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DATE: FEB 2018

TIME: 3 HRS. SUB CODE: 165 M.M.: 30

Q.1. Create a database named “library.mdb” and perform the following tasks: 10 Marks
a. Create a table named “Book” having following structure:

Field Field
Name DataType

Book _id Text Primary key (Book identification number)

Bname Text Book name

Wname Text Writer’s name

Pyear Date/time Published year

Pname Text Publisher name

Price Currency Purchased price

Pdate Date/time Purchased date

Remark Memo comments

b. Add at least 5 records.

c. Prepare a query to display only records including book name, writer name and
publication name. Save the query as “q_book”.
d. Prepare a query to display all records on the basis of price which is more than
e. Prepare a form on the basis of table.
f. Prepare a report on the basis of query named "q_book”.

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Q.2. Observe the following web page and write HTML code to generate it. 10 Marks

Note the following points while generating the Webpage:

• Link colour is black, background colour is yellow and visited link colour is green

• Image used is “elephant.png”

• Caption of table is blue

• Table border is blue and of size 2

• The 4 links are one.html, two.html, three.html and four.html

Q.3. Write an XML document that marks up the following data: 10 Marks
Name Job Department Cubicle
Sangeeta Programmer Engineering 5E
Omkar Designer Marketing 9M
Melissa Designer Human Resources 8H
Navpreet Administrator Engineering 4E
Junaid Programmer Engineering 12E
Frank Salesperson Marketing 17M
Raina Programmer Technical Support 19T

All these must be rendered. Use attributes to make the data more informative.

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