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Epilepsia, 52(Suppl.

3):40–44, 2011
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03035.x


Antiepileptic drugs and the immune system

*Ettore Beghi and ySimon Shorvon

*Department of Neuroscience, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche ‘‘Mario Negri’’, Milano, Italy; and yDepartment
of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom

lism is the primary site of interaction for both

AEDs and immunotherapies (ACTH, dexametha-
Data on the effects of antiepileptic drugs on the sone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, cyclo-
immune system are frequently inconsistent and phosphamide, methotrexate, rituximab), which
sometimes conflicting because the effects of drugs entail induction or inhibition of drug effects. How-
cannot be separated from those of seizures, first- ever, the clinical importance of these drug interac-
generation drugs have been most intensively tions is still far from defined. An important
investigated, the patient’s genetic background, adverse effect of the action of AEDs on the
the mechanism of action and the pharmacokinetic immune system is antiepileptic hypersensitivity
profile of AEDs and the concurrent use of immu- syndrome (AHS), a life-threatening, idiosyncratic
nosuppressant drugs may act as confounders. cutaneous reaction to aromatic AEDs resulting in
Valproate, carbamazepine, phenytoin, vigabatrin, end organ damage. Phenytoin, carbamazepine,
levetiracetam, and diazepam have been found to phenobarbital, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, felba-
modulate the immune system activity by affecting mate, and zonisamide have been implicated. The
humoral and cellular immunity. AEDs are associ- pathogenic mechanisms of AHS are incompletely
ated with pharmacokinetic interactions (most fre- understood.
quently occurring with carbamazepine, phenytoin, KEY WORDS: Antiepileptic drugs, Immune system.
phenobarbital and valproate). Hepatic metabo-

Several clinical reports have documented the effects of characteristics of the available compounds, which may
antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on the immune system. How- affect the individual’s susceptibility to develop immune-
ever, the published findings refer mostly to the first-gen- mediated adverse reactions. These explanations can be
eration compounds, are frequently inconsistent, and are also offered for the interpretation of the clinical relevance
sometimes conflicting. Several explanations can be of these adverse drug effects, which may present as seri-
given: (1) The effects of drugs on the immune system ous, life-threatening conditions such as in the antiepilep-
cannot be easily separated from the effects of seizures tic hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS).
(see also Aronica & Crino, 2011; and Friedman & With this background information in mind, we discuss
Dingledine, 2011); (2) First-generation drugs have been three topics in this subject area: (1) The immunologic
more intensively used than the new compounds, which effects of AEDs; (2) The interactions between antiepilep-
may explain their predominant involvement in immune- tic drugs and immunotherapies; and (3) The antiepileptic
mediated reactions; (3) The individual’s genetic back- hypersensitivity syndrome.
ground and/or the concurrent use of immunotherapies
may interact with AEDs, with differences across patients
in the risk of adverse events, in terms of incidence and
Immunologic Effects of
severity; (4) Differences are also present in the underly- Antiepileptic Drugs
ing mechanisms of action and the pharmacokinetic (F. Vigevano, Genova, Italy)
The role of inflammation in the development and persis-
Address correspondence to Ettore Beghi, Department of Neurosci-
ence, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche ‘‘Mario Negri’’, Milano, Italy.
tence of epileptic seizures has been recently emphasized
E-mail: (Aarli, 2000). AEDs can directly affect both humoral and
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. cellular immunity, modifying the expression and the syn-
ª 2011 International League Against Epilepsy thesis of some molecules, mainly cytokines. This regula-

