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Knowing in Community:

10 Critical Success Factors in Building

Communities of Practice1
By Richard McDermott, Ph.D.

THE LIMITS OF KNOWLEDGE signers for a computer company tried to peers had never previously articulated
MANAGEMENT share their knowledge by storing their and that needed discussion to share.
Recent developments in information documentation for client systems in a Using typical knowledge manage-
technology have led many companies to common database. They soon discov- ment methods to leverage tacit knowl-
imagine a new source of cost savings and ered that they did not need each other’s edge often results in information junk-
competitive advantage. By using the In- documentation. They needed to under- yards and empty libraries. At the heart of
ternet and other new information tech- stand the logic other system designers most knowledge management efforts is
nology they can link professionals across used — why that software, with that an attempt to document and share infor-
the globe, share documents, and com- hardware and that type of service plan. mation, ideas and insights so they can
pare different databases spread through- They needed to understand the thinking be organized, managed and shared. But,
out the organization. A researcher at of the other system designers. A petro- documenting tacit knowledge frequently
Shell Oil Company used to spend a day a
week sending out research reports. He
now posts them on the lab’s home page
Using typical knowledge management methods
and sends e-mail notifications to people
interested, saving about 15 percent of his to leverage tacit knowledge
time. Allied Signal now publishes its
product updates electronically saving
US$7 million annually. British Petroleum
often results in information junkyards
uses video cameras on its deepwater
platforms to link engineers and opera-
tors together to solve pressing problems.
and empty libraries.
Lotus Development uses its customer In- physicist trying to interpret unusual does more harm than good. When a ma-
ternet site to inform customers of soft- data from a deep sea oil well needed jor computer company first introduced
ware problems and collect their experi- help from a colleague who had seen its knowledge site, it asked field engi-
ence, greatly improving customer similar anomalies and could help him neers to place their files in a common
relationships. Many companies have interpret it. Only in the course of the database. But, like many other compa-
found similar ways to use information discussion were they able to under- nies, this company soon discovered that
technology to manage corporate knowl- stand the anomaly. A geologist faced their staff did not want to hunt through
edge. New uses of information technol- with an array of new seismic tools many, redundant entries. As one engi-
ogy have helped improve operations, needed to know which would be most neer said, “My own file cabinet is bad
customer relationships, and the effec- useful in his particular application. A enough, why would I want look through
tiveness of professional staff. For some product development team at an auto- everyone else’s file cabinet.” Rather than
companies, it has helped them realize mobile company found through their In- a resource, the company had created an
the dream of becoming a truly integrated ternet that another development team information junkyard, full of potentially
global company. had developed and rejected a design good material that was too much trouble
But, many companies are discover- idea similar to one they were consider- to sort through. The field engineers
ing that the real gold in knowledge man- ing. They needed to understand the rea- wanted someone familiar with their dis-
agement is not in distributing docu- sons for the rejection and get feedback cipline to assess the material, decide
mentation or in combining databases. It from the other team on the approach what is important and to enrich the doc-
is in sharing ideas and insights that are they were considering. A sales manager uments in the database by summarizing,
hard to articulate without knowing who working with a particularly difficult combining, contrasting, and integrating
is going to use them and for what pur- client needed to know how sales man- them. This would make the junkyard use-
pose (McDermott, 1999a). This undocu- agers for other product lines had dealt ful. Another company instructed their
mented, hard to articulate knowledge is with that client. In all these cases peo- professional staff to document key work
what has been called tacit knowledge ple needed tacit knowledge; knowledge processes so others could easily learn
(Polanyi, 1958). A group of systems de- that was not documented, that their from them. Most staff felt their work was

