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English Students’ Club

Annual Report 2006/07

O Table of Contents

1. Introduction 2
2. People 3
3. Activities 5
4. Finance 6
5. Partners and Sponsoring 8
6. Media 9
7. Future Development 10
8. Photogallery 11

English Students’ Club 1

Annual Report 2006/2007
1 Introduction
1.1 Official Data

Official name English Students’ Club

Address Arna Nováka 1

602 00 Brno
Czech Republic

Registration number1 27005003

1.2 Foreword

This annual report brings information about the members and activities of the English
Students’ Club and provides insight into its infrastructure as well as evaluating events which
took place in the 2006/07 academic year and hinting at events to come in the near future.

1.3 History

Roughly 600 students are enrolled at the Department of English and American Studies at the
Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University. Thus it can be plainly seen that there is great potential
for extracurricular activity as well as a need for socializing outside of lectures and seminars.
The founding of the Club was the outcome of an effort to bring these students together outside
of regular study time.
The English Students’ Club – popularly known as ESCape – was founded on June 14, 2005 in
Brno and subsequently registered as a non-profit civic organization with the Ministry of the
Interior of the Czech Republic on July 18, 2005.

1.4 Objectives

The primary goals of the English Students’ Club are arranging and organizing social, cultural,
and academic events for its members and for the students and teachers of the Department of
English and American Studies.

Registration number, i.e. Identifikační číslo organizace (IČO) in Czech.

English Students’ Club 2

Annual Report 2006/2007
2 People
2.1 Members

The English Students’ Club currently comprises fourteen regular members. The Club invites
any people interested in its activities to join its ranks: contacting the Club is possible at the
email address listed on page 12.

Barbora Brátová Katarína Mináriková Soňa Šašinková
Lenka Filipová Lenka Papšová Alexandra Špoková
David Konečný Michaela Pňačeková Jitka Škorvagová
Lucia Konôpková Monika Pochylá Barbora Tabačková
Lucie Krpalová Adéla Smažilová

2.2 Executive Committee

According to the statutes, the executive committee (i.e. the president and vice-presidents) are
elected at an annual general meeting for a period of one year.

June 2006 – June 2007 Barbora Brátová

June 2006 – June 2007 Michaela Pňačeková
Nov. 2006 – Nov 2007 Lenka Papšová

One of the vice-presidents is elected in June, the other in September. This arrangement makes it possible to
retain a certain continuity, eliminating the situation where the entire executive committee would be replaced at
one time.

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Annual Report 2006/2007
2 People
2.3 Appointed Posts

Apart from the executive committee, ESCape also has a treasurer, who oversees all matters of
finance. The treasurer is appointed by the president.

June 2006 – June 2007 Barbora Brátová

2.4 Honorary Membership

According to the statutes, people who have contributed to the development of the English
Students’ Club can be awarded honorary membership.

ƒ Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A. has been an honorary member since 31 October, 2005.
ƒ Jiří Ulip has held the title of honorary president since 18 May, 2006.

English Students’ Club 4

Annual Report 2006/2007
3 Activities
3.1 Events

The English Students’ Club organized several major events which took place in the past
academic year.

ƒ Film Club
The Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 film clubs organized by ESCape and Michaela Pňačeková
were held as a continuation of the previously successful film clubs organized by PhDr.
Tomáš Pospíšil, Dr. since 2005.

ƒ Halloween Party 2006

The annual department Halloween party was attended by roughly 200 people and turned
out to be a successful launch of the academic year, incorporating newly revived tradition
including an initiation rite for first-year students where each of them is welcomed by the
head of the Department of English and American Studies.

ƒ Christmas Party 2006

A real Christmas party complete with carols, Christmas contests and home-baked cookies.

ƒ Creativity Night 2007

Possibly the most spectacular event of the year, Creativity Night 2007 was both the
highlight of the year and a test of capability and organization skills for ESCape. Over 300
people gathered in Fléda, one of the biggest music clubs in Brno, to witness the creative
powers of many performers from both inside and outside the Department, to listen to
several bands, and generally to have a good time. Creativity Night 2007 was held as a
follow-up to successful Creativity Nights in preceding years.

ƒ Lecture by Doc. PhDr. Michal Peprnik Dr.

One of the first and definitely not the last academic lecture organized by ESCape took
place in December 2006 and focused on aspects of American literature.

Some pictures from the above mentioned events can be found in the Photogallery on page 13.

3.2 Miscellaneous

Apart from specific events the English Students’ Club also strives to help e.g. first year
students, and aid the Department in other ways (see Future Development, page 12).

English Students’ Club 5

Annual Report 2006/2007
4 Finance
4.1 Financial Management

The English Students’ Club maintains a transparent account with eBanka. The current balance
may be viewed by anyone at <>.

The main sources of income for the English Students’ Club are membership fees and
donations from sponsors.

