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Vice President U Henry Van Thio addresses 150th birth anniversary of

National Land Use Policy Forum Mahatma Gandhi launched

Vol. V, No. 170, 9 th Waning of Tawthalin 1380 ME Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Rule of Law
It is understood that for nations going through a transition, it takes an average of 10 years for the rule of law to take
firm hold.
It is a long-term investment, where dynamic and unrelenting motivation is required, if the nation is to live in harmony,
peace and security under a strong and firm rule of law.
(Excerpt from the report on the current work of the Union Government, delivered at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 19 September 2018)

President: Myanmar Red Cross Society exists

as a free, impartial entity in social care work

President U Win Myint meets with Myanmar Red Cross Society President Prof. Dr. Daw Mya Thu and Executive Committee members in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA

M YANMAR Red Cross

Society (MRCS) Patron
President U Win Myint received
Taw, yesterday morning.
At the meeting, MRCS Pres-
ident Prof. Dr. Daw Mya Thu
local people in health care and
responding to natural disasters,
works in conflict areas, enact-
status of acquiring funding and
future works.
In responding to the expla-
free and impartial entity in so-
cial and humanitarian works,
requirement to follow the Ge-
MRCS President Prof. Dr. Daw explained about the role of the ment of Red Cross Law, election nation, the President expressed neva Conventions, International
Mya Thu, Vice President, Secre- MRCS, framework, cooperation rules, number of EC and council his delight and pleasure in meet- Red Cross and Red Crescent
tary General, part time and full with local and international or- members, number of volunteers ing officials of the national Red basic principles, policies and de-
time Executive Committee (EC) ganizations, future work pro- and permanent members, em- Cross society. He said that the cisions. Only then can the works
members in the guest hall at the cesses, cooperating with min- ployment of staff, cooperation MRCS is a reserve force for the of the MRCS will become visible.
Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi isterial departments and the with international organizations, country, that it is existing as a SEE PAGE-3



Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Union Minister U Kyaw Laser
receives Bundestag Tin meets with Special pioneers win
committee deputy Representative of UNSG for Nobel Physics
chairman Children and Armed Conflict Prize

Vice President U Henry Van Thio addresses

National Land Use Policy Forum
VICE President U Henry Van
Thio delivered an address at the
National Land Use Policy Forum,
held at the Myanmar Internation-
al Convention Centre-II in Nay
Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
The forum was attended by
Union Ministers who are mem-
bers of the National Land Use
Council, Nay Pyi Taw Council
Chairman, State/Region Chief
Ministers, Hluttaw represent-
atives, heads of departments,
ethnic national representatives,
representatives from internation-
al organizations and civil society Vice President U Henry Van Thio delivers a speech at the National Land Use Policy Forum in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
organizations and invited guests.
In his address to the forum, was enacted and announced in taking up CSR (Corporate Social tral Committee formed under the agreements reached at the 21st
Vice President U Henry Van January 2016. The enacting of this Responsibility) and weaknesses Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Century Panglong Conference is
Thio said that according to the policy that was not in existence in implementing natural environ- Management Law; the Central an important long term process
population and household data before is a progress in land sector ment conservation works, and Farmland Management Group that is required to be continued.
collected in the 2014 census, My- reform and development, but to being at odds with the local peo- formed under the Farmland Law Therefore, the National
anmar has a population of more establish systematic land man- ple, need for drawing up land use and the National Land Use Coun- Land Use Policy Forum was held
than 51 million with a population agement, the enacted national projects, people’s participation cil, news ways need to be found to discuss and coordinate long
density of 81 persons per square land use policy is required to be required in establishing and ap- to increase cooperation among and short term strategies, tactics
kilometer, which is the second implemented practically. proving land use rights, incorrect these bodies. and work processes to implement
lowest population density among The national land use council and incomplete record of land re- In Myanmar, the majority the works of the National Land
the Southeast Asian countries, was formed in order to imple- sources, difficulty of management of the farmers are engaging in Use Council effectively, to draw
following Laos. ment the aims, guidelines and at the ground level and coordi- agriculture and small scale live- up a National Land Law based
Land resources are the es- basic principles of the national nation required among related stock breeding on small plots of on national land use policy and
sential indispensable resource land use policy and to implement organizations. To overcome these lands. As the matter of land use to manage the land resources.
for the existence of humans and laws related to it. challenges and to implement the and stability of land use rights of All forum attendees are
society. The difference between Land management in Myan- aims of national land use policy, small plot holders and landless urged to discuss and suggest
this vital resource and other re- mar faces limitations and chal- laws related to land management farmers is a priority work, 14 on the establishment of a good
sources is that it could not be in- lenges, such as being faced with are to be reviewed and a national main work processes were ear- farm land administration and
creased and has limitations. This land disputes after settling and land law that encompasses pol- marked to be established in the management system that could
is to be noted. According to an living in land managed by the icy, laws, work procedures and agriculture policy and agriculture implement the aims, guidelines
estimate by FAO (Food and Ag- government, inability to grant management format beneficial development strategy. To conduct and basic principles of nation-
riculture Organization), increase permission for investments in to the people need to be drawn the 14 main tasks effectively, the al land use policy, said the Vice
in population and soil erosion in large land areas, requirement up and enacted. National Land Use Council will President.
the land, by 2020 there will be only to amend the prevailing laws Supporting work committees make it a priority to form a work Next, the Vice President
0.18 hectare of cultivable land per and processes that are not in and an advisory group have been committee. posed for a group photo with
person. This is half of cultivable accord with the current times, formed and works will be con- Furthermore, when the forum participants and inspect-
land per person in 1960 and by weaknesses in abiding by work ducted to use the land resources government strives towards the ed the exhibits showing works
2050 it is estimated to be reduced processes, presence of corrup- of the country effectively. As co- Union Peace Conference - 21st conducted on establishment of
by half again. tion, requirement to provide in- operation is needed between the Century Panglong process and national land use policy.
In order to use and manage formation, weakness in drawing Central Committee for Reviewing national reconciliation, peace Afterwards, the forum
the land resources in the coun- up programs that has the most Confiscated Farmlands and Oth- and establishment of a federal resumed and participants dis-
try sustainably, a national land economic benefit and the least er Lands, formed due to special democratic union of Myanmar, cussed establishment of a na-
use policy was drawn up with the natural environmental impact, needs; the Vacant, Fallow and ten and two land and natural en- tional land use policy, important
participation of the people and weaknesses among businesses in Virgin Land Management Cen- vironment sector agreements guidelines in the policy, status of
were reached in the Union Peace forming land use committees,
Conference - 21st Century Pan- national land use programs and
glong second and third sessions, drawing up of zones, policy guide-
respectively. The government’s lines on national map system and
land sector reform work process- work processes of land record
es of drawing up a national land department, Myanmar national
law based on national land use map establishment project and
policy guideline, to be in accord progress achieved.
with existing laws, drawing up The forum will be continued
and implementing national land today, and on the second day of
use projects, recognize, include the forum, land sector develop-
and protect land distribution ment of agriculture land, vacant,
and management systems of lo- fallow and virgin land, co-exist-
cal ethnic nationals and rights in ence of local ethnic nationals
drawing up National Land Law between people and forest and
and when conducting other farm priority work processes of the
Vice President U Henry Van Thio looks around the exhibit showing works conducted on the establishment of land management matters, inclu- National Land Use Council will
national land use policy.  PHOTO: MNA sion and coordinating of policy be discussed, it is learnt. — MNA
3 OCTOBER 2018

President: Myanmar Red Cross Society exists as a free…

FROM PAGE-1 structions can also be issued,
said the President.
The MRCS should stand Officials from MRCS are to
for the benefit of the people and use their rights and responsi-
national interest. It can accept bilities according to the law and
donations from international or- form the society into a strong
ganizations but the donations one down to state, region, district
must not have strings attached. and township level. Youths are to
As Red Cross personnel are be nurtured systematically for
conducting noble humanitarian the development of humanitar-
works, there should not be any ian works. MRCS should contact
monetary misappropriations but relevant ministries through the
there can be some mistakes. To Union Government. Based on
avoid this, everything should be the submission from the minis-
done transparently and in ac- try, fund for MRCS will be pro-
cordance with financial rules and vided as much as possible, said
regulations. the President.
On the matter of misusing After the meeting, MRCS
the MRCS symbol, the Presi- President Prof. Dr. Daw Mya
dent suggested on considering Thu pinned an MRCS perma-
the drawing up of a new law or nent member badge on Presi-
President U Win Myint accepts an MRCS symbol made of colored gemstones from MRCS President Prof. Dr.
amending the existing law. If dent U Win Myint and presented
Daw Mya Thu in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA
amended, it should be in accord an MRCS symbol made of color-
with the times. A law is not hun- ed gemstones. The meeting was attended President Prof. Dr. Nan Htwan members U Maung Maung Khin,
dred percent complete. Rules Next, the President donat- by Deputy Minister U Min Thu Hla, Secretary General U Khin U Paw Myint Oo, U Guiness, Dr.
need to be issued by the relevant ed Ks 5 million for MRCS and from the Office of the President Maung Hla, EC (full-time) mem- Tin Nyunt, U Myo Min Naung
ministry. Where necessary, work posed for a commemorative and officials, MRCS President ber U Kim Bwai and Dr. Daw Am- and U Wai Lu Kyaw @ U Wai Lu
procedures, notifications and in- group photo. Prof. Dr. Daw Mya Thu, Vice ara Maw Naing, EC (part-time) Kyaw Swa. — MNA

Union Minister U Kyaw Tin meets Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker receives

with Special Representative of UNSG
for Children and Armed Conflict Bundestag committee deputy chairman
UNION Minister for Interna- reduce recruitment of children
tional Cooperation U Kyaw Tin for military and cooperation for
received Special Representative further achievement in promot-
of the United Nations Secre- ing child rights in Myanmar.
tary-General for Children and Similarly, Union Minister
Armed Conflict Ms. Virginia U Kyaw Tin also received Ms.
Gamba at the Office of the Spe- Debra Eisenman, Managing Di-
cial Representative of Myanmar rector of the Asia Society Policy
to UN in New York at 11 am local Institute at 10 am on the same
time on 1st October. day.
At the meeting, they dis- At the meeting, the Union
cussed Rakhine State issue Minister briefed her on Myan-
including repatriation, resettle- mar’s achievements in solving
ment and rehabilitation of dis- Rakhine State issue, including
placed people, finalizing the im- repatriation, resettlement and Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat holds talks with Mr. Uwe Kekeritz in Nay Pyi Taw.   PHOTO: MNA
plementation of project between rehabilitation of displaced peo-
Myanmar and UN to prevent and ple. — MNA PYITHU Hluttaw Speaker U T parliament (Bundestag) at the process, establishing internal
Khun Myat received H.E. Mr. Guest Hall of Pyithu Hluttaw, peace, transition to democra-
Uwe Kekeritz, Deputy Chair- Hluttaw building in Nay Pyi cy process, Hluttaw and re-
man for Economic Cooperation Taw yesterday morning. lations with the people were
and Development Committee During the meeting, mat- openly and cordially discussed.
of Germany’s lower house of ters relating to legislative work — MNA

