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Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50
a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the locations of all the following.
Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2×5=10
i. Zemu Glacier
ii. Nallamalai Range
iii. Mount Abu
iv. Namcha Barua
v. Zaskar Range
b. Resource distribution is largely a footprint of landforms. Discuss with suitable
examples. (In about 150 words)
c. Explain the forces responsible for the origin and formation of rift valleys giving
suitable examples. (In about 150 words)
d. Explain different types of rocks. Discuss the basic properties of major rock types with
suitable examples from India. (In about 150 words)
e. Examine the changing nature of weathering processes in different climatic regions
with suitable examples from India. (In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. Explain the difference in the nature of volcanic activity and variation in the magnitude
and intensity of earthquake along different types of convergent boundaries.
b. Seismic studies are the most important source for understanding the structure and
composition of the earth’s interior. Discuss.
c. What are Transboundary Rivers? Examine its hydrological and political aspects with
reference to India.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Compare and contrast the structural characteristics of the Himalayas and the Western
b. Examine the variation in the nature of mass wasting in different parts of India.
c. What is a Karst topography? Discuss the essential conditions for its formation.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. “Plate Tectonics: A Unified Theory for Change of the Earth's Surface”. Discuss.
b. “Rapid growth of the settlement along the river banks largely neglected the
geographical aspects”. Examine.
c. India is uniquely placed along the world’s most important sea line communication.
Discuss the reasons behind the poor exploitation of this advantage.

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the locations of all the following.
Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry : 2×5=10
i. Nanda Devi
ii. K2
iii. Ajanta Range
iv. Badrinath
v. Saddle Peak.
b. Bhabhar and Tarai regions are part of the unique relief feature of the northern plain,
yet they present a great contrast in their characteristics. Elaborate. (In about 150
c. Bring out the difference in the volcanic and tectonic earthquake. (In about I50 words)
d. Explain how physiography is responsible for the regional disparity in India? (In about
150 words)
e. Discuss the geological and geomorphological character of Thar Desert. (In about 150

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. India was one of the founding members of several international organizations; most
notably the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank, G20 industrial nations and
the founder of the nonaligned movement, yet its space relationship with the
neighbouring countries have undermined its achievements. Do you agree?
b. Explain Paleomagnetism. Discuss its contribution in the evolution of plate tectonic
c. Natural reasons of floods in India are largely because of its physiography. Discuss
with suitable examples.

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. “Most - but not all - mountains occur at convergent plate boundary”. Discuss.
b. Explain the concept of level of compensation and its relevance to Isostasy.
c. Discuss the basic characteristics of the third order landforms of peninsular plateau.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Suggest a model for the growth of Himalayan states.
b. Recent earthquake along the Himalayan belt has reignited the debate of elastic
rebound theory propounded by H.F. Reid. Discuss.
c. What is Tsunami? Discuss the possible causative factor of it.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. Bhakra Nangal Dam
ii. Agasthyamalai
iii. Penneru River
iv. Malwa Plateau
v. Loktak Lake
b. North South energy imbalance is fundamental for the circulation of the atmosphere.
Discuss. (In about 150 words)
c. Explain the concept of base level with suitable examples. (In about 150 words)
d. Discuss the rainfall pattern in India. (In about 150 words)
e. Examine the temporal and spatial variation in the trend of isotherms across the globe.
(In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. Highlight the major effects of rejuvenation on channel morphology.
b. Condensation and cloud formation is not sufficient to produce the precipitation.
c. Discuss the channel pattern of extra peninsular rivers and illustrate your answer with
suitable diagrams.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Meandering of rivers is not only a phenomena associated with the mature stage of a
river but also with the young stage. Illustrate with examples.
b. Critically compare the cycle of erosion presented by Davis and Penck.
c. Explain squall lines, microburst and mesoscale convective complex.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Cross profile of a river is indicative of the stages of its development. Discuss.
b. Discuss the causes and consequences of shifting of pressure belts.
c. Discuss the temporal and spatial variation in major pressure belts.

