Retreat Letter 2018

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November 8, 2018

To The Parents / Guardians of the Grade 10 Students,


We are in the generation today where our youths are preoccupied with so many things. Most of the time, they
have a hard time relaxing. Some of the factors were due to the demands of the school, the social media and
the excessive use of gadgets. That’s why as part of the School’s CaDeP, we have scheduled a retreat for the
teenagers of Marriott School specifically for our Grade 10 students. This is for them to pause a while, think
deeply, reflect and discover more about themselves and connect with their spiritual being once again.

The said event will be on November 23-24, 2018 and the venue will be at Claretian Missionary Sisters located at
48A Cenacle Drive, Sunville Subdivision, Culiat, Quezon City.

In connection to this, we will be collecting a minimal fee of P1,000.00 per student to cover the expenses for the
venue, food, facilitator and transportation to and from the venue.

This retreat will help our students reflect on what and where they are right now which thus aims to strengthen
their individual personalities as well as develop their emotional maturity in order for them to live a more
meaningful life.

We believe that you are one with us in attaining and improving your child's personal growth. Together, let us
help the young ones become the best that they can be.

Thank you very much for your support.

Sincerely, Noted by,


Guidance Officer Principal

 I allow my son/daughter to attend the retreat for Grade 10 students.

 Sorry, but my son/daughter will not be able to join the said recollection because ___________

____________________________ _____________ __ _______________________________

Name of Student Level & Section Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

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