Antiepileptic Drugs and the Immune System

tory effect could be due to a direct effect of AEDs in modu- tory cells and thereby provides the background for the
lating the activity of some transcription factors, particu- establishment of an interaction between cytokines and
larly nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-jB). However, the periodontal connective tissue cells (Sasaki & Maita, 1998;
underlying data are few and conflicting, and the mecha- Moder et al., 2000; Sume et al., 2010).
nisms of the effects are often not understood. It is often dif-
ficult to discriminate between the effects of AEDs and Vigabatrin
those of seizures or other, potentially confounding factors There are some data in the literature demonstrating that
(e.g., intercurrent illness). Some data suggest that AEDs vigabatrin can interfere with the cellular immune response.
can modulate the immune system activity, and may, there- Pacifici et al. (1995) studying 29 pediatric patients after 1
fore, either increase or reduce the epileptic threshold. and 3 months of treatment with vigabatrin, found that the
Notably, AEDs can lead to an increase in serum levels of percentage and absolute number of T and B lymphocytes,
proinflammatory cytokines. T-helper–inducer lymphocytes, and T-rosetting lympho-
cytes were not significantly different in controls and in
Valproate children with epilepsy before and after treatment; that the
No consistent data are available about valproate effects percentage and absolute number of T cytotoxic-suppressor
on the immune system. Ichiyama et al. (2000) revealed that lymphocytes and NK cells were significantly increased
the production of cytokines [e.g., tumor necrosis factor after l and 3 months of treatment with vigabatrin; and that
(TNF)-a and interleukin (IL)-6] by monocytes and glia was the serum levels of IgA, IgG, and IgM did not differ signif-
decreased; this effect is probably due to an inhibitory action icantly from those of the control group.
of valproate on NF-kB translocation to the nucleus. Shiah
et al. (2005) conducted research on 10 healthy volunteers Levetiracetam
who were treated with valproate, and on the seventh day of Data on the effect of levetiracetam on the immune sys-
therapy, all of them had significantly higher serum levels tem are sparse. Recently, Kim et al. (2010), studying the
of IL-6. Verrotti et al. (2001) reported in a case series of effects of levetiracetam on IL-1b system in the hippocam-
pediatric patients an increase in serum levels of IL-1a, pus and pyriform cortex of chronic epileptic rats, found
IL-1b, and IL-6, whereas IL-2 production was unchanged. that levetiracetam reduced reactive gliosis and expression
levels of IL-1bsystem in the hippocampus and the pyri-
Carbamazepine form cortex, whereas valproate did not. These findings
Verrotti et al. (2001) showed in their study an increase suggest that levetiracetam may have, at least in part, anti-
in IL-1a, IL-1b, IL-2, and IL-6 serum levels in pediatric inflammatory effects, particularly against IL-1b system in
patients after 1 year of AED therapy. Comparing cytokine neuroglia within epileptic brain (see Friedman & Dingle-
levels before and after carbamazepine, the authors dine, 2011).
excluded seizure influence on cytokines. More equivocal
are the results concerning carbamazepine and immuno- Diazepam
globulin (Ig) serum level modification, as both increased This is the only benzodiazepine in which the effects on
and decreased IgA, IgM, and IgG levels are reported. Paci- the immune system have been studied. Wei et al. (2010)
fici et al. (1991) studied 39 adult patients treated with car- reported that diazepam inhibits human T-cell function
bamazepine for 2 years, comparing them with a control through peripheral benzodiazepine receptors, decreasing
group of 40 healthy nonsmokers: The serum levels of IgA, interferon (IFN)-c production. It is apparent that IFN-c pos-
IgG, and IgM in control subjects did not differ signifi- sesses antiviral and immunomodulatory activities. IFN-c
cantly from those obtained from carbamazepine-treated knockout mice showed deficiencies in natural resistance to
patients; there was, in addition, a significant increase in bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections. In addition to
cytotoxic activity of NK cells in the carbamazepine group recurrent infection, infants with deficient production of
as compared with controls. Isolated cases with drug- IFN-c exhibited decreased neutrophil mobility and NK cell
induced immunoglobulin deficiency are recorded (Gilhus activity (Wei et al., 2010).
& Lea, 1988).
Future directions
Phenytoin A systematic study of the effects of AEDs on the
This drug can provoke a decrease of suppressor T cells immune systems is required, as knowledge is sparse and
and a reversible IgA deficiency in patients with epilepsy. inconsistent. The clinical frequency and relevance of such
The gingival overgrowth is probably due to the increased effects need to be established. The mechanisms of these
production of both IL-6 and IL-8, combined with eleva- effects need to be elucidated. The possibility that differ-
tions of basic fibroblast growth factor as observed in vitro ences in AED effects on the immune system in individual
using human gingival fibroblasts; this increase contributes cases are related to individual genetic predisposition
to an enhanced recruitment and activation of inflamma- should be explored.
Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):40–44, 2011
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03035.x
E. Beghi and S. Shorvon