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x5 = 10
i. Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar
ii. Hugli River
iii. Rana Pratap Sagar Dam
iv. Sir Creek
v. Javadi Hills.
b. Discuss the concept of river regime taking suitable examples from India. (In about
150 words)
c. Write a short note on NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation). (In about 150 words)
d. Compare and contrast Geostrophic and Gradient wind. (In about 150 words)
e. Sustenance of smart cities largely depends on its geo-morphological features.
Examine. (In about 150 words)

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Slope plays a very important role not only in the evolution of landforms but also over
a variety of human activities. Discuss.
b. Discuss denudation chronology of peninsular India in brief.
c. What do you understand by western disturbances? Discuss its role in Indian

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Explain and illustrate the formation of Erosional flood plain in the young stage of a
b. Distinguish between antecedent and superimposed drainage with suitable examples
from India.
c. Explain the reasons behind the geological variety of Western Ghats.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Theory of slope replacement is the result of temporal change of Bosche and
Haldenhang. Discuss.
b. Briefly discuss the role of geohydrology in urban planning with suitable examples.
c. Write a short note on planetary boundary layer of atmosphere.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. 100 cm Isohyets
ii. Point Calimere
iii. Vembanad Lake
iv. Khetri Mines
v. Ukai Reservoir
b. The high level of unpredictability of Monsoon is related with the complexities
involved in its mechanism. Discuss. (In about 150 words)
c. What are the geographical conditions which favour higher production of salts in
Gujarat and Rajasthan? (In about 150 words)
d. The political zoning of oceans by UNCLOS has both advantages and disadvantages.
Discuss. (In about 150 words)
e. Ancient Indian text mentions oceans as “RATNAKARA” meaning mines of gems;
the importance suggested by it is still valid in many ways. Elaborate. (In about 150

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. The stability of the atmosphere is determined by the relationship between the
environmental lapse rate and adiabatic temperature change. Explain.
b. Pacific Ocean has the most varied bottom topography as compared to Atlantic and
Indian Ocean. Discuss its causative factors taking suitable examples.
c. Western states of India are more known for marine fishing as compared to its eastern
counterpart. Why?

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Attempt to classify climate not only simplify the large complexities but also has
several useful applications, yet an ideal classification is nearly impossible. Do you
b. Present a brief account of South China Sea dispute; and discuss its implication with
special reference to India.
c. Present day man environment conflict has reiterated the philosophy of determinist
school of thought up to a great extent. Discuss.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Only similarity in Tropical and extra tropical disturbances is that they are cyclones,
which means they differ a lot not only in their origin but also in their characteristics.
b. Explain different types of ocean deposits with suitable examples.
c. Present a reasoned account of the currents of Atlantic Ocean.

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. Ten Degree Channel
ii. Sundarbans
iii. Jadugoda
iv. Neyveli
v. Sonpur
b. What do you mean by burst of Monsoon? Explain the reasons behind it. (In about 150
c. Discuss factors other than gravitational pull that can influence the magnitude of tides
with suitable examples. (In about 150 words)
d. Explain Ekman spiral and Ekman transport and discuss its implications for ocean
water circulation. (In about 150 words)
e. Climate of India presents such a variety that it can be treated as a model for globe.
Discuss. (In about 150 words)

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. One of the most important applications of climatology is in understanding the regional
variation in socio economic conditions of the world. Discuss with suitable examples.
b. Present a reasoned account of the variation in the width of continental shelf in
different oceans.
c. Trewartha’s classification is just a modified version of Koppen’s classification.

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Discuss the prospects of ocean resource as a substitute of depleting resources over the
b. Koppen believed that the distribution of natural vegetation was the best expression of
overall climate. Do you agree?
c. Describe coral reefs, and the conditions necessary for reef building.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Theory of coral reefs has further complicated the understanding of the issues rather
than solving it. Do you agree?
b. Present a reasoned account of the distribution of salinity of ocean water.
c. Divide India into different climatic zones and discuss the bases of your division.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. Explain the following terms in about 30 words.
i. Invasive Alien Species
ii. Bioremediation
iii. Eutrophication
iv. Light Pollution
v. Endemism
b. Explain the relationship between soil texture and soil properties. (In about 150 words)
c. The eastern Himalayan region is a more diversified bio-geographic region than
western Himalaya. Why? (In about 150 words)
d. Define Biodiversity and discuss the ways to conserve it. (In about 150 words)
e. Explain the structure of Biosphere reserves? (In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. “Tropical rainforests when disturbed is never converted into a grassland”? Discuss the
statement in the light of ecological succession.
b. What do you mean by soil profile? Discuss the basic characteristics of each horizon of
a well developed soil profile.
c. Comment on the significance of prioritizing geographical spaces for conservation.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Discuss the concept of ecosystem? Give reasons how aquarium is an example of a
b. Discuss the role of wetland in sustaining the environment.
c. Discuss the reasons behind poor participation of grass root level organizations and
communities in forest management.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. What do you understand by eco city, discuss the issues related to eco-city project for
environmental sustainability in India?
b. Discuss the basic properties of major soils of the world.
c. The issue of river pollution in India has a long history, yet the achievement is
minimum. Why?

