):
na nešto. (a): Did you manage to speak to Mr. sipiti, (c): besno izreći, siktati, (d): frktati, (e):
Wilson about my salary? (b): I’m not letting tho- ražanj i (f): rt, prevlaka. (a): The pan spit grease
se rascals trample over my garden again. They’ll all over the stove. (b): Rain has been sipping all
have to be spoken to. (c): The next item is stu- the day. (c): He spat out angry words at his tor-
Spit and image of someone 223 Spy

mentors. (d): The cat spat at the child. (e): Put Spoon-feed someone ne znači samo hrani-
the meat on the spit. (f): We went fishing off the ti nekoga kašikom, već i (a): tretirati nekoga
end of the spit. kao bebu i (b): dati nekome sve na tanjiru. (a):
Spit and image of someone (pljuvačka i slika Tom’s mother spoon-fed him and never let him
nekoga) je nečija slika i prilika („pljunuti on“). # think for himself. (b): Students want the teacher
Jody is the spit and image of her father. to spoon-feed the lessons. Spoon-fed je na dr-
Spit and polish (pljuvanje i glancanje) je lic- žavnim jaslama, obilato subvencioniran. # The
kanje, čišćenje i isterivanje sjaja (spit-and-po- nationalized industries have been spoon-fed for
lished je nalickan). # The chairs are rather dirty so long that they no longer care whether they
just now, but with a bit of spit and polish they’ll give value for money or make a profit or loss.
look as good as new. # To a man their husban- Sport nije samo sport, već i (a): zabava, igra,
ds will be spit-and-polished, and dressed in their (b): predmet izrugivanja, (c): laf, drugar, (d):
best, all hat-tipping civility. poigravati se i (e): nositi (i praviti se važan). (a):
Spit it out. (Ispljuni.) znači Kaži šta imaš. (u The kid’s teasing was only sport. (b): The pom-
žargonu). # Say what you have to say and leave. pous man was sport for the unfriendly crowd.
Hurry up! Spit it out! (c): I like the new guy – he’s a good sport. (d):
He sported with her affection. (e): He sports an
Split nije samo raseći, već i (a): podeliti, (b): ivory-handled cane these days.
razjediniti, (c): pocepati, (d): pući, (e): podero-
tina, (f): razdor, raskol i (g): podvojen, podeljen. Sporting chance nije sportska šansa, već
(a): The robbers split the loot evenly. (b): The razumna šansa. # The examiner didn’t give me
strike split the union members into angry facti- a sporting chance to answer his questions. He
ons. (c): When he bent over, he split his pants. went on to the next question before I could get
(d): The board split as I sawed it. (e): Can you the words out.
mend the split in my jacket? (f): A split in the Sport of kings (kraljevski sport) su konjske
party could lose us election. (g): A shizophrenic trke. # The so-called Sport of Kings has always
is sometimes said to have a split personality. had social respectability. The racecourse, espe-
cially on a big occasion, does exude wealth and
Split second (rascepljena sekunda) je delić
sekunde. # The lightning flash lasted a split se-
cond, and then disappeared. Sprain one’s ankle ne znači samo iščašiti gle-
žanj, već i ostati u drugom stanju (u žargonu). #
Split ticket (rascepljena izborna lista) je
From the looks of her, she must have sprained her
američki politički kolokvijalizam koji znači gla- ankle some months ago.
sanje za kandidate više partija. # A party regular
will vote a straight ticket; an independent voter Spread oneself too thin (suviše tanko se ra-
is more likely to vote a split ticket, choosing a sprostrti) znači razapeti se na sve strane, pre-
candidate for governor from one party, a senator angažovati se. # It’s a good idea to get involved
from another, an assemblyman possibly from a in a lot of activities, but don’t spread oneself too
third. thin.
Be spoiling for a fight (kvariti se za tuču) Spring nije samo proleće, već i (a): opruga,
znači tražiti kavgu. # When you pay our landlord feder, (b): izvor, vrelo, (c): potok, (d): skočiti,
the rent, be careful how you speak to him. He is (e): šiknuti, (f): nastati, (g): poticati, (h): iskr-
spoiling for a fight with you. snuti, stvoriti se, (i): pobuda i (j): elastičnost.
(a): Springs are used to absorb shocks. (b): The
Spoil one’s record ne znači pokvariti svoj explorers searched for the spring of the pond. (c):
rekord, već pokvariti utisak o sebi, zabrljati. # The spring was too cold for swimming. (d): He
I am very sorry but you seriously spoiled your sprang out of bed when the alarm went off. (e):
record with that unpleasant affair. Oil wells sprang up all over Texas. (f): I can’t
Spoil the market for something (pokvari- believe that man springs from the apes. (g): It
ti tržište za nešto) znači smanjiti potražnju za sprang from his inability to cope with the situati-
nečim (snižavanjem kvaliteta robe ili usluga ili on. (h): Where on earth did you spring from? (i):
preplavljivanjem tržišta). # The dishonest adver- “I believed that the springs of action, as Lowes
tising agencies will spoil the market for the good Dickinson once said, lie deep in ignorance and
ones. madness. I wished to cultivate my understan-
Spoken for (rečen za) je zauzet, rezervisan. ding and to be sane” (W. Plomer, At Home). (j):
# I looked all over, but all the seats are already There’s no spring left in this tennis ball. Spring
spoken for. for znači častiti (u američkom žargonu). # Ralph
Sponge on someone (pokupiti sunđerom na sprang for drinks, and we all had a great time.
nekome) znači živeti na tuđ račun, musti novac Spy nije samo špijun, špijunirati, već i opa-
od nekoga. # We’re getting a little tired of being ziti, ugledati. The hunter spied a rabbit in the
sponged on by our relatives. bush.
Spur-of-the-moment 224 Stand one’s ground

Spur-of-the-moment (na trenutni podstrek) the house; it is a good stand-by. (f): The National
znači ishitren, impulsivan. # “The trip was a Guard is on 24-hours stand-by. (g): He’s the sort
spur-of-the-moment thing. She really didn’t have of friend who will stand by you through thick and
time for any kind of planning” (W. J. Coughlin, thin. (h): He is a man who always stand by his
Shadow of a Doubt). promises.
Square nije samo skver, već i (a): kvadrat, Stand easy ne znači lako stajati, već stajati
četvovorougao, (b): konzervativna, konvencio- “na mestu voljno”. “He paused, and then he said,
nalna osoba, konzerva (u žargonu), (c): platiti, ‘You can stand easy, Prentice.” (N. Shute, Requ-
(d): izravnati, (e): usaglasiti se, (f): razrešiti i iem for a Wren). Vidi At ease.
(g): pošten. (a): The sides of a square are of equ- Stand firm ne znači čvrsto stajati, već ne po-
al length. (b): She won’t go out with that square. puštati, držati se čvrsto. # In spite of repeated
# Man, you are really square. (c): This payment attempts to storm or fire the gates, the citadel it-
will square my debt. (d): Can you square those self still stood firm. Kaže se i stand/hold/keep
crooked pictures? (e): Be certain your alibi squa- one’s ground # “I stood my ground because, in
res with mine. (f): Did you square your differen- some strange way, now that my uneasiness was
ces with your brother? (g): Are you being abso- explained I was not afraid” (L. van der Post, The
lutely square with me? Lost World of the Kalahari).
Square peg in a round hole (četvtasti klin Stand for (stajati za) znači (a): zalagati se
u okrugloj rupi) je mimo sveta, u neskladu sa za, (b): značiti, (c): trpeti, tolerisati i (d): kan-
okolinom („bela vrana“). # Dave just can’t seem didovati se za. (a): The new President stood for
to get along with the people he works with. He’s honest government. (b): The abbreviation “Dr.”
just a square peg in a round hole. stands for “doctor”. (c): If there’s one thing I
Square shooter (čestit strelac) je poštenjači- won’t stand for, it’s being treated like an office
na (u žargonu). # The world is too spoiled for a boy. (d): Is he prepared to stand for the vacant
square shooter like you. Kaže se i straight sho- seat on the committee?
oter. # You can rely on Bill completely; he’s a Stand godfather to znači (a): biti kum (de-
straight shooter. tetu) i (b): (kolokvijalno) plaćati nečije račune.
Stadium (množina stadiums ili stadia) nije (a): Wilsons asked Mr. Franklin to stand godfa-
stadijum, već stadion. # Thousands of football ther to their baby. (b): He cannot expect me to
fans packed into the stadium to watch the match. stand godfather to him.
Staff nije samo osoblje, već i (a): štap (b): Stand in someone’s light (stajati na nečijem
jarbol i (c): popuniti osobljem. (a): The old man svetlu) znači smetati nekome. # If you really
needed his staff to climb the hill. (b): The flag want this job I won’t stand in your light.
was raised only halfway up the staff. (c): How Stand in the doorway (stajati u vratima)
many employees will it take to staff this resort? znači dramatizovati protivljenje nečemu (u ame-
Standard nije samo standard, već i (a): za- ričkom poltičkom žargonu). # Governor George
stava, steg i (b): podupirač, oslonac. (a): Two C. Wallace promised to “stand in the doorway”
men carried the standard in the royal parade. (b): to block the admission of two black students into
The deck will need six standards to make it se- the University of Alabama on June 13, 1963.
cure. Stand off ne znači samo stajati po strani, dr-
Standard-bearer nije samo stegonoša, već i žati se podalje, već i (a): otpuštati (privremeno)
lider partije ili pokreta. # “I do know that he was radnike (u vreme depresije i sl.), (b): odbiti ne-
horrified to find me, in effect, the standard-bearer čiji pokušaj da nadvlada i (c): ukotviti se dalje
of his own party in New York State” (G. Vidal, od obale, ostati na otvorenom moru. (a): If the
Burr). slump continues, more men will be stood off. (b):
Stand by ne znači samo stajati u blizini, već The soldiers defending the fort stood off a lar-
i (a): stajati i posmatrati, (b): biti pripravan ge band of Indians. (c): The bigger landing craft
za akciju, biti tu ako zatreba, (c): Ostanite na were forced to stand off the beaches until the tide
prijemu. (d): dobra zamena, (e): uvek spremna turned.
rezerva, (f): stanje pripravnosti, (g): stajati iza Stand on ceremony ne znači stajati na cere-
nekoga, nastaviti podržavati nekoga i kad stvari moniji, već držati do formalnosti. # When her
ne idu dobro i (h): držati se nečega. (a): Would guests came in she asked them not to stand on
you just stand by and watch the big boys beat ceremony but to help themselves to drink.
your little brother? (b): Howard stood by with a Stand on one’s head ne znači stajati na glavi,
fire extinguisher while the trash was burning. (c): već maksimalno se potruditi, učiniti sve moguće
Your transatlantic telephone call is almost ready. („postaviti se na glavu“). # She would have stood
Please stand by. (d): Lemon is a useful standby if on her head to entertain her husband’s boss.
you have no vinegar. (e): I always have $200 in Stand one’s ground (pod Stand firm).
Stand or fall by someone/something 225 Start something

Stand or fall by someone/something (stajati jasno vidljiv i (b): biti nekome na domak. (a):
ili pasti kraj nekoga/nešto) znači vezati u pot- “It’s so obvious. It stares one in the face. Like
punosti svoju sudbinu za nekoga/nešto, opstati a really good sacrifice in chess” (J. Fowles, The
ili propasti podržavajući nekoga/nešto. # The Collector). (b): Grandmother became very sick
government stands or falls by the proposed re- and death was staring her in the face.
forms. Start nije samo početi, već i (a): krenuti,
Stand out ne znači samo štrčati, već i (a): (b): upaliti, staviti u pogon, (c): osnovati, (d):
isticati se, izdvajati se od drugih, (b): jasno se iskočiti, (e): poteći, (f): poplašiti, (g): trgnuti se,
isticati (u kontrastu sa nečim), odudarati, (c): podskočiti i (h): izazvati. (a): Let’s start for Ver-
čvrsto se suprotstaviti i (d): zatezati, namerno mont early. (b): Start the engine and I’ll be right
odugovlačiti. (a): Tommy stood out from among there. (c): President John F. Kennedy started the
all his schoolmates. (b): „The black smoke stood Peace Corps in 1961. (d): Suddenly a pedestrian
out in sharp contrast to the white fountains sent started from between the cars. (e): Blood star-
up by enemy shells” (M. Wheeler, Still Digging). ted from the wound. (f): The gunshot started the
(c): “One man stood out against this policy of ducks. (g): I started when you touched my arm.
neglect” (P. Wright, Spycatcher). (d): Our execu- (h): A cigarette spark started the forest fire.
tive is standing out for the original claim of fifty Start a hare ne znači samo poterati zeca,
pounds a week. već uvesti novu temu u raspravu (često da bi se
Stand someone in a corner (postaviti nekoga odvratila pažnja od glavnog problema). # Lord
u ćošak) znači javno ukoriti podređenog. # The Citrine said about Ernest Bevin: “Whenever he
Prime Minister stood the young Under Secretary got in a difficulty he would start a hare or pull a
in the corner for attacking government policies in red-herring across the track.”
a newspaper article. Starter je starter (u trci), ali i (a): anlaser
Stand trial ne znači izdržati probu, već odgo- (b): igrač koji je u timu na početku (c): predjelo
varati pred sudom. # „He remined incarcerated (u američkom engleskom appetizer) (d): ape-
in a French prison until he could be brought to ritiv (u američkom engleskom appetizer), (d):
England to stand trial“ (L. LaPlante, Royal Fl- bacač koji počinje meč u bejzbolu (u američkom
ush). engleskom) i (e): dispečer u saobraćaju (u ame-
ričkom engleskom). (a): Electrical System An
Stand up nije samo ustati, već i izdržati i (b): ignition switch, plus full electric starter is fitted.
održati se, izdržati probu/proveru. (a): A rocket (b): In attack, Lee Trundle is a definite starter.
must be built strongly to stand up under the blast- (c): A seafood starter was provided with a choice
off. (b): “Even if this possibility did not stand of steak or an undefined fish course, plus salad
up to close scrutiny, Pavlov’s theory would still bowl, cheese course and dessert. (d): A stater is
be valid” (H. J. Eysenck, Sense and Nonsense in a pitcher who regularly begins games for a team.
Psychology). Stand up someone znači ne doći (e): A starter is a person who supervises the
na zakazani sastanak. # He stood up his date departure of commercial trucks, buses, etc. For
while he played basketball with the guys. Stand starters ne znači za startere, već (a): za poče-
up to someone/something znači hrabro se su- tak i (b): kao prvo. (a): # You got the job. You’ll
protstaviti nekome/nečemu. # After I learned to have four hundred a week for starters and, de-
stand up to the manager, I found that my job was pending on your performance, you can soon get
more pleasant and less threatening. Stand up for more. (b): “’What would you do?’ ‘For starters,
one’s convictions znači boriti se za svoja ube- I’d find what the hell happened.’” (J. Carroll,
đenja. # Mr. Reagan called him “someone who Memorial Bridge). Non-starter je ideja, plan ili
has repeatedly stood up for his deepest convic- osoba bez šansi za uspeh. # The proposal was a
tions.” Mr. Bush added, “This guy stood there in non-starter from the beginning because there was
the face of those unfair critics and he has never no possibility of funding.
wavered.” Start from square one (početi od polja je-
Stand up and be counted (ustati i biti ubro- dan) znači početi ponovo ispočetka. # To ask to
jan) znači javno se izjasniti, stati javno iza neče- discuss these points all over again means to start
ga. # “A jury in Boston had the courage to stand from square one.
up and be counted saying that woman’s right to Start from scratch (pod From scratch).
choose is fundamental,” Mr. Nielsen said. Start out on a shoestring (početi na pertla-
Stand up with someone ne znači ustati sa ma) znači krenuti iz puke sirotinje, početi ni iz
nekim, već biti nekome svedok na venčanju. # čega. # He is a real self-made man. He started out
Of course I know Eric. He stood up with me at on a shoestring.
my wedding. Start something ne znači samo početi nešto,
Stare someone in the face ne znači samo bu- već i zapodenuti svađu, zametnuti kavgu. # Jerry
ljiti u koga, već i (a): biti tako očigledan, biti is always starting something.
Start with a clean slate 226 Step into line

Start with a clean slate (početi sa čistim to stay out until their grievances were remedied.
škriljcem) znači početi iznova. # Whatever his (c): “They’ll try to run him for president, of co-
past crimes, every criminal who has come out of urse. I hope he’s wise. And stays out” (G. Vidal,
prison should be allowed to start a new job with Empire). (d): “NORA: Algebra and English isn’t
a clean slate. going to help me on the stage. LAURIE: Aren’t?
State of play (stanje igre) je tekuće stanje. NORA: Will you stay out of this?” (N. Simon,
# - What’s the state of play? - Well, we’ve done Brighton Beach Memoirs).
everything you told us to do while you were Stay up ne znači samo održati se da ne pad-
away, and we’re waiting now for your new in- ne ili potone, već i (a): ostati budan, ne ići na
structions. spavanje i (b): ostati okačen/prikačen. (a): If
State of the art nije stanje umetnosti, već po- I stay up late, I’m sleepy all the next day. (b):
slednja reč, vrhunski. # “The dorm rooms were Christmas decorations stay up until the sixth of
like luxury hotel suits; the labs were state of the January.
art; the lecture halls were equipped with the very Stay with someone ne znači ostati sa nekim,
latest A-V technology” (F. Paul Wilson, The Se- već (a): odsesti kod nekoga, biti gost u nečijoj
lect). # “The pathology department, like the rest kući i (b): nastaviti slušati koga. (a): At half-
of the hospital, was new, with state-of-the-art term we had planned to stay with my sister at her
equipment” (R. Cook, Mutation). house near London. (b): Just stay with me a mi-
Stay nije samo ostati, već i (a): zadržati, (b): nute longer. I’m sure I can convince you that we
zaustaviti, (c): držač, potporanj i (d): fišbajn. have a reasonable case.
(a): She stayed her tears intil her lover was out Steal a march on someone (ukrasti nekome
of sight. (b): Athenians stayed the Persians at Sa- hod) znači preduhitriti nekoga, steći prednost
lamis. (c): One of the tent stays has come loose. nad nekim (iznenadnim manevrom). # I got the
(d): Where are my stays? contract because I was able to steal a march on
my competitor
Stay after someone (ostati iza nekoga) zna-
či zvocati nekome iznad glave, stalno podsećati Steal someone’s clothes ne znači samo ukra-
nekoga da što uradi. # Mother stayed after Jim sti nečije odelo, već i kititi se tuđim perjem,
until he did the dishes. prodavati tuđe ideje (u britanskom engleskom).
# Mr. Wilson accused the Tories of stealing the
Stay-at-homes nisu samo oni koji se drže Labor Party’s clothes.
kuće (ne vole izlaziti, putovati itd.), već i apsti-
Steal someone’s thunder (ukrasti nečiju gr-
nenti, birači koji ne izađu na glasanje (u ame-
mljavinu) znači umanjiti efekat nečega što drugi
ričkom političkom rečniku). # Political scientist radi, zaseniti nečiji pokušaj da ostavi utisak. But
Clinton Rossier made a breakdown of the stay- then Mr. Powel had stolen everybody’s thunder
at-homes in the 1956 presidential elections: 62 with the extraordinary speech at Stockport.
million people voted out of 100 million eligible.
Steal the show (ukrasti predstavu) znači
Stay/hold one’s hand (zadržati ruku) znači (kolokvijalno) zaokupiti svu pažnju, baciti sve u
uzdržati se (privremeno) od akcije, sačekati sa zasenak. # Jesse Jackson has made a career out
nečim. # The landlord was persuaded to stay his of stealing the show, particularly at Democratic
hand till other accommodation was found for the conventions. Kaže se i steal the spotlight (from
occupying tenants. # If you undertake to pay us someone) (ukrasti nekome svetlo reflektora). #
by Tuesday, we will hold our hand. She was in only one scene in the play, but she
Stay in (ostati – onde gde je ko/što) znači i stole the spotlight from the stars.
specifično (a): ostati kod kuće (kaže se i stay Steering committee (odbor koji kormilari) je
indoors) i (b): ostati u školi posle časova (za (a): parlamentarni odbor koji brine o dnevnom
kaznu). (a): We stayed in all that week, while the redu i pripremama sednica i (b): koordinaciono
rain poured down outside. (b): If this noise goes telo. (a): I can’t help. It’s up to the steering co-
on for very much longer you’ll all have to stay in mmittee to decide upon the matters like this one.
after school! (b): “It must be done, he had told anyone who
Staying power (snaga zadržavanja) je izdr- would listen after a particularly menacing session
žljivost. # Given enough time and distance, a man of Gavron’s steering committee, that spring” (J.
will always catch up on a horse because he has le Carré, The Little Drummer Girl).
more staying power. Step down nije samo sići, već i podneti ostav-
Stay out ne znači samo ostati napolju, već ku. Mr. Rostenkowski was forced to step down
i (a): ostati van kuće (uveče), (b): nastaviti sa as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee
štrajkom, (c): ostati van nečega, držati se podalje after he was indicted on Federal corruption char-
od nečega i (d): ne mešati se. (a): You stayed out ges.
after midnight. What happened to you? (b): The Step into line (koraknuti u liniju) znači po-
electricians’ leaders said the men were prepared vinovati se. # “He made the decision, and we
Step into someone’s shoes 227 Stick to to the ribs

stepped into line,” the adviser said. “But that ter. # Stick about for a while - the boss will soon
doesn’t mean we’re going to back off.” be back.
Step into someone’s shoes (ući u nečije ci- Sticking point (lepljiva tačka) je krajnja
pele) znači preuzeti nečiju ulogu/nečiji posao. # granica. # He’s not going to keep lending you
When the boss retires, his son will step into his money. There’ll be a sticking point.
shoes. Stick in one’s oar (pod Put/shove/stick in
Step into the breach ne znači samo stupiti one’s oar).
u prodor odbrambenog bedema, već i preuzeti Stick in throat ne znači samo zapeti u grlu,
ulogu/aktivnost kad niko drugi neće ili ne može, već i biti teško prihvatljivo („teško progutati“). #
popuniti prazninu nastalu nečijom neaktiv- It sticks in my throat to have to take orders from
nošću. # What did you think the consequences a man who once worked for me.
would be if the United States did not step into Stick-in-the-mud (zaglibljen) je (a): kon-
the breach? zervativan, zatucan i (b): čovek bez inicijative
Step on the juice (pritisnuti na benzin) znači i mašte („vezana vreća“). (a): I can’t stand your
dodati gas (u britanskom engleskom - u američ- stick-in-the-mud ideas. (b): My husband has
kom engleskom se kaže step on the gas). # Step been working as a clerk in that firm for the last
on the juice or we’ll be late for the theater. twenty years. He has no ambition - he’s a real
Step out of line ne znači samo izaći (zakratko) stick-in-the-mud.
iz reda, već i ne ponašati se kako treba, uraditi Stick one’s foot in one’s mouth (pod Put
nešto što smeta drugima. # I’m terribly sorry. I one’s foot in one’s mouth).
hope I didn’t step out of line. Stick one’s heels in (zabosti svoja kopita)
Step outside (izaći napolje) znači specifič- znači suprotstaviti se odlučno bilo nečijem dik-
no izaći napolje radi fizičkog razračunavanja tatu, nepokolebljivo braniti svoja prava. # The
(„Izađi ako si muško!“). # Step outside and repe- Education authority wanted to move the school
at to me what you’ve just said! to new buildings, but parents and children stuck
Stepping stone nije samo kamen za pre- their heels in.
laženje u plitkoj vodi, već i odskočna daska. Stick one’s neck/chin out (isturiti šiju/bra-
# He deplores what he suggests is “a new fee- du) znači izložiti se riziku. # It was the stupid
ling among some young BBC reporters that a idea of the boss’s, but I’m not going to stick my
correspondent’s job is only a steppingstone to neck out. # When I was in trouble, George was
something else.” the only one who would stick his chin out to help
Step up nije samo (po)peti se, već i (a): pri- me.
stupiti, prići, (b): ubrzati, pojačati tempo i (c): Stick out like a sore thumb (štrčati kao bo-
biti unapređen. (a): Charlie waited until the te- lan palac) znači upadati u oči, odudarati. # The
acher had finished speaking to Ella, and then he dinner is formal; if you don’t wear the correct
stepped up. (b): In the preceding months infla- clothes you’ll stick out like a sore thumb.
tion stepped up its pace. (c): This year John is
secretary of the club, but I am sure he will step Stick to beat someone/something with (pod
up to president next year. Rod/stick to beat someone/something with).
Stew nije samo dinstati, već i (a): uzrujavati Stick to one’s guns (čvrsto se držati svojih
se, (b): briga i (c): stjuardesa (u žargonu). (a): topova) znači ne odustajati lako, ustrajati. # If
The waiter ignored us as we sat there stewing. you think you have a reasonable case, don’t give
(b): She is in a stew over finding a baby. (c): He way: stick to your guns.
rang for the stew. Stick to one’s knitting (pod Tend/stick to
Stewed to the gills/ears (izdinstan do škrga/ one’s knitting).
ušiju) znači trešten pijan (u žargonu). # Here’s Stick to one’s last (držati se svog kalupa)
old Tom - stewed to the ears, as always. znači držati se svoga faha („ne mešaj se u ono
Stick nije samo štap, već i (a): prut, (b): ubo- u šta se ne razumeš“). # Don’t play around with
sti, (c): zataknuti, nalepiti, (d): zalepiti, spojiti, jobs that are really outside your field: stick to
(e): zapeti, (f): zaglaviti se, i (g): izdržati. (a): your last.
They made a bonfire of sticks. (b): The doctor Stick to someone’s fingers (zalepiti se za
stuck him with a hypodermic needle. (c): Stick nečije prste) znači (kolokvijalno) završiti u ne-
this notice on the bulletin board. (d): Can you čijem džepu, biti smotan. # “A million pounds
stick the torn pieces back together? (e): A bone went through his hands, and around forty tho-
stuck in my throat. (f): The bus stuck fast in the usand stuck to his fingers. Have sticky fingers
snow. (g): The prizefighter stuck it out to the end, znači imati duge prste # biti sklon krađi. # The
but lost on the points. Stick around/about znači clerk - who had sticky fingers - got fired.
budi tu, ne udaljavaj se. # Oh, Jessica. Please Stick to to the ribs (zapeti u rebrima) znači
stick around for a while. I want to talk to you la- zasititi. # Farmers eat food that sticks to the ribs.
Stick up 228 Stop pushing me around/about!

Stick up nije samo štrčati, već i (a): zalepiti, arrived, so I told him that we’d leave without him
okačiti, (b): opljačkati (pod pretnjom upotrebe if he didn’t stir his stumps.
oružja – stick-up je oružana pljačka) i (c): ustati Stirring cup (uzburkan pehar) je čaša na
u odbranu. (a): I’m going to stick up this poster rastanku. # We may have a stirring cup before
near the entrance. # This notice ought to be on the bar closes.
the bulletin board. Please stick it up. (b): The ro- Stir up the animals (uznemiriti životinje) je
bbers came in and tried to stick up the bank, but američki politički kolokvijalizam koji znači ne-
they got caught first. # Nobody move - this is a potrebno uznemiriti duhove, izazvati neželjenu
stick-up! (c): Everyone was making unpleasant kontroverzu. # They kept saying, telegraphing,
remarks about Nick, but I stuck up for him. and writing that the campaign had to be kept on
Stiff drink (pod Soft drink). a low, quiet level, that there was no need to stir
Still nije samo tih, već i (a): nepomičan, (b): up the animals.
smiriti se, (c): utišati (se), (d): utažiti i (e): obuz- Stock nije samo stok, zaliha, već i (a): akcije
dati, ugušiti. (a): The dear lay very still. (b): The (u američkom engleskom) i državne obveznice
wind stilled down at sunset. (c): All sirens are to (u britanskom engleskom), (b): stoka (kaže se
be stilled when passing hospitals. (d): Gargantua i livestock), (c): poreklo, (d): loza, vrsta, (e):
ate and ate, but nothing stilled his hunger. (e): De kundak (f): koncentrat za čorbu, (g): uobiča-
Gaulle stilled the May Revolution of 1968. jen, (h): ustaljen, rutinski, (i): snabdeti i (j): dr-
Still as death/the grave (nepomičan kao žati (u radnji). (a): How much stock do you have
smrt/grob) je tih i miran, bez zvuka i pokreta. in the company? (b): We’re running low on feed
# Just before the thunder broke, everything sud- for the stock. (c): She comes from sturdy peasant
denly went as still as death: not a leaf rustled, not stock. # He is of noble stock. (d): That rose is the
a bird sang. finest of its stock. (e): Grab the rifle firmly by
the stock. (f): You need a good rich stock for the
Still life (nepomičan život) je mrtva priroda. gravy. (g): Toothpaste is stock merchandise in a
# I stood there and admired Matisse’s still lifes. drugstore. (h): He got only a stock response to
Still small voice - of conscience, reason his suggestion to the governor. (i): The landlord
etc. (tihi glasić) je glas savesti, razuma itd. # stocked the house with plenty of linens. (j): Do
Everyone was encouraging me to hit him, but a they stock children’s shoes?
still small voice warned me not to. # Towards the His stock is rising/going up (skaču mu ak-
end of the meeting people became very angry, cije) znači (figurativno) sve bolje kotira, skače
and the still small voice of reason was comple- mu numera. # The President’s backers believe
tely lost in the general excitement. his stock will rise after the Republican National
Sting in the tail (ugriz za rep) je neprijat- Convention, which begins in two weeks in Hou-
no iznenađenje na kraju. # Her account of her ston. # After his successful debut, his stock went
holiday in America was very impressive, but the up. I obrnuto,
sting in the tail was the amount of money it had someone’s stock is low znači da slabo kotira.
cost her. # I don’t suppose a Labor Government’s stock
Sting someone to the quick (pod Cut/sting/ has ever been so low in this country.
wound someone to the quick). Stomach nije samo stomak, već i (a): apetit,
Stipend ne znači stipendija (kaže se scholar- želja, (b): naklonost, (c): otrpeti („progutati“),
ship ili bursary), već (a): plata, fiksni regularni (d): podneti i (e): zadržati u želucu. (a): How
prihod (to može biti i studentska stipendija) i (b): can you have any stomach for lunch after that
sveštenička plata (u britanskom engleskom). (a): huge breakfast? (b): I have no stomach for vi-
I got an annual stipend. # Scholarship students olent movies. (c): He didn’t have much choice
rarely enjoy a generous stipend income. (b): He since he was in deep trouble; he stomached the
was appointed as a stipendary priest in the dio- insult and asked to be forgiven. (d): He couldn’t
cese of York. stomach the snobbery of some of the guests. (e):
Stir nije samo mešati, već i (a): pomaći (se), The sick man couldn’t even stomach liquids.
(b): podstaći, (c): uzbuditi, uzbuđenje i (d): ko- Stone nije samo kamen, već i mera za teži-
mešanje. (a): The branches began to stir as the nu čoveka (u britanskom engleskom – 14 funti
breeze came up. (b): The coach’s emotional pep ili 6,3 kg.).
talk stirred the team. (c): The news stirred me. Stop cold turkey (pod Cold turkey).
# The movie company causedcquite a stir in the Stopper nije lice koje stopira automobile
quiet town. (d): When the host appeared without (kaže se hitchhiker), već čep na boci, začepiti. #
his evening jacket, it caused a stir in the dining Each bottle stopper has an individual design aro-
room. und its neck. # She stoppered the wine bottle.
Stir one’s stumps (pomaći patrljke) znači Stop pushing me around/about! ne znači
(kolokvijalno) požuriti. # He was in bed when I Prestani da me guraš okolo! već Nećeš mi ti ko-
Stop street 229 Stress

mandovati! # Stop pushing me around! I‘m not he has always been a meticulous lawyer, an un-
your employee. flappable crisis manager, a loyal public servant
Stop street (zaustavna ulica) je sporedna and an absolute straight arrow.
ulica (na ukrštanju koje sa drugom ulicom kola Straight as a die (pravilan kao kocka) znači
se moraju zaustaviti). # Tom was late because he (a): prav, bez krivudanja i (b): apsolutno pošten,
traveled on a stop street. čist kao suza. (a): A flagged path has to be laid
Stop the music/presses! ne znači samo Pre- straight as a die to look well; a stretch of crazy
stanite sa muzikom/štampanjem! već i (kolo- paving is easier for an amateur to manage. (b):
kvijalno) Prekidaj! (jer se desilo nešto važno i Heffer has been with me over twenty years and I
neočekivano). # Stop the music! There‘s a fire in know he‘s as straight as a die in everything.
the kitchen! # „Stop the presses!“ houted Dave. Straight from the horse‘s mouth (pravo iz
„I have an announcment.“ (Stop the music na- konjskih usta) znači iz prve ruke, iz pouzdanog
stalo je po jednoj nekad popularnoj radio igri; izvora. # They are going to be married. I got the
ime je i singla koji je potpisao DJ P-Money, Novi news straight from the horse‘s mouth - their mi-
Zeland nister.
Stop the presses je u izvornom značenju no- Straight/right from the shoulder (direktno
vinarski izraz, „Zaustavite mašine“ (jer moramo iz ramena) znači bez uvijanja u oblande, bez
ispočetka štampati broj zbog senzacionalne vesti okolišanja. # I told her, straight from the shoul-
za prvu stranu). der, that I thought she was childish and silly. #
Store nije samo radnja, već i (a): zaliha, (b): What‘s really the matter with me, doctor? I‘m not
poverenje, (c): obilje, mnoštvo, (d): rezerva i a child - you needn‘t be afraid to give it to me
(e): spremiti zalihu, uskladišti. (a): Our store of right from the shoulder.
fuel is running low. (b): He puts great store in her Straight shooter (pod Square shooter).
advice. (c): He always has a store of marvelo- Strait-laced nije samo stegnut steznikom,
us anecdotes. (d): Blackouts are rather frequent, već i moralno strog, puritanski, uštogljen. # You
and you‘d better have some candles in store. (e): had better be careful what you say to Harold. He
Squirrels store nuts for the winter. Have/hold so- is strait-laced and easily shocked.
mething in store for someone znači imati nešto Strange nije samo čudan, već i (a): nepo-
spremno za nekoga („nešto se sprema nekome“). znat, (b): nenaviknut , (c): stran(o) i (d): ne-
# There is a surprise in store for Suzie when she ugodno. (a): This area is strange to me. (b): He
gets home. # What does the future hold in store is strange to the new machinery. (c): I am quite
for the boy who ran away? strange here (Sve mi je tu strano.). # I am strange
Storm nije samo oluja, već i (a): juriš, osvo- to such talk (Nisam navikao na takve reči). (d):
jiti jurišem (b): bes, bura, (c): galamiti, vikati i Not being able to speak the language made me
(d): besno izjuriti. (a): The enemy took the pla- feel strange.
ce by storm. # Their only hope of victory was to Strange bedfellows (čudan krevetski par)
storm the enemy camp at night. (b): The hated su neprirodni saveznici, saveznici u nuždi, pro-
speaker caused a storm on campus. (c): He stor- tivnici koje su okolnosti naterale da se udruže.
med at the waiter and embarrassed everyone at # Everybody knows that politics makes strange
the table. (d): She stormed out of the house. bedfellows.
Stow it! (pod Zip (up) your lips!). Straw in the wind (slamka na vetru) je na-
Straddle the fence (opkoračiti ogradu) znači goveštaj (mala stvar ali indikativna). # Maybe it
ne opredeljivati se, čekati na ishod. # The legi- is a straw in the wind that Peking broadcasts to
slator wanted to straddle the fence until the last the USSR have stopped saying, „Hello dear co-
minute, and that alone cost him a lot of votes. mrades and friends.“
Straight nije samo prav, već i (a): pošten, (b): Straw man (pod Man of straw).
direktan, (c): uzastopan, (d): uredan, (e): nera- Strengthen someone‘s hand (ojačati nečiju
zblažen, (f): heteroseksualan, (g): pravo i (h): ruku) znači ojačati nečiju poziciju. # The new
uspravno. (a): It’s hard to get a straight report evidence will strengthen his hand.
on the accident. (b): He took a straight approa- Stress nije samo stres, već i (a): naglasak,
ch to the problem. (c): We’ve had eight straight (b): važnost, (c): pritisak, (d): opterećenje i (e):
days of rain. (d): His desk is always straight. (e): podvući, naglasiti. (a): In the word sawdust, the
I like my whiskey straight. (f): - Is he gay? - No, stress is on the first sylable. (b): They place too
he’s straight. (g): Go straight home. (h): Stand much stress on money nand position. (c): I can
up straight. hardly endure the stresses and strains of modern
Straight arrow ne znači samo prava strela, life. (d): The limb couldn’t bear up under the
već i čovek na svome mestu, ispravan čovek, če- stress of the heavy snow. (e): The speaker stre-
stit. # Friends and colleagues of Mr. Garrett say ssed the need for better education.
Stretch a/the point 230 Stuff

Stretch a/the point (rastegnuti poentu) znači se i strike oil. # We struck oil with the hotel we
ne držati se striktno nečega (pravila i sl.), na- went to last year. It was very comfortable and we
činiti izuzetak, slobodnije interpretirati nešto. really enjoyed our holiday.
# „‘If you should want to kiss good-bye,‘ said Strike home ne znači pogoditi kuću, već
the gaoler, ‚not being husband and wife, it‘s not pogoditi u živac. # It seems that the truth struck
usual. Still, I don‘t mind stretching a point for home.
once...‘“ (E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisited). Strike oil (pod Strike gold).
Stretch out ne znači samo pružati se, prosti- Strike pay dirt (pod Hit/strike pay dirt).
rati se, već i (a): protezati se, (b): ispružiti se, Strike someone‘s fancy (pogoditi nečiju ma-
ležati ispružen, (c): ispružiti (ruku) i (d): biti štu) znači privlačiti nečiju pažnju, dopadati se
dovoljno da pokrije potrebe. (a): „When he re- nekome. # Why don‘t you go to the store and buy
placed the phone, Dixon was just sitting up, stret- a record album that strikes your fancy.
ching out, yawning, rubbing his eyes“ (S. Turow,
The Burden of Proof). (b): A few holiday-makers Strike up ne znači samo početi, već i zasvira-
were stretched out in the sun outside the window. ti, zapevati. # We were sitting around the campfi-
(c): The child stretched out its hands to seize the re. Someone struck up a song, and we all joined
toy. (d): Will the food stretch out? We‘ve got two in.
extra guests for dinner. Strip nije samo svući (se), već i (a): oguliti,
Stretch pennies (rastegnuti penije) znači vo- (b): lišiti, (c): isprazniti, (d): traka i (e): uzle-
diti računa o svakom dinaru. # We have to stret- tište. (a): We had to strip the old paint from the
ch pennies if we want to send the boy to college. doors. (b): They stripped the prisoners of their
dignity. (c): The pirates stripped the cargo ship.
Stretch the point (pod Stretch a/the point).
(d): I need two strips of ashesive tape. (e): The
Strike nije samo štrajk, već i (a): udariti, (b): landing strip was covered with snow.
napasti, (c): pogoditi, (d): postići, (e): impresio-
Strip someone of all pretense (ogoliti neko-
nirati, ostaviti utisak, (f): otkucati, (g): izbrisati,
ga od svih pretvaranja) znači demaskirati neko-
precrtati, (h): pasti na pamet, (i): pronaći, ot-
ga. # The magazine exposed the politician as a
kriti, (j): sklopiti (posao), (k): zapaliti, kresnuti
crook and stripped him of all pretense.
i (l): srušiti. (a): He struck me with his fist. (b):
The enemy struck at dawn. (c): An earthquake Strong-arm man (čovek jake ruke) je bati-
struck Tokio. (d): The negotiators failed to strike naš (u žargonu). # The mob employs hundreds of
a compromise. (e): His enthusiasm struck his te- strong-arm men.
acher favorably. (f): The clock struck noon. (g): Strong drink ne znači žestoko piće (kaže se
Strike that statement from the record. (h): The stiff drink), već alkoholno piće. # I think I could
lateness of the hour suddenly struck us. (i): Pros- wet my tonsils with a good strong drink after that
pectors finally struck gold. (j): Bringing those long ride.
aides with him was apparently part of the deal Strong language (jak jezik) znači (a): nepri-
that Mr. Baker struck with Mr. Bush. (k): I hurt stojno izražavanje, psovanje i (b): preterivanje,
myself trying to sneak into my room. It was pitch prejake reči. (a): We could hear a few yelps of
darkness and I struck a match. (l): The soldiers pain and a good deal of strong language as Beryl
struck camp and slipped away. groped his way through the darkness of the ce-
Strike a bad patch (naići na lošu zakrpu) llars. (b): Genius? Strong language, laddie.
znači imati privremenih teškoća (u britanskom Strong/long suit nije ni jako ni dugačko
engleskom, kolokvijalno). # I admire my colle- odelo, već najjača strana, nešto što neko naj-
agues‘ persistence and ingenuity. Still occasio- bolje zna ili radi. # „But humour has never been
nally, every one strikes a bad patch. Harold‘s strong suit, and he did not feel like la-
Strike a chord ne znači samo pogoditi žicu, ughing“ (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). # My
već i (a): zvučati poznato i (b): izazvati u ne- son‘ll be glad to help your daughter with her
kome (sažaljenje, neprijatno osećanje itd.). (a): O-levels in history. History was always his long
His voice struck a chord but I couldn‘t remember suit.
his name. (b): „I can‘t help it. Every time I see Strong point (jaka tačka) je jaka strana. #
him he strikes the deepest chord of pity in me“ (P. Modesty is not one of her strong points, and she
Conroy, The Prince of Tides). is certainly not one to sell herself short.
Strike a sour note (pogoditi kiselu notu) zna- Studious ne znači studiozan (najbliže je me-
či pokvariti raspoloženje. # Jane‘s sad announce- ticulous ili scholarly), već (a): marljiv, predan
ment struck a sour note at the annual banquet. učenju i (b): smišljen. (a): The studious girl
Strike gold ne znači samo otkriti zlato, već i rarely goes to parties. (b): He made a studuous
naići na pravu stvar. # With one van he opened effort to make us feel welcome.
up a small delivery business, somewhat tentati- Stuff nije samo štof, već i (a): stvari, (b): ma-
vely, but soon found that he‘d struck gold. Kaže terijal, (c): glupost, besmislica, (d): svoj deo po-
Stuff a sock in it! 231 Suit

sla. (a): I left some of my stuff in Mother’s attic. Substance nije samo supstanca (radioactive
(b): Do you have the stuff you need to make the substance), već i (a): bit, srž, (b): zbilja. (a): The
rug? (c): That story is nothing but a lot of stuff. substance of her argument was that had treated
(d): Do your stuff and I‘m sure we‘ll get the job her unfairly. (b): Our fears had substance – the
finished by the evening. house was indeed on fire.
Stuff a sock in it! (pod Zip (up) your lips!). Succeed to something ne znači uspeti u ne-
Stuff something down someone‘s throat čemu (kaže se succeed in something), već na-
(pod Shove/ram/force/push/stuff something slediti nešto (titulu, presto itd.). # The present
down someone‘s throat). Queen succeeded to the throne upon the death of
Stuffed shirt (napunjena košulja) znači (ko- her father.
lokvijalno) pun sebe , punjena ptica. # Mr. Ro- Suck up je usisati, isisati, ali suck up to (so-
gers is a stuffed shirt, and people would tell him meone) znači uvlačiti se (nekome) (u žargonu).
so if he didn‘t have so much money. # In school, Max was always sucking up to the
Stuff the ballot box(es) (puniti glasačke ku- teacher.
tije) znači krivotvoriti ishod glasanja, lažirati Suffer nije samo patiti, već i (a): trpeti, (b):
izborni rezultat. # The election judge was caught podneti, (c): snositi i (d): pretrpeti. (a): His
stuffing the ballot box in the election yesterday. work suffers when he has problems at home. (b):
Style nije samo stil, već i (a): moda, (b): na If the watch wasn’t insured, she’ll have to suffer
velikoj nozi, (c): vrsta, tip, (d): frizirati i (e): the loss. (c): Do as you wish, but you’ll have to
nazivati(se). (a): Last year’s style wastoo tren- suffer consequences. (d): Owing to his lack of
dy for me. (b): Since their business started doing experience he has suffered a serious setback. #
well, they have been living in style. (c): What We suffered great damage caused by floods.
style of writing paper do you prefer? (d): she Sugar-coat (obložiti šećerom) znači uvijati
styled my hair in a pageboy. (e): He styles him- u oblande. # Unlike the President, however, the
self a revolutionary. Secretary of the Treasury didn‘t sugar-coat his
Subject (1) (imenica i pridev sa naglaskom na remarks by asserting that his differences with the
sub) nije samo subjekt, već i (a): podanik, (b): Fed were serious.
školski premet, (c): tema, (d): podložan, obave- Sugar daddy (šećer tata) je stariji, bogati
zan, (e): sklon i (f): zavisan od. (a): The Queen muškarac koji živi sa mladom osobom i izdržava
has many loyal subjects. (b): How many subjects je (u žargonu). # Betty Morgan got a mink coat
are you studying this semster? (c): Campaign fi- from her sugar-daddy.
nacing was the subject of the seminar. (d): We Suggestive nije sugestivan (koji izaziva odre-
are subject to the laws of the country. (e): He is đeno raspoloženje ili stvara neko uverenje), već
subject to violent fits of temper. (f): The date of (a): koji podseća na (b): koji ukazuje na i (c):
our trip is subject to my firm’s vacation schedu- koji ima erotsku aluziju, bezobrazan. (a): The
le. amplified sounds are suggestive of dolphins cha-
Subject (2) (glagol sa naglaskom na ject) tting to each other under the sea. (b): Symptoms
znači (a): podvrgnuti i (b): izložiti (se). (a): The suggestive of hypersensitivity have been noted
hurricane subjected the islanders to devastating in a limited number of patients. (c): Some of his
floods. (b): His rude behavior subjects him to lyrics are rather suggestive. Na engleskom se ovaj
frequent rebuffs. # He did not want to subject pridev ne može upotrebiti u sintagmi sugestivna
himself to the judgments of his superiors. gluma ili sugestivno štivo. Suggestive remarks
Submission nije samo pokornost, već i pod- su otprilike dobacivanja (mladim ženama) ,su-
nošenje (na overu, odobrenje). # The deadline ggestive acting bi bila nešto kao provokativna
for submission of entries is June 1st. gluma, a suggestive anecdote nije ubedljiva
Submit a motion of censure ne znači pred- anegdota već erotska anegdota.
ložiti uvođenje cenzure (cenzura je censorship), Suit nije samo odelo, već i (a): boja (u kar-
već zatražiti da se glasa o nepoverenju vladi. # tama), (b): udvaranje, (c): molba, (d): parnica,
The opposition surprised the cabinet by submi- (e):slagati se, biti u skladu, (f): pristajati, dobro
tting a motion of censure. stajati, (g): odgovarati i (h): prijati. (a): When
Subscribe to something ne znači samo pret- diamonds were led, I had to follow suit. (b): She
platiti se na nešto, već i (a): prikloniti se nečemu responded to her wooer’s suit. (c): His suit for
(mišljenju, teoriji itd.), biti pristalica nečega, (b): mercy was moving. (d): Woody Allen filed suit
upisati deonice, kupiti akcije i (c): dati prilog za against Mia Farrow last week for custody of their
nešto. (a): I happen to subscribe to this opinion. three children. (e): The architecture of the house
(b): I subscribed for 1000 A.T.&T. shares of a should suit the rugged landskape. (f): That dress
new issue. (c): Two local businessmen have su- suits her well. (g): A later flight suits me even
bscribed large sums to the rebuilding fund. better. (h): Outdoor living suits me.
Suit someone‘s book 232 Sweep/knock someone off his feet

Suit someone‘s book (odgovarati nečijoj red her dream of becoming an actress. (b): He
knjizi) znači potpuno odgovarati nekome, biti surrendered all rights to the property. (c): In an
sasvim u skladu sa nečijim željama/namerama. emergency, keep cool. Don‘t surrender to panic.
# He wouldn‘t take Cyril into partnership if it (d): The surrender of the evidence has been de-
hadn‘t suited his book. layed.
Suit yourself. (Prilagodite sebi.) znači Ura- Survey nije samo pregled, prikaz, već i (a):
dite kako god želite. # Okay, if you don‘t want to anketa, (b): razmotriti i (c): izmeriti (katastar-
do it my way, suit yourself. ski). (a): They ran a survey of the most popular
Sum and substance (suma i srž) je bit stvari, television programs. (b): Let’s survey the events
suština. # The sum and substance of his argu- leading up to the crime. (c): The city engineer
ment was that, however much we wanted a larger surveyed the property to amend the map.
house, we couldn‘t afford it. Suspend ne znači samo suspendovati, već i
Sum up nije samo rezimirati, već i (a): pro- (a): obesiti i (b): odložiti. (a): The pot was atta-
ceniti, formirati mišljenje o nekome i (b): izneti ched to a chain suspended from the ceiling. (b):
osnovne tačke sudskog slučaja. (a): A difficult I’ll suspend judgment until all the facts are in.
fellow to sum up. (b): In a packed and silent co- Swallow one‘s words ne znači samo gutati
urt-room the judge began to sum up. reči, govoriti nejasno, već i priznati pogreš-
Sun belt (sunčani pojas) su države na jugu ku, polizati svoje reči. # Phil had called Sam a
SAD. # The population of the sun belt is explo- coward, but the boys made him swallow his wor-
ding. ds after Sam bravely fought a big bully. Kaže se
Sunglasses (pod Shade). i eat crow.
Sunny-side up (sunčana strana gore) znači Swallow the dictionary ne znači progutati
(jaje) na oko (u američkom engleskom, kolokvi- rečnik već upotrebljavati neobične (posebno du-
jalno). # I‘ll have my eggs sunny-side up, with gačke) reči. # He may be an expert but can he talk
toast and coffee. to school-children? They‘ll not sit still for half an
Superior nije samo superioran, već i pret- hour listening to some chap that‘s swallowed the
postavljeni, nadređeni. # His promotion was dictionary.
approved by his superiors. Swear at someone ne znači kleti se u nekoga
Support nije samo podrška, podržati, već i (kaže se swear by someone), već psovati neko-
(a): podupirati, (b): izdržati, (c): izdržavati, (d): ga. # There‘s no need to swear at me - control
potkrepiti, (e): tolerisati i (f): podupirač, oslo- your language!
nac. (a): Large beams support the damaged Swear in someone takođe ne znači kleti se u
wall. (b): That crate will never support your we- nekoga, već zakleti nekoga. # At the inaugurati-
ight. (c): He has to support his mother and his on, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore
sister. (d): Your testimony will support his plea in the new President.
of inocence. (e): Grandfather could never suppo- Sweat blood (iznojiti krv) znači (a): krvavo
prt disobedince. (f): One of the roof supports is se namučiti („propljuvati krv“) i (b): biti vrlo za-
cracked. brinut ili napet. (a): They‘re all sweating blood
Sure enough (dosta sigurno) znači (a): na- to get the work finished before night. (b): The en-
ravno, dabome, kao što se moglo i očekivati i gine of the airplane stopped, and the pilot sweat
(b): pravi, istinski. (a): „‘Well, you can see for blood as he glided to a safe landing.
yourself what a mess is made of the beach.‘ And Sweat-shop (radionica znoja) je (u žargonu)
sure enough when Mr Mackay looked at the sand radno mesto na kome se mnogo radi za malu
it was scored and striated in every direction“ (C. platu („crnački posao“). # The bank manager is
Mackenzie, The Rival Monster). (b): Milly‘s un- unfair! I‘ve been a teller in this sweat-shop for
cle gave her a sure-enough pearl on a little gold 15 years, and I‘ve never had a new carpet in my
chain. office.
Sure thing ne znači samo sigurna stvar, već Sweeping statement (sveobuhvatna izjava)
i naravno, dabome, razume se. # Sure thing, I‘ll je paušalna izjava. # He‘s much given to swee-
be glad to do it for you. ping statements about trades unions, foreigners
Surprise packet (paket iznenađenja) je pra- and working wives.
vo iznenađenje. # - All he said in the letter was Sweep/knock someone off his feet znači
that he‘ll be bringing a surprise packet with him. oboriti nekoga, ali i osvojiti nekoga na prečac,
- Could be a new girlfriend, I suppose. ostaviti jak utisak na nekoga („oboriti nekoga s
Surrender nije samo predati se, već i (a): nogu“). # „The urbane Richard Westphalen, with
napustiti, (b): odreći se, (c): prepustiti se i (d): his refined British manners and accent, had swept
izručenje, isporuka. (a): She gradually surrende- her off her feet“ (F. Paul Wilson, The Tomb).
Sweep the board 233 System

Sweep the board (clean) ne znači očistiti da- ched their votes. (g): The lecture was very good.
sku, već pokupiti sve trofeje, osvojiti sve nagra- It switched on the whole class.
de. # My brother swept the board this year in all Switch off znači isključiti, ugasiti, ali i (a):
the swimming competitions. isključiti se iz svega # nastojati zaboraviti sve,
Sweet on someone ne znači sladak prema a switched-off je nezainteresovan, povučen u
nekome, već zaljubljen u nekoga (u američkom sebe. # I want to go home and switch off - just
engleskom, kolokvijalno). # Mark is sweet on forget this whole day. # He seems to be switched
Linda. Linda is sweet on him, too. off most of the time.
Swell nije samo nabujati, već i (a): oteći, (b): Switch on je ne samo uključiti, upaliti, već i
narasti, uvećati se, (c): pojačati se, (d): dizati (a): živnuti # razmrdati se # pokrenuti se (kaže
se, (e): sjajan, super i (f): kicoš, monden. (a): se i come alive) (b): stimulirati, izazvati ne-
His eye swelled painfully after the blow. (b): The čiji živ interes, uzbuđenje itd. (c): izveštačeno i
guest list swelled to 100 people. (c): The music automatski izraziti kakvu emociju (osmeh, suze,
swelled as the finale approached. (d): The sea šarm i sl.) i (d): doći u eforično stanje nakon
uzimanja droge (u žargonu). (a): I don’t switch
swelled as the storm approached. (e): We had a
on until about noon. (b): The lecture was very
swell time. (f): The young man imagined himself
good. It switched on the whole class. (c): She
as a swell, dressed in the latest fashion. was good at switching on the charm. (d): One by
Swelled/swollen head(ed) nije naduvena one, each of my friends switched on.
glava, već uobraženost, uobražena osoba, pun Swollen head(ed) (pod Swelled/swollen
sebe. # Now that he‘s famous, he‘s getting a swe- head(ed)).
lled head. # „But when they say he is swollen-
Sympathetic nije simpatičan, već (a): koji
headed they err. Roy has never lost the modesty saoseća, koji je pun razumevanja (b): naklo-
which in his youth was his most engaging trait“ njen, (c): koji podržava i (d): sličnih sklonosti.
(W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale). (a): Professor Jones is sympathetic to the stu-
Swim with the tide/current/stream (plivati dents‘ cause. (b): On this occasion, the teacher
sa plimom i osekom, strujom, potokom znači seemed more sympathetic toward me than usual.
povoditi se za većinom, raditi kao i drugi („kud (c): The Labour party are supposed to be sym-
svi Turci tu i mali Mujo“). # These days she is pathetic towards the unions. # Did he give your
just swimming with the tide, relaxing and letting proposal a sympathetic hearing? (d): With their
things happen. # When all Ted‘s friends decided many similar tastes, he found her a most sympa-
to vote for Paterson, he decided to swim with cu- thetic companion.
rrent and vote for him too. Kaže se i climb on/ Sympathy nije samo simpatija, već i (a): sa-
aboard the bandwagon. osećanje i (b): razumevanje. (a): He felt tremen-
Swing into high gear (pod Get into high dous sympathy for the war orphans. (b): I, for
gear). one, am in sympathy with your proposals, but the
Swing one‘s weight (zanjihati svojom te- majority is obviously against.
žinom) znači upotrebiti svoj uticaj, koristiti se Syndicate ne znači sindikat (kaže se trade
pozicijom (u postizanju nečega). # Mr. Thomas ili labour union), već (a): konzorcij za finansi-
swung his weight to get his son a job with the ranje većeg projekta, (b): agencija za prodajnu
company. distribuciju članaka, fotografija itd. (c): gang-
stersko udruženje. (a): A syndicate of banks is/
Swing voters (birači koji se njišu) su neo-
are financing the deal. # Investor clubs may be
predeljeni birači (u američkom političkom reč-
run by existing practitioners or, alternatively may
niku). # No candidate has a comfortable margin; be set up by syndicates of private investors. (b):
the swing voters will decide the outcome of the Mattlock will take over the syndicate that sells
election. features or articles or photographs etc. to news-
Switch nije samo prekidač, već i (a): prut, papers for simultaneous publication. (c): Russia
(b): skretnica, (c): zamena, (d): promena (e): has become an ideal haven form money launde-
išibati, (f): promeniti mišljenje i (g): izazvati živ ring by the world‘s organized crime syndicates.
interes. (a): The teacher whipped the bad boy System nije samo sistem, već i organizam. #
with a hickory switch. (b): The train was derai- Don’t wreck your system by overwork and lack
led when the switch failed to work. (c): Someone of sleep! Get something out of one‘s system ne
accidentally made a switch in suitcases. (d): We znači samo izbaciti nešto iz svog organizma već
had to make a switch in our arrangements. (e): i zadovoljiti već jednom kakvu želju i osloboditi
Grandpa switched us when we were disobedient. je se. # I bought a new car. I‘ve been wanting to
(f): Because of the series of corruption scandals, for a long time. I‘m glad I finally got that out of
many who had supported the Democrats, swit- my system.

Table nije samo sto, već i (a): tabela, (b): Take action ne znači samo preduzeti nešto,
odložiti razmatranje (u američkom engleskom) već i (a): podneti tužbu i (b): reagovati. (a): My
i (c): podneti (predlog) na razmatranje (u bri- lawyer will take action against you in the courts.
tanskom engleskom). (a): The math book con- (b): The Party would not be able to take action, in
tains a multiplication table. (b): The committee one Parliament, on all the proposals now before
tabled the proposal until a later meeting. (c): I the annual Conference.
think it’s time to put forward our proposal for de- Take advantage of someone ne znači preu-
bate. Who’s going to table a motion? Table of zeti prednost od nekoga, već iskoristiti nekoga,
contents je sadržaj. # Find Chapter 3 by looking zloupotrebiti nečiju slabost, prevariti nekoga. #
in the table of contents. The little children did not know how much to pay
Tablet nije samo tableta, već i (a): blok za for the candy and the store owner took advantage
pisanje i (b): (spomen) ploča. (a): Each student of them.
should have pencils and a tablet with lined pa- Take after someone ne znači uzeti posle ne-
per. (b): The statue had a bronze tablet listing the koga već umetnuti se na nekoga (u familiji),
town’s war heroes. uvrći se na nekoga. # He takes after his father
Tack nije samo ekserčić, već i (a): rajsnegla in mathematical ability. # Sally takes after her
(u američkom engleskom), (b): kurs, smer, (c): mother’s side of the family in looks.
pristup, pravac akcije, (d): pričvrstiti, zakucati, Take a hair of the dog that bit you. (Uzmi
(e): priključiti (se) i (f): profircati, prošiti. (a): dlaku sa psa koji te je ujeo.) je poslovica koja
The calender was held to the wall with tacks. (b): znači Treba popiti nešto da se razbije mamur-
The ship is on the wrong tack. (c): If this plan luk. (Koji me je pas ujedao, svojom dlakom le-
doesn’t work we’ll try a new tack. (d): Tack the čio. - naša odgovarajuća poslovica). # - I’ve got
notice on the bulletin board. (e): The Bill was a terrible hangover. - The best advice I can give
not allowed to go forward without further mo- you is that the unpleasant after-effects of drunke-
dification. Another clause was tacked on at the nness may be relieved by consuming more alco-
last minute. # Nolan tacked himself onto the end hol: take a hair of the dog that bit you.
of a long queue at the bus-stop. (f): The lining Take a hand in something (uzeti ruku u ne-
has been tacked on too loosely - it keeps coming čemu) znači uzeti udela u nečemu, uključiti se
unstilted. u nešto. # I was glad to take a hand in planning
Take a back seat ne znači samo sesti na za- the picnic.
dnje sedište, već i (figurativno) prihvatiti podre- Take a leaf out of someone’s book (uzeti list
đenu ulogu, povući se u pozadinu. # After forty iz nečije knjige) znači poći nečijim putem, po-
years in the business it’s time for me to take a stupati po nečijem uzoru. # You go out too much.
back seat and make room for younger men and You should take a leaf out of your brother’s book
new ideas. and study more.
Take a bath ne znači samo okupati se, već i Take a powder nema veze sa puderom ili ba-
pretrpeti težak finansijski gubitak, otići u bulu rutom, već znači (kolokvijalno) uhvatiti maglu.
(u američkom žargonu). # I took a bath on all my # When the police came to the door, Bob decided
oil stock. I should have sold it sooner. it was time to take a powder.
Take a beating ne znači samo dobiti batine, Take a shot at something ne znači samo ga-
već i pretrpeti poraz. # The candidate took a be- đati u nešto, već i pokušati nešto. # I don’t think
ating in the runoffs. I can do it, but I’ll take a shot at it.
Take a sledgehammer to crack a nut 236 Take in (one’s) stride

Take a sledgehammer to crack a nut/walnut exception to Mr. Gonzalez’s charges that the
(upotrebiti kovački bat da se slomi orah) znači Central Intelligence Agency had not cooperated
uložiti veliki napor zbog male stvari. # Surely, fully with Federal prosecutors in Atlanta investi-
to disconnect a customer’s electricity because he gating the multi-billion-dollar fraud that benefi-
owns the Electricity Board five pounds was ta- ted Iraq.
king a sledgehammer to crack a walnut. Take for granted (uzeti za dodeljeno) znači
Take a stand (pod Make/take a stand). (a): uzeti zdravo za gotovo i (b): ne biti svestan
Take a turn (pod Turn). nečijih kvaliteta, nedovoljno uvažavati. (a): Mr.
Take back ne znači samo vratiti i uzeti nazad, Harper took for granted that the invitation inclu-
već i povući (reč, ponudu i sl.), opozvati rečeno. ded his wife. (b): Mrs. Jackson complains that
I take back my offer to buy the house now that Mr. Jackson takes her for granted.
I’ve had a good look at it. Take French leave (uzeti francuski odlazak)
Take/bring someone down a notch/peg (or znači otići bez pozdrava, otići bez dozvole. #
two) (spustiti nekoga za jedan ili dva zareza/ Many of the boys at the school took French leave
klina) znači postaviti nekoga na njegovo mesto, to go to the football match.
skresati nekome rogove. # He believes that the Take/get someone’s measure ne znači uze-
whole success of the business depends on his ti nekome meru, već dobro proceniti nekoga.
work alone - he ought to be taken down a notch # “The new colonel had been with us less than
or two. # He was so rude that someone was bo- a week...and we had not yet taken his measure”
und to take him down a peg or two. # I’ve never (E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisited). # He detested
heard such pretentious rubbish: he needs to be Aneurin Bevan, largely because Bevan had got
brought down a peg or two. his measure and once remarked that he was not a
man with whom one should go shooting tigers.
Take care ne znači samo pobrinuti se, pripa-
ziti, već i (a): biti na oprezu, čuvati se i (b): (u Take heart (uzeti srce) znači ohrabriti se,
žargonu) srediti, likvidirati. (a): Take care that steći samopouzdanje. # I told her to take heart
you don’t catch cold. (b): The robbers had to take and try again next time.
care of the guards before they could take the mo- Take in ne znači samo uvesti, već i (a): uzi-
ney. Take care! na rastanku ne znači Čuvaj se! mati podstanare, izdavati stan, (b): primiti na
već (kolokvijalno) Doviđenja! prenoćište, (c): prevariti, nasamariti, (d): uklju-
Take care of number one ne znači brinuti čiti, obuhvatiti, (e): raditi kod kuće za druge, (f):
o broju jedan, već (kolokvijalno) gledati samo suziti, smanjiti, (g): posetiti, razgledati, (h): po-
sebe, gledati samo svoj interes. # “’You see,’ smatrati, obuhvatiti pogledom, (i): shvatiti, (j):
pursued Fagin, ‘’s your object to take care of poverovati, uzeti zdravo za gotovo i (k): dobiti.
number one - meaning yourself.” (Ch. Dickens, (a): Many households in the neighborhood of the
Oliver Twist). Kaže se i look after number one. University add to their income by taking in stu-
dents. (b): We took in two travelers who were
# He believes in looking after number one, and
benighted. (c): The public must be pretty gullible
he only helps others when it’s to his own advan-
to be taken in so easily by door-to-door salesmen.
(d): “Her accusation took in not only Mrs Cu-
Take credit for something ne znači uzeti kre- rry, but Mrs Cradock also” (A. Wilson, Hemlock
dit za nešto (kaže se take a loan), već smatrati and After). (e): My mother takes in sewing. (f):
se zaslužnim za nešto. # Mr. Bush took so much The dress is not a bad fit, but it needs taking in
credit for the prosperity of the Reagan years that a little at the waist. (g): We planned to take in
he can hardly avoid being held accountable for Niagara Falls and Yellowstone Park on our trip.
what has happened since than: the worst econo- (h): “Scrodd was taking in with his short-sighted
mic performance on balance of any Presidential glance the general area within which his interlo-
term since World War II. cutor might be found” (J. Wain, Hurry On Down).
Take down ne znači samo skinuti nešto (sa (i): He took in the situation at a glance. (j): The
nečega), već i (a): rastaviti nešto na delove, ra- magician did many tricks, and the children took it
sturiti nešto i (b): zapisati nešto. (a): They’ve all in. (k): The senior class held a dance and took
taken down the iron railings on the side of the in over a hundred dollars.
park. (b): I will tell you how to get to the place; Take in good part (uzeti u dobrom delu) zna-
you had better take it down. či ne uzeti za zlo, ne biti povređen. # He is good-
Take effect ne znači samo imati dejstvo, već i natured; he takes jokes on him in good part.
stupiti na snagu. # The new tax law will not take Take in (one’s) stride (uzeti u korak) znači
effect until February. lako prebroditi, prihvatiti kao normalno. # “She
Take exception ne znači načiniti izuzetak might not like to be the wife of a factory hand;
(kaže se make an exception), već ozbiljno pri- but to his surprise she took it in her stride” (M.
govoriti, izraziti nezdovoljstvo. # Mr. Gate took Dickens, The Angel in the Corner).
Take issue 237 Take one’s lumps

Take issue (uzeti pitanje) znači ući u pre- the opposite direction. (b): The Prime Minister’s
pirku. # He thought his boss was wrong but was party takes off for Brussels this morning for the
afraid to take issue with him on the matter. next round of talks. (c): Following a low-key la-
Take it easy (uzeti lagano) znači (a): ne unch with minimum advertising, the product sud-
žuriti, ne uzbuđivati se mnogo, Polako. (b): po- denly took off and had soon captured a quarter of
stupati pažljivo, odnositi se sa puno obzira, (c): the market. (d): He made a career of taking off
umereno koristiti/upotrebljavati. (a): “’Oh, he famous people for night club audiences. (e): Take
doesn’t mind,’ said young Townsend. ‘He takes it your shoes off and dry your feet. (f): Two detec-
easy - he isn’t in a hurry’” (H. James, Washington tives have been taken off the inquiry to help with
Square). # Take it easy. The roads are icy. (b): a murder case. (g): Gangrene was far advanced,
Take it easy on Sally. She’s been sick. # Please and the leg had to be taken off above the knee.
take it easy on the furniture. It has to last us many (h): Before the body of the car can be properly
repaired, all the external fittings must be taken
years. (c): Please take it easy on the pencils. The-
off. (i): There is no night-flight to Lisbon at this
re are hardly any left. time. The service was taken off at the end of the
Take it from me (uzmi ga od mene) znači summer. (j): We’ll take a bit of surplus weight
(kolokvijalno) veruj kad ti kažem. # Take it from off you before you finish basic training. (k): It’s
me: your troubles are nearly over. not so much a case of what taxes will be taken off
Take it into one’s head (uneti sebi u glavu) in the next Budget as what new taxes will be put
znači (a): uvrteti nešto sebi u glavu i (b): od- on. (l): My favorite dish has usually been taken
lučiti se učiniti nešto. (a): Their mother took it off just before I get to the restaurant. (m): The
into her head that the children were in danger and play was taken off after libel charges had been
worried until they returned home (b): “If I sho- laid against the author. (n): I had to take off from
uld take it into my head to tell what I had heard, work in order to renew my driver’s license.
tremendous mischief could result” (W. Plomer, Take office ne znači uzeti ofis, već stupiti
At Home). na dužnost, preuzeti funkciju. # When did the
Take it on the chin ne znači uzeti na svoju mayor take office?
bradu (kaže se carry the can, take the rap for Take on ne znači samo preuzeti, već i (a):
something, take it upon oneself), već (a): pre- uzrujati se, uzeti previše srcu, (b): uzeti u služ-
trpeti težak udarac, (b): biti teško poražen i (c): bu, (c): ukrcati, (d): prihvatiti kao protivnika,
podnositi hrabro, trpeti bez roptanja. (a): Our suprotstaviti se, (e): dobijati nov izgled, smisao,
industry has taken a few nasty ones on the chin značaj itd., početi ličiti na i (f): preuzeti odgovor-
since the new financial controls were introduced. nost, obavezu, posao i sl. (a): “It’s no good your
(b): Our football team took it on the chin today. taking on, because the matter’s settled, signed
(c): Beryl had a hard time when he was a recruit and sealed” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman).
in the army but he took it all on the chin. (b): The factory has opened and is beginning to
take on new workers. (c): The pilot refuses to
Take liberties with someone/something
take any more passengers on: he’s overweight
(uzeti slobodu sa nekim/nečim) znači (a): dopu- for takeoff as it is. (d): The big man took on two
stiti sebi suviše slobode u odnosu prema neko- opponents at once. (e): After the students put up
me, ponašati se suviše prisno prema nekome i Christmas decorations, the classroom took on a
(b): služiti se nečim bez pitanja. (a): If he takes holiday appearance. (f): It will mean securing
any more liberties with my wife he will never be commitments from American business and Ame-
invited to my house again. (b): I don’t like when rican labor to take on new cooperative responsi-
you take liberties with my lawn mower. You sho- bilities.
uld at least ask when you want to borrow it. Take on board ne znači samo ukrcati, već i
Take life ne znači samo oduzeti život, već priznati opravdanost nekog gledišta, prihvatiti
i oživeti, dobiti formu. # It was fascinating to ideju. # Today, people are taking on board the
watch the lump of clay take life beneath the view that protection of civil rights should tran-
sculptor’s hands. scend the boundaries of sovereign countries.
Take off ne znači samo odneti, već i (a): Take one’s cue from someone ne znači do-
(žurno) otići, (b): uzleteti, poleteti, (c): naglo biti mig od nekoga, već ugledati se na nekoga,
krenuti nabolje, postati profitabilan, (d): imiti- poći za nečijim primerom. # Several of the in-
rati, oponašati, (e): skinuti, (f): skinuti s nekog dependent African countries took their cue from
posla, (g): amputirati, (h): ukloniti (sa nečega), the British parliament and organized their own
(i): ukinuti kakvu uslugu, (j): skinuti težinu, similar systems of government.
(k): skinuti porez, (l): prebrisati u jelovniku (jer Take one’s lumps ne znači uzeti svoje gru-
je rasprodano), (m): skinuti s repertoara i (n): menje, već podneti udarac/kritiku/gubitak, pri-
odsustvovati (sa posla). (a): The moment he saw hvatiti zasluženu kaznu. # You’ve got to learn to
a police car turn the corner, Heffer took off in take your lumps if you’re going to be in politics.
Take one’s medicine 238 Take something out of someone’s hands

Take one’s medicine ne znači samo uzeti lek, Take some beating (dobiti nešto batina) zna-
već i (kolokvijalno) progutati gorku pilulu, pri- či prevazilaziti sve. # His behavior takes some
hvatiti zasluženu kaznu ili nešto neprijatno bez beating.
roptanja. # I know I did wrong, and I know I Take someone for a ride ne znači samo po-
have to take my medicine. vesti nekoga u vožnju, već i nasamariti nekoga
Take one’s time (uzeti vreme) znači ne žuri- („provozati nekoga“). # He bought a camera ye-
ti. # Don’t rush. Just take your time and tell me sterday, but the man who sold it to him took him
clearly what happened. for a ride because the camera doesn’t work.
Take out ne znači samo izvaditi, izvući, već Take someone for someone/something (uze-
i (a): izbrisati, (b): izvesti, (c): izbaciti iz stroja, ti nekoga za nekoga/nešto) znači (a): zameniti
uništiti, (d): pribaviti (dokument i sl.), izvaditi, nekoga s nekim i (b): pogrešno pretpostaviti
(e): potrčati, (f): ubiti, likvidirati (u američkom da je neko nešto. (a): I took Eric for his brother,
žargonu), (g): skloniti i (f): povesti (u šetnju, u Phil. They look so much alike! (b): I took Mr.
bioskop, na ručak itd.). (a): Billy took out the Wilson for the gardener and he was a little bit
pencil marks from his drawing. (b): Will you insulted.
take this dog out at once? It’s chewing the carpet. Take someone’s point (uzeti nečiju poentu)
(c): The last flight took out two enemy bunkers znači imati razumevanja za nečiji stav, prihvata-
and a radar installation. (d): Sally and Dave took ti nečiji argument. # - Nothing can be done at all
out a marriage license. (e): When the window until we get the money. - Yes, I take your point,
broke, the boys took out in all directions. (f): The but if we have no exact plans of what we intend
boss told Rocko to take out Bruno. (g): As danger to do we won’t know how much money to ask
threatened, young children were taken out of the for.
major cities and into the country. (f): They took Take someone/something off someone’s
us out to see the sights. hands (skinuti nekoga/nešto s nečijih ruku)
Take over ne znači samo preneti/prevesti znači skinuti nekoga/nešto nekome s vrata. #
preko, već i (a): preuzeti dužnost, (b): povesti “With other girls, he had not cared whether they
računa, preuzeti brigu i (c): preuzeti odgovor- cheated him or not: it was a relief when another
nost. (a): Mr. Baker, currently the Secretary of man took them off his hands” (M. Dickens, The
State, takes over at the White House on Monday, Angel in the Corner). Take something out of
but he is already in control of the campaign’s tac- someone’s hands znači uzeti nekome nešto iz
tics. (b): Will you please take over your children? nadležnosti, preuzeti od nekoga odgovornost za
I can’t seem to control them. (c): The airplane nešto. # As matters are developing, the CID will
pilot fainted and the co-pilot had to take over. step in and take the inquiry out of our hands.
Take pains (uzeti muke) znači posebno se Take someone to task ne znači uzeti nekoga
potruditi. # He took pains to explain to me that na zadatak, već očitati nekome lekciju/bukvicu.
I was not being dismissed because my work was # I lost a big contract, and the boss took me to
bad but because the company could not pay my task in front of everyone.
wages. Take someone up (short) (podići nekoga –
Take place ne znači uzeti mesto, već (a): do- na kratko) znači prekinuti nekoga u reči. # I was
goditi se, (b): odigrati se i (c): održati se. (a): about to elaborate on my plan, when the Chair-
The accident took place only a block from his man took me up short without any explanation.
home. (b): The action of the play takes place in Take something as read ne znači smatrati da
ancient Rome. (c): The dance will take place af- je nešto pročitano, već (a): smatrati da je nešto
ter the graduation exercises. prihvaćeno i (b): uzeti nešto kao jasno samo po
Take public ne znači javno uzeti, već (u ame- sebi. (a): You’ve all seen Mr. Wilson’s statement,
ričkom engleskom) (a): obznaniti, izaći u jav- so I think we can take it as read. (b): You may
nost i (b): ići na javnu prodaju deonica, pretvo- take it as read that Donald will be angry when he
riti privatno preduzeće u deoničarsko društvo s hears what you’ve done.
javnim upisom. (a): Don’t take it public. You’ll Take something from someone ne znači
just get talked about. (b): The board decided not samo uzeti nešto od nekoga, već i istrpeti nešto
to take the company public. od nekoga. # I’ve taken more than I can stand
Take refuge ne znači samo potražiti utočište/ from those two.
pribežište, već i pribeći nečemu (da bi se prikrila Take something lying down (uzeti nešto le-
zbunjenost, neefikasnost i sl.). # “Bill, feeling at žeći) znači (kolokvijalno) preći preko nečega. #
a disadvantage, took refuge in words” (A. Wil- He insulted me publicly. You don’t expect me to
son, Hemlock and After). # The fiction that there take that lying down, do you?
are “foreign agitators” wishing to destroy the co- Take something out of someone’s hands
untry, is one in which many governments have (pod Take someone/something off someone’s
taken refuge. hands).
Take stock 239 Take to something like a duck to water