Myanmars in US donate cash for flood victims

UNION Minister for Interna- Merchants Association chair- Club, Rakhine Thingyan Associ-
tional Cooperation U Kyaw Tin man U William Sue (alias) U ation, Myanmar-US Chamber of
accepted cash for rehabilitation Thein Han handed over US$ Commerce, US Myanmar Legal
in flood-hit areas in Myanmar, 15,000 to the Union Minister, on Counsel, Burma Point Associ-
donated by National Human- behalf of the NHFMM. ation and Myanmar Communi-
itarian Fundraising for Myan- The Union Minister ex- ty’s Individual.
mar (NHFMM) in New York on pressed thanks to the NHFMM NHFMM conducted Myan-
1st October. which is formed with Myan- mar foods and handicrafts sales
At the ceremony held at Of- mar-Chinese Association of festival for raising the fund for
Union Minister U Kyaw Tin shakes hands with Ms. Virginia Gamba, fice of the Myanmar’s Perma- New York, Myanmar-Ameri- rehabilitation of flood victims
Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for nent Representative to the Unit- can Medical Education Socie- in Myanmar on 23 September
Children and Armed Conflict in New York.  PHOTO: MNA ed Nations, Myanmar-American ty, UNSRC-Myanmar Cultural in New York. — MNA

w w w.glob al n ewl i g hto f myan mar.c o m Free delivery of

Aye Min Soe
books donated to
Kyaw Myaing rural libraries
Zaw Min, PYAY Township Writers' Asso- Myanmar Post Office un- ciation treasurer U Shwe Win der the Ministry of Transport
Win Ko Ko Aung,
donated books to Information and Communications, is pro-
and Public Relations Depart- viding free delivery service of
INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR ment in Amarapura Township, donated books to community
Ye Htut Tin, Mandalay Region, for the de- centres (libraries) opened by
velopment of rural libraries. In the Ministry of Information to
LOCAL NEWS EDITORS response, Bago Region (west) raise the reading frequency of
Tun Tun Naing (Editor), manager Daw Htay Htay Win the public. This service started
and post office head Daw May on 1 October 2018 in all the
Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), Min Han provided free delivery 793 post offices throughout the
service for the donated books whole country. —Maung Shwe Myanmar Post Office staff providing free delivery service of donated
TRANSLATORS yesterday morning. Win (Pyay) books starting from 1 October.  PHOTO: MAUNG SHWE WIN (PYAY)
Khaing Thanda Lwin,
Hay Mar Tin Win,
Ei Myat Mon
Zaw Htet Oo
Kyaw Zin Lin Only two motorbike sales shops permitted in Yangon Region
Kyaw Zin Tun

REPORTER By Nyein Nyein except in Dala and Seik- in shops licensed to sell other government had issued an
May Thet Hnin, kyi-Khanaungto townships. things, sale shops need to be announcement on 6 January
ONLY two motorbike sales In Dala Township, only two reviewed, added the Yangon 2017, prohibiting usage and
shops are permitted in Yangon motorbike and accessory Mayor. entry of motorcycles in Yangon
PHOTOGRAPHER Region, said Yangon Mayor U shops were permitted to be In raising his question, U Region, except Dala and Seik-
Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar
Maung Maung Soe, in reply to opened, and authorities are Aung Myat Kyaw said usage kyi-Khanaungto townships,
COMPUTER TEAM a question raised by U Aung monitoring whether the mo- of motorbikes are permitted and action under the YCDC
Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe, Myat Kyaw of Bahan Township torcycles and accessories sold only in townships outside of Law will be taken against an-
Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, constituency 1 on the 13th-day are according to the permit,” YCDC administered area, but yone who are found to be in
Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win,
Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe
meeting of the seventh regu- said the Yangon Mayor. many are riding motorbikes in breach of this prohibition.
lar session of Second Yangon YCDC permits usage of the YCDC administered area As such, traffic police are
EDITORIAL SECTION Region Hluttaw on 1 October. motorbikes in two townships, as well, and most of these enforcing this announcement,
(+95) (01)8604529,
U Aung Myat Kyaw was and only two shops were per- bikes are unregistered. Many and in 2016-2017 fiscal year
Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305
asking what sort of permis- mitted to sell motorcycles snatch-theft cases of necklac- and during the six-month in-
CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION sions were given to open new and accessories. In other es, bags and mobile phones terim period prior to 2018-2019
San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, and used motorcycle sales townships, usage and sales are committed with unregis- fiscal year, 2,265 cases were
Hotline - 09 974424114
shops in Yangon Region. of motorcycles are not permit- tered bikes, he added. opened, and fines of over Ks
ADVERTISING & MARKETING “Riding a motorbike in cen- ted. As some shops are selling With regards to this 100 million were collected, it
( +95) (01) 8604530, tral Yangon Region is banned, motorcycles and accessories matter, the Yangon Region is learnt.
Hotline - 09 974424848
Lightning kills three in Bird-watch training to raise
conservation awareness
Printed and published at the Global New
Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at
No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan
Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light
MraukU Township
of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. MYEIK University in Tanin- MBNS Chairperson Dr. Thein
00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629.
THREE PEOPLE were killed od from pre-monsoon to May, thayi Region, has launched a Aung. by a lightning strike in a village according to the Disaster Man- training on bird-watching on Next, Myeik University in MraukU Township, Rakhine agement Department. 1 October, in cooperation with Rector Dr. Daw Ni Ni Oo gave State on Monday evening. The death toll from light- Myanmar Birds and Nature So- a speech of thanks. The nine-
Lightning struck the hut ning strikes is expected to ciety (MBNS), aiming to attract day bird-watch training will be
where they were taking shel- continue to rise year by year. travelers to the region, show- conducted by the chairperson
ter from heavy rainfall after There were also fatalities and casing a variety of bird species. and four members of MBNS,
collecting grass for cow feed. injuries from strong winds, In his address at the open- while 19 society members and
U Kyaw Tin Win (29), son said the country’s weather ing ceremony, Pyithu Hluttaw 49 students are attending the
of U Aung Kyaw Zaw, U Ba bureau last month. Most areas representative U Soe Paing training, it is learnt. — Zaw Myo
Hlaing (28), son of U Sein Tha across the country have expe- Htay said university students Naing (Myeik IPRD)
Hla and Daw Than Mya Yi rienced lightning and strong must be knowledgeable enough
(26), daughter of U Ngo Kyuu winds during the day due to about the region and must
Write for us Aung, died in the incident, but high temperature. study for its development.
We appreciate your feedback and a boy who was also in the hut Since 1980, the country has “The Myeik Archipelago
contributions. If you have any comments when the lightning struck sur- seen an increase in the num- depends on fishery business,
or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email vived. The bodies were sent to ber of thunderstorms. When but as fish stock declines, it MraukU People’s Hospital for there are rainstorms with is becoming difficult for this
with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only autopsy. thunder and lightning, people business to be sustainable.
able to publish “Letter to the Editor” Lightning has killed at in these areas should switch Therefore, nature-based trav-
that do not exceed 500 words. Should
you submit a text longer than 500 words least 70 people and strong off their electrical appliances, el business and conservation
please be aware that your letter will be winds have destroyed about such as television and mobile of natural species also need to
10,000 houses during the peri- phones.—MraukU (IPRD) be conducted together,” said
3 OCTOBER 2018

Extended plantation brings Border trade totals $4 billion

as of August end
dragon fruit price down THE value of border trade from camps, the Muse camp has the
1 April to 31 August, during the largest border trade volume,
six-month interim period prior with a trade value of $2.79 bil-
to the next 2018-2019 financial lion. That was an increase from
year, increased by US$592 mil- $2.36 billion in the similar peri-
lion, compared to the same pe- od of last year.
riod last year. The value of border trad-
Border trade from 1 April ing, as of 31 August, was
to 31 August 2018 $4.01 billion, $2.79 billion in Muse, $83 mil-
which included $2.55 billion lion in Lweje, $146 million in
in exports and $1.45 billion in Chin Shwe Haw, $83 million
imports, according to statis- in Kanpiketee, $1.17 million
tics from the Ministry of Com- in Kengtung, $38.9 million
merce. in Tachilek, $396 million in
Myanmar trades with Myawady, $62 million in Kaw-
neighboring countries China, thaung, $118 million in Myeik,
India, Bangladesh and Thai- $118 million in HteeKhee, $5.5
land. Sino-Myanmar border million in Mawtaung, $0.42
Dragon fruit plants seen at a farm.   PHOTO:SUPPLIED
trade is carried out through million in Maese, $63.45 mil-
Muse, Lwejel, Kanpiketee, Chin lion in Sittway, $4.76 million
HIGHER production of drag- At the beginning of its sea- Oo Lwin and also in Taungtha Shwe Haw and Kengtung gates, in Maungtaw, $71.4 million in
on fruits with extended plan- son, it is sold at Ks 1,000 to Ks and it can be harvested within while Myanmar is conducting Tamu and $15.77 million in
tation has brought down the 1,500 per fruit in the market, four months. border trade with India through Reed. Myanmar primarily ex-
price of the fruit this harvest but the price is spirally com- Dragon fruit market has a Tamu and Reed. The coun- ports agricultural products, an-
season. ing downward, according to huge demand in local and for- try’s border trade gates with imal products, forest products,
The price of dragon fruits farmers. eign markets. If plants can be Bangladesh are Sittway and minerals, fishery products,
is down as farmers have ex- Fruits are sold at about Ks cultivated in accordance with Maungtaw, as well as Thailand manufactured goods and other
panded areas for the fruit, 2,500 per 1 kg. Each fruit weighs commercial quality standards, through Tachilek, Myawady, products, while capital goods,
according to local farmers in about 400 grams. that they will bring good income Kawthaung, Myeik, HteeKhee, raw industrial materials and
Taungtha Township, Manda- Fruit are commercially cul- for local cultivators. — Kyaw Mawtaung and Maese. consumer products are import-
lay. tivated in Kalay, Pindaya, Pyin Myo Naing (Taungtha) Out of sixteen border trade ed into the country. —GNLM

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Office of the President
Press Release No. 17/2018
7th Waning of Tawthalin, 1380 ME
(1 October 2018)

Additional statistical bulletin on drug seizures, acting on information

1. In order to prevent and eradicate the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, the Office of the President has formed the Drug Activity Special Complaint
Department on 26 June 2018 to systematically accept and respond to reports on drug abuses and other related cases from the general public.
2. With orders from the Office of the President, the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department relayed information on reports on drug-related offenses up to 29 Sep-
tember 2018 to the Ministry of Home Affairs to take action, as displayed below:

