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Journal of Dental Research


Economic Modeling of Sealing Primary Molars Using a ''Value of Information'' Approach

J.P. Ney, D.N. van der Goes and D.L. Chi
J DENT RES 2014 93: 876 originally published online 23 July 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0022034514544299

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JDR 93910.1177/0022034514544299

Research Reports

J.P. Ney1, D.N. van der Goes2,

and D.L. Chi3*
Economic Modeling of Sealing
University of Washington, Department of Neurology, Box
Primary Molars Using a “Value of
359455, Seattle, WA 98195, USA; 2University of New
Mexico, Department of Economics, 1915 Roma Ave. NE Information” Approach
1019, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA; and 3University of
Washington, Department of Oral Health Sciences, Box
357475, Seattle, WA 98195, USA; *corresponding author,

J Dent Res 93(9):876-881, 2014

Abstract Introduction
The objective was to evaluate 2 primary molar sealant strat-
egies for publicly insured children using an “expected value
of perfect information” (EVPI) approach. We converted a
10,000-observation tooth-level cost-effectiveness simula-
E arly childhood caries (ECC) rates in the US have increased significantly
in the past 3 decades (Dye et al., 2007). Children from poor households
are twice as likely to have untreated dental caries as children from higher
tion model comparing 2 primary molar sealant strategies – income households (Dye et al., 2010). Furthermore, Medicaid-enrolled chil-
always seal (AS) and standard care (SC) – with a dren are significantly more likely to have untreated caries than other children
1,250-observation child-level model. Costs per child per
(Brickhouse et al., 2008). These factors have motivated efforts to address the
restoration or extraction averted were estimated. Opportunity
losses under the AS strategy were determined for children ECC epidemic in socio-economically vulnerable children, in part, by ensuring
for whom SC was the optimal choice. We determined the access to preventive dental care.
EVPI by multiplying mean opportunity losses by the pro- The US Healthy People 2020 goals include increasing from 1.4% to 1.5%
jected incident population of publicly insured 3-year-olds in the proportion of children ages 3 to 5 years with a sealed primary molar (US
the US over 10 years with costs discounted at 2%. All DHHS, Healthy People 2020). Consistent with this goal, the American
analyses were conducted under assumptions of high and low Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends pit-and-fissure sealants
intrachild correlations between at-risk teeth. The AS strat-
egy cost $43.68 over SC (95% CI: -$5.50, $92.86) per child
as part of a comprehensive caries prevention strategy for children age 3 years
per restoration or extraction averted under the high intra- and older (AAPD, 2013). There is strong evidence that sealants prevent dental
child correlation assumption and $15.54 (95% CI $7.86, caries in permanent molars (Ahouvuo-Saloranta et al., 2013). However, con-
$23.20) under the low intrachild correlation. Under high sistent with caries prevalence rates, only half as many low-income children
intrachild correlation, mean opportunity losses were $80.28 receive sealants as their higher income peers (Dye et al., 2007). Previous
(95% CI: $76.39, $84.17) per child, and AS was the optimal studies have identified the enablers and barriers to preventive dental care
strategy in 31% of children. Under low correlation, mean
services for publicly insured children (Chi and Milgrom, 2009; Chi et al.,
opportunity losses were $14.61 (95% CI: $12.20, $17.68)
and AS was the optimal strategy in 87% of children. The
2010; Rozier et al., 2010; Askelson et al., 2014). Only 1-in-3 state Medicaid
EVPI was calculated at $530,813,740 and $96,578,389 (for programs reimburses dentists for primary molar sealants (Chi and Singh,
high and low intrachild correlation, respectively), for a pro- 2013), which is a potential barrier to the receipt of sealants for low-income
jected total incident population of 8,059,712 children. On children.
average, always sealing primary molars is more effective Most health economic studies to date on pit-and-fissure sealants for low-
than standard care, but widespread implementation of this income children focus on permanent teeth (Weintraub et al., 2001; Bhuridej
preventive approach among publicly insured children would
et al., 2005, 2007). The only published study on primary molar sealants pre-
result in large opportunity losses. Additional research is
needed to identify the subgroups of publicly insured chil- sented a tooth-level model simulating outcomes associated with different
dren who would benefit the most from this effective and sealant strategies (standard care, never sealing, and always sealing primary
potentially cost-saving public health intervention. molars) in a pediatric Medicaid population (Chi et al., 2014). The always seal
strategy was, on average, more costly than standard care, but resulted in fewer
KEY WORDS: expected value of perfect information, subsequent restorations and extractions. However, contrary to a risk-based
sealants, Medicaid, cost-effectiveness, health economics, clinical approach endorsed by the AAPD, always sealing does not account for
health policy. heterogeneity in caries risk within the pediatric Medicaid population. In other
words, some children in Medicaid whose primary molars are sealed would not
DOI: 10.1177/0022034514544299
receive additional health benefits from sealants because they are at lower risk
Received March 27, 2014; Last revision May 25, 2014; for caries. There are gaps in the dental health services literature regarding
Accepted June 29, 2014
optimization of preventive strategies.
A supplemental appendix to this article is published elec- “Expected value of perfect information” (EVPI) methods from health eco-
tronically only at http://jdr.sagepub.com/supplemental. nomics provide an analytic framework for assessing whether clinical
© International & American Associations for Dental Research approaches, such as always sealing primary molars, should be widely adopted