enhance the metabolism of hydrocortisone so that lower

Interactions between blood levels are achieved (Patsalos, 2005). Prednisone is
Antiepileptic Drugs and biologically inactive and acts as a prodrug for predniso-
Immunotherapy (P. Patsalos, lone, but prednisolone is also available as a specific for-
London, United Kingdom) mulation. Prednisolone undergoes metabolism via hepatic
6-b –hydroxylation with a half-life of 1.3 h. Carbamaze-
Combination AED therapy (the use of two or more pine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin induce the metabolism
drugs) is taken by approximately 30% of patients with epi- of prednisolone so that its clearance increases by 79%,
lepsy, and a significant minority of such patients may 41%, and 77%, respectively (Bartoszek et al., 1987).
require treatment with immunotherapies including adre- Methylprednisolone similarly undergoes metabolism in
nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), corticosteroids (dexa- the liver by 6-b–hydroxylation, but the contribution of this
methasone, hydrocortisone, prednisone/prednisolone, and pathway appears to be greater than that for prednisolone in
methylprednisolone), cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, that induction of methylprednisolone is substantially
and rituximab. These immunotherapies, however, are not greater. Therefore, carbamazepine and phenobarbital
licensed for the treatment of epilepsy. increase methylprednisolone clearance 3.4-fold and
AEDs are associated with more pharmacokinetic inter- 2-fold, respectively. In contrast, phenytoin increases
actions than any other therapeutic drug class. Interactions methylprednisolone clearance by 77%, an effect that is
particularly occur with carbamazepine, phenytoin, pheno- similar to that seen with prednisolone (Bartoszek et al.,
barbital, and valproate. Many of the newer AEDs (e.g., 1987).
eslicarbazepine acetate, gabapentin, lacosamide, lamotri- Cyclophosphamide acts as a prodrug in that it is metab-
gine, levetiracetam, pregabalin, topiramate, tiagabine, olized to 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide, which is pharma-
vigabatrin, and zonisamide) have less ability to cause cologically active. Metabolism is primarily via CYP2C9,
enzyme induction or inhibition and have a low propensity CYP3A4, and CYP2B6; however, there is a minor contri-
to interact. The AEDs with the lowest interaction poten- bution by CYP2A6, CYP2C8, and CYP2C19. A single
tial are those that are renally eliminated (gabapentin, case of a 42-year-old man with germ-cell cancer treated
levetiracetam, pregabalin, and vigabatrin) (Johannessen with cyclophosphamide and who developed generalized
Landmark & Patsalos, 2010). epilepsy treated with phenytoin was reported by de Jonge
Although pharmacokinetic interactions can be the con- et al. (2005). Phenytoin enhanced the metabolism of
sequence of interactions at the level of drug absorption, cyclophosphamide in that the cyclophosphamide area
plasma/serum protein binding, metabolism, and elimina- under the curve (AUC) value decreased by 67%, whereas
tion/excretion, by far the most important site is that of the AUC value for 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide increased
hepatic metabolism and can entail induction or inhibition by 51%. The authors suggested that this interaction could
(Patsalos et al., 2002). This also appears to be the primary result in an increase in toxicity, although such toxicity was
site of interaction involving the immunotherapies; how- not observed in their particular patient (de Jonge et al.,
ever, the data are limited. 2005). Valproic acid, an AED considered to be an inhibi-
ACTH is rapidly metabolized via the plasma plasmino- tor of hepatic metabolism, has been observed in a series of
gen system (half-life approximately 15 min). Conven- five healthy volunteers to inhibit the metabolism of cyclo-
tional pharmacokinetics does not apply to ACTH because phosphamide (Goto et al., 1987). In these healthy volun-
it is inactivated in the gastrointestinal tract and thus is teers, 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide blood levels were
administered intramuscularly. To date there have been no significantly lower.
pharmacokinetic interactions reported between AEDs and Methotrexate is metabolized via hepatic and intracellu-
ACTH (Patsalos & Bourgeois, 2010). lar enzymes to various methotrexate polyglutamates.
Dexamethasone is metabolized via hepatic cytochrome Metabolism is dose-dependent with a half-life of 3–
P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) isoenzyme with a half-life of 36– 15 hours. Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin
54 h. The AEDs carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phe- induce the metabolism of methotrexate so that its clear-
nytoin, which are known to induce the activity of ance increases 1.5-fold (Patsalos, 2005). Recently, Riva
CYP3A4, enhance the metabolism of dexamethasone so et al. (2000) reported on a series of 12 breast cancer
that its clearance increases 2–4-fold (Patsalos, 2005). patients prescribed methotrexate and various AEDs. They
Interestingly, the interaction with phenytoin may be bidi- confirmed the profound induction of methotrexate metab-
rectional, but the data are conflicting in that dexametha- olism by enzyme-inducing AEDs and additionally that
sone has been reported to both induce (Lackner, 1991) and topiramate probably does not interact with methotrexate
inhibit (Lawson et al., 1981) phenytoin metabolism. (Riva et al., 2000).
Hydrocortisone metabolism is via hepatic 11-b-hydrox- Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody, was recently
ysteroid dehydrogenase system, and the enzyme-inducing reported to be particularly effective in a 20-year-old
AEDs (i.e., carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin) woman with biopsy-proven Rasmussen encephalitis with
Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):40–44, 2011
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03035.x
Antiepileptic Drugs and the Immune System