No Nature of report Details on seizure and legal action taken Information received of On 23-9-2018, arrested U Aung Ba, 41, in his home in
On 22-9-2018, police arrested Zaw Min Htike (a) San Aung Ba from Mansan Shangon Ward, Mansan Yetagun village, Hsipaw Tsp,
Shay, 43, in House No. 1022, U Pyone Cho Street, Ward Yetagun village, Hsipaw together with WY psychotropic tablets. A case has
Information received of Ko 41, North Dagon Tsp, and Zayar Win, 34, from No. 306, Tsp, Kyaukme District, Shan been opened with MaMaSa (Hsipaw) MaYa(Pa) 29/2018
Htike (a) Ko San Shay from Padauk Street 2, Ward Hta, North Okkalapa Tsp, and State (North), selling illegal under Section 19-A/20-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and
1 House No. 1022 on U Pyone another unnamed person who resides there, together drugs on a large scale. Psychotropic Substances Law.
Cho Street, Ward 41, North with marijuana. A case has been opened against all Information received of U Di On 23-9-2018, police arrested Thet Paing Soe (a) Di
Dagon Tsp, Yangon Region. three with MaMaSa (Dagon North) MaYa(Pa) 47/2018 Poe from the left side room Pho (a) Di Poe, 37, in his house in No.1242, fifth floor, U
under Section 16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and on No. 1242, fifth floor, U Poe Poe Tun Street, Taung Thugon Ward, Insein Tsp, after
Psychotropic Substances Law. 8 Tun Street, Taung Thugon discovering WY psychotropic tablets hidden in the fold
Ward, Insein Tsp, Yangon of his longyi. A case has been opened with MaMaSa
On 26-9-2018, police arrested U Pu Nge (a) Shwe Win, Region, selling illegal drugs (Insein) MaYa(Pa) 124/2018 under Section 19-A of the
Information received of U 38, in Yamon village, Kyunsu Tsp, together with WY on a large scale. Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Pu Nge from Yamon village, psychotropic tablets hidden in the fold of his longyi. A On 24-9-2018, police entered Arker Soe (a) Arkar, 32,’s
2 Information received of
Kyunsu Tsp, Taninthayi Re- case has been opened with NaMaSa (Thazin) MaYa(Pa) house in No.671, Gantgaw Street, Ward Hta, North
gion, selling illegal drugs. 8/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A of the Anti-Narcotic Arkar Soe and his younger
Okkalapa Tsp, and arrested him, his younger brother
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. brother Wai Yan from No.
Wai Yan Soe, 31, and one other person, together with
9 671, Gantgaw Street, Ward
WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened with
On 23-9-2018, police staked out Shwe Nyi Ako tea shop, Hta, North Okkalapa Tsp,
NaMaSa (Waibargi) MaYa(Pa) 53/2018 under Section
opened in the Kyaikkasan Pagoda’s compound in Ward Yangon Region, selling ille-
16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Sa/Ka, Thingangyun Tsp, and arrested Zarni Phone gal drugs.
Substances Law.
Myat Htet, 21, from No. 35, Inyar Yeiktar Street, Ward
10, Mayangon Tsp, together with marijuana. A case has
been opened with MaMaSa (Thingangyun) MaYa(Pa)
42/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs 3. Out of the information sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs, so far 302 cases have
Information received of ille- been opened as of 29-9-2018, and 401 men and 78 women have been arrested
and Psychotropic Substances Law.
gal drugs being sold in ‘Shwe
Police also arrested Kyaw Maung Maung, 25, from No. with seizures of 2,651.93 g of heroin, 16.71g of ICE, 37,259.21 g of opium, 329 g
Nyi Ako’ tea shop in the Kyai-
3 Nga/26, Thandar Street 10, Ward Nga, North Okkalapa of low-quality opium, 5,802 g of powder opium, 3,973.99 g of speciosa, 148,076
kkasan Pagoda’s compound
Tsp, together with heroin. A case has been opened with
in Thingangyun Tsp, Yangon stimulant tablets, 3,368.84 g of marijuana, 0.1 liters of opium tincture, 217.4 g of
MaMaSa (Thingangyun) MaYa(Pa) 43/2018 under Sec-
Region. opium blocks, 60 g of poppy seeds, 1.65 g of crushed stimulant tablet powder,
tion 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law. 10 firearms, 179 different bullets, and 1 grenade. Efforts for fighting the drug
Police also arrested Phyo Maung, 33, from No. 15, trafficking has been stepped up and the ministry will report on further exposed
Mogaung Street, Kyaukkone Ward, Yankin Tsp, together cases.
with heroin. A case has been opened with MaMaSa (Thin-
gangyun) MaYa(Pa) 44/2018 under Section 16-C of the
4. In addition to the investigations and arrests conducted on drug related com-
Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. plaints mentioned above, the Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force have also
On 27-9-2018, police entered Aung Ye (a) Aung Thura, carried out separate investigations on drug complaints, search and arrests at
24,’s house in Thazin Street, Area 14, Ward 19, Myingyan border gates, and searches of vehicles acting upon given information.
Information received of Ko
Tsp, together with Chan Nyein Oo, 21, from Kuywar During the previous week, multiple arrests were made in the border regions and
Aung Ye from Thazin Street,
village, Myingyan Tsp, and five others, in possession of joint-surveillance gates. In Kachin State, Lwejel Sub-Tsp, on the Lwejel-Mangaung
4 Ward 19, Myingyan Tsp,
WY psychotropic tablets. A case has been opened with
Mandalay Region, selling village road, 4 men were arrested with 1,655 g of heroin and a Toyota Wish.
MaMaSa (Myingyan) MaYa(Pa) 10/2018 under Section
illegal drugs. In Chin State, Tonzang Tsp, Shahtawzan village, a man was arrested with 4,500
19-A/20-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law. g of opium.
On 27-9-2018, police arrested Ma Sabei, 30, in her house In Shan State, Muse Tsp, on the Muse-Lashio highway, a driverless parked
in No.20, Gandamar Road, Ward 9, Mawlamyinegyun Tsp, motorcycle containing 11,900 stimulant tablets was confiscated. In Namhsan
together with WY psychotropic tablets. Police discovered village, a woman was arrested with 1,000 stimulant tablets and 1,000 g of heroin.
Information received of Ma
the drugs were purchased from Kyaw Kyaw Swe (a)
Sabei from Gandamar Road, In Namhsan Tsp, on the Namhasn-Kholan road, a man was arrested with 8,000
Kyaw Gyi, 38, from Ward 12, KanOo Street. An investi-
5 Ward 9, Mawlamyinegyun g of ICE, 2,000 g of caffeine, and a Pajero. At the Lashio entry inspection gate,
gation into his house did not turn up any items relating
Tsp, Ayeyawady Region, sell-
ing illegal drugs
to illegal drugs but a case has been opened against the two men were arrested with 48,070 stimulant tablets, 1 Crown car and 1 MARK-X
two with MaMaSa (Mawlamyinegyun) MaYa(Pa) 2/2018 car. In Lashio Tsp, on the Lashio-Tangyan road, two men were arrested with
under Section 19-A/20-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs
6,400 stimulant tablets. In Tangyan Tsp, on the Tangyan-Lashio highway, a man
and Psychotropic Substances Law.
and 4 women were arrested with 34,000 stimulant tablets and 1 Toyota Alphard
Dear Sir, We would like to
car. In Tachilek Tsp, Ayedin village, two men were arrested with 6,000 stimu-
inform you about Yaba, WY
tablet. He sell these kind of lant tablets. In Wanyan village, a man was arrested with 2,000,000 g of caffeine
drug. Every day young guy and 1 tractor car. At the Nawnghkio entry inspection gate, a man was arrested
come to this house to buy with 12,000 stimulant tablets. During area inspection operations in Shan State,
this one (Night time also). On 25-9-2018, arrested Aung Min Thant (a) Moedi (a) Kutkai Tsp, in 2 places near Nawngyan village and Meinpyain village, officers
Please check this house. I Thar Nge, 18, in his house in No. 272, Nawarat Street 5,
found 23,040 liters of ethyl/ether, 1,200 stimulant tablets, and 400,000 g of sodium
hopefully you will get this Thakayta Tsp, together with Naing Aung Win (a) Zaw
information and take action Moe Than, 20, from the same ward, and one other person, hydroxide.
to this case. His father name in possession of marijuana. A case has been opened with In Rakhine State, Maungtaw Tsp, Nga Khu Ya Ale village, 2 men and a woman
is U Aung Than (who is the MaMaSa (Thakayta) MaYa(Pa) 34/2018 under Section were arrested with 4,645 stimulant tablets. In Ponnagyun Tsp, on the Yangon-Sit-
Leader of Nawarat 5 Street). 16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic tway highway, a man was arrested with 680 stimulant tablets.
I think his father didn’t know Substances Law.
about this. He is youngest There have been 6 cases of arrests involving firearms. In Shan State, Mongton
son (jobless). His body and Tsp, 6-mile village, 2 men were arrested with 200 stimulant tablets, 40 g of her-
arm with tattoo. Nawarat oin, and 2 homemade guns. In Sagaing Region, Homalin Tsp, Nandagar village,
5 Street. 8 Ward. Thakayta 3 men were arrested with 150 stimulant tablets, 5.8 g of heroin, a .22 pistol,
Township. Yangon.
3 OCTOBER 2018

The Earth-like Gandhi

Dhamma or Tolerance
Following is the speech delivered by Sitagu Sayadaw Dr. Nyanissara.

Excellencies with over one hundred thousand

Distinguished guests soldiers”. That means there is
Ladies and gentlemen, no other forces stronger than
Good evening! Tolerance. Most naturally, it is
It is indeed a great honour found in history that almost all
for me to have the opportunity of colonized nations experienced
speaking on this special occasion bloody fighting in their struggle
to celebrate the 150th Birth An- for independence. Contrary to
niversary of the Father of India, this, Mahatma Gandhi is seen
Mahatma Gandhi. as an exceptional leader who led
Actually, of the world political his peace-keeping army in his
leaders I admire, Mahatma Gan- struggle to regain independence.
dhi stands atop. I have admired I have read some speeches
Sitagu Sayadaw Dr. Nyanissara delivers him since I read about him at my of Mahatma Gandhi, and have
speech at the occasion to celebrate 150th birth early age. I would, here, like to re- noted with delight some points
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in Yangon.
fer to the Perfection of Tolerance, that are very useful for people of
(Insert) Commemorative stamps to mark
Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary which is one of the Ten Kinds of the world to follow in their daily
celebrations   PHOTOS: SUPPLIED Perfection the Buddha expound- lives. One of them I would like to
ed. Tolerance is compared to the share with you here is - “There is

150th birth anniversary of significant characteristic of the

great earth we live on. It never
nothing new to teach the world,
but the “TRUTH”. Today, all reli-
shows sign of pleasure or dis- gious political and social leaders