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J Dent Res 93(9) 2014  877
Economic Model for Primary Sealants via “Value of Information”

or if more research is needed before a decision to adopt is made Mean incremental costs and mean number of restorations or
by policymakers and clinicians (Claxton, 1999a). We conducted extractions averted were determined at the child-level for the
an EVPI study to achieve 2 goals: (1) to develop a population- lifetime of each simulated primary molar. The incremental cost-
level model that examines the opportunity losses associated effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated as the difference in
with always sealing primary molars; and (2) to estimate the costs (AS minus SC) divided by the difference in restorations
EVPI that would result from perfect selection of publicly and extractions (SC minus AS).
insured children to receive primary molar sealants. This study is
the first step in assessing the need for additional empirical ICER = ( Cost AS − Cost SC ) / ( Restorations + ExtractionsSC − Restoratio
research on primary
ICER =molar( Costsealants.
AS− Cost ) / ( Restorations + Extractions − Restorations + Extractions Averted )

Materials & Methods The costs per child per restoration and extraction averted were
calculated under both high and low intrachild correlation
Study Design assumptions (see Data Analyses section below).
We developed model-based, child-level economic simulation
models from the public payer perspective using claims data Child-level Opportunity Losses
from the Iowa Medicaid program and the published literature.
The University of Iowa Institutional Review Board approved We defined the optimal strategy for each child as the strategy
this study. resulting in fewer restorations or extractions or, if these were
equal, the lower cost strategy. An opportunity loss was incurred
when AS was not the optimal strategy for a child in the child-
Characteristics of Study Population level model. We calculated the mean opportunity losses, corre-
Iowa Medicaid dental is a traditional fee-for-service program. In sponding to the losses that could be averted if we had perfect
2012, the program enrolled 286,400 children under age 18 years information based on which children should receive sealants
(unpublished observations). Income eligibility criterion is 375% under SC. These losses are also known as the EVPI at the child-
Federal Poverty Level (FPL) for children under age 12 months level (EVPIchild). We further calculated the mean cost difference
and 167% FPL for children ages 12 months to 17 years (Centers stratified by the optimal strategy to demonstrate the effect of
for Medicare and Medicaid, 2014). Dental benefits include pre- optimal strategy selection on cost.
ventive care (e.g., examinations, prophylaxis, topical fluoride,
pit-and-fissure sealants) and restorative care (e.g., restorations, Population-level EVPI
crowns, extractions). In 2006, 56.3% of children in the Iowa
Medicaid program utilized dental care (Chi et al., 2011). Iowa The EVPIpopulation is the child-level EVPI (EVPIchild) multiplied
Medicaid began reimbursing dentists in February 2008 for pri- by the incident population (I) summed for the anticipated life-
mary molar sealants for enrollees through age 18 years (Iowa time usefulness of the intervention, when the intervention will
Department of Human Services, 2008). The Medicaid reim- be assumed to be useful (T), modified by a discount rate (r),
bursement rate in Iowa is in the bottom quartile among the 16 compounded over time (t).
Medicaid programs that reimburse for primary molar sealants
EVPIpopulation = EVPIchild ∑ t =1,,2,..T IT / (1 + r )
(Chi and Singh, 2013).