IHRIM Journal • March 2000 19


too varied to capture in a set of proce- rent situation. They think about the cur- different from the knowledge useful to
dures, but eventually they completed the rent situation, reflect on their experi- experienced practitioners. Sharing
task. Within a year the database was pop- ence, generate insights, and use those knowledge is an act of knowing who will
ulated, but little used, an empty library. insights in the present to solve prob- use it and for what purpose. This often
Most people found the information to be lems. They draw from their experience to involves mutually discovering which in-
too general to be useful. The help they think about a problem. An architect look- sights from the past are relevant in the
needed was not in it. In was still in the ex- ing for a design that will work on a present. To share tacit knowledge is to
perience — the tacit knowledge — of steeply sloping site, looks at the site think together.
their peers. Sharing tacit knowledge is “through the eyes” of one idea, discards But sharing tacit knowledge one-on-
one is not enough to leverage it organiza-
Sharing knowledge involves guiding someone tion wide. Since personal interaction,
whether face-to-face or through e-mail, is
through the logic we used to solve a problem usually limited to the people directly in-
volved, others interested in the same is-
in the past or drawing on our experience sue are excluded from the ideas and in-
sights shared. This is one of the problems
with using skill directories or yellow pages
to help them see their own situation better. to link people to share tacit knowledge.
difficult not just because it is in our it and sees it again “through the eyes” of While the directories are useful to help in-
heads. It requires a different knowledge a different idea, drawing on different in- dividuals expand their personal network,
management approach. formation about the site in each thought they do little to include others in their col-
experiment. In running these experi- laborative thinking. How do you preserve
SHARING TACIT KNOWLEDGE ments, the architect is not just looking thinking together and leverage knowledge
REQUIRES INTERACTION for pre-made solutions, but thinking throughout the organization?
Tacit knowledge is always recreated in about how those solutions might apply
the present moment. Part of the reason and letting ideas seep from one frame- COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE
these attempts to codify knowledge fail work to the next, so a new, creative idea LEVERAGE THINKING
is that most of us cannot articulate what can emerge (Schon, 1983). Professional Ironically one of the oldest elements
we know. Our knowledge is largely invisi- practice is a kind of thinking improvisa- of organization is key to leveraging tacit
ble and often comes to mind only when tion. Knowledge is a kind of sticky knowledge, communities of practice.
we need it to answer a question or solve residue of insight left over from using in- Communities of practice are groups of
a problem. When professionals solve formation and experience to think. people who share information, insight,
problems, they don’t just cut and paste Since thinking is at the heart of pro- experience, and tools about an area of
“best practice” from the past to the cur- fessional practice, sharing it also in- common interest (Wenger, 1998). A com-
volves thinking. We don’t just express munity’s focus could be on a profes-
bits of ready-made knowledge stored in sional discipline — like reservoir engi-
Knowing is our heads. Sharing knowledge involves
guiding someone through the logic we
neering or biology — a skill — like
machine repair — or a topic — like a
a Human Act used to solve a problem in the past or
drawing on our experience to help them
technology, an industry, or a segment of
a production process. In a manufacturing
Knowledge always involves a per- see their own situation better. To do this company, for example, communities
son who knows. My bookcase con- well we need a great deal of information were formed around steps in the produc-
tains a lot of information on organiza- about the current situation. We need to tion process. Shell Oil Co.’s New Orleans
tional change, but we would not say know something about those who will operation, which is organized into cross-
that it is knowledgeable about the use our insights, the problems they are functional teams, formed them around
subject.The same is true for my com- trying to solve, the level of detail they key disciplines and topics that cross in-
puter, even though it can store, sort need, maybe even the style of thinking dividual teams. Communities of practice
and organize information much better they use. For example, novices fre- have always been part of the informal
and more quickly than my bookcase. quently solve problems by following structure of organizations. They form
Thinking of our minds as a biochemi- step-by-step procedures, but experts spontaneously as people seek help, try
cal library is little different from treat- solve problems in an entirely different to solve problems, develop new ideas
ing it as a bookcase or computer. But way. They typically develop a theory of and approaches. Some say that sponta-
knowledge is much more than that.To potential causes based on their experi- neous communities of practice have al-
know a topic or a discipline is not just ence and test to see if the theory is cor- ways been the real vehicle through which
to possess information about it. It is rect, often testing the least complex or technical knowledge spreads through or-
the very human ability to use that in- expensive theories, rather than the logi- ganizations. Spontaneous communities
formation to think. cally correct ones first (Konradt, 1995). of practice are informal. People partici-
The knowledge useful to novices is very pate in them as their interest, time and