Mahatma Gandhi launched pleasure toward all pleasant or

unpleasant situations it faces. It
are trying their utmost for the
total deliverance of people from
forbears all good and bad things all kinds of sufferings. Therefore,
A TWO-YEAR long celebration followed by words by Venera- jan was originally composed dumped on it whether they are the Truth, the key message of
of the 150th birth anniversa- ble Sitagu Sayadaw Dr. Ashin by Saint Narsinh Mehta in the rubbish or scented objects like Gandhi, also plays an important
ry of Mahatma Gandhi was Nyanissara, who spoke about 15th century. Mahatma Gandhi flowers without attaching or de- guidance to the world leaders. It
launched by the Embassy of the life and work of Mahatma listened to this bhajan since taching, depressing or reacting. also resembles the key point of
India in Yangon, with an event Gandhi. his childhood and was deeply The earth steadfastly practices the First Sermon delivered by the
on 2 October held at the Sule (Remarks by Sitagu inspired by it. “Tolerance”, completely free Buddha, stressing that those who
Shangrila Hotel. Sayadaw carried separately Commemorative stamps from “Delight and Disgust”. This want to be liberated from all suf-
The event began with the on this page.) to mark Mahatma Gandhi’s is a remarkable quality seen in ferings are to try to understand
lighting of the lamp by Sitagu Dr. Thant Myint U, a recip- 150th birth anniversary celebra- Mahatma Gandhi, which makes and penetrate the “TRUTH”, to
Sayadaw Dr. Ashin Nyanissara, ient of the Padma Shri Award, tions were also released at the me admire him most. be exact, “Noble Truth”. How-
U Tin Maung Tun, Speaker of one of the most important event. The Myanmar transla- It is with “Tolerance” he ever, some leaders stay far from
Yangon Region Hluttaw, Mr. civilian awards of India, de- tion of his autobiography, “The struggled for the Independence the “TRUTH” for the extreme
Vikram Misri, Ambassador of livered the Mahatma Gandhi Story of My Experiments with of India, without any violence and ideologies they are holding.
India to Myanmar, Dr. Thant Memorial Lecture. Truth”, translated by U Hane armed insurrection. With “Tol- To conclude, I would like to
Myint U, renowned writer, As a part of the celebra- Latt and published by U Myint erance” in mind, he formed his convey my earnest request to
historian & Chairman, Yangon tions, Mahatma Gandhi’s fa- Thu of Myanmar Heritage, was independence army, which is said all religious, political and social
Heritage Trust and U Myint vourite Gujarati bhajan (a de- unveiled at the event. to be the strongest army, armed leaders of the world to steadfastly
Thu, Managing Editor, Myan- votional song), “Vaishnav Jan The event was attended with the most powerful weapons. practice “Tolerance”, while try-
mar Heritage. To Tene Kahiye Je”, was sung by over 300 people from the This reminds me of the Buddha’s ing to avoid the two extremes
The welcome remarks at by Ms May Thu Khine, along diplomatic corps, academics, teaching which said “the strength “Delight and Disgust,” so as to
the event were delivered by with the popular Ugly Music friends of India, media and the or power of Tolerance is incompa- lead their followers to enjoy total
Ambassador Vikram Misri, Band from Myanmar. This bha- Indian diaspora.—GNLM rable: it is said to be a large army peace.

Additional statistical bulletin on drug seizures, acting on information

FROM PAGE-6 20,083 stimulant tablets.
7 bullets, an airsoft sniper rifle, and 30 airsoft pellets. In Htigyaing Tsp, Kuntaung vil- There have been 284 cases being opened between 23-9-2018 and 29-9-2018, and 344
lage, 1 man was arrested with 0.2 g of heroin and 1 homemade gun. In Taninthayi men and 52 women have been arrested. Seizures of 4,172.16 g of heroin, 8,008.80
Region, Yebyu Tsp, in the bamboo forest to the east of Nhamkye village, 1 man g of ICE, 5,928.63 g of opium, 15,405 g of powder opium, 201,608 stimulant tablets,
was arrested with 1,400 stimulant tablets and 1 homemade gun. In Bago Region, 0.09 g of crushed stimulant tablet powder, 1,005.05 g of marijuana, 16 g of opium
Toungoo Tsp, 1 man was arrested with 307 stimulant tablets, a gas-triggered gun, blocks, 2,002,000 g of caffeine, 1 ecstasy tablet, 1,200 liters of acetone, 23,040 liters
and 2 swords. In Kayin State, Hpa-an Tsp, Naungtaya village, a man was arrest- of ethyl/ether, 400,000 g of sodium hydroxide, 8 firearms, 8 bullet cartridges, and
ed with 400 stimulant tablets, 1 nine-chambered gun, and one bullet cartridge. 30 airsoft pellets.
There have been 2 cases of drug seizures involving foreigners. In Shan State, 5. To seize further drugs and to arrest drugs dealers, people are urged to inform
Namhkam Tsp, on the Namhkam-Mannaung highway, a Chinese citizen entering the Ministry of Home Affairs, region and state governments and to inform huge
the country illegally was arrested with 200 stimulant tablets and 33 g of heroin. cases of drug trafficking and other suspicious cases directly to the Drug Activity
In Sagaing Region, Tamu Tsp, Khampat Town, on the Tamu-Khampat highway, Special Complaint Department of the Office of the President through following
an Indian citizen entering the country illegally was arrested with 1.1 g of heroin. contact numbers:
Investigation into related cases led to the arrest of 1 man and 1 woman togeth- Contacts
er with 360 stimulant tablets and 66 g of heroin. In Yangon City, Aungmingalar Auto Telephone No. — 067-590200
highway bus station, Yadanar express bus terminal, 2 men were arrested as they Fax Phone No. — 067-590233
arrived to collect a travelling suitcase sent from Lashio bus terminal containing Email Address —
3 OCTOBER 2018

Zero Roundtable discussion on mining sector

tolerance for By U Zaw Bo Khant

A roundtable business discussion was held at MRTV in Nay Pyi Taw, during which matters relating to
terrorism challenges and opportunities of the mining sector were discussed by U Khin Latt Kyi, Director General of
the Department of Mines under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Dr. Ye

ITH signing of the Code of Conduct Towards Achiev-
ing a World Free of Terrorism at the United Nations
Myint Swe, Director General of Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, U Aung Nyunt
in New York on 28 September, Myanmar has taken
another step forward to fight terrorism.
Thein, Managing Director of Myanmar Gems Enterprise, and U Zaw Bo Khant, Vice Chairman of Myanmar
The signing is also an important step in strengthening interna-
tional cooperation and the counter-terrorism architecture of the UN.
Gems and Jewellery Entrepreneurs Association.
The key goals of the document are giving an impetus to the
practical implementation of the wide range of international obli-
gations on counter-terrorism and establishment of the wide global
coalition for a world free of terrorism by 2045. Myanmar Daily Weather Report
It is expected the document will be the foundation for strength- (Issued on Tuesday 2 October 2018)
ening international instruments and cooperation in the fight against
terrorism which also remains a threat in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS RECORDED AT 09:30
This threat could have “grave consequences” not just for Myanmar hrs MST: During the past (24) hours, rain or thundershowers
but also for other countries in our region and beyond. have been isolated in Ayeyawady Region, scattered in Sagaing,
The provocative terrorist attacks of October 2016 and August Magway, Bago, Yangon and Taninthayi regions, Kachin, Chin and
2017 have affected the Rakhine states, fairly widespread in Northern Shan and Kayin
course of our earnest en- states and widespread in the remaining regions and states with
deavor to build a peaceful, U Khin Latt Kyi Director General, Dr. Ye Myint Swe Director General, U Zaw Bo Khant Vice Chairman, regionally heavy falls in Mandalay Region and isolated heavy falls
U Aung Nyunt Thein Managing Director,
It is expected the fair and prosperous future
for all people in Rakhine
Department of Mines Department of Geological Survey and Mineral
Myanmar Gems and Jewellery Entrepreneurs
Myanmar Gems Enterprise in Nay Pyi Taw and Magway Region. The noteworthy amount
of rainfall recorded were Kalewa (2.56)inches, Mahlaing (2.55)

document will be State.

The attacks were
inches, Kyaukse (2.29)inches, PyinOoLwin (2.21)inches, Kawka-
reik (2.13)inches, Myittha (2.01)inches, Sinbyugyun (1.97)inches,
launched by the ARSA Q: Shall we start asking the first ASEAN countries to improve openness of revenues laws relevant with international employment opportunities for precious stones produced as a Kengtung (1.89)inches, Kamamaung (1.81)inches, Singaing (1.64)
the foundation terrorist group. question to the director general All ASEAN nations, in- from natural resources, with the standards. the people. As U Zaw Bo Khant primary source in our country. inches, Mawlaik (1.61)inches, Kunglong (1.57)inches and Nay
The danger of terror- of Department of Geological cluding Cambodia, Thailand, vision of bringing transparency discussed earlier, although our Pyi Taw Airport (Ela) (1.50)inches.
for strengthening ist activities, which was Survey and Mineral Explora- Myanmar and Viet Nam, have and accountability in a clearer Systematic registration country is endowed with natural Q: Regarding the jewellery BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is weak over the Andaman Sea
the initial cause of events tion? Could you let us know how conducted research on mineral version into the hands of the cit- All businesspersons like resources, it is found that the sector, it would be good to put and South Bay of Bengal. Weather is cloudy over the Northeast
international leading to the humani-
tarian crisis in Rakhine,
you are planning to link up with
international organizations to
deposits and geology in Tachil-
ek and Shan State. Geological
izens. Moreover, Myanmar had
submitted its EITI report for the
us have to follow the rules and
regulations and should make
markets in other countries have
been thriving. Arrangements
on sales a polished product
comparable to what you get
Bay and partly cloudy elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.
instruments and remains real and present
improve the mining sector? research was done in 2018
jointly with Thailand Mineral
second time in the 2014-2015 fiscal
year, and for the third time in the
a mine closure plan, that in-
cludes responsibility, account-
should be made to revitalize our
country’s gems market, with
in other markets. Could you
elaborate on it?
2018: Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Sagaing,
Magway, Yangon and Ayeyawady regions, Kachin, Chin and

cooperation in The attacks opened a

chapter of fear and instabil-
Dr. Ye Myint Swe: We are plan-
ning to link up with other inter-
Resources Department. 2015-2016 fiscal year, respectively,
to the EITI Board.
ability and all-inclusiveness. In
this regard, cooperation is of
the cooperation of relevant min-
istries and gems businesses. U Zaw Bo Khant: Our coun-
Rakhine states and fairly widespread in the remaining regions
and states with isolated heavy falls in Mandalay Region and

