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Vocabulary Words- 01.12.2018
favorable opinion of:(अनुग्रह) from prejudice:(पक्षपात रवहत)
Synonyms: approve, favor Synonyms: unselfish, neutral
Antonyms: censure, disapprove Antonyms: biased, partial
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
Our management will not countenance A great leader renders disinterested services
cheating. to his society.
2. DIVERS (ADJECTIVE): several:(विविध) 7. PILFER (VERB): steal:(चरु ाना)
Synonyms: various, manifold Synonyms: filch, purloin
Antonyms: identical, same Antonyms: give, offer
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
Divers men have tried to bring about social Rahman pilfered enough pieces of wood
reforms. from the factory to make a chair.
(ADJECTIVE): devastated:(वनराश) (NOUN): alienation:(अिगाि)
Synonyms: crestfallen, despairing Synonyms: disaffection, separation
Antonyms: happy, pleased Antonyms: connection, friendliness
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
I feel heartsore for the poor lady. The growing estrangement between me and
my relative is awful.
(ADJECTIVE): ridiculing:(उपहासपर्ू ण) 9. RAUCOUS (ADJECTIVE): noisy:(ककण श)
Synonyms: disdainful, scornful Synonyms: discordant, loud
Antonyms: polite, respectful Antonyms: low, mild
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
Sandeep gave a harsh, derisive laugh. The atmosphere was utterly raucous.
5. GLOAMING (NOUN): sunset:(गोधवू ि) 10. VIVID (ADJECTIVE): animated:(जीिंत)
Synonyms: sundown, twilight Synonyms: theatrical, dramatic
Antonyms: daybreak, sunrise Antonyms: boring, undramatic
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
Many lights are shimmering in the The movie was very vivid.
Write us-
Vocabulary Words- 02.12.2018
1. PERENNIAL Antonyms: considerable, substantial
(ADJECTIVE): permanent:(चिरस्थायी)
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: ceaseless, perpetual
He was fined the paltry sum of $50.
Antonyms: temporary, ephemeral
Example Sentence:
7. PALATABLE (ADJECTIVE): eatable:(स्वाचिष्ट)
Tea-plants are perennial, and are set about four
feet apart on hillsides. Synonyms: tasty, appetizing
Antonyms: unpalatable, insipid
2. PEEVISH (ADJECTIVE): irritable:(तुनुकचिजाज) Example Sentence:
Synonyms: fractious, petulant It is a healthy and palatable vegetable, easily
digested when cooked.
Antonyms: affable, easygoing
Example Sentence:
No doubt Sonali is a peevish person so she
shouldn’t be talked to. (ADJECTIVE): unyielding:(चजद्दी)

Synonyms: stubborn, obdurate

3. PAUCITY (NOUN): sparseness:(किी) Antonyms: irresolute, flexible
Synonyms: dearth, shortage Example Sentence:
Antonyms: abundance, plentiful If you have a pertinacious behaviour, you may
face several problems.
Example Sentence:
The paucity of evidence made the case unsolved.
9. GRUFF (ADJECTIVE): harsh:(कठोर)

4. PAROCHIAL (ADJECTIVE): narrow- Synonyms: rough, throaty

minded:(संकुचित) Antonyms: smooth, mellifluous
Synonyms: petty, limited Example Sentence:
Antonyms: cosmopolitan, liberal He picked up the phone expecting to hear the
chairman's gruff voice.
Example Sentence:
A parochial approach is not enough to get success 10. GRUBBY (ADJECTIVE): dirty:(िचिन)
in life. Synonyms: grimy, unwashed
5. PARITY (NOUN): equality:(सिता) Antonyms: clean, spotless
Synonyms: uniformity, sameness Example Sentence:
Antonyms: inequality, oddness His white coat was grubby and stained.
Example Sentence:
Women have yet to achieve parity with men in
many fields.
Write us-
6. PALTRY (ADJECTIVE): meagre:(नगण्य) content@mahendras.org
Synonyms: insignificant, worthless
Vocabulary Words- 03.12.2018
1. CLOUT (NOUN): influence:(प्रभुत्व) 6. GIMMICK (NOUN): trick:(चाल)

Synonyms: power, dominance Synonyms: garner, compile

Antonyms: powerlessness, Antonyms: truth, honesty
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
Ministers often use their clout to get what It's just a public relations gimmick.
they want.
7. WRANGLE (NOUN): fight:(लड़ाई)
2. PRESTIGE (NOUN): fame:(ख्याति)
Synonyms: argument, bickering
Synonyms: dignity, status
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
Antonyms: lowliness, insignificance
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
Localities were the witnessed of the dirty
Doctors are usually treated with prestige. wrangle of the two political leaders.
3. BROACH (VERB): open up 8. WINNOW (VERB): expel:(तनकाल बाहर करना)
discussion:(चचाा उठाना)
Synonyms: separate, terminate
Synonyms: bring up, moot
Antonyms: include, hire
Antonyms: take back, deny
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
Most of the faulty employees were winnowed
The parents of the boy did not even broach out by these processes.
the issue of marriage with Renee.
9. VIRILE (ADJECTIVE): potent:(पुरुषत्व)
4. DITHER (NOUN): upset:(बेचैनी)
Synonyms: powerful, energetic
Synonyms: tizzy, flap
Antonyms: weak, feeble
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
He was a virile dancer who brought out the
I am in such a dither I forget to put the water best in the modern Bollywood.
10. APPRAISE (VERB): judge:(मूलयाांक न करना)
(ADJECTIVE): rebellious:(आवारा) Synonyms: estimate, evaluate
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Synonyms: difficult, resistant
Antonyms: obedient, dutiful Example Sentence:
Many companies were prompted to appraise
Example Sentence:
their recruitment policies.
The renegade policeman revealed details of
the murder. Write us-
Vocabulary Words- 04.12.2018
1. INDICT (VERB): accuse:(दोष लगाना) Antonyms: misunderstanding,
Synonyms: charge, impeach
Example sentence:
Antonyms: absolve, acquit They favoured an Anglo-French
Example sentence: entente.
He was later indicted on corruption
charges. 7. EDACIOUS
(ADJECTIVE): voracious:(पेटू)
Synonyms: devouring, esurient
Antonyms: quenched, satisfied
Synonyms: terse, concise
Example sentence:
Antonyms: lengthy, wordy Since I am a edacious reader, I often
Example sentence: read two or three books a day.
She admitted that the ideal summary is
succinct and to the point. 8. CHAGRIN (NOUN): strong feeling of
Synonyms: humiliation, mortification
(ADJECTIVE): undamaged:(अविकल)
Antonyms: happiness, satisfaction
Synonyms: flawless, unharmed
Example sentence:
Antonyms: flawed, harmed To her chagrin, the party ended just as
Example sentence: she arrived.
The Council needs to remain intact.
9. CONSECRATE (VERB): hold in high
4. ABATE (VERB): decrease:(घटाना) religious regard:(प्रततन्ठित करना)
Synonyms: lessen, diminish Synonyms: sanctify, ordain
Antonyms: extend, expand Antonyms: condemn, desecrate
Example sentence: Example sentence:
As the storm abates you can leave. The priests will consecrate the temple
as a house of worship.
5. RUMMAGE (VERB): ransack:(खोजना)
Synonyms: forage, scour
(ADJECTIVE): contemptible:(नीच)
Antonyms: organize, systematize
Synonyms: despicable, underhanded
Example sentence:
Let Sagar rummage around inside it and Antonyms: honourable, respectable
find all those treasures himself. Example sentence:
I describe the killing as a dastardly act.
(NOUN): agreement:(सन्धि)
Write us-
Synonyms: accord, deal content@mahendras.org
Vocabulary Words- 05.12.2018
1. CABOODLE (NOUN): collection of Synonyms: repetition, wordiness
Antonyms: conciseness, briefness
Synonyms: assemblage, chunk
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: individual, one
The basic idea here, despite all the verbiage, is
Example Sentence: simple.