20 March 2000 • IHRIM Journal


energy dictates. Although they usually The Turbodudes stay together through is that members ask for and offer help
gel around a particular topic or domain, five key components: a coordinator, solving technical problems. Regularly
the specific issues they focus on change mentors, a weekly meeting, presenta- helping each other makes it easier for
over time, as the needs and interests of tions by outside vendors, and a website community members to show their weak
their members change. that stores topics discussed at previous spots and learn together in the “public
Communities are held together by meetings. For the last two years the Tur- space” of the community. Having frank
passionate interest and value. Commu- bodudes have met every Tuesday at 7:30 and supportive discussions of real prob-
nities of practice frequently form around in the morning, before the other organi- lems frequently builds a greater sense of
topics community members have in- zational meetings begin. Typically 20 to connection and trust between commu-
vested many years in developing; topics
they are often passionately interested in, Communities of practice are ideal vehicles
a science, a craft or a manufacturing
process. But communities of practice are for leveraging tacit knowledge because
not just celebrations of common inter-
est. They focus on practical aspects of a they enable person-to-person interaction
practice, everyday problems, new tools,
developments in the field, things that and engage a whole group in advancing
work and don’t. So people participate be-
cause the community provides value.
their field of practice.As a result, they can spread
Community members frequently turn to
each other to help solve technical prob-
the insight from that collaborative thinking
lems, like interpreting anomalous data.
Because they are often linked, not only to
across the whole organization.
each other but also to suppliers, univer- 40 people come to the meetings. While nity members. As they share ideas and
sities and others outside their organiza- there are often many new faces at the experiences, community members often
tion communities of practice, they often meetings, there is a core group of 10 develop a shared way of doing things, a
keep members informed of new develop- high-contributors who make most of the set of common practices, and a greater
ments in the field. Because community meetings. The meetings seem very in- sense of common purpose. Sometimes
members share a common technical in- formal. The coordinator asks who has a they formalize these in guidelines and
terest, they can share ideas and concerns question or problem. After a short pre- standards, but often they simply remain
with others who really understand. And sentation, others offer their observa- “what everybody knows” about good
praise from community members is of- tions, describing the logic or assump- practice. In the course of helping each
ten the most meaningful because techni- tions they made in formulating those other, sharing ideas, and collectively
cal peers really understand the difficulty observations. A technical specialist solving problems, “everybody” often be-
of the work or the brilliance of an analy- takes notes on her computer. The fol- comes a trusted group of peers.
sis. As a result, people often have a great lowing day meeting notes are posted on Communities of practice are ideal ve-
deal of their professional identity tied up the community’s website. While the hicles for leveraging tacit knowledge be-
in their communities. meeting only lasts an hour, people often cause they enable person-to-person in-
Communities of practice link people leave in small groups hotly engaged in teraction and engage a whole group in
in many ways. Communities frequently discussions of the meeting’s topic. But advancing their field of practice. As a re-
link people with a common interest who these meetings are not as informal as sult, they can spread the insight from
do not have regular day-to-day contact. they seem. Between meetings the coor- that collaborative thinking across the
For example, in Shell Oil’s New Orleans dinator “walks the halls” connecting whole organization.
operation, communities link people people with others who share similar
who work on different teams. In this concerns, following up on the meetings CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS
double knit organization (McDermott, topics, and finding topics for the next FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING
1999b) teams are the core organiza- meeting. To keep discussions focused Communities of practice are a
tional structure. Communities form on cutting edge topics and to keep se- new/old kind of organizational form.
around technical disciplines and topics nior community leaders engaged, the Even though communities of practice
that draw people from many teams. community developed a mentorship have been part of organizations for many
Each community operates in its own program for people new to the field. The generations, we have only recently be-
way, but the Turbodudes community is mentorship program provides an av- gun to understand their dynamics and
fairly typical. The Turbodudes draw peo- enue for basic questions and distributes tried to intentionally develop them. Be-
ple from different disciplines (geology, the job of educating new community cause they are organic, driven by the
geophysics, petrophysics, reservoir en- members in an equitably. value they provide to members, orga-
gineering) who are interested in a par- Communities thrive on trust. One of nized around changing topics, and
ticular kind of geological structure com- the main dynamics of the Turbodudes bound by people’s sense of connection,
mon in the Gulf of Mexico, turbidites. and many other communities of practice they are very different from teams and