the fight against ity that led to a large out-

flow of displaced people to
national organizations for the
sustainable development of the
Q: I think natural resources ex-
traction has become one of the Review
great importance in success-
fully carrying out all the nec-
We will have to encourage and
render help to those who will
try owns some opportunities
and advantages in becoming a
Southern Shan State. Degree of certainty is (100%).
STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in Myan-
country's important sector and In August 2018, officials of
terrorism . . .
Bangladesh. Internation- mining sector in Myanmar. We essary stages. Next, all gems trade in manufactured prod- gems manufacturing market, mar waters. Wave height will be about (2 - 5)feet off and along
al attention has been fo- have been conducting research, transparency is also of great im- the EITI Board came to My- and jewellery businesses need ucts. At the same time, more and there are also some chal- Myanmar Coasts.
cussed on the outflow and in cooperation with Korea Institute portance. In this regard, could anmar to review and analyze to be registered first, in order efforts should be made to pro- lenges as well. The advantage OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Continuations
overlooked the broader picture of the various reasons, immediate as of Geosciences and Mineral Re- you explain the implementation the reports that we submitted, to pay taxes, so that we can, in duce skilled workers for the is that the whole world takes a of thundery conditions in Southern Myanmar areas.
well as longstanding, that brought about the displacement. sources, in the Bopebon Mountain process of an Extractive Indus- and necessary arrangements turn, maintain the stable prices enterprises. Thanks to these liking to our gems that originate FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING
Resolving the issue in Rakhine State is an important compo- in Tiddim Township, Chin State, tries Transparency Initiative have been made preceding the of the jewellery makings, man- efforts, we were able to set up from us. The challenges are that AREA FOR 3 October 2018: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
nent of our democratic process. Our government has consistently for the past two years. Similarly, (EITI)? procedures. Myanmar's admis- ufacturing process and market the Gems Training Center at there are some better markets Degree of certainty is (100%).
exerted all efforts to bring peace and development to Rakhine State we are doing research jointly with sion to the EITI is very crucial in the long run. Shwe Kyar Pin in Nay Pyi Taw. in our neighbouring countries, FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA
which is facing terrorist threats. Japan Oil, Gas and Metals Na- U Khin Latt Kyi: As for the and to be a full member of it is Up to now, we have already and we should not be weak in FOR 3 October 2018: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree
The attacks were premeditated, well-organized and designed to tional Corporation in Shan State, mineral sector, we have made dependent upon the review of U Zaw Bo Khant: I want to raise opened the second batch of using our techniques. To make of certainty is (100%).
invoke fear among the inhabitants, to incite violence and to attract Taninthayi and Sagaing regions. commitments to implement the results. a question that has been in my training classes, where young it a success, all stakeholders FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
international attention. More research on the develop- EITI process and Myanmar has mind for some time. Our country people can receive training in are duty bound to carry out the AREA FOR 3 October 2018: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
The Government, despite the attacks, continued with its efforts ment of mineral resources is in been accepted as an EITI candi- Q: How would extracting gems is endowed with jewellery, and gems and jewelry manufactur- marketing strategy. Degree of certainty is (100%).
to seek sustainable solutions for Rakhine State. So far, 81 out of 88 the pipeline. date country. Efforts have been mines serve the interests of the although we have held a number ing processes. We also need Regarding the setting up
recommendations made by the Advisory Commission in August We completed a project last made to become a full member nationals and the development of Gems Emporiums for the past investment and technical kno- of laws and bylaws, individuals
2017 towards achieving lasting peace and stability in Rakhine State year. With the cooperation of of EITI, after its application for of the state? 60 years, why isn’t our market whow to get market shares with need to take up good practices,
have been implemented. Geological Survey of Finland, its candidature was approved by thriving as much as those in our ease. Opening a gems trading employees should be supervised
Within hours of the release of the Advisory Commission’s final we have drawn up a number of the International EITI board. The U Zaw Bo Khant: Gems are the neighbouring countries. I would center is fulfilling a necessity, to mitigate unlawful acts and
report, ARSA terrorists carried out simultaneous attacks on 30 geological maps using digital government has taken important most valuable resources of our like to ask the Managing Director in cooperation with other min- bullying at worksites. We also
police outposts and one army battalion headquarters. format, and produced geologi- steps with work done in the crea- country, and all of us should be how this should be handled. istries concerned. I also want to have to abide by laws, and action Call
No doubt, the ARSA attacks of 2017 were not only against the cal resources data based on GIS. tion of a multi-stakeholders group part of this mining sector. Also, have other business personnel should be taken against those Thin Thin May,
security forces but also against various communities inhabiting With the cooperation of JICA, and formulation of work plan for we are all duty bound to take part U Aung Nyunt Thein: We can involved in this matter. As U who violate it. Cooperation is
Rakhine State. we have produced mineral re- EITI implementation in Myan- in this process, especially those gain better prices if we can Zaw Bo Khant discussed ear- the key to implement these pro- 09251022355
We hope that the Code of Conduct would be the foundation for sources website data base, using mar. The EITI is a global coalition lawmakers who are deeply in- make value-added and finished lier, our country is in need of cesses.
strengthening international instruments and cooperation in the training programme resources of governments, companies and volved in it. As for law-makers, products to earn more foreign managing the gems market to Translated by 09974424848
fight against terrorism. and sharing mineral information. civil societies working together they should enact mining and jade currency as well as create more gain appropriate prices for the Win Ko Ko Aung

Governor for Central Bank

of Myanmar receives US
Ambassador to Myanmar
GOVERNOR for Central Bank exchanged views and dis-
of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw cussed about reforming the
Maung received US Ambas- banking sector of Myanmar,
sador to Myanmar Mr. Scot possible services by the bank-
Marciel, Mr. Geoffrey Okamato ing sector to address financial
from the United States Depart- investments needed for private
ment of the Treasury, Acting sector development, effects on
Assistant Secretary, Interna- local currency worldwide at
tional Finance and Develop- present, matters relating to
ment at Gantkaw Hall in the the exchange rate between the
Central Bank of Myanmar in US dollar and the Myanmar
Nay Pyi Taw at 10am yester- Kyat, and better understand-
day. ing, trust and compliance in
During the meeting, they the AML/CFT field.—MNA

Union Minister Dr. Myo Thein Gyi delivers a message of greetings at the German Unity Day in Yangon
yesterday.   PHOTO: MNA

German Unity Day celebrated

A CEREMONY to celebrate by playing of the national anthems The ambassador then hosted
German Unity Day was held at of Myanmar and Germany. Next, a dinner for the event attendees.
Novotel Hotel, Yangon, yesterday German Ambassador to Myan- Present at the event were ambas-
evening. The event was attended mar H.E. Mrs. Dorothee Elsbeth sadors and charge d’affaires of
by Union Minister for Education Christiane Janetzke-Wenzel and embassies, United Nations resi-
Dr. Myo Thein Gyi and wife. Union Minister Dr. Myo Thein Gyi dent representatives and invited CBM Governor U Kyaw Kyaw Maung meets with US Ambassador Mr.
The ceremony commenced delivered a message of greetings. guests.— MNA Scot Marciel in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.  PHOTO: MNA

Library donated by ROK’s KB Kookmin President of Royal College of

Physicians and Surgeons of
Bank, KB Labour Union launched
Glasgow hosts CME talk at
UNION MINISTER U Han Zaw Kookmin Bank and the Ministry support the Ministry of Construc-
formally opened the library, do- of Construction have been collab- tion and also thanked them for
University of Medicine 1, Yangon
nated by KB Kookmin Bank and orating for Residential Policies providing a single location where
KB Labour Union from South Ko- and Housing Payment System every staff member will be capa- PROF. David Galloway, who is Next, Prof. David Galloway
rea to the Department of Urban since 2014. The Ministry of Con- ble of learning about technology, President of UK’s Royal Col- and Dr. Moe Thaw Oo, a council
& Housing Development under struction, CHID Bank and KB general knowledge, fiction and lege of Physicians and Sur- member (physician) of RCPSG,
the Ministry of Construction,dur- Kookmin Bank have signed a tri- other knowledgeable books. geons of Glasgow (RCPSG), held CME talks under the title
ing the opening ceremony of the lateral MoU on 2 February 2017 to Vice President Mr. Jun arrived at the University of of ‘Royal College Relevance
library held at new three-storey implement the home loan system. Kwisang then cordially returned Medicine 1, Yangon, yester- in Global Clinical Practice &
building of the department in Nay He said that KB Kookmin Bank words of thanks and the Union day morning and met with the Neuroplasticity for Clinicians
Pyi Taw at 8am yesterday. opened the library because poli- Minister gifted souvenirs to the rector and retired doctors, who and Continuing Professional
First, the Union Minister, cies, procedures, laws, and local Vice President. Mr. Jun Kwisang have received their MRCP Development (CPD) – When/
Director-General U Min Htein, and foreign information should also offered a laptop to the De- and MRCS from Glasgow, to How/Why’. About 150 interest-
Vice President Mr. Jun Kwisang be organized in one, same place partment of Urban & Housing discuss on collaboration be- ed faculty members and post-
from KB Kookmin Bank, and for the development of the civil Development, which was accept- tween RCPSG and the medical graduate students participated.
Chairman Mr. Park Hong Bae housing sector. ed by Director-General U Min universities in Myanmar, con- After the seminar, Prof.
from KB Labour Union cut the The Union Minister cordially Htein. The Union Minister, heads cerning medical education and David Galloway toured the
ceremonial ribbon to formally thanked KB Kookmin Bank and of departments and guests then medical treatment research library and teleconferencing
open the library. KB Labour Union for their do- took a tour of the library. projects. room of the university.
The Union Minister said KB nation of the library, which will It was reported that the Attending the meeting It is learnt that Prof. David
donation purposes of the KB were Rector Prof. Dr. U Kyaw Galloway will also visit the Uni-
Kookmin Bank are to keep the Myint and Prof. Dr. U Mya Oo, versity of Medicine, Mandalay,
information concerned with civil and the royal physicians and and the University of Medicine
housing sector in beneficial and surgeons from RCPSG in My- 2, Yangon in the near future.
systematic ways, to be able to anmar, led by them. — MNA
use and share the advanced in-
formation for the staffs under
the Ministry of Construction, to
improve the work efficiency of
the ministry, and for the library
to become an information hub
Union Minister U Han Zaw and ROK's representatives cut ribbon to open
that contributes new values to
library donated by ROK's KB Kookmin Bank and KB Labour Union in the ministry. — MNA
Nay Pyi Taw.   PHOTO: MNA
3 0CTOBER 2018