focal seizures every 1–2 min. The woman became seizure 50–90% of cases); this involvement can be dangerous, and
free, and although she was taking concomitant AEDs (lev- fulminant hepatic necrosis can occur. Other potentially
etiracetam, oxcarbazepine, zonisamide, and phenobarbi- fatal internal organ involvement includes kidney (with a
tal) the authors did not report on any pharmacokinetic spectrum of presentation from nephritis to acute renal fail-
interaction (Thilo et al., 2009). ure), heart (with myocarditis, pericarditis or congestive
heart failure), lung (from pneumonia to respiratory dis-
Future directions tress syndrome), and vasculitis.
Further studies are required to establish the clinical The most important therapeutic action is to immediately
importance of these drug interactions, for instance in discontinue the offending drug. Different approaches to
transplantation or cancer therapy. therapy include high-dose steroids, other immunotherapy,
and sometimes desensitization.

Antiepileptic Hypersensitivity Future directions

Syndrome (A. Verrotti, The exact incidence of AHS is not known because of
underreporting cases, variability in presentation, and lack
Rome, Italy) of strict diagnostic criteria; probably AHS is often unrec-
Antiepileptic hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) is a ognized. An international definition of AHS is needed,
severe, dose-independent, idiosyncratic cutaneous reac- along with more accurate epidemiologic data.
tion to aromatic AEDs that may result in end organ dam- The pathogenetic mechanisms of AHS are not com-
age and death (Schlienger & Shear, 1998). Aromatic pletely characterized; probably, a complex immune reac-
AEDs such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbi- tion, mediated by the toxic metabolites of the aromatic
tal, as well as some newer agents, including lamotrigine, AEDs leading to cell death, underlies this syndrome.
oxcarbazepine, felbamate, and zonisamide, have been Likely, the patients with peculiar HLA haplotypes have
implicated in eliciting a whole repertoire of hypersensitiv- high relative risk for developing AHS, but these data
ity reactions ranging from simple maculopapular skin are lacking (Cumbo-Nacheli et al., 2008; Chung et al.,
eruptions to a severe life-threatening disorder (Hirsch 2010).
et al., 2008). The diagnosis depends on clinical recognition based on
This syndrome also known as drug hypersensitivity clinical history and a comprehensive physical examina-
syndrome (DHS) or drug rash with eosinophilia and tion; however, a validated, gold standard test for diagnosis
systemic symptoms (DRESS), is typically associated with or prediction of AHS is not yet available (Elzagallaai
the development of skin rash, fever, and internal organ et al., 2009a,b).
dysfunction, which may include blood dyscrasias, hepa- Finally, validated and more efficacious therapies are
titis, nephritis, myocarditis, thyroiditis, interstitial pneu- needed. International guidelines for therapeutic interven-
monia, and encephalitis. tion and for the management of these patients are other
AHS occurs most frequently 1–8 weeks after the first important unmet needs.
exposure to drugs, with fever (ranging from 38–40C)
often associated with malaise and pharyngitis, followed 1
or 2 days later by skin rash and lymphadenopathy. For
Additional Contributors
phenytoin, the mean interval to onset of AHS is from 17– Philipp N. Patsalos, London, United Kingdom. Alberto Verrotti, Chi-
21 days after initial exposure to the drug, and for carba- eti, Italy. Federico Vigevano, Rome, Italy.
mazepine the onset is generally between 21 and 28 days.
In previously sensitized individuals, AHS may occur Acknowledgments
within 1 day of rechallenge.
Drug eruption occurs in approximately 90% of patients The work undertaken by Simon Shorvon was undertaken at UCLH/
UCL who received a proportion of funding from the Department of
with AHS and can range from an exanthematous eruption Health’s NIHR Biomedical Research Centres funding scheme. The work
to more serious reactions like Stevens-Johnson syndrome undertaken by Professor Patsalos was undertaken at UCLH/UCL who
or toxic epidermal necrolysis (Wolkenstein & Revuz, received a proportion of funding from the Department of Health’s NIHR
Biomedical Research Centres funding scheme.
1995). Generally, the cutaneous eruption starts as a macu-
lar erythema that often evolves into a red, symmetrical,
pruritic, confluent papular rash on the upper trunk and Disclosures
face, with later involvement of the lower extremities; Neither of the authors have conflicts of interest relevant to the topic of
pustules, either follicular or nonfollicular, may also be this article. We confirm that we have read the Journal’s position on issues
present. Desquamation occurs with resolution. The liver is involved in ethical publication and affirm that this report is consistent
with those guidelines.
the most frequently involved internal organ (reported in

Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):40–44, 2011

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03035.x
E. Beghi and S. Shorvon

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Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):40–44, 2011

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03035.x

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