IHRIM Journal • March 2000 21


other organizational forms most of us cess of communities of practice (see around technical topics. At a manufac-
are familiar with (McDermott, 1999b; sidebar). Without them, communities turing company, we formed the first
Wenger & Snyder, 2000). The challenges tend to flounder or fail. communities around major steps of the
they pose and the factors in making manufacturing process. But, the topics
them successful also are different. THE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE also need to be ones people feel person-
There are four key challenges in Knowledge management, like total ally passionate about. In the team-ori-
starting and supporting communities quality and reengineering, has become ented structure at Shell, forming com-
capable of sharing tacit knowledge and the latest of management fads. Many pro- munities around disciplines gave people
thinking together. The management fessionals have found that if they just a chance to talk to peers about topics
dear to them. As one geologist said,
As one geologist said,“With so many meetings “With so many meetings that aren’t im-
mediately relevant to your work, it’s nice
that aren’t immediately relevant to go to one where we talk about rocks.”
2. Find a well-respected community
to your work, it’s nice to go to one member to act as coordinator.
Communities are held together by
where we talk about rocks.” people who care about the community,
challenge is to communicate that the or- keep their heads low they can escape the who have some heartfelt interest in the
ganization truly values sharing knowl- extra work and impact of these fads. With topic and the people who participate. In
edge. The community challenge is to so many pressures drawing on their time, spontaneous communities, where there
create real value for community mem- it is often hard to get the attention of pro- is no organizational attempt to support
bers and ensure that the community fessional staff. Four factors can commu- them, an individual or small group spon-
shares cutting edge thinking, rather than nicate that management really does sup- taneously takes on the job of holding
sophisticated copying. The technical port knowledge-sharing communities. the community together. They keep peo-
challenge is to design human and infor- 1. Focus on knowledge important to ple informed of what each other is doing
mation systems that not only make in- both the business and the people. and create opportunities for people to
formation available but help community To show that communities of practice get together to share ideas. This role is
members think together. And, the per- are important, form them around topics also critical to the community’s survival.
sonal challenge is to be open to the at the heart of the business, where lever- We have found that successful commu-
ideas of others and maintain a thirst for aging knowledge will have a significant nity coordinators are well-respected
developing the community’s practice. financial or competitive impact. Com- members of the community. They are
Ten factors, dealing with each of munities of practice at Shell, a very tech- usually senior practitioners, but not usu-
these challenges, are critical to the suc- nically oriented company, started ally world-leading experts. Since their
primary role is linking people, not giving
answers, being a leading expert can be a
Critical Success Factors detriment to effectiveness. What’s most
important in a coordinator is that they
are able to connect with community
in Building Community members on a human level. For a large,
vibrant community, this role is often full
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE time. It should at least be a substantial
1. Focus on topics important to the business and community members. part of the coordinator’s job. We have
2. Find a well-respected community member to coordinate the community. found that when it is less than a quarter
3. Make sure people have time and encouragement to participate. of their job, coordinating the community
4. Build on the core values of the organization. falls off their plate.
3. Make sure people have time and
COMMUNITY CHALLENGE encouragement to participate.
5. Get key thought leaders involved. One of the great limiting factors of a
6. Build personal relationships among community members. community’s effectiveness at sharing
7. Develop an active passionate core group. knowledge is the time people have to par-
8. Create forums for thinking together as well as systems for sharing information. ticipate. In the short term, sharing ideas
and insights is usually less pressing than
TECHNICAL CHALLENGE team and individual responsibilities. So
community participation, even when very
9.Make it easy to contribute and access the community’s knowledge and practices.
valuable, can easily be surpassed by
more pressing tasks. Allied Signal sup-
ports learning communities by giving
10. Create real dialogue about cutting edge issues.
staff time to attend community meetings,