She has no use for the whole caboodle. 7. TIRADE (NOUN): a speech of violent
2. CACHET (NOUN): prestige:(यश)
Synonyms: abuse, outburst
Synonyms: status, stature
Antonyms: compliment, harmony
Antonyms: unimportance, obscurity
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
The deputy followed him, indulging in a tirade
He deserves to be given cachet because he is a of most abusive language.
successful businessman.
3. VITUPERATE (VERB): criticize (ADJECTIVE): conspicuously and offensively
harshly:(घोर निन्दा करिा) loud:(कोलाहलपूर्ण)
Synonyms: abuse, accuse Synonyms: boisterous, clamorous
Antonyms: honor, praise Antonyms: silent, quiet
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
We shouldn’t vituperate anyone without any My vociferous room didn’t allow me to sleep.
proper information.
9. WILY (ADJECTIVE): marked by skill in
4. CALISTHENICS (NOUN): the practice of deception:(धर्ू ण )
Synonyms: crafty, clever
Synonyms: activity, operation
Antonyms: frank, honest
Antonyms: cessation, idleness
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
He is too wily for the police to catch him.
Calisthenics is recommended to relax the
muscles before a run. 10. CASTIGATION (NOUN): punishment:(दंड )

5. BAROQUE Synonyms: chastisement, penalty

(ADJECTIVE): decorative:(निनित्र)
Antonyms: pardon, forgiveness
Synonyms: florid, gilt
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Nature has given her a severe castigation.
Example Sentence:
Write us
The baroque picture frame was hanging round content@mahendras.org
the corners.
6. VERBIAGE (NOUN): An excess of words
for the purpose:(शब्दाडंबर)
Vocabulary Words- 06.12.2018
(निडर:) fearless
करि़ा:) renounce
Synonyms: courageous, heroic
Synonyms: abstain, decline
Antonyms: afraid, fearful
Antonyms: accept, use
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
I am an intrepid person.
She attempts to abnegate personal
(संकोची): introverted
7. BALMY (ADJECTIVE): (सौम्य:) mild
Synonyms: drab, shy Synonyms: moist, tropical
Antonyms: balanced, inclement
Antonyms: confident, fancy Example Sentence:
Example sentence: This fabric gives a balmy effect on the
viewer’s eye.
Garima is a mousy person.
8. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभभनिषेध
करि़ा:) abolish
हुआ): marred Synonyms: annul, invalidate
Antonyms: approve, permit
Synonyms: faulty, flawed
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: perfect, unbroken Thus the new rule was abrogated.
Example Sentence:
She has an impaired vision.
(अपम़ाि:) calumny
Synonyms: aspersion, censure
4. RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): Antonyms: approval, exaltation
(गंभीर:) abstruse Example Sentence:
He faced obloquy by them.
Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic
Antonyms: obvious, simple 10. BEDLAM (NOUN):
Example Sentence:
(अव्यवस्थ़ा:) chaotic situation
The new colony is full of recondite
Synonyms: chaos, clamour
Antonyms: calmness, silence
Example Sentence:
5. PROPINQUITY (NOUN): In the absence of a teacher, the
(स़ान्निध्य:) closeness classroom was in a bedlam.
Synonyms: affinity, nearness
Antonyms: remoteness, distance Write us
Example Sentence: content@mahendras.org
I felt deep propinquity between them.
Vocabulary Words- 07.12.2018
(कोलाहल:) agitation (ADJECTIVE): (विक्षिप्ि): mad
Synonyms: commotion, convulsion Synonyms: crazy, insane
Antonyms: harmony, peace Antonyms: calm, normal
Example Sentence: Example sentence:
These days tumult and fracas is going A deranged man killed 14 people in the
on in Delhi. city.
2. CONDONE (VERB): (माफ 8. DEBACLE (NOUN): (पिन): downfall
करना:) excuse Synonyms: beating, disaster
Synonyms: forget, forgive Antonyms: triumph, victory
Antonyms: deny, refuse Example sentence:
Example Sentence: The poor batting performance resulted
She said to the teacher kindly condone in the debacle of the team.
my faults. 9. DEVOUT
3. ENCROACH (VERB): (अतिक्रमण (ADJECTIVE): (धममतनष्ठ): religious
करना): impinge
Synonyms: pious, devoted
Antonyms: unbelieving, insincere
Synonyms: intrude, infringe Example sentence:
Antonyms: keep off, ignore
No doubt, my mother is a devout lady.
Example Sentence: 10. CONTRIVANCE
The Chinese army continues to
encroach on Indian territory. (NOUN): (युक्ति): plan
4. EMBEZZLE (VERB): (जाली Synonyms: ruse, gimmick
Antonyms: ignorance, disorganisation
बनाना): misuse Example sentence:
Synonyms: forge, swindle Navneet always have a contrivance for
Antonyms: reimburse, compensate making a contraption out of the spare
Example Sentence: electronic parts.
He was caught embezzling money from
his client. Write us
5. EARNEST (ADJECTIVE): content@mahendras.org
(उत्सुक): sincere
Synonyms: fervent, passionate
Antonyms: frivolous, silly
Example Sentence:
His earnest approach made him winner.
(अनुचिि): immoral
Synonyms: uncivilized, unethical
Antonyms: cultured, civilized
Example Sentence:
The judge deemed the torture and
killings of innocent people to be
Vocabulary Words- 08.12.2018
(सांरक्षक): Protecting
चट्टान): Steep
Synonyms: Guardian, advisory
Synonyms: cliff, crag
Antonyms: careless, inattentive
Antonyms: plain, straight
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
He was acting as a tutelary brother for
There was a deep precipice along the
me that day.


ु बल): weak
7. EFFETE (ADJECTIVE): (नष्ट र्ल
Synonyms: breakable, feeble
Antonyms: hearty, strong /अशक्त): Self-indulgent
Example sentence: Synonyms: spoilt, destroyed
He has become so frail that he can’t Antonyms: disciplined, proper
stand properly. Example Sentence:
He is an effete kid.
3. KIBBLE (VERB): (टुकड़े टुकड़े
8. JOSTLE (VERB): (सांघर्ब करना): To
करना): Crush
compete for something
Synonyms: crumble, grate
Synonyms: struggle, tussle
Antonyms: build, liberate
Antonyms: harmonize, co-ordinate
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
I kibbled red black pepper and cheese
He was jostling to clinch the title.
in my dish.

