Method: Deficiencies On Laboratory Facilities in Criminalistics Encountered by PNPA Cadets

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Deficiencies on Laboratory Facilities in Criminalistics Encountered by PNPA Cadets


This chapter presents the research design, the research subject of the study, the data

gathering procedure, the research instrument and the statistical treatment that will be used in

conducting the study.

Research Design

The research design used in this study is a descriptive research design using a survey

method. This was used to used when the researchers want to describe specific behavior as it occurs

in the environment. Descriptive studies have an important role in educational research. They have

greatly increased our knowledge about what happens in schools.

There are a variety of descriptive research methods available, the nature of the question

that needs to be answered drives which method is used. It does not answer questions about

how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it addresses the "what" question (what are the

characteristics of the population or situation being studied?). The characteristics used to describe

the situation or population are usually some kind of categorical scheme also known as descriptive

categories. In this study, the researchers asked the respondents in an interview with uniform

questions to obtain qualitative data.

Research Subjects

The respondents of the study were PNPA Cadets from MANDAYUG Class of 2020 taking up

Criminalistics, both male and female. There were fifteen (15) respondents from each company,

both male and female. In all, there were 120 respondents from different companies in the

MANDAYUG Class of 2020. The sampling technique that will be used in determining the number
of respondents is the the Slovin formula ; n 1+𝑁𝐸2.
Research Instruments
The research instrument to be used in gathering the data will be the researcher-

made questionnaire. The researchers will use a case study method. Case studies are analyses of

persons, events, decisions, periods, projects, policies, institutions, or other systems that are studied

holistically by one or more method. The case that is the subject of the inquiry will be an instance

of a class of phenomena that provides an analytical frame — an object — within which the study

is conducted and which the case illuminates and explicates. In this study, the phenomenon is the

deficiency of laboratory facilities in studying Criminalistics encountered by the PNPA Cadets.

One strength of this method is it provides detailed (rich qualitative) information, insight

for further research and permits investigation of otherwise impractical (or unethical) situations. Its

imitations are as follows: It can’t generalize the results to the wider population. Hence, researchers

only identified one class with 120 respondents.

The respondents were asked the following questions:

1.1) Age

1.2) Gender

1.3) Educational Attainment

1.4) Course

2.) What are the available laboratory facilities in criminalistics?

3.) What are the deficiencies encountered by the PNPA cadet respondents when it comes to

the availability of the laboratory facilities in criminalistics?

4.) What suggested solutions can be forwarded by the professors to address the issue on

deficiencies on laboratory facilities in criminalistics?

5.) What action plan can be figured to enhance an updated and effective laboratory facilities

in criminalistics?
The questionnaires were validated by experts for its content validity. There were three (3)

experts who validated the questionnaires. Suggestions were incorporated in the finalization of the


Data Gathering Procedure

The following are the steps initiated in conducting the study.

Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study. The researcher asks permission from the

Academic head of the PNPA. After approval of the Academic head, the researcher asked

permission from the Dean of to conduct the study.

Construction and Validation of the instrument. The researchers had their questionnaires

validated by experts. The research instruments and evaluation forms will be submitted to the panel

of validators.

Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaire. The researcher coordinated with

our program heads for the schedule of the survey. The researchers prepare a survey questionnaire

for the respondents. On the scheduled date, the validated questionnaire was administered to the

respondents. Specific instruction on how to answer the questionnaire was given to the respondents.

Questions and clarifications were entertained. The questionnaires were retrieved from the

respondents, right after the administration.

Analysis of Data. When all the questionnaires were retrieved, the researcher will check,

collate and tallies the data and submits them to the assigned statistician for analysis and

Statistical Treatment of the Data

Descriptive statistics implies a simple quantitative summary of a data set that has been

collected. It helps us understand the experiment or data set in detail and tells us everything we

need to put the data in perspective.

In descriptive statistics, we simply state what the data shows and tells us. In this study, the

researchers will get the percentage and rank in terms of demographics. The qualitative answers

will be ranked and identify how many percent experiences the effects of the phenomenon and what

are the possible remedies to solve the phenomenon.

An experiment is conducted to understand the effect of lack of laboratory facilities in

studying Criminalistics, the researchers started by making one control group, whom the 120

respondents from the MANDAYUG Class of 2020 that study Criminalistics. Through an

interview, the researchers will gather and group similar answers and rank them.

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