22 March 2000 • IHRIM Journal


funding community events, creating com- you know by educating colleagues, writ- volved as soon as possible, preferably
munity bulletins and developing a direc- ing, helping others, and teaching junior from the start, is one of the key ways to
tory of employee skills. One management staff members has been central to the build energy in the community. Building
team addressed this issue by folding company since its inception. “Leverag- a community usually starts with finding,
community participation into their plan- ing” what you know is how you build a nurturing and developing the networks
ning and budgeting activity. They agreed reputation as a world class thought that already exist. Typically, there are key
on the number of person/years they leader. Without evidence of leveraging, it players who either have an important
would budget for communities for the is not possible to be promoted to part- specialized knowledge or who are well-
year. This allocation was based on the ner. As a senior AMS manager said, “It’s connected and influential members of
centrality of the community to the annual not what you know that gives you power; that network. Involving these people is
business goals, the number of problems
teams were experiencing in the commu- Companies successful at sharing knowledge
nity’s domain, and the potential for cost
savings, cycle time reduction and quality did not try to change their culture to fit
improvement in the area. Most major
communities were budgeted two to four their knowledge management approach.
technical people. Out of that most com-
munities had a full time leader. Commu- They build their knowledge management
nity members who felt that they would be
core contributors could then opt to have
approach to fit their culture.
a percentage of their time allocated to it’s what you share about what you know important because they legitimate the
the community. This insured that the that gives you power.” As a result, AMS community, drawing in other members.
time they spent on community activities has always had many informal communi- One of Shell’s global networks had to in-
was specifically allocated and would not ties of practice, through which people volve a group that had developed an im-
interfere with their team responsibilities. found and offered help. When the com- portant new technology. Many people
It also insured that the time and energy pany was small and housed in a single said that they would not participate un-
they invested in the community would location, this informal networking was a less this group did. Everyone wanted ac-
count in their performance appraisal. natural part of people’s daily work. Now cess to their ideas and technology. As it
4. Build on a core value of the organi- that AMS has grown and has offices turned out, they were relatively inactive
zation. around the globe, informal networking is members of the global community. But
Failures in implementing knowledge more difficult. The “coffee pot” just does once the community was running, it re-
management systems are often blamed not scale to a global level. The AMS com- alized that participation of the group
on the organization’s culture. It is argued munity building staff described their ef- was not as central as they thought it
that people were unwilling to share their forts as legitimizing what already existed, would be.
ideas or take the time to document their providing structures, leadership, and 6. Create forums for thinking.
insights. But organizational culture is software to extend people’s ability to Build community energy though
hard to change. It rarely yields to efforts “leverage,” even though those structures community contact. Of course, docu-
to change it directly, by manipulating re- and systems have greatly increased the mented reports, templates, tips, analy-
wards, policies, or organizational struc- documenting and sharing knowledge. ses, proposals, etc. are helpful to most
ture. A recent study of corporate culture community members. But, live contact
and knowledge management (McDer- THE COMMUNITY CHALLENGE is key to building a sense of commonal-
mott and O’Dell, 2000) found that how- The greatest danger to growing com- ity, enthusiasm and trust. In addition to
ever strong your commitment and ap- munities is for them to lose energy and individual meetings and web connec-
proach to knowledge management, your drift into apathy, letting the coordinator tions, create opportunities for the com-
culture is stronger. Companies success- carry all the responsibility for community munity as a group to share ideas. Most
ful at sharing knowledge did not try to caretaking. When the coordinator moves of Shell’s global communities have face-
change their culture to fit their knowl- on to other interests or work, then the to-face contact one to three times a year.
edge management approach. They build community can easily fall apart. The These are rarely meetings of the whole
their knowledge management approach greatest danger to successful communi- community. Usually they involve coordi-
to fit their culture. They describe knowl- ties is that they become too enthralled nators or groups who specialize in
edge management as a way to enable with their own success and see their work subtopic of the community. Several of
people to pursue something that the or- as that of “preserving the practice” from Shell’s global communities also hold bi-
ganization and its members already val- change. Several factors can help keep the weekly teleconferences. This creates
ued. This made sharing knowledge a energy of the community going, get oth- more of a relationship, even when peo-
more natural step that required less con- ers involved in it, and keep the commu- ple are spread across the globe. In addi-
vincing than a direct change campaign. nity on the cutting edge of its field. tion, these events punctuate the com-
At American Management Systems 5. Involve thought leaders. munity’s life. By creating events, they
(AMS), for example, “leveraging” what Getting respected thought leaders in- give the community a sense of history.