9. MUSTER (NOUN): (सभा): Assembly

Synonyms: gathering, roster
विय): Funny Antonyms: division, separation
Synonyms: humorous, playful Example Sentence:
Antonyms: gloomy, sad They mustered at the playground.
Example Sentence:
I made a jocular statement at the 10. CORDIAL (ADJECTIVE):
party. (सौहादब पूर्ब): Warm-hearted
Synonyms: affable, friendly
4. JIBE (VERB): (सहमत होना): To agree Antonyms: hostile, indifferent
Synonyms: harmonize, conform Example Sentence:
Antonyms: disagree, differ If you treat people in a cordial manner,
Example Sentence: they will treat you well also.
I do not jibe with his idea.
Write us
5. TRANQUIL (ADJECTIVE): content@mahendras.org
(शाांतचचत्त): peaceful
Synonyms: calm, pastoral
Antonyms: agitated, aroused www.NaukriAspirant.com
Example sentence:
She wants to lead a tranquil life.
Vocabulary Words- 09.12.2018
1. ELOQUENCE (NOUN): Synonyms: abolish, annihilate
(वाग्मिता): fervor Antonyms: retain, maintain
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: diction, fluency
Antonyms: incompetence, He effaced the building completely.
Example Sentence:
His eloquence is made him hero among (उधिी): loud, energetic
all the aspirants. Synonyms: boisterous, noisy
Antonyms: calm, quiet
2. FLEECE (VERB): (ठगना): con Example Sentence:
It was a rambunctious party.
Synonyms: defraud, dupe
Antonyms: help, be honest
Example sentence: 9. FEUD (VERB): (झगडा): quarrel
The story of the fleece was as follows. Synonyms: fight, bicker
Antonyms: agree, socialize
3. SPLOSH (VERB): (पानी का छपका Example Sentence:
He feuded unnecessarily with his
डालना): Sprinkle friends.
Synonyms: splash, moisten
Antonyms: collocate, cluster 10. FANATICAL (ADJECTIVE):
Example Sentence: (कट्टर): narrow minded
She sploshed water over the plants.
Synonyms: orthodox, biased
Antonyms: liberal, unprejudiced
4. VIRTUOSO (NOUN): (गुणी): person Example Sentence:
who is an expert In old days most of the people had
Synonyms: prodigy, adept fanatical thinking.
Antonyms: amateur, ignoramus
Example Sentence:
He is a virtuoso in painting.

5. EPIGRAM (NOUN): (चुटकुला): joke

Synonyms: witticism, quirk Write us
Antonyms: seriousness, sincerity content@mahendras.org
Example Sentence:
He is an expert in cracking epigrams.

6. WHEEDLE (VERB): (खुशािद से िना

लेना): flatter
Synonyms: cajole, coax
Antonyms: disgust, bully
Example Sentence:
To wheedle your boss is not a solution
of every problem.

7. EFFACE (VERB): (मिटाना): destroy

Vocabulary Words- 10.12.2018
(कायर): fearful For no reasons her job offer letter was
Synonyms: afraid, cowardly
Antonyms: bold, brave
Example sentence: 7. TYRO (NOUN): (नवशिक्षिि): beginner
The authorities are too pusillanimous Synonyms: novice, learner
to deal with this situation. Antonyms: expert, veteran
Example Sentence:
2. PETULANT (ADJECTIVE): You may be a tyro at golf now, but
(ढीठ): crabby with time and practice, you will master
the sport.
Synonyms: impatient, cranky
Antonyms: patient, good-natured
Example sentence:
I was sick and petulant, and finally (कस्पपि): presumed
quarrelled with my friend. Synonyms: presumptive, supposed
Antonyms: proven, real
3. ABSENTEEISM (NOUN): Example sentence:
(अनुपस्थिति): habitual absence from Many people see garlic juice as a
putative cure of runny noses.
Synonyms: truancy, emptiness
Antonyms: presence, witness 9. WEARABLE (ADJECTIVE): (पहनने
Example Sentence: योग्य): (especially of clothing) easy to
Absenteeism is not welcomed in private
jobs. Synonyms: suitable, appropriate
Antonyms: not suitable, unfavorable
Example Sentence:
(प्रवत्तृ ि): inclination Are these clothes wearable for the
Synonyms: penchant, predilection party?
Antonyms: disinclination, antipathy
Example sentence: 10. PIQUE (NOUN): (नाराज़ी): anger
The principal had the special proclivity
Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure
towards the toppers.
Antonyms: delight, happiness
Example sentence:
Alisha walked out of the room in a fit
(फरे ब): tricky behaviour of pique.
Synonyms: chicanery, crafty
Antonyms: probity, modesty Write us
Example Sentence: content@mahendras.org
He always knew about his brother’s
skullduggery towards others.

6. QUASH (VERB): (समाप्ि

करना): cancel
Synonyms: revoke, abrogate
Antonyms: permit, authorize
Vocabulary Words- 11.12.2018
1. UBER (ADJECTIVE): It is very difficult to delineate this
(शानदार): super, extreme or chapter in few words.
Synonyms: magnificent, extraordinary
Antonyms: worthless, useless (बेतुका): inconsistent with reason, logic
Example Sentence: or common sense.
It’s an uber ride. Synonyms: idiotic, illogical
Antonyms: logical, sensible
2. NOSTRUM (NOUN): (औषध): cure Example Sentence:
What an absurd idea!
Synonyms: panacea, potion
Antonyms: disease, injury
Example sentence:
Supermarket shelves are lined with (क्रुद्ध): extremely angry.
nostrums claiming to alleviate flu Synonyms: furious, angered
symptoms. Antonyms: calm, quiet.
Example Sentence:
3. ADORABLE (ADJECTIVE): The irate customer is still shouting.
(प्यारा): lovable especially in a childlike
or naive way.
Synonyms: lovely, gullible (ननरस्त्िीकरण): winning favor or
Antonyms: hateful, mature confidence
Example Sentence: Synonyms: convincing, ingratiating
What an adorable set of twins! Antonyms: despicable, disgusting
Example sentence:
4. FOUL (ADJECTIVE): (कलुषषत): highly Rahim said that he approached with a
disarming smile.
offensive; arousing aversion or disgust.
Synonyms: bad, rotten
Antonyms: fair, good 10. RAMPAGE (NOUN): (हं गामा):
Example Sentence: binge
From where this foul smell is coming? Synonyms: disturbance, violence
Antonyms: calm, peace
5. PUTREFACTION (NOUN): Example Sentence:
(सड़न): decay Sarmishtha ravaged all our weekend
Synonyms: adulteration, decomposition plans.
Antonyms: betterment, growth Write us
Example sentence: content@mahendras.org
We caught the stench of putrefaction,
as soon as the breeze shifted.

6. DELINEATE (VERB): (चित्रित

करना): describe; outline
Synonyms: define, depict
Antonyms: distort, confuse
Example Sentence:
Vocabulary Words- 12.12.2018
(ADJECTIVE): (विश्वासघाती) disloyal करना): belie
Synonyms: faithless, unreliable Synonyms: cavil, con
Antonyms: faithful, reliable Antonyms: be honest, tell truth
Example Sentence: Example sentence:
Advaik is a treacherous junk-dealer. British ministers continued to prevaricate on
the issue.
(आशािादी) confident 8. PROPINQUITY (NOUN):
(सावननध्य): closeness
Synonyms: hopeful, optimistic
Antonyms: pessimistic, depressed Synonyms: togetherness, nearness
Antonyms: distance, remoteness
Example Sentence:
Example sentence:
Vishal is a sanguine person in every
My maternal uncle is in great propinquity
adverse situation. with me.

3. ORDAIN (VERB): (भयाक्ाांत) impose 9. CONCEDE (VERB): (सिीकार

Synonyms: order, proclaim करना) accept
Antonyms: unworried, unruffled Synonyms: cede, admit
Example Sentence: Antonyms: deny, refuse
Vikram knows the ministry will never Example Sentence:
ordain him as a priest. I had to concede that I'd overreacted.

4. AGHAST 10. ENCROACH (VERB): (अविक्मण

(ADJECTIVE): (स्‍िादहीन) horrified
करना) violate
Synonyms: anxious, appalled
Antonyms: delicious, pungent Synonyms: trespass, infringe
Example Sentence: Antonyms: shun, abide
Dinner tastes insipid. Example Sentence:
Rather than encroach on his privacy she
might have kept to her room.
5. ACCESSIBILITY (NOUN): (अवभगम्यता/
Write us
पहुँच): capable of being reached. content@mahendras.org
Synonyms: approachability, affordable
Antonyms: unreachable, inconvenience
Example Sentence:
There is no accessibility to this place.

