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The quality of education in the Ateneo was more advanced than that of other colleges in that
It trained the character of student by rigid discipline and religious instruction
 Students heard Mass in the morning before their daily classes. And, classes in every
subject were opened and closed with prayers
Rizal was an externo or a non-boarder student and lived in a house owned by a certain Titay
(an old unmarried woman) who has a debt of P300 on the Mercado Family.
 Titay let Jose live with her as way of paying his debt
 The Spanish Jesuits that supervises Ateneo de Manila
 Students were divided into two groups: The Roman Empire and the Carthaginian Empire.
 Each empire has its ranks. The best student in each empire was the……………
 Two groups are in constant competition for supremacy
 Have distinctive banners: RED for Romans & BLUE for Carthaginians

2nd year in Ateneo
Prophecy of Mother’s Release
 Doña Teodora was even more proud of his son whom she likened to the youthful Joseph
in the Bible and his ability to interpret dreams
Teenage interest in Reading
 *READ* – As a normal teenager, he became interested in love stories and romantic tales
 His first favorite was The Count of Monte Cristo
 And he have also read the Books: *@ the PPT*

 It was Doña Teodora who first discovered the poetical genius of her son, it was also she
who first encouraged him to write poem
 FIRST POEM: Mi Primera Inspiracion
 In 1875, he wrote more poems
 In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics – religion, education, childhood memories
and war
 In 1877, he wrote more poems on his last year in Ateneo
 Father Sanchez, requested Rizal to write a drama
 Shortly after his Graduation- Rizal, 16, experienced his first romance. He referred it as
“That painful experience which comes to nearly all adolescents”
 He first saw Segunda when Rizal went to Trozo, Manila to visit his maternal grandmother.
Segunda was the sister of Rizal’s friend, Mariano, who accompanied him on his visit
 The guests knew Rizal’s painting skills so they urged him to draw Segunda’s portrait. He
complied reluctantly and made a pencil sketch of her. “From time to time – she looked at
me, and I blushed”
 Rizal got to know Segunda more during his visits in his sister Olympia’s boarding school,
La Concordia College. Olimpia also happened to be a close friend of Segunda

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