Take stock (uzeti akcije) znači (a): inventa- us by moving the deadline. (c): The committee
risati, (b): podrobno razmotriti, proceniti, (c): took the heat out of a crisis that earlier threatened
svesti bilans i (d): verovati. (a): They took stock major violence between the two ethnic groups.
of all the goods in the store. (b): During the battle Take the plunge ne znači samo skočiti u
the commander paused to take stock of the situ- vodu, već i (a): preduzeti najzad odlučan korak,
ation. (c): You have to take stock of all your past prelomiti se i (b): odlučiti se za brak. (a): The
mistakes in order to assess properly your chances question is whether I’m good enough to make a
of succeeding. (d): Do you take any stock in the living at it. I think I am and so does my wife. If I
gossip about Joan? take the plunge and do it, Valerie will give me her
Take the biscuit (pod Take the cake/biscu- support. (b): I’m not ready to take the plunge.
it). Take the rough with the smooth (uzimati
Take the cake/biscuit (uzeti kolač/keks) zna- rapavo sa glatkim) znači uzimati stvari onakve
či (kolokvijalno) biti bez premca („nositi šnjur“). kakve su, prihvatiti neprijatni deo nečega zajed-
# Mr. Jones takes the cake as a storyteller. # For no sa prijatnim. # This job is usually very inte-
rudeness Tom really takes the biscuit. resting but sometimes you have to do something
Take the chair ne znači uzeti stolicu, već pre- you don’t like. As with everything else in life you
uzeti predsedavanje sednicom. # In the absence have to take the rough with the smooth.
of the President of the Association, the Vice-Pre- Take the spear (in one’s chest) (primiti ko-
sident took the chair. plje – u svoje grudi) znači preuzeti svu krivicu
Take the count (uzeti brojanje) znači (a): biti na sebe (u američkom žargonu). # The Admiral
nokautiran i (b): (figurativno) biti ubedljivo po- got the short straw and had to take the spear in his
ražen. (a): Schreiber took the count in Bordeaux. chest. # I sure didn’t want to take the spear.
(b): But the extraordinary thing about Nixon, of Take the starch out of someone (izvući iz
course is that though he takes the count of nine nekoga štirak) znači (kolokvijalno) (a): skresati
each time, he won’t stay down. nekome rogove, naterati koga da bude manje
Take the Fifth, take five (uzeti peti/pet) znači arogantan i (b): izmoriti nekoga, iscediti iz ne-
(a): (u američkom političkom žargonu) pozvati koga poslednji atom snage. (a): Joe is so arro-
se na peti amandman Ustava SAD i ne odgovo- gant. I’d really like to take the starch out of him.
riti na pitanje (pravo svedoka da uskrati odgovor (b): The hot weather took the starch out of Mrs.
ukoliko to može da ga tereti) i (b): (kolokvijal- Williams, and she didn’t feel like doing a thing.
no) ne odgovoriti, uskratiti odgovor. (a): Alger Take the sting (izvući žalac) znači (kolokvi-
Hiss took the Fifth when asked whether he was jalno) učiniti prijatnijim i prihvatljivijim. # “The
a member of the Communist Party. # His lawyer smile which accompanied it took the sting out of
told him to take five. (b): - Have you been marri- the reproof” (J. Braine, Room at the Top).
ed before? - I take the Fifth. Take the wheel ne znači uzeti točak, već uze-
Take the fight out of someone (izvući borbu ti kormilo u svoje ruke. # During difficult times
iz nekoga) znači potući nekoga do nogu. # We young and competent men must take the wheel.
took the fight out of the enemy so that he had no Take the wind out of someone’s sails (uzeti
wish to continue the fight. vetar nečijim jedrima) znači spustiti nekoga na
Take the floor (uzeti pod) znači (a): uzeti reč zemlju, staviti nekoga na njegovo mesto. # He
i (b): izaći na podijum za igru i početi plesati. had often told us what a good tennis player he
(a): The member for Blackpool North took the was, but he had the wind taken out of his sails
floor to criticize the government. (b): Nobody when our son beat him in their first match.
wanted to be the first to take the floor. Take time by the forelock (zgrabiti vreme za
Take the gilt off the gingerbread (skinuti čuperak) znači odmah iskoristiti priliku, delova-
pozlatu s licitarskog kolačića) znači uzeti ono ti bez odlaganja. # He will be leaving the coun-
što je najvrednuje, skinuti kajmak. # You think I try soon, so if you want to ask him anything you
am that foolish to work like a draft horse and let must take time by the forelock and do it now.
you take the gilt of the gingerbread! Take to ne znači samo pobeći u, već i (a): za-
Take the hat (round) (pod Pass the hat (ro- voleti, (b): odati se, stvoriti naviku i (c): uputiti
und)). se. (a): “I took to him immediately” (W. Coo-
Take the heat (uzeti vrućinu) znači (kolokvi- per, Scenes from Married Life). (b): Grandfather
jalno) (a): izgutati vatru, doći pod udar žestoke took to smoking cigars when he was young and
kritike, (b): olakšati nečiji položaj, (c): smanjiti he still smokes them. (c): After leaving the town
napetost. (a): Mr. Aspin took the heat for some of I took to the nearest village.
the consequences of previous policies. So will his Take to something like a duck to water
successor, unless American objectives are syste- (navići se na nešto kao patka na vodu) znači
matically rethought. (b): They took the heat off ovladati nečim bez napora, lako i brzo savlada-
Take to the cleaners 240 Talk nineteen to the dozen

ti nešto. # He took to learning languages like a ku. # Now that the editor of the local newspaper
duck to water. has taken up the cudgels for your campaign, you
Take to the cleaners ne znači samo odneti na have a good chance of success.
hemisko čišćenje, već i (kolokvijalno) opelješiti Take wing(s) ne znači samo dobiti krila, do-
do gole kože. # He has been completely taken to biti podstrek, već i (a): uzleteti, odleteti i (b):
the cleaners and now he can hardly afford to keep brzo proći, začas iščeznuti. (a): “Flocks of guira
his family. cuckoos would wait until the lumbering car was
Take to the streets (izaći na ulice) znači de- within six feet of them, and then they would take
monstirati protiv vlasti. # Discontented with the wing and stream off like a flock of brown-paper
government’s inability to curb inflation, the wor- darts” (G. Durrell, The Drunken Forest). (b): -
kers took to the streets. You get a good wage - what on earth do you do
Take two bites at a cherry (zagristi dva puta with your money? - I don’t know, it just seems to
u trešnju) znači pokušati ponovo. # Having fai- take wings.
led the first time, he made a second attempt, ta- Talk a blue streak (pričati plavu prugu) zna-
king two bites at a cherry. či govoriti kao mitraljez, pričati kao navijen. #
Take under the table ne znači uzeti nešto is- I can’t understand anything Joe says. He talks a
pod stola, već uzimati mito. # They fired the su- blue streak, and I can’t follow his thinking. Kaže
pervisor because he was taking under the table. se i talk a mile a minute (govoriti milju za mi-
Take up nije samo podići, već i (a): upiti, nut) # As soon as she stepped off the plane she
(b): usisati, (c): nastaviti, (d): zanimati se za, began to talk a mile a minute, telling us all about
(e): pozabaviti se, (f): preuzeti neki posao, (g): her holiday.
zapremati, (h): zauzeti, oduzimati (vreme), (i): Talk a mile a minute (pod Talk a blue stre-
okupirati (pažnju), (j): oduzeti, (k): latiti se, ak).
početi, (l): skratiti (pantalone, suknju itd.), (m): Talk big (govoriti veliko) znači praviti se va-
izneti, pokrenuti, (n): pridružiti se (pevanju), žan, puvakati se (u žargonu). # He has some deep
prihvatiti (refren) i (o): intervenisati, prodisku- need to talk big. He can’t do anything.
tovati. (a): Use a blotter to take up a spilled ink. Talk dirty (govoriti prljavo) znači (kolokvi-
(b): When the vacuum cleaner bag is full, it will jalno) nepristojno se izražavati. # How dare you
not take up dirt from the rug. (c): The teacher to talk dirty in the presence of ladies!
took up the lesson where she left off yesterday.
(d): “I gave up tennis for bridge when my hu- Talk down (govoriti nadole) znači govoriti
sband took up tennis. Now he has taken up brid- pokroviteljski, govoriti s visoka. # The manager
ge again, and is giving a bridge party” (G. Vidal, insulted everyone in the office by talking down
Empire). (e): He recently took up gardening. (f): to them. Talk someone down znači (a): ućutkati
I would be required on taking up my duties in nekoga, (b): nadgovoriti nekoga, izneti jače ar-
Whitehall to give my views and assist in making gumente u raspravi i (c): ubediti nekoga da sni-
decisions” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memo- zi cenu. (a): Sue tried to give her ideas, but the
irs). (g): How can you move about in here? The other girls talked her down. (b): She tried to talk
bed takes up half a room. (h): It takes up all my me down, but I held my ground. (c): She wanted
free time. (i): “Some very important issue was $5,000 for the car, but I talked her down.
taking up all his attention” (J. Wain, The Conten- Talk in circles (govoriti u krugovima) zna-
ders). (j): George had his river’s licence taken up či govoriti okruglo pa na ćoše. # I couldn’t un-
for speeding. (k): Now we’ll take up the task of derstand a thing he said. All he did was talk in
the election of officers. (l): The tailor took up the circles.
legs of the trousers. (m): There are one or two Talking point (poenta pričanja) znači (a):
points of detail that should be taken up before we predmet od interesa za raspravu (u britanskom
move on. (n): “It was Pop who started the song, engleskom) i (b): nešto uverljivo što može da po-
and everyone took it up in shrill voices” (H. E. drži kakav argument (u američkom engleskom).
Bates, The Darling Buds of May). (o): This is a (a): The Church of Scotland has always been less
very complicated problem. I’ll have to take it up reluctant than the Church of England to remarry
with the office manager. the divorced in church, though emphatically it
Take up with someone znači (a): sprijateljiti did not subscribe to divorce on demand. “It’s not
se s nekim, početi se družiti sa nekim i (b): na- really a major talking point among ministers,” I
laziti se sa nekim, izlaziti sa nekim. (a): Billy’s was told. (b): John tried to get Sally to date Terry.
mother was afraid that he was taking up with the One of his talking points was that Terry was cap-
wrong people. (b): Alison has taken up with a tain of the football team.
man old enough to be her father. Talk nineteen to the dozen (pričati devetna-
Take up the cudgels (uzeti toljagu) znači est za tuce) je britanski kolokvijalizam koji znači
ustati u odbranu, stati iza, dati odlučnu podrš- pustiti jeziku na volju. # The two friends had not
Talk of the devil (and he appears)! 241 Tart

seen each other for years. When they met they ukazati nekome na nešto. # That child needs to
talked nineteen to the dozen about all they had be talked to, and you’re the person to do it.
done in that time. Talk to someone like a Dutch uncle (govoriti
Talk of the devil (and he appears)! (pod nekome kao holandski ujak) znači soliti nekome
Speak/Talk of the devil (and he appears)!). pamet, popovati nekome. # Stop talking to me
Talk of the town (priča grada) je predmet like a Dutch uncle about my duty to my family,
ogovaranja. # You had better behave yourself, my school and my country.
Jessica. You are becoming the talk of the town. Talk turkey (pričati ćurku) je američki ko-
Talk out of the top of one’s head (govoriti iz lokvijalizam koji znači razgovarati krajnje po-
vrha glave) znači govoriti besmislice („govoriti slovno, voditi konkretan i otvoren razgovor. #
iz malog mozga“). # That sort of statement just We’ve got to sit down and talk turkey - get things
shows that you’re talking out of the top of your wrapped up.
head. Talk up ne znači samo govoriti glasno i raz-
Talk out something ne znači samo prodisku- govetno, već i (a): jasno izneti svoje želje ili
tovati nešto (kaže se i talk over something), već mišljenje i (b): promovisati, govoriti u prilog.
i razjasniti se u potpunosti oko nečega, raščistiti (a): Eric isn’t afraid to talk up when he disagrees
nešto do kraja. # It’s better to talk out a disagree- with the teacher. (b): The mayor is running for
ment than to stay mad. re-election, and everyone at city hall is talking
Talk someone out of (doing) something zna- him up.
či odgovoriti/odvratiti nekoga od nečega. # Pri- Tall order ne znači visoki red već težak zada-
me Minister Uno suggested that he might resign, tak, teško dostižan cilj. # That’s a tall order. Do
but he was reportedly talked out of it by the Se- you think anyone can do it?
cretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party. Tall story/tale (visoka priča) je neverovatna
Talk rot (pričati trulež) znači govoriti koje- priča, priča za malu decu. # “Do you believe that
štarije, baljezgati (u žargonu). # The guy is just yarn, Bertie? It sounds to me a pretty tall story”
talking rot. Nothing he said made any sense. (C. Mackenzie, The Rival Monster). # That’s a
Talk round something (pričati oko nečega) mighty tall tale. I don’t believe of a word of it.
znači obilaziti oko nečega kao mačak oko vru- Tank up ne znači samo uzeti vodu/gorivo,
će kaše. # With him, you never get a direct dis- već i nacirisati se, našljokati se (u žargonu). #
cussion of the point that’s bothering you. He’ll Now don’t for heaven’s sake get me tanked up.
always talk round it. Talk someone round znači Remember I’ve got to drive home.
pridobiti nekoga za svoj stav, privoleti nekoga. Tan someone’s hide (uštaviti nečiju kožu)
# “He thought he could talk me round like last znači (kolokvijalno) oderati nekoga od batina,
time, when he had me voting for some candidate uvoštiti nekoga. # If you do that again, I’ll tan
who refused to stand” (N. F. Simpson, A Resoun- your hide!
ding Tinkle).
Tap nije samo lupkati, već i (a): slavina, (b):
Talk shop (pričati dućan) znači pričati u staviti priključak za prisluškivanje (telefonskih
društvu (samo) o poslu. # All right everyone, razgovora), (c): otvoriti bure (piva) i (d): eksplo-
we’re not here to talk shop. Let’s have a good atisati (nova ležišta), (e): odabrati nekoga za ne-
time. što (poziciju, članstvo i sl.) i (f): izvući lovu, uži-
Talk someone down (pod Talk down). cati (u žargonu). (a): Who left the hot-water tap
Talk someone out of (doing) something (pod on? (b): Without authorization, they tapped my
Talk out something). phone in order to overhear and record my private
Talk someone round (pod Talk round so- conversations. (c): The bartender tapped a new
mething). keg of beer. (d): The country must tap new sour-
Talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey (ispričati ces of energy. (e): The committee tapped John to
zadnje magareće noge) znači pričati Markove run for congress. (f): I tapped him for 50 bucks.
konake, pričati nadugačko i naširoko. # I don’t Tappet nije tapet (kaže se wallpaper), već
advise you to start a conversation with that fe- klizajuća poluga u motoru ili drugom meha-
llow in the corner - he could talk the hind legs nizmu (koja služi da pokrene drugi deo). # Self
off a donkey. adjusting hydraulic tappets made quiet trouble
Talk through one’s hat (govoriti kroz svoj free running for thousands of miles.
šešir) znači govoriti napamet, govoriti bez po- Tart nije samo (voćni) kolač, već i (a): opor,
znavanja stvari. # You don’t know what you are kiseo, (b): zajedljiv, (c): drolja i (d): napadno se
talking about. You’re just talking through your obući (tart onself up - u britanskom žargonu).
hat. (a): This lemon pie is very tart. (b): The clerk’s
Talk to someone ne znači samo razgovarati tart reply offended the customer (c): The mayor
s nekim, već i porazgovarati ozbiljno s nekim, tried to rid the area of pimps and tarts. (d): I
Tarred with the same brush 242 Tempers are short

didn’t expect you to tart yourself up: we’re going Tell me the old, old story. (ispričaj mi sta-
to an official reception, not a students dance! ru, staru priču) znači ta priča mi zvuči pozna-
Tarred with the same brush (katranisani to, to smo čuli već toliko puta. # - I’m sorry I
istom četkom) je ista sorta. # I dislike the po- didn’t come to help you on Saturday, but my car
liticians of all parties. As far as I’m concerned wouldn’t start. - Oh, tell us the old, old story, you
they’re all tarred with the same brush - they sim- just didn’t want to help.
ply will not tell the public the truth. Tell on someone ne znači reći o nekome, već
Taste of things to come (pod Shape/taste of (a): odati nekoga, prijaviti nekoga, (b): odraziti
things to come). se (loše) na nekoga i (c): izmoriti nekoga, iscrp-
Tax someone with something ne znači opore- sti nekoga (a): I would like to know who told
on me. (b): He’s looking distinctly run down. All
zovati nekog nečim, već suočiti nekoga sa čime
those late nights are beginning to tell on him. (c):
(i tražiti objašnjenje). # Taxed with the difference
The ten-mile hike told on Bob.
between the two statements, the girl broke down
and confessed. Tell apart (reći odvojeno) znači razlikovati
jedno(g) od drugog. # The teacher could not tell
Teach someone to do something ne znači the twins apart. # Without their labels, I can’t tell
samo podučiti nekoga nečemu, već i naučiti ne- them apart.
koga pameti da ne čini više nešto. # Wait till I get
hold of him! I’ll teach him to tell lies about me! It tells its own tale (priča svoju sopstvenu
priču) znači govori samo za sebe, svaki komen-
Tear (teә’) nije samo pocepati/poderati, već tar je suvišan. # No comment. You witnessed
i (a): istrgnuti, (b): podeliti, (c): pojuriti i (d): yourselves their outrageous behavior and it tells
poderotina (što treba razlikovati od tear (tiә’) its own tale.
suza). (a): The purse snatcher tore the bag from Tell someone a thing or two (reći nekome
the woman’s hand. (b): Political conflict has torn par stvari) znači očitati nekome lekciju/bukvicu.
the nation. (c): When the bell rang the students # When Bill complained about the hard work, his
tore out of the room. (d): Mother will sew the father told him a thing or two.
tear in your shirt.
Tell someone where to get off ne znači samo
Tear down ne znači samo srušiti, već i (a): reći nekome gde da izađe, već i (kolokvijalno)
govoriti ružno, (na)ružiti, (b): žestoko kritiko- reći nekome da zadene za pojas („da sjaši“). #
vati, iskrpiti i (c): rastaviti, razmontirati. (a): That bully has been throwing his weight around
It’s not nice to tear down the people who work in for too long. It’s high time somebody told him
your office. (b): Why do you always tear people where he got off.
down? Why don’t you try to say nice things abo- Tell tales (pričati priče) znači ispričati drugi-
ut them? (c): The mechanics had to tear down the ma ono što nije za priču, ogovarati. # Don’t tell
engine, and fix it, and put it together again. Jane anything. She is always telling tales.
Tear into nije samo napraviti rupu u, već i Tell that to the marines! (Reci to marinci-
(a): obrušiti se žestoko na i (b): nasrnuti na. (a): ma!) znači Pričaj ti to drugome! # - My father
Joe tore into Hal and yelled at him for an hour. knows the President of the United States. - Tell
(b): The puppy is tearing into the big dog. that to the marines.
Tear up nije samo razderati, pocepati, već i Tell the men from the boys (pod Separate/
(a): ukloniti, (b): raskinuti i (c): ražalostiti, teš- tell the men from the boys).
ko pogoditi (u žargonu). (a): Mother tore up the Tell time (reći vreme) ne znači samo znati
carpeting in the living room and had a new rug gledati na sat, znati reći koliko je sati, već i po-
put in. (b): The other side clearly doesn’t regard kazivati tačno vreme. # My watch stopped telling
such agreements as binding: they can be torn up time, so I had to have it repaired.
at will. (c): The news of Art’s death really tore
Temper nije samo ćud, narav, već i (a): ras-
up Dave.
položenje, (b): gnev, bes, (c): strpljenje, mirno-
Teem nije tim (kaže se team), već znači vrve- ća, (d): kaliti (čelik) i (e): ublažiti. (a): The mob
ti. # Rome teems with students in the summer. was in no temper to listen to reason. (b): She stal-
Teething troubles (teškoće zbog dobijanja ked out of the room in a burst of temper (c): He
zuba) su dečje bolesti, početne teškoće. # We lost his temper when Marian began crying. He
were hopeful last week that the progressive eli- shook and smacked her. (d): It’s a new process
mination of teething troubles (which were anti- for tempering steel. (d): Mother tried to temper
cipated) would result in a steady and sustained Father’s anger with soothing words.
improvement of the services. Tempers are short (raspoloženja su kratka)
Tell me about it. (pričaj mi o tome.) znači znači svi su kratko nasađeni, vlada opšta nervo-
ma nemoj mi reći, kome kažeš, kao da ja to ne za. # Tempers are short, the pressure is terrific,
znam. # - I think he’s a crook. - Tell me about it. and everybody is tight-nerved - don’t try it now.
Tender 243 That does it!

Tender nije samo tender, već i (a): nežan, parkway) i (e): oblikovati teren u terase. (a):
(b): slab, krhak, (c): vrlo mlad, nezreo, (d): A terrace is a row of buildings erected on raised
osetljiv, (e): mekan i (f): ponuditi. (a): He talks ground or on a sloping site. (b): They are turning
tough but has a tender heart. (b): Grandfather is a hillside into a series of ascending terraces for
recovering, but is still in tender health. (c): She farming. (c): Terraces are wide steps on which
left home at the tender age of thirteen. (d): The people stand to watch a football match. (d): A
area around the wound is very tender. # Since the terrace is the grassy strip between the sidewalk
scandal, bankruptcy is the tender subject in this and the street. (e): The Incas terraced their moun-
office. (e): This meat is soft, delicate and tender. tainous land. Rooftop terrace je terasa na kro-
(f): May I tender a suggestion to the committee? vu. # Relax out on the rooftop terrace or soak up
# The minister tendered his resignation after the the sun by the pool.
scandal. Terrific nije samo strahovit, već i sjajan. #
Tend/stick to one’s knitting (brinuti za svo- You must read this book; it’s terrific.
je pletivo, čvrsto se držati svog pletiva) znači Testament nije samo testament, već i (Stari/
gledati svoja posla. # He is not indifferent. He Novi) zavet. # The Apocrypha are Biblical wri-
is simply wise enough to tend to his knitting. # tings belonging to neither Testament.
Why do you always meddle in other people’s af- Testimony nije samo svedočenje, već i sve-
fairs? You’d better stick to your knitting. dočanstvo, dokaz. # Winning the scholarship is
Tend to something ne znači težiti nečemu testimony of her intelligence
(kaže se tend towards something), već voditi bri- Test the waters/ground ne znači testirati
gu o nečemu. # “She didn’t want such darkness vode/zemljište, već ispitivati teren. # The leaders
in her thoughts, for she had the living to tend to” of some East European countries are testing the
(L. McMurtry, Streets of Laredo). waters of multiparty politics. # Before making an
Ten feet tall ne znači da je neko stvarno visok offer we have to test the ground.
deset stopa (oko tri metra), već da je zadovoljan Text nije samo tekst, već i (a): odlomak, ci-
sobom, ponosan sam na sebe. # It was a small tat (iz Sv. Pisma) i (b): udžbenik (skraćeno od
triumph looking back on it now, but I came out textbook) (u američkom engleskom). (a): The
of that room absurdly happy and feeling ten feet preacher took his text from judges. (b): All the
tall. city schools use the same history text.
Tenor nije samo tenor, već i (a): smisao, Thank-you card/letter (pod Card).
značenje i (b): tačna kopija dokumenta (pravni Thank you (very much) ne znači samo ne,
izraz). (a): Were you able to grasp the tenor of hvala, već i (ironično) hvala vam lepo na tome;
his speech. (b): Tje judge asked for the tenor of baš vam hvala, ali radije ne. # “Who’s talking
the document. about good? I don’t want to do her good. I just
Ten out of ten (deset od deset) je čista deset- want to keep her out of sight and mind, thank you
ka. # I gave Hastings ten out of ten for his last very much” (M. Foster, The Seduction of Mrs
novel. It was faultlessly written. Pendlebury).
Ten to one (deset prema jedan) je skoro sa- That ain’t hay. (Nije to seno.) je američki
svim sigurno („kladim se“). # Ten to one it will kolokvijalizam koji znači Nije to mala para. # I
rain tomorrow. paid hundred dollars for it, and that ain’t hay!
Term nije samo termin, već i (a): mandat, That cock won’t fight (taj petao se neće bo-
(b): rok, trajanje, (c): odredba, ugovorni uslov, riti), znači to ne pali, taj plan ne igra. # It’s no
(d): semestar, (e): odnos (u množini) i (f): na- use insisting on this plan; when the cock won’t
zvati, označiti. (a): The President of the Republic fight, there is nothing you can do.
will complete his term next year. (b): The lease is That did it! (To je učinilo to.) znači To je
for the term of three years. (c): One of the terms prevršilo (svaku meru)! # You want me to apo-
of the contract calls for high-grade steel in the logize! That did it! Kaže se i That’s the limit! #
construction. (d): The school year in England is I’m willing to take work home with me when I
divided into three terms. (e): He is on good terms have the time, but when he asked me to work late
with his employer. (f): This can hardly be termed at the office every night of last week, that really
a success. Vidi In terms of. was the limit.
Terrace je terasa, ali i (a): niz spojenih kuća That does it! (To čini to!) znači (a): To je to.
(u britanskom engleskom - u američkom engle- Gotovo je. i (b): Sad mi je dosta! # He threw
skom row house i townhouse), (b): zaravan in the cuts of lamb, the chopped up bits of oni-
(c): mesta za stajanje na stadionu (u britanskom on, carrot and potato, covered it all with salted
engleskom – u množini) ), (d): uzani travnjak water, and put the casserole into the oven. “That
između trotoara i ulice pred kućom (na Sred- does it,” he said. (b): That does it! All you can
njem zapadu SAD – inače se kaže parking ili do is criticize. If I’m no good to you, than maybe
That is a mouthful! 244 That’s the way ball bounces

someone else will value my work. I’m leaving! žargonu znači i to je sve, nema više, # Here’s the
Kaže se i That settles it! # I’ve heard enough of last one we have to fix. There, that’s all she wro-
your crap. That settles it! te.
That is a mouthful! (pod Mouthful). That’s fine with me (to je krasno za mene)
That is my middle name (to mi je srednje znači nemam ništa protiv, u redu je što se mene
ime) znači to mi je najjača strana, ja sam oli- tiče. # “If the women at the table wanted to tear
čenje toga. # - Be punctual. - Punctuality is my George apart, that was fine with me” (L. McMur-
middle name. try, Cadillac Jack). Kaže se i That’s all right
That is (to say) ne znači samo to jest, to će with me. # I read up on your proposal to intro-
reći, već i bolje reći, hoću reći, razume se. # “’I duce PC-s in all clerical offices. That’s all right
think, finally, I shall go into the Navy. ‘You!’ ‘If with me.
they’d have me, that is” (W. Golding, Pincher That settles it! (pod That does it!).
Martin). That should do the trick (to bi trebalo da
That’ll be the day. ne znači to će biti dan, već napravi trik) znači to bi trebalo da bude (zasa-
(kolokvijalno) malo sutra, jednog dana, a mož- da) dovoljno. # I’ve stopped the bleeding and
da i pre. # Tom graduate? That’ll be the day! bandaged the wound; that should do the trick un-
That’ll do (pod That will do). til you get him to hospital.
That makes two of us (to čini nas dvojicu) That’s it? (To je to?) znači Zar je to sve? (sa
znači ja, takođe. # - I just passed my biology test. razočaranjem). # - He insulted Joe publicly, but
- That makes two of us! Joe took it lying down and turned it into a joke. –
That’s (about) it (to je to, to je o tome) znači That’s it? I find that hard to believe.
(a): dobro ste rekli i (b): manje-više je gotovo. That’s just the opener (to je samo otvarač)
(a): DIXON: Confidence! That’s a laugh! PSYC- znači (kolokvijalno) to nije još ništa, to je tek po-
HIATRIST: And you have none? DIXON: That’s četak. # “You saved his skin once, and this is the
about it. I’m no good, doctor! # That’s it! You’ve thanks you get. He sold you out for bribery, and
described exactly what I felt about the film. (b): that’s just the opener” (G. Vidal, Burr).
“So the two men worked on through the night. It That’s my boy/girl! (To je moj dečak/moja
was grey dawn when Kingsley said: ‘Well, that’s devojčica.) znači Bravo dečko/sine/devojko/
about it. We’ve got all the results here, but they ćero! Tako te hoću! # That’s my boy! Always
need a bit of conversion’” (F. Hoyle, The Black a winner!
Cloud). # She surveyed the cold supper she had That’s rich. nema veze sa bogatstvom, već
prepared, decided that was it and went off to get znači (kolokvijalno, često ironično) To je zaista
dressed before the guests came. zabavno. # “Mr Blearney exploded with laughter.
That’s about the size of it. (to je otprilike ‘That’s rich. I say that’s rich. Here you are, only
mera toga) znači Tako stoje stvari, to je sve što just in the game, and you start talking like the rest
je imalo da se kaže. (u žargonu) # - Do you of them’” (J. Wain, Hurry On Down).
mean that you aren’t going. - That’s about the That’s show business (for you), that’s show
size of it. biz. nije u vezi sa šou biznisom, već znači tako ti
That’s a good one! (Taj je dobar!) znači (a): je to u životu, šta se tu može (u američkom žar-
Ta ti valja! Ova ti vredi! i (b): Ma nije valjda! gonu). # And after all, the car won’t start. That’s
Nije nego! (a): That’s a good one, that is. I’m all show business for you. # Too bad about the bad
for that. (b): - Dad says he’s tired and will you investment. That’s show biz.
take him a cup of tea and he’ll get up later. - He’s That’s the stuff! (To je stvar!) znači (kolo-
tired. That’s a good one! Who was up and down kvijalno) To je ono pravo! Tako treba! # Good
all night with the baby, him or me? shot, Wally! That’s the stuff! Kaže se i That’s
That’s all for you (to je sve za tebe) znači the ticket! i There you go! (u žargonu). # That’s
od tebe ništa više ne očekujem, ti si svoju šansu the ticket! I knew you could do it. # There you
prokockao. # That’s all for you, Gerald. I’ve had go! That’s the way! # Good shot, Chuck! There
all I can take from you. One disappointment after you go!
another. That’s the ticket! (pod That’s the stuff!).
That’s all my eye (pod My eye). That’s the way ball bounces. (To je kako se
That’s all right with me (pod That’s fine lopta odbija.) znači (kolokvijalno) Šta ćeš, takav
with me). je život. # It’s tough and unjust, I agree, but that’s
That’s all we need! (To je sve što nam treba!) the way ball bounces. Isto značenje ima i žargon-
znači (ironično) Samo nam je još to trebalo! # ski izraz: That’s the way cookie crumbles. (To
Another mouth to feed! That’s all we need! je kako se kolačić mrvi.). # I was almost sure it
That’s all she wrote. ne odnosi se po pravilu was in the can, but it failed. That’s the way coo-
na nešto što je neko napisao, već u američkom kie crumbles. Kaže se i That’s the way life is. i
That’s the way cookie crumbles 245 Thick

That’s the way it is. # I graduated cum lauda, my cided to settle the matter then and there and not
parents were happy, but architects are not in de- wait until Monday.
mand now and I can’t find a job. That’s the way Then/or I’m a Dutchman (onda/ili sam ja
life is. # “Sloane shrugged. ‘Some may disagree, Holanđanin) znači (britanski kolokvijalizam) ne
but that’s the way it is’” (A. Hailey, The Evening zvao se ja... (ako nisam u pravu) („ako to nije
News). tako, onda sam ja kralj Milan/Nikola Pašić“). #
That’s the way cookie crumbles. (pod If it’s not a genuine 16th century piece than I’m
That’s the way ball bounces.). a Dutchman. # There will be snow this week, or
That’s the way it is. (pod That’s the way I’m a Dutchman.
ball bounces.). There are plenty of other fish in the sea
That’s the way life is. (pod That’s the way (ima mnogo druge ribe u moru) znači biće i dru-
ball bounces.). ge prilike, nije on/ona jedini/jedina. # When Ted
broke with Jessica, I told her not to worry. There
That’s the way to go! i Way to go! (Tim pu-
are plenty of other fish in the sea.
tem treba ići!) znači Alal vera! Tako treba! #
That’s the way to go! You did it! # Way to go, There is always room at the top (uvek ima
Charlie! mesta na vrhu) znači za sposobne i ambiciozne
uvek ima mesta. # Most of us don’t brood over
That’s what the man said (to je ono što mi je the inequities fostered and maintained by those
čovek rekao) znači tako mi je bar rečeno. # The who see to it that there’s always room at the top
ball vanished altogether and then, seconds later, for those who are prepared to tread diligently on
a bump grew up on the green, split open, and out enough faces to get there.
popped the ball three feet from the hole. Well,
that’s what the man said. There is a report abroad (svuda je izveštaj)
znači kolaju glasine. # There is a report abroad
That takes care of that (to vodi brigu o that the Bank has suspended payments.
tome.) znači to je sređeno, završili smo s tim. #
There is no law against it (nema zakona
That takes care of that, and I’m glad it’s over.
protiv toga) znači (kolokvijalno) nije to valjda
That was not called for, that was uncalled- zabranjeno. # At last Harold went over to the
for (to nije traženo) znači to nije bilo ničim man’s table. “You’re embarrassing my compani-
opravdano, to je bilo neumesno. # Such rudene- on. Is it necessary for you to sit staring at her?”
ss was not called for. # I don’t understand such “There’s no law against looking, is there? I’ll do
harsh criticism. That was quite uncalled-for. as I please.”
That will do, that’ll do (to će učiniti.) znači There is the rub (ima trenja) znači u tom
dosta je bilo, sad je dosta. # That will do, To- grmu leži zec. # There is the rub: the new assi-
mmy. Stop your crying. # That’ll do you two. stant manager is the Chairman’s nephew.
You’re getting far too noisy. There’s a lot of meat in it (ima u tome mno-
That won’t wash (with me) (to ne pere – kod go mesa) znači to je vrlo sadržajno. # There’s not
mene) znači (kolokvijalno) to ne prolazi, to ne much meat in his book.
igra, to ne pali (kod mene). (žargon) # Come up There you are je doslovno neprevodiv kolo-
with something better! That excuse won’t wash. kvijalizam koji znači pa dabome, eto vidiš, šta
# What he has to say won’t wash with me what- sam ti rekao. # - We’ve all passed the test! - Well,
soever. there you are, then, you pessimists. I told you
That would be telling (biće o tome priče) would, didn’t I?
znači (kolokvijalno) čućeš jednoga dana, ne There you go! (pod That’s the stuff!).
moraš baš sve da znaš. # - I’d like very much They don’t make them like that any more
to know what he thought of me. What did he say ne znači takve više ne prave, već takvi se ne ra-
to you after I’d left the room? - That would be đaju svaki dan, takve treba svećom tražiti. # He
telling. is so gentle and considerate - a real gentleman.
Theater nije samo teatar, pozorište, već i (a): They don’t make them like that any more.
bioskop i (b): ratište. (a): The local theater has There’s no love lost between them ne zna-
a new movie this week. (b): The South Pacific či nije se izgubila ljubav među njima, već ne
was the theater for much of the action in Wold mogu da se smisle, ne mogu očima da se vide. #
War II. It is well known that there’s no love lost between
Theme nije samo tema, već i pismeni zada- them, so it would be silly to invite them both to
tak. (Nekad se kod nas govorilo temat.) # Each our party.
student wrote a theme on environmental conser- Thick nije samo debeo, već i (a): gust, (b):
vation. jak, izrazit, (c): nejasan, zamućen, (d): tup, glup
Then and there, there and then ne znači i (e): krcat, prepun. (a): Thick smoke impeded
tada i tamo, već smesta, na licu mesta. # I de- the firemen. (b): Grandfather spoke with a thick
Thick and fast 246 This is not your province!

Scottish brogue. (c): The illness made his speech he was a tall chap with glasses. (b): I know the
thick. (d): You’ll never get that through his thick prospect is a little bleak at the moment, but don’t
head! (e): The marsh was thick with mosquitoes. worry, we’ll think of something.
Thick and fast ne znači debelo i brzo, već Think on one’s feet (razmišljati na nogama)
učestalo, obilato. # “ are now crowding znači brzo reagovati, imati hitru pamet. # If you
thick and fast upon us” (A. Conan Doyle, The want to be successful politician, you must be able
Hound of The Baskervilles). to think on your feet.
Thick as thieves ne znači debeli kao lopovi, Think piece (misleći komad) je (a): (kolo-
već nerazdvojni, kao šipka i bubanj, kao prst i kvijalno) analitičan napis, misaon članak i (b):
nokat. # Ann, Dick and Irma are as thick as thie- mozak, kefalo (u žargonu). (a): Mr. Woodward’s
ves. They go everywhere together. think piece about the need for more concern for
Thick as two short planks ne znači debeo the middle class was not well received. (b): Lou’s
kao dve kratke daske, već glup kao cepanica. # got one powerful think piece, man.
It’s hopeless to explain anything to him - he’ll He thinks he is the cat’s whiskers (misli da
never understand it, he’s as thick as two short je mačji brk) znači (kolokvijalno) misli da je
planks. bogzna šta. # He is a sort of man who is never
Thick on the ground (gust na zemlji) znači pleased whatever salary you give him. He thinks
obilat, čest. # Antique shops are thick on the gro- he’s the cat’s whiskers.
und around here. I obrnuto, thin on the ground He thinks he is on top of the world (misli
znači redak. # Scandals have been so thin on the da je na vrhu sveta) je isto što i naše misli da je
ground that she has been tempted to make one uhvatio boga za bradu. # Since he was appointed
up. foreman he thinks he’s on top of the world.
Thin nije samo tanak, već i (a): mršav, (b): Think the world of someone (misliti o ne-
redak, (c): proziran, neubedljiv, (d): malobro- kome da je svet) znači imati o nekome najbolje
jan, (e): prorediti (se) i (f): razrediti. (a): The mišljenje. # “Naturally, I warned Woodrow, and
boy was thin for his age. (b): This gravy is too he was upset because he thinks the world of colo-
thin. (c): This is a pretty thin excuse. (d): The nel House” (G. Vidal, Hollywood).
thin audince gave a slow handcap to the speaker. Think through something (razmišljati kroz
(e): Thin the tops of the bushes. # The traffic be- nešto) znači razmotriti sve aspekte nečega. #
gan to thin around seven P.M. (f): Thin the paint “Although she and Blaise had contributed to the
so it will spread easier. war spirit - the Tribune was first for going to war
Thin end of the wedge (tanak kraj klina) je on the Allied side - she had not thought through
prvi znak nečega mnogo ozbiljnijeg, nešto malo the consequences of what she had helped set in
što preti da uzme veće razmere. # If the cost of motion” (G. Vidal, Hollywood).
steel rises it is usually the thin end of the wedge. Thin on the ground (pod Thick on the gro-
Think better of it/that ne znači razmisliti bo- und).
lje o tome, već predomisliti se, promeniti mišlje- Thin on top (redak na vrhu) je proćelav. #
nje o nečemu. # “She glanced at Wilson, started “You’re looking well, too. Just a little thin on top,
to say something, thought better of it, and went eh? Well, that’s what we’re all coming to” (A.
out” (W. T. Tyler, The Shadow Cabinet). Christie, The ABC Murders).
Think little of someone/something ne znači Thin red line (tanka crvena linija) je mala
malo misliti na nekoga/nešto, već malo držati do grupa hrabrih. # And his photograph of the
nekoga/nečega. # Frankly, I think little of John. # Black Watch firing a “feu de joie” - the firing of
You obviously think little of my plan. rifles in the air down the lines from right to left a
Think nothing of it ne znači ne misli ništa kind of rippling effect - aptly illustrates the fra-
o tome, već (a): nema na čemu, nije to ništa i ilty of the thin red line that was the backbone of
(b): sve je u redu. ne pravim pitanje; Ma, molim Queen’s Victoria Empire.
vas! (a): Thank you very much for your help. - Thin-skinned ne znači tanke kože, već pre-
Think nothing of it. (b): - I’m sorry for not spe- osetljiv, lako povrediv, koji uzima lako srcu.
aking to you this morning. - Think nothing of it. # Don’t be so thin-skinned. You can’t expect
He thinks nothing of ne znači ne misli ništa o, everyone to like you.
već ne predstavlja nikakav problem za njega da, This is a word in your ear (to je reč u tvome
smatra sasvim normalnim da. # He thinks not- uhu) znači to ostaje među nama, ovo je samo za
hing of getting up at dawn, going to Boston, and tvoje uši. # I am confiding in you, provided this
coming back the same evening. is a word in your ear.
Think of something ne znači samo razmi- This is not your province! ne znači Nije to
šljati o nečemu, već i (a): setiti se nečega i (b): tvoja provincija! već Nije to tvoj posao! # Mind
smisliti nešto. (a): I can’t think of his name, but your own business! This is not your province!
This way and that 247 Throw one’s weight around/about

This way and that ne znači samo ovako ili the administration for throwing away billions on
onako, već i (a): u svim pravcima, na sve stra- the space program. (e): Something special is usu-
ne, (b): sa svih strana, sa raznih strana i (c): ally made of those lines. But don’t play them up
na razne načine, na svaki mogući način. (a): - throw them away.
„She pushed the bushes aside, and stepped out Throw back nije samo baciti natrag, već i
cautiously, looking this way and that” (J. Wain, (a): odbaciti, suzbiti, (b): zbaciti i (c): naglo
Hurry On Down). (b): „Charles had never seen a podići. (a): The attackers were thrown back in
knuckle-duster before, but he recognized it. The a series of fierce engagements. (b): She sat up
bald-headed man considerately turned it this way in bed and threw back the bedclothes. (c): The
or that, so that he could get a good look at it” (J. curtains were thrown back to reveal a small boy
Wain, Hurry On Down). (c): I’ve tried this way cowering by the french windows.
and that to please her and to be a help, but the Throw/fling oneself at someone’s head (ba-
truth is that she’d rather people thought she had citi se pod nečiju glavu) znači (kolokvijalno) na-
a hard time of it. padno se udvarati nekome, obletati oko nekoga.
Thorn in someone’s flesh/side (trn u neči- # She threw herself at his head, but he was intere-
jem telu/boku) je isto što i naše trn u oku, kost u sted in another girl. # Everyone could see by the
grlu. # He’s a relative of course, but a thorn in our way Andrew flung himself at Jessica that he was
flesh. I wish he could emigrate or something. going to ask her for a date.
Though I say it myself (mada ja to kažem) Throw/fling/hurl to the wind(s) (baciti u
znači mada možda nije red da ja to kažem, nije vetar) znači ne obraćati pažnju, odbaciti (strah,
da se hvalim. # You should also on the radio be oprez, obzire itd.). # He knew the police were se-
able to talk, from a few scattered notes maybe, arching for him, but he threw fear to the winds
rather than read a piece written out beforehand. and came out of hiding. # Hearing that Indians
This, though I say it myself, I had no difficulty were planning to start a war, the white settlers
in doing. decided to fling caution to the wind and attack
Thought nije samo misao, već i (a): name- the Indians first.
ra, (b): zamišljenost, (c): predlog, ideja i (d): Throw in one’s hand (ubaciti ruku) znači
mišljenje. (a): It’s his thought to open a branch (a): baciti karte, odustati od dalje igre i (b): dići
office next year. # I had no thought of retiring. ruke, predati se, odustati. (a): After a run of bad
(b): Some students scribbled away furiously, cards, Tony decided he had lost enough money
other sat deep in thought, and others glanced in and threw in his hand. (b): When he was told
all directions as if seeking inspiration from any that his men called a strike, Wilson threw in his
source. (c): Any new thoughts? (d): One school hand and closed the factory.
of thought maintains that mankind’s view of the Throw money down the drain (pod Pour/
nature reflects himself. throw money down the drain).
Three sheets in the wind (tri čaršava na ve- Throw off ne znači samo odbaciti, već i (a):
tru) znači mrtav pijan. # The sailor came down osloboditi se, (b): zbaciti, (c): brzo sastaviti/na-
the street, three sheets in the wind. pisati/komponovati, (d): ispuštati (miris), (e):
Through fair and foul (kroz čisto i prljavo) smesti, zbuniti i (f): otresti se, ratosiljati se. (a):
znači u dobru i u zlu. # It’s not everybody that If only he would throw off that carefully culti-
would stick by a man through fair and foul as vated manner! (b): It was so warm that the child
you have. threw the blanket off. (c): She could throw off a
Through thick and thin (kroz debelo i tan- dozen poems in a night. (d): The flowers threw
ko) takođe znači u dobru i u zlu, ma šta se desilo off a heavy perfume. (e): The interruption threw
# We’ve been together through thick and thin and me off, and I lost my place in the speech. (f):
we won’t desert each other now. The visitor had to throw off the swarm of gui-
Throw a game (baciti igru) znači (u žargonu) des and hotel touts who cluster round the station
prodati utakmicu. # I know Wilbur. He could ne- entrance.
ver throw a game. Throw one’s hat into the ring (pod Toss/
Throw away something nije samo baciti, već throw one’s hat into the ring).
i (a): propustiti (priliku), (b): ispustiti (vođstvo), Throw one’s weight around/about (razbaci-
(c): izgubiti, (d): spiskati, uludo straćiti i (e): vati svoju težinu okolo) znači držati se nadmeno,
reći kao usput (namerno, radi jačeg efekta). (a): razmetati se. # Tim was the star of the class play,
She threw away a good chance for a better job. and he was throwing his weight around telling
(b): The visiting team built up an impressive the director how the scene should be played.
lead in the first half, then threw it away by lo- Throw out of gear ne znači samo izbaciti
ose defensive play in the second. (c): He threw (motor) iz brzine, već i izbaciti iz koloseka, pot-
away his health. (d): Senator Bradley criticized puno smesti. # I was thrown out of gear when
Throw out something 248 Tickled pink, tickled to death

my husband unexpectedly brought home three koga. # The press was demanding an explanati-
business friends for a dinner. on, so the mayor blamed the mess on George and
Throw out something ne znači samo izbaci- threw him to the wolves. # He felt that his boss
ti, već i (a): odbiti, ne prihvatiti, (b): natuknuti, would throw him to the lions if anything went
(c): emitovati i (d): navesti nekoga da pogreši. wrong.
(a): A proposal to extend the motorway into the Throw something back at someone (baciti
city center was thrown out in committee. (b): I nešto natrag nekome) znači prebacivati nekome
wasn’t offering a positive answer. All I was doing nešto iz prošlosti, podsećati nekoga na nešto
was throwing out a few suggestions as to how we (pogrešno) što je ranije učinio ili rekao. # Now
might proceed. (c): His new gas central heating that things are not going so well, Nick is sure
is very effective - it throws out a lot of heat. (d): to have all his earlier slips and blunders thrown
A tiny variation in temperature can throw us out back at him.
in our results. Throw something up to someone (nabaci-
Throw/slap together (baciti/tresnuti zajed- vati nešto nekome) znači stalno naticati nekome
no) znači sklepati na brzinu, smandrljati, zbr- nešto na nos, stalno prebacivati nekome nešto. #
dozdolisati. # The party was planned suddenly, Why do you keep throwing it up to me?
and Mother threw together a meal out of lefto- Throw stones (bacati kamenje) znači napa-
vers. # He slapped together a cabin out of old dati, ružiti. # Many politicians seem to spend
lumber. much time throwing stones at each other.
Throw someone a curve (baciti nekome oku- Throw the book at someone ne znači baciti
ku) znači (a): (kolokvijalno) neprijatno izne- knjigu na nekoga, već (a): optužiti nekoga za
naditi i (b): izraditi, premuntati (u američkom više prekršaja ili krivičnih dela i (b): odmeriti
žargonu). (a): Mr. Weiner’s announcement threw nekome vrlo strogu kaznu. (a): You’ve stolen,
the whole company a curve. (b): Joe threw me a
caused damage to private property, and struck
curve about the hiring.
a police officer. I’m going to throw the book at
Throw someone in at the deep end (ubaciti you! (b): The judge, wanting to set an example,
nekoga u duboki deo) znači baciti nekoga od- threw the book at the young drug trafficker.
mah u vatru, dati nekome težak posao za koji
nije dovoljno pripremljen. # On my first day in Throw the bull ne znači izbaciti bika, već la-
my new job I was thrown in at the deep end be- prdati, naklapati (u žargonu). # While waiting for
cause my boss was ill and I had to deal with the the curtain to rise, we were throwing the bull.
problems by myself. Throw up ne znači samo baciti uvis, već i
Throw someone out on his ear/neck (izbaci- (a): napustiti, (b): povraćati, (c): napraviti na
ti nekoga na vrat/uvo) znači (kolokvijalno) (a): brzinu, sklepati i (d): stvoriti, iznedriti, izbaciti
izbaciti nekoga glavačke i (b): otpustiti/smeniti na površinu. (a): When she broke their engage-
nekoga po kratkom postupku. (a): Straighten ment he threw up his job and left town. (b): “I
up, or I’ll throw you out on your ear. # The care- feel nauseated. I think I’m going to throw up.
taker caught us and threw us out on our neck. (b): Help me to the bathroom” (N. Simon, California
He started the fight and soon he was thrown out Suite). (c): Bill and Bob threw up a cabin out of
neck and crop. # “...when she got too much of a old lumber. (d): Not every generation throws up
nuisance, I threw her out on her neck” (J. Cary, a composer of his remarkable gifts.
The Horse’s Mouth). # He promptly wired Mr. Thumbs down i thumbs up (palčevi dole i
Ford asking that Butz be kicked out on his ear gore) znače odbijanje, neodobravanje odnosno
“for his anti-Catholic, anti-Italian remark.” Kaže prihvatanje, pozitivnu odluku. # George is thum-
se i throw someone out neck and crop (izbaciti bs down on hiring anyone else. # It was thumbs
nekoga vratom i gušom). up on the new filtration plant at Thursday’s villa-
Throw someone’s name around (bacati oko- ge board meeting. Thumbs up for! znači Bravo
lo nečije ime) znači pominjati nečije ime, ubaci- za! # Thumbs up for the England team! They
vati u razgovor imena važnih poznanika. # You arrived home today after two good wins against
won’t get anywhere around here by throwing the strong European teams.
mayor’s name around. Ticket nije samo ulaznica, već i (a): kazna
Throw someone to the dogs (baciti nekoga (b): etiketa, oznaka cene, (c): kandidatska lista
psima) znači ostaviti nekoga na cedilu, prepu- i (d): vozna karta. (a): The driver got a ticket
stiti nekoga njegovoj sudbini. # Several of the for speeding. (b): The sales ticket says the coat
younger politicians were thrown to the dogs to is $120. (c): The governor ran on the democratic
save the popularity of the more important mem- ticket. (d): Please show your ticket to the stewar-
bers of the government. dess when you board the plane.
Throw someone to the wolves/lions (baciti Tickled pink, tickled to death nema veze ni
nekoga vukovima/lavovima) znači žrtvovati ne- sa golicanjem ni sa ružičastom bojom ili smr-
Tickle someone’s ears 249 Time-server

ću, već znači oduševljen, van sebe od radosti. Tie up ne znači samo vezati, već i (a): završiti
# Nancy was tickled pink with her new dress. # sa (aranžmanima, pogodbom, poslom itd.), fina-
When I tell Daddy about your new job, he’ll be lizirati, (b): sprečiti ili ograničiti upotrebu, (c):
tickled pink. # I was tickled to death to have you vezati kapital i (d): angažovati, okupirati. (a):
visit us. Let’s try to tie up this deal by Friday. (b): Milly
Tickle someone’s ears (golicati nečije uši) tied up the bathroom for an hour. (c): Most of
znači goditi nečijim ušima. # She said you were the family money is tied up in land. (d): As far
very handsome - yes, I thought that would tickle as I can tell, this editing will tie me up for the
your ears. next fortnight. Tie up traffic znači blokirati sa-
obraćaj. # The crash of the two trucks tied up all
Tickle someone’s fancy (golicati nečiju ma- traffic in the center of the town.
štu) znači zagolicati nečiju radoznalost/pažnju,
Tight nije samo čvrst(o), već i (a): tesan,
pobuditi nečiji interes. # I have an interesting (b): zategnut, (c): nabijen, (d): zbijen, gust, (e):
problem here which I think will tickle your fan- striktan, (f): ograničen, (g): škrt, (h): dobijen
cy. s minimalnom razlikom i (i): pijan. (a): Tight
Tickle someone’s ribs (golicati nečija rebra) shoes can be painful. (b): Hold the horse with
znači zabaviti nekoga, razonoditi nekoga (u bri- a tight reign. (c): The boss has a tight schedule.
tanskom engleskom, kolokvijalno). # It’s British (d): Destroyers kept a tight formation during the
Comedy Time again. Norman Wisdom, Margaret maneuveur. (e): The sergeant maintained tight
Rutherford and Jerry Desmonde conspire to tic- discipline. (f): The government believes tight
kle your ribs and give you the occasional choke money will stop inflation. (g): Don’t be so tight
Tick off znači markirati (da je provereno, za- with your money. (h): The mayor won in a tight
vršeno, da je neko prisutan itd.), ali i (a): natrlja- election. (i): Uncle Lou had too much eggnog
ti uši, očitati bukvicu (u britanskom engleskom) and got tight.
i (b): nervirati (u američkom žargonu) . (a): “If Till/until hell freezes over (dok pakao ne za-
I went too fast again, I was quite prepared to be mrzne) znači do sudnjega dana. # You can argue
sent for and ticked off” (Field-Marshal Montgo- with him until hell freezes over but you’ll never
mery, Memoirs). (b): You deliberately want to make him change his mind.
tick off your brother. Till/until kingdom come (dok kraljevstvo
Tide turns ne znači samo počinje oseka, već ne dođe) znači ko zna koliko dugo. # It’s no
i sreća se okreće. # While the coalition forces use sitting there blowing through your nostrils.
appeared to have the upper hand early this month You can blow through your nostrils till kingdom
when the Portuguese gave the country its inde- come, you’re still not getting any housekeeping
pendence, the tide now seems to have turned. money.
Till/until the cows come home (dok krave
Tie nije samo (po)vezati, već i (a): (igrati)
ne dođu kući) znači dok se nekome ne smuči. #
nerešeno (b): kravata i (c): spojnica. (a): Two He’ll go on talking about his experiences in Pa-
teams tied for first place. # The game ended in a raquay till the cows come home unless someone
tie. (b): Men are supposed to wear coats and ties stops him.
to the party. (c): Trains were delayed while the
Till/until the last gun is fired (dok ne opa-
railroad ties were replaced. li poslednji top) znači do samog kraja. # Ted
Tie down ne znači samo privezati, već i (a): always liked to stay at parties till the last gun was
naterati nekoga da se pridržava nečega, obave- fired.
zati nekoga na nešto, (b): sputavati i (c): vezi- Time after time (vreme za vremenom) znači
vati (neprijateljske snage). (a): Jerry hates being više puta. # You’ve made the same error time af-
tied down to a regular work schedule. (b): “They ter time! Please try to be more careful!
were the rebellious few, the vagabonds, who Time and a half (vreme i po) je plata za pre-
were not tied down by a wife and family” (M. kovremeni rad. # Dave gets one dollar for regular
Dickens, The Angel in the Corner). (c): Partisans pay and a dollar and a half for time and a half.
operating from the mountains were able to tie Time hangs heavy on someone’s hands
down three enemy divisions. (vreme se teško obesilo o nečije ruke) znači vre-
Tied to one’s mother’s apron strings (vezan me nekome sporo protiče („oteglo se kao gladna
vrpcama majčine kecelje) znači (kolokvijalno) godina“). # Time hangs heavy on the hotelier’s
suviše vezan za majku, pod majčinim dominan- hands in the winter when the tourists went home
tnim uticajem. # Even after he grew up he was and her children were at boarding school.
still tied to his mother’s apron string. Time-server (posluživač vremena) je opor-
Tie the knot ne znači samo vezati čvor, već i tunist. # You think he’s a man of principles! He’s
venčati se, ući u bračnu vezu. # Well, I hear that a time server who adopts the principles of his su-
you and Mark are going to tie the knot. perior in order to gain advancement.
Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor 250 Together

Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor (kotlokrpa, To a fault ne znači do greške, već preterano,
krojač, vojnik, mornar) znači sve vrste ljudi. # preko mere. # Bob carries thoroughness to a fa-
The names and inscriptions on the tombs tell us ult; he spends many hours writing his reports.
who the local families were and what they did To all intents and purposes ne znači za sve
- tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor. Isto značenje ima namere i svrhe, već praktično, u stvari, zapravo.
the butcher, the baker, (and) the candlestick- # To all intents and purposes, it was simple case
maker (mesar, pekar i i proizvođač svećnjaka). of murder. reasons
# „DIANA: I fell for the suntan. PHIL: And qu- To a man (do čoveka) znači svi do jednoga.
ickly got the taste. Went off me and tried it with # They agreed to a man that this statement was
the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker.“ (P. correct.
Nichols, Chez Nous).
To a nicety ne znači do ugodnosti, već do
Tip nije samo napojnica, već i (a): vršak, (b):
preciznosti, vrlo precizno. # The manner in whi-
vrh, (c): tajna dojava, (d): savet, (e): lak udarac,
ch she received him was calculated to a nicety to
(f): smetlište (u britanskom engleskom, Ameri-
kanci kažu dump), (g): nagnuti (se), (h): sipati seem cool without being uncivil.
(u britanskom engleskom) i (i): prevrnuti (se). To a point ne znači do neke tačke, već potpu-
(a): The tribe used flint tips on its arrows. (b): no, sasvim. # “...and I understand that feeling be-
The tip of the iceberg was over half a mile wide. cause I share it, to a point” (G. Vidal, Empire).
(c): The police got a tip that the bank would be Toast nije samo tost, već i (a): zdravica, (b):
robbed. (d): Here’s a useful tip on how to remove zgrejati se (uz vatru) i (c): pržiti. (a): I propose a
stains. (e): The golfer gave the ball a tip with his toast to our new president. (b): Come toast your
putter. (f): We need to take this old carpet to the feet by the fire. (c): The children toasted marsh-
tip. (g): The rowboat tipped when the fat man got mallows over the bonfire.
in. (h): He tipped his breakfast cereal into a bowl. To a T, to a tee (sve do t, sve do cilja) znači
(i): The glass tipped over and milk ran down the savršeno, u svakom pogledu, do detalja. # That
table. new dress is just right for you. It suits you to a T.
Tip one’s hat to (dodirnuti obod šešira u # One of the nurses was giving a spirited imitati-
znak pozdrava) znači pokazati najnužnije pošto- on of Matron on the warpath. It was the old girl
vanje prema. # Some young people these days to a tee.
do not wish even to tip their hats to the opinions To beat the band ne znači da se potuče ban-
of their parents. da, već žustro, iz sve snage, brzo i energično
Tip the scale(s)/balance (in favor of some- (u američkom engleskom, kolokvijalno). # She
one, against someone) (kvrcnuti vagu – za ili worked to beat the band to get ready for this. #
protiv nekoga) znači učiniti da prevagne (u ne- The fire engines were going down the road to
čiju korist ili štetu). # John’s vote tipped the sca- beat the band.
les in our favor and we won elections. # There’s Toboggan ne znači tobogan (na dečjem igra-
no shortage of applicants for primary school tea- lištu, već sanke. # Expect a weekly program of
ching, and up here in North Wales the scales are organized activities such as treasure hunts, tobo-
definitely tipped against you if you don’t speak ggan races, discos and lots of fun and games.
Welsh. # Your support tipped the balance in our
favor. To boot ne znači do cipele/čizme, već uz to,
još k tome, pride. # For breakfast I had my usual
Tit for tat (pod Return like for like).
two eggs and a slice of ham to boot.
Title nije samo titl, titlovati već i (a): naslov,
To cap it all (da nadmaši sve) znači kao kru-
nasloviti, (b): titula, dodeliti titulu, (c): dokaz o
pravu vlasništva, i (d): nazvati. (a): publishers na svega, kao vrhunac svega. # She missed the
were averaging a total of 500 new titles annually. train, on her way back her purse was stolen, and,
(b): Hilda’s new title is „Vice President of Mar- to cap it all, she lost her keys. Kaže se i (a): to
keting Research. # Joe Louis held the heavywei- crown it all i (b): to top it all. (a): I’ve a good
ght title longer than anyone. (c): Who owns title mind to throw you out of the house,” the father
to the property? # He kept the title to his car in said. “You’re lazy, dirty and impudent and now,
the glove compartment. (d): The youth titled his to crown it all, I find you’re dishonest as well.”
poem „My Lost Love“. (b): Mary hadn’t finished her homework, she was
To a degree (do nekog stepena) znači (a): u late to school, and to top it all off, she missed a
najvećoj meri, jako (u britanskom engleskom) i surprise test.
(b): u izvesnoj meri, ponešto, pomalo (u američ- To crown it all (pod To cap it all).
kom engleskom). (a): She’s rather an interfering Together ne znači samo zajedno, već i (a):
type, but kind-hearted and generous to a degree. u isto vreme, (b): pribran, sređen. (a): We gra-
(b): His anger was, to a degree, a confession of duated together. (b): He seemed together when i
defeat. saw him.
To good purpose 251 Top the bill

To good purpose (pod To some/good pur- Too rich for someone’s blood (preobilno za
pose). nečiju krv) znači (a): previše za nečiji džep i (b):
To his credit ne znači na njegov kredit, već previše kalorično za nekoga. (a): Europe is ge-
treba mu priznati. # “As Robert was talking I co- tting too rich for our blood. (b): This dessert is
uld see Ned getting more and more uncomforta- too rich for my blood.
ble. But, to his credit, he didn’t say anything” (J. Too right! (pod Too true/right!).
Wain, The Contenders). Too true/right! (Suviše istinito/tačno!) znači
Token nije samo žeton, već i (a): znak, obe- Nažalost, tako je!, Na nesreću, potpuno ste u
ležje i (b): simboličan. (a): The empoyees gave pravu! # - This program will lead us to disaster.
the retiring man a watch as a token of their - Too true! # - He’s just a petty, provincial politi-
esteem. (b): Employing just one woman among cian. - Too right!
fifty men is but token recognition of equal rights Top nije samo vrh, već i (a): najviši, nagor-
for the sexes. Vidi By the same token. nji, (b): poklopac, (c): zatvarač, (d): gornji deo
Toll nije samo putarina/mostarina, već i broj (otuda i topless), (e): vrhunski, (f): najveći, (g):
žrtava. # The flood took a toll of a hundred li- staviti preliv i (h): nadmašiti. (a): Put the book
ves. on the top shelf. (b): The top of this box is torn.
Tongue-in-cheek (jezik u obrazu) znači pos- (c): Where’s the top to this bottle? (d): Where’s
prdan, ironičan, poluozbiljan. # Betty made a the top of my pajamas? (e): The top doctors in
tongue-in-cheek remark to Dave, and he got mad the country will attend the meeting. (f): The car’s
because he thought she was serious. top speed is 120 miles per hour. (g): Top the
Too bad (that), it’s too bad (that) (veoma je strawberries with whipped cream. (h): The swi-
loše - da) znači (a): kakva šteta (da je) i (b): nije mmer topped the world’s record by two-tenths of
u redu (da), nepravedno je (da). (a): It was too a second.
bad John had measles when the circus came to Top/high/heavy brass (vrhunska/visoka/teš-
town. (b): If only two or three boys were respon- ka bronza) znači prvi ljudi, najvažnije ličnosti,
sible for the damage I think it’s really too bad najveće budže. # Everybody is nervous these
they should all be penalized. days because the top brass are coming from the
Too big by half (napola prevelik) znači pre- headquarters to inspect the operations. # Brin-
velik, suviše veliki. # His new car is too big by ging him into the high brass dinner had a special
half. He’ll never get it into his garage. purpose. # “Though she was the youngest person
Too big for one’s breeches/britches/boots present, Iris was typically unimpressed by the
(prevelik za svoje pantalone/cipele) znači pun influx of network heavy brass” (A. Hailey, The
sebe, uobražen. # Bill’s getting a little too big for Evening News).
his breeches, and somebody’s going to straighten Top dog (vrhovni pas) znači (kolokvijalno)
him out. # Ever since that boy won the tennis to- glavni, najveća zverka, drmator. # The reporter
urnament, he has been too big for his boots. He tried to get hold of one of top dogs, but couldn’t
needs putting in his place. get past the secretary.
Too hot to handle ne znači previše vruć za Top-drawer (iz najgornje fioke) znači (kolo-
rukovanje, već (kolokvijalno) suviše opasno da kvijalno) (a): viši slojevi, otmen i (b): prvokla-
bi se sa tim imalo posla. # “I don’t defend people san, prvorazredan. (a): That sort of behavior is
in cases that might prove too hot to handle,” he hardly top-drawer, you know. (b): Podunk U. is a
told Simpson. really top-drawer school. # Mary’s art work was
Too much ne znači samo previše, već i Fa- top-drawer material.
mozno! Super! (u američkom žargonu). # The Top-hole (iz najgornje rupe) (u britanskom
last group was just too much! They played and engleskom, kolokvijalno) i top-notch (na naj-
sang really well. gornjoj stepenici) takođe znače prvoklasan, pr-
To one’s cost ne znači na sopstveni trošak, vorazredan. # “Oh, that’s all right. I make a top-
već na sopstvenu štetu. # To my subsequent cost hole nurse” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes).
I chose to ignore this excellent advice. # Now this is an absolutely top-notch computer.
To one’s heart’s content (na zadovoljstvo Lots and lots of memory.
srca) znači do mile volje, koliko ti god srce želi. Topple nije samo prevrnuti se, pasti, već
# There’s a piano in your room, and you can play i srušiti, zbaciti. # The rebels have toppled the
it to your heart’s content. No one will disturb regime.
you. Top the bill (nadmašiti račun) znači nositi
To order ne znači po redu ili naredbi, već po predstavu, imati glavnu ulogu. # One of the nice
porudžbini. # The manufacturer built the mac- things about topping the bills for 20 years is that
hines to order. you can do the things you want to do.
Top to toe 252 Tough as old boots

Top to toe (pod To the fingertips). To the point (do tačke/poente) znači relevan-
To some/good purpose ne znači sa nekom/ tno. # “Stocker mechanically put in a few words
dobrom svrhom, već uspešno, korisno, sa zado- that weren’t strictly to the point but Ned ignored
voljavajućim rezultatom. # “Gort saved the men. him and ploughed on” (J. Wain, The Conten-
And being saved, they were able to fight again ders).
another day which they did to some purpose, as To the top of one’s bent, at the top of one’s
the Germans found out.” (Field-Marshal Mon- bent (do vrhunca sklonosti) znači punom pa-
tgomery, Memoirs) # Their education has been rom, iz sve snage. # He worked to the top of his
long and expensive and one would hope to some bent to get the job done in time.
purpose. # The money will be used to good pur- To the tune of nema veze sa melodijom, već
pose. znači u iznosu od. # I had to pay all the damage
Toss off something ne znači samo odbaciti, - to the tune of over $300.
već i (a): iskapiti, (b): brzo obaviti, uraditi bez To top it all (pod To cap it all).
pô muke, (c): zbaciti, (d): ignorisati i (e): sa- Touch nije samo dodirnuti, pipnuti, već i (a):
vladati (bolest), odupreti se. (a): She tossed off ganuti (b): uporediti se (c): kontakt, (d): prime-
a scotch in one big swig. (b): We can toss off sa i (e): pristup, način. (a): The beggar’s plea for
the entire order in - let’s say - three hours. (c): food touched us deeply. (b): No one in the family
It was so warm that the child tossed the blanket can touch Mary as a cook. (c): The salesman kept
off. (d): She just tossed it off like nothing had in touch with the office by phone. (d): The salad
happened. (e): I caught a little cold, but tossed it had a touch of garlic. (e): The house was decora-
off right away. ted with a very artistic touch.
Toss/throw one’s hat into the ring (ubaciti Touch and go, touch-and-go (dirni i idi)
šešir u ring) znači najaviti svoje učešće u izbor- znači neizvesno, kritično, neizvestan, pun opa-
noj trci. # We thought that the result of the elec- snosti. # Ann had a serious operation and everyt-
tion would be quite clear with only two people hing was touch and go for two days after her
taking part, but when the third politician threw surgery. # A touch-and-go situation seems to be
his hat into the ring the whole matter became developing.
much doubtful. Touch base (dodirnuti bazu - jedan od tri od-
Total nije samo totalan, već i (a): iznos, (b): brambena položaja u bejzbolu) znači uspostaviti
ukupan i (c): uništiti (auto). (a): Add up the bil kontakt, porazgovarati, posavetovati se (u ame-
and tell me the total. (b): The total cost was over ričkom engleskom, kolokvijalno). # Bill and I
a hundred dollars. (c): He totaled the car. touched base on this question yesterday, and we
To that effect (sa tim efektom) znači u tom are in agreement.
smislu, ili nešto slično. # “’I would like renomi- Touch down ne znači samo prizemiti se,
nation as governor of New York.’ ‘Make a state- aterirati, spustiti se, već i (a): doći do obale,
ment to that effect. By four this afternoon, we’ll iskrcati se i (b): postići zgoditak u američkom
want it for the wire service’” (G. Vidal, Empire). fudbalu. (a): The first of the assault divisions
To the backbone ne znači do kičme, već do touches down on the beaches at 6 a.m. (b): Willi-
srži. # He’s a conservative to the backbone. Kaže ams broke through the center to touch down right
se i to the core. # Joe said that Nick is evil to between the goal-posts.
the core. Touch off ne znači samo skicirati, već i (a):
To the bad (do zla) znači u gubitku. # That ispaliti nešto, izazvati eksploziju i (b): potpali-
was an unfortunate deal. I am hundred pounds ti fitilj, izazvati (nasilje, nerede, tuču itd.) i (c):
to the bad. isprovocirati. (a): This explosive needs to be
To the core (pod To the backbone). handled very carefully; the slightest jolt will to-
To the fingertips (do vrhova prstiju) znači u uch it off. (b): Fresh violence was touched off
svakom pogledu, od glave do pete. # Evans never when police moved in to disperse the crowd. #
made a decision without consulting his book of The argument touched off a serious fight. (c): I
rules first; he was a bureaucrat to his fingertips. didn’t mean to touch off anyone. I was only being
Kaže se i top to toe # She was ladylike top to honest.
toe. Touch of the sun (dodir sunca) je laka sun-
To the good ne znači samo na nečije dobro, čanica. # “I’ve got rather a headache. A touch of
već i u dobitku. # After I sold my stamp collecti- the sun, I expect” (H. Clevely, Public Enemy).
on, I was thirty dollars to the good. Tough as old boots (žilav kao stare cipele)
To the life (do života) znači verno. # The znači (kolokvijalno) (a): tvrd kao đon i (b): čvrst
child can copy his teacher’s manner of speaking kao kremen. (a): This meat hasn’t been cooked
to the life. properly - it’s tough as old boots. (b): My gran-
Tough cookie 253 Trainer

dfather broke his leg, but that didn’t stop him Bricklaying was Father’s trade. (b): Jim’s a den-
working in the garden. He’s as tough as old bo- tist by trade but does fine sculptures, too. (c): The
ots. boy made a trade of a bag of marbles for a kite. #
Tough cookie (pod Tough customer). I’ll trade you some of my chocolate for some of
Tough customer (teška mušterija) je (u žar- your ice cream. (d): The jewelry store caters to
gonu) nezgodan čovek, težak tip. # Bruno is a the elite trade. (e): Do you trade at the local store
tough customer. Just keep away of him. Kaže se i or buy from the mail-order house?
tough guy/cookie (težak momak/kolačić) # He’s Trade in something ne znači samo trgovati
a tough cookie, but I can handle him. nečim, već i menjati staro za novo uz doplatu. #
Tough guy (pod Tough customer). He keeps a car for two years, then he trades it in.
# Trade in an old car for a new one.
Tough luck! (pod Hard cheese!).
Tradesman jeste trgovac, ali samo na britan-
Tough sledding (pod Hard/rough/tough
skom engleskom, a na američkom engleskom
je to zanatlija, majstor. # Local tradesmen are
Town and gown (grad i odora) su stanovnici objecting to plans for big new out-of-town shop-
univerzitetskog grada i nastavnici, osoblje i stu- ping centre. # He was so handy he paid no trade-
denti univerziteta. # The senator made a speech sman, he did everything himself.
attended by both town and gown.
Traffic nije trafika (kaže se tobacconist’s - u
To Whom It May Concern. (Svima kojih se britanskom engleskom i cigar/tobacco store - u
ovo može ticati.) znači Ovim se potvrđuje. # The američkom engleskom), već (a): saobraćaj, (b):
letter started out, “To Whom It May Concern.” (ilegalna) trgovina, baviti se (ilegalnom) trgovi-
Trace nije samo trasirati, već i (a): primesa, nom, (c): putnici, (d): poslovne veze. (a): This
(b): trunka, jedva primetna količina, (c): trag, highway has a lot of traffic at noon. (b): Poli-
(d): ući u trag, (e): slediti razvoj/tok i (f): ko- ce are looking for ways of curbing the traffic in
pirati, precrtati. (a): There is a trace of sadness guns. # The bootlegger was arrested for traffic-
in her smile. (b): It rained a trace last night. (c): king in illegal whiskey. (c): The nine o’clock fli-
There is no trace of the missing jewels. (d): Po- ght to Washington carries a lot of trafic. (d): The
lice are trying to trace the missing man. (e): The family has never had any traffic with criminals!
book traces the history of modern art. (f): Trace Vidi Tie up traffic.
the drawing on a piece of tissue paper. Trail nije samo trag, već i (a): staza, (b):
Track nije samo staza, već i (a): trag, (b): ko- vući za sobom, (c): zaostajati (d): slediti i (e):
losek, peron, (c): železnička pruga, (d): ostaviti utihnuti. (a): Follow the trail until you come to
tragove (blata i sl.). (a): The guide followed the the cabin. (b): The gasoline truck trailed a chain
tracks of the elephants. (b): The train will leave below it to reduce static electricity. (c): The little
on track number two. (c): I came from a poor fa- boy trailed along behind his father. (d): Police
mily - we lived on the other side of the tracks. trailed the thieves to their hideout. (e): Her voice
(d): The children tracked the newly waxed floor trailed to a whisper.
with muddy shoes. On the right/wrong track je Trail one’s coat ne znači vući kaput za so-
na ispravnom/ pogrešnom putu. # “More than bom, već namerno provocirati, izazivati svađu.
ever was Caroline convinced that she and Tim # The young man was trailing his coat by making
were on the right track” (G. Vidal, Hollywood). such offensive remarks.
Polls show that close to 80 percent of the Ameri- Train nije samo voz, već i (a): niz, (b): tok,
can people believe that the nation has gotten off (c): svita, (d): skuti, (e): obučiti, (f): trenirati,
on the wrong track. (h): usmeriti na, upraviti prema i (i): obrazovati
Track and field, track-and-field (staza i po- (se). (a): What train of events led to discovery?
lje) je laka atletika, lakoatletski. # It was once (b): Preparations for the opening of the new town
thought he would be the man to make America hall are in train. (c): The king is always surro-
fall in love with track and field. # He was, by unded by his train. (d): The wedding gown had
any measurement, the greatest track-and-field at- a long train. (e): He is not trained for this job.
hlete of all time, yet Americans refused to warm (f):The boxer trained for a month before the fight.
to him. (h): A number of older men are coming forward
Track record ne znači rekord na stazi, već to train for the priesthood. (i): Anti-tank weapons
radno iskustvo (u britanskom engleskom, kolo- were trained upon all possible approaches to the
kvijalno). # I think we should consider Evans for bridge.
the headmastership. His track record for getting Trainer nije samo trener (u većini sportova
his pupils into the universities is very good. je to coach), već i sportska patika. # „His trai-
Trade nije samo trgovina, već i (a): zanat, ners had sand on their soles: I guessed he must
(b): profesija, zanimanje, (c): trampa, trampiti, have gone for a run on the beach“ (R. Harris, The
(d): klijentela i (e): kupovati, biti mušterija. (a): Ghost).
Training 254 Trip