The incident population (I) is the number of children enrolled in

Child-level Cost-effectiveness Model
Medicaid or the State Children’s Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP)
The first step in determining the EVPI for primary molar seal- with newly erupted primary molars. Although the study by Chi
ants is to convert a tooth-level model into a child-level cost- and colleagues (2014) focused solely on children in Medicaid,
effectiveness model (Fig.) (Claxton, 1999b). A previous study in the current study we assumed that children enrolled in SCHIP
presented a tooth-level cost-effectiveness model based on a would also benefit similarly from policies involving reimburse-
Monte Carlo simulation with 10,000 primary molars and com- ment for primary molar sealants. We assumed that if the results
pared 3 strategies: standard care (SC), always seal (AS), and of the cost-effectiveness analysis previously described were
never seal (NS) (Chi et al., 2014). The model parameters and applied universally, this would happen at age 3 years, the age at
assumptions are provided in the Appendix. Standard care (SC) which sealants could reasonably be placed on primary molars by
was based on the Iowa Medicaid claims data, which indicated a dentist, and the effects would last until the primary molars
that 11% of children received at least 1 primary molar sealant. exfoliated. Thus, the time horizon was 8.5 years post-eruption or
Always seal was the preferred strategy that maximizes effective- until age 11.5 years. We used Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
ness (i.e., prevents restorations or extractions) while incurring (MEPS) data (calendar years 2002 to 2011) from the Agency for
some cost. For the current child-level model, we compared AS Healthcare Research and Quality to determine the yearly pro-
and SC. We adopted non-parametric methods, which account for portion of Medicaid- or SCHIP-enrolled children with a dental
multiple sources of data each with different underlying distribu- visit at age 3 years. We used the mean annual growth rate to
tions (Briggs et al., 2008). Primary molar costs and outcomes extrapolate to a population beginning in 2015 using a linear
for AS and SC were summed for each child-level observation. prediction model, with the last cohort ending in 2024, resulting

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878  Ney et al. J Dent Res 93(9) 2014

Tooth-level Primary Molar Sealant Model with 3 Arms

model included a total of 1,250 children with 8 primary molars at
Standard Care (SC) 10,000 molars time 0. All analyses were completed with STATA 11.0 (StataCorp,
Always Seal (AS) per arm College Station, TX, USA).
Never Seal (NS)

sorted in order of
Observaons Results
ascending NS
randomly Child-level Cost-effectiveness Model
Compared with standard care (SC), the mean difference in cost
per child of always sealing (AS) primary molars was $13.52
(95% confidence interval [CI]: –$1.03, $28.08), and the mean
Sequenal groups of 8
molars per child created
number of restorations or extractions averted under the AS strat-
with NS arm removed egy was 1.81 per child (95% CI: 1.65, 1.96), corresponding to
an ICER of $7.49 per restoration or extraction averted (95% CI:
Child-level Primary Molar Sealant Models with 2 Arms $2.85, 12.12) (Table 1). Under high intrachild correlation, the
High Intrachild Low Intrachild
cost per child per restoration or extraction averted was $43.68
Correlaon Model* Correlaon Model* 1,250 children (95% CI: –$5.50, $92.86) compared with $15.54 (95% CI:
Always Seal (AS) Always Seal (AS) per arm $7.86, $23.20) per child per restoration or extraction averted
Standard Care (SC) Standard Care(SC)
under the low correlation assumption.