IHRIM Journal • March 2000 23


However the community develops, a its practice. They keep the community en- goes. In another community, a core
common history gives it a chronology, ergy up by building one-on-one relation- group member calls people he thinks
time and the possibility of progress. ships among community members would benefit from items posted on the
Without events it is hard for the commu- strong. The Turbodude’s coordinator community’s website and helps them
nity to see itself move through time. So, tracks the number of people who attend connect to it. Active core group members
physical events are important to building the meetings and has found that the are potential successors to the coordina-
the ongoing energy of the community. strongest predictor of high attendance is tor. Core group members are not always
world leading experts on the topic. What
. . .“It’s not what you know that gives you power; makes them effective is their heartfelt
caring about the topic and the commu-
it’s what you share about what you know nity. Coordinators can develop a core
group by involving them in meeting
that gives you power.” planning, asking them to take over some
meetings, host subgroups, or organize
7. Maintain personal contact among how much time he spent the previous elements of the website. The most im-
community members. week walking the halls. Successful coor- portant thing in developing potential
The coordinator of one of our most vi- dinators build and maintain these per- core group members is to give them visi-
brant global communities said, “This is sonal connections outside official com- bility in the community without requir-
all about relationships. People don’t re- munity meetings. When people come to ing them to spend much extra time.
ally contribute to the community be- the meeting they are already connected
cause it is good for the company. They do with some members of it and can focus THE TECHNICAL CHALLENGE
it because I ask them to.” Successful co- their energy on exciting cutting-edge is- There is so much good technology for
ordinators visit community members, sues. Even when the community’s topic is collaborating and sharing information
find out what they are working on, refer or very scientific or theoretical, it is the hu- that it is tempting to focus technology
introduce them to other community man connection that builds a base for ef- design and discussion on the functional-
members, bring in new ideas and find op- fective knowledge sharing. ity of products. But the real challenge is
portunities for the community to develop 8. Develop an active, passionate core to design the social side of information
group. technology.
Participation in communities is var- 9. Make it easy to connect, contribute