Training nije samo trening (u sportu), već i treat that wound. (d): The wood was treated with
(a): obuka i (b): obrazovanje, školovanje. (a): a termite repellent. (e): After days of camping,
The nursing staff who have received training in a hot shower is a real treat. (f): Who will stand
fire drill will give directions which you should the treat?
follow. (b): On the surface this is an easy task, Trial nije samo proba, već i (a): suđenje, (b):
for which there is no formal training. pokušaj (c): provera, (d): muka, iskušenje i (e):
Trajectory ne znači trajekt (kaže se ferry), nevolja. (a): The trial ended in acquittal for the
već putanja (metka, komete, rakete). # Starting defendants. (b): The recipe didn’t turn out well
with an overnight ferry Friday night we arrive in the first time, but I’ll give it another trial. (c): The
Normandy Saterday morning. trial of the new plane was delayed by bad weat-
Translate nije samo prevesti, već i (a): pretvo- her. (d): The poor man’s life was full of trials and
riti i (b): protumačiti. (a): It’s time you translate tribulations. (e): Old age has many trials.
your beliefs into actions. (b): Please translate the Trial and error (proba i greška) je provera
medical diagnosis into terms I can understand. raznih mogućnosti. # I finally found the right
Transparent nije transparent (kaže se ba- key after lots of trial an error.
nner, placard ili sign), već proziran, providan, Tribute nije samo danak, već i priznanje. We
transparentan. # The water was so transparent must give tribute to all those who helped make
we couod see the fish clearly. # Her reason for this a free country.
leaving was transparent. Tricks of the trade nisu samo profesionalni
Transport nije samo transport, već i (a): us- trikovi, već i tajne zanata. # Mr. Olson spent ye-
hititi i (b): ushićenje, zanos. (a): The beautiful ars learning the tricks of the trade as a carpenter.
music transported the audince. (b): He was in Trifle nije samo trica, sitnica, već i (a): poi-
transports of delight when he met her. gravati se i (b): traćiti vreme. (a): He’s just tri-
Travail nije samo (mukotrpan) rad, već i (a): fling with her affections. (b): We trifled too long
muka, patnja i (b): trudovi. (a): The travails of at the fair.
war left the country limp. (b): She underwent Trim nije samo doteran, uredan, već i (a):
only a brief and painless travail with her second podrezati, (b): ukrasiti, (c): ravnomerno raspo-
child. rediti (teret), (d): kondicija, forma, (e): podšiša-
Travel nije samo putovati, putovanje, već i ti, podšišivanje i (f): vitak. (a): Be sure to trim
kretati se. # Try to make the ball travel in a stra- the rosebushes. (b): The seamtress trimmed the
ight line. dress with red stitching. (c): The laders trimmed
Travel light ne znači lako putovati, već i pu- the load of the truck so it wouldn’t be top-heavy.
tovati sa malo prtljaga. # Joe and Dick traveled (d): Your vacation seems to have put you in fine
light on their camping trip. trim. (e): Your sideburns need a trim. (f): Eat less
Tread water (hodati po vodi) znači (a): odr- to achieve a trim figure.
žavati se u vodi u stojećem položaju, plivati u Trim one’s sails before/to the wind (podesti-
mestu i (b): biti inertan, biti neaktivan, tapkati u ti jedra prema vetru) znači povinovati se prilika-
mestu. (a): He kept afloat by treading water. (b): ma. # Before they were elected, the government
You’ve done nothing but tread water for the last promised that many new schools and hospitals
six months. Isn’t it time you took a job? would be built, but with the present lack of mo-
Treasure nije samo blago, već i (a): savršena ney they have had to trim their sails before the
osoba, dragocenost i (b): ceniti. (a): My new se- wind. Kaže se i bow to the winds of change.
cretary is a real treasure. (b): The boy treasured # It is not clear what effect the sweeping steps
the teacher’s good opinion above all else. in Poland will have in countries that are testing
Treasure trove nije samo pronađeno zakopa- the waters of liberalization, or those that refuse
no blago, već i (figurativno) prava riznica. # So- to bow to the winds of change.
mewhere in the BBC archives, there is a treasure Trip nije samo putovanje, već i (a): spotaći
trove of cricket history for future reference. (se), saplesti (se), (b): pogrešiti, (c): navesti na
Treat ne znači samo tretirati, već i (a) častiti, grešku, spetljati, (d): pocupkivati, skakutati i
(b) nagraditi, (c): lečiti, (d): obraditi, (e): uži- (e): osloboditi, (f): opijenost od droge, buncati
vanje i (f): račun. (a): Father treated everyone od droge16 (u žargonu) i (g): kazna zatvora (u
to dinner at a restaurant. (b): The whole school žargonu). (a): The boy tripped over a roller skate
was treated to an extra-half holiday after the Go- and broke his arm. # The loose gravel beside the
vernors’ annual visit. (c): You’ll need a doctor to track tripped up Dave. (b): The little girl can read
Komentar I. Klajna: danas je najpopularnije značenje iz narkomanskog žargona, “opijenost od droge” i odgo-
varajući glagol (Man, you’re tripping! – Čoveče, ti buncaš/sanjaš!). Oba su ušla i u naš jezik kao anglicizmi (trip,
Trolley 255 Tug of war

easy words but trips on the hard ones. (c): The club was refused by its members, he trumped the-
hard math problem tripped up most of the stu- ir ace by buying the club.
dents. (d): She tripped down the stairs like a fairy Trump card (pod Card).
princess. (e): The machine won’t operate unless Thank-you letter (pod Bread-and-butter
someone trips this lever. (f): The trip was great, letter).
but once was enough. # Man, you’re tripping! Trunk je stablo, ali i (a): (čovečji) trup, (b):
(g): I had a short trip, so what? veliki putni kovčeg, (c): surla, (d): prtljažnik
Trolley je trola, ali i (a): (ručna) niska te- automobila (u američkom engleskom, a u bri-
retna kolica (u britanskom engleskom - u ame- tanskom engleskom boot), (e): gaće (za plivanje,
ričkom engleskom cart), (b): stočić za posluži- trčanje itd. – u množini). (a): He’s got a thick
vanje na točkovima (u britanskom engleskom) i trunk. (b): A trunk is a large strong case that is
(c): tramvaj (streetcar - u britanskom engleskom used for storing clothes and personal possessi-
tram) (c): (a): Why will supermarket trolleys ne- ons, often when travelling or going to live in a
ver move in the direction that you push them in? new place. (c): The little mouse hopped on the
(b): Every thirty minutes or so the flight atten- elephant’s big long trunk. (d): I always keep a
dant would wheel the drinks trolley down the blanket and a toolkit in the trunk for emergenci-
aisle. (c): These trollies, among the last of their es. (e): Its skipper, James Kirk, clad only in swim
breed, are at Park Lane Depot. Trolley bus je trunks, slouched lazily at the stern, one hand on
trolejbus. the tiller. Trunk road je (u britanskom engle-
Troop nije samo trupa, već i (a): gomila, (b): skom) glavni put. # A trunk road is an important
vojnik (u američkom engleskom), (c): nagrnu- road for travelling long distances at high speed,
ti, sjatiti se, (d): prolaziti i (e): nositi zastave na which is suitable for large vehicles and a lot of
paradi (u britanskom engleskom). (a): A troop traffic.
of shopers descended on the store looking for Try nije samo pokušati, već i (a): probati,
bargains. (b): More than a thousand troops were (b): isprobati, (c): upustiti se u rizik, (d): suditi i
killed. (c): The children trooped into the yard in (e): iskušavati. (a): Have you tried that new toot-
single file. (d): People were trooping along the hpaste? (b): The pilots were eager to try the new
sidewalk. (e): Troop means to carry (the flag or plane. (c): I wouldn’t try water-skiing without a
colors) in a ceremonial way before troops. life jacket. (d): The conspiracy case was tried by
Trouble nije samo nevolja, već i (a): (za)bri- the supreme court. (e): The unruly children tried
nuti, (b): zamoliti, (c): učiniti napor, (d): dosa- our patience.
đivati, (e): nemiri. (a): The student’s failing gra- Try on znači probati (cipele, košulju, sako
des troubled his parents. (b): Can I trouble you itd.), a try it on (u britanskom engleskom, kolo-
for the time? My watch seems to have stopped. kvijalno) znači probati dokle se može, videti do-
(c): Didn’t you trouble to read the directions? kle će se neko ponašanje tolerisati. # If a teacher
(d): Grandmother’s arthritis is troubling her aga- doesn’t punish his pupils as soon as they start
in. (e): Political agitators tried to cause trouble. trying it on, he will quickly lose control.
True nije samo istinit, već i (a): pravi, (b): Try one’s wings (oprobati svoja krila) znači
autentičan, (c): veran, (d): dosledan i (e): zako- okušati se, iskoristiti svoje sposobnosti. # I sus-
nit. (a): Albert Schweitzer was a true humanita- pect that part of your nervous problem may be
rian. (b): The table is a true antique. (c): You’ve the smothering attitude of your family and you
been a true friend. (d): He is true to his princi- need to get out and try your wings a bit.
ples. (e): The true heir to the throne is in exile. Try something for size (probati nešto za
True-blue (istinski plav) znači (a): konzerva- meru) znači videti da li nešto odgovara, probati
tivan i (b): pouzdan, lojalan. (a): He came befo- da li nekome nešto leži. # I can’t say how long
re an audience of true-blue Tories, with a speech I am going to stay in this job. I’ll try it for size
of pure corn, such as only speech-writers write. for a while.
(b): - I’ll lend you some money. - Oh, will you? Tube je cev, ali i (a): podzemna železnica
You’re really true-blue. (na britanskom engleskom, kolokvijalno), (b):
True to form/type (veran formi/tipu) znači televizija, televizor (u američkom žargonu) i (c):
kao što se moglo i očekivati, u skladu sa uobi- limenka piva (u američkom žargonu). (a): „He
čajenim ponašanjem, tipično. # True to form, he was to continue on foot along the New King’s
arrived at the party late. # True to type, he refused road, catch a bus to Sloane Square and from the-
to help. re a tube to his flat. # I got the Tube to Camden
Trump someone’s ace (adutirati nečijeg Town. (b): What’ on the tube tonight? (c): Toss
keca) znači uzvratiti punom merom, uspešno me a tube, will you?
kontrirati. # When the application of William Tug of war nije samo nadvlačenje, vučenje
Morris, the motor car manufacturer, to join a golf užeta, već i ogorčena borba za premoć. # “We
Tune-up 256 Turnout

stumble into a sickening cycle, a tug of war in ma), (c): predati, (d): zameniti, (e): napustiti,
which we are each maneuvering for position ostaviti i (f): postići. (a): We were tired, so we
by forever stepping back” (S. Turow, Presumed turned in about ten o’clock. (b): She turned them
Innocent). in to the police for breaking the street light. (c):
Tune-up nije samo podešavanje muzičkog in- When the football season was over, we turned in
strumenta (pred muziciranje), već i (a): reglaža our uniforms. (d): They turned in their old mo-
motora i (b): poslednji trening pred utakmicu. ney for new. (e): All his traveling about the coun-
(a): Father says the car needs a tune-up before try is doing your health no good. Why don’t you
winter begins. (b): The team went to the prac- turn it in? (f): At yesterday’s athletics meeting,
tice field for their last tune-up before the game Wilson turned in a personal best time which is
tomorrow. only two seconds outside the European record set
Turn nije samo okrenuti (se), već i (a): posta- up last year.
ti, (b): prevaliti (godine života), (c): pretvoriti, Turn inside out nije samo izvrnuti, već i pre-
(d): obratiti (se), (e): oblikovati, (f): iskrenuti vrnuti sve (tražeći nešto). # The police turned the
(zglob i sl.), (g): ukiseliti se, (h): zaokrugliti, building inside down looking for a bomb.
istokariti, (i): zavoj i (j): red. (a): In the fall le- Turn off nije samo isključiti, ugasiti, zatvori-
aves turn red and gold. (b): He has turned fifty. ti, već i (a): skrenuti (na drugi put) i (b): odbijati
(c): Military school turned the youth into a self- ljude, biti ogavan. (a): Turn off about mile fur-
confident leader. (d): Let’s turn our attention to ther on. (b): That man has a way of turning off
the matter at hand. # You can always turn to me everyone he comes in contact with.
for help. (e): The speaker certainly knew how to Turn off someone’s water (zatvoriti nekome
turn a phrase. (f): Kevin turned his ankle while vodu) znači ućutkati nekoga, začepiti nekome
ice-skating. (g): Don’t leave the milk out in the usta (u žargonu). # That really turned off her wa-
sun or it will turn. (h): The cabinet maker turned ter.
the legs in a lathe. (i): The road is full of sharp Turn off the waterworks (zatvoriti vodovod)
turns. (j): Whose turn is to keep the watch? Give znači (u žargonu) prestati plakati, prestati sliniti.
someone a turn znači šokirati nekoga. # It gave # Now, now, turn off the waterworks. Cheer up!
me a turn when I saw my teacher waiting for me I obrnuto, turn on the waterworks znači zac-
at my home. Take a turn je prošetati se. Let’s mizdriti. # Milly hurt her knee and turned on the
take a turn in the garden before going to bed. waterworks for about twenty minutes.
Turn a blind eye (okrenuti ćoravo oko) znači Turn of mind nije promena mišljenja, već
zažmuriti na jedno oko („pravi se da ne vidi“). # mentalni sklop. # He’s a child with a more inqu-
“The Liberians turned a blind eye on the diamond iring turn of mind than his brother.
traffic” (I. Fleming, The Diamond Smugglers). Turn of the screw nije samo zavoj šrafa, već
Turn a deaf ear (okrenuti gluvo uvo) znači i dodatni elemenat (pritiska, surovosti, ironije
oglušiti se, ne hteti ni čuti. # To all these accusa- itd.) u već ionako teškoj situaciji. # I’ve always
tions of foul play the referee turned a resolutely been puzzled and fascinated by the question of
deaf ear. why private soldiers should perform the feats of
Turn and turn about (okret i zaokret) znači endurance and heroism that they do. It adds a
naizmenično. # It’s hard work for one person to turn of the screw to think of Indian soldiers who
do all the time, but if you do it turn and turn about often did the same, but under British officers.
you shouldn’t get too tired. Turn on nije samo uključiti, odvrnuti što,
Turn belly up (pod Go belly up). otvoriti, već i (a): zavisiti od (b): odnositi se na,
Turn down nije samo odbiti, već i (a): slabiti, (c): napasti i (d): privlačiti, uzbuditi. (a): The
malaksavati, opadati, (b): utišati, (c): smanjiti question of a reprieve may turn on the age of the
dotok, (d): posavrnuti i (e): skrenuti na spore- victim. # Everything turns on this last play of the
dan put. (a): The economy was turning down of game. (b): “Our conversation turned mainly on
its own accord. (b): Turn down that radio, will what was to be done when the battle was over”
you? (c): The hose was throwing too much water (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). (c): I
so I turned down the water a little bit. (d): In the thought the strange dog was friendly, but sudden-
mail-order catalogue, I always turn down a page ly it turned on me and bit me. (d): I think she’s a
which interests me. (Kaže se i turn back. Don’t marvelous girl - she really turns me on.
turn back the corner of the page to mark your Turn on the waterworks (pod Turn off the
place.) (e): You go straight along the High Street waterworks).
for about a mile and turn left down a narrow si- Turnout nije samo publika, posetioci, već i
de-street. (a): odziv birača (b): štrajk (u britanskom en-
Turn in nije samo saviti se unutra, već i (a): gleskom) (c): proizvodnja (output), (d): učešće,
otići na spavanje, (b): prijaviti (policiji, vlasti- (e): ranžirni kolosek (u britanskom engleskom),
Turn out 257 Turn up one’s toes

(f): odeća i (g): odmorište na autoputu za spo- Turn the heat on (someone) (pod Put/turn
ra kola (u američkom engleskom - u britanskom the heat on).
engleskom layby). (a): Good weather on polling Turn the tables (prevrnuti stolove) znači
day should ensure a good turnout. (b): Most of preokrenuti situaciju (u svoju korist), likvidirati
the workers have ignored their union’s call for nečiju prednost. # He won the first three rounds,
turnout. (c): Last year British manufacturing tur- and then his opponent turned the tables and won
nou fell by 14%. (d): We had a great turnout of
runners - 235 finishers. (e): A turnout is a short the match easily. Kaže se i turn the tide (preo-
stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock krenuti plimu i oseku) # It looked like the team
or enable trains on the same line to pass. (f): A was going to lose, but near the end of the game,
turnouta set of clothing (with accessories). (g): our star player turned the tide.
A turnout is a place along a highway for slower Turn the tide (pod Turn the tables).
cars to pull over, in order to let others pass, or for Turn to ne znači samo skrenuti, već i (a):
brief parking. baciti se na posao, (b): obratiti se, (c): potražiti
Turn out nije samo ugasiti, isključiti, već i pomoć nečega, pribeći nečemu i (d): pregledati
(a): ispostaviti se, ispasti, pokazati se, (b): ustati (knjigu, izveštaj itd.) da se nađe nešto. (a): All
iz kreveta, (c): doći, prisustvovati, (d): proizve- the boys turned to and cleaned the cabin in a few
sti, (e): isprazniti, (f): lepo obući, doterati i (g): minutes. (b): The parish priest was someone to
izbaciti i (h): (c): svršiti se („dobro se svršilo“). whom everyone could turn in difficult times. (c):
(a): As it turned out, nobody came. (b): At camp Tim turned to aspirin for relief from his heada-
the boys had to turn out early and go to bed early
too. (c): The weather prevented people from tur- che. (d): Please turn to the index. You can use it
ning out in large numbers to watch the athletics to find what you want.
meeting. (d): This machine can turn out 2,000 Turn turtle (prevrnuti kornjaču) znači pre-
items a day. (e): He turned out his pockets to find vrnuti se naglavce. # The car skidded on the ice
his keys. (f): She always turns her children out and turned turtle.
beautifully. (g): Her father turned him out of the Turn up ne znači samo podići, već i (a): neo-
house. (h): We needn’t have worried. Everything čekivano se pojaviti, iskrsnuti odnekle, (b): ipak
turned out all right in the end. doći, najzad se pojaviti, (c): rasti, jačati, , (d):
Turn over nije samo prevrtati se, već i (a): pronaći, otkriti, (e): iskopati (f): pojačati i (g):
pokrenuti se (motor), (b): ostvariti promet, (c): manžetna na pantalonama (u britanskom engle-
prevrnuti i (d): predati (nekoga/nešto nekome) skom). (a): Her purse eventually turned up. The
i (e): preneti kontrolu. (a): My car was so cold boy who took it had got scared and dropped it
that it wouldn’t even turn over. (b): Don’t order behind some lockers. (b): “Guy will turn up. If
any more of those items. They turn over slowly.
he isn’t here by morning we can start some inqu-
(c): The man was unconscious when we arrived.
We turned him over to see if he could tell us who iries” (D. Eden, Darling Clementine). (c): Inves-
he was. (d): The teacher turned over the student tment is turning up sharply, including a flood of
to the principal. # Please turn over the extra mo- new projects flowing into the regions on the back
ney to me. (e): The day-to-day management of of the Industry Act. (d): I turned up a number
the firm has been turned over to someone appo- of interesting items when I went through Aunt
inted from outside the company. Betty attic. (e): Relics from the First World War
Turn someone’s brain (zavrnuti nečiji mo- are still being turned up by farmers in Northern
zak) znači izludeti nekoga. # Too much of this France. (f): Turn up the sound, please. (g): Turn-
sort of work turns your brain. ups seem to be coming back into fashion.
Turn someone’s head (okrenuti nečiju gla- Turn-up for the book (gungula za knjigu)
vu) znači (a): udariti nekome u glavu, uticati na je potpuno iznenađenje, nešto neočekivano. #
nekoga da misli suviše visoko o sebi i (b): zavr- Several people with much more experience than
teti nekome mozak. (a): My sister is a famous myself were considered, so it was quite a turn-up
actress but she had not allowed success to turn for the book when I was offered the job.
her head. (b): The first pretty girl he saw turned Turn up like a bad penny (pojaviti se kao
our son’s head.
lažna para) znači pojaviti se kad misliš da si ga
Turn the corner ne znači samo skrenuti za se taman otarasio. # He turned up like a bad pe-
ćošak, već i pregurati najgore, preći kritičnu
nny just when we were hoping to be rid of him.
tačku. # The patient turned the corner. She should
begin to show improvement now. # The project Turn up one’s toes (podići prste na nogama)
has turned the corner. The rest should be easy. znači otegnuti papke (u žargonu). # I hope to see
Turn the clock back (pod Put/turn the clock my grandchildren in Australia before I turn up
back my toes.
Turn upside down 258 Two-way street

Turn upside down nije samo okrenuti nao- pport for the Common Market. (e): The course of
pačke, već i ispreturati. # The thieves had turned revolution was, on numerous occasions, directly
the room upside down. affected by fresh twists and turns on the interna-
Turn up trumps (pronaći adute) znači (ko- tional scene.
lokvijalno) pokazati se kad zatreba, naći se u Twist someone’s tail ne znači uvrtati nekome
nevolji, uraditi pravu stvar. # Joe can always be rep, već dražiti nekoga, nervirati nekoga. # He
depended on to turn up trumps in crisis. had never taught in a school before and the chil-
Twiddle one’s thumbs ne znači samo vrteti dren found it very easy to twist his tail.
palčevima, već i prodavati zjala („sedeti pa ne- Twist the knife (in someone’s wound) (zavr-
mati kad“). # Don’t just sit home twiddling your nuti nož – u nečijoj rani) znači staviti so na živu
thumbs. Get busy! ranu, namerno zadati još veći bol. # To insist on
Twist nije samo uvijati (se), već i (a): ob- his apologizing after all he had gone through was
motati, (b): zavijati (put i sl.), (c): uganuti, (d): twisting the knife in his wound.
iskriviti (se), (e): izvrtati (reči i sl.), (f): okuka Twist the lion’s tail (uvrtati rep lavu) znači
i (g): iznenadna promena. (a): Twist the tour- provocirati Veliku Britaniju (izazivati britanskog
niquet tighter. (b): The road twists to the right lava). # I’m afraid this gesture will only twist the
at the next intersection. (c): Aunt Louise twisted lion’s tail and one can be sure that Britain won’t
her ankle when she fell. (d): His face was twisted tolerate such humiliation.
in pain. (e): She twisted my words to suit her own Two can play at that game (dvoje mogu da
purpose. (f): The mountain road is full of twists. učestvuju u toj igri) znači i mi konja za trku
(g): There’s an unusual twist to the plot at the end imamo. # I’m sorry you’ve being so hard to deal
of the book. with. Two can play at that game.
Twist and turn (uvijati se i okretati) znači Two (for) a penny (dva za peni) znači koji
(a): krivudati, (b): previjati se (od bola), (c): ima slabu prođu, slabo tražen/plaćen, jeftin. #
prevrtati se s jedne na drugu stranu (od brige), Small houses in the country are becoming very
(d): smicalica, taktički zaokret i (e): iznenad- expensive, but in Ireland they are two a penny.
ne promene i zbrka (u množini). (a): The road # You had better think of another way to make a
twisted and turned across the hills. (b): He was living; artists are two for a penny.
twisting and turning with terrible pain. (c): He Two-time (dva puta) znači varati, potajno
couldn’t sleep and was twisting and turning all održavati drugu ljubavnu vezu (u žargonu). #
night because he was worried about his hob. (d): Allyson cried when she found that Gary was two-
We are aware that this account of Mr. Jenkins’s timing her.
behavior is very different from the current Fleet Two-way street nije samo dvosmerna ulica,
Street version which contrasts the twists and turns već i nešto u obostranom interesu. # This is two-
of Mr. Wilson’s devious politics with the manly way street, you know. You will have to help me
and straightforward honesty of Mr. Jenkins’s su- someday in return.
Ugly nije samo ružan, već i (a): odvratan i produce an artificial protein that would restore
(b): opasan, preteći. (a): What an ugly thing to the damaged gene to normal functioning.” (E.
do! (b): Ugly clouds gathered on the horizon. Segal, Prizes).
Ugly customer nije ružna mušterija, već Uncertain nije samo neizvestan, već i (a):
znači gadan tip, nezgodan čovek, težak čovek, neodređen, (b): kolebljiv, (c): promenljiv i (d):
zaguljenko. # Get out of his way - he’s an ugly nepredvidiv. (a): An uncertain number of people
customer. Vidi rough customer. were waiting. (b): Uncertain people make poor
Ultimate ne znači ultimativan (kaže se in leaders. (c): Uncertain weather postponed our
the form of an ultimatum), već (a): krajnji (b): beach trip. (d): The outcome of the election is
najveći, najviši, maksimalan i (c): vrhunac, kul- still uncertain.
minacija. (a): Becoming president is his ultimate Under a cloud ne znači pod oblakom, već
goal. (b): An Oscar represents the ultimate acco- (a): potišten, obeshrabren, deprimiran i (b):
lade for a movie actor’s performance. (c): That sumnjiv, pod senkom sumnje. (a): Rose has been
hat is the ultimate in ridiculousness. under a cloud since her dog died. (b): Joyce has
Unaccountable ne znači samo neodgovoran, been under a cloud since her roommate’s bracelet
već i neobjašnjiv. # Many unaccountable things disappeared. # Someone stole some money, and
happenred in that haunted house. now everyone is under a cloud of suspicion.
Unaccustomed ne znači samo nenaviknut, Under age (ispod doba) znači maloletan. #
već i neuobičajen. # The unaccustomed sights of Johnny could not enlist in the army because he
Tibet were fascinating. was under age.
Unaffected ne znači samo bez afektacija, ne- Under/below par ne znači samo ispod pari-
usiljen, već i van uticaja, nepogođen. # Users of teta/nominale (below par), već ne baš najbolje,
gas were unaffected by the heating oil shortage. loše (se osećati). # I was feeling a little under par
Unapproachable nije samo nepristupačan, this morning. # I am sorry I was absent yester-
već i bez premca. # Shakespeare’s genius as a day; I felt somewhat below par.
playwright is anapproachable. Under cover ne znači samo pod zaštitom, već
Unbroken nije samo neslomljen, već i ne- i pod izgovorom. # “I heard reports of big mi-
prekinut. # The new year brought an unbroken litary installations under construction, stories of
series of successes. widespread forest clearance under cover of forest
Uncalled for, uncalled-for nije samo nepo- fires” (G. Greene, Our Man in Havana).
zvan, već i neprikladan, neumestan, koji nije na Underground nije samo podzemni, već i (a):
mestu. # His remarks on that occasion were qui- tajni, (b): (kriminalno, političko i drugo) podze-
te uncalled for. # Those nasty remarks about his mlje, (c): metro, podzemna železnica (u britan-
brother were certainly uncalled-for. skom engleskom) i (d): ekstremna avangarda.
Uncharted waters/territory (vode/teritorija (a): The spy never told his family about his un-
kojih nema na mapi) su nepoznate vode odno- derground activities. (b): Criminal underground
sno neistražena teritorija. # I’m afraid we’re sa- and special-interest groups have too much influ-
iling in uncharted waters. # “Greg was leading a ence on government. (c): Urban underground tra-
biochemical quest into uncharted territory. Since ins are mostly called subways in the US, though
cancers occur when the usual checks and balan- metro is used in some cities, such as Washington
ces of cell growth cease to function, he hoped to and Baltimore. (d): Underground is an avant-gar-
Under lock and key 260 Unmoved

de movement or its films, publications, and art of Undo nije samo poništiti, već i (a): odrešiti,
special appeal and often concerned with social or (b): odvezati, otkopčati, (c): otvoriti i (d): upro-
artistic experiment. pastiti. (a): Can you undo this knot. (b): He un-
Under lock and key ne znači samo pod klju- did a shoelace. (c): Undo the door, please. (d):
čem, već i u zatvoru. # “There’s no safety for The gossip is bound to undo his candidacy.
anyone until he is under lock and key” (A. Conan Unfinished business ne znači samo nesvršan
Doyle, The Hound of The Baskervilles). posao, već i neraščišćene stvari, neizravnati ra-
Under one’s own steam (pod sopstvenom čuni. # We have some unfinished business with
parom) znači sam, bez pomoći drugih, sopstve- them. There are some scores to be settled with
nim naporom. # We didn’t think he could do it, them.
but Bobby finished his homework under his own Uneven nije samo nejednak, već i (a): nera-
steam. van, (b): neparan, (c): neujednačen i (d): pri-
Under petticoat government (pod vladavi- strasan, nefer. (a): The table wobbles because
nom podsuknje) znači pod ženskom papučom. the floor is uneven. (b): Odd or uneven numbers
# You may call me a male chauvinist pig, but I are not evenly divisible by two. (c): Don’t you
can’t imagine living under petticoat government see that the color of the wall is uneven? (d): The
domestically, socially, economically or politi- referee was uneven in favoring one of the teams.
cally. Unfamiliar nije nefamilijaran, već (a): neu-
Under someone’s heel (pod nečijom petom) pućen, (b): nepoznat, (c): neobičan, čudan. (a):
znači pod nečijom čizmom, pod nečijim jar- The classical musician was unfamiliar with po-
mom. # The people had been under the heel of pular music. (b): The artist’s name is unfamiliar
their conquerors for so long that many of them to most people. (c): This soup has an unfamiliar
had forgotten what freedom was. taste.
Under someone’s thumb (pod nečijim pal- Unfit nije samo nepodoban, već i (a): neupo-
cem) znači pod nečijom kontrolom, u nečijim trebljiv, (b): nesposoban i (c): slab, u lošoj kon-
rukama. # If you went to him under threats of diciji. (a): This water is unfit for drinking. (b):
blackmail, you’d be under his thumb forever. The young boy is unfit to run this business. (c):
Understanding nije samo razumevanje, već The operation left her unfit for months.
i (a): dogovor i (b): pun razumevanja. (a): Ma-
Unguarded nije samo nečuvan, nezaštićen,
nagement finally reached an understanding with
već i neoprezan, nepromišljen. # A politician
employees. (b): The youth was fortunate in ha-
ving understanding parents. must be careful about making unguarded remar-
Under the gun (pod pištoljem) znači pod pri-
tiskom. # They’ve got the boss under the gun to Unheard of, unheard-of ne znači samo
get this thing wound up by Friday. nepoznat, za koga se nije čulo, već i dosad
nečuven(o), neviđen(o), bez primera. # It’s un-
Under the influence ne znači samo pod uti-
heard of for a boy of his age to gain university
cajem, već i specifično pod uticajem alkohola. #
The police stopped him in his car because he was entrance. Unheard-of-wonder je čudo neviđe-
driving under the influence. no. # Have you seen new Wilsons’ mansion? It’s
an unheard-of-wonder!
Under the table ne znači samo ispod stola,
već i (figurativno) tajno. # The mayor had been Unholy nije samo bezbožan, već i (kolokvi-
paying money to the construction company un- jalno) grozan, strašan. # The room was an un-
der the table. holy mess.
Under the weather (pod vremenom) znači Uniform nije samo uniforma, već i (a): jed-
(a): ne u najboljem zdravlju i (b): slabe volje, noobrazan, (b): usklađen, (c): ujednačen i (d):
potišten. (a): I’m a bit under the weather today, istovetan. (a): The windows in the house are all
so I can’t go to the office.(b): Please try to cheer uniform. (b): The government has a uniform po-
me up. I’m under the weather this morning. licy concerning birth-rate control. (c): You sho-
Under the wire (pod žicom) znači u posled- uld always drive with uniform speed. (d): The
njem trenutku. # I turned in my report just under residents were uniform in their attitude towards
the wire. strangers.
Under way ne znači ispod puta, već u toku. Unlikely nije samo malo verovatan, već i s
# My attorney has advised me not to do anything malo izgleda. # The fat youth was the most unli-
that inadvertently would cause a mistrial or wo- kely member of the track team.
uld disturb the process that is under way. Get un- Unmoved nije samo nepokrenut, već i (a):
derway/under way znači krenuti, početi. # The nepokoleban i (b): hladan, neganut. (a): After
ship is leaving soon. It’s about to get underway. # debating for hours both sides remained unmoved.
I’m glad our project is under way. (b): His appeal for loan left me unmoved.
Unqualified 261 Up in arms

Unqualified nije samo nekvalifikovan, već i usponi i padovi, dobri i loši periodi. # “I mean,
potpun, apsolutan. # The pay is un unqualified we have our ups and downs just like all couples,
hit. but we usually patch it up pretty quick” (P. Con-
Unrelated nije samo nepovezan, već i koji roy, The Prince of Tides). # The book charts the
nije u rodu. # The two men look alike but are ups and downs of a career in fashion. Ups and
unrelated. downs of life je sreća i nesreća u životu, životne
Unsound nije samo nezdrav, već i (a): ne- peripetije. Kaže se i highs and lows.
stabilan i (b): pogrešan. (a): Too little cement Up and leave, say etc. (uspraviti se i otići,
was used in the foundation, making the building reći itd.) znači iznenadno/neočekivano otići,
unsound. (b): I think your reasoning is unsound. reći itd. # Half the audience up and left after the
Of unsound mind je umobolan. # The doctors controversial scene. # His Austrian grandfather
judged him to be of unsound mind. was an opera singer who abruptly upped and
Unsympathetic nije nesimpatičan, već nesa- left his wife in Vienna. # “Courting on the sly
osećajan. # She was surprisingly unsympathetic like that and suddenly upping and saying he was
about my problem. married, without having mentioned a word of it
before” (A. Sillitoe, The Loneliness of the Long-
Until hell freezes over (pod Till/until hell distance Runner).
freezes over).
Up a tree - u američkom engleskom i up a
Until kingdom come (pod Till/until king- gum tree - u britanskom engleskom (gore na
dom come). – kaučukovom - drvetu) znači (a): u teškoj si-
Until the cows come home (pod Till/until tuaciji, u izgubljenom položaju, u čabru i (b):
the cows come home). natreskan, nacvrcan (u američkom žargonu).
Until the last gun is fired (pod Till/until the (a): He went away with all my clothes packed in
last gun is fired). his own bags, so I was left really up a gum tree!
Untimely nije samo u nevreme, preran, već (b): Only two glasses of booze and he was up a
i neprikladan. # Everyone was shocked by his tree for sure.
untimely remark. Up for grabs (gore za grabljenje) znači (u
Untold nije samo neizrečen, već i (a): neot- žargonu) (a): svakome na raspolaganju, još
kriven i (b): nebrojen. (a): The book reveals the uvek ničiji i (b): u totalnom haosu („pravi ku-
hitherto untold facts of the actress’s private life. pleraj“). (a): Understanding that Russia is still up
(b): The quake left untold thousands of people for grabs, President Clinton has begun to try to
homeless. build a new consensus about relations with Mos-
Untrue nije samo lažan, već i neveran. # cow, based on a more hard-headed readings of
Henry VIII had two of his queens executed on politics there. (b): This is a madhouse. The whole
the charge that they were untrue. place is up for grabs.
Unwholesome nije samo nezdrav, već i (a): Up for something (gore za nešto) znači (a):
škodljiv i (b): nemoralan. (a): Stay away from kandidat za nešto i (b): raspoložen za nešto.
unwholesome drugs. (b): Unwholesome friends (a): I believe he’s up for re-admission to the so-
lead the youth astray. ciety at the next committee meeting. (b): Who’s
up for a swim?
Up a creek (pod Up the/a creek).
Up front (gornji front) je (a): direktan, otvo-
Up a gum tree (pod Up a tree).
ren, (b): unapred, avansno i (c): u prvoj borbe-
Be up and about (biti gore i okolo) znači noj liniji, na liniji fronta (u žargonu). (a): She
ustati iz kreveta (posle bolesti), pridići se. # My was completely up front about why she didn’t
father is out of hospital and up and about again want to see him anymore. (b): I ordered a new
at last. car, and they wanted 20% up front. (c): You guys
Up-and-coming (prema gore i dolazeći) zna- who are up front are going to get the most fire.
či perspektivan, obećavajući, u usponu. # He’s Uphill battle/struggle/fight (borba uzbrdo)
up-and-coming as an actor. je tegoban posao, teška borba, muka živa. # Te-
Up and doing (prema gore i radeći) je akti- aching my youngest son to read was a real uphi-
van, u poslu. # I hate just sitting about. I’d much ll battle. # It’s an uphill struggle teaching Mark
rather be up and doing. French; he has no aptitude for languages. # The
Up and down nije samo gore-dole, već i (a): House of Lords is not prone to wasting counsel’s
promenljivo, svakojako, sad ovako, sad onako time, but the union certainly had an uphill stru-
i (b): tamo-amo, tamo i natrag. (a): - How are ggle from the first day with Lord Wilberforce.
things in your office? - Oh, up and down. (b): Up in arms nije samo (dići se) na oružje, već
I’ve been driving up and down the street for ten i veoma naoštren, žestoko protiv. # The parents
minutes looking for you. Ups and downs su were up in arms about the closing of the school.
Upper crust 262 Up to the mark

Upper crust (gornja kora) je krem društva, Up to (someone/something) (gore do - neko-

viši slojevi. # It’s a school that only the children ga/nečega) znači (a): raditi nešto, biti angažo-
of the upper crust can afford. van na nečemu, (b): stvar nečije odluke ili izbo-
Upright nije samo uspravan, već i (a): po- ra („na tebi je“), (c): (dosizati) do nečega, (d):
šten, čestit i (b): (potporni) stub. (a): It’s a plea- blizu nečega, (e): sve do (određenog vremena)
sure to do business with an upright man. (b): The i (f): dorastao nečemu, na visini nečega. (a):
porch is supported by a row of uprights. Upright What have you been up to recently? (b): It’s up
piano je pijanino (za razliku od grand piano – to Fred whether he takes the job or tries to find
koncertni klavir). another one. # - Shall I do it? - It’s up to you.
Uproot nije samo iskoreniti, već i oterati, (c): The water in the pond was only up to Bob’s
prisiliti na iseljenje. # Floods and famine uproo- knees. (d): Because of the rain, the number of
ted many of the country’s people. people at the party did not come up to the num-
ber we expected. (e): Up to her fourth birthday,
Ups and downs (pod Up and down).
the baby slept in a crib. # Up to now I always
Ups and downs of life (pod Up and down). thought Fred was honest. (f): I don’t think he’s
Upset nije samo uznemiriti, već i (a): prevr- up to this task.
nuti (se), (b): poremetiti, (c): neočekivano po- Up to a point (do neke tačke) znači delimič-
raziti (favorita) i (d): dezorganizovan, haotičan no, do izvesne mere. # It was proper for the judge
(a): The child upset the glass of milk. (b): The to encourage the jury up to a point to come to a
rain upset our plans for a picnic. (c): The home definite conclusion.
team upset the local champions. (d): The files Up to date, up-to-date (do datuma) znači
were so upset no one could find anything. (a): moderan, savremen i (b): skorašnji, svež,
Upset someone’s applecart (prevrnuti neči- aktuelan. (a): Her parents are very up to date and
ja ulična kolica za prodaju voća) znači pomrsiti do not mind how late she stays out at night. #
nečije račune, osujetiti nečije planove. # I think This is a very up-to-date attitude, I must say. (b):
it is roughly true that Swift was the fellow who I’d like to see a more up-to-date report on Mr.
upset Marlborough’s applecart, and a very good Watson.
thing, too. Be up to here (biti dovde) znači (kolokvijal-
Up stakes/sticks (dići kolčeve) znači poku- no) (a): imati posla preko glave i (b): biti neko-
piti se sa svim svojim prnjama, pokupiti svoje me dosta nekoga/nečega („Dovde mi je toga!“).
stvari i preseliti se. # Then Morris found a job as (a): Ask him to come later; right now I am up to
a book-keeper in Jerusalem, so the family upped here fixing my video recorder. (b): I’m up to here
stakes and moved once again. # They just upped with your excuses!
sticks and left without saying goodbye. Up to one’s neck/ears/eyeballs/eyes/elbows/
Up the/a creek (without a paddle) (uz potok chin (in something) (do vrata/ušiju/očnih jabu-
– bez vesla) znači u sosu (u američkom žargonu). čica/očiju/laktova (u nečemu) znači (a): do grla
# What a mess I’m in. I’m really up the creek (u poslu, obavezama itd.), (b): do guše (u dugu,
without a paddle. # You are up a creek! You got nevolji itd.) i (c): (biti) zatrpan nečim, (imati) i
yourself into it, so get yourself out. previše nečega. (a): Joe is up to his neck in ho-
Up the pole (uz motku) znači (kolokvijalno) mework. # The secretary was up to her ears in
(a): sišao s uma, šenuo, (b): u neprilici, u sosu addressing and stamping letters. (b): Forget abo-
i (c): nacugan, nakresan. (a): He’s up the pole ut that; I am up to the chin in debt myself. # Was
to refuse such a splendid offer. (b): To dismiss a Gary mixed up in that trouble last night? He was
man as skilled as he is would leave us right up up to his ears in it. (c): We’re up to our eyeballs
the pole - we’d have to spend time on training in spare parts. # Sally was up to her eyes in invi-
someone else, and the work would be delayed. tations to go to parties. # We’re up to our knees
(c): You sound a little up the pole. Why don’t you with orders and getting more all the time.
call back when you’re sober? Up to scratch/snuff (sve do ogrebotine/bur-
Up the spout (uz žleb) znači (a): upropašćen muta) znači zadovoljavajući, na nivou onog što
(u britanskom engleskom, kolokvijalno) i (b): se očekuje (u američkom žargonu). # This just
u drugom stanju. (a): When the war broke out, isn’t up to scratch. You’ll have to do it again. #
all the company’s plans for new joint ventures Sorry, Joe. Your performance isn’t up to snuff.
were up the spout. (b): He’s been in prison for a You’ll have to improve or find another job.
year, so he’s not going to enjoy finding out that Up to the mark (do znaka) znači na potreb-
his wife is up the spout. Kaže se i (u britanskom nom nivou. # “My opponent just isn’t up to the
engleskom, kolokvijalno) up the stick (uz kolac/ mark on health care,” Mr. Bush said, asserting
štap) # They have five children, but she’s up the that after 12 years under Mr. Clinton, one in four
stick again. people in Arkansas does not have health insuran-
Up the stick (pod Up the spout). ce.
Up-to-the-minute 263 Utility

Up-to-the-minute (do minuta) znači naj- (upotrebiti svoju nudlu/ćupu - američki žargon)
noviji, poslednji, najsvežiji. # Churchill was in znači mućnuti malo glavom. # «’Oh, use your
almost regular possession of up-to-the-minute loaf, For Christ’s sake!’ I shouted. His incom-
facts and figures about his enemy. prehension was beginning to get me down» (J.
Up with (someone/something) (gore sa – ne- Wain, The Contenders). # You can do better in
kim/nečim) znači (a): nešto nije u redu (sa ne- math if you’ll just use your noodle. # Use your
kim/nečim), nešto je loše (sa nekim/nečim) i (b): noggin! It’s there for more than hanging your hat
Živeo (neko/što)! Bravo za (nekoga/nešto)! (a): on. Kaže se i use one’s head. # You know the
I knew something was up as soon as I saw the answer. Use your head!
miserable look in his eyes. # There’s something
up with the engine. (b): Up with Joe Bloggs! # Use one’s muscle (upotrebiti svoje mišiće)
Up with women’s rights! znači upotrebiti snagu/moć. # The printers have
Urn jeste urna (sa pepelom pokojnika), ali i used their muscle to obtain far higher wages than
(a): vaza sa postoljem i (b): velika metalna po- they deserve.
suda sa slavinom (za čaj, kafu itd.). (a): A view Use one’s noggin (pod Use one’s loaf).
down a path lined with ornamental urns, with a Use one’s noodle (pod Use one’s loaf).
lawn to the left and trees to the right. (b): Not a Use the facilities ne znači samo koristiti
pump or a tea urn to be seen.
olakšice, već i otići u toalet. # If anybody wants
Usage nije samo upotreba, već i (a): običaj to use the facilities - the third door to the right.
(b): postupak (c): rukovanje i (d): upotreba
reči. (a): Usage dictates that the host sit at the Usher in ne znači uvesti (kaže se usher into),
head of the table. (b): The patients complained of već najaviti, inaugurisati. # It ushers in a new
the ill usage. (c): Due to carelless usage, the car era. # It is the happy custom for the Viennese to
lasted only two years. (d): In British usage, „lift“ usher in the New Year with a concert of music
means „elevator. by Strauss.
Use one’s head (pod Use one’s loaf). Utility nije samo korisnost, već i komunalije
Use one’s loaf (upotrebiti svoju veknu - bri- (u množini). # What are your monthly bills for
tanski kolokvijalizam), use one’s noodle/noggin utilities?

Vacancy nije samo praznina, već i (a): slo- punkt. (a): “From his vantage point high over
bodan stan, slobodna soba, (b): nenastanjenost Armstrong Space Station Alesander Govorov
i (c): upražnjeno radno mesto. (a): There’s a va- saw the bright flash and explosion...” (D. Brown,
cancy on the fifth floor front. (b): The vacancy of Silver Tower). (b): From the Pentagon’s vantage
the house dates from last year. (c): The personnel point the Balkan war is not an inviting conflict.
department is trying to fill a vacancy in the filing Variety show (raznovrsna priredba) je (u
department. britanskom engleskom) varijete (u američkom
Vain nije samo uzaludan, već i (a): uobra- engleskom je vaudeville). # Variety show is a
žen, sujetan i (b): isprazan. (a): Ruth is very show in a nightclub, made up of different kinds
vain about her appearance. (b): Playing cards of acts, as comic skits, songs, dances, etc.
seems a vain pastime to me. Variety store (raznovrsna radnja) je bazar,
Value nije samo vrednost, već i (a): važnost, trgovina sa raznovrsnom robom. # I went into
(b): cena, iznos, (c): proceniti i (d): ceniti. (a): variety store and bought some paint.
Mother attaches a great deal of value to good ma- Varnish nije samo lakirati, već i ulepšati,
nners. (b): The expert set a value of $30,000 on dati lepu glazuru. # She tends to varnish (over)
the painting. (c): The tax assessor valued the ho- the truth to make a more interesting story.
use at &150,000. (d): I value his opinion.
Vehicle nije samo vozilo, već i sredstvo. # Te-
Van nije samo kombi, već i (a): kamion za levision has become a major advertising vehicle.
selidbu, (b): prethodnica i (c): avangarda. (a):
All the furniture had been put on the moving van. Vein nije samo vena, već i (a): rudna žila,
(b): Tanks were in the van of the army’s advance. (b): crta, žica i (c): duh, ton. (a): There was a
(c): Maxine was in the van of women’s libera- vein of coal running through the mountain. (b):
tion. Kaže se i avant-guarde i advance guard The book has a vein of cynism throughout. (c):
za avangardu. # In the 1920’s Picasso was still “Many other stories in a similar vein could be qu-
considered a member of the avant-garde. Za pret- oted from historical writings of many countries”
hodnicu i avangardu kaže se i vanguard. # The (H. J. Eysenck, Sense and Nonsense in Psycholo-
vanguard was sent ahead to clear the woods of gy). # He spoke to the crowd in humorous vein.
enemy snipers. # The vanguard praised the merits The very blood (sama krv) je životna snaga.
of the young painter. # Tolerance of others is the very blood of demo-
Vanity nije samo taština, već i (a): ništavnost, cracy.
(b): toaletni stočić, (c): pudrijera i (d): lavabo u The very devil (sam đavo) je prava napast.
kupatilu. (a): The ministers sermon was on the # Little Andrew is so sweet most of the time, but
vanity of amassing wordly goods. (b): Let’s put when he get cross, he can be the very devil.
the vanity between the two windows. (c): She Very good nije samo vrlo dobar, već znači i
took her vanity and began powdering her nose. razumem, svakako. # “’Those ginger biscuits are
(d): Bathroom, with suite comprising paneled as hard as cracking nuts.’ ‘Very good, madam,’
bath, vanity wash basin, WC, access to loft. said Palmer, and she picked up the offending pla-
Vanity case (kutija taštine) je damski nese- te” (A. Thirkell, What Did It Mean?).
ser. # She had the porter carry her big bags and Very pregnant (vrlo trudna) znači u pood-
she herself carried her vanity case. makloj trudnoći. # Our daughter is very pre-
Vantage point (tačka prednosti) je (a): mesto gnant. We expect the happy event in a less than
s kojeg se pruža dobar vidik i (b): osmatrački a month.
Very wel 266 Vocal

Very well ne znači samo vrlo dobro, već i pa neprerađeno ulje, nerafinirano ulje. (a): What
dobro, u redu. # - No, no. I insist on paying my price is the barrel of virgin oil being sold at? (b):
own fare. - Very well, if you feel that way. It’s not A vegetable virgin oil is used in variety of pro-
worth argument. ducts. Virgin snow je sneg celac. # Our ski-bob
Vessel nije samo brod, već i (a): posuda i (b): was gliding swiftly downhill over virgin snow.
krvni sud. (a): Cook the meat in a large vessel Virgin soil je ledina, neobrađena zemlja. # As
with a tight-fitting lid. (b): The doctor said I’d far as the eye could see, there was only unused,
severed a vessl in my leg. uncultivated, virgin soil. Virgin wool je neprera-
Vest nije vesta (kaže se cardigan ili, u ame- đena vuna. # The stranger wanted to buy signifi-
ričkom engleskom, <button/front> sweater), cant quantities of virgin wool.
već (a): prsluk (u američkom engleskom), (b): Virtue nije samo vrlina, već i (a): nevinost,
potkošulja (u britanskom engleskom), (c): staviti devičanstvo i (b): moral. (a): The queen’s virtue
u ruke/pod kontrolu i (d): odenuti. (a): Is the is unquestioned. (b): It’s not a pleasant duty, but
vest included with the suit? (b): A dozen vests somebody must open his eyes: she is woman of
was a good buy at $11. (c): Most of the authority easy virtue. By/in virtue of znači zbog, na osno-
is vested in the board of directors. (d): The bis- vu, polazeći od. # By virtue of your long servi-
hop was vested with ceremonial robes. ce to our company, we have decided to give you
this gold watch as an expression of our thanks. #
Vested rights nisu dodeljena, već stečena
They are members of the club in virtue of their
prava. # Each country has vested rights to the
great wealth.
waters off its shores.
Visit from the stork (poseta rode) je (kolo-
Viable nije samo sposoban za život, već i odr-
kvijalno) rođenje deteta. # We are expecting a
živ, ostvarljiv (Kaže se i sustainable). # If the
visit from the stork next January.
plan doesn’t succeed do you have a viable alter-
native? Visiting fireman nije vatrogasac u poseti, već
(a): važan posetilac i (b): dobar platiša, neko ko
View nije samo pogled, već i (a): mišljenje, je široke ruke (u američkom engleskom). (a): We
(b): vidik, (c): prizor i (d): smatrati, procenji- have a couple of visiting firemen coming today.
vati. (a): In the mayor’s view the town’s budget (b): George always had a treatment of a visiting
must be increased. (b): Finally the ship came into fireman who is welcomed because he is thought
view. (c): What a beautiful view! (d): Experts to be a free spender.
view the situation with alarm.
Visiting teacher (gostujući nastavnik) je na-
View someone with a beady eye (pogledati stavnik koji pomaže slabim đacima. (Visiting
nekoga zacakljenim okom) znači pogledati ne- professor ima doslovno značenje.) # My hu-
koga sumnjičavo/kritički. # When I asked the sband is employed as a visiting teacher, a kind
boss for a day off so that I could nurse my sick of a social worker who works individually with
mother, he viewed me with a beady eye. students having special problems in adjusting to
Villain of the piece (hulja u komadu) je (a): school or in functioning well in school.
negativac (u drami, romanu) i (b): glavni krivac, Visit with someone nije doći u posetu sa
uzročnik svih nevolja. (a): The villain of the pi- nekim, već (a): doći nekome u posetu (u bri-
ece in a melodrama always menaces the heroine. tanskom engleskom) i (b): popričati s nekim (u
(b): There is no doubt that inflation is the villa- američkom engleskom). (a): Weekends we usu-
in of the piece; it has bankrupted thousands of ally visit with my husband’s family. (b): Stay and
small businesses and even put state industries in visit with me for a while.
danger. Vital statistics (vitalni statistički podaci) su
Vintage year je godina dobre berbe (o vini- (a): najvažniji datumi u nečijem životu (rođenja,
ma) ili (figurativno) dobra/povoljna godina. # venčanja, smrti) i (b): nečije mere (oko grudi,
This was a vintage year for good movies. Vinta- struka i kukova u žena). (a): Vital statistics re-
ge car znači antikvitetna kola. # The millionaire cord significant events and dates in human life,
owns a vintage Rolls-Royce. Vintage joke je as births, deaths, and marriages. (b): Soviet girl
vic s bradom. # It’s good old Sam again and his models, and there are few, asked by some pushy
vintage jokes. He tells the same vintage jokes at Western male journalist for their vital statistics,
each party. Vintage novel je klasičan roman. # are as offended as Victorian ladies.
I am not a fan of the modern literature. I prefer Vocal nije samo vokal, samoglasnik, već
vintage novels. i (a): usmeni, govorni, (b): glasni (žice) i (c):
Virgin znači devičanski, ali Virgin forest je otvoren, direktan. (a): The teacher gives a lot
prašuma. # The virgin forest was so dense we of vocal praise but writes scathing comments on
couldn’t see through the trees. Virgin gold je term papers. (b): Don’t strain your vocal cords.
čisto zlato. # We found in the safe three ingots of (c): She was extremely vocal about her dislike
virgin gold. Virgin oil je (a): sirova nafta i (b): of the plan.
Voice 267 Vote with one’s feet

Voice nije samo glas, već i (a): (zvučno) iz- Volte-face (potpuni zaokret) je (a): okretanje
govarati i (b): izraziti, izneti. (a): Some people na levo krug (u vojsci) i (b): radikalna promena
voice both r’s in the word „library“. (b): Please stava („okrenuti ćurak naopako“). (a): The ser-
voice any objections you have now. geant gave his man the command, “Volte-face!”
His voice broke (pukao mu glas) znači (a): (b): I don’t understand your sudden volte-face
zagrcnuo se (od uzbuđenja), reči su mu zapele u on the question of tax deductions. Vidi Make a
grlu i (b): počinje da mutira (u pubertetu). (a): U-turn.
I don’t think I could read these lines without my
voice breaking. Get someone else to do it. (b): Volume nije samo zapremina, već i (a): ko-
“He used to sing in the choir at Eaton till his voi- ličina, (b): tom, knjiga i (c): jačina zvuka. (a):
ce broke” (A. Thirkell, What Did It Mean?). During the holiday season the post office handles
Voice vote (glasanje glasom) je (u američ- a tremendous volume of mail. (b): The encyclo-
kom engleskom) glasanje aklamacijom. # Con- pedia is in twenty volumes. # The girl carried a
trary to tradition, the chairman was elected by a slim volume of poetry under the arm. (c): Please
voice vote. turn down the volume on that radio.
Void nije samo prazan, već i (a): praznina, Vote nije samo glasati, već i (a): glas, (b):
ništavilo, (b): ništavan (često null and void), glasanje, (c): pravo glasa i (d): izglasati (with
(c): isprazniti i (d): ispuštati. (a): At one time in). (a): Father’s vote usually went to the party in
outer space was believed to be a complete void. power. (b): The vote will be held next Tuesday.
(b): That violation makes the contract void. #
The Czechoslovak Government wants the Mu- (c): When did the women win the vote? (d): The
nich Agreement declared null and void from the village voted in the same mayor year after year.
moment it was signed. (c): Johnny, void your Vote a straight ticket (glasati za izravnu li-
bowels before going to school. (d): The overloa- stu) znači dati sve glasove jednoj stranci. # I’m
ded tanker voided oil from its hold. not a member of any political party, so I never
Volatile nije samo isparljiv, već i (a): nepo- vote a straight ticket.
stojan i (b): eksplozivan. (a): Richard is too vo- Vote of censure ne znači glasanje o cenzuri,
latile to stick with one job very long. (b): The već glasanje o poverenju (vladi). # The oppositi-
situation in the Middle East is volatile.
on suddenly called for a vote of censure.
Volley nije samo volej, već i (a): salva, plotun
i (b): kiša (figurativno). (a): The attack began Vote with one’s feet (glasati nogama) zna-
with a volley of shots. (b): A volley of criticism či izraziti nezadovoljstvo napuštanjem (zemlje,
greeted mayor’s proposal. # We were met with a predstave itd.). # When the audience votes with
volley of stones. its feet, you know you don’t have a hit.

Wage nije samo nadnica, već i voditi (rat - ra- wake of znači nakon, kao posledica. In the wake
tovati). # England and Spain waged war for many of the Events of May 1968 the French gover-
years. nment found itself obliged to offer something in
Waggon (brit.) wagon (am.) nije putnički va- the way of concessions to its rebellious students.
gon, već (a): teretni vagon (u britanskom engle- # In the wake of the storm, there were many bro-
skom) i (b): teretna kola. (a): On each side of the ken tree limbs.
canal arm are doors through which railroad wa- Walk nije samo šetnja, već i (a): način hoda,
ggons passed to be unloaded. (b): Wheat is also (b): ići peške i (c): staza. (a): Have you ever no-
brought in by the railroad but most is brought in ticed that bouncy little walk of hers? (b): We got
by the farmer’s wagons. # The first white settlers off the buss nad walked the last few blocks. (c):
journeyed across America in covered wagons. The walk in front of the house is covered with
Wait at/on table(s) ne znači čekati kraj sto- ice.
la, već posluživati za stolom, kelnerisati. # The Walk abroad ne znači otšetati van, već uze-
girls earn spending money by waiting at table in ti maha, širiti se na sve strane. # «There death
the school dining rooms. # Waiting at tables is a and destruction had already walked abroad» (M.
skilled job, requiring careful training. Wheeler, Still Digging).
Wait in the wings (čekati u krilima) znači če- Walk away with something ne znači otići sa
kati na svoju šansu („spreman da uskoči kao za- nečim, već glatko pobediti u nečemu, lako osvo-
peta puška“) i specifično čekati iza kulisa. # The jiti/dobiti nešto. # The official Labor Party candi-
chairman admits that he is not too old to fulfil date walked away with the election: his majority
all his responsibilities, but fortunately there are was about fifteen thousand.
several younger men waiting in the wings. # The Walk before one can run (hodati pre nego
theater has several talented young actors waiting što se može trčati) znači savladati osnove ne-
in the wings. čega pre upuštanja u složenije poduhvate. #
Wait on someone ne znači čekati na nekoga, Stella wanted to make a tailored jacket as her
već (a): opsluživati nekoga, (b): služiti nekoga, first sewing project, but her mother convinced
(c): negovati nekoga, (d): pratiti nekoga i (e): her that she should make something much sim-
posetiti nekoga (i izraziti svoje poštovanje). (a): pler; she would have to learn to walk before she
The clerk in the store asked if we had been wa- could run.
ited upon. (b): I’m not here to wait on him! (c): Walk off je otići, udaljiti se, a walk off so-
Sue has a summer job waiting on an invalid. (d): mething znači smanjiti nešto pešačenjem, oslo-
Success waits on him and his hard work. (e): We boditi se nečega (težine, lošeg raspoloženja itd.)
waited on the widow out of respect for her hu- pešačenjem. # I’ll have to get out into the co-
sband. Wait on someone hand and foot znači untry more, and walk off some of this fat. # We
ugađati nekome u svemu, ispunjavati nekome started back in a mood of deep depression, but
svaku želju. # Sue is spoiled because her mother had walked it off before we got home.
waits on her hand and foot. Walk off with something (otići sa nečim)
Wait on table(s) (pod Wait at/on table(s). znači (a): uzeti nešto tuđe (greškom ili namerno)
Wake nije samo probuditi (se), već i (a): bde- i (b): smotati nešto, izgubiti se s nečim. (a): This
nje uz mrtvaca i (b): brazda za brodom. (a): The isn’t my mac - some idiot must have walked off
wake was held at the home of the deceased. (b): with it. (b): Don’t leave your suitcases unguar-
Segulls followed in the wake of the ship. In the ded. Somebody may walk off with them.
Walk of life 270 Wash one’s hands

Walk of life nije životna šetnja, već društveni Want list (pod Shopping list).
sloj. # I have traveled all over the world and have Ward nije samo čuvati, štititi, već i (a): bol-
met people from every walk of life. ničko odeljenje, (b): gradska izborna jedinica i
Walk on air ne znači hodati po vazduhu, već (c): osoba pod starateljstvom. (a): The patient
biti presrećan, biti euforičan. # Suzy has been was taken to the isolation ward. (b): He’s running
walking on air since she won the prize. for councilman of our ward. (c): The orphan be-
Walk over someone (hodati preko nekoga) came a ward of the state. Ward off znači parira-
znači (a): kinjiti nekoga, muštrati nekoga i (b): ti, izbeći udarac. # «He flung up an arm to ward
poraziti nekoga, prosto pregaziti nekoga. (a): off the blow» (H. Clevely, Public Enemy).
The manager had walked all over Sue for mont- Warmed over nije samo podgrejan, već i
hs. Finally she quit. (b): The replay wasn’t much (u žargonu) bajat, neoriginalan. # The lecture
of a contest: Liverpool walked all over them. sounded sort of warmed over, but it wasn’t too
Walk the chalk line/mark (hodati linijom/ dull.
znakom obeleženim kredom) znači ponašati se Warm the bench (grejati klupu) znači (ko-
kako treba, slušati. # If the members of the team lokvijalno) sedeti na klupi za rezerve. # Joe has
don’t walk the chalk line, the coach is free to been warming the bench for three football sea-
drop them. # That heater owner wants his place sons; he hopes that the coach will let him play
to be orderly and if boys and girls don’t walk the this year.
chalk mark, he puts them out. Warm the cockles of someone’s heart (za-
Walk/pace the floor (koračati po podu) znači grejati školjke nečijeg srca) znači razgaliti neči-
hodati tamo-amo, špartati po sobi. # While Harry ju dušu, razdragati nekoga. «It warms the coc-
waited for news of the operation, he walked the kles of my heart when I hear the old war songs,»
floor for hours on end. # «He rose and started to said the old soldier.
pace the floor, striding from desk to window, his
hands clasped behind his back and his brows knit Warm up nije samo ugrejati, već (a): pod-
in concentration» (W. Long, The Traitors). grejati, (b): podstaći nečiji interes, zagrejati, (c):
zagrejavati se (pred utakmicu ili ulazak u igru),
Walk the plank (ići po dasci) znači (a): biti (d): zagrejati se i početi raditi normalno, (e):
poslat u smrt (iz vremena kad su gusari terali za- uvežbavati (pred nastup) (f): otkraviti se (prema
robljenike da zavezanih očiju idu po dasci dok ne
nekome) i (g): zagrejavati se za nešto, prepuštati
padnu u more i udave se) (b): biti prinuđen na
se sa sve većim entuzijazmom nečemu. (a): Why
ostavku (u američkom engleskom). (a): You mi-
don’t you warm up some soup for dinner? (b):
ght as well ask a man to walk the plank as drive
in this fog. (b): When a new owner bought the The comedian told a few quick jokes to get his
store, the manager had to walk the plank. audience warmed up. (c): The coach told us to
warm up before entering the pool. (d): In cold
Walk-up ne znači penjanje, već (a): zgrada weather put the choke out half-way, and let the
bez lifta, stan u zgradi bez lifta i (b): (u impe- engine warm up, before you move off. (e): The
rativu) Dođite! Hajde narode! (poziv da se uđe dancers began to warm up fifteen minutes before
u cirkus, na predstavu itd.). (a): «He’d been on
the performance. (f): It took a while before Gary
his way up at the Trib, living in a fourth-floor
warmed up to me, but then we became good fri-
walk-up, but slowly inching ahead, doing what
ends. (g): As he warmed up to his subject, An-
he wanted» (F. P. Wilson, Reborn). (b): Walk up!
Walk up! The greatest show on earth is about to drew forgot his bashfulness.
begin! Warrant nije samo sudski nalog (search
Wallflower je šeboj, ali i devojka koju niko warrant – nalog za pretres, warrant of arrest
ne poziva na ples. Clare was regularly playing – nalog za hapšenje, warrant of distress - na-
wallflower, and then almost suddenly, everybody log za plenidbu itd.), već i (a): poternica (b):
discovered how attractive she was. Vidi Play opravdati, zasluživati i (c): garantovati, jamčiti.
wallflower. (a): There is a warrant out against him. (b): Such
actions warrant a severe reprimand. (c): The ma-
Want nije samo želeti, već i (a): oskudica,
nedostatak, (b): potreba, (c): nedostajati, (d): nufacturer warrants that all parts are new.
zahtevati i (e): tražiti. (a): The country has want Wash down nije samo oprati, već i zaliti
of water. # He’s grown fat for want of exercise. hranu pićem. Joe washed the pizza down with
(b): Most people have simple wants. (c): If you a beer.
marry him, you’ll never want for money. (d): Washed out (pod Wash out).
This book wants mending. (e): The FBI wants Wash one’s hands nije samo oprati ruke, već
him for espionage. i (a): ne prihvatiti odgovornost za nešto, ne hte-
Want a lift? ne znači Hoćete li u lift?, već ti imati više išta s nečim, prati ruke od nečega
Da vas povezem (kolima)? # I’m going in your (kao Pontije Piilat) i (b): otići u toalet (eufemi-
direction. Want a lift? zam). (a): Dr. O’Brien stated that the Protestant
Wash out 271 Vocal

backlash was not a myth and that if Britain was- has said she will abolish the rating system. Watch
hed her hands of the situation, she would earn this space. She won’t. No one will. Not ever.
the hatred of both sides. (b): If you wish to wash Watch your mouth/tongue! (Pazi na usta/
your hands, I’ll show you the way. jezik!) znači (u žargonu) Pazi šta govoriš! # Hey,
Wash out nije samo isprati, već i (a): izlokati, don’t talk that way! Watch your mouth! # Watch
(b): ne dozvoliti da se odigra/nastavi utakmica your tongue, garbage mouth!
(kiša) i (c): upropastiti. (a): The rain washed the Watch your step! ne znači samo Pazi kuda
wall out after a few years. (b): Heavy rain this ideš!, Koračaj oprezno!, već i Pazi šta radiš!,
weekend washed out five league fixtures. (c): Budi na oprezu! # «Some of the boys are tough,
Our plans were washed out by the change in the and we’re not any of us doing this for fun. So
exchange rate. Isto tako, washed out nije samo watch your step» (J. Wyndham, The Day of the
ispran, već i iscrpljen, izmožden. # I feel too Triffids).
washed out to go to work today. Watch your tongue! (pod Watch your mo-
Wash up ne znači samo oprati, već i (a): uth/tongue!).
umiti se (u američkom engleskom), (b): oprati Water nije samo voda, već i (a): zalivati, (b):
sudove (u britanskom engleskom), (c): okonča- razblažiti vodom, (c): napojiti i (d): zasuziti. (a):
ti nečiju karijeru i (d): izbaciti na obalu. (a): Water the flowers every morning. (b): That bar
Wash up, Teddy, and come to breakfast. (b): waters its drinks. (c): Water the livestock when
«After supper we’d wash up and she’d sit by the you feed them. (d): My eyes water when I’m ti-
fire» (A. Wesker, I’m Talking About Jerusalem). red. # Onions always make my eyes water.
(c): That poor performance washed Mike up as a It’s water under the bridge, it’s water over
clerk. «Well, that washes me up,» said Mike. (d): the dam (to je voda ispod mosta/voda preko bra-
The incoming tide washed up cargo from wrec- ne) znači bilo pa prošlo. # I can’t change past.
ked coaster. # A man drowned and, and the waves It’s water under the bridge. # Your quarrel with
washed him up. Linda is water over the dam; now you ought to
concentrate on getting along with her.
Waste nije samo rasipati, već i (a): uništiti,
Wave nije samo talas, već i (a): mahati i (b):
opustošiti, rušenje, (b): ubiti (u američkom žar-
lepršati, vijoriti se. (a): The highway patrolman
gonu), (c): ne iskoristiti, propustiti, (d): otpaci i waved us to stop. (b): The flag waved in the bree-
(e): pustara. (a): Invading armies wasted the co- ze. Vidi Make waves.
untryside. # Nothing could stop waste of the city
Wave a big stick (pod Wield/wave a big
by the barabarians. (b): The thief tried to waste
the bank guard after the bank robbery. (c): He
wasted a good opportunity of making career foe Wax nije samo vosak, već i (a): rasti (wax
himself in the civil service. (d): Industrial wa- and wane je rasti i opadati, a kaže se i rise and
fall) (b): postajati. (a): Byzantium lasted almost
ste must be preventing from polluting. (e): The
a thousand years, waxing and waning through
explorers spent months in the Arctic wastes. centuries. (b): The mayor waxed enthusiastic
Waste one’s breath (traćiti dah) znači govo- over the new education program.
riti uzalud („ne troši reči badava“). # Don’t wa- Wax and wane (pod Rise and fall).
ste your breath talking to her. She won’t listen.
The way I figure it (način na koji ja to ra-
Wasting no time (ne trošeći vreme) znači ne čunam) znači kako ja to vidim, po mome sudu.
časeći časa. # Wasting no time, he offered his re- # The way I figure it, this whole idea is totally
signation to the President. groundless.
Watch nije samo pažljivo motriti, već i (a): The way of the world (način sveta) je uo-
(pri)paziti, (b): obratiti pažnju, (c): gledati, bičajeno ponašanje, ono što svet obično čini.
(d): vrebati, (e): biti na oprezu, (f): ručni sat i # «Neither of them understood or sympathized
(g): straža i (e): stražar. (a): Who’s watching with my passivity (about being asked to resign).
the children while the parents are on vacation? To me it seemed the way of the world» (W. Coo-
(b): Watch your money or it will be gone befo- per, Scenes from Provincial Life).
re payday. (c): He kissed her while no one was Way out nije samo izlaz, već i (a): potpuno
watching. # Her purse was stolen while she was pogrešan, na pogrešnom putu i (b): neobičan,
watching TV. (d): Watch for an empty seat and ekscentričan, otkačen (u žargonu). (a): You are
grab it. (e): Watch that he doesn’t cheat you. (f): way out in your calculations. The holiday will
This watch keeps good time. (g): The sailor had cost 700 pounds, not 500. (b): Some of your ide-
the midnight to 4 a.m. watch. (e): The watch is as are really way out.
late making his rounds. Ways and means ne znači samo putevi i na-
Watch this space. (Pazite na taj prostor.) čini, već i finansijska sredstva. # We haven’t the
znači Pripremite se za iznenađenje. Nešto zani- ways and means to do it.
mljivo će se desiti u vezi s tim. # Mrs. Thatcher Way to go! (pod That’s the way to go!).
Weak as a kitten 272 Wear the trousers/pants/breeches

Weak as a kitten (pod Weak as water). taller, but the wind and rain have worn it down.
Weak as dishwater (slab kao splačine) znači (c): Under so much pressure from her parents,
(kolokvijalno) slab (čaj, kafa), tanak, pišoka. # her will to independence was slowly wearing
The tea they served was as weak as dishwater. down. (d): They wore him down with constant
# Don’t make the coffee as weak as dishwater, pestering until he finally agreed.
as usual. Wear different/many hats, wear more than
Weak as water (slab kao voda) znači (a): one hat (nositi razne/mnoge šešire) znači ra-
onemoćao (kaže se i weak as a kitten), (b): diti više poslova istovremeno, pojavljivati se u
slab, koji ima malo alkohola, (c): nedovoljno više uloga, imati više funkcija. # «Edward was
odlučan, popustljiv, mekan i (d): neuverljiv, ne- a whirlwind of activity, wearing many hats. One
ubedljiv.(a): The doctor told me the infection had minute he was an architect, the next an electro-
completely cleared up, but not to feel surprised if nics engineer, and finally a general contractor
I felt as weak as water for the next month or so. as he single-handedly directed the emergence of
(b): Well, if you can’t drink whisky, have a glass the lab» (R. Cook, Acceptable Risk). # Mr. Brian
of this beer. It’s as weak as water: even a child Baird, a public relations consultant, is master-
could drink it. (c): He would have worked for his minding the proceedings. He is wearing a lot of
exams all May and June if his friends had left hats.
him alone. Unfortunately they didn’t, and he’s Wear many hats (pod Wear different/many
as weak as water when it comes to saying no to hats).
a friend. (d): The staff didn’t want the proposed Wear more than one hat (pod Wear diffe-
changes in office routine, but the arguments they rent/many hats).
tried to put forward against them were as weak Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve (nositi srce
as water. na rukavu - iz Šekspirovog „Otela“) znači imati
Weaker vessel (slabiji sud) je osoba manje srce na dlanu, otvoreno pokazivati svoja oseća-
sposobna od drugih da izdrži fizička ili men- nja, („što mu je na srcu, to i na jeziku“). # She
talna naprezanja ili iskušenja. („Slabiji ženski wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s easy to see if
sud“, Novi zavet, Prva poslanica Petrova 3:7.) she is sad or happy.
# «There was a danger that the administrative Wear one’s learning, culture etc. lightly
echelons and units might accept the position of (lako nositi svoju učenost, kulturu itd.) znači
being the weaker vessels and decide that fighting ne razmetati se svojim znanjem, kulturom itd.
was not their business» (Field-Marshal Montgo- # His considerable erudition keeps cropping up,
mery, Memoirs). and this can be disconcerting. He was never one
Weak in the head (slab u glavi) znači ća- to wear his learning lightly. # The «Observer’s»
knut, koji nije sasvim čitav. # Tim must be weak Sue McHarg jaunted through Tuscany recently
in the head to have believed that story. wearing her culture lightly.
Weak in the upper story/storey (slab na Wear out nije samo istrošiti, već i (a): otrca-
gornjem spratu) znači slabe pameti. # The boy ti se, pohabati se, a worn out je i izanđao, (b):
didn’t seem to understand what we were saying. izmoriti, iscrpsti i (c): učiniti nešto neupotre-
He was probably a bit weak in the upper storey. bljivim preteranim ili nepažljivim korišćenjem.
Weak-kneed (slabih kolena) je slabić, meku- (a): My coat finally wore out, so I got new one.
šac, šonja. # He is so weak-kneed that he didn’t # «’But you just said question were raised.’ ‘And
utter a word when the boss called him names in answered with such worn out phrases as national
the presence of all the staff. Kaže se i weak sister security and adversarial disinformation to stop
(slaba sestra). # Another weak sister and we’ll or throw off the curious’» (R. Ludlum, The Road
have to quit. We’ve got to pull together. to Omaha). (b): The coach made the team prac-
Weak sister (pod Weak-kneed). tice until he wore them out. (c): I wore out my
Wear and tear (nošenje i deranje) je haba- favorite record by playing it too much. Wear out
nje. # The luxurious interior sprung mattress is one’s welcome znači zloupotrebiti nečije gosto-
guaranteed by the manufacturers for 5 years aga- primstvo, ostati predugo u poseti ili navraćati
inst fair wear and tear. previše često. # The Hanlon children have worn
Wear down nije samo iscrpsti (se), već i (a): out their welcome at our house because they ne-
izlizati se, (b): erodirati, izlokati, (c): (o)slabiti i ver want to go home.
(d): navaljivati na nekoga dok ne popusti, izmo- Wear the trousers/pants/breeches ne znači
riti nekoga (molbama, ubeđivanjem, dosađiva- samo nositi pantalone, već i (kolokvijalno) imati
njem itd.). (a): Get the cobbler to fit metal studs glavnu reč u kući. # Mr. Heffer is henpecked by
to your boots: they won’t wear down so quickly. his wife; she wears the trousers in that family. #
# Your back tires are badly worn down: you sho- All right, if you have to wear the pants, have it
uld fit new ones. (b): The mountain used to be your way.
Wear thin 273 Well, did you ever!