Figure.  Conversion of tooth-level primary molar sealant cost-

Child-level Opportunity Losses Associated with
effectiveness model to child-level model primary molar sealant cost-
effectiveness model. *The high intrachild correlation model was built Imperfect Information
from tooth-level observations sorted by ascending costs of the “never Under the assumption of high intrachild correlation, the mean
sealed” (NS) arm. The low intrachild correlation model was built by
opportunity loss was $80.28 per child (95% CI: $76.39, $84.17)
random sorting of tooth-level observations. Non-overlapping sequential
groups of 8 molars corresponded to a total of 1,250 children in both (Table 2). AS was not the optimal strategy in 69% of children.
the high and low intrachild correlation models. The mean opportunity loss for the AS strategy for these children
was $116.29 (95% CI: $112.67, $119.90). For children who had
at least 1 restoration or extraction under SC, AS would save
in 10 cohorts of 3-year-old Medicaid/SCHIP enrollees (Cohen, $215.63 per child (95% CI: –$252.90, –$178.36). Under the
1997; Selden, 2009). assumption of low intrachild correlation, the mean opportunity
We assumed the lifetime usefulness of the technology (T) at loss was $14.61 (95% CI: $12.20, $17.18). AS was not the opti-
10 years. The evaluation of a decade of usefulness is reasonable mal strategy in 13% of children. The mean opportunity loss for
from a policymaker standpoint (Claxton et al., 2002). We used the AS strategy for these children was $112.71 (95% CI:
a discount rate (r) of 2%, which reflects the mean rate of return $103.66, $121.76), while the strategy was cost-saving at the
on a relatively safe investment. Discounting is common in eco- mean for children experiencing at least 1 restoration or extrac-
nomic analyses and is based on 2 premises: (1) that the current tion under standard care (mean opportunity loss: –$1.25; 95%
value of a good or service is likely to deteriorate over time; and CI: –$8.27, $5.78).
(2) that individuals prefer present over future consumption of
goods, the latter of which has less value. All costs are reported Population-level EVPI
in 2012 US dollars, corresponding to the most recent year for
which model parameter data were available. Based on MEPS data, the proportion of Medicaid-/SCHIP-
enrolled children with a dental visit by age 3 years increased by
6.6% per year from 2002 to 2011. This corresponds to an inci-
Data Analyses
dent population of 674,925 and 937,017 3-year-olds in 2015 and
In converting a tooth-level model to a child-level model (Fig.), we 2025, respectively, or a total of 8,059,712 3-year-olds during the
evaluated 2 types of intrachild correlation: (1) high (intraclass 10-year-period who would be projected to utilize dental care and
correlation coefficient = 0.99); and (2) low (intraclass correlation receive primary molar sealants (Table 3). Under the assumption
coefficient = 0.00). In the high correlation model, healthy, of high intra-child correlation, the population-level EVPI for our
restored, and extracted molars are assumed to cluster within indi- population of interest is $530,813,740 (95% CI: $505,100,100,
vidual children, an assumption supported by previous research $556,527,400) (data not shown). Under the low intrachild cor-
(Stephenson et al., 2010). Observations from the NS strategy in relation assumption, the population-level EVPI is $96,578,389
the tooth-level model were sorted on ascending restoration and ($80,682,410, $112,474,400).
extraction costs, representing a natural history of the tooth in the
absence of sealants. The sorted observations were divided into
groups of 8 molars to form child-level observations. In the low
correlation model, we performed a random sort of tooth-level Expected value of perfect information studies enable research-
observations to approximate a random distribution of healthy, ers and policymakers to determine if additional research is
restored, and extracted molars across children. Each correlation required to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a given health

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J Dent Res 93(9) 2014  879
Economic Model for Primary Sealants via “Value of Information”

Table 1.  Child-level Cost-effectiveness Model Results with Mean Costs (US$, 2012), Mean Numbers of Restorations or Extractions Averted, and
Incremental Cost-effectiveness Ratios under High and Low Intrachild Correlation Assumptions

Mean Numbers of Restorations and

Mean Cost, 2012 US$ Extractions Averted

Always Seal (AS) $182.47 0.28

Standard Care (SC) $168.95 2.08
Difference (AS-SC) $13.52 –1.81*
(95% CI: –$1.03, $28.08) (95% CI: –1.96, –1.65)
ICER [(CostsAS-CostsSC)/(Restorations + ExtractionsSC – Restorations $7.49
+ ExtractionsAS)] (95% CI: $2.85, $12.12)
Cost per Child for Restorations or Extractions Averted Associated $43.68
with AS Strategy (High Intrachild Correlation Assumption) (95% CI: –$5.50, $92.86)
Cost per Child for Restorations or Extractions Averted Associated $15.54
with AS Strategy (Low Intrachild Correlation Assumption) (95% CI: $7.86, $23.20)

AS = Always Seal; SC = Standard Care; ICER = Incremental Cost-effectiveness Ratio; CI = Confidence Interval.
*A negative difference in the mean number of restorations or extractions averted indicates that the Always Seal strategy avoids a greater number
of restorations and extractions than Standard Care.