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the locations of all the following.
Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2×5=10
i. Bhagalpur
ii. Kosi River
iii. Indira Gandhi Canal
iv. Achanak Amarkantak
v. Digboi
b. Define ecotone. Why do ecotones support more diversity? (In about 150 words)
c. Environmental governance in India is passing through a crisis phase. Do you agree?
(In about I50 words)
d. Asses the environmental impact of tourism taking examples of Himalayan States in
India. (In about 150 words)
e. Discuss the socioeconomic consequences of river pollution in India. (In about 150

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. What do you understand by clean development mechanism? Do you think it as a trail
blazer to tackle the global climatic problem?
b. Differentiate between soil erosion and soil impoverishment. Suggest measures to
reduce soil degradation.
c. Write briefly the reasons for the depletion of ozone layer and its impact on flora and

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Discuss the fundamental differences between the Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular
b. Why solid waste management is going to be a much bigger challenge in
environmental sustenance in the future.
c. There is a huge difference in the size of delta of Indus and that of Ganga why?

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Wegener has revolutionized biogeography through its continental drift theory.
b. Discuss the human activities responsible for deteriorating health of already fragile soil
of semi arid and arid regions of India.
c. Why are coral reefs popularly known as the “rainforest of the ocean”? Discuss the
impact of global warming on the coral reef ecosystem.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. Write a short note on green field steel plants in India. (In about 150 words)
b. Discuss the crop combination over the peninsular plateau. (In about 150 words)
c. Present a reasoned account of ground water resource distribution in India. (In about
150 words)
d. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Special Economic Zone in India. (In
about 150 words)
e. What do you mean by biomass energy? Discuss its role in tackling the issue of energy
crisis in rural India? (In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. Usually developed countries export valuable manufactured goods and developing
countries export cheaper raw materials, leading to inequality in trade. Examine.
b. Increased urbanization across India has led to a severe depletion of aquifers near large
cities; identify the reasons and suggest suitable measures for its mitigation.
c. Ecotourism in India is not only a travel statement but it gives the message of our
relationship with nature and its own inhabitants. Discuss.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Agricultural practices in India are more a reflection of socioeconomic factors than
agro-climatic based agricultural planning. Discuss.
b. Non conventional sources of energy are the need of present times but coal still
maintains the dominant position. Why?
c. Discuss the changing pattern of cultural economic practices in rural India to cope up
the challenges of globalization.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Discuss the distribution of pharmaceutical industry in India and highlight the factors
of its location.
b. Explain primary industries and discuss the factors of its location with suitable
c. The limits to growth model, which predicted civilization would collapse sometime
this century was wrong on resources, but right on many other counts. Discuss.

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. Kakrapar
ii. Jharia
iii. Namchik Namphuk
iv. Neyveli
v. Bicholim
b. Globally industrial locations are following the policy of “empty the bird cage for new
birds to settle down”. Discuss. (In about 150 words)
c. Discuss the role of the government in the location of industries with suitable
examples. (In about 150 words)
d. Foreign investment in India may achieve the targeted economic growth not
necessarily economic development. Discuss. (In about 150 words)
e. Energy insecurity is the prime determinant of geopolitics. Explain with suitable
examples. (In about 150 words)

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Explain the fundamentals of food security. What are the reasons for India not being
able to rise to the challenge of feeding its poor despite plentiful resources?
b. Do you think it’s too late to materialize the immense scope of extension of green
revolution in India?
c. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of iron steel industry in India.

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Resource richness is not the prime criteria of growth and development. Discuss with
suitable examples.
b. Discuss the production and distribution of copper in India.
c. Moving from primary sector to tertiary sector on the developmental progression of
economies not necessarily solve the basic developmental issues. Explain.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Examine the achievements and challenges of inter linking of rivers to ensure water
availability in drought prone and rainfed areas.
b. White revolution has turned into white crisis; India needs a second white revolution.
c. Agriculture intensity is a function of infrastructural set ups. Discuss.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. Present a reasoned account of the refugee crisis around the world. (In about 150
b. “Slums are the indispensable outcome of urbanization”. In the light of this statement
discuss the reasons for the growth of slums in Indian cities. (In about 150 words)
c. UN has recognized watershed as a planning unit. Discuss the merits of watershed if
used as a planning unit with special reference to India. (In about 150 words)
d. Tribal areas still suffer from a grave development deficit in spite of the long history of
tribal development planning; Why? (In about 150 words)
e. Present a reasoned account of regional and intra regional variation in sex ratio in
India. (In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. The optimum theory of population is an improvement over the Malthusian theory of
population. Discuss.
b. Morphology of rural settlements in India has much more conspicuous socio spatial
structure as compared to the urban areas. Discuss.
c. Population growth is declining but the population problem looms large. Elaborate.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Emerging demographic attributes across the states needs a paradigm shift in
population policy of India; Discuss.
b. The globalized and liberalized world has brought the role of Diaspora at centre stage
of socio economic policy formulation of India; Discuss.
c. What are the major problems of urbanization? Suggests some remedial measures to
overcome those problems.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Explain the concept of primate city and apply the concept to identify primacy in India.
b. Discuss the challenges and prospects of smart city mission for urban development in
c. Define the concept of ‘greening rural development’ and elaborate it in the context of
the major rural development schemes in India.