Wear thin (nositi se tanko) znači (a): izlizati wedge between the various national groups whi-
se od upotrebe i (b): biti sve manje zanimljiv, ch make up the team.
privlačan, čvrst itd. (a): My old pair of pants We don’t kill a pig every day (ne koljemo
has worn thin at the knees. (b): The joke began svinju svakog dana) znači kad je bal, nek’ je
to wear thin when you heard it too many times. # bal. # Let’s order a bottle of champagne, too! We
Indeed the friendship, though never abandoned, don’t kill a pig every day.
did ultimately wear thin. Weigh a ton (težiti tonu) znači biti težak kao
Wear well (nositi se dobro) znači još uvek se olovo. # That damn suitcase weighs a ton before
dobro držati. # «You know, my friend, you have you start putting anything in it.
worn well. Les femmes, they still take an inte- Weigh in nije samo izmeriti, odvagati, već
rest in you?» (A. Christie, Curtain: Poirot’s Last i (a): imati određenu težinu na merenju (pred
Case). # Their marriage has worn well. boks meč ili konjsku trku), (b): dati podršku, (c):
Weasel words (lasičje reči) su dvosmisli- priteći u pomoć) i (d): intervenisati, pridružiti
ce, neodređenosti, zamagljujući govor. # «The se (raspravi). (a): The boxer weighed in at more
American people don’t like the oleaginous weasel than the limit for his class and had to sweet off
words with which so many politicians grease the- a few pounds. (b): «All of us will weigh in one
ir way back when they venture upon a dangerous hundred per cent to do what you want» (Field-
salient of honesty,» wrote William A. White. Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). (c): The whole
Weather ne znači samo vreme, već i (a): izlo- family weighed in with offers to help. (d): One
žiti vremenskim prilikama, (b): oštetiti (izlaga- man leapt to his feet and weighed in with a force-
njem vremenskim prilikama), (c): odoleti lošem ful appeal for an all-out strike.
vremenu, (d): prebroditi (krizu) i (e): izložen Weight watcher (posmatrač težine) je onaj
vetru. (a): Stack the lumber and let it weather koji pazi na liniju. # I simply don’t want to be
before building the barn. (b): The sun weathered one of those silly weight watchers all my life.
the paint. (c): The ship weathered the hurricane Kaže se i calorie counter.
with no casualties. (d): Next year will be more Weigh with someone (težiti sa nekim) znači
difficult for small businesses than last year, and biti od značaja za nekoga, imati težinu kod ne-
we will have to work even harder to weather the koga. # The social background of the applicants
critical period. (e): Don’t build your house on the does not weigh at all with the interviewing pa-
weather side of the hill. nel.
The weather breaks (vreme puca) znači vre- Welcome as (the) flowers in May (dobrodo-
me se pogoršava, vreme okreće nagore. # «Next šao kao cveće u maju) je isto što i naše dobro-
day the weather broke. Tantrums of rain burst došao kao majska kiša. # The small legacy was
across the Grand’ Place» (P. Hansford Johnson, as welcome as flowers in May, coming just when
The Unspeakable Skipton). Obrnuto, the wea- they were faced with an enormous bill for dry-rot
ther holds (vreme se drži) znači vreme je sta- repairs.
bilno. # «After going through the family news Well and good (dobro i dobar) znači vrlo do-
Lydia told Eleanor about the plans for the water- bro, sasvim u redu. # Well and good; I well come
party, provided the weather held» (A. Thirkell, to your house tomorrow. # It’s well and good that
What Did It Mean?). you’re here on time. I was afraid you’ll be late
The weather holds (pod The weather bre- again. # It’s all well and good that you’re passing
aks). English, but what about math and science?
Wedded nije samo venčan, već i (a): brač- Well and truly (dobro i istinski) znači pot-
ni, (b): združen, ujedinjen i (c): isključivo ve- puno, posve, sasvim # He was well and truly
zan, potpuno angažovan. (a): The couple had drunk.
fifty years of wedded bliss. (b): The fifty states Be well away (biti dosta dalje) znači (kolo-
are wedded into one nation. (c): He spends most kvijalno) (a): odmaći drugima, steći početnu
evenings at the office. You could say he’s wedded prednost i (b): lumpovati, bučno se veseliti pod
to the job. uticajem alkohola. (a): The Queen’s horse was
Wedge nije samo klin, već i (a): kriška, parče well away at the start of the 3.15 race. # With
(trouglasto), (b): rascepiti (c): ugurati, sabiti i his father’s name and his mother’s money young
(d): prikleštiti. (a): Buy a wedge of cheddar at Jimmy should be well away. (b): By the time we
the grocery. (b): This log has to be wedged in arrived at party, Mike was well away.
half. (c): She couldn’t wedge another item into Well, did you ever! (Pa, zar si ikad!) zna-
the suitcase. (d): He was wedged between two či (kolokvijalno) Ko bi pomislio! Zamislite! #
elderly ladies, who talked to each other. Drive Well, did you ever! Old Miss White has finally
a wedge (between) znači uneti neslogu/razdor decided to get married. Kaže se i Well, I ask
(između). # Differences of outlook may drive a you! (Pa, ja te pitam!) i Well, I never (did)! (Pa,
Well done 274 What gives? What goes?

ja nikad nisam!). # My uncle is going to marry sometimes think our wet-nurse must have fed us
again. Well, I ask you! # Well, I never did! I lear- ink instead of milk’» (G. Vidal, Empire). (b): The
ned only yesterday that this handsome customer warden is accused of wet-nursing his prisoners.
is actually my first cousin. Wet one’s pants ne znači smočiti pantalone/
Well done (dobro urađeno) znači bravo, alal gaće, već upišati se u gaće (od straha). # «Merri-
vera # At the final whistle he marches to the dre- man thought he was going to wet his pants» (M.
ssing room. «Well done, lads,’ he tells them as Thomas, Green Monday).
they come in. Well-done (pridev) znači dobro Wet one’s tonsils/whistle (ovlažiti krajnike/
pečen. # How do you want your steak - rare, me- pištaljku) znači popiti koju s nogu. # Yup, I think
dium or well-done? I could wet my tonsils after that long ride. # He
Well-fixed (dobro pričvršćen) znači (kolo- likes to wet his whistle on the way home from
kvijalno) imućan, dobrostojeći. # His well-fixed work in the evening.
uncle left him a lot of money. Kaže se i well-hee- Wet or fine (vlažno ili lepo) znači bilo kakvo
led (sa dobrim potpeticama), well off i well-to- da je vreme. # «So I took my umbrella, which I
do. # Tom’s father, who is well-heeled, gave him always do, wet or fine» (C. Mackenzie, The Rival
a sports car. # His parents are quite well off; they Monster).
have just bought him a new car for his birthday. Wet the baby’s head (ovlažiti bebinu glavu)
# This shop sells expensive clothes for the well- znači popiti u čast rođenja deteta. # After Dave’s
to-do. first child was born, he and his father and brother
Well-groomed (dobro istimaren) znači (a): went off to the pub to wet the baby’s head.
brižljivo obučen, doteran i (b): negovan. (a): Whale of something (kit nečega) je nešto
Linda met a dark-skinned, serious, well-groomed izvanredno, silno, ogromno. # Well, it’s a whale
young man and he asked her for her first dance. of a task, but I’ll do it. # That makes a whale of a
(b): The windows of the bedrooms open out on difference to me.
the well-groomed lawn.
What a dish! (Kakvo jelo!) znači Dobro par-
Well-grounded nije samo zasnovan, uteme- če! Kakva riba! (u žargonu) # Did you see the
ljen, već i dobro potkovan u nečemu. # Every boss’s new secretary? What a dish!
educated man of the nineteenth century was well-
What a nerve! (Kakav živac!) znači Kakva
grounded in Latin and Greek.
drskost! Kakav bezobrazluk! # Did you hear
Well-heeled (pod Well-fixed). what she said? What a nerve!
Well, I ask you! (pod Well, did you ever!). What are you driving at? (U šta vozite?)
Be well/ill advised to do something, you wo- znači Na šta ciljate? Šta hoćete time da kaže-
uld be well/ill advised to do it (biti dobro/loše te? # Why are you asking me all these questions?
savetovan da učini nešto) znači (ne) biti pamet- What are you driving at?
no učiniti nešto, bilo bi dobro da to učinite, po- What difference does it make? (pod What’s
grešili biste ako to učinite. # When Bill Shankly the odds?).
does decide to go, the board of the day would be
well advised to ask him to find his own successor. What do you know! (Šta vi znate!) znači Ma
# Industry would be ill advised to sit back now nemojte! Nisam to znao! Kakvo iznenađenje! #
and wait for government guidance or help. - We are going to America on Wednesday. - What
do you know!
Well, I never (did)! (pod Well, did you
ever!). What d’you call him, whaddayacalllim,
whadjacallim (kako ga zovete) znači kako se
Well off (pod Well-fixed). beše zvaše. # Then I ran into old what d’you call
Well-to-do (pod Well-fixed). him. You know, the fellow who keeps the corner
Wet behind the ears (vlažan iza ušiju) znači shop. Vidi What’s-his-name.
još zelen, žutokljunac. # You don’t know what What gives? What goes? (Šta daje? Šta
John’s game is, you are still wet behind the ears. ide?) znači (u američkom žargonu) Šta se de-
Wet blanket (mokro ćebe) je (a): mrzovo- šava? # What gives? Who’s made this mess? #
ljac, onaj koji kvari raspoloženje drugih i (b): There’s a strange car in my doorway. What goes?
hladan tuš, nešto što pokvari raspoloženje . (a): Kaže se i (u žargonu) (a): What’s doing? (b):
The teenagers don’t invite Max to their parties What’s cooking? (c): What’s in the wind? (d):
because he’s a wet blanket. (b): The weatherman What’s the game? i (e): What’s up? (a): What’s
throws a wet blanket on picnic plans when he fo- doing? There is some commotion outside. (b):
recasts rain. What’s cooking? Why is the crowd in the street?
Wet-nurse (mokra bolničarka/dadilja) je (c): There are so many things happening around
(a): dojilja, dojiti tuđe dete i (b): posvećivati pre- here. What’s in the wind? (d):There was nobody
teranu brigu/pažnju nekome. (a): «’He thinks in the office this morning and nobody at home
only of Mr. Hearst and newspapers...’ ‘Like me. I when I telephoned - what’s the game? (e): Hi,
What goes? 275 When hell freezes over

Jim! What’s up? Najčešće se kaže What’s going ther. - What’s the odds? I shall be just as busy
on/down? # Things seem very busy here. What’s tomorrow. Kaže se i What difference does it
going on? # What’s going down? Anything inte- make? # So Mark dropped out of the club. What
resting? difference does it make?
What goes? (pod What gives). What’s the point? nije samo U čemu je po-
What have you (pod And what have you). enta? nego i Kakvog to smisla ima? Čemu to? #
What is all that in aid of? (Čemu je sve to I’d like to write to him, but what’s the point? He
na pomoć?) znači Čemu sve to? Kakav je uopšte never writes back.
razlog za sve to? Čime se može objasniti sve to? What’s up? (pod What gives?)
# «’I suspect you’re wondering what all this is What was that? (Šta je to bilo?) znači Kako,
in aid of,’ he said. I said yes» (C. P. Snow, The molim? # What was that? I really couldn’t catch
New Men). the meaning of your proposal.
What of it? (Šta od toga?) znači Pa šta onda? Wheel nije samo točak, već i (a): kolut, (b):
Kakvog to ima značaja? Zar je to važno? # So volan, (c): kormilo, (d): bicikl (kolokvijalno, u
I’m a few minutes late. What of it? američkom engleskom) (e): automobil, kola (u
What price? (Koja cena?) znači (kolokvijal- množini, u žargonu), (f): voziti auto (u žargonu),
no) Da se kladimo? # What price he’ll change his (g): okretati(se, vrteti (se) i (h): gurati (kolica ili
mind? What price that/something? znači (kolo- nešto drugo na točkovima). (a): Buy one of these
kvijalno) (a): Koliko to stvarno vredi? i (b): Da big wheels of cheese. (b): «Michael saw him sea-
li ima ikakvih šansi za to? (a): «Having French ted at the wheel of the rented car, turning towards
lessons now, Ma. Eh? What price that?» (H. E. his wife as he points to Judge Harpers’ great whi-
Bates, A Breath of French Air). # What price all te house at the far end of a perfect loan» (L. Mc-
his promises now? (b): The leaders of both na- Murtry, Cadillac Jack). (c): This company hasn’t
tions have refused to speak to each other. What been doing too well recently, but now you’re at
price a peace agreement now? the wheel, I think we are going to have a lot of
What’s cooking? (pod What gives?). success in the years to come. (d): It’s dangerous
to ride a wheel on the highway. (e): Do you have
What’s doing? (pod What gives?)
wheels tonight? (f): I’m gona wheel over later
What’s-his-name, whatsizname (kako se on this afternoon. (g): Dancers wheeld gracefully
zove) znači kako mu ono beše ime. # I’m sorry on the ballroom floor. (h): Wheel the cart over to
I can’t help you. You could try what’s-his-name, the check counter.
down the road. Vidi What d’you call him.
Wheel and deal (vrteti se i poslovati) znači
What’s in the wind? (pod What gives?) (u žargonu) mešetariti, munđarititi. # I don’t like
What’s that to me? (Šta je to za mene?) zna- these business conferences - the drinking goes on
či Šta se to mene tiče? Baš me briga. # - Your si- late into the night as everyone wheels and deals
ster gave me the brush-off. - What’s that to me? and fixes big contracts.
What’s the (big) idea? (U čemu je < velika> The wheel has come full circle (točak je na-
ideja?) znači (kolokvijalno) U čemu je stvar? pravio pun krug) znači vratili smo se na početak,
Šta to uopšte treba da znači? („U čemu je fa- opet smo onde gde smo bili. # In an odd sort of
zon?“) # When I entered my room this morning, way, the wheel has come full circle in the film in-
somebody was sitting at my table, reading the pa- dustry. The cinemas were sold as bingo halls, and
pers. What’s the big idea? # Your father slammed now the bingo halls are becoming cinema clubs,
the door in my face. What’s the idea? Kaže se i which normally means they show blue movies.
(u žargonu) What’s the deal/scam? (U čemu je Wheels within wheels (točkovi unutar točko-
posao/prevara?) # I gave you ten bucks, and you va) znači zamršen splet raznih uticaja i centara
give me five back? What’s the deal? Where’s my moći (mnogobrojni točkovi i točkići složene ma-
other five? šinerije odlučivanja) („Jedan točak u drugom“,
What’s the damage? ne znači samo Kolika Stari zavet, Knjiga proroka Jezekilja 1:16). #
je šteta? već i Šta ima da se plati? (u žargonu) # There are some people quite high up in Admini-
- That was delicious. Waiter, what’s the damage? stration who don’t know everything that’s going
- I’ll get the check, sir. on. It’s a great place for wheels within wheels.
What’s the deal/scam? (pod What’s the big When all is said and done (kad je sve rečeno
idea?). i učinjeno) znači kad se sve uzme u obzir, sve u
What’s the game? (pod What gives?) svemu, na kraju krajeva. # When all is said and
What’s the odds? ne znači Kakve su šanse? done, this isn’t such a bad part of the country to
(kaže se What are the odds?), već U čemu je live in after all.
razlika? Zar nije svejedno? Zar je to uopšte When hell freezes over (kad se pakao za-
važno? # - Do it tomorrow instead if you’d ra- mrzne) znači kad na vrbi rodi grožđe, na svetog
When it comes to the crunch 276 White elephant

Živka. # Studying like that, you’ll graduate when voljne. # He advised me to look for a job while
hell freezes over. the going is good - if I waited till next year I wo-
When it comes to the crunch/push, if it uld find it much more difficult.
comes to the crunch/push (kad/ako dođe do While we are on the subject (dok smo na
gužve/guranja) znači kad dođe stani-pani, ako tom predmetu) znači kad je reč već o tome. #
nema drugog izlaza. # And some anti-Marketers While we are on the subject, what is behind your
even suspect that when it comes to the crunch, decision to turn thumbs down on the sales plan?
Mr. Wilson himself will campaign for staying Whipping boy (dečak za bičevanje) je grešni
in the Market. # If it comes to the crunch and jarac, dežurni krivac. # I can’t let you make me a
we have to sell up I can always go back to my whipping boy for your own silly actions.
old job. Kaže se i if push comes to shove, when Whip round (šibati okolo) znači skupljati
push comes to shove. # If push comes to shove, dobrovoljne priloge. # I’ll whip round and raise
the front office can help with some statistics. # a few pounds for the office party.
When push comes to shove, you know I’ll be on Whip up nije samo naglo podići, već i (a):
your side. pripremiti na brzinu, (b): ulupati (jaja), umu-
When it comes to the point (kad dođe do titi i (c): podstaći, raspiriti. (a): Come in and sit
tačke) znači kad se bude moralo odlučiti. # I’m down. I’ll whip up something to eat. (b): Whip
sure when it comes to the point, she won’t marry up the eggs and flour to consistency of a smooth
him after all. paste. (c): A party orator whipped the crowd up
When push comes to shove (pod When it to a state of frenzy.
comes to the crunch/push). Whispering campaign (kampanja šaputa-
When someone’s ship comes in/home (kad nja) je širenje glasina, prenošenje tračeva. #
pristane lađa) znači kad bude imao para kô bla- John F. Kennedy in 1960 suffered from a whispe-
ta. # When my ship comes in, I will take a trip ring campaign about his back ailment.
to France, Italy and Spain. # He said, «When my Whistle for it, You can whistle for it! (zviž-
ship comes home, my dear, you will have everyt- dati za to) znači (kolokvijalno) oprostiti se od
hing you could desire!» nečega, Piši propalo! # Ted borrowed two of my
When they made him they broke the mold books, and as far as he is concerned, I can whistle
(kad su ga napravili, razbili su kalup) znači ta- for them. # I’m afraid you’ve seen the last of your
kvi se ne rađaju svaki dan, takve svećom treba money, Nick. You can whistle for it as far as Joe
tražiti. # He is so gentle and considerate, a real is concerned!
gentleman. When they made him they broke the Whistle in the dark (zviždati u mraku) zna-
mold. či kuražiti se, terati strah. # Have you got any
Where do you think you’re going? (Šta mi- evidence, Tom, for believing things are going to
sliš, kuda ideš?) znači Kud si navro ko june? # improve, or are you just whistling in the dark?
Where do you think you’re going? Nobody can Whistle in the wind (zviždati u vetar lat. Ver-
enter without an invitation. ba dare in ventos.) znači govoriti u vetar, pričati
Where’s the fire? (Je l’ negde gori?) znači uzalud. # She tried to persuade him to stop drin-
Čemu tolika žurba? (u žargonu) # Going a little king, but it was just whistling in the wind.
fast there, weren’t you? Where’s the fire? White as snow nije samo beo kao sneg, snež-
Where the shoe pinches (gde cipela žulja) no beo, već i sed kao ovca. # When we entered
znači u kom grmu leži zec, u čemu je nevolja. # the room, a tall man, as white as snow, was sitting
She won’t let him spend any time with his own at the table.
friends, and that’s where the shoe pinches. White Christmas17 (beli Božić) je Božić pod
A while ago (pre nekog vremena) znači ma- snegom. # «There seems to be snow in the air. To
ločas, malopre. # I laid my glasses on this table judge from the forecast, we may expect a white
a while ago, and now they’re gone. A while back Christmas» (C. Hare, An English Murder).
znači pre izvesnog vremena. # Grandfather is White-collar (pod Blue-collar).
well now, but a while back he was in the hospital White elephant ne znači beli slon, već skupo
for three weeks. i beskorisno ulaganje, promašena investicija. #
While the going is good (dok je stanje puta The recent Budget has offered hundreds of milli-
dobro) znači dok je prilike, dok su okolnosti po- ons of pounds to shore up private enterprise and

Komentar I. Klajna: White Christmas je i naslov najvećeg hita Irvinga Berlina, s početka četrdesetih godina, kad
su hiljade američkih vojnika bile u tropskim krajevima gde su mogli samo da sanjaju o snegu; otada je pesma stekla
trajnu popularnost i peva se i danas za svaki Božić. (“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, / Just like the ones we used
to know, / Where the treetops glisten / And children listen / To hear the sleigh bells in the snow...”)
White-haired/headed boy 277 Wild goose chase

to finance such white elephants as Concorde and # Whose bright idea was it to call a meeting on
the Channel Tunnel. Christmas Eve?
White-haired/headed boy (belokosi/belogla- Why go out for a hamburger when you’ve
vi dečak) je miljenik/ljubimac. # «’Indeed I tried got steak at home? (Zašto izlaziti za pljeskavicu
to raise objections to the situation, but it was no kad imaš šniclu kod kuće?) znači Zašto traži-
good. He’s Inge’s white-haired boy. I agree with ti preko ‘leba pogače? # You shouldn’t be that
you,’ he added, ‘he’s a nasty piece of work.’» greedy; why go out for a hamburger when you’ve
(A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes) # Jim is the got steak at home?
teacher’s white-headed boy. He gets better grades Wide of the mark nije samo daleko od cilja,
than he really deserves. već i (a): pogrešan, netačan i (b): neodgovara-
White hope (bela nada) je velika nada # Still jući. (a): Our calculation of how much money
only thirty-two, Kubrick is one of the great white would be needed was shown to be well wide of
hopes of the commercial film industry. the mark when the actual work began. (b): He
White in the gills (beo u škrgama) znači pre- failed the course because everything he did was
bledeo od straha, smrtno uplašen. # He said that wide of the mark.
he had just seen a ghost, and he looked so white Widow’s cruse (udovičin vrč) je nepresuš-
in the gills that I almost believed him. no vrelo, neiscrpan izvor, stalno obnovljiv izvor
White lie (bela laž) je dobronamerna/nevina snabdevanja. # I’ve never known a gas cylinder
laž. # I said there was no more drink in the hou- last so long. I was beginning to think I’d got
se - a white lie amply justified by the need to get some kind of widow’s cruse.
him sobered up. Widow’s walk (udovičino šetalište) je terasa
White-livered (sa belom džigericom) znači sa ogradom na krovu. # «Through the kitchen’s
strašljiv, plašljiv. # What else did you expect of window, beneath the steps of the new widow’s
him - he’s so white-livered. walk, the sky is as clear and blue as when flying
White night nije samo bela noć, već i besa- at high altitudes in air with no clouds» (A. Dubus
na/neprospavana noć. # I didn’t feel particularly III, House of Sand and Fog).
tired, or sleepy, after my white night. It was the Wield/wave a big stick ne znači samo mahati
day after that again, that it hit me. batinom, već i (figurativno) demonstrirati silu,
White or black? (Crn ili beo?) znači Sa mle- primeniti politiku čvrste ruke. # Thus, during the
kom ili bez mleka? (kafa). # - Coffee? - Yes, ple- Nixon era, interventions such as the terror bom-
ase. - White or black? bing of Cambodia had to be conducted by stealth
Whitewash nije samo okrečiti, već i zataška- and deception. Now Gerald Ford waves his big
ti. # The committee’s report tried to whitewash stick openly.
the senator’s misdeeds. Wild and woolly (divalj i nejasan) znači (a):
Whole nije samo ceo, već i (a): zdrav, (b): (kolokvijalno) primitivan i nekultivisan i (b):
neobran (mleko) i (c): celina. (a): After a month uzbudljiv (u američkom žargonu). (a): «They
of recuparation he’s whole again. (b): Is whole may be a bit wild and woolly when they first
milk healthier than skimmed? (c): The table and arrive, but they’ll soon settle down» (A. Wilson,
six chairs make up the whole. Hemlock and After). (b): The ride home was a
Whole ball of wax (čitava kuglica voska) little wild and woolly.
znači (u američkom žargonu) sve, čitava stvar. Wildcat scheme/venture (plan/poduhvat
# Your comments threatened the whole ball of divlje mačke) je nepromišljen/ rizičan plan/
wax, that’s what. poduhvat. # «When it came to deciding which
Whole cheese/show (ceo sir, cela priredba) troops would carry out these wild-cat schemes,
znači glavni, glavna fora (u američkom žargo- the answer was always the same.» (Field-Mars-
nu). # Joe thought he was the whole cheese in the hal Montgomery, Memoirs) # The lawyer might
game because he owned the ball. # You’re not the have seen it as his business not to be too efficient
whole show just because you got all A’s. if he thought a young client was launching out on
A whole new ball game, it’s a new ball game a wildcat venture.
(potpuno nova utakmica) znači stvari su se bit- Wildcat strike je divlji štrajk, štrajk bez odo-
no izmenile, to je sasvim druga priča (u ame- brenja sindikata. # The garbage collectors have
ričkom žargonu). # With a faster computer, it’s gone on a wildcat strike, but the union is going
a whole new ball game. # It’s a whole new ball to stop it.
game since Edward took over the office. # You Wild goose chase (lov na divlje guske) znači
can’t do the things you used to do around here. jalov poduhvat. # «’Control had packed him up-
It’s a new ball game. country somewhere,’ said Sam, avoiding Smiley’s
Whose bright idea was it? (Čija je to bila eye. ‘On a wild goose chase,’ Smiley murmured»
bistra ideja?) znači Koji je to mudrac smislio? (J. le Carré, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy).
Wild horses couldn’t drag him there 278 Wind up

Wild horses couldn’t drag him there (divlji Win by a landslide (pobediti odronom) znači
konji ga ne bi mogli odvući) znači nema te sile pobediti velikom većinom. # I’m sure he’ll win
koja ga može naterati da ode tamo. # He sim- by a landslide.
ply refused to go to that meeting. Wild horses Wind (1 - wind) nije samo vetar, već i (a):
couldn’t drag him there. Wild horses could not duvački instrument (u množini), (b): prazna
drag it out of him (divlji konji ne bi mogli izvući priča i (c): gasovi (u crevima) (u britanskom
iz njega) znači ne možeš ni kleštima izvući to iz engleskom). (a): In this passage the winds carry
njega, ništa ga ne može koga naterati da oda. the melody. (b): That’s a lot of wind. (c): I don’t
# I’m sorry, I’ve promised not to tell anyone his eat beans. It gives me winds. Break wind znači
address. Wild horses couldn’t get it out of me. puštati vetrove. # «In her view, nice people didn’t
Wild man nije samo divljak, već i neko ko get drunk, spit in public, break wind, or sweat»
je beskompromisan u svojim stavovima i akci- (L. McMurtry, Streets of Laredo). Bag of wind,
jama. # «’We want Lewis Eliot in on this,’ he windbag (vreća vetra) je trtljaroš, praznoslo-
said.’ ‘Why?’ asked Mountaney. ‘Because you’re vac (u žargonu). # She’s nothing but a big bag of
a wild man, Arthur, and he’s a cunning old dog’» wind. # Don’t listen to that braggart; he’s just a
(C. P. Snow, The New Men). windbag incapable of any action.
Will nije samo volja i hteti, već i (a): testa- Wind (2 - waind) nije samo uvijati se, već i
ment, ostaviti testamentom i (b): želja. (a): He (a): navi(ja)ti, (b): krivudati, vijugati (c): ob-
died without leaving a will. # The deceased wi- motati. (a): He doesn’t have to wind his watch
lled his vast estate to his daughters. (b): What is because it is run by a battery. (b): The stream
your will, my lord? winds through the valley. (c): Wind the wire aro-
und the post. Wind one’s way into someone’s
Will be the death of him (biće nečija smrt)
affection je uvući se nekome pod kožu.
znači (kolokvijalno) (a): doći će mu glave i (b):
nateraće ga da umre od smeha. (a): Drink will Wind and weather (vetar i vreme) znači sva-
be the death of him. (b): «...I never did see such kojako vreme, vremenske neprilike. # «The sea-
prime company as that...boy; he’ll be the death of men who could to a certain extent laugh at wind
me, I know he will.’ Master Charles Bates, having and weather had made joke of the rock» (W. Gol-
laughed heartily again, resumed his pipe with te- ding, Pincher Martin).
ars in his eyes» (Ch. Dickens, Oliver Twist). Windbag (pod Wind 1).
Willing horse (voljan konj) je revnostan Window-dressing nije samo aranžiranje/
radnik, onaj koji je uvek spreman da podmetne uređivanje izloga, već i stvaranje povoljnog uti-
pleća (ili da se žrtvuje za druge). # I’ll go home ska i prikrivanje loših strana, friziranje činjeni-
this afternoon. I’ve still got some work to do, but ca. # No amount of window dressing by the go-
there are plenty of willing horses who’ll do it for vernment can hide the fact that many industries
me. are in a very difficult position.
I will not do it to save my life (neću to uradi- Window-shop ne znači kupovati prozore,
ti da spasim život) znači neću to uraditi makar već razgledati izloge. # «After leaving the park,
mi život od toga zavisio. # I wouldn’t go on a they walked down Newbury Street and window-
holiday with him to save my life. shopped» (R. Cook, Acceptable Risk).
Will not stand for something ne znači samo Wind up nije samo namotati, već i (a): na-
viti, (b): zaključiti, rezimirati, (c): završiti, (d):
neće nešto zastupati, već i neće nešto dopustiti/
završiti kao, (e): uzbuditi, (f): likvidirati (aktiv-
tolerisati. # The teacher will not stand for fooling
nost, bankovni račun, poslove itd.), (g): završiti
in the classroom. # My mother wouldn’t stand for
nečim, (h): završiti gde i (i): podići vrćenjem/
my marrying Bill. navijanjem. (a): He doesn’t have to wind up his
Win nije samo pobediti, već i (a): dobiti, (b): watch because it is run by a battery. (b): «’This is
steći, (c): osvojiti i (d): pridobiti. (a): The actor the way I see it, in a nutshell,’ said Ned, winding
won an Academy Award for his role in the film. up» (J. Wain, The Contenders). (c): I have a few
(b): The youth won his diploma in only three ye- items of business to wind up; then I’ll be with
ars. (c): They won the top of the mountain by you. (d): He wound up as a doctor. (e): I was so
noon. (d): Saint Olaf won Scandinavian converts wound up before I gave my first public speech
to Christianity. Vidi Win by a neck/nose, Win that I forgot what I was supposed to be talking
by a landslide, win one’s spurs, win the day. about. (f): I wound up my banking account. #
Win by a neck/nose (pobediti za vrat/njušku) Fred wound up his business before joining the
znači pobediti za prsa/ dlaku. # The man I voted Navy. (g): We wound up by going to my house.
for won the election by a neck - he had only 5 (h): If you don’t get straightened out, you’ll wind
votes more than his opponent. # I ran the fastest up in jail. (i): They drove along with all the car
race I could, but I only won by a nose. windows wound up.
Win/carry the day 279 Wishful thinking

Win/carry the day (osvojiti/odneti dan) zna- to be late for work again I could continue in my
či trijumfovati, odneti pobedu. The Government present job.
believes a vote will be necessary, though the La- Wipe (up) the floor with someone (obrisati
bor leaders still expect that the abolitionists will pod nekim) znači (a): (kolokvijalno) potući ne-
win the day. # «Then, he’d compare the two and koga do nogu i (b): prebiti nekoga kao mačku (u
the better argument carried the day, or so we li- američkom žargonu – najčešće kao pretnja). (a):
ked to think» (G. Vidal, Empire). - Do you really think we will win the football
Win/gain one’s spurs ne znači samo zaslužiti match on Saturday? - Yes, we’ll wipe the floor
viteške ostruge, već i steći slavu, postati poznat. with them. (b): You say that me one more time
# The young lieutenant won his spurs by leading and I’ll wipe up the floor with you!
an attack on enemy machine guns. Wire nije samo žica, već i (a): telegram, po-
Win hands down (pobediti spuštenih ruku) slati telegram, (b): pričvrstiti žicom i (c): uve-
znači pobediti bez napora. # Last weak our team sti struju. (a): We received a wire saying they
played very badly and our opponents won hands arrived safely. # Please wire me when you arrive.
down. Kaže se i win in a canter/walk/breeze/ (b): Wire the lid to the box. (c): Is the garage
romp (pobediti u laganom kasu/šetnji/lahoru/ wired for electricity?
veselju) # Hazel Smith won the election in an Wisdom of hindsight (mudrost gledanja
easy canter. # Dave ran for class president and unatrag) je naknadna pamet. # Without this in-
won in a walk. # Our team won the game in bree-
cident, their relationship would have broken up
anyway though perhaps a little later - and with
Win in a canter/walk/breeze/romp (pod the wisdom of hindsight we think we can see
Win hands down). why. Kaže se i wisdom after the event (mudrost
Wink at nije samo namignuti, već i zažmuri- nakon događaja). # “I do not want to trouble
ti, progledati kroz prste. # This is a serious ma- a picture of the beginning with wisdom of the
tter, and you can’t expect me just to wink at it. event” (L. van der Post, The Lost World of the
Winning streak (pobednička pruga) je la- Kalahari).
nac/serija pobeda. # The team extended their Wise nije samo mudar, već i način. # This
winning streak to ten. will in no wise infringe on anyone’s rights. Kao
Win one’s colors (osvojiti svoje zastave) sufiks -wise znači kad je reč o, što se tiče, u po-
znači dobiti sva priznanja. # The young Mini- gledu. # Timewise, we are not doing too badly.
ster won his colors with a brilliant defense of the Wise as an owl (pametan kao sova) zna-
government’s policy. či (često ironično) veoma pametan, mudrac. #
Win on points nije samo pobediti na bodove, Grandfather is as wise as an owl. # Although the
već imati malu prednost. # At the College deba- technical details of the drainage scheme were far
te, we won narrowly on points. beyond their grasp, the City Councilors sat loo-
Wipe out nije samo izbrisati, već i (a): uni- king as wise as owls, every now and then nod-
štiti, razoriti, (b): ubiti, poubijati, (c): elimini- ding their heads as if in acknowledgment of a
sati što, iskoreniti, (d): poništiti, (e): raščistiti point taken.
s kakvom obavezom, isplatiti, (f): isprati, (g): Wise guy ne znači pametan momak, već
ostaviti nekoga bez prebijene pare (u američkom pametnjaković (u američkom engleskom, kolo-
žargonu), (h): izmoriti, iscrpsti (u američkom kvijalno). # Four years ago, the wise guys, the
žargonu) i (i): potrošiti sve, skrckati (u žargo-
pundits and pollsters were all ready to write Bush
nu). (a): The earthquake wiped out the town. (b):
off. After all, the man was a wimp! # Look, wise
The crooks wiped out the two witnesses. # The
guy, mind your own business!
Indians wiped out the soldiers who were sent to
stop their attacks. (c): In many areas once infe- Be wise to someone/something (biti pametan
sted by mosquitoes, men have wiped out malaria. prema nekome/nečemu) znači pročitati nekoga,
(d): An attack on the central front wiped out the prokljuviti nešto (u žargonu). # I’m wise to Lef-
gains of the previous winter’s fighting. (e): «The ty. He’s a wire. # The cops are wise to the plan.
museum’s financial debt had been wiped out» Wise/fool virgin ne znači mudra/luda devi-
(M. Wheeler, Still Digging). (f): Make sure the ca, već promišljena/nepromišljena osoba. # “At
inside of the coffee pot is thoroughly wiped out. the rare stations boiling water was on tap, and
(g): The loss of my job wiped us out. (h): The the overcoated passengers queued with teapots;
game wiped me out. my Czech, like a wise virgin, had provided us
Wipe someone’s slate clean (izbrisati neči- with one before leaving Harbin” (W. Plomer, At
ju <školsku> tablicu) znači preći preko nečijih Home).
grešaka. # My boss told me that he was willing Wishful thinking (razmišljanje puno želja)
to wipe the slate clean and that if I promised not je zavaravanje samog sebe („što je babi milo, to
Wish a fair wind 280 Without anyone being the wiser for that

joj se i snilo“). # He thinks that by selling his Within an ace/inch (za malenkost) znači za
house now he’s going to make a large profit, but dlaku, umalo. # George came within an ace of
that’s just wishful thinking. losing the election. # Joe was within an inch of
Wish a fair wind (poželeti dobar vetar) zna- drowning before he was pulled off out of the wa-
či poželeti uspeh. # Neil Kinnock, leader of the ter.
Labor Party, wished the new legislation against Within a stone’s throw (unutar domašaja
football hooliganism a fair wind. kamena) znači vrlo blizu (“da dobaciš kame-
With (a) bad grace (sa rđavom naklonošću) nom”). # Our hotel was within a stone throw of
znači preko volje, kao od bede, nepredusretljivo. the sea. Kaže se i within striking/spitting dis-
# He paid me back my money, but with bad grace tance (unutar razdaljine zamaha/pljuvanja).
as if I had done him some wrong. I obrnuto, with # The castle was within striking distance of the
(a) good grace znači s dobrom voljom, predu- road. # We encountered the difficulty of finding a
sretljivo. # I know you don’t like her, but if you suitable sandwich bar within spitting distance of
talk nicely to her and welcome her with a good Westminster.
grace, it will save us a lot of trouble. Within striking/spitting distance (pod Wit-
With a difference (sa razlikom) znači koji hin a stone’s throw).
nije kao drugi, koji se odlikuje nečim posebnim. With no strings attached (bez dodatnih uzi-
# This is a car with a difference. ca) znači bez ikakvih posebnih uslova. # I don’t
With (a) good grace (pod With (a) bad gra- think the Government should give an increase
ce). with no strings attached to doctors while they
give dentists a possible increase with strings atta-
With a high hand (sa visokom rukom) znači
bez mnogo obzira. # He acted with a high hand in
this matter, without even asking for anyone else’s With nothing better to do (nemajući ništa
opinion. bolje da radi) znači od duga vremena. # With
nothing better to do, I killed time by counting pa-
With an open hand ne znači otvorenom ru- ssengers while waiting for departure.
kom, već darežljivo, široke ruke. # They have
always treated us with an open hand so we must With nothing on (pod In a state of nature).
be generous in return. With one accord (sa jednom saglasnošću)
With a vengeance ne znači osvetnički, već znači (a): jednoglasno# jednodušno i (b): kao
svom snagom, u punoj meri, do krajnje granice. jedan. (a): The party platform was adopted with
# I was warned it would be hard work, and hard one accord. (b): When the judge entered the co-
work with a vengeance it was. # “That menopau- urtroom, they all arouse with one accord. Jedno-
glasno se kaže i with one voice. # “They said
se has hit her with a vengeance!“ (F. Flagg, Fried
with one voice that they have been hoping and
Green Tomatoes).
waiting for such an approach for a long time” (Fi-
With a view to doing something (sa pogle- eld-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs).
dom da se učini nešto) znači sa namerom da se
With one’s eyes closed ne znači samo zatvo-
učini nešto. # Attempts are being made to orga- renih očiju, već i vrlo lako, kao od šale. # She
nize a conference with a view to setting up an has no experience at all. I could do her work with
international convention on adoption law. my eyes closed. Kaže se i with one’s hand/arm
With bells on (sa zvonjavom) znači veoma tied behind one’s back (sa rukom vezanom na
rado, sa oduševljenjem. # “Will you come to the leđima) # I can beat you at tennis with one arm
farewell party I’m giving to Dave?’ asked Nick. tied behind my back. With one’s eyes shut (što
“I’ll be there with bells on,” replied Joe. je takođe zatvorenih očiju) znači ne shvatajući
Be with child ne znači biti s detetom već če- u potpunosti posledice svog delovanja. # You
kati bebu. # The angel told Mary she was with shouldn’t have entered this venture in the first
child. place. You went into this with your eyes shut.
With every (other) breath (sa svakim <dru- With one voice (pod With one accord).
gim> dahom) znači opet i opet, ponavljajući Without a bean ne znači bez zrna kafe, već
stalno. # Tom was out in the yard raking leaves, bez prebijene pare. # So much for making their
and cursing with every other breath. # The child fortune in Canada. They came home again last
was so grateful that she was thanking me with month without a bean. Isto značenje imaju i wi-
every breath. thout a penny to one’s name i without a red
With flying colors (sa razvijenim zastavama) cent. # She lives alone without a penny to her
znači sa velikim uspehom. # Mary came through name. # I’d love to go to the cinema, but I’m wi-
the examination with flying colors. thout a red cent.
With half a heart (sa pola srca) znači nevolj- Without anyone being the wiser for that ne
ko, uzdržano, bez oduševljenja. # He accepted znači a da niko nije zbog toga pametniji, već a
the offer with half a heart. da niko o tome ništa ne zna ili to ne opazi. #
Without a penny to one’s name 281 Work against something

„I’ll be back, three, four days at the most, when knowing the company, I’m afraid he won’t get
I’ll happily take the painitnig off your hands and fat on it.
nobody will be any the wiser“ (J. Archer, False Wood je drvo, ali woods je šuma. # The cabin
Impresion). was in a clearing in the woods.
Without a penny to one’s name (pod Wit- Wooden nije samo drven, već i (a): ukočen i
hout a bean). (b): bezizražajan. (a): I was amazed at how woo-
Without a red cent (pod Without a bean). den she was on the dance floor. (b): She gave the
Without a stitch on (bez boda/šava na sebi) stranger a wooden stare.
znači go golcat, bez ičega na sebi. # You wouldn’t Wooden spoon nije samo drvena kašika, već
believe it: she was standing there without a stitch i (kolokvijalno) nagrada poslednjem, fenjer.
on. Vidi In a state of nature. The wooden spoon went to England this year.
Without fail (bez propusta/neuspeha) znači Wool-gathering (skupljajući vunu) je rase-
sasvim sigurno, neizostavno. # I’ll be there at jan, nedovoljno pažljiv. # Fred must have been
noon without fail. wool-gathering or he would never have crashed
Without fear or favor (bez bojazni ili naklo- the car. He always drives very carefully.
nosti) znači ni po babu ni po stričevima, nepri- Woolly-headed/minded/brained (vunene
strasno. # It’s expensive going to law, but one glave/pameti/mozga) znači nebulozan, kon-
thing you can be certain of: your case will be he- fuzan. # He’s full of woolly-minded ideas. #
ard without fear or favor. Kaže se i even-handed “We’re not dealing with woolly-brained crazies
i without partiality. or even your run-of-the-mill terrorists - we’ve
Without mincing one’s words (bez mlevenja got thirty years’ experience and ninety per cent
reči) znači bez dlake na jeziku. # He asked what of them are in our computers” (R. Ludlum, The
he had done wrong and I told him without min- Aquitaine Progression).
cing my words what I thought of his behavior at Word nije samo reč, već i (a): poruka, (b):
the party. novost (c): naređenje i (d): formulisati. (a): She
Without partiality (pod Without fear or fa- sent word that she had arrived safely. (b): What
vor). is the latest word from the war zone? (c): The
Without peer (pod Peer). troops got the word to begin moving out. (d): Try
Without prejudice ne znači bez predrasude, to word the letter in a friendly way. Vidi Exchan-
već bez štetnih posledica. # The judge overru- ge words.
led the objection, saying that the defendant could Word in season (reč u sezoni) je pravovre-
answer prosecuting counsel’s question without meni savet, savet u pravom trenutku. # A word
prejudice. in season from his father would have stopped
Without rhyme or reason (bez rime i razlo- him from acting foolishly.
ga) znači bez ikakvog smisla, bez glave i repa. # Word in someone’s ear (reč u nečije uho)
The whole plan seemed to him without rhyme or je reč u poverenju. # May I have a quiet word
reason. # I could see no rhyme or reason to the in your ear?
plot of the play. Word perfect (savršen sa rečju) znači u sta-
With the best of them ne znači sa najboljima nju da ponovi nešto bez greške. # By Friday,
od njih, već kao malo ko. # Mavos could horse- when the show is recorded, we are all expected
back ride with the best of them, but he never boa- to be word perfect.
sted about it. # Of course he can give a course of Work nije samo raditi, rad, već i (a): posao,
lectures and contribute an essay to an academic (b): delatnost, (c): delo, (d): mehanizam (u
volume with the best of them. množini), (e): oblikovati, (f): ostvariti, sprovesti
Wolf pack nije samo čopor vukova, već i i (g): rešiti. (a): The unemployed man is loking
grupa podmornica koja napada brod ili konvoj. for work. (b): The youth decided to make retiling
# A German wolf pack attacked our convoy. his work. (c): The old philantropist will be long
Wolf whistle (vučji zvižduk) je zvižduk div- remembered for his good works. (d): The jewe-
ljenja upućen ženi. # “He gave a wolf whistle ler opened the case and cleaned the works of the
when he saw her in the dazzling white dress” (M. watch. (e): Work the dough into a ball. (f): It’s
Dickens, The Angel in the Corner). time to work some changes around here. (g): It
Wonder nije samo čuditi se, čudo, već i (a): took six hours to work the jigsaw puzzle.
diviti se, divljenje i (b): pitati se. (a): I wonder at Work against something ne znači raditi pro-
her perennial youthfulness. (b): I wonder what tiv nečega, već negativno se odraziti na nešto,
she sees in him. otežati nešto. # The lack of investment in new
Won’t get (very) fat on it ne znači neće se machinery has worked against any rise in pro-
od toga ugojiti, već neće se mnogo uvajditi. # ductivity. # His poor grasp of the basic processes
He is very enthusiastic about the job he got but, works against his progress in mathematics.
Work for peanuts 282 world is his oyster

Work for peanuts (raditi za kikiriki) znači ked my way through college, and that made co-
raditi za smešno malu sumu, („raditi za glogi- llege seem more valuable to me.
nje“). # Do they think I am crazy enough to work Work one’s way up (načiniti svoj put na-
for peanuts! gore) znači napraviti sam karijeru, uspeti se
Work in nije samo prodreti u, već i (a): utr- sopstvenim naporima do najviših pozicija. #
ljati, (b): smešati, (c): ubaciti i (d): sarađivati. I haven’t always been president of this bank. I
(a): The nurse told Ann to put some cream on her started as a teller and worked my way up.
skin and to work it in gently with her fingers. (b): Work out nije samo izraditi, već i (a): odvija-
Work the flour in gradually. (c): “She worked in ti se, ići, (b): vežbati, trenirati, (c): naći odgovor,
the key and opened up the classroom” (G. W. Tar- rešiti, (d): izračunati, (e): izvaditi, izvući, (f): ra-
get, The Teachers). # The doctor’s schedule was zraditi, (g): oblikovati i (h): shvatiti nekoga, ra-
very busy, but the nurse agreed to try to work me zumeti nečiju prirodu. (a): “It hasn’t been easy
in. (d): She works in with us as much as possi- living the life I’ve lived. Nothing worked out like
ble. Work-in je akcija u kojoj radnici okupiraju I expected it would” (P. Conroy, The Great Santi-
preduzeće i sami ga vode (u znak protesta protiv ni). (b): Mohammed Ali spoke to reporters after
najavljenog zatvaranja). # The Lip Watchmakers working out at the gym this morning. (c): It was
organized a work-in and enlisted the support of serious problem, but we managed to work it out.
the powerful left wing in France. (d): Have you worked out the number of man-
Work like a charm (delovati kao čarolija) hours lost through illness? (e): I have a splinter
znači imati izvanredan efekat, brzo i uspešno in my finger, and I can’t work it out. (f): A sub-
delovati. # “Drink that, it’ll help you to pull yo- committee has been appointed to work out a new
urself together.” I don’t know what was it but it constitution for the club. (g): Mary worked out
worked like a charm. a beautiful design for a sweater. (h): “You are
Work on (someone/something) ne znači funny: I shall never work you out” (K. Amis, I
samo raditi na (nečemu), već i (a): delovati na Like It Here). Work out at znači iznositi. # His
(nešto), (b): popravljati, praviti ili sređivati (ne- take-home pay works out 60 pounds a week.
što), (c): obrađivati bolesnika, pružati medicin- The works (pod get the works).
ski tretman (nekome), (d): istraživati (nešto), i Works for me (radi za mene) znači prista-
(e): nastojati ubediti (nekoga) („obrađivati ne- jem, u redu što se mene tiče (u žargonu). # Wor-
koga“). (a): Some pills work on the nerves and ks for me. I’ll do it.
make people feel more relaxed. (b): The carpen- Work something to death (pod Work one-
ter worked on the fence for three hours. (c): The self to death).
surgeon worked on the patient, trying to stop the Work the oracle nema veze sa proročištem,
bleeding. (d): For her doctorate, my daughter već znači postići zakulisnim sredstvima. # He
is working on the extensions and applications managed to work the oracle and got 3 days’ le-
of filter banks and wavelets. (e): Senator Biden ave.
worked on the other Committee members to vote Work up nije samo izraditi, već i (a): razvi-
for the bill. ti, (b): podstaći, stimulirati, (c): pripremiti, (d):
Work oneself to death (raditi do smrti) znači ojačati, povećati, (e): postepeno dostizati/posti-
ubijati se od posla. # We have worked ourselves zati, pripremati teren i (g): pripremati nekoga
to death and all for a pittance! Work something (za nešto). (a): It took Stuart some years to work
to death znači dodijati s nečim (“Ko Švaba tra- up a market for his products. (b): Can’t you work
la-la”), ponavljati istu stvar do besvesti. # You’ve up a little more interest in it? (c): Mary is in the
been saying the same thing in your publicity for kitchen working up dinner. (d): Local organiza-
twenty years. You have worked our idea to death; tions are trying to work up more support for the
it’s time you thought of something new. party before the election. (e): The doctor told the
Work one’s fingers to the bone (raditi prsti- nurse to work Mr. Johnson up for surgery.
ma do kosti) znači grbačiti, satirati se na poslu. World ne znači samo svet, već i mnogo. # He
# They worked their fingers to the bone trying to may criticize the government rather too often,
get the house finished before Christmas. but there’s a world of truth in what he says.
Work one’s way into something (načini- The world and his wife (svet i njegova žena)
ti put u nešto) znači ugurati se u nešto. # The znači svi redom, i staro i mlado, sve živo. # The
skunk worked its way into the hollow log. # Mary world and his wife came to Jeremy’s parties. #
worked her way into the club, and now she’s a It’s to be a very grand event. All the world and
member in good standing. his wife will be there.
Work one’s way through college (raditi svoj The world is his oyster (svet je njegova ostri-
put kroz koledž) znači raditi i studirati. # I wor- ga – iz Šekspirovih Veselih žena vinzdorskih)
world is his parish 283 Wrong

znači ceo svet je njegov. # Since he won that mo- Would not be seen dead (ne bi hteo da bude
ney he can do anything he likes - the world’s his viđen mrtav) znači (kolokvijalno) ne bi ni mrtav
oyster. (to uradio), radije bi umro nego što bi, ne bi ni
The world is his parish (svet je njegova pa- po koju cenu. # I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing
rohija) znači on je svetski čovek („poznaje svet a skirt that short.
kao svoje dvorište“). # “Their forbears protected Would not have it, would have none of it
dependents and servants and poor neighbours; (neće da ima ništa s tim) znači neće ni da čuje,
they themselves were displaced and migrant, neće to dopustiti . # I wanted to give the party
and the world was their parish” (W. Plomer, At at my house, but my mother wouldn’t have it. #
Home). Don’t give me any of your cheek! I won’t have
A world of difference (svet razlike) je ogro- it! Kaže se i would not hear of it. # “Some ye-
mna razlika. # There is a world of difference ars ago, when Dan Lavette died, I tried to get the
between Paul and Richard. mother to accept some therapy. She wouldn’t
Worlds apart (udaljeni svetovi) znači vrlo hear of it” (H. Fast, The Legacy).
različiti, kao nebo i zemlja. # Their views are Wound nije samo rana, raniti, već i povredi-
worlds apart. ti, uvrediti. # Her nasty remark really wounded
World without end (svet bez kraja) znači ve- him.
čito, neprekidno. # In my job I get the occasio- Wound someone to the quick (pod Cut/
nal word of praise, some useful suggestions, and sting/wound someone to the quick).
complaints world without end. Wrap someone in cotton wool (uviti neko-
Worm nije samo crv, već i (a): glista i (b): ga u vatu) znači paziti nekoga kao malo vode
puzati. (a): Worms are good bait for catfish. (b): na dlanu, preterano štititi nekoga. # He feels
The hunters silently wormed their way toward so unprotected now; his mother wrapped him in
the herd of antelope. cotton wool all his life
Worn out (pod Wear out). Wrap up nije samo uviti, već i (a): utopliti se,
Worn to a shadow (pohaban do senke) znači obući nešto toplo, (b): okončati, završiti sa čim,
izmožden, potpuno iscrpljen. # He was playing (c): zaključiti, uspešno završiti i (d): pobediti,
football with the children all afternoon. He was dobiti utakmicu. (a): Mother told Ann to wrap
worn to a shadow when he came in. up before going into cold. (b): Let’s wrap up the
Worry nije samo brinuti (se), briga, već i (a): job and go home. (c): The sales team flew in at
uznemiravati, (b): glodati, (c): razdirati (zubi- ten o’clock, wrapped up a couple of deals befo-
ma) i (d): dirkati, čačkati. (a): Stop worrying re lunch, and caught the afternoon plane back to
me and get to work. (b): The dog kept worrying Stuttgart. (d): The Mets wrapped up the baseball
the bone. (c): The tiger was worrying its prey. game in the seventh inning. Wrap up! Wrap it
(d): Johhny was worrying the loose tooth with up! znači (u britanskom žargonu) Zaveži! Zaklo-
his tongue. pi! # Don’t you see I am working? Wrap up!
Worse for wear (gori za nošenje) znači (a): Wrench nije samo trzaj, već i (a): istrgnuti,
pohaban i (b): iscrpljen, izmožden. (a): “Her bo- (b): uganuti, (c): iskriviti, izvrtati (smisao) i (d):
ots are much the worse for wear” (G. B. Shaw, (francuski i dr.) ključ. (a): The policeman wren-
Pygmalion). (b): She often comes home from ched the knife from the attacker’s hand. (b): The
work looking the worse for wear. baseball player wrenched his ankle on the play.
Worse luck nije gora sreća, već nažalost. # - (c): Don’t wrench the facts in order to make the
We’ll see you at Bernard’s party, I hope? - I’m on report more exiting. (d): The plumber took out a
duty that night, worse luck. wrench and tightened a bolt on the pipe.
Worth one’s salt (vredan svoje soli) znači Write one’s own ticket (pisati svoju sop-
vredan para koje dobija. I think he’s more than stvenu srećku) znači zarađivati svoj hleb. # I am
worth his salt. He’s a good worker. now able to write my own ticket, without asking
Worth someone’s while (vredno nečijeg vre- my parents for financial support.
mena) isplati se, nije izgubljeno vreme. It would Writing (is) on the wall (napisano <je> na
be worth your while to go and see him. zidu) znači zlokoban znak, loše se piše. # The
Would eat him with garlic, would eat him new increase in electricity prices is the writing
without salt (pojeo bi ga sa belim lukom/pojeo on the wall for many small businesses. # Sanders
bi ga bez soli) znači (kolokvijalno) da može po- & Duke are dismissing their staff. I am afraid the
pio bi ga u čaši vode. # If you invite Bob, count writing is on the wall for them.
Tom out. He would eat Bob with garlic. Wrong nije samo pogrešan, već i (a): nepri-
Would have none of it (pod Would not have it). kladan, (b): nemoralan, (c): zlo, (d): zlodelo,
Wrong 284 Wrong side

(e): loša strana, (f): činiti nepravdu i (g): mal- I have no intention of discussing the rights and
tretirati. (a): Such dark wallpaper is all wrong for wrongs of corporal punishment with you” (G. W.
a playroom. (b): Cheating is always wrong. (c): Target, The Teachers). (f): Right wrongs no man.
A sane man knows the difference between right (g): Does he really think I wronged him?
and wrong. (d): He was condemned by the com- Wrong side nije pogrešna strana,već naličje.
munity for his wrongs. (e): “And quite frankly, # Iron the skirt on the wrong side.

Yacht basin (pod Basin). Mother making a fool of herself, I will. - You and
Yard nije samo jarda, već i (a): dvorište (b): whose army?
travnjak (u američkom engleskom), (c): poplo- You are a fine one to talk! (Ti si krasan da
čani/asfaltirani deo oko kuće (u britanskom en- pričaš!) znači Ti si se našao da mi to kažeš! (u
gleskom) i (d): krst jarbola. (a): The children are žargonu). # You are a fine one to talk! You’re the
playing in the yard. (b): The yard needs mowing. last person I’d ask for advice!
(c): The historic house and yard are closed to the You are a one indeed! (Ti si baš taj!) znači
public in sunset. (d): The captain threatened to Baš si mi ti neka mustra!, I ti si mi neki! (u žar-
hang the mutineers from the yard. gonu). # I don’t need your frank opinion - you are
Yell blue murder (pod Scream/cry/yell blue a one indeed!
murder). You are breaking my heart (pod You’re
Yellow nije samo žut, već i (a): požuteti i breaking my heart).
(b): plašljiv, kukavički (kolokvijalno). (a): Ble- You are laughing (pod You’re laughing).
ach keeps the white clothes from yellowing. (b): You are pathetic! (pod You’re pathetic!).
They said if he didn’t fight he was yellow. You are welcome (pod You’re welcome).
Yellow-belly (žut trbuh) znači usranko, sero- You bet! (Kladi se!) znači (u žargonu) Nego
nja (u žargonu). # Tell the yellow-belly to come šta! Sigurno. # “’The usual, honey?’ yelled
outside and say that. Maria, the half-baked waitress and owner of
Yellow press (pod Gutter press). Donovan’s Donuts. ‘You bet,’ replied Maurice,
Yield nije samo ustupiti, već i (a): rađati, sliding into his posture” (J. Lennon, Skywritning
donositi plod, (b): donositi prihod, (c): predati by Word of Mouth). Isto značenje imaju žargon-
se, (d): propustiti, (e): popustiti i (f): rod. (a): ski izrazi You can bet on it! You bet your boots!
The old tree still yields apples every year. (b): You (can) bet your (sweet) life! (Možeš se kla-
The stock yields 8% interest a year. (c): The town diti na to!, Kladi se u svoje cipele!, Možeš se kla-
soon yielded to the attackers. (d): Cars entering diti u svoj slatki život!) # Am I happy? You bet
the highway must yield the right of way. (e): The your boots! # - Will I ever learn to speak French
small chair yielded under his weight. (f): Farmers well? - You can bet your sweet life you will, and
had an exceptionally good yield this year. very soon, too.
Yield the floor (predati pod) znači ustupiti You can bet on it! (pod You bet!).
nekome reč/govornicu. # I yield the floor to my You (can) bet your (sweet) life! (pod You
respectable colleague from Manchester. bet!).
Yield the palm (prepustiti palmu) znači pri- You can kiss it goodbye. (Možeš ga polju-
znati poraz. # Seeing the game was clearly lost, biti i reći zbogom.) znači (kolokvijalno) Možeš
he yielded the palm. se oprostiti od toga. Piši propalo. # If you leave
Yield the right-of-way (prepustiti pravo your camera on a park bench, you can kiss it go-
puta) znači poštovati prednost, propustiti kola odbye. # Well, you can kiss that 100 bucks good-
koja imaju pravo prvenstva. # Cars entering the bye. Kaže se i You can whistle for it. (Možeš da
highway must yield the right-of-way. zviždiš za tim.) # I’m afraid you’ve seen the last
You and whose army? (Ti i čija vojska?) of your money - you can whistle for it!
znači (kolokvijalno, podrugljivo) Slab si mi ti za You can say that again! (Možeš to ponovo
to! Jaka si mi ti marka! # - If you won’t stop reći!) znači (kolokvijalno) Potpuno ste u pravu!
You can’t keep a good man down 286 You’re welcome

To je sasvim tačno! # - It is sure hot today. - You You’ll know what’s what! (Znaćeš ti šta je
can say that again! šta!) znači Videćeš svoga boga!! # Try it again or
You can’t keep a good man down (ne mo- you’ll know what’s what!
žeš sprečiti dobrog čoveka da se uspravi) znači You’ll live to regret it! (Poživećeš da zažališ
(kolokvijalno) kad je neko odlučan, ne možeš to!) znači Zažalićeš to jednoga dana! # In ef-
ga sprečiti da učini ono što namerava. # George fect, I suppose that amounts to a declaration of
failed twice, but he made up his mind to make open warfare between us. By God, though, you’ll
a new attempt and he finally brought it off. You live to regret it! Zažalićeš ti to! se kaže i You’ll
can’t keep a good man down. smart for it! (Boleće te to!) # Do it again and
You can’t take him anywhere (ne možeš ga you’ll smart for it!
nigde povesti) znači nisi nigde pristao sa njim. # You must expect a snag or two. (Moraš oče-
You couldn’t take Ursula anywhere, but it was no kivati jedan ili dva šiljka.) znači Ne može sve
fun going without her. uvek ići potaman. # Don’t take it to heart. You
You can’t win them all. (pod You must must expect a snag or two. Isto značenje ima i
expect a snag or two.). You can’t win them all. (Ne možeš ih sve po-
You can whistle for it. (pod You can kiss it bediti). # It doesn’t really matter. You can’t win
goodbye.). them all.
You name it (imenuj ga) znači ko/što god
You could cut it with a knife ne znači možeš
ti padne na pamet., koga/što god da pomeneš/
ga seći nožem, već jasno je kao dan. # You could
zamisliš (tu je). # “They’re having one hell of a
cut it with knife: John is behind that plot. # You
bash. Must be eight hundred people there. Movie
could cut it with a knife - if we haven’t got any
stars, senators, congressmen, you name it” (M.
money, we can’t buy that car.
Crichton, Rising Sun). # I brought food, drink,
You could (have) cut the air/atmosphere and you name it.
with a knife (mogao si seći vazduh/atmosferu
Young idea ne znači mlada ideja, već mlada
nožem) znači osećala se napetost u vazduhu. # generacija, mladi. # We were a tame lot, really -
Father’s patience was running short and one co- ours not to question why. The young idea is little
uld cut the air with a knife. # When I entered the more sure of itself today.
room, you could have cut the atmosphere with
a knife. Your actual ne znači vaš aktuelni, već pravi
pravcati, izistinski. # They were looking at a pa-
You could have fooled me (mogao si me pre- inting by your actual Picasso.
variti) znači ne bi se reklo, ne bih to ni pomislio.
# - What a nice hair-do you’ve had. - Oh, don’t You’re breaking my heart (cepaš mi srce)
znači (kolokvijalno, ironično) mnogo mi te je
pretend you don’t know it’s a wig. - No! Well,
žao, nemoj da me rasplačeš. # Tony was telling
you could have fooled me.
her that he found his job very boring. “Oh, you’re
You could have knocked me down with a breaking my heart, Tony,” she said. “You ought
feather (mogao si me oboriti percetom) znači to be glad you’ve got a job at all.”
strašno me je to iznenadilo („oborilo me je pro-
You’re laughing, you’ll be laughing ne znači
sto s nogu“). # You could have knocked me down
samo smeješ se, smejaćeš se, već nema šta više
with a feather when he told me that he was going da brineš, bićeš na konju. # If you get a job that
to marry Sally. pays that much money, you’re laughing. # If you
You know nije samo znaš, razumeš, već i pass maths, you’ll be laughing.
(a): treba da znaš, podsećam te i (b): znaš šta, You’re pathetic! ne znači Ti si patetičan! već
ja mislim. (a): You’ll never catch that train. It’s Žalost te je slušati!, Ti si jad i beda!, Ćuti, ku-
half past three now, you know. (b): “You know, kavče jedan! # Mike tried to explain his behavior
Elsie, it’s a most frightful thing to say, but I think to Mary. “You’re pathetic, my dear!” she snapped
Daddo is getting old” (C. Mackenzie, The Rival curtly.
You’re welcome (Dobrodošli ste) znači
You know better than that! ne znači Znaš ti Nema na čemu. (Kaže se i Don’t mention it.)
i bolje! već Drugom ti to! # - You didn’t know I # - You’ve been most helpful. - You’re welcome.
made the proposal! - Come on, you know better That’s what we’re here for. You’re welcome to
than that! it. znači Samo izvol’te, Slobodno uzmite. (Kaže
You’ll be in for it! (Bićeš unutra zbog toga!) se i It’s all yours!) # - Can I borrow your shovel?
znači Lepo ćeš se provesti! # You’ll be in for it - You’re welcome to it. You’re welcome to (do)
when father finds out that you’ve lost your mo- it. (Dobrodošli ste da to uradite.) znači Možete
ney! se slobodno koristiti time. # You’re welcome to
You’ll be laughing (pod You’re laughing). use my car.
Your guess is as good as mine 287 You what?!

Your guess is as good as mine. (Tvoje naga- he was going to kiss me! - You should be so luc-
đanje je dobro koliko i moje.) znači Znam koliko ky! # – I think that girl over there is giving you
i ti. („Kaži mi da ti kažem.“) # “’Do you belie- the eye. – I should be so lucky!
ve they intend war eventually?’ the Chief asked. Youth nije samo mladost, već i (a): mladić i
‘Your guess is as good as mine’” (G. Greene, Our (b): omladina, mladi. (a): The youth ran away
Man in Havana). to join the circus. (b): The new TV program is
Your name will be mud! (Tvoje ime će biti aimed at youth.
blato!) znači (kolokvijalno) Naderaćeš kao You’ve been quite a stranger, lately! You
žuti! # Your name will be mud if you utter a word are a stranger! (U poslednje vreme ste stra-
about it. nac!) znači Retko vas viđamo! Nema vas u po-
You said a mouthful! (pod Mouthful). slednje vreme! # What’s become of you? You’ve
You said it! ne znači Ti si to rekao! već Sa- been quite a stranger lately! # You are a stranger!
svim tačno si rekao! Sto posto si u pravu! # - I Where have you been all this time?
thought the translation we had to do today was You want jam on it, do you? (Hoćeš li i džem
very difficult. - You said it! odozgo?) znači (kolokvijalno) Šta bi još hteo?
You see (vidiš) znači razumeš, shvataš, znaš. („Hoćeš li možda i mušmula?“) # I did for you
# The weather was very bad, you see, so we everything I could and you’re still not pleased.
didn’t really expect that he would come. You want jam on it, do you?
You should be so lucky! You should be so You what?! (Ti šta?!) znači Šta to reče? Ma
lucky! (Treba da budeš/budem tako srećan!) je li to moguće? # “JO: My baby may be black.
znači (kolokvijalno, šaljivo) Kamo sreće! Daj HELEN: You what, love? JO: My baby will be
bože! # - When he bent over me I really thought black” (Sh. Delaney, A Taste of Honey).

Zero hour (nula časova) je (a): tačno vreme get a new form. ZIP code (Zone Improvement
početka vojne operacije i (b): ključni/odsudni Plan) je poštanski broj (u SAD), ali i područje
trenutak. (a): Zero hour for the concerted attack (na kome žive oni koji imaju isti poštanski broj).
was 15:00. (b): On the day of the championship # A lot of people in this area have lived in the
game, as the zero hour came near, the players same ZIP code their whole lives.
grew nervous. Zip (up) your lips! (Zatvori usne rajsferšlu-
Zip nije samo rajsferšlus (u britanskom engle- som!) znači Brnjicu na gubicu! („Začepi plju-
skom, u američkom zipper) i zakopčati/otkop-
cu!“) (u žargonu) # Don’t you see I am working?
čati rajsferšlusom), već (u američkom žargonu)
i (a): ništa, (b): nula (c): energija, polet i (d): Zip up your lips! Ima još puno izraza u žargonu
otrčati, projuriti. (a): I got zip from the booking sa istim značenjem: Bag it! Can it! Clam up!
agency all week. (b): Well, you got zip on your Not another word! Pipe down! Put a sock in it!
last test. Sorry about that. (c): Put some zip into Shut up! Shut your trap! Stow it! Stuff a sock
it. It’s too ho-hum. (d): I’ll zip to the office and in it! Wrap up! Zip it up!
Academician 293 Blinker

Academician je na britanskom engleskom ričkom engleskom (a): prednji branik (na auto-
član akademije nauka i umetnosti, akademik, a mobilu) i (b): špric za injekcije (u žargonu) .
na američkom engleskom i (a): profesor i (b): Basin sem značenja bazen i porečje, na bri-
student. tanskom engleskom znači bokal (bowl), a na
Accommodation je i na britanskom i na američkom engleskom umivaonik (sink, wash-
američkom engleskom (a): prilagođavanje, (b): tub).
kompromis, nagodba, (c): smeštaj (prenoćište Bath je na britanskom engleskom (a): kada,
– accommodation for the night - u američkom (b): bazen za plivanje (obično u množini) i (c):
engleskom najčešće u množini), ali u britanskom kupati se, a na američkom engleskom kupatilo
engleskom znači i stanovanje (residential acco- (half bath ima lavabo i toalet, a ¾ bath ima još i
mmodation), a na američkom engleskom sedište tuš, ali ne i kadu). I na jednom i na drugom je (a):
ili ležaj u vozu, avionu ili brodu. kupanje i (b): (finansijski) gubitak.
Ace je i na britanskom i na američkom en- Bathroom je na britanskom engleskom kupa-
gleskom (a): kec, as i (b): poznati pilot, vaz- tilo, a na američkom engleskom i toalet.
duhoplovni as, ali u britanskom žargonu znači i Beaver znači dabar, ali na britanskom engle-
sjajan, super, a u američkom engleskom i (a): skom i brada, a na američkom engleskom ženske
odlično proći na ispitu (dobiti A) i (b): najbolji stidne dlačice.
pucač u bejzbolu. Bill je na britanskom engleskom (a): račun i
Aerial je vazdušni, atmosferski, ali na britan- (b): policija (the old Bill), a na američkom engle-
skom engleskom je i antena. skom (račun) i banknota.
Apartment je na britanskom engleskom Billion na britanskom engleskom znači mili-
apartman, a na američkom engleskom stan. on miliona (hiljadu milijardi, kao i naše bilion),
Appropriate je odgovarajući, prikladan, ali i a na američkom engleskom hiljadu miliona, mi-
prisvojiti, uzeti (u britanskom engleskom) i dode- lijarda. Englezi za milijardu tradicionalno kažu
liti/izdvojiti (novac) (u američkom engleskom). milliard, ali je britanska vlada od 1972. godine
Athlete je na britanskom engleskom učesnik počela da koristi američki billion (kasnije i BBC),
u lakoatletskim takmičenjima, a na američkom pa se milliard postepeno gubi iz upotrebe.
engleskom sportista (što se u britanskom engle- Biscuit je na britanskom engleskom biskvit,
skom kaže sportsman). Athletics je na britan- keks (dakle, bez kvasca), a na američkom en-
skom engleskom (laka) atletika, a na američkom gleskom hlepčić (koji na brzu ruku spremi od
engleskom sport. brašna, sa kvascom ili sodom). Ono što je u Bri-
Backroom boys su na britanskom engleskom taniji biscuit to se u SAD zove cracker (slan)
crnci iza scene, stvarno zaslužni a nepoznati, a ili cookie (sladak). Biscuit je i (a): grnčarija ili
na američkom engleskom važni ljudi iza scene porcelan, posle prvog pečenja (pre emajliranja) i
koji vuku konce. (b): žućkastosmeđ.
Bailiff je na britanskom engleskom (a): po- Blinder je u britanskom engleskom odličan
moćnik šerifa i (b): upravnik imanja, a na ame- nastup u takmičenju (u žargonu), a na američ-
ričkom engleskom službenik za održavanje reda kom engleskom naočnjak (za konja).
u sudu. Blinker je na britanskom engleskom naoč-
Banger je petarda, na britanskom engleskom njak (za konja), a na američkom engleskom mi-
i (a): svinjska kobasica i (b): krntija, a na ame- gavac, blinker.
Blowout 294 Coach

Blowout je na britanskom engleskom velika Casualty je žrtva, ranjena ili ubijena osoba,
gozba, krkanluk, a na američkom engleskom ali se često u britanskom engleskom podrazu-
(a): pucanje autogume, (b): erupcija bušotine i meva da je u pitanju ranjenik (otuda casualty
(c): velika žurka. Blowout sale je (u američkom department), a u američkom engleskom samo
engleskom) rasprodaja sa velikim sniženjem. poginula osoba (otuda casualty insurance).
Boot je na britanskom engleskom (a): čizma i Chaps su na britanskom engleskom momci
(b): prtljažnik (na američkom engleskom trunk), (mada je više u upotrebi guys), a na američkom
a na američkom engleskom cipela. engleskom kožne navlake preko (kaubojskih)
Braces su na britanskom engleskom tregeri pantalona.
(suspenders), a na američkom engleskom proteze Cheap na britanskom engleskom znači samo
za ispravljanje zuba (obično kod dece). Trege- jeftin, a na američkom engleskom i (a): slabog
ri su na američkom engleskom suspenders, što kvaliteta (the coat may be expensive but it looks
opet na britanskom engleskom znači podvezice cheap) i (b): škrt (he‘s too cheap to pick up the
(halteri) za čarape. check - cheap skate je stipsa, džimrija). Da izbe-
Bumper je na britanskom engleskom branik gnu te konotacije Amerikanci će radije upotrebiti
(na automobilu), a na američkom engleskom bo- inexpensive za jeftin.
kobran (na brodu). I obrnuto: fender je na bri- Cheers je i na britanskom i na američkom en-
tanskom engleskom bokobran, a na američkom gleskom (mnogo ređe) Živeli! a na britanskom
engleskom branik. engleskom i Hvala, nema na čemu! (Cheers,
Bungalow je na britanskom engleskom prize- mate!). Britanci takođe često stavljaju Cheers na
mna kuća, a na američkom engleskom drvena, kraju pisma u elektronskoj pošti, pre potpisa.
prefabrikovana kućica (bungalov). Chemist je na britanskom engleskom
Bureau je na britanskom engleskom pisaći apoteka(r) (ali i hemičar), a na američkom en-
sto, a na američkom engleskom komoda. gleskom hemičar.
Butchery je na britanskom engleskom kla- Cider je na britanskom engleskom jabukovo
nica, a na američkom engleskom ošljarenje, fu- vino (penušavo), a na američkom engleskom sok
šeraj (u žargonu). I na jednom i na drugom je od jabuke.
pokolj. Cinderella (Pepeljuga) je (kolokvijalno) na
Café je i na britanskom i na američkom en- britanskom engleskom tim koji postigne neoče-
gleskom kafić, a na američkom engleskom znači kivano slab rezultat, a na američkom engleskom
i bar, noćni klub. obrnuto: skroman tim koji neočekivano zasija
Call box je na britanskom engleskom javna na takmičenju.
telefonska govornica, a na američkom engle- City je na britanskom engleskom (a): veliki
skom telefon na autoputu za javljanje kvara na grad (manji gradovi su towns) i
kolima. (b): poslovno sedište Londona i drugih veli-
Campsite je na britanskom engleskom kamp, kih gradova (the City), a na američkom engle-
prostor predviđen za kampovanje (na američ- skom (a): bilo koji grad koji je dobio takav sta-
kom engleskom campground), a na američkom tus od svoje države i (b): deo poštanske adrese
engleskom individualno mesto za kampovanje (u britanskom engleskom postal town).
(na britanskom engleskom pitch). Clerk je činovnik, a na britanskom engle-
Candy je na britanskom engleskom šećerle- skom i šef gradske administracije (town clerk
ma, kandis šećer, a na američkom engleskom do 1974.), a na američkom engleskom (a): tr-
bombone. govački pomoćnik i (b): službenik na hotelskoj
Caravan je na britanskom engleskom kamp- recepciji (desk clerk).
prikolica, a na američkom engleskom karavan. Cloakroom je na britanskom engleskom (ko-
Caretaker je na britanskom engleskom na- lokvijalno) toalet, a na američkom engleskom
stojnik zgrade, a na američkom engleskom upra- garderoba.
vitelj imanja. Closet je sobica, a na britanskom engleskom
Carriage je na britanskom engleskom put- i toalet (ipak arhaično), a na američkom engle-
nički vagon, a na američkom engleskom dečja skom plakar i ostava.
kolica (baby carriage). Coach je (a): kočija i (b): trener, a na bri-
Carry-on je na britanskom engleskom pre- tanskom engleskom i (a): turistički autobus, (b):
terano izražavanje nezadovoljstva, zabrinutosti železnički putnički vagon i (c): osoba koja daje
ili uzbuđenja, a na američkom engleskom ručni učenicima privatne časove, a na američkom
prtljag. engleskom i (a): ekonomska klasa u avionu
Casket je na britanskom engleskom kutijica (Economy Class) i (b): nastavnik sporta (van
za nakit, a na američkom engleskom mrtvački redovne nastave - u britanskom engleskom PE
sanduk. teacher).
Cob 295 Faculty

Cob je labud (mužjak), na britanskom engle- Davenport je na britanskom engleskom mali

skom vrsta zemičke (chip cob, ham cob itd.), a na pisaći sto, a na američkom engleskom sofa na
američkom engleskom kukuruzni klip. rasklapanje.
Comforter je na britanskom engleskom cuc- DC je skraćenica za jednosmernu struju (di-
la, a na američkom engleskom jorgan (i na jed- rect current), a na britanskom engleskom znači
nom i na drugom znači tešitelj) . i detektiv (detective constable, koji radi za CID
Concession je ustupak, a na britanskom en- - Criminal Investigation Department), a na ame-
gleskom i popust (discount), a na američkom ričkom engleskom Vašington (District of Colum-
engleskom i koncesija, davanje prava na ko- bia, savezni distrikt između država Vrdžinija i
rišćenje za određene svrhe. Concession stand Merilend).
je na američkom engleskom mesto za prodaju Deadhead je na britanskom engleskom poki-
osvežavajućih pića, sendviča itd. (na mestima dati uvelo lišće, a na američkom engleskom (a):
javne zabave). imalac besplatne karte za vožnju i (b): dosadna
Cornfield je na britanskom engleskom žitno i glupa osoba (u žargonu).
polje, a na američkom engleskom kukuruzno Depot je skladište, ali na britanskom engle-
polje. skom je (kao i kod nas) lokacija na kojoj su
smešteni autobusi, tramvaji i vagoni kad nisu u
Cot je na britanskom engleskom dečji krevet,
upotrebi, a na američkom engleskom železnička
a na američkom engleskom (a): poljski krevet i ili autobuska stanica i avionski terminal .
(b): krevet na sklapanje.
Dessert je na američkom engleskom dezert
Cotton je pamuk i pamučna tkanina, ali na (poslastica na kraju obeda), a na britanskom en-
britanskom engleskom je i konac. gleskom voće posle dezerta.
Cotton woool je na britanskom engleskom DI je na britanskom engleskom policijski in-
vata, a na američkom engleskom sirovi pamuk. spektor (Detective inspector), a na američkom
Crack a window je na britanskom engleskom engleskom instruktor za vojnički dril (Drill in-
razbiti prozor, a na američkom engleskom odš- structor).
krinuti prozor. Diddle je na britanskom engleskom varati, a
Cranky je na britanskom engleskom nastran, na američkom engleskom traćiti vreme.
ekscentričan, a na američkom engleskom ra- Dirt je prljavština, ali je na američkom engle-
zdražljiv, zlovoljan. skom i rasuta zemlja.
Crèche su na britanskom engleskom dečje Dormitory je na britanskom engleskom spa-
jaslice, obdanište, a na američkom engleskom vaonica, a na američkom engleskom studentski
božićne jaslice, rođenje Isusovo (na britanskom dom.
engleskom crib) . Dresser je na britanskom engleskom kuhinj-
Creek je na britanskom engleskom zaton, a ski kredenac, a na američkom engleskom toalet-
na američkom engleskom potok. ni stočić.
Crockery je na britanskom engleskom ku- Dry goods su na britanskom engleskom pre-
hinjski porcelan, a na američkom engleskom hrambeni proizvodi, a na američkom engleskom
zemljano posuđe. tekstilni proizvodi.
Custodian je čuvar, a na britanskom engle- Dumb na britanskom engleskom znači nem
skom i golman, a na američkom engleskom na- (mute), a na američkom engleskom i glup (stu-
stojnik zgrade. pid).
Cute sem značenja oštrouman, dosetljiv, na Entrée je na britanskom engleskom jelo pre
američkom engleskom znači i ljubak, sladak (i pečenja, a na američkom engleskom glavno
zgodan)18. jelo.
Cutlery je na britanskom engleskom pribor Even-steven znači na britanskom engleskom
za jelo, a na američkom engleskom to su kuhinj- šanse su podjednake, a na američkom engleskom
ski noževi i makaze. (a): izravnati račune, biti kvit i (b): jednako po-
Daddy-long-legs (tata dugonja) je na britan- deljeno, podeljeno na ravne časti.
skom engleskom dugonogi komarac (crane fly), Faculty je na britanskom engleskom fakultet,
a na američkom engleskom paučnjak (harves- a na američkom engleskom nastavnički kolegi-
tman). jum.
Komentar I. Klajna: Cute ne treba izjednačavati sa good-looking, pa ni s našim privlačan, nego pre ima i nega-
tivnu nijansu, “sladunjav”, “izveštačen”, pa zato kritičari često za nekog glumca ili glumicu kažu da je “too cute”,
a odatle i podrugljiva izvedenica cutesy. Neka holivudska lepotica bi se uvredila da za nju kažete da je cute, kao da
je neko simpatično dete, dok ona očekuje da kažete bar beautiful ili lovely, ako ne gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking
i slično.)
Fag 296 Jock

Fag je (kolokvijalno) na britanskom engle- Hire je na britanskom engleskom rentirati

skom (a): cigareta i (b): težak posao, a na ame- (auto), a na američkom engleskom zaposliti (se).
ričkom engleskom homoseksualac. Hock je na britanskom engleskom lako (belo)
Fancy dress je na britanskom engleskom ko- rajnsko vino, a na američkom engleskom (a):
stim (costume), a na američkom engleskom for- zatvor, (b): zalog, založiti i (c): stopalo (u žar-
malna odeća (formal attire). gonu).
Flapjack je na britanskom engleskom ovseni Hog je na britanskom engleskom šilježe (ja-
kolač, a na američkom engleskom palačinka. gnje od godinu dana), a na američkom engleskom
Football je na britanskom engleskom fudbal, (a): svinja, (b): veliki automobil (u žargonu) i
a na američkom engleskom američki fudbal (sli- (c): policajac, pandur (u žargonu). I na jednom i
čan ragbiju – a fudbal se kaže soccer). na drugom je (a): bezobziran vozač (road hog) i
Foul on Smith na britanskom engleskom zna- (b): pohlepan čovek.
či prekršaj na Smitu, a na američkom engleskom Hole-in-the-wall je na britanskom engleskom
Smit je načinio prekršaj. bankovni automat, a na američkom engleskom
Gallon (mera za tečnost) iznosi u Velikoj Bri- ćumez, mala jeftina radnja, kafana ili stan.
taniji 4.54609 litara, a u SAD 3.78541 litra. Holiday je na britanskom engleskom godišnji
Garden je na britanskom engleskom vrt, a na odmor, a na američkom engleskom the holidays
američkom engleskom i plodno, dobro obrađeno se uglavnom odnosi na period između Thank-
zemljište. sgiving-a (krajem novembra) i Nove godine. I
Gob na britanskom engleskom znači (a): na jednom i na druhom znači praznik i slobodan
usta (You‘d better keep your gob shut about what dan.
happened.) i (b): pljuvati, a na američkom engle- Home je na britanskom engleskom dom, a na
skom (a): velika količina nečega, mnogo i (b): američkom engleskom i kuća, zgrada (house).
pripadnik mornarice (sve u žargonu). Homely na britanskom engleskom znači (a):
Government je na britanskom engleskom kao kod kuće, ugodan, topao i (b): prirodan,
(a): vlada i (b): politička stranka koja podržava jednostavan, a na američkom engleskom ružan,
vladu u Parlamentu, a na američkom engleskom bez šarma (ugly, plain). Za britansko značenje
(a): država, (b): uprava (firme, organizacije ili homely, Amerikanci imaju izraz homey (homey
institucije) i (c): političke nauke (i na jednom i dish).
drugom je vladanje). Home run je na britanskom engleskom fi-
Green card je na britanskom engleskom niš (na američkom engleskom homestretch),
dokument o međunarodnom osiguranju auto- a na američkom engleskom (a): osvojen bod u
mobila, a na američkom engleskom dozvola za bejzbolu (kad batter odbije loptu tako daleko da
stalni boravak i zaposlenje stranca. uspe optrčati sve baze), (b): uspeh i (c): snošaj
Grill je na britanskom engleskom peći (u (u žargonu).
rerni) (na američkom engleskom broil), a na Hood je na britanskom engleskom pokretni
američkom engleskom (a): peći na roštilju (na krov kabrioleta, a na američkom engleskom (a):
britanskom engleskom barbecue) i (b): inten- hauba i (b): nasilnik, huligan. I na jednom i dru-
zivno saslušavati nekoga, pritisnuti nekoga da gom je kapuljača.
prizna. Hooker je na britanskom engleskom centar u
Guard je na britanskom engleskom konduk- ragbiju, a na američkom engleskom prostitutka.
ter (u vozu), a na američkom engleskom kočni- Horny je na britanskom engleskom seksual-
čar. no privlačan, a na američkom engleskom željan
Guys su na britanskom engleskom momci, a seksa. I na jednom i na drugom je rožnat.
na američkom engleskom se može odnositi i na Inspector je na britanskom engleskom niži
muškarce i na žene zajedno, naročito u obraća- policijski čin (iznad narednika, sergeant-a), a na
nju. američkom engleskom visok policijski rang (ono
Haberdasher je na britanskom engleskom tr- što je u Britaniji superintendent). I na jednom i
govac galanterijom i pozamanterijom, a na ame- na drugom je inspektor (školski, poreski itd.).
ričkom engleskom trgovac muškom pomodnom Jelly je na britanskom engleskom žele, a na
robom. američkom engleskom džem. Žele je na američ-
Hamper je na britanskom engleskom korpa kom engleskom Jell-O (prvobitni trademark) i
za hranu (picnic hamper, Christmas hamper), a jello.
na američkom engleskom korpa za prljav veš (na Jock je na britanskom engleskom (u žargonu):
britanskom engleskom linen basket ili laundry (a): Škot (podrugljivo) i (b): škotski terijer, a na
basket). I na jednom i na drugom znači sputava- američkom engleskom (u žargonu): (a): sportist
ti, ometati. i (b): suspenzor (kaže se i jock strap).
Jug 297 Muffin