Table 2.  Child-level Opportunity Loss and under High and Low Intrachild Correlation Assumptions for 1,250 Child Simulations

of Children Mean Mean
Mean 95% for whom AS 95% Opportunity 95% Opportunity 95%
Opportunity Confidence is Optimal Confidence Loss per Child if Confidence Loss per Child if Confidence
Loss per Child Interval Strategy* Interval SC Optimal* Interval AS Optimal* Interval

High intrachild $80.28 $76.39, 31% 28%, 34% $116.29 $112.67, –$215.63 –$252.90,
correlation $84.17 $119.90 –$178.36
Low intrachild $14.61 $12.20, 87% 85%, 89% $112.71 $103.66, –$1.25 –$8.27, $5.78
correlation $17.18 $121.76

AS = Always Seal; SC = Standard Care.

*Optimal strategy defined as the strategy for each observation that averts the highest number of restorations or extractions (i.e., is most effective)
or, with equal effectiveness, costs the least.

intervention. This is the first known publication that adopted risk assessment tools are available (Ramos-Gomez and Ng,
EVPI methods to evaluate 2 primary molar sealant strategies 2011; Campus et al., 2012; AAPD, 2013), none has been used in
(always sealing vs. standard care). We had 2 goals: (1) to estimate the context of cost-effectiveness evaluations of preventive care
the opportunity losses associated with always sealing primary for children. Future studies should continue to identify the risk
molars of publicly insured children; and (2) to assess the EVPI factors for caries in young publicly insured children and assess
associated with perfect selection of children to receive primary the specificity and sensitivity of risk factors so that primary
molars sealants. Our main findings are summarized below. molar sealant strategies can be optimized.
First, opportunity losses are incurred under the strategy of Furthermore, we estimated that the mean opportunity losses
always sealing primary molars. In a previous study, it was for children who would fare no better under always sealing than
shown that always sealing primary molars had the greatest like- standard care are similar in both high- and low-correlation
lihood of preventing restorations and extractions (Chi et al., assumptions ($116 and $112, respectively). A possible explana-
2014). Although the always seal strategy was not cost-saving tion is that, under the assumption of high intrachild correlation of
over the lifetime of the primary molar, the mean differences in at-risk teeth, restorations and extractions occurring under standard
restorations and extractions averted compared with standard care are concentrated in fewer children, while the majority of
care were substantial and significant. Collectively, these find- children would have the same outcome regardless of a primary
ings suggest that opportunity losses could be reduced, thereby molar sealant intervention. For children who benefit from seal-
optimizing the cost-effectiveness of a primary molar sealant ants, the magnitude of benefit is greater, resulting in larger cost
strategy by ensuring that only high-risk children receive seal- savings (i.e., more teeth per child are spared the costs associated
ants. This approach is consistent with a risk-based disease pre- with restorations or extractions). In contrast, the assumption of
vention strategy (Gao et al., 2013) and results of previous low intrachild correlation results in a greater likelihood that an
cost-effectiveness studies on permanent molar sealants individual child benefits from the sealant intervention, thereby
(Weintraub, 2001; Bhuridej et al., 2007). While various caries reducing opportunity losses, but minimizing the magnitude of

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880  Ney et al. J Dent Res 93(9) 2014