Laser pioneers win Nobel Physics Prize

STOCKHOLM (Sweden) — was 90 when he won the 2007
Three scientists on Tuesday Economics Prize.
won the Nobel Physics Prize Meanwhile Mourou, 74,
for inventing optical lasers and Strickland — only the third
that have paved the way for ad- woman to win the Physics Prize
vanced precision instruments —won for helping develop a
used in corrective eye surgery method to generate ultra-short
and in industry, the jury said. optical pulses, “the shortest
Arthur Ashkin of the Unit- and most intense laser pulses
ed States won one half of the ever created by mankind,” the
nine million Swedish kronor jury said.
(about $1.01 million or 870,000 Their technique is now
euros) prize, while Gerard used in corrective eye surgery.
Mourou of France and Donna Mourou was affiliated
Strickland of Canada shared with the Ecole Polytechnique
the other half. of France and the University
Ashkin, 96, was honoured of Michigan in the US, while
for his invention of “optical Strickland, his student, is a
tweezers” that grab particles, professor at the University of
atoms, viruses and other liv- Waterloo in Canada.
ing cells with their laser beam
fingers. Women are ‘out there’
Arthur Ashkin of the US split the 2018 Nobel Physics Prize with Gerard Mourou of France and Donna
With this he was able to use Speaking by phone to the
Strickland of Canada.   PHOTO: AFP
the radiation pressure of light academy, a moved Strickland
to move physical objects, “an said she was thrilled to receive fields in general. cists Barry Barish, Kip Thorne istry prize will be announced
old dream of science fiction,” the Nobel prize that has been It has insisted that it is not and Rainer Weiss won the phys- on Wednesday, followed by the
the Royal Swedish Academy the least accessible for women. due to male chauvinism bias on ics prize for the discovery of peace prize on Friday. The
of Sciences said. “We need to celebrate wom- the award committees, instead gravitational waves, predicted economics prize will wrap up
A major breakthrough en physicists because they’re attributing it to the fact that by Albert Einstein a century the Nobel season on Monday,
came in 1987 when Ashkin used out there... I’m honoured to be laboratory doors were closed ago as part of his theory of gen- 8 October.
the tweezers to capture living one of those women.” to women for so long. eral relativity. For the first time since
bacteria without harming them, Before her, only Marie Cu- “It’s a small percentage for On Monday, two immunol- 1949, the Swedish Academy
the Academy noted. rie and Maria Goeppert Mayer sure, that’s why we are taking ogists, James Allison of the US has postponed the announce-
Ashkin, who made his dis- had won the physics prize, in measures to encourage more and Tasuku Honjo of Japan, ment of the 2018 Nobel Lit-
covery while working at AT&T 1903 and 1963 respectively. nominations because we don’t won this year’s Nobel Medicine erature Prize until next year,
Bell Laboratories from 1952 The Royal Swedish Acade- want to miss anyone,” the head Prize for research into how the amid a #MeToo scandal and
to 1991, is the oldest winner my of Sciences has in the past of the Academy, Goran Hans- body’s natural defences can bitter internal dispute that has
of a Nobel prize, beating out lamented the small number of son, said on Tuesday. fight cancer. prevented it from functioning
American Leonid Hurwicz who women laureates in the science Last year, US astrophysi- The winners of the chem- properly. — AFP

Bandits beware: Russian anti-submarine Turkey orders

detention of 417
warship to ward off pirates in Gulf of Aden suspects over
money laundering
MURMANSK — The large an- the Indian Ocean from the Red of Aden, the ship monitored the board took to the air to check out ISTANBUL — Turkish pros-
ti-submarine warship, the Sever- Sea where it will be protecting safety of civilian vessels in the the situation,” the press service ecutors issued detention war-
omorsk, of the Russian Northern civilian vessels against pirates, areas where pirates are most said. rants for 417 people on Tuesday
Fleet, currently on a long-dis- the fleet’s press service said. active. “A Ka-27PS helicopter The Severomorsk will stay over their alleged involvement in
tance voyage, has sailed into On its way through the Gulf with an anti-terrorist group on in the Indian Ocean for more money laundering transactions,
than two months. Its crew will local media reported.
carry out a number of mili- According to the Hurriyet
tary-diplomatic missions as daily, police launched simulta-
well as work to ensure the safe neous operations in 40 provinces
passage of civilian vessels along across the country to capture the
the waters of the Gulf of Aden. It suspects who allegedly received
is also scheduled for a number of commissions for sending money
business calls at ports of coastal to 28,088 accounts abroad. The
African and Asian states. suspects have reportedly trans-
Until mid-September, the ferred some 2.5 billion Turkish li-
Severomorsk had operated as ras (about 420 million US dollars)
part of a permanent group of to the accounts mostly belonging
Russian naval ships in the Med- to Iranians living in the United
iterranean. Early in September, States. The investigation, being
it participated in a large-scale conducted by the Istanbul Chief
naval exercise, successfully Public Prosecutor’s Office, aimed
training anti-submarine tasks. at those “who targeted the eco-
It has already covered more nomic and financial security of
The large anti-submarine warship, the Severomorsk, has sailed into the Indian Ocean from the Red Sea where than 15,500 nautical miles on a the Turkish Republic,” Hurriyet
it will be protecting civilian vessels against pirates.  PHOTO: TASS long-distance voyage.—Tass said.— AFP

Abe keeps key ministers in Cabinet

reshuffle, prioritizing stability
TOKYO — Prime Minister Abe had only two ber Takashi Yamashita one of the newcomers who
Shinzo Abe retained key female ministers in his from Ishiba’s faction for serves as a special advisor
ministers in a Cabinet re- previous Cabinet, and the justice minister. to Abe in the LDP, took up
shuffle on Tuesday, aiming number dropped to one in Prioritizing continui- the position of education,
to maintain government the new one. ty in key policy areas, Abe culture, sports, science and
stability as he pushes for Among the new faces, retained Economy, Trade technology minister.
his long-cherished goal of Takeshi Iwaya, an eight- and Industry Minister Hi- Former Reconstruc-
revising Japan’s pacifist term House of Representa- roshige Seko and econom- tion Minister Takumi Ne-
Constitution during his last tives member, assumed the ic revitalization minister moto returned to the Cab-
three-year term. post of defense minister. Toshimitsu Motegi. inet as health, labor and
Abe, who was re-elect- In the LDP pres- Seko doubles as min- welfare minister.
ed as the ruling Liberal idential election on 20 ister for economic coop- Upper house member
Democratic Party’s presi- September, Abe beat his eration with Russia and Satsuki Katayama, the only
dent last month, reappoint- sole rival, former Defense Motegi is tasked with nego- woman in the new admin-
ed six of his 19 Cabinet Minister Shigeru Ishiba, tiations for a bilateral trade istration, became minister
members, while picking by a comfortable margin. agreement with the Unit- in charge of regional revi-
12 newcomers and one The victory gave Abe an- ed States, which Abe and talization.
with previous ministerial other three-year term President Donald Trump Earlier Tuesday, Abe
experience. through September 2021 recently agreed to start. also revamped the LDP
Abe retained Deputy and a chance to become From the Komeito leadership lineup. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrives at the
Prime Minister Taro Aso, Japan’s longest-serving party, the LDP’s junior The LDP president ap- headquarters of his ruling Liberal Democratic Party in
who doubles as finance prime minister. coalition partner, Keiichi pointed former education Tokyo on 2 October, 2018.   PHOTO: KYODO NEWS
minister, Foreign Minis- Abe replaced farm Ishii remained in the post minister Hakubun Shimo-
ter Taro Kono and Chief minister Ken Saito, who of land, infrastructure, mura as head of the party’s as chairman of the party’s He retained Secretary
Cabinet Secretary Yoshi- backed Ishiba in the lead- transport and tourism panel promoting constitu- decision-making General General Toshihiro Nikai
hide Suga, who is the top ership race, while tapping minister. tional revision and welfare Council. Both are known and policy chief Fumio
government spokesman. junior lower house mem- Masahiko Shibayama, minister Katsunobu Kato to be close to Abe. Kishida.—Kyodo News

End of war not a gift: official DPRK news agency

PYONGYANG — The after the establishment Kim Jong Un and US Pres- to have only offered warm DPRK Foreign Minister response from the US On
Democratic People’s Re- of new relations true to ident Donald Trump met in words instead of practical Ri Yong Ho demanded the the contrary, instead of
public of Korea (DPRK) the spirit of the June 12 Singapore on 12 June for a actions to a denuclearized United States take steps to addressing our concern
will not hope for the end of DPRK-US joint statement, landmark summit, the first peninsula. “The end of war, secure Pyongyang’s trust for the absence of peace
the war on the Korean Pen- it is quite right to put an between incumbent lead- which meets the interests before its denuclearization. regime in the Korean
insula if the United States end to the belligerent re- ers of both countries since of not only the DPRK and Even before the Sin- Peninsula, the US insists
does not want it, and the lations between them,” the 1950-53 Korean War. the US but also the coun- gapore summit, the DPRK on ‘denuclearization-first’
issue should not be used the Korean Central News The hard-won meeting tries in Northeast Asia took significant good-will and increases the level of
as a “bargaining chip” in Agency (KCNA) said in a was widely seen as a his- wanting peace of the Ko- measures such as stopping pressure by sanctions to
denuclearization talks, the commentary. “But, if the toric step to ease tensions rean Peninsula, is not just nuclear and ballistic mis- achieve their purpose in a
official DPRK news agency US doesn’t want the end over the nuclear issue and a gift from a man to another sile tests and dismantling coercive manner, and even
said on Tuesday. of war, the DPRK will also push the peninsula towards at all,” the KCNA said. At a nuclear test site, he said. objecting the ‘declaration
“Now that the DPRK not particularly hope for it,” lasting peace. However, the the UN General Assembly “However, we do not of the end of war’,” Ri said.
and the US are aspiring it added. Top DPRK leader United States so far seems on Saturday in New York, see any corresponding —Xinhua

Viet Nam ex-party chief behind harsh communist New Pesticides Distributor Added in The Announcement

reforms dead at 101 The announcement in Global New Light on the date
26 September, 2018, Page (13), the changing Distributor, the
folloring address is added.
HANOI (Viet Nam) — Viet butions to the revolutionary during the Viet Nam War. the newly-unified country. PHNOM PENH AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT
Nam’s former Communist cause of the party and the Muoi escaped four He made no secret of his JOINT STOCK CO., LTD (# B030, St 70, Group 242B, Sang
Kat Srah Chork, Kang Daun Penh, Phnom Penh City, Cambodia
Party leader Do Muoi, a nation,” the official state- years later by slipping out anti-capitalist views and to new distributor in Myanmar is ADVANCE AGRICULTURE
revolutionary who broke run Viet Nam News Agency of his prison uniform and became known for an infa- SOLUTION COMPANY LTD (#02-219 Building (B), Swe Daw
out of a French prison and said on Tuesday. Born in fleeing via a sewer drain. mous motto. City, Mingalardon Township, Yangon, Myanmar)will distribute
sale in Myanmar.
later led the controversial Hanoi in 1917, Muoi joined Muoi spent much of “Capitalists are like
If any person make objection, please contact Co Secreatary
push to dismantle private Ho Chi Minh’s communist his political career climb- sewer rats, whenever one of PRB, PPD of DOA, west Gyogon, Insein in Township within
businesses after the Viet revolution at age 19, eager ing party ranks, eventually sees them popping up 7 days.
Nam War, died late Monday to expel Viet Nam’s French joining the politburo in 1982 one must smash them to
at age 101, officials said. colonial rulers who were and gaining a reputation as death!” he said, according Daw May Zaw
Muoi, a party member eventually overthrown in a conservative ideologue. to Nhan Tri Vo’s book “Vi- Building E, Room 001, Tahzinmin Avenue, Thumingalar
for nearly 80 years, passed 1954. His revolutionary ac- After the Viet Nam etnam’s Economic Poli- Housing, Thinganyun Townhip, Yangon, Myanmar.
away in a military hospital tivities landed him in Ha- War ended in 1975, he led cy Since 1975”. He later
in Hanoi following a long noi’s infamous Hoa Lo pris- a campaign dubbed “X2” admitted the X2 crusade
illness, the government on in 1941 — later dubbed to dismantle tens of thou- was “a little too dogmatic”,
and state media said. the ‘Hanoi Hilton’ by Amer- sands of private enter- though he never took per-
“Comrade Do Muoi... ican POWs, including John prises in the south — then sonal responsibility for the
made many great contri- McCain, imprisoned there the economic engine of brutal campaign. —AFP
3 OCTOBER 2018