Jug je na britanskom engleskom bokal, a na na nasuprot drugoj, a na američkom engleskom

američkom engleskom testija. dvosed (na britanskom engleskom je to two-se-
Jumper je na britanskom engleskom (a): ater).
(ženski) džemper, pulover (pullover, sweater), Lumber su na britanskom engleskom delovi
(b): mornarska bluza i (c): skakač, a na ame- pokućstva koji nisu više u upotrebi (negde sklo-
ričkom engleskom haljina sa naramenicama njeni), a na američkom engleskom to je drvena
(preko bluze). građa (na britanskom engleskom je to timber).
Keeper je na britanskom engleskom (a): ku- Mac je na britanskom engleskom kišni man-
stos i (b): golman (goalkeeper), a na američkom til (skraćeno od mackintosh), a na američkom
engleskom (u žargonu) nešto što vredi (This fish engleskom čovek (Hey, Mac! Hej, prijatelju! –
is a keeper. Throw the others out.). obraćanje mahom nepoznatom muškarcu). I na
Kiosk je na oba dijalekta kiosk, a na britan- jednom i na drugom mac je kompjuter (po proi-
skom engleskom i javna telefonska govornica zvođaču Macintosh - Apple).
Knickers su na britanskom engleskom ženske Mad na britanskom engleskom znači lud i be-
gaćice, a na američkom engleskom pumparice. san, a na američkom engleskom pre svega ljut
Knock up na britanskom engleskom znači (her haughtiness makes me mad), ali i lud (Van
(a): probuditi kucanjem na vrata, (b): pripremi- Gogh had periods during which he was comple-
ti na brzinu i (c): zagrevati se pred teniski meč, a tely mad), kao i lud za nekim/nečim (he‘s been
na američkom engleskom ostaviti nekoga u dru- mad about her for months; the two sisters are
gom stanju (u žargonu). mad about tennis).
Lavatory je na britanskom engleskom toalet, Majority je na britanskom engleskom rela-
a na američkom engleskom umivaonik i soba za tivna većina (najveći broj glasova - na američ-
umivanje. kom engleskom plurality), a na američkom en-
Lay-by je na britanskom engleskom (a): gleskom apsolutna većina (više od polovine - na
odmorište na autoputu i (b): odvojak od glav- britanskom engleskom absolute plurality).
nog puta, a na američkom engleskom poslednje Marquee je na britanskom engleskom veliki
obrađivanje u gajenju useva. šator, a na američkom engleskom (a): natkriven
Leader je lider, ali na britanskom engleskom ulaz u hotel i (b): osvetljena reklama (na ulazu u
i uvodnik, a na američkom engleskom oluk. bioskop ili na drumu).
Lemonade je na britanskom engleskom ve- Martini je na britanskom engleskom vermut
štačka limunada, a na američkom engleskom (vermouth), a na američkom engleskom koktel
prirodni sok od limuna. od džina i vermuta (dry martini se sastoji tako-
Life preserver je na britanskom engleskom reći samo od džina sa vrlo malo vermuta).
kratka batina (napunjena olovom na jednom Mate je na britanskom engleskom prijatelj
kraju - što je na američkom engleskom black- (ono što je na američkom engleskom pal), a na
jack), a na američkom engleskom prsluk za američkom engleskom suprug(a). Mate znači i
spasavanje (na britanskom engleskom se kaže (a): mat (u šahu - checkmate), (b): mužjak/žen-
lifebelt ili lifejacket). ka i (c): oficir trgovačke mornarice.
Lift je na britanskom engleskom lift (na ame- Mean je na britanskom engleskom škrt, a na
ričkom engleskom elevator), a na američkom američkom engleskom podao. I na jednom i na
engleskom stimulans. I na jednom i na drugom drugom je (a): prost, (b): beskarakteran, (c):
je (a): odbacivanje nekoga autom i (b): uložak srednji, sredina i (d): otrcan.
u cipeli. Momentarily na britanskom engleskom zna-
Line je crta, ali je na britanskom engleskom či momentalno (for a moment), a na američkom
i železnička pruga, a na američkom engleskom engleskom začas, vrlo brzo (in a moment – I‘ll
red (na britanskom engleskom queue). do it momentarily).
Liquor je tečnost, ali je na britanskom en- Mortuary je na britanskom engleskom mr-
gleskom i buljon, a na američkom engleskom tvačnica, a na američkom engleskom pogrebno
alkoholno piće (prodavnica alkoholnih pića je preduzeće.
liquor store) . Motorcar je na britanskom engleskom auto-
Loft je na britanskom engleskom potkrovlje, mobil, a na američkom engleskom motorna žele-
a na američkom engleskom galerija u sobi. znička dresina.
Lounge je na britanskom engleskom dnevna MP je na britanskom engleskom poslanik
soba, a na američkom engleskom bar. I na jed- (Member of Parliament), a na američkom engle-
nom i na drugom je (a): čekaonica na aerodro- skom vojna policija (the Military Police – mada
mu i (b): foaje u hotelu (s foteljama). je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom).
Loveseat je na britanskom engleskom drveno Muffin je na britanskom engleskom okrugli
ili postavljeno sedište za dve osobe koje sede jed- pljosnati (izrezani) hlepčić (koja se jede topao sa
Muffler 298 Pressman

maslacom - na američkom engleskom to je En- Parkway je na britanskom engleskom žele-

glish muffin), a na američkom engleskom sladak znička stanica sa velikim parkiralištem, a na
kolačić (često sa voćem - blueberry muffins). američkom engleskom put ili ulica sa kolona-
Muffler je na britanskom engleskom šal (neck dom drveća.
scarf), a na američkom engleskom ispušni prigu- Pavement je na britanskom engleskom troto-
šivač, lonac na auspuhu. ar, a na američkom engleskom kolovoz. Trotoar
Napkins su na britanskom engleskom pelene, se na američkom engleskom kaže sidewalk.
a na američkom engleskom salvete. Pecker je detlić, ali je na britanskom engle-
Nervy na britanskom engleskom znači nervo- skom i bodrost (Keep your pecker up! - Glavu
zan (nervous), a na američkom engleskom drzak gore!), a na američkom engleskom penis (u žar-
(bold). gonu).
Office je na britanskom engleskom (a): mini- Peckish je na britanskom engleskom pomalo
starstvo (the Foreign Office) i (b): prostorije za gladan, a na američkom engleskom razdražljiv.
poslugu, a na američkom engleskom direkcija, Pint je mera za tečnost, u Velikoj Britaniji
uprava (the Printing Office). I na jednom i na 568 ml, a u SAD 473 ml.
drugom je (a): kancelarija, ofis, (b): položaj,
Pissed je na britanskom engleskom našlje-
funkcija i (c): ljubaznost, usluga (u množini).
man (u žargonu), a na američkom engleskom
Orchestra je na britanskom engleskom samo besan.
orkestar, a na američkom engleskom i parter (u
pozorištu). Pitch je na britanskom engleskom (a): ulična
tezga, (b): mesto za kampovanje (na američkom
Out-and outer je na britanskom engleskom engleskom campsite) i (c): igralište, sportski te-
(a): tipičan primer i (b): neko ko je izvrstan u ren (na američkom engleskom field), a na ame-
nečemu, a na američkom engleskom ekstremist.
ričkom engleskom (a): bacanje u bejzbolu, (b):
Outhouse je na britanskom engleskom spo- kratak rezime šireg rada ili ideje.
redna zgrada, a na američkom engleskom nuž-
nik u dvorištu. Pitcher je na britanskom engleskom testija
(na američkom engleskom jug), a na američkom
Outside lane je na britanskom engleskom engleskom (a): bacač u bejzbolu i (b): bokal (na
traka za preticanje na autoputu (na američkom britanskom engleskom jug).
engleskom inside lane), a na američkom engle-
skom spora traka na autoputu (na britanskom Pitman je na britanskom engleskom rudar
engleskom inside lane). u ugljenokopu, a na američkom engleskom (a):
Overalls je na britanskom engleskom radni šipka koja pretvara osovinsko u linearno kreta-
kombinezon (preko odela), a na američkom en- nje (npr. u pilani) i (b): glavni roštiljdžija.
gleskom pantalone sa naramenicama (i delom Porch je na britanskom engleskom pokriven
na prsima). ulaz u kuću, trem, a na američkom engleskom
Pancake je na britanskom engleskom (a): pa- veranda.
lačinka i (b): pozorišna šminka (koju čini kom- Porter je na britanskom engleskom (a): vra-
kpaktan sloj komprimovanog pudera), a na ame- tar, (b): portir i (c): crno pivo, a na američkom
ričkom engleskom debelo ravno testo (thicker engleskom (a): nosač i (b): kondukter u spava-
fried-batter mixture). Za palačinku Amerikanci ćim kolima.
su pozajmili francuski izraz crêpe. Precinct je na britanskom engleskom (a):
Pantomime je na britanskom engleskom bo- ograđen prostor i (b): zona (pedestrian/shop-
žićna predstava za decu, a na američkom engle- ping precinct), a na američkom engleskom (a):
skom pantomima. izborni okrug i (b): policijski kvart.
Pants su na britanskom engleskom gaće, a na Prep(aratory) school je na britanskom en-
američkom engleskom pantalone, mada može da gleskom privatna škola koja priprema učenike
znači i gaćice. za srednju školu (obično internatskog tipa), a na
Paraffin je na britanskom engleskom petrolej američkom engleskom privatna srednja škola
(za grejanje i kuvanje - u američkom engleskom koja priprema učenike za univerzitet (obično
kerosene), a na američkom engleskom para- internatskog tipa).
fin (vosak - u britanskom engleskom paraffin Presently na britanskom engleskom znači
wax). uskoro, za kratko vreme (in a short while – the
Park je park, a na britanskom engleskom i speaker will begin presently), a na američkom en-
fudbalsko/ragbi igralište, a na američkom en- gleskom i upravo sad, trenutno (right now – we
gleskom i područje namenjeno posebnim potre- are presently reading Shakespear‘s tragedies).
bama (amusement park, theme park, industrial- Pressman je na britanskom engleskom novi-
park, trailer park, memorial park – igralište za nar, a na američkom engleskom rotacijski teh-
takmičenja s loptom je obično ballpark) ničar.
Proctor 299 Skivvy

Proctor je na britanskom engleskom disci- Ring je zvoniti i prsten, ali je na britanskom

plinski nadzornik na unverzitetu, a na američ- engleskom i pozvati telefonom, a na američkom
kom engleskom kontrolor na pismenom ispitu engleskom otkucati ukupan račun na registar
(da se ne prepisuje - na britanskom engleskom kasi (ring up).
invigilator) . Roast je peći, pečenica, ali na britanskom en-
Prom je na britanskom engleskom popularni gleskom i izvrgnuti oštroj kritici, a na američkom
promenadni koncert, a na američkom engleskom engleskom ismevati, zabava na nečiji račun.
godišnji školski bal. Roundabout je na britanskom engleskom
Public school je na britanskom engleskom (a): vrteška, ringišpil i (b): kružna raskrsnica,
privatna srednja škola (internatskog tipa), a na a i na jednom i na drugom je zaobilazan.
američkom engleskom javna/državna škola. Rubber je guma, a na britanskom engleskom
Pudding je puding, a na britanskom engle- i gumica za brisanje (eraser), a na američkom
skom i (a): dezert, (b): glavno jelo (steak pud- engleskom prezervativ (condom).
ding i kidney pudding) i (c): tupan/tikvan, a na Rug je na britanskom engleskom mali tepih, a
američkom engleskom je hladni dezert (chocola- na američkom engleskom vuneno ćebe.
te/vanilla/butterscotch pudding). Rice pudding Run-up je na britanskom engleskom prediz-
je sutlijaš. borni period, a na američkom engleskom izne-
Pumps su na britanskom engleskom platnene nadno povećanje.
patike, a na američkom engleskom damske ci- Saloon je na britanskom engleskom limuzina,
pele. a na američkom engleskom bar, krčma.
Purse je na britanskom engleskom novčanik Scheme je i na jednom i na drugom dijalektu
za sitninu, a na američkom engleskom torbica. (a): plan, (b): program i (c): nacrt, ali je na ame-
(Novčanik za sitninu je change purse.) ričkom engleskom i spletka, zavera.
Pylon je na britanskom engleskom stub dale- School se na britanskom engleskom odnosi na
kovoda, a na američkom engleskom (a): saobra- obrazovne institucije za decu, a na američkom
ćajna kupica (za privremeno razdvajanje saobra- engleskom na sve obrazovne institucije (uklju-
ćaja) i (b): pilon (potporni stub, nosač mosta). čujući i univerzitet).
Quart je četvrt galona, u Velikoj Britaniji Scrappy na britanskom engleskom znači
1,136 l. a u SAD 0,946 l. manjkav, nepotpun, a na američkom engleskom
Quite na britanskom engleskom često znači borben, srčan (it was a scrappy football game).
ne baš, a na američkom engleskom veoma, sa- Sherbet nije naš šerbet (napitak od uprženog
svim (tako da quite good na britanskom engle- šećera s vodom), već je na britanskom engleskom
skom znači ne naročito dobar, a na američkom zaslađen prašak sa ukusom voća (koji deca jedu
engleskom sasvim dobar). ili mešaju sa vodom), a na američkom engleskom
Rambler je na britanskom engleskom osoba je zaleđeni dezert (koji se zove i sherbert).
koja voli duge šetnje u prirodi, a na američkom Sheriff je na britanskom engleskom počasni
engleskom prostrana prizemnica u „teksaškom“ nosilac izvršne vlasti u okrugu (county), a na
stilu (ranch house). I na jednom i na drugom američkom engleskom šef policije (van gradskih
rambler je (a): ruža penjačica i (b): osoba koja granica).
nepovezano i nesuvislo govori. Shingle je na britanskom engleskom (a): šin-
Ratty je na britanskom engleskom zlovoljan, dra i (b): plaža sa oblucima, a na američkom en-
a na američkom engleskom pohaban. gleskom (a): krovni pokrivač od asfaltnih ploči-
Reader je čitalac, ali je na britanskom en- ca i (b): pločica sa natpisom firme (najčešće ad-
gleskom i vanredni profesor (u SAD associate vokatske ili lekarske). I na jednom i na drugom je
professor), a na američkom engleskom i asistent kratko podšišana (ženska) kosa (bubi frizura).
koji čita i ocenjuje ispitne radove. Shorts je na britanskom engleskom šorc (na
Redcap je na britanskom engleskom pripad- američkom engleskom pants), a na američkom
nik vojne policije, a na američkom engleskom engleskom gaće.
nosač na železničkoj stanici. Silk je svila, svilena tkanina, ali je na britan-
Registrar je na britanskom engleskom mati- skom engleskom i advokat, a na američkom en-
čar, a na američkom engleskom šef odeljenja za gleskom i (a): belac (u žargonu) i (b): padobran
prijem bolesnika. (u žargonu).
Resident doctor je na britanskom engleskom Silverware je na britanskom engleskom sre-
lekar sa stanom u bolnici, a na američkom en- brnina, a na američkom engleskom pribor za
gleskom lekar na specijalizaciji. jelo (na britanskom engleskom cutlery).
Right as rain je na britanskom engleskom Skivvy je na britanskom engleskom sluški-
potpuno oporavljen („opet kao nov“), a na ame- nja, a na američkom engleskom muška potkošu-
ričkom engleskom ispravan. lja i muške gaće.
Slash 300 Tights

Slash je kosa crta (/) i oštra redukcija, a na na američkom engleskom d): bacač koji počinje
britanskom engleskom imokrenje (u žargonu) i meč u bejzbolu i (e): dispečer u saobraćaju.
na američkom engleskom otvoreni trakt u šumi STD je na britanskom engleskom biranje
(prekriven ostacima od sečenja drveća). međugradske ili međunarodne telefonske veze
Slate je na britanskom engleskom oštro kri- (subscriber trunk dialing), a na američkom en-
tikovati, a na američkom engleskom staviti na gleskom venerična bolest (sexually transmitted
listu (za kandidovanje, imenovanje i sl.). disease).
Sleeper ima više značenja na oba dijalekta Stock na britanskom engleskom znači držav-
(spavač, umetničko delo koje neočekivano stiče ne obveznice, a na američkom engleskom akci-
popularnost i strani špijun koji živi kao obični je.
građanin), a na britanskom engleskom je i (a): Store je na britanskom engleskom robna
železnički prag, šliper (na američkom engleskom kuća (i jedni i drugi kažu department store) a na
je tie) i (b): naušnica (u stvari zlatni ili srebrni američkom engleskom dućan. Store je na britan-
kolut koji sprečava da se zatvori rupica nastala skom engleskom i kompjuterska memorija.
bušenjem uveta), a na američkom engleskom i Stove je na britanskom engleskom staklena
spavaća kola. bašta (greenhouse), a na američkom engleskom
Sleet je na britanskom engleskom susnežica, štednjak (na britanskom engleskom cooker). I na
a na američkom engleskom ledena kiša. jednom i na drugom je peć za sobno grejanje .
Slot machine je na britanskom engleskom Student je na britanskom engleskom student,
prodajni automat, a na američkom engleskom a na američkom engleskom i student i učenik.
automat za kocku. Subway je na britanskom engleskom podze-
Smart na britanskom engleskom znači dote- mni pešački prelaz, a na američkom engleskom
ran, negovan, a na američkom engleskom bistar, podzemna železnica, metro.
pametan. Superintendent je na britanskom engleskom
Snifter je na britanskom engleskom čašica viši policijski inspektor, a na američkom engle-
žestokog pića, a na američkom engleskom čaša skom kućni nastojnik, a na jednom i drugom (a):
za konjak. nadzornik i (b): upravnik.
Snookered je na britanskom engleskom Surgery na britanskom engleskom, sem ope-
uhvaćen u stupicu, a na američkom engleskom racije, znači i (a): lekarska ordinacija, (b): am-
prevaren. bulanta socijalnog osguranja i (c): advokatska
Sod je na britanskom engleskom (a): nepri- kancelarija, a na američkom engleskom hirur-
jatna osoba, (b): nesrećna osoba („poor sod“), ška operacija (operation).
a na američkom engleskom busen trave. Suspenders su na britanskom engleskom
Soda (water) je na britanskom engleskom podvezice, a na američkom engleskom tregeri.
soda, gazirana voda (u američkom engleskom Switchback je na britanskom engleskom (a):
club soda ili seltzer water), a na američkom en- tobogan (u luna parku) i (b): brdski put ili brd-
gleskom penušavo bezalkoholno piće (na britan- ska pruga, a na američkom engleskom (a): put
skom engleskom fizzy drink) . ili pruga sa mnogo serpentina i (b): serpentina
Solicitor je na britanskom engleskom advo- (hairpin turn/bend).
kat nižeg ranga (koji predstavlja klijente pred Table a motion je na britanskom engleskom
nižim sudovima, a pomaže barrister-u pred vi- staviti predlog na razmatranje, uvrstiti predlog
šim), a na američkom engleskom (a): akviziter u dnevni red, a na američkom engleskom odloži-
i (b): glavni pravni savetnik (u opštini, gradu ili ti razmatranje predloga.
ministarstvu). Terrace je terasa, ali je na britanskom engle-
Spotty je na britanskom engleskom pegav, a skom i (a): niz spojenih kuća i (b): mesta za sta-
na američkom engleskom neujednačen. janje na stadionu, a na američkom engleskom i
Squash je na britanskom engleskom voćni uzani travnjak između trotoara i ulice pred ku-
sok, a na američkom engleskom tikva (na britan- ćom (na Srednjem zapadu SAD – inače se kaže
skom engleskom gourd). I na jednom i na dru- parking ili parkway).
gom je sport sličan tenisu („zidni tenis“). Theater (am.), theatre (brit.) je teatar, pozo-
Stall je na britanskom engleskom prednje rište, ali na britanskom engleskom i operaciona
mesto u parteru (na američkom engleskom or- sala (često operating theatre - na američkom
chestra), a na američkom engleskom (a): tuš engleskom operating room), a na američkom
kabina, (b): pregradak za konje ili krave u štali engleskom i bioskop.
i (c): obeležen prostor za parkiranje u skupnoj Tick off je na britanskom engleskom očitati
garaži. bukvicu, a na američkom engleskom nervirati.
Starter je na britanskom engleskom predjelo Tights na britanskom engleskom znači hu-
i aperitiv (u američkom engleskom appetizer), a lahopke, a na američkom engleskom baletski,
Timber 301 Yard

akrobatski ili klizački triko. Hulahopke su na Tuition je na britanskom engleskom indi-

američkom engleskom panty hose. vidualna nastava ili nastava u grupama, a na
Timber je na britanskom engleskom drvena američkom engleskom školarina.
građa, a na američkom engleskom (a): pošu- Turnout ima više različitih značenja (vidi u
mljen teren i (b): noseća greda. (Uzvik Timber! Rečniku lažnih prijatelja) a na britanskom engle-
u šumi znači Čuvaj se, pada stablo!). skom je i (a): štrajk i (b): ranžirni kolosek, a na
To a degree na britanskom engleskom znači američkom engleskom i odmorište na autoputu
u najvećoj meri, a na američkom engleskom u za spora kola.
izvesnoj meri. Twister je na britanskom engleskom preva-
Ton je na američkom engleskom 2.000 funti rant, a na američkom engleskom tornado.
(907 kg.), a na britanskom engleskom razlikuju Valance je na britanskom engleskom obrub
se short ton (isto što je na američkom engleskom sa kićankama na krevetu, a na američkom en-
ton) i long ton (2.240 funti – 1016 kg.). Naša gleskom karnišna.
tona (1.000 kg.) je je na britanskom engleskom Vest je na britanskom engleskom potkošulja
tonne, a na američkom engleskom metric ton. (undershirt), a na američkom engleskom prsluk
Torch je na britanskom engleskom džepna (waistcoat).
lampa, baterija, a na američkom engleskom pod- Vet je na britanskom engleskom veterinar
metač požara (arsonist). (skraćeno od veterinary surgeon), a na američ-
Tout na britanskom engleskom znači prepro- kom engleskom takođe veterinar (skraćeno od
davati ulaznice, tapkati, a na američkom engle- veterinarian), ali i ratni veteran (skraćeno od
skom napadno reklamirati. war veteran).
Tradesman je na britanskom engleskom tr- Visit with someone je na britanskom engle-
govac, a na američkom engleskom zanatlija, skom doći nekome u posetu, a na američkom
majstor. engleskom popričati s nekim.
Trailer je na britanskom engleskom reklamni Waffle je na britanskom engleskom blebetati,
insert iz filma koji se prikazuje pre glavnog pro- a na američkom engleskom vrdati. I na jednom
grama, a na američkom engleskom kamp-priko- i na drugom je debela ravna palačinka (na koc-
lica19 (mada je sve više u upotrebi u tom značenju ke).
i u britanskom engleskom). Warden je na britanskom engleskom (a):
Trapesium na britanskom engleskom znači upravnik bolnice i (b): rektor (na nekim univer-
trapez (četvorougao sa dve paralelne strane), a na zitetima), a na američkom engleskom upravnik
američkom engleskom je trapezoid (četvorougao zatvora.
sa bez paralelnih strana). Trapezoid na američ- Washcloth je na britanskom engleskom krpa
kom engleskom je trapez. za pranje sudova, a na američkom engleskom
Troop je trupa, ali britanskom engleskom frotir za lice.
znači i nositi zastave na paradi, a na američkom Wash-up, washing-up je na britanskom en-
engleskom i vojnik. gleskom pranje sudova a na američkom engle-
Truck je na britanskom engleskom (otvoreni) skom umivanje (i pranje ruku). Pranje sudova
teretni vagon, a na američkom engleskom kami- je na britanskom engleskom doing the dishes.
on (na britanskom engleskom lorry) . Yard sem što znači jarda (mera za dužinu –
Tube je cev, ali je na britanskom engleskom 91 cm), na britanskom engleskom je i dvorište
(kolokvijalno) i podzemna železnica, a na ame- (obično ograđeno i najčešće popločano), a na
ričkom engleskom (u žargonu) i (a): televizija američkom engleskom (a): vrt uz kuću, (b): ran-
televizor i (b): limenka piva. žirna stanica i (c): brodogradilište.

Komentar I. Klajna: Značenje “kamp-prikolica” jeste samo američko, ali i filmsko značenje je u Websteru
označeno kao amerikanizam, a Britanci su ga verovatno primili odande. Potvrdu za to daje mi i opet jedan “lyric”,
za pesmu Nancy, napisanu za Sinatru, po imenu njegove prve žene i njihove ćerke, gde se kaže: “Keep Audrey Hep-
burn and keep Liz Taylor, / Nancy’s the feature, they’re just the trailer”. (To je novija verzija, dok je u prvoj verziji,
iz četrdesetih godina, Sinatra pevao: “Keep Betty Grable, Lamour and Turner, / She makes my heart a charcoal
burner”.) Autor teksta je Amerikanac, Johnny Mercer.
Advokat 305 Besan, ljut kô puška

Advokat je na britanskom engleskom solici- Automobil sa četvora vrata je na britanskom

tor (koji obavlja većinu advokatskih poslova, ali engleskom saloon (a sa dvoja coupé) a na ame-
ne zastupa sam stranku pred sudom) i barrister ričkom engleskom sedan ili 4-door car (odnosno
(koji je ovlašćen da zastupa stranku pred sudom). 2-door car).
Queen’s counsel ili Q.C. je pripadnik elitnog slo- Automobilska guma je na britanskom engle-
ja baristera. Na američkom engleskom advokat skom tyre, a na američkom engleskom tire.
je attorney-at-law (skraćeno attorney) ili obično Autopsija je na britanskom engleskom pre-
lawyer. Najbliže britanskom barrister-u je ame- težno post-mortem, a na američkom engleskom
rički trial lawyer (advokat specijalizovan za par- autopsy (mada su obe reči poznate i u britanskom
nični postupak). Kaže se i councelor, što se u nas i u američkom engleskom).
najčešće pogrešno prevodi kao savetnik.
Autoput je na britanskom engleskom mo-
Ajnc je na britanskom engleskom pontoon, a torway i A road, a na američkom engleskom hi-
na američkom engleskom blackjack. ghway, expressway i superhighway.
Akumulator je na britanskom engleskom Autoput na kome se naplaćuje putarina je
accumulator, a na američkom engleskom battery na britanskom engleskom tollroad, a na američ-
(mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom). kom engleskom turnpike (reč koja bila u upotre-
Ispražnjen akumulator je na britanskom engle- bi u britanskom engleskom, ali je nestala).
skom flat accumulator/battery, a na američkom
Avion je na britanskom engleskom aeropla-
engleskom dead battery.
ne, a na američkom engleskom airplane.
Anesteziolog je na britanskom engleskom
anaesthetist, a na američkom engleskom ane- Bankina (kraj puta) je na britanskom engle-
stesiologist, pri čemu je to za Britance lekar, a za skom verge, a na američkom engleskom shoul-
Amerikance sestra ili tehničar. der.
Antena je na britanskom engleskom aerial, a Bankrotirati je na oba dijalekta go bankrupt,
na američkom engleskom antenna (mada su oba a (kolokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom je go
izraza razumljiva na obe strane Atlantika). bust, a na američkom engleskom go broke.
Apoteka je na britanskom engleskom Barmen je na britanskom engleskom bar-
chemist’s (shop), a na američkom engleskom man, a na američkom engleskom bartender.
drugstore ili pharmacy (pri čemu je drugstore Baštovanske makaze su na britanskom en-
samostalna radnja koja prodaje i drugu robu, a gleskom secateurs, a na američkom engleskom
pharmacy je odeljenje u robnoj kući). Apotekar pruners ili pruning shears.
je kod Engleza chemist, a kod Amerikanca phar- Bela tehnika, aparati za domaćinstvo su na
macist ili druggist. Chemist je inače i kod jednih britanskom engleskom white goods, a na američ-
i drugih hemičar. kom engleskom household appliances.
Asfaltna prevlaka je na britanskom engle- Benzin je na britanskom engleskom petrol, a
skom tarmac, a na američkom engleskom black- na američkom engleskom gasoline ili gas.
top. Benzinska pumpa je na britanskom engle-
Auspuh je na britanskom engleskom exhaust skom petrol station, a na američkom engleskom
pipe (mada je u upotrebi i u američkom engle- gas(oline) station. Postoji i zajednička reč filling
skom), a na američkom engleskom tailpipe. station.
Automat za kocku je na britanskom engle- Besan, ljut kô puška je na britanskom engle-
skom fruit machine, a na američkom engleskom skom browned off, a na američkom engleskom
slot machine. teed off.
Bez prisustva ili pomoći drugih 306 Ćumez, jeftino prenoćište

Bez prisustva ili pomoći drugih (pod Sam). Bokobran (na brodu) je na britanskom engle-
Bicikl je na britanskom engleskom push-bi- skom fender, a na američkom engleskom bum-
ke, a na američkom engleskom bicycle (mada je per.
u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom). Bombone su na britanskom engleskom
Bife (deo nameštaja) je na britanskom en- sweets, a na američkom engleskom candy.
gleskom sideboard, a na američkom engleskom Boranija je na britanskom engleskom runner
buffet. beans, a na američkom engleskom string beans.
Bife (kafanica) je na britanskom engleskom Borovnica je na britanskom engleskom bil-
pub, a na američkom engleskom bar ili saloon. berry, a na američkom engleskom blueberry.
Biografija (i popis radova i sl.) je na britan- Branik (na automobilu) je na britanskom
skom engleskom c.v. (curriculum vitae), a na engleskom bumper, a na američkom engleskom
američkom engleskom résumé. fender.
Bioskop je na britanskom engleskom cinema Bubamara je na britanskom engleskom
ili picture theatre/house, a na američkom engle- ladybird, a na američkom engleskom ladybug.
skom movies, movie theater/house ili moviehou- Budalast, luckast je na britanskom engle-
se. Ići u bioskop je na britanskom engleskom go skom soppy, a na američkom engleskom sappy.
to the pictures ili (u žargonu) go to the flicks, a Buniti se do neba, pištati kao zmija u proce-
na američkom engleskom go to the movies ili go pu je na britanskom engleskom yell/cry/scream
to a movie. I na jednom i drugom može se reći go blue murder, a na američkom engleskom yell/
to a picture (show). Zanimljivo je da se na južno- cry/scream bloody murder.
afričkom engleskom kaže bioscope (doduše, već
nestaje iz upotrebe u korist cinema). Bura u čaši vode je na britanskom engleskom
storm in a teacup, a na američkom engleskom
Bistar kao pčelica je na britanskom engle- tempest in a teapot.
skom sharp as a needle, a na američkom engle-
skom sharp as a tack. Burma je na britanskom engleskom wedding
ring (mada je u upotrebi i u američkom engle-
Bistra glavica, klikeraš je na britanskom skom), a na američkom engleskom wedding
engleskom bright spark, a na američkom engle- band.
skom smart cookie.
Ceger (pod Torba za kupovinu).
Biti bez premca je na britanskom engleskom
(kolokvijalno) take the biscuit, a na američkom Centar grada je na britanskom engleskom
engleskom take the cake (mada je u upotrebi i u city centre, a na američkom engleskom down-
britanskom engleskom). town.
Blagajna za prodaju železničkih karata je Cimer je na britanskom engleskom flatmate,
na britanskom engleskom booking office, a pro- a na američkom engleskom roommate.
davac booking agent, a na američkom engleskom Cucla je na britanskom engleskom dummy ili
ticket office, a prodavac ticket agent. comforter, a na američkom engleskom pacifier.
Blagajnik (u banci) je na britanskom engle- Cvekla je na britanskom engleskom beetroot,
skom cashier, a na američkom engleskom teller. a na američkom engleskom beets.
Blatobran je na britanskom engleskom mud- Čarape (dugačke) su na britanskom engle-
guard, a na američkom engleskom splash gu- skom stockings, a na američkom engleskom ho-
ard. ses.
Blok za beleške je na britanskom engleskom Čekati u redu (pod Red).
scribbling block, a na američkom engleskom Čistač cipela je na britanskom engleskom
scratch paper/pad. shoeblack, a na američkom engleskom bo-
Bogat obed je (kolokvijalno) na britanskom otblack.
engleskom slap-up meal, a na američkom engle- Čisto piće (bez vode) je na britanskom engle-
skom bang-up meal. skom neat, a na američkom engleskom straight.
Bojler je na britanskom engleskom hot-water Čuknut u glavu je na britanskom engleskom
tank, a na američkom engleskom water-heater. (u žargonu) off one’s trolley, a na američkom en-
Peć za centralno grejanje je na britanskom en- gleskom off one’s rocker (mada je u upotrebi i u
gleskom boiler, a na američkom engleskom fur- britanskom engleskom).
nace. Ćaskati je na oba dijalekta chat, make small
Bojkotovati nekoga, prekinuti opštenje s talk, a (kolokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom
nekim je na britanskom engleskom send someo- have a natter, a na američkom engleskom shoot
ne to Coventry, a na američkom engleskom give the breeze.
someone the silent treatment. Ćumez, jeftino prenoćište je na britanskom
Bokal je na britanskom engleskom jug, a na engleskom doss-house, a na američkom engle-
američkom engleskom pitcher (a jug je testija). skom flophouse.
Dalekovid 307 Državni praznici

Dalekovid je na britanskom engleskom long- Dobrovoljni rad je na britanskom engleskom

sighted, a na američkom engleskom farsighted. voluntary work, a na američkom engleskom vo-
Dame (igra) je na britanskom engleskom dra- lunteer work.
ughts, a na američkom engleskom checkers. Dodatak, prilog u novinama je na britan-
Daščana oplata (na kući) je na britanskom skom engleskom supplement, a na američkom
engleskom weatherboard, a na američkom en- engleskom magazine section.
gleskom clapboard. Dodati gas je na britanskom engleskom step
Dati nekome potrebne informacije o neče- on the juice, a na američkom engleskom step on
mu je na britanskom engleskom clue someone the gas.
up on something, a na američkom engleskom Dodela univerzitetskih diploma je na bri-
clue someone in on something. tanskom engleskom university award ceremony
Dati nekome otkaz, pokazati nekome vrata (degree day), a na američkom engleskom com-
je (kolokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom give mencement.
someone his marching orders, a na američkom Dok je na britanskom engleskom whilst, a na
engleskom give someone his walking papers. američkom engleskom while (mada je u upotrebi
Dati prednost (u saobraćaju) na britanskom i u britanskom engleskom).
engleskom se kaže give way, a na američkom en- Dotrajao je na britanskom engleskom cla-
gleskom yield. pped out, a na američkom engleskom worn out.
Dečja kolica su na britanskom engleskom Doviđenja! (kolokvijalno) je na britanskom
pram, perambulator i push-chair, a na američ- engleskom Cheerio! a na američkom engleskom
kom engleskom baby carriage/stroller. Take care!, See you around!, Bye-bye!, Bye
Dečji krevet je na britanskom engleskom now!
cot, a na američkom engleskom crib. Cot je a na Dovoditi u pitanje je na britanskom engle-
američkom engleskom poljski krevet i krevet na skom query, a na američkom engleskom questi-
sklapanje. on.
Deda Mraz je na britanskom engleskom (pre- Drsko odgovaranje je na britanskom engle-
težno) Father Christmas, a na američkom engle- skom backchat, a na američkom engleskom back
skom Santa Claus. talk.
Deponija je na britanskom engleskom tip, a Drvena građa je na britanskom engleskom
na američkom engleskom dump (mada je u upo- timber, a na američkom engleskom lumber.
trebi i u britanskom engleskom). Drzak (kolokvijalno) je na britanskom engle-
Deset do šest, pet i pedeset se na britanskom skom cheeky, a na američkom engleskom nervy/
engleskom kaže ten to four, a na američkom en- fresh/sassy.
gleskom ten of four. Državna (javna) škola je na britanskom
Dezert je na britanskom engleskom sweet, engleskom state school, a na američkom engle-
pudding ili afters (kolokvijalno), a na američ- skom public school.
kom engleskom dessert (a u britanskom engle- Državni praznici su na britanskom engle-
skom je to samo voće posle jela). skom bank holidays, a na američkom engleskom
Dezorijentisan je na britanskom engleskom legal holidays. Državni praznici u Velikoj Bri-
disorientated, a na američkom engleskom diso- taniji su New Year’s Day (Nova godina), Good
riented. Friday (Veliki petak), Easter Monday (drugi dan
Dimljena haringa je na britanskom engle- Uskrsa), May Day (Prvi maj – prvi ponedeljak
skom kipper, a na američkom engleskom smo- u maju), Spring Holiday (poslednji ponedeljak u
ked herring. maju), August Bank Holiday (poslednji ponede-
Direktor(ka) škole je na britanskom engle- ljak u avgustu), Mothering Sunday ili Mother’s
skom headmaster/headmistress, a na američkom Day (četvrta nedelja u Velikom postu), Christmas
engleskom principal. (Božić) i Boxing Day (drugi dan Božića) Držav-
ni praznici u Sjedinjenim Državama su New
Dnevna soba je na britanskom engleskom Year’s Day (Nova godina), Martin Luthers King
sitting room, a na američkom engleskom living Jr. Day (treći ponedeljak u januaru), President’s
room. Day (treći ponedeljak u februaru), Memorial Day
Dobiti zasluženu kaznu je na britanskom en- (dan sećanja na poginule u ratovima - poslednji
gleskom get one’s come-uppance, a na američ- ponedeljak u maju), Independence Day (Dan ne-
kom engleskom get one’s just deserts. zavisnosti - 4. jul), Labor Day (prvi ponedeljak u
Dobro se slagati sa nekim, lako nalaziti septembru), Columbus Day (koji se slavi u većini
zajednički jezik sa nekim je na britanskom en- država - drugi ponedeljak u oktobru), Veteran’s
gleskom get on with someone, a na američkom Day (11. novembar), Thanksgiving (četvrti četvr-
engleskom get along with someone. tak u novembru) i Christmas (Božić).
Dućan s mešovitom robom 308 Gumica za brisanje

Dućan s mešovitom robom je na britanskom Gaf je na britanskom engleskom bloomer, a

engleskom grocer’s (shop), a na američkom en- na američkom engleskom blooper (i jedni i drugi
gleskom grocery store. kažu gaffe).
Dugačka svetla (na automobilu) su na bri- Gajtan (električni) je na britanskom engle-
tanskom engleskom main-beam headlights, a na skom flex, a na američkom engleskom cord.
američkom engleskom high-beam headlights. Garsonjera je na britanskom engleskom bed-
Dvaput: Amerikanci će češće reći two times, sitter/bedsit, a na američkom engleskom effici-
nego twice. ency (apartment) i studio (apartment).
Dve glavice salate je na britanskom engle- Gazirano piće je na britanskom engleskom
skom two lettuces, a na američkom engleskom fizzy drink, a na američkom engleskom carbo-
(kao i kod nas) two heads of lettuce. nated beverage ili (kolokvijalno) pop/soda. Ne-
Dve nedelje se na britanskom engleskom gazirano piće je na britanskom engleskom still,
kaže fortnight (in a fortnight), a na američkom a na američkom engleskom noncarbonated be-
engleskom two weeks. verage.
Dvosed je na britanskom engleskom two-sea- Generalni direktor je na britanskom engle-
ter, a na američkom engleskom loveseat. skom managing director, a na američkom engle-
skom president ili CEO (chief executive officer).
Džemper je na britanskom engleskom jum-
per i woolly (vuneni), a na američkom engleskom Glavna ulica je na britanskom engleskom
high street, a na američkom engleskom main
sweater. Džemper sa rol kragnom, rolka i rol
kragna je na britanskom engleskom polo-neck, a
na američkom engleskom turtleneck. Glavni konobar, šef sale je na britanskom
engleskom headwaiter, a na američkom engle-
Džepna lampa, baterija je na britanskom skom maitre d’.
engleskom torch (osnovno značenje baklja), a
na američkom engleskom flashlight. Torch je na Glavno jelo (na meniju) je na britanskom
američkom engleskom i podmetač požara. engleskom main course, a na američkom engle-
skom entrée.
Džigernjača je na britanskom engleskom
Glazura na kolaču/torti je na britanskom
liver sausage, a na američkom engleskom li-
engleskom icing, a na američkom engleskom
Đubretar je na britanskom engleskom dus- Glup (kolokvijalno) je na britanskom engle-
tman, a na američkom engleskom garbage co- skom daft, a na američkom engleskom dumb (što
llector. Vidi smeće. znači i nem).
Ekonomika domaćinstva je na britanskom Godišnji odmor je na britanskom engleskom
engleskom domestic science, a na američkom holidays, a na američkom engleskom vacations.
engleskom home economics (home ec).
Govoriti kao navijen je na britanskom engle-
Električna utičnica, priključna kutija je na skom talk nineteen to the dozen, a na američkom
britanskom engleskom power point, a na američ- engleskom talk (up) a blue streak.
kom engleskom electrical outlet. Gradilište je na britanskom engleskom buil-
Film je na britanskom engleskom film, a na ding site, a na američkom engleskom construc-
američkom engleskom movie ili motion-picture. tion site.
Flaster je na britanskom engleskom (sticking Grčevi u stomaku su na britanskom engle-
ili elastic) plaster, a na američkom engleskom skom stomach ache, a na američkom engleskom
adhesive plaster i strip/tape/bandage. Hanza- (intestinal) cramps.
plast (preparirani flaster sa gazom) je band-aid. Grejalica je na britanskom engleskom elec-
Flautist je na britanskom engleskom flautist, tric fire, a na američkom Engleskom heater.
a na američkom engleskom flutist. Gromobran je na britanskom engleskom li-
Frotir za lice je na britanskom engleskom fla- ghtning conductor, a na američkom engleskom
nnel, a na američkom engleskom washcloth. lightning rod.
Fudbal je na britanskom engleskom football, Grožđice su na britanskom engleskom sulta-
a na američkom engleskom soccer (game). Reč nas, a na američkom engleskom (white or gol-
football se u Americi odnosi na njihov fudbal, den) raisins.
koji je sličniji ragbiju. Gumene čizme su na britanskom engleskom
Gacati po vodi je na britanskom engleskom wellingtons, a na američkom engleskom rubber
paddle, a na američkom engleskom wade (mada boots (mada je izraz u upotrebi i u britanskom
je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom). engleskom).
Gaće su na britanskom engleskom pants i Y- Gumica za brisanje je na britanskom engle-
fronts, a na američkom engleskom underpants i skom rubber, a na američkom engleskom era-
Jockey shorts. ser.
Gvožđara 309 Kamion

Gvožđara je na britanskom engleskom Injekcija je na oba dijalekta injection, a (ko-

ironmongery i ironmonger’s (shop), a na ame- lokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom jab, a na
ričkom engleskom hardware store. američkom engleskom shot.
Hamburger je na britanskom engleskom Interna medicina je na britanskom engle-
beefburger. skom general medicine, a na američkom engle-
Hartija za brisanje (ostataka hrane, tečnosti skom internal medicine.
u kuhinji) je na britanskom engleskom kitchen Iskapiti je na britanskom engleskom knock
roll, a na američkom engleskom paper towels. back, a na američkom engleskom gulp down.
Hauba (automobila) je na britanskom engle- Izbrbljati se (odati tajnu) je na britanskom
skom bonnet, a na američkom engleskom hood. engleskom blow the gaff, a na američkom engle-
Hemijska olovka je na britanskom engle- skom spill the beans.
skom biro, a na američkom engleskom ballpoint Izduvni lonac (na automobilu) je na britan-
pen. skom engleskom silencer, a na američkom en-
Higijenski uložak je na britanskom engle- gleskom muffler.
skom sanitary towel, a na američkom engleskom Izlaz sa autoputa je na britanskom engle-
sanitary napkin. skom way out, a na američkom engleskom exit.
Hirurška operacija je na britanskom en- Izludeti nekoga, jako iritirati nekoga je
gleskom operation, a na američkom engleskom (kolokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom drive
surgery. someone round the bend, a na američkom engle-
Hotelska recepcija je na britanskom engle- skom drive someone up the wall.
skom reception, a na američkom engleskom Iznajmiti je na britanskom engleskom let (to
front desk. let je za izdavanje), a na američkom engleskom
Hotelski momak je na britanskom engleskom lease ili rent out.
bellhop, a na američkom engleskom bellboy. Iznutrice su na britanskom engleskom offal,
Hrana „za poneti“ je na britanskom engle- a na američkom engleskom organ/variety meats.
skom takeaway, a na američkom engleskom ta- Živinske iznutrice su giblets.
keout i to go (we sell pizza to go). Izostati sa časa je na britanskom engleskom
Hulahopke su na britanskom engleskom ti- skive off i skip a class, a na američkom engle-
ghts, a na američkom engleskom pantyhose. skom cut a class i play hookey (mada je u upo-
Igralište je na britanskom engleskom pitch, a trebi i u britanskom engleskom, a i jedni i drugi
na američkom engleskom playing field. kažu bunk off) .
Ime je na britanskom engleskom Christian Jakna sa kapuljačom je na britanskom en-
name, a na američkom engleskom first name gleskom anorak, a na američkom engleskom
ili given name (forename se može reći i na jed- parka.
nom i na drugom). Prezime je na britanskom Javni tužilac je na britanskom engleskom
engleskom (pretežno) surname, a na američkom public prosecutor, a na američkom engleskom
engleskom (pretežno) last name (a na jednom i district attorney (DA).
drugom family name). Ime i prezime je na bri- Jesen je na britanskom engleskom autumn,
tanskom engleskom full name ili forename and a na američkom engleskom fall (i u britanskom
surname, a na američkom engleskom first and engleskom se nekada govorilo fall, ali je kasnije
last name, a može se reći i forename and sur- zamenjeno sa autumn).
name. Jorgan je na britanskom engleskom duvet i
Ime i prezime (pod Ime). eiderdown (od guščjeg perja), a na američkom
Individualna porodična kuća je na britan- engleskom comforter (i na jednom i drugom se
skom engleskom detached house, a na američ- kaže i quilt).
kom engleskom single family house. Kada je na britanskom engleskom bath, a na
I ne trepnuti (ne pokazati nikakvo iznenađe- američkom engleskom bathtub.
nje/uzbuđenje) je na britanskom engleskom not Kad dođe stani-pani, u kritičnoj situaciji je
to bat an eyelid, a na američkom engleskom not na britanskom engleskom when it comes to the
to bat an eye. crunch, a na američkom engleskom when push
Informacije (telefonske centrale) su na bri- comes to shove (mada je u upotrebi i u britan-
tanskom engleskom directory inquiries, a na skom engleskom).
američkom engleskom information ili directory Kalem konca je na britanskom engleskom
assistance. reel of cotton, a na američkom engleskom spool
Infuzija je infusion na oba dijalekta, na bri- of thread.
tanskom engleskom je i drip, a na američkom Kamion je na britanskom engleskom lorry, a
engleskom i IV (intravenous). na američkom engleskom truck. Kamion iz dva
Kamion za selidbu 310 Kotlić za grejanje vode

dela (vozačka kabina i prikolica) je na britan- Klanica je na britanskom engleskom abatto-

skom engleskom articulated lorry, a na američ- ir, a na američkom engleskom slaughterhouse
kom engleskom tractor-trailer. (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom).
Kamion za selidbu je na britanskom engle- Kliping, icečci iz novina je na britanskom
skom removal van, a na američkom engleskom engleskom cutting, a na američkom engleskom
moving van. clipping.
Kamp (prostor predviđen za kampovanje) je Ključ za zavrtnje je na britanskom engle-
na britanskom engleskom campsite, a na američ- skom spanner, a na američkom engleskom
kom engleskom campground. wrench (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom en-
Kamp-prikolica je na britanskom engleskom gleskom).
caravan, a na američkom engleskom trailer. Kô blata, kô pleve, ima toga kol’ko voliš je
Samohodno stambeno vozilo je na britanskom na britanskom engleskom ten a penny, a na ame-
engleskom motor caravan, a na američkom en- ričkom engleskom dime a dozen.
gleskom motor home. Koga svrbi, nek se češe. (Pčela mu za klo-
Kandidovati se za funkciju je na britanskom bukom.) je na britanskom engleskom If the cap
engleskom stand for office, a na američkom en- fits, wear it. a na američkom engleskom If the
gleskom run for office. shoe fits, wear it.
Kanta za smeće (pod Smeće). Kolica za robu (u samoposluzi itd.) na britan-
skom engleskom se kaže trolley, a na američkom
Kao na iglama je na britanskom engleskom engleskom baggage cart.
on tenterhooks, a na američkom engleskom on
pins and needles. Kolovoz je na britanskom engleskom road
surface, a na američkom engleskom pavement (i
Karavan auto je na britanskom engleskom jedni i drugi kažu i roadway).
estate (car), a na američkom engleskom station
Komoda je na britanskom engleskom chest
wagon. Caravan je na britanskom engleskom
of drawers, a na američkom engleskom bureau.
karavan, ali i kamp prikolica (na američkom Komoda na visokim nogama je na britanskom
engleskom se kaže trailer). engleskom tallboy, a na američkom engleskom
Karburator je na britanskom engleskom highboy.
carburetter, a na američkom engleskom carbu- Kondukter (u vozu) je na britanskom engle-
retor. skom guard, a na američkom engleskom con-
Karnišna je na britanskom engleskom pelmet, ductor.
a na američkom engleskom valance. Konfekcija je na britanskom engleskom off-
Karta u jednom pravcu je na britanskom the-peg, a na američkom engleskom off-the-rack
engleskom single ticket, a na američkom engle- (i jedni i drugi kažu ready-made i ready-to-we-
skom one-way ticket. ar)
Karter (automobilski) je na britanskom en- Konferansije, voditelj priredbe je na bri-
gleskom sump, a na američkom engleskom oil tanskom engleskom compere, a na američkom
pan. engleskom master of ceremonies (m.c.) ili (ko-
Kazna za saobraćajni prekršaj je na bri- lokvijalno) emcee.
tanskom engleskom traffic fine, a na američkom Kontejner za smeće (pod Smeće).
engleskom ticket. Kora od banane je na britanskom engleskom
Kilometraža (na automobilu) je na britan- banana skin, a na američkom engleskom bana-
skom engleskom odometer, a na američkom en- na peel.
gleskom milometer. Kornet je na britanskom engleskom cornet, a
Kiosk je na britanskom engleskom kiosk, a na na američkom engleskom cone.
američkom engleskom stand. Kiosk za prodaju Korpa za otpatke je na britanskom engle-
novina je na britanskom engleskom newsagent i skom litter bin, a na američkom engleskom trash
newsagent’s (shop), a na američkom engleskom can.
newsstand. Kosa crta (/) je na britanskom engleskom
Kiseli krastavčići su na britanskom engle- stroke, a na američkom engleskom slash (mada
skom pickled gherkin (pickled znači i pijan), a je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom).
na američkom engleskom pickle. Koštica je na britanskom engleskom stone, a
Kišni mantil je na britanskom engleskom na američkom engleskom pit.
mackintosh ili mac, a na američkom engleskom Kotlet je na britanskom engleskom cutlet, a
raincoat. na američkom engleskom chop.
Klađenje je na britanskom engleskom (ko- Kotlić za grejanje vode je na britanskom
lokvijalno) flutter, a na američkom engleskom engleskom kettle, a na američkom engleskom
wager. teakettle.
Kovčeg 311 Majstor u nečemu

Kovčeg (pod Veliki putnički kovčeg). Lak za nokte je na britanskom engleskom

Krađa (krivično delo) je na britanskom en- nail varnish, a na američkom engleskom nail
gleskom theft, a na američkom engleskom lar- polish (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engle-
ceny. skom).
Kraj radnog vremena je na britanskom en- Landrati, besciljno traćiti vreme je (kolo-
gleskom knocking-off time, a na američkom en- kvijalno) na britanskom engleskom knock about,
gleskom quitting time. a na američkom engleskom hang out.
Kratka svetla (na automobilu) su na britan- Lekar je na britanskom engleskom najčešće
skom engleskom deeped beams, a na američkom doctor, a na američkom engleskom physician.
engleskom low beams i dims. Lekar na specijalizaciji je na britanskom
Kratkovid je na britanskom engleskom engleskom registrar (a znači i matičar, a na
short-sighted, a na američkom engleskom near- američkom engleskom šef odeljenja za prijem
sighted. bolesnika), a na američkom engleskom resident
Krevet na rasklapanje je na britanskom en- doctor.
gleskom foldaway bed, a na američkom engle- Lekar stažist je na britanskom engleskom
skom Murphy bed. houseman, a na američkom engleskom intern.
Krevet u dvokrevetnoj sobi (u hotelu) je na Lepljiva traka, selotejp je na britanskom en-
britanskom engleskom single bed, a na američ- gleskom Sellotape, a na američkom engleskom
kom engleskom twin bed. Scotch tape.
Krntija je na britanskom engleskom banger Let lampa je na britanskom engleskom
(a znači i petarda, a u žargonu i kobasica), a na blowlamp, a na američkom engleskom blowtorch
američkom engleskom beater, heap, jalopy ili (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom).
clunker (što znači i promašaj i nespretnjako- Ležeći policajac je na britanskom engleskom
vić). sleeping policeman, a na američkom engleskom
Krojač (koji radi po meri) je na britanskom speed bump.
engleskom bespoke tailor, a na američkom en- Lift je na britanskom engleskom lift, a na
gleskom custom tailor. američkom engleskom elevator.
Krompiri pečeni sa ljuskom su na britan- Teretni lift je na britanskom engleskom goods
skom engleskom baked potatoes, a na američ- lift, a na američkom engleskom freight elevator.
kom engleskom potatoes baked in their skins ili Likvidirati (aktivnost, bankovni račun, po-
baked potatoes. slove itd.) je na britanskom engleskom wind up,
Krpa za sudove je na britanskom engleskom a na američkom engleskom close out.
teatowel, a na američkom engleskom dishtowel.
Lilihip, lizaljka je na britanskom engleskom
Kružna raskrsnica je na britanskom engle- lollipop, a na američkom engleskom sucker
skom roundabout, a na američkom engleskom (mada je u upotrebi i lollipop).
traffic circle (u Novoj Engleskoj traffic rotary).
Limenka (konzerva) je na britanskom engle-
Krvavica je na britanskom engleskom black skom tin, a na američkom engleskom can.
pudding, a na američkom engleskom blood sa-
usage. Limunada (prirodna od limuna) je na britan-
skom engleskom fresh lemonade, a na američ-
Kuća u nizu je na britanskom engleskom kom engleskom lemonade. Veštačka limuna-
terraced house, a na američkom engleskom row da je na britanskom engleskom lemonade, a na
house i townhouse. američkom engleskom lemon drink.
Kuhinjski kredenac je na britanskom engle- Lokalne vlasti su na britanskom engleskom
skom dresser, a na američkom engleskom hut- local authorities, a na američkom engleskom lo-
ch. cal governments.
Kukuruz je na britanskom engleskom maize,
Lucerka je na britanskom engleskom lucer-
a na američkom engleskom corn.
ne, a na američkom engleskom alfalfa.
Kupaći kostim je na britanskom engleskom
Lučki radnik je na britanskom engleskom
bathing costume, a na američkom engleskom
docker, a na američkom engleskom longshore-
swimsuit (mada i Britanci upotrebljavaju i ovu
Kuvar (knjiga) je na britanskom engleskom Mađioničar je na britanskom engleskom co-
cookery book, a na američkom engleskom coo- njurer, a na američkom engleskom magician.
kbook. Mahunasto povrće je na britanskom engle-
Lajsna (uz zid) je na britanskom engleskom skom pulses, a na američkom engleskom legu-
baseboard, a na američkom engleskom skirting mes.
board. Majstor u nečemu (pod Vešt u nečemu).
Mama 312 Na kraju snaga

Mama je na britanskom engleskom mum, a Mladi luk je na britanskom engleskom

na američkom engleskom mom. spring/green/new/early onions, a na američkom
Manžetne na pantalonama su na britanskom engleskom scallions (doduše, to je često mladi
engleskom turnups, a na američkom engleskom praziluk).
cuffs. Mleveno meso je na britanskom engleskom
Manji sudar („češanje“) je na britanskom minced meat, a na američkom engleskom gro-
engleskom prang, a na američkom engleskom und meat. Mašina za mlevenje mesa je na bri-
fender bender. tanskom engleskom mincer, a na američkom en-
Marica (zatvorenička kola) je na britanskom gleskom meat grinder.
engleskom Black Maria, a na američkom engle- Mobilni telefon je na britanskom engleskom
skom paddy wagon. mobile (phone), a na američkom engleskom cell
Maskenbal je na britanskom engleskom fan- (phone) i cellular (phone).
cy-dress party/ball, a na američkom engleskom Moča, mast od pečenja je na britanskom en-
costume party/ball, a kaže se i na jednom i na gleskom dripping, a na američkom engleskom
drugom masked ball. fat left in the pan after roasting meat.
Mašina za mlevenje mesa (pod Mleveno Momentalno se zaustaviti je na britanskom
meso). engleskom stop on a sixpence, a na američkom
Mašinovođa je na britanskom engleskom engleskom stop on a dime.
engine driver, a na američkom engleskom engi- Morska obala, plaža je na britanskom engle-
neer. skom seaside, a na američkom engleskom beach
Medicinska sestra je nurse, na britanskom (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom).
engleskom sister, a na američkom engleskom Vidi Na moru.
RN, Registered Nurse (mada je u upotrebi i u Morsko dno je na britanskom engleskom
britanskom engleskom kao zvanični naziv). seabed, a na američkom engleskom ocean flo-
Megafon je na britanskom engleskom loud- or (ocean se u američkom engleskom koristi da
hailer, a na američkom engleskom bullhorn. I na označi more umesto sea).
jednom i na drugom je megaphone. Mršav kao saraga je na britanskom engle-
Melasa je na britanskom engleskom treacle, a skom thin as a rake, a na američkom engleskom
na američkom engleskom molasses. skinny as a rail.
Menjač (automobilski) je na britanskom en- Mrtvačnica je na britanskom engleskom
gleskom gear lever, a na američkom engleskom mortuary, a na američkom engleskom morgue.
gearshift. Mušica je na britanskom engleskom midge, a
Mesto za svedoke u sudu je na britanskom na američkom engleskom gnat. I na jednom i na
engleskom witness box, a na američkom engle- drugom je housefly.
skom witness stand. Nabaciti perje (pod Uparaditi se).
Metalna kopča („druker“) je na britanskom Nabacivati se nekome (pod Udvarati se ne-
engleskom press-stud, a na američkom engle- kome).
skom snap-fastener. Nadev je na britanskom engleskom stuffing,
Migavac je na britanskom engleskom indi- a na američkom engleskom dressing (što je i pre-
cator, a na američkom engleskom turn signal i liv za salatu).
blinker. Nadutost creva (gasovi) je na britanskom en-
Ministar finansija je u Velikoj Britaniji gleskom wind, a na američkom engleskom gas.
Chancellor of the Exchequer, a u Sjedinjenim Nadvožnjak je na britanskom engleskom fl-
Državama Secretary of the Treasury. yover, a na američkom engleskom overpass.
Ministar inostranih poslova je u Velikoj Bri- Nadzornik u robnoj kući je na britanskom
taniji Foreign Secretary, a u Sjedinjenim Drža- engleskom shopwalker, a na američkom engle-
vama Secretary of State. skom floorwalker.
Ministar pravde je u Velikoj Britaniji Lord Naježena koža je na britanskom engleskom
Chancellor, a u Sjedinjenim Državama Attorney goose-pimples ili goose-flesh, a na američkom
General (koji je i ministar unutrašnjih poslova). engleskom goose bumps.
Ministar unutrašnjih poslova je u Velikoj Na konsignaciji je na britanskom engleskom
Britaniji Home Secretary, a u Sjedinjenim Drža- sale or return, a na američkom engleskom on
vama Attorney General. (US Department of the consignment.
Interior je zadužen za federalna zemljišta, geo- Na kraju snaga je na britanskom engleskom
loška istraživanja, nacionalne parkove i odnose at the end of one’s tether, a na američkom engle-
sa Indijancima.) skom at the end of one’s rope.
Na moru 313 Odavno

Na moru je na britanskom engleskom beside Neugodna porodična tajna je na britanskom

the sea, a na američkom engleskom at the beach, engleskom skeleton in the cupboard, a na ame-
at the shore i on the coast. Vidi Morska obala. ričkom engleskom skeleton in the closet.
Naočari su na britanskom engleskom spec- Ne vredi ni pišljiva boba je na britanskom
tacles, a na američkom engleskom eyeglasses engleskom it’s not worth a tinker’s cuss i it’s not
i glasses (spectacles i glasses su u upotrebi i u worth a two-penny damn, a na američkom en-
jednom i u drugom). gleskom it’s not worth a tinker’s cuss i it’s not
Napraviti gaf, zabrljati je na britanskom en- worth a dime/red cent/plugged nickel (ima još
gleskom drop a clanger, a na američkom engle- idioma sa istim značenjem: it’s not worth a bean/
skom make a big faux-pas, drop the ball, flub straw, it’s not worth a fig).
the dub. Nizak krevet sa točkićima (koji se može gur-
Napuniti rezervoar (gorivom) je na britan- nuti pod normalan krevet) je na britanskom en-
skom engleskom refuel, a na američkom engle- gleskom truckle bed, a na američkom engleskom
skom gas up i tank up. trundle bed.
Narez slanine je na britanskom engleskom Noćni stočić je na britanskom engleskom
rasher, a na američkom engleskom slice of ba- bedside table, a na američkom engleskom night-
con (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engle- stand.
skom). Nosač (na železničkoj stanici) je na britan-
Na ulici je na britanskom engleskom on a skom engleskom porter, a na američkom engle-
street, a na američkom engleskom in a street. skom redcap.
Navratiti (pod Svratiti). Nosiljka za bebe je na britanskom engleskom
Nebrušeni dijamant (i u prenosnom smislu carrycot, a na američkom engleskom baby carri-
vanredna osoba ispod grube spoljašnosti) je er.
na britanskom engleskom rough diamond, a na Novčana pomoć nezaposlenim je na britan-
američkom engleskom diamond in the rough. skom engleskom dole, a na američkom engle-
Nečiji fah, domen nečijeg znanja ili interesa skom unemployment benefits/compensation.
je na britanskom engleskom up someone’s street, Na novčanoj pomoći za vreme nezaposlenosti
a na američkom engleskom up someone’s alley. je na britanskom engleskom on the dole, a na
Negazirano piće (pod Gazirano piće). američkom engleskom on unemployment.
Nekretnina je na britanskom engleskom pro- Novčanica je na britanskom engleskom note,
perty, a na američkom engleskom real estate. a na američkom engleskom bill.
Ne kloni!/Glavu gore! je na britanskom en- Novčanik (preklopni) je na britanskom en-
gleskom Keep your pecker up! (na američkom gleskom notecase i wallet, a na američkom
engleskom je to nepristojno, jer je pecker penis), engleskom billfold. Novčanik za sitninu je na
a na američkom engleskom Keep your chin up! britanskom engleskom purse, a na američkom
(mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom) . engleskom change purse.
Nema na čemu. (kao odgovor na „hvala“) Nula, ništa je na britanskom engleskom nil, a
je na britanskom engleskom Not at all, Thanks na američkom engleskom (u žargonu) zero, zip i
very much, Cheers, a na američkom engleskom zilch. Nula kao brojka je i na jednom i na drugom
You’re welcome, That’s O. K., Any time, No zero.
problem, No trouble, Think nothing of it, Uh- Običan, sasvim prosečan je na britanskom
huh. engleskom common-or-garden, a na američkom
Ne mogu očima da ga vidim, ne bih to ni engleskom garden-variety.
pipnuo je na britanskom engleskom I wouldn’t Obična voda (negazirana) je na britanskom
touch him/it with a bargepole, a na američkom engleskom plain water, a na američkom engle-
engleskom I wouldn’t touch him/it with a a ten- skom branch water.
foot pole. Obmanuti, prevariti, zeznuti nekoga je (ko-
Nerešen rezultat je na britanskom engleskom lokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom do the dir-
draw (sem u kriketu – tie), a na američkom en- ty on someone, a na američkom engleskom give
gleskom tie, ili even Steven (u žargonu). Završiti someone the shaft.
se nerešeno je na britanskom engleskom to end Ocene (školske) su na britanskom engleskom
in a draw, a na američkom engleskom to end in marks, a na američkom engleskom grades.
a tie. Odavno se nismo videli, nismo se videli čita-
Nestati iz stana/hotela ne plativši stanari- vu večnost je na britanskom engleskom I haven’t
nu/račun je na britanskom engleskom do a flit, a seen you for/in donkey’s years a na američkom
na američkom engleskom do a moonlight. engleskom I haven’t seen you in forever.
Odbojnici 314 Patronažna sestra

Odbojnici (na železničkom vagonu) su na Otpuštanje radnika je na britanskom engle-

britanskom engleskom buffers, a na američkom skom redundances, a na američkom engleskom
engleskom bumpers. layoffs.
Odbornik je na britanskom engleskom coun- Otvor za serviranje jela (iz kuhinje u trpe-
cillor, a na američkom engleskom councilman. zariju) je na britanskom engleskom hatch, a na
Odmah, smesta je na britanskom engleskom američkom engleskom pass-through.
straightaway, a na američkom engleskom right Palačinka je na britanskom engleskom pan-
away i immediately (mada je u upotrebi i u bri- cake ili blintz (punjena palačinka - judaizam), a
tanskom engleskom)20. na američkom engleskom crêpe.
Od malog značaja, nešto što ne zavređuje Pantalone su na britanskom engleskom tro-
mnogo pažnje je (kolokvijalno) na britanskom users, a na američkom engleskom pants (mada
engleskom small beer, a na američkom engle- su oba izraza razumljiva na obe strane Atlantika).
skom small potatoes. Pantalone sa naramenicama (i delom na prsi-
Oglasna tabla je na britanskom engleskom ma) su na britanskom engleskom dungarees, a
notice-board, a na američkom engleskom bulle- na američkom engleskom overalls.
tin board. Papučica za gas je na britanskom engleskom
Ogledalo sa strane (na automobilu) je na accelerator, a na američkom engleskom gas pe-
britanskom engleskom wing mirror, a na američ- dal.
kom engleskom side(-view) mirror. Parcela je na britanskom engleskom plot, a
Okuka, krivina je na britanskom engleskom na američkom engleskom lot.
bend, a na američkom engleskom curve (mada je Parkiralište je na britanskom engleskom car
u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom). park, a na američkom engleskom parking lot.
Oluk je na britanskom engleskom drainpipe, Parking garaža je na britanskom engleskom
a na američkom engleskom downspout ili rain- multi-storey car park, a na američkom engle-
spout. skom parking garage.
Operaciona sala je na britanskom engleskom Parter (u pozorištu) je na britanskom engle-
(operating) theatre, a na američkom engleskom skom stalls, a na američkom engleskom orche-
operating room. stra. Mesta u parteru su na britanskom engle-
skom the floor (of the house), prednja stalls, a
Oprati sudove se na britanskom engleskom zadnja the pit, a na američkom engleskom the
kaže wash up, a na američkom engleskom do the ground-floor seats, prednja parquet, a zadnja
dishes. parquet circle. Mezanin (u pozorištu) je na
Ordinacija je na britanskom engleskom sur- britanskom engleskom circle, a na američkom
gery ili consulting room, a na američkom engle- engleskom mezzanine. Prva galerija je na bri-
skom doctor’s office. tanskom engleskom dress circle, druga upper
Osiguranje za štetu nanetu trećem licu je na circle/gallery, a treća the gods (the upper bal-
britanskom engleskom third-party insurance, a conies); na američkom engleskom (u žargonu)
na američkom engleskom liability insurance. treća galerija je peanut gallery. Poslednja ga-
Osnovna škola je na britanskom engleskom lerija je na britanskom engleskom top balcony, a
primary school a na američkom engleskom gra- na američkom engleskom gallery.
mmar/grade school (i jedni i drugi kažu elemen- Pasijans je na britanskom engleskom patien-
tary school) . ce, a na američkom engleskom solitaire.
Ostati i snositi odgovornost je na britanskom Pasti na zemlju je na britanskom engleskom
engleskom hold the bag, a na američkom engle- come a cropper (što znači i doživeti fijasko), a
skom carry the can. na američkom engleskom fall down.
Otarasiti se nekoga/nečega je na britanskom Patike (sportske) su na britanskom engleskom
engleskom get shot of someone/something, a plimsoils i trainers, a na američkom engleskom
na američkom engleskom get rid of someone/ sneakers.
something (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom Patrolna policijska kola su na britanskom
engleskom). engleskom panda car, a na američkom engle-
O tome nema sumnje, to je sto posto tako skom police cruiser.
kaže se na britanskom engleskom it’s a dead cert, Patronažna sestra je na britanskom engle-
a na američkom engleskom you can take it to the skom district community nurse, a na američkom
bank. engleskom visiting nurse.
Komentar I. Klajna: Negde sam čitao da je Dikensa, na njegovom čuvenom putovanju po SAD, neki hotelski
portir upitao: “Do you want your room right away?” Ne poznajući taj jenkijevski idiom, Dikens je zbunjeno odgo-
vorio: “I would prefer it here”
Pauza 315 Pomfrit

Pauza (u pozorištu, na koncertu, u bioskopu) Piljarnica, prodavnica voća i povrća je na

je na britanskom engleskom interval, a na ame- britanskom engleskom greengrocery, a na ame-
ričkom engleskom intermission. ričkom engleskom fruit and vegetables (store).
Pazikuća, nastojnik zgrade je na britanskom Piškiti je (kolokvijalno) take a leak, pee21 i
engleskom caretaker, a na američkom engle- wee-wee, na britanskom engleskom i spend a
skom janitor. penny, a na američkom engleskom go potty pee-
Pečenica je na britanskom engleskom joint, a pee. (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engle-
na američkom engleskom roast (mada je u upo- skom) i (i jedni i drugi kažu).
trebi i u britanskom engleskom). Plakar je na britanskom engleskom cupbo-
ard, a na američkom engleskom closet.
Peć za centralno grejanje (vidi bojler).
Plavi patlidžan je na britanskom engle-
Pelene su na britanskom engleskom nappies,
skom aubergine, a na američkom engleskom
a na američkom engleskom diapers. eggplant.
Pendrek je na britanskom engleskom trun- Pletenica, kika je na britanskom engleskom
cheoon, a na američkom engleskom nightstick i plait, a na američkom engleskom braid.
billy club.
Plotna, grejna ploča (na štednjaku) je na bri-
Penzionisati je na britanskom engleskom su- tanskom engleskom hob, a na američkom engle-
perannuate, a na američkom engleskom pension skom cooktop.
off i retire. Pneumatska bušilica je na britanskom en-
Penjoar, kućni ogrtač, bademantil je na bri- gleskom pneumatic drill, a na američkom engle-
tanskom engleskom dressing-gown, a na američ- skom jackhammer.
kom engleskom bathrobe. Pobrinuti se za je na britanskom engleskom
Perionica (sa automatima) je na britanskom look after, a na američkom engleskom take care
engleskom launderette, a na američkom engle- of.
skom laundromat. Podstanar je na britanskom engleskom lod-
Peron je na britanskom engleskom platform, ger, a na američkom engleskom roomer ili boar-
a na američkom engleskom track. der (ujedno na hrani). I na jednom i na drugom
Pešačka staza (posebno ivicom puta) je na je subtenant.
britanskom engleskom footpath, a na američkom Podvezice su na britanskom engleskom sus-
engleskom sidewalk. penders, a na američkom engleskom garters.
Pešački prelaz je na britanskom engleskom Podzemna železnica, metro je na britanskom
zebra, crossing i pedestrian crossing, a na ame- engleskom underggound ili tube, a na američ-
ričkom engleskom crosswalk (mada se koristi i kom engleskom subway.
pedestrian crossing). Pešački prelaz sa se- Podzemni pešački prelaz je na britanskom
maforom je na britanskom engleskom pelican engleskom subway, a na američkom engleskom
crossing, a na američkom engleskom pedestrian pedestrian underpass.
crossing with lights. Pojas zemljišta između dve trake autoputa
je na britanskom engleskom, (central) reservati-
Petljati se u tuđe stvari je na britanskom en- on a na američkom engleskom median (strip).
gleskom be a nosey Parker, a na američkom en-
Poklon se na britanskom engleskom kaže
gleskom be a busybody. present, a Amerikanci će radije upotrebiti gift.
Petrolej je na britanskom engleskom paraffin Policajac je na britanskom engleskom con-
(oil), a na američkom engleskom kerosene, ali i stable, a kolokvijalno bobby, a na američkom
jedni i drugi upotrebljavaju izraz lamp oil. Petro- engleskom police officer, a kolokvijalno cop.
leum je nafta. Polucilindar je na britanskom engleskom
Pijan kô majka je na britanskom engleskom bowler, a na američkom engleskom derby.
drunk as a lord, a na američkom engleskom Pomfrit je na britanskom engleskom chips, a
drunk as a skunk. na američkom engleskom French fries ili samo
Pikavac je na britanskom engleskom ciga- fries22 (fusnota na 316 strani). Chips je na ame-
rette end, a na američkom engleskom cigarette ričkom engleskom ono što je na britanskom en-
butt (i jedni i drugi koriste reč stub). gleskom crisps (pržene tanke ploške krompira).

Opaska I. Klajna: U novijim filmovima, obično kad se neka žena ili dete voze u kolima, često čujete “I wanna
pee”. Beni Hil je pravio uspele igre reči sa pea i pee (“What’s the difference between a glass of beer and a pea?
Twenty minutes”. U jednom skeču igrao je šankera u kafeteriji, dođe mu mušterija i zatraži hamburger i pileću supu,
na šta on dovikne kuvaru: “One burger, one chicken soup!”. Trenutak kasnije mušterija se predomisli, pa zatraži
supu od graška umesto pileće, a Beni vikne: “Hold the chicken and make it pee!”
Ponavljati građu za ispit 316 Primljen u advokatsku komoru

Ponavljati građu za ispit je na britanskom Povodac za psa je na britanskom engleskom

engleskom review, a na američkom engleskom lead, a na američkom engleskom leash.
revise. Povratna karta je na britanskom engleskom
Popuniti (formular) je na britanskom engle- return ticket, a na američkom engleskom roun-
skom fill in, a na američkom engleskom fill out. dtrip ticket.
Porez na nasleđe je na britanskom engleskom Povrtar (industrijski) je na britanskom engle-
inheritance tax i death duty, a na američkom en- skom market gardener, a na američkom engle-
gleskom estate tax. skom truck farmer. Povrtar na malo je vegeta-
Posetnica je na britanskom engleskom visi- ble farmer.
ting card, a na američkom engleskom calling Pozivni broj je na britanskom engleskom
card (službena posetnica je i na jednom i na dru- STD code ili dialing code, a na američkom en-
gom business card). gleskom area code.
Poslati pismo je na britanskom engleskom Pozorišni reditelj je na britanskom engle-
post a letter, a na američkom engleskom mail a skom producer, a na američkom engleskom di-
letter (i jedni drugi kažu send a letter). rector (manager) i stage-manager. Filmski re-
Poslovni park je na britanskom engleskom žiser je i na jednom i na drugom director.
trading estate, a na američkom engleskom indu- Prati zube je na britanskom engleskom clean
strial park. one’s teeth, a na američkom engleskom brush
Posrednik za prodaju nekretnina je na bri- one’s teeth.
tanskom engleskom estate agent, a na američ- Pravo u (pod Tačno u).
kom engleskom realtor ili real-estate agent. Prčkati, čačkati je na britanskom engleskom
Postaviti sto je na britanskom engleskom lay muck about, a na američkom engleskom fool
the table, a na američkom engleskom set the ta- around.
ble. Prednje staklo, šoferšajbna je na britan-
Poštanski broj je na britanskom engleskom skom engleskom windshield, a na američkom
postcode, a na američkom engleskom Zip Code. engleskom windscreen.
Poštansko sanduče je na britanskom engle- Pred sigurnim uspehom je (kolokvijalno) na
skom post/letter box ili pillar box (samostoje- britanskom engleskom home and dry, a na ame-
ći), a na američkom engleskom mailbox ili mail ričkom engleskom home free.
Predvorje, foaje je na britanskom engleskom
Poštar je na britanskom engleskom postman foyer, a na američkom engleskom lobby.
i postie, a na američkom engleskom mailman.
U britanskom engleskom je pretežno u upotrebi Prelaz preko pruge (za kola) je na britan-
post, a u američkom engleskom mail, ali u Brita- skom engleskom level crossing, a na američkom
niji Royal Mail delivers the post, a u SAD Postal engleskom grade crossing.
Service delivers the mail. Prepodnevna pauza (za čaj, kafu) je na bri-
Potok je na britanskom engleskom stream, tanskom engleskom elevenses, a na američkom
na američkom engleskom creek, a na jednom i engleskom morning tea break.
drugom je brook. Preprodavac ulaznica (tapkaroš) je na bri-
Potkošulja je na britanskom engleskom sin- tanskom engleskom tout, a na američkom engle-
glet, a na američkom engleskom (sleeveless) un- skom scalper.
dershirt. Prezime (pod Ime).
Potkrovlje je na britanskom engleskom loft, Pribor za jelo je na britanskom engleskom
a na američkom engleskom attic (mada je u upo- cutlery, a na američkom engleskom silver(ware)
trebi i u britanskom engleskom). ili flatware.
Potpuno tačan/tačno je na britanskom engle- Prigradsko naselje („gradska spavaonica“)
skom spot on, a na američkom engleskom (right) je na britanskom engleskom dormitory suburb, a
on the money/nose. na američkom engleskom bedroom suburb.
Potrošnja goriva je na britanskom engle- Prikupljanje priloga je na britanskom engle-
skom fuel consumption (mada je u upotrebi i u skom whip-round, a na američkom engleskom
američkom engleskom), a na američkom engle- collection.
skom gas mileage. Primljen u advokatsku komoru je na britan-
Povišica je na britanskom engleskom rise, a skom engleskom called to the bar, a na američ-
na američkom engleskom raise. kom engleskom admitted to the bar.