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological /environmental/cultural, in not more than
30 words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. Daman and Diu
ii. Mahe
iii. Gangtok
iv. Madurai
v. Sriharikota
b. Write a short note on counter magnet towns with special reference to Delhi. (In about
150 words)
c. What do you understand by replacement level fertility? Examine these phenomena in
developed and developing countries. (In about 150 words)
d. Discuss the impediments in effective functioning of decentralized planning in India.
(In about 150 words)
e. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of population redistribution in India. (In
about 150 words)

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. What do you mean by demographic dividend? Discuss the factors impeding the full
exploitation of demographic dividend in India.
b. Explain the concept of over, under and optimum population. Where would you put
India in your discourse?
c. Types of rural settlement in India vary as per the physiographic divisions. Discuss.

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Briefly discuss the major theories of urban structure.
b. Outmigration of Indian Diaspora has been widespread covering almost all the
countries whereas immigration is primarily from the neighboring countries. Discuss
the phases of outmigration and immigration in India.
c. Regional variation in the level of demographic dividend in India is both a boon and a
bane. Explain with suitable examples.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Discuss the socio economic implications of migration both at the source region and
destination with special reference to India.
b. Give a reasoned account of commonly found settlement types and pattern in Indo-
Gangetic plain.
c. Discuss the population problems of the developed countries with suitable examples.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. Explain dualism and dichotomy with suitable example. (In about 150 words)
b. Illustrate the marketing principle of Christaller central place theory. (In about 150
c. Transportation is the most important element of the Weber industrial location model;
other factors are considered only to have an adjustment effects. Discuss. (In about 150
d. How regional synthesis is an improvement over areal differentiation. (In about 150
e. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average
achievements in key dimensions of human development. Discuss those key
dimensions. (In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. The Demographic transition model is directly related with the socio economic
changes of population with stages. Discuss.
b. Differentiate between boundary and frontier with suitable examples. Discuss the
boundary disputes of India with its immediate neighbouring countries.
c. "Man is not a complete slave and nature is never more than an advisor". Discuss the
statement taking examples from contemporary world.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. In the contemporary world, geographical sameness is replacing the geographical
differences; In the light of this statement examine the concept of areal differentiation
of 20th century.
b. Power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce
subsistence for man. Examine the statement with suitable example.
c. Discuss the characteristics of Indic cultural realm of the world.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Flood and drought in India is the two sides of the same coin called Monsoon.
b. Critically examine the Rostow's model of stages of growth.
c. Agrarian crisis in contemporary India is a myth or reality. Elaborate.

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. Kudankulam
ii. Karewas Region
iii. Harike Barrage
iv. Darjeeling
v. Majuli Island
b. Discuss the concept of locational triangle of Weber with suitable example. (In about
150 words)
c. Discuss briefly the language movement in India in post independence period. (In
about 150 words)
d. Discuss the role of growth pole concept in rural development planning in India. (In
about 150 words)
e. Discuss the historical perspective of Inter State Border and territorial disputes. (In
about 150 words)

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. System analysis in geography led to a paradigm shift in geography but failed to
address the basic humanistic issues. Discuss.
b. Present a reasoned account of distribution of disasters in India.
c. Cultural diffusion is diluting the concept of cultural region in a globalized world. Do
you agree?