Table 3. Annual Predicted Incident Population of Publicly Insured for oral cancer screening programs in the United Kingdom
3-year-old Children in the USA for Estimation of Population-level (Speight et al., 2006). These findings highlight the importance of
Expected Value of Perfect Information additional research on primary molar sealants to identify children
who would benefit most from sealants (e.g., children with special
Number of Publicly Insured health care needs), which would allow for the development of
3-year-old Children with Predicted Incident empirical clinical guidelines on primary molar sealant indications.
Year an Annual Dental Visit* Population (I)
Our study has important implications for clinical practice and
2002 307,159 296,348 future research. Generating perfect information to help dentists
2003 312,349 325,469 and other dental health professionals select appropriate, high-
2004 383,386 354,591 risk children to receive primary molar sealants would maximize
2005 447,786 383,712 the benefits of sealants by reducing dental disease and need for
2006 399,793 412,833 invasive treatment. Additional research to improve selection of
2007 342,753 441,955 high-risk children would also lead to substantial cost savings.
2008 411,122 471,076 For instance, a $1 million study yielding information that
2009 556,098 500,197 improved the optimal sealant strategy selection by 10% (i.e.,
2010 481,031 529,319 increasing the proportion of children for whom always sealing
2011 632,461 558,440 is optimal from 31% to 34% under high intrachild correlation)
2012 – 587,561
would reduce opportunity losses by $23 million. If a random
2013 – 616,683
distribution of molars without intrachild correlation is assumed,
2014 – 645,804
a 5% improvement in optimal strategy selection (from 87% to
2015 – 674,925
91%) would save over $29 million in opportunity losses. These
2016 – 704,047
estimates suggest substantial clinical and economic value asso-
2017 – 733,168
2018 – 762,289
ciated with additional research on ways to improve primary
2019 – 791,411 molar sealant strategies. These methods are likely to be appli-
2020 – 820,532 cable to assessments of patient-tailored delivery of other forms
2021 – 849,653 of preventive dental care, including dental examinations and
2022 – 878,775 recall periodicity, cleanings, and topical fluoride treatment.
2023 – 907,896 Our study had 4 main limitations. First, it was based on a
2024 – 937,017 prior model of cost-effectiveness of 3 sealant strategies.
Sum, Predicted Incident Population, 8,059,712 Although that model was based on the best available evidence,
  2015-2024 (IT) any misspecification of parameters would affect the results of
the EVPI model presented. Second, our population estimates
*Based on data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
Consolidated Files (2002-2011) for 3-year-old children with at were conservative and may have underestimated the population
least 1 annual dental visit paid for by Medicaid or SCHIP. Person- at risk. State Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act
level weights were used to derive nationally representative point will result in increased enrollment of children, which is likely to
estimates. Predictions are for univariate linear regression of year result in increased used of dental care by Medicaid-insured chil-
on annual totals for 2002-2011, followed by predictions for years
2012-2024. dren. However, our model accounted for growth in the number
of 3-year-olds in Medicaid/SCHIP with an annual dental visit
using a linear prediction model from nationally representative
data. A major policy decision by states to reimburse dentists for
benefit of the always seal strategy over standard care at the child- primary molar sealants may create greater demand for the pro-
level. Collectively, the importance of these findings is that the cedure, increasing the number of children receiving primary
opportunity losses are greater when high intrachild correlation is sealants. The net effect of a larger incident population would be
assumed, but are substantial regardless of the type of correlation a larger EVPI, which further supports research to refine patient
assumed. The higher the intrachild correlation of restorations and selection strategies. Third, the conversion of a tooth-level model
extractions under standard care, the greater the opportunity losses to a child-level model assumes either that teeth requiring resto-
that occur from blanket implementation of an always seal strat- rations or extractions in the absence of sealants segregate
egy, but the cost savings for those children who benefit from together or that at-risk molars cluster randomly. These 2
always seal is also greater. Improved selection of children whose approaches represent extremes of perfect or near-perfect intra-
primary molars should be sealed based on risk factors would child correlation. Although our estimated population-level
minimize opportunity losses and maximize cost savings. EVPIs differ substantially between these 2 correlation extremes,
Second, the EVPI associated with primary molar sealants for either approach suggests that better selection of sealant candi-
publicly insured 3-year-olds in the US ranges from $100 to $500 dates would be cost-saving. Fourth, we assumed continuous
million, depending on the level of correlation assumed. Our esti- enrollment of children in Medicaid/CHIP. Future models should
mated EVPIs correspond to 1.1% to 10% of the total US child consider accounting for the complexity of enrollment lapses,
Medicaid/SCHIP dental expenditures (Wall and Brown, 2008; which may have implications for assessing costs and outcomes
Wall, 2012) and are similar in magnitude to the EVPI estimated from the public payer perspective.

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J Dent Res 93(9) 2014  881
Economic Model for Primary Sealants via “Value of Information”

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