U vreme pojačane patriotske retorike u SAD tokom iračkog rata, u meni u restoranu Kongresa umesto french
fries, uneto je freedom fries, kao znak nezadovoljstva zbog neslaganja Francuske sa američkom politikom. To je
trajalo od marta 2003. do avgusta 2006.
Privatna škola 317 Rikverc svetlo

Privatna škola je na britanskom engleskom gleskom najčešće check („Check, please.) ili tab
public school, a na američkom engleskom pri- (“May I have the tab?”).
vate school. Radio je na britanskom engleskom the wire-
Prizemlje je na britanskom engleskom gro- less i radio broadcasting, a na američkom engle-
und floor a na američkom engleskom first floor skom samo radio.
(prema tome, ono što je kod Engleza i nas prvi Radna ploča je na britanskom engleskom
sprat, kod Amerikanaca je drugi itd.) worktop, a na američkom engleskom counter-
Probušena guma, gumi-defekt je na britan- top.
skom engleskom puncture, a na američkom en- Radnički, manuelni je na britanskom en-
gleskom flat (tire). gleskom cloth-cap, a na američkom engleskom
Procena je na britanskom engleskom apprai- blue-collar (i obrnuto white-collar je kancela-
sal, a na američkom engleskom evaluation. rijski, intelektualni.
Proći na crveno, proći kroz crveno svetlo je Radni kombinezon (preko odela) je na bri-
na britanskom engleskom jump the lights, a na tanskom engleskom overalls, a na američkom
američkom engleskom run a red light.
engleskom coveralls.
Prodaja u dobrotvorne svrhe (svega i sva-
čega) je na britanskom engleskom jumble sale, a Rajsferšlus, patentni zatvarač je na britan-
na američkom engleskom rummage sale. skom engleskom zip, a na američkom engleskom
zipper i zip fastener.
Prodavac u radnji je na britanskom engle-
skom shop assistant (salesman, salesworker, sa- Rajsnegla je na britanskom engleskom
leshelp), a na američkom engleskom clerk, store/ drawing pin, a na američkom engleskom thum-
shop/sales clerk. Prodavačica (saleswoman, sa- btack.
leslady, shopgirl) je female shop assistant odno- Ranac je na britanskom engleskom rucksack,
sno female (store) clerk. a na američkom engleskom backpack.
Prodavnica alkoholnih pića je na britan- Rasprodati (sve) je na britanskom engleskom
skom engleskom licenced grocer’s ili off-licen- sell up, a na američkom engleskom sell out.
ce shop, a na američkom engleskom liquor store, Rastaviti, razmontirati je na britanskom en-
a specifično prodavnica vina je na britanskom gleskom dismantle, a na američkom engleskom
engleskom wine-shop, a na američkom engle- disassemble.
skom wine store. Razdeljak je na britanskom engleskom par-
Prodavnica ribe, ribarnica je na britanskom ting, a na američkom engleskom part.
engleskom fishmonger’s (shop) ili fish shop, a
Razgovor na televiziji (pod Tok-šou).
na američkom engleskom fish store ili fishmar-
ket. Razraditi (automobil, mašinu) je na britan-
Promeniti brzinu (u vožnji automobilom) skom engleskom run in, a na američkom engle-
je na britanskom engleskom change gear, a na skom break in.
američkom engleskom shift gear. Red je na britanskom engleskom queue, a
Propustiti vozilo je na britanskom engleskom na američkom engleskom line. Stajati/čekati u
give way, a na američkom engleskom yield. redu na britanskom engleskom se kaže queue
Prsluk je na britanskom engleskom waistco- up i be/stand/wait in a queue, a na američkom
at, a na američkom engleskom vest. engleskom line up i be/stand/wait in line. Uba-
citi se preko reda, biti padobranac je na britan-
Prtljažnik kola je na britanskom engleskom
boot, a na američkom engleskom trunk. skom engleskom jump the queue i queue-jump,
a na američkom engleskom cut in line.
Pržen na roštilju je na britanskom engle-
skom grilled, a na američkom engleskom broiled Registar-kasa je na britanskom engleskom
i barbecued (mada se može reći i grilled). (pretežno) till, a na američkom engleskom (pre-
težno) cash register.
Pun sebe, zadovoljan sam sobom je na bri-
tanskom engleskom too big for one’s boots, a na Registarska tablica je na britanskom engle-
američkom engleskom too big for one’s bree- skom number-plate, a na američkom engleskom
ches/britches. licence/tag plate.
Putnički vagon je na britanskom engleskom Registrovati se, upisati se je na britanskom
carriage, a na američkom engleskom passenger engleskom sign on, a na američkom engleskom
car. sign in (i jedni i drugi kažu register i enlist) .
Puzavica je na britanskom engleskom cree- Reklamni pano je na britanskom engleskom
per, a na američkom engleskom vine (što znači hoarding, a na američkom engleskom billboard.
i loza). Rikverc svetlo je na britanskom engleskom
Račun (u restoranu) (Račun, molim!) je na reversing light, a na američkom engleskom bac-
britanskom engleskom bill, a na američkom en- kup light.
Ringišpil 318 Snalaziti se nenekako

Ringišpil je na britanskom engleskom roun- Sindikat je na britanskom engleskom trade

dabout, a na američkom engleskom carousel (i union, a na američkom engleskom labor union.
jedni i drugi kažu merry-go-round). Predstavnik sindikata je na britanskom engle-
Ringla (na štednjaku) je na britanskom engle- skom shop steward, a na američkom engleskom
skom hob, a na američkom engleskom cooktop. labor union representative.
Raise hob with (na američkom engleskom) ili Sitnim slovima je na britanskom engleskom
play hob with (na britanskom engleskom – ređe) in small print, a na američkom engleskom in fine
znači praviti neprilike. print (mada su oba izraza poznata i u britanskom
Rokovnik je na britanskom engleskom diary, i u američkom engleskom i odnose se najčešće na
a na američkom engleskom calendar il organi- sitno štampane odredbe dokumenta ili ugovora -
zer. obično nepovoljne za drugu stranu).
Rominjanje (kiše) je na britanskom engle- Skakati preko konopca je na britanskom en-
skom spitting, a na američkom engleskom sprin- gleskom skip the rope, a na američkom engle-
kling. skom jump the rope.
Ručna kočnica su na britanskom engleskom Skitnica je na britanskom engleskom tramp,
handbrake, a na američkom engleskom parking/ a na američkom engleskom hobo i bum (i jedni i
emergency brake (mada je parking brake u upo- drugi kažu vagabond i vagrant) .
trebi i u britanskom engleskom). Skakavac (nož) je na britanskom engleskom
Ručni menjač je na britanskom engleskom flick-knife, a na američkom engleskom swit-
manual transmission (mada je u upotrebi i u chblade.
američkom engleskom), a na američkom engle- Sklekovi su na britanskom engleskom press-
skom stick shift. ups, a na američkom engleskom pushups.
Ručni prtljag je na britanskom engleskom Skretanje/zaobilaženje (na putu) je na bri-
hand luggage, a na američkom engleskom tanskom engleskom diversion, a na američkom
carry-on. engleskom detour.
Ružan je na britanskom i američkom engle- Skretnica je na britanskom engleskom po-
skom ugly, plain i unattractive, a na američkom ints, a na američkom engleskom switch. Skret-
engleskom još i homely (što je za Britance ugo- ničar je na britanskom engleskom pointsman, a
dan, topao, ali i prirodan, jednostavan). na američkom engleskom switchman.
Sab(i)rati je na britanskom engleskom tot up, Slanik je na britanskom engleskom salt ce-
a na američkom engleskom add up (mada je u llar, a na američkom engleskom salt shaker.
upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom). Slavina je na britanskom engleskom tap a na
Salvete su na britanskom engleskom servi- američkom engleskom faucet.
ettes, a na američkom engleskom (table) nap- Smeće je na britanskom engleskom rubbish i
kins. kitchen waste, a na američkom engleskom gar-
Sam, bez prisustva ili pomoći drugih je na bage (mahom kosti i ostaci povrća) ili trash (pa-
britanskom engleskom on one’s tod, a na američ- pir, staklo i konzerve). I jedni i drugi kažu refuse.
kom engleskom on one’s lonesome. Kanta za smeće je na britanskom engleskom du-
Sanke su na britanskom engleskom toboggan stbin ili refuse/rubish/waste bin, a na američkom
i sledge, a na američkom engleskom sleds (sao- engleskom garbage/trash/ash can. Kontejner
nice koje vuku konji ili psi su sleigh). za smeće je na britanskom engleskom skip, a na
američkom engleskom dumpster. Vozilo za od-
Sasvim sigurno (pod Sto posto).
voz smeća je na britanskom engleskom dustbin
Sav srećan je na britanskom engleskom lorry, bin lorry i dust cart., a na američkom engle-
happy as a sandboy, a na američkom engleskom skom garbage truck. Đubretar je na britanskom
happy as a clam. engleskom binman i dustman, a na američkom
Semafor je na britanskom engleskom traffic engleskom garbage man/collector i sanitation
light (mada je u upotrebi i u američkom engle- worker. Smetlište je na britanskom engleskom
skom), a na američkom engleskom stoplight (i tip, a na američkom engleskom dump.
jedni i drugi kažu kolokvijalno the lights). Smetlište (pod Smeće).
Semenka (jabuke i sl.) je na britanskom en- Smoking je na britanskom engleskom dinner
gleskom pip, a na američkom engleskom seed. jacket, a na američkom engleskom tuxedo, tux
Senica je na britanskom engleskom tit, a na (kolokvijalno) ili black tie (na pozivnicama).
američkom engleskom chickadee. Smoking jacket je muški kućni ogrtač.
Signal „zauzeto“ (na telefonu) je na britan- Snalaziti se nekako, preturati s mukom je
skom engleskom busy signal/tone, a na američ- na britanskom engleskom rub along, a na ame-
kom engleskom engaged signal. ričkom engleskom get by.
Soda voda 319 Špil karata

Soda voda je na britanskom engleskom soda Stan u potkrovlju je na britanskom engle-

water, a na američkom engleskom club soda ili skom attic flat, a na američkom engleskom loft
seltzer water. apartment.
Sofa na razvlačenje je na britanskom engle- Star kao Biblija, prepotopski, bog te pita
skom put-you-up, a na američkom engleskom otkad je na britanskom engleskom since/from
sofa bed i Hide-A-Bed. the year dot, a na američkom engleskom since/
Spasavati kožu je na britanskom engleskom from the year one.
save one’s bacon, a na američkom engleskom Stiropor je na britanskom engleskom pol-
save one’s skin. ystyrene, a na američkom engleskom styrofoam.
Spatula je na britanskom engleskom doctor’s Stjuard(esa) je na britanskom engleskom air
spatula, a na američkom engleskom tongue de- host(ess), a na američkom engleskom flight atten-
pressor. dant - i jedni i drugi kažu (ređe) i steward(ess).
Spavaća kola su na britanskom engleskom Stolar je na britanskom engleskom joiner, a
sleeping car, a na američkom engleskom slee- na američkom engleskom cabinet maker ili car-
per. penter (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engle-
Spavaćica je na britanskom engleskom nigh- skom).
tdress, a na američkom engleskom nightgown. Sto posto, sasvim sigurno je (kolokvijalno)
na britanskom engleskom sure as eggs are eggs,
Spetljati namerno nekoga, navući nekoga
a na američkom engleskom sure as shootin’/
da pogreši je na britanskom engleskom catch
someone out, a na američkom engleskom trip
someone up. Stub dalekovoda je na britanskom engle-
skom pylon, a na američkom engleskom high-
Spiker (na TV i radiju) je na britanskom tension tower.
engleskom newsreader, a na američkom engle-
skom newscaster (a i na jednom i na drugom Studentski dom je na britanskom engleskom
announcer). hall of residence, a na američkom engleskom
Sporać je na britanskom engleskom slowcoa-
Svetla na tavanici su na britanskom engle-
ch, a na američkom engleskom slowpoke.
skom ceiling lights, a na američkom engleskom
Sportski rezultati i najave timova se na bri- overheads.
tanskom engleskom pišu tako što je prvo domaći Svratište na autoputu je na britanskom en-
pa gostujući tim a na američkom engleskom prvo gleskom lay-by ili services, a na američkom en-
gosti pa domaći (Los Angeles v. San Francisco gleskom rest area.
znači da je meč u San Francisku).
Svratiti, navratiti je na britanskom engle-
Sportski sako je na britanskom engleskom skom pop in, a na američkom engleskom stop in/
sports jacket, a na američkom engleskom sport by.
Šećer u prahu je na britanskom engleskom
Sprdati se s nekim, zezati nekoga je (ko- castor/caster sugar (još finiji: icing sugar), a na
lokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom take the američkom engleskom confectioner’s sugar i
mickey out of someone, a na američkom engle- powdered sugar.
skom razz someone. Šiške su na britanskom engleskom fringe, a
Srednja škola je na britanskom engleskom na američkom engleskom bangs.
secondary school a na američkom engleskom Školski odmor je na britanskom engleskom
high school. break i playtime, a na američkom engleskom re-
Stajati u redu (pod Red). cess (period/time).
Stambeni hotel (apartmani sa kuhinjom i Škampi su na britanskom engleskom prawns,
osnovnim uslugama) je na britanskom engle- a na američkom engleskom shrimps (i jedna i
skom service flats, a na američkom engleskom druga reč su obostrano razumljive).
apartment hotel. Škrt je na britanskom engleskom mean, a na
Stambeno naselje (u javnom vlasništvu) je američkom engleskom stingy. I na jednom i na
na britanskom engleskom council estate, a na drugom je miserly, tight-fisted, niggardly, pe-
američkom engleskom public housing project. nny-pinching.
Stan je na britanskom engleskom flat, a na Šnala za kosu je na britanskom engleskom
američkom engleskom apartment. hairslide, a na američkom engleskom barrette.
Stan i hrana je na britanskom engleskom Špil karata je na britanskom engleskom pack
board and lodging, a na američkom engleskom (of cards), a na američkom engleskom deck (of
bed and board (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom cards) (svojevremeno u upotrebi i u britanskom
engleskom). engleskom, ali je napušteno).
Štap za šetnju 320 Ubaciti klip među točkove

Štap za šetnju je na britanskom engleskom Teretni voz (pod Teretni vagon).

walking-stick (mada je u upotrebi i u američkom Termos je na britanskom engleskom flask, a
engleskom), a na američkom engleskom cane. na američkom engleskom thermos.
Štednjak je na britanskom engleskom coo- Tikvice su na britanskom engleskom courge-
ker, a na američkom engleskom (cook)stove ili ttes, a na američkom engleskom zuchini.
range. Toalet je toilet, lavatory, men’s room i ladies’
Štipaljka za veš je na britanskom engleskom room a na britanskom engleskom i WC, loo ili
(clothes) peg, a na američkom engleskom clot- cloakroom (a u žargonu bog), a na američkom
hes pin. engleskom bathroom ili rest room (u žargonu
Štitnik (za potkolenicu fudbalera) je na bri- john).
tanskom engleskom shin-pad, a na američkom Tobogan („tobogan smrti“) se ne kaže tobog-
engleskom shin guard. gan, već je na britanskom engleskom switchback,
Švedska repa je na britanskom engleskom a na američkom engleskom roller-coaster, a deč-
swede ili Sweedish turnip, a na američkom en- ji tobogan je na oba dijalekta slide.
gleskom rutabaga. To je obična pljačka! kaže se na britanskom
Tačka (znak interpunkcije) je na britanskom engleskom It’s daylight robbery! a na američ-
engleskom full stop, a na američkom engleskom kom engleskom It’s highway robbery!
Tok-šou, razgovor na televiziji je na britan-
Tačno u, pravo u (nos i sl.) je na britanskom skom engleskom chat show, a na američkom en-
engleskom right on, a na američkom engleskom gleskom talk show.
bang on.
Torba za kupovinu, ceger je na britanskom
Taksi stajalište je na britanskom engleskom engleskom carrier bag, a na američkom engle-
cab/taxi rank, a na američkom engleskom taxi skom tote bag i shopping bag.
Torbica oko pojasa („pederuša) je na britan-
Tekstil, tekstilni proizvodi su textile (fabri-
skom engleskom bumbag, a na američkom en-
cs) na oba dijalekta, a na britanskom engleskom
i fabrics and clothing i drapery, a na američkom gleskom belt bag.
engleskom dry goods. Dry goods su na britan- Torbica za toaletni pribor je na britanskom
skom engleskom prehrambeni proizvodi. engleskom sponge bag, a na američkom engle-
Telefonista na centrali je na britanskom en- skom toilet bag.
gleskom telephonist, a na američkom engleskom Trafika je na britanskom engleskom
(switchboard) operator. tobaconist’s (shop) ili newspaper and cigarette
Telefonska govornica je na britanskom en- stand, a na američkom engleskom cigar/tobacco
gleskom public telephone box i kiosk, a na ame- store.
ričkom engleskom pay phone i telephone booth Tramvaj je na britanskom engleskom tram, a
(ove izraze koriste i Britanci). na američkom engleskom streetcar i trolley.
Telefonski broj (pod Telefonski poziv). Tregeri su na britanskom engleskom braces,
Telefonski poziv na račun sagovornika je a na američkom engleskom suspenders.
na britanskom engleskom transfer-charge, re- Trener u fudbalu je na britanskom engleskom
versed-charge ili reverse-charge call, a na ame- manager, a na američkom engleskom coach.
ričkom engleskom collect call. Telefonski broj Trgovački putnik je na britanskom engle-
čije je pozivanje besplatno je na britanskom en- skom commercial traveller, a na američkom en-
gleskom Freefone, a na američkom engleskom gleskom traveling salesman.
toll-free number. Tribine su na britanskom engleskom terraces
Televizija je, pored television/TV, (kolokvi- i bleachers, a na američkom engleskom stands
jalno) na britanskom engleskom the telly ili the (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom engleskom).
box, a na američkom engleskom the (boob) tube, Trkalište je na britanskom engleskom race-
a televizor (TV set) je na britanskom engleskom course, a na američkom engleskom racetrack.
(kolokvijalno) goggle box, a na američkom slen-
gu idiot box. Trotoar je na britanskom engleskom si-
dewalk, a na američkom engleskom pavement.
Tepih od zida do zida je na britanskom en-
gleskom fitted carpet, a na američkom engle- Tužakati nekoga (u školi itd.) je na britan-
skom wall-to-wall carpet. skom engleskom sneak on someone, a na ame-
Teretni vagon je na britanskom engleskom ričkom engleskom tell on someone.
goods wagon, a na američkom engleskom frei- TV emisija je na britanskom engleskom pro-
ght car. Teretni voz je na britanskom engleskom gramme, a na američkom engleskom show.
goods train, a na američkom engleskom freight Ubaciti klip među točkove je na britanskom
train. engleskom throw a spanner in/into the works, a
Ubaciti se preko reda, biti padobranac 321 Veliki putnički kovčeg

na američkom engleskom throw a monkey wren- Usisivač za prašinu je na britanskom engle-

ch in/into the works. skom hoover, a na američkom engleskom vacu-
Ubaciti se preko reda, biti padobranac (pod um (cleaner).
Red). Uskličnik je na britanskom engleskom excla-
U budućnosti je na britanskom engleskom in mation mark (mada je u upotrebi i u američkom
future, a na američkom engleskom in the futu- engleskom), a na američkom engleskom excla-
re. mation point.
U direktnoj brzini (automobil) je na britan- Uskoro je na britanskom engleskom presently
skom engleskom in top gear, a na američkom i soon, a na američkom engleskom samo soon.
engleskom in high gear. U prvoj brzini je na Usna harmonika je na britanskom engle-
britanskom engleskom in bottom gear ili in first skom mouth organ, a na američkom engleskom
gear, a na američkom engleskom in low gear. harmonica (mada je u upotrebi i u britanskom
Udvarati se nekome, nabacivati se nekome
je (kolokvijalno) na britanskom engleskom chat Utakmica je na britanskom engleskom mat-
up someone, a na američkom engleskom come ch, a na američkom engleskom game. Raspored
on to someone. utakmica (za sezonu) je na britanskom engle-
skom fixture list, a na američkom engleskom
U izgledu je na britanskom engleskom in the schedule (for the season).
cards, a na američkom engleskom on the cards (i U tren oka na britanskom engleskom i in a
jedni i drugi kažu in the offing i in prospect) . trice, a na američkom engleskom in a heartbeat i
Ukosnica je na britanskom engleskom hair- in nothing flat. Ima još puno sinonima in jednom
pin, a na američkom engleskom bobby pin. i na drugom – in a moment, in a twinkling, in
Ukuvano voće (u sirupu) je na britanskom the twinkling of an eye, in a flash, in a jiffy, in
engleskom preserves, a na američkom engle- a split second.
skom conserve. Uvodnik je na britanskom engleskom leader
Ukvariti se je na britanskom engleskom go i leading article, a na američkom engleskom edi-
off, a na američkom engleskom go bad. torial.
Ulegnuće je na britanskom engleskom subsi- Vagon restoran je na britanskom engleskom
dence, a na američkom engleskom depression ili restaurant car, a na američkom engleskom di-
settling. ning car i diner.
Unajmiti (radnu snagu, auto) je na britan- Van utabanih staza je na britanskom engle-
skom engleskom hire i rent, a na američkom en- skom off the beaten track, a na američkom en-
gleskom hire se odnosi na ljude, a rent na stvari. gleskom off the beaten path.
U najvećoj mogućoj meri je (kolokvijalno) Varalica je na britanskom engleskom (ko-
na britanskom engleskom with knobs on, a na lokvijalno) twister, a na američkom engleskom
američkom engleskom in spades (i jedni i dru- swindler. Ima još puno sinonima in jednom i na
gi kažu to the maximum/fullest extent, in the drugom – impostor, deceiver, trickster, cheater,
extreme, in maximum) . crook, double-crosser, defrauder, con man itd.).
Uniformisani vratar je na britanskom engle- Varijete je na britanskom engleskom music
hall i variety (show), a na američkom engleskom
skom commissionaire, a na američkom engle-
skom uniformed doorman.
Vata je na britanskom engleskom cotton
Uparaditi se, nabaciti perje je dress up i get wool, a na američkom engleskom absorbent
(oneself) togged up (in one’s best clothes), na cotton. Vata na štapiću (za uzimanje brisa) je na
britanskom engleskom tart oneself up, put one’s britanskom engleskom cotton swab, a na američ-
glad rags on a na američkom engleskom gussy kom engleskom Q-Tip.
up, be in fine feather, be dressed to kill, dressed Vatrogasna jedinica je na britanskom engle-
to the nines/teeth, get all dolled up skom fire brigade, a na američkom engleskom
Upisati se (pod Registrovati se). fire department.
Upravnik zatvora je na britanskom engle- Vazdušna puška je na britanskom engleskom
skom (prison) governor, a na američkom engle- air rifle, a na američkom engleskom BB gun i
skom (prison) warden. air gun.
U prvoj brzini (pod U direktnoj brzini). Večernja nastava/škola je na britanskom en-
Urgentno odeljenje je na britanskom engle- gleskom evening classes, a na američkom engle-
skom A and E (Accident and Emergency) i ca- skom night school.
sualty department, a na američkom engleskom Veliki putnički kovčeg je na britanskom en-
emergency department (mada je u upotrebi i u gleskom trunk i large suitcase, a na američkom
britanskom engleskom). engleskom steamer trunk.
Venerična bolest 322 Železnica i železnička pruga

Venerična bolest je na britanskom engleskom Zakrčenje saobraćaja je na britanskom en-

VD (veneral disease), a na američkom engleskom gleskom tailback, a na američkom engleskom
STD (sexually transmitted disease). traffic jam.
Velika stambena zgrada je na britanskom Zalisci, zulufi su na britanskom engleskom
engleskom block of flats, a na američkom engle- (pretežno) sideboards, a na američkom engle-
skom apartment building. skom sideburns, a i na jednom i na drugom whi-
Veliki broj (konfekcijski) je na britanskom skers.
engleskom outsize, a na američkom engleskom Zamena točka je na britanskom engleskom
extra-large. changing a wheel, a na američkom engleskom
Veranda je na britanskom engleskom veran- changing a tire (automobilska guma je na britan-
dah, a na američkom engleskom porch. skom engleskom tyre).
Veštačko disanje („usta na usta“) je na bri- Zamenik, zamena je na britanskom engle-
tanskom engleskom kiss of life, a na američkom skom substitute, a na američkom engleskom
engleskom mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. (pretežno) alternate.
Vešt u nečemu, majstor u nečemu je na bri- Zaobilaženje (pod Skretanje/zaobilaženje).
tanskom engleskom (a) dab at something, a na Zaslužuje sve čestitike za je na britanskom
američkom engleskom a crackerjack at somet- engleskom full marks for, a na američkom en-
hing. gleskom deserves an A for.
Veterinar je na britanskom engleskom veteri- Zaštitni odbojnik na putu je na britanskom
nary surgeon, a na američkom engleskom veteri- engleskom crash barrier, a na američkom engle-
narian (i jedni i drugi kažu vet - što u američkom skom guardrail.
engleskom znači i ratni veteran). Zatvorski stražar je na britanskom engle-
Vetrovka, vindjakna je na britanskom engle- skom warder, a na američkom engleskom prison
skom windcheater, a na američkom engleskom guard/officer.
windbreaker. „Zauzeto“ (toalet) je na britanskom engle-
Vindjakna (pod Vetrovka). skom „engaged“, a na američkom engleskom
Visokospratnica, soliter je na britanskom „occupied“. „Slobodno“ je i na jednom i na dru-
engleskom tower block, a na američkom engle- gom „vacant“.
skom high-rise (apartment building). Zavese su na britanskom engleskom curtains,
Viršla je na britanskom engleskom frankfur- a na američkom engleskom drapes/draperies.
ter, a na američkom engleskom hot dog. Zavod za zapošljavanje je na britanskom
Vlada (zemlje) je na britanskom engleskom engleskom Job Centre, a na američkom engle-
government ili Cabinet, a na američkom engle- skom employment office.
skom Administration. Government je u ame- Završio je na britanskom engleskom finished
ričkom engleskom i (a): država, (b): uprava ili done (with) (Have you finished? Have you
(firme, organizacije ili institucije) i (c): političke done with those scisors? Where the hell are you
nauke. going? I haven’t done with you yet.), a na američ-
Vlasnik lokala je na britanskom engle- kom engleskom najčešće through (Are you thro-
skom publican, a na američkom engleskom bar ugh in there? Don’t interrupt me till I’m through.
owner. I am through with him.).
Voće i povrće je na britanskom engleskom Zdepast je na britanskom engleskom podgy,
fruit and vegetables a na američkom engleskom a na američkom engleskom pudgy.
se vrlo često kaže produce. Zgranuti nekoga, šokirati nekoga je na bri-
Vojna obaveza je na britanskom engleskom tanskom engleskom knock someone for six, a
conscription, a na američkom engleskom draft. na američkom engleskom throw someone for a
Vozilo za odvoz smeća (pod Smeće). loop (i jedni i drugi kažu shock someone).
Vratar je na britanskom engleskom porter, a Znaci navoda su na britanskom engleskom
na američkom engleskom doorman. inverted commas, a na američkom engleskom
Vratolomnom brzinom je na britanskom en- quotation marks ili quotes.
gleskom hell for leather, a na američkom engle- Zulufi (pod Zalisci).
skom hell-bent for leather. Zumbane cipele su na britanskom engleskom
Vrt je garden, a na američkom engleskom i oxfords, a na američkom engleskom brogues.
yard (uz kuću). Žele je na britanskom engleskom jelly, a na
Zagrade su na britanskom engleskom brac- američkom engleskom Jell-O (prvobitni trade-
kets, a na američkom engleskom parentheses. mark) i jello.
Zaklopi!/Zaveži! je na britanskom engle- Železnica i železnička pruga su na britan-
skom Belt up! a na američkom engleskom Shut skom engleskom railway, a na američkom engle-
up! ili Zip it up! skom railroad.
Železnička stanica 323 Žuto svetlo

Železnička stanica je na britanskom engle- Živeli! je na britanskom engleskom Cheers!

skom railway station, a na američkom engle- a na američkom engleskom Here’s to you!/ Sko-
skom train station. al!.
Železnički prag je na britanskom engleskom Žuti šećer je na britanskom engleskom deme-
sleeper, a na američkom engleskom tie. rara sugar, a na američkom engleskom brown
Železnički vagon je na britanskom engle- sugar.
skom (railway) carriage i coach, a na američ-
kom engleskom (railroad) car. Žuto svetlo (na semaforu) je na britanskom
Ženski kostim sa pantalonama je na britan- engleskom amber light, a na američkom engle-
skom engleskom trouser suit, a na američkom skom yellow light.
engleskom pantsuit.

Ambicija, Baksuzluk, Besposlica, Bog, Bogatstvo, Bolest, Brak,

Briga, Cilj, Crkva, Čast, Čistoća, Ćutanje, Davanje, Deca, Delo, Disciplina,
Dobitak, gubitak, Dobro, Dobro ime, Dogovor, Dom, Druženje, Dug, Đavo,
Glad, Gnev, Gost, Govor, Građenje, Greh, Hrabrost, Hvaljenje, Inat, Iskrenost,
Iskustvo, Iskušenje, Istina, Istrajnost, Izazivanje nevolje, Izbor, Izdržljivost,
Izgled, Izgovor, Jednakost, Jelo, Kajanje, Karakter, Kompromis, Krađa, Krivi-
ca, Kuća, Kukavičluk, Kvarenje, Laž, Lek, Lepota, Licemerje, Lojalnost, Lu-
dost, Lukavost, Ljubav, Ljubaznost, Male stvari, Marljivost, Mešanje u tuđe
poslove, Mir, Mišljenje, Mladost, Mržnja, Mudrost, Muka, Nada, Nagrada,
Naknadna pamet, Namera, Navika, Nekritičnost, Nemogućnost, Nepoznato,
Nepravda, Neprijatelj, Neprikladnost, Nesavršenost, Neumerenost, Nevolja,
Nezavisnost, Neznanje, Novo, Nužda, Obećanje, Oči, Odeća, Odgovornost,
neodgovornost, Odlaganje, Odluka, Odsutnost, Ogovaranje, Oprez, Optimi-
zam, Osveta, Pamet, Patnja, Pijanstvo, Pisanje, Plaćanje, Početak, Podmu-
klost, Pohlepa, Pomoć, Poraniti, Porodica, Posedovanje, Posledice, Poštenje,
Poželjnost, Praštanje, Pravda, Pravovremenost, Pretnja, Preuranjenost, Prija-
teljstvo, Prilagođavanje, Prilika, Primer, Priroda, Promena, Prošlost, Provera,
Proždrljivost, Radoznalost, Rat, Razlike, Reč, Relativnost, Rezultat, Riziko-
vanje, Roditelji, San, Savet, Sebičnost, Sila, Siromaštvo, Slabost, Sličnost,
Sloboda, Sloga, Služenje, Smrt, Snaga, Sopstveni interes, Sreća, Starost, Stid,
Strah, Strpljenje, Sudbina, Sused, Svađa, Štednja, Taština, Tražiti, Trgovina,
Trošenje, Tvrdičluk, Učenje, Ukus, Umerenost, Usamljenost, Vaspitanje, Ve-
ličina, Verovanja, Verovati, Vlast, Volja, Vrednost, Vreme, Vremenske prili-
ke, Zadovoljstvo, Zahvalnost, nezahvalnost, Zajam, Zanat, Zaslužena kazna,
Zavist, Zdravlje, Zlo, Znak, Znanje, Žena, Život i Žurba.

AMBICIJA Ko leti hladuje, zimi gladuje. * Ko leti plan-

Bolje je biti prvi u selu no poslednji u gra- duje, zimi gladuje. # They must hunger in frost
du. # Better be first in a village than second in that will not work in heat.
Rome. Ko se ne muči u mladosti, kuku mu u staro-
sti! # An idle youth, a needy age. * Young idler,
Bolje je i na najgorem konju jahati nego
an old beggar. * A young man idle, an old man
pešice ići. # Better ride a poor horse than go
afoot. * Better ride on an ass that carries you
than a horse that throws you. Nerad pothranjuje poroke. (lat. Diuturna
quies vitiis alimenta parat <ministrat>.) # Idle-
Bolje na mačku glava, nego na lavu rep. *
ness is the root of all evil.
Bolje je biti pevac jedan dan nego kokoš me-
sec. # Better be the head of a dog than the tail Trla baba lan da joj prođe dan. # Who is
of a lion. more busy than he that has least to do. * The
tongue of idle persons is never still.
Čovek ne živi o samom hlebu. (Stari zavet,
Peta knjiga Mojsijeva 8:3) # Man cannot/does
not live by bread alone. BOG
Ko dva zeca goni, nijednog ne uhvati. (lat. Bog govori: pomozi se sam, pomoći ću ti i
Lepores duos qui insequitur is neutrum capit.) # If ja. * Radi pa ću ti i ja pomoći, veli Gospod
you run after two hares, you will catch neither. Bog. # We must not lie down and cry, ‘God help
Ko kuca, tome se i otvara. * Kucajte, i otvo- us’. * For a web begun God sends the thread *
riće vam se. (Novi zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju Do the likeliest, and God will do the best.
7:7) # Ask and it shall be given you. Bog je spor, ali je dostižan. # God’s wheels
Ko ništa ne probira, ništa i ne dobija. # Not- grind slow but sure. * God stays long, but stri-
hing seek, nothing find. kes at last.
Ko visoko leti, nisko pada. * Što visoko leti, Bog ne gleda ko je ko. (Novi zavet, Dela
na nisko pada. * Visoko poleće, al’ nisko pada. svetih apostola, 10:34) # God is no respecter of
# The higher they fly, the harder they fall. * The persons.
higher you climb the harder you fall. * The hi- Bog nikome dužan ne ostaje. * Bog ne plaća
ghest tree has the greatest fall. * The higher the svake subote. * Bog ne sudi svaki osmi dan.
mountain the greater descent. * Hasty climbers # God is a sure paymaster.
have sudden falls.
Bog zatvori jedna vrata a otvori stotinu.
Mnogo hteo, mnogo započeo. # He who be-
# When one door shuts, another opens.
gins many things, finishes but few. * Too much
of ought is good for nought. Bog zna šta je bolje. * Bog znade šta valja-
de. # If God does not give us what we want, he
Veća glava, više glavobolje. # A big head has gives us what we need.
a big ache. * The bigger the head, the larger the
headache. Čovek nalaže, a Bog raspolaže. # Man does
what he can, and God what he will. * Man pro-
poses, God disposes.
BAKSUZLUK Čovek snuje, a Bog odlučuje. # God makes
Da padne na leđa, razbio bi nos. # An un- and man shapes. * Man proposes, God dispo-
happy man’s cart is easy to overturn. ses.
Hleb uvek pada na namazanu stranu. # The Dobar je Bog, ali su i đavoli jaki. # Where
bread never falls but on its buttered side. * If God has his church, the devil will have his cha-
anything can go wrong, it will. (Murphy’s law). pel. * God sends corn and the devil mars the
Nesreća nikad ne dolazi sama. (lat. Calami- sack.
tas nulla sola.) # Misfortunes never come singly. Glas naroda, glas Božji. * Glas naroda, glas
* Troubles come double. * It never rains but it sina Božjeg. (lat. Vox populi, vox Dei.) # The
pours. voice of the people is the voice of the God.
Nesreću ne treba zvati. (lat. Mala vel invoca- Iz tvojih usta u božje uši. # From your lips
ta veniunt.) # Mischief comes without calling it. to God’s ears. * May your wish come true.
Koga Bog čuva, onoga puška ne bije. # What
God will, no frost can kill.
Ko se čuva i Bog ga čuva. # God helps them
Besposlen pop i jariće krsti. * Besposlen that help themselves.
Mujo fišeke savija. # The dog that is idle barks Ko se ljudi ne stidi, ni Boga se ne boji. * Ko
at his fleas. izgubi sram ljudski, izgubi i strah božji. # He
Ko hrče, ne srče. # The sleepy fox has sel- who has no shame before the world, has no fear
dom feathered breakfast. before God.

Neispitani su putevi božji. # God moves in a Nije sve u novcu. # Money isn’t everything.
mysterious way, his wonders to perform. Novci kad odlaze imaju sto nogu, a kad
Pijana i dete Bog čuva. # Heaven takes care dolaze samo dve. # It seems like hard-earned
of children, sailors and drunken men. money has the best wings. * Narrow gathered,
Podajte caru carevo, a Bogu božje. (Novi widely spent.
zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 22:21) # Render Novci sitno zveče, ali se daleko čuju. # Gold
unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s (and is an orator.
unto God the things which are God’s). Para na paru ide. (lat. Pecunia pecuniae
Pomozi se sam pa će ti i Bog pomoći. # Do accedit libere.) # Money makes money.
the likeliest, and God will do the best. * God Para vrti gde burgija neće. # Money ma-
helps them that help themselves. kes the mare to go. * When money speaks, the
Pregaocu i Bog pomaže. # Do the likeliest, world is silent. * Money talks. * Money makes
and God will do the best. * God is a good wor- the world go round.
ker, but he likes to be helped. U koga je mast, u njega je vlast. (lat. In cun-
ctis domina pecunia est.) # Money governs the
BOGATSTVO world. * Money is the only monarch. * Money
is the ace of trumps. * Money makes the world
Bez zdravlja nema bogatstva.* Give me my go round.
health and take my wealth. * He that wants he-
alth wants all. Zdravlje je najveće bogatstvo. # Health is
great riches.
Bogati čohu nose a ja blato gazim. * Bogati
na mazgi sedi, a siromasi idu na noge. # The Zlatan ključić gvozdena vrata otvara. * Zla-
rich man has his ice in the summer and the poor tan ključić carev grad otvori. # A golden key
man gets his in the winter. opens every door. * A silver key can open an
iron lock.
Bogat jede kad hoće, a siromah kad može.
# The rich man may dine when he will, the poor
man when he may. BOLEST
Bogatstvo pokriva horjatstvo. # A thief pa- Bolesnik malo jede, ali mnogo troši. # Sic-
sses for a gentleman when stealing has made kness soaks the purse.
him rich. Lako je zdravome bolesnoga savetovati. # It
Bolesnik malo jede, ali mnogo troši. # Sic- is easy for a man in health to preach patience
kness soaks the purse. to the sick.
Bolje je biti srećan nego bogat. # It’s better Od čega je bolest, od toga i lek. # Seek your
to be born lucky than rich. salve where you get your sore. * The hand that
Bolje je biti zdrav nego bogat. # Health is gave the wound must give the cure.
better than wealth. * Good health is more to be Starost je neizlečiva bolest. (lat. Senectus
desired than wealth. est morbus insanabilis.) # Old age is a malady of
Bolje je umeti nego imati. # Better wit than which one dies.
wealth. Starost je sama po sebi bolest. (lat. Senectus
Gde se hiljada dobije, stotina se može po- ipsa est morbus.) # Old age is sickness of itself.
kloniti. # He that a good harvest may be content Svako zlo ima svoj ustuk.* No wrong without a
with some thistles. remedy. * For every evil under the sun, there is
Ko ima, daće mu se. # He that has plenty of a remedy or there is none: if there be one, try
goods shall have more. and find it; if there be none, never mind it.
Koji je bog dao ovo, daće i ono drugo. # He
that has a goose, will get a goose.
Koren sviju zala je srebroljublje. (Novi
zavet, Timotiju poslanica prva 6:10) * Novac je Bolje je sa starim papati nego s mladim
dušegubac. # The love of money is the root of plakati. * Bolje je starcu godine brojati, nego
all evil. * Money is the root of all evil. s mladim gladovati. # Better be an old man’s
Lakše je kamili proći kroz iglene uši nego- darling than a young man’s slave.
li bogatome ući u carstvo Božije. (Novi zavet, Čovek ne može biti čovek, dokle ga žena ne
Jevanđelje po Mateju 19:24) # It is easier for a krsti. # He that has not got a wife is not yet a
camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for complete man. * A man without a wife is but
a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. half a man.
Ne raste novac na drveću. # Money doesn’t Gledaj majku, a uzmi ćerku. # Gledaj mater
grow on trees. pa hodi po šćer. # Take a vine of a good soil, and

the daughter of a good mother. * The mother’s Čovek ne živi o samom hlebu. (Stari zavet,
side is the surest. * The birth follows the belly. Peta knjiga Mojsijeva 8:3) # Man cannot/does
Lepa devojka je pola miraza. # A fair face not live by bread alone.
is half a portion. Čovek snuje, a Bog odlučuje. # God makes
Miraz devojku udaje. # Money makes and man shapes. * Man proposes, God dispo-
marriage. ses.
Najpre štalu, onda kravu. # Before you Ko dva zeca goni, nijednog ne uhvati. (lat.
marry, be sure of a house wherein to tarry. Lepores duos qui insequitur is neutrum capit.) # If
Oženi se na brzinu, kajaćeš se natenane. # Marry you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
in haste, repent at leisure. Konac delo krasi. (lat. Finis coronat opus.) # The
Pozna deca, gotove sirote. # Late children, end crowns the work. * The ending crowns the
early orphans. day.
Probirač nađe otirač. # A maiden with many Najpre skoči, pa onda reci: hop! # Never
woers often chooses the worst. say “whoopee” before you jump.
Rogonja saznaje uvek poslednji. # The cuc- Svi putevi vode u Rim. # All roads lead to
kold is the last to know his disgrace.
U tuči se toljaga ne bira. # A cat in gloves
Sina ženi kad hoćeš, a kćer udaj kad možeš. catches no mice. * In things that must be, it is
# Marry your son when you will, your daughter good to be resolute.
when you can.
Svekrva se ne seća da je negda i ona snaha
bila. # The mother-in-law remembers not that CRKVA
she was a daughter-in-law. Ne gledaj što pop tvori, nego slušaj što zbo-
Teško glavi gde rep zapoveda. # It is a sad ri. * Ne čini što pop čini, nego tvori što čini. # Do
house where the hen crows louder than the as the friar says, not as he does.
cock. Popovska vreća nikad se napuniti ne može.
Ušima a ne očima valja se ženiti. # Choose # Three things are insatiable, priests, monks,
a wife by your ear rather than by your eye. * and the sea.
Choose not a wife by the eye only.
Ženiti se mlad rano je, a star dockan je. #A ČAST
young man should not marry yet, an old man
Bolje je pošteno umreti nego sramotno ži-
not at all.
veti. # Better die with honor than live with sha-
BRIGA Ko hoće časno, ne može lasno. # Honour
Briga sedi. # Care killed the cat. (“What and ease are seldom bedfellows. * Great hono-
though care killed a cat, thou hast mettle enough urs are great burdens.
in thee to kill care.” W. Shakespeare, Much Ado Koje pseto hoće da ubiju, poviču: besno je.
About nothing, act 5, scene 1) * Worry killed the # Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
cat. Ko se drži pravice, taj ne muze kravice. # Ho-
Ne valja se izuvati pre vode. # Don’t cross nesty is praised and left to starve. * Plain dea-
your bridges before you come to them. ling is a jewel, but they that use it die beggars.
Ne zovi zlo jer samo može doći. # Never tro- Neće ga oprati ni Sava ni Drava. # Mud
uble trouble till trouble troubles you. * He that sticks.
seeks trouble never misses. Teško je jednom uprljan obraz oprati. * Teš-
ko je odbraniti se od ogovaranja. # Give a dog
Tresla se gora, rodio se miš. (lat. Parturiunt
a bad name (and hang him). * Mud sticks. *
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.) # Much cry and You know how the tongues wag.
little wool.

Čistoća je pola zdravlja. # Cleanliness is
Bolje se i od po puta vratiti nego rđavim next to godliness.
putem do kraja ići. (lat. Melius est cavere sem-
per, quam pati semel.) # Better (to) be safe than
sorry. ĆUTANJE
Cilj opravdava sredstva. (lat. Cui licitus est Budala kad ćuti, misle da je pametan. (lat.
finis, etiam licent media.) # The end justifies the Taciturnitas stulto homini pro sapientia est.) # A
means. fool might be counted wise if he kept his mouth

shut. * Fools are wise as long as silent. * If the Drunkards and fools cannot lie. * Out of the
fool knew how to be silent he could sit amongst mouths of babes.
the wise. Deca će ispaštati zbog grehova otaca. (Stari
Čuvaj se pseta koje mučki kolje. # Beware zavet, Druga knjiga Mojsijeva 20:25 * lat. Patres
of a silent dog and silent water. * Dumb dogs comederunt uvam acerbam, et dentes fillorum
are dangerous. obstupuerunt.) # The sins of the fathers are visi-
Ćutanje je zlato. # Silence is golden. ted upon the children.
Ćutanje je znak odobravanja. (lat. Qui ta- Dok je šiba tanka, treba je ispravljati. # As
cet, consentire videtur.) # Silence means/gives the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined. * As the
consent . twig is bent, so grows the tree.
Koje pseto ćuti, ono pre ujede. # The silent Drvo se savija dok je mlado. * Dok je drvo
dog is first to bite. mlado možeš ga savijati kako hoćeš. * Mlado
Ko mudro muči, lepo govori. (lat. Si tacu- se drvo savija. # Thraw the wand while it is
isses, philosophus mansisses.) # A still tongue green (thraw means twist). * As the twig is bent,
makes a wise head. so is the tree inclined. .
Mudriji si kad ćutiš. (lat. Si tacuisses, phi- Kad Bog hoće koga da kazni, najpre mu
losophus mansisses.) # He is wise that speaks uzme pamet. (lat. Quos deus vult perdere prius
little. dementat) # Whom God will destroy he first ma-
kes mad.
Tiha voda breg roni. (lat. Gutta cavat lapi-
dem non vi sed saepe cadendo.) # Still waters Kome je Bog ujak, lako mu je biti svetac.
run deep. # Who has God for his friend has the saints in
his pocket. * He whose father is judge, goes safe
to his trial.
DAVANJE Mala deca mala briga, velika deca velika
Bolje je deliti nego prositi. (lat. Beatius est briga. # Children when they are little make the-
magis dare quam accipere.) * Mnogo je blaženi- ir parents fools, when they are great they make
je davati negoli uzimati. (Novi zavet, Dela apo- them mad. * A little child weighs on your knee,
stolska 20:35) # It is better to give than to recei- a big one on your heart.
ve. * It is more blessed to give than to receive. Mlađem na volju, a sebi na nevolju. # He
Čuvaj se Danajaca i kad ti darove nose! that cockers his child, provides for his enemy. *
(lat. Timeo Danaos et dona ferrentes.) # Fear the Better children weep than old men.
Greeks, even when they bring gifts! * Beware of Ne uči majku kako se rađaju deca. * Ne
Greeks bearing gifts! (Vergil, Aeneid II, 49). znaš ti majko kako je teško dete roditi. * Ne
Dvostruko daje ko brzo daje. (lat. Bis dat, prodaj bostandžiji krastavaca. # Don’t teach
qui cito dat.) # He gives twice who gives quickly. your grandmother how to suck eggs.
Ko mnogo deli, skoro će prositi.* He lear- Od dece ljudi bivaju.* Boys will be men.
ned timely to beg that could not say ‘Nay’. Pijana i dete Bog čuva. # Heaven takes care
Svaki dar ište uzdarje. # Benefits bind. of children, sailors and drunken men.
*Nothing costs so much as what is given to us. Pozna deca, gotove sirote. # Late children,
Što sam potrošio to sam imao; što sam po- early orphans.
klonio, to imam. (lat. Quod expendi habui; quod
donavi habeo.) # What we spent we had; what DELO
we gave we have; what we left we lost.
Uzimala, davala, s kokošima spavala, ko- Delo govori. (lat. Facta loquuntur.) # Fine
koši je litale. * Uzimao davao, sa mačkama words butter no parsnips. * Actions speak lou-
der than words. * Deeds before words. * Deeds
spavao. # Give a thing and take a thing, to wear
are fruits, words are but leaves
the devil’s gold ring.
Jače je delo nego beseda. # Actions speak
louder than words.
DECA Koja kokoš mnogo kakoće, malo jaja nosi.
Batina je iz raja izašla. (lat. Virgarum tactus # A crowing hen never lays eggs. * ‘Tis not the
pravos eliminat actus. # Qui parcit virgae, odit hen that cackles most that lays the most eggs. * The
filium.) # The stick is the surest peacemaker. * greatest talkers are the least doers.
Spare the rod and spoil the child. * A whip for Lakše je reći no učiniti. # Easier said than
a fool, and a rod for a school, is always in good done.
season. * Better children weep than old men. Mnogo zbora, a nikakva stvora. # Flow of
Deca, budale i pijani pravdu govore. # words is not always flow of wisdom. * Great tal-
Children and fools speak the truth.* Children/ kers fire too fast to take aim.

Ne treba kvocati, nego jaja nositi. # The ef- dabouts. * What is lost in the hundred will be
fect speaks, the tongue needs not. found in the shire.
Nisu potrebne reči već dela. (lat. Non verbis, Što jednoga goji, drugoga truje. # One
sed factis opus est.) # It is better to do well than man’s meat is another man’s poison.
to say well. U svakom zlu ima i dobra. * Svako zlo ima
Od rečena do stvorena, ka’ od lista do kore- svoje dobro. # Ill luck is good for something. *
na. # From word to deed is a great space. Every cloud has a silver lining. * It’s an ill wind
Prazna hvala neće u torbu. * Prazna zahva- that blows nobody any good.
la i ništa - sve jedno. # Good words fill not a
sack. * He who gives fair words, feeds you with DOBRO
an empty spoon.
Prazne reči džep ne pune. # Praise without Bolje je nepravo trpeti, nego nepravo činiti.
profit puts little in the pocket. * Good words fill (lat. Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam.)
not a sack. * Fair words fill not the belly. # Better suffer ill than do ill.
Razlika je između reči i dela. # There is a Čini dobro, pa i u vodu baci. # Never be we-
great difference between word and deed. ary of well doing.
Rečeno, učinjeno. (lat. Dictum factum) # No Dobro je neprijatelj najboljega. # The good
sooner said than done. is the enemy of the best.
Reči lete a dela ostaju. # Deeds are fruits, Dobro se dobrim vraća. # One good turn
words are but leaves. * Good words without deserves another.
deeds are rushes and reeds. * Deeds will show Ko dobro čini, bolje dočeka. # Do well and
themselves, and words will pass away. have well.
Reći i učiniti nije isto. # Saying and doing Ko dobro čini, neće se kajati. # He that does
are two things. * Saying is one thing, and doing well, wearies not himself. * One never loses by
another. * From word to deed is a great space. doing a good turn. * Never be weary of well do-
Najbolje je neprijatelj dobroga. # The best
is the enemy of the good.
Batina je iz raja izašla. (lat. Virgarum tactus Što je pravo, i Bogu je drago. # Virtue joins
pravos eliminat actus. # Qui parcit virgae, odit man to God.
filium.) # The stick is the surest peacemaker. * Učini čoveku sto puta dobro, a jedan put ne
Spare the rod and spoil the child. * A whip for ne učini, sve je zaboravljeno. # Ten good turns
a fool, and a rod for a school, is always in good lie dead and one ill deed report abroad does
season. * Better children weep than old men. spread. * Do wrong once and you’ll never hear
Gospodareve oči konja goje. # The master’s the end of it.
eye makes the horse fat. U dobru je lako dobar biti, na muci se po-
znaju junaci. # Prosperity makes friends, ad-
DOBITAK-GUBITAK versity tries them. * Friends are made in wine
and proved in tears.
Dok jednom ne smrkne drugom ne svane. * Jed-
nom smrklo, drugom svanulo. # One man’s de- U dobru se ne ponesi, a u zlu se ne ponizi.
ath is another’s man’s bread. * One man’s loss (lat. In secundis nemo confidat, in adversis nemo
is another man’s gain. deficiat.) # If rich, be not elated; if poor, be not
dejected. * Of thy sorrow be not too sad, of thy
Gde ide june, nek’ ide i uže. # Let the horns joy be not too glad. * Do not get conceited when
go with the hide. things go well, and do not be down when things
Imadoh, ne znadoh - izgubih, poznadoh. # The go badly.
worth of a thing is best known by the want of U svakom zlu ima i dobra. * Svako zlo ima
it. svoje dobro. # Ill luck is good for something. *
Jedan se oteg’o, drugi se proteg’o. # The de- Every cloud has a silver lining. * It’s an ill wind
ath of the wolves is the safety of the sheep. that blows nobody any good..
# One man’s death is another’s man’s bread. Vrlina je sama sebi najveća nagrada. (lat.
Ko gubi, ima pravo da se ljuti. # Give losers Ista quidem virtus sibimet pulcherrima merces.)
leave to speak. # Virtue is its own reward.
Ne bi jednome dobro dok drugome ne bude Za čisto zlato rđa ne prianja. * Rđa se za
zlo. # One man’s loss is another man’s gain. zlato ne prima. # The sun is is not less bright
Što izgubiš na ćupriji, dobiješ na mostu. # What for sitting on a dunghill. * The sun is is never
you lose on the swings you gain on the roun- the worse for shining on a dunghill.

DOBRO IME deals. * He has great need of a fool, that plays

the fool himself.
Bolji je dobar glas nego zlatan pâs. # A
good name is better than riches. * A good name Ko sa psima leže, pun buva ustane. # If you
is better than golden girdle. lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
Dobar glas je druga očevina. (lat. Bene au- Ko s decom leži, mokar ustaje. # He who
goes into a mill comes out powdered.
dire, alterum est patrimonium.) # A good name
is a rich heritage. Ko s đavolom tikve sadi, o glavu mu se lu-
paju. # Do business with the devil and the devil
Dobar glas daleko ide, a zao još dalje. will destroy you.
# Good news travels fast, bad even faster.
Ko se ne da poznati, motri ga s kim se meša.
Dobro ime se teško stiče, ali lako gubi. # A # A man is known by the company he keeps. * A
good name is sooner lost than won. man is known by his friends.
Koje pseto hoće da ubiju, poviču: besno je. Ko se s tricama pomeša, valja da ga svinje
# Give a dog a bad name and hang him.. izjedu. # He that touches pitch shall be defiled.
Neće ga oprati ni Sava ni Drava. # Mud Ko s vukom druguje, mora zavijati. * Sa
sticks. vucima valja zavijati. (lat. Ulula cum lupis cum
Teško je jednom uprljan obraz oprati. * quibus esse cupis.) # He who keeps company
Teško je odbraniti se od ogovaranja. # Give a with the wolf, will learn to howl. * One must
dog a bad name (and hang him). * Mud sticks. howl with the wolves.
* You know how the tongues wag. Ko u mlin uđe, brašnjav iziđe. # He who
goes into a mill comes out powdered.
DOGOVOR Ne druži se s onim s kim se ne možeš po-
čupati. # The strong and the weak cannot keep
Dogovor kuću gradi. * Dogovor kuće ne company.
obara. # A house divided against itself cannot Niko ne živi sam za sebe. # No man is an
stand. * Union is strength. island.
Gora se s gorom ne sastaje, a čovek s čo- S kim si, onaki si. # As a man is so is his
vekom vazda. # Two men may meet, but never company. * A man is known by the company he
two mountains. keeps. * He who lives with cats will get a taste
Ludi boj biju, a mudri vino piju. # Fools for mice. .
bite one another, but wise men agree together. S kim te vide, s tim te i pišu. (lat. Noscitur ex
Ruka ruku mije. # One hand washes other. sociis qui non cognoscitur ex se.) # Tell me with
* Claw me, and I’ll claw thee. * Scratch my whom thou goest, and I’ll tell thee what thou
breech and I’ll claw your elbow. doest. * A man is known by his friends.
U društvu se i kaluđer ženi. # Who keeps
company with a wolf will learn to howl. * Do
DOM as most people do, then most people will speak
Svoja kućica, svoja slobodica. # A man’s well of you.
home is his castle. U kakvo kolo dođeš, onako i igraj. (lat. Si
fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi.) # When in Rome, do
as the Romans do. (lat. Si fueris Romae, Roma-
DRUŽENJE no vivito more.)
Ako s hromim stanuješ, naučićeš da ra-
mlješ. (lat. Si cum claudo cohabites, subclau- DUG
dicare disces.) # He that dwells next door to a Bolje se s dužnikom nagoditi, nego sudom
cripple, will learn to halt. potezati. # Agree, for the law is costly.
Bolje je biti sam nego u rđavu društvu. * Dug je zao drug. # A man in debt is caught
Bolje je sam se mučiti nego se s drugim sramo- in a net.
titi. * Bolje je samotovati nego sramotovati. # Dug neplaćen, greh neoprošten. # Unpaid
Better be alone than in bad company. debts are unforgiven sins.
Dvoje trećeg ne trebaju. * Dva trećeg ne če- Ko je dužan, taj je tužan. # He that goes
kaju. # Two is company, three is crowd. a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing. * Borrowing
Kako čovek dođe na prosjački štap, svak brings sorrowing.
ga se kloni. # Poverty parts friends. * When po- Namera dug naplaćuje. # It’s the thought
verty comes in at the door, love flies out of the that counts.
window. Od zla dužnika i kožu bez jareta valja uze-
Ko je lud ne budi mu drug. # He is not the ti. * Od rđava dužnika i kozu bez mleka. # Off
fool that the fool is, but he that with the fool ill debtors, men take oats.

ĐAVO Veće oči nego stomak. # The eye is bigger

Dobar je Bog, ali su i đavoli jaki. # Where than the belly. * One’s eyes are bigger than
God has his church, the devil will have his cha- one’s stomach.
pel. * God sends corn and the devil mars the Žedan konj vode ne probira. # He is not
sack. thirsty who doesn’t drink water. * A hungry
Đavo ne ore i ne kopa, samo o zlu misli. # The horse makes a clean manger. * Hunger finds no
devil is subtle, yet weaves a coarse web. fault with the cookery.
Đavo nije tako crn kao što izgleda. * Ni
đavo nije onako crn kao što ljudi govore. * GNEV
Nije đavo onako crn kako ga slikaju. # The de- Bes je kratkotrajno ludilo. (lat. Ira furor bre-
vil is not so black as he is painted. vis est.) # Anger is short madness.
Ko se sam savetuje, đavolu odgovara. # He Malen lončić brzo pokipi. # A little pot is
who follows his own advice must take the con- soon hot. * Short folk are soon angry. * Short
sequences. * He that is his own lawyer has a folk’s heart is soon at their mouth.
fool for a client. Odgovor blag utišava gnev. (Stari zavet, Pri-
S đavolom došlo, s đavolom i prošlo. # Ill če Solomunove 15:1) # A soft answer turns away
gotten, ill spent. wrath.
Siromah čovek gotov đavo. # The devil dan- Sunce da ne zađe u gnevu vašemu. (Novi
ces in an empty pocket. zavet, Efescima poslanica 4:26) # Let not the sun
go down upon your wrath.
Glad i kurjaka iz šume istera. # Hunger dri-
ves the wolf out of the wood. Nezvanom gostu mesto za vratima. # An
Gladni hrti bolje love. # Fed hounds don’t unbidden guest knows not where to sit. * Who
hunt. comes uncalled, sits unserved.
Glad je najbolji začin. # Hunger is the best Svakog gosta tri dana dosta. * Najmilijeg
sauce/prickle. * Hunger is good kitchen meat. gosta tri dana je dosta. * Gost je za tri dana.
Gladnom čoveku slatke su i divljake. (lat. (lat. Post tres saepe dies vilescit piscis et hospes.)
Fabas indulcat fames.) # Hunger makes hard # Fish and guests smell in three days.
beans sweet. * All is good in famine.
Gladno oko ne spava. # Who goes to bed su- GOVOR
pperless, all night tumbles and tosses. Bolje je pokliznuti nogom nego jezikom.
Ko leti hladuje, zimi gladuje. * Ko leti plan- # Better the foot slip than the tongue.
duje, zimi gladuje. # They must hunger in frost Bolje je svašta jesti no svašta govoriti. # Say
that will not work in heat. well or be still.
Ko radi, ne boji se gladi. # At the Bolju ćeš čuti nego ćeš reći. # It is better to
workingman’s house, hunger looks in, but da- play with ears than the tongue. * From hearing
res not enter. * Where bees are, there is honey. comes wisdom, from speaking, repentance.
* Plough deep, while sluggards sleep, and you
Budala kad ćuti, misle da je pametan. (lat.
shall have corn to sell and to keep. * Diligence
Taciturnitas stulto homini pro sapientia est.) # A
is the mother of good fortune. fool might be counted wise if he kept his mouth
Praznoj čaši molitve nema. # A sharp sto- shut. * Fools are wise as long as silent. * If the
mach makes short devotion. fool knew how to be silent he could sit amongst
Put do srca vodi preko stomaka. # The way the wise.
to a man’s heart is through his stomach/belly. Čovek se po besedi poznaje. * Kakav čovek,
Reči gladna ne nahrane. # Fair words fill tako i zbori. * Od kmeta i beseda. (lat. Qualis
not the belly. vir, talis oratio.) # The bird is known by his note,
Sit gladnom ne veruje. (lat. Non vult scire the man by his words.
satur, quod ieiunus patiatur.) # The full do not Dvaput meri, jedanput seci. * Dva puta
believe the hungry. * He whose belly is full beli- meri, a treći kroj. # Score twice before you cut
eves not him who is fasting. once.
Trbuh nema ušiju. (lat. Venter non habet au- Ispeci pa reci. (lat. Verba provisam rem non
res.) # A hungry stomach has no ears. invita sequentur.) # First think and then speak. *
Trbuh ne zna za šalu. # An empty belly bears Hear twice before you speak once. * Look befo-
no body. re you leap. * Second thoughts are best.

Jače je delo nego beseda. # Actions speak Prazne reči džep ne pune. # Praise without
louder than words. profit puts little in the pocket. * Good words fill
Jezik kostiju nema, ali kosti lomi. # The not a sack. * Fair words fill not the belly.
tongue breaks bone, and herself has none. Prazno bure većma zveči. (lat. Vasa vacua
Jezik može gore poseći nego mač. (lat. Plus sunt bene sonantia. # Vasa inania multum stre-
stricto mendax offendit lingua mucrone.) # The punt.) # An empty barrel makes the most sound.
tongue is not steel yet it cuts. * Words cut more * Empty casks make the most noise. * Empty
than swords. * A good tongue is a good weapon. vessels make the greatest sound.
* Hurtful words are more painful than an in- Razlika je između reči i dela. # There is a
flicted wound. great difference between word and deed.
Jezik neka ne ide ispred pameti. # Let not Reči gladna ne nahrane. # Fair words fill
thy tongue run away with thy brains. not the belly..
Ko besedi šta hoće, mora slušati šta neće. Reči lete a dela ostaju. # Deeds are fruits,
# He that speaks the thing he should not, hears words are but leaves. * Good words without
the thing he would not. * He who says what he deeds are rushes and reeds. * Deeds will show
likes shall hear what he doesn’t like. * He that themselves, and words will pass away.
speaks lavishly shall hear as knavishly. Reči treba meriti, ne brojati. # Deliver your
Koja kokoš mnogo kakoće, malo jaja nosi. words not by number but by weight.
# A crowing hen never lays eggs. * ‘Tis not the Reč iz usta, a kamen iz ruke. # A word and
hen that cackles most that lays the most eggs. a stone let go cannot be called back.
* The greatest talkers are the least doers. Reći i učiniti nije isto. # Saying and doing
Koja se ne reče ona se neće ni čuti. # The are two things. * Saying is one thing, and doing
lame tongue gets nothing. another. * From word to deed is a great space.
Ko mnogo besedi, mnogo i laže. (lat. Exi- Sva mu je pamet na jeziku. # Many speak
gua his tribuenda fides, qui multa loquuntur.) # In much who cannot speak well.
many words, the truth goes by. * In many words, Što iziđe iz usta, to se ne povrati u usta. # Spo-
a lie or two may escape. ken words are like flown birds: neither can be
Ko mudro muči, lepo govori. (lat. Si tacui- recalled. * A word spoken is past recalling.
sses, philosophus mansisses.) # A still tongue ma- Što mu je na srcu, to i na jeziku. # What the
kes a wise head. * He is wise that speaks little. heart thinks, the tongue speaks.
Lakše je reći no učiniti. # Easier said than Što na umu, to na drumu. # His heart is on
done. his sleeve. * Speech is the picture of the mind.
Mi o vuku a vuk na vrata. * Mi o vuku a Što se manje, kaže tim bolje. # The less/least
vuk iza plota. (lat. Lupus in fabula.) # Speak/ said the better.
Talk of the devil! * Talk of the devil, and he is Što vidiš, ne video; što čuješ ne čuo. # Hear
bound to appear. * Speak of the devil and he no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. * Hear and see
always appears. and say nothing..
Mnogo zbora, a nikakva stvora. # Flow of Trla baba lan da joj prođe dan. # Who is
words is not always flow of wisdom. * Great tal- more busy than he that has least to do. * The
kers fire too fast to take aim. tongue of idle persons is never still.
Ne laje kuca sela radi, nego sebe radi. # Dogs U kući obešenog uže se ne spominje. # Ne-
wag their tails not so much in love to you as to ver talk of rope in the house of a man who has
your bread. been hanged. * Name not a rope, in his house
Ne treba kvocati, nego jaja nositi. # The ef- that hanged himself.
fect speaks, the tongue needs not. U mnogim rečima ne biva bez greha. (lat.
Nisu potrebne reči već dela. (lat. Non verbis, In multiloquio non deerit stultitia.) # Talk much,
sed factis opus est.) # It is better to do well than and err much.
to say well. Vo se veže za rogove, a čovek za reč. * Čo-
Od rečena do stvorena, ka’ od lista do kore- vek se veže za jezik, a vo za rogove. * Vola za
na. # From word to deed is a great space. rog, a čoveka za jezik. (lat. Verba ligant homi-
Pas koji (mnogo) laje, ne ujeda. # Barking nes, taurorum cornua funes.) # An ox is taken by
dogs seldom bite. * Great barkers are no biters. the horns, and a man by his word.
Prazna hvala neće u torbu. * Prazna zahva- Zao um, gotov sud. (lat. Mala mens, malus
la i ništa - sve jedno. # Good words fill not a animus.) # Ill will never said well. .
sack. * He who gives fair words, feeds you with Živ mi Todor da se čini govor. # Great tal-
an empty spoon. kers are like leaky pitchers, everything runs out

of them. * He cannot speak well, that cannot Na muci se poznaju junaci. # Calamity is
hold his tongue. the touchstone of a brave mind. * Adversity is
the touchstone of virtue.
GRAĐENJE Ne može šut sa rogatim. * Teško je šutu s
Budale kuće zidaju, a pametni ih kupuju. # Fo- rogatim bosti se. # Be not too bold with your
ols build houses, wise men buy them. . biggers and betters. * It is ill contending with
the master of thirty legions.
Nema dobre zgrade bez dobra temelja. #
No good building without a good foundation. Nije došlo vreme da poginemo, nego da vi-
dimo ko je kakav. # Adversity is the touchstone
of virtue.
Pametniji popušta. # Discretion is the better
Deca će ispaštati zbog grehova otaca. (Stari part of valor. (“FALSTAFF: The better part of va-
zavet, Knjiga proroka Jeremije 31:29 # lat. Pa- lour is discretion; in the which better part, I have
tres comederunt uvam acerbam, et dentes filio- saved my life” (W. Shakespeare, I Henry IV, act
rum obstupuerunt – Očevi su jeli kiselo grožđe, a 5, scene 4).
sinovima trnu zubi.) # The sins of the fathers are Slava pripada hrabrima. # No guts, no
visited upon the children. glory.
Ko je bez greha, nek se prvi baci kamenom. Svaki pevac na svom bunjištu jači. * Sva-
(Stari zavet, Jevanđelje po Jovanu 8:7 * lat. Qui ka je koka na svom sedlu petao. (lat. Gallus
sine peccato est, primus lapidem in eam mitat.) # in sui sterquilinio plurimum potest.) # A cock is
He who casts the first stone should be without mighty in his own backyard. * Every cock will
sin. crow upon his own dung-hill.
Niko nije bezgrešan. # He is lifeless that is Svako pseto na svom koritu jače. * Svako je
faultless. * No man is infallible. hrabar na svom bunjištu. * Svaka je vaška na
Što veći grešnik, to veći svetac. # The grea- svom toru jača. # Every dog is a lion at home. *
ter the sinner, the greater the saint. Every dog is valiant at his own door.
U mnogim rečima ne biva bez greha. (lat. U dobru je lako dobar biti, na muci se po-
In multiloquio non deerit stultitia.) # Talk much, znaju junaci. # Prosperity makes friends, ad-
and err much. versity tries them. * Friends are made in wine
and proved in tears.
Bežanova majka peva, a Stojanova plače. HVALJENJE
* Junakova majka najpre zaplače. (lat. Ma- Hvala je prazna plaća. # Thank is poor pay.
ter timidi flere non solet.) # The mother of the * Praise without profit puts little in the pot.
coward does not worry about him.
Hvala ne staje u torbu. # You can’t put
Boj ne bije svetlo oružje, već boj bije srce u thanks into your pocket.
junaka. # The weapon of the brave is in his he-
art. * A man of courage never wants weapon. Ko se hvali, sam se kvari. (lat. Propria laus
sordet.) # He that praises himself, spatters him-
Bolje je pošteno umreti nego sramotno ži- self. * A man’s praise in his own mouth stinks.
veti. # Better die with honor than live with sha-
me. Prazna hvala neće u torbu. * Prazna zahva-
la i ništa - sve jedno. # Good words fill not a
Hrabre sreća prati. * Hrabrima sreća po- sack. * He who gives fair words, feeds you with
maže. (lat. Fortes fortuna adiuvat.)* Fortune an empty spoon.
favors the bold.
Svaki ciga svoga konja hvali. # Each pri-
Kukavica umire bezbroj puta. # Cowards est praises his own relics. * All his geese are
die often. * Cowards die many times before the- swans.
ir deaths.
Jednom se mre. * Svak je rođen za po jed-
nom mrijeti.* A man can die only once. INAT
Ko reskira, taj dobija. * Reskir-profitir. # Not- Od inata nema goreg zanata. # Spite is bad
hing ventured, nothing gained. * No risk, no policy.
Na mrtva vuka i zec kandže oštri. * Mr- ISKRENOST
tvome vuku je lako brojati zube. * Mrtvu se
kurjaku rep meri. (lat. Barbam vellere mortuo Reci bobu bob a popu pop. (lat. Ficum fi-
leoni. # Mortuo leoni et lepores insultant.) # Ha- cum, ligonem ligonem vocat.) # Call a spade a
res may pull dead lions by the beard. spade. * Tell the truth and shame the devil.

Što mu je na srcu, to i na jeziku. # What the the thief. * The hole calls the thief.
heart thinks, the tongue speaks. Zabranjeno voće je najslađe. # Forbidden
Što na umu, to na drumu. # Speech is the fruit is sweet.
picture of the mind. * His heart is on his slee-
Činjenice su tvrdoglave. # Facts are stu-
ISKUSTVO bborn things.
Bolje je verovati svojim očima nego tuđim Deca, budale i pijani pravdu govore. #
rečima. # Believe nothing of what you hear and Children and fools speak the truth. * Children/
only half of what you see. Drunkards and fools cannot lie.
Bolje je znano s manom nego neznano s fa- Istina će izaći na videlo. (lat. Quidquid in
lom. # Better the devil you know than the devil occulto est in apricum proferet aetas.) * Zaklela
you don’t know. * The bad which is well known se zemlja raju, da se tajne sve saznaju. * Sve
is better than the good unknown. će to jarko sunce prokazati. # Truth will come
Iskustvo je majka mudrosti. # Experience is to light. * Truth will out.
the mother of wisdom. Istina je kći vremena. (lat. Veritas filia tem-
Iskustvo je najbolji učitelj. (lat. Usus est poris.) # Truth is time’s daughter. * Time tries
magister optimus <egregius>.) # Experience is truth. * Time is the father of truth.
the best teacher. Istina ne traži budžake. (lat. Veritas non qu-
Koga je zmija ujela taj se i guštera plaši. * Koga aerit angulos.) # Truth seeks no corners.
su guje klale i guštera se boji. # Whom a ser- Istina uvek ispliva na površinu. # Truth and
pent has bitten, a lizard alarms. * He that has oil are ever above.
been bitten by a serpent, is afraid of rope. *
Jezik istine je prost. (lat. Veritatis simplex
Birds once snared fear all bushes.
oratio est.) # The language of truth is simple.
Ko me jedanput prevari, onaj je nevaljao,
a koji više puta, vredan je čovek. * Prevari me Ko istinu gudi, gudalom ga po prstima biju.
u dva puta, ubio ga bog, a prevari treći put, # Truth has a scratched face. * Truth and roses
ubio me bog! # He that deceives me once, sha- have thorns about them. * He who speaks the
me fall him; if he deceives me twice, shame fall truth must have one foot in the stirrup. * Truth
me. * It is a silly fish that is caught twice with rebounds on the speaker.
the same bait. Ko jedanput slaže, drugi put mu se ne ve-
Ko se jedanput ožeže, i na hladno puše. # A ruje ako i istinu kaže. (lat. Mendaci homini ne
scalded cat fears hot water. * Once bitten, twice verum quidem dicenti credere solemus.) # He
shy. that once deceives, is ever suspected. * A liar is
Ko te jednom ćuši, drugi put će te kocem not believed when he speaks the truth.
udariti. # He that does ill once, will do it again. Laž se pređe primi nego istina. # A lie can
Očima valja više verovati nego ušima. # See- go a mile before the truth can put its boots on.
ing is believing. Pola istine je cela laž.* Half the truth is of-
Po drugi put se lisica ne hvata u gvožđa. ten a whole lie.
(lat. Semel in laqueum vulpes.) # The escaped Pravo reci, pa gledaj te uteci. # Speak the
mouse ever feels the taste of the bait. truth and run.
Samo budala se dva puta saplete o isti ka- Ružan čovek ne ide rado na ogledalo. # An
men. # He that stumbles twice over one stone, ugly woman dreads the mirror.
deserves to break his shins. * It is a silly fish that U svakoj šali ima i istine. * U svakoj šali
is caught twice with the same bait. ima polovica zbilje. (lat. Ridendo dicere verum.)
Što čuješ, ne veruj; što vidiš, to veruj. # Be- # Many a true word is spoken in jest.
lieve nothing of what you hear, and only half of
what you see. * Seeing is believing. ISTRAJNOST
Vežba stvara majstora. (lat. Fit fabricando
faber.) # Practice makes perfect. Ako je kratak dan, duga je godina. * Ako
Žežen kašu hladi. # The burnt child dreads ima mnogo posla, ima i dana. # A strong town
the fire. * A scalded cat fears hot water. is not won in an hour. * No man is his craft’s
master the first day.
Bolje je ne početi nego ne dočeti. # Better
ISKUŠENJE never to begin than never to make an end.
Prilika čini lopova. * Prigoda čini lupeža. Kad si u kolu, valja da igraš. # In for a pe-
(lat. Occasio facit furem.) # Opportunity makes nny, in for a pound.

Ni Rim nije sagrađen za jedan dan. # Rome Ne može se spavati i pipune čuvati. # A door
was not built in a day. must either be shut or open.
Od prvog maha dub ne pada. * Od jednog Od dva zla biraj manje. (lat. De duobus ma-
udara dub ne pada. (lat. Non uno ictu arbor ca- lis minimum est eligendum.) # Choose the lesser
dit.) # An oak is not felled at one stroke. of two evils. * Of two evils choose the less.
Polako, ali sigurno. # Slow but sure wins the Probirač nađe otirač. # A maiden with many
race. * Easy does it. woers often chooses the worst.
Prvi se mačići u vodu bacaju. * Prvi se šten-
ci u baru bacaju. # If at first you don’t succeed, IZDRŽLJIVOST
try, try again.
Riba po dubokom pliva. # The best fish I u buhe žuč ima. (lat. Et musca splenem ha-
swim near the bottom. * The best fishing is in bet et formica bilem.) # The fly has her spleen,
the deepest water. and the ant has her gall. * Even a worm will
Zrno po zrno pogača, kamen do kamena turn.
palača. # Grain by grain, and the hen fills her Mačka ima devet života. # A cat has nine
belly. * A pin a day is a groat a year. * Many a lives.
pickle makes a mickle * Penny and penny laid Trpen spasen. (lat. Vincit qui patitur.) # Pa-
up will be. tient men win the day. * He that endures is not
overcome. * He conquers who endures.
Bolje s mirom nego s čirom. # He that will
not have peace, God gives him war. Ako je dimnjak nakrivo, upravo dim izlazi.
Ko vraga svećom traži, taj će ga i naći. # He # Crooked logs make straight fires.
that seeks trouble never misses. Ako je i crna krava, belo mleko daje. # A
Ne diraj u lava dok spava. * Ne diraj meč- black hen lays a white egg.
ku (gde ne treba) # Wake not a sleeping lion. * Let Đavo nije tako crn kao što izgleda. * Ni
sleeping dogs lie. * He who rouses a sleeping đavo nije onako crn kao što ljudi govore. *
tiger exposes himself to danger. Nije đavo onako crn kako ga slikaju. # The de-
Nesreću ne treba zvati. (lat. Mala vel invoca- vil is not so black as he is painted.
ta veniunt.) # Mischief comes without calling it. Izgled često vara. * Izgled može da prevari.
Ne zovi zlo jer samo može doći. # Never tro- # Appearances are often deceiving. * Appearan-
uble trouble till trouble troubles you. * He that ces are deceptive.
seeks trouble never misses. Krivo drvo pravu vatru daje. # Crooked
Vatra se slamom ne gasi. * Vatra se uljem logs make straight fire.
ne ugasi. # To pour oil on the fire is not the way Lep je gledati, no kakav je mirisati? # Bea-
to quench it. uty may have fair leaves, yet bitter fruit.
Vrag ne spava. # The devil never sleeps. * Evil Lepota često vara. # Beauty is only/but skin
never rests. deep.
Majmun je majmun, ako ćeš ga u kakve
IZBOR haljine oblačiti. (lat. Simia semper simia est, eti-
amsi aurea gestet insignia) # An ape’s an ape, a
Kad nema devojke, dobra je i baba. # Whe- varlet’s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or
re bad’s the best, bad must be the choice. scarlet.
Mnogi su zvani, ali je malo izabranih. (Novi Mantija ne čini kaluđera. (lat. Cucullus non
zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 22:14) # Many are facit monachum.) # The cowl does not make the
called but few are chosen. monk.
Ne mogu biti i vuci siti i koze na broju. #You Obuci svilu na svinju, a svinja ka’ i svinja.
cannot sell the cow and sup the milk. # Wash a pig, scent a pig; a pig still is a pig. *
Ne može i jare i pare. * Ne možeš imati i Though the fox wear silk, he is still a fox. * An
ovce i novce. # You can’t have your cake and eat ape’s an ape, a varlet’s a varlet, though they be
it. * You can’t have it both ways. clad in silk or scarlet..
Ne može se jednom guzicom na dva pira. Nije zlato sve što sija. (lat. Non omne quod
# You cannot have your cake and eat it. nitet aurum est.) # All that glitters is not gold. *
Ne može se sedeti na dve stolice. # Between All is not gold that glitters.
two stools one falls to the ground. * You cannot Odelo ne čini čoveka. # Clothes do not make
have/keep a foot in both camps. the man.