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Radical geography approaches emerged in response to particular socio economic
problem of sixties. Discuss its present day relevance.
b. Critically examine the changing perspective on the concept of locational analysis in
human geography.
c. Quantitative revolution in geography failed to address the basic humanistic issues in
geography. Discuss.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. In the age of modern warfare, Mackinder's theory is widely considered outdated. Do
you agree?
b. Identify the earthquake prone zones and suggest suitable measures to deal with the
earthquake in these areas.
c. India's ranking among the HDI countries needs urgent change in policy making.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. Discuss the role of structure in the evolution of landforms with suitable examples. (In
about 150 words)
b. Explain the role of clouds in the climate system of the earth. (In about 150 words)
c. Explain the value of ecosystem as natural resource. (In about 150 words)
d. Explain urban blight. Discuss the factors responsible for urban decay in the
developing countries. (In about 150 words)
e. Discuss the distribution of temperature and salinity over the ocean surface. (In about
150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. Explain the concept of volcanism. How plate tectonic theory has successfully
explained the volcanic activity along the young fold mountains and island arc?
b. Discuss the role of Jet Stream on the weather phenomena over the earth surface with
suitable examples.
c. Present a reasoned account of the ocean currents of Indian Ocean.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Relief features of the ocean floor are a great indicator of the dynamism of the earth. In
the light of this statement explain the second order landforms across the oceans.
b. Though the World has moved from the green revolution to gene revolution, it has to
go a long way to bring sustainability of human life across the globe. Discuss.
c. Discuss the distribution of precipitation across the globe with respect to pressure belts
and wind system.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Explain soil degradation and suggest the measures for its conservation.
b. Classify air mass and explain the characteristics of either North American air mass or
air mass of Asia.
c. Discuss the meteorological factors affecting air pollution with suitable examples.

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. Assess the overall negative impacts of urban sprawl. (In about 150 words)
b. Increasing urban slums are reflection of rural area distress, examine. (In about 150
c. Elaborate the model of limit to growth, examine its relevance today. (In about 150
d. Examine the concept of possibilism in the wake of global climate change. (In about
150 words)
e. Dualism and dichotomy in geography has expanded its horizons. Discuss. (In about
150 words)

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. “Human actions can't be displayed simply as dots on a map or a bunch of statistics”.
Explain the emergence of humanistic geography in the light of this statement.
b. Critically analyze the criterion of Whittlesey's classification of world agriculture.
c. Losch model of central place theory is more realistic than Christaller’s, Examine.

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Cultural region is oversimplification of cultural aspects and traits. Discuss the
statement taking suitable example.
b. Establish a link between innovation of diffusion theory and agricultural extension
programmes in India.
c. Weber emphasized on supply side and largely neglected demand side in his theory of
industrial location. Examine.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. There is a general relation between the resource richness and underdevelopment over
the globe. Discuss the reasons with suitable examples.
b. Critically examine the metropolitan planning in post-independence India.
c. Settlement pattern is largely determined by physico-cultural factors. Discuss


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. Sagarmala Project
ii. Gomati River
iii. Kanhar Dam
iv. Rohtang Pass
v. Raipur
b. Discuss the challenges and prospects of shale gas in India. (In about 150 words)
c. Conventional factors of location of industries are getting diluted specially in post
liberalized India. Elaborate. (In about 150 words)
d. Discuss the role of Infrastructure for the development of northeast region. (In about
150 words)
e. E-waste disposal is going to be a big challenge in solid waste management in India.
Examine. (In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. Agricultural diversification can be a panacea for all ills of the sector. Discuss the
statement with suitable suggestion of diversifications in different parts of the country.
b. Explain the role of Jet Streams in the mechanism of Indian Monsoon.
c. Illustrate the drainage pattern of Himalayan Rivers.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Inland waterways transport has immense potential for passenger and cargo traffic.
b. Discuss the likely impact of climate change over Indian agriculture and food security
in India.
c. Discuss the socio economic problems of tribal areas.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Examine the geographical bases for the growth of regional consciousness and
regionalism in post liberalized India.
b. Mineral resource is spatially confined in India. Trace the important mineral regions of
c. Delineate the region reflecting Savanna climate in India and discuss its major

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50

a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following.
Write in your TEST Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30
words for each entry: 2x 5 = 10
i. Panch Ganga
ii. Pattiseema Project
iii. Doddabetta Peak
iv. Garhjat Hills
v. Netravati River
b. Solar energy is the ultimate solution of India’s energy problem. Do you agree? (In
about 150 words)
c. Critically examine the census definition of urban areas in India. (In about 150 words)
d. Discuss the role of rural market centres in rural development. (In about 150 words)
e. Highlight the government initiatives for bringing gender parity. (In about 150 words)

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. What do you understand by green transport? Discuss its role in making transport
system sustainable.
b. Cities development is the insurance of India’s development as is usually refereed as
engines of economic growth. Do you agree?
c. Discuss the reasons of recurrent fever outbreak turned epidemic in India. Suggest
suitable mitigation measures.

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Indian Ocean has become the hub of global geopolitical rivalry. Discuss.
b. Present a reasoned account of the distribution of sources of irrigation in India.
c. Disaster management in India though have changed, yet it has to go a long way in
reaching the pinnacle. Discuss with suitable examples.

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Trace the evolution of industries in India.
b. Discuss the role of SEZ as catalyst for economic development.
c. Elucidate the sex and age structure of the population in India.

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