6. ABASEMENT (NOUN): (मानहावन): A low

or downcast state.
Synonyms: abjection, humiliation
Antonyms: praising, commendable
Example Sentence:
Every disaster brought my brother into an
attitude of abasement.
Vocabulary Words- 13.12.2018
1. CONCURRENCE (NOUN): Example sentence:
(मेल) unanimity This is not the time to cavil about
Synonyms: synchronicity, simultaneity petty details.
Antonyms: disagreement, denial
Example Sentence: 7. COERCE (VERB): (वििश करना): to
Shivya is in the habit of making
evasion from every situation. force a person into doing something
Synonyms: compel, press
2. PERSECUTE (VERB): (सताना) harass
Antonyms: help, aid
Example sentence:
Synonyms: torment, domineer
Antonyms: comfort, console She was never coerced by her
Example Sentence: husband into bringing money from
The major kept on persecuting the her parents.
3. GIGANTIC (ADJECTIVE): (ADJECTIVE): (सािधान): careful
(विशाल) huge Synonyms: cautious, watchful
Synonyms: enormous, immense Antonyms: careless, hasty
Antonyms: small, slight Example sentence:
Example Sentence: She should be chary of the
A gigantic lily grows at a height of 10 strangers.
जाना): get worse
ढूं ढ़नेिाला): find fault
Synonyms: decline, worsen
Synonyms: complaining, bellyaching Antonyms: improve, get better
Antonyms: complimentary, forgiving Example sentence:
Example sentence: The condition of her sister has
They deserve recognition, not deteriorated.
carping criticism.
5. CASTIGATE (VERB): (सजा दे ना): to (सूंकोची): shy
punish Synonyms: reserved, modest
Synonyms: berate, chasten Antonyms: forward, brash
Antonyms: exonerate, forgive Example sentence:
Example sentence: I was thinking that Ranu was
The teacher castigated him for his demure by nature but I was wrong.
incomplete homework.

6. CAVIL (VERB): (दोष ढूं ढना): quibble Write us

Synonyms: object, complain content@mahendras.org
Antonyms: accept, agree
Vocabulary Words- 14.12.2018
1. IGNOMINIOUS Synonyms: quandary, impasse
(ADJECTIVE): (अपयशपू र्ण) Antonyms: boon, blessing
Example Sentence:
The international community should do
Synonyms: embarrassing, disgraceful
more to protect the plight of these
Antonyms: respectable, honorable
Example Sentence:
The family was very embarrassed 7. RATIFY (VERB): (पुष्टि करना)
about their son’s ignominious behavior corroborate
at the gathering. Synonyms: validate, approve
2. ILLUSTRIOUS Antonyms: veto, disapprove
(ADJECTIVE): (प्रसिद्ध) famous Example Sentence:
A number of countries have refused to
Synonyms: esteemed, eminent
ratify the treaty.
Antonyms: insignificant, unimportant
Example Sentence:
Number of illustrious players have lead (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधधक)
this team. extravagant
3. IMPORTUNE (VERB): (ज़ोर दे ना) Synonyms: outrageous, extreme
Antonyms: inexpensive, moderate
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: demand, beseech
The President is right in pointing how
Antonym: dissuade, prevent
the exorbitant cost of child care can be
Example Sentence:
devastating for families.
The players were importuned by the
coach to run another mile. 9. RUPTURE (VERB): (िूिना) break
4. IMPUDENT Synonyms: breach, split
(ADJECTIVE): (गुस्ताख) shameless Antonyms: join, connect
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: brazen, audacious
The emperor Leo, ruptured the fortress
Antonyms: humble, polite
of his enemy.
Example Sentence:
The impudent student had the nerve to 10. PLETHORA (NOUN): (अधधकता)
counter the principal’s order. excess
5. INCOMMODIOUS Synonyms: profusion, overabundance
(ADJECTIVE): (अिुविधाजनक) Antonyms: scarcity, rarity
Example Sentence:
There are plethora of groups that track
Synonyms: uncomfortable, awkward
and publish this kind of information.
Antonyms: convenient, handy
Write us-
Example Sentence: content@mahendras.org
The incommodious mattress caused me
severe back ache.
6. PLIGHT (NOUN): (दवु िधा)
Vocabulary Words- 15.12.2018
1. ESPIONAGE (NOUN): (जासूसी) Antonyms: debt, loss
Example Sentence:
The government has ordered
Synonyms: reconnaissance,
companies to share 2% of their
proceeds with NGOs.
Antonyms: candid, frank
Example Sentence: 7. SHORTFALL (NOUN): (कमी) lack
He will be punished severely if he is Synonyms: inadequacy, flaw
found guilty of espionage. Antonyms: abundance, plenty
2. ENIGMA (NOUN): (रहस्य) Example Sentence:
His shortfalls are destroying his career.
Synonyms: knot, perplexity 8. PILE (NOUN): (संग्रह) collection
Antonyms: solution, key Synonyms: stockpile, accumulation
Example Sentence: Antonyms: ditch, poverty
How they avoided the onslaught of the Example Sentence:
enemy, is still an enigma for us. He gifted a pile of story books to the
3. CONCURRENCE poor children.
(NOUN): (सहमति) occurring together 9. BUYBACK (NOUN): (छूट)
Synonyms: unanimity, synchronicity concession
Antonyms: disagreement, discord Synonyms: privilege, allowance
Example Sentence: Antonyms: repudiation, refusal
They have infuriated the senior leaders Example Sentence:
with the concurrence of their stupid There are many buyback offers in the
remarks. market.
4. INDULGENT 10. UNVEIL (VERB): (ख़ुलासा)
(ADJECTIVE): (दयालु ) kind reveal
Synonyms: compassionate, tolerant Synonyms: disclose, display
Antonyms: inconsiderate, intolerant Antonyms: conceal, veil
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
There are many indulgent people in the They will unveil a new car very soon.
(गहन) (deeply) thoughtful
Synonyms: abstruse, philosophical
Antonyms: trivial, superficial
Example Sentence:
The teacher had a profound effect on
his students.
6. PROCEEDS (NOUN): (कमाई)
Synonyms: revenue, reward
Vocabulary Words- 16.12.2018
1. DISPEL (VERB): (दरू करना) allay (ADJECTIVE): (अपररममत) without
Synonyms: drive away thought, resolve limit
Antonyms: recall, take in Synonyms: infinite, unlimited
Example Sentence: Antonyms: bounded, limited
Nia comforted me so well that all my Example Sentence:
doubts were immediately dispelled Your idea has really an absolute
somehow. influence.
2. LAY DOWN (VERB): (आदे श दे ना) 7. PREPONDERATE (VERB): (प्रभुत्व
command रखना) dominate
Synonyms: impose, order
Synonyms: dictate, overrule
Antonyms: implore, request
Antonyms: follow, lose
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
She laid down as if she were my boss.
Do not even think of preponderating me.
8. DILUTE (VERB): (ममलावट करना)
3. PREMISE (NOUN): (उपधारणा)
Synonyms: proposition, supposition
Synonyms: make thinner, water down
Antonyms: denial, rejection
Antonyms: make thicker, concentrate
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
The woman completed her workday even
To obtain the effect you want, firstly
though there was a presumption that she
dilute the paint with a little bit of oil.
was to be fired.
(ADJECTIVE): (बेस्वाद) not tasting doubtful
Synonyms: dubious, questionable
Antonyms: proven, definite
Synonyms: distasteful, unsavoury
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: delicious, savoury
The use of phonetic transcription is a
Example Sentence:
moot question.
What an unpalatable dish! Siya
exclaimed. 10. TRAGIC (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर)
5. AFTERMATH (NOUN): (पररणाम) appalling
Synonyms: awful, deplorable
Antonyms: pleasant, wonderful
Synonyms: outcome, consequences
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: source, origin
Merriam saw the tragic women of the
Example Sentence:
Although the aftermath was daunting,
nothing could compare to the moment Write us
that the tornado struck the building. content@mahendras.org

Vocabulary Words- 17.12.2018
VE): (आधुनिक) Coeval 6. QUANTUM (NOUN): (मात्रा) Quantity
Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary Synonyms: sum, amount
Antonyms: different, separate Antonyms: part, whole
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
The contemporaneous ringing of the While quantum energy could not be
multiple phone lines kept the new measured fully, the scientist continued to
receptionist very busy. work on the experiment.