Spolja gladac a iznutra jadac. # Fair wit- KAJANJE

hout, false within. * Gloss covering the dross. * Bolje je pripaziti nego posle žaliti. * Bolje
There is a many a fair thing full false. * Strai- se i od po puta vratiti nego rđavim putem do
ght trees have crooked roots. kraja ići. (Lat. Melius est cavere semper, quam
Spolja lep, a unutra slep. # Fair face, foul pati semel.) # Better (to) be safe than sorry.
heart. Da mi je pamet s vašara kad idem na vašar.
Srebrno sedlo ne čini dobra konja. (lat. Non # If things were to be done twice, all would be
faciunt meliorem aurei freni equum.) # You can’t wise.
judge a horse by its harness, nor people by their Dockan, kume, po podne u crkvu. # It’s too
clothing. late to shut the stable door after the horse has
Svaka krava noćom crna. # All cats are bolted. * There is no use in closing the barn
black at night. door after the horse is stolen.
U ratara crne ruke, a bela pogača. # A black Kad se kola slome puteva dosta. # It is easy
hen lays a white egg. to be wise after the event. * A word before is
worth two behind.
IZGOVOR Kasno stiže Janko na Kosovo. # It’s too late
to shut the stable door after the horse has bol-
“Kiselo grožđe, ne valja, trnu zubi od nje-
ted. * There is no use in closing the barn door
ga,” kazala lisica kad nije mogla da ga dohva- after the horse is stolen.
ti. # “Sour grapes,” said the fox when he could
not reach them. Koje se staklo jedan put razbije, ono se više
ne sastavi. # A broken egg cannot be put back
Ko se pravda, taj samoga sebe optužuje. together. * Scrambled eggs cannot be unscram-
(lat. Dum excusare credis, accusas.) # He who bled. * What’s done cannot be undone.
excuses himself, accuses himself.
Neka mrtvi ukopavaju svoje mrtvace. (Novi
Nepoznavanje zakona nikoga ne pravda. zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju, 8:22) # Let the dead
pravna izreka (lat. Ignorantia iuris/legis nemi- bury their dead.
nem excusat.) # Ignorance of the law excuses
no man. Ne može se vratiti duh u bocu. # Can’t put
the genie back in the bottle.
Oženi se na brzinu, kajaćeš se natenene.
JEDNAKOST * Marry in haste, repent at leisure.
Bog ne gleda ko je ko. (Novi zavet, Dela Posle bitke svi su generali. # It is easy to be
svetih apostola, 10:34) # God is no respecter of wise after the event. * When the child is christe-
persons. ned, you may have godfathers enough.
I mačka je kralja gledala, ama ga se nije Posle boja kopljem u trnje. # Counsel is ir-
bojala. * I mačka cara gleda (ma ga se ne ksome, when the matter is past remedy. * When
boji). * A cat may look at a king. a thing is done, advice comes too late.
Kiša pada i na pravoga i na krivoga. * Bog Posle kiše japundže ne treba. # Have not thy
daje dažd pravednima i nepravednima. (Novi cloak to make when it begins to rain. * Thatch
zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju, 5:45) # The rain your roof before the rain begins.
falls alike on the just and unjust. Potonja pamet magarcu pod rep. # Counsel
is irksome, when the matter is past remedy.
JELO Što iziđe iz usta, to se ne povrati u usta. # Spo-
ken words are like flown birds: neither can be
Jedi da bi živeo, a ne živi da bi jeo. # Eat to recalled. * A word spoken is past recalling.
live and not live to eat.
Što je bilo bilo je (vratiti se neće). # Things
Kakav si na jelu, takav si na delu. # A man past cannot be recalled.
eats so he works.
Što pođe niz vodu, ne vrnu se uz vodu. # Wa-
Meso pri kosti a zemlja pri kršu valja.# The ter always flows down, not up. * Things past ca-
nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh. * The clo- nnot be recalled.
ser to the bone, the sweeter the meat.
Put do srca vodi preko stomaka. # The way
to a man’s heart is through his stomach/belly. KARAKTER
Veće oči nego stomak. # The eye is bigger Gde je sova izlegla sokola? * Iz vrane što is-
than the belly. * One’s eyes are bigger than pane teško soko postane. # Eagles do not breed
one’s stomach. doves.

Iver ne pada daleko od klade. (lat. Non pro- KOMPROMIS

cul a proprio stipite/stemmate poma cadunt.) * Bolja je mršava pogodba nego pretila prav-
Kud će kruška no pod krušku? * Kud će iver da. # A lean agreement is better than a fat jud-
od klade? # The apple never falls far from the gment.
tree. Bolje se s dužnikom nagoditi, nego sudom
Kakav otac, takav sin. (Qualis pater, talis fi- potezati. # Agree, for the law is costly.
lius.) * Kakva majka, onaka i ćerka. * Po ocu Bolji je i mršav mir nego debeo proces.
se poznaje sin, a po majci kći. # Like father, (lat. Melior tutiorque pax quam incerta victoria.) #
like son. * Like mother, like daughter. Better a lean peace than a fat victory..
Kurjak ostari, ćudi ne ostavi. # Wolves may
lose teeth, but they never lose their nature. *
The fox may grow gray, but never good.
Magarca odvedi i u Jerusalim, on će opet Ko laže, taj i krade. # He that will lie, will
biti magarac. # Send a donkey to Paris, he’ll steal. * Show me a liar, and I will show thee a
return no wiser than he went. thief.
Od divlje loze grozd a od trna kupina ne Ko za tuđom vunom pođe, sam ostrižen
biva. * Ne bere se s trnja grožđe, ni sa čička kući dođe. # Many go for wool and come home
shorn themselves. * He that eats the king’s go-
smokva. # One cannot gather grapes of thorns
ose shall be choked with the feathers. * He that
or figs of thistles. steals honey should beware of the sting.
Od tog brašna ne biva pogača * Od tog Od tuđega je čovek štetan ili sramotan. # Sto-
brašna ne bude pita. * Od govana pita ne biva. len goods never thrive.
# You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s Oteto prokleto. (lat. Male parta male dila-
ear. * It’s making cheese of chalk. * Ill flesh buntur.) # Ill-gotten goods never prosper.
ne’er made good broth.
Prilika čini lopova. * Prigoda čini lupeža.
Otkini psu rep, pas te pas. # Cut off a dog’s (lat. Occasio facit furem.) # Opportunity makes
tail and he will be a dog still. the thief. * The hole calls the thief.
Prirodu da izgoniš vilama, opet će se na- S đavolom došlo, s đavolom i prošlo. # Ill
trag vratiti. (lat. Naturam expellas furca, tamen gotten, ill spent.
usque recurret.) # You can drive out nature with Zločin se ne isplati. # Crime doesn’t pay.
a pitchfork, but she keeps on coming back. Zlo stečeno - zlo propalo. * Kako došlo,
Što dikla navikla (to nevesta ne odviče).# onako i prošlo. (lat. Male parta male dilabuntur.)
The frog cannot out of her bog. * What is bred # Ill gotten, ill spent.
in the bone will not out of the flesh. * What’s in
the marrow can’t be knocked out of the bone.
Što god maca omaci, ono sve miše lovi. (lat.
Catorum nati sunt mures prendere nati.) # That Lako je odbiti krivicu na mrtvoga. # The
that comes of a cat will catch mice. * The son dead are always wrong.
of the cat pursues the rat. * The son of a cat Odsutni su uvek krivi. # The absent are
pursues the rat. * He that comes of a hen must always in the wrong. * The absent party is
scrape. always to blame. Never were the absent in the
Što se s kim rodilo, od onoga se ne oduči. right.
# What is bred in the bone will come out in the
flesh. * What is learned in the cradle lasts to KUĆA
the grave. Bolje je o svoj astal i loš, nego o tuđ bogat,
Tikva pošla, tikva došla.* Send a fool to the nož otirati.# Dry bread at home is better than
market and a fool he will return again. roast meat abroad.
Vuk dlaku menja ali ćud nikada. (lat. Lupus Bolje je svoje jaje nego tuđa kokoš.# Dry
pilum mutat, non mentem. * Vulpes pilum mutat, bread at home is better than roast meat abro-
non mores.) # The fox changes his skin but not ad..
his habits. * The leopard can never change its Kućica - slobodica. * Dome, slatki dome. # Home,
spots. sweet home.
Zlo drvo zle plodove rađa. * Od zla kota Svagde je dobro, a kod kuće najbolje. # The-
mnogo nakota. * Od zla roda nek nije poroda. re is no place like home.
* Od kamena ništa do kamena. # Of evil grain, Svakoj ptici svoje gnezdo milo.# The bird
no good seed can come. * No good apple on a loves her nest. * To every bird its nest seems
sour stock. fair.

Svoja kućica, svoja slobodica. # A man’s Ko laže, taj i krade. # He that will lie, will
home is his castle. steal. * Show me a liar, and I will show thee a
Svuda pođi, svojoj kući dođi. * Svuda je thief.
proći, al’ je kući doći. # East, west, home’s best. Ko mnogo besedi, mnogo i laže. (lat. Exi-
Zec na svom ležištu gine. # The hare always gua his tribuenda fides, qui multa loquuntur.) #
returns to her form. In many words, the truth goes by. * In many
words, a lie or two may escape.
Lakomac i lažljivac odmah se pogode. #
KUKAVIČLUK The greedy man and the gileynour are soon
Bežanova majka peva, a Stojanova plače. agreed (a gileynour is a cheat).
* Junakova majka najpre zaplače. (lat. Ma- Lažov treba da ima dobro pamćenje. (lat.
ter timidi flere non solet.) # The mother of the Mendacia non diu fallunt.) # A liar should have
coward does not worry about him. a good memory.
Bolje je pošteno umreti nego sramotno ži- Laž se pređe primi nego istina. # A lie can
veti. # Better die with honor than live with sha- go a mile before the truth can put its boots on.
me. Pola istine je cela laž. # Half the truth is of-
Kukavica umire bezbroj puta. # Cowards ten a whole lie.
die often. * Cowards die many times before the- U laži su kratke noge. * U laži je plitko dno.
ir deaths. (“Cowards die many times before their * Laži ne varaju dugo. (lat. Mendacia non diu
deaths.” W. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar.) fallunt.) # The liar is sooner caught than the cri-
pple. * A lie has no legs. * Lies are short-lived. *
A liar can go round the world but cannot come
KVARENJE back. .
Jedna šugava ovca celo stado ošuga. (lat. Žena se uzda u plač, a lupež u laž. * Žena
Ovis unus scabies totum gregem contaminat.) laže suze prosipljući. (Njegoš) # Trust not a wo-
# One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock. * man when she weeps.
One ill weed mars a whole pot of pottage. * One
drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine. *
The rotten apple injures its neighbors. LEK
Ko sa psima leže, pun buva ustane. # If you Klin se klinom izbija. (lat. Cuneus cuneum
lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. trudit.) # One nail drives another. * Fight fire
Ko s decom leži, mokar ustaje. # He who with fire..
goes into a mill comes out powdered. Koji me je pas ujedao, svojom dlakom le-
Ko s đavolom tikve sadi, o glavu mu se lu- čio. # Take a hair of the dog that bit you.
paju. # Do business with the devil and the devil Kome nije veka, nije mu ni leka. # There is
will destroy you. a remedy for all things but death..
Ko se hvali, sam se kvari. (lat. Propria laus Ljuta trava na ljutu ranu. # Desperate cuts
sordet.) # He that praises himself, spatters him- must have desperate cures. * Desperate diseases
self. * A man’s praise in his own mouth stinks. call for desperate remedies.
Ko u mlin uđe, brašnjav iziđe. # He who Od čega je bolest, od toga i lek. # Seek your
goes into a mill comes out powdered. salve where you get your sore. * The hand that
gave the wound must give the cure.
Masna kola ne škripe. # Who greases his
way, travels easily. Od smrti nema leka. # There is a remedy for
all things but death.
Od glave riba smrdi. (lat. Piscis primum a ca-
pite foetet.) # Fish begins to stink at the head. Rana ako se ne izleči, ostaje biljega. # Tho-
ugh the wound be heeled, yet a scar remains.
Svako ima svoju cenu. * Svako se može ku-
piti. # Every man has his price. Slično se sličnim leči. (lat. Similia similibus
curantur.) # Like cures like.
Strpljenje je lek svakom bolu. (lat. Cuivis
LAŽ dolori remedium est patientia.) # Patience is a
Gde laž ruča tu ne večera. # A liar can go remedy for every grief.
round the world but he cannot come back. Svaka bolest ima svoj lek (ali ga ljudi ne
Ko jedanput slaže, drugi put zaludu kaže. * znadu). # There is a remedy for everything, co-
Ko jedanput slaže, drugi put mu se ne veruje uld men find it. * There’s a pill for every ill.
ako i istinu kaže. (lat. Mendaci homini ne verum Svakome zlu smrt je lek. # Death is a re-
quidem dicenti credere solemus.) # He that once medy for all ills.
deceives, is ever suspected. * A liar is not belie- Zlo se zlim tera. # Desperate evils require
ved when he speaks the truth.. desperate remedies.

LEPOTA Vrana vrani oči ne vadi. * Vrag vragu oči

Devojku lice udaje. # Who is born fair is ne vadi. (lat. Cornix cornici nunquam oculos
effodit.) # Hawks will not pick out hawks’ eyes.
born married. * A good face is a letter of recom-
mendation. * A fair face is half a portion. Vuk na vuka ni u gori neće. # Wolves never
prey upon wolves.
Lep je gledati, no kakav je mirisati? # Bea-
uty may have fair leaves, yet bitter fruit.
Lepoj devojci sreća ne manjka. # A fair face
is half a portion. Bolje je biti lud kô svako, no pametan kô
Lepo je ruho i na panju lepo. # Dress up a niko. # Better to be a fool with a crowd than a
stick and it does not appear to be a stick. wise man by oneself.
Lepo lice je nema preporuka. (lat. Formosa Budala kad ćuti, misle da je pametan. (lat.
facies muta commendatio est.) # A good face is a Taciturnitas stulto homini pro sapientia est.) # A
letter of recommendation. fool might be counted wise if he kept his mouth
shut. * Fools are wise as long as silent. * If the
Lepota često vara. # Beauty is only/but skin fool knew how to be silent he could sit amongst
deep. the wise.
Lepa devojka je pola miraza. # A fair face Budale kuće zidaju, a pametni ih kupuju.
is half a portion. # Fools build houses, wise men buy them.
Lepota je prolazna. * Lepota brzo uvene. Budali i bog pomaže. * Budali je sreća na-
# Beauty fades like a flower. * Beauty is a fa- klonjena. (lat. Fortuna favet fatuis.) # Fortune
ding flower. (lat. Forma bonum fragile est.) favors fools..
Od lepote se ne živi. # No one can live on be- Čega se pametan stidi, tim se lud ponosi.
auty. * Beauty won’t make the pot boil. * Pretti- # Wise men wear their horns on their breasts,
ness makes no pottage. fools on their foreheads.
Spolja gladac a iznutra jadac. # Fair wit- Deca, budale i pijani pravdu govore. #
hout, false within. * Gloss covering the dross. * Children and fools speak the truth. Children/
There is a many a fair thing full false. * Strai- Drunkards and fools cannot lie.
ght trees have crooked roots. Imena luda nalaze se svuda. (lat. Nomina
Spolja lep, a unutra slep. # Fair face, foul stultorum semper parietibus instant. # Nomina
heart. stultorum ubique locorum.) # Fool’s names and
fool’s faces are always found in public places. *
LICEMERJE White wall is a fool’s paper.
Kad Bog hoće koga da kazni, najpre mu
Jedno misli, a drugo govori. # Many a one uzme pamet. (lat. Quos deus vult perdere prius
says well that thinks ill. dementat) # Whom God will destroy he first ma-
Kad lisica pridikuje, pazi dobro na guske. kes mad.
# When the fox preaches, then beware your ge- Ko je lud ne budi mu drug. # He is not the
ese. fool that the fool is, but he that with the fool
Na jeziku med a na srcu jed. * Jedno mu je deals. * He has great need of a fool, that plays
na srcu, a drugo na jeziku. * U ustima med, a the fool himself.
u srcu jed. # A honey tongue, a heart of gall. Lako je luda prevariti. # A fool believes
LOJALNOST Ludi boj biju, a mudri vino piju. # Fools
bite one another, but wise men agree together.
Neće svoj na svoga. * Car na cara bez veli- Magarca odvedi i u Jerusalim, on će opet
ke neće. * Svoj svoga nad jamu vodi, al’ opet biti magarac. # Send a donkey to Paris, he’ll
neće u jamu da ga turi. # One doesn’t turn aga- return no wiser than he went.
inst his own. Mladost ludost. * Mlado ludo. # Boys will be
Ne može se sedeti na dve stolice. # Between boys. * Youth will have its fling/swing. * God’s
two stools one falls to the ground. * You cannot lambs will play. * Young colts will canter.
have/keep a foot in both camps. Nema lude kao što je stara luda. # There’s
Ne možete Bogu služiti i mamoni. (Novi za- no fool like an old fool.
vet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 6:24). # You cannot Nije onaj lud koji je devet proja izeo, nego
serve God and Mammon. onaj ko mu je dao. # The fool asks much, but
Niko ne može dva gospodara služiti. (lat. he is more fool that grants it.
Nemo simul dominis par est servire duobus.) # No Pametan čovek menja mišljenje, budala ni-
man can serve two masters. kad. * Samo luda ne menja mišljenje. # A wise
Pas od psa ne jede. # Dog does not eat dog. man changes his mind, a fool never.

Prazno bure većma zveči. (lat. Vasa vacua Ljubav za ljubav, a sir za pare. * Braća ka’
sunt bene sonantia. # Vasa inania multum stre- i braća, ama sir za aspre. # Brotherly love, for
punt.) # An empty barrel makes the most sound. brotherly love, but cheese for money.
* Empty casks make the most noise. * Empty Na silu ljubavi nema. # Love cannot be com-
vessels make the greatest sound. pelled.
Reci ludi da prdne, a on se i posere. # A fool Put do srca vodi preko stomaka. # The way
always rushes to the fore. to a man’s heart is through his stomach/belly.
Samo budala se dva puta saplete o isti ka- Strah je jači od ljubavi. (lat. Si meliores sunt
men. # He that stumbles twice over one stone, quos ducit amor, plures sunt quos corrigit timor.)
deserves to break his shins. * It is a silly fish that # Fear is stronger than love.
is caught twice with the same bait.
U ljubavi i ratu sve je dozvoljeno. # All is
S ludom se ne valja šaliti. # Never joke with fair in love and war.)
a fool.
Što jedan lud baci u bunar, deset pametnih
ne mogu ga izvaditi. # A fool may throw a stone LJUBAZNOST
into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot Ako mu pružiš mali prst, uzeće ti celu ruku.
pull out. * Prst mu samo pruži, uhvatiće te za celu šaku.
Što jedan lud zamrsi, sto mudrih ne mogu # (If you) give him an inch, he’ll take a mile/
razmrsiti. * Što lud pomisli, more ponet’ ne yard. * Give a clown your finger, and he will
može. * Što ludi zaludi, sto mudrih ne leče. # A take your hand.
fool may ask more questions in an hour than a Dobra reč ne košta novaca. # A good word
wise man can answer in seven years. costs no more than a bad one. * Good words
Tikva pošla, tikva došla. # Send a fool to the cost nought. * Good words are good cheap. *
market and a fool he will return again. Fair words hurt not the mouth.
U toj ludosti ima sistema. # There is method Lepa reč gvozdena vrata otvara. (lat. Vin-
in this madness. “POLONIUS: Though this be cuntur molli pectora dura prece.) # Courtesy
madness, yet there’s method in’t” (W. Shakespe- opens many doors. * There is great force hid-
are, Hamlet, Act 2, scene 2.) den in a sweet command. * A kind word goes a
long way.
LUKAVOST Pusti petla na prag, popeće se i na policu.
Kad lisica pridikuje, pazi dobro na guske. * Pusti koku na policu, ona će i na stolicu. *
# When the fox preaches, then beware your ge- Pusti muvu na dlan, a muva u brke. # Let an
ese. ill man lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy
Kad s lukavim čovekom posla imaš, pazi
na sebe. # If you deal with a fox, think of his Umiljato jagnje dve ovce sisa. # Honey cat-
tricks. ches more flies than vinegar. * Kindness is the
noble weapon to conquer with.
Kašalj, šuga i ašikovanje ne mogu se sakri-
ti. (lat. Nec amor nec tussis celatur. * Amor tu- Bolje išta nego ništa. # Half a loaf is better
ssisque non celatur.) # Love and a cough cannot than none (a bread). * Better are small fish,
be hid. than an empty dish. * Better something than
Ko ima sreće u kartama, nema u ljubavi. # nothing.
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. Bolji je i crn kolač nego prazna torba. # A
Ko se voli, taj se kara.* Lovers’ quarrels are crust is better than no bread. * Better some of a
soon mended. pudding than none of a pie.
Ljubav je puna meda i jeda. (lat. Amor et Čak i vlas ima svoju senku. (lat. Vel capillus
melle et felle fecundissimus.) # Of honey and habet umbram suam.) # No hair so small but has
gall in love there is store. his shadow.
Ljubav je slepa. (lat. Nemo in amore videt.) I u buhe žuč ima. (lat. Et musca splenem ha-
# Love is blind. (“Love is blind, and lovers ca- bet et formica bilem.) # The fly has her spleen,
nnot see/The pretty follies that themselves com- and the ant has her gall. * Even a worm will
mit” (W. Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, Act turn.
2, scene 6.) Iz drače ruža se rađa. # Great oaks from
Ljubav sve pobeđuje. (lat. Amor vincit little acorns grow. * Small is the seed of every
omnia.) # Love conquers all. greatness.

Mala lađa malo plovi, širokom dupetu Ne padaju pečene ševe s neba. * Ne padaju
muda mere. # Little fishes slip through nets, but s neba pečene mušmule. # Roast pigeons don’t
great fishes are taken. fly into one’s mouth.
Malena je tica prepelica, al’ umori konja i Ne raste novac na drveću. # Money doesn’t
junaka. * I malo (čega) može puno vredeti. # grow on trees.
A little (something) goes a long way. Pregaocu i Bog pomaže. # Do the likeliest,
Malen lončić brzo pokipi. # A little pot is and God will do the best. * God is a good wor-
soon hot. * Short folk are soon angry. * Short ker, but he likes to be helped.
folk’s heart is soon at their mouth. Radi kao da ćeš sto godina živeti, a moli se
Mnogo zrna gomilu načine. (lat. Adde pa- Bogu kao da ćeš sutra umreti. # Labor as long
rum parvo, modicum superadde pusillo tempore lived, pray as ever dying.
sic parvo magnus acervus erit.) # Many a little
Radi pa ću ti i ja pomoći, veli Gospod Bog.
makes a mickle. * Many a mickle makes a muc-
kle. # We must not lie down and cry, ‘God help us’.
* For a web begun God sends the thread * Do
Neće grom u koprive. # An unimportant the likeliest, and God will do the best.
person is not bothered. * The little fellow gets
by. Veselo srce kudelju prede. # Not a long day,
Od pruta biva veliko drvo. # Every oak has but a good heart rids work.
been an acorn.
Stotinu malih čine jedno veliko. # Many MEŠANJE U TUĐE POSLOVE
small make a great. Koga ne svrbi nek se ne češe. # The stone
Zrno po zrno pogača, kamen do kamena that lies not in your gate breaks not your toes.
palača. # Grain by grain, and the hen fills her Ko meće prst među tuđa vrata, otkinuće
belly. * A pin a day is a groat a year. * Many a
mu. # Put not thy hand between the bark and
pickle makes a mickle * Penny and penny laid
up will be. the tree.
Ko tuđ posao gleda, svoj zaboravlja. # The
MARLJIVOST stone that lies not in your gate breaks not your
Ako ne baciš uz vodu, ne čekaj ništa niz Ne budi svakom loncu zaklopac. * Ne budi
vodu. # If you put nothing in your purse, you svakoj tici kobac. # Skeer your own fire (skeer
can take nothing out. means rake out). * Enquire not what boils in
Bez muke nema nauke. # No pains, no ga- another’s pot.
ins. * There is no royal road to learning. Ne niči gde te ne siju. # Come not to coun-
Ko leti hladuje, zimi gladuje. * Ko leti plan- sel uncalled. * Meddle not with another man’s
duje, zimi gladuje. # They must hunger in frost matter.
that will not work in heat.
Sebi ruke đevere, tuđa je snaša. # Hands off
Ko ne skvasi guzice, ne uhvati ribice. # He of someone else’s man.
who would catch the fish must not mind getting
wet. Svoj leb jede, tuđu brigu vodi. # Don’t medd-
le in other’s affairs. * He likes to poke/push/stick
Ko se dima ne nadimi, taj se vatre ne na-
greja. # There is no fire without some smoke. his nose into someone else’s business.
Ko se motikom ne nabusa, taj se hleba ne Što popuješ, kad pop nisi? # Come not to
nakusa. # If you won’t work you shan’t eat. * counsel uncalled.
He that would have the fruit, must climb the
tree. MIR
Ko radi, ne boji se gladi. # At the Bolje s mirom nego s čirom. # He that will
workingman’s house, hunger looks in, but da-
not have peace, God gives him war.
res not enter. * Where bees are, there is honey.
* Plough deep, while slugggards sleep, and you Bolji je i mršav mir nego debeo proces.
shall have corn to sell and to keep. * Diligence (lat. Melior tutiorque pax quam incerta victoria.) #
is the mother of good fortune. Better a lean peace than a fat victory.
Nema hleba bez motike. # No bees, no ho- Ko vraga svećom traži, taj će ga i naći. # He
ney; no work, no money. * No sweet without that seeks trouble never misses.
sweat. * If you won’t work you shan’t eat. Nesreću ne treba zvati. (lat. Mala vel invoca-
Nema očevine bez krčevine. # He that would ta veniunt.)# Mischief comes without calling it.
have the fruit, must climb the tree. Vojnici su u mirno doba kao furune u ljeto.
Nema raka bez mokrijeh gaća. # He who # Soldiers in peace are like chimneys in sum-
would catch the fish must not mind getting wet. mer.

Vrag ne spava. # The devil never sleeps. * Bolje je sa pameću nego sa snagom. # Wis-
Evil never rests. dom is better than strength.
Želiš li mir, spremaj se za rat. (lat. Si vis Brada narasla a pamet ne donela. * Zaludu
pacem, para bellum.) # If you want peace, you je lepa brada kad je slaba glava. # The brains
must prepare for war. don’t lie in the beard.
Budale kuće zidaju, a pametni ih kupuju. #
MIŠLJENJE Fools build houses, wise men buy them.
Čega se pametan stidi, tim se lud ponosi.
Pametan čovek menja mišljenje, budala ni- # Wise men wear their horns on their breasts,
kad. * Samo luda ne menja mišljenje. # A wise fools on their foreheads.
man changes his mind, a fool never. Iskustvo je majka mudrosti. # Experience is
the mother of wisdom..
MLADOST Jezik neka ne ide ispred pameti. # Let not
thy tongue run away with thy brains.
Bolje je sa starim papati nego s mladim
plakati. * Bolje je starcu godine brojati, nego Ko mudro muči, lepo govori. (lat. Si tacu-
s mladim gladovati. # Better be an old man’s isses, philosophus mansisses.) # A still tongue
darling than a young man’s slave. makes a wise head. * He is wise that speaks li-
Ko se ne muči u mladosti, kuku mu u staro-
Ludi boj biju, a mudri vino piju. # Fools
sti! # An idle youth, a needy age. * Young idler,
bite one another, but wise men agree together.
an old beggar. * A young man idle, an old man
needy. Mudriji si kad ćutiš. (lat. Si tacuisses, phi-
losophus mansisses.) # He is wise that speaks
Mlad može, a star mora umreti. # Young little.
man may die, but old must die.
Mudroj glavi jedno oko dosta. # A nod is as
Mladost ludost. * Mlado ludo. # Boys will be good as a wink (to a blind horse).
boys. * Youth will have its fling/swing. * God’s
Mudrome je i pola uha dosta. (lat. Sapienti
lambs will play. * Young colts will canter.
sat.) # Half a word is enough for a wise man..
Mladost ne traje večito. * Samo jednom si Nevolja svačemu čoveka nauči. * Čovek je
mlad. # You’re only young once. * Youth comes u nevolji dosetljiv. (lat. Necessitas rationum in-
but once in a lifetime ventrix. * Mater artium necessitas.) # Necessity
Mlađem na volju, a sebi na nevolju. # He is the mother of invention. * Adversity comes
that cockers his child, provides for his enemy. * with instruction in its hand. * Trouble brings
Better children weep than old men. experience.
Pitaće te starost gde ti je bila mladost. # An Pametan čovek menja mišljenje, budala ni-
idle youth, a needy age. * If youth knew what kad. * Samo luda ne menja mišljenje. # A wise
age would crave, it would both get and save. man changes his mind, a fool never.
Više je jagnjećih koža na pazaru nego ov- Pametniji popušta. # Discretion is the better
čijih. * Igla će probosti pre mladu kožu nego part of valor. (“FALSTAFF: The better part of va-
staru. # Sooner goes the young lamb’s skin to lour is discretion; in the which better part, I have
the market than the old ewe’s. saved my life”, W. Shakespeare, I Henry IV, act
Ženiti se mlad rano je, a star dockan je. #A 5, scene 4.)
young man should not marry yet, an old man Pametnom je jedna dovoljna. (lat. Verbum
not at all. sat sapienti.) # A word to the wise is enough/
MRŽNJA Pametnu čoveku sudbina pomaže, a buda-
lu vuče za rukav. * Onoga koga hoće sudbina
Bolje je jelo od zelja gde je ljubav nego od vodi, a onoga koga neće, vuče. (lat. Ducunt vo-
vola ugojena gde je mržnja. (Novi zavet, Priče lentem fata, nolentem trahunt.) # Fate leads the
Solomunove 15:17) # Better a dinner of herbs willing, but drives the stubborn.
where love is than a stalled ox where hate is. Što jedan lud baci u bunar, deset pametnih
Mrzna narav prijatelja ne teče. # Hatred ne mogu ga izvaditi. # A fool may throw a stone
with friends is succour to foes. into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot
pull out.
MUDROST Što jedan lud zamrsi, sto mudrih ne mogu
razmrsiti. * Što lud pomisli, more ponet’ ne
Bolje je biti lud kô svako, no pametan kô može. * Što ludi zaludi, sto mudrih ne leče. # A
niko. # Better to be a fool with a crowd than a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a
wise man by oneself. wise man can answer in seven years.

Um caruje, snaga klade valja. # Skill will Tute hoc intristi: tibi omne est exedendum.) # As
accomplish what is denied to force. * Brain is you bake so shall you eat. * As you brew so shall
better than brawn. * Skill is better than stren- you drink.
gth. * Using our brains is often wiser than de- Ko hoće samleti, treba zasuti. # He that will
pending on our strength. eat the kernel, must crack the nut.
Ko priznaje, pola mu se prašta. # A fault
MUKA confessed is half redressed/forgiven. * A fault
admitted is a fault mitigated.
Dok se ne namuči, donde se ne nauči. # No
Ko što čini, to i dočeka. # The deed comes
man better knows what good is than he who has
back upon the doer. * After your fling, watch
endured evil.
for the sting..
Lako je naučiti, no je muka odučiti. # It is
hard to break a hog of an ill custom.
Na muci se poznaju junaci. # Calamity is NAKNADNA PAMET
the touchstone of a brave mind. * Adversity is Da mi je pamet s vašara kad idem na vašar.
the touchstone of virtue. # If things were to be done twice, all would be
Nije došlo vreme da poginemo, nego da vi- wise.
dimo ko je kakav. # Adversity is the touchstone Dockan, kume, po podne u crkvu. # It’s too
of virtue. late to shut the stable door after the horse has
Što muči, uči. (lat. Quod nocet, saepe docet.) bolted. * There is no use in closing the barn
# Adversity comes with instruction in its hand. door after the horse is stolen.
Kad se kola slome puteva dosta. # It is easy
NADA to be wise after the event. * A word before is
worth two behind.
Davljenik se i za slamku hvata. * Kad čovek Kasno stiže Janko na Kosovo. # It’s too late
tone, i za vrelo se gvožđe hvata. * Ko se topi, to shut the stable door after the horse has bol-
hvata se za pjenu. (P. P. Njegoš, Gorski vijenac) ted. * There is no use in closing the barn door
# A drowning man will clutch at a straw. after the horse is stolen.
Dok je života, dotle je i nade. * Dok je veka, Posle bitke svi su generali. # It is easy to be
dotle je leka. (lat. Dum spiro, spero. * Aegroto wise after the event. * When the child is christe-
dum anima est, spes esse dicitur.) # While there’s ned, you may have godfathers enough.
life, there’s hope. Posle boja kopljem u trnje. # Counsel is ir-
Kako sam se nadala, dobro sam se udala. # You ksome, when the matter is past remedy. * When
could go a lot farther and fare a lot worse. * a thing is done, advice comes too late.
Nothing so bad but it might have been worse. Posle kiše japundže ne treba. # Have not thy
cloak to make when it begins to rain. * Thach
NAGRADA your roof before the rain begins.
Ako ne baciš uz vodu, ne čekaj ništa niz Potonja pamet magarcu pod rep. # Counsel
vodu. # If you put nothing in your purse, you is irksome, when the matter is past remedy.
can take nothing out..
Kako je radio onako je i prošao. # The deed NAMERA
comes back upon the doer. Namera dug naplaćuje. # It’s the thought
Kako poseješ, onako ćeš i požnjeti. * Što that counts.
poseješ, to ćeš i požnjeti. (Novi zavet, Galatima Put u pakao je popločan dobrim namera-
poslanica 6:7) # As you sow you shall reap. * As ma. # The road to hell is paved with good in-
you sow, so you reap. tentions.
Kako prostreš, onako ćeš i ležati. # As you
make your bed, so you must lie on it.
Kako radiš, tako ćeš imati. * Kako radila, NAVIKA
tako se hranila. * Kako ko radi, onako i pro- Lako je naučiti, no je muka odučiti. # It is
lazi. # Self do, self have. * Deserve success and hard to break a hog of an ill custom.
it will come. Navika je druga priroda. (lat. Usus est altera
Kakvo seme poseješ, onako ćeš i žito vrći. natura. * Consuetudo quasi altera natura est.) #
(lat. Ut sementem feceris, ita metes.) # What Habit is a second nature.
sower a man sows, that shall he reap. Navika je jedna muka, a odvika dve. (lat.
Kako udrobiš, onako ćeš i kusati. * Kakvu Gravissimum est imperium consuetudinis.) # Old
ko pitu želi jesti, onakve i jufke razvija. (lat. habits die hard.

Što dikla navikla (to nevesta ne odviče). # The NEPOZNATO

frog cannot out of her bog. * What is bred in the Bolje je znano s manom nego neznano s fa-
bone will not out of the flesh. * What’s in the lom. # Better the devil you know than the devil
marrow can’t be knocked out of the bone. you don’t know. * The bad which is well known
is better than the good unknown.
NEKRITIČNOST Od znana zelja glava ne boli. # Better known
than trusted.
Gde koga svrbi onde se i češe. # Scratch (it)
where it itches.
Kad svi kažu da si pijan, lezi pa se valjaj. NEPRAVDA
# When all men say you are an ass, it is time to Bolje je nepravo trpeti, nego nepravo činiti.
bray. * If one, two, or three tell you you are an (lat. Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam.) #
ass, put on a bridle. Better suffer ill than do ill.
Koga svrbi, nek se češe. * Pčela mu za klo- Dva loša ubiše Miloša. (lat. Nec Hercules co-
bukom. # If the shoe/cap fits, wear it. uld contend against two.) # Not even Hercules
Ko se hvali, sam se kvari. (lat. Propria laus could contend against two.
sordet.) # He that praises himself, spatters him- Jača su dvojica nego sam Radojica. # Two
self. * A man’s praise in his own mouth stinks. to one is odds. * Many dogs may easily worry
Oči svašta vide, a sebe ne vide. # The eye one hare.
that sees all things else sees not itself. * Men are Ko ima, daće mu se. # He that has plenty of
blind in their own cause. goods shall have more.
Rugala se ruga rugi. # The hunchback Ko se svojim pravom koristi, nikome ne čini
does not see his own hump, but sees his nepravdu. pravna izreka (Qui iure suo utitur, ne-
companion’s. mini facit inuriam.) # Right wrongs no man.
Rugao se bakrač loncu. (lat. “Vae tibi ni- Najveće pravo često je najveća nepravda.
grae!” dicebat caccabus ollae.) * Rugao se lonac pravna izreka (lat. Summum ius, summa iniuria.)
tendžeri. * Smejala se kuka krivom drvetu. * # Extreme justice is extreme injustice.
Rugala se sova senici: “Idi kučko glavata!” Najgore prase najbolju krušku dobije. # The
#The pot calls the kettle black. * The frying pan worst hog often gets the best pear. * Into the mo-
said to the kettle, ‘Avaunt, black brows!’ uth of a bad dog often falls a good bone.
Svak ispred svoje kuće neka mete. # Everyo- Nekome slama tone, a nekome olovo pluta.
ne should sweep before his own door. * Sweep # Some have the hap, some stick in the gap.
in front of your own door first. Život je pun nepravdi. # Life is unfair.
U tuđem oku vidi slamku, a u svome grede
ne vidi. * Vidi tuđu dlaku a svoga brvna ne NEPRIJATELJ
vidi. (Novi zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 7:3)# You Bolji je otvoreni neprijatelj nego lažni pri-
can see a mote in another’s eye but cannot see a jatelj. # Better an open enemy than a false fri-
beam in your own. * The hunchback does not end.
see his own hump, but sees his companion’s. Čovek je često sam sebi najveći neprija-
telj. (lat. Saepe nihil inimicius homini quam ipse
NEMOGUĆNOST sibi.) # Every man is his own worst enemy.
Bez alata nema zanata. # You can’t make Čuvaj se Danajaca i kad ti darove nose!
bricks without straw. (lat. Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.) # Fear the
Greeks, even when they bring gifts! * Beware of
Iz ničega ništa ne postaje. (lat. E nihilo ni- Greeks bearing gifts! (Virgil, Aeneid II, 49).
hil.) # Nothing comes of nothing.
Neprijatelja koji beži, ne teraj. # For a fl-
Kad se hoće, sve se može. # Where there’s a ying enemy make a golden bridge.
will, there’s a way. * Nothing is impossible to a Ne veruj novom prijatelju koliko ni starom
willing heart. neprijatelju. # Trust not a new friend nor an old
Ne može se biti malo trudna. # One can’t be enemy. * Sudden friendship, sure repentance..
a little pregnant. * A miss is as good as a mile. Sačuvaj me, Bože, od prijatelja, a od nepri-
Ne može se iscediti voda iz stare drenovine. jatelja ću se sam čuvati. * Čuvaj ti mene od
# You can’t get blood out of stone. svoga, a od tuđega ću se ja sam (čuvati).# God
Ne možeš sa sobom u grob poneti. # You defend me from my friends; from my enemies I
can’t take it with you when you die. can defend myself.

Teško onom ko zlotvora nema. (lat. Miserri- Ko traži veće, izgubi i ono iz vreće. # Grasp
ma est fortuna quae inimicis caret.)# If you have all, lose all. * You could go (a lot) further and
no enemies, it’s a sign fortune has forgot you. fare (a lot) worse. * If you run after two hares,
you will catch neither.
NEPRIKLADNOST Ko u jedan put mnogo ište, s praznom se
Biser ne valja pred svinje bacati. (Novi za- torbom kući vraća. # Covetousness breaks the
vet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 7:6 # lat. Margaritas sack. * Covetousness is always filling a botto-
ante porcos mittere.) # Do not cast your pearls mless vessel.
before swine. * Caviar to the general. (“I heard Ko više ima, više mu se hoće. (lat. Qui mul-
thee speak a speech once, but it was never acted... tum habet, plus cupit.) # The more you get, the
for the play pleased not the million; ‘twas caviare more you want. * Much would have more.
to the general...” W. Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 2,
scene 2.)
Majmun je majmun, ako ćeš ga u kakve
haljine oblačiti. (lat. Simia semper simia est, eti- Dok se ne namuči, donde se ne nauči. # No
amsi aurea gestet insignia) # An ape’s an ape, a man better knows what good is than he who has
varlet’s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or endured evil.
scarlet. Jedna nevolja vuče drugu. # Failure feeds
Nije za ćelava češalj. # Don’t comb your on itself.
hair if you are bold. Lako je podnositi tuđu nesreću. * Lako je
Obuci svilu na svinju, a svinja ka’ i svinja. tuđim rukama za vrelo gvožđe hvatati. # It is
# Wash a pig, scent a pig; a pig still is a pig. * easy to bear the misfortunes of others.
Though the fox wear silk, he is still a fox. * An Na muci se poznaju junaci. # Calamity is
ape’s an ape, a varlet’s a varlet, though they be the touchstone of a brave mind. * Adversity is
clad in silk or scarlet. the touchstone of virtue.
Zna svinja šta je dinja. (lat. Margaritas ante Nesreća nikad ne dolazi sama. (lat. Calami-
porcos.) # A pig used to dirt turns up its nose tas nulla sola.) # Misfortunes never come singly.
at rice boiled in milk. * Honey is not for ass’s * Troubles come double. * It never rains but it
mouth. * Caviar to the general. pours.
Nevolja svačemu čoveka nauči. * Čovek je
NESAVRŠENOST u nevolji dosetljiv. (lat. Necessitas rationum in-
Ako je dimnjak nakrivo, upravo dim izlazi. ventrix. * Mater artium necessitas.) # Necessity
# Crooked logs make straight fires. is the mother of invention. * Adversity comes
Grešiti je ljudski. (lat. Errare humanum est.) with instruction in its hand. * Trouble brings
# To err is human. experience.
I patak na ledu posrne. # He stands not su- Nijedno zlo ne dolazi bez velike prćije. # Ill
rely that never slips. comes often on the back of the worse. * Of one
Ko radi, taj i greši. # He who makes no mi- ill come many.
stakes, makes nothing. Nije došlo vreme da poginemo, nego da vi-
Nema žita bez kukolja. * U svakom žitu dimo ko je kakav. # Adversity is the touchstone
ima kukolja. # No garden without its weeds. of virtue.
Ni drveta bez grane, ni čoveka bez mane. # Every Pravi prijatelj se u nevolji poznaje. (lat.
man has his faults. * Every man has his weak Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.) # A friend
side. in need is a friend indeed.
Niko nije bezgrešan. # He is lifeless that is Prijatelj se u nevolji poznaje kao zlato u va-
faultless. * No man is infallible. tri. # Real friendship does not freeze in winter.
Niko nije savršen. # Nobody is perfect. Svaka sila za vremena, a nevolja redom ide.
Svi smo mi krvavi pod kožom. * Niko nije * Svačija je bila do vremena a božija do veka. # For-
svetac. # We are all only human. tune is weary to carry one and the same man
U svakom hlebu ima mekinja. # There’s always. * It is a long lane that has no turning.
always a bad egg in every crowd. * There is a Svaka šteta uči čoveka pameti. # Adversity
black sheep in every flock. comes with instruction in its hand.
Svakome je njegova nevolja najteža.# Every
NEUMERENOST horse thinks its own pack heaviest. * Every one
Ko dva zeca goni, nijednog ne uhvati. (lat. thinks his sack heaviest.
Lepores duos qui insequitur is neutrum capit.)# If Svakome je njegov krst najteži. # To everyo-
you run after two hares, you will catch neither. ne his own cross is heaviest.

Što muči, uči. (lat. Quod nocet, saepe docet.) Ko nije video crkve, i peći se klanja. # He
# Adversity comes with instruction in its hand. that never ate flesh, thinks a pudding a dainty.
U dobru je lako dobar biti, na muci se po- Neznanje je majka drskosti. (lat. Inscitia
znaju junaci. # Prosperity makes friends, ad- mater arrogantiae.) # Ignorance is the mother of
versity tries them. * Friends are made in wine impudence.
and proved in tears. Što oči ne vide, srce ne plače. # What the eye
U dobru se ne ponesi, a u zlu se ne ponizi. doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.
(lat. In secundis nemo confidat, in adversis nemo Što oko ne vidi, srce ne zaželi. # What the
deficiat.) # If rich, be not elated; if poor, be not eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t crave for.
dejected. * Of thy sorrow be not too sad, of thy Zna svinja šta je dinja. (lat. Margaritas ante
joy be not too glad. * Do not get conceited when porcos.) # A pig used to dirt turns up its nose
things go well, and do not be down when things at rice boiled in milk. * Honey is not for ass’s
go badly. mouth. * Caviar to the general.
U nevolji čovek ne bira prijatelje. # Adver-
sity makes strange bedfellows. NOVO
U nevolji je svaka pomoć dobrodošla. # Any
port in a storm. Ne stavljaj novo vino u stare bačve. (Novi
U nevolji se vidi ko ti je prijatelj. # A friend zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 9:17) # Don’t put/
is never known till a man have need.. pour new wine in old bottles.
U zlu se čovek ogleda kakav je. # Adversity Ne veruj novom prijatelju koliko ni starom
is the touchstone of virtue. neprijatelju. # Trust not a new friend nor an old
enemy. * Sudden friendship, sure repentance.
Zlato se u vatri probira a čovek u nesreći.
(lat. Igni aurum probatur, miseria fortes.) # Gold Ništa novo pod kapom nebeskom. * Ništa
is tried in the fire. nije novo na svetu. (Stari zavet, Knjiga propo-
vednikova 1:9; lat. Nil novi sub sole. * Nihil sub
sole novum.) # There is nothing new under the
Bolje je svoje jaje nego tuđa kokoš. # Dry
bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. NUŽDA
Ko se tuđim kolima vozi, neće daleko stići.
# He who depends on another dines ill and sups Kad se mora, drage volje. # When you must,
worse. you better. * Needs must when the devil drives.
Kome svet kroji kapu, onaj ide bez kape. # Nevolja svačemu čoveka nauči. * Čovek je
He who depends on another dines ill and sups u nevolji dosetljiv. (lat. Necessitas rationum in-
worse. ventrix. # Mater artium necessitas.) # Necessity
is the mother of invention. * Adversity comes
Tuđa ruka svrab ne češe. * Tuđi nokti svra-
with instruction in its hand. * Trouble brings
ba ne češu. # If you want a thing well done, do it
yourself. * If thou thyself canst do it, attend no
other help or hand. * If you don’t help yourself, Nužda zakon menja. * Potreba zakona
nobody will. nema. (lat. Necessitas non habet legem. * Nece-
ssitas caret lege.) # Necessity knows no law.
U se i u svoje kljuse. # Self do, self have * If
you would be well served, serve yourself. * Put Što se mora, mora. # If you must, you must.
youur trust in God and keep your powwder dry. * What must be, must be. * It has to be. * What
can’t be cured must be endured.
Znam ja u koju nogu hramljem. * Svak
svojoj kapi zna ćud. # Every man is best known Što se mora, nije teško. # Having no choice
to himself. make it easier.

Ako slepac vodi slepca, obadva će u jamu Kraljevska se ne poriče. * Carska se ne po-
pasti. # If the blind lead the blind, both shall riče. * Što car reče, to se ne pogovara. # The
fall into the ditch. king’s word is worth more than another man’s
Bolje je ništa ne znati nego kojekako. # oath.
Better know nothing than half-know many Obećanje je teško dugovanje. * Obećano,
things. * A little knowledge/learning is a dan- kao dato. # Promise is debt.
gerous thing. Obećanje, ludom radovanje. (lat. Laetificat
Ćorav slepog vodi. # The blind leading the stultum, qui scit promittere multum.) # Promises
blind. are like pie-crust, made to be broken. * Trust

not fine promises. * Men apt to promise are apt world goes to wreck. * Everybody’s business is
to forget. nobody’s business.
Pas rekao, pas porekao. # A man apt to pro- Kad ne zna levica šta radi desnica. # When
mise, is apt to forget. the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand
Pri muci trista, po muci ništa. # Vows made is doing.
in storms are forgotten in calms. Kako prostreš, onako ćeš i ležati. # As you
Vo se veže za rogove, a čovek za reč. * make your bed, so you must lie on it.
Čovek se veže za jezik, a vo za rogove. * Vola Kako udrobiš, onako ćeš i kusati. * Kakvu
za rog, a čoveka za jezik. (lat. Verba ligant ho- ko pitu želi jesti, onakve i jufke razvija. (lat.
mines, taurorum cornua funes.) # An ox is taken Tute hoc intristi: tibi omne est exedendum.) # As
by the horns, and a man by his word. you bake so shall you eat. * As you brew so shall
you drink.
Kakvo seme poseješ, onako ćeš i žito vrći.
(lat. Ut sementem feceris, ita metes.) # What
Bolje je verovati svojim očima nego tuđim sower a man sows, that shall he reap.
rečima. # Believe nothing of what you hear Ko se pravda, taj samoga sebe optužuje.
and only half of what you see. (lat. Dum excusare credis, accusas.) # He who
Očima valja više verovati nego ušima. # See- excuses himself, accuses himself.
ing is believing. Kuća gori, a Mara se češlja. # You can’t
Oči su ogledalo duše. # The eyes are the mi- fiddle while Rome burns. informal
rror of the soul/mind/heart. Na vuka povika a lisice meso jedu. * Na
kurjaka vika a lisice meso jedu. * Na vuka
ODEĆA vika a iza vuka lisice vuku. # One does the sca-
the, and another takes the scorn. (‘scathe’ me-
Lepo je ruho i na panju lepo. # Dress up a ans ‘harm’)
stick and it does not appear to be a stick. Od glave riba smrdi. (lat. Piscis primum a ca-
Majmun je majmun, ako ćeš ga u kakve pite foetet.) # Fish begins to stink at the head.
haljine oblačiti. (lat. Simia semper simia est, eti- Odsutni su uvek krivi. # The absent are
amsi aurea gestet insignia) # An ape’s an ape, a always in the wrong. * The absent party is
varlet’s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or always to blame. * Never were the absent in the
scarlet. right.
Mantija ne čini kaluđera. (lat. Cucullus non Rđavoj kobili samar dosadi. # The losing
facit monachum.) # The cowl does not make the horse blames the saddle * It’s a poor workman
monk. who quarrels with his tools. * A bad workman
Obuci svilu na svinju, a svinja ka’ i svinja. always blames his tools. * A bad shearer never
# Wash a pig, scent a pig; a pig still is a pig. * had a good sickle.
Though the fox wear silk, he is still a fox. * An Svačije kao ničije. # A pot that belon-
ape’s an ape, a varlet’s a varlet, though they be gs to many is ill stirred and worse boiled. *
clad in silk or scarlet. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
Odelo ne čini čoveka. # Clothes do not make Svako će se pile svojim zrnom zadaviti. *
the man. Svaka ptica od svog kljuna gine. # Let every
Poznaje se ptica po perju. # Fine feathers sheep hang by his own shank. * Every herring
make fine birds. must hang by its own gill.
Svako je kovač svoje sreće. (lat. Faber est
ODGOVORNOST, NEODGOVORNOST suae quisque fortunae.)# Every man is the archi-
tect of his own fortune. * Every man is the son
Gde je mnogo babica kilava su deca. * Sto of his own works.
babica ‑ kilavo dete. * Gde je mnogo maja, tu Što god ko čini, sebi čini. * Što god ko čini,
je malo jaja. # Too many cooks spoil the broth. sve sebi. * Što god ko delje, sve preda nj pada.
* The more cooks the worse the pottage. * Što ko radi ono će i patiti. # That which a
Gde je više repova, tu je manje glava. # A man causes to be done, he does himself. * Every
pot that belongs to many is ill stirred and wor- man is the son of his own works.
se boiled. * That voyage never has luck where Teško kući gde su svi pametni. # There is no
each one has a vote. good accord, where every man would be a lord.
Gde se mnogi pletu, zamrsi se posao. # The- * Where grooms and householders are all ali-
re is no good accord, where every man would ke great, very disastrous will it be for the house
be a lord. * Where every man is master, the and all that dwell in them.

ODLAGANJE Što možeš da uradiš danas, ne ostavljaj za

Ne lipši magarče do zelene trave. * Ne lipši sutra. * Što se danas može učiniti, sutra je doc-
magarče dok trava naraste. # While the grass kan. * Što će biti jesenas, neka bude večeras.
grows, the horse starves. # Never put off till tomorrow what you can do
today. * Never leave till tomorrow what you can
Što možeš da uradiš danas, ne ostavljaj za do today.
sutra. * Što se danas može učiniti, sutra je doc-
kan. * Što će biti jesenas, neka bude večeras.
# Never put off till tomorrow what you can do ODSUTNOST
today. * Never leave till tomorrow what you can Daleko od očiju, daleko od srca. (lat. Cum
do today. autem sublatus fuerit ab oculis, etiam cito transit
e mente.) # Out of sight, out of mind. * Far from
ODLUKA eye far from heart.
Ako nećeš ti, hoće druga tri. # If one will Gde mačke nema tu miševi kolo vode. *
not, another will. Kad mačka kod kuće nije, onda se miši vesele.
(lat. Dum felis dormit, mus gaudet et exsilit an-
Ako ne možemo kako hoćemo, a mi ćemo tro.)* When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
kako možemo. # He that may not do as he wo-
uld, must do as he may. Kad ga vidi, onda ga se i seti.* Long absent,
soon forgotten.
Bolje je danas jaje nego sutra kokoš. * Bo-
lje danas pet nego sutra šest. * Bolje danas Koga nema bez njega se može. * Koga nema
pečena ševa nego sutra ćurka. # Better an egg bez njega i bolje. * Niko nije nezamenljiv. # No
today than a hen tomorrow. one is irreplaceable/indispensable. * Those who
are absent are not missed. # Long absent, soon
Ili kuj il’ ne mrči gaća! * Ja budi majstor, ja forgotten..
ne prljaj ruku. # Fish or cut bait!
Koga nema na delu, nema mu ni dela. # The
Ko brzo sudi, brzo se i kaje. (lat. Ad paeni- absent saint gets no candle.
tendum properat cito qui iudicat.) # He that pa-
sses judgment as he runs, overtakes repentance. Odsutni su uvek krivi. # The absent are
* He that soon deemeth, soon repenteth. always in the wrong. * The absent party is
always to blame. * Never were the absent in the
Kocka je bačena. (lat. Alea iacta est.) # The right.
die is cast/thrown.
Ko propusti priliku, i ona će njega. (lat.
Qui deserit occasionem, deseritur ab occasione.) OGOVARANJE
# Opportunity seldom knocks twice. * When Gde ima dima ima i vatre. (lat. Non est fu-
fortune smiles, embrace her. * Opportunitiy mus absque igne.) * Gde se god puši, onde vatre
knocks but once. ima. * Uzalud vrane ne gaču. * Bez vetra gora
Ko se boji vrabaca nek ne sije proje. * Ko se ne njiše. # There is no smoke without fire. *
se mraza boji, nek ne sadi vinograda. # If you No smoke without fire. * Where there’s smoke
don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen. * If there’s fire.
you can’t stand the heat, keep out of the kit- I zidovi imaju uši. # The walls have ears.
chen. Ko besedi šta hoće, mora slušati šta neće.
Kom(e) obojci, kom(e) opanci. # Let the # He that speaks the thing he should not, hears
chips fall where they may. the thing he would not. * He who says what he
Ne seci granu na kojoj sediš. # Don’t saw off likes shall hear what he doesn’t like. * He that
the branch you are sitting on. * Don’t cut the speaks lavishly shall hear as knavishly.
bough you are standing on. Ne bi kriv ko vide, no ko pripovide. * Ne bi
Oženi se na brzinu, kajaćeš se natenene. # kriv ko prde, već ko ču. # Were there no hea-
Marry in haste, repent at leisure. rers, there would be no backbiters.
Probirač nađe otirač. # A maiden with many Psi laju, vetar nosi. * Psi laju, karavan pro-
woers often chooses the worst. lazi. # Gossips are frogs, they drink and talk. *
Rečeno, učinjeno. lat. Dictum factum) # No The dogs bark, but the caravan goes. * Words
sooner said than done. and feathers the wind carries away.
Starije je jutro od večeri. # An hour in the Što vide četiri oka, videće i dvadeset četiri.
morning is worth two in the evening. * Night # Three may keep a secret if two of them are
is the mother of counsel. * The best advice is dead.
found on the pillow. Što vidiš, ne video; što čuješ ne čuo. # Hear
Svačiju slušaj, svoju smatraj. # Take coun- no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. * Hear and see
sel only of your own head. and say nothing.

OPREZ whole day. * Fortune is weary to carry one and

Bolje je pripaziti nego posle žaliti. (Lat. Me- the same man always. * It is a long lane that has
lius est cavere semper, quam pati semel.) # Better no turning.
(to) be safe than sorry. Nije svaka muka doveka. # All wrong will
Čuvaj se Danajaca i kad ti darove nose! end.
(lat. Timeo Danaos et dona ferrentes.) # Fear the Nikad se ne zna zašto je to dobro. # Ill luck
Greeks, even when they bring gifts! * Beware of is good for something.
Greeks bearing gifts! (Virgil, Aeneid II, 49). Svako zlo ima svoj ustuk. # No wrong without
Kad ideš vuku na čast, povedi psa uza se. a remedy. * For every evil under the sun, there
* Opasno je s đavolom tikve saditi. # He must is a remedy or there is none: if there be one, try
have a long spoon who sups with the devil. * He and find it; if there be none, never mind it.
that eats with the devil without a long spoon, his U svakom zlu ima i dobra. * Svako zlo ima
fare will be ill. svoje dobro. # Ill luck is good for something. *
Kad lisica pridikuje, pazi dobro na guske. Every cloud has a silver lining. * It’s an ill wind
# When the fox preaches, then beware your ge- that blows nobody any good.
ese. Vetar kad hoće da prestane onda najveć-
Kad s lukavim čovekom posla imaš, pazi ma puše. * Vetar najviše duva pre no što će
na sebe. # If you deal with a fox, think of his da stane. # The darkest hour is that before the
tricks. dawn. * When things are at the worst they begin
Koga je zmija ujela taj se i guštera plaši. * to mend.
Koga su guje klale i guštera se boji. # Whom
a serpent has bitten, a lizard alarms. * He that OSVETA
has been bitten by a serpent, is afraid of rope. *
Birds once snared fear all bushes. Ko me je lani bio, ni sad mi nije mio. # Re-
Malo opreza nije na odmet. * Oprez nikad venge of a hundred years still has its sucking
ne škodi. # Being cautious never hurt anyone. * teeth.
It doesn’t hurt to take precautions. Krv zaspati ne može. # Blood will have blo-
Ne seci granu na kojoj sediš. # Don’t saw off od. * Blood cries out for blood..
the branch you are sitting on. * Don’t cut the Oko za oko, zub za zub. (Stari zavet, Peta
bough you are standing on. knjiga Mojsijeva 19:21; lat. Oculum pro oculo,
Ne stavljaj sva jaja u jednu korpu. # Don’t dentem pro dente) # An eye for an eye, and a
put all your eggs in one basket. tooth for a tooth.
Nikad ne treba zaboraviti na oprez. (lat. Osveta je slatka. * Voleo bih se osvetiti nego
Cavendi nulla est dimittenda occasio.) # One se posvetiti. # Revenge is sweet.
can’t be too careful. Osveta je sveta. * Ko se ne osveti, on se ne
Rđav je ono miš koji samo jednu rupu ima. posveti. # Revenge is a morsel for God.
(lat. Mus non uni fidit antro.) # The mouse that
has but one hole is quickly taken. PAMET
Vatra i voda dobre su sluge, ali zli gospoda- Bolje je imati sreće nego pameti. # You
ri. # Fire and water are good servants but bad don’t need brains if you have luck. * Better be
masters. born lucky than wise.
Veži pa ne nateži. # Fast bind, fast find. * Bolje je sa pameću nego sa snagom. # Wis-
Safe bind, safe find. dom is better than strength.
Bolje je umeti nego imati. # Better wit than
Bog zatvori jedna vrata a otvori stotinu. # When Bolji je dram sreće nego sto oka pameti.
one door shuts, another opens. (lat. Fortuna in homine plus quam consilium
Iza svakoga dažda sunce grije. (lat. Nube valet.) # An ounce of luck is worth a pound of
solet pulsa candidus ire dies.) * Iza zime toplo, wisdom.
iza kiše sunce. * Posle tuče vedrije je nebo, Brada narasla a pamet ne donela. * Zaludu
posle suza veselije poješ. # After black clouds, je lepa brada kad je slaba glava. # The brains
clear weather.. don’t lie in the beard.
Ko bi gori, taj je doli, a ko doli gori ustaje. Jezik neka ne ide ispred pameti. # Let not
# He that falls today may rise tomorrow. thy tongue run away with thy brains.
Ničija nije do jutra gorela. # No string of Um caruje, snaga klade valja. # Skill will
luck lasts forever. * No morning sun lasts a accomplish what is denied to force. * Brain is

better than brawn. * Skill is better than stren- Koliko para, toliko muzike. # He who pays
gth. * Using our brains is often wiser than de- the piper calls the tune.
pending on our strength. Neće na prazno ni pas lajati. # Mills will not
grind if you give them not water.
PATNJA Ko ne može da plati, valja da moli. # He
Ko mnogo zna, mnogo i pati. # Who knows that cannot pay, let him pray.
much will suffer much. Sve mora da se plati. * Sve se vraća, sve se
Prava muka nikad ne gine. # Pain is gain. plaća. * Nema besplatnog ručka. (pravilo tržiš-
ne privrede - Milton Fridman) # There is no such
Što ko radi ono će i patiti. # That which a thing as a free lunch.
man causes to be done, he does himself. * Every
man is the son of his own works.
Vreme sve leči. (lat. Tempus primus et opti-
mus medicus. * Tempus vulnera sanat.) # Time is Bolje je ne početi nego ne dočeti. # Better
a great healer. * Time cures all things. * Time never to begin than never to make an end.
heals all wounds. * Time is the best doctor. * Dobar početak, pola uspeha. # Well begun
Time tames the strongest grief. is half done.
Ko dobro počne, on je na pola radnje. #
PIJANSTVO Well began is half done. * A task well begun is
a task half done. * A good beginning is half the
Čim vino uđe, pamet odmah ide napolje. task. * The first blow is half the battle.
(lat. Vino intrante foras subito sapientia vadit.) # When Nema dobre zgrade bez dobra temelja. #
the wine is in, the wit is out. No good building without a good foundation.
Čovek se u piću poznaje. # Wine is the glass Po jutru se dan poznaje. # A good beginning
of mind.. makes a good ending.
Deca, budale i pijani pravdu govore. # Chil- Svaki početak je težak. # Every beginning
dren and fools speak the truth. # Children/ is hard. * The first step is the hardest. * The
Drunkards and fools cannot lie. greatest step is that out of doors.
Ko pije malo više, pije previše. # He who Što loše počne, loše i završi. # An ill be-
drinks a little too much drinks much too much. ginning, an ill ending.
Pijana i dete Bog čuva. # Heaven takes care Što pre počneš, pre ćeš završiti. # Sooner
of children, sailors and drunken men.. begun, sooner done..
Što ko više pije, to više žedni. # Ever drunk, Što se ne počne, to i ne dospe. # No root,
ever dry. * A drunken man is always dry. no fruit.
Što trezan misli, to pijan govori. (lat. Quod
in corde sobrii, id in lingua ebrii.) # What sober- PODMUKLOST
ness conceals, drunkenness reveals.
Čuvaj se pseta koje mučki kolje. # Beware
U vinu je istina. (lat. In vino veritas.) # There of a silent dog and silent water. * Dumb dogs
is truth in wine. are dangerous.
Vino i mudroga pobudali. # Wine and weal- Koje pseto ćuti, ono pre ujede. # The silent
th change wise men manners. dog is first to bite.
Vino i starca zaigra. # A good drink makes
the old young. * Wine makes old wives wen- POHLEPA
Gde je strvina, tamo se i psi kupe. (Novi
zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 24:28); lat. Ubi ca-
PISANJE daver ibi aquila.) # Where the carcass is, there
Hartija trpi sve. # Paper is patient. * Paper shall be the eagles gathered together.
is patience: you can put anything on. * Paper Koren sviju zala je srebroljublje. (Novi
does not blush. * Youth and white paper take zavet, Timotiju poslanica prva 6:10) * Novac je
any impression. dušegubac. # The love of money is the root of
Pero je moćnije od mača. # The pen is mi- all evil. * Money is the root of all evil.
ghtier than the sword. Ko traži veće, izgubi i ono iz vreće. # Grasp
all, lose all. * You could go (a lot) further and
fare (a lot) worse. * If you run after two hares,
you will catch neither.
Hvala je prazna plaća. # Thank is poor pay. Ko u jedan put mnogo ište, s praznom se
* Praise without profit puts little in the pot. torbom kući vraća. # Covetousness breaks the

sack. * Covetousness is always filling a botto- U se i u svoje kljuse. # Self do, self have * If
mless vessel. you would be well served, serve yourself. * Put
Ko više ima, više mu se hoće. (lat. Qui mul- your trust in God and keep your powder dry.
tum habet, plus cupit.) # The more you get, the Usluga za uslugu. # Scratch my back and I’ll
more you want. * Much would have more. scratch yours. * Claw me, and I’ll claw thee.
Lakomac i lažljivac odmah se pogode. # The Više vide četiri oka nego dva. * Bolje vide
greedy man and the gileynour are soon agreed dva oka nego jedno. # Four eyes see more than
(a gileynour is a cheat). two.
Lakomu je vazda malo. # Much would have
Ne kolji kokoš koja nosi zlatna jaja. # Kill Ko pre devojci onoga je devojka. * Ko pre
not the goose that lays the golden egg(s). sedla, pre i jaši. # First come, first served.
Ne možeš sa sobom u grob poneti. # You Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi. * Ko rano
can’t take it with you when you die. rani, zeca ulovi. # The early bird catches the
Ne traži preko hleba pogače. * Zašto tra- worm.
žiti preko hleba pogače? # If you have bread, Ko se pre obuje, onaj i zapoveda. # He that
don’t look for cake. * He is not poor that has comes first to the hill, may sit where he will.
little, but he that desires much. * He would have Krpi rupu dok je manja. # A stitch in time
better bread than is made of wheat. * Why go saves nine.
out for a hamburger when you’ve got steak at Ne boji se lisica večernjega hvalioca, nego
home? jutarnjega ranioca. # He that will deceive the
Nije sve u novcu. # Money isn’t everything. fox must rise betimes.
Popovska vreća nikad se napuniti ne može. Poredom se i u vodenici melje. # He who
# Three things are insatiable, priests, monks, comes first grinds first.
and the sea. Raniji po vremenu, preči po pravu. pravna
Prosjačka torba svagda je prazna. * Pro- izreka (lat. Potior (in) tempore, potior (in) jure). #
sjačka torba ne može se napuniti. # Beggars’ Prior tempore, potior iure.) # The one who is first
bags are bottomless. has a prior right. (legal maxim) * First come,
first served.
POMOĆ Ranoranilac i docnolegalac kuću teče. # Ear-
ly to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy,
Ako mi ne možeš pomoći, nemoj mi odma- wealthy and wise.
gati. # If you can’t help, don’t hinder.
S kokošima leći, s petlovima ustati. # Go to
Dobro se dobrim vraća. # One good turn bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.
deserves another. Što pre počneš, pre ćeš završiti. # Sooner
Kome svet kroji kapu, onaj ide bez kape. # He begun, sooner done.
who depends on another dines ill and sups worse. Što pre, to bolje. # The sooner the better.
Ko se tuđim kolima vozi, neće daleko stići.
# He who depends on another dines ill and sups
Pomozi se sam pa će ti i Bog pomoći. # Do Krv nije voda. # Blood is thicker than wa-
the likeliest, and God will do the best. * God ter.
helps them that help themselves. Rđava je ptica koja u svoje gnezdo tori. # It
Pomozi sirotu sebi za sramotu. * Hrani si- is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.
rotu na svoju sramotu. # A beggar pays a bene- Svaka ptica svome jatu leti. # Birds of a fe-
fit with a louse. ather flock together.
Ruka ruku mije. # One hand washes other. Svakoj ptici svoje gnezdo milo. # The bird
* Claw me, and I’ll claw thee. * Scratch my loves her nest. * To every bird its nest seems
breech and I’ll claw your elbow. fair.
Tuđa ruka svrab ne češe. * Tuđi nokti svra- Što u kući valja, ni crkvi se ne daje. # Cha-
ba ne češu. # If you want a thing well done, do it rity begins at home.
yourself. * If thou thyself canst do it, attend no Tuđa ruka svrab ne češe. * Tuđi nokti svra-
other help or hand. * If you don’t help yourself, ba ne češu. # If you want a thing well done, do it
nobody will. yourself. * If thou thyself canst do it, attend no
U nevolji je svaka pomoć dobrodošla. # Any other help or hand. * If you don’t help yourself,
port in a storm. nobody will.

U svakom žitu ima kukolja. * U svakom Kad si u kolu, valja da igraš. # In for a pe-
hlebu ima mekinja. # There’s always a bad egg nny, in for a pound.
in every crowd. * There is a black sheep in every Ko ne hrani mačku, hrani miševe. # If you
flock. can’t feed cats, you must feed the rats.
Ko se boji vrabaca nek ne sije proje. * Ko
POSEDOVANJE se mraza boji, nek ne sadi vinograda. # If you
Bolje je danas jaje nego sutra kokoš. * Bo- don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen. * If
lje danas pet nego sutra šest. * Bolje danas you can’t stand the heat, keep out of the kit-
pečena ševa nego sutra ćurka. # Better an egg
today than a hen tomorrow. Ko se ovcom učini, kurjaci ga izjedu. # He
that makes himself a sheep, shall be eaten by
Bolje je jedno drž’ nego sto uzmi. # Better the wolf.
say ‘here it is’, than ‘here it was’.
Ne može kovač biti, a ne omrčiti se. # Only
Bolje je umeti nego imati. # Better wit than the witless one expects the blacksmith to wear a
wealth. white silk apron. * You must lose a fly to catch
Bolji je svračak u ruci nego soko u planini. a trout.
(lat. Una avis in laqueo plus valet octo vagis.) # A Rana ako se ne izleči, ostaje biljega. # Tho-
feather in hand is better than a bird in the air. * ugh the wound be heeled, yet a scar remains.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Rodilo se, valja ga ljuljati. # He that bulls
Bolji je vrabac u ruci nego golub na grani. the cow must keep the calf. * It’s too late to call
# Better a sparrow in the hand than a pigeon on back yesterday.
the roof. * A pullet in the pen is worth a hun- Zrela voćka sama pada. # When the apple
dred in the fen. gets ripe, it’s likely to fall. * When the vine is
Imadoh, ne znadoh - izgubih, poznadoh. # ripe, the fruit will fall.
The worth of a thing is best known by the want
Ko nađe, njegovo. # Finders keepers(, losers
weepers). Bolje je pošteno umreti nego sramotno ži-
veti. # Better die with honor than live with sha-
Lakše je steći nego sačuvati. (lat. Nec minor me.
est virtus, quam quaerere parta, tueri.) # He who
gets does much, but he who keeps does more. Ko hoće časno, ne može lasno. # Honour
and ease are seldom bedfellows. * Great hono-
Ne pravi od gotovog veresiju. # Better keep urs are great burdens.
now than seek anon.
Izmeri pravo, pa išti šta vredi. # Weigh
Nije siromah onaj koji nigda nije imao, justly, and sell dearly. * Weigh right if you sell
nego onaj koji je imao pa izgubio. # Poverty dear. * It is no sin to sell dear, but a sin to give
does not hurt him who has not been rich be- ill measure.
fore. Ko se drži pravice, taj ne muze kravice. # Ho-
Nije siromašan onaj ko je zadovoljan onim nesty is praised and left to starve. * Plain dea-
što ima. (lat. Pauper enim non est cui rerum sup- ling is a jewel, but they that use it die beggars.
petit usus.) # He who is content in his poverty, is Poštenje se isplati. * Poštenje je pretežnije
wonderfully rich. od novaca. # Honesty pays. * Honesty is the best
Posedovanje je devet desetina prava. * Du- policy.
gotrajna državina stvara pravo. pravne mak- Što je pošteno, pošteno. * Budimo fer. # Fair’s
sime (lat. Longa possessio ius parit.) # Possessi- fair.
on is nine points/parts/tenths of the law (legal
Što je tvoje ono je i moje i tvoje, a što je
moje ono je samo moje. # What’s yours is mine Da je grad za dinar, kad dinara nije, zaludu
and what’s mine is my own. * What’s yours is je. * Da ima sira i masla, i moja bi mati znala
mine and what’s mine is mine. gibati gibanicu. * Da je vina, i strina bi pila. #
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. * If
Što ko ima, nek čuva. # What you have, h
wishes were butter-cakes, beggars might bite. *
old. Pigs might fly, if they had wings.
Iz tvojih usta u božje uši. # From your lips
POSLEDICE to God’s ears. * May your wish come true.
Kad se pravi kajgana, lupaju se jaja. * Kad Kad se hoće, sve se može. # Where there’s a
se šuma seče, iverje leti. # You can’t make an will, there’s a way. * Nothing is impossible to a
omelette without breaking eggs. willing heart.

Šta bi bilo kad bi bilo. # If ifs and ands were ter arma silent leges.) # Where drums beat, laws
pots and pans, there’d be no trade for tinkers. are silent.
Što je babi milo, to joj se i snilo. (lat. Quae Jaku bratstvu jaka i pravda. # God/Provi-
volumus et credimus libenter. * Libenter homi- dence is always on the side of the big battali-
nes id, quod volunt, credunt.) # We soon believe ons.
what we desire. * That’s just wishful thinking Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi. # Judging and
* The wish is father to the thought. (“Thy wish jurying in one’s own case.
was father, Harry, to that thought”, W. Shakespe- Kiša pada i na pravoga i na krivoga. * Bog
are, Henry IV, Part 2, Act 4, scene 5.) daje dažd pravednima i nepravednima. (Novi
zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju, 5:39) # The rain
PRAŠTANJE falls alike on the just and unjust.
Koji je bog dao ovo, daće i ono drugo. # He
Drugome uvek praštaj, sebi nikad. (lat. Al-
that has a goose, will get a goose.
teri semper ignoscito, tibi nunquam. * Ignoscas
saepe alteri, nunquam tibi.) # Forgive all but Ko se drži pravice, taj ne muze kravice.
thyself. # Honesty is praised and left to starve. * Plain
dealing is a jewel, but they that use it die beg-
Ko priznaje, pola mu se prašta. # A fault gars.
confessed is half redressed/forgiven. * A fault
admitted is a fault mitigated. Ko se svojim pravom koristi, nikome ne
čini nepravdu. pravna izreka (Qui iure suo uti-
Ko tebe kamenom, ti njega hlebom. # Sha- tur, nemini facit inuriam.) # Right wrongs no
me your abuser with kindness. man (legal maxim).
Ko te udari po desnom obrazu, okreni mu i Najveće pravo često je najveća nepravda.
drugi. (Novi zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju, 5:39) pravna izreka (lat. Summum ius, summa iniuria.)
# Whoever smite you on the right cheek, turn # Extreme justice is extreme injustice (legal
him the other. maxim).
Ko zlima oprašta, dobrima škodi. * Ko Neka bude pravda, pa makar propao svet.
kriva žali, pravom greši. (lat. Bonis nocet qui (lat. Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus. * Fiat iustitia,
malis parcet.) # Pardoning the bad is injuring ruat caelum). # Let justice be done, though the
the good. heavens should fall.
Oprosti nam grehove naše, kao što mi Nepoznavanje zakona nikoga ne pravda.
opraštamo neprijateljima našim. (Očenaš) pravna izreka (lat. Ignorantia iuris/legis nemi-
# Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them nem excusat.) # Ignorance of the law excuses
that trespass against us. (Lord’s Prayer) no man (legal maxim).
Treba oprostiti i zaboraviti. # Forgive and Nevinost se pretpostavlja. * Za svakog se
forget. pretpostavlja da je nevin dok se suprotno ne
dokaže. pravne izreke (lat. Quisque praesumi-
PRAVDA tur bonus, donec contrarium probetur.) # Inno-
cent until proved guilty. * Every one is held
Bolja je mršava pogodba nego pretila prav- to be innocent until he is proved guilty (legal
da. # A lean agreement is better than a fat jud- maxims).
Niko nije dužan da sam sebe optuži. pravna
Bolje je da kriv prođe nego da nevin stra- izreka (lat. Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare.) #
da. (lat. Satius est impunitum relinqui facinus No man is bound to incriminate himself (legal
nocenti, quam innocentem damnari.) # Better ten maxim).
guilty free than one innocent suffer.
Niko sam sebi sudija ne može biti. * Niko
Bolje je nepravo trpeti, nego nepravo činiti. ne može sudac i parac biti. (lat. Nemo iudex in
(lat. Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam.) causa sua.) # Nobody is judge in his own case.
# Better suffer ill than do ill. (legal maxim) * No one ought to be judge in his
Bolje se s dužnikom nagoditi, nego sudom own cause.
potezati. # Agree, for the law is costly. Niko se ne kažnjava dvaput za isto krivič-
Bolji je i mršav mir nego debeo proces. (lat. no delo. pravna izreka (lat. Nemo bis punitur pro
Melior tutiorque pax quam incerta victoria.) eodem delicto.) # Nobody is to be punished twice
# Better a lean peace than a fat victory. for the same crime (legal maxim).
Dva loša ubiše Miloša. (lat. Nec Hercules Pobednik je uvek u pravu. # He plays the
contra duos.) # Not even Hercules could con- best that wins.
tend against two. Posedovanje je devet desetina prava. *
Gde se doboši čuju, tu zakoni ćute. (lat. In- Dugotrajna državina stvara pravo. pravne

izreke (lat. Longa possessio ius parit.) # Posse- lje uoči nedelje. # Have not thy cloak to make
ssion is nine points/parts/tenths of the law (legal when it begins to rain.
maxim). Posle bitke svi su generali. # It is easy to be
Pravda je spora, al dostižna. # The law has wise after the event. * When the child is christe-
a long arm. ned, you may have godfathers enough.
Raniji po vremenu, preči po pravu. pravna Posle boja kopljem u trnje. # Counsel is ir-
izreka (lat. Potior (in) tempore, potior (in) jure. ksome, when the matter is past remedy. * When
* Prior tempore, potior iure.) # The one who is a thing is done, advice comes too late.
first has a prior right. legal maxim * First come, Posle kiše japundže ne treba. # Have not thy
first served. cloak to make when it begins to rain. * Thatch
Spora pravda je uskraćena pravda. pravna your roof before the rain begins.
izreka # Justice delayed is justice denied (legal Potonja pamet magarcu pod rep. # Counsel
maxim). is irksome, when the matter is past remedy.
Svaka stvar ima i svoje naličje. * Postoji i
Što možeš da uradiš danas, ne ostavljaj za
druga strana medalje. # Every medal has its
sutra. * Što se danas može učiniti, sutra je doc-
kan. * Što će biti jesenas, neka bude večeras.
Što je jednom milo, to je drugom drago. # Never put off till tomorrow what you can do
* Što važi za jednoga, mora važiti i za drugo- today. * Never leave till tomorrow what you can
ga.* What is sauce for the goose is sauce for do today.
the gander.
Što pre, to bolje. # The sooner the better.
Što je pravo, i Bogu je drago. # Virtue joins
man to God.
Što jeste jeste, mora mu se priznati. # Give PRETNJA
the devil his due. Ako ne možeš da ujedeš, ne pokazuj zube.
Što nema, niko ne daje. pravna izreka (lat. # If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. *
Nemo dat quod not habet.) # Nobody can give Never show your teeth ynless you can bite.
what he does not possess (legal maxim). Batina ima dva kraja. # There are two ends
Treba čuti i drugu stranu. (lat. Audi alteram to a stick.
partem.) * Neka se čuje i druga strana. (lat. Au- Kad najviše grmi, najmanje kiša pada. *
diatur et altera pars.) # Hear all parties. Kad mnogo seva, malo pada. # When the thun-
der is very loud, there’s very little rain. * Long
PRAVOVREMENOST mint, little dint.
Bolje je danas jaje nego sutra kokoš. * Bo- Ko mnogo preti, onoga se ne boj. # His bark
lje danas pet nego sutra šest. * Bolje danas is worse than his bite. * There are more men
pečena ševa nego sutra ćurka. # Better an egg threatened than stricken.
today than a hen tomorrow. Pas koji (mnogo) laje, ne ujeda. # Barking
Bolje je sprečiti nego lečiti. (lat. Praestat ca- dogs seldom bite. * Great barkers are no biters.
utela quam medela.) # Prevention is better than
cure. * An ounce of prevention is worth a po- PREURANJENOST
und of cure.
Da mi je pamet s vašara kad idem na vašar. Gradi ražanj, a zec u šumi. * Zec u šumi a
# If things were to be done twice, all would be on ražanj gradi. # Don’t make your stew until
wise. you catch the rabbit. * First catch your rabbit
and then make your stew. * First catch your
Dockan, kume, po podne u crkvu. # It’s too
late to shut the stable door after the horse has hare then cook him. * Make not your sauce be-
bolted. * There is no use in closing the barn fore you caught the fish.
door after the horse is stolen. Ko se poslednji smeje, naslađje se smeje. #
Dvostruko daje ko brzo daje. (lat. Bis dat, He laughs best who laughs last..
qui cito dat.)# He gives twice who gives quickly. Najpre skoči, pa onda reci: hop! # Never
Kasno stiže Janko na Kosovo. # It’s too late say “whoopee” before you jump.
to shut the stable door after the horse has bol- Ne broj treću dok je ne vidiš u vreću. # Co-
ted. * There is no use in closing the barn door unt not four, except you have them in a wallet.
after the horse is stolen. Ne valja se izuvati pre vode. # Don’t cross
Krpi rupu dok je manja. # A stitch in time your bridges before you come to them.
saves nine. Ne veruj letini dok je ne metneš u ambar.
Ne traži se pečenica uoči Božića. * Ne goji * Ne valja leteti dok krila ne narastu. # Don’t
se prase uoči Božića. * Setila se prelja kude- crow before you are out of the woods.

