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Magnate, Rhonna Mae L. GAS401 January 11, 2019

INSTRUCTION: Define communication and media.

Communication is the process of exchanging thoughts, ideas, facts, emotions and opinions
between two or more than two persons. In other words, Communication is the process of transmitting
and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages. Sharing and/or exchanging information is a very general
definition and information may be words, gestures, pictures, video, music, gifts and anything which can
be sensed by the body. Scientifically information is the most fundamental unit of matter and/or energy
so you can say that doing any action(s) on a subset(s) and trying to get a reaction(s) is what
communication is all about.

Communing with nature or communication with nature is the ultimate achievement because you come
to understand nature more and learn to apply many of its principles to your own life. In good
communications, you should be a good listener first and really pay attention to what someone is saying
and feeling. Humans will feel respected if you listen to them and don’t rudely interrupt or cut them off.
After listening carefully, you can follow up with some questions to probe more deeply what the human
is trying to say or convey and how they feel about the issue.

The term media, which is the plural of medium, refers to the communication channels through
which we disseminate news, music, movies, education, promotional messages and other data. It
includes physical and online newspapers and magazines, television, radio, billboards, telephone, the
Internet, fax and billboards.

It describes the various ways through which we communicate in society. Because it refers to all means
of communication, everything ranging from a telephone call to the evening news on television can be
called media.

When talking about reaching a very large number of people we say mass media. Local media refers to,
for example, your local newspaper, or local/regional TV/radio channels.

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