2. SARTORIAL (ADJECTIVE): (दर्ज़ी- 7. PRECINCT (NOUN): (प्रसीमा)

सं बंधी) Pertaining to tailors Department
Synonyms: area, ward
Synonyms: stylish,
Antonyms: whole, full
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: frumpy, dumpy
I am working in this precinct.
Example Sentence:
Those sartorial coats made me chew the
(NOUN): (इच्छा/प्रवत्तृ ि) Inclination
3. CAULK (VERB): (गहिी करिा) Synonyms: penchant, predilection
Antonyms: dislike, hate
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: block,
Your proclivity towards him is getting on
my nerves.
Antonyms: free, loosen
Example Sentence:
Adeel caulked me from a broken reed.
(ADJECTIVE): (दं डात्मक) Retaliatory
4. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): (सं रक्षी) Synonyms: vindictive, punishing
Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: guardian,
Don’t be punitive otherwise you’ll get
into a soup.
Antonyms: careless, inattentive
Example Sentence:
10. QUIETUDE (NOUN): (शांनि/सं िोष)
He is using tutelary fabian policy in his Calm
company. Synonyms: doldrums, hush
Antonyms: disturbance, agitation
5. PURGE (NOUN): (पररशोध) Example Sentence:
Be quietude don’t escape your lips.
Write us
Synonyms: expulsion, extermination
Antonyms: keeping, holding
Example Sentence:
Manoj was feeling shy of telling her about
her purge from the contest.
Vocabulary Words- 18.12.2018
1. FORETHOUGHT (NOUN): (पूर्व Example Sentence:
As an artist, I am always searching flea
वर्चार): precaution markets for junk that I can refurbish.
Synonyms: wariness, prudence
Antonyms: carelessness, carefree 7. RUSE (NOUN): (चाल): feint
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: trick, deception
Cooking dinner for vegetarians requires
Antonyms: honesty, frankness
plenty of forethought if you usually
Example Sentence:
prepare meat with your meals.
The security guard knew the girls were
going to try and use a distractive ruse in
2. PREOCCUPY (VERB): (तल्लीन होना): order to shoplift.
Synonyms: involve, employ 8. SUPPLE (ADJECTIVE): (लचीला/सहज
Antonyms: distract, eject
Example Sentence: में झुकनेर्ाला): flexible
She was obsessed in the process. Synonyms: elastic, agile
Antonyms: awkward, unpliable
3. BOOM (NOUN): (धमाका): loud sound Example Sentence:
It is important to stretch before exercise to
Synonyms: explosion, bang
keep a supple form.
Antonyms: failure, collapse
Example Sentence:
When the truth became known regarding 9. JUNK (NOUN): (कचरा): garbage
the mines a wonderful " boom " began. Synonyms: debris, rubble
Antonyms: neatness, sterility
4. TRIAL (ADJECTIVE): (प्रायोगिक): Example Sentence:
All his emails were gone to the junk.
Synonyms: exploratory, preliminary
Antonyms: definite, proven 10. RAPT (ADJECTIVE): (हर्षोन्मत्त):
Example Sentence: delighted
It was in a trial session. Synonyms: ecstatic, enthralled
5. RELEGATE (VERB): (सुपुर्व Antonyms: unhappy, sorrowful
Example Sentence:
करना): assign She was a rapt person.
Synonyms: consign, entrust
Antonyms: keep, hold
Example Sentence: Write us
Sugandha would often relegate herself to content@mahendras.org
doing chores in the kitchen while
everyone else enjoyed the party.

6. REFURBISH (VERB): (पूरी मरम्मत

करना): fix up
Synonyms: modernize, overhaul
Antonyms: break, damage
Vocabulary Words- 19.12.2018
1. TURMOIL (NOUN): (शोरगुल): Synonyms: apocalyptic, baleful
Antonyms: bright, hopeful
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: turbulence, ferment
A suggestion that is being read by some as
Antonyms: contentment, tranquility
an ominous reference to an unknown
Example Sentence:
external hand.
There was widespread turmoil in the city.

7. DELINEATE (VERB): (रूपरे खा प्रस्तु त

2. RIFT (NOUN): (दोष): a flaw, fault
Synonyms: breach, fissure करना): describe precisely
Antonyms: closure, agreement Synonyms: define, limn
Example Sentence: Antonyms: confuse, distort
It is a great misfortune that an internal rift Example Sentence:
has moved inexorably towards a full- The judge delineated the composition of
blown crisis. the bench to hear the case.