Uveče se dan hvali. (lat. Vespere laudatur U nevolji se vidi ko ti je prijatelj. # A friend
dies.) # Praise a fine day at night. is never known till a man have need.

Bolji je otvoreni neprijatelj nego lažni pri- Ako neće breg Muhamedu, Muhamed će
jatelj. # Better an open enemy than a false fri- bregu. # If the mountain won’t come to Maho-
end. met/Muhammed, Mahomet/Muhammed will go
Čist račun, duga ljubav. (lat. Clara pacta, to the mountain.
boni amici.) # Short reckonings make long fri- Ako ne možemo kako hoćemo, a mi ćemo
ends. * Never borrow, never lend, if you wish to kako možemo. # He that may not do as he wo-
keep a friend. * Lend your money and lose your uld, must do as he may.
friend. * Pay your debts or lose your friends. Kad svi kažu da si pijan, lezi pa se valjaj.
Dobro je i u paklu imati prijatelja. * Dobro # When all men say you are an ass, it is time to
je prijatelja imati, makar i u zatvoru. # It is bray. * If one, two, or three tell you you are an
good to have some friends both in heaven and ass, put on a bridle..
Koju ruku ne možeš poseći, valja je polju-
Dok čovek s čovekom vreću brašna ne ize- biti. # Kiss the hand you cannot bite. * If you
de, ne može ga poznati. # Before you make a can’t beat them, join them.
friend eat a bushel of salt with him. * Try new
friend before you trust. Ne može šut sa rogatim. * Teško je šutu s
rogatim bosti se. # Be not too bold with your
Kako čovek dođe na prosjački štap, svak biggers and betters. * It is ill contending with
ga se kloni. # Poverty parts friends. * When po-
the master of thirty legions.
verty comes in at the door, love flies out of the
window. Pametniji popušta. # Discretion is the better
part of valor. (“FALSTAFF: The better part of va-
Nesta blaga, nesta prijatelja. (lat. Cum for-
tuna manet, vultum servatis amici; cum cecidit, lour is discretion; in the which better part, I have
turpi vertitur ora fuga.) # In time of prosperity, saved my life,” (W. Shakespeare, I Henry IV, act
friends will be plenty; in time of adversity, not 5, scene 4.)
one amongst twenty. * When good cheer is lac- Sa vucima valja zavijati. * Ko s vukom
king, our friends will be packing. * Misfortune druguje, mora zavijati. (lat. Ulula cum lupis
makes foeas of friends. cum quibus esse cupis.) # He who keeps compa-
Ne veruj novom prijatelju koliko ni starom ny with the wolf, will learn to howl. * One must
neprijatelju. # Trust not a new friend nor an old howl with the wolves.
enemy. * Sudden friendship, sure repentance. U društvu se i kaluđer ženi. # Who keeps
Ne veruj prijatelju za trpezom, nego na company with a wolf will learn to howl. * Do
vratima od tamnice. # Friends are made in as most people do, then most people will speak
wine and proved in tears. well of you.
Pravi prijatelj se u nevolji poznaje. (lat. U kakvo kolo dođeš, onako i igraj. (lat. Si
Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.) # A friend fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; si fueris ali-
in need is a friend indeed.. bi, vivito sicut ibi.) # When in Rome, do as the
Prijatelj se u nevolji poznaje kao zlato u va- Romans do.
tri. # Real friendship does not freeze in winter.
Prijatelj, zlato i staro vino svakome su do- PRILIKA
bri. (lat. Calles antiquas serves, veteres et ami-
cos.) # Old friends and old wine and old gold Bog zatvori jedna vrata a otvori stotinu. #
are best. When one door shuts, another opens.
Sačuvaj me, Bože, od prijatelja, a od nepri- Gvožđe se kuje dok je vruće. (lat. Ferrum,
jatelja ću se sam čuvati. * Čuvaj ti mene od dum in igne candet, cudendum est tibi.) # Strike
svoga, a od tuđega ću se ja sam (čuvati). # God while the iron is hot. * Make hay while the sun
defend me from my friends; from my enemies I shines.
can defend myself. Ko propusti priliku, i ona će njega. (lat. Qui
Starog vina i stara prijatelja drži se. (lat. deserit occasionem, deseritur ab occasione.)#
Calles antiquas serves, veteres et amicos.) # Old Opportunity seldom knocks twice. * When for-
friends and old wine and old gold are best. * Old tune smiles, embrace her. * Opportunitiy knocks
fish, old oil, and an old friend are the best. but once.
U nevolji čovek ne bira prijatelje. # Adver- Nije svaki dan Badnji dan. * Nije svaki dan
sity makes strange bedfellows. Božić. # Christmas comes but once a year.

Prilika čini lopova. * Prigoda čini lupeža. Od znana zelja glava ne boli. # Better known
(lat. Occasio facit furem.) # Opportunity makes than trusted.
the thief. * The hole calls the thief. Priroda ne čini skokove. (lat. Natura non fa-
cit saltus.) # Nature hates all sudden changes. *
PRIMER Nature does not make a leap.
Čini drugima ono što želiš da tebi bude. * Promena godi. (lat. Variatio delectat.) # Vari-
Kako hoćete da vama čine ljudi činite i vi nji- ety is the spice of life.
ma onako. (Novi zavet, Jevanđelje po Luci, 6:1; Sjaši Kurta, da uzjaši Murta. # Of a new
lat. Hoc facias homini, quod cupis esse tibi.)# Do prince, new bondage.
as you would be done by. * Do unto others as Skini rđu, metni grđu. # Out of the frying
you would they should do unto you. pan into the fire.
Ne gledaj što pop tvori, nego slušaj što zbo- Što se više menja, sve više ostaje isto. # The
ri. * Ne čini što pop čini, nego tvori što čini. # more it changes, the more it remains the same.
Do as the friar says, not as he does.
Vremena se menjaju i mi u njima. (lat. Tem-
Vid’la žaba gde se konji potkivaju, pa i ona pora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.) # Times
digla nogu. # If one sheep leaps over the dyke,
change and we change with them. * All things
all the rest will follow.
are changing, and we are changing with them.
Nagi smo na ovaj svet došli, nagi ćemo s
njega i otići. # Naked into this world we come, Bolje je da si bio nekad nešto nego nikad
and naked will return. * Naked we come, naked ništa. # It is better to be a has-been than a ne-
we go. ver-was.
Priroda ne čini skokove. (lat. Natura non fa- Istorija se ponavlja. # History repeats itself.
cit saltus.) # Nature hates all sudden changes. * Nekad bilo sad se spominjalo. # Let bygones
Nature does not make a leap. be bygones.
Priroda ne trpi praznine. (lat. Natura non Pomenulo se ne povratilo se. # It’s dead and
facit vacuum.) # Nature abhors a vacuum. buried. * God forbid it should happen again.
Prirodu da izgoniš vilama, opet će se na- Što je bilo bilo je (vratiti se neće). # Thin-
trag vratiti. (lat. Naturam expellas furca, tamen gs past cannot be recalled. * Let the dead bury
usque recurret.) # You can drive out nature with their dead.
a pitchfork, but she keeps on coming back. Što pođe niz vodu, ne vrnu se uz vodu. #
Što se s kim rodilo, od onoga se ne oduči. Water always flows down, not up. * Things past
# What is bred in the bone will come out in the cannot be recalled.
flesh. * What is learned in the cradle lasts to
the grave.
Vremena se menjaju i mi u njima. (lat. Tem-
pora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.) # Times Dok puška ne pukne, čuti se ne može. # The
change and we change with them. * All things proof of pudding is in the eating.
are changing, and we are changing with them. Izuzetak potvrđuje pravilo. (lat. Exceptio
probat/firmat regulam.) # The exception proves
PROMENA the rule.
Bolje je znano s manom nego neznano s fa- Jedna lasta ne čini proleće. (lat. Una hirundo
lom. # Better the devil you know than the devil non facit ver.) # One swallow does not make a
you don’t know. * The bad which is well known summer.
is better than the good unknown. Ništa ne dokazuje, ko previše dokazuje.
Koji se kamen često premeće, neće maho- (lat. Qui nimium probat, nihil probat.) # That
vinom obrasti. # A rolling stone gathers no which proves too much, proves nothing.
moss. Prijatelj se u nevolji poznaje kao zlato u va-
Ko se seli, taj se ne veseli. # Three removals tri. # Real friendship does not freeze in winter.
are as bad as fire. Više vide četiri oka nego dva. * Bolje vide
Ne menjaj konja usred bitke. # Don’t chan- dva oka nego jedno. # Four eyes see more than
ge/swap horses in midddle of the stream. * Don’t two.
change/swap horses in midstream. Zlato se u vatri probira a čovek u nesreći.
Nova metla dobro mete. * Novo sito samo (lat. Igni aurum probatur, miseria fortes.) # Gold
seje. # A new broom sweeps clean. is tried in the fire.

PROŽDRLJIVOST ons. * It takes all sorts to make a world. * Every

Veće oči nego stomak. # The eye is bigger couple is not a pair.
than the belly. * One’s eyes are bigger than Ne bi jednome dobro dok drugome ne bude
one’s stomach. zlo. # One man’s loss is another man’s gain.
Više je ljudi pomrlo od jela i pića nego od Ne ide ta čizma na tu nogu. # Don’t put the
gladi žeđi. * Više je ljudi pomrlo od jela i pića shoe on unless it fits. * You can’t put the same
nego od mača. (lat. Gula plures quam gladius shoe on every foot.
peremit.) # Gluttony kills more than the sword. Ne vodi samo jedan put u raj. # There are
more ways to the wood than one. * There’s more
than one way to skin a cat. * There’s more ways
RADOZNALOST than one to kill/skin a cat.
Koga ne svrbi nek se ne češe. # The stone Nije svako Ture za vezira. # Every shoe fits
that lies not in your gate breaks not your toes. not every foot. * All things fit not all persons.
Ko meće prst među tuđa vrata, otkinuće Niko ne može celom svetu ugoditi. * Niko
mu. # Put not thy hand between the bark and ne može celom svetu kolača namesiti. * Sve-
the tree. mu svetu ni Bog nije ugodio. # You can’t please
Ne budi svakom loncu zaklopac. * Ne budi everyone. * He that would please all and himself
svakoj tici kobac. # Skeer your own fire (skeer too, undertakes what he cannot do. * He that all
means rake out). * Enquire not what boils in men will please shall never find ease.
another’s pot. O ukusima ne treba raspravljati. (lat. De
Ne niči gde te ne siju. * Što popuješ, kad gustibus non disputandum est.) # There is no
pop nisi? # Come not to counsel uncalled. * disputing about tastes.
Meddle not with another man’s matter. Što jednoga goji, drugoga truje. # One
man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Ko mačem seče, od mača će i poginuti. * REČ
Ko se mača lati, od mača će i poginuti. * Ko Dobra reč ne košta novaca. # A good word
nožem podire, od noža i umire. (Novi zavet, Je- costs no more than a bad one. * Good words
vanđelje po Mateju, 26:52)* Live by the sword, cost nought. * Good words are good cheap. *
die by the sword. * They that live by the sword Fair words hurt not the mouth.
shall perish by the sword. * He that strikes with Lepa reč gvozdena vrata otvara. (lat. Vin-
the sword, shall be beaten with the scabbard. cuntur molli pectora dura prece.) # Courtesy
Napad je najbolja odbrana. # Attack is the opens many doors. * There is great force hid-
best form of defense. den in a sweet command. * A kind word goes a
U ljubavi i ratu sve je dozvoljeno. # All is long way.
fair in love and war. Nisu potrebne reči već dela. (lat. Non verbis,
Želiš li mir, spremaj se za rat. (lat. Si vis sed factis opus est.) # It is better to do well than
pacem, para bellum.) # If you want peace, you to say well.
must prepare for war. Razlika je između reči i dela. # There is a
great difference between word and deed.
RAZLIKE Rečeno, učinjeno. (lat. Dictum factum) # No
Ako neće breg Muhamedu, Muhamed će sooner said than done.
bregu. # If the mountain won’t come to Maho- Reči gladna ne nahrane. # Fair words fill
met/Muhammed, Mahomet/Muhammed will go not the belly.
to the mountain. Reči lete a dela ostaju. # Deeds are fruits,
Ako nećeš ti, hoće druga tri. # If one will words are but leaves. * Good words without
not, another will. deeds are rushes and reeds. * Deeds will show
Dok jednom ne smrkne drugom ne svane. * themselves, and words will pass away.
Jednom smrklo, drugom svanulo. # One man’s Reči treba meriti, ne brojati. # Deliver your
death is another’s man’s bread. * One man’s words not by number but by weight.
loss is another man’s gain. Reč iz usta, a kamen iz ruke. # A word and
Jedan se oteg’o, drugi se proteg’o. # The a stone let go cannot be called back.
death of the wolves is the safety of the sheep. * Reći i učiniti nije isto. # Saying and doing
One man’s death is another’s man’s bread. are two things. * Saying is one thing, and doing
Koliko ljudi toliko ćudi. (lat. Quot homines, another. * From word to deed is a great space.
tot sententiae.) # So many men, so many opini- U mnogim rečima ne biva bez greha. (lat.

In multiloquio non deerit stultitia.) # Talk much, Nije siromah onaj koji nigda nije imao,
and err much. nego onaj koji je imao pa izgubio. # Poverty
Vo se veže za rogove, a čovek za reč. * Čo- does not hurt him who has not been rich be-
vek se veže za jezik, a vo za rogove. * Vola za fore.
rog, a čoveka za jezik. (lat. Verba ligant homi- Niko nije prorok u svojoj zemlji. (Novi
nes, taurorum cornua funes.) # An ox is taken by zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju, 13:57; lat. Nemo
the horns, and a man by his word. propheta in patria.) # A prophet is without honor
in his own country.
RELATIVNOST Od šugava praseta zdravo svinjče bude. # A
ragged colt may make a good horse.
Batina ima dva kraja. # There are two ends Preko preče, naokolo bliže. # The longest
to a stick. way round is the shortest way home. * Better
Bolja je i bobova slama nego prazne jasle. # to go around than to fall into the ditch. * The
Half an egg is better than an empty shell. nearest way is commonly the foulest.
Bolja je mršava pogodba nego pretila prav- Vojnici su u mirno doba kao furune u ljeto.
da. # A lean agreement is better than a fat jud- # Soldiers in peace are like chimneys in sum-
gment. mer.
Bolje išta nego ništa. # Half a loaf is better Žuti žutuju, a rumeni putuju. # A creaking
than none (a bread). * Better are small fish, gate hangs longest.
than an empty dish. * Better something than
nothing. REZULTAT
Bolji je i crn kolač nego prazna torba. # A Kako sam se nadala, dobro sam se udala. #
crust is better than no bread. * Better some of a You could go a lot farther and fare a lot worse. *
pudding than none of a pie. Nothing so bad but it might have been worse.
Čak i vlas ima svoju senku. (lat. Vel capillus Kakva je duplja, onake i pčele izleću. # If
habet umbram suam.) # No hair so small but has better were within, better would come out. *
his shadow. Garbage in, garbage out.
Čašu meda još niko ne popi, što je čašom Kakva je koza, takva i loza. # Such beef,
žuči ne zagrči. (P. P. Njegoš, Gorski vijenac) # such broth.
Every sweet has its bitter. * No pleasure without Konac delo krasi. (lat. Finis coronat opus.) #
pain. * Pleasure has a sting in its tail. The end crowns the work. * The ending crowns
Gde se hiljada dobije, stotina se može po- the day.
kloniti. # He that has a good harvest may be Sve je dobro što se dobro svrši. # All’s well
content with some thistles. that ends well.
Gladnom čoveku slatke su i divljake. (lat.
Fabas indulcat fames.) # Hunger makes hard RIZIKOVANJE
beans sweet. * All is good in famine.
Ko ništa ne probira (proba), ništa i ne dobi-
I u buhe žuč ima. (lat. Et musca splenem ha- ja. # Nothing seek, nothing find.
bet et formica bilem.) # The fly has her spleen, Ko reskira, taj dobija. * Reskir-profitir. #
and the ant has her gall. * Even a worm will Nothing ventured, nothing gained. * No risk,
turn. no gain.
Kako sam se nadala, dobro sam se udala. #
You could go a lot farther and fare a lot worse. * RODITELJI
Nothing so bad but it might have been worse.
Ko lagano ide, dalje će stići. # Soft pace goes Deca će ispaštati zbog grehova otaca. (Stari
far. * He that goes softly, goes safely. zavet, Knjiga proroka Jeremije 31:29 # lat. Pa-
tres comederunt uvam acerbam, et dentes filio-
Ko polako ide, prije doma dođe. # Ride sof- rum obstupuerunt – Očevi su jeli kiselo grožđe, a
tly, that we may come sooner home. sinovima trnu zubi.) # The sins of the fathers are
Kolo sreće okreće se. * Ide kolo naokolo. visited upon the children.
(lat. Fortunae rota. * Cum fortuna favet, cave, Gde je sova izlegla sokola? * Iz vrane što is-
nam rota rotunda.) # The highest spoke in pane teško soko postane. # Eagles do not breed
fortune’s wheel may soon turn lowest. doves.
Među ćoravima ko ima jedno oko meću ga Iver ne pada daleko od klade. (lat. Non pro-
za cara. (lat. Caecorum in patria luscus rex est.) cul a proprio stipite/stemmate poma cadunt.) *
# In the country of the blind the one-eyed man Kud će kruška no pod krušku? * Kud će iver
is king. * In the land of the blind the one-eyed od klade? # The apple never falls far from the
are kings.. tree.

Kakav otac, takav sin. (Qualis pater, talis fi- Stari pas kad laje, savet daje. # If the old
lius.) * Kakva majka, onaka i ćerka. * Po ocu dog bark, he gives counsel.
se poznaje sin, a po majci kći. # Like father, Svačiju slušaj, svoju smatraj. # Take coun-
like son. * Like mother, like daughter. sel only of your own head.
Od šugava praseta zdravo svinjče bude. # A
ragged colt may make a good horse. SEBIČNOST
Pozna deca, gotove sirote. # Late children, Čija je kobila onaj najviše za rep vuče. #
early orphans.. The parson always christens his own child first.
Što god maca omaci, ono sve miše lovi. (lat. Niko ne živi sam za sebe. # No man is an
Catorum nati sunt mures prendere nati.) # That island.
that comes of a cat will catch mice. * The son
Niti kosku glođe nit’ je drugom daje. (lat.
of the cat pursues the rat. * The son of a cat Canis in praesepi.) # A dog in the manger.
pursues the rat. * He that comes of a hen must
SAN Bolje milom nego silom. # You can catch
more flies with honey than with vinegar. * Some
Ko nema ništa, mirno spava. # If you have can be led who won’t be driven.
nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose. * Little we-
Čija sila, toga i pravda. * Jači kvači. # Mi-
alth, little care.
ght is right. * Might makes right.
San je laža, a Bog je istina. * Ne veruj snu
Jaku bratstvu jaka i pravda. # God/Provi-
koliko ni psu. * Snu i psu ne veruj. (lat. Somnia
dence is always on the side of the big battali-
ne cures, nam fallunt plurima plures.) # Dreams
are lies.
Ko je jači taj i tlači. * Jači kvači. # Might
Što danju misli, to noću sanja. # A dream overcomes right. * The weaker goes to the pot. *
grants what one covets when awake. Might makes right.
Što ko misli, o onom i sanja. # Dreams are Koji se hrt silom u lov vodi, on zeca ne hva-
wishes your heart makes. ta. # If the lad go to the well against his will,
either the can will break or the water will spill.
SAVET Na silu ljubavi nema. # Love cannot be com-
Bolje je gdegod i ženu poslušati. * Dobro je pelled.
kadšto i pametnu ženu poslušati. # A woman’s Pritisnuto jače, još više odskače. # The
advice is no great thing, but he who won’t take orange that is too hard squeezed yields a bitter
it is a fool. juice.
Dobar savet para vredi. # Good counsel has Sila Boga ne moli, a pravde ne pita. # Might
no price. before right. * Might is right. * Might makes
Kad stari pas laje, valja videt šta je. # An right.
old dog barks not in vain. Svaka sila za vremena, a nevolja redom
Kad svi kažu da si pijan, lezi pa se valjaj. ide. * Svačija je bila do vremena a božija do
# When all men say you are an ass, it is time to veka. # Fortune is weary to carry one and the
bray. * If one, two, or three tell you you are an same man always. * It is a long lane that has
ass, put on a bridle. no turning.
Ko se sam savetuje, đavolu odgovara. # He
who follows his own advice must take the con- SIROMAŠTVO
sequences. * He that is his own lawyer has a Bogati na mazgi sedi, a siromasi idu na
fool for a client. noge. # The rich man has his ice in the summer
Ne niči gde te ne siju. * Što popuješ, kad and the poor man gets his in the winter.
pop nisi? # Come not to counsel uncalled. * Bogat jede kad hoće, a siromah kad može.
Meddle not with another man’s matter. # The rich man may dine when he will, the poor
Ne uči majku kako se rađaju deca. * Ne man when he may.
znaš ti majko kako je teško dete roditi. * Ne Kako čovek dođe na prosjački štap, svak
prodaj bostandžiji krastavaca. # Don’t teach ga se kloni. # Poverty parts friends. * When po-
your grandmother how to suck eggs. verty comes in at the door, love flies out of the
Potonja pamet magarcu pod rep. # Counsel window.
is irksome, when the matter is past remedy. Ko nema ništa, mirno spava. # If you have
Starca valja slušati. # If you wish good advi- nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose. * Little we-
ce, consult an old man. alth, little care.

Ko nema sokola i kukavici se veseli. # Beg- dupe klokoće. # The spirit is willing, but the
gars can’t be choosers. * Poor folks are glad of flesh is weak.
porridge. * Poor folk are fain of little. Gde je tanko tu se kida. * Gde je tanko tu i
Ko ništa nema, ništa mu ne nedostaje. (lat. puca. # The thread breaks where it is weakest..
Nihil habenti nihil deest.) # Nothing have, not- Ili loncem o kamen ili kamenom o lonac,
hing crave. teško loncu svakojako! # Whether the pitcher
Krpež je sirotinjska majka. # Mend your strikes the stone, or the stone the pitcher, it is
clothes, and you may hold out this year. bad for the pitcher.
Na sirotoga svakom je laka ruka. # The
poor suffer all the wrong. * The poor man pays Jačina lanca meri se po najslabijoj karici. # A
for all. chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
Nije siromah onaj koji nigda nije imao, Ko je jači taj i tlači. * Jači kvači. # Might
nego onaj koji je imao pa izgubio. # Poverty overcomes right. * The weaker goes to the pot. *
does not hurt him who has not been rich be- Might makes right.
fore. Tri janjca nejaka udaviše kurjaka. # Weak
Nije siromašan onaj ko je zadovoljan onim things united become strong.
što ima. (lat. Pauper enim non est cui rerum sup-
petit usus.) # He who is content in his poverty, is
wonderfully rich.
Od nemanja tvrđeg grada nema. (lat. Can- Našla šljuka prdavca. # Jackdaw always
tabit vacuus coram latrone viator.) # He that has perches by jackdaw.
nothing need fear to lose nothing. * A beggar Našla vreća zakrpu. * Našla vreća uzicu. *
can’t be bankrupt. * The beggar may sing be- Našla slika priliku. * Našla tikva čep. * Našla
fore the thief. rđa svoje gvožđe. # Hedgehogs lodge among
Pozna deca, gotove sirote. # Late children, thorns, because themselves are prickly. * Sca-
early orphans. bby donkeys scent each other over nine hills. *
Prazna kesa, gotova groznica. # A light pur- Like will like.
se makes a heavy heart. * An empty purse fills Obradovala se rđa gvožđu. # Like will to
the face with wrinkles. like.
Prazna vreća uspravno ne može da stoji. # An
Slično se sličnim leči. (lat. Similia similibus
empty sack cannot stand upright.
curantur.) # Like cures like.
Prosjačka torba svagda je prazna. * Pro-
sjačka torba ne može se napuniti. # Beggars’ Slično se sličnom raduje. (lat. Similis simili
bags are bottomless. gaudet.) # Like likes like..
Siromah čovek gotov đavo. # The devil dan- Svaka ptica svome jatu leti. # Birds of a fe-
ces in an empty pocket. ather flock together.
Siromahu je i komarac muzika. # Poor folks Svaki lonac nađe poklopac. (lat. Invenit
are glad of porridge. * Poor folk are fain of lit- protinus patella operculum.) # Every pot has its
tle. * Poor folks are contended with duck soup. cover.
Siromahu je teško pošten biti. # It is hard Šugav šugavoga na livadi nađe. * Šuga
task to be poor and honest/leal. * Poverty šugu nađe. # Scabby donkeys scent each other
obstructs the road to virtue. * Poverty is the over nine hills.
worst guard for chastity. * There is no virtue
that poverty destroys not.
Siromaštvo nije sramota (ali je sramotno SLOBODA
stideti se toga). (lat. Paupertas non est probrum.) Bolje u grob, no biti rob. * Bolje grob nego
# Poverty is not a shame; but the being ashamed rob. # Better starve free than be a slave. * Lean
of it is. liberty is better than fat slavery.
Sirotinja nema srodstva. # Poverty has no
Sit gladnom ne veruje. (lat. Non vult scire SLOGA
satur, quod ieiunus patiatur.) # The full do not Blagoslovene su mnoge ručice. # Many han-
believe the hungry. * He whose belly is full beli- ds make light work.
eves not him who is fasting. Dogovor kuću gradi. * Dogovor kuće ne
obara. # A house divided against itself cannot
SLABOST stand. * Union is strength.
Duša bi htela, al’ je telo slabo. (Novi zavet, Ludi boj biju, a mudri vino piju. # Fools
Jevanđelje po Mateju 26:41) * Srce hoće, al’ bite one another, but wise men agree together.

Ruka ruku mije. # One hand washes other. SMRT

* Claw me, and I’ll claw thee. * Scratch my Ako znamo gde smo se rodili, ne znamo
breech and I’ll claw your elbow. gde ćemo umreti. # Men know where they were
Slogom rastu mnoge stvari, a nesloga sve born, not where they shall die.
pokvari. (lat. Concordia parvae res crescunt, dis- Bolje je pošteno umreti nego sramotno ži-
cordia maximae dilabuntur.) # United we stand, veti. # Better die with honor than live with sha-
divided we fall. me.
Svi za jednog, jedan za sve. # All for one, Čim se čovek rodio, grob mu se otvorio. # As
one for all. soon as man is born he begins to die.
Tri janjca nejaka udaviše kurjaka. # Weak Danas čovek, sutra crna zemlja.# Today a
things united become strong. man, tomorrow none..
Ujedinjeni pobeđujemo, nesložni propa- Danas jesmo, sutra nismo. # Here today,
damo. (lat. Vis unita fortior.) # United we stand gone tomorrow.
(divided we fall). Dan po dan, dok i smrt za vrat. # As soon as
U slozi je spas. * Gde je sloga tu je i božji man is born he begins to die.
blagoslov. # United we stand, divided we fall. Dok jednom ne smrkne drugom ne svane. *
* Union is strength. * Birds in their little nest Jednom smrklo, drugom svanulo. # One man’s
agree. death is another’s man’s bread. * One man’s
loss is another man’s gain.
SLUŽENJE Jednom se mre. * Svak je rođen za po jed-
Gospodareve oči konja goje. # The master’s nom mrijeti. # A man can die only once.
eye makes the horse fat. Kako živio, tako svršio. (lat. Qualis vita, fi-
Kad se mora, drage volje. # When you must, nis ita.) # Such a life, such a death.
you better. * Needs must when the devil drives. Ko se rodi onaj će i umreti. (lat. Cui nas-
Kakav gospodar, onakav i mlađi. (lat. Qua- ci contigit, mori restat.) # He that is once born,
lis dominus talis est servus. # Plane qualis est do- once must die.
minus talis est servis.) # Like master, like man. * Lako je odbiti krivicu na mrtvoga. # The
Jack is as good as his master. dead are always wrong.
Kako gospodar svira, onako mlađi igra. # If Mlad može, a star mora umreti. # Young
the master says the crow is white, the servant man may die, but old must die.
must not say black. Mrtva usta ne govore. * Mrtva glava ne zna
Ko dobra služi onaj se ne tuži. # He that govoriti. # Dead men tell no tales.
serves a good master shall have good wages. Nema smrti bez suđena dana. (lat. Stat sua
Ko ne zna služiti, ne zna ni zapovedati. (lat. cuique dies.) # Death’s day is doom’s day.
Qui nescit pati, nescit dominari.) # An ill servant Od smrti nema leka. # There is a remedy for
will never be a good master. * One must be a all things but death.
servant before one can be a master. O mrtvima sve najbolje. (lat. De mortius
Na čijim se kolima voziš, onoga i konje hva- nihil nisi bene. # De mortuis nil nisi bonum.) #
li. # As long as you serve the tod, you must bear Never speak ill of the dead. * Speak nothing but
his tail. good of the dead.
Niko ne može dva gospodara služiti. (lat. Smrtan bio pa umro. # Dying is as natural
Nemo simul dominis par est servire duobus.) # No as living.
man can serve two masters. Smrt ne gleda nikome u brke. # Death com-
Retko ume dobro gospodariti ko nigda nije bs us all with the same comb.
služio. # One must be a servant before one can Smrt ne pazi ni staro ni mlado. (lat. Omnia
be a master. mors aequat.) # Death comes to us all. * Death
U mlađega pogovora nema. # A good ser- is the great leveller.
vant must come when you call him, go when Svakome zlu smrt je lek. # Death is a re-
you bid him, and shut the door after him. * He medy for all ills.
that is bound must obey. Sve znam, ma ne znam kad ću umreti. #
Vatra i voda dobre su sluge, ali zli gospoda- No man knows when he shall die, although he
ri. # Fire and water are good servants but bad knows he must die.
masters. Što dalje, sve bliže smrti. # The more thy
Veži konja gde ti aga kaže. * Veži konja gde years, the nearer thy grave.
ti gospodar zapoveda. # An ass must be tied Um za morem, a smrt za vratom. # Death
where the master will have him. surprises us in the midst of our hopes.

SNAGA Ne laje kuca sela radi, nego sebe radi. # Dogs

Bolje je sa pameću nego sa snagom. # Wis- wag their tails not so much in love to you as to
dom is better than strength. your bread.
Dva loša ubiše Miloša. (lat. Nec Hercules Niko sam sebi sudija ne može biti. * Niko
contra duos.) # Not even Hercules could con- ne može sudac i parac biti. (lat. Nemo iudex in
tend against two. causa sua.) # Nobody is judge in his own case.
Jača su dvojica nego sam Radojica. # Two (legal maxim) * No one ought to be judge in his
to one is odds. * Many dogs may easily worry own cause.
one hare. Spoznaj samog sebe! (lat. Nosce te ipsum!)
Jačina lanca meri se po najslabijoj karici. # A # Know thyself!
chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Svaka baka pod svoj kotao puše. # The par-
Um caruje, snaga klade valja. # Skill will son always christens his own child first. * Every
accomplish what is denied to force. * Brain is man will have his own turn served.
better than brawn. * Skill is better than stren- Svaki ciga svoga konja hvali. # Each pri-
gth. * Using our brains is often wiser than de- est praises his own relics. * All his geese are
pending on our strength. swans.
Svak je sebi najbliži. (lat. Proximus sum
egomet mihi.) # Number one is the first house
Ako komšijska kuća gori, pazi na svoju. # Svak na svoju vodenicu navraća. # Every
When your neighbor’s home is on fire. bewa- man drags water to his own mill.
re of your own. * Look to thyself when thy Svakoj ptici svoje gnezdo milo. # The bird
neighbor’s house is on fire. loves her nest. * To every bird its nest seems
Bliža je košulja nego haljina. # Near is my fair.
coat, but nearer is my shirt. * Near is my shirt, Svakome je njegova nevolja najteža. # Every
but nearer is my skin. horse thinks its own pack heaviest. * Every one
Bog govori: pomozi se sam, pomoći ću ti i thinks his sack heaviest.
ja. * Radi pa ću ti i ja pomoći, veli Gospod Svakome je njegov krst najteži. # To everyo-
Bog. # We must not lie down and cry, ‘God help ne his own cross is heaviest.
us’. * For a web begun God sends the thread * Svakom se svoje čini najbolje. * Svakom
Do the likeliest, and God will do the best. svoje govno miriše. (lat. Suum cuique pulchrum
Bog je prvo sebi bradu ostavio. # Mind ot- est.) # Every man likes his own thing best. * The
her men but most yourself. owl thinks his own young fairest.
Bolje je svoje jaje nego tuđa kokoš. # Dry U se i u svoje kljuse. # Self do, self have * If
bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. you would be well served, serve yourself. * Put
Čija je kobila onaj najviše za rep vuče. # The your trust in God and keep your powder dry.
parson always christens his own child first. Znam ja u koju nogu hramljem. * Svak
Čovek je često sam sebi najveći neprija- svojoj kapi zna ćud. # Every man is best known
telj. (lat. Saepe nihil inimicius homini quam ipse to himself.
sibi.) # Every man is his own worst enemy.
Ko je sebi zao, kako će drugom biti dobar? SREĆA
(lat. Non bonus est ulli, qui malus ipse sibi.) # He
that is ill to himself, will be good to nobody. Bolje je biti srećan nego bogat. # It’s better
Kad s lukavim čovekom posla imaš, pazi to be born lucky than rich.
na sebe. # If you deal with a fox, think of his Bolje je imati sreće nego pameti. # You
tricks. don’t need brains if you have luck. * Better be
Ko nije za se, nije ni za drugoga. * Ko ne born lucky than wise.
zna za sebe, ne zna ni za mene. (lat. Non bonus Bolji je dram sreće nego sto oka pameti.
est ulli, qui malus ipse sibi. * Frustra sapiens qui (lat. Fortuna in homine plus quam consilium
sibi non sapit.) # He helps little that helps not valet.) # An ounce of luck is worth a pound of
himself. * He is not wise, who is not wise for wisdom.
himself. Čašu meda još niko ne popi, što je čašom žuči
Ko se tuđim kolima vozi, neće daleko stići. ne zagrči. (P. P. Njegoš, Gorski vijenac) # Every
# He who depends on another dines ill and sups sweet has its bitter. * No pleasure without pain.
worse. * Pleasure has a sting in its tail.
Ne da dojkinja najboljega zalogaja detetu. Daj mi sreću, pa me baci u vreću. * Rodi me,
# Nurses put one bit in the child’s mouth and majko, srećnog pa me baci na đubre. # Give a
two in their own. man fortune and cast him into the sea.

Doći će i meni Božić. * Doći će i naš dan. # STAROST

Our day will come. Bez starca nema udarca. # An old ox makes
I ćorava koka nađe zrno. # A blind man may a straight furrow.
sometimes hit the mark. # It was just a shot in Bolje je sa starim papati nego s mladim
the dark, but I got the answer. A blind man may plakati. * Bolje je starcu godine brojati, nego
sometimes hit the mark. s mladim gladovati. # Better be an old man’s
Ko bi gori, taj je doli, a ko doli gori ustaje. darling than a young man’s slave.
# He that falls today may rise tomorrow. Brada narasla a pamet ne donela. * Zaludu
Ko ima sreće u kartama, nema u ljubavi. je lepa brada kad je slaba glava. # The brains
# Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. don’t lie in the beard.
Kolo sreće okreće se. * Ide kolo naokolo. Kad stari pas laje, valja videt’ šta je. # An
(lat. Fortunae rota. * Cum fortuna favet, cave, old dog barks not in vain.
nam rota rotunda.) # The highest spoke in Ko se ne muči u mladosti, kuku mu u staro-
fortune’s wheel may soon turn lowest. sti! # An idle youth, a needy age. * Young idler,
Ko se srećan rodi, njemu i petlovi jaja nose. an old beggar. * A young man idle, an old man
* Ko ima sreću, i vrane mu jajca nose. # If needy.
you’re lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs. * Matora drva ne daju se presaditi. # Remove
Whom God loves, his bitch brings forth pigs. * an old tree and it will wither to death..
If luck is with you, even your ox will give birth
Matora lisica čuva se gvožđa. # An old fox
to a calf.
is not easy snared. * You cannot catch old birds
Krčag ide na vodu dok se ne razbije. # The with chaff..
pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken
Mator se konj ne uči igrati. # You can’t tea-
at last. # The pitcher went to the well once too
ch an old dog new tricks.
Mlad može, a star mora umreti. # Young
Nekome slama tone, a nekome olovo pluta. man may die, but old must die.
# Some have the hap, some stick in the gap.
Nema lude kao što je stara luda. # There’s
Ničija nije do jutra gorela. # No string of no fool like an old fool.
luck lasts forever. * No morning sun lasts a
whole day. * Fortune is weary to carry one and Pitaće te starost gde ti je bila mladost. # An
the same man always. * It is a long lane that has idle youth, a needy age. * If youth knew what
no turning. age would crave, it would both get and save.
Sudbina je jednome majka, drugom maće- Stara čoveka ne pitaju: što te boli, no: što te
ha. (lat. Ut non sit satius aestimare, parens melior ne boli? * Starost je sama po sebi bolest. (lat.
homini an tristior noverca fuerit.) # Fortune to Senectus ipsa est morbus.) # Old age is sickness
of itself.
one is mother, to another is stepmother.
Stara kokoš, dobra čorba. * Stara koka,
Svaka sila za vremena, a nevolja redom
dobra juha. # There’s many a good tune played
ide. * Svačija je bila do vremena a božija do
on an old fiddle. * The best wine comes out of
veka. # Fortune is weary to carry one and the
an old vessel. * Good broth may be made in an
same man always. * It is a long lane that has
old pot.
no turning.
Stara puška još uvek pali. # There’s life in
Svakom dođe njegovih pet minuta. # Every
the old dog yet.
dog has his/its day. # Don’t worry, you’ll get
chosen for the team. Every dog has his day. (“Let Starca valja slušati. # If you wish good advi-
Hercules himself do what he may,/The cat will ce, consult an old man.
mew, and dog will have his day,” (W. Shakespea- Stari ljudi pogotovu deca. (lat. Bis puer ipse
re, Hamlet, Act 5, scene 1.) senex.) # Old men are twice children..
U dobru se ne ponesi, a u zlu se ne ponizi. Stari panj većma gori kad se upali. # There
(lat. In secundis nemo confidat, in adversis nemo is no fool like an old fool.
deficiat.) # If rich, be not elated; if poor, be not Stari pas kad laje, savet daje. # If the old
dejected. * Of thy sorrow be not too sad, of thy dog bark, he gives counsel.
joy be not too glad. * Do not get conceited when Stari su rozi najtvrđi. # The older the buck,
things go well, and do not be down when things the stiffer the horn.
go badly. Staro se drvo ne savija. # An old tree is hard
Veselo srce kudelju prede. # Not a long day, to straighten. * A young tree is easier twisted
but a good heart rids work. than an old tree.

Starost je neizlečiva bolest. (lat. Senectus looked for comes at last. * Patient men win the
est morbus insanabilis.) # Old age is a malady of day.
which one dies. Ni Rim nije sagrađen za jedan dan. # Rome
Staru vreću mučno je zakrpiti. # On an old was not built in a day.
kettle there isn’t much to mend. * Old vessels Od prvog maha dub ne pada. * Od jednog
must leak. udara dub ne pada. (lat. Non uno ictu arbor ca-
Što čovek više živi, više i zna. # The devil dit.) # An oak is not felled at one stroke..
knows many things because he is old. * Years Strpljenje je lek svakom bolu. (lat. Cuivis
know more than books. dolori remedium est patientia.) # Patience is a
Što dalje, sve bliže smrti. # The more thy remedy for every grief.
years, the nearer thy grave.. Strpljenje je retka vrlina. (lat. Patientia rara
Vino i starca zaigra. # A good drink makes virtus.) # Patience is a virtue which few possess.
the old young. * Wine makes old wives wen- Tiha voda breg roni. (lat. Gutta cavat lapi-
ches. dem non vi sed saepe cadendo.) # Still waters
Ženiti se mlad rano je, a star dockan je. # A run deep.
young man should not marry yet, an old man Trpen spasen. (lat. Vincit qui patitur.) # Pa-
not at all. tient men win the day. * He that endures is not
overcome. * He conquers who endures.
Bolje je pošteno umreti nego sramotno ži- SUDBINA
veti. # Better die with honor than live with sha- Iz ove se kože ne može. * Iz ove kože nema
me. se kud. * Iz ove kože nikud ni kamo. # No fl-
Bolje je sam se mučiti nego se s drugim sra- ying from fate. * What must be, must be.
motiti. * Bolje je samotovati nego sramotova- Kako te kolevka zanjiše, tako te motika za-
ti. # Better be alone than in bad company.. kopa. * Što kolevka zaljuljala, to motika zako-
Čega se pametan stidi, tim se lud ponosi. pala. * Kako ko nikne, tako i obikne. # Every
# Wise men wear their horns on their breasts, bullet has its billet.
fools on their foreheads. Ko bi gori, taj je doli, a ko doli gori ustaje.*
Ko ima obraza dobro živi, a ko nema još i He that falls today may rise tomorrow.
bolje. # He who is without shame, all the world Kolo sreće okreće se. * Ide kolo naokolo.
is his. (lat. Fortunae rota. # Cum fortuna favet, cave,
Ko se ljudi ne stidi, ni Boga se ne boji. * Ko nam rota rotunda.) # The highest spoke in
izgubi sram ljudski, izgubi i strah božji. # He fortune’s wheel may soon turn lowest..
who has no shame before the world, has no fear Ko se za vešala rodio, neće utonuti. # He that
before God. is born to be hanged, shall never be drowned.
Niko nikoga ne može osramotiti, dok se Nekome slama tone, a nekome olovo pluta.
sam ne osramoti. # No one can disgrace us but # Some have the hap, some stick in the gap.
Ničija nije do jutra gorela. # No string of
luck lasts forever. * No morning sun lasts a
STRAH whole day. * Fortune is weary to carry one and
Strah je jači od ljubavi. (lat. Si meliores sunt the same man always. * It is a long lane that has
quos ducit amor, plures sunt quos corrigit timor.) no turning.
# Fear is stronger than love. Niko ne zna što nosi jutro, što li veče. *
U straha su velike oči. # Fear has magni- Niko ne zna šta nosi dan, šta li noć. # None
fying eyes. * Danger looks bigger through the knows what will happen to him before sunset. *
eyes of fear. Boast not of tomorrow, for you know not what a
day may bring forth.
Od sudbine se ne može uteći. # No flying
STRPLJENJE from fate. * Misfortunes find their way even on
Ako je kratak dan, duga je godina. * Ako the darkest night.
ima mnogo posla, ima i dana. # A strong town Pametnu čoveku sudbina pomaže, a buda-
is not won in an hour. * No man is his craft’s lu vuče za rukav. * Onoga koga hoće sudbina
master the first day. vodi, a onoga koga neće, vuče. (lat. Ducunt vo-
Ko čeka, dočeka. # Everything comes to him lentem fata, nolentem trahunt.) # Fate leads the
who waits. * He conquers who endures. * Long willing, but drives the stubborn.

Sudbina je jednome majka. drugom maće- Krpež kuću drži. * Krpež kuću teče. * Kr-
ha. (lat. Ut non sit satius aestimare, parens melior pež i trpež pô sveta drži. # Mending and do-
homini an tristior noverca fuerit.) # Fortune to ing without keep the house. * Patch by patch is
one is mother, to another is stepmother.. good housewifery..
Svakom će doći po jedan crni petak. * Doći Lakše je steći nego sačuvati. (lat. Nec minor
će i njemu crni petak. # There is a crook in the est virtus, quam quaerere parta, tueri.) # He who
lot of every one. * He will see his black Friday, gets does much, but he who keeps does more.
too. Mnogo zrna gomilu načine. (lat. Adde pa-
rum parvo, modicum superadde pusillo tempore
SUSED sic parvo magnus acervus erit.) # Many a little
makes a mickle. * Many a mickle makes a muc-
Ako komšijska kuća gori, pazi na svoju. # kle.
When your neighbor’s home is on fire. bewa-
re of your own. * Look to thyself when thy Ne rasipaj pa ćeš imati. # Waste not, want
neighbor’s house is on fire. not.
Ljubi bližnjega svoga kao samog sebe. Onaj je novac dobro potrošen s kojim se če-
(Novi zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 19:19) # Love tiri štede. # That penny is well spent that saves
thy neighbor as thyself. a groat.
Rđav komšija veliko je zlo. (lat. Vicinum Radnja je za čoveka, a štednja za ženu. # Men
habere malum, magnum est malum.) # An ill ne- get wealth and women keep it.
ighbor is an ill thing. Stotinu malih čine jedno veliko. # Many
small make a great.
Štednja je prvo tečenje. (lat. Magnum vec-
tigal est parsimonia.) # Sparing is the first ga-
Dva ata na jednim jaslama ne mogu biti. ining.
* Dva pelivana na jednom konopcu ne mogu Što čovek ne potroši ono je dobio. # A penny
igrati. # Two cats and a mouse, two wives in saved is a penny earned.
one house, two dogs and a bone, never agree Što ko ima, nek čuva. # What you have,
in one.
Kad se dvojica svađaju, treći se koristi. (lat.
U radiše svega biše, u štediše još i više. # He
Duobus litigantibus tertius gaudet.) # Two dogs
who works begins well; he who economizes
strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.
ends better.
Podeli pa vladaj. (lat. Divide et impera. # Di-
vide ut regnes.) # Divide and rule. * Divide and Ušteđen dinar je zarađen dinar. # A penny
conquer. saved is a penny earned.
U mutnoj se vodi riba lovi. (lat. Est facilis Zrno po zrno pogača, kamen do kamena
captu turbata piscis in unda.) # There’s always palača. # Grain by grain, and the hen fills her
good fishing in muddy waters. belly. * A pin a day is a groat a year. * Many a
pickle makes a mickle * Penny and penny laid
up will be.
Bolja je dobra štednja nego rđavo tečenje. Koga nema bez njega se može. * Koga nema
# Better spared than ill spent. bez njega i bolje. * Niko nije nezamenljiv. # No
Bolje je vreću otresti nego torbu načeti. # one is irreplaceable/indispensable. * Those who
Better shake out the sack than start out a full are absent are not missed. * Long absent, soon
bag. forgotten..
Čuvaj bele pare za crne dane. # Keep so- Sve sama gospoda, a ko će vodu nositi? # You
mething for a rainy day. * For age and want a lady, I a lady, who will milk the cow? * I proud
save while you may. and thou proud, who shall bear the ashes out?
Ko ne čuva malo, ne može ni dosta imati.
# Who will not keep a penny, never shall have
Ko štedi klinac, izgubi potkovu. * Ko čuva Dok dete ne zaplače, majka ga se ne seća. *
klinac, izgubi ploču. # Penny wise, pound foo- Kad dete ne plače, majka mu sisu ne daje. # He
lish. * Penny wise and pound foolish. * Don’t that cannot ask, cannot live.
spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar. Kakvo pitanje, takav i odgovor. # Like qu-
Krpež je sirotinjska majka. # Mend your estion, like answer. * Ask a silly question and
clothes, and you may hold out this year. you’ll get a silly answer.

Ko kuca, tome se i otvara. * Kucajte, i otvo- Roba govori. (lat. Vino vendibili hedera non
riće vam se. (Novi zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju opus est.) # Good wine needs no bush.
7:7) # Ask and it shall be given you. Svaki ciga svoga konja hvali. # Each pri-
Ko pita, ne skita. * Ko pita, s puta ne zalazi. est praises his own relics. * All his geese are
# Better to ask the way than go astray. swans.
Svako zašto ima svoje zato. # Every why has Što nije potrebno, to je skupo. (lat. Quod
a wherefore. non opus est, carum est.) # A thing you don’t
U stidljiva slepca prazna torba. # The poor want is dear at any price.
cannot afford to be bashful. * Bashfulness is an
enemy to poverty. TROŠENJE
Kako došlo onako i prošlo. # So got, so
TRGOVINA gone. * Easy come, easy go. * Soon gotten, soon
Ako ne znaš šta je dobro, pitaj šta je skupo. spent.
# Best is best cheap. Ko ne čuva malo, ne može ni dosta imati.
Ako smo i braća, nisu nam kese sestre. * # Who will not keep a penny, never shall have
Braća ka’ i braća, a tobolci ka’ i krvnici. # When many.
two friends have a common purse, one sings Ne pružaj se dalje od gubera. # Stretch your
and the other weeps. arm no further than your sleeve will reach. *
Čist račun, duga ljubav. (lat. Clara pacta, Let your purse be your master.
boni amici.) # Short reckonings make long fri- Ne rasipaj pa ćeš imati. # Waste not, want
ends. * Never borrow, never lend, if you wish to not.
keep a friend. * Lend your money and lose your Novci kad odlaze imaju sto nogu, a kad
friend. * Pay your debts or lose your friends. dolaze samo dve. # It seems like hard-earned
Dobar espap lasno kupca nađe. # Good money has the best wings. * Narrow gathered,
ware is half sold. widely spent.
Jeftin espap kesu prazni. # A good bargain Onaj je novac dobro potrošen s kojim se če-
is a pick-purse. tiri štede. # That penny is well spent that saves
Ko kupuje što ne treba, prodavaće i ono a groat.
što treba. # Buy what you do not want and you Prema guberu valja se pružiti. # Cut your
will sell what you cannot spare. * Buy what you coat according your cloth. * Everyone stretches
have no need of and ere long you shall sell your his legs according the length of his coverlet.
necessaries. Što voda donela, voda odnela. # Come with
Lovac je da lovi, a prepelica da se čuva. * the wind, go with the water.
Neka kupac pazi. (lat. Caveat emptor.) # Let the
buyer beware. TVRDIČLUK
Ljubav za ljubav, a sir za pare. * Braća ka’
i braća, ama sir za aspre. # Brotherly love, for Ko štedi klinac, izgubi potkovu. * Ko čuva
brotherly love, but cheese for money. klinac, izgubi ploču. # Penny wise, pound foo-
lish. * Penny wise and pound foolish. * Don’t
Merom meri a cenom ceni. * Izmeri pravo,
spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar.
pa išti šta vredi. # Weigh justly, and sell dearly.
* Weigh right if you sell dear. * It is no sin to sell Stisnuta ruka ništa ne hvata. # Nothing en-
dear, but a sin to give ill measure.. ters in a close hand.
Mnogo dobije onaj koji svašta ne kupuje. #
They buy good cheap that bring nothing home. UČENJE
Mušterija je uvek u pravu. # The customer Čovek se do smrti uči. (lat. Tamdiu discen-
is always right. dum est, quamdiu nescias et quamdiu vivas.)
Najbolji je pazar u svojoj kući. # Buy at a # Never too late to learn.
fair, but sell at home. Čovek se uči dok je živ. (lat. Tamdiu discen-
Nisam toliko bogat da kupujem jeftine dum est, quamdiu nescias et quamdiu vivas.) # Live
stvari. # Ill ware is never cheap. and learn. * One lives and learns.
Od jeftina mesa čorba za plot. # Ill flesh Niko se nije naučen rodio. # No man is born
ne’er made good broth. wise or learned.
Onoliko stvar vredi pošto se može prodati. Što muči, uči. (lat. Quod nocet, saepe docet.)
# The worth of a thing is what it will bring. # Adversity comes with instruction in its hand.

O ukusima ne treba raspravljati. (lat. De Iz drače ruža se rađa. # Great oaks from
gustibus non disputandum est.) # There is no little acorns grow. * Small is the seed of every
disputing about tastes. greatness..
Sve je stvar ukusa. # There’s no accounting Ko visoko leti, nisko pada. * Što visoko leti,
for taste(s). na nisko pada. * Visoko poleće, al’ nisko pada.
# The higher they fly, the harder they fall. * The
UMERENOST higher you climb the harder you fall. * The hi-
ghest tree has the greatest fall. * The higher the
Kad čeljad nisu besna, kuća nije tesna. # Whe- mountain the greater descent. * Hasty climbers
re there is room in the heart, there is room in the have sudden falls
house. * There’s always room for one more. Od pruta biva veliko drvo. # Every oak has
Mera u svemu je najbolja stvar. (lat. Modus been an acorn.
omnnibus in rebus optimum.) # Moderation in Orao ne hvata muve. (lat. Aquilla non capit
all things. muscas.) # Eagles don’t catch flies.
Mnogo je mačku goveđa glava. # Don’t bite Stotinu malih čine jedno veliko. # Many
off more than you can chew. small make a great.
Ne pružaj se dalje od gubera. # Stretch your Veća glava, više glavobolje. # A big head has
arm no further than your sleeve will reach. * a big ache. * The bigger the head, the larger the
Let your purse be your master. headache.
Postoji mera u stvarima. (lat. Est modus in Velika drveta dugo rastu, ali začas padnu.
rebus.) # There is measure in all things. #The highest tree has the greatest fall.
Prema guberu valja se pružiti. # Cut your Velika riba jede malu ribu. * Velike ribe
coat according your cloth. * Everyone stretches male proždiru. # Big fish eat little fish.
his legs according the length of his coverlet. .
Za dobrim se konjem prašina diže. * Za
Srednja je sreća najbolja. * Sredinom ćeš dobrim se konjem bat čuje. * Nije onde vuka
najsigurnije ići. (lat. Medio tutissimus ibis.) # A za kojim psi ne laju. # A great tree attracts the
middle course is the safest. wind. * Great winds blow upon high hills. * The
bigger the man, the better the mark. * He who
USAMLJENOST stands high is seen from afar.
Bolje je biti sam nego u rđavu društvu. *
Bolje je sam se mučiti nego se s drugim sramo- VEROVANJA
titi. * Bolje je samotovati nego sramotovati. #
Better be alone than in bad company. Grom ne udara dva puta u isto mesto. # Li-
ghtning never strikes twice in the same place. *
Ko se od ljudi krije, bolje da ga nije. * Teš- Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
ko jednomu! (Stari zavet, Knjiga propovedniko-
va 4:10) # Woe to him that is alone. Hladne ruke, toplo srce. # Cold hands,
warm heart.
Ko ima sreće u kartama, nema u ljubavi. #
VASPITANJE Lucky at cards, unlucky in love.
Batina je iz raja izašla. (lat. Virgarum tactus Treća - sreća. * Do tri puta Bog pomaže.
pravos eliminat actus. # Qui parcit virgae, odit #Third time lucky. * The third time is a charm.
filium.) # The stick is the surest peacemaker. * * Third time never fails.
Spare the rod and spoil the child. * A whip for
a fool, and a rod for a school, is always in good
season. * Better children weep than old men. VEROVATI
Dok je šiba tanka, treba je ispravljati. # As Bolje je verovati svojim očima nego tuđim
the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined. * As the rečima. # Believe nothing of what you hear and
twig is bent, so grows the tree. only half of what you see.
Drvo se savija dok je mlado. * Dok je drvo Kad vidim onda ću i verovati. # I’ll believe
mlado možeš ga savijati kako hoćeš. * Mlado se it/that when I see it..
drvo savija. # Thraw the wand while it is green. Ko jedanput slaže, drugi put mu se ne ve-
* As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined ruje ako i istinu kaže. (lat. Mendaci homini ne
Mlađem na volju, a sebi na nevolju. # He verum quidem dicenti credere solemus.) # He
that cockers his child, provides for his enemy. * that once deceives, is ever suspected. * A liar is
Better children weep than old men. not believed when he speaks the truth.

Ko lako veruje, lako se i prevari. # He who nes id, quod volunt, credunt.) # We soon believe
believes easily is easily deceived. * They that what we desire. * The wish is father of/to the
think none ill, are soonest beguiled. thought. * That’s just wishful thinking.
Laž se pređe primi nego istina. # A lie can Zaludu je gluvom govoriti, a ćoravom na-
go a mile before the truth can put its boots on. migivati. * Uzalud je zamarati gluve uši. (lat.
Očima valja više verovati nego ušima. # See- Frustra surdas aures fatigare.) # None so blind/
ing is believing.. deaf as those that will not see/hear.
Što čuješ, ne veruj; što vidiš, to veruj. # Be- Žedna konja ne treba na vodu terati. # Ne-
lieve nothing of what you hear, and only half of ver spur a willing horse.
what you see. * Seing is believing.
VLAST Imadoh, ne znadoh - izgubih, poznadoh. # The
Ako hoćeš koga da poznaš, podaj mu vlast worth of a thing is best known by the want of
u ruke. * Daj mu vlast pa mu poznaj čast. # If it.
you wish to know a man, give him authority. * Onoliko stvar vredi pošto se može prodati.
Authority shows the man. # The worth of a thing is what it will bring.
Daj mu vlast, prvo će sopstvenog oca obe-
siti. # Give a slave a rod, and he’ll beat his ma- VREME
Podajte caru carevo, a Bogu božje. (Novi Drugo vreme, drugi običaji. (franc. Autre
zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 22:21) # Render temps, autres moeurs.) # Other times, other ma-
unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s (and nners.
unto God the things which are God’s). Niko ne zna što nosi jutro, što li veče. * Niko
Podeli pa vladaj. (lat. Divide et impera. * Di- ne zna šta nosi dan, šta li noć.* None knows
vide ut regnes.) # Divide and rule. * Divide and what will happen to him before sunset. * Boast
conquer.. not of tomorrow, for you know not what a day
may bring forth.
U koga je čaša, u toga i molitva. # He who
has the frying-pan in his hand turns it at will. Što je bilo bilo je (vratiti se neće). # Thin-
gs past cannot be recalled. * Let the dead bury
U koga je mast, u njega je vlast. (lat. In cun-
their dead.
ctis domina pecunia est.) # Money governs the
world. * Money is the only monarch. * Money is Što pođe niz vodu, ne vrnu se uz vodu. # Wa-
the ace of trumps. ter always flows down, not up. * Things past ca-
nnot be recalled.
U koga je pogača, u toga je i nož. * U koga
je čaša, u toga i molitva. # He who holds the Uveče se dan hvali. (lat. Vespere laudatur
thread holds the ball. dies.) # Praise a fine day at night.
Vreme će pokazati. # Time will tell. * Time
tries all things.
VOLJA Vreme je najbolji sudija. * Istina je kći vre-
Duša bi htela, al’ je telo slabo. (Novi zavet, mena. (lat. Veritas filia temporis.) # Time tries
Jevanđelje po Mateju 26:41) * Srce hoće, al’ truth. * Time is the father of truth. * Truth is
dupe klokoće. # The spirit is willing, but the time’s daughter.
flesh is weak. Vreme je novac. # Time is money.
Kad se hoće, sve se može. # Where there’s a Vreme koje se izgubi ne da se nadoknaditi.
will, there’s a way. * Nothing is impossible to a * Čas koji je prošao više se ne može vratiti.
willing heart. (Nec quae prateriit hora redire potest.) # Time
Koji se hrt silom u lov vodi, on zeca ne hva- lost cannot be recalled.
ta. # If the lad go to the well against his will, Vreme leti. (lat. Tempus fugit.) # Time flies.
either the can will break or the water will spill. * Time has wings. * Time is, time was, and time
Ko rado igra, lako mu se se svira. # Where is past.
your will is ready, your feet are light. * All lay a Vremena se menjaju i mi u njima. (lat. Tem-
load on the willing horse. pora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.) # Times
Niko nije gluvlji od onih koji neće da čuju. change and we change with them. * All things
# There’s none so deaf as those who will not are changing, and we are changing with them.
hear. Vreme nikoga ne čeka. # Time and tide wait
Što je babi milo, to joj se i snilo. (lat. Quae for no man. * Time waits for no one. * Time
volumus et credimus libenter. * Libenter homi- stays not the fool’s leisure.

Vreme sve leči. (lat. Tempus primus et opti- Kopaj bunar, al’ ne pljuj u stari. # Cast no
mus medicus. * Tempus vulnera sanat.) # Time is dirt in the well that gives you water.
a great healer. * Time cures all things. * Time Ne gledaj poklonjenom konju u zube. * Po-
heals all wounds. * Time is the best doctor. * klonjenoj kobili se u zube ne gleda. * Poklonu
Time tames the strongest grief. se u oči/zube ne gleda. (lat. Equi donati dentes
non inspiciuntur.) # Never look a gift horse in
Grom ne udara dva puta u isto mesto. # Li- Pomozi sirotu sebi za sramotu. * Hrani si-
ghtning never strikes twice in the same place. * rotu na svoju sramotu. # A beggar pays a bene-
Lightning never strikes the same place twice. fit with a louse.
Grom zagrme na svetoga Savu, usred zime Žedan konj vode ne probira. # He is not
kad mu vreme nije. # Winter’s thunder makes thirsty who doesn’t drink water. * A hungry
old man’s wonder. horse makes a clean manger. * Hunger finds no
Ne valja verovati letnjoj oblačini ni zimskoj fault with the cookery.
vedrini. # A fair day in winter is the mother of
a storm.. ZAJAM
Čist račun, duga ljubav. (lat. Clara pacta,
boni amici.) # Short reckonings make long fri-
Bolja je i bobova slama nego prazne jasle. # ends. * Never borrow, never lend, if you wish to
Half an egg is better than an empty shell. keep a friend. * Lend your money and lose your
I sa malim valja biti zadovoljan. (lat. Vive- friend. * Pay your debts or lose your friends.
re parvo bene.) # Enough is as good as a feast. Pušku, ženu i konja može čovek pokazati,
* He has enough who is contented with little. ali u naručje ne davati. # A horse, a wife, and a
* He is at ease who has enough. * That which sword may be showed, but not lent.
suffices, is not little.
Ko nema sokola i kukavici se veseli. # Beg-
gars can’t be choosers. * Poor folks are glad of
porridge. * Poor folk are fain of little. Bez alata nema zanata. # You can’t make
Ne bi dosta kad ne osta. # There was never bricks without straw. * The right tool for the
enough where nothing was left. * Of enough, job. * A carpenter is only as good as his tools. *
men leave. Give us the tools and we wil finish the job.
Nije siromašan onaj ko je zadovoljan onim Ja budi majstor, ja ne prljaj ruku. * Ili kuj
što ima. (lat. Pauper enim non est cui rerum sup- il’ ne mrči gaća! # Fish or cut bait!
petit usus.) # He who is content in his poverty, is Ko što ne razume, onog nek se mane. (lat.
wonderfully rich. Quam quisque norit artem, in hac se exerceat.)
Od viška glava ne boli. # A little surplus/ # Every man to his trade. * The cobbler should
oversupply never hurt anyone. stick to his last.
Suhoj zemlji i slana voda je dobra. # Where Obućareva žena i kovačeva kobila uvek bose.
nothing is, a little does ease. # The blaksmith’s horse and the shoemaker’s fa-
mily go unshod. * The shoemaker’s son always
Sve, sve, ali zanat. # Who has a trade, has
Bolja je i bobova slama nego prazne jasle. # a share everywhere. * He who has an art, has
Half an egg is better than an empty shell. everywhere a part..
Bolje išta nego ništa. # Half a loaf is better
than none (a bread). * Better are small fish,
than an empty dish. * Better something than ZASLUŽENA KAZNA
nothing. Kako došlo onako i prošlo. # So got, so
Bolji je i crn kolač nego prazna torba. # A gone. * Easy come, easy go. * Soon gotten, soon
crust is better than no bread. * Better some of a spent.
pudding than none of a pie. Kako je radio onako je i prošao. # The deed
Hrani pseto da te ujede. # Save a thief from comes back upon the doer.
the gallows and he’ll cut your throat. Kako poseješ, onako ćeš i požnjeti. * Što
Ja pseto iz bunara vadim, a ono me ujeda. poseješ, to ćeš i požnjeti. (Novi zavet, Galatima
# Save a stranger from the sea, and he’ll turn poslanica 6:7) # As you sow you shall reap. * As
your enemy. you sow, so you reap.

Ko drugome jamu kopa sam u nju pada. # If Nek komšiji crkne krava. # An envious man
you dig a pit for someone else, you fall into it waxes lean with the fatness of his neighbor.
yourself. Slatka smokva preko plota. # The apples on
Ko mačem seče, od mača će i poginuti. * the other side of the wall are the sweetest.
Ko se mača lati, od mača će i poginuti. * Ko Tuđa koza puna loja. * U tuđe krave veli-
nožem podire, od noža i umire. # Live by the ko vime. # Our neighbor’s ground yields better
sword, die by the sword. * They that live by corn than ours.
the sword shall perish by the sword. * He that
U tuđoj ruci komad veći. (lat. Fertilior se-
strikes with the sword, shall be beaten with the
ges est alienis semper in agris.) # The grass is
(always) greener on the other side of the fence/
Ko na vetar pljuje, na obraz mu pada. * Ko hill.
u nebo pljuje, na obraz mu pada. # Who spits
against the wind, it falls in his face. * An arrow
shot upright falls on the shooter’s head. ZDRAVLJE
Ko na zvezde laje, ispašće mu zubi. # After Bez zdravlja nema bogatstva. # Give me my
your fling, watch for your sting. health and take my wealth. * He that wants he-
Ko ne hrani mačku, hrani miševe. # If you alth wants all.
can’t feed cats, you must feed the rats. Bolesnik malo jede, ali mnogo troši. # Sic-
Ko propusti priliku, i ona će njega. (lat. kness soaks the purse.
Qui deserit occasionem, deseritur ab occasione.) Bolje je biti zdrav nego bogat. # Health is
# Opportunity seldom knocks twice. * When better than wealth. * Good health is more to be
fortune smiles, embrace her. * Opportunitiy desired than wealth..
knocks but once.
Čistoća je pola zdravlja. # Cleanliness is
Ko seje vetar, požnjece buru. # They that next to godliness.
sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind. * He that
sows thistles shall reap prickles. Čizma glavu čuva, šubara je kvari. # A cool
mouth, and warm feet, live long.
Ko što čini, to i dočeka. # The deed comes
back upon the doer. * After your fling, watch Jabuka na dan, lekar je suvišan.* An apple
for the sting. a day keeps the doctor away.
Ko za tuđom vunom pođe, sam ostrižen Koji me je pas ujedao, svojom dlakom le-
kući dođe. # Many go for wool and come home čio. # Take a hair of the dog that bit you.
shorn themselves. * He that eats the king’s go- Lako je zdravome bolesnoga savetovati. # It
ose shall be choked with the feathers. * He that is easy for a man in health to preach patience
steals honey should beware of the sting. to the sick.
Ko zlo čini i dočekaće ga. * Ko zlo radi, va- Ljuta trava na ljutu ranu. # Desperate cuts
lja i da ga dočeka. # He that mischief hatches, must have desperate cures. * Desperate diseases
mischief catches. call for desperate remedies.
Što voda donela, voda odnela. # Come with U zdravom telu zdrav duh. (lat. Mens sana
the wind, go with the water. in corpore sano.) # A sound mind in a sound
Zlo rađenje, gotovo suđenje. # Every sin body..
brings its punishment with it. * Where vice is, Zdravlje je najveće bogatstvo. # Health is
vengeance follows. great riches.
Zlo stečeno - zlo propalo. * Kako došlo, Žuti žutuju, a rumeni putuju. # A creaking
onako i prošlo. (lat. Male parta male dilabuntur.) gate hangs longest.
# Ill gotten, ill spent.
Čovek je čoveku vuk. (lat. Homo homini lu-
Bolje da mi zavide nego da me sažaljevaju. pus.) # Man is a wolf to man.
# Better be envied than pitied.
Ko seje vetar, požnjece buru. # They that
Ko se tuđemu zlu veseli, nek se svome nada.
sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind. * He that
# Envy shoots at others, and wounds itself.
sows thistles shall reap prickles.
Na tuđem pašnjaku zelenija trava. (lat.
Fertilior seges est alienis semper in agris.) # The Ko zlo čini i dočekaće ga. * Ko zlo radi, va-
grass is (always) greener on the other side of lja i da ga dočeka. # He that mischief hatches,
the fence/hill. mischief catches.

Ne zovi zlo jer samo može doći. # Never tro- Čovek se uči dok je živ. (lat. Tamdiu discen-
uble trouble till trouble troubles you. * He that dum est, quamdiu nescias et quamdiu vivas.) # Live
seeks trouble never misses. and learn. * One lives and learns.
Od dva zla biraj manje. (lat. De duobus ma- Ko mnogo zna, mnogo i pati. # Who knows
lis minimum est eligendum.) # Choose the lesser much will suffer much.
of two evils. * Of two evils choose the less. Što čovek više živi, više i zna. # The devil
Svakome zlu smrt je lek. # Death is a re- knows many things because he is old. * Years
medy for all ills. know more than books..
Svako zlo ima svoj ustuk. # No wrong wit- U rukama Mandušića Vuka svaka puška
hout a remedy. * For every evil under the sun, biće ubojita. (P. P. Njegoš, Gorski vijenac) # In
there is a remedy or there is none: if there be the hands of a good shot every rifle is deadly.
one, try and find it; if there be none, never mind
it. ŽENA
U dobru se ne ponesi, a u zlu se ne ponizi.
(lat. In secundis nemo confidat, in adversis nemo Bolje je gdegod i ženu poslušati. * Dobro je
deficiat.) # If rich, be not elated; if poor, be not kadšto i pametnu ženu poslušati. # A woman’s
dejected. * Of thy sorrow be not too sad, of thy advice is no great thing, but he who won’t take
joy be not too glad. * Do not get conceited when it is a fool.
things go well, and do not be down when things Čovek ne može biti čovek, dokle ga žena ne
go badly. krsti. # He that has not got a wife is not yet a
U svakom zlu ima i dobra. * Svako zlo ima complete man. * A man without a wife is but
svoje dobro. # Ill luck is good for something. * half a man.
Every cloud has a silver lining. * It’s an ill wind Duga kosa kratka pamet. * U žene je duga
that blows nobody any good. kosa, a kratka pamet. (lat. Curta mens, longae
crines.) # Women have long hair and short bra-
U zlu se čovek ogleda kakav je. # Adversity
is the touchstone of virtue.
Gde nije žene, onde nije ni kuće. # A house
Zlo brzo dođe, a polako prođe. # Mischi-
without woman and firelight is like a body wit-
ef comes by the pound and goes away by the
hout soul or spirit.
ounce. * Misfortune arrives on horseback but
departs on foot. * Ill comes in by ells, and goes Gori je ženski jezik nego turska sablja. # A
by inches. woman’s sword is her tongue, and she does not
let it rust.
Zlo dobra doneti neće. # Wrong never co-
mes right. Ne stoji kuća na zemlji nego na ženi. # Woe-
ful is the household that wants a woman. * Men
Zlo činiti a dobru se nadati nije moguće. # build houses; women build homes.
Never do evil that good may come of it.
Pušku, ženu i konja može čovek pokazati,
Zlo rađenje, gotovo suđenje. # Every sin ali u naručje ne davati. # A horse, a wife, and a
brings its punishment with it. * Where vice is, sword may be showed, but not lent.
vengeance follows.
Radnja je za čoveka, a štednja za ženu. # Men
Zlo se zlim tera. # Desperate evils require get wealth and women keep it.
desperate remedies..
Tri žene i jedna guska čine vašar. # Three
Zlo stečeno - zlo propalo. * Kako došlo, women make a market.
onako i prošlo. (lat. Male parta male dilabuntur.)
U žene je devet duša. (lat. Varium et mutabile
# Ill gotten, ill spent..
semper femina.) # Women are as wavering as
the wind. * A woman’s mind and a winter wind
ZNAK change oft. * A woman is a weathercock.
Kad kokoš hoće da pronese, ona najprije Žena će samo onu tajnu sačuvati koju ne
kakoće. # First hen cackled, first hen laid. zna. (lat. Femina id tantum tacet, quod nescit.) A
Ko se oglasio, taj se oprasio. # The smeller’s woman conceals what she knows not.
the feller. * He who smelled it dealt it. Žena se uzda u plač, a lupež u laž. * Žena
laže suze prosipljući. (P. P. Njegoš, Gorski vije-
nac) # Trust not a woman when she weeps.
ZNANJE Žene su da zbore, a ljudi da tvore. # Deeds
Bolje je ništa ne znati nego kojekako. # Better are males, and words are females.
know nothing than half-know many things. * A Ženi je mesto u kući. # A woman’s place is
little knowledge/learning is a dangerous thing. in the home.

ŽIVOT Hear twice before you speak once. * Look befo-

re you leap. * Second thoughts are best.
Bolje je pošteno umreti nego sramotno ži-
veti. # Better die with honor than live with sha- Jezik neka ne ide ispred pameti. # Let not
me. thy tongue run away with thy brains.
Ko brzo sudi, brzo se i kaje. (lat. Ad paeni-
Dok je života, dotle je i nade. * Dok je veka,
tendum properat cito qui iudicat.) # He that pa-
dotle je leka. (lat. Dum spiro, spero. * Aegroto sses judgment as he runs, overtakes repentance.
dum anima est, spes esse dicitur.) # While there’s * He that soon deemeth, soon repenteth.
life, there’s hope.
Ko lagano ide, dalje će stići. # Soft pace goes
Jednom se živi. * Niko ne živi dva veka. # far. * He that goes softly, goes safely.
You only live once. Ko polako ide, prije doma dođe. # Ride sof-
Kako živio, tako svršio. (lat. Qualis vita, fi- tly, that we may come sooner home.
nis ita.) # Such a life, such a death. Oženi se na brzinu, kajaćeš se natenane. #
Živi i daj drugome da živi. # Live and let Marry in haste, repent at leisure.
live. Polako, ali sigurno. # Slow but sure wins the
Život je pun nepravdi.* Life is unfair. race. * Easy does it.
Preči put kola lomi. # The nearest way is co-
ŽURBA mmonly the foulest. * Better to go about than to
fall into the ditch.
Dvaput meri, jedanput seci. * Dva puta Preko preče, naokolo bliže. # The longest
meri, a treći kroj. # Score twice before you cut way round is the shortest way home. * Better
once. to go around than to fall into the ditch. * The
Hitnja je vražji posao. # Haste is from the nearest way is commonly the foulest.
devil. Što je brzo to je i kuso. # Haste makes wa-
Ispeci pa reci. (lat. Verba provisam rem non ste. * Hasty work, double work. * Good and qu-
invita sequentur.) # First think and then speak. * ickly seldom meet.

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