Indonesia tsunami worsened by shape of Palu bay

PARIS (France) — The added to the human cost. time. A second ingredient
tsunami that ravaged the “The waves were at was the size and location of
Indonesian city of Palu was least two-to-three metres the quake. Magnitude 7.5
outsized compared to the high, and possibly twice is a powerful earthquake
earthquake that spawned that,” said Jane Cunneen, — only a few are recorded
it, but other factors — in- a research fellow at Cur- every year. The one that
cluding a long, narrow bay tin University’s Faculty of struck Palu “was also re-
-- conspired to create mon- Science and Engineering ally shallow, which means
ster waves, scientists say. in Bentley, Western Aus- greater seafloor displace-
At least 844 people are tralia, and an architect of ment,” said Gombert.
already known to have died the Indian Ocean’s tsunami To make things worse,
in the disaster, and officials warning system, developed the rupture was close to
say that toll is likely to rise under UN guidance. shore, leaving scant time
— perhaps into the thou- Judging by the earth- or distance for the waves to
sands. quake, however, the tsu- dissipate. Finally, circum-
The 7.5-magnitude nami shouldn’t have been stantial evidence suggests
quake, which struck ear- nearly that big. that the tsunami was mag-
ly evening on Friday — a “In the overwhelming The tsunami crashed into the seaside city of Palu.  PHOTO: AFP nified by the underwater
time when many in the majority of cases, tsunamis equivalent of a landslide.
Muslim-majority country are generated by so-called chunks of Earth’s crust Submarine landslide Earth Sciences in Greno- “The earthquake may have
would have been at the thrust earthquakes, which move over or under each One is the singular- ble who has studied the caused a submarine land-
mosque -- brought build- create a large vertical dis- other along a horizontal ly long channel of ocean region’s seismic faults. side near the mouth of the
ings down all over Palu and placement of the seafloor,” plane. “Strike-slip faults water dead-ending at the “The bay acted like a bay, or even within the bay
its surrounding area. said Baptiste Gombert, an are less likely to generate low-lying city of Palu. funnel into which the tsu- itself,” said Cunneen, not-
But it was an unlikely expert on tectonics at Ox- tsunamis, as they don’t up- “The shape of the bay nami waves entered.” ing the waterway’s steep
confluence of geophysical ford University’s depart- lift the seafloor too much,” definitely played a major As the bay narrowed earthen walls.This would
conditions that gave rise ment of earth sciences. said Cunneen. So what role in amplifying the size and became more shallow, help explain why the waves
to a localised tsunami that The Palu tsunami, by caused the deadly waves? of the waves,” said Anne the water was pushed up were so big near Palu, but
washed away many other contrast, was generated At least three factors, ex- Socquet, an earthquake from below and squeezed much smaller in the sur-
structures and certainly by a strike-slip fault, where perts told AFP. expert at the Institute of from the sides at the same rounding area.—AFP


Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ALS SUZURAN Consignees of cargo carried on M.V OLYMPIA Consignees of cargo carried on M.V AS FRIDA
VOY. NO. (016N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel VOY. NO. (1823) are hereby notified that the vessel will VOY. NO. (005N/S) are hereby notified that the
will be arriving on 3-10-2018 and cargo will be discharged be arriving on 3-10-2018 and cargo will be discharged vessel will be arriving on 3-10-2018 and cargo will be
into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the into the premises of M.I.T.T./T.M.T where it will lie at the discharged into the premises of H.P.T where it will lie
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
and conditions of the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185


Consignees of cargo carried on M.V JOSCO Consignees of cargo carried on M.V MIMOSA III Consignees of cargo carried on M.V FORTUNE
TAIZHOU V- are hereby notified that the vessel will V- are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on V- are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on
be arriving on 3-10-2018 and cargo will be discharged 2-10-2018 and cargo will be discharged into the premises 3-10-2018 and cargo will be discharged into the premises
into the premises of M.I.T.T-5 where it will lie at the of M.I.P.L where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and of S.P.W-1 where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the
and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Port of Yangon. Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.
the Claims Day. the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT
Phone No: 2301928 Phone No: 2301928 Phone No: 2301928

Bruegel the Elder masterpieces in Vienna world first

VIENNA — The world’s first-ev- infra-red technology, that had Sellink, director of the Royal Mu-
er monograph exhibition dedicat- never previously been carried seum of Fine Arts in Antwerp,
ed to 16th century Flemish master out on Bruegel’s works. Belgium, said Bruegel’s works
Pieter Bruegel the Elder opens And from there, a number of continued to fascinate because
on Tuesday in Vienna, bringing institutions, particularly in Bel- “he succeeds in portraying as-
together half of all of his extant gium, agreed to collaborate for tonishingly precise detail with
works, organizers said. this exhibition, Penot said. a literally cinematographic field
Ahead of the 450th anniversa- of vision”.
ry of his death next year, the Kun- ‘Cinematographic field of Parallel to the real exhibi-
sthistorisches Museum (KHM) is vision’ tion is an accompanying website,
hosting an unparalleled exhibi- The show brings together,
tion of 27 of his paintings and 60 pieces from around 30 private which allows the user to zoom in
drawings and prints. and public collections all over the on details in the paintings that are
And it will notably reunite world, from Antwerp and Madrid, not easily visible to the naked eye.
for the first time two versions of to New York, Paris, Prague and Already famous during his
Bruegel’s iconic “Tower of Babel” Rotterdam. own lifetime and the head of a
masterpiece and four from his A visitor takes a selfie with the painting ‘Head of a Peasant Woman’ at And among the highlights long dynasty of painters, the pop-
cycle of “Seasons”. the world’s first monograph exhibition dedicated to Flemish master is “Adoration of the Kings in the ularity of Bruegel (1525/30-1569)
Many of the international Pieter Bruegel the Elder in Vienna.  PHOTO: AFP Snow” from Winterthur, which has come and gone across the
loans were so old and fragile required a special law to be able centuries.
that they hardly ever travelled masterpieces into a single ex- That was because Brue- to leave Switzerland, as well as “In the 18th century, most of
and many of the works to go on hibition that has been six years gel’s works “were collected very “The Port of Naples” which was his work had been put into stor-
show had never before left their in preparation was “something early on by two members of recently authenticated after be- age and was only really redis-
hometowns. of a miracle”, co-curator Sabine the Habsburg family, Archduke ing restored in Rome. covered at the beginning of the
“Everyone knows Bruegel, Penot told AFP. Ernest, who ruled the Nether- Unfortunately, the Metropol- 20th century,” said Hoppe-Har-
whether it be from reproductions The KHM had something of a lands, and his brother, Emperor itan Museum of New York decid- noncourt.
on calendars or on biscuit tins. head start, as it already owned 12 Rudolf II”, said art historian Alice ed not to loan the “Harvesters” “Every generation has tried
But never before have so many Bruegel paintings, including one Hoppe-Harnoncourt. which would have rounded off the to unravel the mysteries of Brue-
of his works been gathered in one of the “Tower of Babel”, “Peasant In 2012, the KHM began an five “Seasons” paintings known gel, but none has really succeed-
place,” Penot said. Wedding”, “Children’s Games” in-depth technical examination to be still in existence, said Penot. ed, since his work is so rich,” said
Bringing together Bruegel’s and three of the “Seasons”. of the paintings, using X-ray and Another co-curator, Manfred Penot.—AFP

We were really
close to official
Cardi B charged with assault,
‘Friends’ reunion endangerment over strip-club brawl
LONDON — “Friends” exec-
utive producer Kevin S Bright NEW YORK—US rapper Cardi device, TMZ said. On Monday, in July. Cardi B has become one on Saturday at the Global Citi-
has revealed that the team was B surrendered to police in New she was filmed exiting the police of the biggest new stars in US zen festival, an unofficial closing
painfully close to having an offi- York on Monday, charged with as- station in Queens, dressed in a music since the runaway suc- event following the weeklong
cial reunion. sault and reckless endangerment beige skirt suit and white blouse, cess last year of her song “Bodak United Nations General Assem-
Bright said talks took place over an ugly brawl in a strip club escorted by burly bodyguards Yellow,” which touches on her bly, in what was her first concert
last month as they were seriously that injured a female employee. into a waiting SUV, making no former life making ends meet since giving birth.
considering bringing the group The 25-year-old star was in comment to a bevvy of cameras. as a stripper. She urged young people to
of six back owing to undying de- the Angels Strip Club in Queens A Bronx native, she is the pay attention ahead of the No-
mands of the hit ‘90s sitcom fans. on 29 August when someone in Hard past first female rapper to have had vember 6 midterm elections, in
“Oh yes (there was a chance her group lobbed furniture inside The singer, real name Belca- multiple No 1 songs on the Bill- which President Donald Trump’s
it would come back). I tell you we the night club, causing an em- lis Almanzar, is one of the most board Hot 100 chart. Republican Party risks losing
had a meeting month ago where ployee to suffer “some bruising prominent women in hip-hop and She performed in New York control of Congress.—AFP
I had hopes it would come back,” to her legs,” police said. shares a child with Offset. Earlier
Bright told The fast-rising rapper turned this year, she confirmed reports
But he said it was not meant herself in at a Queens police sta- that the pair had secretly mar-
to be. Bright quoted fellow pro- tion and was instructed to appear ried. Monday’s police booking
ducer David Crane, “Fifty-year- in criminal court on 29 October, comes just weeks after she was
olds hanging out in a coffee shop charged with one count of assault involved in a fracas with fellow
would be pathetic”, to which he and two counts of reckless endan- rapper Nicki Minaj at New York
agreed. He added if the show germent, police said. Fashion Week in which Cardi B
even was revived it would have Celebrity gossip website accused her rival of throwing a
the same characters but would TMZ said she allegedly ordered shoe at her.
not the same show. an attack on two bartenders at Cardi B was photographed
“They’re at different places the club, sisters who accuse her with a bump on her forehead.
in their lives, potentially divorces of harboring a grudge because Minaj, one of the best-selling
and so we feel just like letting one of them slept with her hus- musical artists now performing
them go off into the sunset is band, the rapper Offset. and who was reportedly not hurt,
one of the things which keeps Cardi, who was at the club declined to press charges.
them going in people’s minds; because Offset was performing The “I Like It” songstress
wondering what they do and in the hard-living hip hop trio later took to Instagram to imply
did the marriage last and what Migos, allegedly told her group that the older Minaj had ques-
did the kids grow up to be like. to attack the bartenders with bot- tioned her parenting skills. She Celebrity gossip website TMZ reported that Cardi B allegedly ordered an
—PTI tles, chairs and a hookah smoking gave birth to a daughter, Kulture, attack on two bartenders at a strip club in Queens.  PHOTO: AFP
3 OCTOBER 2018