An interesting way to think about
ied. Most have a core group of high con-
tributors, a large group of “lurkers,” who
go to the website or meetings but add
to and access the community.
As the market bursts with many differ-
ent kinds of knowledge management
communication within a community is in little, and an even larger group of periph- software, we find two things particularly
terms of friction. Friction is the resis- eral members who only participate occa- important to communities. First, soft-
tance or difficulty you face in trying to sionally. When we first discovered this ware should make it easy for community
connect, contribute or find help. The distinction, we thought we should en- members to connect with each other,
greater the friction, that is, the more dif- courage even participation. But, we soon contribute to and use information from
ficult to connect, the less likely people discovered that the lurkers often get the community’s knowledge base. Ease-
will do it or at least do it regularly. One great value without taking away from the of-use is more about how the software
of the reasons local face-to-face commu- core contributor’s interaction. Many lurk- integrates with people’s daily work, the
nities are so much easier to start and ers say that they use the community to knowledge they need to share, the way
maintain than global ones is that there is find out who is working on what and they think about their community’s do-
very little friction to connect: walk down make personal contact later. In one case, main and how they move about in it,
the hall and look for someone to talk to. the lurkers had been with the division than with specific features of the soft-
It took a global community member in less than two years and were using the ware itself. Shell’s global communities
Nigeria 20 minutes to connect to the community to learn about the discipline. chose software that was less than ideal
community website because their band- More important than balancing out for organizing documents because some
width was so narrow. A lot of friction. participation is to build an active core people were already using it and others
Even though he did not need to be typ- group. Active core group members not were at least familiar with it. But ease of
ing in at his computer the whole time, he only contribute but often feel responsi- use is more than the software itself. One
found the experience of connecting ble to help develop the community by local team that was very active in their
painful and did so much less frequently inviting or easing participation of people global community said that the reason
than other community members. The they know. In one global community, a they contributed so much was because
more special effort it takes to connect, core group member is a conduit for peo- they chose to use the same software for
the more inertia you will have to fight. ple who are less comfortable in English, storing team documents as the commu-
Always try to keep friction to connect at the community’s common language. He nity used. Thus, saving for the team or
its lowest level. posts questions and loads documents posting for the community involved the
for them, slightly editing them as he same number of steps. Familiar software

