Physics Important Derivations Question

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1. Derive the expression for electric field intensity at axial and equitorial point of an electric dipole.
2. Derive the expression for the torque acting on an electric dipole, held in uniform electric field, when the axis
of the dipole makes an angle θ with the electric field.
3. Using Gauss’s theorem, derive an expression for electric field intensity due to an infinitely long, straight wire
of linear charge density  C/m.
4. Using Gauss’s theorem, derive an expression for electric field intensity at a point near a thin infinite plane
sheet of charge density  C/m².
5. Using Gauss’s theorem, derive an expression for electric field intensity due to a uniformly charged spherical
shell at a point (a) outside the shell, (b) on the shell and (c) inside the shell.
6. Derive an expression for electric potential due to an electric dipole.
7. Derive expressions for the potential energy of a system of (i) two point charges, (ii) three point charges.
8. Derive an expression for the potential energy of a dipole in a uniform electric field. Hence write the condition
for Stable & Unstable equilibrium.(U = -pEcosθ)
9. Derive an expression for the Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor.
10. Derive an expression for energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor.
11. Derive the relation between current and drift velocity.
12. Define the term current density of a metallic conductor. Deduce the relation connecting current density (J)
and the conductivity () of the conductor, when an electric field E, is applied to it.[ J = E]
13. Define terminal potential difference of a cell. When a battery of emf E and internal resistance r is connected
to a resistance R, a current I flows through it. Derive the relation between E, I, r and R.
14. Kirchhoff’s law (Statement of junction and loop law). On which conservation principle, these laws are
15. What is a wheatstone bridge? Deduce the condition for which the wheatstone bridge is balanced.
16. State the principal of potentiometer. With the help of circuit diagram, describe a method to find the internal
resistance of a primary cell [r = R(l1/l2-1)].
17. Define the term potential gradient. With the help of a circuit diagram, explain how a potentiometer can be
used to comparison the emf’s of two primary cell. ( E1/E2 =l1/l2 )
18. State Bio-Savart’s law. Using this law deduce an expression for the magnetic field on the axis of a circular
current carrying loop. Draw the magnetic field lines due to the circular current carrying loop.
19. State Ampere’s circuital law and derive an expression for magnetic field due to a straight conductor at a
point (a) outside the conductor (b) inside the conductor. Draw a graph of magnetic field Vs distance from
the axis of the conductor.
20. Cyclotron (Principle, working, Expression for frequency and kinetic energy). Write two limitations of it.
21. Derive an expression for force acting between two parallel, long, straight current carrying conductors.
Hence define 1 Ampere.
22. Derive an expression for the torque on a rectangular coil of area A, carrying a current ‘I’ and placed in a
uniform magnetic field ‘B’. The angle between the direction of B and vector perpendicular to the plane of
the coil is ‘θ’.
23. With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the underlying principal, construction and working of a moving
coil galvanometer. What is the function of: (i) Uniform radial field (ii) soft iron core; in such a device ?
24. Derive an expression for Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
25. Write three differences between Dia-, para- and ferro-magnetic materials.
26. What are the properties for suitable materials for making electromagnet and permanent magnet.
27. Statement of Faraday law of electromagnetic induction and Lenz’s law.
28. Derive an expression for emf induced across a metallic rod of length ‘R’ rotating with an angular frequency
‘’, with one end hinged at the centre and the other end at the circumference of a circular metallic ring
kept in a perpendicular magnetic field ‘B’. (E = ½ BR²).
29. Define self inductance. Write its SI unit. Derive an expression for self inductance of a long solenoid of length
l, cross sectional area A having N no. of turns.
30. Define mutual inductance between two long coaxial solenoids. Derive an expression for the mutual
inductance for two long coaxial solenoid of same length wound over the other.
31. Show that the magnetic energy required to build up the current Io in a coil of self inductance L is ½LIo2.
32. With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the principle, construction and working of an a.c. generator.
Derive the expression for induced emf.
33. Ac voltage applied to (a) capacitor (b) inductor.(Derivation for expression for current and power dissipated
in each case).
34. In a series LCR circuit connected to an a.c. source of voltage v = vm sint, use phasor diagram to derive an
expression for the current in the circuit. Hence obtain the expression for the power dissipated in the
circuit. Show that power dissipated at resonance is maximum.(CBSE 16) [5]
35. What do you mean by sharpness of resonance in a series resonant circuit? Derive an expression for Quality
factor of the circuit (Q= oL/R).
36. What is (i) Power factor (cos), (ii) wattless current.
37. Explain with the help of a labelled diagram, the principle, construction and working of a transformer. Why
is its core laminated?
38. What is Displacement current & write its expression.
39. EM spectrum (Wavelength range and applications/uses of each wave i.e Radio, micro, infra, visible, U V, X
ray & Gamma Ray)
40. Derive mirror formula for a concave mirror, when it forms a real image of an object of finite size.
41. Explain the phenomenon of total internal reflection. State two conditions that must be satisfied for total
internal reflection to take place. Derive the relation between the critical angle and the refractive index of
the medium.
42. Derive the relation between distance of object (u), distance of image (v) and the radius of curvature (R) of
a convex spherical surface, when refraction takes place from a rarer medium of refractive index n1 to a
denser medium of refractive index n2 and the image produced is real.
43. Derive Lens maker’s formula for a biconvex lens.