3. INEXORABLY (ADVERB): (क्रूरता या 8. POSTERITY (NOUN): (भावी पीढ़ी): all

कठोरता से) : in a way that is impossible to future generation of people
Synonyms: progeny, lineage
stop or prevent
Antonyms: parent, past
Synonyms: ferociously, atrociously
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: gently, humanely
This incident is regarded by posterity as
Example Sentence:
an aberration rather than a precedent.
The public is enraged by the inexorable
rise in petroleum prices.
(अंतदद शदन ): the examination of one’s own
4. DISSENSION (NOUN): (मतभेद):
mental processes.
disagreement that leads to discord
Synonyms: contemplation, reflection
Synonyms: controversy, friction
Antonyms: ignorance, disregard
Antonyms: harmony, conformity
Example Sentence:
Example Sentence:
It is a moment for collective introspection.
The SC has exposed an unprecedented
level of dissension.
10. CONVENE (VERB): (बुलाना): bring
5. FERMENT (VERB): (उत्ते जित करना): together for a meeting
Synonyms: assemble, congregate
agitation and excitement among a group
Antonyms: disperse, separate
of people
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: frenzy, storm
The Chief Justice must convene a meeting
Antonyms: calm, peace
of the full court.
Example Sentence:
The highest court was in a state of
Write us
6. OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अमं गल): content@mahendras.org
giving the worrying impression
Vocabulary Words- 20.12.2018
1. COMEMMORATE Antonyms: precede, retreat
(VERB): (पुण्यस्मरण करना) pay tribute to Example Sentence:
Synonyms: salute, honour Firstly he did the honours then
Antonyms: disregard, dishonour everybody supervened.
Example Sentence: 7. REPROACH (NOUN): (ततरस्कार)
The victory is commemorated in songs. disgrace
2. TERRIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक) Synonyms: blame, censure
horrible Antonyms: compliment, praise
Synonyms: terrible, awful Example Sentence:
Antonyms: wonderful, pleasant He gave her a look of reproach.
Example Sentence: 8. LAURELS (NOUN): (ख्यातत) acclaim
An enormous amount of dust blown by Synonyms: accolade, praise
the terrific volcanic eruption. Antonyms: blame, disapproval
3. DOOMED Example Sentence:
(ADJECTIVE): (अभभशप्त) ill-fated A soldier won his laurels in the battle
Synonyms: cursed, damned field.
Antonyms: lucky, blessed 9. ABRADE (VERB): (कुरे दना) scrape
Example Sentence: Synonyms: chafe, grate
Those who do not know history Antonyms: make happy, please
are doomed to repeat it. Example Sentence:
4. EXORBITANT The wool blanket abraded my legs and
(ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक) excessive gave me a rash.
Synonyms: immoderate, wasteful 10. DEIFY (VERB): (दे वतासदृश पूजा -
Antonyms: moderate, sensible करना) idealize
Example Sentence: Synonyms: glorify, idolize
The guard is being paid an exorbitant Antonyms: criticize, degrade
salary to sit only. Example Sentence:
5. PIVOTAL It is a mistake to deify celebrities let your
(ADJECTIVE): (आिारभत ू ) important parents be your living God.
Synonyms: vital, crucial
Antonyms: unimportant, uncritical Write us
Example Sentence: content@mahendras.org
Nice customer service is pivotal to a
successful business.
6. SUPERVENE (VERB): (पीछे आना)
Synonyms: chase, pursue
Vocabulary Words- 21.12.2018
1. REPINE (VERB): (शिकायत करना): Synonyms: grandeur, elegance
Antonyms: crudeness, inelegance
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: grumble, lament
I see the majestic Atticism in her
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
He always repines about his peer.
7. AUSTERITY (NOUN): (आत्मसं यम):
2. INURE (VERB): (तपाकर पुख़्ता करना): formality
Synonyms: acerbity, asperity
Antonyms: informality, mildness
Synonyms: temper, toughen
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: lighten, soften
The austerity of the politician was well
Example Sentence:
A continuation of the exclusion of these
people from their lands should not inure to
the benefit of the wrongdoers. 8. ARTIFICE (NOUN): (चालाकी): clever
3. ONSLAUGHT (NOUN): (आक्रमण): Synonyms: maneuver, gimmick
Antonyms: candor, honesty
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: onrush, invasion
These pictures are full of artifice.
Antonyms: retreat, defense
Example Sentence:
The people suddenly made an onslaught 9. VALOR (NOUN): (वीरता): courage
on him. Synonyms: firmness, fortitude
Antonyms: cowardice, timidity
4. PRIGGISH (ADJECTIVE): (परोपदे ि क) Example Sentence:
His valor impressed everyone.
: smug
Synonyms: pompous, stuffy
Antonyms: dissatisfied, discontented 10. VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): (जागरूक):
Example Sentence: attentive
I had to meet a priggish person in the Synonyms: observant, cautious
train. Antonyms: heedless, impulsive
Example Sentence:
5. CABOODLE (NOUN): (ताम-झाम): I am very vigilant while writing a letter.
collection of something
Synonyms: cluster, agglomeration
Antonyms: individual, one Write us
Example Sentence: content@mahendras.org
I have a caboodle of great books.

6. ATTICISM (NOUN): (िान): splendour

Vocabulary Words- 22.12.2018
1. MOLLYCODDLE (VERB): pamper Your uptight behavior can get you
Synonyms: overprotect, cater to rejected in an interview.
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence: 7. DRIP (VERB): drop
I found school very difficult, and Synonyms: dribble, drizzle
realized I'd been mollycoddled at home. Antonyms: collect, pour
Example Sentence:
2. GROUSE (NOUN): complaint Everyone must ensure that water
Synonyms: gripe, grouch doesn’t drips away uselessly.
Antonyms: praise, compliment
Example Sentence: 8. PERVADE (VERB): spread through
I have no grouse against my wife. Synonyms: infuse, permeate
Antonyms: block, hinder
3. OPPRESS (VERB): subdue Example Sentence:
Synonyms: torment, trample The poison must be blocked before it
Antonyms: encourage, aid pervades Ridhima’s vital organs.
Example Sentence:
The tyrant general oppressed his people. 9. KUDOS (NOUN): praise
Synonyms: applause, eminence
4. CANNY (ADJECTIVE): clever Antonyms: condemnation,
Synonyms: dexterous, adroit denunciation
Antonyms: foolish, idiotic Example Sentence:
Example Sentence: Meenakshi was looking for kudos rather
Chintan is a canny person. than profit.


Synonyms: timid, hesitant Synonyms: discharge, regurgitate
Antonyms: confident, brave Antonyms: suck, consume
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
Varun was a diffident child in such a Nidhi was disgorging whatever she was
large family. eating.

6. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): secret Write us

Synonyms: arcane, esoteric content@mahendras.org
Antonyms: definite, obvious
Example Sentence:
When Sachin spoke, his words were
cryptic to all those in the room.


Synonyms: nervy, edgy
Antonyms: unworried, composed
Example Sentence:
Vocabulary Words- 23.12.2018
1. SWAMP (NOUN): (कीचड़) 6. BRUSQUE
quagmire (ADJECTIVE): (बेअदब) blunt in
Synonyms: marshland, lowland manner or harsh speech
Antonyms: clean land, clear Synonyms: gruff, discourteous
Example Sentence: Antonyms: polite, kind
This area is full of sump so it smells Example Sentence:
fouls all the time. His child is brusque and impatient.

2. RANKLE 7. FRACAS (NOUN): (दं गा/कोलाहल) a

(VERB): (खिजाना/चचढ़ाना) to cause noisy disagreement
bitterness or irritation Synonyms: commotion, disturbance
Synonyms: annoy, embitter Antonyms: agreement, harmony
Antonym: comfort, pacify Example Sentence:
Example Sentence: The students were suspended from the
Sarika was rankled by his assertion. class when they started a fracas.

3. AKIN (ADJECTIVE): (समान) 8. FIAT (NOUN): ( आज्ञाप्तत) order

similar in nature Synonyms: command, dictum
Synonyms: analogous, comparable Antonyms: opposition, denial
Antonyms: dissimilar, unlike Example Sentence:
Example Sentence: The CM’s latest fiat prohibits the
Something akin to gratitude chewing of tobacco in office.
overwhelmed her.
9. ENNUI (NOUN): (थकान) boredom
4. ARCHAIC Synonyms: tedium, languor
(ADJECTIVE): (प्राचीन) old and no Antonyms: excitement, liveliness
longer useful Example Sentence:
Synonyms: primitive, old-fashioned Eaten up by ennui at his workplace, he
Antonyms: modern, up-to-date decided to go on a vacation.
Example Sentence:
In comparison to portable laptop 10. EFFIGY (NOUN): (पुतला) dummy
typewriters are archaic. Synonyms: statue, figure
Antonyms: entity, being
5. CONCORD (NOUN): (समझौता) a Example Sentence:
state of accord or agreement The fringe set fire to an effigy of the
Synonyms: unanimity, harmony director.
Antonyms: disagreement, agitation Write us
Example sentence: content@mahendras.org
the two countries signed a pact of
peace and concord.
Vocabulary Words- 24.12.2018
1. SNITCH (VERB): (प्रकट करना) reveal Antonyms: ugly, repulsive
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: divulge, evince
The puppy’s dainty nose looked very cute,
Antonyms: conceal, suppress
convincing everybody’s to love it.
Example Sentence:
Today Akshima is going to snitch her
secret. 7. ABLUTION (NOUN): (स्नान, मज्जन)
the act of washing
2. HUSTLER (NOUN): (अपराधी Synonyms: cleansing, decontamination
Antonyms: contamination, pollution
व्यक्ति) criminal Example Sentence:
Synonyms: desperado, felon Mina performed the ablution of the wound
Antonyms: police, law and applied some disinfectant to avoid
Example Sentence: further infection.
He is the denounced hustler of this
locality. 8. AMBLE (VERB): (टहलना) to walk
3. ASTRAY (ADVERB): (गुमराह, भूला- Synonyms: stroll, wander
भटका) afield Antonym: rush, dash
Synonyms: adrift, off target Example Sentence:
Antonyms: stable, anchored Rashmi rather ambled through the halls
Example Sentence: than attend the session.
The gunman claimed that the shots had
gone astray. 9. COVET (VERB): (ललचाना) to greatly
desire something you lack
4. DESPOTISM (NOUN): (िानाशाही) Synonyms: crave, fancy to
absolute power Antonyms: abjure, hate
Synonyms: autocracy, dictatorship Example Sentence:
Antonyms: democracy, equalitarianism Vikram tends to covet quality time with
Example Sentence: his family.
After their generations living under
despotism, citizens were happy to see a 10. RECONNOITER (VERB): (खोजना)
kind emperor. to survey a place or situation for planning
5. HOODWINK (VERB): (छलना) to Synonyms: inspect, examine
deceive someone Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Synonyms: mislead, swindle Example Sentence:
Antonyms: support, safeguard One should constantly reconnoiter one’s
Example Sentence: enemy’s movements.
Insurance deals often hoodwink customers Write us
by making hollow promises. content@mahendras.org