4.2. Figures for the Year 2005/2006

Item Amount (CZK)
Donations specifically for Creativity Night 2007 19,500.00
Membership fees 2,000.00
Revenue from Halloween Party 2006 4,500.00
Revenue from Christmas Party 2006 1,600.00
Revenue from Creativity Night 2007 5,000
Other donations 2,000.00

Total 34,600.00

Item Amount (CZK)
Creativity Night 2007 and associated expenditures 29,881.00
Halloween Party 2006 1,800.50
Christmas Party 2006 301.50
Other events 440.50

Total 32,423.50

Item Amount (CZK)
Total Income for 2005/2006 34,600.00
Total Expenditures for 2005/2006 -32,423.50
Total 2,176.50

English Students’ Club 6

Annual Report 2006/2007
5 Partners and Sponsoring
5.1 Partners

Rector’s Office of Masaryk University

ƒ Most notably through program “Partnerství ve vzdělávání” (“Partners in Education”)
ESCape collaborates with the Rector’s Office, the most important official authority of
Masaryk University.
ESCape has been included in a list of student organization affiliated to Masaryk
University (website listed below).

ƒ Website: <>
ƒ Website regarding student organizations: <>

Department of English and American Studies

ƒ The Department of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk
University has always supported the English Students’ Club in all possible ways. The
Club is extremely grateful for the Department’s kind and lasting help; many events would
have otherwise been impossible to organize. Without the Department ESCape would not
have come into existence in the first place.

ƒ Website: <>

ƒ Besides sponsoring Creativity Night 2007, student club Krmítko has been very helpful in
aiding ESCape on several occasions including ticket sales etc.

ƒ Website: <>

Nadační fond studentů FF MU

ƒ A not for profit student organization devoted to helping students as well as aiding other
student organizations in their activities.

ƒ Website: <>

English Students’ Club 7

Annual Report 2006/2007
5 Partners and Sponsoring
5.2 Sponsoring ESCape

As the English Students’ Club is a non-profit organization, securing sponsors was necessary
for financing several of the larger-scale events, most notably Creativity Night 2007. The
following legal entities have sponsored events organized by ESCape:

ƒ Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University

ƒ Nadační fond studentů FF
ƒ Student Club Krmítko
ƒ Metodica – institut pro další vzdělávání
ƒ HOPE – Educational Services
ƒ Elmont
ƒ A School
ƒ Miramare

Several issues of ESCape magazine have also been sponsored by some of the abovementioned
companies. Our big thank you goes to all of them!

5.3 Sponsoring Others

Erasmus Days 2007

ESCape is proud to have aided with the organization of the 2007 Erasmus days Brno, which
took place on April 16–19 2007 in celebration of the first twenty years of the Erasmus
international student exchange program.

English Students’ Club 8

Annual Report 2006/2007
6 Media
6.1 Website

ESCape has its own website, which can be found at <>. The
website runs partly on the Moodle-powered Elf (E-learning at FF MU) used by the Faculty of
Arts. Several features of Elf have greatly contributed to the communication among ESCape
members, in particular the widely-used discussion forums.

The website contains:

ƒ articles and information about past as well as about upcoming events
ƒ information about ESCape members
ƒ an archive of photos and videos
ƒ an archive of ESCape magazine
ƒ a guestbook and bazaar
ƒ public documents such as the statutes, meeting proceedings, etc.
ƒ discussion forums

Apart from the official university-based website, some pictures have been already included in
a new online photo gallery, which may be viewed at <>.

6.2 ESCape Magazine

An important activity of the English Students’ Club is publishing its own magazine. The
magazine is published several times per semester (every six weeks on average) and is a
trilingual one with articles in English, Czech, and Slovak.
The magazine focuses on reporting on ESCape events, on events taking place at the
Department or at Masaryk University as well as informing its readers about upcoming cultural
events and publishing restaurant reviews, interviews with people at the department, accounts
of expeditions around Brno, etc.

The magazine is also published online and articles including content not available in the print
version are to be found at <>.

June 2006 – June 2007 Lenka Papšová

Number of copies per issue

ESCape 7 150 copies
ESCape 8 150 copies
ESCape 9 150 copies
academic year
ESCape 10 150 copies
ESCape 11 150 copies

English Students’ Club 9

Annual Report 2006/2007
7 Future Development
7.1. Afterword: Future Development

As far as the upcoming semesters are concerned, ESCape would like to carry on with the
events and activities it has organized throughout the 2006/2007 academic year. There are
already plans for new installments of the Film Club as well as for several academic events
possibly including a conference, a wider range of social events, enhanced collaboration with
the Department of English and American Studies and so forth.

7.2. Contacts

Address: English Students’ Club

Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic


English Students’ Club 10

Annual Report 2006/2007
8 Photogallery

Halloween Party 2006

▼ Traditional jack-o-lantern carved

out of a pumpkin donated by
Jeffrey Vanderziel, head of the

Creativity Night 2007

English Students’ Club 11

Annual Report 2006/2007

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