44. Derive the relation; n21 = for a glass prism of refracting angle A.
45. Ray diagram, expressions for magnifying power of compound microscope and telescope (Refracting and
reflecting type).
46. Draw a labelled diagram of a reflecting type telescope. Write four advantages of a reflecting type telescope
over a refracting type telescope.
47. Deduce the laws of reflection on the basis of Huygen’s principal.
48. Use Huygen’s principal to verify the laws of refraction .
49. Derive an expression for the intensity at any point on the screen in Young’s double slit experiment. Hence
write the conditions for constructive and destructive interference.
50. Derive an expression for path difference in Young’s double slit experiment and obtain the conditions for
constructive and destructive interference at a point on the screen.(CBSE 16)
51. Define fringe width. Derive an expression for fringe width (ß) in Young’s double slit experiment.(CBSE 11)
52. Describe briefly how a diffraction pattern is obtained on a screen due to a single narrow slit illuminated by
a monochromatic source of light. Hence obtain the conditions for the angular width of secondary maxima
and secondary minima.(CBSE 14)
53. Relation for linear width of central maxima (2y = 2D/d).
54. State malus law. How does one demonstrate, using a suitable diagram, that unpolarised light when passed
through a polaroid gets polarised? Draw a graph showing the dependence of intensity of transmitted light
on the angle between polarizer and analyzer.
55. Explain with the help of a suitable ray diagram how an unpolarised light can be polarised by reflection from
a transparent medium. Write the expression for the Brewster angle in terms of the refractive index of the
denser medium.
56. Definitions of Work function, Stopping potential, Threshold frequency.
57. Graphs of photocurrent versus( intensity of light, collector plate potential at different frequencies &
intensities of light), Stopping potential Vs frequency.
58. Using photon picture of light, show how Einstein’s photoelectric equation can be established. Write two
features of photoelectric effect which cannot be explained by wave theory. (CBSE 17) [3]
59. Write expression for De-broglie wavelength of an electron.(in terms of accelerating potential)
60. Davison germer experiment (experimental setup & conclusion only).

61. State Bohr’s postulates for explaining the spectrum of hydrogen atoms.
62. Using Bohr’s postulates derive an expression for total energy of an electron in the nth orbit of hydrogen
atom. What does negative value of this energy signify?(En = -13.6/n²)
63. Using Bohr’s postulates derive an expression for the radii of the permitted orbits in the hydrogen atom.
64. Derive the Bohr’s quantisation condition for angular momentum of the orbiting of electron in hydrogen
atom, using de Broglie’s hypothesis.(CBSE 11, C 17)[mvr = nh/2π] [2]
65. Show that nuclear density in a given nucleus is independent of mass number A.(CBSE D 13)
66. What are nuclear forces? Give their important properties.
67. Draw a graph showing the variation of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their
separation. What is the significance of negative potential energy in this graph? Indicate the regions in
which nuclear force is- (i) attractive, and (ii) repulsive. (CBSE 10, 12, D 05)
68. Draw a plot showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number A for different nuclei.
Write two important conclusions, which you can draw from this plot. Explain with the help of this plot, the
release of energy in the process of nuclear fission & fusion. (D 05)
69. State the law of radioactive decay. Derive an expression for Radioactive decay law.(N = Noe ).
70. Define the terms half life period & decay constant of a radioactive substance. Write their S.I. units. Establish
the relation between them.[T½ = 0.693/] (AI 06,04, D 05)
71. Define the activity of a radioactive nuclide. Write its S.I. unit. Give a plot of the activity of a radioactive
species versus time. (CBSE 09)
72. Distinguish between conductors, insulators and semiconductors on the basis of energy band diagram.
73. P-n junction diode, formation of depletion region, potential barrier and its characteristics curves in forward
and reverse bias.
74. Explain, with the help of a circuit diagram, the working of a p-n junction diode as a half-wave rectifier.
75. With the help of a circuit diagram, explain the working of a junction diode as a full wave rectifier. Draw its
input and output waveforms. Which characteristic property makes the junction diode suitable for
rectification ?(CBSE 15) [3]
76. With a circuit diagram, explain how a Zener diode can be used as a voltage regulator. (CBSE 08, D 11)
77. Draw the circuit diagram for studying the characteristics of a transistor in common emitter configuration.
Explain briefly and show how input and output characteristics are drawn.(CBSE 17) [3]
78. Draw the circuit diagram of a common emitter transistor amplifier. Write the expression for its voltage gain.
Explain, how the input and output signals differ in phase by 180˚.(CBSE C 17) [3]
79. Logic gates(NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND), truth table of each.

UNIT -10
80. Block diagram of generalized communication system.
81. Mode of communication (Ground, sky & space(LOS) wave propagation)
82. Need of modulation(in terms of Size of antenna, effective power radiation and mixing up of signals)
83. modulation index [ = Am/Ac, µ = (Amax - Amin)/ (Amax + Amin)].
84. Block diagram of a simple modulator for obtaining an AM signal.
85. Block diagram of a transmitter, receiver.
86. Block diagram of a detector for AM signal.

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