Nobel-winning therapy weaponises

immune system against cancer
PARIS — A revolutionary can- tified, researchers were able to Booming field
cer treatment pioneered by the work on how to turn them off and The therapy has only been
winners of the 2018 Nobel Prize get T-cells — white blood cells — used on patients for a few years,
for Medicine has been hailed as to start attacking. and is less effective for certain
the future of fighting the disease “The goal is to neutralise cancers such as pancreatic and
— and it has fewer devastating these molecules, among them brain cancer. But 800 clinical trials
side effects than chemotherapy. CTLA-4 and PD-1, and these are were in progress worldwide and
While chemotherapy de- what the recipients of the Nobel more than 30 drugs under devel-
stroys cancerous cells along with prize have been working on,” said opment as of June, according to
normal cells — often with toxic Pierre Goldstein, emeritus pro- the American Cancer Society. The new hummingbird species Oreotrochilus cyanolaemus is said to be
and debilitating effects on a pa- fessor at the Marseille-Luminy And the pharmaceutical in- in danger of extinction.  PHOTO: AFP
tient — immunotherapy unleash- Immunology Centre. dustry has heavily invested in
es the body’s immune system to
target tumour cells.
“We neutralise these and the
white blood cells can get to work
research in the field.
The US Food and Drug
New species of hummingbird
James Allison of the US and
Tasuku Honjo of Japan won the
on the cancer cells,” he added.
Sheena Cruickshank, an
Administration has already ap-
proved a number of immunother-
identified in Ecuador
Nobel on Monday for identifying immunology lecturer at the Uni- apy treatments, including some QUITO — A team of ornitholo- mingbird.
two different brakes on the im- versity of Manchester in Britain, targeting PD-1. gists in Ecuador has identified These birds are very well
mune system which, when turned said the therapy has “enabled us “The booming field of immu- a new species of hummingbird: documented so the discovery of
off, allow the body’s defence sys- to harness the power of the body notherapy that these discoveries a lovely blue-green creature that a new one is extremely rare. This
tem to attack cancerous cells to help heal itself”. have precipitated is still relative- lives in a cold, barren highland is the first such find in 30 years,
faster and more effectively. “A lot of conventional cancer ly in its infancy, so it’s exciting area and is danger of extinction. said Sornoza.
Allison was one of two sci- therapies are about destroying to consider how this research Team leader Francisco Sor- Also on the team with Sorno-
entists to discover the blocking cells and can be quite damaging, will progress in the future,” said noza saw one of the birds through za were researchers Juan Freile
effect for one such brake — or but this is much more targeted Charles Swanton, Cancer Re- binoculars a year ago and had a of the Ecuadoran Committee of
checkpoint inhibitor molecule and much more specific because search UK’s chief clinician. hunch that it was a previously Ornithological Registries, Swede
— called CTLA-4 in 1995. Honjo it’s enabling our immune cells Goldstein, whose team first unknown species. Jonas Nilsson of the bird obser-
discovered another, PD-1, around to come in and actually kill the identified the CTLA-4 molecule in The bird is about 11 cm (four vatory Wild Sumaco, Denmark’s
the same time. tumour cells directly,” she told 1987, said the results have been inches) long and has a stunning, Niels Krabbe from the University
Once these brakes were iden- AFP. very promising. —AFP deep blue neck, a white breast of Copenhagen and Elisa Bonac-
with a black stripe and green- corso, a Venezuelan who teaches
ish-blue head and body feathers. at San Francisco University in
It has been given the name Quito. Hummingbirds are distin-
Oreotrochilus cyanolaemus, or guished by their colors and the
blue-throated star. The discovery shape of their beak.
was announced Thursday in a “Each one represents the
journal called The Auk: Ornitho- colors of the jewels you can see
logical Advances. in the world: diamond, ruby, am-
The bird lives at an altitude ethyst,” said Sornoza, who has
of 3,000 to 3,700 metres (10,000 to studied birds for 30 years and is
12,000 feet) in an area near the so crazy about them he imitates
Pacific coast that straddles the bird song.
provinces of Loja and El Oro. Hummingbirds are tough
Researchers estimate there little creatures, he adds — their
are only 300 of these birds and hearts beat 1,600 times per min-
say its habitat is shrinking dra- ute by day but that goes down to
matically. Mining in the area also 200 at night to help them survive
threatens it. cold temperatures, said Sornoza.
“It is a species that is in se- The new species has a slight-
vere danger,” Sornoza, who works ly curved beak that helps it get at
at the National Biodiversity Insti- the flowers of the chuquiragua, a
tute, told AFP. plant that Ecuadoran highlanders
Ecuador is small but very use to brew tea.
While chemotherapy destroys cancerous cells along with normal cells, often with toxic and debilitating effects rich in biodiversity. For instance, It can eat up to two times its
on a patients’ body, immunotherapy unleashes the body’s immune system to target tumour cells.  PHOTO: AFP it is home to 132 species of hum- weight in nectar. —AFP

CERN suspends scientist over ‘offensive’ address

on women and science
GENEVA — Europe’s physics on the relationship between high that covers areas like chemistry
lab CERN on Monday suspend- energy theory and gender. The and engineering.
ed a scientist over a lecture that presentation — which includes “Physics invented and built
suggested physics was “built by various slides, charts and graphs by men, it’s not by invitation,” one
men” and accused women of de- — appears to claim that men slide says.
manding specialist jobs without face discrimination in the field “CERN considers the pres-
suitable qualifications. of physics. One pictorial series entation delivered by an invited
The presentation by Alessan- suggests that women line up to scientist during a workshop on
dro Strumia of Pisa University take gender studies and then High Energy Theory and Gender
was delivered on Friday at the later protest over a lack of jobs as highly offensive,” the lab said The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has disavowed
Geneva lab during a workshop in stem fields, an umbrella term in a statement. —AFP a guest scientist who claimed physics was “built by men”.  PHOTO: AFP

Eric Abrams named new technical director of MFF

U ZAW ZAW, President of Myan- the football standard of Myanmar
mar Football Federation (MFF), national women’s team is advanc-
received Eric Abrams, the new ing to a certain degree. If they
football technical director from make more efforts than now, they
Belgium, who is going to be ap- will advance to the Asian level.
pointed at MFF, at Novotel Yan- That is why you are wanted here
gon Max Hotel on 1 October. to help try for the development of
In his meeting with Eric Myanmar women’s football are-
Abrams, U Zaw Zaw warmly na,” said U Zaw Zaw.
welcomed him for coming here Eric Abrams replied that
to work for Myanmar football his meeting with the president
arena as he worked for Australian of MFF brought about much
Football Federation. benefit.
“We would like you to try as The technical director is
a technical director for ensuring responsible for nurturing and
that Myanmar national men’s producing youth players and up-
and women’s football teams will grading the capacity of football
achieve success in the upcom- coaches, especially for the whole
ing international football tour- U Zaw Zaw, President of MFF, receives Eric Abrams, the new technical director from Belgium on 1 football arena.
naments. Moreover, Myanmar October.  PHOTO: SUPPLIED “I will be in collaboration
has not yet achieved success to teams and youth projects in a suggestions on what you would other countries in techniques and with local coaches. I am feel-
some degree on account of un- systemic manner, making them do for which teams with long- morals. If Myanmar players con- ing excited about taking up the
professional conducts. For that become professionals along with term projects and which teams duct professionally in the areas of duty of the technical director
reason, I want to mention that their different sectors, including with short-term projects, so as to lifestyles and disciplines, there mainly necessary for Myan-
you can help guide the players lifestyles and fitness of the play- achieve success. Myanmar play- will be no reason of not achieving ma football arena,” he said.
of Myanmar national selected ers. I would like to give you some ers can compete with those from success. I believe that, at present, — Htut Htut (Twante)

Reborn Sturridge an extra weapon in

Liverpool’s armoury
LONDON — It was a sight that injury-ravaged three years since League final.
just a few months ago would have Klopp took charge. “We have a great squad,
been unthinkable — Liverpool Farmed out to West Brom world-class players, and he’s one
a goal down in a big game, and in January in a bid to refind his of them,” said Virgil van Dijk,
Mohamed Salah hauled off by form and fitness, Sturridge’s whose own £75 million ($98 mil-
Jurgen Klopp. hamstring went again in his third lion) move from Southampton
Klopp got the goal he craved game and he never scored for in January has transformed
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says the Premier League giants
for a 1-1 draw at Chelsea on Sat- the Baggies as they were rel- Liverpool’s defence.
face ‘five finals’ in their Champions League group.  PHOTO: AFP
urday that preserved Liverpool’s egated. — AFP
Guardiola says Manchester unbeaten Premier League start,
not via Salah’s immediate re-
“He was
always a bit un-
City face ‘five finals’ in Europe placement Xherdan Shaqiri, but lucky with injuries
another late substitute, Daniel and stuff like that.
LONDON — Pep Guardiola says things complicated. Sturridge. That’s how it is,
his Manchester City side effec- “We weren’t so good against A reborn Sturridge is now timing in life is
tively face the first of “five finals” Lyon in the first half. Liverpool’s joint top scorer so pretty important,”
in the Champions League group “Since I have been here, we far this season with four goals added Klopp.
stages at Hoffenheim on Tuesday have always qualified comfortably despite remaining behind Salah, “Now, the timing
following defeat in their opening (for the knock-out stages) and Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mane is perfect. We need
game. maybe this shows what a tough in Klopp’s pecking order. him desperately
City’s 2-1 loss to Lyon in competition it is.” That he has remained there and he is fit.”
Manchester a fortnight ago Kevin de Bruyne trained to be counted on at all, though, is
meant they arrived in Germany with the City team before they a huge boost to Klopp’s quest to ‘World class’
desperate for a win over Bunde- left Manchester on Monday, for both go one step further in the Stur ridge’s
sliga side Hoffenheim, who are the first time since suffering a Champions League this season return further
hosting their first ever Champi- knee injury in August, but the and deliver a first-ever Premier stre ngthe ns a
ons League home match. Hoffenheim game comes too soon League title, 29 years after they squad already bol-
“We have five finals now. We for the Belgium playmaker. last won the English top flight. stered by the sum-
lost the first game, so now we Guardiola will be back on the “Thank God he is here,” said mer signings of Sha-
must win each one — tomorrow touchline again after serving a Klopp after Sturridge’s sensa- qiri, Naby Keita and
is the first final,” Guardiola said ban for the Lyon game following tional dipping effort from outside Fabinho.
when asked about the Lyon de- his sending off in last season’s the box secured a point at Stam- That contrasts
feat. quarter-final defeat to Liverpool. ford Bridge. starkly with the lim-
“Maybe we need to suffer “I prefer to be on closer to “It would be really unlucky ited options available
a bit. my players, rather than in the for both sides if he was not. He to Klopp when Salah Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp is blessed
“It (the Champions League) stands,” he said at a press con- is in the best shape since we’ve went off injured just with great strength in depth this season
is a top quality level competition, ference in Heidelberg, neat Hof- worked together.” 30 minutes into last thanks to Daniel Sturridge’s return and a
host of new signings.  PHOTO: AFP
each team is so good and it makes fenheim. — AFP Sturridge has endured an season’s Champions

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