24 March 2000 • IHRIM Journal


reduces the friction in connecting to the helps legitimate the discussion of prob- ers and support staff, we have little ex-
community and its space. lems. Even when we “stage” the event, perience in how to develop this sort of
But easy integration, which some- the request needs to be real and the dis- organic organizational element. Too
times translates into standardization, cussion genuine. After several rounds of much support and they lose their appeal
has to be traded off the second element well-respected community members re- to community members. Too little and
of making the community space familiar questing help, others usually start ask- they wither. The challenges they pose
and easy to move about in. Community ing. The coordinator finds potential re- and the factors that help them thrive are
space needs to be organized according
to some principles or taxonomy. A good It is ironic that for the first time in history,
taxonomy should be intuitive for those
who use it. This means it should reflect information technology has made
the natural way community members
think about their field or topic. Like the global community possible, but it takes acts
architecture of a building, a taxonomy
enables people to move about within a of the human heart to make it real.
bank of information, find familiar land- quests and solutions while “walking the different from the factors most of us as
marks, use standard ways to get to key halls” and asks these people to come to organizational leaders, designers and
information, create their own “cow- the meeting prepared to discuss the is- support staff are used to working with.
paths,” and browse for related items. sue. During the meeting the coordinator It is ironic that information technol-
Different communities are likely to have lightly facilitates the discussion by ask- ogy has made possible for us to imagine
different natural taxonomies, not only in ing people the logic of their suggestions. people sharing ideas and insights across
the key categories through which infor- This helps the community discuss as- the globe as easily as across the hall.
mation is organized, but also in the way sumptions, alternative assumptions and But since knowing is a human act, the
that information is presented. A group of think together rather than engage in a heart of sharing is finding a common in-
geologists, who often work with maps, battle of positions. terest, making real connection, caring
wanted their website to be a picture. Sometimes a community does not for each other thinking, and building a
They think in pictures. A group of reser- have enough connection and trust for community that trusts each other
voir engineers wanted their website to this approach to work. There we have fo- enough to ask for help and share half-
be organized like a spreadsheet. They cused on building trust one-on-one be- baked ideas. It is ironic that for the first
think in tables. The key to making infor- fore building it with the whole commu- time in history, information technology
mation easy to find is to organize it ac- nity. To build trust among a group of has made global community possible,
cording to a scheme that tells a story sales managers, we divided them up in but it takes acts of the human heart to
about the discipline in the language of to a series of three person discussions, make it real.
the discipline. sharing problems and solutions. We
chose the groupings carefully to first REFERENCES
THE PERSONAL CHALLENGE build on then extend the trusting rela- Allen, Tom. Managing the Flow of Technology.
The most valuable and vibrant com- tionships within the group. Only after Cambridge: MIT Press. 1977.
munity events focus on solving prob- many rounds of relationship-building in
lems rather than presenting practices. three-person groups did the whole com- Konradt, Udo. “Strategies of failure diag-
But openly discussing problems, sharing munity begin to trust each other enough nosis in computer-controlled manufac-
half-baked ideas, or thinking aloud in to talk openly. Even though the coordi- turing systems,” International Journal of Hu-
public doesn’t come naturally to most of nator only participated in a few of these man Computer Studies, 43: 503-521,1995.
us. As one community member said, “It’s discussions, he gained credibility with
hard to talk about your problems in front the group by orchestrating what was for McDermott, Richard. “How information
of a lot of people you don’t know.” The them a painless transition from mistrust technology inspired, but cannot deliver
personal challenge for most community to connection. knowledge management,” California Man-
members is to develop this capacity. agement Review, Summer,1999.
10. Create real dialogue about cutting CONCLUSION
edge issues in community forums. Communities of practice present an McDermott, Richard. “Learning across
We have used several approaches to odd irony. They have always been part of teams: How to build communities of
help community members develop the the informal structure of organizations. practice in team organizations.” Knowl-
capacity for this sort of discussion. In They are organic. They grow and thrive edge Management Journal, 8:32-36
the beginning stages of community de- as their focus and dynamics engage May/June, 1999.
velopment, we often orchestrate com- community members. But to make them
munity meetings so a senior, well-re- really valuable, inclusive and vibrant, McDermott, Richard and Carla O’Dell.
spected community member asks for they need to be nurtured, cared for, and “Overcoming cultural barriers to sharing
help and people we know have some in- legitimated. They need a very human knowledge.” Under review, 2000.
sights to offer are in the room. This touch. As leaders, organizational design-

IHRIM Journal • March 2000 25


McDermott, Richard and Jeff Jackson, tice?” Harvard Business Review, 78, 1:139- have been published in The California Man-
“Building global communities: Lessons 145, 1998. agement Review, The Knowledge Man-
learned,” Under review, 2000. agement Review, The Journal for Quality
ENDNOTES and Participation and Info Ressources
Schon,Donald. The Reflective Practitioner. 1 Thanks to Etienne Wenger and Bill Humaines. McDermott holds a Ph.D. in social
New York: Basic Books, 1983. Snyder for thinking through the core con- theory and was previously on the faculty of Les-
cepts of this article. A series of articles ley College. He is currently conducting research
Polyani, Michael. Personal Knowledge. on leveraging knowledge is available on designing global organizations and complet-
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, from the author at McDermott & Co. ing a book on communities of practice to be pub-
1958. lished by Harvard University Press. He can be
Richard McDermott is President of McDermott reached at
Wenger, Etienne. Communities of Practice. & Co., a consulting company that specializes in REPRINT 0300-04
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, designing and implementing knowledge-inten-
1998. sive organizations. He recently led a national
benchmark study of cultures that encourage If you have comments or questions on
anything you read in the Journal, write to
Wenger, Etienne and William Snyder. knowledge sharing. His articles on building com- Editor–In–Chief,
“Are you ready for communities of prac- munities of practice and organizational change

x IHRIM Journal x
A Quarterly Publication of the International Association for Human Resource Information Management •


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26 March 2000 • IHRIM Journal

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