6. DAINTY (ADJECTIVE): (सूक्ष्म)

delicately small and pretty
Synonyms: petite, cute
Vocabulary Words- 25.12.2018
Example Sentence:
1. DEMURE (ADJECTIVE): Don’t crimp the pages of my notebook.
(सं कोची) Reserved
Synonyms: Timid, Reticent
Antonyms: Bold, Brave (भयानक) Terrible
Example Sentence: Synonyms: Dreadful, Awful
Swastika is too outgoing for anyone to Antonyms: Good, Mild
ever accuse her of being demure. Example Sentence:
The situation of draught has become dire.
2. DEFILE (VERB): (मै ला कर दे ना) To
make impure or dirty 8. SURGE (NOUN): (वद् ृ धि) Growth
Synonyms: Contaminate, Degrade Synonyms: Deluge, Upsurge
Antonyms: Cleanse, Upgrade Antonyms: decline, decrease
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
Everybody knows smoking weed defiles Sudden surge was seen in dollar in the
one’s body. stock exchange.

3. SIEGE (VERB): (परे शान करना) 9. NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अति

Harass दष्ु ट,कुटटल) Very Evil And Wicked
Synonyms: Beset, Badger Synonyms: Sinful, Vicious
Antonyms: Aid, Assist Antonyms: Kind, Pleasing
Example Sentence: Example sentence:
They was sieging other students over new To call that new students names, was not
stationery. only mean, but nefarious.

4. PERUSE (VERB): (अवलोकन करना) 10. PLEBEIAN (NOUN): (सवव सािारण)

Examine Not worthy of the upper classes.
Synonyms: Scrutinize, Inspect Synonyms: Mediocre, Ordinary
Antonyms: Ignore, Overlook Antonyms: Extraordinary, Aristocratic
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
The case history was being perused by the My spoiled cousins called the restaurant a
FBI. plebeian place.
Write us
(ववश्लेषणात्मक) Logical content@mahendras.org
Synonyms: Rational, Level Headed
Antonyms: Careless, Thoughtless
Example Sentence:
Mathur’s approach is very analytical.

6. CRIMP (VERB): (ससकोड़ना) Fold

Synonyms: Crinkle, Wrinkle
Antonyms: Smooth, Straighten
Vocabulary Words- 26.12.2018
1. JIBE (VERB): conform Antonyms: rude, unfriendly
Synonyms: match, tally Example Sentence:
Antonyms: differ, disagree She has an affable nature.
Example Sentence:
She jibed all the details of the account. 9. OBVERSE (NOUN): opposite
Synonyms: complement, counterpart
2. BASTION (NOUN): bulwark Antonyms: back, rear
Synonyms: support, stronghold Example Sentence:
Antonyms: weak spot, weakness He needs to practise humbleness which is the
Example Sentence: obverse of your usual arrogance.
The king had his place fortified with bastions.
10. EAGER (ADJECTIVE): anxious
3. PORTENTOUS (ADJECTIVE): exciting Synonyms: keen, ambitious
Synonyms: intriguing, haunting Antonyms: dispassionate, uneager
Antonyms: encouraging, hopeful Example Sentence:
Example Sentence: The CBI was eager to prosecute the vice
She has given a portentous performance. chancellor for extortion.

4. WIELD (VERB): apply Write us

Synonyms: operate, exercise content@mahendras.org
Antonyms: fail, misuse
Example Sentence:
She wielded the new rules carefully.

5. DIMINUTION (NOUN): weakening

Synonyms: lessening, abatement
Antonyms: expansion, growth
Example Sentence:
An oversupply made a permanent diminution in the
product’s value.

6. NEUROSIS (NOUN): inhibition

Synonyms: aberration, abnormality
Antonyms: normality, sanity
Example Sentence:
Ritika got a neurosis about chemicals and Iimagined
them everywhere doing her harm.

7. VOLTE-FACE (NOUN): annulment

Synonyms: cancellation, rescinding
Antonyms: enactment, validation
Example Sentence:
Navin volte faced about the decision to marry
8. AFFABLE (ADJECTIVE): friendly
Synonyms: amiable, genial
Vocabulary Words- 27.12.2018
1. ABRADE (VERB): scrape 7. REPROACH (NOUN): disgrace
Synonyms: chafe, grate Synonyms: blame, censure
Antonyms: make happy, please Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence: Example Sentence:
The wool blanket abraded my legs and Individuals who work in the banking
gave me a rash. industry must be honest and beyond
Synonyms: terrible, awful 8. LAURELS (NOUN): acclaim
Antonyms: wonderful, pleasant Synonyms: accolade, praise
Example Sentence: Antonyms: blame, disapproval
An enormous amount of dust blown by Example Sentence:
the terrific volcanic eruption. A soldier won his laurels in the battle
3. DOOMED (ADJECTIVE): ill-fated
Synonyms: cursed, damned 9. COMEMMORATE (VERB): pay
Antonyms: lucky, blessed tribute to
Example Sentence: Synonyms: salute, honour
Those who do not know history Antonyms: disregard, dishonour
are doomed to repeat it. Example Sentence:
Every year we Indians commemorate our
4. EXORBITANT country’s independence with a huge
(ADJECTIVE): excessive enthusiasm.
Synonyms: immoderate, wasteful
Antonyms: moderate, sensible 10. DEIFY (VERB): idealize
Example Sentence: Synonyms: glorify, idolize
The guard is being paid an exorbitant Antonyms: criticize, degrade
salary to sit only. Example Sentence:
It is a mistake to deify celebrities let your
5. PIVOTAL parents be your living God.
(ADJECTIVE): important
Synonyms: vital, crucial Write us
Antonyms: unimportant, uncritical content@mahendras.org
Example Sentence:
Nice customer service is pivotal to a
successful business.

6. SUPERVENE (VERB): follow

Synonyms: chase, pursue
Antonyms: precede, retreat
Example Sentence:
Firstly he did the honours then
everybody supervened.
Vocabulary Words- 28.12.2018
1. WHIM (NOUN): sudden idea His invidious acts caused the people to
Synonyms: inclination, vagary rise up against him.
Antonyms: truth, reality
Example Sentence: 7. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): artful
His instinct paid off as he picked the Synonyms: facile, eloquent
winning horse on a whim. Antonyms: quiet, silent
Example Sentence:
2. PROGNOSIS (NOUN): forecast The glib comments he made about the
Synonyms: diagnosis, prediction conflict reveals that he is not very well-
Antonyms: calculation, measurement informed about the subject.
Example Sentence:
Due to the company’s financial 8. GRAVE (ADJECTIVE): serious
prognosis, we will probably be out of Synonyms: heavy, sedate
business in less than one month. Antonyms: funny, silly
Example Sentence:
3. ENGENDER (VERB): induce Though the situation was grave, Yash
Synonyms: generate, breed tried to keep hope.
Antonyms: prevent, halt
Example Sentence: 9. BLUNT (ADJECTIVE): honest
Some people believe violent video Synonyms: straightforward, outspoken
games engender feelings of hostility in Antonyms: prejudiced, dishonest
young people. Example Sentence:
The blunt manager hurt my feelings
4. STAID (ADJECTIVE): decorous when asking if I wanted a day’s leave.
Synonyms: dignified, composed
Antonyms: indecorous, frivolous 10. PERILOUS
Example Sentence: (ADJECTIVE): hazardous
She was given a staid title-‘The Iron Synonyms: precarious, threatening
Lady’. Antonyms: safe, secure
Example Sentence:
5. RIBALD (ADJECTIVE): bawdy You should avoid driving during the
Synonyms: coarse, lewd snowstorm because the icy roads are
Antonyms: moral, sophisticated perilous.
Example Sentence:
His class teacher sent Joy to the Write us-
principal’s office after he told a ribald content@mahendras.org
joke in class.


Synonyms: calumnious, defamatory
Antonyms: likeable, lovable
Example Sentence:
Vocabulary Words- 29.12.2018
1. UNDUE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक): Synonyms: hex, hoodoo
Antonyms: boon, luck
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: dizzying, exorbitant
Rohit regarded her as a jinx because she
Antonyms: moderate, reasonable
had lost her husband.
Example Sentence:
Some dogs are very hyper and require an
undue amount of attention from their 7. INERTIA (NOUN): (जड़ता): laziness
owners. Synonyms: passivity, sluggishness
Antonyms: action, activity
2. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दे शी): Example Sentence:
After a large meal, inertia usually keeps
me on the couch all day.
Synonyms: domestic, homegrown
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Example Sentence: 8. IMMACULATE (ADJECTIVE): (शुद्ि)
ISRO successfully test-fired an indigenous : unspoiled
missile. Synonyms: exquisite, neat
Antonyms: dull, defiled
3. INTERMITTENT (ADJECTIVE): (सवि Example Sentence:
The soldier was reprimanded for ruining
राम): irregular his immaculate uniform.
Synonyms: fitful, infrequent
Antonyms: regular, frequent 9. IMPUTE (VERB): (आरोप लगाना):
Example Sentence:
The holiday lights are intermittent and
Synonyms: accredit, assign
flicker on and off constantly.
Antonyms: exonerate, exculpate
Example Sentence:
4. INCESSANT (ADJECTIVE): (लगातार) You can not impute the damage onto me.
: ceaseless
Synonyms: endless, continuous 10. INKLING (NOUN): (आभास): idea
Antonyms: bounded, ceasing
Synonyms: clue, hunch
Example Sentence:
Antonyms: knowledge, information
His hostility to Reva was incessant.
Example Sentence:
The records give us an inkling of how
5. INSULAR (ADJECTIVE): (सं कुधित people saw the world.
वििारिाला): narrow-minded
Synonyms: circumscribed, Write us
parochial content@mahendras.org
Antonyms: broad-minded, unbiased
Example Sentence:
Only a few people live in their insular
neighborhood in the coldest part of

6. JINX (NOUN): (अशुभ): curse

Vocabulary Words- 30.12.2018
1. DISPEL (VERB): allay Your idea has really an absolute
Synonyms: drive away thought, resolve influence.
Antonyms: recall, take in
Example Sentence: 7. PREPONDERATE (VERB):
The flowers from my husband do not dominate
dispel the fact I believe he is cheating on Synonyms: dictate, overrule
me. Antonyms: follow, lose
Example Sentence:
2. LAY DOWN (VERB): command Do not even think of preponderating me.
Synonyms: impose, order
Antonyms: implore, request 8. DILUTE (VERB): adulterate
Example Sentence: Synonyms: make thinner, water down
The major laid down the army. Antonyms: make thicker, concentrate
Example Sentence:
3. PREMISE (NOUN): presumption To obtain the effect you want, firstly
Synonyms: proposition, supposition dilute the paint with a little bit of oil.
Antonyms: denial, rejection
Example Sentence: 9. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): doubtful
Your theory is faulty because anyone can Synonyms: dubious, questionable
dispel the premise with a simple Antonyms: proven, definite
experiment. Example Sentence:
The use of phonetic transcription is a
4. UNPALATABLE moot question.
(ADJECTIVE): not tasting good
Synonyms: distasteful, unsavoury 10. TRAGIC
Antonyms: delicious, savoury (ADJECTIVE): appalling
Example Sentence: Synonyms: awful, deplorable
What an unpalatable Chowmin! she Antonyms: pleasant, wonderful
exclaimed. Example Sentence:
Merriam saw the tragic women of the
5. AFTERMATH (NOUN): impact wards.
Synonyms: outcome, consequences Write us
Antonyms: source, origin content@mahendras.org
Example Sentence:
Although the aftermath was daunting,
nothing could compare to the moment
that the tornado struck the building.

(ADJECTIVE): without limit
Synonyms: infinite, unlimited
Antonyms: bounded, limited
Example Sentence:
Vocabulary Words- 31.12.2018
1. CONTINENCE (NOUN): self- Antonyms: flatten, smooth
restraint Example Sentence:
Synonyms: abstinence, chastity Amit scalloped the paper bag.
Antonyms: wildness, intemperance
Example Sentence: 7. ABORT (VERB): halt
Shivali hoped her continence would Synonyms: cut off, break off
allow her to resist temptation. Antonyms: begin, start
Example Sentence:
2. PREROGATIVE (NOUN): privilege The commander instructed them to abort
Synonyms: perquisite, birthright the mission.
Antonyms: duty, obligation
Example Sentence: 8. GLITCH (NOUN): error
If you choose to follow your prerogative Synonyms: flaw, malfunction
and behave badly, then the result will not Antonyms: perfection, excellence
be good for you. Example Sentence:
The glitch in your computer system can
3. SUFFICE (VERB): satisfy be fixed easily.
Synonyms: content, fulfil
Antonyms: dissatisfy, displease 9. BOUNTY (NOUN): gift
Example Sentence: Synonyms: prize, reward
Since I only have two dollars left in my Antonyms: penalty, punishment
pocket, this amount can’t suffice my Example Sentence:
needs. She was given a bounty in her marriage.


(ADJECTIVE): amazing Synonyms: adhere to, accede
Synonyms: astonishing, startling Antonyms: disobey, dissuade
Antonyms: awful, appalling Example Sentence:
Example Sentence: The restaurant will be closed down soon
That piece of art involved the mind- if the owner does not knuckle to the
boggling craft. sanitation.


theoretical content@mahendras.org
Synonyms: hypothetic, idealized
Antonyms: practical, realistic
Example Sentence:
Ravita gave an example of the most
intelle situation. www.NaukriAspirant.com
6. SCALLOP (VERB): crumple
Synonyms: pucker, rumple

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